#who would've thought I still knew how to use ps
yuriisclumsy · 2 months
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𝖯𝗋𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗎𝖾, 𝙰𝚌𝚝 𝙸: Start Anew
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𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗈𝖿𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝖻𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗅𝗒. 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 3,083
Authors note: Hope everyone's day is good. I have been working on the story for a while -- it takes time to write a chapter -- getting inspirations and tidying up the plot a bit. I really love were this is going! Side Note: If you want to ask more about the story, or want to clarify somethings, my ASK! is always opened! I think I will also be accepting request from this fandom as well. So, don't be shy. PS. This is the longest chapter so far.
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It’s been a while since I arrived here; a place filled with unknowns and mysteries.
Not knowing where I was…frightening to say the least. Being far away from my home, into a land of magic. 
If I hadn’t tried pinching myself every time I encountered a creature right out of a fantasy anime, I would believe I was in a dream, crazy even.
When I awoke, I found myself inside a big hole with cecilia flowers blooming in the dark. It was deep in measure, as I couldn’t see the surrounding area. As confused as I was, I decided climbing was my best option to take.
A few hours went by as I tried getting out the ditch.
Out of all the places to spawn in another world, a hole isn’t on the list.
If not for the fortunate encounter of a blonde haired boy, I would have still been there as I speak. He rescued me, helping me reach the top of the pit. Afterwards, when I thanked him, he understood nothing. He spoke to me, and I understood nothing.
And so, my second problem since coming to this strange place began: language barrier.
With the limit of communication between the two of us, we attempted to introduce ourselves. The boy pointed at himself and said Sirius… It meant the brightest star in the night sky in Greek.
I followed suit and copied him, pointing at myself, and said my name. It’s nothing special so I won’t waste my time saying it–mother would have said otherwise giving me a frown in disapproval.
We smiled. We solved the problem of how we could get each other's attention. The happiness didn’t last long hearing rustling in the bushes. In defense, Sirius took out his sword. The sight of it made me freeze, though not much the sword, but the way it appeared out of thin air.
My mind twisted, frustratedly trying to grasp logic to reason the sudden appearance of the sword. There’s just no way a sword can just materialize out of nothing. Was I going insane? I would've believed myself to be if not for the thing that came out the bushes belonging to imagination.
I think I passed out after seeing it because when I woke up again I saw Sirius' worried face. What I saw was a smile. A cute, yet very dangerous, slime. If this place could give me more to think about how stupid this all was, it would be the weird fashion of these clothes.
At that point I noticed that I wasn't wearing my school uniform. I wore a cloak. It’s not all I had–I think anyone would notice if they were buck naked, but that is the only noteworthy item I wore; the rest is plain and simple, except for the hair piece on the left side of my hair; It’s a crystal, surrounded by gold with engravings on it.
My thoughts at the moment reflected my confusion. Perhaps, I had miraculously found myself on the other side of the globe! …but that’s just hopeful thinking. I knew monsters weren’t meant to be real, nor these gravity-defiant clothes we wore existed.
Reality Dawned on me a few days later being graced with the same routine: Waking up thinking it was all a dream, greeting Sirius, eating, moving on in the plains to who-knows-where, encountering monsters, repeat.
That’s how it was, up until we fished out our third party member.
She is…something. At first, I worried the poor thing had drowned in the pond, but after making sure she was alright I discovered she could float. That killed my sense of urgency. 
How could a fairy, who literally floats, drown?
The fairy, who later gave us her name–Paimon, teached Sirius the language of this planet. Apparently, I was speaking a different language than the one I’m using right now. Sirius pointed it out after he learned to formulate sentences, albeit broken, but understandable nonetheless. 
Two months passed since then. 
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We were sitting on a beach enjoying its offerings. Sirius and Paimon–the fairy we helped–were closer to the shore drawing images in the sand. I relaxed under the protection of a palm’s shade, not wanting to get a heat stroke from the scorching sun.
But this peacefulness did not last long.
A loud sound played, akin to that of a classic German symphony, short but loud enough to make my eardrums ring. It made me dizzy when I heard it. 
Some sort of vision, screen-like, projection, showed up in front of me when I heard the sound.
“So…what you're trying to say is that you fell here…from another world?” I heard Paimon speak.
Two shining stars, traveling from an unknown place onwards to the sky itself.
“But when you wanted to leave and go on to the next world, your path was blocked by some unknown god?”
A space between the clouds and stars was shown to me; there was Sirius, and someone that looked exactly like him in the opposite gender.
Then I saw her.
The god that Paimon mentioned; she was tall; her clothing were fit for the divinity she is; with her beauty, she’d be capable of killing the careers of hundreds of models if she were to join the modeling business.
“Outlanders, your journey ends here!” I shivered. Her voice was colder than any ice-cream that could give me a brain freeze on a winter’s day.
“Who are you?!” Sirius’ look-alike questioned.
“The sustainer of heavenly principles. The arrogation of mankind ends now,” the god summoned a red cube expanding its domain in the ground. It almost captured the outsiders, almost.
Jumping away from her attack, they each manifested a pair of glorious crystalized wings and swords; the sun shone through its glass making the wings seem like they were glowing; their swords–matching in style–live for the protection of their masters, and ready for battle; launching forward, they meet tentacles made of the same cube which tried to take them down. Every slash made by their opponent was evaded by them. They looked like butterflies dancing a duet; so serine and gorgeous.
But just like a game of chess, the enemy’s turn is finished, it is their turn to make a move. Readying their attack with all the power they can muster; they do a combined strike. Unfortunately for them, the god shielded their attack, rendering them hopeless to her.
The Queen eats a pawn.
With only a glare at the boy made him recoil. But to his dismay, his counterpart wasn't so fast. She was swallowed by the god’s swarm of red-and-black cube.
In a desperate attempt to free her, Sirius charged an attack with some power that is unknown to me. As fast as lighting, he was behind the god. The force of the power collided with the god making a big explosion.
Pawn moves.
Smoke was everywhere; Sirius catches his breath thinking the god was defeated.
His eyes widened, the fumes of the aftermath scurried off to reveal the god intact. Not even her clothes were affected. Intinctly, Sirius backed up, but found himself unable to move: the god had trapped him as well.
Queen moved, blocking the pawn from advancing. The game paused momentarily.
“Wait, don’t go!” His eyes looked desperately at the god, “give my sister back!”
In that instant, I could feel his emotions radiating through his voice. They barreled onto each other, it made me want to crawl into a ball and cry; anger, worry, sadness…the worst one of them was the feeling of separation–loss.
The scene continued, ignorant of my feelings.
“And just like that, the god took away my sister.”
I discovered Sirius had a sister; a twin intertwined in the stars.
“Some kind of seal was cast upon me, and I lost my power. So while we used to travel from world to world, we are now trapped here.”
“How many years ago was it? I don’t know… But I intend to find out,” the scene changed back to the sunny beach and the call of the ocean.
“I was completely alone from the time I woke — Right until I met you and [Name] two months ago.”
“Yeah, Paimon owes you guys for that. Otherwise Paimon likely would have drowned… So, Paimon would do her best to be a great guide for you two!” She vowed to be our travel guide across this unknown world.
Sirius looked out into the horizon with hopeful eyes for the future.
“We should head off.”
When the scene ended, Paimon and Sirius came to me to continue our journey.
“[Name] stop relaxing, and let’s go!” Paimon took me by the hand and lifted me up, dragging me to wherever we were going.
 I didn’t share what happened, or what I saw. It's a secret for now.
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Currently, we are on our way to our next destination: Mondstadt City.
The city belongs to the nation of Mondstadt–funnily having the same name. According to Paimon, it is the closest civilization from our location. Before going further we stop atop a hill looking out into the plains and what awaits us in the future.
And that is where we found ourselves. Standing idly at the edge of a mountain looking out into the wilderness….
Wait…. Did—did I just have an internal dialogue? I stopped enjoying the view questioning my sanity, before being rudely interrupted by a certain gluttonous-fairy.
“Woaww! This is certainly something Paimon could get used to waking up to see each morning!” She said happily. “What do you think, Sirius?”
Oh, so we’re just going to ignore me, are we?
“I also like the view…” I glanced at her. She looked at me with a sorry-d face.
“We like it, Paimon. Thank you for ask,” Sirius responded calmly.
“See, Paimon? It wasn’t so difficult to include me.”
“Oh look!” she pointed at a lake in the middle of the valley, trying to divert the conversation. “That’s a Statue of The Seven!”
I was unimpressed, but Sirius followed her enthusiasm.
“What is it?” He asked, looking at what looked like a pillar in the middle of a pond.
“They are statues showing The Seven’s protection over the world,” she said proudly, “you can find them scattered all over the place. Among the seven gods, this one belongs to the god who controls the wind.”
“And that is important to know, because…?” I found the information useless. The gods in my world are practically non-existent, or hard to contact unless you're a devoted follower they’ve shown favoritism to. The gods in this world are no different.
“Because! It can help Sirius find information on his sister and clear up if that’s the god he’s looking for, and help you remember who you are!”
I nearly forgot. I made an excuse of losing my memories when Sirius became suspicious for knowing the language but not the places a while back. I need to keep that in mind. 
Darn you Sirius and your keen senses.
“...you’re right.”
“Of course Paimon is right!” So presumptuous she is. I’ll play along for now.
“Oh, what would come of me if not for the number-one-in-the-whole-world’s travel guide not being here with me?” I sounded overdramatic, yes, but she bought it and became even prouder.
“You would be a lost little Seelie, that’s for sure!”
Sirius giggled at our shenanigans. “Okay, Paimon is best travel guide. But, we need go. Will be late when arrive in city.”
“Oh no! We can’t have that. If we’re late, all the restaurants will be closed, and Paimon won’t be able to eat!” She was more worried about her empty stomach than monsters attacking us.
“*sight…* I guess the only thing inside that head of hers is food," I commented.
“Haha. Don’t let Paimon hear, she will eat you at night,” Sirius said with a jokingly-creepy voice.
“Ha-ha-ha… Getting eaten by a flying child is not on my experience list,” I said with sarcasm. “Anyway, we should follow her. We don’t want her drowning in another pond…”
The only response I got was him giggling. We ran after Paimon. She is not to be left alone for a second, lest you want your rations to go poof.
But nothing would have prepared us for what we would see in the sky that day.
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“Are you confident we’ll be able to meet this god?” I said.
We managed to catch up to Paimon before she ran into any trouble. Now, we were closer to the statue we saw on the hill. 
“Paimon’s not sure… Paimon has never meet any of The Seven in person, so Paimon doesn't know if they’ll answer. But, it's worth a try!”
“Better than nothing,” Sirius looked at me for confirmation.
“It’s progress,” saying that earned me a smile from him.
I looked away from him admiring the species of animal I’ve never seen before. Even the fruits were different. Reminds me that I need to try all the food I can. When in a new world, try all you can, especially food.
I’m thinking like Paimon now…
Approaching the statue, I stopped and looked at it from a distance. My mouth was left agape at the stone’s craftsmanship; from far it looked rather plain, but on closer inspection it was as complex as understanding chess; it was large, having angel wings in the back; the silhouette was that of a person, with braids and a good figure.
Was this the god of wind?
Paimon went in front of us before I could marvel at it any longer. I’ll have time to gaze at it later.
“As we all know, poetry and language flow like the wind…” she began.
“Wowww, Paimon. Didn’t realize we had a poet in our group,” I clapped.
“Oh, for goodness sake! Leave Paimon alone!” her tiny legs stumped the air, showing our companions annoyance.
I raise my hands to shield myself from her wrath. “Fine, fine. I'll leave you alone for now.”
“What do you mean ‘for now’?!”
Before Paimon’s anger flowed out, Sirius decided it was the best time to take a dip in the pond, splashing Paimon and I.
“Ah!” Paimon tried to take cover. But a little too late, she was as wet as I was.
“Was that really necessary?” I asked, looking at myself.
He smiled at us. “You two stopped,” He swam to the minuscule island in the pond where the statue was.
Paimon shook like a wet puppy, splashing even more water on me.
“OI.” I was ignored.
She flew right above the pond joining Sirius, leaving me behind. Thanks Paimon.
Do I really have to go there? I’m already wet, so I might as well.
I took my shoe and socks off, I didn’t want them smelling bad later after they dried. My right foot was the first to make contact with the water. Nope. It was iced cold. Not going. No, with a little spice of Nuh-huh. Sirius could get all the attention from the statue all he wanted because, I. Ain't. Going.
“[Name]! You coming?” Sirius got my attention.
“No, I’m good! I’ll just…look around the area!” I told him, quickly putting my socks and shoes on.
“Okay, don’t go far!” He told me before focusing on Paimon and the statue.
Now. what to do, what to do?
I walked around the pond finding nothing of my interest. Then, a sound came into earshot. It was the same one I heard when the vision appeared back on the beach! Was I going to get another one?
I see as Sirius touches the statue, and a ball of…air? Leaps into his body. The star in his chest and his wrist that were previously black, are now filled and glowing with teal.
My perspective comes back to the spot I was formerly.
What was the thing that went into Sirius’s body? I wondered.
Suddenly, a zephyr flowed in my direction. It was playful, messing with my hair. Then it became strong and lifted my cloak. I was amazed at first, right before the little demon made it fall, slamming it against my face. I yelped in surprise. I could hear soft giggles in the breeze.
The wind was mocking me.
I won’t forget this, you little…
“[Name]! There you are!” Paimon shouted as she got closer to me.
“You don’t have to yell for me to hear Paimon, I’m not deaf,” I winced.
“Oops, sorry.”
“It’s fine. So, did you two discover something interesting?” I asked, pretending I didn’t just see an orb go into Sirius’s body.
They both nodded with big smiles.
“Yup! Sirius resonated with the statue, and is now able to control the power of Anemo!”
“Excuse me?” I said dumbfounded.
“Uhmm, Sirius resonated with the statue?” Paimon tilted her head in confusion.
“No yeah, I heard that part. What do you mean he can use the power of Anemo?”
Sirius put his hand out and concentrated. Then a small ball of air was formed.
I was gone for two seconds, and Sirius is already getting powers??? How is that fair? I want powers too!
To say I was mad would be an understatement. I was furious.
Couldn't it have been me instead? All those times where I dreamed of having cool magic and powers have been shattered. They’re so close, yet so far away. Darn you Sirius!
“Now I’m the only one without powers… Great.”
“In his defense, he didn’t know he would get them,” Paimon defended. “Maybe the gods didn’t give you any powers because you are mean, [Name],” Was she trying to provoke me? She is reminding me of someone annoying I know.
I gave her a nasty glare before letting it go. “Now, can you please show us the way to Mondstadt city. I’m getting hungry and tired of this day.”
“Oh, Paimon is too! Paimon can’t wait to taste the sweet delicacies of the nation of freedom…” her mouth watered at the thought of her stomach being full, “Let’s move then!”
Paimon took the lead down a path to a forest. If there was a way to avoid forests I would tell Paimon to make a detour, but it seems this is the only way to the city, so I stayed shut. 
From what I saw on the hill, the city is built on an island in the middle of a gigantic lake. It’s a good idea. It keeps enemies and monsters at bay. With only one entrance to the city, regulating who comes in and who goes out is as easy as pie!
Guess I was daydreaming about the city for a while, because before I knew it, we were approaching the forest. I could see a few signs from here.
 I always get fascinated by old methods of engineering cities.
“Wow! What is that!?” I heard Paimon ask, “There’s something huge, in the sky!”
“Woww…” Sirius let out in amazement. 
I turned to see what all the commotion was. Honestly, what was so amazing that both Paimon and Sirius were amazed.
My eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
It was a dragon….
 A damn dragon.
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @udretlnea, @taurus-caeli, @humongousoperatorhairdoopera. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for The Divine City: Story. Back to The Divine City: Story Master-List.
Go to Arcs, a related series.
Authors note: Found any mistakes? Leave it down on the comments and I'll change it! If you have not been tag, please leave another comment about it, I can forget from time to time!
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noelle666 · 2 months
Ship/Kiss challenge - Heinrix van Calox/Noelle von Valancius (dinner/date)
Original post with all options
Basically, it is a retelling and everything will be almost the same as it is seen in the game (I'll skip some dialogues to not repeat them and not make this short fanfic too big, Heinrixmansers know the scene anyway =) ) but filled with emotions my RT experienced during this evening. PS Jesus, I was torturing this piece of text since the end of April... -_-
The illustration for this scene by Vetus Vulpes
50. ...out of love 6. ...on a falling tear (if I understood it correctly)
A date, a real dinner date. Who would've thought the interrogator has this romantic note somewhere deep inside of him? But Noelle knew, she saw his "true nature" every time he was next to her in her quarters, when he was kissing her hand and looking gently into her eyes. Still it was a surprise, especially considering the tone Heinrix used to call for Lord Captain to the wardroom. He can be forgiven, he will learn.
Time was passing smoothly, the atmosphere in the room was filled with warmth. Noelle suggested a toast and raised her glass to clink it with Heinrix's. "To us".
Us? How long will this "us" last?
A thought pricked psyker's mind for a mere moment, but it was enough to be depicted on his face, to manifest it as an unease expression. Noelle noticed the change in his mood, she was always attentive to details, she always felt something is wrong with the one who is dear to her. One question after another, one attempt to evade after another, Heinrix tried to maneuver between words as a voidship maneuvers between enemies, but the harder he tryed to avoid difficult and painful topic the more fragile his defence became. He tried to explain, wanted Noelle to understand...
"Void. Take. You".
Words stroke him as hard as a heavy hammer strikes anvil, as thunder on a stormy day. The interrogater looked at the priestess: her head was lowered, it seemed like she wanted to not show her face but freezed on her chair, lips are slightly opened, they were... trembling. The young woman was staring at one point, then the moment after her eyes started to move nerviously. A wet line on her cheeck appeared running down from her sky blue eye.
"How... can I trust you...when you go... and say things like that?" - Lord Captain gathered all her might so she could start speaking, her voice was quite, she was talking slowly, making pauses when a lump was about to come to her throat. She was not angered, she was... heartbroken. She looked at Heinrix: raised eyebrows, a wet line crossed her other cheek, and another tear was runnig down from her eye, and another. - "You... don't even want to... try..."
"No... No. No! Not this! NO!" - terror shackled Heinrix heart. He got used to failing in regicide, he could accept failing his mission (it is frustrating indeed but every fail is a lesson, so you need to try hadred next time), but failing Noelle, hurting her, the one who he...
Lord Captain stood up from her chair, she lowered her gaze and was about to turn away, all her being desired to run away from this place, from him, but her feet could not move as if they were glued to the floor. Her heart, acking little heart, was protesting. Noelle was lost, she didn't know what to do, her mind was in a fog.
"No! Please! Don't! DON'T!" - terror intertwined with pain started screaming inside the interrogator's head. He leaped to his feet and in a blink of a moment he was standing right in front of Noelle; he grabbed her shoulders with trembling hands, his gaze was piercing her face.
"No, Noelle, wait! Don't say that! I didn't mean that... I..."
"I love you!"
The time stopped.
"I love you, Noelle - never dought that, I beg you".
The words were pouring from Heinrix's lips, filled with passion, fear, explanation, honesty... and doubt. He pulled his beloved closer to him, Noelle put her head to the interrogator's chest listening to his heart which was on a brink to jump out of his chest right into her hands. Heinrix was talking and talking - such an unusual behaviour for a person whose job is to force someone else to speak; he was torn between duty which gave his life purpose, the only purpose, and what he really wanted, what he needed - happiness with the one who he loves...
"I love you".
... and the one who loves him back. The words spoken by this fragile yet stong young woman filled his soul with light and warmth Heinrix never experienced. Deep inside he wanted so badly to hear them but was so frightened at the same time.
"I rather spoiled the evening... didn't I?"
The psyker gently touched the priestess' chin and looked at her face; she tried to avert her eyes for she was afraid to cry more (because of stress mostly). Noelle blinked, and tears ran down on her pink cheeks.
"No, it's entirely my fault. I will do my best to make it up to you in private".
They left the wardroom and headed towards the lift to Lord Captain's quarters; Heinrix was holding Noelle's little hand, he felt her being nervous and too quile. When the mechanical doors closed behind their backs, the man picked up the priestess as if he was worried she may faint. The young woman was surprised with this gesture and wanted to protest, but then she put her head on the interrogator's chest - the sound of his heartbeat became an anchor, a rope she needed to hold on to, to not lose herself. Noelle closed her eyes and buried her face in Heinrix's neck, a tear ran down on her chick again and then another one, but young woman was not sure if those were tears of sadness - probably a mere residual effect of a strong experience she had several minutes ago.
The mechanic doors opened and the psyker confidently stepped into the room, walking through corridor and the main hall right into Lord Captain's boudoir. Heinrix sat on the edge of the bed and looked to his beloved: so small and vulnerable, so fragile yet strong and bright in spirit. His warm lips touched her cool wet cheek, they moved up to her eye repeating the way paved by tears as if he was trying to wipe off all the trails of pain caused by him. Heinrix was holding Noelle close in his arms, tightly and gently, guarding her yet being afraid she may dissapear the moment he releases her. An egoistic little thought, a stupid fear, but so what? This means he is alive, he is a human being and those are his true feelings.
"I will never make you cry again. Never", - Heinrix were repeating these words in his head while covering Noelle's face with kisses.
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
before the circle game Brenner warns the kids "if you allow anger or emotion to invade your thoughts, you will fail. I promise." not you'll be disqualified, but you'll fail. he's addressing all the kids, but he says it extremely pointedly to El, because he's already suspicious Henry has coached her.
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Brenner knows emotion would work, and clearly the first place his mind went when he saw Henry and El together was that Henry might have taught her to use that tactic.
Brenner must want the kids trained to use their powers in an entirely sterile and robotic and controllable way. he must have learned from Henry years ago that emotion-driven powers makes them too uncontrollable so he doesn't want the other kids to know that's even a thing. that's why he says it won't work instead of don't do it.
but El does exactly that, and it works, and Brenner absolutely saw what happened. his "it looks like we have a new winner" is definitely displeased and begrudging, and he hauls Henry off to be zapped immediately after this because he knows what he did. meanwhile El's win is not only honored but she gets her reward (time in the rainbow room).
why wouldn't Brenner also discipline El?
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ps notice that camera pointed through the one way mirror - is Brenner filming Henry being tased or is it just sitting there from a prior experiment? also the sign on this door says "test room 1" lol
I know Brenner didn't technically say "don't do this," but at the heart of it, El still disobeyed him. isn't not only defying his instructions in front of the kids, but giving them all the idea that emotions do work, a REALLY bad offense, one he would want to harshly stamp out? strict discipline and fear of authority is Brenner's only real tool for keeping in line a room full of kids who could all kill him with their minds if they felt like it. why did he just let this go - in fact, reward El - instead of making an example of her?
and why does Brenner seem caught off guard by this considering it's very likely happened before, resulting in an escape??
Kali's angry-memory-training method is too similar to Henry's for her not to have been coached. Kali might not be as empathetic as El but I could see at least a couple reasons Henry might bond with her in particular (having similar powers, and both having been kidnapped as kids, depending how much their memories have been tampered with)
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but anyway, it makes no sense for Henry to be an orderly if Brenner's motives are what they seem.
if the risk of Henry influencing the kids is so great, why on earth allow him access? why not keep him isolated? what does Brenner gain from Henry's proximity to the kids, or theirs to him, if he's not supposed to teach them anything?
why does Henry go along with the orderly lie for like 15+ years? either the few next-oldest kids never knew him as One, or they did but had their memories tampered with. they would've been of useful ages a decade before the massacre, couldn't he have manipulated one of them into removing soteria?
is he forbidden to have solo interactions with the kids like he did with El at the plinko board? Brenner looks immediately concerned when he sees them sitting side by side. is that the first time Brenner's ever seen that happen? (seems not, given his accurate suspicions)
if Henry's not supposed to interact with the kids, why is he not actually prevented from doing so? he gets zapped for it and then goes right back and does it again! he plays one-on-one chess with El and has a whole ass secret conversation and passes her something under the table! He gives El a specific warning at the start of it to act normal, but she acts very suspicious, and not only does El LOOK RIGHT AT THE CAMERA but so does Henry! does he think it's being monitored or not?
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this is either a series of bafflingly careless and inconsistent moves on Brenner's part, or this is being permitted. but he really does look pissed about the circle game, and I can't figure out what he stands to gain from letting Henry influence the kids (but while pretending that isn't what he wants). surely an escape and/or death of his test subjects is not a desirable outcome, nor is Henry turning the kids against him (that's the #1 thing I'd be paranoid of, in Brenner's position).
I'm basically certain that some of NINA is a fabrication and/or a misleadingly incomplete cherrypicking of memories. I just can't decide exactly how far it goes or who's fooling who in which parts
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
The IALS story was everything, Max and David are everything and it couldn't have been more perfectly imperfect than that, it was so them so thank you for this amazing doze of serotonin!🤗
“Not necessarily,” David shakes his head again. “Max, what happened, it didn’t just happen to me. It happened to both of us. Just because our wounds are different, it doesn’t mean we can’t share our pain.”
This line did it for me honestly, because in most of your fanfics, especially LBAF, Max is so obsessed with fixing things for David and helping him that he forgets that whatever's happening affects him too. That's why he can't be Other Max, those things aren't happening to Other Max, he has other stuff to deal with (see what I did there?) , the shit that happens in the current timeline is affecting both of them and they need to start healing and hurting together. That's the dream, I really hope they realize and fix this.
The Jaden content made me remember how much I didn't like him, I was half expecting Lance to show up and start roasting him, and now I can't stop thinking about Lance running into Jaden again, pure ✨️comedy✨️, which also made me wonder Max's reaction if he finds out that David called him? I can see that conversation going pretty bad and then better.
I forgot how much I enjoy David perspective, personally I relate to him a lot as a character, and I've found myself having similar problems or views so I really missed reading his inner thoughts. I also missed him simpimg over Max, that's just adorable.
Like real people do was what I didn't know I needed it was amazing, again it was absolutely brilliant🩷
PS: Was that how you always envisioned this scene going or was it easier for you to write it after all this time? Like when you finished it you had the mentality of Mavid trying to heal but after time passed it was like something cooled down and it was easier to imagine them getting closer?
PPS: People who can't take no for an answer suck and should burn in hell, honestly as someone who has a problem setting certain boundaries, it's so annoying when you have finally mastered the courage to say no and some people just disregard it. Stupid idiots, let's hope they find their lost empathy at some point🌼
I'm glad you liked the story. And yes, that's one of my favourite quotes too, because Max is one of those people who forgets about his own pain when his loved ones are hurt and I WANNA SHAKE HIM AND BE LIKE BITCH YOU ARE HURT TOO.
Originally, I wanted David to tell Max that he called Jaden. But it seemed unnecessary tbh - and it would've taken focus away from the real story. So, I decided against it. That man has caused enough drama.
I miss David perspective too :(
It was definitely not easy to write it right after IALS. Like I couldn't even picture it - because it was almost as if they were still healing inside my head. It's like saying 'get well soon' but without the 'soon' part, because I wanted them to take their time. I was willing to wait for them because I knew whenever the story would come to me, I'd be willing to write it. There were certain bits and pieces that I knew would be in this scene, including Max feeling insecurity about his appearance and David reaching out to Jaden, and the whole thing happening randomly, as if their hearts were healed and they didn't know about it and it randomly hit them like 'oh'. I hope that makes sense!
PS - Those people really do suck and there is nothing more despicable than disrespecting consent!
Love you.
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heystephen · 2 years
its TIME! oh OH - ps i wont be revisiting the songs I already did weeks ago to keep things shorter Charlie be quiet "If she knows you're in love, she's gonna run, run away" - Mastermind. plain and simple. Taylor planned for Charlie to fall for her and he got really worried about it. "I'm not going out looking dumb Telling all my friends how you're the one" - "it would've been fun if you would've been the one" "When you touch me?" - "Do the girls back home touch you like I do?"
There's a first time for everything "Never thought that I would actually miss you Never thought that I'd be dying to kiss you" - "I always felt I must look better in the rear view, Missing me" "Thinkin' 'bout you really messed with my heartbeat" - Taylor's heartbeat in wildest dreams "Saw her on the TV Had the bleached pink hair with the ripped jeans And I thought, "What if I could meet her in real life?"" - this is LITERALLY about Taylor in the IKYWT music video and Charlie pining after her before they met and then he explains how they met, but remember, she orchestrated the whole thing because Mastermind "Stayed up, late night" - all of midnights and all of Taylor's songs about staying up late "We were trying our best to pretend, like That when the party's done, we'll go our separate ways, but We knew, yeah, we knew Pretty soon, it would be only us two" - New Year's Day anyone? cleaning up bottles with him on nyd after everyone leaves!
Smells like me (i think i did this one but I cant remember oops) "Tell me, do you ever miss me when I'm gone? Wonderin' what body I'll be on" - "If I wanted to know who you were hanging with While I was gone I would have asked you" "We can reconsider if you want" - "You can call me babe on the weekend" because she's not reconsidering the whole relationship but just hanging out together
Loser now, most of the lyrics are about Taylor here so I wont go over everything but the music video is SCREAMING cowboy like me
When you're sad I'm sad this is a mix of responses to both afterglow and getaway car
Marks on my neck "Why did I let you, Get all under my skin?" - "what should be over burrowed under my skin" because the relationship left a permanent mark on both of them "On the surface, you were perfect But you didn't really come to stay Now, when I look in the mirror I slowly watch you fade away" - is all anti hero taylor saying she'd rather look at the sun than the mirror and the ghosts in the video are actually charlie (himself), charlie (tiktoker), and charlie (musician) and according to Maroon, they both have scarlet marks on their necks sooo
Tears on my piano First of all - teardrops on my guitar, of course, just by the title. Then we've got music that they were dancing to and we know how Taylor loves dancing with people "Yeah, you know who you are I won't say any names" - he cant say because she made him sign an NDA, just like Billie Eilish does.
I dont think that I like her "Meet her parents, meet her brother" - all that was left for him was to meet Abigail I guess? "For me, the stars are alignin' But for her, it's bad timin'" - Midnights! Stars! It's A CLOCK! BAD TIMING!
No more drama "I sweard I dont love the drama it loves me" "Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover" so he doesn't have any more drama in his life because they're not together anymore "You start fights while we're up late" - "screaming crying perfect storms I can make all the tables turn" I mean he should have known it is an older song at this point so that's on Charlie
okay that's all I think? hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. i still don't know all the lyrics to midnights by heart to be able to quickly connect more of those songs but I did my best lmao
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hoffnungswolke · 3 years
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Lucky for me Your kind of heaven's been to hell and back
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ladywinterwitch · 2 years
Game Of Thrones (headcanon) - How you met
Game of thrones male characters x female reader
INCLUDES: Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Oberyn Martell.
Okay, my first GOT work! Yay! This is mainly a headcanon post about how you met these specific men of Westeros that kinda turned into very small one shots (maybe prompts for more idk?). Anyways, enjoy and let me know your thoughts if you feel like it, I'd very much appreciate it! 
*PS: All of the prospectives will be from women as it's what I'm comfortable writing, as well as the men chosen, which are just the ones that I feel comfortable writing for. For example, you'll NEVER see me writing for characters like Joffrey or Ramsay. Might add Gendry Waters and Theon Grayjoy in the future but I don't promise anything.
Warnings: Language, use of the word whore, mentions and implications of sex, probably mentions of violence, nothing explicit though.
*y/h stands for your house.
Link to my main masterlist
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You are the middle daughter of a small lord from the very south of the Riverlands, almost across the Westerlands 'territory, Lannister territory. His mother knew your family well, since they were sworn to his father lord Hoster Tully. The first time you saw each other, you couldn't have possibly remembered it, since you both were just newborns. It was just after the end of Robert's rebellion, when Robb's grandfather organized a feast to bid farewell to his daughter who would've left Riverrun for the North to join her new husband, lord Eddard. Your lady mother had given birth just a couple of weeks after lady Catelyn did, and when they met that day, blessings were exchanged but no one would've thought that you'd ever meet again. The reason that brought you to Winterfell was as simple as the lady of Winterfell needing new handmaids. Catelyn had specifically requested for her maids to come from the Riverlands, both as a sign of appreciation towards her native land, as well as possibilities for the young ladies to make connections with some of the great houses of the North. 
So that's how it happened, on one of the coldest days you could have there up in Winterfell, snow falling delicately on the grounds and walls of the great castle. You being accostumed to a not extremely hot, but warm enough and quite humid weather, were definetly suffering from the freezing air of the North, so needless to say that the sight of the castle gates were an enormous relief. You and another four girls, all older than you of more or less years, dismounted from your horses with the help of the soldiers from the Riverlands that accompanied you on your jurney. Lord Blackwood, head of house Blackwood, was chosen by lord Hoster Tully as your official chaperon, therefore that's he who made the introductions to the Stark family. 
"My lord, my lady." he nodded his head respectfully with a pleasing smile, face and nose bright pink for the cold, "It is a joy to bring you regards from your father, my lady." 
The lady smiled politely and glanced quickly at her husband, the slightest humor in her words. "My lord, I am also very pleased to see you after all these years, and I'm sure you'll have much to recount me," she looked over at the shivering girls just a few steps behind him. "But perhaps you'll like to warm up first."
That being said, the four of you, lord Blackwood and the other ten soldiers who came with you were escorted in the great hall, finally away from the snow and instantly welcomed by a nice warmth. You sighed of relief lightly, still keeping your composure. Especially since as soon as you stepped into the room you were met with multiple pairs of eyes scrutinizing you. These eyes belonged to some people of the castle, as well as minor lords and ladies, and finally, to the Stark heirs themselves. From the oldest to the youngest they were lined up at the very top of the great hall, soon joined by their parents who stood next to them as they carefully observed how they behaved with the new guests. 
"Lord Blackwood,my ladies, I introduce to you my sons and daughters. But I'll leave the pleasure to welcome you officially to Winterfell to my eldest son and heir. C'mon son." Lord Eddard spoke with warmth as he hinted at his son to step on with his arm. The tallest of the kids, as well as the oldest, walked in front of them, and nodded in acknowledgment to each, asking for their names. Except lord Tytos Blackwood, of course. Each of the girls curstied, introducing themselves. Then came you. 
"Lady y/n of house y/h, my lord." you looked up as you stood straight and immediately met the young man's blue eyes. He looked back at you with a polite smile, and nodded sligthtly. 
"Welcome to Winterfell lady y/n." he said, and just before walking back next to his parents, his lopsided smile turned into a very small smirk, and as he leaned his head just barely towards you, he goes "Don't worry, you'll get warmed up fast in here." Your mouth gaped imperceptibly as you blushed. He shut his own mouth to hide the smile and moved his gaze to his parents. You missed the curious look his mother gave him. 
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The first time you met Jon Snow was in a small tavern, just a few hours of ride away south of the Wall. Benjen Stark, Tyrion Lannister as well as a few other men that were headed to the Wall, had encountered such bad and freezing weather that they had to take shelter, at least for that night. Let alone the wild animals wandering in the night. The Wall is actually in need of these men, Benjen thought. Also, for how much he did dislike the Lannister lord that had joined them from the King's visit in Winterfell, he still had to remember that he was a nobleman. If he had to be honest, he had endured the trip way better than he expected him to. Deep down he also wanted to give a little of a break to his bastard nephew, Jon Snow. He might not be a legitimate son of his brtother's, but at the end of the day he still lived more like a noble than a commoner. Jon was secretly glad of it, too.
 A couple of men from the tavern came out to help them to secure the horses into the stable, and then lead them inside the tavern, which was  definetly...warm. If it was because of the fireplace, or the drunk men making noise, Jon wasn't sure. Either way he didn't care, he just looked forward to sleeping on a bed for a night. His uncle already arranged the payment for four rooms; one for the criminal scum which were four men, one for the Lannister and his two guards, another one for two brothers of the night's watch, and the last one for himself and Jon. He reckoned that half of them would just spend the night drinking anyways. 
Jon huffed and stroked his hands together in the attempt to warm up faster while he eyed an empty table at the end of the tavern. He walked there, in between drunk men and just enough women on their laps that didn't try to hide what their purpose was, and sat down on the wooden chair. He rested his eyes for a few minutes, just trying to cancel out the noise and enjoy the close by fireplace. 
"My lord, can I bring you some ale?" a female voice, which in comparison to the rough and vulgar men that he traveled with for the past weeks sounded like a miracle, interrupted his alone moment, forcing him to open his eyes suddenly. And that's when he saw you. He was speechlees for a moment, taken aback by how pretty you were: your modest and not cleanest clothes surprisingly complimented your figure, your cheeks flushed with the heath of the ambient, hair messily wrapped at the back of your head to allow you to work better. He wasn't used to new faces in Winterfell, and especially not female ones. 
Many soldiers, farmers, commoners and lords showed up just enough to do their business with the castle lord and lady and just left. And well, after that rough trip with criminals and ugly men, just seeing a woman, and such a pretty one at that, was just a sight to behold. 
You raised an eyebrow, tightening slightly the grip on your wooden tray, suddenly nervous. Being the daughter of the tavern's owner and a commoner, you had to learn the hard way to not trust men sometimes. Therefore his silence made you nervous, even though you wouldn't have missed the chance to smack him with your tray if he became inappropriate. Most of the men in there were regulars, and learned to just enjoy their whores without bothering you, which ironically made them sort of your personal bodyguards. 
"My lord..?" you tried again, and this time he cleared his throat and nodded, not saying anything. You narrowed your eyes slightly, understanding that this was just a young awkward man and not a creepy one, hopefully. Before you turned to go fetch the ale, he said something, almost too softly to be heard amid the noise. 
"I'm not a lord." you stopped in your tracks, turned you head to him and smirked in amusement, "You still want that ale though don't you?" he raised both his eyebrows in surprise at your attitude and smiled. 
"I- I, uh, yes. Thank you my lady." he stuttered. This time you chuckled, "I'm no lady either." he smiled in embarassment and just responded "Right." You walked away and he would've beat himself up for being such a boy if he wasn't too distracted to watch you walk away from him. 
"Oof, you sure you want to miss out on that for the rest of your life, bastard?" he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard someone speaking to him. Or better, that he was caught. He looked to the side and saw Tyrion Lannister with a smug face, struggling just a bit to sit in the chair next to him.  
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Yours and Oberyn's first meeting was everything except special. You were just another lady of a minor house from the Reach, following your higher born lady as she and her lord husband came to Dorne for affairs. What was different though, is that you weren't as young as the usual and definetly not as innocent or modest. He obviously wasn't there when the official welcome to Dorne was made, his brother lord Doran was. He was too busy sleeping late after yet another wild night with whores and exceptional wine. You did catch his eyes on the same evening dinner though. Your dornish dress just a bit too low on your chest, and your attitude just a bit too charming in comparison to other ladies. You weren't seated at the main table like he was, but you were close enough for him to know that you must've had some sort of importance. 
Your table was actually the same one as his well known mistress, Ellaria Sand. A real scandal for a prince of Dorne to be associated so bluntly with a bastard mistress, let alone having bastard daughters together. But he just didn't care. And certainly he wasn't gonna start caring about other people's opinions that same night. His gaze wasn't supposed to be on you, but on Ellaria. And yet he got distracted, and quite taken by you. Everything about the way you carried yourself intrigued him, mostly because he wasn't used to seeing that kind of behaviour from someone who wasn't dornish. It's like you fit right in. Maybe you were from the south, he thought.
While lost in thought, he didn't move his eyes from you, and after a while, you did notice. Without a trace of nervousness or embarassment, you looked back at him. A small lopsided smile playing on your lips, head just slightly tilted to the side. Oberyn, pleasently surprised, mirrored your smirk and raised his cup just enough for you to notice. You nodded back in acknowledgement and then moved your attention. The prince did the same after a few seconds, not noticing the unhappy glance that his mistress gave him, clearly seeing that his attention got caught somewhere else. She wasn't usually jealous. She didn't have reason to be. Oberyn might've well fucked half of the men and women of Dorne, but they were all mostly one time things, or whores. Never another lord or lady. She trusted the affection that he had for her, but she didn't trust his cock driven mind as much unfortunately.  
After the first courses were served, people started to dance and get out of their seats to converse. Oberyn decided that he needed to know more about this lady, so he stood up, but was soon stopped by his brother gripping his sleeve.
"Where are you going?" he murmured, looking up from his wheelchair. The dornish prince scoffed, freeing himself. "Where I usually go. To have fun." with that he walked away from the table, and nonchalantly joined the dance with a random lady, giving her a quick charming smile. He was focused on scanning the room to find another lady, though. He danced for a few minutes, and finally he saw you. You were standing near an older man who was speaking to you, clearly looking at your bosom and not your face. But you didn't seem to care, nor listen. Oberyn smiled to himself and swiftly exited the dances, confidently making his way to you. Posture straight, arms behind his back, relaxed. 
"My prince." the old man interrupted himself to awkwardly bow to him. Oberyn raised a hand, dismissing him. "No need. I'd like to have a word with this lady." he said calmly, not taking his eyes away from yours. The man nodded silently, annoyed at the interruption and walked away. 
"Prince Oberyn." you finally spoke. As he imagined, your voice dripped with confidence and femininity. He took your hand to his lips, not actually touching them. 
"Enchanted. Lady..?" you smiled politely, answering with your name. "Which house are you from, lady y/n?" you shook your head.
"A small house from the Reach who isn't worth mentioning, trust me. I have more value as my lady's handmaid and friend than anything." you responded, without actually any sentiment except maybe some irony. The man nodded, looking you up and down. 
"So you're not married I assume."  and it was in fact a statement more than a question, but you decided to answer regardless. "You would be correct my lord. And to be honest I do not have any wish to take husband. Unless forced to, of course." your glimpse of a smirk was just pure irony. 
"Why would a minor house lady not want a husband to secure her a good life?" he retorted, genuinely intrigued. 
"My lord, life is so short. And I am a third daughter of five, of which the first is a man. I do not have notable connections, dowery, nor the wish to have a wealthier life than I already have. I'd rather enjoy the freedom that my position allowes me." the prince was satisfied with her words and definetly shared her mindset, even though he was actually a far more important person than she was socially speaking. But that's what you said right? You wanted to have fun. So he decided to offer you just that. 
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Meeting you actually changed Jaime's life, for the better. You didn't meet on any event, or special occasion, it just happened. He was bored, hot and would've rathered to do anything at all except what he was supposed to do. Which was his round of guarding in the garden of the Red Keep on a boring humid and terribly hot day. His heavy armour was not helping, nor his long hair for that matter. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Same lords meeting in the same corners to either conspire or make deals, usually to pay some debts. Same noble women sitting on the patio, drinking fresh lemonade and gossipping. Same servants walking around, and so on. Everything terribly dull and ordinary. 
At that specific point in his life, Jaime Lannister didn't think he could get more bored. Even fucking Cersei was becoming a little old at that point. Not to mention, her being always so bitter and complaining about her husband didn't please the kingslayer either. 
At one point, as he turned a corner of the garden, he saw a lonely young woman, definetly highborn, he could tell by her fine dress. You were looking around, holding the back of your hand to your forehead in an attempt to soothe yourself from the heath, it seemed. You actually looked quite lost, out of place. Jaime, not having anything better to do, approached you. 
"My lady, are you feeling alright?" you turned quickly, a bit startled, but tried to play it off. 
"Yes, quite, ser. I am not used to this type of heat I'm afraid." you smiled sweetly, squinting your eyes slightly, bothered by the strong light. Jaime smiled softly, feeling a bit sorry. You seemed way too sweet, he felt bad being his rude self for once. So he decided to make conversation, who knows, maybe he could have a little fun.
"I can see that. Are you not from here, lady..?" 
"Y/n. Of house Y/h. I am from the Vale, ser." he shook his head slightly. He offered his arm to her. You looked at him uncertainly.
"Please, my lady. I would hate to see you melt in this horrible sun." you chuckled, a little embarssed but amused, and placed your arm under his bulky one. You started to walk back towards the Red Keep.
"I am afraid that I do not know your house, my lady. Is your family connected to court?" he asked politely. Your faced darkened, just slightly, but Jaime noticed. He didn't speak.
"No, ser. Not exactly. You see, mine is a small house. I am here as...a guest. Of lord Belmore." you didn't look at him as you spoke. He did know house Belmore, but he couldn't imagine of why they would have business in King's Landing, and honestly he didn't care. He was more curious as to why you seemed to speak of it like it brought you grief. He didn't think before speaking and blurted out a "Guest?"
You shifted uncomfortably next to him, licking your lips nervously. "Yes." At that point Jaime put two and two together and wanted to slap himself for being so unlikely naive for his standards. If she wasn't a highborn of a major house, nor she was lord Belmore's wife, but just a guest, what she truly meant was mistress. Whether she was happy about it, he wasn't that sure. Silence fell between them for a while. 
"Thank you, for helping me. I was in fact lost, but didn't bother to admit it." she smiled timidly for a moment. Jaime smiled also, looking down, trying to stop himself from teasing her by saying 'You didn't have to admit anything' because she was just so transparent, and just settled with "Anytime, my lady."
After that, the silence fell again but this time it was actually peaceful. The kingslayer furtively glanced at the woman next to him, taking in her details. The blush on her cheeks, the slightly curled baby hair at the sides of her face from the humidity, the delicate layer of sweat on her neck, the way the corset underneath her dress pushed up her bosom, her relaxed lips. She's actually beautiful, he thought, and undestood why a man would choose someone like her to bring to the royal court.
When they reached the entrance of the castle, he delicately separated from her, and bowed his head in curtesy. "Do you need further help, my lady?" you shook your head with a sweet smile.
"No, you're too kind. You've been of great help. Thank you, ser?" his face fell for a split second, almost as if he'd forgot who he was for a second, and didn't really mind it. 
"Jaime Lannister, at your service." your eyes widened but you quickly got a hold on yourself, bowing slightly to him. "Ser Jaime, I'm mortified." he frowned.
"Why would you be mortified my lady?" you stuttered a bit, "W-well, you're the brother of the queen, and I wasted your time with mere stupidity on my part. I apologize." he was so confused as to why you seemed so nervous and genuinely sorry. He took your hand and brought it to his lips for a second, making you look up. 
"I am a King's guard. My job is to help. Whatever the problem is, my lady. You actually gave me a bit of distraction in this boring day, truly, do not apologize to me." he reassured you, his eyebrows in a comforting frown. That made you feel better, and decided that it was enough embarassment for one day, so you curtsied again and started to walk away.
"I hope to see you soon, lady y/n." you froze for a second at his words, and then kept on walking away. 
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Tyrion managed to sneak out from some highborn lord's wedding in King's Landing to treat himself to a good lay. He actually got Bronn to go with him, since you could never be safe enough around his sister. Not even in brothels an hour away from the Keep. It was a recent one he found, not too busy, quite hidden. He could tell he wasn't the only lord to go there, as well as not the only one who wanted some privacy. And best thing, the owner was a woman. Sure, he was smart enough to see behind her facade of fake politeness, but he knew that with his money she would've kept her mouth shut if asked.
That night Tyrion was just exhausted. His hundredth argument with his father put him in a bad mood, and all he wanted was to get drunk and maybe some attention. He gave Bronn some money, enough for both of them, because there was no way that that man would've just sat as a guard dog in a brothel. "One at a time, you bastard." he remarked, making the mercenary snort a laugh. 
He got into one of the nice rooms, and took off his cape, boots, and vest, leaving him in just his shirt and breeches. He poured himself some wine as he watched outside the small window. The air in King's Landing was often suffocating by day, but the warm breeze of the night was rather enjoyable. He turned his head slightly, but not all the way, at the sound of the door closing in the room. "Good evening dear, how are you-" he turned and trailed off as he noticed that the girl standing near the door wasn't the usual one that was sent to him. 
"My lord." she said, not moving an inch. Tyrion looked at her: she was beautiful. Young, but not too young. But something about her exuded sadness. She looked tired. Tyrion got instantly turned off, more in a 'It's one of those miserable nights for everyone' type of thing than a 'Shit, I don't wan't to fuck a sad girl' one. He sighed to himself and walked to sit on the bed, comfortable with his cup of wine. He waved his hand as to invite her next to him. You reluctantly walked towards the bed like an execution, and started to undo your corset's laces. 
Tyrion rolled his eyes and stopped you "I meant sit, not undress. You clearly aren't in the mood anyway, so might as well have a chat." you frowned, dropping your arms to your sides.
"You won't pay me to talk." Tyrion shrugged, pursing his lips, just a little tipsy. "I mean, I already paid, so there's that. Now, sit." 
You slipped back on your robe, wrapping it tightly around your bust, covering the half exposed breasts, and sat on the opposite side of the bed, still not comfortable. The Lannister narrowed his gaze, observing you. 
"You're not a whore." it was more of a statement than a question. "Not by choice." you murmured, correcting him. He chewed the inside of his cheek, in silence. Then he moved, planning on getting his refill of wine, but his sudden movement made you flinch. He stopped for a second, "I am just getting up to get some more wine." he explained. You side glanced him but didn't respond, just slightly relaxed, and he took that as a sign to resume his actions. This time, when he was standing, he didn't go back to the bed, instead leaning against the wall, just next to the window. 
"Whatever happened, I'm sorry." his tone was genuine. He just left it at that, he didn't imply nor necessarily asked for more information. Your lips quivered for a split second, then taking a deep breath. 
"My lord what can I do for you?" you said, sadness and tiredness in your voice. Tyrion decided to dodge the question by simply doing what he does best, which is talking. 
"You know, I've got a pretty shitty day too. If that makes you feel better." he smirked, taking a sip of his wine. You didn't respond, but neither told him to shut up so he took it as a good sign. 
"I mean, look at me. I'm a dwarf. A a noble one at that. Pretty sure that if I wasn't I wouldn't be alive right now, which is definetly something that my father would love. Probably gets off it, that sick bastard." your mouth was agape, shocked both by his own self deprecating demeanor as well as the harsh words towards the man that's supposed to be his father. Tyrion looked at you and laughed.
"Oh c'mon, don't look at me like that. With that sad face that you have and the job that you do, I'm sure that you've had your fair share of men to call bastard too, am I wrong?" your face softened and the smallest smirk lingered on your lips. 
"Ah, see? I'm right. I'm often right, actually." he glanced at the door and then back at you. "My personal guard, another cunt by the way, should be done in about an hour, I reckon. He's working with some of your..colleagues." he raised his eyebrows ironically. 
"I'm sorry." you said, surprisingly with some sincerity. Tyrion shook his head, sighed, and clicked his tongue. "Nah. It's not like I don't come to brothels multiple times a week. My cock probably needed a break anyway. I can't fuck my way out of everything, unfortunately." his bluntness made you burst out laughing. You recomposed yourself pretty quickly, still being weary of getting too comfortable. You thought for a minute, and then just got up, slipping right out of your robe. 
"You know what, funny lord? Fuck it. We both need it anyway." Tyrion huffed out a faint laugh and started to take off his shirt. 
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This is is for this post!
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Hi!:D Can I request Connor Walsh and Wes Gibbins taking care of there’s gf/s/o when she/they has a really bad fever?
Hi dear! Sure thing! Enjoy the headcanons 💕 (PS: Reader is gender neutral because I wrote it in second POV)
Connor Walsh
He knew something was wrong when he came home to find you there, lying on the couch and 'watching' some cheesy rom-com
Yeah, not exactly 'watching' considering you were in no state to keep your eyes open for too long, leaving you half-asleep
The hot and cold flashes knocked you down a few notches in class, but when the weakness in your limbs also kicked in, you had to excuse yourself and return home several hour early
You foolishly thought it would pass without any need for a doctor visit or medication but were quickly proven wrong when you felt nothing except worse
Hell, you barely heard Connor entering the apartment but still wanted to go greet him with a hug like he would greet you
Problem is, you couldn't even sit up without a cold shiver running up your spine
And he, of course, wasn't blind to any of these details of your oncoming flu
He'd be such a mother about it though
A thermometer's in your mouth because you know it and he's already preparing a cold tower for your forehead
All done while he scolds you for not dressing for the weather and kicking the blankets off yourself in the middle of the night
Some time during his rant, you even had the audacity to say, 'Jeez, ok, mom.' Which only prompted him to get more irritated
But you knew it was a side effect of his mother hen personality - he was so worried about you he couldn't even pick a single way to express it
Further proof of this is that once he made sure you took a fever defusing pill, had enough liquid in your system and were comfortable, he finally let out a sigh of relief and kneeled down by the bed to finally ask you what you wanted
Although he already knew
"Cuddles, angel?"
"Yes, please"
Now you were both 'watching' the rom-com for approximately ten minutes before you both drifted off to sleep
Wes Gibbins
Wes had called you on his way out of Annalise's office to double check if you wanted to meet up at his place or yours for your movie date that Friday night
You'd told him that you had to cancel because you didn't want him exposing himself to whatever bug you had
Surprisingly enough, he was agreeing on the phone and didn't try to argue with you about it like you had thought he would but instead you agreed on a time to reschedule the date once you got better
What you didn't know is that, after the two of you hung up the call, he hopped on his bike and rode off straight to a pharmacy then a store to buy the typical 'get better soon' starter pack with some extra items
He heard how out of it you sounded over the phone, drowsy and tired and unlike your usual self one bit
He would've been damned if he didn't stop by to see you, probably wouldn't have been able to sleep that night either
But then again, he's come to realize that he's gotten so used to sleeping with you in his arms, he has trouble sleeping alone
So, truth be told, you weren't all that surprised to find him knocking on your door barely twenty minutes after the two of you spoke on the phone
The date still took place but with a twist to it which turned Wes into a nurse and you a patient who wasn't allowed to complain about any of the treatments without sounding like a hypocrite, for every time he has been sick you've been hella bossy with him
But you'd be lying if you said you did want to complain
It felt like a little vacation if you could overlook the medication and the symptoms of your fever
But what really made it perfect was when he slipped under the covers with you, despite your protests and warnings that he too would get sick
"So what? If I do we'll be stuck home together. Doesn't that sound just wonderful?" He asked, kissing your cheek as his arms engulfed you in a safe, warm embrace
"Guess it wouldn't be bad..." You mused, stealing another kiss from him before you could slip into some much needed slumber
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
Congratulations on your 250 followers!!! I've been following for a while and I was wondering if I could have a day 11 sad news with Levi? The reader basically dies and its up to Erwin or Hange to tell Levi the news. I'm someone who don't value my life very much and when I talk to my friends they're all telling me how if we were in the AOT world I would probably sacrifice myself for them. So I was thinking the reader doing something similar.
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Day 11 - Sad News Levi x reader
Join my September event
ps this is like... really long I'm talking 2.6k words long so yeah
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"Erwin, there's a possibility the female titan is amongst us you know that right?" you whispered over towards Erwin.
After you and many other scouts witnessed tons of titans eating the female titan. Thus she served no use to you as a way to get answers. You turned towards Levi who looked as confused as you and Erwin did.
Not waiting for a response from Erwin, you decided to instead approach Levi. He looked over towards you the moment you landed on the branch beside him. As much as you wanted to bombard him with affection since the two of you hadn't met in a while, due to you being in your own squad.
You knew he hated PDA in person and you realized, now probably wasn't the best time to initiate anything of the kind. So instead, you simply smiled at him when your eyes met.
"That was our chance," he spoke. You sighed before answering him, "If the female titan is anything like Eren, that means there should be a human inside her nape. But did you realize when the titans ate her, there was nothing in her nape?"
You leaned in closer in the hopes that only he would hear. There were a lot of people around and you were too suspicious of everyone around considering the situation.
You saw as Levi visibly tensed and his eyes grew wide open. Though if it weren't for you being his lover for quite some time now, you wouldn't have been able to tell. He still seemed as neutral as he usually was, only a tad bit tenser, something no one would bat an eye at considering you had just lost a valuable piece of information.
"I didn't think of th-" "Levi,"
The moment Erwin called him he turned to go straight towards Erwin, though for a short moment his and your eyes met. A silent understanding was woven in between your gaze, no words were spoken, not that there was any need to. You both understood one another too much for any words to be exchanged at the moment.
When Levi went over towards Erwin, you watched the surrounding area. Sure there were some titans left, but what little was left slowly got dwindled down as scouts killed them and the rest started evacuating the area.
Though there was an unnerving feeling in the back of your mind. A slight shiver went up to your spine when the cold wind blew through your coat.
"You okay?" Hange's sudden presence beside you shocked you out of your thoughts.
You shrugged them off, nodding wordlessly.
"I guess, I'm just annoyed," you mused.
Hange nodded along with you, huffing in annoyance themself. They were the most excited to get another titan shifter, especially one that didn't have the same ideals as Eren did.
"You look on guard, there shouldn't be any titans left."
You didn't even notice your harsh grip on the blade was tense. You did seem on guard as if waiting for another attack. At that, you visibly relaxed. Letting out a sigh you didn't even know you were holding in.
Hange was right, there shouldn't be any titans left. Any titan who heard the female titan's roar would've been here by now. The ones that didn't hear it were too far to even make trouble. You should relax. The weird feeling was probably your nerves getting the best of you. After all, your squad only escaped by a hair when they had met the female titan.
Before you and Hange could continue a conversation, Levi landed on the tree branch. Hange left to give the two of you some privacy, something Levi was really thankful for.
"Erwin seems to realize it too, he thinks the female titan might be a scout, perhaps one of the new ones," you nodded, "Yeah I had thought so too. The coincidences were too obvious not to be suspicious of. What did he ask you to do?"
Levi didn't need to say anything for you to know he was tasked to do something. He hated leaving you behind as he hated the thought of you getting hurt without him. That guilt that stayed on his face was rather obvious to you.
"He told me to go after Eren, the female titan must be going after him."
You nodded in understanding and offered him a tight-lipped smile. Which barely did anything to calm his nerves.
"I'll be fine, think about our duty. Duty first, feelings later," he scoffed at your saying and briskly flew away towards where Eren was.
Just as you were beginning to ready yourself to evacuate someone's screaming piqued your attention towards them. You quickly turned behind you, and from the distance, you could already tell who he was.
A member of your squad, bloodied and barely alive used up all of his energy to go back towards you. Erwin and Hange both looked at one another with wide eyes. Your squad was second only to Levi, it made no sense that such powerful scouts could be beaten up this terribly.
You didn't think about the details and quickly made your way over towards him. Working quickly to try and stop the bleeding all over him. He mumbled incoherent things to you, ones you chose to ignore. Choosing instead to try and save his life.
"Save your energy, you can't-" "No, no, captain please listen,"
The utter desperation lacing his voice made you turn over towards him. You stopped trying to stop his bleeding when your other squad members came in to help their friend.
"The female titan, she, she appeared out of nowhere. I was following Petra, I'm sorry I wasn't following your orders I thought it was fine, but the female titan appeared," he paused as he choked on his own blood.
"Relax, relax, tell me slowly," you tried calming him.
"She- she- she killed them all, they- they didn't stand a chance!" he cried out, tears brimming the edge of his eyes.
"Who?" "Levi's squad," You stood up at the mention of his name.
"Levi's squad was slaughtered by the female titan?!"
Even Erwin looked in pure shock. The squad member's silence was an answer enough. Your mind began to race at the thought of it. If she was able to kill all of them so easily. What made Levi able to kill her alone?!
Your gut began to lurch at the thought of him dying. Was this what the bad feeling was warning you about? You tried pushing all those thoughts aside.
"Erwin, permission to chase after the female titan."
Your squad looked at you like you were insane, and so did Hange.
"Have you gone mad?! It's dangerous!" Hange yelled.
"Please captain don't!" the injured squad member followed suit.
But Erwin simply looked at you with an unreadable expression. Like always.
"It's dangerous but it gives a greater chance of you winning against her."
You swiftly nodded and immediately gripped the blades of your omnidirectional mobility gear, quickly flying away. Hange looked at Erwin with an uncertain glare.
"Are you sure about your decision?" they questioned.
Erwin didn't answer
Your heart was beating out of control, stammering against ur chest so much it had begun to hurt. No, no, there was no way Levi could die.
From afar you could hear Eren's Titan, he was yelling, growling, to the world. Loud footsteps could also be heard, no doubt ones of two titans fighting. Eren and the female titan had begun fighting.
You tried your best to quicken your pace in getting there, you had to support Eren in this fight. Levi was now at the back of your mind, you'd deal with your emotions, worry, and perhaps sadness, later on, once the battle had been dealt with.
But you were too late.
Once you got to the scene, the female titan had landed the killing blow on Eren, half of his head, and his hand was chopped. Eren fell on his knees to the ground, unable to do anything.
You watched as the female titan dislocated her own jaw to rip the flesh of the nape. Reaching to get to Eren. You were close enough, you could stop it.
"Eren!!!" You heard a girl's scream, no doubt Mikasa.
"Mikasa fall back!!" You commanded the girl.
She would be a good backup if you were to fail in your attacks, but as of now, it was a dangerous thing. The two of you had never worked together before, not knowing her way of fighting and her not knowing yours. The two of you can get in each other's way.
"You bitch!!" You yelled over towards the female titan just before she bit into Eren's now exposed human body.
Her eyes grew wide opened when she saw you barreling towards her. Your swords glimmering in what little light the giant forest had. You took the momentum from your swing and her shock to slice at her.
You had aimed for her eyes, but seeing as how her reaction time was quick enough she moved backward, leading you to injure the side of your cheek instead.
You had to move quickly, you had seen how fast the female titan was, how smart she was. You couldn't get caught in between attacks. Or that'll spell the end of you.
Bracing yourself for another attack, you lunged forward only to immediately fall back when the female titan began screaming once more. You know these screams, these were the screams she did to call titans. You turned towards Mikasa who looked as terrified as you were.
"Is Levi alive?!" she stayed quiet, "Kid I need you to answer me, is he alive?!" you demanded to know.
Mikasa nodded her head, even if she didn't know, she didn't see his death first hand. During the short conversation, you and Mikasa had, not more than a minute. The female titan was already up and immediately took Eren's human body in her mouth. Just as you heard more loud footsteps heading towards your direction.
You cursed out loud when Mikasa lunged forwards at the female titan, no doubt enraged what she did. You chose to have trust in her skill and the skill of Levi who you suspect was still on his way here. The two would be able to handle the female titan.
You now had to handle the hoard of titans upcoming. Quickly lunging yourself in the direction most of the footsteps were from, you swiftly gained all of the attention and led them away from the fight. Hopefully, these titans would be more interested in you as you led them to the other scouts, mainly Erwin and Hange. They'd be able to help with this horde.
Just as you saw them in the distance, you became sloppy. You failed to notice the tall abnormal titan right beside you, who somehow made its way to your level by climbing a tree. Before you could scream out a help. The titan leaped towards you.
You wished you could say everything happened in slow motion, perhaps if it did you'd have more time to react and act accordingly. But it didn't. And the last thing you saw was Erwin turning towards your direction with wide eyes and the screaming of your squad from a distance.
Erwin watched as your body was slammed to the tree beside you by the abnormal titan, no doubt knocking you out, and dragging you down to a horde of titans. He didn't hesitate to call everyone into action. Your squad didn't even wait for his command. Their bodies moving like clockwork.
Trying to as eliminate the titans as quickly as possible before you were eaten. But they were optimistic. Reality, was not.
They choked on their tears once all the smoke cleared, your body mutilated close to beyond recognition. One of your legs pulled away from your body, now missing. You were dead.
"They didn't have a family," Erwin spoke mainly to himself as he mulled over what to do.
Though one of your squad members overheard him and snapped at him. Forgetting his seniority over them for a split second.
"We were her family, Levi was her family," she spoke to him with venom lacing her tongue.
Erwin wanted to mope on the ground for the death of his beloved friend. But he didn't have time. He had other things to worry about, the female titan and Eren being one of them. Levi hearing this news was another thing.
"Bring her body, we need to move quickly."
Everything happened in a flash after that, when Erwin told Levi the news right after they had met up with one another. Erwin saw how Levi's lower lips slightly trembled, and how his body tensed.
But just like Erwin after witnessing your death, he had other responsibilities. And he would live by your words.
"Duty first, feelings later." he thought to himself.
Though he felt the entire world crumble in front of his eyes when he opened one of the many cloths covering some of the bodies. Only to be met by your eyes, relaxed, open, lifeless. The same eyes he stared at for hours on end at night when sleep would not come.
It didn't get any better when he had to sacrifice your body just to let go of weight so that the horses can go faster, just to outrun some titans idiotic scouts had led.
The adrenaline of the fight was what kept his feelings at bay. His heart pumped against his chest from it as he tries and tries to only think about his duties. But no matter how hard he tried, Levi Ackerman, humanity's strongest soldier, was human.
He had someone he loved.
And he had lost that person.
When night fell and all the rest had started to rest. Sleep would not come easy for the captain. Sleep would not come at all.
He tried to fill his mind with work, convincing himself he had mountains of paperwork to do on his desk. But when that pile had dwindled down, he was left alone once more with his thoughts.
Only the candlelight left to company him.
Levi missed your soft touch on his shoulder when you'd nag at him to come back to bed. Your soft voice when you joked around with him in the comfort of your room. Away from all the prying eyes.
And it was at that moment, late into the night, the candlelight flickering, did the captain finally let his duty go and his feelings rushed to take over.
Levi cried into the palm of his hand, elbows situated on his table. Death was not foreign to him, instead, it was familiar. Looming darkness that stood behind him, the grim reaper holding a scythe, following him wherever he went.
He wanted to scream at the entity, screamed at what he did so wrong in his life to get everyone he ever loved taken away from him, no one escaped the reaper's scythe. Not his mother, not Furlan or Isabel, not his entire squad, now not you.
What was next?
Would it be him next?
He didn't know if he'd be happy or not if the scythe was aimed at his neck instead of his comrades. At least he'd meet you once he died.
After all of that, a question stayed unanswered in his mind.
How much more pain and suffering does he have to endure, how many more of his loved ones had to die, until he can have his happy ending?
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Hi there! One sorry for being pretty late, two, sorry this was long I got REALLY carried away with the angst. Three, I'm actually really proud of this. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you really enjoy this!!!
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Secret Life of Levi Ackerman Part 2
Read Part 1 here👇🏻👇🏻
Pairings: Levi x fem! Reader
Summary: Levi revealed that he has a wife and they took his squad in his home so they could rest but as they prepared themselves to leave there's a news...is it a good one or a bad one?
Warning: A little bit of 18+
Word Count: 1000+
A/N: There will be errors ahead so bear with me guys, I will edit it soon once I have the time.
Ps: Photo not mine. Original Link for the photo👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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It's already night and Levi already told the teens to sleep on the extra rooms, fortunately there are two extra rooms, the girls slept together and the boys are in one room. When Levi entered the room he immediately locked it, you were sat on the bed while a book is in your hands, you looked up at him with a small smile before closing the book and placing it on the table nearby.
“Let's sleep, love.” you whispered at him as you pat your lap, Levi immediately knew what to do then, he rested his head on your lap while you comb his hair gently using your fingers. “I miss you.” he whispered with his eyes closed, he stopped your hand from combing his hair, he kissed the back of it before he opened his eyes. “I love you, sorry if this marriage seems unfair to you.” he caressed your knuckles gently, his eyes still fixated on yours.
Levi can be an insecure man, and at this moment he's insecure that he couldn't stay with his wife but he knew he has duties that's why he's also doing his best to fight and eliminate the titans because once this war is finished he can finally rest with you, be a man who stays beside his wife.
“Levi can you please stop saying sorry? I wanted this marriage because I love you.”
“I love you more.”
He sat up and pressed his forehead on yours as he cupped your face, “No matter where I go, I would always come back to you. You will always be my home and my rest.” you melted in his touch, your eyes are closed as you feel his breath fanning on your face.
And in one swift movement his lips crashed against yours, it was a gentle kiss, Levi's arm went around you as he leaned you into the pillows, gently laying you down as he settled himself on top of you.
You moaned softly and he smiled against your lips, when it was time to pull away to breathe, he was smirking down at you. “You would have to stay quiet my love, we can't let the kids head what's going on.” he took off his clothes before he started removing yours.
And when he was done he attacked your lips once more as his hands traveled all over your body.
Two became one again on that night.
“Thank you for letting us stay, I just want to tell you that we loved your food.” Hanji complimented as she pulled you into a hug, “We really want to spend more time in here but we have to go, take care.” she whispered before pulling away from you, “Thanks Hanji, please watch Levi for me too. Make sure that there are no girls around.” you joked and Hanji laughed as she clutched onto her stomach.
“Don't worry, girls are too scared of him to flirt with him and it's obvious that he's so in love with you, no need to panic Mrs. Ackerman.” she smirked.
Your eyes settled then at the teens smiling at you, “Please come back here too if you guys have free time. I'd love to cook for you guys especially you, Armin.” Armin's eyes shot up and he blushed immediately, you don't have any idea why you're fond of the teen that fast but maybe it is because he looks like a baby, Levi suddenly cleared his throat as he snaked his arms around your waist. “You've been silently screaming my names last night and here you are acting all lovely in front of the kids, damn...I love you.” he whispered as he pressed a kiss on your temple.
“Thank you Miss YN.” the teens said in unison.
You faced Levi and combed his hair using your fingers, “No matter what happens, come home to me...alright?” He smiled and nodded as he held your hand tightly, “I would always come home, I promise.” that was all that you need to hear, you stood on your toes and kissed his cheek, wanting to keep it innocent in front of the kids.
“We'll be waiting for you. Take care, my love.”
Levi immediately frowned, confusion was evident in his face as he heard you, “We? W-what do you...what do you mean?” he whispered underneath his breath as he held your hand tighter, you looked down at your hands with a smile, you caress his rough hand before looking up back at him.
“I'm pregnant.”
It was loud enough for everyone to hear and Jean, Connie, Eren, Mikasa and Armin was in complete awe when Levi froze in his position before his knees slowly gave up, it was a good thing that you were holding Levi's hands or else it would've been a bad fall.
“I—I don't...damn y-you're pregnant? I—I will be a father...wait..wait..love is this...is this a joke?”
You laughed out loud and cupped his face before leaning in to kiss him on his lips quickly, “I'm pregnant and yes, you're a father now, Captain Levi.” Levi's heart rate sped up as realization hits him, he chuckled to himself before standing up, he wrapped his arms arouns you and lifted you off the ground.
“Thank you, you don't know what I'm feeling right now. I love you so much.”
You tapped his shoulder as you giggled, “Lev, there are kids and you guys should go.” Levi put you down and he gently kissed your forehead, he couldn't find the words to say how thankful he is right now, he's happy, actually, saying that he's happy is an understatement, before he met you he never thought that he could be a father but now, what seems impossible to him became possible because of you.
“I can't leave my pregnant wife alone.” he whispered.
“I'm sorry to tell you this but your wife is a skilled fighter too and I can handle myself Lev, these kids need you. You can come home this weekend, our baby and I can wait. But now, you gotta go. This is why I didn't tell you last night, I knew you so damn well that I could predict what's going on in that head.” Levi looked down before flicking his eyes towards the squad. Hanji just gave him a thumbs up, telling him that she's ready to accept whatever his decision would be.
And when his gaze landed back at you he smiled, “I will be home, I promise.” he knelt down and kissed your tummy before whispering, “Unborn brat, don't give your mother a hard time. I will be home by the weekend so wait patiently and don't stress my dear wife.” You giggled as you ran your hand through his hair.
“Lev, you gotta go.”
“Fine...I'll talk to Erwin and asked him if I can have more time to stay here.”
“No, it's fine. Save those day offs once my due is near that is when I would need you most but for now...you can go.” you kissed him again before hugging him tight, “When things get hard just think of me, I would always have your back, my love.” Levi wrapped his arms around you as he sighed in contentment, this is peace for him, having you in his arms is his peace.
A small smile made its way across Mikasa's lips as she stared at you and Levi, you two seemed to be an interesting pair, one is impatient while the other one is too serious but despite of all those obvious differences you and Levi looks so in love, she would want to find someone who can be with her like this.
Hanji smiled at the sight, this is a side of Levi that she never expected to witness yet it's refreshing to see, this scenario is breathe of fresh air and seeing you and Levi smile is somehow comforting because she can see that amidst of the war there's hope coming.
“I love you, wait for me.”
“I will, take care my love.”
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b000mbayah · 3 years
Can I request a itzy reaction where her gf is insecure about her body? Please and thank u ☺️
Hello anon, sorry it's short and not as good as my current writing, I had wrote this ages ago and so I've decided to use this as my response.
Ps. Sorry if this took longer than expected, I had forgotten I had this in my drafts for like a month or two..... haha...
¤~~~~°•°•°•°•°•°•°• ☆ °•°•°•°•°•°•~~~~¤
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Once she found out that you were insecure of your body and the stretch marks on you, she'd burst out with care, telling you that there is nothing wrong with you and that you are perfect all over.
However, a few words won't change anything and Yeji knew that so she'd help you overcome those thoughts with time by using special cream for the stretch marks and exercise for your supposively 'chubby' self.
Yeji wouldn't be able to be happy till you're happy so she'd try her hardest to make sure you're happy and who knows, maybe you would've learnt all of ITZY's choreographies before you're done.
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Lia wouldn't know how to act, she'd stare at you with her mouth slightly ajar as she thinks, thinking as hard as she can for something to say.
Lia would feel sorrow for you and your current mindset, she'd help you of course but she'd also have to Google something about having to get over these thoughts for you as she'd carefully follow the guides… 
Though lia would probably click a wrong website like wikihow and follow those steps… 
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A huge confidence booster. Ryujin had no problem helping you with your 'issue' as it seemed like an easy obstacle in your relationship.
Ryujin would whisper sweet things in your ear every night as you drifted off to sleep, she'd back hug you telling you that you're stunning and the truth is, Ryujin was on point about it too, you truly are stunning, it's no lie.
By the end of the week you'd regain most of your confidence due to your girlfriend who can work wonders..
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Chaeryeong would instantly scold you, not caring that you're embarrassed about being scolded by her.
She'd sneakily smack some self confidence back into your system whilst doing it too, somewhat like Ryujin would but in a more discreet way so it seemed like her scolding was the doing of the confidence gain and not the hidden comments.
She has somehow played mind games with you in a way as once she was done you felt faintly relieved?
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Yuna would just hug you, refusing to let go until you promised that you weren't going to feel that way if she could help you out, and so, once you promised.. 
she still didn't let go.
Yuna would just hug you saying this is her way of helping you cope with it, by giving you big, warm bear hugs.
You weren't going to complain because like, free hugs from yuna is always something you cherish.
Once you finally got down to business though, yuna was ruthless and harsh, like some evil training instructor and so you instantly felt better about yourself after a single day from the amount of sweat you had given out in each session with her...
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breastmaster64 · 3 years
can i order a 2?
completely ooc c!grgbr LMAO specifically for the second image
ps: song on the fic is by your hand by los camp :D
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george never thought he'd one day walk around a forest, all bloody and dazed. in all honesty, he's confused in his current situation— all he knows is that one moment he's slaughtering dream and technoblade, next he's on his knees, crying in front of the mangled corpses of a pig and a sheep.
and even after that, he focuses on now. the bed he woke up next to was (is still) tempting, but by this point he knew that XD was just toying with him, so he walks
and walks,
and walks,
and walks.
despite the blood on him not being his, he thinks that his feet might as well be mangled. yet he continues dragging himself, until he faintly hears music that reminded him of times he should've forgotten long ago.
"i'd say you look tired, sing my secret choir."
like a sailor being lured by a siren, george follows. he keeps following blindly until he stumbles upon an open field in the middle of the forest. a pond so small that it could be considered as nothing but a big puddle shines brightly with the moonlight; on the other side, wilbur continues singing. 
george faintly sees the smug smile on his downturned face.
"wilbur", he calls out after a minute of dumbfounded staring. the man stops singing, but continues with his guitar.
"george, how lovely to see you. what are you doing here?", the man calls out, sarcasm dripping like sap from each syllable. 
when george doesn't move, wilbur stops his guitar playing with a raised brow. unmatching blue-brown eyes meet red tinted brown ones.
"well? are you just gonna stand there?"
george rolls his eyes, making his way around the pond. when he's a foot away from wilbur, the man kicks his foot in an attempt to trip him; george responds by stepping on the offensive limb.
he's reminded why he broke up with the man long ago.
"fuck me", wilbur whines, shifting his guitar to pull his foot up. 
"i used to. you were bad.", george absentmindedly responds, sitting a good (embarrassingly short) distance away from the ex-president.
"like you wouldn't scream my name out everytime i- FUCK", wilbur's remark was stopped, george kicking his right thigh.
"you never learned to shut up, did you?", george starts, pulling his knees up to his chest and hugging them. he rests his head on his arms; "fools who run their mouths off wind up dead."
his ex lover only scoffs, shifting once more to hold his guitar properly. george ignores the way wilbur tilts his body to face him.
"any request, gogy?"
"yeah. can you… shut up?"
george would've kept a monotone face, but wilbur pouts at him and it's like his cheeks were being pulled upwards automatically.
silence settles again, and george feels himself lie down on the damp grass before he could really think about it. their eyes both widen in surprise by the mushrooms and flowers that grow around him, but neither say a word. a hand slowly lands on his hair, and they keep silent even when george lets out a sigh of relief.
"play… play the song. the one you used to always play.", george mutters, a shyness that he swore died off long ago coating his voice. he doesn't have to look at the other man to know that he nervously gulped and nodded — the way his hand twitched was enough of a sign.
george keeps his eyes closed, trying to ignore the vulnerability he's showing off to a man that blew up a nation with his family and friends in it. he hears the satisfying noise guitar strings make when you drag along them, and listens to the quiet throat clearing wilbur does.
"by your hand is the only end i foresee", wilbur mutters out. he pauses, clears his throats, and george feels that he should adjust himself as well.
"i have been dreaming you've been dreaming about me", is sang out softly. neither of them acknowledge the slowly dissipating between them.
wilbur continues singing, and the only acknowledgement he gives to george lightly singing along is a small glance. it's a bitter reminder of how wilbur used to grin and nudge at george whenever he used to sing along.
george doesn't know if he's just that lost in thought, but he just notices the fireflies flying around them. he doesn't know either if it was XD messing with him, or if it was just a funny little coincidence that he would have blushed at over 20 years ago — back when he was just a foolish 20-something-year-old. 
"cause we were kissing for hours, with your hands in my trousers", wilbur sings loudly, nudging at george. george pinches the man's thigh.
neither of them acknowledge the hand that stays on the other's thigh. they both ignore the flower growing beside wilbur; pink and filled with determination. and neither of them comment on their cheeks slowly matching the stupid flower.
george didn't expect to be blushing like a silly teenager when he woke up in front of carcasses tonight.
"i'm not sure if it's love anymore", comes and silence follows for a bit. wilbur glances at him, but when george opens his mouth to talk, he continues singing. 
"but i've been thinking of you fondly for sure. remember what your heart is for", if they were stupid and 22, then george would've kissed wilbur's cheek fondly by this point.
the song continues along smoothly, except for when wilbur hummed the lyrics about being in limbo rather than singing it out loud. george would've made fun of him for it, but the pained and bitter look on the man's face was enough to shut him up.
"you still sing… good.", george utters out awkwardly. heat crawls from his chest up to his cheeks, and he thinks he might catch on fire when wilbur starts chuckling.
"ever the man of words, george lore", wilbur muses. 
he doesn't respond, and silence once again settles between them. had they been 20, they would've been scrambling to get rid of the silence. but they've learned a lot in the course of their 3 year relationship; they've learned to eventually just appreciate the quiet between them.
wilbur clears his throat while setting his guitar down, and the moment breaks. he shifts to look at the man better, but is stopped by the hand landing on his head; george ends up resting his head on the man's lap, ignoring the lingering scent of smoke and rot.
"why do you have so much blood on you… doesn't seem much like your style."
george blinks, processing the question.
"ah, well… i just killed dream and technoblade… in a dream", he starts. wilbur's eyebrows furrow, so he elaborates. "and when i woke up, there were these… quite literally bloody carcasses in front of me."
judging by the silence, he guesses that wilbur was still confused. george sighs, and the hand from his head shifts and moves down to his chest — hesitantly, he reaches out for the hand. 
"... XD has been messing with me. i promised to be his friend forever and… i don't know, i guess he has different ideals of what being a friend means."
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padawanlost · 4 years
Hi! First of all thank you for all the content, I love reading your metas and thoughts! I wanted to ask your opinion on something. Since S7 came out there were all these jokes about how Obi-Wan always knew of the secret relationship and how unsubtle Anidala were and how Anakin didn't even have to bother to hide it (from him). But I feel like this is a wrong take on the Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship? On Anakin's mind, Obi-Wan DEFINETLY would've told the Council, or force him to give her up, or Do-Something-About-It? Like I know there were brothers but am I wrong in thinking trust issues were definetly a problem?
As I’ve mentioned before, I too have a problem with how Obi-wan knwoleged of Anidala was handled (specially on TCW’s S7). 
Here’s the thing, Obi-wan knew Anakin and Padmé had feelings for each other, he knew Anakin hadn’t given up on his love for her and might even have suspected they sometimes had sex (which wasn’t forbidden, btw) but he DIDN’T know they were in a secret marriage. Obi-wan knew about the feelings, not the relationship. And, no, he didn’t tell the council. But that’s only because he didn’t know the extent of the problem.
If Obi-wan had known Anakin had married Padmé he would’ve told someone the same way he would’ve told someone if knew about the tusken slaughter. It’s one thing to be a little indulgent and even protective, it’s another to watch as someone knowingly breaks some of their most important rules and lies about it.
Obi-wan might have covered some of it for Anakin:
The man he faced was everything Obi-Wan had devoted his life to destroying: Murderer. Traitor. Fallen Jedi. Lord of the Sith. And here, and now, despite it all … Obi-Wan still loved him. Yoda had said it, flat-out: Allow such attachments to pass out of one’s life, a Jedi must, but Obi-Wan had never let himself understand. He had argued for Anakin, made excuses, covered for him again and again and again; all the while this attachment he denied even feeling had blinded him to the dark path his best friend walked. [Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
But Anakin didn’t know that. He loved Obi-wan but he didn’t confide in him:
“But we—we can’t just … wait. I can’t. I have to do something.” “Of course you do.” She smiled fondly. “That’s who you are. That’s what being a hero is. What about Obi-Wan?” He frowned. “What about him?” “You told me once that he is as wise as Yoda and as powerful as Mace Windu. Couldn’t he help us?” “No.” Anakin’s chest clenched like a fist squeezing his heart. “I can’t—I’d have to tell him …” “He’s your best friend, Annie. He must suspect already.” “It’s one thing to have him suspect. It’s something else to shove it in his face. He’s still on the Council. He’d have to report me. And …” “And what? Is there something you haven’t told me?” He turned away. “I’m not sure he’s on my side.” “Your side? Anakin, what are you saying?” “He’s on the Jedi Council, Padmé. I know my name has come up for Mastery—I’m more powerful than any Jedi Master alive. But someone is blocking me. Obi-Wan could tell me who, and why … but he doesn’t. I’m not sure he even stands up for me with them.” “I can’t believe that.” “It has nothing to do with believing,” he murmured, softly bitter. “It’s the truth.” “There must be some reason, then. Anakin, he’s your best friend. He loves you.” “Maybe he does. But I don’t think he trusts me.” His eyes went as bleak as the empty night. “And I’m not sure we can trust him.”[Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
“You think Skywalker won’t be able to handle this?” Mace Windu said. “I thought you had more confidence in his abilities.” “I trust him with my life,” Obi-Wan said simply. [Matthew Stover. Revenge of the Sith]
So, yeah, it’s definitely a communication issue. Sadly, an issue that started with their relationship. 
When they’d met, Anakin had been a warm-hearted nine-year-old boy with an open nature. He was twelve and a half now, and the years had changed him. He had grown to be a boy who hid his heart.
The problem between Anakin and Obi-wan was never about a lack of love, it’s about their lack of communication.
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Phoenix Lazar Nobleworth Silverwood
Below is a lengthy history of his parents, their involvement with dragons, and how he lost them.
Ps: I tried adding some Scottish dialect in the dialogue, but I'm not the best at it considering all I have as reference is my love for James McAvoy and Outlander. Forgive me in advance for any atrocities lol. Also, diverging from canon especially in relation to Veela powers and physical descriptions.
Phoenix's father, Emilian, was sorted into Gryffindor and with pride, he was a Gryffindor by the book, adventurous, brave, often reckless, fun, with a strong sense of protection over his friends, someone who valued courage and honor.
Emilian didn't know how he and Palmer Silverwood - Slytherin, pureblood, much more popular than him, and one of the best duelists in their year - became friends, he also didn't know how Palmer found an about to hatch dragon egg in the forbidden forest, or how he even got into the forbidden forest to begin with, but being who he was, Emilian wasn't much surprised.
The biggest surprise was that Palmer even knew who he was.
Emilian takes a peek into Palmer's robes where the egg is hidden. "So? You're the dragon laddie, Nobleworth."
"Yeah, it's a dragon egg. Common Welsh Green this one." He looks up. "And is that what people call me?"
"Are ye really surprised? You talk about them all the time, yer the best in Care of Magical Creatures, and ye have a dragon painted at the back of yer bloody robes."
"Only fair. McGonagall hates it."
Palmer laughs. "Will ye help me?"
"Aye. But what ye want me to do?"
"I dinna ken. I just don't want the wee dragon to die. The poor creature wasn't warm when I found it so it's probably motherless. I mean... they fire up their eggs, don't they?"
Emilian smiles. "You're not as unknowledgeable as you think, Silverwood. Let's go somewhere more private."
In the humid and dusty air of the artifact room, they hide. "Hand me the egg."
Palmer hands him the egg delicately as if the creature inside it wasn't one that could eat them both in a bite when grown. And for a moment Palmer wonders what he'll do, but Emilian just stands there holding the egg. And as he's about to question him, he sees Emilian's fingers get bright red.
"Mate? What's wrong with yer hands?"
Emilian snickers. "I have a secret, can you keep it?" Palmer nods eyes fixated on the egg whose cracks were very slowly growing. "I'm half Veela and whilst I can't throw balls of fire from my hands... I can heat it up to... oven temperature."
"Oven temperature?"
Emilian smirks. "Ah dinnae have exact numbers, but if ye want to give a touch."
Palmer looks at his hands again. "Nae. They're as bright as molten glass, lad."
Emilian raises his eyebrows. "Oh, I felt it move."
"Ooohh, it's gonna set this tiny room on fire."
"Let me hide it this time. I ken a place we can go. The person ye should've gone to in the first place."
Palmer widens his eyes. "Kettleburn, nae."
"Silverwood, ye cannae keep the dragon. It'll set you on fire before completing one year."
Palmer puffs as they walk out of the artifact room. "If the dragon enthusiast dinnae want to keep a real dragon, why would I?"
"A dragon lover is the same as a bee lover. You can appreciate the honey, the lovely stripes, but if ye hold it in yer hand, it'll sting you. Dragons were made to live outside, flying, spitting fire. A wee dragon is cute, but once is grown..."
"Yer a curious lad, Nobleworth." Emilian gives an awkward half smile. "I like you."
Their friendship was as unexpected to them as it was for the bystanders, but one that sustained for their last two years in Hogwarts - including Palmer's girlfriend, Clarin, an uptight but curious Ravenclaw, who despite her best instincts followed behind on the boys' adventures.
When Emilian announced he would be leaving England for the Dragon Sanctuary in Romania a couple of years later, as much as Palmer and Clarin expected that to happen, it still came with the bittersweetness of watching one of their best friends go.
Years go by, but still, their bond sustains time and distance. Every opportunity they had, the SIlverwoods would travel to Romania to visit their friend who in a lighting in a bottle chance found himself a wife of "his kind".
Full Veela, Antonia Lazar, practically raised herself as her father left her mother, a temperamental full Veela woman, to deal with Tonia herself, a task she delegated to her equally careless family members, closely involved with the Dragon Sanctuary in times the place was still informally managed.
When Emilian meets her, barely wearing rags over her body, barefoot on the grass, pearl blonde hair unruly, looking as if she was raised by wild house elves, he couldn't help his heart hammering in his chest. Female Veela beauty wasn't something he was unused to, considering his mother and aunts were ones as well, but when Antonia was before him he thought of himself before a goddess.
Emilian tries not to spill the water in the heavy buckets while Antonia doesn't seem to be struggling at all. He wouldn't have a need to even carry them if he hadn't forgotten his wand, but at least he got to be alone with her.
"Why is it that ye dinnae like us?"
"You English think you run the place just because you read about dragons in a book, think you know more than us who grew with hundreds of them." She shoots him firey eyes. "Know when I first rode a dragon? I was five years old!"
"I never say I doubted yer capacities. And I'm not English, I'm Scottish." She glares at him again. "I'm kidding."
"Don't get me angry, you won't like it me angry. Trust me."
"I would actually. I wonder what color yer feathers would be."
"I'm sorry?"
"I ken a Veela when I see one. Especially cause I'm half one."
Her expression soothes a little. She puts the bucket down and grips his hand. "Go, do your magic."
While his hand goes as hot as they can, his eyes slowly change hues to match her, never breaking eye contact. "It's nice touching a girl who doesn't mind a more... ardent touch."
She gives a small smile. "You're pathetic."
"I'd love to fly on a dragon's back with someone who understands about them. I promise I'm not here to mock or doubt you. I love those creatures more than anyone I know."
She lets go of his hand and with a smirk picks up the bucket. "Well, now you know me."
Their relationship quickly becomes stronger as they spend day after day together. The work at the Sanctuary is as rewarding as it is tiring, so at the end of long days, they would sit together and exchange stories, her of her buckwild childhood and him of his years in Hogwarts. In each other's company that they find an air of normality and peace.
After recognizing and accepting her strong feelings for Emilian - something hard considering how men had treated her before, seeking what she had to offer them more than considering her needs - and finding out he felt the same for the longest time, they decided to marry, her seeing in him a sense of stability for the first time in her life.
It doesn't take long until Antonia is pregnant with their first child, and in the pool of genes and possibilities, their first-born boy is a full Veela like his mother, something uncommon for boys. Not considering what would be 'formal' or well accepted, Antonia decides to name him Phoenix for encompassing what being a Veela means to her, a bird of elegance and fire and perseverance.
And as if it was pre-destined, just a couple months prior, Clarin and Palmer had given birth to a girl of name just as uncommon, little Indigo Silverwood, who is but three months old when they come to Romania to meet little Phoenix.
To this day, the Silverwoods wonder if their timing was the best or worst it could've been.
As in the same week they came to visit, an attack happens with the intent of capturing as many dragons as they could from the reserve, something that had happened times before but this time much better planned and heavily armed with the best wizards they could get.
They start picking up their wands in haste while seeking the fire protection potion they had brewed specially for this trip back at home. "What do they need dragons for? Can't they breed their own." Clarin asks.
"Is not like is legal or easy to do so." Antonia has her eyes soaked with tears. "They don't care about the creatures, they want money. Oh, they use their blood to make spot removers. Oven cleaners! How can you take a marvelous creature and turn it into such a pathetic thing? Then they use their hearts in you wizards stupid wands and their skin into gloves!"
"Somebody must have heard about the new Chinese Fireball," Emilian says, "People seek the gold in their horns and eggs, but if you pull them out, they die."
"Not to mention the baby Romanians. Put your goddamn boots on already, Emilian!"
"What 'bout the bairns?" Palmer asks anxiously.
"There's no time. They probably ain't getting all the way up here, but in all cases." Emilian grabs the potion from Clarin's hands turning over Jacob's and baby Indigo's mouth, knowing the fire wouldn't do harm to Phoenix. He places something in Jacob's little hand. "Jacob, if any mean person comes trying to hurt ye, throw this at their feet and run. Alright?" Jacob nods, eyes wide with fear and excitement of a five-year-old.
"What is it?" Palmer asks.
"A vial of Peruvian's Vipertooth venom, extremely deadly and volatile. Don't ask me why I have it."
Palmer looks at Jacob. "Stay quiet and protect the babies, right, love?"
Antonia kisses Phoenix on the forehead one last time then turns to the others. "Let's go, please!"
And if they knew, she would've held him a little longer, Emilian would've stopped time for a couple of seconds to look at their boy for a lingering moment more. But they didn't and time never reversed.
They weren't the only lives lost, but side by side they fought and won and lost and lost and lost. They managed to protect all but two of the dragons at the end, blood of dark wizards - and innocent ones - soaked the grounds. Dragons loose on the sky overhead, blood spilt from both sides, burnt buildings, scars that would never heal, the body of a friend devoided of life, a mother of dragons and children never to wake up again, children crying in a cabin kilometers away.
When Antonia's mother refused to watch over her own grandson, Clarin felt as if it was her own son the woman refused and it was that soon the decision to keep him came. She was still breastfeeding and no ordinary family would know how to raise him right, at least that's what both her and Palmer told themselves. Emilian's parents, both devastated by the news of their son's death were quick to agree with the Silverwoods' proposal.
And it's like this that Phoenix and Indigo are practically raised as twins, still young when he notices he doesn't look like the rest of them - a pale and blonde boy in a family of tanned brunettes - not only for his looks but by the fact that sinking his hand into a pot of boiling water doesn't hurt or the fact his anger makes his body react differently from the others or that people got mesmerized by his looks enough to do whatever he asked them to.
But the Silverwoods learn the painful way that raising a Veela child is not easy work. Not only easily irritable but also dangerous when transformed, not much to others while still young, but to himself due to painful and harmful transformation, taking hours until he could retain his human form. Meditating and thought exercises became pivotal from an early age. As not make their treatment towards him different from Indigo, they become tougher with both, demanding an altruistic, patient, and empathetic behavior from both.
This leads Phoenix to grown into a level-headed, sweet and compassionate boy who eventually got sorted into Hufflepuff without the sorting hat having to consider long.
As much as he wishes he had grown with his biological parents, he's grateful to have grown in the family he did and doesn't consider himself any less part of it, he loves his siblings dearly and considers and reslects his parents as if it was from their blood and cells he was made of.
This is my attempt at a concise history of Phoenix, mostly his parents who I dream of drawing someday. I'll make something in the future for his romantic life as it is its own ride. I ship him with Ismelda and boy oh boy I have some to say about that.
If you wanna more info on Phoenix, I made him an OC profile :)
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tumblezwei · 4 years
I wish there was more time for Pyrrah's maiden/martyr arc. Just like 1 or two more episodes so she's more or less made up her mind when the pressure is on.
"I think this is the best idea. I can do this." Vs "Beacon is falling. I am the one who has to save us."
And ps I would've LOVED a moment after Penny croaked the first time where she questioned herself HARD (I...killed her...how can I be a hero) and Oz/Jaune reinforced her "I should/gotta do this." mentality.
I think one of the most tragic parts of Pyrrha’s arc is how Jaune unintentionally urged her to follow through due to his encouragement. He didn’t mean to, of course, none of it was his fault and if he knew what she was debating herself on I have no doubt he would have been against it, but his assurance that Pyrrha could do whatever she set her mind to definitely influenced her. Honestly I can’t imagine how he felt when he realized that fact. 
I’m with you though that Pyrrha’s arc could have had more time dedicated to it. It’s another unfortunate side effect of the 6-10 minute episode run time vol 1-3 was working with. Another example in a very long line of unfortunate missed opportunities. 
Although, I think what we got in that moment of Pyrrha looking up at the tower was still good. We didn’t her personal thoughts, but her body language, facial expression, and last moment with Jaune tell us what we need to know. She doesn’t want to leave, and she knows she probably won’t make it back, so she closes her eyes, steels herself, kisses the boy she was too afraid to admit her feelings toward, and makes sure that he can’t follow her to her death. 
Pyrrha honestly isn’t one of my favorite characters, and the years have numbed the pain of her death plenty, but I still think she was an incredibly interesting and tragic character for the short time we knew her. 
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sunarou · 4 years
I love you 3000; Haikyuu edition
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A/N; This was actually a Kpop post but it didn't get enough recognition so I'm reposting it but haikyuu version! (ps. this isn't exclusively haikyuu volleyball canon!)
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ღSugawara Koushi⤖ The high school sweetheart, the one who helped you study all night, grabbed snacks for you everyday, the one who showed you he loved and cherished you in every way he can, until he couldn't anymore, until he no longer felt that spark anymore, you cried for days, your first heartbreak, he was always so passionate about everything, a burning desire to complete his goals, but when he lost interest, he completely abandons them. He gave you the love and care he could give, until he couldn't feel that burning desire in his heart anymore, so just like that, he abandons you too.
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ღHinata Shoyo⤖The sweet shop owner, more like the owner's son. The candies were as sweet as he was, always had a bright smile, a positive attitude and a cute face. He was the kid's favourite, he always snuck an extra candy or two in their bags. You always favoured him, he was just so cute with his squishable face and his eyes that twinkled. His words always sugar coated, he sang you songs with an angelic voice.
He sweetly slid into your heart, only two years apart, you thought 'Why not?'. After 3 months into the relationship, those sugar coated words turned into venom laced words. His face showed no emotion, short worded answers. "How are y-" "Fine" he cuts you off, with annoyance in his tone, "Something wr-" "Stressed" he does again, you frowned, "What's going on with you these da-" "Can you stop talking to me for once?! Like I said I'm fine! What else do you need?!" He yelled, the first time he bursted. You exhaled, "So this is where we're heading down.." "I don't wanna keep pretending anymore... Let's break up, I can't handle you anymore, I'm always so annoyed with your presence it hurts" he said, and with that you ran away from the sweet shop, the shop where once a sweet boy was.
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ღAtsumu Miya⤖ A popular guy in your high school that constantly bugged you, you didn't like attention from people so you pushed him away to avoid any misunderstandings. "Y/N, for how longer are you gonna push me away?" He asked, his eyes held sadness. "I-I.. Atsumu do you like me?" You asked unconsciously, your eyes widened as he smiled. "Yeah, yeah I do,"
In no time you two were dating, it felt like cloud nine but the mirage started to dissipate when he started canceling your dates, to hang out with your best friend. You tried to understand at first of course, he just wanted to know your best friend more. But it seemed like she was dating Atsumu instead, he even started talking about her whenever he hung out with you. You have had enough of the way he's treated you, you dumped him and your friend. Turns out he's only used you to get her when you see the both of them together, smiling wider than when he was with you.
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ღTerushima Yuuji⤖The summer lover, you met him through some friends, instantly loving his company and pick up lines. He never missed a day without telling you a cheesy pick up line or calling you. Not long enough, you were a couple. But seasons change and people too, one day he just flat out ignored your texts and calls, or just never bothered to talk to you whenever you go on dates, this went on the whole summer break, you got sick and tired of his excuses of being busy or tired, sick of his attitude, so you called it off. He didn't even bother to take you back, just let you walk out of his life. Maybe that's why they call it summer love, it only lasts in summer.
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ღShirabu Kenjirou⤖The smart ass student, college came, and so did the headache of dealing with this one specific classmate, he always had a habit of nitpicking every flaw you made in science and math class, he always made you feel stupid. "I can do this myself" you told him, he shook his head "No you can't, this one's wrong an-" "Can you stop pointing out my wrong answers?! Y-You make me feel so stupid you know?" You sniffed as you stood up to leave, he caught your wrist and stood up. "I-I never meant to hurt your feelings, I guess it was a habit, I wanted you to succeed in your tests.. because I.. have feelings for you". Nonetheless you were shocked, "Sorry, my mouth's rambling again" he took off his hand from your wrist. "If you just told me that.. I would've said okay, and if you want me to succeed then help me! Tell me how to do it, don't do it for me" you said, he smiled brightly "Deal". You thought he would be your last, your forever but, he too, changed.
He always controlled what you did, what you wore, which friends you can hang out with and your curfew. It was like he had a life plan for you, you didn't like to be held down and controlled, but you still loved him. You had no choice but to break it off, there was something he was wrong about for the first time, that you were his.
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ღOikawa Tooru⤖ Your brother's friend that became your friend, inseparable, until that is, when he confessed his love to you on New Year's, you thought it would last, that you would recover from Shirabu's breakup, but in the end, it never worked out, he had to go abroad for a volleyball opportunity, only until then you realized your LDR {long distance relationship} wasn't working out, plus.. he found a replacement for you, without even telling you.
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ღBokuto Koutarou⤖ The rebound, it sounds harsh, and it is. Using someone was never your thing, he truly did love you, and he knew he was nothing but a rebound, to distract yourself from the heartbreaks left and right. But he was still there, no matter how much pushing you did, warnings you gave, he still didn't back down. Maybe, just maybe, you could try to find it in yourself to give him back the love he needs. But pretending wasn't healthy for the both of you. So you did what you do the best and broke your heart again, but Bokuto didn't let you do that, he showed you how to love him, taught you how to love and trust again.
But in the end. The lessons never worked, you were grateful for him, he was by your side no matter what, "I'm sorry for using you" you said, "It's alright, I'm glad to feel your love, even if it was just all pretend" "I'm sorry, and goodbye" you choked back a sob, pecking his cheek and walking away from him, you heartless monster, breaking his heart like that. You wanted a break from love for a while, just so you could focus on your studies, and yourself.
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~Love Lola 🦋
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