#whole food plant-based
keekers0 · 5 months
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allthingsorganic2024 · 5 months
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sidewalkchemistry · 3 months
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Green Fruit Platter (Vegan)
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chickpeamag · 10 days
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this week's food haul 😌
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zuckarr · 4 months
I just realized I have been doing both dieting and exercising - I went vegan 2 years ago and I've been walking miles every day for work, up and down hills - and I still eat the same amounts of food I used to eat before all this (even less because I literally have less time to eat now), yet I haven't lost ONE kg. Oh no! A fat person just proved that dieting and exercising won't always work to lose this demonic mass of fat! Quick fatphobes, get all the successful weight loss stories and blame the fat person's "failure" on something else!
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granolagal · 2 years
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Almond flour sugar cookie crust, lemon cashew cream, strawberries, thyme flowers 💌
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morethansalad · 2 years
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I don't know if any of my followers here are into Human Design (it's a bit like astrology, but a bit more practical in its application).
A lot of people try to eat intuitively, or find a way of eating that suits them. But that's difficult to do when your mind is clouded with so much conflict over what is best. Diet culture has poked its head into many healthy eating spaces time and time again. And every body is different, with different needs. So, you have to let go of all the crap to really start tuning in with your body and nourish it properly.
In Human Design, there is an aspect called digestion (or determination). It dictates how you most efficiently digest/intake information. It's not just limited to food (food is information for your cells). The digestion aspect challenges you to step out of how you may have thought you ought to eat (or learn) (or live in general).
I have some guides on reading & interpreting your Human Design chart over on my other blog. The Primary Health System: HD Variables post talks particularly about finding your digestion/determination aspect. Or, if the Human Design system is not your thing, I have a SAD Diet Transformation series (to help you get out of patterns of eating that don't bring you joy).
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ghoddhess · 2 years
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aerieherbal · 8 months
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Some of my vegetarian dinners I've made recently. The bread is milk bread, so not vegan. Everything else is vegan, though, lol
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everyveganrecipe · 1 year
Basil Pesto Recipe Basil pesto made oil-free, nut-free, and packed with additional nutrition for a healing sauce or dip. Featuring basil, spinach, sunflower seeds, ginger, and lemon juice. 🌿
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aplantbasedworld · 1 year
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Apple, fennel and celery salad
Crunchy, sweet and tangy, with gentle warmth, this apple, fennel and celery salad with walnuts and croutons is a real crowd pleaser. 
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keekers0 · 5 months
Plant-Based Nutrition & Wellness Program | Hippocrates Wellness
Embark on a transformative journey in our latest YouTube video, 'Plant-Based Nutrition & Wellness Program.' Dive into the essentials of plant-powered living, discover the keys to crafting a personalized wellness program, and unlock the secrets to a healthier, balanced life. Join us for insights, tips, and inspiration on your path to optimal well-being. For more click here
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sidewalkchemistry · 8 months
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runveganwankerrun · 22 days
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Mon 27th May '24
I'm really proud of myself. I've completed week one of the couch to 5k. Three run/walks. It's a double edged feeling. I'm pleased I've done it, but I can't help going back to what I've achieved in the past, and wondering how I let myself get so unfit and unrunnery.
If someone was telling me they'd completed week one, I'd be all over them, telling them how great it is. Why aren't I treating myself the same way?
Plus points. I went out there. I found it very difficult to talk myself into running in the middle of the day, in broad daylight. I kept putting it off, telling myself that I'd get up in the morning, and do it then, when there was no one about. I'm talking 5.30am. I never did it. I kept chickening out. But there's not a day has gone past since last November when I haven't told myself that I'd go for a run, and it's been the same amount of time since I've managed to do it more than once. I ran once in November, once in February and once some other time. Three runs in six months.
This week, I ran three times. All run/walks, as the C25K prescibes, but three runs in a week, nonetheless. And it was at 10 or 11am, since the early thing wasn't happening.
It was tough and sweaty. I used to "enjoy" tough and sweaty, in that fucked up way that runners do. Not any more. But I didn't want/need to boke, so I'm already ahead of the game.
I also walked on the days that I didn't run, so made sure I left the house and got out into the world. I've been a bit in danger of becoming a recluse, sitting at home, on my ever expanding arse, crocheting, eating shite and watching Judge Judy. I've been eating no shite for a couple of weeks now, making my own sauerkraut, which means I'm getting a great amount of veg, good fibre and all the good bacteria my greedy gut desires. It helps to fill me up. I've eaten too much sugar in the way of grapes and bananas, but even that's a win, coz it's full of fibre and vitamins and minerals, and it's not crisps and Ben & Jerry's. The worst thing I ever did was discover vegan friendly Ben & Jerry's! As I ran today, my favourite tee shirt did not ride up over my belly as much as before, so I think there's a minuscule improvement in flabberosity there! A couple of weeks of no shite, two portions a day of fermented food, and some exercise is already making a difference.
Is it bad that my fave tee is my fave, not only because it's almost big enough to fit comfortably, but because it's my first ever marathon tee? It's my way of showing anyone who cares to look that I've run a marathon, despite what my running looks like now. Such ego!
I'm trying very hard to make this about health, both bodily and mental, rather than weight. I want to enjoy running again. Yes, being lighter will help that, but a generally fit body will do that too, rather than just a light one. I want to smile when I'm running, be glad to see people, instead of worrying about how I look. I know my gait has changed, my posture, my stride. I'm so shuffley now, in comparison to how I was. I need to forget "how I was" and get into how I am now. Things will improve with time, so long as I keep going. Just half an hour a day is enough to make a HUGE differrence, and it won't be long till I can see it in my running. SO KEEP IT UP, YOU RUNNING VEGAN WANKER!
As I run, I'm listening to a book called The Slow AF Run Club, by Martinus Evans. It's helping me a lot. This is a guy who started running way heavier than me. If he can do it, I sure as fuck can too.
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raw1111official · 1 month
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🌺🥑🌞✨ Brighten your season at RAW1111.COM with "Soak Up the Sun: Embrace Your Inner Plant This Summer!" 🌞 Dive into the joy of living like the plants do—thriving under the sun with all the right nutrients. #GVWU Go Vegan With Us and grow into your best self this summer! 🌱💫
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theuniversesbody · 3 months
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Nearly 20g of protein (falafels, pumpkin seeds)
Lots of healthy carbs/fibre (potato, sweet potato) to sustain energy throughout the day
Also contains:
vitamins E, K & Bs
over 50% of your daily vitamin C
omegas (healthy fats)
high in manganese, potassium, copper & phosphorus
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Love to all🫶
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