#why do I find this stuff funny? am I st
panel-dreamer · 5 months
I don’t know what it is about r/BatmanArkham that’s kept it so inexplicably funny and alive. after everything with the Suicide Squad game you’d expect it to be full of bigoted gamergate types but instead it’s full of. whatever you’d call people who make stuff like this https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/s/8jcMbNsdNM
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twost3ps · 3 months
I went on a guitarhero spree this weekend, saw the scott pilgrim au. I hungry for more info about it, pretty please? Even bread crumbs-
My og Adam harem idea
Man I haven't touched that thing in a while actually 💀
Ngl the schott pilgrim au is not really scott pilgrimy it's more the concept of fighting exes I based it off of
I made my decision a while ago to make st peter the 7th (guitargates my beloved <3 I will draw you eventually my heart won't stand it)
Guys he cut off a guy's ear to defend Jesus please guys he has a violent streak guys please
Okay just to confirm- the roster is a follows:
St peter
Azreal (might be swapped out for Uriel ngl)
Again this is more of a funny silly thing. I just wanted Lucifur to get beat up ngl- emotionally and physically 💀
I am thinking of revamping it to make lucifurs siblings cuz that actually made so much sense (7 rings of heaven 7 deadly sins ykykyk) that makes them like, Adam's actual 7 holy exes. Not its not just because that what I've been doing recently, but I think it makes the plot easier for me
Hear me out:
All of lucifurs' 7 siblings are willing rebounds in Adam's whimsy idea of revegene. It's a whole pride thing that Lucifur won't be the first of his family to have had Adam. So not only is Adam getting his revenge, but in a way, so are his siblings, but they won't be punished for it, lol. It's not very romantic, more like causual relationships.
But each are a bit emotional in a way that Adam become on a level, attracted to each one of them because they hold a certain trait that reminds Adam of Lucifur. Each time Adam breaks up with them it's because it's when it gets too much for him, knowing that it's not the same (still unsure but yea)
The siblings also grow close to Adam. While not finding romance, they have a very deep bond with him. Like a while understanding that they all got hurt because of lucifur. And they kinda just agree to be adam gaurdian angels.
That's kinda why they go and fight lucifur when they find out about their relationship (they kinda made a contract that they would have to test the suitor before they actually could really be together)
Now when they fight it's a fat combo of angst because Lucifur is going to have to confront his family, how his actions had hurt Adam enough to seek his siblings, realize he's hurt them too, and see the parts of himself that Adam loved and loathed about him through his siblings as they tell him about their relationship with Adam and it just debsyevwh
In that case the roster would have followed (this includes the trail adam saw in each of them although these are not set in stone-
Zadkiel or Azreal (prob Azreal)- dedication
Chamuel- passion
Jophiel- creativity
Uriel- knowledge
Raphael- understanding
Gabriel- joy/optimism
Micheal- pride
Top to bottom is the corn logical order of who Adam was in a relationship with. It would hypothetically get more emotional with every layer and a lot harder for lucifur to fight. Which is why Micheal is as the very bottom lol
There is also confrontation with the problems Adam has with relationships because it's him so yeah
The og lineup is more for comedy the second is more for the emotional stuff
The sibling one is Lucifur getting bet down with emotions and the more randomizer one is filled with lucifur just gawking and slightly getting beat up with emotions
I actually was working on a fake poster of it 2 weeks ago but my body gave up because I was trying to emulate the scott pilgrim style and gave up lol here is the wip of it though o3o
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Girl I just realized I forgot to put the WIP LMAO
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
re: utopia, one thing that i personally find funny is that a popular CN gacha game (damning words when it comes to taking me seriously, i know) just had an arc where the antagonist was a guy following Order that wanted to put everyone into a collective hallucination where everything would be perfect (obv without the opportunity to grow as a person Ever, but well, at least everyone is Satisfied), and him being a jesus figure that would suffer for everyone's sins and be aware of the dream/control it. (man i wonder if they had a naruto rerun while writing penacony)
i really liked it, but i did not anticipate that i'd get two cakes due to my favourite writer tackling similar themes (well they do be as old as time)!!!!1!!!1 and i think that you're really good at getting your point across — you once said that writing a fic is kinda like a dialogue with yourself to you, if i'm not mistaken —, and i always have to clear my glasses after reading your works because they get covered in dried little tear dots from my eyelashes, and what im saying is that im excited to do so again. it sounds stupid. thank you for sharing your work, im incredibly excited to see you unravel the narrative knot into heartstrings. yellowocaballero going to ascend to moirahood on national tv in 2035, keep your eyes peeled, everyone!
anyway sorry for blabbering so much i hope this didn't come across as comparing (though you'd be better obviously) i just crack up every time i think that you got around to writing naruto fic when that arc dropped. the timing is great. prophets of the new age receiving a beam of light telling us about personal growth and lifted jesus allegations. if i ever see you writing fic for honkai star rail or genshin or whatever it's going to be both too soon and the greatest thing i've ever read in that fandom. stay funny (not an obligation or a threat, you can be unfunny if you want, but i don't think the universe prepared for that opportunity. it'd flop into itself like a wet tissue)
Oh, literally I downloaded Star Rail because I was interested in some of the stuff I heard about it. Played it a little and never picked it back up again. I should, I'm just awful about phone games! Not ADHD enough. Maybe I can watch a playthrough...?
I love nice life parallelism. I do think the themes of "the bad guy wants everyone to be happy" is inherently kind of interesting, because it inherently raises a lot of questions - why is he a bad guy, if he wants to be good? What about his plan makes him a bad guy instead of a good guy? What delineates a bad and good guy, anyway? How did this guy get so turned around that he thought badness was good? If handled well, it's inherently a rich character. If badly, then it's just kind of nonsensical and goes against its own messaging.
The "well, the bad guy is right, but since he kills people about it that invalidates his own point" approach is always boring and conformist, but it can be surprisingly hard to shake. I don't think Obito, Madara, and the Ame 3 are 'bad guys who are right morally but with bad methods' - I think they're good people who are so deformed by their world that a hugely destructive evil scheme is the closest they know how to come to goodness. By that logic, Obito had to be written as...deformed. Very much so. But that was what made him so interesting to explore. How do you un-deform that? Is that even possible? When we put him on the good guy team, is he genuinely a good guy who overcame his warped nature, or is he just a warped person doing good guy things? FWIW, I think a big difference between the HSR character and Obito is that what Obito can't partake of this Eden because he thinks of himself as somebody who's far too late to save (also, isn't God/Jesus all about Free Will?)(Calvinists DNI).
I don't think this story gets too sad...it's just too nuts...but, of course, you have to feel sorry for Obito. He wants to change the system that ruined him, but as the evil created by that system he still can't fully see the very important thing that he's missing. We've seen him shy away from the thought already - if only a perfect world can create good people, how the hell do you explain Naruto? As the reader, we want him to be helped. We continue reading in the hope that he will be helped. Thanks for the ask, I really should find some way to consume HSR.
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foreverautumn89 · 2 months
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@miwiromantics I agree. I think Jonathan is so pretty and adorable. I was just watching something with a friend last night again its a video of him doing an interview and hes so cute and shy and adorable in it.
I find Eddie attractive. But the thing about Eddie I don't like that turns me away from him the most is the fans [how everyone who isn't eddie is garbage and eddie is the most important that has ever existed ext ext we all know the deal]. this isn't Eddie's fault once again to be clear its the fans fault. But like Eddie was Jonathan with a new coat of paint. He was the slightly fancier re-do of Jonathan [I only say fancier cause Eddie is more talkative and exciteable while Jonathan is shy and quiet and keeps to himself so ppl are naturally going to like Eddie better while I'm more drawn to Jonathan types]. And the fans love Eddie and see all the good in him but not Jonathan.
There was a character since S1 being an older brother to the boys that taught them to be yourself love yourself for who you are ext-same stuff Eddie would preech later on. But Jonathan is overlooked while Eddie was the best character of all time. That's another thing that Eddie is way too over rated. And I don't mean in a 'Eddie isn't good enough' sort of way, I mean wtf to the fanbase yet again because eddie became the best character on st because they said so, but don't give any credit to the characters that have been there all along, besides maybe steve who also wasn't a part of the og group in s1 not till the end.
I'm not still not sure why Eddie did that and couldnt move the game. But I think he does it on purpose to distract him from the basketball games. But thats just a theory. Like hes set in his ways that 'well if the rest of the town is going to make us feel left out and dote on theri basketball game, then fck it we'll create our own world and have what they have too-we'll enjoy a game and bond too while they got theirs. So it would make sense why he couldnt move the game. Thats a theory, but theres got to be an explaination of why he wouldn't move it and HAD to have it on the same night as the basketball game. I don't think he was deliberately trying to make Lucas feel like he din't belong but yes he should have realized that it would do that. But maybe he didn't realize how much of an impact it would have on Lucas maybe he thought Lucas just thought it was a stupid game and didn't really care about it if he'd rather be at his basketball game then with him.
I know I constnatly say about that one too mainly with Steve but yeah with Eddie too Again no evidence of Eddie being abused just like with Steve. I mean tbf, theres more evidence for it happening to Steve than to Eddie but thats not saying much because there is zero no evidence for it happening to Steve. You're right Eddie had one throw away line about his father that didn't tell us anywhere in there that he was being abused. Unles I'm forgetting something. I'm always hyper focused on Jonathan, so maybe I missed what Eddie said but all I remember is about Eddie saing that his old man taught him to hot wire a vehicle when they stole the rv. Am I missing something? Meanwhile, I know that Steve wasn't getting abused but they keep making it out ike he was and that excuses his bad behavior in the past, but Jonatha deserves to be abused even more by Lonnie and other ppl. They know about Jonathan's abuse they're not ignoring it-ts just funny how they use Steves non existant abuse to justify his bad behavior, but when Jonathan is abused, he deserves worse. I'm not saying you're justified in anything you do if you were abused before-to be clear-im just saying why is their defense for steve who wasnt really abused? but jonathan who they know was abused for a fact they have no sympathy or empathy for? The logic just isn't there yk
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goat-and-a-pig · 6 months
Chapter 4
Stan awoke with a start. “Huh? Where am I? Why is there a gummy worm up my nose? Is this hair?” He struggled against his bindings, then remembered. “Ford? Where are you? Ford?”
“Who are you, and who is ‘Ford’?” A voice came from above, and Stan filled with relief. “Ford!” He cried as he stepped into the light. “Whoa, what happened to your eye?” It was completely yellow with a slit for a pupil.
“Who are you and who is Ford?” Ford repeated. Stan paled. “This isn’t funny, Ford. It’s me, your brother! I’m sorry, okay? It’s been forty years since It happened and it was an accident, I swear-” He cut himself off and looked at Ford’s expression. He looked frightened and confused. “I’m not Ford. My name is Icarus. And what’s yours?” He poked Stan’s chest on yours.
“Oh, um, my name is St-Stud. Stud Pilfer.” Stan tripped over his most recent alias, deciding to use it instead of his real name. Stan, what are you doing? He can’t say that he recognizes you if you use a different name! His thoughts turned grim. But, on the off chance that he really is who he says he is, and doesn’t know who I am, then… I can’t take the risk. He noticed that he was missing something. “Hey! Where’s my satchel?” He looked around wildly.
“I’ve hidden it where you’ll never find it,” “Icarus” proclaimed. Stan looked, then pointed. “It’s in that box.” Icarus quickly lifted his metal box up again and swung down.
Everything went black.
Stan awoke with a start to find a small girl sticking another gummy worm up his nose. “Hey!” She giggled and ran off. “Did you bonk me on the head again with that metal box? Rude,” Stan grumbled.
“It’s the hardback D, D, & More D Official Rulebook, and yes. Now I’ve hidden it where you’ll never find it.” He stared defiantly at Stan. “Uh, sure. Now, if you could just untie me and hand me my bag back-”
Stan pretended to clean out his ear. “I’m sorry, what now?”
“I said no,” Icarus firmly stated. “I’ll cut you a deal. If you take me to our universe and bring me to our archives and back, I’ll give you your precious stuff back. We got a deal?”
Stan stuttered, trying to think of a way out of this mess. “Uh- Uh- Uh- How do you know that we’re from the same universe? Can’t help you if it’s not the same one.” He shrugged.
“Different realms have different art styles and general looks,” Icarus countered. “Plus we have roughly the same era of fashion. Any more excuses?”
Stan shot back, “Well then why do you want to go to our universe’s archives? Seems a little lame to me.” Not his best work, but…
“Because,” Icarus said so softly, Stan could hardly hear him. “I need to know who I was before the amnesia. Please, Stud.” Amnesia? This guy has a crazy backstory. Stan sighed. “Ugh, fine. Untie me and let’s just get this over with already.” Icarus began to untie him. “Mabel,” he said excitedly, addressing the young girl. “We’re finally going to go!” Mabel whispered something to herself that Stan couldn’t quite catch. “Yep, let’s go, portal’s thataway.” Stan abruptly shattered the moment, hooked his grappling hook to the wall, and rappelled down.
“Last one down is a rotten egg!”
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 months
My media this week (2-8 Jun 2024)
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🥰 The Shabti (Megaera C. Lorenz, author; Matt Haynes, narrator) - wonderfully fun supernatural adventure romance set in the '30s. Just delightful. feat Horatio, a heckin' chonker of a cat. ilu horatio, even if you don't have a neck.
🥰 The Secret Lives of Color (Kassia St. Clair, author & narrator) - {nonfiction} This was rec'd in one of my discord servers as 'If you are ever in the need for a pleasant-sounding British woman telling you Interesting Facts About Colors then may I recommend The Secret Lives of Color by Kassia St. Clair, which is exactly that for 8 hours' and it was precisely that and it was wonderful and soothing and so interesting.
🥰 MateHub: Legend (MateHub #1) (Marie Reynard) - erotic romance about a wolf shifter porn star who finds a Mate™ in his new human co-star. Tropetastic & hot af, exactly what I wanted from a book with this set up. But my fave thing was the absolutely hilarious porn star names: Richard Knotz, our main MC wolf shifter. Hunter Savage, Max Hardwood, Trick Wilde (coyote shifter, natch). I snorted with laughter every time one came up. [really love a book that just knows what it's trying to do and executes beautifully on that premise]
💖💖 +166K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Transcript: Steven Rogers and James ‘Bucky’ Barnes' appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, February 4, 2017 (deliciousblizzardshark) - MCU: stucky, 2.7K - cute & funny
fighting vainly the old ennui (Fahye) - MFMM: phryne/jack, 13K - AU where Phryne's a jewel thief but Jack's just as fascinated [reread]
Love Runs Wild (DevilDoll) - Teen Wolf: sterek, 9.4K - inspired by the shifter porn romance above, had to reread this fantastic story where they're both porn models & Stiles accidentally shows up to work with a hickey. True forever fave.
Magpie Murders - s1, e1
Murdoch Mysteries - s16, e22
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s10, e6
TJ Alexander in conversation with Rachel Reid [Under the Umbrella Bookstore event]
Game Changer - s6, e8
Um, Actually - s9, e8
Smartypants - s1, e4
Doctor Who - s1 (series 14), e6
Short Wave - Psychedelic treatment for PTSD faces misconduct hurdle
WikiHole - Song of the Summer (with Kristen Bell, Kirby Howell-Baptiste and Jackie Tohn)
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Blue Spring State Park
The Sporkful - Book Tour 1: Do You Really Need That Many Recipe Tests?
Consider This - 'They're somebody's history.' Returning ancient artifacts to their rightful home
NPR's Book of the Day - Kathleen Hanna remembers her path to becoming the OG 'Rebel Girl'
Re: Dracula - June 5: Simple Seriousness
⭐ Vibe Check - Trust The Aunties
Short Wave - Why The Science Of Tides Was Crucial For D-Day
Ologies - Culicidology (MOSQUITOES) Part 1 with Fhallon Ware-Gilmore
99% Invisible #584 - Fact Checking the Supreme Court
⭐ Decoder Ring - Captain Planet to the Rescue
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Welcome To Wall Drug
⭐ Pop Culture Happy Hour - Doctor Who is enlivened by its new Black, openly queer star
Wild Card with Rachel Martin - Bowen Yang thinks being present is overrated
Off Menu - Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas
Today, Explained - A win for democracy in India
Short Wave - 'Math In Drag' Explores The Creativity And Beauty In Numbers
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Hit Man And What's Making Us Happy
Dear Prudence - I Bailed on a Family Trip Because My Plane Seat Didn’t Have Enough Legroom—Am I a Monster? Help!
Endless Thread - Scamming the Scammers
Today, Explained - The last good day on the internet
Rock Radio • 1980s
"I Melt With You" [Modern English] radio
Energy Supermix
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folklauerate · 1 year
Your last story has many quote-worthy moments (it made my forever child free heart skip a beat, i admit it. You have a gft, my friend) but i am still here : "Three years they’d flirted around the edges of something greater between, push and pull, antagonistic and tender, unyielding until something snapped, and they’d kissed, one fateful night, drunk off of something far stronger than the drinks at the karaoke bar. Kissed and brought each other into each other's lives, thoroughly intertwined, irrevocably joined." Idek why, again the story is great all around, for many reasons and not only the obvious ones lol- it's like with the prof AU or my personal, all time favourite, "an affair,three ways", i need to know everything, the past and future and the present...gah. All this to say, you're really great and i'm happy you write, and that youhappened to like Kate and Anthony and that we're both here rn ... :)
First of all--thank you :,,) This ask would've been nice and so welcome any day, but it's specifically lovely today as I've been having a weird couple of days with writing and irl stuff, but I also got some personal news today that's not so great, and this really made me smile, and so I really want to thank you for this! <3
I'm so touched that you liked that oneshot--and that you love the Prof AU and the cheating au! Those are some AUs I'm the most proud of. I'm also so touched to hear it made your own childfree heart skip a beat :,) <3 that's so sweet.
That quote is so interesting for you to mention specifically, and I'm chuffed to hear you liked it! With PWPs/oneshots in general, I find that world-building is so important to make stories feel immersive. I'm the sort of writer who really values making sure the world of the story feels real and realized, and, if it's PWP, that the kink/porn feels earned, that there's a level of emotional investment and heft so that it all feels realized. Just writing a breeding kink for the sake of it wasn't something I could do, lol! In this instance, since I'm establishing the kink within the context of an established relationship, it was important to me that the relationship felt familiar and real. That was sort of in two bits--first, in that sentence, that summed up their entire history and the start of the relationship, and then them living together quickly after getting together, and the familiarity with which they do chores together (Anthony cooking dinner+doing laundry when Kate walks in, Kate picking up things for them at the department store). That sentence was did a lot of heavy lifting lol, as it really did condense years of their backstory into one bit. It was a tricky one and I'm glad to hear it stood out to you in a good way!
I totally get the need to know more haha. I feel that way with any fic I'm a fan of. With this AU, I imagined them meeting at a holiday party where they're there with mutual friends. I mention offhandedly that they both work on Wall St; they do vague finance jobs for different firms. In my mind, Anthony and Simon both work at the same firm, and Simon and Kate are friendly, and he invites her along to the holiday party. Simon introduces her to Anthony then, and it's not really an enemies to lovers arc, but they have a little antagonistic banter, ya know? In real life, who is really having a enemies to lovers arc lol ya know? People just meet people, and they exist on the periphery of their life, and sometimes you don't like someone! I think these two thought the other person was hot, kept running into one another in social settings because they're both friends with Simon, and then with Simon and Daphne getting married, they continue to bump into one another. So you have this three year period where they go from feeling like "oh this person is hot but kind of rude" to feeling ambivalent, to thinking the other person is funny/a good laugh, to sort of looking forward to being the person they can hang with at a party when they don't want to be there, to sort of having a crush on the other person but not making a move. And it's three years, so they're dating other people throughout that time, so maybe the timing just isn't right. But they go from being in the same social circle to being friends, you know how it works, that sort of slow build. They realize they like spending time together, they realize there's feelings, they're both single, and they end up the last ones at a karaoke bar after Simon's birthday party. Anthony offers to walk Kate home and they kiss and have a one night stand with the understanding that it's going to be more! Like at this point they were already friends who know stuff about one another's families lol, and have a good understanding of each other, and, like I said, have been crushing on and off/not single at the same time. But yeah, after that night, it moves pretty quickly from there. Kate's lease happens to be up six months into the relationship and he insists she move in with him, they're both very happy together, and know that the relationship is heading towards marriage.
That's the long version of that sentence :)
Thanks for reading, and thanks so much for the ask <3 I'm really grateful to be here with you <333
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netflixnormalthings · 2 years
in my cliche fandom blog era anyway ship rating (filters for poorly rated ships so as not to bother you guys who do ship those im not fond of. oh except for billy ships i am keeping those uncensored given billy is a racist abuser) also lol no hate i am filtering for a reason (apart from the above mentioned)
milkvan: 2/10 romantic 7/10 platonic. all of their best moments are the ones that arent inherently romantic, like messing with hopper, or like. being the first people to not hate eachother. good duo, kinda toxic as a couple what with communication breakdowns and el not really being given a chance to understand her feelings... yeah i dont like it
lumax: 9/10 i love them so much they communicate have a fun dynamic support eachother i love them i love them. really care deeply about eachother and i love that
elmax: 9/10 so much understanding and girls having fun
elumax: 10/10 oh my god it is everything it is perfect showstopping amazing incredible- but seriously! look at them! understanding! support! theyre just adorable!
byler: 9/10. im chill about them though. endgame truther but i dont really go insane over them
st*ncy: why why excuse me why so bad for both of their characters oh my god uh uh 1/10 i guess very bad i could write an essay on why it is bad im just incoherent right now
j*ncy: uh alright ig??? peak was s1 and s2 but it sorta broke down after s3. they care they just cant and wont communicate and tend to lash out which leads to less care. pretty cute but ah well 6/10
ronance: 10/10 literally so insane about them like the dynamic, the way their characters work well in terms of narrative...
st*ddie: somewhere between 5 and 7 out of 10. idk i dont really interact with st*ddie content given that i ussualy filter it out for the sake of getting to the content i want to, but theyre all right. overhyped, but all right. cute maybe??? idk
jargyle: 10/10 they are weed smoking boyfriends they are funny they care about eachother so much they are supportive they-
stonathan: solid 6 or 7 out of 10, but im more willing to engage with this content than st*ddie lol. better dynamic imo, just ignoring that steve called him a slur one time but he got better about that. i would be willing to see them in the background so yeah ig i ship
jopper: 10/10 that being said i dont go out of my way to find stuff about them. they just kinda exist and i like them
r0ckie: 5/10 sorry. too similar. not really developed. i am biased
harringrove: so far in the negatives. so very far. please seek help if you stan billy
byclair: 7/10 cute ig wont scroll past on my dash just dont really care that much. fun dynamic. lucas would treat him right, i just dont know if they would work as a couple so i sorta ship
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sparklyslug · 2 years
steddie ask game: 1, 3, and 15!!
1. Why do you like this ship?
Hoooooooo boy. I’m trying to think how to distill this down in the best way, because I think there’s the sort of stuff that’s not necessarily unique to them as a ship like: their potential for great banter. Opposites attract. Roles within a found family. Etc.
But I think for Steve and Eddie particularly, I am so so so drawn to how they are people who have soft, soft soft soft tender gentle loving natures. And for reasons, have spent their lives wrapping that up under protective layers of bravado and sarcasm and cafeteria theatrics and hairspray. They have a lot of similar traits expressed in different ways, and it makes bringing them together absolutely lovely. They have to get out of their own way when it comes to getting to each other, and I loooove that.
Also, their moron4moron ways are just so FUCKING funny
3. I am SO GLAD SOMEONE ASKED FOR MORE FIC I was developing stress hives at leaving things out. Went for some of the “older” (aka from three months ago pffft) bookmarks this time, for a lil reminder of some of the first ones I fell in love with
A sign of the morning by @toedenandbackagain (the kind of slow burn longfic you literally MUST be constantly sending screenshots to buddies over, so you can scream together about it)
You are going to die in your best friends arms (but he won’t let you leave like that) by @oaseas-ao3 (Dustin is in a time loop pinned around Eddie’s death)
Some Things Cosmic by @stereobone (post-s4, Steve starting having dreams about Eddie)
I CANT find the fic where Steve pretends he doesn’t know what shotgunning is after fellating a popsicle fails in his seduction efforts. But that’s another fave. (EDIT: FOUND BY @hihereami! the affliction of the feeling by nondz!!!)
15. If you created a crossover AU, what would the source be and why?
THIS EXISTS ALREADY ACTUALLY! Does a Star Trek AU make sense on its face, as a natural fit for Stranger Things? Maybe not. But it’s also about a motley crew’s quest against unknown forces, many of them MUCH more powerful, and is fundamentally also about love and fellowship and morality and leadership, things that ST is I think much more Trek-like in its mindset about than a lot of other contemporary tv. Star Trek is also like a GREAT AU setup because it’s THE trope treasure trove and so full of Situations to twist and explore. I hope I’ll get to write more in this universe, it’s such fun.
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thatone-highlighter · 2 years
What’s ur favorite and least favorite bugsnax characters,,, I know you’ve said ur favorites but I’m curious to know more why those r ur favorites (and ofc what ur least faves r)
I think my favs are Filbo and Chandlo but i really like most of the characters, my least fav is Beffica easy. I Do Not Like Her At All.
I am not surprised i like Chandlo so much he is literally the Epitome of the characters im usually drawn to. Hes the stereotypical jock guy, hes nice to ppl and just wants to make friends, hes autistic, hes a himbo, he wants to help whenever he can, hes chill. And then his dynamic with Snorpy, the gay ppl, the codependency, the care you can Feel for each-other, the way they dance around eachother so much. Its The Most Ever, a good part of why i enjoyed BrokenTooth so much.
Filbo is, hes just fun. I couldnt specifically cite a reason why i like him so much hes just, comforting. Hes just this guy he tries so hard all the time over and over again. Hes so nice and wants whats best for everyone and will do whatever he can to make sure people are happy, he doesnt know why Elizabert left him in charge and neither he nor anyone else things he should have been, but he still works so so hard to try and fill her shoes and to be the leader they need him to be. Oh and ofc the frogs hes got his own little froggies and mayo,,,,,,,
Im sorry i know you said Beffica was your favourite but i Hate Her. From the moment i met her i didnt like her and it did not get better. I get the little thing they tried to do with her about her just spreading the truth and getting the blame for things other people did but st the same time like, shes just a shit and i Do Not vibe with her. I dealt with her up until her last sidequest when she had the Nerve to go after my boys Chandlo and Snorpy. Like come on she finds out Chandlo is 100% genuine and immidiately instead tricks Snorpy into confessing about how he feels about Chandlo to her. He still thinks that was Chandlo hes gonna think that Chandlo’s reaction to him confessing was to run away and never address it ever again. Like come on the Least she could was not try to cover her ass and be upfront about it, what reputation is she protecting everyone already doesnt like her. Wished there was a dialogue option where the player Doesnt say theyre her friend i do Not want to be her friend
The rest of the characters i generally like, im kinda indifferent to Wiggle and Cramdo tho. Cramdo i think makes sense he kinda reminds me of spamton but less endearing, dont not like him but dont like him either. For Wiggle i just dont vibe with her much, nothing against her either just dont vibe.
I like Floofty and their whole vibe, particularly the autism and their lack of a moral compass and how it has them interacting with everyone else. I like Triffany and her archeological stuff, and her tendency to distance herself from people when she gets stressed, iits nice to see her contrast everyone else who either desperately wants everyone to stay together or to have absolutely nothing to do with anyone and instead she likes being in the town, but shes conflict avoidant so when one breaks out she’ll just leave, its reasonable. I love Gramble hes such a funky little guy and he loves his bugsnax, plus he just Radiates autism just by looking at him. I love Snorpy, talked about him a bit too when i was talking about Chandlo, hes a fun character on his own with his little conspiracy theories and stuff but to me where he really shines is when he interacts with other people, im sure theres other examples but i Really Really like watching him interact with Chandlo and Floofty, i want to study it under a microscope. I like Wambus his thing with like the gardening and just his overall vibes, not someone i would interact with regularly but i did get a bit excited whenever i had a quest, plus his relationship with Triffany is so wholesome and the cactriffany he made is rlly funny, and ofc Whatever The Fuck is going on with him and Gramble. Shelda had to grow on me a bit, i started off very indifferent she seemed kinda pretentious but she grew on me over her side quests and i did really like her in BrokenTooth, her whole religious experience plotline thing is very interesting to me and has me surprisingly invested for someone whos not and never been religious. Eggabell i… i dont have too much of an opinion on Eggabell, but her motives and the way she treats other people is very interesting, she kinda reminds of Luz in a lot of ways
I havent finished the game yet so i havent met Elizabert but she kinda makes me think of Rose Quartz, makes me think they’re gonna pull something with her at the end. The way everyone hyped her up so much at the start of the game saying all this incredible stuff and they all think shes so great snd then you get further in and some people start talking shit and pointing out her flaws and stuff. Very inch resting
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strangertheories · 2 years
Hello! It's long intro with a description on how I introduce my asks anon again!
Just felt the urge to send an ask and say how funny it is that from all the theories I've seen and things I've heard about ST S5 and about ships, I just wanna say how good the duffel bags are at making us think that they are set up to perfectly deliver every single plot point from the beginning and give us the most satisfying ending imaginable and not ruin anything (or at least most of it) OR there's also the possibility that they ruin all the characters (that the fandom has really expanded upon and given more depth through fan content) so bad, the fandom would need the culmination of all the fan content in all its variety to heal from the devastation of the last season to recover for years before starting a new series ever again fjsocgndj
Consequence of reading the most realistic takes and the most hopeful ones on here.
Side note: glad you joined the ronance chat club discord server! i am on there too and find it cool when you chat gkeockgd
Hello again! I know exactly what you mean. There's so many theories that make a ton of sense and then theories that contradict that one that also makes perfect sense to me as well. Especially with shipping stuff. They have so much potential to mess up when it comes to ships that could ruin characters (cough Steve and Nancy cough). They could go full villain mode on Will and screw him over or just not expand on Mike's trauma at all so all defenses of him are left up to fans and not the show itself.
But I think no matter what, people are going to be upset. If Ronance is canon people will be angry, but people will be disappointed if it isn't. Same thing with the Johnathan vs Steve thing or Mike and Eleven vs Byler. I think the fandom is going to do the same thing with S5 as they did with S4 Volume 2; say it's the worst thing ever because it's not what they expected, then flip it around and then like it. People were acting like the show has never had a good written scene because Mike's monologue was kind of mediocre. So I'm already preparing myself for the disappointment that this fandom is going to inevitably go through. This isn't just about ships, for example if Eddie doesn't come back which he probably won't, people will be very upset.
That's why for me I don't like when people argue for a theory or ship or character by saying it's popular because people are going to be angry no matter what. It's more important to focus on analysis and the show itself. However, everyone's analyses seem so smart so I have literally no idea who is right. I'm going to continue making my posts and theories as well as way too long character analyses (2500 words into Nancy's right now), but I also have no idea. I just hope they don't screw everything up as there's so much to go right but also so much to go wrong.
By the way, I'm glad you like seeing me in the Discord! The Ronance community is so friendly so I've really liked being on there and I'm glad you enjoy me occasionally popping up too. Thanks for the ask again!
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steviespookiee · 9 months
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﹒ ──── ✩ ! !INTRODUCTION! ! ✩ ──── ﹒
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。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 🎞  。゚ Strawbunni☆
17 / She!her / RadFem / Bisexual 🎀
Joe keery ML♡♪ Sabrina Carpenter always `02.10`
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.  . • ☆ . Links! ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Non currently!
Twitter: SOON!!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
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Hi, my names Strawbunni! (Or Strawb for short!)
(Like strawberry bunny🐰)
And this is my about me - some information about who I am and what I wanna post here on Tumblr!
I’ve been on Tumblr for half a year now, (Thanks to my best friend🩷) and the community is amazing! I’ve always been too scared to post or interact with people, but I want to start making friends and building a community of my own.
What will I post?
For now I will just post random thoughts I have, updates on certain celebrities (like new photos being posted, concerts ect.) Maybe some art projects, The Sims 4 content, Royale High stuff and reposting anything I find hilariously funny.
Eventually I want to start writing and posting my own fan fiction! Mostly Stranger Things! (it’s a special interest of mine.) some Supernatural, The Walking dead, POSSIBLY The Last Of Us if I can bring myself to play the game. (I’m too scared.) and a few other TV shows! So feel free to give me suggestions or requests for any fics you’d wanna see in the future, don’t be shy!
What are my interests/hobbies?
My BIGGEST hobby is gaming! As a kid I always played on my mums iPad, or my dad’s PS3, eventually my sister got an Xbox that I started using, and then I eventually got my own laptop! Which then for me into getting my own gaming computer. Here are a list of games I love and currently play! VVV
• Dead By Daylight
• The Sims 4
• Overwatch
• Roblox
• Disney Dreamlight Valley
• Minecraft
• Resident Evil. (Leon Scott Kennedy😍).
Some other interests I have! VVV STRANGER THINGS! Like I previously said before stranger things is my special interest, i love it with all my heart, my room is CONSUMED by it and my life revolves around it and Steve Harrington. I love collecting funko pops, I have a shelf in my room that’s almost full of funkos! Most of them being stranger things!🤭 I have vinyls of the ST sound track, posters, framed photos, plushes. I recently went to Stranger things: The First Shadow - so I got a lot of merch and momentum’s from that. I also like Supernatual, Riverdale, Heartstopper B99, Dynasty, H20: Just Add Water, And so many more! 🎀 ———————— 🎀
Writing! 📝
I’ve always had a nack for writing and creative stories, that’s why I want to write fan fiction so much, combining two things I love, writing and imagination! Taking a TV show or a game and making it a world that exists and heals people, giving them happiness reading about their favourite characters and feeling a connection with them! It’s helped me through a lot and brings me a happiness I don’t get from anything else, what can I say? I’m delulu🤭. 🎀 ———————— 🎀
Guitar! 🎸
I’m currently learning how to play guitar, my friend is generously giving me free lessons, she’s also let me borrow her acoustic and electric guitar! I 100% prefer electric and want one of my own, I currently know TWO MITSKI songs that I learnt within my first lesson, in 4 hours. I’ve always wanted to learn to play but it looked so hard and I doubted myself, but once I gave it a go I realised I just have to try and keep going, and that beginning lesson was what I needed to jump start this hobby! :) 🎀 ———————— 🎀
Acting! 🎭
I’ve always loved acting, when I was 13 I used to do a lot of roleplay online, it’s not acting but it made me realise that I actually have an interest in that kind of stuff! I’m currently doing a Performing Arts course in college, which is going so well! I’m in the highest level and I got the lead in the Christmas musical! Sadly I had to give the role to someone else because I had too much course work to be able to learn the script in time, but it made me so happy knowing my skills were good enough and that I wasn’t wasting my time! Maybe I’ll get a job working on a movie and Joe Keery will be my characters love interest🤭! A girl can dream, right? 🤷‍♀️
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If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I hope we get along well! Feel free to drop me a message, I don’t bite!😊 I hope that some of you stick around and help me work my way through the community, until next time, bye! 🩷
My bestie: @daryldixonsbub Go follow her! She’s supported me through so much and I absolutely love her to bits🩷
And thank you too @arson-fox, ML<3 for helping me edit the photos🐰
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Chapter 85: Total Recall
Well, now that we’ve had a good laugh and some great times, it’s time to get into the big stuff.  We’ve had our sweet fun chapters, but now it’s time we get serious as we get into Chapter 85: Total Recall. By far one of the most memorable chapters in BCB, with the second most impactful moment in recent memory!
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Look we get one alright? I get one.  What was the most impactful moment you ask? Oh, that’s easy!
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Why yes, I am proud of myself. Very much so, thank you for asking, your boos make it all the more worth it.  But seriously, Total Recall is an interesting chapter to revisit because going back to reread it’s allowed me to bring up and talk about some of the moments that got overshadowed by that one big moment and the little things that lead to it. One thing I want to point out though about the early part of this chapter though, is all the callbacks!
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It straight up just pokes at the carnival chapter! Which I guess it has to since it’s another prom chapter, so it would naturally draw comparison to the previous prom chapter, but still it’s worth mentioning since BCB has this nasty habit of preferring to push aside things from Volume 1 that it doesn’t like.  With a common consensus at the time being, “NEW READERS SHOULD START FROM VOLUME 2! THAT’S THE BEST WAY TO READ BCB!” And while yes, we did also get nods to past gags during the Stacy chapter but that was a commissioned chapter with a character that hadn’t been relevant SINCE Volume 1. But here it’s more in your face and lingers on that a lot, with whole pages used to remind you of what happened, and how far Paulo has come in his romantic journey.  But it’s not just Paulo though, as that jab at the carnival wasn’t just a one-off! It actually sets up THIS scene:
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Yeah! The awkward talk between Daisy and Augustus, that reaffirms his character and shows that the AU of Love My Way was correct in that he was just intending for that moment to be nothing more than a kiss, but it was still over the line?  The scene where Daisy repells Augustus, but tells him that he needs help? THAT WAS IN THIS CHAPTER! I COMPLETELY FORGOT! I bet you did too, didn’t you?  But as for the actual chapter, Paulo goes to the junior prom and we get to spend time with all of them!  Of course, Rachel, but also Jess, Matt and Jordan who is…
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Going through his own character arc it seems.  And I love it! It harkens to a critique I had with the comic at the time, and even now in that it shows that there is life outside of the main characters’ plotlines!  While I’ve complained and maintain that Jordan’s no-good-very-bad-inconsequential love square is fucking POINTLESS; in here it helps flesh out the world a bit.  Much like the Stacy chapter, it shows that these side-characters we may not care about have lives of their own, their own little drama arcs and romantic interests, it’s nice! Although it’s weird to compare him to Mi- wait a second…
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oh ha. Ha. Very funny Taeshi- IS THAT WHY ROXY GETS SHOVED ASIDE AND CAST AWAY LIKE SHE NEVER EXISTED? IS THAT MEANT TO BE LIKE HOW MIKE TREATED LUCY? *hissss* positivity. Positivity… BUT WE WERE ROBBED! Everyone gushes over how adorable the twink team is...
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BUT WE HAD THIS CUTIE PATOOTIE WAIFU BAIT RIGHT HERE! SHE HAD A FUCKING NAME! SHE HAD POTENTIAL! WE WERE RRRRROOOOBBBBBEEEED! Ahhh oh well.  The girls hang back as the boys drive home, and we are treated to an actually nice bit where Jordan sympathizes with Paulo a bit, and it’s sweet before they all get Charlie St. Cloud’d an-… OH MY GOD I GET TO USE THIS PHRASE! OH MY GOD GET IN THE CAR, WE GOTTA GO RIGHT NOW! I GOTTA SHOW YOU SOMETHING!
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So “Getting Charlie St. Cloud’d” is a term that I and only I ever use.  If you find another person using that term, that is me do not reveal yourself until the time is right.  I have been waiting YEARS to use the term, because it perfectly describes a common trope in media.  The phrase comes from the movie Charlie St. Cloud. Have you ever seen Charlie St. Cloud?  No! Of course you haven’t, it’s a stupid boring fucking movie from 2010 that is only known for two things.  One being that it starred Zach Efron hot off the heels of High School Musical in a dumb melodrama about a guy talking to his little ghost brother, but the other was that in the trailer for the movie it prominently featured the trope where two characters are having a benign conversation where out of fucking now-
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And now the cursed knowledge of the phrase, “Getting Charlie St. Clouded” is in your brain tooooo.  But jokes aside, we really should talk about this scene because it does something very very well.  Pacing.  And I know, I joke and poke and get angry at the overuse of splash pages in recent chapters.  Going so far as making a drinking game out of Eternal Flame for how many there were in that but in Total Recall? I’m going to tell you to do something that I would never tell you to do under any other circumstance because this is actually important.  I want you, to stop right now.  And go to the official Bittersweet Candy Bowl website- NOW DON’T CLICK ANYTHING YET, DO NOT LOOK AT THE FRONT PAGE! Okay, DON’T read the comic.  Glance at the pretty colors, but do not even read the words. I’m going to guide you through this, okay? this next part may be tricky but I need to be particular about this.  Some people reading this may not have actually read BCB, so we have to be VERY delicate, and VERY particular about this.  This is a live bomb we are handling and I do not want to be responsible for any of you who have not been caught in this hellhole, to fall for it now! So, keep your eyes firmly at the top of your screen.  Where it says Bittersweet Candy Bowl, right underneath there are going to be a few words.  You are going to click the word “Archive”, now this is very important there are going to be a list of chapters DO NOT CLICK ANY OF THEM YET! You are going to count the numbers and scroll down the list until you find number 85. Total Recall.  If you see a banner that says “Volume Six” you have scrolled too far! Calmly but firmly scroll a  little further up and you should see Chapter 85.  Now you will notice that under that chapter’s description there are a few titled links.  You are going to click the link that says “Blinding Light” it should take you to page 25 of 42.  Click on that comic page, and you will see what makes this scene with all its splash pages… blows every other excuse for “pacing splash pages” out of the water.  It is fantastic.  It’s minimal, and it’s Taeshi at her most brilliant.  It’s dramatic pacing in a webcomic done right. It’s Taeshi utilizing her artistic talent to perfectly set a scene.  The stark contrast of pages filled with word bubbles to a hard splash page of white ruggedly brushed to fade into black.  The realistic watercolors working in perfect comparison to the cartoonish artstyle we had been accustomed to in Volume 5. Fading softly into white again to reintroduce us to the cartoonish style in a bouquet of flowers. The use of longer vertical pages to turn what could’ve been three splash pages of nothing into only two pages! It doesn’t waste your time, it perfectly itself and puts you into the place of Paulo’s waning consciousness.  And we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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it’s SO good! There’s a reason it’s the one thing people remember from The Paulo Show.  The way this scene is handled, perfectly exemplifies what Taeshi is capable of.  This was what made me realize that Taeshi wasn’t good.  She was great.  She was an artist, and she is able to do fantastic work.  Even when the characters look like munchkins, she could turn it serious and make you shut up without missing a beat. I mean think about it.  Paulo just got Charlie St. Cloud’d one of the oldest tricks in the book, we get baited with Lucy coming back when we know that wasn’t happening.  It was bait to make us think Lucy was there to see Paulo when even back then I knew that it wasn’t just for him. It was because her brother was in the car too when it got wrecked, and so her family probably insisted she come see him. But none of that mattered. Because this scene was fucking PERFECT.
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AND THE AFTER CARE IS GOOD TOO! We get everyone showing up to Paulo’s bedside and showing that they care, it’s filled with some well-needed comic relief that much like the rest of The Paulo Show, is really fun and sweet.
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 And it’s capped off by a talk with Tess explaining how like Paulo she too has progressed and moved on from who she was in that last prom chapter. She shows that she’s in a better place now, and is able to move on.  Yeah, it’s kinda forced and it’s blatant exposition to explain her lack of presence in the last two volumes but… It doesn’t matter.
It was perfect
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celtfather · 2 years
Isn't it Grand to be Walking Undead #268
What happens when a traditional Irish song is rewritten about zombies? And I have CDs!!!! If you didn’t say, “You have Cds…”, you’ll find out why it’s important. It’s kind of funny.
This is Sci Fi Pub Songs & Stories #268.
0:16 - “Isn’t It Grand Boys” from Happy Songs of Death
This is the audio edition of my newsletter. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a rhythm and folk Celtic musician living in Atlanta, Georgia. I play traditional Irish and Scottish drinking songs. I’m also a songwriter. I write songs inspired by Celtic culture as well as pop culture, things like Lord of the Rings, Firefly, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who and more.
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com/free or even better or you can subscribe and download all of my songs in this show. Just send me an email.  pubsong@ celtfather
You will get an auto responder with a link to download this month’s songs. You will also get that subscribe link. It’s quick and easy.
While you’re emailing me to get your free EP, let me know what you’re doing while listening to this episode.
We kicked off the show…
I really should talk more about the stuff I sell in my store. But it feels uncomfortable to do so. That’s one of the reasons if you go to any of my live shows, and I say, “I have Cds”. Audience members will shout “you have Cdddsss?!”
It’s a little gimmick I use to draw attention to my merch. And it’s really catchy.
I was listening to the last episode of the podcast about writing drinking songs. While I talked about my song “The Cat Came Back… the Cat’s Perspective,”. It’s from my C-D… And then I paused, just like I do at live shows.
When I listened to the episode, I responded, “You have CDs…”
It got me thinking. Could we do that same thing through a podcast?
I don’t know. But we’re gonna try. We’re gonna make this podcast into a sort of an interactive drinking game.
Each time I mention CDs, your job is to audibly respond, “you have CDs…”
APR 1-9: Sherwood Forest Faire, Paige, TX
APR 6: Dragon Con Filk Music Concert with Brobdingnagian Bards @ 7 PM CST
APR 20: Cat Drinking Songs on Bandcamp @ 7 PM EAST
APR 21-23: Jordan Con, Atlanta, GA
APR 29. The Lost Druid Earth Day Biking Concert, Avondale Estates, Ga @ 6:30-9:30 PM
JUN 3-10: Celtic Invasion Vacations, County Mayo, Ireland
9:24 - The Celtic Kitchen Party “Covid-19 Shanty” from Last Call
11:11 - COMMENTS
I don’t get a ton of feedback for this show. But if you send an email to pubsong@celtfather with a short comment about the show… or just mentioning CDs that you love, that’s a great way for us to interact and have more of a conversation.
In fact, if you need a starter, I’d love it if you would grab your phone. Go to your voice recorder app. Say, “You have Cds”. Then email it to me.
Marisa Halvorson emailed: "Hello Marc! I have been listening to your songs practically nonstop this St. Paddy's season (I'm in NOLA and work on Magazine street so season it is) I had to work on the day the Irish Channel parade rolled and definitely enjoyed it more with your songs keeping me company while locked in my building by parade goers. Thank you for always keeping me company and my spirits up with your music."
Kennedy Johnson emailed: "Happy St Patricks Day to you Marc.  I hope you and your family are well on this day of Green & Orange 🇮🇪   I love your podcasts!!  I have today’s show cued up and ready to play.  Always a tradition foe me to list to your music podcast on this day!!"
As always, this show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. You get something new every week. It might be a podcast, a song, sheet music, a blog, or a photo. And of course you will get videos, including my weekly Coffee with The Celtfather video concert series. Sign up for as little as $5 per month and save 15% with an annual membership. Thanks to my newest Gunn Runners on Patreon: Alice M, Karla A, Triskele, Ayden B
14:34 - Marc Gunn “The Maid Went to the Mill” from Kilted For Her Pleasure
What happens when a traditional Irish song is rewritten about zombies?
One of the cool things about drinking songs is when the audience gets involved to make the song their own.  I don’t know if that is the origins of the “dead, dead, dead” line in “Isn’t It Grand, Boys”. But it seems likely.
It also seems like a great inspiration for a geek to turn it into a song about zombies. My friend Cathy Dailey did that and wrote “Isn’t It Grand, Boys, to Be Walking Undead.” It features all sorts of undead tropes like BRAINS, crushed flowers, and hunting undead, which totally takes my brain to Buffy, The Vampire Slayer.
The “Brains” line is my favorite because it replaces the “dead, dead, dead” with “brains, brains, brains” in the most-zombie-like style.
The chorus is also fun because it includes the “Wilhelm Scream”. That’s the term used for that death yell I make at the end of “Just time for one bloody last cry”.
Oh! Check this out from Wikipedia:
“The sound is named after Private Wilhelm, a character in The Charge at Feather River, a 1953 Western in which the character gets shot in the thigh with an arrow. This was its first use following its inclusion in the Warner Bros. stock sound library, although The Charge at Feather River is the third film to use the effect. The scream is believed to be voiced by actor Sheb Wooley.”
Sheb Wooley is best known for his song “Purple People Eater”.
But the trope of all tropes that makes the song for me is “Up come the hands of another undead”. It’s creepy, very visual, and just perfect.
The song features Nathan Deese on guitar, whistle, bass and “Brains” comments.
20:34 - Marc Gunn “Isn’t It Grand, Boys, To Be Walking Undead” from Sci Fi Drinking Songs
23:47 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Sci Fi Pub Songs & Stories. The show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. Every week, you’ll get a new podcast or song or video or video concert. You’ll also save 25% off all the merch in my store. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs.
You can subscribe and listen to the show wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to read the show notes for this episode and find out where I’m performing.
And of course, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Have fun and sing along at www.pubsong.com!
#pubstories #theceltickitchenparty #walkingundead
Check out this episode!
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whatsupwither · 2 years
Entry 3, Jeremy
At that point I couldn’t think of anyone but Oliver. Before I go to sleep? Oliver. Dreaming? Oliver. When I wake up? Oliver. During classes? Oliver. It got to a point of when I talked to my friends, Oliver was the only person I would talk about. I decided this is not okay, it is not healthy for me. So of course like any other sane person I decided to the one thing I really am against of. Dating apps. It’s not personal, its just that I don’t want meeting someone from highschool or worse, someone from my faculty. yikes. 
I decided to be upfront on my profile and wrote that I do martial arts and that I would prefer someone who I can share that journey with. Then comes in Jeremy. Jeremy trains in a different BJJ academy. funny thing is where I trained is actually quite far. It’s a 40 minute -1 hour drive away. Jeremy lives closeby to my BJJ academy and I live closeby to his. I’d like to think that we clicked. Conversations were not hard with him and I enjoyed talking with him. Before I knew it it’s been a week that we’ve been talking non-stop and I’m starting to move on from Oliver. I didn’t think much about him throughout the day and started looking forward for texts or funny reels from Jeremy instead. 
Then Jeremy started trying to get me to move into his academy. I have been thinking about it way before I met Jeremy. It does make more sense considering It is closer and it would be much easier for me to arrange the schedule. Jeremy made it easier for me to move because then I wouldn’t really be alone and I have someone I can kind of talk and train with in the new place. 
So I moved. It would make it easier for me to move on from Oliver, it would be easier on my health too considering I’ve started to realized that I’ve been more tired than usual since I haven’t been getting enough sleep and going home very late after my  BJJ class. Things were great when I first move. Jeremy and I have never been closer. I enjoy training with him and learning as much as I can from him. Before I know it, I’m starting to see some of my cruch symptoms from Oliver showing up for Jeremy. I started avoiding eye contact and basically giving Jeremy the cold shoulder throughout class but would still smile and talk if he approaches me. The only difference is I didn’t feel as aware of him during our rolls as I did with Oliver. 
Jeremy asked me over to his place once. Told me he just wanted to hangout and since I didn’t have anything better to do for the night, I decided to go. We just talked and chilled and surprisingly we were able to keep the conversation going until 2 AM. We talked about a lot of things, but what I find to be a mistake was that I told him about me being inexperienced and that I mentioned Oliver and my feelings for him. At that point I guess I was still trying to move on from Oliver because whenever I see his text pop out on the group chat I would immediately look over it. I’m not going to lie though, throughout the night, I wanted to scooch over to him and just be close with Jeremy. Even though I’ve known him for probably 2 weeks at that point, I felt very comfortable with him. I think I wanted to kiss him too. I wanted to just slide over to his side of the couch and just kiss him. But I don’t think he would appreciate that.
The night (or morning, since it was 2 AM) ended with us just talking. He sent me a very sweet text saying “Text me when you get back” when I did, he responded immediately “Good, I can sleep in peace now”. I thought it was sweet because he told me he doesn’t do that kind of stuff. I might be stupid or hoping too much but can’t a girl dream?
I don’t know why but after that point, things sort of fell apart. we don’t talk anymore for some reason. He stopped sending me texts or reels. I take it that means he doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore and I don’t want to bother him too much. He probably met someone else on the dating app. I’m actually not hurt by it, if he is seeing another girl. I just thought why can’t we still be friends?
We didn’t see or talk to each other for 1 week. Until yesterday. I saw him during practice and I don’t know what to do or say. I keep having this feeling in my head that he really doesn’t want to do anything with him. So I decided not to even look at him, hoping that would make things less awkward. Nope. I think I made it worse somehow. throughout the class I was just trying to avoid him as much as I possibly can. At the end of class we were allowed to roll with anyone. the girls were all doing their thing and I didn’t want to bother them too much and there were Jeremy and another guy on the matt available. Jeremy seemed to be busy himself, he was doing all these stretches and I’m scared he would not want to roll with him so I decided to just towards the other guy and just roll with him instead. After training I felt like he was the one avoiding me now. It felt like the tension got worse. 
I couldn’t sleep at all the entire night thinking about what I could’ve said or down to make the situation better. I decided to text him this morning after our 1 week hiatus. I was honestly surprised he replied back. I hope we could at the very least be friends.
I might just stop trying with my love life at this point. If it means losing friends, I would rather not. How do poeple do this exactly, how do yall just date someone? is there some kind of formula I’m missing?
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
I am So. Glad. we agree when it comes to Jess and Rory's relationship and feel the same way about Rory's s4 finale arc. Not a lot of fans seem to think like that, so it's comforting to know there are people who share my thoughts!❤
The feeling is mutual!! Like I get why Rory’s s4 arc is so shocking, but in retrospect it makes so much sense. Maybe it’s because I only watched this arc for the first time this year (and there’s been a lot of shows with more morally grey protagonists since that season originally aired), but it really isn’t that controversial to my 2021 eyes. That’s not to say what Rory did with Dean (especially the second and third time and onward) was in any way excuseable (I will continue to shout about how Lindsay Lister deserved better for a long time), but the entire season builds up to this.
Rory’s entering college single, which she hadn’t expected since probably season one (being with Dean for so long and then Jess who was clear on wanting to go long distance), and for an entire year people keep trying to push romance on her. Emily sets her up, she goes on some bad dates, meets crappy guys, and all in all does not have a good time being single. She can’t even be single and not looking without people poking her and asking when she’s gonna get a new boyfriend. Meanwhile she still sees Dean all around ST and does desperately want a friendship with him, and he clearly becomes a stable person for her to rely on when everything at Yale is so chaotic. And on top of that we have resident mess Jess coming back twice with the worst timing ever to throw two more problems into her brain (love confession with immediate bolting and not-thought-through-at-all travel proposal), and Rory finds herself grasping at straws for anything and anyone who can be there for her. Who will stop people complaining about her being single. Who everyone likes. Who is familiar ground. So when Dean tells her repeatedly that him and Lindsay are not working out and that they «both know» it’s not working? Well that looks like the solution to all of her problems.
I know there are a thousand reasons that have nothing to do with Rory for why people can’t stand her (there’s the double standard with flawed men vs flawed women, the whole pedestal thing where a perfect pure good person getting a little grey makes people think they were the villain all along, etc). And there’s probably some valid reason individuals can’t stand her (I know there are some great characters out there that I just cannot make myself like, it happens!). But this still bothers me because Rory is being so human here. This is exactly the kind of stuff people do when they reach certain ages. Teenage years and the twenties are considered a mess for a reason. And I’m not saying that doesn’t mean Rory should’ve been held accountable (which she was… funny how Dean wasn’t also though), but it doesn’t make her unsalvagable either.
And the same goes for Jess! That boy lashed out in so many ways as a teen that are so recogniseable and understandable, and got way too much hate from ST, but he did hurt people too. And yes, he worked on himself and became as great as he was in later seasons and AYITL, but that work took time. His arc in s4 is that work beginning, it is him trying to crawl out of rock bottom and realizing that he does love Rory and wants her in his life, but he just can’t crawl of that whole for Rory and Rory alone. He needs to do it for himself first, and he needs more support than Rory can and should give him, which is what Luke is there for. I’ve seen people have such a black and white view of his whole arc where either he was always a manipulative evil jerk who just got more cunning or he was a dream baby boy who never did anything wrong in the first place and deserved better than anyone. And just. No. He was flawed. He did bad things. And he was good. And did good things. And he grew. Like people do.
As much as I ship literati I genuinely think ASP and co were right to not get them together on the original run (at least through s6, we’ll see when I finally get to s7 how I feel). They made each other better people and they did love each other but neither one was ready for an endgame relationship. Rory kept compromising and shutting down with Dean, and Jess could barely open up his mouth to speak unless it was in quips most of the time. When s4 rolls around they’re both on their way or already in rock bottom, and they just cannot save each other from that, certainly not at that age. If you ask me, unless we’re talking intricate AUs and AU timelines (both of which I am very fond of) Jess and Rory would not be able to work as a couple until post s7. They rejected each other and/or pulled away all those times because they weren’t ready, including in that infamous s6 episode. Just because it looked like Jess was ready (and in my opinion we knew way too little about what was going on in his life to know if he was absolutely ready) doesn’t mean Rory had to be. She was still going through so much that she had to process and live with. And while that doesn’t mean Jess was required to wait for Rory to become ready, it doesn’t mean she was never worthy in the first place and never will be again. In my head they do find their way to each other for good one day, I just don’t think it could happen at all before the end of season 6 (again, intricate AUs excluded).
Well that was a rant! It’s just so nice to share this knowing someone agrees, instead of screaming at the Tumblr void and hoping somebody will respond <3
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