#why is it always the horror and gore and angst shit
sonknuxadow · 1 year
sorry but i hate how weird people are about disabled characters and making stories/aus where a character becomes disabled . why do you only ever want to include disability in your stories to use it for horror or angst fuel…. why cant disabled characters just exist without it being labelled as a tragedy
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logansdoll · 2 months
night terror
one of logan's nightmares goes awry... in the worst way possible.
CW: angst with a happy ending, Logan is so sweet, he just needs love and reassurance, blood, gore, you can heal just like Logan but it takes a little longer... so you're still in pain.
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For as long as you'd known him, Logan always had horrible night terrors.
Bouts of kicking and thrashing.
Trembles of phantom pain.
Roars of agony and torture.
The earlier days were the hardest.
To see your lover in such consistent and unrelenting pain.
To watch him war with, not only with the demons of his past, but with himself, nearly every night.
You often wondered how one man could bear it all...
And somehow still have the strength to greet you with a smile come morning.
Even still, eventually—be it wishful thinking or whatever else—you reached a point where you believed at least this was it.
This had to be as bad as it could get... right?
And you wouldn't realize just how terribly wrong you were... until a cold December night...
In the midst of one of the worst night terrors you'd ever seen him through.
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"LOGAN!" your voice screamed, full of fear and cracking with pain as it echoed around him.
Logan was surrounded by perpetual darkness, barely able to see the hand in front of his face, and only able to hear your shrieks echo in his mind.
"(y/n)?" his brows furrowed, panic rising in his tone as he snapped his head around in search of you. "(y/n)?!"
"LOGAN!" you cried again, the sound seeming to tear through your throat.
"I'm comin'!" he called, breaking into a run as he frantically looked around. "I'll find you! Stay put!"
"Will you now?" a sickeningly familiar voice chided.
Logan froze in his tracks, his claws extending on pure instinct as his eyes landed on the man before him.
William Stryker.
Never before had Logan experienced such anger at the sight of a singular person.
"What have you done to her?" he asked, trembling with fury.
The man chuckled, motioning toward his feet with an amused smile.
"I believe you mean: what have you done to her..."
Logan's eyes trailed down to the floor, and the moment they were met with your unmoving form, all time and space seemed to halt.
He couldn't breathe.
He couldn't speak.
Why did the world make him pay for his sins by putting you through so much pain?
Walking toward you, he couldn't believe it was real—that anything was.
But as he dropped to his knees and cupped your cheek, only to be met by the icy burn of your skin, he lost all control.
Blinded by nothing but pure, unbridled rage, he let out a deafening roar, leaping forward and plunging his claws deep into Stryker's stomach.
Only... your voice was the one that gasped.
In the time it took him to blink, the darkness was gone, and he was suddenly back in his bedroom, sitting upright your shared bed.
But rather than having Stryker impaled on his claws, it was you, squeezing his forearms with a look of surprise.
A look of pure horror unfolded on his face, and as his eyes lowered to your stomach, he was greeted by the huge stains of red soaking through your tank top, and only getting larger.
"Logan," you grunted, softly, trying to muster a smile as you fought through the pain, already aware of the thoughts racing through his head. "It's okay."
Quickly, his claws retracted, and you jolted with them, letting out another pained grunt.
"Doll..." his voice cracked, small and broken.
It was just as he feared.
Clutching your stomach, you slowly began to fall, but Logan frantically moved, catching and cradling you in his arms.
"(y/n)!" he panicked, practically heaving as he looked you over, struggling to find the words. "Shit! Fuck, I didn't mean to... I didn't see... you were just... I couldn't stop—"
You quieted him by raising a hand to his cheek, softly cupping it as your thumb smoothed over his cheekbone.
He leaned into your touch almost instantly, his free hand coming to rest over yours.
"You have nothing to apologize for," you assured with a warm smile, lifting your shirt to reveal one of the holes was already closing up. "Look... it's healing already."
Seeing that it was, indeed, already closing, he let out a heavy exhale, the sight helping him calm down if only slightly
But it didn't refute the principle of what he did.
The evidence might disappear, but he still hurt you.
It was your blood staining the sheets.
It was your blood staining your shirt.
And it was your blood staining his hands.
What kind of man was he?
What kind of man couldn't protect his own girl... from himself?
"Don't you dare," you ordered, tone firm as you sat up on your knees, the second hole having closed.
His face made his thoughts perfectly clear.
Logan watched you, intently, as your other hand came to rest on his other cheek, holding him in place as your eyes poured into his.
"I don't know what happened in your dream, but I am right here," you assured, your voice unwavering. "I am perfectly fine and I am perfectly safe, because you are here with me."
Slowly, his eyes flicked down to your stomach, the torn holes and bloodstains still there despite the healed skin.
"I hurt you..." he warned, watching his hands as they slowly slid down to rest on your hips. "This could happen again."
You smiled, your hands sliding down to rest on his chest, feeling his heartbeat pound against his skin.
"Then I'll heal... and we'll start over."
You took his hand in yours, leaning forward and resting your forehead against his with a cheesy grin.
"It'll take a lot more than that to get rid of me."
He let out a small chuckle at the poorly timed joke, and you placed a tender kiss on his soft lips, before pulling back and flashing him other smile.
And although he seemed to be okay, Logan never truly let go of that night, the memory a nagging reminder in the back of his mind.
After a little more time, he eventually re-acclimated himself to sleeping so close to you—only now, he kept his arms firmly wrapped around you, and trained himself to keep his hands pointed as far away from you as possible.
It took a while, and the terrors from his past still plagued his nights...
But, awake or otherwise, he never hurt you again.
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huramuna · 2 months
banshee's lament - chapter 11.
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aemond targaryen x stark ofc minor jacaerys velaryon x stark ofc masterlist prev | next
wordcount: 3.8k
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings! no taglists right now, sorry.
we are back! new act, new header! enjoy!!!
content: smut, angst, fluff, disabled ofc, aemond being delulu & obsessive, major canon divergence, graphic depictions of violence, death
story playlist
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It was placid in the keep, like the still waters before the dew drips into a pool. But placidity can be deceiving. Aemond knows this– he’s always known it. It is exhausting, as a person, to keep your guard up at all times without respite. 
The previous night was a respite. A much needed change in flow, in focus. But he is suspicious of such a gift– mayhaps he doesn’t deserve it. He has always been damned. This very notion is why he awoke early in the morn from the deepest sleep he’s known in years… to an empty bed. 
Shera had gone. His head throbbed from how deeply the sapphire felt embedded into the socket, pressing at the tender teams of nerves that the maester said makes up one’s eye. He throws his legs over the side of his bed, twisting and turning until his spinal column cracks, somehow giving a sliver of relief.
Mayhaps I shall speak to her. His fingers, blistered from overworking the blade since Aegon was crowned, made quick work of his tunic. His outfit was a simple black undershirt and leather nightcoat. It was early enough in the Keep where dressing properly didn’t particularly matter– Shera’s chambers were a swift enough walk away, anyhow. He made his way hastily to the guest hall, which was bereft of guards. 
Upon opening the door, the momentary feeling of lightness and interlude in an otherwise rigid life, was snuffed out. Snuffed out like the dithering flame upon a bedside table, smoke swirling upwards until there is nothing but coldness. A chill ran up Aemond’s spine that could only mean one thing; something was wrong. 
The room was torn to shreds, blood splattered on the cobblestone floor like rose petals. His mind swam momentarily, heart squeezing in abject horror. Wrong, wrong, wrong. This is wrong. His boot squelched into the still drying pool of ichor as he descended further into the unfolding scene of gore and carnage. All of her things were broken, drawings strewn and stained, her dress stands were pushed over upon one another, and a cup of her tea was left half-drank, liquid absconded to the side. 
Picking up the cup, he inspected the remains of the tea leaves and murky fluid. His senses were overwhelmed by the pungent scent of milk of the poppy– and dreamwine. The leaves were soaked in the duo of medicinal regents, the combination of both only used in dire situations of pure agony, intended to keep the imbibed numb to pain— as well as the world around them, lulling them to a deep sleep and even a deeper sense of malleability. 
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
A low growl filled the room, Moongeist emerging from the adjoining bedroom. His hackles were raised, lip curled, showing off his bloodstained teeth. The whole of his muzzle was caked in the stain of flesh. 
“Where is she,” Aemond spoke, glowering at the giant wolf as if he were nothing more than a pup. “Where is she?” 
Moongeist’s hackles lowered as he sniffed the air, snapping his mouth shut. His amber eyes roved towards a mass in the corner of the room.  ‘Twas a man. Dead, with the fingers on his left hand ripped off, and his windpipe torn out. Aemond shifted the corpse with the tip of his boot, his expression dimming even more into a scowl. 
“I don’t give a shit about this sod,” he hissed to the wolf, his pupil constricting into a tiny orb hoisted over a violet sea. He knew he looked mad— he could feel the madness creeping further and further into him with each passing moment that he didn’t find Shera. “You didn’t do your duty, dog.”
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
The wolf whined, a warbling noise that turned into a growl as he nosed some of his master’s strewn items on the floor. 
“You’re useless!” Aemond’s voice raised above its usual whispery tone, the rage bleeding into him like he was a stuck pig. “You had one duty— to protect her,” his hands balled into fists, unsure whether he was yelling at the dog or himself. “You fucking failed.” 
His own visage caught his eye on the shattered mirror. He looked crazen, as if he were to sprout wings and claws like Vhagar and burn the world down in search of her. 
Mayhaps he would. 
‘Tis so quiet, she thinks. So quiet— like death. Am I dead? 
She walks along the darkness, soles skimming a pool of cool water. There’s ripples in her wake, reverberating out into nothingness. She feels fine. It’s disconcerting, in a way, how normalcy in itself can feel abnormal. Shera is able to stand steady on two feet without assistance or hindrance, her sight wide and clear as she gazes to the void. 
Death isn’t much like they say it to be, now is it? Not so cold, but not so fiery either. 
A glint catches her eye— the infinite void to her side has formed itself into a door. Not just a door, but a hallway with a myriad of cracks of light. 
A myriad of choices. 
Her hand stills on the knob closest to her. It is ornate bronze, deep grooves worn into the metal from much use. A small twist, and the gateway gives in. 
The sunlight is blinding, more bright than she remembers. There is a pleasant sting in her eye as it adjusts from the total encompassing darkness of nothingness to the ever growing, lilting palette of everything before her. 
The place seems familiar but Shera cannot quite place it, as if it is an amalgamation of many places she’s been before— so close to perfection but in all totalities completely wrong. It was a garden with all of the flowers in bloom, grapevines growing up the trellising walls to escape, to mayhaps grasp the sun. There is a faint scent of sea air and she can almost feel the spray of a rogue wave crashing against the seawall. 
Bare feet pad onto the cobbled walkway deeper into the terrace, fallen petals wilting under her. She leans to a honeysuckle plant, rubbing its leaves between her thumb and forefinger. Upon closer inspection, the flower is home to insects. 
No, not home. It is made of insects. 
Beetles, millipedes and caterpillars writhe under her touch. The flying bugs buzz around her, their fussing akin to anger, their temper flaring with every step of her trespassing. 
“‘M sorry,” Shera whispers, hastily wiping her hands down the front of her chest. “‘M sorry,” she continues as she slowly backs away, back the way she came. As she makes her escape, the garden oasis withers. It begins to decay before her eyes, maggots and blowflies feasting on the rotting remains of the plants. 
Back into the darkness, she slams the door behind her. Just before it fully closes, the image of a barn owl crunching upon a locust is her final glimpse.  The errant buzz of parasitic and opportunistic gnats rings in her skull like a taunting song. She almost trips over her own limbs as she backs away slowly, stomach wringing itself into knots. 
Onto the next door, the knob is a curved ring, better suited for knocking rather than just opening. It would be rude to come in uninvited, wouldn’t it? 
Shera wraps the door three times, each wrap more thunderous than the last. The door is hewn from an odd red wood, the hinge creaking as she walks in. It’s suddenly warm— not unlike the warmth and breeze of King’s Landing, but decidedly different, the hum of a distant roar reverberating in her mind. 
“Hello,��� a small voice piqued. It belonged to a young girl, no older than six years old. Her hair was a pale silver, violet irises wide with trepidation. “Are you one of Ser Willem’s friends?” 
The appearance of the girl struck Shera like a bolt of lightning— she was of Valyrian descent, surely, but she didn’t recognize her. She shifted her weight uneasily between two feet as she stared at the child. “Ehm,” she muttered. “I am, indeed— a friend of Ser Willem’s.” 
The girl held her hands behind her back and mimicked Shera’s nervous swaying, but in a decidedly more childlike fashion. “He is sleeping. He sleeps a lot,” she said, tilting her head towards a hallway. “Would you like to see my room?” 
Something in Shera’s chest rattled against her ribcage as the child spoke. She felt a certain keen sense of terror, feeling that she did not belong here. And yet— she took the girl’s hand in her own as she was led down a corridor. 
“I have my very own room. I usually have to share with my brother or with a lot of other people. Sometimes it is not a room at all,” the girl pauses, tugging Shera gently to the open window. “I even have my very own window. I like to look at the lemon tree.” 
“Do you like lemons?” Shera asked, staring at the one lone lemon tree that stood stalwart. 
“They are… yucky by themselves. Viserys tricked me into biting into one like an apple,” she pouted. “It was quite mean.” 
Viserys? Shera’s heart floundered. “Viserys? Is that your brother?” 
The girl nodded. 
Shera did not recall Viserys and Daemon having a sister. Her mind swam as she stared at the girl, then the open window. “You must forgive me— I have forgotten your name.” 
“Daenerys. My brother calls me Dany.” 
Wrong, wrong, wrong. In learning High Valyrian with Aemond all those years ago, they had also extensively studied the winding circled wreath of the Targaryen family tree— as muddled and messy as it may be, Shera could recall no Daenerys. 
That creeping fear that had nestled into her body as soon as she saw the girl began to grow— grow into an ever engulfing beast. ‘Twas the same feeling she had when she saw the vision of Rhaenyra and Viserys talking about Aegon’s dream. The feeling that she was trespassing on something, being somewhere she was never meant to be. 
That sensation gripped her wholly, her body moving faster than her mind as she fled Daenerys’ room, towards the red door that led out. 
“W-where are you going?” Daenerys whimpered, following behind Shera quickly. “I’m sorry— did… did I do something? Please don’t go.” 
Shera turned the knob, stepping halfway out of the abode and into the darkness. She looked back at Daenerys— she was engulfed in flames, shadowed by a hulking black mass of writhing scales and dread come again. 
When she fled back into the abyss fully, the red door closing behind her as flames licked the wood, her consciousness faded. 
She was done dreaming.
The twisting of her rings was a nervous habit that Rhaenyra never broke. It would be a fruitless effort to do so, as she would pick up some other compulsion in a similar fashion. Tearing out strands of hair from the root, pressing crescent indentations upon her skin from her nails— or mayhaps, picking the skin around the nail bed until they are red and bloody. That one seems familiar to her. 
Her hands now, however, aren’t occupied upon twisting her rings at the moment. They’re splayed over her stomach, palms playing over the stretched skin. The maesters say she is due any day now, ‘tis only a waiting game. 
How she desires for a daughter, so wholeheartedly. 
Something pulls at her. The hour is late and Daemon’s side of the bed is cold, blanket still in the same position from the morning. It's an odd, inexplicable tug to something that has her out of the room and meandering down the hall with a candelabra. The shadows dance upon the ancient stone, casting light upon the deep cracks. 
As she descends through the castle, the logical and queenly part of her mind is in protest of her current situation. A heavily pregnant wife shouldn’t go looking for her husband in the middle of the night. And yet— the other part of her brain, the one that had an insatiable thirst for truth had her driving forward. 
Hushed voices hummed low towards the sequestered guest chambers. From the inflection and cadence, one of them was Daemon. The other, hurried and blathering like an anxious mouse, was unknown to her. 
“Y-you set us up for failure, Daemon! I nearly lost my own life— you didn’t tell us of the beast!” the mystery voice quipped, quivering in pissant fear.
“Pity you didn’t lose it, then. I told you what I needed from you and what you needed to do. Any other extraneous details are unnecessary.” Daemon responded coolly. 
Rhaenyra walked closer to the open door, heavy candlelight illuminating from within. She hastily blew out her own. 
“Unnecessary? You’re mad! Outright bonkers! I… I want double the pay— n-no, triple! As compensation for the hazard to me life!” 
“You’ll receive what we agreed upon.” 
“I need more! Or— or I’ll go back to King’s Landing and tell the King what happened! He’s fond of that little thing, isn’t he? Or mayhaps his brother, with the giant drag—“ 
The man’s voice was cut off, silenced by what Rhaenyra could only assume was a blade. The sound of his body crumpling and soft gurgling confirmed it. She stepped into the room, fisting her skirts. The mystery offender was now divorced from his head, akin to the way Vaemond had been. Daemon was wiping the blood and viscera off of Dark Sister upon the bedsheet. The bed in question, however, was not unoccupied like she had thought it would be. 
The small, crumpled form of Shera Stark, identified by the undone length of curls falling by her wayside, was unconscious upon it. 
Rhaenyra blinked profusely, heat rising within her as she tried to piece together exactly what was going on. 
Daemon let out a soft sniff, “Bloody idiot.” 
“Daemon? What… what is this?” 
“What does it look like? The key to the North.” he sneered, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Rhaenyra’s hands came together as she loosened the ring on her pointer finger. “She does not look like she is a willing participant in being here.” 
From the looks of it, the girl was hardly breathing. Her chest rose and fell in such shallow lengths that it took a moment to register if she was even alive at all. 
“I doubt she would be. I did what needed to be done.” 
“What… needed to be done? No, I don’t think you’ve begun to count the errors you’ve made here. Did… did you even think of the consequences, Daemon?” Rhaenyra started, her face emanating a red-hot heat, only continuing to warm as she twisted her ring with a violent, fervent nature. 
“Consequences? I’ve brought her here to solve our problems, Rhaenyra. Do you think that honor-bound Northerner Cregan Stark would still fight for you as Queen if you broke your oath to keep his sister safe? He very well may kiss Otto Hightower’s hairy sack just for his sister to return to him. We won’t win this war without the North. And we won’t have the North without the girl.” 
“There is no war yet! I am still awaiting responses from Alicent on how we may resolve the… misunderstanding of crowning Aegon in my stead. You… you’ve only fanned the flames of something you have been brewing for years against the Hightowers. Cregan is an honorbound man, he swore an oath.” 
“I am merely thinking ahead, Nyra! Oaths are broken as easily as they are made. Alicent is no friend of yours any longer, you’re no longer a girl! As if we can count on any lies coming from that cunt. You have a blind side for Alicent, Rhaenyra, you always have!”
“And even so— you’ve stolen Shera in the night. From what your… accomplice said, ‘twas a messy fight. What do you think, my half-brother Aemond shall think, when he comes upon Shera’s rooms in disrepair and bloodied?” She narrowed her gaze, trying to keep a hold on herself. “You’ve brought ruin to our doorstep. We both know what he is and what he can do, you know he favors her— all he has to do is mount Vhagar and rain fire upon us! You have invited that possibility to our home, to our family!” 
Daemon was silent for a moment, jaw clenched and lip twitching ever so slightly. He glanced over at the unconscious girl, brow furrowed. “We need to satisfy the oath you made to Lord Stark. The betrothal will be fulfilled,” he kept wiping his blade on the sheet, even far after it was clean. “They must marry on the morrow.” 
“The oath,” Rhaenyra echoed, voice suddenly hollow. “Marry— she is not even conscious, Daemon. She won’t even be able to recite the vows or cut Jacaerys’ lip.” 
Her husband let out a scoff, a sound so synonymous with who he was. “There won’t be a Valyrian ceremony, even if she was completely well. Needn’t any more Andal blood mingled than is already necessary,” he finally sheathed his sword. “It will be done as quickly and painlessly as possible. Lord Cregan will need to hold up his side of the oath forthwith.” 
Rhaenyra worried her lip between her teeth until she tasted copper. “You cannot make these… rash decisions without coming to me first. I will not tell you again, Daemon.” 
Daemon, surprisingly, acquiesced— verbally, at least. He stared at her for a few heartbeats with a hard glint in his eye before bowing out of the room. 
He had no need for riding leathers, no need to put his hair up, no need for his eyepatch. All he required was his sword and his rage. 
Servants and highfolk alike plastered to the walls as Aemond parts through them like a ship’s masthead, whispers and aghast looks glazing against his hull. He isn’t calculated and cold like usual, as is his reputation around the Keep. His aura is rash and filled with churning lava, sparks threatening to singe any who stray too close. 
The wolf follows behind him— for a reason that Aemond cannot quite understand— Moongeist stays five feet behind him, but matches his fervor and drive. The pair of them are an unlikely duo— and yet, they are unmatched in their combined terror. 
“Where are you off to, brother?” Aegon interjects suddenly, flanked by his newly appointed Kingsguard lackeys. The crown sits low on his brow– coming back from a council meeting where he most likely received a tongue lashing from mother and grandsire alike.
“I’ve need of something,” Aemond answers, words short and clipped. 
Aegon’s brow raises as he inspects his brother, seeing Moongeist’s hulking form behind him. “You know what they say about lying with dogs, brother,” the king continues, in his faux laissez-faire tone that he is ever so fond of. “You will get fleas.” 
“They took her.” the prince said— flatly, dejectedly, detached. The single strand of self control still tethered within him straining. The thread was unraveling bit by bit with each word, each moment wasted.
“… what?” Aegon whispered, the varnish of his empty words fading away. 
“They. Took. Her.” Aemond repeated, looking up at his brother. 
Aegon paused, no doubt feeling the heat and blood rising within him at the revelation. “W— wh—,” 
“They took her right under our noses, Aegon. As if she was a dessert for a child to pilfer,” the prince’s hand flexed and unflexed, itching for his sword. “I am going to retrieve her.” 
“Retrieve her? And do you know exactly who took her? Where she’s been taken to?” Aegon leaned in, brow knit. “Or are you just planning to abscond on your dragon and burn down Westeros until you find her?” 
Aemond did not respond for a long moment. “You and I both know who did it. And you know they lie right across the bay upon Dragonstone. An easy enough conquest for Vhagar.” 
“What shall you expect upon your arrival, brother? For Rhaenyra and Daemon and their endless brood of brats to kneel at your feet? ‘Oh, please, we are so sorry for taking your ambiguous lover, please don’t burn us!’” Aegon’s hands clasped together in mock sympathy. “You and I both know that Daemon would rather incinerate everything around him than kneel to you or I. Mayhaps even his own wife.” 
“Something must be done, Aegon. They will think us— me— weak for letting them waltz in and take what is mine.” Aemond continued to pace, his body spun tight like a taut spring, half ready to bolt through the hall at a moment’s notice. With each passing moment, the copper spring strains as his patience lowers and his rage simmers.
“It is really disconcerting when I am the levelheaded one here, Aemond,” the king continues, stopping his brother’s pacing with a firm hand to his shoulder.
“So you propose we do nothing? Let her lie in that den of… traitors?” 
“I never said we would do nothing.”
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
The neverending sound of water splattering onto the floor is the ballad of the ancient castle— most of it in disrepair and ruin from the hot malice of dragonfire. 
“A raven arrived from King’s Landing, early this morn,” the pageboy offered the slightly damp letter to the current castellan, Ser Simon Strong.
“Aye, thank you Tomas. Be sure to get yourself some porridge, keep your bones warm.” Simon grinned, the deep wrinkles of his face lifting in mirth. He split the seal which was embossed in the symbol of some bug or other— he couldn’t quite identify which house the sigil was from. 
His eyes scanned the paper, which was not addressed to him. Rather, it was addressed to another resident of Harrenhal. The scriptures upon it was not of the Common dialect, only bits and pieces of words with some odd runic language.
“Alys!” the older man called. “I know you’re skulking about out there. I believe this letter is for you.” 
Peering from the doorway behind him, a woman slunk to his side, her movements swift and precise. Her sudden and quick appearance caused him to jump. “Aye? What makes you think it’s for me?” she hummed, tilting her head in a bird-like manner. 
“Your name is Alys Rivers,” Simon pointed to the addressing line of the letter, the name ‘ALYS RIVERS’ spelled out in the common tongue before the rest of the script becomes nonsensical. “Is it not?” 
“Depends on who you ask, I suppose,” Alys blinked, tugging the paper from the lord’s fingers. “Hmm.” 
“I presume you can read that hogwash, can ye? Wouldn’t surprise me none, you’re a very odd woman.” Simon waved his hand to dismiss her. 
She took the dismissal in stride, slipping out of the chamber like she had never been there in the first place. Unfolding the letter completely, most of which was in the Old Tongue. 
To Alys Rivers, 
ᛏᚺᛖᛁ ᚨᚱᛖ ᚲᛟᛗᛁᚾᚷ. ( THEY ARE COMING.) 
ᛈᚱᛖᛈᚨᚱᛖ  ᛁᛟᚢᚱᛊᛖᛚᚠ (PREPARE YOURSELF.) 
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rozcdust · 1 year
Bitten - Fighting dog aftermath
Pairing: Bonten x Reader, Pet shop trio x reader
Genre: Angst
Trigger warnings: Gore, death, description of rot, OOC, body horror, maggots, suicide, depression
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Kazutora, Baji and Chifuyu held hope.
They truly did, after all, you said you’ll be coming back in a day, maybe two, tops, so when you didn’t come back home the first night, they didn’t worry too much.
You’ll come back home the day after that.
Kazutora cleaned your room, changing the sheets and wiping off any dust that may have lingered, taking great care to put the few belongings you’ve accumulated over the month back into their place.
Chifuyu took to cooking and baking, he knew how much you enjoyed the food he prepared every time, even if you were used to fancy restaurants and food prepared by a private chef, you always scarfed down whatever meal he prepared like a starved wolf, but all he could do is laugh when you sheepishly apologised for your lack of manners.
He tried to ignore your remark that your boss kept you on a strict and well monitored meal plan.
If he thought about it too much, he just might find the fucker himself and kill him with his bare hands.
And Baji took to decorating, he had a good eye and plenty of patience to busy himself with colleague paper and pretty ribbons, making a banner in your favourite colours, taking care that each letter was perfect, each line precise, each and every word carefully crafted, having checked the spelling with both Chifuyu and Kazutora twice.
‘Welcome home’
It’s been months, and your room is still as clean as ever, an extra plate on the table always set, the banner carefully stored in a pretty box in a cupboard for your arrival.
You never came back home.
But they held hope.
Until they no longer could.
Until it was the anniversary of Shinichiro’s death, and Kazutora went to pay his respects, even if he felt unworthy of doing so, his therapist encouraged it, as did Baji and Chifuyu, so he went, a pack of cigarettes and a beer in his hands as an offering.
He didn’t get very far.
The plot next to the Sano family grave has been empty ever since Kazutora can remember, a blank headstone standing tall and proud and empty.*
It holds a name now, the grave recently washed, fresh bluebells and orchid flowers neatly places in each of the vases to the side of the headstone.
In his absent minded curiosity, Kazutora glances over the name etched on the stone.
It feels like he’s been shot.
Kazutora, Baji and Chifuyu hope no more.
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It took Mochi and Kakucho both holding Ran back to not kill Kokonoi on the spot.
“Ran, he didn’t kill her! Calm down, this won’t solve shit!” Kakucho tried to not sound as desperate as he felt, but as Ran tried his best to wrestle out of his grasp, he couldn’t help it.
“LIKE HELL HE DIDN’T KILL HER! IF HE WASN’T SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT, SHE WOULDN’T DO THIS! SHE’D NEVER DO THIS!” Ran’s voice was a crescendo, a mangled cacophony of rage and sobs as he tried to get Kakucho and Mochi to let him go, to release him so he could strangle Kokonoi with his bare fucking hands.
Kokonoi merely stood there, pressed to the wall, staring down at the floor, a blank look on his face.
Sanzu and Rindou were in much of the same state, processing, or at least trying to, not understanding a thing and yet seeing it all too well.
You’re dead.
You killed yourself, and now you’re gone forever, and they could have done nothing to stop it.
If Rindou could cry, he would.
But he can’t.
He doesn’t understand why- He saw you yesterday. He held you and your flesh was still warm and soft and you were smiling, admitting you missed him.
And Mikey?
Mikey sat in his office, stripping out of the filthy clothes, wiping off your blood off his face and hands, but the screaming was loud enough for him to hear every word perfectly.
His face was blank.
He told them you killed yourself.
Of course they wouldn’t believe just his word, well, the Haitanis wouldn’t, not without proof, but a security camera was conveniently set up on the roof.
No audio.
In just the perfect angle.
It clearly showed you screaming at Mikey, you screamed and you yelled and cried and then you hugged him goodbye killed yourself in his arms, who could ever blame him?
It was a suicide, plain and simple.
Ran and Rindou could never blame him, no one could, after all, he was the biggest victim of your little spectacle, he was the one the most harmed, he was the most hurt.
You set him up, you took out your heart, carefully prepared it for eating and forced him to take a bite.
Innocent, like graffitied eyes on a wall during a robbery gone wrong.
He was innocent, with your blood staining his face, and no will ever know.
He’s innocent, it was a blameless crime.
He’s innocent.
The water ran pink.
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Kokonoi sits on your shared bed, staring into space, eyes and face dry as a bone.
He sees shadows at the corner of his eyes, feels like his lungs are full of river water and moss and he feels as rotten as meat left outside during summer heat and maybe in some other life he was a fox mangled on the side of the road and you were a soft girl who picked him up and saved him.
Maybe in some other life, the two of you would be happy.
He doesn’t know what he is even, not without you by his side, after all, you were such an intertwined part of his life, you were there for such a long time and now you’re rotting like the fox, mangled on the side of the road.
Who were you?
What was he?
How did you come to love him? Why did you love him? Why did he love you? Why was he still breathing? Where did his heartbeat go-
He presses his fingers to his neck, searching for a pulse.
He’s dead as well.
Why did he have such an affinity for loving dead things?
The sheets smell like you, but he still sees your corpse in his mind’s eye, eyes glazed over and a small smile on your face covered in blood and grey matter.
Mikey sits nearby, swinging his legs on the rooftop and refuses to look at you.
Kokonoi can’t close his eyes because he knows he’ll see Ran and Rindou screaming, knocking Kakucho away from you, Rindou’s fists pounding on Kakucho as Ran sobs, clutching your body, begging you to forgive them, hours after you’ve gone cold and rigour mortis already set in.
He couldn’t even approach, he didn’t deserve to.
He turned on his heel and left while Mikey finally opened his damn mouth to tell Sanzu and Kakucho to get rid of you.
You made yourself soft for Koko, and now you’re dead, and you looked fine just the day before, not happy but forgiving, with such a soft smile on your face that he thought he might have died.
He doesn’t even have photos of you. Not even any videos to remember you by, he has nothing left of you at all.
You have left all of your belongings in this flat, and yet all he has left is grief.
He stands up from the bed, legs shaky, to let water run into the bathtub.
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Ran and Rindou don’t talk.
Ran spends the days in his bed, sheets filthy and smelling of sweat but he doesn’t have the energy to get up, doesn’t have the energy to move nor shower nor change his sheets.
He sleeps, your lighter clutched in his fist much like a child having a nightmare holds their plush toy and Ran refuses to wake up and he refuses to move.
He failed you.
He should have forced you to flee Tokyo, should have forced you to stay right in his arms where you were just a few days ago and never let you go to Kokonoi, to Mikey, never let you out of his sights again.
You were his precious little thing, his friend and the apple of his eye, a love he only held for Rindou and you, you meant something Ran couldn’t describe.
You are now nothing but a bloodless god in your tomb, and Ran’s love has run dry.
Rindou is God knows where.
Ran can only pray he’s not following your footsteps.
He wishes he had the energy to go and check, but he feels like a slab of meat on a butcher’s hook and he can’t move and does he still have a heartbeat and is he still breathing and he can’t breathe he can’t breathe does he still have a heartbeat is he still alive-
Ran grips your lighter until it’s etched into the skin of his palm.
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Rindou is kneeling before you, an offering of your favourite food and a cup of bubble tea standing in front of him.
He’s grieving, grieving and grieving constantly and he grieves what you could have been and what you was and-
He can almost hear the sound of funeral bells and there is a bird chirping and-
So many ands.
Rindou curls up next to your grave and wishes he could hold you like he once used to, when the two of you were on a mission and came back exhausted without the strength to drive or call a cab and just crashed on the couch inside Ran’s office, covered in grime and gore and the two of you curled up into each other like a pair of kittens.
He still has that photo somewhere.
He wishes humans weren’t so fragile and that you weren’t born into a slaughterhouse.
He glances at your tombstone and closes his eyes, wishing to remember your face and your scent and your laugh forever.
He hopes you’re happy as nature devours you, bringing you back to rot, back to dust.
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The steady trickle of alcohol down his throat is as familiar as the lines of his scars, darkness creeping into his room, ringing in his ears practically deafening and he can still hear his own damn thoughts so he opens another bottle and throws the cap of a pill bottle somewhere to the side and he drinks.
Sanzu hopes he’ll die tonight, and so he drinks and he bleeds and he prays to go back to that day in Kokonoi’s office.
How long ago was it? A month? Maybe two? It feels like years have passed.
He’s sure he has already died as a woman approached, standing just in front of him.
“I’m hallucinating, aren’t I?”
She smiles, shaking her head as her fingers softly rub the back of the body on the ground, passing through it, and Sanzu flinches.
It feels like knives and her fingers are cold and it’s as if she reached into his spine and is trying to rip it out.
His body.
“I think you overdosed.” She shrugged, as if it was the simplest explanation ever, pulling a stand of his hair out of the body’s face, “I’m not even really here, after all, I’m dead, Haruchiyo. Or maybe I am here, who could tell? It’s confusing.”
“I miss you.”
Her eyes flicker to his, an eyebrow raising in a familiar motion, her face sceptical.
It feels so familiar yet so foreign, as if her features are melting but coming back together when he blinks.
As if she is wrong.
He feels his brain sounding off alarms.
“Do you?”
He doesn’t even dare open his mouth.
“Come on, Haru, not time to cry yet. I only recently started rotting. I believe the maggots got to my eyes, but they’re not done quite yet.”
He flinches at the words, the tone, the melting smile on your face.
You look only a touch away.
He reaches for you, and his hands pass right through you.
He blinks.
You’re gone.
And you won’t come back this time
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@sugusshi @yukihime-mikeys-girl @cielastrae @missarabellla @justiceforvillains @wakasa-wifey @kikis-writing-service @r-xochitl @levistiddies @sup-zfam @toobsessedsstuff @screwlogic101 @netzukochannn @lagrimasdeglitter-blog @angsty-microwave @dilf-city @aces-high
a/n: surprise? idk broskis uni’s killing me 😭
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the-name-is-z · 6 months
SKELETONS | ch. 17
daryl dixon x f!oc
a03 link
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Summary: The group argues heavily over Randall's fate, their humanity and civility hanging in the balance. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; discussion/descriptions of suicide attempt, injuries relating to suicide attempt, child risking their own life, discussion of execution/murder, moral arguments, theft, discussion of civility, humanity, etc
Chapter 17 - Calm
Iris grit her teeth as Maggie explained in a dark voice what Andrea had done. She had spoken to Beth and apparently allowed her to be alone. And in that time, Beth tried to kill herself. She’d broken the bathroom mirror and used the glass shard to slit her wrist open. It wasn’t nearly deep enough to do anything, and the consensus was that Beth now wanted to live, but Andrea still left her there to do it.
She was upset for Maggie, and sad for Andrea. It was a difficult way of thinking to get in the habit of. It was painful and hard. Most of them tried hard to live in fight or flight, the adrenaline eating at them day by day. Then there were the others, who felt every bit of pain of the world. 
Iris knew how many people ‘opted out’ when the world went to shit. Her father among them. It was easier for them, and she wanted to respect their decision. Some people weren’t built for the constant adrenaline. But when you were stuck between the two, had commitments, had family, it was a million times harder. To decide why you’re living, what you’re living for. Who you’re living for, if not yourself. 
It wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have with any of them. For Beth and Maggie, it was between them. For Iris, she wasn’t entirely sure where she fell yet. She knew she wanted to survive, to live. But she wasn’t sure yet what for. 
Daryl was in the shed with Randall, scaring the living shit out of him. He had a knife, was beating him bloody and threatening to cut off appendages. Randall knew Maggie, and unless they wanted to kill him, he was a risk to the group. He was feeding Daryl information. Information he wanted to be very, very careful about sharing.
Iris had asked, and he told her everything Randall had said. He was a piece of shit, but he wasn’t Satan. He’d done terrible things, but they had yet to decide what sort of things were worth a human life. Who were they to make that distinction?
“So whatcha gonna do?” Lori asked, pouring herself some coffee from the campfire. “I think we’d all feel better if we knew the plan.”
“Is there a plan?” Andrea asked.
“We gonna keep him here?” Glenn asked. They were all looking to Rick, who’d gotten new clothes from their latest run into town. It was always weird to see white shirts that were really, actually white. Shane stood beside him, his hands on his belt as he waited for Rick to make the decision. He’d been quiet since Rick took him out with Randall, and that almost worried Iris more.
“We’ll know soon enough.” Rick replied, jerking his chin to Daryl, who was coming back to join them once again. His knuckles were covered in blood and Iris raised an eyebrow.
“Boy there’s got a gang. Thirty men. They have heavy artillery and they ain’t looking to make friends.” Daryl explained. “They roll through here, our boys are dead, and our women, they’re gonna wish they were.” Iris grimaced, turning to Rick with her raised eyebrow.
“What did you do?” Carol asked, looking at his bloodied hands.
“We had a little chat.” Daryl snarked.
“No one goes near this guy.” Rick murmured.
“Rick, what are you gonna do?” Lori asked quietly, approaching him directly.
“We have no choice. He’s a threat.” Rick decided. “We have to eliminate the threat.”
“You’re just gonna kill him?” Dale asked, dumbfounded.
“It’s settled. I’ll do it today.” Rick turned around, and Dale chased after him, jaw wide open. They argued for a little in the field, and Iris watched Dale’s frantic gestures. Everyone settled into the morning. It seemed like it would rain today. 
“You good?” Iris asked, nodding to Daryl’s knuckles as he sat down with a plate of eggs. He gave a half-shrug. 
“Punk told me about how they happened upon a guy in the woods, had a camp with two daughters.” He said lowly. Iris nodded. “He didn’t do it, but he watched ‘em.” Iris sighed deeply, running a hand over her face. “You against it?” Daryl asked, seeming surprised.
“Despite all the knives, I actually dislike the idea of killing people.” Iris stated, trying to make light of the situation, but it wasn’t working. “I don’t know.” Daryl nodded.
“I wouldn’t say ‘yes’ if it wasn’t a danger to the group.” He mumbled. Iris nodded in agreement.
A while later, Daryl was fiddling around his own little campsite behind the old stone building. Iris sat in silence, watching him, enjoying the comfortable quiet. She also watched as Dale came walking across the field toward them, a rifle in hand just in case. Daryl scoffed once he stood up and noticed him.
“The whole point of me coming up here is to get away from you people.” He muttered.
“Well, Iris is here.” Dale retorted. Daryl turned to make eye contact with her and he shrugged.
“She knows when to keep her mouth shut.” He replied. Iris scoffed, toasting her canteen sarcastically before taking a long swig. “Carol send you?”
“Carol’s not the only one that’s concerned about you, your new role in the group.” Dale said softly.
“Oh, man, I don’t need my head shrunk.” Daryl grumbled, adding feathers to the arrows he was making. He was actually very crafty, and Iris enjoyed watching him work, even if it meant she had to ‘keep her mouth shut’.
“He responds better to positive punishment.” Iris suggested as a joke. Daryl scowled, flicking a… pheasant foot… at her.
“You act like you don’t care.” Dale observed.
“Yeah, it’s cause I don’t.” Daryl replied.
“So, live or die, you don’t care what happens to Randall?”
“If it doesn’t matter, why don’t you stand with me? If it really doesn’t matter, one way or the other?” Dale proposed.
“I didn’t peg you for a desperate son of a bitch.” Daryl mumbled.
“Your opinion makes a difference.” Dale stated.
“Man, ain’t nobody looking at me for nothing.”
“Iris is. Carol is. And I am. Right now. And you obviously have Rick’s ear.”
“Rick just looks to Shane. Let him.”
“You cared about what happened to Sophia.” Dale pleaded. “Cared what it meant to the group. Torturing people? That isn’t you. You’re a decent man. So is Rick. Shane— he’s different.”
“Why’s that? ‘Cause he killed Otis?” Daryl asked. Dale paused, eyes going wide.
“He tell you that?”
“Just some story. How Otis covered him, saved his ass. He shows up with the dead guy’s gun. Rick ain’t stupid. If he didn’t figure that out, it’s because he didn’t wanna.” Daryl turned and walked off, leaving Dale to turn to Iris, a defeated look on his face. Iris looked at him with sympathy, patting the spot on the log next to her.
“Alright?” She asked. He shook his head.
“This is not how it should be.” He mumbled. “We used to be civilized.” 
“You think so?” Iris asked, putting her elbows on her knees as she looked at him.
“You don’t?” He asked in return. Iris sucked on a tooth.
“Honestly, Dale. I was raised by a biker gang in a bar because my dad spent his life drunk before kicking his own bucket. I got my first gun at ten years old. Those kinds of people… this is how it always was.” She explained slowly, chewing on each word carefully.
“I’m sorry you had to grow up like that.” He said quietly. Iris shrugged.
“It’s who I am, and I won’t change it. But… I think it’s wrong to expect true… ‘humanity' from everyone, especially if they’ve never experienced it before.” She made air-quotes, looking pointedly in the direction Daryl had gone to emphasize. She paused, turning to the house and the campsite in the distance. “Have you ever killed a person, Dale?”
“No. Have you?”
“Yes.” Iris replied. “I killed my mother, because she tried to kill my brother. Well, my cousin. I was ten. It was the first time I used that gun.” Dale sat back, somewhat appalled. “The point is, sometimes we don’t have a choice. We have to protect the people we love.” He opened his mouth to interject but she held up a hand. "I’m not saying that’s this situation. I don’t know what to do about Randall. But I think it’s naïve to think another situation like this won’t happen. And another. And another. At one point, Dale, you’re not gonna have a choice.”
“I don’t want to live like that. I don’t think we should.” He said, standing in frustration.
“I’m sorry you didn’t grow up in a better home, Iris. I… I’m sorry for you.” 
Iris watched him leave and sighed. He could be as sorry as he wanted. She wasn’t. She always had done what she knew was right. She killed her mother, who had a psychotic break, in self defence. The law said she was right, the jury said she was right, and the judge said she was right. The newspaper called her a local hero. For Felix, she would have done anything, and the world was better off without her mother in it.
It wasn’t about right or wrong, though. It was about playing the odds. What were the odds that if they left Randall alive, that his group would come down on them with the wrath of God? Especially after Daryl tortured him. She was sure that didn’t help. By what percentage did their odds of survival increase if they killed him? Ten? Twenty? Sixty? Would Randall’s death be a significant factor in changing their lives? 
Iris witnessed Carol have a brief argument with Lori about something ‘cruel’ Carl said about Sophia. Rick assured them he would speak to Carl about it and he did, but something he said resonated in Carl and she noticed. Don’t talk, think. It wasn’t a bad rule of thumb, but it was important to stand up for what you believe in. Without being cruel to others, however. 
Carl’s newfound attitude amused Iris still. Dale continued in his rounds, speaking to everyone to try and convince them to stand against the decision to execute Randall. He left Iris to her own devices, and Iris remained in and around Daryl’s campsite, away from the others. It was peaceful here, and at some point, Carl wandered up, likely bored.
He strode around, looking at Daryl’s string of dead squirrels before his eyes fell onto the motorcycle. Carl grinned as he grabbed the handles, pretending he was revving the engine.
“Careful, cowboy.” Iris warned. Carl jumped sky-high, spinning around to see her leaning against a tree. She smiled, and he took a deep breath to calm himself down.
“Sorry.” He mumbled. She shook her head.
“I did it too. Just don’t let Daryl see.” She replied. He looked up at her and smiled.
“It’s so cool.” He murmured. Iris nodded. “Loud, though.” She hummed, proud yet amused as he was slowly figuring out how the undead world worked. He looked off into the forest before walking right in.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Iris asked, hurriedly following after him.
“I want to practice killing walkers again.” He called, moving quickly through the brush. 
“Carl, wait a second!” She called after him. Iris actually had to try to keep up with him. She followed him all the way to the creek, the banks much shallower than where she and Daryl had found Sophia’s doll. There was a walker standing there, ankle deep in the mud, and Carl almost ran up to it.
It spotted him, turning and gnashing his teeth, but it was stuck, unable to pull its feet from the bank. Carl took that as an opportunity to get closer.
“Carl.” Iris warned, jogging up to the bank. He ignored her, tossing a rock at the walker. It snarled in irritation, pulling to reach for him. Carl watched it with interest, and parked himself on a nearby log.
They were there for a couple hours, just sitting and watching the walker. Carl said nothing and neither did she. His interest in walkers… it was dangerous. Concerning. Needed to be set right. Hopefully his parents would figure that out sooner than later. She also hoped that Carl wasn’t under the assumption she would keep this to herself.
“I’m gonna kill it.” He decided, pushing to his feet. Iris watched as he ran around behind the walker. It was still stuck, turning around to claw at Carl with a twisted spine. Carl got closer, taking a deep breath, and pulled out a gun. 
Iris scrambled to her feet at the sight of it. That was Daryl’s gun. She didn’t even see the little bastard take it from the motorcycle bag. He pointed it at the wriggling walker, shaking with the weight and struggling as the walker moved around. Carl stepped closer, trying to make it easier, when the walker’s foot finally got loose.
It fell forward, it’s hand knocking the gun from Carl’s hand. Carl gave a shriek of surprise, yelping as he crawled backward away from the walker. Iris leapt over the fallen log, plunging a knife into the walker’s leg just as it grabbed onto Carl’s leg. 
She kicked it away and Carl scrambled back, putting a good ten feet in-between him and the dead man. Iris scowled as she grabbed the gun from the ground, following after Carl as he started back to the farm. He didn’t stop until he got to the field before the farm, Iris sprinting after him.
“Christ, kid, what were you thinking?” She yelled, stopping him. He wouldn’t meet her eyes, his lip quivering as he shook. He was scared out of his wits. She tucked the gun into the back of her pants, kneeling down in front of him. “You’re okay, alright? Don’t do something like that again.”
He barely nodded before he turned back to head to the farmhouse, and Iris followed after him. The group was gathering on the deck to finally decide what to do with Randall, and she didn’t want to miss the verdict. She followed as they all trailed into the house, Lori sending Carl off to stay with Jimmy. 
Everyone found a spot around the room, Daryl leaning against the open doorframe while Rick stood front and centre. Iris found a seat on the windowsill, the late afternoon sunlight shining a golden glow into the room. A little ironic, she’d say.
“So how do we do this?” Glenn asked, breaking the baited silence. “Do we just take a vote?”
“Does it have to be unanimous?” Andrea asked.
“How about majority rules?” Lori proposed. Iris raised an eyebrow.
“Well, let’s just see where everybody stands.” Rick said, putting his hand out. “Then we can talk through the options.”
“Well, where I sit, there’s only one way to move forward.” Shane started off, leaning himself against the fireplace mantle.
“Killing him, right?” Dale asked. He shook his head. It was clear he was exhausted and defeated, and Iris pitied him. “I mean, why bother to even take a vote? It’s clear which way the wind’s blowing.”
“Well, if people believe we should spare him, I wanna know.” Rick replied firmly.
“Well, I can tell you, it’s a small group— maybe just me and Glenn.” Dale said quietly. Iris looked to Glenn, who sat on the piano stool between Rick and Dale, looking fairly guilty. He looked up at Dale, who seemed pained at the expression on his face.
“Look, I— I think you’re pretty much right about everything, all the time, but this—“
“They’ve got you scared!” Dale argued.
“He’s not one of us.” Glenn replied simply. “And we’ve… we’ve lost too many people already.” Dale clutched his hat in his hands, knuckles turning white. He pointed it to Maggie in question.
“How about you, do you agree with this?”
“Couldn’t we continue keeping him prisoner?” Maggie asked after a moment. She looked down at her father who sat impartial on his sofa. 
“Just another mouth to feed.” Daryl replied quietly in answer.
“It may be a lean winter.” Hershel added.
“We could ration better.” Lori argued.
“Well, he could be an asset.” Dale tried.
“How so?” Iris asked.
“Give him a chance to prove himself.” He pleaded.
“Put him to work?” Glenn asked.
“Sounds like a chance to bring his group down on us.” Iris retorted.
“We’re not letting him walk around.” Rick said firmly.
“We could put an escort on him.” Maggie proposed.
“Who wants to volunteer for that duty?” Shane snorted.
“I will.” Dale huffed.
“I don’t think any of us should be walking around with this guy.” Rick stated, shaking his head.
“He’s right. I would’t feel safe unless he was tied up.” Lori agreed.
"We can’t exactly put chains around his ankles, sentence him to hard labour.” Andrea murmured.
“Look, say we let him join us, right? I mean, maybe he’s helpful. Maybe he’s nice. We let our guard down and maybe he runs off, brings back his thirty men, like Iris said.” Shane explained.
“So the answer is to kill him to prevent a crime that he may never even attempt?” Dale asked, bewildered. “If we do this, we’re saying there’s no hope. Rule of law is dead, there is no civilization.”
“Oh my god.” Shane grumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Could you drive him further out, leave him like you planned?” Hershel suggested.
“That doesn’t guarantee our safety. Or his.” Iris replied, looking at Dale pointedly. He pressed his lips together in a thin line.
“They barely came back this time.” Lori murmured, clutching her hand to her chest as she turned to her husband. “There are walkers, you could break down, you could get lost—“
“Or get ambushed.” Daryl added.
“They’re right, we should not put our own people at risk.” Glenn agreed.
“If you… go through with it, how would you do it?” Patricia asked. “Would he suffer?”
“We could hang him, right? Just snap his neck.” Shane offered.
“I thought about that.” Rick sighed. “Shooting may be more humane.”
“And what about the body? Do we bury—“ T-Dog started.
“Whoa, whoa, hold on! Hold on! You’re talking about this like it’s already decided!” Dale cried.
“We’ve been talking all day. Going around in circles. You just wanna go around in circles again?” Daryl asked, standing straight.
“This is a young man’s life!” Dale yelled. “And it is worth more than a five minute conversation!” He huffed as the room fell silent, all of them turning to him. “Is this what it’s come to? We kill someone because we can’t decide what else to do with him? You saved him! And now look at us. He’s been tortured. He’s gonna be executed. How are we any better than those people we’re so afraid of?” There was a long beat of silence as they considered what he was saying. Iris sighed. 
“We all know what needs to be done—“ Shane murmured.
“No, Dale is right.” Rick decided. “We can’t leave any stone unturned here, we have a responsibility—“
“So what’s the other solution?” Andrea asked.
“Let Rick finish.” Lori scolded.
“We haven’t come up with a single viable option yet.” Andrea stated, putting a hand on her hip. “I wish we could—“
“So let’s work on it!” Dale yelled.
“We are.” Rick replied calmly.
“Stop it. Just stop it.” Carol grumbled. “I’m sick of everybody arguing and fighting. I didn’t ask for this. You can’t ask us to decide something like this. Please, decide, either of you, both of you, but leave me out.”
“Not speaking out, or killing him yourself. There’s no difference.” Dale said pointedly with a humourless smile.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Rick huffed. “Anybody who wants the floor before we make the final decision has the chance.” There was a long pause as Maggie and Patricia sat down, the silence deafening. Dale looked around frantically to everyone, hoping someone would say something before stepping toward Rick.
“You once said that we don’t kill the living.” He said.
“Well, that was before the living tried to kill us.” 
“But don’t you see? If we do this, the people that we were, the world that we knew is dead.” He spat. “And this new world is ugly, it’s harsh. It’s survival of the fittest. That’s a world I don’t want to live in. And I don’t believe that any of you do. I can’t. Please. Let’s just do what’s right.” He breathed as they waited through another beat of silence. “Isn’t there anybody else who’s gonna stand with me?”
“Dale,” Iris said quietly from her windowsill, “the world has always been ugly, but it’s only going to get uglier. The world you knew is dead. I think all of us would agree that killing this boy is wrong. Fundamentally. But if we don’t play along, we won’t survive. We can all be idealistic and want to live in a better world, but this is the only world we’ve got. And I can’t speak for anyone else here, but regardless of the world around me, I want to live.”
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washa · 11 months
I listened to Guy's new audio and here’s my favourite personal comments! (you can tell how much i love both Honey and Guy in this)
This video just solidifies the whole Guy and Honey is just reverse Angel and David
Guy is so me, i have no idea what's happening in movies half the time
Rambling?? Guy kinnies stand up with me here
Honey is Sweetheart confirmed
ngl i was scared for an angsty Guy but then i was slapped in the face that this is Guy. what angst could there be.
Horror movies make no sense to me, like why are they always so stupid.
"Normal people do dumb shit!" So loud and so right Guy
Does Erik just play these movies in the back while talking? Cause if i was him i'd get so distracted.
He's such a flirt omfg 😭
"We love that for them!" I'M CRYING WHAT IS HE ON
Bisexual Guy Bisexual Guy 🙏
Guy's giving that one photo of a dog as a bread loaf but high on serotonin and Adderall
PROSTRATE FORM?? ofc they've talked abt using the word prostrate
yes guy lovely mini skittles you have there
I wanna see Guy scared so can the movie do it's thing rq
Guy's such a blond
oh no?? what is happening.
I love skittles too but this is funnier
The way Guy said "She is NOT beautiful" reminds me of that one vine where the guy goes "She's very beautiful to me!"
He has the maturity of a eighth grader sometimes, actually no all the time
His "mnm mnm" when the movie guy gets his arm was grabbed reminds me of cartoon character that's green shaking it's head while trying not to throw up.
"ew ew ew ew ew OH GOD-! AUGHH NO NO NO EW I DON'T EW WANNA WATCH THIS EW EW EW" so real of him
there is so much happening in this audio
ofc he's retching
he sounds so genuinely broken and traumatized after the sounds
I wonder if this is Erik's actually reaction to this bc it's was mentioned he doesn't like eye, nails and teeth related gore things.
Skittles Littles 🤞
Again Honey is Sweetheart. Peanut gallery my ass
I'd be laughing too if my boyfriend explained a horror movie with bones and snake looking things
Yeah what do you mean technically only one is dead???
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lunarmothmann · 2 years
bc its fall now and im wanting an excuse to talk abt Halloween, RTC HALLOWEEN HCS!!
ive never done one of these before, but there's a first time for everything!
(these are all angst free! its all fun little ideas and stuff based off of my own friends back when we spent Halloween together)
tw : mentions of gore (nothing expicit, the word gore is just used a few times)
- Ocean and Constance HATE being scared. Constance will 100% start crying if she gets scared really bad, while Ocean will just fall on the ground and refuse to get up until the immediate threat is gone (even tho she is completely safe)
- Penny loves Halloween for the sole reason of scaring the absolute shit out of Constance and Ocean. she plans it out WEEKS in advance, and the other two dread it bc Penny can be really scary when she wants to be
- Noel also hates being scared, but he blows it off, despite always flinching whenever he gets scared. one time, Penny hid in a bush and grabbed him by the ankles when he wasn't looking and he screamed so loud that everyone outside just. stopped. and stared at him.
- Mischa, Penny, and Noel all love one thing when it comes to Halloween, and that's gore. We already know Mischa loves gorey movies like Saw, and Penny just has twisted vibes, but Noel has a dark sort of humor that makes it so he can enjoy the more grotesque parts of the holiday, aside from the more family-friendly stuff
- the whole group still goes trick or treating, mainly for Penny and Ricky's sake, but they all have fun
- Ricky makes everyone's costumes, he asks everyone 2 months in advance what they want and then goes HAM
- Penny picks the most obscure things as costumes. she's like "I wanna be a vacuum" and Ricky just goes with it
- Mischa has absolutely gone as Ash from The Evil Dead before. He wore it multiple years in a row and was pretty upset when he outgrew it (bc theyre teenagers and growth spurts happen). otherwise my man is always someone from a horror movie. Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, you pick.
- Constance and Ocean are usually pretty basic with their costumes, typically going as witches, zombies, etc etc.
- Noel is just constantly going as iconic women in queer media/cult classics. Heather Chandler from Heathers (probably the musical version), one of the Sandersons from Hocus Pocus (either Winifred or Sarah), etc. He's fr running out of ideas.
- Ricky is a cat. every single year. but it just gets gradually more realistic until it eventually gets CGI Cats level freaky.
- i feel like its a universal experience for someone to trip and fall while trick or treating every year. do I even need to say it? its Ocean. every year, without fail, Ocean wipes out on Halloween. she's mainly unphased, aside from being slightly scraped up, but now the whole group makes jokes abt when they think she'll fall
- they all have a movie marathon where they each pick one movie and just eat candy and hang out. they usually pick the same movie every year.
- Ricky picks Ghostbusters. I dont need to elaborate.
- Penny picks Corpse Bride. i hc she likes animated movies, and its a classic.
- Noel picks Rocky Horror Picture Show. like, come on. it makes sense.
- Ocean picks Hocus Pocus. it literally isn't scary at all (which is one reason why she picks it) and she believes its the "superior Halloween movie"
- Constance pick Nightmare Before Christmas. its just a fun movie that everyone enjoys, regardless of the "Halloween movie vs Christmas movie" debate that the group has EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. (they watch it for both. it literally doesn't matter)
- Mischa picks Saw V (even tho the movie he describes in rtc is Saw VI). he gets confused EVERY YEAR wondering where certain parts that he remembered are, never realizing he picked the wrong movie. nobody corrects him.
- it always turns into a sleepover, whether they plan on it or not. its either at Mischa's or Constance's, so its not an uncommon thing for there to be at least 1 random teenager in their house at any given time.
im out of ideas, I might make a part 2 eventually but thats it for rn :)
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hwxnghyynjin · 2 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: lee know x reader (ft. Jisung and Felix) Genre: horror, angst (inspired by the horror film Texas Chainsaw Massacre) Warnings: mentions of the paranormal, gore, character death, blood, horror themes Words: 2,234 Taglist: @alphadisaster @lee--felix
You always had a thing for the paranormal and anything related to the supernatural. That’s why when one of your friends mentioned going to an abandoned farmhouse, you jumped at the chance and decided to go there.
Ever since you were younger, you have been interested in the paranormal and anything spooky. You think it’s because both of your parents are heavily into horror and weird creepy shit. Your friends thought you were weird, but that didn’t stop you from enjoying the things you liked.
When you were around 6 or 7 years old, you had an experience with the paranormal. Around 3am in the morning, you woke up as you felt like something, or someone, was watching you. That was when you saw an old woman standing at the foot of your bed, just staring at you. She didn’t do anything, all she did was stand there.
You told your parents what happened, and you thought you were going crazy. Your parents reassured you that you weren’t crazy, and that there was a reason why you saw an old woman. Before you moved into the house, an old woman lived there and she passed away in her sleep. If it was anyone else, they would have freaked out but you were oddly relaxed hearing that.
You and your friends were in a car, on your way to the abandoned farmhouse. You soon arrived after 20 minutes, and just seeing the farmhouse in person kind of excited you. It was falling apart and just overall looked abandoned and dead.
You all got out of the car, closing the door behind you. “I hope you guys don’t chicken out because I swear to god, I will actually kill you”, you said to your friends, eyeing one of them in particular. “Hey, why are you looking at me?” Jisung said, offended that you think he will run away. You’re not wrong but still.
“Just don’t be a wimp”, you said and started walking towards the farmhouse. “y/n is crazy, man”, your best friend b/f/n said, Jisung and Felix agreeing with her. They followed you, even though they wanted to leave after seeing it in person.
If only they knew the horrors that were going to happen to them.
You all walked towards the farmhouse, not realising there was someone watching you from the window. The guy watching them, Lee Minho also known as Leatherface, started getting frustrated that people are coming towards his property. Minho touched his face, feeling the flesh that he sewn onto his own face. The flesh was from the victims he brutally murdered, feeling the stitches and rough pieces of flesh.
Minho has always been insecure about his looks. His parents neglected him, hardly acknowledged his existence to the point where he murdered them out of pure rage, dumping their dead bodies in a river.
He thought he would feel bad about killing his parents but he felt the exact opposite. He felt free, so he ended up killing more people. He then started cutting the flesh off of his victims, sewing the flesh together and then sewing it onto his own face. 
Minho left his property before you could see him, walking through the front door. The inside looked dingy and rundown, the wallpaper was coming off the wall and there was broken glass on the floor. “What do you think happened here?” Felix asked as he looked around, noticing a dead bird on the floor, making him frown.
“Honestly? I’m not too sure but I think there may have been people murdered here”, you said looking down at the floor. “How do you know?” b/f/n said as she looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “Because there’s a trail of blood on the floor”, you said, pointing at the trail of dried up blood.
“Well that makes more sense”, b/f/n said, walking further into the farmhouse. A staircase with a broken bannister, some steps near the top broken. You were about to walk up the stairs when you heard a faint voice.
“Did you guys hear that?” you asked, referring to the voice you just heard. “Hear what?” Jisung asked, looking at you weirdly. “I just heard someone telling us to leave”, you said, panic in your voice. Maybe you were hearing things due to the strange atmosphere. 
You continued walking up the stairs, careful not to step on any of the broken cracks. You made it to the top of the stairs, walking along a long corridor. You looked in the different rooms, seeing if there was anything interesting in any of them but to no avail, there was none.
That was until you reached the last room.
Before you opened the door, you smelled something terrible, like rotting meat. You had to cover your nose to go inside. Once you walked into the room, it was a mess. Blood splatters on the walls, bloody objects on the floor and in the middle of the room was a pile of dead bodies, which was where the horrible smell was coming from.
You couldn’t even scream, you were that shocked. You ran out of the room and back downstairs, startling Felix once you hit the bottom. “We need to go. Now!” you said and tried to find Jisung and b/f/n.
b/f/n walked into what looked like a kitchen, and there was broken furniture everywhere. She walked towards a door and went to open it but before she could, someone else opened the door. b/f/n screamed as she saw a tall man with stitches on his face, holding a chainsaw. His clothes were dirty and his hair was a mess.
She went to turn around to run away but Minho hit her with the chainsaw, sawing into her back. She screamed as she fell to the ground, blood gushing out of her back. Jisung walked around a corner and saw b/f/n being dragged out of the farmhouse. “b/f/n!” he shouted as he tried running after her but tripped and fell.
Minho dragged b/f/n into the middle of a field, and he was laughing like a maniac. He started cutting up her body, using the chainsaw to cut off her limbs one by one. He chucked her body parts to some pigs nearby, letting them eat the human meat.
Jisung got up off the ground, but struggled to walk. He must have fallen on his ankle weirdly, so he had to sit on a chair. You and Felix came running into the kitchen to see Jisung, but no b/f/n. “Where’s b/f/n?” you asked, and saw a trail of blood on the floor. You ran outside to see where b/f/n could have gone, and you were worried that something happened to her. 
“T-there’s someone here”, Jisung said, his voice wavering. He was on the verge of a panic attack, worried that everyone was going to be killed. “Who’s here Jisung?” Felix asked, putting his hand on his shoulder. “He had stitches on his face and he was holding a chainsaw”, Jisung managed to say, his breathing becoming uneven.
You came running back into the farmhouse, tears streaming down your face. “I think b/f/n is dead because I can’t find her and there’s blood everywhere and I’m scared, we need to leave right now”, you cried and that’s when you heard the sound of a chainsaw. “You guys go, I’ll stay behind and keep the guy distracted”, Jisung said as he tried to stand up but winced when he put pressure on his ankle.
“No, we’re leaving together”, you said, trying to drag Jisung with you but he wouldn’t budge. “No, I’ll slow you down”, Jisung said, trying to convince you guys to leave him behind. “Jump on my back, I’ll give you a piggyback”, Felix said, crouching down so Jisung could jump on. He didn’t bother arguing with Felix and jumped on his back.
You all managed to leave the farmhouse and reached your car. You all got in, and you tried to start the engine, but it wouldn’t turn on. “Fuck! Come on”, you shouted, trying again and again to turn the engine on, but it wouldn’t turn on at all.
Minho suddenly burst out of the farmhouse, his chainsaw roaring. You tried the engine one more time and this time, it turned on, making you sigh out of relief. You soon came up with an idea but hesitated to do it. “Guys, get out of the car”, you said, looking straight forward. They both looked at you like you were crazy but got out of the car anyway. As soon as they were out, you drove forward, driving right into Minho and into the farmhouse.
You stopped the car and were stuck, pieces of wood on top of you. Minho was nowhere to be seen but you didn’t let your guard down. “Guys, get out of here”, you shouted, hoping Jisung and Felix would at least make it out alive. They both wanted to stay to help you but they knew you wouldn’t let that happen, so they both got out of there.
By the time you managed to get out of the car, you were faced to face with Minho. You ran in the opposite direction, trying to get away from him. You ran through a field, the long grass making it hard to run through. You didn’t stop to look behind you, worried that he was still behind you.
All of a sudden, you tripped over something, making you fall to the ground. You looked at what you tripped over and noticed that it was a shoe. A shoe that belonged to b/f/n. You screamed at the realisation that b/f/n was, in fact, murdered. You stood up and went to run again but felt Minho grab your hair, pulling you backwards. 
Minho threw you over his shoulder, making you kick your feet and hit his back. You felt yourself being thrown on a table, and something shoved in your mouth. A sharp pain came from your side, a meat cleaver hitting your side. You couldn’t even scream or cry, you were too tired at this point. 
Felix and Jisung were far away from the farmhouse now, and they were walking along a narrow path. Jisung was still on Felix’s back, his arms around Felix’s shoulders for support. “I hope y/n managed to escape and is ok”, Jisung said, hugging Felix. “I’m sure she’s fine, she’s a tough girl”, Felix reassured Jisung, but Felix was also trying to reassure himself too.
Suddenly, a pickup truck headed towards them, and Felix stopped walking. “You boys ok? Do you need a ride?” it was a middle aged woman and to be honest, she looked kind of shady. Jisung was about to answer but Felix beat him to it, “no thank you, we’re ok. Thanks for the offer though”, the woman didn’t like that and frowned. But the frown soon turned into a smirk though when someone walked up behind Felix and Jisung, grabbing them.
You were on the verge of passing out due to the amount of blood you’ve lost. Minho had cut your left forearm off, the bone showing. You wanted to throw up, you felt really sick, and that’s exactly what you did. You turned to your right, throwing up onto the floor. You winced as you tried getting off the table, hoping to get away before Minho got back.
As you were about to leave, a knife was thrown at your back, making you hit the ground. Minho stood behind you and grabbed the back of your head, putting a knife against your throat. He sliced it, blood gushing out of your throat, making you choke. He dropped you to the floor, blood pooling out of your throat as your now lifeless body laid there.
Felix and Jisung managed to get away from the two shady looking individuals, and had no choice but to run back to the farmhouse. Once they got there, they saw Minho walking out with his chainsaw, revving it. 
“Felix, I don’t want to die, I’m scared”, Jisung sobbed into Felix’s neck. “We’re not dying today”, Felix said as he grabbed a gun from his back pocket (which he managed to get from the man who grabbed him) and aimed it at Minho, pulling the trigger. It hit him in the leg, which made him angry. 
He ran forward, holding his chainsaw in the air. Jisung screamed, closing his eyes. Felix pulled the trigger again, this time hitting Minho in the chest. He fell backwards, hitting the ground with a thud. Felix walked over to him to make sure he was dead, seeing his chest still going up and down. He shot him again in the chest, and again, and again. Blood started pooling out of him, revealing he was dead.
“He’s dead now, you can open your eyes now”, Felix said, patting Jisung’s leg. Jisung opened his eyes and Felix was right, he was dead. “I’m glad we survived but I'm really devastated about y/n and b/f/n”, Jisung said, Felix agreeing with him.
“Also, how are we going to get home if we don’t have a car anymore?”
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broken-everlark · 11 months
Fic Tag Game!
I was tagged by the lovely - @nouklea thank you for tagging me in this. I saw everyone else doing it and was excited when you tagged me🥺💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your AO3 word count?
93,466 -- holy shit.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write for The Hunger Games and Wednesday. I have fnaf movie drafts. For, of course, Mikessa/Schelly.🥰
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Black Cat
Does to Me
Pretty Little Poison
High on Me
Doubt & Trust
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost always. Usually, delete or freeze the hateful ones.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You are Mine. -- I guess you can count this as angst? I wrote an everlark Halloween related fic, but that was back when I tried writing in first person, and it's not good😅
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Doubt & Trust. -- I guess. Since I haven't really posted or updated any of my longer fics.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. I used to get anons on here talking bad about my fics, I used to get a lot recently with my wyler fics, but I usually read and delete. Because if I don't delete or block, I usually will continuously read them and torture myself.
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, I just recently started writing smut. It's not the greatest, but I used the entire Wyler Kinktober to try & get better. I write any kind I'm comfortable with or one such as Non/con where it's not too graphic, I usually don't write a lot of non/con
10. Do you write cross-overs?
Not really. I don't enjoy when characters meet other characters from other universes.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What WIP would you like to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably Captive in the Darkness. An everlark fic of mine and a few drafts of everlark that I have scrapped because I just lost motivation.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmm... that's really hard. I recently have absolutely love Petroclair & Wyler, schelly. Everlark will always be one of my first ships. I used to love stony & spiderwitch but sorta fell out of those. I guess Everlark can count as an all-time favorite.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Honestly, I think I can write some good gore and horror it's just kinda hard to get the right words sometimes.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Foreplay & Kissing. It's so hard for me to try and write sexual tension. Honestly, writing sexual intercourse in general, I feel like I'm pretty bad at. Also, it doesn't help that I'm constantly doubting my writing.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I can try but definitely need to use a translate app or something.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
If you want to be technical, I guess IT (2017), but for Ao3, it was Everlark.
19. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
To the Ends of the Earth -- THG fic with httyd au. because I absolutely love httyd & I have so much going for this fic, I just need time to write.
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
Definitely Black Cat or Captive to the Darkness.
(Literally, the only reason why Black cat has so many kudos is because that's when the wyler fandom actually.. nvm.. & it was my first long wyler fic. Other than that, it wasn't great.)
Tagging (idk who has done this😅) --- @iamfandomcrazy @thee-antler-queen @mega-aulover @pookieh @mellarked-katnisseverdeen
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unstablerk800 · 1 year
Rating: Explicit Pairing: RK900/Fem!Reader (third person) Tags (tagging as I go): post-android revolution, kidnapping, angst/fluff, hurt/comfort, Stockholm syndrome, protective RK900, manipulation, solitary confinement, blood, injury, violence, gore, illnesses, RK800, RK800-60 and RK900 are considered siblings, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Blood and Injury, Character Death, Murder, Assault, Android Gore (Detroit: Become Human), Body Horror Read on Ao3.
Chapter 06.
Chapter 07. 🔽
Chapter 08.
Word count: 6,277
Sharing information with Connor revealed a few disturbing facts for RK800.
He had seen the world shift, but he had no idea of what happened in the shadows. Clearly, she hadn't told them nearly enough, but they suspected there was so much more than they thought originally.
Of course, while RK900 and Sixty were trying to hunt down the group of humans that one hunter referred to, he'd need to work with her. Taking from Sixty's example, Connor knew he had to be gentle. As gentle as possible, while he still got some answers out of her.
"Is this really necessary?" She stared at the number on RK900's jacket, which made Sixty smirk in the background before he walked over to Connor, LED blinking in yellow as he connected to his predecessor.
She's giving him The Treatment again. He hates it so much. Sixty gently bumped against Connor's shoulder who pursed his lips. Think she'll be alright with you?
You know I can take care of her.
I know you're compromised, Sixty almost sniggered.
"It is. I wouldn't want you to be in danger", RK900 whispered, tilting his head, trying to catch her eyes with his gaze. He slowly reached up to stroke a lock of hair behind her ear. "We won't be long."
We're all compromised, Connor pointed it out, looking in Sixty's identical chocolate orbs. Even you. You care about her so much you're going out on a hunting trip with Nines, just to make sure she's safe.
Nines? Sixty raised a brow.
She called him Nines once when she was asleep here.
A-ha. Sixty glanced back at her, then sunk his teeth in his lower lip. You think she knows?
Knows what?
That I like her.
Connor looked so bewildered that Sixty had no choice but to look away. Shit. He's too expressive when he doesn't have to use his mouth to talk.
You like a human?
Stop it.
Seriously, Sixty? You LIKE a human?
Shut up!
"When will you be back?"
RK900 tilted his head at the question.
"We don't have enough data to determine the length of-"
"So you're going away without being fully prepared? That you don't even know what you're against?"
Something changed in her voice. RK900 mimicked a swallow, then he exhaled – unnecessarily, as he didn't need to take breaths to function. He tilted his head more, trying to look in her eyes, but she was looking down at his boots now. Why were his boots more interesting than him? He knew she liked to look at his face, why did she treat him thus? Did she know that her behaviour caused this… annoying emotion to him? He was just trying so hard to protect her and she was making it difficult by completely ignoring him, every time he was trying to say goodbye.
Sixty found RK900's rising stress levels amusing. He crossed his arms across his chest and smirked smugly.
"We're the best prototypes in the world", RK900 said finally. "You shouldn't be worried."
 Wrong answer, Sixty spoke to Connor who mimicked a theatrical sigh. He didn't share his successor's mirth; perhaps because he knew that every time she had to part from RK900, she was always too worried and stressed.
"I keep seeing you on the ground without your arm", she folded her arms around herself and anxiously grabbed her elbows. "It could've ended worse."
"Sixty was on his way."
"Sixty would've been late!"
Connor raised a brow and glanced at the blond beside him, then cocked his head towards the living room to give the other two some privacy. Sixty grimaced – he wanted to hear the rest of it –, but then he followed Connor as he detected their communication was cut off.
"It's embarrassing how we're trying to keep her away from more trauma but trauma finds her anyway", Connor noted.
"She looks fine to me", Sixty countered.
"Why do I detect sarcasm?"
"Because there's so much a human can take, Sixty."
"I think she's tougher than she looks."
"You made her cry with your questioning."
"That was a calculated reaction."
"She had a nightmare because of you."
"Maybe that's what she needs to open up. She's bottling it all up, she'll eventually explode. I don't think any of us would be prepared for that", Sixty reasoned. "Can't we talk about how she picked him instead of freedom?"
"She didn't have good experiences with humans earlier this week", Connor furrowed his brows a bit.
"No, there's more to it", Sixty knew Connor was thinking the same. "There's so much we don't know."
"She isn't only protective of RK900, but it expands towards you as well", Connor pointed it out.
"Weird", Sixty wondered, tilting his head. "I've given her no reason to like me."
"Perhaps it isn't about your behaviour", Connor pondered, "maybe it's what you are."
They stayed silent for a few seconds, then glanced up when she walked in the living room. She looked exhausted as she dragged herself straight to Sixty, throwing her arms around his neck to hug him. Physical contact froze him; he could never be prepared for these random displays of affection.
"Promise me", she mumbled in his ear, making his software shudder with the feral need to do whatever she asked of him. It was so strange; he hadn't felt this ever since he had been reactivated and freed. "Promise me you won't get hurt."
"Princess", he chuckled lightly, "we're about to hunt down humans who-"
He cut off when he felt her arms wrap around him tighter.
"Please promise me you won't do anything reckless and you won't get hurt."
Sixty almost melted in her hold. Any protests he had circulating in his mind palace, vanished. He wrapped his arms around her with a sigh, holding her close. That actually felt good. She smelled so good, her warmth his sensors picked up felt good. This was one of those moments when he didn't want it to pass, he didn't want to let go, and he discovered a new emotion when he thought that RK900 had this with her every night: jealousy.
How very human of me, he thought with a grimace.
"Fine. I promise."
They stayed like that for a few seconds. RK900 stopped at the door of the living room and connected to Connor when he had granted permission.
I'm not sure what we're against, and I don't want her to think about it, RK900 said nonchalantly. Try and occupy her as much as possible. Don't leave her alone.
I've already planned a few things, Connor reassured his successor, smiling a little when he analyzed RK900's state. Don't worry about her. She'll be safe with me.
I know. I'm just worried she's not safe with her thougths.
Connor took a second longer than necessary to ask his next question.
Do you think she's suicidal?
RK900 didn't answer immediately. He took a second to rethink it all.
Whatever he gathered, he had shared with the other two, and with the two of them only; he trusted no one else. Connor was the one, mainly, who worked on their operation called Genesis; it was evident he'd share whatever he knew with him. Sixty got almost… stuck to Connor; like a brother who had been forgiven and who was still working on trying to make amends for trying to kill his predecessor.
He was honest and loyal to their cause. Thus, he wouldn't withhold information.
But at the same time… she'd become more than just a pet to pass the time with, and more than a tool to get what he wanted. He was aware that other androids didn't treat their humans as he treated her; a lot of them were angry, and even if they weren't violent, many of them wanted to settle scores with humans. He never wanted to harm her those ways, which meant that Sixty was right. He bonded with her. She meant so much more to him than anyone or anything else before. Perhaps because he was awakened and freed immediately; he didn't have the faintest idea what it felt like to be under command, to have that certain desperate need to fulfill any sort of mission he received from his superiors.
But then… there was the matter of her safety.
He surely wasn't programmed to care for a human. He certainly wasn't programmed to guard any, either; and every second he had to spend away from her filled him with dread and the desire to return to her was stronger with every passing second. Was that the same how she felt about him? He'd seen her shoot a human repeatedly to save him; but was she stable enough not to hurt herself in her desperate longing for his presence? Would she cause herself harm if he hadn't returned from this mission?
And that was when he realised: he had ruined her, and she had ruined him.
I don't know, he answered, truthfully, making Connor's brows twitch. The way she begged to save someone else in her dream made me think. If that was a memory she revisited, then she must've been used in ways we can't comprehend yet. Whatever she keeps from us is heavy. He paused as he watched her letting Sixty go from her embrace. She might harm herself. I'm not certain.
I'll keep my eyes on her, Connor promised. She'll be safe with me. I give you my word.
Good, RK900 tilted his head down a bit, as if he nodded. I do not know what I'd do if.
He never finished, he cut the connection in the middle of the sentence. He turned and walked out, and Sixty followed him; but not before he flashed a smile at her as he ruffled up her hair.
Connor instantly detected the drop in her mood. He didn't even need to scan her to know. It was visible by the way she dropped her shoulders, and how a shadow darkened her eyes.
"Are you alright?" He asked, walking over to her, and the way she looked up at him, made him raise his brows in sympathy. "You really shouldn't worry. Both of them know how to do this. Believe me when I say they do it well."
"I thought so, too", she muttered, absentmindedly reaching up to touch her collar. "Until I saw him with his arm blown off."
"Listen", he raised a hand to gently rub her back. She felt tense, but as he rubbed her skin, she seemed to ease up a little. "I have my doubts they'd want to face your anger, so I'm certain they'll make extra sure not to get damaged." His comment worked, even if she had tears already gathering in her eyes, she still chuckled a little as she glanced up in his eyes. For some reason, Connor always managed to calm her down. It semeed like it was almost effortless for him to do. "How about breakfast?"
"I'm not really hungry."
When he noticed that she was slightly leaning towards him, he initiated a hug which was returned. She almost melted in his arms and Connor had to smile to himself. Hugs felt good for him, too.
"I could make you something really delicious", he murmured. "Some very fluffy pancakes with fresh fruits and maple syrup, maybe?"
"You're the worst", she mumbled against his shoulder, and he laughed out loud.
"I'll take that as a yes. Come on."
Once in the kitchen, she was observing as he was making the batter and started to cook. It smelled so good and looked so nice that her stomach started to rumble after a while. He was right, she needed that breakfast, especially after all the excitement.
"Alright", he piled them on a plate and glanced at her. "Sit down, please?"
She was so quick to sit that he had to laugh again. Placing the plate in front of her, he brought a fork and a knife and finished the masterpiece with a small cube of butter on top, with a generous amount of maple syrup spread all over it, adding a handful of fresh berries to the side. She didn't hesitate to dig in.
"This is so good", she moaned with her mouth full, drawing yet another chuckle out of him again. "I could eat this all day."
"I'll record it to your favourite meals", Connor nodded then.
"My favourite meals?" She glanced up at him, surprised.
"Of course", he shrugged. "I have a list with the foods you seemed to enjoy."
The question made him stagger internally for a moment. He didn't know why; he just did it. It had no real function other than knowing her preferences for future reference. Maybe because... he wanted her to feel good when she was here with him? Or maybe because he had this underlying need to take good care of her? Did he want her to like him? If so, why?
His questions seemed to duplicate and none of them had a correct answer.
"I just want to make sure you enjoy yourself."
"With you?"
Connor's LED slowly shifted to yellow. She didn't notice as he was standing in a way that she couldn't see.
"I wasn't aware I was so important", she mentioned with a little smile, making him run a few circles of questions internally once more.
Me neither, he realised, saying nothing.
She quickly finished breakfast, then they moved over to the kennels to spend the day. She observed him working with the other animals and she had her little time with the tricolor cat again, who's LED was yellow when she made eye contact with her.
It was around the middle of the day after lunch that she started to really feel the effects of the morning. Literally, on her skin. She had said that she wanted to have a bubble bath alone to relax, and Connor didn't protest, just asked her not to lock the door, to which she agreed to. As she was filling the tub, she got her clothes off and discovered the bruises on her shoulder quite quickly after she took her shirt off.
She touched the strangely shaped bruises. The way the rifle punched back against her flesh could still be felt; it was like it wouldn't leave her for the next few days. The pain was almost unbearable, but it was nothing compared to how it looked like. Dark blue, almost purple splotches – these definitely would freak out each and ever android, she figured. She must cover them up, they couldn't know. They were fussy enough about the other bruises on her face, neck and stomach, if they knew about the new one, she may as well walk around their homes without a shirt.
Sighing, she undressed completely and lowered herself in the bubble bath. She'd discovered the bottle during her earlier trips to the bathroom, and she wanted to try it ever since she saw it. She always went for showers with RK900's home, but this felt like a good idea now. She grabbed the bottle and glanced at the red design with the white snowflakes and deers.
"Christmas Carol", she mumbled out loud, then frowned.
She spent at least half an hour in the bath, enjoying the scent of the water, the warmth and the bubbles themselves. She absentmindedly played with the foam as if it was the world's most fascinating thing, making her forget about her worries and troubling thoughts. Once all the bubbles were gone and she had enough, she got out of the bath, dried herself off and got dressed again. She found Connor in the living room, tapping away on a tablet – which was only a glass screen. Yawning in her hand, she sat beside him, resisting the urge to snuggle up to his arm.
"Connor?" She muttered, watching him tap away on the tablet, too fast for her to be able to follow what he was doing.
"What's Christmas?"
That froze the android. He lowered the tablet and looked at her; his chocolate brown eyes betraying his confusion.
"What do you mean?"
She blinked at him, then bit her lower lip. She shifted a little closer to him, and slid one of her hands on his arm.
"I don't know what it is", she whispered like it was her biggest secret and shame. "It was written on the bubble bath bottle. Christmas Carol. I don't know what it means."
When he realised she wasn't joking, Connor put the tablet down. His frown deepened with every second as he was gathering information about the celebration while simultaneously, he tried to figure out how was it possible she didn't know what it was. Because honestly, every city was full of it, even in the beginning of November, and there was not a single soul that wasn't aware what it was.
"I-I know it's at the end of December", she looked nervous at the sight of his expression. "But I'm not really... familiar with it."
"How can you not be familiar with it?" He couldn't help it, he had to ask.
"I, uh... didn't hear about it. For quite a while." She couldn't keep her eyes on his face, he was looking at her as if he saw a ghost of the past. "I... I lived underground", she whispered, biting her lower lip.
Curiosity was an interesting thing. He hadn't known about how annoying it could be until the moment he really, really wanted to know something. And every little crumble of information she'd given about herself made him want more, while he knew he was walking on thin ice with her. Because one wrong question could make her retreat. But he had to know. He must. He'd tick on this tidbit of information until he wouldn't be able to take it anymore.
"For how long?"
His voice was as quiet as possible, and he didn't dare to move, not even when she tensed up. She was chewing her lower lip for a few seconds before she pulled away a bit to look in his eyes.
"For twenty-eight years."
Connor's lips ever so slightly parted.
"And how old are you?"
"Were you born underground?" He asked, and she nodded a little. "Were you recently freed?"
She was moving her head in a way that it was between a nod and a headshake. She wasn't freed, but she didn't escape, either. It was in-between. Perhaps her captors wanted to keep her around, but others helped her escape?
"Okay", Connor decided, then he glanced up at the brand new television that was hung on the wall. He had promised he'd get her one, and he did. As he was looking at it, he had given her a brief overview of Christmas's origin and meaning, and she listened, so focused, that he couldn't help but find her cute. "Actually", he added after he'd spoken for ten minutes straight, "there are a lot of Christmas themed movies we can choose from. If you'd like, we could watch one."
"That sounds good!" She nodded excitedly.
His LED was shining in yellow for a few seconds and the telly turned on. He silently – and very quickly – navigated to a screen where movies were stored, and started one of them up. She made herself comfortable as he did that; snaking an arm around his, leaning against his shoulder, resting her head just there.
He tried to ignore how it made him feel.
He had chosen one of the most popular movies, Home Alone. If anyone had watched them watching the movie, they would've found it odd; because while it was perfectly normal that Connor wouldn't laugh at the funny scenes, it was a little bit strange that she did not, either.
"How did you like it?" He asked, glancing down at her, when the movie was over.
She still had her head on his shoulder. The room got dark around them, and Connor realised after a quick scan that she wasn't even awake. She dozed off, and had been asleep for who knew how long. He was surprised he didn't detect her falling asleep; he must've been too immersed in the movie.
He stayed completely still, going through a few things in his mind palace as he let her rest. What he had told Sixty was right. They were compromised. This level of attachment to her was unusual, alarming, and it was worth analyzing. There had to be an explanation to why everyone around her reacted the same way. RK900 probably gave up trying to figure this out, but this was new for Connor.
Until now he'd separated himself from this. But seeing the way how RK900 and Sixty behaved and reacted... and his own reaction to the news about that attack today morning...
He glanced down at her again, his LED spinning in amber as he scanned her. She really wasn't anything spectacular, not to his scans, anyway. But the vulnerable state she was in, the bruise still on her cheek and neck... he was aware how she'd stopped RK900 from killing that man, while, on the other hand, she'd shot that other man without much of a hesitation when RK900 was in danger.
How strange.
She hummed in her sleep and tilted her head, facing him more now than before, her head resting on the couch's backrest and his arm. Connor sunk his teeth in his lower lip. She looked so peaceful and so cute. Vulnerable. Innocent. Now he had understood what RK900 felt for her. He couldn't grab the concept before, but now it made sense.
He wanted to stroke her hair but at the same time, he didn't want to wake her up. So he remained silent and motionless as he watched her.
In about an hour, she woke up. She turned her head down and rubbed her cheek against his shoulder, making him smile.
"I fell asleep?" She asked, her voice drowsy and surprised.
"It would seem so", Connor chuckled softly.
"How long did I sleep?"
"I'm not sure. What was the last thing you remember from the movie?"
She was thinking for a few seconds and blushed. Although, her cheeks seemed to tilt to a different, odd colour. Connor furrowed his brows at the sight.
"Umm... when Kevin woke up alone in the house, I think."
"You missed most of the movie, then."
"I'm so sorry", she mumbled, and Connor laughed lightly.
"It's alright. We can watch it tomorrow again, from that point, if you want to. Now, I think, it's time for dinner and bed. It's a bit late. Sounds good?"
"Yes", she pulled away from him a little, then they got up and walked out in the kitchen together.
He had made a quick dinner for her, which she ate, once again, complimenting how delicious it was.
As she reached for the mug of warm milk, she heard something hit the table directly in front of her. Tip. Tip. Tip. As if it was water. Frowning, she looked down, and froze in terror before she reached up to touch under her bleeding nose.
Connor had been staring at her as she realised what was happening, trying to figure out why the blood that was coming out of her nostrils was purple. It wasn't red. It was an odd purple colour. He'd never seen anything like it before.
"Let me help", he offered, bringing the cloth from beside the sink to her. She quickly buried her face in it and stared up at Connor with tears in her eyes. He gently rubbed her back and pinched her nose at the correct place to stop the bleeding. "It's alright. It's alright. It'll stop soon. Just a nosebleed. I've got you."
"Why is it burble?" She mumbled with her nose effectively being blocked, sounding like she had a cold.
"I don't know", Connor replied truthfully. "But it's nothing to worry about, alright? We'll wait for it to stop first."
Connor checked if it stopped after five minutes, but she kept bleeding. His LED started to spin in yellow. He resumed pinching her nose and contacted medical androids on the lower floors. The tower was equipped with everything; from military floors to medical ones, Connor could contact anyone and anything if something was needed.
"We'll go down to level 24", he sounded calm and reassuring, even if the state she was in stressed him out. She looked pale and slightly disoriented, but she didn't protest when he helped her to her feet, just got a hold of his arm for support. "I want to get you checked out, alright?"
"Uh-huh", she walked with him to the elevator, her grip loosening around his arm. "I feel dizzy."
"If you feel like you'll faint, squeeze my arm", Connor instructed as he freed one of his hands to press the numbers on the elevator.
Around level 30 on the way down, she squeezed his arm, and he could catch her as she collapsed. The medical androids were waiting for them with a stretcher at the door, and they took her away to perform routine checks on her body.
Connor had to stay outside in the waiting area. Medical androids still followed their own protocols, they didn't really like other androids being around as they did their check ups. He requested not to contact her handler, only him for the time being as her handler was working on a delicate mission. The medical androids simply nodded at his request, so Connor could only hope for the best that they would do what he asked.
Hours passed by. Connor had found the wait to be progressively worse and worse for him. His impatience and uncertainty were the worst; he wished he kept the cloth she had held to her face so he could've analyzed it.
He was thinking about returning to his apartment when the door finally opened and a female medical android smiled up at him.
"She's stable", she said, knowing it was the most important thing to know for Connor. They've gathered from her collar that she was extremely significant, so they've put every effort into saving her life. "There were five capsules hidden inside her skull." She raised a sealed plastic box with a few small, cracked capsules in it. "All of them were full of thirium, and they cracked at the same time, simultaneously. One was hidden between her eyebrows, close to her nose, other two were at her temples, another two near her ears."
When she finished, all Connor could hear was static noise. He thought at first that his audio processor got fried, but then he realised it was due to his emotional state instead. His LED switched to bright red, and the medical android kept silent while he was analyzing the capsule within the box. When he looked in her eyes with the look of a hound on his face, she mimicked a swallow.
"Someone wanted her dead. If her handler took too long to get her medical attention... if you hesitated for ten more minutes..."
"The thirium would've killed her", finished Connor, his voice deep and quiet.
"It was lucky you were nearby with her", she nodded. "We had to flush it all from her bloodstream. She needed a complete transfusion. She needs to stay here for a day or two, so we can monitor her. We've done scans and found no other capsules hidden in her body. She's asleep, now, you can visit her tomorrow. We did not forward this to her handler as you've asked, but we have the full report forwarded to you, which you can send to her handler if he needs it."
Connor nodded a few times, finding it hard to process all the information. At the moment, he wasn't sure what to do with it himself. Should he forward this information to RK900 and Sixty? Probably not; they must concentrate on their missions, any distraction could be disastrous, it'd be better if he only told them about it when they returned. As he was thinking about this, the medical android cleared her throat. He focused on her eyes again.
"There's something else", she sounded hesitant, "her uterus and ovaries had been surgically removed. Due to this, the thirium in her system didn't do any lasting damage."
"I understand."
How strange. The words just came out automatically. As if someone switched a button in his mind palace and reacted instead of him. He didn't realise his hands were balled up in fists.
"She'll be alright", she reassured him, and Connor nodded, again, automatically, as if someone else had been doing it instead of him. She placed her hand on his arm, sharing a vision of her sleeping on her back in a bed, nicely tucked in. She looked so pale to him. Even her bruise faded on her cheek. "We'll notify you when she wakes up tomorrow. You should get some rest, too."
"Yes. Thank you."
He walked over to the elevator, his LED still spinning wildly in crimson. Had she been with RK900 at the outskirts of the city, she'd be dead by now. The thought made him feel an eternal wave of emotions that were too complicated to grasp and process, and Connor had a hard time not to smash something to pieces.
He'd find who put those capsules in her, and he'd execute them with his bare hands.
He'd spent the night trying to find information about her. Looking back on the security cameras that were set up around the city, he found it so annoying that the companies didn't store anything longer than a few weeks. He couldn't gather anything substantial.
What Connor did not know was that an emergency message was forwarded to every handler. Not being a handler himself, he wasn't aware that in the dead of the night, as RK900 and Sixty were proceeding in silence in the dark tunnels of an underground facility, RK900 received the message.
RK900 stopped dead in his tracks, his LED immediately spinning in crimson circles.
"What?" Sixty muttered, staring up at the taller android who froze where he was.
RK900 couldn't even hear was Sixty was asking. He contacted Connor instead.
Is she alright?
Connor felt a moment of panic when the message popped up in his vision.
Yes, she is. Asleep.
Requesting visual
Connor bit his lower lip and pinched the bridge of his nose before he let out a frustrated curse. He couldn't just tell RK900 that there had been more than one attempts to murder her on the same damned day, but he couldn't outright lie, either. The truth was out of the question; the signs RK900 showed foreshadowed his reaction. Their bond was too strong, it'd cause more complications. If he screwed this up, RK900 could die on that mission from not being there completely. Connor frantically tried to come up with a solution.
Then he sent RK900 a picture, pulled up from his mind palace, as she slept on his shoulder earlier that day. After he tempered with the picture's creation time, of course.
RK900 slightly relaxed. His LED resumed to yellow and he closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, unknowingly mirroring Connor's desperate pose hundreds of miles away.
"What's going on??" Sixty demanded in a hushed tone.
"Nothing. I just... had to check up on her", RK900 whispered back, then he lowered his hand and stared forward. Knowing how unstable Sixty was, it was better not to tell him anything about it right now. "Let's keep going. I want to get back as soon as possible."
Hopefully not too soon, at least Connor hoped. He had no idea what he'd say if RK900 returned and he'd find her on floor 24. There was a possibility he wouldn't be able to explain himself at all, because RK900 would put a bullet through his skull for lying.
The next morning around seven, Connor got the message that she was awake. He didn't hesitate to visit her, glad to be distracted from his thoughts and worries for a while. He'd spent the entire night decorating the rooms for Christmas; a little present for her once she'd be released from the hospital floor.
When he entered the room and saw her sitting up with a worried look on her face, he had to smile. The stress finally lowered in his systems. Seeing her being alive was so much better than to see it being forwarded as a picture by a medical android. She was connected to a number of machines around her, and she was still pale, but she looked fine.
"I couldn't really recall last night", she told him when he walked over to her bed and sat on the edge of it. She was so fast to wrap her small arms around his broad shoulders to hold him tight. Connor appreciated that; he moved his arms around her as well, holding her close, finally getting rid of the rest of his stress. "What happened to me?"
"There were thirium capsules hidden in your skull", Connor whispered, rubbing her back. "For some reason, they cracked simultaneously. They nearly killed you." He pulled a bit away, holding her by her shoulders. She looked sad. Not scared, not shocked, just sad. "Do you know who put them in you?"
She hesitated and looked away. One of the machines, which monitored her heartbeat, signalled that her pulse picked up. Connor cupped her cheeks and turned her head back as gently as possible. His hands were warm; he had made sure they were before he touched her.
"Darling, please, tell me", he whispered now.
He was determined to say anything just to get her talk. Seeing her blush made him think that it worked; and he was relieved that her cheeks were pink, not that odd purple colour anymore. She was trying to look away from Connor's eyes, but he followed her gaze by tilting his head accordingly, and she couldn't escape.
"Please, dear", he added ever so softly, gently manipulating her to make her answer. "Who did this to you?"
She swallowed, her eyes filled with tears. There was no escape from her past, she might as well make her peace with it. It seemed all the roads led back to him.
"Scientists", she whispered back, reaching up with her right hand to touch his left which was resting on her cheek.
"Who did those scientists work for?" Connor rubbed her cheek ever so gently with his thumb.
"Elijah Kamski." She closed her eyes and leaned against his palm more. "Please, don't tell anyone. Please, Connor."
Connor could've said he was surprised. But he couldn't, because he wasn't. He knew she offered her help earlier to RK900, to get Kamski confess that he wanted to get control back over androids in some way. It also was in his character to put an 'emergency exit' in everything he created, just as he had told Connor about it once; and there were more than one guesses why he could want her dead. The main reason was obvious.
She must've known too much.
Connor wasn't sure about what; he had ridiculously little data on the entire situation, especially about her. But there had to be some sort of connection, and he was aware that she most possibly wanted the man dead for whatever reason.
Now it became clear that one of the reasons was that Kamski must've performed some tests on her, including the capsules that nearly killed her. At that moment, Connor knew they'd need to use her for Genesis. She had a personal reason to destroy Kamski. Probably a lot of more reasons than anyone else in the world.
"I won't tell anyone", Connor promised. "Not about this", he motioned at the machines, "and what you've told me."
And with this, he had put himself in line for their mission. To whom should he lie to, in the end? To her? Shall he disclose all of this information to RK900 and Sixty, or should he keep it to himself? Or should he tell everything to the other two androids, risking that they wouldn't let him use her for Genesis?
Genesis was all he worked on ever since he'd freed Markus at the CyberLife tower. It was his most important task, one he had failed for a few times already. He couldn't fail it again. He wouldn't disappoint his people again, he would make his past mistakes right.
But he couldn't possibly sacrifice her for the mission. She meant too much for all of them, and since last night, he knew he was just as devoted as the other two of them. She did nothing wrong; she had been picked out from the crowd by pure chance, and it was blind luck she had passed all their tests.
But was it blind luck, really? Or they were meant to find and spare her? Was this all Kamski's plan? Did he know about the android revolution and did he orchestrate it like thus – that they'd find her?
"Thank you", she whispered, leaning forward to hug him again, and he stared forward at the wall as he silently embraced her, in a war with himself.
She could save them all... or destroy them all.
And it was up to Connor to decide whether or not risk their existence with her.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
jennifer's body is a really good movie. i need more shit like this. but IN A MOVIE. not a tv series though, i just dont have the attention span or the time to watch 10 episodes of something. anyway if anyone can help here's the list of things i like from jennifer's body :
- needy's dynamic with jenny. yeah, i like that theyre kind of bad for each other after the botched ritual (they were such good friends before and could have been such a cute couple!) but nevertheless their strong love and attraction is there, to the point that they'd hurt and kill for the other. but ofc this is treated realistically. instead of becoming a power couple duo, they broke each others' heart. call me shitty but i love queer love stories that are just dysfunctional and a mess for reasons they cant or can barely control (also a reason why i like dog day afternoon i guess). it reminds me a lot with my own messy love life. i prefer well written angst and horror than the fluffy fanfics
-the side characters are so funny! the emo kids, needy's boyfriend, even the teacher! theyre all so memorable and wonderful. i might not remember their names but i'll always remember how fun they are
-oh the themes this movie packed. brace yourself this is a LONG wall of text. you can put so much themes in this. its got it all. jennifer's (first) death as a culmination and the logical end point of the sexualization she was put through from the town locals and eventually the band (also given the movie was made in 2009 its also a reference to the huge amount of fucking creeps in the myspace band scene. band vocalists fucking underage groupies were like, a huge thing back then. it was Fucked Up) sacrifice as a literal metaphor for objectification. and jenny's resurrection as an allegory for self destruction after assault. her need to consume boys can be seen as her retraumatizing herself as a form of self harm or becoming hypersexual after the sa trauma. she reminds me a lot of myself. and holy fucking shit was jenny neglected. they didnt spell it out but we can see from subtext and. The way jenny devours the boys needy liked. its giving comphet, jealousy, allegory of sapphic attraction and the way it is tend to be supressed by the person, codependet female friendships, its got it all. and the way jenny is needy's personal monster. pretty sure i've reblog someone who wrote all of that better than me. the setting of small town as an enclosed claustrophobic space where everyone knew each other but also the place where horrifying shit happens right under their noses because people ignore clear signs of abuse/Bad Things Happening? Geez. this is just like when engels talked about the nuclear family and the atomization and alienation or working class 💖 lol its great. amazing how movies can touch on plenty of themes in just a few hours. 13 episodes tv series can Never.
-bisexual protagonist who do crimes. but they suffer a lot. the bad deeds might be cool but its not worth it since everyone that matters to them ended up divorcing/breaking up with them for it. cant get enough of that shit.
-more cannibalism. I Love gore and cannibalism its such a good aesthetic and concept to play with. I also like movies/media where girls are the main characters doing important things.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Do you do like a gore-y thing? Like... There's lots of blood involved and obviously pain... Are you good with that?
So do I like it? I honestly don't care one way or another so long as it's not unnecessarily excessive. Unless we're talking horror movies or some shit, but horror movies always have excessive gore. I can write for it though, so long as it doesn't go against any of my rules. Like, if you want me to write an abusive relationship and describe the injuries? Absolutely not! I don't write for abusive relationships, but if you want me to write a heart wrenching death scene where one of the characters or the reader or whoever is horribly mangled and it's just heart wrenching angst? Sure, why not. If you want to send me a video of something gory... I can't guarantee that I'll watch it, but I'll try!
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evansencezz · 2 years
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⚱︎ ⚱︎—SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL— Autum Candell—⚱︎ ⚱︎
notes: oh my god, angst overload, holy shit, average ginger, mental illness, gore, blood, murder, non-cannon aroace autumn, help bro, girlboss autum, she/they pronouns, twin sisters, fucked up autumn, refrenced death insentences, PTSD, untreated mental illness, revenge, anger issues, stressed out autumn, vicous cycle, i feel so bad for her, flashbacks, trauma, actually okay family ig, atleast compared to my other ocs, immoratal??autumn, revenge plot, guns, knives, afraid of heights, afraid of drowning, shes still sexy though, nice tits, lots of murder, mainuplation, yanderes, bondage, theres like one fluff scence and its not even that cute, choking, half-mute autumn, mechanic autumn, i like mechanics, fashion desginer autumn too, why not, lots of fight scences, autumn being alone, no one gets her. so emo, lashing out, very non-touchy autumn, extremely traumatized autumn, yet she still slays, smoking, drinking, a little flirting but nothing serious, autumn hates men, refrenced towards toture, YEAH.., beating the fuck out of someone, autumn dies like alpha, time loop, popular autumn, sort of simaliar to suimuki bc i love both of them, horror, slasher, major character death, rlly sad ending.
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Autum sighed as she stitched up her arm, just another wound. Her apartment was empty, filled with only herself.
“Died again?” She questioned herself.
It was strange, usually she could remeber how she died. Or atleast make sense of it, but no. She just practically woke up to herself stitiching.
“Fucking hell..” She scofffed, finally ending the stitch by pulling up and sinching it.
When she dropped the needle, the rest of the thread attached to it came out. She cut it off and poked around at the still somewhat gaping hole in her arm
They dug their fingers into the flesh right above it, frustrated.
“How did I mess up again?? All I want is to..” She hissed.
All they wanted was to be viewed as an actual person. People adimired them for their looks and personality. They didn’t even bother to try and help them or look deeper.
It was funny, she had always been treated kindly by other people. What if the ginger had been ugly, or more mean??
Obviously, they would hate her then, right?
She darkened her eyes before swiftly standing up off of the couch. Her long hair followed her movements, unrestrained by a hairtie or anything.
She looked out at the city of Valentino, loud. She would have some way to make a name for herself, even though most people just knew she just kept coming back.
Of course there was the regular person stummbling across Autumn’s body here and there. Terrifed when she shot up and gasped for air. They always had a look of horror when her emerlad eye connected with theirs.
She grunted and moved to her kitchen. Might aswell make coffee before moving out, right??
Some people might have called her insane for still going out into the world. For living her life, as painfilled as it was.
Once the coffee was brewed, she took a cup and poured it into it, then she sealed it with a lid. Her phone, that was sitting on the counter lit up with a message.
‘hey autumn! i’m outside of your place, ready to hang out?? im really exicted, we haven’t seen each other in so long!’
They grimnaced, Summer. Summer was their older sister an awfully nice girl. So naive.
They placed their cup to the side as they picked up the phone. A photo of them and Summer was the profile picture she had set. A stinging feeling filled their upper chest and they clentched the photo tighter.
“God damnit.” They hissed.
She blinked and slowly texted a response. Meanwhile, the taller ginger looked around the area. They were currently outside of the complex, and got brushed by a few people.
They blinked in surprise but a wide grin formed on their face as they read the message Autumn had sent them.
‘yeah yeah, i’m coming relax’ was all it said.
The older didn’t feel the need to respond, so she didn’t. She also flinched when she noticed someone infront of her.
“Hey, arsenic.” The younger sister greeted.
Dark green eyes immeditally glanced up from her phone. She made immediete eye contact with Autumn.
A soft yet exicted smile formed on her face. The younger looked as she always had. Her ginger hair was in a low ponytail now, tied with a green ribbon.
She also had lots of scars alinging her body, one missing through her right eye but don’t damanging the eye itself. She also had a scar on the left side of her neck in the shape of a lightening bolt.
In all honesty, she did look like someone who had been through way too much.
“Autumn!!” Summer shook her head and quickly hugged her sibling.
The other returned the embrace, all be it lighter. When both of them pulled away the other girl got a good look at what they were wearing. A tight fitting shirt with straps that showed..skin.
Like Summer had mentioned earlier, they had bruises, scars and shittly wrapped banadges around areas. The color of the top was a basic marrow bone colored besige with a skelton desigin.
Autumn also had on low waisted jeans that were a deeper gray and with a belt. Finally, with black combat boots, she looked nice.
“It’s good to see you again.” The younger said.
The taller beamed and moved back a little.
“I could say the same! You look..well..?” She questioned.
The younger twin scoffed and shuffled her feet slightly. Her eyes seemed to dart to her feet for a second before back to Summer’s.
“Just tell me I look like shit.” She blurted out.
The other blinked a few times before laughing. It was nice to see that they honestly knew that they weren’t in the best condition.
“Ah, good to see you still have that same humor! Anyways, wanna’ hit up a cafe’ before we fuck around?” She giggled before smiling with her eyes closed.
The ladder simply nodded. They had that sinking feeling in their stomach again, so they tossed a glance over their shoulder. No one else was there, stop being paranoid Autumn.
“Hey?” They were surprised and tensed when a soft hand shook their shoulder.
Their dark eyes connected with slightly brighter ones. A grin formed onto her sisters face and she made a follow me motion.
“Come on, I know I’M suposed to be the ONE visting YOU but I looked up a really cute cafe’!” She explained.
Autumn wasn’t really listening, merly humming. The two walked on the sidewalk, finally out of the compelx area in the full city of Valentino. She noticed people pausing what they were doing to get a good look at her.
Her sibling must have noticed her posture change, as they cocked an eyebrow.
“Does your presnce really radiate that many looks??” They questioned.
The ginger simply grumbled and scowled. She absoutetly despised it, she hated it so much. Why did everyone have so much want and lust towards her?
She would never wish this fate on anyone else, this was exactly why she burdened it. She would weigh herself down if it ment keeping Summer and every other person safe. No matter how many times she died.
Then again, she was currently restarting from a death. It would only be soon enough till some creep made his disgusting move.
“Sooo..I’m assuming no boyfriend or girlfriend?” Her sister asked, keeping pace with her and leaning to the side.
The emerlad eyed girl didn’t have to think about it. She barely had any romantic attraction anymore. Anyone who she had ever dated turned out to become obessed with her and wanted to take her.
She blew out a puff of air and shook her head.
“No..nothing like that.” She answered.
The ladder simply hummed before perking up when a cafe’ came into view. A rather large one at that, Autumn also looked up.
“Ah, here it is!~” She sang, walking faster and opening the door.
The other grunted and shuffled inside, the other female following. There was actually a good amount of people looking at them when they entered.
“Fucking annoying..” They scoffed.
Summer didn’t even look at the people and kept a naive smile on their face. They wished they could keep that naive nature for themself. They were jealous.
They were cut off by someone brushing past the said older sibling and towards them. It was a male, of course it was.
“Hey, sweetness. Aren’t you a cute LITTLE thing?” He cooed towards them.
That intense revenge and hatered towards people like this Autumn had built up crawled into their being again. Maybe they were a sociopath, maybe they didn’t like any people..
But these..PEOPLE..were the most disgusting.
“Not intrested.” She simply replied.
The man seemed to have a reaction towards this, his eyes narrowing. He had short, red hair that looked oddly soft and dark blue eyes.
“Oh yeah? What, this your girlfriend?” He spat, glancing towards her older sister.
The taller burst out laughing while she made a disgusted face. This guy could go hang himself for all she cared, he was vile.
“Twin sister, thank you.” Summer flashed a closed eyed smile.
He grunted and flicked his eyes back towards her.
“Why aren’t you intrested?? Is it because I’m too much for you?!” He agressivly asked.
The long haired female flinched when his large hand grabbed her lower arm and raised it. She quickly scowled and tried tugging it away, he didn’t move. By now, a crowd had formed around them.
“Hey buddy! Get off of them!!” The other ginger dropped her smile and glared at him.
Autumn only narrowed their annoyed eyes further and..
“Get your fucking-!” They started while finally getting free before grabbing him and kicking him harshly in the side.
A round of cheers greeted this and she almost smiled. Then, she grabbed the man by the hair, seeing as he had doubled over.
“DISGUSTING perverted hands off of me. Honestly, that’s sad. Oh, and you have a wedding band on?? How..vile.” She spat before harshly letting go of his hair.
She backed away and glanced towards her sibling. They blinked a few times before making a face and a signal. Autumn made a confused expression before turning around.
Loads of people had their phones out and were recording. No one was helping the male on the ground though, everyone was fawning over her.
“That was so awesome!! What’s your name?!” A male with brown hair and brown eyes asked.
She was about to answer but the crowd of smiling and cheering people came closer. She honestly felt bad for the cafe’ owner.
“Your so pretty!! Do you have a partner?!”
‘WHATTTT?!!’ She thought in her head, recoiling.
All she did was show that disgusting pervert his place. And that wasn’t the first time she had done that. either. The girl had also been sweeped into crowds of ‘fans’ before.
Her older sibling quickly stepped in, smiling nervously at all the people.
“It’s nice to meet all of you, I’m sure! But we must be off!~” They waved before tugging the shorter by the wrist.
They both zoomed out the door, leaving everyone dissapointed. The man, still on the floor groaned.
“I..I could sue!! That..she ASSUALTED ME!!” He complained.
Silence covered the cafe’ before..
“Shut up.” Someone threw their empty, paper cup at them.
It hit the top of his head and he grunted. He looked around to who it was.
“Hey?!! What the-!?” He was cut off again.
“YEAH!! GET OUTTA’ HERE!!” More people threw stuff at him and he yelped.
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“You were so hot back there! Maybe you’ll blow up, become a fugtive!” Summer panted
The other orange-nette rolled her eyes and looked behind her. They were both currently sitting on a fountains edge, water behind them filled with a statue and pennies.
“Please, I dobut it. Actually no-that might happen actually. Knowing my reputation with..’fame’.” She started but thought about it more.
“Pfft- anyways, maybe you should take me to your favorite spot, yeah??” The other snickered before tilting her head and smiling.
The former squinted at her, that was the thing about Summer. She always had a relaxed smile on her face, and was so nice to everyone. She hated that she pushed her own sister away.
“Am..am I mean to you..?” She hestiantely asked.
The brighter eyed girl blinked and rubbed her eyes. Sje simply scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Are you? Sometimes, yeah. But it’s not a bad thing.” They answered.
She looked at them before embrassingly turning away and mummbling something. She dug her fresh nails into the rim of the fountain and scowled.
They didn’t like this sudden feeling that dwelled inside of them. Fear? Softness? Whatever it was, they wanted it gone.
“Autumn? Hey!” They shook their sister by the shoulder.
The said person snapped out of it and looked shakily at the others face. They had a concerned expression on, only natural. Only natural, but still annoying.
“Or we can stay here if you’d like? There seems to be somethin’ bothering you.” They reassuringly smiled.
Her nails dug further into the fountain and she hissed. Was she bleeding by now? Probably.
“Wha-Autumn?! Come back please!” Huh?
The female hadn’t even relized she had gotten up and had started walking away. She tried to pause her movements, but it was like she was being dragged to go somewhere.
Her older sibling had gotten up and this cued the others body to start running. Yes, she had lost control of her bodily funcontions once or twice, dropping a plate when her hand went numb, or something else.
But never..THIS..
“Autumn!!” They faintly heard their sibling call after them but they turned back towards and just sighed.
Maybe they were trying to burn off this annoying feeling that had rised in their being. It was that annoying fury and anger towards everyone and everything.
They halted at a crossroad-slightly winded. Some people raised an eyebrow and they only glared at them. They adjusted their posture and glanced towards the button.
“God..” Autumn glanced behind her into the walking crowds but coudn’t spot Summer.
The light turned green and everyone moved along, including her. She only eye-twitched and ran a hand through her hair.
She followed along with the crowd, still checking her phone here and there. It lit up multiple times with the call singal from her sister. She simply ignored it though.
The ginger quickly found another cafe’, one she had been to multiple times. She didn’t order anything though, she simply sat down and laid her head on the table.
People were probably looking at her strangley, she cracked open and eye and just say a couple people peeking glances at her. She lazily made a two finger wave before slumping over again.
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“Autumn??” A blonde haired girl leered over the orange-nette.
The person, who was zoning out with their cheek in their head perked up. They glanced towards her, before humming.
“Hey, Nari! What’s up?” They closed eyed smiled.
The other seemed to be pleased with the attention but looked away. She glanced towards the door before back towards them.
“Your..boyfriends..here.” She answered.
The former perked up, like sat up straight and smiled wider. Micheal, her boyfriend was so nice, not to mention cute! Ah, she could feel herself getting flustered.
“Thanks Nari! I can always count on youuu..~” She grinned and kissed her friends cheek before skipping off towards her boyfriend.
Meanwhile, Nari Jeong placed a hand on her cheek, feeling weak. God, only if they knew the hold they had on some people. She watched as they smiled and leaned towards their boyfriend, also kissing his cheek.
Ah…her cheek now felt colder.
“You’ having a good day so far, baby? You seem more happy then usual.” The taller of the duo grinned down at them.
“Yep, now it’s even better because your here! I love you..” They cheered before kissing him.
Micheal wasn’t easy, he didn’t always kiss back. He didn’t always call her nicknames, or tease but it was okay. It was okay because they were still together.
He grunted and gently kissed back before easing her down. She still had that wide smile on her face, and he closed his eyes.
“Your so cute darling.” He breathed out.
It was true, everyone in the school adimired her. From her near ginger hair, that was slightly tied back by the white hairband on her head. Or her cute freckles around her face.
The girls scoffed and her cheeks turned a light pink. So cute.
So cute but too easy..
“Ugh, stop! Could you be anymore cheesy?” She sarcastically asked.
The brown haired male only snickered before raising an eyebrow.
“Probably. But you like it, don’t you??” He inquired back.
She simply grumbled something before jolting when the bell rang. Micheal leaned back slightly, grin still on his face.
“Better get to class, slacker!” She teased before being caught off guard when he connected their lips again.
They closed one, green eyed on reflex before softening and kissing back. It was always nice when he decided to shut them up.
However, quickly after he snickered again and pulled away. They cracked their eyes open and huffed. He quickly picked his bag off of the ground and ruffled their locks of hair.
“See you later, Aut’!~” He cooed before walking away.
They groaned, slumping over again. Only to tense when multiple people ran towards them.
“AAAAH-Your so lucky Autumn!!” A girl with pink hair and brown eyes sighed.
The emerlad eyed girl only raised an eyebrow with a now more tense smile on her face.
“You think so??” She questioned.
Another person, a girl with white hair and green eyes spoke up.
“Uh, yeah!! Micheal is so dreamy, not to mention you!” She gawked.
Autumn could only laugh nervously and play with a strand of hair. There were other popular couples though, right??
“Autumn! And the rest of you, get to your classes please!” Someone broke the crowd up.
She glanced towards them, it was Mars. The rest of the crowd yelped in slight fear before scampering off. She smiled geinuley at the navy haired girl.
“Thanks, Mars! They were sort of..” She trailed off.
“Holding you?? Yeah, I noticed. You should be more honest with your..fans?” She sarcastically answered.
The orange-nette only sweat-dropped before nodding. She entered the classroom along with Mars and prepared for another easy-going day.
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The female gasped slightly as she awoke, still in the cafe’. No one was near her, but some people spared a longer glance of confusion at the loud noise.
She muttered something before standing up and rolling her shoulder. She also cracked her hands and strecthed them out before trying to walk out the door.
She was stopped though, by a black haired man. He had fluffy, yet frizzy looking hair with alot of pirecings. He also had black eyes and a grin on his face.
“Hey, I think I know you. Autumn Candell, right?” He asked.
She was immeditally on guard about this, she hadn’t told anyone her name..her throat seized slightly. Oh god, was she going to be able to answer?
“I..I..” She hoarsely said.
Fuck that, her throat closed tighter and she knew she wouldn’t be able to speak. The shorter of the duo wondered how she would be able to communicate.
“Hey, are you alright? Oh! I’m so sorry! Your probably wondering how I know your name?” He relized.
She blinked a few times, was this guy insanely smart or something? Hell, maybe even a mind reader.
They nodded and he placed a relaxed grin on his face.
“We went to the same highschool. I’ve actually been looking for you..” He answered.
‘Oh.’ They thought. ‘That last sentence isn’t creepy, AT ALLLLL..’
“…” They looked around for something before sighing and opening their phone.
They typed something on it and practically shoved it in the male’s face, making him back up.
‘looking for me??’ It asked.
He beamed and nodded, unsettingly. The long haired girl lowered the phone some to get a better look at him.
“I’m so happy to see you again! You probably don’t remeber me, so my name is Michealis Garcia.” He introduced.
She didn’t think about it much, well, her first reaction was to type something in jest.
‘a bit long-winded, wouldn’t you say?’ it sarcastically read.
She also squinted her green eyes at him, Michealis Garcia? Wasn’t that the leader of the football team? Ugh.
He laughed before leaning towards her. She visibly grimanced.
“Ah, have you became even more funny?” He grinned.
She grimnaced more and finally took a good few steps back. She pinched the bridge of her nose for a second before typing something else.
‘i would hope so? anyways, see you.’ she quickly flashed before practically zooming out of the cafe’.
The black haired boy frowned as his eyes followed her until he lost her. How annoying. He narrowed his eyes before joting when someone nudged from behind him.
“Excuse me? Your blocking the door.” They bluntly said.
Michealis just moved aside and watched as they nudged the door open with their elbow. This was due to them carrying a large box with a smaller box on top.
The door closed again and he sighed deeply before walking out of the store aswell. Hopefully Autumn hadn’t wandered too far.
Speaking of, the said person was weaving through the crowds again. Maybe they should just call Summer while they were at it. What time was it again??
They glanced down quickly as the merly clicked the on button and saw the time, 2:00 PM. So as much for hanging out right? Oh well, they were going to be in the city for a couple months.
Maybe the younger should have felt worse, but she really didn’t feel anything. She just kept walking before finally sitting down at a open bar place.
They had bar stools, on the open side-walk and the open bar also faced outwards. It wasn’t crammed, like there was just a random bar jammed into the crowd. It was off to the side like all the other shops.
“What can I get for you?” The bartender asked.
The orange-nette simply cleared her throat and leandd forward. Hopefully her voice was back by now.
“Uh..do..do you sell uhm..like white wine by the bottle.? Along with wiskey?” She asked.
Yeah, the girl liked to down some hard whiskey and wine. And even better was mixing them, which was probably bad for her gut.
“Whiskey and wine bottles?? I can do that, but first I need to see an ID, of course.”
Autumn was really jumpy all of the sudden and flinched slightly. The worker seemed slightly concerned, furrowing their eyebrows. She quickly shaked her head though and found her ID.
It was the only real thing, that well, provded she was real. That’s why she was sometimes scared while she was stabbing a guys vocal chords out, what if she got caught?? No dobut the court of law would look for her legal documents.
“Alright, here you go.” The bartender handed them back ther card and they shoved it in their bag.
They shuffled and flinched immensly when someone slid into the seat next to them.
‘HOLY SHIT’ they yelled in their mind, ‘CAN I NOT GET A FUCKING BREAK?!’
They spared a glance towards the person next to them, only see..
“YOU?!!” They blurted out.
The man laughed, Michealis. His demenor didn’t seem to change, however it was kind of creepy he kinda’ followed them here.
“Yeah, me! You surprised?” He laughed out.
The former made a face and he snickered slightly. Could the bartender be a little quicker?!
“Soooo..did I wear you down so much that you needed a drink??” He questioned.
She slumped over the counter slightly, arms crossed on it. An exhausted expression of annoyment rested on her face.
“Yep. So, go away now.” Drop the plesentries, creep.
Michealis seemed to be taken aback by this, blinking a few times. Before the same smile, but smaller rested on his face. However, his eyes noticeably shrank and dialated.
“Oh, sorry! Did that bother you?” She lazily glanced at him before picking up the two bottles of acohol and stepping down from the seat.
Before the bartender could even say anything about pay, she formed into the crowd. The black eyed male quickly followed after though and somehow fitted to walk beside her.
“Why are you being so rude to a previous friend? Didn’t your par-!” He rather agressivly asked.
They chuckled under their breath, typical. Pull out the parent excuse of manners and be an asshole.
“My parent’s were acholics, and not good people.” She smiled up at him before glancing towards the bottles.
Autumn had a hunch of what was going to come out of his mouth. And they weren’t responsible for what came of it, if he had the guts to say it.
“So..like you??”
“…” There it was.
The girl somehow manged go grab him and swiftly push him into a alleyway. A few people seemed to notice, but they just glanced at the acholoic drinks in their hands before losing intrest.
“Wh-hey!! Awfully fucking handsy!” He grunted.
The shorter stayed silent, swaying before swiftly digging their thumb under one of the corks of the drinks and opening it. They took a pretty good swig before sighing.
“You know, I usually don’t do this sort of thing. Only to people I need revenge on or I knew hurt me. And the-the funny thing is-I don’t even remeber you-AT ALL!!” They stummbled over their words, laughing slightly.
Michealis took a few steps back, glancing behind him every now and then. The long haired girl sighed again and came closer.
“God, you could’ve been such a nobody if you just kept your damn mouth shut. But no, you decided to be gross and come up and talk to me.” She spat.
The black-nette switched over to have fear in his eyes. Was she seriously demented?! Was she actually going to hurt him?!
Oh no, she wasn’t going to hurt him.
She was going to make him suffer.
In all honesty, her current thoughts were all jumbled up. Flashbacks and images from her past clouded her vision and didn’t help with the emotions she felt.
“Please! I’..I’m sorry..!” He aplogized.
And it clicked.
Now she knew exactly why this Michealis guy was all over her. He’s the one who found her body once it hit the ground at school. And yet he didn’t get someone to help, he just stared at it for probably twenty minutes before walking away.
“Your kidding me..” She whispered.
Why didn’t he help her?! Prehaps he could’ve broken the cycle right then and there! Then they wouldn’t have to fucking die over and over again.
“Ha..Ahaha!.. I know exactly who you are now.” She lightly laughed.
She came even closer, now the taller wasn’t able to move any further back. Her right eye darted all around his face before the other remained steady. Pretty creepy.
“Your the guy who was too much of a coward to report a body. Your the guy who practically was a eye-witness but didn’t say anything.” They hissed.
The ladder’s eyes widened as his ‘secret’ was revealed. Honestly, just how despreate was he?? It was really gross.
“Now I can’t feel bad about getting rid of you.” They mummbled aswell.
They tilted the white wine bottle and chugged it back quickly before doing the same with the whiskey. A probably painful display for most people, but it placed a wobbly grin on their face.
“Please..I’m so sorry Candell..” He tried one more time.
Her smile immeditally fell and she slammed the white wine glass into the wall beside her. This made a shattering sound and it became jagged.
The pine eyed female leaned over him, one hand messing with the weapon. An distant look was painted on her face as she spoke:
“Pray to some other god then.”
And with that, she brought the glass down on him. He screamed violently, but knowing the people of Valentino City, they wouldn’t even spare a glance. Blood quickly standed everything, slightly coating her face aswell.
She yanked the bottle that she had inlodged in his stomach out. Then, she grabbed him quickly by the head and twisted it slightly so she could stab the glass in his throat.
He screamed again but it was quickly silenced with noises of him choking on his own blood. The ginger watched as he reached towards her but went slack.
After a few moments, Autumn glanced down towards the weapon in her hand, her eye twitching.
“I seriously just wasted a good bottle of wine on you?! Talk about annoying..” She hissed, tossing the bottle back towards his slumped over body.
Blood was everywhere, on her face and hair. And espically on her clothes that now had spots just completly red.
They glanced down at Michealis’s body one more time before swiftly pinching the bridge of their nose. Whatever, they would just walk in the alleyways so that people didn’t get concerned.
They also glanced down towards their clothes and scowled.
“I fucking liked this shirt too..prick.” She complained before walking away.
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“I’m very sorry, but I haven’t seen anyone who looks like that..” A woman answered.
Summer sighed and lowered her phone. She had tried calling her younger sister over a dozen times now only to not get an answer. She eventually started asking people on the streets.
“No..No it’s okay..I’ll find her eventually..” She reassured the woman, smiling softly before walking back into the crowd.
Of course, Summer wasn’t stupid. She didn’t go up to drug dealers, sex workers, or other people randomly asking where the fuck her sister was.
She instead, gravatated towards the friendly looking people. They were rare, but it was still surprising the amount of people she had asked.
Maybe it was the photo, the girl clicked open her phone and looked at it. It had Autumn with a surprised expression as they looked up from what they were doing.
It was still visible how many scars they had. The former scoffed and turned off the phone.
Jazzy music played throughout the streets as the sun lowered. It was now 4:00 PM and of course it was getting dark.
They faintly remebered the person they were looking for to stay inside at night. Of course, this peeked their curiousty, but they weren’t trying to be another victim.
A victim of what exactly?? Well, of the series of brutual murders that were going around. Men and woman turned up dead left and right, some had their throats cut out. Some had seviere bruising, just what exactly was this person doing to them?!
The person had to be serverly messed up, the victims bodies proof of that. It was like the bodies were the person taking out their mental state out on them.
The orange-nette grimnaced at the thought of becoming a victim. Yet, that was probably on everyone’s minds. This person was clearly a danger.
They blinked a few times, why were they so focused on this?? Autumn was more imporant!!
The older sister groaned softly and passed a crosswalk. She also flinched when someone slightly came up behind her.
“Summer??” A voice called.
It was medium toned, so she couldn’t tell who it belonged to. She turned slightly and saw bright blue eyes and soft blonde hair around a pretty face.
“Nari?!” She walked slightly backwards.
Nari was also aquaintated with the older sibling aswell. They had met once or twice, the older noticing how she was attracted to her sister.
“Ahaha..it’s nice..to uhm..see someone from highschool..” She softly laughed.
The same heighted girl raised an eyebrow at this. The nari she knew was much more..upbeat! Not extremely, but enough to be considered atleast mellow.
But the one walking behind her had eyebags, a thinner face, along with a sort of exhausted and almost wretched vibe coming off of her.
“Are you okay?” It slipped out.
The blonde blinked a few more times in surprise before smiling nervously.
“Oh..uhm..yeah just uh..tired..say!-do you want to eat somewhere? Or atleast talk??” She looked away before snapping back to them.
The green eyed female placed a lop-sided smile on her face and nodded.
The duo pulled to the side and quickly entered a shop. It wasn’t a cafe’, it just looked like a store where you ordered food.
“Do you want anything? I’ll pay.” Nari questioned.
The green eyed girl glanced at the menu and squinted. She leaned forwards before turning towards the other.
“I’ll take a veggie’ sandwhich with choclate milk.” She bluntly answered.
It looked like the other tried not to laugh as she gave her order.
“Veggie’ sandwhich with choclate milk, really??” She replied.
The ginger only blew out a puff of air and shook her head.
“Please..that’s why your somewhat shorter then me.” She smirked bitterly and leaned a little closer.
The blue eyed girl raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah? I think we level out though..” She simply said before turning away.
Summer smiled lightly, the other girl seemed more relaxed now. She could faintly hear her ordering some food before flashing a grin at Summer and making a ‘c’mere’ motion.
“Here.” She softly said before siting down.
They blinked, Nari always had a sort of soft beauty about her.
“Woah..” The other let out, getting a better look at her face.
As they said before, she defentily did look older. But she still had the cute freckles, and almost clear skin.
“What?” The said girl spoke up, a knowing grin on her face.
That was another thing about her, her eyes always scrunched up in joy from her smile. Sometimes her nose also scrunched up.
“You just look..simaliar to how you did back then..” They said slowly.
The blue eyed girl sitting across from them laughed. Her eyes closed and she held her cheek.
“Ah, charming, however..no matter how long it’s been, my heart still belongs to your sister.”
The older blinked a few times, eyes wide. Seriously?! Why was everyone chasing after their sister today?!
“Seriously?! You still want to date her?!” They gawked.
Nari was about to answer but an order name was called as she got up. She quickly walked over and picked a tray up before smoothly walking back and sorting the food.
“What can I say? Autumn has posion. Sure, she might be different now. But she still has that..aura about her..” She described.
The ginger only grunted before stabbing a straw into her choclate milk.
“Well, I have no idea where she is..” She mummbled.
The ladder had her sandwhich raised to her mouth before pausing. She lowered it slightly as she glowered at her.
“What do you mean?? You didn’t move here?” She questioned.
“Oh no, I’m just here visting Autumn. I’m also living here for a couple months.” She shurgged and took another chug of her milk.
Nari Jeong didn’t say anything for a while before completly setting her sanwhich down and staring at her. One hand held her cheek while the other tapped its fingers in a rythmatically way.
“Living here while the murders are at a peak..that’s sort of risky, don’t you think??” She asked.
Summer couldn’t help but agree. Yeah, it was risky. When Summer gave the driver where she wanted to be dropped off at when she first arived, he made a face.
“Yeah, but you live here too.” She answered before taking a bite out of her own sandwhich.
The long haired blonde leaned forward, fingers digging into her cheek. The mood switched suddenly, it seemed like she was on edge.
“Mm..hey, is something wrong?? You seem..tense..” The former spoke through their mouthful, kind of gross.
Nari sighed deeply and took a long look at the others face. What would they say if she spoke about what she thought was right? She wasn’t a dectective or anything..
But these crimes were unatural, the attacker had to have some mental stuff going on. There’s no way the female across from her did it. Even if she was mentally ill.
This person clearly was driven by motovation, by anger. By greif, by whatever THE FUCK. All of these people..were victims..
And they all went to the same highschool she did.
“Nari?” Summer brought her back.
She couldn’t take it anymore, she had to say it. They could get mad, hell, maybe even give her some crude words.
“I think your sibling is the one causing this murders.”
“…….” As soon as she said that, everything went pitch silent.
It was like both of them stopped breathing, their sandwhich held in their hands froze. Their expression blank as they took this in.
“What.” They blurted.
It wasn’t a question, it was a demand. A demand for the yellow-nette to explain just exactly what the fuck was going on with her head.
“Yes, I think Autumn Candell is the murder. Surely you’ve noticed it by now, haven’t you?” She contuined, gulping.
The other candell sibling only stared at her with bland eyes. It was like they were going through the possbilties in their head.
“That they’re all people we went to school with??” She finished.
Summer sat the sandwhich down and came dangerously close to Jeong’s face. This made the blue-eyed girl sweat-drop and lean back.
“Look, I don’t know what your fucking problem is. But if this is another fucking joke of an excuse for me to tell somebody more about my sister, I’ll add you to the body count. Stay the fuck away from me and Autumn.” She vemonsly whispered.
As soon as Summer stood up and harshly turned away, the other female grabbed her wrist.
“Summer-Summer!! Please just-just wait a second! The killer might be suffering from some mental illness, like PTSD! It could be anything really, aren’t you concerned?!” She tried to stop her.
The bright eyed girl whipped around and practically tore her arm away from the other. She scowled at glared down at her.
“So your saying Autumn has PTSD, now? I wouldn’t dobut that. But like I said, I want you out of here.” She hissed.
“So Autumn does have PTSD??” The younger whispered.
Green eyes only seemed to fuel with more disgust and irratation. She yelped when hands curled around her shirt, dragging her closer.
“So what if they do?! You gonna’ add that to your insanity theory, huh?? God, your a fucking physco’.” They said before roughly letting go and storming out the door.
Once she got her barrings again, she reached a hand out but she was too late, she always was. She glanced towards the shop owner but they were busy and had headphones on.
“Damnit!” She scowled.
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“Nari??” Autumn called out.
The blonde flinched slightly and turned towards her. It hurt looking at her, she was so pretty. You could practically put a halo around her and it would fit right in.
“Ah, yeah what’s up?” She turned her attention to the shorter.
They smiled at her and handed over a box. It was neatly wrapped and had a blue ribbon ontop. She looked up and raised an eyebrow as they nervously laughed.
“Happy brithday..?” They said, a small tint of pink covering their face.
Ah that’s right, it was her brithday, wasn’t it? She grinned and looked at the cat wrapping paper.
“Thanks, I apperiacte it.” She spoke.
They grinned back and leaned forward a little. Nari Jeong couldn’t help but notice the ring on their left hand. A pretty emerlad green.
“Well?! Open it!~” They nudged.
The slightly taller girl only smiled wider and opened it. She blinked a few times before slightly squealing.
“Ah!! No way!! A smiths album?!” She freaked out.
Autumn smiled with her eyes closed and backed away a little. She was happy the other liked her gift. Even if Summer had told her to go with a Cars album.
“You’ like it?” She rytorchically asked.
The yellow-nette held the vinyl album closer to her and innocently smiled.
“I love it so much! How did you know I loved them?” She beamed before leaning forward.
The green eyed girl blinked a few times before tensing and blushing. Her eyes darted anywhere but towards Nari.
“Uhm..lucky guesssss’..???” She drawled out.
“Summer told you, didn’t she.” She deadpanned.
Autumn laughed even more nervously and blushed harder.
“Sorry! You just don’t talk about yourself much!” She apologized.
The other simply shook her head before sitting the vinyl down on her desk. The shorter nervously glanced at it, was she mad??
“Come here..~” She mummbled before grabbing her and leaning down to kiss her cheek.
She pulled away swiftly, grabbing her things and leaving the Candell sibling by herself.
“Ugh..” She groaned, grabbing her own cheeks, annoyed.
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Autumn was silent as she sat ontop of the roof. She blacked out again and even more blood was on her clothes. She assumed she was on the rooftop of the old school.
Funnily enough, this was the same place that started everything. All her murders and deaths. She blandly looked down.
Jesus, to think they fell from this height. In the distance you could see lights and buildings blink and wink at you. She scowled and ran a hand through her hair.
Was it just her was she feeling light headed all of the sudden?? The bloody killer decided to get up anyways and swayed before panicking.
“Stop it.” She leaned away from the edge but it felt like she was slipping.
Her breath picked up and her eyes zoned in on the ground. Jesus, was the ground suposed to be looking that close?!
“Stop it stop it..” She breathed.
She scowled and pushed herself to sit down on a bench. Why was it like her body was pushing herself to the ground. Why was it like the rooftop wasn’t straight?!
“Fucking..” She trailed off, leaning her head back.
They flinched when the heard footsteps on the roof. Who exactly?? School was out and no one should be up here.
“There you are..” A raspy voice said, sounding like they had cried.
The ginger immeditally tensed and whipped around. Their eyes searched around frantically before landing on a person. They had blonde hair and big eye bags.
“What are you doing?” The voice asked again.
Autumn swiftly stood up, body still facing the person.
“Better question, what are YOU doing?” She repeated, bitterly.
They laughed a little more before sighing, they came a little closer. The orange-nette squinted before pausing.
“Nari Jeong?!” She blurted out.
The long haired other female smiled in relief. Yeah, it was her. She didn’t know exactly how she ended up here. Maybe to reminse.
“I didn’t actually think you’d be here..consdering and all..” She trailed off.
Autumn scoffed and backed away a little more. The ocean eyed other looked a little worried.
“I’m not scared.” She spat.
And true, she didn’t look scared. No, she looked angry. She looked frustrated and annoyed.
“Just..WHY are YOU here?!..” They tried to yell but it cancelled out at some points.
Nari Jeong frowned and looked away. She should’ve knew better, that they were angry. They were frustrated and tired.
“I know you killed them, Autumn..” She mummbled.
A gust of wind blew by, blocking her from seeing their face as their hair blew infront of it. The blood on their clothes soaked and coated the air with it.
“Can you fucking blame me?” She blandly questioned.
Yes, yes she could.
“Your actually killing-!!” She was cut off by them angrily grabbing their hair.
The taller was geniuley taken aback by the hate in her eyes. It was pure, veomn, hatered. She had enough.
“You’ve always been fucking annoying. What, you about’..you about’ to fucking confess your love for me or something?! Damn right! Because everyyyyyyoneee’ JUST FUCKING LOVES AUTUMN FUCKING CANDELL!! HAHAHAHA-?!” She contuined.
“Instead of being a constant fucking pain in my ass, you could’ve helped! But no-your here! And annoying as fucking EVER.” She hissed, grabbing the ladder by their collar.
The girl stared at her with shaky eyes. Jeong leaned away and paled slightly.
“Stupid.” She simply whispered before pushing her back upright.
The blue eyed girl blinked before furrowing her eye brows. There was something seriously wrong with her..maybe it’s because she didn’t get proper help.
“Autumn, somethings wrong-!” She tried to start.
“What, with me?? Well, no fucking shit Nari! You wouldn’t lose your mind after dying five times over?!” She sarcastically asked.
The female frowned deeper and took a few steps back on her own.
“I..I just want to help..”
“Right. And what good do you think HELP of all things will do?” They quickly replied.
In all honesty, she didn’t know. She was just saying stuff at this point, did they know it?? Probably.
“I…don’t you remeber..?” She stummbled over her words again.
Green pine eyes shifted back and forth in confusion.
“Remeber what?”
“Us! Us, Autumn!” Her voice cracked as she quickly caught them off guard by grabbing their face.
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“Hey, Nari!” The ginger grabbed the other girl’s attention swiftly.
“Hm?” She hummed.
She shoved something into her hands, she was tempted to think it was another gift. But when she looked down, it was a coat.
“I’m going up to the roof to meet Micheal, he wanted to talk about something..can you hold this for me??” She explained before leaning forward.
She didn’t seem the way her friends hands twitched or her hands. Nari could only flash a closed eyed smile.
“Sure. I’ll wait for you.” She simply said.
The former breathed out before grinning. She quickly waved bye before heading up to the roof.
When Autumn opened up the gate to the roof, they were greated by their boyfriend in all his glory.
“Ah, there you are my love.” He noticed.
She placed a giddy grin on her face and walked over. They quickly tucked a piece of hair behind their ear before leaning closer, hands behind their back.
“Hey, Micheal! What do you want to talk about-!” They started.
“Nari Jeong.” He cut them off.
The shorter blinked a few times, posture going a little stiff. The dark haired male raised an eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?? You don’t think I’m THAT dense, do you?” He questioned.
She glanced away for a second before furrowong her eyebrows.
“Micheal, what are you talking about? Nari and me are just friends.” She firmly asked.
He only rolled his eyes, scoffing. He leaned back and stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking away aswell.
“She doesn’t seem to think that.” He scoffed.
The younger quickly scowled and came a little closer. Micheal immedtially backed up some, whistling.
“You think I’m cheating?” She whispered.
The taller didn’t answer, eyes darting away. She scoffed out a laugh before running a hand softly through her hair.
“I’m not cheating, Micheal.” She hissed.
The dark eyed male seemed to have enough as he grabbed her shoulders.
“Just shut up, Autumn.” He groaned before kissing her.
The gesture was unwelcome, as they quickly moved back. They narrowed their green eyes at him.
“‘Just shut up, Autumn’?? Who do you think you are?” She angirly questioned.
“Uhm?? Your boyfriend?” He laughed.
She scowled again and took off her headband, undoing her hair. Her emerlad eyes flicked back and forth.
“Your not my boyfriend. Your not acting like the man I fell in love with.” She bit.
The brown eyed male blinked before bursting out in laughter. The ginger took a quick glance behind her before glancing back towards him.
“Uhm!- News flash, darling, men change. I’m not that sweetheart, sappy and somewhat flirty guy you fell in love with!” He sarcastically said before reaching towards her again.
She swiftly moved back again and frowned.
“What’s wrong with you?! Stay away from me!” Her voice cracked.
Why did this hurt? Why did it feel like her heart was breaking in two?? Why was he acting so lustful?!
“Please..stop..” She whispered.
He didn’t, he only came closer. Now both of them were practically on the edge of the roof. There was no gate protecting from one of them falling off.
“Autumn, I love you..you know that, right..?” Micheal asked.
The long haired girl glanced down before quickly back up.
“Do you?” She mummbled.
“Yes.” Air, whipping through her hair.
She was falling, why? She could feel her body lose control as her eyes stared up at the roof she had just been on.
She blinked before screaming. It was too late, her body had flipped around and she was facing the ground now. The ground had never seemed to threatening.
The ground was something to ground you, as it were. But when you crashed into it, it was scary.
They could faintly hear commotion going on, people stopping in place and then..
It was sickening to hear, even to Autumn’s now fading hearing.
“AAAAAAAA-!!!” Multiple people screamed, some running away, some standing shocked.
Their body twitched in reflex, but they closed their eyes. Funnily enough, they didn’t really feel any pain. Rather more then confusion.
Didn’t..didn’t Micheal say..he loved them..?
Ha, shit..their brain was failing them now..
Well, whatever….people would probably mark..mark it as a..suicide or..or something..
And all went silent.
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“Stop it, stop it, stop it!!” The now present time girl clutched her hair again.
Nari Jeong took this chance to quickly move her away from the edge. She flinched though when they practically fell over themself, on the ground.
“Get away..get away from me..” She whispered, laying her hands flat on the ground, hair blocking her vison.
“Autumn..hey..” The lighter eyed girl cooed.
The shorter flinched away and dug her nails harshly into the flooring.
“Stop it..” She repeated.
There was nothing Nari Jeong could say or do to bring them back. They were stuck in their own memories. Maybe for a couple minutes, maybe forever.
The blonde bit her lip and looked away. What was she suposed to do?? She could easily end all of this, turn them into the police.
She glanced back towards the Candell sibling and bit harder.
Fucking hell..
She quickly took something out of her bag and wrote something down on a small piece of paper. She carefully slid it underneath the other female.
Through her haze of mind, and well, tears, Autumn’s breath hitched. A pale hand right out of the corner of her eye slid her something. It fell right under her chest and she looked down.
‘Hi, my name’s Nari Jeong! What’s your name?’
0 notes
munsster · 2 years
Im a very sad person but what makes it better is Robin Buckley. So can I request a angst os with Robin?
bloodshot bad news
A/N: i wasn’t sure if u wanted a happy/fluffy ending, so i apologize if i got that wrong by including one, but i hope it can help in easing things for you, even a little :))
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader
Summary: You know firsthand how worried Robin gets over the smallest things. You just never imagined you’d be one of them. 1.4k words
Warnings: ST4 ep8 spoilers, angst, protective robin, lots and lots of verbal fighting, canon level gore/wound (it’s gross im so sorry), i think this is what they call hurt/comfort
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Your lips are dry and cracked, but a huffed breath is still punched from your lungs when you flop onto Eddie’s timeworn mattress. Your head pounds and your chest aches and Robin grabs your hand and tugs you into her warmth. But you hiss, fingertips coiling into her upper arms while your eyes squeeze shut at the searing pain down your leg.
She doesn’t notice it. And thank God she doesn’t notice it. The limp. The gritted teeth. The whimpering. So you find an excuse, looking down at your blood and dirt-streaked palms with a wince.
“I’ll, um”—you swallow hard, holding up your outstretched fingers like surrender. But she’s not looking at your hands or the mud settled into their cracks. She’s watching you—“I’ll be right back. Just need to wash my hands.”
You’re shuffling down the hall before she can protest. Closing the bathroom door before her mind can explain why you were walking so wobbly. Why you were tender-footed and cursing under your breath.
With a guttered sigh, you peel your jeans down around your ankles, and the once soft boyfriend denim is stained red and stiff where the blood had caked on and dried. You slump onto the toilet seat and throw your shoes, pants, and dignity in the bathtub.
Eyes shut tight, sleeves rolled up, taking a deep breath: you pat down the smooth skin of your thigh until the veins just beneath the surface throb and gush with boiling blood. To fix. Hot to the touch. Deliciously tender. Inflamed, and yet your fingers creep on. The ridges of dried and crusty scabs pepper the skin and flake at the pressure. Your body stalls because it stings. You went too low, and it fucking stings, and your fingertips are wet when you jerk them away from the gash.
You don’t even remember how you got it. You just remember walking far behind the group through the ashen woods. You remember Robin rambling about how idiotic Steve’s heroism had made him, her hand in yours the whole time. You didn’t realize one of the bats probably nicked you while frenzied for a losing Steve.
And now, there’s a flesh wound sliced from kneecap to mid thigh that’s filling your mouth with vomit and making everything a little blurred around the edges.
There’s a knock on the door of careful knuckles and strain. Like they want to pound. Dying to get in while knowing the horrors of the otherside.
“Don’t come in, I’m… shitting!”
“I’m coming in.” Her voice is muffled, but you know it’s hers from its uneasy lilt. The song in a minor key that sweeps beneath her words whenever she feels gutted.
The door swings open and shut but you’re still scrambling for your crumpled jeans, fisting the damp and crimson patch. But the bend over is not worth it if you’re splitting teeth for a grimace.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Robin’s staring. Fixating with an inferno behind her eyes. Obsessing and crouching down beside your bare legs, hands hovering over the slick wound like she’s magic. Like it’ll go away if she could just focus.
“There were more important things going on,” you mumble. And to you, it makes sense. Always busy searching or hearing things or being stuck or biking and avoiding. You weren’t thinking about your leg because this isn’t your battle. You’re not Hawkins. You’ve never done this before. No Russians or guts, just high school and Robin.
And she thinks that’s complete and utter bullshit.
“More important than you bleeding out?” she says, chastising you like you need it. She fumbles around under the sink and spills a thick plastic box labeled Munson. “What if it got infected? What if you went into septic-fucking-shock and died? Jesus, what is wrong with you?”
Your chest caves, curling in on yourself, anchoring to the hard porcelain, studying the dusty shag rug.
“I’m sorry,” she hums, peering up at you from her seat on the tile, her cool fingers holding your ankle and setting your foot on her knee. “I didn’t mean that, I—”
“Sure you didn’t. Nobody ever does. But I’m still some fuck up, right? I put myself in danger because I don’t really care, right? Is that what you think?” you bite, watching her eyes flick wildly over your face, “It’s not my fucking fault, Robin, and I’m not dead, so would you lay off?”
But she’s too wound up. Too busy swiping your swollen skin with a towelette that tingles like pins and needles to let you dive head first into nobility and leave a purple heart. A fallen soldier and a wilting bouquet.
“No, I won’t lay off. Do you know how worried I am every day that I’m gonna lose you?” She’s looking right at you. She’s looking right at you, and you’re cross-armed facing the shower curtain and pouting. Red-soaked wipes pile into the trashcan, but she’s looking right at you.
“Sometimes I wake up and it’s like today’s the day. The dream is over and she’s too good for me, and I knew it. Sometimes I feel so stupidly lucky to have even met you because you’re selfless and brave and smart, and I’ve never met anyone like you. And then you go and put yourself in danger because you think you’ll be better for it, but you won’t, (Y/n). Do you get how fucking bad it feels when you disregard your own safety?”
Your cheeks. Your undereyes. Your neck is damp, and you can’t bring yourself to dry any of it away. Your eyes go glossy again because she’s frowning from the corner of your eye, and your clothes are shredded and this used to be your favorite sweater.
“Look at me.”
So you do.
“Do you have any idea how many people care about you? How many people would do anything to keep you safe?”
“I don’t need saving,” you say.
“Clearly you do,” she says. And it’s like, in any other circumstance, she’d be teasing you. Laughing at that stoic look in your eye. But she just shifts your leg and lays a pad of gauze along the tear. “God, I’ve spent every single second of the last twenty-four hours being here for you, and I feel like you don’t even care.”
“I do care.”
“No, I do care.”
“No, you don’t or else you would’ve told me.”
“I didn’t want you worrying more than you already do, Robin. It’s so suffocating having you worry about me all the time—”
“Because i care about you.” She tugs an ace bandage around your thigh, knotting it tight until you hiss and touch her wrist. It makes her feel bad because you still treat her soft. Even while she’s putting you through physical hell for your good. The white cotton gauze peeks out from the tan wrap, and you both look down at it like a burden.
Then she looks up at you. And you look at her. And she cups your cheek.
“I care about you so much. And I’m sorry I worry and worry, but I love you”—her voice breaks and you shatter—“You mean everything to me, and I can’t help trying to protect you. I didn’t have a lot of good things until I met you, and I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I lost you.”
You shake your head, and she smiles. Just barely and pushing through the line of a frown, but she smiles.
“I don’t wanna lose you.”
Your hands lead you forward, resting your heavy forehead on hers and closing your eyes. She lets you push her sweaty hair behind her ear and kiss the bridge of her nose as long as she can wrap her fingers into your palms and rest her thumbs over your chapped knuckles.
“You’re not gonna lose me. Ever,” you whisper, “We still have to see the seven wonders and get married. So, you know… ‘m not going anywhere for a long, long time.”
She sighs. “I’m sorry. For all the… overbearing girlfriend stuff. I promise I’m trying to do better.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. I’m so proud of you, and it’s okay that we both have growing to do.”
“Starting with pants.”
“Starting with pants!” You laugh when she stands and pecks the top of your head, only lingering when you hum and lean your cheek against her torso. Because she’s safe.
771 notes · View notes
xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
You Did This To Us - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: ANGST, cursing, gore, implied sexual activity, infidelity, alcohol abuse, marijuana use, I’m just here to rip y’all hearts out, MDNI
Summary: It was a horrible battle against raging villains and he watched you, his loving wife of 6 years, get pierced right in front of him. It was traumatizing. Your days in the hospital sent him into depression, causing him to make the worst decisions of his life. Decisions he’s regretted the second he’s made them and decisions he’ll forever regret because of what it cost him.
He warned you not to come. No that’s not the right word. He begged you to sit your ass down at home where you would be safe. But of course, you were never that kind of hero. You could never sit on the sidelines and watch others fight a battle you knew you could at least try to help in. So with a heavy heart, he reluctantly allowed you to come. His first regret.
Because as the battle died down and victory was in sight, his world was thrown into chaos once more. The villains were down. The wind was settling. The dust was clearing. Katsuki could see you struggling to stand due to exhaustion but saw your smile nonetheless. He gave a breath of relief as he still saw you and jogged over to you. As he did, you noticed him coming your way and your smile only grew. Until it suddenly dropped, along with his own. Out of nowhere, a sharp, metal staff flew threw the air and pierced you right in the stomach. The sight was nauseating as Katsuki covered his mouth, truly shocked. He watched you in horror as you trembled before falling to the ground.
Katsuki looked behind him to find the attacker and saw some stupid, weak ass, good for nothing villain use the last of his power just to cause you harm. Then the world began to shake. No, that wasn’t it. Katsuki was violently trembling as he looked towards the bastard on the ground. Despite him being knocked out cold, that didn’t stop Dynamight from rushing over to him, grabbing him by the neck and blasting him. No one was around. No one would see. His job was safe. He could do this and have no repercussions whatsoever, so why not?
After the petty villain’s death, Katsuk used every ounce of strength in him to run to your body that had blood trickling down the side of your lips. “Y/N!”
You turned your head the best you could to find your husband sobbing his eyes out as he picked you up into his lap. He cradled your head and gently tapped your face, trying to keep you conscious. “Hey! Hey, you’re gonna be okay, alright?! You’re gonna be okay baby I promise.”
“Suki..I’m tired.” You whispered out in a weak voice. Hearing your words stabbed him through the chest.
“I-..I know baby. I know you’re tired. But- but you can’t go to sleep okay? Don’t go to sleep. You have to stay awake- stay alive! Okay?” He pleaded with you. He called out for a medic once he saw the flashing red and blue lights near the scene and held onto your body. He looked to you and saw your eyes becoming null and dense before firing back up again. You were falling in and out of consciousness. You were a fighter and you were trying to stay alive. It made him choke out a sad laugh. “You’re gonna make it, Teddy Bear, I swear.”
“….if I don’t make it-“
“You will, you idiot, don’t say shit like that!”
“But if I don’t…just- Ah-….just know I love you, Suki.”
Katsuki kissed your forehead before hugging you close. “I know, Y/N. I love you too. More than anyone, and more than you’ll ever fucking know.”
He noticed a small smile reach your lips before the medics came. Katsuki was quick to stand with you in his arms, careful and aware of the metal still pierced within you. He handed you off to the professionals who handled you with extra care. They brought you into the ambulance with Katsuki trying to follow in before being stopped.
“The fuck-“
“Dynamight, we can’t allow you to go in.” One said.
“And why the fuck not?! That’s my wife in there!” Katsuki shouted as he pointed to you.
“I understand, but her condition is severe. We can’t have anyone taking up space as we take care of her on her way to the hospital.” He explained.
“Taking up space?! Do you even know who you’re-“
“Sir, please. Let me do my job, let me save your wife’s life.” With that, Katsuki finally nodded in silence as he allowed the medic’s words to echo in his head. “Can you meet us at the hospital?”
Once again, a silent nod. With that, the medic was off and back to your seemingly lifeless body. Katsuki watched as he lead the team and perfectly directed them. He was sure that until you got to the hospital, you were in good hands. That was one guy he could surprisingly trust. He didn’t know him very well or at all for that matter, but he has Dynamight’s trust. Now Katsuki just had to head home and clean himself up before finding you again. Screw getting checked up. He knew his body. He knew he was damn well fucking fine.
As Katsuki opened the door to his house in a rush, he was quick to take a shower just to wash off the dirt and blood. He quickly hopped out and changed into some clothes before looking for his car keys. He found them at his nightstand along with the framed pictures of you and him. One on your wedding night and one celebrating your 3rd anniversary as a married couple. As Katsuki quickly looked through he pictures he smiled with a tear falling down his cheek. He looked around the room and took in all the pictures of you both that decorated your walls and tables.
You both were together since junior high. You were together for 10 years and despite being at the young ages of 23 and 22, he still decided to pop the big questions and propose. You said yes. It was one of the happiest days of his life, next to getting you to be his girlfriend, and meeting you in general. Forget the hero work, he’d trade it all if it meant he got to stay with you. You were always involved when it came to his happiest points in life. And now you were fighting for your life at the hospital. So with that, Bakugou wiped his tears and ran to his car, urgently trying to meet you at the building.
As he pulled up and parked, he pushed passed all the paparazzi and fans that surrounded the entrance due to news of you being there. You can assume how bad it got when everyone took notice of another pro-hero, and that pro being Dynamight no less, showing up. Despite all that, Bakugou forced his way in and made it to the front desk, demanding to know where you were. The poor lady at the desk had to deal with this explosive bomb, only to anger him even more by asking for his ID.
“Are you a fucking idiot?! Look at me! I’m Bakugou fucking Katsuki?! The number one pro fucking hero?!” He screamed at the poor girl.
“I’m- I’m sorry sir! It’s just protocol. H/N is a pro-hero, this is just what has to be done.” She shakily let out. Bakugou grunted before slamming his ID and Hero license onto the table. The lady nodded before handing him a piece of paper that had directions to your room.
Bakugou snatched it and gave her a scowl before running to look for you. Finally making it to one of the highest floors and down the longest hallways, he finally reached your door with 2 doctors already standing out in front of it. Bakugou tried to get through but they stopped him from entering.
“What?! What fucking now?!” He shouted as he stepped back to keep their hands off of him.
“Sir, they’re taking care of your wife just fine, but you have to wait here.” One of the docs demanded. With that, an argument bursted out between the pro and the doctors. The booming voices shook the building until a familiar voice was heard from behind the blonde.
“Dynamight, your wife’s in good care. I made sure my own wife was to be her head doctor.” Bakugou turned around to find the medic that stopped him from going into your ambulance there.
“It’s you.” He spoke aloud. The medic smiled before bowing.
“Daisuke Ena,” the medic said before standing back up straight. “Please trust me when I say your wife will be fine.”
“…and why should I?” Bakugou said after thinking for a minute.
“My wife is the one taking care of her. She is one of the best, if not the best, doctor in the prefecture. That’s not a biased opinion by the way, you can look her up. Daisuke Ami. I ensured it was her who was to see to your wife.” Daisuke said with a calm smile. After looking towards your hospital room, Katsuki turned back to the medic and nodded silently like he did before. But this time, he added a small ‘thank you.’
6 hours. Katsuki sat in one of the seats in front of your hospital room for 6 fucking hours only for them to tell him they cannot allow you visitors. You were in an unstable condition and so they sent Katsuki home. The news was heart wrenching. You always ran through Katsuki’s mind 24/7. He couldn’t stop it. But now, these thoughts were no longer happy and innocent, consisting of ‘damn, I miss her,’ and ‘I wonder what my girl’s doing right now.’ Instead they consisted of ‘Is she gonna be okay,’ and ‘she’s gonna come home, right?’ but most of all ‘I can’t lose her.’
Luckily for Katsuki, he became familiar with medical staff, Daisuke Ena, and was lucky enough to get his number. Daisuke gave him updates on Y/N. Usually, they weren’t so great but the hero appreciated the messages. The text didn’t help in uplifting Katsuki’s spirits though. If anything, they made them worse. In the beginning, Katsuki had hope that you would turn out okay.
But then a week passed.
And then another.
And then two more and before he knew it, you had already been in there for a month. This was the longest month of Katsuki’s life. It sucks to say but in the 13 years that you both have been together, he’s hasn’t done much alone outside of hero work. And even then, he would be lucky enough to work with you. It was always you and him together. Dates? Duh. Grocery shopping? Always you and him. Going for a walk? Why not? He loves spending as much time as he could with you. He loves you. But he hadn’t realize how dependent he became on your presence. In a way, you being gone drove him mad. He knew where you were. You were in the hospital. He could drive her there and see you right now!
No he can’t.
Because he would go and you would be stuck in bed, unconscious and hooked to machines, in a room, behind a door that Katsuki can’t get by. Seeing you isn’t the same as holding you. Speaking to you isn’t the same as conversing with you. There’s no reciprocation from your end. Being around your near lifeless body could only do so much. And so after two more weeks without you went by, Katsuki fell into a depression.
And that sucks because a few days after Katsuki’s depression began, it was okay for him to see you. But you hadn’t woken up yet. He didn’t think he would be able to be near you and your practically dead body. The fact that you were alive didn’t stick to him. He can’t see your beautiful E/C eyes, he can’t hear your honey-like voice..there’s no way you’re alive. The back of his mind still had hope. He knew you were stable. He knew you were gonna be okay..hopefully..but, you weren’t waking up. You were basically dead. Dead, dead, dead. And the more he thought about it, the more realistic the idea came to be.
So he didn’t visit you anymore..something else he’ll come to regret, and because he didn’t visit, he grew mad. Throwing away his life and succumbing to the tempting taste of alcohol. Any he could get. From the cheapest beers in cans to the finest liquors sold from top shelf. In the beginning, it was..controlled, but then he showed up to hero work completely wasted. Kirishima saved his job and forced Katsuki to take a break until he becomes stable again. This only gave Katsuki free time to do whatever the hell he wanted. And what did he want to do? He wanted to become lost.
Lost in alcohol, lost in weed, lost in everything. Lost because he doesn’t have you. Everyday he would spend it drinking and smoking, constantly being cross faded and surprising all his friends when he remained alive after all the substance abuse. Wake up, drink, get ready, drink, sit in the living room, smoke, cry over you, smoke and drink, eat and drink, go to sleep after a smoke sesh, cry over you once more. Eventually, Katsuki had cried so much, the only thing keeping him together was the fact that he had all these pictures of the two of you. Pictures of your smiles, you giving him a kiss, your dates, your accomplishments..he has all these pictures..but none of them would ever be as good as the real you.
Seeing his friend going down this road, Kirishima couldn’t help but try to do everything he could to fix his friend. No matter how many times Katsuki pushed him away, the red head kept going back. And none of his attempts to help his friend worked. Until…
“What now, Shitty Hair?” Bakugou groaned as he opened his door and squinted at the bright day light. He doesn’t remember that last time he’s seen the sun.
“I know you’ve been in a slump-“
“Slump? That’s what you call this? I lost the love of my life, Kirishima. This isn’t a fucking slump.” Bakugou said a little louder this time.
“She’s not gone, Bakugou.” Kirishima said trying to reassure his friend.
“But she’s not here either,” the blonde said as he chewed on his lip. “…look, whatever it is you want from me, I can’t give you. Not until Y/N is back at home, here, with me, safe and alive.”
“I know you feel that way man, but you can’t keep living like this. It’s not good for you. You at least need to get out of your house.” Kirishima said with his hand on the door as Bakugou tried to shut it. The blonde narrowed his eyes at his best friend before Kirishima spoke up again. “We can go wherever you wanna go and do whatever you wanna do, you just gotta get out of this house. Please.”
As Katsuki thought about it, he took a deep sigh before speaking. “Tonight at Hiro’s?”
“Dude, you wanna go to a bar-“
“It’s a club. Better than a bar, better drinks.” Bakugou corrected.
“Are you sure you don’t wanna hit the gym or maybe go to an actual restaurant or something?” Kirishima said, trying to steer his friend clear of alcohol.
“If you want me out of my house, then we go where I wanna go. No exceptions.” Bakugou said with a stern voice. Kirishima thought about it and sighed before giving in.
“Fine. But first, you gotta clean yourself up.” The red head said. The blonde nodded before going to shut his door, only to be interrupted by his friend once again. “With a little help from your best buds.”
As Kiri pushed the door open even more, Kaminari and Sero showed their faces that held kind smiles that only made Katsuki seethe. “No fucking way. This isn’t some girl’s trip and we aren’t doing makeovers.”
“Nobody said anything about a makeover, we’re just gonna help clean ya’ up Kacchan!” Denki smiled.
“I’m a grown man, I don’t need help cleaning up.” Bakugou said with a growl.
“Tell that to your stubble, messy hair, eye bags, and stench.” Sero began. “Seriously man, you smell like liquor and weed. You’re lucky you got that caramel thing going on to save you…barely.”
Before he knew it, his friends had pushed him into his house and quickly directed him to the bathroom. They did a full treatment. Forced him into the shower and made him soak in a tub of scented soaps and bath additions as they cleaned his house. Once they were done they had picked out a clean outfit for him before working on his face. They shaved his stubble, cleaned up his cut, put some eye cream on his bags, gave him some breath spray and changed out a few of his piercings. The full treatment. And when they showed Bakugou the new old him, he couldn’t deny he felt a little better. At least, before they stepped into his room again and he saw a few pictures of you. That’s when the slump in his shoulder returned.
Seeing this, his friends were quick to take him out of the house and head to Hiro’s. Walking in, they sat at the bar, ordered some food and a few drinks, and did whatever they could to keep Bakugou’s mind off of you. And for most of the night, it worked! Bakugou was laughing again, smiling, being his old self. But that’s when Denki decided to risk it.
“We doing shots or what?” The electric blonde asked. Kirishima gave him a look as he spoke.
“Uh, let’s go light on the liquor tonight. We don’t need shots to have a good time, right?” Kirishima said. Bakugou looked at him and chuckled.
“It’s nice of you to look out for me, Shitty hair, but I got this. Trust me.” Bakugou said with a small smile.
“I don’t know, man.” Kirishima said with a pout.
“Don’t be a pussy, Kirishima.” Kaminari smirked. That’s when all of Kiri’s friends, even Bakugou, began to egg him on. Of course, he gave in. Why not? What’s the worst that could happen? Bakugou gets drunk? He’s already been drunk before, nothing too crazy could happen, right?
Wrong. Shots were being downed and the 4 friends were losing themselves. The music was blasting, the lights were blinding, and the friends were…everywhere! Kirishima was probably puking his guts out in the bathroom, Sero and Kaminari were drunk on the dance floor, leaving Bakugou drunk at the bar by himself. Bad idea. The poor blonde was looking at his phone going through pictures of you and him together. He already missed you like crazy when he was sober, now that he’s drunk, that missing has hit full throttle. And then he caught the eye of a snake.
She walked up to the pro-hero with full confidence as she took a seat next to him. “Dynamight.”
Bakugou looked up from his phone with a scowl and blush from the alcohol. “Do I fucking know you?”
“No but-“
“Then get lost.” He said and downed another sip of his whiskey. The woman smirked at his crude behavior.
“Feisty. I like that about you, you know. Always playing hard to get.” She said with a seductive tone.
“I’m not playing hard to get, I’m playing impossible to get because I’m married,” he said and showed his wedding ring. “Happily.”
“You don’t seem too happy right now mister hero. My name’s Leiko..and if you want..I could help take away your troubles.” She offered with a smile as she leaned forward, making sure to expose a little more cleavage than necessary.
“My wife is better than just some quick fuck, so no thanks.” Bakugou said, still not taking his eyes off her, trying to scare her away with a glare that unfortunately she only smirked at.
“Who said I was trying to fuck? Why don’t you talk to me? Vent. Rant. It won’t get your mind off of your wife but it will help clear your head.” She said.
“And why the hell do you think I’m having issues with my wife?!” He asked with a tense voice.
“I walked over here and you were staring down at pictures of her on your phone. Miss H/N is beautiful. You’re a very lucky man.” Leiko said, playing the role of a snake perfectly.
“…I am..” Bakugou agreed before swallowing a gulp. “I’m Uh…I’m not having issues with her or anything. And we’re not fighting either. She’s just..been in the hospital recovering from a battle..I just miss her…”
He didn’t know whether it was the alcohol or if Leiko was just that good at pretending to be nice or both, but for whatever reason she made it easy to clear his mind. She listened well, never putting any input in. She let him speak freely and only spoke up when he looked at her in expectance to. In the moment..she was being a good friend. She allowed him to vent all he wanted about you, about how much he missed you and loves you. And by the end of the night, Katsuki could feel his chest feel a little lighter.
They didn’t sleep together but Leiko left an impression on his drunk self for sure. Maybe even him as a person. He’d remember her as ‘that one nice lady from the club.’ But that was until a few days later when she reached out to him on social media. Leiko was a perfect snake. Knowing exactly what she wanted and exactly how to get it. They spoke for some time online, casual conversations. Most times, it was Leiko asking about you and if you were okay. This went on for some time until their conversations changed. Leiko casually threw in a little flirt every now and then, Katsuki saw and held no reply for it, but didn’t stop her from doing so. Leiko seemed like a good friend. A good way to air out his emotions and issues. So despite her pushy and flirtatious nature, he kept her around. Solely as a friend.
Soon enough, Leiko offered to meet in person once more. At the same club they first met in. ‘Why not?’ Katsuki thought. He had nothing else to do. And so he went. Then he went again. And again. And again. The two became ‘friends’ and Katsuki even brought her back into your shared home where they shared even more drinks. Eventually, the use of marijuana came into play and now the two were cross faded. At least one of them was. Leiko was smart and sneaky. She took less drinks, didn’t inhale the smoke, and basically remained sober. She was in complete control, unlike the blonde hero who sat on the couch beside her. He was now upset and hurt as he thought about you.
“I-..I just miss her so damn much..it fucking hurts at this point.” He said with a whimper in his voice. Being so vulnerable, Leiko took her chance and slid in.
“Well..there’s always one way to take your mind off of harsh things like this.” She softly said with a hand in his lap. She leaned in and Bakugou made no move to stop her and allowed her to continue. She pressed his lips against his and despite it not being reciprocated the first time, she still pushed with it. Katsuki didn’t enjoy it all that much or at all. It was different, it was new, it wasn’t you. It didn’t feel like home. Her lips weren’t soft, they weren’t as plump, they didn’t have the same sweet and addicting taste you did but in a way..Katsuki felt it was what he needed. Her kiss wasn’t like yours. In fact, it was the complete opposite and he hated it. But it didn’t resemble you. When Leiko kissed him, it didn’t remind him of you, and that’s what he thought he needed. So despite not liking the kiss, when she pulled away, he pulled her back. Eventually the kiss grew more intense until it was brought to the bedroom where their night continued in a more sinful manner.
That morning, Katsuki made Leiko leave, angered at what she tricked him into and ashamed of his betrayal. How could he do that to you?! His love of over a decade! When Leiko was gone, Katsuki allowed himself to break down his walls and cry. He cried so hard that morning, more than he’s ever cried before. That morning made him realize his third regret.
Leiko and Katsuki never spoke again..until some days later when Katsuki allowed himself to become extremely drunk once more. He fell into his obsessive thoughts of you and felt the pain come again. Wanting to erase the hurt, he reached out to Leiko and asked her to come over and distract him again. He needed to feel something that wasn’t you. And so Leiko happily went over that night. And a few more nights because Katsuki felt the pain again for a few more nights. As Leiko kept going, she noticed the house loss more and more touches of you. Katsuki flipped his pictures of you in his bedroom so that they wouldn’t see his nights of betrayal and he moved his clothes out of your shared closet so he wouldn’t be reminded and hit with your addicting scent that lingered on your clothes. Leiko smiled, feeling like a victor as Katsuki slept beside her in your bed on your side. The two would have quite a surprise in the morning.
Katsuki was awake and was still feeling the shame. He didn’t like sleeping around with Leiko but he liked the way it distracted him from his painful thoughts of you. Every morning after a night spent with her was the same. The two would wake up, she would put on one of his shirts despite his protests and get ready in his bathroom as he sat in the living room downstairs. But this morning had a little surprise twist.
As Katsuki sat in the living room with his head down, the doorbell rung. Growling in annoyance at one of his friends’ presence, he reluctantly went to open the door with a sour mood. “WHAT?!”
“Umm, excuse me. Who the fuck do you think you are talking to your wife like that?” You asked with attitude. As Katsuki adjusted his eyes to the light and his ears caught the sound of his favorite song, his eyes widened and his smile rose.
“Y-Y/N?” He asked in complete shock. He saw you alive, healthy, smiling, looking naturally beautiful right in front of him.
“Missed me, Suki?” You asked with a giggle. Bakugou pushed the door open to pull you in for the tightest hug as he lifted you off the ground.
“YOU’RE BACK!” He cried out. He held you tight and shut the door with his foot as he dropped onto the couch with you on top of him. He held you close to him as he cried into your neck. “You’re really back! Fuck- I missed you so much Y/N! I fucking love you- I’ve been a mess without you..shit!”
His tears were everlasting as they fell from his ruby eyes that you missed so much. You smiled as you wiped them away with your thumbs and the soft touch he’s craved and missed so much. You pecked his nose to calm him down as you allowed your hands to get lost in his blonde hair. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m here, Suki. I’m back.”
Katsuki still held tears in his eyes and was shaking in happiness as you remained oh so close, giving him the warmth he needed after so many months. “Tell me you love me, Y/N.”
“I love you Bakugou Katsuki.” You happily said. Your husband teared up once more, so happy he was able to hear those words from you again, before pulling you in for a passionate kiss. A kiss that brought him back to life. He took in your scent and the way you tasted illegally sweet. He let his hands roam your body in a loving way until they found way into your soft H/C locks, trying to bring your head closer to his despite your lips already being in contact. You pulled away with him chasing after your lips, needing to push him back a little to allow yourself to breath. “Relax Suki.”
He scoffed at that. “Relax? I just got you back, you’re not calling the shots today princess, that’s all me.”
You both have a little laugh as you tucked in to cuddle for a small time. He missed this. This is what he needed. This is what he’s been dying for. To have you back in his arms, alive, healthy, and present. He needed this for so long and now that he has it, he feels whole again. After spending some cuddle minutes on the couch, you rose up in need for a glass of water. As you tried to walk away, Katsuki tugged on your arm to try and bring you back to him, only to have you calm him down. “I’m just getting some water, Suki.”
He reluctantly let you go, allowing himself to smile like an idiot, glad to be around you again. As you searched for a glass in the cabin, that’s when Bakugou detected the sound of someone turning the shower off. And that’s when his eyes popped. His betrayal to you. The multiple times he betrayed your love and literal proof of it standing in his shared home with you. That’s when he began to silently panic. You were gonna find out. You were gonna find out he had been acting like a sleeze behind your back and you were gonna be pissed. Heartbroken. Downright furious and you had every right to be, but Katsuki wouldn’t allow it. He knew once you found out, you would leave again. But you can’t leave! He just got you back! You’re not allowed to leave when you finally came back to him. He’s finally happy again because you’re back! You can’t leave now!
“Hey, Baby, don’t you wanna see your friends?” Katsuki asked as he walked over to you. You had finished your glass and placed it down on the island when your husband came over asking an absurd question.
“Suki, they were all there when I left the hospital. They were the ones who bought me these new clothes. Aren’t they cute?” You asked with the smile he loved oh so much.
“Uh- yeah, yeah they look amazing on you Teddy Bear. Umm..if they were all with you, why didn’t they tell me you were coming back home?” He asked as you wrapped your arms around his neck and his went right to home on your waist.
“I wanted to surprise you!” You giggled. “How’d I do?”
“Really fucking good, you little dumbass. But why don’t we get some fresh air? Yeah?” He said as he tried pulling you to the door.
“What why? I was just out there.” You said as you stopped in your tracks. “Besides, I heard you didn’t visit me much in the hospital ya’ big meanie. I wanna spend as much time with you as I can.”
“I was gone because I couldn’t stand to see you like that, baby.” He said with a whimper.
“Yeah I figured. Which is why I’m not too mad, but you still gotta make it up to me with cuddles, so let’s go!” You said and tried pulling him in the direction of your bedroom but he planted his feet into the ground.
“We can still spend time together outside the house, Teddy Bear,” Katsuki said enthusiastically, trying to keep you away from the room that for sure reeked of sex and held scattered clothes of his own and another woman’s.
“But I want to spend time at home with you,” you pouted. Bakugou felt his heart melt at the cute face you pulled and brought you closer to him.
“I know, I wanna spend time with you too but I’ve been in the house for so long, I think I need to get out of here.” The blonde said while being aware and on the lookout for Leiko.
“Well I’ve been out of the house for so long and I know I need to be in it. Besides, as your previously injured wife, what I say goes.” You said with sass and a smile. Katsuki laughed, loving your little attitude but still worried of what you may find out.
“Baby please, can we just go?” He begged as he held your soft hands in his.
“Why are you so adamant on leaving, Suki?” You asked
“That’s because he doesn’t want you to find out about me.”
Your body jumped at the sound of a new voice and you looked at Katsuki’s face, noticing it scrunching in fear, before you turned around to find another woman wearing nothing but Katsuki’s shirt. The same shirt you’ve worn a thousand times over. You could feel your heart clenching in pain but you stood your ground no less.
“Who are you?” You asked as you dropped your hands from your husband’s. You heard his little whine at the loss of your touch as he reached out to hold into your arm but you gently pushed him off.
“Oh come on, H/N. Don’t be in denial. I bet you already have an exact idea on who I am.” Leiko said with a smirk as she looked at you. You turned to your husband with raised brows and a face of anger as you glared at him. You looked back at her and bit your lip before smiling.
“Were you in it for the long haul?” You asked Leiko, wondering if she really wanted Katsuki or if she was just getting pleasure out of this.
“Definitely not. I just came for a quick fuck every now and then. Wanted to get a feel of what it was like getting dicked down by a big shot pro-hero.” She said casually.
“Did you know he was married?” You asked.
“Yeah but he didn’t seem to care so neither did I.” She said. This made your blood boil a bit and you wanted to cry so damn bad, but you refused to allow your whore of a husband and this stranger to see you break. You huffed before smiling again.
“You can take your leave now.” You kindly said. Leiko looked at you in confusion.
“You’re not mad?” She asked. Katsuki had the same thought running through his mind as his heart raced at this conversation happening right here right now.
“Oh I’m furious. But am I really supposed to be mad at some stranger who’s content with being a home wrecker? ‘Cuz I feel like most of my anger should be directed to the man-whore behind me.” You said, never looking Katsuki’s way.
“Y/N, please-“
“I’m not speaking to you yet.” You said calmly, still not looking at him. You didn’t have to turn around to know there were tears in your husband’s eyes. Leiko smiled before standing a little taller.
“Well then, I’ll be taking my leave,” she said and took off the big shirt and throwing it onto the couch, leaving herself in her underwear. “Am I expected to be back for another visit?”
“You can come back as many times as Katsuki asks. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a single man again.” You said with a laugh.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Katsuki asked with a break in his voice. Leiko laughed too before nodding and walking back to the bedroom and gathering her things. You walked silently to sit on the couch with Katsuki following you. “Y/N, what the fuck do you mean I’m single. I’m still your husband!”
You remained silent as you looked at him with a sarcastic smile. You said nothing as you waited for Leiko to return. “Say something!”
Finally, Leiko walked down the stairs, fully dressed, and looked to you before taking her leave. You smiled at her before speaking. “So..I don’t want him anymore. Do you?”
“No I’m good. Anybody’s good for a fuck but I don’t date cheaters.” Leiko said with her hand on the knob.
“I’m not a fucking cheater!” Katsuki shouted at her as he had tears dripping down his face. She gave him a dry laugh before opening the door.
“Take a look around Bakugou. You’re not a cheater?” She asked before walking out and shutting the door, leaving the two of you in the broken home. Silence passed and all that could be heard was Katsuki’s shaky breath. You then stood up, gaining his attention, and tried walking to your bedroom before Katsuki stopped you by holding onto your arm. Tight.
“Where the fuck are you going, Y/N?” He asked as he cried angrily. You tried to shake him off of you to no avail.
“I’m leaving you fucking idiot. If you haven’t noticed, you cheated. You were disloyal. You allowed some stranger into our home, into our bed, just to get your dick wet.” You said with an angry but calm tone.
“She wasn’t a stranger.” Bakugou said trying to defend himself. You laughed and stepped to face him.
“Oh really? Tell me one damn thing you know about her.” You asked. As Katsuki thought about it..he really didn’t know anything about her. Fuck- he didn’t even know her family name. All he knew was that her name was Leiko. They were speaking for a month and in that entire month, Katsuki only ever talked about himself. She never gave up any information about herself. All she wanted to do was get to know Katsuki and get in his pants. She really was a stranger and he just tossed away his entire relationship for some whore. His silence gave you your answer. “That’s what I thought.”
You tried walking away again before he ran to stand in front of you. “Y/N! Please! Just listen, okay? I was depressed because you were gone!”
“And that’s your excuse for cheating on me?!” You shouted.
“No! But- but it hurt me to even think about you in that hospital bed! I couldn’t even face you without feeling like I was dying! And then that fucking snake came and she distracted me and kept my thoughts away from you. She kept the pain away. I know that that’s not excuse for what I did but please try to understand why I did it!” He begged as he cried.
“I will never understand! Because I could never do what you did! If you were in the hospital, close to death, I would’ve been by your side every second of every day! Yes I would’ve felt all the pain and depression you did but I wouldn’t want to distract myself from it! Because at least then I would be thinking about you, and worrying about you, and caring about you, and loving you because you’re my husband Katsuki! I wouldn’t ever want to not think about you!” You shouted in anger and hurt as you allowed a few tears to fall. This urged Katsuki to cup your face in his hands and wipe away your tears.
“I’m so sorry, baby. Please, can we just move pass this? Please.” He said softly as he pressed his forehead to your own before you shoved him off.
“Get away from me!” You shouted, breaking his heart as he stumbled back. “After everything we’ve been through, you go and do this to me?! AFTER EVERYTHING?!”
“WHO THE FUCK SAYS I HAVE TO FORGIVE YOU, BAKUGOU?!” You said, emphasizing the use of his family name. The name that you also held.
“Don’t call me that, baby, please.” He whimpered.
“DON’T FUCKING CALL ME THAT BAKUGOU! WE’RE DONE!” You shouted and walked away to your room with him following you. He kept spewing apologies up until you opened the bedroom door. It was a horrible mess and the stench of sex filled the air. You covered your mouth and nose as tears pricked your eyes before walking in to open your closet, disappointed as you noticed all the pictures of you two were flipped to be hidden. When you opened the doors, you didn’t find your clothes. “Where the fuck is my stuff, Bakugou.”
“I’m not telling you because you’re not leaving me, Y/N!” He said as he tried to hug you from behind before you pushed him off again.
“I’m not staying here! Tell me where my stuff is so I can leave!” You demanded.
“Like hell I will! We haven’t even had a full talk about this! You can’t just leave!” He said. You watched as tears fell down his face which only made you even more angry. He was crying? He did this! This is all his fault! How can he be the one upset?! “Y/N please, I’ll get on my fucking knees and beg you to stay if it’s what it takes but you can’t go! We’ve been together for 13 years! 13! Even before UA-“
“And you threw all that away when you decided to sleep with someone else.” You said calmly. You walked out of the room in search for your clothes as he followed and continued to speak with sobs breaking apart his sentences.
“Y/N please! I- I can fix this! You don’t have to go! You can stay and we can be happy, just like we’ve always been! Just like we were a few minutes ago before that bitch walked in and ruined everything!” He cried making you turn around in a snap.
“She didn’t ruin anything Katsuki. When you allowed her to come into your life and into our home, that’s when you fucked up. You did this to us. You ruined everything.” You said before continuing your search.
“T-Tell me what you want Y/N! I’ll make it happen! I’ll do anything- I’ll give you the fucking world! As long as you stay!” He begged. You approached the guest room in silence and Bakugou grew frantic as he blocked you from going in. “Please- don’t.”
“All my stuff is in there, isn’t it?” You asked, already knowing the answer and only having it confirmed when he remained silent. “Get out of my way.”
Bakugou shook his head as he kept the door block as you tried to pry your way through. Growing frustrated, you used a small amount of your quirk to blast him through the door, having him groan in pain as he hit the floor and watched you find your clothes in the guest room closet. You began packing your things and Bakugou was quick to stand and take everything you put in your bag out. “Stop it!”
“No! You’re staying with me! You’re not leaving me Y/N- I won’t lose you again!” He said as he tossed your bag across the room. You watched it go and stood in disbelief at his childish antics.
“Heh, you know what? Whatever, keep all the clothes. Maybe you’ll gift it to the next girl you decide to bring back here.” You said with attitude.
“I’m not bringing anybody else through those doors! I ONLY WANT YOU Y/N!” He shouted.
“Doubtful. Keep it, burn it, regift it, I don’t care. With my salary I can buy myself a new wardrobe and a new apartment. Far. Away. From you.” You said and walked out of the room. As you tried to exit the house, Katsuki pulled you back into his arms as you struggled in his grip with your face smushed against his chest.
“Please! Please tell me what you want! I’ll do anything! I’ll buy you anything! We’ll do whatever you want- Y/N I’ll even quit my job! Just please don’t go! Please forgive me!” He cried before you harshly pushed him off to reveal your sobbing face.
“I WANT TO LEAVE! BECAUSE I DONT WANT THIS ANYMORE KATSUKI!” You shouted before wiping your eyes and bringing your voice down. “I wanted my husband there with me at the hospital! I wanted him to be the first face that I saw when I woke up! But you couldn’t even give me that! Instead, you were in our home in our bed with some random person you found wherever having sex with her despite the fact that you’re a married man! …I was in a fucking hospital fighting for my life and my husband was too busy cheating on me, trying not to think about me…..I want to leave Katsuki.”
“….I can’t let you do that Y/N…I’m sorry. But I can’t do this without you.” He cried as you listed all his shortcomings. “I’ll give you whatever-“
“I don’t want material things!” You shouted in exhaustion. “I wanted your loyalty and love!”
“And you have that!”
“We wouldn’t be in this situation if I did!” You said. “I’m leaving, Katsuki. And not you or anybody else in this fucking world is going to stop me. If you try and trap me here I will break down these walls myself and get out. If you force me to stay I will do whatever it takes to get away from you. I’m not staying with you. So we’re done. And we’re getting a divorce, whether you like it or not.”
As you walked to the door you could hear his heart breaking cries as you opened the exit. “Y/N please. I don’t want this, I waited months for you to come home to me…I need you.”
“When are you gonna realize Katsuki? This is your fault. You did this to us.”
And with that, you shut the door on the house, the home, the relationship, and him. And it was all his fault.
A/N: Y’all ima be writing a part 2 for this so stay tuned
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101 @ebiharachan @is-this-ash @iris-shihabi @sxturn-stars @isolight @lanantoine @whatdidshesayyy @kiranogareru
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ashiemochi · 2 years
pussidon - ACT II | iii
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✠ Pussidon ↳ sounds like trouble ↳↳ can we eat it?
➶ pairing: OC x Leon S(exy) Kennedy. ➶ genre: fluff, angst, gore, smut/suggestive themes ➶ word count: no
NOTE: ✠ = time skip ✠✠ = switching povs/characters
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“Jiwoo said he saw some big monster before some sort of fog began flooding the campus,” So Ah began informing as they walked down the corridor with the windows overlooking the wide campus.
“And a man helped us, an agent,” She frowned deeply at the memory, “And when we were locked in that room, he turned.”
Minji shuddered as she recalled seeing zombified James snarling on top of her little sister. Leon’s eyes hardened, hating that he wasn’t there to help. Then again, Leon was with the President – who was also groaning for flesh.
“If this thing spread in gas form, then anyone who breathed it in got infected,” Leon added, eyes glowering down out of the window.
“That would mean… Everyone on campus.” Helena’s voice was quiet as she spoke, as if afraid to reawaken some not-so-sleeping zombies. 
“But, why is it so quiet? Aren’t those…” Minji trailed away, face cringing in disgust and horror, “Those things kind of loud?”
So Ah gently bumped into Leon, craving something she couldn’t put a finger on just yet. Leon glanced down at her, noting the worried frown on her lips. She never had any rescue missions as she was always told to stay at a safe distance and keep enemies at bay with her marksman skills. Chris took every precaution to make her a talented soldier and keep her unscathed as she was still under the protection of the BSAA. 
Did he know about the tracker? No. 
Does Leon know about it? No.
Turns out, some scientists are mad and they found a way to re-trigger the virus in her to put her life at risk once again. To them, she’s their valuable source of ‘evolution’. Holding onto the G-Virus and a sample of the Plagas for years only to never turn and produce the antibody; that’s one big scientific breakthrough for them. 
From training to horrifying check-ups to more training, her body was exhausted beyond belief but her regenerative abilities kept her going – dragging her body from place to place as all she had wanted was for people to stop shitting on her family. 
And now here she was, a DSO trusted agent, having her very first unofficial rescue mission.
And she was scared. She worked hard for this – so why was she so anxious?
“I don’t know,” Helena replied to Minji, “I have a bad feeling about this…”
Leon could see So Ah didn’t want to talk, but she just wanted to borrow his presence for a moment. Knowing any corner could have rotten death awaiting for them, she wanted those little moments. Leon flashed her a concerned look, brows furrowing just a tad and she only shook her head with a small forced smile. 
They rounded the corner, reaching a closed door which Helena opened and Leon entered first, Helena and So Ah right behind him with Minji staying close to her sister. The room was similar to a university classroom. A clank came from Leon’s spot, accidentally kicking over an empty can of soda down the stairs. It hit the floor and rolled then a zombie woke up, groaning as if saying. 
‘Who the fuck disturbed my beauty sleep?’
“Didn’t mean to interrupt,” Leon said sarcastically, watching as the zombie stood up with his arms raised towards the DSO agent. 
Minji gave her sister a blank stare as Leon shot the creature down only to reawaken two more. 
“Is he always like that?” Minji asked while Helena joined him in taking care of them as So Ah stayed with her sister, slowly walking down the stairs with her gun up aiming from side to side. 
So Ah giggled a little, smiling, “You should’ve seen him back in California – he always seems to jinx himself into getting into more trouble.”
His fiancee observed him with such heart-eyes as Leon slid over the table only to slam his foot down onto the zombie’s head. She didn’t know why but that looked attractive. Leon was hella handsome and Greek Godly beautiful, but seeing him in action just hits different. 
A good different. 
“You girls gonna just stand there?” Leon called out to them as Helena finished up the last zombie, cracking his neck which was pretty impressive to see. 
“Someone gotta keep an eye on her.” So Ah chimed back, before glancing to the side at the herb which she took for later use. 
“You two are sisters, right?” Helena asked, looking at them and So Ah nodded but before she could open her mouth, Minji raced her to it. 
“Yep, and she’s engaged to him – just a reminder.” Minji gave Helena a tilted smile which received a taken aback look from the Secret Service Agent, a glare from her little sister and a snicker from Leon. 
“Okay… Congrats?” Helena was a bit confused, eyeing Minji and then So Ah who gave her an apologetic and unimpressed look. 
“Thanks!” Minji beamed, bouncing Jiwoo on her other arm as it was beginning to grow numb and So Ah groaned a little, moving ahead as she looked at Leon. He was grinning at her and even threw her a little wink.
“Can we just keep going?”
Going through the university was no walk in the park. Usually, you’d be heading to the library to study for your AP Calculus that you were most likely going to fail, make out with your boyfriend in the dorm, and laugh with your friends during lunch. But this place was roaming with zombies pretending to be asleep or deaddead. Kind of like a surprise gift you never really wanted. 
‘SURPRISE! I bite your ankle now!’
That’s how it was going so far.
“I wonder if there are any survivors…” Leon grumbled, eyes gravely trailing at the bloody marks on the stairs before landing on the groaning zombie on the bottom floor. Minji groaned, mimicking the zombie as she stilled in her spot in uneasiness while So Ah shot it from her spot. 
“Leon, I beg of you to shut up.” Minji commented. 
At some point, they reached another classroom and cinnamon eyes instantly landed on the ammo and two incendiary grenades on the desk. As Leon and Helena took the zombies down, So Ah nabbed the ammunition, stars in her eyes as she gazed at the fire-based grenades. 
Leon came to a stop in front of her, raising an eyebrow at her awestruck face, “Found something you like?”
“Fire.” So Ah only said, showing him the two grenades and he hummed, impressed before reaching to take one but she pulled them to her chest. 
“Finders keepers, losers weepers.”
“Well, sharing is caring.” His lips twitched at the corners, noting her playfulness and the weird obsession she’s got with fire-based grenades.
“And I don’t care.”
Helena and Minji blinked, watching the couple, almost impressed with their light-heartedness in this situation. 
“Are they always like this?” Helena asked Minji, brows furrowing as Leon attempted to take at least one of the grenades but So Ah stepped back, a smile teasing its way to their faces.
Minji let out a hum, “Mhm, you get used to it though.”
So Ah now knew why it was so quiet. Those zombies don’t make sounds for shit unless a slab of fresh human meat was in front of them – which was unfair. 
Minji had set Jiwoo down to rest her arms as she let the agents do the dirty work of cleaning up the garden from the flesh-eating creatures. So Ah would observe how Leon would be a little too close for comfort to a zombie only to yank the axe from their body and slam it down on their heads, killing them. 
So, she mimicked him, finding it better than using up all her ammo. So far, all she was doing was shooting a zombie in the leg to bring it down onto its knees then, with all her strength, round-house kicking its head which crashed like rusty bones. 
She raised her gun as Helena ran across her, aiming to take care of another zombie while So Ah was focused on a distant one. It held a wooden pole in its hand that seemed to have spiky nails at the top. Before she could pull the trigger on its head, a scream erupted from behind. A familiar one.
Chills ran down her spine as she whipped around to face her sister and Jiwoo. Jiwoo was the one screaming and crying, holding onto his mom who was panicking; a zombie was coming after them. Her heart dropped to her stomach as she yelled out, fear in her wide cinnamon eyes. 
“Step away from him!” 
Then her vision blackened out for a moment, sending her falling to all fours with a yelp. The pain was building up on her shoulder blade, sending electrifying fire throughout her nerves. Her trembling free hand went up to her shoulder, breath hitching as she felt the sharpness of it. 
Since when do they throw their weapons?!
Her name was called out by Leon who began running towards her, pushing through some stray zombies and Helena took care of the one who threw the weapon. She didn’t pay attention to that, eyes tearing up as she cried out her sister’s name to get away. She needed to take the wooden pole out for her wounds to heal up but her sister was her main priority. 
Through trembling aim, she pulled the trigger on the zombie’s leg, sending him to the ground. Minji snapped her head towards her sister, eyes widening when she found her on the ground with a wooden pole in her back but her little sister didn’t seem to care, only yelling out an order.
“Kick him now!” 
Minji yelped at the zombie slowly rising but raised her leg and kicked his head to the side. It snapped and the zombie fell, the body slowly bubbling away. So Ah whimpered out in relief, sniffling as she reached for the pole but Leon knelt down next to her. 
“Don’t worry – I got you,” Leon murmured, one hand pressed flat against her back and the other grabbing onto the pole, then in one swift movement; he yanked it out. It enticed another yelp from her and she nearly fell completely to the ground but Leon wrapped an arm around her, pushing her to sit. 
“Breathe, sweetheart, you’re going to be alright.” Leon coaxed as she whimpered at the pain, feeling the virus rushing to her injury to close it back up. 
Her hand was on his that was pressed to her cheek and the other was gripping onto his leather jacket, his free hand on her upper arm, keeping his azuls focused on her panicked cinnamon ones.
“Is she alright?!” Helena asked, running up to them, panting breathlessly and her eyes widened at the puncture wounds closing up gradually as if nothing had ever happened, “What… What was that?”
So Ah swallowed thickly, breathing heavily as she looked up at Helena tiredly, “It’s a long story.”
Minji jogged up to them with worried and apologetic eyes, but something else lingered in there. Her hand was gripping onto Jiwoo’s as she spoke. 
“Soo, I’m so sorry, I –”
“Why…” So Ah’s voice came out snappy as she pushed herself up to her feet, Leon giving her a bit of leverage when she stumbled, “What happened? Why didn’t you run?”
Minji’s voice fell quiet, nearly cowering at the disappointed but horrified glint in her sister’s eyes. Her skin was a bit pale but ever so slowly regaining her colours back when her injuries were completely healed. 
So Ah felt her world crumble when she saw her sister and nephew standing there exactly like a flesh slab of human meat for that now deaddead zombie. She thought that that was it; Leon and Helena had their hands full and So Ah failed to keep her sister away from harm. She hated this so bad.
Loathed it.
Seeing Minji standing in front of her, completely clueless as to what to do in this situation reminded her of herself back in the H-Outbreak. 
And how she saw herself as a liability. 
That was it. 
A liability.
“Forget it,” So Ah shook her head, glancing down at her blood-coated hand before shaking it off, “Let’s move on.”
“But, are you okay?” Minji was quick to ask before So Ah could proceed and she checked her gun for ammo and then held it in her hands. 
“I will be once you two are safe.”
Leon and Helena shared a glance then followed after to the security gate.
This wasn’t the right time to talk about it.
The gate ended up being locked so they had to take a detour, opening the doors to a long hallway that led to a door at the end. Surprise surprise, the door was locked by a code.
Helena attempted to get it open but the alarms blared, alerting every zombie within a three-mile radius. The annoying alarms even raised the red flags in So Ah’s head as Leon took a few big steps back from the door, brows furrowed. 
Leon looked outside the windows before raising his two fingers to his earpiece, “Hunnigan, the door’s locked! There’s no way out!”
Judging from Leon’s ‘time-for-action-but-fuck-am-I-tired-of-this’ expression, So Ah could tell Hunnigan was attempting to hack the door open and needed time. 
“Minji! Stay far from the windows!” She ordered out, taking out her gun as her sister took her son and went to the standing floor air conditioner. 
She hid behind it and away from the now zombies jumping through the windows. The shattered glass emitted a little gasp from them and Minji only held Jiwoo close, trying to make herself seem as small as possible.
The fight against those zombies wasn’t eventful. I mean, Hunnigan was focused on unlocking the door, Helena was shooting zombies once in the face to stagger them then proceeding to slam its head against the wall, Leon was shooting left and right quite literally as he had a pair of Wing Shooters, and So Ah kept the creatures as far from Minji as possible. 
So Ah’s head perked up at Leon’s grunt and without a second thought, she rushed over. Leon was pinned to the wall, the zombie trying to take a bite out of his face with an axe stuck in its back.
She shoved her gun into its holster, yanking out the axe and then with both hands, slammed it against the zombie’s head. It sent the head exploding before crumbling to the floor and Leon’s eyes glimmered in intrigue. 
So Ah, however, was hit with a wave of nostalgia as the axe lay in her hands, bloody and cold. Pieces of memories floated around in her head before she dropped the weapon, looking at Leon worryingly.
“Thanks,” Leon gave her a nod with a tilted smile and her lips mimicked him softly.
“Of course.”
Despite the horriblehorrible situation they were in, like seriously a life or death situation with her sister being a part of it, So Ah was more than content with having her fiance with her. Unlike the H-Outbreak, Leon’s next to her and she hoped it would stay that way. 
“Leon… Never get behind any wheel ever again.” Minji groaned as her sister pulled out Jiwoo from the wreckage – luckily, they were both unharmed. A few bruises and scratches along with the building trauma; everything was a-okay. 
Oh, right, a little backstory.
Right after Hunnigan had managed to unlock the door, the group rushed in for safety. They found a keycard that unlocked the main gate. The metal detectors of course went off for absolutely no reason other than the fact the agents had guns. Minji scolded them as a mom would all because the detector didn’t go off when she passed. 
The agents felt weirdly ashamed if that was the word.
Then, they had to book it for the car. Leon and So Ah jumped into the front while Helena and Minji sat in the back. Leon was hurriedly searching for the keys and when he got them, the car engine revved to life. So Ah instantly buckled herself in with a nervous look. 
“Try not to kill us, please?”
Leon scoffed light-heartedly then slammed the gas, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Minji glanced around for her seatbelt then looked at them in concern, “Wait, we don’t have seatbelts here!”
“Hold on, this might get bumpy.” Leon reversed the car and then returned ahead as Helena held onto the grab handle, eyes darting from the Han girl to the DSO agent silently.
“Hold onto what!? There’s nothing to hold onto!” 
Long story short, Minji was losing her shit and then the car ended up flipping over. Oh, and now they’re heading to the sewers.
So Ah stumbled forward, nearly squinting her eyes at the darkness. She chose to jump in first to scour the area before her sister could jump in – but she forgot just how dark it is.
She turned to the sound of them jumping in then their lights flashed on. Helena was a bit too close to Leon, having him holding her arms from falling over. Their flashlights illuminated their faces then it hit her. 
Reassurance was what she was craving.
So Ah knew Leon had the strong inclination to help out others – men or women. But what she almost resented were the women falling head over heels for him. Her fiance. Her soon-to-be husband. She knew him longer than Helena, that’s for sure, and she truly loved Leon with her whole heart and soul. 
So Ah was never a morning person, but if Leon was that orange sunrise, then she sure as hell would wake up every day early just to see him. She was more than infatuated with him – and she knew he felt the same way towards her. The entire way to her current situation, she had been cautious with Helena being around. She assisted in the fucking attack for god’s sake. 
That was the biggest red flag she had ever seen since her ex hid his phone around her. 
Minji did her ‘job’ of chastising Helena mentally and even vocally throwing a comment or two about how her sister and Leon just can’t get their hands off of each other. But seeing Helena’s browns connecting with Leon’s, she wondered if Leon was beginning to be her sunshine.
So Ah hated this. This fucking moment engraved itself stubbornly in her head, even when she looked away to face the empty darkness of the stairs. Her eyes stung with tears but if the memory is stubborn, then God help her iron will of being even more stubborn than it. 
After what seemed like a whole eternity, Minji needed help with getting Jiwoo down and that resulted in Leon’s hold slipping from Helena’s arm. Heart clenching itself at the slight bicker coming from the trio, she failed to notice a familiar pair of azures that she fell in love with landing on her form. Hell, her shadow seemed to elongate down onto the stairs when his flashlight was on her. 
“Oh, it stinks,” Minji complained, landing on the floor with her phone’s flashlight then Jiwoo held onto her hand.
So Ah barely glanced down at the rat skittering by her feet then shook her head a little as if getting rid of her welling up tears, “Let’s keep moving.”
She furrowed her brows at herself when her voice seemed to tighten in the middle. Even Leon tilted his head to the side at that tone – he knew something was up. So Ah, to him, was like an open book. After years and years of being with her, Leon had learned to pick up on the tiniest of details as that was where her true emotions lay. 
Fuck, So Ah thought as she moved forward with Minji staying close behind for the light. Minji spared her a glance as if saying ‘I saw it.’
And So Ah only shook her head, rolling her glistening eyes, ‘It’s nothing.’
At least, I hope so.
They were running down the train tracks, shooting any distant zombies that were rushing toward them. One did manage to almost tackle Leon down but Helena took care of it before So Ah could even head his way. So Ah resented that. She’d shake her head and focus on her priorities rather than the stupid problem she just made up; get Minji and Jiwoo to safety.
“Watch out! Train!” 
Say fucking what now?
So Ah was pressed against the wall, eyes slammed shut as the angry rush of the train wafted just past her. Her hair quivered in front of her in the wind, her heart practically pounding against her ribs as it made her feel its vibrations. Rattling her body and then she was able to breathe.
The train had zoomed on by and she stumbled forward, eyes reopening to find Helena and Minji along with Jiwoo on the other side of the wall. Minji was consoling Jiwoo who was clinging to her – wait, wasn’t she the one who grabbed her arm?
“Hey, you alright?” 
She looked next to her, finding Leon – her sunrise. His flashlight was on her as his eyes scanned her form for injuries then back up to her eyes. Leon was reading her. Again. She only nodded, removing her arm from his grasp, missing the slight deflated but confused look from him as she moved on ahead. 
“Come on,” Helena reminded, unaware of their little conflict, “We have to keep moving.”
“Good work!” Leon complimented as Helena smashed the zombie's head in with her foot.
“Thanks!” Helena returned the favour, running ahead. 
Minji spared her little sister a glance after she had saved her again; she could see the jealousy. The poison. It darkened her usually lively cinnamons the more she progressed, but they’d seem to soften up whenever they’d land on that beautiful ring around her finger. 
Then she’d nudge her to move on, “Stay close.”
“You’re doing well, Soo…” Minji whispered as she followed after her and for once, a smile teased her sister’s lips. A sad one. 
“Thank you, Minnie.”
“Not my lucky day…” Leon muttered as they entered a different area. A swarm of zombies were rushing towards them, running and some were close to sprinting – though stumbling – on their dead feet. 
So Ah wanted through with this so she took out her incendiary grenade. She fumbled with it a bit before taking a few strides forward and throwing it at them. It clanked right in the middle before it exploded, erupting the area into flames and dropping most of the zombies to the ground. They were burnt to a crisp. 
Leon’s eyes widened a little in awe, turning to face her as she took out her gun. Boy, did she make his heart pound. Despite being in the sewers and having just gotten out of a car crash, those smears of dirt on her cheek and clothes and the faint damp surface on her temple seemed to have made her more ethereal to look at. 
And surprisingly, her tights were going strong. 
Her ears perked up at his honeyed voice, looking up at him in surprise. Those prettypretty, boldbold, and lovingloving azures of his. Gazing at her with such adoration and attention, she thought she was going to burst. Heat rushed to her cheeks at his gaze and she cleared her throat, moving forward.
A soft smile lingered on the corner of her lips, “Thank you…”
Maybe blinking to skip the time wasn’t so bad. 
Halting at the end of the train tracks, a train was blocking the way. Helena shot the zombie trying to crawl from the vents as Leon climbed up the platform to check on the door. Leon huffed when it wouldn’t budge, stepping aside when the two agents got up with him. 
“We’re not getting that open…” Leon said, eyeing the door, trying to find its weak point. 
“Maybe there’s a way around it?” Helena questioned and So Ah shook her head, humming. 
“That side is a dead end too.”
While the agents were pondering on how to get past it, Minji looked up at the faint light coming above the train. Ticking her head to the side, she faced Jiwoo with a smile, “Hey honey, stay near your aunt, okay?”
“Where are you going, eomma?” Jiwoo whispered back, watching her climbing up the train’s door, her tall height giving her the advantage as she pushed her body up, using the handles to go further. 
“Eomma is giving our aunty a hand.”
So Ah picked up on the faint whispers and tilted her head to the side, going to the train tracks only to see Jiwoo standing there, big eyes connecting with hers. He began climbing up the platform with her help and she scanned the area from afar. 
“Jiwoo? Where’s your mom?” 
“Eomma said she wants to help!”
As if on cue, a yelp came from inside the train, alerting the agents to the familiar sound. So Ah rushed to the door, finding Leon trying to break it open. 
“Minji!” So Ah called out her name, worried sick.
“How did she get in there?!” Helena asked, noting the concern and fear from both agents. 
“How the hell am I supposed to know?!” So Ah snapped back, a bit too harshly that it made Helena blink and Leon furrowed his brows at her tone. 
Before anyone could speak, the door opened. Minji stood there with a sheepish smile and a box of ammo in her hand. She shook it and then offered it to the speechless Leon. 
“Here, it looks like it fits your gun.” 
Bewildered, So Ah and Leon glanced down at the ammo, then back at her, and Leon asked, “How…”
“I saw you reloading your gun with similar bullets.” Minji grinned, seemingly proud of her little action. 
“Were you…Are you hurt?” Helena asked, entering the train to see what the commotion was about only to find a zombie on the floor, slowly bubbling away with a pipe dug into its head.
“Nope, all good!”
They piled in, the silence of ‘what the hell’ lingering in the air and So Ah glanced at Minji with an impressed look then narrowed her eyes almost seriously – yet it didn’t mask the proud glint in her cinnamons.
“I’m not taking my eyes off of you from now on… But good job.”
Minji beamed at the praise, picking up Jiwoo with a little bounce, and she stayed silent. Giggling faintly, she went after her sister. 
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