#why? because I’m the quiet friend and no one ever suspects me
Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) Part 4
Part 3
Request from @gojodeluluwifeu
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Yuuji Itadori slowly awoke. With only the flames of several candles to illuminate this prison-like room with paper seals, he almost felt like a doomed protagonist in a horror movie. For better or worse, he had a companion sitting across from him.
Satoru Gojo wore a nonchalant, expectant grin. “Yo.”
“You are… !” The memories of the monster attack hit him like a train and he fussed around in his seat, soon realizing that his arms were bound behind him. He whipped his head towards Gojo. “Where is my sister? What happened to my friends? Are they still alive–”
“Hm, you’re not really in a position to be worrying about other people. Actually, you know what, I guess we should talk about your sister. Though I already know she’s just a neighbor.”
Gojo pulled out a tablet and opened a file for Yuuji to see. At first glance it appeared to be your resume, as it had a 2x2 ID photo of you in formal wear and your basic information written right next to the image, but the more Yuuji read, he realized that it was far more terrifying than a simple resume. 
Gojo used his finger to scroll down the document, which had to be around fifty pages at least. “Age, birth place, height and weight… even her three measurements are here.”
Yuuji stomped his feet. “Why do you–”
Gojo turned the tablet around and began to read, “No clubs or extracurriculars. All her grades are either slightly below or slightly above the school average. Only two instances of getting called to office, once in middle school, and again in high school, both times were because teachers suspected that she was being bullied, but both times she told the adults involved ‘not to worry’ and that she ‘just doesn’t like socializing.’ 
Other notes from previous teachers were similar: ‘That kid was always quiet, never caused trouble,’ ‘She doesn’t seem to be hated but no one ever approaches her… she doesn’t approach anyone either,’ ‘I don’t know if she’s shy or maybe she really likes her space, either way, she won’t go far in life if she keeps to herself like this,’ ‘She never skipped class, though whenever she called in to say that she couldn’t come it was due to a family emergency,’ hm…
Her classmates and former employers didn’t have much to say about her, too. They kept using the same words: ‘keeps to herself,’ ‘doesn’t cause trouble but doesn’t talk either,’ ‘I don’t remember much about her,’ uwah–there is even a detailed calendar here full of her class and work schedules. Let’s see… apparently she missed school whenever you or your grandfather were sick or hospitalized. Same thing with her part-time jobs.” 
Gojo read on, nodding his head.
“Ichiji is surprisingly talented at this. It’s almost creepy.”
“Wait! What’s going on? Why do you have records on Y/N-nee?!”
“That’s what I’m trying to find out.”
“According to the other people in your neighborhood, you’re not blood-related and she’s not even your step-sister or adoptive sister, she’s literally just the girl from next door. And you’ve heard the things other people have to say about her, there is nothing special about that person. If anything, she has to be one of the most boring people I know.”
“Don’t insult her! S-sure she’s quiet and doesn’t like interacting beyond the bare minimum, but towards me she’s kind and selfless and even a bit overprotective! She’s not perfect but she’s not boring or average or horrible!”
“... Do you know what happened to her parents?”
If he were thinking more clearly, Yuuji would’ve kept his mouth shut but he was furious and couldn’t help himself. “They’re abroad. They send money regularly but Nee-chan has always been alone in that house. That’s why grandpa and I let her sleep over sometimes. She’s always been…alone.” Wait. Yuuji scrunched his eyebrows. Alone? That can’t be right.
“‘They’re abroad,’ is what she said to you.”
“That’s right.”
“Itadori, there are no records of her parents ever leaving the country.”
“Well, you’re wrong. Grandpa said that she told us that the first day we met her.”
“Hm. Itadori-kun, do you recall the date that you moved in with your grandfather?”
Yuuji didn’t remember much about his childhood before his grandfather, the two of them have always been together for as long as he could remember. It was the same with you. Always together…
Gojo showed him a page from the tablet. It was an affidavit of ownership. “Before that, let me ask you, do you know whose house your ‘sister’ used to live in? The one next to your grandfather’s.” 
“What kind of question is that? Obviously it belonged to her–her parents, of course. That’s her last name.” 
“This house belongs to a family with the last name L/N. But look here.” Gojo scrolled down and showed a picture of a family of five. There was a father, a mother, two young boys in middle school, a boy no older than two, and a dog. “This photo was taken back in 2003, a year before your birthday. They’re the only family members who lived in that house.”
“So? She’s probably a distant relative.”
Gojo shook his head. “We actually asked the other neighbors. Everyone also believes that she’s some cousin from the province. But it’s strange that you all believed that she belonged to that family when no one should be living there in the first place.”
“You just said that that family owned it.”
“Yup, you’re right, they owned that house.”
Yuuji blinked. What?
“I hope you have a tough stomach.” Gojo scrolled down. 
Yuuji’s stomach stirred and he bent over as far as his bondage would allow him. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to cry. He refused to look up, the image of those poor parents hugging their children will forever be burned in his memory. “Why are you showing me this?”
“This L/N family was brutally murdered on the night of **** **, ****.”
“That… that’s…
“That’s the same date your grandfather took you in, isn’t it?”
Yuuji doesn’t remember it himself, but his grandfather told him once and you often mentioned that date when you brought up his toddler days. 
He reluctantly opened his mouth. “Did… did she…” He couldn’t say it. He couldn’t even think about it. Memories of you smiling, laughing, taking care of him and grandpa, and welcoming him home flooded Yuuji’s senses. 
“Ah,” Gojo interrupted, “she didn’t kill them if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“The doggie bit one of the burglars. Hard. And she bit him in the *ahem* boxers. He and his partner were caught almost immediately.” Gojo showed him the mug shots.
Yuuji: ??????
“She had nothing to do with this murder, but after the funeral, the house was bought immediately. After further investigation, we discovered that it was bought under a fake name. She was a child when the land was purchased, but it couldn’t have been her parents, and there are no signs of other people having lived there other than her. Not to mention, the whole neighborhood bought into her lie that she was a visiting cousin. Isn’t that odd?”
Odd? Major understatement. There were many holes. Number one thing was that no one seemed to remember the murders. Even if it was fifteen years ago, Yuuji would’ve heard of it, if not for his grandfather then from the other kids. Children love horror stories after all. And yet…
“You’re telling me that…Nee-chan has been sleeping, eating and bathing in a murder house?”
“Well, I assure you, there are no curses or ghosts in that area. Luckily, the family passed on without any grudges, perhaps because they were with each other when they died? Anyway, normal humans have no way of knowing that the house is clean. Usually, unless you’re dirt poor or an idiot, you would never even consider living in a potentially haunted house.”
“That’s…!” Yuuji stopped himself. “Wait. What did you mean earlier that her parents couldn’t have possibly bought the house?”
Gojo tilted his head. “Because they’re dead.”
He presented an old newspaper article. It was dated a few weeks before the family’s death. The headline read: COUPLE FOUND DEAD IN THEIR OWN HOME, ***-OLD DAUGHTER NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.
“The bodies were described as having been ‘torn apart from the inside,’ but there were no weapons that fit the wounds. There was only a large puddle of water soaking the corpses… ‘Based on testimonies from neighbors, the couple were suspected of abusing their daughter, whose current whereabouts remain unknown. It is likely that she has been kidnapped.’” Gojo glanced at him. “You get it, right? The couple mentioned here are Y/N’s birth parents. They lived in a rural area with a town population of less than 5000. They don’t even have a convenience store–or a mall. Ouch.”
Gojo looked at Yuuji. “The murder itself was brutal but it never reached national news. Still, a lot of things don’t add up.”
“...I-if they’re dead then…” then why did you act like they were still alive and well? How could you smile and walk around as if everything was fine?
“Well, anyway, those things are minor.”
“Hah?!” Minor?!
“The crux of the matter is this: you ate a finger of a cursed spirit known as Ryomen Sukuna, and he called Y/N his wife. Not to mention, just before passing out, she called you her child.”
“From what I can tell, Sukuna seems to treasure her a lot, and yet there is nothing about her background that points to her being any more special than the average Jane. What are you? And what is your relationship with that woman?”
Yuuji gritted his teeth. ‘That woman’ was his precious older sister, who took care of him when Grandpa was at work, who cleaned up his wounds when he got hurt playing, who loved him so much she couldn’t stand by as a monster attacked him.
Over a decade ago, in a tiny house by the foot of a mountain, you watched as gigantic icicles–bigger than yourself–tear through your mother. She was arguing with your father, who was now on the floor, gasping and clutching at his chest. He too had large pieces of jagged ice pierced all over him. 
When he caught you in the corner, a wry grin made its way to his face, that was the only time you ever saw a semblance of a smile from him. He reached out his arm towards you. “H-hurry up, c…call s-s-someone–ARGH!” 
The hand reaching out to you was cut by a blade of ice. 
He squirmed and screamed before another cold knife cut his face in half. The kitchen fell silent. 
At that time, did you feel afraid? Did you feel sad? You couldn’t remember.
“This servant deeply apologizes for being so late.” A handsome woman, or maybe they were a pretty man, stepped out of the shadows and walked towards you. 
The doll-like person with snow white skin and wearing traditional clothes knelt down. They offered you a small smile. “I offer my greetings to the madam.”
“...are you… going to kill me, too?”
He shook his head. “This servant would never.”
“I came here to ensure that you were living peacefully until the lord’s return, but regretfully, even in this life you are treated like this. I tried to make them suffer before dying, but my temper has gotten the best of me. This servant apologizes.”
The person said things you didn’t understand, but you at least knew this much: they weren’t going to hurt you. 
“My lady, I’m afraid you can’t live here anymore.”
The beautiful, doll-like creature that introduced themselves as “Uraume” packed what few materials that belonged to you and led you away. Their skin was colder than the air of a fridge, yet you never felt more safe and warm than when they held your hand on the way to your new abode.
“Please just call me ‘Uraume,’ my lady, this servant doesn’t dare to be referred to in any other way.”
“R-right. Uraume, you said that I will be living in a different neighborhood.”
“Yes. I handled everything. Though humans have evolved into being more efficient, the paperwork was too much.”
“Will I be living alone?”
They gave you a sad smile. “It would be the highest honor to wait on the lady, but I still have much to prepare for Sukuna-sama’s arrival.”
“He has never tired of searching for you, I’m sure he will be very happy to know that you are now safe and well.”
“Does that mean… that he cares for me?”
Their eyes seemed to sparkle. “Such words are too light to describe the weight of his feelings. Sukuna-sama has devoted every part of himself to you. When you died, he never remarried, and when other sorcerers or village chiefs offered him brides, he would slaughter them all without hesitation. He was especially mad when the women looked like you in any way, be it height, skin color or hair color. This servant personally put their severed heads on poles to be displayed for all to see as a warning. One time, he…”
You didn’t really get it. This person spouted out a lot of information that you didn’t grasp, like a hardcore fan talking about their idol to a normie. 
They seemed to be having fun so you let them talk the entire trip to your new house. 
“Do you like it, madam?” Uraume asked as you examined the residence from outside. “It’s small, but putting you in an apartment complex was out of the question. It would’ve been nice if we got you a mansion but the people I spoke to claimed that only this house was available. Unbelievable, Sukuna-sama would never have tolerated this–”
“I like it.”
You turned to Uraume and smiled. “I like it, Uraume. Thank you for your efforts.”
Uraume blinked. Then they slowly covered their mouth. “M-my lady, your smile is as radiant as I remember.”
“Are you crying?”
“This servant will go and organize everything so please relax as much as you like!” They then dashed inside.
What an odd person, you thought. But you didn’t want to go inside just yet, not because you were afraid of potential ghosts. Uraume explained the truth about the house before the drive here, and they didn’t seem bothered with it so why should you? 
However, the house was still full of movers carrying furniture and whatnot, and you’d rather avoid people. 
As you thought about where to pass time, something tugged the hem of your dress.
You glanced down and found a toddler pulling on your skirt. “Huh? Go away.”
“Mm?” The baby raised his head and met your eyes, and time stopped.
Your head felt heavy and everything around the toddler turned blurry. 
Huh? Did you say something just now? 
“There you are, Yuuji! You almost gave me a heart attack. I’m pretty sure I locked the door, how do you keep escaping?” An old man came over and picked up the child from the ground. “What on Earth am I going to do with you…hm?”
The old man finally noticed you. “I’ve never seen you here before.”
You kept your eyes on the child, who was clapping his hands. “I…I just moved in.”
“Moved in? Where? Oh.” He scratched his stubble when he realized it. “That’s unfortunate.”
You stared at the baby in his arms. Its cheeks were so chubby. You wanted to pinch them until he cried. 
“It’s not my place to say this but… maybe you and your family would be better off going someplace else…” The man whispered.
“What do you mean?” You finally looked away from the toddler.
He sighed. “It’s complicated, but since your parents bought the land they probably already know. It’s a pity. This little one and I will be moving out soon and you could’ve gotten our house instead.”
“Moving out?”
“It’s nothing a kid like you should concern yourself with. Let’s just say that after everything, it’d be bad luck to stay here, right, Yuuji?”
“Ehehe,” the baby garbled out a laugh, making a spit bubble. 
“You can’t leave…” 
“What’s that?” The man turned to you.
You gazed deep into his eyes and repeated, “You can’t leave.”
“We have to, little miss. It’s the best thing for us. I’m not sentimental but I don’t believe in tempting fate. I don’t know if you’re aware but living in this street feels wrong after the mur–ahem, after the incident.”
“What incident?”
“Like I said, you’re too young–”
“There wasn’t any incident.”
“What’re you talking about? Ah, I guess your parents didn’t tell you, after all.”
“There wasn’t any incident,” you said again, never breaking eye contact. “Nothing happened, everything is fine. You’re not going anywhere.”
Your mouth was moving but you couldn’t hear yourself. Your mind was muddied. 
The old man stared back at you, unblinking and silent for a whole minute, before his lips moved, “I haven’t seen you before.”
“No. I just moved in with the L/N’s.” You pointed at your new house. 
“Ah, I see. Are you a visiting cousin or something?”
“Yes. My parents are working abroad so my aunt and uncle decided to take me in.”
“Aha, I see. They’re good people, your aunt and uncle, though their sons are a bit rowdy.”
“Yes, they are.” You turned to the baby who was now looking at you with curious eyes.
The old man noticed and proceeded to introduce himself and the kid. “I’m your neighbor, Wasuke Itadori, and this one’s named Yuuji. His parents are… not here, so I’m in charge of him.”
The baby beamed before reaching out his fat sausage arm towards you.
You offered him a finger and he grabbed it tightly as he giggled.
“Nice to meet you. My name is…”
You opened your eyes, a bit groggy from a dream you could no longer remember. 
“Finally awake?” A woman asked. She had long brown hair and wore a lab coat. A doctor. “Hello, I’m Shoko Ieiri. Do you remember who you are?”
You rose to a sitting position, but didn’t answer. 
“Do you know today’s date?”
You stared at her. “Where is Yuuji?”
“Hm… how do you know that name?”
“Yuuji is my neighbor but we’re more like family. Where is he?”
“He was right…” Shoko murmured as she wrote something on her clipboard. When she noticed you glaring, she put it away and grinned. “Don’t worry, he’s indisposed but otherwise in good health. You’ll be able to meet up with him in a few minutes. We need to focus on your condition right now.”
“I’m perfectly healthy.” You raised your arms in an attempt to show how fine you were. “Nothing hurts and I remember my own name and the date today. Please let me see him.” 
Before she could reply, her phone buzzed and she excused herself.
As she stepped out to answer the call, you stared at your hands as they pulled on your blanket. 
@shadowywizardarcade @hannya-exists @nineooooo @lilachaeyo @pumpkindudeishere @jessbeinme15 @fluffy-koalala @cringeycookies @frogzxch @isimpfordanielpark @marvelsgirl4ever @sanzusmom @sheccidoscar @alastorhazbin @satosuguswife @lumanii @leahlovesreading @blackstaw @boba–12 @certainduckanchor @langweile @amitiel-truth @qualityprincessrunaway @thatoneweirdgirl17 @lilith-snape
A/N: This took longer than expected. But anyway, happy human holidays, everyone! Comments are always appreciated.
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generalsolae · 10 months
Must be quiet
(METALLICAERA!Dave Mustaine X Reader)
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Just imagine: you are James’ sister and you promised him to not touch any of the member of his band.
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Warnings!: smut, use of alcohol and weed, NON!sober sex, no grammar rechecking because I’m lazy
It was just one of the usual night where your brother James and his friends came over at your place to practice but just end up in them drinking and passing out on the floor. Usually you preferred to smoke over drinking, but that night you just gave in and drank a little more.
It was 2 a.m., James, Lars and Cliff were laying down on the ground, peacefully sleeping while you and Dave were the only ones awake. You decided to go in your room to smoke a joint, so you two would be able to talk without waking up the others, even tho you knew they wouldn’t woke up anyway, you really just wanted some intimacy. You promised your brother to not touch any of his band members, but a couple of months ago you and Dave had some drunk sex and from then on you started to secretly date. You planned to confess that to James, but you thought it was still too soon.
You took a deep drag, feeling the marijuana immediately hit your already alcohol-distorted mind. You never smoke and drank at the same time, and that was the reason why “Jeez, you wanna smoke it? I think it’s better for me to stop.” You snorted, handing him the joint.
Dave chuckled and took one last drag before putting it in the ashtray, clearly tipsy himself. He stared at me for a few seconds before speaking“You’ve been a bitch these days.”.
“What? No that’s not true, what are you talking about?” You asked even tho you knew exactly what he meant.
Dave laughed and landed closer, the smell of alcohol and weed surrounding him strongly “oh yeah, always acting mean and cold when I was around, rushing out of the room as soon as I entered it…” he was getting closer every second it passed, but you were too embarrassed to notice.
“Yeah- I mean no, no it’s not true! It’s because of James- I mean I think his suspecting something… jeez I drank too much I think I’m drunk..” i sight until I felt Dave’s hand on my thighs, making me quickly look at him again
“Well I am too” he said nonchalantly, caressing my thigh teasingly, climbing with his hand and getting closer to your panties.
“Dave what are you doing?! James is out there!” You whispered pointing at the closed door. Dave just laugh it off and said: “we’ll be quite.” And then he just smashed his lips over yours once again.
You didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol or just because of the feelings you kept hidden deep down all the time because of James, but when you returned the kiss it felt amazing. It was the best kiss you and Dave ever had, his lips moving at perfect synchro with yours, like they were meant to each other. Or maybe it was just the weed.
But still… It made you forgot about the promised you made to your brother to not sleep or flirt with any of his band members.
You quickly pulled off your shirt, leaning back again in a sloppy kiss. The weed amplified your desire and love so much, it was beautiful and painful at the same time, you felt like you weren’t on earth anymore, you were somewhere else.
He started to play with your breasts as he kissed you neck, leaving little marks on it. Soft moans sighs of pleasure escaped your mouth, so you quickly cover it as Dave started to kiss and bit your left nipple.
One hand was working on the other nipple as the other hand got lower, and lower until he reached your miniskirt, which he was quick to pull off.
“Dave…” you whispered looking down at him. When he look up at you, you just lost it. He had this look of love and desire in his eyes even tho he was clearly high as much as you. His red and happy eyes were the most beautiful thing you ever saw in your entire life. In that exact moment, when he raised his face from between your legs to look at you, looking into his eyes you realized you were in love with him.
Dave smiled at you and kissed you on the lips sweetly “just let me make you feel good baby, trust me.” He looked at you in the eyes to get a consent from you. When you nodded, biting your lower lip, he got back at kissing your chest as his hand started to rub small circles on your clothed clit, making you whimper.
He slid two fingers between your fold, feeling how wet you were “so wet for me.” He teased.
“Dave please…” You begged, needing his touch.
He kissed you to make you shut up as he pushed two fingers into your throbbing pussy, making you whine in pleasure.
He quickly started to finger fuck you as he felt your wall clenching every time he sped up.
“Fuck Dave… oh Dave please… I need you” You whispered, trying to not be so loud. You didn’t want to wake up the guys, especially James.
Dave pushed his fingers inside you for another couple of minutes before pulling them out and bringing them on your lips “suck them” He demanded, and you immediately did that as he watched you the eyes as you did so, feeling his cock hardening even more.
He then positioned himself at your entrance and you let out a surprised moan as he entered you balls deep without warning. “Fuck!” You whined, pushing your head on the pillow and rolling your eyes back.
“Good girl- shit your already clenching.. you’re so tight- fuck” He moaned softly as he started moving at a quick peace, making you bit your lips and cover your mouth to not be loud.
A tears of pleasure dropped your eyes as you closed them. Dave leaned closer, and kiss it away before biting your earlobe “look at me, baby” He whispered into your eyes as he slowed his thrusts.
He quickly covered your mouth with his hand “shh, we don’t want to wake up the others, right baby?” You nodded “good, you think you’ll be able to be quiet for me, sweetheart?” You felt your walls tightening as he said so, this man really turned you on by only speaking to you. You nodded again.
“I love you so much” he whispered, leaving sweet and caring kisses on your neck before pushing his head back to look at you in the eyes.
You uncovered your mouth, surprised by his words and then kissed him “I love you to baby”
After a couple more minutes, his thrusts became inconstant and messy, your walls started to clenching more as you hit your orgasm.
“Just like that baby, so good for me” He praised you as he came too into you, filling you up with his seed before collapsing on top of you.
“Thank you Dave” you whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek as he pulled out.
He smiled and rested his head on your chest, leaving a sweet kiss on it “I love you.”
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russellradio · 4 months
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~to be updated when I post a new fic, so I have them all in one place~
you can find me as bucksclipboard on ao3 💕 kudos and comments make my day!
bucktommy fic masterpost here
be someone (T, 2.4k) | ao3 | rebloggable
A call leaves Buck wondering if he’ll ever be a parent. Not just a donor, a dad. A great dad. Chimney tries to convince him of his qualities – and Eddie has a hard time staying quiet.
or: eddie thinks buck already is someone to chris
will you remember me? (T, 4.5k) | ao3 | rebloggable
You know the trope: Someone suffers from amnesia and they don’t remember their partner. Well, this is the opposite. Buck doesn’t remember a thing – except that he loves Eddie. How is Eddie supposed to tell him they’re not actually together?
for summer of buddie – week 5: break the cliché
nobody compares (G, 1.3k) | ao3 | (ambiguous bucktommy/buddie)
"Sorry", Eddie said and scrunched his nose.
"No, you’re right", Tommy admitted. "I don’t want that. I want to give him something he’ll love."
"Well, then not a gift card. Look, I’ve been a terrible gift giver in relationships, so I’m not judging. But you look like you’re getting a migraine, so maybe… let me help you?"
A deep sigh escaped him. "How?"
or: eddie helps tommy shop for buck's birthday gift and inadvertently makes things worse
unless you're choosing me (T, 4.4k) | ao3 | rebloggable
"Could you check that?", Eddie called from the kitchen. He had insisted to make something for them tonight instead of ordering their usual pizza and ice cream dinner.
"Sure", Buck replied and snatched the phone off the coffee table. He knew the pass code – it was the day Eddie had started working at the 118. There was no new text, just a message from his phone provider, but an earlier conversation was still opened. Before Buck could place the phone back on the table, something caught his eye. Why was Eddie talking to Hen about him?
or: buck reads a text he wasn’t supposed to read
when it all melts down (T, 2.2k) | ao3 | rebloggable
Buck thinks a beach day is the perfect distraction from an empty house and a lack of summer plans. Eddie thinks if Buck walks out of the ocean like a Greek god one more time, he might just lose his mind.
or: there’s only one cure for a frozen tongue after too much ice cream
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Eddie is so pent up he can barely focus on his job – and Buck is all too happy to help. That’s just what friends do.
or: I couldn’t find any smut referring to *that* scene in 7x05, so I wrote it
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Eddie accidentally calls Buck babe and refuses to have a meltdown over it. It was just his subconscious betraying him because they were surrounded by couples, right? Right?!
or: I love “accidental” tropes, how did you know
more under the cut
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Buck overworks himself and his family worries. When Eddie overhears a conversation between Maddie and Chimney, he learns he might just have caused Buck’s change in behavior. The good news is – there’s something he can do about it.
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As the cruise ship starts to sink, Bobby and Athena aren’t the only ones in desperate need of saving. The 118 goes on a high-risk mission and a close call brings Buck and Eddie together.
or: 7x03 reimagined
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"It didn’t stop. Buck went from hoping the packages were from someone special to suspecting someone was toying with him. The hopeless romantic in him was slowly wilting. When he opened the latest letter, suddenly he was not so sure his secret admirer was of the good-natured kind. "
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or: what if buck didn’t tell eddie the entire truth
how's your head? (haven't had any complaints) (M, 2.3k) | ao3 | rebloggable
When he glanced over, Buck had already drifted off to sleep. He looked so innocent, Eddie almost couldn’t believe what had come out of his mouth mere seconds ago. Almost. Because he was 100 percent sure he’d heard it.
or: you can’t just make this kind of joke and forget about it
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Buck is draped across an armchair, rambling about rosefinches and Eddie just can’t help himself. In some kind of out-of-body experience, he gives his best friend a completely casual, meaningless (lie!) forehead kiss.
or: yes, another accidental kiss fic because I don’t think there can ever be enough
we should be at the club (E, 2.8k) | ao3 | rebloggable
When Buck hears that Eddie has been going golfing to put himself out there, he offers to be his wingman. The world’s worst wingman. Although, to be fair, Eddie brings his best friend to the club and leaves with a new boyfriend.
or: just an excuse for them to wear tight pants and take them off
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A sweet moment of weakness helps Buck and Eddie get together. While Eddie doesn’t expect much to change about their relationship, Buck slips back into old patterns.
or: eddie notices all the ways buck tries to make himself smaller
don't blame me, love made me crazy (E, 1.6k) | ao3 | rebloggable
Steam was fogging up the room and Eddie cursed inwardly. Was Buck trying to cook himself? Eddie wasn’t one for steaming hot showers but Buck ran cold even on his best days and this wasn’t one of those. He must’ve been desperate to warm up and soothe the pain his bruises were causing him. Eddie was suddenly very aware he was intruding on his best friend's privacy, even if he did need help, and decided to announce himself. “Buck, it’s me, I-“ He stopped in his tracks when Buck came into vision and met his gaze. Worry turned to lust quickly. Buck was hard. Incredibly so.
or: eddie joins buck in the shower (plot? what plot)
I only ever want you (E, 2.7k) | ao3 | rebloggable
When a handsome guy flirts with Eddie, Buck can’t stand to watch. He leaves the 118’s bar outing in a hurry, only for Eddie to follow him to the loft and confront him. A misunderstanding of why Buck is so jealous leads to a confession – and more.
or: there’s jealousy, there’s fighting, there’s delicious makeup sex
love is stored in the picnic basket (T, 4.9k) | ao3 | rebloggable
Buck participates in the 118’s basket bidding on Valentine’s Day and things go exactly as (Bobby) planned. When Eddie is done standing on the sidelines, he makes the grand gesture Buck has been dreaming of.
or: buck’s heart (um, picnic basket) is up for auction and eddie is ready to pay
whose peace are you keeping? (G, 3.9k) | ao3
Buck tells Eddie about the Buckley-Han family dinner and how odd it felt hearing his mother call him a “miracle baby”. Why can’t he trust his parents’ support when that’s all he’s ever wanted? He doesn’t know that Eddie lost his temper with them when they visited the firehouse two years ago. Now it’s time to come clean. A call that feels all too familiar interferes but a good night’s sleep brings them back on track.
or: it’s actually incredibly easy to love evan buckley – and eddie told his parents as much
my heart is trying to crawl out of my chest to get to you (G, 2.1k) | ao3
Buck is released from the hospital and while the rest of his family is understandably on edge about his recovery, Eddie throws himself back into work. He refuses to be a part of Maddie’s “operation buck up buttercup” and Hen grows suspicious. Listen, it’s not like Eddie isn’t worried, quite the opposite actually. He just found a better way to watch over Buck, without having to spill any of his secrets. Unless technology plays a trick on him, as it usually does, and his foolproof plan goes wrong. But Buck might just surprise him.
or: the one where eddie takes buck's recovery a little too seriously
and my attempt at rpf if you're into it:
closer than ever – ryliver (E, 2.k)
if you made it to the end of this post, thank you so much for reading!
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empressdede · 4 months
Me, U & Jealousy - Chapter 2
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Previous chapter
This story is written in both past and present. Italics is the past and regular font is written in the present.
Chapter Two
“Girl c’mon, just think about how fun it’ll be. You can’t seriously expect me to believe you don’t want to go to our first high school party!” Jada had been trying to convince Sorai for the whole day to accept Britney’s invitation to her party that was taking place the upcoming weekend.
It wasn’t that Sorai didn’t want to go, she just wasn’t dumb. If Sorai’s there then her four unwanted bodyguards would be as well. It wouldn’t be a good night if they went because she knew they would do everything in their power to keep her away from any action.
“Jada, if I go then the ‘big brothers’ gone try to go and I already know how that’s gonna end. Me in the corner sipping on juice, while they get to be the life of the party.” Sorai stressed rolling her eyes.
“Just tell your parents your sleeping over at my house. That way their parents won’t suspect anything. C’mon Rai, Cameron said he was going for you.” Jada continued, she was gonna pull all the stops to persuade her friend to come to this party.
Sorai rolled her eyes. “Fine. We’ll go. But you can’t tell nobody I’m going. I’m serious Jada, those boys are so irritating.”
“Who’s irritating?” Josh asked as he busted in her room. Sorai let out a sigh of feigned annoyance.
“You and yo crew. You won’t ever give me a break.”
Even though the boys were too over protective over her, she did love them as if they were her own brothers…. Well almost all of ‘em were like a brother to her anyways.
“We just looking out for you Rai, all these lil boys are the same. They only want one thing and they gone have to see me before they get try to get it.” Joshua stated with a shrug because he was serious. Nobody was going to take her innocence if he could help it.
“Aye man they gone have to see us Uce.” Jon echoed as he walked in with a couple boxes of pizza. His youngest brother following through.
“Did y’all really have to ‘watch’ Sorai while her parents are out for the night? She’s 16, you know?” Jada asked sarcastically but this was how it was every other week.
Sorai’s parents would go out for the night and have the Fatu brothers watch her to make sure she was safe. And at first, it was cool to have other people to hang out with seeing as Sorai was an only child. But as time progressed, Sorai wanted to be treated like a grown up.
“Sefa’s the same age as me and they still want him to play babysitter for me.” Sorai explained with an eye roll to her best friend.
“Awe, don’t be too upset Sorai. Everyone knows I’m way more mature than you. That’s why I have to watch over you.” Joseph replied back in a teasing manner
“Aye man, we ain’t come here to hear allat. Let’s just enjoy movie night and when your parents come back we’ll be on our way.” Jonathan cut our banter short.
That was the plan, it was always the plan. Movie night in my room, and all of us passing out due to the itis. But after Jada passed out the older brothers hopped up.
“Aye man, Joe just sent us an invite. I guess Kiara got a couple friends at her crib and her parents ain’t home.”
“What you just gone leave me here by myself?” Sorai asked with a raised eyebrow and Jon shrugged.
“Sefa can watch you till we get back.” Jon suggested
Sorai rolled her eyes as she watched the older brothers leave. Boys are so stupid. She thought you herself.
The room fell quiet, the only sound heard in the room were Jada’s soft snores and the TV playing the movie Friday the 13th. Jada had fell asleep on Sorai’s bed and Sorai and Joseph were still sitting on the air mattress on the floor while they watched the movie in silence.
“You know I heard of the scheme you and Jada were trying to come up with." Joseph had spoke into the quiet room.
Sorai felt herself freeze at the revelation. Damn, she really couldn’t do nothing with these boys around.
"What scheme?"
"The one where you lie to your parents about sleeping over at Jada’s house so that you can go make out with Cameron at Aaliyah’s house party."
Sorai let out a defeated sigh. She wasn’t going to continue to play dumb with him if he obviously knew what she planned to do.
“So what… you gonna snitch on me now?”
Joseph let out a small chuckle, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t say all that. I just don’t think it’s a good idea to go to the party.”
Sorai rolled her eyes. “You’re just saying that because of Cameron. He actually likes me ya know?”
“Sure. And Lemme guess, your smitten with him too huh?” He asked teasingly.
“I’m still going. You guys can’t keep everyone away from me. How can I ever expect to gain any kind of experience if you guys shun everyone interested in me away?”
“Experience? And just what kind of experience-“
“Not like that!” She had hissed at him. She didn’t understand why he was giving her such a hard time. It wasn’t like he didn’t have any experience. His on and off girlfriend made sure the whole world knew that.
“You’re the one going on about experience.” Joseph replied, an eyebrow raised in amusement.
“So Monica can tell the whole world you blowing her back out, but I can’t even experience what could be my first kiss with the guy that I really like? How is that fair Sefa?” Sorai asked, a small pout forming on her lips.
He rolled his eyes. “Okay Rai, I’ll let you go to this party on a couple conditions.”
“A couple conditions?” She repeated with confusion.
Joseph nodded his head at her. “1. I gotta talk to Cameron before the party. This is non negotiable and 2. I’ll come with you to the party. I’ll make sure my older brothers don’t come so that you can have fun with your friend. Deal?”
Sorai flashed a smile at him and nodded her head in agreement.
As annoying as Joseph and his older brothers were, Sorai really did appreciate them always looking out for her. And even though she never said it out loud, Sefa was her guy best friend. He’d look out for her on behalf of his brothers but sometimes he would help her indulge in whatever she wanted to do…. Sometimes.
“Can you at least promise to try to like him Sefa?”
“Sure.” He agreed with a a monotone.
“How come I gotta like Monica but you won’t even try with Cameron? I don’t even like the bitch.” Sorai stressed.
Joseph let out a sigh of annoyance. “I’m not even seeing her anymore. And plus, you don’t like Monica because she didn’t want us to be so close.”
“That’s not the point Sefa.”
“Alright, Alright. I’ll try to give him a chance.” He finally agreed but they both knew he only agreed for the sake of the conversation.
She just hoped Cameron didn’t scare easy. She also hoped that Sefa would take it easy on him because she really liked him and she just wanted to know what it was like to have a boyfriend.
The two friends let a comfortable silence fill the room as they paid attention to the movie playing on the screen.
When the twins had returned, they found everyone sleeping. Jada on Sorai’s bed softly snoring away and on the floor Sorai and Joseph on his designated air mattress fast asleep.
“So,” Kayla started as soon as we were out of earshot. “Wanna tell me the history behind that?” She asked teasingly.
Sorai let out a small sigh. “Our parents are best friends. So even though I am an only child, those boys are the brothers I never wanted to have.” She briefly explains.
“Oh I didn’t know they played big brother to a sister.” Kayla replied fully intrigued, the amusement still apparent on her face.
Sorai shrugged and didn’t elaborate any further. She didn’t really want to talk about the people she haven’t seen in five years. Five fuckin years, and while it did hurt her feelings in the past, she’s completely over it now.
“Hey Kayla, what’s up?” A voice called out from down the hallway.
Both girls turned around to find one of the wrestlers, Cody Rhodes, walking towards their direction.
Sorai’s interest peaked. Finally, something to look forward too. She thought to herself as she let her eyes trail over the male figure that stood over six feet.
“Hey Cody. Nothing, just showing my new colleague around. It’s her first day.” Kayla stated with a smile.
She watched as Cody smiled back at her, Sorai’s eyebrow raised, oh?
“Whenever your free, come by my locker room. I got a couple of things I wanna go over with you.” He then turned to Sorai and flashed her a welcoming smile. “Welcome, I hope Kayla’s not giving you too much trouble.”
“No, not at all. She’s been an absolute treasure to be around.” Sorai complimented.
Cody let out a small chuckle, turning his gaze back to the women beside her. “That she is.” He agreed.
Interesting. Sorai thought to herself. “Yes, Well… it was a pleasure to meet you Cody. Hopefully we’ll be able to work with each other soon.”
“You too…uh?” He trailed off once he realized he never got her name.
“Sorai.” She answered
“Right. Well, welcome to the company Sorai. See you later Kayla.” Cody bid his goodbyes before walking down the hall.
Sorai smiled as she turned to face Kayla who was watching the man leave, nibbling on her bottom lip as she did.
“So,” she started, teasingly; Kayla turning to her, slightly red in the face. “Wanna tell me the history behind that?” Sorai asked, flipping the question back on Kayla.
Kayla rolled her eyes, shrugging her shoulders. “There’s no history. I think he’s cute but I think he’s only playing with me.”
“Playing?” Sorai repeated almost mockingly. The two girls continued their journey down the hall.
“Kayla, he stared at you the entire time, it was almost like I didn’t exist.”
Kayla shrugged again. It was clear she didn’t really want to talk about whatever was going on between them.
Sorai guessed it had to do with lack of confidence so she decided she would advise her on one thing.
“Well I’ll tell you what. If you want to know how he feels about you, mention something you like. An event or something and be sad that your going alone, If he tells you ‘that’s tough, you’ll find someone’ then he’s not interested. But if he suggests that he goes with you, then he definitely likes you.”
“He could be suggesting that just to be nice ya know?”
“No man, is that nice unless they like you. Trust me.”
Kayla raised her eyebrow at her in question, “And this has worked on you before?”
“Every single time.” Sorai assured
Kayla flashed her a thankful smile, nodding her head as she took the advice. Maybe working here won’t be so bad if I can already play matchmaker. Sorai though to herself.
The silence between the two was a comfortable one as Kayla led Sorai wherever they had to go next. Both girls lost in their thoughts for two completely different reasons.
It wasn’t until they stopped in front of a door who’s name read Roman Reigns, that Sorai realized where Kayla was taking her. She rolled her eyes.
“Can’t you take me to my new office instead?” Sorai asked, but it was too late. Kayla had already knocked on the door.
“I would love to, but 1. I have a feeling if I didn’t bring you, they would’ve hounded me down for it and 2. I have a new theory that I would love to test out.”
Jonathan opened the door and shouted a greeting towards Sorai.
“Bring her to my office when you guys are done. I got something I gotta do real quick, so I’m trusting you guy can keep her occupied until I’m done?”
Jon threw his arm around Sorai’s shoulder, bringing her into a side hug. “We haven’t seen our lil sis in a cool five years Kayla, if she not back in yo office by the time you get there, you can come find her here.”
Kayla nodded her head and shared a look with Sorai before walking down the hallway to look for a certain superstar.
And if Sorai was a hatin’ ass bitch she would’ve hated Kayla for leaving her with these boys like this. But, she wasn’t. She knew what it felt like to want someone so bad that they yearned to be close almost every single second. But damn did she owe her one.
Sorai let Jon pull her into the locker room to face the men who broke her heart from leaving, five years ago.
𝚂𝚘, 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚎 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚊𝚛? 𝙸 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚑𝚊��𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚒𝚝 🙂🫶🏾
Tagging the lovelies: @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @skyesthebomb @christinabae @leighla3 @whatdoeseverybodywant @harmshake
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patrophthia · 1 year
cruel summer | regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x reader
genre: fluff, song fic, love confessions (?), regulus is a attention seeking piece of shit (affectionate), clingy reg, not beta read
wc: 1.1k
this is request ! i’m sorry it took so long, i hope you liked it!!
tag: @tr4ppola
Your favourite pastime activity was lying. Little white lies, that is, lies that were so obvious that everyone knew not to take them seriously. Like saying you were a muggle whilst you cast a complicated spell, or saying that you had once dyed your hair a colour that you swore to never do, or saying that you were —in no ways, involved with Regulus Black whatsoever.
Sneaking around though, was on the other end of your favourite things to do. You like Regulus too much so you let that factor slide through.
It's as if you only ever see him during the quiet nights where no one could ever spot you. You know that that isn't how a normal relationship should function but the red flag tends to look white when you look at it through rose tinted glasses.
More often than not you feel like you earned him, a (semi) bad boy who was wanted by everyone in school. He was a shiny toy with a price and you know damn well you bought it.
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The meeting spot is different this time, a room within a room in the room of requirement. He'd only told you to meet him at the room of requirement at ten and you showed up right on time only to be met with confusion.
In front of you were a set of doors, circling around you as you stood over stained glass rings, blue merged with pink then pink into purple where the centre of the room was. Instead of figuring out how to find him on your own, you call out to him, "Regulus?"
"Down here," he replies, you look down onto the glass pane and furrow your brows when he is nowhere to be found. "Stand at the centre, sweetheart."
You do as you were told, watching as the glass dips under your weight; you can hear the mechanics working, it unlocking steps for you to take. Once you finally meet Regulus, you cock your head to the side with a teasing smile. "An oddly complicated way for just a booty call."
Regulus frowns, "this isn't a booty call, ma chérie." He moves towards you, and you let him place his hands on your hips. "I just missed you."
You roll your eyes and Regulus thinks that while the devils may roll their dice, he was sure angels spend their time rolling their eyes at him and his behaviour. But then again, what doesn't kill him makes him want it more. And you were just that.
Opposite does attract after all.
"You shouldn't miss me so often," you fixed him a look. "My friends are starting to suspect where I go so often."
It's his turn for Regulus to roll his eyes, albeit more elegant and poise then you ever did. "This is your fault," he groans, burying his head in the crook of your neck. "We wouldn't have to be doing this if you just told everyone about us."
Regulus had decided to keep your relationship a secret at first, wanting to test the waters and after the first few months went smoothly. So smoothly that he'd found himself smitten with you. He wanted everyone to know, he knew that it was weird for him to claim you but he'd like people to know that he wasn't willing to share.
But you think a lot, way too much at times, and decided that no, you do not want people to know about the two of you. Because, you wanted him all to yourself, you liked him too much for other people to know.
"I'm sorry, my love," you say first, a hand reaching up to brush back his outgrown curls. "I promise it won't be for much longer."
Contrary to popular belief, Regulus Black was a clingy person, so touch starved and clingy that you pressed a kiss on the top of his head for good measure.
He stills for a moment, obviously planning something before he presses a kiss to your neck and pulls away. "Would you still love me tomorrow?"
"What?" You splutter, confused on why he decided to bring tomorrow up. "Of course, I do."
"Thank you, mon amour. I love you too." He says before asking. "My game's tomorrow, you're coming to see me right?"
"I always do," you tell him and he smiles. "Why are you asking me this?"
He makes a face. "Just trying to make sure my girlfriend won't run away before my plan unfolds."
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Slytherin were losing, and the longer you watched Regulus not even trying to seek out the snitch the more you realised that he was throwing the game on purpose.
You stood up from your seat in the stands and found your way to the railings. "OI! BLACK!" You call out and he turns to you distractedly. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THE SNITCH IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU."
He turns away, looking uninterested. "I can't see a thing, sorry."
You were starting to get annoyed now, confused on when Regulus had gotten this kind of attitude but you chopped it up to how being dramatic more often than not runs in the Black family.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" You yell, your voice loud despite the hundreds of others also yelling the same thing at him —albeit with a little more colourful words than you were using. "WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING?"
"I want you to tell them," he says instead of answering your questions. You're a bit confused on how you can still hear him over the sound of support from the other where their Seeker was actually doing the job. "I want them to know."
"KNOW WHAT." You began to yell when it dawned on you. He wants you to tell everyone about your relationship. "ARE YOU CRAZY?"
He shrugs. "Do you want me to win?"
Knowing how pouty he could be if he didn't, you steel yourself for what's to come next. "REGULUS BLACK." You yell and you can see the other team's seeker dive towards the snitch. "I DON'T WANT TO KEEP SECRETS JUST TO KEEP YOU FOR MYSELF ANYMORE."
The crowd goes quiet, waiting to see the scene unfolding before them. Of course it was another Black brother hoarding the attention all to themself, creating a scene as they stole the spotlight from everyone else.
So you prepare yourself, screaming for what it's worth. "I LOVE YOU. AIN'T THAT THE WORST THING YOU HEARD DURING A GAME?"
The other team's seeker loses sight of the snitch, audibly gasping at your confession towards his rival. The snitch continues its way around the pitch.
The snitch finds it way a few feet above Regulus' head, you want to laugh at how this was playing out. The snitch was just invested in this as everyone else.
The snitch holds his spot and everyone watches with bated breath because, one, the game seems like it was nearing the end, and two (the much important reason they were watching) was that they wanted to see how Regulus would react.
His eyes look up from his broom and meets yours, it took him a few seconds before he broke away. Looking up, grinning like a devil at his now second prized possession (with the first being his chérie of course).
He reaches his hand up, easily snatching the snitch with a breath-taking grin. He clutched onto the snitch tightly, and a second wave of anxiety hit. What if he'd mistaken something else for the snitch amongst everything that had just happened?
Finally, Regulus unclasped his fist, letting the snitch hover above his palm. And as the game officially reaches its natural ending. The announcer's voice started up.
"It looks like Black has gotten the win this round," the announcer says first, their tone playful. "And would he be a black brother if he didn't get the girl as well?"
And then, since you had always been outgoing, so outgoing in fact, that everyone in the castle knew of you and your habits. So just to be sure, the announcer adds, “this isn’t one of your lies right?” 
You can’t help but smile at that, Regulus had always found your smile infectious so, naturally, he found that it was useless to even try hiding his smile from you as he awaited your answer. 
“Why would I lie to you about this?” 
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— from bee: i hope you liked this! and is what you’d imagine when you’d sent in the request! feed backs/reblog/notes are appreciated!! :]
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lonely-layla · 8 months
An aggressive confession pt.2
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Umeji Kizuguchi x chubby!fem! Reader
Umeji smiled as he placed his hands on your waist. He now had you in a tight hug as you rested your head on his chest. This moment was really making him happy because he finally got to have the person who he loved the most, it felt great. However, there was still some confusion in his mind. “Can I ask you something?”
You look up at him, in his golden eyes “mhm?” Umeji kept quiet for a moment and thought before finally speaking, “why did you like me, of all people?... I've never really been kind towards you. Why is it that you felt this way for a person like me?” He says adverting his gaze from you.
“I just hoped you were a good person.And I know someone who’s hiding their feelings when I see one” you give him a mischievous side eye as he scoffs.
“Tch- takes one to know one doenst it?” He teases rubbing your back. You two stay there for a while when the bell rings for class. You two walk back upstairs for class to start, when he gives you another kiss on the lips before parting.
You got into my class, which was surprising the class next to umejis’ and when you sat down and started your studies. Musume and her friends could not whisper a louder. “Yall are the shittiest whisperers ever” you turn around and tell them. All they do is laugh “No wonder you ended up with a delinquent reject like umeji, let’s see how long it lasts before he breaks up with your overweight ass!” Hoshiko yells out as they all laugh. The bell rings for class to get out and everyone leaves except them. they all walk over to your desk and they push you out of my seat, you fall on the floor, and they start stomping on your stomach. You couldn’t breathe as you see Kashiko pull out a knife. Your eyes widened as she slashed a cut that went through my uniform and across your stomach. You scream out in unbearable pain they all walk away and leave you bleeding out on the floor alone.
Umeji had just gotten out of his class, he was walking over to your class when he saw the girls run out of the room. He suspected something was up so he walked into the door opened it and his heart dropped to the sight of you bleeding out o m the floor. Before he knew it, he found himself running towards you and he got close to check your wound. He had an idea of what happened and for the the popular girls sake, he hoped it wasn’t true.
Your perception was getting blurry due to the blood loss”Umeji?” Was all you could whisper out. The fact that someone hurt you made him angry but the sight of you being drenched in blood made his blood boil. He took off his coat and wrapped it around the wound. “It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Stay with me, I’m gonna get you the infirmary” He asked you but you couldn’t respond and you were losing consciousness.
He pick you up with ease and carried you to the infirmary where the nurse called the police. If you weren’t borderline unconscious you woulda asked him how was sable to pick you up so quickly.
He was doing his best to move quickly but not to the point where he would end up hurting you. He was really hoping they'd make it to the infirmary in time before you ended up being unconscious. As he got to the infirmary, he placed you on the bed and they started checking your wound and helping to clean it. They called 911. And they took you away on a bed to the hospital.
They treated you at the hospital and gave you medication for the helping you heal. After a few days, you were let out but advised to stay at home until your recovery was complete. The medication they had given you had made you gain a lot of weight. But that was the least of your concern, until you heard the first knock at your door in a couple of weeks.
Layout opened the door to Umeji standing there, “hey, I just came by to see if you were oka-” before he cold finish his sentence, you engulfed him in a hug. He felt relieved that you survived but was angry to hear that it was Musume and her friends who were behind it all. He really wanted to get back at her because of what she did to you. But he had to keep those feelings back, right now all he wanted was to see you after this whole time.
After you left go of the hug and invited him inside, Umeji noticed the changes your changes. And to be honest, he didn't mind them one bit. He thought you looked beautiful no matter what and he didn't see any flaw in your appearance he especially didn’t mind that it made your ass and breasts bigger. You noticed how he looked at you and it made u feel some type of way. You threw a meal you made for yourself beforehand in the trash so he wouldn’t think you’re eating too much.
Umeji noticed this and wondered why you just wasted a whole plate of food instead of finishing it. Something was up with you. He got snapped back to reality when you speak up. “Would you like something to eat or drink?” You ask awkwardly.
Umeji noticed you subtly trying to clean something off the counter but he never asked you about it. Now that he thinks about it, he was actually pretty thirsty as well so he accepted your offer. “I think I'll take a drink, you don't have to make anything to eat for me”.
You nod and begin getting some juice from the fridge. You know he had noticed your weight gain and saw him staring at you, yo u weren’t sure if it was good or bad to him. Your thoughts raced as you subconsciously chose that it was bad to him. You put the juice and give it to him. “S-so! What’s been going on at Akademi since I was gone” you ask trying to change the subject and distract my mind.
“I don’t know the same shit as always, a couple murders, everyday stuff really” he swirls his drink around drinking from the straw. You slip off to your bedroom to change into something that more loose fitting so he doesn’t notice. And come back.
Umeji's eyes immediately noticed the new clothes once you came out. He wondered why you changed, you were fine in what you were wearing before. But you looked really cute and it suited you so well. Your extra weight gain made those clothes fit you more and it made you even cuter than before. The sight of you made his heart beat a little faster because he really liked what his eyes saw.
“Uhm- do you wanna, watch a movie or something” you suggest to him to break the silence. He suddenly snaps out of his trance state as you ask him to watch a movie together. He felt a little embarrassed when he remembered that fact, he never took you on a proper date so he was definitely up for it. “Sure that sounds cool” he responds, getting up and walking to your room.
Once he stepped inside, his eyes wandered again. The sight of you was just too attractive. He tried keeping himself from glancing over at you too much as he looked around your room. You noticed the way he looks at you the second he walked into the house and it made you feel insecure. Was me gaining weight really getting on his nerves that much?? Was he going to leave you? The thoughts were too much as you both ego bro the bed. You sit next to him instead of cuddling like you would normally do and that’s when he decided to speak up.
“Alright cut the crap!” He exasperates as he grabs your hips and pulls you onto his lap. You keep forgetting he’s strong enough to fucking carry you.
You start freaking out “Umeji! No I’m too heavy” you protest trying to get off of his lap, but his hands on your thighs are keeping you from getting off.
“If you were too heavy ya think I would’ve been able to carry you to the infirmary the other day? How weak do you think I am babe?” He says in return for your protesting.
You feel tears in your eyes as you still try to get off of his lap. “I was lighter and then, I weighed less! Just please, I don’t want to hurt you” you cry still trying to get off when Umeji’s grip lightens to hear you say this.
“Is that what this is all about? A little weight you put on? Baby~ you don’t needa worry about that.~” he begins to comfort you.
“No, you’re just saying that to make me feel better. I saw the way you looked at me when you first saw me at the door. I’m afraid you’re gonna leave me because of how fat I am” you cry more, letting out the baggage you’ve been carrying with you.
He pulls your head down to rest on his chest as you cry into him. Gently caressing your back. He seemed surprised at the fact that you didn't believe him. He could see no reason why he wouldn't be attracted to you. “You know I love every inch of you, your new body isn't any different. Yes, you may have put on some weight but I don't mind that at all. It doesn’t change what’s on the inside baby.”
He gently caresses your thighs, feeling your body soften as the rest of your weight falls on him. His hands roam your body as he praises you for every part of your body. His hands began to slowly roll down the waist of your shorts. The more he rolled the waistband, the more he revealed of your stomach. Seeing this made you feel a little self conscious but Umeji only looked and stared. “I love every part of you, every. fuckin. part.”
He takes your shirts off all the way and makes his way to your shirt. He lifts it up and over your head and throws both pieces of clothing to the side. “God you’re so fuckin sexy~ how could I not love you~” he praises you. He stops when he feels something wet on his crotch area.
He looks down at your pantries that have sweet spot on them. “Hm, didn’t think you’d get this turned on just by me just touching you~” he teases as he starts to take your panties off.
“D-doesn’t my body disgust you?” You ask as he smiles at you. “you kidding me? There is nothing about you that disgusts me right now. I see nothing but cute n’ sexy, just seeing you like this turns me on~” he says. Just as he says that you feel something poking at your womanhood.
You begin to take his bands off and his boxers until his half hard dick is out. You lean in to a heated kiss as you take his shirt off to reveal his laden upper half. You break the kiss to see the sight before you, his chest and torso were scattered with scars and his and his abs were prominent. “No wonder you were able to carry me so easily” you say out loud on accident, your hands trailing down his abs. “Yeah, I’ve carried heavier, trust” he laughs.
He continues the kiss as lifts you onto his cock and starts to bounce you. Your head flys back as you let out huffy moans. “Ahh~ mm fuck umeji~” you bounce yourself, all of your weight giving pressure to his cock.
You lean in for another kiss, feeling yourself get close. He then flips you over as you feel your head hit the pillow. He then starts plowing into you harder. Seeing your body ripple beneath thin only fueled his urges more.
“Yeah? You like that don’t you~ mm~ haah~” he lets out deep moans as he’s trying to hold back the real ones.
You could feel your climax comeing fast than you thought “hmm~ f-fuck I’m gonna cum~” yiu yell out as you come all over his cock.
Seeing the warm white rings of cum come out everytime he pumps in pulls him over the edge as he comes inside of you. Feeling the hot ropes of semen fill your hole.
“F-fuck~” his voice scratches as he pulls you into a kiss. “I love you and only you, don’t ever let your brain make you thing differently baby” he reassures you once more time as you two both fall asleep. “Thank you” you mumble out.
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peanutpinet · 1 year
Hey. I really like you fics. All of them are soo good. I really have a request for you like if you could make a fic about haechan in mafia with a established relationship and his girl got kidnapped or something and haechan went to full on hulk mode with some fluff and a little bit of steamy scenes( wink wink)🤭. I recently read your taeyong and jeno mafia fic and it was awesome. Thank you 😊. Keep up the good work.
Don’t Test Me - Mafia! Haechan x Fem Reader
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A/N: thank you so much for the sweet comment and I’m glad that you enjoy reading my fics 🥺 I really want to try to write Haechan for a while and you just gave me the opportunity to. Unfortunately, I’m not a smut writer but I will try to write a bit more steamy scenes. This will also probably be part of my like NCT Mafia mini-pairings which I’ve done about Taeyong and Jeno
Synopsis: Haechan was always known as the funny, sunshine one of the whole of NCT. But that doesn’t mean that can’t go serious. Especially when it comes to his lover who is actually the opposite of him. Quiet, reserved but anxious.
Warnings: mafia activities, kidnapping, cursing, torture, steamy makeout session :)) your writer still can't write smut (sorry). Also, you might want to read Jeno and Taeyong's mafia story to know some of these :]
Jeno mafia: read here
Taeyong mafia: read here
Haechan was known as the famous gaming streamer who sings in front of the world, behind the laptop is Lee Donghyuck who is actually known for his smart hacking, information-digging skills, and problem-solving skills in NCT. Thanks to his outgoing and cheerful personality, no one would ever suspect him to actually be collecting information whenever Haechan was talking to them.
Haechan met his now lover on one of his online gaming while he was nearly on the losing side thanks to his friends who suddenly abandoned the game, one of the random players managed to carry Haechan and the team to victory which caught the attention of the smooth-talker.
It was the first time when Haechan found someone not being charmed by his flirty messages which intrigued him even more. Because of the match, Haechan befriended the player and he would often talk with them whenever he had a chance and invite them for a friendly match every now and then where Haechan would try to dig up as much information as he could but somehow, even with his hacking skills, he could barely get any information except for the IP address of the player who surprisingly doesn’t live too far from him.
It wasn’t until one morning while Haechan was on a run to get some coffee with Jeno where Jeno’s girlfriend used to work did he stumble with the player whom Haechan had come to know because of the game that they were playing along with the specific character and the way they play the character. It was all too detailed to be any other person. But what shocked Haechan was that the player turns out to be his long-lost childhood friend, (y/n).
Ever since their meeting, Haechan and (y/n) reconnected about their past childhood, why did (y/n) left and what was she up to now. Though the entire pace of reconnecting was slower than what Haechan would’ve wanted, but he was more than happy to have his childhood friend and his crush back and this time, Haechan is making sure that he confesses about the crush he had for years.
Unfortunately, what was standing between Haechan and his confession was none other than another guy. But not just any other guy. This guy had to go to the same campus as (y/n), be in the same degree and heck, even was in the same lectures and tutorials with her.
Annoyed at the guy, Haechan decided to do some snooping around and was shocked when he found out that the guy, whose name was John, apparently had some sort of connection with Chad, the guy that drugged Jeno and his girlfriend in Italy.
“I’m telling you, there’s something off about him. I just know it, (y/n)” Haechan mentioned
“Haechan, you’re exaggerating. He’s just a teammate. Plus, even if I want to avoid him, I can’t. The lecturer literally picked the groups and I have to go meet up with him to discuss about our assignment. It’s 40% of our grade” (y/n) replied back
“You don’t have to meet him. It’s not like you’re doing a presentation. It’s just a joint research paper which you can just do your own part. I’ll help you if you want to!” Haechan offered
“I’ll be okay, pooh bear. We’ll just be at the library. Don’t worry okay?” (y/n) replied, not wanting the debate to go any further
“Fine. I’ll be by the campus, waiting for you. I won’t go to the library cause I’m not a student but I’ll be nearby. Your phone better be on at all times. Text me if anything. Heck, call me if anything. I’ll come and fight the securities” Haechan exclaimed, making (y/n) chuckle
“I will, pooh bear. Oh hey Jeno” (y/n) mentioned as she tidied her things
“Hi (y/n). Going back to campus already?” Jeno asked as (y/n) nodded
“Yeap. I gotta meet my teammate for our joint research paper to discuss what we’re going to do. It’s 40% worth my final grade for this subject” (y/n) replied, putting on her backpack
“Well, good luck on that. You’re practically as smart as Haechan, I’m sure you’ll pass with a HD” Jeno replied
“Thanks!! I’ll text you when I’m done, pooh bear. Bye Jeno!!” (y/n) exclaimed. “REMEMBER TO HAVE YOUR PHONE ON AT ALL TIMES!” Haechan half-shouted as (y/n) just waved back
“She’s in campus, Haechan. I doubt anything would happen. There are security cameras and guards practically everywhere” Jeno mentioned, sitting across the younger 00 liner
“I don’t trust security cameras or guards. Remember what happened to you and Zenny in Italy?” Haechan replied, taking his “gaming” laptop out
“Don’t you dare remind me of that you pooh bear. I should’ve killed Chad when I had the chance” Jeno scoffed, fisting his hands
“And risk being punished by Taeyong-hyung before he finds out what he needs? No thank you” Haechan mentioned, typing away on his laptop
“You’re hacking the security cameras, aren’t you?” Jeno stated
“You can’t be too sure of everything. Just like you despise Chad, I find John very sus” Haechan replied, looking through every camera from the front gate of the campus to the library
For the past 30 minutes, Haechan and Jeno were monitoring the cameras that Haechan hacked into. Occasionally, Haechan would text (y/n) to make sure that the cameras that he hacked into weren’t already hacked by someone else.
After another 10 minutes, Jeno got bored and mentioned that he was going to the convenience store to grab some snacks for his movie night with Zenny. “You sure you don’t want to come? Dude, she’s fine for the past 40 minutes, I think we can leave for just 5 minutes” Jeno mentioned
“She texted me that she’s done. Kay, we can go to the convenience store and then go to her campus” Haechan replied, finally closing his laptop and joining Jeno to go to the convenience store right before he went to (y/n)’s campus
Haechan’s POV
Right before I was about to cross the street to (y/n)’s campus, I saw (y/n) and waved at her which she waved back until a black van stopped right in front of her which made me anxious and instantly ran across the street, ignoring the traffic lights and Jeno’s scolding.
But when I saw the van driving off and no (y/n) in sight, I instantly put my in-ear piece and contacted Yangyang and Jaemin to help me track the van right as he rushed back towards Jeno, pulling the leader of the 00 liner with him.
“Haechan, what the hell?! Why are we running?!” Jeno exclaimed
“(y/n)’s gone! That van took her! I’m sure of it! Since you’re the racing champion, you’re driving while I figure out where they went” I mentioned as we reached Jeno’s car
“Connect your laptop to the car and buckle up, pooh bear” Jeno mentioned, putting in the gears and racing off as I, Yangyang and Jaemin were tracking down the van that Haechan mentioned
During the car chase, Jeno managed to catch up to the van as closely as he could while I took his gun out, ready to shoot the van’s tire until Jeno scolded him. “Dude, I know that you’re angry but you can’t just shoot in broad daylight! If people find out and I’m in the car, my reputation to cover up who I am would be doomed and I would get a scolding from Taeyong!” Jeno scolded
“Then what do you suggest I do, Mr 00 liner leader?!” Haechan growled back
“Hold on tight” Jeno stated right as he put in the gear to the highest setting and stepped on the gas, now beside the van
Jeno then slowly directed the car to hit the van, trying to corner it but whoever was in the van was just as smart cause right when it seemed that Jeno managed to corner the van, a few other cars appeared, distracting Jeno and me without realising that the ones in the original van that was being chased moved into another van.
Suddenly, the other cars that surrounded Jeno all sped up and left Jeno’s car to hit the van that they were chasing until it stopped. Both Jeno and I went out of the car and opened the van but it was completely empty. What kept the van going was a brick.
“Shit!! We lost them!! Both (y/n) and the van’s tracker” I complained, going back into the car
“You have (y/n)’s phone, right? Am sure you must’ve hacked into her phone for these kinds of situations, right?!” Jeno asked, speed-driving back to the NCT HQ
“That’s the problem, Jeno. (y/n)’s phone is completely off. Not the power that’s off but it’s off off. No signal, no way to hack to turn it on. The chip that I planted was destroyed. Dammit. Looks like I might have to use our big bois for this one” I grumbled as the two boys arrived at their headquarters
Arriving at headquarters, Jeno directed the staff to help fix his car while I rushed to our weapon and tools floor, trying to find what I was looking for. “Where is it, where did Taeyong-hyung keep it?” I grunted until the lights of the room were turned out
“What are you looking for exactly, Haechan?” I heard Taeyong-hyung question, making me gulp and turn around to see my leader and Jeno standing right in front of me
“Nothing, hyung” I gulped. “My office, now” Taeyong stated and both Jeno and I followed him to his office
“I’m going to cut to the point because I think you both are eager to do something else, so. Why are two of our tracking chips destroyed?” Taeyong questioned, sitting down and sliding his tab towards the both of us
“I told you that you would eventually get caught even if you could hack into the chips” Jeno mentioned which made Taeyong raised an eyebrow. “Explain”
“Long story short, I met with my old childhood friend and I was reconnecting with her but then I found out that she was in the same class John, someone that is well was, acquainted with Chad, remember him? The guy that nearly…” Haechan rambled on and Taeyong stopped it. “I remember. So you used the chips to track your old friend and on a van that you speculated was the one that took (y/n)” Taeyong-hyung explained back
“Well, that is my hypothesis, hyung. You have to let me use the big bois, hyung. I knew that John was no good and even if he didn’t kidnap her directly, I’m sure that he must’ve played a part in this” I argued
“Well, that wasn’t my hypothesis. I know about you using the chips right when you took them and did some snooping around. No hard feelings Haechan but I know more than what you think. Just like I know that John is somehow trying to get you to exchange Chad with (y/n). I know that it was John who took (y/n) because he has been eyeing you and her for a while. I watch my members, too. Sorry. Force of habit. But anyways, Jungwoo told me that John decided to dig for some information about you, especially when Chad had sent him images of you and the 00 liners during the race back when Jeno was racing for the Grand Prix in Milan. Just like you, Haechan, John is smart and witty. Unfortunately, I don’t know where he is. But maybe you could” Taeyong-hyung explained, giving me access to the satellite system
“Hyung…’ I started. “I trust that you won’t use it to your advantage. How many members do you need with you?” Taeyong-hyung asked
“Just the 00 liners” I exclaimed, getting to work with the satellite to find John and (y/n). “I’ll come with Mark, Kun, Yuta and Johnny” Taeyong mentioned, texting on his phone as he got up
“Yo-you’re coming?!” I asked right as his laptop showed us the location of both John and (y/n) which were luckily in the same place
“Yes, I am. Looks like these frauds just never learn their lesson” Taeyong growled, putting on his jacket. “Go get your team then, I’ll meet you there”
As time passed, my nervousness started to grow. No one could know what could happen during the night when the shadows, devil and all things evil come out to play. But I wasn’t nervous about myself nor my team because compared to whatever may be lurking in this dark time, the majority feared the name, even just the NCT logo on their uniform whenever they were going around at night.
No, I was nervous about my own reaction to what may happen to (y/n). While I had never gone angry or out of control. Heck, the most rage he has experienced was when someone tried to hack into my own computer to get whatever information they could about my gaming strategy without knowing who I was.
“Remember, no matter what happened, we can’t kill them. Yet.” Jeno reminded me
“You don’t have to remind me. Seems like deja vu, don’t you think?” I chuckled
“I’ll help you torture the guy once you get (y/n) and make sure that she’s safe. I also told Zenny to help take care of (y/n) once we’re done here” Jeno replied
“Where’s Taeyong-hyung?” I asked
“He said that he’s on his way. He had to take care of something before coming here” Jaemin replied. “He told us to go ahead in” Yangyang added
“Let’s take down some frauds, boys” I growled, kicking the door to the abandoned building as we walked into the building
Right when we walked in, Jaemin noticed that there were traps and stopped everyone from going any further. Jeno scanned the room for all the traps took a broken wood and threw it as far as he could, triggering most of the traps and a smoke bomb.
Once the smoke slowly dispersed, Yangyang noticed red dots and instantly held his weapon up as did the rest of us. When the smoke was completely gone, we saw John along with his minions all armed to shoot but I told everyone to not shoot as I walked closer towards John and his minions
“Bold of you to walk as if you’ve triggered all the traps” John chuckled but Haechan took his gun out, pointing towards John. “Bold of you to assume that me and my friends don’t know that” I stated, angling my gun at an odd angle and shoot, destroying the main control panel of the traps
“Quick tip, If you want to build traps, make sure that their control panel is hidden underground or somewhere else. But what can you do with limited resources, am I right?” I chuckled, making John and his men cower a bit
“You’re one to talk. There’s only 4 of you and basically 30 of us. No matter how skilled you all are, I doubt you’d be able to handle this amount of people” John taunted
“I suggest you rethink that while I’m being nice. Where’s (y/n)?” Haechan asked
“Ahh, of course that’s why you’re here. But what’s in it for me then?” John asked back
“Getting out of this place alive. Consider it mercy for what Chad has done to my friend here” Haechan stated, slightly angling his head to point at Jeno
“Hehehe. Chad did warn me about him but I’m not like him. He’s always been more of a coward who hides behind his men. Whereas I” John stated, taking his gun and pointing it at me. “I don’t. How about this? If you win against me with no weapon, I’ll spare (y/n)” John taunted
“And if I refuse?” I growled but John just chuckled, snapping his fingers as two of his men came and held (y/n) who was severely injured and unconscious
“You sick bastard. Maybe leaving you out of here alive is too merciful of me. You coming out with legs and arms is already good enough” I growled, pointing my gun towards John
“Even if you kill me, Lee. My men will kill your girl and little friends first. You really think you can go up against this many people? I suggest you take my offer and fight me or, you get me Chad” John replied
“You really think your friend is with me and my friends? That motherfucker is with NCT” I scoffed back, making some of John’s men shiver in fear just by hearing our group’s name
“You’re bluffing, Lee. He was last seen with your little group here. How the hell could he be with NCT?!” John grunted
“Why don’t you give me (y/n) back and find out” I taunted which made John snicker as he redirected his gun towards (y/n), making my heart drop
“STOP!! I’ll fight you! I’ll fight you with no weapons!” I screamed which made John laugh while I went back towards my members and took off all of the weapons that I had on, handing them over to Jeno. “You’re going to get killed. He only said no weapons for you. He never said for himself” Jeno half-lectured
“I know. I won’t die. Don’t worry about me. As you said, he only said no weapons for me” I chuckled, raising my eyebrows and went back to the center of the building
“Hope you’re ready to die then, Lee Haechan” John chuckled as I took his stance. “Careful, John. Don’t try to provoke the bear. Even Winnie the Pooh can get violent if he doesn’t have his honey” I reminded and John instantly took his gun. “We’ll see if Winnie the Pooh lives or not” John smiled, shooting right at me but I managed to dodge it
Despite being trained by some of the tougher members, I wasn’t as used to this close combat battle with weapons against me. There were some close calls where I managed to land a punch on the side of John’s ribs and even kicked him down which made his gun fly from his hand.
Right as I stood up and was about to confront John, he suddenly turned around and nearly stabbed me if not for my reflexes and ended up getting a cut on my ankle which made me stumble back but still could keep up with the fight.
Unfortunately, John was right, no matter how well-trained I was, I was still human and had my own limits. Despite managing to land a few hits, my hits weren’t as powerful as Jeno's or Jaemin’s, hence John still being able to attack me and cut me here and there. Heck, I was even now on the ground, trying to catch my breath as John stepped on his chest, pointing his knife right at my neck.
“Any last words, pooh? Perhaps I should record this moment, for (y/n) that is” John snickered as Haechan just chuckled
“Yeah, neo got my back” I breathed, confusing John but before John could process my words, I twisted his ankle, making him scream in pain as Jeno kicked him out away from my chest, making me cough for air
“You fucker. You cheated” John grunted as Jeno helped me up to my feet and I limped my way over towards John as I was the one that put my foot on his chest, making him hard to breathe. “It’s hard to breathe, isn’t it?!” I growled
“Also, you’re wrong. I didn’t cheat. You only said to not use any weapons. You never said that I couldn’t have my friend help out” I chuckled, taking out my gun and pointing it at John. “So, how about you drop all of this before I drop this bullet in one of your non-vital parts so you know what pain feels? Pick your answers carefully cause I don’t like to be tested” I taunted, loading my gun
“You made a mistake, pooh bear. How dare you! Kill the girl!” John shouted
But before any of John’s men or I could do anything, everyone felt the ground shake and eventually, John’s men also fell to the ground. The door then opened to reveal Kun and Mark, followed by Johnny, Yuta, Renjun, Shotaro and some of the other nct recruits in their training uniform, surrounding the area and pointing their gun towards John’s men. The atmosphere instantly became tense; especially when heavy boots were clicking along the cold cement floor whilst a dragging sound followed.
The crowd from NCT immediately parted, revealing our leader, Taeyong, dragging what seemed to be one of John’s men who was unconscious with him. “Oh, I think you’re the one who made a mistake” Taeyong-hyung growled, throwing the unconscious man right in front of everyone
“Lee Haechan” Taeyong-hyung stated, making me let out a rough sigh, lifting my feet off of John. “Go get your girl and Renjun, Shotaro, help Jeno get the other 00 liners out and treated. Including the girl” Taeyong-hyung stated
Despite limping, I still managed to walk as normally as possible to not show the enemy that I was actually in pain and asked for (y/n) back. “If you can see who that guy is, I suggest you hand her over unless you want him to blow your insides in front of everyone” I reminded, immediately those men handed (y/n) over and I carried her away
“Hyung…” I called out, looking at Taeyong before I left with the other 00 liners
“You’ll have your share. You did well out there. I’ll have Johnny brush you up more” Taeyong-hyung mentioned, making me chuckle
Back to 3rd POV
Right after the 00-liners were out, the atmosphere became even more tense to the point that no one dared utter a word until Taeyong spoke.
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“Was my warning not enough? Not only that but you accused my member of cheating when you started it? My members were taught well but clearly, you managed to outsmart them in your own sinister way” Taeyong stated, walking closer and kneeling down, grabbing John’s face forcefully. “Be thankful that I told my boys to not kill you. Well,” Taeyong chuckled. “Not until I’ve dealt with you that is” Taeyong smirked, standing back up as John gripped his ankle, all the NCT recruits pointed their guns towards John
“I, it was a mistake. I didn’t kill them. They might be bleeding and have a few bruises but they’re completely alright. Please” John pleaded as the main NCT members scoffed
“You’re only pleading because they’re my members and because I’m here, in the flesh, right in front of you and your little group. What if I didn’t come? What if you accidentally killed one of my members? Or worse. What if you killed that girl? Would you be able to live knowing that you killed someone that was precious to someone else? How would you like to be hunted to the point where you would wish that you were killed in an instant?” Taeyong sighed. “Take him and his men as well. If you or your men try anything. I assure you that both of you would wish I kill you in an instant while I still have mercy” Taeyong stated, his own men took care of John and his group
Back at the NCT headquarters, the 00 liners were immediately treated. “Treat her first, I’m fine, just a slight scar on my ankle” Haechan stated as one of Kun’s staff took (y/n) from him
“That is clearly not a scratch Haechan, c’mon, let’s get you treated” Xiaojun mentioned, helping Haechan towards the operating room
After Haechan had several stitches, he was told to rest by Xiaojun but Haechan being the mischievous member he is, ignored Kun’s advice and went to search (y/n). Quietly, Haechan lurked around the halls of the healthcare building and even half-threatened one of the recruits to tell him where (y/n) was which they help pointed Haechan in the direction.
Haechan’s POV
“Of course you would ignore Xiaojun’s suggestion for you to rest” Renjun half scolded
“I need to see her, Renjun. I need to know that she’s okay” I pleaded making Renjun sigh. “Fine. She’s in there, resting up. I just came out of her room after doing some basic checkups. She’s alive if that’s what you’re worried about. Her injuries are healing up but I think you need to check up on her mental state. She actually called your name right when she woke up” Renjun mentioned which made Haechan bolt into the room
“(y/n)…” I whispered, holding onto both of (y/n)’s hands. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve taken you with me when I had the chance. I just, I just thought that maybe even if he was acquainted with someone I hate, he would be different. But turns out I should’ve trusted my own gut feeling. I’ll make him pay. I’ll make them all pay” I growled but calmed when he felt (y/n)’s fingers moving
“Hae, haechan…” (y/n) mumbled
“I’m here. I’m here. I’m not leaving” I replied softly, caressing (y/n)’s hands
“I’m sorry. I should’ve listened to you” (y/n) uttered making my jaw clench
“Don’t be. Hey. It wasn't your fault. No one knew what that douche was planning” I replied back, kissing (y/n)’s temple
“Note to self, listen to whatever Haechan tells you because he is always the smarter one” (y/n) joked, making me chuckle
“I’m not that smart, alright? Stop comparing yourself to me. We’re not even going to college together. How can you be so sure that I’m better? Even if I was smarter academically, you excel in every other way possible” I compliment, making (y/n) blush a bit
“Like what, pooh bear? You’re clearly more social” (y/n) replied
“So? You’re always better artistically. You excel in expressing your emotions. You’re one of the most selfless people ever. You never judge anyone at all. Overall, you excel in every other social aspect. You’re generous, you’re caring, but I will tell you what you don’t excel in” I mentioned while (y/n) just looked at me, anticipating my answer
“You can’t tell about my feelings for you even when we were younger. I have always liked you. Sure I had a weird way of showing it by teasing you but I was so young, I don’t know how to confess. And then you suddenly went away and I thought that I would never get the chance to tell you. When you came back, I want to take it slow because I don’t want to overwhelm you and then this John shit happened and…” I rambled on until I felt soft warm lips on mine
(y/n) was kissing me?! My crush since childhood was kissing me after I confessed everything. Because I was still shocked, I didn’t do anything until I felt (y/n)’s lips left mine did I finally put one of my hands behind her neck and pulled her back for a deeper kiss.
Our lips reconnected before I left her lips and kissed her cheek, down to her jawline and neck which made (y/n) let out a soft moan, making me even more turned out that my other hand reached the edge of her shirt, slowly playing with it before my hand went under her shirt, massaging her sides, making (y/n) moan again.
“Haechan….” (y/n) moaned and it was then that I realised that she was still injured as my hand grazed over a bump of stitch on her stomach
“Shit, I’m so sorry. I got caught up. Are you okay? What did they do to you?” I asked, regaining my breathing while cupping (y/n)’s cheeks
“I, I don’t remember, Chan. I, I tried to fight in the car and even when I was half-awake but they, they…” (y/n) cried, making my heart clench as I pulled her into my embrace, letting her rest her head on my chest, gripping my shirt while making it wet
“Let it out, honey. Let it out. You don’t have to tell me everything yet. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere” I reassured (y/n), stroking her hair as she let out her cry while retelling me what she had gone through
[06:06 am]
6 hours have passed since Haechan and his members found John and (y/n). 6 hours since Taeyong came to keep the situation under control and 6 hours since John and his men had been locked up without knowing the time or day until Taeyong and several of his members came into the room, waking John and his men.
“Hope you had a good 6 hours of thought about what you did in the past week. Not even the past week but you get what I mean” Taeyong stated, sitting on his desk, looking at another pathetic young man, being reminded of the time he had to confront the person that was responsible for the taint on NCT’s name
“How about we start easy? Why did you kidnap her? Was it to exchange with your friend, Chad? Who by the way, was also the one that sat on that chair you’re sitting” Taeyong mentioned, sending shivers to John’s body
“Is, is he?” John finally talked. “Dead? No. We’re not that heartless to take a life. But we’re also not merciful to let you just be locked up” Taeyong replied bluntly
“What if I say that I have no specific reason other than trying to finish what Chad started” John stated. “And that is? Misusing my group’s name? Using it to your own advantage by creating a fake embossed logo? That’s it?” Taeyong questioned
“In a way. But more so for power, money, and fame. That girl was just in the way of it all because she brought one of your hackers apparently and that slim waist guy” John replied making Taeyong let out a long sigh
“One. That hacker is Haechan. Two. That girl you messed with is Haechan’s girl. Three. That slim waist guy is Jeno, captain/leader of the 00-liner group. Four. Jeno is the one who captured Chad and even tortured him to the point where Chad doesn’t even want to leave his cell. Five. You’re a terrible liar” Taeyong stated, walking towards John, circling the younger man
“You and Chad, Courtney. What you guys did to Zennie? That incident in the cafeteria that made me expel the majority of your little group” Taeyong growled, gripping John’s shoulder, his nails digging into the skin
“T-Taeyong…hyung…I, I mean, s-sir…” John pleaded
“I was done with all of you and ready to move on but you had to come back and taunt the others, didn’t you? My members might not remember everyone but I do. Only this time, you didn’t just piss me off” Taeyong chuckled, patting John’s shoulder
“You also provoke the devil” Taeyong whispered right as the door was barged open and the one dubbed as one of NCT’s smartest was also dubbed as the small devil
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“Yeah. No hard feelings, man. You just like to test people a lot, don’t you?” Haechan growled, piercing a knife into one of John’s hands. “Like I said. Don’t. Test. Me. Let’s see how you like it to have all those scars on your body, hmm?” Haechan smirked, pointing another knife towards John’s face
A/N: i know I didn't actually made it like the request but I tried and I hope that you enjoy it anon and everyone else! If anyone wants to request another nct mafia please send me one (for the other members). I might just turn this into a mini NCT mafia universe, let me know if you'd like that and stay safe everyone!! xoxo Vinet
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
please i need to know what happens next in toapp
hang on tight!
ignore any errors . don’t say anything or ur cloverphobic. i was not in the right headspace when i wrote this and im still not kncjdnxks
warnings: :)
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #12
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you walk up to the table and yoongi instantly turns to you, pulling the chair out next to you to help you sit down
you quietly thank him and sit down
you start eating, talking, enjoying everyone’s presence
you notice the food is rapidly disappearing so you make a quick sandwich for jungkook
just because
he just!
helped u at night
made u feel warm
and gave u his pillow while u were sleeping :(
so you just
wanna make sure he has some food :(
are you becoming … soft ? on JUNGKOOK?
no ur not! it’s just human decency
“how’d you sleep?” yoongi asks, reaching out to play with the shell of your ear
you smile at his touch. “i slept well. you?”
“okay. hoseok punched me in the mouth 3 times in his sleep.”
you laugh and reach out to rub his swollen bottom lip with your thumb. “it’s okay, your lips look softer now.”
a small smirk creeps on his lips. “you wanna test that theory out?”
you press your lips together and your thighs.
you shrug your shoulders. “will i get anything if my theory is correct?”
he thinks about your question for a moment. “i’m not sure. is there something on your mind right now?”
ugh he’s so smooth
you roll your eyes, slapping his knee under the table
jungkook joins later and doesn’t really look at anyone as he sits down across from you
he looks around the table and notices the food is actually gone
you reach for the sandwich on your plate and hand it to him without a word
he glances at the sandwich in your hand
and then glances at you
he slowly reaches for the sandwich and quietly thanks you
he eats it in silence while everyone is still chatting
cue mouse eating alone meme
hours have passed
everyone’s playing pictionary with each other
jungkook is just sitting in the back on his phone
it’s weird
well he’s always been quiet in group activities
but now he’s not playing along at all
isabella and hyunjoo are sitting next to him and he’s only really chatting with them
not like u care though
just as you’re laughing at the competition of pictionary in front of you
you suddenly get tugged to the side by tae
he pulls you to the side, away from the others
you frown and cross your arms. “what’s up?”
he looks to the side to make sure no one’s listening
“what’s up with you and jungkook?”
he asks it with so much annoyance in his voice
heart drops to your ass
oh shit?
nothing happened between you and jungkook yet!!
nothing WILL happen between you and jk.
believe that.
“what are you talking about?” you ask, feigning innocence
he sighs in exasperation, trying to find his words. “i know y’all are not the best of friends but i’m sensing some tension. are you still mad about the fact he said that he doesn’t like you?”
you blink at him
wait a second
he thinks there’s a problem between you and jungkook
he’s not suspecting the opposite
you can do this
you shrug your shoulders. “i just don’t like him, tae.”
he tilts his head to the side and squints his eyes at you, staring at you with his intense eyes. “so, why did you accept sleeping in a tent with him?”
shit shit
think this through
you drop your arms. “because i’m not a little bitch, taehyung. i’m not going to ruin the trip for everyone else.”
“well, you’re going in that direction. you think i didn’t notice that little never have i ever game between you two?”
you swallow in distress. fuck
were you that obvious?
he shakes his head at your lack of response. “get your shit together, y/n.”
you rub your forehead. “sorry.”
he sighs, he never likes having to call you out but you clearly needed to hear it
taehyung leaves you by yourself
he’s right
let’s try building a friendly relationship with jungkook!
you help seokjin and joon with preparing the food for tonight
you’ve kinda been ignoring jungkook in hopes no one else will catch onto the games between you two before you can tell him in private to stop w the games and act friendly with each other
because tae is suspecting something
during pictionary you were just teaming with yoongi
flirting with him
being touchy
now you’re spending time with the others
hoping that you’re not the reason for ruining it for everyone
so you’re going out of your way to interact with everyone
you’re laughing and having a good time
you taste seokjin’s food and hum in delight. “that’s so fire,” you moan
he smiles and puffs his chest out proudly
“oh, you wanna taste too?” seokjin says to someone behind you
you look behind you
jungkook is walking up to the 3 of you rn
seokjin hands you the spoon holding the broth so you can give it to jungkook since you’re closer
you blink as you take it and turn back to face him, holding the spoon up to him
instead of taking the spoon
grabs your wrist
and leans down
directing the spoon to his mouth
and sucking the broth off of it whilst holding eye contact with you
you gulp and you can swear you hear your heart beating in your throat
he drops your hand and nods. “that’s really good, hyung.”
seokjin beams at the compliment
but not for long when seokjin has to redirect his attention to namjoon
namjoon + knife = danger
suddenly jungkook leans into your ear and whispers, “come to the tent at 8pm. then i’ll know you’re done with this childish game and ready to hear me out.”
hear him out?
about WHAT?
did tae already speak to him too?
he doesn’t give you a chance to ask when he suddenly ditches you to head toward his tent
you check the time
it’s 7.30pm…….
be normal!!! don’t go
don’t go
don’t go
so are you gonna tell the audience
why you’ve been standing in front of the tent since 8:06pm?????
minutes pass
and you’re still not entering
at 8.10pm, the tent unzips and you watch as jungkook crawls out
he stops and looks up at you as you stare down at him
he’s seen you now? just go
hear him out
he slowly backs into the tent and you don’t really think about it when you follow him further into the tent
you zip up the tent and watch as he backs up and sits straight up, legs stretched out as he leans back on his hands
you sit on your knees as far away from him as possible, waiting for him to say anything but he won’t
it’s quiet
too quiet
your eyes drop to his lap
and you catch the slight tremor in his leg
you finally break the silence. “why are you bouncing your leg?”
he shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. “because i’m nervous.”
your brows pinch together. “why are you nervous?”
what is he thinking about?
should you be nervous too?
he sighs and rubs his face with one hand before placing it back and leaning on it again. “because there’s a pretty girl in my tent and none of my antics or tricks work on her.”
wow :)
we’re good
maybe it’s best to just finally be honest?
just be honest
you shake your head. “but they do work.”
his head snaps up at you. “what do you mean?”
you awkwardly shrug your shoulders. “remember the time when i came to your apartment for the speaker? when you almost kissed me?”
he frowns but nods his head nonetheless.
“i would have let you.”
u actually just admitted that
he blinks at you like he doesn’t believe you
“there are a lot of times where i would go with the flow but you just,” you say as you shake your head. “why do you never just.. do it?”
he shrugs his shoulders. “i don’t know.”
this space is so … raw and vulnerable right now
it’s best to just talk about everything
you ask, “is it because of taehyung and namjoon?”
he shrugs his shoulders for the nth time. “probably. i feel like i just don’t want to be the one that makes the first move and disobey them, you know?”
is that why he always stopped before it got too far?
you bite your lip for a moment. “so what if i make the first move?”
he shrugs his shoulders. “how about you come find out?”
that’s it
every bone in your body
every thought in your head
that makes you act rationally
leaves your body in that specific moment
you don’t waste any time as you crawl over to him
you watch as he suddenly sits up, big eyes watching you
you throw one leg over his thighs, hands on his shoulders to support yourself
he keeps his hands respectfully besides his body as you climb onto him, looking up at you in anticipation
you slowly sink down on his lap, straddling his thighs as you cup his face
jungkook stares at you with big eyes, lips slightly parted
if you were crazy
you’d say you could hear his heart beating out of control
it could also be your own heart
but without any hesitation
you press your lips to his
oh fuck
his lips are so
damn soft
his hands automatically move on their own, gripping your waist tightly as he allows you to taste him
his hands on your body
feel otherwordly
you pull his face even closer, tilting your head to kiss him deeper
you poke his lips with your tongue and he wastes no time allowing you into his mouth
you lick into his mouth, tasting the minty toothpaste he brushed his teeth with after the late lunch he had
you need more
you need more
you move your hands down to his and push them further down, making him grip your hips
he smiles into the kiss, wasting no time as his fingers drape over your hips
his lips chase yours as if he’s scared you’ll slip through his fingertips
you wrap your arms around his neck to fully close the gap between the two of you, your chests firmly pressed together
you slowly start rolling your hips into his, making yourself moan and him hiss
fuck you need to stop
before you do something dumb
he abruptly pulls away whilst shaking his head
oh no
his big black eyes stare up at you
“you’re playing a dangerous game.”
he’s been playing games with you all this time?
a smirk tugs on the corners of your lips. “what? getting cold feet because you can’t handle a little friction?”
he raises his eyebrows, clearly surprised by your provocative words
he doesn’t like that
suddenly in one swift move, he flips you over
a yelp leaves your mouth when you’re being pushed back
you’re suddenly on your back against the floor of the tent
and jungkook has wedged his hips in between your thighs
oh fuck
you’re trapped under his body
and unfortunately
you don’t wanna be anywhere else
he reconnects your lips and gently grinds into you, making you quietly moan into his mouth
holy shit
your entire body feels like it’s on fucking fire
pathetic whimpers and pornographic moans leave your lips as he rolls his hips against your pelvis, the thin fabric of your leggings making it feel like he’s grinding directly into your sex
his tongue dives into your mouth, sensually rubbing against yours whilst he grinds his sex into yours
his tongue continues to explore your mouth, the cold of his liprings rubbing against your lips sends electricity right up your spine
he disconnects your lips and starts kissing down your neck, tongue tracing your collarbones
his hips continue to roll into yours at a perfect pace
he’s so fucking good at this
oh fuck this feels good
no wonder. he’s literally a fuckboy
everything feels that much more intense because you shouldn’t be doing this
shouldn’t be doing this
why shouldn’t you be doing this?
what if
someone were to come right now???
what if tae or yoongi suddenly stand in front of the tent!!! ask you to come out !! see you with messed up hair !!! swollen lips !!!! jungkooks red cheeks !!!!
“wait, wait, wait, stop,” you say, pushing your hands against jungkook’s shoulders
he pulls away and worriedly looks down at you, his hips also coming to a halt
it’s clear he thinks he did something wrong
“i-i want to keep going but what if someone comes right now? looking for us?” you ask, breathlessly
he blinks a couple of times, clearly thinking about what you just brought to his attention. “then we’re fucked.”
you’d hoped he could dismiss that thought so you could keep going
but now you’re worried
calm down
and think
to be continued
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wolf-star-chaser12 · 24 days
Radio Nights
| tw: panic attacks. pairings: jegulus. fluff, pure fluff word count: 3086 |
It was him again, that same boy. He kept calling the station over and over. Regulus should’ve been sick of it, but the boy kept him company unknowingly. 
Regulus ran the local radio station during the night hours because his body physically refused to be up from seven to five during the day. It worked out quite well— he got to choose the music and rarely got complaints because no one listened to his station when he was running it. He was able to complete his online classes easily and was set to graduate a year early, even with two majors. The job paid quite well and he lived two buildings down. It was perfect.
The only downside was that he rarely got to talk with his brother, Sirius. Regulus was a being of the night and his brother was a deranged creature who got up before Regulus went to bed— which varied from five to six.
Regulus figured his music suited the hours of the night perfectly. There was nothing upbeat, no loud music, it was all mellow and overall quiet. But this boy who kept calling their station, always said Mamma Mia was perfect for 2 A.M.. Regulus vehemently disagreed and refused to put on any ABBA songs. He should be worried about upsetting their listeners, but he didn’t care, and it seemed neither did the other boy. 
“Please?” the boy asked, for the third night in a row.
“No. Why are you even up anyway?” Regulus asked.
“It’s a perfectly reasonable time to be up.”
“It’s two A.M.” he deadpaned.
“Is it really? Huh. Well, that makes sense, usually the music is so much different when I’m home.”
“Do you have a problem with my music?”
“No! Your music is perfectly fine, I just wish I had something upbeat to listen to this early in the morning. It’ll help keep me awake.”
Regulus was intrigued, was this boy out of town? It made sense if he was currently in a different time zone. After all, why would anyone who wasn’t a local listen to his station?
“What time is it for you?”
“Six. I’m only four hours ahead.”
Regulus really shouldn’t let the call go on for this long. It was meant for requests, not conversations. “This seems like a you problem. If you want different music, change the station.”
He hung up before the boy could protest. Regulus thought it odd that this boy only started making requests when he was supposedly out of town. Sirius was also out of town, but it was only a coincidence. The only time he could ever really have a conversation with his brother was when whatever time zone he was in lined up with Regulus’ hours. The rest of his night went smoothly, but he got no more calls, he felt a bit disappointed but didn't know why.
The next night, the boy called the station number again. Sighing, Regulus picked up the phone.
“What do you want this time?”
“Is this how you greet all of your listeners?”
“Only you, because you can’t take no for an answer.”
“But please. It’s just one song.”
“No. People are used to my music at this time and they would be confused if I suddenly put on a random ABBA song.”
“No one needs to know.”
“I’ll know.”
The boy sighs. “I guess I’ll stop asking for ABBA then.”
Regulus felt both relieved and disappointed. 
“Can you put on Bohemian Rapsody?”
Regulus groaned. It was one of Sirius’ favourite songs.
“It’s not for me it’s for my mate, he’s driving so he can’t ask.”
Regulus thought for a moment, he didn’t hate the song, but it would also be funny to let his friend choose whatever he liked.
Smirking, Regulus said, “Okay, only because your friend asked.”
He hung up as the boy squawked in outrage and lined up Bohemian Rapsody to play next. A few hours later, Regulus got a text from Sirius. 
‘thanks for playing my song :P’
Wait what?
‘What are you talking about?’
‘you actually played it on the radio’
‘What were doing up so early?’
‘seven a.m. is more than reasonable’
Regulus scoffed. ‘Whatever you say.’
Regulus began to suspect something was up. Was it possible this boy and Sirius knew each other? Or maybe Sirius just happened to be listening to the radio at the same time. It was possible, but it was also possible for him and Sirius to somehow know each other. Unlikely.
Sirius was away playing pro rugby somewhere Regulus didn’t care to know. He was supposed to have finished the game yesterday, meaning he would be on his way back soon. Regulus missed his brother, even when he was here. They had a strange relationship but since they both ran away as kids, they’ve been working on it. Regulus has become dependent on Sirius again, but he rarely sees him because of his nocturnal schedule. Their family dinners were actually breakfast for Regulus. It sucked sometimes, but on the rare occasion he got up earlier or Sirius stayed up later, they would have fun. 
Regulus never got to meet any of his friends, and Sirius never got to meet his. Barty and Evan worked in a tattoo shop a few blocks down, they were open from ten to five, at night. Pandora was up at night because it was how she preferred it. She did astrology and astronomy things that Regulus had never quite understood. She came by sometimes unannounced, but she always showed up for their near-daily “lunch.” Dorcas… it varied from time to time. Her sleep schedule was the most fucked up of them all. She was a freelance designer, free to do whatever she liked, whenever she liked. She tried to split her schedule between their friend group and her girlfriend, Marlene. Marlene was one of the only friends of Sirius that he’s met— Remus didn’t count since he was Regulus’ friend too, not to mention Sirius’ boyfriend.
Speak of the devil.
‘Why is Sirius grinning evilly?’
‘I played Bohemian Rapsody and now he probably thinks I’ll play more Queen songs.’
‘That was a mistake.’
‘Why did you do it in the first place?’
‘Remember that boy I told you about?’
‘The one who keeps calling about ABBA?’
‘Vaguely, yes.’
‘He asked for ABBA and I obviously refused. Then he said his mate was asking to play Bohemian Rapsody.’
‘I played it just to make him mad.’
‘That was mean.’
‘Do it again.’
Regulus chuckled. He didn’t know if the boy would call again. He didn’t particularly care. Or at least that’s what he was trying to tell himself. No one made song requests except for the rare caller who needed something stupidly depressing. The boy was a nice change. He never did get his name. 
The next night, he didn’t get a call until five. 
“Heyyyyyy, radio boy.”
“I’m not playing ABBA.”
Regulus could practically hear his pout. “I wasn’t going to ask.”
“Then why’d you call?”
“I like you,” he slurred.
“You’re pissed.” Regulus pinched his nose, he didn’t want to deal with this.
“Maybe. But it’s well deserved!”
“Tell yourself that in the morning when you wake up with a hangover.”
“You’re so mean. I like it.”
“There’s something wrong with you.”
Regulus couldn’t wait anymore. “What’s your name?”
“No, no. Remember? You said we couldn’t say our names to maintain privacy. So, according to you, we will not say anything unless we happen to see each other in person.”
Regulus scowled, how could he forget that? “Good night.”
“Wait no!”
“One song?”
“Your favourite one.”
What? No one’s asked him that before. “Why?”
“They say someone’s music taste says a lot about their character.”
“And you haven’t been listening to my music this entire time?”
“I have. But I want to know your favourite.”
Sighing, Regulus queues up his favourite— To Build A Home. He only has to wait a minute before the first notes play, the boy is still connected. 
“This is, I. This is one of my favourites.”
His heart does a funny little jump. 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” He sounds breathless. 
“I um, I know how to play it. On piano I mean.”
“My name.”
“Oh. What a lovely name. Regulus. Perfect name for a star.”
Regulus blushes furiously. 
“James. It suits you.”
More silence. “James?”
“Goodnight, James.”
“Goodnight. Regulus.”
He hung up after it became obvious James had fallen asleep. Regulus hadn’t stopped smiling softly since he found out James’ name. He was in too deep.
The next night, there was no call. Nor the one after that, or for the next few nights. Regulus was sad, but he was also mad at himself for possibly having fallen in love with a stranger who called a few times. For the next two weeks, Evan would have to maintain the station with Pandora because Regulus would have to adjust to a normal schedule for a few days and then return to his nightly schedule.
He had to do a stupid dissertation for his final project, which meant presenting to an audience during the day. He needed a few days to prepare himself because it was a two-day event. Then after that, he would be spending time with Sirius before adjusting back to his regular schedule.
Sirius was thrilled at the news. He’d invited Regulus for a family/friend dinner with his so-called adoptive parents, Effie and Monty. It had been a few months since he last saw them, and that was during Sirius’ birthday. All his friends would be there because they were like family. Regulus knew he would only be hanging out with Sirius, Remus and Dorcas for most of the time. Not really Sirius, however, because he would be talking to everyone. Remus and Dorcas would stay close by. 
Sirius’ best friend James would be there too. They had never met— it seemed like any time Regulus was with Sirius and sometimes his parents, James was never there. Regulus couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that maybe Sirius’ James was his James. But he was never this lucky so he quickly dropped the idea.
Pandora told Regulus she would notify him if James called again, but he never did. His presentation went by smoothly, but he still felt disappointed. Why did James stop calling?
He didn’t have time to worry about the boy right now, he was getting ready for the stupid dinner. 
“You should wear that sweater.”
Regulus whirled around. “Do you want me to look like an idiot?”
Sirius groaned. “Why did you ask for my help when you turned down every option I suggested?”
“Because they’re your friends.”
Sirius was lying on Regulus’ bed, being entirely unhelpful, but he had an idea. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to Remus. 
‘I’m going to Facetime you, and you’re going to pick up saying “Hey babe.”’
‘Umm okay… why?’
‘You’ll see.’
Smirking, he called Remus, and to his credit, he did as Regulus said. 
“Hey babe.”
Sirius perked up at the sound of his boyfriend’s voice and then processed what he said. Sirius gave an undignified squawk as he nearly fell on his face. 
“Moony why are you calling my brother babe?!”
Remus’ eyes widened before he burst out laughing. 
“Not funny,” Sirius pouted. 
“It is,” Regulus and Remus said together.
“Reg, why’d you call?”
“The idiot is being unhelpful. I need something to wear.”
“You know no one will care what you look like, right?”
Regulus gave him a blank stare.
“Ugh, alright. The green cardigan with the white cuffs and trim, a white turtleneck and those black trousers. You know which ones.”
“Great, thank you.”
“Alright see you later. Bye.”
“Wait!” Sirius yelled. “Let me talk to him.”
“No.” Regulus ended the call and went to change while Sirius whined like a lost puppy. Honestly, he was so pathetic sometimes.
Regulus put on the clothes Remus had suggested— he did look good in them. Remus had a good eye, even if his style was different than Regulus’. He wanted to make a good impression, even if he seemed like he didn’t care.
They got to the Potter’s house early so Regulus could settle in before everyone else arrived. Dorcas’ and Marlene’s car was the only one pulled onto the drive. Regulus had barely stepped inside the house before Dorcas practically tackled him.
“Cas…” he warned.
“Oh come off it, you like when I hug you.”
He grumbled. Dorcas looked nice— she seemed to look much healthier than the last time Regulus saw her. She had been extremely sleep-deprived and was fighting off a cold, causing her to look like a wraith. Now, she looked like her normal self. Behind her, he spotted Marlene looking at him upside down, with her head tilted back over the arm of the chair.
“Regulusssss,” she said, giving him a maniacal grin.
He waved tentatively, that smile never meant anything good. “What do you want?”
“Can’t I just say hi?”
“With you? No.”
Dorcas rolled her eyes at their antics and pulled Regulus by the arm, leading him to the kitchen where Effie was. She turned around at the sound of them entering. 
Smiling, Effie went up to hug Regulus. “How are you? It’s been too long.”
Regulus kissed her cheek. “I’m doing good. What are you making?”
“A little bit of everyone’s favourite.”
“Can I help?”
Effie smiled, “Of course.” She looked towards Dorcas, “Make sure Sirius and James don’t come into the kitchen— they’re banned.”
The three of them talked as Effie and Regulus made dinner. It was nice, maybe Regulus had nothing to worry about. When he finished doing all he could, Regulus went out to set the table. Nearly done, the door opened as Sirius burst in, yelling nonsense with several people following him inside.
“You twat, I could beat you any day.”
Regulus froze, there was no way. That voice, it was him. It couldn’t be, and yet… He turned around seeing everyone in the living room. Remus was there, trying to calm down Sirius just as Marlene was hyping him up. Sirius trailed off whatever he was saying when he made eye contact with Regulus.
He ran up to him, “Why do you look petrified?”
Regulus looked back to James, his James.
Oblivious to his struggles, Sirius called out to everyone and pushed Regulus forward to meet everyone. Everyone crowded around him, trying to introduce themselves. Thankfully, Effie chose that moment to leave the kitchen. 
“Give him space.”
Regulus was breathing too quickly. He needed to leave. It was too much, he needed to leave. Why couldn’t he breathe? Distracted by Effie’s scolding, he slipped past everyone into the hallway.
He should have known he’d have this reaction. Regulus had always had anxiety and panic attacks, and so did Sirius— it was a result of their unfortunate upbringing. Pandora and Dorcas always helped him out of the attacks, but neither was here. Where was Dorcas?
“What’s wrong?” 
It was James. Why did he have to be here, to meet him while he was breaking down? It’s not how they were supposed to meet. Regulus wanted to meet James differently, but he never got what he wanted, did he?
“Hey, can you follow my breathing?” James was kneeling in front of him. When did he end up on the floor?
Regulus tried, his hand was against James’s chest which was rising steadily and slowly. 
“That’s it, just take deep breaths.”
Regulus looked up and was instantly taken aback by James' beauty. He’d seen pictures of him, but they were nothing compared to the sight before him. His eyes were a striking colour— more green than hazel. When James smiled tentatively, it revealed a small gap between his front teeth. He was beautiful.
“Are you feeling better now?” James asked.
“I- um.” Why couldn’t Regulus speak? He’d spoken to James a dozen times before.
“You’re Sirius’s brother aren’t you?”
Regulus nodded.
“He used to get panic attacks all the time, he still gets them once in a while.”
Regulus still stared. 
James chuckled nervously. “Umm, my name’s James.”
“I know.”
“What?” James’s brows furrowed.
“I’m sorry,” Regulus covered his face in mortification. 
“Don’t apologise, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
Did James not recognise his voice?
“No, I’m sorry we had to meet like this. I didn’t want you to ever see me like this.”
“What do you… oh.” James's eyes widened as he stared at Regulus with reverence. “Regulus.”
“It’s really you,” he said breathlessly. “I knew Sirius’s brother was named Regulus, but I didn’t think you two could possibly be the same.”
“Just how many people do you know by the name Regulus?”
“So mean.”
“You like it though,” Regulus smiled.
“Yes, yes I do. I like you too.”
Regulus felt butterflies erupt. 
James’s eyes dropped down to his mouth. Shyly, he asked, “Can I kiss you?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Regulus gave a minute nod.
James leaned forward, capturing Regulus in the softest kiss. They kissed slowly, softly, unhurried. They had all the time in the world. But they ran out of breath and pulled back, breathing heavily. 
“Regulus?” It was Dorcas.
Regulus looked at James and to his horror, started giggling. James also started laughing before the both of them were interrupted by Dorcas.
“Oh there you are, I see you’ve met James.”
They shared a glance, which caused Dorcas to narrow her eyes in suspicion. 
“He was helping me,” Regulus said.
“With what exactly?”
“Reggie had a panic attack,” James said.
Dorcas’s eyes softened. “Are you okay now?”
Regulus nodded.
“Good, you two better head back, I delayed Sirius for long enough.” 
Dorcas left the hall, heading back into the dining room. Regulus thought more about her words. 
“Oh no.”
“What?” James asked.
“What are we going to tell Sirius?”
James thought for a moment. He looked cute when he was confused, Regulus thought.
“What are we?”
They looked at each other, holding their breaths. 
“Maybe, could you— would you want to be my boyfriend, Regulus?”
Regulus grinned, butterflies fluttering wildly inside him. 
“Yes, I would like that very much.”
James leaned down to kiss Regulus once more before standing up. He held out his hand for Regulus to take. He got up and they walked into the dining room, hand-in-hand, much to Sirius’s confusion and everyone’s delight.
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jolapeno · 1 year
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frankie morales x f!reader
an: not me saying I’m taking a week off, and then writing this at 4am—sleepy and sad. written on phone, forgive errors and such.
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you’re not someone who runs well off limited sleep.
more grunts and murmurs than real words leaving your lips. all dipped brows and half-lidded eyes as you try to follow his words. stumbling behind him as he grabs your coat and your bag.
he’s excited—Frankie is excited—all smiles and chattiness as he talks about how you’re going to love where you’re going. something you don’t doubt, but it’s hard to express that on a few hours sleep.
he’s been planning, plotting and organising for a month. his schedule lining up with yours. a free day—a rarity, no home diy project half-finished, no dinner with friends complicating it.
I’m taking you away, he had said. a surprise. and you’d beamed for days after, because no one else has ever done such a thing for you before.
but now you’re awake, at 4am. your bed (the one you two share) longingly whispering for you to come back—and bring him with you. half-tempted to drag him by his jacket, make promises of making it worth it, knowing you won’t be able to keep them.
but he’s packing the truck. casting a glance at you leaning on the frame of the front door—the flask of coffee warming your palms as you hear the occasional chirp of a bird.
“drink, baby,” he says when he comes back, a quick kiss to your forehead, fingers lifting the base of the flask closer to your mouth.
you should.
the caffeine would help—would make a smile show at least. allow a morning or an I love you to fall from your tongue to his ear.
you don’t.
instead, shuffling to the passenger side as you hear him lock the door—his routine of double checking, then triple, loud in the quiet of the early hour. when you open the door, you’re not sure what you expected, but a blanket from the linen cupboard wasn’t it.
“thought you could sleep on the way,” he whispers, suddenly beside you, palm on your lower back, fingers spread. “know how rough this week has been.”
it’s instant, the way your teeth pick at the skin on your lip. the way you stare at him, tears building—corners of your lip twitching.
thank you. is what you want to say. thank you for getting me, for seeing me.
but none of it falls, none of it slips out—but you suspect he hears it all the same. his little nod, the way he takes the flask so you can get in with ease.
it’s only when he shuts the door for you, moving around the front of the truck, not taking his eyes from you through the windshield, do you realise the coffee was never for you. that he knows you well enough to know you won’t drink it—that you need an hour, maybe two, to be human.
because he knows you.
knows that even if it means getting up at this hour to get to this place, you’ll love it when you arrive.
because he sees you—all of you. the first man who really has.
which is why when he slides in next to you, you slide your fingers around his neck, turning his face to yours. not saying a thing, but just pressing your lips to his. kissing gratitude against his chapped lips that taste of mint and coffee; fingers lacing in the curls at the base of his neck as you whimper your thanks for the blanket, for the thoughtfulness.
only managing to mumble something low when he presses his forehead against yours, calloused thumb tracing your cheek.
“love you too, baby,” he replies.
because, of course, he understands you when you mumble.
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an: wish I could sleep in a car now
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kahlanmars · 1 year
BAD FEELING part. 32
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32. Epilogue
«If we are late, I swear to Panem…» You murmur, because Haymitch has to put on a shirt and to stop kissing you.
«What are you going to do? Tell me.» He challenges, and he is right because you won’t do anything. The sight of your man is alluring, especially when he can’t keep his hands off of you.
«We have to celebrate baby Finn.» You pout, trying hard not to laugh because he looks like a teenager.
You are in Four, all of you, even Katniss who had a special permit for Finn’s celebration, and you are overjoyed. You really missed your friends, and you spent most of the holiday gossiping with Perla and Lora and, well, the other part kissing and smooching with your non boyfriend.
You won’t see him for a whole week, because you are going away with Effie and Portia at the end of the holiday. It’s time for your internship to begin, now you are healthy enough and you feel stronger than before. You spent two months in bed, revered and served and you enjoyed it when you stopped being in pain (You will deny it, but maybe you could have stayed up a week before. Or two. But you didn’t have to cook or clean and when the sex strike was revoked, well, it was like a paradise. A holiday. And he never questioned why you were able to help the reconstruction in the district and not him at your home.) 
Haymitch took the change well, if “Well” means trying to take you to bed every five minutes and kissing you in front of everybody, which is huge for him. You are not going to complain about the sudden affection. 
You know he would have preferred having you behaving like a despotic queen from your bed but at home, instead of your usual self in Capitol City, even if he won’t tell you. But once a week he can see you and after the internship you will return. 
«Only Finnick could call his son “Finn”. Egomaniac.» 
You snort but you are fast to use his distraction to wear your blue dress before he decides to rip it out. Finn is an adorable baby, always with a smile on his face and Finnick is so happy he glows. Both him and Annie are so tired they have to stop the conversation and enjoy five minutes of nap sometimes, but when they watch the baby, the look on their faces tells you it’s worth it.
«Annie chose it. And stop the charade, you are happy for him. He is another of your children. That makes you a grandpa!»
The shock on his face is definitely worth the joke, but when he attacks you, he knows you’re ticklish way too much, you squeal and laugh. 
«Say that again.» He dares you, pushing you onto the mattress with his weight. The temperature in the room changes quickly, in a moment his strong hands are wandering around the zip of your dress and you suspect you are going to be late after all. You normally hate to be late but you are going to be in Capitol City tomorrow morning, so you want to indulge yourself a little.
«You are the hottest grandpa in town.» You taunt him, your voice lower and seductive now, and you eagerly accept his kisses and the hand that goes under your dress. It’s been almost a year now, and yet you are still crushing hard on this man. You love him, of course, but you are also in love. You prepare yourself for hours to be beautiful for him, you cook his favourite meals for special occasions, and you love when he reads to you with his deep voice. You even love when he feeds the geese, calling the animals with the names of the people you really know. The most quiet one is Peeta. 
«If I’m a grandpa, Gorgeous, you are a grandma.» He whispers against your ear before kissing your lobe. 
«Oh no, I’m the sexy young girl who seduced you, don’t you remember?»
«WE ARE GOING WITH OR WITHOUT YOU.» Perla shouts from the other room. She is not a patient person, and since you are in her house you have to follow her rules. And maybe you are not the easiest hosts ever. You always sneak out to make out and you giggle in dark corners.
«We are coming!» You answer her, and you threaten Haymitch with a finger on his face. «Don’t even try to sneak away.»
He snorts. «I would never. I love a party for someone who doesn’t even know how to poop.»
You wrinkle your nose. «You disgusting, disgusting man.»
He presses a rumorous kiss on your ear just to spite you. «And yet you love me anyway.»
The party looks like something that a family would do. Jellyfishes made on paper decorate the room, and sparkly fishes are printed on the windows. You are cutting the bread for everyone - the dreadful sea bread from district four - humming a song from Twelve, while Effie and Portia are fussing over Finn who sits on Annie, Peeta and Haymitch are playing chess, and Lora, Perla, Katniss and the others are on the couch, chatting. Mags is on a rocking chair, half sleeping, half listening.
The only people who are at home are Marjorie and Ivy, and Holly. Holly and Marjorie are closer than ever, especially since she is with Ivy now. Holly loves children and Ivy is a treasure of a child, you too spent a lot of time with her, telling her stories and fairytales. 
Katniss is doing better, you think. She speaks with Prim everyday on the phone, she refuses to talk with her mother - her mother never calls her, tho - and she is in your house on a daily basis with an excuse or the other, looking for Haymitch. You wanted to tell her it’s not a problem if she wants to see his adoptive father, but he stopped you, claiming she would stop showing up because she would have been too embarrassed. 
Peeta returns to the district today after six months in the Capitol hospital, and he will be with Katniss for the first time. He is not stable yet, but the doctors say he is ready for the next step.
As for Haymitch, he is really trying to stay sober. You threw out all the alcohol in the house - actually you sell the closed bottles, because why not - and you asked Finnick not to buy it for the party. He is learning how to live without booze, and sometimes it’s so hard, but your man is strong.
It’s a miracle you are all in District Four. After Coin was killed by Katniss and you were shot, the girl risked her life. District Thirteen didn’t want to let her go. Haymitch and Plutarch fought to keep her alive, and Coin was replaced as president by Command Paylor, the leader of the rebel forces In District Eight. You quite like her, she is not a fame or power hungry person, she wants what is right. She decided to pardon Katniss for her action, she voted against the new Hunger Games and she destroyed the arenas. She built memorials, and now she claims Capitol City is a new city with her. You don’t know if you believe her, but she is helping the districts as well with the reconstruction, so she is surely better than Snow and Coin, and for now that’s enough.
«Tomorrow we will go shopping, darling girl.» Effie announces. That’s another thing you have to clear up, because you don’t have any money and you have no intention of using Haymitch’s. You are thrilled you’re going to be in Effie’s home, first because you are really curious about her house, and second because you are going to live with your friend. You would really miss Effie.
«She doesn’t need clothes, isn’t she there to make clothes?» He asks, more to engage a banter with his friend than anything else.
«She needs to mingle. A perfect fashion choice will make it easier.» You have three dresses. Two for every day and one for special occasions, that in the District were weddings, funerals or the Hunger Games. You also have a pair of trousers, a nightgown and a coat, and it’s more than most in Twelve. 
«Maybe I can wait for the first month?» You taint. After the first month you will have a salary, and after a part for Holly, you could spend the rest to “mingle”.
«I have an announcement.» Lora says, so proud. It’s so good to see Lora happy, in the mess that is the war you forget that she is nineteen. This girl with big wide eyes is the youngest among you.
«Tell us!» Perla encourages her, and maybe she needs it because she rarely speaks in the group. She is witty and funny but nobody knows it, except for Chaff who was her mentor and a little bit of a father figure, like Haymitch for Katniss.
«I’m moving to Capitol City too. I don’t know what to do, but I want to travel, and I don’t want to stay in my district, so…» She declares, torturing her fingers. She is nervous, but you are so happy.
«So we'll be together!» You finish for her and you go to hug her. «But where are you staying? In a hotel?»
«Well, I have some news too…» Perla stands up, and Cinna becomes crimson. «I’m moving to Capitol too… because we are moving together.»
«Us three! Again!» You hug them in a group hug. The trio is together again, and now for the first time it’s not for a suicidal mission or a killing machine television game. That counts as progress.
«Yeah, well, I still have my family house here, but… yeah.» You feel calmer already, you are not alone in a new city. Effie and Portia are beyond generous, but they are home there. Perla and Lora can feel what you feel, it’s a new adventure for them as well.
«For six months, right?» Haymitch asks you, hugging you from behind. 
«Six months.» You promise. 
«You are long gone, my friend.» Chaff intervenes. «This one ruined you.»
You tend to forget Chaff is there, and you feel mean because he is one of Haymitch’s best friends.
«He is not ruined!» Annie protests, «He is in love.» 
And now you know your man would want to scoff, but if it’s Annie who talks he is gentle, like with Lora. 
«Isn’t that the same thing?» The eleven victor adds. 
«Shut up.» He murmurs before kissing you again because he refuses to be embarrassed.
«Hey, do you want to go for a walk?» Haymitch asks you while you are putting on your coats, after the party ends. You think Finn liked your present, an enormous stuffed animal (a dolphin) you sewed yourself. You needed to spend time while you were in bed, and it was worth it when the kid saw it. 
You are not that happy to leave. Maybe District Twelve is nowhere to be great, but you miss your home. And it will be rare from now on to be all together, and even if you like what you are going to do, and you are overjoyed Perla and Lora will be with you, you will live in Effie’s house so you will be with her, but this is good. This, a family dinner with everybody. Finnick and Annie are living their dream with baby Finn (and they love it, they are born to be parents and you bet you are celebrating the birth of another baby soon), you want to be there for them. For Finn too, you are ready to be a cool aunt. You want your mommy near you, and she took the fact that you’ll live with Effie Trinket very badly. She feels threatened by her presence, like she is another parent or something, but for you Effie is more like an older sister.
And Haymitch… you are not ready to see him once a week, maybe twice a month sometimes. You are so used to always being in his arms, to talk to him about everything and now you have to talk to him through the phone. No kisses. No hugs. No cuddles even if he claims that “he doesn’t cuddle”. No “Come to bed, sweetheart” and you will read side by side until one of you begins to kiss the other’s neck. 
But it’s your dream, you will become a good tailor, you will learn so much from Portia and you will return to Twelve. 
«A romantic walk? With you?» You repeat in disbelief because he is not the romantic type at all. He is the one who refused to light candles - because you are not sixteen - at your first proper date in the house - because he doesn’t date. At the first mention that if he doesn’t date then you could date other people, he stated that you were his. And then he cooked your favourite meal for dinner.
«Does it have to be romantic? Can’t it be just a walk?» He complains and his voice is rough and annoyed, but he squeezes your hand tight. 
«Well it’s a walk with your girl and there’s the ocean so…» And the sight of Four is really stunning. The ocean is so peaceful you almost don’t miss the meadow, but after the shark in the Games you don’t like to be in open water. Doctor Aurelius claims you need to overcome your fear, but then again Doctor Aurelius didn’t see a mutt white shark in front of her and you need time.
«If you don’t want to, we can just go back at Perla's.» This is not his usual answer, it’s rough even for him.
«No, no, let’s go.» You wince. «Are you nervous?»
«Perfectly fine.» He lies. That liar. He can’t say that he is sad because you move to Capitol City.
«Not thrilled that I go?» You try. 
«You can go, babe, I bought you the ticket.» Babe. He uses the term “Babe” or “Babygirl” when something is wrong. You don’t like them and he knows it. 
«I know I can go, thank you for the permit.» You jump into his arms. «But you can be sad too. I’m sad. Are you sad?»
«…Maybe.» He admits.
«Good. That means you love me. And that also means that every weekend will be precious.» You whisper against his lips. «And I will sew a lot of lingeries…»
The annoyed glimpse in his eyes is replaced by pure lust.
«Don’t put so much effort on them, I’ll rip them out every time.» He closes the space between your lips in a passionate kiss that definitely doesn’t belong in a street, it would be better in a bed. You can’t help it if he flirts like that.
«Walk.» You remind him, licking your lips.
«Walk.» He agrees. 
«If Katniss needs me, or Peeta, or my mother, please call me.» Or if you need me, you want to say, but you know he wouldn’t appreciate it. You are a little anxious about the alcohol stuff and the survival guilt.
«No one will need you, Sweetheart.» He kisses your hair «Go and have fun.»
«I’ll try.» You promise. You are a little worried about your mother, and… you are scared, of course.
«Is Effie okay with the visits? I don’t want her thrilling voice to wake me up in the morning every week.»
«I think so, yeah. We can stay in a motel sometimes, or with Perla and Cinna.»
«Yeah, no. Not Perla.» 
You almost burst into laughter at his tone. When you were in a coma, Perla was the one friend who stayed with you the most with Lora. Haymitch and Holly were arguing about everything, she said, and while Lora has a sweet temper and a great patience, Perla is hot blooded and frequently snapped.
«You don’t like my friends!?» You try to sound accusing. 
«I don’t mind Lora. Perla on the other hand…» His expression says everything.
«Oh c’mon. She is great.»
«You just say that because she has blue eyes.» 
«That’s not true. She also has great boobs.» You see his glare, «What? It’s true.» It is true. Perla is stunning. Sparkling blue eyes, legs for days and you are not blind, you can see her cleavage. You are in love with Haymitch but you are still bisexual, it’s not your fault you have eyes.
«That’s it, I’m going to lock you up in the highest tower.» He shakes his head. 
«Oh, with a dragon to guard me?» 
«No, you would manage to turn it into a pet in a week.»
«I don’t know, it would be fun to be a damsel in distress…» You trace patterns on his chest with your fingers. «And you are so hot as an evil king.»
His eyes darken and he takes you in his arms to kiss you again. «If we keep doing this, we will go back now.»
«No, I want my romantic walk. No more flirting with you.»
«It’s not a romantic walk. It’s a walk. Go to Perla if you want your romantic walk.» Yes, she is the right person for a romantic anything. You are sure she prepared the “Moving to Capitol” thing for weeks before talking about it with Cinna.
«You are not jealous at all, congrats! You know I only want my man.» You indulge on his lips again, taking his arm close to you. «Plus, she has a boyfriend.» 
«He is far too old to be called “boyfriend”.» You chuckle at his displeasure for the word. He fixed on this thing. You secretly call him your boyfriend with the girls, but when he hears that he grunts. 
«And what is she supposed to call him?» You laugh. 
«I don’t know, partner?»
«Do I need to call you “Partner” too?» 
«’Was hoping “Husband”.» 
You turn around and he is handing you a little red box. Not on his knee, of course, and his expression is kinda annoyed, like he really doesn’t like to be in this situation.
This situation, asking you to marry him. A marriage. A wedding. A wedding and a toasting. And a life with him, forever, and nobody could say anything. 
«Oh my…» Daisy Abernathy. Daisy Pinecone Abernathy. It suits you, you think, maybe you can sign your dresses as DPA, or Daisy A. Pinecone, and the kids in the district will call you Mrs. Abernathy. 
You, a married woman. With Haymitch. You can only imagine it. Haymitch is not the kind of guy who asks you to marry him, you are speechless. 
You put your hands on your mouth and you are completely speechless. He opens the red little box and inside there is a ring. 
Well, of course there is a ring, but it’s the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen. It’s very simple, but it is made of gold and there’s even a little diamond on it. You have no idea where it comes from, there are no diamonds in the district. Well of course there are in the mines, but not on rings.
«Doesn’t need to be tomorrow.» He clarifies. «Or a Capitol thing. We go, we sign, we do a toasting and that’s it.»
«You are crazy.» You only manage to say.
«That’s the smart thing to do, you know if one of us is sick the other can take a decision and you could have my money if I die, things like that.» 
You try hard not to laugh. «You propose and then you talk about dying? Right now?»  
«Usually people say yes or now.» He is sounding a little nervous, and you remember you didn’t actually say anything. 
«Yes! Yes of course, yes!» You jump into his arms and give him a deep passionate kiss. The world stops turning just for a moment.
«Daisy Abernathy.» He whispers against your lips. «Sounds good, mh?»
«Daisy Pinecone Abernathy.»
Yes. Daisy Pinecone Abernathy.
Your name.
THIS IS THE ENDDDDD. I'm so saaad and happyyy we got to finishhhh.
I want to ask you, would you like a sequel? I think I'll do it, but if you are not interested I can post it only on AO3.
taglist: @crimsonincursive
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One word prompt: Delicate
aang….won’t take it well.
she already knows this, but somehow, the walk to her best friend’s room still feels like a walk to her own execution.
the western air temple is large, vacant, and terribly difficult to find if you aren’t sure what you’re looking for. so it’s perfect for their annual gaang reunions. normally, katara enjoys the temple’s serene atmosphere and peaceful ambiance, but now? she just wishes it wasn’t so damn quiet.
aang’s door is already cracked open like an ominous invitation. she does him the courtesy of knocking anyways.
“come in.”
he’s sitting at his desk penning some official avatar document or other.
“homework?” she teases lightly to mask her unease.
“oh you know, just a bunch of old guys asking for my advice. same as usual.” he scribbles one last line, then sets the brush down and turns to give her his full attention.
those wide grey eyes always seem to strike a familiar, tender chord in her, and she swallows thickly around her guilt. it’s the same guilt she felt when she’d broken up with him all those years ago. for a moment, she contemplates faking a laugh and chickening out, but remembers how he’d appreciated her honesty before (no matter how painful) and opts to rip the bandaid off as gently as she can.
“i wanted to talk to you about something,” she says. “something serious.”
he blinks, nods, and slides off his chair to sit cross legged on the floor. she sits across from him and takes a deep breath.
“it’s…look,” she struggles to find the right words, despite having thought this through a million times already. she tries again, “first, i want you to know that i love you, very much. the last thing i want to do is hurt you, or make you feel uncomfortable.”
aang just nods again, ever-patient. “i appreciate that.”
katara wrings her hands subconsciously, feeling sick to her stomach, but she forces herself to look him in the eye. “i’ll understand if you’re upset or if you need some space. but this is really important to me, and i don’t want it to come from anyone else.”
his cherubim face has filled out since their childhood days—cheekbones angled and jaw covered in light stubble. she doesn’t think she can do this. she doesn’t think he can handle—
“is this about you and zuko?”
katara nearly chokes, teeth accidentally biting into her cheek hard enough to bleed. “huh?”
aang only scratches the back of his head in a gesture so boyish she could swear she sees a glimpse of his past self. “well, you know. you and zuko. dating.”
she splutters. “how—who told you?”
he gives her a dry look and sighs. “i’m not blind, katara. uh, no offense to toph…”
she can’t stop staring at him. surely, he wouldn’t be so calm about this? surely, this is a surprise? shit, her relationship with zuko was a surprise to her.
eventually, she chooses not to look the gift horse too close in the mouth. “when did you find out?”
aang hums, “i suspected something was going on last winter solstice when you both spent the whole dinner arguing about where sokka and suki should get married. but toph told me she was pretty sure it was nothing.”
“since all the way back then?!”
“yeah, well…” he gives her a sheepish grin, “we dated for three years, katara. you think i don’t know what you look like when you’re flirting?”
katara feels her cheeks heat up, though his loose shoulders and amused tone immediately soothe the worst of her worries.
aang’s a terrible liar. always has been. she would know if he was uncomfortable.
she still asks, though, because she would hate for anything to be broken between them due to her own cowardice.
“i’m alright. really, katara,” is what he answers. then, “is this why you’ve been so jittery since we all got here?”
“well, yeah,” she says defensively. “it’s not exactly an easy thing to bring up with your ex.”
“did you think i would break?”
she studies him carefully, then admits, “i don’t know.”
aang just laughs, and the sound is as free as he’s always been. a part of her finally relaxes, eased by his wide smile and twinkling eyes. “don’t worry so much about me. i love you and zuko both. and even if your happiness doesn’t include me, that’s okay. i just want you to follow what feels right. that’s all i’ve ever wanted.”
her nose stings with emotion and she gives him her best, watery smile. “oh, aang, my happiness will always include you. why do you think i wanted to be the one to tell you about it?”
he just stands and holds his arms out wide. she clambers to her feet and folds into his hug, head now fitting neatly under his chin thanks to the seven extra inches he sprouted after the war.
when he lets her go, his eyes shine with his own tears. “not that you ever actually needed it…but you have my blessing.”
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waltermis · 2 years
To My Love And Her Forever Person PT 2
Chapter 1 ↠ Chapter 3
Summary: After you and Natasha break up, you decide to write a letter to her and her future forever person
Warnings: Angst, cursing (the f word being used)
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader, Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (past)
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Natasha gripped the letter tightly in her hands. She continued to stare at the words you wrote, re-reading every single word. Committing them to memory. Tears spilled out of her like a fountain as she read the letter you wrote to her future forever person. She sat on the couch that was in your once shared 2 bedroom apartment. “I’m so sorry, моя любовь.” She cried, wishing that you could hear her. “I’m sorry for everything! Please! Just come back to me!!” she begged into the darkness of the quiet apartment.
Her tears began to fall faster when she thought back to the day you left.
You were so excited! You were finally gonna see your girlfriend for the first time in 3 weeks. Natasha had been sent on a long undercover mission in Serbia, where S.H.I.E.L.D. suspected a large HYDRA base was set up. 
You decided that because you haven’t seen Nat in so long, you were gonna make her something nice for dinner. You were quick to leave your shared apartment, wanting to have everything already prepped for when Natasha came home. You quickly drove to the mall, getting all of your groceries when you decided that you had a bit more time before you really needed to get home. You decided to walk around the mall for a bit when you saw it.
Your worst nightmare.
Natasha standing in a jewelry store, with her ex. Wanda Maximoff.
You were always insecure about the fact that Natasha had dated Wanda before you. She was the whole package. Smart, funny, kind, caring, generous and so much more. More than you ever could be. Sure, you and Wanda are friends now, after a long time of Natasha and Wanda convincing you that nothing was ever going to happen again. You always knew Natasha would get bored of you one day. You just didn’t think that today would be that day.
You quickly hid behind a podium that gave you a great view of the store, but made sure to stay hidden from the two redheads. After staring at the two, you decided to give Natasha a call, wondering if she was going to come clean about everything. You watched as she pulled out her phone, staring at it for a long time before she declined your call. You gaped at her, tears threatening to fall from your eyes before you fled the scene, not wanting to see the happy couple.
You drove home as fast as you could and you sat on the couch as you waited for Natasha. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes into hours. Soon it was approaching midnight, and you finally heard the front door unlock. You watched as Natasha quietly tip-toed her way into the house. She turned around, after locking the door, surprised to see you sitting there watching her with a deep frown on your face.
“драгоценная ангел, what’re you doing still up?” she asked, looking at you. She was still in her mission attire, but you knew that she changed into it a bit before. After all, she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt in the jewelry store.
“Where’ve you been?” Your voice was cold. Not at all how you usually spoke to her.
“What do you mean, Детка? I was on a mission.”
“Don’t lie to me! I saw you! You and Wanda!” Natasha’s face paled at your words. She bit her lip nervously. “What the fuck were you doing at the mall with your ex?! Better yet! Why were you in a fucking jewelry store with her?!”
“Детка, let me explain!”
“No! Do I look dumb to you?! I’m not an idiot, Natasha!”
“Please! моя любовь! Let me explain!” Natasha cried out, walking towards you.
“What?! That you’re fucking cheating on me? News flash! I know!!!”
“Listen, we’re both tired. Let’s just talk about this in the morning! Please!” The red-head begged.
“I fucking hate you, Natasha Romanoff.”
“Любовь, you don’t mean that.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Please! Just let me explain in the morning!” 
“Fine…” You sighed before you walked away. Natasha crumbled as you walked away. She quickly walked into your shared bathroom, locking the door. She couldn’t believe it. She sobbed her heart out that night. She felt like a prisoner inside her own head as she replayed your words over and over again.
The next morning, Natasha finally had the guts to leave. To explain everything to you. But when she walked out, you were gone. Your clothes were gone from the dresser, your laptop gone from your shared office. The biggest hint was the fact that your car was gone, along with your keys.
Natasha sighed, pulling out the tiny velvet black box she's kept on her person since you left.
Opening up the top, she sighed. The ring that sat inside mocked her. Laughing at her for her misfortune. If she could've gone back in time, she would've. She would've explained to you right away. She would've gotten down on one knee and proposed to you right then and there. But she can't. Not anymore. Because you were gone. Leaving her utterly alone and shattered.
868 words
Chapter 1 ↠ Chapter 3
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Never Have I Ever
Chapter 4 - Extra Credit : Part 1
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Book- TRR
Series- Never Have I Ever
Pairings- Bertrand x MC (kind of)
Chapter Synopsis- Maxwell finds out.
A/N- thanks @angelasscribbles for bouncing around ideas with me about Max's reaction
Chapter Warnings- language, mentions of sexual acts
Rating - Mature
Word Count- 1,310
Chapter 4 - Extra Credit: Part 1
Riley and Maxwell sat on the terrace chatting and eating breakfast the next morning, when the whistling of a chipper tune cut through their conversation. “Who the hell is that?” Max stopped mid bite and turned around to see Bertrand striding into the room with a grin.
“Good morning!” Bertrand smiled. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
Riley tried to hide her amusement while Maxwell stared at him incredulously.
Bertrand took a deep breath and scanned the horizon. “I think I’m going out for a jog. See you two later!”
Max gaped at him as he left, “Riley.. What are the symptoms of a stroke?”
“What?!” She laughed and took a bite of her cream cheese bagel.
“I think he needs medical attention. Something’s wrong with his brain!”
Riley chuckled, “Maybe he’s just.. happy.”
“Happy? Happy!? Bertrand Beaumont doesn't get happy! I need to call the family physician.. Something must be seriously wrong with him.”
Riley waved him off, “Oh Max, he’s fine! I promise.”
Maxwell sat back down at the table across from her with his brow furrowed. “How would you know?”
“I just.. do.” Riley busied herself with the fresh fruit on her plate, hoping that Max wouldn’t suspect. Damn it, she should have just kept quiet and let him think his brother was having a stroke.
Max gasped loudly. “You know something! What is it?! What happened to him!? Did he win the lottery? Did sweater vests suddenly come back in style? Did he finally get laid? What?!”
Fuck. Riley choked on her bite of food, and Maxwell's eyes widened. “Did you- Did you sleep with him?!?!?!”
“No!” She felt her cheeks heat up while Maxwell continued to stare at her. “I didn’t sleep with him.”
He gasped again, even louder this time. “But you did do something with him! Oh my God, Riley what happened?! You have to tell me! It’s the best friend code! You have to tell me everything!”
She wrinkled her nose, barely able to make eye contact. “Even if it involves giving your brother a hand job?”
Maxwell threw his hands over his mouth and his eyes widened to the size of saucers. “No!”
Riley chuckled and nodded. 
“Yes, Max!”
“Oh my God, I’m so confused! Are you two like.. A thing?! Are you going to get married one day?! OMG we’ll be related!”
“What- no!”
“Aww, man..” Max immediately slumped into his chair, pouting. “Why not?”
Riley laughed, looking around to make sure Bertrand wasn’t present. “I’ll tell you, but you absolutely cannot say a word of this to anyone!”
“I won’t!”
“Swear!” Max looped his pinky with hers. “Pinky swear!”
“Ok..” Riley checked her surroundings for Bertrand again. “I’m helping Bert out in the bedroom so he can build up the courage to seduce Savannah.”
Maxwell’s brow remained furrowed while he looked at her in confusion. “That was.. Not what I was expecting you to say.”
“It's the truth,” she shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Wow,” After recovering from the initial shock, he chuckled, “Well, I just have one thing to say.” Riley raised her eyebrows and Max broke out in a grin. “You can never stop!”
She laughed loudly, “What?”
“Do you see how he’s acting?! Seriously, he’s downright pleasant! You are a miracle worker!”
“It’s not me, it’s just the power of a good orgasm! And don’t worry, after I’m done teaching him, he’ll keep his good mood because he’ll be screwing all the ladies at court!”
Max cackled, “I don’t know whether to be happy or grossed out!”
“Happy! He’ll be in a good mood every day. Maybe he’ll even get married!”
Max sipped his orange juice while he watched her thoughtfully. “I can’t help but wonder.. What do you think Liam would think about this?”
“Liam?!” She frowned, “What’s he have to do with anything?”
Maxwell shook his head, “Nothing! I’m just curious..”
“If you have something to say, just spit it out. Rip off the bandaid, I can take it.”
He looked around to make sure the coast was clear before quietly asking. “You’re not really interested in Liam. Are you?”
Ah, there it was. “What makes you think that?!”
“Please don’t hate me for saying this… I don’t think you would be fucking around with my brother if you were really into Liam. Not that I’m judging you or anything! It’s just.. I’ve been in love before. When you meet someone you’re head over heels for, they’re all you can think about.. You don’t feel that with Liam, do you?”
Riley sighed. He asked the one question she had no answer for. “Honestly, I don’t know. Liam’s kind and sweet and handsome. I just.. don’t know if I’ve ever felt that way about anyone.” It was the truth. She was attracted to Liam, she enjoyed talking to him, he made her feel special and important. But that spark she had always heard so much about, wasn’t there. If Max had noticed, maybe Liam had too. Riley quickly added, “Don’t tell Bert.. please? I’m trying with Liam, I really am. And I do like him.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”
Riley nodded and looked away.
“Damn.” Max dropped his eyes to his plate. “This convo got heavy.”
“Well.. let’s change the subject. I am in need of a new dress and I need someone with fantastic taste to help me pick one out. I’m just not sure who to ask..”
Max raised his hand in the air, “Ooh! Me! Pick me!”
The two laughed as they made their way back into the estate, preparing for an expensive shopping trip. 
Four days later.. 
Bertrand massaged his temples as he watched Max attempt to teach Riley the foxtrot. She stumbled for the tenth time that night and he stood abruptly. “Good God, let’s just take a break.. I’m going to head to my study to reflect on what an epic disgrace House Beaumont has become.”
Max and Riley shared a look as Bertrand collected some documents from in front of him. Max smirked at her and nodded to Bertrand, moving his hand in an up and down motion as if he were jerking someone off.
Riley’s eyes widened and she shook her head, trying to stifle a laugh. “Max, stop!” She whispered.
Max theatrically continued the movements, stopping abruptly when Bertrand turned toward him. “What is going on here? Why are you two giggling when everything is going wrong!?”
“Nothing sir! No reason at all sir!” Max said as he stood straight as a board.
Bertrand glared, “Stop doing that! You know I despise when you do that!”
“Sir, yes sir!” Maxwell saluted his brother, who huffed loudly and left the room.
Once Bertrand was out of sight, Riley shoved Max, “What if he had seen you?!”
“He wouldn’t have! Bertrand never pays attention to me! Especially not when you’re in the room..”
Riley scoffed, “Ya right.. He only looks at me with disdain for fucking everything up.”
“Ya, no.” Max replied, “You don’t see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking.”
“Like he wants another hand job?” Riley chuckled, changing out of her heels and slipping on her tennis shoes.
Max looked away, speaking softly, “I’m not so sure that’s it anymore.”
Riley glanced up from where she was seated on the ground. “What?”
“Nothing!” He donned his usual easy smile and reached out to help her up. “Let’s get some rest. I know your feet have to be sore from all that fox trotting!" He winked, "Not everyone can keep up with the Lord of the dance!”
“Ugh, you have no idea.. I’m heading to my room for a long, relaxing soak in the tub.”
But while Max went upstairs to his room, Riley surreptitiously made her way to Bertrand’s study..
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juleshollow · 1 year
Replaying with mystical and motivated when u meet the priest “something compels you to dislike him” made me think of the mystical traits reaction to Sybil and her tea - do u think it could be releated? Mystical seems to suspect he was cursed and in my Keen eye/street smart run if u accuse Sybil of being a witch she doesn’t deny it, only asking to keep it quiet (sorry for the long ask)
I absolutely believe that pastor Daniel is cursed, though I don't know if it's Sybil's doing. Other than the Mystical warning (“something compels you to dislike him”), if you openly tell him than no one likes him (oof) you can find out that he was very popular before coming to Scarlet Hollow. He wants to ask an outsider why he is so disliked because he is genuinely surprised, as he had plenty of friends before. So something changed when he came to this town, and Mystical suggests that this change is magical in nature.
But what caused it? The first suspect is obviously Sybil. She manipulates everyone with her tea, so it would be easy to make people reject him. It would also make sense that she wanted to be the only influence over the people in town, instead of having to compete with the pastor. But is it the tea? This ask gave me the idea to try and see if I would be “put off” by the pastor without ever drinking the tea. So I started another Mystical/TTA playthrough, I never drank the tea, and… something compelled me to dislike him, still!
So it’s not the tea, at least in the player’s case. Sybil could still be amplifying the underlying dislike for the pastor that others have, we don’t know. But the important thing is that Mystical detects something wrong with pastor Daniel even without Sybil’s intervention.
Then something or someone else has cursed Daniel. I think we’ll probably find out what when we go investigate the church. And I am SO looking forward to knowing more about those “rats” that whisper bad things to the pastor’s daughter. It’s so scary!! Maybe the “rats” cursed pastor Daniel?
Another, dark possibility… what if Janey is behind it?
It would be an incredible twist. I guess it’s not very likely since Mystical didn’t detect anything weird about Janey, but she could still be working with someone else, someone with powers. That brings Sybil to mind, again, if she uses abilities other than her tea. Or even the “rats”. Could Janey have made some kind of contract with them?
I don’t rule out Janey completely because there’s something weird about that relationship. I mean, if everyone in Scarlet Hollow hates the pastor, why would anyone marry him? Why doesn’t the curse work on Janey? Honestly, no idea. And I can’t wait to find out, I think whatever is waiting for us in the church will be amazing. It’s probably what I’m most excited about of this game!
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adozentothedawn · 21 days
17, 18 for the fic writer asks!
Ask Game
17. talk about your writing and editing process
If I'm lucky I get struck by lightining, which is when I can actually get something done. Meaning moments when I have very specific ideas of what the hell I want to write. Most of the time that lightening unfortunately leaves before I'm done and then I have to struggle my way through the rest.
The editing happens either when i am actually done or when I just cannot for the life of me keep going. Sometimes it helps to just read what's already there and try to fix that.
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
I don't really delete a lot of complete stuff in the first place and what I delete I usually don't keep, but. I do have an entire scene from my Waidwen has friends fic that I still haven't finished that will not be in the completed version once I finally get back to that chapter. I intended to make a fic called something like "Forgotten Sanctum Archives" or something for stuff like this but since I don't have a lot I never got to it.
Do keep in mind that the following bit is largely unedited for style.
Broder stepped into the stables, wearing a simple tunic and pants and a rough cloak, under which his sword was hidden, already suspecting what it was Waidwen wanted to do and dreading it. Not because he thought it would be particularly dangerous, but because he was certain it wouldn’t work as the younger man was imagining. He walked past the stalls, most of them empty as they and their riders were rushing all over the country, delivering messages and orders, and stopped in front of the last one right in the back, which seemed as empty as the rest. Quiet meowing came from the stall and Broder pushed the gate open.
Inside sat Waidwen, covered in kittens. A larger cat that had to be the mother lounged in his lap, as three smaller ones were sprawled all over him, one on his head, one on his shoulders, and another one trying to climb his chest and digging its little claws into the fabric of his shirt. Waidwen himself was petting the larger cat with one hand, while holding up the little adventurer on his chest with the other, all the while wearing the largest grin Broder had ever seen on him. It was adorable.
Broder almost regretted it when Waidwen noticed him and his grin diminished somewhat.
“It’s about time. I’ve been waiting for a while,” he said, carefully plucking off the kitten stuck to his shirt and putting it to the ground, quickly followed by its siblings. The mother cat yawned heartily and jumped off his lap, trotting over to her young.
“I’m sure it was terribly agonizing,” Broder declared with a smile. Waidwen sent him the most deadpan look Broder could imagine and he had to suppress a snort. “Now that I’m here though, why am I here?” He still had the vague hope that he wrong.
“You’re here because I want to go into town, and I promised you I wouldn’t go alone anymore.” With that declaration Waidwen gave each kitten one last scratch and got up from his place in the hay, brushing off the stems stuck his pants and then crossed his arms in anticipation.
Broder sighed. That was what he’d been worried about. At seeing his reaction, the young narrowed his eyes and glared at Broder, posture becoming defensive.
“And what are you sighing for now? I promised not to go alone, so you’re coming with me. That was the deal.” His words were sharper than they’d been since that incident back in Midrun and Broder knew he had to step carefully now. Apparently he’d unintentionally hit a nerve.
“I know, and I’ll keep to it, I promise. If you want to go, we’ll go. I’m just not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish.”
“What I’m hoping to accomplish is to get away from the bootlickers for a day.” Broder was very tempted to sigh again, but bit it back. Once again it showed that Waidwen didn’t realize the full extent of his influence. How good then that Broder had come prepared.
“Alright then,” he agreed and held out the second coat he’d carried over his arm until then. It was just as rough as his own with a bland grey colour, and about as inconspicuous as a coat could be. At least he didn’t have to worry about the rest of Waidwen’s clothes, as the young man had never really gotten out of the habit of wearing his old farmers clothes and had to be forced into anything more formal. The only thing his chamberlain had been able to reasonably accomplish was to keep his clothes clean and whole, instead of having him wear the overly patched clothes of his past.
Waidwen took the cloak, still hesitant and throwing Broder a questioning look, but already calmer than before the assurance.
“If you want any chance to not be overrun by a mob of excited worshippers, I highly recommend putting that on. If anyone recognizes you, there will be a commotion.” Waidwen didn’t seem particularly convinced, but apparently his desire to argue was outweighed by his desire to just get out already, which Broder could hardly blame him for. There was a reason Broder had left home to try his luck as a mercenary instead of staying and working his way up in the military to a commanding position like his parents had wanted him to.
Once Waidwen had pulled on the cloak, Broder had to admit he was impressed. For whatever reason Waidwen seemed to have already mastered the art of hidden hiding. His hood was pulled down just enough to cast a subtle shadow on his face, obscuring his features enough to make it impossible to identify him without blatant staring, while showing his face enough to not make it seem like he was actively hiding.
“Can we go now, or do you need to mother me some more?” Waidwen asked, as dry as one could. Try as he might, Broder couldn’t figure out why someone who was apparently so convinced of his own insignificance to other people would know how to disguise himself so well.
Both because he wanted to make an attempt at pacifying his king’s annoyance and because he just genuinely wanted to, he knelt down petted the mother cat. He wasn’t stupid enough to try and pet the young, he liked his hand unscratched, thank you very much. He had no doubt that Waidwen had spent many hours here before to win the mother’s trust.
When he was done, Broder got up, smiled his broadest smile, and said: “Yes, I’m done now.”
At first Waidwen still looked miffed, his displeasure even visible under the hood, but after a few seconds of glaring and Broder’s unbroken smile he relented, huffed and turned around to leave, urgency quickening his steps.
Not wanting to be left behind, Broder quickly followed, always staying one step behind. He’d promised Waidwen some space, and though he would have to stay around, there was no reason to crowd him. Let him have the peace as long as he could, Broder doubted it would hold for long.
They made their way into the city through the servants’ entrance without any issues. The few servants they passed didn’t so much as glance at them, and the door itself wasn’t locked. Neither was the gate. Broder frowned and reminded himself to tighten security as soon as they were back. A hole like this was just begging to be exploited.
Outside the walls Waidwen stopped again, looking towards the near line of houses. The cloak obscured most of him, only revealing the placement of his shoulders and him as humanoid, and yet Broder could tell even from behind the significant amount of tension that had seemingly evaporated.
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