#wich is suprising
beanswithbones · 2 years
Sooo, I like know Jack crap about Star Stables Online but a while ago my friend @dhuumy-thicc showed me the butch-ification this character Sabine and I fell in love
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corruptology · 1 year
The absolute whiplash of my stepdad asking me if I want some of his weed and then telling me abt how having gay sex is a sin and that he doesn't believe in evolution
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kolibri-herz · 2 months
I hate being sick with a burning passion >:(
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Reputation; easy going and fun with a great sense of humor, always so easy to shoot thoughts, plots and headcanons back and forth with, consistent, a writer heavily dedicated to her craft and a passion for the characters she writes — lots and lots of things okay 🥺
Ahhhh I think I forgot about this... but this was such a nice thing to come home to. Thank you so much @thiefofcrows I love all our (sometimes fangirl unhinged :P) conversations and plots!!
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goldeunoias · 11 months
just watched episode twelve of Mignon.....bitch is fucking speechless...
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phantom-dc · 2 years
Jason was acting strange.
Bruce was worried. It had started when the batfam investigated the hideout of a new gang in Gotham. They had attacked Jason earlier that week with strange weapons, so Batman, Nightwing and Red Hood followed them to a warehouse. They saw the men in white suits with the weapons, several vans and some sort of powersource they called a core. Batman and Nightwing were making a plan when one of the men activated the machine housing the core.
Suddenly Red Hood had gone ballistic! He attacked them recklessly, with much more force than neccesary. Nightwing had to sto him from beating one of them to death! Batman was furious. They left the men for commisioner Gordon and took some evidence to the cave. When they arrived, Jason looked shaken. Bruce wanted to scold him, but the look on Jason's face made him pause. He needed to focus on the case, but he knew he couldn't bring Jason along. So he 'benched' Jason. Thats what the Robins called it, anyway. But someone needed to guard the evidence, they had no idea what this power core even was.
He expected Jason to protest. To insult him to complain. But when Bruce told Jason to look after the core, he instead looked suprised. Really? Jason had asked. Then Jason had told Bruce he could count on him. Red flag number 1. This had confused Bruce, but if it kept Jason from following then it was fine.
Then Jason had started carrying the core everywhere. He held it in his hand, close to his chest. He stayed in the manor, wich was red flag number 2. Damian had caught him talking to the thing numerous times. Alfred had heard Jason in the library, reading a children's book out loud. Tim noticed whenever they discussed the gang of men in white suits that Jason would leave, instead of listening. Dick had even caught Jason singing softly to it! Too many red flags to count.
Bruce was worried about him. He was starting to worry about mind control! But when he had tried to confront Jason, he had cut him off. Jason told Bruce that he knew he had messed up at the warehouse, that he had gone too far. So he was really happy that Bruce had trusted him with this. After that Bruce had been too stunned to say anything about it. But they knew the problem had to be adressed. During dinner, the whole family where going to discuss this matter with Jason.
That was before the core transformed into a glowing, white haired child.
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woso-lover · 7 months
Home is, whenever I'm with you | Lena Oberdorf
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Lena Oberdorf x german!bayern munich!reader
Summary: Lena suprises you with her move to your childhood club. To finally be with you properly.
Warnings: a bit of angst, fluff
English is not my first language
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Girl, I never loved one like you
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You grew up in Munich. Everything you know is there. Your famil. Your friends. Your bestfriend, Sydney. Your club.... Everything you loved was in one place. Exept your home, your lover, Lena Oberdorf. She plays for Wolfsburg. That wouldn't be the problem, even trought its the rival, but Wolfsburg is too far away from Munich, to see each other more then once in a month. And its slowly infecting your realationship.
It's started when you both grow out of the honeymoon phase. That doesn't mean you're stopped being smitten about each other. But the distant made it worse. A 6 hours drive or a one hour flight. It started to come to much.
It wasn't because of the lack of trust you have for each other. You trust each other very much. But you missed the closeness, the cuddles or the kisses. The things you would only get, if you play each other or in the german camp. It was rarely that one come to visit the other. To caught up with training for your clubs.
So everytime the national break started, you follow each other like lost puppies. It's mostly Lena, who follows you everywhere. Her Wolfsburg teammates will tease all the time, when the break is going to start or gets closer. But she doesn't care. She only cares about being close to you.
But you follow her everywhere too. And your teammates tease you about that too. Like obi, you don't care either. You're just happy being with her again.
To the problem is only one solution. One has the move clubs. But you both are too stuborn.
"I'm not moving away, liebling. (Darling) I have everything here."
"I change would look on you, baby. You can't always stay in the same place your whole life." Obi argues back on a face time call. It wasn't a fight. More like a discussion, in wich you both bring the same arguments over and over again.
"You know i can't handle change. And it would be a change for you too."
"I know you can't. And i already had a change. I moved from Essen. There wouldn't be so much change. You know half of the from national and you got friends with Lynn."
You look away, to the wall, feeling defeated. "Ha Gotcha, Schatz. (honey)" Obi said happily. "If you move to Bayern, you can play with and see Lea more often." You knew what the Lea card would do. You know that Lena misses to play in the same team as Lea, like in Essen.
"Didn't you wanted to show me your new tattoo idea?" Obi distracts from the topic.
You knew Obi wants to distracts from the topic. She was a bad loser and she knew how right you were, Obi just didn't want to admit that. So you played along.
"What do you think of something like that?" You showed her a page from your sketchbook.
Since then none of you dared to bring up the topic again. In the meanwhile Obi has gotten an offer from bayern munich. She didn't know what to do with it. Should she tell you? Should she ignore it? These question were toturing her mind.
Her solution: She's going to ask on national break what you would say if she got an offer from your beloved club.
But unfortunately the right time wouldn't come to Lena. Everytime she was close of telling you something happened. So she finally decide to say it to you no matter what.
She walked into the chill room, wich she knew you mostly are. You were there but you talked with Sydney. She didn't mean to overhear, but she stayed as she heard her own name out if your mouth.
"I love Lena, but i don't know how long it's going to work" Obis face fell. She doesn't want you to think like that. She wants to be with you forever. With sad face she walks away. She talks to you after your conversation with Sydney. But she stopped as she heard Sydney speaking.
"Don't say stupid shit like that. It's going to work out. You both are so smitten and follow each other like lost puppies. It makes me love sick. It's getting to the point to become disgusting."
"Yeah because your Single" you chuckle and on Obis face a smile grows.
"But i'm serious. If you leave, then there would be nothing much different. You still have me and Klara. We still be friends and pull pranks on camp or annoy Laura. Okay? You still got us and the team. We're a big family." Sydney hugs you.
'That's why' Obi realized. You're scared that if you move, your friends will turn their back on you. Obi walked away with smile. Knowing what she's about to do, calling her agent.
You were more then suprised as Lena said she will be visiting for a few days, but gadly take it. With Lena being in Munich you were happier. Sydney and Klara took notice of it and asked themselves why. But they got the answer, when Lena picks you up from training.
"Hope it wasn't too boring, being alone." You kissed Obi. After you two broke apart, you hugged her. Behind your back Sydney, Klara and Georgia made gagging faces. Lena rolled her eyes at them.
"No it wasn't, Liebling" It really wasn't. It was exhausting. She was talking with the club, her agent and the Bayern coach. All to negotiate her move to Bayern Munich.
The day she signed the contract she had mixed feelings. The tought of leaving Jule behind haunted her. But the blonde told her to go, to get her girl. It made Obi feel a bit better about it, but not fully. The other side was excitment. To be near you. To kiss you everyday. To cuddle with you. To cook with you. To do everything with you.
Before the national camp in february the romurs of Lenas move spread over. You saw it too, of course. You didn't know how to feel. There was hope, but you knew to not trust rumors. And Obi wasn't a help either. She only said that she didn't know how or why there are rumors. It broke her heart to see your face fell, just to cover it up quickly with a smile.
On the 14th february her move to Bayern will be officinal. She came to munich for the day, because of valentines. She knew you had a came on the evening, so she took you on a date for lunch. The whole day you weren't allowed to look on your phone. You wondered why and asked her. She only told you it would ruin her suprise.
After lunch in your favourite restaurant she took you to your favourite park, in wich you finally were allowed to look on your phone. You looked confussed at her but did anyway.
"Now go on insta"
"Obi what have you done?"
"Nothing" she smiles at you.
You looked on your phone your confussed look turned into shock. You looked up at Obi, who smiled slyly at you. "Suprise?"
"You fucking idiot. I love you" You run to Lena and hug her. "But why would you do that? You didn't had to"
"I know. But i love you. And Bayern didn't Sound that bad." With that she kisses you. Happy play with you next season and to in with you
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asegunda · 8 months
The Spear and the Belt
Pairings: Clarisse La Rue x Aphrodite! GN! Reader
Summary: You are an Aphrodite kid, and you are given a mission...you just feel the whispers around the camp...who the hell can you make it? Clarisse offers some help. ( 3 + 1)
Warnings: This was written in a platonic form, but in this case you can read it in what form you want. Fluff + Angst so be ready.
Notes: Thank you so much for all the love, and I was waiting to write a Clarisse fic, well here it is. 😘
Walking around camp now was for you a 'death treat', the gossips, the way you heard your name being whsipered among all the campers...even the satyrs...
'Can't they just do their job?' You think as you walk back at your cabin, seeing the familiar pink building. As you open the cabin door and enter it you sigh in relief.
Why did you accept that mission? It was just a real death treat for you...You don't know how to fight, you weren't blessed by your mother with the charm speak like your two sisters. It was hard to admit but you are useless. You go to your bed and scream in your pillow in frustration.
'Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.' It's the only thing you can think of now.
As you are now looking at the roof you hear another person unlock the door. 'Weird.' You think and look for who is there, it was lunch time but you leaved out earlier after some Hermes kids were 'toasting' your success in this mission, and by toasting you mean just joking, they even said earlier to you: 'Hope you come back alive.' If it wasn't for Mitchell you would slapped them in the face.
As you go to the door you see Clarisse standing there...Clarisse, the Ares cabin head conselour, here at lunch time, by herlsef, just at the door? It was too confusing to argue in your mind. You and the Aphrodite cabin were greatfull by the efforts the Ares cabin made to help your cabin in anything necessary, but you were still confused as hell.
"Clarisse." You say and she stops looking at the rest of the cabin. "Do you need something?"
"I was trying to find you. We need to talk." She says and you point at your bed, the rest of the cabin would still take time to finish eating.
You two sit and she starts speaking again. "I heard about your mission."
You grunt to yourself as she says that, 'Of course you heard.' You think.
"And I just wanna say that I'm here to..." She pauses for a moment and continues. "To help you train your fighting, maybe I could train you..and we could do some spars?" You can see the expectative in her eyes. You weren't expecting Clarisse to just want to help you like that, you didn't know her very much...but, hey, it's better to try to survive than just sit and wait for your death. Atleast you can try to outcome it!
You look at your hands and then back at her. "I would like too..it would be of a great help." You smile at her and she nods back.
"Okay then, see you tomorrow." You jump in suprise. 'Tomorrow?' You think and Clarisse can see your suprise.
"Hey, your mission it's just two weeks away, better start now." She says and you nod back, it makes sense...
"See ya." Clarisse says and leaves the cabin, you say a small goodbye and wave, she waves back.
'It's for the better if I don't tell that I heard all the scream in the pillow, right?' Clarisse thinks as she is walking again at the dinning hall. 'Yeah it's for the better...'
The next day Clarisse is waiting for you in the sparring place. You enter it and the Apollo kids who were trianing archery look at you weirdly, but you ignore them and just go to Clarisse who is sitting in the back of it.
"Hey Clarisse!" You smile at her and she makes a small smile back.
"Hey. So...ready for it?" Clarisse asks.
"I...think so." You add and Clarisse nods.
"That's a start." She says. "So let's start this."
In the next hours you two train like you never trained, wich is ironic because you never trained fighting.
Clarisse is agile and fast and her attacks are strong as hell, you weren't expecting less of her of course.
After the training finished you two are sitting at the back drinking water.
"You are good for the real first spar." Clarisse says as she sips water.
You fell you your heart warm by that.
"Thanks, and you are as amazing as I thought you would be." You smile at her and she smirks back. "Of course you thought." Clarisse tells and you chuckle with that.
After some minutes of silence you decide to ask. "Why are you helping me Clarisse?" As you see her grunt you add. "It's okay if you dont tell of course!" Clarisse relaxes with that.
"I didn't want you to die of course." She smirks and you look at her with a 'seriously?' face.
"We both know ith wasn't for that." You tell her and she look at her water bottle.
"Silena." Clarisse says and you look confused. As she sees your face she adds. "You asked why I wanted to help you it's because of her." Your face brights in realization.
"Oh." You say and Clarisse says. "I don't want never one of her girls to have the same destiny as her." She says and you can see the hurt in her eyes. "Thank you." You say and Clarisse says. "No problem, and now it isn't just because of her, I really hope you don't fail." She puts an hand at your shoulder and smiles.
"Well it's dinner time." Clarisse says and starts leaving.
"Wait!" You say and she turns back. "Tomorrow at the same hour?" You ask and Clarisse smiles. "You know it." She says and waves you wave back.
"This was good." You whisper to yourself and go have dinner too.
After those two weeks passed it is time for your mission, your two other colleagues are there too (an Apollo and an Hephestus boys).
All of your cabin goes to you to says the goodbyes and give you presents for the mission, a good pair of boots, some food and swetts, and and a belt ?? 'Thanks anyway Lacy!' You think and wonder what you could do with it, but after you see that it isn't just one normal belt, it had all the cabin member signatures in it. 'Cute..now really thank you Lacy..' You think and mess her hair.
You wait to see someone at the croud of people who are saying the goddbyes for the three mission members and then you see it. 'Clarisse.' You think and she goes to you.
She smiles. "Good Luck, show them you are something to be feared of!" She says and you can feel your eyes water. You nod. "Yes mam!" You say and hug her. She hugs you back as you hug her you feel something touching you as Clarisse sees you looking at it she smirks. "One last present." She takes out a spar, a really beautiful spear. "Hope you like it." She says and you hug her again. "I love it, thanks."
After all the goodbyes you three start going, you look back one last time, you wave at Clarisse and your cabin mates. You see them wave back, you smile.
Camp Half-Blood is waiting for the three of the mission to come back, they were supposed to come back three weeks ago, wich isn't a good sign.
As Chiron sees the familiar shadows he rings the bell, and all the camp (mostly in pajamas) comes outside, waiting nervously for their arrive.
Clarisse and the Aphrodite cabin are there too. As the shadows become closer all the camp can see that it is just two shadows, they all start to whisper nervously and worried. 'What if it is one of their siblings?' It's what they think.
But then they can see two boys, and nowhere sight of you.
Aphrodite cabin starts all to worry.
"Were is Y/N?!" Piper asks tears alreafy falling through her checks.
The two boys are at really bad state.
"I'm so sorry. It is all my fault." The Apollo boy cries and Clarisse hisses in anger. "What did you do?!"
"He did nothing...Y/N...saved us." The Hephestus boy says. "What do you mean by that?!" Drew asks yelling.
"Three furies appeared, we didn't know what to do...they charged at us and Y/N distracted them..." Tears fall out of the Hephestus boy eyes as he holds the Apollo boy.
"I'm so sorry." He cries and gives a bag. "That is the only thing we could save." Piper takes the bag and opens it, tears still falling.
In it there is a belt, the Aphrodite cabin belt. All the Aphrodite cabin sobs, and there is also a...spear...
Clarisse cries in despair.
"Not again!" She yells at nothing at particular.
Days later it was the second funeral of an Aphrodite cabin member in 2 years. The coffin is of a beautiful pink, a spear with a belt glued to it.
'Why...why..." Clarisse cries in her cabin. She didn't want to show weaknesses. "Why...why.."
She still fells your last hug, how can she trained you for two weeks and she was still feeling like this?
"Why...why.." It's the last things she says before sleeping of exaustion.
Oh your sweet, sweet seventeen years.
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muu-apoligest · 1 year
In my arms , I shall keep you safe
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Genre: Fluff (as I like it)
Mentioned charachters: Alhaitham, Ayato. Neuvillette (I will give them nicknames)
Your clingy boyfriend just want's to cuddle with his lover
You didn't think he, the stoic and cold sage would be clingy. Turns out you were 100% wrong.
Wenn he first wanted to cuddle he askes for promission (He would tho). Acting all professional even tho he was blushing so hard. How could you refuse to that.
stroke his hair he would slowy but surely melt in your touch and would thighten his grip around you, thinking if he'd let go you would vanish.
He looks at you with soft eyes and smile that's only reserved for you and only you. You could tell his udder addortion and love for you. Wich made you smile. Seeing your smile made his day and always will.
"Your smile is what I live for, my dove"
Kamisato Ayato:
Your boyfriend is a busy, busy man but that still doesn't stop him from being the clingy man. Wich is why you two have a cuddle break every hour.
Sitting on his lap stroking his cheek wich he leand to (cute :3) was his favorite. He would mutter soft praises kissing all over your body. During your cuddles he would look at you with so much addortion, it made you giggle.
"that besutiful giggle is music to my ears, my love"
After every trial Neuvillete will come and visit you for cuddles. You were suprised wenn you first saw him at your door.
He would rest his head on your lap closing his eyes to rest for a bit. Playing with his long hair styling it to your liking makes him all fuzzy
He's a classy guy so he would take your hand and kiss it. You could see a small smile on his face.
"You are my world, chéri.
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just-antithings · 8 months
Has the internet just forgot that minors engage in fandom ?
(This sounds like something an anti will say but I'm trying to prove a point here)
They make fics write drabbles ship minors with other minor characters *gasp*
so why are antis out there calling every living human under the sun that ships two characters that are both fifteen a pedophile ???
Because of course a 15 year old shipping bakudeku is definitely a pedophile right ? they obviously are a monster who is creeping on *squints* character the same age as them
Like it's just funny why are you calling this fanfic writer a pedophile if you took a minute to read their end notes you'll see them talking about their freshman school project
(Disclaimer : I don't mean that adults who do ship these kind of ships are in any way pedophiles I just mean that alot of antis make it seem like all content with minors in a romantic relationship is made by gross adults while alot of minors participate in these kind of stuff and not all of the stuff is explicit even !!! I think the most used answer proshipers use for these fanfics existing is the anti censorship one wich I totally agree but are we really suprised that the fandom that mostly has minor fans has alot of underage ships ?)
Yeah that’s a good point
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eds0up · 5 months
𖦹 Mel indóme n- mime tyelde 𖦹
🌾 -° Headcanon: Lindir realizes that he has feelings for a human °- 🌾
𖦹 Love will be my end 𖦹
The day you came to Rivendell was a roller-coaster of emotions for this elf. Listen, he didn't knew what it was but suddenly he couldn't concentrate on any of his duties and he HATED you for it.
Lindir's eyes were practically glued to you everytime you were around. During such a moment he accidentally spilled wine on Elrond once and got rightfully scolded for it, Wich made him dislike you even more. Why did you have to be so mesmerizing?
After you bumped into him in the elven library his grudge against you faded away. Sorting some ancient scrolls he had been studying you asked the ellon if you could borrow one for your own studies.
That had been a pleasant suprise for Lindir and from simple information exchanges you two started to meet up regularly in a cozy corner in his studies. Sometimes he would play something on his harp on days you couldn't focus on the pages.
The first time Lindir felt the need to question his feelings towards you was when you came back from a trip from Lothlórien and wouldn't shut up about the Marchwarden.
In fact it irritated him to no end. Alas he dismissed it quickly and just told himself that he was just appaled by your vulgarity. Typical human behavior. There was NO WAY he wanted your attention soley on him.
Regardless you started to notice that Lindir loved to help you out. For what was normal between friends, Lindir seemed to top it.
Keeping you hydrated? Check. Checking if you haven't forgotten anything before you leave? Check. Keeping you warm on rainy days? Check. Refusing to let you travel too far away from Rivendell or better- his side? Check.
His behavior was suspicious to say the least, alas he didn't noticed when he crossed certain boundaries in his purely friend based actions. No, you didn't needed him to accompany you EVERYWHERE as soon you left your room.
In truth the elf was just worried about you. You were so fragile. He needed to take care of the mortal.
The day he actually realized there was more than friendship in his mind, feelings and actions torwards you was when you came to him crying. Lindir had let you hug him (in privat ofc) and had let you make your anger and sadness air while you ranted about some guy who had seemed to treat you poorly.
His first thought had been that he wanted to fight that dude. Or well- pray that the Valar would take care of it.
His second thought was that he would treat you so much better, couldn't you see? Why wasting your time on some dumb mortal men?
At that point it hit him.
He was in love. Madly in love.
Safe to say that Lindir started to avoid you after that. You didn't knew why but you thought perhaps you broke a boundery while you had spent the evening in the arms of the timid elf.
However Lindir was scared. Terrified even. A human life is an blink of an eye for an elf. You would be gone before he would have the chance to hold on to you. OHHH but there was no going back now. His heart had already chosen you.
But not only that made him so afraid. Dying of grief was a real danger for elves. Not common as usually Elves kept it in there own race and would spend millenia with their partners, but YOU? He would die with you. If he even would get the chance to bury you first. Lindir knew it would come. His love would be his end.
However Lindir's absence from court was noticed rather quickly.
After Lord Elrond had a looooong talk with Lindir and prescribing him strong herbal tea, Lindir was finally "ready" to tell you. In his mind he might as well get it over with, so he could die immediately when you told him he was just a friend.
Yet to Lindir's pleasure you had smiled at him as sweet as honey, it was a suprise for him he actually began to stutter even more before his voice faded away.
But for you he didn't needed to say more as your arms were already pulling the elven men closer till hew was in your tight embrace.
Safe to say Lindir had blushed before remembering that this was "inappropriate" behavior as he wasn't even courting you yet.
After a long pout you suggested to just get married then, earning yourself a dumbfounded Lindir who looked down at you with big eyes, making him look like a deer.
Perhaps there was more then death for Lindir with this little human.
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nerdy-prude · 8 months
‼️ Major spoiler for Spies are forever ‼️
Something that will never not be funny to me is how everyone (including me) was so suprised that Owen was still alive. These are my reasons:
1. He "died" during a song about how spies never die. They keep saying that constantly. The other thing that is constantly brought up is how Owen died. I understand why that is but how were we not a bit suspicious about that?!?
2. It's about spies, obv there is gonna be a huge plot twist.
3. In the first song there is the line: "who do you trust, who do you betray", we were told there would be a huge betrayal (sure, bit of a strech to say this was a clear clue, but it was a clue never the less )
4. In Torture Tango, the DMA says multiple times how he has waited for that moment for so long and we all just collectively went: "Sure, makes sense, continue" as if they hadn't literally JUST MET?!?! I get that he is very passionate about his job and they could have met off screen but Curt was off the field for four years!! If they had a history it would have been acknowledged.
Anyways, all this is to say they did a wonderfull job on covering what happened to Owen. They made it so that it wasn't obvious but there were enough clues to make it belivable, wich isn't an easy job
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universaln0b0dy · 10 months
HEYaaaaa , may I request a dozen roses for the third years please ?????? cute serie
A dozen roses. (Twisted wonderland third years (-housewardens)x reader)
《Characters》: Trey, Carter, Rook, Lillia
《Summary》: You and him had a fight. For whatever reason and the other would only be forgiven if they would be brought a dozen Roses, handpicked/self made or at least that's what they think. Though it was only said out of anger the next week they hold said roses.
《Note》: established relationship. Also fluff, simply fluff
Trey Clover:
Okay, how did that happen. You and Trey having a fight? That was considered impossible. Both of you were the most understanding people in the world wich means a fight shouldn't even have broken out?
Well it did. Though neither you nor Trey can remember what it was about. Something about you having scared Trey to death with fighting all of these Overblots.
You wanted to be the bigger person in this case, planning on apologising for letting the fight get out of control when the only thing Trey did was watch out for you.
Well what might suprise a lot of people is that Trey holds grudges. And you get to experience that rare sight of Trey ignoring you out of anger. And you feel horrible about that.
Wanting to apologise, you crack your head with thinking about what to do as an apology. You get the idea for the roses, by looking out of your window.
"Trey? The prefect is here to see you." Trey perks up, sighing with a slight frown. He really didn't want to see you at the moment, but he had been ignoring you for exactly one week now and maybe he should talk to you.
You step towards Trey, holding the self picked flowers out to him, trying your best to hide the small scratches that littered over your arm.
"I am really sorry. Your right, I shouldn't be so reckless and I shouldn't have said all of that, you were just looking out for me." You exclaim looking at Trey.
The green haired male sighs, but takes the flowers. He looks at them and than smiles at you. "You are forgiven my sweetheart. After all what you are doing helps a lot of people, just promise me that you'll tell me about it, so I can help you."
Carter Diamond:
Carter was known for his cheery and social media based personality, hiding that he had a hard time getting close to people or showing others his none perfect side.
Exept you. You were willing to wait for him, allowing him to take his own time with communicating his feeling. And he probably ruined that.
It was a simple prank he posted without your consent, that made you walk out of the door angrily and avoid him even after he took down the video.
He really doesn't know what to do and it shows, the whole week he seems kinda anxious fidgeting with his fingers pacing around the dorm, or letting his smile falter for just a few seconds.
Trey is the first one to give him an idea on just how to apologise, wich he follows, hoping that you would accept his apology.
You open the door to Ramshackle, flowers greeting your face. They are hand picked, you can tell by the small scratches that cover Carters hands.
"My love, I am very sorry. I shouldn't have posted that video without your consent and- and maybe I should really not post everything on social media I-I..." His voice breaks and you take the flowers giving him a kiss on his forehead.
"I forgive you, but never do that again okay?"
Rook Hunt:
Well no one would believe that you and Rook could fight. Rook was down bad for you in a way that no one else was and you loved Rook even with his little quirks and habits.
But even you could get irritated by his constant stalking. Wich you tell him after a long and exhausting day working for Crowley, in a not a polite way, leaving Rook speeches.
You feel horrible. Rook had stood up and left without saying another word, but by the fact that Vil came knocking on your door later on, asking you just what the hell happened.
You tell Vil what happened, along with asking if he knew just how to apologise to Rook. Luckily Vil sighs realising that it's nothing serious and he won't have to expect Rook being quiet forever. It was spooky.
You on the other hand try your best to catch Rook somewhere in order to properly apologise, but when a hunter doesn't want to be found he won't be found.
By the end of the week you are completely devastated,running into the Pomefiore dorm, asking everyone about Rook. The students told you that he might be in his room and you run towards the direction that was pointed to you.
Before you can knock on the dorms door, Rook opens it. He looks at you, looking gloomy in some way. You hand him the roses with tears in your eyes.
"I am really sorry Rook! I shouldn't have said all that! I don't think it's annoying that you follow me around, I feel safe. And I know that I sometimes might get angry but I want you to know that I didn't mean anything I said that day!" You exclaim, before you suddenly get pulled to the floor by a hug. Rook had tackled you.
"You are forgiven monsior/mademoiselle trickster!"
Lilia Vanrouge:
Oh dear, Lillia and you that was a story. You were an immortal that was recently thrown into this world and Lilia was well Lilia, a veteran fae in the schools textbooks.
It was love on first prank how people might say. Well the relationship was so good that no one expected you two to fight. But well you and Lilia did and you really had a bad fight.
Silver didn't understand what had happened, you just stormed out of the dorm without saying another word, leaving behind a very angry but at the same time really sad Lilia.
The fight was about you returning to your world, with Lilia voicing clear displeasure at the fact you might leave again, but you understood. He was your boyfriend after all.
But something irked you on the way he said it, sounding like he was trying to accuse you of abandoning him and Silver, who you have become a parental figure for.
You simply need time for yourself for now, ignoring the faes advances of talking with you, until Malleus shows up at Ramshackles doormat looking like a lost puppy.
You of course let him in, brewing the dragon fae some tea and Malleus asks you about your fight with Lilia, telling you about how weird Lilia has been behaving.
When he asks you about what apology you would accept, you tell him that a dozen roses would be perfect. Malleus smiles. The dragon fae had really taken a liking to you, seeing you like a parental figure, just like Silver did.
It's now been a week since your fight and you were about to walk over to Diasomnia, until you hear a knock on the door. You open it, seeing Lilia stand in front of you, with exactly a dozen Rose's.
"I am sorry my dear, I shouldn't have gotten so worked up about the fact you might return to your world one day, after all it's your choice! But I was scared that you would just leave..." The fae mutters. You smile pulling Lilia into a hug.
"I would never leave you, Malleus or Silver. I am not going anywhere!"
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cenittxnadir · 1 year
Master Chief x Reader. Secret Lovers Headcanons
This one is base on the Paramount show
Surprisingly John was the one that made the first move. Aparrently Miranda Keyes was the one that told the Spartans to make some new friends besides the rest of the program.
He knew who you were, he have seen you in many missions working on the coms or in weapons. He think you´re one of the smartest among the crew.
So one day when you were cheking a few ships before a mission he aproached to you. You didn´t recognize him at first, he was out of the armor, but definetly you recognize his voice.
"May I speak with you?" He almos regret doing it. He felt his voice was shaking. You didn´t notice. You have seen him without the helmet and the view was amazing, but seen him without the full armor was even better.
You coudn´t help but smile "Of course Sr. How can i help you?"
He asked you if you wanted to meet in somewhere, just to know each other better.
That little meet turn into two, then three, and before both knew it, they were dating. How it happen? No one knew it but you love it.
Unfortunately, both decide to keep it on the low, he was an Spartan and you were one of the best technicians in all Reach. If Halsey new about you two dating, she would be mad, more than that. She would do anything and everything to get you away from him.
They where a few times you almost got caught, so you decide to give some break just to keep noisy eyes from you both. But John didn´t liked that, so it whas your suprised when Captain Keyes told you that you were going to be helping in the Brok station. Your surprise was bigger when you saw wich station you were going to suport. John´s station.
He asked for your change, so he would be able to see you even if he didn´t could talk to you, besides, he has always been a man of few words, but he love you and wanted to be close to you. For him it was a big relive to see you first everytime he came back from a mission.
You just need to give a small look to his eyes to know what he wanted. Once you finished your job you left only to hurry at your room. You knew he would be there, waiting for you, you never knew how he manage to arrive first but that didn´t matter. You hugged him filling your lungs with he scent. God you love him.
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aeonofladys · 2 months
Why i believe opal being a kid makes sense
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We already know opal is kind of crazy and most likely doesn't use peaceful methods. A way this could have happened is, he was manipulated since a baby by the ipc to believe he is doing good, and doesn't truly understand what he does or who he hurts are actual people, seeing this more like a game.
Additionally, if someone grew up in a place where shedding blood to get what u want is considered normal and perhaps even encouraged, would he truly be able to develop the required empathy and courage to go against the people that he most likely looks up to? Especially if he truly a very young kid, wich is 100 times easier to manipulate.
That way, being manipulated since youth to believe in very worng ideals and not even registering on what he is doing is wrong, he will most likely view this as a silly game to gain praise, approval and money ,wich can get him a lot like physical items, for example toys, but also stuff like respect. It will bot be that hard for him to realise that the more money he has, the more people treat him nicely, because he can be of use to them and has a lot of influence but idk if he will realise the second part.
And of course, for the same exact reason, he won't view lives as actual lives, but more off a number. As said before, he will almost to even zero empathy, and he won't even be able to register that those are actual people he is hurting. He will view them as a stepping stone , or perhaps a way to win the game more easily.
Last but not least, he will start to get bored one day. Kids easily get bored with their toys. And so he will seek more entertainment. Will do even more crazy stuff. Will kill even more people, in different ways, just to give him some entertainment. Or perhaps just to gain a little more praise. Maybe after he has won so many battles, the adults won't give him such heartfelt compliments because they will start to expect it and so beraly give him attention. And what does a kid crave the most? Attention. Especially from the people he looks up to. So he will start to do more crazy stuff, so he could hopefully win faster, so the adults would actually get suprised and give him wayyy more attention.
It would also be very fun to see how he deals with relationships and attachment. Will he seek parental love out of people? Making stuff read bedtime stories to him, and asking them to do basic parental stuff, but once they mess up he will give them a punishment or even kill them because that's the environment he was grown up and his kid-like mind won't even register the fact it isn't the correct way to love? Or will he despise the idea of people looking down at him for being a child? People looking down at him, when they should be looking up, and praise him for all the things he has accomplished! Will he also hate attachment? That's something i am not truly sure of yet. But one thing i do know is that he will get attached without knowing it. Perhaps an additional reason on why he chose aventurine to live is because he has gotten slightly attached to him. Or perhaps because he found him as someone who will bring more entertainment to him. Or perhaps even none of this, and it's truly him wanting to follow diamond's wishes.
All in all, I truly hope he is an actual kid because it will be very fun to see how they will write him. Plus i truly adore the idea that he views everything a game.
I genuinely do believe it kind of fits his character the more i think about it, but maybe i am just self-indulging myself. Please tell me your thoughts!
{Ofc his actions aren't excused tho Imao. I can't wait to learn more about him, and he will most likely be the next stone head we learn about so i cant wait. }
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bluxb3rry · 10 months
❝𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐤!❞↳෴੭˚ ༘♡·˚₊˚ˑ༄ؘ 💙
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Changbin x male reader! He/him pronouns! English is not my first language! im back :]
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Being a florist it's an interesting experience, from old ladys asking for the same flowers everyday to a little kid asking for a flower for their friend. It's always a new thing everyday and Y/N loved every second of it.
He was one of the five people working in there, it wasn't a big shop just a little one in the corner but sometimes it could be full somedays. He liked the vibe in there, when it was a sunny day the light would came from the big windows in the roof and it would shine the whole place, when it was a rainy day you could almost sleep by how soft the raindrops hit the window.
Y/N was also one of the few people, that knew pretty much all the meanings of the flowers, in the not-so busy days, he would read the meaning of every flower, old ones, new ones, or the one that sadly died after waiting for so long for an owner.
Right now, it was one of those moments, he was reading a book in the counter, eating some chocolate cookies that one of his co-workers gave him as a sign of "friendship". Ignoring the heart shape cookies, he just said "thank you" and decided to eat them while waiting for another costumer.
When he was about to eat his third cookie, he heard the door opening wich made him look up and saw a muscular man entering the small shop.
Y/N was kinda suprised to see him, it's not everyday to see a muscular man with a black shirt with rolled up sleeves, black pants and black militar boots walking to the shop with a lot of tattoo in his body, or at least the ones that he could see [that were in his neck and arms]
He was hypnotized.
-He looks quite scary-his co-worker said-should we really talk to him?-
Y/N just closed his book and keept the cookies in a jar to eat later, making himself look a bit better than one minute ago.
-im gonna talk to him, he is just another customer-he responded to his friends question and left the counter.
When he got closer, it seemed that the stranger just looked to the most white, yellow and purple flowers but with a confused look.
-Hello sir?-the guy looked at him-it's there anything that you need help with?-
-um-he looked at the flowers again-yes, kinda, i wanted to buy some flowers to make my apartment more brighter, my friends said it looked a bit to dark-
-oh, well it's not that hard you could look at some of this more colourful flowers since more white ones could make your apartment look like a hospital-Y/N smiled while walking to another set of flowers stopping at some sunflowers, lupines and carnations
-wah, this are really pretty-the guy murmured and Y/N just smiled a bit more happy
-so, i could make you a bouquet from this flowers for you!-
-yeah, thanks um-the guy looked at him
-Y/N! my name is Y/N-
-oh, im Seo Changbin, thank you again for the help-he smiled
-no problem!-Y/N blushed a little
After that Y/N made the bouquet and give it to Changbin, he smiled to himself while he watched the guy leave.
-you seem interested?-his co-worked asked with a smirk
-oh shut up, he just looked good-
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