#will I eventually watch it? yeeeeah sure. eventually
secondbeatsongs · 1 year
my dude as a bisexual I totally identify w ur Freddie meta. like. down to the crushes on older, goofy woman. and his ending always felt wrong to me and I didn't know why until u said it.
it's just so tragic! he had everything, and then he had nothing, and it breaks my heart
and no, I still haven't seen the iCarly reboot. I just feel a bit weird about it
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moeblob · 3 months
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Erin, to her crush: You're a dick
Mason, the crush: I won't argue! But to clarify -
#my characters#its so sad that all of erins character development and kindness is on paper and nothing digital to show her growth#she picks on mason for many reasons and she kinda narrows her eyes at him but its more to squint than to glare#because she watches him from a distance when hes off laughing with others#though they are united on peter being worse than mason at least they can agree no matter what peter is worse#but also masons right arm is metal and she thinks its fascinating bc theres so many high tech prosthetics#why is he using the equivalent of a trash can ? is it some weird flex to not needing advanced stuff?#and its just he was from a poor family and was born with one full arm and then a stump#and he lived a lot of his youth with just one arm so once he got a second arm (installed basically) he went cheap#since he only wanted the other arm to get better jobs cause not many people would hire him with one arm#and he never really cared much about her comments because her lil verbal pokes of#so rogers whod you piss off? the mafia? is actually nicer than stuff he heard as a kid without the fake arm#so he tells her the only reason he has a metal limb is because god knew hed be two strong if born with two arms#and shes like uh huh sure thing rogers#and yeeeeah eventually something happens where mason is injured and erin is panicking#and hes acting like its okay to die because hes a dick remember TRYING to make light of it and she gets so sad#and after hes recovering and better he feels guilty making her so sad and hes talking to her#and she says that she doesnt have a lot of friends and she didnt want to lose one of the few people she liked#and hes just oh.......................... ididntthinkthatwouldbeme#so he starts to be super friendly to her and enforcing the crush that she doesnt wanna own up to#and then she does eventually confess and mason is baffled as to since when and shes like day one? and he just#erin you have got to be kidding me you were glaring at me for months#and shes just i have bad eye sight and im shy what did you expect#he isnt super smart or super stupid hes just exceedingly average
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blackhakumen · 4 months
Mini Fanfic #1202: A Day Spent With His Three Moms and Aunt (RWBY)
1:37 p.m. in the Country Side of Mistral.........
As the gang make their way to Oscar's Aunt's farm on foot, Nora has been staring, pouting, and grumbling at Oscar right next to her for a quite some time now, all while Pyrrha is trying her best to contain her giggling on one side and Glynda is pinching the bridge of her nose on the other.
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright. I'll bite. (Turns to His Thunder Mom) What's wrong?
Nora: Your height. You're about to be taller than me soon~
Oscar: Wait. Really? (Uses his Hand Sideways and Moves it Towards Nora's Forehead and Back to His) Hm. So I am......... (Smiles a Bit) Neat.
Nora: NO! This is not neat at all! (Starts Giving Oscar the Very Sad Puppy Dog Eyes) That's the sign of you going one of the many steps forward to adulthood and I hate it!~
Oscar: Well, it's not like there's anything for me to do to stop it! (Instantly Stops Nora From Saying Another Word) Don't even get any bright ideas!
Pyrrha: (Starts Swaying her Hips Around in a Shy Manner) Are you positive that there's no way around this?~ (Forms a Sad Puppy Dog Look of her Own) This isn't fair at all!~
Oscar: (Turns to Pyrrha) I've never been more sure in my entire life, Pyrrha. And life itself was never fair begin with.
Glynda: Oscar is right. We are all bound to grow older eventually. So there's really no used to delay the inevitable.
Oscar: See? Ms. Goodwitch gets it!
Glynda: That being said..........
Oscar: Huh? (Turns to Glynda With a Deadpinned Look on his Face)
Glynda: (Wipes a Single Tear Away From her Eyes in a Bit of a Dramatic Fashion) It would be a very sad day indeed, when you become an adult and we will cease to spoil you rotten anymore~
Nora/Pyrrha: (Tearfully Nodded in Agreement)
Oscar: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) You guys are unbelievably impossible sometimes........Even if I do grow older in a few more years, that doesn't mean I won't ever come to either of you for any help, advice, or company. (Smiles a Little) You're still my family through and through, that won't ever-woah! (Suddenly Gets Pulled into a Motherly Group Hug) change.
Nora/Pyrrha/Glynda: We love you, Oscar!~
Oscar: ('Sigh') Yeah, yeah (Hugs Three of his Moms Back) I love you guys too.
Pyrrha: (Notices Something Up Above Her abd the Others) Oscar, is this the place you're looking for? (Points Oscar to a Written Sign thay Says "Welcome to the "Pines' Countryside Farm")
Oscar: (Looks Up at the Sign in Question) Yup. It's my old home alright. (Looks Over at the Farm in the Mid Distance) Looks a little more fixed up than the last time I saw it. (Walks Over to the Farm Along with The Others)
Glynda: I can't seem to recall a time that I ever step foot to a farm until now.
Nora: You and me both, teach. (Places her Hands on Both her Hips) I wonder how many cute little farm critters you folks got in this lovely establishment. Cows, chickens, piggies, goats, horses- ('Gasps') Ponies!~ (Turns to Oscar With Excitement in Her Eyes) Please, please, pleeeeeease tell me you guys those percious little fillies here!~
Oscar: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeeeeah....Hate to be the barrier of bad news, Nora, but we don't....really own any animals here, at least from what I remembered.
Nora: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) Seriously!? Like.....NONE at all!? But I thought this is a farm!
Oscar: It is! A crops only farm.
Glynda: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) With no animals in sight?
Oscar: Yeah. I mean, granted, we have watched over a few of our neighbors' animals on some occasions, but other than that, this has been a free animal zone for years now.
Nora: (Snaps her Finger Before Pouting in Disappointment) Dangit! I really wanted to see those ponies again.....
Pyrrha: (Smiles Sheepishly) She looked after a few of them at the Becon Fair in the past and has been in love with them ever since.
Oscar: Your academy had a fair event once?
Glynda: (Simply Nodded) In distant history we did. (Rolls her Eyes in Annoyance) Other than all the times I got dunked inside that blasted tank, it still turned out to be a decent event all things considered. Perhaps we can go to one in town later on this evening?
Nora: (Puts on a More Pumped Up Grin on her Face) YEEES!
Pyrrha: (Smiles Brightly) That sounds like a lovely idea!~
Oscar: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Yeah, I'm down. (Pulls his Scroll Out of his Pocket) 'Positive my aunt would like to go too if I could finally get a hold to her.
Pyrrha: She still hasn't answered your calls yet?
Oscar: ('Sigh') No, not yet. But knowing her, she's probably out at the market, picking up groceries as we speak
??????: Or maybe your darlin' aunt is hidin' right BEHIND YA!~
Oscar suddenly gets picked up and hugged from behind as turns around to see an older woman grinning at him with long, curly hair, and more freckles on her face than he has on his.
Oscar: (Chuckles Lightly, Instantly Recognizes The Woman Hugging Him) Aunt Em, you're here!~
Em: In the flesh, sugar!~ Look at you! So big, cute and handsome lookin!~ I knew my charms would rub off on ya eventually!~ (Gives her Nephew a Big Kiss on the Cheek Before Putting Back Down on his Feet) Hope you're huntsman career been doin' ypu well these days.
Oscar: It has more or less. (Introduces Em to His Three Mother Figures) I wanna introduce you to Nora, Pyrrha, Glynda, the three of the many ladies in my life oddly enough. Guys, this is my aunt, Emilia Dee Pines, the woman who practically raised me under this farm throughout my childhood.
Nora: (Forms a Bright Smile Along with Pyrrha) Hi!~
Pyrrha: (Happily Waves Hello) Hello!~
Glynda: (Properly Bows her Head to Em) It's a pleasure to finally meet you, ma'am.
Em: (Smiles Brightly at the Three Ladies) Likewise!~ I can't thank y'all ladies and your friends kindly enough for looking after this rascal for after all this time. (Starts Playfully Ruffling Up Oscar's Hair)
Oscar: (Chuckles Ticklishly by the Hair Ruffling) Seriously?~ I'm way more of a saint compared to you! Need I remind you of all the dumb pranks you've pulled in the morning?
Em: (Giggles Softly) Oho hush up, half pint!~ (Pulls Oscar into a One Armed Hugs) You love those dumb pranks as much as I did, so I know you ain't half as innocent you think you are!~ (Fprms Sly Smirk on her Face) Which reminds me.....Ladies, let's say we share a few family photos inside house. My treat~
Oscar: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh no.
Later Seconds Later in the Pines' Household.......
Nora/Pyrrha: OH MY GOOOOOOOOSH!~ (Eyes Sparkling in Pure Delight and Glee at All of Oscar's Baby Pictures Shown to Them by the Smirking Auntie)
Pyrrha: He looks so squish and precious I wanna kiss, hug, and eat him up!~
Em: (Chuckles Lightly) You and me both, hun~ That boy was the cutest little button this family has offer. (Turns to Oscar Sitting Next to Glynda, Sulking in Embarrassment in the Other Side of the Room) Heck, if you ask me, I think he's still as much of a cutie-pie as he ever was growing up~
Pyrrha: (Smiles Brightly at Em) Oh you have no idea how right you are, Mrs. Pines!~
Nora: He can try and deny all he wants, but our baby's cuteness is a true blessing in disguise~
Em: I know that's right!~ And please, Mrs Pines' my grandmother's name. (Continues Talking to the Two Huntresses)
Oscar: (Covering His Face Up in Pure Embarrassment) This.....is a complete nightmare....Or at least I hope it's a dream. (Turns To Glynda Sitting Right Next to Him) Please tell me this is all some convulted dream we're in.
Glynda: No, I believe this is very much real life. No need for me pinch you in anyway.
Oscar: (Lightly Pinches Himself Before Feeling Immense Disappointment) Dangit. Could you at least put me out of my misery then? Quick and painless?
Glynda: (Gasps Before Giving Oscar her Motherly Glare) I will do no such thing! You, of all people, should know that I love you far too much to bring any harm upon you.
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah, you're right.....It's not like things could get worse for me down the line-
Em: So you're sayin' this Printing Shop in the city could print out copies of these pictures here?
Oscar's eyes shot up in pure fear and disbelief by the other ladies' conversation in question.
Pyrrha: As much as you want~
Nora: In many sizes too~ Ooh these pictures are so precious I can't decide which ones are my absolute favorite!~
Pyrrha: Me neither!~ Though, I do wonder what our friends and family back home will think if they see them right now.
One of Oscar's eyes starts to twich rapidly as he continues listening.
Nora: Why wait when we can them the pictures right now!~ Starting with Ruby-
Oscar: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat) Nora, don't you DARE!-
Em: OSCAR! Quit all that hootin' and hollerin' in there and let your Thunder Momma send pictures to your friends!
Oscar: But-
Em: Now, mister!
Oscar: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') Yes, ma'am.....
Oscar slouches himself back down on his seat and lay the side of his head onto Glynda's lap, groaning in even more annoyance and defeat.
Ozpin's former assistant giggles softly as she gently ruffles the top of Oscar's hair before suddenly taking notice of an old picture frame sitting on a wooden table right next to them, containing a photo of married couple, smiling together in arms.
Glynda: Say, Oscar. (Picks Up Picture Frame From the Table) Who are this couple in the photo here?
Oscar: Huh? (Takes a Look at the Picture Glynda is Showing Her) Oh! (Smiles a Bit) That there is a picture is my parents: Edgar and Annabelle Pines. They helped Aunt Em and my grandparents to look after and shape this farm to what it is today. Or- (Frowns a Bit Sadly) At....least they used to anyways.
Glynda: Used to?
Oscar: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking as He Got his Head Up From Glynda's Lap) Okay, so, years ago, when I was 3 or 4, a group of wild Grimms attack our home in the middle of the night. While was I hiding in the bunker, they risked their lives to fight them off with Aunt Em and everyone of our neighbors pitching in for the assist. They succeeded in the end, but once they made it inside the bunker hours later.....Aunt Em told me they were.....killed during the attack ong with a few others. We mourned our losses the morning after.
Glynda: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock and Sadness by Oscar's Story) Oh no......Oscar, I'm so sorry. (Gives Oscar a Gently, Loving Hug) You and your aunt having my deepest condolences.
Oscar: (Hugs Glynda Back) Thank you, Ms. Good- Glynda. It was sad time for the two of us to endure together, but it didn't get us down forever. We continued to look after this farm as normal, just like mom and dad would've wanted I think. (Starts Rubbing his Arm a Bit) That is.....until Ozpin came to the picture and got me to leave here years later, rest was history by then.
??: Yup!
The duo turns to see the rest of the ladies joining in on the conversation in hand.
Em: Though, I do hope you're not in here mopin' and blamin' yourself for leavin'
Oscar: What? O-Of course not! I would ne-
Pyrrha/Nora: (Gives Oscar Motherly Glares Along with Em) Oscar.
Glynda: (Turns to Oscar With a More Soften Look) Be honest.
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay. So maybe I do blame myself for leaving that day. We've been watching over this farm for years now and I just up and left you without a single goodbye.
Em: Yeah, but at least you written a letter to me before you left, which I still have in my bedroom dresser safe n' sound.
Oscar: ('Sighs in Relief') That's good. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) I still wouldn't blame you if you were at least a bit upset about all of this in general.
Em: ('Sigh') Well, I'd be lyin' if say that I didn't feel some kind of way during that time, but I knew there were more for you to experience and make a name for yourself out there in the real world. So I eventually accepted that and continue working on the farm like normal, with some help from our distant relatives of course.
Oscar: Oh yeah. You told me about them the last time I visited here. Where are they anyways?
Em: Back home for now. They'll probably come back here first thing tomorrow morning to help with the barn's roof outside. Other than that, I'm doing a lot better these days, darlin'. Even more so now that I know that you're out there living the best life for yourself with the people you love. (Raises an Eyebrow) Or at least I hope you are.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) Don't worry, Aunt Em. I'm doing just fine.
Nora: (Gives the Older Woman a Serious Yet Reassuring Look on her Face) And we promise you that we will continue to do everything in our power to keep your nephew safe and happy.
Glynda: As well provide him with the upmost love and care he very much deserves.
Pyrrha: (Smiles Softly) As Mother Figures, if that's okay with you of course.
Em: (Chuckles Lightly) Oh shuck, y'all!~ It's more than okay. I can tell just by lookin' at you three that you're good people. Can't wait to meet more of your friends and new family soon, Oscar. (Starts Smirking Playfully) 'Specially that Ruby girl you've been mighty pinin' over~
Oscar: (Facepalms Himself in Disbelief) Oh my God, did you just made a pun just now!?
Em: Ya goddamn right I did!~ (Proudly Crosses her Arm) I ain't apologizing worth squat either.
Oscar: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) You and Yang will get along just fine......(Smiles Softly at his Aunt) But seriously though, thank you raising up until now and having faith in me this whole time. (Turns to His Mother Figures Next) And I wanna thank you guys for stepping up and being the mom figures I never thought I ever wanted up until now. You all become one of my heroes for a long time now and....I honestly wouldn't shape up to be the person I am if it weren't for all of you. So once again and last time I'msaying this, but..... thank you.
Em: (Eyes Already Starting To Water) ('Sniff') You're always welcome.....('Sniff') Sweetie-Pie~
Pyrrha: (Giggles Softly While Tearing Up Herself) That's our baby!~ ('Sniff') Always finding a way to brighten up our day and touch our hearts with his words
Glynda: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Indeed. ('Sniff') (Wiping a Single Tear From Her Facs) I believe this calls for a special gesture in hand, yes.
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Special Gestur-
The ladies instantly pulls Oscar into a very loving group hug.
Oscar: Oh. Right. Should've known this would lead to this.
Em: Yup!~ Abd I think it would nice to take a group picture or two for the open road.
Oscar: ('Sighs Heavily') Do we have to?
Moms/Em: OSCAR!~
Nora: (Gives Oscar the Puppy Dog Eyes Again) PLEEEEEEASE!?~
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright, alright, fine. Let's get this over with...I..
Nora: (Happily Squeals Before Giving Oscar a Big Kiss on the Cheek and Taking het Scroll Out and Pointing it Right In Front of Her and the Gang) Okay, switch to viewer side and....got it! Allllrightly gang, say.....Cute Boi Oz!~
Everyone: CUTE BOY OZ!!~
Oscar: Wait, what?-
The group picture was then sent to everyone of Oscar and co's friends and family, starting with Ruby. It made her happy to not see her boyfriend continuously receiving all the love and care after everything he's been through in the past, but to also see his aunt is excited to see her and the rest of their friends soon in the near future as the words "Auntie Em Says Hi!~" is written at the bottom of the photo.
It wasn't a second later however, when she starts gushing over once all the baby pictures that was also sent to her after that.....and then forms the most biggest, mischievous grin she has ever made imaginable.........Yeah, she is going to tease the ever living hell out of her precious farm boi the next time she sees him.
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching Yellow Fever
 Welcome to “Big Hearts, Cat Screams, Bobby Speaks Japanese: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
  Up today, s4e6: Yellow Fever.
 The cold open begins with Dean running for his life… from a yorkie? Okay, back up. The boys are investigating the strange death of a man who died of a heart attack with no discernable cause. Eventually they realize the culprit is ghost sickness, which is contagious and causes victims to get increasingly terrified until the are literally scared to death. And Dean’s caught it. He does his best to help Sam continue the case while he becomes frightened of… everything. Eventually he begins to see hallucinations, including one of Lilith, who suggests that he may remember quite a bit about his time in hell after all. With Dean holed up in a motel room trying to stay calm, Bobby eventually joins Sam and they figure out that scaring the original ghost to “death” should cure Dean. So they do, in a scene that is heartbreaking and kind of hard to watch. But meanwhile the whole episode is a delight of Dean moments coupled with Sam doing his best to support him and not laugh. Always stay tuned for at the end for Jensen’s hilarious lip-sync of “Eye of the Tiger.”
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 oh hey, you remember there’s
a scene with snakes in this one?
 it IS
 oh no i didn’t remember
I’ll try to power through but we’ll see
 you want me to try to warn you? if I remember it's a little bit of a surprise (but not a jump scare or anything)
 okay yes pls
 okay will try
 thanks, friend
 omg DEAN
 omg Dean, honey
 of course. I got you hopes really hard will remember when the scene is coming
 "the one you're gonna do"
okay I didn’t need to see the cutting
 Dean’s face
 oh Dean
 that's what you get for laughing SAM
and Dean’s smirk!!
 that dude has a thing for Dean fight me
and Dean is not uninterested
 this hand sanitizing thing hits so different now
 Dean's face when he has to stop laughing
 “they’re majestic animals"
 "big heart" OMG
 "what can't?"
 this is it I think
the neighbors
 okay I’m steeling myself
 okay I’m looking away for a bit
I'll just be half wigging out/half laughing at Dean
 "those pez dispensers with their dead little eyes"
 how... do you tape someone's butt cheeks together?
wouldn't they have to... sit still for that?
 I don’t know. I’ve been wondering that since Breakfast Club, to be honest
 well, you have someone hold them down, obvs
and maybe use double sided tape?
 oh right. I just wasn't thinking with enough violence
but. they'd have to be naked?
is this some kind of boys locker room nonsense that just never occurs to me?
 "oh what? safety's a crime now?"
 I think it is locker room crap
 omg I so love this Dean
 "i'm not suicidal. did I just say that? that's kind of weird"
 I assume he meant the bit about the turning into traffic was what he meant was weird, but DAMN does that hit hard in a fuck 327 kind of way
 hahahahaha YES
 Jensen plays this SO FUCKING WELL
 omg tiny hiding in the car with his music I LOVE HIM
 he DOES
 "god no. I don't even know what that is"
 "you got hit with the spleen juice"
 I don't buy this. Dean is not a dick IN COMPARISON to Sam
stupid handwaving
 And I love Sam, but he can be a jerk sometimes, too
and they both use fear as a weapon and they are BOTH just sweet in other ways
 yeah, they needed to explain it somehow I guess, but surely they could have come up with something else better
like, scared but pretending they aren't?
or hiding a secret
 or forced to grow up too soon
 bc those are both true of Dean and are relevant to what they are trying to get at
 well, it’s not like Sammy doesn’t have secrets from Dean
 ...though Sam is hiding something too
 oh YEAH that's a good one
 "hey, quit picking at that"
 "I don't wanna be a clue"
 not that this isn't always true, but I just want to hold him
 omg Sam is OVER IT
 he IS
 look, Dean can man my flashlight anytime he likes
Cas says, Hey, that’s MINE LINE
omg and the way Jensen's voice goes back up into like a human range
 HAHAHAHAOMG that NEVER gets old
 hahahahaha Sam looks over his shoulder and Dean is just gone
the RUN
 Dean is acting like a normal person would in this situation
 Deputy is worried about his fantasy boyfriend
 the way Sam hauls him away by the back of his neck
 oh Dean he's worried about the badges
his little shake no when Sam asks if he feels better
 "those are real. ...obviously"
 Dean’s worried look!
 "that's just nutty"
 HOW are his eyes so BIG
 this is funny cause I think Luther looks like a sweet bean
 he sure does
 "no no it'll be that easy. why won't it be that easy?"
 sounds like it's time to light a road on fire then Sammy
 aw, honey
 oh Dean. maybe you should move into a nice little house with an angel and stop hunting scary things
 "and you! you're GASSY!"
 make it a B&B
 oh Tiger, don’t quit
 god he looks so SCARED
 he really DOES
 poor Sammy’s worried. and annoyed. and worried.
 oooof the hallucinations
 omg evil Sammy AM DED
 "home sick"
 hooo boy
 "just ride out the trip" ooooof
 "this is a TERRIBLE plan"
Bobby complains but he’s right there backing his boy up
 oh no he's hallucinating hell hounds, poor thing
 poor baby
 ooooof Lilith
 and why doesn’t Cas show up to help?!
 oooo I wonder if he was praying to Cas
 this little kid is SO GOOD
 I kind of doubt it at this point, but I bet Cas would have heard
 she really really is
 yeah. I just can never make the bible make sense. he doesn't believe in that stuff. he can barely accept that angels exist
 well, he’s not himself at all at this point and maybe he’s giving in to superstition
 ooo yeah I'd buy that
and the visual is good
 oooof. he deserves a nice burger and a very long nap
 yes he does
 "I'll hunt. I'll kill anything"
 omg guys don't pick on him
poor little muffin
 “he’s adorable” HAHAHAHAHA YES HE IS
 sam's dark denim shirt is NOT BAD either
 “you boys drive safe” is midwestern love language
 "howler monkeys"
 It really really isn’t
 he is NOT FINE
 “the usual stuff, Sammy”
 SUCH a ham
and that smile of pure glee at the end
 I love it when the boys are happy
it just exudes young dude having a great time
and I love it
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simiansmoke · 1 year
@koopzilla cont
Palming another blue shard of Rainbow Road for a tad longer, he flipped the piece over to study the jagged edges with some muted interest. Whether they were sharp enough to pierce skin, he wasn't so sure...but he knew he'd probably avoid stepping on the pointy ends anyway just in case. "Heh. These are fresh off the track. I dunno when, but they stop glowing eventually." Made him wonder where the light inside them even came from. Turning part ways to see how his 'guest' was faring, he noticed the other's gaze pinned to his stomach.
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"Uh...?" When it was clear he was more or less staring pointedly, DK felt his face match the temperature of the steam in his fur and lifted the rainbow shard quickly to cover the warm glow around his naval, and the deeper blue of the shard changed to one much lighter and sky shaded. He didn't need Bowser realizing just what had caused the demise of the crystal coconut lest he get throttled.
"Well, what're you waiting for?" DK snorted, turning his back to the Koopa as he resumed his inspection of the pool and after reaching the end of a long rock leading through the bubbling waters, dropped the carried shard in. He stood at the rock end that ended almost directly in the middle of the pool and watched Bowser wade in, amused to see the waters force a smile out of the tyrant of a tourist. "Nice, huh~?"
Shaking his fur out when enough steam collected as dew at the ends of his pelt, DK decided he might as well take a dip too and used the rock to help lower himself in, arms resting back against the heated stone. "Oh yeeeeah...if this is what soup feels like, cook me - I don't care."
Eyes shut, he smirked at the other's insistence that anything in the Darklands had this sort of worth. Considering his stay there for the past few weeks, DK knew that was...unlikely. "I mean...I prefer my flesh unmelted, but." That was all a magma pit was good for - in his case anyway. Nothing great about watching a bunch of smelly turtles soak in lava while you sat nearby, fur wet and perspiring miserably as the smell of sulpher made you gag intermittently.
With a sigh of agreement, he continued balancing on the rock as his legs and stomach drifted up close to the surface. The glow of his stomach seemed content to light the layer of water over it with the soft cream color of a banana. "So...should I still save the date for your attack on the jungle kingdom?" He mused, partly unsure if the other was still eager to go through with his plans made in anger.
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bbnha-manga-scripts · 10 months
Chapter Five
Note: Mext: Ministry of Eduction, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
[Flash Back to the exam room]
Unknown: The results of the practical skill entrance examination are here. 
Unknown: We’ve had entrants ace off against that thing in the past, but it’s been quite a while since someones sent it flying like that.
???(I think it’s Mic): I couldn’t help but should “Yeeeeah!” when I saw that!
Unknown: At the other end of the spectrum, we have the kid who ranked 7th even without any villain points.
[They say as they show Midoriya Izuku in the panel]
Unknown: Though he earned 0 rescue points, Bakugou still placed first! Wow!
Unknown: He targeted the 1p and 2p villain-bots, approaching them slowly and continuously intercepting them to lure them into a flashy explosion blast once they’d gotten weaker during the second half of the exam. That kid’s as tough as they come.
[They say as Bakugou shows in the panel]
Unknown: But the injuries he incurred from the black-back were intense… it was almost like watching a child manifest for the first time.
Unknown: Kid’s definitely an anomaly, apart from that oen blow he was the picture candidate for rejection. 
Unknown(Pretty sure it’s Mic): Whatever, dudes, who cares!? I’ve taken a liking to him. He made me throw my hands up and go “Yeah!”.
Aizawa(Thinking): Jeez, what an idiot.
Izuku[Narrorating]: The night after the opening the notification letter. 8PM. We agreed to meet at seaside park.
Izuku: All Might! 
Small Might: Who the hecks that?!
Extra: Did someone say All Might!? Where!?
Small Might(Whispering): Quick kid, tell em ou mistook me for someone else.
Izuku(Covering his face, embarrassed): I mistook him for someone else!
Small Might: Congrats on passing. Just so you know, I didn’t inform the academy about our point of contact. You’re the type who’d worry that you got accepted solely by connections.
Small Might(thinking): I wasn’t even one of the judges.
Izuku: Thank you for thinking of me!
Izuku: I was surprised to hear that you’ve been made a teacher at UA! That’s why we need to meet here… I get it. But isn’t you office locatied at Roppongi, Minato War, Tokoyo, 6-12-...”
Small Might: Stop right there.
Small Might: Anyways, I told the academy about my predicament, but haven’t breathed a word about it to anyone else. I Had UA notify tme on the chance they found me a suitable successor.
Izuku(Thinking): Thats right… he said he’d been searching for a successor for a long time. I see… he was planning to choose among the stupids. It’s a hotbed of capable people, overflowing with awesome quirks.
[Izuku looks at his hands]
Izuku: One for All… just one punch or kick is all it takes to wreck my body… oh really… I can’t handle it at all.
Small Might: That can’t be helped for now. If you tried to get a guy who suddenly sprouted a tail to do tricks with it, he wouldn’t know how to control it properly enough to do so. It’s the same story here. 
Izuku: Huh? So you mean to say you saw all of that coming!?
Small Might: Well… there’s just been no time,,, but everything worked out all right…! Or should I say, All Might!
[Small Might picks up cans]
Small Might: Right now, you’re still stuck at all or nothing… but you can learn to tone down and adjust the power level and save your body the strain of a full-strength power emission.
[Buffs into All Might]
All Might: The more you build up the vessel. The more you can control the power within it!
[All Might crushes a can with one fist]
All Might: Like this!
All Might: Like unto the sacred fire of lore… the transferred flame is still small, but from now on, not even driving rain will check growth. 
Bystandards: Wait, isn’t that… it is! All Might!? When did he get here?!
All Might: Uh-oh. Let’s run.
[Midoriya and All Might began to sprint away]
All Might: And my flame will slowly fade away and eventually vanish and my duty will be done!
Bystander: He’s… so cool, huh?
[Time Skip to springtime and a new year]
Inko: Izuku!? Did you pack some tissues?
Izuku: Yes Mom.
Inko: What about your hanky? You can’t leave without a hanky, dear!
Izuku: Yes Mom.
[Izuku, tying his shoes in a hurry]
Izuku: I packed it! Ugh, look at the time… gotta hurry.
Inko: Izuku!
Izuku: What!?
Inko: You’re mega cool right now.
Izuku: See you soon, mom!
Izuku(Narrating): And that was how my high school days officially began!
[Izuku arrives at UA]
Izuku(Narrating): Every year, less than 1 in every 300 examinees make it in. Only 36 kids passed. So with 18 kids in a class, that makes for two classes.
Izuku: Where is 1-A… This place is too back.
[Izuku arriving at 1-A]
Izuku: Well… this door’s humongous… guess it’s for an inclusive design. I’ll be alongside the chosen few who passed the exam.
[Izuku thinking about Iida and Bakugou]
Izuku(thinking): If only those two end up in 1-B, I’ll be eternally grateful.
Tenya: Don’t put your feet on the desk! Don’t you think that’s disrespectful towards your classmates!?
Katsuki: No, as a matter of face, I don’t think so. Which middle school are you from anyway, you two-bit extra!?
Izuku(Thinking): Just my luck!
Tenya: A private sch— ahem. I’m from Soumei Junior High School. The name’s Iida Tenya.
Katsuki: Soumei!? Well aren’t you an elite. Seems I’ve got a reason to fucking end you after all!
Tenya(shocked and maybe disgusted): What nerve! You, want to be a hero!?
[Iida Tenya spots Izuku]
Tenya: Hello, I’m Iida Tenya from Soumei—
Izuku: Oh yeah, haha, I overheard. Uhh… I’m Midoriya, nice to meet you, Iida.
Tenya: Midoriya, I must hand it to you. You divined the actual nature of the practical skills exam, didn’t you? I… was blind to iy! And I completel misread you! I hate to admit it, but you were the better man!
Izuku(Thinking): But… I didn’t realize it either.
Katsuki: Deku…
[Uraraka Ochako walks through the classroom doors]
Ochako: Ah! It’s you! Curly-haired kid! Glad I found you!
Izuku(thinking): It’s her! The nice girl! She looks amazing in her school grab!
Ochako: You made it, just like Present Mic said! Yay, go you! By the way, that punch was outta this world!
Izuku: No, it’s not like that, uhh, that is to say, it was really all thanks to you speaking on my behalf… I… uh…”
Ochako: Eh!? How did you know about that!?
[Bakugou having a dramatic flashback]
Teacher: This means that two kids from our middle school go into UA. Two! And Midoriya’s acceptance in particular is a miracle upon miracles!
[Bakugou and Izuku behind the school]
[Bakugou is holding onto izuku's uniform]
Katsuki: What dirty goddamn tick did you use to pass the exam, shithead!? I was supposed to be the first to enter UA from here. Me alone! You ripped my future glory to pieces and pissed all over it! I told you to go someplace else, fuckmunch!
[Izuku putting his hand on Bakugou’s arm to stop him]
Izuku: Someone… finally acknowledges me. Tey told me I could become a hero! Kacchan, I’ve won the right! You can’t stop me! I’m headed to UA!
[Flashback ends]
Bakugou(thinking): That [athetic rat actually put up a fight! There can’t not be a flipside to this.
Ochako: I wonder if today’s the ceremony? Or is it the guidance counselor stuff today? Oh, that the teacher, what’ll they be like? I’m so anxious, like wow!
[Aizawa in his sleeping bag on the floor like a homeless man]
Shouta: If you’re gonna be hunting for buddies, do it elsewhere. This is…
[Aizawa proceeds to pull out a jelly pouch and suck the life from it]
Shouta: of heroics!
Class A(collectively): Who the hell… is this guy!?
[Aizawa getting out of his sleeping bag]
Shouta: Hmm, it took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Life is short, kids. You’re all lacking in common sense.
Class A(collectively): Sensei!?
Izuku(muttering): So he must he a pro hero, too, huh…?
Izuku(Thinking): But… I’ve never heard of him. He looks washed-up…
Shouta: I’m your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you.
Class A(collectively): Our homeroom teacher!?
[Aizawa pulls out the UA gym uniform]
Shouta: Put these on, immediately and then shove off to the P.E. grounds. 
[Small Might appears on screen]
Small Might: UA’s system is aberrant… depending on the homeroom teacher, even today they might…
[class 1-A on the field]
Class 1-A: A quirk apprehension test!?
Ochako: But what about the ceremony!? And the guidance counselor meeting!?
Shouta: If you want to be heroes, we don’t have timefor frilly niceties. You all understand the school’s reputation for freedom on campus. Well, that “freedom” goes for us senseis, too.
Shouta: Softball pitch. Standing long jumps. 50 meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength test. Sustain side ways jups. Upperbody excise. Seated toe touch. Those are all activities you know from middle school, naturally. Physical tests where you were barred from using your quirks.
Shouta: The country still hasn’t gotten around to standardizing those sorts of records or keeping track of average performance levels. Well, tht’s negligence on the part of mext.
Shouta: Bakugou, how far could you throw a softball in middle school?
Katsuki: 67 meters.
Shouta: Try using your quirk this time around. As long as you don’t exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Don’t hold back.
[Bakugou winding up.]
Katsuki: You got it.
[throws the ball]
Katsuki: Die!
[Everyone is shocked]
Shouta: Before anything else, one must know what they’re capable of. This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your “hero foundation”.
[Shouta shows the meter counter, it’s at 705.2]
Unknown: Awesome!That looks so fun!
Unknown: 705 meters!? Unreal!
Unknown: We can really use your quirks now!? That’s the department of heroics for you!
Izuku(thinking): Uh-ho this is bad… 8 trails? This is all so sudden!
Shouta: It looks fun… you say?
Shouta: So you were planning to spend your three years here having a good ol’ time? What happened to becoming heroes? 
Shouta: All tight then, in that case, new rule: the student who ranks last in total points will be judged “hopeless” an instantly expelled.
Izuku(thinking): Whaaaa!? Seriously!?What am I going to do!?
[Small Might appears again]
Small Might: So they’ve got Aizawa, huh…
Small Might(thinking): Oh brother, they’re really in for it with this guy.
[The panel shows Aizawa’s file. On it, it reads: “Aizawa Shouta” “Codename: The erasing hero” “Name: Eraserhead” “Total number of expulsions: 154.” “Homeroom teacher of: class 1-A”]
[Back to Izuku]
Izuku: I’m still at all-or-nothing mode! I can’t adjust yet!
Shouta: Our “freedom” means we dispense with students as we please! Welcome to… the department of heroics!
Izuku(Narrating): My first day turned into a huge ordeal! What do I do!?
0 notes
bnha-manga-scripts · 10 months
Chapter Five
Note: Mext means: Ministry of Eduction, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
[Flash Back to the exam room]
Unknown: The results of the practical skill entrance examination are here. 
Unknown: We’ve had entrants ace off against that thing in the past, but it’s been quite a while since someones sent it flying like that.
???(I think it’s Mic): I couldn’t help but should “Yeeeeah!” when I saw that!
Unknown: At the other end of the spectrum, we have the kid who ranked 7th even without any villain points.
[They say as they show Midoriya Izuku in the panel]
Unknown: Though he earned 0 rescue points, Bakugou still placed first! Wow!
Unknown: He targeted the 1p and 2p villain-bots, approaching them slowly and continuously intercepting them to lure them into a flashy explosion blast once they’d gotten weaker during the second half of the exam. That kid’s as tough as they come.
[They say as Bakugou shows in the panel]
Unknown: But the injuries he incurred from the black-back were intense… it was almost like watching a child manifest for the first time.
Unknown: Kid’s definitely an anomaly, apart from that oen blow he was the picture candidate for rejection. 
Unknown(Pretty sure it’s Mic): Whatever, dudes, who cares!? I’ve taken a liking to him. He made me throw my hands up and go “Yeah!”.
Aizawa(Thinking): Jeez, what an idiot.
Izuku[Narrorating]: The night after the opening the notification letter. 8PM. We agreed to meet at seaside park.
Izuku: All Might! 
Small Might: Who the hecks that?!
Extra: Did someone say All Might!? Where!?
Small Might(Whispering): Quick kid, tell em ou mistook me for someone else.
Izuku(Covering his face, embarrassed): I mistook him for someone else!
Small Might: Congrats on passing. Just so you know, I didn’t inform the academy about our point of contact. You’re the type who’d worry that you got accepted solely by connections.
Small Might(thinking): I wasn’t even one of the judges.
Izuku: Thank you for thinking of me!
Izuku: I was surprised to hear that you’ve been made a teacher at UA! That’s why we need to meet here… I get it. But isn’t you office locatied at Roppongi, Minato War, Tokoyo, 6-12-...”
Small Might: Stop right there.
Small Might: Anyways, I told the academy about my predicament, but haven’t breathed a word about it to anyone else. I Had UA notify tme on the chance they found me a suitable successor.
Izuku(Thinking): Thats right… he said he’d been searching for a successor for a long time. I see… he was planning to choose among the stupids. It’s a hotbed of capable people, overflowing with awesome quirks.
[Izuku looks at his hands]
Izuku: One for All… just one punch or kick is all it takes to wreck my body… oh really… I can’t handle it at all.
Small Might: That can’t be helped for now. If you tried to get a guy who suddenly sprouted a tail to do tricks with it, he wouldn’t know how to control it properly enough to do so. It’s the same story here. 
Izuku: Huh? So you mean to say you saw all of that coming!?
Small Might: Well… there’s just been no time,,, but everything worked out all right…! Or should I say, All Might!
[Small Might picks up cans]
Small Might: Right now, you’re still stuck at all or nothing… but you can learn to tone down and adjust the power level and save your body the strain of a full-strength power emission.
[Buffs into All Might]
All Might: The more you build up the vessel. The more you can control the power within it!
[All Might crushes a can with one fist]
All Might: Like this!
All Might: Like unto the sacred fire of lore… the transferred flame is still small, but from now on, not even driving rain will check growth. 
Bystandards: Wait, isn’t that… it is! All Might!? When did he get here?!
All Might: Uh-oh. Let’s run.
[Midoriya and All Might began to sprint away]
All Might: And my flame will slowly fade away and eventually vanish and my duty will be done!
Bystander: He’s… so cool, huh?
[Time Skip to springtime and a new year]
Inko: Izuku!? Did you pack some tissues?
Izuku: Yes Mom.
Inko: What about your hanky? You can’t leave without a hanky, dear!
Izuku: Yes Mom.
[Izuku, tying his shoes in a hurry]
Izuku: I packed it! Ugh, look at the time… gotta hurry.
Inko: Izuku!
Izuku: What!?
Inko: You’re mega cool right now.
Izuku: See you soon, mom!
Izuku(Narrating): And that was how my high school days officially began!
[Izuku arrives at UA]
Izuku(Narrating): Every year, less than 1 in every 300 examinees make it in. Only 36 kids passed. So with 18 kids in a class, that makes for two classes.
Izuku: Where is 1-A… This place is too back.
[Izuku arriving at 1-A]
Izuku: Well… this door’s humongous… guess it’s for an inclusive design. I’ll be alongside the chosen few who passed the exam.
[Izuku thinking about Iida and Bakugou]
Izuku(thinking): If only those two end up in 1-B, I’ll be eternally grateful.
Tenya: Don’t put your feet on the desk! Don’t you think that’s disrespectful towards your classmates!?
Katsuki: No, as a matter of face, I don’t think so. Which middle school are you from anyway, you two-bit extra!?
Izuku(Thinking): Just my luck!
Tenya: A private sch— ahem. I’m from Soumei Junior High School. The name’s Iida Tenya.
Katsuki: Soumei!? Well aren’t you an elite. Seems I’ve got a reason to fucking end you after all!
Tenya(shocked and maybe disgusted): What nerve! You, want to be a hero!?
[Iida Tenya spots Izuku]
Tenya: Hello, I’m Iida Tenya from Soumei—
Izuku: Oh yeah, haha, I overheard. Uhh… I’m Midoriya, nice to meet you, Iida.
Tenya: Midoriya, I must hand it to you. You divined the actual nature of the practical skills exam, didn’t you? I… was blind to iy! And I completel misread you! I hate to admit it, but you were the better man!
Izuku(Thinking): But… I didn’t realize it either.
Katsuki: Deku…
[Uraraka Ochako walks through the classroom doors]
Ochako: Ah! It’s you! Curly-haired kid! Glad I found you!
Izuku(thinking): It’s her! The nice girl! She looks amazing in her school grab!
Ochako: You made it, just like Present Mic said! Yay, go you! By the way, that punch was outta this world!
Izuku: No, it’s not like that, uhh, that is to say, it was really all thanks to you speaking on my behalf… I… uh…”
Ochako: Eh!? How did you know about that!?
[Bakugou having a dramatic flashback]
Teacher: This means that two kids from our middle school go into UA. Two! And Midoriya’s acceptance in particular is a miracle upon miracles!
[Bakugou and Izuku behind the school]
[Bakugou is holding onto izuku's uniform]
Katsuki: What dirty goddamn tick did you use to pass the exam, shithead!? I was supposed to be the first to enter UA from here. Me alone! You ripped my future glory to pieces and pissed all over it! I told you to go someplace else, fuckmunch!
[Izuku putting his hand on Bakugou’s arm to stop him]
Izuku: Someone… finally acknowledges me. Tey told me I could become a hero! Kacchan, I’ve won the right! You can’t stop me! I’m headed to UA!
[Flashback ends]
Bakugou(thinking): That [athetic rat actually put up a fight! There can’t not be a flipside to this.
Ochako: I wonder if today’s the ceremony? Or is it the guidance counselor stuff today? Oh, that the teacher, what’ll they be like? I’m so anxious, like wow!
[Aizawa in his sleeping bag on the floor like a homeless man]
Shouta: If you’re gonna be hunting for buddies, do it elsewhere. This is…
[Aizawa proceeds to pull out a jelly pouch and suck the life from it]
Shouta: of heroics!
Class A(collectively): Who the hell… is this guy!?
[Aizawa getting out of his sleeping bag]
Shouta: Hmm, it took you lot 8 seconds to quiet down. Life is short, kids. You’re all lacking in common sense.
Class A(collectively): Sensei!?
Izuku(muttering): So he must he a pro hero, too, huh…?
Izuku(Thinking): But… I’ve never heard of him. He looks washed-up…
Shouta: I’m your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta. Pleasure meeting you.
Class A(collectively): Our homeroom teacher!?
[Aizawa pulls out the UA gym uniform]
Shouta: Put these on, immediately and then shove off to the P.E. grounds. 
[Small Might appears on screen]
Small Might: UA’s system is aberrant… depending on the homeroom teacher, even today they might…
[class 1-A on the field]
Class 1-A: A quirk apprehension test!?
Ochako: But what about the ceremony!? And the guidance counselor meeting!?
Shouta: If you want to be heroes, we don’t have timefor frilly niceties. You all understand the school’s reputation for freedom on campus. Well, that “freedom” goes for us senseis, too.
Shouta: Softball pitch. Standing long jumps. 50 meter dash. Endurance running. Grip strength test. Sustain side ways jups. Upperbody excise. Seated toe touch. Those are all activities you know from middle school, naturally. Physical tests where you were barred from using your quirks.
Shouta: The country still hasn’t gotten around to standardizing those sorts of records or keeping track of average performance levels. Well, tht’s negligence on the part of mext.
Shouta: Bakugou, how far could you throw a softball in middle school?
Katsuki: 67 meters.
Shouta: Try using your quirk this time around. As long as you don’t exit the circle, anything you do is fine. Don’t hold back.
[Bakugou winding up.]
Katsuki: You got it.
[throws the ball]
Katsuki: Die!
[Everyone is shocked]
Shouta: Before anything else, one must know what they’re capable of. This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your “hero foundation”.
[Shouta shows the meter counter, it’s at 705.2]
Unknown: Awesome!That looks so fun!
Unknown: 705 meters!? Unreal!
Unknown: We can really use your quirks now!? That’s the department of heroics for you!
Izuku(thinking): Uh-ho this is bad… 8 trails? This is all so sudden!
Shouta: It looks fun… you say?
Shouta: So you were planning to spend your three years here having a good ol’ time? What happened to becoming heroes? 
Shouta: All tight then, in that case, new rule: the student who ranks last in total points will be judged “hopeless” an instantly expelled.
Izuku(thinking): Whaaaa!? Seriously!?What am I going to do!?
[Small Might appears again]
Small Might: So they’ve got Aizawa, huh…
Small Might(thinking): Oh brother, they’re really in for it with this guy.
[The panel shows Aizawa’s file. On it, it reads: “Aizawa Shouta” “Codename: The erasing hero” “Name: Eraserhead” “Total number of expulsions: 154.” “Homeroom teacher of: class 1-A”]
[Back to Izuku]
Izuku: I’m still at all-or-nothing mode! I can’t adjust yet!
Shouta: Our “freedom” means we dispense with students as we please! Welcome to… the department of heroics!
Izuku(Narrating): My first day turned into a huge ordeal! What do I do!?
0 notes
thenovelartist · 3 years
I don’t know if requests are open since it doesn’t say, if not please ignore this! But can I request hcs with the TOT boys with a motherly S/O? Maybe bonus points if they work at an orphanage as a second job? Tysm tysm 💗💗
So, requests are kinda just perpetually open, and I get to them when I get to them.😆 Hence why this is about a month late…
Luke is… used to it.
Because, well… being as close as they are, if she’s motherly, he ends up being the “dad.”
He’s lost track of how many kids think he and MC should get married.
Don’t get him wrong, though. For all the embarrassment he feels over being the “dad” to MC’s “mom”, he actually really likes it.
He wishes that they could actually prove them all right and make it happen.
Because MC is very caring and loving and doting, she’s great at making people feel safe and protected. And he loves that about her.
Has daydreamed more than once about what kind of mother she’d be if they ever had kids of their own. It kept him going in the eight years he spent away from her.
Vyn finds it rather endearing.
He likes watching her interact with children, because she has a soft, comforting side that makes them feel at ease.
She’s able to make them open up by reaching them in ways Vyn couldn’t.
She can also do the same with some adults, presenting an aura of safety and security.
And he likes watching her give that to people.
However, he’s concerned, because she is very motherly and willing to give so much. And the last thing he wants is to give all of herself away just because she cares.
So while he does find it endearing, he’s going to be there to make sure she cares for herself, too. Because she can’t help others if she has nothing left of herself.
Artem loves it.
He already spends time visiting the kids at the orphanage and helping out there when he can. But watching MC totally mother these kids?
He literally could not fall harder.
He also likes watching her interact with people in general. She’s very protective over victims, like a mom watching over her kids. And sometimes, the victims need that reassurance, something Artem would never be able to give.
He could not be happier to have her as his partner. She brings a softer edge to the table, which can be quite the asset for them at times.
And he likes her caring side, in general.
If this man’s knee doesn’t hit the floor soon, I’ll bang my head into the wall. (So will Celestine.)
Marius has complicated feelings towards it.
Because with all the boys, she’ll sometimes mother them in making sure they’re caring for themselves and whatnot. But with Marius, she full on smother-mothers him.
This goes beyond caring for him. This is she makes and brings him lunches, pats his check, and tells him to have a good day like a mom sending her kid off to school.
And Marius’ problem is that since he never had a mom, he loves this attention in ways you would not believe while also feeling depressed because he wants her to see him as a capable man.
He struggles coming to terms with it.
In the end, his assistant suggests Marius just talk to her about it. So Marius is determined to actually stand tall and proud like a man.
And the conversation ends with him being hugged like a toddler and loving every minute of it.
All Together
Group Mom
Brings lunches and snacks and makes sure everyone is getting enough sleep.
Gives out head pats (or shoulder pats). Which soon become the envy of the office.
This soon turns into four grown men subtly vying for her attention.
Which eventually becomes no so subtle to Miss Motherly Rosa.
Those constant pissing matches that occur when the four of them get together? Yeeeeah, MC would have none of that.
Imagine 4 little boys trying to get mom to tell them that they’re the favorite child.
It’s like that… all the time.
Eventually, she has to put her foot down and threaten to put them all in time-out if they don’t stop.
And one time, she actually did set up a chair in each of the four corners and threatened to force them into the seats if they didn’t behave.
It was a very quiet meeting after that. It was quite pleasant.
145 notes · View notes
voreconnoisseur · 4 years
Ok but I need more Obey me vore- could you do some protective/possessive vore with the brothers? (And if you want the undate-ables to)
Yeeeeah babey this ones protective AND possessive! But for some of these asks I’m gonna be doing one bro per ask, with a long post, so hope you enjoy Mammon!
Getting in Trouble - High Stakes!
“Alright, listen up, human, ‘cause I’m only gonna tell you this once. If you’re gonna come with me, you have to stay hidden.”
As soon as you’d found out about the underground casino, you knew Mammon had to know about it. It practically had his name written all over it. And ever since, you’d been begging him to take you with you. He’d refused, initially, saying that it was dangerous... until your ordered him to take you with him. And then, of course, he’d reluctantly agreed.
“If any of them see you, it’s gonna be a mess. They’ll be all over me trying to get their hands on ya. And let me tell you, it is a TOUGH crowd there.”
You nodded enthusiastically. The main reason you wanted to go was because you knew you’d see Mammon at his peak. He was good at this sort of thing, despite what one might think with his tendency to overspend. You wanted to see how he played when the stakes were high!
And oh boy, were stakes going to get high.
Mammon had headed straight for the blackjack table. Peering from the pocket of his jacket, you couldn’t quite see the cards he’d been dealt. You could only hear and feel his reactions as he played. And from the sound of it, things weren’t going so well for him.
“Stand,” you heard him say, hesitantly. You saw the dealer flip his cards over... he had 21.
“...Dealer wins.”
Mammon heaved a sigh, knocking you over inside his pocket in the process.
“Guess I’m out. I don’t have anything else to bet.”
The dealer spoke again, and the words that came out of his mouth sent a chill down your spine.
“The human in your pocket. I’ll bet everything you lost tonight if you put the human on the line, too.”
You could feel Mammon freeze.
“Eh—what’d you say?”
“The human. In. Your pocket. Why’d you bring it if not as a bargaining chip?”
There was a worrying silence. Surely, he would never—
“Fine. I’ll do it.”
Of course. Of course he’d try to get his money back at any cost. Of course Mammon would do that. You could imagine the *ka-ching* in his eyes.
You squirmed against Mammon’s hand as he grabbed you roughly and pulled you out from your hiding place, setting you down on the blackjack table.
“Mammon, why—“
Mammon put a giant finger to your lips—then brought it to his own; the symbol for quiet. You suddenly remembered your pact with him. You could stop him at any point and he knew it. Perhaps he had something planned...
You sat on the table, hungry gazes of the dealer and a few other demons watching burning into you. Your heart pounded—if something did happen, could Mammon protect you?
Now, with the full table in view, you could watch everything that happened. Mammon had a determined look on his face—a confident one.
The intensity just kept building as they played. A push. ANOTHER push. And now, with low value cards, Mammon was taking hits again and again.
You looked up at Mammon, whose eyes had previously been on his cards. Now he was focused directly at you. You could see sweat beginning to bead on his face, and yours probably didn’t look too different. But for just a split second, Mammon winked at you.
You’d come up with a secret sign a while ago at the House of Lamentation. It meant “cause a distraction.” Usually to prevent the other brothers from noticing something that would otherwise cause... problems. Right now, he was trying to tell you to do the same here.
“Hit me.”
As soon as the dealer started to flip the next card, you began to kick up a fuss. You screamed, cried, hyperventilated—and it worked. A few other demons came over to investigate. Even the dealer’s eyes left the cards for a second.
“Shut up down there,” he said, glaring over at you.
And that’s when Mammon swapped the new card for one he’d hidden in his sleeve.
To your surprise and relief, (and unlike many of Mammon’s plans) it worked. He’d swapped the card with a card that would give him exactly 21, and he’d done so before the dealer had even had a good look at it.
The dealer was forced to take another card and ended up busting. Mammon grinned, sliding all of the stacks of Grimm back into his bag, and snatching you from the table.
“Welp, better luck next time! Thanks for the refund~”
As he headed toward the exit, you scolded him.
“Mammon! That was really risky! I could’ve been that guy’s lunch! And what if he saw you cheat??”
“Aww, relax, Y/N. I would’ve just grabbed you and ran if it came to it. But then I wouldn’t be allowed back. Besides, the guy was TOTALLY cheatin’ even worse than me. He had the deck stacked. Or something like that.”
“...Come on. Like I would ever let MY human get taken by this random asshole.”
“Okay. I forgive you. But can we get out of here?”
“I’m already on it.”
You could see from your spot that Mammon was heading to the door, but. Uh oh.
“Don’t look now, but that guy doesn’t look happy with you.”
A demon who looked like some kind of bouncer, or bodyguard, or... henchman was blocking Mammon from leaving. His arms were crossed, showing off his rather beefy biceps. You could hear, additionally, someone approaching Mammon from behind. He turned to look and you saw him: the dealer from before.
“Hand over the human, cheater.”
Mammon froze, and you could feel him gulp.
“Wh-what are ya talkin about? I won completely fair and square!”
“Oh yeah? Then what’s this?”
The demon held up a card.
“Found it under your chair. You should’ve lost that round, but you got rid of it, didn’t you? Now. Hand it over, and I’ll even let you keep the rest of your shit. Otherwise...”
He slowly slid his index finger across his throat.
With a lightning fast motion, Mammon turned away, snatched you from his pocket, slid you INTO HIS MOUTH—
And turned back. He spoke, and his somewhat muffled works vibrates around you as you sat in the pocket of his cheek, saliva pooling around you.
“About thaft—shorry, but tat human wash my lunch today, sho no can do!”
You squirmed, kicking Mammon in the teeth, and instinctively he put his hand to his face, pressing against you in your fleshy pocket.
“Yeah right. It’s in your mouth. Spit it out.”
With an abrupt motion, you were sucked back out from Mammon’s cheek, and brought back into his tongue. It ran over you a few times, almost hesitantly, before you felt his head tilt back and...
He swallowed.
You were pulled downward, legs first, into Mammon’s throat, which then squeezed and squashed you downward. As soon as the pressure let up, you gasped, splashing downward, hearing Mammon sigh in relief along with you. Where you were now—his stomach, was glowing a faint gold in some spots, giving you a good look at your surroundings. It was roomier than one might think, rippled and moving and alive...
You snapped back to reality as you heard him speak again.
“Like I said, no can do! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m outta here.”
“Yeah, no. Get him.”
Your world lurched as Mammon broke into a sprint. You weren’t too worried about his situation—Mammon’s true strength was his speed, so he’d be able to get the two himself out of this. You waited it out somewhat uncomfortably as you were tossed about (at least your surroundings were squishy) for what felt like hours but was probably more like a few minutes. Eventually, you stopped being tossed around and Mammon slowed to a jog, panting, before stopping.
“Phew. Think we lost ‘em.”
You could feel something poke you from the outside.
“Y/N? Ya doin’ alright in there?”
Now, to deal with the situation at hand.
“Mammon, why did you eat me?”
“Cause I sure as hell wasn’t gonna let those guys eat you! Listen, if anyone is gonna eat MY human, it’s gotta be me.”
The golden glow intensified around you. It must have something to do with his sin, you thought, based on how it glowed while he spoke.
“Mmhm. But if you were just going to run away anyway, you could’ve left me in your pocket, stupid.” You gave a playful kick to the spot you knew Mammon’s Hans was resting. You felt a rough jab in your general direction in response.
“Er, well—You know what? How about I just leave you there and digest you!? Yeah, that’ll show you. In fact, MAYBE that’s what I was gonna do all along!”
“Yeah, well, you keep forgetting I have a pact with you. So all I would have to do is tell you to spit me out.”
“...but you know what? I’m pretty comfy. I think I don’t mind staying here for a little while while we get home.”
You could tell he was pleased, because the ripples of his stomach glowed warmly. You let yourself sink into the folds and sighed.
“Where are we, anyway? I can’t see anything in here...”
“That’s a great question.”
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The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 53 - Crusader
Gertrude: Sergeant Walter Heller recording, regarding a discovery made near Alexandria during Operation Crusader in November of 1941.
It's maybe a little cheesy, but I enjoy the dual meaning of this episode's title (it happens during Operation Crusader and also there is a corpse in crusader garb). I also find it interesting that here we have a war story (a pretty gruesome one, too), the perfect place for the Slaughter, but this statement actually ends up being about the Eye.
From somewhere far beyond the grate, as the setting sun fell on it, came the glint of something round and white. - Statement of Walter Heller
Is he literally seeing a large eye?
It was there, in a small alcove carved into the wall, that I saw what had caught the light. It was an old papyrus scroll lying amongst the shattered remnants of this case.
Okay, but papyrus doesn't glint, though. I'm sticking with my eye theory.
His eyes were gone, but rather than simply decaying into nothingness, there were ragged scratches around the edge of the socket, leaving messy, hollow pits.
Wait a minute, did the corpse in question try (and perhaps fail) to stop the Eye's effects by blinding himself like Melanie later does?
There was no light to see it, I can’t explain it, even really describe how it felt, but it was absolute darkness and I could still see. At the same time I suddenly got the most intense feeling of being watched, like a thousand eyes turned to me at once.
If you can see them ... well, they can DEFINITELY SEE YOU!
From within its huge, flowing hood I could see nothing except a single lidless eye.
How did that particular Archivist turn into THIS? Failed attempt at the Watcher's Crown? Is this just what eventually happens to people that are too close to the Eye if they don't die, body-hop or successfully perform a Ritual?
Gertrude: The bronze grate over the entrance to the archive. Did you replace it when you fled?
Huh, so was that grate actually imbued with enough power to keep things locked away? How so?
Gertrude: One other thing. That feeling of being watched. Have you ever had it since? Walter: Well, I wasn’t sure when to say anything, but yes. I have just now. That funny turn I took on the way down the stairs, I felt it again. All those eyes watching me.
There’s even one unnamed contemporary historian that describes the mob attacking the Serapeum not as Christians, but using a phrase which roughly translates as “those who sing the night”.
Worshippers of the Dark, then?
Jon: Another archive, an earlier version. Am I just part of a chain? A long, unending string of people who call themselves “the archivist” stretching back to…
Jon's having an existential crisis already and he doesn't even know the first thing about what being the Archivist actually MEANS.
Martin: I just worry. You needed five stitches after you “accidentally” stabbed yourself with the bread knife. If you’re still claiming that’s what happened–
Yeeeeah, Jon, bad way to explain away the stabbing wound you got from Michael if you DON'T want people to conclude that you self-harm...
But I’ve found a news article from March 1998, six months after the statement was taken. It reports an explosion in Alexandria which destroyed several buildings in the vicinity of Pompey’s Pillar and killed 17 people. Official investigation determined it to be a gas mains explosion, but… I wonder. Gertrude Robinson is not who I thought she was.
I like "Gertrude Robinson is not who I thought she was" in response to the conclusion that she may possibly have blown shit up a lot more often than one would expect from an elderly librarian type.
My impression of this episode
First of all, the actor they chose for the statement giver here is notable. He actually does have the perfect voice for an old guy telling a war story, but his intonation and the specific way he stumbles over words aren't the signs of someone telling a story off-hand (as is the case in the fiction) but the signs of someone reading a text out loud (as he is very much doing in real life). I found that a bit distracting. As for the actual statement, I didn't find it all that memorable on my first listen. It's basically just "war story - horrible monstrosity unrelated to war story - end". BUT in hindsight, after knowing more about the Archive and the Archivist, this story takes on a whole different tone and becomes a lot more fascinating. I now want to know more about this old, defunct archive and what exactly happened to it. I won't, but I want to.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Hey There, Demons - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You, drummer for the Spooky Kids, aka the Dumbass Idiots, decide with the band to go ghost hunting in LA one night after a show. Bad idea for the most part, good idea for the sole reason of finally putting you and Manson together in a dark room. Feelings? What are those? 
Notes: Spooky Kids era! I’ve been watching a lot of Buzzfeed Unsolved, so here you go. Also features a bit of Twiggy x Pogo for good measure. 
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"I don't believe in ghosts."
You toss a napkin at Brian. "Poser." You're all sitting in an airport, waiting for your flight from Jacksonville to Los Angeles for a show tonight.
He grins. "Nah. I'm just bullshitting, of course I do. I mean, I've never seen one, other than that whole Necronomicon thing when I was a kid, but half of me thinks that was from drinking bong water.” 
“Yeah. Well. Imagination is a beautiful thing." 
He licks his lips. "Especially when I'm jacking off."
"Gross," you mutter.
"That's not what you said last night."
"You wish," you huff.
"Cool it you two, we all know you're banging," Pogo calls out, and starts making high pitched moaning noises. You (and everyone else in the band) looks at the keyboardist, wondering if it'd attract even more attention to tape his mouth shut. "Ah! Ah! Ah!”
Jeordie joins in. “Oh, god! Oh, Brian! Yes! What a big dick you have!"
"All the better to fuck you with," Brian plays along. Jeordie climbs into Brian’s lap.
"Stop it, big boy, you're turning me on!"
"I don't sound like that," you mutter.
"Ohhh yeeeeah," Jeordie groans out a climax, and Daisy scoffs, slipping on his sunglasses to avoid the odd stares you're getting.
"I'll have what he's having."
"Unless... Brian is the one taking it," Pogo muses, "That's possible." He drops his voice. "Mmmm. Bette, make me your bitch!"
"Yeah, I just love it when (y/n) gets the strap on out and destroys my ass," Brian grumbles. You blush a little, but hide it under a laugh.
"Again. You wish."
“Am I the only one who finds it very hard to believe (y/n) would put out for Bri?” Jeordie asks. It’s Brian’s turn to toss something at his best friend.
“We all know if she had good taste in men, she’d be fucking me already.”
You hold up three fingers. “Read between the lines.”
You and Brian had been skirting around one another since you had joined the band. You had known Jeordie since working at a crappy part time job at a used record shop with him, and had met the others when Brian had moved to Florida from Ohio, which was a few years ago. They had gotten this band together with another drummer who called himself Sarah Lee Lucas.
Recently, Sarah had left the band to pursue something else, and since banging on things with sticks isn't too hard in your books, you convinced the Spooky Kids to hand you the drumsticks as the newly christened member, Bette Davis x Jeffery Dahmer: Bette Dahmer. It hadn't been easy to convince them to let a girl in, since they’re all a bunch of juvenile assholes, but with Jeordie backing you, eventually they caved.
"Back to the matter at hand," Brian says.
"Hand job," Jeordie giggles, picking a scab off. He pouts as it bleeds.
"Later," Brian quips, standing on a chair. You tug him down before a security guard can do it, and he falls on his ass. "Ow, fuck you."
"That's what anal feels like," you say.
"You would know Bets, you probably take it up the ass from fifty guys at a time, ya fuckin whore," Pogo laughs.
"Stephen, Jesus," Daisy chuckles a little. Pogo has zero filter, and sometimes it's refreshing, sometimes it's annoying. You take your wad of gum out, balling it up, and use your hair elastic to slingshot it right in his face. The guy just picks it up and pops it in his mouth.
"You're fucking disgusting, man."
"Eat shit and die." Pogo gives you all the finger, and Jeordie speaks up, laying his head in your lap and stretching out over the airport seats.
"Someone said something about ghosts. I like ghosts. Space ghosts."
"Yes!" Brian brings it back. "Thank you Jeordie, back on track. We are all going ghost hunting tonight, after the show."
"Who died and made you god?" Pogo asks.
"God did," Brian snapped. "And when I'm god everyone dies."
"That's profound, poetry-man," you smirk, crossing your arms, "Got any more emo shit to say before Scott gives every reason why we shouldn't break into some haunted building tonight with video cameras?"
"Who has a video camera?" Jeordie asks, wide eyed, "I wanna see how big my dick looks on screen."
"It looks just like your namesake," Brian says. "Twiggy." Jeordie looks crestfallen.
"It's not that small," you assure him, "It's average, but not small."
"Yeah. I'd let you have a go, if you weren’t..." You smirk, alluding to the crush Jeordie had on another band member. He goes red.
"If Brian wasn't already balls deep in that," Pogo chides.
"I bet your dick looks like a pickle," you shoot back, sticking your tongue out.
"Wanna check?"
"Okay," Daisy blushes, standing up, "Just cause we're a band, doesn't mean we need to have an orgy."
"What was the point, then?" you joke.
"Anyway. Like Bette said, I really don't think we should be doing this tonight. If we get arrested for trespassing, what'll that do to the band?"
Brian crosses his arms. "Well I'm the leader, and I say it'd give us a cool reputation!”
"Right. Members of the Marilyn Manson family get arrested for... what, looking for ghosts? What a hardcore group of people.”
"We can tell the press we killed someone. Besides, this is the type of shit we’re supposed to do as a metal band. We gotta do dumb, risky things that make us look like bonified Satanists. Otherwise we’re just posers like the rest of ‘em.”
“No, we just have to go on a couple benders in hotel rooms with some blow and a couple tatted up prostitutes, and we’ll fit in.”
“Look, we can do cocaine off girls’ tits and go ghost hunting and still be rock stars, so shut the fuck up Berkowitz, we're doing it," Brian says. Daisy puts his hands up, unwilling to argue with him any more than he already has. So, it’s settled.
You bump your foot against Brian's, and he gives a lopsided smile, brushing the long black hair out of his face and bumping your foot back. Momentarily, his attention is diverted.
"Will someone go get Jeordie? He's pissing in the water fountain."
You look out at the crowd. This is a bigger audience than usual here in LA.
“Lots of motherfuckers came out to see us,” Bri comes by to whisper at you, parting his hair and making sure his lipstick is nice and smeared. You nod, and toss him his big floppy top hat. He sticks it on his head as you’re introduced.
“All the way from the South Florida music scene, we’ve got Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids!”
Jeordie starts the first song, Negative Three, off with a bassline intro, and you start the band off with a four count on your drumsticks, then hit the drums as Brian begins to wail into the mic.
“Give me your blood, your teeth, your high school pictures...”
You watch him, not skipping a beat on your rhythm. Daisy headbangs as you launch into the chorus, and Twiggy fiddles with his bass guitar across the stage, dressed in one of his ragdoll dresses. Pogo is to the right of you, hammering away at his keys and jolting around. You always have a good time performing with the guys, but Brian’s got your attention tonight.
He keeps looking back at you, for some reason.
You almost don’t realize the change in song and the fact that you’d been playing it, and nearly jump when Brian screams into the mic: “I bring you!”
You look away from his shirtless figure, and focus on putting on a good show with them as the crowd moshes in front of you.
After the show, everyone stops back at the motel quickly, drying off and getting changed. You all reconvene after getting into more comfortable clothes, avoid the small group of fans waiting to follow you, and get ready to leave.
“You were great tonight,” Brian says.
“Really? I nearly missed the beginning of Lunchbox,” you huff.
“Nah, I didn’t notice it. If I had, I would’ve yelled at you til you cried.” He gives a shit eating grin.
The Viper Room. The five of you stare at it. The sun has long since set after the show, and you're in front of the LA nightclub with amateur ghost hunting equipment. (AKA, anything you could find at a five and dime store on the sunset strip this late at night).
"River Phoenix died here,” Jeordie mentions.
“And Johnny Depp owns the place," Daisy remarks.
"I know him," Brian says.
"River Phoenix?” Pogo asks, stroking his beard. “Yeah? You climb into his grave often?"
"Depp, I know Johnny Depp."
"If you know Johnny Depp, then Twiggy's Luke Skywalker," Pogo scoffs.
"Like my father before me," Twiggy mumbles. 
"No, I know him! I was an extra on his show, 21 Jump Street. He's cool, we're friends."
Even Jeordie snickers at that, after emerging from his Star Wars fantasy. "Fuck you guys," Brian mutters, "If Johnny was here right now--"
"Oh, you're on a first name basis, huh?"
"If Johnny was here right now, you fucking clown asshole, he'd say hi Brian, and tell you to go fuck yourself."
"He'd say ‘hi Brian’?" you tease, and he smiles.
"Yes, he would. He's nice."
“Would he like me?”
“Anyone would like you.”
"Does he think this place is haunted?"
"I don't know," the singer hums, "I never asked."
You pick the lock, all enter, and shut the door behind you. It's pitch black, and frankly a little nerve-wracking.
"We shouldn't be here," Daisy sing songs.
"One more word out of you and we're feeding you to the ghosts," Pogo says.
"The same could be said for you," you say to the keyboardist. He shoots a dirty look your way that you can't see through the dark. "I did some reading,” you admit, and everyone turns to you. “Apparently there’s a body buried downstairs, in the crawlspace.”
“Johnny’s a killer,” Jeordie whispers in awe.
“That’s fucking rad,” Brian mutters, “I have even more respect for the guy now.”
“It wasn’t Johnny, don’t say that shit out loud in Hollywood or you’ll get sued,” you say, rolling your eyes. “So aside from the bones, the ghostly activity is downstairs in the basement, the VIP room, and by the bar.”
"I know where I'll be," Jeordie smiles, and walks over to the bar. "Pour me a stiff one River, and don't spare the rum."
Pogo sighs. "C'mon, Daisy. The odd couple are going down to the basement."
"Uh, now I think I should be the one to stay at the bar." Daisy shakes his head. "If Jeordie does, we'll have smashed bottles and cop sirens."
"Fine," Jeordie complains, shoving his red and black dreads out of his face.  
“Whatever, dude. It’s just a bunch of bullshit anyway,” Pogo mutters, “It’s like Santa Clause, parents invent ghosts and all that shit to scare kids into behaving themselves, the ever present fascism of the oppressed American youth...” Jeordie follows the ranting keyboardist downstairs, shooting you a desperate look. You just smile, giving a little good luck wave.  
“That leaves you and me in the VIP room,” you say, turning to Brian.
“That it does,” he replies, licking his lip ring. “Just don’t try to hold my hand. That’s sick.”
“If you touch me, I’ll scream,” you retort, and walk ahead of him. He admires your ass with the flashlight, and you smile a little.
Downstairs in the basement, Pogo starts banging on the walls.
“Hello! My friends, my ghoulish friends! My... ghoulfriends, if you will. ANYONE WHO’S GOT THEIR BONES BURIED BACK HERE, MAKE A NOISE! Fart or something!” He swings his arms around.  
“Did Johnny Depp kill you?” Jeordie asks, eyes wide. He twitches at a car honk outside.
Pogo bounces up and down. “Come attack me, bones! Make me one of you! Come on, murder me and bury me, daddy! I’m into that kinky shit! I am here for the taking!”
“That sounds a little forceful,” Jeordie whispers.
“On my part, or their part?” Silence.
“Good point.”  
They keep walking around, and Jeordie trips on something. Pogo keeps banging and yelling obnoxiously. “GOBLINS, GHOULIES, FROM LAST HALLOWEEN! AWAKEN THE SPIRITS WITH YOUR TAMBOR—hey Jeordie, what the fuck are you doing on the ground?”
“I just like the taste of carpet,” Jeordie retorts, sarcasm apparently not evident enough for Pogo to catch it.  
“Jesus, what are you on? I want some.”  
“Help me up?”  
“Yeah, yeah,” the mad clown mutters, and leans down. Jeordie takes his arm, and the two look at each other for a few seconds, the flashlight beneath them illuminating the specks of dust floating through the inch or so between their faces. “Uh...” Pogo whispers, deep voice grumbling.
“Yeah,” Jeordie swallows, and the two stand again, looking away from one another.
Upstairs, you and Brian enter the VIP room.
“Hey there demons, it’s me. Marilyn Manson,” he says, “This is my concubine, Bette Dahmer. Scare us.”  
You glare at him. “Actually, scare me. You can just kill him.” The two of you look around with the flashlight a bit, inspecting the dark wallpaper and decor.
“This is kinda spooky,” Brian admits.
“It’s nice,” you say, stroking the dust off a lamp, “Very gothic. I can see why movie stars like this place.”
“Yeah.” Brian turns the flashlight on and off, finally setting it on a small table and letting the beam keep the room dimly lit. “Lots of old Hollywood glamour. You’d fit right in.”
“Yeah, you’d look pretty in an old Marilyn Monroe dress. Or at least one of Jeordie’s.”  
“What if Marilyn Monroe came here?” you giggle.
“Hey, Mar! Thanks for the name!” Brian calls, “If we get rich and famous, we’ll give you the royalties!” You lounge out on one of the couches, and he eyes you. “You could be sitting on a ghost right now,” he says, “You could have a ghost inside you.”
“You could be sitting right on his big ghost cock.”
“That’s hot.”
“You could have me inside you too, if you wanted.”
“Y’know, I think we’ve been on the road too long,” you laugh, “Pogo’s jokes are getting to you.”
“It’s not the jokes.”
“Yeah, well. If I’m starting to look hot to you, you must be delirious.”
“Nah... I really do think you’re hot, Bets.”
He sits next to you, and you look over at him. “Seriously?”
He ducks his head. “Yeah.”
“I... feel the same way. I mean, I was never ever gonna tell you, cause soon, with any luck, we’ll be big rock and roll stars, and you-- well, you know how it works. You’ll have a million groupies, you’ll be drowning in free pussy.”
“Fuck the groupies. I want your pussy.”
You laugh. “You say that now.”
“Yeah, I do. Til someone better comes along, which I doubt will happen.” He lifts his eyes to meet yours. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all night. It was weird onstage—usually I can hide it, but tonight... I don’t know. You sitting there, in that top, with your eyes... you were just...” He looks down again, his old shyness coming back. You don’t know what to say. You can only stare at his lips.
Over at the bar, Daisy sits patiently, watching the glass he’s set on a napkin. “Hello, ghosts. It’s me, Scott. You can call me Daisy if you like. If you can hear me, move the cup.”
He stares at the cup. The cup does not move.
Downstairs, Pogo and Twiggy are awkwardly trying to continue their ghost hunt without talking about the moment they just had.
“So, uh, so ghoulies. Where ya from?” Pogo shouts. “Is SATAN in the room with us? We are BIG FANS, sir.” Jeordie starts giggling about something. “What is it?!”
“I just heard a bang above us.”
“That means the demons have come out to play, Jeordie-boy!” Pogo cackles, hopping up on a booth seat and drumming the ceiling.
“No. It means Bette and Manson are screwing around,” Twigs laughs. Then his face gets dead serious. “What if, uh...”
“What if what?” Pogo glances over suspiciously.
“What if... they weren’t the only ones?”
You gasp, standing up and staring at the shattered lamp that had just fallen off the table. “Oh my god. That wasn’t me.”
“Wasn’t me.”
“They’re totally gonna think we’re screwing around up here.”
“Maybe we are,” Brian gets up too, tucking his hair behind his ear.
“Y-you wanna?” you back up. He nods, and falls on top of you on the other couch.
At the bar, Daisy sits, staring at the cup. He patters his fingers on his knees. “It’s okay, ghosts,” he says, smiling politely, “I can wait.”
He stares at it some more. The cup does not move.
In the room, you reach your hand up Brian’s back underneath his black t-shirt. “Fuck, I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“Shut up and take my pants off.”
“Don’t tell me to shut up. Take your own pants o... ohhh, god, yeah.” Brian reaches up to massage your breasts, and you throw your head back, undoing his fly.  “How long have you wanted to do this?”
“Since the day I walked into the dumb record shop and stole that David Bowie EP.”
“What the fuck?! I got fired for that!”
Downstairs, Pogo runs a hand over his smooth bald head. “I don’t know, man. This sounds very gay to me.”
“I mean,” Jeordie scuffs his shoe on the ground, “It doesn’t have to be. Or like, it could be. If you’re cool with that.”
“If I’m cool with being a homo?”
Pogo looks up at Jeordie, and sighs. “For you?” He glances around the dark, creepy basement, then back to the bassist. “I could be cool with that.”
Daisy changes tactics. “Here. Don’t like moving cups? That’s okay, neither do I sometimes. Let’s try this again.” He smiles. “What’s your name?”
“Oh, god... Brian!” you moan from the VIP room.
“Br... Brian!” Daisy says, excitedly, standing up. “You have the same name as my friend! Oh god... okay, um... how did you die, Brian?”
“Get inside me,” you groan, and Brian takes his boxers down, kissing you as he sinks into your tight heat. The two of you moan, base instincts taking over.
“In... inside you?!” Daisy repeats, eyes lighting up at the apparent paranormal activity he’s discovered. “Oh! You died from an overdose, just like River, didn’t you? You had too many narcotics inside you!”
Downstairs, Pogo steps forward, and swallows. Jeordie closes his eyes, and waits. Suddenly, a car screeches through a red light outside, and Jeordie practically jumps into Pogo’s arms, forcing the two together at the lips. Pogo’s eyes fly open, and Jeordie’s close again, enjoying the kiss. They break away, and stare at one another. Pogo swears, and goes in for another kiss.
“Harder,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around the singer’s neck. He pushes his hips in faster.
“You like it rough, sweetheart?”
“Yeah Bri, I like it rough, yeah...”
He reaches down, finding your sweet spot. You arch into him, scratching your nails up his slender back. He keeps pounding into you, and grunts into your neck.
“Baby, baby, baby...”
“Do you have a message for me, or for any members of our band?” Daisy asks, and lowers his voice conspiratorially. “You know... some insider’s industry tips?” He winks.
“Goood, you’re so fucking good!”
Daisy raises his eyebrows. “I... well thank you! Thank you very much, we really try to reach people with our music.”
“What the fuck are you blabbering about?” Pogo mutters on the stairs, wiping Twiggy’s lipstick off his chin. Daisy beckons them over.
“Shhh! Watch this. I’m sorry I ever doubted you guys... the spirits are so active in this place! Forget making records. We could be mediums!” Jeordie joined Pogo over by the bar as Daisy went on. “Okay—if you’re here with us now, give us a sign.”
There’s a loud bang, followed by a creak and a faint gasp. Jeordie and Pogo look at one another, actually a little bit freaked out by the response. Then comes the “communication.”
“I’m coming, oh-- I’m coming!”
“Where?!” Daisy cries, “Show yourself, come!” Pogo sighs, and Jeordie falls to the floor, laughing.
“I think they already did, pal.” The keyboardist raises his painted on eyebrows, and points to the VIP room. You stumble out, hair messed to hell, and Brian comes out behind you, buckling up his belt. Daisy stares at the two of you for the longest time, before getting up and walking toward the door.
The rest of you go to walk out, deeming the place a paranormal dud, when a gust of wind blows behind you. Brian’s about to turn around, accusing Jeordie of leaving a window open or something, but there’s nothing there. Then, everything happens at once. Daisy’s cup tips over the side of the counter and shatters. The door to the VIP room slams shut, and you all start to hear thumping footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement.  
You and Brian grab at each other, running out first while laughing. Pogo shoves Jeordie over and bolts out. A few seconds later, he runs back in, grabbing the bassist by the hand and dragging him out too. Daisy stays, getting out the video camera. Brian walks back in, guiding the guitarist out calmly, and closes the club’s front door with a click.
“Hey uh, Bri?” you say, taking his arm. He grunts, putting an arm around you. “Next time you see your friend Johnny Depp... maybe don’t mention that we fucked in his haunted club. Kay?”
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 96 Xs1) "Met Some Friends at A Rock Show"
@creatureofthen1ght-v3 @lovemythsworld @crystalbaby12 @mgkobsessed @5sosfam1dlover @backoftheroomandnotbelonging
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"WHAT. Are you guys DOOIN'??" Casie stands over top of Luna and Colson.
Her eyebrows are furrowed and lip is snarled as her hand sits cocked on her hip. Peering down at the two adults. They're still wrapped in each other from the night before. On the floor. Shocked but thankfully dressed.....
"Thank You, Period!!" Luna thinks in gratitude of Casie not finding them naked or fucking. "Thank Fuck I'm just off....." Terror suddenly striking. Luna never more appreciative of clothes.
Reaching his long arms out, Colson drags his daughter down with them. Bear hugging her inside of his body. "We liiiive here nooowww...." Colson growls as he tickles her.
Luna smiles as they remind her of the night on the hallway floor with Ashley and Dom.
"I don't wanna live on the floor!!!" Casie shouts as she grins and play fights with her crazy father.
"Tooooo baaaad...." Luna growls now as she joins in on the tickling of the little girl.
It's not long before The Three of them are wrestling, laughing and rolling all over each other and the floor. Only giving up when Casie gasps between giggles that she can't breathe.
Sprawled out across each other, they hold hands and slowly catch their breath together. Hearts and lungs syncing up. Talking about what they wanna do Today. Luna suggests they hit the pool in The Hilton before they head to LA. Colson and Casie are pumped about this idea. He pops into the group chat, telling everyone the plan. They're all game.
With Casie changed into her swimsuit and on the phone with Emma. Luna and Colson quickly getting stoned in the bathroom, amongst other things as they do the same.
Colson can't keep his hands off of Luna as she tries to slip on a black one piece. Playfully swatting at him as he grabs and pulls her in tight for a passionate kiss.
"I fucking love you." He tells her with that beautiful grin before unlocking the door and letting her be.
Colson's Eleven are insane. It doesn't matter where they are... They are so FUCKING loud and obnoxious, EVERYONE knows they're there. Whether they want to know it or not. Even with a kid amongst them, their group should still come with a Warning Sign.
However, Casie is having a blast along with them. So... In all honesty, who gives a FUCK. Swimming around freely, she squeals any time one of The Boys catches her. Sending her sailing into the air and splashing through the water.
Bullet watches from a lounge chair. The rest of the group wrestling and jumping all over each other as he sips on a Hurricane.
The Boys try to make Luna, Sam and Ashleigh their victims too as they dunk and toss The Girls around also. The Three of them fighting back playfully, splashing them furiously with fits of laughter when they fail.
Baze chucks Sam across the pool to her flying Fuck Yooouu. Colson and Benny play Luna Ball. It's kinda like Colson and Pete's Moon Pie... But worse. Throwing her whole body between the two of them for a moment before she manages to wiggle out of Colson's catch. Grabbing a false Rook as salvation, The Asshole dunks her to Benny and Colson's YEEEEAHS!! Luna spitting out a water filled I Hate Yous once she hits the surface. Slim and AJ both attack a terrified Ashleigh. Scooping her up for an equal toss.
The Girls come back fierce, sneaking up on each of The Boys individually. They all have such ADD as they joke and fuck around with each other, they don't see The Girls blatant plan. Using their three bodies together to dunk each one in retaliation. Benny being the hardest, barely going down. Casie and Bullet laugh at each one's surprise and The Girls's struggles.
Chicken is played between Colson&Luna V. Baze&Sam. It's a true battle. Baze is more solid than Colson, where Luna and Sam both know each other's weaknesses. The engaged couple's only advantage being, that this isn't her first time on his shoulders. They know how to move together smoothly. Taking Sam and Baze 2 outta 3.
Luna and Colson snake around each other triumphantly. Holding one another as they float around the pool together, kissing lightly. Rook yelling out CAW!! CAW!! to Luna's laughter and Colson's Shut The Fuck Up.
Climbing out after a bit, Luna sits on the edge of the pool with Ashleigh. Colson eventually swimming up to them. Resting his inked arms on Luna's tattooed thighs. Setting his chin on her wet knee, he beams up at them. Asking What 'Cha Talking About.
"The Roxy and what to do with Case..." Luna answers.
"I told you I'd take care of it." Colson says as he sucks water droplets off of her legs. "What are you doing tonight, Ash?" He asks with his teasing smirk.
Both girls erupting into laughter while shaking their heads. He really is an Asshole sometimes.
"Staying at the LA house with Case since Ashton is in Cleveland. We'll all stay there tonight but we gotta be out by 4P tomorrow for Denver on Saturday..." Ashleigh explains their schedule, always exaggerating their departure time to a notoriously late Colson.
It's Thursday.
"Fuck!!" Luna realizes... "What time is it??" She asks frantically hopping up.
It's 154P. Luna has a phone session at 2P.
Leaning down to kiss Colson. She grabs a robe, calling out Love Yoooouu before she disappears.
Everyone continues to goof off around and inside the pool. Being threatened that they'll be Thrown Out if They Don't Calm Down. Casie's single look being the ONLY thing that tames them.
Colson texts Luna asking what she wants for lunch as they order poolside. Making it back for her turkey BLT and fries just as it's being served.
Everyone eventually tires from the pool. Casie's cold and wants to change. After helping her, Colson redresses Luna's shoulder. He's surprisingly attentive when it comes to His Girls's needs.
Packing up their things. Colson's Eleven finally heads towards The Bus.
Most of them joining the tight burn circle outside of it, exhaling fierce billows of smoke around them. Not that she can't look out the window, but at least they don't HotBox The Bus with Casie in it.
It's a quick hour or so to LA, filled with munchies and stoned jokes. Ashleigh ordering multiple uber's on the way.
Parking up, Don agrees to meet up with them tomorrow. HERE. At 5PM. Okay, Don... He's so EyeRoll Stern. With that Colson's Eleven are on their way home for the night. Or kinda....
Walking through the door, Colson immediately drops his red LV bag. Letting out an exaggerated UUGGGHH with wide arms blocking the frame. Everyone else pushing against him with What The Fucks as they try to get in too. Finally moving, they all make their way inside. Happy to be off The Road. Even for a night.
Everyone bullshits around for a minute in the kitchen, Luna makes sure Hades&Persephone are alive. They are. Winning Colson a dozen sweet kisses. Ashleigh calling for Family Dinner as they begin to disperse.
"No ONE'S going out tonight until we all eat." She says firmly.
Yes Maaaaa's trail behind them. Even with chuckles, they're all thankful for her constant efforts.
"Fuuuuuuuckkk I missed this...." Colson moans.
Luna has him straddled. Taking a slow, smooth ride on his cock. Head back as her long hair tickles his thighs.
"Hm?" She asks as she lifts it to look at him, blue eyes sparkling.
"Your sweet pussy in my fucking bed." He asserts as he holds her hips.
Leaning forward, Luna grabs the side of his neck with her right hand. Left one reaching behind her as her fingers play with his balls. Dropping her hips down low into him, she dips her mouth into his ear as he groans in pleasure.
"Awwww... You didn't like fucking me in the park?" She coos as she begins to shift quicker. "Or the on The Bus floor?" She asks seductively.
Recounting the different places and ways they've fucked while on tour in Colson's ear. Luna slides him into her deeper. For each spot.
"Unnhh... Keep talken', Kitten!" Colson encourages her, feeling himself close.
"Mmmm... And what about The Alley?" She moans.
That's it. The intense memory flashes through his mind. Grabbing her waist, Colson flips Luna onto her back.
"Sorry, Baby." He mutters without thinking when she winces.
Throwing her legs over his shoulders, Colson drives into Luna. Both moaning in pleasure from his full strokes. She crosses her legs behind his neck. Wrapping them around his head, drawing him in further. Picking up his pace, Colson grabs Luna's right ankle. Stretching her leg into the air as he lifts up then, dooown. Dick strong and long. Controlling her pussy as he licks and kisses the inside of her heel, sloppy tongue dragging along the curve of her arch to the tip of the side of her red polished toe. Dick raging as he fucks her dirty little ass. Luna has to grab the headboard for support as Colson makes them both cum. Pussy drunk off of him.
"Hmmmm...." Luna purrs in satisfaction as Colson lets her legs go, falling inside of her.
Stroking his back, they talk about an array of things. The Roxy tonight, Luna's therapy session earlier, when Casie goes back to Cleveland, how this leg of the tour ends soon. Some wedding stuff even comes up as they snuggle together.
"You sure you wanna marry me?" Colson looks up with a teasing smile but slightly worried eyes.
"Two times." She reassures him with a grin and a kiss.
"Mmmm... Two times." He agrees huskily into her mouth.
Running his hands along her naked body and through her hair, he kisses her face and neck. This isn't their first Two Times. Colson taking his time as he fucks Luna again.
Dinner is loud and fun. Ashleigh sending Benny and Bullet to the store for the ingredients for chicken tacos.
With Colson's Eleven gathered around the kitchen table, they talk loudly as they pass cheese, lettuce and other sides around. Busting on each other as they make their tacos.
Casie calling for The Three Dinner Questions as they eat. Going around the table, they each answer The Best Part of Their Day, The Worst and One Thing They've Learned. The overall consensus being The Best is definitely being home for dinner. Thank you, Ashleigh. The other answers vary by the person.
Everyone takes part in cleaning up the kitchen. Except for Ashleigh. The general House Rule being... If You Cook. You DO NOT Clean.
Luna and Colson are upstairs getting dressed to meet up with Ashley and Dom. Fresh from a ShowerFuck.
Both still naked, Colson rolls a joint as Luna cuts out lines on a square mirror. Each having a different 3:1 ratio. Three Percs and an Add for Luna, the opposite for Colson.
"Race ya..." Luna says with a devious half smile, handing him a straw.
"You're SO fucked up!!! He laughs amused by her antics.
Dipping their faces down, on three, they snort their lines quickly. Luna popping up first. Laughing as she rubs her nose, she calls him an Old Man.
"I got your Old Man, Bitch!!" He complains as he power bombs her on to the bed.
Luna's body bounces as Colson attacks her with his mouth and hands. It's not long before he's back inside of her.
"Fuuuuuck, Bunny...." She sighs with a giggle. "Can we get dressed now?"
"Maybe." He grins as he kisses her again before finally firing up that joint.
"Looney!!! You're such a RockStar!!!" Casie exclaims once Luna comes downstairs.
Dressed in a black fishnet body stocking, she has on a tight, black leather skirt and a red Bikini Kill tank top over it. Thigh high black boots, heavy black eyes and a lip the same color as her small shirt to finish her off. Hair loose and wild.
"Doesn't she look like a RockStar, Ash?" Casie continues to squeal as she hops around Luna.
"Luna is definitely a RockStar!!" Ashleigh laughs.
She's always admired Luna's style. How it can jump from casual to wild in an instant. Kinda like Luna. One extreme to the next.
"You sure you guys will be okay?" Luna asks. "I can stay... We can have a Girls Night..." She offers to Ashleigh.
Colson comes bounding down the stairs in a white T, heavy jewelry, jeans and red Vans. Overhearing Luna.
"Fuck THAT. You're coming with me." He says as he bows down to peck her cheek before throwing on a gray jacket. "WE OUT!!!" He shouts before kissing Casie and Ashleigh GoodBye.
As The Boys head out the door, Ashleigh pushes Luna with them. A solid GO! coming along with it.
"Okay... Okay...!!" Luna laughs, grabbing her leather off the couch as she uncharacteristically follows directions.
Getting inside The Roxy is pure hell. Even through the back entrance. Benny and Bullet aren't prepared for this at all. Getting mobbed, Luna and Colson are separated from everyone else. He has her tucked under his arm as The Paparazzi are shouting at them. Lights flashing as they try to move through The Insanity.
"MGK!! MGK!!" One yells.
"WHEN'S THE ACTUAL WEDDING!??" Screams a third.
This one stops Luna cold, causing Colson to lose his grasp on her. Between her actual name being used and the context, she's completely caught off guard. Colson quickly grabbing her hand.
"BACK THE FUCK UP!!" He barks, making the shocked Paps take a pause.
Pulling her safely through The Madness with him, into the building. Even distracted, Luna's heart can't help but subconsciously jump and pussy swell. Colson ain't nothing to be fucked with.
Inside, they head towards the sticker and graffiti littered stairwell that leads up to BackStage. Still hand in hand.
"How the FUCK do they know my name!!?" Luna explodes on the landing, completely ignoring the Bleta situation.
Colson gives her a side eye. She really is ridiculous sometimes. Pulling her into him, he tries to comfort her.
"A lot of people know your name, Kitten..." He lightly chuckles.
"Fuck you, you know what I mean." She says with an attitude as she pushes off of him.
"I do.... But, you're not 18 or 19yrs old anymore. You're not just Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe's granddaughter. You're THAT Brooklyn Bitch. They know you for YOU and your art. Not your grandparents." He gently explains.
Sighing, Luna burrows back into him. Knowing he's right. It doesn't make it any less stranger to hear her true name on the lips of The Paparazzi.
"I love you." Her muffled voice tells his strong chest.
Lifting her chin to kiss her, he tells her he loves her too. Holding her tightly for a moment.
"Now, come on.... We got places to be, Baby!!" He laughs at her rolling eyes.
Grabbing her hand again, Colson continues to lead Luna into their night.
Luna can tell Ashley's buzzed as they jump up and down inside a three way hug with Sam. All three giddy as they laugh and squeeze each other. They missed their friend too. So very fucking much.
"And I missed YOU, Mate!!" Dom exclaims, plunking a kiss onto Colson's laughing cheek as they embrace.
Dom does hugs. Not Daps. Extremely soul consuming, I've Got You Forever Hugs. Colson accepts this. Grabbing each other tightly. The two laugh as the comfort of their friendship wraps around them. Truly being The Loneliest Boy, Colson has always found solace in their hugs.
BackStage at The Roxy is a music filled, smoke laced, City of Angel's reunion with alcohol dripping everywhere. Luna and Colson are there with Sam and all The Boys. Ashley with Dom and Travis. Phem's floating around alongside Mod. While Gaggles of Girls are trying to entwine themselves around other random artists, hoping to grasp a handful of the Golden Gods.
Colson runs into Noah and her brother. Introducing them to Luna.
"Hi!! It's such a pleasure to finally meet you. Colson speaks so highly of you." Luna grins with a bright smile as she throws her arms open for them to embrace each other.
"You too!!" Noah exclaims after hugging her. "I've been waiting to meet the magical bitch that locked this crazy motherfucker down!" She laughs.
"She's definitely fucking magical." Colson smirks as he slides his arm around Luna, kissing the top of her head.
Sharing a bottle and a joint, they talk about the new album Noah's working on. Colson asking her if she's signed yet.
"Nah... I'm self producing this one." Noah responds with pride.
"That's fucking awesome." Luna compliments her.
"You know.... Luna's starting her own record lable..." Colson leads.
"Really?" Noah turns to her, eyes wide with interest.
"Yeah.... I'm almost set up. I just need a studio... I'm hoping to be up and running by September." Luna explains.
"Take my number!! I'm not gonna lie, I didn't know who you were before Kells and Nightmare... so I had to check out your stuff... BUT... I DID!!! AND... I'd fucking love to work with you!" Noah exclaims pulling her phone out.
Luna and Noah exchange numbers as Colson watches. He loves the way Luna interacts with people. Especially his friends.
"Yeah, I'm not with a lable because I can't stand these LA fucks." Noah complains.
"Preach, Bro. I was on an independent the last few years and they're still fucking cunts. You should know first and foremost, though. I'm not looking to make anyone famous or turn a profit. If you want to, we CAN...... BUUUT.... Seriously? My main goal is to create a home where we can do whatever the fuck we want artistically without anyone breathing down our fucking necks." Luna says adamantly with NY hands.
Noah understanding in that singular moment why Colson loves Luna. With one conversation, she's pretty sure she loves her too.
"That's so fucking rad, Dude!!!" Noah shouts as she grabs Luna for another hug.
"What's rad?" Ashley asks walking up on them with Sam.
Already knowing the brother and sister duo, Ashley introduces them to Sam. They greet each other kindly before Luna explains what they're talking about.
"If you wanna sign. Sign with Loons." Sam boosts her. "We've been together since the beginning..."
"Sam's my bestfriend drummer." Luna cuts her off to Noah's nod.
This makes Sam grin. She takes a certain pride in how long her and Luna have been friends.
"Bestfriend DRUMMER." Ashley teases Sam with her tongue out.
Ashley had met Sam at the same party she met Luna. Gaining two great friends in one night.
"Shut the fuck up." Sam laughs, giving Ashley a playful shove before turning back to Noah. "Nah, dude... Seriously though, she knows her shit, Man. I've never signed with anyone but if I DID. It'd be with Loons." Sam shoots Luna a smile with a light shrug.
"Cause MY BITCH be The Greeeatest!!" Colson chimes in, sounding like Tony the Tiger as he scoops Luna from around the waist.
The four girls laugh. Telling him to Shut The Fuck Up in unison. Making them laugh harder and Colson love and adore each one of them a little bit more.
Dom performing is the definition of a Live Wire. You look left. He's stage right. You go right, he's in the middle. Before your eyes can find him OnStage, he's gone. Being carried by the sea of hands in the crowd.
Ashley pops OnStage with him for 11 Minutes. Luna loves the song and they're great. Yet, even though it's the first time she's seen them perform together, Luna can tell there's something off....
With his set coming to an end, Dom struts his sweet ass across the stage. Pumping up his fans. Asking if they Want More to their screams.
Colson steps up to the mic as he plays the opening chords to I Think I'm Okay. The audience losing their SHIT. The whole building rumbling from their screams.
On the side of the stage Ashley slips her hand into Luna's. Turning to each other, they grin. They love this fucking song. There is something indescribable about watching music grow. Witnessing an embryo find it's fulfillment is a privilege they both appreciate. Hearts catching in each of their lungs as they continue to hold hands. Sam and Noah beside them, the four of them rock out like FanGirls. Jumping and bashing into each other as they sing and laugh through the whole song. Word for word.
Finishing up, Dom lays his sweaty head against Colson's shoulder as he laughs. They had talked earlier about what Colson's about to say. The Girl's having no idea.
"So, we got these girlfriends, right?" He asks to the room's roar. "You think they wit us tonight?"
The room roars louder.
"Ya GOD DAMN RIGHT they wit us!!" He grins as he continues. "Because they a FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!!" Colson shouts.
Luna and Ashley look at each other. Thinking the same thing. THESE MOTHERFUCKERS.
"Can we get you out here, Kitten?" Colson asks, looking Luna directly in the eye.
"Yah, Baaabe!!! Cum oot!!!" Dom coaxes Ashley.
Noah and Sam laugh at the two artists. Sam pushing both her friends on to the stage. Going out together, they each instinctively throw up an arm with smiles on their faces as they head out.
It is a MAN'S WORLD. Both thinking their boyfriends and friends are fucking Assholes. The crowd ironically going wild at the sight of the two falsely smiling women.
"I fucking hate you." Luna whispers as Colson sets the electric around her neck.
Dom's band moves OffStage as Colson shouts for His Fucking Crew. Rook, AJ and Baze producing themselves quickly. Rook slams into the kit, playing a couple lines from Smells Like Teen Spirit as Dom grabs his own guitar and the other's tune up. This is gonna be an interesting showing.
With her mic in hand, Ashley counts off as they slam into their instruments. The powerful beat infiltrating everyone within ear shots soul.
🎼I!!!//Keep a record//Of their wreckage//And their lies🎶
Ashley belts out fiercely. Vocals strong and clear. Slamming through the opening chorus with Rook's drums as everyone inside The Roxy sings along with her. On her que, Luna steps up to her own mic stand. Ripping through the lyrics. Mind wild as she let's loose.
🎶I'm fucked up//And angry//So tonight//SCARED//Is what//You should be🎶
Changing the last lyrics out of anger towards Colson before Ashley comes in with her to snark about smiling. Dom flowing in with them, belting along with how We Don't Owe You A God Damn Thing. Luna singing through her frustration with Colson.
It's a one of a kind performance. Raw and spontaneous. A strong female anthem raging through THAT Brooklyn Bitch with Halsey, YungBlud, Machine Gun Kelly and his band.
It's a historical night for music to the naked eye and what SHOULD BE equality. If Luna didn't feel fucking controlled. The group of them are a musical force to reckoned with.... And it'd have been really fucking cool if The Boys had told The Girls beforehand. REALLY fucking cool. Their shove basically showcased the song's message. Dudes suck and think they can make Us do whatever the fuck they want. Fucking Dickheads.
Ashley starts to clap, involving everyone as the four of them blend together at the end. Ashley and Dom sharing a mic, going first. Harmonizing and clapping together.
🎶We're no sweet dream//But//We're a hell of a night🎶
Colson knowingly lifts Luna's guitar off her bad shoulder so she can clap. Colson and Luna come in together on que. Their voices are sweet together.
🎶No//We're no sweet dream//But//We're a hell of a night🎶
Until Luna grabs the mic and let's loose. Looking back directly at Colson with the Yellow Ring bursting in her blue eyes.
"SING IT WITH UUUSSSS!!!!" She shouts before sliding back to share the mic with him.
With everyone still clapping on beat, all four are belting together in harmony with their vast amount of friends. The entire venue singing with them. The audience. Their peoples, both Back and Side stage. The vendors. Everyone.
Still angry, Luna grabs her guitar and kicks in loud and unforgiving. Shouting "WHAT THE FUCK DO WE FUCKING DO!!!" Before slamming back into the meaningful chorus.
The entire FUCKING building ERUPTS. Singing along with her rage. Following her lead, they're one. Not individuals. ONE. Singing their same message.
Luna signals the end to Rook. Slamming them out as smoke explodes and the lights drop. It's a hell of an ending to a GREAT fucking show.
"You guys are FUCKING assholes." Luna complains, giving Colson an annoyed push.
"You loved it!!" He laughs, grabbing her tightly as he kisses her.
He's right. She did love it. Music and performing are in Luna's bones. She BELONGS on the stage. With her loves. Exactly like she was tonight. But with fucking notice. And more importantly, consent. Patti 2.0
"No." Luna refuses to submit as she kisses him back harshly.
"LUUUNNNAAAAAA!!!" A warm, familiar voice interrupting them.
Luna turns to find Billie gliding towards her. Having not seen her friend since The Tea Party or for what feels like forever beforehand, Luna sprints towards the human. Forgetting all about Colson's indiscretion.
Grasping each other hard in relief and comfort. Their souls feel a sensation of relief once their bodies touch.
Billie Is. Was. And Will Always Be. Luna's first friend in her adventure as Patti Smith's granddaughter. Meeting when they were 8yrs old, besides Jackson & Opie, Billie is the only one to beat out Sam in longevity. Ashley secretly hating them both. Being products of The Greats.... Billie understands Luna and what it's like to want to hide and not use their names. With their own merit, they had established their own professional identities. For a long time you had to REALLY dig in order to figure out who they're related.... Until Billie lost her mom and grandmom within days. Putting her on blast. Luna flying out of her mourning coma to sit with Billie. Days after she had found Justin. Being only one of the two reasons Luna had hit The Coast until recently. Luna had held her friend's hand as she quietly cried for both of them. Angry and scared for their lives ahead.
"FUUUUCK ME!!!!!" Luna shouts with a wide grin as her and Billie tightly embrace.
"Hi." They say in unison. "Jinx." They catch each other again, laughing at their synchronicity.
Luna and Billie squeeze each other's guts out. Both trying to fight back tears over the happiness of holding each other.
"Dude." Luna reels back grinning. "You're face is in my face!!!" She cheeses, kissing Billie's lips. "I missed your fucking faaace SO MUCH!!" She shouts in drunken happiness. "How the fuck is filming going.... No! Don't tell me! I don't wanna know ANYTHING!!" Luna laughs as she kisses Billie's cheek again.
"I'm not telling you SHIT!!! The last time I spilled anything you didn't talk to me for 3wks!!" Billie laughs.
Grabbing Luna again. They nuzzle into each other. Billie comforted by Luna's constant smell of weed smoke, coconut oil and Euphoria. Some things never change. Luna finding the same comforting touches of jasmine and lavender inside her friend. They've really have known each other too long.
Drunk and excited, Luna sees Austen, Billie's boyfriend and their friend Evan over Billie's shoulder as they hug. Luna finally letting her go for the first time. Greeting her two other friends with tight hugs and pecks on the cheek.
Austen was The Tea Party but Luna hasn't seen Evan for a while. Excited to catch up, they start to talk about their new projects.
"The wedding!?!" Billie asks pulling Luna back towards her.
Luna can only beam. She's so happy to see her friend. And honestly, she doesn't know which one she's talking about.
"Yes?" Luna beams as her arms wrap around Billie's waist again.
"When. Where...? Online says a fucking festival...." Billie gives Luna a firm eye. "I'm trying not to be pissed that TMZ knows more about you than I do right now..."
"I knooooowwwww....." Luna complains, hanging her head. "I'm SO fucking sorry.... It happened out of no where..."
Luna popping out her left hand as proof. Guitar string proudly wrapped around her finger."I'm an Asshole. I told P and Fran personally..... But in my defense.. I couldn't get ahold of you...." She tries her weak excuse.
Luna goes on to explain the small ceremony in Cleveland and.... What she can regarding EstFest, never being an attendee.
"WHY? NO... Never mind, I know why!!" Billie laughs. "I got a ticket to both. Right?" She asks with a cocked eyebrow.
"Yes. Duh.... I will make that shit happen...." Luna laughs as she grips her friend.
"You're getting fucking married....." Billie throws her arms out with tears in her eyes. "This is good...yes?" She asks Luna.
Feeling her friend's worry. Luna's moving faster than anyone would think....BUT..... Luna knows what she knows. In her heart, she fell in love with Colson upon sight. Almost 10yrs ago. Knowing his demons, she acknowledges them as her own. She Is His as He is Her's. It's that simple.
"Yes." Luna grins. "I truly fucking love him."
Billie squeezes her. Aware of Frannie's thoughts and Ashley's acceptance. They all know Luna will to do what EVER the fuck she wants. Regardless. It's all about being her friend through it.
"Oi! I don't... They cancelled, Mate!! Ova liqa!! When did alcohol become mo important than the music MATE!?!! I ASK YOU.... WHEN!!!"
Dom is complaining with a valid point to Colson about Utah's Camp Out cancellation. Being the alcoholic and drug addict that he is, Colson doesn't have much complaints.
"I didn't want to see FuckFace anyway...." Ashley slurs into Luna's ear.
Luna knows she's talking about G - FuckFace Extraordinaire I Think I'm Cool - McEeeeeZy.
Luna wouldn't mind seeing him. He had hurt Ashley so deeply and had acted so fucked up towards her afterwards, it called for the second trip to The Coast. Luna and Gerald's last exchange becoming beyond violent. Going straight to his house once she landed, Ashley and Luna caused a lot of separate damage that night. Ashley to his home and Luna to his body. Both keying his car after Luna fucked him up with a kitchen chair. Her steel pussy never being afraid to battle ANYONE. She's still patiently waiting until she catches that bitch on the low. With Ashley still hurting, Luna wants another piece of him.
"That's why it's cancelled..." Luna murmurs into her friends ear. "Cause he a bitch... Bitch." Luna laughs.
Wrapping herself around Ashley, Luna tries to remind her why she's here. They're both pretty drunk though. Ashley a bit more.
"He's young....." Ashley laughs as she complains.
"We're all young..." Luna battles, trying to hold on to her youth.
"No. He's baby young." Ashley states. Cocking her head, she questions Luna. "Kells wants you to have his babies, doesn't he???"
The question is almost indignant. Like a challenge.
"Uhhhmmm... I don't..." Luna side steps. "Dude. Who the fuck wants to bring a kid into this ShitHole?" She continues with a question.
"I DO!!!!!!" Ashley drunkenly shouts at her.
Her volume drawls attention to their conversation. Luna brushing any and all off. She takes a Ashley to the bathroom.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued.....
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~StarChild Assassin Side Story 6~
An Ace/Tommy origin story! Requested by @misslivvie and @cptnruski! Enjoy, my babies~!! =3
Ace and Tommy think back to how they first connected~
Tommy woke up to Ace’s side of the bed being empty. He frowned and looked at the clock. 3:25 am. Insomnia was striking again it seemed. He caught a glimpse of his lover outside, leaning against the balcony having a smoke. He sighed. He’d been trying to get Ace to quit but it looked like it wasn’t taking. “Ace?” He went out to the balcony and pressed his cheek against Ace’s bare shoulder. “Can’t sleep again?” Smoke escaped Ace’s nose. “Just lettin’ some thoughts escape, Baby Boy..you..us~ Remember when we met?” Tommy laughed softly. “’88. I’ll never forget it~” It had been a long time since they reminisced together…
~JUNE 1988~
Ace was in desperate search for a new direction. It had been a year since Stanley left him..and a mere month since Frehley’s Comet decided to part ways. The only friend he felt he had left was Petey-Cat. After the band’s separation Peter had let him into his world. For the next few months his life revolved around nothing but drugs, alcohol and sex. Eventually it wasn’t enough. He wanted more. 
“Heeeey Petey-Cat~!!” Ace drunkenly stumbled into Peter’s office while he was fucking Vinnie. Again. Peter slammed his fist against his desk in annoyance. “God fuckin’ dammit, Ace!! Can’t you knock?!” Ace giggled. “Yeeeeah I could..but it’s too much fun catchin’ ya off guard! Mind if I join~?” He winked at Vinnie who shot him a look of disgust. Peter was glaring daggers now. “I swear to fuckin’ Christ if you don’t get outta here..” 
“But I wanna know what you think about me ownin’ a casino!” 
“I think it’s another one of your ridiculous drunken fantasies.” 
“What if I cut you in for half? We could be partners!” 
“If you wanna talk business come back after you’ve sobered up.” 
“Ugh..yeeeeah fine..” 
Ace rolled his eyes when Vinnie’s moans resumed as he closed the door behind him. 
Later that night Peter’s bodyguard Bruce escorted him back. When he opened the door Peter was sitting at his desk, clearly in business mode. Vinnie was sitting on the edge of the desk with his legs crossed and holding a glass of wine. “Business talk, Baby Doll. Scoot.” Ace kept his eyes on Vinnie’s swaying hips as he walked past. “Mmm..how come you always get all the hot ones, Petey-Cat~?” Peter’s expression didn’t change. “Why don’t we focus here? Tell me about this ‘plan’ you’ve got.” Ace grinned and sat down in the chair. He started eyeing the open bottle of wine but Peter grabbed it and placed it on the floor next to his chair. “Don’t even think about it. Start talkin’.” 
“Well geez it’s nothin’ complicated. Just wanna bring a high-class gambling joint to my Bronx y’know? We find a nice big building, clean it up good, make it nice an’ flashy to draw in all the suckers..and we split it all right down the middle!” Peter’s eyes narrowed. “Do you even have any money left?” 
“Relax, will ya? I got enough to go halfsies on a building.”
“What about labor? Employees?” 
“Maybe you can spare some guys for that? Y’got plenty.”
“Fair enough. I’ll make some calls.”
“So we got a deal?”
“Listen to me, Ace. I’m only doin’ this as a favor to a friend. Cause I’m tired of you always lookin’ so pathetic. So don’t take advantage of my generosity. If I find out you’ve been cheatin’ me..and I will find out if you are..then you’ll be takin’ an involuntary nosedive off the Brooklyn Bridge. Am I makin’ myself clear?”
“Yep. Crystal.” 
It had been a long arduous process but through combined efforts Ace’s dream was ready to become a reality. Construction was complete. Employees were hired. Advertisements were placed around town, in the newspapers and on tv. Towards the end of the month Wild Aces was officially open for business.
 Ace and Peter watched from the two-way mirror in the upstairs office as the doors opened and the people poured in. It was a pretty damn good out for an opening..and hopefully through them word would spread to other places outside of the Bronx. Peter was actually pretty impressed. Vinnie came in with a bottle of champagne. “It’s really crazy down there, baby~ I’d say your opening is a big success~” He opened the bottle and filled three glasses. “Oh yeah. Bruce says there’s some guy asking about a job. Really desperate too. He wants to know if he should throw him out.” Peter moved to go but Ace stopped him. “Lemme handle this, Petey-Cat. I gotta exercise some of my authority here too y’know.” 
At the bottom of the stairs Bruce was standing in the way of a guy with the curliest head of blond hair Ace had ever seen. His clothes looked pretty worn but other than that..he was actually quite a looker~ “C’mon! Just let me speak to someone in charge! All I wanna do is ask about a job!” Bruce was clearly losing his patience. “And I told you that you can’t come up here! Do I have to beat it into your head?” Ace cleared his throat loudly. “Ease up there, Brucie. Don’t go threatenin’ customers, hah? Is there something I can do for ya, kid?” 
“Mr. Frehley!” The guy pushed past Bruce to meet him halfway up the stairs. “I..I saw an ad for this place in the paper and I couldn’t believe it was you who owned it! I had to come see for myself!” He reached into his faded leather jacket and pulled out a tarnished medallion shaped like the Frehley’s Comet logo. “I’m a huge fan of your music and I..would love to have the opportunity to work here for you.” Ace frowned. That was the last thing he wanted to be reminded of right now. “You do know we broke up right? Months ago? The Ace you’re lookin’ for doesn’t exist anymore, kid. Try your luck somewhere else.” He went back upstairs without another word. He needed a fuckin’ drink.
Ace figured that would be the last he’d see of that blond poodle-haired kid. He was wrong. He would come around at least a couple of times a week hoping for another chance, and every time he would get turned down. It didn’t take long for Ace to notice he was wearing the same clothes every time. 
He was starting to feel like shit. 
When he didn’t come back the next week, Ace went out to look for him. For two hours he searched with no success. He was about to give up when he spotted that familiar head of hair out of the corner of his eye. He was leaning against the building across the street with his head bent low, playing and old beat up guitar for pocket change. 
Now he absolutely felt like shit. 
Ace made his way across the busy street to watch the kid play. The melody was definitely from a Frehley’s Comet song, he just couldn’t remember which one..or he didn’t want to remember. “Any change you can spare would be appreciated, sir..” the kid said without looking up. “I think I can do better than that for ya~” He immediately stopped playing. “Mr. Frehley..?” 
“Just call me Ace, kid. All that ‘Mr. Frehley’ stuff is makin’ me feel old~”
“I..I can’t do that! I respect you too much!” 
“Alright if that’s how you wanna play it~ What’s your name?”
“Tommy. Tommy Thayer.” 
“Why don’tca come back with me, Tommy? I think we need to have a talk~” 
Tommy had turned out to be a poor, struggling musician with no family and nowhere to call home. Ace couldn’t stand the thought him sleeping on the streets, especially during the winter. With all the money he’d made from the casino’s profits Ace was able to buy himself a fancy penthouse apartment, and he invited Tommy to stay in one of his guest bedrooms. “Make yourself at home, Tommy boy..my house is your house~ Now we just need to get you some nice lookin’ clothes and you can start your job~” On the verge of tears, Tommy threw his arms around him and hugged him tightly. “Thank you..thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!” 
“Heh..I think I’ve got an idea, kid~” 
“I’m..not really that much of a kid. I’m 27.”
“Well I’m 37..so that makes you a kid to me~” 
Tommy blushed. “S-sure..if you say so~” 
Things were going really well until Christmas drew closer. That was when Tommy noticed Ace growing more and more distant. On the 23rd he made an announcement to the employees that the casino would be closed until January 2nd. They were all equally as confused as Tommy. He didn’t think Ace would turn down the chance to make holiday profits. Something about this just didn’t feel right. When they returned to the apartment Ace silently went into his room and locked the door. He didn’t come out for the rest of the night. 
In the early hours of the morning the sounds of a guitar roused Tommy from his sleep. He pulled on his favorite pair of flannel pants and went to investigate. Ace was sitting on the couch playing. With the exception of a plucking few wrong chords, probably from being drunk or high, he sounded amazing. Knowing Frehley’s Comet’s discography inside and out Tommy instantly recognized the song. 
Rip it out, take my heart, You wanted it from the start You got it now, so goodbye, So rip it out, watch me cry 
He sounded so sad and broken, Tommy found himself crying. He desperately wanted to just run over to Ace and hug him. He wanted to hurt whoever was responsible for making his idol hurt so badly. The playing soon stopped when Ace was too upset to go on. To hell with it. He went into the living room and sat on the couch, wrapping his arms tightly around Ace’s shoulders. “I’m sorry..” 
“Heeeey Tommy booy~” Yep. Ace was definitely drunk. “Did I wake ya..? Ahhh ‘m sorry..but I’d get used to it. I fuckin’ hate the holidays..” Tommy looked up at him. “Why?” Ace leaned his head back and heaved a heavy sigh. “I had a boyfriend.. He was fuckin’ beautiful and I worshiped him. I met him when he came to one of our performances back in ‘85. He ended up fainting and I ended up fallin’ hard for him. We moved in together..we were plannin’ to get married...then it all went to shit. I’m sure he was fuckin’ cheatin’ on me but I never found out the truth. Last year he left me for some creepy rich asshole..right around Christmas time.. Holidays were fun for us y’know? Sure, he was Jewish and he didn’t do Christmas but he’d celebrate it anyway with me. For me. I never…fuckin’ understood what I did to make him not..love me anymore..!” Tommy hugged him even tighter as he cried. “No..it’s his own fault. He had something perfect and he let it slip away. Wherever he is..he’ll be miserable because he doesn’t have you.” Ace forced out a laugh. “Y-you’re sweet, kid..but look at me..I’m washed up. I’ve got nothin’ to offer anyone anymore..” 
“I am looking. All I see is someone I admire..someone I idolize in pain..and I just wanna help to make it stop..” He felt Ace’s hand press against his back. Those rough fingers felt good against his skin. The first kiss was brief and uneasy. The second, longer and more passionate. By the third, Tommy was on his back with Ace’s tongue exploring his mouth. Tommy shivered as Ace’s hand slowly worked its way into his pants. 
“If you want me to stop…” 
“Don’t..I need you, Ace..please..”
Wait..THAT fuckin’ happened? Why don’t I remember?!” 
“You were probably too drunk to remember..” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Tommy stared out at the city skyline. “I was too embarrassed..and I didn’t want you to regret it..” Ace wrapped his arm around Tommy’s waist and pulled him close. “I don’t regret anything between us..not now..not ever~” They shared a soft kiss and a tight, loving embrace. 
“I love you..my Space Ace~” 
“Love ya too, Tommybear~” 
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kenshi-vakarian7 · 5 years
OC Interview
I was tagged by @obvidalous .  Thank you.
I’ll tag @ripley95things and anyone who wants to do this.
I’ve done this already for the following;
Kira Ryder Adam Shepard Marc Shepard
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1. What’s your name?  
Luke Nathan Skywalker Ryder
2. Do you know why you are named that?
I was named after Luke Skywalker.  No, seriously!  My Mom’s a huge Star Wars nerd and wanted to name me and my sister Luke and Leia once she found out she was pregnant with twins.  But my Dad, who’s never been fun at parties, put his foot down over the names.  They eventually compromised and name my sister Kira.  Kira’s glad she didn’t get the Leia name, but me personally?  I would’ve thought it was awesome.
3. Are you single or taken?
Taken. ^_^
4. Have any abilities or powers?
I’m not the world’s biggest tech geek or anything, but playing around with some tech and seeing how they work is pretty cool.  I even have a combat drone!  His name is Excelsior!  And yes, the exclamation mark is part of the name.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
*shakes fist* NEVER!
6. What’s your eye color?
7. How about your hair color?
Dark Brown
8. Have any family members?
Well, there’s my Dad, Alec, and my Mom, Ellen.  Mom used to make the best hot cocoa every Christmas.  Then there’s my twin sister, Kira.  She’s a bit more serious than I am, but she’s still my best friend anyway. :)
9. Oh? How about any pets?
Sparty and Sparty Jr. are awesome.  That’s my pyjak and hamster... though I’m not certain if he’s really called a hamster.  He looks like one, but... yeah.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
You mean besides Tann’s opinions on the krogan?  Well... there’s the Archon.  Fuck that guy.  I also hate getting up at the crack of dawn.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Have you ever tried Paintball or laser tag?  If not, it’s great!  I also like watching movies, camping, rocking climbing, dancing, and waxing poetry with Addison.  That last one is definitely fun. >:)
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
Only when I’m forced to. =\
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
*sigh* Yes, but that’s only because they don’t give me a choice.
14. What kind of animal are you?
Well I did want to be a crow, but Gil claimed that already.
15. Name your worst habits?
People say I don’t take things seriously.  I guess that’s true in some cases.  People also say I joke at the worst times, especially in a life-or-death situation.  Hell yeah I do!  I’d rather die laughing than screaming.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Definitely Vetra since, you know, she’s taller than me. ^_^  Nah, I’m kidding, I know what you meant.
I’d say my Mom.  She was always kinda, compassionate, and always supportive of my sister and I no matter what we set out to do.  I miss her...
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
18. Do you go to school?
Not since high school.  I was considering going back before I was told about Andromeda.  The idea of going on adventures in a new galaxy appealed to me more.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
Sure, I’d like that.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
I’m sure they’re out there somewhere.  I just hope they don’t turn out like that one Sloane fangirl I met at Tartarus that one time...
21. What are you most afraid of?
 Me?  Afraid?  Nah, nothing scares me!
...Okay, actually, I hate the idea of dying alone.
22. What do you usually wear?
Anything comfy... preferably my pajamas, but society considers that inappropriate for everyday wear.  So I have my jeans, t-shirt, and leather jacket to wear.  That’s a favorite of mine.
23. What one food tempts you?
Oranges.  Always oranges.  If I ever get my own place, I want to grow an orange tree in my backyard.
24. Am I annoying you?
Well, if I’m being honest, the questions are a little... unusual.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
-Looks at his watch- Sigh...
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
I’m totally high class.  Top hat, monocle, all the perks that come with that kind of society.
...Actually, that’s all in my head, I’m actually middle class.  But a guy can dream.
27. How many friends do you have?
If we’re only talking about the ones here in Andromeda, it’s definitely more than I can count on my fingers and toes.  I’ve met some really great people
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Why, do you have pie?  ...What do you mean you don’t have pie?!  Don’t mention pie unless you have some to share!  Now I’m sad...
29. Favorite drink?
I like my coffee and whiskey... sometimes at the same time... but I would never turn down a big glass of orange juice, especially with a big breakfast.
30. What’s your favorite place?
Here in Andromeda?  Definitely Meridian.  It’s an amazing planet that made the search and fight worthwhile.  I plan to settle there once I retire as Pathfinder.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
I am, and she is the most awesome turian in two galaxies. ^_^
32. That was a stupid question…
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
A lake that’s not filled with sulfur... or ice... or boiling hot temperatures...
34. What’s your type?
AB... Oh, you mean THAT type!  Well, definitely someone who likes to laugh.  I’d hate to make a poor soul feel tortured at my attempts to make her laugh.
35. Any fetishes?
Uhh... do I have to talk about it?  Because I prefer not to talk about it.  Not that I have anything to hide, but... yeeeeah.
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
Outdoors.  Which reminds me, I need to go... outside, so... later!
*quickly leaves the interview*
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watchingspnagain · 3 years
Rewatching Crossroad Blues
Welcome to “The Weasleys 100% Know about Goofer Dust: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s2e8: Crossroad Blues
 The episode opens with a dramatization of the legend about the end of Robert Johnson’s life, with mysterious invisible hounds only he can see seemingly mauling him to death. When we join Sam and Dean, they are discussing the case of highly successful professionals dying after reporting hearing vicious dogs no one else can see. As the case progresses, they discover that all the people dying had been to the same dive bar at a crossroads, and eventually we get our first glimpse of the crossroads demon lore in Supernatural. As all this is unfolding, Sam and Dean become increasingly sure that John made some kind of demon deal trading his life for Dean’s, and this tears Dean up inside. As he confronts the crossroads demon associated with their case, Dean tries to get information out of her about what John did and briefly contemplates a deal of his own—to bring John back in exchange for Dean being damned to hell in ten years.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 yaaas the Robert Johnson episode
I LOVE the Robert Johnson mythology so much
 I much prefer to explain extraordinary talents in humans as deals with demons/fey than calling it "god-given"
 so much more interesting
 oh YES
and it leaves the agency with the person. they choose to make the deal
 more interesting and it TELLS you something about them
 and it's much more logical - why would God bother to give someone super basketball talent but let children die of cancer? NOPE thanks but I don't buy it
 aaahh boys picking on one another
 Ha! Yes!
 it's the GRIM
 wait. is the architect the same actor who played the wrestler in S...11?
 absolutely no idea
 I'll check later. I enjoy how many of the actors come back later
 awww, Dean you little hedonist you
 "some sort of porn site" OMG DEAN
 "is that some kind of porn site?" haaaaaaahahahahaha
 he only reads the newspaper
 technologically challenged hedonist
 I hope she asked for the SKILL and EXPERTISE to be the chief surgeon along with the position
 mmmm Baby engine rumble
 god, I love the crossroads mythology
 I love that they get cozy enough with Crowley that they don't need to do all this, but I also miss it when they stop
 (this is how I feel about much of what changes on this show. I miss the old way but I ALSO like where they went)
I just love that they bothered to put all the Robert Johnson stuff in. it's SO great and gives it such an atmosphere but they wouldn't have HAD to
 my goodness she's lovely in that dress
 and how she stands on tiptoe to kiss him
and her hair
 oh DEAN this attitude does not age well
 Dean's indignation that Sam doesn't know Johnson's music. Dean. who, exactly, would have taught him that?
 HC: some girl he picks up in a bar in the south teaches him a deep-seated love for blues
and he takes it to heart
 "you boys think you know something about something but not goofer dust"
 I LOVE that line
I bet Bobby knows about it
 Dean Winchester. get off your high horse, boy
 and I love that they include the Foolish Wish element too
and the idea that the demon stuck around and made more deals and he feels bad about it
 I mean, it's not really the DYING, Sammy. that's bad enough. it's the hell part
 aaaaaas you babies will find out
 sweet innocent babies. they'll learn
 aaaah #us
 haaaahahahahah the "beware of dog" sign on the fence
 Sam catching Dean's foot!
 haaaahaha Sam catching Dean's leg and that little shrug at him
 "bowl the perfect game" DEAN
 oh DEAN
take notes here, Dean
 Again I say that this will not age well for you, Dean
 oh RIGHT he's right smack in the middle of figuring out what John did and leaving them behind
just cycle that trauma, DeanDean
 oh sweet baby Dean
someone wrap him in blankets and pet his hair
 lolol the way Sam steps inside the goofer dust circle
 the way Sam quietly steps into the circle
 "your misery is the whole point. it's too much fun to watch" thaaaaat's the show
 GOD the lip tremble
 the STUFF going on here with Dean and considering that deal. like he ISN'T but he IS and does he really WANT John back or does he JUST feel like his life isn't worth another’s
 it's like Black Widow "I got red in my ledger"
 Dean and the "violated" language
 and the way when she was selling the idea of bringing John back she was getting all up in his space and he looked so uncomfortable
 Aw, Sammy. "that's his legacy"
 UG keep going for YOURSELVES, Sammy, please
 he'd make SUCH a good counselor
 YES, but also that's not what Dean needs to hear right now, yeah?
 oooof Sammy asking him if he ever considered making that deal
 well SURE but
I might be having fuck 327 feelings
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linzerj · 6 years
Golden Gate’s Heroes
(Hey ya’ll it’s that Venom/Ant-Man crossover fic I promised. It’ll have a few more chapters and maybe I’ll even figure out a real plot for it eventually. The AO3 link will be in the notes.)
Scott has got to learn to pay attention to schedules. Or maybe he just needs better friends. Actually, no, it’s probably a combination of those two factors that has led him to his current situation.
“Aw, are you sure you can’t come to babysit Cassie? No, I know it’s last minute, but – well, no, I’m sure I’ll figure something else out. Thanks anyway, Mrs. C.” Scott hung up the phone, then put his head in his hands with a groan.
“Are you sure I can’t just come with you, Daddy?” Cassie asked, bringing him out of his funk. “I can just sit in the lobby and play games on my phone. Or I can even sit in the car!”
“No, Peanut, that’s not fair to you,” Scott said, sinking off the couch to sit next to his daughter on the floor. “It’s my fault that I forgot about this big meeting we’re having. But your mom and Paxton are out of town for the week so I can’t just drop you back off, all the usual babysitters and even the emergency babysitters are all busy, and obviously Luis can’t watch you because he’ll be with me, and then Hope and Hank and Janet are out in NYC trying to not kill Tony Stark as they hash out new Accords amendments now that Jan is back, and….” Scott trailed off with a groan.
“I’m eleven now, daddy. I’m almost twelve! Did you know that when you’re twelve, you can legally stay home alone?”
“Oh really?”
“Well, that’s what the teacher said when she was offering everyone who was already twelve to come take a babysitting course!” Cassie beamed. “I’m almost there, just another three months!”
“Yeah, well, I don’t know if that would fly with Agent Woo, remember him?” They both shuddered overdramatically, before Cassie sighed.
“I know, daddy. Sorry again.”
“And again, not your fault Peanut, that’s all on me.” Scott grabbed his cell phone again and began scrolling through his contacts list. “I mean, I haven’t called everyone yet,” he narrated when Cassie peered over his shoulder. “Maybe we can find someone on this list who I know that can watch you for 2, 3 hours tops.”
And that’s when Scott saw it, a name he forgot he had in his phone, certain he had deleted it or lost it when he got his new cell. They’d hit it off at an interview before he’d had to go to prison for his big heist, and hadn’t really talked at all since then. It was such a long shot, but everyone else in his contacts had either already said no or lived way too far to make it in time or were Avengers that were doing who-knows-what. There were probably other options in his phone, but, well, it never hurt to try, so.
Holding his breath, he called Eddie Brock.
Eddie’s phone rang while he was scrolling through his Facebook feed in a half-asleep daze. Venom perked up a bit at the unknown number – they loved to take over and scare any telemarketers that called, which was why Eddie rarely answered unknown numbers anymore.
But this one looked – not too familiar, but it had a legit San Francisco area code, and something about those last four digits was ringing some sort of distant bells. So with a shrug, Eddie answered.
“H’llo?” he said through a mouth of Fruit Loops.
“Uh, hey, is this uh, is this still Eddie Brock?” the caller asked. Eddie swallowed his food, ignoring Venom as he manifested a head and started munching on the rest of the cereal, and studied the number with a confused glance for a second. The voice sounded sort of familiar, but it was not immediately recognizable, and Eddie wasn’t sure who would have his number that was unsure if it was him – he’d lost most of his old contacts when he’d broken his old phone, but he’d reprogrammed in all the numbers of important people or people he talked to daily, like Anne and his boss.
“Yeeeeah, who is this?” he finally said after realizing that the guy on the other end of the line was probably wondering what the hell was taking him so long to respond.
“I don’t know if you remember me, but uh, this is Scott Lang.”
And that made everything click into place. “Oh! Yeah, the engineer who broke into that CEO’s house and stole all the money that he’d been stealing! Yeah, how you been, dude? You’re out of jail I see – probably been out a while by now, actually, huh. What, uh, what’s up?”
“Okay so, this is going to sound super weird and I know we don’t know each other very well but you seemed like a cool dude and whatever, and even after all that LIFE Foundation stuff you still seem really awesome, but uh, anyway. I’ve got a daughter, right, but I’m an idiot and forgot to get a babysitter for like three hours while I go do this interview for my new business, and all my other regulars are busy because the universe is awful, and uh, if it’s not too much trouble and you’re willing to do it, I was wondering if you could, uh… just… watch her for like, two or three hours? Please?”
Scott rushed this all out in one breath, and it took Eddie a moment to process it. Some dude he’d interviewed once nearly 6 years ago was asking him to babysit his kid? Venom offered no insight to his problem, focusing on slurping up the remnants of their cereal.
“I’ll definitely pay you, too, and when I’m done I’d be totally down to hang out too, I mean, if you wanted to, I mean, oh god what am I even saying-”
“Yeah sure.”
On the other end of the line, Scott paused. “Really?”
“Sure,” Eddie said again, pushing Venom’s annoying face away as they leaned in closer. “I’m free, got nothing better to do, and you sound super stressed out man, and kids aren’t so bad. Plus I still totally respect you for that heist and exposing that scumbag, even if it was a one-time thing or whatever, so. Yeah.”
“Oh thank you thank you! I’ll give you my address, can you get here – ohhh boy, just, whenever you can? I gotta run ASAP man.”
“Not a problem,” Eddie replied, jotting down the address and grabbing his keys. “See you in a bit.”
Eddie, Venom said as Eddie plugged the address into his phone and started down the stairs of his building, what is ‘babysitting’? Why would we sit on a baby?
“Oh, uh, that’s not – we’re not literally sitting on a baby, love. We just go and watch a child, oh gosh how old even is this kid, oh boy. Well uh, we basically make sure she doesn’t die while her parents aren’t home, and then we get paid money for it.”
Hmm. Humans are weird.
Eddie arrived about five minutes after getting the call. He may have sped a little bit, but he wasn’t pulled over or anything, so it was fine.
Knocking on the door revealed Scott, dressed in a suit, smoothing down his hair and obviously trying not to look too flustered. “Okay, hi, Eddie, hi, I’m Scott, I’m sure you figured that out,” he said, extending his hand. Eddie took it and shook it briefly as Scott continued on. “So Cassie is pretty chill, man, don’t worry about a thing, there’s chicken nuggets in the fridge for you guys to eat and you can also have whatever else you want, and don’t worry about feeding Charlie Ben-Ant-e – wait – Cassie where’s Charlie Ben-Ant-e?!”
“Uhhhh… I don’t see him Daddy!” Eddie heard a girl call. She appeared in the doorway, and Eddie supposed this must be Cassie. She looked between ten and twelve, which, okay, that was definitely manageable. “But I’m sure it’ll be fine, he usually doesn’t start his routine for a while anyway.”
“Okay so don’t worry about Charlie Ben-Ant-e at all then,” Scott said to Eddie. “Also this is Cassie, Cassie this is Eddie, thank you again for watching her so last minute for me like this man, I really really owe you one, but I gotta go, bye Cassie be good-” Scott kissed his daughter on the head – “thanks again Eddie, I’ll see you in a few hours!” And Scott was off, running down the road to what Eddie supposed was his car. Well, then.
Eddie turned to Cassie who was looking at him intently. “Uh,” he said. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. She was still watching him. “Uh, hi.”
“Hi,” she said, still studying him, before grinning up at him and asking, “So you interviewed my Daddy before?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, back when, you know, he was arrested and whatever.” Eddie mentally smacked himself. That is probably not what you should say to kids.
But Cassie surprised him. “Yeah, he’s my hero,” she told him. “I think it was good that he tried to get that money back to the people it belonged to, even if he didn’t do it the right way. But he tried! And when I got to see him again after he got out of jail, I got him this trophy to show him how much I loved him!” And she triumphantly held up a cheap trophy.
“World’s Greatest Grandma?” Eddie asked, squinting at the writing on it. Cassie looked at the trophy then giggled.
“Yeah, it was the only one they had left, but now it’s like our secret joke,” she told him.
Eddie I like this child, Venom said, and Eddie couldn’t help but agree.
Eddie was cool, Cassie decided, even if she heard him muttering to himself every now and then when he thought she couldn’t hear. Maybe he was like some of her friends from school, who talked to themselves to keep on track or reassure themselves. There was nothing wrong with that, and she didn’t want to make him feel bad about himself by pointing it out.
But he was pretty funny too. He told her stories about being a reporter, and made lots of jokes like her dad, and grinned when he munched down on some chocolate with her. He asked her questions too, about what she liked and wanted to do, and when she said that maybe she would be famous someday he chuckled and said that she should think of all his questions as a practice interview. She wouldn’t mind having him as a babysitter again, she decided.
But that’s when Charlie Ben-Ant-e decided to make an appearance.
Her daddy had named the ant after a drummer whose name allowed for the ant pun of all his favorite ants. This was the same ant that had fooled the FBI when her dad had to help Hope and Mr. Pym stop the Ghost and save Hope’s mom.
Cassie had been told to keep the giant pet ants a secret from her friends, because people didn’t usually like ants anyway, and the giant ants were kind of scary. Cassie thought they were cute and that those people were dummies, but whatever. Her pet ant Ant-ony Junior lived with her and her mom and Jim Paxton, and it had learned to be very good about hiding when she or the grownups had friends over.
But Charlie Ben-Ant-e had not yet learned this. It still liked to stick to its usual routine, which was why her dad only had over his friends who knew he was Ant-Man, or had other people over when Charlie was sleeping.
So, sure, when Scott had left, Charlie hadn’t been around. That wasn’t unusual – lately he’d taken to wandering the backyard, or napping under beds. But of course, he was still a creature of habit, especially when it came to his food, and the meeting seemed to be running a little longer than expected.
So when Cassie went into the kitchen to grab chocolate milk for her and Eddie, she almost jumped when she saw Charlie Ben-Ant-e. He was scuffling at the fridge door, and Cassie rushed over to grab his designated food from the cabinet instead.
“Here, Charlie,” she said, filling his food bowl more than she should have, but hoping it would distract him long enough for her dad to come home and Eddie to leave. She liked Eddie, and she didn’t want this to scare him away. That would suck.
She grabbed the chocolate milk and some cups and ran back into the living room, where Eddie was looking past her toward the kitchen with curiosity.
“I was just feeding Charlie Ben-Ant-e,” Cassie explained before Eddie could ask. “Hopefully he won’t bother us.”
“That’s okay,” Eddie said. “Is he like, your dog? Cat?”
“Uh, yep!” Eddie totally didn’t believe her, but he shrugged and let it go.
So they sat for a while, sipping their chocolate milk and watching Phineas and Ferb reruns, when Charlie Ben-Ant-e decided to scuttle on by and head toward the electronic drum set.
“Uh,” Eddie said, eyes wide as he did a double take. “Uh, what…. is that Charlie Ben-Ant-e?”
Cassie grinned guiltily, and shrugged, trying her best to look innocent. “Maaaaybe…”
Eddie was still watching as the ant put on the headset and started drumming. “Ben-Ant-e,” he repeated, “Ben-Ant-e. Well. That. That explains the name pun, I guess.”
Cassie looked up at him, slightly concerned. “Are you… going to run away? Or call the police? Please don’t,” she added as an afterthought. “He’s really harmless. We trained him to play the drums!”
“I’m more… confused,” Eddie said slowly, eyes still on the ant. “How did – what – like, how does he exist? And no,” Eddie continued, whispering to himself, “we cannot eat it, stop it Vee.”
And Cassie blurted, “I’ll tell you how we have him if you tell me who Vee is that you’re talking too.”
“Uh,” said Eddie, and then her dad decided that this was the time to come home.
“Uh,” said Scott, eyes going from Eddie to Cassie to Charlie Ben-Ant-e back to Cassie then back to Eddie. “Uh.”
“Uh,” Eddie said again. Cassie decided that sometimes grown men were idiots.
“My dad is Ant-Man,” Cassie blurted, because there was too much tension now and she couldn’t stand it.
“Cassie!” her dad hissed, and she guessed he was upset that she told his secret identity. But what else was she supposed to do? Eddie had already seen Charlie Ben-Ant-e, and he wasn’t running off screaming yet, so maybe he could be a friend.
“What? Oh, okay, that’s, okay,” Eddie said. “So, uh, you were at that airport battle during that Avengers thing, that was crazy, I did a report on that, but uh, are you like an official Avenger then?”
“You’re taking this way better than some people, but whyyyyy does that matter?” Scott shot back, recovering from Cassie’s betrayal. Cassie was curious too, but Eddie did say he was a reporter, so maybe it was his natural reporter curiosity.
“Well, uh, um, uh, I don’t know if you heard about the uh, shhh, the whole LIFE Foundation rocket and human testing thing just a few months ago?”
“Yeaaahhhhhh, what does that have to do with anything?”
“So, they, uh, they had actually brought back these alien symbiotes and were experimenting with them using people, and well, uh, oh god Vee, listen one of the aliens may or may not be a friend but you won’t arrest us for that right?”
“Dude I don’t think I have jurisdiction to arrest you anyway, but I mean, like, what is even going on.”
“Oh god,” Eddie said again, and that’s when a weird black slime tentacle thing branched out of his shoulder, which formed a head with white eyes and very sharp teeth.
“Hello,” it said, and Eddie put his head in his hands.
“What the he-e-eck,” Scott said, stumbling backwards.
The black goo thing sprouting from Eddie grinned. “We are Venom,” it – they? – explained.
Cassie thought that Venom looked kind of cute in a weird way, and so she voiced her thoughts. “You’re kinda cute, in a weird way.”
Venom swung its head toward her, a long tongue sticking out of its mouth. “Cute? Eddie, tell the child we are not cute! We strike fear into bad guys!”
“I mean you are kinda cute when you’re just a floating head, Vee,” Eddie said, seeming to have overcome the shock of everything going on. Venom turned back to Eddie with a look of betrayal, and Cassie thought that they must be inside Eddie’s head or something because Eddie rolled his eyes at an unspoken jab and muttered, “yes you are you drama queen.”
“Okay, okay, let’s back up for a minute, yeah?” Scott said, holding up his hands. “Maybe let’s try this again. Hi, I’m Scott Lang, that’s my daughter Cassie, I’m also Ant-Man though that’s usually only when Hank really needs me right now, and we may have used our grow and shrink technology to make a very big ant named Charlie Ben-Ant-e that plays the drums and acted as a decoy for me when I was on house arrest. Your turn.”
Eddie blinked. “Well, uh. I’m Eddie Brock, and this is Venom but I call them Vee, and together we are also Venom. We met after I was disgraced for trying to expose Carlton Drake after Drake’s rocket crashed and brought their race here, and then LIFE was doing all sorts of unethical experiments on symbiotes and humans, but I broke in and we accidentally bonded and then we went out and beat up Drake and another evil symbiote and maybe ate some people at one point, and now we just try and keep to ourselves except for some occasional late night runs where we, uh, well.” Eddie paused, looking at Cassie with what she thinks is concern and nervousness.
“We eat the heads of bad guys,” Venom said plainly, and yeah, Cassie could see why Eddie didn’t want to say that out loud.
“You eat people?!” Scott cried. Eddie winced.
“Only bad guys!” he emphasized. “Plus, look, Vee needs some compound from humans, one that’s especially abundant in brains, in order to live or else they’ll start eating my organs and then we’ll both die and that’s not that fun.”
“Phenethylamine,” Venom added, “is what we need. It is also found in chocolate and there are supplements but they aren’t as good as fresh stuff. It is in many animal brains as well, such as the rats and raccoons and even deer we sometimes eat, but we feel that it is not bad to eat other bad people who would be released from prison, free to hurt more people again.”
“So you’re trying to be a hero too?” Cassie asked.
“Sure, yes, we are,” Eddie and Venom said together, and Cassie found that a little creepy but also super cool.
“Well,” her dad said, “that, uh. Sure is something. What the hell are the odds that two superheroes meet because one asked the other to babysit his daughter?”
“Like zero,” Eddie replied. Then: ���Seriously though you won’t tell anyone right?”
Scott opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. “Well. I mean. You could always tell them yourself?”
Eddie leveled a very unimpressed stare at her dad, and Cassie couldn’t help but ask, “You want to tell Hope and her parents, daddy?”
“And maybe whatever’s left of the Avengers,” Scott admitted. “Not that I don’t believe you or trust you or anything! But like, more as a… like, you could join us? That’d be cool, right?”
Eddie blinked, and it’s Venom who answered. “We will…think about it,” they said. “For now, we would appreciate if you tell no one, or we might eat your head.”
“Please don’t eat my daddy’s head,” Cassie said at the same time Eddie shouted, “No, Vee, we aren’t eating a hero’s head!” They shared a look, and Eddie continued, “Cassie would be very sad if you ate her dad’s head.”
“Oh. That’s not good. We like Cassie,” Venom said with a bit of a purr, and Cassie giggled.
“Well,” Scott said, “thanks for, for not eating my brain I guess. And, hey, you have my number – let me know if you ever want to do that hero meet-and-greet thing, I’m serious.”
“Sure, I mean, like we said, we’ll think about it,” Eddie replied.
“Yeah, cool, cool, man. I guess, uh. I guess I’ll see you around?”
Eddie and Venom grinned. “Sure,” was the simple reply.
“Great,” Scott said. He looked back to Cassie and then back to Eddie. “And uh, if you’re okay with it – I mean – I’d be okay with you babysitting Cassie still, I mean only if you want to…”
Eddie cut Scott off with a laugh. “Sure, man, we’d love to. See you around, man; bye, Cassie!”
And Cassie watched, still fascinated, as Venom melded back into Eddie and they walked out toward their motorcycle before driving away.
“He was like, the best babysitter ever daddy,” Cassie proclaimed, grinning up at her dad. “I liked him, and Venom too!”
“He certainly was….something,” Scott replied, scratching the back of his neck. “And I’m sure we’ll see him again, sweetie. Now, should we get Charlie Ben-Ant-e some more food or what?”
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