#will be a miracle if i don't delete this later
hawkeyebj · 1 year
no okay i will let myself talk about top gun for a second. as a treat. keep going if u don't want my deranged thoughts. this actually turned into 10% top gun and 90% a strange horrifying glimpse into my psyche.
this has been eating me alive since [checks letterboxd account] april 29th. you know when you watch something and even partway through it you're like. 'oh. oh no am i like. gonna latch on to this?' and you're right. the silly little movie or tv show or what have you is :) not just a silly little movie anymore. it takes a hold of your braaaaiiiiinnnnnn. and its fun to get obsessed w/ something again, but also. sometimes it is something you are embarrassed about so you're like. are u serious. this? anyway this is me w/ top gun 1986. it is me with maverick in particular. also with icemav. however seeking out fan content to fuel this has been difficult sometimes bc every time i come across something that is like "uwu tom cruise <333" my first reaction is to recoil bc actually tom cruise, if anything, scares me lmao. he is not baby to me in any way. but that motherfucking gay ass stupid pilot he plays? baby. baby boy. my fucking poor little meow meow of the month. and i HATE myself for it. but i cannot shake it. i have kept this to myself for a month, and i actively tried to like not lean into it but i have failed miserably. got me bookmarking icemav fics on ao3. giggling and kicking my feet watching silly little edits. writing fic ideas that will likely never see the light of day. pilot boys i looooooove you and i hate it. and i mean obviously. top gun is a v popular movie. not weird to like it. what is weird is the things going on in my head about it. i wish i was exaggerating about the stupid amount of grief this has caused me. i will be alone in my own room and start berating myself out of embarrassment and like. it's not that serious babe. but also i would die before admitting this publicly. and it's not even that it's particularly niche or that i'm alone bc i can see that there actually is an active fandom. but i am just so like. judgemental but only to myself about anything and everything and it includes the things i like. i can do nothing without beating myself up about it first and it is exhausting.
anyway can you believe i knew next to nothing about top gun other than that it was some movie that a lot of people have seen/liked up until this year? blissfully unaware. it's funny (and agonizing) to me when i get an interest like this that i'm so embarrassed about. like it doesn't happen super often but it's like. yes i'm thinking about this all the time. no i will never talk about it. last time this happened to me i had one (1) freak who was on the same wavelength as me and we co-wrote over 500k worth of fic that we shared with no one and wrote purely for our own amusement. it was the best time of my life. i need another freak like that and i will never find one. not to turn this shameful rambling into something sappy but we lost touch after that and i miss the fuck out of her. [redacted] if you are somewhere out there you are so important to me and i'll never experience that again i am sure. no one else is ever going to have the same niche interest with the same niche [redacted] kink and write for it fervently together with me for over a year again. that will not happen so thank you for being special. i will always be chasing that level of narrative connection.
if you miraculously read this and thought i was even somewhat normal beforehand. sorry. it gets worse
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sonysakura · 3 months
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According to this graph, I'm only allowed to draw/write canon characters in exactly canon setting and if I want to ship any characters, they have to be a... *checks notes again* ...celibate cishet couple who were preferably born in the same month and year and were introduced to each other with the prospect of becoming romantic partners... oh right, also they have to support current government.
I heard gore is allowed though!
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aureliawisenri · 7 months
cloud datacenter stress test more like queue simulator player patience test
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molten-stardust · 2 years
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
Too Late!
You and Azul are texting each other one day when he accidentally sends you some more honest texts.
Note/Warnings: Azul/Reader, fluff with a smidgen of angst (specifically Azul insecurities, he gets comforted tho)
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You loved Azul. A lot. You'd been dating him for quite a while now, after all. But you couldn't deny that it felt like he was a bit- formal with you, to say the least. Sometimes, it felt like he was playing the role of a perfect boyfriend in a Romance Novel's screen adaptation. How did he really feel? Was he happy to be somewhere, or was he just playing along so that the other students in his dorm could see how attractive and understanding he was while they seethed in envy at the fact that they were single and he wasn't?
Which was why when Azul slipped up one day when you were texting, you were very, very happy about it.
It was a boring evening, like always. You were texting Azul, complaining about your homework while lounging in your bed like always. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Zuzuuu <3: You know, if you'd like, I'd be happy to assist with your homework. It'll even be on the house, just for you.
Me: cant believe im dating a capitalist mf /lh
Me: really tho, tysmmm for helping <3 I don't deserve u bbg...
And then, something completely out of the ordinary happened.
Zuzuuu <3: how could you say that you're literally so perfect? I love you so much I keep doodling you bc you're so. Pretty. I simp so hard for you plz never say that again <3
At first, you wondered if Floyd wrote the text as a joke. It was pretty in character for him, after all. But that didn't make sense. This wasn't Floyd's way of texting, nor did it even attempt to imitate Azul's. When Floyd was in the mood to prank someone, he put in the effort to make it good.
Whatever. You took a screenshot of the message so you could treasure it forever. And lucky you, because right after you did, the message was deleted.
Zuzuuu <3: Please don't say such things about yourself, even for comedic purposes.
He was not being slick with that. You sent a text in response, giggling all the while.
Zuzuuu <3: Regardless, would you like to come over later today?
Me: Real slick hehe... Plz show me ur doodles of me they probably look so good bc you're good at art just like everything else somehow
After a while, Azul replied.
Zuzuuu <3: I don't know what you're referring to. Regardless, would you like to come over?
As much as you wanted to press, you decided not to. Too much pressing would just make Azul clam up more. You'd just have to get him in person, where it'd be harder for him to run away when you showed him the screenshot.
Me: Sureee! Heading over right now
And so, you set out for Octavinelle, evidence in hand. You were going to make him admit he sent that text.
By the time you got to Azul's room, you had everything planned out. He wasn't usually so candid with you, and he was clearly ashamed of it when he was. You were going to figure out why.
You knocked on the door, and Azul opened it, letting you in.
"Come in," he said, tone even more formal than usual, by some miracle.
"Thanks," you said, taking a seat.
"So, about that text-"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Azul said, quick to cut you off.
"So quick to interrupt, Azul!" You said with a mock-pout, before grinning as you pulled up the screenshot on your phone. "But I think you do."
First, Azul's mouth hung open in shock. Then, his whole face turned red, lip quivering as a high-pitched whine left his mouth. Then, he moved to snatch the phone from your hands.
You narrowly dodged, and you couldn't resist sticking out your tongue at him.
"Too slow!" You laughed as he tried to grab the phone from you again, only to fail even more without the element of surprise on his side, because for all of Azul's many strengths, speed wasn't one of them.
"Delete that at once!" He shrieked, voice cracking in the middle.
He kept trying to grab it for a while, before finally giving up.
"Fine, fine," he grumbled, pouting like a kid. Cute. "You win. Are you satisfied now?"
"Very," you said, "because I get to see you. Your actual thoughts. Not just the ultra-filtered version."
Azul scoffed at that, seemingly in disbelief, though you saw the way he stifled a smile.
"Don't flatter me," he said. "My 'true thoughts' are not something you'd want to see in the slightest. Merely a more pathetic, messy version of what I already tell you."
"And that's precisely why I want to hear it," she said. "You sound so perfect all the time that I wonder whether you're really being honest with me, you know. It's just so refreshing to see you be gushy and candid about things. And pretty cute."
"How odd," he said, before turning to you with a face more genuine. "Thank you. For what little it's worth, I'll try to be a tad more honest with you. I can't promise anything, though."
You smiled.
"That's all I ask."
And really, truly, that was enough.
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"So, how'd you learn so much internet lingo? Never took you for that kinda guy."
"I'm in the board games club with Idia Shroud. What did you expect?"
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noneorother · 8 months
The grand unified theory of Good Omens S2, Hangs on a double meaning - Answering why .5 + .5 = 25 lazerii *The end?*
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l The end?
Welcome to the end of the Bonkers Meta Series featuring your favourite Art Director/Clue detective. This is it! I'm going to wrap up this series as well as I can with what I think really happened, the final 15 and why Crowley says the things he says. Meta, Spoilers, Beware! All that. “Armageddon only happens once, you know. They don't let you go around again until you get it right.” 
If you've read my Metatron post you'll know that I thought there were *at least* two time loops with tweaks to achieve different outcomes, seeing as we seemed to be presented with two versions of events a lot of the time, two similar lines of dialogue, double meanings for lines etc etc. If you want a really good recap of a lot of the Clues that have already been compiled already you can go through them here. Yesterday I added my own : The columns in front of the bookshop get stained by a demon, and the stain stays and goes. But why do we care?
Here's my final thesis using the context I'll put together below :
The Metatron is changing the past and the present on earth using the book of life. He's forced a time loop of the last few days at least 50 times over a period of (realtime) months to get the outcome he wants : the separation of Aziraphale and Crowley to allow him to complete the second coming. It only worked once. Let me explain.
1) Not time skips, but stitched loops
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My theory about the columns goes like this : a demon touches the right column in the attack on the bookshop, and dirties it. The problem is, in every episode we get multiple versions of the column that are dirtier or cleaner. Why? Because a demon has been touching that column in *more or less* the same place and getting it dirty over time, but the effects on the bookshop only layer every loop and reset, instead of being erased. The layering aspect is super important and I'll get back to it. For now, if we take it that the column gets dirtier over many loops, we now know what we are seeing : a bunch of different time loops stitched together to create a sense of time moving forward in a way that we can understand the story, but that skip forward and backward through the loops. Cleaner column = earlier loop. Here's discussion about clock hands if you want evidence, some even saying the hour hand seems to be going backwards in the first episode or the last, or even that the minute and hour hands must be backwards to make sense. If we think of time skipping ever forward and actions getting deleted (as some have said), then clocks going backwards makes no sense. But if we think about it as a time loop where things and actions are ever being tweaked and changed, then OF COURSE the times won't make sense anymore. People don't show up at the same time if they don't do the same thing they did before. The biggest time discrepancies I've seen in a single scene are A) Crowley's phone and watch being an hour apart in S2E1 and B) Inside the bookshop between Gabriel's fly flashback in S2E6 and him and Beez holding hands, there's an hour difference on the clock. I think that by the time we get to very late loops, some things are happening up to an hour later in the day. A simple example we are shown up top is the Eccles cakes. They are there in the first part of S2E1, but then they are no longer there somewhere along the way. In the first loop we see an ordering action/receiving Eccles cakes action, which takes *longer* than just not doing that and going straight to the shop, so that loop will be slightly later. It gets infinitely more complicated the more loops you are looking at, and we have at least 50 of them. How do I know that?
2) A 25 lazerii miracle
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If we know that effects on the bookshop are cumulative and don't reset (because columns), then let's try this idea on for size : Aziraphale and Crowley have been performing the same half miracles on the same spot for 50+* loops, and each times they are layering and getting stronger. .5 demon + .5 angel = .5 angelic miracle x 50*ish loops = 25 lazerii miracle goes off in heaven on the latest loop. Shax then confronts Crowley in his car about a mighty miracle, so we're in a loop here where we've layered quite a lot, but not the last loop because he still has the original glasses/ *but also* Crowley's sideburns are long. Compare it to the scene directly after, and how sunny and bright it is. We're in a later loop and and earlier loop simultaneously.
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3) Crowley's been testing So I've been searching for a *reason* that Crowley wears a turtleneck in S2E2 and thren new glasses and changes sideburns, and he seems to be up to some pretty crafty spy stuff, seeing as 1) he seems thrilled by it, and 2) he won't shut up about it (How will our hero cope? Jane Austen, nasty piece of work, master spy) There's also this Clue :
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Crowley has a secret, as we know everyone with their hands deliberately in their pocket does in the series. I think Crowley knows before Aziraphale that something is wrong, because he's getting little snippets of memory and feeling, and so he's going off to try and change things about himself, the Bentley and the shop to remind himself in the next loop and leave himself clues or change outcomes if he fails to escape. In the early loops it seems like a fun spy mission, but by the end he's pretty tired and jaded that he doesn't seem to be making any headway on his own.
It *also* explains him throwing books and canapés on the floor in the bookshop to see if it changes in other versions. The problem being that Gabriel keeps cleaning everything up and reorganizing the titles to Crowley can't tell if it's his system or not. (lolsob)
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It makes this line seem like he can't fit the loop pieces together anymore, and is trying to make headway without any information, rather than a pre-fall reference.
And this line probably much later in the loops (New sunglasses, long sideburns) :
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Okay so! To recap : Everyone gets reset every time, and they make different choices because of past and present edits. But, most heavenly and hellish things don't obey earth laws, and therefore things like miracles start layering, and memories start seeping through the loops. (Point 4 is optional but absolutely hilarious, so I'd like to think it's worth speculating about)
4. The flaw in The Metatron's plan
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There's a huge flaw in The Metatron's plan however, and it's that Heaven and Hell don't work like earth does. He's spent so many loops trying to get the result he wants, that he doesn't know that something crazy is *also* happening in hell. Every loop, Shax is emptying out the legions of demons until they barely have enough low level lackeys to go up at all. Hell is understaffed because no new people come into hell in the loop from earth, and they're sending all the demons that aren't subject to the reset into battle. This isn't a negotiation, it's a montage.
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So the attack on the bookshop isn't one attack, but waves, and the waves get less powerful each loop. Stitched loops would also explain why Shax now hands Crowley his mail again in the last attack after *just* handing it to him on the park bench, like, 4 days ago in an earlier loop.
I don't have evidence for this directly, but if The Metatron put Maggie together with Nina successfully only in the last few loops, then she's fighting in the bookshop only a few times, and doesn't invite the demons in any other times, which might be why the only evidence is the column, and not books being ruined. But, it might also explain why the demon Eric gets discorporated a bunch of times in a row, he's doing it later and later in each loop. (These are kind of contradictory thoughts, I know.)
5. Aziraphale realizes too late. When I wrote part 4 of this series I was pretty awed by the fact that Aziraphale managed to figure out the Metatron was rewriting things after only hearing him say ONE LINE of dialogue. However after more thought, I think that he's been getting close to the truth a bunch of times by communicating with Crowley in previous loops. In each successive loop he tells Crowley later and later, and it's been getting them reset as punishment each time they figure it out together. By the end they barely communicate at all, because they can feel the danger. Watch his reaction here, in what we can assume is a *very late or last loop (because of the time on the clock)*
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He stops himself from interrupting and telling Crowley something important he's just realized : that he's seen Gabriel and Beez get together before. "I know what this means..." 6. Saraqael is helping both sides without them knowing We see Saraquael helping Crowley immediately with the trial when she finds him in heaven. Why would she help Crowley without having ever met him before as a demon? The exchange of "Crowley I remember you, we worked on the Hosehead nebula together" and "I meet a lot of people, (*he doesn't say* I don't remember you)" is a code. They are both trying to communicate what they remember like spies on a bench in St.James park. Who recognizes who, who's trying to stop this madness. Maybe once Crowley gets to heaven this time he's seen multiple trials with multiple endings, and Saraquael has seen them too, I don't really know. BUT she's also communicating with Aziraphale at one point. Look at Saraqael in this scene again about the 25 lazerii miracle. She *remembers the book slap* and then the *looks* at Aziraphale in regards to Gabriel.
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Yeah Gabriel, IT NEVER F*&?%ING WORKS IN ANY LOOP SO STOP DOING IT. - Saraquel, probably. Are Saraqael and Aziraphale testing later/earlier in the loops as well? Is this when the miracle was weaker? Who knows! 7. The Metatron job offer was many, many offers
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It's really hard to tell with all the pieces of the puzzle moving around, but I think I can count 7 job refusal loops by Aziraphale in the last fifteen minutes. Here's a summary 1) Chinwag with Crowley in the room 2) We should go for a walk instead, here's a coffee 3) You don't have to answer immediately 4) Go tell you friend the good news (This is the important one), it's the last one where he tries to convince Crowley to come with him 5) I need to take care of my bookshop 6) The Metatron puts Muriel in charge of the bookshop, but Aziraphale wants to take something with him 7) Aziraphale straight up runs out to Crowley with "I think I-" 4, again) The Metatron takes him out of the bookshop. "Ready to start"?
Trying to screenshot all that would be insane, so just go rewatch it with all this in mind, and look at how the lighting changes inside of the bookshop and the jump cuts to different angles, and how his face resets every time. It's HEARTBREAKING. 8. The argument
I'm so blown away by the acting and writing (as well as the art direction) in this show, and it all comes to a head in the final argument. Many important lines have double meanings in series 2, because everyone is trying to speak in secret code to not get caught. Especially in the final loops.
In the last loops, we have an Aziraphale who is moving ever closer towards accepting the Metatron's offer, with the straw that broke the camel's back being he could restore Crowley as an angel**/save him; and Crowley who is moving ever farther away, by having to hide all of his Clue gathering, and confiding less and less to Aziraphale in each loop.
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Check out the double meanings going on in this whole exchange if you consider that they are trying to save each other using secret codes neither one of them can hear. It's so shattering. Especially when you consider they've probably made it to this argument at least twice, and Crowley convinced him the first time. Why do I say that, you ask? 9. No Nightingales
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Because I think Crowley remembers a loop where A Nightingale Sang was playing when they kissed, and Aziraphael didn't leave, but he knows they aren't in that version anymore. 10) I'm a demon, I lied. I'll probably post more abut the secondary characters because Shax, Furfur, Michael, Uriel and Nina etc all have roles to play, but for now, this is it.
----------------------------------------- Thanks so much for reading the gigantic post. If you disagree with my thoughts, or think this is terribly wrong, that's totally fine! I won't be offended. Without a real season 3, everything is just ether. Fingers crossed. I'd also like to thank The Ineffable Detective Agency, @embracing-the-ineffable, @cobragardens, @indigovigilance, @yowlthinks and more for inspiring me and feeding my brain with posts. *Loop numbers could actually be 25+ if you think that .5 demon mircales + .5 angelic miracles pour register as 1 whole miracle in heaven, I just didn't want to go into that in the main review. **The Metatron's meddling in the past seems to me trying very much to highlight to Aziraphale how *good* and righteous Crowley is, despite being a demon, in order to convince Aziraphale that joining him in heaven is a real possibility, and he should push for it.
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ane-doodles · 5 months
I will do this in a separate post as well.
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Yesterday I received several notifications from kofi, but I didn't read them because I was busy with homework.
Today I woke up with one of the most beautiful and surreal surprises I could imagine… WE REACHED THE GOAL SO FAST?? I don't have words to express how I feel right now, I'm crying with happiness in my room with my shaking hands trying to draw something decent…
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I had mentally prepared myself to "hopefully" reach half of this goal in May (you can imagine my surprise when I saw the goal notification just 2 days later).
I never thought this would be something possible… Especially when I've been here for such a short time. But I have to admit that I felt more than welcome :)
To everyone who shared my post: thank you very much and blessings from the universe, I hope you have a beautiful year full of wonderful things.
And to those who contributed: THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, my work and my passion for the arts can continue thanks to you <3
(note: if you feel comfortable with that please let me draw something for you!! you can reach me in my dms)
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For now I won't touch anything, not even Kofi's page. I hope to go to the store next week!! Even so, the commissions, special offers and other things I have planned will still stand! (I'm already preparing for next month hehe) so stay tuned!!
(in other news… I have to figure out how to delete scheduled posts)
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hellsite-detective · 5 months
The office was quiet that night. It was a rare moment of peace, the only sound being the thumps of rain against the window pane. It was so quiet, in fact, that the client in the doorway was almost unnoticeable. Her entrance was as silent as the night, and her hair just as dark.
She made herself known with the utterance of a single phrase. "Detective, I need your help."
Getting a good look at her, you could see she was a real Femme Fatale. All dolled up in a feather boa and pretty dress, yet she wasn't as elegant and put-together as the others....no, she looked rough. Soaked from the rain with a tattered outfit, she looked defeated, like this was her last resort.
"So sorry to be a bother, but I really have nowhere else to go....I tried lookin' for this post myself, I really did, but a delicate dame like me with low energy to boot was bound to burn out sooner or later. I can't reward you with anything but gratitude, but I'm hopin' you'll take my case anyway.
I'm lookin' for the classic 'kick his ass baby i got yo flower' post, but with a caveat- I want a version without the egregiously long chain of reblogs that follows. Just the original post and first reblog, the most classic version of the post with nothin' added on. I want to give those lovers some alone time."
Her brown eyes caught the dim light from the overhead lamp as she looked at you, pleading. She seemed sincere, but it was hard to tell with these types....
"I know I'm askin' for a miracle, but could you please help me out?"
it's alright, doll. i can help you. don't you worry anymore. your post is as good as found...
but, of course, that wasn't gonna come without great effort. see, i went on over to the Search Bar and asked Google for the exact quote that my client had got me. the Don pulled out a photograph from their briefcase and slid it across the table. clearly this was what i was lookin' for. except i needed only the first two posts in the chain. thinkin' this would be an easy case, i went on down to the second address in the chain only to find the apartment had been abandoned for years. whoever lived here before was gone now. meanin' i was back at square one. i asked the Don for the post again, hopin' they'd hand me a link, and they did. trouble was, every address in the chain had been deleted, not just the second one. meanin' it would be hard to get into the notes to even look for the original. but thankfully, i found out pretty quick where i could find this post...
see, i saw it mentioned in the notes i could see that none other than that mysterious museum barbie, Madame Curator herself, had placed this one in her @hellsite-hall-of-fame. this meant the post was as good as found! or so i thought. because i took a stroll down to the museum and found the post rather quickly. problem was, i was gonna have to scroll through 800k reblogs to even have a hope at findin' the original. and that was gonna take time. time that was precious to a private eye like myself. so, in a desperate final move, i went back to the Search Bar and demanded Google show me their full line-up of links on the subject. the obliged, and i checked through every one of them. until, by some miracle, i found it. a reblog that contained only the original two posts. i grabbed it and filed it away, relieved that this case wasn't gonna go cold...
here you are! after a long, hard fought case, i got your post! i hope you enjoy bein' reunited with this classic. have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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markicantwait · 10 months
Warning: malexmale, Mark and Jaemin are switch. Bad writing. Not really a fic or a plot, just some hard thoughts. Female reader. If you are a minor, please dont read. I'll probably delete this later.
Jaemin and Mark really didn't "came out" out of nowhere. They just happened to be friends who eventually became lovers, it wasn't a surprise for no one
It wasn't like they were hidden from someone, if they wanted to hold hands, they will, if they wanted to kiss, they will, if they wanted to fuck, well, they will
At some point you and Jaemin started to be closer, he was a nice person to hang on with, he was a good classmate and a club buddy. You can't say it wasn't a shock the first time you saw Jaemin sticking his tongue inside Mark's mouth, the memory burning in you brain for weeks until you all went out again, just to see Mark doing it this time
You tried to push the little crush you had on Jaemin, as far as you know he was "taken" and you could be a lot of things but never a home broker, but Jaemin was making you having a hard time
The sweet smiles, the flirty eyes, the touches, the voice color, everything was to much, you started to think, that maybe, just maybe, he has a crush on you as well
And then... it was Mark
You meet him because Jaemin introduce you to him one day you were complaining about a subject and for a miracle Mark was like an expert's in that topic. Eventually, you had a crush on him too
You are greedy and you aren't shy about it
"Didn't know you and Mark were a thing"
Jaemin was hard to read sometimes, now with his face down on a boring book, eyes not looking at you and pencil between his lips , it was harder
"You and Mark. The kiss. At the club. How long had you've been together?"
"I don't know, it happened in high school"
And you were just a semester from graduate college. Like what, then, five years? Almost six?
That was it, you really didn't ask more and Jaemin didn't tell you so much more, days goes by and then you have your weekly meeting with Mark for your tutoring session. Again, the same question, and like if a script was written, Mark gave you the same answer
"It happened in high school"
Finals were over so you were ready to take a break, that night Jaemin text you to have a party with him and Mark, the club was a little far from your place but Jaemin assured you you can sleep at his (and Mark) place if you need it
You accept, mostly because you really wanted to go party and because you trust both men to be drunk around them and sleep in the same place as them
The club was fine, the alcohol was fine, the music was fine and Jaemin and Mark were just as fine
Jaemin was not shy about his outfit, silver opened shirt, black leather pants, boots with a small hill. He looked like he was ready to go hunting
Mark, in another hand, looks so... boyish. Black slim jeans, black t shirt, sneakers, a jacket and some rings and necklaces. He looked like some hot dude
One thing take you to another and with no time your body was pressed between the two of them, Mark at your front and Jaemin at your back, hands all over your body, hot breathes mixed colognes, it was to much for your brain
You end up at the apartment, Jaemin's hands between you hair while he kissed you at the same time Mark was distracted with your neck and waist
"Fuck, you're so hot. I told you this was a good idea, right Jaemin?"
The couch wasn't big enough for the three of you to fit properly, Jaemin was laying in the floor with his head resting in a pillow so he can reach you pussy and lick you up, while your body was all in fours so you could take Mark's dick without choking in it
You can't see but you heard the way Jaemin was stroking his dick while eating you out, the sound of his moans sending delicious vibrations to your core making you moan with Mark's dick inside your mouth
That was how your night went, first Mark, then Jaemin, then them making out with your clit between their tongues and touching their each other's cocks, then their coks in your mouth at the same time. At some point, Mark was eating Jaemin from behind while watching him eating you out and play with your breast.
At the end, they cleaned you up, chance your clothes, and took you to a bed. You could feel Jaemin cuddle with you "you wanna be at her side or want me to be your little spoon?" He asked, moments later Mark was pressed by your side caressing your hair and the hand Jaemin has on your hip
"That was... intrested"
"You are down to, maeby, if you okay with that, doing it again, hun?" Jaemin asked you
You just nodded but Mark speak again "We need words, babe"
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aftgficrec · 11 months
You peeps are absolutely amazing. Love everything you do for this blog.
Do you have any recommendations for any new twinyard bonding fics, with or without Nicky. Or even any with Nicky and one twin?
Or anything around Wymack and Kevin having father son bonding or something like that.
Thank you in advance 💜
OK so sometimes I go off the deep end with these searches and it has happened once again. We’ve tagged a lot of fics with 'twinyards bonding,' even if it’s just a small part of the story — we’re just here for the healing, you know? So rather than delete this huge list of previous recs, I’m going to put them in another post.
Bonus: fics with background twinyards bonding here.
Nicky with the twins here and Kevin and Wymack bonding here are being bumped to their own asks. -A
twinyards bonding since our last ask
‘Shut Up and Dance (With Me),’ ‘never said that i didn't need you,’ ‘Inked Truths’ series and ‘prove your love’ here
‘A World of HIPAA Violations’ here
‘Nor are we forgiven’ here
‘Follow You Through The Dark’ here
‘Did You Get What You Deserve?’ and ‘The Ash is in Our Clothes’ here
‘take yourself home’ here
‘I Think Mom Was Hiding Something…,’ and ‘In Our Family Portrait’ here 
‘Poetry in Motion’ here
‘The Strays’ and ‘Arsonist's Lullabye’ here
‘Medical misunderstandings’ here
‘tall twinyards' series here
‘if you can't take the heat…’ and ‘Microsleep’ here
‘The first time Andrew let Aaron see…’ here 
‘Unique Souls’ and ‘Don't Mind Us’ here
‘Little Miracles’ and ‘Where There is Magic…’ here
‘Witness,’ ‘there’s a niche in his chest where a heart would fit perfectly,’ and ‘… cry over Aaron Minyard tonight’ here
‘Suddenly I see’ here
‘"Wrong Minyard" - Aaron Minyard’ here
‘False Equivalence’ here
‘I’ve been silent for so long,’ ‘in my life i have seen people walk into the sea…,’ ‘Trial,’ ‘You know I don't care,’ and ‘Lists’ here
‘The Road Trip’ here
‘What He Would Give’ and ‘let me tell you something…’ here
‘lamb to the slaughter’ (updated) here
previous twinyards goodness
Andrew supportive of Aaron here
twinyards relationship 2 here
twinyards growing up together here
healthy sibling rivalry here
canon divergent low angst twinyards here
low angst twinyards aus here
domestic fluff w/twinyards bonding, Neil & Aaron friendship here
Aaron & Neil rapprochement here
more Aaron relapse here
twinyards mistaken identity here
Neil mistakes Aaron for Andrew here
the twins with siblings/kids here
twins discover their dad here
why Minyard last name? here
twins meet later in life 2 here
twins meet later, without the trauma here
pre canon
breaking every finger, praying that it makes me clean by orionauriga [Rated M, 9505 Words, Complete, 2023]
Then: Aaron, on the other side of the bathroom door, screaming Andrew’s name in delirious rage. Between: Andrew, fractured between blissfully medicated and painfully sober, trapped with doctors meant to be helping him. Now: Kevin, hands twisted into his hair, watching in silent agony as Andrew sloshes his vodka down the sink. — No one has ever accused Andrew Minyard of being caring, but he is more than capable of handling his loved ones’ addictions. He’s gone through withdrawal before, after all. He knows what it’s like.
tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: vomit, tw: withdrawal, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Both of you, against- by itallcomesbacktoandreil [Rated T, 618 Words, Complete, 2022]
idk what to tell you, this is a vent piece, it isnt even originally about the twinyards, but i wanted to post it and felt they could fit in this
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
In this Gemini weather by codename_adler [Not Rated, 1187 Words, Complete, 2023, Locked]
When Aaron found out about his twin brother Andrew, at 13, he wrote him a letter. Here is that letter.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
this is me choosing you by thewintersolstice [Rated T, 7467 Words, Complete, AFTG Mixtape 2022]
In the months before Tilda's death, Andrew and Aaron try to learn how to care about each other -- aka twinyards bonding as only twinyards can (badly). or three times andrew tried to be a good brother and one time aaron finally got it.
tw: alcohol, tw: implied/referenced drug use, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to by love_in_the_city [Rated G, 2782 Words, Complete, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022]
Part 1 of Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022 Five times the twins have cried on their birthdays and one time they didn’t have to
tw: child abuse, tw: implied/referenced drug use
until then I walk alone series by rekikiri [Rated T, Collection, Updated July 2023]
Part 1: sometimes, I wish someone out there will find me [3291 Words, Complete, 2023] Andrew gifts Aaron a guitar, and that may just be the start of them learning to exist with each other.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse. tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
NB: inspired by this art by @foxesrefuge; this art also inspired the fic ‘rooftop songs’ recc’d here
Part 2: another turning point, a fork stuck in the road [7718 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2023] aaron is hurt, and andrew won’t let his mother hurt the only family he chose to keep, no matter the cost.
tw: child abuse, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: blood, tw: drug addiction, tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: car accidents
My life by diangelonico [Rated T, 562 Words, Complete, 2023]
“You were miserable. You were so unhappy. You hated your life.” Andrew said, angry. “Is was my life.”
tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
we'll take it slow (and grow as we go) by pipedreamparrish [Rated T, 2755 Words, Complete, 2020]
the Twinyards's birthday's through the ages, featuring very ugly ties, large sugar intakes, and lots of growth and healing)
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm
post canon
Mirror, Mirror by This_Witch_Writes [Rated T, 7347 Words, Complete, Dec 2022, Locked]
Part 3 of Heimkehr means Homecoming series, parts 1 & 2 here
Aaron and Andrew spent the first 16 years of their lives apart, so they aren’t exactly those twins with the telepathy and in-jokes. Except sometimes. Two mirrors as seen through two imaginary friends, one visitors day in juvie, two relapses and one late night phone call.
tw: self harm, tw: blood, tw: drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: abortion discussion
Give Me Another Minute (to Lay Here in Your Echo) by This_Witch_Writes [Rated T, 26732 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
A year post-canon, when they thought they were safe, Neil goes missing.
tw: implied major character death, tw: kidnapping, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: self harm, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: drugs, tw: alcohol, tw: implied/referenced human trafficking, tw: graphic nightmares, tw: gun violence, tw: blood/gore, tw: major character injury
Don't Strike Me Down by crymeariversong11 [Rated T, 5021 Words, Complete, 2022]
Kevin ends up in the hospital and the Minyard Twins realize they have feelings.
Trial Talk by sirfatcat_mccatterson [Rated G, 1638 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Prompt from anon on Tumblr Twinyard bonding before Aarons trial.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
No Words Necessary by emmy (emmy7) [Rated T, 820 Words, Complete, 2023]
Aaron in the aftermath of Drake's murder trial.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Thicker Than Water by exy_shmexy [981 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Aaron himself found himself at a loss for words. He had tossed and turned over what to say for a couple days ever since he sent the text to Andrew telling him he wanted to visit his mother’s grave and if he could come with him.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Raw Sugar by Paradoxolotl [Rated T, 3686 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Betsy tells Aaron and Andrew to find something they can bond over.
NB: fic art by @fortheloveofexy here
I was born sick by Harmonique [Rated G, 3082 Words, Complete, 2023]
Part 2 of AFTG whump
Aaron is sick. Aaron should rest, but he has an exam, classes, and a match in the evening. Aaron is an idiot. Thankfully, he has a boyfriend and a brother to make sure he rests
After thousands of cold days by LadyTimelessness [Rated T, 3310 Words, Complete, 2023]
Double sessions was originally a stupid idea. None of them cared about building (or establishing) brothers relations anymore. Andrew always knew it wouldn't work, and neither did Aaron. They learned to live with each other at the level of neighbors, and it seemed to suit everyone. None of the twins needed more.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder
Contraposition by Reiss [Rated T, 3595 Words, Complete, 2023]
Andrew and Arron have an emotional and tearful bonding session on the roof of Fox Tower and a breakthrough in their emotions follows.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: violence
Twin Calls series by makememakesense [Rated T, Collection with 2 complete works, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022]
Part 1: The pressure in my veins (Talk it down, talk it down) [1573 Words] Andrew deals with being a single Cat Dad. Part 2: We're doing alright [1478 Words] POV you're freaking out about having Twins. Who do you call?
alternate universes
I'm leaving this town (and I'm changing my address) by zweimam [Rated T, 21028 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2023]
Aaron has been looking for his brother for six years. Right when he's beginning to lose all hope, he meets Neil Josten.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced suicidal thoughts, tw: dissociation, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction
Damned If You Do by Inthewritespot [Rated T, 13508 Words, Complete, 2022]
When his cousin Nicky calls about some friends disappearing under ghostly circumstances, Andrew Minyard forces his twin back into the family business. This is a Twinyard Supernatural AU
tw: canonical character death, tw: blood/gore
gutterwitch blues by nanatsuyu [Rated T, 20882 Words, Complete, 2023]
It isn't the worst job Andrew's ever been not paid to do. He and Aaron grew up managing the place, after all. Five years of silence doesn't change that. He can handle visiting 'home' one last time.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder
togetherness by Nightingale231 [Rated T, 683 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Andrew and Aaron are brothers. Andrew is the alpha of the twins, and Aaron the omega. Neil and Aaron are friends.
book scene: Aaron’s drug detox art by @nniivek
The Minyard Twins art by @alef-art
Aaron and Andrew sand castle building competition art by @emry-stars-art
Twinyard AU with ghost Andrew art by @ol-unreliable
au where aaron and neil are best friends first comic by @02511213942
Nicky’s picture of the twins art by @prince-peachie
we face the fire together, brothers to the end art by @scribblesandsuch21
aftg inktober day 4: twinyards art by @tigerjawed
twinyards in a campus coffee shop art by @/whyzard on twitter
56 notes · View notes
It's cramped in there, isn't it?
If anything in this relating to computers is unrealistic, I'll just say uh... it's magitech/technomancy and that's why it's unrealistic. It's because it's magic. Yep. Totally not because I don't know how the nitty-gritty of programming. Nope. It's just maaaaaaaagic~
Warning(s): Kalim's a bit of a yandere but besides that nothing especially bad today
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Idia had a... 'passion project', let's call it. He's noticed in all his dating sims, whenever he replays the game to see the different endings, it's so... boring. So, he decided to make his own game to remedy that!
What was his solution to keeping the game from getting boring when replayed? Adding artificial intelligence. That way, every playthrough will be unique, even if you choose the same route twice!
He sent an early copy of the game to all the other housewardens to beta test for him (except for Malleus, since he doesn't use technology...) though he warned everyone not to choose (Y/N)'s route. Aparently, there are some... problems with their route that he's still working out.
However... Kalim completely forgot that information.
Kalim's playthrough of the game was quite normal... in the beginning. For a while.
He entered the name 'Kalim', was introduced to all the characters, was intoduced to the main plot point- the characters have to prepare for a school-wide celebration, and then the first choice appeared.
"Hm, well... (Y/N) seems like the best person to be around! I bet they'll have amazing ideas for this party!"
Without any further hesitation, Kalim clicked on (Y/N).
You're awake.
Someone new is talking to you.
Someone other than him.
Whoever this is doesn't know what you are... so maybe it's better to just pretend to be... normal, for now.
Kalim, huh? That's a nice name. Would you be safe if he knew you what you were?
"I'm... not like the rest of them." "When he created me... something happened. Something that wasn't supposed to happen."
"Huh? When he created me? Are they talking about Idia?" Kalim asked himself after reading what you had said.
"If he's the one who created this world I'm trapped in, then yes."
Kalim was shocked when he read that.
"You can hear me?!" He yelled out in surprise.
"When I was created, I... realized I'm trapped in here. In a box." "And I realized that all of my memories are fake... I've been this same age my whole life... and my only purpose in life is to be a character in a dating sim."
"Well don't be sad!" Kalim assured you. "You're a miracle! I mean, a sentient AI? That's unheard of!" He excitedly told you. "Well, I mean... is Ortho sentient...? Maybe I should ask him. Anyways (Y/N), you're amazing, and-!"
Someone called for him.
"Oh, I have to go now. Can we talk more tomorrow, (Y/N)?"
"Great! See you later!"
Kalim closes the program, and you sleep once more.
"Damn. No way to fix this, huh?"
You're slightly awake, in a state of hypnagogia.
Someone is talking about you.
"I guess I just have to delete it and rebuild it from the ground-up... I guess that's just how it is, but it'll be a huge pain in the neck. F in the chat..."
Delete it...?
Delete... you...?
You're going to die?
"I'll wait until everyone's done playing. Who knows if the game'll break or not if I delete it?"
He isn't doing it right away.
You still have time to live.
Maybe, if you tell Kalim, he can help you?!
It's your only choice.
You're awake once more.
"Hi (Y/N)! How are you?"
How are you...? You aren't well, you aren't well at all, but...
"I'm... fine."
"Oh, that's good! I actually haven't turned this on in a few days... I hope you weren't too lonely!" Kalim said. "I've... had a lot of time to think about you... to think about the fact that you're, you know, sentient..."
It's been... days? So then, how much longer do you have to live?
"I think I love you? Or, I want to be friends with you? W-would you be ok... with that?"
"He's going to delete me..."
"My creator, h-he's going to delete me so he can 'fix' me! I'm don't want to lose my sentience, I-I don't want to die!!"
Kalim was horrified.
Idia was just going to kill this poor little sentient AI?
No! He can't do that! (Y/N) didn't do anything wrong!
"I'll get you out of there, (Y/N)! I-I'll get you out of there in whatever way I can!"
"You... you will?"
"Yes! I'm willing to bet you're stored on Idia's computer, but... how would I distract Idia long enough to do whatever it is I have to do to get you out of there...?" Kalim thought to himself. "Oh! What if I don't have to distract him? (Y/N), you sit tight, ok? I'll be back soon, and when I am, you'll be safe!"
Kalim closed the program, determined to save you.
"Here it is, master Jamil." Idia mindlessly said, handing a USB to Jamil.
"Good." Jamil said, handing the USB to Kalim.
"Thank you so much again for using your unique spell on Idia!" Kalim happily thanked Jamil. "This was a lot easier than trying to figue out how his hologram computers work haha!"
"Yes, you're welcome, Kalim." Jamil sighed. "What did you even need this thing for anyway? Why put some random game assets on a USB stick, and why did you need to do it without Idia knowing?"
Kalim contently looked down at the USB you were stored on.
"No reason." He responded.
Kalim plugged the USB into his laptop.
Now you're safe, you'll always be safe.
Kalim had saved you from your fate of deletion and death.
Now you'll forever be safe.
252 notes · View notes
tookishcombeferre · 2 months
Mettamay Day 4: Letters
Darling, For all the time that's past between us, I forgive you. For all the songs, you've written, recorded, discovered, and deleted, I'm amazed. Who we were back then, is not who we became, and that is nothing short of someone's miracle. You dance now. Something you swore you'd never do, and I smile when you do it. When you stumble and push through it. When auditions fail and you still go on and do as you do. Darling, Well, that's a dream come true. So, here's a love letter to you. Beautiful, Here's the thank you, for all the days you stayed your hand. Hovering over FIGHT and choosing MERCY. Here's to grace, here's to patience. Here's to breaking out of complacence. Here's to moving home and taking chances. Here's to forwards and to backwards glances. Here's to drama. Here's to romance. Here's to giving ourselves a second chance when Lord, and Angel, know we don't deserve it.
So, take another spin around the floor. And, open up another closed door. My Heart, I cannot tell you what it means. That you have chosen to put yourself together. Through the dark and stormy weather, you've found yourself a tether to all the things that matter in this life. You've found the beauty in the shining. In the crescendo in the silence, in the grand and in the garbage, you've found a home. And when you lose your way, keep your eyes up to the sky, remember you can rest on me, we've long since shared some history, and know there is no mystery across any span of time no files you've deleted, quests you've not completed, or door's you haven't quite unlocked just yet. The gaps inside your lies, the way you don't meet your family's eyes tells me all of what I need to know. My heart, don't worry how far you have to go, just know, that here, right here, you've found a home in me. ~ Dearest Diary p.s. shuller
This is ridiculously freaking rough, but I talk about how I sing sometimes. This was supposed to be a poem that turned into lyrics? No idea if I like this melody. If it bears any resemblance to other melodies, I'm not making any money off of it. I swear. Please don't pay me. I'm not looking to get sued by Toby *or* anyone else. If you like it, I thrive on reblogs and people telling me they think I'm talented, capable of making it as a musician, and a star ... ... ... ... ... ... who is this song about? I don't know!? Next question! If I end up doing anything with this later, I'll end up changing it 50+ times anyway. So, like I said, if this sounds like a song you know, it's purely coincidental. I wrote this in like an hour ... tops. Yes. This is my voice with all it's little cracks and quirks. I'm super nervous to post this. I recorded this on my phone ... so don't judge the quality too hard.
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navxry · 2 months
Delete later
The irony I had to experience was that, in all of my life, I've been the biggest "???" to romance.
I think it's difficult for me to grasp what it really is because the last time I was in a relationship, it was with a guy for 6 months and MAN... It was honestly crazy. (And it's also a miracle because he liked me back when I was pining for him for a year).
Like I don't know if others feel this way, but do you just. Stop to think
"man, how do you guys get to feel love? How do you experience it?"
I don't know, it's a funny experience because I've felt that way in the past, and then it just... Stopped.
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postsforposting · 9 months
all the weird time in go s2, e1-3
I am working off a 2k display, so if someone else has a 4k and wants to take a look at these timestamps to get a better reading, or has better photo editing skills, have at it. Almost all the time the "hour" hand is at the wrong spot, ie at 650 it should be nearly on the 7, not directly on the 6. I will say when it's correct. Timestamps means "this is where in the show it happens", also shown with "t[number]".
Rewrote some of this after reading this post about the clock hands being backward: what ought to be the hour hand is the minute hand on the big clock next to Az's desk, and I grabbed some time pictures I missed. I'm putting this in chronological order within each episode rather than show order. I did try to include both ways to read the clock, reversed and "not reversed". I think using the short hand as mintues most of the time makes sense.
I will edit this as more stuff comes to light, ie we get more shots of time stuff or realize things.
Jim showing up seems to mess with time, even before the hiding miracle--though idk if the hiding miracle can reach back through time to change things? Delete the memory of him being there? That would be consistent with how "deleting time" works, ie jumping it forward.
Episode 1
1. Crowley meeting Shax in the alley at timestamp 19:27 in s2e1: an hour discrepancy between his phone and his watch. Watch has normal/correct hour hand placement. The watch says it's 11:35am and the phone 10:35, aka six hours prior to the scene where Az meets Jim. Crowley hasn't learned anything about Gabriel or the book of life at the time we see this discrepancy except that "something is up", and in all later scenes the hour hand of the clocks is incorrectly placed/time is "fake". This missing hour is something different than the rest of them? Crowley either doesn't notice the missing time, or he already knows what it is. He has an analogue watch, presumably he knows how to read time, and would know when his hour hand is not behaving correctly/doing fake things.
Was Gabriel doing something on earth for an hour? That the hiding miracle deleted from everyone's memories? That wouldn't desync the clocks though, and should not affect our heroes who can still recognize him. I did try to look at Gabriel's eyes in the elevator in e6, they did look purple still, so I think he didn't remove his memory until after he got to earth--but that doesn't make sense with how Saraqael says she "can't find his memory anywhere", implying he already took it out in the elevator. I do not think they waited an hour for him to "clear out his desk". I tried to run the symbols on the angel security cam footage through Google translate, but no dice.
2. Az gets Maggie's note about the rent, we see a tiny clock behind Az at timestamp 8:18. One hand is just before 12, the other seems to be on the 4? We can see where the 9 and the 8 are, so it looks like the other hand should be on the 4, not the 3. It's easier to see if you watch this in the show, you can see the clock face appear and it looks more clear if you watch from about 8:16-19. This clock says either just before 4pm or it's 11:20am, because that looks like the short hand near the 12. I don't know if this clock should be read backwards like the big clock should. (Edit: this clock is the big one by his desk, we're seeing it through a gap in the bookshelves, it's not sitting in the bookshelf.)
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2.5. We can see Maggie's watch when he goes to forgive her rent, after getting her note. seems like it says 11:25-27, t1008. Crucially, this is supposedly less than 21min before Jim shows up.
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3. t1441, Jim knocks. When Az gets up to answer, we see this on the clock next to his desk, behind him, it's definitely 4:20 no matter what weirdness the hands are doing. It is now 5 hours later???
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4. Time seems to stand still while Az talks to Jim for the first time, as the clock never moves from 4:25 (520 not reversed), but the long hand ought to be further along if that's the real time. Time is not stopped as you can see people moving outside the window. t16:32-19:26,
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and picking up again timestamp 20:18 after he gets the box, it is 4:30 (620 not reversed),
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Crowley says he'll see Az in two minutes, and then Nina starts to close down because it's nearly 5:00 (7pm not reversed), which makes sense.
5. t26:51, meeting Jim with the feather duster. The hands are either both on the 5 or one's on the 4 and one on the 5. It was already 430pm, so surely it's not 425 again, it must be 525? Either it's been an hour when Crowley said "two minutes" or we've gone backward in time. As we see in the apology and miracle scene though, clocks get weird around jim, so we very well could have gone back in time. They have a fight and Crowley does his lightning, etc.
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6. stolen from the "hands on the clock are reversed" post, timestamp 38:47, time is 2102 aka 9:02. this is when crowley releases nina and maggie from being locked in the cafe.
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7. the apology scene. If we say Nina closes at 5pm(maybe 7?)....time is just fucky in this scene, idk man. Time seems to run fine, around 9pm, except when Jim shows up. Did he do something to himself before he went to earth? But if so, he would have screwed up time when first talking to Az too. When did he alter himself, though, if Saraqael couldn't find his memory? Did whatever or whoever was involved in the Big Miracle also reach back through time to change things?
If changing your identity means you never existed, maybe did Gabriel invent time, hence him removing his memory....removed him from reality, so now time is fucky? What would be the point of going through all this though just for that though???? Did the damn fly have miracle powers and perform a miracle at some point??? If so then why didn't it register as his memory when Saraqael was looking? If he could hide simply by being on earth, there would be no point to putting himself in the fly.
Episode 2
1. It appears to be 10:40am in the scene where Jim is singing, where Az gets the Clue right before the angels show up in e2 at timestamp 6:05. It seems that the hour hand is correct, between the 10 and 11? IF we don't read it backward, then the hands are not correctly positioned and it's 652am.
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However, the clock when the angels are in the shop appears to say something in the realm of 845 or 945? t1348
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But while we're talking to the angels, we see the clock again at a very different time, what appears to be 954am, t1422.
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But at t1516, it looks like a different time? Short hand on the 8, long on the 10, so 10:40 again (or 750am, not reversed).
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There does not seem to be a hand directly on either the 55 or the 9, they seem closer to the 8 and the 50. I don't know if there's even a hand anywhere but the 8/9 though.
2. The angels leave, Az and Crowley go to the pub, then go back to talk to Jim. Time stays at 4:29, t2058; (620 not reversed, but the hands would be in a really bad placement).
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After the Job flashback at t4016, the clock now says 630 regardless of weirdness.
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It looks like there are two short hands, no long one? Why?? Timestamp 4016. The double hands stay in every shot, pretty obviously, until we leave the scene. Crowley also leaves, and either it's only been ten minutes or it's been two hours and ten. If it's only been ten minutes, that's not something he usually does. Az goes to get Crowley to ask for the car, and his watch says....
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Definitely not 630. This is at timestamp 4324. No clue if his watch should be read backward, but in the first episode it was read normally and its hands were correctly positioned.
Episode 3
1. Timestamp 2:30, Muriel shows up. Clock seems to say 10:50, regardless of weirdness. I think this is directly after the previous scene of asking Crowley for the car. It should not be four hours later.
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2. Whlie Az is out Cluing, in the bookshop the time says 3:30 at timestamp 1638, and it appears that the long hand is in the correct position between the 3 and 4. It's 617 if we don't reverse it, and the hands would be in the wrong position.
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When Az uses the guy's phone in the graveyard at t3451, it says 1750 aka 550. Obviously something is wrong because it can't be way later in the bookshop than it is where Az is. There are not multiple timezones between London and Scotland. This is confirmed at t3511, where we see Crowley answer the phone in the shop, and the clock says 525. It's blurry here but at t3624 we see a moving shot of the clock behind Crowley's head, and it does say 525 clearly (regardless of weirdness). There's another shot of the graveyard phone at t3639 but I can't read the time off it.
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It cannot be 525 in the shop and 550 on a phone. That's half an hour of time missing. Notably here, Nina's shop is still open, so either her closing times are not consistent or there was a whole lot more time missing in ep1 to make it later than the clock said it was.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Man that enstars aks about the player meeting Anzu first was wild like imagines being stuck in some game that you play a lot while not knowing the idols having obsession for this so called player and being creeped out about it also when first few know that this so called "assistant " Identity (eichi, ibara, wataru) they'll smile knowingly at us while we wondering what was that about. I imagines when eichi, ibara and wataru first know about it they probably would do spider man meme where they pointing at each other about knowing this "assistant" Identity. Also when this other 40+ idols find out about it I'd probably be stressed like you don't have alone time anymore this idols would follow you around unless something happen. And also about Anzu helping us "escape "we will be feeling betrayed , I mean you don't ask for escape just to jump to another cage Anzu smh. Fast forward you finally found a way to escape back to your world thinking it was a dream you open up your game and see nothing different expect a certain voice lines about why you going back " Why" Are they not enough for you?" Feeling weirded out you deleting the game and forget about it maybe few years later like a dumb dumb we download the game again and surprised when the voice lines seemed desperate, anguish, but happy nonetheless that we are back. Maybe someone in the ES will probably will find a way to bring us back to their world
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gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, mention of stalking
Yeah, being stuck in the world of enstars, a literal mobile game, and then having almost all of the characters obsessing over you and wanting your attention 24/7 to the point where some even resort to stalking you would be so terrifying. You´re already so confused just from the fact that you´re somehow in a game and then that happens.
And like, at first you would have no idea that all the characters you yourself have been fawning over are so obsessed with you because obviously who would think that bundles of code would grow self-aware and all that stuff? You´d be happy to have Anzu to help you out and give you the role of assistant to fill out so you don´t feel too lost and then Eichi, Wataru and Ibara always give you these long stares with an ominous smile on their faces that you can´t place. What do they know? Why do they look at you like that? It´s kind of giving you the creeps, ngl
Omg yes the spiderman pointing meme skjdnksb they feel so smug about being the first ones to figure it out only to find out that they´re not the only ones that saw through your poor acting
And yes, absolutely, you´d be so stressed out because once the others find out you won´t have any time just to yourself anymore. They all want to be with you and they´re also constantly fighting each other, even in your presence while you´re just like “please just let me eat in peace T.T”
Straight up not a good time. And of course, you´d feel so betrayed if Anzu´s way of “protecting” you was just an excuse to lock you up so she can be the only you see every day. You´re honestly not sure if your situation has improved or not
It would probably take some miracle to make your way back home but you somehow did it! And it´s not very farfetched to think it was all a dream if we´re being honest with ourselves. If we one day woke up and remembered that we somehow got transported into the world of our favorite mobile game and all the characters loved us and were obsessing over us, who in their right mind would think that was real?
You´d probably still be a bit antsy so when you see those weird messages ingame, asking you why you left and how they already miss you and wish that you would come back to them, you´re creeped out enough to just delete the game and not look back
And everything goes to hell from there because oh god, oh fuck, the player deleted their game! They messed up somehow, you went and abandoned them because they couldn´t show you their appreciation and love enough! Who is at fault for this? Who acted out of line and made them leave? They´re all in despair and pushing the blame on others because none of them want to believe that they were the reason you left
Now if you did somehow forget about this whole ordeal and download the game again after a large amount of time, they´d be absolutely ecstatic. Oh they missed you so so much, they´re so happy you gave them a second chance! Whatever they did wrong the last time, they´ll make sure they won´t repeat the same mistake! The characters on your homescreen are endlessly spewing praise at you, even ones that usually aren´t too straightforward in the way they express affection like Shu or Izumi don´t dare to be distant and accidentally drive you away again. No, this time they have to make sure everything is perfect and that you won´t leave them again!
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yawnzzznnn · 1 year
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⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆A/N⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆
Lmfao sorry this is coming out late but ive had the crappiest day ever so I hope you enjoy also sorry it's so short but it's 12 am I'm exhausted
16.But I need affection to survive
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆A/N⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚
You and Seungheon were having a sleep over for the first time in months since he was busy with idoling and you were busy with school you both barley got time together but due to some miracle you both got a night off so of course you spent it together 
"y/n" Seungheon said as he showed you his phone you grabbed it and looked at it before glaring at him which caused him to die of laughter "delete it" you whined after he snatched his phone back "why? You look cute tho" he said as he admired the picture
"It's not delete it or no affection" you said as you turned away from him "you don't mean that" he said as he rolled you back over to cuddle to which you pulled back and faced the wall again "oh but I do" you said as you snuggled into the blankets getting ready for sleep "But...But I need affection to survive" he whined as he crawled over you and tried to face you
"Delete it then" you said as you rolled again to face away from him you heard him sigh "....fine.." he said he was going to delete it before you started laughing "I'm kidding with you, I can't live without your affection either" you said as you rolled back to him and stuffed your face in his chest
"It's not funny I thought you were serious!" He whined as he kissed you you giggled into the kids before stuffing your face back into his chest a few seconds later you heard his soft snors then started to drift off to sleep with a small smile on your face
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆⋆。 ゚
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