#wishi plays an ask game
wishi-selfships · 9 months
HIIIII 👯 for DR!Wishi and 🌦️ for Gabi :33
HAIII FLAKE ^□^!!! Thank yew for the ask :3cc I'm gonna be. Honest. I totally mis-read the ask and I thought both were for DR!Wishi ;w; so !!! I'll answer both for wishi and just 🌦 for Gabi :]
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
Um.. I'm actually not quite sure? I don't have a good sense of personal identity, I don't think, so I wouldn't really know. I know I share a personality type with Gundham (ISFP), at least according to personalitydatabase. But maybe Makoto? If I had to choose just one. But I could be wrong on that
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
In an ideal world, there would be mainly fluff fanfics with some good angst fics thrown in the mix as well. Wishi is generally a really happy person but there's a period of time in her canon story/stories that would generate alot of angst oneshots, just exploring what her mental state would be during those times.
HOWEVER I feel like alot of the fics would, realistically, be ship related. Ofc there'd be Wishi specific fics but there'd just be . Lots of ship specific. Mostly fluffy, but there would be some angst fics littered in there.
Gabi [csm]
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
Most Gabi fics would be fluffy, I think. She wouldn't have alot of stand-alone fics - she'd moreso be in fics where she's paired with another character (either romantically or platonically) and fluff would ensue. She'd definitely be the "comfort" part in alot of hurt/comfort fics
Having said that though, I can also see her getting a bunch of angsty fics💭 Though some would be general angst and others would be not so angsty, but like... really existential with her having a crisis . Equal parts hurt/comfort and hurt/no comfort for her.
All in all, Gabi would get a good balance with both. Most fluff fics probably have something to do with either her and Denji [romantic], her and Aki [platonic], or her and her silly little friend group [Adrien and Gigi; other ocs of mine]. Perhaps some with Asa too, .. maybe some with Wishi. Meanwhile, most angst fics would be majorly just Gabi, or at least Gabi focused.
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sleepdepravity · 10 months
ALSO speaking of Umineko I recently finished it and I would like to know who your favorite characters from it are
haha, nice, i hope you enjoyed it!
hm...it's been a while, to be honest, don't know if I can answer this well, but I remember liking George...I sort of end up liking a lot of mild guys I think. Beatrice is great of course. So is Battler because even if he's a sucker, by virtue of being the protag he gets to show off some smarts and i appreciate that in a character. amongst the adults I think I liked Eva and Hideyoshi. And maybe Natsuhi?? I feel like I would've liked Kyrie more if she had some more focus, but I think she never really got a lot going on. I cried over Maria the most. I preferred Lambdadelta over Bernkastel.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
Hi!! this is my first time requesting anything but i was wondering if you could do creepypasta boys were you kiss / compliment there scars!
Kissing their scars (various crp)
Bro I scratched my skin right next to this burn last week and it HURTS so bad
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack
Notes: Reader is GN, fluff, these boys need help
CWs: talks of violence in.. well all of them, mentioned of self harm in Jeff's part
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You decide to kiss the gashes in his cheeks, the ones that he carved.. he never really viewed them as anything very negative; sure it reminds him of the night he killed his entire gamily.. a fact he has a very wishy washy feeling of guilt over depending on the day
At first he thinks you're trying to kiss his cheeks but you make it very clear what you're trying to do when you begin to compliment them- they've healed so well since theyve been put there
Between the three he tries to play it off the most, of course it looks nice- they make him beautiful, and he always will be beautiful! What are you talking about reader?
Hes not at all willing to be vulnerable around you, it doesnt matter how long you two know each other or how close you get he never.. really let's himself just be in his feelings around others
But just know that hes going to be sitting in bed tonight looking up at the ceiling replaying what you've said and going back over the events that lead him here- rare moment of self reflection essentially
But to your face.. hes just the same as hes always been, even teasing you for having such a huuuge crush on him- bonus if the two of you are already dating
Eyeless Jack
You rarely ever get to see him without the mask, but when you do.. it's best not to do something like this the first time you see his eye sockets- hes very cagey about his face in the first place and hes not quiet ready to handle more attention drawn to it. The first few times it's off it's best to meet it with indifference
But when more time passes, you're more than welcome to test the waters. You already knew Jack had a fair collection of scars, but there was a different feel to the burned and gashed holes where his eyes would have been
He wont let you kiss him, mostly because hes unsure of what exactly the goo was made of, as well as naturally not liking the idea of someone putting their mouth where his eyes just to be- but you're allowed to trace your fingers along the scar tissue
Hes never going to tell you what happened unless theres a reason to, hes very firm when setting this boundary. It's just something that makes him feel.. gross..
He already doesn't talk much but he becomes silent as you trace your fingers and talk to him
He might go back to wearing his mask all the time again for a while but it's not exactly your fault, it was just a huge step- it's okay to back up a bit to process things
Ticci Toby
Due to his CIPA he has a bit of a disconnect between him and his injuries, scars included. He didnt really feel them when they were being made, sure he may have felt some pressure depending on what caused it but other than that, nothing really.. for a lot of them he doesnt have much thoughts- neither good nor bad
The only ones that really make him feel something are the ones he sustained from the crash- they're scattered across his body...
If you kissed or complimented any other scar he would tease you for being a little "weird", even making it a game to guess where he got the current scar from- with outlandish answers of course
But the second you reach one of /those/ scars the fun is immediately cut, you can tell theres something off
Similar to Jack, its something that has to be eased into due to the weight associated with the injuries. It's not the fact that it hurt when he got them but they serve as a reminder of what he lost
The only one who really tries to change the subject, perhaps by asking if you have any scars or markings on your body or simply changing the subject all together
Probably the only one who wouldn't want to be complimented due to the nature of some of his scars
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solarmorrigan · 3 months
💘 for the ask game? Might have a preference for the dare kiss if the inspo strikes you... 👀
Inspo did, in fact, strike me (thank you for the prompt!)
💘 fake relationship / mutual pining / dared to kiss
Prompt from this post
CW: alcohol use
Eddie doesn’t know whose brilliant idea this was, but they owe him for emotional damages.
Look, Eddie had really only ever attended high school parties as a dealer, had had very little interest in them otherwise, and thus has never played any of those cheap excuses for a chance to swap spit that they called games. Not truth or dare, not seven minutes in heaven, and not—Eddie watches in dizzy fascination as the empty beer bottle twirls and twirls in the center of the circle—spin the bottle.
Except someone had suggested it, and the rest of them had been just drunk enough to decide it was a great idea and join in.
Except Eddie is pretty sure this game is supposed to be played with classmates you don’t really know; people you barely remember in the morning and whose eyes you can avoid in the hallways at school on the following Monday – not two girls Eddie helped save the world with, the boyfriend of one of the aforementioned girls (and possibly the boyfriend of the aforementioned boyfriend? Eddie’s not sure what’s going on there), three guys he’s been friends with since middle school, and–
–the bottle stops, and Robin lets out a whoop. It’s pointing to the spot directly to Eddie’s right, the spot filled with none other than–
Steve Harrington.
The current bane of Eddie’s existence, with his stupid, pretty face and his stupid, soft-looking hair and his stupid, dry sense of humor and the way he’s stupidly sweet to Eddie and the way he’s smiling at stupid, stupid Eddie right now, who has a stupid, embarrassing crush on the guy, and now Eddie has to kiss him because the beer bottle says so. It’s the law, or something.
Eddie swears he hasn’t actually had that much to drink; he’s pretty sure proximity to Steve just does this to his brain.
Steve keeps smiling at him, amused, eyebrows raised expectantly. “Well?” he goads gently, elbowing Eddie in the side. “You gonna back down, or are you gonna kiss me, Munson?”
And– okay, one, Eddie has never backed down from a dare in his life, mostly because he operates on at least seventy-five percent impulsive thought power, and two, there’s no way Eddie isn’t going to take the chance to kiss Steve. It might not be the way he wants, but it also might be the only chance he’s going to get, so he turns and curves a hand at the side of Steve’s jaw—to steady Steve or to steady himself or maybe because he just wants to touch—and leans in and presses his lips to Steve’s.
And he tries to keep it PG, alright? He tries to keep it close-mouthed and soft, as easy and meaningless as the short kiss Robin had laid on him a few moments ago that had made it his turn to spin the bottle in the first place – he tries, but then someone (maybe Gareth? Hard to say, the world outside of Steve and Eddie has gone a little wishy-washy) shouts, “You call that a kiss?” and, well–
Eddie’s never backed down from a dare in his life.
(And if this is the only opportunity he’s going to have to kiss Steve, he figures he might as well milk it for all it’s worth.)
So he tilts his head, and parts his lips, and finds that Steve’s tongue is already there, hot and wet and licking into his mouth like he’s starving for it, teasing Eddie’s tongue back into his own mouth and sucking, and–
Eddie pulls back before the embarrassing noise he can feel building up in his chest can work its way free. He blinks at Steve, who is staring right back, eyes wide and starry, pupils blown, his mouth still hanging open a little as he pants for air, his bottom lip full and shiny in a way that makes Eddie want to dive right back in and bite him a little bit.
In fact, he’s very close to doing just that until someone’s voice breaches their little bubble.
“Well, Steve?” Robin prods, sounding far too amused for anyone’s good. “Are you gonna take your turn?”
“Nah.” Steve shakes his head, eyes still trained on Eddie as he stands up. “I think I’m out. Eddie?”
Eddie’s on his feet before Steve can even finish saying his name. “Right behind you.”
And then Steve is smiling again, eager and maybe—dare Eddie think it—a little smitten, and he grabs Eddie’s hand to drag him somewhere a little more private, somewhere away from the catcalls coming at them from the circle of friends they’re leaving behind, who Eddie pays absolutely no mind to because finding the nearest clear surface he can crowd Steve against feels more important.
Eddie doesn’t know whose brilliant idea spin the bottle was, but he owes them a goddamn fruit basket.
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prismaticpichu · 1 month
7 Wholesome Floofcanons to Heal From Inevitable Ever Crisis Trauma ❤️
• Sephiroth, Genesis, and Angeal, playing video games together in Genesis’s apartment. It’s one of the first times where Angeal commends Genesis’s competitiveness and gives a genuine laugh at how hard his friends are going at it. He keeps “switching sides” in order to keep the healthy rivalry going, as well as a way to boost both SOLDIERs’ self-esteem while he’s at it (and also just likes hearing “ANGEAL! HOW DARE YOU ROOT FOR MY NEMESIS?”). Ofc, the tides are turned when a two v. two minigame comes up, and Genesis & Seph join forces to crush their wishy-washy cheerleader. Angeal is playfully irritated by the defeat as Gen & Seph share a best-freindsy high five <333
• Zack, unable to sleep one night, too riled up from a training session he just returned from and desperately in the mood to go on a mission. Angeal tries everything in the books from lavender fragrance to a story, but nothing seems to calm the SOLDIER down. Suddenly, Sephiroth shows up, needing to borrow something from his friend, and notices the predicament. He tells Angeal he knows what to do before going up to Zack, crouching down beside him, and whispering something in his ear. Mere seconds later, Zack is plopped into his pillow and falling asleep. As Angeal and Sephiroth leave the room, Angeal incredulously asks what Seph did. Sephiroth simply gives a soft smiles and says he told Zack he could attend a mission in his dreams <3
• Sephiroth & Genesis, teaming up to make dinner one night when Angeal is bushed after a long day. They both realize amid their act of kindness that neither of them actually know how to cook, and so the two proceed to use one of Angeal’s cookbooks. What they end up making was actually something meant for dessert, and the three of them have a good laugh as they treat themselves to a sweet potato pie for dinner. <3
• Sephiroth, falling ill while his best friends are away on a mission. He tries to convince himself that he is fine, continuing to go about his duties, but the sickness has too much of a grasp on his throat to disguise when Angeal & Gen call to check-in. Hours later, and Sephiroth finds the two SOLDIERs at his apartment door, having managed to return home a week early from their 10 day-long mission in order to take care of their friend. Sephiroth falls asleep that night with an empty bowl of soup by his side and a cold washcloth pressed against his head <3
• Zack, slowly getting tutored by Angeal about the wonderful world of botany so he can impress Aerith. Angeal even finds little printable quizzes Zack can take to test his knowledge. Zack gets perfect scores every time <3
• Zack, slowly getting tutored by Sephiroth about the wonderful world of literature so he can have something to talk about with Genesis. The man hands him a copy of Genesis’s favorite novel, the likes of which he jokingly tells Zack to read. This eventually leads to Zack & Genesis starting a book club in SOLDIER together after Zack falls into an unironic reading spree. (Genesis is impressed by Zack’s vast knowledge and Zack is honored to have to finally have the respect of one his heroes <3)
• Zack, slowly getting tutored by Genesis about the wonderful world of pomology so he can finally understand Angeal’s stories. Genesis tells him all about the history of the Dumbapple—soon followed by Zack developing a newfound appreciation and fancy for Banora White juice. Angeal’s heart does a flip every time Zack asks for a glass <3
• Zack, getting through to Sephiroth in the Nibelheim library because, instead of simply grasping Sephiroth’s hand as he turns to leave, Zack does a little something else: he squeezes it. One two three. It’s something they’ve been doing for over a year now, a sign of unconditional friendship and trust. A sign that breaks the fog of Jenova’s control as the three cryptic squeezes ring their true meaning in his mind.
I love you…
(Fic coming soon! :3c)
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silver-wield · 1 month
Stygian pisses me off. Along people like her who say wishy washy stuff like "at most he probably thought she attractive he not blind, probably has fleeting feelings but those are bland compared to his feelings for tifa" where? Where are those?! Some talk about bro code but even before the whole Zack thing, he's already so mean in costa del sol. He's already Disgusted at the idea of a "couple gondola event". He's already mean in Remake even after that Cursed resolution. In fact it was after the whole Zack bit that he started trying to be kinder and more tolerating. It's No bro code, that concept was Never a thing he thought of. Do you know what he thought of? He DIDN'T think "oh zack gf, i should back away" , rather it was "oh zack gf, I should be more kinder because everything Zack cares about I care about as well". I bet he was super guilty and saddened about not remembering Zack and not telling his parents what's up. He Loves Zack third to Tifa and Claudia. aerith isn't even close enough to the list, heck he was more cool with barret and yuffie. He hit it off with yuffie so easily and they just met!, she can even understand his perverted tendencies about Tifa. Something not all of them see. Actually it might just be her who knows lol.
Anyway, these Statements Don't hold up and will contradict because it's Not canon. I just don't understand how they see these things that Never existed? Did they play the game? Did we play the same game? I don't understand why even entertain this? Do they Not understand the material given to them? Why are they even here? There is so much about FF7, and "ltd" Doesn't even exist. It's all in their head that Only loves to argue but stray away from canon and factual evidences.
Every time i hear them talk about him and his pov about aerith, it just makes me get turned off of him and want to Never support ct. Heck, I'd be the #1 to fight against it. I'm starting to wonder if they even like tifa, cloud or even this IP. Nojima didn't write him this way for them to downgrade and water down his character and his story and feelings about tifa.
This guy NEVER wavered. And while I think aerith was only saying what she said in her resolution as a sign she Never understood him at all (creepy date was Very Clear he Doesn't see Nor will ever see her that way, yet she missed this lol) and was indeed only talking to herself. All these so called "attraction/ fleeting feelings" some think AREN'T REAL, IT'S NEVER THERE. It's all in your imagination and you have to ask if they even enjoy FF7, tifa, cloud and ct to begin with. Or do they wanna hop onto c /a's train that if zack and tifa didn't exist this that wtvr despite Nojima writing about how these characters are Totally Incompatible in ALL levels.
Srry for the rant. I'm just so Sick of this wishy washy attitude. I think FF7 fans are so lucky to have so much material to fight against these but some ignore them. If this was a real debate, they've lost immediately. You deal with evidence and canon as support. Not use essays, what ifs , and half assed assertions such as those. It just sounds like they're afraid of being wrong. But foolishly they already are. Credibility goes down Immediately.
I understand that frustration when clotis make Aerith apologist comments that encourage dumbasses because they'll use it as a talking point to say "even clotis think Cloud was attracted to her!!!!" which is why I take myself away from those kinds of discussions because it's bullshit and I don't wanna argue with moots.
Before we had the material ulti plus scene showing that Cloud literally didn't recognise Aerith in her red dress a lot of us went "well he's male and she's dressed up 🤷" but then we got the scenario and the script that showed he literally didn't know it was even her and he was just surprised some random woman is walking towards him with a red carpet being rolled out and shit.
And then with the swimsuits, he isn't even looking at Aerith. He glances at her face then immediately checks out Tifa and we get that in the first person pov, so we see exactly where he's looking. Then he gets all shy and stammers, and they flirt. But, even when Aerith also matches he doesn't reply to her saying she needs help with the sunscreen, so he avoids her flirtation. He also constantly shows and tells her that he isn't happy with her yanking him around and calling everything a date.
So, given the literal evidence, no cloti should still be going around saying he finds her attractive. He clearly doesn't.
And idky we must have Cloud seeing her as attractive or being attracted just because she's a woman. She ain't pretty. That's not just me saying it. That's literally what we've been told throughout the games. She was called homely in wall market, Zack said she's only pretty from certain angles, nobody compliments her looks or style, and yet we're supposed to believe that the man who is panting after Tifa Lockhart, who is literally described as a bombshell, would also find someone subpar attractive and be interested in that because he's a man.
That's a pretty shitty way to view Cloud.
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imagine-knb · 5 months
may I request GOM + kuroko and kagami's reaction on realising that the best/close friend! reader is slowly falling for them and vice versa! thanks!
I'm going into this under the assumption that it's obvious to the guys that reader is falling for them, so there's no doubt on their part. If you meant it like they didn't know reader was falling for them, feel free to send in another request! Admin Neon
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Kuroko: Despite already knowing that you liked him back as much as he liked you, it was still nerve wracking for Kuroko to even consider confessing his feelings — verbally, at least. He ends up writing notes to you and sticking them in places he knows you will find. Instead of responding verbally back, you wind up doing the same. For months, the two of you play this little back and forth penpal game, each note getting sappier than the last. Until one day...
"____-san," Kuroko calls out to you. He has a letter in hand, holding it out for you to take. It was the first time he was handing one to you directly. When you open it up, there's a single sentence written in his messy penmanship. "Will you go out with me?"
Kagami: He would have thought knowing that you reciprocated his feelings would make things better, but it actually has quite the opposite affect on Kagami. Suddenly, he's over-analyzing every little thing he does around you. Did you like the way he laughed? The way he spoke? The way he ate? What was it about himself you found so charming? He wondered if you thought the same things about yourself and all the things about you that he also found so alluring.
His overthinking actually ends up ruining the mood for a while, because he tends to avoid things that cause him to overthink — unless it's basketball. It isn't until you confront him one day about his wishy-washiness that he blurts out, "It's because I like you, okay?!"
Kise: The very same day Kise realizes that you like him back is the day that he decides he wants to ask you out officially. There's only one problem with his plan: he's been asking you out all this time, but you always mistook it for jokes on his end. He supposed all the experience he had with dating and all the relationships he went through while being friends with you was his downfall, because it must've made you compare yourself to everyone else.
"____cchi, please, just one actual date," he begs after yet another playful rejection from you. He was determined. "I promise, it's not a joke or anything and it's not just a hang out between friends. I'm being serious with you, believe me!"
Aomine: There are suddenly a lot more teasing smiles thrown your way once he realizes your feelings for him are the same as his own for you. Aomine never tells you he likes you back in the beginning, instead deciding to tease you for just a bit longer for your crush on him. Every opportunity he gets to fit it into a conversation, he will. It always brings him a sense of pride to see how easily he can get you to fluster just from calling you out over it.
"Aww, no need to get so shy when I'm around," he'd drawl, leaning down to get closer to your face. "Unless... what? You like me? Well, of course you do. It's me, after all." Even you weren't safe from his cockiness.
Midorima: He's not the type to beat around the bush once he figures out what he wants and he ends up devising a plan to confess to you the next time he sees you. However, putting plans into action are often a lot harder than devising them and Midorima finds himself more nervous than he'd expected standing in front of you. He almost wants to abort — why was it so hard? He already knew you liked him back, so it shouldn't be that difficult.
But, of course, one of the reasons he fell for you was your perceptiveness to his feelings and when you tell him you think you know the reason for him calling you to meet with him, he's relieved. "I'm grateful you understand and... I hope you accept my feelings."
Murasakibara: Things seem to happen between the two of you despite never being talked about. You never formally confess your feelings to Murasakibara and he never really does the same, but even still the two of you grow closer and end up doing a lot of things together that people would associate as normal couple behavior: sharing food, walking places together, meeting every weekend. It's comfortable and easy.
Which is why he almost feels bad when he asks you one day, "____-chin, what are we?" It wasn't a question he expected himself to ask and one you definitely didn't expect to hear, but he's relieved when your answer aligns similarly with his own.
Akashi: Perhaps he knew from the beginning that the two of you would end up falling for each other, because Akashi had always had a soft spot for you. His actions before realizing your feelings for him don't differ from his actions prior; he still treats and respects you as an equal he wants to spend most of his time with. Of course, he doesn't jump straight into a relationship with you. He wants to be 100% sure his feelings are reciprocated.
"I hope I'm not being presumptuous when I say I think we feel similarly for each other," he tells you one day, the hand holding onto yours stroking a gentle thumb across your skin. "I hope you would allow me to opportunity to be more to you."
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veroniquesboutique · 8 months
Kinktober Day 14 - Orgasm Denial
For Kinktober day 14!
Toji Fushiguro x AFAB!Reader
Content warnings: AFAB!reader, female reader, degradation, angry sex, possessive/jealous Toji, overstimulation, edging, sex toys, orgasm denial, daddy kink, oral m-receiving, swallowing, squirting
18+ Minors DNI
More (explicit) under the cut
Before, when he’d tell you that you wouldn’t like him when he was angry - like really, truly angry - you thought you had already seen the worst of it. You’d humor him and tell him you’d never want to make him that angry, but at the end of the day, you couldn’t imagine anything worse than the time you ruined his laundry trying to play housewife while he was gone at work one day about a year into your relationship. He lost his mind, and afterwards, he wouldn’t let you stay over at his house for months in fear of you doing something else just like it even though “he never even asked you to.” That was what you thought angry Toji Fushiguro looked like.
As your toes touched the headboard over your face, your whole body shaking with the threat of an orgasm you’ve been edged to over and over and over tonight, you realize that the Toji angry at the laundry was just the tip of the iceberg.
“Whores don’t get to cum until they know who they belong to,” Toji mutters, stilling his hips and lifting the loud, shaking vibrator off your sensitive clit. 
“I know, baby, I’m sorry,” You moan, almost in tears as your body tries to deal with the overstimulation to all of your nerves all over your body.
“I decide when you know,” He waits until he sees the quiver in your thighs still before he sets the vibrator back down hard and slams back into you with an earth-shattering pace.
In all fairness, you were flirting with the waiter at dinner tonight specifically to piss him off. He was being cagey about going to your family reunion in a few months, acting wishy washy back and forth about his work schedule and other “commitments” he couldn’t name, so you thought if he didn’t want to act like your boyfriend, you’d be happy to find someone who does. With your dress a little further down you chest than usual, and your laugh a little brighter and more inviting than it is for normal people, you engaged the clearly interested waiter in conversation. The flirting back and forth was mostly harmless, and you were getting off on just how angry Toji was getting across the table. The possessive, jealous Toji who would fight guys who looked at you wrong had to watch as you deliberately and openly flirted with this other guy. It was all fun and games, really. 
How were you supposed to know that the waiter was going to take it too far, leaving his number on the check that Toji paid for and the note saying if you ever want something better?
That was the last straw for Toji.
Continued on AO3...
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prodigal-explorer · 7 months
one of my biggest qualms with the sanders sides fandom is the fact that you guys are so fucking scared of not being the most morally in the right at every waking moment.
like every single time a question is asked, it’s always (ALWAYS.) “well both/neither/etc.” and not even because y’all actually feel this way. it’s just to seem more mature and good. but really, it just comes off as wishy washy and pretentious.
not all villains are redeemable.
sometimes, stories need villains.
sometimes, somebody IS to blame, and sometimes, it’s constructive and necessary to play the blame game.
not everything is about being on your moral high horse and saying “well there’s good in everyone/everything!” because while i believe that to be true, this is fiction. not every loose end needs to be tied. not everything has to turn into a mega complexity.
sometimes people just want to write patton as a bad dad.
sometimes people just want to write janus as a manipulative bitch.
and that’s not a bad thing!!!
not everything needs a grand redemption and forgiveness arc. sometimes, actions are unforgivable. and that’s okay. this is fiction. we’re allowed to be a little black and white if we want to be.
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kayrockerqog · 5 months
imma compress all my td2023 season two thoughts into one post, so spoilers below particularly for the final four/five episodes
Okay so, I can't be the only one who's super tired of Caleb by the end of the season, right? Like, no, I don't dislike him as a character necessarily, hell, we didn't have much to go off of for a GOOD while, and I'm certainly glad they actually gave him some substance. But like...really? Putting him in the FINALE? Extending his arc so long that it keeps PRIYA in until the final FOUR?? It just makes them both feel like they overstayed their welcome, especially when people like Damien, Zee and Raj got shafted in favour of their plotline, which was ultimately super exhausting compared to others. It also just felt a little...off, especially for Caleb's teammates in the finale basically being "Team Not Julia," that just felt...so sad. And not in a way that was really earned since he was super wishy-washy for the latter half of the game, especially after Damien was eliminated. Like girl how can you go from having nothing to having too much?? What is this, rags to riches? And just to get all of the kinda low points of the season IMO:
Damien was just straight up robbed, and his elimination left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth?? Like there ain't no way DAMIEN would be dumb enough and/or not paranoid enough to NOT take the idol with him to elimination, like, ON HIS PERSON. I don't care that it was hidden at the campfire, there is no way anyone with his personality, especially after saying he moves the damn thing like four times a day, would NOT KEEP IT ON HIM DURING THE CEREMONY!! That's just an unnecessary risk and it got him taken out. Also, Priya voting him out made DOUBLE no sense, like I get Wayne and Raj being sentimental and all but why would Priya vote him over someone else?? I'm still not over Zee's elimination either. Like, yeah, I get why, he spilled a bunch of tea about everybody, but did they just FORGET THE FIRST AND ARGUABLY MOST IMPORTANT BIT OF TEA??? THAT CALEB WAS FUCKING WITH PRIYA'S HEAD??? Why did they spare him of that? Caleb should've gotten more fucking consequences for not updating Zee on the development, especially when you made him PROMISE NOT TO SAY ANYTHING!!! However, there's a lot of good stuff too that I absolutely adored about the later episodes:
MK and Julia's farewell felt really fitting, even if I felt MK should've stayed over her, plus the hug??? the mutual respect??? Chef's commentary???? real. Raj and Wayne continue to be completely endearing, both with Raj's elimination and Wayne's obvious love and care for him even when he's not there. I mean FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, his worst fear at the time was having to compete AGAINST Raj instead of with him!!! How precious is that?? Plus the HUG????? RAJ'S FAREWELL?????? EVERYTHING ABOUT IT HAS ME SO GIDDY MAN!! "Bowie, get your dancing shoes!" me, being buried in a pile of the hearts swirling around my head and also just, Bowie in the finale being an icon, as usual, even if he isn't competing. His friendship with Wayne as a result of his relationship with Raj and how he's adapted to their ways of thinking is SO!!!!! GAH!!!!!! HE LEARNED THE HOCKEY TALK!!!!! IM WEAK!!!!!! And everyone on Wayne's team being so genuinely happy to support him, especially those I genuinely would not have expected to be there (Axel, Ripper, Chase) but when I think about it, it makes PERFECT sense, and I'm just,,, AGH!!!!! And while the final three and winner may not have been my first choices, I am ultimately pleased with the ending. Wayne winning makes up for the exhaustion of other plotlines in the season, and really, he played fair and square and won. Much as I wanted Julia to win, I'm glad he did.
now that ive actually seen all the episodes I'm gonna be,,, insane and reblog so much td stuff because obviously, so,, AND IF ANYONE WANTS TO ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS FEEL FREE!!! I WOULD LOVE TO TALK MORE IN DEPTH ABOUT MY THOUGHTS OF THE SEASON!!
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demilypyro · 1 year
My main issue with FE:Fates was that it advertised that you could play the bad guy...then it doesn't let you play the badguy and instead makes you the stupidest hero ever. Like let me be evil, I picked the evil side! Don't say you can side with the Evil Empire and then not let me actually side with them! "Undermine them from the inside" by winning battles and the war for them? That's not how that works in any capacity! I shouldn't be actually striking down and smashing the rebellions, I should be helping them escape and giving false reports of victories or reporting that it was a bandit gang that got blown out of proportion by rumors or something! Not actually doing the thing the Evil Empire wants me to do if I'm not supposed to be actually evil! Pick a lane game! Either let me actually be evil and do evil things like I asked, or have me be secretly good so you can keep your hero centric narative, don't take this wishy-washy middle road of me doing evil things for the evil empire but then feel bad about it because I'm actually a good person but it's all for "the plan" which is just stupid and arrrrg!
This is a solid take but also I don't think "Fire Emblem Fates has lackluster writing" is an original opinion
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kitchenisking · 1 year
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#omegaproblems by subnivean - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 12539, sterek)
Stiles didn't need an alpha. He might want one, though.
Nothing Stands Between Us Here by 17 pansies (17pansies)  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1373, sterek)
Derek is possessive. Not that Stiles seems to mind.
Unapologetic porn.
Rules of engagement by devilscut - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 17012, sterek)
While playing a drinking game at a pack party Stiles confesses that he would totally suck Derek Hale's brains out through his dick only to discover that the Alpha's heard him. With Derek making a huge effort to totally ignore him, Stiles is very surprised when one night a week later his Alpha enters his bedroom asking "Did you mean it?". 
The only problem is that Stiles has done too much research and he knows of all the weird stuff that's out there that has been linked to werewolf sex and Stiles is very happy being a boy.. not being pregnant and not leaking weird lubricant out of his ass. What's a guy to do when his wolf wants to take it to the next level?
Reflections (on the mating habits of the average North American werewolf) by thingswithteeth - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3206, sterek)
What the Plan does not include, and Stiles wants to be very clear on this point, is Derek Hale breaking the lock on the dressing room at the local tuxedo rental place while Stiles is trying things on.
Previously titled "Mirror, Mirror."
Good Boy by StilesStilinskiMcCall - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2802, sterek)
Derek fucks stiles in the hallway at a party. Pure Porn.
Creeper Wolf by FearThisQueer - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5069, sterek)
So Derek may have a bit of a problem.
But it’s not really his fault, he can’t help that Stiles smells so good. And if Derek watches him at lacrosse practice a couple times a week and then rushes home to jerk off, well… that’s nobody’s business but his own. It’s not like he’s actually doing anything, right?
but monsters are always hungry, darling by Rena - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7071, sterek)
"I just...I just want someone to fuck me,” he blurts out, flailing his hands around. “I mean, like, really fuck me. Not any of this wishy-washy stuff, but someone with strength and stamina who’ll actually, honestly, fuck me, hold me down and fuck me so hard I can still feel it the next day.”
“So, essentially, you want a werewolf,” Lydia deduces.
“Where would I even find a werewolf willing to fuck a human?” Stiles demurs. Werewolves mostly keep to themselves. Stiles doesn’t blame them.
“Oh for Christ’s sake.” Lydia levels him with a hard look. “You find them where you find everyone you can purchase the fulfillment of your every sexual fantasy from. Find a damn hooker.”
it’s not how big, it’s how mean by wiski - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7156, sterek)
“So… Is this an actual neck thing or just your oral fixation?” He asks while idly running a hand up and down the relaxed curve of Stiles’s spine. “I thought I was the werewolf in this relationship.”
Purely Wanton by iofbeholder - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3528, sterek)
Newly turned Stiles starts experiencing unexpected changes to his body and a need he’s never fathomed before. 
Or the one where Derek turns Stiles, and Stiles goes in to heat. Derek interrupts Stiles and his "monster" of a sex toy.
Stiles gets a satisfying conclusion. So does Derek.
We're Messy Through And Through by jettiebettie - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2427, sterek)
Derek has issues when it comes to sex. He's not against getting naked and sweaty as a rule, but past experiences have a way of making so many things that should be easy and natural ultimately not. It takes Stiles forever and a day to convince him that sex was something they totally should be doing, all day every day, 24/7. Because, while make-out sessions were hot and handjobs hotter, there was only so much clothes-on touching that Stiles could stand before he felt like he was straight up about to combust from all the wasted, pent up arousal.
So when it finally happens, it's like whatever chain Derek's been keeping around himself fucking snaps.
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msanimedolphin · 2 months
~Back In The Game~
~Chapter Twenty-Nine~
-Series Masterlist-
What happens when a girl who loves volleyball joins a boys' volleyball club? Does she find love? Will she relive her past or move forward? Join (L/N) (Y/N) on a journey with fun twists and turns.
I don't own Haikyuu or any of the characters.
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-Last Time-
“Right. First and foremost…receiving.” Ukai says addressing everyone.
“If you can’t do that, you’re useless. We focus on that starting tomorrow!” Ukai continues.
“Yes, Coach! Thank you very much!”
“Don’t forget your cool-down stretches.”
“Okay, guys! Stretch out!” Daichi instructs.
“Graaaah…” Ukai sighs.
“...? Are we really so terrible at receiving that it’s worth that heavy a sigh?” Takeda asks.
“Nah. Yeah it’s bad, but… that’s not what I was thinking.”
“Back when I was a player and I was on the side that got picked to play, I never gave it any thought, but…when you’re on the side that does the picking as a coach…you can get stuck with some real tough decisions.” Ukai says while looking at Suga and Kageyama talking.
“Clean up now! Hurry!” Ukai yells.
“Yes, Coach.”
On your way to help clean, you see Hinata looking off into the distance. Just as you’re about to check on him, he speaks.
“? Yes?”
“I…I’m no Ace, but…I’m gonna be the Greatest Decoy…so that I can open up the way for the Ace!” Asahi looks at him surprised.
‘Way to go Hinata!’ You think proudly.
“Oh! Um! I still can’t do that without Kageyama’s setting though. But, uh…um…ah…uh…er…ummm…”
“Listen, um… It’s usually the wing spiker playing on the outside left that gets labeled the Ace, right? So that’d be me or Tanaka.”
“? Right.”
“Yeah, hitting through triple blocks and getting most of the sets when things get tough… that’s all part of the Ace’s job. But getting your setter to say something like that about you? I think that’s pretty awesome too.”
“Uhh…so umm…yeah. A-Anyway! What I’m trying to say is…despite whatever position anybody plays…don’t you think the coolest player is the one the other team watches out for the most? Like if they said “Watch out for that small middle blocker! He’s crazy fast!” and stuff.”
“!!!” Hinata nods ferociously.
“If you want my spot, I won’t let you take it that easily.” You smile at the two.
“Yes, sir!!”
“Um…that’s assuming I get to be back in the starting lineup though.” You deadpan.
“Geez, Asahi! You are so timid for such a big guy.” Suga chuckles.
“It’s good to have you back too…Suga.” Daichi says.
“I’m sorry I was such a wishy-washy, namby-pamby, fidgety-flighty, indecisive wreck.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far.” You chuckle. “And it’s good to have our reliable libero back. Right, Noya?”
“Yeah!” The libero answers enthusiastically. 
“But no more smacking the vice principal around and breaking stuff, got it?” Noya freezes and has an embarrassed and scared look on his face. “Oh yeah. I guess we got our wuss of an Ace-only-in-name wing spiker back too. I’d almost forgotten.” You giggle at Daichi’s words and Asahi’s facial expression.
“Right. Let’s finish this off and call it a night, folks!” Ukai announces as all the players gather in a circle while you, Kiyoko, Takeda, and Ukai stand to the side.
“Karasuno…Fight!” Dachi cheers.
“Oh, Coach.” Takeda says getting the man’s attention.
“These are the team’s managers. This is Shimizu Kiyoko, a third year.” He introduces, gesturing to the girl, who bows.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Kiyoko says.
“Same to you.”
“And this is (L/N) (Y/N), a first year.” Takeda gestures to you. You bow and then look up to see Ukai has a look of disbelief and hope. When he sees your face fully his expression turns to recognition and shock.
“It’s nice to see you again, Keishin-san.” You say shyly. This surprises Takeda.
“You two know each other?!” He asks.
“Yeah. My gramps used to teach her when she was younger…”
“Don’t forget you would help too.”
“Yeah, you were a terrible student.” He smirks.
“Hey! No, I wasn’t. You were just a bad teacher!!”
“Whatever you say, kid.” You give him a playful evil look. You then get serious.
“So, how is he?” As you and Ukai talk, Kiyoko and Takeda go their ways to let you catch up. The team sees you two talking and wonders if you know each other, and if so, how.
“Okay. Next up…the training camp. Right?” Ukai asks.
“Right.” You reply.
You’re walking home with Hinata Kageyama, Tanaka, and Noya when Hinata speaks.
“Hey, (Y/N)...”
“What’s up?”
“So I saw you talking with Coach before we left…”
“Okay…What about it?”
“W-Well, you looked like you know each other…”
“Oh!” You giggle. “ Yeah, I know him. His grandfather used to teach me when I was little.”
“Really?!” Hinata, Tanakam and Noya ask. You laugh at their reaction.
“Yup! Keishin-san helped Coach Ukai from time to time as well.”
“Wow! That’s awesome!” Hinata says before he starts asking a million questions. This leads to Kageyama getting annoyed and yelling at Hinata. You laugh as you watch your four friends chat and bicker.
‘I can’t believe I found such amazing friends.’ You think.
~To Be Continued~
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Here’s what I think of the first chapters… (SPOILERS)
I chose Jamal and I’m glad I did! He’s funny and hawt. He’s got the personality of someone I’d ideally wanna date irl. So far, my fave.
If I hadn’t gone for Jamal, I would’ve probably picked Lewie. He didn’t really catch my eye at first, but I like that he’s kind of an airhead 😭 maybe I’ll do his route next if Grace isn’t an option.
Okay, so I’m equally as conflicted about Ozzy and Ryan. They’re both cute, but are easily swayed from their partners. Ozzy is giving wishy-washy vibes (Will Kimura flashbacks) and Ryan is is a lil too enthusiastic to be going on a date with my ho sister lmao!! But he’s not as douchey as I anticipated (for now lol).
And now the girlies. I like Bella. She might be bestie lol (Dana 2.0). I’m not attracted to her, but I hope FB doesn’t ruin her route like they did to Dana for those who are into her.
I’m conflicted about Grace. I’m attracted to her for sure and she’s already so attached to Ozzy (please don’t let this be another Hope situation). I’m still hopeful that she can be romanced, but right now, she’s all about Ozzy. Also, she wasn’t asked if she was into girls too, so that’s still up in the air. 🤞🏼
I don’t like Ivy lmao. She’s insufferable (very much Kat 2.0). I think I might actually like Amelia more than her lmao. It’s still the first day, so she might grow on me, but she’s so catty and for what? Starry Hyles ain’t all that, girly 💀 (she’s coupled up with Ryan in Jamal’s route)
And finally, my ho twin. I actually don’t hate her lol. I think she’s deff playing the game and keeping everyone on their toes. I really don’t think she’s gonna steal MC’s partner. And as for that kiss cliffhanger, I’m pretty sure it’s either 1. A misunderstanding or 2. MC’s partner is playing games.
Overall, I like how the game started off and giving MC a twin was a good twist! The only thing I hate at the moment is the amount of diamonds you gotta spend to customize MC and have more dialogue with the guys. I see your money hungry ass FB. I know y’all need it 💀😤
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st4rdom-if · 8 months
I didn't mean to come across like, demanding to be given the option to make our MC FTM or NB, that wasn't my intention and I apologize for it. That was just my curiosity since we are given the option to play as non-heterosexual, but not much info was given about our gender beyond "locked to female", which, you know, can mean many things.
Either way, I came across as demanding, and I'm sorry for that.
Anon, I can tell you right now that you do not need to be sorry for asking. Perhaps I was misunderstood in the last ask—I never said you were demanding at all, just that I was tired from getting asked if MC was only going to remain female and could not transition to male or nonbinary. And to be honest, you did not come across to me as demanding; rather, you were merely inquiring as to whether or not MC may get the chance to transition from female to other genders or if they can choose to be but remaining under the guise of female.
Previously, back when I first announced the game, I got an ask complaining that the MC was locked to female and that there are no male MCs anymore—I ask that you do scroll to the bottom of my archives just to find this, it was all in the past and I dealt with it already so you do not need to hound down that anon—and I said that ST4RDOM is an all-girl group, so there would be no need for a male or nonbinary member. The company certainly would not allow MC to join if MC was a male then decided to transition to female.
I added non-heterosexual relationships because I wanted to play with the idea of what if k-pop idols are gay but they have to hide it from the world because it is career-ending? That's why I added it.
Even if MC is not gay, having relationships at all as a k-pop idol is hard. They would have to keep it a secret, and having a relationship with most of the ROs becomes scandalous to some degree.
I wanted to make this a drama-and-romance centric game.
I never seriously thought to consider adding FTM or nonbinary options because, not only would that be extra coding + writing, but because drama/angst and romance IS the core of the game. I have a main plot and a romance side plot for those who want it, so adding yet ANOTHER side plot would be more tedious work.
I am for little details. I am for character development. If I were to also discuss MC transitioning, I would want to add small details that indicate gender dysphoria and questioning. If you follow the gay romance route, you will already be questioning your own sexuality.
While I may have been vague in stating that MC will be genderlocked to female, I feel like you should at least get that I had only planned for MC to remain female, which also means no FTM or NB.
So please. Don't apologize to me. But I really hope this post helped clarify things a bit. I'm still figuring out the pacing of the game, the main and side plot, and writing in general, so that's why I sound wishy-washy. Nothing is truly set in stone.
Who knows, Anon? Maybe that feature will be available in the future. But for right now, it is only the main plot and side romance plots.
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derpderpi · 2 years
I want to talk more about Taku after hearing his Drama CD. I like how the dynamic between Taku and Towa for being the wishy-washy one ( Taku) and the bold one (Towa) [ noted: i havent played the 3 others route so i will be lil bit biased hahahaha and my JP skill is not that good so CMIIW]
Towa always asks Taku, what is he want to do both in the game and drama CD as "confirmation". Because, basically Taku is the type who will hold everything for himself. But the side effect is he easily losing his confidence and made a lot of 'bad' decision.
The drama CD even tells us A LOT how easily Taku get swayed ( even Towa is 'angry' at him lmao).
But, in the end he just wants to make Towa happy and feels lack of confidence for it. For Towa himself, who had waited for a year. Taku comes back to his side, is enough...
There a lot of more sweet parts like, the nightmare that Towa always has is not coming when he is sleeping beside Taku or Towa who becomes clingy to Taku ( he asks Taku many times for picking him up haha)
And the part which made me almost cry, is when Taku apologized to Towa. He knows his weakness for being lack of confidence. His fear of he couldnt make Towa happy and yeah also the thing about his clinic. I love how Taku's VA potrayed his "desperation" it feels piercing my lil heart (UHH taku 🥲)
Also for the "you know scenes"
There are 2 scenes for TakuTowa. In the end of Track 1 [ yo it is really fast im kinda shocked lmao] and the more intimate one is in the Track 6. And it is goood yeaaa.
TLDR: towa cant hold his own desire because taku's one year absent. But Taku wants to do "it" slowly lmao
Towa is being Towa 😂
Also the bully session of Towa to Taku. It is funny for hearing Taku is "defeated" by Towa hahaha [please Towa dont tease our 46 y.o Doctor]
Man, eventhough the Drama CD only consists 7 tracks which makes it the most less track of four drama CD ( i dont care anymore, i have cried for lacking taku's content DAMN U N+C UORRGH why motomi and taku are... sigh) it's still fun for knowing more Taku. He is such a sweet man. He showered Towa with many kisses and sweet words. That's what makes me feel so in ease after the brutality of Towa daily life lol. Im kinda weak with g0re 🤣
*slow clap*
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