#witch tea
wolfhowlwitch · 8 months
Creativi-tea Potion
Sorry, couldn’t help myself :) Here’s a potion I whip up for myself when I need that extra boost in my creative endeavors- or when I have writer’s block.
White tea (for creativity + knowledge- I use white chai in the mornings for the caffeine kick)
Sugar to taste (to sweeten your creative process- use cinnamon sugar for an added boost of success + to make this potion work faster)
A stirring stick
A mug
A kettle (or a microwave, I don’t judge)
Get creative with your tea! Put extra intention into it by picking a white tea that has other fruits or herbs that correspond with your specific purpose. Use a flavored honey. Make this potion yours.
Steep the tea in near-boiling (not boiling for white tea) water to your liking (I do about 7 minutes to really get the flavor in). Take those tea bags out to prevent bitterness.
Sweeten with sugar (or any other sweetener) to taste! Don’t stir yet.
Focus on your mug. Really stare at the circle of tea. Now stir- clockwise! to attract and manifest- and repeat the following:
“I complete this session*,
answers flow to me.
I am filled with creativity.
No self doubt,
I know my worth,
I confidently do my work.”
Repeat until everything is incorporated and intuitively you know you are done.
*I use this spell before my writing sessions, but you can change “session” to whatever word best reflects the creativity you’re targeting.
If you work with deities, don’t forget that you can leave out a bit of the tea as an offering. Once the offering portion has gone cold, drink it and thank your deities.
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raven-runes · 2 years
Hot drink happiness spell
Stir your tea or coffee or other hot drink in clockwise motion and speak the following words with conviction:
Left to right
Warm and bright
Sun in my cup
Cheer me up
Left to right
No cloud in sight
Sun in my soul
Make me whole
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tarot-tea-cafe · 2 years
4 kinds of teas
Im currently reading the book "Herbal Tea Magic for the Modern Witch. A Practical Guide to Healing Herbs, Tea Leaf Reading and Botanical Spells" by Elsie Wild.
I thought i would share what Wild wrote on tea, spices & herbs, their magical and medical benefits and their warnings.
these entries in this post are from Chapter 2, pages 15-18. i'll make a seperate post or few for more entries!
While there are hundreds of different kinds of tea in the world, there are four main types of tea: black, green, oolong and white.
Black tea
One of the most versatile teas, black tea is a more oxidised version of green tea, with a stronger flavour and more caffeine (though much less than a cup of coffee). Because of its full flavour, black tea acts as a great base for most tea blends and potions. Black tea originated in China in the seventeenth century when the Chinese started fermenting tea leaves to extend their storage life. Black tea came to Europe in the eighteenth century, charming the British aristocracy and eventually all of England. Black tea is the main ingredient in classic tea blends such as English breakfast tea and Earl Grey tea.
Magical Properties: Strength, stability, endings, finished business, expelling negative energy, energy boost, courage, mental clarity, grounding, cleansing. Associated with the earth element and winter.
Health Properties: Boosts metabolism, boosts immunity, relieves stress, improves bone health, eases asthma, kills bacteria, lowers cholesterol, lowers risk of diabetes, increases energy, decreases digestive activity.
Medical Warnings: Pregnant people should not drink more than two cups of black tea a day
Different Types: English breakfast, Earl Grey, Chai, Assam, Darjeeling.
Brewing tip: For the best taste, brew black tea in about 180-210f (thats 82.2-98.8c) water and let it steep for four to eight minutes, depending on the blend.
Green Tea
A staple for any tea lover, green tea is made from the unoxidized leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. It's called green tea because the leaves are harvested when they are slightly withered and immediately cooked before they can oxidize, thus keeping their green colouring. Camellia sinensis leaves for green tea are harvested three times a year to get the highest quality. Green tea was initially used for medical purposes to treat a range of illnesses. For many decades, green tea was a symbol of status and wealth due to its cost and lengthy preparation time. But today green tea can be enjoyed by anyone. Matcha, green tea's popular cousin, is made from the ground powder of shade-grown green tea leaves, which is whisked together with hot water in a ceramic bowl. Macha was originally used in traditional japanese tea ceremonies but is now popular everywhere.
Magical Properties: Healing, love, mindfulness, passion, cleansing, regulating energy, wealth. Associated with the fire element and spring.
Health Properties: Boosts metabolism, improves brain function, supports sexual health, supports heart health, rich in antioxidants. Could also increase longevity.
Medical Warnings: None.
Different Types: Chunmee green tea, gunpowder green tea, jasmine green tea and matcha.
Brewing Tip: Green tea tastes best when brewed at a mild water temperature (about 180f (which is 82.2c)) and steeped for about three minutes. Water that is too hot could make the tea bitter.
Oolong Tea
While black, green and white tea are easily recognisable to most people, oolong tends to throw people off. Sure, you've heard of it, but what is it? Oolong is a semi-oxidized tea made from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. The amount of time the tea is oxidised varies, which makes each oolong flavour unique. Oolong tea gets its name from two Chinese words meaning "black dragon", a reference to the way the leaves are rolled into curly shapes resembling dragons.
Magical Properties: Wisdom, beaty, emotional balance and connection, romance, friendship, serenity, divination, reflection. Associated with the water element and autumn.
Health Properties: Lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, improves gut health, increases bone density, prevents tooth decay. Increases alertness and improves your mood.
Medical Warnings: None.
Brewing Tip: Oolong tastes best when its brewed at a water temp of 185-206f (85-96.9c) and steeped for around four minutes. Oolong tea actually tastes better the more you re-steep it.
White Tea
A highly delicate tea made from the unopened buds of the camellia sinensis plant, white tea is produced with minimal processing during a short harvesting season, creating its unique floral flavour and its expensive price tag. White tea, which originated in the Fujian Province of China during the sixteenth century, has become popular for its taste, health benefits and magical properties.
Magical Properties: Purification, protection, clarity, realization, meditation, cleansing, psychic abilities, youth, blessings, new beginnings, happiness, wisdom. Associated with the air element summer and moon magic.
Health Properties: reduces risk of heart disease, lowers insulin resistance, protects against osteoporosis, helps skin damage, reduces risk of cancer, rich in antioxidants.
Medical Warnings: None.
Different types: Silver Needle (BaiHao YinZhen), White Peony (Bai Mu Dan), Tribute Eyebrow (Gong Mei), Long Life Eyebrow (Shou Mei).
Brewing Tip: Because of its delicate nature, white tea should be made with 175-85f (79.4-85c) water and steeped for one to three minutes maximum or it will turn bitter.
Sorry for the post being so long, unfortunately the next posts might be longer ^^;
If you'd like to see the next post when it comes out you can follow my blog and/or the tag #Herbal Facts with Koi (wip name)
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thealchemickalwitch · 2 years
🫖 Tea for Creativity ✨️
- 1 earl grey tea bag ☕️
- 2 tsp Cloves smashed in mortar pestle🌰
- 1/4 a cinnamon stick smashed in a mortar pestle 🪵
- 1/4 cup rose petals/buds 🥀
- 2 tsp mullein 🌾
- 1 tsp mugwort 🌙
Finish off with sugar and/or honey🍯
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
Watching the comments about somebody trying to do a return to sender and everything going wrong while they tried to do the spell
So why does this happen?
The answer people like, but is rarely the case: That meanie face is just so powerful because they're pure evil!
The answer people don't like, but is almost always true: You actually deserved what they did and so the Magic won't help you turn it back to them.
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tasseophile · 1 year
The Weekly Tea #2
The Secret Garden's Pomegranate Green Tea
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Started working with the goddess Persephone and because of this, I started to look for anything and everything pomegranate. I had a bit of off-brand pomegranate green tea at home, so I already knew it was a flavor I liked.
But this tea by The Secret Garden tastes soooo much better than what I had at home! The tea comes in an absolutely stunning metal tin as well, complete with ferns and pomegranates around the whole thing.
This tea comes with a gold bag inside where the 50 tea bags are kept. I opened the bag and put the tea bags directly into the tin itself. It just is more convenient and looks nicer in my opinion. You can smell the fruitiness of the pomegranate through the bag when you open the tin which I was really impressed by.
I am very happy with this tea. It's in a beautiful tin. It tastes fresh and smells fantastic. I'd like to have this on hand at all times as well. It's got the health benefits of green tea without the grassy aftertaste. And it's fruity but not overbearingly so. For those wanting to get into green tea, I'd say this is a good starting point. It is also excellent for those who want a good healthy tea that (in my opinion) tastes sweet enough on its own.
The color is a bit dark yellow, not red or anything like how I was expecting (because of the fruity smell).
(links are affiliate links and support the blog)
P.S. Sorry for the lack of posts, been feeling a bit unmotivated lately but I'm back! I hope you're enjoying!
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Hail Persephone!
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thatsbelievable · 7 months
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prinnay · 19 days
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10 x 14 Acrylic on watercolor paper
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autumncozy · 4 months
Enjoy the entire relaxing video here
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butteryplanet · 1 year
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kitchen ghosts
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lunar-witches · 7 months
🌟 Types of Divination 🌟
🃏 Tarot Reading: Ah, the classic! Shuffle those cards, lay 'em out, and let the symbols tell your story. It's like a psychic storytime with beautifully illustrated cards.
🔮 Crystal Ball Gazing: Channel your inner fortune teller and gaze into the shimmering depths of a crystal ball. See visions, symbols, or just a really fancy paperweight – your call!
☕ Tea Leaf Reading: Sip your cuppa, but don't toss those leaves! The way they settle in your cup can unveil the mysteries of the universe. Get ready to decipher some leafy hieroglyphics.
🖐️ Palmistry (Chiromancy): Study the lines, mounts, and shapes on your palm. Each crease tells a story about your life path, personality, and potential. It's like reading a roadmap to your destiny right on your hand!
🕊️ Feather Divination: Feathers are more than just fashionable accessories for birds! They can carry messages from the spirit world. Find one, meditate on it, and decode its wisdom.
🌀 Runes Casting: Norse warriors used them, and now you can too! Grab some ancient runestones, cast them, and let the runic symbols weave tales of your destiny.
🕯️ Candle Scrying: Light a candle, focus on the flame, and let your visions come to life within the flickering glow.
🌿 Pendulum Magic: Swing that pendulum and ask it some yes-or-no questions. Allow the pendulum to swing freely and always keep your hand still to allow the energy to truly answer you questions.
🌗 Numerology: Numbers, man! They're everywhere, and they've got a lot to say. Discover your life path, destiny, and soul numbers.
🔍 Scrying Mirrors: Stare into the abyss... or, well, a special mirror! Gaze deep, and let the answers reveal themselves.
🌊 Water Scrying: Gaze into the reflective surface of water – be it a pond, a lake, or even a scrying bowl. Watch as ripples reveal the unseen.
🐚 Shell Divination: Channel your inner mermaid! Listen to the whispers of seashells and let them reveal their secrets. You can also collect a handful of different shells and cast them. Their placement, pattern, etc, can reveal important details!
🗝️ Key Casting (Cleidomancy): Gather a collection of old keys, close your eyes, and toss them onto a cloth. The position and arrangement of the keys will unveil symbolic messages or answers to your questions. It's like unlocking the secrets of the cosmos, one key at a time.
🎶 Music Divination (Alectryomancy): Play some tunes and let the lyrics, melodies, or even random song selections speak to you. The songs that resonate can offer messages or insights about your current situation. Let the music be your mystical DJ!
With this ever-growing list of divination methods, you'll have a magical tool for every occasion. Trust your intuition and let your inner seeker explore the mystical world of divination. Happy divining, cosmic explorers! 🔮🌠
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wolfhowlwitch · 8 months
End-of-Day Energy Potion
A simple spell to perk you up at the end of your day and get that shit off your to-do list.
Black tea (I use breakfast tea to invoke the energy of the morning)
1 capful (or teaspoon) of vanilla, for restoring lost energy + focusing mental energy
Cinnamon sugar (to taste), for strength and success in completing your tasks
Cream (to taste), to lighten your energy
Make tea + steep to your liking (I do 8 minutes for flavor + caffeine levels, and it’s also the number associated with a continuous flow of energy and power).
Add each ingredient, NOT stirring as you go.
Once the cup is full, steeped, and you’ve completed your additives, stir CLOCKWISE (for manifestation and attraction) and repeat the following:
“I am the one
who gets shit done,
I am filled with energy.
All in my way
gets done today,
because I drank this tea”
4. Repeat until you intuitively feel your spell is finished.
5. (Optional) As you wait for your tea to cool to drinking temperature, repeat the following:
“As you cool,
pity the fool,
who questions my success.
I easily
finish this tea,
and finish every quest.”
6. (Optional) If you don’t have enough time to sit and drink the entire cup at once, you might like to set what you can’t drink aside as an offering to any deity you work with. Finish the cup of cold tea once you’ve finished your work and thank your deity for their care + consideration.
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oracle-fae · 1 year
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tarot-tea-cafe · 2 years
Tea with witches
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all art on this post is by waterofwhimsey on twitter and instagram!
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etherea1ity · 6 months
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Kataboola Tea Estate, Nawalapitiya, Sri Lanka ( via )
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shadow-book-wren · 4 months
Tea Magick (TBC)
Stir clockwise to bring positivity and then counter-clockwise to repel negativity. the tap cup 3 times to seal intent.
Green - energy, immunity, cleanse, memory
Peppermint - decongestant, clarity, stomach ache, divination, stress, dreams
Chamomile - anxiety, stress, sleep, dreams, money, gut-health, headaches
Hibiscus - blood pressure, love, harmony, anti-inflammatory
Black - strength, repel negativity, energy, heart health, digestion
Ginger - nausea, stomach ache, menstrual pain, money
White - cleansing, protection, antioxidant
Cinnamon - cold relief, anti-inflammatory, metabolism, dreams, psychic
Matcha - mental clarity, detox, protection
Chai - calming, energy, digestion, nausea, pain
Lavender - dreams, psychic, calming, cramps, headaches
Lemon Balm - Dreams, cleansing, anxiety, sleep
Goldenrod - divination
Mulberry - divination
Rosemary - protection, memory, headaches
Juniper - protection
Lemon - protection
Basil - money
Marigold - psychic
Bay-leaf - psychic
Dandelion - cleansing
Thyme - cleansing, psychic
Saffron - positivity, happiness
Turmeric - arthritis, cancer, ibs, alzheimers
Mushroom - healing, aging, cancer
Rose - dreams, psychic
Mugwort - dreams
Jasmine - dreams
Clove - psychic
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