#witch time
hatebitxh · 8 months
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Inktober 4 - Dodge
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
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nintendo-europe · 2 years
Dodge enemy strikes at the right moment in Bayonetta 3 to activate Witch Time, slowing down the action long enough for Bayonetta to dish out some damage. Viola can activate Witch Time too by blocking incoming attacks with her sword!
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tenshiharmonia · 2 years
Me, playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land and learning about the time-slowing perfect dodge : “Looks like the pink god slayer took a leaf out of his Super Smash Bros. mom’s book. Cereza must be so proud...” :3
(Seriously though, the Kirby and Bayonetta friendship is one of the most delightful and wholesome things that the Super Smash Bros. fandom has ever come up with. :p )
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bread-is-my-life · 2 years
It's spooky month. It's spooky month!!! IT'S SPOOKY MONTH AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
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inbarfink · 2 months
Congratulations! You are now a Magic-User!!
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 2 months
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Guardian swap au for 4/13 ^ ^
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prinnay · 2 months
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10 x 14 Acrylic on watercolor paper
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toseeclearly · 8 months
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YOU, A REGULAR PERSON: Pink Witch King of Angmar
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galactickohipot · 11 months
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an animation loop I had as a WIP on my PC for aaaaaages. I decided to finish it finally... It still has issues here and there but I find it cute enough.
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massive-isopod · 3 months
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I'd noticed these spaces melt into each other recently and had my friend @seshrat help cook this up :)
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gleafer · 4 months
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asuuree · 2 months
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hawkeyequeerce · 2 months
I don't know how Terry managed it. There's just nothing on this earth like a Discworld book. I'll be listening to a book I've read countless times over and suddenly, a single line I've never even really noticed before will tear me open. They just reach right inside me and open my ribcage to expose my very heart.
Tonight, it was Hat Full of Sky and Granny Weatherwax saying, "The world is unfair. Be grateful you have friends." On their own, the words are unremarkable. But juxtaposed together, with the context they are operating in....they had tears flowing down my face before I knew what was happening. The world is unfair; sometimes, the wonderful happens when it shouldn't (and/or when you feel you deserve a divinely wrathful torment) because you have friends. The world is unfair. That doesn't just mean that the horrible happens when it shouldn't. It means that the beautiful does too. Be grateful you have friends. They are the hub on which that beauty spins, turning the theft into gold.
A lot of people I've introduced to these books haven't liked them — they find them too silly, or preachy, or nonsensical, or even puerile. I am never upset or really disappointed when they don't like them. To each their own. But I will never understand it. They are baked into my being in a way that few things are and I am better to myself, to other people, and to the world because of it.
Sir Terry, you were a gift nonpareil. Thank you for your words and for shaping my world.
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emacrow · 1 month
Babysitting duty calls, Klarion
It another world threatening battle for the justice league, young justice against the league of Villains and chaos children before most of the chaos children froze as if they sense something bad was approaching and immediately dipped out.. except klarion whom was fighting with raven who immediately froze up too late in front of the portal.
Only for a green portal to appear, as a worned out floating glowing green, but blue skinned teenage boy who turn into a man with red eyes, a clock staff in hand and a glowing white hair baby in a baby carrier.
Klarion is literally struggling like a feral cat who got wet in cold water against some invisible force speaking in some odd static like language before giving up after half a minute when the man spoke back with a short word.
The man now just shape-shifting into turn elderly just gave klarion the baby carrier before noticing how the heroes and villains have stop in mid battles looking at both klarion and him.
"All in soon time, but be warn Flashes whom break the laws of times will get their due if you keep messing with the past and future." Spoken the elderly now shape-shifted into a young boy before he turn back to klarion leaving him a note and glowing baby bag before floating back into the swirling green portal.
Klarion could only look at note with his eye twitching, Teekl meowing as she climb into the baby carrier purring around the glowing baby.
"Why do I keep getting babysitting duty, it so unfa-..." klarion grumbled as he pick up the baby carrier and bag teleporting away..
"What just happened?" Said Dick whom only one question would be put on hold til later in the watchtower of what just happen before the fight resuming with the young and original justice league winning since the league of Villains were distracted.
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apollos-polls · 2 months
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