wittness · 2 months
?! i’m flattered :]. that’s so very cool. please, don’t be afraid though, i think you guys are super cool and we should totally interact more :].
hi, send me an emojiii.
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thecorvidforest · 5 months
Uhm anyways we came on your blog to do a compliment but we got distracted bc of how much we love your art and also your blog and so. The compliment is you’re a very rad artist and follow follow follow uwu
oh wow tysm!! that makes me very happy :)) i’m glad you like it!
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jemineye · 2 years
i cant stress this enough, disabled people know their own limits. i fucking promise you. we are not being lazy or jerks because we won't do something YOU want us to do or something YOU THINK will make us feel better. it wont. stop.
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cpunkwitch · 5 months
disabled artist in need
[disabled artist in need]
hey guys
bad news
i dont have health insurance and i have both a dental appointment and medication to pay for
i want to add those cane wrist straps to my store but i need money to get supplies to make them (all i have is the thread rn)
i dont get paid from work until next week and it will probably be just enough to only cover my dental appointment the week after if anything at all.
i take art comissions, i sell woven bracelets, i sell art prints, im working on adding another piece to the prints option and adding stickers (part of the price goes towards paying staples for their printer since mine doesnt do colour). i even do tarot readings and theres more available for you to check out in my store.
my sisters helping me make little buisness cards i plan on sending out with a thank you for each order i get.
any support at all would be amazing, i got a lot going on but have to put getting myself supports and aids on hold to focus on paying for meds and appointments right now.
i could use all the help i can get
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witch-crip-is-this · 2 years
Basic safety/responsibility tips for new witches ✨
-Always maintain adequate ventilation & precautions for anything burning: candles, incense, cooking, etc. Do not leave flames unattended.
-Make sure your herbs/aromatics are pet AND human safe. Check for allergies & read up on ASPCA guidelines.
-Read up on cultural appropriation in witchcraft. Smudging, hoodoo & voodoo, Kabbalah, etc are closed culture. Respect practices that aren’t yours to take.
-Pseudoscience is not magic. Magic is about empowerment, not coercion. Crystals will not heal your anxiety any more than a good book. Cure-alls don’t exist, and anyone selling them is a scammer, not your friend.
-Wicca is Not the only option for witchcraft, & was designed to be inherently transphobic, racist and antisemitic. Try to explore other witchy communities to see what feels best for you.
-You will make mistakes. That is okay. Be willing to learn and ready to accept the consequences.
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mosscaller · 2 years
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flameswallower · 4 months
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What's that?! A new chapbook!!
Hey, so, my (dark, weird) novelette "The Witch Garden," which is loosely based on the fairy tale "The Juniper Tree," is coming out VERY SOON, and you can pre-order it now!
Some praise from Cavar (@librarycards):
With "The Witch Garden," Page does what they do best: seizes the fractured fairytale and queers, transes, crips, and Maddens it, all with fearless tenderness. There are few authors I trust more than them to welcome me into worlds of difficult and sometimes-harmful intimacy.
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scaryspears · 2 years
HP Slurs
Snape is half blooded, everyone in the hp fandom should know that by now. So him calling Lily a mudblood isn't a big deal, right? I'm saying this as a black person that doesn't say the n-word because it's more of an American thing (I'm British), but grew up watching a lot of black centred forms of media. With all this consumerism I've come to recognise that anyone who is black can say the word.
"Mudblood" refers to a wizard or witch that comes from a muggle background, it not only refers to muggleborns but also halfbloods. In terms of the blood dynamic I'm using points of history, like how black people were looked down upon but if they were half black and/or lighter skinned then they were sometimes given better treatment. I think someone can explain this better than I can, but I think you guys understand where I'm getting at.
So Snape saying “I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!” is like saying "I don't need help from bit** a** nig*as". I'm censoring because I don't want to be banned or something.
No one has to agree, it's just something I can't help thinking about and I'm wondering about everyone else's views on this.
Also, the mudblood slur doesn't have the same significance as the n-word. Muggleborns taking the mudblood slur would've been a power move, but no. They just can't stand that word.
I headcanon that American muggleborns (Ilvermorny students) and halfbloods took notes from the black community and use the word for each other. Anyone with no lick of muggle in them gets the sh** beat out of them. Harry Potter and the halfblood Crip.
Thank You for listening to my Ted Talk.
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narcissism-positivity · 7 months
This blog supports all personality disorders, with a focus on NPD and those with similar traits. Everyone is welcome to follow. We’re chronically ill and caregive for our disabled wife, so tips on Ko-Fi are very appreciated but never required. <3
We’re very slow at sending messages because of our disabilities (low vision and memory loss in this case), I promise it is Not because we don’t want to talk to you!! We welcome all messages and asks.
We’re pro self-DX, support all plurals and do not tolerate ableism of any kind. Posts will try to include image descriptions, if not they’ll be tagged “needs image description”.
This account is moderated by @witch-crip-is-this, a 27 yr old system with NPD. However, we’re always looking for more mods if folks are interested!
We welcome all good-faith asks about mood disorders, but will limit or spread out via queue the amount of vent/trauma posts. We typically run on one-post-per-day queues.
Tags under the cut:
“Npd education” (for learning about npd!)
“Npd stigma” (often cross tagged with “narc abuse mention”)
“Npd culture is”
“Npd advice”
“Npd positivity” (you’ll find little discussion of npd stigma here)
“Pd positivity” (for general personality disorder posts)
“System speaks” (for our more personal posts or additions)
Crashing? Come get supply (a self-esteem boost or positive interaction!)
“Narc supply:receive” (for getting supply, don’t feel shy about asking!)
“Narc supply:ask” (for giving supply to someone else)
We’ll try to tag any traumatic discussion with relevant triggers like “trauma” or “narc abuse” (which doesn’t exist but discussions about the stereotype are important), please let us know if you want any particular topics tagged!
Have a lovely day xox you’re fantastic!
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incarnateirony · 4 months
If it helps at all, you know, that thing Bedlund said about humans clinging to identity inside heaven instead of returning to the collective (BIG HINT) or whatever.
Me when I'm on my gnostic shit. The reason it's so offensive she kidnapped both my old main identitywork and other fractal misunderstandings of my works is because it was shadow work and identity exploration, living and writ embodiments of the different archetypes that build the complete person that is myself, and who I am, the good and the bad, and understanding and accepting all of that. And knowing who they each are as masks each day, and who they are apart.
The Sudden Enlightenment video I linked talks about how the archetype of the trickster sees life, all institutions and structures, society et al as a game, but that it doesn't mean it's something to take trivially. That's one of those archetypical hats, and the one I closest resonate with, the one closest to her stolen face that quite lierally looks like me these days short of her randomly darkening the skin. Whatever. It's the one that if you know how to pingback, you can travel almost anywhere and slip between the cracks, because trickster is with everyone to some extent, though in those that haven't faced their shadows, generally as the one that has played the greatest trick on himself; victims of the jester, rather than masters of the dance.
But that's why I reacted so banally to her stealing those ideas. They're me and parts of me, and yes, I admit, I do cling to identity. Unless you want the nonstop insaniac gnostic babble of brainfarts from the universe, just like Lucifer Gnosis said in a voice that went from crip walkin and set trippin to mine, somehow-- ego is a necessary bottleneck by which we experience creation, but as Sudden Enlightenment reminds, we are just the many masks of god, as much as the many masks of the jester.
Me saying I can connect back to source and yet have mastered being able to screw my hat back on without becoming unhinged eternal nonsense is why. Because those identity bits are me, not Hermes, not some greater thing. Me living through and as him, but distinct, and myself, my identity, my soul, my journey, my exploration, not cliffs notes she can pick up and run with for herself.
Maybe that helps comprehend it. It's a Cas that bounced to the empty and generally vibes as heaven but can still put his Cas hat on, okay? He needs that Cas hat to come back and live the life he enjoys. I like my Aaron hat. It is mine, and I worked very hard in this life to be me. Enough so that I'm hollering at a fake witch my independent right to be me and own me and be unchained by her so loudly, I may have lensed myself into a deeper level permanently without even meaning to. Great, I'm immortal now even if my body isn't. Wasn't really. Going for that. I was good with just vibing under the big bros one day but no, thanks, the universe is gonna be haunted by the eldritch gm because this bitch literally refused to hop off it.
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librarycards · 1 year
tagged to do this by @ritavonbees and @abstractlesbian (thank you!!)
last song: I currently have TWOTH's album, Playback the Compact, on in the background! (I love it and it will def be on my newsletter this month!)
currently reading: A Lot™ (as always). Perdido Street Station by China Miéville, The Palm-Wine Drunkard by Amos Tutuola, A War on People by Jarrett Zingon, Doris by Cindy Crabb, Three Guineas by Virginia Woolf, Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett, Afterlives by Abdulrazak Gurnah, and Deep as The Sky, Red as the Sea by Rita Chang-Eppig.
currently watching: i don't really watch tv but i'm listening to the back episodes of No End In Sight and Sandy and Nora Talk Politics atm!
current obsession: citational ecologies tbh. i'm adjuncting a course heavy on critiques of The University and also developing a pedagogy workshop for the National Women's Studies Association conference this October, for both of which, esp. the latter, i'm looking at Mad ways of knowing & writing and new ways of citing and acknowledging kinship that traditional modes (designed to reify existing hierarchies of knowledge and author - ity/ship).
also for the American Studies Association conference I'm looking at t4t and crip4crip relational ecologies, and obviously i'm going to talk about citation there, because our lives are (involved in) sighting / citing each other, and so often this is how we become the "4"t/crip (thinking about things "transing" us, egg cracking, self-(un)dx, all these things.
tagging @osmanthusoolong @sadhoc @gwenderqueer @artuhmes @punkkwix @pf2e @txttletale @capricornpropaganda @closet-keys @foragecore @endure and anyone who wants to!
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lesbianboyfriend · 6 months
12 20 and 47!
thank you for the ask!!
12. favorite horror books: honestly as a horror lover i’ve read scarily few horror novels. would love some recs!! but here are some i have read and loved: the secret diary of laura palmer, mapping the interior, the salt grows heavy, night side of the river, bad cree, white is for witching, we have always lived in the castle, plain bad heroines, the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home
20. where and how do you find new books: answered here!
47: last 3 books i’ve read: does a collection of comic books count as a book. if so daredevil: back in black, volume 1: chinatown, crip negativity, and marvel masterworks: the amazing spider-man vol. 9. if not crip negativity, playing in the dark, and in the dream house
the ask game 📚
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x-rds · 8 months
[Lio] Woops I forgot to reply aaa
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In the past we’ve been pretty good with ‘pinging’ each other and communicate in this way yeah - it’s a good idea! Although we do maybe need to maybe build those pathways for some of the newer people who don’t really know how to do that.
My problem right now is that it feels like I’m locked out of headspace. I can’t really ‘get in’ to do even basic visualization stuff that’s usually extremely easy for us. So it’s a cause for some concern :/
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I’ve tried a bit of positive triggers but it feels almost like something is blocking them, or blocking me from even wanting to try them. Which is extra weird. I guess I should try again and see if I can get through whatever is blocking me. Thank you for the advice, I’ll keep trying.
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jemineye · 2 years
i think saying "crystals can't do anything for you", "crystals aren't magic", ect. is really damaging to the witch/spiritual communities!
yes, there's a point in which crystals won't work for actual physical and medical problems. (always go to a doctor if you believe something is wrong)
if someone believes in crystals, let them. they're not hurting anyone. crystals certainly all have different types of energies. let people find comfort in that and stop spewing out that gross narrative just because you don't agree with it.
it's the same as telling someone that their religion isn't real and made up. it's hurtful.
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cpunkwitch · 28 days
I get annoyed at the very least by people who get mad at seemingly able bodied folk using the disabled stall.
*you don't know if they're disabled* especially if you yourself are a phys disabled person complaining about it. You should know better.
That's a person who is very likely using the aid they need, the railings on the side of the stall are very helpful and just because they don't appear deformed or to be using a mobility aid doesn't mean they don't need that stall
Us disabled folk should know this better than anyone that we shouldn't be getting upset at someone for using a resource, they aren't hindering others by using the fucking bathroom
And as much as I hate it, the disabled stall is typically the only spot in a public bathroom with a goddamn baby changer so it also has rescources for mother's disabled or not.
I get that there are disabled people who can't really wait a few minutes for a stall to be open, for plenty of reasons you might need immediate access to that stall
But instead of getting pissed off at people you think are able bodied using the disabled stall, we should be directing the anger at the people who caused this situation on one stall for the disabled in the first place, esp those who decided to also make it the baby changer station.
We shouldn't be getting mad at others for using it, normalise using it whether you're visibly disabled or not and focus on pushing for more stalls and seperate stations for changing diapers.
I'm sick and tired of people fighting over limited resources instead of fight for more of what's needed.
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witch-crip-is-this · 2 years
Welcome home, heathens, freaks and other good fellows.
The primary practitioners who use this blog are pSimon (pain/paen/painself, kitchen/garden witch), Kitty (she/her/hers, lust/passion witch), and Infinity (void/it/dreadnaught, illusion/lure mage). Other alters may hop on from time to time. Feel free to message us individually or as a collective— we’re slow to respond bc we’re very low vision but we love to say hi!
For some foolish reason this is our main blog.
@glitchboy6ix follows from here for hot stupid takes and tech stuff.
We also run @narcissism-positivity! Feel free to follow even if you don’t have NPD, and learn something new about mental health!
DM for our NSFW blog ~
✨My tags under the cut: ✨
#witchy for all things magic and mysticism related. This is inclusive and interfaith with a focus on Jewish and disabled magic and is explicitly anti-appropriation.
#witch-tips for practical magic, often crossposted with tags of various types of magic, including:
#my-magic for my own posts about my magic practices! This may vary a lot, as different alters practice in very different ways, so you can check out some of our crossposted tags for more specific types of magic:
#crip-magic for disability related magic, energy saving tips, etc. I may tag neurodivergent and plural related posts with this too, as my physical disabilities intertwine with my neurodiversity, but please remember that the term "crip" is only for physically disabled people to reclaim.
#kitchen-magic is pretty self-explanatory.
#psi-speaks (trying to transition to #system speaks) for personal thoughts. This is run by a number of alters and is often helpful additions to accessibility.
#psitography for our photography. This includes all our rural gardening pics (also under my-garden) and all our environment/house decor (also under my-palace) pics.
#image-described for adding image descriptions to posts when we have the energy and visibility for it. We strive to always add alt text to images we post ourselves.
#crip-punk for all things disability culture related, including discussions of ableism, accessibility, and radical ill living. Will often cross-post with #crip-magic.
#Judaism for Jewish history, culture, beliefs and more. Will often cross-post with #witchy in regards to Jewish folklore and magical practice.
#cottagecore for all things cozy, garden and nature centered. May include DIY projects and potions/spells cross-posted with #witchy.
Tags for other stuff:
#aesthetic to block if you don't want my purely witchy ~aesthetic~ posts.
#shitcraft for discussing yucky appropriative magical practices.
i always try to tag things like #antiblackness #ableism #antisemetism, for marginalized folk who just wanna have a good time and not hear about that BS.
Please let me know if there are other tags you’d like listed or added! 💙🧿💙
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