#witchey things
zombie-graveyrd · 1 year
Protection Oil
I recently started up my practice again and the first thing I made was a protection candle and some oils. I haven't shared any witchy things in a while so here is how I make protection oil.
You can use any oil, I prefer to use olive oil. I also put red pepper and a rose thorn in there because I like them. I would also have added egg shell powder but I didn't have any. You can tailor this to what ever you have one hand. The world is your oyster do whatever the fuck you want. You can wear this oil, lock mirrors, windows, add to spells, ect... Personally I like to put it on before I do spell work. Stay protected witches !
Olive Oil
Salt - purification, cleansing
Sage - protection, hex breaking
Red pepper - warding, spell amplification
Parsley - protection, purification
Thyme - protection
Black salt - protection, dispel's negative energy
Rose thorn - repellent for negative energy, baneful protection
Tigers' eye - protection
A petition with intentions
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Edit :
I forgot to add this the first time.
Do not put fresh herbs or shit that has water in it into your carrier oil. It can create botulism. Make sure everything you add is dried.
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noemilivv · 7 months
I couldn’t help but do another, you don’t have to do this of course.
Some Poison pls? With Alastor x Witch Overlord Reader. Im just curious
omg ofc!! submit as many as you like haha
hope you enjoy :) also, if it peaks your interest, i wrote a similar set of hcs!! which was alastor x overlord!voodoo!reader which can be found here <3
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Alastor x Witch!Reader
Romantic Headcanons
Alastor has definitely made some sort of pun relating to your witchey activities at least once before
He especially adores it if you wear these little witchey costumes XD
Branching off of that, if you don’t, he may or may not buy you some, just cause he thinks your just the cutest thing XD
Definitely takes a bit of interest in your various kinds of magic and activities, may even watch you from afar while you do them
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cereal-cutie-pie · 1 year
eh hii
im a changeling otherkin
and was wondering if would make like foresty witchey fae moodboard id that makes any sense at allllll
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I ended up making a my little pony moodboard before suddenly remembering that changelings are a thing in the real world as well, so I ended up basing it off of that! Hope you like it!
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senorincognito69 · 1 year
Skincrawlers (woman into insect TF tale)
(Woman into insect)*
Witchcraft stores are a rather common business venture amongst covens and practitioners of the arkane, a store is, after all, the simplest way to offer your services to those that may desire them. You may not believe it, but one of those stores may be very near you, they may appear anywhere, even in a spot you thought was a Starbucks.
And they can just as easily go away.
The norm in such establishments is to offer the usual mix of magicks, trinkets and other witchey gizmos. Witches tend to be picky about their craft and the variety of spells, incantations and potions a store might offer will be as varied as the members of the coven are. Some witches may choose to focus on offering services rather than goods or goods rather than services. Others, being more entrepreneurial, even try to franchise their kind of boutique, perhaps turning them into spas or salons in which the product being sold is the pleasure of magic itself. There’s also, of course, the ones that, being skillful or comfortable with a particular magical gimmick. become specialised.
Such was the case of that tattoo studio.
From the outside it looked, for the most part, just like any other skin-inker shopfront that you may have seen before, maybe slightly odd, with a wacky name, and you wouldn’t recall having seen that tattoo place before, so it would stand to reason that it only opened recently, making it even more interesting.
If you enter you will be warmly welcomed and, after a short wait, when your turn comes, they will lead you to the back room of the store down a corridor. From the walls of the corridor hang several frames showing the art being offered. Beautiful pieces… shown in squares that seem to be made of skin, living skin, as if a person had been flattened and stretched into a canvas over a flat surface, reduced into faceless pieces of art… their genitals exposed, pussies, dicks, boobs, nipples and some buttholes from those that got their tattoo on their rear…
Subtle muffled moans will then follow.
Then you will reach the place where the magic happens.
One of the most interesting offerings from the studio is a tattoo that grants luck, a tattoo that must be in the form of a bug. An insect, arachnid, mollusk… some sort of lowly crawling lifeform. As long as the tattoo is on your skin lucky things will happen to you, but as those things happen the residual energy of your improved chances will gradually, slowly, accumulate in that bug on your skin.
Dina had a mantis tattoo on the back of her left thigh.
It wasn’t the only tattoo on her white skin, but it was the one  that her existence was held upon. She was quite an alternative looking chick, with a short bob haircut dyed vivid red, multiple tattoos and piercings, in her lips, nose, ears, nipples… cunt… A very curvy woman about to enter her thirties, with an ample bust and ample hips, juicy ass and juicy boobs. She was walking out of a steamy shower, smirked and winking at her foggy reflection in the mirror, before leaving the bathroom barefoot and holding a towel across her tits.
Carlota, Dina’s roommate, was sitting on the couch in her pyjamas, doing mindless net surfing. She groaned when she saw Dina enter the living room.
“Yikes, bitch, could you put on some pants at least?” she growled after the redhead moved her big butt in front of her. “I don’t need to see your fat ass every day!”
They had been friends and living together for more than half a decade. On that day Dina had a date… with Carlota’s ex.
“Then go live somewhere else!” the redhead answered, chuckling. “I’m thirsty!”
Dina went towards the kitchen, unfortunately her towel was a bit too long and luckily her feet stepped over the fluffy cloth. She squeaked, losing her balance and fell forward, slamming against the floor boobs first. After the short initial shock Carlota burst into laughter watching her pal laying naked and spread on the floor.
“Maybe you should walk on all fours like a pig!” she gloated.
The redhead groaned, rubbing her sore tits as she got up onto her knees. She was about to bark something back at Carlota’s laughter, when she noticed something on the dusty floor under the couch. Squinting her eyes she leaned forward, stretching her arm between carlota’s legs.
Carlota frowned.
“What the heck are you doing now?” she asked, putting her legs on the couch.
Dina didn’t answer until she managed to reach the edge of her objective with the tip of her fingers. Her rear raised up, her boobs pressed against the floor, she stuck her tongue out, stretched out with the nails, slid the paper along the floor…
“Aha!” triumphantly she pulled a fifty dollar bill from beneath the couch, not caring about her nudity as she stood up, one hand on her waist and the other proudly showing off her find. “Am I a lucky whore or what?”
Carlota’s mouth dropped open.
“Hey…!” she babbled. “Hey! Those are the fifty bucks I lost last week!”
The redhead giggled, shaking the money in front of her roommate’s eyes.
“Na! Na! Nana! Finders keepers, bitch!” Dina stepped back, holding the bill with both hands, admiring it. “He, he, guess I’m gonna woo your ex with some extra sweets tonight!” 
Carlota was furious, but her anger was distracted by something else… something that made her frown… she raised her hand… and slapped Dina’s left thigh from behind.
“AY! HEY!” Dina cried in pain, jumping away. “You moron! I was gonna give you the money back, but now I’m keeping it!”
“No!” Carlota swore from the edge of her seat. “I saw something moving under your ass! A bug or something!”
“What?!” the redhead tried to bend to see her own butt. “Where?! If this is a joke I’m gonna be pissed!” a bit of panic crept into her voice.
Carlota didn’t say anything, she was lost for words.
Right below Dina’s ass, on the back of her left thigh, the mantis, the mantis drawn with ink on her skin, was moving, flapping its wings and stretching its insectile limbs.
“What the what…?” muttered Carlota.
The mantis moved as if it was alive… or as alive as a well animated cartoon. It crawled around the two dimensional space, tracing a couple of circles before climbing over her buttocks, Dina’s skin was a silver screen for its display.
“I feel something! Tickles!” Dina complained. “Is it still there?! Smack that fucking thing again! KILL IT!”
Carlota remained shocked.
“T-That can’t be,” she gulped.
“What can’t be?!” Dina shouted, grabbing her buttocks. She put a hand on top of the mantis and the mantis passed from skin to skin.
“Your hand, look at your hand!”
Dina looked where her roommate was pointing, her fingers lost their grip on the fifty dollar bill, her face was instantly disfigured by horror and confusion.
“What the what…?” she muttered.
The ink mantis cocked its head, staring upwards, seeing the woman’s head above and beyond the confines of its skin world. Dina began to yell, fully frenzied, she slapped her hand.
“Get it off! GET IT OFF!” 
Jumping around naked she slapped and slapped, but she couldn’t touch the mantis, but only felt its pointy legs crawling through her skin, under her skin, climbing her arm, sliding down her shoulder.
“NO! NO! NO!”
She tried to squeeze the pest between her boobs, like all the other strikes it accomplished nothing. The bug just walked away from the breasts. Dina’s lips trembling, she dropped to her knees.
“Stop!” the mantis was rushing down her belly, towards her crotch. “NOT THERE!”
In desperation the redhead scratched her skin with her nails, the mantis didn’t even bother to dodge, becoming lost inside the woman’s wide dark pubes.
Dina’s neck tensed up, her arms opened wide, she clenched her face, held her breath as her vaginal lips were spread open.
The mantis was in.
She began to gasp again, groaning and moaning, her skin buzzing and red everywhere where it had been slapped or scratched. Carlota, who was ducking scared in a corner of the couch, babbled, half-sobbing: “Dina… are you okay?”
“What do you think?!” screamed Dina, looking down at her defiled crotch with furious tears making her sight watery. “It’s inside me! That thing! It’s inside me!”
“C-Calm down, maybe we can…”
The screaming wasn’t going to stop any time soon. Dina tried to stand up only to be put back down on her knees almost immediately. Her joints snapped, her limbs contracted in bizarre ways as she groaned breathlessly.
“FFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! It’s inside! Itshhh nghhhhhhhh meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
Carlota shook her head when Dina put her hands on her crotch and used both of them to start to masturbate.
“Dina stop!” she begged.
“Oooooooooh! AAAAAAAAAAH! Y-You think I wouldn’t iffffff I could?!”
Louder and louder moans.
The redhead put her head against the floor as she shoved as many fingers as she could inside her pussy, her legs spread and her ass was pushed high. Carlota covered her mouth, perfectly seeing her mate going full hog. It was an unreal level of pleasure, but it didn’t do anything to calm Dina’s anger… or fear. She bit her lips with frustration, reaching an orgasm that would bring her little joy.
She came and squirted, convulsing until the stiffness in her muscles loosened and she fell flat.
“D-Dina…?” mumbled Carlota.
With a great effort, trembling, dishevelled, sticky wet, Dina got up onto all fours.
“Carlota… C-Carlota…” her voice shivers.
“I’m here, I’m with you…”
Her cry was followed by a loud cracking sound, her spine stiffened, her asscheeks began to swell.
“This isn’t real!” Carlota sobbed.
The flesh on Dina’s rear pushed forward at once with a slimy sounding explosion.
A second pair of legs sprouted fully formed from the redhead’s buttocks. A grotesque vision out of their wildest dreams. Both women yelled uncontrollably, Dina stood up on her two pairs of legs, pulling her hair as looked down at them.
They were real.
They were hers.
She could use them to move, shake the ten extra toes, feel the wetness caused by orgasms on the floor with her new pair of barefoot soles.
“How is this happening?! How is this possible?!” logical questions for an illogical situation. “I HAVE FOUR LEGS!”
As Carlota saw her panicked mutated friend stepping around with double the feet she came to the gnarly realisation that she slowly spoke out loud as if she was in a trance.
“You… You don’t have four legs… You have… six limbs…”
Dina looked at her, she couldn’t take any more.
“What do you mean with thaaaaaAHHHHHHHHHHHHHT!”
Between the four thighs Dina’s crotch pulsed.
“Six limbs… Like an insect… a bug…” Carlota stopped a moment before finishing the sentence, staring at her friend’s swollen vulva as it opened and closed with needy fluctuations, a spark of amazement in her terrified tone. “A mantis.”
“Nnnnnnnnnnnno! No! Don’t say thaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”
Dina’s pelvis was pushed backwards and she felt the pull in her stomach. Forced to open her legs by the reforming of her hips she put her hands on her front thighs, curling her toes, moaning as loudly as possible. The mass of her rear expanded, stretching beyond its limits. Her pierced pussy and anus grew to absurd proportions, squeezed together at the end of the forming appendage, at a slower pace than the abrupt sprouting of her extra legs, but still too quickly for someone that desired nothing but for the changes to end and reverse.
Comfort and discomfort, mammal and insect.
The reshaping flesh was filled with strange organs and unusual sensations.
An utterly inhuman sight.
“Your abdomen…” Carlota whispered.
“MY ASS!” cried Dina, twisting her neck as much as she could to look at the heavy protuberance that now hung from her rear. “This is not happening to me! WHYYYY! Fuuuuuck! FUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I was going on a date tonight!
The bug-to-be-woman put her hands on top of her abdomen, the skin was trembling, tense, very warm. She slammed a fist against her abdomen, the impact cracked the skin as if it was a dead leaf and from the cracks leaked a greenish substance.
Dina grabbed her head, yelling.
At the same time, on top of her rear and on top of her abdomen, a slimy sound was followed by a piercing pinch. The skin tore apart from the inside, failing as if it was nothing in a spectacular burst of metamorphosis. On her head, above her nose, a pair of antennae sprouted, on her abdomen, more remarkably, a pair of wings. Two sets of pinkish translucent insect wings attached one after the other to her abdomen and what was left of her waist. The human remains fell off from the flapping wings, dry, wrinkled, dust, beneath them was revealed the abdomen’s carapace, it was a lush lime-green shade and bore the brand new shine of an exoskeleton in the making.
The wings flapped, but their owner was too large to fly.
For now…
Absolute despair.
Her pupils shrank into dark points as the rest of her eyes turned yellow, her skin cracked, more of the green carapace surfacing while her waist shrank.
A sort of mantis drider.
The antennas were swinging in distress, on the bottom edges of each of her arms a line of pointy spikes sprouted, her hands lost their fingers when the curved hook like pincers of a mantis front legs emerged, curved like scythes. Legs snapped and gained one extra segment above the thighs, arms one at their end, shoulders compressed.
Dina focussed her attention on her horrified flatmate.
“Ca-Carlottta… Am a monster! Am a f-f-freakkkk!”
Her crackling voice made her seem even more nightmarish.
“Don’t get too close!” pleaded Carlota.
Dina didn’t listen to her demands, maybe because her ears were detaching. With insect-like moves, almost predatory, she moved over Carlota, putting her middle legs on top of the couch and her wet pincers over Carlota’s trembling shoulders. Carlota couldn’t look away from her transforming friend, Dina’s face was breaking, one of her yellowish eyes swelling quicker than the other. She was so close that Carlota noticed the mirriad of tiny hexagonal shapes covering the surface of the cornea.
When Dina spoke her mouth swung in strange ways.
“Help-p-p kkkkk! Tis your fault-t-t-t! Tat tat wash y-y-your ide-de-dea!”
Carlota’s hands had ended over Dina’s boobs.
“How could we know this would happen?!” she wept. 
Fear made Carlota squeeze the tits. With that last long shout Dina’s face was torn in two by her mantis head. The large yellow eyes took most of the space, the mouth spread into four lateral pincers, red hair and her piercing dropping away. Dina jumped backwards, standing on her back legs, like a horse or a centaur, kicking the air with her front ones, losing every shred of human skin.
Her boobs had been left in Carlota’s hand, where they also crumbled into pinkish dust, leaving the nipple piercings in her flatmate’s hands. 
A woman sized mantis in the middle of the living room.
Seeing Dina’s fractured voice coming out of the mantis’ head was bizarre, but it helped Carlota to snap out from her terrified trance. When the body of the insect began to compress and shrink she leapt away from the couch and ran towards the kitchen, knocking down one of the living room’s lamps.
Alone in the room Dina shrank, her voice diminishing with her size.
“Heeeeeeelp! Tis ka-kant happe to me! Am a WORM! A wommmmh! Pliiiii! Kikikiki! Helppp! Kant be buuuuu…!”
Diminishing, until all that was left was a mantis.
A mantis sized mantis.
Her exoskeleton was pristine lime green, six legs, an alien body. The magic that had robbed her of everything had decided, for some arbitrary reason, to reshape some of her piercings so they remained in her body, a couple in her face and the one in her sex organ at the end of her abdomen.
Carlota came back with a crystal glass in her hand.
The woman walked slowly until she saw the mantis jumping around on the floor, she got to her knees and put the glass over the insect, trapping it. Inside the glass the mantis kept jumping, insectoid moves with human intent. The flickering light of the overturned lamps cast their light over the pierced mantis and the mantis' shadow was projected across the wall.
A large shadow for such a small thing.
With her hands on her beating chest Carlota realised the shadow was odd and big… it was Dina’s naked human silhouette, still terrified of her fate, that’s all that was left of the woman she had been.
Carlota gulped… 
She pulled up the sleeve of her pyjamas, on her right arm, above the wrist, in bright red ink… a ladybug tattooed on her skin…
Now that Dina was a mere bug… how long could it be until she ran out of luck and the tickling of crawling ran through her skin?
---If you want to see more kinky TF shenanigans give a click to these links! ^^
-Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/senorincognito69
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/SIncognito69
--And if you want to support and help us do more stuff:
-SubscribeStar Adult: https://subscribestar.adult/SenorIncognito69
-Pixiv FANBOX: https://senorincognito69.fanbox.cc/
-Gumroad: https://app.gumroad.com/senorincognito69
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lost-atlantean-blog · 2 years
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I feel like a terrible person. I think i may witcheyed my way into jinking this whole thing with the paents visiting.
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Now they’re gone and I feel like such a god damned failure, all because our fucking spoiled husky got her war ofngetting her house back as she likes it, and I let her.
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Happy Anniversary Mike, I even screwed this up for u.
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wasatchwitch · 4 years
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January New Moon Manifestations
I wanted to share what my daily intentions have been from this month, maybe these are some you want to try out for yourself! These are ones I’ll try to repeat every day until the full moon, at which point I will reevaluate, reflect, and release anything that is not serving me. 
⭐️ I have plenty of time for the highest good.
⭐️ I have the resources I need to strengthen and sustain myself.
⭐️ I launch myself towards my goals.
⭐️ I have more subscribers to support me.
⭐️ I have trusted connections to guide me on my stepping stones.
⭐️ I respect what I have, and have what I need.
Let me know what you think, and if there’s adjustments I can make for the future.
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dreamrcloud · 7 years
Hello babies,
I woke up to a snow covered earth so I guess you can say that's a miracle.
As some of you may know, I've been dabbling in the spiritual world of witchcraft, trying to find my path and connect to my higher being.
But sometimes I came across what could either be signs or coincidences that I just cannot comprehend or quite understand. This is where I need your help.
As of lately I've been focusing on cleansing my energy and setting myself on a higher vibration. To start, I light my Incense (wisteria or frankincense to be exact), I sit at my table and listen to the crows outside of my window, I typically do this every morning with a coffee in hand.
I find that the incense will cloud around me, completely surrounding my face and body. It's not until I have to ask it to move away when it gives me my requested space.
To the witches or the spiritual beings reading this, do you have any opinions or suggestions as to why this happens and if there are any steps I need to take (whether it's a sign I need to cleanse my aura further or if it's just attracted to my energy).
I've been wanting to create a second tumblr page specifically for my sipiritual path as I didn't ever think it was appropriate to combine it with materialistic things but I've come to understand that this is me. I love witchcraft and fairies and psychic knowledge as much as I love physical beauty and design.
So if you are still reading, welcome to my page, I hope you stay and if you want to discuss anything , please send me something! I love to talk with all of you :)
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bongsavior · 7 years
need me more crystals
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spotforme · 2 years
starting my theories on everyones death before i see the new season.
Annie (if i remember the name right). i've been thinking i really like the idea of someone being burried alive, and that doesn't really fit anyone else in my mind. Annie was burried alive because she was too smart and tried to speak up, maybe she tried to help people, but others didn't lile it 'cos servants can't be smart, ecpesially not women.
the Captain i think was murdered. i know some think he killed himself, but i just can't imagine it, for any of them. instead, after Harves left, there was a place for a new leader who could take his place. maybe it was a spy, maybe it was one of the solders, but i think they tought that with Harver gone, someone thought they could easily take the higher leading position. and they were at war, was someone really gonna care what hapoened to one over anyone else. and another thing, the William Project. if it indeed was a spy, then that would have given them all the more reason to try and get information out of him. as for the literal way he died, i think he was suffocaded, pillow seems too friendly so maybe not that, or poisoned with a needle. i think he was called into a one-on-one meetin and taken by suprise. someone also said his belt is the wrong way round, maybe it was flipped during the fight. also, another aftertought, his death was played off as him being sick.
Julian definedly died of alcohol poisoning.
i would like it if Robin died by falling of a cliff, but there aren't any cliffs around the Button House. so instead i think he was attacked by some animal and hit in the head (i don't think the wound would be wisible under that hair). futhermore i think he was trying to protect someone while dying, probably his kid, and maybe they died too, giving him a reason to not be able to move on. ('cos let's be real, Robin definedly has kids with all the "not being restricted" and "no social norm", so yeah)
i'm not sure about Kitty. her sister definedly murdered her, but not sure how. the firs thing i thought was that she was left in a closet or a room or a basement or something until she starved. but that doesn't quite fit the rest of my ideas. she has that beautiful dress, maybe she put it on to admire it, maybe it's for a party. if it is for a party, i think during the party, her sister spread rumours about her that made her seem like a bad person. after the party her sister gave her poison again, a lot more this time, knowing no one would care, and left her to die alone.
we know that Mary died during the witch trials and was burned alive. but what was she accused of? like, in the firs season at least, she goes on about things being the work of the devil like it's a habit, like that's what everybody thought and alvays said and believed, she herself included. witch makes it allthemore sad that she was burned for something she would not have done. maybe she just thought it facinating that the devil can do so much. even worse is if someone just lied about seeing her do something witchey for the money, witch, now that i think about it, is what it probably is.
i think that's it, at least for the ones whose deaths haven't been truly ecplaned yet. if there are inconsistencies or gaps feel free to inform me about them. i would also like to hear if there are any opposing theories or something thah could be added to these. besides these, they are always facinating.
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frostcorpsclub · 3 years
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Inside Rue Morgue #203!
Featuring original cover art by ROB BIRCHFIELD!
T’was the final decade of VHS, an era that berthed a thousand B-movies, most of them lost, some impossible to forget. Now, almost 25 years later, Rue Morgue wrecks the halls with director MICHAEL COONEY to celebrate the arrival of JACK FROST and JACK FROST 2 on Blu-ray, just in time for the holidays!
Rue Morgue ventures to Canada’s east coast NEWFOUNDLAND to uncover a DIY community hungry for horror and drawing on its rich folklore to put their personal stamp on the genre. Plus! Newfoundland’s tradition of MUMMERING and more! by Jessica Buck
Back in 2014, STEPHEN BIRO resurrected GUINEA PIG, one of the most notorious and extreme titles in horror history. This year, he explodes his AMERICAN GUINEA PIG brand in a shower of guts and gore.
From the Welsh highlands comes THE FEAST, an elegantly prepared eco-horror film with enough splashes of gore to earn its place at the table.
POST-MORTEM Letters from fans, readers and weirdos
THE CORONER’S REPORT Weird Stats & Morbid Facts, Expired Minds, Shadowland and more!
NEEDFUL THINGS Strange trinkets from our bazaar of the bizarre
CINEMACABRE The newest films and reissues, featuring Miles Doleac’s Demigod
REISSUED & RE-ANIMATED REVIVED: “Homebodies”: Everything Old Is New Again
BOWEN’S BASEMENT DUG UP: Snake handlers!
BLACK MUSEUM EXHIBIT: The Incredible Shrinking Man (1956)
BLOOD IN FOUR COLOURS INKED IN: Francesco Artibani’s He Who Fights With Monsters
THE NINTH CIRCLE SPOTLIGHT: Clark Collis’ You’ve Got Red on You
THE FRIGHT GALLERY ON DISPLAY: The Shadowy Scratches Mathieu Pequignot (a.k.a. Elvisdead)
DEVIL’S IN THE DETAILS CURIO: Silent Night, Deadly Night
AUDIO DROME NOW PLAYING: The witchey sounds of Kaelan Mikla
PLAY DEAD PLAYING: Max Payne revisited
VS DEBATE: What is the best horror movie cameo, ever?
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abitscrewystein · 3 years
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@witcheyed​ sent:  "You like taking things apart right? Any chance you want a full time subject? I'm immortal and can't die. If you pay me we can treat this like a 9-5."
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“You’d have to ask Lord Death about that. As much as I’d normally jump at the opportunity, I work on a teacher’s wage, not a doctor’s.” Though it annoys him to no end, it’s still a fact. “If you can convince him, I’d be happy to take you up on the offer.”
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zombie-graveyrd · 1 year
Hey witches !
I have Hecate and Aphrodite in my corner now and I am super excited to have them in my practice !
I am obviously going to do my own research but if anyone has any information on both Hecate and Aphrodite that would be greatly appreciated.
I am also looking into bringing Asmodeous back into my practice and need a brush up on information for him if anyone would like to share!
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Whenever magical things happen in Craig of the Creek, it's a good bet that the Witches aren't far off. Their first episode, The Curse, really set a high bar for them, but they've consistently delivered in their three episodes so far.
So, let's look at the tale of the Witches, shall we? The Witches of the Creek have been in three episodes so far: The Curse, The Last Kid in the Creek, and The Haunted Dollhouse. Perhaps in the future Craig of the Creek will even bring us more witchey episodes.
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forested-witch · 4 years
I was tagged by @acefitzroymaplecourt and then @daughterofsarenrae and @moonsympathizer tagged anyone who wanted to do it so those count too. I have to answer like 30 questions so here we go.
1. Name/Nickname: Sabrina, Sabean, Sabs, Rina - I’ve collected a lot okay
2. Gender: girl question mark. Not a guy.
3. Star sign: Sagittarius!
4. Height: 5’11”ish? I walk good.
5. Time: was a mistake
6. Birthday: thanksgiving sometimes!
7. Favorite bands: vibing with The Crane Wives and The Correspondents and LVCRFT.
8. Favorite solo artist: Mitski, Toby Fox, and Mystery Skulls.
9. Song stuck in my head: none right now! Oh wait, hang on, actually it’s battle music from Final Fantasy for some reason. Not sure which.
10. Last Movie: uhhhh, still Soul?
11. Last Show: actively watching The Umbrella Academy
12. When did I create this blog: like last September or October idk
13. What do I post: mostly screaming into the void. Sometimes just stuff I’m interested in.
14. Last thing I googled: Google or bing? On Google it was the download for uhhhh the inverted Daedric font from TES. On bing it was... huh Ben Stiller??
15. Other blogs: none right now.
16. Do I get asks: rarely? Idk what a usual amount is.
17. Why did I choose this url: uhhh, I like nature and witchey stuff.
18. Following: 24
19. Followers: 14
20. Average hours of sleep: prolly like 7
21. Lucky number: 14 I think.
22. Instruments: played sax for a bit. Started to learn violin when I was kid too.
23. What am I wearing: a black t-shirt and jeans.
24. Dream job: actor or theatre instructor.
25. Dream trip: road trip around US picking up people I know and visiting cool stuff.
26. Favorite food: I eat anything and like everything. But, uhhh, probably over easy eggs and rice with salt, pepper, and sriracha.
27. Nationality: man, I don’t wanna talk about it.
28. Favorite song: Enemy by Mystery Skulls. Or Shame (solo jammin out version) by Mitski.
29. Last book read: Sex and Violence in Theatre (technically a textbook but it was a script anthology and I read more than I needed for class)
30. Three fictional universes you’d like to live in: Kingdom Hearts, Steven Universe, uhhh Pokémon?
I don’t have anyone else to tag who hasn’t already been tagged!
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theduofinds · 5 years
We are in Portland, OR and things get witchey! We hike the trails of Macleay Park to find the Witch Castle! Come along to learn the history of this house in the middle of the forest!
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thebeepestbeeper · 8 years
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Sigil to Help Manifest Desires~ 
(Please don’t use this to cause harm to other people) 
Charge with your own energy/intent or music that correlates with your desire. This can be mixed well with other manifestation activities and can be cast by any means. 
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