#without PROOF
songswelive · 2 months
You will not believe where my afhf location search ended up
So I increased the brightness and exposure which left me with this
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On Google lens search I found this
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And you are telling me I am not supposed to click on the home
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Where is this though?
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It's in mexico
So if this year afhf turns out to be in mexico I'll fling myself of a cliff
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laf-outloud · 2 years
//Yeah, I was out as well, but from what I could see, AAs were saying that Jared stans hate The Winchesters cast and are taking it out on them (I could be wrong).// - oof, if it was about that then I get the 'coming from a jared stan' thing makes sense because this is where that gossip originated:
(sorry, can't tag the og because it was hookerwitch and its deactivated). CattIsANerd then deleted the tweet when she got called out but a scroll through her twitter and she's been complaining about the response to it all day. I get calling people out if they were actually hating, but mostly I've seen people saying Drake and Meg don't fit the John and Mary we know and, yes, commenting on Meg's interviewing skills and saying she needs media training. But that's not hate, that's saying, look, this girl is going to be doing press and should be more/better prepared because as it stands she sounds.. rough.. in interviews. And not only was that not hate, but Catt went on to defend herself saying it was only a few people, not the majority... the thing is, if you truly are a Jared stan then you see how him and his fans get treated for just existing... so why would you actively draw a target on them for a "few" fans..??? I could see if it was becoming an issue and a lot of people were dragging the cast for no reason, then sure, call it out. But when its, as she herself said, only a few people, then why even call attention to it especially when you KNOW how quickly antis jump on???
Ah, that's where it is! Thanks!
She may have said just a few fans, but I would really like receipts.
I think this is the case (like so many others) who see criticism as being equal to hate. As soon as they see something that puts their favorite in a bad light, regardless of who it comes from, they immediately go on the defensive and call them haters, or call the argument hate. By so doing, they've immediately categorized the argument as invalid because it comes from a "hater," thereby allowing them to pretend that real criticism doesn't exist. Putting on blinders to valid criticism doesn't do them, or the one being criticized any good.
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coochiekrab · 5 months
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Touchy yet touch starved
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FNAF movie Mike vs Vanny on ordering pizzaplex food
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 6 months
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Even CNN is reporting the truth more now. But if you are held without being charged, you aren’t a prisoner, you’ve been kidnapped and are a HOSTAGE. And human rights organizations have said that the other 50%, who were charged, were mainly charged with throwing rocks, and that even most of that was made up.
For all the pro israel who came to my posts of Palestinian children celebrating their freedom, calling them terrorists and criminals. Israel is an occupation state, they don't need a reason to arrest you as long as you're Palestinian.
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dathen · 8 months
I think if you put Van Helsing and Sherlock Holmes in the same room they’d actually kill each other.
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paintingformike · 2 years
yknow i would’ve called it a coincidence if it just happened once
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but when it becomes a continuous pattern it gets kind of sus....
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nothatsmi · 8 months
Good morning. Can I serve you anything? Coffee, tea, whiskey?
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I'm posting that after Kevin's morning routine post cause it makes sense.
The sad thing is that I would have made Muse animatics on them if I didn't have that much work. I swear some of their song fit so well (especially Undisclosed Desires and Newborn, for those who know), I'm probably gonna have to something about it eventually.
I have to notice the domesticity they're soaked in once they move in together, it's just so easy to picture...
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
Honestly I'm glad that the aro community is moving from "we still love our friends and family we're not heartless!" to "we don't need to make up for our lack of romantic attraction with other forms of love" because yeah, our platonic and/or familial relationships are not romance-lite or a substitute for romantic love and a lot of aros reject the idea of love altogether. So yeah fuck trying to appeal to alloromantic people with the whole "we swear we're normal" thing. I don't need to make sense to anyone
Either you accept me as I am whether you understand me or not or you leave me the fuck alone
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soaring-trash · 4 months
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The bed gets cold without you and cold hands trope, but reversed because Laudna doesn’t produce an ounce of warmth and Imogen is practically a human heater.
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deewithani · 2 months
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teambyler · 27 days
Mike was NERVOUS
Mike was so nervous when he asked if they could be "best friends" again:
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He wasn't sure how Will would answer. Just like how Mike was amazed that Will "said yes" in kindergarten:
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And Mike felt he had to make a FUCKIN CASE to be Will's best friend, when of course we all knew Will was gonna say yes:
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Mike is afraid of rejection because he has feelings that go beyond even "best friends." Will is also afraid Mike will reject him; this is why they hardly called each other that year. They're terrified of asking for "too much," that whatever they feel is unrequited...
For Mike, being best friends with your best friend isn't something to be nervous about... if that was all it was about! ;) If Mike were a platonic straight best friend, then he would've gone about this differently.
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bucephaly · 8 months
It's kinda shocking to me how few people seem to know how prevalent the 'my great grandmother was cherokee' myth is and how it's almost never actually true, especially when it comes with things like 'never signed up' or 'fell off the trail' or 'courthouse burned down destorying the documentation' etc etc.
People just don't even seem to know the history like.. when the Trail happened. My great great great grandfather was 2 years old during Removal in 1838, so peoples 'my great grandmother hid in the mountains!' is so clearly wrong. And we have rolls. From before and after removal, rolls done by cherokee nation and others by the government, rolls that were not stored in one random flammable courthouse. It's not difficult to find the actual evidence of ancestry.
And just.. there are lots of ways those family stories get started. It was a practice during the confederacy to claim cherokee ancestry to show one's family had 'deep roots in the south' that they were there before the cherokee were removed. Many people pretended to be cherokee and applied for the Guion-Miller payout just to try to steal money meant for cherokees - 2/3rds of the applicants were denied for having 0 proof of actual cherokee ancestry. [We even see lawyers advertising signing up for the Miller roll just to try to get free money.] And the myth even started in some families in the cherokee land lotteries, where the land stolen from us was raffled off, including the house and everything that was left behind when the cherokees were removed. We have seen people whose families just take these things stolen from the cherokee family and adopt them into their own family story, saying that they were cherokee themselves.
If you had some family story about being cherokee and you wanna have proof one way or the other, check out this Facebook group run by expert cherokee genealogists that do research for free. Just please read the rules fully and respect the researchers. They run thousands of people's ancestries a year and their average is only around 0.7% of lines they run actually end up having true cherokee ancestry.
#and ive heard even dumber origins of the cherokee family myth#such as an ancestor having a silly sounding name so the descendents just go 'oh she mustve been an indian!!!'#i was one of the few people who had my ancestry done on the facebook and had genuine cherokee ancestry#[though i had found it before it was just really validating to get it double checked and i started finding cousins (:]#like. i was told once when i was a kid by my grandma that my dad had cherokee ancestry and i didnt believe her. its wild that so many peopl#will make it a Fixture of their identity [or even just smth they bring up ever] with Zero proof#at least for cherokees from what ive seen its usually considered really disrespectful to claim to have cherokee ancestry without#actually having the documentation [like ancestors on the rolls]#and no a dna test doesnt count. nor does 'my dad is Clearly not white!' or 'high cheekbones' or old family photos or anything#i had this discussion with someone recently whose dad had been calling himself 3/4 native but didnt know exactly what nation ???? hello?#and its like... sorry but ur dad is like. italian lol.#[and blood quantum is bullshit anyway im tired of the 'im 1/16 cherokee' comments its dumb#cherokee nation does not have a blood quantum requirement. its pointless bringing it up in the discussion of who is or isnt cherokee]#also mandatory disclaimer that im reconnecting. i didnt grow up connected to the culture of even knowing my ancestry#this is all from my looking into this stuff over the past year or so. i cant claim to be an authority over anything regarding this#this is p much all my repeating things ive heard said by people who know a lot more than i do haha#man. and this isnt even starting to get into the fake tribe stuff. the only legit cherokee groups are the 3 federally recognized bands#cherokee nation of oklahoma. united keetoowah band. and the eastern band of cherokee indians.#any others that are state recognized or not at all arent acknowledged as legitimate by any of the legit cherokee groups#anyway. my final message goodb.ye#cherokee#tsalagi
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killjoy-prince · 3 months
House M.D. but it's when a character says the name of the episode
#house md#prince's talk tag#flashing#repitition#so as i was watching this show i noticed they'd say the episode title in the episode#so i wanted to see how many times they did it#the people on livejournal who made transcripts of the episodes are my saviors and without them this would of been so much harder to do#thank you all for your service and i hope wherever you all are you're having a great day#sometimes they would use a variation of the word like in the episode poison they would say 'poisoned' or 'poisoning'#i did not include those instances#there was an instance in 'merry little christmas' where they do play the song in the show#but since ella fitzgerald was not a character in the show i did not include it#where as in the episode 'joy to the world' the students are singing it in the concert so i did include that#i apologize for the tonal whiplash when you get to that part but it did make me laugh#one of the times kutner says 'locked in' is overshadowed by the POTW's voice over but i assure you he says it and thats why its in there#out of the main characters from the one who said the title the most to least are#House > Foreman > Wilson > Chase > Cuddy > Adams > Cameron and Taub > Kutner > Thirteen and Park#this took a bit to do lolol its probably been done already but i wanted my own#there is a chance im missing some on technicalities but idc. im fine with this#there are two more i wanna do but with a character saying another character's name but ill do that some other time#EDIT: When I was making this video I was unaware that the Pilot episode went by two names: 'Pilot' and 'Everybody Lies'#Basically everywhere I looked the first episode was only referred to by 'Pilot'#which I found weird bc i remember seeing somewhere that the last episode was paired with the first episode in terms of title#but i couldn't find hard proof so I decided to leave it out at the time#well i checked again last night and yea the pilot IS also called Everybody Lies so I updated the video#I also think it goes well with the fact that House does say 'Everybody Dies' in the finale so another reason to fix it#AND he says it without Wilson while he and Wilson say the title of the pilot sooooo yea hehehehehe
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letitbehurt · 4 months
An immortal/self-healing Whumpee with nothing to show for the months of torture they endured.
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
I've talked before about how the way people treat suicide can be unintentionally devastating to the suicidal person, but I don't think I really ever said how to avoid that.
Speaking about suicide in how selfish it "is" ("think about how you'll transfer your pain to your loved ones!") might seem like a way to put logical sense into the suicidal person, but, honestly? It runs the risk of massively increasing their shame and guilt about being suicidal. Suicide is not inherently a revenge fantasy or a way to "get back" at someone's loved ones, so when the suicidal person is treated like a criminal of a "crime" they haven't even committed yet, you can imagine how unhelpful that can become.
Instead, if you want to point out how cherished your person is, frame their relationships as something they can keep fostering.
"Your cat will miss you :(!!!!" becomes "you and your cat seem close, right? I'm sure it's beautiful having a close friend like that!" and maybe include ways that they and their cat are close and meaningful to each other, tailored to that relationship.
That's only one example, but when you shift the focus away from why that person should repent and feel guilty for being suicidal, you can instead focus on why they would live for that reason. See how you can frame that as a positive? Whatever is keeping that person tethered should never be used as a bludgeon, I think, because then you're taking away why they're living, the positivity of why they are here. Whatever they are here for should be remembered often and honoured.
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