#wolf pup??? no no she's a mutt
monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
You guys remember that short lived Jurassic Bark Castaway AU? Where everyone was in groups on different islands and Roxy, Monty and Chica become a Thing cause it's Jurassic Bark?
Castaway AU that's the same except Cassie is a mutt puppy that's also there in the group with the three of them and a Mini. I want Roxy to teach her how to hunt seagulls in the most wolf-like way possible and Cassie to be nervous and hesitant cause she's always been told not to do that... She fails countless times when she finally decides to ask Roxy to teach her and she's so frustrated by it until she finally catches one, fucking devours it and Roxy ends up gently carrying her back to camp cause she's in a food coma lmao Roxy is so fucking proud of her oh my god
Cassie waking up a few hours later, still sleepy as hell and immediately getting swamped in praise cause she did it!!! Wooo!!! She's worked so hard for this!!! They're so proud of her!!! Baby's first kill!!!
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beenbaanbuun · 5 months
Do you think it's possible Yeosang might try and run away one day, possibly due to not feeling good enough to be part of the family?
in normal circumstances, no. he doesn’t have time to feel insecure when (even with the new addition of san) he has darling clinging onto him. every single bad thought about himself is wiped away whenever she flops down onto his stomach and curl into his warmth. how can he doubt himself when he has someone who loves him this much?
having said that, if the two of them were to ever argue i think yeosang would take it personally. he might blame you for a little while, but it’ll begin to take a toll on him after a short while, especially if it’s over something that happened during the full moon.
he’s the type to not show how he’s feeling until he’s reached the peak of his emotions, which is when he packs his bag and heads downstairs in the dead of night. no need for useless goodbyes or explanations if he leaves when everyone else is asleep. he can go back to mingi without kicking up too much of a fuss.
but seonghwa is too observant for his own good. if anything is wrong with any of his family, moody werewolf included, he’s the first to know. so when yeosang tiptoes along the corridor to the stairs, he’s shocked to find seonghwa sitting on the top step nursing a cup of pomegranate tea. he doesn’t say anything as he takes a seat next to the man and hugs his knees to his chest. he wouldn’t feel the need to say anything when seonghwa is bound to already know it.
“leaving so soon?” seonghwa says to the werewolf before taking a sip of his piping hot tea. the look yeosang gets over the rim is all-knowing; yeosang isn’t going to get out of this easily. seonghwa pulls the cup away and smacks his lips, “thought you might at least say goodbye before running off… or are you too good for goodbyes?”
“didn’t want to upset anyone,” the wolf shies away, choosing instead to look at the dirt beneath his fingernails. you’d have sat him down and cleaned them for him had the circumstances been different. the fact that you hadn’t is only further proof of how much you must hate him. “any more than i already have done, that is.”
perhaps laughing at yeosang was quite cruel, but seonghwa couldn’t hold it back. the cackle bubbled up before he could stop it and the poor mutt had no choice but to accept it. seonghwa was laughing at him…
“sorry, pup,” he manages to force out through the laughter, “but no one is upset with you. my precious lamb knew the risks of annoying you during the full moon. she reaped what she sowed and that’s no fault of yours.”
“no buts,” seonghwa stands before putting the cup down on the top step. he holds a hand out to the wolf, and yeosang reluctantly takes it. “get some sleep, pup; she’ll have forgotten all about it by morning.”
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darkdemeter · 9 months
◤✘WANDA MAXIMOFF SERIES/AU'S | CATALOGUE Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader, (Platonic) Avengers x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader ISSUE NO.#1
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NOTES: ↳ Finished it nice and quickly, I was a bit unsure about this piece and was probably gonna scrap it before I posted the teaser. I was surprised to see how many people liked the teaser alone, and the taglist life chose me! Didn’t think that would happen so soon sooo that’s pretty cool, so if you wanna join that then let me know! I’m looking at potentially doing some more werewolf reader soon, with a piece (or multiple pieces, idk yet) called ‘The Convict Wolf’. Again I’m not the best at fluff so there is quite a bit of angst in there too as well as some humour. I think this turned more into a slight! Wanda x reader than an actual Wanda x reader. So… sorry bout that. Usage of Y/N as well. WARNINGS! ↳ angst (reader has insecurities/self esteem issues) — Tony being a bit of a dick — some minor language — some weird fluffy humour? — mentions of a “passed relative” in said humour — minor name calling and usage (“mutt and stray/pup”) — and I think that’s it?
✎ 3.4k
Mother Nature decrees that her law is absolute. Her will is to be respected, and all are intended to follow in her great design.
You do not change it. You embrace it.
And this applies to you as well, thanks to your common ancestor, that you shared the habit that left you tracking the red ball Tony kept bouncing against the polished floors like it’s the only thing in existence that mattered to you. And maybe because it did.
How could this happen? No high risk missions or deadly villains to stop from achieving world domination. No, today was one of those special days where you and your fellow Avengers could relax. And with the full moon so close, what better combination?
What you wouldn’t give to suddenly be on a quinjet flying into enemy territory. Nothing like a good fight to get the blood pumping.
For everyone’s sake, you tried to keep to yourself for the past week but you’d exhausted your options. Walks in the park weren’t cutting it - not to mention the other dogs started it first - and you’d already destroyed five punching bags in the gym just prior. The treadmill be damned, you weren’t burning any energy on that.
Your last resort was to sit in the common area with your favoured beverage, a cool rag and some TV to calm the intense wave of anxiety. However, by her divine intervention, your beloved crew had come to flock in.
Mother Nature knew you were a pack animal at heart, as both human and wolf. It was how she made you.
The ensuing anxiety of being in a crowded space enough to put you near over the edge. It’s not like your heart rate only picked up a few hundred beats more when Wanda walked in.
When a few of the new arrivals waved and greeted you, you shared a hesitant yet trying smile and equally reluctant nod in return.
The battlefield was the only place you felt comfortable around your new comrades. But without missions or villains you were still getting accustomed to life at the compound; adjusting to life around people.
You were still considered fresh. A new recruit to the team. As Tony liked to call you… a pup.
Fuck, how you’d bite back your snarls from that term.
Fury assigned you to the Avengers some months ago. And though you had no intention of staying long, the missions kept coming in and a lot more required your specific skill set.
You remember as though it was yesterday that Tony said, “Alright Fury, we’ll adopt the stray pup. Just don’t go ripping up the furniture now.”
Suffice to say, you broke your own record at doing just that in under 3 hours.
“I think they’ll settle in just fine,” Fury had chuckled with a clap to the billionaire’s shoulder.
You shake your head at the memory. Still, if felt wrong to feel certain things for one of your teammates already. It wasn’t like you felt you really had a chance with her anyway.
The thought made your eyes falter from the now still ball for a moment, clutched in Tony’s hand as if it were your heart.
‘Who am I kidding?’ You chuffed silently to yourself, ‘She wouldn’t take a chance on me, I’m a damn mutt!’
Your self esteem issues had to wait though.
Your entire head at this point tracked the ball’s movement, but your mind was still distracted by Wanda. The idea of her wanting to play ball with you, to spend those moments of intimacy with you. Tony’s words zeroed in from a muffled backdrop to the forefront of your mind.
“And that is why red indeed travels at a superior speed to any other. Ergo, why my suit is red, brilliant, eye catching and can beat anyone.”
You could hear the collective groans and disguised snarks beneath coughs without the noise being present. It was in everyone’s eyes and their scents.
Your eyes froze on Wanda, her striking eyes bore into yours with no hesitation. No fear.
‘How long has she been doing that?’
She offered one of her smiles that made your heart swell and stop at the same time, that made your searing skin cool and rise with goosebumps.
‘She’s so beautiful when she smiles like that.’
If she had one of those smiles then… you knew that grin that spread across her lips and showed a thin line of her teeth.
Your eyes gave away the betraying thought that you knew. Her smile turned grin riddled with mischief spoke volumes.
‘She read my damn mind!’
“I don’t think that is actually possible, Tony,” Sharon said with a click of her tongue and a disbelieving squint to her eyes.
“Oh no, it is,” Tony replied with a nod, “I’ll show you how the colour of this ball determines the speed in which it returns to my hand.”
He held up the ball in his hand, a proud display of its immaculate accomplishment, just a throw away.
You bite down on your lip hard to suppress the whine coiled deep in your throat. A deep heat settled all along your neck and your ears.
Wanda still stared at you even in your peripheral.
Tony flicked his hand forward and the ball flew forward, bouncing once against the floor and bound into the wall with a determined thump before Tony caught it again, mouth agape to huff in his triumphant display in tandem with a curt yelp.
A good throw. Bad timing.
Everyone’s eyes had diverted to you. Their attention captured by the sound you made. Even Bucky, the stoic and reserved man who hardly acknowledged anyone with anything other than a grunt, appeared surprised if not the slightest bit intrigued by this new discovery.
You didn’t dare risk a second glimpse at Wanda, the flush in your neck seeped higher up into your face. Not that the shock and interest on everyone else’s faces were easier to process.
But you couldn’t face Wanda’s eyes now.
She had read the racing thoughts you couldn’t keep in line. Who knows how much she read about how alluring you think her scent is, how you whine and whimper whenever you hear her softly cry when in the privacy of her room because you wish to be there with her, her hand running through your fur to comfort herself; to let her know you’re there for her. How much it hurts you that she would never see you as nothing more than the mutt of the team. A beast that maims and runs rampart whenever you lose yourself to anger.
A lovesick pup.
You feared that the hot sting of tears was sure to follow any moment now.
Your fingers tightened against your legs, nails not longer the tamed length you maintained them as. In their stead were claws.
“Something wrong, pup?” Tony teased and you didn’t refrain from the rasped snarl that rose in your chest. Your teeth - and fangs - bared.
Fuck. Why did Mother Nature have to make you the way you are?
“Tony,” Sam warned, eyes cast between the two of you.
“What?” Tony only shrugged as if he wasn’t intentionally pissing you off and embarrassing you at the same time. “I just wanna make sure our new recruit here is alright, I mean, they have been temperamental over the past week. Chewing on expensive furniture and specially crafted improvements to my suit—“
The ball flew from Tony’s hand just as he was about to make a show of the ball again, the unmistakable red, misty tendrils swiftly brought it to Wanda’s hand.
Everyone was silent as they glanced between the red ball in Wanda’s hand and you. Their combining scents overwhelmed you to a new height. The fear that pinned you in place made the skin along your arms radiate with heat, either from the desire to run with your tail between your legs or to get defensive; to ‘wolf out’ as the others had called it. It didn’t help when Thor made an attempt to say something but otherwise thought better not to say what was on his mind.
Wanda eyed the object that held your attention. And you in turn couldn’t help but study her. Something in the way her eyes twinkled with curiosity, her lips pulled to one side as if to contemplate heavily on the fact that this ball held you in a vice grip.
Your short temper as of late, how you’d skulk around, much to the dismay of everyone fearing you had turned into another Bucky. The guy wasn’t that bad, you’d give him credit for that, the guy had a lot on his plate.
But what Wanda was perhaps most interested by that whenever she was present in the same room as you, all that would vanish. At least for the most part.
But to her, you would ask her how she was doing or even compliment her. Little did she possibly know that it was because you had felt a little courageous to take that small leap of faith to tell her she looked good.
But she might as well have that knowledge now.
You weren’t sure if it bothered you or not that she read your mind. Invaded your thoughts. In some weird way, you wanted her to. But you also feared her rejection.
But in the end, it all made sense. No one else pieced it together but her. And this time, she didn’t have to read your mind to do it.
She could read you. She knew you.
“It’s the full moon tomorrow night. They’re anxious.”
You were often lucky to avoid this topic with the others. They’d just chalked it up to catching you at the wrong time, that the mission was a hard one that day and you had some pent up anger to burn. The other half, you’d be out of the compound. Taking a much needed break at your apartment, visiting your sick grandma who they suspiciously noted you saying had passed away years ago three times now. But who was counting.
Never did they realise it all happened around the same time every month.
But Wanda did. She noticed it.
You brave to stare into those eyes you were content to drown in but find something else. It’s mysterious. Not what you’d expect to see in her eyes when she looked at you of all people.
“Y/N, Fetch!” Wanda cooed as she tossed the ball away from her. It’s a primal instinct that ignited within you at that very moment. A natural, engrained sense and desire.
How Mother Nature intended for you to react to survive or to have fun, your skin tingled with the sensation all too familiar.
The shift is over within the blink of an eye, seamless as you launch yourself over Wanda’s sitting body after the ball, large paw-like hands scrapped across the floors as you skid to a halt and the ball captured within the grasp of your maw.
Your tail wags involuntarily and your ears pinned against your head as you bashfully ducked your head at the sound of the others who chuckled and praised your reflexes.
It felt nice. Wanda turned in her spot on the couch to peer over at where you’d jumped over her, chin tucked into her folded arms.
“Nice catch,” she giggled and you swore she could see your blush in this form, “bring it here.”
Hesitant, you take a step forward and then another, your eyes cautious as they wandered over the others in case they deemed your advancements were dangerous to be left unchecked.
Rarely did you allow this form to take around them without the proper surveillance equipment and safety precautions. They already had Bruce to worry about losing control as the Hulk. They couldn’t risk you as well.
But no. They marvelled in their stares, smiles of contentment encouraged you to approach Wanda. You let the ball fall into her grasp with a small whine, ears still pressed back.
“Don’t be shy, Wolfie,” she whispered, the sound soft for only your ears to hear. You liked that nickname. You could only hope she would continue to use it.
Wanda raised the ball again only for Tony to interject. “No! No, you are not playing fetch in this compound, Miss Maximoff.”
Wanda smirked at the look in your eyes. The same one you had right before you tore up all the good, expensive furniture within that 3 hour window.
A few more throws turned into furniture shoved aside to make room. Tony remained in the kitchen, arms folded and a scowl etched hard into his face, it would take a miracle for Pepper to wipe it from his face.
Everyone else was too engrossed in the game of indoor fetch, all having had a couple of turns by now with throwing the ball. Bucky humoured you once and threw it, an approving nod when you caught it. Clint, Thor, Peter and Scott fought hard to get the ball numerous times, Natasha and Wanda were promoted to ‘ball-directors’ so everyone had a fair go.
But Wanda maybe got an extra throw in once or twice - by order of Natasha.
Steve now held the eye catching sphere in his hand, high above his head. Though with your stature in this form, it was rather tricky to keep it away from your snapping jaws.
You yipped and howled in anticipation before Steve tossed the ball and you leapt after it. You caught it before it could bounce off the wall. An eruption of claps and cheers followed immediately, your ears flopped back as you whine softly with that feeling that buzzed in your ribcage.
“Bring it here, Wolfie.” Your ears perked up high and alert at the soft tune of Wanda’s accented voice. A few of the others couldn’t refrain from laughing a little at the sight.
Whenever they had permitted you to shift on mission skirmishes, it was all done through protocol and extensive preparation to ensure you were stable.
And they only saw one emotion when you changed. Aggression.
To finally get the chance to play and be comfortable in your own fur felt good. Shit, well beyond good.
“I was promised the next throw! Come on, give the ball here, Y/N,” Sam called with an outstretched hand.
Even if Sam had a point, you couldn’t stop yourself in your approach towards Wanda, who now was crouched down with her hand out to receive the ball.
Her eyes were soft in their gaze as they pierced through the veil of your own. It was like she could see the humanity deep within you.
Her magic touched you differently, prickled against the shell of your mind, you welcomed her in.
‘I see you as more than you realise.’
A whimper crept up your throat in response, ears tucked back and eyes often shrouded with the thirst for carnage grew to relax. Become tender in the embrace of her eyes - her soul - touching yours.
Your fur bristled suddenly and you shook your head with a huff. You dropped the ball into her hand and she threw it down the long hallway.
You bound after it, your claws clinked against the tile floor, your breath hot in ragged pants as you gave chase. Each bounce of the ball echoed faintly in the back of your mind, too occupied by the words Wanda spoke through your mind.
It was the first time you’d heard her voice in your head. And you enjoyed it. It settled you into a sense of calm.
You didn’t register the elevator doors open ahead of you, Nick Fury stood with files tucked under his arm.
Your eyes shot open and you swore you saw his unpatched eye mimic yours. Your weight was too much to control with the momentum you had backed up behind your pursuit in a cramped hallway. You skid to a halt but slipped forward, the force of your body knocked Fury and yourself back into the elevator.
A series of cringed groans and gasps reminded you of your teammates as the elevator doors closed behind you.
You’d knocked Fury into the buttons and now, your destination was another floor.
Sheepishly, he could tell, you whine a pathetic sound in your apologies. You shuffle in the elevator that was almost too tight for the two of you to fit with you like this.
“So,” Fury said after a few moments of silence, eye intently watchful of the floors you both now visited. Some had agents give pause and a receptionist even dropped her cup of steaming coffee at the sight of you.
“What brought the wolf out?”
He turned his head slightly when you grunted, ball held up in your mouth to show him what had ensued before his arrival.
It felt like hours that the rest of the team stood in their places, eyes stuck on the elevator door you and Fury both disappeared into.
“Do you think he’ll be mad?” Wanda asked, voice coated in a toxic amount of unease.
She was scared what would happen to you. As a matter of fact; everyone was scared.
The government knew just enough and that was a hard - yet private - case that was not disclosed with the public.
Your existence and your species as a whole had to remain top secret. One slip up that was determined out of hand would grant you a one way ticket to who knows what for punishment.
“It’s okay, Wanda,” Clint assured, “I doubt Fury would do anything like that. I mean, he brought them to us.”
“He’s right. No way would Fury do something like that,” Steve added, firm in his judgement or perhaps what he hoped for.
“We will… figure it out if it comes to that,” Tony sighed from his place. Not often did Tony jump to your defence in cases such as this.
But in the end, you’d proven yourself mostly to be trustworthy.
He had some inkling of reason to believe you wouldn’t cause intentional harm to the team.
The elevator pinged and everyone held their breath as the doors slid open.
Fury and you stood side by side, gazes directed down the hallway towards your team. Your eyes immediately sought out Wanda who gave you a smile but her brows were furrowed.
Fury held up the ball as he strutted forward, like an obedient pup, you followed close to his heel.
“Next time, take the game of fetch outside,” he advised and threw the ball forward and Tony caught it swiftly.
Another good throw. Really bad timing.
You were still hyped up and because of that, you charged forward and closed the distance within a matter of milliseconds.
“Wait no—!” Tony grunted as he was pinned to the floor beneath your weight. “Get. Off!” He growled and you slinked away from him with your tail tucked.
The others did little to hide their laughs at Tony’s unfortunate expense.
“Good job,” you caught Bucky mutter to you as you joined Wanda’s side. You chuffed rather proudly and your head held high.
Steve aided Tony from the floor. “Alright, Fury. We’ll note that down.” Steve flashed a toothy smile and wink your way.
“I have a mission briefing. Ya’ll better buckle up and dress for the cold. You’re going on an undercover operation located in Alaska.”
“Alaska?” Wanda asked in sync with your curious head tilt, ears flopped to the side.
“Alaska. And you also have a guide present right now who is familiar with the territory.”
It didn’t take a second long for your team and yourself to gather what Fury meant, his single eye on you knowingly.
Fury left some time later after he handed the files over that provided more information on your new task in Alaska.
Wanda turned and knelt down in front of you, a hand ran through the thicket of your fur. The act itself made your eyes droop and your chest rumble. Wanda couldn’t keep the full, toothy smile to spread on her lips.
“I think this gives us all the perfect opportunity to play more fetch with our beloved wolf.” Wanda’s words didn’t go unnoticed by the numerous hums of agreement. Truly you felt seen by them all. For the first time perhaps ever, you felt accepted.
You even looked to Tony who shrugged with an eye roll. “I suppose I could indulge in a couple throws myself. So long as I can test my new theory of what travels faster: the wolf or the red ball?”
“Wolfie,” your team chimed in claim of their theory right there.
Your pack that Mother Nature intended for you.
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kurosstuff · 5 months
Heyyy! Can you do a Werewolf(G!p) Lute x Monster hunter reader? With maybeee Prompt 4! It’s okay if not I understand!
Heyy!! Ofc♡ sorry fics have been taking so long been. Been healing up- and ofc me being me. Didn't actually rest
Also if someone has tips how to write smut I'm all ears~ idk how to write it.
Warning(s); lutes mean(as usual/hj), GN reader but afab, mating, g!p lute, you do it outside in the woods, violence(you fight), ending left up to you♡
Werewolf!G!p!Lute x monster hunter!reader: bad hunter.
Hunting was SUPPOSED to be easy for you. Second nature for a monster hunter but- hunting this werewolf. The one tormenting this village has slipped through your fingers more times then you would want to admit.
Not once have you gotten close to catching her much less SEEING her.
Until today. You finally caught her. In a way, you never thought you would. In an old trap you had for her. One, she easily dodged it. Never catching it.
Yet here she was. Caught in the trap.
"Well, well~ it looks like the wolf finally lost~"" You smirked, walking into the patch of hidden woods hearing her snarl. You hummed, tapping the gun on the ground in thought "your the wolf killing the people?" Looking her up and down. Dispite being a werewolf, she was a beauty.
"Shut up, Hunter." She snarled out, growling at you; her tail flickering, pulling at the rope. Rolling your eyes, you sat down staring "what? Don't have the balls to kill me?"
"No I do. Just curious. whyd you get caught?"
A deep snarl escaped Lute as she glared you down. Like a silent war. Time almost stood up, and finally, you noticed her flustered face. How she was panting heavily frowning you huffed stepping forward- "Hey are-" just like that- she rushed forward the broken shredded rope keeping her done snapping
Dodging at the last second, you grabbed your gun "YOU FUCKER-" you yelled, ignoring the snarl she let out pointing it at her shoot the gun at her
Snarling she dodged the bullet "poor fucking hunter" kicking your legs making you yelp falling onto the ground dropping the gun you rushed to get up before lute put hee foot on your chest kicking you down smirking "I've got you now little hunter~"
Moving to easily pin you on the ground making you gasp "let me GO you damn mutt-" snarling kicking at her trying to bite her making her yelp pulling her hands away
"Stop fucking moving~ just gonna claim you as my mate~ make you rightfully mine~" Lute snarled pinning you she growled out grinding against you making you glare up at her spreading your legs for her on instinct making hee tail thump "fuck the little hunter wanting to be fucked that badly~?" Smirking down at you amused
"Fuck. You."
Laughing, she easily shredded your pants, palming you surprisingly gently nuzzling your cheek- if she were a cat? Shed purr. "That's what I want to do~ well.. can i~?" She hummed softly humping you slowly awaiting consent before actually doing anything else.
Flushing darkly, you panted, looking up at her- how the moon shined through the trees, causing an almost halo effect around her head, grumbling you swallowed. "Then then come on pup~ fuck me~ make me yours~"
You decided to trust her.
At that? Hearing you allow her to do as she pleases, she grinned - tail thumping, kissing you deeply moaning against your lips her hands freeing your hands roaming your body tearing the cloth that separated you two. Being mindful of her claws. Before leaning a hand down to palm at herself slowly
Wrapping your arms around her neck, panting heavily kissing back, you flushed darker, hearing a zipping noise before pants dropping, pulling away you gasped at the sheer girth of her- how long and thick her cock was- smirking at your reaction she humming pumping herself slowly
"What is it~?"
"Will' will you fit?" You squeaked out - humming, she moaned softly, tilting her head in thought - moving closer her tip brushed against your entrance slowly pushing in
"I'll make it fit~" she purred out, kissing you gently groaning at the stretch, stopping halfway. "I'll be gentle at first. It's hard to be gentle and well.. I'm aware humans are.. fragile~"
Smirking pushing further into you until her cock was all the way in humming shifting slightly "fuck~ so damn tight~" biting her lip snarling "sucking my cock right in~ like you wanted to be fucked by me~ be bred yeah~?"
Whining loudly under her you glared "fuck off and fuck me." You growled out grabbing her jacket bouncing against her feeling her move into you clawing at the ground under you. Without warning or any cue she pounded into you unrelenting as her cock slipped in and out of you gasping loudly moaning under her panting out "oh- oh god~"
"What? Can't handle being fucked?" She mocked teasingly holding your waist roughly pounding faster groaning loudly over you her cock twitching inside you "gonna make you mine~ my little poor hunter~" she teased kissing you roughly biting at your lips "my good little hunter~ can't even fight against a simple werewolf~? Accepting to be fucked by one~?"
Glancing doen moaning at the sight- a white ring of your slick around her cock each time she pounded into you- roughly claiming you as hers. "Y-you seemed more eager to take me~ to claim me~" you sobbed out legs, twitching around her weakly glaring up at her, making her laugh
"That's cause I want to~" she growled out pounding into you faster harder into you- "think you could have actually taken me down~? With a simple fucking rope?" Groaning leaning down marking your neck up roughly as you whined out sobbing grabbing her shoulders roughly
"You- you p-planned this~?"
Nodding shoving deeper into you her cock hitting your sweet spot leaning back watching how you squirmed under her "yeah~ only one I'd wanna fuck much less mate~" she grunted out rubbing the bulge in your stomach :that's my good hunter ~ taking my cock so well~" before grinning feeling you tighten around her at that "oh~? Like being praised~?" She purred tail wagging happily
"G-gonna~ gonna cum~" you sobbed out drunk off her, arching your back and kissing her, deeply making her moan slowly, holding your waist up, smirking at you watching as you came around her cock- scratching her shoulders as you finished
Snarling holding you close, pounding faster into you, broken snarls and moans Falling from her lips chasing her finish before shoving you down on her cock cumming deep inside you thrusting up as if to try to push deeper head falling on your shoulder "fuck~" Whining loudly wrapping her arms around your waist
Whining softly around her "f-felt so good pup~" gently petting her head, ignoring how her growls turned to pants as her tail thumped happily. "you- you calm now?" Humming, she stood up
"No. Not yet~ wanna fuck you more~" she snarled turning walking down the wooden path still plugged inside you "taking you to my cave~ you'll feel so fill after you milk me yeah~?"
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
In terms of Wenclair nicknames, I believe in ‘Enid using Willa’ supremacy and φεγγάρι μου (‘my moon’ in Greek) is especially beloved to me, but I also love little shit Enid who calls Wednesday any day of the week EXCEPT Wednesday (“Hey, Monday!” “What do you think about this Sabbath?” “Oh thank god you’re here Friday”) and it annoys her favorite murder goth to NO END but slowly said murder goth becomes endeared by her roomate’s antics as feelings start to tumble and bloom away. Besides ‘my moon’, I can also see her calling Wednesday ‘silly raven’ in Greek.
Meanwhile, Wednesday has this wholeass evolution from shit like “mutt” to way softer nicknames because Gomezifcation™️ is a powerful thing. She starts to pine and internally call Enid her Alectrona (a greek goddness of the Sun, known for sunrise or ‘waking from slumber’, a perfect combo of how Enid brings light to Wednesday as well as her inner wolf finally waking up), but slowly she starts using it out loud along with “mi sol” (‘my sun’, Spanish), “mon petit chiot” (‘my little pup’, French), and “la mia vita” (‘my life’, Italian). Enid melts everytime without fail and stutters in Greek and honestly? Who could blame her when Wednesday has that passionately lovestruck shine in her eyes as adoration drips from devout lips.
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imagineanime2022 · 6 months
You Created The Zombies
Grell Sutcliffe X Reader The Undertaker X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: If you can, can you do one that you’re a retired reaper and you’re even older than Undertaker. You first started creating the zombies but out of animals and you’re infamous for that reason. How would you think Undertaker or Grell would react, first time requesting. Sorry if the description is bad
Grell Sutcliffe
✂ Grell had never heard of you before seeing your work, mostly because she never paid attention when people talked about the history of reapers. ✂ She met you because she had accidentally wandered into one of your many creations while taking on a job. ✂ Grell came back with the zombie wolf gnawing at her coat, it was then that William explained what it was and that someone would be along to collect it soon. ✂ When you were the one to come for the rabid dog she was shocked. ✂ “You are the one that owns this mutt?!” “Yeah sorry about that he was guarding some pups that I’ve been working with.” “I was expecting some old croon.” “Thanks I think.” ✂ Grell would sneak out to find you when no one was looking, now that she knew who you were she wanted to know more. ✂ “So how’d you get out of the business?” “Well we’re not supposed to bring things back life, we’re supposed to end it.” “That was what got you kicked out.” “disrupting the natural order got me kicked out.” ✂ Grell learned to love you little creation, there was nothing like them and when they got used to her they were nice to have around. ✂ Grell started to get jealous when others came looking for you, especially if you ever got the attention of Ciel or Sebastain. ✂ “They aren’t going to help you.” “Is that so? Sebastian, make sure that they help us.” “Yes young master.” “Or you could ask nicely, the little ones like it better when you ask nicely.” ✂ Grell is happy with the simple “I told you.” after you dismiss them with a simple ‘no’. ✂ Honestly Grell will likely become your most common visitor, her interest becomes friendship pretty easily and whether it becomes more than that is up to you but we all know that she’ll let you know what she wants in due time.
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The Undertaker
⚰ He’s never really been interested in anything but when someone managed to get kicked out long before he did, he had to know why. ⚰ You were easy to find, he just had to follow one of your little pets, he was way too good at being stealthy but you still noticed he was there. ⚰ “Explain yourself quickly, they like biting.” “I only came to see what everyone was talking about dear.” “How nice everyone’s talking about me.” “Don’t you worry they’ll be talking about me soon.” ⚰ You were first person that he came to see after he left the reapers, he offered you a place in his shop and you accepted. ⚰ You were the only person that he allowed to see his face and true personality after he left the reapers. ⚰ “Will you let me use them?” “For what?” “Do you really care, there’s nothing anyone can do to punish you.” “As long as you come back after you’ve had your fun.” “Where else would I go?” ⚰ He is honestly very protective of you, you’ve taken a step back from the fighting so when Sebastian is in the shop he’s careful about how close he lets him get, often sending you off to make tea or something while they were there. ⚰ He’s does get jealous sometimes, if you spend more time with your creation then you do with him, after all it takes a lot for him to admit that he even likes someone let alone invite them to share his space. ⚰ The undertaker definitely finds you to be the most interesting reaper he’s ever met and by extension spends a lot of time getting to know you, whether that leads you to something more is up to you because he’ll tease you but you’ll have to be the one to make the final move.
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Request Here!!
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theemporium · 11 months
Ok more werewolf!dando (canon concept of being a wolf in this world: you usually don’t get your heat until you meet your mate - it can happen but it almost never does)
you’re being dragged out of the house by the elbow, asking Daniel what the hell is going on, getting pulled out the door when suddenly you hear Lando whimper at the loss - your heart shatters and your stomach drops at the sound, which you realize you had only heard before when you were a little girl holding your brand new cocker spaniel puppy and tripped and fell while holding him, the sense of betrayal from a sweet little creature that trusts you to care for it seeping into your bones
you realize that Daniel’s eyes are on you and hardening by the second, willing you to ignore the mewls and cries, and you can only say “how can I leave him like this, Danny? I think he needs me? He’s breaking my heart, I think I have to go” and yank your arm away to walk back into the house
“What about what I need? What about my mate, my bond, my *relationship*? I can’t let that little mutt jeopardize the life we’ve built together just because he’s got the red rocket!”
You hear Lando cry again, this time even sharper and more desperate, and a shiver runs down your spine, almost as though you’re being gravitationally pulled to the green-eyed pup, and spit back at Daniel “imagine what it would be been like if I had ignored you when you used to need me like this! you forget so easily that you used to cry like that too, used to leave my skin black and blue from your mouth and your hips, but now we’re grownups, right? Now I sometimes totally miss you being in heat because you’re a big wolf who *has himself under control* but god fucking forbid I should want that closeness! Carlos can’t give it to me, Max sure as hell can’t! God forbid I should miss the days where I was the center of your world and the solution to all your problems! I bet you didn’t even know that I’m ovulating right now, so that must be why -“ you were cut off by a particularly plaintive yelp “I have to go. I’ll get Max to drive me home”
Now it was Daniel’s turn to feel his heart sink, sitting down in his car to drive home and realizing that all the things he did with the intention of making your life easier, all of the things he did to make himself as close to the nice, normal human boyfriend he thought you deserved were chipping away at your self-esteem and he had been so oblivious as to totally ignore what you needed
he turns off the car and walks back into Max’s house to find you on the couch with Lando, carding your fingers through his curls and telling him “I don’t think I can let you take my clothes off until I have a real talk with Danny about it, lovebug” while he thrusts into the swell of your jeans-clad hip and hums as he sucks a line of bruises down your collarbone
Daniel clears his throat to get your attention and asks in a small voice “are you two ready to go home?” and Lando’s face lights up with the understanding that he wasn’t bad or wrong for feeling like this and that Daniel was at least open to accepting his feelings for you
clambering off the couch, Lando approaches Daniel cautiously as his elder gives him a once-over and says “it looks like she’s your mate too - I will teach you everything you need to know but you have to swear on the lives of the pack that she becomes the star you orbit around starting now, do you understand?” the pup nods vigorously and runs to the backseat of the car
after a ride that felt like an eternity, you unlocked the door to yours and Daniel’s house and immediately find yourself body slammed against the nearest wall under Lando’s weight, with Daniel coming up behind him to tut “now, don’t you think we ought to let our sweet girl freshen up for a moment while we get to know each other a bit better? Come into the bedroom with me” and a pair of giant green eyes lock on your man’s smiling brown ones all the way there
you take the few minutes you’re afforded to slip into a prettier bra and panties that actually match and to spray yourself with a perfume you hadn’t worn in years but that was your favorite when you and Daniel met
you hear the wet sounds of Lando kissing marks down Daniel’s torso, groaning as long fingers grasp his hair and gagging as he attempts to lower himself throat-first onto Daniel’s cock
taking that as your cue, you step into the room and say “easy there, Tiger, we’ll work you up to that one” and immediately have both of their attention, Daniel standing up to take your hand and kiss it and lead you by it to the bed, sitting down and nestling you between his legs
“Alright, puppy, show us what you’ve got” he smirks, and Lando looks at you with eyes blown wide for the okay to move - Daniel mumbling under his breath what a good boy he is for waiting - latching himself to the skin of your chest and almost howling at the feeling of his rock hard cock rubbing against your lace panties and whispering “anything?” when you tell him he can do anything he wants to you
He gets overwhelmed, wanting simultaneously to thrust into you and to suckle on your chest and, in his panic, he freezes until Daniel offers to get you ready for him and asks you to get on all fours over top of the pup, who cries like never before at the sight of your tits dangling in his face - when you give them both the go, he latches on like a man starved and Daniel starts drawing stars and secret messages over your clit with his tongue all the way up until you collapse, convulsing on top of Lando as you come
Daniel leans down to plant a kiss on Lando and says “good work, pup, do you want to fuck her or for me to fuck you as your reward?” and Lando meekly asks if he can have both, to which Daniel grins broadly and tells him that of course he can
while you recover, Daniel works Lando open, clucking over how lucky he is to take the anal virginity of such a sweet boy and asking if he wants to enter or be entered first - the pup wants you on your side first, so he can wrap himself around you and suck on your neck as he braces for impact, and that’s exactly what he gets
when you’re all collapsed into one sticky, heaving, fucked out mess twenty minutes later and Lando is already asleep between you, you lean over and whisper into Daniel’s ear, “so, can we keep him?”
bless their wee hearts
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eclipian · 2 months
Werewolf Sidesystem
pt: werewolf sidesystem
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
number of members: 3
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divider credit + divider credit
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“ Just because life's meaningless doesn't mean we can't experience it meaningfully “
System Name: The Strays , The Pack , The Feral , Feral Collective* , Stray Collective* , Pack Collective* , Moon Howlers (*system/plural)
Collec. Name: Wolf , Grim , Grimm , Howl, Peowler , Hunter , Mutt , Rouge , Bite , Fang , Claw , Scout , Skull
Collec. Pronouns: They/Them , Th✦y/Th✦m , Th☆y/Th☆m , He/Him , H✦/H✦m , H☆/H☆m , She/Her , Sh✦/H✦r , Sh☆/H☆r , Howl/Howls , Growl/Growls , Grr/Grrs , Bark/Bark , Wolf/Wolfs , Lycan/Lycans , Were/Wolf , Snarl/Snarls , Moon/Moons , Hunt/Hunts , Snap/Snaps , Scratch/Scratchs , 🐾/🐾s , 🌓/🌓s , 🌔/🌔s , 🌕/🌕s , 🌙/🌙s , 🌒/🌒s , 🌖/🌖s , 🌗/🌗s , 🌘/🌘s , 🐺/🐺s , 🥩/🥩s
Collec. Gender: Werewolfgender , Werehonum , Wolfmestic , Moonbeast , Wolfmoonbodiement , Pluralwerewolf , MisinterpWerewolfgender , Werepackfamil
Collec. Attraction: Neptunicflexible & Uranicflexible
Collec. Other IDs: ALyAB , Werevesil , Miscelupus , Miscelycan , Tridynamic , Dissocryptid
Collec. Species: Werewolf
Origins/Modifiers: Lunagenic , Wolf-Heavy , Low Split Tolerance
Aesthetics: Grimdark , Naturecore
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Name: Theodulf , Theo , Christopher , Brutus , Bane , Maximus , Max , Mikael , Noire , Niklaus
Age: 23
Pronouns: He/Him , H✦/H✦m , H☆/H☆m
Gender: Male , Wolverine , Raven , Werehonum , Lupusman , Abandrelossic , Ghostoverlay , Phasmincubial , Ghostaesic
Attraction: Uranic , Werewolf4Ghost ,
Other IDs: Beta , Dissopermbleed , Dissonosleep , Dissohorn
Species: Werewolf
Role: Species Dysphoria Holder , Charge
Aesthetic: Grimdark , Naturecore , Grunge , Goth
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Name: Lupita , Tala , Lucine , Luna , Lovota , Lovel , Moon , Clawdia
Age: 20
Pronouns: She/Her , Sh✦/H✦r , Sh☆/H☆r , Snap/Snaps , Growl/Growls , Luna/Lunas , Luna/Lunar , Moon/Moons , Star/Stars , Twink/Twinkle , ⭐️/⭐️s , ✨/✨s , 🌓/🌓s , 🌔/🌔s , 🌕/🌕s , 🌙/🌙s , 🌒/🌒s , 🌖/🌖s , 🌗/🌗s , 🌘/🌘s
Gender: Female , Butch , Werehonum , Lupuswoman , Vampwolflovic , Lunastellic , Moonirial , Moonfrostaric , Moonobjhead
Attraction: Neptunic , Werewolf4Vampire , Volfiean
Other IDs: Alpha , Moonipsese , Dissovampiricdiet
Species: Werewolf
Role: Host / Outernaut , Infofiller
Aesthetic: Grimdark , Naturecore , Fairy Grunge , Dark Academia
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Name: Oz , Zet , Kai , Yap , Snap , Bite , Yip
Age: 7
Pronouns: They/Them , Th✦y/Th✦m , Th☆y/Th☆m , Bark/Barks , Bork/Borks , Yip/Yips , Yap/Yaps , Pup/Pups , Pup/Puppy , Puppy/Puppys , Joy/Joys , Hap/Happy , 🐾/🐾s , 🤍/🤍s , 💛❤️💙/💛❤️💙s , 🐶/🐶s , 🐺/🐺s
Gender: Non-binary , Werehonum , Lupusenby , Wolfling , Kidcoricneutral , Pueolimic , Kidcorestalgic
Attraction: Aroace
Other IDs: Pup , Dissowolffolk , Dissopermainnocence
Species: Werewolf
Role: Little , Ògregulator , Soother
Aesthetics: Grimdark , Naturecore , Kidcore
pt: name , age , pronouns , gender , attraction , other ids , species , role , aesthetics
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tagging: @bahtive
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abbatoirablaze · 5 months
Surrogate Luna, Chapter 25
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings:  angst, mentions of loss of limb, homophobia, gay relationship (mm), mentions of murder plot, murder, mention of rape.
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“I need an audience with alpha Barnes and his Luna.”
Nat gave Sam a wary look, and turned to her sister, who was shaking her head from her place at the other side of the doorway. 
“Sam, I know that you are a friend, but-“
“Exactly,  I’m a friend.  So, let me in to talk to Bucky and Cinna,” he growled, projecting  his aura outwards, “I received information about Steve from one of the people still in the pack who’s stayed on Sharon’s good side so that he could feed me updates on my actual alpha.  And Cinna and Bucky need to hear it!”
“How about you tell us this, information, and if it seems worthwhile, we tell our alpha!” Yelena suggested. 
The beta sneered, baring his teeth at the she-wolf, and Natasha stepped between the two, “calm yourself down, beta.”
“I have dire information about my alpha, an alpha that I know Cinna and Bucky are still in love with,” he hissed, “information that could save his life, should they take me up on it!”
“What do we care of an alpha that has no bearing on our pack?”
“You stupid she-wolf, let me through!”
The door opened behind the set of sisters and the older beta.  Clint’s brow was raised, and he had one hand on the door handle, while the other was casually reachingfor his arrows, “it’s starting to get loud out here.  What’s going on?  Is everything okay?”
“Finally, someone that will listen to reason,” Sam grunted, throwing a glare at the sisters, before turning his attention to the sigma,  “I’ve got friends still within the Rogers pack, and I’ve been informed that Sharon is going to make an attempt on Steve’s life.  I need to speak to Alpha Barnes and Cinna.”
From within the room, Cinna looked to Bucky, who while trying to remain composed, had let a bitterness rise into his scent. 
The young pup, who was once smiling, was trying to contain the anxiety in his scent as Steve tugged on his hand , “Bucky?”
His eyes snapped to that of his mate. 
Steve, though only a year younger, was much smaller than himself. The ten-year-old was often mistaken for seven or eight, despite being a ten-year-old alpha.  And while they were both alphas, they’d been caught kissing behind an oak tree where a delta warrior had been walking past. 
Bucky proudly took the younger wolf’s hand, the eleven-year-old alpha glaring at the much older delta, “don’t speak in an ill manner about my mate, delta!”
“Bunch of queers,” he growled, glaring between the two pups, “your fathers should beat some sense into ya.  Both alphas.  Both boys.  You’re disgusting!”
“I said don’t speak about my mate!” Bucky growled, projecting his aura outward as he sneered at the delta, his teeth baring.  The delta twitched, and his eyes widened.  He was surprised that the young pup was affecting him. 
He stumbled back, falling into a kneeling position. 
And while that would have satisfied most other wolves, Bucky and Steve could hear the delta continuing to discuss his disgust at the romantic entanglement between the two pups. 
The scene was so uncommon that even amidst the summit going on about them, a crowd of other wolves had looked at them with interest. 
“APOLOGIZE!” Bucky hissed at the man, continuing to project his aura. 
The delta growled, the pain racking his body as he continued to submit to the child, “Fuck you, you  faggy little mutt!  Fuck you and your faggot mate!  I’m not apologizing for shit!”
Bucky stopped projecting his aura outwards as his own father, as well as Steve’s, came into view. 
“What on earth is going on here?” Alpha Barnes growled.
“This is supposed to be a peace summit!” Alpha Rogers joined in.
Both Bucky and Steve looked away from one another.  Bucky dropped his partner’s hand. 
“WELL?” Alpha Barnes bellowed, turning his attention between Bucky, Steve, and the delta from his pack, “SPEAK!”
“My alpha…your son…he-“
“He’s a queer!” the delta spat, spitting at the ground in front of Bucky, “saw him and the other alpha boy kissing behind a tree.  Fucking kissing!”
“He’s my mate!” Bucky said firmly, “Steve is my mate!”
Alpha Barnes and Rogers looked uncomfortable as they shifted their attention between their sons. The two alphas had always known that their sons were close, but they both always chose to ignore just how close Steve and Bucky were.
Bucky could feel the disappointment in his father’s voice.  Just as he could feel it in Steve’s fathers.  Neither one of them were an omega.  And if they mated one another, that meant unless they took on a female, there would be no heirs for either pack. 
His stomach turned. 
While being gay wasn’t illegal in his or Steve’s packs, it was still frowned upon if you were a warrior, or a future alpha of the pack. 
He knew that by proclaiming Steve to be his mate, he was going to deny any obligations to create an heir.  Or at least, that’s how it would look to other wolves within both packs.
“I love him, father.” Bucky said firmly. 
His father’s jaw twitched, and he looked at Steve, “and you, son?”
“I-Bucky is my mate, Alpha Barnes.  I love him!”
“Disgusting!” the delta growled.
“It seems that someone would be challenging your mateship, young alpha!” Joe Rogers smirked, hoping to scare the young pups away from their love, “is that something that you two are willing to stand for?”
“Then let them!” Bucky replied firmly, “I will never stop loving Steve.  He is my mate!”
“Alpha Barnes…” Joe Rogers smiled, “you know what a challenge to mateshp means…”
“Delta, are you challenging my son’s mateship to young alpha Steve Rogers?”
The delta gave a sickening smirk as he nodded, his nostrils flaring, “it’s unnatural is what it is.  And I refuse to let my future alpha mate another man…it’s not right!”
“Delta…be smart with your words,” Bucky hissed, knowing where it was going, “if you challenge my mateship to alpha Steve, I will show no mercy.”
“And I will end you.  There will never be a time where my future alpha is a fag!” he hissed, “royalty or not.  I will not stand behind it.”
“Death trials!” the eleven-year-old proclaimed confidently as he once again took Steve’s hand in his own, “if you challenge my mateship, then I will challenge you to the death trials in accordance to the Barnes pack!”
“Your death warrant, kid!”
Bucky felt a phantom pain in his arm, and he whimpered, remembering the first time his relationship with Steve was questioned. 
While he’d managed to beat a full-grown adult at a death trial, he’d lost his arm in the process. 
And Steve had made it clear to him that he wasn’t going to let the alpha lose a part of himself every time someone questioned their relationship.  He’d broken up with him shortly after, leaving Bucky angry over his love for the other alpha.    
“Steve made his choice…” Bucky muttered sadly, “he made his choice years ago…”
Bucky frowned at the sadness in his luna’s voice, “Cinna…Steve-he-he’s not the same Steve I knew when we were pups.  He’s not the same Steve that you’ve gotten to see.  He’s under Sharon’s thumb.  The only similarities are that he abandoned both of us when he got scared to stand up for his love.”
“He’s our mate, alpha…”
Bucky could feel the sadness filling the room and he closed his eyes, nodding to Clint, “let Sam in so that we can hear him out.”
He felt Cinna clutching onto his arm and he sighed, “Thank you, alpha…”
“I have not promised anything, Cinna…I’m merely hearing Sam out,” he pointed out, “you may not like the answer that passes from my lips just yet.”
The door opened further, and Sam was shown into it, a solemn look on his face as he bowed ever so slightly to the alpha and omega. 
“You have asked for the presence of myself and my mate,” Bucky said in a low, firm tone, “What news do you have, Sam?”
“A spy from Sharon’s inner circle…she’s loyal to the Rogers pack,” he admitted with a frown, “I was told that Sharon plans on killing Steve after his next rut.  She’s drawing her power from him, but she’s going to remove her mark on him and kill him now that neither you or Cinna have come for him.”
Cinna gasped, and Bucky pulled her close.
“W-why would she kill him now?” she asked nervously, “he-he’s been with her for years.  It’s been months since the summit and-“
“He’s outlived his use to her.” Sam pointed out, “she’s all but imprisoned anyone left loyal to Steve.  The Rogers pack is all but wiped out and she’s claimed the lands for the Carter pack.  And the news of your pregnancy has hit.  She knows that you and Bucky have no more ties to Steve, and have chosen to move on with your lives without him.  Part of her had been holding out hope that by keeping Steve around, she would weaken the two of you.  She is tired of keeping him a POW when he has no use.”
“Bucky, we have to help him…”
Bucky’s jaw twitched but he said nothing. 
“I wouldn’t tell you if I knew that either of you had moved on, alpha Barnes…”
“You may leave…” Bucky said firmly, looking to the door.
“Bucky, what are we going to-“
“Omega…we will discuss this later!” Bucky muttered, taking his leave of her, “I-I need to think…alone.”
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Steve snarled at the woman before the door was wholly open.  The rings of yellow turning amber around his eyes as he started to go feral. 
“Oh, come on now, Steve,” she smiled as she sauntered into the room and closed the door behind her, “don’t be like that.”
He growled, refusing to speak to her.  She took another step into the room, and he tried to lunge at her, but was caught by the chains around his neck. 
His back hit the ground with a heavy thud, and he was immediately coughing.  Rolling to his side he groaned. 
“There’s no point in trying to fight me,” she reminded him, “I have all the power here, Steve…”
“Go to hell!” he spat, attempting to fight away the baser instincts while he shook, “GO AWAY!”
“Aww, but Steve, I came bearing a present!” she smiled.  She knocked on the door and it opened.  An omega from his pack was tossed in.  She fell to the floor and Steve’s head snapped up. 
“She’s here for you to use, Steve!” Sharon smirked, “might as well use her.  I mean, you’ve been in a rut now for nearly a week…and we both know the longer you hold out the worse it will be.”
“Alpha!” she whimpered, looking up at him. 
Steve’s heart broke. 
He had made a promise, sealing the traditional oath when he had become the alpha of the Rogers pack, that he would protect his own.  But here a young omega was, roughly nineteen or twenty.  He could spot the marred chemical burns from Sharon’s people undoubtedly removing the mating mark on her neck. 
He’d vaguely recalled who she was, knowing that her mate was among one of the first warriors of his that Sharon had killed. 
She was dirty and looked exhausted.
Broken even.
“Just kill me!” she begged him, “please kill me, alpha…I-I don’t want to live any longer…not under this she-wolf…her lieutenants-they-”
But she had stopped herself, sobbing against the dirty rags she wore.
“What did you do to her?” Steve roared angrily, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY PACK?”
“This one in particular?” Sharon smiled, before launching a kick to the omega.  She whimpered and fell to her side, and Steve saw the bruising on her thighs as the rags she wore slid up her legs, “well, let’s just say she’s one of the girls that takes care of my warriors and thanks them for their service.”
Steve’s stomach turned.
“You’re a monster!”
Sharon cackled and kicked the omega again, pushing her closer to the nearly feral alpha, “come on, Steve…my boys say she knows how to take an alpha’s cock…cries a little at first, but I know when you get started, you won’t even notice…that hindbrain will take over and you’ll lose control, knotting the little bitch.  And before you know it, you’ll be gutting her because she’s not your precious little CInna!”
“I WON’T HARM MY PACK!” Steve spat, his shakes becoming worse as he tried to fight off what Sharon was saying would happen.  His hindbrain was coming alive, and he knew that it was only a matter of time as the tremors worked harder on his hands.
“You’re not as strong as you once were, Steve,” she laughed, pushing the omega into Steve’s area.  He pushed himself back, away from her, and Sharon continued to kick her closer, until she was almost into Steve’s area herself, “take her, Steve.  Fuck her and then kill her.  DO IT!”
Steve looked down to the sobbing woman, feeling the wolf starting to come forward as his own willpower bent to her exposed aura.  He closed his eyes, and looked away from the woman as he felt his claws coming out of his hand. 
He screamed in anguish as he tore into the hardwood floors.
“I’m so sorry!” he sobbed, as his hand reached out, and screams filled the room.
Chapter 26
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @mrsevans90
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dre4ml4nd-st4rlight · 2 months
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Red Puppy Ball Joint Doll Alter Pack - For Anon
The last in the first batch of reqs I ever got !! idk why makes me kinda sentimental even though I haven't been doing this for that long hehe. TYSM Anon !!
**。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆
「 ✦ Base ID ‘ s ✦ 」**
╰┈➤ names : Rouge , Rebel , Carmine , June , Crimson , Bones , Pup / Puppy , Cookie , Rose , Poppy ,
╰┈➤ ****Pronouns : she/hers , they/them , it/its , xe/xem , bey/bem , pup/pups , red/reds , bone/bones , lace/laces , fang/fangs || ,
╰┈➤ Titles : The Furred one , Red Rage , ⌞ prn ⌝ who barks / growls / howls , The Mutt , ⌞ prn ⌝ who rips and tears , The Rosen Pup
╰┈➤ Genders : demigirl , pupgender , dollipupic , dogpupian , wolfdogpupian , lacefem , lacedollic
╰┈➤ Orientations : lesbian , asexual , zooromantic ( in the way that they are a dog + like their own species, I couldn’t find a better term )
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ other id ‘ s ๋࣭⭑ ꩜ ˎˊ˗
☾ Cis - doll ; ball jointed doll , puppy (has puppy ears built into her frame) , carnivore , glasses , lolita , puppy gear user (uses a clip-on tail for dysphoria + big claw gloves and sometimes paw boots) , gamer
⟡ Trans - species ; dog/wolf/canine , abled (human wheelchair user + dog wheelchair user) , body ; claws/sharp claws + fangs + animal teeth + tail , student , nerd , hacker , autistic , age (13-15) , petageregressor (1 month- 2yo) , gamer , Barbie doll , fashionista
ᯓ★ 「 ✦ Roles + Alter Functions ✦ 」. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
babysitter , Library keep , roleflux , assistant
Red is the oldest of the littles in their subsystem and the most mature. They help to make sure everything is in line and is ready to call for backup at any moment. They help in system storage as they like to organize. Most others don’t delegate task to them, so they just float around. Sort of like a child who helps with the cooking.
⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆ Interest + Misc ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
Favorite colors : reds , pinks , light brown , cremes , beige ,
Favorite things : bones , puppies , sweaters + comfy clothes , collars , ASMR , cute games (hello kitty’s island adventure , the Sims , cooking mama , animal crossing , house flipper …) , Barking + being puppylike , making Pinterest boards / rentrys / playlist ,
Dislikes : loud sounds , flashing lights , mean people ,
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩
── .✦ Photos + Aesthetic hoard
face claim
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Aesthetic Hoard
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winters-mistress · 7 months
The wolf pups
Of all the things Cirilla expected to find when Geralt had taken her to his mysterious Keep, the dogs were the things she hadn't expected. The horses were obvious, pigs and sheep and cows, all livestock equally as expected. Housemice and cats, less so until she saw how dusty and dirty the Keep had become. But dogs? That had been the unexpected one.
They're somewhere between wolves and shepherds. Too big and fluffy to be just shepherds, but too obedient and faithful to be pureblood wolves. But they're beautiful and such a pro to the cold, windy keep that Cirilla couldn't help but squeak in excitement as she looked upon them all for the first time.
They're beautiful creatures, white, black, red and grey. Some are pure colour, some a mix of two, three or all four colours. Beautiful and fluffy and large, a mix of brood studs and breeding bitches, old dogs and young pups all together in the largest room behind the kitchens, warm even in the coldest winter weeks.
Geralt had told her that they're for hunting. Vesemir says they make good company in the months he doesn't stray far from the keep. Eskel says they make good friends with the sheep, give them good exercise so they don't get too fat to breed. Lambert says they're annoying, slobbery mutts who get in the way. Coën finds them charming beasts, often grinning whenever one of the dogs come close. Aiden took a bit longer to get used to them, and rather stays with the cats who find unusual places to sleep, but even he has been caught rubbing their fur and squishing their faces.
Ciri loves them, spending a lot of time with the bigger beasts who are permitted to roam the large keep, and the smaller pups who are confined to the room. They're so soft and fluffy and make perfect makeshift blankets when she lay at the fireplace and two large bodies splay over her, keeping her warm and weighing her down, keeping her in reality when the nightmares disturb her slumber.
Geralt finds her one day, giggling with the pups as they wrestle and climb all over her, running her fingers over the soft fur and kissing their gentle snouts. He grins as she laughs, a little tounge licking at her face. She deserves something nice after so many hardships.
He puts the shovel down. The stables can wait.
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softlymaximoff · 1 year
okay okay hear me out plz!! wanda variant (princess) and wanda overhears her daddy slut shaming/talking about reader and it makes her angry. she drags them bck to her room and legit uses reader as an outlet and fucks r sensless wanting to prove your hers and nobody elses and at the end she explains to them why she did it and we half see a soft side to her at the end! (r lets wanda use them as outlet and gets edged etc sm) 😭
“How dare you whore yourself out and bring shame on our line of royalty! Does our status mean nothing to you?! I cant believe Wanda is pursuing something with someone as fifthly as you! Shame on you you sick bastard!” Your princess’s father rained down insults on you as you just stood there with your head hung low.
You never meant to cause a scene. You had simply tripped over something mindlessly placed on the floor in the castle’s bakery and accidentally landed in the arms of another higher paid servant. Of course Wanda’s brother just so happened to pass the commotion and tattle to the King. In the corner of you eyes you saw his hand raise and your breath hitched waiting for the connection to your cheek but it never came.
Instead you saw a sparkle of scarlet red and heard a low growl. “No one touches my toy. Not now not ever. They’re mine to play with, they’re mine to break and they’re mine to own. Keep your hands off” Wanda barked out and the King sighed at the reprimand his daughter gave him. “Fine, you deal with your whore” he grumbled and walked off, his men following behind aggressively.
“You hear that dumb mutt? You’re mine. Pietro told me what he saw. My precious pup would never even think about another woman would they?” She hummed and ran a thumb over your lips initiating a silent request. Without hesitance, you sucked on her thumb almost whining when she pressed down on your tongue. “Gentle” she gave you a pointed look and you slowed yourself down a little bit.
“I want you on your knees by the bed. I’ll be there soon” she pulled her thumb back and you had to stop yourself from chasing after it. You scampered to Wanda’s room and sauntered over to her queen sized bed, kneeling gently on the wolf-furred rug by the foot of the bed. You didn’t know how long had passed or if Wanda had forgotten but the slight click of the lock on her door had you snapping your head up. “Hi my love” she whispered softly as she took in your submissive state.
You looked at her to gauge her reaction scheming if it was a test but she just nodded giving you the okay to speak “Hi my Wanda” you whispered in the quiet of the moonlight peeking through her window. Her eyes were probably the softest they’ve ever looked and you were slightly thrown off with confusion. “Are you okay my princess?” You put your weight on your heels and watched as she set a few things down on her dresser. You tried not to let your eyes wander towards the objects but when your princess held them in the moonlight the glimmer caught your attention.
“Eyes up darling” she reprimanded softly and your eyes lingered a little more before shifting to an almost shy Wanda. She walked closer until she was looking directly down at you. “I had it custom made” she brought the collar out into view and your breath hitched. ‘Wanda’s property’ was sown delicately in emerald embroidery onto a deep red collar and leash get up. Your eyes filled with tears as she knelt down and clipped it in place holding your face gently in her hands. “Don’t forget your place my sweet pup. Forever and always mine. I don’t care what anyone else says. I don’t ever want to be away from you for more than a mere blink. You’re all mine” she chided softly and kissed you with certainty that you almost stumbled back. You were hers.
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💤 - A few extra hours of sleep
Alpha Steve and Little one.
They deserve extra hours of sleep! Thank you babes for the ask.
The Pack Masterlist
Warnings- Mentions of Steve's relationship with his ex.
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Steve stirred first, his wolf growling at the sensation of waking up while he curled up tighter around his Little Wolf, refusing to give in to the demands Steve was making.
Steve let himself sink back into the bed, the comfort of the nest was calling to him, trying to lull him back to sleep. It smelled like the two of you as his nose pressed into the pillows. Sweet honeysuckle softness followed by his own masculine woodsy scent that was strong during your heat and his rut.
He couldn't stop the smile at the thought of it. It hit finally after weeks of anticipation, two days ago you woke with a need. Crawling on top of him to straddle his belly and start nipping on his collarbone with a sigh of his name.
Steve would never get enough of feeling you take what you wanted from him. Your hand grasped him to rub him hard, it didn't take much before you were riding him, his hands gripping your hips to pound into you while you scratched and clawed at his chest and shoulders, leaving your own branding mark on him.
Then other times you needed him gentle. Sharing passionate kisses while rocking against each other because any space between you two was too much. Looking into each other's eyes while leaning foreheads against one another and rubbing hands all over bare skin, moments of bliss making you two grab at one another and hold on to each other, soft moans filling the space as you both came for one another.
Several times Steve scented you, his tongue and fangs curving into your bond mark to pin you in place, draping over you while his knot swelled, filling you with him and keeping you in place so your body could accept his seed, breeding you for his pups.
And when exhaustion hit, when you curled into him, tucking your face into his neck and sighing while he wrapped you into his hold, you would finally sleep after hours of this. Safe in your nest, where your mate was and Steve would nod off too, never as deeply as you. Instinct kept him aware of everything around them, when you were this vulnerable, he had to make sure you were safe and taken care of.
It was a job his Alpha took seriously.
Steve had mated before, but this was unlike anything he ever experienced. Never had anyone needed to stay connected to him, touching him, curling into him, and holding him while they weren't in the middle of fucking each other. Alanna always pushed him away as soon as they finished, wanting him out of the nest she built. Leaving him alone while his instinct was to take care of her and he would prowl just out of sight, waiting for her to need him again. She never wanted the connection mates shared, at least not from him. There was no intimacy beyond having sex when they mated and even that had been a fight for them. Often ending in bruises and scars on each other.
You were so different, constantly reaching for him and Steve finally felt peace and content in these moments. It wasn't a battle to reach the end but moments to let himself get lost in his time with you, something sacred between mates, a needed time to strengthen the bond you two shared.
You were still sound asleep, inches away from him. It felt almost too far for the man. He should leave you, long enough to make food and draw a bath for you to soak in to recover, you were always sore afterward. But you looked so content wrapped up in the pillows and blankets that survived the two of you. Sometimes when Steve was taking you from behind, you would shred whatever was closest, ripping it apart as you sobbed at how good you felt.
A few feathers still floated around from last time.
Steve shifted closer, nudging you gently to see if you were ready to wake up. "Little One." He whispered, but you curled up tighter against him, refusing to open your eyes.
"Not yet Alpha." You muttered, sliding your leg through his and rubbing your face against his neck, breathing in deeply against it. "Too comfy."
His large hands rubbed down your body and cupped below your cheeks to shift you over him, leaving you to use him as your bed, You fit so perfectly, your head on his shoulder and hugging around him as you sighed happily. Your legs wrapped at his waist, pressing your hips against his own.
"We don't have to move Little One, just go back to sleep." He rumbled gently, the vibrations soothing you all that much more. Your Little Wolf twined with her Alpha, pressing in against him till you couldn't tell the two wolves apart.
Steve was more than happy to let you continue sleeping in his arms, for as long as you wanted.
Send me an Ask to comfort a character
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krovscastlerpg · 4 months
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Sunny Kinder | Slave | 45 | Shapeshifter (Wolfdog) | Versatile
“We’re all prey in their world, cowdog…”
(TW: Slight Suicidal Mention)
The story of the sunny mutt doesn’t start with him, but instead, it begins with a lonely cowboy and a remote ranch in Montana. You may be wondering why it’s necessary to mention the story of the rancher, but without him, Sunny would not have survived, and in turn, neither would have he. His name was Merle Kinder, and in 1943, he bought a vast plot of land to escape the loudness of a world war. He married, and they had a son. Through grit and grind, Merle and his wife raised a cattle and sheep ranch, and it was a successful one to boot. Day in and day out, Merle was on his bay roan driving his livestock from one section to the other.
All seemed simple and all seemed well, but as with life and it’s mysteries, his wife passed from a quick sickness in the summer of ‘59, and only six short years later, he was met with commanding officers on his front porch where they informed him that his son had died overseas in Vietnam. Days then were long, as long as the Montana horizon, but Merle continued on as good, strong men do.
However there were many nights where he couldn’t sleep, and the sun and moon merged into one blur. When heffers didn’t need calving, the sheep didn’t near shearing, and horses shoeing, he’d wander into the night and listen to the solemn howling of the wolves that toed the rim of his fence. Some of those nights he’d bring his shotgun with him, but he was never clear what or who he’d use it on. 
It was on one of those nights that brings us now to the story of Sunny. As if pulled by some divine thread, Merle walked farther than he had ever gone before, and that’s when he came across a single newborn pup clawing desperately in the dirt. Figuring the pup had been abandoned, he brought it home, cleaned it up, and was surprised to see that under all the grime was a bright yellowish coat. The next day he brought it to the vet, who labeled it an odd specimen that surely was abandoned because he was neither wolf or dog. Despite the strangeness of its biology, the vet believed it to be a healthy pup and gave Merle to tools and knowledge to raise something so young.
And thus, Merle had a reason to get up. He had something that needed him, and Sunny sure did. Whining and wriggling in old towels was as much as he could do in those early days, and he made sure to always have Merle’s attention. He rode in his jacket (when he could still fit), gnawed through bottle nipples, and when he was old enough to carry himself on his own four legs, he enjoyed having happy little accidents on Merle’s favorite rug.
When Merle deemed Sunny old enough to be promoted from housepet to cattledog, he was thrown to the proverbial wolves. The other cattledogs bombarded him suspiciously, pressing their wet noses on every inch of his body and asking him why he didn’t smell like a dog. He bit them, and it seemed a good enough answer because they taught him the tricks of the trade after that.
For the next nine years, Sunny lived on the ranch as a wolfdog, enjoying his job of wrestling coyotes, hunting the nearby deer, and licking his balls. He wasn’t much help outside of that, and that seemed to be enough. He followed Merle everywhere, finding great pride into helping him locate strayed livestock or chasing off the real wolves who got too close. Never once did he believe he was anything other than just some old rancher’s cowdog.
That was until another shifter visited the farm, and she quickly made herself at home in the barn. Merle didn’t seem to mind he kept acquiring strange things, and he allowed the scraggly cat stay so long as she kept mousing the feed. Upon meeting the cat, Luna, Sunny knew that she was different, and he asked why she didn’t smell like the other cats he met. She explained that it was the same reason why he didn’t smell like the other dogs, and she revealed that they were shifters.
With her help, he was able to learn how to take on a human form (in case of emergencies, Luna said), but Sunny didn’t like the way it felt to be on two legs, nevermind trying on Merle’s clothes when he went into town for business. He much preferred to be a wolfdog, and he was content with living his entire life like that. Luna agreed, and she explained to him that there were a group of shifters that “human hopped” for safety against the war and the vampires. Sunny was oblivious to it all but considered it a waste of her breath because he didn’t care about whatever a war or a vampire was.
And so, staying a wolfdog was exactly what Sunny did for another ten years, and he kept to Merle’s side through his older years. From time to time, he would reluctantly shift with Luna, mainly when she forced him to, and the practice seemed to be a blessing in disguise. After Merle’s 82nd birthday, he suffered a stroke, and in a panic, Sunny shifted to drive him to the hospital. It was the first time he had ever driven the truck, and it was the first time he was in town on two legs. Nevertheless, he managed to get Merle to the emergency room by scent, but his haphazard wandering had taken too long. Merle died shortly upon arrival, and a distraught Sunny had accidentally shifted back to his wolfdog form, howling in grief and revealing what he was.
His shifting alerted nearby hunters, and he was subsequently caught after being dragged from the hospital, where he paced the ER doors for days. What Luna had failed to mention was that creatures like him fetched a pretty penny, and in late 1998, Sunny was sold to Krov’s Castle, where he was met with his first smell and taste of vampire.
Positive Traits: loyal, brave, passionate, hopeful, empathetic
Negative Traits: competitive, temperamental, defensive, stubborn, impatient
3 turn-ons: power struggle play, marking/biting, praise
3 turn-offs: ageplay, bathroom kinks, pet play
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{Intro post}
Hiiiiiiiiiieeeee my name is Graves Grimm welcome to my page!!!!! I hope you all enjoy my silly lil Tumblr page ^⁠_⁠^ I post about my interest and stuff like that!!!!
Here's some stuff about me!!!! Hehe
I'm 19-20 :3
My pronouns are he/they/it/she/pup/mutt!!!! Yes I use neopronouns and xenogenders!!!! Bc they are coolz :3
My names are, Graves Grimm, Grey, Wolf, Toby, Tobias :3
I am gender queer/unlabeled!!!!
I'm Panromantic and greysexual and poly!!!! :))))
I'm also a werewolf kin, cryptid kin, liminal kin and zombie kin!!!!
And I'm a shifter/witch!!!!! :D
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Homophobic, transphobic, ableist, sexist, racist, anti shifting, anti neopronouns, anti xenogenders, mean or rude, anti Palestine, anti witchcraft and magick <3
Queer or trans, any kins or xenogender neopronouns users, artist, shifters, writers, book lovers, nerds/geeks, poc or disabled anyone kind!!!! This place is a safe place!!!!
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{Extra info}
If you're interested in being friends (around the same age only please} please let me know!!!!
I hope you all have a lovely day as always <3
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What is their biggest fear? For as many as you'd like!
Sure lol
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Sans: To be put into the underground again. He hates the idea and tries to not think about it.
Papyrus: To be alone forever! He wants friends! ;3;
Blueberry: To be found out and have to talk about all of his emotions that he's been trying to keep a secret.
Stretch: He would be scared of being judged while he's doing stuff that he likes. He can't bring himself to do a lot, so people judging him for it makes him upset and scared to do it.
Red: Dying.
Edge: Being the one to kill his brother. He has come close before, and it made him feel such panic once he calmed down.
Axe: Being put into the underground again. He doesn't think that he would be able to handle it.
Noodle: I think… they'd be scared to end up alone.
Mercy: They're having to live our their biggest fear.
Lord: I think that his biggest fear is to fail. He has so much resting on his shoulders, that if he falls, he's gonna take so much stuff with him. And the biggest joke is that this was all his fault.
Mutt: Losing themselves.
King: Doctors >:(
Alpha: He has long since out grown fear.
Overlord: His fear is Pup learning and getting hurt after leaving the house.
Pup: Never being allowed outside.
Commander: Hound dying! Even if he doesn't admit it.
Hound: They aren't really sure if they're able to feel fear?
Chief: Hmm… I guess he would be afraid of being replaced.
Wolf: Getting lost! He hates the idea of getting lost.
Royal: To lose control of himself, or lose his ability to make the swords and stuff. It feels like that's the only thing he's good at.
Fang: Getting stuck in the caves. Cave ins are scary.
Prince: Getting above ground. He knows that he shouldn't be scared, but he is. It feels worrying, and wrong!
Canine: The kool-aid man >:(
Leader: Losing all of his color!
Beast: His brother dying(Something that he had to face often)
Grandeur: mmm I think losing his ability of taste. It's a really important thing to him because of his job.
Behemoth: Something happening to Puppy :(
Tycoon: Being killed. Honestly, getting hurt even! It triggers fear.
Brute: Just like Tycoon, his fear is Tycoon dying. He's the protector! He's supposed to keep Tycoon alive, so at least he would never have to face the fear of him dying, because Brute would have to die first.
Cloud: Admiting to herself that she's the bad one.
Bat: Cloud.
Superior: Forest fires! They freak them out.
Exo: I think that their fear is to have to leave the forest. They know that the rest of their friends are trying to get out but… Exo doesn't want to.
Brillance: It might be ironic, but he's afraid of the dark.
Werewolf: He is also afraid of the dark! But for a good reason. He cannot control himself in the dark.
Vivid: Getting caught in the sun again. It burned them the last time and really messed with their ability to see.
Lycan: Mice.
Ruler: I think he's afraid of not being able to have his own emotions ever again. The kindness in his soul is always going to be there.
Pooch: I think he's afraid to just die, even if he'll end up coming back.
Sheriff: he's afraid of tight places.
K9: Gunshots! They scare him.
Crowned: To not get the queens approval! It was something that he's always been trying to get.
Whelp: To get out of the underground. He doesn't believe that they'd be able to make it.
Dynast: He hates photos! They make him feel really freaked out and he isn't really sure why.
Mongrel: Having to deal with the queen forever.
Rebel: Being alone ;3;
Shards: Staying alive.
Regicide: Seeing his brother again. He doesn't want to see Cur ever again.
Cur: Getting hurt again by someone that they thought that they could trust.
Luce: Freezing! The idea of that sounds so scary to him… or drowning?
Hellhound: Getting a job that he knows he can't complete.
Baron: Fire scares him.
Pawls: He's scared of falling into the water because he would freeze and he doesn't know how to swim :)
Palace: Dying alone tbh
Cad: Learning that everything he's done was wrong. Everything he's done was for nothing too.
Duke: His Exs lol
Bull: Random people trying to flirt with him.
Captain: Getting rejected by his crew! It scares him.
Dogfish: Falling off his ship. He doesn't know how to swim all that well.
Regent: Sea monsters! They're out there, he's telling you!
Coyote: Storms.
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