#worrying too much about falling into someone else's dislikes will also fuck you up do not do it i misread this ask so bad when i answered
theminecraftbee · 1 year
Ok, so I want to ask, because I want to write something with Watchers and Pearl, what would you say are the biggest sins to her character on watcher!Grian fics? I have a few ones in mind, but I'm curious on the opinion of other person
...okay so the thing is. i think... okay. so, to start: this isn't a knock on people who like sky siblings, or like writing grian and pearl as friends who lost each other because of evo, or all of that. i want to get that out of the way. hell, look at last days! i wrote some sky siblings! i get it!
okay. that paragraph is out of the way.
so. a problem i have with watcher grian fics in general is a tendency to reduce everyone to "guy to comfort grian" or "guy who is vessel for grian angst". and to some extent THIS IS FAIR. because it is a fic about grian. so, therefore, most of how we see other characters interact... will be in the context of grian.
when pearl first joined hermitcraft and people were like "oh yeah she was in evo and on grian's build team". it suddenly felt like people... were only excited about her in the context of "how do we add this to the watcher grian canon". they made her grian's sibling, but only would characterize her in the context of "she is grian's buddy". and the type of pearl-related watcher grian angst i dislike... well. it almost always tends to focus on how sad grian is that he can't remember pearl. or how scared he is to tell pearl about what happened. and. pearl's existence in those fics revolves around how she makes grian feel and... nothing else.
and for a little bit, it felt like all the pearl headcanons weren't pearl headcanons. they were grian headcanons. pearl was just there to add to the world of grian. and it soured me. it soured me a lot. and the thing is, as i said: pearl and grian ARE friends and i DO get the sibling headcanons but oftentimes it felt like they were done solely to make grian a more interesting character, with no regard for pearl, who is plenty cool on her own, away from grian, you know?
anyway the fandom isn't as bad about that now - soup group helped a lot with this, and then double life also helped a lot with disabusing people of a lot of the worst of this. people having new groups and themes and things to do with pearl and pearl being less new helps. the biggest headcanon about pearl is no longer a headcanon about her relationship with a completely different person.
but like. you know. gestures vaguely. i still remember and so it's one more thing that makes me more wary of that genre.
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prince-liest · 4 months
Hi! About your staticradio series (which is PHENOMENAL omg😍) - I know you said Vox is kinda falling in love while Al will remain aro. Which is awesome, we love to see rep! But I'm wondering if they will end up as QPPs (who fuck, lol)? Or it'll strictly be FWBs? Gah it's diffifult to describe it bc labels are so subjective and often too limiting, but I guess what I'm asking is whether they'll have an emotional relationship too, however it might look with their orientations? Will Al in particular have any soft feels for Vox & be fond of their unique bond? Even if Vox is in love with him when Al himself isn't? (I worry that would scare Al away😭) An intimate emotional closeness regardless of the specifics?
Thank you so much!! I've been enjoying writing it enormously so it always brings me a lot of joy that other folks are, too. >:D Just a heads up, this post has turned a little long because it got me talking about Alastor and the way he handles his feelings vs his ego in general.
First: I think the answer to this depends fully on how you personally define a queerplatonic partnership! I don't think Alastor would ever go for, like, a committed relationship with Vox in any form, but I also don't think that this would necessarily be a sad state of affairs for Vox, who I obviously write as poly as fuck with his toxic yaoi husband. Maybe it's because I'm aro af, but I feel like from Vox's end, "Yeah, I get to fuck around with the guy I'm obsessed with and he's not, like, nice, but I think I Stockholmed him into giving a shit about me!" is not actually a state of affairs he'd dislike! Especially since it's got that shiny "I'm special!" vibe in the sense that Nobody Else Gets To Get This Far With Alastor.
As for Alastor's side of things...
I think that so much of their dynamic dynamic isn't just set by Alastor being aroace, it's also set by him being a fucking sadist and a narcissist, HAHA. Like, he is very much in the middle of developing feelings about Vox, which (if my favorite interpretation of his little breakdown in the finale is correct) is also where his character arc is heading with regards to the hotel crew in canon, too, but his friendship-and-trust arc is slowburn as all hell and not entirely linear.
Part of the fun in writing Alastor is the process of qualifying all of his feelings with his sense of superiority in a way that is protective of his ego. He is freely and openly fond of people when that fondness doesn't expose any kind of emotional vulnerability in him. For example: He feels a condescending but genuine fondness for Niffty and Mimzy, whom he protects, and that's safe! He's quirky friends with Rosy, who is a benevolent semi-equal who uplifts his ego, and that's safe! He... may or may not have started caring enough about the hotel crew to have put himself at risk for them, and that is not only dangerous to his physical well-being but also massively humiliating, which is arguably worse to someone like Alastor.
He has SO many ego-prioritizing defense mechanisms and it's fun for me to pay attention to because I, too, am someone whose cardinal sin is probably pride. Anything is permissible only as long as it can be framed in a way that doesn't insult his ego.
Anyway, the point is: I don't think "soft feels and fondness for their unique bond" is on the list of ways that Alastor is able to find himself feeling about someone like Vox. The whole reason their whole situation in 666: Live on Air! started is thanks to Alastor's awareness and amusement at how obsessed Vox is with him. He sees himself as above Vox, and knowing that Vox is more emotionally invested than he is is part of the appeal. It's just gone from (derogatory) to (fond). (Which is, guess what? Safe!)
(It also means realizing that Vox is falling madly in love or whatever just nets a reaction somewhere in the region of, "Wait, is that significantly different from what you were already doing?", lol, because the only thing that's changed is the flavor of feeling, not the level of exposed emotional underbelly that he thinks Vox is showing him.)
TL;DR: He likes Vox like a cat likes a favorite mouse.
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wayfayrr · 11 months
I am LIVING for the househusband shenanigans, it gives me so many ideas (super long ask i'm sorry lol)
but i love the idea of the chain ending up in reader's world, more permanently, and after falling hard for reader to boot, so the period of adjustment for everyone is wild and what the fuck is reader supposed to do with 9 (or more, depending who you ask) lovesick heroes in their house fit for 1-2 people?? not to mention none of them have documentation or decent knowledge of modern culture
i can imagine some of the Links (time, legend, four) jumping at the opportunity to learn more about their darling's world, and their likes and dislikes, in order to better understand them and get closer to them (it's the feeling of wanting to know every possible thing about something they're obsessed with, just completely filling their brain with it)
Some (most) Links are going to be straight up hazards to themselves and their environment with their curiosity and lack of understanding for technology. it doesn't matter what precautions you take something is going to get blown up in the microwave.
wild and sage would probably attempt to cook for you, knowing how stressed you are about the whole thing, only to wildly overestimate how long it takes to cook something with a microwave (all you'd told them was that it heated things up like a cooking pot) and also fail to realize that some things cannot be put in the microwave
an alarm clock or something goes off, and one of them smashes it thinking its a threat (time... old man don't know shit about tech and he's too traumatized)
and good luck getting your clothes back because all of the boys are going to participate in the theft of them at some point. doesn't even matter if it's not something they can wear. they just want it because it's yours and it smells like you and it's like a piece of you-
speaking of clothes, if you start to voice concern for lack of clothing (bc someone keeps taking all of them) they are all jumping at the chance to lend you their own
Legend would leave a spare tunic of his for you, not even giving you the chance to decline when you simply find it folded on your bed. And he'd mend or tailor anything for you that you have complaints with, asking you so (uncharacterisitically) nicely to be with him while he does it, because, he's going through the trouble for you, the least you can do is keep him company, right?
He might even intentionally cause problems with your clothes, if he's desperate enough for attention. But how can you blame him? He knows it's not your fault, but your mind just been all over the place with everything going on and with the time you've been spending with the other he just feels left out.
All he wants is your praise, to hear you tell him thank you, and that he did a good job, and maybe run a hand through his hair, yeah? God, he'd just melt against if you did that. It makes everything beyond worth it, for you to stroke his hair and tell him how you don't know what you'd do without him. His angel, it makes him feel so blissful, so special when you give him your attention like that.
A few of them would eventually get the idea to get a job, prompting the rest to act as well. They can't just let their god(dess) take care of everything, can they? That would be asinine.
It would be difficult, considering they don't have...ID's, or anything of the like, but there are still ways for them to earn money
i could go on, but... yeah lol
Don't worry about it being long, I love getting asks like these!! I love talking about the househusband au, all the different ways it could go with the chain and the different members are really fun to explore! And all of your ideas in this one are just 😭💖 I'd always welcome any asks or dm's about the au, because it's just so much fun to hear everyone else's ideas for how it'd work as well!✨✨
The housing is certainly an issue for the chain though SOJNCAN with that many people not used to the modern world in such a small place?? They're basically begging for something bad to happen, like a fire or something breaking even worse if reader's house is being rented to them. Documentation and ID's as well? For some of the chain, they could likely get away with it, but it's really a goal for them to get ID asap because if they do they can get out of a lot of legal issues Wind and the "kids" (Wild and Cal) are the first of the rest to get ID for the sake of school. And there'd likely be a written language barrier as well! If reader wanted to buy some other place to live they better start saving, who knows maybe they could just trade in a few rupees at a time and have a new place in a matter of days?
As for the ones you've mentioned wanting to learn everything possible, it'd get to a point where they're sitting with bloodshot eyes in front of either readers laptop they've borrowed or something they managed to buy steal for themselves having gone down a cursed Wikipedia rabbit hole, Maybe even watching through some playthroughs of their own games? Or if reader was still studying, like at uni or something, suddenly they know more than even the experts in that field.
ALL of the links at some point get dangerously close to breaking something, it's more a matter of if one of the more experienced cough Sage cough or reader steps in time to stop them. I absolutely adore all the different things you've suggested though, the microwave and the alarm clock??? Time's still got trauma to do with clocks and alarms and it's so perfect✨✨
The chain stealing readers clothes is also just 🥹, it's the easier option than even washing their own clothes with their laundry not because readers worn these in the past, no never. May I raise the idea to them stealing things they can't wear to putting the clothes that don't fit for whatever reason onto pillows?? so they can hold a part of their beloved when they sleep.
Legend with fixing their clothes as well as lending them his own I'm sobbing 😭😭😭, since ofc he's one of the more sensible ones he gets left alone far more often so he's so much more desperate for their attention even though he only gets less because they trust him more alone. So for him to get those small moments of praise, even though they're so small because it's only a matter of seconds till readers torn away again by someone else shouting for their help 😭
I think I've mentioned them getting jobs if they were dumped irl, seeing as there are a few they could do without ID you couldn't pry influencer!wars out of my cold dead hands. The moment of realisation they've been using their darling would be such a moment of guilt before they follow legend's/sage's leads and start working or helping reader around the house, those links at school would be getting the top grades in their classes seeing as that's what reader wants them to focus on.
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littleragondin · 5 months
After Sundown (2023)
Saengrawee has spent his life in the temple with Luang Lung Chanthakorn. When he turns 21, Parit – an old friend of the monk – comes to take him away, to live in Phra Nahkon with Parit’s family. As he settles in the mansion, Rawee starts getting plagued with nightmares, and visions of a ghost. Parit’s grandson, Praphloeng, comes back to Thailand at his parents’ demand. They worry about a prophecy who warns that if Phloeng does not bind his life to a soulmate by the time he turns 25, his life will be in grave danger. Said soulmate can’t be from Phra Nahkon, nor be a woman (according to mdl). Luckily, Rawee fits the bill, and despite their mutual dislike, the two men accept the ceremony. But while they learn to live with each other, and Phloeng’s presence is able to soothe Rawee’s nightmares, the ghost’s apparent grudge against Rawee only seems to deepen …
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this shot is just too pretty
Non-spoilery review:
It was not a very good movie, all in all. I think it worked with a lot of ideas that, while not necessarily groundbreaking, were good enough to make a nice romance and an interesting horror story. The reluctant soulmates/fake marriage tropes are beloved for a reason, and can make for a compelling journey. The newcomer in the house mysteriously targeted by a ghost that seems to know him is also pretty classic, and when used well can be ground for a good, creepy mystery. The problem here is that imo, the execution was sub-par.
To begin with, the horror is not well integrated to the story. While I liked all the ghost scenes – tense and efficient, and in 720p at night the ghost freaked me the fuck out let me tell you – they were not well integrated into the story. Outside of those specific scenes, there is no sense of something terrifying happening to the main protagonist of the story, he doesn’t seem worried not curious about any of it, focused as he is on his romance.
And that’s where for me, it went from ‘not great’ to ‘not good’. Because with how much time is spent on the romantic parts of the story, I still can’t believe how little development happens. They are reluctant to even be in the same room a moment, and straight up acting like a married couple the next with absolutely nothing to justify this. Zee and NuNew share a lot of soft, romantic scenes, but they felt disconnected from each other, and because there is no showing of their feelings gradually changing those scenes, for me, lacked any emotional impact. That said, the two of them work well together, and the chemistry was chemistring alright when they were on screen. Still, with characters that don’t have a big personality and a scenario that has trouble holding itself together, there is only so much chemistry can do.
So yeah, for me After Sundown failed both as a horror and as a romance movie. I had no emotional investment in anything happening (which also made the reveal/conclusion at the end fall flat), the pacing was not good and actor performances alone (which were mostly good across the board) could not save this one.
Tl;dr: I gave this one 5/10. I would only recommend it if you really really really miss Zee and NuNew and just want to see them act cute with each other while not being bothered by the absence of actual story and the presence of a few good jump scares. Also if you just want to see Nammon wet and shirtless, just skip to 1:12:00 =3
Below the read more, I will go a little more into the reveal at the end, as well as a few pet peeves I got through the movie. It will be full of spoilers.
The reveal about the ghost:
I hated how we got nothing about the ghost during the whole movie except that she thought Rawee was someone else (the monk/his uncle) and wanted to kill him for it, and then 20 minutes before the end you get that huge, 10-minutes long info dumping flashback explaining who she is, what her relation to both the family and Rawee’s uncle is, how she died and why she is so vengeful. My first thought was ‘that’s a movie I would have liked to see’, followed by tons of ideas on how it could have been, you know, actually made part of the movie and not just stacked at the end like an after thought. 1 hour 20 minutes in, and you have no notion that there was a tragedy in that house, that Parit has A Mysterious Past regarding his sppuse, or that the ghost is actually linked to the family in any kind of way. It’s fine if you don’t want the protagonist to find out until the very end, but there should be stuffs to clue us, the audience, in, otherwise the reveal comes and you’re like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ okay I guess. Show us a picture of her in the house, maybe hidden away so we know Something Is Afoot, have some of those final flashbacks interwoven into Rawee’s nightmares (maybe make it so they’re misleading, showing her under a different light). Make the scene where Parit comes to the temple and meet the monk, after all those years, far, far more charged so I can feel that they’re not just old acquaintances but share something so much deeper. That they share both love and guilt. Just mention the fact that Phloeng's father never really knew his mother, that she died when he was small and I don't know, maybe they Don't Talk About Her Anymore. Give me something basically.
Also, at least Parit and Luang Lung Chanthakorn were aware of what was happening/who she was, and no one ever thought of, oh, I don’t know, do something about it? Warn the guys?? Why on earth did the monk say yes to sending Rawee back there knowing what the fuck happened in there and the responsibility he had in it? Come on.
Smaller things and Pet Peeves:
Ok this one is just for, like, random grievances I had with the movie.
First of all, Rawee’s lack of curiosity. You don’t have to make him an amateur detective, but that guy who grew up in a temple (so I assume at least a little spiritual) starts having nightmares and visions and doesn’t question it for a second? Doesn’t think oh, maybe there is something going on, maybe if I find out what the spirit wants and why, I could get rid of it? Nothing? I know my own curiosity is probably skewing my opinion but I wanted to shake him and beg him to ask even one goddamn question! Please!!
The “secondary couple”. Okay, so, this one ties up more to the romance aspect of things. We set up Pudson to be a sort of rival to Rawee, the spurned, jealous boy who hates the one who took Phloeng away, but there is never… I mean I’m pretty sure we never see him and Phloeng in a scene together, even, and all of this amount to nothing. Never actually hurts Rawee, never confronts him or tries to actually get Phloeng, this never leads to any tensions between Rawee and Phloeng… Then Kraiphop, the chauffeur, who is being so nice to Rawee and who makes Phloeng jealous once. Less of an actual rival to Phloeng, he’s presented more like a kind man who might help Phloeng realizes that he actually like Rawee. But the jealousy scene happens after we have seen them basically act chummy and nice to each other so it doesn’t work either. And then!! 35 minutes before the end, we get thrown a bone that oh maybe Kraiphop actually kinda likes Pudson, who may fall too, but that’s so brief, and then completely left hanging, I don’t see the point of having those characters. And I say that when it gives us Nammon shirtless and wet, so you can imagine…
Finally, and those are both the smallest and the most annoying of all (alright I might push it a little). That single voiceover we have maybe a third in?? There is that breakfast moment where Rawee’s voice says something along the line of ‘uh, since I sleep by Phloeng’s side the nightmares are gone and then there is never EVER another voiceover during the whole movie? Could you not have found another way to show not tell this? This irked me so bad lol
And then, MDL tells me it’s supposed to happen in 1961, and while the (very cool) car Phloeng rides seems to agree, the rest of the aesthetic screams Khun Chai to me (not just because it’s the same house I swear) which is 1942-something so like … two decades earlier. It’s not a lot but it added some confusion post viewing I guess.
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My fandom5k requests/prompts (all MDZS variants)
Request 1: MDZS novel
Characters/Pairings:    Cángsè Sǎnrén/Lán Qǐrén/Wèi Chǎngzé (MDZS) Character: Lan Qiren (MDZS) Lán Qǐrén & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn (MDZS) Lan Qiren/Nie Huaisang (MDZS) Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén & Lán Qǐrén (MDZS)
I would love some Lan Qiren-centric hurt/comfort or darkfic, though with a happy (satisfying?) ending. Just about any pairing would be good! I typically prefer canon-divergence plots, but whole shift AUs other than mundane modern AUs are also OK (if they're cool).
General LQR notes: I like him with both good aspects and bad: he's rigid, hierarchical, and conservative, often kind of boring, with a temper he can't always control, but I read him as someone who genuinely loves his nephews and wants them to be happy, who is a good teacher when he's given a chance to be, and who is always trying to do the right thing. Personally, I tend to headcanon both LQR and LWJ as being on the autistic spectrum with a special interest in Lan rules, but you don't need to go with that. Feel free to go wild with backstory or sidestory here (for instance, in canon he is very good with the sword and trained LXC and LWJ; feel free to lean into that, or lean away from that! give him something else he's good at! give him additional character traits or hobbies or whatever that were only not mentioned because they weren't relevant to Wei Wuxian's journey!) ALSO: feel free to give him any relationship you want with Qingheng-jun and the whole getting married
However, please do not portray Lan Qiren's devotion to his sect rules as being wrong or something he has to overcome - he is following the instructions for being a good person left down by his ancestors, they are important to him, and the idea should be treated generally with respect; even if you want to have him disagreeing with one of the rules, it should be in a specific context, not "everything I grew up valuing is wrong actually". Similarly, his dislike of WWX should not be treated as "oh because he's conservative he's homophobic and that's the only reason he dislikes him", but based on his experiences with WWX and what WWX has done.
H/C: I would love, love, love something where LQR gets hurt and someone has to rescue him, but in a way that is centered around worrying about and caring for LQR. I've seen too many "WWX rescues LQR with his demonic cultivation thereby forcing LQR to admit he's not that bad" scenarios! or "LQR is hurt but the other person is so worried about him that the entire fic is now about the other person's trauma about people they love being hurt"! Do not want! Give me "wow guess I really do care about LQR" and "ouch LQR has been through so much I never realized I want to give him good things"!
Suggestions: - LQR gets captured and tortured after the burning of the Cloud Recesses or during the Sunshot Campaign, and either needs a rescue at the time OR never really had time to deal with the aftereffects of that and needs help after - something based on him coughing up blood and falling into a coma in canon when he heard WWX's bad flute music? is he super sensitive to sound? was he hurt by something in the past to cause it? something happens in post-canon that aggravates old issues he had? bad memories? - the hurt doesn't have to be something physical, could be emotional - something when he was younger and suddenly a parent to two kids and leading a sect? something about being unappreciated or undervalued? Darkfic (interpreted as "dead dove" style "I am reveling in bad things" fic, NOT angsty/sad/bad end): Similar to the above, just darker, I am fully here for "character is obsessed with LQR and is willing to do anything it takes to make him theirs" plots.
Suggestions: - CSSR and WCZ decide they've seen enough and it's time to kidnap LQR and teach him a new set of rules - NHS gets hold of the ability to hypnotize people, decides to fuck with LQR for fun, then ends up developing feelings - LXC, being old enough to see more of the dynamics between LQR and his father/his mother, decides he loves his uncle so much he's willing to destroy everything else to ensure his uncle's happiness (and maybe has a very twisted idea of what constitutes happiness) - WWX in a full Yiling Patriarch Dark Emperor AU who after marrying LWJ grows fond of the rigid rule-abiding uncle that LWJ brought along and decides to get to know him better? - Gangster AU (fantastical/not modern)? LQR as the only non-gangster Lan with LXC taking care of him? mob princess NHS deciding he wants his old ethics teacher? new mob boss WWX deciding the best way to deal with DA!LQR is to parent trap him together with his mob boss parents CSSR and WCZ?
DNW: no adultery/infidelity, no permanent limb/sense/memory loss, no unhappy ending for characters (it can be "bad end" as long as it is satisfying - i.e. original LQR would be horrified but current version LQR is OK with it), no LQR bashing, no character bashing generally, no generic modern AU (only specific AUs OK), no Lan sect rule bashing, no "Madame Lan did nothing wrong/did something justified and was unjustly imprisoned for it"
Request 2: MDZS Donghua
Characters/Pairings: Lan Huan & Lan Zhan (MDZS)
I love the Twin Jades - the way they love each other, the way they understand each other, the way LWJ is allowed to be a little spoiled in his way, the way LXC wants to make LWJ more friends. They have their shared trauma with their parents, but they each take away fascinatingly different meanings from it. They're so much fun! especially in the donghua, where we get to see them fight side by side in such a beautiful, flowing, coordinated fashion - love that, would love to see more of that.
Notes: Please write them having a good relationship with LQR (especially in donghua-verse, where we see him backing LWJ up against a sect elder and helping LWJ recruit people, talking with LXC as an equal when he returns from Qinghe in season 1, etc.) Also please do not write the Lan sect rules as something wrong or bad that they need to overcome, or as something they feel trapped by, but as a tradition that they've been raised in and respect, and voluntarily as adults choose to continue carrying on and passing down. For what it's worth, I headcanon LWJ (and LQR) as being on the autistic spectrum with Lan sect rules as a special interest, which must have been super interesting for LXC, but don't feel like you have to go with that.
Honestly, for this one, I'd really love a genre shift AU of some sort (but NOT modern/mundane AU). The donghua is so vividly designed, I'd love to imagine the aesthetics carrying over to another setting. Suggestions: - pirate AU - space opera AU - mob bosses AU (fantastical, not modern) - cyberpunk robots/sentient ship AU - historical non-magic setting AU - everyone is a dragon AU
As for plot, anything will do - slice of life, procedural/case solving, interpersonal drama, hurt/comfort, whatever! Just as long as LXC & LWJ continue to love each other and be good brothers to each other. No darkfic for this one, please.
DNW: no bad parent LQR, no Lan sect rule bashing, no "Madame Lan did nothing wrong/did something justified and was unjustly imprisoned for it", no adultery/infidelity, no permanent limb/sense/memory loss, no unhappy ending for characters, no character bashing generally, no generic modern AU, no permanent breach of relationship between LXC and LWJ (or with LQR)
Request 3: the Untamed
Character/Pairings Character: Lan Qiren (CQL), Lán Qǐrén & Niè Huáisāng (CQL), Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Lán Qǐrén (CQL)
I would love some Lan Qiren-centric hurt/comfort or darkfic, though with a happy (satisfying?) ending. Just about any pairing would be good! I typically prefer canon-divergence plots, but whole shift AUs other than mundane modern AUs are also OK (if they're cool).
General LQR notes: I like him with both good aspects and bad: he's rigid, hierarchical, and conservative, often kind of boring, with a temper he can't always control, but I read him as someone who genuinely loves his nephews and wants them to be happy, who is a good teacher when he's given a chance to be, and who is always trying to do the right thing. Personally, I tend to headcanon both LQR and LWJ as being on the autistic spectrum with a special interest in Lan rules, but you don't need to go with that. Feel free to go wild with backstory or sidestory here (for instance, in canon he is very good with the sword and trained LXC and LWJ; feel free to lean into that, or lean away from that! give him something else he's good at! give him additional character traits or hobbies or whatever that were only not mentioned because they weren't relevant to Wei Wuxian's journey!) ALSO: feel free to give him any relationship you want with Qingheng-jun and the whole getting married
However, please do not portray Lan Qiren's devotion to his sect rules as being wrong or something he has to overcome - he is following the instructions for being a good person left down by his ancestors, they are important to him, and the idea should be treated generally with respect; even if you want to have him disagreeing with one of the rules, it should be in a specific context, not "everything I grew up valuing is wrong actually". Similarly, his dislike of WWX should not be treated as "oh because he's conservative he's homophobic and that's the only reason he dislikes him", but based on his experiences with WWX and what WWX has done.
H/C: I would love, love, love something where LQR gets hurt and someone has to rescue him, but in a way that is centered around worrying about and caring for LQR. I've seen too many "WWX rescues LQR with his demonic cultivation thereby forcing LQR to admit he's not that bad" scenarios! or "LQR is hurt but the other person is so worried about him that the entire fic is now about the other person's trauma about people they love being hurt"! Do not want! Give me "wow guess I really do care about LQR" and "ouch LQR has been through so much I never realized I want to give him good things"!
Suggestions: - LQR gets captured and tortured after the burning of the Cloud Recesses or during the Sunshot Campaign, and either needs a rescue at the time OR never really had time to deal with the aftereffects of that and needs help after - something about coughing up blood following his fight with Wen Xu? - the hurt doesn't have to be something physical, could be emotional - something when he was younger and suddenly a parent to two kids and leading a sect? something about being unappreciated or undervalued? - OK with certain types of AU - mob AU where mob boss Jiang Cheng or Nie Huaisang look up their old teacher? emperor harem drama style conflict (preferably with LQR marrying in rather than being the emperor)? cyberpunk LQR and NHS team up to solve a mystery?
Darkfic (interpreted as "dead dove" style "I am reveling in bad things" fic, NOT angsty/sad/bad end): Similar to the above, just darker, I am fully here for "character is obsessed with LQR and is willing to do anything it takes to make him theirs" plots.
Suggestions: - NHS secretly worked with LQR to help get his whole plot against JGY moving. Now that it's over, he finds he's not willing to give up the one person who supported him in all that time. - JC had only one acknowledged older male role model/authority figure approve of him and like him better than WWX, ever, and that fact has just been there rotting away in his brain for years until he decides to take matters into his own hands - mob AU (fantastical/not modern)? emperor AU? reverse sugar daddy AU where someone is paying for LQR (in canon setting!)? - some other character of your choice/LQR, same idea
DNW: no adultery/infidelity, no permanent limb/sense/memory loss, no unhappy ending for characters (it can be "bad end" as long as it is satisfying - i.e. original LQR would be horrified by where he ended up but current version LQR is OK with it), no LQR bashing, no character bashing generally, no generic modern AU (only specific AUs OK), no Lan sect rule bashing, no "Madame Lan did nothing wrong/did something justified and was unjustly imprisoned for it"
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asking the sinclair brothers to sit on your lap
+ them falling asleep on you
~ ♡ ~
sinclair brothers (separate) x gn!reader | headcanons
word count: 1,265 (~400 words per section)
contains: no warnings! but listen, look at me, i do not care how physically strong or weak, tall or short, you are irl, im gifting you with the strength to bench-press these three men, i believe in you
~ ♡ ~
At first he's like "lol good one (y/n)". Responding with a condescending scoff, and that dumbass sarcastic Bo Smile™ like "Nah, I ain't doin' that, sweetheart."
How dare you suggest such a ridiculous idea? Him? A big strong mean murder man, sitting in YOUR lap? Aha, no.
Oh but, watch this, then he turns around and expects you to sit on HIS lap and gets all pissy when you say no.
Worst part is, he's not even uncomfortable with the idea (that would be a different story, respect people's boundaries). He just believes that he's too good to sit in someone else's lap. Like, bitch--
Get him while he's drunk, that's the key.
If he's had a good night and has had a lot to drink, he gets pretty mushy with you. Slurring his words, his hair askew, face flushed, with a glazed look in his eyes and a dumb grin plastered to his face (i want him so bad).
Just talk all sweet and gentle with him, open your arms, and give him the puppy eyes. "You want me tha' bad?" He slurs, dragging his feet across the floor in an exaggerated saunter with a dramatic eyeroll, "Alrigh', fiiiiine..."
He plops himself down on you and just kinda stares at you like the two-eyed mike wazowski meme.
There you go, you got Bo Sinclair, drunk off his tits, sitting in your lap. Congratulations, what do you do now?
You let him drift off to sleep on top of you, that's what you do.
Let him bury his face into the crook of your neck while you run your hands up and down his arms/back. He lets out a sigh like, ah, this ain't so bad.
Physical affection is Bo's weakness and you know that better than anybody else (besides his brothers). You can almost always ground him by circling your arms around his waist, pressing your forehead against his, letting him lean on you, and of course, placing kisses all over his face.
So this? Holding each other close and allowing him to be vulnerable? He'll never admit it, but it makes him melt. As much as Bo loves control, he can't deny how safe you make him feel when he's gathered up in your arms.
He won't ask to sit on your lap again, but he won't exactly resist the next time you offer. Just make sure you two are alone, he would never hear the end of it if his brothers found out.
Tell Vincent and Lester about it afterwards, let 'em roast his ass.
~ ♡ ~
He's iffy about it at first. Not because he dislikes the idea, or believes he's "too good for it" like somebody (bo bitchass), he's just extremely unfamiliar with physical affection like this.
I love Vincent because he's this powerful, graceful, dangerous guy who KNOWS that he's the shit and walks around like the sheer size of his nuts are all that weigh him down. But the second you compliment him, or act kind towards him? He completely glitches.
you: ugh vince i love your hair, it's really pretty him: *nods* him, internally: EHHEHEHEHEE
This man has killed countless people with no remorse and yet he goes hf9eoypf;,'/,;'89rhef at the idea of sitting on your lap.
He's very mindful of his size too, knowing that he's tall and fairly muscular. Doesn't matter how tall or strong you are, he's still gonna worry about your comfort.
You could literally have the exact same build as him, and he'd still be a bit nervous.
When he first agrees, it's a mix of wanting to push his boundaries and also humouring you. You want to hold him that badly? You know what, fuck it, why not. He's flattered.
He carefully (and very stiffly) places himself on your lap so that he's straddling you and you got your arms around his waist.
He feels really awkward for the first couple of minutes, not in an uncomfortable way but in a "wtf do i do" way. He's just trying so hard not to put all his weight on you, and his eye is darting around, and where in god's name does he put his hands?
Especially if you're a lot shorter than him, he's 10x more mindful and tense.
But this man is absolutely weak for you. All you gotta do is rub his back and play with his hair, then he'll let himself rest his head on your shoulder. Ah, now he's getting comfortable.
Bonus points if he pulled an all-nighter the evening before and starts to drift off.
vincent i'll give you $5 if you fall asleep in my lap pls man i'll play with your hair too
Great! Now you're stuck there until he wakes up, but at least you got this hottie in your lap. You could get up and put him down, but why the hell would you do that? Look at how comfortable he is.
Vincent prefers to have you in his lap, but damn that nap was good as hell... he might just have to use you as a bed again.
And lucky for you, he just can't say no to his beloved.
~ ♡ ~
"Whuh? Aw, sweetpea, ya sure?" Yes, Lester. A hundred times, yes.
Sort of awkward about it like Vincent, but more of the giggly, "haha woah there babe" kind of awkward.
He's certainly not gonna say no, though. How could he say no when you asked so kindly? Ugh, especially when your arms are outstretched with that welcoming smile.
Lester absolutely adores you to the sun and back. If you need a hug or a kiss, he's gonna give it to ya. At the slightest mention that you're cold, he's already dashing to the nearest spare blanket. If you want to hold him in such a way, well, he's definitely not gonna turn down such an offer.
Lester's like "woah omg youre so crazy" *crawling into your lap with zero hesitation* "ughh can't believe you're making me do this lololol" *literally straddling you*
After some more awkward giggling, he places himself down on your lap with a "Like this?" or "Hope I ain't too heavy.". He's a bit stiff, but it's a lot easier to help him relax than Vincent or Bo.
If it had been a long day, maybe if he'd just gotten home from work or helping his brothers in Ambrose, he'll begin to doze off once he gets comfortable. He's absolutely weak for the way you treat him so lovingly and carefully, how you hold him against your body and play with his hair -- you must be an angel.
Fuck, he's so cute.
This will absolutely become a Thing in your relationship.
I'm just imagining him, sitting on one of your thighs with his legs resting across you, arms thrown around your neck, kicking his legs a little bit like " Ya comfortable? :D "
It takes him a bit of time to warm up to this new position, but hey, there's nothing he loves more than being held by his most favourite person in the world.
A typical evening for the two of you: he'll come home from work, help himself to your cooking, shower, then just throw himself on top of you. Home is found in your embrace, and being allowed to rest on your lap only makes him feel safer.
If it hasn't been brought up already, this will lead Lester to wanting you to sit on HIS lap. It's only fair! You deserve to be comfortable too (and he just wants to hold you because he loves you).
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fozmeadows · 3 years
race & culture in fandom
For the past decade, English language fanwriting culture post the days of LiveJournal and Strikethrough has been hugely shaped by a handful of megafandoms that exploded across AO3 and tumblr – I’m talking Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Dr Who, the MCU, Harry Potter, Star Wars, BBC Sherlock – which have all been overwhelmingly white. I don’t mean in terms of the fans themselves, although whiteness also figures prominently in said fandoms: I mean that the source materials themselves feature very few POC, and the ones who are there tended to be done dirty by the creators.
Periodically, this has led POC in fandom to point out, extremely reasonably, that even where non-white characters do get central roles in various media properties, they’re often overlooked by fandom at large, such that the popular focus stays primarily on the white characters. Sometimes this happened (it was argued) because the POC characters were secondary to begin with and as such attracted less fan devotion (although this has never stopped fandoms from picking a random white gremlin from the background cast and elevating them to the status of Fave); at other times, however, there has been a clear trend of sidelining POC leads in favour of white alternatives (as per Finn, Poe and Rose Tico being edged out in Star Wars shipping by Hux, Kylo and Rey). I mention this, not to demonize individuals whose preferred ships happen to involve white characters, but to point out the collective impact these trends can have on POC in fandom spaces: it’s not bad to ship what you ship, but that doesn’t mean there’s no utility in analysing what’s popular and why through a racial lens.
All this being so, it feels increasingly salient that fanwriting culture as exists right now developed under the influence and in the shadow of these white-dominated fandoms – specifically, the taboo against criticizing or critiquing fics for any reason. Certainly, there’s a hell of a lot of value to Don’t Like, Don’t Read as a general policy, especially when it comes to the darker, kinkier side of ficwriting, and whether the context is professional or recreational, offering someone direct, unsolicited feedback on their writing style is a dick move. But on the flipside, the anti-criticism culture in fanwriting has consistently worked against fans of colour who speak out about racist tropes, fan ignorance and hurtful portrayals of living cultures. Voicing anything negative about works created for free is seen as violating a core rule of ficwriting culture – but as that culture has been foundationally shaped by white fandoms, white characters and, overwhelmingly, white ideas about what’s allowed and what isn’t, we ought to consider that all critical contexts are not created equal.
Right now, the rise of C-drama (and K-drama, and J-drama) fandoms is seeing a surge of white creators – myself included – writing fics for fandoms in which no white people exist, and where the cultural context which informs the canon is different to western norms. Which isn’t to say that no popular fandoms focused on POC have existed before now – K-pop RPF and anime fandoms, for example, have been big for a while. But with the success of The Untamed, more western fans are investing in stories whose plots, references, characterization and settings are so fundamentally rooted in real Chinese history and living Chinese culture that it’s not really possible to write around it. And yet, inevitably, too many in fandom are trying to do just that, treating respect for Chinese culture or an attempt to understand it as optional extras – because surely, fandom shouldn’t feel like work. If you’re writing something for free, on your own time, for your own pleasure, why should anyone else get to demand that you research the subject matter first?
Because it matters, is the short answer. Because race and culture are not made-up things like lightsabers and werewolves that you can alter, mock or misunderstand without the risk of hurting or marginalizing actual real people – and because, quite frankly, we already know that fandom is capable of drawing lines in the sand where it chooses. When Brony culture first reared its head (hah), the online fandom for My Little Pony – which, like the other fandoms we’re discussing here, is overwhelmingly female – was initially welcoming. It felt like progress, that so many straight men could identify with such a feminine show; a potential sign that maybe, we were finally leaving the era of mainstream hypermasculine fandom bullshit behind, at least in this one arena. And then, in pretty much the blink of an eye, things got overwhelmingly bad. Artists drawing hardcorn porn didn’t tag their works as adult, leading to those images flooding the public search results for a children’s show. Women were edged out of their own spaces. Bronies got aggressive, posting harsh, ugly criticism of artists whose gijinka interpretations of the Mane Six as humans were deemed insufficiently fuckable.
The resulting fandom conflict was deeply unpleasant, but in the end, the verdict was laid down loud and clear: if you cannot comport yourself like a decent fucking person – if your base mode of engagement within a fandom is to coopt it from the original audience and declare it newly cool only because you’re into it now; if you do not, at the very least, attempt to understand and respect the original context so as to engage appropriately (in this case, by acknowledging that the media you’re consuming was foundational to many women who were there before you and is still consumed by minors, and tagging your goddamn porn) – then the rest of fandom will treat you like a social biohazard, and rightly so.
Here’s the thing, fellow white people: when it comes to C-drama fandoms and other non-white, non-western properties? We are the Bronies.
Not, I hasten to add, in terms of toxic fuckery – though if we don’t get our collective shit together, I’m not taking that darkest timeline off the table. What I mean is that, by virtue of the whiteminding which, both consciously and unconsciously, has shaped current fan culture, particularly in terms of ficwriting conventions, we’re collectively acting as though we’re the primary audience for narratives that weren’t actually made with us in mind, being hostile dicks to Chinese and Chinese diaspora fans when they take the time to point out what we’re getting wrong. We’re bristling because we’ve conceived of ficwriting as a place wherein No Criticism Occurs without questioning how this culture, while valuable in some respects, also serves to uphold, excuse and perpetuate microaggresions and other forms of racism, lashing out or falling back on passive aggression when POC, quite understandably, talk about how they’re sick and tired of our bullshit.
An analogy: one of the most helpful and important tags on AO3 is the one for homophobia, not just because it allows readers to brace for or opt out of reading content they might find distressing, but because it lets the reader know that the writer knows what homophobia is, and is employing it deliberately. When this concept is tagged, I – like many others – often feel more able to read about it than I do when it crops up in untagged works of commercial fiction, film or TV, because I don’t have to worry that the author thinks what they’re depicting is okay. I can say definitively, “yes, the author knows this is messed up, but has elected to tell a messed up story, a fact that will be obvious to anyone who reads this,” instead of worrying that someone will see a fucked up story blind and think “oh, I guess that’s fine.” The contextual framing matters, is the point – which is why it’s so jarring and unpleasant on those rare occasions when I do stumble on a fic whose author has legitimately mistaken homophobic microaggressions for cute banter. This is why, in a ficwriting culture that otherwise aggressively dislikes criticism, the request to tag for a certain thing – while still sometimes fraught – is generally permitted: it helps everyone to have a good time and to curate their fan experience appropriately.
But when white and/or western fans fail to educate ourselves about race, culture and the history of other countries and proceed to deploy that ignorance in our writing, we’re not tagging for racism as a thing we’ve explored deliberately; we’re just being ignorant at best and hateful at worst, which means fans of colour don’t know to avoid or brace for the content of those works until they get hit in the face with microaggresions and/or outright racism. Instead, the burden is placed on them to navigate a minefield not of their creation: which fans can be trusted to write respectfully? Who, if they make an error, will listen and apologise if the error is explained? Who, if lived experience, personal translations or cultural insights are shared, can be counted on to acknowledge those contributions rather than taking sole credit? Too often, fans of colour are being made to feel like guests in their own house, while white fans act like a tone-policing HOA.
Point being: fandom and ficwriting cultures as they currently exist badly need to confront the implicit acceptance of racism and cultural bias that underlies a lot of community rules about engagement and criticism, and that needs to start with white and western fans. We don’t want to be the new Bronies, guys. We need to do better.  
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yanban-san · 2 years
Hello! Quick question a out your Demon au. You mentioned in the last post that the twins had pretty much disappeared all porn for you. So you are getting frustrated enough to attempt to booty call a friend, and uou work at Gear Station too? So there's probably an overlap in friends and coworkers. And some of those coworkers were created by the twins, right? Gear station is basically a melting pot of human workers, imp workers, and workers created by the twins. What is, since the reader feel like the Subway Bosses are unobtainable, they subconsciously go for the next best thing and booty call one of the agents that got created by the twins. Do the agents that were created by the twins even have their own will? Or are they just puppets? Both ways are amusing in their own ways. If the agent has its own will it is probably just internally screaming as soon as it realises what's going on. It got created by the twins but it doesn't want to get smited by the twins, thank you very much. And if it's just an empty puppet I feel like Emmet would get insanely jealous and frustrated. It's already an empty puppet, not like he can punish it for being the object of the reader's desires. Although, I feel like if they realise that the reader thought they couldn't have the Subway Bosses then went on to choose something similar/close to them (one of the Depot Agents they created) would they feel a little touched?
Also, the twins are, like, constantly looking at Darling to find out their likes/dislikes, right? What if they found out that the reader has a slight Monster Fucker Fetish? Would they subtly encourage the reader to read amut of more inhumane monsters similar to their ture form to gage how the reader would potentially like their true forms? Or would it all still fall under the porn ban?
Last thing, I swear. "They’ll terrorize you in more ways than just making you run around a subway for a few hours- And come to your rescue. You won’t think of being horny- Of looking for someone else, if you’re too busy thanking the stars that you’re alive, and safely in the embrace of the wonderful Station Masters who saved you." Bold of the Station Masters to not assume that getting scared just makes you even hornier. It's funny actually, when I first started watching horror movies, I got over my fear by looking up porn/porn parodies of the horror whatever. Now, I don't really get scared when confronted with horror stuff, my mind just goes 'great, now how can I fuck it?' How would they react to a reader who thought like that? And tends to just get proverbial 'fear boners' when they attempt to scare the reader from going on dates/booty calls?
Sorry if this is kinda long/rambly. I had a bunch of questions come to mind all at once. Let me know if you want me to spilt up the questions into different asks so it's easier to answer, if you want to answer my asks. Love your Demon AU! Its been giving me delicious brain rot.
Thank you for the ask, Terror! I love all these questions- And don’t worry about breaking it up or anything, you’re all good lol
Do the agents that were created by the twins even have their own will? Or are they just puppets?
I like the idea of them giving the servitor agents free will out of sheer laziness. It's harder to manage puppets because they have to manage all their responses and ensure they're working like functioning humans should all the time- It's much easier if they're just autonomous beings that obey the twin's orders either out of fear or reverence. Plus they can keep the demon-imp coworkers in line, since if the imps are present they may try to sabotage Ingo and Emmet if they are feeling particularly bold. Of course, if they get caught, a fate worse than death awaits them. The twins might not be familiar with human customs, but demonic/eldritch customs and behaviors? They're as hateful against their own kind as they can be, and they know how self-centered and vile literal demons and imps can be- and they have zero sympathy for them.
If the agent has its own will it is probably just internally screaming as soon as it realises what's going on.
Darling asks one of her very nice coworkers to go out with her to eat at her favorite grill n' pub one day, and the servitor, knowing one of the big rules they're supposed to follow is keeping you happy, accepts! They're quite curious as to why you've taken an interest in them, as well- It’s almost flattering, being asked to accompany the soulmate of their creators!
Until you have a margarita or two and then... confess... you're hoping they'll come home with you tonight. That you find them kinda cute, and- well, it wouldn't be like you'd start dating, or anything- but if they'd like... to have a little fun... you'd be more than happy to oblige.
Servitor picks up on what you're saying- And immediately starts sweating bullets.
You are their creator's beloved soulmate. They can't- Holy fuck, either Emmet is going to smite them into an ash pile or Ingo is going to eeby deeby them straight to the Void- and they're panicking, because there's a high chance they will be eeby deebied the moment you look away from them- It depends on the servitor specifically, but each having free will, and thus developing unique personalities, will respond differently. The responses will range from either trying to direct the conversation to how you feel about Emmet and Ingo, or saying they're flattered, but absolutely not- And also how do you feel about your bosses, Ingo and Emmet
Honestly this idea probably deserves a drabble at some point- I am loving the idea of the servitor depot agents having panic attacks over Darling liking them a little too much-
And if it's just an empty puppet I feel like Emmet would get insanely jealous and frustrated. It's already an empty puppet, not like he can punish it for being the object of the reader's desires. Although, I feel like if they realise that the reader thought they couldn't have the Subway Bosses then went on to choose something similar/close to them (one of the Depot Agents they created) would they feel a little touched?
If the servitors were just empty puppets, and reader either fell in love with one of them, or tried to booty call them, both the twins would be upset- You picked a literal hollow casket of a person over them? :( Now if there's a depot agent that looks vaguely like Ingo or Emmet... or perhaps reminds reader of the twins- And Reader happens to be a lightweight who can't handle a single margarita, and drunkenly confesses they want a no-strings attached one-night stand because the depot agent looks like the Subway Bosses, and Reader just feels like... they can't approach Emmet and Ingo that way-
The servitor is going to be flattered that you think them so close to their masters- and Ingo and Emmet are certainly touched in a strange way- You want them, but then why do you consider them unapproachable? They've made themselves the most approachable beings in existence to you! They've made sure you enter their office at least five times a day! You literally have to approach them daily! What do you mean unapproachable??
Also, the twins are, like, constantly looking at Darling to find out their likes/dislikes, right? What if they found out that the reader has a slight Monster Fucker Fetish?
They’re incorporating that straight into their plans to seduce you. 100%. There’s rumors of two monsters that lurk the subway tunnels at night and now your coworkers are daring you to go looking for them. :) You should. The monsters- they’re in the tunnel go get em tiger
Bold of the Station Masters to not assume that getting scared just makes you even hornier.
I'm sorry this idea has me dying because I have had this problem as well-
They lock their darling in the Scary Subway Station again, except this time, darling isn't... as afraid. In fact, yes, darling is nervous, that can be seen, but... also excited?
"Oh dang, I hope no big, scary monsters show up and ravage me while I'm totally defenseless down here. ;)"
And the two are horribly confused?? Why??? Darling is turned on???
Darling sits down, and they’re loosening the buttons on their work uniform, ya know- It's so hot in the subway tunnels, especially these weird scary ones where the vents aren't turning on-
Before turning over and seeing a beautiful, (but also terrifying because what the hell is that thing) shambling mass of wings and claws with a massive, impossibly long tail trailing behind it- slowly walking towards them- hissing in a cacophony of voices and none of them are speaking in a language she understands.
It lifts itself up, wings unfurling and holding a set over it's face- and it looks weirdly familiar- and it's radiating a beautiful, ethereal light...
Darling's thoughts are, in order, 1) that's not a pokemon, 2) that doesn't look like it belongs in the subway, 3) will it fuck me if I let it and 4) I should probably back away
Before telling the shambling mass of wings "...You're kinda hot"
And it just. Stops.
W̶̛̥̾h̴̤̞́ͅa̷̙̅t̸͙̣̖̐.̷̡͔̃̿ ̵̣̮̥̓̈́D̵̗̈́̉͜ͅì̸͚ḏ̴̗̭̀̚͝ ̵͉͖͔̈́̓y̵̧̭͇͆͠ṑ̷̧̗̳u̶̼̲̽ͅ.̸̨̯͓͗̈́̆ ̶͓̐̽̋J̵͚͝ű̴͓̭ș̵̤̈́́͜͠t̴̟̋̓͘ ̷̘͔̐̎̆͜ś̵̩̦̠a̶͙͎̓́̀y̶̡͌.̸̯̐̄
You can barely make out what it's trying to say to you, though you think it’s asking you to clarify-
"You're kinda ho-"
And then Ingo has to pin his brother down before he just absolutely wrecks you- because if he does fuck you like this you're probably going to have your brain melted at the very least from being so close to him- and heaven forbid you look into the source of his light-
But hey, now you know there’s a weirdly beautiful angelic-horrifying-dragon- thing living in the annex tunnels that... might be down to fuck. Who knows?
How would they react to a reader who thought like that? And tends to just get proverbial 'fear boners' when they attempt to scare the reader from going on dates/booty calls?
They'd probably change up their tactics- Rather than scare you with the supernatural, they'll scare you with the mundane. How terrifying it would be if you were trying to go out and suddenly a bus nearly runs you over- or a fire nearly breaks out in the bar you go to- Or there's an electrical malfunction at the amusement park-
But they’re also 100% playing up your fear boners/monster fetish- They’re suddenly okay with you reading and jerking it to monsters, especially if the involved monsters sound like their appearances. :) Also PLEASE go check out the subway tunnels on a dare- Please please please you might see some really cool monsters so please-
when I first started watching horror movies, I got over my fear by looking up porn/porn parodies of the horror whatever.
I just wanna say this is like. Beyond 4D chess levels of planning. To get over fears. I'm like. genuinely impressed. Why be scared of the rabbit from donnie darko when you can want to fuck the rabbit from donnie darko. The horrors are scared of you now.
Sorry if this is kinda long/rambly. I had a bunch of questions come to mind all at once. Let me know if you want me to spilt up the questions into different asks so it's easier to answer, if you want to answer my asks. Love your Demon AU! Its been giving me delicious brain rot.
Is all good! I really love asks and all the asks I’ve been getting about the eldritch boys have been amazing- I don’t mind however they come in, I just type up the replies as I have free time, lol. And thank you very much! They’ve been giving me terrible brainrot as well :,D
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sandbees · 3 years
I’m very clingy when on my period and shit because pain so like if someone that i trust is near me i kinda koala onto them, how would the first years be with Yuu like that.
I’ve always hated those people on their period are scary tropes cause i’m just clingy and tired, sometimes a bit loopy
(also in a lot of pain because of my hereditary period pains, very bad not fun for anyone involved. Almost passed out next to a pool one time)
Ah yes, period pains.
Yuu groans as she feels the pain in her lower region. Fuck, she didn’t have pain killers. This s u c k s.
Yuu clings onto Grim for most of the morning, but he says “no.” and escapes her grasp. So she has to find a new snuggle buddy, which is:
Yuu suddenly clings onto Ace, and he yelps in surprise.
When the initial shock wears off, he’s a mix of embarrassed and cocky.
“Oh, you like clinging onto me, huh? Am I that hot?” “Shut the fuck up, Ace.”
Ace will constantly tease Yuu about being all handsy and clingy but won’t push them off.
He’ll let you snuggle him until your period ends.
Ends up being clingy to you two. Perfect snuggle buddy. 8/10 would recommend, but also be prepared for a lot of teasing.
:00 the two sleep on each other’s shoulders is the epitome of their dynamic
Probably would get pain killers for Yuu if they suddenly get a rush of pain.
Deuce will short circuit if Yuu suddenly hugs him out of nowhere. Yuu has to tell him so he doesn’t just freeze.
Will gladly let Yuu cling onto him! Sure he’s all red in the face, but anything for a friend, right?
Plus, he doesn’t mind, he’ll even hug back when we gets the courage to!
Won’t mind taking naps with you between class.
“Are you feeling any pain? Do you want to go to the infirmary?”, Deuce is so sweet, he’s so concerned about Yuu’s wellbeing.
I see them as the dynamic of the two sleeping on the couch wrapped up in blankets.
Jack knows when Yuu is on her period because he can smell the blood. Immediately goes parent on you because he’s worried.
“Did you take your pain killers? Do you need anything?”, he’s worried for their well-being! Yuu is one of his closest friends, of course he’ll help them out!
If Yuu gets clingy and starts hugging him, Jack won’t push off. He’ll feel all bashful and mutter, “Why are you hugging me...”, but his tail wagging says a lot.
Smiles whenever Yuu isn’t looking as he pulls her closer.
He’ll let Yuu pet him or touch his tail (as long as no one’s looking, though!)
He’d be willing to carry Yuu to class if the pain seems too much (even to the infirmary if it’s serious)
This boy blushes, “Eh?! Why are you hugging me all of a sudden?!”
Doesn’t get the period thing, but understands that it causes your mood to shift.
Will allow Yuu to cuddle with him, but he’ll get all huffy and puffy.
“You can hug me...but don’t try to do anything else! I don’t want you to pinch my cheeks or cuddle...”
When Yuu gets tired, Epel will sometimes sing Yuu to sleep.
Catch Rook watching the two sleep on the grass. Vil comes over to scold them.
Will be very worried if Yuu feels pain or cramps because of their period. “Do you need to go to the infirmary? Should I go and make a remedy to help your pain? Should I ask Vil? I dislike Vil but I have to admit he knows his stuff for remedies like this.”
Will try to carry them bridal style if they want to go to the infirmary for pain killers. (This can go two ways; but he will also carry you with one of your arms around his shoulders)
Sebek, similarly to Deuce, would blue screen. And then end up all flustered.
“Wh-what are you doing?! ...Period troubles? O-Oh...uhh, then I shall help you!”
Let’s Yuu cling onto him the whole time (maybe even a few hugs or head pats if he’s feeling confident)
Does take your issue seriously. Feeling tired? Oh, better lay you down on some sort of bench so you don’t fall asleep and fall on the floor!
Feeling pains? Sebek will personally escort you to the infirmary to get you pain killers so you won’t feel any pain!
Craving physical affection? Well...he’s not rejecting the idea, just some head pats for now, though.
Sebek is horrified but Yuu says, “cool.” And eats it.
“.....oh no. My new craving.”
Lilia cooks food for Yuu during their period and Sebek is worried for his friend. Surely a human can’t stomach Lilia’s cooking for a whole week! Even Silver couldn’t keep the food down!
Will be by Yuu’s side from then on; just to make sure they don’t die of food poisoning!
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Laundry Day
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader and Spencer meet again in the laundry room and decide to have some fun. PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4 / EPILOGUE Category: Smut 18+ (oral sex- male and female receiving, unprotected penetrative sex, slight exhibitionism?/potential of getting caught, slight degradation) Warnings: sex, language. (As always, if there’s anything I missed, let me know what I should include in warnings. I want to be as mindful as I can about what I post. Thank you!) Word Count: 3k
Note: Surprise!! I was going to wait to post this on Saturday but Taylor Swift had me feeling like dropping a surprise, what can I say? 😂 Anyway, I wasn’t going to make another part to Pretty Please, but for one thing, it did way better than I was expecting, so thank you all for your kind comments and tags! And also, @rainsong01 mentioned something that gave me an idea for a laundry room scenario, so you can thank them for this one! I had so much fun writing this and I hope you like it! Thanks for all the love! 🥰
Y/N hated laundry day.
There was nothing more boring to her than loading clothes into the washer, waiting, then loading them into the dryer, waiting, and then folding them and putting them away, not to mention the laundry room was kind of dingy and felt like being in a gross, scary basement.
Thankfully though, years of living in the same building had given Y/N a pretty decent schedule of when the laundry room was empty. It wasn't like she disliked talking to people, but laundry made her cranky enough, and the last thing she wanted was human interaction, making small talk with building residents that acted like they cared to know about everyone else's business.
So it was Friday night, 7 pm, which meant that depending on if she had to work, the only other person in the laundry room would be Olivia from down the hall, someone Y/N had only had a few conversations with, either in the laundry room or on the way out the door.
She walked in, silently thanking the laundry gods after hearing complete and utter silence as she made her way to the washer and dryer to the far left of the room. Then she reached into her pocket and realized she forgot her phone. Cursing, she settled on basking in the silence as she loaded her clothes in the washer one by one, at least grateful that no one would be bothering her with pointless small talk.
Until she heard the door open, as if the laundry gods decided they were angry at her. She tried not to outwardly groan, hoping that whoever it was would just say, "Hello," and leave it at that. Or better yet, not say anything at all and let her do her own thing. So she closed the washer and entered the quarters, knowing that it would be a long ten minutes. She could have went back upstairs to her apartment and waited there if she really wanted to, or grabbed her phone at least, but it felt like it would have been pointless, and so she just hoped it wouldn't be awkward.
Maybe I'll just go walk around the building aimlessly for 10 minutes.
But the laundry gods had other plans, apparently.
She turned around and saw none other than Spencer Reid, clutching a large cloth bag, presumably filled with laundry.
"Spencer? Hi," Y/N greeted, a small blush forming on her cheeks. The two of them hadn't really talked since their... escapade about a month ago. Most of the time Spencer was at work, but whenever he was home there hadn't been anymore thin wall scenarios or overhearing something she shouldn't. They'd seen each other in the hallway a few times, winking as they passed, but that was it. Y/N had to wonder if maybe it was just a once-in-a-lifetime thing, being absolutely fucked into oblivion by your neighbor so good that you couldn't walk for two days.
Thinking about it made her cheeks burn hotter, so she cleared her throat and only slightly avoided eye contact. "I thought you did your laundry on Sundays?"
Spencer shrugged, walking over to the machine set next to hers. "Normally I would, but I just got back from work and I needed clean clothes. It's... pretty empty in here right now."
"Oh. Yeah, that's why I do my laundry on Friday nights whenever I can. Everyone's either out or staying in relaxing. Laundry's already boring enough, right, who needs annoying small talk?"
He laughed, opening the washer and putting in some of his clothes. "Touché."
Y/N wasn't really sure what to say after that, so she sat on top of the washer and crossed her legs, swinging them a little as she waited.
"Look, I know you've already given your stance on annoying small talk, but... What are your plans for the weekend?" Spencer asked, and she turned her head to meet his gaze, immediately feeling butterflies in her stomach.
"Um... Not a lot, really. Other than some grocery shopping and a few other small errands, I was going to have dinner with my mom on Sunday for her birthday. We might have to cancel though because she might have to go into work, but we'll see... What about you?"
He shook his head. "I don't have anything planned unless I get called into work either."
"Oh... Well, if you ever feel like having some company, you know where I live," she joked.
Spencer laughed. "I might just have to take you up on that. Things at work have been kind of... stressful."
Despite her better judgement, she smirked. "I seem to recall a similar conversation between the two of us not that long ago, Bud. You're not trying to fuck me again, are you?"
She just couldn't help herself. Admittedly she was a little worried she was too forward, but in the end it paid off, because he turned to look at her, shutting the washer and grabbing quarters from his pocket. "Would it be so wrong of me if I wanted to?"
The low tone of his voice made Y/N clench her legs tighter together, her mind racing with all the things that could happen in the next few days, the next few minutes even... She thought back to the last time he'd fucked her, seeing his face between her legs as he completely unraveled her. She felt herself growing wet at the thought.
"Absolutely not," she finally managed to respond. She hoped he would come over to her in a few long strides, pulling her in and kissing her right there, but instead he simply said, "Hmm," and turned back to his machine, putting in quarters.
He could have been playing games with her again, but she didn't want to take the chance. So she grew bolder and leaned back on her hands, puffing out her chest to the air and tilting her head to the side, letting her hair fall and exposing her neck to him. "Well, we have some time to spare, babe. What do you say we make the most of it?"
She was genuinely surprised to see him blush and freeze in his tracks, fumbling with the last few quarters as he inserted them into the machine and started the timer. "R-right now?"
"Duh," she replied, giggling.
"Somebody could come in... O-or hear us." A twinge of worry dripped from every syllable as he spoke, and though Y/N's first instinct was to apologize for suggesting it and letting it go, she thought better of it after remembering what got them into this situation in the first place.
So she scoffed. "Oh, please. You weren't the least bit worried about someone hearing us before. Y'know... When you promised to fuck me so hard I would scream your name and everyone could hear, and then I did? And besides, even if someone walked in right now, they'd probably just leave and come back later. People probably have sex with each other in here all the time."
"I doubt that, this place is filthy. Hardly the right setting for something so... intimate," he replied more clearly, obviously trying to win this argument. Though, something told Y/N he really was a little bothered about how dirty the laundry room was.
She shook her head. "You and I both know that what we did wasn't intimate. It was downright filthy, so if anything it works perfectly for where we are."
"Y/N, I don't know..." He chewed on his bottom lip and shuffled on his feet, refusing to look at her.
"Well, I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want to do, obviously, but... You can trust me. I've been doing my laundry here basically every Friday night since I moved here, and since Olivia is working tonight, she won't be here, and neither will anyone else."
"Well, I showed up, didn't I? Anything could happen."
She sighed, a little tired of arguing but still wanting to win. Her body tingled and practically ached at the sight of him, needing to feel his touch yet again. Maybe it was slightly pathetic, but if there was just the slightest chance that he would fuck her like that again, she had to try her damnedest.
So she had another trick up her sleeve, silently praying to the laundry gods that they would take pity on her and grant her this one thing. "You're right, but don't you think that you coming down here just moments after me was bound to happen? Like after everything we've experienced, we were always meant to have a quickie in the laundry room of our apartment building?"
He genuinely seemed to think about it for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "Truthfully I think it's more of a coincidence than anything that we showed up here at the same time."
There's your chance, Y/N, don't fuck it up, she thought to herself, hoping that with the seductive tone in her voice and the puppy dog look in her eye, it would be enough to get her what she wanted. "I was joking. Of course it's a coincidence, I just want you to fuck me."
He only stayed silent, fiddling with his hands and his eyes flicking between her and the floor before he caught her eye. In another attempt to entice him, Y/N batted her eyes and slowly spread her legs wide, scooting back a little so she could rest her heels on the top of the washer. "Don't you want to fuck me into the washing machine, baby?"
That was the last straw, the thing that pushed Spencer over the edge. He whispered, "Fuck it," to himself before striding over to her and cradling her face in his hands, bringing her to him and kissing her hard. She initially yelped at how harsh he was, but after a second she melted into him, leaning forward and bringing him closer.
She tried to wrap her legs around his torso, but he grabbed them by the ankles and kept them spread open, pulling away to look into her eyes. "Keep 'em open, pretty girl." The old nickname made her whimper, just like he knew it would, and his gaze burned into hers hotly for a few seconds before he bent down, kissing her inner thigh just below the hem of her shorts. She sighed as he trailed his lips and tongue along every inch of skin, switching to the other leg and giving it the same attention until he was ready for more.
Rather than pulling off her shorts and underwear, Spencer simply pushed the fabrics aside and immediately licked a long, flat strip up her pussy, to which Y/N sharply inhaled and reached out, grabbing his hair. He explored her just as thoroughly as he had the last time, his fervor unmatched and absolutely intoxicating as he pushed himself closer and closer, practically living between her legs. Due to the short time constraint and fear of getting caught, he didn't waste time teasing her, and he seemed determined to finish before the buzzing of the washer signaled clean clothes.
Naturally though, he couldn't not tease her, so just as she was about to finish with his lips wrapped around her clit, he pulled away and left her breathless and frustrated.
"Really? We're doing this again?" she huffed, pouting.
Spencer unbuckled his belt and raised his eyebrow. "All in due time, sweetheart. Come here."
Unsurprisingly, she did what she was told, jumping off the washer and waiting further instructions. It didn't take long for Spencer to move, only a few seconds passing by before he turned her around and pushed her against the washer, to which she instinctively bent her torso over it. She gripped the sides of it tightly as he ran his hands up her shirt and caressed her back, eventually using one hand to grip her waist and the other to lift her leg up, setting it on the washer. She readjusted, reaching her hands forward to grip the top of it as he slid his hand down her leg and toyed with the fabric of her shorts.
"Listen carefully," he said, causing Y/N's heart to pound harder in her chest. "I'm clean. Are you?"
"Yes," she stated simply, loud and clear, though adding a hint of desperation as to hopefully speed the process along. She knew this communication was important, but damn if she didn't just want to be railed into next week already.
"Birth control?"
She swallowed nervously, hoping it wouldn't change his mind. "I'm not on it."
"Noted," is all he said, before deftly moving her shorts and underwear to the side and slamming into her with no warning. She yelped, leaning her head back as he pounded into her, the cold metal of the washing machine digging into her skin. It was the best kind of painful pleasure, only made better when he gripped her hair into a makeshift ponytail and yanked her to him, deepening his angle inside of her and hitting that sweet spot every time.
"Spencer, I'm..." She could barely breathe, and she loved it, already feeling herself start to unravel.
"Close already, pretty girl?" he purred in her ear, right before pressing a wet kiss to her neck as he craned her head to the side for better access. "Figures... You've always been so easy to please. Such a good, needy little slut for me, huh?"
Y/N groaned at the new name, and it spurred him forward, encouraging him to push them both further into the washing machine as he moved his hips harder. "Please," she gasped, only seconds away from losing herself.
"Tell me what you want," he growled in her ear.
She squeezed her eyes shut and spoke as clearly as she could, not caring how loud she was being. "I wanna cum! Please, Spencer, please!"
"Do it," he grunted, giving her a few more deep, purposeful thrusts to aid in her high. "I got you, pretty girl." That's what did it for her. She yelled out as her body tensed and her walls fluttered around him, everything absolutely burning and blinding until eventually she was spent.
Spencer held himself inside of her for a few seconds, bringing himself closer to the edge before he roughly pulled out and away, leaving Y/N empty and alone. She was tired as hell and completely fucked out, but still she wanted more than anything to help him, ever the needy little slut, as he'd so eloquently called her. So she turned around, peeling herself away from the washing machine and dropping to her knees in front of him, not waiting for him to say anything.
She promptly leaned forward and wrapped her mouth around his cock, wasting no time hollowing her cheeks and setting a fast pace sucking him off. It had somewhat taken him by surprise, but he welcomed it, gathering her hair away from her face and watching as she went to work, practically worshipping the ground he stood on. Eventually she pushed herself all the way forward, allowing him to hit the back of her throat. Instead of pulling back to breathe, she held herself there and gagged, looking up at him with tears in her eyes before removing herself, taking two deep breaths, and going right back to work.
"Look at you," he mused, his voice barely there but with enough volume that allowed Y/N to hear him. "You look so good, pathetic and choking on my cock. Such a good fucking girl, fuck—"
In no time he was gripping her hair tighter and his breathing started to falter. Y/N held herself still as he came in her mouth, most of it hitting the back of her throat and all of it coating her tongue. She moaned around him, blinking tears away and running her hands over his ass until he pulled away from her and let go of her hair.
Standing up, Y/N swallowed most of his cum but purposely let some of it spill out of her mouth and down her chin, to which she used her middle finger to scoop it up and slide it back into her mouth. She kept eye contact with him the whole time, watching as his tongue flicked over his bottom lip before he bit it softly.
Once she was done cleaning herself up, Y/N ran a hand through her hair and smiled. "See, that wasn't bad at all. No trouble."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure the only trouble is you. Eavesdropping, making me fuck you in a semi-public place, et cetera..." He laughed as he pulled his pants up and re-adjusted himself as though nothing had happened.
"Don't act like you don't like it," Y/N teased, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing a deep kiss to his lips. He laughed against them, pulling her closer by her waist and resting his hands there when she pulled away.
As if to signal the end of their... whatever they were going to call it, Y/N's washer buzzed and she turned around to attend to her laundry. As she transferred the clothes from the washer to the dryer, Spencer came up behind her and brushed the hair away from her neck.
"You know, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything when I... called you a slut. I would never want to be mean to you or anything, and I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable."
Y/N almost laughed, amused again by how dominant he was during sex but then immediately a big 'ol softie once it was over. It was such a fun contrast, and truthfully, as much as she loved his dominant side, she wanted to see more of his softer one. So she turned around to meet him and caressed his cheek, smiling kindly. "I know you don't mean it to be mean. It was hot. And I appreciate you checking up on me, it's sweet. You're sweet."
Before he could say anything, his washer buzzed. So he settled on leaning forward, kissing her cheek, and walking away to do his laundry.
The two of them worked in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company until they realized they both had to wait for the dryer. 20 minutes.
"Round two?" he asked her with a mischievous grin.
Y/N returned it and took a step towards him when the door opened, laundry gods be damned.
"Oh, hey guys!" Olivia from down the hall chirped as she walked in, striding to her own station.
At least they had the rest of the weekend.
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arhvste · 3 years
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❝ my assumptions based on your fav hq character ❞
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these are all in good fun and not serious at all, please don’t get upset by them, my opinion doesn’t mean shit bby :,)
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-> a soft bitch with a big heart. you want others to do well and you love positive attention. you do however, get overworked by emotion and sometimes get played because of how nice you are. judge people a little harsher and don’t be shy to put a bitch back in their place, you got this
-> we get it youre a bad bitch but sometimes it comes across like you’re still going through your angsty teen phase. stop that, you’ll get permenant wrinkles if you keep it up. let yourself live a little freely and don’t be shy to leave your comfort zone more often. and stop getting sad over the smallest things okay?
-> horrible taste in men and you have a degradation kink. you wanna be called a little slut in the bedroom but would cry if you were called it anywhere else. you’re very kind people but you’re constantly putting yourself down and thinking you deserve shit over nothing. be kinder to yourself
-> you’re the supportive friend people go to when they need a pick-me-up however, you let yourself get walked over from time to time and it’s not fair on you. don’t be shy to kick a bitch and show them who’s can be the alpha >:) you’re a bad bitch with a big heart and you’re academically stable
-> shush, indoor voices please! it’s okay! we know you’re here you don’t need to shout! you’re probably between 4’0-5’3 and preach personality over looks which is fine because as everyone should. you’re insecure around others and feel the need to have a bigger presence to feel more confident. it’s okay though, i think you’re really hot and you should let yourself feel more comfortable with people you actually like more often.
-> loyal as fuck and dependable. you’re the bitch people know they can come to should they ever need it. you’re popular and you own every hallway you strut through. you let the feeling of dejection get to you though and worry about how you’re perceived by the people you’re surrounded by especially if there’s a potential love interest in your orbit. calm down and be yourself more, it’s their loss if they don’t fall for you anyway.
-> stop letting people talk over you! you’re that bitch so why the hell do you let people overpower you? you’re hot and you know you’re capable but you wallow up in self doubt and get upset over nothing. remind yourself that you’re hot, loved and talented more often because you need it.
-> you’re deceptive and it’s not always a bad thing. you’re good at switching up your personality and probably act fake to certain people which is fair enough. you can be a bit of a bitch sometimes but you’re hot and funny so you get away with it. learn to break down your barriers a little more though because when people start seeing your act they’ll become untrusting around you.
-> OKAY daddy issues pack it up now. no i’m kidding but you’re attracted to mentally stable people with good morals. someone that will take care of you and be there for you. try to be more self reliant and independent though.
-> we know you’re hot okay? you don’t need to post thrist traps on snapchat at 2AM every night we get it! you’re a little whiny and bratty but that’s a given. you’re a burnt out gifted child and you were probably in top classes or top league for a sport between ages 8-14 before you started becoming more average. that’s fine too though, just remember you have talents that lie elsewhere you just have to find them.
-> daddy issues 0.2. you’re bossy and demanding but fair. you judge others accordingly and have a good sense of who’s a good person and who’s not. you need to be more open with people and let more people in though. you’re protective of yourself and don’t let your walls down so easily. soften them and let others in more.
-> you’re just here for a good time and a good railing that’s all i have to say.
-> you’re the bitch that has to listen to the mattsun stans last hook up. you’re hot too, go have a good time.
-> you’re extremely hot and i would absolutely make out with you right here right now. no i’m kidding. i’m not but anyways, you have mommy issues and you need to get over it. you also need to stop being so analytical of people because some people don’t like being read and you step over peoples boundaries sometimes. control yourself you feral thing.
-> ah yes. everyone’s favourite ‘i have issues but i don’t want to deal with them, so i’ll be a whore online instead’. that’s a half joke but seriously, you’re doing fine bby you don’t even need to worry. nobodies judging you and even if they are they’re way uglier and dumber than you. even still you should be friendlier to those around you and let your guard down a little more.
-> you’re like a little dog. yappy and lively. you’re also very trustworthy and i would tell you my deepest and darkest secrets and feel safe about it. you’re strong willed and put others in their place at ease. you do however, need to be a little more selfish and put yourself first at times. selflessness is great but it’s okay to put yourself first sometimes and you need to do that more often.
-> you’re literally so hot and i’d be begging for your attention. you’re also slightly oblivious and have probably had several people crush on you at once but you’ve ignored them all unintentionally. you need to believe in yourself more and remind yourself that you’re that bitch. you’re capable of amazing things you just need to realise it yourself a little more
-> okay mx mood swings you need to stop acting out over nothing. you’re gorgeous don’t get me wrong but dropping your slice of bread on the floor isn’t the end of the world. get over smaller things quicker and become more aware of your surroundings. you have a really good set of close friends and you’re friendly to everyone around you. you’re very very loved but you need to stop getting caught up over pointless things.
-> you’ve probably been called ‘boring’ before but that’s far from the truth. you make snide comments and you’re witty. you’re one of the most mentally stable people and you don’t get upset over petty argument or fights. you do howver nit pick at situations and get too critical. stop that because you only annoy yourself more and put yourself in a bad mood.
-> you scare the shit out of me but in a good way. i’d be scared to talk to you because you’re so perfect? you do tend to come across as unapproachable though but that’s not your fault. smile a little more and don’t be afraid to laugh a little louder. your laugh is so pretty anyway so don’t be shy to let yourself loose a little more
-> you’re the type of person people think about for weeks after seeing you at the airport you’re that hot. you’re reliable and loved by many. you’ve got a good spirit and you’re mentally balanced. you need to stop overworking yourself though and stop getting too worried for other people in their place. you’ve already got enough on your plate so stop taking other peoples problems when you already have your own.
-> you’re a bitch. no i have more to say. you’re misunderstood. you come across as a shitty person but that’s just because you’re passionate and hard at communicating in a way that’s not so blunt. you’re petty and dislikable at first but after a couple of conversations, people find out there’s so much more to you. you’re funny, hot and talented. just remember to work on holding back on the blunt statements a little more.
-> 2nd best kinda vibes. you ARE the pretty best friend but people always ignore that because you’re kinda overshadowed by others around you. you’re like a diamond in the rough and valuable to those lucky enough to find you and get to know you. don’t put yourself down so much and show others you can be independent and unique because that’s exactly what you are
-> you’re hot and that’s it. you’re probably the type of person to not show up to classes but still manage to pass every exam with ease. you’re almost too cool to approach and people probably think you’re bitching about them when they see you on your phone. what they don’t know is that you’re really looking at pictures of cows that have been washed and blowdried. you probably own a pink princess cowboy hat and your instagram is probably everyone’s pinterest board. just stop slacking off though because you can achieve so much more.
-> you’re powerful and elegant. you’re very level headed and go about problems the efficient way. you hate time wasters and don’t let people make you their bitch. you probably have a slight god complex but that’s okay because when you’re as hot as you are, it’s understandable. stop being so uptight and sensitive about things though. be kinder to your mind and let go of the things not worth holding a grudge against.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @dear-kozume @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @dearestmegumi @kuxredere @warakou @iss6s @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake @wompwomphq @waitforitillwritemywayout @webworld @brokeasshoee @sunasbabie @rowley-with-ackerman @mjoork @trifliz @curiouslilbeast @ineedsomefoodpls @hp-hogwartsexpress
568 notes · View notes
nanikoreeeh · 4 years
― meaningless effort [ ch. i ]
a miya atsumu X chubby!reader story
synopsis;  there's a force to be reckoned within him, it beats inside his chest and plunges him forward; there's a craving in her heart that he fills, miya atsumu washes over you with the strength of a roaring tide and the water is creeping under your toes...
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author’s note; i didn’t mean to write this, @darlingtobio​ sent me a request of a stalker atsumu pinning on a chubby reader and i feel this is a concept i can explore and  develop further, i don’t know how many chapters this will have but i hope you can join me on the ride ;D
warnings; toxic behaviour, pinning, angst, fluff, smut, chubby reader, body image issues, insensitive atsumu at times, slow burn, stalking.
― if you liked the story it would mean the world to me if you could comment & reblog so i know that you enjoyed it, thanks a lot :D
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He can still remember the first time you smiled at him, the soft curve that lit your pretty lips upwards, the squinting of your kind eyes that showed him that your smile was sincere. He doesn’t remember why you smiled at him, but the context isn’t important, what matters is that he felt something inside him change. An urge to see you smiling like that again, to get to know how he could make you smile again like that.
He hadn’t really paid you much attention before that, but he knew he had been sharing classes with you during his three years of highschool. At first he can’t help but get frustrated about not noticing you sooner, he’s been so driven by volleyball that he hasn’t had the chance to properly think about being serious with someone. He gets over that negative feeling soon enough, what matters is that now he has the chance to really go for it, he’s career is looking bright and he can’t help but imagine what it would be like to have you by his side as he makes it to the top of competitive volleyball.
Then he finds out that you’re also moving to Osaka to attend college, and it feels like destiny.
“Good morning, Y/N-chan.” Greets you the blonde twin while leaning against your desk like every morning for the past weeks. Miya Atsumu has turned out to be a box full of surprises, you still get a little startled as he rests his elbows on the flat surface of your notebook, and you return his greeting with a smile.
He is softer than you’d expected, he likes to make small talk about the kind of places he likes to go when he has free time and to tell you about his games, “You should come to cheer me up someday.” He casually mentions and your heart gets excited at his proposal, but then he adds; “The team can always use the support”.
Of course you’d just be another girl in the stands cheering for his name, he doesn’t particularly care if it’s you or anyone else you guess. Yes, he is softer than you thought, but you find that your assumptions about him weren’t all that off, he’s a little too cocky sometimes.
Is better this way, it keeps you from liking him too much. He is too handsome and cheeky to not make your insides flutter, but you’ve seen several of his exes and know for sure you’re not really his type. You try not to let it get you down too much, is not like you feel worthless, but still, stings knowing he wouldn’t go for you.
So you keep up with his conversations and sometimes when he surprises you from behind, one hand pinching your sides as he mutters a “Are you thinking of something lewd?” you let yourself get excited, but only for a couple of seconds. Then at nights when your mind wanders into fantasies of the two of you being together you end up rationalizing that he’s just like that and that you should be careful of not falling for someone who doesn’t even sees you as someone they could fall in for.
You don’t notice the way his gaze lingers on your back when you walk away from him, and you think it's just a coincidence when you run into him while you’re hanging with your friends at your favorite cafe. He gives you an almost bored smile from the counter and goes to sit at his own booth all by himself after briefly saying hi to you.
You are about to leave when he sneaks by your side, his fingers tightly squeezing the chub on your upper arm to keep you from moving. It’s ridiculous how nervous his simple touch can make you. You look up at him confused, mildly worried about the placement of his hand. But he pays it no mind at your expression.
“Were you leaving without saying goodbye?” His tone is playful, the almost whisper in his voice makes your insides flip and you exhale to calm your nerves before asking as casually as possible.
“You seemed to want some alone time” you admit, shyer than you'd have liked.
He tilts his head sideways and only mutters an elongated “Mmh” at your answer, he looks at your group of friends waiting outside for you. “Where are you going now?”
“I think we’re going karaoking”. You notice he hasn’t let go of your arm, brown eyes intensely staring at your own. You don’t know what drives you to be bold and ask, but you do it anyways. “Why don’t you come with us?”
Atsumu can feel his heart jumping inside his chest, he knows it’s too cheesy, and still he can’t help it, nor his grip digging into your flabby arm with more strength for a couple of seconds. Are you actually asking him out?
Then the laughter of your friends tears his gaze apart from your eyes and he feels bitter. You must be asking just to be polite, and he doesn’t want his first date with you to be like this. He wants you all to himself, he’s never been big on sharing, he’s man enough to own it, so even if it pains him to part himself from you, especially after coming all the way to this place just for you has to say no.
At night, as he stares at the ceiling of his room a thought can’t help but wander to his mind: sometimes he dislikes you, who are you and why are you making him feel like this, act like this? He’s never been one to hang onto a crush like this. Today was unexpected, yesterday he was scrolling to your instagram and just a couple of hours ago he gave up his free day to follow after you? He opens your stories once again even when you haven’t made an update since your last clip of you entoning - quite awfully if he is being honest- the opening of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
He tosses around in bed scrolling through your pictures finding just the right one: the hem of your school skirt has ridden high enough for him to see a thin line of skin that your long stockings usually hide. It’s nothing, is just a small glimpse at your legs but still it has him wondering what kind of other thing you could be hiding.
He spits in the palm of his hand, pulling down at his boxers just enough to set his semi half cock free, he coats his member on his emission, head tossing back and a sigh emitting between his lips. What kind of panties do you wear? He strokes himself slowly but firmly, his shoulders easing into the delicious friction. He stares at the picture, you’re doing the peace sign and it’s summer, the outline of your boobs looking so tempting inside the white fabric of your blouse. He begins to stroke himself harder.
What kind of bra are you wearing in that picture? He presses his thumb against his slit, delicious pain flooding through his core. What kind of bra are you wearing right now? Are you even wearing any bra, any clothes?  His erection grows, his mind creates an picture of what he imagines your naked body to look like, he imagines you spread open, juices flowing from your pussy as your fingers desperately try to fuck your hole, but you can’t… He wonders if perhaps you’re doing the same thing he is doing right now…
Maybe your fingers are really rubbing against your own clit at this exact moment, face flushed and eager rhythm, you need to come, you want to come… but you can’t, you are missing something, you’re whimpering into your pillow, wet noises coming from your ministrations but you just can’t come…
What if you’re whimpering his name as you shove your fingers into your tight cunt? He could make you come so badly, he wants to make you come so badly… His strokes grow faster, his pace more erratic. He bets if it were his fingers inside your pretty pussy he’d have you seeing stars, his fingers reaching that spongy tissue that would have you coming undone.
He can almost hear your needy whimpers…
“Atsu… A-Atsumu… please, just fuck me”.
He is so close, frantic strokes and his teeth biting his lips to avoid making any kind of sound that will give away what he is doing, he limits himself to strangle his groan, the metallic taste of blood flowing through his papilas but he doesn’t care. He imagines  pounding into you, your arms holding to his neck for dear life as his balls slap against your sore pussy, you are coming around him and he is filling your insides with his come…
His respiration is coming uneven, lound pants making his chest rise and fall, warm capitulation covering his fingers and his abdomen and his glossy eyes stare at your picture again.
You are hideous, you are just the worst,  and Atsumu really wants to mean it…
He turns around, stomach flat against his bed, head tilted sideways, fingers clenching around his phone, your face clearly present behind his closed lids. His heart is aching, he can feel it longing, needy for your presence by his side.
Sometimes he dislikes you, he dislikes that you leave him craving you like this. Do you even think about him? He sighs, the heavy drowsiness from sleep beginning to take him away.
He mutters your name in the darkness, it wraps around him like a soft duvet. Should he embrace you?
He thinks about your smile, that damned smile that was the beginning of his downfall… He is gonna embrace you, but you’re not going to own him, not unless he makes you need him just as much. He is gonna make sure you embrace him too.
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Part i of the Without You series: When Colson and Megan break up, the boys count on Y/N to piece Colson back together, which only leads to disaster.
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Colson being kind of a dick, cursing, a little bit of aggression/ violence. This one’s definitely angsty.
A/N: This was supposed to be just a one part fic. Then that turned into 2 parts. And then 3. And then all of a sudden I had written 5 parts and over 10,000 words. Enjoy 😊 (also this is v unedited so if you see a mistake... mind ya business)
Word Count: 2084
| ii | iii | iv | v | vi |
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When you got the text from Rook, you knew it was probably gonna be bad. 
Megan just left him, for good. Not gonna be pretty the next few days so maybe don’t come by anytime soon. 
Your heart broke for your best friend. Colson had been really in love with Megan. And as much as you hated seeing them together for your own personal reasons, you could tell he was really happy. 
Ok. Let me know if you guys need me. If it gets bad I can take Casie for a few days. Take care of him for me pls. 
You and Colson had been friends for years now. You knew almost everything about each other, you told him everything. He let you crash at his place after your ex kicked you out, and you had spent many hours curled up with him, watching stupid movies to distract him from his most recent breakup or mental breakdown. 
But this was different. Colson told you he wanted to marry her at some point, and you knew he wasn’t lying. And you couldn’t blame him. As much as you hated no longer being the only women (other than Casie) in his life, you couldn’t dislike Megan. She was just one of those people who everyone loved. 
The thought of texting Colson crossed your mind, but you weren’t sure if it would hurt or help. From the sound of it, he was a wreck.
So, naturally, you texted Pete. 
Have you talked to Cols yet?
With Colson came Pete, or came you, you weren’t really sure. Somewhere along the way you and Pete had become close friends. He was like the older brother you’d never asked for, and he would probably say something similar about you. 
You couldn’t really explain it, Pete could read you like a book. And because of that, he knew everything. He was the only one to catch on to the way you sometimes looked at Colson for too long, or got irritated when he’d bring a new girl around. 
I’m heading over there right now. You should talk to him.
You rolled your eyes.
Not sure that’s the best idea. You guys are better at handling... all that. Once he gets a little less angry then I’ll take him. 
Pete texted you back a few minutes later.
Thanks for the support, kid. I’ll keep you updated. Just pulled in.
Good luck, Petey.
You tossed your phone on your bed, a sigh leaving your lips. You decided worrying was a problem for another day.
No more than 12 hours later you were getting a phone call from Rook. 
“Dude it’s like 4 in the morning, why are you calling me.” 
“Y/N, we’ve tried everything. He’s locked up in his room and every time one of us tries to talk to him he blows up. Literally he almost punched Slim a few hours ago.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, groaning at the predicament. “So now you want me to come over?” You asked, “What do you think I’m gonna be able to do?”
“Well he’s not gonna try and hit you for one. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but he’s significantly nicer to you than to anyone else.”
“What do I even say to him? “Sorry that the love of your life broke up with you but at least we can smoke pot and watch Spongebob?” I mean come on, man. I’m not good at this.”
“Please.” He pleaded, “We’re all out of options and I can’t stand to see him get any worse than he is.”
You moved off your bed and towards your dresser. “Fine, I’ll be there in 15.” 
You threw on the first pair of sweatpants you could find and slipped on shoes, grabbing your key and heading out the door.
True to your word, you pulled up to the house 15 minutes later, parking on the side of the street and heading straight into the house. When the guys saw you, they visibly brightened up. 
“You guys are such fucking wimps.” You rolled your eyes as you made your way towards the stairs. 
Baze chuckled, “We love you Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes and continued on your way, stopping by Casie’s room to see if she was asleep. To your surprise, she wasn’t. 
“Hey sweet girl,” you whispered as you entered her room, “why are you still up?”
She smiled a little when she saw you. “Couldn’t sleep. I’m really worried about Dad.” 
You leaned on her doorframe, sending her a sad smile. “I am too. But he’ll be okay. Your dad’s pretty tough.”
“I know,” she sighed, “but he really liked Megan.”
“Did you?” You ask, trying to gauge her emotions. 
“I mean, I guess so. She was nice to me. Most of his girlfriends aren’t that nice to me.” 
“That’s a pretty shitty way to measure if you like someone or not.” She giggles at that. “Don’t tell your dad I said that word in front of you.”
“Ok. She was nice. And she made him happy so, yeah, I guess I liked her. Not as much as I like you but...” Casie’s voice got higher as she dragged out the last word and you just rolled your eyes with a chuckle. 
Casie had this fantasy of you and Colson getting married one day, but you always told her it would never happen. 
“Ok kiddo, whatever you say.” You teased her, “try and get some sleep, okay?” 
She nodded with a smile. “Are you gonna go talk to Dad?”
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later, okay? If you need to come over and talk or stay the night or anything just call me, okay?”
“Okay. Love you.” She said quietly. 
“Love you too, Case.”
You shut the door to her room, moving down the hallway to Colson’s door. You took a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare for what was about to happen, and knocked. 
“I told you guys to go the fuck away.” A muffled yet angry voice said from the opposite side of the door.
“It’s me, Cols. Y/N.” You said, hoping he could hear you. 
When you got no response you asked, “Can I come in?” 
A few more seconds of silence followed, and then the lock clicked and the door opened. You stood face-to-face with your best friend. His hair was a mess, falling in his face. The bags under his eyes were darker than ever, and the frown he wore made him look even more pathetic. You felt your heart breaking. 
As you met his eyes, you gave him a sad smile. “Hey Cols.” 
Instead of responding, he wrapped his arms around you, leaning down and resting his head on your shoulder. You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair. 
He started walking backwards, pulling you with him as he continued to hug you. One of his hands pushed the door shut and he sat on his bed, finally letting go of you. 
You looked down at him, grabbing his hand and holding it in your own. It was something you had done before, you two were very touchy people and so half of your friendship was just you two cuddling or play fighting or holding hands.
“So we can do one of three things,” you started, “We can talk about it, we can cuddle and watch something stupid and pretend nothing’s wrong, or we can get high and do something stupid.”
For the first time in what you would imagine to be all night, Colson smiled. it was a very small smile, but you took it. 
He looked up at you through his eyelashes. “And by stupid you mean...”
You rolled your eyes, “I mean we can go set off bottle rockets in the backyard or try to jump off your roof and into the pool.” 
“Oh damn. I was hoping you were gonna say you would suck my dick.” 
Your eyes widened at his bluntness and the implication. You shoved his shoulder, “Colson! That’s gross!” You giggled, but his expression was unwaveringly serious. 
“I’m being serious.” He deadpanned and you furrowed your eyebrows. 
“Colson what the fuck?” Your mind was spinning trying to figure out if he was joking. 
You got your answer when he stood up, grabbing your waist and leaning over you. “I thought you’d want to...” 
You took in a breath at the sudden proximity, trying to back away from him but his grip remaining firmly on your waist. “Colson, stop. Please. This isn’t funny.” 
You could smell the alcohol on his breath and you had to keep reminding yourself of that fact. He’s drunk, and sad, and doesn’t know what he’s saying. 
“I thought you’d want to, cause it’ll make me happy. And you’ll do anything to make me happy.” One of his hands reached up and grabbed your jaw, making sure you couldn’t look away.
“Colson you’re being a fucking weirdo, let me go.” You raised your voice. Your heart was racing at this point and the thoughts flowing around your head were not pretty. 
You were always anxious for the day he’d figure you out. When he’d finally realize how you felt for him. But this was worse than anything you’d thought of. 
“You’ll do anything to make me happy because you love me, right?” 
You felt tears stinging in your eyes, wanting nothing more but to look away from his sinister expression. The way he was looking at you made it very clear that he was enjoying your discomfort, your embarrassment. 
He walked forwards, pushing you gently against the wall. His arms went to either side of you, his face inches from yours. You tried to look away, but his hand on your jaw forced you to face him.
Any other time you would have loved for Colson to pin you against his wall, but this was wrong. 
“Just say it. Say you’re in love with me, and I’ll drop it.” 
“Colson, what the fuck are you on right now?” You tried to steer the topic away from you, but he wouldn’t have it. 
“Say it.” 
You reached up to try and push his chest away from you, but he was much taller and stronger than you, so you did nothing. 
“Just tell me!” He yelled at your silence. A tear slipped down your cheek as you trembled under him. His face was red and his eyes were watering. 
 “Why are you doing this?” You whispered. This all felt like a bad dream, like a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from. 
“Because I need to know if she was right.” His voice got a little quieter, but he still wouldn’t move away from you. “I need to know if the reason the love of my fucking life just left me is true.”
You were shaking, your breaths getting shorter. “What are you talking about.” Your words were choked. The grip on your jaw started to get a little too tight.
“I defended you!” He yelled, tears falling from his face. “She told me that you were in love with me and I defended you.”
“Colson you’re hurting me.” You whined, trying to wriggle your way out of his grasp. He ignored your statement and continued talking, but his grip loosened slightly.
“And then she told me that she thinks I’m in love with you.” His voice was getting darker. “And that’s why she left. So I want to make it very clear to you.” He paused, leaning closer to your ear. “I will never love you. Ever. Not now, not in a million lifetimes. You mean nothing to me.”
Your vision was blurry from your tears, so you blindly reached out to push him away from you. His body seemed to have given up, as he moved backwards out of your way, stumbling slightly. Through your tears you could make out a smug smile on the man before you ran out of the room, slamming the door behind you.
You ran down the stairs, the guys waiting for you to give them good news, but their hope turned to concern once they saw you. You walked straight past them towards the door, not trusting yourself to say anything without breaking completely.
As you reached for the door handle you heard a faint yell from upstairs, followed by loud banging, and then silence. You sniffled, turning the handle and leaving the house, much to the protest of your friends.
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kurowrites · 4 years
Since you like cute fluffy prompts, how about everyone assumes LWJ and WWX will end up together for political reasons (which is fine, it's a smart match) but then slowly come to the realization that they actually really like each other?
Celebratory arranged marriage fic! This is probably not what you expected, but oh well! :D
"Wangji, are you sure this is what you want?" Lan Xichen asked.
Lan Xichen had invited Lan Wangji to the Hanshi to have tea with him, and although Lan Wangji had expected his brother to have something on his mind that he did not want to discuss in front of their uncle, he would have preferred if his brother had not voiced his concerns. It would have made things... easier.
Lan Wangji studied the bottom of his teacup for a long time before he was able to raise his gaze to meet the concerned eyes of his brother and speak.
"Xiongzhang," he finally said. "I have agreed to the proposal. I am not... unwilling. I never expected to fall in love."
Lan Xichen looked like he wanted to say something, but one glance from Lan Wangji had him maintain his silence.
"I do not place value on such impermanent emotions. To have a steady companion will be enough."
"Oh, Wangji," Lan Xichen sighed. "Sometimes I fear Uncle has had too much success with your education. You deserve to be loved, you know?"
Lan Wangji did not know how to reply to that.
He was not unhappy, that was the truth.
He had long known that a political marriage would be an inevitability, eventually. The steadily aggravating situation with the Qishan Wen sect, Jin Guangshan's own questionable ambitions; it had only been a matter of time until the other sects saw their hand forced. It was only natural that they would want to strengthen their own alliances and raise their defences. Arranged marriages were only too common in situations as these.
He should be glad, he thought, that his chosen partner would be Wei Wuxian. His uncle might not be as happy with the choice, might have preferred someone else, perhaps a woman. But to Lan Wangji, it had been the best choice out of the few that he had had. The Gusu Lan and Yunmeng Jiang sects needed a stronger alliance, and barring marrying Jiang Wanyin himself, Wei Wuxian had been the best choice. Naturally, Madam Yu would insist that Jiang Wanyin's wife would be a woman, someone that could bear the future sect heir.
Thinking rationally, choosing Wei Wuxian had been less of a choice and more of a given. The marriage needed to be both strong in terms of the ties that it created, but also unoffensive enough so that no other sects would object.
The only other possible choice would have been Nie Huaisang. But considering that Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen were already sworn brothers, the alliance to the Jiang sect took precedence.
Lan Xichen sighed again.
"I just want you to be happy, Wangji."
"I am content, Xiongzhang. There is no cause for unhappiness."
His brother said nothing, but Lan Wangji could read his thoughts on his face.
After all, he had deliberately evaded referring to himself as 'happy.'
When he had agreed to the marriage, he had thought about Wei Wuxian, and felt a sliver of worry. Lan Wangji might be content to marry for politics, and settle for nothing more than a companion, but he had always felt that Wei Wuxian would want more than that.
Wei Wuxian had always been a passionate person; it followed that he would be a passionate man when it came to love, as well.
Instead, he was going to marry Lan Wangji.
Would he be content with simple companionship? Lan Wangji had considered it once, offering Wei Wuxian the opportunity to practice... certain activities outside the marriage, to keep a lover on the side. But something deep inside him rebelled against the idea. He didn't know if he would be able to live with the knowledge that his husband would seek the embrace of another.
And Wei Wuxian had agreed to the marriage, after all. He had known who Lan Wangji was when he agreed, and he had known the conditions attached to the marriage.
Still, there was the smallest nagging voice in the back of his head that told him that someone like Wei Wuxian was made for love. Not for marrying men like Lan Wangji for the sake of politics. He still remembered when Wei Wuxian had visited Cloud Recesses for the first time. He had heard that Wei Wuxian had calmed down a little since he had become an adult, but Lan Wangji remembered all too well how much of a flirt he had been, how openly he had carried all his emotions on his sleeve. Wei Wuxian had not been made for politics.
Still, the marriage would happen. They had both agreed to the proposal, their families had agreed to the proposal. Soon, they would be here, and Lan Wangji would be a married man.
"So," Wei Wuxian smiled once they were finally alone, back in the familiar quiet of the Jingshi. "Looks like we're married, huh? I feel a little bad for you - you must have wanted a nice, quiet wife, and yet here you are, with someone who's neither nice, quiet, nor a wife."
He let his eye wander over the room in front of him, and Lan Wangji wondered what it looked like to Wei Wuxian's eyes. As the rest of Cloud Recesses, it must seem like a horribly boring place to him.
Lan Wangji himself had no eyes for the room in front of him, however. He looked at Wei Ying, resplendent in his red wedding robes, and tried to remember if Wei Wuxian had already been this handsome before, or if the maids had simply done an excellent job in anticipation of the wedding ceremony. He truly looked like a heavenly prince, in his red robes, his hair half done up with an elaborate braid, decorated with a hair piece that had been part of Lan Wangji's betrothal gifts.
"What about the living arrangements?" Wei Wuxian asked, rousing Lan Wangji from his thoughts.
Lan Wangji frowned. "It is customary that we share the Jingshi with each other."
Wei Wuxian sent him a look he found difficult to decipher.
"Is that what you want?" he asked. "Forgive me my bluntness, Lan Zhan, but I cannot help but think that my presence here will be a disturbance for you. I don't want to force you into bearing my presence and suffer my noise. I know you don't like to be touched; you can hardly be wanting to share a bed with me."
Lan Zhan felt his heart thump loudly. He had considered before that it was possible that Wei Wuxian might insist on a token marriage. That was essentially what it was, after all. But now that he was faced with Wei Wuxian's evident dislike of the idea to cohabit, he found himself... disappointed.
"I had hoped for companionship," he found himself saying, hardly even knowing what he was doing. "I- No. It does not matter. If you are unwilling to share quarters, I will look for another room. The Jingshi is yours."
His answer was met with wide, disbelieving eyes.
"Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed. "Why would you think I'd be unwilling to share? Or throw you out of your own home? I was trying to be respectful of your wishes! I-"
He suddenly fell silent.
"Wei Ying."
Wei Wuxian sent him another unreadable look.
But Lan Wangji was good at waiting people out. He stood there, silent, as he studied the beautiful embroidery on Wei Wuxian's robes, and watched his husband consider his answer.
"I had hoped for a hug," Wei Wuxian suddenly burst out. "That's it. I know I can't expect much from this marriage, Lan Zhan, and I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to, but I had hoped for at least a hug, now and then.  If I can't-"
He bit his lips and fidgeted with the seams of his robes.
"Look at me, doing my best to fuck this marriage up on the wedding night," he said, laughing quietly, even though there was nothing funny about it.
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji said again. Wei Ying looked at him, and Lan Wangji was almost sure there was something akin to fear in his eyes.
That was… distasteful. He did not want his own husband to be afraid of him. And he would never want-
He himself remembered a time when a hug had been all he had wanted, but he had never had the courage to ask for it. And now, all he had left was the bitter taste of regret.
He tried to find the right words that would adequately express that he was willing to work for the success of this marriage, token or not. That he was willing to accommodate Wei Wuxian, within the realms of possibility. They had both agreed to this marriage. They had to pay the price.  
But the words would not come, not as he wanted them to.
In the end, he could do nothing but uselessly lift his arms.
"I will hug Wei Ying," he said.
It was terribly nonsensical and did not help in illustrating the point he was trying to make. But Wei Wuxian smiled a sudden, brilliant smile, and stepped right into his arms as if it were nothing.
"Mh," Wei Wuxian said, his face pressed into Lan Zhan's shoulder.
And Lan Wangji closed his arms, giving the promised hug.
Maybe that was enough, for now.
The next morning, Lan Wangji woke before dawn, as he always did.
For once, however, things were a little different.
On this morning, he woke with Wei Wuxian still in his embrace, his face buried in Lan Wangji’s shoulder, occasionally huffing out a deep breath that warmed Lan Wangji’s skin through his wrinkled robe.
Lan Wangji considered his new reality for a moment. He decided that the assessment he had given his brother had been accurate:
He might just be able to be contented, indeed.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Alright alright ty for responding! I’m super hyped abt this one hehe but here I go:
This is for Frankie Morales, who I love so freaking much ☺️
Okay okay here: A high school reunion where Frankie and Reader meet again after 10 years.
They had such a huge crush on one another and reader was ‘popular’ while Frankie was just shy/nerdy. Maybe they dated but had to separate while they were in college because of the distance but they still have feelings after all these years?
Also reader has learned that Frankie has a kid but didn’t know that his wife divorced him so she’s kind of upset until Frankie tells her (assuming she runs off or something?).
Eventually they start again in their relationship and it’s a fluffy and cute!
I love angst and fluff so since you like writing about those I thought you would be a great person to ask hehe. Anyways I love your works so much and thanks in advance if you write this! ❤️✨
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A/N: this is literally just a ton of softness, enjoy! 💕
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: none
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You could hardly believe your eyes as you scanned the room and found the one person you hadn’t been expecting to see. Out of all the people in the world, there was Frankie Morales, across the crowded ballroom, mingling with a few other of your old classmates. It had been two whole decades since you’d last seen him; two decades since you’d last kissed him, last told him you loved him, last held him. Back then you had been positive that you wouldn’t see the last of him. 
You knew he’d gone into the military after high school, greatly deviating from your plans of college, and ultimately causing your break up. You’d never heard a word from him or seen so much as a glimpse of him since the day of your graduation. At first you had been hopeful that you’d see him again sometime at some point, but the time had never come. That had led you to believe that he wouldn’t even be coming here tonight, to your class reunion. You could just picture him saying something along the lines of ‘why? what a silly waste of time!’ Unbeknownst to you, he hadn’t actually planned on coming - not until he’d gotten word through the grapevine that you’d be there. 
The sight of him was enough to take your breath away; he still looked exactly the same after all this time, just older, hardened, and world weary. Much like yourself and everyone else here, you supposed. But when his soft, chocolate eyes met yours, you couldn’t help but grin at him, the corners of your mouth tugging upwards without a second thought. Turning to the group of women you were chatting with, you offered them a half hearted excuse and made your way over to teenage love. Frankie didn’t hesitate to do the same.
Meeting halfway in the middle, you almost crashed into each other, your body practically humming with excited nervous energy as you stared at Frankie - your Frankie. He smiled that same smile you’d fallen in love with all those years ago, his magnificent dimple making its appearance. 
“Honey Bee-”
“I can’t believe you’re here,” you both said excitedly, before breaking into a fit of giggles. At least you were on the same page about this one. Part of you had always wondered, even if just a small, tiny part of you, whether he held any disdain or dislike for you after you ended your relationship. It had been hard at the time, you were both lovestruck young fools, but you both knew at the time, even if only deep down, that it was the right thing to do. Maybe it had all happened the way it did for a reason. 
“Do you want to go outside? To the gardens?” he asked softly as you nodded in response. Without a moment of hesitation, he reached for your hand, clutching it tightly, but gently, in his much larger one, lacing your finger together without a second thought. Trailing behind his long strides, you couldn’t help but admire his frame; tall and broad, with just the right amount of softness that somehow remained firm. He’d gone from a good looking teenager to a handsome man. 
Once you were away from all the commotion and outside in the cool evening air in the gardens decorated with lightly twinkling lanterns, he paused and turned to study you. A look of pure adoration was etched into his eyes as his hands found either side of your face and he gently traced over your features. 
“You are just as beautiful today as you always have been,” he beamed at you, “my sweetest Bee. After all these years, I get to see you again.”
“May I kiss you?” as soon as his name fell so softly from your lips, he couldn’t help him. It was like he was eighteen again, and falling over, so easily, so effortlessly. You watched with wide, doe eyes, the most innocent expression on your face as you nodded before biting on your lip.
Before either of you could think too much about it, he crashed his lips onto yours and kissed you with a fervent, but gentle intensity. It was like no time had passed and neither of you had to think about it; it all worked so easily. Just like it had always been meant to be.
When you finally, reluctantly, pulled apart, you grinned at each other like fools. You couldn’t help but steal a few more kisses from him. “Frankie...I never thought I’d see you again. I can’t believe you’re here.”
“I wasn’t planning on coming,” he admitted sheepishly, looking down at his feet for a moment, “but I heard you were going to be here, and I had to come.”
“For me?” a flush rose into his cheeks as you beamed at him and offered up a shy nod.
“Of course,” he confessed, “why else? I always hoped I’d see you again one day...I never stopped thinking about you. How horribly cliche is that?”
“Well, even if it is, then I suppose that makes the two of us fools,” putting your hand on his cheek, you traced your thumb over his features, “you’d always cross my mind...a lot. Probably more than I should have…”
“Somethings never change, huh?” he laughed light as he led over to an empty bench surrounded by beautiful evening blossoms. You sat next time, watching with nervous intensity as he held your hand in his, “how’ve you been, Bee? Really? Tell me everything.”
“Only if you promise to do the same.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
And it was easy to talk to him; just like it always had been. In some ways, it was like no time had passed at all. With him you never had to think about what to say, or worry about him passing judgment or anything. It just was...and it was a beautiful thing. An odd longing feeling settled into your stomach the more you listened to him, leaning in closer and closer until you were almost in his lap. In some ways you wondered if it had always been him. Like you were both here again for a reason. You liked the idea that everything happened as it was meant to, as the universe willed it. 
“But then my wife…” as soon as the words hit your ears, you tilted your head to the side and gave him a confused expression. Wife, wife, wife. Holy shit.
Springing to your feet, your mind was reeling as you imagined all the ways in which you had fucked up, but Frankie was fast on his feet and was still right behind you, calling your name as he tried to catch up, reaching for your hand. Of all the things you had imagined, this wasn’t one of them. Eventually you stopped and turned to face with a wide eyed expression, “what do you mean wife? Frankie, I-I still have a lot of the same feelings I always did, but if you have a wife-”
“Bee, please no,” he shook his head fervently, trying to get you to calm down and calm his own racing heart, “no, no, no, I shouldn’t have said it like that - old habits die hard. I meant ex-wife. We’ve been…we’re divorced, and have been for over a year.”
As if to prove his point, he held up his left hand and showed you that he wasn’t wearing a wedding band. His own eyes flitted awkwardly to our own hand, almost as if to check that you weren’t someone else’s either. Instantly you felt foolish and silly, knowing it had been foolish to explode like that. You should have known better; Frankie would never lie to you, “I-I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry, Frankie. I just...I couldn’t handle the thought of you...well doing anything with someone’s married, or you being married to someone still. Needless to say, my own marriage didn’t end well; he cheated on me with multiple women.”
“I would never put you in that position,” he promised softly, “and I would never do that to anyone. Especially not to you, Honey Bee. If...if you’ll have me, however you want, I promise you I will never lie to you. I never have and never will.”
“Promise?” you looked at him with glossy eyes as your lip trembled, but he just nodded and reached for your hand, pulling you closer to him, “Francisco…”
“Of course,” he replied softly, “so full disclosure - I’m a divorced, single dad - very proud dad of the sassiest and sweetest little girl that is my world. I know that’s a lot, on top of everything else I’ve told you, but that’s...that’s what it is. Who I am. I guess it’s probably not what you were expecting...probably a let down.”
“No,” you promised him quickly, with a big, wide grin, “it’s wonderful. You’re wonderful, Frankie. None of those things are a letdown; you’re perfect. We’ve all got our issues - I’m a divorced, single dog mom that’s considered a failure by so many people because I went to college and ended up doing something completely different, and now run a small coffee shop. It’s not exactly lucrative, but I love it.”
“You always wanted a coffee shop,” he remembered; you’d told him about it more times than you could remember when you were just kids, “your dream came true!”
“It’s even better now,” you insisted softly, “because I’m here - with you. I think...I think it’s the only thing I’ve ever really wanted. Seeing you again, after all this time...it’s still you, Frankie.”
“After all this time?”
“Good,” he beamed at you, “I’m glad the feeling’s mutual. Honey Bee...may I kiss you again?”
“And again and again and again?” you laughed at his playfulness, but underneath it all, you could see there was a serious side to all of this. He was looking at you like you had hung all the stars in the glittering night sky, “if you’ll still have me?”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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ackermanslov4r · 3 years
request :HI! I love your writing! i was wondering if you could write an enemies to lovers one where Levi and (Y/N) are roommates but they hate each other, and then something bad happens like (Y/N) her brother or sister die and she gets really sad and levi is just being mean because he doesn’t know how to comfort her and they end up having an actual conversation and get to know each other a bit more and they start catching feelings but they don’t know what to do so (Y/N) gets a boyfriend to take her mind off levi and he gets jealous and gets a girlfriend but both of them are really just trying to make each other jealous and they end up getting angry and confronting each other and finally get together? That was really specific but it would be cool. THANKS
thank you! it’s quite long,it literally took me two weeks to write it lmao,so i hope you’ll like it <3
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“I’m going to throw your shit away if you don’t clean your space.”
Standing in the middle of the room,Levi looked at your side of the room,a disgust expression on the face. It wasn’t that messy or that dirty , compared to some other room you’d seen,but it was enough to get Levi’s clean-freak-personality out.
“It’s not your space,why should you care ?”
“Because...” he stepped toward you,anger in his eyes.” First of all,that’s fucking disgusting ,and second ...” he bend,grabbing a shirt laying on the floor. “Your stuff is invading my personal space.”
In a quick move,he threw the shirt to your face. You grabbed it,groaning a bit. Levi was the worst roommate someone could have. He barely talked,and when he did ,it was usually to roast you. He wanted everything to be clean,didn’t tolerate too much sound... and the worst thing was that he barely ever slept,keeping the light on when you tried your best to rest. Bad luck wasn’t even enough to describe what happened to you when you were assigned as his roommate.
“Really sorry,sir . My dearest apologies.”
Anger flashed on Levi’s face,and he let out a “Tch” before turning his back on you. With a smirk,you threw the shirt away,back on Levi’s space.
“Y/n ? I...you should sit.”
Your ears buzzing,your brain still trying to proceed what was happening,you let yourself fall on the chair,barely noticing the tears on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry . It’s not my fault of course,but I’m sorry to be the one telling you this.”
It was as if the world had broke into pieces. Your brother... you couldn’t say it. Think about it. It was too painful,and you might be destroyed from it,from how your heart will break just by admitting that he was gone.
“I should...” you coughed,your voice rough because of the sobs you were containing. “I’m going to go ...to my room.”
“Do you need something ? Or do you want me to stay with you ?”
Your vision blurry because of your tears,you shook your head,thanked Armin for ... for what,you didn’t know,and went back to your personal space. It was a miracle that your legs were still carrying you,that you still knew how to walk. With a shaky hand,you opened the door,after many try.
“Stay silent,I’m working.”
Blinking through your tears,you glimpsed Levi,sitting at his deck. He looked calm,lazily writing on a paper,and seeing him like that,hearing his voice,when your world was falling apart ,made your blood heat into your veins.
“Why can’t you fucking leave me alone for once ?”
Levi’s angry eyes flew from what he was doing,and ,when they met yours,when he noticed your tears,his brows furrowed and he stood up a bit. He was half standing,half sitting,his arm pressed against the deck.
“What the hell happened to you ?”
Your sadness and despair turned into anger,even pure hate. It was better to feel this,better to be angry at him then falling apart.
“Stop acting like you care.”
Levi’s jaw clenched,and his grip on the deck tightened.
“You come here crying your eyes out and looking like shit, of course I...wonder what’s happening.”
A sharp laugh escaped your mouth,slowly turning into sobs. Levi stilled,throwing an awkward arm to you before letting it fall beside his leg. He took a step back,the anger in his eyes turning into what looked like worry. But,while someone else would have took you in their arms,holding you,telling you everything was okay...Levi did the opposite. He walked far way from you,his eyes scanning the room while he tried to think of what to do. He didn’t know how to comfort someone,and he disliked physical touch so much that he couldn’t bare himself to hold you,or get close to you. His whole body was screaming to him,screaming and telling him to go and help you,but he couldn’t bare himself to move.
“What’s happening is that ...” you said,your hand on your mouth,trying to contain your sobs . “It’s that my brother...died.”
The reality of it hit you like a storm,and your legs stopped working,dropping you to the floor. You were crying now,crying as if someone was taking your heart away,as if the world was burning in front of you. You felt ,more than you saw,Levi get closer to you. A few seconds,or a few minutes you didn’t know,later ,he laid his hand on your shoulder.
“I’ve known...”his voice was low,rough.” I...Many people die,and died, you know and ...”
Before he could even finish his sentence,you rose,pushing his hand away. You could barely stand,barely look ,but your ears worked perfectly ,and you didn’t want to listen to him. You didn’t want to listen to what he was going to say,because the words were obviously going to be harsh,and we’re going to hurt you even more.
“Get the fuck away from here Ackerman.”
You tried to wipe the tears from your cheeks,from your eyes,and looked at Levi. His eyes looked ancient suddenly,painful. The great,almost arrogant Levi Ackerman now looked miserable,helpless. A flash of pain appeared on his face at your words.
“Get . Out . Of . Here.” you grabbed some of his stuff and threw it to him. “I don’t want to see you,or hear you ever again. So get you damn stuff,your damn tea,your damn work,and leave me fucking alone.”
Each of your word was followed by you throwing something at him. He wasn’t even moving,didn’t flinch once,as you destroyed the room,his perfectly cleaned and arranged space.
“I said , get out !”you shouted,putting all your anger and sadness in the words. He didn’t deserve to be the one receiving it,but the thing was that he was the only one around,and that it was better for you to do that,better than turning these feelings on you.
Levi opened his mouth,and slowly closed it. He grabbed the papers he was working on when you came,and went away,leaving you standing there,in the messy room.
Weeks passed,each day more blurry than the other. You could barely get out of bed,stuck inside of it by your sadness. You didn’t have any news of Levi and didn’t see him once,but there was some signs in the room,missing papers,some stuff suddenly clean ,that showed he had been there. You felt guilty of the way you had treated him , because even if you’d never been close to each other,and weren’t even friends,he didn’t deserved to be yelled at. Maybe he really wanted to help you,but you had pushed him away,and pushed him from his own room.
Lost in your thoughts,your dirty hair falling on your forehead,you suddenly heard the door open. You grabbed the blankets,pulling them to your shoulders,trying to hid your dirty and messy body behind it. The door was supposed to be closed,so this could only be one person.Someone who had the keys.
“Levi ?” your voice was rough from not talking to anyone for weeks.
The man appeared in front of the door,a worried expression on the face. You couldn’t tell if the worry was for how miserable you looked,or if he was afraid to be yelled at again.
“I thought you were sleeping.I’ll come back later.” he paused,quickly taking a look at the room,the dirty dishes, the clothes on the floor.
“No,no,you can stay . I mean,it’s also your room. You shouldn’t ...I shouldn’t stop you from coming here.”
His eyes studied your face,for so long that your cheeks started to blush. His eyes were haunted,and his gaze so piercing that when he looked at you like that,all his focus on you,it felt like he was reading in you like you were an open book.
“I don’t mind staying away if it makes you feel better.”
A small chuckle escaped your mouth. “ I don’t really look like i’m doing good right now, i don’t think you being here will change anything.At least the room will be clean if you ...move in again.”
Levi nodded,and took a step in the room. He stood there for a few seconds,apparently waiting to see if you’ll change your mind. When he was sure that you weren’t going to ask him to go again,he went to his side of the room,and started cleaning.
« I’m sorry »you said,your voice low,after a few minutes.  « I shouldn’t have talk to you like that. You’re annoying most of the time,but i understand now. Understand that you wanted to help me. »
The man froze,his back on you,and then slowly tilted his head,meeting your eyes.
« Good. I wasn’t really being nice with you all this time,i guess i sort of deserved some of the words you said. »
As he went back to what he was doing,you understood that this was his apologies. He’s not the type of person to the « sorry » our loud,but cleaning the room,leaving you alone ,his acts were his way of apologizing.
« I didn’t know you could be nice. »
This usual sound,a « tch » escaped Levi’s mouth,and you hadn’t realized how much you had missed it. How much you missed talking to people,having company.
« It’s not how i prefer to act but yes ,indeed,if i try i can at least be agreeable. »
« I’d like to see this side of you. You know,since we kept fighting ,maybe if you ...force yourself to be agreeable it won’t happen again. »
Levi turned,the ghost of a smile on his face . « This place is supposed to be were i relax,you really want me to torture myself and act nice ? »
« Spending time with me can never be a torture »
With a wink,you watched Levi’s ears blush a bit as he started cleaning again. This,the conversation you just had ,was so different from the others. You talked,really talked,without insulting each other for the first time. And you had to admit that it had made you feel good,for the first time in weeks.
You suddenly realized what you looked like,with your dirty hair,the clothes you’d been wearing for weeks.What a difference between you and Levi ! He was all clean,and didn’t even have a piece of dirt on his shirt.Standing quickly,a bit ashamed,you ran to the bathroom.
Time passed,and surprisingly,you grew to enjoy Levi’s presence. His presence brought you comfort,and you had to admit that ,if you went out of this period of sadness ,it was all thank to him. Even if he never told you kind words,he kept bringing you stuff,making you tea,just being here,making you feel alive.
His words were still harsh,but there was something more in them now,more sweetness. He knew what you went through,how you were feeling,and all he wanted was to help you. And sometimes,late in the night,the two of you even had real conversation,about serious topic or just about each other.
You felt guilty of how you had treated him before,how you hated him even though you never tried to talk and know him. But now...now that you knew who he really was behind these cold features,now that you knew a bit of what he went through...You couldn’t help yourself from liking him. From having feelings for him. He had been there for you,even if you had pushed him away and treated him in the worst way ever. And now,even if you felt better,he was still there,and you had the feeling that he’ll always be.
But it felt dangerous. Liking Levi Ackerman was the most scariest thing you ever experienced. You couldn’t talk about it to anyone,because everyone around was scared of him. And you were afraid,afraid that he might not feel the same about you. He never showed how he felt,never showed any particular sign of affection toward you,and you were so afraid that ,if you told him how you felt,he’ll reject and leave you. He was too important for you.
So this is why you were now standing in front of that boy who had been crushing on you for years. You knew that what you were about to do was bad,but it felt like the only choice you had. You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking of Levi,so maybe,getting a boyfriend,spending some time with someone else will help you to get ride of these feelings.
« You’re ...serious y/n ? I mean...I can’t really believe it,after everything. »
The boy’s hope,his red cheek made your heart break. He was really deeply in love with you,and you were going to use him.
« Yes. I’d love to go on a date with you. »
« Amazing ! I...I’ll give you the details during the week ! I’m so ... I’m glad ! »
He waved at you,before running god knew where,a huge smile on the face. He was a nice boy after all,and maybe,maybe you’ll start to like him.
Lost in your thoughts,focused on what you were going to do,you didn’t notice the man behind you until he spoke.
« Why the hell are you going on a date with this dumbass ? »
Levi’s brows were furrowed,and his expression looked more angry than ever. It was the first time that you saw him without his usual cold mask,and you weren’t sure to like it. He took a look over the room,making sure that no one was around,before taking a step toward you.
« He asked me ,so i said yes. I didn’t know i needed your approval. »
Something flashed in Levi’s eyes,an emotion so quick that you couldn’t really tell what it was. But it was enough to make you regret your words. You blamed Levi for not showing his feelings for you,but you were doing the same by talking to him like that.
« You don’t. I just thought you’ll settle for a bit more than an idiot. »
You turned your eyes away from Levi’s,trying to hide your disappointment. You wanted him to tell you not to go,you wanted...him. You wanted to be wanted and loved by him,as much as you wanted and loved him. But he was Levi Ackerman,and even if he felt like this,he’ll never tell you. He’ll rather die than face happiness.
« You know,i think i’ll do that too. » Levi continued,his voice lower on each words
« Do what ? »
« Go on a date. There’s this girl who’s been turning around me for a while. She’s as dumb as a fly,but if you’re going on dates too,i don’t see why i couldn’t do it. »
Your heart,or what was left of it,stopped working for a few seconds. His voice was serious,everything in his behavior was serious,but a part of you kept yelling,hoping that he was joking. You couldn’t blame him from doing what you were doing,when there was nothing between you but still...you didn’t know it’ll hurt that much.
You hardly swallowed,holding back your tears.If he saw it,saw how you felt,he kept it to himself and didn’t say anything. Maybe that was better after all. Maybe you and him had been damned from the start. If even there was a start.
« Fine. You can take her to clean with you. I’m sure she’ll enjoy being yelled at for hours because she’s not sweeping the floor in the right way. » you said,barely recognizing your voice and the coldness of it.
« And you can be mean to this dumbass you’re going on a date with. I’m sure he’ll love it. »
You turned,your face so close to Levi’s that ,if you weren’t holding yourself from killing him,you’ll just have to move a bit to kiss him. His gaze was deadly,filled with anger,and his usual cold aura was now so sharp that it almost hurt to just stand next to him.
«  Why are you talking to me like that ? »
« Why are you acting like a child ? »
You both stood there for a few seconds,looking at each other,your breathing uneven.
“Do you really want to go with this guy ?” he asked with anger,but also with something else,almost like ...like he was begging you to say no. But it was probably your imagination,your feelings for him that wanted to convince you he felt the same.
“Why do you care ?”
“Can you stop asking questions and fucking answer for once ?”
His voice,how his voice was the same as usual,how he didn’t even raised it while you were starting to yell....It made you so angry against him,and you had never wanted to punch someone so much.
“You’re doing the same ,and don’t tell me how to act.”
He snorted,and took a step back before passing his hand through his hair.
“You know what y/n ? I don’t care. I don’t even know why were arguing. Go on that date,have fun ,if it’s possible with a guy like him,and don’t come at me if he turns out to break your heart.”
Your heart,your whole body was hurting from his word. You had acted like that because you didn’t want to lose him,you didn’t want to confess and lose him,but it still had happened. You were loosing him,not because of how you felt,but because of how dumb you’d been.
“And ...And what if i don’t go ? What if i tell you i don’t want to go on a date with him ?”
Levi studied you for a few seconds,and it looked like he was thinking of what to say. He opened his mouth,close it,started a sentence,and stopped in the middle of it. The angry man was replaced by someone else,an awkward one,one who didn’t know how to deal with stuff like that.
“Then i guess you’ll break that boy’s heart.”
“But what about you Levi ?” you said,hating how your voice was breaking. You were going to loose him anyway,so you could at least try to understand him,hold into that tiny hope that he might feel the same. “What about you if i go to that boy,and tell him i changed my mind ?”
His eyes,his damned eyes were locked into yours,and you glimpsed an image of how you looked,desperate,pathetic. He remained silent,and his lack of words was enough of an answer. You nodded,and turned your back on him. Leaving him,taking a step away from him felt like the most difficult thing ever,but you couldn’t hold into someone who didn’t care about you.
As you were almost out of the room,he cleared his throat ,and finally said : “If you don’t go on this date , i guess that ...that you’ll break that boys heart,but ...but save mine.”
You froze,your heart pounding against your chest. Slowly,aware of every breath,you turned to him. His eyes were on the floor,and he looked like a boy ,a little boy who was afraid of being yelled at.
“What does it mean Levi ?”
“Oi,don’t make me say it again,you perfectly understood.”
With a small chuckle,almost a sob,you walked to him and gently grabbed his chin,moving his head so his eyes were facing yours. You felt his breathing on your hand,and you were aware of how close you were now.And by the look on his eyes,he was aware of it.
“I guess i’ll only refuse to go on this guy’s date if someone else take me on one.”
“Is this a threat ?”
“No” you said,tilting your head toward Levi’s,your mouth almost touching his. “I’m just giving you ideas.”
Your world exploded in colors when your lips met his.
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