#worst writer things
lazylittledragon · 2 months
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mombin pt 9!! it's been too long i'm sorry
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bixels · 4 months
Bit of a weird question, but what is your overall least favorite thing about MLP? 
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smallandalmosthonest · 5 months
it's the fact that taylor and margaret and bobby all tell buck that he's not invincible or indestructible and he knows that. he knows that. he knows he can be killed, that he could die. they're not telling him anything he doesn't already know. he knows that, and still (and so) he does the reckless, self-sacrificing thing.
but eddie tells him he's not expendable. and that is what buck didn't know. buck's not some idiot who doesn't understand he's risking his life - he's an idiot who thought his life was worth less than anyone else's. and eddie knew that. and eddie proved he was wrong.
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littlefankingdom · 5 months
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Me to myself: Don't send murder threats to DC comics writers, don't send murder threats to DC comics writers, don't send murder threats to DC comics writers...
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evilkaeya · 26 days
Hi everyone I woke up and realized I have the power to write literally anything I want to so I gave Light Yagami period cramps. Read here.
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WTF did I just watch?
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sadpotatoreads · 3 months
making nat da silva, andie bell's best friend was the worst mistake script writers could've done cause she was anything but that.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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My name is [BRUTUS] and my name means [HEAVY] so with a [HEAVY] heart I'll guide this dagger Into the heart of my enemy
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Something about having absolutely no choice in who you marry. About being literally forced by the law to spill blood - to accept this stranger as your husband over a man you truly care for or accept the fact that the man you love might die because you put him in danger. Something about risking becoming the wife of a man you've never even seen before a few minutes prior because you know anything would be better than putting your beloved in harm's way. Something about the trust inherent in that decision and in the way she speaks of it after. Truthfully, T'Pring doesn't know the captain and she doesn't know Spock. Either one of them could have taken her as their wife but she does know Stonn. She knows that Stonn will remain by her side no matter what. They made a plan together. They have an agreement which T'Pring believes will be upheld even though the plan changed with the arrival of Kirk. Stonn will always be there, always, and Stonn will be hers. Something about the language used around T'Pring: Ownership, subservience, non-personhood. T'Pring is an object that Spock can win. She cannot reject him, she has no say in the matter other than having Stonn 'claim' her instead. Even when Spock leaves after being very clearly rejected by T'Pring he says "Stonn, she is yours." as if despite her clear rejection he still owns her and is must formally 'give' her to Stonn. But the language T'Pring uses around Stonn is a break from that: "There was Stonn who wanted very much to be my consort, and I wanted him." Stonn who wanted very much to be HER consort and she WANTED him. The language here is very particular - It's not, for example: "Stonn wanted me to be his wife" - he is HERS. And she WANTS him. There's a mutual affection there and a strong trust - a trust which seems to be well founded since Stonn (though silent) stands by her side at the end of the episode. <- That might seem small but if Spock would reject her for 'daring to challenge' (again, the language is not 'because I don't want you' but more of an implied disgust at her having the AUDACITY to reject him) then it's not a stretch to assume that it'd be considered an insult in the TOS Vulcan society to NOT choose Stonn as her champion after a prior agreement. Anyway T'Pring was a woman in an impossible situation within a society which saw her as more of an object than a person and she wanted Stonn and Stonn wanted to be hers and she trusted that he would understand if she had to publicly pick someone else to ensure his life would be spared and he did understand.
#amok time#T'Pring i s....T'Pring she....-puts my head through a wall-#PLEASE read under the cut for my rambling about T'Pring in amok time pleasepleaseplease#tired of 'T'Pring is evil/a bitch' and VERY uninterested in 'T'Pring is a girlboss'#T'Pring is a person in a society which doesn't think she has the right to make her own choices who's in [love] with a man who [loves] her#back in what I'd like to think is implied to be a slightly subversive way in its mutual and fervent nature (whether the writers thought#this was a good or bad thing - who knows. We know better RIGHT??)#and yes I will stylize T'Pring's hair differently every single time I draw it HEHEHE#star trek tos#Spock#T'Pring#also of COURSE something something spock/kirk & stonn/t'pring parallels: To keep your beloved safe you have to force someone else to kill#theirs - not BC you hate him (you don't) but you don't love him either and why does HE get to have you even if you don't want him?? Why doe#he get to 'give' you to the person YOU chose?? It's not a hatred on a person level (which I wanted to portray with the 'brothers') portion#but a sort of societal embodying.#I will think about T'Pring not wanting to be 'the consort of a legend' every damn day !!!#They really could have laid it on thick in making her evil guys...T'Pau even makes a comment about Spock's 'vulcan blood is thin'#but all T'Pring says is that Spock is a legend and she doesn't want that for her life. She wants Stonn.#And you're gonna sit there and you're gonna tell her that she's wrong!??? Spock doesn't even want to be with her!! Why is she so hated!?#CAN WE FREE MY GIRL??? She did all that but it's being read in the worst faith possible!!#comix page#bea art tag#star trek art#She literally says the word 'FREE'...she's TRAPPED!!!
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muffinlance · 10 months
I really do love your writing and Salvage gets me through when I am sad or depressed. However, I was wondering, how do you cope when someone who wrote a review didn’t like your writing? If you’ve had this before… I had one today and I am dejected. I’m working through my perfectionism and I keep telling myself, “my writing isn’t for everyone and it’s okay.” Any advice?
If it was unsolicited, especially on a fanfic? Delete it, block the person if you feel like, then go do your rage activity of choice before forgetting about it forever. That person is rude and doesn't deserve your time anymore than someone bumping into you on the street.
I've also found it useful to actively think of my fanfic as writing practice, and not even my brain expects perfection from writing practice. It also frees you do Try Cool Things.
Now take this digital blanket and cup of hot chocolate and go reread your nice comments.
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velvetjune · 6 months
imagine being director Northmoor of the FBC and one day you revel so much in your power that you literally explode. and instead of doing anything else about it, the FBC goes “when life gives a secret paranatural government agency lemons…” and throws your possibly-alive, moving corpse in a power plant so they don’t have to worry about their power bill. then going onwards, people only refer back to you using ominous light-based puns
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wesavegotham · 5 months
"Talia can never be redeemed and her romance with Bruce can never come back because *falls for Grant Morrison's/DC's extreme racism towards asian and arab characters in the 2000s/2010s"
Yeah, sorry, but shut the hell up. It never fails to astound me when DC actually tries to fix the mistakes they made with Talia/the al Ghuls in general these last two decades and the fans manage to be even worse than DC by clinging to the blatant racist/sexist writing of the past instead of embracing the turn for the better.
"But she did this and that!"
She's a fictional character in a fictional universe that is aware that it goes through continuity changes/retcons. What Grant Morrison did to her character was a a complete retcon of her 30 year history and characterization with zero respect for her. Why am I supposed to take Morrison's bullshit as gospel and reject any attempts to fix her from writers who know better?
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witchwives · 2 months
I really don't care about the books but it does feel sort of slimy that Condal decided to make Aegon a rapist because he's that desperate for people to hate his character. Because now when someone says something in defense of Aegon you got TB going "Eww, you like that rapist?" while their fave has been trying to seduce his niece since she was 15 years old. Apparently Aegon was not a rapist in the books, it was a show invention to make him seem more villainous. Like, okay.
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cowlovely · 9 months
i truly do think that clara oswald is one of the characters of all time i’m sorry.
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raineandsky · 7 months
The villain appears around the corner at a run, their hair still wet and their coat ridiculously crumpled. The hero raises an eyebrow at them as they practically skid to a halt in front of them.
“Sorry I’m late,” they say between ragged breaths.
“You’re fifteen minutes late,” the hero points out with a pointed check of their watch, “to your own crime.”
“To my crime?” the villain echoes indignantly. “Why would you invite me to my own crime?”
That barely makes sense to the hero. They root through their pocket and shove a tiny piece of paper in the villain’s face.
The villain’s eyes scan over the paper with an increasingly confused frown. “You told me to meet you here, and I have—even though you were, y’know, fifteen minutes late.”
“[Hero],” the villain says slowly. “This isn’t my writing.”
All accusations lining up in the hero’s mind grind to a halt. “Excuse me?”
“This– This isn’t my writing,” they repeat a little more intensely. They rummage through their coat for a moment, slapping a scrap of paper against the hero’s chest. “Did you write that?”
The hero pries the little piece of paper open.
meet me at the back of the bank at 6:30pm. not a fight. - Hero
“I didn’t write that,” the hero says automatically.
“What the hell is going on?” the villain demands. It seems to be aimed more at the air than the hero, but they feel inclined to answer regardless.
“I don’t know,” they say uselessly. “Someone wanted to bring us together. They knew we’d answer each other.”
They gesture with the note for emphasis. “Jesus Christ,” the villain says flatly. “It’s a two-for-one deal. We’re going to die.”
“We’re not going to die, [Villain],” the hero snaps, but the way the villain is glancing over their shoulder is making them want to do the same. 
The villain’s face twitches into some kind of horrible acceptance of fate for a moment. They open their mouth, their breath misting in the evening air as they gear up to probably say something stupid, but a voice cuts them off.
“Isn’t this a nice little gathering?” the henchman says brightly. “I’m glad you both came.”
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tvckerwash · 2 months
I'm convinced the chorus trilogy gaslighted people into forgetting how everyone was characterized prior to miles being the main writer, to the detriment of literally everybody lmao
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highly-flammable · 10 days
It might be the South Asian in me but I think Galadriel deserves the chance to slap Sauron across the face at least once for messing with her the way he did.
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