#would it be rude to write it still? no ideas are truly original and all that and still but i still feel bad :(
trainingdummyrabbit · 10 months
quickly discovering iam Very Good at making things that Already Exist ''> >
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boy-eater11 · 18 days
-Paper Confessions-
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- Kurt Wagner/nightcrawler x Shy!Reader
- After Kurt receives two anonymous confession letters, written in slowly improving German. He comes face to face with their quiet author. -
- CW: fluff, bad German, references to insecurities, Gn!reader
The first time it happened, Kurt didn't know what to think. Messy handwriting, horrible grammar, and other blatant mistakes led him to believe the note must have been some kind of elaborate prank.
It seemed honestly quite rude, that someone he knew would go through the trouble of translating an entire fake secret admirer note into German, just to mock the idea that someone could honestly have feelings for him.
Compliments like, 'Der netteste Mann, den ich kenne' or 'der schönste Mann, den ich je gesehen habe' read as cruel insults instead of words of appreciation.
Needless to say, the following day, Kurt was visibly disheartened. You however, were quite proud of yourself. The days before, you had spent countless hours reading and practicing German, in an earnest effort to learn it.
Ever since you had developed feelings for Kurt, you had been painfully unable to communicate how you felt towards him, any attempt to have a genuine conversation resulted in stammers and awkward silences, so you opted to appreciate him from the sidelines. Spending quiet hours in each other's company.
Yet, it had been months since then, and the need to express to him how you felt was becoming too great, so you crafted an idea. You would write him a note, something truly meaningful, to get the stress of hiding your emotions off your chest, even deciding to write it in German, in order to show Kurt just how much you cared.
Your efforts were seemingly in vain however, as the first attempt went incredibly poorly, so poorly you trashed it, where without your knowledge, it managed to find itself into the hands of the very person it was written for.
Kurt had been in the library when he found the crumpled paper with his name on it. He thought it was odd of course, but figured its author wished him to receive it. He regretted that decision after reading it. A cruel insult to all the effort he had put into seemingly as kind and approachable as possible, not wishing to be seen as a monster.
You were of course, confused, when Kurt was inexplicably downtrodden the next day. Everyone could tell, yet any attempt to comfort him was brushed off. When approached, he just claimed to be tired or unfocused.
Observing this, you poured yourself into your books again. Writing, practicing, translating, anything you could do to perfect your skills. Finally, nearly three days later, you had finished your note. Imperfect, but unlike your first failed attempt, you felt confident in your progress. You slipped it under his doorway of course, anonymity was your saving grace.
Despite your original plan, you couldn't bring yourself to admit the confession, leaving it unsigned. You hoped that at least getting your feelings off your chest would help you relax.
Kurt however, was only further confused. This second note, properly addressed to him, left for him to find, was much less demeaning. Still imperfect, in fact it was painfully clumsy in his eyes, but a vast improvement. If he had read this note first, he would have been over the moon with joy. Yet, the cruel doubt etched in him from the original note, clouded his mind from the possibility of sincerity.
He thought through his suspects, Logan, Storm and Jean, seemed like obvious no's, Remy, Scott, or even Rogue seemed more likely, yet he had a hard time believing any of his teammates would do this.
Then you crossed his mind. Painfully shy, but confident in a fight, you seemed far from anyone who would do this. Yet part of him hoped it was you. That he had gotten this whole thing wrong, and that you had been secretly reciprocating his affections.
Kurt had liked you for months, after you patched him up after a seriously bad mission, he felt comfortable around you. When you first arrived, Kurt assumed you were scared of him, you always seemed to avoid him, and never seemed to want to keep a conversation with him. Yet, when he asked if you found him monstrous, you were honest. Saying that you found him quite kind, but that you simply struggled to make friends, and had been intimidated by his forwardness.
So, Kurt took his time. He let you approach first, he was constantly welcoming, and you two had found yourself in a pattern of spending quiet afternoons in each other's company. Not talking, or even really hanging out, just being in each other's presence.
That's when he developed feelings, the quiet moments you shared, seemed like the most relaxed Kurt ever got to be. You were beautiful of course, but being near you reminded Kurt of a warm blanket or a cold towel on a hot day. gentle, and refreshing.
So, that's what Kurt hoped for. That his assumption was wrong, and that you had been writing these for him. It seemed unlikely, and part of him truly believed he was wrong, but it made him feel giddy to think you could feel the same.
You, on the other hand, and only dig yourself a deeper hole. Your work was pointless, you still felt overwhelmed by your wish to confess to Kurt, and the fact that you had put so much time into trying to escape it, weighed you down like bricks on your shoulders.
"You've got to tell him properly. Right now he's probably thinking he's about to get swept off his feet by the girl of his dreams, and you're too scared to admit it's you." Jean teased.
"You're right...I know....I just can't even bring myself to look him in the eyes." You signed, running your hands through your hair in frustration.
"Then don't, hell if you don't want your work to go to waste, just actually put your name down this time." Jean rolled her eyes in response.
"Are you sure that's a good idea though? I mean I can hardly talk to him now, what if after he finds out he doesn't even want to be around me?" Jean patted your back and you rubbed circles into your temples.
"He won't. You two just need to communicate for once."
So, you wrote again. One last letter, rambling painfully about how much you cared for him. Detailing every way he made you smile. Reading it back made you want to almost vomit with cringe, but you didn't know how else to say what you felt.
So, as you had done days prior, you snuck to his room, slipping it under the door frame. However, this time, as you turned to flee, you were treated by a familiar *bamf*
"Mein freund... This was... You?" Before you know it, you're face to face with the fuzzy blue boy of your dreams.
"I... Uhm..yeah." you nod, staring down at your feet, a bright red blush stinging your cheeks.
Without another word, Kurt begins to read your most recent note. You shift uncomfortably, debating whether to run, or to freeze in place.
"You've improved quite a bit Schatz... I am glad." He looks down at you, a wide smile, and indigo blush gracing his features.
You chuckle awkwardly, unable to formulate a genuine response.
"Ich liebe dich auch." He rests a hand on your shoulders, calming your fidgeting, and freezing you in place.
"y-you.... Really?" You stare at him, wide eyed in disbelief.
"of course, meine Liebe. I have for quite some time. In all honesty, I had been wishing it was you."
Without thinking, or saying a word, you pull him into a hug. Burying your face in his chest, wrapping your arms around him.
- end. -
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literatureloverx · 1 month
Now i'm curious (from how you considered dazai's openness around chuuya "debatable") about how you consider chuuya and dazai's dynamic? I'm not presuming you think their connection isn't important or anything, or that you think dazai doesn't trust chuuya, but i'm interested in how you think dazai's openness around chuuya is debatable. I'm 50/50 on it too tbh, so maybe your analysis can give more insight :D
Sure, dear, let’s dive into it.❤️ This has become a grand analysis + my comments lmao. I hope you enjoy it!❤️
First of all, it’s important to note that I personally classify Dazai and Chuuya’s relationship as truly meaningful and admirable—but not in a romantic way.
I want to be clear that I don’t see their dynamic as romantic, which is where I differ from many Dazai x Chuuya shippers. This is exactly why this post will be very, VERY long.
Asagiri himself said that he understands where the Dazai x Chuuya ships are coming from and he definitely gets it, but he won’t make the ship canon because he doesn’t want to dishonour/disrespect the original authors.
So it is indeed very kind of the illustrators and the studio to still provide the fandom with “fan service material,” which is on one hand very thoughtful and kind, but on the other hand fuels toxic shippers and feeds their theories, which they accept as absolute facts. (I suppose they make much money from it no matter what they do, so why would they care, right?)
I’m not trying to demoralize anyone or diminish their character shipping preferences. Everyone is entitled to ship whoever they want, and I don’t want this post to come across as a hate post.
However, I don’t view these dynamics (or any ship in BSD) through rose-colored glasses but rather in a more realistic light.
Many ship blogs tend to romanticize nearly anything that fits their perception (and while I often understand where they’re coming from, I find their interpretations naive compared to other logical explanations), but I want to approach this from a perspective that stays as realistic and logical as possible.
So, I kindly ask those who are sensitive about their own opinions and perceptions to consider skipping this post, as I don’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings.
A small reminder: you’re allowed to have your ship and preferences, but please don’t act like they are canon or the ultimate truth, or hate on those who don’t share your opinions. This is truly rude and disrespectful.
Wow, that intro was long, but it needed to be said. Now, let’s dive into it:
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If we brush off the fan-service material of the scenes in Dead Apple (which we still don’t know if it is canon, and those specific scenes aren’t even incorporated into the light novel, I hear? I’m not sure about it, though; I haven’t read the light novel), what remains?
In my humble opinion, there is a great understanding between the two of them on a humane level, but their dynamic is double-edged.
So why did I consider Dazai’s openness around Chuuya "debatable"?
It starts with Dazai’s perspective. I once saw someone write (sadly, I have no idea where; sorry, I’m not good with past experiences and memories) that “Fyodor understands Dazai but doesn’t get him, and Chuuya gets Dazai but doesn’t understand him.”
I believe this thesis to be entirely true. The problem is that while Chuuya gets Dazai but doesn’t understand him, Dazai gets and understands Chuuya very well.
Let us move over to the 15 manga, if I recall correctly (lmao).
There was a scene where Dazai was ready to sacrifice a whole city just for Chuuya to find out his truth about humanity because it was bothering him on such a deep level.
Dazai could understand his feelings very well because he himself is also struggling with his own humanity.
Their dynamic is so meaningful because they are like two halves of an apple.
Dazai struggles with his humanity because he doesn’t feel human (the true reason behind it remains still unclear), but he is physically human.
Chuuya struggles with his humanity because he is physically inhuman, but he is still human with every fibre of his being.
I believe Dazai can see that as well, which leads him to believe that Chuuya is the most humane person he’s ever known.
This is entirely true. Chuuya embodies almost every aspect of a human so perfectly—with visible flaws (he is so gorgeous to me), emotions, impulses… (this aspect could be a whole other post, but I need to stick to the main point right now).
Does it matter that he is physically inhuman?
No, of course not. What truly matters is the inner persona of someone.
That is the exact aspect Dazai is struggling with. He feels empty, he feels inhuman because he lacks all those aspects Chuuya brims with.
I personally see admiration on Dazai’s part because Chuuya embodies the things he lacks perfectly.
We either admire people who are able to do or have the things we cannot, or we’re simply jealous or hateful. In Dazai’s case, he admires Chuuya; he is flabbergasted.
But wait… hate? How does this manifest in Dazai?
Remember how he said that he’s been trying to find a way to kill Chuuya for the past 7 years?
Well, first of all, I don’t believe he genuinely wants Chuuya dead. However, this statement could indeed be true (with Dazai, you never know if it is), because Chuuya embodies everything he is not.
He might have found solace in simply the imagination of getting rid of him, not truly trying to make it a reality. Because we all know—if Dazai wanted to, he would have.
The reason why he doesn’t want Chuuya truly dead? Well, isn’t it obvious? I believe from the bottom of my heart that he cherishes Chuuya. But not in a romantic way, because in the canon context, there is really no evidence of that.
You can find so many clues that suggest their bond is deep, heartfelt, and close. It is so beautiful, truly. Their bond is one of my personal favorites of all BSD relationships.
But the romantic side of it? There truly is none.
This is the common problem here. Just because their bond is very meaningful and deep, people find every opportunity and reason to make a romantic relationship out of those things because we sadly live in a world where meaningful relationships are not appreciated at all but simply put in a box called “romantic & sexual tension” (there speaks the INFJ). Most relationships are multifaceted, people.
However, I’m babbling too much. Let’s dive into Chuuya’s perspective:
Chuuya seems to be more aggressive towards Dazai, clearly and often declaring that he “hates” him. Does he now?
No. I don’t believe that he does.
I believe that he sees through Dazai’s antics and his void of self, which makes me think that he is rather feeling bad for him (compassionately). I know that Chuuya doesn’t seem to be the most empathetic person in all Bungo Stray Dogs universe, but I believe that he actually is quite empathetic; he just doesn’t show it much.
He tolerates Dazai’s unsettling aspects most of the time, even though he is short-tempered.
Speaking of him being short-tempered, this side of him shines even brighter at Dazai’s side. He is much calmer and composed around others.
I believe that this is: first, because he trusts Dazai that he has everything in control so that he can act more freely; second, that Dazai knows exactly how to push him into irritation, which makes him aggressive quite rashly.
I said this before when I described Chuuya’s ideal type, and I’ll say it again: Chuuya doesn’t hate Dazai, but rather the challenges he provides that unsettle him deeply.
Now, I’d like to point out another example: Remember when Chuuya hit Dazai, and Dazai said to him that it hurt and he is only a human too? Chuuya answers coldly, “no one would believe that” (again the 15 manga, I believe?).
This is the solace Dazai seeks from Chuuya. He helps Chuuya to see that he is indeed human and expects the same in return from him, which Chuuya doesn’t provide.
Chuuya, someone Dazai sees as the picture-perfect human, denies him his own humanity. That must hurt really, really bad.
This is exactly what I mean with “Chuuya gets Dazai but doesn’t understand him, while Dazai gets and understands Chuuya.”
Chuuya is unable to provide Dazai with solace because he is so fixed on his worry about the other people dying and struggling that he is unable to see that he hurts Dazai.
Which is ironic because not seeing what is in front of him is again, very Chuuya-like and very humane, after all.
We’re human; we may be impulsive, we make mistakes, we might hurt our friends and families.
And Dazai again is looming in shadows, lying almost dead on the sofa without a care how many people will die, which is again, very inhuman.
So, let me bring in another aspect:
Why did Dazai install a bomb in Chuuya’s car before he left the Port Mafia?
I believe it was his coping mechanism, as always. His cheerful, uncaring attitude he wears like a mask, his desperate attempt to show Chuuya he would’ve loved to get rid of him, but sadly he was lucky—once again. That stupid slug.
Chuuya is someone who Dazai cherishes, maybe not as much as Odasaku or even Atsushi, but he cares deeply for him. (This is initially why I thought that Dazai has a heart of gold, because he is able to cherish so many people so very deeply, and he himself isn’t even really aware of it, which is adorable to me.)
I read somewhere that those two are soulmates, and I believe that to be true also, but as I already said—not in a romantic or sexual way.
Remember when I said that I adore soulmate connections, not only the romantic ones but also the platonic ones? The relationship between Dazai and Chuuya seems to be exactly that to me. I love them and I love them as a duo as well.
So, as an addition, I’d like to speak about their unwavering trust in each other, which is one of the main aspects of their relationship and dynamic. Dazai trusts Chuuya because he knows that Chuuya understands his trust and has already plotted the entire situation with no errors whatsoever. Chuuya needs to play his part in order for Dazai’s plan to work out as intended.
The reason Dazai trusts Chuuya is quite simple: Chuuya is a truly trustworthy person. To work as partners, they need to establish a strong sense of trust, which plays out perfectly. They are both able to forget their quarrels and focus on the job at hand, making them unstoppable together. Chuuya is known for his loyalty; it is his most prominent personality trait. That is why Dazai trusts him so much, knowing that Chuuya also trusts him because he understands that Dazai never fails.
To Chuuya, Dazai is nothing short of a genius—a very strange one, that much is sure. He is well aware that Dazai is depressed and lacks many of the qualities Chuuya possesses naturally, but he doesn’t really judge him for it, as seen in his high tolerance for Dazai’s antics and childish manner.
In summary, their bond is truly admirable, deep, and very important. Please don’t diminish it by confining their relationship to a box of sexual and romantic feelings in a canon sense, as this simply cheapens their dynamic.
Create your ships, write your fanfictions, but please don’t be rude to others who don’t share your perspectives. It’s absolutely fine to disagree with my opinion and interpretation, but please be respectful to me and my dear followers.❤️
Reminder: Chuuya calls Dazai “Dazai”, just like the ADA members, which is his surname. This suggests distance. Dazai calls Chuuya not “Nakahara” which also would be his surname, but “Chuuya”, his given name, which suggests that he might disrespect Chuuya or not take him seriously, since Chuuya is actually older than Dazai. I’m not sure what to think about this fact, so I wanted to mention it but I had no idea what analysis I can make out of this.
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hi i really love how you wrote marshall lee!! i couldn't stop thinking about your writing, youre just truly talented!!! it was the dog reader personality that really made me weak at the knees. is it possible you could do a lambgirl reader? half girl half lamb? i saw this idea somewhere and this sorta dynamic with bad boy marshall makes me go😫😫!!! but you can push it down on the list if u want. no rush or anything! you dont owe us anything and remember to take breaks. love you❤️
I love you tooo ty for the encouragement <333
Ty for requesting, sorry I’m it takes me so long to get them done D:
I have recently started writing on ao3 so if you want to read what I have on there my name is just “justanotherauthorig”. Rn I only have a Heisenberg and a Hobbir fanfic so if that’s interesting to you pls check them out ^^ I will post more information soon
Marshall Lee x Lamb Girl! Reader
Tags: fem!reader, Marshall Lee is so hot bruh I can’t, reader is kinda stupid but it’s okay bc she’s nice, idk what to say about this, I didn’t edit it through but are we really surprised?, this would make a good smut :P sorry it’s kinda short tho
Authors note: this was fun :D I googled a bunch of adventure time slang and they’re actually so fun to use lol
Word count; 1,1k
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I think he originally started flirting with you just to mess with you
Sure, he thought you were cute as hell
But he wasn’t really looking for anything but a good laugh
You hang out with Fionna and Cake a lot, both of them are very protective of you
The three of you and sometimes BMO have a lil girls night out
On this particular night, you went to the dark forest bc Marshall Lee was having a concert and Fionna really wanted to go
Not so much to hear Marshall Lee, but bc flame prince would be there lol
Anyways, you immediately caught Marshall’s eye as he stood on stage
Both Fionna and Cake had branched off, leaving you alone in the crowd
Your eyes glued to your feet, not even daring to look up at Marshall’s performance as you fiddled nervously with your sleeves
When he finally had a break from the stage, he soundlessly floated up besides you
I kid you not, you almost bleated when you turned around to find the vampire king right besides you as you turned your head
You jumped, scrambled to get away as your lower lip quivered, white ears flattened to your head
“Woah, woah. Calm down there, sweetheart,” Marshall laughed, holding up his hands in mock surrender
You quickly realized that he didn’t intend to harm you and somewhat calmed down, still slightly worried as he flashed his shiny white fangs to you
Your brows furrowed, fists clenching your dress as you fought to keep back the angry tears
“I-I am calm! Have you not heard that it’s rude to go around scaring people like that?” You huffed, sending him the most intimidating glare you could muster which to Marshall Lee looked more like a scared bunny
He smiled wider. “Well, I’m not exactly known for being nice,” He said, voice slightly deepening
You felt threatened, he looked at you like a predator looked at it’s prey and you finally understood why Cake was always bad-mouthing him
“I only hang out with nice people, sorry.” You muttered, turning away from him just to get a break from his all-consuming stare
He laughed again, clearly finding your reacting to be the most hilarious thing he had heard in a long time
You jumped again when you felt his hand creepy up the back of your neck, lips ghosting over your pulse point
Your breath caught in your throat, tears springing to your eyes again at the thought of being bitten. “P-please don’t bite me! Fionna will get m-mad!” You hiccuped, twisting the fabric of your dress even more until it was wrinkled and warm.
He blew on your neck and you felt him pout. “Fionna, huh?”
He pushed himself away from you a bit, finally getting himself out of your close personal space as he floated around you to face you again
“Aw, baby. Don’t cry,” he grinned when he saw your flushed cheek and quivering lips. “I just wanted to have a bit of fun, can you blame me?”
You shook your head defiantly as an answer, making him laugh again. “I promise I won’t bite you, little lady. On one condition,” he said, placing a large hand on your head
You mentally slapped yourself for the way you wanted to lean into his hand, ears twitching ever so slightly as his cold hand touched them
You wrinkled your nose. “On what condition?”
“Sing the next song on stage with me.”
Your eyes widened comically. “No way! I- I don’t even know how to sing! And I don’t know any of your songs,”
Marshall pouted, dramatically holding a hand over his non-beating heart. “And here I thought you were enjoying my show! I’m hurt!” Then he winked at you. “But don’t worry, all you have to do is follow my lead.” And before you knew it, he had an arm around your neck waist and legs as he hoisted you up in his arms
He carried you to the stage, floating above the crowd as you clutched him tightly in fear of falling
He sat you gently down on stage, grabbing his axe-bass and the crown immediately erupted in cheers
You were frozen in fear, face caught in between an angry flush and hysteric cries as you stood before the crowd
You already hated standing down before the scene, with all the people pushing and shoving it quickly overwhelmed you
But standing in front of at least a hundred candy kingdom citizens and a bunch of princes topped the chart of things you hated
You desperately pulled your cardigan around you, attempting to hide as your tail twitched and your ears once again laid themselves flat against your hair
“Follow my lead,” you choked on a gasp when Marshall was suddenly besides you again, whispering in your ear with that deep voice of his
“Good little girl, always picking a fight with me, you know that I’m bad” Marshall hummed, hands leaving his bass for a moment to gently sway your hips
You turned at least ten shades redder, burning up as he made you sway sultrily in front of the mesmerized crowd.
Well, luckily he had picked a song you actually knew.
“But your spending the night with me. What do you want from my world? You’re good little girl,” his hands left you to play his bass again, you gently swayed your hips to the rhythm
You looked intently at Marshall, figuring it was better to look at the troublemaker himself than the large crowd
He made a motion with his head, signaling you to start singing
“Uh-“ you started, inhaling deeply to not stumble over the words. “B-Bad little boy, that’s what you’re acting like, I really don’t buy,” you had to yet again stop yourself from bleating again, taking quick breaths as your hands shook
“That you’re t-that kind of guy-y,” you closed your eyes tightly, hating the way you could help hiccuping up the words. “And if you are, why do you want to hang out with me?”
Suddenly Marshall was by your ear again, chuckling darkly. “You did so well, little lady.” He murmured, before floating away from you a bit to continue the show
“Hey! Isn’t that Y/n?” You breathed out heavily in relief upon hearing Fionna’s voice.
“Come here, sugar,” suddenly Cake enveloped you and you welcomed her happily, snuggling yourself into her warm fur
She stretched, setting you down on the ground besides Fionna before taking your place on stage, cutting Marshall Lee’s verse short as she started singing about hot tomatoes and good sauces
“Hey, are you okay, Y/n? You look pretty jacked up,” Fionna said, pulling you to her side
“Marshall Lee told me to sing with him or he would bite me,” you mumbled bitterly, leaning onto Fionna’s shoulders
She clenched her teeth, face flushing angrily. “That son of a blee-blob!” She hissed. “I’ll kick his buns,”
You smiled slightly. “I told him you would get mad if he bit me,”
“Of course I would! What a butt-guy..”
When the concert ended Fionna was quick to find Marshall and give him a piece of her mind, however the vampire king only laughed her off, telling her that next time he would you wouldn’t be so lucky
Both Fionna and Cake insisted you slept at the treehouse that night and you happily agreed
Of course, it didn’t take Marshall long to seek you out again
He honestly doesn’t have that much going on, a bored guy needs entertainment
“Well, well, well! If it isn’t my favorite little lamb,” Marshall grinned, suddenly appearing in a tree as you were walking home from one of Tree Trunk’s apple pie dinners
This time you pretended not to jump, huffing as you held your head high, refusing to look at him
“I-if it isn’t my least favorite vampire king,” you said, half of your words coming out as a whisper. You mentally slapped yourself, if you were going to give him a comeback you you at least sound like you weren’t absolutely shaking in your boots
“Now that really hurt!” Marshall pouted as he spoke, coming down from the tree to walk besides you “you smell like apple pie,” he noted, sniffing the air
You wrung your hands nervously. “Tree Trunks made me apple pie,” you muttered, still refusing to directly look at the vampire
He cackled. “Jeez. That must have been so boring,”
You frowned, even though your face was turned the other way Marshall Lee noticed, filled with glee. “Tree Trunks is really nice! And his apple pie is amazing,” you huffed, defending your dear friend
“Tree Trunk’s is bunk, dude. Let’s go somewhere,” He grabbed your shoulders and spun you around to finally face him. “Come with me to this undead party, it’s rad. I know you want to,”
You finally had enough, angry heat flooding your face. “L-Leave me alone! And stop acting like such a mr. cool-guy you.. you! Ding-wad!”
To your utter surprise, your little outburst just made Marshall laugh loudly. “I’m a ding-wad, huh? Alright, alright. Give me a chance to show you something cool and I bet you won’t think I’m a ding-wad after,” he grinned, cocking his head like a puppy
A very threatening puppy, in your opinion
You took a moment to regain yourself, noticing he was being somewhat sincere. The goodness in your heart won and you shyly looked at your feet. “A-alright. But no funny tricks,” you mumbled.
“You got it, sweetheart!” He said as he lifted you bridal-style, taking off into the air.
To your utter surprise, you ended up having a good time with Marshall Lee.
He took you to a party in a graveyard, ghosts was actually a lot more chill than most living ppl and you actually managed to socialize
When you got tired and socially exhausted all you had to do was gently tuck on Marshall’s sleeve and he happily flew you home
To his house, I mean. You protested at first, as you didn’t know him that well and it seemed like a pretty bad idea to sleep over at a blood-thirsty vampires house
But all your sleepy protests died down as he tucked you into his bed, gently wrapping you in the sheets and quietly humming as you drifted off to sleep.
As he watched you sleep, ears twitching and cheeks puffed out, he realize that what started as a joke had turned real pretty fast
He felt an overwhelming urge to protect you, not that he would stop mercilessly teasing you, but he quickly discarded the idea that you were just a new plaything
He was also pretty sure Fionna would actually skin him alive (or dead I suppose) if he upset you
When you hung out at the tree house the next day and told them about how you slept over at Marshall’s she was already pretty read to beat his guts
Slowly, and I mean slowly, bc Marshall is a huge tease and you couldn’t stand looking at him for more than 5 minutes without getting so embarrassed you could melt, the two of you eventually started dating
Rest assured, Fionna and Cake both threatened him on multiple occasions, making sure he was on his best behavior
Even Prince Gumball had a few choice words with him lol
Everyone is was extremely worried lmfao (with good reason)
Marshall can be sweet tho, he actually is sometimes
Especially in public, since he knows you get overwhelmed super quickly
All you have to do is look at him with those doe-eyes of yours and he gets the message immediately
Doesn’t matter if you’re in the middle of a fancy dinner in a castle or if he’s playing a concert, he will get you to a place with less people immediately
He really does love you lol
omg bc both of you are so emotionally constipated- like you’re too shy to express your feelings and Marshall has just been taught to believe that expressing feelings is a taboo
If he ever did anything to hurt you tho he would hate himself so much, you’re the purest person he has ever met and hurting you is just a no-no
Sure, he teases you constantly bc that’s just how he is
But if he ever sees upset for real, he will beat himself up over it for the the next decade or so
Fionna will not hesitate to let him know if he messed up either
As I said before, the vampire king will be on his best behavior
You’re his cute little girlfriend and he will treat you as good as he possibly can <3
Hiya ^^ I hope you enjoyed this, sorry it was kinda short D:
I have a confession.. I srsly considered making it into a smut but I stopped myself bc it’s 1 am and I have school tomorrow lol
Lemme know if you would like a part 2 smut version of this :D
Anyways, thank you for reading!
Love, author
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rustycopper4use · 1 year
Could I request for a saiko metori x male reader?
Could male reader be rich and have outstanding looks but a personality of a tsundere? (If you could can you can add that he's popular)
yes! Sorry for the wait, I had some mild burnout then on top of that I had a terrible cold (still recovering hahahahhhahaha-)
Idiots to lovers<3
Saiko Metori x Male Reader
  Originally Saiko transferred to PK academy to win the affection of Teruhashi,however, after many failed attempts he came to realize that Teruhashi was smitten over a boring pink haired male.
  He of course was bitter over it, but still he stayed. And days pass, against his better judgment he fell head over heels for Y/n L/n.
 He wasn’t able to pin point when he fell, I guess from a glance it was obvious why anyone who fall for Y/n. His drop dead gorgeous looks, and all the money in the world to spoil any fool rotten.    
 He was quite popular among the students, a day wouldn’t pass by when he would get love confessions.
  But you seemed rather  abrasive towards the attention, you’ve never excepted any of the confessions. 
  You had this standoff personality, coming off as rude at times. You never really meant to be the way you are, it’s just you never were comfortable with displays of affection, a trait forced upon you.
  You ended up poking fun, or teasing as a way to convey closenesses you had for a person.
 This of course included Saiko. 
  You would always be close by to him, it was rare to see you apart funnily enough. 
 You’d poke fun at his arrogant personality,  and tease him for his lack of self awareness. It was a wonder he could stand you.
  Each day you would find yourself, growing more attached to him. Despite you twos constant bickering.
 Seasons passed or rather repeated, and the class started an ongoing bet, it was to see if you two would shut up and emit your obvious feelings for one an other. It got so popular the staff and teachers were joining in.
  There were three different categories for betting.
   First was who was going to confess first, majority said you.
  Second was when, the most popular answers were: two weeks from now, end of the year, and never.
   Final bet was how, that one now was very diverse with its answers. Some being the classic love note, by accident, and all the way to a dramatic life or death event forcing you two to emit you undying love for each other.
 Saiko was kept unaware of the morally questionable acts of the class, however Y/n was told about this, some idiot folded to his interrogation.
   When you found out of course you were taken aback, were you that obvious. But another idea came to mind.
 You pulled one of the students off to the side, and told them to place a bet for you under their name. They questioned the fairness of it all, but you forced them to do it.
  Your bet was: You, Tomorrow, and by a note.
  The student did your bidding, looks and a bit of hush up money does wonders. 
 You were going to use this bet to your advantage, you would finally… confess… your… love.. to him…
  You began to freak out a very reasonable and normal amount over your brash decision.
  What were you going to do! You clearly didn’t think this thoroughly.
  You spent the rest of the school day writing draft after draft for your love note. Being a perfectionist with inconsistent motivation was truly a personal hell for you.
  After awhile the words all looked the same. You were a prodigy at writing. a praise given by many teachers. And yet here you sit, pathetically struggling with a simple note, it was as if you’ve completely forgotten the skill.
  The day ends much to your dismay, and you dragged yourself home, knowing you’re going to need to sacrifice your sleep for this dumb idea.
  And in your frustration, you’ve completely avoided Saiko. Too caught up in your misery to notice.
  With a sigh, you enter to your house. No one was home, your parents once again failing to notice you of their overseas travel.
 You ripped open your bag, and dig through it looking for the crumble piece of paper.
  You haphazardly throw the paper on the living room table. You just stare at the paper, with rips,  pencil smudged everywhere.
  You just leave it there, even looking at it gives you a less than pleasant wave of anxiety.
  You grabbed a new sheet of paper out your chaotically organized bag, and start a new one. However you notice your hands, stained with ink, and graphite from the countless letters. 
 Will this even be worth it?
  The thought that has been nagging at the back of your head finally made its ugly return.
  You were doubtful of the benefit of doing such a decision.
  Does he actually care about you, or does he put up with you because you’re something that amused him doomed to be tossed away when he’s sick of you.
  There was no reason for him to waste so much of his time with you if you were just that, it was unreasonable!
  Though Saiko wasn’t a perosn of reason.
 You were practically pulling yourself apart at the seems.
  A gush of air flies past you, you look out and see a window open. Odd given that you don’t remember it being open before. You turn to around and see a fully written note on the table, with the old one nowhere to be seen. 
 Did you write this?
  You look at the letter, and it is your handwriting. And the contents of the letter with nicely written, a little more lovey dovey to your liking but still.
  You groan, how could you forget that you finished a letter already, sure you were a bit forgetful, but not to this extent.
  But none the less you were grateful it was finished now.
 But unknown by you, the letter was written by Saiki! Or rather copied by a rather sickening cheesy rom-com.
  He was doing this of course because he was sick and tired of you and Saiko being rather annoying idiots.
 There was alternative motives to his assistant, he placed a similar bet that you did not out of free will however since his loveable idiots that leached off him forced him to do so.
   Even going as far as adding that if he won, the group would buy him coffee jelly for the rest of the month. And how could he pass up that offer! So he decided to push you along the right path, making sure you don’t back out.
  But back to you,
The morning comes, and you are filled with dread. All you do is push his buttons so how could he—
  The thought gets muffled.
 You got out of bed and went through your usual routine. And left the house, making your way towards PK academy.
 You arrived at the front gates of the school, and to your surprise there was a crowd forming infront of the school, waiting in baited breathe.
  It wasn’t abnormal that a crazy impossible event arises out of thin air, it’s basically the norm at this point.
  But something about this felted off,  you couldn’t place your finger on it.
  It was almost like they were waiting for you.
 You felt uncomfortable with the eyes burning through you, and tried to enter the building but a voice stops you.
You turned around and saw Saiko, the crowd starts watching the two, as if it was a some TV show.
 “What do you need this time?” You grinned. Trying to hide your nerves.
 “I have something I must confess to you!” He confidently spoke.
  “Okay, what is it?” You spoke, a little out off by his tone.
  “I have fallen in love with you!” He swoons, pulling out an absurdly big bouquet out of nowhere.
 “What?” You barely get out the words, staring dumbfounded by his actions.
  “I have be in-love with you since I’ve laid my eyes on you! Your looks, your passion. You would be the perfect match for me!” He rants, as the crowd cheered for him.
 You choked out a laugh, and before you could stop yourself you go into a laughing fit, the stress building up from the last few hours finally pouring out.
  “You idiot!” You run a hand through your hair. 
  The crowd gasps, clearly not predicting this turn of events.
 “Only you would make a big spectacle over this.” You giggled, as Saiko lowered the flowers slightly not sure what to do now.
 “I should’ve known you would’ve tried to make a move first! And to think I could’ve beaten you to it!” You snickered, pulling out the nicely sealed love note.
  “-Such a shame really, I wanted to take you off guard and romantically sweep you off your feet.” 
 The crowd is confused trying to make out the meaning of your words.
“Wait, you share the same feelings as me?” Saiko furrowed his brows.
  “You’re an idiot.” You grumbled, you grab him harshly by the button up shirt, and pulled him into a kiss. 
  The crowd erupted in cheers.
 You pull back with a sly grin, Saiko out his element of not having control, just absentmindedly puts his hand to his lips. Trying to mesmerize the feeling of your lips.
  “Does that answer your question.” You teased, as Saiko slightly nods his head.
 “Aw did I break you.” You cooed, now holding his face in your hands.
   No answer.
   The bell rings much to everyone’s dismay.
Everyone starts shuffling back into the school, some linger willing to risk being late for this moment.
  You sighed, before giving him another kiss.
  “I’ll see you after school for our date-“
“My little prince.” You began walking away,   With a cocky smile on your face.
 You enter the building doors, and make a dash for the men’s bathroom. You make a quick check to see if anyone is there with you.
  You hide your face in your hands, muffing an embarrass groan. You were burning up, and you could feel your heart beat. You stay in the bathroom, rethinking the ways you could’ve done it better.
 With the sappy moment, the story ends.
But Saiki is upset at this, he betted on you growing a pear and confessing. But nooo Saiko just had to do it himself. 
  Now he has to deal with another lovesick couple and to add insult to injury, he doesn’t get his coffee jelly now because of it.
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matt murdock as your legal guardian headcanons :)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1.15k
request: yes / no
dynamic: matt murdock x teen!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page
a/n: ik this isn't a request, but it's something i think about a lot!! i had to get it out lol. i was originally gonna use a more aesthetic picture but then i found this & it was too cute not to include lol <3 also requests are still open! just send in an ask :)
taglist: @nutellani (fill out this form if you'd like to be included!)
first i’m gonna explain how matt murdock actually became your legal guardian.
because i just want to establish that lol
so your parents were involved with wilson fisk.
you had no idea about this of course, since you were very young when they were still involved in his business.
and btw when i say business i mean like his shady dealings
you were kind of left on your own a lot as a kid. you didn’t really mind it, and figured out how to entertain yourself.
however, when you were five years old, you returned home to find a truly awful crime scene.
you would learn much later in life that your parents had decided to report fisk, but before they were able to do so, he had them killed.
the perp was still there, and almost got you. however, a man with a black mask over his eyes was able to stop him for a second, yelling at you to run.
so you did. 
you ended up at an orphanage, but one day, a blind man came in looking to adopt.
you felt an immediate connection, and he adopted you when you were six. 
you’ve been inseparable ever since!!!
he told you all about your parents when you were older btw
anyways so now onto the fun stuff!!
one perk of living with matt is that your room is bomb.
bc his apartment is lowkey the coolest
if you like to visualise like i do, i imagine that your room is like next to the closet where he keeps the daredevil stuff
anyways it’s super cosy
and you also can basically see in the dark because even though it doesn’t matter if the lights are on, matt tells you to keep them off because then the electric bill will stay low 
you called him a cheapskate but he said that was rude :(
you still did it though #rebel 🥶🥶🥶
you guys bully each other all the time
it’s the way you bond :)
you go to the nelson & murdock offices after school or during the summers.
you have your own little desk there!
one time you said it was too distracting and so foggy bought a privacy folder for you LMAO
needless to say it didn’t help at all
most of the clients are really nice and they’ll ask you about school and life and stuff
you kind of put them at ease
you tried to talk to matt about him being kind of intimidating but he didn’t want to hear it.
and then foggy kept asking why you didn’t think HE was intimidating.
“i mean come on y/n! have you SEEN this face? matt has a little baby face compared to mine!!”
you laughed so hard omg
matt calls you if he needs anything or if you need to tell him something, but you mostly just text foggy to keep them both updated
in my mind, foggy texts like five texts for one sentence
he uses every emoji twice
and every time he uses an abbreviation he always capitalizes it and puts the real meaning in parentheses next to it
here is an example
“hi y/n. hope your day is going well 😃😃 matt and i just won our case 😎😎 so we are going to go to josie’s tonight to celebrate!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳 let me know if you need anything from the store 🏬🏬 ok TTYL (TALK TO YOU LATER) OMG (OH MY GOSH) matt just fell LOL (LAUGH OUT LOUD) 😱😱 gotta go ☹️☹️”
he’s so silly i love him
also matt collects records and cds.
he used to go with you to buy them and let you choose whatever you thought looked good
which is why you have everything from no doubt to frank sinatra to obscure french music
you always have music on at the apartment
like all the time
which brings me to my next point
matt never wanted you to have to see him as daredevil
but it wasn’t like the topic could be avoided.
so when he comes home with awful wounds and stuff, you help clean him up, just like he used to do for his father
and you’re damn good at it too. you have a very steady hand and no squeamish attitude at all. 
but similar to how the scotch used to help matt steady himself when he helped his father, music helps you steady yourself.
you’ll listen to soft & acoustic songs, and it helps ease you AND him.
usually you don’t talk about the things he does. but if he mentions something, you will
but usually it goes without any mention
in my mind, you and matt have a tradition of listening to baseball games on the radio together
you don’t really have a team you alaays root for, it changes year to year
but the two of you get really invested.
like you left the office early every time there’s a game so you can listen together.
or one time he and foggy were prepping a case and there was a game on so he wasn’t even focused HAH
i also think that even though josie’s is a bar, you’re allowed in
not only that, josie will let you behind the bar to make yourself a drink.
ok not like an alcoholic one but still
you have this one mixture of cranberry juice and ginger ale with a lime that you call the “y/n special” and foggy tried it and spit it out :(
josie and some of the regulars almost kicked him out LMAO it was so funny
ok also i have this very clear vision of something foggy does
so to preface this
it’s a rainy day
or just a generally gloomy day
and you and matt are home.
karen is over too.
maybe you’re reading a book and matt and karen are prepping a case or something
and then the door suddenly bursts open
matt isn’t surprised because he heard it coming obvi 
but it caught you off guard
you look over to the kitchen, where the perpetrator is completely covered by the GIGANTIC grocery bags he’s holding.
“oh no.” 
you say, and matt shakes his head. karen is already laughing
foggy drops the bags and exhales, a huge grin overtaking his face.
“we are” you and karen and matt say in unison, trying to hold back laughter
basically every time the littlest bit of winter rolls around, foggy will bring every ingredient known to man over to your and matt’s apartment and make chicken soup
you make fun of this tradition but it’s been going on since foggy and matt were in law school
and the soup is actually so good
you four always eat it together and it makes you so happy
your family, all together at one table :)
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greeenchrysanthemums · 4 months
Dear Lord Danny of Dawn,
(Que stuff that is formal and they say in letters)
I have a question for you.
Can you please info dump about anything in your GG rivals au?
Lady Marabelle of Eiren (A fantasy town I made up pronounced ear-in)
PS. I hope you have a nice day
PSS. I thought this would be a funny joke writing a letter because you have the messenger pigeon. :)
This is the cutest ask I've ever received and everything I could have hoped for when I made my inbox say messenger pigeon XD
Dear Lady Marabelle of Eiren,
I humbly accept your request to infodump; here is some world building that I have never found the opportunity to share until this point.
Today we will be talking about hybrids and magical beings!
So, the citizens of this world are not too unfamiliar with those with non-human traits. It is very common to meet a person with, say, horns like Impulse, or sharp teeth and earfins like Scott, and even dog ears like the king. This is because while magic has died out in the recent years, the beings who wielded that magic are all very much still around. Think of it a bit like the world from the movie Onward. A magical world without magic.
However, there are some species/races who, for the most part, have also died out along with the magic. For example, full avians like Grian are very rare. Most people who have avian features now are hybrids, like Skizz, who only has wings and the sharp talon-like fingers.
There are also beings who still have magic, as was mentioned in the first chapter. It is very weak, though. Whereas magic users of old used to be able to create fire larger than buildings, most people who possess magic now are only able to make a flame no bigger than the wick of a candle, or even more rarely, something the size of a fist.
Because this magic is so weak and often takes a lot of energy to create in the first place, it is not often sought after and rarely, if ever, used in combat. It is thought of with the same amazement as someone being able to lick their elbow. Cool, but nothing super extraordinary.
In this age, seeing someone who has full magical capabilities is unheard of. People like that are basically legend. There are people alive who knew a world of magic, of course, since it began to fade around 60 years ago and had almost entirely died out only 25-30 years ago; Still, it is a mostly distant memory now. Anyone who previously had magic abilities in their youth have also lost it over the years or it has become incredibly weak.
Hybrid traits such as dog ears or bull horns and tails (like what Ren and Jimmy have) are a result of past magic genetic tampering that the older generations dabbled with. It was said back in the day that mixing ones soul with that of an animal would alter and strengthen ones own magic abilities. Like the idea of a familiar, but if you were to become one with them rather than work beside them.
These hybrid features are usually a good indicator that magical blood used to run in the families veins since these features were typically passed down through birth after they were obtained.
These traits are not to be confused with hybrids who are truly a mix of two races created through mating, like Skizz. It is usually easy to tell which is the case, since some traits have no non-human to originate from. When that is not the case, there is no way of knowing other than to ask, and this is usually frowned upon. It is a rude thing to ask a person.
Some classifications for our main cast:
Human = Gem, Pearl, Cleo, Mumbo, Bigb, Etho(?), Bdubs (?)
Siren/Mers = Joel, Lizzy, Scott
Imp = Impulse, Tango
Avian = Grian
General Hybrids = Skizz (avian), Martyn (mer/siren)
Magic Born Hybrids = Ren (wolf/dog), Jimmy (bull)
(Note: I could not think of a name to distinguish the two different kinds of hybrids. If you can think of one, please do share.)
It is worthy to mention that although the inhabitants of Coral Crest are descendent from sea dwellers, they themselves do not live within the ocean anymore. Their ability to breath underwater, much like their magic, has since died out for the most part. There is a portion of the Coral Crest population that have retained this ability and the gills needed to do it, but they are a minority. They are all still brilliant swimmers though.
I hope you have enjoyed this semi-incoherent info dump on the inner workings of the GG world.
With kind regards,
Lord Danny of Dawn
PS. You have a wonderful day as well, you have made mine X)
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cowgremlin11 · 1 year
Romeo and Juliet Vikdecai AU
So I'm seriously considering making a full Romeo and Juliet AU. I was having breakfast with my roommate and he helped me fit in a few gaps that were missing crucial characters, which then snowballed to me being bale to complete fitting in the character list.
I'm tempted to turn this into a large fic or (more realistically considering my schedule) a series of small comics. If I turned it into a fic: it would be very long. I'd either have each chapter be each scene, or 5 chapters revolved around each act (longer to write). It'd be true to the original play to the best of my abilities. If I turned it into a comic: It'd be quite scattered and all over the place.
I may do a mix of both? Write the fic and draw complementary scenes to post here. I'm mostly trying to think about my college schedule and everything I have to write for my creative writing courses. (Maybe I could talk to my short fiction prof about this!)
Here's what I have so far:
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Missing characters: Zib, Wick, Lacy, Nina, Gracie, Zulie, Virgil, the pig farmers, rest of the band, Church, Kehoe, Ruby.
Not all of these missing characters need to be filled, and there's a few where I have an idea how to incorporate them (namely the band and Zulie, I have an idea that during the Act 1 Scene 5 party they could be there,) and there's a few that aren't relevant enough to truly be needed for this au (the pig farmers, Gracie, Church, Virgil.) In a perfect world I'd have a place for all of these characters and it would work out with no gaps, but this is a Romeo and Juliet Vikdecai AU. It was never meant to fit perfectly because obviously Tracy never wrote these characters with this sort of AU in mind..
Elaboration for why I cast other characters the way I did under the cut (LOTS OF WORDS):
Viktor as Romeo is... a little tricky. Same with Mordecai as Juliet.Obviously, they're not going to be changed fundamentally JUST to fit the au. I have the plan for Viktor to be more of a sad sack than a romantic, hence why Viktor's canon wife has been cast as the girl who rejected Romeo (also he's bisexual.) Viktor starts this AU in such a sad spot, but the hard part comes in when you remember that there is no war trauma. There is no PTSD. This is my biggest hurdle when writing most aus, not even just Vikdecai aus. (You should see the cowboy au!) Now Mordecai, I have a plan. He's very true to the Mordecai we see in canon, just without the Heller family (as they wouldn't exist here.) There's no Rose, no Esther, and no Mama Tzipporah. But when you think about it, that doesn't quite stop Mordecai from being the way he is! He's still this nerdy, rude, analytical twerp that Viktor grows attracted to. I am most excited to work out the party scene. Perhaps Mordecai catches Viktor's eye not because of his beauty, but because he's the 'brought a book to a club' trope. The other's can wait, why the hell is this guy reading at a party.
Atlas and Mitzi are the Montagues, because this idea revolves around Viktor being of the Montague house, but seeing how Mordecai is part of the Capulets in this AU, I felt the need for Atlas to be dead so it's more true to the canon story. It also saves me on writing Atlas, a character we don't know much about personality wise (we can only theorize and speculate.) Rocky as Mercutio WORKS TOO WELL. I know there are some people who would make this au with a RockyxMordecai focus (I hate that ship too much) BUT IT WOULDN'T WORK! ROCKY IS NO ROMEO, ROCKY IS A MERCUTIO. THE QUEEN MAB SPEECH PEOPLE! Freckle as Benvolio is just very funny to me, and very fitting with Rocky as Mercutio. I have ALWAYS read Benvolio as this nervous little guy following around Mercutio, and if I'm remembering this right Benvolio is good in a fight. This just works!!! Balthasar is Romeo's trusted friend, and the one who tells him of Juliet's "death." I didn't know where else to put Ivy, honestly, and this is the closest we'd get to 'Romeo's trusted friend.'
I don't know what to do about Lady Capulet? She's a very important character in the play, as she speaks with Juliet many times, but there is no canon character who would be Asa's wife, and I don't know if Asa even HAS a wife. Perhaps I could put Nina there, but that would be VERY awkward seeing how Rocky and Freckle are part of the other house. I may make an oc for that role? Someone stuck up and stiff to contrast Asa's dad vibes. THAT OR: since Juliet's gender swapped in this I could cut Lady Capulet altogether and have Asa be the one to come talk to Mordecai about the marriage and such. Might just do that... Mrs. Bapka as the nurse is an idea from my roommate that I love too much to not do. She wouldn't speak a word in english, obviously, and that can cause a lot of issues story-wise, but 1. who else would the nurse be, I'm struggling and 2. THE COMEDY OF IT ALL. And also-I like to think Mrs. Bapka does know Mordecai! He goes to visit Viktor and this tiny little grandma comes over without warning and they know each other! And she's a neutral party who could want the best for them both.
Dom as the Prince is purely because who else would go there, and the Prince is a character who keeps the peace. Almost like Dom is trying to keep the peace in St. Louis by putting an end to the criminal bootlegging? I think it's a good fit.
I think Serafine as Count Paris and Nico as Tybalt is the funniest option. I almost had those characters filled in as Wes and Fish (inspired by @melffen 's Beauty and the Beast fic having Wes be Gaston, and Count Paris is trying to marry Juliet, you can see where my thought process was) but then I realized,
Where do the savoys go
That doesn't QUITE fit the personalities I'm going for (works in the BatB au since Serafine's better as the witch! I loved the subtle casting of her as the with more than you'll ever know)
Wes and Fish as the two Capulet's who get into a fight at the start of the play is a much funnier outcome.
The Arbogasts as the clergy characters is too funny for me to not do. Originally I had the idea of Abelard as Friar Laurence, but I was hesitant due to 1. main couple is gay and 2. HELLFIRE, so I swapped him and Bobby when I remembered Friar John exists. Elsa is a good fit for the apothecary, since you know. Nurse. Quackenbush is a backup who's more like a stunt double just in case something goes wrong when writing her character.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk, if you have any ideas ANY AT ALL, please feel free to rb this with said ideas, or just come into my dms if you want to help me with this idea!
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friendsim2 · 6 months
Just a question, I don't want to appear rude or anything...
I like your game, really do, but have you considered writing MSPAR as literally anything else than a pathetic little pleb who just can't seem to do a single thing right unless they have some sort of guidance?
I recall they were some kind of God or at least a supernatural entity, weren't they? All that Green Sun bullshit. So then why does majority of the characters treat us like complete trash? Even less than that in extreme cases (cough cough tyzias)
I understand Alternia is harsh or whatever, and they are just pissed at everything that breathes (if a fictional character's feelings are really needed to be taken into consideration) but this just feels like weak writing to me, especially after several volumes. I played both revolution and salvation to see if the treatment of the main character would change, but.....nope!
In og friendsim, they were a dork too, absolutely, but they also had the qualities to stand up for themselves (ie. insulting both Mallek and Galekh, highblood enough to rip us to shreds if they wanted to) but now, all their "personality" revolves around the fact of how trully incapable, pathetic, and weak they are despite the fact template MSPAR wasn't even that hard to stomach. This one on the other hand....
I didn't expect a sequel of a literal meme goldmine to be so negative (again, Alternia is Alternia, ik), even aggressive towards the player in certain moments. I guess winding down while playing was never the idea in the first place? I felt personally attacked by the ooc characters for something I didn't even do lol. If this was your intention, then you did a really good job.
Chickening out made perfect sense in the first volume, new surroundings and a murder to absorb, but as the volumes grew more brutal and savage, it truly makes no sense to keep a main character so mentally weak. I swear, I can't be the only one who is immensely annoyed by this.
But hey, that's just my humble opinion after 35 hours of playtime. Still excited for Marvus ofc
Peace out
So, I think there's a couple things worth pointing out here - and just to preface this isn't "your take on this is bad and wrong" but more "have you considered this?"
Don't expect this will change your opinion that much, since you clearly put a lot of time into this, but maybe you'll see things in a slightly different light - at the very least, I feel like this is thought-out critique that deserves a response.
First off, and I feel like this is an important baseline to set - we treat MSPAR as a character, not a reader insert. They are being influenced by an outside force, but exist in a kind of weird meta-narrative state where they're kind of also in control of their own personality. While this might not be explicitly stated in FS/PQ, it's definitely the vibe you get from the writing - MSPAR clearly shows a personality separate from the person playing it.
The "god powers MSPAR" is very much the product of the end of Pesterquest, not OG Friendsim. Keep in mind that literally none of the Friendsim characters have seen that side of MSPAR. Also, MSPAR mostly used their god powers to try to fix things for their friends... although there's a path where they're very much condescended to by the narrative itself. But like, Friendsim MSPAR is kind of a sad wet cat - they get hurt a lot and spend a lot of time wandering kind of aimlessly. They're in a lot of situations - and that was our influence moreso than PQ's tone.
The MSPAR that everyone on Alternia knows is basically not the same MSPAR as the end of PQ. Because stuff happened in PQ that none of them are aware of. But they've stepped back into another part of the story and subjected themselves to the influence of other, darker forces (Scratch) by choosing to go back for their other friends so... shit's fucked, man.
The story is intentionally darker in tone that the original Friendsim and Pesterquest - that was an intentional choice, and we know it might not be to everyone's liking. And if you're more in it for the lighter, more humorous vibes of FS/PQ that is completely fair and understandable. Some of that is the result of taking the Alternian world-building in a more serious direction, some of it is to reflect the changing attitudes as characters grow up and fill into their roles in the system more, and some of it is just a difference in writing style. And, like, fully acknowledging that the story gets downright grim at times. Not to say that there aren't darker moments in OG FS - stuff like the bad ending with Nihkee or the stuff with Daraya and the mall - but it is overall a little more humorous.
At it's heart, Friendsim 2 is a story about trauma - both the trauma of Alternia and what it represents, and also the trauma inherent in MSPAR's attempts to deal with the implications of how the timelines work. The trauma is both from MSPAR and from other characters who've interacted with MSPAR. That does inform both how MSPAR responds to stuff (keep in mind they're basically slugging through like a week of time here with very limited rest, just moving from point to point without a strong idea of what's guiding them). But also, it is a story about pushing past that trauma and getting to place where recovery and healing might be possible. And yeah, some of the payoff for that is coming in volumes 12 - 14 so it's not fair to be like "why can't you see this?!" The arc of the story is very much a "start at the bottom and crawl your way up" kind of thing, with moments of triumph along the way (breaking Skylla and Konyyl out in volume 3, helping Chixie in volume 7, helping the rebels in volume 9, freeing Folykl and Kuprum in volume 11)
Idk if I'd say everyone is negative towards MSPAR. Obviously there's some very prominent examples (Tyzias, Polypa) - but that varies from extremely positive (Stelsa, Mallek, Bronya, Lynera) to neutral (Amisia, Tirona, Tegiri) to "we don't remember you" (Diemen, Charun, Fozzer). The balance is probably neutral-to-negative, which was an intentional choice.
The story is about to throw some curveballs at you in volumes 12, 13, and 14 which may or may not influence how you see things. I suspect at least one of these (from volume 13) will probably not be something you vibe with, but a couple might be positives for you.
I really hope that the ultimate conclusion of the game itself helps put some stuff in perspective. The final volume is a way of tying all the threads together in a way that will hopefully feel satisfying - and there's a bunch of ending slides that will show the outcomes of various choices you made along the way, Fallout style.
Anyway, appreciate the well thought-out critique. It sounds like you might have gone in expecting a slightly different story than the one you got - and that's completely fine! Hopefully the last few volumes will prove to be a satisfying send-off - and regardless we appreciate the investment of time and energy into the game!
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stillboldlygoing · 5 months
fic writery thing
thank you for the indirect, sort-of tag @lauronk -- and also you @ameerawrites
How many works do you have on ao3? 2
what's your total ao3 word count? 36k!
what fandoms do you write for? Currently only for "The Last of Us"
what are your top five fics by kudos? wellllllll I only have the two 💀 but: The Garden Set Us Free Like a Rock
do you respond to comments? like, obsessively
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I can genuinely say that the only draw, for me, in writing fanfic is giving people the happy endings canon didn't-- so everything I've ever written ends happily. (Minus the WIPs that never ended at all, RIP. 🪦)
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The Garden Set Us Free -- so wildly fluffy I was worried it would be a flop
do you get hate on fics? I had some... let's say... brutal reviews of my early fics, but tbh it was all deserved. (Not to excuse leaving rude comments!!)
do you write smut? if so what kind? I've written all of it! Slash, femslash, het.
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written? It doesn't really count as crazy because it was in-universe, but Voyager/TOS.
have you ever had a fic stolen? I have no idea -- but if you're gonna steal a fic, please steal the ones I left unfinished 10+ years ago after writing myself into a hole and then tag me cuz I'd really like to see how they end.
have you ever had a fic translated? no 🥲
have you ever co-written a fic before? only round-robin style!
what's your all time favorite ship? Like most fandom trash I am constantly embarking and disembarking -- but my OTP with the most longevity is still my very first OTP, Kirk/Spock
what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I no longer post as I go-- but I have a truly absurd amount of words written for a Jaime/Brienne (Game of Thrones) "You've Got Mail"-style AU that I fear will never see the light of day. I love the plot, I love the setting, I love the vibe-- and my original self-imposed posting deadline was... December 15th, 2017, which was the day AOL shut down AIM. May the me that truly believed I would make that deadline rest in peace.
what are your writing strengths? I had dial-up for, like, years after everyone else switched to high speed-- and therefore have a deep wellspring of patience. I am never in a rush to post!
what are your writing weaknesses? I'm an underwriter... to an extreme. I'll be on the 58th draft before I realize I've never once, in 80k words, described a single outfit.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I try to only sprinkle in words/phrases that can be 100% understood via context alone -- or words that are used so often in canon that even the most most casual fans would recognize them.
first fandom you wrote for? Star Trek: Voyager <3
favorite fic you've written? Like a Rock. I don't know that I'll ever be able to recapture the joy I felt posting this one... I hesitate to call it a crack fic because I did write it in earnest (and in homage to one of my favorite fanfic writers) buuuut I knew people would go "wtf", and there are few things my inner Hellmo enjoys more than people looking at me and going "wtf"
NO PRESSURE BUUUUUUT.... if you want to do it!! And also I apologize if you were already tagged!! I tag @bearrycool, @howtotrainyourdoofus, & @becomethesun
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yv-sketches · 11 months
hello, I just discovered your fanfic "birds do not talk and spoons do not bow" about the wizards of once and I was wondering if you are going to finish it? It's so good btw
Oh man, this ask sent me on a nostalgia trip back to 2019-2020. I am so glad you like it! Someone coming to tumblr to tell me they liked my silly little fic is genuinely the greatest compliment, thank you so so much!
Whether I will finish it is a hard question. I had so many ideas for this fic and this ask single handedly brought them back 😂 I would love to, because I have multiple chapters planned out and partially written, but I never found the time to finish them and my life is wildly busier now.
I originally planned 3 story arcs. Chapters 1-13 were the first one in which they became friends. Chapter 14-25 would be the second one, mirroring book 2 and part of book 3. They meet Perdita for the first time, there is a kidnapping that makes the parents temporarily join forces to find the children, Sychorax commits a murder, Xar gets influences by his witchstain and ch. 25 would end with a confrontation with the Kingwitch.
Chapter 16 is the opening of the zoo, with Kingcat, Forestheart and Nighteye as three big cats living there. I don’t want to promise anything but I did write a paragraph or two for it just now…
Here’s a piece I’ve written that would happen somewhere around chapter 25.
“Hello. You are Xar, right?”
Xar turned away from the lion enclosure to see a tall young man in front of him.
“I am Alexandre Augustin, excuse my accent, I am from France.” The stranger introduced himself.
Xar didn’t shake his outstretched hand. “Are you the grown up my father hired to talk to me?”
“I’m twenty-one, I doubt that counts as grown up.”
“I heard your father was looking for professional help, but I thought I would be able to help you better.” The young man said. “He said you are often angry.”
A therapist. Great. Xar didn’t answer, so the therapist stood there with his hands clasped in front of him.
“Your father said I could find you in the zoo after closing times,” he tried. “Do you want to go inside?” He opened the door to the crocodile enclosure and Xar wondered if ‘WARNING: DANGEROUS’ meant something different in French.
“Watch out for the crocodile.”
“Thank you for the warning, Xar.”
Xar wanted this guy to vanish, but he was merely doing his job, and the poor shrink didn’t deserve to get eaten by a crocodile at his fathers request. The therapist slowly walked into the crocodile enclosure, paying the crocodiles no mind. Xar followed, but made sure to leave the door open in case they had to make a run for it.
“May I?” He gestured to a log next to the water, asking permission as if Xar was the boss of the zoo. When he didn’t answer, the therapist sat down.
After shooting the crocodiles a glance, (still in the water and making a few grumbling sounds), Xar sat down next to him. The crocodiles floated around like malicious pool noodles, watching their every movement.
“I once met a furious komodo monitor. He poisoned every human who came close and fended off all attempts to catch him,” the shrink said.
It did not sound like a subject for a therapist to Xar. Where had his father found this loon?
“It turned out he was not truly angry, just sad.” The loon turned to Xar and offered a smile. “I don’t think you’re angry either.”
He had a kindly face, though Xar supposed most therapist-like people did. You didn’t become a therapist if you had issues like him.
He said nothing. He knew you were supposed to talk to therapists but was there to say to a story like this? ‘Yes, I am actually sad, now I will never be angry again?’ His father would like that, but unfortunately Xar was just his rude, impulsive, stupid self.
The shrink turned back to the crocodiles, as if inspecting their scales. “I will be honest, Xar, I am not a therapist, and my name is not Alexandre either. The real Alexandre is the therapist.”
Xar backed away, his eyebrows furrowed in an attempt to make sense of what he just said. “You impersonated a therapist? Why?” This took a 180, and got incredibly interesting, if only Xar was in the mood to appreciate it.
Not-Alexandre smiled his kindly smile, even if he kept looking at the crocodiles. “To talk to you. Your father quietly asked his influential friends for a therapist who could help with anger issues. He mentioned that you thought you could speak to animals.”
Great. His father told the whole world the was a delusional lunatic.
“And you came all the way from France to tell me this?” Xar crossed his arms and stared the impostor therapist down. He had half a mind to stand up and leave. Good thing he’d left the door open.
“Alexandre is from France, I am not. I speak French though.”
He realised the not-therapist had dropped the accent sometime during their conversation. “Then who are you? Is there anything you said that isn’t a lie?”
Another kindly smile. “I didn’t lie about the komodo monitor. It took a lot of work to diffuse his anger.” Then he added: “He told me he hadn’t spoken to anyone since his brother died.”
It took a second for the words to land, then Xar’s mouth fell open. “You...” his eyes flitted from the crocodiles behind them, to the guy next to him and back.
“I asked them if we could stay here for a while and they accepted.“
A not-therapist who can talk to animals too.
“So you can...”
“Yes. Mammals, reptiles and birds. Unfortunately no insects or fish, and I struggle to understand amphibians.”
Xar looked him up and down, but he looked like a perfectly normal human.
“Just birds and mammals. Sometimes I feel like reptiles try to say something, but it’s in a language I don’t understand.” He replied, still dazed by the fact that this person spoke so casually about this.
Here he was, sitting next to an identity thief, comparing groups of animals who spoke to them, like grades on a test.
Not-Alexandre put a hand on Xar’s shoulder.
“I am not sure why we can hear them, or how, but know that you are not crazy.”
“Do you know other people... like this?” Xar leaned in closer, filled with a sudden eagerness to compare speaking animals with other people.
“There’s a story where I am from, about a boy in the middle ages who spoke to a dangerous bird stuck in a tree and rescued it. When the bird was healed, it let the boy fly on its back.”
“I’ll have to ask Timeloss about that next time he gets stuck in a bird feeder.” He’d fly away and never come back.
“I know one person who actually existed. It is hereditary I think.” The impostor continued.
“Your family?”
The not-therapist-who-spoke-to-animals stared at the ground and spoke with a faint glimpse of sadness.
“The brother of the komodo monitor did not die. His father had him institutionalized, until he ended it.”
Xat did not know what to say to such a terribly sad story, so he gave the stupidest reply possible. “I didn’t know komodo lizards lived that long.”
If the fake therapist minded, he did not show it. “Usually they don’t, but this one did. Outliving his friends only worsened his anger. It was nearly 150 years ago. The father was important enough to keep it hidden.”
“Parents with jobs like that hate the truth I guess,” Xar said. “My father sure doesn’t.”
“Xar, listen,” the strange man spoke, “I don’t know your father very well, but if he truly despised the truth, he would not have asked Alexandre to come. Maybe it is wrong, but parents do a lot of wrong things out of desperate love.”
The way Not-Alexandre said it made it seem as if he knew what it felt like.
“Your father loves you. It does not right any wrongs, I know. No loving parent is without faults, and you are not obliged to forgive them, but a loving parent is willing change once they see their mistakes.”
For a second, Xar allowed himself to entertain that thought, to imagine a father who did not think his hobbies childish, who did not insist he stay out of the woods behind his house and let him and Wish be friends without bringing up Wish’s afwul mother. It was a nice thought.
“Xar!” Encanzo’s voice boomed from somewhere else in the zoo.
It was a good thing he did, for Xar was two seconds away from hugging this person and crying his eyes out.
The strange young man smiled. “Come, your father won’t like it if he sees us near the crocodiles.”
They left the crocodile enclosure after thanking them profusely for their time. Xar felt a little silly waving goodbye to animals he could not understand.
They found Encanzo back at the lion enclosure.
“My apologies, there has been a mistake here.” Not-Alexandre looked so sincere, Xar’s father bought the lie. “I must have been sent here by accident, sir Atarexeiavanqaj. I’ll let the board of directors know of this and they will send a suitable replacement.”
To Xar and Encanzo’s great surprise, the not-therapist pronounced their name perfectly. They shook hands and not-Alexandre left. Encanzo was too speechless to protest.
A small pang of sadness shot through Xar’s chest at the thought that he would never see this young man again. He ran after the impostor, who was dastardly fast.
“Wait, who are you then?” Xar whispered.
The young man gave him one last smile.
“The accident.”
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nedjemetsenen · 11 months
Why do Fanfic writers generally hate “constructive” criticism?
This is a topic that comes across my dash a couple times a month, but those posts generally focus on how unsolicited criticism is rude. Today, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the ways that it’s also generally useless even if you’re trying to be helpful. To do this, I will be using examples from my own comment section, but please do not seek those comments out. This post is about informing, not about creating a hate mob.
Issue One: You don't know if your criticism is already known
No story is perfect. There will always be flaws. Sometimes you find a flaw that the author can improve on. Sometimes you pick up on something that the author accepted as a flaw during the writing process for whatever reason. It may have been because they're writing for fun. It may have been because they liked the flawed version of the story better than the story without the flaw. It may be because they genuinely didn't know how to fix it, but still wanted to tell the story flaw and all.
To give an example of this, here’s an excerpt from a truly lovely comment where the person also tried to give some helpful feedback:
you did a fantastic job with the characters you altered to fit the story. They were mostly rounded and felt like whole people instead of cardboard cut-outs. However, this made the characters that you didn't change feel very flat. [List of characters] often felt like window dressing, like they were included solely because they were part of the original show.
This is exactly why those characters showed up in that fic and the issue of them being window dressing isn’t something that I introduced. It’s a flaw in the original work. To fix this issue, I would have cut these characters or merged them into one character. But this wasn’t original fiction. It was fanfiction, so I decided to sacrifice quality for the sake of honoring the source as it felt wrong to remove these guys when they’re a classic part of the roster. I also actively chose to not develop them more as it would have killed the pacing and added nothing to the story I was trying to tell. There are characters that I arguably should have given more screen time to in that fic, but these were not those characters.
Issue Two: Timeliness
Unless the story is newly published, you have no idea if your criticism is still useful. Even if it is newly published, how long has the fic been going for? Are you critiquing a chapter from 3 years ago or last week? Unless it’s the latest chapter, you don’t know. Even if it is the latest chapter, you don’t know when it was written. Sometimes people find an old work of theirs and just post it without editing because they don’t want to edit and they know people will enjoy the story as-is. Sometimes people write the whole fic and then post it week by week while they work on the next one.
I recently had someone ask me for some feedback on a section of dialogue and I pointed out an area for potential improvement. The person who asked for the feedback has read some of my stuff and pointed out that I’d used a similar technique in a fic and they were absolutely correct. I had. But the fic was a few years old and I simply haven’t yet taken the time to go back and edit all 100k+ of it. I write at least a quarter of a million words every year and that means that I’m always learning. It’s incredibly rare for me to reread an old piece of mine without finding something to edit. It won’t always be something major, but it’s there. Waiting. Taunting me.
Along similar lines, if you're pointing out a flaw that's specific to the story, I'm not sure what you're expecting to happen next. While some writers go back and edit old works (I certainly have), a lot of writers consider older works done and prefer to focus on new ones.
Issue Three: Most people are shockingly bad at giving good constructive criticism.
Constructive criticism is a skill that you have to learn and practice. It’s also genuinely difficult to learn as it's the difference between helping a person tell the story that you want to read and helping them tell the best version of the story that they want to tell. The first is not good crit, but it is the crit that most people give.
There are times when I’ll beta for a fic and think “that character would never do that”, but that’s terrible feedback because I’m imposing my version of the character over the author’s take on the character and they’re not trying to tell a story with my headcanons. They’re using theirs and my job as an editor/beta is to accept that and help them tell their story as best they can.
I've also been given feedback like this. Here’s an excerpt from a comment where someone pointed out something that they didn’t like in one of my fics:
it's cute to see him like this once in a while but he's a grown man and "adorable" feels a little out of place in this situation
This is utterly useless feedback and I will die on that hill. In my opinion, I wrote this character perfectly because this is how I see him. It’s my headcanon and the version of him that you'll see in all of my fics. What’s funny is that I actually think that I got the female lead in this story a bit wrong. I should have toned her down, but this was early in my journey to learn these characters and then we’re back to issue two.
Final Thoughts
If an author asks for constructive criticism, then absolutely feel free to give it to them, but if you've ever wondered why most authors don't, the above is probably why. It's why I only welcome grammatical corrections and historical/cultural accuracy corrections on my own fics. Those are the only comments that I've ever found useful.
There are times when I seek out other types of feedback. I just don't get it from random readers after the story is already published. I get it from select individuals during the writing process and that's the feedback process favored by most writers as it's the one that's most likely to lead to improvement.
If you ever come across a fic that you love, but you feel like it could use an editor, my advice is to leave a comment saying how much you love the story and then offer to beta read (the fandom word for an editor. No I don't know why fandom has a different definition for that word than the definition used in the publishing industry. It just is what it is.) And if you don't want to take the time to beta for someone, that's okay! But if you don't want to make the massive time commitment to truly help the person improve, then maybe don't give unsolicited feedback that's more likely to make them stop writing altogether? I promise you, that person will improve on their own just by writing more. I certainly did! If you read the fanfic that I wrote when I was 13, you'd be shocked by how bad it is compared to my current stuff.
I personally consider that fact a source of pride.
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The Welcome Home update was absolutely fantastic and showed so many sides to the silly puppets we all love and enjoy! Although I have to admit some of the audios with Wally did surprise me a bit, especially the ones where he was off to the side and out of the spotlight (except for the interview of course). I feel like this choice was definitely on purpose to make us question what his role truly was in the show. Perhaps he wasn’t in the spotlight as much as we first thought? Maybe him solely becoming the focus for such a big audience instead of the cast altogether recently would cause such distress?
Especially after decades of who knows what that’s been happening in the Neighborhood. He’s an artist with just a bucket of paint, a blank canvas, and everyone is watching over his shoulder on what he’ll do next. Wallys not even not sure if were there let alone listening, He’s just alone with nobody to guide him, no silly adventure to go on with friends, let alone share a laugh with. He was a stand in, a host to the audience that allowed us to participate in the wacky adventures that went on in Welcome Home. But without his friends and audience what is he now?…
Anyways! This is just my speculation, I really do wonder what’s going on behind the scenes though with this funny little guy. (Also I realized the way Wally speaks reminds me a lot of the dialogue/interactions from Silent Hill 2. It’s kinda awkward and weird but looking back still charming).
i don't want to totally rule out anything in this ask as a possibility, given how early we still are - i think the idea that wally being the closest thing the show had to a protagonist was something that emerged later in its run and that such a change was overwhelming for him, doubly so in the present day with [vague gesture] everything else he's got going on, is a Very compelling one, for one thing. but this ask does remind me: i'm kind of surprised by how many people assume that wally is like, actually physically alone right now? (save for home, anyways.)
like, wally mentions talking to the other neighbors pretty regularly in his guestbook drawings, and the bug videos having a higher audio quality than anything else on the site so far seems to indicate that they take place "outside" of the show, and presumably things have been taking place outside of the show for years - y'know, on account of there no longer being a show. of course, wally could be lying about still being in contact with the others, but i don't really see anything that he would gain from doing so. although, being surrounded by the same people you practically grew up with while also dealing with something that you have no idea how to articulate to them and Also possibly seeing those people as less "real"* than you and your house and the extradimensional beings you keep trying to establish a two-way connection with in order to regain your sense of purpose - that could easily be considered a form of loneliness on par with physical solitude.
actually, halfway through writing that paragraph, i realized something: the bug videos have a higher audio quality, but the secret records (the ones that all the drawings that aren't in the guestbook link to) don't. you'd think if anything takes place outside the show, it would be those - but maybe since wally seems so dedicated to his original image from the show, his voice reflects that in terms of quality? maybe that's the reason for the distortion that crops up sometimes? but the distortion also appears in publicly available audio.... much to think about.
*of course it goes without saying that if this is indeed the case, then wally will probably be in for a Very rude awakening when whatever's happening here begins affecting the other neighbors - i say "when" and not "if" because of clown's own description of the project. or perhaps he's trying to prevent that from happening? no way to unlearn something like that, after all. we'll have to wait and see.
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xslytherclawx-writes · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
stolen from @thebreakfastgenie - if you want to do this, consider yourself tagged!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
508, not including anon works
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
uh... lots? i think i've written in upwards of 70 fandoms. mostly currently Harry Potter and Star Trek (Voyager & Lower Decks). Occasionally I'll toss in a Miraculous fic. My top 6 by works are: Harry Potter (187), Yuri!!! on ICE (62), Chronicles of Narnia (39), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn (18), The Umbrella Academy (TV) (12) - tied with Original Work (12)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Total Agony of Being in Love (Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston)  Two of A Kind (Howl Series - Diana Wynne Jones) La Magique étude du Bonheur (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling)  i bloom just for you (Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston) enough contrition to spare (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! but i do have over 100 comments in my inbox so perhaps i am not like... the best at it haha
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think maybe either: (for you) i would ruin myself (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) or: Death Date (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling)  OR: like my parents never did (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling)  but like i write a LOT of angst lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've written so much fluff so I'm just going to plug relationship advice (Miraculous Ladybug) (written for @nemaliwrites actually haha) because I think it has enough stakes for the ending to count as truly happy instead of just. fluff all the way through. (though it is pretty fluffy)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
yeah. i wrote aged up characters once and got called disgusting like ok thanks you're the one who took the time to click on it and leave a comment. but ok. i also was told very rudely that sirius was ooc in a fic for not being fanon sirius. again: ok. read the books.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, pretty often, actually. I've written F/M, F/F, M/M, F/M/M. I'll be posting some F/F/M soonish too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not often? I think the craziest one I've written was Star Wars PT / Buffy the Vampire Slayer: friends in highly low places 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not just that, but I had a fic ripped off for a professionally published novel. not that i'm still bitter, or anything.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Введение в дипломатию by lyomna, translation of an introduction to diplomacy (Narnia) From English to Русский
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sure have! Mostly in Yuri!!! on ICE
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
don't do this to me. I genuinely don't know. all-time?? Jill/Eustace and Polly/Digory have stood the test of time better than anything for any of my other fandoms tbh. But like favorite???? I can't pick. Some evergreen ships: Katniss/Peeta (THG), Remus/Lily (HP), Drarry (HP), Hyacinth/Gareth (Bridgerton).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i mean the entirety of the cat café universe is probably not being touched again. uh. beyond that? not one for being let down (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) - I should probably just put an epilogue on it and call it done a matter of diplomacy (Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis) - I really do like this one, but my brain is just not giving me many more ideas for it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and character voice!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
detailed description
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did it before bc I was a pretentious ass and continue it in Ravenclaw AU for consistency's sake, but I probably wouldn't do it again, unless it was a language I spoke fluently (so French or German) and didn't want my POV character to understand, and even then... eh.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, officially, but I wrote out some Halloweentown fanfiction in 3rd grade and submitted it for an assignment, so does that count?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
making me choose a favorite child. jk it's probably Lost Causes (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) or, in a completely different vein, the proof is in the pudding (literally. no one tested the pudding.) (Succession (TV 2018)) 
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hiii i absolutely adore your poetry known poem, but i really want to know more about it,, could you talk a it about it please...
Hi! And yes, I would love to. You're my first ever ask, so this is kinda cool :D
Beware, this is very long.
Okay, this is basically a sort-of-analysis of my own poem. If you want to analyze it yourself, just remember to tag me because I'd love to see it!
Anyway, so I wrote it during the aftermath of a panic attack. So, I was calming down from being very distressed about something and poetry helps me. So I thought: maybe it's poetry time? And my brain agreed, it was poetry time.
I first came up with the title. My brain was set in what I call "poetry madness mode", which is whenever I end up writing poems. Idk where the idea of Poetry Known came from, but I thought it was cool so I just went with it.
From there, I wrote the first stanza. Originally, I was only going to do the one lil stanza, but then poet brain said 'nah you aint done yet' and I wrote more. Idk why exactly, but apathy has the colour of grey to me. So that's where that came from. The line, "But you, my dear, are new to me" is kind of me saying 'I havent seen you before, or maybe it's just been a while'. You'll see why in a moment.
Next stanza: originally the line, "Ink so thick, it bends" was going to something different, but it just didn't sound right for the poem. It originally was going to be, "Ink so red, blood so thick- it bends". Maybe I'll save that line for another time. Mostly this stanza is about me writing in general, how it feels to write in present time.
The third stanza was a bit of an allusion to past childhood experiences, an indirect reference to Child Me lying to myself about my situation as a way to cope. Deep down, I knew it wasn't true or good, but I so desperately wanted to believe it so I choose denial over honesty.
The fourth stanza... I honestly have no clue where that came from, nor what it means. All I know is that it hits hard for me, and idk why.
The next stanza, number five: it's more of a reference to how writing was for me in the past, as a kid. How I treated others. How I contradicted myself. How my belief of how people are was contradicting itself, and how I didn't stay true to it deep down. More of a reference to middle school me. I find it almost poetic, in a way.
Stanza Number Six: this is literally just me calling myself out on my past bs. My apathy was a mask to hide feelings and protect myself, but it never truly worked well. It's the "remains of a cremated past" because it's all the words/rules I was taught in a not-great household. And I thought, for the longest time, that was just how it normally went. And I was terrified of breaking those 'rules'.
The seventh stanza was me saying (again) how I wasn't as apathetic as Past Me swore they were. I was so convinced I was 'thunderous'- creepy and scary, and kind of an asshole. That's how I saw myself, as a bad person. But I was still incredibly kind and generous, and I couldn't bear the thought of being mean to others. If I was so dark and horrible, then why would I skip class to help others through a bad episode? Why did I compliment and remain kind to all the f*cked up and rude kids, the ones who almost never showed me kindness in return? I gave light to others even when I couldn't spare any at all. I was a safe place (I learned later in high school because those I helped literally told me) to others.
Number Eight: idk what this one is about exactly, but I'm pretty sure it's just me addressing Past Me. Saying that I was my own friend, in a way. Not much to add otherwise.
The final stanza, number nine: it's short and simple, and I really like this little couplet. It's basically telling myself that when I'm ready to look at myself and figure myself out, when I'm ready to be honest about/with myself- then I will find solace. I will be at home, truly at home, and I'll be safe and loved and okay. That I will get what I give others, one day. Someday, whenever I'm ready to start that journey.
Overall, this is basically me talking to/about my past self and my misguided child self.
I really liked how it turned out.
Thanks @fayestales for the ask! If you have any more questions or things you wanna say, just ask away.
See ya around!
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doodle-bun-makes · 1 year
Hi! Would you mind telling me about your favourite thing you've ever created?
Oh my gosh I dont even know where to start!!!! I've made a lot of things in my 19 years of life; both fandom related and original ideas, writing and drawing! So I'm gonna choose one of each because I can't choose just one (this is going to be long lol)
For fan writing, I have to say my favorite thing I've made so far is for Haikyuu (of course lol). It's a fantasy au that originally focused on Kyoutani x Yamaguchi where Kyoutani's a demon/cambion who's apart of this infamous demon family that's known for bringing destruction. He and his brothers are summoned to bring down a kingdom that was already on the verge of collapsing b/c of a shitty king who pissed a lot of people off. But Kyoutani becomes enamored with Yamaguchi, who all the demons mistake for the prince. Then Kyoutani gets in trouble because he decides to spare and help heal Yamaguchi even though they were supposed to kill all the royalty. It isn't until a demon king comes to "finish the job" that it's revealed that Yamaguchi isn't the prince, but the personal servant of the princess. Then this would branch into another story focused on Hinata x Aone where prince Hinata and his sister flee to the neighboring kingdom in the mountains. Then Hinata tries to befriend the shy prince Aone and they end up falling in love after Aone saves Hinata from hypothermia after he was thrown by a horse into a river. I still love this idea even though I haven't finished either of these fics. I've put so much thought into it and I don't want to publish anything until I have the whole story written out so I don't leave anything on a cliffhanger. I do intend to finish these fics one day and maybe add another to the universe where Yamaguchi, Aone, Hinata, and some other characters (i'm thinking Tsukishima and Kageyama) go on some journey, but idk. But if we're talking about published fics I'm still so proud of my Yamaguchi x Kyoutani cowboy au "The Hat Rule" that's published on my ao3, it's the longest fic I've been able to finish so far!
For fan art, this is going to be hard. I'm kinda in a rut right now where I hate my art style, but I still really like this art I made for my cowboy au fic "The Hat Rule" that I mentioned before
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For original works, i think my favorite story would have to be this fantasy story that's working title is "Of Dragons and Unicorns" where the princess of the unicorn kingdom, Sylvia, is betrothed to the crown prince of the dragon kingdom, Eluard, but she's really resentful about it because she's only met him once when they were really young so she doesn't remember him at all and all the portraits she gets of him make him look dull and boring. But the dragon royalty and other royalty are coming to the unicorn kingdom to celebrate Sylvia at a debutante ball thing. Basically, Sylvia is cold to Eluard and his brother Oswald at first but after she has a slight meltdown at her ball, Eluard opens up to her and they become friends. I'm hoping for a one sided enemys-to-friends-to-lovers kind of story. Then in a different story Sylvia would move to the dragon kingdom where she'd learn that Eluard has an estranged twin brother and both of them have this curse(?) that gives them dragon traits (scales, wings, claws). While the estranged brother embraces his traits and sees it as an excuse to not be responsible for his actions, Eluard is ashamed of it and tries to hide his traits from Sylvia. Then this would lead to the whole "prince saves princess from dragon" situation where BOTH of the princes are dragons (kinda) and Sylvia is so rude to the estranged brother that he gives her up voluntarily. But this story is SO far from finished that I don't know when or if it'll ever be done. I've put so much thought into the world building for this story that I could honestly spend hours talking about it. I truly love this story, but I literally can't find the motivation in me to work on it.
For original drawings, this is a hard one. I have a lot of OC's that have my whole heart, but my favorite digital drawing has to be this one with burlesque cocker spaniels. For a little context, I like drawing animals in old fashioned clothes when I'm super stressed because it makes me feel better. I'm not an official furry (I don't have a fursona or anything), but this piece brings me a certain pride that none of my others do. Maybe it's the lighting
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But yeah! These are four of my favorite projects and I'm so happy to share them with you who made it this far. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have about any of my projects!
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