#would obviously vary depending on how things went
Oh! How about this au in which Rhaenyra wins the war, and some of the Greens are "spared," not out of mercy, but in a "fate worse than death" way. The Blacks ensure Aemond will never ride a dragon or pick up a sword for the rest of his life. Aegon is castrated (because what happened to Dyana and countless other women was horrible) and sent to The Wall, where he lives the miserable rest of his life in the cold. Criston Cole's sword hand is cut off by Daemon, and he is also left to rot at the Wall with Aegon (let's see how far his temper and outbursts get him when he doesn't have a Queen to hide behind). Maybe Daeron is spared if he doesn't cause any trouble. Helaena and her children are sent to Dragonstone to live the rest of their lives in peace. Otto is made to watch his fellow conspirators be roasted alive or skewered by Dark Sister one by one until he's the last man to die. Alicent is locked away in a tower; she remains deprived of friends, her children, and her status. Everyone moves on without her, and Westeros changes under Queen Rhaenyra's rule, with Alicent observing helplessly as King's Landing flourishes like never before from the bars of her single window. Finally, at the height of her despair, Rhaenyra gifts her the "beloved" page from their girlhood in a cruel mockery causing Alicent to break.
Ah, so kind of like a fate of the greens in the event of a black victory?
I think a fair chunk of the Greens still end up dead, but there is certainly some room for fates worse than death on the way. Having them alive is too dangerous to Rhaenyra, even having won the war.
I should be doing an addendum onto The Red Queen in the nearish future along a similar concept.
But in general, here are my headcanons for the fate of the greens if they lose:
Aemond: Probably already dead - generally I don't see the greens as a whole surrendering unless he is out of the picture, and if he decided to side with Rhaenyra then he is not getting punished. But in the event that the blacks do get to have vengence on him, I think at the least they'd take his other eye.
Aegon: Something public. Beheading or for a properly poetic end given canon, fed to Syrax. Before that - I mean who is to say what happens in the Black Cells? And demonizing Aegon would certainly potentially help Rhaenyra with PR. Castration could work for that.
Daeron/Jaehaerys/Maelor: Not killed - these three are important for Rhaenyra keeping control of both claims - it is hard to rebel in someone's name when they are the captive of your opposition. To that end, I think house arrest on Dragonstone is likely, with the possibility of being sent to the Citadel or joining the Queensguard, depending on how things work out with how loyal they are to the new queen. But they are unlikely to ever marry - Rhaenyra has enough boys of Targaryen blood on her own and this way the male line claim of Aegon II would die with them.
Helaena/Jaehaera: Again, not killed - these two are always beneath Rhaenyra in the line of succession, and given the relative lack of Targaryen boys, Jaehaera is definitely in the running as a wife for Joffrey or Aegon. That being said I would think Rhaenyra would require Jaehaera to be raised at court, and I think it reasonable that she would allow Helaena to remain with her. This also would be good PR for Rhaenyra.
Alicent: I see Rhaenyra being very vindictive and cruel in a personal way to Alicent, especially if Luke is dead in this verse. Something along the lines of being sent to a motherhouse in the Vale, never to lay eyes on any of her children or grandchildren again, and never to see the Reach again. After being made to watch all the executions. I also could see Rhaenyra declaring her father's second marriage to be invalid as it was not a Valyrian one, and calling Alicent nothing more than the king's mistress and her children nothing more than bastards. It would kind of fit thematically with Rhaenyra's eldest three actually being bastards. Alicent would definitely live a long, horrible life - and Rhaenyra would go out of her way to make it worse than death. And I could see her giving
Otto: Gets to watch as Rhaenyra reduces House Hightower to second-rate Tyrell bannermen, effectively undoing his entire legacy, before getting to 'light the way' - literally. Whether dragonfire or wildfire is used is optional.
Criston Cole: Daemon gets to do whatever he pleases with him. Likely would end with Caraxes roasting him - but not before he begged for it.
Where there any others you were interested in?
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marzipanandminutiae · 26 days
Do you know much about historical cuisine? Saw yet another anime with friends and they went the whole 'modern food always tastes better' bit. I feel tired of the trope and am wondering how different historical cuisine would taste compared to modern times. So anything you happen to know as a historian would be cool to know!
That varies MASSIVELY based on time and location. Like. Much more than fashion does, even, I'd imagine (in a given sub-region- I can talk about Mainstream European and Euro-American Fashion of the 19th CenturyTM but the food was so different in different countries that were dressing the same, if that makes sense? just as an example).
Food is often more globalized in a lot of places nowadays, so the characters might have more diversity of flavors from the regional norm than they're used to. But this could be a good or a bad thing- a woman from 17th-century Japan might love pizza and much sweeter Western pastries, or she might absolutely hate them. Which is not to say regional cuisines haven't evolved, too- a museum here in Boston used to have tastings of 18th-century-style hot chocolate, and it was very different from the modern sort. But that's the largest blanket difference across the globe that I can think of, food-wise.
Not sure what anime this was, so it could have been Japan-specific, but I feel like this gets applied the most to the 19th-mid 20th century UK and United States. The whole Captain America line about "food's better; we used to boil everything," for example, and the general belief that everything was bland mush in those areas until the 1950s and then it was incomprehensible Jell-O mold horrors until approximately the 1980s. And of course, none of that's true- there were plenty of dishes that used spices and different cooking methods, many of which are still popular today. See also: Jonathan Harker, a Normal 1890s Englishman, getting so rhapsodical about paprikahendl that he simply must have the recipe for his fiancee to make. There also WERE bland mushes and fluorescent nightmares, but there's less than ideal food today, as well.
(Note that I'm much less confident talking about the whole English StodgeTM thing as we get into the 20th century. That is outside my history wheelhouse and there's a lot of different stuff embroiled in it relating to class and such that I don't want to talk out my ass about. All I know is that I've seen plenty of recipes from as late as the end of the 19th century, from England and some from urban Scotland if I recall correctly, that made ample use of spices. Nutmeg, mustard, black pepper, rosemary, caraway, and cayenne pepper were especially popular (not all together obviously). There was a belief among the middle and upper classes that strong flavors of garlic and onion were distasteful to ladies, but the fact that cookbooks and such feel the need to mention it implies that those elements WERE being used in cooking generally, in the UK, at that time. So wherever the idea that All British Food Is Beige And Tasteless came from, it wasn't mainstream late Victorian cooking for adults as far as I can tell)
(They gave kids a fair amount of the beige and tasteless because they believed their digestive systems couldn't handle strongly-flavored- okay now I'm getting off topic. Read Ruth Goodman's "How To Be A Victorian." Anyway!)
tl;dr- The answer to "is modern food better?" is "that's literally impossible to answer as a blanket statement, since it's massively dependent on the character's original time, place, social status, and personal taste- and where they end up in the present, of course."
Now, I do agree that the trope is annoying the same way every single princess being totally shocked and appalled when her marriage is arranged gets annoying- not because it can't be true based on history and human behavior, but because fiction treats it as some kind of universal precept. Mix it up a little sometimes! Have a Regency character who comes to the present, finds out that her favorite local cheese isn't being made anymore, and loses her entire mind!
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becauseimanicequeen · 3 months
Are you telling me purple and yellow don't make brown? How is that possible when all the sources I've examined say it turns brown? I'm asking because I genuinely thought that was how they went with it in Wandee Goodday. Color fascinates me but the theory goes above my head...
Hi, Anon.
I'm glad you asked this because I love talking about color theory.
Also, I'm putting a nit-picky, nerd alert on this post (lol) because it will get nit-picky and nerdy.
Now that you've been warned, let's dive in!
Purple and yellow don't mix into brown. Depending on the value (dark/light) and intensity of the purple and yellow, they produce black/gray when mixed.
Let me simplify the reason behind this:
Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel (also called complementary/contrasting colors, which yellow and purple are) cancel each other out when mixed together. They turn neutral (usually black/gray, potentially brown, and potentially even white).
Brown is a composite color, which means you need to mix at least two of the primaries (yellow, red, and blue) to create it.
Since we're talking about purple and yellow here, we're talking about mixing all three primaries (since we all know that red + blue = purple).
The key is in the proportions. If you mix an equal amount of all three primaries, you get somewhere on the spectrum of black/gray (usually on the darker side).
Brown, however, is basically a darker value/shade of orange, which means there needs to be a bigger part of yellow and red (which we all know produces orange) in the mix if you want to produce brown.
The opposite color to orange on the color wheel is blue, which means that too much blue in the mix will cancel out the orange and turn black/gray instead of brown.
Since purple is a secondary color, it means it has equal parts of the primary colors that create it (again, red and blue).
Purple, therefore, has too much blue in it and too little red for the red and yellow to dominate the mix and turn brown.
Obviously, we could go into a detailed (and nerdy) discussion of how purple has many different hues with a varying amount of blue and red and how we all have different perceptions of color (which is all very interesting). Unfortunately, I don't have the time to write my thesis on that (because I know it would turn into one, lol). But, I can try to simplify it a bit...
A lot of people would look at these two colors and probably say they're both purple:
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Which isn't wrong. The one on the left is purple, and the one on the right is red-purple (which is the name I use since that was how I learned the color wheel and color theory) or magenta (which is a more commonly used name). So, the right one has purple in it. But it's not really purple purple.
The difference between these two colors (besides having different names) is that the one on the right (red-purple/magenta) has more red in it than the purple on the left. This also means that the one on the right has a bigger likelihood of producing brown if mixed with yellow since it has more red than blue in it.
So, technically there are red-purple/magenta hues, which have purple in them, that can produce brown when mixed with yellow. But purple and yellow won't. (I can't remember if I've ever mixed more yellow into a mix with purple to see what happens, but I imagine it would turn a lighter, perhaps muddier gray, but don't quote me on that.)
I think we can all agree that Yak and Dee have always been yellow and purple (and since Dee often leans into blue as well, I feel like his purple is verging more towards blue-purple than red-purple/magenta). So, mixing Yak's yellow and Dee's purple will produce gray, not brown.
Anyway, moving on...
There's also a thing called optical illusion when it comes to color. This basically means that a color might appear different in a changing environment.
I can paint a whole canvas full of brushstrokes of red next to brushstrokes of blue. Up close, you'll see that they're red and blue brushstrokes. From a distance, however, they may appear purple. Our perception of the colors has changed with physical distance.
Another example is the change in light. A red flower outside might appear orangeish in the yellow morning light while it might appear to verge towards purple during the blue light of day.
To illustrate optical illusion with Wandee Goodday, look at these images:
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We know they're wearing the same uniforms and, therefore, the same color. Yet, they look different in these different environments (well, at least to me).
The left one appears to be a bright (and perhaps slightly dull) purple in that bright, white light. The middle one verges towards red-purple due to the warm yellowish light around Dee (the yellow is bringing out the red in the purple because it's pulling the purple towards a warmer tone). And they look purple again in the right one. Perhaps a bit deeper (or darker in value), which might be due to the lighting being more neutral and not as bright and prominent as in the left image.
What's interesting about this is that you might see something else in the color of their clothes (or no change at all) because your perception might be different than mine. And that's okay because perception is just like opinions. It's not fact, it's not wrong, they're just different.
However, the scientific side of color theory (how to mix colors, etc.) is more straightforward than the perception and symbolic side of color theory (which are also important to this topic). We might perceive colors differently (a yellow to you might verge into orange for me, a purple to you might verge into red-purple/magenta for me), but yellow and purple in their purest forms won't mix into brown because there's too much blue in purple that cancels out the orange mix of red and yellow that's required to produce brown. Instead, yellow and purple mix into black/gray.
But that doesn't mean all purple and yellow mix into the same gray hue or value.
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The purple of Dee's shirt and the yellow on the poster to the right in the left image will mix into one hue of gray. That purple is light in value, which will affect the final result. The purple on the boxing gloves and the yellow on the punching bag in the image to the right will produce another hue of gray (probably a darker one that can pass off as black) because the purple is darker in value and both colors are high in intensity. But neither will produce brown because the yellows are yellow without leaning towards orange and the purples are purple without leaning towards red.
I might be nit-picky about this (it's an occupational hazard, lol). But since I'm an artist who works with colors at least 6 days a week, these terms/names mean specific things to me and they have specific qualities. Purple will always be an equal amount of red and blue (or close to an equal amount). I will always call magenta red-purple because that's how I learned color theory and that's what that color is to me (a mix of red and purple). Red-purple and yellow can potentially produce brown because there's a bigger ratio of yellow and red compared to blue. But yellow and purple can't produce brown because there's too much blue in purple, which cancels out the orange created by the red and yellow.
I don't know if this makes sense if you're not in my brain (lol) but, hopefully, it does.
Thank you for your ask (and the opportunity to nerd out about color).
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
How would the tangled kids react to Varian and Cassandra’s villain arc? Also I love your art 😊
AJDJDJDGG OKAY SO. this is SO fucking good but ive been putting it off for so long bc i wanted to draw something to go with it but i’ve just. never figured out what so inevitably i’m just gonna answer it on its own
this subject in particular is SO FUNNY for me to think about bc i think the kids’ reactions depend a lot on how their parents talk abt it and both of them handle it in COMPLETELY different ways. like uknighted dream is pretty open abt it (obviously they give the incredibly watered down kid-safe version) and they kinda use it as a learning experience? like in very vague terms.
its kinda just like
alina: oh why are you and mama cass fighting in your drawing :(
rapunzel: <:) well yknow how if you shake a bottle of soda, when you open it it explodes everywhere?? well sometimes when we bottle up our feelings and don’t do anything with them or talk to someone we trust, they end up getting all shaken up in there, and eventually theyll explode! mama cass and i used to have a lot of trouble talking about our feelings, and because of all those emotions that got bottled up and shaken around in there, we found it hard to properly communicate with each other at all. but then we realized how much we really cared about each other and how we really wanted to make things work, so we learned to be more honest about how we felt and how to communicate with one another without everything just ‘exploding’, so to speak. and thats why we always teach you how to manage your big emotions, does that make sense? :)
on the other hand VARIAN? literally could not care less. at least not with the ud kids. he still has one of his wanted posters that hugo grabbed as a “souvenir” on their trip, and the automaton he used to fight rapunzel? its still in the corner of his lab and he pulls it apart regularly for scrap metal.
ryder will be wandering around his lab when hes like 7 and hes like “uncle vari whats that”
varian: that’s an automaton buddy
ryder: did you make it?
varian: yeah
ryder: what’s it for
varian: well nothing now it’s just spare parts. but i actually made it a long time ago to fight your mom
ryder: which one
varian: both actually. and technically your dad. but mostly rapunzel
ryder: oh
ryder: did you win?
varian: no it wasnt really that kind of fight. nobody won
ryder: oh that’s boring
ryder: can i try it
varian: absolutely not
when emery comes along though varian is like “okay we are Never addressing this again” bc em thinks varian is SO cool and varian actually cares So much about his newfound image. (very stupid of him for that to be his main priority obviously bc emery is like 4 and if she knew what he did she would probably just be like “okay. can i have apple juice”)
anyways yeah ilmari and the twins don’t really tell her anything either because they don’t really see it as anything worth telling her about, especially in comparison to way more important things like the fact that lance will sometimes sneak you dessert before dinner if you can convince eugene he has a gray hair without him catching on. so obviously emery grows up fairly unaware of anything varian has done but the defining factor is that shes constantly hearing about it out of context and is just left to struggle with that enigma.
like you know the experience of being like 14 years old at the family thanksgiving and you get to sit at the grown ups table for the first time and hear about all their weird beef and inside jokes and also hear your aunt mention out of context that hey your dad went to prison once bc that’s LITERALLY what the tangled kids experience in relation to their parents’ pasts. like the twins forgot about most of what varian told them by the time they grew up, they knew the watered down version of what happened with cass but they never knew the little details right. so they’ll just be hanging out playing checkers together while the adults are sitting across the room chatting over drinks and varian jokes “oh man its just like that one time cass kidnapped me” and all the kids immediately whip their heads around like “WHAT?”
this is ESPECIALLY true with emery who’s parents are notorious for having more insults for each other than pet names. em could just be reading by the fireplace late one night and var and hugo come out for a midnight snack and just start talking like
hugo: sometimes i think maybe objectively we should be evil again. like just for fun
varian: honestly. i took over the kingdom once i could do it again no problem
hugo: you’re probably actually strong enough to do it yourself now 🥺
varian: you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid
emery: ….right so are we just gonna brush over the “again” part or did you guys forget i was here
varian also eventually realizes that by doing this he is replicating EXACTLY how quirin used to be secretive of his own past and how like one day varian just suddenly had to grapple with the knowledge that his dad who baked pies and fed the apple peels to his raccoon probably had a kill count. and obviously varian is absolutely distraught over this revelation
“HUGO HELP ME. I think im becoming my dad” “oh. well hey it happens to all of us it could be worse. besides your dad is hot so like i see it as a win win” “What” “what?”
i should probably also mention that ilmari knew about cass’s villain arc long before they even MET and ilmari actively tries to use this against her when they’re like 13. like “yeah well you cant tell ME what to do i’m gonna tell alina and ryder you tried to stab mom when you were in your 20s” (it doesn’t work btw)
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neechees · 1 month
Hi! Before I ask my question, I just want to say that your art is awesome! I especially love the common windmill butterfly OC you came up with. They're so cool! Did you ever decide on a name for them? I just realized that's also a question woops lol that wasn't the main question I wanted to ask. I was curious if you've ever seen the 1999 film Ravenous, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? It's a film that not so subtly almost blatantly denounces the u.s, colonization, and european christianity by comparing it to cannibalism. However, they also incorporate something that I don't think I should spell out cuz I've heard it would be disrespectful of me as a white person to mention the word so I'll just say that it starts with a "W" when written out in english. I wanted to know if, even in a context in which colonization is outright reprimanded, if it's still unintentionally engaging in oppression by adding that specific cultural element into the movie at all. I've been trying to find any indigenous film critics's thoughts on the subject but google and tumblr's search functions are total garbage and I've also been making a point not to write the W word into any search engines cuz as I said earlier I've been told that that's not a good thing to do. But obviously, you don't have to answer any of my questions if you don't want to. I just know you sometimes do art analysis, so I figured you might be interested in giving your thoughts on the subject. Anywho, I hope you're doing well! 🧡
For the first part of your question, tysm, and I'm so glad you like my art!! <33 I actually never named any of the fancy shawl dancers, they're less like fully fledged OC's and more like just a human representation of what a fancy shawl regalia might look like inspired by the moth and butterfly species given. many dancers might have a regalia that represents something or have common motifs/themes surrounding that thing, sometimes very personal, and sometimes just because they like that thing or think it's pretty, and seeing butterflies on fancy shawl regalia is very common, which is partially what inspired me to do the series. I'd love to see if any other people had come up with names for them though!
and as for you main question, no I have never watched that movie, and I don't think I will specifically because it includes that. I also don't know how much Native involvement there was in it. The idea of the ice cannibal representing greed comes from traditional beliefs (which may vary depending on tribe, but there's quite a bit of overlap) of multiple Algonquian Nations, so that's why it pops up in media surrounding it, I don't really think it's particularly groundbreaking or anything because that was OUR beliefs. However, I know most depictions of the ice cannibal, because most are done by Moniyaws, are inaccurate. Generally most beliefs regarding the ice cannibal tend to agree that one shouldn't show it at all, except under specific circumstances and by certain people. You might get differing opinions on whether White depictions on the ice cannibal is contributing DIRECTLY to Native oppression specifically, but in the very least it's disrespectful and maybe a microagression (depends on the content, though). I wish people would STOP doing it, but for the moment I don't know that much can be done about the already released media regarding it.
But even with Native led depictions, let me give you a couple of examples: There was like this live play of a Native retelling take of Macbeth put together by a small group of people that featured the ice cannibal, and they went around various reserves showing this play, and they came to my reserve. My sister was there, and she said whenever it (the ice cannibal) came onto stage, multiple people, which included most of those in the audience, screamed and ran out of the room, only returning when the character was off stage. So that should give you an idea of how many Cree people feel about even fictional depictions of the monster lol.
As another example, there's this Native artist who's work you might have seen at some point, named Norval Morrisseau (he's almost like the Native American Michelangelo of Woodland Art, and he's described as "the Picasso of the North", that's how legendary he is), and while he's still very very famous, of course he's most well known by Native people. He did a painting of the Ice Cannibal, and it was very controversial among Natives when it was done and displayed. Many people believed he shouldn't have painted it at all. So even though the monster and his art was a bit more obscure at the time he painted it, this was still highly controversial.
So even when it's coming from a Native perspective, any representation of the ice cannibal will be controversial and subject to differing opinions, which might vary depending on their specific beliefs. If it's THIS controversial when NATIVES do it, imagine how much worse it is if it's a White depiction with bastardization (not that we necessarily want an accurate depiction, either). I can't offer a review on the film since I've never watched it and likely won't, but if another Algonquian has, feel free to share your thoughts!
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ask-duotale-b2fc · 9 months
✨️Duotale FAQ✨️
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Just in case peeps ask questions a lot lol. Will add more as we go.
•What exactly is this AU about?
Its just a funny little AU where not all monsters were locked underground and some went into hiding instead. Some species of monster in this AU can take on human form with their magic, hence why this is possible. Of course, this doesnt stop kiddos, human or monster, from climbing that darn mountain though.
•When is the next page?
Duotale updates every Friday. Time varies but I try to keep it between 10am and 12pm EST. If either day falls on a holiday, the page will be posted the following day.
•Why is this AU called Duotale?
Because the two main characters are twins, hence the Duo in Duotale. Ok they aren't twins, but they are siblings, born a few months apart. Yes, Strawberry is the Older one.
•Is the player a thing in this AU?
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the AUs in the Citadel. No one is controlling the Duotale cast though. They've had their own mind and actions from the start. Underplayer is in the Citadel though, if you count them as a player.
●Can my AU be featured in your comic?
Why yes. Just refer to the link in the Masterpost labeled "how to get your AU into the comic". Follow the rules, answer the questions, and you'll be in where we can fit you! Do note that we will try to spread everyone out through different MVC visits, so please, don't be upset if your appearance isn't automatic! You will be seen eventually before the story's end! Scene art and asks are a different story though.
•Will Kris make an appearance?
Yes :3. I'll leave it at that. Ralsei will make an appearance in asks or art, Susie may or may not be in the comic itself. Here's the boi. During the comic he's a lil toddler. (Gender explaination is below btw for those that care.)
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•Is Kris gonna be Frisk or Luci's counterpart?
No. Neither. They will be their own person.
●Is Clover gonna make an appearance?
Like Kris, the cowboy ghost will be there, but unlike Kris, you won't see him in comic til the end. He will (and has already) pop up on our blog, like Dalv or Star sherrif boi, but in comic, sorry, hes in Asgore's castle and that's so far away right now lmao. But here's how he looks. Yes, he knows the fox stole his hat. He does not know where his gun is, though.
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●Will xxx color soul child also be in this AU?
Depends. We already have the Yellow soul decided (obvi). If There's another colored child you wanna see pop up as a canon-to-duotale ghost at the end of the comic you can ask, but so far only Clover and MAYBE Marine(Patience soul) but the lore is off that comic might contradict yellow or ours so that's undecided. Any other kids so far would be only seen in the MVC. We're trying not to pick kids in full existing sets so thats why Clover and maybe Marine are our only choices so far. We are more likely to make up the rest tbh. No more red souls though beyond cameos. Red souls work a special way in our AU and there's not a lot (if any) that can fit that requirement.
•Can other ghosts see Chara/Luci?
Yes. And she can see said other ghosts. Strawberry can only see those that she summons and Blackberry can see ghosts as well. Frisky can sense spirits near him but obviously cannot see them.
●Why do some characters have rings around them?
That just means they're dead. Ghosts. Spirits that didn't move on to heven or hell. The ring color matches the color of their soul and doesn't change. Luci, Blackberry, Dalv, and Kris have special rings though. They change color based on emotions. This color changing mood ring is only available to one species and it starts becoming visible around puberty. Luci is fullblooded, hence why her ring is always visible and changing like a rainbow, though Blackie and Kris aren't fullblooded, so their rings might be a bit faultly ha. If you're every curious what the colors mean, you can refer to the link labeled "Luci's mood ring" on the master post. Or a more simplified list ca be found on her teen ref.
•What exactly are the main cast's species?
Blackie is is a halfbreed kitsune vampire, Luci is a purebreed vampire with demonic powers, Strawberry is a tanuki who practices witch magic, and Frisky is a human. He just has a magical scarf to give him wings like redbull. As for Kris... you'll figure it out. No spoilers, sorry lol.
•How did you come up with the idea of Duotale?
Originally this story was gonna be a comic of our own runs in Undertale, showing how they clash and would effect each other. Kinda like thise PMD comics and Nuzlocke animations people make. But somewhere between writing the script and making the first cover art, we changed our minds and made a whole AU instead.
•Is fanart allowed?
Yes uwu. You can find character info and all current ref sheets in the Masterpost, last section at the bottom :3 If ya tag me, I can reblog it in my main account so peeps can see it, and an account I have specifically for or art made by others so I wont lose it. Main account is @oatmealkitty . That is where all non ask/comic art goes.
•What ships are in this comic/blog?
Oh boy a hard question to answer. Ignoring any cameos, out of our own and JUST our own characters this is the list. I'm probably missing a LOT though as these are off the top of my mind.
☆Friskyberry (Frisk x Blackie) | ☆Charaberry (Luci x Strawberry) | ☆Charisk (Sugartale) | ☆Chariel (Luci x Cristal; in the past before adoption, though nothing comes of this.) | ☆Pappyton | ☆Soriel (They break up post story on mutual terms) | ☆Torgore (They break up before the story and never get back together.) | ☆Kingdings (Asgore's relationship post comic) | ☆Sansby (After Sans and Tori split) | ☆Alphyne | ☆Kris x Ralsei
•What are the pronouns of each character?
You will find all information on the masterpost, last section. If someone is missing we just didnt finish the refs yet. Apologies. Since I know MK, MTT and Blooky will be asked about due to lack of refs, they are all he/him here but Blooky and MK accept They/Them. Remember that this is an Alternate Universe, as in not sticking to the game's lore to a T. So please dont start a fuss over this. If canon versions of the characters ever speak or are spoken to in the Citadel, they will be referred to by the genders Toby (NOT THE FANDOM) placed on them, so be happy with that smh.
A note to avoid confusion since I KNOW this will cause issues if I don't give a bible explanation: WITHIN the comic, Kris' pronouns will be he/him, hence me calling the younger one he/him. Personally, I can't see a literal 3 year old toddler changing his gender or even caring about that. I know I sure didn't back then lol. I didn't care till damn near the end of highschool tbh. Soo, He starts requesting people use they/them (if possible) in his late teens as thats what I personally experienced. Sorry to anyone who wants out of the womb non binary/trans babies. Oh and when he's spoken to or about in another language, regaurdless of age, it will be male pronouns bc languages. Sorry, can't fix that either. That's just how languages work. So yeah, Tldr: In comic=he/him. In asks=they/them (he/him if non english language).
•You can ask LITERALLY anything to ANYONE. Even the mods.
•All questions will go to the cast as they are in the comic, unless we allow asks for the adults for some reason. All asks starting in chapter 2 are considered canon.
•You can ask spoiler based questions, but they will either be heavily censored or answered in a joking manner as to not give away everything that happens in the story. Depending on the question, we may not be able to answer it at all though.
•All asks that seem like spam will be ignored. I know we answered them before jokingly but after a while it becomes too much. Also! We will ignore asks about religion (offensive/forcing), racism, sexism, stuff like that.
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senualothbrok · 6 months
A question about your "The Difference" fic, or at least a stray, errant thought I had.
How do you think Gale would react to the timeline possibility in the game where he became a god? Does he like that version of himself? Given where he is now, does he wish he were that version? Tara's disappointment? Elminster's letter? Will he do an origin playthrough with Mia to try and grasp the choices he could have made, or when he's homesick?
Hello friend! Lovely to hear from you 🥰 What a great question.
The version of Gale that we meet in “The Difference” is Professor Gale, who realised that he was enough as he is, who did not seek godhood because he realised, with some help from Tav, that he did not need to. He has come to terms with some of his deep rooted insecurities through that journey. This is a version of Gale who chose to leave the Crown at the bottom of the Chiothar, rather than returning it to Mystra. He still has the mark of the orb on his chest, but it's stabilised, because he is no longer being driven by restless ambition. He is content with himself, and no longer dependent on Mystra. Though he still has the scar, the orb is for all intents and purposes “cured”.
(This is a very rare ending that you can get in the game, and it's my favourite one.)
At this stage (chapter 7), Gale doesn't yet realise the timeline possibilities within the game. When he does, I can't imagine that he wouldn't be curious to find out how things would play out if different choices were made. I actually wanted to have him do an origin playthrough, I think that would be so fantastic and very in character - he would want to see and understand everything. I also think he would be very entertained by the romance element of the game (I had some scenes in my head of his reactions to Astarion's seduction techniques, for example 🤣).
I need to figure out where to slot these things in though 🫣 the challenge of this fic is that there are so many interesting scenes I could put in but haven't because I have to make sure the story still flows and tension is still maintained. So no promises, but I hope I can do it….
I do not think this version of Gale would like God!Gale. Because our Gale is at peace with himself and has come to terms with the insecurities that used to drive him, I feel like he would be able to tell how tragic an arc God!Gale is. He would recognise God!Gale’s power, of course, and he might have a little admiration at his home in Elysium. But Gale would also see that God!Gale is a betrayal of what Gale said he wanted to ascend for. God!Gale is indifferent and morally ambivalent, arrogant, and detached. Gale wanted to ascend to be a better god than Mystra, to help people, to retain his good, mortal heart. God!Gale loses all that. Gale would see that as a tragedy, I think.
Tara's reaction, Elminster’s letter, all of these things would just cement it.
Gale is currently unmoored because he's in a different world, but still holds to his multiverse theory ie that there are constants and variants ie that he is a constant, his form across universes may vary. Though his views of existence and self have been rocked, I don't think he would lose his values and so I think he would still see God!Gale in this way. I don't think he regrets his choices or the way his life went. He is still, within himself, at peace (though obviously he is confused as all hell).
What do you think? Do you agree? 😌
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HIYA! u can answer this in DMs (i just find sending asks fun) if u want, but i was wondering about how u found out u were dogday kin, and if ur comfortable sharing, can u tell me abt ur experience with being kin to him :0
like do you have any shifts? memories? etc? I'm SO curious to know what u remember of the factory!! unless you're the cartoon Dogday, or are u the bigger body Dogday?
either way i'd love to hear about it!! /nf
No no it's fine! I'm glad people are interested! So how I kinda found out maybe a bit strange to say the least. When I was young, obviously I didn't know I was a fiction kin. I didn't know kinning was even a thing. I was nine years old at best.
Being the naive person that I was, my mother wasn't really that great as I started to get older. I guess to put it lightly I was abused quite harshly. I always had bruises all over my legs. I was really flinchy and anxious.
I would say it's a bit of both DogDays. As for me cartoon DogDay kinda represents my innocence as a kid. Though big body DogDay represents as I am older what kind of childhood trauma I've been through.
My shifts vary depending on how I'm feeling. Usually it will be cartoon DogDay, but there have been moments where bigger body DogDay was talking instead (he tends to handle really serious stuff better).
As for remembering about the factory. Jeez, what isn't there to remember? Don't get me wrong there were great times there but everything just went..side tracked. It wasn't supposed to happen. None of it. Though I suppose one that stood out to me the most was looking after all the kids and just seeing how happy they were. I always missed and struggled with to cope that they weren't going to come back. That is..the..loneliest feeling in the world.
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The Bats would be scrambling to find that info (they'd find it easily because they have Babs obviously) and the whole story gets unfolded (including the fact that the other heroes' identities have also been exposed but they're still heroes despite all that, depending on how far in canon you wanna go) and well, the Bats would have varying reactions but the Sirens would be pissed.
Like we're not going /full/ salt so like.
While Mari would get called out on 1.) breaking the rules for Kagami originally and 2.) not checking into why Chloé helped Hawkmoth just believing she went darkside fully
We're not going to rake everyone over. Mari's decision on Kagami was a petty jealousy thing. Her later decisions to bring in other revealed heroes wasn't her changing the rules, it was her going 'shit went sideways and I need people I trust who already have experience instead of finding a bunch of rookies to replace them, so it's a risk but a calculated one'. And her benching Chloé because of MQ is because she doesn't think about the bigger picture or wonder why Chloé would've turned besides 'she's being a selfish brat', she genuinely doesn't realize and would be apologetic if told.
(The rest of the team believes Ladybug and takes her word on what happened. They are also concerned to learn the truth.)
So it's like. The new family is pissed on Chloé's behalf. But the adults are at least looking at a bunch of teenagers, some of whom are /very/ naive, and realizing that this was a bit of miscommunication that can be worked on. Doesn't invalidate how much hurt it caused, but no one was intentionally being a jackass.
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if you're still taking requests - nsfw alphabet with Austria
Austria NSFW alphabet
i couldn’t tell whether i wanted him to be submissive or not.. so i kinda did both. also i wrote this in a he and you sort of way and i dont know if i like it or not..?? feel this stuff isnt that accurate but whatever..
warnings: nsfw obviously, kinks vary alot, nothing too intense unless spanking counts. just say if you want me to add one since i cant really think of anything really in here
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He either goes right to sleep or he might drink some water then take a bath after a bit of time laying with you. It mostly depends on what happend, how long it lasted, and how his day went.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hands alot, theyre help him play instruments, plus you seem to like them alot when he uses them on you.
Roderich's an ass guy, maybe thighs. But his favoritee part yours is your lips, they can do all sorts of things and that makes him feel drawn to them often.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Prefers pulling out and cumming on ur tummy, it's easier to clean that way. Also, even if he's not a big fan of cum, the image is really nice when he sees it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to masturbate to the sight of you touching yourself, but it'll take awhile for him to admit that to you. Oh, and he wants to try out some roleplay but that he'll probably never admit it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Yeah, only with being submissive though since Hungary used to dominate him a lot. Probably not much experience domming with his partner though, maybe he slept with a couple other people beforehand.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I don't think he's a fan of really complex positions so he usually goes for cowgirl or missionary, lazy doggy too possibly if hes being penetrated.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Roderichs serious during sex, he'll chuckle at anything silly that might happen for a bit though, then continue on like normal.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He isn't all that hairy to begin with but he shaves once it becomes noticable to him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's not too romantic during sex but he does make sure to sneak a few kisses in, he also tries to have a good amount of eye contact with you too.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Not too often, maybe once a week or less if you two have been together alot that week.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Spanking(on you, bare hands or with a riding crop. both work.)
Pegging (him)
Wax play (both)
Lingerie (both)
Food play (both)
Bondage (you, he would try it maybe once or twice.. ten times so far)
Edging (you)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In bed, just more convenient for him and also more comfortable. Maybe in the tub, but you'll have to be in charge.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I feel that he has sensitive thighs that like getting rubbed, so keep a look out for that. Likes hair pulling as long as it isn't too rough on him, gentle tugs make him excited. Sitting on his lap would end with interesting results too.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything gross, I think he really really hates spitting and stuff like that. He can't hande it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
I would say he's pretty friendly with oral, isn't it's biggest fan but never against it. He's real good at it, and this is a good opportunity for that hair pulling I mentioned earlier also. Not against getting his dick sucked at all.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Can't go all that fast for various reasons, so his speed can go from slow to about average. He likes to take his time though, so slow preferrably.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not a fan. He has once probably, but it just isn't his thing. He'd rather savour these sorts of activities for as long as possible, like he does with other things he enjoys.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
No risks, but would experiement. He's willing to try things you mention most of the time, and things he might be interested in. Risking getting caught isn't something he'd do, actually, it'd probably haunt him if he did. Just a bit.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can up to 5. He'd do it for even more if he didn't get absolutely exhausted. Rounds last for awhile too. As mentioned, he likes to take his time with these sorts of things. Results can vary depending on if he's dom or sub, or on how he's feeling that day. Usually tries to get more than one in.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Hmm.. Excluding that riding crop from earlier, not too many. And there's also the bondage too, if that counts. Once bought you a vibrator so he could watch as you use it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh, definitely. Just enough to make you want more. He finds it really entertaining to see you all riled up.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He ain't quiet. No screaming, just mostly moans and groans. He would also talk quit a bit, not constantly, but he will. Pants everytime he finishes because he's tired.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Horny guy when drunk, like really really horny. This has ended in chaos for him multiple times.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Uncut, average size. No hair, he just doesn't really grow it.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high, would like to have sex four times or maybe even more a week. Masturbates otherwise, although he really prefers to have sex instead.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
fifteen minutes to two hours. Depends if he took a bath or not, even if he doesn't he still does need time to relax afterwards and catch his breath. Plus he'd talk with you a bit, most likely on whos cleaning this in the morning.
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 8 months
Welcome back!!! It’s nice to see a post from you again :)
Something I’m very curious about: in your latest theory, you said “While I don’t think regret is necessary for forgiveness (I’m the “Local Amane Momose Apologist” for a reason), it is important for forgiveness that I can believe they won’t continue to do the same bad thing in the future, which is not the case with Kotoko.”
Do you believe that Amane wouldn’t kill someone again if released? If so, why?
Hey there! Nice to see you as well, I missed you all :D
Okay so the question:
CW Child abuse, cults and indoctrination, murder, psychological torment (Guilty verdict)
So, first, I want to say that the way I worded that was… not the greatest. I made it sound like there’s some sort of hard rules I go by to judge whether someone is forgivable or not, which is… obviously impossible. Forgiveness is a very subjective, inherently biased, complex thing, and trying to set any kind of guidelines for how it works is never going to go well.
With that stated, I would like to rephrase my original wording a bit to try to avoid further confusion. The new phrasing is:
“One of the more important things I take into consideration when deciding whether I can forgive someone for a bad deed or not, is whether or not I can reasonably believe they would not perform the same bad deed again without significant external pressure. Or at the very least, that they will attempt to not do it again”
(I added “without significant external pressure” because everyone is capable of doing really bad stuff out of desperation, so if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to forgive anyone ever lol.
You’ll notice, though, “significant external pressure” is extremely vague and subjective, which is by design. What counts as “significant external pressure” in my eyes varies greatly depending on the severity of the action, the person who committed it, among other things)
Now it makes a bit more sense to apply it to Amane, who was clearly under significant external pressure both when she killed her mother, as she was being downright tortured, and when she tried to kill Es in her second VD, as she was suffering from the psychological torment of a Guilty verdict.
But that’s not really what you asked, it’s just something I wanted to clarify. You asked if I believe that Amane wouldn’t kill again if released, and quite frankly, I think it’s unlikely (though not outright impossible). Barring extremes, of course. You could argue she would kill her father if he starts doing the same things her mother did, which, fair, but I’m sorta expecting Amane to get sent off somewhere else (and hopefully way better) if she returns from Milgram. She did murder her mother, I would imagine she’s not going to be allowed to live with her father after that (maybe? idk).
The main reason why is that Amane is only shown as openly hostile when she’s under pretty extreme psychological stress. She’s usually pretty patient, even with the people who annoy her:
[Timelines 13/6/20]
Shidou: If everything about MILGRAM is true… why did a child like you have to become a murderer? Just imagining what sort of circumstances must have led to that, it makes me so sad…
Amane: *sigh*. Is that right. I don’t think I’m going to get along with you, Shidou-san. […] Please give me back my test. It seems you don’t have the concentration levels required to be my teacher. I’m going to get Kotoko-san to teach me instead.
Not to mention her first VD, where Es constantly annoys her in one way or another and Amane doesn’t react negatively until the end, where Es forcefully grabs her. Basically, Amane is pretty good at keeping a level head when things aren’t going her way, especially for her age.
And even after the Guilty verdict, she’s only hostile towards those who’ve slighted her personally. Amane wouldn’t kill someone just for breaking doctrine.
Let me use Fuuta as an example. He’s someone who very explicitly went again Amane’s doctrine, having received medical attention and thus having “ran away from God’s trials.” He also enjoys frivolous things like social media, which Amane’s cult might consider “vulgar,” breaking Gozake’s ordainment. Not to mention he’s a murderer (though it’s unclear how much Amane knows about his situation), which obviously goes against Riyone’s ordainment.
And yet, despite him breaking doctrine so blatantly, Amane still wants to help him.
(T2) Q12: What do you think of Kajiyama Fuuta?
Amane: He is lost and in pain. I should help him.
Of course she does, she wants everyone to be happy. That’s one of her main motivations as a character, it’s why she covered Positive Parade (I made a post about that)
I hope, I hope everyone can be happy and smile
Yes, her methods are misguided and harmful, they can cause a lot of damage if left unchecked. But ultimately, pretty much everything she does, she does it because she thinks it will make people happy, either in this life or the next.
However, generally speaking, murdering someone is seen as somewhat counterproductive to their happiness. Which means Amane isn’t very keen on it, usually. Things have to go really wrong for her to really consider it, and even then she’d only consider it if someone offends her personally.
A Guilty verdict counts as “things going really wrong,” of course, and both Shidou and Es have offended her in different situations. But even when she’s subjected to constant psychological torture, she still has some patience. Not much patience, mind you, but it’s there.
[Timelines 24/10/22]
Amane: Kirisaki Shidou. How long do you plan on continuing this foolish behaviour?
Shidou: I wonder what you might be referring to there. I’m just doing what I need to do. If anything, I’d be happy if you would lend me a hand.
Amane: I warned you. I can no longer turn a blind eye to this wickedness taking place right in front of us. You’re bringing ruin unto yourself. Do you understand?
She warns Shidou instead of attacking him outright, which isn’t great… but it’s not murder! Yet.
A similar thing happens with Es. In Of Blessedness and Punishment, Amane begins relatively calm, and doesn’t get violent until Es denies the concept that they’re talking to anyone but Amane, which she (they?) see as an insult.
[Of Blessedness and Punishment]
Amane: But we are generous. For now, let us make some time for a conversation with you. After all, our history is one that is built on dialogue.
Keep in mind, this is with the T1 Guilty.
So let me put it this way. Everyone has a certain limit of “shit they can take” before they decide to murder someone. Everyone, no exceptions. We’ve seen Amane reach that limit in her home life (perfectly understandable imo) and in Milgram. The question is: were she to be released, would Amane face anything bad enough for her to reach her limit again?
Call me an optimist, but seeing how patient she usually is, I like to believe there’s a solid chance she doesn’t. I’m not sure what Amane’s future outside of Milgram holds (provided she’s not already dead or anything like that), but as long as it’s better than the Hell Prison Guilty Verdict, I’d say there’s a solid chance she doesn’t kill anyone again. Especially since she’s still very young and could potentially become better at regulating her more murderous tendencies with age. Better than she already is anyways.
(I don’t have any way of knowing whether or not that would happen, I just see it as a reasonable assumption)
Again, I do think it’s possible she would murder again if things get pretty bad, but there’s really no way to know how bad things have to get before that happens. After all, again, anyone would murder if things get bad enough.
That’s why ultimately (and quite ironically), a lot of it comes down to how much faith you have in Amane, how much faith you have that she will get through life without murdering again. We simply have no way of knowing for sure whether or not she will. But I like to assume the best in people, especially children for obvious reasons (yes I’m pulling the child card again you can’t stop me), so for now I’m assuming she won’t kill again.
I don’t know if that was perfectly coherent, but I hope that answers the question regardless! Take care!
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papastarion · 10 months
Papastarion Headcanons Pt. 6
Back at it again? Back at it again.
•Playing off the idea of Astarion taking up tailoring post-canon (another headcanon I subscribe to), I think he learns just about every form of needlework he can. Obviously embroidery, but tailoring, crocheting, needlepoint, so on and so forth. He doesn’t crochet often—he learns to solely to make blankets for the dhampirs before they’re born. He knows he’s not the warmest to the touch, even after a good feed, and the last thing he wants is his children to not feel warm when they’re being held by him.
•He doesn’t need to sleep, but you’d better believe any time Thea decides it’s time to take a nap because apparently their unborn child doesn’t realize they don’t need to be nocturnal like their father, he’s going to follow. He’ll use it as time to work on his needlepoint or to read, depending on the mood. Some of his favorite memories are the ones spent in bed together like that—although he does joke (affectionately) that they went from being world-saving heroes to people who nap in the middle of the day faster than he would have expected.
•He takes everything the kids say so seriously, even when they’re too young to really understand what they’re saying. (“Nero said he hates me.” “Nero can’t spell the word “hate,” he’s just upset we won’t let him have a tressym like Tara.” “I simply don’t know how I’ll go on.” “He’ll be in love with you again in twenty minutes, you’ll survive.”)
•He might not have much interest in medical information, but he hangs on to every piece of advice Dalyria gives and asks her a million and one questions. He didn’t know he wanted any of this, not until he had it, and he’d do anything to keep from losing it.
•Is utterly convinced his kids are the best kids in the world.
•Isn’t convinced he can be a good father, but he tries so hard. And those kids adore him. He’s an excellent father because he’s their father, and he would burn the world for them to keep them warm.
•Since dhampiric hunger can vary, he uses his love of reading to make sure he’s prepared in advance for whatever type of hunger his children may develop. The hardest one ends up being Nero, the firstborn, who develops a hunger for psychic energy—something Astarion associates with the fact that Thea may or may not have been pregnant while they were still tadpoled. (Post-graveyard.)
•He worries more than he cares to admit about Bhaal’s possible influence. He knows his wife was a special case, but he does wonder if they’ll be targeted by Bhaalists, or if Bhaal will decide to punish his wayward progeny for refusing him. But if he’s willing to burn the world to keep his kids warm, then you’d better believe there’s little he won’t do beyond that. They’ve faced Bhaal once before, after all.
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Hello! I hope this isn't too random, i found your account through a tag game (hello from another the amazing devil listener 🫡) and saw that you study environmental science. Since i'm thinking about maybe studying something in that direction too (I'm really interested in ecology specifically), would you maybe want to give some insight into what its like? (Only if you want to of course 😅)
I'd be interested in anything you'd want to tell me, do you recommend it? What type of stuff do you do in class? Etc. etc. (It obviously depends on the university, i'm just trying to learn more about it since i'm finding it hard to find resources, just tell whatever you're comfortable with :) )
Again i hope it's fine that I send you an ask about this, and thank you in advance if you decide to answer it 🫶🏼
I went to university for environmental science and forestry in greece but depending what country you're in the curriculum can vary a lot.
We had a lot of classes in botany and morphology, soil science, climate science, environmental policy, environmental education, ecology, forest management, zoology, meteorology, topography, wildlife biology, a lot of genetics classes, forest recreation etc. (mine was a five year program and there were a lot of more specialized electives depending on what you want to pursue)
It's hard to say what type of thing we do in class when in one class you're identifying plants, the next you're doing mineralogy and learning how to identify rocks and the next you're learning about synecology.
I would highly advise you to study the curriculums of universities with the descriptions of each class offered to see if you are interested in this field and what university offers classes you're interested in.
You touch on a lot of different fields and learn the basics in a lot of them. So it's never boring
Ecology is an integral part of environmental science and you could definitely pursue that further if it's something you're interested in!
I don't know what country you're in so I don't know what type of programs you have but I hoped this helped
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dnd-writes · 2 months
realistically speaking what WOULD happen if one of the girls had a boyfriend?
I get a bunch of asks about different girl groups that I don’t know which ‘girls’ you’re really referring to so I’m just going to default Loona. (Warning: yap ahead)
To begin, I’ll briefly go over the two boyfriend rumors regarding the Loona members.
1. Heejin. This is a weirdly funny one. So Heejin was doing a vlive and she accidentally scrolled to a picture of a some blonde guy’s foot and ~some time ago or whatever~ people figured out (or speculated, idk) the password of Heejin’s ipad which was 970531. Putting only those two things together, people came to the conclusion that she was dating D1ce’s Jinyoung cause he had blonde hair and his bday is May 31, 1997. But then BBC quickly denied the rumors and said the pic was her cousin or something. For some reason, BBC handled this rumor in like a few hours but it takes them days or so to fix other things.
2. Choerry. Honestly, I barely know much about this one, this rumor just came and went, the rumor was she was dating some former producer or whatever.
How is that relevant to the question. Answer—it isn’t, I’m just yapping cause it’s almost 6am and cause I want to. Anyway, onto actually answering the question.
First of all, Loona is like, gay af so if they were to have boyfriends, the fandom would be in shambles (though the sane fans would still be supportive of them of course)
Second, the damage would vary depending on which member is revealed to have a boyfriend.
1. Chuu - Catastrophe. She’s like the k-pop gay icon. Heart Attack is an iconic gay song and, c’mon, this is Chuu being talked about. She assumes everyone is gay, she would look at two guys/girls hanging out together and her first question is “Are you dating?”
2. Yves - Also catastrophe but just a slightly lesser amount. Yves is in a glass closet, likes/comments on a lot of posts from pretty women on insta, her song choice, outfit choice, and the like just scream gay
Now that I finished Yves and Chuu, I realized that I couldn’t really make a proper case argument for the rest so I’ll just put them vaguely on a scale of catastrophe to mild.
Heejin - leaning towards catastrophe
Hyunjin - leaning towards catastrophe
Haseul - leaning towards mild
Yeojin - close to mild
Vivi - mild(?)
Kim Lip - close to catastrophe
Jinsoul - close to catastrophe
Choerry - near the center
Gowon - leaning towards mild
Hyeju - leaning towards catastrophe
Obviously I’m getting a couple of these incorrect but that’s essentially the ‘gay-scale’ of Loona
Also before I finish, I would just like to add that most of these are things I’ve read from (mostly gay) orbits on twitter, so this isn’t the ramblings of a random straight guy but more so a (poor) summary of insights from people who are actually in the lgbtq community.
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phoenix-flamed · 11 months
Laying in bed on mobile, so you guys get a weird headcanon thoughtdump while I puzzle this out.
Obviously, whether or not other muses know/recognize who Miles really is is still going to vary from muse to muse, same with whether or not he comes forward about who he is to individual muses and when he chooses to do it. This is just kind of like... a generally-speaking thing for my blog, I guess? So that I have a base idea for reference with my muse.
Keep in mind, I still haven't actually played the rest of XVI -- I left Barnabas on Read at the base of his tower, and haven't touched it since lol. So if there's any details from the game that answer or elaborate on any of my questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I was mulling over how much Miles would actually know about everything that's going on when it comes to the Mythos thing and Ultima. This is another subject that'll vary based on muses and interactions, but by default, I don't see how or why he would know much of anything about it, to be truthful. Even back when he was Archduke, and despite his ties to and contact with The Undying, he was unaware of the existence of Ifrit. Hell, because he himself had never stepped foot into the Apodytery at Phoenix Gate, he's never seen the mural of the Eikons, and if his father knew anything, he certainly never said anything about it to Elwin. (Though I have always headcanoned that his father was always slightly "off" or behaving "differently" after he'd emerge from communing with their ancestors in there...)
Elwin and Miles never had a reason to research into these matters the way that Joshua did, for example; if he doesn't know there's something deeper going on, why/how would he know to look into it? He vaguely recalls glimpses of Ifrit, particularly in his nightmares, but he has no idea or context for what that being is. He wasn't conscious or aware while Ifrit and Phoenix were fighting.
Which raises the question of, how would Miles get his information about what went on?
Finding out that it was Anabella that betrayed him would be easy enough. I tend to just headcanon that during the first bit of his time in Oriflamme, he was imprisoned until he not only regained consciousness, but had recovered just enough to be Branded and sold at auction as a Bearer. The Imperials who had taken him to Sanbreque knew who he was -- I just assume they probably taunted him with Anabella's betrayal and the deaths of both of his sons.
The rest is based on rumors from around Sanbreque, and things he learns at Hideaway and through missions once he becomes a Cursebreaker.
I do also tend to assume that Miles was liberated at some point before Clive and Jill reunite and meet Cid. How long before? Dunno, haven't figured that out yet. But I mention this because he has no idea that Clive and Jill are alive until the two show up at Hideaway. He also doesn't know that Joshua is alive until the aftermath of Twinside's destruction and Joshua's return with Clive and Jill to Hideaway.
When it comes to stepping forward about who he really is, as much as I want to think he would go ahead and do it once Anabella is gone from the picture, more and more I'm on the fence about it. Specifically when it comes to the boys and Jill... I get the feeling he'd be the most likely to open up to them when Clive, Joshua, and Dion are preparing to confront Ultima. It may very well be his last chance to tell his sons he loves them and has always been proud of them, and to give them a hug, after all. (And among the many valuable lessons Elwin has learned, one is the importance of leaving no words unspoken.)
What else... Oh, how much he knows about the Ultima situation. That depends on how transparent Clive is with the Cursebreakers. Considering the sky is purple, Twinside was obliterated and replaced by Origin, and pockets of aether are opening up across the realm and bringing the threat of Akashic with them, and in the case of the third in particular, the Cursebreakers are helping to combat the threat and protect civilians... They're going to need to know at least a good chunk of info.
Does he know the truth about Ultima and all of that background lore, at that point? No idea, I'm assuming not. But he does know the trio is heading off to fistfight a god, and that there is a fair chance they won't make it back. From a logical standpoint, it makes sense to me that the Cursebreakers would be informed about that, given that Clive is in charge of Hideout. They're going to need to be prepared in the event that Clive doesn't make it back, or worse, in the event that the three fail to kill Ultima.
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ Wild - The Bargainer Statues
Now, to start off, from my understanding of what I've read about it, the actual Shintoist concept, process, & spirit produced as a result of said process, is actually known as Bunrei (分霊) &, theologically speaking, the Kami isn't supposed to be decreased in any way by the act, even functioning the same. It is specifically compared to the act of using a candle to light another candle.
However, I am personally gonna be taking a couple of creative liberties in certain instances & this happens to be one of them. If this were the case in my hc, then I'd have to get a bit more convoluted with things than I'd personally prefer. As such, I'm instead making it more similar to how the Kage Bunshin technique from Naruto works. Which would be more like Hylia is the "source" goddess & the "Hylias" inside the Goddess Statues are lesser copies of her with varying degrees of power & capability depending on their host statue's size.
Also, the in-game Japanese name for the Bargainer's Statues are Majin-zō (魔人像, Magic Person Statue) & the Goddess Statues are Megami-zō (女神像, Goddess Statues), but that won't be the names I use for them.
Remember, this is my hc & I am allowed to take a couple of creative liberties here & there in my hc.
I actually see the Bargainer's Statues or Shinigami-bōzō (死神貿像, Death God Trade Statue) as being very early depictions of the Fierce Deity that act as bunshin for him in the same way that the Goddess Statues or Megami-hōzō (女神褒像, Goddess Reward Statues) act as bunshin for Hylia.
These depictions are not exactly accurate in a similar way to how the Goddess Statues are likely not accurate to how Hylia actually looked.
In this way, even though, as per my hc, Hylia & the Fierce Deity themselves have both been reincarnated several times over, their bunshin still exist & are able to watch over Hyrule & the Depths via their statues. Thus, in a way, the statues are like siblings to each other & the source god their parent in an abstract sense.
The reason I say this is because, again in my hc, one of the domains that the Fierce Deity rules over is death & the ferrying of souls to the afterlife.
If so, then this might explain why Link is always able to see the spirits of the departed. Why he can see the Poes. Why he can see the Shadow Soldiers upon the rock stacks in the Depths when no one else can.
However, something else I'd like to bring up is the Horned God Statue or Akuma-zō (悪魔像, Devil Statue). There is some evidence to suggest that the kami housed within it may also have been a Bargainer. However, obviously, something went wrong with this one & the bunshin of Hylia punished it for its life & power trades by putting it into the Horned God Statue or turning the statue of the Bargainer into the form of the Horned God Statue.
However, that doesn't necessarily debunk my theory. If you recall, Ravio was also quite the businessman who made a practice of selling things at quite high prices & he is Link's Lorule counterpart. In my mind, those who live in Lorule possess the same core souls as those in Hyrule. It is simply that their darker tendencies are brought forward a bit more. As such, it's possible that this is a part of the Hero's Spirit that we simply don't see often...
Except that we do see it quite regularly, don't we?
After all, heroes are quite prone to collecting things. Especially rupees.
And to be fair, the newly dug up Bargainer Statue in Lookout Landing also mentioned that since it'd been brought to the Surface, it'd been unable to return souls to the afterlife.
So, if the same thing happened to this perspective punished Bargainer, then it's very possible that after what may well have been 10,000 years, it might've tried to find a new purpose. One featuring a new bargain.
In my mind, the Sheikah were the ones who were supposed to bring the Poe Souls to the Bargainers, but that is obviously not taking place anymore.
And, perhaps, this punished Bargainer had originally been brought to the Surface to act as a point for Sheikah to return the souls that had returned to the Surface to take on the forms of enemy Poes & especially Imp Poes.
Though, what I find interesting is that this would mean that the Fierce Deity likely had 4 eyes in a similar way to how Rainbow Quartz from Steven Universe had 4 eyes. Which I'm very cool with!
I'd actually like to see some fanart of that personally.
I get the idea that, physical attribute-wise, he likely had a similar appearance to Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha, but with different markings, 4 eyes, & tan skin. Not to mention different clothes.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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