#would prob change a few things if I'd do it now
ifindus · 5 months
Norwegian Regions - Regional flowers and landscape.
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Østlandet (city) - Blåveis (anemone hepatica), county flower of Akershus. Low hills covered in forests and fields with many cities around the Oslo fjord.
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Østlandet (rural) - Skogstjerne (lysimachia europaea), county flower of Innlandet. Steeper hills and valleys with vast spruce forests.
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Sørlandet - Solblom (arnica montana), county flower of Agder. Beaches and islands and rocks, very coastal with inland forests.
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Vestlandet - Revebjelle (digitalis purpurea), county flower of Sogn og Fjordane. Fjords and steep, green mountainsides.
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Trøndelag - Reinrose (dryas octopetala) county flower of Trøndelag. Several valleys with forests and fertile farmland centrered around the Trondheims fjord.
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Nord-Norge - Rødsildre (saxifraga oppositifolia) county flower of Nordland. Steep mountains straight into the sea, less vegetation.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Leona Kingscholar Beastly Garb Personal Story: Part 3
"Whatever I feel like doing."
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Sunset Savanna]
Leona: Who woulda thought there'd come a time I'd be driving this many people in my car.
Vil: Are we distracting you? If that's the case, you should have just arranged for another car.
Leona: Well, we can't do that, now can we?
Leona: Regardless of how I act, I'm still a prince here.
Leona: If I said I wanted to head out of the capital by car, it'd summon one of the royal family's chauffeurs.
Leona: But, it'd be terrible of us to have them drive every which way when they're already so busy, don'tcha think?
Leona: That's why there's no other choice but for me to take the wheel.
Leona: How thoughtful of me? Oh, I know. But I'm used to driving, so no need to rush to compliment me further.
Vil: You went and got the car so you would be able to leave Kifaji-san behind. And you still said all that with a straight face.
Vil: Well, I'm willing to believe only where you say you're "used to it," though.
Leona: Hey, hey, don't pick and choose just one thing I said like that.
Vil: I mean, you're so good at driving, yet no one knows you can, right?
Vil: Sage's Island is rather small. If you were to drive around the island, someone is bound to see you.
Vil: Similar to how we sometimes see Crewel-sensei driving around in his bright red classic car.
Vil: So you basically cultivated your driving skills here in Sunset Savanna, yes?
Leona: Who knows. I'll leave it to your imagination.
Vil: Well, despite your usual laziness, you leapt at the chance to drive. There's no way you don't like driving.
Vil: And yet, the fact that you never did on Sage's Island could only mean…
Vil: You hid it because you felt it would be troublesome if anyone knew. You really are such an incorrigible man, hiding what skills you have, like this.
Leona: I think you got the wrong idea, there… I'm not hiding it, or whatever.
Leona: There was a car on Sage's Island that I could just take whenever, sure, I'd totally do something like take my precious club members into the town, no prob.
Vil: Again, just speaking with out feeling, as always. Oh, also…
Leona: Just drop it, Vil. Also, hey, Kalim, Lilia and [Yuu], be prepared to get out soon.
Leona: We're almost there.
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[Sunset Savanna – Arena]
―After the Catch the Tail victory
Kalim: Ahahah! Who woulda thunk we'd get this kind of victory parade!
Kalim: Tamashina-Mina was an amazing celebration!
Lilia: You're right. This was definitely a great trip ♪
Lilia: This memory will definitely last a lifetime. …And that includes this final ride, too.
Vil: We had just gotten a wonderful victory, but apparently we can't even finish this with elegance.
Leona: All of you need to just shut it. Just close your mouths before you bite your tongue off.
Leona: We're off. Time to leave this lame festival behind!
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[Sunset Savanna]
Kalim: There's so much rain. There's so many tiny rivers starting to flow in the savannah.
Leona: Well, the rainy season's here now. The scenery around here'll change soon enough.
Kalim: Oh, cool. But anyway, Catch the Tail was sooo fuuuun. Sunset Savanna is sooo awesome!
Vil: True. There were a few moments of frustration, but… Now that it's over, I suppose the experience as a whole wasn't too terrible.
Lilia: Those royal guards we faced in the last round were splendid as well. I could really feel the strength of this country's convictions.
Leona: …
Lilia: Oh? There's a huge puddle ahead of us.
Vil: It doesn't seem like we'll be able to avoid it. Shouldn't you drop your speed a little?
Lilia: We're getting closer to the puddle with every breath.
Lilia: Leona, hurry and brake…
Leona: …
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: EH!!?
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: GAAAAAAH!!!
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Vil: Why'd you just slam into the puddle like that!? That shocked me!!
Lilia: Ahahah! That was exciting, Leona. I commend you on being able to surprise me like that!
Kalim: That was a huge water spray! All that mud came so high and even got on Vil's face! Ahahah!
Vil: That's nothing to laugh about! All of my makeup has been ruined.
Leona: Don't throw a fit. You never know, there might be one or two beautifying effects in the Sunset Savanna mud.
Vil: Where did your driver's common sense even go!?
Vil: You were such an exemplary driver with decency yesterday…
Vil: But today, you've had no consideration for your guests at all as you drive!
Leona: Common sense, decency, consideration…
Leona: Aren't you the ones who said I had none of that in the first place?
Lilia: That's… Oh, are you talking about from back when you invited us?
Vil: Are you serious? Were you just holding that as a grudge the whole time?
Leona: No? In fact, I actually agree with you.
Leona: I think… Having to give the Sunset Warriors "Guardianship Lesson," these old customs, and all the old men who cling to these things…
Leona: They're all so stupid!
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: GAAAAAAH!!!
Lilia: Ahahah! I bet all the nearby animals are also all startled too. This is a hoot!
Kalim: This is amazing… I've… I've never been in a car that shook this hard…!
Kalim: It's so heart-pounding, I love it!
Vil: Leona! I'd like it if you didn't use us to relieve your stress!
Leona: Keh… Hahaha! Just looking at all your ridiculous reactions's really making me feel better.
Leona: I always thought that it'd be great to just jump in a car by myself and drive wherever, but…
Leona: I guess it's not too bad to have loudmouths like this ride me with sometimes.
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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allyriadayne · 8 months
What do you think would have happend with Jace if he had survived the Dance?
oh this is fun, thanks for the question!
survived as in everything happens the same except jace survived the gullet? i won't get into mechanics of this happening because i'd involve too many moving parts and what ifs and blatant avoidance of certain parts. so whatever. let's say daemon and aemond kill each other, aegon kills rhaenyra and imprisons baela and baby aegon.
two things:
1) if jace is in dragonstone, let's say recuperating from his injuries, in reality i don't think aegon would kill him just like he didn't kill rhaenyra's heir at the moment. jace might be too injured to truly pose a threat or aegon's advisors would "protect" him like they did baela.
2) jace is not in dragonstone. he could be healthy or injured but he's not there when aegon takes the island for some reason. i've read fic where he's with the northern/riverlands army or makes his way to the capital alone after aegon's dead. in any case, he reaches the capital at some point.
when the greens are neutralized and all the heads turn to rhaenyra's children, it's probable that the support would be split between the older, seasoned prince of dubious birth and the young, unresponsive prince of clear ancestry. the things is while a regency happened in canon i don't think anybody wanted to do that. the issues lingering needed to be solved NOW, the armies needed to be disbanded NOW, alicent and jaehaera needed to be secured NOW. even if jace is physically injured or abed at this moment, i think he would get the clear support of the biggest faction aka the riverlands, the vale, and the north. on the other side, he's corlys' grandson, he was a dragonrider (let's assume the dragon still died sowwy), he's commanded armies, and if he married baela that moment, he could be having an heir by the next year. the succession and therefore the kingdom, is stable.
i'm not saying there wouldn't be people vying for baby aegon's ascension just to be against jace perceived bastardy now or down the line but it's more likely that he gets more support to get the crown and just end the war once and for all.
so jace takes the crown immediately. i don't think the hour of the wolf happens at all, most of the attributions cregan takes for himself came from intimidating baby aegon and probs by being the highest ranking lord in a place where everybody was burning incriminating papers from the last reign lmao. i think he would be a lot more aligned with corlys in sending peace terms first, but would not hesitate if the rest of the kingdom didn't fall in line. as for aegon ii's advisors, to me jace would try to get them out quietly. stay for a bit but sending them home as soon as he could. corlys betrayed the blacks, jace would probably marry baela as a reward for past services (and bc he loves her obviously etc) and dismiss him to driftmark. thanks to jace, corlys has his legitimate heir in alyn, he's more than okay.
for people like larys, the ironrod, orwyle and tyland....... they were aegon's closest advisors and while i don't think jace would imprison them or kill them i think he'd test them in some way to prove they can change their loyalty and move on. after a few months or years when the transition smooths out, i would bet jace will be dismissing them for lords who are 100% on his side. i'd say all would do it because at least in the show i don't see them supporting the greens out of personal reasons, not enough to die for the memory of aegon OR jaehaera's claim, you know? and in any case, it /is/ a man that is ruling now lmao lol. i still see jasper wylde pushing his daughter to baby aegon if jace is not available anymore, tho.
jace wouldn't kill alicent or jaehaera either. i think the death of so many people and most of all, his brothers, would affect him very much. at this point alicent is described as mad and jaehaera is a traumatized child. he wouldn't send them to oldtown or keep them together all the time but i don't think he would be cruel (as for jaehaera's future, well, that's another story). they are his family after all and most of the threats are neutralized (hello alys hiiii i'm such a fan).
i can speculate on jace's mental state and say that while he would not shut himself out like baby aegon did, he wouldn't be the same at all. his drive to be the best version of himself would still be there of course, this is what will make him push himself to take control of the situation. but at the same time, i don't think he will want to be as much as a people pleaser as he is in canon. people will be vying for his favor, for baby aegon's hand, for rhaena's but to me, he will make the family close into themselves. during the war he learned to take command of his people, he has the presence and the confidence to say no now, he also has the crown and the symbols. that's half the battle done.
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crow-raven-crow · 11 months
Hey there crowvyn 👋
I'm just wondering if you saw my request (Dom Donna x sub reader ). This is no rush. I understand everything completely.Its just you know,it's been very long,so I just want to know.
-wish you a lovely day 🌹
𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨, 𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞 - tldr and message for you at the bottom of this post xx
im going to use this as my next little update post since i finished all of the requests in my last update ehhe
I currently have three requests in the works right now - one of which is yours ! I actually made the decision last night that I would be pushing yours up to be the next fic out
i'm doing this because i need to rekindle my passion for the lovely Larissa Weems. I still think about her, but after writing SO many fics about her over and over, it made me feel a bit mechanic and i hate feeling like that - i'm going to pick her requests back up after this Donna fic, so don't worry weems anons
these are the ones in my notes, but i'm focusing on the top three (which are on my masterlist)
★ In terms of requests, I have (in order from top to bottom):
𝐁𝐞 𝐀 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥.. - Donna Beneviento x Reader, dom!Donna, heavy teasing from reader, prob punishment sex, plot is established
𝐎𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞, 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 - Larissa Weems x Reader, virgin reader, first times, soft, plot is established
𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 - Larissa Weems x Reader, hand kink!! <3, reader loves Larissa's perfume, plot is established
𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮.. - Brienne of Tarth x Reader !!!, fluff ehehe, small angst because im crazy, soft smut, Brienne comes back after being away for a while - this one.. ok im not far in Game of Thrones so accuracy is kinda meth but like im excited hehe - plot is established
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞 - Larissa Weems x Reader, Larissa finding out reader has nipple piercings, reader has an innocence about them so it comes as a surprise, plot undecided
𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞 - Larissa Weems x Reader, soft, cute, fluff yayay, reader stops taking antidepressants for a bit but goes back on them, really bad serotonin syndrome, concerned Larissa - i did some research on this already, but if anyone has any tips/points they can send me about this so i can know more about it then it would be very much appreciated, especially if it's from the anon that requested it ! - plot undecided
What's above is in the request. I work in sections, and the titles of what I'm working on will be added to my masterlist and placed with/under their character section as I get to them. Again, titles are subject to change, but it's unlikely for this section.
★ In terms of series (in the works, not coming out for A WHILE):
i figured I'd update about these since they were in my last update. UHHHH;;; no clue when they're coming out LMAO. I'm working on them every now and then, but they'll likely be worked on when i have a longer break from school (which kills me high key). Oh.. there's also a new series idea I have written down.. it's actually really goof but I want to watch the show before I really establish anything
This is just what I can do with my time and focus (which is important)
★𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬:
That idea that I mentioned being Brienne, Larissa, or Lucifer in my last update ACTUALLY ended up being the Alcina Dimitrescu one I posted yesterday LMAOO. I loved that idea smmmmm like gods it was so fun to write. Still around the 6-ish personal ideas. But (again) I do prioritize my requests.
★ 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬:
i work in sections, my masterlist will be updated with the current title under/with the character that I'm working on
look at my requirements before submitting requests. i've since updated a few things and will continue to do so
my posting schedule is non-existent due to school and work
please remember that I'm in college taking a 5 class course load AND i work, so things can get backed up and i heavily apologize about that. However, this is a hobby for me and I do it on my free time. Sometimes I'll post a lot and other times I'll be taken off the face of the earth.
I'm entering final exam season.. This means I'm not sure if requests will pick up for me or slow down;; it really depends on the schedule and how I feel about the class in question. I'll post another update when the time comes
There are other requests in my inbox that were not listed above.. That doesn't mean I'm not going to do them, it just means they're not in the current section of focus. I'm getting there, I swear
if you wish to interact with me more, i’m very active on twitter
TLDR: Those are the requests I'm working on currently - first three are my main focus. Series are completely on pause until I can find the time/focus to really work on them. Check my masterlist every so often - it's updated with that I'm currently working on, the character it contains, and what kind of fic it is. I'm slow, but I'm getting there.. I promise
🤍For the lovely anon:
I'm sorry it's taken me so long;; School, work, and travel definately caught up to me, but I'm glad you understand. It will be out soon, and I'm actually really excited to write this one! I missed the RE8 brainrot. I hope it was okay that I updated so heavily haha
Any questions like these/any posts containing updated will all be under the same tag (second tag down below)
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
need more apollo and darren lore to see if i can relate them to back to december
you can ONE HUNDRED PERCENT relate them to back to december if you just ignore the tiny detail of them not breaking up in december (but like, who cares because it’s the VIBE that matters and in this case the vibe is definitely accurate)
i will definitely be adding more apollo and darren lore…let’s just say… archery world championships happening soon…. olympics in one year…. kayla’s an icon mastermind…..
but! some little notes in specific relation to back to december
i know you may think this is apollos pov, but after looking over the lyrics again to refresh my memory… it’s from darren’s perspective. 100%
I'm so glad you made time to see me / How's life? Tell me, how's your family? / I haven't seen them in a while
apollos family!! not referring to his dad. duh. but darren’s prob just talking abt like the 1-2 times he met will and austin as babies, he hasn’t seen them since so “a while”…. sure darren, that might be a bit of an understatement
You've been good, busier than ever / We small talk, work and the weather / Your guard is up and I know why
small talk is SO real with them. they’re so awkward esp rn. they don’t know how to talk to each other. apollo says “nice weather we’re having” completely unironically and darren responds “oh yeah it’s nice”
cue silence for like 2 minutes until apollo asks how his coaching is going and more and more stilted conversation
AND!!! they’re both busier than ever!! apollo returning to being employed (kinda? i mean, he has a job so) and darren with olympics being next year
Because the last time you saw me / Is still burned in the back of your mind / You gave me roses and I left them there to die
i don’t wanna spoil exactly how they broke up… bc me and wronghuntress had like an hour long convo abt pollen lore a few weeks back and. guys. when i tell you i am SO fucking excited to write it‼️‼️
HOWEVER. this line. is very. very. very. fitting. from darren’s pov that’s all i’m saying hereeee
bc ik in one of the other chapters i said that apollos like “i ruined his life” and he DID but also like. it’s messy. it’s so very messy.
So this is me swallowin' my pride / Standin' in front of you sayin' I'm sorry for that night / And I go back to December all the time
not technically in front of him but!! the phone call!! abt kayla!! him swallowing up his pride, and there wasn’t necessarily an apology for the… things that happened, but it’s a step forward
It turns out freedom ain't nothin' but missin' you / Wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine / I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright / I go back to December all the time
change it to march and make darren a singer instead of an archer and this would be one of his songs😭😭
These days, I haven't been sleepin' / Stayin' up playin' back myself leavin' / When your birthday passed and I didn't call / Then I think about summer, all the beautiful times / I watched you laughin' from the passenger's side / And realized I loved you in the fall
god… this timeline is actually SO real. if anyone’s making a pollen playlist out there (i should probably do that when i have timeHDKDJD) THIS SONG‼️‼️‼️
anyway ofc apollo is associated with summer in darren’s brain… and also apollo def thinks of summer too when thinking of darren :)
and oh yeah, ofc apollo’s in the passenger seat. bro probably grew up with drivers and doesn’t have his license.. rip sun chariot!!! (he gets his license eventually, ofc, but only bc it’s to drive will to school)
I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile / So good to me, so right
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right
i mean, do these even need to be explained? well darren, i can assure you that you WILL love again. it’s what we all need
okay so. i can’t really. explain the rest of this stuff. but here are the lyrics that stand out to me SOOO much because of how they broke up. that is all i can say for now!!
And then the cold came, the dark days / When fear crept into my mind / You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye
And how you held me in your arms that September night / The first time you ever saw me cry
thank you so much for the ask!! it’s been a while since some pollen content but i swear it’s coming soon :))
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If we're on the angst train: what would be the follower reactions to the LBDs death? Be it as friends or partners. The LDB is practically a walking demi-god, to lose them to battle or even an illness/injury would prob be a grim reminder that they're still very much mortal.
Rumarin: I think about this a lot. If he was married to them, would he even be the same person? Can a man hide that much pain with humor? I certainly think he'd try, because that's how he copes but he'd wind himself too tight. Ru is someone full of joy and light and when he loses his spouse, it's completely extinguished and he'd just become someone unrecognizable.
Inigo: He'd blame himself, the poor soul. He was supposed to be their sword, their friend and he thinks he failed. I think it would be really hard for him at first, because was already carrying so much guilt, but the ldb was his biggest supporter and he took everything they said to heart and he'd know that they'd want him to move on. Eventually, he'd be a stronger person going forward.
Caryalind: I think after grieving, he's find a lot of resolve. He's already decided that he wants to change things back home, but I think their death inspires him even more. Whether they were a lover or a friend, I'd feel like he'd want to follow their example and do as much as he could.
Lucien: He's a very practical man, but even he pretty much thought they were invincible. It was definitely difficult for him at first, but he eventually moves on and definitely ends up writing a few books about them and includes their name in his research.
Khash: It's just so unfair, man. This sweet kid doesn't deserve to keep losing people. Fortunately, along with just being an incredibly strong person, she's able to get through it because she has a family now. Cary, Xel, Kaidan, etc. Obviously, it's hard, but she's not alone this time.
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fight-the-corn · 2 months
sbi x reader part 8
A few days later, Wilbur reached out to me. I felt my phone buzz and when I checked it, I saw the following message:
W: hey! how r u?
I smiled as I responded.
O: im good, hbu?
The answer was instantaneous.
W: ive been good! u wanna come over to our house for dinner tmrw? we miss u!!
Dinner. Usually, I had to get food made for my parents. But, if I timed it right, I could feed them then sneak out?
O: what time were you thinking?
W: probs around six? if I wanna change it tho that's fine idc
O: any chance we could do seven, or is that too late?
W: great! that totally works!! looking forward to it!!
O: loved " great! that totally works!! looking forward to it!!"
That have me enough time to get food to my parents by six, then be at the Craft's house by seven. Call it stupid or selfish for choosing the villains, but at least they made me feel safe. I went to bed that night with a smile on my face for the first time in a while.
I got through the next day happier than normal, having something to look forward to. By early evening, food was done and two plates were made up. It wasn't suspicious that I didn't have a plate, I don't usually get one. My parents prefer to eat alone.
At six o'clock, I set their plates on the table, ran upstairs, and slipped out the window. My heart was pounding in my chest, terrified of the punishment I was risking by leaving. It was worth it though, I reminded myself. I was going to get to spend time with an amazing family, and I was going to have fun, and it was going to be awesome.
I made it to the Craft house by 6:30, knocking on the door. Tommy opened it, grinning. "THE WOMAN HAS ARRIVED! Come in, come in," he beckoned me inside. I smiled as he led me to the table where I sat, and Phil brought a plate over and they all sat around the table.
Dinner was fun. Lots of jokes, lots of smiling. No alcohol in sight. I was getting comfortable with the family. Techno suggested game night, then wiped the floor with us in Scattergories. After, Tommy insisted on Twister, which led to Phil calling colors and Wilbur just trying to get in Tommy's way as much as possible. I fell over second, after Tommy, because Wilbur had tripped him and I laughed so hard I fell. Phil then offered up Clue, which suprisingly, I won.
As all good things must come to an end, it was getting to the time I needed to get back home. Finally, I called it.
"Ok, I think it's time for me to go home."
" Awwww, one more game? "
"I'm sorry Wil, I have to go."
Phil stepped in. "Do you need a ride?"
" Yeah, actually, that would be awesome. "
"Ok, I'll take you home. Boys, you're on cleanup duty."
Tommy whined, but Tommy always whined so everyone ignored him.
The ride home was nice, I chatted quietly with Phil the whole way home. I learned about his love for gardening, and he told some stories about the boys that almost had me in tears I was laughing so hard. As relaxed as I had felt the whole evening, I couldn't shake the underlying fear that gripped me the whole time. What if my parents found out I was gone? What if something happens with the Crafts, and they decide they don't want me anymore? Even though I've lived with nobody in my corner for so long, it would be so much more painful now that I know what it's like to have people who I feel safe around. As we neared my house, I tentatively spoke.
"Is there any chance you could drop me off around the corner? My parents kind of don't know I went out." I ducked my head as I spoke, not sure if how he would react. Would he be mad? Hate that I was lying to my family?
"Why didn't you tell them?"
" Um, they can just be a little strict sometimes, but I really wanted to come to dinner. I swear, I don't usually do stuff like that. "
"What would happen if they caught you?"
"They probably wouldn't be happy with me. I'd just get in trouble."
" Your shirt slipped during twister."
I froze. He silently pulled over and turned to face me.
"Why is your stomach so bruised?"
I open my mouth, then close it. "I'm clumsy?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Did you know that I used to be an emergency foster placement care parent? I've seen after effects of some bad homes."
I blink, then duck my head. "I have it under control."
He's quiet for a moment, then: "We can't help you if you don't let us."
My eyes fill with tears at the gesture, because not only was this the first time anyone has offered to help me, but Phil is offering his help after I've been nothing but a pain, spending days in his house recovering, eating his food, crashing his family game nights.
"I understand it feels like a really big thing, but honestly, any paperwork is worth it. We have the money and the resources, and our family loves you. You would be safe. "
I debated it. I really did. I looked up and met his eyes.
"What if I just promise to call you if it gets too bad? "
"I don't want you to have to get to the point of too bad. Also, I don't know if you can fairly identify 'too bad'."
"I called someone that night in the snow."
"Only after you had been out there for multiple hours."
I stay quiet at that. He has a point.
"Look, just call me if you need, okay? Any of us, anywhere, anytime. We can help you."
I nod.
"And I mean that. Even if your parents catch you sneaking back in tonight, or something happens at one in the morning, or you're two cities over, call us. Ok?"
" Okay. Thank you Phil. "
"Of course. Anytime."
I get out of the car. He gives me a hug. I turn, and walk towards the house that is the source of all my darkest fears.
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davekat-sucks · 2 months
"Fun fact" Anon here!
Wow you misunderstood what I was saying so much it's actually kind of impressive. No prob tho, I'd just like to clarify by explaining a bit slower, because I do think the whole thing is fun. In case it needs to be said, my initial ask was partially a response to this anon:
"Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but it annoys me when trolls use the word gay or any kind of LGBT-type language when none of the have a historical or societal context of any of those concepts or words, they think the distinction of sexualities is silly, they wouldn't understand using gay as an insult or a term of endearment, fucking stop it."
What I was saying is that this anon is both right and wrong. Because of a flaw in homestuck's writing, it ends up contradicting itself in such a way that Alternia is implied to have at least the concepts of distinct sexualities one moment, and then not have them the next. I consider that a "fun fact" because sometimes it's fun peeking behind the curtain of how things are written. Like knowing how Tolkien's misspelling of dwarfs as dwarves resulted in the ability to copyright the misspelling. Mistakes happen, and then they result in a distinct identity.
I think it'd be more useful for us to stop thinking and interacting with Alternia as a real place that's being explained to us linearly, and appreciate it as a construct of fiction that's being written linearly. Alternia is innately full of contradiction because it is written that way, sometimes by mistake and but also by purpose. From a writing perspective, if you base an alien society off of your own, it will always be skewed in weird ways informed by your own biases, our reality that we take for granted. In Homestuck's case, Alternia is alternative earth in the many ways the the writer doesn't bother to change, but also differentiated by the ways it does change. It can be intentional or unintentional, but both become canon once they're written and published each update.
Now, the flaw in the writing is because, again, Alternia is a place written, not one that exists and is being described with all factors about itself already known. I bring up the order of pages because that is the order of how the fiction is written and presented. Homestuck is a nonlinear story in which outlines are written ahead of time, so it can organize its nonlinear storytelling, but the writing in the pages themselves are written fairly linearly. In writing we call this macro (outline) and micro (the things like sentences and paragraphs). There's a joke about this in the Simpsons, where Lisa questions how a hamster can write mystery novels, and the answer is that he writes the ending first and works backwards. But that only works in the outline, which can be done in any order. Few people write micro backwards, because it's hard to write the end of sentence before you know the start, it's just not how we do grammar. That's something that the aliens from Arrival (2016) could do.
In hivebent, the micro writing of individual pages are being written with the bias that since Alternia is based on earth, they would naturally have concepts of sexuality as much as they have the concept of gender. Even though Alternia is meant to be very very different, the presence of sexuality and gender are just taken as granted because it's like Earth. Kanaya is initially written to be gay. Feferi is initially written to be straight, and her going out the way to mention same sex attraction implies that this would be in some way the more tolerant option, which wouldn't be necessary if Alternia didn't have distinct sexualities, ergo, it does (at that point). The decision to make Alternia not like Earth in that way just hasn't been made yet.
And then, by coincidence Future Arachnids Grip happens. It's not so vital a joke as to be planned out in advance, but who on earth can ignore all caps FAG when it comes up? It also raises the opportunity for a joke, an opportunity which is swiftly and mindlessly taken in the moment. To continue establishing the trolls as alien, this thing that stands out to the audience is treated as a big whatever by Karkat. The contents of pages a hundred pages ago aren't being factored in or considered. But now, so many pages after trolls having sexualities is established, we're establishing that fag isn't a slur on alternia. Because yeah that's a funny little joke, but the decision to make it retroactively changes the world building which was once just taken as being the same as earth to being one of the things different from earth.
So whoopsie, like so many writers do, you accidentally contradicted yourself. It happens, but now the writing is set in stone, and you just have to start working on the outline of the next Act. The next act being Act 5 Act 2. The Act 5 Act 2 that starts out with Karkat and John's conversation that settles the contradiction and sides with the later joke, because that is the funnier of the two options. The explanation is diegetically addressed to John, but it is exposition to the audience, in case anyone remembers the whole deal those many pages ago.
And btw, the "Not homophobic parent" is the trope of a parent trying to awkwardly indicate that they're totally cool if you're gay by, well, doing exactly as Feferi did and adding the idea of same sex attraction on at the end them asking if you have a gf/bf. Tbh, I think if you don't know what that is, or are at least able to use context clues to take a guess, it makes me question why you so often commentate on LGBTQ+ stuff. Because no offense, it seems you aren't proficient enough in the most basic of concepts to speak so critically. If you didn't know what it is, that's really the kind of thing you ought be reading the comic for, to better understand certain LGBTQ+ experiences.
It's because some of the context behind it isn't fully related to LGBT type of themes. Most of it is based on projection. Feferi's condescending (get it ha) to people like Eridan shouldn't be that read that deep. It's just reaching at this point. At best for Feferi's arc if Hussie didn't treat her like shit, is that she accepts that Sollux left her for Feferi, Eridan is shit (no duh), and none of her other friends like Karkat, Kanaya, or Terezi gave a shit about her death and only found solace in Nepeta because of their mind fused together as a kernelsprite. It's not so much about romance as it is just that Feferi had been surrounded by shitty people and needs to associated with better ones she can trust. Slurs do exist, but in the form for things like race, not sexuality. Like how Mituna called Meenah a 'chumbucket' and 'wader' in Openbound. There probably is something equivalent to the N-word in Alternia. But nobody knows what it could be and the fandom is too scared to try and come up with one. Unless Chumbucket or Wader is the actual N-word for sea dweller trolls. Cause then that means Mituna just called Meenah a damn dirty nigga Part of Alternia's messy worldbuilding is because Hussie likes to make shit up on the fly if he thinks it is funny or awesome. That's why we even have the description of the classes for the aspects being so freaking short because Andrew Hussie didn't think much through. I also would never think Alternia is an alternative Earth. That stuff from their world should never be practiced in real life. From hemospectrum and of course, quadrants. The writing makes it a point how fucked up it is and how accepting and normalized it is within the troll group. Them playing Sgrub is trying to teach them how to move on from such beliefs and move on to build a new world on their own without it. Not like twelve trolls ruling over humans would be any better, but it's not as worse as Sea Queen Hitler and the shit she did to Earth. Is there a fanventure or fanfic that explores the Beta Trolls actually reaching their goal after Sgrub and took over Earth? I wanna see that. The John and Karkat moment was also meant to be as a joke as well to tell the audiences it WAS a joke that Karkat purposely called Vriska a FAG with no remorse. John and Karkat being mouthpieces and examples to tell that whoever was angry when that joke happened pages ago, can go fuck themselves. Most of jokes in Homestuck is made to say "fuck you" to the audiences to get a reaction out of anybody.
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water-petal · 3 months
Fucks dog shit somehow my first tired got deleted because why the fuck not? Anyways this rant will get me a supreme deluxe banner for being homophobic, sexist and misogynie because that's what happens when you hate on a female character that someone likes even tho I defended the fuck out of others. genius farmer genius
Now isn't that pure retardation to blame Sasuke like that? Well tell that to the bitches who hate who hate Hinata on that because Neji chose to be a good brother and give his life to save his sister. Look I don't care who should die because they shouldn't (It should be Temari... I have a hate Bonner huh.). Sorry for my vulgar language but I just saw some guy saying that konan should be the heroine and the one to suck Naruto's dick. Mate she is literally shallow as fucking water, all I remember her doing is sucking off Yahiko and Nagato just having Hinata's supportive mentality but to an extreme level. Look konan is great but she's just Hinata without the critical thinking part, she fucking let Nagato kill Jiraiya would Hinata let Naruto kill Asuma's wife (Forgot how to write her name it's kureina right?) and for good lord TenTen stans need to shut up about how great she is. For fucks sake her 'Fight' with Temari is filler, she doesn't have anything I mean anything she's utterly useless just masturbating materiel for some horny bastard if anything Kureina Hinata should have gotten more screentime with Sakura because they are actually interesting with good powers, fucking Kureina is a mistress for Giratina's sake who managed to hold off Itachi only if for a few seconds that's dope as shit but because Kishimoto wanted to kill off Asuma he needed to make her pregnant (I have no probs with housewife but the problem with Kishi is he wasted a lot of good characters for Uchiha glazing and building up the villains and Naruto's conflict with villians, all I am saying is that Naruto ended before it should and I blame the manga industry because of how fucking overworked they are I am glad he at least finished the damn story bro couldn't go to his friends weddings for fucks sake that's sad as fuck)
My view on SasuHina is that I've seen NtR hentai with better reasoning for cheating than Hinata choosing Sasuke over Naruto , I sacrificed my soul to Giratina and read one and the pure character assassination for Naruto is gross, and the reviews Naruto as a stupid lesser fuck you are gross plz grow up and get laid because I can't with your shut you disgusting fucks. Naruto is not an idiot, you are.
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And good lore NaruSaku is a pile of dog shit with the generic boring shonen couple that sucks ass and should die in a fire, if you want to have a nation turned to rubble let Naruto and Sakura date because they will fight t'ill eternity and end up breaking up because they are more like siblings than fucking lovers.
And don't get me on those who screech "CHEMISTRY" when they fucking ship ShikaTema which is the worst example of chemistry, the only Shikamaru that can even satisfy Temari is adult who's a workaholic not the lazy bum kid, just like how the only Hinata that can satisfy Naruto is the brave Hinata who isn't a crybaby , and the only Sasuke that can date Sakura is the aloof tame Sasuke who isn't a maniac, you know people fucking change you sick stupid fuck, you won't me to believe that Naruto will marry the girl who doesn't understand why he still wants to save her love over the girl who understands him and picks him when he's lost and slap sense to him. And you want me to believe that Sakura will marry the guy who didn't even pick up on her worries over the guy who did and encouraged her?
Limey shit is so fucking atrocious I'd rather be HIV positive than stay on the god forsaken app , only YouTube and shit posting is better than dealing with fucks who don't understand how characters should work. I miss when common sense was still a thing because what the fuck. And don't start me on the gay shippers because they have the worst case of main character syndrome and exposing their shit will definitely get me suspended because of hate crime on the LGBT community and name me a supreme deluxe Homophobic straight dude which is somehow their worst enemy.
My final saying is fuck you sns because you singlehandedly ruined the Naruto fandom for ever with all your fucking stupidity and retardation Naruto is my favorite manga and my favorite character and you singlehandedly ruined him because you all are pieces of shit who lack any sense of critical thinking.
This is me if I ever meet a singe fuck of you:
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jesus christ bro who hurt you.......if it's reddit fans i heavily suggest to to stop interacting with them
honestly speaking majority of naruto fandom just has a hate boner to reading the manga properly.....which sucks tbh
or else this shit ton of hinat and sakura hate wouldn't exist
sasuhina.......wenever talk about it, it's cursed i've seen shippers think they are anakin and padme i hate it
narusaku was the first plan but then it was dropped because kishi realized naruto needed to have chemistry with hinata.....they made sense
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dawnstarranger · 1 year
@kimmurielscryingmirror Thanks for the tag! Drow Smash or Pass game sounds right up my alley ahaha
Jarlaxle: Easy, smash. This man knows what he's doing, or at least wants the world to believe he knows what he's doing. I'd say he's not afraid to try new things, but lets be real, there's probably very little he hasn't tried. He's crazy rich so I do expect him to treat me to a nice dinner and a bottle of wine. Knowing that there's a sweet, caring heart underneath the flamboyant and chaotic exterior just makes him more attractive. This man would be perfect but I sense commitment issues and know he's got that tendency to self-sabotage relationships. Oh, well. A night of passion I'll never forget is more than enough from this handsome mercenary. I also want us to play dress-up in his closet after. Maybe during. I bet this man owns some gorgeous leather body harnesses. Probably a whole trunk of magical toys. Anyways.
Kimmuriel: ayyyyy you all know me well enough by now to know this is a SMASH for me. Love the fact that the fandom on here likes to put his height right around 5'; I've always wanted to try to pull off slinging a cute drow over my shoulder and walking off with him like the dragon sisters did with Jarlaxle, and I'm confident I can pull that off with Kimm here assuming he's into it and cooperates. Does he have Jarlaxle's experience in this arena? Probs not, but you just KNOW there's some freaky shit one could do with psionics, so lets uh, pioneer some new techniques if you know what I mean. I've got so many questions about psionics in general actually, so I'd hope this turns into at least a few dates and not just a one-night thing. Want to learn more about stars, sweetie? Here, lemme whisper infodump in ya ear, that's hot, right?
Rai'gy: He's confident and I like that, but I don't date or sleep with priests, esp. not priests from a super controlling religion. Sorry! It's kind of a "you gotta be at least thiiiiis much agnostic to ride" situation.
Valas: Listen, I met a guy once that was kind, loves to just leave situations, GREAT navigator, knows his constellations, and figures a great first date is a quiet late night nature walk. I wifed that man up so fucking fast.. and I'm not even talking about Valas here. But back to the drow at hand, this isn't just a smash, this is a respectfully smash and then marry. Or it would be if I wasn't already, yknow, married. But for the sake of the game, I'm telling you. I see marriage material right here.
Zaknafein: Sooo sadly I'm gonna take a pass on this one. I haven't got to the later books yet but fandom osmosis tells me daddy Zak has anger issues? Sorry, If I wanted a guy with kids, a crazy ex, and a tendency to lash out when pissed I could just drive my ass back to my hometown and have my pick of the litter.
Beniago: Have not really met him yet (maybe I should redo this when I'm actually done with all the books lol), but from what I hear, smash? Probably?
Drizzt: v respectful pass bc this man is married and also has a kid now. Hit me up twenty+ books from now and I'll let you know if I change my mind. I will say, if it were I and not Innovindil up on those mountains... anyways.
Gromph: Sorry, pass. Too old 4 me. Also kind of an asshole. He invites me back to his room to "meet his familar" and he's not talking about Kyorli. I tell him I'll do better on my next Transmutations Theory exam, thanks for your time professor, but I gotta go uh, do something. Maybe next time, thanks for the offer.
@solvicrafts and @maritimelass and @villainslut NO PRESSURE since not everyone is into this kind of game! I don't know who else to tag. If you want to jump in, go for it.
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ailendolin · 10 months
Thanks for tagging me @viola-halogen!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
199 at the moment. Which is a little insane.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, I mainly write for BBC Ghosts, Yonderland and Bill (2015) and Horrible Histories. I have posted a few Loki fics recently as well because the new season came out and inspired me but it's back to Ghosts now.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. When Sorrow Sang (6,806 kudos - The Witcher)
2. Helpless (2,215 kudos - Thor Movies)
3. For The Best (2,190 - Stranger Things)
4. Here With Me (1,952 - Thor Movies)
5. A Moment (858 - Loki Series)
All those fics were written for large fandoms so it's no surprise they gained more attention than, say, my Six Idiots fics)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Absolutely! Fandom thrives on interaction and the reason I post my fics online is because I want to talk about my favourite characters with other people! That's how I have found my closest fandom friends :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mhm, I think my Capvers fic Missed Chances probably fits that bill. Also Attentions (Kendall/Ellis of Woolworth), my 1917 fic God is not here and my Hornblower fic Cast aside.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since most of my stories end on a happy note, it's hard to pick just one out of the 199. I think I'll go with my Thomas-centric fic The Storyteller because it focuses on Thomas finding his place in his family through storytelling and ends on a very heartwarming note. The same goes for Renovations.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't so far, thank the gods. I honestly don't get why people would comment hateful things on something other people share for free. If you don't like something, just close the tab and move on. It's as simple as that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No and I never will. I have alluded to it in some stories if it was necessary for the plot (like in Compromise which was all about Thomas and Julian needing different things from their relationship) but I have no intention of ever writing it in detail because it's just not my cup of tea.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do - very rarely because I like to stay true to canon as much as possible. Crossovers or alternate universes often don't work for me because too much gets changed and the characters often become unrecognisable in the process. But I am very fond of my Button House Museum AU which is essentially a crossover between Ghosts and Night At The Museum where Button House is an old museum that comes to life every night thanks to ancient Stone Circle magic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Does not exist apparently
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Have I? I don't think so. I have collaborated with an artist before for an event but that's it, I think.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't have one all-time favourite ship because I don't move on from fandoms. Once I love something, I love it with my whole heart. There might come a point where it stops consuming my every waking thought but it will always stay with me. Some of my oldest ships are Janeway/Chakotay from Star Trek Voyager, Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill from Stargate SG1 and Mulder/Scully from the X-Files.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have had a third installment for my The Pacific series Moments of a Different Past planned years ago. A part of it is already written and I know exactly where I want the story to go but I'll probably never finish it which makes me a bit sad.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh this is difficult. I'd say conveying emotions and writing fics that feel like a warm hug? At least that's what people tell me they like about my stories - that they almost always end on a warm note and make them smile.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, probably. Getting the voices right. English is my second language so dialects etc. often go straight over my head. Writing in a second language can be quite frustrating in general because you're aware your knowledge is limited and you keep catching yourself using the same phrases over and over again but don't really have the skills to shake it up a little.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm honestly not a fan of it. I think the odd word or phrase here or there is fine but as a reader, I find it very tedious to have to go to the end of a fic/chapter for the translation all the time so it's something I personally try to avoid (both when reading and writing).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly don't remember. Perhaps Digimon? Or Yu-Gi-Oh? Though tbf I've daydreamed fics even before I knew what fanfiction were or even thought about writing them down, so if we were to go that far back, it would probably be Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh, that's so hard to say because I pour my heart and soul into every fic I write. That being said, I am very fond of the multi-chaptered fics I've written, so Grace and This place (I never thought would feel like home) are definitely among my favourite BBC Ghosts fic. The Sound of Voices Two and The Rivers Between Us for The Pacific are two fics I also love to go back to and re-read. Sometimes, it's not a specific fic but rather the universe that connects them that I have created. My Yonderland fics fall into that category and it's always a joy to return to it.
Tagging: @magicaltear @ginevralinton and @i-am-a-world but as always no pressure💙
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songofstealing · 1 year
So had this little plot bunny and I ended up thinking about it when I should've been doing my assignment
It just kept growing and growing so I wrote it down
So the events of Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask are switched
Time goes on his majoras mask adventure first
Then Ocarina of Time
How would that change things
Time is actually from Termina
Either he was born there or
Maybe when Escaping thru the woods from the civil war
Links mother ends up basically tripping thru into Termina
She'd probably brute force her way and ends  up all the way in Clock town (cuz the Lost woods entrance still ends up in the underground Cavern with the floating platforms, which now that I think about it... how would she get across??
She probably found another way in)
I can't think of one person to take care of Link
Maybe the mayor? So he's Kafei's little brother
Maybe with Anju's family
I also momentarily thought about the blacksmiths up in the Goron village but I don't think they'd be good parents
I can only think that he's just a village raised kid?
Everyone chips in to help and he has his own home where he's kept a close eye on when he's old enough?
I'd like to think he'd be the kid who, like Kafei in game, is always wandering around town with a mask
And it changes each time u see him
(Even if it's just be turning away and then back around, it'll still change)
He's a troublemaker with the face of an angel so he gets away with his pranks aside from a select few people
Probs hangs out with the bomber kids tho not actually apart of the gang
Also plays with the other kids who comes into town doesn't matter if they're a different race
(Probs befriends the deku butler's son that way, Oh no that will be sad)
Likes to go exploring so always sneaks past the guards even tho they try to keep him in since its dangerous out there
Also I like to think he collects ocarinas
If it makes a note and it's Brightly coloured it's his
Different sizes, different hole numbers, funky little deku scrub shaped ones he'll love it
Maybe he makes some too
And masks?
Thatd be cool, if he could slowly work on making his own masks with new powers
Also he probs befriended skull kid, tatl, and tael which will make it super angsty for when majora pops up
There probs wouldn't be a big climactic skull kid attacks link and turns him into a scrub
I think he'd be there when skull kid grabs majora
Would he be down with stealing from a stranger? Or is he someone who plays Light hearted jokes on people He knows
Or would he add to the chaos then later turn around and try to fix everything since he blames himself?
So obviously he doesn't have the Ocarina of Time
But I like to think that Hylia had already chosen him as the next and couldn't allow him to die in Termina so she granted him the ability to Revert time even without the ocarina?
Maybe she imbues one of his
Maybe it's just the song and he can whistle it or a mask??
Also also I read Antartique's "Gifts of Termina" and absolutely loved the Termina head canons they had
From the calendar being different, to the Schroedinger-ness of Termina, and the possibility of Link being able to talk to the spirits of the transformation masks
And because I love linking everything Zelda related to Jojo's Linked Universe
How would this change Time's personality? Would he stay in Termina even tho he's technically from Hyrule?
And how would his abilities change?
If anyone has any more ideas or head canons I'd love to hear it!
And ignore the broken font and formatting pls I was fiddling around with it and couldn't figure out how to change it back
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tuiyla · 7 months
Not sure if you spoke about this yet and if so, sorry for asking . I just really always enjoyed your thoughts on avatar. Would love to know your thoughts on all the sneak peaks that we’ve seen so far like the trailers and everything. Also your thoughts on the changes made to sokkas character. I don’t know if you heard but it apparently they want to get rid of some of his early Scenes because of his sexism. Also just recently they are changing some things about Katarina because I guess they don’t think some of her personality will translate well in live action.
Oh hey! Sorry it's been so long, sorry I've basically disappeared off tumblr. But I still love Avatar of course and warms my heart to hear people like it when I talk about it.
Sigh, the live action. I'm going to watch it when it comes out tomorrow, of course, and I remember being cautiously optimistic when it was first announced. But between Bryke leaving and the info we've been getting, idk. Visually, it looks really solid. The CGI is a bit too plasticky at times for how much it allegedly costs but the costumes are great, the cast seemed good from the beginning and bending itself, I have to say, looks sick.
But these are just aesthetics. Sure, the infamous movie didn't even get that right but being faithful to and respecting the source material is a lot more than just looking great in live action. Since you've sent this ask, more interviews have come out where they talk about changes made to not only Sokka's character but pretty much everyone's. Aang is less of a goofy kid escaping responsibility. I fear the larger presence of Ozai and Azula will make Zuko too sympathetic too early. Not to mention, apparently he's more so doing what he's doing to win the war not to regain his honour? A rumour I've heard.
I haven't heard much about changes made to Katara but, being Katara's no. 1 fan forever and always I'm sure I wouldn't be happy with any changes haha. With her my main fear is just making her less significant, missing the point of her being a sort of POV character and deuteragonist, and missing important beats such as Imprisoned and The Waterbending Scroll. Some variation of especially the latter may appear but come on, it's 8 episodes trying to tell the story of 20. Unfortunately, Book 1 Water is by faaaar the hardest Avatar book to adapt to modern and live action TV and even though the episode list seems solid, it's those quieter ch centric episodes that will suffer the consequences. That's where Katara thrives. Jet is included so I wonder how they'll handle that crucial storyline and it sets in motion a TON for Katara that all culminates, of course, in her magnum opus The Southern Raiders. I just don't see them doing it justice.
I'll inevitably be at least a little more active with the premier of this show and will share thoughts; idk about a proper review but might vent here or there. I'd love to share thoughts on particular topics people are interested in haha. But until then, on this last day before the Fire Nation attacks and everything changes, I will say this. I think the things they've said so far about character changes are misguided. Sokka's sexism isn't a bug storytelling-wise, it's a feature. It's called character development, look it up, Albert Kim. Now, I'll have to admit that his sexism and the larger gender politics of the Water Tribes is actually an aspect of the show, one of the very few aspects that I think could use quite a bit of improvement, so I wouldn't be against the Netflix show doing this differently. But if they do just omit it that's a grave error. Despite the flashy visuals it doesn't bode well so far, but we'll see. I'll watch it as soon as I get home from work and then probs rewatch the original then rewatch the Netflix one. Oh, the Avatar megafan in me awakens. Btw guys lol I never even updated y'all, I went to the London concert of the soundtrack and it was doooope.
Also Suki looks super cute I'm ready to simp.
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well I've had an interesting first week of the year back at work. I managed to get through to my usual doctor this week, which is a bit of a miracle, considering she's always back late jan/early feb each year. she's recommended 3 places for me to ring to follow up on a probable ADHD diagnosis. the best one is one in Sydney, in Bondi.
but to do all of their tests would mean I'd try to jam them into a week, if I could (probs not let's be real), or each time I do one I spend on a hotel room to stay up there, since I just wouldn't feel bothered to the 2 hour drive home after 8 hours of tests. but the Sydney one gives you a brain scan which would be super cool. but also if you managed to get bulk billed, it's $1,200. also they don't focus on meds, they focus on "brain based" and behaviour change stuff.
the other 2 places are local to my area, but you have to ring to find out their prices. but on the other hand, my doc said to leave all this stiff until after I have my colonoscopy that's booked for a couple weeks from now, on the 16th.
work is better since I'm not at a tired low point like I was at the end of last year. my boss is a bit happier that I'm turning up at the office at around 8:50 roughly and set up by 9. but yeah I hate having to cut my pre work bed relax after my bath each morning to 7:15 to get out the door by 8;20. but rn 8:20 is only working bc it's the school holidays so I'm not locked into the mronjng school run traffic and school zones right next to my house (basically). so it means I will have to bother to leave at 8:15 or whatever when school starts back up again on jan 31st.
but yeah. I still haven't handed in any of my unfinished (or unstarted) cadestship assessments; bc I forgot right before we left of chrissy/NY break to ask our outsourced IT guys to set up our VPN access app (it just gives you a code to type in) on my phone to access the work hard drive at home lmao. so I've meant to start this week, but I just haven't.
aside from work, the other interesting thing is that someone from the catholic school I went to for years 7-10 from 2008 til 2011, decided to invite me to a 10 year reunion that someone else from our year group from that school set up on Tuesday on fb for October this year. and I was just so surprised that someone bothered to remember me and invite me.... and I feel kinda touched tbh lol. bc i didn't even graduate with them properly, in a way, in 2013, bc I obvs graduated at the public school that I transferred to. it's so random that someone thought to invite me all these years later.
and I'm also stressing over the event a little. mostly on the level of what to wear to it, obvs lmao. but also, most of these people are successful working in good jobs. or they run their own successful local businesses/take over their parentd businesses.
while, on the other hand. I finish my cadetship in march, and I have no idea whether i'll be kept on where I am or whether I'll be somewhere else or jobless lmao. but anyway. it's going to be so weird seeing anyone from that school again, when half of them have kids and are married now or some have even divorced or split from their partners that they married in our early 20s (or at least that's what I've deduced from their name changes on fb back to their original last name I knew them by in school).
also im bitterly jealous of a few of them because they've bought their first house or have a second house and are using their first as an investment property. like bruh. am I the only one who still hasn't moved out of home yet??? and obvs there are obvs other people renting but still. am i the only one still at home??? I don't want questions about that tbh.
like is it even worth catching up with these people, when I still remember the derision I got from one of the girls from my group from that school, when I ran into her at uni back in 2016??? how she told me that everyone was actually SO GLAD that I'd left bc apparently they were all secretly harbouring embarrassment for my behaviour and my "attention seeking" or whatever the fuck she said to me???? but also part of me hopes that rich boy goes and is happy to see me and I'll get to congratulate him in person on his engagement or perhaps being married by the time this event happens (if it even does lmao). and that's my other thing. could just be an elaborate joke where they do this, and I turn up, but NO ONE is there???? like hello trust issues, aren't you looking very sexy this week.
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
shipping questions :) ( you dont actually have to answer if you dont want) 1. what’s the best thing about shipping for you? 12. do you ship any rarepair? 31. do you have a favorite memory when it comes to rping a ship? 33. what’s the first ship you played?
free!!!!!! ---- IM zszdk,jhfbas. you know when i saw the message, i didn't expect this-- but fine!!!!! :insert sassy dandi noises here but also giggles: --- <3
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1. what’s the best thing about shipping for you?
like everyone else who's answered this one that i've seen-- it helps bring muns together! i love nothing more than getting spammed with fanart or just screaming in caps about ships that we both like or are doing! i don't have to have ships to write with someone, of course!! but i do feel as though ANY kind of ship-- whether it be romantic, platonic, etc all have a special place in my heart-- and i love talking about how those dynamics would come to play out with my rp partner! <3
12. do you ship any rarepair?
omg yes. i L O V E rarepairs!!!!!! GIMME. i've honestly been dying for some of those with ochako! but i do have a few that i am currently shipping now with her and other muses! i'll do bnha cause that always gives me brainrot: (mon.ochako - ( monoma & ochako w/ galaxyxthixf ) , shinc.hako - ( shinsou & ochako w/ guiltscorched) , mi.nejirou ( i know surprised me too BUT thats also jirou and mineta with galaxyxthixf ) -- HONESTLY?? ( bak.utoga - with trist's katsuki on ofdetonation ) there are probs more i cannot think of but i'd love to do shi.njirou, tets.umina, baku.momo, iic.hako and others! also.. emi? hello??? she can love more people than just aizawa, y'klnow<3
31. do you have a favorite memory when it comes to rping a ship?
i just love the connection i make with the mun! there are a couple of ships that have stayed the test of time :tm: on this blog and other remakes in the past. most memorable? & no---- i am not playing faves, these are for srs!!!! - ka.cchako: with @ofdetonation !!!! ( yes i tagged u, shut up, lemme yell ) back when i had ochako's old url as ofgravitation ( everyday i consider changing mine here you don't even know ) BUTTTT. i have never had such a consistent ship-- EVER. yes, we both have lives, and sometimes that takes away from the dash but evern after being gone, like??? ITS STILL AS GOOD AS THEN? BETTTER??! idk. but when i see k.acchako fanart-- that's usually the bakugou i think of. and if you're not following trist and all his muses on all his blogs.. idk what you're doing<3 i love you<333 - mo.nochako: with @galaxythixf !!! ( yeah i tagged you too nova, shh ) never in my life did i ship these two and like magic, they just connect together every time we write them! writing with nova's monoma and all their muses, tbh, just.. it's such an amazing experience!!! <3 one my muses A D O R E. <33
33. what’s the first ship you played?
... fuck. idk??? probably uhhh--- hmmm. inukag? let's go with inukag<3
free, you're a menace, and ily but I AM GOING TO WRITE NOW, OKAY? OKAY. <3
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ogdoadfates · 2 years
Hello! I love your apocalypse au I think you have really amazing ideas, it has been living rent free In mind 24/7 stg. I had a small thought if you don't mind :,) I was thinking about apocalypse Vax doing something similar to canon (and something ravens tend to do) that when he's out on runs or scavenging in old stores etc sometimes he'll find and grab little trinkets that reminds him of the group? like grabbing a small carved bear statue for vex, maybe a necklace with a flower on it for keyleth or a little mouse toy for minxie, cool looking guitar picks for Scanlan etc. it's a small gesture but in a world where everything is just so shitty all the time I imagine it would mean a lot to them:,)
Heya!! Aw thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me! ^-^ And your perfectly fine, I'm more than up to having people suggest/add on to my aus and such!! (if anything people wanting to add on delights me cause it means they're enjoying it which means a lot to me) And by the gods yeah he so would do that XD I'd imagine it does boost moral so no one really gets on his case for grabbing 'non-essentials' and probs in Percys case they actually might even help in some cases. (Also I say no one would get on his case but there is probs some teasing when he gets something for Keyleth specifically) One thing I'd imagine he'd grab for the whole group to enjoy would be music CDs to play in the car, only on long non stop drives of course so as to not get attention dragged onto them. (maybe he could find an old personal cd player with headphones?? gods does anyone even remember those XD ) got to admit now I'm just thinking of one of the times they actually set up base/camp somewhere, him and keyleth sharing headphones and Vax getting her to dance with him to make her smile and relax.
Also I'd imagine the first few times he does it they all have different reactions, Grog would just be straight forward and maybe give Vax a shoulder punch (light punch not hard, still moves him a bit tho lol), Vex would roll her eyes but would very much cherish it, Percy at first would be very confused but would later be very touched (maybe even make a raven shaped trinket for Vax in return?), Pike would just hug and thank him, Scanlan would joke around with him but inside he is actually super touched by the gesture, and Keyleth is just delighted and most likely blushes. (I'd imagine some of their reactions stay the same and some would just change in small ways/they'd expect it)
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