#would y'all believe that I wrote this over a YEAR ago??
im-no-jedi · 2 years
MLWTBB: Business Is Business
aka the (continued) journey into my self insert nonsense✨
chapter summary: while the Bad Batch is away on a mission, an oddly familiar Devaronian kicks Cid out of her parlor and takes it for himself, causing several problems for Hannah...
notes: this is a continuation of my story, “My Life With The Bad Batch”; I highly recommend reading that first before this one! I created a few new planets for this story. I’m also not 100% versed in SW terminology, so forgive me if some things are labeled incorrectly! each chapter will be rated accordingly, as opposed to the overall fic. lastly, there is romance in this story. hope you enjoy! 💙
add. notes: this chapter was edited and proofread by my sis @jam-n-ham! thanks sis!! 😋💙 also, in case it isn’t obvious, this story is my version of episode 13 “Infested”. I tried to stick to canon as much as possible, while also delving more into one of my favorite side characters in the show (please more of the Durand family in season two 🙏🏻)
Chapter 1, 2500+ words, rated G (there’s mentions of alcohol and that’s about it LOL)
next chapter
✨MLWTBB masterlist✨
It was yet another slow Primeday at Cid’s Parlor. Hannah had woken up a bit late that morning, but thankfully Cid didn’t dock her for it. So far, only Bolo and Ketch were in the parlor, like usual. There was a bit of mess to clean up from the night before, but it didn’t take long for Hannah to get that taken care of. It was an extremely boring time, even more than usual.  
All Hannah really hoped for now was that she would finally see her friends come walking through the door again. They had been gone for a few days on another mission for Cid, something Hannah was quite used to by this point. But she was extra lonely this time and missed them more than usual. She thought about how she was going to give Omega the biggest hug ever when they all got back. She imagined Wrecker joining in and scooping both her and Omega up into a squeeze fest between the three of them. She pondered the sort of snide comments Tech and Echo might say about their mission, as they often did whenever they came back to the parlor. She dreamed about seeing Hunter again, the man she loved with all her heart, and telling him how much she missed him as she ran her fingers through his long, dark brown hair. It would be absolutely wonderful.
Suddenly, footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs towards the parlor. Hannah’s heart leapt into her throat, desperately wishing it was who she thought it was.
But it wasn’t. Not even close.
Several intimidating looking men in dark armor came flooding into the parlor, each of them carrying a weapon. Hannah bolted upright from the counter she’d been leaning against, unsure of what to do. Then another figure came stepping in, quite confidently. It was a male Devaronian with green skin, wearing a nice suit and holding some sort of small lizard creature in his arms. He was obviously the leader of this group. The room went silent as the Devaronian looked around, surveying the place.  
Hannah had a moment of panic at the sight of him. Memories of Volruna flooded into her head, with the man in front of her briefly being replaced by the visage of Vin Drazundr instead. She had to literally shake herself back to reality and exhaled deeply. Then she looked to Bolo and Ketch, who were completely frozen in place. With a deep breath, she gathered up all her courage and decided to approach the newcomer. “Uhh, hello! Can I help you?”
The Devaronian adjusted the collar of his shirt before answering her. “I’m looking for Cid. Would you happen to know where she is?”
Cid wasn’t expecting anybody today to Hannah’s knowledge. She knew what she was supposed to do in situations like this. “I might... who exactly is looking for her, if I might ask?”
“Roland,” the Devaronian replied proudly. “Roland Durand. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
The name didn’t ring a bell to Hannah at all. The way he was acting though made it out like he was important in some way. Regardless, she didn’t like the vibe she was getting from this guy at all. It unfortunately reminded her of Vin again. “Yeah, a pleasure. I’m sorry, what is your business with Cid? It’s kind of my job to ask so she doesn’t get bothered unnecessarily.”
Roland chuckled. “Adorable. You’ll be a fun bartender, I’m sure.”
Hannah blinked in shock. “Excuse me?”
Roland then made a hand signal to the armored men, who began searching the entire parlor. Bolo and Ketch tried to avoid them as much as possible, insisting they were just there as patrons; eventually, they just ran out of the parlor altogether. Hannah opened her mouth to try and retort to what was going on, but Roland silenced her. Then one of the men discovered the back room and alerted Roland about it. Again, Hannah tried to speak, but was stopped by Roland.  
“Be a dear and whip up some drinks for me and my men, would you?” he said as he walked towards the back room.  
Hannah stood in place, completely dumbfounded. She was wrong before; this guy was somehow worse than Vin. “Jerk didn’t even tell me what kind of drink he wanted...”
Despite her curiosity, Hannah kept herself away from the room, much to her discretion. She knew Cid had told her to stay out of stuff like this in case there was trouble, but she couldn’t help wanting to rush in and at least see what was going on.  
It didn’t take long before Hannah got her answer. The door to Cid’s room slid open, catching Hannah’s attention immediately. To her surprise, Cid was walking out of the hallway, hands in the air, with Roland and some of the armored men behind her.  
“What’s going on?” Hannah exclaimed.
“A simple change of hands, sweetheart,” Roland replied. “Nothing more.”
“More like a hostile takeover,” Cid retorted. She saw the concerned look on Hannah’s face and reassured her, “Don’t worry, Red. This ain’t permanent.”
“You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you?” Roland said slyly. “Get her out of my parlor, would you, boys?”
Hannah scoffed. “Your parlor?”
As the armored men began literally shoving Cid out, she turned to Roland, shouting, “You better not lay a hand on her, Roland! You’re not her type!”
Roland rolled his eyes and scoffed before turning to Hannah. “Congratulations, you’re now a part of the Durand syndicate. You can thank me by getting those drinks I asked for earlier.”  
Hannah was once again too dumbfounded to even move. She felt Roland step closer towards her and instinctively backed away.  
“Now, now,” he reassured her. “No need to fret. I’m not your enemy, I promise. In fact, I’ll gladly double whatever Cid was paying you before as a show of my sincerity.”  
Hannah scowled at him. “Why do I have a hard time believing that?”
Roland chuckled. “You’re a feisty one. Just do as I say, and you’ll have nothing to worry about.” He gave her a sly look before returning to the back room. A look similar to the one Vin first gave her at the Prism Palace.
Now Hannah knew she definitely had something to worry about.
The following day, Hannah decided to conveniently avoid the parlor as long as she could. It didn’t matter what Roland said, or even what he tried to do, there was no way she was going to work for someone like him. Especially while she was alone. Then again, that entire situation would never have happened in the first place if the Bad Batch were there. Hannah began imagining scenarios where the five of them had put a stop to Roland’s takeover of the parlor, if only just to keep herself sane.  
In the back of her mind though, she worried. Any number of things could happen between then and whenever her friends actually came back to Ord Mantell. And Roland’s words from the day before still concerned her. She tried to not think about it, but her worries were too strong. The fact that nearly everything about Roland reminded her of Vin didn’t help either.
Maybe she could just leave. She could find somewhere else to stay until the Bad Batch came back and fixed everything. Mrs Ygreu had always said her place was open if Hannah ever wanted to visit, maybe she could go there.
No, Hannah didn’t want anyone else to get involved in this mess unnecessarily. She had to ride this out on her own, as much as she hated it. Maybe Roland would just leave her alone if she stayed away long enough...
Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. Hannah’s heart skipped a beat. Initially, she thought it might be one of the Clones finally coming back. Nobody ever visited other than them or Cid. Maybe it was Cid. Hannah hadn’t seen her since the day before. Did anybody else even know where she lived?
Another knock on the door. Hannah’s heart began racing. She had to know who it was. Throwing caution to the wind, Hannah went over to the door and opened it without a second thought, hoping beyond hope it was someone she knew.
Unfortunately, it was the one person she knew that she wished she didn’t.
“Ahh, there you are,” said the recognizable voice of Roland. His lizard-like pet, Ruby, was in his arms and two armored men stood behind him. “I was worried when you didn’t come in today. Is there a problem I should know about?”
Hannah almost laughed. “It’s my day-off,” she replied, a visible scowl on her face.
Roland pursed his lips and hummed. “Good to know.” His eyes began scanning the room behind her curiously. “Interesting space you have here. Mind if I give it a better look?”
Hannah’s eyes narrowed. “Depends. What’ll you do if I refuse?”
A snicker escaped from Roland’s fanged grin. “I think you already know the answer to that, sweetheart.”
There was a familiar pang in Hannah’s chest. Her breath caught in her throat, and a shiver ran down her back. It took her a moment to remember that she was talking to Roland and not Vin.
Without waiting for a response, Roland pushed his way past Hannah into the room. The armored men stayed outside, but waited in the doorway.
“Quite the collection you’ve got in here,” Roland said as he walked through the space. “Although I doubt all of this stuff is yours.” He gestured to one of the large crates against the wall and chuckled.
“It was part of our agreement,” Hannah told him, her arms crossed with a stern look on her face.
“How noble of you,” Roland responded. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the crate. The two armored men came into the room and began dragging the crate out of the apartment. “And now it won’t bother you ever again.”
Hannah maintained the stern look on her face. She could see what Roland was trying to do, and it wasn’t going to work. “What do you want from me, Roland?”
The small lizard creature in Roland’s arms began growling happily as her owner rummaged through Hannah’s fridge. “A drink would be nice,” Roland responded, pulling out a piece of food for Ruby to munch on. “But apparently, it’s your day off.” He sat down on one of the kitchen stools with Ruby in his lap, happily munching on the snack she’d been given. “That’s alright though. You’ll have plenty of time to make up for it tomorrow.”
The hairs on the back of Hannah’s neck were beginning to stand on end in anger. She walked up closer to Roland from behind the kitchen island with a mighty scowl on her face. “I’m not coming back tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or ever again.”
A small smirk grew on Roland’s face. “Defiance will get you nothing but trouble, dollface. And really, what reason do you have to be that way anyway? I haven’t done anything harmful to you.”
“You stole Cid’s Parlor from her!” Hannah exclaimed, nearly slamming her fist on the counter.
“So?” Roland bluntly responded. “How does that hurt you, exactly? You’ve still got your job. Your home. I’ve even helped clean up this place a bit for you.” He snapped his fingers again, and the armored men returned to carry out another one of the crates from the room. “There, I just did it again. You’re welcome.”
Hannah shook her head, the scowl still firmly in place. “I don’t care. I know how people like you work. You’re not the first crime boss I’ve encountered, and I doubt you’ll be the last.”
“Living here on Ord Mantell?” Roland said with a scoff. “That’s for certain.”
Hannah took a few steps closer, now standing directly in front of Roland from behind the counter. Her tone was laden with malice as she spoke. “You can try to sweet talk me all you want, but it won’t make a difference. I work for Cid, not you.”
Once again, Roland snickered behind his fanged grin. “Quite the loyal employee, aren’t you? A good quality to have.” He took Ruby off of his lap and placed her on the counter between himself and Hannah. The little lizard creature looked up at Hannah and growled before snuggling up to Roland’s hand. “You’re better off putting that tenacity of yours to good use down at the parlor than trying to intimidate me.”
Hannah’s hands came slamming down on the counter so hard, it spooked Ruby. “Quit messing with me, Roland! I already told you, I’m not coming back! I don’t care what you do; take my whole apartment away if you want, I don’t care! I’d rather live on the streets than work for someone like you.”
The entire time Hannah was yelling, Roland’s expression remained calm. If anything, he seemed entertained by her outburst, with the small smirk returning to his face again. Once Hannah had finished, Roland chuckled to himself and began petting Ruby to calm her down.
“I wonder if Cid feels the same way,” he slyly responded. “I wonder if that’s why she’s stuck around.” He looked Hannah directly in the face, still smirking slightly. “I wonder... how things might change if she suddenly wasn’t around anymore?”
The serious determination on Hannah’s face began to fade. Her eyes went wide with realization, and she began to slink back away from Roland.
“I’m really not asking for much, sweetheart,” Roland said, shaking his head. “Just keep doing what you’re doing, and you’ll be fine. Cid will be fine too. It’s that simple. Or, we could make things more difficult, if that’s what you really want.” He slid off the stool and came up beside her, almost uncomfortably close. Hannah could just feel the smirk spreading across his face. “I don’t know about you, but I much prefer when things aren’t so complicated.”
Hannah said nothing and just stood still, absorbing Roland’s words and practically shaking from the weight of it all. Roland left her side and told her to enjoy the rest of her day off as he headed for the door with Ruby still in his arms. He paused in the doorway briefly to turn back to Hannah and said, “See you bright and early tomorrow, dollface.”
And with that, he was finally gone. Hannah was left alone in her kitchen, still shaken by the entire experience. She felt like crying and throwing up at the same time. With shaky hands, she leaned over the counter, resting her head in her hands and breathing heavily, with small sobs gradually creeping out.
In the back of her mind, she could hear Cid’s voice berating her for being so foolish. She wasn’t worth the trouble, is what Cid would tell Hannah. Save yourself, she would absolutely say. But Hannah couldn’t do it. She wasn’t going to sacrifice Cid’s life just so she could avoid working for Roland. Even Irridas back at the Prism Palace hadn’t been that cruel.
If working for Roland is what would keep Cid safe, then she would do it, no questions asked.
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littlefankingdom · 1 month
Everytime something happens in France in a comic, I realize how little researches comics writers do. And like, if they are this bad with my western country, how bad it is with third-world countries they talk about???
In Nightwing (2016), Raptor is from a circus that was near Paris during Mary Grayson's childhood, so more than 40 years ago at least.
In this flashback, they accuse the mayor of Paris of having given leprosy to the romani and of keeping away the meds they need. Already, with our healthcare's system, it's hardly possible, as they would be able to go to a hospital to get the help they need. Do they think "public healthcare" means the state has a direct control on medication, because that's not the case at all. The French gov control the money put into medication, how much is bought, but a mayor has no power over this. I just don't understand how something like this could happen. You can totally write a racist medical scandal in France, but makes it make sense with our system.
But also, Paris didn't have a mayor until 1977, so if it's before 1977, impossible. And, Paris' mayor from 1977 to 1995 is JACQUES CHIRAC, who was the PRESIDENT after. They wrote a story implying that a French President kept medications away from sick people, was discovered and was still elected President. And, yes, the French government is far from good and they have deeply harmed the romani, but like, maybe don't write shit like that. (Also, Chirac was really against the war of Iraq, and stood up against the US, which France is still paying the price for to this day. So I don't really like an USAmerican to criticize Chirac. Like, we can do it, others can do it, but not USAmericans, y'all have done enough) I'm pretty sure that wasn't the goal of the writers. No, what happen is that they didn't do researches about Paris' mayor and so, wrote that shit.
This may be inspired by the contaminated blood's scandal in the 80s-90s, which was worst in France, but no mayor was found guilty, it was doctors who knowingly contaminated patients with a deadly illness. And the French government was held accountable, even if they had no hand in it, as a matter of principle.
I understand it's a fiction, and they didn't literally wrote "Chirac did this", but it's kind of clumsy. (Especially because of everything I wrote earlier about Chirac's politics and how the US is still punishing France for being against killing civilians and destroying Iraq. France was doing the right thing, and the US worked so France would go back in line and treat Arabs like shit. Do not think western countries are free from the US' imperialism)
And in no way I'm saying that you cannot write France being awful, I know my gov's crimes (rn, they have deported homeless out of Paris for the Olympics, the President is refusing to acknowledge the left won the elections and to take a leftist prime minister so we have no prime minister since mid July and fuck democracy I guess, they support Israel's crimes against humanity, and are behaving like the colonizers that they are in New-Caledonia, sending the armies against the Kanaks that have not enough power on their own land), I'm just saying it should at least be believable enough to work. (Easiest way: make the cops racist. Boom. Also, French cops talk like vilains, it's insane.) And also, not about someone touchy like clumsily painting badly a president that was punished by the US for doing the right thing.
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 months
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Thank you for the tag @orchidscript @heartstringsduet @ironheartwriter
@strandnreyes @paperstorm @whatsintheboxmh @emsprovisions @safeaswrites
Due to TK's 30th birthday being a Current Theme, I'm going for a Work is Published Wednesday and sharing some Where All This Love Comes From, in which TK's birthdays (30th and otherwise!) are an important feature.
(Some context: Gwyn dislikes black leather couches)
"Colombian beans," Carlos says, removing a packet from a cupboard and a cafetiere alongside it, roiling internally when he realizes he doesn’t know if Owen prefers French press over moka pot. He’s seen him with a moka pot before(!). But he unclips the little wooden peg he uses to secure the packet, and passes the beans to Owen to smell.
"Real coffee," Owen says as he closes his eyes and breathes in. "Nothing like it."
He hands the packet back and watches Carlos meticulously tip beans into the grinder. They make a satisfying tapping noise as they drop out, and Carlos smiles at Owen.
"I don't think TK's enjoyed a birthday this much since he turned ten," Owen says quietly, leaning against the worktop. He gazes at their translucent, yellowish reflections in the darkness of the window that faces the invisible yard.
"I guess birthdays lose their shine as we grow up," Carlos offers, starting to feel hot and itchy in the green sweater he spent an hour choosing for the occasion.
"Four years ago, on his birthday. Exactly four years ago..." Owen shakes his head. "TK’s addiction was..."
Carlos secures the lid onto the grinder but does not press down.
"Heroin," Carlos whispers. Owen nods. "He's told me some of what happened."
"I know he did. And I appreciate it wouldn’t have been easy for you to hear. Honestly. If I sat and wrote down everything that went on, it would be like an encyclopedia. It's taken his mother and me a long time to deal with–" Owen stops, points to his temple and circles a finger "–These things can stay with you a while. The things Gwyn and I have seen. The people he was around. What I'm saying is – I'm happy he met you, Carlos."
Carlos bites his lip and looks away, feels himself going shy. The wall he put up, so flimsy. "That means so much to me, Captain Strand. I'm happy you brought him here."
Owen looks over at Gwyn and TK chatting on the couch. They look back at him and smile shyly, as if they sensed being watched.
"What's taking y'all so long?" TK teases.
"Y'all!" Owen tuts, returning his attention to Carlos. "Okay. Let's see this grinder in action. I want to know how it compares to mine."
Carlos nods seriously, the terrifying challenge accepted. He presses the beans into a beautifully soft powder under his future father-in-law's watchful eye.
An hour later, he and TK are on the doorstep, shaking Owen's hand and hugging Gwyn goodbye, thanking them for coming – TK thanks them as if he lives here with Carlos, instead of with them. He's sending his divorced parents off to their own home as if they're still a married couple, just like he always wanted.
As soon as Carlos shuts the door, TK knocks him into the frame with a powerful hug from behind.
"They love you!" TK pecks kisses over Carlos’ ear, getting him to squirm.
"That went well," Carlos agrees, his voice lilted with laugher at the tickle of TK’s kisses. "Not that I have anything to compare it to."
"Well, believe me, I do!" TK hugs him tight, smushing his face into the back of his shoulder. "Dinner with them and you today. Clubbing tomorrow. Best birthday ever."
Carlos turns around in TK's arms, kisses him slowly on the lips. "Want to cash in on that birthday backrub?"
"Want to screw my brains out?"
"Let's go!" Carlos yells happily, taking TK's hand and dragging him to the stairs.
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@thisbuildinghasfeelings @bonheur-cafe @reyesstrand
@goodways @lightningboltreader @welcometololaland
@lemonlyman-dotcom @ladytessa74 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
@rmd-writes @alrightbuckaroo @tellmegoodbye
@liminalmemories21 @pimento-playing-hopscotch
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@theghostofashton @freneticfloetry @honeybee-taskforce
@sugdenlovesdingle @herefortarlos @three-drink-amy
@carlos-tk @eclectic-sassycoweyes @literateowl
@fifthrideroftheapocalypse @kiwichaeng
@nancys-braids @sapphic--kiwi @anactualcaseofthetruth -
If you want to share/ haven't already. No pressure ever!
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pablitosgf · 1 year
𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓 ! — jb05
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ! — jude bellingham x fem!reader
𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ! — in which you surprise jude with a special vacation.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ! — nothing!!
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ! — this has been sitting in my drafts for MONTHS! even before i posted on this blog. so i hope y'all love it. btw i wrote this before he turned to the big 20 thats why it says 19. <3
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐓 ! — writing
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As you sat in your office chair, you couldn't help but smile as you thought about your anniversary with Jude. You had met him back in grade 11, and now he was a professional football player while you were studying to become a pediatrician one day. You had always wanted to have children, but of course, not at the moment. You and Jude were only 19 and had graduated high school a year ago. However, you had it all planned out – from engagement to marriage, pregnancy, and kids – for the future.
But for now, you needed to focus on finding the perfect anniversary gift for your beloved boyfriend of four years. You didn't want to give him something too basic, but you knew that he had always wanted to visit the Bahamas. Unfortunately, with his hectic schedule, there had never been a good time to make the trip. As you brainstormed ideas, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the time you had spent with Jude so far and excited for all the adventures that lay ahead for the two of you.
"That's it!" you exclaimed, a grin spreading across your face. "I'll surprise him with plane tickets for a week in the Bahamas. He has the whole next week off, so it's perfect timing." You couldn't wait to see the look on Jude's face when you told him.
With the apartment to yourself for a few hours due to his training, you quickly went to your laptop and booked a flight from Dortmund to the Bahamas. As you clicked "confirm" on the booking page, your heart raced with excitement. You knew that this trip would be a lifetime experience for the both of you, and you couldn't wait to share it with Jude.
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After printing out the tickets, you headed to the store to pick up a fancy box and some accessories to go with it. As you were putting the finishing touches on your surprise, you heard the doorbell ring. Your heart racing with excitement, you ran to the door to greet Jude.
"Baby, you're finally here!" you exclaimed, barely containing your excitement. "I know we were supposed to exchange presents after our date, but I just can't wait any longer."
Jude raised his eyebrows, intrigued by your eagerness. "I can't wait to see what you've got for me," he said, leaning in to give you a light kiss.
You took his hand and led him to the box you had prepared, a huge grin on your face. Jude looked at you with a mix of confusion and anticipation as you urged him to open it. "Just open it," you said, barely able to contain your excitement.
Jude eagerly unlatched the box to reveal the tickets inside. At first, he looked confused, but as he examined them more closely, his eyes widened in disbelief. "What is this?" he asked, his voice filled with astonishment.
"You're joking, right?" he exclaimed, unable to believe his luck. But as he looked at you and saw the excitement written all over your face, he knew that this was real.
“You've always talked about how much you wanted to go," you said, smiling at him. "So I thought, why not make it happen?"
Jude's response was immediate - he wrapped his arms around you and began showering you with kisses all over your face, murmuring countless "thank yous" in your ear.
“You're welcome, my love," you said, feeling your heart swell with happiness.
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You woke up to an enthusiastic and energetic Jude. "Come on, babe, get up!" Jude exclaimed, pulling your arm. You groaned and tried to resist, but Jude's excitement was contagious.
"Ugh, I'm too tired. Let me sleep," you complained, sinking back into the bed.
"No way! We have to get ready," Jude insisted.
"I just wanna sleep…" you muttered groggily.
"What did you say?" Jude asked, looking confused.
"Nothing," you replied, shaking your head and trying to shake off your sleepiness.
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You posted a story on your Instagram and now you were sitting at the gate, waiting for the plane. You let out a sigh of boredom, and Jude noticed. "Hey, do you want to play chopsticks?" he asked.
You looked at him quizzically, "What's chopsticks?"
Jude was taken aback, "What?! How do you not know what chopsticks is?"
You just shrugged, which earned a loud puff from Jude.
"Fine, I'll teach you," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. He explained the rules and how to play, but you made snarky remarks here and there, calling it "boring" and "not fun." Jude being Jude, responded with a sassy retort.
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As Jude turned his head to you, he exclaimed, "We're actually here!" His lips barely missed yours as he spoke, and you couldn't help but smile at his excitement.
"Of course, my love," you replied, returning the almost-kiss with a soft one of your own. "I'm so happy we're finally here in the Bahamas together." You intertwined your fingers with his, feeling the warmth of his hand as you headed towards the exit, eager to start your week-long adventure in paradise.
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Slenderman x SlendermansionMaid!Reader || Oneshot
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Plots: You’re shocked to see your boss and sometimes fuck buddy, when things are stressful in the Mansion (nothing more!! he’s still a frustrating ass!!) completely sloshed. *This one is entirely inspired by a Quotev Book I wrote years ago with the same plot- ‘Diary of a Slender Mansion Maid’.
Warnings: Drunkenness (Not that you can really tell 😅 He's just kindof a little looser then usual) and sexual references.
Tagging: @microwavemadness , @miss-understood (Hey there are sexual references but no smut. I hope its okay!! Please tell me if in the future you would like to be tagged in strictly fluff and/or angst ^^), and I hope y'all like this!
“Wh- Slender!??”
You cannot believe this. You cannot believe what you are seeing right now. It’s not that you rely on the man in any way, he’s frustrating and dickish 100 percent of the time and a royal pain in your ass- but generally he is the only other person (Being?) in this damn woods who’s on the same page as you!! That’s why you do your *stress relieving* together!- as the Head and the Maid of the mansion, you both get stressed and pissed off over the same things! It certainly isn’t because you like eachother. The master of this household is a complete asshole.
… But he’s usually a stone-cold sober asshole. One of the few few few things you appreciate about him. Usually the rest of the house is acting insane, even his brothers (Even his brothers who are actually lovely and mean well), you and Slender are the only still ones. Sure, he rarely does the heavy lifting in dealing with the messes his Pastas leave behind, that’s all you, but at least you have a still-spot to look for in the chaos.
You two usually release your own insanity on eachother, alone, away from hearing ears.
… and yet here is your oh-so-sensible leader, sitting at the kitchen table with Offender and Zalgo half slouched over (Well, more than usual. Which is not saying much by regular standards considering his spine is usually akin to an iron rod but still… it’s saying something. For sure.), a full-size bottle of jack between them and 28 empty ones on the ground around them. His and Offender’s tentacles are out and laying lazily on the ground between the bottles, Slender’s shirt is wrinkled and loosened at the collar, and his jacket is placed over the back of his chair. Its almost going to fall off and onto the ground!
Offender chuckles, seeing your face. “Oh Slender… you’re in trouble.”
“She is my maid… she does not do the getting mad. I do.” When Slender turns to you, enflaming your frustrations with his words, you just want to reach over and choke the jerk with his own tie. “Y/N. What are all these bottles doing on the ground? Clean this up.”
… oh that old bastard better be drunk off his ass, saying that to you. “Offender, Zalgo… “Your eyes, hard and angry, flicker over the other two. “Time to go.”
“Haha, oh- yes ma’am.” Offender gets up first, actually pushing out of his chair and turning on his foot as if to walk out when he could just teleport so much easier. Zalgo seems a little more together, grinning mischievously at you for a few moments (Wondering what you’re going to do to Slender), before Offender grabs his shoulder. “C’mon, let’s go find some real trouble to get into. Let’s let Slender play house.”
“Oh I do love trouble. Indeed, let’s go.”
Then they’re both gone, and Slender and you are stuck in a showdown. You’re staring at his smooth face, the worst greasy you have ever mustered in your eyes, and he’s not moving an inch. He almost looks bored in his body language. Languid.
You know it’s just a tactic to piss you off more, but damn does it work. “… okay just- what in the world are you doing??” You finally ask, shoulders dropping. Honestly, you’re just surprised. Slender?? Drunk?? Slender drinking with his brother who he calls a moron on the regular and a demon he hates?
Who blackmailed him? Who held a burning rod to his asshole and forced him?
“I am fully entitled to have a drink of this… “Picking it up, he looks to be reading the label- before putting it back down faced away from him. “vile moron juice, any time that I please Y/N.” He explains, destroying the validity in his own statement with his own basic inability to keep his true views to himself. “Tastes disgusting,… makes people into monkeys,... but it has its virtues.”
Sighing, you drop down to a crouch and start collecting bottles. “… so I have permission to call you an ape?” You mutter, knowing he heard you.
“Try it.”
You flash him a look, like ‘I just did’, before getting up to your feet again and setting the bottles in your arms on the bench. While he ignores you and sits there quietly for a good few moments, thinking whatever drunk-thoughts Slender has, you manage to wonder about - careful not to step on his tentacles or trip over his impossibly long legs stretched out under the table so far they stick out the other end, - and collect the rest of the bottles; putting them all up on the bench together. Then you turn to Slender and decide that has to be your next job.
Sighing, you wipe your hands together and approach him. “… coffee or a shower first?”
“… I want to stew, some more.” He says defiantly, and you immediately roll your eyes.
“I’m making you coffee.”
A couple of hours later and Slender is no more sober then when you found him. When you were on the opposite side of the kitchen, your arms full of bottles and on your way out to throw them away, Slender pointedly poured the rest of the Jack Daniels into the brewing pot of coffee. Then while you gradually cleaned up the rest of the wrecked kitchen, he sat at the table and drank it all out of a mug that says ‘World’s Best Tallest Dad’ which Jeff got him for Christmas one year.
For that bullshit you cursed him and told him you would never make him coffee again- and he ‘pfft’ at you. Pfft.
That is not the problem now, though. Now the problem is that not only is he smashed-- but he’s energetically smashed.
And you’re the only other one home right now. So, great.
You almost pray for Offender and Zalgo to come back here.
You’re just organising the trash (Compost, recycling and dump, plus Good Will which is a you-suggestion), trying to ignore Slender’s presence entirely, still stretched out at the kitchen table across from you- watching you- when he breaks the pleasant silence and make you groan. “You know a more efficient way to do that would be to utilise the organisational bins I had Jeff steal from a- what was it? Wall-Mart? Yes. And, also- listen to me- this is very important- that shirt is not your colour.”
Instead of truly dignifying Slender’s unnecessary nit-picking, you just turn with a terrible greasy and stick him with it. “Do you know that you’re insufferable?”
“I’ve heard- but even so, I’m rarely wrong.” Looking away momentarily, Slender releases a disturbing sound that you hear very very rarely that you can only describe as his version of a chuckle. Full of joy, and static. “And better yet, you know it~… “Dear lord. How can it be possible that this man can get even more frustrating and annoying. You are never letting this man touch a bottle ever again.
Rolling your eyes though, you turn back to what you’re doing. He returns to his staring, silently criticising you most definitely. You just sigh, and finish sorting. It gets done pretty fast, considering its just you two at home. No chaos, no insane teenagers creating new messes for you making you feel like you’re trying to empty a self-filling fountain with a bucket- just Slender and his occasional energetic-drunk commentary constantly in the room with you, whatever room you move to (The bastard follows you). You then finish the vacuuming, a good portion of the laundry and even get dinner started; it becomes a very productive day and you’re happy about it!
At least, you figure, when he’s not talking, then Slender’s presence can almost be construed as companionable. Which is probably why today was a relatively peaceful one. After all at least he’s not trying to touch you like Offender, or breaking things like Jeff, or making irritating noise with a videogame like BEN, or even asking you for things like sweet Sally. So once you’re all done with your to-do list, and the stew is on the stove slow-cooking- you go ahead and put on another pot of coffee.
Slender leans over your back, and he’s so tall he doesn’t touch you at all there but you can still feel his presence and you hang your head back on your neck; eyes closed and brows furrowed in frustration, knowing just what he’s going to start on now. “… I don’t want that.”
“Well you’re going to drink it.”
“No, no I don’t think I will, nope.”
“I swear to god you giant cranky turd you will drink this coffee or you’re not getting dinner.”
“Then I have some more bad news to break to you- that man does not exist. The only god here is me, and you aren’t allowed to swear at me.”
Here you just flash him a dangerous smile over your shoulder, so heavily venomous that you don’t need to swear at him. “I don’t know how you drink without a mouth, but I am gonna chuck this burning hot coffee at you and just hope for the best~ “
For a moment, Slender just watches the coffee boiling, over the top of your head. You crane your neck once again to look at him this time, wondering what drunk-Slender-thoughts he’s thinking now. When you’re just about to give up waiting for him to say something else and further the conversation (Or argument. Potato-potahto though with the two of you) you turn around to lean back into the edge of the bench and look at him straight-on for a moment instead, because your neck was hurting. Just then, the bottom of Slender’s mouth tears away from the top before your eyes and the jagged rip curls up at one corner- like a terrifying smirk. Albeit, an awkward and unsure one.
Your eyes bug out of your skull. “You can do that!?”
“I can~ “ Even if his 'facial expression' is awkward, the confidence of a thousand years and also 29 full size bottles of tennesee whiskey, give or take, is still stuck stubbornly in his voice.
No way. You're genuinely surprised and intrigued. "This whole time??"
"Since birth- err, or creation. Our beginning is rather unclear." Mhm.
Thoughtfully, curiously, you raise up onto your tip toes in order to take a better look. It's not the weirdest thing you've seen in this house, but it's new and intriguing even so. Especially since you regularly fuck this man. "... Do you have a- hm." You stop. Maybe you shouldn't ask that, you think, pressing your lips into a firm line.
"A tongue?" Slender finishes for you, never one to let something be when he knows he can use it to make someone else feel smaller. You just sigh, and nod. Yep, that is what you were thinking. When a thick, slimy, dexterous, terrifying-looking black creature-tongue makes a short appearance out the abyss inside his mouth and licks his bottom lip very quickly, your eyes fly open wide again. "I do." He tells you matter-o'-factly; no flirty or vulgar tone in his voice, but a definite pridefulness. A smugness. A teasing intrigue, in your line of questioning.
God you're truly starting to dislike drunk Slender. He's borderline creeping you out. This isn't him.
... Even so though- "Does it hurt?" You ask, reaching up (extending your arm almost as far as it'll go, he's so tall) to ghost your fingers over the tear in his usually-smooth face. There isn't any blood or anything, its just like if you ripped a piece of paper, but- surely- that cannot be comfortable!
"Its perfectly comfortable," He responds, having been listening to your thoughts which makes you sigh. Has he been doing that this whole time?? You hate when he does that- "Its a natural function of mine. And yes- I know you hate it. That's a bonus, thank you."
Now you give his chest a wack with the back of your hand. "So you're saying could've been using that on me this whole time??"
-He just sighs. "Such a vulgar human."
"Says the one that insists I wear no underwear when your brothers all come over so you have easier access- "
"That's just practical, Y/N." And dangerous, considering one his brothers is Offender. "You and I both know the mansion is at its most ridiculous when they dare to visit. You benefit just as much as I do."
"... pfft."
"Pfft? Did you just 'pfft' me??"
"You fuck me before they even arrive."
"I anticipate the chaos."
You open your mouth immediately to go 'ha' at him, but no sound comes out. Because... right. He's right. He's completely correct. You two don't do this because you like each other, or out of any actual desire for each other... you do it to relieve stress. You should stop this line of conversation now, before one of you says something silly and incorrect suggesting any different. "Oh yeah." For a moment theirs a silence between you, you retracting your hand from him while you both stop to just think for a second. Because that sure was close. You could have ruined what you have! And that would be a shame- because it works. "Well-- I'm still not the only vulgar one." You shrug, slipping out from where he still hangs over you and collecting the now-brewed coffee with you.
"... right." For a split second Slender seems too caught up in own thinking that he almost lets you win- before flicking immediately back to his senses, insulting you as easily as he breathes (However it is that he does that); heading to the table with a mug for the coffee he 'didn't want', anyhow. "Uh- I mean- you're mistaken, but that's okay. You're only, pathetically human. Its to be expected."
Instead of responding, you pour the coffee for him then step back against a bench and you both sit in silence for a few more painfully awkward moments. He's just sipping and you're just wondering if you can just leave-
when a horrid crash noise sounds from the living room as well as the smell of pot wafting in as well; BEN's high chuckling following shortly after, and your eyes slip slowly to Slender at the same time that his head turns your way. Neither of you move for a second but you can feel a gentle, heated throbbing beginning to rise in your underwear, thinking about the mess that you'll inevitably have to clean up when you go in there and find out the TV is smashed, and the yelling Slender's going to do because a new TV has to be stolen for the mansion now. Which means-
"Laundry room."
"I'll meet you there."
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youremyheaven · 5 months
What are your thoughts on men with prominent Venus nakhatras? Ngl, I feel from personal experience that Purva Phalguni men have an inclination to be more promiscuous compared to other nakshatras 😂 Do you feel Bharani and Uttara Phalguni are similar as well?
my FAV question 😍bc I'm a Venusian men connoisseur, enthusiast and expert 😤🤭
God has given me the exquisite privilege of having known many Venusian men and women and let me tell y'all 😍I love them😍 this is gonna be a bit of a storytime as well so buckle up.
Fair warning, these experiences are a bit of a mixed bag 🤧😤
1. Purvaphalguni Moon guy, super duper sweet, would bring me chocolates, drop me home in his car whenever I asked?? just all around super considerate?? he always did that tall guy thing where they bend forward a little bit to hear you better and idk it always made my heart skip a beat 😌he once saw me argue with a guy and he intervened and then also told me to let him know if this other guy ever gave me trouble (im really into this kind of performative masculinity 😌) he always defended me in front of others?? and always took my side and made me feel comfortable. he asked me out one night and confessed that he had a thing for me for 5 years (i been knowing but I played it cool 😎) but then got all pervy and said he wished I was in bed next to him??? 🤮🤮🤮Imagine waiting 5 years to confess and then u fkn ruin it like that ??? Gave me the ICK big time. I stopped talking to him, 6 months later, he texts me again and says he misses me and wants to ask me out again and I was seeing my ex at that point so I told him I'm seeing someone else and he said ?? it doesn't matter ??? 😭😭 and that he's never ever felt this way ever before and that he wanted me to think this over ??? (I never texted him after that)
2. Purvaphalguni Moon man in his 30s- I worked with him a few years ago. He was super shy and kind of awkward but extremely intelligent and good at what he did. He was married and had a kid. He always gave me mixed signals?? one day I was working with him and it was just us and he said that he's been intrigued by me since the first day and that he usually never initiates conversation with anyone but really wants to talk to me (he seemed genuine and he legit did not speak to anybody there and he had a very warm gentlemanly demeanor so none of this sounded creepy to me) and he told me that I seem very different from everybody else and I was like 😏😏but then he said "you seem to carry a heavy emotional burden" and I was like 😳😳how u know that and I said (we were talking in our mother tongue and I said this using very formal language??) "I don't deny that" and he responded (in similarly formal language) "Even if you do, I won't believe you" and trust me y'all my heart was 😭😭😭he always helped me?? always did little things to make things easier for me?? even when we weren't directly working together, i could always tell he was watching me?? He always indulged me?? I remember how I'd do something stupid and look at him with a 🥺🥹poor me kind of expression and his face would soften and he'd help me out in a very warm genuinely sweet way?? the first guy I mentioned was also like that, the eyes chico, they never lie
3. My ex had Venus atmakaraka so I'm gonna include him 🤪
Y'all the man was obsessed with me. He'd come all the way over to my house, just to see me stand on my balcony 😭 he came all the way over to my house to give me a love letter he wrote for me?? He knew I loved dark chocolate so one day out of the blue, he bought me a big bar for no reason?? along with a book because he knows I love to read 😭😭he loved giving head 🤪i associate being a giver with Venusian men ngl and he always told me he was so fond of it. He always video called me bc he missed seeing me and whenever we went even a little while without talking on call, he'd call me and then say "God I missed your voice, please keep talking, I just want to hear you" 😭😭😭and he'd buy me little gifts 🥺 and we'd do this thing where he kissed me all over my face, even on video?? like I'd point to my forehead and he'd kiss that, then cheek, other cheek until my whole face was covered. I have a lot of moles all over me and he remembered them all and he'd give kisses to them as well 😭😭😭he always told me how pretty I looked and whenever I got shy, he'd do these cute hand gestures that you'd do to coo a baby?? and he'd say "awwww ur sooo cuteee when ur shy" and give me kisses 🥺and he always told me how he wants to see me make art etc and he'd call me after every therapy session to know how it went 🥺🥺 a million things were wrong with our relationship but all the goodness i associate with Venus tbh 😍
4. my Purvashada Moon male friend
he was in a relationship when i was friends with him but again, he was sooooo fond of me 🥺I was chilling with his gf once and he ran up to us with a DSLR and took pics of me and not her?? (I always felt like he didn't enjoy being with her but this moment really cemented that) he always included me in everything and he loved it when I'd make my jokes or tease him or whatever,, I'm the type of person who loves to be taken care of and he was the kind of guy who loved taking care of people,, he was always gentlemanly and sweet and would compliment me randomly?? again, he's never been a creep to me but I always felt awkward about how he seemed to treat me better than he treated his gf (he ended up cheating on her and breaking up with her so 😬😬)
5. Bharani Moon failed talking stage
He was super duper sweet. Extremely gentlemanly and considerate. One thing I've noticed is that all these Venusian men have complimented my voice/said they love to listen to me talk. I used to sing this man to sleep ya'll 🥹and he always said I put him in a trance?? lol? One time I told him that I'm such a boomer and I only know how to use my phone to text and make calls and he said "that's all you need to know cause if you need anything else, you have me" (for context: he was a software engineer) he helped me set up my LinkedIn??? one day we were on call and he asked me "oh the xyz internship you mentioned, can you tell me more about it?" and i thought it was a general question and i started yapping and he did that with my other internships and finally he said, "okay check your WhatsApp" and he had sent me a summarised bullet point list of everything??? and he said "okay now just copy paste this to LinkedIn" and i was so shook?? lol, he stayed on call with me until I was done, i asked him a million dumb questions and he was patient af and literally held my hand through the whole process (setting up a profile is really not that hard at all, it's just filling up a bunch of stuff and he was helping me out with that) after things ended between us, we spoke one more time and he said "I made xyz dish" (a dish that I had told him was my fav and which he didn't know how to make and promised me he would learn) and i was like "why?" and he said "because I was thinking of you and promised you I'd learn to make it" 😩😩😩😩i s2g these Venusian men really know how to get into ur heart bc wtf
6. Bharani Moon, the guy who I think might be my twin flame
First of all, UFFFFF he was obsessed with me. For over a year, he'd just follow me around like a lamb and stare. Even after he asked me out and I said I wasn't interested, he still didn't give up??? he seemed so obsessed with me , it was crazyy, he told me he just wanted to see me and talk to me (I don't know his personality at all but getting those texts kinda creeped me out but maybe he was as genuine as all the other guys?? 😶 Idk) he was always so intense?? like he never shied away from expressing his interest in me, i never expected him to be so forthcoming lol. he came all the way to my uni for no reason than to see me not once but TWICE 🥺🥺wish i could've interacted with him offline to gauge his personality bc based on how he was on text and call, I was put off by his intensity
7. bc i remembered another guy who was a Purvaphalguni Sun, Purvashada Moon
he was super sweet to me, he always wanted to talk to me, we'd spend hours talking and he always complimented me, he always asked me if he could bring me snacks??? and he lived like half an hour away and he always said "yk you just have to call and ill be at your door" whenever i spoke about wanting to travel, he'd always say "i'll take you" (i had known of him for a long time but we'd only been talking for a few days so i thought it was too much and kinda gave me the ick???) and he was always just doing THE most and then he got super pervy which made me uncomfortable. i told him off for it and he said sorry and then literally in the next conversation when i asked him "what are three things you'd want to do before you die?", he said 2 things and then said "you" and i was like 🙄🙄and he said "dont hold it against me, im a dying man" ICKKKK anyways we stopped talking lol
im actually only now realising that ive had less than positive experiences with Venusian women lol lmk if you want me to talk about that tho 😶
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
through the endless daydream (part 3)
Pairing: Lilia Vanrouge x gn!reader
Synopsis: There is a rumour that there is a hidden advisor of the Draconia family, who has guided the ruler of all fae for years. They say he is the one responsible for the peace established between humans and fae. What they don’t know, is that he has been doing so for millennia, cursed by the gods to be immortal as punishment for his crime of killing a human who was beloved by the gods—his very own lover, for whom he must forever repent until he can be killed by his true love.
Tags: fluff with angst, reincarnation, confession, the Diasomnia bois are in this chapter, bot proofread
Word count: 4.1k+
Notes: Okay, guess what... there's still one more chapter lol. I promise this time it's the last prolongation, I swear. Also I wrote this on Lilia goblin brainrot when I really should have been doing my homework, soooo, I hope y'all enjoy it hahaha
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Part 1 ✧ Part 2 ✧ Masterlist
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"Father, what's wrong? It's unlike you to look so down," Silver asked, placing a comforting hand on Lilia's shoulder.
It felt like just yesterday when he had first met Silver as a child, and now he had grown into a young man who had a promising future as a knight. Within his long immortality, Lilia had found purpose in helping others, as he was unable to help himself. When he noticed the small human child left on his doorstep, he decided to adopt him, wanting to provide him with a loving home just like his Beastie had done for the children in the orphanage, driven by his desire to make a positive impact on someone's life and to create a family bond that would bring him joy and fulfilment. Silver became like a son to him, and their relationship brought Lilia a sense of purpose and happiness in his life.
Lilia attempted to brush off Silver’s concern with a chuckle, "Oh, I'm fine, Silver. Just my old age getting to me," he replied, ruffling the boy's hair affectionately.
Malleus, the current fae prince, had been observing the exchange and approached the pair with concern. Lilia had been a mentor and father figure to him. He was one of the few people he held dear to his heart as he always listened to Malleus' problems, counselled him, and comforted him during difficult times.
"Lilia, you seem troubled," Malleus said, his voice carrying a touch of formality. "What happened?"
Lilia sighed, his playful façade dropping momentarily. "I saw them today," he replied softly. "I met the love of my life again."
The air in the room visibly tenses as Silver and Malleus exchanged solemn glances, sensing the weight of Lilia's words. They were well aware of Lilia's curse, the immortality that he had carried for thousands of years, and the possibility that meeting you could hold the key to breaking it. He had never made an effort to hide what happened all those years ago from them, deeply believing that it was all part of his punishment.
The two couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought that Lilia might eventually leave them when his curse is broken, having grown close to him over the years and having come to see him as a father figure and mentor. However, they also knew better than anyone the immense burden that Lilia had carried for thousands of years, and they couldn’t bear the thought of him suffering any longer as he watched everything he held dear inevitably fade with time.
Silver glanced at Malleus with a pensive expression, and Malleus nodded in understanding, both silently agreeing that Lilia's happiness and freedom were of the utmost importance, even if it meant parting ways with him in the end. They had seen the weight of his immortality and the toll it had taken on him, and they wanted nothing more than for him to find peace.
Silver spoke up with a hopeful yet cautious tone. "Father, could it be possible? Are they the one who can finally break your curse?"
Lilia sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know, Silver. It's complicated… Meeting them brought back memories and feelings that I've long left behind, but I don't know if it means they're the one who can free me from my immortality."
Malleus spoke up, a serious look in his emerald eyes. "Lilia, we need to tread carefully. We don't know the full extent of the situation, and if their reincarnation holds the key to breaking your curse, it's vital that we handle it with caution and wisdom."
Lilia nodded, appreciating Malleus' advice. "You're right, Malleus. I won't rush into anything. I need to understand the situation fully and consider all the implications."
Silver chimed in, his violet eyes shining with determination. "We'll be here to support you, Father. We'll stand by you, just like you've always stood by us."
Lilia, touched by their unwavering support, felt a renewed sense of determination to face the situation with wisdom and care. "Oh, you two are so grown up now. Thank you, both of you. I'm grateful to have you by my side."
"Father," Silver began, "I know you've told us about them before, but can you tell me more?" he asked.
Lilia turned to him, a misty haze in his eyes as they softened with fond memories. He sighed, a smile gracing his lips as he spoke. "They were a remarkable human, Silver..."
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Lilia felt a flutter of anticipation as he made his way to the park where he had first encountered you, having agreed to meet each other the next day at the same time and spot. He couldn't deny the curiosity and eagerness that surged through him as he walked with a slight bounce in his step.
As he approached the park, he scanned the area for you, until his gaze rested on your figure, sitting on a bench beneath a flowering cherry blossom tree. You looked up, your eyes meeting vermillion ones as a smile spread across your face, sensing someone's stare.
In that moment, he knew without a doubt that you were his true love, just as his Beastie had been all those years ago. It was as if fate had brought you together once again, and he felt a sense of wonder and awe at the sheer impossibility of it all.
Lilia walked towards you, his steps quickening with each moment as he noticed the striking resemblance between you and his Beastie—the same radiant smile, the same playful glint in your eyes, and the same warmth in your presence that had enchanted him all those years ago.
"Hello," Lilia greeted meekly as he reached the bench, unable to contain his emotions.
"Hello," you returned, your voice sending shivers down Lilia's spine. "I've been expecting you."
Lilia nodded, finding himself at a loss for words for a moment as he took in your presence. "It's... it's good to see you again," he finally managed to say, his tone filled with emotion.
You smiled warmly and gestured to the bench beside you, prompting Lilia to sit down. The cherry blossoms provided a picturesque backdrop to the meeting, the air was filled with the scent of spring, reminding Lilia of the springs he had spent with his Beastie and the children.
You were his true love.
The one who would end him.
Lilia cleared his throat, focusing himself on the present. "So, " he started. "You mentioned having met me in your dreams before?" He asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and wonder.
You nodded, shyly looking down at your lap as you twiddled your fingers. "I've dreamt of a man for as long as I can remember. He looks a lot like you, only more mature, and he had long black hair," you said softly, searching Lilia's face for any sign of recognition. "He seems so distant and powerful, yet the gleam in his eyes… there's a gentleness in his gaze when he looks at me. It's like he's protecting me, even though I don't know who he is."
Lilia listened attentively, his heart skipping a beat with each word you spoke, a mix of emotions swirling inside him. He was moved by the fact that you had been dreaming of him even when you had reincarnated, and that you saw through his facade of coldness to the softness he reserved only for you. At the same time, he was hesitant to reveal his true identity, fearing that he might hurt you once more.
"I... I'm glad that he brings you comfort," Lilia finally replied gently. "Dreams are seldom all they seem, and sometimes they reveal things that we may not fully understand."
You nodded, seemingly satisfied with his response, but Lilia could see a flicker of curiosity in your expression. He knew that you were still trying to piece together the puzzle that had several pieces missing, but he couldn't blame you for trying to comprehend the situation.
Over the course of the conversation, the topics shifted to the stories of your life, and Lilia noted everything about you with his entire being, seeking to know you better. It was as if you were talking to an old friend as you opened up to him about your life, your struggles, and your dreams for the future. You shared how you had faced challenges and hardships, how you had worked tirelessly to overcome obstacles, and how you had dreamt of a better life.
Lilia listened intently, his heart swelling with admiration for your resilience and determination. He could see the fire in your eyes as you spoke about your plans and aspirations, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of empathy and compassion towards you.
"I've always wanted to get a decent job, find love, or travel and see the world," you rambled on with a wistful smile. "But I've never had the means to travel, even when I’m working multiple jobs just to make ends meet. It's been tough..."
Lilia nodded, understanding the weight of your struggles after having lived for thousands of years. With each word you spoke, he felt a growing sense of responsibility towards you, wanting to do whatever he could to help you, to grant your wishes and see you achieve the dreams you held dear. He knew that he had the power and means to make a difference in your life, and he silently vowed to himself that he would do everything in his power to support you if only to make up for his mistakes in the past.
"I'm sorry that you've had to face such challenges," his voice was filled with sincerity. "But I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here for you, and I'll do whatever I can to support you in achieving your dreams."
You were taken aback by his generosity and kindness. "You don't have to do all that," you said, touched by his offer. "I appreciate your offer, but I don't want to impose." But Lilia only smiled, his eyes warm and genuine. "It's not an imposition at all. I want to do this for you because you deserve it, and because it brings me joy to see you happy."
From that day on, Lilia kept his promise, making use of his connections and resources to find you a well-paying job at the palace with a kind boss who would understand your situation and be supportive, as well as a rather loud half-fae co-worker who seemed to dislike humans, but was still kind to you at times. Lilia also made a habit of surprising you with gifts for no particular reason, just to bring a smile to your face and make you feel appreciated. Sometimes it would be items you’ve mentioned liking or elegant flower crowns that Lilia weaves himself, seeming to consistently know your likes and dislikes.
You spent more and more time with the energetic fae, with him taking you to fun places on a whim, showing you the wonders of the world and letting you experience the joy of new adventures. The two of you travelled through beautiful landscapes, and he watched with joy as you laughed, explored, and embraced life with newfound zeal. And with each passing day, he found himself falling deeper in love with you—you were one and the same as his Beastie, the one who had captured his heart and lit up his world all those millennia ago.
Lilia was determined to make the most of the time he had with you. He wanted to give you the gift of joy and adventure, knowing that it was something he could offer before he would have to say goodbye. He tried to push his own feelings aside, focusing on bringing happiness to your life and creating memories that would last forever, savouring each moment, cherishing the smiles on your face, the laughter in your voice, and the memories you were creating together. He found solace in your presence, feeling a sense of belonging and happiness that he had longed for in his immortal existence.
However, the reality that his time with you was finite made his chest heavy. He struggled with the conflict between his love for you and his impending departure, feeling torn between the desire to stay by your side and the knowledge that he had to let go. He tried to hide his true feelings, not wanting to burden you with his own struggles, and instead focused on making your time together as special as possible.
But what he couldn’t control, were your feelings for him.
As you thought about your upcoming trip with him, you couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading in your chest. It dawned on you that it wasn't just the excitement of the adventures or the thrill of the unknown that drew you to him. It was something deeper, something that made your heart skip a beat every time you were near him.
His magical abilities and mysterious aura fascinated you, but even more so was the way he brought joy into your life. He had been a source of wonder, adventure, and happiness since the first time you met him. His playful and kind attitude, his unwavering support, and the way he always made you feel special left an indelible mark on you. Your life had begun to improve as a result of his encouragement and care, having found a career that gave you stability while also allowing you to pursue your dreams. You laughed more, smiled more, and felt more hopeful about the future.
It was inevitable that you would fall in love with him.
Warmth rose to your cheeks as the thought crossed your mind, and your heart was pounding in your chest, making it difficult to focus on anything else, including work. You tried to regain your composure and focus on the task at hand, but your mind kept drifting back to Lilia.
"LORD LILIA! HOW WONDERFUL OF YOU TO GRACE US WITH YOUR PRESENCE!" Sebek, your co-worker, excitedly announced. As if your thoughts had manifested into reality, Lilia stood at the entrance, looking as handsome and enigmatic as ever. "Sebek, your inside voice, please," Lilia gently admonished, exasperated at the knight’s energy.
This weekend was another anticipated adventure with Lilia, this time to the Queendom of Roses. After a quick goodbye to your co-workers, you walked towards Lilia, who opened his arms and enveloped you in a warm embrace that felt like coming home, like being wrapped in a cocoon of safety and warmth.
"Khee hee, ready for our next adventure?" Lilia chuckled, the sound igniting butterflies in your stomach.
You couldn't help but smile at his words, feeling a surge of excitement and joy. With Lilia by your side, every adventure was filled with magic and wonder. You nodded fervently, unable to contain your enthusiasm.
"Absolutely!" you beamed. "I can't wait to see what surprises the Queendom of Roses has in store for us." Lilia smiled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He extended his hand towards you, and without hesitation, you slipped your hand into his, feeling a jolt of electricity at the contact.
With renewed excitement and anticipation, you set off with Lilia towards the Queendom of Roses, eager to embark on another adventure with your favourite person in the world.
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The moment you arrived, you were greeted by a sea of vibrant colours and the intoxicating scent of flowers that filled the air. The entire landscape seemed like it had been plucked from a fairy tale, with rose-covered arches, winding paths, and blooming gardens that stretched as far as the eye could see.
Lilia led you through the bustling streets of the Queendom, his charming and confident demeanour making him a favourite among the locals. You couldn't help but be captivated by his presence, his knowledge of the history and lore of the Queendom, and his adventurous spirit that made every moment with him exciting.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky transformed into a canvas of rich colours. The last rays of sunlight cast a warm, golden glow over the Queendom of Roses, illuminating the rose-covered buildings and creating a magical ambience.
Lilia led you to a secluded spot in the centre of the forest, where the trees towered above, forming a natural canopy that filtered the moonlight, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The air was cooler now, but Lilia's presence by your side kept you warm.
You sat on a moss-covered log, gazing up at the night sky as stars began to twinkle into view, one by one, a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves and the distant sound of crickets chirping. Lilia's hand found its way to yours, and the touch sent tingles down your spine. You looked at him, and in the soft moonlight, his features were bathed in an ethereal glow, making him look even more captivating. The beauty of the sight seemed to mirror the feelings that had been growing within you, and you couldn't contain them any longer.
Taking a deep breath, you turned to Lilia, feeling your heart race in anticipation. His eyes seemed darker, so alike the colour of wine, more mesmerising at the low light, and his presence filled you with a sense of comfort and safety.
"Lilia," you murmured. "I need to tell you something." You took a step closer to him, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through you.
Lilia looked at you attentively, his expression unreadable, but his stare holding a glimmer of curiosity. "Hmm? Go on," he encouraged softly, like a soothing melody.
Feeling a rush of courage, you spoke from the bottom of your heart. " I... I have fallen in love with you," you confessed, gaining strength with each word. "You've brought so much joy and adventure into my life, and I can't imagine my future without you in it."
As the words left your lips, you held your breath, waiting for Lilia's response. The crackling of the bonfire seemed to intensify, and the stars above seemed to shine brighter as if the universe itself was holding its breath along with you.
Lilia looked taken aback, his eyes widening in surprise. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words seemed to catch in his throat. He struggled to find the right words, and you could see the conflict playing out on his face.
"I... I didn't expect this," he finally said, his voice tinged with a touch of sadness.
His words hit you like a blow to the chest as your heart sank with disappointment, but you could sense his sincerity.
Lilia reached out, placing a hand on your shoulder, and you could feel the warmth of his touch. "Beastie, " he started with the nickname that you’ve grown so fond of. "You're an amazing person, and I care deeply about you," he said, filled with sincerity as it always did. "But I can’t be with you, I apologise."
"But why?" you asked, unable to conceal the hurt in your voice. "I thought... I thought we had something special."
Lilia looked pained, and he averted his gaze, unable to meet yours. "I... I apologise, but I’m afraid I can’t tell you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
As his words sank in, a mix of emotions swirled inside you. Disappointment, sadness, and a tinge of heartbreak washed over you like a wave crashing against the shore. You had laid bare your feelings, hoping for a different outcome, but now you had to come to terms with the fact that Lilia couldn't be with you.
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, and a knot formed in your throat. It was painful to hear the person you cared for say that they couldn't be with you, especially when you had poured your heart out to them. It felt like a door slamming shut, shutting down the possibility of a future together.
In your mind, questions and doubts arose. Was it something about you? Was it his identity that he kept so well-hidden? Or was it simply his own personal reasons? You couldn't help but wonder if there was anything you could have done differently, if you had misread his feelings, or if you had been too forward in confessing your love.
You turned back to face him, searching his eyes for answers. "Is it because of your true identity?" you asked hesitantly. "Are you holding back because of who you really are?"
Lilia looked at you with a mix of surprise and sadness, as if he hadn't expected you to figure it out. He remained silent for a moment and then sighed softly.
"Yes," he finally admitted, heavy with emotion. "The truth is complicated, and it brings with it a burden that I cannot share with anyone else. It's because I care for you deeply that I have to let you go."
"Lilia, please," you begged desperately, as your heart ached with longing. You couldn't bear the thought of losing him without knowing the real reason behind his decision to distance himself from you. "I'm willing to do anything for you. I can't bear the thought of losing you without knowing the whole truth. Please, tell me why you can't be with me."
Lilia had always tried to keep a distance, to protect you from the truth of his identity and the inevitability that came with it, but it tore him apart to have to push you away. He knew the consequences of his actions and the weight of his responsibilities, and he couldn't bear the thought of hurting you like he had done once upon a time. But seeing you now, vulnerable and pleading, made it even harder for him to stay resolute.
Part of him longed to take you in his arms, to tell you everything, and to be with you despite the risks. He cherished the moments he had spent with you, the joy and happiness you had brought into his life. Your love had touched him deeply, and he couldn't deny the feelings he had for you. His expression torn with conflicting emotions, he took a step towards you as his gaze locked with yours. "Then," he said, his voice laced with hesitation. "I’d like to ask one favour from you."
You stopped in your tracks, turning to face him, curiosity mingling with the pain in your heart. "What is it?" you asked softly, willing to grant him anything within your power.
Lilia took a step towards you, his expression serious yet pleading. "Promise me, that on the day of the first snowfall, you will pierce me with this sword," he said, his voice steady but filled with a sense of longing as he summoned the sword imbued with the curse.
You stared at Lilia, shocked and bewildered by his sudden request. The sword he held was ancient and ornate, and you could sense the powerful magic emanating from it. The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, and you could see the conflict in his eyes.
"What?" you exclaimed, unable to comprehend what he was asking of you. "I can’t do that! I can’t hurt you!"
Lilia reached out and gently took your hand, his touch familiar and comforting, melting away all the anxiety that had overtaken your mind. "Don’t worry," he assured softly. "It won’t hurt me, you’ll be freeing me from my curse."
He wondered if it was fair of him to lie about the true nature of his curse, that upon doing so, his existence would end. Although you would be saddened by his departure momentarily, the world would quickly erase his existence before long, wiping everyone’s memories of Lilia Vanrouge.
You furrowed your brow, surprised by his revelation. "Curse? What do you mean?"
Lilia took a deep breath, and you could see the anguish so clearly written on his face as he explained to you. "I made a terrible mistake in my past, and as a result, I've been cursed with immortality. I can't age, I can't die, and I've been bound to wander the world alone for all eternity to repent."
You were at a loss for words, torn between the love you still felt for him and the shock of his request. But when you stared at him, the pain etched on his face as he revealed the burden he had been carrying, and you reached out to gently touch his hand.
"I'm so sorry, Lilia," you said, reaching out to gently touch his hand in comfort. "It must have been incredibly difficult to bear." You looked up into Lilia's eyes with determination. "I’ll do it, I’ll break your curse for you," you said firmly, steeling yourself for what was to come.
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keep-the-wolves-close · 7 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 29: Trouble
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M? (Still figuring out the rating system) (might eventually be M anyhow)
* Warnings: language, someone tailing Stella
* Word count: 4,314ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all
Author's note: Oh shoooot 👀. Things are getting interesting! And okay, I only lasted two days, but I got the finale chapter done, and I wanted a reward. 😂😂😂 Also a fun fact about this chapter, it was the first chapter I wrote for this story a little over a year ago. I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well!
Ryan and Stella were out riding. There was no work to be done and Ryan wanted to take the opportunity to check in with his little sister. It had been a little while since they had one on one time. Since he’s been her primary guardian for so long, even though she was a full adult now, he still liked to make sure she was okay. He never wanted her to feel like she was alone in dealing with whatever life threw at them.
“So truly Stellee, how are you?” Both of them came to a stop at the top of a hill overlooking the valley back to the ranch.
Stella pursed her lips and sighed quietly to herself while adjusting her glasses. “I’m okay, Ry. There’s just been a lot going on.”
He nods in understanding, looking her over. She was shifting, seemingly uncomfortable in her saddle, which was the farthest thing from true. That woman was more comfortable in a saddle than on her own two legs. Her bay roan mare, Abigail, whom he gifted her at 16 was also fidgety. Kayce and Stella had both worked together to make sure that the horse was as solid as a rock. She was feisty, sure, but solid. She was sure to give away how Stella was feeling though.
“You know I don’t fully believe you, right?”
Stella barked out a laugh, “Oh really now? And why is that?”
“You’ve got a tell, sis. It also doesn’t help that your mare gives you away either.” Ryan smirked.
“I mean, I’m not lying when I say there’s been a lot going on this year. Lee, the bear, Jenkins, Malcolm.” She glared at the horizon at the thought of the platinum haired man. “The stupid shit with Kayce. There is a lot going on at the repro barn over at Olivia’s.”
Ryan smoothly interrupts, “but…,” he drug out.
“But,” Stella huffs, giving him a pointed look, “a couple times on my way here recently, someone has followed me.” She decided to fess up without much of a fight because there was no use trying to get around Ryan when he wanted information. He’s very persistent and she’s the same way. They would have dug themselves into the ground and died before giving in. Being followed was also starting to bother her.
“Excuse me Stella Lee?! You’re just telling me this now?!”
“Well at first I didn’t think too much about it! A lot of people drive back this way. The second time was after that thing with Malcolm.”
“So why didn’t you tell me then?” She could visibly see his blood pressure rising higher and higher.
“I wanted to be 100% sure they were actually tailing me. Third times the charm, right?” She defended weakly.
“Wait, the third time?” His face turned to stone.
“Today.” At this point, if he would have been able to physically implode and survive, he would have. Stella swore she heard an explosion of the sound barrier as he took off back toward the ranch.
“Fuck.” Stella motioned and Abigail kicked it into high gear. She had to beat Ryan before he caused a ruckus and bothered everyone.
Ryan knew he needed to tell Rip or John. Something wasn’t right and he had to beat Stella there. He adored her stubborn and independent nature, but sometimes it was capable of giving him aneurysms.
In the distance Ryan could see John, Rip, and Kayce by the outer fence talking amongst themselves. Lloyd was closer to him and was trying to flag him down.
“Ho, Ryan! Where’s the fire?”
As he rushes by Lloyd, “I need to get to them before Stella does!”
“She ain’t far behind you.” Lloyd said quietly and looked in the direction of the woman in question. She and that mare were closing in on the round pen with an extensive cloud of dust following. Stella’s face was more determined than he had ever witnessed and he worried for Ryan’s safety.
Ryan came to an abrupt stop in front of the three men, out of breath and rushing to get words out, “Someone has been following Stella. Three times on her way here, and god knows how many other times she’s failed to mention to me.”
In a swift motion with the sharpness of a damn good cattle horse, Stella and Abigail swept in and bounced to a solid stop between Ryan and the others.
“Ryan! Don’t bother them with this! It’s probably just me being paranoid.” She rolled her eyes and moved her glasses back to the bridge of her nose. She really wasn’t feeling having any of her bosses involved. Kayce especially.
“No. It’s you being observant of something that’s out of place.” He pointed at her. “You trying to brush it off the way you are? Is gonna get you kidnapped or killed.”
“Or both,” Rip chimed in from behind them making Stella whip her head around. She had forgotten they had an audience.
“Or worse,” Kayce added with a serious look.
She groaned, “Not you too…,” she trailed off as she finally took notice of the look he was giving her and stopped all forms of argument. They hadn’t had a real chance to speak much since his visit with Monica the other night. Only the one time and it didn’t end great. Her shoulders dropped. It was three against one.
“You’re staying here for a little while. Isn’t she Ryan?” The direct eye contact from Kayce pinned Stella to her spot as he made his declaration final and he didn’t break the contact to talk to Ryan either.
“Yes Kayce, I couldn’t agree more.”
“Ryan, you stay here. Stella, come up to the barn with me.” She rolled her eyes, mostly to herself and the situation she had gotten herself into, but kept up behind Kayce and his mustang nonetheless.
As they were breaking down their horses it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Stella was a speedy little thing when it came to break down. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence. If she finished and got out of the barn before he could catch her? She would be just fine with that.
She hung Abigail’s halter on the outside stall hook as she shut and latched the door. Before she had a chance to turn around, there was a heavy hand that gripped her up and tugged her to the tack room.
In a flurry of noise the door slammed shut behind her and the offending person. Quickly Stella turned around while cocking back her fist. She was fairly certain it was Kayce, but she would rather be safe than sorry, and he deserved a punch from her. So she was fine with it either way.
He grabbed her wrist as she swung her balled fist toward his nose. She visibly relaxed when she realized her assumption was correct. It didn’t ease her irritation, however.
“What the fuck Kayce,” she flicked the brim of his cowboy hat with a huff and pulled her wrist from him. She noticed she was in his personal bubble and tried to back up.
“You’re staying here until we tell you otherwise. Don’t even bother trying to fight me on it. Ryan agrees and will fight you with me, so there’s no use.”
“Kayce, I’m sure it’s just me being paranoid. A lot of people drive back and forth past here every day. It’s a popular road.”
Kayce pulled her back in toward him trying to make a point, “I would like to not have to plead on the six o’clock to get you back or find you murdered.” He leaned closer as if she was about to disappear into thin air.
She adjusted her glasses thinking how she should really get them tightened. It also didn’t help that it was a nervous habit. She looked down in defeat.
“Okay fine. But you’re taking me back to get my clothes for my undetermined stay.” She poked his chest as his body sagged forward. Yes they had been avoiding each other, but she was one of his best friends. Longest friend at least.
“We just want you safe, Stellfire.”
“I know, ya big dumb cowboy,” she smiled and gave him a friendly shove, “now let’s go before they think I’m still being the other woman in the tack room.” She missed the fall of Kayce’s face as she walked away.
Ryan grimaced. He hadn’t meant to cause such a fuss. Other than the ranch and being a livestock agent, his little sister was his everything. They had been through hell and back, and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something happened to her and he couldn’t get to her quick enough.
“Sir, I’m so sorry to bring this up to you all like this. I just know something isn’t right and I needed someone to know before she could stop me. And I mean you saw her coming —,” John interrupted.
“She looked like the devil herself coming for reckoning. It’s something I’ve seen in you both.” Ryan almost let a look of pride slip through at John’s admission, but he held it together.
“You’re my lead livestock agent for a reason, Ryan.” John tried to hide a small smile, “We can have her stay here. It’s probably safer than her place anyway.”
Rip offered, “I’ll follow behind to keep an eye out with Lloyd. You or Kayce can run her in a different car.”
“Kayce is gonna take me.” The pair sauntered up to the group from behind. Rip could see Ryan’s hesitation at the thought of not being close to his sister.
“Ryan, why don’t you back Lloyd and I up on the way?”
Ryan came out of the bunkhouse and stopped for a minute to look at his sister. She could most certainly be hell on wheels more often than not most days. He liked to think it was all the years of holding her own with the bunkhouse. He knew that it was a trait shared between them as well.
Even though she was rough and tumble, she had a soft and gentle grace about her. Especially when having a heart to heart with someone. Her being stubborn as a mule was giving him grey hairs, but he couldn’t be more proud of the woman he had raised. Of course, with the help of the wranglers. ‘It takes a village,’ he thought to himself.
Stella could feel eyes on her as she threw a couple of empty duffle bags into Kayce’s truck. She glanced around and spotted her brother giving her a look. She tilted her head at him with her eyebrows scrunched together. He shook his head and went about getting things for the ride together.
It almost felt like an out of body experience looking at the men around her. There was an immense feeling of humility that swarmed in through her lungs and filled her chest. These tough as nails cowboys truly cared about her. They cared enough to rally around her and try their damndest to keep her safe. She studied each of them with a loving fondness. She had grown up with these men, and they had always remained a steady constant in her life. For that, she was grateful. She realized that this place, these people, really did feel like home. If she thought about it hard enough, she might get misty eyed.
Finally, forest brown eyes met a matching set as Stella felt the breath in her lungs get caught. Kayce gauged her actions, trying to decipher if she was okay without asking. She shook her head and smiled at him to let him know she was indeed okay. Ryan made his way over to the pair while clearing his throat, feeling like he was interrupting some unspoken conversation.
“You almost ready, Stellee?”
She nodded. “Yeah, but there's a flaw in the plan that I just thought of.”
“What’s that, Stella-belle?” Rip questioned from over by his truck.
She readjusted her glasses and looked around to her brother, almost like she did when she was little and needed reassurance. “Well if they’re planning on following me back, they aren’t going to do it if it’s Kayce’s truck that leaves here.”
Ryan sighed and dropped his head, “As much as I hate to agree with her, she’s right.”
Kayce reached into the back of his truck and grabbed the duffles and on his way past Stella said, “You can out-maneuver them, right?”
“Kayce… I hang out with a bunch of cowboys,” she laughed, “and if I can’t outrun them? Then we’ll get lost in these here hills, baby.” There was a pause between all of them. The men quickly picked up Stella’s hidden meaning.
“Plus, I’ll have one of the best shots on the ranch riding shotgun.” She smirked in Kayce’s direction. She loved to give him a hard time about his itchy trigger finger. He gave her a soft shove as if he was telling her to fuck off, and she giggled and hopped into her car.
Everyone loaded up in their respective vehicles. Stella thought Ryan had hopped into Rip’s truck, but the interior light kicked on and the car moved as Ryan’s weight settled into her backseat. She made eye contact with her brother in the rearview mirror, and silently asked him what he was doing.
He raised his eyebrows at her, “You think I’m not about to be in your car to protect you?” He stopped short for a second realizing one of his bosses was in the front seat, “No offense.” Kayce smirked as Stella put the SUV in drive.
She pulled to the end of the long driveway. She looked in both directions checking for signs of the car from earlier. She didn’t see anything, but there was still a definitive hesitation in her movements. Things were suddenly very real to her.
Kayce says softly, “Hey, it's okay Stellfire. We’ve got you. Just do what you would normally do. We’ll worry about the rest.”
Ryan watched the gentle nature Kayce used with his sister. It was almost similar to the way you would approach a green horse. There was something softer about it though. Ryan couldn’t quite put his finger on what was going on. He knew there wasn’t anything going on between them any longer, but he didn’t know if Kayce was kissing his sister’s ass or being genuine. He squinted at Stella in the rearview, but didn’t say anything. She pulled out and to the left, took a deep breath and began her normal trek home. The only thing different was she had four guests in tow this time.
Rip and Lloyd pulled out a few minutes behind everyone else. They wanted to leave enough space in between to be able to box in whoever was following Stella. If they decided to follow her again.
“You know Lloyd, I’ve got a bad feelin’ about this.”
“I was feelin’ the same way. Especially if whoever these people are, are coming after little bit.”
“Because none of us would let her get involved in some shit like this, well this part of it anyhow.”
“Especially Ryan.” They chuckled knowing that he could be kind of a helicopter when it came to his little sister.
“That boy sure has tried his hardest raising her right.”
“And he’s done a damn fine job. That stays here, Lloyd.” The men smiled at each other.
Halfway between the Yellowstone and the outskirts of downtown, a silver four door sedan pulled out behind the white SUV. Ryan and Kayce noticed that Stella’s body language tensed up, but she refused to say anything to them. They felt her accelerate slightly. Ryan glanced out the back, and Kayce was looking through the side mirror. They easily spotted the car, and let each other know they had seen it.
“Don’t speed up Stella. Remember, we’re both here.” Ryan gently reminded her. Her shoulders relaxed as she found her brother’s gaze in the mirror before looking back to the road ahead.
“You’re just driving home. Nothing out of the ordinary.” Kayce added.
Ryan turned around in the back seat to observe the car again. The windows were, of course, tinted so dark that he could barely make out that the car was being driven by a person in general. ‘Why would this shit be easy?’ He rolled his eyes, turning around to pick up his ringing phone. It was Lloyd calling.
“We’re a couple miles back, but there’s a silver car that’s tailing you.”
“We’ve got them in sights. They aren’t subtle if that’s them.”
“They probably think she’s oblivious and hasn’t noticed them at all. Rip wants to say something, put it on speaker.”
Ryan engaged the speaker, and they all heard Rip clear his throat. “Stella?”
“When you get to your house, I want you and your brother to hop out and go inside. Kayce,” he paused for a few seconds as Kayce presented himself, “You stay outside. Watch every move that these motherfuckers make if they pull in behind you.”
Kayce nodded even though Rip couldn’t see him, “Roger that.” He also heard the unspoken order to shoot to kill if necessary. For Stella, he would change the landscape if he had to.
“Where will you be Rip?” They all clearly heard the nervous tick in her voice. It almost made Ryan grab for her hand like when they were kids. She sounded so small and he hated that.
“We’ll be right outside of view, either following them or making sure they stay off of your property, sweetheart. You go get your stuff. We’ve got the rest.” Rip finished and Lloyd ended the call.
Stella lived just a little ways out in between the ranch and downtown. She had neighbors, but they definitely weren’t close. Ryan grimaced at the thought of his sister being by herself out here.
Stella pulled her car around the driveway and around to the back. She pulled it up to face out toward the road again. Putting it in park, she looked at Kayce. “Alright Kace, I know you’re always carrying, but in case you need extra,” they locked eyes, “it’s holstered in the glove box.” His mouth upturned at the corner proudly, ‘Just like I taught her.’ He quickly nodded as he flipped his baseball cap backwards.
Stella ignored the clenching of her stomach at the attractive maneuver. There was always something about a man in a backwards ball cap that caught her eye. She hopped out and started to walk toward her house as Ryan followed sidling up beside her.
“This is the bad thing about you having a wooded driveway, and all the way out here. Can’t get much of a heads up.”
She smiled at her brother and let out a humorless laugh. “Yeah, but no one can witness the aftermath.”
Ryan’s face screwed up at the confession, “My god, you’ve got to stop hanging out with Rip.”
Her laughter got stuck in her throat as she reached out to unlock her door. Her whole body tensed.
“Ry…,” she said so quietly Ryan almost missed it. She took a deep breath, “it’s unlocked.”
“Did you leave it like that?”
She breathed out harshly and shook her head. Ryan stepped in front of her.
“Stay behind me and do exactly as I say.” Stella wasn’t about to argue.
Ryan opened the door wide, dropped the duffel bags to his far right, and drew his weapon within 10 seconds. She followed suit and went to the concealed weapon underneath the front table and hoped it was still there.
He heard the snip of her gun safety being switched off behind him. He immediately went to the right and into the den taking a wide gap to the left. Stella made sure to clear the rest of the room and the straight view into her kitchen. They swapped places back and forth in a fatal dance going from room to room. Being taught by her brother not only kept him sharp, but it gave Stella the knowledge to help in this situation.
They finally finished clearing the house. She holstered her weapon back and pulled it from its compartment under the table and hooked it to her belt. With a heavy sigh, she reached down to grab the bags.
“What’s wrong Stellee?” Ryan came up from the small hallway that led to her kitchen.
“Someone was in my house, Ryan. That’s what’s wrong.” She said curtly.
“You’re sure you didn’t just forget to lock the door in your rush to get to the ranch today?”
“Yes Ryan,” he could hear the stress dripping in her voice, “not only was my door unlocked, which I never do mind you, but some stuff was out of place. It definitely wasn’t how I left it. And it feels like someone offensive has been in here.”
“Well let's get you outta here.”
Kayce got out of the SUV once the tight knit siblings made it inside. He had seen Stella tense at the door and had almost ran to the porch. He knew that if she needed the help, she would have made it clear. So he held off.
He looked around the back driveway and yard. The parking spots were messy dirt and gravel. It was a shot in the dark that he would see tracks because they had driven over them, but it was worth a glance.
He stood, huffed and placed a hand on his hip as he surveyed the surroundings. Nothing appeared to be out of place. Except a piece of paper that fluttered because it had gotten stuck against the railing in the nighttime Montana breeze. He didn’t think anything of it and grabbed it. It wasn’t uncommon for trash to blow around every now and again. He almost crumpled it up, but Stella’s name in larger font caught his eye.
“What the,” he whispered. He heard the door close. He quickly folded it up and put it in his jacket pocket. He cleared his throat, “everything alright?”
“For all intents and purposes, yes. It’s okay.” Stella readjusted the duffel bags on her shoulder and her glasses with her forearm as she made her way down the porch steps. Kayce met her at the bottom and took the bags from her and put them in her back seat.
“On the back half of that though, somebody was in my house.”
“What?!” Kayce started toward the house, but Stella’s hand in the middle of his chest stopped him.
She shook her head, “let me clarify, someone had been in there. Ryan and I checked the house. No one was in there at the time. I’m ready to get the fuck outta here though,” she slipped her hand away from his chest and made her way to the driver’s seat, “let’s go home gentlemen.” They met up with Rip and Lloyd at the end of her drive. With a nod from Rip to Stella, they made it back to the ranch without any more incident.
Stella got out of her SUV and leaned on the back door, locking her elbows to keep her upright. She was exhausted. Her head started to pound from all the tension being released from her neck and shoulders.
“You alright, sugar?” Kayce came up and touched her elbow. She jerked a little bit, being pulled back into reality.
“Yeah…,” He reached for her arm again and pulled her into a hug. She melted into him and he heard her sniffle. She was tired of avoiding him. She needed her best friend.
“Hey, hey. It’s gonna be alright.” He placed his hand on the back of her head allowing her to hide her face in his chest, “you’re safe, sugar.”
She raised her head partially, “I know. The stress is just leaving. I’ll be fine after some sleep and some hard manual labor for a few days.”
It was comfortably quiet between the pair. Kayce still had her in an embrace. He could feel the tension slowly leaving her the longer they stood there. He could also feel that if they stood there any longer, she would most definitely fall asleep standing up.
He patted her on the back, “Your brother is probably wondering why you haven’t made it inside yet. Let’s get you settled in, yeah?” Stella nodded, too tired to speak anymore. Kayce grabbed the bags out of the back seat, and gently directed her to head inside.
When she crossed the threshold to the bunkhouse, there was a slight lull in the usual loud activity before everyone jumped to greet her. She greeted them quietly back and made a beeline to the empty bunk that Kayce used when he first came back since Jamie took the one she usually took. Ryan had a clear view from here. She knew she could let herself relax, even if it was only for a few short hours.
Everyone quieted. They weren’t used to seeing Stella so defeated. Kayce made eyes at Ryan, Rip, and Lloyd and nodded toward the outside. He didn’t want her to hear about the note.
Lloyd started off, “That silver car slowed up at her drive until they spotted us.”
“We followed them into downtown as far as we could, but with the fuckin’ traffic we lost them.” Rip was pissed.
Kayce pulled the note out of his jacket pocket. “I found this on the stairs at Stella’s.” He handed the note off so the others could take a look. “Even though she's not as involved with any of the shit that happens here, somebody sure as hell thinks she is.”
“Someone is trying to find vulnerable spots. This is about to be a shit show.” Ryan said.
Rip directed, “We’ll talk to Mr. Dutton in the morning. Let the girl get some rest for now.” He took a second and looked to the youngest Dutton, “Oh and Kayce?” Rip paused. “Don’t let Stella see that.”
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bi-bard · 1 year
Florence + the Machine Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Morpheus - Dream of the Endless Imagine [The Sandman]
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Title: Florence + the Machine Songs That Would Describe a Relationship with Morpheus
Pairing: Dream of the Endless X Royal!Reader
Word Count: 2,362 words
Warning(s): angst, lying
Author's Note: Wrote a little more royalty!reader for Morpheus... partially because my TikTok feed has been full of Bridgerton (not even the new spin-off, the original show) and I refuse to watch it because I know damn well that I'd never shut the fuck up about it. I know myself too well to take that risk.
Not that I think y'all would hate it if I wrote for that show.
**Not intentionally written in chronological order**
I'm Not Calling You A Liar
There's a ghost in my lungs and it sighs in my sleep Wraps itself around my tongue as it softly speaks Then it walks, then it walks with my legs To fall, to fall, to fall at your feet
It had been a very long day.
A long day of greeting and celebrating. Dancing, promising plans, everything that could possibly go into a coronation.
I let out a heavy breath as the door to my room close behind me.
My room.
What a weird way to describe it.
It had not been my room mere days ago. It had originally belonged to my parents. When they were both gone and my coronation was planned, anything that could be moved from my room to this one was.
It was a huge room. A bed that looked big enough for me to drown in the sheets. A desk. A table that was far too big for me to rationalize its presence. It was all so... extravagant. More than I truly believed that I deserved at the time.
"I see that a congratulation is in order."
I jumped at the sound of a voice behind me. I looked in the direction of the voice.
"Morpheus," I muttered.
"Hello," he said.
He had not changed since I last saw him. Every ounce of him looked exactly the same as it had when I had left him. I had grown older. My skin reflected years lived. I am certain that my eyes did the same.
"What are you doing here," I asked. I could have asked how he got into my room, but I was not shocked by that. I knew him. I knew what he was.
"I heard news of your coronation. I wanted to congratulate you."
"Thank you," I kept my tone blunt and harsh. It was all I could do to keep the tears from forming in my eyes.
"Quite the room to keep to yourself."
"I have found that maintaining my loneliness made me a better leader," I replied. I saw his jaw clench. He understood why I was so cold. And he knew that it was his fault.
"I will admit that the event was a convenient excuse to see you," he explained. "I owe you an apology. A very long overdue apology."
I crossed my arms over my chest.
He walked closer to me. "I am so sorry for how I treated you. I never should have behaved the way I did. You have clearly become great not because of me but despite me. I will never say enough to truly express my remorse."
I took a deep breath.
I refused to step away from him. I thought that it would have made me look weaker than I wished to appear.
I had no response for him. Mainly because I could not sort out my own feelings on the matter. I had missed him. Of course, I missed him. But I was still so angry about everything. My mother always said that my ability to hold a grudge would be my downfall. I was starting to believe her.
I felt his hand touch mine. When I did not pull away, he must have taken that as a sign that it was safe for him to push more.
"I never lied about my feelings," he mumbled to me, stepping even closer.
"When I told you that I loved you, I was being honest," I could feel his breath on my face. "I still think about you. Almost constantly. There have been times when I had to fight everything inside myself that wanted to visit you. I adore you. I have since I met you."
I didn't have a response to him.
"Do you not believe me?"
"You are not that surprised by that, are you?"
"Will you allow me the chance to prove you wrong?"
There was this long pause. A long pause where I watched his eyes in pure silence. I wanted to believe that I would be able to see if he was being genuine or not.
My body was decided before my brain was. Before I could ever stop myself, I had leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. My hands touched his shoulders as he touched my sides. It was a brief kiss. Brief yet intense. A thousand unspoken words shared within a matter of seconds.
I leaned back, eyes shut tight as I did. "Please do not let me down."
"I have no intention of ever doing that again. I promise."
All I could think of was how desperately I wanted to believe him.
Ship to Wreck
And oh my love remind me, what was it that I said? I can't help but pull the earth around me, to make my bed And oh my love remind me, what was it that I did? Did I drink too much? Am I losing touch? Did I build this ship to wreck?
I could have lived in my blissful ignorance for the rest of my life.
Perhaps that was the worst part of that night. Having the truth forced on me when I had no desire for it.
I was lying next to Morpheus. His thumb was running along my cheekbone. I could see that he was thinking of something. His eyes may have been looking at me, but he was not focused on me. It was very clear.
"What is it," I asked quietly. "I can see it in your eyes, something is troubling you. What is it?"
"I want to show you something," he whispered. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course," I nodded, placing my hand over his. "Show me. Please."
I do not have a memory of what he did after that. I just remember suddenly finding myself drifting to sleep with no cause to fight it.
I found myself in a grand hall. Tall walls with a ceiling that showed a look into what I assumed was space. The floor was stone. There was a staircase up to a throne and behind the throne was a large window. Stained glass.
"You allowed me into your kingdom," I jumped a bit, turning around to see Morpheus standing behind me. "I thought it was only fair that I allowed you to see mine... at least, part of it."
I smiled. "It is beautiful. I just do not understand where we are."
"Welcome to the world of the dreaming," he said. "You have been here before, of course. Every human spends time here. All throughout their lives. This is where your mind goes when you are asleep."
"And you rule this whole... realm," I asked. "An entire world."
I saw a smirk tugged at his lips. "I do. I made everything here."
I slowly nodded.
"There is far more than just this room. I will show you all of it. Every corner that I can."
"Thank you," I mumbled.
There was a long pause between us as I took in the space around me. It was overwhelming. I had grown up in royalty. I thought that I had adjusted to seeing such grand things, but this was so different. This was not a king or a prince or anything of the sort. This was... entirely different.
"Why me," I asked. Morpheus paused, tilting his head just a bit. "You are nothing short of a God. Why visit me?"
"I saw you here," he replied.
It was my turn to tilt my head. He had just told me that everyone passed into this world at some point. It wasn't enough of a reason for me.
"Your loneliness was clear to me," he explained. "Almost suffocating. I wanted to help you."
I paused. "What?"
"There was a clear change in your dreams. You were happier."
"You found me because my loneliness was... an inconvenience," I said. "Your time with me was... charity."
"At first, yes-"
"Our entire relationship was... planned," I cut him off. "You did not meet me on accident. You did not happen to be at that dance that night. You planned it all. And not because of interest or because you thought that I was a good person. But because I was a problem in your precious dream world. Please tell me that you can see why that was wrong."
His jaw clenched. As if he were just realizing why this could possibly upset me.
"I want to go back," I mumbled.
Morpheus went to step forward. "(Y/n)-"
"No," I snapped, stumbling back a few steps. "I refuse to be anyone's act of charity. If alone is how I must be, then I will bask in my loneliness. I refuse to be pitied. I will no longer be seen as an inconvenience to you, Morpheus. I will not be defined by my longing. Never."
He closed his eyes and let his head fall forward.
"I want to go back to the world of the waking," I instructed. "I expect you to never find me again. And during the time that my body forces me to spend in your world, my dreams will go uninterrupted by you."
"I understand," Morpheus looked at me again. "I am truly sorry, (Y/n). I need you to know that my love for you was never a lie-"
"Send me home."
He sighed at my blunt tone. He lifted his hand.
I was suddenly waking back up in my bed. I looked around my room, looking for any sign of Morpheus. If there were any left, I was prepared to cast them out.
We had been built on a false foundation. I could not continue my life in such a state.
My loneliness was real. It still pulled at my chest. I suspected that it would for the rest of my life.
But I would rather be lonely than pitied.
I would rather be known for the other side of my bed being empty than filled as an act of anything other than love.
Bedroom Hymns
You had Jesus on your breath And I caught him in mine Sweating our confessions The undone and the divine
Morpheus and I spent a long time circling each other.
He had become a regular guest to see at dances and parties. No one seemed to truly know who he was, yet no one ever questioned his presence.
I only knew what he had told me at those parties. It was not much. For some reason, I didn't mind not knowing. I was far too intrigued by the young man that spoke like he had seen a lifetime already. Eyes older than the rest of him. He spoke softly, used vague sentences that felt purposefully placed with the intention of drawing me in.
I never had such a connection with someone before. I never felt such a natural inclination to listen and trust someone. Morpheus could have asked me to walk through the fires of hell and I have confidence that my only question would be "how far?". Overwhelming, terrifying, yet beautiful connection. One that I longed to hold onto for as long as I physically could.
He always saved a dance for me. And as we danced, he would stare at me with these intense eyes that would leave me feeling as if I had never done the dance before. I think he enjoyed making me nervous.
Morpheus was enchanting. I felt like I had little choice other than to focus on him completely. Oh, I was completely infatuated with him.
One night, as our dance came to a close, I found my infatuation overwhelming my logic.
"Come with me," I whispered to him, intertwining our fingers.
He followed me with little hesitation. No one seemed to pay us any mind. I would argue that was the only advantage of such a crowded party.
I dragged him along with me. Down halls and around corners.
"Where are you dragging me to," he finally asked.
"I... I am afraid that I do not really know," I confessed, finally stopping in an empty hall. We were far away from the bustling party at this point. I felt guilty for wasting his time.
"I see," he sounded amused by the situation. "May I ask what your original plan was for this little... adventure of ours?"
I took a deep breath as I tried to think of some explanation that avoided making me look completely ridiculous.
"You can tell me, I promise-"
I cut Morpheus off by stepping forward and pressing my lips to his. It was a brief kiss. Maybe a matter of seconds before I leaned away again and began to utter out some poorly crafted apology.
Morpheus tried to stop me, "(Y/n), stop-"
"That was horrendously inappropriate. I cannot believe that I truly thought that an ounce of that was a good idea-"
"Stop," he reached out and touched the side of my face. I froze, my eyes going wide. "I... I have no problem with the kiss."
That amused grin formed on his lips again. "Really."
There were a few moments of silence between us before I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his again. He kissed me back immediately. My hands found his sides, pulling him closer to me.
It was strange, feeling this desire in my chest. I had never felt that before. It was new, unknown, yet I enjoyed it. I basked in it.
I felt my back hit the wall. It was a very sudden reminder of where we were and what was finally happening. Yet, I could not find it in myself to care.
It felt like ages before I leaned back, my forehead leaning against Morpheus's. My breathing was heavier than normal. I felt a breathless chuckle escape me.
"That was... amazing," I mumbled. I pecked his lips again. "I never want to stop..."
He brushed his lips against mine yet again. "You do not have to."
I hummed.
At that point, I never intended to.
I planned to stay in his arms for as long as time allowed, whether that be forever or for merely five more minutes.
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swaps55 · 4 months
Warning, super long ask incoming! I suppose this is just a letter of fangirling in all honesty, and apologies if I accidentally already sent a half finished draft of this lol
I just wanted to let you know that I value your writing so much. I feel that I’ve fallen in love with Sam and Kaidan’s love, and that your writing is one of the best I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, both within fanfiction and published works. Your writing is so compelling; the romance, the world building, the characterisation, everything! Every one of your characters feel like real people with patterns and behaviours that suit them and their motivations, they’re so believable and I love following them on their journeys. I think what I love most about your writing is that you’ve mastered show, don’t tell. When I’m reading any other fiction, I feel like I’m constantly searching for what you’ve portrayed in your work. You can really tell that you’ve put such love into Opus (and your other works, I’ve reread so many of the multiverse fics too), from the research of engineering and battle strategies, to bug behaviour even!
Essentially, I just needed you to know that someone out there is thinking of your writing daily. How incredible is it that this world that lives and breathes inside of your head, has now made a home in mine.
I also wanted to ask if you would ever consider publishing any original works in the future? I would read literally anything you wrote, your art holds a very special place in my heart now, I’ve even started learning the constellations and how to cross stitch because of you!
Thank you for your patience and I hope you have a lovely week ahead ☆♡
MAN, y'all are out to kill me with kindness.
You have no idea how much it means to hear this, especially right now. Back in March I hit a burnout wall running at full speed, and have been feeling some tremendous guilt over not making much progress on Mezzo the last few months. It's hard not to constantly fret that people will immediately assume I've abandoned the story and abandon it, too, and hearing this is a reminder that's not true.
I love this world and these characters, and it's the best thing ever that not only do others love them to, but they specifically love my versions of them. That's WILD. And amazing. You're so right about how incredible it is, so thank you so much.
As for original fic, years ago, I thought that's what I wanted to do, and I worked on some original projects. But here's the problem: I love sci-fi, I only want to write sci-fi...and I'm a terrible world builder. Give me a sandbox and I will happily build a castle, but I just don't have the right skillset to construct the sandbox.
That's why I've been so happy as a fanfic writer - I get a pre-built sandbox that I can go to town in and make whatever castle I want out of it. I have thought about trying to file the serial numbers off Cantata, but the world is such an integral part of that story that I wouldn't know how to do it and still have a story that means as much as Cantata does.
HOWEVER, never say never. I am not a world builder, but I married one. Real Life Romance Option is a phenomenal world builder, and a lot of his ideas can be found in Opus (you can thank him for the Can, for instance). He is happily building his own very cool sandbox, and it's entirely possible that one day I'll tell stories in it.
But Opus comes first! I still have Mezzo to finish, and two more stories to write to get Sam the happy ending he deserves, and I'm gonna do it, no matter how long it takes.
(Also, thank you in particular for calling out the bugs, because yes, I read a lot about bugs for Mezzo, haha!)
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fiona-fififi · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @spotsandsocks. Thank you for the tag!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
250,243 words
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only 911. In the past, Supernatural, Shameless, Bones, and BtVS.
Top 5 fics by kudos:
Breaking News
The jury's out, but my choice is you
On the Outside
say (don't) go
Believe in one thing, I won't go away
Do you respond to comments?
Honestly, no. Trying to respond stresses me out. It can take me literally hours to figure out how to respond to a single comment, and then I feel like, if I respond to one, I have to respond to all immediately, and my anxiety can't handle it. So I've mostly stopped responding. Every now and then, I will respond to a friend because I don't stress over those, or if someone makes a weird comment where they seem to have misunderstood something I might respond to try to clear things up.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
For 911, honestly, I don't think I have any angsty endings. Plenty of angsty fics, but most of my endings are happy or at least hopeful. I guess I would maybe say the one with the angstiest ending is Believe in one thing, I won't go away, but the end is still pretty hopeful.
Outside of 911, the angstiest ending was definitely in a little Supernatural fic I wrote many years ago titled The Things They've Left Behind. It's also one of fics I'm proudest of. But it's a rough one.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly, there are quite a few happy endings to my fics, but I think say (don't) go takes this one. It's a little angsty through the main story, but the epilogue is just pure fluff.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, but once or twice. More often than hate for the fic, I get sort of weird hate comments about side characters in the story. Like, I'll have a fic where Taylor Kelly is kind of in the background, but not in any way written hatefully or even negatively, and people will just go off on the character in the comments, which is weird and not a great look. Don't do this, y'all.
I did once get a hate comment accusing me of villainizing Eddie based on the summary alone, I believe. I responded, and they apologized, which I appreciated. But I will never understand people's need to toss around accusations without even reading the actual fic.
Do you write smut?
I have in the past, but not recently. I really have to be in a very specific mood to write smut, and often I just cannot tap into the focus I'd need for it because I generally find writing smut boring. So it takes me forever to actually finish anything even a little bit smutty. I've had a post vow renewal smut fic in the works since the vow renewal aired, and I just can't get it together.
So. Often not my cup of tea as a writer.
Craziest Crossover:
Okay, I don't have this posted on Ao3 (I think it's on ff.net?), but I once wrote a series of Sam Winchester/Temperance Brennan fics. Those were fun times.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. I had a couple of fanvids stolen back when I vidded for Bones, but never fics, I don't think.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think someone asked once and may have done the translation? I can't remember if anything ever came of it, though.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not. I don't have the focus or discipline to co-write with anyone. I would immediately lose focus and cause everything to go off the rails, and I would never want to do that to someone else.
All time favorite ship?
All time? I don't know. I really want to say buddie, but also, like Mulder/Scully and Sam/Dean. Honestly, I tend to be just very, very attached to my ship of the moment, so answering for all time is tough.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably this Natalia finds out about Chris fic because I keep accidentally fogetting it exists, which. is hindering progress.
What are your writing strengths?
I honestly don't know. I think maybe emotional scenes or angst?
What are your writing weaknesses?
A lot. Focus is the worst. I just don't really have it, and it makes writing near impossible. I also don't think I'm any good at scene transitions or dialogue sometimes.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I wouldn't personally do it because I don't have enough of any other lanuage to feel comfortable with it. I might use a word here or there if the character uses it regularly and I feel generally comfortable with the context and/or translation. I also don't love when people drop in dialogue or things in other languages and admit to just using google translate because that feels. not great.
I also don't think it should be translated in the middle of the fic. Sometimes, it's okay to not understand every single word of a fic, and people who speak and write in other languages shouldn't have to translate every word for their readers over a couple of lines in another language. Which might be a weird take, but that's where I stand on it, I think.
First fandom you wrote in?
Like, in my little notebooks before the internet was a thing in my house, it was The X-Files when I was like 8-11. That I posted in a fandom I actually interacted with, I think it was BtVS.
Favorite fic you've written?
This one's kind of a toss up. For 911, I think it's probably one of the following:
I got nothing to believe (unless you're choosing me)
say (don't) go
You were bigger than the whole sky
I know I should narrow it down more, but I don't know. That first one is probably recency bias and the fact that parts of it are deeply personal to me. The second is the Eddie wants kids fic, which I worked on for months, so it has a special place in my heart. The third one is kind of a weird little experiment that was just unlike anything I'd ever written before. And the fourth one is a post break-up fic, and I really enjoyed playing with that kind of angst.
So they were all pretty different, and I can't choose.
Tagging (no pressure! and sorry for any double tags!): @messyhairdiaz @shortsighted-owl @elvensorceress @reachingforaspark @wh0re-behavi0r @daffi-990 @eddiebabygirldiaz and anyone else who wants to participate.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
The Gentlest Of Bulls (Fire Emblem: Three Hopes)
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Heyo! Guess who wrote a Fire Emblem fic and completely forgot about it? This gal!
Okay but really- it wasn't so much I forgot about it but more so I forgot I never shared it. This is for the lovely @gladdygirl18! It's been a hot minute since I've touched anything Fire Emblem related but I hope y'all enjoy this little ol' fic!
Summary: Felix makes it a point to carry Dimitri to bed- literally. Sometimes antics occur.
It started off as a joke. Kinda.
When Dimitri gave Felix the more-or-less official title of “right hand man”, the first thing the newly promoted soldier did was throw him over his shoulders and lug him to bed. If asked, Felix would give various reasons why he did it.
“It’s the middle of the night; you’d probably get lost.”
“It’s training- people get stronger carrying others.”
“You’d be in here forever moping- at least mope where you can sleep.”
“Stop asking questions, boar prince.”
Before long- it became a habit. If Dimitri lingered too long in his thoughts all alone, if he was training himself to near exhaustion, if he was starting to slip and forget to take care of himself; Felix was right there to pick him back up- literally.
“Felix, while I appreciate the gesture- I can walk back myself.” Dimitri was once again being carried piggyback style- his toes just grazing the dirt path beneath feet as Felix hiked him up further. He was grateful for nightfall- there was no one to bear witness to his burning face as Felix stubbornly refused to put him down. “I promise I’ll make it to bed.”
“You said that last time, and then I found you by the river.” Felix sounded a tad breathless- was Dimitri too heavy? “I’m this close to locking you in for the night, but knowing you, you’d probably bust the door down in your sleep.”
“That was years ago! I couldn’t help my sleepwalking!” Dimitri protested, feeling his ears start to burn. Even embarrassed, he couldn’t hide the laugh in his voice as the memory took shape in his mind. A young prince, so dazed he didn’t bother opening the door properly- he just walked right through it.
“Yeah yeah, just like you couldn't help breaking that one sword when you were nine?” Felix rolled his eyes, affection warming his annoyed tone. “You were like a bull in a china shop back then. Some say you still are- how many needles did you break learning to sew?”
Dimitri didn’t retort with words. Instead, his hand reached out to squeeze Felix’s side, mid-ribs. The swordsman jolted with a yelp, nearly dropping the blonde on his ass. “Don’t you dare- Dimitri!”
“What? Too bullish for you?” Dimitri was grinning- he could hear it in his voice. The hand squeezed again, lighter this time and far more ticklish. “Come now- don’t tell me my right hand man is as frail as fine china.”
“Shut the hehhell up!” Felix grunted, trying to retain his balance while the other continued his game, fingers pressing into various parts of his ribs with gentle pressure. “If you keeeheep dohoing that I’ll droohohop you in the stahahables!”
“That’s all the way on the other side of camp. You can certainly try.” Dimitri’s hands wormed their way up to Felix’s armpits, making him properly stumble. “But I can’t say you’ll make it all the way there.”
“Dahahahmnit you bohohoar, Stahahahp!” Falling on his front, Felix twisted and turned, trying to ward off the other’s hands as Dimitri sat comfortably on his hips, thumbs pressing into the centers of both arms. “Yohoohohohu’re a pahahahhahain!”
“And you’re too ticklish to be sassy. Don’t think I forgot about this one spot.” Dimitri’s hands dropped to Felix’s waist, squeezing. That earned him a rather embarrassing squeal. “Or this one.” He reached back and skittered his fingers against Felix’s thigh, nearly taking a heel to the head. “And of course- this one. I believe this was Sylvain’s favorite.” He ran a finger down Felix’s spine, slowly with just barely any pressure. The Swordsman arched with a squawk, his laughter near silent at each new touch. “Your back has always been pretty bad, huh?”
“BOOOHOHOHOAR, ENOHOOHOHOUGH!” Felix cried, cheeks red and eyes wet with mirth. His laugh faded in and out with each new prod and scribble, and he pounded a fist into the ground; hoping it would alleviate the feeling. “THIS IS EMBAHAHAHARAHAHAHSING!”
“Am I a bull in a china shop?” Dimitri asked.
“Wrong answer.” Fingers came back to his spine, muting his laughter once more.
“Wanna try again?” Dimitri asked as he moved his hands back to Felix’s sides, squeezing beneath his ribs. The swordsman buried his face in his hands, trying to muffle the sound while his arms pressed tightly to his sides. “Hm?”
“Not what?”
“What am I then?” Dimitri traced fingers against Felix’s neck, making him shrink up and wheeze.
Dima. The blonde felt his heart tighten at the old nickname. Felix hasn’t called him that since Glenn died. Releasing him, he sat on Felix’s left, watching the other gasp for air as he curled in on himself.
“Yohohohu freaking suhuhuck.” Felix groaned, going to glare. “Whahaht the hell are you smihihihling about?”
“Nothing. I just…I miss this.” Dimitri nodded, gesturing between them. “I missed playing with you like this.”
“Whehere not kids anymore.” Felix’s response was automatic, but he didn’t sound firm. If anything, he let himself melt into the grass- strands of black hair falling into his face from where they escaped his ponytail. “We’re in the middle of war.”
“I know that. I just…I guess it’s nice. To forget about it all for a moment.” Dimitri tucked a knee against his chest, resting against it. “I know I shouldn’t be. As their king and leader…”
“Shut up. I don’t need you getting all weepy on me.” Felix reached out and flicked his leg- the move useless against Dimitri’s armor. “I get it. It was…nice. It felt like before.” There was a new flush on Felix’s cheeks, one that made the blonde smile. “I guess I don’t mind moments like that from time to time.” Then he glared, cutting through the moment briefly. “But if you ever tickle me again, I’m gonna cut your head off clean from your shoulders.”
Anyone else would have cowered in fear. Dimitri only laughed. Before long- Felix was laughing just as hard, their voices carrying through the abandoned campyard.
Thanks for reading!
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thefringespod · 10 months
A year ago today I released the first episode of Tales From the Fringes of Reality. It was one of the scariest and most exciting things I've ever done in my life and it turned out better than I could've hoped. This show started in my dorm room in the middle of the pandemic and it grew and changed with me. It's the first piece of work I've ever published with the name I *chose* on it. I got my name from writing this show, stealing it from my main character and taking it for myself. I've poured all of myself into this show and love it so much
Then this year I was able to invite more people into this world I've built and ended up with the most wonderful cast I could've dreamed of. I couldn't imagine a better group of people to bring this story I wrote to life and im so grateful for them. To my phenomenal cast: thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for gifting my writing with your voices and for taking such great care of these characters I've created. I truly couldn't have done this without you and cannot wait to share what you've done with everyone
I also need to shout out Tay and Tot specifically for trusting me with their voices and letting me pack bond with them and drag them into even more podcasts. I cant believe how lucky I am to know yall and to get to be your friends over the course of this show <3
And I'd be absolutely nowhere without my friend Percy who has been my biggest fan through this all. I wouldn't have been able to do this without his support and will pepper in that fact whenever I can. Thanks for everything, Percy <3
And of course thank you to everyone who has listened to this show! When I started publishing episodes I wasn't sure if anyone would listen or care but people did and im so incredibly grateful to each and every person who's listened
Season 2 started yesterday, almost exactly a year after this show started. I'm so excited to keep sharing this show with y'all and for everything that's coming for the Fringes moving forward.
Happy birthday to the Fringes! It's my absolute pride and joy <3
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Hey Luke, been a while since I've submitted but oh man, Fantasies was amazing ngl. When you wrote it was it a SiTO AU-divergent or a complete one-shot drabble based off the OG MW2? Coz I noticed you used "John" and not "Johnny"; and Roach never called him "Soap"
Because my guy, OG Soap, Roach, Ghost was the bomb. You can't tell me Cpt MacTavish and Roach didn't have anything going on, especially from the first mission, Cliffhanger??? Like. The banter, the low-key flirting. Then Ghost in Hornet's Nest, the clear panic and urgency in his voice with Cpt MacTavish when they nearly lost Roach, guiding him through the favela levels to reach safety. Like urgh, Bug deserves to be happy and squished between these 2 mountains of men :(
(also, its my headcanon that only Roach and Ghost got to call Soap in their small intimate moments and Soap was always Cpt MacTavish to everyone else until they rescued Price in the OG timeline, but can you imagine that its their little secret that undoes Soap every time they whisper it filthily in his ear or moan it out loud??)
On a side note, I was originally a Soap/Roach shipper years ago, then it transitioned to a Ghost/Roach pairing, and then one day it became poly and turned into Ghost/Roach/Soap. I can't be the only one like this... right? Right? RIGHT???
I fully believe that the 09 Soap/Roach/Ghost crew were all fucking. THERE IS NO WAY THEY WEREN'T LIKE COME ON!! Like you said especially in Cliffhanger and The Hornets Nest those bitches were gay!!! Like everyone editing the one clip of Captain MacTavish doing to playful "took the scenic route, eh?" And its like babes he was speaking to my boy Roach look at him look at his boyfriend ahhhgg
Fantasies is meant to be outside of SiTO and more of a Roach joins the team and he and Soap get together first kinda thing. It wasn't meant to be 09 Soap and Roach, however you can definitely read it that way
Also you have asked the dreaded question, the one I was hoping to have never pointed out sbdbjdjd Okay guys so you'll notice in pretty much all of my smut with Soap the characters will call him John instead of Johnny and I have a couple of reasons for this:
Since I played the first few games first I grew very used to the mental John "Soap" MacTavish and when Ghost started calling him Johnny in the reboots let me tell y'all I was confused. I'm not a huge fan of the like constant use of Johnny that people will do in fics, it turns me away from them fairly quickly. I much prefer it if they use like Soap or John and save Johnny for specific moments, because it feels like more of a playful nickname for Soap rather than something he would want to be called all the time (and the fact he clearly only likes it when someone like Ghost uses it based on the "only ghost can pull that off" line)
Essentially, I just kinda prefer John over Johnny most of the time sjjdjfjfjf, however I like saving Johnny and dropping it at moments where Roach and Ghost are being playful or teasing to add a little pizzaz. Also I usually don't have them use their call-signs while they're in bed with each other (however...sexy times where they use their call-signs might be...something 👀👀) so thats why Roach doesn't refer to him by Soap during it (Roach is the only exception to this and thats because the poor bastard got stuck with the name Gary and I headcanon that he prefers Roach over his actual name)
I have met several OG Soap/Roach shippers who then transformed into Ghost/Roach and/or Ghost/Roach/Soap. I honest to God cannot remember who I shipped first 😭 💙💙💙
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oswaldsleftbicep · 9 months
Hello there
Hope you're doing fine? If it's not too much of a bother I would like to ask for some headcanons of married life with the demon Bro's with their mc's (gender neutral)?
married life with lucia, levy, & mefy
i got so excited seeing this ask lemme tell you- also, i wrote this with a more human!au feel as opposed to canon
also, throwback to my proposal hcs, can y'all believe that was two and a half years ago??
genre: fluff
cw: language it's to be expected at this point
❧ he's most definitely the breadwinner out of the two of you so he won't mind if you decide to be the trophy spouse; however, if you decide to follow your own career path, he's your number one supporter and most certainly brags about you
❧ omg he's helpless with grocery shopping, please do not send him out on his own. as a matter of fact, don't even take him with you unless you have time to spare cuz mans will get distracted by everything. if for some reason he's the only one able to go run errands, you need to give him the most detailed list ever: brand, exact name of the item, what color container it comes in, etc
❧ can't cook for shit, he just wasn't taught growing up, so most of the food prep comes from you. he'll die before he makes his partner do all the housework, so if you cook then he's washing the dishes
❧ he picks up on other household chores too, most of the time completing them without you having to ask first; he does a great job with it too, but he much prefers to have you help him. he's very much into quality time, so any chance you have to fold laundry or dust the shelves together is taken
❧ just because you're married now doesn't mean dating and celebrating the small stuff comes to an end!! he goes all out for wedding anniversaries, opting to celebrate them biannually at the six months marks. he also remembers when your first date was and when he asked you to be his, and he does a little something special on those days too, like getting you flowers or taking you back to where you had your first date
❧ he likes doing date nights on fridays, usually going to a restaurant or some local attraction like a light show or ice skating. he'll also take you on monthly weekend trips to a different city or to the beach or mountains. as much as he loves going out, he's a big softie for nights in with you doing something like a spa night or game night which can get pretty competitive so watch out lol
❧ he'd definitely want to start a family with you; he grew up with younger siblings so having one or two little ones running around would just be a natural fit for him. because he's so eager for it, the topic is discussed probably before y'all even get married
❧ whether or not you do want kids, he's also keen to getting a pet. he's partial to dogs but will be perfectly fine with any animal you'd like to adopt! be it kids or animals, just having something to raise with you will make him feel fully content in life
❧ when looking for a house, he likes to keep the idea of a growing family in mind and looking for something with enough room and a nice yard to run around in. he's been dreaming of moving into a house with you and combining your belongings and finding the perfect spots for everything. leaves most of the decorating and style choices to you, but best believe he's giving his opinions and being as involved as possible
❧ just imagine painting a room together and getting paint all over each other and play fighting, or spending a late night in a room filled with boxes, eating takeout on the floor, chatting endlessly about the life ahead of you :,)
❧ in a marriage with him, you'd both have to work to support the finances; he'd probably have some sort of scholarly/academic job or a career in local government, and having one income won't quite be enough to support the two of you comfortably
❧ can't cook very well either, he really did try to learn but he could never get the hang of it and always ends up burning something. much prefers home cooked meals or something on the healthier side, but won't be opposed to some takeout after a hard day at work
❧ he loathes doing housework spoiled brat but he'll be damned if he makes you do everything while he sits back and watches, so he'll take on some of the easier tasks like dusting, folding laundry, or specifically drying the dishes
❧ prefers to only celebrate your annual wedding anniversary, but he makes up for it by going all out and making each one special. he takes his time planning out a trip that would be meaningful for the two of you, or saving up to get a nice gift for you. he also does the same on valentine's day. one thing you'll do on your anniversary tho is pick a book that you've read that the other hasn't, annotate it, and then exchange books to read and add your own annotations to it. there's a bookshelf designated for these books only so they can stay together
❧ he's great with grocery shopping, always remembers what y'all need even without a list. you trust him enough to send him out alone, you know he'll always get the brands you like and what variant you prefer. he's also like incredible at budgeting and finding a bargain which is so necessary in this economy. tries to stick to what's on the list, so if you try to sneak in anything extra he'll give you the mom stare but eventually give in and allow you one (1) treat
❧ prefers nights in over date nights out, so the two of you will often stay on the couch and watch a movie or pick a book and read it together. if these get boring, he also enjoys completing difficult puzzles with you or playing mystery themed games. for out of the house dates, the two of you will often visit historical sites or museums; you frequent these places so often that you probably have memberships to them
❧ y'all likely opt for a modest home that's cozy enough for the two of you until the discussion of starting a family comes about. he'll most likely want kids, but it won't be for a little bit into y'all's marriage. until then, you keep pets to fill the house with a little more life. he's partial to cats or a more independent animal, but won't fight you on getting a dog, although he makes it perfectly clear that you are the one taking care of it
❧ one of the first things he does when you move into your new home is map out where to put your library lmao but other than that, he's actually really helpful in decorating and choosing paint and furniture. his preferred decor style is like a history professor's poorly lit office, so the house can look a bit,, cluttered at times, but the way you set everything up makes it easy for the two of you to navigate
❧ will take any opportunity he gets to call you by his last name or refer to you as his spouse, and he has the most sickeningly sweet expression every time he does
❧ the two of you decide to split the finances and each have a career. the funny thing is, though, you have no idea what he does for a living. every time you ask him he's so vague with his answers that you eventually just stop asking. if anyone else asks, you just tell them that he works in an office or does freelancing. sure, it's concerning and quite frankly irritating that he won't tell you,, but you don't think you'd wanna know what he actually does,,
❧ he's not a big fan of running errands- he claims it's because he's too busy but he really just doesn't like the hassle- but if you ask early enough he'll go with you. make him push the cart. he hates it but just manipulate him by saying you're the one who made the list and therefore know what to grab, it's only fair he pushes the cart for you. he is good at finding bargains, tho, as well as hidden gem brands that you've never heard of before but are actually way better than what you've been getting
❧ outright refuses to do the dishes. the most he'll do is load/unload the dishwasher, but that's only if you ask nicely and he's in a good mood. leaves you to do the cooking too, but only early on in your marriage because he just,, doesn't know how to cook. he learns by watching you, but if you don't know how to cook very well either then the two of you will just learn together! it's one of the few sweet domestic moments you have with him regularly. don't worry, he picks up the slack by doing other household chores like dusting, vacuuming, and laundry
❧ he's so weird with anniversaries, even before marriage. he only celebrates the big milestone ones, like wedding anniversary and he'll even continue celebrating your old dating anniversary. he thinks celebrating smaller anniversaries like first kiss or even being married for six months is dumb, but that doesn't mean he forgets about them. instead he'll bring it up casually during dinner and ngl it shocks you that he remembers so much. he opts to plan something small and intimate for anniversaries, thinking that going all out is a waste of energy
❧ the two of you will not call it a day until you've had your nightly debriefing where y'all talk about your day, what went good, what was bad, who said what, etc. this rolls over into your weekly bitch sessions where the two of you stay in, have a self care session, nurse a drink of your choosing, and just straight gossip and speculate
❧ if you want kids, that's gonna have to be a serious discussion with him and there's gonna have to be a lot of planning going into it. he never really saw himself having children, it's very high maintenance, but with time, planning, and a lot of reassurance, he'll grow fonder of the idea. pets are perfectly okay with him, tho he does prefer something on the more cleanly and low maintenance side
❧ when it comes to moving house, he'd prefer something on the smaller side, a great contrast to what he's used to. he'd love an older house too, something with soul and character. he secretly has a blast picking out paint colors and furniture with you, but he's so unbearably picky about everything. he has a very specific set of taste and style, and he's not willing to compromise on much
❧ there's probably gonna be a lot of petty arguing with this one over,, pretty much anything, but it's all in good humor and never with bad intentions. for the most part, being married to him is no different than how it was dating him, only with more responsibility
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mentalisttraceur · 10 months
Y'all ever get just like, very jealously possessive of your followers?
No? Hopefully not, hopefully you don't have my emotional damage.
I, however, am blessed with the hell of occasionally slipping into a state of being validated/"fed" by a follower and attached to having them that way, so then seeing them interact with any blog I don't see as basically part of a very loyal-to-me/aligned-with-me in-group causes me to instantly emotionally be... like:
No. Bad. Wrong. Angry. Why would you betray me like this? How could you let them influence you? Tainted. Cannot trust again. At least not until proven that my influence is strictly stronger and takes precedence. Maybe I can scrub it out of you? What post or private interaction can I do to scrub it out of you!? How do I make you cleanly exclusively mine again? Why do you not see their errors and flaws? I do not like that you don't see how much Worse they are! (You might as well be on their side now. Part of their tribe. *shudder* Theirs. You will side with them. You will eagerly give them what I want or need from you, but not me, especially not if you had to pick. In the end you will go with them over me. I cannot trust you to do otherwise in any time that it actually matters to me.)
I think it's time to acknowledge that I actually have two root insecurities. The one I've already identified years ago and wrote about extensively, summarized as "when others are wrong, I am not safe", and what I've written out in that parenthetical above.
I think for a long time I kinda convinced myself that the latter only mattered because of the former... Or I just forgot about it in the focus on my other issues. But the latter truly does stand alone.
Because even without any of the wrong -> unsafe learned predictions/fear, it's there. My desire/need to bond is more fundamental/primal than assessment of wrongness or rightness. It craves the satisfaction of having people who I like and want reliably on my side and available for what I want with them, and it doesn't give a fuck if the person getting that instead is righter or better in every way so there's no unsafety.
In fact, it hates that. When someone isn't in wrong, not in any way at all, that is was the one thing that kept it from the only angle of resolution it had available for most of my life, due to
lack of genuine deep confidence (until very recently I did not believe/know I could be so attractive, good in the relevant ways, and earning of love/loyalty that I don't even need to worry about losing to others to the point of being left unfulfilled), and due to
me not permitting any of my selfish and unempathetic cognition any room to move for like a decade, since as a teen I went hard into being an ethics sperg to supply my narcissism needs through the moralistic path until just... like five years ago (which left no self-acceptable way to win except ethical merit or stuff compatible with it, which of course required pushing my ethics values/rules onto everyone else in the unacknowledged motivation to beat them at my own game instead of whatever actually made them more appealing than me to others).
Anyway, I guess I'm finally ready to see it this way, because I've worked through all the other pieces. I have embraced and integrated and accepted the all the selfish and not-empathetic-enough stuff in me as valid parts of the whole that I should let influence things, so I am free of the internal hard-line stuff that was getting in the way of even seeing myself clearly. But more importantly, I now have the confidence, I have the axiomatic self-worth core and the evidence that I can indeed get everything I want.
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