#would you let a three years old out by themself????
bat-the-misfit · 2 years
having a cat with cancer is not enough i needed to get in even more panic bc i didn't see another cat escaping through the window and walking on a slippery roof he almost fell and broke a leg or died or smth
like wow how can i not be feeling like a trash when smth could have happened to him???
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shywhumpauthor · 7 months
You Can’t do This
Cw: kidnapping, restraints, torture, mentioned mouth/eye whump (doesn’t actually happen), non-con touching, knives, threat of asphyxiation/choking
“Wait- wait,” Villain sputtered, the words tripping over their tongue, snagging in the back of their throat. “You can’t- Hero, this is illegal- you can’t do this!”
They twisted their wrists against the restraints that bound them to the chair, flexing their fingers to try to relieve a fraction of the pressure. The movement only pushed the cables deeper into their skin, dragging a hiss from their clenched teeth.
A warm hand wrapped around their neck from behind, turning their exhale into a wheeze as their head was shoved against the back of the chair.
“Since when have you cared much about what’s legal?” Hero responded, amusement adding a drawl to their words. They circled the chair, grip on Villain’s neck adjusting so their palm lay against the villain’s wind pipe, fingers digging into the sensitive skin on the side of their neck. Just enough pressure to fear, for Villain to feel the threat of their airway being crushed, but not enough to cut off their breathing. Not yet.
“He-Hero, this isn’t funny, stop.” Villain grit out, shrinking as far back as the chair would allow. Hero only pressed closer, moving in so their legs were on either side of Villain’s, their ankles bound to the chair legs.
“Was it funny when the roles were reversed? All those nights I spent tied up in your basement, bleeding and cold? Was it funny then?” Hero hissed, their other hand raising to Villain’s face with the speed of a strike. Barely in time, Villain braced themself, only for a warm hand to press against their jaw, fingers brushing over the curve of their cheekbone. The touch was stark against the chill in the air, a misplaced comfort—artificial. Hero’s stroked their thumb below Villain’s eye gently, before coming to a pause with both hands cradling either side of Villain’s face. “Was it?”
“No, no Hero, it wasn’t,” Villain’s voice wavered now, threatening to crack. “You can’t do this, you’re s’posed to be the good guy-”
Hero stepped back suddenly, tearing their hands away from Villain’s face like their skin had turned toxic. Villain tried to ignore the ache that swelled in their chest as the cold air drowned any remnants of the warm touch in moments.
“I guess I am, aren’t I? The ‘good guy’?” Hero repeated, turning their back to Villain. They stepped to the side of the poorly lit room, to something that resembled an old workbench, their body blocking Villain from seeing what they were doing. “I wonder what the press will say about your sudden absence. They’ll publish anything I tell them to, you know? I could feed them some story about you fleeing the city, the country even, and your name would be forgotten in a week.”
Hero turned around, bracing their palms against the workbench and leaning back.
“Everyone always believes the good guy, don’t they?” Hero shook their head. “No one cares about another pesky street criminal, do they? All they care about is Supervillain, the papers would move on from you the next day and you’d be forgotten. You wouldn’t even get one of those ten year follow-ups.”
“Hero, let me go. You can’t do this. You can’t,” Villain twisted their arms against their restraints in one last pitiful attempt to free themself, accomplishing nothing but to make Hero chuckle.
Hero pushed themself forwards, striding closer. It was only then Villain noticed something in their hand, slender and orange—a box cutter, they realized quickly, as the hero closed the distance between them in three steps.
“Tell me exactly what I can and can’t do, Villain? What can’t I do to you?” Their hand twisted in Villain’s hair, shoving their head back against the chair while the other flipped out the blade on the box cutter.
The words died in Villain’s throat. Their lips parted, eyes tracking the blade as Hero lifted it up to their face.
“I can do anything I want to you.” Hero’s eyes stared directly into Villain’s as they placed the blade against their skin, just below their eye. “You should be glad, your eyes look so pretty when you’re scared. Otherwise I would’ve plucked them out by now,” Hero began to move the blade to the side, putting just enough pressure to split a thin line of red below Villain’s eye.
Villain didn’t dare breathe as Hero paused, gritting their teeth against the sting as they felt the blade puncture a bit deeper. A drop of blood rolled down their cheek like a tear.
“I thought about this moment every night in your basement,” Hero muttered, pushing the edge harder into Villain’s flesh as they followed the track of the blood, drawing a half suppressed yelp from Villain as the pain suddenly intensified. “Planning out exactly what I would do to you, how I’d pay you back for everything you’ve done to me.”
Hero accented the last word with a sudden sharp twist, finishing the line to Villain’s jaw before pulling their hand back. Tears burning in the corners of Villain’s eyes, welling faster than Villain could suppress them.
“Ple- please, Hero, you can’t,” Villain’s voice trembled, any thoughts of maintaining their dignity gone with their fear.
Hero’s palm cracked against their bleeding cheek, catching them off guard. Pain like fire burned from the cut, their head snapping to the side with the force of the blow.
“This will be your only warning,” Hero began, their empty hand grabbing Villain by the chin and tugging them back to look at them. “I do not have the same reservations about your voice as I do your eyes. Another word from you, I’ll cut out your tongue and shove it down your throat and it’ll be the only food you get for a month, got it?”
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steventhusiast · 1 year
once again inspired by a tiktok of a dad playing DnD with his kids. i had no idea where this was going the whole time but i had fun writing it so enjoy
When Steve pushes open the door to his home, a smile creeps up on him without permission. There's nothing better than getting home from a day of work to the sound of his daughters squealing with laughter and Eddie's chuckles.
He closes the door behind him quietly, and decides to quietly make his way to the sound. He doesn't want to alert them of his presence, wants to see what his family's been doing all day without him.
Poking his head around to peek through the doorway to the dining room, he sees Eddie sat with his DM screen in front of their two girls, Lily and Amy. Lily, who's five years old, is giggling at Eddie's description of a tavern they see in the distance, whilst Amy, who's only three, plays with the set of dice in front of her.
"The tavern ahead of you is strange. It's-"
"Strange how, daddy?" Lily interrupts, and Eddie makes a big show of narrowing his eyes at her interruption.
"Ahem. No interruptions, miladies." He says, leaving a pause for the girls to giggle, "The tavern is strange. Its roof is covered in rainbow tiles, and as you get closer you notice that it's shimmering in the light."
"Like sparkles?" Amy asks, and Steve smiles to himself as he sees her kick her feet as she looks up at Eddie with big eyes.
"Yes, lovely, like sparkles." Eddie confirms with a smile, and Amy gasps.
"I'm called Sparkles! Can we go?" She asks, and the leg kicking gets faster as she gets excited.
"Of course! Would you like to know what's strange about the tavern first?" He checks, looking to Lily for her opinion as well.
"No. Wanna see the sparkles." Amy says, and Lily nods in agreeance.
"Okay. As you get closer to the tavern you notice it is surrounded by what at first look like a swarm of rats, but are actually teeny tiny unicorns. What do you do?"
It’s clearly a setup for a fight with the hoard of unicorn, but either Eddie doesn’t know their girls at all or they don’t realise it, because the girls gasp in excitement at his words, and Steve decides to lean against the doorway instead of hiding. Eddie notices him and offers him a wide smile.
"Can we..." Lily hums as she thinks, "Can I adopt one?"
Eddie laughs at the suggestion, but nods.
"I suppose. Okay, I need you to roll for me," Lily squeals in excitement, "Grab the dice with 20 sides for me, and roll to see if you, Sunshine, can convince one of the unicorns to be your friend."
Lily nods in determination, and Steve watches as Eddie patiently lets her count the sides of the dice until she finds the one with twenty sides. She is very serious about rolling it, and when it ends up being a 15, she looks at Eddie with an earnestly hopeful expression.
"A 15 works! One of the tiny unicorns jumps up to land on your shoulder, and introduces themself as Cloudy." Eddie cheers with the girls, and then turns to Amy, "What will Sparkles do?"
"Can I flyyyy over the unicorns? I wanna see the ta-vern, daddy."
"Of course you can. Your character can fly, so you easily glide over the crowd and make it to the door of the tavern." Eddie says with a smile.
"Hope you're not going to let them buy any mead at this tavern, Mr Dungeon Master." Steve decides to talk at that moment.
Eddie knows he's there, obviously, but the girls are completely engrossed in their game, and jump out of their seats at his voice.
"Daddy! We played all day and I got a pet unicorn and we saved a princess!" Lily explains as they run over to hug his legs.
"Wow. Sounds like a busy day, huh?"
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Hi!! I loved your Sons of Leo and Children of Rapheal stories! Could we maybe see Donnie's version? (P.s. I love all your wirttings sm) <3
Children of Donatello (Fluff/Crack)
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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A/N: The Donnie version is here! Galileo, Marie and Dorothy doing things they’re not allowed to (like so many kids does)💜
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Warnings: Arguing kids😂💜
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If there was one place Galileo liked spending time, finding comfort in the strangest of places, it was in Donnie’s lab. Sitting beside his father as he worked, at times even getting to help him. It was something Gali had loved doing ever since he was little, and as a 13 year old, he still found himself seeking out his father’s comfort in the safety of his lab, often far away from the noises of his cousins and siblings, that at times could overwhelm him.
But just as Gali enjoyed time with his father in the lab, so did his sisters. And none of the three kids wanted to share their alone time with their dad. Not even Marie or Dorothy was willing to share. And of course, it had started a lot of fights between the three kids, often ending with you and Donnie making a decision, setting a time for how long they could be in the lab with their father, before it was one of the other’s turn.
However, you and Donnie soon learned that your kids weren't just interested in the lab, because of the alone time they got to spend with their father. They were just as curious as Donnie, and to them the lab was a land of mystery they wanted to solve. But for many reasons, you and Donnie did not allow your kids to go in there, without parental supervision. You never knew what chemical they could get their hands on, or what machinery they accidentally could break or hurt themself with. And that was not a chance that neither you or Donnie was willing to take.
But that didn’t stop your kids from trying. Sometimes, when they’re curiosity had gotten the better of them, they would try to sneak into Donnie’s lab, thinking that none of you would notice. But of course you did, everytime.
Their curiosity came in waves. There were weeks where you and Donnie would have to keep a constant eye on the entrance to the lab, making sure no children had managed to make their way in, then followed by long periods of time, where none of your kids showed any interest in the lab, what so ever.
However, at the age of 10, Gali started to show a bigger fascination for Donnie’s lab, letting you and your husband know that he also wished to build a lab one day; “just like dad!” It was adorable and warmed Donnie’s heart, but he would still not let Gali walk into the lab without an adult. However, that didn’t stop Gali from trying, and time and time again, you and Donnie would catch him. You would also catch his sisters, as they tried to copy the actions of their big brother.
One day, a 13 year old Gali decided to try to seek into his father’s lab once again. He decided to wait until night, when he was sure his father and uncles would be out on patrol. He waited a little longer, just to be safe that you were soundly asleep inside your room, before he slowly sneaked out of his bed and out of his room. Gali went down the hallway, making sure to stay quiet as he passed you and Donnie’s shared room, staying absolutely silent when he passed his sisters’ rooms. The last thing Gali wanted at that moment was his sisters to bug him while he was trying to sneak into his father’s lab. Something his 8 year old sisters knew he very well wasn’t allowed to do.
Gali went down the metal stairs, cursing under his breath at the metal creaking under his feet, before hurrying through the living area, making sure that none of his cousins, aunts or grandfather heard him, as he made a straight line through the room, heading directly for the lab.
Gali pushed the heavy door open, making his way into the dark room he knew so well. Donnie’s monitors and computer was still on, a map showing where the Gali’s father and uncles was in New York City, making around in the shape of small dots. Machines were humming and small lamps were flickering in the dimp light that flowed in from the living area.
With a smile on his face, Gali did the first thing he could think of - taking a seat in his father’s big nice swivel chair. He looked on at the monitors, his eyes falling on the four colored dots, standing still on top of a building in mid Manhattan.
Looking down on the desk, Gali found his father’s headset, next to an empty cup that once held a strong coffee. It was rare for his father to leave his headset behind before patrol, but it did happen every once in a while, especially after too much strong coffee.
Chuckling to himself, Gali placed the headset onto his own head, moving the microphone down to his mouth, tapping on the keyboard in front of him, imitating what he had seen his father do several times.
“Two streets down”, he said into the microphone, tapping on the mouse, acting like Donnie would while tracking down a car of Purple Dragons of rouge Foot ninjas for Gali’s uncles to stop. “Their heading up generic New York avenue, at the corner that one pizzeria Mikey likes”.
“That’s not a real street!”, a voice sounded, causing Gali to jump in his seat, turning towards the door, where he found Marie and Dorothy standing.
“Get out!”, Gali said, trying to shoo his sisters out of the lab, scrambling with the headphones on his head. “You’re not allowed to be in here!”
“Neither are you”, Dorothy said, crossing her arms, looking very displeased with her brother.
Marie moved up next to Gali, trying to get a look on the screens in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“Helping dad!”, Gali lied. “Now get out of here!”
“I want to help dad too!”, Marie said, trying to move up on the seat Gali was sitting in, but Gali wouldn’t move.
“You can’t! I’m helping him!”
“The screen isn’t even turned on!”, Dorothy pointed out. “You’re lying! You’re not allowed to be in here, and you’re not helping dad!”
“You don’t know anything about that”, Gali said, pushing Marie off once again. “Leave me alone!”
“No! I want to sit in dad’s chair!”, Marie said, trying to shake Gali off the chair.
“Too bad! I was in it first!”, Gali said, trying to push her away again.
“Hey! I want to sit in dad’s chair too!”, Dorothy called out, entering the competition trying to shake Gali off the swivel chair.
A screaming match erupted, the three kids screaming and yelling at each other. Gali telling his little sisters to get out of the lab, that he himself knew he wasn’t allowed to be in, Dorothy and Marie using the broken rule as an excuse, giving them the right to sit in the chair too. They were all so caught up in the argument for their father’s chair, that they hadn't noticed the purple dot leaving the other three, or that it had been moving towards the lair. Therefore none of them noticed when Donnie entered the lair, walking to the lab with fast steps, finding his children still fighting over the chair. Leaning onto the door frame with crossed arms, Donnie waited for his kids to notice his arrival. But to his surprise, none of them did, swatting their arms at each other, Dorothy trying to grab a hold of the headphones that was still resting on Gali’s head. That was when Donnie decided to put an end to their fight.
“Since when have any of you been allowed to sit in that chair without me in the room?”
All three kids froze mid action, their eyes growing wide at the sound of their father’s voice. They turned and saw Donnie in the doorway, realizing that he had been standing there longer than any of them had noticed. They were caught red handed, and there was nothing they could say to get out of it.
“Hey, dad”, Marie said, giving Donnie a shy wave.
Donnie smiled slightly amused at her innocent wave, as if she wasn’t caught being somewhere she wasn’t allowed to be.
“Hey, Marie”, he smiled. “What are you doing to my chair?”
Marie looked at her hands for a moment before looking back at her father. “Shaking it”.
“And why are you shaking it?”, Donnie asked.
“To get Gali to jump off”, she answered slowly.
“Is that a nice thing to do?”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t be doing that”, Donnie said with a small smile, watching as she took her hands off the chair. Donnie moved his attention to Dorothy, who still stood with her hand reaching out for the headset on Gali’s head. “And what are you doing, Dorothy?”
“Trying to take the headphones”, Dorothy answered.
“Are those your headphones?”
“Are they laying on the desk?”
“No, they’re on Gali’s head”.
“Is it nice to try to take them off of Gali’s head?”
Dorothy’s hand fell to her side, an irritated pout forming on her face as she knew her father was right. “No”.
“I’m happy that you can see that”, Donnie said, finally turning his attention to Gali. “What are you doing in my chair?”
“I just felt like doing it. No real reason for it”, Gali said, watching Donnie as he made his way over to him. “But how did you know we were in here anyway?”, he asked once Donnie stood by the chair, leaning over Gali in order to make sure he hadn’t accidently clicked on something.
With a chuckle Donnie held a hand out in front of Gali, asking him for the headphones. Gali did as his father asked, taking the headset off his head and handing it to Donnie. Donnie then turned to the computer, pressed a button and spoke into the microphone.
“Do you guys want to tell my kids the headset was on, or should I?”, Donnie asked, followed by the roaring laughter of the kids' uncles through the speaker.
“Gali!”, Mikey called out, Leo and Raph still laughing in the background. “What pizza place did you talk about? Are they still headed that way? Want me to bring back a slice?”
Embarrassed, Gali slides down the chair. Maybe he should have listened to his father and stayed out of the lab. And maybe he should have stayed in his bed.
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janus-cadet · 4 months
Thoroughly enjoyed the two last Doctor Who episode, especially the Devil's chord. II already knew I was going to adore Maestro, but nothing could have prepare me for how much they served.
So, yes, here they are, joining their father on the Tarot Project, as the Nine of Pentacles!
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I'm actually really happy with how it turned out! Now, under the cut, you'll find a quick explanation for the choice of card, and all of the other Doctor Who cards I've done so far!
Now, Maestro do not fit the card as such- not only is it starting to get a bit hard to find corresponding cards (I mean, I've done 50 already-), but they are also a complex character who is not grounded in a reality easily translated in the official cards. But Maestro is also the embodiment of music, and the Nine of Pentacles is the one that fit the most, to me, the vibe they are giving. You see, the Nine of Pentacles is a card centered around abundance. It's in fact the bringer of said abundance, as well as the enjoyer: you brought it to your life, and now, you get to enjoy the fruit of your labour. It reminded me of the way Maestro brought this over excitement, over abundance of music, in their first appearance- to steal it for themself, true! But then, to enjoy it, to lounge in it. Refering to them as they lounge on the piano, listening to the sound of a nuclear winter, like a cat that got the milk. There is abundance, luxury in the concept of Music, something that can express anything and everything; and they definitely aim to delight in it.
Other than that, it's also a card meant for someone taking their independence, going solo; perhaps someone cutting tie with a problematic family member, or learning to live on their own, supporting themself. The Nine of Pentacles is also a card for someone who is, as it is, in harmony with the world around them- quite literally, in Maestro's case. You take on what's around you, and can harness the energy of nature to bring pleasure in your life. Let's just hope that you'll refrain from doing so by completely stealing music from everyone else.
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I really, really hope we'll get more of Maestro in the time to come, tho. I would pay so much money to get to learn more about their backstroy, their relatonship with the Toymaker, as bad as it obviously was. I don't know, I'm definitely fascinated by this new Pantheon, for damn sure!
Now, to conclude, a plethora of Doctor Who card, in chronological order. The first one is three years old, if you can believe that!
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drunkenkissesatdusk · 4 months
hey! so glad to see new writers on here!!
do you mind writing something for donnie darko? fluff, angst, whatever you decide :)
DOLL - donnie darko.
fluff all around guys GENDER NEUTRAL READER
━━━━━━━━ DONNIE DARKO had been a quiet guy in (name)'s eyes. They'd never particularly heard him speak, but he'd also never really heard them speak. When (name) entered his English class one tuesday afternoon, Donnie was enticed by them.
Their enigma floated through the school, and before they'd made friends, (name) had a reputation. They were oblivious to this, but that didn't mean Donnie was. He'd heard kids say that (name) had been expelled for a fight that sent a kid to the hospital at their old school.
He believed heavily it was a lie. (name), his (name) wasn't capable of that - thats why he was determined to weasle his way into their life.
It started three weeks later, nearing the middle of their school year, Donnie had manifested their partnership through a school project. It didn't take him long to realize how odd he was being, but somehting inside of him found it to be normal - in his eyes, it was okay.
If it meant he was getting closer to (name), he believed it to be okay.
The first day of the project, Donnie had invited (name) over, letting them into his private space - his bedroom. Not a lot of his friends got to see his room, but as he watched their eyes float through his room, he was okay with them in here.
By the time they'd had their second day for their project, Donnie found his obsession fading into a genuine crush. How would they react to his problems? Would they run away screaming when he told them about Frank?
(name) wasn't like that when he told them, they understood him, and they never dared to poke and prod at the fact that something was wrong with him. They treated Donnie normally, and he was genuinely head over heels for them.
They’d adjusted to this newfound friendship within days, considering how close (name) and Donnie were able to get within days. The new duo had easily passed their project, being the only two to do so. However, they found themselves hanging out more and more after school.
After some time, the time for (name) to sleepover at the Darko household came. Donnie warned them not to be alarmed when he wasn’t in the bed beside them, and they understood - nodding instantly. They’d still worry about him, but they wouldn’t necessarily be so worried they’d call the police.
One night, before he disappeared, he found himself holding (name). They’d fallen asleep like that, their head resting half on his arm and half on his pillow, hand holding his arm that wrapped around their waist.
He’d found himself awake after a while, in the middle of the golf course. Soon enough, he’d made it home, and trudged along to hide away in (name)s arms. They were still asleep by time he collapsed atop them, burying himself into the crook of their neck, arms wrapping securely around them.
“You okay, Donnie?” (name) sleepily asked, running their hand through his hair. That soothed him further, soon (name) found themself with a sleeping Donnie in their arm. They really had no problem with it, soon adjusted and fast asleep themself.
It was a common occurrence for nights to end this way. Neither really cared about the obscurities of what they considered “friendship”, so they continued to do as they did.
(name) also had a quirk where they were mostly understanding, caring, and loving when it came to fights, the two worked through each problem bit by bit, and they eventually had a smooth friendship.
On this particular night, Donnie lay across (name)s chest, breathing in their cologne/perfume. He was calm, his mind was quiet, and their hands floated through his hair, down his back, expanding across his shoulders, and ending back in his hair.
He was calm, holding her so tightly it was almost insane. This was his comfort, his home, his domains. No one could take this away from him, no one could take away his (name).
They didn’t mind it either, and they felt their heart begin to ache for him through long periods of time where they didn’t talk and hangout every millisecond of the day.
Deciding then and now, they’d get closer with Donnie, and maybe eventually fall in love. Donnie wasn’t opposed either, he was already head over heels for his best friend.
“Hey, I’m Marcus.” he was the fancy new kid, a phony accent to mask his boring interior and personality. Marcus had fallen in love with (name) upon first sight, which bothered both (name), and Donnie.
Donnie hated Marcus. He made it known all the time, but (name) pulled the same antics, melting into Donnie’s arms, chest, lap, anything, whenever Marcus was nearby.
“That guy you’re always with,” (name) was getting lunch, sliding her tray across the metal tubes that formed a sort of resting sill, “are you two dating?” he finished his question, accepting the apple from the lunch lady.
“Yeah, wasn’t it obvious?” (name) snickered, lying straight to his face. What they hated was how real their statement sounded - were they really really into Donnie?
They were. They absolutely were. Nothing could be done about it, is what every one of their friends thought before they’d finally asked each other out. They thought about their friends one night while basking in the silence that sat between the two.
They toned down the PDA, but upped it in private areas. Donnie was always a clingy guy, no matter how scary he seemed in real life. But that was their Donnie, and they loved him.
ignore how the layout is im secretly on my phone during school
also yall i fucking love clingy guys 😔
please request more i love ur guys’s ideas ugh
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readingwiththestars · 2 months
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["Riddles are for people who enjoy playing,” .... “Do you consider yourself playful, Mr. Hawthorne?”]
| ✮ 4 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [!!!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!] this is very long guys sorry
ok so *cracks knuckles* lets talk about tgg
!!warning i'm finishing this like four days after i read tgg so i might've forgotten things because reading until 2am and remembering what i read is apparently a hard thing for me to do!!
first of all.... JLB, you and i need to have a chat because that ending was not okay. you literally just left us with no answers. seriously. what the hell????? and while i wanna kick my feet and scream because we got two kisses and then you had to go ahead and ruin it in the span of two or three pages and give us that shitty ending.
i would like to point out one question i had through out the book, which was why was grayson playing? what was the point of that???? like seriously was there an actual need for him to play or was it just jameson, avery, xander and nash fucking with him? whatever it was it didn't make sense and just felt like jlb was trying to shove lyra and grayson into forced proximity so they could interact.
speaking of thatttt i love graysonlyra and rohansav (more thoughts on sav later) the banter the looks the touches the everything i love it sm omg AND AVERYJAMESON!!!!!!! THE CRUMBS WE WERE GETTING MADE ME SO HAPPY OMG!!! I CAN DIE HAPPY!!
i will say i feel jlb really did pull out all the stops for this book the different levels of everyone's connection and knowledge of how to solve the riddles/puzzles (i was literally CLUELESS) like how does one make all that connect. the level of detail was insane connecting books and characters together just weaving some kind of intricate web of characters.
and at first i did feel like the game felt really short but i think that was just my 2am dumbass brain forgetting this is only the first part of the game lol. i did kinda hope there would be more like running around and trying to solve things on the actual island not stuck in a house though but who knows whats happening in the next book soooo
it did get very confusing there with calla (who is fucking INSANE BY THE WAY!!! SHE TORTURED KNOX??? WTF????) and the whole calla lily thing with lyra and odette was confusing af. so its like calla (the person) has a connection with knox and brady and then a calla lily has a connection with odette and lyra (also kinda gray cause he knows abt it i guess)
and and and and im a die hard gigislate shipper (and brady daniels hater) so im praying that we get an enemies to lovers with gigi and slater where he's forced to be mean/hate or wtv because of *gags* eve and then its like oop no im breaking you out of here idc what eve thinks because i only care abt you. ESPCIALLY because gigi was talking abt how no ones ever looked at her the way jameson looks at avery throughout the book (SOMEBODY HIRE ME FR)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
lyra - ok i love her. she was such a good strong character it was so much fun to read about her interactions (with grayson 😏) she was actual so wife material but idk why i felt like i wasnt allll that into her character too much like i love her but didn't really feel connected with her?? idk she was a very good fmc to read about tho!! but i do wanna know about miles end and her whole connection with her dead dad (who btw is an ass who tf kills themself in front of a FOUR YEAR OLD???) and whoever's stalking here (honestly i had a whole ass thing thinking its ALL PROBABLY EVE LIKE SHE WOULDA DONE THAT MUCH RESEARCH OR SOMETHING or maybe eve was js there for gigi) but now i think it might've been something to do with alice. who knows honestly
gigi - this is my time to shineeeeee. if gigi has zero fans i am dead (and slater bc im delusional like that) i love gigi so much omg. she's my no 1 girl i love her. my girl just needs someone to love her fr she talks through out the book about how she wants to be looked at with so much love (she thought it was brady BUT NO EW) i loved reading from her perspective abt how she just wanted to prove that she was good enough to be in the game AND SHE IS!!! im still bitter about her getting kicked out of the game - AND IM NOT EVEN GONNA TOUCH ON THE WHOLE KIDNAPPING AT THE END (GIGISLATE ENEMIES TO LOVERS WHEN????)
rohan - marry me. thats it. honestly just marry me. u need to work on ur nicknames tho- it was super interesting to read about his way of think and the whole labyrinth thingy lol. there wasn't too much more about his backstory tho WHICH IM SO INVESTED IN FR. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HIS FIRST MEMORY IS DROWNING????
savannah - girboss fr. she could step on me and i'd say thank you. its really interesting to me how (obviously) she's been manipulated by eve and it'll be super interesting to see how jlb will play out her whole revenge plan. she's extremely driven which is admirable and a good characters (she's literally like a female grayson imo - which also reminds me of that one scene where she goes "i am grayson hawthornes sister" which made me smile so big fr)
there are so many characters oml
knox - ok so my buddy boy knox. broski, brozilla, broville, brother from another mother, u need a hug? i didn't really like him in the beginning tbh he was a moody lil girl working through his issues. but after a while when he warmed to gigi it was nice to see the softer side to him (which tbh wasnt for very long until oop trauma dumpppp) but seriously oml knox baby the scar???? imma find calla fr (jlb cant write new characters also why complicate the shit out of everything and have a calla lily be relevant to lyra and also have calla be a person???) i did like how sweet/soft he was with gigi when she fell though that warmed my heart.
odette - iconic grandma shit tbh. she was third wheeling the entire time and at some points actually seemed like she was shipping them but then two seconds later she was warning them? saying no? idk the whole 'seizure' thing seems faker than eve's lies. and the fact she instantly gave brady the watch after gigi said no. like um what about knox? idk if thats js my brady hate coming through here though so yeah idk if i trust her or not (bet everyone is working for eve except for gigi, lyra and rohan)
grayson - marry me. love me. choose me. pls. i'd do ANYTHING. my simping for this man aside. IT WAS SO GODDAMN REFRESHING TO SEE A HEALING GRAYSON. like yes. it made me so happy to see him admit he was wrong but also know that its okay to be wrong skdjhaasd. this is so short because i love him and cant write proper thoughts about him fr.
brady - *cracks even more knuckles* brady daniels....... you know i've always wanted to know what it'd be like to write a hate paragraph. i guess im finding out now. i hate him. literally. i have unbridled hate for this man - who by the way still shocks me that he's only 20 he acts like he saw the fucking first world war. its one of the reasons i never liked him like he sooo took advantage of gigi's smartness and kindness like HE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during the game gigi carried the entire team and when she refused to take odette's watch and then him instantly taking it. ICKKKK don't even mention how he lied abt his mom like dude just admit it you knew you were fucking cooked in that fight and the only way you could win was by lying. AND WHAT ABOUT THE WHOLE BOMBSHELL ABOUT HOW (i cant remember his name but the dude who raised knox, calla and brady) died??? and then being a little shit and dropping gigi's heart. like we get it u dumbass man child u think you're clever cause u can speak so many languages and read even more but NO. i was onto you, i never trusted your crusty old man ass. like he even touched gigi without her permission (on the stomach) which so gross to me, the dogshit under my shoe can do better than you brady. seriously. i hate him. i'm the leader and founder of the I HATE BRADY DANIELS CLUB. so thats at least something to sate my anger. help this got so long 😭
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [i'm putting like two because this already wayyyyy to long for anyone to actually bother reading.]
"you will come back to me, or i will make you come back to me." - grayson
"Beside Avery, Jameson was looking at her like she was the sun and the moon and the stars and eternity, all rolled into one." - gigi
"give me your eyes sweetheart." - grayson
if you're here at the end of this *APPLAUSE* i commend you on getting through that kilometre of my shit thoughts. have a piece of cake 🍰
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ask-the-royal-absol · 3 months
*It felt strange going back to how things were before the sleepover. A familiar feeling of dizziness washed through Destino. It was the same one Felix and them felt when they were just about to leave the Underdark. Weird. That whole sleepover event was odd. They could remember what happened however some details were fuzzy. They couldn’t remember the being that was with them. Not even a name. Why not? Looking around, Destino drew themself back to the current situation. They were on top of a rocky mountain, it was night and the three of them were heading down a tunnel to go to Terrestria. Yes. That was it.
Destino followed Hope through the tunnel. Felix hovered close by. The absol wondered how long this tunnel that led to Terrestria had been around for. Was it since that trade deal Hope had mentioned around 400 years ago? After then? Or perhaps even before? All Destino knew is that they were in unknown territory and they wouldn’t be able to use their handsome face to travel around. The disguise didn’t look too bad however.
After what felt like ages walking in awkward silence, they made it to a leafy covering. Hope leapt up with ease. Destino struggled to pull their body up so Felix offered a hand, to which the absol accepted.*
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*Hope went on ahead, walking through the wooden door in front of them. She didn’t want to waste anymore time on this pointless discussion. Destino followed, with Felix in tow. Felix hung his head low at what Destino had said. He was annoyed with himself. Annoyed he’d let something so secretive slip that easily to someone he barely knew. How was Hope able to get that information out of him like that? It was too late now. Felix would need to have a conversation with Destino to try and clear the air.
The narrow corridor stretched out before the group. Three doors of a similar fashion stood to the left side of the room, each with a towering rock column facing them on the right side. A few stained glass windows were seen along the right walls, each with unique patterns on. A mosaic mural slotted in the centre of two of the windows, each of the tiles used in its creation a different shade of colour. A door hung on the opposite side of the short corridor.*
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*Hope could hear a rather loud voice coming from behind the closed door in front of her. A recognisable voice. One that sounded awfully panicked too. The other voice of higher tones. She had to time this perfectly. Hushing Destino’s constant complaining about the similarity of the architecture, Hope told the duo a signal she wanted to use to alert them of the right moment for them to enter. She wanted to brace her old man first before he got to meet the absol he’d heard many stories about. She knew there’d be some level of excitement for Destino’s arrival. Listening in, she could hear the conversation clearer than before.*
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*The surprise hit King Flint like a ninjask at full speed. It was them. Prime Destino. In the flesh. He never thought he'd see the day anytime soon, considering what their parents had said about them. Destino, glaring towards Hope, spoke with annoyance. They weren’t going to let Hope call them an idiot when it was clearly her fault. Felix, not wanting to cause anymore freak outs, hid inside of Destino’s shadow. Not the most comfortable hiding place but it’d work for now.*
Destino: Oh I see, it was my fault that your signal wasn't good enough. Of course it was. It totally had nothing to do with the fact that you were taking far too long for my liking.
*Noticing the spear, Destino turned to face the wielder of the weapon, lowering it a bit with a single paw.*
Destino: And you need to get that damn stick away from my face. Do you really think you’re intimidating anyone looking like a walking potato? Come on, a four year old would laugh at you. I would say try harder but I doubt any amount of effort would fix your predicament. Hope, you need better bodyguards. Ones that don’t look like that.
*Flint still stared in disbelief. It really was them. With hushed tones, he spoke to his daughter.*
King Flint: So, Nox and Karma were telling the truth after all. You really did go down to the Underdark. I thought they were pulling my leg so I sent them back on their way.
Hope: Yeah. It was pretty interesting down there. I know Destino’s parents described the huge chunks of crystal ores and all but it’s a whole other thing seeing it. Turns out that prophecy is real too and Destino just so happens to be a part of it.
*The prophecy. One that had been passed down through their family for many, many years. Flint had told it to his daughter as a story, much like his family had to him. It was spoken as fact but there was always some part of him who thought that it may be untrue. It had grave implications if it was indeed coming into fruition.*
King Flint: Was it the Guardian who told you?
Hope: And she told me I was responsible for getting them too.
King Flint: Really? Well, I know we can trust her but I still would have preferred you letting me know where you went off to. I can’t have you running off to who knows where.
Hope: It was a bit of a time-sensitive thing.
King Flint: I see…
*King Flint gave a big smile towards the absol.*
King Flint: Well, I’ll be damned. The Prime of the Underdark. Never thought I’d ever get to meet you at this rate. Your ma and pa have told me all about you, kiddo! Stan, you can put the spear down. They’re not going to cause us any harm!
*The hitmonlee, still worried about the absol making a move towards his king, slowly lowered his spear. With suspicious eyes, he followed the movements of the absol as they made their way towards King Flint.*
Destino: Oh thank the Gods you have tight control over this one. I could see the murder in his eyes from the moment he set them upon me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he stabbed me in the back in this instance. Stan, was it? Keep your spear at a distance away from me, buddy. Or better yet, leave this room so I don’t have to look at your repulsively-bald head ever again. Would probably be best for the both of us.
*The Hitmonlee stared Destino, frustrated by this Absol’s comments. He looked towards the king for some reassurance but all he could see was his majesty laughing at his predicament.*
King Flint: Hahaha! You are hilarious! Utterly hilarious! If you weren’t the heir to the throne of the Underdark, I’d love to have you as my personal jester!
Destino: Wow, I’m hurt by that. Truly, I am. You see me as a lowly jester. Hope, you and your family are not making a good impression on me.
King Flint: That was a compliment, kiddo! I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard in a long time! Your parents never told me you had a sense of humour! Please, I’d love to hear some more of your insults!
Hope: Dad, stop that. You really don’t need to make their ego larger than it needs to be.
*Destino, Felix, Hope and King Flint are available for 6 questions.*
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cloudy-em · 1 year
Bad Cop - Badass!Confident!reader x Soft!Shy!Spencer Reid
gender neutral reader!!
When Y/N first walked into the BAU, they had a chilled confidence surrounding them that made me nearly cower at my desk. Hotch had told the team we were getting a new member, but I expected some bright-eyed newly recruited agent to walk through our doors. Y/N held themself with such grace and confidence. They made eye contact with me, and I looked away immediately, flipping through a file on my desk and pretending to read it slowly. The next thing I knew, Y/N was in front of me, introducing themself before practically strutting away. They showed no signs of overexcitement or nervousness that every newcomer in the BAU holds. It was mildly intimidating that Y/N lacked that. 
It’s been 6 months, 13 days, and 44 minutes since Y/N first joined our team. They’ve been more helpful than I initially expected. They hold their PhD in human behavior studies and had previously worked in the Crimes Against Children Unit for 3 years before being sent up to the BAU. Y/N is very intelligent and always plays the “bad cop” role (incredibly effectively, might I add) whenever we have to interview suspects. They show no fear in the field, either, and they have not lost the confident energy surrounding their presence. I wish I could hang out with Y/N more often. I talk to them enough to do my job, but whenever drinks with the team or a game night comes up, I find myself stuttering out a lame excuse. It’s just that Y/N is cool and I don’t want to embarrass myself. I find my thoughts drifting to them often, even in the SUV as we’re on our way to an unsub’s warehouse, where he’s keeping a 15 year old girl prisoner. The SUV slows to a stop, hidden from view of the warehouse by tree cover and distance. We pile out of the cars, reviewing what we discussed at the local police station. 
“Remember, he wants as much time with her as he can get, which is why he’s turned his warehouse into a maze. He doesn’t think he can outsmart us; he just needs to delay us so he can finish his ritual. We move quickly in pairs. Clear the rooms, but don’t spend long getting distracted or held up by his puzzles. Our goal is to get to Mariah as quickly as possible,” Hotch states, the team and additional police officers nod. 
“Prentiss, Morgan take the south entrance and move around the perimeter. Reid, L/N take the south entrance and move towards the center,” Hotch’s voice trails off as he continues giving assignments for the warehouse maze, but all I can focus on is the fact that Y/N and I are going to be partners for this. I can hold my own, sure, but Y/N? They could probably take out 10 people by themself! I don’t want them to see me as incapable, because I’m not. I’ve passed all of my tests, written and physical. But by comparison, I’m a mouse and Y/N is a falcon. 
I’m brought back into reality by Y/N. “You ready?” they ask genuinely. I’ve never had the pleasure of being partnered with Y/N, but I’ve heard Emily say they take partner work very seriously. They’re committed. I nod at them for fear my voice would crack due to how dry my throat is. They nod back before turning around and calling a “let’s go” over their shoulder. The team jogs towards our respective entrances, Morgan and Prentiss in front of Y/N and I. We arrive at our destination, the south entrance, and Morgan tries the rusted metal door. Emily and Y/N both have their firearms raised, ready to enter and clear when Derek opens the door. He nods at them and they nod back. They clear and Derek and I enter before splitting up to join our partners. 
“You guys go left, that will lead you around the perimeter and those rooms. L/N and I are gonna go right so we can work our way towards the center,” I say, my eidetic memory not failing me as I recall the warehouse map from earlier. The other three nod before we begin to move. Y/N and I are quiet as we walk down the concrete corridor, guns raised and clearing each room as we move. 
Y/N pauses and I glance at them, questioning the sudden stop. “I hear something,” they whisper to me. Sure enough, there’s a sound ahead. Y/N points down the corridor and we walk towards the sound, picking up our pace as the sound grows in volume. I whisper into my mic where we are, letting the rest of the team know we’re onto something. Before it can even register, Y/N runs to the end of the hall with their guns raised, bursting into the room.
“FBI, drop your weapon!” I hear them announce firmly, as I enter the room with my firearm at the ready as well, I see our unsub kneeled in front of Mariah. She’s chained to the wall and the unsub has a knife in his hand. 
“Did you not hear me, dumbass, I said drop it!” They shout this time. The male laughs and he brings the knife closer to Mariah slowly, like he’s teasing the idea of whether he should hurt her or not. Y/N doesn’t hesitate. 
They launch themself across the room and onto the unsub, gun sliding across the room, and their sudden weight forcing his body to the floor. They twist his arm, causing him to drop the knife. “I don’t give third chances,” Y/N says. “On your stomach!” they order. He doesn’t listen. Y/N forces him onto his stomach, cuffing him and patting him down. As they move to press on his shoulders and biceps, ensuring he has nothing hidden there, he moves his head down to bite their finger. 
“Motherfucker!” Y/N yells, reactively punching him. “Where’s the key for Mariah’s restraints, huh?” they ask. He’s silent. “Tell me or I’ll hit you again!” he sighs and mutters that the key is around his neck. They pull it off of him throwing it across the room for me to catch (I did!) and I approach Mariah, trying to be as gentle as I can with her as I unlock the cuffs from around her wrists. She thanks me, throwing herself onto me in a hug. I pat her back, helping her stand up so we can walk her out of the building to her family and the waiting EMTs. 
“Successful op, huh Reid?” I hear Y/N approach as I’m standing by the ambulance, waiting for the EMTs to finish checking on Mariah. I’m a bit surprised. “Oh, um, yeah, except for you I guess.” Y/N raises an eyebrow in question. “He bit you, that’s gotta hurt, right?” I ask. Y/N shrugs. 
“Not really. It bled, sure, but it’s okay,” they tell me. I suddenly feel myself worried over their well-being. I place my hand between their shoulder blades, a silent request for them to follow me to the SUV. 
“Sit, please,” I mutter, grabbing one of the first aid kits we keep in the glovebox. Y/N smiles at me, and I try to keep my blush as bay when I smile back. I use hand sanitizer to clean my own hands before rubbing some into Y/N’s hands. “We’ll wash them and reapply the bandage when we’re back at the station, but this is okay for now,” I tell them and they nod in response. I place a bandage and antibacterial ointment on the wound, wrapping their finger snugly. 
“Oh, thank you, Doctor! You’ve saved me!” Y/N says, laughing at their own antics. I smile back, ready to remind them for the nth time that I’m not a medical doctor, but I think better of it and opt with a simple, “you’re welcome”. I turn to walk away, to check in with the rest of the team before I hear Y/N call to me. 
“Wait! Doctor Reid!” I turn to face them again, wondering if something else is wrong. Instead of wearing a concerned facial expression, Y/N wears a smirk. “You gonna kiss it better?”
thank you for reading! next up in order for my writing:
lip gallagher x fem!reader fake relationship
emily prentiss x fem!reader smut
chef luca x fem!reader smut
feel free to send me any messages with requests or if you'd like to join my taglists!!
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lazyollie · 3 months
Lloyd x Captured reader// Part 4
Last Part
Warnings: cringe, bad grammar, typos, blood, injection, violence
A familiar male cologne filled you nose as you snugged closer to the guy in green gi. His body was warm and soft. He wrapped his arms around your smaller body. It made you smile and close your eyes. You kind of missed his hugs. "I love you, Lloyd" you mumbled burring your head into his chest. His room was quiet like the other ninjas were not around the Monastry. It was strange but you couldn't care less when you were so comfortbale in your lover's arms. "Look at me and tell it to me once again.." he broke the silence. You chuckled playfully as you slowly lifted your head away from his chest. "I love-" you got cut off by shock. It wasn't Lloyd.. It was Saburo the whole time. You were hugging onto him the whole time? "YOU THOUGHT YOU CAN ESCAPE ME??! AHA-HA- HAA.. how naive" he laughed at you with a maniac look. You pushed, kicked, punched to free yourself but all for nothing. "No It's can't be..Let me go PLEASE!!" You begged as the room around you turned black as his smile just grew.
You woke up breathing heavily. Tears formed in your eyes as the nighmare played loop in your head. Oh my..How much you miss Lloyd. You tried to get your hands to move but they were still restrained. You have to get out but how? You are cold, hungry, sick and weak. How could you get out?
"Oh, Lloyd where are you?"
The Ninjas has followed the signal and soon they reached it. It was an allay with some trash cans and stray cats fighting with each other. Nothing what would make it different from any other allay in Ninjago City. "And now what?" Jay asked pulling his mask down scanning the place for openings. "The signals came from under Ninjago City.." Zane explaned to Jay who suspiciously looked around once again.
"Search for secret buttons or platforms.." Lloyd ordered, breaking his silence. The ninjas did what he said trying to find anything what could open something.
Lloyd felt mixed feeling of the idea of finding you. What if you will be in a terrible shape? What if you won't be alive? And that's all because he was too late to find you. On the other hand, he would be glad to finally see you again. He wants you to be okay, in his arms.
"I found something" Kai yelled for the others. He pushed away a trash can, revealing a button on the wall. Lloyd pushed it but nothing happened as they looked at each other. After a second the wall opened what came out as a door reaviling a long corridor what lead down on stairs. "Wanna go first?" Jay gestured him kinda scared from the darkness inside. Lloyd nodded heading down with the others behind him.
After minutes filled with walking down the stairs they found themselfs is a white hall. The walls were supposed to be white but they were dirty. Some doors were broken and moldy. It looked like it was abandoned years ago. Three new corridors leaded into different direction what gave Lloyd an idea.
"We will split up. Nya and Jay goes left. Zane and Kai you will go middle. Me and Cole are going right. Make sure not to get caught.." Lloyd ordered and the other ninjas nodded going on their way.
"Do you think that this is Saburo's old labour?" Cole asked to break the silence as no threats were in eye vision. "I'm not sure..." Lloyd answered to him. He felt more anxious as they walked more and more. Soon they found multiply doors leading to experimentation rooms. It made Lloyd's stomach sick as he saw the experiment eqipments. "Oh God, this place is like a living hell.." Cole sweared shocked by the chairs and used ijections on the ground. The scratches on the wall spoke for themselfs. People might have lost their minds during this torture.
They checked the last room before they would turn right again on the corridor. That's when footsteps were heard approaching them. Lloyd pushed both of them into a room shushing Cole.
"I think I'm close to finish my project... The girl's elemental power turned out really well..." the man spoke into the phone walking with an used injection in his hand. Lloyd immediately knew who is he. He only could be Saburo. "She's much more weaker than her father was." He laughed darkly. Lloyd's blood boiled with anger, but he kept silent listening to him. Saburo walked past the room they were hiding but stopped for some reason. "Anyways, I will only need to activate her power once again and take some of her blood. The more it gets activated the more it gets stronger and that's what I need.." he said continue walking. Soon he disappeared into a room. Saburo musn't activate your power once again. "Let's get going" Lloyd whispered running towards where Saburo came from, Cole following him.
As they turned around the corner they arrived to the last door. Lloyd tried to open it but it was locked. He took a step back using his power to break the door what eventually did. Cole gasped what got Lloyd's attention too.
"Oh God.." Lloyd rushed to you panicing, cupping your face into his hands, lifting your head up. You lips were covered by dried blood and you looked super exhausted. "She's breathing" Lloyd sighed relivied as he watched your weak sleeping form concerned. You were in a bad shape. "Cole can you break the chains?" Lloyd asked not leaving your side as Cole stepped closer to you. He activated his power when a familiar voice stopped them. "Nice to meet you both.. So bad you weren't invited.." Saburo stepped into the room with his hands behind his back. "I didn't know this pathetic girl is having something with the big and strong Green Ninja.. Don't worry It's just makes it funnier" Saburo smiled creepily at them. Lloyd slowly stepped away from you and Cole took his weapon out, ready to fight. "Don't let him to get close to Y/n" Lloyd yelled as he jumped at Saburo.
He pulled out an injection as he got away from Lloyd's way. He punched him getting his way to you but Cole stepped in front of him. They were fighting until Saburo take a good hit on Cole who fell to the ground. Saburo was surprisingly good in fighting what made Lloyd's blood boil. He jumped at him again kicking Saburo's feet what made him fall.
Saburo jumped up like nothing, what caused to Lloyd to pull out his sword pointing at him. He just laughed by his braveness before he hit the sword out of Lloyd's hand kicking him hard what caused him to fall. Before Lloyd could have do anything he injected the glowy liquid into you.
You immediately woke up panting in pain. Lloyd run to you pushing Saburo away from you. The furnitures and object flew in the room once again. The panic got the best on you too when you saw Saburo approaching you with a needle. The pain getting worse and worse by second making you scream up in pain. Lloyd heart just ache for you holding your hand trying to sooth you.
Saburo was about to reach Lloyd when suddenly the furnitures started spinning fast around you and Lloyd. You kepts screaming in pain tears rolling down your cheeks. Saburo froze watching the tornade made of different things, making impossible to get close to you. He backed away and tried to ran out of the room but Cole with one move pinned him to the ground. "Don't you dare"
Lloyd saw everything turn to you worried. By the power rush the chain broke into pieces joining the tornado. Lloyd immediately took you out of the chair seating you down on to his lap, hugging you close to him. "Hey hey.. It's alright, I'm here..." He carresed you back softly, it pained him a lot seeing you like this. "I-I'm sorry.." you groaned in pain gripping his gi as you hugged him back. "Calm down, It's alright..." Lloyd said softly as you snuggled into his neck. Your tears soaked his gi, but he didn't even cared. One of his hand trailer up your head carresing your hair with such a gentleness. He teared up but kept his self together..for you.
"I'm so sorry.."
"Why are you apologising?"
"I-I didn't know a-about my power.."
"I know. I know."
Then nothing left your mouth as you passed out in Lloyd's arms. He wiped your tears away from your face placing a kiss onto your forehead. He watched you with such a concern in his eyes. You were through a lot of pain and it was visible on your body. Scars and bruises covered you and your skin was pale. He hugged your body close to him.
"I'm so sorry..I will make sure nothing like this will ever happen again..."
As you passed out suddenly every furniture dropped down with a loud noise. Soon the other ninjas arrived who stopped in the door with shock. Lloyd slid a hand under you knee and the other on your back lifting you off the ground. He walked to the others who looked at you worried.
Saburo went back to the Krymtarium Prison into a high guarded cell. Also it was sure he won't get out of it ever in his life again. The goverment found more hidden experiments, some of them were transferred to hospital, but some never returned home. It seems like It's over. For you might be not, because It's sure you won't forget this experience soon.
A warm sunshine bright your face as you move your head to the other side. The mattres was so soft and comfortable that you don't want to wake up.
'Wait mattres?'
You quieckly open your eyes as you sat up. It wasn't the experience room. Yeah the walls are white, but it's more comfortable. There are a TV on the wall and table, magazins on it. And even plants are in the room. It's much warmer inside.
"Hey, you shouldn't move. You need to rest" a voice snapped you out of your thoughts. A familiar one. You turn your head to him as he carefuly lays you back down. He sat in a chair next to your hospital bed. "L-Lloyd..?" You stare at him surprised but he just smiled at you softly. "Yes, darling?" You tried to remember back what happened what caused you to get here. You don't remember Lloyd saving you. Is your head playing with you? "Love..?" He grabs your hand gently looking at you worried. Why did you zoon out all of sudden? You blink two as you pay your attention back to him.
"Are you okay? You have a headache? Did I patch you up too tightly? Your injuries hurt?Do you need more painkiller?" Lloyd bombs you up with questions as you look at him blankly. "No..Nothing like this" you murmur wrapping your fingers around Lloyd's hand. "I just don't know what exactly happened...I remember my days there but it still feels like few pieces is missing." You admit looking down on your patched up wounds and marks of the injections. He stays quiet for a while thinking that he should tell you. You might have forgot about the time when they came for you beause of the shock. It might be better for you to not remember.
"Don't think about it. Everything ended up fine. Saburo is back in Prison. Nothing can hurt you anymore. I'm here and I will protect you, 'til I die" A warm smile formes on his lips, his words seeking into your heart, making you tear up. You are so glad for him to be in your life. By your side. He kisses your forehead noticing your glassy eyes.
"Oh I'm so sorry. Did I said something wrong?"
No, I just love you so much..
"Ohh..In that case I love you so much too."
I've finally finished this fanfic story. This part turned out longet than the others. Anyways, if you want to see more fanfics from me and you have an idea what you can send it into my requests. I hope you like it. Have a nice day y'all<33
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I think you are one of the first people I've seen on here that doesn't try to hate on one of the characters while writing them. I'm curious, how would the M6 handle an MC with very low self esteem? I suffer from it and would love to see what you come up with ❤️
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an insecure MC
~ this is one of four requests I've received for an MC who's insecure/has low self esteem - as someone who can completely relate, here are your headcanons my loves, I hope you can receive these affirmations from fictional characters knowing that they come from a very real person who adores you all - brainrot ~
Oh, he gets it
Sure, he never hesitates to ask for what he wants, but that doesn't mean he thinks he deserves any of it
He can recognize those moments of doubt in your eyes as soon as they appear, because he knows exactly what they feel like on his own face
Which makes his heart ache for you, he knows how crappy that feels and of all the people he knows you deserve it the least
Normally when this happens his instinct is to fawn over you to the point of becoming a public embarrassment
This usually works, but sometimes when you hit a rut like this you just need something to get you out of your own head and enjoy the life you've built for yourself
He's taking you dancing
It helps everything! Focusing on the motions gets you out of your head, it's a fantastic way to initiate some physical contact, and by the time you're worn out you've had too much fun to keep worrying
Once you've reached that point you're fair game for affirmations: what a lovely dancer you are, the way you move is breathtaking, how is he supposed to enjoy dancing without you again?
On one hand, their love for you is so unconditional that they have a difficult time understanding the source of your doubts
He would love you in any shape, with any name, with any identity. If it's you that's all that matters to him
Why are you worrying about certain details about yourself when none of them change who you fundamentally are?
On the other hand, they know perfectly well what it's like to doubt themself or feel lacking
Once you two are together it's less common for you to spiral because he doesn't let you go five minutes without giving you a boost of some kind
Every morning comes with a tidal wave of subtle compliments. They will flirt with you mercilessly and go out of their way to admire any specific thing about yourself that tends to be a sticking point for you
On the days when it does get bad, he'll pick a place or activity that brings out something he knows you like about yourself
You're a good singer? You're proud of your magic? They'll take you back to the cave to practice combining the two
So many kisses, everywhere, all the time
She doesn't struggle with it in the same way, but you've met her family
Being the youngest in a large family of exceptional people, parents with public and demanding roles, and lots of big personalities leaves very little room for self-discovery and confidence
I mean it was bad enough for her to marry Lucio and leave Prakra
She's come a really long way, and been able to address the source of her insecurities, but she remembers what it was like
Her default is already to take every opportunity to fluster you, so even if it's not on purpose you never have to doubt her affections
But she makes being a Countess look easy, she has years of education and good upbringing on top of her natural talents, and you're a humble court magician who was relearning how to exist less than three years ago
She is committed to seeing you succeed in the Palace. She'll happily spend hours teaching you the ins and outs of diplomacy and etiquette in the most delightful ways
But she'll also make sure the two of you regularly visit your old haunts, simply to highlight the things you excel at that she doesn't and to prove to you that you two are truly equals
You've seen him go wide eyed before, but one of the times that really sticks in your memory is the moment you casually told him that he could do a lot better than you
Until he met you, he went through life with a total of one (1) friend who had a crippling combination of wanderlust and attachment issues
The fact that he's able to have a relationship with you at all is a miraculous win in his mind
He knows he's not the best at expressing his feelings, but if it's your self-esteem on the line he will learn and he will do his best
The first time he hears you voice your insecurities he's dropping whatever he's doing and sitting next to you
He'll take your hand and wait, as patiently as you need him to, until you've told him everything that's bothering you
He's not the most eloquent person, but he knows the importance of responding to your doubts and he'll painstakingly address each one, out loud, telling you that it's not true and why
On a day to day basis, he makes a point of acknowledging all the ways you make his life better with little words or smiles or touches
She's a generally easy going person, she knows all her own faults and how to acknowledge and live with them
However, she has her own brand of low self-esteem and it fuels her workaholic tendencies
So much of her life has revolved around the people next to her being the main characters that she has a hard time seeing herself as having any relevance unless she's playing a support role
And then one day she hears you, the exciting, mysterious magician who turns every day into an adventure, casually question your own worth and relevance out loud
She has to process it for a moment before she can respond. Important people experience this too? This isn't in her novels
She'll ask you about it right away. What do you mean when you say that? Why do you think that?
Talking to you proves two things to her: that her own feelings do not make her unimportant, and that you are not as indestructible as she assumed you were
She'll write her favorite qualities down about you and have you do the same, and now you say your affirmations to each other every morning
This guy had questioned himself maybe three times in his life before he met you
He thinks he's an above-average dude on his humbler days. He hates acknowledging his oopsies because the consequences scare him, not because he thinks they make him a bad person
He adores you, you keep the world in perspective for him, and he knows how important that and the way you've helped him grow is
But he subconsciously contributes to your struggles at first. Any unique trait is teasing material to him, it never occurred to him that the stuff he comments on might be sensitive for you
Until the day he notices you change your appearance and have a hard time responding to him
Why did you change your clothes to hide that part of your body? Why don't you take credit for your work any more? Why don't you believe him when he compliments you?
When you manage to tell him, he feels awful about it. He doesn't know what it's like to be insecure, but he does know what it's like to want somebody's approval and acceptance
It'll take a while, but he'll prove all the doubts he caused wrong and then tackle the rest. How is he supposed to shine without you as a light source anyway?
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lizablee · 5 months
Done Enough (Critical Role Fanfic) Chapter 2
For the first time in a long time, Ashton wished his weapon had a blade.
The fleeting satisfaction of reducing branches to splinters had worn thin, leaving behind only the sturdiest trunks and the most resilient saplings that bounced off his hammer as if mocking his fury. His rage boiled beneath the surface.
With a shout filled with desperation and anger, he leveraged his full strength against a nearby tree. The tree shuddered under the impact but stood firm, immovable and indifferent. Ashton’s shoulders heaved, sweat trickling down his stony exterior,
“That’s an ironwood. Your hammer’s as good as useless.”
Chetney's voice cut through the tension, oddly calm amid the destruction. He stood a few feet away, idly whittling away at one of the half-pulped branches Ashton had discarded.
Ashton panted, his breaths coming in heavy, labored gasps. “Can’t sleep?” he managed to say between breaths.
“Not when there’s so much good wood being wasted. It was calling to me,” Chetney said wistfully. The branch in his hand was starting to vaguely humanoid. “And you’re loud as hell. I’m surprised half the camp isn’t awake.”
Ashton didn’t have it in him to feel regret. Chetney continued.
“I wonder what FCG would say if they were here,” he remarked.
“They chose to kill themself. They don’t get a say in how we grieve.”  Ashton replied sharply.
“That’s not fair, Ashton.” Chetney said coldly. “They saved our lives.” Ashton tasted a pinch of shame, and tried to wash it down with anger.
Chetney sighed deeply and took a seat among the roots of the ironwood, his whittling becoming almost unnaturally quick. “You get to be angry, that’s fine. But don’t poison their memory. The rest of us have to grieve too.”
Ashton’s knees felt weak. He sat down, resting his hammer over his lap, and breathed deeply.
“If FCG were here,” he said tiredly, “they’d say something about us all coming together and supporting each other as a team. And they’d probably say they were happy. I bet they were happy, at the end. They got to do what they’ve always wanted to do.”
Chetney tutted. “Very edgy, Ashton. You act like they did this to you and not for you. Listen, I’m made of stronger stuff than the others, and even I’m feeling a bit fucked up by this. So I get it. But keep that bitterness between us, okay? Or between you and the hardwood.” he added, patting the scarred trunk of the tree. “The others aren’t doing very well. We need to keep an eye on Orym. He’s getting pretty dark.”
Ashton leveled a long look at Chetney. The gnome looked weary but resolute. “How are you doing?” Ashton asked gruffly.
Chetney smiled wryly. “I feel old. And I don’t normally feel old. It’s just... it’s tough when someone so young loses their life. Imagine how long FCG could have gone on for. They might have been practically immortal with that body, we don’t know. They could have outlived all of us.”
“They were hundreds of years old.”
“Maybe in body. But they’d been alive, what, like three years?”
“Give or take.”
“Three years old... That’s truly tragic. They never even got to have a childhood.” For a moment, Chetney had a hollow look that made him seem every bit as old as he claimed to be.
“They made me this horrible toolbox when they tried to—” Chetney made a sawblade motion, “—carve me up that first time. The craftsmanship was just appalling. You know what that looked like to me?”
“A waste of wood?”
“No. Potential . Nowhere to go but up.” Chetney looked up to the stars, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and sorrow. “They had only just figured out they could live, hadn’t even worked out what that meant yet. It just sucks.”
Ashton let the words wash over him and sank a little deeper into himself.
“Try not to think about it.” A soft voice sounded from the treeline. Orym dropped down, quiet as a shadow, wandering into the newly made clearing. “Their potential… what they could have been. It’ll drive you crazy.”
Chetney sighed deeply and returned to his whittling. Ashton turned to see Orym, who looked smaller than usual, haunted. His eyes were red, his cheeks puffy, and it was almost too raw for Ashton to bear; he suddenly felt like he was intruding just by being there. If FCG were here, he’d offer a hug.
“Are you okay?” he said, as gently as he could. Orym scrubbed a hand over his face.
“Right now, no. Eventually, yes…” Orym’s voice trembled. “But it doesn’t feel like it yet.” He took a shaky breath. “I know how this goes. So I just need to remember that it won’t feel like this forever. It’s hard to imagine... It’s just hard to... It’s hard.”
Ashton felt tears welling for the second time that evening. He scrambled mentally for that anger, that blessed distracting rage that could hold them at bay. Something else came to mind, unbidden, and he latched onto it. He moved towards Orym and pulled the halfling into a gentle hug.
Pain rippled through his form as Orym hugged back, sobbing. The hug was nice; the pain was grounding. Everything else dimmed a little for a moment. He could see FCG behind his closed eyelids, and for the first time that evening, he felt that the little Aeormaton would be proud of him in this moment.
Orym released Ashton earlier than he expected, probably not wanting to cause more pain. The absence of that sensation felt almost lonely. Orym sniffed and rubbed his eyes.
“You need to sleep.” Chetney remarked gently. “You both need to sleep. I’ll take watch.”
Orym stilled, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “Back to back?” he stammered suddenly. Ashton stared at him blankly. “Sorry, it’s just something I saw—something Dorian—listen, do you want to sleep back to back? I think I’ll just sleep better if I’m not alone. It might help you, too?”
“Back to back,” Ashton echoed tentatively. “Yeah, I can do that. Just not too close.”
“Got it,” Orym said gratefully. He moved to pack up his bedroll.
“Enjoy your sleepover,” Chetney remarked offhandedly, returning to his whittling. He was gently carving a pair of mismatched lenses onto a tiny smooth face. Ashton let his eyes linger on the carving a moment longer before following Orym to camp.
It turned out going back to back did make it easier to sleep. And to Ashton’s great relief, he didn’t dream.
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mariesjordans · 4 months
Oh yeah I had this idea where Marie and Jordan were Internet friends - with one key difference: they don't reveal that they're supes. It just felt like giving the other a reason to hate them.
Then they meet at God u and underneath the animosity there's this familiarity that nags at them.
I know this isn't a drabble idea but sjsksbsj
Comfort Zone
(1.2k words) i’m rusty hope you like
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There was something about them, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Like she’d met them in a past life or an old friend you knew once as a child.
What they said replayed in her head all day. Despite how they got under her skin, she couldn’t let it go.
“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone”
3 days earlier
J: [I think you’re overthinking]
Jordan had never thought themself to be the motivational type but there was something about this girl. They wanted the best for her and they’d ensure she knew she deserved it.
They felt like they knew her entirely but not at all at the same time. The girl wouldn’t even give them her first name under the excuse that “the mystery is what keeps their friendship alive”.
Friendship…. the old Jordan would kick himself right now because of course they managed to fall for a girl through a screen.
Jordan’s thoughts were interrupted by the ping on their phone, they rolled over and unlocked it.
M: [I’m not overthinking, it’s a new school. New people, new everything it’s… nerve wracking to say the least]
Jordan smiles waiting for the girl to finish rambling, knowing they were due a few more text bubbles before they can successfully calm her down.
M: [I mean i’m not like antisocial but at the same time I can’t see myself just walking up to somebody and us hitting it off and your silence is really starting to freak me out!]
J: [I wanted to let you have your moment before pulling you back to reality, you know where the rest of us live]
M: [I’m glad you can find entertainment admist my turmoil]
J: [I can find amusement during your dramatics yes]
M: [I will block you]
J: [You’ve had a year and a half to block me, good luck living without me]
M: [Thumbs down]
Jordan smiles a bit to herself, continuing.
J: [Look the way I see it, all progress takes place outside the comfort zone. A quote I live by]
M : [That was not helpful and I know you just googled that]
J : [Listen i’m free tomorrow and i’ll have my phone on hand so you can talk to me whenever, it’ll also make you look super busy deal?]
M: [Deal]
“She hasn’t even told you her name and you’re talking like she’s the one, excuse me if I’m a bit concerned.” Luke kicked his feet up on the desk in front of him to immediately be knocked off by Jordan.
“I didn’t say she’s the one I just said I wouldn’t mind if I knew someone like her in real life, and respect the desk man.”
“You’ve been checking your phone all day waiting to be her knight in shining armor.” Cate pipes up from the couch across the office.
“No one asked you! And as for you- “ Jordan cuts eyes at Luke. “Why do I even bother telling you anything alone if you’re just gonna relay the information to barbie”.
“Play nice Jordan.” Andre walks in and Jordan sinks into their chair because yes of course all three of them teaming up against him as usual.
“Yeah be nice Jordan.” Cate stuck her tongue out to make a point met with Jordan rolling her eyes.
“I’m still trying to figure out why you invited that freshman to come out with us don’t you have enough on your plate.” Jordan pointed between Cate and Luke.
“I know this comes as a shocker to you my friend but some of us are capable of friendship with other beings without intentions of jumping in their pants.”
“What are you trying to insinuate here!” Jordan knew exactly where this was going but didn’t have the care to stop it.
“What he’s saying is maybe we do wish your dream girl was real and present cause that’s the most committed any of us have seen you in all 3 years of knowing you.” Cate teases as she grabs her things. “Anyways it’s getting around that time, we need to go get ready.”
“Oh is that what you’re doing, getting ready?”
Cate makes a point to flip Jordan off as Luke trails after her followed by Andre blowing kisses and shutting the door.
Jordan rests his eyes for a moment, a moment that didn’t last long seeing as they jumped at their phone the minute it pinged.
M: [Day is going decent so far, I got invited to hang out with this guy. One of the people he hangs with seems like a total douche though. I can probably get around it.]
J: [I like this change of spirit on you, I’d be careful though you just met this guy. Define “hang out”.]
Jordan cringed knowing they sounded like a jealous boyfriend, but hoping it went over her head.
M: [He seems laid back, plus I think I can take him. I guess we’re going to some club.]
J: [Weird.]
M: [Don’t make me second guess myself what happened to the inspirational you I was getting this morning!]
J: [No that’s not what I meant, I mean we kind of have the same plans tonight.]
A bit too similar.
M: [ Awesome, well I’ll hit you for a drunk texting session later and tell you all about it.]
J: [You wanna get drunk with these guys first night out???]
M: [I’m KIDDING, you can put the guns down superman I got this]
J: [Superman doesn’t use guns.]
That night
“Staring daggers at her all night isn’t gonna magically make her explode Jordan”
Cate nudged them as they eyed the new girl at the bar with Luke, “Marie” excessively giggling at something they knew couldn’t have been that funny.
“Don’t they seem a bit too comfortable to you.”
“Oh no you’re not gonna turn this on me, and you’re especially not gonna turn me on that girl, she’s adorable!”
“I agree!” Andre plopped down on the couch next to Jordan, the music was loud but Andre was still yelling a lot louder than need be.
“I just don’t understand where you guys got this random urge to let this girl into our circle 3 years into this friendship.”
Cate shared a look with Andre before they both bursted into giggles.
“Somebody sounds possessive! Maybe we should make the bed up for four instead tonight.” Jordan cringed and pushed Andre away from them.
“You guys aren’t funny i’m being serious.”
“We know that’s the sad part.” Jordan looked at the bar as Marie tried to help Luke balance their round of shots on a slim tray.
“Give her a chance.” Jordan opened their mouth to protest but Cate quickly cut them off “Give. her. a. chance. Promise me!”
Jordan remained silent.
“Promise me Jordan!”
“Not a fan of dancing?” Jordan once again mentally kicking themself trying to make small talk.
Marie stared forward at Andre pulling out some of his most ridiculous moves as Luke and Cate encouraged his antics, stopping only to look at Jordan-bewildered.
“Wow he says more than 2 words and is capable of different facial expressions outside a death glare, color me shocked.”
Jordan felt their irritation rise and fall reminding themself of the promise they made Cate.
“I’m….. sorry.”
Marie took them in for a second, his eyes genuine.
“I know I just kind of showed up and barged my way in but I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I promise.”
“Well, all progress takes place outside-“
“-the comfort zone.” Marie eyed them for a second.
Then it hit her….. it should be impossible but….. it was…. it was them.
Totally down to continue this btw if anyone wants. I’m writing requests rn but I have more for this one I wanna do. Also I proofread a few times but sorry for any spelling errors.
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sheep-from-rad · 2 years
Safe with me (SAGAU Scaramouche x reader) Note: Guess whose birthday is it(Oct 16)? Yes it’s mine and Xinyan!! My school might start face-to-face classes in November and honestly I am not feeling it. I wanna run away. Also, this is bordering platonic because Scaramouche is my baby like I heard his backstory and I went ‘screw this I’m adopting him’ PS. This fanfic looks better in my head. I wrote it and told myself...'wth did I just wrote' Warnings: injuries (non graphic), violence (non-graphic), OOC (you’ll see why) Masterlist 
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Scaramouche let out a harsh command as his robot marched forward through the rainforests. Supposed he already gave up on everything and just started living his life a few months ago but the so-called heroes of this world just made him lose it. ‘I’m losing my mind’, Scaramouche thought. He never once thought that he will be working together with someone and that someone being the mighty traveler themself. Who would have thought that one fateful meeting would lead to this? 
Scaramouche staggered as he struggled to find a shelter from the coming rain. He is used to just resting wherever possible but he might not be able to fend himself right now if he becomes careless. Dottore has set him up for failure and he was basically using him as a scientific experiment. In this world, in order to get a material , one should pay a price or work hard for it and he knows that it will happen. His body felt like it was being torn and being made each and every day and at the end Dottore, much like his creator, threw him away after deeming his work insufficient. 
He cursed mentally as a group of fungi spotted him. He readied himself, ignoring the pain that bloomed when he drew his weapon. ‘I trained myself too hard’, he gritted his teeth. ‘I’m not gonna be defeated by mere plants’. One, two, three, four down. Scaramouche thought it was over until a hard push knocked him off his feet and into the ground. It would be nice if he just fell in the group, he can just easily get up but he was falling in the darkness. It was the same darkness when he was first betrayed, the only difference is that the thunder is not calling his name. 
Behind his giant mech, few people who named themselves as friends of the traveller are marching for the same cause: freeing their creator. He remembered the first time they both had a deep talk. They argue that they are not the creator and they are simply just like the traveller minus the flairs for battle. That one day they just woke up to a whole different world and the aranaras claimed them to be a god. Back then, Scaramouche wanted to hate them for allowing his creation but he remembered the old books inside Tenshukaku. 
It was a story of an ancient absent god whose name was forgotten by its people. They weren’t the original creator of the world but they are the god who nurtured and taught the people of kindness and knowledge of how to live. It was the story of an ancient absent god who was akin to the anemo archon: let the people have their freedom and will only interfere if the problem is really severe. It was a story of a god who everyone thought was dead but they have been missing for thousands and thousands of years. 
“You need to eat”, they said as they placed a bowl of freshly cooked food in front of him. It has been weeks since he has fallen down the Varuna contraption and is now adjusting to his new life together with talking vegetables. He eyed the food before turning away, opting to watch the aranara who was walking by. “I’m no human. I don’t need to eat.” It turned out that he was found by one of the arenas after he fell down the contraption and even though his identity is not known, they did not leave him alone. You sat across from him and turned to your own bowl. “Albedo is not human too but he makes good food and he really loves sweets”. 
Ever since he was found by the cute creatures, you have been taking care of him and won’t stop pestering him. “What if I’m evil and are actually out to kill you?” he muttered quietly but it did not miss your ear. “And then the aranaras won’t have found you.” You pushed the bowl closer to his form with a warm smile that never once left your lips. Guess he won’t really be able to push you away, huh? He picked up the utensil and took a small portion and the flavour immediately spread in his mouth. ‘I can get used to this.’ 
The city was abnormally quiet, there were no people in sight, which is weird because the researchers of the Akademiya never sleep. The chirping from the birds are louder now and they sound even more haunting now that there’s no people around. Scaramouche unmounts the robot with the traveller and their companion right behind him. “Doesn’t this silence remind you of something, traveller?” the small fairy in the group stated. “It’s like that time Dottore took control of everyone.” 
Scaramouche excitedly walked home carrying large bags of fruits and spices. While he is still a criminal, a few people around Sumeru have warmed up to him and they have not been trading plants every few weeks. This week he has meat that came from the ruler from the desert and spices from Gandharva ville. Maybe tonight they could try that curry recipe that the traveller gave them or maybe they could try some recipes from another nation. Scaramouche found himself as not a picky eater but he is biassed towards food that is rich in flavour like Chicken Tofu pudding. 
Instead of the aranara singing, he was greeted by the Varanara outside the dreams. Immediately worry started blooming in his chest, hands shaking, struggling to keep the large bags up. He fears he got abandoned again but it is impossible because they never once pulled away even though he showed bad behaviour. “Scara! You’re here!” Paimon screeched out. He is still getting used to their presence being friendly towards him but Paimon’s voice is something that for sure will take longer time. 
“What is happening?” he collected himself, looking at the tiny fairy who was flailing her equally tiny arms frantically. She rubbed her head in confusion (or was it being unable to word out what just happened?), ready to spat out everything in a scrambled pot of words but she was saved by the traveller who is brandishing a bloodied sword with them. 
“Our enemies took them.” 
Their group climbed the stairs towards the akademiya and they were greeted by mind controlled citizens. “The two of you go up!”Cyno shouted. “Alhaitham and I can handle them!” The traveller gave them a nod as they ran further up. Scaramouche swears that if they touch a single hair on their head, he will go berserk. The moment Dottore let go of him months ago, a new project has started: breaking the original god to gain control of the whole Teyvat and that is one project that he will prevent with his both hands if it ever happens. 
“I know you were going to come”, Dottore and his masked self emerged from the door. It is just them, Dottore, and the traveller now. Scaramouche drew his weapon, ready to fight his former colleague anytime now. “Let them go”, he warned. Dottore only smiled at the two of them. “What for? If you don’t know it yet, you’re the one that leads them to us. Tsaritsa would be so proud of you.” 
Cyno and Alhaitham joined their ranks and soon a few fatui joined Dottore as well. “If you want your god back and then you might as well have a duel with me.” Mentally, Scaramouche sighed. ‘What are you going to do? Slap me with a textbook?’ 
“You know the sky is not real right?” Scaramouche found them sitting on top of the giant leaves. You only smiled at him, putting a finger on your lips and then looking at the sleeping Aranara on your lap. Time passes weirdly inside Varanara given that it is located inside a dream and a day inside there might just be an hour outside. Scaramouche will not admit it but if a world locked between a dream and a frozen time could give him love that he didn’t get and then he will gladly stay inside forever. 
“Many moons ago, the sky was so dark that people were scared to even look at the night sky”, you started. Scaramouche took the space on your side, resting his head on the giant leaf as he stared at the sky. “Some people, due to fear, even said that the sky is cursed and it beckons evil if you stare long enough on it.” You gently put the sleeping Aranara down next to him. “While everything outside this dreamworld is fake, it is still good to find something that is worth living for right?” 
Bodies after bodies fall but the numbers don't go down. The more people they fight, the more comes up. The group is not fighting the controlled people using their weapons but they instead just hit the best points to render them unconscious. They can’t really kill anyone so the best option they can do is to dodge their weapons. It’s strange how Dottore was able to control everyone just by using the Akasha terminal but then again the people of Sumeru had it coming. 
“Scaramouche behind you!” 
Scaramouche turned around to see Dottore running to him in full speed with sword on hand but before he could even get close, a giant dome of dendro enveloped him, taking him away from everyone. “I can lead you to them but you need to grab them fast”, he recognized the voice as the Dendro Archon herself. 
“Why should I trust you?” he asked. He doesn’t have trust in anyone, especially archons. The dendro archon could be trapping him right now as they talk and he can’t help but raise his weapon. “I may not be as powerful as the other archons but I will never let my voice let someone astray.” In a flash he found himself deep within the Akademiya’s library and before he knew it, Scaramouche was running. 
Way before the three moons hang in the sky, the world is enveloped in darkness. Humans prosper within daylight but whenever the sun goes down fear and terror also prospers. Alarmed, a young god of kindness and humility from above the sky asked the highest for their favour: they asked for the stars and the moons. Soon, the night is loved like people do when the sun is out but the young god knows the rule of the world. IF you want something, you have to pay the price. The bigger the demand, the bigger exchange. 
Soon, the young god is now walking alongside mortals. They taught everyone how to be safe at night, how to take care of everyone, and most of all how to be kind. But nothing in this world stays the same. People rose to power, so did the newer gods. With Violence and bloodshed and teachings of kindness all forgotten, the young god then vanished. 
He didn’t waste any time to take them out of the structure that they are currently sleeping in. “I’m going to take you and everyone away from here. I will handle my people.” He heard the dendro archon once again speak before they got transported near Varanara. Maybe Varanara needs to be locked in the dream longer to keep everyone safe. 
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Taglists: @uchihaeirin | @chihawari | @tinandabin
@eccedentesiast-sapphic | @zuri-feather
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Being Bloodhounds Younger Sibling
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Reader: General Netural | "you"/Y/n | Platonic
Notes: I really liked this
Warnings: one accidental walk in scene nothing explicit
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Bloodhound has always been very protective of you
Bloodhound taught you everything you needed to know
From multiple languages, Both the lauange of your people and of the diffrent worlds and too hunt using the old ways
Often they would try and keep you back, but you couldnt help but be excited to follow
You didnt know your parents like Bloodhound did, and they did there best to teach you as they would have.
You've picked up wood carving, especially on long hunts where you feel you do nothing but sit.
You often carve into the trees as well
When you were around the age where bloodhound lost there parents, they realized you were going amongst your own struggles.
No. Not Death, or Romance, Or Identity crisis
But rather your hearing
They realized you started loosing your hearing: it weak at first, not hearing things here and there, to not hearing things: like sticks crack infront of you
Your loosing your hearing and though you dont go deaf completely before they leave
Yet over time its clear you'll get there.
From then on, Bloodhound tries and make up a sign lauange for the two of you: its not exactly understandable to others, and some people are trying to learn it as well as you run around showing the kids your age
But with what limmited literal knowledge bloodhound manages to come out uptop, as they always do in your eyes.
Bloodhound's big day, coming of age hunt, was...worse than you anticipated it
You still young didnt really realize what your older sibling had done wrong
But it made bloodhound mad, and they even snapped
With immediate regret they apologized but still didnt let you have the burden of what was happening.
So when bloodhound went to...redeem themselves you werent expecting an attack on the village by the monster thats been plauging the village.
With your uncle now dead, Bloodhound was now leaving...
You were confused on exactly what your older sibling, your only family was leaving for.
"I'll see you when you come back?"
"When I come back." Bloodhound spoke louder than normal, accompanied with a nodded
Bloodhound watched the child nod, it. Saddening. Yet....relieving.
Nothing bad could happen to you with themself gone.
Days turned into Weeks, weeks into months, months into years, years into a decade...
Since Bloodhounds leaving you hadn't really fit in anywhere, adults labeled you back luck, a bad omen, kids were told to stay away from you, people talked about you infront of you and behind your back.
So....you left.
You get lost that is. Going anywhere but nowhere
In the deep snow you come across tracks, bears, small, one set, a cub.
Following them you find the little guy stuck.
New animal friend acquired.
After all he follows you on your heels for the next three miles
Hes small but he wont be small for long
He fits in your pack for now, and sticks his head out as you make your way.
Days and days of walking, camping and more walking
you finally see smoke, bad smoke, and push your way forward, maybe you could find people that way.
Turns out, your days of walking is brought by more walking
And you accidentally throw yourself into the apex games, (Duos to be exact)
Turns out the apex games were goin on in your very own backyard.
Luckily you and your new friend you yet to name have battle expirence under your noses.
You dont really seen anybody till you turn a corner at the bridge and run straight into metal.
Pathfinder luckily.
"You must be my teammate." He spoke happily, "I was wondering when you'd show!"
"Team...mate?" Y/n asked uncertain if they heard the bot infront of them.
"Highfive! Teammate!" He spoke happily, lifting his hand up.
Y/n looked at him confused but placed there hand on his, his screen lighting up in a smile causing them to flinch.
You were intrested, and because Pathfinder amd you met, you introduce him to your friend.
The bear in your backpack
"That is a bear!" He cheered, "what is name?"
Y/n hadnt come up with one, "oh. Uh. Bear?"
"Highfive Bear!"
Pathfinder sadly did not receive a highfive from Bear
But rather a growl in happiness and was the set down.
So you three contuined, and Pathfinder called out any weapons he seen for you
"You may like a Sentinel if you are new to this! Keeps yourself in the background!" Pathfinder commented holding the snipper in hand.
He stopped, watching Y/n look out in the distance, they looked. Solemn. Alone even despite the two new friends at there sides.
Pathfinder tapped Y/n's shoulder, Y/n turning around.
"You have a hard time hearing!" Pathfinder spoke loudly.
"Sorry." Y/n apologized.
"Will captions help you?" Pathfinder spoke.
Words showed up on Pathfinder's screen.
Perhaps words would be easier, y/n looked at the screen.
"I...dont know what that is." Y/n responded, unknowing how to read.
"Perhaps I shall just speak louder then! It is no problem!" Pathfinder chimed, "Please take this weapon!"
Y/n shook there head, "That is forbidden."
Pathfinder was confused, how did you even make it in the games?
But as you were discussing: a bullet past by the two of you.
Turning heads you both looked at a larger Islander Male and a Red head Jamaican girl.
"Poor bastards." She laughed her accent thick as Pathfinder Grabbed Y/n, both rushing for cover.
Bear rushing after the two, Y/n grabbing Bear before he slid across the metal floor.
You both were pinned, and you looked over the crate.
"Stay." Y/n ordered Bear, pulling an axe from there bag
You rushed the two, Pathfinder covering you as you were quick to climb the zipline with the axe in your mouth
Making it up quick you went for Lifeline, a strong kick into the underside of the jaw and then the but of the axe to the side of the head while Pathfinder handled the big guy.
You actually ended rocking Gibraltar's war club and your own Axe.
"May the Allfather guide there souls." Y/n spoke.
Wait. Allfather?
Pathfinder's heard that somewhere.
But he cant find where in his processors wheres he's heard that
With Bear giving out a growl in worry he'd be left down below, Y/n slid down and let Bear come back into there pack before climbing back up
"This is the ring!" Pathfinder explained pointing at his screen, "We are outside of it! We'll need to venture inside! And while so we may run into teams! Fun killing!"
When had killing become fun?
Y/n was silent though, as the two contuined on.
No guns were used by Y/n, just axe and warclub
And when they found Revenant and Mad Maggie, that Sycthe was added to the collection.
They didnt really run into to many people after that.
The two were walking across a bridge, exposed and out in the open
"Ay got two enemies out there. With two squadies left." Fuse spoke up, Krabber in hand aimed and ready to fire, "Got Pathfinder and some new kid. Take a look babe."
Bloodhound kneeled down next to Fuse, and Fuse detacted the scope and handed it over.
"I see the MRVN looting," Bloodhound explained, shifting the sights over before zooming in, the face unclear as there head was looking inside the crate, Pathfinder looked to be explaining things inside.
"No..." Bloodhound spoke, "That person. They are from my Village."
"Eh? Someone I gotta worry about for your hand in Marraige?" Fuse joked.
Bloodhound was in no mood, "They have a bear in there backpack. That isnt a competitor-"
"Such a shame." Loba spoke up, Pistol pressed to the back of Fuse's head, "I knew you were getting old but not that old."
"Hi bloodhound! Fuse!" Vantage waved to the two happily trigger ready to pull the trigger.
"Please. I ask for a truce-"
Loba laughed, "oh?"
"That person with Pathfinder. Is from my Village- they're not suppose to be here-"
"I could careless-"
"Show some compassion would ya?!" Fuse argued.
"They're family?" Vantage asked.
"They're trying to trick you!" Loba argued, "Whoever that is. Will kill us! They've already killed!"
Vantage looked at the two, "alright."
"I'll do it myself!"
Two headshots later there was only two squads left.
"Looks like you were busy-"
"Shit! Ambush!-" Loba shouted, Pathfinder ziplining straight into her, sending her over the cliff to fall to her death.
Meanwhile Y/n jumped off some crates Vantage too impressed to move, it ending her time as she followed Loba off the cliff.
"We have our champions!"
"We won!" Pathfinder cheered, "We're the best!"
Y/n watched as a flying ball came into view, it had a camera as they looked at it confused, face covered in blood and confused as they looked at the thing.
"Damn kid!" Revenant shouted he on the drop ship, they all watching the two new championship.
"It is a shame we hadn't met in battle. An intresting challenge they would have been." Ash declared.
"You gonna be alright there?" Fuse asked, ice pack in hand, a nasty headcahe from the headshot.
Bloodhound nodded, back to everyone, secluded with there face uncovered and helmet off.
"I." They sighed, "Will be alright."
Fuse smiled at them, it small and fulled of concern.
"Really..thank you my Walter." Bloodhound spoke holding Walter's hand in reassurance.
"Oh my flyers!" Vantage shouted rushing over, "I'm sorry! I really am! I would of liked to help really!"
"Woah! Woah! Pup!" Fuse stopped Vantage from comin to close, "Houndy's not really comfortable infront of others without. Ya know."
"Right! Sorry!"
Bloodhound carefully put themselves back together before turning to the younger legend.
"I understand, as well as the predictiment. I congratulate you on your sucesful Slatra and Victory. The all father blesses you today."
"Me? No! No!" Vantage smiled, "That person from your village! They won! With Pathfinder. See!"
Bloodhound turned toward the screen.
A stagename given to them already 'The Nameless'
But nameless they weren't.
"Y/n..." Bloodhound responded longing, sadness, in the modulated voice, "Oh...my Y/n... what have you done..."
Fuse is lost. "YOUR" Y/n?
Confused Australian noises
When the ship picks the champions up, all are confused.
Where the fuck did you come from?
No one really considers your win a win.
And the Bear that comes crawling out your pack scares the fuck out of Mirage.
They ears didnt pick up the soft call of there name, but there eyes caught the figure.
"Bad blood between the two?" Mirage whispered causing Rampart to elbow him, earing an Ow.
They were floored, watching the figure so familiar walk over. Diffrent in armour yes, but the allfather told Y/n who was truly infront of them.
Bloodhound stopped just a few steps away from Y/n. Y/n quickly fell to there knees, lifting the weapons of there bidding up in there hands above there head.
Bloodhound's gloved hand reached forward grabbing Y/n's hand, signalling them to rise to there feet.
"Weapons of my battle." Y/n responded, blinking erratically to dismiss the tears, "Slátra for the All father! Gifts for my leader."
Bloodhound held out there hands as Y/n handed them over, all of the damage with such simple weapons.
They slipped from Bloodhound's hands to the floor. Reaching over they quickly hugged Y/n.
Y/n unable to hold in any more tears as they cried and hard.
"I missed you! So much!" Y/n cried.
Bloodhound pulled away only to pull down there mask and place a hard kiss on Y/n's cheek, hugging them again.
"Are you crying?" Bangalore asked.
"What? No." Valkyire argued, a lie, "Okay. Its making me miss my dad-"
Bangalore was surpised but sighed as Valkyire hugged her.
It some how became contagious, hugs went around.
"I love you man!" Octane cried.
"Haha! Alright Alright!" New Castle laughed.
"Come on girlfriend!" Pathfinder cheered.
"No- No!-" Ash argued Pathfinder hugging her anyways.
"One dont hurt." Rampart smiled at Mirage.
"Neither does two." Horzion cheered bringing them both into hugs.
Vantage watched, it something she desperately wanted, affection, but none of that werid kissy stuff.
"Need a hug kid?" Fuse asked, "I could do with one."
"Im not hugging you Demonio."
"Didnt expect one."
Bloodhound was all over you, wipping away the blood from your face mostly, gentle seeing a cut.
You missed this...this contact... there hands bare against your face.
They were always motherly to you, but fatherly in some ways.
Careful with you, but not so Careful like you'd break
You were...confused by them at the same time. This new bloodhound was...new. (duh)
And you didnt like the man staring at them from across the room
"There..." Bloodhound responded, "another to add to the collection.
Y/n left over the small butterfly bandages.
"I see you have no choose the way of the Raven." Bloodhound responded turning there head to watch Arthur tease the bear cub with it's tail feathers.
"...I...Im sorry." Y/n responded, "I...cannot hear you completely..."
"I know someone who can help," Bloodhound spoke louder, "They're always up for a new modification-"
"Someone said Modification!?" Rampart spoke up.
"But...we are-"
"I know." Bloodhound spoke grabbing Y/n's hand, "but we cannot keep denying the future to live in our past."
"Is...that why you left the tribe. Why you left....me..."
"No. Never." Bloodhound told holding there cheek, "I am a coward and should be shamed for what I did...to the tribe. To you. I am ashamed what I did to you. I am sorry. I beg for your forgiveness."
Y/n just hugged Bloodhound again. Bloodhound holding them tight
Fuse is a ball of fire sitting across the room.
"Hey egg. Stop throwin a hissy fit and ask." Maggie argued.
It was an understatement saying you were attached to Bloodhound.
Now people were your fans, you had to go into the Apex Games as an actual contestant.
Luckily you were allowed in, and given a room across from Bloodhound's
So with your new room and few things you own, aka you barely full pack, the chlothes on your back a bear, and the weapons from battle
Right you wanted to give those back.
You take your time, cleaning each one, sharpening them,
Gibraltar's wowed by your skill when you deliever it to him all prestige and pretty
"Wow! You're good!"
"It is your weapon. It should be with you."
Like said Gibraltar's thankful
Then you get to Revenant's room knocking on the door
He hates you due to humiliation.
But has to admit...you know how to sharpen your shit
You thank him, even if he just took it, after all you did use it, then just leave
And spend more time catching up with your older sibling
Fuse is kinda ticked off for the rest of the week.
He had no idea who you were, a sibling especially
You were young, good looking, strong, not afraid to show emotion.
Plus you had a fucking bear.
And shared culture with Houndy
Oh he thinks he's so fucked.
"Aye. Houndy. Can. I." Fuse started walking into the room, "Talk to ya."
Bloodhound looked over, "is everything alright My Walter?"
Walter closed the door behind himself, walking over to take a seat, Bloodhound bare faced,feeding Arthur.
"This...new kid."
"What about Y/n?" Bloodhound asked.
"Did...ya know 'em. Ya know before the games."
Bloodhound chuckled, "I hope I did. Y/n before I left my village was...more than the all father to me. My everything..."
Bloodhound was silent, stroking Arthur's neck.
"I...left Y/n there...my greatest, and most devistating decisions." Bloodhound responded, "One should not abandon family...and I did...I thought perhaps leaving them there...they'd be better off, I was just scared of facing what Y/n had thought of me after the attack."
Fuse was even more mad at himself, of course they were siblings
Ah but jealously is a bitch
It was when Athur flew threw the open window you were confused.
Was it not feeding time?
He took to your arm as he use to so often.
And you walked over to Houndey's room.
"I believe Arthur came to pout to me about the lack of food-"
Y/n was frozen, in place, watching there sibling stripped of there top, sitting ontop another legend in a very much less clothed stature than there sibling.
"By The Allfather!"
Y/n quickly slammed the door, face red in blush as they backed up slowly in shock.
✧▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ▬✧
Pt 2?
Tags: @chase-ing
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aeksion-aekse · 4 months
Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings & Stern Meetings
tag list 🏷️: @eiralune @noeverse @mini-kunoichi @rozendiors @flippydippydoo
word count: 1276 words
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It was another day in the Red Keep and as always, a sunny yet slightly cloud filled sky was on full display, the Keep quiet as all who inhabited it went about their day. Such was usual and standard procedure in the Keep, wandering the halls, tending to important duties and matters….the same paced days that occurred. 
The royal family that ruled the Seven Kingdoms was House Targaryen: King Viserys I, Queen Alicent Hightower, Prince Aegon II, Prince Regent Aemond, Princess Helaena and….a rather unusual and peculiar guest, Princess of Storm’s End Brinaera Baratheon. Highly unorthodox befell the poor bastard girl that led her to live with the royal family since the mere age of three, yet she was treated as if she were of Targaryen blood. As the years would go on, Brinaera never once wavered on her loyalty, as she owed the entirety of the royal family her life, she loved them as if they were her blood. They were her home, her family.
Brinaera, the young Baratheon was no longer a mere girl but now rather a young woman, the ripe age of 19 years old. She was like the most exquisite and fully bloomed rose covered in droplets of rain water on a spring’s day….simply breathtaking and beautiful. She was such a thing of  elegance and refinement. But with such a precocious reputation and personality often came expectations of all sorts, towering higher than a dragon’s flight. 
The young Baratheon girl resided in her private bedchambers, sat in front of the vanity she had and stared into the mirror, admiring the reflection staring back at her as she brushed the luscious locks of long, thick flowing dark brunette hair, humming a song to herself. She had on a rather stunning sanguine red dress, adorned by gold and garnet jewelry, as it complimented her features well, the curves of her short yet thick body filling the fabric out well. As she continued her regime, a soft knock could be heard on the door of her bedchambers, causing the young woman to snap out of her little self induced trance. 
“Come in.” Her voice was soft and sweet yet just demanding enough. As the door opened up, one of Brinaera’s own handmaidens stuck her head in, speaking in a quite timid tone of voice. “Lady Brinaera, you are wanted in the throne room at the request of the King himself.” The Princess of Storm’s End turned to look up and face the servant and smiled a small yet sweet smile, nodding her head as she stood up, smoothing out the fabric of her dress. “Thank you, darling, I appreciate you letting me know. Would you care to lead me?” The mousy little maiden couldn’t help but stare at Brinaera a little surprised and wide eyed, confused but didn’t dare question her. Instead she shyly nodded her head, leading the young princess to the throne room.
Brinaera’s POV
I had my dear handmaiden lead me into the throne room, only to see it completely filled. Every important Lord and Lady possible was there, the septa and maester, servants and maidens, kingsguard, the small council and of course the royal family themself. I smile small and walk towards my usual spot next to King Viserys and Queen Alicent’s children, standing beside them. I smile at all three of them and get a different response from all of them. Aegon eyes me up and down as usual, Helaena offering me a sweet smile and Aemond giving me a small ghost of a grin. I look up at Aemond and return his little subtle grin, raising a brow slightly, letting out a hum reminiscent of his own little hums, muttering under my breath, my tone teasing and full of humor.
“It isn’t polite to stare, sapphire, didn’t anyone ever teach you that?” Aemond just let out a small hum and leaned down slightly, muttering under his breath, the gaze of his single bluish violet eye fixated on me as he spoke. “Any living creature with eyesight would stare, little fawn.” I let out a silent chuckle at Aemond’s amusing little statement, covering my mouth with my hand. “Such titillating conversation already, dear Prince Regent and it is not even half the day yet. As always, Aemond.” Aemond lets out another hum and has his hands behind his back as he stands close beside me. “No one else can hold a conversation the way you do, dear opal.” 
I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes in a playful and teasing manner at Aemond’s words, as he always knew just what to say. In most instances, he was a man of few words, but it seemed that I was able to bring out a side of him most would be unaware of. Our small little conversation died off as soon as King Viserys spoke, his voice not quite so loud but spoke with purpose. “It has come to my attention that some rather….unsavory rumors have come about our dear Brinaera. She has been in our care since she was the mere age of three. None of you even care enough to get to know the poor girl yet you judge her and spread such vile and baseless rumors? By the Seven, you all disgrace me.”
Every single person in the throne room had gone silent, the tension so thick and palpable, it could be cut with the greatest sword in all the Seven Kingdoms. After a moment, King Viserys spoke up once more, the frustration at a front. “Have none of you a thing to say? That she is nothing more than a mere bastard child, that she is a witch, that this– this darling girl is no better than the mere whores that roam the streets of Flea Bottom. I do not wish to hear any more of these forsaken rumors and anyone who dares to so much as entertain them will lose their tongues along with their lives.”
I go slightly wide eyed and as my gaze meets the ones of Aegon, Aemond and Helaena, I can’t help but cover my mouth with my hand to hide the grin forming across my lips. I then feel eyes on me and see that it was King Viserys, as well as Queen Alicent staring at me, their brows raised at me in a curious manner. The first to speak was the Queen “Darling, is there something you wish to say in front of all these people?” 
I shift my gaze to stare at all who gathered in the throne, my hazel eyes scanning across them all one by one as if analyzing who believed such words and who didn’t. I smile a small yet charming smile and let out a hum before speaking, my voice flowing out smoothly like the finest wine in Westeros. “In all honesty, I am not all that surprised that such….frivolous rumors are spreading across the Keep like a plague. However I am surprised at how quickly they are to be believed. Because words are exactly that: a plague. You are freethinking citizens and are free to choose whatever it is you wish to believe. But heed my word when I say you may not like where your beliefs will lead you to. I may be a mere warg, but I am here in the care of House Targaryen for a reason. Make no mistake.”
All of those standing in the room had each wore a different expression, but one thing was for certain:  Just who was this girl? What was she capable of?
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