#wouldn't wish that kind of hunger on anyone
goldlightsaber · 9 months
lately i've been becoming more aware of the fact that i have lot of very unhealthy beliefs ingrained in me around success, failing and losing, being "cool", needing to "win", etc and boy i can't wait to hash it all out in therapy
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nanaloveswo-men · 5 months
pairing: nanami x reader (sfw, implicit that you have a relationship) summary: the firsts years lost nanami's cat. you were called to help. nanami isn't happy. wc: 2.7 i want to write more about nanami, you and his (yours) cat
requests are open!
"sensei!" itadori feel the relieve filling his body as soon as you pick up the phone.
honestly, you kind of wish to never know what is happening, because if itadori is calling you, certainly, nothing good will come out of it. still, you have a job to do while you are his teacher.
you try to sound as polite as possible when answering him.
"hi yuji! is everything okay?" 'impossible' your mind quickly answer.
you hear some noises in the back of the call, and immediately you recognize the other voices.
"don't sound so hopeless" nobara shout at her friend, and you can perfectly imagine the two of them.
"stop screaming at my ear! she's going to hear you." yuji whisper, or at least try to, but you end up hearing the same way.
you think if yaga is going to be mad if you hang up on three freshmen that can possibly be in a death-or-life situation. maybe he wouldn't mind at all...
"yuji, where are you?" you ask already picking your keys, ready to save their asses.
more noises happen in the background, and you wonder if they are fighting with each other. the phone goes silently for a moment, and have to look down at the scream to see if the call was ended.
unfortunately, it was not. "i'm sorry to bother you, but we need your help" of course, the last one of the trio appears: megumi.
megumi tried his best to get away from the trouble duo but he is sure that you still could hear some screams. itadori's screams, you think. yeah, they are definitely fighting, and apparently, nobara is winning.
you signed trying to think why the bombastic trio of the jujutsu high need your help. neither of the options in your mind is good. "megumi, can you put on the speaker?"
after some seconds, you can hear the trio perfectly. "first of all, you three need to calm down, and explain why you need my help" before any of them talk, you continue "and nobara, you can't kill yuji yet, so stop beating him." she isn't happy to obey, but you hear itadori thanking you.
"okay, now you can tell me what happened" and again you can hear itadori, nobara and megumi talking at the same trying. each of them giving their version of the history. "only one of you!!" you scream interrupting them.
they fight for a little more before itadori finally speak. "you know, nanamin is on a work travel" he starts "and he kindly asked me if i could take care of his cat."
'more like i begged him for that' yuji remembers from a couple of days ago.
last month, gojo asked if nanami could watch itadori on his next mission, and even though he didn't want to, (or at least this was what he tried to convience you about) he accept. after killing the curse, kento offered to buy a snack for yuji (he couldn't let the boy die from hunger, he explained) and that was when itadori discovered that nanami owned a cat.
he saw a picture of it on his wallet. 'her name is angeline' nanami said because yuji keep calling his pretty cat "it".
the boy tried to convince his professor to let him meet angeline in person, but nanami would never let that happen. not when he was still alive.
angeline was a well-being animal. nanami made his number one priority to treat his cat like she deserved. the best food, weekly pet shop appointments, all the toys she needed to entertain herself when he was away, cuddle when he was at home. everything for her to be happy.
meeting anyone from his work (except from you, angeline absolutely adored you), teacher or student, would mean an stressful experience for the poor cat.
on the week nanami would be out of town on a work trip, he was ready to ask if you could take care of angeline, but yuji was faster than him.
"nanamin, please! i promise that i'm going to take good care of her." he begged for the last ten minutes, and kento was closing to explode "i won't make her stressed, and i can even video call you to see her anytime you want."
nanami signed. he would regret this, he was sure. but maybe he should follow your advice. trust people more. he could do this.
"alright itadori, you can take care of her."
but now yuuji was thinking that maybe nanami shouldn't have trust him.
"we were on a mission, so i thought it was a good idea to bring kugisaki and fushiguro with me, and everything was ok, we feed the cat, and played a bit with her, but then-" itadori was growing more and more nervous with each word coming out of his mouth.
megumi and nobara weren't different. the three of them could feel the cold sweat running down their temples.
you were just like them. of course, you knew anything good could come from itadori when he called you. but still, this was going for the worst scenario possible.
"yuji, where is angeline?" you ask, hoping, hell, even praying for the best.
itadori ignores you and continues his story. "we got hungry and run to the convenience, it was really quick, we didn't stay there for more than 10 minutes, but in our way back to the apartment kugisaki saw a dress, and then-"
yuji's voice is cut off and substituted by megumi.
"we got here, and the door was open. the cat was gone. we can't find it." you can hear itadori screaming in the background 'her name is angeline!'
everything pauses for a moment. you can't hear your students fighting. you can't hear any noise. actually, you feel nothing. your mind is completely blank.
and suddenly you remember how much angeline means to kento.
you and nanami been in a relationship for the past months, and since the begginig, he made sure to let you know how much he loved the little cat.
"itadori is the one who let the door open. blame him" nobara's voice took you out of your trance.
"i'm coming, don't move a muscle." you say briefly before ending the call.
in your whole life, you never expected to be in such conditions. you, a teacher, someone that can kill the most deadly curses, locked with your three students, desperately trying to find a cat.
you were still at the apartment with megumi, both of you looking everywhere in hope for angeline to still be here.
at this point, you were already using humiliating techniques.
"pspspspspspsps come here, it's me" knelling near the couch, you tried to call one more time "come on, angeline, you like me, yeah? then come here" you looked under the couch again, hoping that the cat would miraculously appear.
nothing, as expected.
even megumi was on the edge now, one of his shinigamis with itadori and nobara, while the other was stucked in the apartment with you. even the divine dog looked tired.
"megumi, don't you have, like, a divine cat? maybe we could pretend angeline was one of your shinigamis the whole time" you said throwing your body on the couch. at this point, you were already thinking of ways to calm nanami down. maybe you could convince him that his cat was something that only existed in his imagination?
"i don't think this will solve the problem" megumi sit on the chair near you, sad that kento would be disappointed at him. "i think that we can blame gojo-sensei, say that he broke into the house and let the cat scape."
you laugh a little, happy and a little worried to see megumi's funny side. "that's a good idea." you hum back, looking directly at the boy sitting next to you, only to get a look of his serious face.
he was talking for real. he won't disappoint nanami.
"let's wait for your friends to return, right? maybe they got luckier than us here." you try to easy the mood a bit, gently petting the divine dog lying on the carpet.
after some minutes, you finally hear running footsteps, which you presume are itadori and nobara. you and megumi quickly stand up, glaring at the door.
when itadori enters in your vision, you are already screaming at him.
"did you find angeline?" both, you and yuuji shout at each other at the same time.
"i think we're fucked" nobara says.
the four of you sit on the couch in completely silence, now, there was only on thing you could do. call kento.
obviously, no one wanted to do that.
'itadori was the one who let the door open." megumi defended himself.
kugisaki is quick to get her ass out of the way too. "he is the one that is responsible for the cat."
now, yuji had to be smart, otherwise, he would really have to call nanami, and he didn't want to get scolded. at least not in front of everyone.
knowing that he couldn't do anything incredible, he used his best technique. puppy eyes.
'damn kiddo' you think looking at the boy. you had nothing to do with the situation, why would you be the one calling nanami? you knew you would regret picking up the phone.
you sigh, feeling defeat by a bunch of kids. "i will do it. but you own me. the three of you." you reach for your phone from the pocket of your jacket.
you swallow the knot on your throat. praying that maybe nanami wouldn't answer.
as always, the world isn't on your side. maybe today wasn't your day at all.
"hey, kento! how is your trip going?" you answer, choosing your best calm voice.
you can feel the trio tensing up by your side, and for a moment you think that nanami will be able to hear their quick heartbeat.
"i'm almost finish, i'll be home tomorrow. why are you calling this time?"
of course, he would suspect. you usually call him at night, when you both would be already lying in bed, ready to sleep. "well, nothing you know, just feeling like checking on you would be good, you know?
nanami is silently for a moment. "why are you repeating sentences?" you fucked up. "what is happening?"
kento knew you better than you had thought previously.
"let's get into a hypothetically situation. if angeline went for a walk outside, and didn't come back until now, how mad would you be on a scale to 1-10?" you try to easy the water you're getting into.
but nanami isn't having any of your bullshit. "what are you saying? did you lose angeline?" you can feel the rage on his voice, and for a moment you think that maybe you should follow megumi's advice and blame gojo.
"so, 10 then?" nanami almost growls, and if this was any other moment, you would actually find it really hot. but not now.
"of course it would be a 10! now tell me, where the fuck is my cat?" oh, he is already cursing. time to hang up.
the trio tremble by your side, clearly hearing how much nanami is pissed off.
"well, so good that angeline is right hear with us, safe and pretty." you say absolutely not convincing the blonde on the other side of the phone. "unfortunately i have to hang up now, but it was a pleasure to talk to you.".
"us? who is there-" you click on the red button on the screen before kento can say another word.
you look at the trio, nobara and megumi by yuji side, both of them gently patting his shoulder. you can even see a dark aura hovering itadori's head. he was depressed.
your heart aches a bit. after all, you took pity on them. of course, yuji had fucked up, no doubt, but he was doing his best, trying to impress his teacher.
"no time to be sad!! get your ass to work!" you say, getting in front of them. you give their heads a little slap, getting their attention. "let's look everywhere again, starting with the apartment."
yuji, megumi and nobara look at you, feeling motivated again. (maybe megumi wasn't, but he wouldn't ruin the mood for his friends). the three of you scream together, ready for another hunting round (megumi think that you lost your mind).
nobara is the first to run around, throwing the cushions off the cushion crazy searching for a cat. yuji follows her, checking the living room cabinet. you look absolutely proud of them (megumi is sure that all of you lost your minds).
itadori is on all fours looking under the sofa. nobara is searching inside the fridge. megumi is almost falling off the window trying to see if angeline is outside. you are standing in the middle of the living room, phone in hand, the screen showing gojo's contact, you were ready to ask for his help. maybe he could expand his cursed energy and search for angeline.
a little meow coming from the door get your attention. four pair of eyes turn to where the sound came from.
a pretty cat sitting by the door. her pink tongue slowly cleaning her little paws.
your world pause for a moment. 'thank you' you thank no one at all.
"hellooooo, why are you calling the stronger sorcerer?" gojo finally answer your call, but now you didn't need him anymore. you just end the call without saying anything.
you walk to angeline, quickly cupping her on your arms, afraid that maybe she could run away again. megumi closes the door, a heavy sigh leaving his throat.
the cat in question only innocent look at you, like she didn't almost killed four (five if you want to count nanami) people from a heart attack.
the cat in question only innocent look at you, like she didn't almost kill four (five if you want to count nanami) people from a heart attack.
"angelineeee!" yuji is... crying? you see the tears running down his face. happy tears. he tried to hug angeline, but she didn't want his fluids on her fresh cleaned fur.
"MEOW!" she protested squirming on your arms, and you giggle getting her message.
"get off from the cat with your catarrh" nobara says pointing to yuji's dirty nose.
itadori stops, and a devilish idea appears on his mind. "then give me a hug yourself, kugisaki." he hums walking to his friend.
you laugh, seeing that even megumi got caught on the little chase. finally able to breathe again, you smile to yourself. angeline was safe. kento would be so happy.
"i'm never trusting any of your advices again" nanami murmur to you. he was finally back to home. angeline was on his arms again. "trust people more, you say" he was still a bit irritated.
you roll your eyes, getting comfortable against his shoulder, happy to smell his cologne. "yuji did a good job. in the final moments he screwed up a bit, but in overall, he was great." you defended him as always.
angeline meows at you, almost like she was agreeing with you. even kento was caught by surprise.
"it doesn't matter, next time i'm bringing you with me." nanami says kissing the cat head, but looking right into your eyes.
tilting your head to the side, you ask "are you talking to me, or with angeline?"
"both." he is quick to answer.
yesterday, itadori and kugisaki were searching for angeline
"i found her!" nobara happily says, holding a cat on the air.
yuji looks on her direction, surprised, until he saw the animal she was holding.
a random cat, not even the colors mach.
"kugisaki, this cat looks nothing like angeline." he screams, mad at her.
nobara just put the stray animal on the floor. "i tried.".
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As If Destiny (part two)🌹
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Part One🌹
Summary: You've always been kind hearted yet admirably defiant. Or that is at least one of the ways Coriolanus Snow would describe you. Ever since grade school, you have always been on the same level as him in academics and one of his few competitors for the Plinth Prize. But as tragedy struck your family, Coriolanus thought you would fall away from his life, but instead, you got even more intertwined (not to mention the complicated past knots tying your families together).
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
The rest of the day went by quick, with you avoiding Coriolanus as much as possible.
You attempted to be subtle and it probably would have worked on anyone else (besides Sejanus) but Snow was far too intelligent and analytical to not take notice. It was lunch hour and you had made it this far through the day and internally begged that he had long forgotten, but of course, he didn't.
You and Sejanus were in deep conversation about the new renovations occurring in the Capital park and how you were planning on going down there one day and help with the planting and such. Well you were -untill the smack of a lunch tray was heard next to you. You and Sejanus both look up to see a slight smile on Coryo's lips.
"Seat taken?"
Sejanus quickly gestured for him to take his seat with a bright smile while you moved your chair to make more space for you both as he sat next to you while Sejanus was across you both.
"No. Nope. You both are going to be bickering all of lunch and I would like to enjoy my meal in the PEACEFUL company of my friends."
"That was dramatic, even for you, Snow." You playfully chided with a grin.
You baited him and he readily took it, refuting that he has never been or is dramatic. You open your both to refute him when your mutual friend cut you both off
You both shut up at that, you with a slight pout that made Coryo laugh. You were ready to roast the man alive when you got a painful kick to the shin by Sejanus as a warning. With a quick glare, you went back to your meal that consisted of a hearty sandwich and a few fruits on the side along with a cookie for desert. Both boys had a similar portion, Coriolanus with a little more.
It was indeed peaceful as the three of you ate your meal and stared out the vast windows to the beautiful capital. In a quite whisper, Coryo turns to you and asks "How's your wrist?"
You turn to him a bit surprised and embarrassed. You looked into his clear blue eyes and assured him you were completely fine and thanked him for pointing it out. He nodded along but was clearly waiting for you to elaborate. It makes sense why he was waiting. Why did you have so much blood and how did you not feel it?
You were thinking about telling him that it was your mother's. Your peers knew that she was ill and they, along with their parents, sent their well wishes.
But they didn't know how bad it was. No one besides you, father, house staff, and the Plinths, who have become a second family to you.
You always wondered if the wishes were truly sincere. Your mother, Cloria, was an absolute darling of the Capital and everyone loved her so it wouldn't be surprising if they were but then again, they mostly sent them towards the way of your father. He wasn't a cruel or hateful man and a rather good father and person but he was one of the most powerful people in the Capital, thus Panem, and people would be willing to do anything to get on his good side in hopes of sharing that power.
"Are you not hungry, Y/N?" Coriolanus asks you.
You spaced out again. great. You shake your head and offer your lunch to him, seeing as he already finished his and heard his stomach grumble.
"Oh, no that's okay, thank you!"
He flashes you his charming smile that might have caught you off guard but right now, you frankly didn't care. You simply just pushed the tray in his direction until it nearly pushed off his prior tray off the table while you entered the conversation he and Sejanus were having when you were in your head.
The rest of lunch and school day went fine, no more mysterious blotches of blood or the curious stare of those beautiful blue eyes. You made your routine walk home and checked in with your mother, who looked somehow even worse than this morning. She was fast asleep but looked in so much pain and her slight jerks proved your assumption right.
He, like you, never stopped thinking about her and always stayed by her side the second he made it home.
You were questioning whether or not to wake her when the sound of your father's footsteps interrupted. You turned around and gave him a quick hug while he placed a quick kiss on your hairline.
He gave the usual small talk on how school is and how Sejanus is doing. He asked those questions and gave replies to all of your responses but he never once took his eyes off his wife.
You let him know you were going to freshen up and head over to the Plinths and with one last hug, you were on your way.
As soon as your turned, you heard him enter your mother's makeshift hospital room within your penthouse. You sighed thinking about Sejanus's comment on how you were suffering. As you changed and cleaned off, you pondered.
You knew he didnt mean you were suffering like your mother, in physical pain. But were you like your father? You would argue you weren't, you weren't losing the love of your life, the mother of your child. And could you be suffering if you tried to spend as much time away from her as possible?
You weren't suffering, you were a coward. When news of your mother spread, you know some of your peers were slightly pleased, even if with no mal intention, as it was expected that your grades and performance would slip. But it actually turned out to be the exact opposite. You threw yourself in your assignments, the only peace you found besides the warm home of the Plinths. The home, at this point, you have already began the walk to along the paved walkways of the city.
"That was absolutely delicious, thank you Mrs. Plinth" you try to be as cheery as possible. The meal, some sort of opulent wheat mixture with savory fish, was truly one of the best you've ever had and that's saying something in the Plinth house. But you knew you didn't need to have to amplify your reactions in front of them but it felt rude with any other reaction. She opened her mouth "Why thank you darling but please call me m-" her request was cut off by her son clearing his throat.
The table went silent. You all knew that she was going to request you to call her "Ma", as Mrs. Plinth was far too formal for your relationship with her. She already considered you a daughter but she knew the issue calling her ma might cause you. You were at their dinner table to avoid the constant coughes and screams of your actual mother after all.
You send a reassuring smile and she attempts to bring back the causal mood. "So y/n, Sejanus tells me that you both have an enormous paper for Rhaen." You and Sejanus laugh, knowing how much you both complained about your professor to her. You nod in agreement, informing her that you were probably going to head to the libary after dinner to start on it.
Your confession was received with a groan by Sejanus (which was quickly chided by his ma).
"We just got it today y/n. You can wait a few days, you've been doing so much work lately".
You knew he was trying to make sure you don't get too burnt out, especially before graduation, final exams, and the awarding of the Plinth Prize. But you simply shook your head and reiterated that you are going to start the oh so dreaded assignment.
And that's exactly what you did. That night. The night after. And the night after. It was on your fourth night of extreme working conditions that you were interrupted. You were on your conclusion, tens of pages in, when someone cleared their throat above you. You didn't know what time it was as you always worked untill you were kicked out by the librarian.
"Please, I just have a few more sentences and I'll be completely done. And I mean it this time I swear!"
You didn't even bother to look up, trying to finish up as quickly as possible.
"Wait you already finished Rhaens paper?"
That was indeed not the voice of the ancient looking librarian. You look up, eyes in pain from staring down at your paper for so long, and see once again, those deep blue eyes of Coriolanus Snow.
"What are you doing here?"
You ask, extremely curious why he is here so late at night. wait it was night right? You quickly scan the windows in fear of seeing the breaks of dawn. When you were met with pitch black darkness, you breathed a sigh of relief. Relief so deep that you completely forgot the charming blonde was right in front of you.
"I think I should be asking why you are here. And frankly how long have you been here."
He replies to your current state, which you assumed was quite disheveled. You just shrugged and spread your arms to gesture to your piles of books and papers. He nods in uncertainty while analyzing your face, taking in every detail, seemingly to figure out some sort of mystery you didn't understand.
You just stared back waiting for him to ask the clear questions in his mind. But he just kept on analyzing. Your perception of time was completely warped but even you could understand he was taking too long.
"Hey so since you've been staring for so long, how is my skin care routine looking?"
You said in a slightly irritated tone. He was interrupting your precious moments of focus so he could do whatever he was doing.
Seemingly slightly startled, as if he forgot you were there, he shook his head in apology.
"Is this why you don't sleep at night y/n?"He asks.
Now it was your turn to stare at him. More like a weird mixture of gawking, squinting, and glaring. You were going to open your mouth to question him and why in the world Sejanus told him (as he was the only one who knew), but he put his hands up in defense.
"Sejanus didn't tell me if that's what you were thinking. It's clear on your face. You have bags, you look pale, and you are never focused in class. I never wished to ask as I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or attacked."
He confessed the last part a little quieter, seeming to remember your reaction when he pointed out the blood on your sleeve.
You ducked your head, a habit nowadays, and tried to recollect yourself. Figure out some sort of response. If you told him yes, you were days without proper sleep because of your writing, it wouldn't technically be lying. But it didn't feel right. Coriolanus would understand, you were sure of it. You knew he lost his mother and he would sympathize.
You also wanted to assure him you weren't trying to be cutthroat about the Plinth Prize. In fact, you wished he wins it rather than you, he worked harder than you and most definitely than any of your other classmates.
But any response was cut by the voice of the actual ancient looking librarian.
"You said you were just going to get your book and leave young man. We closed ten minutes ago and yet you both, especially you miss, have overstayed. Go home. It's far too late and your families must be worrying. You are academy students are you not?"
Her stern words echoed into the empty libary that you just noticed. You both nodded to her question and she responded with a heavy sigh, shaking her wrinkly head while muttering something about teenagers nowadays. You were going to ponder that if she is upset with you two being good students and dedicated to your work was bad, how were teens back in her days? And you most likley would have ended up down a rabbit hole of thoughts if you didn't notice Coryo picking up your books and putting then in your bag.
"Oh you don't need to do that, I got it!"
You got up, far too fast and nearly fell over. He quickly grabbed you by your arm and pulled you back, steadying you. You stare up at him surprised and still a bit shook as he flashes you "yeah sure you are" kind of look. He finishes up clearing your table before giving you his arm to lead you out the libary, speed walking past the harsh glare of the old woman, a few giggles coming out of you due to your situation.
You and him walked in silence for a few minutes and you took it all in. It was late at night and you were on the arm Coriolanus Snow as he carried your bag and took you home. Once the thought hit you, you were sure that you were blushing, hoping the lights of the Capital didn't illuminate it too much. But it wasn't a bad thought. No, not in the slightest.
You found it endearing, even a slight desire. you are definitely in a hazy state, your voice of reason mentioned at your attempts to delude the intentions of his actions.
"Would it be okay if I took you upstairs? I want to make sure you make it there safely" He wonders as you reach the base of your complex. Aww, he wants to make sure you made it home safely.
His concern was a quick reminder however of your weak state and inability to move nor act (or think, that little voice chimed in) normally. In reality, he probably didn't want to be arrested for your murder because he was simply the last person seen with you before you fell down the stairs because you can't even count the number on your fingers properly.
You nodded and he led the way, opening up the door for you. You weren't really conscious as he clicked the button for the elevator (something you forgot existed in your imagination of how the night would have gone if the boy was not with you) or when you both got to your front door. But your consciousness came in full force and all of your sleepy haze went away as you heard the absolutely horrific screams of your mother.
how did you forget. how did you forget. Somehow, on your entire walk with Coriolanus and when asked if he could take you up, you completely forgot what would be awaiting you. And the absolute horror it must be for him. You quickly turn to him, as he looked like he was going to kick down the door and come to her rescue. You rushed to pull him back, attempting to assure him.
"It's okay Coryo! She just gets like this sometimes. My father is with her and so are nurses. I promise, it's okay. Thank you truly for taking me home, go get some rest".
You try to assure him with a smile, but he wasn't looking at you. He was staring straight ahead at your door, his chest rising up and down in deep pants and breaths. You try to get his attention but it wasn't working, so you put a few finger on his chin and make him look at you.
Looking deep in his eyes, you evenly say "It's okay. Please, just go home Coryo, I'm sure your family is worried where you are."
He says nothing for a moment, simply gazing deep into your sympathetic eyes. In a whisper, his question comes out more as a statement.
"This why you haven't been sleeping?"
You sigh, knowing there is no need to deflect now. You nod and take a breath, ready to turn around and head into your home, knowing you will be up for hours. Then another round of your mother's shrieks hit your ears and you cringed back tears and shuddered at the sound.
You were still close enough to Coryo that you backed up into him in reaction. He quickly wrapped an arm around you protectively, as if he could shield you from her pain. You didn't know what to do, so you just stood there, wrapped by his arm just listening untill it intensified for a quick second as the door opened.
Rhayes, your long-time family chauffeur but who is more of uncle as he has been serving your family since your mother was your age, came out. He seemed stunned and alarmed, you assumed from the scene inside but the way he stared at Coriolanus arm around your torso made you question.
"Apologies, miss y/n, I thought I heard voices".
His eyes flicked over you both once again as he spoke.
You wondered how to explain your situation and were going to move Coryo's arm off you before he interrupted with "No need, we simply came by to let someone know y/n will be staying with my family, if that is alright."
It seemed both you and Rhayes were shocked into stillness. He however recovered much faster.
"Is that so?" He asked skeptically, looking at you for confirmation.
You were thinking about brushing Coriolanus statement off and letting him peacefully rest for the night, not wishing to be a burden to him or his family. But he seemed concerned, was he not? You couldn't trust yourself at this point, but you could trust the slight squeeze he gave with his hand to let you know it was okay.
You nodded your head in agreement and that seemed to worry Rhayes even more, a look of guilt in his eyes.
"Would you please tell my father that I stayed with a friend and will be back tomorrow. I still have work to get done."
Your loyal driver takes in the situation once more and nods his head in obedience, wishing you a good night and well wishes with your ever growing work.
He opened the door into the now silent home as your mother has seemed to have calmed and looked back at you with those deep brown eyes of his, searching for something, as he closed the door. You didn't realize the quick glare however, he sent deep into the eyes of the Snow heir. Once the door was closed, Coryo moved his arm from snaking around your waist and around your front, to holding your hand and leading you towards the elevator once more.
He dragged you a few feet when you stopped, making him turn around fast and landing quite close to your face. You were looking up into his eyes, which seemed to sparkle under the dim warm lights of your penthouse hallways. He looked back into your eyes, something that seems to be happening quite often lately.
"Are you sure?"
You were nervous to ask, not wishing to offend him (and in all honesty, dreading returning back to your situation). He seemed to somehow deepen your shared stare and leaned in a little bit closer.
He whispered "Let's go home darling".
A/N: AHHHHHH! Two chapters back to back! Don't expect this pace to keep up however, especially with school returning back (only for a few more weeks but still). I know it was LONG and maybe unnecessarily so. You guys are warriors for reading through all that! I know I said that characters may be ooc but Snow may be the most. I know he seems pretty fluffy rn but I am trying my best not too change him too much as I find him interesting with his flaws. Also, in later chapters, you will see that he is now the only one with a flawed character and outlook (cough reader cough). But hey, maybe this time, he will use one of those chances to reform. or not. Guess you just have to wait and see! Thank you again and much love❤️
@notyourwildestdream 🌹
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chococolte · 2 years
Heyyy can you do SAGAU!Telling them that their your favorite with kaeya, gorou, and venti? Also I LOVEEE YOUR WRITINGGGG! YOU GOT ME GIGGLING AND RUNNING LAPSS.
word count. 2.1k
୨୧ — ꒰cw. yandere, unhealthy relationships, possessive & obsessive thoughts/behaviors, religious + cult themes, sagau + cult au, g/n reader. i do not condone yanderes irl.
୨୧ — ꒰ a/n. I LIVE. also, thank you!! srry abt the quality i am Sick and i have been working on this for days and i just want to Post It Already
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Kaeya is used to the cold of loneliness.
He does not expect anything from you, nothing more than he should. He is acutely aware of his place, the empty spot by your feet, choked next to all of the others who worship you. That is where he resolves himself to live. That is where he expects himself to sit.
With that alone, he would've been content. Always desperate for more, hanging off of your every word, but never daring to take more than allotted.
Kaeya was fine to serve as your acolyte, patiently waiting for your next kindness or glance, no matter how much he would've liked to be more— but you seem to enjoy letting him live his little fantasy of being special to you. You like to see him fester in it. Kaeya doesn't care if his perception of you is altered, twisted like hot air in a torrid desert— he trusts himself over the word of god, no matter how hallowed your voice or how much he wishes to believe it.
"My favorite," you say. You say it with such ease, the words rolling off your tongue as if they're not blessings in verbal form. As if they are not words he has imagined you saying over and over, countless times to lull himself to sleep. Your favorite, he's imagined himself as being; only whenever he can't unlodge the thought from his mind, for the moments where he can't stomach to think of anything other than you.
Kaeya thought it would stay as a mere daydream. He would've preferred it that way. It would've made it easier to hate you.
He could've lied to himself before. He could've said that he meant nothing to you; merely a tool at your disposal. That of all his love and worship was worthless, that he should stop caring so much for a being who never cared for him back.
"My favorite," you say. You say it only once, though Kaeya wishes you would say it again.
Your voice was soft. Comforting. Kaeya could almost believe you were being genuine. His heart still sings regardless, humming in his chest, banging against his ribcage as if it does not know the ugly truth of the world. People lie. And the gods are cruel, and to imagine you as anything different means to be a fool.
Still, Kaeya lingers. He feels the frost slowly thaw, warm blood beginning to run through his fingers. He feels you, as all that you are, welcome him. Kaeya knows he should not believe any of it, that he should turn away now while he still has the time to do so, but he can't bring himself to look away from you.
It's you, after all. The world itself wouldn't dare to stand beside you. Kaeya is no better, bruised and unwanted— but you want him. You look at him with fondness, with favor he knows he does not deserve. With love that should not be his.
Still, Kaeya hungers. He takes your words and he runs, desperate to keep them to himself. He is yours, no one else's; he is your favorite, not anyone else. He may not deserve it— he doesn't, not when he has hated you for so long— but he wants it to be his alone. He wants to be yours alone.
He wants to sit by your feet, to caress the flesh of your legs. He alone wants to be beside you, to call you by your sacred name.
"My favorite," you say. Does that mean he can be yours? Does that mean he can finally rest in your embrace, safe and loved by you and no other?
Can he finally worship you the way he has always wanted— his mouth on your skin, his piety unfurling like flowers from his lips? Pure and untainted, he molds against you as if his entire body was meant to be a perfect fit. Your every touch remains even after you've left, burning his skin and setting his nerves aflame.
Kaeya replays your words one more time. Just once, he tells himself, though he knows he'll do it again. He can't forget the way you looked, the curve of your smile, and the twinkle in your eyes. You in every way. The you he would kill to breathe the same air as. The you he would die to know if he exists within your heart.
You'll tell him again, won't you?
Gorou doesn't think he's deserving.
He knows he isn't. Gorou is many things, but worthy of your affection is not one of them. He is not the strongest of your acolytes, neither is he the brightest— Gorou is merely himself, and he is keenly aware of how little meaning that holds.
Gorou partook in daydreams and sinful reveries, but was self-aware enough to realize they would never come true. He is beneath you, barely deserving to exist in the same world as you, and he has done nothing to deserve to walk beside you. He knows where he stands, and he knows that any step towards you is imaginary.
You are his god, and Gorou is fine to exist as he always has. Only ever dreaming of what it would be like to be yours.
How nice your touch would feel. How lovely your voice would sound so close. How amazing it would be if he could feel your hands in his hair, or your fingers running through the fur of his tail. He imagines what it would be like to be your pet often enough the thought feels like home.
You feel like home. Warm, safe. Yet, he can't reach you. He can't even brush his fingers against your form.
You are entirely unreachable, no matter how much he tires his arms trying to grab you. You sit at the top of heaven, beyond everything that he is. Gorou can only taste you in his thoughts, where even then the shame eats at him. If you knew how he’s tarnished your pure form, tainting you with his impure thoughts— would you finally do away with him? Though, in all his desperation, maybe he really wouldn’t mind. He’d get to see you.
"You're my favorite," you say. You reach over and scratch his scalp, fingers scraping against the base of his ears. Gorou represses a shiver, barely able to stand. His knees tremble lightly, despite how hard he tries to keep himself calm.
Your voice is so soft, so lovely it makes his heart ache. And from this distance, he knows he couldn't have misheard you— he's your favorite, and his lungs are almost entirely bereft of air.
Gorou wants to hear you say it again. He wants to ask, but the words die on his tongue, useless. He can't speak, his throat choked by thoughts and mantras of how wonderful you are. Just you, you, and you— you are everything, and he is nothing. But he is something to you— you have made him into something.
Something that you like. Something that you prefer, that you favor over the rest. Gorou isn't useless anymore, isn't worthless; he can't be, when his existence is liked by you. He serves a purpose now. Your purpose. And that purpose is perfect.
If he does well, maybe you'll say it again. If he proves himself worthy of having your gaze, maybe you'll touch him again. He can't stop thinking of the curve of your palm, the warmth from your pulse. His ears twitch, following the lingering echo of your voice in the air. Desperate to hear you again, even in such a small, pitiful way.
If you saw how pathetic he is, hugging his pillow pretending it's you— would you say it again? He hopes you would.
The wind carries your words far before they reach him.
The air is heavy with languor, and the pleasant scent of flowers and honeysuckle. Your breath is soft, almost soundless, but Venti hears the roll of your tongue, the curl of your lips; he hears your words, beautiful as they are, and struggles to keep himself composed.
Venti thinks your voice is the most stunning in the world. Mellifluous and euphonious; every utterance a perfect cadence, every stutter a beauteous lyric. You could insult him, and he would take pleasure in hearing you speak. Your praise is like a siren’s song, drawing him in— Venti does nothing as his senses are overwhelmed by you, only spreading his arms wider so you may reach all of him.
And to be your favorite is the highest praise there is.
You say it with a small smile on your face. You say it unaware of the effect it has on him, of the way your words grip and pull him tight. Venti can't breathe, but he enjoys the feeling of suffocating— he delights in it. It's because of you, after all; and he delights in anything you could ever give to him.
Your breath is a holy gale. Your speech is to be delivered on the swiftest winds. Your laughter echoes throughout all of Teyvat, light and pleasant. Your voice is like an angelic choir singing, though he loathes to associate you with anything lesser. It is a sound incomparable to anything he knows; it is uniquely yours, entirely you. It belongs to nothing immortal or mortal, to no god or man. He could listen to you endlessly, an eternity spent writing poems and ballads about the way you talk.
Venti likes it most when you compliment him. When you tell him how pretty he is, or how talented he is musically. His skill has been tempered and honed by centuries of practice, and little compliments shouldn’t fluster him as easily anymore— but yours do.
"You're my favorite," you say, but Venti makes sure no one but him hears.
He wants to scream and for the world to know it. He wants to send your words so far that every life will have heard it. He wants to beg on bruised knees and plead with a bloodied throat for you to say it again, and again, and one more time after that— but he stops himself with all of the patience learned from being the anemo archon, however little it may be. Venti keeps himself silent, barely contained.
You wouldn’t want the others to know. You’d prefer it if it stayed between you, a secret kept between sealed lips. You wouldn’t want the others to fight, kind as you are. Venti says nothing of his own opinion on the matter, that he’d rather they all maim each other until they’re bloodied spots on the ground.
He wants everyone to know. He wants them to look, to gawk, and weep their mindless tears and apologies for not being good enough to deserve your attention. He wants to revel in their jealousy and bitter resentment; he wants nothing more than to bask in your light, love, and affection. He wants the others to know their place. Beneath him, beneath you.
But a small part of Venti still hungers to keep it to himself. Your words are just his to own, to stay close to his chest and treasure. He wants to adore them in private, to worship your speech alone. He could write ballads about your utterance until his fingertips bleed raw. His fingers have long ached from how often he strums his lyre, his knuckles an unsightly purple. You don’t want that, though. Venti thinks that’s a shame. How else is he supposed to show you how much he worships you?
Especially if he’s your favorite. He has to be worthy to hold onto that title. Worthy enough there’s no risk of him ever losing it.
He is constant, wild, and zealous. He is like a storm, forever churning and spinning. Venti doesn’t dare to hide behind masks of guile, or to act as if he isn’t desperate for a single glance in his direction. He would never lie to you. He is exactly as he appears— an acolyte who has run out of reasons to live long ago, but found them spirited deep within you.
Venti has always cared little for propriety, but he grows only bolder with your admission. He hooks your arms together, interlocking your fingers with eyes of fervor. He hungers for your attention and he does so ostensibly. But there’s a certain desperation in his actions, a plea for you to keep your eyes turned to him.
You don't mind his greed, do you? Let him find life within your voice.
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palmtreesx3 · 1 year
Seeing Stars
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I don't often share the words that vomit from my own head, but from what started as Hot Tub Steve appreciation inspired by the artist formerly known as @willowherbal (*insert Hunger Games 3 finger salute in memorial*) and the masterpiece that was Be With You Everywhere - Hot Dog Steve emerged and I couldn't remove the bumbling idiot from the depths of my brain. So thanks for that @sweetsweetjellybean @crappymixtape @superblysubpar
Steve Harrington x FEM!reader
Summary: The crew finally decides it's time to start celebrating the 4th of July again, but Steve Harrington finds he can't stop himself from staring.
References to past trauma, a dash of NSFW, staring, glaring and illusions to a hot tub hook up
Part 2: A Girl Like You
It was hot. Not oppressive. Not stifling. But the kind of hot that has you seeing stars at one in the afternoon. Sunbeams bouncing off pool water, sunglass lenses and sweat glistening skin - not sure if you're more desperate for the cold beer or sticking your hand in the ice cold cooler to grab it in the first place.
Honestly, it's everything you could want for a celebratory, classic, absolutely patriotic 4th of July, but things are different at this particular picnic. It's been a few years, but the innocent holiday full of sparklers, sweet watermelon juice running down your chin and late night fireworks just hasn't been the same since everything that happened that year at Starcourt. It was when everything you thought you knew about the place you grew up changed in an instant and this motley crew welcomed you into their fold. Since then, most have pretended it was any other day, hiding away trying to busy themselves with whatever they can to avoid the Americana laced trauma.
You don't know whose idea it was to finally put a pin in the escapism, and while most tentatively agreed that it was about time you knock down the walls you all built to hide away the day, everyone unanimously also agreed they didn't want to spend it with anyone else that wouldn't understand. So that's how you found yourself here, hiding away for the holiday in the backyard of the Harrington house, poolside with people you grew up way too fast alongside, and others who are now far too grown to be the kids you once cared for. It's still surreal to you to think you can find yourself comfortably sitting here at this house with any of these people - none of whom (save the kids) were you big fans of before that star spangled day from hell all those years ago.
You were splayed out now, towel rolled up under your neck, daydreaming. Trying hard not to have your thoughts float back to all that you've collectively been through and instead on all the things you wish would go right from here on out. Behind a soundtrack of laughing, splashing and American Woman playing loud on the radio, you were grateful for the comfort of these people who turned into lovely friends and imagining the potential of a fresh start ahead after just finishing up your college degree that past spring. Things feeling far enough in the past to even consider what a future could look like.
That sparkling, blinking sunshine brought you back to reality - sunglasses snatched from your face in an instant by a meddling Dustin dashing by. The kids all now playing hot potato with your Ray Bans, you sigh before calling out "After all these fuckin years, you still think you can get under my skin? You know you're not 13 anymore, right?!" They laugh and you smile, because your favorite pastime is giving them as much shit as they can handle.
You squint hard against the blistering sun and in that moment become blissfully aware of the sweat dripping down your body. You casually reach in your bag, grab a second set of sunglasses and pop them on your nose while you swing your legs over the side of the lounge chair, considering your next move.
In that moment, your eyes catch on the steam now rising from the grill on the other side of the yard, Steve standing behind it ready to throw on a round of hot dogs to feed the ravenous troops. He's in navy blue swim trunks slung low and cut high, sunglasses perched on his head and a scowl of concentration on his brow. You selfishly pause for a moment to take him in, standing there so much more a man these days than before, but you quickly shake it off like you always have and make your way back over to the coolers, reaching in for a new can of beer and a handful of ice.
Behind the grill, Steve is doing everything he can to hold it together. He's kept himself busy today, lucky enough to be able to hide behind playing host in order to avoid suspicion. His issue isn't even the holiday - he doesn't need the 4th of July to remind him of his torture. He has chronic headaches and a ringing in his left ear to take care of that. His issue is you. You and the new view he has of you now that he's standing there behind the steaming hot dogs.
He takes a moment to gather himself, running both hands through his hair. You've never been one to fall for his charms. Not the King Steve brand nor the genuine yet still cavalier one that came after he actually got his shit together. He never did shy away from poking and prodding and exploring what he could get away with, but you…you always threw it right back at him. Playing what you assumed was a game of banter meant to keep each other on your toes - what he assumed was your attempt to remind him that you never really chose to be his friend. Despite everything you have gone through together, your friendship still felt a mile away from him and any semblance of a chance with you arguably further. He knows how you feel - felt? - about King Steve and he's pretty sure you being in his life is meant to be yet another reminder of what a shit person he used to be. So instead he settles for teasing and friendly yet biting remarks all soothed by his own fleeting glances.
And God damnit if he isn't cashing in on those fleeting glances today. He's pretty sure he's had to duck away inside the house at least twice to hide his half hard cock as he caught a glimpse of you sunbathing, sweat glistening on your tits in your festive red bikini or bending over, ass on full display, leaning deep into the cooler to pass out another round of beers to the group, including the kids who are now old enough for no one to give a shit if they have one, too. It's a challenge he wasn't aware he needed to be ready for. A battle of wills that makes tossing a molotov cocktail at an otherworldly monster seem like child's play.
Yet here he stands, making himself as busy as he fuckin can at the grill while you pass back over with a group to sit down again on the lounge chairs. Someone turns the radio up while you and Robin stand up and start belting out Wilson Phillips' "Hold On" to whoops and cheers from everyone around you. It's in that moment he slides his sunglasses down off his head knowing full well he will not be able to pretend he isn't watching you intently without the safety of his dark shades covering his eyes. He's taking deep breaths counting the hot dogs back and forth and back and forth again to ground himself when you run up next to him, out of breath from the sprint over, the singing, the dancing or all three combined and shove a can in his face.
"Can't forget the grill master, huh? Do me a favor and don't burn the dogs."
" Uh, yeah. Yeah, thanks." He stumbled out. Normally he keeps his composure and plays his role giving you some bite in his responses, but you've already derailed him and he's pretty sure the sun is frying his brain while he's at it. So now you're here, standing there completely thrown off.
"You okay there, Harrington? "
He grumbles out a hum and you leave him be, figuring he may need a few more beers or a whole new personality, because every time you consider dropping the snarky act with him he totally blows you off and can't be bothered to speak to you in full sentences. He's come such a long way and you want to let the past be the past entirely, but you find that you're irritated with yourself for even looking his way when he acts like that, so you come to give it to him harder next time.
Everyone has settled in again with their fresh drinks and full bellies, some playing a card game on the pool deck, a group taking a break from the water spread out in the grass and others bobbing in the pool. You take the opportunity now that the pool is calm and all games of chicken are nowhere to be found and slide in too, deciding to be unbothered by whatever the fuck is going on with Steve. You grab a hold of a float and kick your feet up so you're floating on your belly, arms folded on your float and head turned to the side resting in the cool water. After a best of silence you spin yourself around, ready to strike up a conversation with Nancy about her own post-college plans when you catch it. The sunglasses are just low enough on the bridge of his nose to catch a glimpse of the direction of his eyes and you are one thousand percent sure that before you turned your float around abruptly, Steve Harrington was staring hard at your ass. Fuckin typical.
Your conversations continue to flow, you join in on games of Rummy and races in the pool. You find yourself shoulder to shoulder with Max on your towels in the grass giving the girl the kind of advice you know she needs. And all the while you feel his eyes. You thought the first one was a fluke - of course Steve Harrington would oggle any ass put in his view - but now you're not so sure. Because normally with you, he'd follow up his blatant stare with some kind of bite or tease, telling you to put your ass away before someone uses it as a flotation device. Instead every time you think you might be catching him staring you down behind his sunglasses he makes himself busy and jams another hotdog in his mouth. At this point you think he's eaten at least 6.
It's late now, and the group starts moving inside, picking a movie and settling in cozy spaces to wind down from the day. Everyone falls into their normal movie night rhythms, bickering over movies, Dustin talking through the opening credits and flicking the lights off for the ambiance. You find yourself in your favorite movie night chair, giant Hawkins High Tshirt slung over your now dry bikini, feet with red painted toes hanging over the armrest, when you're certain you feel it again - eyes on you in the dark of the room.
Robins first to fall asleep, unabashed snores falling from her for far too long before Steve nudges her and tells her to go the fuck upstairs and get to bed already. He leaves to set her up in one of the guest rooms and you can hear now that instead of returning to the movie hes clanging around the kitchen cleaning up from the day. The others also start, sun-beat and slightly buzzed, nodding off into a comfortable slumber around you, and you don't hear Steve padding around the kitchen any longer, so you also assume he has packed it in and went to bed.
When you quietly snuck back outside, walking while shedding your oversized t-shirt yet again in favor of a quiet moment in the Harrington's new hot tub under the stars, the last thing you were expecting to see when the shirt lifted over your head was Steve, already perched there in the bubbles.
" I thought for sure you had already gone to bed. " You say into the silence. He has yet to really acknowledge you so now you're even more confused than before.
At this point, you're fully committed, shirt already off so you climb in, with or without his permission to join. Dipping your toes in and lowering yourself into the jets, you catch him looking before he looks away and you've about had it. You know you might come off strong here, maybe a bit bitchy…and the way he's sitting there with shoulders freckled by the sun and his chest hair all on display under the jets has you second guessing your frustrated emotions, but you don't let what's in front of you distract you. You stick to your guns and open your mouth.
"What the fuck is your problem today, Harrington. I know we're not the closest, but I thought we were friends and I'm not sure what I did to offend you?"
" Offend me? I - uh, shit. What do you mean? "
" Well you won't stop staring me down today, so either I did something to offend you or you can't help yourself enjoying this fucking impeccable view. " And as you say it, you genuinely feel that it's just a normal bite back. A tease that is on par for your friendship. It's when you see the look on his face after you say it that changes everything. He looks like a puppy dog. One that's waiting to be kicked after sifting through the garbage. Like a little kid with their hand in the cookie jar. Like he's just been caught red white and blue handed at his own fucking 4th of July picnic because he wasn't able to tear his eyes away from your body. Oh my God.
"I-it's not, I mean...I...guess it is, fuck. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. Y-you just… . "
You watch him stumble over his words - a literal feat for someone who used to wear a crown like King Steve - and see him slowly slink down until only his eyes and nose remain above the bubbling water, shutting himself up without fail. Of course he acts like this with you. How is he supposed to ever convince you he's not an ounce of that old disgusting version of Steve if he can't act civilized around you even when you're in a bathing suit. His eyes closed slowly before he squeezes them tight. He can't will himself to look at you because he's so fucking embarrassed and he doesn't want to talk about it, but you - your not dropping it. You can't.
"Steve, you fucking look at me right now."
He slowly opens his eyes, keeping half his face still submerged in the water to ensure he doesn't say anything else so utterly stupid or make you any more mad at him than you clearly are. He looks at you so intently, directly in your eyes almost without blinking and you don't think anyone has ever seen that far into you before in your life.
"Were you spending the day checking me out?" you say, softer than he expected.
He slides up, ready to explain and admit his transgressions "yeah I mean, listen, I really didn't think anyone noticed, especially you... "
" Oh my God, you really were shoving hot dogs in your face to try and throw me off, weren't you? "
" Holy shit, yeah I ate like 10. Fuck, it was that obvious? That's so embarrassing. I really need to get a grip. You just looked so good today and I was probably just distracted and I'm sorry - " eyes closed again in utter shame, completely word vomiting his explanation to you across the water.
But before he could apologize again or continue his ramble, you moved quickly across the hot tub, slotting yourself low, down at his level and between his wide spread legs. He opens his eyes when he feels you floating in his space, noses almost touching, chins just under the bubbling water, and you are eye to eye now. He hesitates, thrown off by your proximity, before smashing his lips into yours. It's rough and sloppy and the water is sloshing everywhere as he brings you in closer by the hips so your legs settle in on each side of his.
And he can't help it, he breaks away and starts in again on it "I'm sorry, I - oh my God" he gasps out as you cut him off by grinding your bikini clad core down hard on his dick.
"I swear to God Harrington, if you apologize one more time I'm climbing off right this second" he nods, enthusiastically, fervently as you reach down into the water, between both of your legs and give him a nice firm squeeze. His eyes roll back in his head and he gasps.
"I swear I'm not apologizing, but Jesus Christ, I don't deserve this. You - I don't deserve you but not even this little bit - Fuck!" You grab his shoulder tight, holding on to give your hips another firm roll back and forth and decide to get a little soft and card your free hand through his hair as he babbles.
"I know what you see when you look at me - ah, sh-shit" you roll again but he reaches up and grabs both sides of your face to get you to stop and look at him "I know who I was, but I know you like to make me remember it too, so I never thought… I know I'm better. Fuck, I know it, but I don't know why anyone who knows how I was back then even gives me the time of day. "
You reach up and grab the sides of his face, too. Challenging his unwavering eye contact with your own, you lean in and give him the softest kiss he could have ever imagined, raking your hands back through his hair and tilting his head back a bit to look up at you. From this angle he sees the stars behind you and questions what kind of penance he did these past few years to deserve this moment.
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aurumacadicus · 6 months
I tagged this and the other post with 'minotaur steve' so you guys can find them together lol.
"So, there's this prophecy," Tony begins, rolling his ball of twine up as he walks away from the hidden labyrinth entrance. "I don't remember it exactly because I was too busy killing a guy trying to chop down one of my heart woods, but the gist is something like 'The bull-headed son of the Rogers clan is the only one who can save the Stark Forest.' So let's get going and--hey? Are you listening to me?!" He turns, scowling because the Rogers minotaur hasn't followed him.
His rant dies on his tongue the moment he sees the minotaur. The man's ovine head is tipped up, eyes closed, nose to the sun. Tony can see his nostrils flare as he sucks in deep lungfuls of air. He looks... somehow smaller, his curved, sharp horns no longer scraping the stone ceilings. The wind ruffles through his golden brown fur. He looks at peace. Tony suddenly remembers that all the minotaurs are kept locked in the labyrinth. They never get to see the sky.
He reminds himself that only this one has any modicum of intelligence suited for the outside world. The other minotaurs had proved that by grabbing for him when they saw him searching their halls, hungry and boorish. He's still not sure whether they hungered for food or for want of a cow, and he doesn't wish to know, either. Still, he wishes he could have rescued this one under better circumstances, even though he knows he simply wouldn't have left his forest unless he had to.
"...What should I call you?" he finally asks, more gently than he means to.
The minotaur reluctantly draws his head down, eyes fluttering open so human and blue that it makes Tony's breath catch in his chest. "...My," he begins, slow, as if not used to making human syllables. "Ma. She called me... Steve."
"Steve," Tony repeats quietly. He holds out his hand. "I'm sorry, Steve. The humans we meet will not be kind to you. You'll have to stick with me."
"No one has been kind to me but Ma," Steve says, and his fingers rub over the circled star scarred onto his hip before he reaches out to take Tony's hand.
Tony swallows thickly. Steve's hand dwarfs his, and he can see the muscles in it twitching, careful not to crush his own with his grip. He's scary, part of him acknowledges. Steve is at least seven feet tall not including the horns, maybe taller. Tony's bad with heights if there are no trees nearby. He's built like the stone walls they'd walked through in the labyrinth, wide and sturdy, muscles visible through his fur and skin. He'd watched Steve's hooves shatter the brick as he'd warned away another minotaur as they passed through its territory to leave.
But Steve has gentle eyes, and he's so careful where he's holding Tony's hand. He must have gotten practice, holding his mother and protecting her from the other minotaurs wandering the labyrinth. She had obviously instilled in him a gentleness that the other beasts had never known.
"Once I've done what the gods say needs doing... must I go back?" Steve asks, eyes sad.
Tony doesn't remember that part of the prophecy either, but he knows, suddenly and with certainty, that he'd burn his own forest temples to the gods down before he'd force Steve to go back into the labyrinth. "No. You can stay with me. I'll protect you from anyone who says you need to go back."
Steve smiles, and something about him softens further. "Lead the way."
Tony turns, mind already racing with routes to take that would keep Steve safest. Humans always want to take on monsters for glory. Steve might be the only one who can save his forest, but they need to make it back there in one piece. He still needs to take them to the tiny isle of Brookslynne to retrieve the Rogers weapon, so it will be a long journey. He doesn't want to travel at night, but maybe--
"...About your payment for my help," Steve says slowly, reluctantly. "You don't... look like you have the right parts."
"The gods don't really care about a person's parts when it comes to a bargain," Tony mutters. If Steve's only seen male minotaurs and human women, he's not going to give him the birds and the bees talk.
"The gods don't really care about a person in general," Steve agrees darkly, and Tony bites back the questions he has about how it must have been like to grow up in the labyrinth, seemingly the only truly intelligent one of his kind. It's none of his business, anyway. He just needs Steve to save his forest.
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deyisacherry · 6 months
Striked by Stars — (DCA -Sun & Moon- x Reader. Cyberpunk AU)
(title might change)
[Just an idea. Possible Chapter 1]
Your foot taps the floor anxiously, you stare at your tired reflection in the vending machine's glass, waiting for the damn thing to work once and for all. Finally, it makes an almost hopeful sound, while you notice how the food package begins to move forward.
You can already imagine the sweet flavor of the cake, satisfying the hunger you have endured for at least 38 hours.
... Yeah, it's not easy to get something to eat in this city. Or anywhere really.
Your illusion is shattered when the package jams just before it's dropped, and the neon lights go out followed by a stupid, pathetic noise.
You kick the huge "box" angrily, without even getting a shake efficient enough to get your snack out of there... dinner? Whatever.
And of course, the great multimillion-dollar company in charge of creating most of the technology in your district had to make sure that the glass was resistant to prevent theft. That's why it was still here, and also why it barely worked. You suspect you're not the only person who's kicked this thing.
You curse every living thing left and give the device one last blow, before turning to leave the alley and walk towards your vehicle.
Wonderful. Another couple of hours you'll have to go without feeding.
Hell, sometimes you wish you were one of those Sentinel robots just so you wouldn't have to worry about eating. Of course, that was the only reason. The thought of becoming a robotic slave with no life decisions of your own made you nauseous.
You had no choice but to go all the way to the west of town to negotiate with some probably bitter and greedy guy. At least you would get some of the leftovers that are still in good condition.
You got so busy planning something that you didn't notice the constant noise coming from the direction of where you left your motorcycle. A worrying crash startles you and you step back before crossing the corner, pressing your back to the wall as your hand travels to the gun in your jacket.
You listen carefully, avoiding anything that could give you away.
Some bastard trying to steal your vehicle? A Sentinel they sent to annoy you? Did you get so careless that someone followed you?
Well, you better get out there and get rid of the problem before it gets rid of you.
You approach the corner very carefully, and activate the recognition scanner in your glasses, turning your head slowly.
Your hand grips the gun firmly when you see movement, away from your bike, thankfully, but closer to you than you'd like.
It takes you a while to make out the figure. A being with almost human characteristics, staggering as it tries to get up. It fell down, that caused the noise. But there are metallic sounds, machinery causing almost silent grinding noises. He's not human. But it's not a Sentinel either.
The being raises its head and you hide better. It doesn't notice you. You look at it closely and... it's a robot. Not one you've seen before, but definitely not one you should fear, or attack.
Its white orbs seem to scan its surroundings with confusion, or perhaps weariness. It doesn't take your "baby" into account and you sigh in relief knowing that you won't have to kick any more metal.
You study it more closely, while analyzing the information that your glasses give you. Humanoid figure, clearly thinner than ordinary. Probably tall if you weren't looking at it half lying on the ground. Yellow casings. A kind of sun rays around its head. A thematic robot, it seems. Definitely with artificial intelligence, it's not controlled by anyone. Half of its face resembles a crescent and...
It belongs to Fazbear. That's what the data says.
But... "Entertainment"? They stopped using that term a few years ago. "Fazbear Enterprises" is how they call themselves now.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. You know many robots were created by them. Mostly animatronics.
You feel like you should be wary. You have no security knowing by whom it was created.
It looks exhausted. Afraid. Something clearly isn't working with it, and getting up seems like a big stretch right now.
Your hand holds the gun doubtfully. You shouldn't let your guard down anyway, so you stay alert. You clench your lips and fist, thinking of what to do.
You're starving, you can get in your vehicle right away and drive off to try a bite of whatever.
. . .
“Hey.” You speak firmly and as clearly as you can as you emerge from your hiding place, making sure it doesn't see you as a weak human, just in case. The sun-like robot looks up at you, and flinches, recoiling or rather crawling backwards at your presence. Its eyes open in some panic and its mouth that seems not to be able to open showing its teeth in a tense expression.
You raise an eyebrow at its reaction, but given its condition it doesn't surprise you. The information you receive when analyzing it with the glasses doesn't seem to be anything to worry about, yet...
"Who are you? What are you doing in this place?”
The robot doesn't speak, it just watches you and you start to get annoyed. You think you see its rays contract and come out at a rate that resembles breathing. Suddenly, its body tenses in a sharp sound, and it turns its head slightly to the side.
You narrow your eyes and frown. “What's wrong with you?”
You scan your surroundings, but you don't see or hear anything. It seems like you've become less of a threat to it just now.
“...Hey, I'm talking to y-”
The robot gets up with a speed that you don't know where it came from, and takes you tightly in its arms. Not enough to hurt you, but enough so you can't break free. And boy does that make you angry. You can't draw your weapon properly, and there's nothing to kick that will "hurt" it or make it fall. It carries you as if you weighed no more than a feather. You begin to curse and flail violently, until it covers your mouth with its hand. You expected a cold, metallic texture, but it's... Soft? Silicone... And why the hell is this robot so warm?
It moves from where you were in a hurry, you can hear its machinery more clearly. Of course you haven't stopped trying to free yourself or screaming under its hand.
When they reach an unlit alley, your glasses flash, detecting an approaching threat.
Damn, a trap, a fucking trap. You should have known. How dumb, how-
The robot presses you to its body and shrinks into a corner of the alley, allowing you to put your feet on the ground. You could take advantage of the situation to get away more easily and make it scrap once and for all, but...
You hear a Sentinel pass by. The sound of its thrusters becoming clearer and louder as it advances. Your detector would not have alerted you in time. You would have had to fight off guard, and probably come away with injuries, or worse.
The darkness of the place that surrounds you is enough to hide you. Your eyes open intently to the other side, maintaining at least a little hope that the devilish machine will continue on its way. Luckily, you know when it's tracking a target. That nasty, blinding purple light isn't on. Seconds pass tortuously slowly, and then it's gone, until your radar can no longer detect it.
You feel your body relax, and you breathe out in relief, closing your eyes for a moment.
The silicone hands carefully move away from your mouth and body, and you regain your anger at the surprise of the moment, turning sharply and pushing the robot against the cement wall.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you insane?!” You blurt out in an angry whisper, just in case the thing could still hear you. “Why the hell did you do that?!”
The robot looks at you in panic, without moving. Its white optics seem to flicker nervously. It does its best not to touch you at all, both hands raised on either side of its head in a show of surrender.
Its silence makes you start to think that perhaps it doesn't speak, or its voice box is damaged. But... it probably just doesn't have the courage to talk.
As you study its fearful expression better, and the slightly scraped or dirty state of its faceplate and rays, you grimace. You release him and lean back.
... It just saved your life.
You don't understand why, but it did it.
And, damn, you still have enough honor to recognize an act like that towards you. Not everyone is that way these days.
Everyone tries to see for themselves. Even in the resistance. Someone less is just that... one more who didn't get lucky.
You clench your jaw, sighing deeply. You run a hand over your face, looking away. Your recent reaction wasn't the best on this one.
This robot saved you even though it wasn't in the best condition, and you perfectly noticed the fear it feels for the Sentinels.
While it does come from Fazbear... it doesn't seem to want to be related or involved with them. You look at it again, and it doesn't seem to be carrying any kind of weapon. The plates on its arms only look like maintenance accesses.
You soften your expression and hold out your hand towards it. The robot shrinks in fear, its rays retract and you understand that it's a way of expressing its emotions. Your mouth twists once more, your fingers gathering in sorrow. You drop your hand to your side awkwardly.
“... Hey, I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to talk to you like that. You don't deserve to be treated that way after what you did for me…” You speak softly, watching as it slowly relaxes himself and also drops its arms tiredly.
It continues looking at you despite everything, it doesn't lower its head, nor does it look away. Or well... so it seems. You don't see pupils in its eyes.
Its rays extend smoothly, and you notice how they rotate very gently, just like a windmill. A small smile appears on your lips at that. It must mean it has calmed down now.
You breathe in and adjust your clothes without much effort. “Uh…” Your hand grabs your glasses and pushes them up, letting them rest on your head. "Thank you." You tell it calmly, not trying to approach it again. You understand that it may still be in a state of shock. “You could... you could have just left. Run, and leave me there… Wow, you could've just taken my motorcycle and run away.” You chuckle tiredly. “But you didn't... Thank you.”
The robot's rays make a quick turn to the opposite side, and you think you see him change his tense expression for a very slight smile just like yours.
You take that as an acceptance of your apology and gratitude, and you feel a little better.
A little, because... Now what? You're still hungry, and you're still planning on going for food. But leaving it here... just like that, would be low of you.
Actions, this is how you should show real appreciation for something so important.
“... Do you talk?” You ask simply, not knowing if you were tactful or not when doing so.
The robot takes a few seconds and nods. Oh, well... so it was just afraid to talk. Well done, you metaphorically "cut out its tongue" by being so defensive.
“Were you going somewhere?... You don't look... Well- you look...” You try to choose the best words, twirling your hand in the air. You click your tongue, straight to the point. “Do you need a ride? Anything?"
Another few seconds of silence. It seems to hesitate, and this time it lowers its head a little.
“… Uhm- You don't have to answer if you don't want to… I'm just trying to-”
“The underground shelters.” Finally it... he answers you, and this time you stay silent, waiting for him to continue. “I must... get to the underground shelters.” He says, his voice soft and slightly interrupted by static. His voice box, in fact, does sound a little defective.
“... Whoa, to the- to the other side of town, huh?” The robot nods, almost ashamed.
You and him internally recognize that in his conditions he wouldn't have gotten there on his own.
“Well…” You put your hand in one of the pockets of your jacket, and show him a small control, shaking it slightly. “You're in luck. I’m going to the west too.” You say with a friendly smile, tilting your head.
He mimics you, his head leaning to the same side as yours. Or maybe he's just confused to get your help back.
Either way, you have a feeling this robot was designed to entertain.
His confused expression changes to a cheerful one, his eyes turning animatedly into crescents.
"Thank you..." He tells you softly.
“It's the least I can do.” You say lifting your shoulders simply.
The robot stands up shakily. Not out of fear, but out of the clear weakness of his metal body. You inevitably approach him quickly and help him remain stable. He doesn't flinch, or push you away. He looks down at you with a tired smile. Doesn't he have any batteries that need to be recharged as well? You start to wonder how long he's been sneaking around the city to get to his destination.
“Do you have a name… a- nickname, or something?” You question, letting him place one of his arms on your shoulders.
The robot nods once more. His expression seems a little out of it, as if he was thinking about something else. Like he's remembering. “Sun.”
You sigh with a smile at the obvious coincidence, and adjust his arm tightly over your shoulders, your free arm wrapping around his torso firmly. You tell him your name confidently, and he looks at you, spinning his rays once more. You laugh softly and gently pat his forearm.
With your free hand, you lower your glasses onto your face again, just to make sure you don't run into any more inconveniences. The radar tells you that you're safe, and you sigh heavily. Good, because your stomach is starting to kill you.
You may have had a very small glimmer of regret when helping the robot walk to your motorcycle. Even if he's just leaning on you, putting his arm around your shoulders, he's heavy as hell. Envy growing in your chest as you remember how he picked you up like it was nothing a moment ago. And he was tall, very tall. If he wasn't hunched over, you would barely reach halfway up his torso.
But, leaving him here with the excuse that he was too heavy, would be beyond rude of you.
It's not like you wanted to either. You were serious when you offered to help him.
You both reach where your "baby" was left. Intact, without having been of importance to the Sentinel, and that takes a great weight off your shoulders...
Bad inside joke.
You let him hold on to the vehicle while you get on, so he can stay upright, and also keep your motorcycle stable. You settle into your seat and then turn to look at him, motioning with your head to tell him to get in too, while you start putting on your helmet.
Hesitantly, his eyes flicker a few times and then you see him physically relax, as if sighing. He climbs up and takes a seat behind you, avoiding as much as possible to touch you, you deduce. It's fair. You've just met, in a not-so-pleasant situation, and it's completely normal for him to be nervous or uncomfortable.
You remember how he flinched when you extended your hand to him.
When you saw the fear in his body language, the brief thought that perhaps he was attacked or mistreated crossed your mind.
You don't like that.
It is true that you prefer to go on your own in general, but it doesn't mean that you don't feel complete rejection of the injustices towards the innocent beings that survive in these times.
This robot is one of those beings. Your doubts are scarce.
Your hand turns the accelerator and causes the angelic sound of your motorcycle ready to go. You feel and see from the mirror how Sun stirs uneasily at this. He clearly hasn't been in a vehicle like this before, and that makes him even more nervous.
Another clue is how his hands hold tightly on the edges of the seat, on either side of his legs.
"Hey." You catch his attention and he raises his concerned gaze from the ground to you. “You're not going to fall, don't worry. "I know how to handle this old beauty, okay?" You tell him in a comforting tone, before lowering the front shield of your helmet and directing your gaze forward. “Ready to go for a ride, 'Sun'?” You ask out loud within the safety of the helmet.
He shrinks slightly in his place, his rays retracting again, in that anxious gesture.
You don't wait for an answer. Using the accelerator again, and with complete naturalness, you step on the pedal to start, leaving the solar robot silent of any thought he had wanted to express.
You had already gotten used to the small push generated by the start, so much so that you no longer even noticed it. But Sun... Sun gripped his hands on the fabric of your jacket, on both sides of your torso.
You laugh softly, barely noticeable because of the wind crashing against your body, your amused smile being blocked by the dark visor covering your face.
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ssaseaprince · 7 months
I swear anyone who says Hannibal and Will aren't canon just didn't watch the show. It's not implied, it's not hinted, it's not subtext. It's incredibly romantic and is explicitly said so. The moment and embrace they shared at the end of season 3 was so powerful to me. Just because they didn't kiss or say "hehe want to be my boyfriend?" like they're in some teen romcom doesn't mean they aren't a canonical pairing. They got together at the END of the show after it being stated several times that they love each other and can't live without each other and want each other more than anyone. Lines like wanting to run away together and hungering for each other and "is Hannibal in love with me" are, apparently, completely platonic in some people's eyes or just wishful thinking or, christ, queerbaiting (a point I hope no one has made because it's ridiculously stupid). I'm quite happy with the end of season 3, but I'd hope for a 4th season if only, so they can be a couple on screen and people can stop being dumb about the canon of their relationship
I am so sorry that I have taken forever to reply to this, I lowkey forgot that my inbox was a thing 😅
You are completely right. I want to call it a lack of media literacy, but I'm not sure that's the best phrase. As an autistic person, I completely understand struggling with subtext and needing to have things presented in a straightforward, blunt way. However, with Hannigram, you don't even need to rely solely on subtext. Like you pointed out, Will flat out says, "Is Hannibal in love with me?" And then you've got the entire cast, the showrunner, writer, producers, etc, all saying that they are canonically in love.
And because of that, I really struggle to give people the benefit of the doubt when they say that Hannigram isn't canon or that their relationship is "open to interpretation." Because if you were solely confused due to issues with understanding subtext, then you wouldn't get all up in arms about people pointing out that Hannigram IS CANON.
This honestly leads me to believe that the very vast majority of people who will fight tooth and nail to convince everyone that Hannibal and Will aren't in love is because of homophobia.
We are not used to seeing queer relationships in media. There is maybe a handful of movies and TV shows that revolve around queer relationships. So it is people's knee-jerk reaction to assume that every character is straight and that only heterosexual relationships are canon, and it's because of this bias that they will fight against all queer representation and only accept it when the characters are physically affectionate, and even then they will find reasons to claim it's not valid.
Cishet people are a lot like white people, and men, and basically every other majority, in the way that they feel the need to relate to every single main character, otherwise they can't enjoy the show/book/movie etc. Hannibal and Will have been confirmed as canon, in and out of the show. But these people will fight against it because, whether consciously or unconsciously, the second that their characters are confirmed as queer, they immediately can't relate to them and therefore can't enjoy the show.
They see queer people and queer relationships as so *other* that queer representation literally ruins it for them. Maybe this is an extreme analogy, but it's like watching a movie about humans, and then halfway through finding out that they're robots, and all of a sudden, these aren't people that you're familiar with, they are something other. The knowledge that a character is queer is genuinely so incomprehensible to them that they will do anything to deny it.
And I think that kind of thinking is the biggest problem. It's not always done with bad intention, and it's not always conscious, but it's there. You can see actors and actresses who do the same thing. They have such a visceral reaction to the idea that their character might be queer, that they immediately shut it down. Because if the character is queer, the character isn't relatable, and if the character isn't relatable somehow, the show isn't enjoyable.
By relatable, I don't just mean, "They're straight, and I'm straight." I mean that they genuinely see queer people as completely other from them, and they just cannot grasp the existence of queer relationships as actual relationships and not just vague ideas. Yes, they know that queer relationships are real, but they genuinely can not look at a queer relationship or a queer person and actually have any level of deeper empathy and understanding. They see queer relationships are something completely different then cishet relationship, so the second that a queer relationship becomes the focus, they disengage.
This all relates back to people refusing to acknowledge any kind of queer relationship as canon unless physical affection is apparent.
Obviously, not all straight people do this, but it's an issue that's a lot more prominent than what most people think. As soon as you start looking for it, you see it everywhere. I'm not saying these people hate queer people or don't want queer representation, but this kind of homophobia is just so widely accepted and normalized that it's a knee-jerk reaction, and unfortunately, it's so normalized that people don't even realize they have these biases that they need to get rid of.
Sorry this reply is so long and late coming! I appreciate the ask and love hearing your opinions ❤️
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yoomiwritingstuff · 2 years
Apartment Number 713
nanami kento x f!neighbor!reader
renting a place for yourself doesn't sound so bad. especially when a certain blonde grade one jujutsu sorcerer keeps stealing your attention — and maybe even your heart as well.
words: 1k
“gosh why is staring up at the ceiling so entertaining?”
you've been talking to yourself out loud for the past hour now. this has got to be one of the greatest nights of your stay here in this city – just sprawled on your bed with absolutely nothing to do.
it's been awhile since you've had your own quiet time after you've started living alone, eager to be an independent adult. juggling your studies and part-time job are such a hassle and it can be annoyingly stressful trying to balance the time you put in them. as you predicted, it strained relationships you have with people around you. not to mention, it also affects your health, and self-care is thrown out the window.
you can feel your stomach starting to hurt from hunger and from all that lazing about, prompting you to stand up from your bed to get to your kitchen. as you were about to look in your fridge while planning a schedule to buy groceries in your head, a knock from outside makes you halt.
your stomach growls in protest when you decide to check who the person that interrupted your relaxation was.
what you didn't account to see was nanami kento — the good-looking man whom you share a floor with — knocking on your door this evening and randomly asking if you wanted to eat something he cooked.
talk about impeccable timing.
confused yet appreciative of the offer, you could only nod and stand there watching as he went back inside his own apartment, and returned with plates full of delicious dishes that had you almost salivating.
“w-wait, are you sure you're just going to give all these to me?”
“my date cancelled out of the blue and i'd rather quickly clean up everything i prepared so i wouldn't be reminded of this disaster once i go to sleep.”
that certainly wasn't the answer you were expecting from all that seriousness and intimidating aura he seems to possess.
caught off guard at his blunt reply — like damn you didn't need to know that much, now you felt kind of sorry for him — you continued to stare back and forth at the man and the food he was holding while you tried to utter something.
at the very least you just wished he just told you ‘yes i don't really mind’ or even just a stern yet polite ‘please accept it and we can go on our separate ways’ but no. nanami just had to tell you someone ditched him and left him alone to eat the dinner he made.
how were you supposed to simply accept the free food, knowing he's probably going to sulk around in his own room wondering why his date didn't show? nanami wouldn't do that but you didn't know better.
the urge to be more friendly and welcoming threatened to come out of you then. you knew that particular feeling of loneliness brought by being alone all too well recently. doing something nice for him in return for what he gave you wouldn't hurt anyone.
you just hope nanami wouldn't think anything ill about the sudden casualness in your behaviour towards him.
again, you didn't really know the guy.
sure, you've seen each other in passing a couple of times before and even exchanged greetings and idle chat, but this interaction is definitely new territory for the both of you. heck the two of you are currently in front of one another, and you're here stuck in your thoughts conjuring up the courage to finally befriend the handsome neighbor you've been curious about ever since you moved here.
cringing internally, you suppose you have nothing to lose anyway. the worst he could do is reject your offer, making it awkward for you in the future to interact further with the man. you either go big or go home.
“well since it would be a waste of your effort to just ditch everything, would you be okay if i was the one accompanying you right now?”
you see him slightly tense. biting your lip, you waited anxiously for what he'll say.
he briefly meets your eyes, deciphering whether or not you were serious. the intensity of his gaze suddenly makes you feel self-conscious about the way you're dressed in comparison to him.
nanami as always, was wearing something sophisticated befitting a businessman (or so you thought that was his job). a white dress shirt paired with light beige suit pants and black slippers complete his whole outfit meanwhile you're just in your plain favorite oversized sweater and shorts.
you unconsciously grip the hem of your top, avoiding any eye contact with the older man. you hear him sigh, grimacing at the way it sounded. you guess being awkward with him for the rest of your life it is.
“only if you're comfortable enough to stay with me through the entire night.”
startled at his calm acceptance, you gazed back at him with more interest. though nanami wasn't looking at you anymore, you're sure you see the faintest redness on his cheeks if you squint. this makes you put on a small smile for him to see. he clears his throat and directs his attention to you again.
“you'll be alright with eating at my place?”
he asks after a few seconds. you then gave him a little noise of confirmation. a ghost of a smile can be seen in nanami's mouth but you pretend you don't notice to stop yourself from swooning. he tells you he'll return the food back to his apartment and will wait for you there.
once you were sure he was gone, you quickly ran to your bedroom and screamed with your face flat against your pillows. you can't stop the little giggles that erupt from your chest as your feet swing back and forth in the air.
you can't believe that just happened!
you're eating with nanami tonight! just you and him sitting there all alone in his apartment, spending time getting to know each other.
you could just die right about now!
oh my god you're eating with nanami tonight with just you and him in his apartment?!
dread abruptly stops the flutters you feel in your body.
how exactly were you, a working college student who barely even gets out with her friends nowadays, going to act with nanami, an older attractive man who must surely have his life together?!
you for real could die right about now.
next part → (soon)
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malakaisgf · 6 months
i bet on losing dogs || mizzen + coral
Tumblr media
Coral sat on the rubble with the young boy in her lap. She stroked his hair gently, trying to comfort him. She didn't know why she felt the need to be there for him, but she knew he didn't have anyone else to rely on in the arena.
|| my baby, my baby ||
Maybe it was his young age that made her feel protective of him. Whatever the reason, she was determined to keep him safe, even if it meant sacrificing her own chances of winning the games.
The boy groaned in her lap, his head killing him. He was hungry and knew he would have to deal with his hunger for a long time. Unless he killed someone, that was the only way he could get sponsors. His mentor would then send him food.
|| you're my baby, say it to me ||
The older girl hugged him tightly, trying to calm him down. She noticed how he shivered even though he was wearing a sweater vest, a long-sleeved shirt, and long pants. Every part of his body was covered except his face.
She didn't question how he was still cold, but she understood. It was a large arena with no source of heat at all. She felt cold herself, but she wanted to prioritize the boy's needs over her own.
|| baby, my baby ||
"Coral?" he whispered.
She hummed in response.
"Is it time to leave yet? I wan' go home," he mumbled to her, his speech slurring at the end of his sentence.
|| tell your baby that i'm your baby ||
Her heart almost broke in half after hearing that last sentence. She wasn't sure what to say to him. She couldn't lie; it would break his heart. But she couldn't tell him the truth, the horrible truth.
"... I'm not sure,-" she cuts herself off, thinking about whether she should tell him the truth. She coughs, quietly.
"I'm not sure, Mizzen. I'm sorry, I wish I could say but I can't but don't worry about it. I'll make sure you get out." she gives him a soft smile which then quickly turns into a frown.
She looked up to see Tanner and Treech arguing, again. She didn't know what they were arguing about but she didn't necessarily care.
The boy in her arms started to squirm, he couldn't get any sleep so he decided he might as well get up. The red-haired girl looked at him, wondering why he was getting up.
He stood up straight and slightly stumbled to his side, nearly falling. She jumped up and caught him. She gave him a look as if she was saying 'be careful'. He just looked at her.
|| i bet on losing dogs ||
|| Time Skip ||
It was just the two of them left. Coral and Mizzen. Sure, they were both happy to be alive but they knew, deep down, that there was only one way this could end.
He sat a few meters away from her, unsure of what her intentions were. He wanted to be with her, in her lap again, her keeping him a bit warmer and feeling secure. But he knew that was unlikely. He didn't want to die, not yet.
She watched him from where she was sitting, she knew what he thought of her but he was wrong. She wouldn't hurt him, she didn't even want to think about it.
Coral stood up from the hard ground and looked at him. His breathing had started to quicken.
"Mizzen, please ... don't be scared." she cried, moving slowly towards him.
He began crawling backward as fast as his small, cut hands would move him.
|| i know they're losing and I'll pay for my place ||
"Don't hurt me, Coral. I want to go back to mama." he mumbled, small stones piercing his fragile hands.
She looked down at her trident and then looked at the younger boy...
It felt like the whole world stopped for him. It was just the two of them. Well, kind of ...
|| by the ring ||
Mizzen looked at her, the blood was spilling out of her body. She fell back, tears dropped from her eyes. He pushed himself up and ran towards her.
"No! Coral ... Coral, get up." he screamed at her, she didn't respond but instead coughed more blood up.
|| where i'll be looking in their eyes when they''re down ||
"Please, Coral. I'm sorry ... I didn't mean it. I'm not scared..." the tears just poured out onto her lifeless body. this was all his fault, he should've believed her.
A few minutes later he felt arms dragging him away from her body. He screamed for as long as he could.
He had won ... but at what cost?
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veryberryjelly · 5 months
〉A round of twister . . .
Before I write the slightest word; I hope you're having a wonderful day and also, I wanted to congratulate you on the latest achievement you've had regarding your followers ( including me among them * ) you deserve this achievement and much more ~ !
⸻ And among all, also, I would look for a request to the tornado round of your sleepover but, at the same time, clarify that I would understand if you didn't find yourself with the time at your disposal or inspiration to give an answer⸻.
My fandom of choice would be " The Hunger Games. "
I'm a young woman in my early twenties, a college student and finding myself in what would be a psychology major. My height would be around 1,70cm, my body would be small, slim and with curves, especially in the hips area; " typical " of Latin American women and being one of my insecurities about my physical appearance. My hair is long and brown with some natural reddish highlights as well as the colour of my eyes. I'm heterosexual; although I tend to take certain distances with respect to my opposite gender, tending to be extremely reserved in all areas of my life but, above all, when it comes to forming a sentimental bond. Practically, I never formalised a relationship until less than a month ago. My sun sign would be Scorpio and ironically; with a peculiar combination of a moon in Gemini and also the rising in the same sign. Chaotic, isn't it ... ? My personality enneatype is INFJ. And my Hogwarts house is Slytherin. I would consider myself a person focused on my responsibilities, making it my only goal in life. I wouldn't consider myself someone who brought with them the slightest trace of ambition. I would just be realistic about what day-to-day life would be like and the ripple effect it would have on our lives. In my free time I usually escape to nature, in the silence, next to a book to read in complete harmony. Or I play the guitar, sing the odd song and write poetry. In absolute solitude, of course. I am not afraid of it. It's my company. I tend to be someone who doesn't usually talk or at least not to anyone, from what I've been told. As I said, I keep to myself. I also tend to take care of the physical activity I do, getting up every morning to do pilates and going for long walks in the afternoons. Although I wouldn't even be totally focused on my physical appearance, when⸻ literally, I tend to wear any outfit that is black most days and when it comes to events, I opt for dresses that show more colours such as emerald green. Of course, I always wear the odd accessory like gold earrings. But that's about it. I prefer the natural, I prefer the simple and the basic. Without falling into the ordinary, of course. I just don't like to draw attention to myself. Finally, " my language of love " are usually words that I would write in my poetry or any event that would lead to a conversation with words of affirmation of the love I would feel for the person and the simple physical contact that I don't usually allow from anyone around me.
That would be all. From the bottom of my heart, I hope and wish that you are having a wonderful day, as I said, regardless of when you are reading these words. Thank you very much in advance. ♡
⸻ And also, apologies for my level of English in terms of my writing; well, it's a fact, it would not be my first language⸻.
i ship you with...
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coriolanus snow !!!
i think it was when you mentioned enjoying solitude that this sort of clicked for me
we know coryo is a busy guy, so it helps that you dont mind being alone
i think he would be so in awe of you playing guitar, just kind of sitting there, watching as you pluck at the strings without feeling like he needs to say anything.
i feel like he would try and get you to wear stuff that draws more attention to yourself, maybe a pop of red in your outfits.
i think you two can sit in comfortable silence a lot of the time, not needing to say anything and just enjoying each others presence.
working on totally different things but just the knowledge that he's there is comforting.
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fanfic-enthusiast · 2 years
Lifeblood (Cotl NariLamb Fic)
Night was starting to fall over the communes lands and the sun dipped below the treeline casting long shadows over the idols and statues that dotted the cult. 
Stars started to appear slowly one by one in the sky above when Narinder noticed the familiar chill down his spine that meant his lover was near. 
He’s gotten good at knowing when their eyes laid on his weakened form. Their deep red stare permitting his fur and sending shivers through him was one of the ways he knew their attention was on him. 
So he turned behind him to meet their gaze, they stood across the field of camellias he had been watering, with a hunger in their eyes. 
‘Ah so it was time already then.’
Lamb nodded, as if they had heard the thought cross his mind, which in all fairness they probably did. 
Narinder turned his gaze skyward to the stars, it was still quite early in the night. So the two of them would have time before morning when Lamb would inevitably have to be up and doing their daily duties. So he placed down his watering can between the blooms and made his way over to the red eyed lamb, watching his every step like a predator watching pray. 
Unsurprising to Narinder, the barer of the red crown needed to feed after all. 
The crowns require energy for their barers to keep them energized and strong, 
Leshy the chaotic spastic energies of his most excitable followers kept him lively and swift. Heket the hunger and persistence from her own followers. Kallamar the constitution and quite possibly paranoia, Narinder was never sure, of his healthiest devotees and Shamura, the essence of war and bloodlust fueling their cruelty and kindness in turn. 
Narinder required life energy, the fuel keeping the fire of souls alight before they fell to him, and with the dawning of a new death god that same need fell to Lamb. 
The prospect of such a need terrified the sheep when it became known to them. They held their stomach tight and whined, not understanding the hunger that now plagued them. With their godhood, food was no longer a requirement, why did that suddenly seem to change. 
Narinder knew that hunger from his time spend in limbo, and granted them the mercy of an explanation. Which only alarmed them more. 
Lamb didn’t want to shorten the lives of his followers in such a way, to do so would be cruel! Surely there had to be another way! 
“I suppose you could try to limit it to one follower, syphon from them and spare the others. But that follower would surely age to death in days if you did that.”
“...age to death you say?”
“Yes damned Lamb, age.” They had a look in their eye that made Narinder’s palms sweat. 
Then he remembered he didn’t age like the other followers around him. Lamb didn’t pounce on Narinder right away of course, despite their desperation they took the time to sit down and ask Narinder straight if he would do this for them. Allow them to sate this ache without hurting anyone they cared about. The alternative would be to feed on the heretics in the woods, where they wouldn't be subject to as much guilt. 
Narinder felt he caved too quickly to such a request, but the choice was made either way. And so whenever the urge arose Lamb would pull Narinder to a privet tent they had built for themselves, and to take what they needed from the feline. 
Which was given freely whenever they wished it.
The repeated feedings over the months since their agreement had begun to effect Narinder a little in ways he hadn’t expected. He assumed it was a side effect of Lamb’s strange means of obtaining the life force they needed. 
Sliding sharp teeth into his neck, feeling the blood trickle out of the injury while Lamb’s tongue sliding over the open wound. 
It made his knees weak and his thoughts sluggish. Often leaving him in a daze for most of next day. Lamb would take care of him and make sure he ate while resting and recovering. 
Which lead him to the situation he was in now, in their lap as they mouthed over the collection of small scars littering the area between his neck and shoulder. Where just under his skin the pulse his heart thrummed with anticipation of what was to come. 
Lamb chuckled a little, prompting a glare. He didn’t need their amusement like this, not when he was in their lap baring his neck to them, robe long abandoned on the floor along with Lamb’s fleece. 
“Just get on with it already.” “Come now Narinder, I can tell you're eager but no need to be so impatient. Have you forgotten how to wait.” “No I just- You need this more then I do! Quit depriving yourself to tease me.” 
A dark chuckle emanated from the Lamb under him, he felt their fingers squeeze around his thighs pulling him closer against their wooly chest and looking up at him with those... wine red eyes. 
“Oh Nari~ I’m so tempted to drain you right here and now...” They trail off and mouth his neck again trailing kisses over his shoulder, he couldn't help his breath catching in his throat as Lamb kissed him. “To gorge myself on this ruby red delicacy inside you.” 
Lamb’s breath against his fur was hot and heavy while their hands trailed up and down his thighs massaging small circles inside them that made the blood rush to his face. 
“But... I can’t lose my good boy. Couldn’t bare it.” 
Narinder breath came out jittery as Lamb moved back against his throat. He gulped and looked down at them. Their words echoing in his head. 
“Whats wrong Nari? Cat got your tongue.” They chuckled and finally after forever, he felt their sharp teeth against his neck again. Any response Narinder had on his tongue quickly became lost to the wind. 
Slowly those white fangs pierced through his skin. He sucked in air through his teeth and his hands tangled in the wool of their chest. They retracted from his throat and in their place their tongue lapped at his wound. 
Their lips locked around his throat and suckled gently at the wound, Narinder felt himself sigh and lean against Lamb harder as they did so. The dull pain in his neck from their actions slipping from his mind and replacing with a light as air feeling in his head. 
He kneaded the soft white wool under his paws as Lamb ravaged his neck. They savored every mouthful of his divine blood that entered their mouth. It coated their tongue in a sweet bitterness that suited the feline so well. It was hard for Lamb to stop once they tasted this flavor. 
It was even harder to stop once they realized when they did this, Narinder was putty in their hands. He'd willingly let them suck every last drop from his body if they didn't stop themselves. Which... made the option all the more tempting, especially with the revival ritual carefully tucked away in their notebook. 
Still... they didn't want to harm their good kitty. 
Narinder’s lightheadedness gave way to weakness in his limbs as his kneading slowed to a simple resting of his hands against their wool. It was soft like a cloud... so were their hips and stomach, so were their lips. Still locked at his neck while his vitality leaked from him. 
Thoughts ran slow like honey and he wagged his tail behind him, ears laying back as he purred in Lamb’s soft and sharp embrace. A good boy eager to help... Lamb hummed against his throat. 
The vision in his three eyes started to get dark around the edges, shadows creeping in as his head lolled against Lamb’s, numbed arms falling from their chest to their lap. 
At this Lamb finally pulled back from Narinder’s neck. Ignoring the soft whine from the cat in question as they did so. A small trail of blood dripping from the wound on his neck. Which Lamb was quick to dive back in and lap up, not wanting to waste a drop of this precious treat. More delicious then anything else they've tasted... 
They could surely have just one more sip...
The moan under them changed their mind quickly as Narinder slumped against them. The magic of the crown quickly let Lamb retrieve the bandages from across the room and wrap them around Narinder’s neck with practiced ease. 
“Shhhh darling. You did wonderfully...” “Mmmm really?”
“Yes of course, such a good boy.”
Narinder smiled slowly, eyes still closed as his tail swayed behind him. Lamb held a cup of water to his lips which he sipped from without complaint or hesitation. 
After that Lamb laid him down gently on the bed. By this point light was already starting to come through the crack in their door. Morning already... my how time flies. 
The drained cat curled up under the covers, spent before the dawn even broke as their rejuvenated partner stood from the bed. Giving their unconscious love a small kiss on the forehead and promising to return later with a hearty meal for him. 
They smiled fondly as Narinder purred at their words. Leaving to start the day with a jump in their step and new life in their veins. 
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 7 months
The Stranded and The Scaly
Chapter 2 Day 2: Losing optimism.
Geoff awoke to Chris McLean's obnoxious camper-wake-up-call and groaned in annoyance as he covered his ears and tried to get some more sleep. However, he was hungry and he needed to find something edible for breakfast, so he reluctantly got up.
As he stretched, he felt and heard his spine pop a bit. "Aw, fuck..." He breathed. He'll definitely think twice before sleeping in an uncomfortable position again like he did last night. Man, he wished he brought his duffel bag with him.
Wait..... His duffel bag! He must have left it around the docks somewhere! He had a sleeping bag in that thing, after all!
Breakfast could wait, he needed to find that duffel bag!
Granted, he had to stay out of sight so neither Chris or the contestants would spot him.
As Geoff ran through the woods, he kept an eye out for anyone who could alert him to Chris, and when he finally got to where he left his duffel bag, he was panting and seriously out of breath. He hugged the duffel bag and slumped down against a rock. Okay, he found his duffel bag, now he needed to find something to chow down on. Maybe he could find some berries? Nah, too risky. He had zero clue which ones were edible or not. Maybe he could practice his fishing skills? That shouldn't be too hard. He'd already eaten the protein bar he had in his pocket last night, and he wanted to save the extras in his duffel bag for when he couldn't find anything else.
So, fishing it was.
First of all, he needed to put together a makeshift fishing rod. Chris had made them put together tons of cruddy things during their first season! Duncan was great at that kind of thing! And Izzy was great at finding all sorts of things!
....But they weren't here right now, and he missed them.
Geoff sighed sadly as he broke a long, thin branch off a tree. That should make for a decent rod! "Now for the fishing line..." he mumbled to himself as he rummaged through his duffel bag for the little container of dental floss he had packed. Once he found it, he tied one end of the floss to the end of the stick and grinned, he was proud of his handiwork, even if it wasn't much. The tricky part of this little project was finding a decent hook. There wasn't much Geoff could think of using, as there weren't many options.
He eventually gave up on looking for a hook to use and started inspecting the ground to see if he could find a grub or worm to use as bait. Fish liked that kind of stuff, right? As he scouted the ground, he listened to the new contestants doing their challenge of the day. He felt bad for them, stuck in Chris's shitty games.
Soon enough, Geoff was standing on the shore with his fishing rod in action, he really hoped this would work.
After an hour of two of impatience and hunger, he caught a fish and put together a campfire to cook it with. Despite the radiation in the air, the fish seemed pretty normal, and tasted normal! Though, he did wish it had some kind of seasoning.
After his breakfast, Geoff went for a hike in the woods to clear his mind and find somewhere nice to rest when night fell.
Okay, this island was NOT normal in the slightest. The animals were all mutated! While he didn't really like the island, Chris had NO right to disrespect the wildlife like that! The poor things... Bridgette and DJ wouldn't stand for this stuff!
He missed Bridgette and DJ...
He sniffled a bit and wiped any possible tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. "Where ARE you guys?.." he spoke to himself quietly as he kept walking.
As night fell once more, Geoff bundled up in his sleeping bag and rested his head on the duffel bag. At least this was better than yesterday!
He held back tears as he closed his eyes and let sleep reclaim him once more. -----
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As If Destiny (part three)🌹
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Part Two 🌹🌹
Summary: You've always been kind hearted yet admirably defiant. Or that is at least one of the ways Coriolanus Snow would describe you. Ever since grade school, you have always been on the same level as him in academics and one of his few competitors for the Plinth Prize. But as tragedy struck your family, Coriolanus thought you would fall away from his life, but instead, you got even more intertwined (not to mention the complicated past knots tying your families together).
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Enjoy loves!
what is happening. why am i doing this. why am i doing this. Coriolanus couldn't stop the parade of panicked thoughts going through his head. Each step he took was possibly another step closer to the ruin of his name and family for good. But you wouldn't tell anyone. No you wouldn't. You wouldn't right?
You weren't really in the best of states before they made it to your home, but now you seemed far to awake for his preference. If you were still in your slightly delusional state, you may not notice the cracks in his walls, the mold seeping through the ceilings, and the ever permanent stench of poverty.
You and Coriolanus have long let go hands as he let go once the realization that he was taking you to his rugged home. His hand began profusely sweating and he began walking at an increased pace due to his nerves. You were lagging behind, having to run every few meters to catch up to his long strides.
You could tell he was immensely bothered and uncomfortable with the current situation and you simply couldn't take it anymore. "It's okay Coryo, I will be fine. I really appreciate your invitation but there is no need." You say to him in the slightly chilly night air. He turns around at your words and noticed you stopped and are a bit of a ways behind him. He quickly shakes his head in disagreement and sticks his hand you toward you.
You give him a gentle smile paired with a gentle shake of your head and begin to turn around and walk home. Seeing your movement, Snow quickly rushes to your side and puts his hands on your forearms to stop you. "Really it's not that bad, I'm sure that's the worst of it and -" "I said you are coming home with me and I meant it y/n. You need one night of proper sleep." His hands still on your forearms as he turned you around in the direction of the streets leading to the Snow home.
"Will you be able to sleep?" You say quietly, barely audible. He turns to you, his handsome face confused. You take his expression as an invitation to elaborate. "This entire time you haven't said a word and seem paranoid and worried. You are fidgeting and seem to be in a battle with yourself in that head of yours. I don't wish to be a burden to you Coryo or your family. Whatever the reason may be that is worrying you, you don't need to tell me or show me. I'm going home, your gestures of kindness have been enough. You've taken care of me enough for tonight."
He stared at you for a few moments, seeming to gather his thoughts and convert them into words. No, he hasn't taken care of you enough. If he had, you wouldn't be out in the cold at who knows what hour at this point, with deep bags and a hollowed face. He wished to take care of you more now than he wished to keep his wealth (or lack there of) a secret. But then again, Coriolanus Snow couldn't just risk everything for you. He had his family and future to take care of.
But as you were waiting for him to respond, your waves of sleep deprivation hit you as you began swaying, nearly losing your balance. The boy was quick to notice and held you to steady yourself for what felt like the millionth time that night. But he wasn't complaining. He liked the feeling that he was stabilizing you. Protecting you. Saving you. And in that moment, he decided that you were worth the risk.
The streets were empty as you and the curly blonde haired boy walked in comfortable silence. He had his arm around your waist, in fear of you falling, of course. Or that is what he would say if you objected, which you didn't. You once again were lost in your head but thinking about the moment you were in with Coriolanus made you break the silence.
"It was rebels." If Coryo was willing to trust you with whatever was waiting ahead in his home, you were willing to trust him with the truth about your mother. You felt his eyes on you but you kept your forward as you continued. "My mother's condition. The war destroyed our home so we moved with little money left. It wasn't a very big or lavish apartment but it was enough for me qnd my mom and the few staff we had left. My father was out in the districts, rebuilding his empire and wealth so we didn't see him very much. One day, my mother was moving a few objects around and the floor broke by "accidnet".
The scoff and hollowness of your voice was harshly apparent. "The floor exposed a water well, something we needed as you remember how hard it was to find clean water even years after the dark days. Everyone in the house claimed a miracle. A second one in those days." You stopped your story to gulp back emotion. Coriolanus took note as your eyes became glossy but you pushed the tears back. He wanted to stop your story if it made you uncomfortable but then again, he was trusting you with factors that made him uncomfortable, why shouldn't you do the same?
You continued "She was pregnant. I dont know if it was going to be a boy or girl, it was too early. But because of her state, we all agreed that she would have the water exclusively from the well. How they knew of her pregnancy and infiltratied our home I don't know. But about three weeks of drinking the water, she woke up in pools of blood. One from her mouth as she choked blood up but she didn't care once she saw the blood between her legs. The scream she had that day is what I hear every time she opens her mouth now in pain. That's why I threw myself into that project. I don't care about the Plinth Prize if that's what you were thinking. We all know you deserve it the most."
You wrapped up your story at the same time you both reached his home. He let go of your waist and stepped right infront of you. Both pairs of eyes looked deep into one another's. "I'm so sorry y/n. For everything and for not helping earlier. But maybe it will give you some relief that not all of us are without scars and suffering." He looked up at his once magnificent family home in shame. You followed his eyes and for the first time, took in his home. The place he ate, slept, and lived.
You noticed the deep cracks in the walls, the broken windows, and flickering lights. But even with all that, it brought a small genuine smile to your face. He trusted you. You were going to be in his home. He trusted you to be in his home. You turned your head and met his eyes with a look that made your smile vanish. He seemed upset and slightly harsh, translating to his next words.
"Why are you smiling" oh. He must think that you smiling because you were going to expose him. Once the realization hit you, you were rushing to explain. Mumbling and cutting yourself off, you explained to him that his trust brought the smile to your face. "I would never betray you Coryo. It just feels nice knowing that you trust me, I know there aren't many people on that list." You were right. The only people he truly trusted were in the shambled and barely hanging on apartment above. And you clearly trusted him with explaining the story of your mother.
He began moving towards the door, opening it up for you but you stopped infront of it and turned to him. "I know my words won't mean much and won't replace your situation, but for what it's worth, you have something most of our peers don't. Most of us had to move or renovated our apartments so much they look like a completely different one. You however, have your ancestral home. All the Snow generations have lived in the very place you do and you get to keep the tradition going. I think that's a wealth none of us can reach." You give him a shy smile with the notorious duck of your head and walked in.
He stood there for a little while, stunned. He had never thought of his breaking apartment like that before and your sincerity made his shame dissipate a slight bit. With a satisfied smile, he lead you up to his house.
A/N: hey guys! Hope you all liked this new part!! I meant to extend into scenes into the apartment but I think I will leave it for part 4 and get this out there sooner. I hope was close enough to Croyos thought process. I know he isn't a great guy but I think in the beginning he wasn't really evil, just morally gray. So I tried to do some sort of balance idk. Anyways I'm just ranting at this point, have a great day loves❤️
@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹 @notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear 🌹
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heartmeadows · 8 months
Sometimes I long to tear a hole in time and go back to each version of me, whispering wisdom in their ears. Saving that child from the violence that'll follow her all her youth. Or at least, steering that broken, volatile young woman with hunger in her heart to a place where love doesn't need to be a sanguinary beast that you let devour you until there's almost nothing left. I wish I could tell her that her only value isn't her body, that she need not let them use her to feel a warped sense of worth. How I wish someone had told her that she matters for simply existing, and that her value is in the kindness of her heart. That loving herself will fill that void better than anyone or anything else ever could. Even if she wouldn't believe me, I'd give her a last word of warning of how she doesn't need to chase answers to questions like "what will finally break me?" Nothing will, my love, not even the moment your lungs stopped breathing. I wish someone had told her that no matter how small and frail she feels she has strength within her that shines brighter than any fire she ever lit to keep others warm.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
The G03LM's need more love, can I ask for a yandere concept for the generic G03LM enemies?
I can do a generic G03LM concept, sure!
Yandere! Generic G03LM Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Murder, Forced relationship, Slight dehumanization, Implied kidnapping, Slight forced affection.
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- Let's first talk about the behaviors of G03LMs in game.
- They are usually shown as enforcers, large units meant to defend areas.
- They are shown often as servants, bodyguards, and just general guards.
- They are meant to protect areas and people.
- Take the Tower Guards for example, they are meant to defend the Science Tower.
- That or the bodyguards we see in the nightclub on Arena Mode.
- Church and Jorge are good examples of G03LMs being determined in tasks.
- Even in combat they are usually quite calm unless agitated.
- Using this behavior we can assume they'd be very protective.
- G03LMs would be Overprotective, Intimidating, Manipulative, and Calm for the most part.
- Any other personalities depend on the G03LM.
- For example, Skinner is kind and compassionate, Church and Jorge are determined and persistent, and Bandit G03LMs are feral and animalisitc.
- As this is generic there's several ways you could have one attached to you.
- Maybe you're assigned one as a bodyguard.
- Help one out, leaving them indebted due to their servant nature.
- Captured by bandits is another.
- There's many possibilities as G03LMs are found nearly everywhere.
- No matter what type you find though they'd be overprotective.
- Once attached to you, expect them to rarely leave your side.
- Even the bandit ones follow you obsessively.
- Out of hunger or adoration depends on if you fed them-
- They can be complete and utter tanks, too.
- Not as much as Mags, obviously, but they are willing to make someone paste for you.
- The weapons they wield are very deadly, even just their unarmed strikes would break something.
- If they saw you hurt they make it a goal to make people pay.
- Even if you're just negotiating or talking they're right behind you.
- You can hear their breath through their bared teeth.
- To smaller grunts they are intimidating.
- Other grunts are hesitant to come near you due to the guard around you.
- A hulking beast of torn flesh, growling/grunting at people near you.
- Using such intimidation they can get manipulative.
- Their size coupled with their strength and voice is enough to make anyone cower.
- Including you, they're protecting you so why wouldn't you listen?
- They usually listen to commands but they may command you at times.
- Usually if frustrated or concerned for your well-being.
- Even when they're being threatening or attacking, they're strangely calm....
- They have such a calm tone of voice that can either put you at ease or terrify you.
- G03LMs would probably start off new to affection until taught.
- Maybe if you have a bodyguard G03LM you trust them enough to hug them, telling them you appreciate their help.
- That or you try to teach the Bandit G03LM to stop biting and give affection like normal.
- They may learn that it's okay and reciprocate.
- They would also adore holding you.
- G03LMs are fascinated by the size difference between them and their Darlings.
- Holding you makes them so content, you're just so small and warm.
- Even if you do not wish to be held, they will still scoop you into their large paws/hands.
- They also don't mind what type of armor or outfit you give them.
- They probably cherish the gift from their master....
- They would also pamper you.
- They were created to be butlers and servants, of course they'd make sure their master is well taken care of.
- You're fed, clothed, protected, and cleaned all by them.
- They are your only form of comfort in this wasteland known as Nevada.
- Who cares if they restrict your freedoms? At least you're alive....
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