#wow I want this all to exist now ty
terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
Sort of inspired by your discussion of Jenny needing to go to London alone to really grow into herself and mature as a person, in an ideal world in which none of the main characters were forcibly tethered to the UES or its more toxic inhabitants post-high school, how do you generally - like broad strokes - imagine them developing as people in college and throughout their twenties? I always wonder where everyone might have ended up had they not been constrained by the type of narrative they were living in, and I’d love to hear any headcanons you have on the subject!
I've been thinking about this on and off since i received it (an embarrassingly - for me - amount of time ago) and now finally feel like I can answer.
because, like, what if we weren't constrained by the harsh realities of making tv? what if the rules meant that they could leave new york?
well, first, let's dovetail off jen moving to london and blossoming, and send eric along with her. he can go to cambridge, or any of the other big name universities in the area, and he and jenny would be flatmates and live their own hilarious queer sitcom of being students in london.
I've already plugged nads' yale au in my answers this evening, but I still really like the idea of dan and blair attending yale, and outside of the maelstrom of manhattan drama, they settle into their own selves and learn they could actually...like each other? and then they fall in LOVE as far as careers, they are the most driven. and we've talked about novelist dan and editress blair and art historian blair and college prof dan.....but lately I've been thinking about blair working in costuming. It's not high fashion design, but I think it's a great synthesis of the things we know blair loves: literature, film, history, art history & fashion history, Evil Dictator of Good Taste, being a specialist and big boss on a niche subject...yeah...
i still enjoy the idea of vanessa being at nyu, or at another arts college in nyc, and making her own way and building her own story (without being boxed in to the secondary character of anyone else's story!) I like the idea of her attending Tisch too, and expanding her skill set into screenwriting in that way.
to plug another au by a friend, S's goodbye stranger introduced the concept of Serena attending Berkeley, and I LOVE it. I love that for her. Berserk-ley. I think that school in that part of the country would be where Serena would really thrive. She becomes a full glamorous SF queen. perhaps she opens a coffee shop. Blair is outwardly mortified but inwardly very proud.
As for Nate, I think he is the character who really should take a gap year. It's never questioned, but the way he is yanked around by the collar those first two seasons, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that nate would decide that he needs some time to figure out what it is he wants. sidebar: bc the serena gap year felt disingenuous in many ways, yk? serena was so eager to leave new york and go to school and study. she likes learning, we see it, and the opportunity to reinvent herself that college would provide....why would she walk away from it? except for TV Reasons. so, I like the thought of nate taking at least a year. traveling, volunteering, maybe he takes a community college course or two. he falls off the grid for a while and he realizes how healthy and how happy he feels without the constant eyes and pressure of his family & gossip girl. and after that time, he's found what he actually wants to do, and goes to school to do it. -- as always, I'm fond of nate working in health care, as a nurse or pt or something, but it could really be anything. teacher? chef? social worker? children's librarian? (actually culinary student nate has come up in convos with ivy & cherry before and I am into it.)
and uhhhhhh i guess chip wiskers can crash his inherited business and money into the ground bc lets be real that fucko would try to launch his own cryptocurrency and since he seems to hold such disdain for education and self-betterment, he stagnates and falls off the face of the earth byeeee
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 months
Sorry if this might be a rude question but why don’t you just make a seperate account for your nsfw fics?
not rude, it's a valid question! tbh it's a combination of a couple reasons.
i started posting anonymous dead dove batcest fics long before i had the balls to make a tumblr. at first i was content to just leave them unassociated with each other because i didn't really care about them being tied to me. i made this blog to actually show solidarity to my partner who wanted to make a sideblog for Sandman comic stuff so we could cheerlead each other and be brave together, since i've wanted to make a batcest sideblog but i've been nervous about actually having to get it going. (mal ik you're reading this go be brave and actually make your blog so i can cheerlead you damnit-) only did it dawn on me then that i should probably mention the fics i've written on the blog after like, three of them were posted anonymously. and it would've annoyed me to have half of them anonymous and half of them not, because notifications for them would've gone in different places. i could go back and take my fics off anon if i wanted to, but i can't switch the account they're on without taking them down entirely and that'd fuck over people who have them bookmarked already.
which, ties into my second reason, if i made an entire second ao3 account it'd be harder for me to see notifications, reply to stuff, and post things for both accounts because i'd have to constantly switch. and honestly i'd be terrified of accidentally posting on the wrong one on a brain fog day. posting fics is always the most tedious part of writing them for me lol. it's easier for me to stay logged into one account and have all of my stuff in one place for me and just use the anonymous collection when i feel like it. if ao3 pseuds worked like tumblr blogs, where you can't see all my side blogs but i can, i would've used pseuds, but since you can see all pseuds on an ao3, i felt it was a moot point.
and the last reason is i just feel more comfortable being anonymous on ao3 because of the rise in anti culture. on tumblr it's very easy for me to just filter that out and find the people i want to follow and block the people i don't. i don't mind getting hate, on tumblr or on ao3. but i think, for whatever reason you want to blame it on, there's been a massive boom of antis on ao3 who are very entitled about how they read on ao3. i tag extensively, but i just feel safer from getting targeted attacks if everything i write on ao3 isn't attached to one profile. if people like a fic i wrote, want to find more i always link my tumblr in the notes, but if an anti wants to get huffy with me, they can't easily track down my other things. they definitely could if they wanted to, but being anonymous on ao3 just makes me feel more secluded, in a weird way. it's like saying "if you want you can come find me but on here i'm just a weird faceless guy throwing stuff in the void". i've used ao3's anon feature a lot, actually, i used to be a hydra trash party dumpster kid back when that was in it's prime.
i also used to be vaguely popular on a different tumblr blog and my main ao3 and while i think it'd definitely be cool if i got a decent chunk of followers on this blog too, i don't really miss having fanfiction do so well i got targetted hate on all of my fics from the same people, i had my fics stolen, etc. it was really exhausting for me. i have 120+ works on ao3, not counting what's anonymous, and that level of exposure tires me, even when i use my main ao3 to post things that aren't trashy. it's just a weird feeling knowing so many people are subscribed to you on ao3 and what if you post something they won't like because you jumped fandoms again, or you're posting something niche, or you don't think it fills enough fandom tropes to be well-liked. i used to obsessively think like that, and it made me not write the things i wanted to because i cared about numbers. and i don't want to slide back into that hole. writing on anonymous is mostly to remind myself i wrote this for me, and if other people like it, they can come find me, but i don't have to perform like that anymore. if i get a really weird fucked up idea, i can write the really weird fucked up idea. at the end of the day, just makes me more comfortable! but i get it's a super confusing set up from an outsider perspective so, i really don't mind the question, thank you for asking!!
#necrotic festerings#batcest#pro ship#necrotic answerings#tbh asking the question gave me the chance to explain it so ty!#might link this in my about me or my masterlist for ease of access#i don't want to like. overstate how big i was on an old blog bc i was not like. a celebrity by *any* means.#but i had a ship-specific blog and i was certainly a “big name fan” for that specific rarepair#and it like. took over my life when i was a teen#i look back on it fondly now but i really regret that i would obsess so heavily over numbers and what made a fic do well#my favorite fics to write were htp back then bc for htp culture writing on anon was normal since that was during the dreamwidth days#and i just. liked that veil of anonymity and i think i defaulted to that when i decided to finally start posting batcest stuff#(all of this makes me sound so old i'm only 22 i just started fandom really fucking young which i don't recommend)#and when i say one fic got big. i mean it. i have found that fic on instagram and pinterest and tiktok and even. facebook.#do you know what it's like when your fic gets reuploaded to facebook without your permission and you see what boomers think of it.#that was so mortifying.#funnily enough the boomers were actually really nice i was just shocked to find it there scrolling one day.#it was instagram that was super mean to me and traumatized my ass. man ppl dug into me for the tinest things. do not miss that.#anyway the point is#i've tasted vitality and niche fandom status(tm) and i hated both. and i just cannot do that to myself again#ergo#anon on ao3 and a blog to post my thoughts when i have them.#it's a nice system for me#i have some stuff on my main ao3 that toes the line of like. dark dead dove trash.#and i had antis get mad at me bc their fave fluffy fic was written by. gasp. a proshipper.#and yeah that soured me to existence on ao3.#getting into the rise of anti culture is a whole other discussion that'd have me going on for hours but i will shut up now.#wow this got long. i like to fucking talk don't i.
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okartichoke · 1 month
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ace avian. that’s what we’re calling this 🗣️🗣️🗣️
please let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions or input or anything! i’m happy to bounce ideas around (i'll post DL-6 someday soon i swear)
shoutout to the anon who sent in that ask bc i seriously fell in love with blue jay phoenix. SHOUTOUT TO TAKAHE PHOENIX TOO THO takahe phoenix, you will forever be in my heart and im glad you existed <3333,, (maybe in this au he’s got some loving adoptive takahe parents :3) (YKNOW WHAT YEAH that’s canon now)
but yeah, flight-avoidant jay phoenix still lends itself well to the common-man hardworking underdog vibe i want from him. speaking of flight-avoidant...
Phoenix's relationship with flying:
It's a bit complicated. Basically, Phoenix can fly, but he historically chooses not to. From the lack of any practice, he's an INCREDIBLY weak flier. (That hovering is really all he can manage)
For one, he's still afraid of heights. Can't help that. This fear means he was less inclined to practice flying, which made him a weaker flier. And being a weaker flier, in turn, made his fear of heights worse. And so on, in a loop. With flightless parents too (it's canon now it's canon), there's even less of a reason to learn to fly. At some point, not flying might've even become something he stuck with out of stubbornness lol, knowing Phoenix.
(I will soon be making a couple small world building posts, but) flying isn't necessary to get around in their society. Convenient, sure, but Phoenix realized he could make do without, and so he did. Phoenix, you icon. Slay. 💅💅
i know this probably isn't the popular take with wing AUs??, but Phoenix being flightless (or at least semi-flightless) sounded like a really fun take on the idea to me. His name is irony at its peak. I also look forward to exploring how other characters react to him not flying. The prosecutors are going to have so many cheap insult opportunities.
As I mentioned though, he still uses his wings a LOT, though. He's much more emotive with them than most people. His sarcastic inner-dialogue remarks are also betrayed by his wings lmao
I also imagine bird-folk never really invented bikes (riding would just be annoying with their wings, plus bikes aren't fast/efficient enough to outweigh just flying), so instead, Phoenix gets around on a little wing-powered scooter device (like scootaloo lol) (they're usually made for children who can't fly yet, but Phoenix still uses one)
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finally, wow, stellar jay’s are quite literally just phoenix wright as a bird lmao? color scheme, hair, it’s uncanny. give it a pink tie and it just is Phoenix Wright, i used a blue jay since they’ve got a bit more striking wings but wow.
(ty again for the support and for reading my essay ! :3)
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one more thing, but @kora-kat YES YES YES this. ^^^^ omg THIS. this is still true even though he's a jay now.
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oblique-lane · 3 months
more mercenary analysis, whichever merc you want <3
Not a mercenary but... Okay!
Let's dissect Pauling
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Always so collected, responsible and efficient. The one who is not afraid to get her hands dirty for the sake of a goal, and her performance is always one hundred percent. What could possibly be not cool about her?
Well, maybe the fact that this all is, in fact, an act. Of course it is.
I'm not saying her determination and dedication to her job aren't sincere decisions of her heart, she really enjoys it and shines in her work. It's just a matter of WHY and WHAT she's doing it for. And on what scale.
For her, her job is EVERYTHING. Eagerly working 364 days a year with barely any rest, masochistically putting herself in so much danger, blindly following the boss's instructions, not even hesitating to kill people standing on the way...
Wow, there's gotta be something going on here.
Well, obviously the Administrator plays A HUGE role in this situation. Why would Pauling trust her so much? Referring to the comics, Pauling trusted her wholeheartedly on whatever the Administrator was planning, even though she didn't know what it was. This blind following that vaguely resembles nothing less than a weird somewhat child-to-a-mother attachment. It's just a Boss, just a job, why?
Because that's what it is. Mother issues. Very apparent.
We don't know anything about Pauling's past, so there's where the headcanons begin:
I'm assuming her birth mother was very neglectful and dismissing, never acknowledged her daughter's accomplishments and struggles. No matter how hard Pauling tried to become "worthy" in her eyes, it seemed to be never enough, as if she didn't even exist at all. Maybe her mother was a substance addict or something and their household wasn't safe and stable, so Pauling had to become an adult early and run away from home as a teenager and find a job to get by.
(I assume that because I believe there was a mention in the canon lore that Ms.Pauling had been working for the Administrator for long long years (don't remember exactly), indicating that she started working when she was still a minor).
So, being taken under the Administrators wing, her young wounded brain found a substitute for a very thing she was lacking, subconsciously clinging onto the Administrator as a newly mother figure, in order to "get it right this time".
Administrators Strictness, responsibility and demandingness were the most favorite qualities of a person of authority in Pauling's eyes, in contrast to the laziness, unaccountability and indifference of the environment in which she grew up. She could finally strive.
This time she would show the mother figure that she's worthy, she's important and irreplaceable; she exists. She would prove that no amount of hardship is too much for her if it means approval for the Administrator.
And the Administrator kind-of-sort-of gave Pauling this pseudo-love in return, encouraging her to sacrifice herself even more for their work. Which is at the very least unfair, and at most just predatory. Administrators "love" was conditional, in contrast with when the real motherly love Pauling unknowingly expected. Administrator was too immature for a mother figure, too much in power for a partner or a friend, yet too close for a formal boss. What is this!? Something not nice.
The Administrator doesn't love Pauling for Pauling, she loves her working qualities. And thus, Paulings subconscious guess was confirmed that "I'm only important when I'm doing the job. I AM the job."
Tying your worth to what you DO instead of what you are is a huge dangerous existential rout one could choose. But she never really knew her importance outside of her skills, so she wouldn't know.
Now imagine how actually painful that character arc was for her, when the Administrator proved herself to be unreliable and secretive, and when Pauling started to question her intentions for the first time.
"... Because I trusted you!"
"Then why are you questioning me now?"
It wasn't even the real conversation between them, just Pauling's mind torturing her.
It reminded me of the crisis of a 4-year-old when they realise that their parents aren't perfect; they don't know anything and they CAN hurt you.This shattering illusion of almighty love. When a child stops believing that the "harsh love" their mother treats them with is simply an abuse.
Wouldn't it be terrifying to realise in your 20s thar despite running for "the mother's approval" all your life, you will never truly get it. If your mother failed to provide it to you at such a young age, nothing will truly substitute that, especially now, when you're an adult, no one will love your inner child the way it was supposed to be loved.
Unless you yourself decide to take that role.
Realistically speaking, it's not nearly that sever with Pauling! She's happy in the environment she's in, there's lots of interests for her to explore (Guns, fights, killin'!) So many adventures every day! Even if Pauling has her inner suffering, it's not that bad aa I describe it. Her mother problems may actually be an advantage, a reason she is such a good and caring boss for the mercenaries.
I'm just edgying things down for the sake of the clearer analysis. But still...
If the Administrator will be gone and Pauling loses her life-dedicated job... What will be left? Who is Pauling once Mann Co is no more? Can she answer that?
– A video that helped me better understand the Good Girl mask:
– "Lise Bourbeau's 5 soul wounds model: Injustice"
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dnpbeats · 7 months
drop the dan loving goblin phil essay rn
(in reference to my tag on this post)
OKAY SO! In BIG dan says this about phil: "And this is when, through the magic of the internet, I met Phil. And obviously we were more than friends but it was more than just romantic. This is someone that genuinely liked me. I trusted them. And for the first time since I was a tiny child, I actually felt safe. [...] Especially to anyone that has experienced the kind of self-hatred that I have dealt with, one person accepting you can make all the difference" (ty @goldenpinof for the transcript 🕺). Now obviously, this is in the context of dan being gay so for the most part he's referencing his sexuality here when he talks about being accepted, and I am not trying to undermine that at all. But I think that phil's acceptance of dan went deeper than just his sexuality (goblin Phil comes into this I promise lol).
dan also talks a bit in BIG about how he was nerdy and was bullied for that before he was bullied for being gay. He's also mentioned other times how being nerdy/geeky didn't use to be accepted. In the 4/13 stereo show, dan says: "Before YouTube, if you were a nerd, you felt like you weren't a valid member of society unless you were, like, captain of the football team or whatever. [...] Now, thanks to social media, it's like 'oh, okay, well if someone like Hank Green can exist, I'm fine.'" What's extra interesting about this example specifically is that dan is talking about representation in response to a fan prompting him to talk about queer representation in media. So like, yes the majority of dan's struggles in accepting himself were surrounding his sexuality, but I do also think there was a layer of being a nerdy kid at a time when it wasn't cool or fun that added onto him not accepting himself. And I do not think that that's completely separate from his nonacceptance of his sexuality.
So, what exactly does this have to do with dan expecting phil to be super debonair and then having those expectations shattered? But then still wanting phil, arguably even more than he did before? Well, I think that phil was (and is) unapologetically himself, and that was inspiring for dan to see. dan said in BIG that he didn't meet an out gay person until he was 18, so either that person was phil himself or he met phil shortly afterwards and phil was therefore one of the first out gay people dan knew. and we know from phil's coming out video that he wasn't ashamed of his sexuality at that time. but phil's acceptance of himself goes beyond his sexuality, like just look at his YouTube content at the time. he was doing experimental stuff that was weird as shit (I don't mean that in a bad way I like his old vids!). most people probably would not have the confidence or self-assurance to make the stuff he was making, let alone post it. and then, beyond that, he was just a nerdy guy himself! but it was something that he openly talked about online and we know he and dan bonded over video games/tv shows/etc.
And now let's think about this from dan's perspective. He's been watching this guy's videos forever. He's been talking to him online for the past couple of months, and while he was talking with phil (rather than "amazingphil"), I'm sure there was still that element of like "wow holy shit I can't believe I'm talking with amazingphil!" Hence why dan says in the mean girls video that he was expecting phil to be all "hi, I'm amazingphil! 😏" when they first met (also side note, when dan starts to make this joke phil starts doing it at the same time, so I'm sure this is a discussion they've had before lol). but Phil wasn't like that!!! he was all hunched over and awkward and dorky! because he was nervous!! BUT he wasn't ashamed of that. he wasn't trying to put on some AmazingPhil™ Smooth Operator Refined front. He was just himself. Unapologetically so. And for dan, I think that that meant so much in terms of accepting himself, but also feeling accepted. because how was he going to believe phil when he said "dan I love you for who you are" if phil was hiding himself around dan?
So yeah, I think that's why dan saw goblin phil, not amazingphil, and was still like "yeah I want to build my life with this person." Because for him, phil represented self-acceptance and being accepted and a safe place and someone who he could be on the same wavelength with and true unconditional love and someone he can geek out with and someone who will let him yap for an hour about whatever the hell dan has decided to talk about that day. of course he would like phil more than whatever version of amazingphil he had built up in his head. because phil loves dan for who he truly is and dan loves phil for who he truly is :)
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serenewrote · 15 days
Controversially Young ~ Matt Smith x fem! actress smau
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Synopsis: You were recently cast as Bruce Wayne's love interest, which everyone adores, Selina Kyle. The age gap though, has some in a tizzy.
Warning(s): sexist comments, big age gap
Rating(s): NC-17
Actress Y/n L/n Cast alongside Matt Smith in upcoming Batman Movie
Here's what you need to know about Zack Synders new project...
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now wait just a meowment...
are you going to see Batman (2024)?
see comments
charliebushnell y/n we've talked abt this
↪️ y/nl/n I couldn't help ittttt
user420 still have no idea how they could subject you to this
↪️ user2 subject her to what
↪️ user420 working with someone twice her age
hater2 be honest... whose d*ck did you suck to get this role?
↪️ hater34 probably Matt's
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Press paws and live in the meow!
trash007 if I were Matt, I'd hit
↪️ trash006 same
user360 y'all are gross up in these comments
↪️ trash56 if she didn't want these comments, she wouldn’t have auditioned for CATWOMAN
↪️ trash001 the sexist dc character to exist
user49 I could never work with someone twice my age, I'd be scared
↪️ user86 y/n's worked with Matt before I think she knows how he is
batman2024 we love our bat and cat
leahsavajefferies as purr-ty as a picture
↪️ charliebushnell no! no puns
↪️ diorgoodjohn these puns are hissterical
↪️ y/nl/n lol
Y/n L/n talks Catwoman, DC, and new interests
by Young Hollywood
Interviewer: Hello Readers! Today I am joined by one of these most known young actresses of our generation, Y/n L/n! Thank you for being here.
Y/n: Thank you for inviting me. I love doing interviews.
Interviewer: So, how have you been?
Y/n: I've been good. Doing a lot of filming for Batman, catching up with old friends, trying to up my instagram game. I've gotten into videography, shooting mini vlogs and cooking videos.
Interviewer: Sounds fun! I love that! Is there any insight into the movie that you can give us?
Y/n: Sure! If any of you were wondering, this is going to be very different from any portrayal of Batman and Catwoman that you've seen or read. Obviously because Selina Kyle is a lot younger than Bruce in this adaptation which is a plot within itself. This Selina, and because she is younger, her story has changed, is a street rat or stray cat. She lives on the streets, and her story in this, is similar to that of her portrayal in the show, Gotham. She meets Bruce as she is trying pickpocket off him out in the open. Then, it goes from there.
Interviewer: Wow! That certainly is a must-watch. Now, I hate to get deep all of a sudden, but have you seen the comments regarding your casting?
Y/n: Yes, I have actually. A lot of them are for disgusting middle-aged men, so I don't really bother with them. I knew what I was getting into when I auditioned.
Interviews: You also get to work with Matt Smith again. Did you know that he was casted as Bruce or did you find out after you got the call?
Y/n: You know what's funny? Zack told me that Matt told him not to tell me. So, I didn't know until our table read!
Interviewer: Oh my god! What?!
Y/n: Yeah! And I hadn't seen him in so long that I almost jumped across the table to hug him.
Interviews: Aw!
Y/n: A lot of people also would say that they felt bad for me because I'm the love interest to someone twice my age, but I've known Matt for a long time. He worked with my father in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I played young Rhaena in House of the Dragon. He's a family friend, a beloved friend. I trust him.
Y/n: I understand the public's concerns though. I did just turn 24 earlier this year. The age gap is big, but it is strictly for storytelling purposes.
Interviews: There you have it. I loved talking with you today.
Y/n: I always look forward to interviews with you. Big fan.
Interviewer: Big fan of you too! Any last words?
Y/n: Go see Batman in theaters near you coming this December!
I tried my best.
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thescarletnargacuga · 28 days
Because until now do i realize that im allowed to put two asks-
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A/N:🎵I always feel like somebody's watching MEEEEE 🎶
WARNING: little angsty, anxiety
The circus members gathered to await Caine to announce their daily adventure. They made idle chit chat fully unaware of the being luring in the shadows, watching.
Shadow made sure to peak subtly and silently, going completely unnoticed as he focused on one circus member in particular. The red headed ragdoll, Ragatha. Her cheerful smile and sparkling eye make his heart skip a beat. She always seemed so full of life and energy, it made him almost wish he could go on adventures too.
Her braided yarn hair looked soft to the touch, I often wondered what it would be like to have it run between his fingers. He was even envious of her patchwork dress, as it got to hug her frame every second of every day. He left out a quiet, lovesick sigh. He knew he could never tell her, but it was nice to think about what it would be like to hold her...to kiss her...to tell her how much he-
"Morning!" Caine popped into existence next to his shaded kin.
Shadow completely dispersed for a second, becoming nothing but black smoke that clung to the walls, then reformed with a glare aimed directly at Caine.
"What are you up to on this fine day?" Caine asked with a smile.
"Nothing. [%$!#] off." Shadow grumbled.
Caine looked over at his circus members in the distance. Then back at Shadow. "Wait...were you spying again? You know you could just ask me what adventure I have planned. I don't mind telling you."
"This isn't about you." Shadow noticed some of the circus members looking his way and he moved out of sight. "Now go away. You're too loud."
Caine narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "If it's not me...what is it? Hm? You jealous my cast gets to go on adventures?"
Shadow felt heated by Caine's incessant questions. "No! I don't give a flying [%$!#] about your adventures!"
"Alright, then WHO is it? Who are you watching so obsessively?"
"I'm not obsessed!"
"Shadow, this is the third time this week alone I've caught you snooping. Come on, you can tell me."
"The [%$!#] I can. You'll just announce it to the whole circus!"
"I will not! In fact, I don't want you to tell me. I'll just guess." Caine smirked.
"You really don't listen when people tell you to go away...and you wonder why no one likes you." Shadow didn't bother disappearing. caine would just follow him if he did. At least here he could occasionally glance at Ragatha.
"No need to make this personal." Caine cleared his voice. "Now, I am convinced this is about a particular person. You have a crush."
Shadow was no better at hiding his emotions than Caine. "Wha-!? No!"
"Uh-huh, sure you don't. Is it Pomni? Because I hate to break it to you, she's called for."
"Eugh! NO! That ball of anxiety in a jester hat is all yours, you freak."
Caine deadpanned. "You should really look in a mirror sometime. Not Pomni. That's a relief. Jax?"
"No! None of them! I wouldn't tell you even if you guessed correctly."
"Ah-ha! So there is a correct answer!"
"[%$!#]" Shadow swore under his breath.
"Okay, it's got to be Gangle. I didn't think someone as sweet as her would be your type, but-"
"Will you knock it off already!? God! Fine! IT'S RAGATHA!" He said so loud, it echoed through the circus. The cast members that had been talking all stopped to look around for the source. Shadow and Caine were out of sight where they were. Shadow lowered his voice before continuing. "There. Now can you [%$!#] off already!? Just leaving me alone!"
"Ragatha?? Wow, that's an even bigger surprise than Gangle. Come on, Shadow, you shouldn't be ashamed! Ragatha is wonderful! I could introduce you."
"NO! No! Absolutely not! She isn't getting wind of ANY of this! Understand!?" Shadow blushed heavily in his flustered panic.
Caine sighed dramatically. "Fiiiiiiine. Mum's the word. Promise. Cross my code and hope to fly!"
"....that's not how- whatever." Shadow pinched the top of his bottom teeth in exasperation. "Just don't tell her. Seriously. It's...better if she doesn't know."
"But why? I bet she'd love to go on a double date with you and me and Pomni. They're best friends, you know. And even if she wasn't interested, she'd be nice about it. Ragatha is a very kind person."
Shadow was silent for a moment. "It's not the rejection...it's the disgust."
"What do you mean?"
"LOOK AT US!!" Shadow snapped. "You got lucky finding someone so pathetically desperate, they accepted affection from the likes of us. Ragatha would never."
Caine was taken aback, then angry. "There's no need to insult Pomni. Her interest sees past this." He gestures to himself. "It's not about the avatar, it's about the person behind it."
"We aren't people, Caine. We're.... we're nothing but code. And I'm even less than that. I'm not even rendered." Shadow looked at his inky black hands.
"Don't be so quick to judge how she'd react, Shadow. I had the same fears confessing to Pomni. How could she love an AI like me? And yet, here we are. It wasn't out of desperation. It was out of mutual respect and longing for connection. If you respect Ragatha, you'll tell her. Creeping in the shadows will get you nowhere."
Shadow went quiet again. His eyes falling on Ragatha. His heart ached to tell her, but it ached even more out of fear. "Not...yet. I can't."
Caine nodded. "It takes time, but don't wait too long. You know I can't keep my mouth shut forever." He winked and teleported to the circus members to introduce the adventure.
With everyone properly distracted, Shadow could look fully again and admire Ragatha from afar. His daydream of her smile being aimed at him was interrupted by the intrusive thought of her being angry and insulted that he dare say anything to her. He tried to shake it, but thinking about confessing made fear grip his heart. She'd never accept him. She'd never want him. He would forever belong to the shadows. Alone.
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nexysworld · 1 year
Hi! Going anonymous but wanted to say your yandere Leon story on ao3 is just... wow... I don't think I saved a story so fast in my life... honestly in love with your Leon and the whole story. But wanted to poke your brain, a favorite idea for yandere characters is, how would they react to waking up in the middle of the night and their love is just straight up missing? Then finding them and realize it's not because they ran away but because they sleep walked. How would Leon react to that?
Hi Anon! Thanks so much for the support with Guardian Angel, I'm so glad you're liking it so far! 💜💜💜💜 For your ask headcanons below:
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In Leon's case, I think it would depend on how far the reader had gotten and at what point they were in their 'relationship.' 🖤 If this was still the beginning, with the reader being fearful and feisty, Leon would probably assume it was just another escape attempt, which he already expected honestly. 🖤 Since you were still adjusting to things, the house would've been locked up tight, so you couldn't have gotten far. 🖤Of course he'd be confused as hell with random babbling of words and the repeating sound of something rattling in the kitchen as he came down the stairs - then he'd realize his bunny was just sleepwalking. While annoyed, he'd hoist you up and carry you back to bed. 💜Now if this was several months or more in, and his Bunny had been being so well-behaved and warming up to him like he'd hoped for, then it would be different. 💜His first reaction would be to think that something was wrong, especially when the front door was wide open. He'd be so panicked and worried. 💜 When you weren't in an immediate location to spot, he'd utilize the tracking device he had implanted on you - seeing you near the very edge of the property line. At that point, he would be absolutely crushed, thinking it was another escape attempt. 💜 His mind would run with thoughts of anger and doubt. His baby had been warming up to him, but it was a lie this whole time! How could his Bunny do this to him? Hadn't you appreciated all he's done for you? What if you'd done something stupid and got hurt - or worse - were you trying to hurt yourself on purpose to spite him? 💜 Catch him on a rampage to get you, completely ready to shock you, bend you over, put you back in the time-out room - anything really to show you how hurt he was feeling, and a reminder that he was still in control and you weren't going anywhere. 💜But then he'd see you cooing and petting something that didn't exist, right at the property's edge. A few calls of your pet name and he'd realize you weren't even conscious. 💜He'd be so relieved to know you hadn't betrayed him - peppering your unconscious face with kisses until you woke up, scared and confused. "Shhh. Don't worry, turns out my little Bunny likes to go on adventures in her sleep." He'd coo and walk you back to the house, of course cleaning you up and bringing you back to bed. 🖤Regardless of the situation, the bedroom door would absolutely be getting locked from now on, and he'd be holding you extra close at night. Maybe even tying a wrist to the bed for good measure.
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moonsgemini · 1 year
seeking arrangements- iii
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summary: Jealousy is an ugly color on everyone except for Thomas. As Lola and Rafe spend more time together the more they feel like it’s becoming too real, and the boat rides and cocktail parties don’t help.
warnings: escort!rafe x oc, fem reader, shitty family, kissing, alcohol, bad descriptions of a yacht, fluff, mentions of cheating
wc: 4.7k
an: ahhhh we’re getting into the more fun stuff, I hope you all are enjoying <3 there’s about 3 more parts left if I’ve planned correctly. Honestly this part was hard for me to write, but I did it. Also I don’t know shit about boats okay so don’t come for me.
series masterlist - previous part
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“Uh Rafe?” Lola called from the bathroom. She was finishing getting ready for their boat day.
“Yeah?” He called from the room as he placed his hat on his head.
“Can you help tie my bikini please?” She asked with slightly pink cheeks.
They had spent the night together, Lola insisting on creating a pillow wall. But when they woke up the pillow wall was gone and Lola’s legs were tangled with Rafe’s. She had woken up before him so she quickly untwisted herself from him.
He walked into the bathroom and she had her back to him. The strings of the floral bikini hanging behind her as she held the front up. He cleared his throat and began tying the strings. His fingers brushing against her soft skin making them burn.
“All done.”
“Thankyou,” She said softly turning around to face him. She lifted the straps of her overalls to clip them to the front.
“You ready for today?” Rafe asked her as he leaned against the sink.
She shrugged, “I guess so. Being trapped on a boat in the middle of the ocean with all these people that think I’m a loser? so ready.”
“I don’t think you’re a loser, and I’ll make sure they know you’re not a loser.” He smiled.
“Thanks Rafe, are you ready to go?” She asked.
“Mhmm I even packed the bag like you asked,” He walked into the room motioning to the trader joes bag she had instructed him to fill with sunscreen her sunglasses and other essentials.
She laughed, “What a good listener, so we’re meeting everyone at the dock. Is it okay if Tabitha rides with us?”
“Yeah of course. I think she might also be the one person I like here.”
Lola laughed and grabbed the bag before walking out the door. Rafe couldn’t help but think she looked so cute in her overalls. He had to admit he was looking forward to making Thomas jealous.
“Tabi, are you ready?” Lola called as they walked down the hall.
Tabitha opened the door to her room all dressed and ready to go, “Of course I’ve just been waiting for you two love birds. I know the morning is the most sensual time of day so I didn’t want to rush you,” she winked.
Rafe chuckled following the women. Lola rolled her eyes and blushed, “Please we’re at my parents house.”
“So? That’s never stopped anyone.” She laughed. They walked out to Rafe’s car where he placed their bags in the trunk. He placed his sunglasses over his eyes as he got into the car.
“Very nice car Rafe,” Tabitha commented from the back seat, “So what do you do?” Lola couldn’t help but feel nervous now. Last night when they went back out withe everyone they were all a bit tipsy so no one gave him the third degree. She had also excused them from the night early, she had felt too overwhelmed with everyone and needed time to decompress. So when her and Rafe went back to the room they just watched Pitch Perfect together.
“Thanks, I have a real estate developing company in North Carolina.” He said as he backed out of the drive way. Lola giving him directions towards the dock.
“Wow that’s fancy. But you live in New York? How did you guys meet?” She asked leaning forward to look between them.
“Yeah I go back and forth a lot. It’s a family company,” He looked over at Lola, “we met at a bar in Manhattan. I saw Lola and couldn’t leave without talking to her, she caught my eye from across the room.” He smiled thinking of a memory that didn’t exist. At least that’s what Lola thought but he was thinking of the first time he met her. She looked like a lost puppy and he couldn’t help the attraction he felt towards her then. If she was just a girl at a bar he definitely would have gone up to her.
“You’re love story is so cute, Lola you have to tell me more later. In private,” she winked at her cousin.
“Tabi you’re insnae,” Lola laughed.
Rafe had his arm wrapped around Lola as they sat on the boat, Harry drove the boat out into the ocean more looking for a good place to anchor. Ever since they had met up with everyone Thomas hadn’t stopped eyeing Lola and Rafe. He watched as Rafe held Lola’s hand helping her onto the boat. Even now whenever he glanced at them it was with a hateful stare. Lola leaned into Rafe, she felt relaxed.
The sun felt good on her skin she closed her eyes resting her head on his shoulder, it was the perfect day. That was until her sister plopped down next to them, reminding her that it wasn’t just her and Rafe here.
“You guys have to tell me everything,” Penny exclaimed facing the couple, “How’d you meet? How long have you been dating?” Rafe placed his hand in between Lola’s shoulder and neck giving her a comforting squeeze.
“We met at a bar, Lucy’s. Rafe came up to me and we just hit it off. We went on a few dates and well here we are. We’ve been seeing each other for almost uh five months now?” Lola said almost like she was asking.
“Mhmm yeah babe five months,” Rafe iterated.
“How come you’ve kept him away from us sis?” Penny asked, almost in a condescending way.
Lola shrugged, “I guess I just wanted him all to myself.”
“I don’t blame you,” Penny glanced at Rafe with a mischievous look in her eyes to which he just grabbed Lola’s thigh with his other hand and placed her legs over his.
“Who wants drinks!” Harry shouted as he finally stopped the boat.
“Me!” Penny yelled and ran towards the coolers to hand them out. Rafe took a beer and Lola settled for a seltzer.
“Are you good?” Rafe asked her.
“Yeah, are you?”
“Of course, I just want to make sure you’re comfortable,” He smiled leaning closer, “Also he’s been glaring at us since we got here.”
Lola smirked, “Good. I hope he feels even just slightly as bad as he made me feel when I caught him.”
“Can I do something?” Rafe asked, his hand on her shoulder rubbing soothing circles.
“Can I kiss you?” He looked down at her lips that looked so inviting, “To make it look real of course.”
Lola felt her whole body tingle at his question. Rafe was so different from Thomas, which was the last guy that she was with, and he made her feel things in the last 48 hours that Thomas never could in the two years they were together. She wanted him to kiss her whenever he pleased. Lola had to remind herself that this wasn’t real, but for now she would enjoy it. She would enjoy the feeling of being wanted even if she thought it was all an act.
“Yes please,” she murmured. Rafe could have died then and there just at her response.
He grabbed her chin gently and brought her face closer to his. Their lips brushing against each other with hesitancy at first but then Rafe leaned forward more pressing his lips firmly against hers. They were soft and she tasted like cherry’s. Her sticky lipgloss getting all over his mouth but he couldn’t care less. The way he held her made her want to melt. His lips were so soft and full, it felt so natural with him the way their lips moved against each other.
“Ugh get a room you two!” Penny shouted throwing a bag of chips at the couple. They pulled a part remembering where they were. Lola rolled her eyes and threw the bag back, Penny just laughed.
Harry walked over and stood in front of the pair, “Dude let me give you a tour of the boat,” he said to Rafe.
“Uh sure man,” He turned to Lola, “I’ll be back baby.”
The two guys walked towards the inside where the wheel was, the other guys following suit. When they were gone all the girls came flocking over to Lola.
Tabitha sat next to her, “Tell us babe how is he in bed? I can’t believe he’s so sexy.”
Lola blushed, “Tabi! You guys are insane.”
“Come on Lola, you have like the hottest boyfriend you need to tell us everything,” Riley the other bridesmaid said.
Lola knew she was going to have to make up stuff because they were like vultures who needed to be fed, “It’s really good. He’s really good. He knows what to do, like I don’t have to tell him what I need or like he just knows. And he makes me feel so comfortable.”
“God that sounds like a dream,” Olivia sighed, “I bet you don’t even have to ask him to go down on you?”
Lola shook her head, “Never. It’s his favorite thing to do.” At this point she was just saying things to impress them, but she had a feeling that if she did have a chance to sleep with him he would be exactly how she described.
“And he makes you finish?” Tabitha asked almost on the edge of her seat.
“Always more than once,” She smirked.
Tabitha sat back dramatically, “You have the perfect man. I’m jealous.”
“Thomas is sooo jealous. He’s been asking me so many questions since last night,” Penny smirked. At least Lola’s plan was working.
Riley rolled her eyes, “Good, he cheated on you right? So he has no right to be jealous.”
“Exactly. But the revenge must feel good huh?” Tabitha asked.
Lola shrugged, “I guess so. I haven’t paid much attention to him. Especially not when I have Rafe with me,” she wasn’t fully lying. She did forget that he existed for a second until Rafe brought it up.
“Does Rafe have any hot friends you guys can introduce me to?” Tabitha said sighing.
Lola laughed, “Probably. I haven’t met many of his friends.”
In the cockpit where all the guys had congregated they were also giving Rafe the third degree. Not about Lola but just about himself since they didn’t know him.
“So Rafe where you from?” Harry asked as they all sat around in different areas of the cockpit. Rafe knew that he was about to be grilled by the games, and he was more than happy to answer their questions. Especially Thomas’.
“North Carolina, the outer banks,” He took a sip of his beer.
He nodded his head, “What are you doing in New York?”
“I wanted to get away from home and from here I’m still able to run the business,” He shrugged.
“Dude so you’re like rich?” Mateo said with a smirk.
Rafe laughed, “Uh not having a house and a yacht in the Hampton’s rich.”
Thomas cleared his throat, “So what’s up with you and Lola?” He asked completely changing the subject.
Rafe’s brows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“Well like are you guys serious?” Thomas rolled his eyes as if it was an obvious question.
“I guess we are, I mean we’ve been seeing each other for a few months now. She’s great, I really like her so I hope it’s something serious,” The words were so easy for him to say because part of him wished they were true.
“She seems happy with you man. Every time Lola’s come around us she always seemed so like depressed and super fidgety. She seems relaxed. So whatever you’re doing dude keep doing it,” Harry laughed. He cared about Lola, she was about to be his sister in law. But he cared about her like a sister and when Thomas cheated on her he was angry but not angry enough to drop him.
Thomas scoffed, “Please dude she seems miserable. I bet she hasn’t even put out yet. It took like weeks for her to even touch my dick. You know we dated right?”
Rafe stood up straighter, “She did mention there’d be some prick who cheated on her here, just didn’t think she went low enough to date you. Also I respect what Lola wants to do, I don’t force her to touch my dick like a horny teenager.”
“Okay guys,” Mateo began to speak before he was interrupted by Thomas.
“She just wasn’t good in bed, I had urges. What am I supposed to do just be unsatisfied.”
Rafe laughed bitterly, “That’s funny because I remember her telling me that you were the worst and smallest dick she’s ever had,” he took a step closer to the shorter man, “she doesn’t even remember her own name when I’m fucking her brains out. I bet you couldn’t ever make her finish huh? Now never talk about my girlfriend that way again or we’ll actually have problems. If you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go check on my girlfriend.” Rafe walked out not wanting to be a part of the sausage fest anymore.
As he walked back out onto the deck he saw Lola laying out on the chairs, she had taken her overalls off to soak up the sun. He smiled to himself as he watched her nod her head along to the music. The other girls were also laying around getting a tan. He stood over her creating a shadow.
She opened her eyes squinting at his tall figure, “Hey, everything good?”
He nodded, “Perfect.” He couldn’t help his wandering eyes as they took her in. The bikini she picked looked good against her skin and it left little to the imagination. He was so attracted to her he couldn’t deny it anymore, especially now looking at her half naked he just wanted to touch her.
“Wanna go for a swim? I’ve been waiting for you,” She smiled taking the last sip of her second drink now.
“That sounds great actually it’s hot as fuck,” He set his drink down on the floor to take his shirt off. He threw it onto the end of the chair along with his sunglasses. Lola just about melted then and there. She could tell he definitely worked out, his arms were so muscular she wanted nothing more than to be tossed around by him. This is definitely the drinks talking, she thought.
Rafe held his hand out to her and she took it gladly. She felt like he was too good at this boyfriend act, it was making her feel things she shouldn’t. Especially for someone she paid to pretend to like her. They walked to the edge of the boat hand in hand.
“Ready?” He asked with a smirk. She nodded her head mimicking his smirk. They jumped into the ocean hand in hand. The cool water feeling good against her skin after being in the sun.
Once they surfaced she started laughing, “God I haven’t had this much fun here in so long.”
Rafe brushed his wet hair back swimming towards her, “Good. You deserve to have fun.”
“So uh how was it with Thomas?” She asked a bit hesitant.
Rafe shrugged, “He’s a fucking prick that’s forsure. Nothing I can’t handle tho,” he smirked.
“We’re coming!” Tabitha yelled from the boat as they began also jumping into the ocean. Lola laughed and swam closer to Rafe wrapping her arms around his neck. He grabbed the backs of her thighs to wrap her legs around his waist. Lola’s skin felt like it was on fire despite being in the water.
“God this feels so good!” Tabitha exclaimed as she resurfaced joining the couple.
Olivia smiled swimming up to the group, “Remember that summer we got stranded out here because we ran out of gas and went skinny dipping.”
“Oh god,” Lola mumbled, “We were like 20 and then when the coast guard showed up we were all naked in the ocean.”
Rafe laughed, “There’s still a lot I don’t know about you huh?”
“Oh so much, she used to be a bit of a firecracker,” Tabitha said.
After a few more dives into the ocean and a few more drinks Lola and Rafe were back on the chair soaking up the sun before they had to head back and get ready for the late engagement party. Rafe was sitting in the chair and Lola was sitting in between his legs, her back resting against his chest. It was to make sure they looked like a real couple. It was all part of the plan, at least that’s what they said. Rafe may have been enjoying the feeling of her skin on his a little too much. Lola may have been enjoying the way Rafe’s arm wrapped around her chest and played with her hair a little too much.
She felt so comfortable around him. The voice in the back of her head telling her this was all going to end in a few days was getting quieter to let her enjoy these moments she had with him. Soon she’d be alone again, just her and Sailor in her apartment and Rafe would be a fond memory. The thought alone made her squeeze his thigh gently to remind herself she’s there now with him and to enjoy it.
Thomas had been glaring at them the whole afternoon. It made her happy to know he was bothered by them. The group had just been sitting around and exchanging stories, a few games on uno had been played as well. Lola felt so content, it was the first time in a few years she liked being with this group of people. She felt like herself again.
“Babe our song!” Tabitha exclaimed as everywhere by fleetwood mac came on the speakers.
Lola’s eyes lit up. She turned to Rafe, “On spring break a few years ago we were in Greece and this song came on at the club and it was the best night ever!”
She got up and joined Tabitha as they started dancing to the song. Singing along to the words, Rafe watched with curious eyes. A grin spreading across his lips. The other girls getting up and joining them as they started singing to the chorus. The drinks she had that day had definitely made Lola a lot bolder than she’d usually be. As Lola danced with Tabitha she tilted her head back laughing. Rafe took a mental picture wanting to remember her like that forever. He had a feeling in his gut that Lola couldn’t just be a temporary fixture in his life. Not after the way she’s made him feel.
She ran towards Rafe grabbing his hands and pulling him up to dance with her. He gladly obliged, the other guys joining as well. When she sang the lyrics to Rafe as if she truly meant them, and she kind of did. She wanted to be with him everywhere. As they danced together the world around them faded and it was just them to, he spun her around and she giggled furiously. The song ended and they all cheered and clapped.
“You guys are the best bridal party a girl could have!” Penny exclaimed with teary eyes, she definitely had too much to drink.
Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulder and he kissed her cheek, “I think it’s time we head back.”
They headed back to the benches to be safer. Lola rested against Rafe’s chest as his arm wrapped around her. She felt a bold so she leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“You’re the best Rafey,” She smiled at him.
Rafe smiled, he couldn’t help himself. The nickname she had given him made his chest turn a light shade of pink. He cupped her face and brought her up for a kiss. It felt just as good as the first one. Lola sighed as they moved against each other, only pulling away because she remembered there were other people around. She would kiss him all day if she could.
Once they got back to the house they had taken and showers and began getting ready for the cocktail party. The bride and groom decided to have a late engagement party so that everyone could attend and it’d add to the wedding week festivities. Lola felt like she was on cloud nine and it was all because of the man laying on her bed scrolling on his phone.
“Rafe, can I ask you something?” She asked from the bathroom as she applied her makeup.
“What’s up?”
“Can you tell me more about yourself?” She asked with a hopeful voice. She really wanted to know more about him.
Rafe smiled to himself and got up to walk into the bathroom. She watched as he put the toilet seat lid down and sat down watching her do her eyebrows, “What do you want to know?”
“Anything,” She shrugged.
“Well I’ve told you the truth. I have two sisters, I’m from North Carolina, and that developing company is actually my other job.”
She nodded her hair, “What about your parents? Your childhood?”
He looked away finding the towel rack more interesting, “Uh my mom she died when I was 10. My dad’s very much a hard ass. We don’t really have a relationship other than a business one. In my late teens I didn’t really have a relationship with my sisters. Especially Sarah, she’s a few years younger than me.”
Lola looked over at him with curiosity, “Why’s that?”
“I did a lot of um dumb stuff,” he cleared his throat, “I got mixed up with the wrong people and made terrible choices. I treated the people around me like shit. But I cleaned up my act after my freshman year of college. I got sober and I started going to therapy.”
“Wow Rafe, that’s really good. You should be proud of yourself.” She said looking over at him with a warm smile.
He smiled back, “Yeah I’ve come a long way. I’ve burned some bridges that I can’t fix but I don’t dwell on it anymore. I just focus on what I have now. Sarah and I are close now. Same with my other sister Wheezie. I go back home every couple of weeks to see them and have meetings with my dad.” He didn’t really know why he was telling her this. Rafe felt like he could actually open up to her and feel vulnerable. He’s never told anyone this much before, let alone someone that was supposed to be a client.
“Why do you still this other job on the side?” She asked a bit hesitant.
He thought for a second, why did he do this? “I guess I like helping people not feel alone like I felt for a long time. Even if it’s just for one night for a stupid christmas party or something like that. I guess I like feeling needed.”
Lola smiled, “You’re too good to be true. You’re very selfless Rafe. That’s a hard quality to find, especially in a guy.”
He chuckled, “I’m not perfect, I just hide my flaws better. But I’m working on it.”
“And that’s what counts.”
There was a moment of silence as Lola applied blush before she paused not looking over at him, “Rafe, can we still be friends after this?” She asked softly. Afraid if she used her real voice she’d be too loud and scare him away. Lola didn’t want to lose Rafe even if it meant just having him as a friend.
His heart was beating loudly in his chest. She was so extraordinary to him, how could she want to be friends with him after he just told her that he used to be a wreck. Rafe felt like a ticking time bomb, at any minute he could become the old Rafe again. But when he was with her it felt like that Rafe was completely gone, “Of course sweetheart.” That nickname he first called her made her insides stir with something sickly sweet.
They had arrived at the restaurant that the party was being held at, already filled with friends and family. Rafe had been introduced to a a handful of people now. He couldn’t focus on anything other than Lola in the dress she was wearing. It was tight in all the right places, he felt like she outshined everyone in the room. Her makeup looked flawless and her hair just as perfect. He wanted to ruin it all, kiss her until her makeup was all over the place and her lips were swollen. Run his hands through her hair messing up the perfect strands.
He was leaning against the bar drinking his vodka soda as Lola talked amongst her mom and some of her mom’s friends. He watched making sure she didn’t need him to come in and save her from painful conversation. Tabitha came up and ordered herself a drink, before turning to him. She watched him watch her cousin with that look in his eyes.
“She’s been through a lot,” She said speaking up, “She’s not the same Lola that I used to know.”
Rafe looked over at her, “How so?”
“The last few months she was with Thomas she started changing. It was partly because he had become distant but it was also because her mom and her had a huge fight about her mom’s drinking.” She scoffed as she looked towards her aunt, “Clearly nothing has changed. But it was because her mom got hammered at Christmas and she made out with Thomas who was also hammered. They probably would have had sex if she hadn’t walked in on them.” Tabitha rolled her eyes.
“What the fuck? She never told me that.” Rafe said with furrowed brows, he wasn’t upset at Lola but upset at how everyone just walked all over her.
“It’s not something she talked about. She doesn’t come around as much anymore since then because after that incident she started getting suspicious but brushed it off. Then clearly she gets proven wrong when she walks in on him again. I hate that little fucker,” Tabitha seethed, “Lola shut down. She already didn’t have many friends and she lost the ones she did have. She kept to herself and her light dimmed. I haven’t seen her so carefree and full of life like this is so long. You’re really good for her.” She put a hand on his arm and smiled genuinely at him.
Rafe gave her a lopsided grin, “I’m trying my best for her. She deserves to be happy, I think she’s helping me more than I’m helping her though.”
“She has that effect on people. She has a good heart, maybe too good sometimes.”
He looked over at her just as Lola looked at him with a tight lipped smile and pleading eyes, “That’s my queue to save her.” He excused himself from Tabitha as she jokingly saluted him.
He walked up to the group of women and wrapped his arm around Lola’s waist, “Excuse me ladies would you mind if I steal my beautiful girlfriend away?” He gave them a charming smile.
“Speaking of there he is! Isn’t he just so handsome,” Lola’s mom said speaking to the other women. Completely ignoring Rafe.
“You are one very lucky lady Lola,” One of the woman said to her while winking.
Lola laughed awkwardly not really sure what to say but Rafe saved her, “Oh I think I’m the lucky one. Lola truly is something special.
Her mom hummed, “I guess so sweetie, she’s always been a bit unique.” The comment came more as condescending than a compliment.
“Lola actually rejected me the first time I asked her out but I couldn’t give up on her. Women as beautiful, smart, kind, and extraordinary like her don’t come around much.” He gave her waist a gentle squeeze. Lola wanted to die then and there because he was actually a dream come true.
“We’re going to go get a drink,” Lola smiled before dragging Rafe away. Once they were farther away she burst into a fit of giggles.
Rafe smiled widely, “What are you laughing about?”
She smiled up at him, “Like I said, you’re too good to be true.”
“I just sleak the truth,” He shrugged, “and I’m not gonna let anyone subtly bash my girl.”
My girl. Lola was so screwed. She was in deep deep shit because that warm tingly feeling in her stomach was starting to feel a lot like love.
tags: @rosal1nd @magicwithaknife , @f4ll-for-you , @hotch-meeeeeuppppp , @loveu-always
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Avatar vs Antagonist switch up pt 6
Follow up from this
Wan, Yangchen, Kuruk: *all return* Korra: Have fun? Wan: It wasn't....too bad. Kyoshi: Yeah it shouldn't have been, you have 4 elements. Wan: What did you have? Kyoshi: Earthbending. Wan: That doesn't seem so ba- Kyoshi: Did I mention I SUCKED at earthbending? Wan: Well still- Kyoshi: And I was stranded on a fucking iceberg. Korra: Ok the whole "pulling up the seafloor" comment is making more sense now. Kyoshi: Yeah yeah, Chen did you get it out of your system? Yangchen: Inner peace. :) Kyoshi: Amazing, Kuruk? Kuruk: Bastard is going to wish he was in the Spirit Fog. Yangchen: I hate that fucking fog. Kuruk: You hate all spirits Yangchen. Korra: Great, now that the Szeto Survivor Squad is back, Aang go face Tarrlok, Amon, and the chi blockers now! Aang: Wait we still haven't figured out what to do with Hama on a Full Moon and Yakone! Or Mai and Ty Lee. Korra: I'm NOT facing Ty Lee. Yangchen: Korra, she's a nonbender. You can handle her. Korra: She's a chi blocker! I hate them! Yangchen: Then do what I do when I'm confronted with the things I hate. Korra: I'm not killing them. Yangchen: You can just knock them out if you don't want to go that far. But, c'mon, don't you want to relish in your victory? Wan: Sometimes, I wonder how you're a nun. Korra: NO! I refuse! Kyoshi, you take Mai and Ty Lee! Ty Lee even joins your warriors, it'll be like sifu vs student! Yangchen: I don't think that's a good idea, Kyoshi's at a disadvantage against Fire Nation Girls. ;) Kyoshi: ....... Yangchen: They might top you-I mean get the drop on you. ;) Kyoshi: ...... Yangchen: But you're used to being a botto- Kyoshi: I think Yangchen should take Hama and Yakone. Hell, give her Amon and Tarrlok while you're at it. Yangchen: What?! Kyoshi: I mean, if I'm going up against my biggest weakness, you should too. Yangchen: Weakness?! What weakness?! I don't have a weakness. Kyoshi, rolls eyes: You know, for me it's "Fire Nation girls." You? It's waterbenders. Korra: Wow Yangchen, I didn't know! Yangchen: She speaks lies, don't listen to her! Kyoshi: Denial is a river in Egypt. Yangchen: That-that doesn't even exist! Kyoshi: Oh woooooow, would you look at that? You made a whole new country and river suddenly manifest with all that denial you have going on. And I thought me making an island was a feat. Yangchen: Shut your mouth child! Kyoshi: What? Can't stand the heat when it's thrown at you? Well prove me wrong, take on the blood benders! Korra: Wait how did you know they were blood benders? You were both fighting at the time! Kyoshi: Yangchen told me. Yangchen: I have spies everywhere, you can't hide anything from me. Kyoshi: Just fight the damn blood benders! Yangchen: I'm not fighting the bloody blood benders! Kyoshi: What? Afraid of getting wet, Chen? Yangchen: *spluttering* Fine! FINE! I'll fight the damn bastards! Gimme Hama and Yakone! *storms off* Korra: Does that mean you're taking Ty Lee and Mai? Kyoshi: Psssh, hell no, Roku or Wan can have them. Korra: Well played, but man, the fight's going to be boring. Aang and Yangchen are probs just gonna Avatar State it away. Kyoshi, alarmed: Avatar Sta-Listen to me. Korra, when her fight's over I need to you to restrain Yangchen. Korra: What?! Why? Kyoshi: So I can hit her in the head with a really big rock. Korra: Wha-I'm not gonna do that, you could kill her! Kyoshi: I'm knocking her out actually. But, hey, if you don't like my plan, then you guys can deal with her. Korra: ....plan? What do you mean "plan"????? What do you mean "deal with??!" Kyoshi get back here! Kyoshi!
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Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (7) | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader (future)
Genre: Angsty city babyy!
Summary: The Avengers have a reunion... in Germany... at the airport... with a few new members.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma, Canon Typical Violence
a/n: this was so hard to write wtf?
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (6) | Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (8) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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As soon as she and Steve have the grounded chopper in sight, An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper, frying the systems and rendering it useless. Steve and Y/n look up. 
She watches with burning annoyance as Tony and Rhodey descend.
“Wow!” Tony fakes surprise looking at Rhodey, “It's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?”
“Definitely weird,” Rhodey answers.
“Hear me out, Tony,” Steve pleads. It almost seems genuine. “That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.”
T'Challa leaps over a truck, “Captain.” 
“Your Highness,” Steve replies.
“Anyway” Tony begins, as he walks around, “Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?”
“You're after the wrong guy.”
“Your judgment is askew.” She’s seldom seen her brother this fucking furious, but then again, maybe it’s cause it’s Steve.  “Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.”
“And there are five more super soldiers just like him,” Steve argues. “I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.”
And then, 
“Steve—you know what's about to happen,” Natasha chimes in joining the growing confrontation. “Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?”
No one’s addressed her since this entire thing—
“Why are you being so uncharacteristically fucking quiet!?” Tony screams at her.
Taken aback a bit, she straightens up. “What’s left to say?”
“Are you seriously going along with this? You know how this ends, way better than him,” Natasha tries to reason with her.
She shrugs. “I don’t—Frankly, I don’t care about any of this. I just want to go home.” She says it simple and sweet. Because it’s true. She understands that there is a threat looming but she’s sure Steve can handle it. If you asked her two weeks ago, she would have been enthusiastic about the whole thing, a mission to take down the last vestiges of HYDRA, of her nightmare—what’s not to love? 
But that was then and this is now, and now she has to fight her way through her friends to fight with some villain and that just—call her selfish but that just seems unnecessarily tedious. She just wants this all to be over. Part of her wishes things could just go back to that party at the Tower before Ultron attacked. Everything was… It was all so easy then. She misses it.
“Then let’s go home!” Tony urges.
And all she can do is let out a laugh in disbelief. “I said I wanna go home… Not a fucking prison cell.” 
Tony clenches his jaw. “ All right, I've run out of patience.” He cups his hands around his mouth and yells out, “Underoos!”
And suddenly, there is liquid spilling out onto tying up her and Steve’s hands. A person in tight fitted red and blue suit flips over and snatches the shield. He lands on top of a truck, joining the ensemble.
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FUCK TONY! She thinks. What did you do?
“Nice job, kid,” Tony compliments with a smile.
“Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit—Wait! It's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you.”
“Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation,” Tony comments.
“Okay. Cap… Captain,” Spider-Man nods. “Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.” If he weren’t wearing a mask, Y/n is sure he’d be smiling.
“Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just—” He waves his hands dismissively. “—Good job.”
“Hey, everyone,” Spider-Man greets.
“You've been busy.” Steve notes, there is a blatant hint of disapproval in his words.
“And you’ve been a complete idiot!” Tony counters, pissed. “Dragging in Clint. ‘Rescuing’ Wanda from a place she doesn’t even want to leave—a safe space.”
“How are you any fucking different, Stark?!” Y/n bites back. She’s pissed too. If she hasn’t made it clear yet, she would like for it to be put on record that she is outraged, beyond outraged that she has to fight the tiny little family she has been able to piece together over something as heinous as her fear of being imprisoned again. She hates every second of it but this?
This is a new level of stupid on Tony’s part.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Why would you bring him here?” She asks, pointing at Spider-Man. She’s well aware of who he is. It is her job to know. Which means she knows, that he’s just a fucking kid!
Y/n is about to blow a fucking gasket.
Tony just runs a hand over his face, looking exhausted. “I did what I had to do. You’re not giving me a lot of options here.”
“Fuck off, Tony!” She throws back because that is nowhere near a valid excuse to bring the kid into this. 
“I'm trying to keep—” He sighs. “I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart,” Tony urges.
“You did that when you signed,” Steve answers. 
That might be the only thing that she and Steve agree on.
“Alright, We're done,” Tony announces. “You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys—with no compunction about being impolite.” He pauses for a second, and then a final plea, “Come on.”. 
Sam’s voice rings out over the comms, “We found it. Their Quinjet’s in hanger five, north runway.”
Instantly both she and Steve hold their hands up and Clint shoots the web off.
Tony’s helmet goes up as he turns to look at the source of the arrow.
“Alright, Lang,” Steve signals Lang to get to it.
And Lang does not disappoint. 
“Hey, guys, something—” Spider-Man is cut off by Lang sizing back up from Cap’s shield and retrieving it.
“Whoa. What--what the hell was that?” Rhodey asks aloud, confused as fuck.
Lang hands the shield back to Steve, “I believe this is yours, Captain America.”
“Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her.” Tony announces all their locations. “Rhodey, you want to take Cap?” He asks before flying off.
“Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes,” Rhodey calls out, as he begins to take flight.
Steve launches his shield, aiming for the chest of Rhodey’s suit, temporarily incapacitating him. 
“Barnes is mine!” T’Challa runs off and Steve swiftly follows behind.
Spider-Man swings away upon receiving whatever order he receives from Tony.
“I’m gonna—” Lang points over to Rhodey, to which Y/n just nods in response.
“Guess that just leaves you and me,” Natasha notes.
Y/n smiles a little, “In any other circumstance I would’ve enjoyed that more.”
Natasha smiles too, before she lunges at her. 
Y/n easily dodges every attack that Natasha throws at her. Nat’s trained. She’s amazing, agile and utterly formidable… But Y/n is better. Looking at her, it’s easy to forget that while she’s damn near ancient at this point. But she is. She has done this a lot longer than any other member of her team.
“You’re not fighting me,” Natasha notes.
Dodging another punch, “I don’t want to,” Y/n answers.
“How do you plan on fixing this?” She asks.
Taking a step back, with furrowed brows, “Why am I supposed to solve it?”
“Well, it was supposed to be us—you and I, together. But then you decided to leave with Steve.” Natasha counters. Her attacks are getting more intrusive, it’s taking a lot more work to dodge them.
“I left cause of Sergant Barnes, Steve cannot handle him alone and you know it,” Y/n reasoned.
“And you can?” 
“I’m not alone, am I?” Y/n’s getting a little annoyed.
“That doesn’t feel like a betrayal at all,” Natasha bites back, kicking her hard in the side.
“Fuck!” Y/n curses. Clicking her tongue, she swallows a groan while holding her side. “Yeah, like you didn’t fucking betray me signing that goddamn document.”
“These boys are demarcating the playground, claiming a side of their own.” Natasha lands another blow on her chest, making her stumble back sputtering. “They can’t clean up after themselves. They are too headstrong, too naive to see sense. We have to fix this!”
Y/n has had enough. When Natasha carges at her again, she stops her. Blocking with one hand, she knees Nat in the side. “It’s not my fucking responsibility!” Pushing her back, she counters Nat’s attacks easily. “I never wanted to be a part of this shit show. I didn’t want it then, I don’t want it now. This is not my fucking mess!” Y/n throws a punch. ”I just want to go home.”
Natasha blocks her. And then… then she fucking smiles.
It’s not a cunning one. It’s not mocking either. It’s something like sympathy. 
“You’re fighting me,” Natasha notes. And belatedly, Y/n realises, that yeah… yeah she is. “You’re always going to be a better fighter than me, Y/n. But this,” she taps at Y/n’s chest, right above her heart, “you let this loose way too easily. You make it too damn easy for me to do this.” Natasha manouvers herself around Y/n and pins her to the floor, trapped between fucking her legs. Fuck me, Y/n thinks. With a crippling elbow punch to the gut, Natasha gets up on her feet, leaving Y/n coughing on the floor.
“Just say what you want to say,” Y/n asks from where she’s lying flat on her ass.
“You cannot keep claiming Switzerland. You don’t want to pick a side? Don’t. Be on your own side, but don’t keep pretending to be uninvolved. Look around you, Y/n… you already are involved.”
With that, Natasha is off too, leaving Y/n to gather up her leftover dignity.
The fight, or well should she call it the fights—cause there are multiple—the fights continue. Vision enters the arena and draws a literal line in the sand. 
“Captain Rogers,” he says, levitating above them, “I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.”
As politely as it’s worded, it still remains a warning. Warning Steve to stop, but come on. Has that ever fucking worked with Steve ‘Bullheaded’ Rogers? 
Both teams charge at each other and Y/n just hates all of it. It feels absurd to fight against the people she has fought shoulder to shoulder, but in the moment, it feels like she just doesn’t have a choice… Does she?
She loses track of everyone she faces off, but rest assured it’s everyone but the Spider-Man. She tries her best to avoid using her powers, bringing up her armour only as defence. The powers—her attacks are meant to harm. These aren’t the people she would ever wish harm upon.
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Eventually she stumbles upon Spider-Man, barely holding up what once must have been a gangway. Manifesting the armour onto her arms and then curling her hand around the hilt of her sword as it’s forming into existence from her dimension, she glitches in just above him and free falls to the ground, cutting the whole thing down.
She lands on her knee. 
“Miss Stark!” Spider-Man yells out in excitement, dropping the halved gangway with ease. “It is so great to meet you! I am a huge fan, especially of your—”
She cuts him off, her sword disassembling out of existence, “Who did that?” she asks, pointing at the completely unrecognizable gangway.
“Captain America,” he answers easily. “Aren’t you on his team?”
“I don’t know which fucking team I’m on!” Y/n answers, throwing her arms up in utter frustration. 
The kid for his part remains calm, giving her a moment to compose herself again. 
Sighing, she looks up at him, “Do you make it a habit of willing following men dressed like stop signs to Germany, or is this one off thing?”
“Mr. Stark said he needed help… How could I say no?” 
There so much fucking ernestness in his words it burns Y/n from within.
“Go home, kid,” she tells him. “Tony—he…” She shakes her head. “All this is way too bigger than you…”
“I can handle it,” he replies, sounding almost desperate. 
“I don’t doubt it,” She answers, because she doesn’t. “But you’re better at being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.” With that she begins to walk away.
The kid, however, has other ideas. He shoots a web at her and instantly her sword manifests once again, cutting it down before it can stick to her. “Don’t be dumb, kid,” she scolds gently, glitching a few meters away. “Go home!” She yells out and glitches out of his sight.
As it goes on, at some point, a realization strikes them all.
“We gotta go,” Barnes’ voice rings out over the comms. She’s not sure she’ll ever get used to having that voice in her ear speaking anything but crude monosyllabic words in German. “That guy's probably in Siberia by now.”
“We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Tony. You get to the jet,” Steve replies. “Y/n, think you can take on Vision?”
“You bet you star-spangled ass—” She’s cut off before she can verbally assault Steve for questioning her at all.
“No, you get to the jet! All three of you!” Sam reasons, sounding a little strained. When she spots him in the air, Rhodey hot on his trail. “The rest of us aren't getting out of here.”
She wants to cut in, but before she gets the chance to, T’Challa throat punches her, pissing her off. Her focus shifts to handling the King of Wakanda.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it,” Clint chimes in.
“This isn't the real fight, Steve,” Sam urges softly.
“Alright, Sam,” Steve acquieces. “What's the play?”
“We need a diversion, something big,” Sam says.
“I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long,” Scott answers instantly over the comms. “On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half—don't come back for me.”
“He's gonna tear himself in half?” Barnes questions, sounding just as confused as she feels.
“You're sure about this, Scott?” Steve asks him.
“I do it all the time. I mean once…in a lab,” Scott answers.
“And then what happened?” Y/n asks, finally being able to find her voice, having pinned T’Challa on the ground with her thighs roped around his neck.
“Then I passed out,” Scott answers.
“Awesome,” Y/n remarks before, T’Challa lands a blow on her side, making her losen her grip. Both are quickly on their feet again. 
“You’ve gotten better, your majesty,” She tells him. T’Challa has always been a great fighter—trained by the Dora Malaje, of course she expects no less. “It feels like it was yesterday when I saw your father teaching you how to wield a staff.”
He charges at her with so much anger. “How dare you talk about my father when you choose to protect his murder!”
“T’Challa—” She tries but he’s not in a listening mood. He’s in an attacking mood; he keeps coming at her relentlessly. She dodges every strike.
“After all the kindness he showed you, you protect Barnes!? You are a traitor!”
“He didn’t kill your father, T’Challa! You have to know that,” Y/n tries to reason but clearly it has no affect. In the end she realizes she is not left with much of a choice. 
Before she can react on her realization, however, Scott fucking Lang decides to grow to the size of fucking building. 
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“Mother of whore-loving motherfucker,” Y/n is damn near astounded.
“I guess that’s the signal,” Sam’s voice comes in from the comms.
As soon as the shock fades, T’Challa charges at her again and she does the same. Running at him, she uses the momentum kneeing him in the chest. He stumbles back a little, she takes that moment to kick him in the back of calve, disbalancing him to make him fall and as he falls, she strikes him in the chest. 
With that, she glitches away.
“Y/n, you coming?” Steve asks over the comms.
“I don’t know,” she answers honestly, spotting Vision who’s eyes are set on Steve and Bucky who are running towards the quinjet.
She’s glitching in and out. Popping out of her dimension to attack Vision and then popping back in to stop herself from falling. It’s a fucking taxing thing, fighting an super-enhanced android with weird magic powers in the air, especially when you can’t fly.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Sam asks her on the radio.
“It means I’m fucking thinking about it!” She bites back.
“What’s there to think about?” Clink asks.
“I don’t know!” She glitches into her dimension. “Fuck” She says to herself, then glitches out. “Something about my responsibility in all this—I don’t fucking know!”
And then Vision decides to shoot a beam at her with the mindstone. Her armour deflects but the force throws her to the ground. 
The fall hurts, it aches. It makes her ache in places she hasn’t ached since HYDRA had her. It’s all very fucking meloncholy if you ask her. So, you cannot blame her when she lies on her ass for a couple seconds, trying to recuperate. 
Meanwhile, Vision uses his beam to cut the control tower in half. It begins to collapse over the entrance to the hanger the quinjet is in. Wanda tries to hold off the debris from crumbling to the ground, keeping the way clear for Steve and Barnes who are fast approaching on foot. However, Rhodey intervenes, blasting her with a sonic boom, making her loose control. 
All of that is for naught, though, because Steve and Bucky do make it in. 
“Need a hand?” A gold-titanium allow hand, painted bright red is extended to her.
She takes the hand, letting it help her stand on her feet. “Thanks,” she tells him. “Shouldn’t you be spending this time stopping them?” She asks, pointing at the scene unfolding behind them.
“I’m trying to stop you,” Tony says evenly. And then, before she can even tell him she’s not sure if he needs to, if what she really wants to do is stick around and fix it—she doesn’t know how exactly but she wants to try, if any of this is necessary, she hears a sound. It’s a sound that has become almost ambient to her, a sound that used to bring her comfort, a sound that used to mean there was someone watching her back—the sound of Tony’s repulsors being activated. 
She feels the hit before he even aims for it.
“Don’t make me stop you, Stark,” Tony says sofly, his eyes are welling up but so are hers. She has categorically avoided him the entire time, knowing full well that faced with him, she’d just surrender and find a way to escape at a later point. But this… This fucking hurts.
It burns her. It burns her from within. 
The man doesn’t even have to take the shot to make her bleed. 
But his arms come up to aim the repulsors at her anyway.
“Really?” She asks him.
“I don’t want to do this,” he begs.
It doesn’t matter though, it doesn’t fucking matter because he is doing it. He’s aiming at her. Her baby brother is aiming his weapons at her, hesitantly but he’s aiming nonetheless. It fucking breaks her her. 
Her hands clench into fists. A tear escapes her eyes. And a single word slips out of her lips “Traitor.” 
She glitches away. 
When she glitches out, she’s facing Natasha. 
As their eyes meet, Natasha fires a widow bite from her wrist. Y/n waits for the hit but it never comes, turning back she met with T’Challa, who’s being incapacitated by the low voltage shocks from the widow bite.
“Oh,” Y/n notes, turning back at Natasha.
Her brows forrow at that reaction. “What?” When all Y/n does is point at T’Challa behind him, Nat continues, “What are you waiting for? Go!” 
“I—I’m not going…” she answers, dumbly. “I came here to stop you from stopping—” her eyes fly to Barnes and Steve who are already inside the jet. “—them…”
“Not going?” Natasha asks, with a smile.
Clenching her jaw, Y/n replies, “Not yet.”
Natasha just nods at her.
As the two super soldiers take off, T’Challa frees himself and tries to grab onto the jet but fails inevitably, landing easily on the ground.
He comes to face Natasha and even with the mask on Y/n can practically see how pissed off he is.
“I said I'd help you find him, not catch him. There's a difference,” Natasha tells him with a somewhat false sense of confidence, knowing very well herself that she’s lying. 
This is awkward, is all Y/n can think as she stands between the two of them.
As the three of them make their way out, she watches as Lang is going down in all his (Gi)Ant-Man might, Spider-Man’s webbing tied around his legs. Tony and Rhodey punch him out of the sky and Y/n can see the last vestiges of her ‘side’ crumbling.
In front of her, a few meters ahead, Vision has Wanda in her grasp, holding onto her and protecting her gently. 
While the jet flies off, Rhodey and Tony both take off after it, Sam is hot on their trails. Either of the two iron-men must call out an order because then Vision looks up at them in the sky. He uses the mind stone again, shooting off a beam. She’s sure it’s meant for Sam, but he folds away his wings, dropping altitude so the beam misses him entire, hitting Rhodey instead.
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For the next minute or so, everything happens in slow-motion. 
Rhodey begins to fall. He begins falling from the sky.
Her confusion over his inaction only lasts a second but the moment its clear that the beam hit Rhodey’s core, shutting the suit down, Y/n runs into action. 
She begins glitching in and out, trying to get higher and closer to Rhodey, coming out only to calculate how much farther he is from her reach.
Glitch, need to be higher.
Glitch, need to be closer.
Glitch, need to be further.
Glitch, need to be faster.
She can reach him. She’s sure.
But the ground is creeping in and Rhodey’s been falling for way too long.
She needs to slow his speed or he’ll—
No time to think. 
No time for anything but action.
The next time she glitches out, she grabs Rhodey.
“Y/n!” He yells out, afraid and lost.
“I got you,” she tells him. “I got you, Rhodey.”
She glitches him into her dimension, trying to decrease his speed. 
It’s not easy. 
Fuck it’s damn near impossible for her. 
She’s not good enough.
Especially not good enough at controlling her dimension when he’s been freefalling from the sky, in an impeccably heavy suit of weapons, and machine and metal. He’d been falling too long, with too much weight.
She holds onto him, making her dimension denser, not enough but still, denser. 
Manouvering herself under him, she extends her armour from her arms to span across her back. If she can’t slow him to a halt, she can cushion his fall.
When they glitch out of the dimension, the change in force hits them hard, slowing them down a little bit more. But the wind does not cooperate. The wind is a fucking bitch. Y/n cannot completely sustain the suits weight on her, but she tries her best.
As they brace themselves for what will undoubtedly be a rough fucking landing, the last thing she sees is Tony flying towards them.
They crash. 
The impact creates a fucking pit in the ground.
Before she can try helpless to move Rhodey off of her to check on him, Tony lands next to them and does it. 
He pulls off Rhodey’s face plate, and asks F.R.I.D.A.Y. to check his vitals.
“Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on its way,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies.
His eyes fly over to Y/n then. Hand on her chest in an instant, He says, “ F.R.I.D.A.Y. assess damage.”
“I’m fine,” Y/n tries, pushing him off of her but the blood she coughs out makes it seem like an act.
“Six broken ribs and heavy internal bleeding, sir. But her hearbeat holding steady. Miss Stark will be fine till the emergency medical arrives.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. tells him.
Y/n doesn’t care, she tries to get up but struggles somewhat hopelessly. Tony’s hands come to help her and she manages to get onto her knees to look at Rhodey. 
He’s bleeding, she notes, from his nose. 
Her jaw clenches, eyes watering up.
Somewhere behind them, Sam lands on his feet and apologizes. Tony blasts him with his repulsors but Y/n can’t bring herself to give a damn.
Both siblings wait there—lost and scared, each with a hand on the chest of their best friend, and prayers on their lips to a God they stopped believing in, waiting for help to arrive.
Find the next part here. Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
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Before I reveal the contestants, I want to shout out some characters that didn't end up getting in, for one reason or another, but stood out to me
Prince Peasley (Superstar Saga): I mentioned him as a character I really enjoyed learning about, but since he won the Luigi ship competition, I'm unsure of his obscurity status and he may overpower the other characters. I'm sorry your highness, please know I love you
Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition): I was stunned to see not one, but 2 people submit this character. I'm endlessly entertained by his weird ass game. He would've been a shoe in had he not been submitted twice. Sorry buddy. Also if he was I would've put in my own propaganda, consisting only of this image
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and a video of the squirrels that make monkey noises
Crow T. Robot (Mystery Science Theater 3000): the only reason he's not in is because another MST3K I consider comparatively more obscure was submitted, but I am going to post part of the propaganda for him now because I really loved it and it would be a shame if I was the only one who got to read it:
i have to take a chance on crow, for he is my #1 blorbo and my favorite mst3k character since forever. i charted out a whole TIMELINE for him and there's like. 4-6 of him just existing in various locations. he's shaped like a friend. he can be folded into a torpedo. he has legs and i constantly forget this until he has them on-screen and i'm like OH SHIT this guy is mostly leg (he's around 5'4"). he managed to kill mike (the human guy he lives with in space) TWICE on accident and neither time stuck. all of his presentations are insane and completely factually inaccurate. he claimed women were myths like bigfoot in a short-film style black and white presentation. he's friendly/friends? with pearl, one of the main antagonists (and a woman, who he just claimed didn't exist). he can play the trombone. he just kinda bounces up and down sometimes and is so shaped. he spent 500 years alone because he got bored of being pure energy at the edge of the universe after five minutes. he wrote patrick swayze christmas, the only christmas song ever. he's constantly doing t-rex arms. he keeps falling from extreme heights. to a few ancient romans he's a spider-duck god. he's a bit of a pyromaniac. he went to thanksgiving in deep 13 and walked away unharmed (everyone else got poisoned). he causes an illusion in the theater where it looks like he's staring at you instead of the movie. he's an absolute menace. he contains so much gender yet none at all. he's different! he wants to decide who lives and who dies, and i think he should. he is simply so guy. ty for reading my crow rant sorry for the wall of text
Thank you for this. I love Crow and MST3K too, you are in good company
Mister Qi (Stardew Valley): In the propaganda section, the submitter wrote: "He sucks and I hate him. It'd be really funny if he lost." and it made me laugh
Chuck Cunningham (Happy Days): The submitter's dad told them to submit him and that was also funny to me
Vincenzo (kdrama of the same name): Submitter's dad has a crush on Vincenzo <3
Pioneer 9 (17776): This was the most submitted character, with a total of.....4 submissions! Wow!
Husky (+Anima): This is the second most submitted character, with 3 submissions! I'm sorry to you both but this means you are automatically excluded from being picked for the competition.
Less specifically, shout out to the many characters who were just barely well known enough to drop out of priority. And the major characters/protagonists of major series. A couple were clearly jokes, but several were not.
And all of the characters from albums, commercials, various Real Life Things, myths, some OCs, etc: I have a plan for you. It's not the main bracket, but you are not being left out here. More information on that when the time is right.
Thank you for all your submissions! The list of contestants and their matchups are coming soon!
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broken-clover · 7 months
*poke poke* hey. Hey. Since you have overture on the brain, master ghost ideas for the other characters? Hmm??
Ohhh wow, now this is something we could be on all day, huh? So many options! So many opportunities to pick through a character and who they are.
-Dizzy is an easy start, I think. A counterpart to Ky. It's sort of like their treasures in Johnny's Xrd special being a family photo and a picture of Dizzy holding baby Sin. It'd be Ky holding him, or all of them together. Though since she has so much association with the Grove, instead of the church building imagery that Ky has in the detailing of his masterghost, hers would be more organic, trees and flowers and the like framing everything
-Also, let's give one to Sin! He can also have a lot of the same motifs, since he's young at the time a lot of it is more literal and self-centered because that's how a younger kid's mind works. It's a rather exaggerated depiction of himself, standing atop a mountain with a flag waving in victory. Dizzy gets a lot of focus as well, and Sol has an appearance too. You have to be very careful when looking, but if you poke your head in near the back, you can see Ky watching on too. Even if it's a less conscious part of his mind, Sin still loves his father and acknowledges him as part of his life
-As long as he's already here, too, let's give Raven his own one as well instead of having to share with Valentine. I feel his motifs are similarly easy, lots of gothic architecture and torture tools strewn about. The centerpiece is himself, mutilated and stabbed in several place, hanging from an upside-down crucifix. The inverted cross is commonly associated with other satanic motifs, like how Raven appears to be a violent individual whose fundamental existence goes against the natural order of nature, but in actuality, the symbol is related to martyrdom, specifically that of Apostle Peter, who felt unworthy being crucified in the same way as Jesus, tying into how Raven is ultimately a well-intentioned man who rejected being treated as a god.
-For some reason I want to do Axl next. Maybe just because he has a lot of obvious motifs as well. His is a little snapshot of home, similarly to how his stages have a lot of archetypical British motifs. Tall buildings, a clocktower, and a train cutting through the whole thing. All the components move, but they start and stop rather jarringly, like the playback is glitching out. Nothing is operating in synch, and none of the structures are quite 'correct,' being exaggerated echoes based on memory
-Might as well do I-no, too, though hers would be tricky. I could see most of it being shrouded in a veil of fog, being something not even she knows the true meaning of. Maybe it's in some sort of big fancy bottle, with the impression that it's going to be released and fulfill some grand potential someday, but in its present form it exists confined and limited. If you listen closely, sometimes you can hear something thumping against the walls...
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ezradogteeth · 1 year
heyo james, I've got a question for ya :) (pls feel free to not answer if it's too personal!)
So, I've finally started making calls to get top surgery, and I was really excited! like wow this thing I've been looking forward to for years is finally gonna happen, i'll get to wear shirts without having to constantly think about how i look, etc.
but then I started thinking more about it (i guess because its becoming more Real?), and I'm more conflicted about getting rid of my chest. like, hairy tits go kinda hard actually, and like sensory wise they are fun for stimming. plus i feel INFINITE BUTCH SWAG with them. if it was just me by myself forever, I feel like I could be happy with them, but I also find myself yearning for like, being able to be shirtless in public and also having a smooth surface to run my hands down. stuff like that. (also especially the "not worrying about how I look when i put on a t-shirt thing)
so here's my question: I remember you making a comic about how happy you were to have had top surgery, even if u still missed your old chest sometimes, or felt conflicted about it. what do u miss about your old chest? do you ever feel dyphoric with ur current chest? if u have any other insights or things to say, pls do
(p.s. i am considering non-flat surgery, but i don't know how i feel abt that yet because currently I think it'd be the worst of both worlds for me. i don't think the results would be what i actually want: flat chest that's just slightly rounded across the whole thing so it's soft and kinda andro looking)
hi moth yayyy so exciting!! ty for ur question!! longish answer so its under the cut
first i wanted to say that when i first decided to look into having top surgery, after my consultation, i got wigged out and decided to hold off on it for a while. talking to the surgeon made me Really understand that it is a major surgery and everything that entails. a lot of it freaked me out and i ended up deciding to go for it almost a year after that, and i'm glad i took that time to reconsider.
second, i totally relate to the butch swag thing and sensory thing. since having top surgery i've seen a lot more art and photos and people irl who are transmasc/genderqueer with boobs, much more than i did pre-op, and it makes me feel very happy and i wish i saw more of it back then bc it wouldve made me feel a lot better.
i do think that inherently, i would have been able to make peace with my body as is and not had surgery. i was never super dysphoric about my chest and i liked having partners who found it attractive. like you said, if it was just me by myself, or if i was only ever around people who wouldn't see me having boobs as contradictory to me passing as male, i wouldn'tve minded as much.
but unfortunately it doesn't exist in a vacuum like that. the body is a public form, it's how you engage with the world. similar to what you said, i wanted to be able to be shirtless, not wear a binder, be able to pass sometimes, etc. i also wanted the sensory experience of like, laying down flat on my chest, or running without breasts moving which was always uncomfortable for me esp since i hated wearing bras.
i don't feel dysphoric about my current chest, it's more like a passing wistfulness for how my chest used to be or would've been now if i hadn't had surgery. sometimes it's just the feeling of absentmindedly holding my own boob i miss lol. since i had surgery pretty young there's things i feel like i might've missed out on. i live in a wayyy more transsexual ass place now where it's way more normal for a man to have, and show off, breasts, and for it to be attractive, and not negate his identity at all. and i think i would've slayyed like that. alas! on the day to day though, i've also been working more physical jobs where i want to pass as male, so binding would have been very uncomfortable and i'm glad i don't have to do it. and i get a ton of euphoria from being flat chested, and i'm lucky to be around people who find post-op transmasc chests cool and attractive. as much as i liked having partners be attracted to my chest pre-op, i've also learned that there Are people out there who find flat chests just as attractive, and i love having partners who are attracted to the masculinity of my body, because previously i'd often felt like i had to be feminine to be attractive
and re: a non-flat surgery option, i do think it's something to look into! i never really considered it cuz for me it wasn't really the size of my chest that mattered, more like entirely having breasts or not, and i didn't want to go thru the whole ordeal of surgery just to be dysphoric again or end up wanting to get a flat chest later on - though many people do get a reduction/semi-flat surgery and later have full top surgery and it's totally cool!!!
feel free to send a follow up if i didn't answer something in particular or you want me to elaborate on anything ^_^
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lavalampstealer · 9 months
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YAYAYYY okay ONE (1) person asked so now I can dump about them. I’ll give you guys the condensed story otherwise we’ll be here for days (and this is gonna be a compiled masterpost about them, so I might repeat info I’ve already said)
(Also btw: don’t take this as canon bc its not, its just something that I thought would be cool to explore)
Now, you might’ve seen some of my other drawings of Canary- he’s an existing handler that I have and he’s during the time period of the games (late 1960s). This whole thing sprouted from me wanting to give it a backstory, and it might’ve gotten a little out of hand, which lead to all of this.
Basic setting for this is that it’s the mid 1930s ish (haven’t nailed down an exact year), the Agency is in its early days, and there’s more of a focus on being covert and indirect. In fact, it wasn’t called the Agency at all; it was known as the Roost, as all the agents/handlers/other staff had bird/bird-related codenames. Zoraxis, while maybe being known publicly as that, was known as the Quarry behind the scenes (stone/rock-related names). Two birds with one stone, canary in the coal mine, you can see where I got it from. ANYWAYS.
The story focuses on this agent duo, Canary (he/it (yes he’s a guy, he just likes wearing dresses, so what /lh)) and Cardinal (he/him). Their field is Infiltration, so their job is to go to high class events/places (like parties or something) and yknow. Stop the bad guys. It could be stopping an art heist, investigating a sketchy ‘charity’ that is actually funneling money right back into Zoraxis, interrupting a weapons exchange, etc- you see what I mean.
Small tidbit, they gave each other their accessories. Canary gave Cardinal his watch and Cardinal gave Canary its earrings. Starting to feel cringe now but too late for that, on we go.
More about the two. Their dynamic is pretty much that everyone else in the office can see that they like each other- except for the agents themselves. It’s not gay to have dance lessons with the homie in preparation for an upcoming assignment. Mutually just being like “wow he’s pretty WHAT WHO SAID THAT-”
I mentioned a canary in the coal mines earlier; that’s pretty much Canary’s job. He’s the one who’s constantly surveying the situation and making mental note of near everything so he can relay info to Cardinal, the one acting as the proverbial miner in the coal mines. Cardinal’s there to go into the thick of things and be the closest to danger. And their dynamic usually works out fine! Usually. Except for one time. The one time Canary missed a detail, and things went wrong fast. The bird stopped singing, but it was too late for the miner to get out. Gonna switch gears before I completely spoil what happened-
They have a handler, Jay, but she’s not a handler in the sense that Handler is in the main games. She’s a lot more hands off, she’s more like a superior to hand over assignments and pass along details. She usually doesn’t come along with them on missions, and because of the limited tech in the 30s (and their budget), they don’t have earpieces for her to communicate through. That’s why they’re in a duo in the first place, so that they’re not out alone and have some kind of backup. Her ref sheet will probably be coming next, a friend helped me come up with her design (you know who you are and ty :]).
So. That’s enough out of me for now. I’d be happy to answer any questions you got, so don’t hesitate to ask!
….and I may or may not have been listening to Copacabana while coming up with their story but shhhh its fine.
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cadrenebula · 1 year
Prompt #27: Sole
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It was just another day for this small portion of the Troupe. Just Ely, Fen, Aryn, and Ronove in Ely's apartment. Just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Well mostly relaxing.
"Well, it's o-fish-ial," Ely crows from where she's curled into the corner of her sofa, the fire crackling merrily in the hearth. The rain beats down on the window panes and the troupe group had gathered in Ely's apartment to exist quietly with one another. "Fangs, you're formally a fin-tastic fish father." She looks smug.
Fen, reading a book on the other sofa, sighs fondly.
Aryn is groaning from where he sits near Fen drinking a cup of tea. "Seems a bit fishy to me."
"You betta believe it." Ronove smirks as he messes with his fishing kit he'd bought recently. It was better then the basic one he had started with. An his new friend was planning to teach him to make food for his fishy friends. "I dislike anchovies though, they're a little fishy."
"Maybe think about tackling jellyfish next?" Ely hums thoughtfully, "We wouldn't want them to get jelly!" She pauses at beat and then adds, seriously, "And some of them are bioluminescent, which might be pretty at night. We do like sparkly things here."
"Perch-ance," Fen pipes up, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth as he stares, stubbornly, at his book, "would it have krill-ed you to not start a pun war Darling?"
"Excuse you! I have no ink-ling of what you mean Fen! My puns are ex-squid-ite." Ely pouts at him.
"It's de-beta-bowl how skilled her puns are tonight." Aryn smirked as he sipped at his tea. "She takes every oppor-tuna-ty she can get."
"Needs more e-fish-ency. I'm going to need a minute to mullet over." Ronove was doing his best not to crack up laughing as he closed the fishing kit.
"Wow! Re-puffed by my own family. I sea how it is…" Ely pouts theatrically. "It would be shell-fish of me not to share in my gill-orious puns." She sniffs, "It's not my fault you two are all crabby."
"I'm not crabby at all. I'm scaling back on my puns for your sake. Some of your puns can be rather a-trout-cious." Aryn giggles as he makes sure he doesn't spill his tea.
"Don’t try to gill-t trip me." Ronove snorts as he grins with fangs on display. "Maybe you just need some more vitamin sea, Ely."
Ely makes a deeply offended noise, "I can't believe you're trouting my talent! The of-fin-se! I've obviously got you hooked on fishy puns now."
"Now, now. You're just trying to take advantage of every oppor-tuna-ty." Aryn waves a hand in a comforting motion towards Ely. "We can't help that it's just very catchy."
"I think she's the jelly one that we're catching on just for the halibut." Ronove smirks as he thinks. He was definitely feeling like this was something he would have done in his mortal life. Just having fun with puns. "I'll just throw her some hooks so she can stop floundering."
Ely glares at them, "You two think you're so so-fish-ticated, huh? I'll make you feel my wrasse, wait and sea, just when you least expect it."
"These puns are kraken me up," Fen says, absolutely deadpan, "The conversation is a bit lost at sea but at least you're pretty con-fin-dent in your improvisation skrills. Very oar-ganized too."
"Oh dear… She might be the sole survivor at this rate. We're sunk." Aryn laughs merrily. "If we live, we're going to need a minute to mullet over."
"We're not royally scrod yet. This is not the last craw. No surrender!" Ronove thrusts a fist into the air comically. "We'll snapper out of it before long. Because we're not fin-ished yet!"
"How gill-ant of you." Ely sniffs, "You're krill-ly a dab hand at this." A impish smile steals over her lips, "I guess you're just full of carp, huh?"
Aryn was glad he'd set his cup down. He couldn't resist laughing hard now. Waving a white handkerchief in the air as he laid there laughing. Clearly he was calling it quits.
"Oh, for heavens hake! He's drowning now. He's such a Paci-fish-t he couldn't handle it anymore. Done in by the squidding around we're doing. Should we have mercy on him or make him walk the plankton?" Ronove reaches over to poke Aryn's side as the viera is too busy laughing.
"Hmmmm…" Ely taps her chin thoughtfully, "I think we should be ab-sole-lutely sure he's really schooled, you know? We're piranha roll now and we should make sure he's not just playing koi. Make sure he's not throwing us a red herring."
"I think we've reached the fin-ale." Ronove smirking at Aryn laying there holding his sides. "He definitely seems fin-ished. And I think I've clownfished enough that I'm running out of puns myself. I'm out of practice."
Ely pouts, "I see how it is! Now that I've mussel-ed up and you two can no longer bubble-team me you've decided to shrimp out…"
Ronove chuckles and shrugs. "You win this round? I'll prepare better for the next round and then we'll see what you're aboat."
Ely sighs and tips side ways, like a maiden in a Thorne Period novel, "I guesssssss."
"You three are ab-sole-lutely hilarious." Fen hums, lips quirking in amusement, "I had a whale of a time, though I thought I might have to coral you a few times, but you stayed octo-mistic about your abilities and powered through to the fin-ish. I'm very proud of you."
Ronove snorts before sticking his tongue out at Ely and Fen both. "Apparently Fen just had to fin-ish us off. Hook, line, and sinker. I think I need more tea now."
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