#wow i'm sorry i was bored at work and i like to talk about myself
volturiprincess · 3 months
could you do something like the mate is not interested in any romance things and the Volturi are really romantic with them
Hello dear💙, sorry for the wait. I might of did some small changes but I still stayed on topic. I also did a combination of short one-shots and headcanon's. I was going to add Jane but I was not sure what to do for her. Hope you enjoy🫶🏼.
Mate Who Doesn't Enjoy Romantic Gentures
Warnings: language, mentions of violence (Demetri), I might of put Demetri on the spotlight (not in a good way, again I apologize, love him😅)
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Hmmm, odd, it's cloudy and perfect for a walk with my mate and yet he is nowhere to be seen. Well I guess I will have a walk on my own. As i'm walking through the long halls, I soon feel a familiar presence on my side 
“You know I don't like it when you do that”
“I know and yet you never get mad”
We walked to the gardens in silence, something about the gardens with this type or weather just makes me feel relaxed. As we arrived I felt the cold breeze of the air weave through me. As if on cue he grabbed my hand and interlocked our hands. I pulled my hand away, not that I don't mind hand holding, but I don't want this to turn romantic.
“Do I disgust you or something?”
Oh no my love, I sided eyed him while he stared at me. 
“No it's not that Cai, it's just I don't want our outing to get–um…”
“Spit it out love, no need to beat around the bush”
“I just don't want this to turn romantic okay”
“Oh? Why?”
“I just want a nice quiet evening with you”
I went over to the rose arch that I caught myself spending hours admiring each and every one. I was so focused that I didn't notice the fairy lights and the beautiful sight of my mate holding a rose out to me. I just stared at him with a blank face. What should I do? I already told him countless times that I don't like to be romanticized. But he looks so perfect right now, and the small lights make his eyes sparkle in the softest ways possible. So much for being the ruthless king, he still knows how to make a simple day feel like a chapter out of a fairytale. 
I walked away and went to another section but he grabbed my hand at the last minute.
“Don't you dare walk away”
“Caius let go”
“Not until you tell me what you want me to do”
“Your my mate, you know I love you, and i'm trying to be affectionate with you, but you are giving me nothing to work with”
He makes a point, the countless expensive jewelry, the bouquets and the most romantic trips one can only dream about. I always faked a smile when he makes such gestures, not that I don't appreciate his effort but I just don't like to be wooed like that. 
“Caius? You know I love you, right?”
“Well you make it seem I'm underappreciated”
“I'm sorry I have made you feel like that, that has never been my intention, but I have told you before I just don't like romantic gestures like that”
“You have but what I don't understand is what you actually want me to do”
“One of my favorite things about you is when you and I talk about anything, whether it be about history, the arts that lead to debates, I just love talking with you, I guess you can say that’s the most romantic thing you could do for me, talk”
“So let me guess this right, talking is the way to your heart?”
“I guess you can say that, my love language is talking about what others would considered ‘boring’ “ 
“I see, I can do that, I actually enjoy are times of talk”
He gave me a small smile and pulled me into a small hug that I returned.
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Oh no, another box of roses with chocolates. And is that a note I spot? I read the note first
“My little rose, my little love, you have my heart”
Wow, I'm speechless. He always does this, I mean I appreciate what he does but I don't even know how to take this in. Don't get me wrong, I love how cute he is when he sends me stuff like this but I don't really like gestures like this. Even if I don't like this kind of stuff, I like how when I see him later on in the day he has a cheeky smile and casually asks if anything interesting happened today (as if he doesn't already know). It's his smile that warms my heart. I might not like all his romantic gestures, but his smile is all I need in my life.
Or seeing him workout and or training newborns, there's just something so satisfying yet weirdly angelic in the way he moves. Yes he's a big guy, with muscle that can crush your head instantle, and has the title of ‘the executor’, but he moves with grace in a way. When he's throwing a newborn across the room, he does it accordingly and swiftly, it's not awkward or hesitant. I know he’s been doing this for centuries but at this point it really is  like second nature to him. 
I placed the boxes on our coffee table and lay in bed, waiting for him to return from some meeting the guards had today. Soon enough he arrived with that mentioned cheeky smile and something behind his back. I raise an eyebrow at his mysterious behavior but he just sits on the edge of the bed gazing at me like I'm the only girl in the world. 
“Soooo I see you got the gifts?”
“I did” “You like them?”
Such a darling of a mate and I have to break his unbeaten heart by saying I don't. I honestly don't deserve him. He deserves someone who treats his acts of love with the same type of love, but romantic gestures don't sit straight with me with all honesty.
“I…” I twiddle my fingers in a nervous way “didn’t”
I hesitantly look at him to be faced with a dropped face, his smile gone and his eyebrows furrowed.
“You didn’t? Did I do something wrong? What is it that you don't like, it's the roses right? Gosh I knew you didn't like roses, I told Demetri you didn't but he insisted you did and the chocolates well I know you liked them you enjoy eating them in your time of the month and you eat it on a daily basis so I just thought it would work and well-”
I grabbed his hand to give it a small squeeze and well to stop his cute rambling session that made me feel guilty. He looked at me with soft eyes as I reassured him
“Felix honey, I'm going to have to stop you there, look as cliche as this might sound, its me not you”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well yes I do love roses, not to receive them actually but I could stare at them for hours to see there spirals and to draw them too, as for the chocolates I love that too, you always know which one’s I like the most but I just don't like romantic gestures”
 “You don't? Well why didn't you tell me, you know I would hate to make you feel obligated to accept my gestures or to make you uncomfortable” I really don't deserve him, he's the sweetest of the sweetest.
“I know I should of said something sooner but the thing I loved to see was your cheeky smile, the way you would smile more on the days you would leave a gift or be romantic would just make my day”
“You like my smile? Well that's something I don't hear everyday”
I felt my heart break slightly at his confession, centuries of not experiencing love and not receiving compliments on something he wears so well. I gave his hand a small kiss that he returned with his said smile.
“I'm sorry I didn't say I don't like romantic gestures, they never sat straight with me and believe me in another lifetime I would loved to be serenaded by your gestures”
“I know little rose, but what would like for me to do for you then or what are you comfortable with”
“Well never stop smiling that's for sure” his smile widen slightly at the mention “But my version of romantic is when you ramble to me about your day, how a certain newborn was a pain in the ass to you or how Demetri somehow managed to lose his footing during combat training, your absolutely a darling of mate when you ramble, one of the hundreds of reasons I love you”
“You never fail to amuse me with your words, my little love, I will take what you said to me and put into action for you, but could I, you know, maybe just give you a single rose then, maybe one that has a lot of interesting spirals?”
“That’s fine by me Fe”
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Hello!!! He's a casanova of a Vampire
Nobody just gets that name, he got it for a reason 
When you came into his life, his mission was to show you  love in every way 
Trips to secluded beaches, to the most romantic cities in the world to even trips to the Volturi’s private island 
Those are just trips, the gifts he showered you with would put Eros himself to shame 
Rose petals would be around your guy’s shared chamber, with the most expensive wine he could get his hands on and your favorite chocolates (he would do that once a week at least)
You have told him to tone it down a bit, you even mentioned even some fuzzy socks would be fine by you (according to him “Those are hardly romantic enough amore”)
After months of being romanticized in the most extravagant way by him and not really showing much enthusiasm toward his effort, he became conflicted 
Is it too much? Has he gone overboard? Talk to him already? He’s freaking out? He’s panicking internally too, oh no his walls are closing in, the world is spinning faster, he can somehow hear his unbeaten heart beating fast, all of this is happening to him and yet he shows no emotions
“Demetri? You good?”
“Fuck off Felix” (Ouch that hurt, why must he be rude to my hunk of a vampire, look at Felix’s sweet face, he does not deserve this type of attitude from his best friend)
Demetri stays in a bad mood for a while, but he sneaks in some sweet talk towards you and manages to leave little homemade gifts for you in places he knows you would find it
And yet none of that seems to work to get you to react ‘appropriately” (his thought)
He thinks you just don't want him or love him the way he loves you 
He grows more restful and his hidden sadistic side starts to creep up more often when he's training with Felix
Felix as always worries for a long term best friend, why is he like this? Never in a hundred years have I seen him so hungry to rip a newborn's head? So desperate?
It seems its just got so bad that he finally approached you 
“Is it me? Am I the problem?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well I tried everything I have known about romance and you just brush it off, you don't even genuinely like what I do, you always fake a reaction”
“I guess I was not convincing enough then?”
The way his face feel when you didn't even deny his accusation hurt him more than it needed to be
He was about to make a run for but you grabbed his hand 
“I didn't mean to say it like I don't appreciate what you do for me or if I love you, gosh Demetri I love you more than the ocean needs the moon”
That caught him off guard indeed, you love him that much? So then why have you been so weird with him about his gestures?
“I guess I should come clean, but I haven't really been the type to enjoy romantic gestures,  it doesn't fancy my feathers, I should of told you from the beginning but I just didn't know how”
“I see, so it was never me then, oh cariño you should of told me sooner, I would of loved to have a conversation with you about what you like and don't like, we are mates after all, I want you to talk to me about anything that comes into that pretty head of yours”
You confess you actually did like his little homemade crafts, to his paper butterflies, to his pipe cleaner rose, there was nothing romantic about them but it warmed your heart indeed 
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Look when you two became mates, it was a bit strange and a little awkward to be honest 
That phase only lasted a week and half because you soon found out he loves to read as much as you 
You bonded over books and that's what made your mate bond grow strong 
You two didn't really do your typical romantic thing, he didn't get you flowers or gifts or sweet talk you, and you loved that about him 
Sure he would casually quote cute lines from your latest read or from your favorite poetry but you were fine by that
Life was fine like that, until Demetri happened (man i'm just picking on him lately, what is my deal with him lately, sorry:)
Demetri has been watching over your guy’s relationship, mostly watches over Alec (Alec remind Demetri of a long forgotten person he knew but he couldnt put his finger on it)
He suggested to Alec to get you flowers, and to recreate some scenes from your books, one them being a little candlelight dinner on a boat with sea themed decor 
Alec at the time thought it was a great idea at first until he saw how you slightly cringed (but hid it right away) at the sight of him by the mentioned dinner
He thought maybe he got something wrong and then he started to feel awkward, he started to feel like a foolish teen all over (that was an era of his human life he wanted to forget)
So with Demetris help he got more ideas of other romantic gestures 
But the more he did more stuff for you, the more you pulled away from him slowly 
You tried to go along with it but you didn't feel comfortable, after each encounter you felt your bond with him shift, there’s awkwardness all over again, as if you were meeting for the first time 
It was like this for who knows how long, with apology gifts (all more romantic than the last one) that unfortunately didn't work  
So he came up with a better idea he went up to you with Lei of Lotus Blossoms and asked for a minute 
“Alec is it what I think it is?”
“Yea just like from the book”
“What are you trying to say”
“Well look you and I are new to this whole bond, we are still figuring things out, but I know one thing for sure is out mate bond was perfect before Demetri meddled in”
“He might of given me pointers to woo you”
“I should of known, made sense why you suddenly got all Mr.loverboy”
“Yes well I soon noticed you are not quite fond of that, now are you”
“Your assumption is true”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I was unsure in how to tell you without hurting your feelings”
“Cara, I think I can handle the truth, and if I didnt I could of just used my ability on you” he finished that sentence off his devilish smirk that never fails to make you smile
“Wiped that smirk of Alec, now why the Lei?, gifts in our book always had a reason behind it”
“Well from what i learned from this lotus is mostly to represent rebirth or purity but for me it means I want to rewind our bond back to when we were both happy with each other”
“I would like that”
“Me too”
And from there the mate bond was rewinded and everything just clicked like together like a puzzle
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remindingpersephone · 2 months
When life gives you . . . stitches? So I had to have a cyst removed from my back and it was a big boy, so it took 13 stitches to close that hole up (there are so many jokes here). The doc said no lifting, no stretching, because stitches on the back (it's actually closer to shoulder) can rip easily. Since I can't get into the pool - healing wound = no soaking - and it's 9,823 degrees outside so no walking, my living room workouts are the only option. But when I do those it's a lot of arm flailing and improvising because I cannot follow choreography to save my life.
Now, there was a time when I would have used these restrictions as an excuse to completely abandon my fitness goals. I would stop all cardio, sit on the couch, eat way too many brownies, and totally derail my fitness progress.
But this time was different. I've kept up with all lower body strength workouts, and for cardio I bought an under-the-desk, mini-bike-peddle machine. Now, no one is going to mistake this for a real bike. But let me tell you I have gotten my heart rate way the hell up on that little thing. And I can keep my upper body stabile so as not to rip those stitches.
I've also been trying out intermittent fasting, although it didn't really start out with that as the goal. I wanted to see if I was eating because I was hungry, or just out of habit/schedule/when I thought I should eat. Also, my 6:30am breakfasts were starting to feel like habit instead of hunger. So I stopped eating until I was actually hungry. Turns out I'm not really hungry until about 11:30 AM. I also stopped eating after 8PM at night. I had always been a late dinner and even later dessert/snacker. Not only has eating mostly between the hours of 11:30am and 7:30pm helped my digestion, it's lowered my overall calorie intake. It's also making me stop and really think if I'm actually hungry before I eat. Do I need that snack or am I just bored? Do I need that treat or am I just emotional? I know the word "intuitive" is over-used these days, but that's pretty much what I did.
Now, I know tomorrow or next week this could all change. I am a person who not only embraces change, but seeks it out. I am always changing things up in small and large ways. Sometimes routines work for me and sometimes they don't. I'm getting better at not trying to force myself to do things just because the generally accepted wisdom says I should. Or the current trends are encouraging this thing or that thing.
Since we're talking about health, I will tell you I've cut way back on my social media consumption. It just got to a point where I was internalizing a lot of what I was reading and watching, and as we all know, a lot of what's on social media is negative. That negativity was having a bigger effect on me than I realized. Until that over-exposure was gone, I couldn't make the connection on some unexpected effects it was having. Sorry, I'm not intentionally trying to be vague. I just can't really explain it other than to say reducing my exposure to the ugliness and fear that perpetuates even Tumblr and Instagram has had a positive effect on my state of mind. This is a long and rambly way of me saying I'm sorry if I haven't been hearting and commenting on my mutuals posts like I once had. I try to pop in when I can, and I really do read what I heart. I just can't consume it at the rate I once did. But please know that I am always here for DMs and you can email me at anindependentguinevere {at} g mail dot com anytime you want to chat or need support. I am here for that always.
Wow, that was way longer than I intended. Hugs and kisses to those you who made it all the way through. Now let's go get some ice cream!
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
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fnu [fn·u] vin. quiet, be quiet
Anonymous Request: I was wondering if I could get a Neteyam x Metkayina reader where the reader is one of the best gardeners in the clan. She is usually quiet and just spends her time gardening and going swimming. People don’t notice her. That is until Neteyam asks about her and wants to help garden with her. They start to fall in love but the reader can’t understand why Neteyam would fall for someone as quiet, not as beautiful as Tsireya (in her eyes), and unimportant to the clan.
879 words
I rub the dirt off my knees as I stand up, smiling down at my work. Just a few minutes walk from our village lies one of our many vast gardens, and this one in particular is mine.
Not that I own it, per se, but everyone knows that this is the one I take care of - and I come here every day to take care of it. I dug up the dirt, ensured it was fertile, planted the seeds, and I tend to them daily. I harvest what's ready, remove weeds where necessary, and keep pests away.
Of all the gardens, mine bears the most to eat. Multiple times a week, I return with baskets of food, taking many trips to deliver it home. I don't think anyone notices, because I try not to call attention to myself, but I'm extremely proud of the work I've done.
Today, I have four large baskets bearing root vegetables to bring home to my clan, and my heart swells with pride.
"Do you need help with that?" someone asks as I bend down and pick up the first large basket. I turned and see the eldest Sully, Neteyam, approaching.
He's been visiting here lately. Almost every day, he ends up at my garden. Sometimes, he shows up when I take my long evening swims, too. We're running into each other so much.
I smile and thrust a basket into his hands, and he temporarily sags under the weight of it.
"Wow. You got a lot today!" he says, grinning at me, and my heart swells with pride.
As we walk, I talk about the vegetables we're carrying. When the best times are to plant them, how to encourage them to grow, how my people prepare them. Neteyam listens intently, even asking questions.
We return for a second trip, two more baskets to bring bag, and I find no end of information to tell him about my garden.
Only when we've dropped the second load off, do I realize how much I've been talking, and my cheeks grow hot. We're approaching the beach now, where I always go when I'm done for the day.
"Oh, Neteyam, I'm so sorry," I say.
He furrows his brow, looking concerned. "For what?"
"It's just... I don't talk to many people this much and I went on and on. You must be so bored."
His frown deepens and he shakes his head. "You're not only passionate and intelligent, but what you do benefits all your people. You should be proud. I will listen to you talk about it any time. Maybe if I learn, I can help you."
I tilt my head to the side. "You would help me?"
Neteyam reaches out, hesitantly at first, and grabs my hand. My eyes widen in shock. Has it not been a coincidence that Neteyem has visited my garden so frequently, or interrupted my swims so often? Has he been trying to spend time around me?
It's hard to believe. Though I do find value in my quiet days, I didn't think anyone else had noticed. I'm quiet, quite possibly a little shy, nothing like the other women of the clan, especially Tsireya, who I know the Sully boys have been spending time with. If anyone would have caught their eye, it surely would be here, one of my oldest friends.
"I would be honored to learn more about what you do. And just... about you."
The blush in my cheeks deepens, and I turn away, trying not to smile too widely. It's too much to dream that someone like Neteyam could have interest in someone like me.
"I would be honored to teach you," I finally reply, stammering only a little. He reaches out, pressing his fingers against my chin, turning my eyes to meet his.
He is smiling at me, and I can feel it, and see it in his eyes - admiration. Has he always looked at me like this, and I have been too busy staring at the dirt to realize? I feel equal parts flattered and foolish.
"Neteyam, do you actually have an interest in gardening?" I ask, a teasing smile on my face.
He laughs, just a small chuckle, and we grin at each other. "At first... no. But, watching you these past weeks, listening to you talk, I can say safely that I am no longer just interested in the gardener."
I will simply burst if he ever says anything like that again. Unsure of what else to do, I close the gap between us, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my head into his firm, broad chest.
"Thank you," I whisper as he tightly wraps his arms around my shoulders, holding me tightly to him.
"For what?" he asks.
I look up at him, my chin on his chest. "Noticing me."
He places a soft, warm kiss on my forehead. "You may be quiet, but you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You were impossible not to notice."
A heat that has been only in my chest spreads through every limb, to my toes and fingertips, and I feel lightheaded. All I can do is cling to this man and thank Ewya for bringing him to my garden.
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theokusgallery · 9 months
What do you think about middle aged sunflower ????
Okay I'm going to pretend I'm normal and didn't just have a conversation about it yesterday within which I had to restrict myself because of Discord's stupid character limit
Anyway. Gonna talk about fanfics briefly, because fics tend to get more complex with characterization.
A while ago, I got really into Marvel, and for two months I did nearly nothing except read spideypool fanfic all day and night. If you know anything about these two (that isn't from the MCU) (I hate the MCU, I hate it so so much, this is not who Spidey fundamentally is, he is supposed to be a friendly neighborhood loner loser and you Cannot just give him an Iron Man suit and a mentorship with Stark and intergalactic missions at 16 or however old he is in those movies when the essence of the character is that he is an average struggling teenager who just happens to get superpowers and fucks up a lot at the beginning of his journey and mostly works alone and quit the fucking Avengers himself) (wow I started rambling sorry. Ignore that), you'll know that they are both around... 25-30ish, currently. Something like that. The only other fandom that I read as many fanfics of was Ace Attorney, where depending on the timeline, they can be from 23 to like, 35 with a kid. So I'd say me being so invested in a ship with 16 year-olds is... kind of an anomaly.
I don't usually like the coming-of-age, teenage love stuff, and I honestly have never found a single sunflower schoolfic I liked (except Spiral of course but even then they're in college) because all of them tend to... infantilize both Sunny and Basil at great length. And also tear down anything that makes them interesting characters. I think a lot of OMORI artists (that includes writers) are very afraid of doing anything substantial with teenagers, despite, you know, the actual plot of the game, and as a result, a lot of the time most fics where the characters aren't aged up tend to be... incredibly boring. Of course there are some that are good — exceptional even — but in the end all I can think of is the huge gap in... quality? that sounds wrong to say about a creative thing... interesting-ness, let's say (a very personal and subjective concept), when I stopped reading Marvel and went back to OMORI. I stopped reading fanfics altogether because I just couldn't find one I liked as much as the average Marvel fic that I hadn't already read.
Maybe it's a result of the writers themselves being young? I know OMORI's fanbase is generally a lot younger than Marvel's, so that could affect it. I mentioned schoolfics because there's a lot of them and because they were mentioned in my rant yesterday, but it's not really about the fact that they're schoolfics, it's about the fact that more often than not, the setting is the plot, and since it's just your average highschooler writing their favorite blorbos into their own environment and projecting (which is very cool btw, 99% of my own writing is projecting), the plot is... basically nonexistant. It's boring. It's boring and the characterization is usually dull. But even outside of schoolfics, I think I stopped trying to read fics that start with Sunny getting out of the hospital after the True Ending for the same reason : it's often plain and plotless and boring. And, fuck, my favorite books and mangas and such are slice of life, I'm all for mundane plots! But there's a difference between a mundane plot/realism and just no plot at all.
(This is not, like, an attack of OMORI writers who make schoolfics or fics that start with the above mentioned premise, btw, I want to make that very clear. It's very much a personal preference. I think it's boring because all of the fics I read in Marvel had a very unique plot/premise is my point. And also because the characters were a lot more mature and complex. Different strokes for different folks)
I think that's what I'm kind of sad about. OMORI characters tend to be complex and morally grey in their own way, and people tend to forget about that because they're teenagers and obviously no one can do no wrong before the ripe age of 18. Children are all innocent and therefore cannot be more morally complex than cinnamon roll soft boys/girls (looking pointedly at Sunny, Aubrey and Basil. But mostly Basil). Also, I think people tend to straight-up forget that 16 year-olds aren't, like, 10? Of course they're not going to be as mature as grown adults, especially Sunny OMORI, Dissociative Amnesia World Champion, but like... When I was 16 reading OMORI fanfics, half the time I was like "a 16 year-old would not fucking say that". But also generally more mature characters are inevitably more interesting to explore to me because I prefer more mature themes — I'm simply extremely upset at the fact that people don't explore the complexity that's already there when they're 16, including the very mature themes that are already there.
TL;DR: I love middle aged sunflower, I love middle aged ships in general ! In fact, I will tend to prefer sunflower when it's aged up.
(... I probably should've led with that.)
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hollisartsblog · 1 year
Sorry for the long post, I just felt like I needed to get it out, if you want to read I'd be happy, if not, it's okay!
reading for the first time after almost 5 years what I used to write and think about late at night, and now I feel like doing it again, trying to find the right words.
I wanna talk about being in the moment as an artist, appreciating what you do, and not giving a fuck. (and loving ur young self)
I spent my teenage years drawing and posting here, so I had a lot to read tonight and to think about.
have u ever experienced that strange feeling, where you are like "wow. I was actually so beautiful and smart, who could have ever hated me?"
I was a completely different person, and maybe I miss that little girl, and maybe I hate her even a little. now, I'm not here to talk like I'm in a psychoanalyst's deckchair, of course. but I'm here, to resume the beautiful, however embarrassing in my opinion, habit of writing my most intimate thoughts (shareable, of course) that cross my mind at night, because maybe they can help someone, because we are never alone. just as they helped you years ago, just as it has helped me re-reading them now after all this time. I've had some crazy years. I was young, I was passionate and genuinely free to do whatever I wanted. I had friends, I had just sold a self-published book, I had "fans", I was "successful", I had good grades, I had a girlfriend, yet I wasn't happy. I know it sounds like the usual sweet story about happiness and self-satisfaction, but I don't think so (and even if it was, well, here we are ;) ) I didn't realize how necessary EVERYTHING that was happening to me was.
artists have a huge difficulty accepting that sometimes we have to look inside and accept that we have to constantly learn, instead we are always in a hurry to be perfect, to get likes, to earn, but that's not how it goes. I was literally 16 and already thinking about this, thinking I must be good enough to please everyone.
spoiler: you can never do that.
as I said years ago, our eyes are not the right eyes to judge us.
appreciate the compliments, don't dismiss them with an embarrassed smile. appreciate the effort and hours put into a work even if it is bad for you. hug your self when after a bad day you still have the courage to do what you love. being an artist is beautiful, but a huge burden, especially for us. remember that when our insecurities take over, we are not lucid.
yes, that drawing u posted that got 8 likes made 8 people feel something. how amazing is that?
yes, it will be fine, that text you wrote will be something new in someone's eyes, it won't be something read and re-read to make it perfect. you will amaze and make someone fall in love with what u did.
internet is an amazing place, and sometimes it's not. I got myself into a really bad place because I was too immature and too impatient to immediately be the artist I always felt I was, but NO ONE is after you with a clock ticking away time.
you really think someone care about how much time does it take you to get to your goal? why should it matter? I'm not going to list every single successful person who actually made it and tell you "look! they were poor now they are rich, so u can do it!". i'm telling you to always love the process; I would've punched myself in the face, I hated when adults told me this phrase, but it's true: everything pass. you are not gonna be like this forever. you are gonna love what you do one day, and love life because life takes but gives.
(tw: mental health) I spent years between psychologists and suicidal thoughts, I was never enough, and my art not only made me feel miserable, but it was one of the first reason I fell into depression. it always reminded me how plain, boring, and uninspired I was.
there was never anything that was right in what I did, every comment and every ask you sent me had no weight for me, they meant nothing because I didn't I believed in myself, yet I should have tasted it. now I reread them crying, not believing what I read. I was talented, man, I was full of ideas, I was amazing. I lost that spark, because of fear, of waiting for the right moment. i sabotaged myself because i was afraid of judgement, of pressure, when i had love around me, everywhere.
now I'm in Florence, far from home, studying in a private academy of animation and digital art. would I ever have thought that? absolutely no. I deserve it? Yes. because I, like you artists, have grown, we have learned, and I'll tell you this once and for all: do not give up. things are really getting better. now I'm not saying that because I magically healed and I love my art all of the sudden (unfortunately, I still really struggle) but please don't look at likes, followers. you're good, just because you love what you do, literally that's all that matters. I took a long break, now 2 years, because, as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was starting to hate what I was doing, it had become an obligation, a simple circle to mark before going to sleep on the to-do list. to alone.
16 years old. and it wasn't right.
love what you do, take breaks, post without checking a thousand times, show your work, accept compliments. you have created something, and that is enough.
look at you past as an amazing book you just read, the satisfaction coming from all the pages you already read and learnt from, now you are a different person thanks to them. look at you future with the same excitement when you still have a lot of those pages to read.
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a-complex-joke · 21 days
Zero to mutant Chapter 5
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We arrived back within a few days.
“Ahh, welcome back my X-men. Hello Emily, im Professor X, the leader of the X-men and this great facility. Come we have much to discuss. The rest of you can unpack your bags and meet us in the meeting room”
“So what kind of abilities do you think she has” Jubilee paced herself beside me
“Im not sure, our theory from before seems plausible, but is it truly that simple”
“Come on you two, the faster we get to are rooms and unpack the faster we can find out” Rouge laughed
*Time skip*
We all sat in our usual spots at the table, and Emily sat in a new chair.
“Good evening everyone, as some of you can see, we have a new friend with us today, they are the mutant your fellow X-men fetched.
And after some gentle mind probing from Jean and myself, we have discovered Her ability to be that of giving off a comforting aura, that will intensify though direct contact and connection.
I think we could all agree this would be a great advantage to us in battle”
“Well let me be the first to welcome to our team, MIss” Remy bowed kissing the back of her hand. Cause the majority of us to roll our eyes.
“Actually Gambit I tasking you to Help with Emily’s training, she lacks the necessary fighting skills, and abilities you do. You can start tomorrow, for now, would you mind showing our new member to her living quarters, we will discuss moving the rest of your things here at a later date”
Remy grabbed her things and the two left
“The mission was a success, it seems there is no more mutant activity within the school, add in that we now have a member of staff I'd say this was a prosperous mission,” the proffer said.
We discussed the usual boring things, we did after every mission.
“So my x-men that concludes our Meeting you are dismissed”
“Don’t you think we should check on Emily, this is a big change after all, no offense to Remy but…” I chimed in
The whole way here she seemed in a daze, only answering in little, yeahs and hums
“Why not you do it nightcrawler, you are the one concerned with it” Scott suggested.
“Uh, no I can’t, I'll just scare her, how about Jubilee” I argued.
“Sorry Kurt I've got a date with Roberto, in like” she checked her watch, “oh no, I'm gonna be late!” she ran out
“Well with that, this mission briefing is dismissed,” the professor said, and everyone exited ignoring my attempts to get their attention.
I sighed knowing that it was up to me, to make someone feel welcome.
Emily POV
I stood, at the window taking in my new reality.
A small knock on my doorframe had me turning toward the sound
“Hey… how are you settling in” Kurt said sanding awkwardly at the entrance of my room
“Oh good… I guess. Still processing well everything. I mean it’s a pretty big change, especially with all this weirdness” I laughed a little
“Oh, I knew they should have sent someone else to check up on you,” he said sadly under his breath.
“No! I didn’t mean it like that, I mean I think you're pretty cool-looking. I was actually hoping to get the chance to talk with you about your powers, how they work and that kind of stuff… and I've been rambling again. Sorry”
“Y-your interested in my powers” his tail swung a little.
“Of course! i-I meaning interested in all your Powers” I quickly corrected
Kurt gave a smirk, strutting over to the seat in front of my bed.
He sat down crossing his legs and resting his head on his propped-up hand.
“Ask away”
“You said you wanted to know about my powers and we have nothing but time. The others went off to do their own things. Don't worry Sonnenschein I don't bite” he gave a toothy grin, patting the space beside him.
“Ok, sure. Umm, what kind of powers do you have?” I asked sitting down next to him
“Teleportation, though I have a great variety of skills, I'm skilled at fencing, and acrobatics, and I'm a master of hiding in the shadows.”
“Wow, that's so cool. How far can you teleport, or like do you need to see where you are teleporting?”
“About 2 miles, give or take, though I try not to teleport anywhere I can’t see or have never been before.”
“So… what is it like to teleport?”
He thought about it for a little bit before standing up. “Would you like me to show you” he offered his hand.
I raised my hand up but stopped short.
“We don’t have to it’s your choice” he started to take back his hand, but I grabbed onto it.
“Alright let's do this, what do you want me to do?”
He smiled, pulling me close to him and wrapping his tail around me. “Just hold on tight Liebling” he winked.
The sudden closeness made my cheeks hot.
“Get ready”
All of a sudden it was like a purple vortex around us, we squashed and stretched visually, and it felt like a strong breeze passing over us.
I squeezed my eyes shut, hardening my grip around Kurt.
Then everything was still.
“You can open your eyes now Angsthase” He chuckled
And when I did I was met with a glorious sunset. “Where are we?”
“The top of the school, I come up here sometimes to calm down. I love days like this where the sunset in that way, the sky a gorgeous pink, don’t you think it’s just beautiful?” he said looking towards the woods.
“Yes, I'm looking at the most beautiful thing I've ever seen” As much as the sky reminded me of silk-covered blankets, my eyes couldn’t help but focus on the way the light hit Kurt's skin, how it reflected in his eyes, or the way my hand was still placed in his.
He quickly looked over to me, and I inverted my gaze quickly.
“So got any more questions?”
“None, that I feel won’t come naturally when getting to know you”
It was then that he seemed to realize we were still holding hands.
“Oh I'm so sorry” he quickly jumps or well teleported a short distance.
“No you're fine,” I say “How bout you give me the grand tour of this place” walking over and lace my arm around his. We don’t have to it’s your choice” I teased.
“Ok well this is the roof” he smiled starting the tour.
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the-ellia-west · 2 months
am bored and procrastinating a bunch of stuff so i decided to drop this random excerpt from one of my wips into your inbox for no reason at all hope you don't mind btw
ps: if u do just ignore this cya~
"...the sky isn't looking its best right now…" as if mirroring my thoughts, shifting my eyes again, they gazed at you.
"...." my words aren't forming anymore, my thoughts aren't churning anymore.
All I can feel is this emptiness around me, chilling and unforgiving 
My eyes alone are what's keeping me from faltering,
Lost in my own mind I kept Gazing at you.
"...you always hated bad weather, didn't you?"  Not that you remember anyway,
"...although if you asked me there's nothing bad about rain or storms,"  despite their darkness they are still beautiful  in my eyes.
"..maybe sometimes misfortune happens through them, but that doesn't mean it's fully theirs to blame,"
It's nobody's fault really, accidents happen all the time, people constantly make mistakes.
They won't  be human if they don't.
They trip and fall, they forget and miss up, they bumble their way in life until they die.
it always has been this way, from aeons past till this day.
People never stopped bumbling their way, whether it's through their life, their work, their hobbies 
Or their relationships, people keep going on with their day bumbling here and there 
Falling down and getting back up, forgetting and remembering, people are just humans after all 
They keep trying throughout all of their bumbling, 
Hoping for a change someday.
Like me finally getting my feet here after all these years!
Yay I guess?
Every time I tried to convince myself to come here I failed, every time my feelings overwhelmed my resolve.
Just thinking of you had me breaking apart, tearing up, screaming and crying…it was all far too painful to bear…so i selfishly ran away, 
"....i missed you, you know…i..these years…without you..they," bumbling my words, I stopped  to try and speak coherently.
Once again I searched for my words carefully and awkwardly.
"...those passing years have been crazy…those years of my life were so long yet so short," 
As if having a mind of its own, my mouth started  talking, pouring my deepest thoughts to the world,
"Everything went by so quickly, so vaguely,...moments I thought would last forever turned into unclear images and memories," 
Somewhere in myself started to hurt,
I don't understand what hurts so much.
"..things I thought would last forever ended far sooner than I was ready for….things I took for granted, people who were always a part of my life, simply vanished,"
I…don't want to understand those tears
"....those years without you had been hard, they were painful and tiresome and ..and…confusing," 
Blurred with tears my eyes can't see you anymore, 
"I…kept going," 
As if you will reply, I reported my small achievements to you.
" I didn't lose to the pain,"
Except when it came to visiting you,
" I didn't  forget you, if you are wondering by the way haha," 
As if I would be able to! you idiot, 
"...I'm slowly getting back on my feet," 
…I'm sorry
"..it's still painful and sad sometimes…but I'm getting there,"
As slowly as I can, carefully and timidly,
I'm getting there
"...thank you for being a part of my life" closing my blurry eyes I finally said those words.
As if a burden had been lifted off my chest I breathed in relief.
Finally opening my eyes, I looked towards you once again.
"…sorry for taking so long to come and see you,"  
I couldn't bring myself to do it, no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't come here.
Idk what to say,
Just... wow...
It's poetic, the dialogue is beautifully written, and it's honestly a little bit chilling.
The ending
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
i've considered myself aroace for a while now and have been pretty secure with that identity. not happy, but secure. i always thought that if i ever developed feelings for someone i would welcome them because i do want a relationship. it seems that that really is the case now and wow, i am not happy about it. i feel like part of it is that i am not entirely sure it is a romantic crush and not something else because emotions are really, really complicated. what complicates it even more is that it is on a guy, and i always imagined myself falling in love with a woman (i am also a woman). and lastly, i am 24 and have never even held hands with someone romantically, and i have never (purposely) flirted with anyone. just genuinely no idea how to approach this crush, how to get an idea of whether he likes me too, how to talk to anyone about my feelings without being embarrassed, or anything. i'm honestly just panicking. to make matters worse, i might have to quit in a few weeks (the guy is a colleague) and that could have two consequences: i lose contact with him and never get to figure out my emotions, probably agonising over them for years to come and thinking that might have been my one chance at a relationship, or he wants to ask me out and hasn't yet because we work together, me quitting would mean that he could do that. i don't think that's at all the case, i'm guessing he thinks i'm cute but boring lol but who knows. anyway that would put me in a very awkward position because i don't know how to react to something like that. the thought of dating is super terrifying. idk if that's because what i'm feeling is not really a crush and i am truly 100% aroace and just overthinking things, or if it is because i've never done this before and have issues with anxiety. and i want to add that i feel bad for allo people who apparently do this all the time?? how do they get stuff done. anyway sorry for this aroace confession that's about how maybe i'm not all the way aroace. thanks for providing a space to vent, it is so very much needed
Submitted March 5, 2023
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holybibly · 6 months
Hi :)
I've only recently started to read your works and I just love them so much! I absolutely Adore your writing style and I feel like you are one of the best smut authors I've ever read, because you don't make things boring or predictable <3 . I'm also discovering my sexuality and you are making me understand myself so much better (i've recently discovered my huge praise kink and the fact that i'm a sub .////.)
So please take care of yourself and keep doing what you love <3
-your sweet bunny💐🩷
(Sorry for any mistakes but english isn't my First language :'/ )
Wow Bunny, I think it's time for me to change jobs and open a sexual counselling business. You're not the first one to tell me I'm discovering new kinks in them 😏.
I live to be unpredictable, I just hate the routine and the monotony, I really like everything that is unique. There are bunnies that I communicate with very closely and every time we talk my brain can pick up any of their words and come up with the newest and most unique idea. You never quite know how my work will end.
I'm also toying with the idea of rewriting Divine Rosa from an omniscient author's perspective, and I can also work out how to think over the plot better now. What do you think about it? Let's discuss it in the comments.
I hope to have 5 more full-lengths works out in April. And of course I'll be answering the Unholy Hours and Sugar Weekend again. I'm happy to get your requests again and I don't bite. Well, no, I'm lying, I love to bite and leave the most beautiful wine-purple marks.
As far as the style writing goes. I'm kind of obsessed with gothic literature, so I've taken a lot from it. Despite the modern times, I try to keep a heavy, literary style in my work. I want the bunnies to be exquisitely depraved.
And now I would like to have your full attention. I do not wanna be one of many… I wanna be the only one 💖
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gamesbyalbie · 6 months
The Cursed Journey
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I looked up from my phone. An astoundingly handsome stranger was standing there, smiling at me.
"Uh, yes?"
"Hey." He waved cheekily. "It's Min-joon." Holy shit, I thought. That's Min-joon? "You know," he continued. "Bidisaster."
"No, y—yeah." I stuttered. "Of course it's you. Wow. Hi!"
He took the seat next to mine. "How are you?"
"Good. Tired, but good. You?"
Min-joon took a deep breath, exhaling like someone who'd been holding their breath for several weeks. "I'm great!" He replied, somewhat unconvincingly. "Also tired, but no major complaints." 
There was a moment of silence as we took each other in, but—even back then—it didn't feel awkward. I don't know exactly what he was thinking, but my brain was struggling to connect this physical body to the virtual friend I knew so well. "Feels kind of wild, finally putting a face to the text."
"Yeah," he brushed his hair back out of his face. "Hopefully good though. It looked like I startled you for a second there."
"Oh, no. Not at all."
"What was this then?" He imitated my stunned face.
"That... that was just—"
The bartender slid down, interrupting our conversation and giving me a moment to think. "Evening, sir. Anything I can get for you?"
"Tonic with lime for now, please."
"Right away."
"Thanks." Min-joon turned back to me. "Sorry. You were saying?"
"This might sound strange and I'm hoping it's not too weird to say, but..." I paused, laughing awkwardly. A smile spread across Min-joon's face. "I just thought you'd look different."
"Really? How? My profile picture is a picture of me."
"Yeah, but I didn't think that was actually a pic of you."
"What do you mean?" He laughed lightly.
"Lots of people online use pics of other people for their profiles. I thought yours was a pic of some idol or something."
"So, I look like an idol?" He smirked. "Is that what you're saying?"
"I didn't say those words exactly." I blushed. "You know how you look."
"Oh. Do I?" He raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Well, you don't look like a ghost wearing clown makeup."
"No, that's how I normally look but I changed before coming here. Thought this would be more appropriate."
"Shame," he snapped and frowned playfully. "I was really hoping to see you in your natural state." I chuckled. "But seriously, you didn't know what I looked like?" I shook my head and took a sip of my drink. "Wow. Well, I hope this isn't a retroactive breach of trust, but I looked you up the moment you gave me your full name. Hope that's okay."
"It is. I don't mind at all." I answered honestly. "I tried to look you up too, but I couldn't find anything."
"Oof. I guess you are easier to find, Mx. Big Time Book Reviewer." I rolled my eyes at that. "Speaking of which, how's the convention treating you?"
There's a good chance that was the last thing in the world I wanted to talk about. "You know it's... fine."
"Just fine?"
"Yeah, just fine. It's a little—I don't know." I shrugged. "Disheartening?" All day I'd talk to people living the life I dreamed of—writers who would go on and on about how much they loved what they did, how being an author was the most satisfying job they could imagine. Meanwhile, I was stuck interviewing them, bored out of my fucking mind. 
I tossed my hair behind my shoulder—it was a lot longer then—and started massaging my temples. "The longer I write for Biblio, the more I regret majoring in journalism. Like, I cannot do this for the rest of my life."
"You won't." Min-joon looked at me sympathetically. "I have faith in you."
"Thanks. Anyways." I was eager to change the subject. "How's your internship going?"
"Mmh." He made a face that immediately screamed 'Not well.'
"That bad?" I asked.
"Well, it's like what you said. The longer I write for Jackson, the more I realize I need to write for myself. The combination of having someone else take credit for my work and being forced to write things I don't give a shit about is... I don't know."
"Soul crushing?"
"Yeah. Soul crushing. That's a good way to put it." 
"So, life's going great for both of us." We both chuckled. "We're really doing well for ourselves."
"Yeah," he sighed. "Let's not talk about our wildly successful professional lives, shall we?"
"Sounds great to me."
The bartender brought back Min-joon's drink. "You know," he started. "I've been really curious about something."
"And what's that?"
"Why 'demighost'? Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting username, but what's the significance behind it?"
"Well, 'demisexualghost' was already taken so…" He snorted, causing a wide grin to bloom across my face. "Seriously though, I think it came from 'demigod' originally. I'm a big fan of mythology—"
"No. Really?" Min-joon gasped sarcastically. "I had no idea."
"Yeah, shocker. I keep that special interest pretty close to the chest. But anyways, I just replaced 'god' with 'ghost' and 'demighost' was born. As a Specter, I've always felt a kinship with the dead—"
"As you should."
"—so, it just made sense." I sighed and took a deep sip of my drink. "Plus, to be honest and a little morbid, I probably felt half-dead at the time." My hand spun in a tight circle, creating a small whirlpool in my glass. "I was in a really bad place back then."
"Hmm." Min-joon looked down, staring deep into his own glass as he took in my words. Suddenly, his gaze met mine. "I understand."
I shouldn't have been, but I was surprised at how sincere he seemed. 
Anyone can say those words (and they often do), but it's rare for people to genuinely mean it—or for their words to feel meaningful.
The way Min-joon said it, the tone of his voice and the intensity in his eyes, I immediately understood what he meant. He knew how I felt because he felt that way himself. Not once, but many times. I just wouldn't have guessed it. Everything he wrote was so damn cozy and optimistic.
"But," Min-joon tilted his head to the side. His eyes were blazing with pride and I knew that whatever he was about to say, he was happy with it. "Would you say that you're half-dead or half-alive?"
"Ooh," I shifted in my seat. My legs needed to move so bad they were starting to hurt. "Like a reskinned glass half-empty, half-full situation. I like it." Min-joon bowed his head slightly. I nodded several times, thinking. "Are you asking about how I felt back then or how I feel now?"
"Good question." Min-joon leaned in, like he was inspecting my face. At the time, my best guess was that the vodka was kicking in—I wasn't sure why else he would do that. Then I remembered he wasn't drinking. "I care about your past," he murmured. "I really do. But I'm more curious about how you feel now—right here, in this moment."
"Well..." My body felt electric. "Right now, I'm half-alive." Heat was building in my limbs and face, dancing across my skin like the flames of a candle. "That's the better one, right?" I chuckled. "They're both pretty grim. It's hard to tell."
Min-joon smiled. "The way I see it, if you picked half-alive because you think it's better, that's all I need to know. And I'm very glad that's how you feel."
I looked down briefly. His gaze was unraveling me like a cheap sweater. "Are you half-alive too?"
"No." Min-joon bit his lip and shook his head. "I'm fully alive right now."
"Cool." I nodded. "Very cool." I cleared my throat then finished my drink. What else was I supposed to say to that? There were barely any thoughts in my head—a stark change from the frantic cacophony I was normally drowning in. All I could think about was how unfairly attractive he was. Finally, I asked. "Why did you go with 'bidisaster'?"
"That should be self-evident." We both laughed.
We spent the next four hours talking about everything and nothing. At the end of the night, when the hotel bar was closing, we headed to the elevator together. We were silent the whole ride. I think both of us were dreading the inevitable goodbye. It was all we could think about, but maybe if we didn't acknowledge it, it wouldn't happen.
Min-joon's room was on floor 32. The bell dinged. "Well, this is me." He started to leave then turned around, holding the doors open with both hands. "We... we should do this again sometime. Soon, preferably."
"Agreed. Wholeheartedly."
"Great." He grinned. "Then, uh... I'll see you soon, Ody."
"I can't wait."
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End of Part 3 of ? • LAST PART • NEXT PART
More Cursed Journey • More by Albie • Image Source
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The amazing music video that inspired this:
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chunyaowo · 2 years
▽₊˚Chapter 1☁️♡
Hello! First of all, English is not my first language, so If there are any grammar, typos, or anything I am apologizing in advance. Second of all. It's been ages since I've written a fanfic, so please do excuse me if it sounds rough. Hope you're still  having a great time with reading!
.✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ .  + .✦ ₊ ‧  ⨯     .⁺   ✦   * 𓂂     ⨯  . ⁺   .
It is a beautiful day. The birds are chirping, and the sky is shining clear without any clouds to see, but you were less than happy. Today starts school again for you, and you're not motivated at all.
"I hope this day is going to end quickly" you're giving out a little sigh.
You arrived at school just in time and the first period is about to begin. It's your first school day after summer break, and like usual you're talking about Organisation things like new class teachers, students, etc. It is boring like always, nothing special nor interesting, so you decided to kill the time with doodling on your math booklet.
.✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ .  + .✦ ₊ ‧  ⨯     .⁺   ✦   * 𓂂     ⨯  . ⁺   .
As the time flies, it is now lunch. You took your bento out of your bag and decided to go and eat it somewhere more quiet.
Suddenly someone who is carrying many books bumped into you.( how cliché if you would ask me. But since the author likes clichés I'm going to shut up)
It happened so fast you're just seeing all the books falling on the floor, so do you as well.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry! Are you hurt?"
Your eyes were looking on the floor but suddenly gazed up to the masculine voice you're hearing. You're seeing a neither really tall nor a  really short guy with blue dyed hair tips and a worried expression on his face, reaching out his hand to you.
"Don't worry, I am fine, thank you"
You're thankfully taking his hand to get you up.
" I am very sorry for bumping into you, I just carried so much books, I barely could see anything, and as soon as I saw you it was too late and bumped into you."
You're seeing this guy bowing as a sign of forgiveness.
"Oh it's fine, don't worry!"
You bend down, helping with picking up the books, who lay all over the floor.
"Oh, It's not necessary, but thank you for helping!
The guy bends down and picks up the books as well. Suddenly your eyes catch something familiar. "Wait… this book… It's one of my favourite novels of all time! It's so well written!"
You paused.
"Oh… sorry, I overtook it."
Man, that's so embarrassing, but always when I see someone having the same interests as me, I always want to talk with them about it. I'll ask myself if he read it…probably not. He doesn't seem like someone who would read something like that. He's been carrying many books, maybe just because a teacher need them or something.
"No need to apologize. The novel is really something different, right?" The guy gives you a warm smile.
"Wow, so you know it?"
Your eyes started to shine.
"Of course, I love to read and write. And this one was sure a rollercoaster of emotions"
"Woah, I love to read and write as well! What is your name?"
"It's Ike. Ike Eveland. I'm in the third year. What about you?"
"Oh, my name is Y/N L/N. And I'm in the second year, so.. You're my senpai. It's nice to meet you, Eveland-Senpai."
"It's nice to meet you too, L/N- San." Ike gives you a warm smile in return.
"I've been thinking about this the whole time, may I ask what you were doing with all these books?"
"Oh, these are the new books that I wanted to classify in the library. I'm working there, you know?"
He's working in the library?
"Oh I see that's why. May I help you with carrying all these books?"
"That would be very kind of you." Ike gives you a heartwarming smile out of thankfulness.
Both of you are now in the library, you decided to help Ike a little bit more by helping him to classify the books in the shelves. Meanwhile, you and Ike having a little bit of small talk.
"Eh? So you like Anime and vocaloid as well?" You glanced at him with a shocked face. You never really met  someone that had so much in common with you.
"Yes, I absolutely do.They're one of my special interests!"
I never would have thought that I would find someone who is so passionate about these things just like me.
You both are glancing at each other with bright, shining eyes. It gives comfort to both of you, knowing that there is finally someone who you can talk about something that you are interested in.
The time passed away sooner than it felt like. Both of you had so much fun with talking to each other.
"Oh, the break is already over? Time really flies, huh? Anyway. I need to go to class. Thank you for helping me with everything, and I'm very  sorry for bumping into you."
"You're welcome and no worries! I really appreciated our little conversation that we had!."
"Then I'm very glad." You're seeing how his lips shaped a little smile. Before Ike went back to his class, you're seeing how he turns around you and giving you a little wave.
"Let's talk again, okay?"
With these words he disappeared.
Eveland-senpai is really cool! Even though I don't really know him, but I kinda feel like that I can be myself around him.
Your stomach suddenly started growling.
Man! Because of all that I forgot to eat, I am so hungry…. Wait a second.. I WILL BE LATE FOR CLASS
The day was not how you expected it to be, but it was sure not bad. Hoping that maybe both of you will talk again.
.✦ ₊ ♡ . ₊ ✦ .  + .✦ ₊ ‧  ⨯     .⁺   ✦   * 𓂂     ⨯  . ⁺   .
To be Continued
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Is that how you meet Junko?
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Yeah I do wonder how you 2 met, how did she influence you...
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Right Junko, well...it's complicated, you probably saw me mention that I work in fashion magazines too, right? Well that means I took photos for those with Junko in it.
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Which I also remember Mukuro saying it was all photoshop during the killing game which I don't do that!
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Ah...so you met Junko even before she enroll into Hope's Peak Academy?
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I believe so, I never realize that Junko cause all this damage as she was a normal high school in fashion magazines, it was hard to imagine...
Date: April 20th, 2010
Fashion Agency Employee: So remember that Miss Fushimi wants these done on the 30th, so please make sure they look good.
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Wow, tons of pressure but thanks anyway, I better get to work...
*As then Mahiru gets into the studio and there standing was the girl*
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*Is on the phone* Yeah, okay mom I'll call you when I finish up, okay cool - tell Sachiko to do well during the military contest.
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Okay then mom, love ya bye! *hangs up*
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Maaan... mom is so annoying, seriously she gets way too overprotective ever since I enter the fashion industry!
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Sorry sorry! It was a call I was taking, just mom being mom! It's sooo annoying when she calls like that!
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So anyway enough of that, I suppose your here to take photos for Red Ribbon, right? Anyway since will be working together, you can call me Junko Enoshima!
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Okay got it, my name is Mahiru Koizumi so let's get started!
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*As then Mahiru starts taking photos as Junko was doing poses*
'Junko... I really thought she was a normal teenage girl, I guess everyone thought that so I never notice her manipulation at all and told her a few things about myself as we spent more time with each other...'
Date: June 12th, 2011
*As then Junko was looking over the photos*
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Oooh so are these the photos you took...?
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Oh yeah, they are! Just don't touch them, there for the exams coming up at Hope's Peak.
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I see, I see... so you attend Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Photographer?
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Yeah I am but I usually am not at school, mostly just out in the field and taking photos - just wish I could travel to other countries; it's rather boring that I have to take photos of the same places, I rather wish I had a passport to travel and take photos.
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Wait... you don't have one?
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Not...really, I don't I'm mostly taking pictures of the same subject and honestly it does bore me, I even remember having someone say that my photos are 'amazing' again which annoys me as that's not words of encouragement at all and pretty half-assed.
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Ah well if you ask me you took the subject matter pretty well, honestly I even say your the best photographer I know! Still, how did you get into photography? Sounds like your quite the expert!
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Well that probably be from my mom which she's often say that photos depict everything, whether it's beautiful or horrible. That's the truth contained in these images...
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That's why no matter what situation we're in, it's a photographer's duty to keep taking photos....That's basically what my mom taught me.
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Hmm, I see so your mom works in the same field as you?
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Well not exactly, she works as a war photographer, she often is in the middle east a lot, she doesn't show me all the photos thought as I could imagine you probably can't show to a kid but I did like the ones with smiles!
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Hmm, that is pretty cool! I can tell she is quite inspirational for you, isn't she?
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Yeah I suppose so, I really do want to take photos just like her but I don't think I can; I just... think that we are most use to different subjects. Anyway, I think we are done here - it was nice talking with you, Junko.
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Okay Mahiru, see ya next week! I'll looking forward to talking with you!
*As Mahiru left, Junko grab her phone and started calling someone...*
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motheatenscarf · 2 years
Story spoilers for FF14, I was largely unimpressed with the Scions until it suddenly didn't matter anymore lol.
So, the Scions aren't very interesting yet, and I was hoping they'd get the chance to make more of an impression, but I guess they're all dead now except maybe a few of the main guys. So... lol.
As a whole, this group kinda gave big "bored nepo baby brunch club to make political connections" energy where they sit and talk about big goals but don't, aside from Y'sthola, have like... plans?
Gideon Emery's voice is wasted on Beard-Elf, who had like 2 lines and is maybe I think dead now. Elf Twin boy annoys me and is Sam Riegel who is a fully grown ass man and it is deeply unsettling, Elf Twin girl is fine, I guess. Thancred is also fine, he made no real impression on me, and Bunsen and Beaker... they have names, I forget them, they're Bunsen and Beaker, are kind of annoying, but also fine. Nobody here has a strong personality and it really shows the weak writing and weaker acting in a lot of places, sorry Taliesin Jaffee, but even you are only as good as what you're given and he wasn't given much to work with. The strongest characters were all the goons and chuds who hung out in the supply room, which is uh... well, I mean, I liked them, but it's saying something when those are your most likable characters in the hero organization. Their leader, Minfilia, had also been previously languishing in mediocrity, with her writing not standing out as anything other than "boring" and her voice acting as "wow, that had to be the casting director's niece or something."
But BOY, has Minfilia made an impression on me now! Just... GOD that is some weak writing, she immediately surrenders WHILE her people are being slaughtered behind her, does not wait for them to accept her terms of surrender before they put handcuffs on her, and they immediately go back to slaughtering her people in front of her and her only reaction is "Confound it!"
So, she, effectively, immediately surrendered under no protest with no resistance in order to save only herself.
Where I come from we call that cowardice, and it is generally frowned upon in one's leaders, and if they don't execute her or torture her to death, I'm going to kill her myself.
The little BABY Slyph who showed up to be a personal envoy to the Scions did more to protect these people and this organization than Minfilia did and she died for it. She got her tiny tiny body punted into a wall by a roundhouse kick from the lone woman among The Bad Guys, and it was kinda awesome and very unintentionally funny, but also very sad and heroic from my poor little Slyph friend.
Anyway, I'm going to go find my buddies now, I guess, and maybe the game will make me rescue Minfilia. I accept this only on the condition that the game let me loot her corpse for tokens of office so I can give them Y'shtola who should clearly be in charge. She's a frumpy nerd who is very smart and competent and has no patience for tact or decorum or the politics of busywork, I LIKE her, she's the ONLY one I like, she's the only character so far who's made an impression on me aside from the Slyphs for being tiny and cute or the bad guys for being hammy and scene stealing.
So yeah, I guess Y'shtola is my favorite character so far
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
please talk about the bl actors you find absolute shit I love controversial opinions
LMAO puta out here tryin to get me cancelled, rejected, cast out, exiled
sure why not, putting this under a cut b/c no one likes seeing bad opinions on ppl they like so enter at your own risk etc etc:
tbh there's not a ton of them b/c I haven't watched as many shows as other folks. Like, watching shows is difficult tbh especially Thai ones which are like an hour long each episode and have a lot of filler I just can't find it in my soul to do it okay. BUT out of the shows I have watched I've been left pretty unimpressed by:
Ohm from Until We Meet Again: I know he's really well liked, but I'm sorry my dude can't act. Flat. I probably have the most firm opinion on him and I just find myself so thoroughly unimpressed. I think what doesn't help is that Fluke is a good actor.
And I don't just mean the crying, like Fluke, Gun, and First are all good criers right? It's a fandom joke at this point but like, that ability isn't what makes them good actors. You can see their experience on screen, in how they embody the characters they play, the subtle changes in their physicality, how they line read, the way they interact with their costars.
I've said before but I find Pharm to be a pretty boring character, but Fluke gives him enough charm on screen that I don't outright dislike him. Meanwhile Dean is just boring. He's BORING. And Ohm doesn't have the skills to make him not boring. Stoic characters are actually really difficult to play, I actually really liked the performance of Wang Yibo in The Untamed b/c without the use of animation LWJ is a difficult character to play b/c he's so internal and stoic outwardly. But Yibo gives him some humanity with his line reads and his eyes (the lantern scene comes to mind) and I don't even LIKE that show.
Ohm just doesn't have the skills to make the standard stoic romantic hero work, he's to flat, he relies to much on his innate physicality to carry the performance. All that said I haven't watched one of his recent shows so maybe he got better idk!
Bright from 2Gether: Idk if this is popular or not and I didn't even like 2Gether but talk about another dude who can't act woof. Bright reminds me of the mixed actors Netflix always casts in their teen romcom sequels that are hotter than the basic white dude love interest but never win b/c why would they? Anyways he can't act, I liked the other dude Win way more. He had great comedic timing and even when Bright was required to act like happy or joyful it came off as ~Acting~
Off from Theory of Love/Not Me: So lemme say that I don't think Off is a bad actor not like Bright and Ohm flat lmao I just think Gun out acts him at like every corner. I think Off lacks charisma but that's so subjective so I don't talk about it much b/c I know ppl love him/OffGun but like, I don't see it much. Idk OffGun is nice, they're nice! But they're just nice. They're chemistry doesn't wow me or blow me away or anything there's something I find really restrained about them? Like they've been working together for so long they feel more like really good friends than that passionate I want and love you type romance. I will say tho I think Off picks some good projects so good for him
Earth/Mix: FML this one's gonna get me okay so like I don't think either Earth or Mix are bad actors but I think they're a bit idk overhyped? I found 1000 Stars mind numbingly boring - except for Mix's char I loved the char but found the performance a bit lackluster - and they're the least interesting part of Moonlight Chicken for me. They remind me of OffGun where they're such good friends and they've only really worked with each other mainly (I know Earth's worked with other screen partners) that I think it's developed some bad acting habits and they're to comfortable. They don't give me that passionate I want and love you type romance. Which for 1000 Stars, totally fine it wasn't that type of show but I really felt that missing bit in Moonlight Chicken.
Mix was trying hard to give bedroom eyes (and I do think he succeeded!) but tbh I didn't feel the sexual tension between them, I didn't feel the "this is a bad idea but I want you to much to care" vibe. I honestly think Earth was a miscast anyway b/c the char is supposed to be almost 40 and he's fucking 28 irl it's as unbelievable as Jennifer Lawrence at 20-something playing a 40-something in American Hustle.
Earth also plays mostly stoic characters and I think they often come off as boring. I think he's actually pretty funny? His comedic timing is pretty good but he doesn't get to play fun characters! He doesn't have enough experience to give weight to these old characters they keep casting him as.
I think you can really see the difference in the scenes with First and Mix actually. Mix was better but you could see First was leading those scenes. What's truly frustrating is I think Mix could grow as an actor if he wasn't always paired up with Earth. One of the reasons I think First, Gun, and Fluke are so good is b/c of their experience. They act against other people, they take out there projects at times, being locked in a "pairing/ship" just hurts an actors development imo it's limiting and I selfishly hate it
It also doesn't help that Thai BL usually only has shallow secondary relationships between the main chars and supporting characters. Like, one of my gripes with 1000 Stars is all the supporting cast are severely under developed to the point they really are just avatars for "kind village people" they're more of an ideal than actual characters yes even the doctor who was just the standard "best friend who helps the mains hook up".
not to harp on Kinnporsche but one of the best things about the show is the time it takes to make characters interact with other chars outside of their romances. Pete's friendships with Arm, Tankhun, and Pol feel genuine. The mean girls club of Big and Ken feels real (you know those coworkers, you've HAD those coworkers), Porsche and Chay's relationship feels REAL and sincere and valued, Porsche's relationship with Tankhun is funny yes, but contrasted with how Tankhun acts around Kinn and Korn. Kim's isolation adds to his storyline. Kinn's relationship with his brothers is paralleled with Porsche and Chay's. Vegas relationship with Kinn, Gun, Porsche, Pete even Tawan are all so VASTLY different it's amazing to see.
What also helps is seeing what actors bring out what. Like, Bible is a good example, the energy he has with Apo is different than what he had with Build. Like obviously Vegas "love" for Porsche was fake while it was real for Pete but making that distinction clear in your performance matters. And isn't as easy as folks would think.
ok I'm beat that's all for now folks lol
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Ok, first of all: How could you! So.Many.Questions! Aaaaaaa!
Kidding (partly 😜) - I loved it!
I'm curious. How much of this story do you have plotted?
Also, writer to writer, do you have any source of writing knowledge (book, article, yt, etc.) that you consider to have been most helpful to you? 😬 Because damn you're goood. The way you describe emotions, the way you have so many characters be so distinct, the way the relationships are building up with time. 🤤🍽️
Hahaha I’m sorry! (Not really)
Ah that’s an interesting question. So, I have all the MAJOR plot points plotted and done. I have a little notebook, where I’ve written down all the characters, their backstory’s, and then the plot. Of course sometimes things change. There’s also lots of small plot points (side stories I guess) that I’ve always known will happen. Impa and Daria? That was one of the first things I remember plotting for those characters. Quentin, Sidon, and The Lynel chapter was also something I had planned from day one. But for the more in-between, it’s a matter of me sitting down and mapping out how these characters are going to get from A to B, what they need to do, say, experience, for the story and their characters to progress. Because this is such a long story it’s hard for me to know exactly what is happening in every future chapter. I kind of plan out my story in ‘eras’. When I started the journey to Rito village, I started to map out each chapter for the Rito Era of the story. Once that’s done, I’ll sit down and map out the next Era, making sure the important plot points are in there, and see how I can make it happen.
I’m not sure if any of that made sense.
And uh, is it bad to say that I don’t? I really wish I did! But I kind of just write? That sound silly and stupid. I mean, I’ve been writing since I was very teeny tiny, we’re talking folding A4 paper up when I’m six and making it look like ‘a book’ and then writing fairytales for my sister in pencil. When I was 13 I did the canon event of shitty wattpad writing, and haven’t stopped writing since. And I was awful, but I grew. So for me, my writing is a journey of seven years, and I’m still learning. I guess all I can say is that I make an effort to read other books, so I can see the different writing styles. But after seven years, I’ve been trying to enjoy it more and just write how I want to write.
I guess, the biggest thing I would say is that there’s isn’t any right or wrong to writing. Authors all write differently, or the same, or completely and utterly unique and it’s all literature. If you find you’re writing is more emotion led than description led, that’s fine. If it’s heavy dialogue, fine. If it’s got NO dialogue, also fine! Established authors can do whatever the hell they want, they can have no punctuation, or no chapters, or one page chapters, and it’s fine for them to do because they have the notoriety behind their name and process to do so. So, when I write, I’ve been trying less to make it fit what other people say it should, and just do what comes naturally to me. Kind of a boring answer!! I’m truly flattered and blushing that you think my work is that good though! I’ve always thought my writing was mediocre, just for this very reason that I don’t put in much time to better or improve myself outside of ‘practise makes perfect’. I do love hearing about other authors processes and stuff.
Wow this was so long I’m sorry!
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Max Parish X Reader
Context: Max is your bestfriend, he drives you to a date and stays at the bar incase he's a danger. It ends up with Max punching your date 😱💚
Since both you and your bestfriend Max worked together in the police force, you were there for eachother weather it was friendship related or for protective legal issues. You hadn't had much luck when it came to dating, they always had something about them that was right. One guy wasn't over his ex, another was actually gay! Then there was one who was dating both you and another girl at the same time, and the only way you found that out was because he booked a date with you, but forgot he also booked it with her, at the same restaurant! He ended up having two drinks thrown in his face, such a waist of drinks. Anyway, there was this guy you were talking too, and had had one date with before, and it seemed to be going ok. But you wanted Max to join you there anyway.
It was a running thing you both did for eachother, if there was a girl he had a date with who was getting too clingy or too serious straight away, you would be there to help. With you he was much more protective, being a woman out on your own with a guy you had just met was a lot more dangerous. Woman get mugged and attacked a lot, and Max wasnt going to let that happen. So after work, you did your makeup and put on a nice dress, then walked down stairs and towards Max's car. "Wow babes! You look stunning!" "Thank you Max" you said as you sat down in the passengers seat. "Oh man, hes going to take one look at you and melt, any real man would" "That's so sweet Max" He started driving to the car, it was about a 20 minute drive, and when he parked up it was just outside the bar.
"Right, I'll see you in there Max" "I'll be right behind you babes" You walk out first, and even though you dont see it, Max cant help but check you out. He hadn't told you how he really felt about you, he thought he could never get a woman like you. Little did he know, you felt the same, and didnt think you were enough for him either, that's why dating was so difficult, they weren't Max. You enter and see your date sitting at the bar. "Hey Tony" "Hey Y/N, take a seat" he offers you a stool like the one he's sat on, and out of the corner of your eye, you see Max sit in the booth opposite you and Tony at the bar. He gets a waitress to bring him a drink as you and Tony order yours. You had hoped this date would have gone better than the last one, but it seemed that wasnt the case. Tony didnt really ask how you were, he mostly just talked about himself and how skilled he was, at many things.
You got the impression that he wanted to sleep with you tonight, but you weren't that kind of woman. If you had more in common with him and actually had a real bond, then sex would be something you would want, but again, not this early. You decided to make a hand signal to Max, you both came up with hand signals to show how you were feeling in the situation, and the one you did meant 'He's not for me, no 3rd date' he nodded in your direction and you pulled out your purse to pay for your drinks. "Hey what's up? Your going?" "I'm sorry Tony, I'm just not connecting with you. But I think your a really nice guy, I think I'm just not the right woman for you. But it was nice getting to know you, I hope you understand" You pull out some money and put it on the counter, and that's when things start to turn.
"Who the f#ck do you think you are?" "What?" "This is the second time we've been out, so if we weren't gunna f#ck then what's the point?" "Are you being serious?" "You really think I'm hear because I'm interested in you? In what you say or what you think about things? As if you think your so f#ckikg interesting? F#ck your so dumb" You cant give your ears, he was being so nasty to you, so cruel, it even made your eyes start to water. "Look, everytime you start talking, I think to myself, who the fuck does this girl think she is? You are so boring" You cant take this anymore, you stand up and grab your purse, but that doesn't stop him. "Hey, I'm gunna be honest with you, any guy who says he's interested in you beyond just f#ckikg you, is full of sh#t" How could he be so horrible, after you were polite enough to be honest with him, it made you cry quiet but still painful tears.
"Oh come on, your gunna cry now?" He didnt have a chance to say anything else to you, because Max had walked up to the bar, pulled Tony in his direction by his shoulder and punched him square in the face. There was a loud thudding noise when his fist net his face, followed by the sound of Tony crying and falling to his feet, holding his face as blood dripped out from his hands. "You #sshole! Who the f#ck do you think you are?!" "I'm the bestfriend of this wonderful woman, and I also happen to be a cop! Everything you just said to Y/N is nothing but bullsh#t and I will not let some scrawny little runt like you bring down this queen, or say anything that will damage her self esteem, you got that?!" Tony doesn't respond, that is until Max kicks him in the leg "Ow! Yes yes!" Max wipes away your tears as Tony continues to cry from his bleeding nose. "You ok babes?" "Yeh I'm, I'm fine...thank you for that" "No problem, hes an #sshole, screw him! You maybe wanna go get a burger from the meat palace?" "Max I would love nothing more" He smiles as he put his arm over your shoulder and leads you back out to the car, you were so thankful to have him with you, he was literally the best.
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