#yang not noticing her sister is Going Through It
jupiterjunebug · 1 year
Shaking the bars of my enclosure, screaming "they're fucking nineteen. The reason they are making suboptimal decisions is that they are nineteen! And going through trauma!"
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bahablastplz · 3 months
All in | Chapter 1
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pairing: Lee Felix x f!reader (mafia au)
summary: You didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Yang Jungwon, notorious mafia boss. Your life gets flipped upside down when you're found beaten and bloody by SKZ, the rival mafia group, and you're quickly integrated into their lives. What will happen when you try to leave your old life behind and start anew?
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“Jungwon, stop,” you cry out. This wasn’t the first time that things had gotten rough with your boyfriend, especially as of late, but something about his gaze this time in particular, eyes narrowed and looking at you with intensity causes a pit to form in the bottom of your stomach. 
His silence is eerie. Your boyfriend, when you had started dating him, was an exemplary gentleman. He was warm, charming, and polite, and you could go on for hours listing all of the traits that attracted you to him. He seemed like the picture-perfect boyfriend–he was chivalrous, he bought you flowers, and he seemed strong-willed and determined. He was also the leader of a powerful mafia clan. 
Of course, you didn’t know this when you had started dating him. When he first told you, you were incredibly surprised, as well as a little bit scared. He assured you that you had nothing to be afraid of, that nothing would change, and that you would be incredibly safe with him. He had such a way with words that immediately persuaded you he was telling you the truth. This was your boyfriend, after all. Yang Jungwon, that you have come to know and love. 
Should you have run that very first opportunity he had given you? You think back to the night he sat you down at his desk. For a second, you remember giggling and telling him that you felt more like you were at a doctor’s appointment than in your boyfriend’s office, and he had just given you a sweet smile before he proceeded. “Have you ever heard of ENHA?” he had asked you. Of course you had. At that point, everybody in the city had known about ENHA and SKZ, the two notorious and rival mafia groups that had control over the city. Though you didn’t know much about them, you had certainly heard of them. “I know this might come as a shock to you, but I’m the leader of ENHA. I want to lay all my cards out on the table for you, here and now. This is your chance–your out. If you want to leave, you can walk out that door right now and I will never contact you again.”
Two months. That’s how much time you had dedicated to your relationship with Jungwon before you found out the truth about him. You know your sister would have laughed in your face. She had told you from the very beginning that it wasn’t meant to be, that you were making a mistake with this one, but you had brushed her off. She had never liked your romantic pursuits, so what made this one any different? You didn’t listen to her. You didn’t walk out the door, and you made the decision to stay in your relationship with Jungwon. You wish you had; all of those traits that you had once admired in Jungwon had since become the downfall of your relationship. His overprotectiveness and desire for you to rely on him had caused you to become overdependent on him–and out of a job that you were actually incredibly passionate about. By the time you noticed that he was becoming more abusive, you relied on him for housing and income, and you had no way of contacting your sister even if you had wanted to. He had forced you to cut ties. 
That’s how you got here, really. You were too far in. While once you imagined spending your entire life with him, now you dreamed of a life free of him. Your boyfriend, Yang Jungwon, was a walking contradiction. He had a warm exterior to most, a bright smile that charmed his way through any conversation; on the inside, he’s an indifferent, cold and murderous machine. 
This is especially apparent to you now. His stoic expression contrasts scarily with the harsh words he spews at you. The intent in his eyes that bore into your skull tell you all you need to know. You’re on his shit list. 
“Stop,” you repeat again, louder and with more force behind your words. You’re slotted right between his legs, no method of escape, pushed up against the brick wall outside of one of the many clubs owned by ENHA. Though the wall is scraping against your skin, it’s also bitter cold, a welcome contrast from the heat escaping your body. 
You look rough. You know that you do without having to look in a mirror. Somewhere in the whole ordeal you had lost your shoes, and your mascara is currently running down your face in long wet clumps. Your hair is matted from where he had grabbed it, dragging you out of the club and caring less about your appearance. Your dress has more than one rip in it from when you had fallen onto the concrete, and your fingernails are steeped in blood from when you had tried to claw away. Thankfully, the ringing in your ears provides enough adrenaline to dull some of the pain you’re experiencing. They don’t ring enough to block out his words, though. 
“You’re going to come into my club and act like some whore who doesn’t know who she belongs to? What the fuck were you thinking, getting into a bar fight at my club? People are going to think I don’t know how to control what belongs to me. Fuck, you’re unbelievable, Y/N. You make me sick to my stomach, I can’t even stand to look at you,” he says as he pushes you harder into the wall. Your skin scratches harder against the brick, leaving red bloody marks behind from the contact. Your breath hitches–Jungwon has never been this violent or demeaning to you before. His expression is blank, as if he has no remorse for what he’s doing, and that scares you even more. This wasn’t like anything you had seen in your boyfriend–this is a snap. Like a shelf that holds much more than it can carry, piling more and more on it until it starts to concave and the wood splinters in the middle, Jungwon has decided that he is not going to carry your burden anymore. 
The first time he hit you, he had pushed you and shoved you around like a cold and calculating machine, no thought or purpose behind his actions. Minutes later, it was as if life had come back into his eyes. He got onto his knees and sobbed, repented for his actions and begged for your forgiveness. He reminded you of the fact that you were the only one who could ever love someone like him; nobody would be kind enough to let a mafia boss into their hearts and love them with all they had like you did. You’re all he has, he would remind you, you have to forgive him. He would get you the best medical treatment available, you would forgive him and it would be like it never happened. Until the next time, and the next. 
Now, given the circumstances, you’re not sure you can defend him. Not with the way he’s speaking to you like you’re less than scum, worthless and indecent to be around. You feel belittled and small. To be the direct target of his rage, though there’s a reason for it this time, makes bile rise up in your throat, threatening to spill out. You’re beginning to see why your boyfriend isn’t to be messed with and why he’s considered one of the most dangerous men in the country. To add to it, he had been drinking and the stress of the other mafia group closing in on them was adding unwanted pressure. You were also a little bit intoxicated, which is probably what gave you the bravery to do what you had. 
You were intentionally trying to rile him up. It was an innocent mistake, but you had the goal of making him a little bit jealous tonight. You were hoping things would take a different turn, after all. Your friend had told you about the time she flirted with another man in front of her boyfriend to get a rise out of him and it had worked, and he had taken her to the car and fucked the life out of her on the spot. She insisted it was the best sex she ever had. 
You really should have known better; your relationship isn’t normal and you will never experience things the same way your friends do. But, you had tried it out. You started flirting with a stranger at the bar, just some light conversation and casual touches to the shoulder. At one point you had caught Jungwon’s eyes and mistook his dark gaze for jealousy, not rage, which fueled your desire to continue. 
You had dragged the stranger out to the dance floor, and he was more than eager to go with you. He was much too touchy, sliding his hands up and down your hips and grinding his body into yours. That’s when his girlfriend was added to the mix–absolutely trashed, angry, and ready to start a fight she wasn’t going to win. You caused a scene, shouting expletives right back at her. You won, easily. But not before a hand was embedded in your hair and you were face to face with your very angry boyfriend. It seems like all it took was for one incident to completely change everything. 
You’re scared. Empty words rise from your throat to defend yourself, to plead with him and try to change his mind, but a hand snakes around and cuts you off. 
“Don’t bother coming back, bitch,” he spits. “You’re lucky if I keep you alive.” His hand tightens around your neck, leaving your vision to darken. Your hands come up around his, trying to yank his hand away to relieve some of the pressure to no avail. Your legs start to flail and kick in a last ditch effort of disparity. 
“Please, Wonnie,” you choke out. He repeats your words back to you, mocking. Your hands are hitting at his and you’re gasping for breath, hot tears streaming down your face. 
“Don’t call me that,” he seethes. “You should’ve fucking known better! You brought unwanted attention to yourself. You deserve to be taught a lesson for acting like such a fucking slut in my club. I bet you would’ve let him fuck you too, right?” You try to shake your head, wanting to deny and explain yourself when he suddenly lets go of you. You fall to the ground, your bodyweight now completely unsupported by him. 
You look up at him for a second, large doe eyes blinking away tears. He stares right back at you. One second passes by before you plant your feet into the ground, breaking into a rub. Your bare feet scrape against the concrete and you turn the corner, ready to shout but no sound comes out of your throat. Just as you make it two long strides, his lightning fast reflexes have already caught up to you. Jungwon grabs your wrist and squeezes it tight, and you feel a sharp pain along with the popping sound it creates. 
With the momentum he has, he slings you to the ground. Your face meets concrete and you feel warm, wet liquid on your skin. You blink and blink to realize that your vision has gone completely dark. You’re hit, again and again, but at some point you don’t hear his words anymore. You feel like you could throw up. You wonder if you do when you feel your stomach contract around nothing. Hit after hit and wound after wound, eventually you stop registering it. 
Deep down, you try to comfort yourself. He doesn’t mean it. He’ll take you back, and once he sobers up he will realize that he fucked up majorly. He’ll cry and grovel and really apologize, promising to change his ways. Sunoo will patch you up and stitch over the wounds that need it the most, just as he has before. You’ll laugh about the situation in retrospect, cry about it some, but ultimately end up in Jungwon’s bed. Where else would you even go? You have no money, no job, no way of contacting anybody, so surely, surely, he’ll accept you back. You crack a smile at the thought and wonder if you’ll have to beg him to take you back or if he’ll take you into his arms himself. 
You’re not sure how long you’re on the concrete for. When you lift your head you hear a loud, pulsing sound, accompanied by a sharp pain that encourages you to put your head back down. You do, comforted knowing that Jungwon will come back, he will come back, he will come back. 
Two sets of footsteps find your way to your field of view. They’re blurry, and for a second you think, those don’t look like Jungwon’s shoes, and you begin to hear muffled voices. The ringing in your ears is so loud, but their voices are louder too. Why are they speaking so loud? Are they really yelling or is it just this splitting headache? God, you don’t know, but as you open your mouth to speak and the voices get louder, it stops. Everything stops. 
You have finally lost consciousness. 
You recognize the sensation of being in a car, and you even smell cologne. It’s unfamiliar. You don’t fight to keep your eyes open, instead succumbing to the murmur of voices and warmth of the car that contrasts from the shockingly cold concrete, and let yourself drift off into sleep.
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When you wake up, you’re propped haphazardly against a wall. Your eyes crack open, and notice a well-furnished office, complete with leather chairs and a desk that was probably hand-crafted and expensive. You’re alone in the room, and your eyes flicker to the windows, the door, and then to your beaten and bruised frame. If you looked rough before, you certainly look awful now, and you feel even worse than you look. You are definitely sobered-up now, though, enough to realize that you are not at home, and definitely not at the ENHA base. 
Three figures enter the room, and you wonder if you should react or if you’re even in any imminent danger. You close your eyes again, wondering if you can get away with pretending to be asleep so you can feel out the situation. 
“Hyunjin, check her pulse,” you hear. Warm breath is on yours in an instance, and you fight your heart to stop beating as fast as it is. Two fingertips press against your neck, cold yet firm. 
“Good morning,” the voice whispers against your frame, loud enough for only you to hear. You don’t react outwardly, but your heart beats just a little bit faster. Is this man going to tell him that you’re awake?
“She’s fine,” the man says. “Her pulse is stronger than before. She’s lost a lot of blood but she’ll be okay.” The man’s presence leaves yours, and you rely on just your hearing to tell that he is back on the other side of the room quicker than your heartbeat. “So, what’s your angle here? I know you’re not keen on helping beaten and bloody women in alleyways too often, so I’m sure there’s some sort of play here.” 
“Yang Jungwon’s girlfriend. Or, I suppose you can say ex-girlfriend, if she’s smart” a man says.. 
“Are you insane? You’re just trying to get on his nerves!” says the man that checked your pulse, Hyunjin.
“I suppose you could say that. Binnie and I found her about a mile from the ENHA base, beaten practically within an inch of her life. If we’re smart, I think we use her as leverage against him. We keep her, use her to piss him off. If we had the upper hand before, we definitely have it now,” he explains. 
You try not to furrow your eyebrows in confusion. 
“You should have called me, for fucks sake! This was a major decision for you to make on our behalf and not consult me on. It’s my job.” Hyunjin is furious, evident from his rapid speech and loud tone, but he sounds professional nonetheless. “You don’t even know if he wants her back. She could be worth less than trash in his eyes, and that’s the best case scenario. He did beat her, after all. Worst case scenario? She could be bugged, or a spy! Did you think about that? Chan, this is unbelievable.” Your eyes shoot open instinctively, and you lurch forward, holding onto your stomach and fight yourself from hurling on the spot.
“Chan…” you rasp out. Your throat burns… You wonder if it was from Jungwon’s tight grasp or if you had been screaming without realizing it. Now you’ve realized the exact scenario that you’ve ended up in. Bang Christopher Chan is the leader of SKZ… the rival mafia gang. You had only heard rumors about the man since being involved with Jungwon, but they’re enough that you’re shaking involuntarily. You know he’s dangerous, and you find yourself wishing you paid more attention to mafia politics to really get a sense of what you’re getting yourself into. Chan is the one that brought you here, and now you’re defenseless, vulnerable, and in his territory. 
“Easy there,” a voice calls. A stranger approaches you and puts a hefty hand on your shoulder; when you meet his gaze, you immediately flinch. The man is very well-built with broad shoulders and large biceps that counteract his shorter frame. A black compression shirt hugs his skin, showing off his muscles. You don’t know anything about the man but everything about him screams bodyguard. 
Your eyes meet the man sitting in the leather chair at the desk, Bang Chan. You can tell just by the way he carries himself that he is an important man and he knows it. His gaze is intense but he smirks at you as if he’s amused. He is also fairly muscular, wearing all black but dressed nicer than the stocky bodyguard. His hair is dark brown and falls neatly around his face, parted down the middle with strands falling loosely around his ears. He is attractive like a magnet, you realize, when you know you should be experiencing repulsion. 
You realize everybody is watching your every move, and you feel pressured to say something, to perform, even. 
“Hey,” you say, and it comes out weaker and raspier than you would have hoped. Chan’s mouth lifts into a smile. “Y/N L/N, it’s a pleasure.” 
You rack your mind for the right words to say. “Are you… going to kill me?” 
He lets out a hefty laugh, one that makes you feel stupid. You feel like it was a valid question, but let out a nervous chuckle at his response. 
“If you give me a reason to. But we don’t want that, right sweetheart?” You nod in agreement, face turning red at the demeaning lilt to his words. The man finally rises from his chair and is in front of you in just two long steps. He crouches down but still towers above you, leaving you feeling even more defenseless and intimidated. His hand reaches to stroke a strand of hair behind your ear, and his thumb reaches to lift up your chin and meet his gaze. You want to look anywhere but, but you’re even more scared of the consequences. Your eyes meet, and his gaze is so intense that it makes your skin crawl. His expression is now devoid of any emotion, and he is dead serious. 
“You almost died,” he says. He tells you this as casually as one would talk about the weather. “Jungwon almost killed you. You would have died on that sidewalk if we didn’t find you and administer emergency medicinal treatment.” His fingers tighten around your jaw, keeping your gaze locked onto his, as if to say, ‘I am the most important person and you will listen to me when I am talking to you.’ 
“He wouldn’t… It was an accident. He was really drunk, and I–” You’re cut off when his fingers trail lower, reaching your throat. Your breath hitches, unsure of what he’s going to do and you feel terror overwhelm you from what you know the man has the capacity to do to you. Two fingers prod at your throat, poking at what is most definitely a very nasty bruise. You cry out, hands reaching to soothe the spot that he had just touched. 
“You don’t really believe that, do you? If so, you’re more stupid than I thought.” He stands, leaving your mouth agape. “You should look at yourself. You’re in really bad shape. We were able to stop some of your bleeding from that nasty head injury you got yourself, but damn. Do you even know how long you were out for? It’s been at least half a day.”
Half a day? You gawk at the man and say nothing. The other two men have decided to stay silent for the conversation, doing not much more than observing your sorry state. You decide you don’t want to speak much more on the subject, and change the topic instead. “What do you want with me?” you swallow. 
“You’re going to stay here, at the SKZ base while you recover. I’m sure you heard, but you’re going to help us get the ENHA situation under control. You’re leverage.”
“You’re keeping me? So I can’t leave? Please,” you start to plead. “You’re not serious.” 
“Dead serious,” Chan replies. “It’s not like you really want to go back, right? If you get beaten like this again, there’s probably not going to be anybody to save you. You might die,” he blinks. 
“It’s not going to happen again,” you all but spit out. You decide it’s time to test your body and stand up, and though your bones and muscles ache, you manage to get onto your two feet. “It was one time, a mistake. I’m sorry, but you’re out of line, and I would really like to get back home.” 
“Out of line?” Chan challenges.
“I’m sorry to say this, Y/N, but I don’t think Chan is out of line,” Hyunjin speaks. You finally get a chance to look at the man. His dark hair frames his face, resting just past his chin. At first glance he appears more delicate than the other two men, but his muscles are apparent the longer you stare at the fitted t-shirt he sports. He’s very pretty, a statement usually not used to describe someone in his profession. He has very full lips and a perfectly chiseled and angular jawline, sharp nose and long, feminine eyelashes. As he steps forward, he continues on his tangent. “Not only that, but this isn’t the first time Jungwon has hurt you, is it?” 
Your breath hitches as you find the words to defend yourself. You’re cut off by the man who is very adamant about what he is about to say.
“Your record shows that you have been in the hospital two times in the last year. Are you trying to tell us that a concussion and broken wrist are just coincidences?” You stay silent as the man’s eyes scan up and down your frame. You wonder how he knows so much, as someone that was arguing minutes ago about how your presence was a mistake. He’s done his research on you for sure, and you realize it’s probably his job to know everything about everyone. That’s probably why he was arguing with Chan about not consulting him. You try not to think about what else he knows.
“If you stay here, we can guarantee your safety. We don’t even know if Jungwon has plans to try to take you back, but if he does, we are sure that this will be the safest place for you. We know you don’t have a job or a place to stay out there, but here you’ll have a room and necessities. And you will be benefiting us as we get the chance to get a rise out of their group, and the opportunity to use this advantage to put them in their place.” Chan seems sure in his decision, and you find something reassuring about the firmness in his tone and his ability to make quick decisions, knowing that his leadership abilities are one of the reasons why SKZ is the top mafia group in the country, ENHA’s rival. You step forward and wobble, and strong arms steady your frame. 
“Okay,” you whisper. The decision feels wrong, like a betrayal, but you still feel dizzy and unsure, so you decide to put your safety first. 
“You still need some rest. We can escort you to your new room and give you some time to patch yourself up, shower, and get a change of clothes. We definitely suggest tending to your wounds,” Chan says.
“My room? Are you sure this is okay?” The bodyguard wraps an arm around your shoulder, allowing you to lean on his dependable and sturdy build, and you let yourself do so. 
“More than sure. Make yourself at home. You’ll be here a while.” Chan says. He finally returns to his desk and sits in his chair, hands intertwining with one another as if he’s deep in thought. “Changbin will show you the way. Don’t do anything stupid, and you and I will have a talk later tonight. Look forward to it, sweetheart. Hyunjin, call the others for a meeting. You’re dismissed.” 
And with that, you and Changbin, the aforementioned bodyguard, are left to find the way to your room. You stumble but he is strong, and with his arms around you the walk to your room is not a struggle. He does stay eerily silent, which you welcome so that you can think. You arrive at your room and thank him, stepping into the space and shutting the door behind you. 
The room is not huge but it’s comfortable. It’s definitely larger than any room you’ve ever lived in before, and it’s nice to finally have your own space seeing as you previously shared a room with Jungwon. The room is obviously set up to be a guest bedroom, with cream colored walls and a large bed in its center adorned with a white quilt and decorative pillows. It’s simple but you’ll certainly make-do. You look around and notice a large rattan wardrobe stocked with a variety of clothes in different styles and sizes. Some of the fabric looks like it’s large enough to swallow you while others would just barely fit. You hum, content, and pick out a clean outfit that suits your comfort levels, even if it's not the prettiest. On your way to the bathroom you're surprised to notice a small vanity, stocked with makeup. You realize this guest room is probably for guests of SKZ, maybe their family members if any of them had any that would come to visit, hence the women’s clothing. Either way, the makeup will come in handy later to cover your bruises when you need to. 
And on that note, you finally allow yourself to look in the mirror, and you gasp. 
You have never seen your hair so matted and disheveled, and your head is stained in your blood. A bandage covers the top left of your head, and you uncover it to observe a nasty scar that had been treated with some kind of ointment. In addition, your bottom lip is busted, and you are adorned with all sorts of scrapes and scars and bruises all over your body. Your throat is covered in nasty dark hues of purple and blue that are sure to only get worse. Your wrist had received the same treatment, sporting some nasty bruises, and you recall when it had made a noise that resembled a pop yesterday. You roll the joint, testing the waters, and groan out in pain. At best, it’s sprained. You try not to think about it, and finally get into the shower, noting the first aid kit on the counter. 
The water feels nice on your skin, though it stings most of your scrapes and wounds. You welcome it nonetheless. You allow yourself a moment to cry, letting your tears mix in with the shower stream, wondering if this is the only chance you’ll be able to show how vulnerable you are. You don’t know much about SKZ and their men, and you’re sure you should tidy yourself up and do your best to pretend you’re strong, showing no weakness. When you comb through your hair you decide that’s just what you’ll do. You already look more presentable than before when you step out of the shower, as you have rid yourself of the blood, sweat, dirt and grime that littered your skin. And as you step into the new clothes you had found for yourself, you really do feel much better. You take the time to sanitize some of your worse wounds, paying special attention to your head that met the concrete last night. You cover yourself with bandages and decide to spend some of your time putting on makeup. It’s the only way to cover the bruises, you decide, and you won’t let any new members that haven’t seen your sorry-state know that you’re here because you were beaten and weak. If any one of them notices your vulnerability, there’s no telling that they won’t prey on it. So after about an hour, your skin looks close to its normal self again thanks to your expertise in color correction under your layers of foundation and concealer. You smile at your handiwork – if you weren’t looking for the bruises and scrapes, you certainly wouldn’t be able to find it. Even your makeup-covered throat and wrist, which had gotten the worst of it all, really look fine. 
You leave your room at last, and it has been some hours since your previous meeting with Bang Chan and the others. You roll your shoulders back and make your way around the house. The intention here isn’t snooping, you tell yourself, but you desperately need to find food. You don’t have to look too hard, as you stumble into the kitchen. 
You make direct eye contact with two men that you haven’t seen before. Their eyes flicker to you and their conversation stills, and you know you’ve interrupted them. 
You’re going to be here a while, right? You suppose it’s time to introduce yourself. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
a/n: it's hereee (for real this time)! so excited to share this with you and what is to come! (if you saw me post this the other day by accident no you didn't) <3
taglist: @shuporanporang @purp13st4r @eurydiceofterabithia @heartsbyandra @thicccurls @rylea08 @the-sweetest-rose @oddracha @kapelover @goldenmellow
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zhounauts · 5 months
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TANKINI DREAMING — YANG JUNGWON wc 923 warnings cursing pairing lifeguard!jungwon x fmr
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a day at the beach always meant the nostalgic smell of banana boat sunscreen lotion, burning hot sand, and memories of when you were younger, clad in a tankini strutting around in an attempt to seduce the life guard.
yeah. not your proudest moment.
but here you were again, standing underneath the beach umbrella, smelling of banana boat sunscreen, and definitely not in a tankini. you were older now, wiser, and 100% less likely to strut around the beach trying to seduce lifeguards out of your league.
as you settle onto your beach towel, in attempts to get tan, your sister stomps over to you, her small stature blocking the sun from hitting you. “what.” you grumble.
“stop being boring!” she huffs, “let’s go into the water!!”
”let me tan,” you mutter back, “shoo, go play in the sand yourself,”
“NO!” she exclaims, “let’s go into the water!! please please please please please please—”
“alright! i get it! shut up please,” you grumble again, standing up from your towel. you sigh, looking wistfully, at your towel before turning away to follow your sister who’s already atleast ten feet ahead of you. “hey! wait up!”
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the water is cold despite the blazing hot weather, and you chatter as your legs touch the crashing waves. your sister however, is seemingly unaffected as she throws herself in, giggling as the waves splash onto her. you can’t help but smile at this as you wade in deeper, plans of revenge brewing in your head.
without a warning, you grab your sister, hoisting her up and then tossing her into the sea with a splash. she arises, kicking and sputtering, but there’s a smile on her face. she dives at you, and you laugh as she tackles you down into the water, only for you to wrestle her away from you. “uh uh,” you smile, “you’re still too weak for me,”
“i’ll take you—” she starts, only to be cut off by a wave dragging her underneath, and throwing her back up right into you. you laugh at her hair, drenched and stuck to her face as she angrily grumbles at you. the whistle blares through the beach, and you whip around back at shore to see who it’s aimed at.
but you immediately lose interest in this when you see the lifeguard. he is probably the most gorgeous man you have ever laid your eyes upon, and you even want to apologize to him for looking without permission. you suddenly feel like younger you, in a tankini, and dreaming of rizzing up the lifeguard. maybe, just maybe, this time you could actually—
“STOP LOOKING AT MEN I'LL TELL DAD!” your sister squeals, tossing a big scoop of saltwater at you, causing you to sputter and screech.
“YAH!” you exclaim, “you’re so dead!”
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despite being only 18, after an hour of rough-housing in the ocean, and fighting the waves with your incredibly hyper sister, it is safe to say that you are pooped and absolutely done with movement for the rest of the day.
“i’m clocking out,” you groan sitting on the edge of the shore.
“you’re old,” your sister complains, “five more minutes!”
“nope, nope NOPE,” you tell her, “get out and we get ice cream, or i get out you stay and no ice cream,”
“you should’ve said that earlier!” she exclaims, “ice cream!!! i want a scoop of cookie monster, chocolate, and vanilla!”
“alright you ravenous beast,” you tell her, “just please let me get out of the damn water. . .”
your sister bounds out of the water, the thought of ice cream acting as new found energy for her. you groan, trailing slowly behind her.
“tired?’ you snap your head up in surprise, turning to the left of you. you’re met with the lifeguard stand, where four guys stand around. yet, it’s the gorgeous lifeguard you noticed earlier talking to you.
“yeah,” you answer, “i can’t keep up with that anymore,”
he laughs.
“so,” you start, “did you need something?” you ask, before quickly clapping your hand over your mouth, “sorry, that came out like really rude,”
“no, it’s okay,” he smiles, “uhm, well—”
“he thinks you’re cute!!” another lifeguard calls.
“he wants your number!”
“he wants to be your boy—”
“HEY SHUT UP!” the boy screams, whipping around at his friends. you hear the three of them giggle in the background, “sorry about them. i’m jungwon by the way,”
“i’m yn,” you smile, “i heard you think i’m cute?”
“will i get your number if i say yes?”
“well why don’t you find out?” you grin. jungwon laughs, pulling his phone out from his back pocket to hand it to you. you click your tongue.
“too natural jungwon,” you say, “you do this to other girls as well?” his eyes widen.
“what!? no—”
“just joking,” you laugh, quickly typing in your contact details in. you hand back his phone, and he grins at the contact you set up.
“how long are you going to be here for?”
“whole summer,” you answer.
“perfect,” he tells you, “i’ll—”
“YN STOP TALKING TO MEN!!” your little sister screeches from behind, “DAD—”
“AYE! you little shit you better—” you yell, diving towards your sister to cover her mouth.
“get me ice cream,” she smiles. you glare at her, but you sigh and give up, letting your sister drag you away. you turn back to smile apologetically at jungwon, who smiles as well, before he mouths something to you.
i’ll text you.
and i’ll text you back
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ׂ╰┈➤ TANKINI DREAMING GENRE fluff PAIRING lifeguard!jungwon x f!reader WARNINGS cursing networks @a-dream-bookmark a/n its april, the fourth month, and the fourth of july is in summer, so basically it's summer!! (can you tell i'm REALLY manifesting summer)
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copyright © zhounauts 2024
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rachetmath · 6 months
Yang Priorities
Yang: Hey Jaune. 
Jaune: Yes?
Yang: Remember that question me and Winter asked you?
Jaune: Yes. 
Yang: Be honest with me then am I a good sister?
Jaune I mean you are better than me but not better than Winter or Sapphron.
Yang: How so?
Jaune: Yang you have been doing Ruby dirty for a while.
Yang: Not true.
Jaune: Yang on her first day you abandoned her. How do you think we met?
Yang: um.
Jaune: Our initiation, you never once tried to save her. Weiss did that. 
Yang: Okay but that was because she needed to toughen up. Especially if she is going for the big leagues.
Jaune: Okay. First mission.
Yang: Oh come on, I was asleep. I found her and hugged her.
Jaune: Okay. After the fall of Beacon. 
Yang: Okay you can not fault me for that. I was going through it. 
Jaune: You were crying over a girl. At least she was alive. 
Yang: I lost my arm.
Jaune: Protecting Blake who you were crying over. And you got a new one. I stepped up and went with Ruby to Mistral.
Yang: I eventually came back.
Jaune: You did. But not before going after Raven. The deadbeat.
Yang: She was my- 
Jaune: Bitch, you could've just called once you were close to the city.
Yang: It would have taken me hours. 
Jaune: You had a bike.
Yang: Still.
Jaune: Okay then back Blake. You talk shit about how your mom did you dirty. But suddenly when Blake did the same shit and came back you forgave her.
Yang: She's different. She did it to protect us. 
Jaune: That's great. But here's the thing, um, we were in danger anyways. What the fuck do you mean?!
Yang: … … I-
Jaune: And the crazy part is, you prioritize Blake a lot more than your own sister.
Yang: Not-
Jaune: Yang, Beacon you gave her a lecture because she was obsessed with the White Fang. 
Weiss: Then in the house, you got Blake out first before Ruby.
Jaune: Yang you were against telling Ironwood a lie and called Ruby out on it. 
Weiss: Not once but twice.
Yang: Weiss!
Weiss: You're right. He is going to do the same thing to me. But still.
Jaune: But all of a sudden when Blake wanted to talk with Robyn you agreed to that shit! With no debate!
Yang: Okay that-
Jaune: Then when that old lady talked bad about Faunuses, you were ready to talk shit considering your girl is a Faunus. 
Yang: Okay, I-
Jaune: Nah, bitch, I am not FUCKING done. The Ever After you were crying over your sister, but before, what were you doing that you didn't notice her having a mental breakdown?
Yang: Umm… well-
Jaune:  See bitch I should- Ooh. Ooh.  
Yang: Okay but-
Jaune: And then when she finally broke down. Start yelling at Blake, you jump in front, protecting her, from your own sister. 
Yang: Okay but I am still there for her.
Jaune: You're right. You do. But still, you need to start balancing Blake and Ruby because if you don't, then your relationship will be just as bad as Qrow’s.
Yang: Yeah you're right. But hold on what makes you worse?
Jaune: Yang, I have seven sisters. The one sister you met, I allowed all of you into her house. Eat her food. Cracked her walls. Risked her wife’s job and in danger her whole family to get us to Atlas. And guess what, I never told her about Salem or the mission we're on. She's probably worried sick especially because I barely write to her. 
Yang: Damn. 
Jaune: In fact I haven't talked to my family in years. I haven't spoken to anyone in my family since Beacon.
Yang: What? 
Jaune: You heard me.
Yang: Oh my God, Jaune, you need to go home. 
Jaune: *stressed out* I know!
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lixiebokie · 2 months
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we can’t be friends
idol: niki x reader
authors note: ik it’s ni-ki but my phone autocorrects it and the amount of times i’ve written his name so sorry
warnings: mentions of fighting, bullying and not eating
chapter 2
people at school weren’t very nice.
everyone knew that, they were nothing like the girls at her old school. most of them got along sure there was a few bitchy ones but that was very rare.
it had only got to second lesson and y/n had already left the classroom from comments being made. some chubbier boy throwing balls of paper at her. at the first ball she was curious after he motioned her to open it. inside reading ‘nice specs’ if she knew no different she would have thought it was a compliment but by the snickers coming from behind her and the continuation of the paper tossed at her, it most definitely wasn’t someone trying to befriend her.
she wasn’t familiar with the school at all the corridors looked the same which made finding a member of staff impossible.and she desperately trying not to run into her cousin. if sunoo saw her like this she doesn’t think she’d heard the end of it.
he’d been leaning against the lockers with a few of his friends and quickly took notice of y/n thinking she was a teacher.
it wasnt unusal for him to bunk off lesson, mostly with jake and sunghoon. it was rare for heeseung to join them but he had geography and had gotten into an arguement with his teacher which ended in him storming out the classroom and after a long rant to miss gyu, his english and favourite teacher, he managed his way into doing his jobs for the period he usually had his geography lesson. he wore a smug look on his face as he strolled back into the classroom telling mr yang he won’t be returning as he was doing ‘head boy duties’. but they only took 10 minutes and then he had met up with his friends.
jungwon never skipped lessons, jay was had PE which he never missed and ni-ki was either strolling about looking for the boys, as he never read the groupchat, or in the schools kitchen. his older sister was working part time in there last school year and this for her cutlery course in college. he didn’t spent a lot of time in there but you could find him in there. the boys guessed it was to speak to her or sneak free food but they wondered how the other kitchen staff were okay with it?
sunoo pushed himself off the locker taking the lollipop out his mouth. “what are you doing out of lesson?” he asked.
she stopped hearing his voice and looked at him.
she couldn’t even turn around because he’d just follow her and the last thing she wanted to do was go back to that class.
“nothing.” she tried to walk past but he caught her before she could.
“are you crying?”
“no.” she sighed running her fingers through her hair.
“someone was picking on you?” sunoo questioned with a dark gaze. she didn’t answer instead keeping her eyes on the dirty floor.
“do you want us to do something?” one of the taller boys in the group asked looking at her.
he had a cold expression, his eyebrows sharp and a small piercing.
it seemed like a rhetorical question, as if they were about to start laughing at her. she didn’t know what to say so she tried to push past them. “you’re sunoos cousin?” one boy spoke and she nodded not looking at any of them in particular.
“hey,” one of the grabbed her arm. “who was it?”
she looked back at him. “why do you care?” he didn’t answer his stare becoming more intense.
“idk someone called minjoon or something?”
“kim minjoo. of course.” heeseung scoffed. “we’ll sort him out, no one is rude to sunoos family.” the boy was beautiful, y/n was quite stunned. he had a raveny coloured hair and big brown eyes, a high nose bridge and soft smile. she’d seen him on posters around school but didn’t realise he was one of sunoos friends.
“i appreciate that but i don’t want to get picked on more so leave it.”
the group of boys watched her walk away.
“what’s her problem?” sunghoon asked, sunoo shrugged.
“you’re just gonna let minjoo upset her?” heeseung questioned finishing his lollipop and putting the stuck in his pocket.
sunoo didn’t answer instead taking out his phone. “what cousin you are.” he scoffed again watching as she turned the corner and went out of sight.
ni-ki pushed open the door, the whloe class turned to him surprised by his unusual presence.
“nice of you to show up mr nishimura.”
ni-kii ignored the teacher throwing his bag on the floor slumping in his chair.
the teacher was an old bald wrinkly man, mr choi, he was niki least favourite teacher.
it was unusual for ni-ki to show to lesson let alone mr chois science lesson. but since all the boys had exams that day the only one who he could bunk with was jungwon but like ni-ki could get him out of a lesson.
not long after ni-ki had walked in a small girl had followed behind him. he’d never seen her before but he wasn’t the most observing so he just watched as she waddled over to the teachers desk before taking the seat next to him. oh gosh. everyone knew he hated sharing his desk or having anyone around him, even if he was barley ever in lesson. everyone knew he hated sharing his desk. and no one dared sit near him.
he didn’t bother looking back to the shocked expressions already feeling them burning in the back of his head.
“could you move your foot?” she shook the chair hoping ni-ki would move his dirty shoe off the seat she was about to sit in. he ignored her instead putting his other foot there aswell. she frowned tipping the chair making niki to nearly fall of his own. she smiled at him before taking the seat.
“omg y/niee come sit with mee!” one of the boys whined from the back of the class.
ni-ki looked at girl noticing how she now had her hand over her ear.
“y/niee!” he continued.
ni-ki started to get agitated by kim’s squeaky voice. if it wasn’t for minjoos grown out features you wouldn’t think the 17 year old boy had hit puberty yet.
“shut the fuck up would you kim.” ni-ki scoffed. he didn’t even turn but he still sense the other boys gut wrenching smirk.
“or what nishi you gonna fight me like ben park last week? hm! or do you wanna be a hero and stick up for new girl cuz you fancy her?”
y/n rolled her eyes. she wasn’t watching, she was silently scribbling on some paper hoping something would take her away from the twos bicker.
“the only thing i fancy is seeing you with a bruised face now, i suggest you sit down or i’ll give you a worse injury than bens broke leg.”
at this point ni-ki was in minjoos face, well.. minjoo was at nikis chest. with nikis 6ft height against the other boys 5’6 appearance.
minjoo wasn’t intimidating, and all round looked like a leprechaun, which is why niki was quick to try and shut him up. ni-ki had many a reason for it, he didn’t care about the girl. he just wanted to see minjoos face bloody and bruised with his mouth shut for once and this girl was the perfect excuse for it.
“boys stop kissing sit down.”
ni-ki glared at mr choi who had walking back into the classroom from photocopying more worksheet.
“do me a favour and shut the fuck up.” ni-ki sat back down, mr choi working his way around the classroom.
“um thanks for that, minjoo is so annoying.” ni-ki looked where the quiet voice was coming from.
the girl was looking at him.
he scrunched up his face. “i wasn’t sticking up for you, minjoo needs to learn how to shut his god damn mouth.”
she shrugged. “still it’s the first lesson we’re someone’s said something back to him, i wish i had your confidence.”
mr choi placed two sheets on the front table, ni-ki grabbed it even though he wasn’t planning on doing any of it.
the reproduction system.
you’ve got to be kidding me.
at lunch y/n sat alone. she had been unsuccessful at making any friends so it was her only opition.
she’d tried to find a spot away from minjoos group of friends which was hard when he was so loud in the canteen.
leaving her sitting in the corner.
a group of boys filled her company in less than a few seconds.
“what are you doing?” she sighed.
“cant be known for being loners cousin so here we are.” sunoo grabbed food off her plate.
“minjoo said anything else?” heeseung the oldest had asked looking at her with kind eyes. he looked the softest out of them all, or it might of been because of how attract y/n was to him.
“um yeah he was being annoying then started arguing with some boy.” y/n shurgged.
ni-ki side eyed her which she ignored.
“who was the boy?”
“idk someone in my class.”
“well as long as he didn’t do anything to you.” heeseung smiled.
“stop flirting shes 17.” sunoo scoffed.
“which is why i’m wondering why someone hasn’t forced ni-ki next to her!” sunghoon shouted making the two look at him.
“what have i done?” ni-ki asked breaking his silence.
“i mean youre both-“
“sunghoon just stop talking.” jake tapped his shoulder.
she was flustered by sunghoons undertones, she’d never had a boyfriend before. going to an all girls school for the past 7 years she’d only interacted with the same gender, she was surprised she was even able to speak to boys after the sudden change of scenery.
“speaking of ni-kii youre in her year do you know who minjoo was arguing with?” heeseung asked. niki sat back.
“how am i suppose to know.” he shurgged.
the girl better not spill.
the boys had decided to have a quiet night in.
well.. in sunoos house, with out his permission.
so the seven of them were cramed into sunoos small box room. it was already stuffy with just him and y/n sharing the room. sunoo was laying on the bed with heeseung while jungwon sat on the floor helping y/n with some homework. the rest of the boys down stairs making some food most probably ramen.
“hey sunoo.” sunoo looked up from his phone to his cousin sat on the floor.
“can i tell you something but you have to stay secret.” sunoo raised his eyebrow. what was so important that he had to keep quiet about?
he hummed indicating for her to carry on.
“yk the one i said was arguing with minjoo well he’s one of your friends but i forgot his name.” at this point heeseung was also staring at her.
“tall black hair quite scary-“
“ni-ki? it must be he’s the only one in your year group.” heeseung pushed himself off the bed.
he looked back at sunoo. “ni-ki stuck up for her!” heeseung laughed sunoo joining in.
“no, you should be focused on the fact ni-ki nearly had another fight!” jungwon crossed his arms standing to heeseungs height.
“hes fine he can stick up for himself.”
“yeah and get kicked out of school, and then probably drop out-“
“won calm down, ni-ki doesn’t even go to lesson anyway.. what we care about is the fact he stuck up for sunoos cousin!”
y/n poked heeseungs foot. “why is this a big deal?”
sunoo layed back slightly resting on his elbows. “niki barley likes us, let alone people in his year group and he’s stuck up for you who he doesn’t even know.. that’s not like him.”
“i’m still.. whatever please just don’t say anything he’s already scary as is and i don’t-“
“calm mini sunoo we won’t say anything.” jungwon spoke.
the door opened to the four boys from down stairs carrying in seven bowls of ramen.
“won’t say about what?”
“nothing!” y/n looked at him before quickly going back to her work.
the bowls were passed out and only then did they realise they had made one bowl short.
“sunoo share with your cuz there’s not enough.”
“no way.” sunoo spoke with a full mouth.
the boys looked around before ni-ki slid his bowl away from him. “i’m not hungry.” he pulled out his earphones plugging them into his phone.
“woah, did you just give up your ramen for y/n?”
“no i’m not hungry.” niki spoke coldly.
he was already annoyed they weren’t going out tonight and having that girl there was pissing him off. the only girl who he doesn’t mind around is jays girlfriend sooji who barley is around them anyway.
so he just didnt feel like eating. even if he hadn’t ate all day he just wasn’t hungry.
“ni-ki you didn’t eat at lunch, are you sure?” heeseung took ahold of the bowl keeping it close incase the youngest changed his mind.
“i ate in lesson so it’s not like i’m starving.”
he huffed putting his feet on sunoos expensive desk.
“oh yeah what did you eat?”
“i had gimbap y/n was there you seen me didn’t you?”
all the boys turned to her.
did she?
she hadn’t seen anything or payed attention to niki but she felt if she disagreed then it would be worse than agreeing.
“yeah he gave me a piece.”
“see now i don’t want it.” heeseung shurgged passing the bowl to y/n.
“thank you.” she spoke up. ni-ki just nodded putting his headphones in his ears.
through out the night y/n woke. the room was full of jakes snores and jay on the phone to his girlfriend not even trying to be quiet.
she heard a small pss. from the other side of the room to see ni-ki peeking his head out of the small on suite bathroom sunoo and her shared. she was confused but stood following him into the bathroom. he closed the door before looking at her with his cold eyes.
“listen, i don’t know you you don’t know me. we’re gonna keep it like that okay. whatever i say you go along with and you better not say anything about me and minjoo. got it?” y/n stood shocked.
“listen them out there over step and try and find out things i don’t want them to know so if i say something you just agree. hey maybe we will even look like friends.”
y/n shook her head. feeling the same fear from earlier.
“what do i get?” she asked.
he raised his eye brow. “you?” he huffed thinking for a moment. “i’ll get minjoo to leave you alone i know he’s been a pain your ass since you got to school.”
that did sound good.. “okay fine.” she sighed.
ni-ki unlocked the door shoving her out so he brush his teeth.
ni-ki was already out the door before anyone was even awake. which left the others wondering if he even slept that night.
it wasnt uncommon for him to sneak out before the morning.
it was also wasnt uncommon for the boys to worry about ni-ki.
he wasn’t an open character, they are still clueless how they even became his friends.
ni/ki barley spoke around them, never laughed with them, never ate around them, never told them about his family life.
he was kinda just there.
ni-ki liked it that way. he didn’t like being a burden, or being pushed over boundaries he liked to keep himself to himself.
if you seen them you wouldn’t even guess ni-ki liked them but if anyone was to talk crap about them niki would be the first do something.
ni-ki had snuck out that morning grabbing his bike but before he could hop on he noticed a small brown envelope shoved in between the chains.
ni-ki crouched looking at the sealed letter.
he grabbed it looking up to sunoos window that he just climbed out of. it was still pitch black and all where asleep upstairs so it wasn’t a sick prank from them, well also because they were way too scared of the youngest boy.
ni-ki took his key ripping it open.
he forcefully pulled out the letter throwing the now crumpled envelope onto the ground.
nishimura riki
s3oUl aband0neD workH0usE - thRusdaY 7 pm
niki frowned reading the letter.
he crumpled it up shoving it in his pocket before standing and getting on his bike. he looked back at sunoos house one last time before riding off. the boys couldn’t know about this but ni-ki had a feeling what this was about.
thank you for reading!
[taglist: @yangjungwonnie , @clampclover @yjwxfxr @larnieboox88] purple are unable to be tagged sorry!
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pilot-boi · 2 months
I can 100% see Ruby and Yang escalating to violence in that mirror man/twins combo, all too willing to beat the Rusted Knight out of their brother. The image of their childhood idol ruined by this callous monster, reminded of the darker versions of the fairytale where Alyx loathed his uncompromising view of morality. And all while they fight, Yang notices that she never really feels any of the hits they land on him, the pain dulled and numb, as if their auras don't recognize eachother.
That’s the thing, the hits WOULD land, she WOULD feel them. His Aura is the same, even if RK doesn’t think he’s Jaune Arc. It’s all a mental thing, there’s no magic or anything involved. They are the same person
Actually, it would feel like they hurt MORE, because the whole time Yang would be able to feel this nauseating self hatred covered up by an oil sheen of positivity. She’d be able to feel Jaune in mental/emotional agony under the mask of the Rusted Knight
Which makes it hurt even more when her twin says to her face that if he could’ve killed himself before they ever met to keep him from ruining her life, he would’ve done so without hesitating. Because she can FEEL that he’s not lying, he’s absolutely telling the truth
And Ruby, meanwhile, is going through her own identity crisis, so arriving in the Ever After and seeing her big brother so far down his own rabbit hole that he’s cheerfully telling them he’d kill himself again doesn’t do Ruby any favors
Jaune’s one of the strongest people she knows, and if HE took the easy way out and couldn’t continue being him, then why should she keep being Ruby Rose?
Then there’s the whole thing about them both being fans of the story as children. The Rusted Knight is a hero, he’s THE hero, brave and moral and unbending in the face of evil. So to find out that he’s Jaune, not just that, that he’s the last resort Jaune’s mind had after breaking so utterly?
He knows them, but he pities them for loving him. Feels sorry for THEM for being “tricked” into loving someone so deplorable. He hates himself so utterly that he killed himself and fled into this shell of a person
Jaune’s lucky he has a lot of Aura, because after that, the sisters can’t help what they do. Blake and Weiss have to pull them off of him, because “The Rusted Knight” doesn’t try to defend himself
He’s not Jaune Arc, he’s not that monster. But he’s still the person who killed their brother, so he just takes the hits.
He deserves them
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epic-arc · 6 months
Guilt is something that can hurt us…
It would be late at night, Jaune would be in the leisure area that would be close to the bedrooms, he would be alone, He would get a glass of water and take it to his bedroom, In the corner of the room Penny would be ''sleeping'' and then he would sit on the bed and He would take his sleeping pills with the help of water to make it go down easier.
Jaune(Mind): Another night of trying…Another night of trying to have a peaceful night…
Jaune would fall asleep but after a few minutes he would wake up again in the same place as the incident but everything would be black and white except him, He would walk through that strange forest and even notice colorful footprints on the ground, He would follow with curiosity and enter a clearing where he would see each weapon of the people who died in the incident, Jaune would see it and try to leave the clearing but noticed that in the same place he had come there was a wall made of rose thorns.
Jaune: No…Not again!
Jaune would be on his knees and everything around him would turn black and the weapons would approach him, surrounding him, and each one would begin to glow.
Crescent Rose(Ruby): It's okay jaune! It's not your fault.
Ember celica(Yang): I hope my little sister is safe, The Grimms here don't seem as normal as in patch.
Myrtenaster(Weiss): I'm a complete failure to my family. I should have stayed in atlas…
Gambol Shroud(Blake): I hope my parents forgive me for the choices I made...
Magnhild/StormFlower: I wasn't strong enough to protect us…/It's okay, nora, you've done enough…
Miló and Akouo: I believe you will be a great hunter…
The weapons mix and it would transform into a being that would have a white fang mask that would look at Jaune who would be shaking trying not to look at the being
???: You may have heard their last words or what you were thinking, but the whole world saw that interview and saw and heard what you said, showing how you are nothing more than a coward and a complete shame for your family. You should probably be ashamed of yourself why you just don't wake up!
Jaune was woken up by Penny who was shaking his arms waking him up and he would look at him confused and she would look with concern in her eyes.
Penny: Friend Jaune, your heart rate was at an alarming level. Do you want me to call Professor Glynda?
Jaune: It's okay Penny, I just had a nightmare…
// @howlingday
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reashot · 1 year
Surprise! It's all just a dream.
This is sequel to you know what...
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Jaune: No Ruby... *mumbling in his sleep* No Ruby, don't marry him. I know Oscar is a great guy and all, but please don't go through with it.
Ruby: Oh did you have a bad dream. *playfully ruffle Jaune's hair* There, there.
Jaune then snatches Ruby's hand while he still in his sleep.
Ruby: Jaune?!
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Jaune: No! Please don't go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for never noticing your feeling. I'm sorry for being such a dumb dense doo doo head for all those years.
Ruby: Well, at least you finally realized it. I can't believe it took you this long.
Jaune: No please, Ruby please no....
Ruby: Oh Jaune. Here let me help you. *grabs blanket*
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Jaune: *mumble* Ruby please don't leave me...
Ruby: Oh Jaune... I promise I will never leave you.
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Jaune: *wakes up* Huh. Ruby did I say something in my sleep?
Ruby: No you slept like a log.
Jaune: Oh, okay then. I could have sworn that I just confessed to you.
Ruby: W-what makes you think that?
Jaune: I guess it's just a dream... But anyway. Ruby do you want to go out with me?
Ruby: *gasp* Really!? *cough* I mean, if I may ask. What brought this on?
Jaune: I guess... I just don't want to wait around anymore. And Ruby I love you...
Ruby: (Screaming internally) Yes Jaune! Yes.... Wait, wait, wait. When you said you love me do you love me as a friend or do you love me, love me?
Jaune: I guess it's my fault for being so indecisive for so long. Ruby, I want to apologize first before hand for what i'm about to do.
Ruby: Apologize for what?
She is then surprised by what happened. Jaune quickly grabs both of her wrist and push her down so he is now on top of her.
Jaune: Does this answer your questions?
Ruby: Jaune what's gotten into you?!
Jaune: I had a dream. Where I saw you in the arm of another man. I said to myself that as long as you're happy, I can be happy with it too. But it's a lie. When I see you smiling happily with someone other than me. I felt something died inside of me. Ruby. I don't like it... I don't like it when I see you with being in love with someone else. And I don't like it that deep down I have this feeling. If you aren't all mine, I can't stand it.
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Ruby can't believe what she's hearing. Jaune finally letting out what's bottling inside of him. Looking up she can see him trembling and while it faint she can sees him starts crying on top of her.
Ruby: Jaune. It's okay. What you're feeling is normal. It just means you Love me so much that you want me to only be with you.
Jaune: But it's wrong thing to do, it's selfish and kinda sexist to say that I want you for myself... Anyway, I shouldn't have said that.
Ruby: Oh Jaune. I wish you stop with that misguided moral of yours. What if tell you that I like it when you think of me like that?
Jaune: Ruby are you sure?
Ruby: Yes Jaune. Contrary to what you might think there are woman that like being wanted like that. It made us felt cherished and valued. So don't fret with what society might think and just follow your heart... And I should do too. Jaune I love you too.
Jaune: Ruby I...
Ruby: Now kiss me lover boy.
The two finally kisses each other for the first time. Their lips stuck to each others that it felt like an eternity. At last the two finally joined to one another.
Ruby's Version:
Ruby: No Jaune, no don't...
Jaune: Aww... Ruby is having a nightmare. Here let me rub your head. I hope it help you out a bit.
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Ruby: Jaune how could you... With my own sister.
Jaune: Oh Yang seems to be there with me as well. I wonder what we're doing that caused Ruby to react like this?
Ruby: And my own mother too... Am I not enough for you?
Jaune: With Summer too. And what do you mean by enough, Ruby?
Ruby: No. How could you say such a thing to me Jaune... How could you hurt me like this...
Jaune: Wait-what did I say to Ruby in her dream?
Ruby: Blake, Weiss. What are you doing here?.. Why are you joining my sis and my mom in his bed?
Jaune: They're doing what in my bed???
Ruby: J-Jessica what are you doing here? You're not even part of our franchise... You're just a one-off crossover character. Go back to DC.
Jaune: Who's Jessica?
Ruby: No... H-how could you do all of them in front of me... Stop making that face mom... Yang get off from on top of him... Weiss don't put Jaune's thing in your mouth... Blake stop purring when he is doing you... And Jaune please don't say you think Jessica is better than me...
Jaune: What on Remnant is going on inside Ruby's dream. What am I doing with all of them in my bed?
Ruby: Okay that's it. I'm joining in I don't care about what will happens any more... He, he, he Jaune it's finally my turn....
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Jaune: I-I think I better leave you alone in your sleep... Sweet dream Ruby.
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howlingday · 7 months
Penny doesn’t really mind all of the Silver Eyed cryptid stuff.
Penny: Oh, pardon me! Was I in your way?
Weiss: No, I was just... (Sighs) Did you see a Faunus running through here?
Penny: I did. (Points) He climbed up that building. Are you pursuing him as a courtship ritual?
Yang: Snrk! Yeah, Weiss, are you?
Weiss: Shut up. No, he's a criminal, and we intend to follow him to ensure he's not running off to join the White Fang.
Blake: Just because he's a Faunus doesn't mean he's going to join the White Fang!
Weiss: You're right. The fact he's a criminal AND a Faunus means he's going to join the White Fang.
Penny: May I ask a question?
Weiss: Yes!
Blake: No!
Yang: Ugh... Sure. What's up?
Penny: Your friend has not blinked for 62.83 seconds. Is she still functional?
Yang: Huh? Oh, yeah, that's just my sister, Ruby. She's like that sometimes. It's weird, but you know how family is, right?
Penny: I do not.
Yang: Oh... Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to-
Penny: Sal-u-tations! My name is Penny Polendina!
Yang: Huh? (Turns) Nonono! Don't shake her hand!
Penny: What is your- Oh... Oh my. It seems you've dismembered my arm. (Smiles) It is no problem. I can simply reattach it. (Takes arm, Reattaches) See?
Weiss: ...
Blake: ...
Yang: ...
Ruby: (Takes hand)
Penny: I noticed you have silver eyes. Those are 99.999 repeating percent genetic rarity. Would you like to discuss?
Ruby: (Lifts hand, Rubs it)
Penny: Oh! Does this mean you want to be friends?
Blake: ...
Weiss: ...Yan-
Yang: I see it. I just refuse to believe it.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there! Can i request platonic hcs of Astral Express Crew (Welt, Himeko, Dan heng, March, and Caelus)x Youngest!trailblazer reader.
So i headcannon Dan heng, March, and Trailblazer MC be around their early or mid twenties, so i want the reader be around 15-16.
Im a sucker for platonic stuff, romance is good and all but sometimes found family is much better.
A/N: I absolutely get what you mean, Anon. Found family is one of my favourite troupes ever! So thank you for the request!<33
Content: Astral Express crew, platonic relationships, teen reader, fluff, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Himeko is always quite worried about you and was even hesitant on having you on the Express at first. But even so, after you proved her that you were capable of taking care of yourself, she allowed you to join them.
She won't let you go on solo missions though and always has someone accompanying you for safety. She also scolds you whenever you cause any trouble or endanger yourself.
She becomes a bit like a motherly figure to you over time, comforting you and inviting you for tea whenever you're feeling down. She also gifts you little things here and there, whenever you do something well. She's just so proud of you.
》Welt Yang
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Another child to add to his long list of adoptive children. He's naturally quite protective over you due to your age and can be a bit stern at times. He finds the job of a Trailblazer too dangerous for you, yet respects you for your abilities and knows you can manage yourself.
But similarly to Himeko, he won't let you go on missions alone and keeps in touch with you often during them. He might be a little sterner, when it comes to scolding you over endangering yourself, but you know it's for your own good, especially as his voice is usually still very gentle with you.
He might give you more slack than Himeko, when it comes to your duties and perhaps spoil you with little trinkets he knows you like a little more than he should. But seeing you happy and healthy is all he wants to see.
》Dan Heng
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Dan Heng treats you like he treats everyone else on the Express. He doesn't really acknowledge your age for the most part and doesn't care much for it either. As long as you can fulfill your duties properly without issues, he won't say anything.
With that said, he secretly keeps you out of trouble and protects you from danger without you noticing anything. He doesn't want you get hurt, even if you are able to take care of yourself and so you often see him parry any hit that comes your way. If you ask him about it, he denies ever helping you, mainly also to encourage you to do better.
He'll let you hang out in the archive room with him and allows you to go through the databank. If you have any questions, then he'll answer them and maybe even elaborate to teach you something. He may never say it, but you are nice company to him.
》March 7th
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You honestly find her the most fun to hang out with. She has a bit of a childish streak and is always up for a new adventure with you. You two may be reckless together, but that just makes things more fun, even if you get scolded by Himeko or Welt by the end of it.
But even so, you two enjoy pulling pranks on the crew or taking pictures together wherever you go. You also always have eachothers backs in battle and are a good duo all things considered. She doesn't mind taking care of you in missions, mainly because there is usually always someone else there as well to make sure you two don't endanger yourselves too much.
So yeah, she's your best friend on the Express and is an older sister figure to you. If you ever need help, she'll do her best to help you out and is always there for you!
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He does his best to get along with you and not treat you like a kid, even when he's often put on "babysitting" duty for you. Not that he really minds, as you're good company to have around anyway.
He'll take you on adventures with him often and makes sure you're always well taken care of during them. He's always protecting you somehow and tries keeping you out of trouble as much as he can. You can also ask him for anything and he'll try getting you it. He just wants you to be happy.
With that said, he likes learning new things with you. He doesn't know everything about the world yet and you don't either, which is why you often look for new things to do or try out together. Caelus tries to always make things fun and you learn to appreciate that greatly.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the cute request!<33
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citadelofmythoughts · 28 days
Ooh I am down for the evil scenario asks:
Rusted Knight Yang Au where the fruit sent her back centuries, Yang leaving letters for everyone in case they ever get found (but she assumes they won’t be)
I hope you're happy with yourself. I literally cried writing this, lol
“Oh no…gods…no.” I cried as I knelt in front of the tomb. When we asked Little if they had seen anyone meeting Yang’s description this was the last thing we expected to see.
It was a simple stone structure but the symbol carved on the door and the statue of a powerfully built woman with long flowing hair could only be one person.
“I don’t know a lot of stories, since I’m still young.” said the small voice of Little. “But we all know the story of the Golden Knight. She was a great hero who protected everyone who lived in the Ever After.”
Ruby sobbed as she touched the statue. “She was my sister…and now she’s gone!!”
Seemingly in  response to Ruby’s touch the door to the sepulcher opened with a groan of unused hinges. 
“This place…is ancient.” Jaune muttered. “How?”
“I don’t know, but…it seems we’re being invited.” I said, trying to be brave. I look Ruby’s hand and we walked inside. 
In the center was a stone casket with a relief on top that was nearly identical to the statue outside. I knew…she was there. My heart, my soul, dead for what was probably centuries.
We looked around, it was simple and unadorned. Fitting for a woman who put no value in things, only people. Then I noticed my emblem on the wall, along with Ruby and Weiss’
“What do we do?” asked Weiss in a whisper. “Seems like they’re there for a reason.”
I approached mine and gently traced the carving with my finger. I could almost feel the emotions of the woman who must have carved it. In response the symbol lit up and it extended a few inches revealing a sheet of paper inside.
I saw Yang’s unmistakable handwriting on the yellowed paper. “My dearest Blake.”
Both Weiss and Ruby repeated my actions and were both rewarded with letters of their own. I walked outside, needing to be alone with the last words I’d ever read from the girl who meant the universe to me.
“My dearest Blake,
I don’t know if you will ever read this, you all probably think I’m dead and have no reason whatsoever to believe that I wound up..here. Before you go blaming yourself, there is no way you could have known.
When I landed, I was dazed and wandered from the beach into a forest with trees bearing very strange fruit. I didn’t realize until it was too late that the fruit, if mishandled could send a person back in time. So there I was, marooned in both time and space. I tried to make the best of things. I found beings here who needed my help and it was companionship of a sort but they could never replace Weiss or Ruby and especially not you. 
Gods, I was such an idiot. I wasted so much time that I could have spent loving you. I wish I could say that I died with no regrets but not ever telling you how much I loved you, how much I DO love you is the biggest one of my life.
I’d give anything to be able to do it all over again and be with you. 
I love you Blake, I will love you until the end of time. 
Forever yours, 
I didn’t think anything could hurt worse than losing her, then I lost her again, and now it was forever. 
“Yang..” I sobbed as I clutched the letter to my chest. “I love you, I need you…and I can’t live without you!”
Then I was seized with a mad hope and I raced back to the others. Ruby and Weiss looked despondent, especially Ruby and she looked up at me as I approached. “I’m sorry, Blake.” she said as she hugged me. “Yang…told me.”
I hugged her back and did the same for Weiss.Then I addressed the small mouse on Ruby’s shoulder. “Little, do you know anything about a forest with fruit trees that can send someone through time?”
The tiny creature blinked. “The Forest Primeval. It’s a bad, dangerous place.”
“Can you tell me how to get there?”
“Blake! What are you thinking?” Ruby blurted. “You can’t!”
“I have to Ruby! She’s there, on the other side of time, waiting for me!”
“You have no idea how those…fruits work!” Weiss added. “You could wind up anywhen!”
“I’ll figure it out!” I yelled. “If there’s even the slightest chance of seeing her again, I have to!”
“Then we’ll go with you.” said Ruby.
I put my hand on her shoulder. “No, Ruby. There’s a world that needs saving and it needs you to do it. If…if there’s a way for us to get back, you’ll see us again.”
“Blake I…” and Ruby wiped her tears away. “When you see Yang. Tell her I love her.”
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. 
Little gave me general directions and I sprinted off after saying my goodbyes to Jaune and Weiss. It took a few days to reach the forest. It was near the coastline and at first glance the trees looked like the coconut trees that flourished in Menagerie but no fruit on Remnant had tiny clock faces on them. 
“If Yang wandered in here then it stands to reason that if I’m careful and slowly adjust one of the fruits….” and I carefully turned the dial of one of them backwards. The twin suns raced across the sky and then the moon. It took longer than you’d think time travel should but I didn’t want to miss my window. 
Then in an instant I saw a flash of yellow and a glint of a golden arm and stopped the clock.
Yang looked up at me in shock. “Blake? You..you’re not supposed to be here.”
I ran into her arms. “There is nowhere I belong more.”
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bahablastplz · 3 months
All in | Chapter 3
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pairing: Lee Felix x f!reader (mafia au)
summary: You didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Yang Jungwon, notorious mafia boss. Your life gets flipped upside down when you're found beaten and bloody by SKZ, the rival mafia group, and you're quickly integrated into their lives. What will happen when you try to leave your old life behind and start anew?
chapter summary: you escape and face the consequences of your actions
warnings: please see series masterlist for all warnings
series masterlist ~~ series taglist ~~ main masterlist
It’s cold outside, you think, and you wish you had brought a little more thought to your choice in outfit because the shirt you’re wearing does little to protect your skin from the harsh wind. You regret not finding something a little thicker, something with longer sleeves perhaps when you had raided the wardrobe earlier. You were searching for comfort, not practicality, and now that decision was coming to bite you in the ass. 
Your body carries you through the wooded area surrounding the house, brambles scratching at your arms and drawing blood. You thank your body for pumping out adrenaline once again, protecting you from feeling too much pain. You’re not sure if you’ve ever run this hard or this fast in your entire life, the burning in your lungs evident that maybe you should have focused a bit more on staying in shape. Your shoes were definitely not made for running and you add it to the list of things to curse yourself for later. 
The pavement under your feet is different from the mushy grass surrounding the SKZ base and you find yourself trying not to connect your feet as hard to the ground to make up for it, lest the burning in your legs slow you down. Wait… pavement? You slow, coming to a stop to allow yourself a moment to view your surroundings and catch your breath. 
You notice you're in the city, albeit a deserted part of it that you don't recognize. Looking left and right, you decide to go in the direction of the faded city lights. At every car that passes you hold your breath and try to sink into the bushes, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible just in case Chan is in one of the vehicles. 
Salvation comes to you in the form of a gas station, seemingly devoid of any life. As you near close, you let out a sigh of relief when you see the blinking ‘open’ sign. One person mans the register, a man in his mid-30s that doesn’t seem to pay you any mind. He smells like cigarettes and whiskey but even so you can’t find it in you to be displeased. 
“Excuse me, sir,” you say, saccharine sweet. “Do you have a phone I could borrow?” The first thing you would like to do is give your sister a phone call, to let her know you’re on the way.
“You have to buy something first,” he replies instantly, not even bothering to look up from his newspaper. 
You freeze. “But… I don't have any money.” It's the truth. God knows where your phone and wallet are; you haven’t had either since you started dating Jungwon and became dependent on him for everything. 
“That's not my problem,” he says. You take a deep breath to ground yourself, inhaling the aroma of hot dogs and nacho cheese. A slushie machine whirls behind you, reds and blues that could be impossibly easy to get lost in. 
“Listen sir, I've had a rough couple of days, and I don't know where I am, and I would really appreciate it if–” 
“No, you listen, brat,” he spits the word out, finally slamming his paper down and shooting you a nasty glare. “I don't give a damn who you are, either buy something or get the Hell out of my store before I call the cops.” 
You feel inclined to listen and book it out of here but you realistically don’t have many other options. You ignore the tears threatening to spill from your lash line. If he won’t let you use the phone, the least you could do is try to figure out where you are. 
“Um… okay, how far is Second Street from here?” 
“Least three miles.” 
“Three miles? Okay. What about downtown?” 
“Still at least an hour walk.” 
“Shit, okay. Have a nice night, sir,” you say, but you don’t mean it and he doesn't deserve it. You walk out of the store nonetheless, walking on the abandoned sidewalk in the direction of the city. Your body aches and you’re not sure how far you’ve walked when you hear voices in front of you. 
There’s three men. One of them sways back and forth as he walks, obviously inebriated. Fuck. You keep your eyes glued to the sidewalk and your pace quickens, hoping that a lack of engagement will increase your luck. Maybe, just maybe for once in your life you’ll get a free pass here. Of course that doesn’t happen. 
“Hey, pretty thang. What's a girl like you doing all by yourself this late at night?” The man nudges his friend, the noticeably drunker one. 
“I don't want any trouble,” you mumble, pushing forward. 
A large unwelcoming hand reaches out to grab your wrist and you shout out in pain. Broken. Despite the ice and bandage wrapped around your appendage, your wrist is still broken. 
“What wash that? I think she said she wantshta show ush a good time!” He slurs, and anxiety settles in the pit of your stomach. You’re starting to get really tired of the feeling. 
“Let me go, please!” Your other hand gripped the offender’s, placing it over his tight grasp. 
You're shoved to the ground, knees scraping against the sidewalk. Your breath is caught in your throat, and the scene is all too familiar. 
“Come on bunny, don't you want to play?” A hand grips around your throat, and you feel like prey. How they managed to find the parts of you that were weak and vulnerable, you had no clue. Men like this just had a knack for being awful like that. A hand snakes in your hair and grabs tight, and you’re reminded of just days ago being in this exact situation. 
“Look, she’s crying!” one of them coos. You let out a loud sob and think, God, I’m going to die here. How you always have a knack for making wrong decisions, you’ll never know. 
“Let her go.” Your eyes shoot open when you hear a familiar deep voice. Instead of being filled with fear at finally being caught, you can’t help but to feel relieved. 
“Felix!” you cry out. You try to crane your head to look at him but the man’s grip on your hair is too tight. 
“Let her go? Why? We were having a good time!” One of them laughs and you feel his grip on you tighten. You whimper in pain. “Do you wanna join in?” 
Felix doesn’t say anything, but you hear a soft, mechanical clicking sound. It’s too silent and you’re afraid that you know the reason why. Your eyes stay closed but you’re free, suddenly. As you begin to fall you brace to hit the concrete but you’re surprised when you don’t. A warm and steady arm wraps around your middle and you relax into Felix as the men scamper away. 
“He's fucking crazy, man. The bitch isn't worth it.” And like that, they are gone. You allow yourself to glance down at Felix and the gun he is holding, but you aren't intimidated anymore. He has gotten rid of the real threat. 
“Are you hurt?” He asks, not looking at you. You swallow, hating to be the target of his disappointment. The gun is put away and forgotten about and you slump out his grasp and onto the concrete. You shake your head at him, trying to indicate that you are okay, you’re not seriously hurt, but you can tell he doesn’t believe you. Instead he ushers you into a car that you hadn’t even noticed had appeared, obviously too caught up in the situation at hand. He opens the door for you and you climb in, noticing that he sits in the passenger seat, not the driver’s. You furrow your brow until you recognize Hyunjin in the driver’s seat, tapping furiously on the wheel. On your left you recognize the broad frame as Changbin, who seems to be more distressed than anyone else in the car. You hope for silence, but once again, you can never be so lucky. 
“How do you always manage to get yourself into such trouble?” Hyunjin laughs. He irritates you to no end, always so sure of himself and full of it. “First Jungwon, us, and now these thugs? Do you have a knack for finding trouble or does trouble find you?” You notice Felix tense, and you decide staying in silence is probably better to not irritate the men further. You look out the window instead as the car speeds off. 
Hyunjin continues, “Normally Chan would want us to blindfold you if we were taking you back to our place, but he told us not to bother this time. He seems incessant that there’s no reason to.” Does he ever shut up? “Expect for him to be pissed. He knew you were going to leave, though.” 
Now that was enough to break your silence. 
“He knew?” you ask, incredulous. 
“Of course. It was a test, after all. To see where your loyalties lie, if he threatens you and tells you not to escape, you’re much more likely to leave right after because you think you can get away with it.” Shit. Now you feel dumb. But instead of letting on, you scoff and turn your head back to the window, finding the view much more interesting. You’re shivering still from the cold despite the heat pumping through the air vents. Felix wordlessly takes off his coat and hands it to you, and while you want to be proud and reject the offer you can’t help but want for this chill in your bones to go away. His jacket is warm and you can smell the trace of his cologne, floral, like jasmine yet earthy.  
You couldn’t have been in the car for more than ten minutes, and you curse yourself, realizing that you really didn’t get as far as you thought. 
Then, you approach a long driveway, adorned with a large iron gate that would intimidate anyone that made it to this part of the city, encased in grime and rust that’s indicative of its age. The car drives down the winding roads with familiarity which puts you at ease and keeps you from feeling nauseous, which you feel grateful for. When you arrive at the front of the house, you are finally given the opportunity to take a look at where you have been staying, as previous circumstances hadn’t allowed you to do so. 
The exterior of the house is a little dreary, the age of the cracked brick and marble noticeable. Even in the dark you could tell everything else is well-taken care of, well-trimmed shrubbery and flower beds surprising you. You don’t get as much time to look around as you would like, though you do notice the sheer size of the house as you follow the men up the gravel pathway. Large front doors open up and you’re guided inside. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You and Felix walk in silence to your room. You’re almost ashamed to meet his eye. 
“How did you know where to find me?” you finally ask. 
“I came to bring you this,” he says, gesturing to what he had been holding. A hard brace for your wrist. “When I came to your room and you weren’t there, I panicked. You couldn’t have gotten far, but we jumped in the car right away.” 
“But… What about what Hyunjin said?” You ask. Meanwhile he starts to unwrap the bandage on your wrist, revealing the very swollen and purple affected area. You wince slightly. 
“About it being a test? I wouldn’t be surprised, you’re probably in deep shit with Chris.” He says. You notice that he uses a nickname when referring to the man but you don’t say anything. He pulls out a first aid kit and starts to sanitize the surface of your skin and it stings more than you’d like to admit. Still, he does so delicately, making sure his fingers don’t press onto your injury too harshly. “I didn’t think you would leave,” he admits. “It was really stupid, you do realize that, right? I was just… really hoping you would be smarter than that.” 
You scoff. “Stupid, got it. I’m sorry that I didn’t want to stay trapped with the mafia, but I saw my opportunity. I have a life out there I want to get back to! I can’t stay here for the rest of my life.” 
“That may be true, but you won’t have a life to get back to if you’re killed the moment you leave,” he points out. “I’m not trying to be malicious, but you have a huge target on your back. Even if it’s not Jungwon who comes for you, you’re affiliated with ENHA. People who are not as kind as we are will see you as a way to get to him and they’ll kill you in cold blood.” He delicately places the new brace onto your wrist, strapping it shut tight. You try not to think about how his touch lingers on your skin, that you can still feel where he touched you and how it makes your face heat up. Instead you try to flex your wrist to test the brace, finding that it provides enough support for you not to move it too intensely. Felix hums in approval. 
“Come with me,” he says. He takes you to the bathroom and gestures for you to sit on the toilet lid. You do, looking up at him inquisitively. You see that he has brought the first aid kit with him and he’s keen on tending to your other injuries. 
“I just don’t understand,” you say, breaking the silence. He takes an antiseptic wipe and starts to wipe away scratches on your head. “Just… Why do you care if I live or die?” 
“That’s a tough one,” he says. You can’t tell if he’s joking. “I guess you can say I don’t like Yang Jungwon. Our feud with them has lasted for several years and he’s just a nuisance. He kills people in cold blood and is remorseless. I’m sure you’ve seen it first hand just how manipulative he can be, and we really just want to make sure that he doesn’t do anything to undermine us. That being said, you’re a benefit to SKZ. I know you might not see it yet, but you might be the ticket we need to finally one-up them. If you’re dead then we’re back to an even playing field.” 
“What about the infiltration? Don’t you have plans with Lee Know?” you ask. 
“Oh, Minho? He’s a very skilled person, he excels at this kind of thing. We’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while and we finally have an opportunity to do so. I hear that they’re planning to start up an underground drug-ring, something that would put us both in the public eye more than we want. Minho is going to try to find out what he can about it and then we can proceed.” 
Felix bends down, kneeling before you. Your breath hitches before you can think about it; it’s not fitting for someone who looks so majestic to be below you, you think. 
He starts to clean the scrapes on your knees. They’re bloody and raw from your fall and you’re only now starting to feel the aftereffects from it. You’re grateful that he’s taking the time to tend to your injuries, scanning your entire body from head to toe until he’s content. “You’re too good for all of this,” he finally says. “Someone like you should have never gotten involved in our lifestyle. You have so much potential, I can just see it. How did you even get stuck in this life?” The question is so intimate that it takes you a moment to process that he asked it. 
“I didn’t know who he was when I started dating him,” you admit. “Like you said, he’s manipulative. He’s mastered the art of deception. When I met him, he was charming and sweet, you know? It feels dumb to say, but by the time he admitted to me he was part of the mafia, I was head over heels in love with him. By the time I realized that the Jungwon I knew was just a facade it was too late, he caused me to completely rely on him for everything. I lost everything, Felix.” He nods in understanding, looking up at you before he stiffens. 
“Your neck… Did he do that, too?” he asks. There’s no judgment in his voice. You realize that the makeup you applied so diligently before must have completely rubbed off by now. You sigh. 
“Yeah. The night Chan found me, Jungwon and I got into a fight. It was my fault, but he threatened me, and it got physical, and…” 
“I don’t know what happened, but I severely doubt it could have been your fault,” he says. You decide not to divulge the details of your argumentThis is the first time you have admitted the situation out loud, and you feel very vulnerable. For some reason, you really want to tell Felix, despite the tears threatening to spill from your lashes. 
“He knocked me unconscious outside of the club, and when I woke up, I was here.” He finishes bandaging up your injuries and he stands, stretching his back and popping his joints. There’s blood on his white dress shirt. Your blood, though you don’t remember how it got there. 
“When you left tonight, where were you planning to go? You weren’t going–” 
“Not back to him, God no. Um… I have a sister, I was just trying to get in touch.” He seems content with your answer. You wonder if he’s just going to relay all of that information back to Chan. You feel like a weight has been lifted off of your chest, though, so you can’t really bring yourself to care. 
“I don’t know how long you’re going to be here. But for now, this is the safest place for you. So, try not to do anything else that’s stupid.” He turns to the door to leave, but you find yourself calling out. 
“Felix?” He halts and his eyes meet yours as you call his name. “Thank you.” There’s a lot of meaning to convey with just two words, but you hope you get your point across; thank you, for saving my life, for talking with me, for treating my wounds. He seems to understand. He graces you with a small smile before leaving 
You take a minute to breathe and look at yourself in the mirror. You are definitely not the same person you were two days ago. You smile at the reflection of yourself that has been beaten and bruised, and you hardly recognize her. You open the door to retreat to your bedroom for the night, but are shocked by what you see. 
For the second time in one night, Bang Christopher Chan sits on your bed, waiting expectantly. 
“We need to talk,” he says. 
He looks pissed. His glare sends shivers straight up your spine, and it takes everything for you to not break down and cry on the spot. It makes you feel guilty for everything that happened tonight, but you have to shake that thought. You were justified, you need to stand strong. You sit on the bed next to him without him gesturing for you to do so, as it feels like what he wants. You aren’t stupid enough to disobey him again. 
You look him in the eye. 
“I’d like to think I’m a kind person,” he says. “I don’t ask much of you–”
“I’m sorry,” you interrupt. 
“Speak when spoken to. I won’t tell you again.” He clears his throat. “I don’t ask much of you. In fact, I gave you just two, simple, commands that you couldn’t be bothered to follow. Do not contact Yang Jungwon, and do not leave. What did you do?” He looks at you but you stay silent. “Answer.” 
“I left.” 
“That’s right. You must be pretty stupid, Y/N. Stupid enough to somehow end up here, and even more stupid to disobey me. I knew you were going to try to push your luck,” he says. “Explain yourself.” 
“I…” you gulp. You decide honesty is the best way to go about this. “I got scared. I know you told me not to leave and I didn’t listen, and I truly apologize but I remembered how trapped I felt when I was with Jungwon, and, well… the prospect of staying here for the rest of my life really really scared me.  I wanted to see my sister and tell her I’m alright. My phone is gone, and she probably thinks I’m dead. I envisioned a world where I  never got to see her again and make things right, and I thought this would be my only chance.” 
He sits in silence for a moment, contemplating. “This will be the last time I extend such kindness to you,” he says slowly. “From here on, I want your complete loyalty to me and the rest of SKZ.I will ensure your safety from ENHA and any potential threat. For now, that’s all you need. If you try to undermine me one more time, I will make sure you never see your sister again. Take that any way you want.” He stands. 
“Hyunjin said that this was a test,” you say cautiously. “Are you going to punish me?” 
“I thought I made myself very clear that there would be consequences to your actions,” he says. “I will go lightly on you, just this time. I’m being very nice, just so you are aware: I am not usually known by others as a kind person.” He sighs. “Pick a number between one and ten.” 
“Um… five?” you say, trying to play it safe and pick a number that’s not too high and not too low. His hands slide down to his waistband, unbuckling his belt and taking it out of the loops. 
“Lift your shirt up and turn around.” 
You do, with shaky hands, turn around and lift your shirt up so just your back is revealed to Chan. You don’t protest, worrying that that could somehow make things worse. 
You steady your breath and brace for impact. 
One time, Chan’s leather belt comes down and hits the skin of your back hard. It’s obvious he has no intention of holding back and it stings; you bite down on your bottom lip to suppress your cries. 
The second time, just as hard. 
Five times Chan hits you hard with your belt and you can’t hold back your tears any longer, though you do stay strong in the decision to not let him see them. After the fifth hit, you stand and pull down your shirt. 
“Rest up,” he tells you. “Tomorrow you’ll meet everyone else.” 
It’s stupid of you to think about, but you practically disregarded the fact that there are other members you have not met yet. You’re not entirely looking forward to it, though you don’t say so.  
“Does everyone know?” you ask him just as he’s about to leave. “Does everyone know that I’m associated with Jungwon?” 
“Everyone knows,” he confirms. “I trust my group implicitly. I felt no need to hide it from them, though at this point I don’t think it’s something to be ashamed of.” You nod your head at the information, lost in thought. 
Then Chan leaves and you’re finally alone. When you lie down in bed you finally take note of how your body feels after all this time. Every muscle aches and you can’t lay down on your back and once again you ignore the incessant throbbing in your skull. When you lay down in the bed to sleep, it’s on the comfiest, most luxurious mattress that you’ve ever laid on. You stare at the wall until you drift off with a dreamless yet peaceful sleep.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
taglist: @shuporanporang ; @purp13st4r ; @eurydiceofterabithia ; @heartsbyandra ; @thicccurls ;
@rylea08 ; @the-sweetest-rose ; @oddracha ; @kapelover ; @goldenmellow ;
@zerefdragn33l ; @uhh-awkward-rightt ; @astudyoftimeywimeystuff ; @kaleigh-2002 ; @thatonexcgirl ;
@mindfreecreator ; @linoalwaysknows ; @velvetmoonlght ; @minahaeyo ; @crystalchuuu ;
@hash2013 ; @skzswife ; @b0bbl3s ; @thecutiepieme ; @bear8585 ;
@moss-the-man ; @softkisshyunjin ; @sylveonitesworld ; @m00njinnie ; @nicoleparadas ;
@starsofasteria ; @klopez01 ; @luvlinos ; @hyunjinnnnnnnnnnnnnn ;
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kiri-tatsu · 1 year
My Wife
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After a long day he wants nothing more than to just come home to his wife and rest with her. But his wife has other ideas for him to destress and who is he to say no to her?
cw- fem!reader, trying for babies, fingering(Jing Yuan), oral(Welt), choking(Jing Yuan), scent kink(Welt), soft dom(Welt), teasing dom(Jing Yuan), size kink(Jing Yuan)
also my requests are open, please send in some stuff and i will write, most things welcomed <3
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Jing Yuan
Being the General of the Cloud Knights; his job is very difficult, especially with his young retainer Yanquig who loves to do anything that involves swords. Be it battle, be it spar, but after the day of constant running around, Jing Yuan, especially since he couldn't take his afternoon nap.
Arriving home after the long hours of the day, he was greeted by his lovely wife, who had a smile upon her face. His hands latched on her waist as he dove in for a kiss nearly melting in her embrace.
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Your laugh had reached his ears as he buried his face into your neck after his welcome home kiss. "My general, how was you day?" His lazy grin was etched onto his face as he began to lightly press kisses against your exposed neck, making you shudder a bit.
"I missed my darling little wife all day, I couldn't even get you out my mind," your cheeks burned at his voice right next to your ear made a shiver go down your spine, and his eyes took notice. "Hm, it looks like you got something on your mind, mind telling?"
Your breath hitched in your throat as you took his hands into yours, a flustered expression upon your face as you looked up at him, his lips still curled into that lazy teasing grin.
"It's been quiet a bit since we've been married, and I just wanted to know if..." Your words died on your tongue as you looked to the ground before speaking up once more. "I wanted to know if you'd want a child... with me?"
"Oh, is that all?" Your heart sank as you slowly nodded from his tone, "Well, I thought you were going to break some bad news to me," His hands slipped to your hips gently rubbing through the fabric. "Well, come let's go then."
And that's how you ended up in bed with your husband's fingers sliding in and out of you prepping you for him. His hand clasped around your throat as he pressed his lips to your neck, three of his fingers just sliding in and out of you.
His voice whispering in your ear as you felt yourself clamping down on his fingers. "And when we have a child, maybe we could have more?" Cause he knew, if you were going to bare his children, he would enjoy seeing your glow with your swell belly wanting to just fill you up once your child popped out.
"Maybe we could also adopt Yanqing and give him a few brothers and sisters, yeah?" His eyes looked down to see where your slick and cum soaked his fingers after letting you cum twice on his finger and hand. "Well, here, let me just fill you up now." He turned you to face him as he pressed his lips against yours.
His fingers spread your folds open as he moved his hand that was around your throat to guide himself in, before pushing his fat cock into your wet hole.
You were already shaking and panting for air after your second orgasm on just his fingers alone, his fat cock was stretching you out once more. "I will never get used to this feeling..."
His hands went to your hips as he began to pepper kisses against your exposed chest, his hips thrusting up to bury himself more into your dripping hole.
"You want me to fill you up? Fuck a baby into you? Look how cute you look with that expression, I wish you could see yourself," he chuckled as he brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear pressing his lips to your already bruised lips.
"Just a bit more and I'll fill you up nicely before we go again after all, I just want to watch my cum drip out of you when we are done."
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Welt Yang
It is absolutely no secret that Welt Yang is the father-like figure of the chaotic trio, with his wife being the mom, and Himeko being the wine aunt. Exploring the Xianzhou Alliance with Trailblazer and March 7th without his wife was a handful.
Welt wanted nothing more than just go back to The Astral Express and sleep wit his wife. But what is she doing here now with Dan Heng at her side and is that...?
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Welt shook his head as he took your hand and pressed a kiss to your cheek, "How and why are you here [Name]? Are you okay? Any injuries or bruises?" His worried face made you giggle into your hand as your pressed your lips to his to quit his babbling.
"Shh, I'm fine. I'm a bit sad you underestimate me though... You hurt me," Welt's eyebrows furrowed as he opened his mouth to retaliate but was cut off by Dan Heng. "Mrs. Yang was with me, she is perfect fine and safe."
You let a giggle fall past your lips as you wrapped your arms around Welt, as one of his arms held you against him taking in the scent of your perfume making him just want to drown in your warm hold.
But ultimately Welt sighed out, and motioned for you and Dan Heng to follow after him, "I'll take you where me and the other two are staying. I'm pretty sure you two need some rest after your little journey to catch up with us."
After arriving to the place where they were staying Dan Heng went with his two chaotic friends shared room, and you were left to bunk with your husband.
When you turned to him after you locked the door he just sighed out after seeing that glint in your eye. "Indulge me?" He smiled a bit as he placed his cane nearly the door and moved to kiss you as clothes slowly came off.
His hands gently groped at you body, his mouth moving across your skin as he breathed in your lovely scent that seemed to drive him insane. You giggled as you slipped off the edge of the bed and gently took his cock into your mouth making him groan lowly.
Your tongue licked his slit as one of his hands went to the top of your head and gently scratched at your scalp the more you took him into your mouth.
Your hand moving down to massage his balls as abruptly bucked his hips upward forcing his dick down your throat as he muttered an apology as he gently pushed you off of him and pulled you up.
His lips pressed against your as he pulled you on top of him as he laid back against the bed, his lips not bothering to part from yours. His hands on your hips as you gently reached down and guided his cock against your folds before lowering yourself down as his cock pressed against the deepest part of you.
You shuddered above him as you parted from the kiss and pressed you hands against his chest as you began to bounce on him. "I-I think it time... for us to have our own little chaotic child."
Welt sighed heavily but his little smile didn't falter as his hands helped you with your bouncing. "If that's what you want, who am I to decline my wife?"
Your eyes softened as you leaned down and kissed him once more, unable to stop the warmth that spread throughout your body as he accept your little proposal.
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this took way longer than need to post, my bad lovelies
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r0semultiverse · 5 months
Qrow’s Semblance is Fortune! 🐦‍⬛
I talked about this briefly before, having speculated that Clover’s pin carries on his good luck after death or that Qrow has just done a lot of training mentally and/or physically. @benevolentslut had some amazing additions as well & I want to sum up this theory for you as best as I can as we reached similar conclusions even before I had read her reblog.
Qrow has only been in the negative all his life, mentally and emotionally.
This man has had barely any positivity in his life.
"His whole life he's been the epitome of cynicism and pessimism." - @benevolentslut
Qrow grew up under constant stress & threat of those around him.
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Needless to say, but I don't think he could trust anyone he grew up around except maybe Raven.
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Then he has to constantly worry about being found out by the other huntsmen! Also growing up with the threat of huntsmen and Grimm the entire time!
Then Oz drops the whole Salem problem on him & I'm sure that didn't help his mental health in the slightest!
"His sister leaves him and their team, and then summer disappears." - @benevolentslut Yeahhhh he is losing everyone close to him in one way or another! That cannot be a fun experience!
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This look like the face of a guy that's doing okay?
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I'm just going to copy paste this here as I hadn't noticed it & it feels worth noting that the intensity of his misfortune seems to increase with the increasing mental strain.
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While we don't know for sure that all of these things are a byproduct of Qrow's misfortune semblance, it certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility. Notice the worsening of his mental health resulting in potentially more disastrous outcomes. 😰
"we see him blaming himself constantly for everything that goes wrong, and it only causes that to become more true." - @benevolentslut
She lists a lot more examples of where Qrow's semblance has potentially worked this way in the original post. Clover comes along & starts lifting him up, giving him actual hope. He now has a little seed of hope planted in him. 🍀
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Wow, Qrow is doing so good for himself lately! I sure hope nothing-
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Oh... oh no. From his perspective Ruby & Yang could literally be dead. He is stricken with grief as he watches it all unfold & probably sunk back down into a negative spot mentally. He may even blame himself in some way.
When you're this low, there's a saying that goes "nowhere to go but up."
I firmly believe that Qrow would see things that way, especially after reaching his lowest point. He can only do his best to help those around him. Though he's the most alone he's ever been, he's becoming a part of a new community where people help one another. In that sense, it's impossible to be alone. In spite of it all, he slowly finds his mental health improving! Ruby's message to the world is bringing people together! 🌹
"and we see him take up clover's role, both in terms of how he's helping out around shade, and more literally, in the unmissable parallel where he catches the guy who trips." - @benevolentslut
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Ruby & Clover have both filled him with hope & he's more optimistic than he's ever been, which results in bursts good fortune! ✨
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There's also already a premise for shifts in mental health and trauma resulting in semblance evolution.
Cinder betrayed Neo & so she winds up in the Ever After & through her form changes is showing us that she now has negative feelings towards Cinder.
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She's so upset that her semblance starts to make multiple clones of her which it has never been able to do before. Her Overactive Imagination semblance has evolved due to the state of her mental health.
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Her semblance begins to evolve so much to where she can create entire architectural structures and buildings out of it!
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She can even use it to talk through the people she recreates, something she's not physically capable of herself.
While we do have to take into account that the Ever After plays by rules that are a little bit different at times; this absolutely confirms that semblances, much like people, can change & grow! 💪
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My conclusion: Volume 10 & beyond will show Qrow's personal semblance evolution as he finds out that his power is actually Fortune itself & the ability to control it, good and the bad.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
isn't it romantic? | myg (prologue)
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Many things in life have a polar opposite: left and right, night and day, yin and yang, you and Min Yoongi... Hopeless romantic meets gloomy cynic. The only thing you seem to share is a magazine column but even then, you still can’t seem to understand how Yoongi can be called ‘The Love Doctor’ when he is the antithesis of everything love represents. 
pairing: yoongi x f!reader; past taehyung x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre/warnings: coworkers to lovers, fluff, angst, eventual smut; crying, central themes of cheating, that's pretty much it for the prologue
word count: 777
note: the yoongi brainrot is real y'all. he's really wreaking havoc on my life and forcing me to drop everything to focus on him when i have no much other shit to write 😩 but anyhow, this is exciting !! my first yoongi fic aaaa !! please show her some love y'all cuz this may or may not be a deeply personal story to me 💕 i wanted to say more but i forgot just as i sat down to write this a/n lmao. ANYWAY, massive thanks to @daechwitatamic and @luaspersona for beta'ing this for me on such short notice (and jo for telling that there's stuff in here that i should go to jail for bc that's always the best thing to hear 😌) y'all are awesome and i love you <3 and @jeonwiixard for being hurt by this 😚
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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You are 7, and life is good, as life should be for all children.
You have two parents who adore you, and a sister with whom you constantly bicker but that’s okay, because it’s how siblings love each other. You have constellations hanging from your bedroom ceiling, someone to read your bedtime stories every night, hot meals on the table every day. Every summer, your family takes a trip somewhere beautiful and a week feels like forever when it's just the four of you together, surrounded with only warmth and laughter. You don’t know any other way to live life.
Love is abundant, because that’s what love is supposed to be.
You are 7, and you don’t know how to accept that everything can be different in just a blink of an eye.
When your father comes back from a business trip, the first thing you do is dig through his bag in search of his phone, to look for that video game that you don’t understand but love playing so much. What you find instead, is a picture he took with a strange woman, on a beach somewhere, wearing straw hats and tacky shirts and bright smiles. You show it to your mother, and life forever changes.
Children can be nosy sometimes. It’s inherent to being kids.
You don't know what it means. It's just a picture. You just want your game.
You are 7, and how is a child supposed to react when their world is turned upside down?
No one reads you bedtime stories anymore. Your mother rarely goes out of her room. Your sister has to grow into an adult when she herself is still a teenager, to take care of you, to make sure that you’re fed and clothed and have all of your books when you go to school.
You don’t know that people can be sad even as they’re smiling and laughing. People can be sad even as they’re telling you that they aren’t, and that everything is just fine. People can be sad even when they’re happy.
Your mother doesn’t have that same light in her anymore. You can’t tell if she’s just tired, or if there’s something else bothering her, a secret gnawing at the back of her mind that she doesn’t let you in on.
Answers to simple questions like “When is dad coming home?” used to be “In an hour,” or “He’ll be back to read to you before bed.” Now, she answers you with tears in her eyes before she turns away, and you have yet to discover that words have the power to hurt, and hearts are things that can break even when they're healthy and beating.
Your sister learns to be more careful with her words because she knows things that you don’t, things that you’re too young to understand. She knows of burdens that you have yet to bear but will inevitably have to.
You are 7, and your parents aren’t holding up the sky anymore. Occasional late nights at the office turned into a constant absence at the dinner table. Laughter has since dulled into taut silence that never relents, only stretches on and on and on, until it forces you to adapt to the absence of joy in your home.
If someone were to ask you what envy was, you wouldn’t be able to tell them the definition, but you can describe to them what it’s like. It’s a foreign concept, yet so familiar at the same time. Before, you used to feel envious when you see another kid holding a cooler toy or wearing a prettier dress. Now, you’re envious when the other children at school have parents waiting to take them home after a long day. You don’t want your sister to be the only one who shows up. You want love to be abundant again.
You are 7, and you haven’t yet learned how to hold back tears. You miss your father because he rarely comes home anymore. When he does, your parents would argue. Yell at each other. Sob until screams turn into hiccups. Slam doors. You cry because the house feels like it’s going to collapse. 
You still remember the picture on your dad’s phone, or at least, you remember the color of the water. It was blue, like the color of the sky on a beautiful sunny day. Blue, like the cover of your favorite fairy tale, splattered with golden sparkles. Blue, like the walls of your parents’ bedroom. Blue, like the feeling that no child should experience. Blue, because that’s all you have to remember your stolen childhood by.
You are 7.
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 24.04.2023]
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autumnsorbet · 8 months
So is Yang just not allowed to have a life ?
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I don't know about all of you but lately ever since the end of volume 9 all I've been seeing is people talk about how young is a bad sister but I think people fail to realize that Yang has given up basically her whole childhood ,teenage ,and early adult years cuz she's around 19 through 21 now I believe and she's looked after Ruby
And I see people like to use examples about how when they got to beacon how young wanted to Branch out and maybe be on a team that wasn't with Ruby ,yang has the right to Branch out she's her own person she doesn't have to be attached to the hip at Ruby and yes I know there are a large amount of moments we've seen Ruby display
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depression and sadness that no one else besides a few people have noticed like Maria and Oscar maybe even penny but it's not Yang's job to fully look after Ruby 24/7 Ruby is not her child
Yang gave up almost all of her life up till now watching over Ruby when her dad even though he was there physically mentally he was not there and he had started school teaching her mom (summer rose )who was raising both Yang and Ruby was gone
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And from what it seems Ruby hasn't had any other female figures in her life she's run attached to outside of Yang besides maybe Maria I could guess since she was teaching her how to use her silver eyes Yang has always been in Ruby's life she hasn't really had a chance to live her own life I think people are forgetting that and people are upset saying Yang is so focused on Blake and dating Blake and
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thinking about it we don't know if yangs ever really dated before she is a very flirtatious character but have we ever seen her date has she ever dated anyone before I believe one of the writers even said that it was Yang was so worried about her feelings for Blake because she wasn't sure about her
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sexuality at the time because she hadn't got the chance to explore it and if you think about it when would she have time taking care of Ruby all the years and going to school herself trying to get into combat school and then into beacon and then everything happened with them getting on a team and even though Yang did want to Branch out I think she was happy to be on a team with her sister so that way she could look out for her since she was so young and the only time Yang has been
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really apart from Ruby was after the fall of beacon and after the fall of beacon all of the girls on the team went their separate ways whether they wanted to or not so they could grow more individually which was good for them you ain't got to be on her own for once and with her dad actually being there as a parent for her for once actually
helped her grow mentally and physically past the loss of her arms her school that had become a second home to her and Blake who at the time I don't think she fully knew she had developed feelings for and her sister and a person who was becoming her best friend weiss
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Yang isn't even my favorite character and I'm sitting here upset for her because all I see is people say that Yang is a bad sister ,I'm sure Yang has noticed that times that Ruby has been upset we even saw Yang try to reach out to
Ruby several times in volume 9 but she always got cut off by something happening and if it wasn't for that Yang would have probably reached out to Ruby sooner yes Yang and Blake had their big moment in volume 9 that everybody including the fans have
been waiting for for years especially after being heavily hinted at and volume 7 after everything Blake and yang it went through in the prior volume and volume six they deserve to have a moment of happiness and just relax and even though everything is going crazy around them Yang
deserves to have a moment where she can go this is going to be a part of my life and I want this to be a part of my future young is thinking about her future which is the opposite of Ruby who as we could see from Rqby volumes 7 - 9 and even in the Rwby crossover movie even if it isn't Canon
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Ruby isn't really thinking about her future she just wants to defeat Salem and that's it I don't know what she thinks her future will be like after that Ruby is still depressed sad and broken just because she came back from ascending in the ever after doesn't mean she's completely fixed she still needs to find a purpose for herself that's what happens to the afterens who lived in the ever after even when
they come back they have to come back with a new purpose Ruby came back feeling that she was enough but she still confused about her life it's not Yang's job to help her figure that out Ruby is her own person like how Ruby has told Oscar and
Penny they're their own people she is her own person and she's going to figure her life out Yang doesn't have to babysit her why do people think that Yang is an awful sister when Yang has done nothing but love Ruby more than anybody probably even their own father and keep saying she's a bad sister hell yangs are better sister than most sisters I've seen even winter and weiss
It wasn't till volume eight that they both finally reconnected with their family but Yang has always been here for Ruby even though Yang is in a relationship and has finally gotten her feelings out maybe now that Yang has gotten her feelings out
she can help Ruby maybe discover her feelings for herself and other people more cuz Ruby is always seems like she's been alone and confused about her feelings Yang can help her with that but it doesn't have to consume her life 24/7
I swear they only reason people are complaining about Yang now along with other things I've seen people doing lately is that we haven't had content and people are bored and they're just looking for anything to nitpick and complain about
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