#yay the siblings made up
tidalclan · 7 months
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Moon 6 - Moon 8 Everyone's havin a good time!
Well, cept the rogue.
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pixelatedraindrops · 5 months
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Getting sick as an adult and having the terrifying realization that when I would get multiple sinus infections a year from my "allergies" and my mom told me I would die if I didn't take my medicine even though I only felt mildly ill...
yeah turns out what she meant by that was not "sinus infections are very deadly" but was in fact "I will not take you to the hospital if this gets so bad that it starts to kill you and I cannot afford a dead kid on my hands"
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potatochip-oc-dump · 1 year
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It's no fun being without a pair
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“Goodbye...goodbye... Now it's just me and my little guy. And the house felt so big...and I felt so small... The house felt so big...and I felt so small.”
~“So Big / So Small” from Dear Evan Hansen
inspired by a conversation with @drinkyoursoupbitch
Lane woke up alone that following morning. Evan had left the house after the argument, and she didn’t see him again before she went to bed that night. Despite this, she didn’t panic -- she’d heard him come home, even if he didn’t come upstairs, so she’d assumed he was still angry and upset enough that he’d decided to hole up in his office for a night. Goodness knows he’d spent a couple of all-nighters in his office for work in the past...
This thought process went out the window, though, when Lane came downstairs. First she noticed all the lights were off and there was no sound of movement -- strange, since Evan was usually such an early riser. Then she noticed that one of the paintings on their wall -- a wedding gift Evan had received from his great-uncle -- was no longer hung up near the kitchen. Then she reached Evan’s office, the door of which had actually been left slightly ajar, rather than shut up as usual...and when she turned on the light, she felt like she’d been shot right through the heart.
It was empty. Completely empty, not just of Evan, but of everything. His desk and file drawers -- his bookcases and bright blue rolling chair -- his framed pictures and certificates of merit from work -- all of the little knickknacks that had trimmed every surface and wall, from the tiny model cars and antique glass soda bottles to the set of Elvis Presley Collector’s Plates...it was gone. All of it was gone. 
And as Lane shakily backed out of the office and dashed over to the kitchen, then to the dining room, and then through to the living room, only to find even more drawers pulled out and emptied and even more rooms stripped of certain art pieces, photographs, and select furniture pieces, the realization began to crystallize like chilling, numbing, horrified ice around her mind and heart.
It wasn’t just the stuff Evan was most emotionally attached to that was gone. He was too. 
She’d driven him away. The revelation that she was a witch -- that Jacob also had magic, and Carewyn undoubtedly did as well -- had driven him away...the only man Lane had ever loved, who she’d run away from home for, who had given her a reason to break away from the miserable life she’d had at the Cromwell estate -- the man through which she’d fallen in love with the Muggle World, all of its amazing technology and music and art and history, and the freedom it had afforded her for so long...
Evan Bach was gone. 
By the time Lane had teetered back to the entrance hall, she was barely able to stand. Although she attempted to grab hold of the stair banister to stay on her feet, it proved too difficult -- she collapsed onto her knees on the rug at the base of the stairs, curled up in a ball on the floor like a child, and covered her face in both hands as she fell apart in silent sobs. 
Lane lay curled up there at the base of the stairs alone for close to an hour. It was only when Lane heard her son Jacob walking over to her daughter Carewyn’s room on the other side of the upstairs hallway that she snapped back to reality. 
The blond-haired witch tentatively eased herself up, wincing slightly at the light pains in her shoulder, neck, and arm from lying on such a hard floor, and closed her eyes as she took several deep breaths. Then, wiping her face clean, she then turned her focus up onto the kitchen, her face devoid of any emotion.
She had to get breakfast on the table.
And so for the next half-hour, Lane went through the motions. She poured out milk and orange juice and cooked up the bangers and eggs, as usual -- at least cooking for three instead of four meant they wouldn’t have to buy any more for at least a day more. Fresh fruit might be a bit too much to afford on the regular, though -- best conserve the bananas for another morning, when they’ve run out of bangers...
Lane heard Carewyn first, out in the entrance hall. The little almost-three-year-old had been mumbling something Lane couldn’t quite make out -- talking to Jacob, undoubtedly. She’d always loved talking to her brother, even before she could talk properly. It had been background noise at first, until Lane caught the sound of Jacob whispering back to her.
“I know, Pip. But if we’re sad, it’ll only make Mum sadder...”
Lane straightened up sharply, looking back over her shoulder toward the empty kitchen door frame that led to the entrance hall.
“It’s just the three of us now,” said Jacob’s voice, “so it’s you and me that’s gotta look after Mum, from now on. Okay?”
“Yeah,” Carewyn’s voice came out as a sweet, but determined little chirp.
Lane turned back toward the eggs frying in the pan on the stove. As she stared down at them, she felt her eyes flooding with fresh tears again, even as she tried to detach herself from the painful numbness pulsing through her.
She’d been going through it in her head, what she’d planned to tell Jacob. She’d been logically hashing it out -- planning to pull him aside and talk to him separately, before explaining it much more simply to Carewyn. But all of that had been predicated on Jacob being angry and upset -- of her having to be the level head and the calm influence -- to hold him tightly until he stopped crying. But instead, here Jacob was, responding to the knowledge that his father had abandoned them by playing the part of the responsible big brother and son...thinking of Lane’s feelings first. Even though Jacob normally had so much trouble putting himself in other people’s shoes, he knew his mother well enough to know how hard Evan’s departure would be for her and how much more pain she’d feel, seeing him and Carewyn upset too. And so this boy -- at only eleven years old -- had put on the mantle of a mature, responsible adult, all in an attempt to show his mother solidarity. 
Instead of being comforted by this, however, Lane found herself feeling colder than ever.
She’d always tried so hard to make sure her children knew how much she loved them. After having grown up in a home so devoid of love as the Cromwell estate, Lane had learned how to truly love and be loved through raising her children. She had always cherished Jacob and Carewyn more than anything in the world, and she wanted them to know how important they were, especially to her, every moment of every day. 
And yet even with this, Lane knew she’d failed them, as a mother. She’d always tried so hard to mend the divide between Jacob and Evan, to no avail -- and yes, although part of that was because she couldn’t tell either of them about Jacob’s magical talent, Lane had always felt ill-equipped to handle their fights anyway. If she took Jacob’s side, then Evan felt like Lane was making him out to be “the bad guy” and turning Jacob further against him -- if she sided with Evan, Jacob felt even more alone and misunderstood than ever and would act out even more, to vent his frustrations. And so there were more than a few times Lane had just let the fight fizzle out and then try to talk to them separately when they were calmer, rather than stand between them or shut things down before things got out of hand. Lane had never been good around anger -- she’d always learned to shut any hurt or angry feelings down inside of herself, since her parents had always reacted with such displeasure in response to them. But Jacob’s anger hadn’t been unjustified. Neither had a lot of Evan’s. Yet in both cases, Lane just couldn’t cope with them when they were angry. In Evan’s case, it let him railroad her during fights, the way her brother Blaise and sister Pearl used to. But in Jacob’s...well, it seemed that, even though Lane had always wanted Jacob to feel free enough to express himself, he’d still learned to bottle up his pain and soldier through...just like she had...
As for Carewyn...Evan had just about never paid much mind to her. He’d completely plugged out of her upbringing, leaving it solely in Lane’s hands, out of the frustration and shame of being unable to be the father he’d wanted so desperately to be for Jacob. Part of Lane had selfishly enjoyed this, since she adored Carewyn just as much as she did Jacob, and just as much as Jacob adored Carewyn himself. Lane relished getting a front row seat to all of Carewyn’s little achievements -- eating solid foods for the first time, learning how to talk and walk -- her first birthday, her first Christmas -- seeing her react to one of her father’s Elvis records -- seeing how much Carewyn radiated with love for her and Jacob and somehow seemed to understand their feelings on a deeper level than most adults could, even when she was still barely speaking full sentences. Carewyn truly was a remarkable child, and Lane was so proud not only of her, but of how much Jacob had come into his own, just being her older brother. Jacob had been rather sullen and lonely, when he was young -- he’d felt like an outsider among his peers at school, and his teachers and his own father constantly haranguing him for misbehaviors he didn’t do on purpose couldn’t have helped matters. But once Carewyn was born, a new light had sparked to life behind Jacob’s eyes. It was a light Lane knew very well, for it was a light she herself had first experienced, through Jacob and Carewyn: it was the light of feeling truly understood -- of being the subject of truly unconditional, empowering love. 
And yet despite all this, Evan had never seen how wonderful Carewyn was. Truly, he had never known her at all. Why else would he have had no clue that Carewyn was just as magical and special as her brother was? Why else would he have the audacity to think that if Carewyn was simply separated from Lane and Jacob, she might turn out “normally,” like him? 
The memory of that final argument filled Lane up with a rage that scared her so much that she snatched the pan of eggs off the burner and moved it to the other side of the stove, since she didn’t trust herself to turn off the stove without breaking the switch. 
Lane had hoarded Carewyn to herself -- she knew this. Her and Evan’s marriage had been falling apart slowly, but Lane contented herself by throwing herself into mothering Carewyn and Jacob -- of enjoying all of their wonderful milestones and moments all by herself, even if it meant Evan wasn’t included. It was his choice that he wasn’t involving himself, after all -- she’d tried a few times to get him involved: it wasn’t her fault that he eventually always plugged back out...
And yet, logically, Lane knew it still was her fault, at least in part. She hadn’t always been the best wife to Evan, in helping him weather the emotional storm he’d been in...and she certainly hadn’t been the best mother to Carewyn and Jacob, if they were now responding to Evan’s departure not with sadness and grief, as she was...but stoicism. 
She’d wanted her children to feel free to come to her with their problems. She’d wanted them to never feel like she would demean their feelings or make them feel insignificant. But now...Jacob and Carewyn were taking on the role of parent and trying to take care of her. 
The knowledge flooded Lane’s heart with so much love for her children that it was breaking. 
After a long, long moment, Lane finally felt enough in control of herself that she turned off the stove’s burner properly and served the eggs onto the plates she had on the counter. 
“Jay,” she called with as strong of a voice as she could muster, “Winnie...it’s time for breakfast.”
The soft-spoken call was miraculously loud enough for Jacob and Carewyn to pick out -- both of them had been almost trained to listen for their mother’s soft voice. And so about ten seconds later, Jacob came into the kitchen, carrying Carewyn on his back. 
“G’morning, Mum,” Jacob said with a slightly forced attempt at a smile. 
The toddler, at the sight of her mother, began to squirm. Jacob put her down, and Carewyn toddled right over to Lane, throwing her arms around her knees and squeezing. 
“Mum?” she said. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” asked Lane. 
“I have a...I have a song for you,” she mumbled.
Lane raised her eyebrows as she took both of Carewyn’s hands and bent down to get on her level. “A song?”
Carewyn nodded without raising her head. “Mm-hmm. Jacob says I gotta be Pippa Passes, so...I gotta...have a song for you.”
Lane looked up at Jacob, who tried again to force that strained smile back on his face. 
Her own face crinkling up with a weak smile of her own, Lane returned her gaze to Carewyn. 
“...Go ahead, sweetie."
Her gaze staying on her mother’s hands holding hers instead of Lane’s face, Carewyn took a deep breath and sang in very fragmented lines --
“When the night...has come...and the land is dark... And the mooooon...is the only...light we'll see-ee... No, I won't be afraid! No, I won't be afraid! Just as loooong...as you stand...stand by me.”
This was all Carewyn knew of the song, so when she was done, she stopped abruptly, her eyes flickering hesitantly up to her mother’s face for approval. 
Her eyes softening around the fresh line of tears trimming the bottom lids, Lane brought a hand through her daughter’s ginger bangs fondly. 
“That was beautiful, Winnie,” she said very softly. “Thank you.”
She kissed her daughter’s forehead, her hand trailing though her hair, before straightening up to look at Jacob, whose sad smile was a bit more authentic now as he looked from Carewyn to Lane. 
“Come on, then,” said Lane, her soft voice a bit stronger than before. “We have a full day ahead of us...may as well start it out right with a proper breakfast.”
The entire rest of the day involved Lane telling Jacob and Carewyn all about the Wizarding World. She explained how the Wizarding World was hidden and why, and about the Ministry of Magic and the Statute of Secrecy. She told them about the Trace and the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad that had kept Jacob’s magic underwraps while they lived in a Muggle neighborhood. She told them about Hogwarts and about all of the interesting classes it taught -- about Diagon Alley, and all the stores where they could get Jacob’s supplies. And of course, she took some time to explain why she herself had lived like a Muggle in the Muggle World so long -- not just because of her marriage to Evan, but because of her leaving her unhappy home life with her own parents and siblings. 
Jacob asked many questions along the way, many of them eager and curious, but at one point, he actually interrupted Lane before she could answer one of the few questions Carewyn herself had decided to ask: “why did Dad leave?”
“Because he’s a no-good, heartless plonker,” Jacob said bitterly. “We’re better off without him.”
Lane’s eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly. “Jay...”
“We are,” said Jacob. “It’s not like he cared about us even while he was here. He always shut himself up in his office and hid, rather than talk to us. I doubt he even knew Pip’s favorite color -- ”
“It’s blue, Jacob,” Carewyn reminded him amusedly.
“I know,” said Jacob with something of a smug smile, giving his sister a playful little side-hug. 
Lane brought a hand onto Jacob’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Jay...I know you feel like your father didn’t care. But he worked very long hours, both at the store and here at home, to make sure we lived comfortably. He sacrificed a lot of his own dreams to give us a stable place to live, and he worked very hard to try to provide for us. I couldn’t have raised you and Carewyn here at home, if Evan hadn’t worked as hard as he did -- ”
“Well, now we won’t be his problem anymore, I guess,” said Jacob very coldly. 
Lane’s eyes welled up with both reproval and sorrow. “Jay...”
Seemingly able to sense how unhappy her mother and brother both were, Carewyn shrank, her shoulders hunching and her eyes welling up with tears as she gave a loud sniff. 
Jacob immediately brought his arms around Carewyn and pulled her into his lap in a tight hug, his blue eyes burning with resentment as he turned away.
“I don’t want to talk about him anymore,” Jacob said lowly.
And so they didn’t for the rest of the afternoon. 
Lane didn’t broach the topic of Evan with Jacob again until after they’d put Carewyn to bed and Jacob and she came back downstairs to read in the living room. 
Lane made a mug of hot chocolate and brought it out to Jacob, putting it down on a coaster on the side table next to him. 
“Here,” she said gently. “I thought this might cheer you up.”
“Thanks, Mum.”
Jacob didn’t pick up the mug right away, though -- he was a bit too engrossed in his copy of The Once and Future King. 
Lane watched her son’s face carefully as she settled herself down in the armchair next to Jacob on the couch. She considered her words carefully before speaking.
“...Jay...I know you’re angry at your father for leaving.”
Jacob didn’t respond. He turned a page in his book.
“You’re more than entitled to be,” Lane said earnestly. “I’m upset too. I’m very upset with him, that he left without a word...that he left you and Winnie with no explanation...”
She swallowed. 
“...But you have to understand...what happened is just as much my fault as it is his -- ”
“Don’t say that!”
Jacob sharply put down his book. 
“Mum, it was not your fault!” he said fiercely.
Lane’s face softened sadly. “In a way, it was. I wasn’t honest with your father about a lot of things...and well, I should’ve known that would cause problems for all of us, down the line...”
“But you had to keep those secrets, Mum,” argued Jacob. “You said that the Statute of Secrecy said that people can’t tell Muggles about the Wizarding World unless they have a kid that’s born with magic. You weren’t allowed to tell him the truth -- you couldn’t even tell me the truth!”
“Yes,” said Lane, “but that doesn’t change the fact that I still had to lie to someone who I love...and marriages aren’t meant to be built on lies. Evan has always been open with me about who he is, where he came from, and what his family was like. He’s always trusted me unconditionally with those parts of himself he never shared with anyone else. I never trusted him that same way...and he wasn’t wrong to feel hurt, about that.”
“I don’t care how hurt he was!” said Jacob petulantly. 
He crossed his arms and turned away. 
“I don’t care if he’s hurt! I don’t care if he’s upset...he’s a fat, ugly, heartless old prat, and I hope he never comes back! I hope he just falls off a cliff and dies!”
“Jay!” Lane said in both dismay and reproach.
Jacob hugged his arms around himself even more tightly and shifted down the couch a bit, away from the hot chocolate on the side table. 
Her blue eyes softening with even more pain and sadness, Lane eased herself off of the armchair and down onto the floor. She then crawled over on her knees to her son, bringing a hand down onto his knee. 
Jacob looked down at his mother, his eyes crinkling up with both shame and resentment. 
“I saw him leave,” he muttered.
Lane was startled by this. 
“I heard him moving the last of his things out downstairs. I got up to go look, and I saw two of his friends helping him carry his office chair out. He then came back to close the door and noticed me at the top of the stairs. He sort of just stood there and stared...then without saying anything, he closed the door and left.”
Lane felt like her heart was being squeezed as she stared up at Jacob. The eleven-year-old boy’s eyes narrowed.
“He didn’t even bother to say goodbye to you,” he said through bared teeth. “He wouldn’t even look you in the face. Instead, he just slipped in, grabbed some stuff, and left, like a no-good, rotten coward! All because he found out he was wrong about me, all that time -- that I wasn’t acting out just to cause trouble, that I wasn’t a bad kid like he always thought...”
Lane’s eyes widened. “Jay...” 
“I don’t want you defending him!” Jacob burst out. “You’ve always loved us, and supported us, and he...he left us! He left us, and he hurt you, and -- and he’s never cared about us! He’s never cared about any of us -- especially Pip! He’s always acted like she doesn’t matter, like she doesn’t even exist! He never bothered to look at her without you making him -- never bothered to get to know her -- see how bloody brilliant she is...”
Jacob shut his eyes tight. His fists clenched at his sides.
“I hate him!” he spat. “He hurt you, and I hate him, and...and if he ever shows his face here again, I’ll kick his rotten arse.”
There was a tense silence. Jacob breathed in and out through his nose quietly like a dragon huffing smoke. 
Lane found herself momentarily overwhelmed by her emotions. She turned away, covering her mouth with her hand and closing her eyes. She herself took several deep breaths. Then, finally, she turned back around to face her son. She gave his knee a light squeeze.
“Jay...your father did not leave because of you,” Lane said very softly. 
Jacob looked down at her disbelievingly. “It’s because of my Hogwarts letter that you had to tell him everything.”
“That doesn’t mean that you having magic was what made your father angry,” Lane said very firmly. “It was my lying to him that made him upset -- it wasn’t you. It wasn’t any part of you.”
This wasn’t entirely true. Lane knew that Evan was upset at the thought that his wife and son could be completely out of his control and (in Jacob’s case) potentially immune to any discipline he could enact, but damned if she was going to let her son think what happened was in any way his fault...
Lane brought her hand on his knee up to run affectionately through his curly dark brown bangs. 
“And even if your father couldn’t handle the truth about the Wizarding World and our place in it,” she said more softly, “even if he ultimately can’t join this new world with us...that is a failing on his part alone. Not yours.”
Lane brought a hand up to her son’s face, coaxing him to look her in the eye.
“And...even if I can’t give you everything your father could...even if things are going to get harder, and I won’t be able to do everything I’ve been able to do before on my own...”
She swallowed, putting on her bravest face even through the tears in her eyes.
“...Even though...I know there’ll be times where I’ll fall short...I promise you...I will work very, very hard for you and Winnie...and I’ll make sure you know you can count on me...just as much as I counted on your father, to keep us afloat.”
Jacob frowned deeply. His eyes fell down to the floor again.
“I know, Mum,” he mumbled. “...I’ve always known that.”
Her eyes softening with both pain and fondness Lane leaned up to kiss her son’s forehead, ruffling his hair lightly as she gave him a hug. Jacob himself threw his arms around his mother and squeezed her back in a vice grip, almost desperate to comfort her just as much as she tried to for him.
“You’re not like him, Mum,” he said very lowly. “...You’ve never been like him.”
Lane’s expression grew more somber. Adjusting her arms around him, she brought her head down to rest on top of Jacob’s.
Jacob was right -- she wasn’t like Evan. As much pain as she felt at this thought, considering how long and deeply she’d been in love with Evan, Lane knew it was true...for abandoning her precious bairns -- regardless of the reason -- was something she knew she would never do. 
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My brain's weird it screams just by reflex of me seeing a bug but will take like a day to register a death lol
My mood today be like:
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Then after I finish crying:
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#vent#im having a really shitty day#i just wanted my fucking cold teriyaki#but nooooooo#fucking cockroach cricjet thing whatever tf crawled out of it#so my apatite is gone for the night#oh ya in other news my uncle died#i haven't seen him in a while#heart attack in his sleep#so now time to see that “your everyones favorite person when your gone” thing play out so that'll be fun#his siblings disowened him or smth to that effect cause he was gay so my moms gonna play nice unless his sister comes crying to her#then my mom may go to jail we'll see#uncle as in my moms cousin btw#so ya i found out when i got home yesterday kinda blacked out the rest of the night cause in retrospect i dont really remember after that#then just cried intermittently today#*horray sound effect from fnaf plays sarcastically*#what broke the tear dam originally was my teacher thought itd be a great idea to play a documentary...#about places w/ high concentrations of 100 year olds & how they stayed sharp by not being lonely 😑#ya its morbidly ironic cause he was in his 60s#fuck life rn man he was cool rip#you know what documentaries at school are always horribly timed in my personal life. the last doc was a murder-rape#& a criminal “family member” came at ~4am & stayed outside the door for hours & waited for us to wake up then ate breakfast with us#(hasnt done that kind of crime- or hasnt been proven to have done that kind of crime)#(but still made me have a panic attack first thing in the morning so thats fun 😁)#(ya who tf plays a murder-rape doc for their 8th grade 1st period???)#(also didnt help that the criminal family member was alone in the house with my elderly grandmother & physically unwell mother 😄)#(at least theyre- socialable- i guess?? completely unrelated aside from the doc part)#YAY TRAUMA DUMPING :D#yay trauma#(clarification: “sociable” as in not on horrible terms with my family
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neopuppy · 8 months
Gooner (M)
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pairing. Jisung x female reader ft Jeno
genre. fubu AU(alternatively ‘I was half a virgin when I met you!’ AU), Jisung as Jeno’s younger brother/Jeno’s not the best sibling, M/F, filth.. yay👹
warnings. profanity, eavesdropping, incel vibes, y/n’s a bit mean, smut warnings under cut. minors DNI.
wc. 6.5k+
now playing. treat me like a slut//Kim Petras
smut warnings. masturbation, Jisung’s addicted to porn, switching, oral, hair pulling, choking, overstimulation, rough sex, unprotected sex
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Sweet high-pitched moans resonate through the walls, loud enough to cancel out the ones emitting from overpriced computer speakers.
So loud. So God damn loud.
Jisung sighs, he’d heard your flirty giggles about an hour ago before his brother dragged you through the hallway and into his bedroom across from his. You’ve been here 3? 4 times? This week alone already. He tries to tune out the cracked whine in your tone, raise the volume on the video he’s been watching for five minutes, not really paying attention to what’s happening. How can he when you scream like your lifes being ripped from your body, crying out louder than a woman being chased to her death. 
He blinks to focus his gaze on the computer screen, reaching for the energy drink sat on his desk to sip at. This used to be more enjoyable, time to relax and unwind after school or work. That was before Jeno started hooking up with you. You’re just around all the damn time, always sprawled out on the couch, coming out of their shared bathroom with wet hair and one of his brothers oversized t-shirts. He doesn’t make an effort to talk to you at all, never has tried to get to know any of the random girls that come in and out of his brother's revolving bedroom door. 
Not that you make that easy, always greeting him when you run into each other, smiling and waving, even pinching his cheek when you stumbled out of his brother's room inebriated. You called him cute, a baby, a cute giant baby. It makes his skin crawl to think about it, softly petting his cheek with the back of his hand where you had tugged on his cheek roughly. He spent the rest of the day locked up in his room scouring the internet for videos showcasing girls that looked somewhat like you, your hair or lips, any minuscule feature close enough to yours to stroke himself to.
‘Look at you Sungie, you’re growing up right before my eyes.’ You said drunkenly, staggering back and forth on your feet as you trapped him in the hallway on his way to the bathroom. He didn’t know what to do or say, flinching away from your touch too slowly, he had to stand there gulping thick wads of saliva while you tugged on his cheek and reached up to smack the other side of his face. ‘What a cute giant baby.’
The fantasies brewing in his mind for the last few weeks spilled over as you tiptoed closer and blinked up at him blearily, a flirty smile pulling at your lips. 
He wanted to grip your wrists until they hurt, leave his fingerprints permanently etched on your daint limbs. One of his favorite videos came to mind, wishing to throw you down on all fours and shove the oversized band shirt up to unveil your bare ass, knowing damn well you walk around without bothering to cover yourself up after Jeno fucks your brain dry. He’s so lucky, always manages to pull girls like you, shameless easy sluts desperate to cry on his cock. 
That could be him if he had the balls to even look you in the eye and act out the various ways he imagines plowing through you. He was ready to say something, barely parting his lips open until Jeno blew his chances and dragged you back to his bedroom.
‘Your little brother’s so cute.’ You teased, poking at the olders chest. He scoffed and glared at you, slowly dragging his gaze over to Jisung standing frozen in the hallway before slamming his door shut.
‘Probably made his week talking to you, loser never leaves his room.’ 
Jeno’s such an asshole. He’s not wrong, but he doesn’t have to tell you shit about his younger brother’s life. He does leave his room, he has to eat, meet up with his friends every once in a while.
That’s not the worst part, the worst part is that you seem curious about him. Always subtly mentioning him when he’s in the living room or kitchen. His brother scoffs and mutters under his breath usually, snapping at you to quit asking about that virgin.
He’s not a fucking virgin.. technically. 
It doesn’t matter anyway, you’d probably never give him a chance. Not that he wants a chance, he’s just horny, just needs to actually leave his room and interact with real women like Jeno always says. 
But why would he do that when a few clicks can numb his brain without any hassle, without any effort or convincing. Why would he do that when he can mute the video, get up to press his ear against the door and watch a point of view shot of some whore getting her back blown out while listening to you beg for more.
Harder. Faster. More more more. 
You sound like such a slut, such a cock hungry eager slut. It’s easy to picture your face getting wrecked, he knows how rough Jeno can get after years of listening to the squeals and cries coming out of his room. Girls limping their way out with shame written across their face, they never lasted long, got their fill and moved on to the next. You stuck around, further cementing what a whore you must really be..
Jisung sighs, head dropping back against his door, sliding down to his knees to shove his hand past the waistband of his shorts. He hasn’t left his room today, only once to act like he needed to use the bathroom. He wanted to see you, wanted to catch a glimpse of your outfit and makeup before Jeno ruined everything. The amount of shirts and sweaters you’ve probably stolen by now must be taking up space in your closet. 
You’d look good in some of his clothes too, better than you look in his brothers. You’d look better naked though, laid out on his bed with your legs spread open. He’s been hard from the moment he caught a hint of your signature perfume in the air on his way to the bathroom, it’s enough to make his dick twitch. Enough to lick at his lips and imagine what your skin must taste like. He hates perfume, but you always smell so clean, so feminine and fresh..
“Fuck.” Lotion, he needs lotion. His palm feels extra rough today, calloused up from beating his meat relentlessly over the last few weeks. He can’t keep track anymore, losing count of how many times he’s tugged on his cock everyday, drowning out any hint of guilt that tells him that this is wrong. Besides, how wrong can it be when he cums within minutes picturing your face turning to look back at him as he pulls out to make a mess all over your ass.
“Hey, dipshit!” A loud bang against his door has him choking on his spit, coughing and yanking his hand out of his pants as if he’s been burnt. “Mom called, said to buy dinner.”
Jeno knocks again, throwing out another rude name until he gets up and races to turn off his computer, flustered as he wipes his sweaty palms on his shirt and opens the door. 
You’re standing behind him of course, slouching on his brother's back, peering over his bicep when the door opens. “What'dya want?”
His brother always looks annoyed, he can’t understand why, they’re not that different. 
“Pizza.” You whisper, dragging out your request cutely, fingernails running up and down Jeno’s sides. “Pizzzzzzzzzza.”
He chuckles, grabbing your hands to loop your fingers together and tighten your hold around him. “I could go for some pizza.”
Jisung nods, ducking his head to avoid the way you bat your eyes at him behind Jeno’s back. It’s probably all in his head anyway, the small things you do when his brother can’t see you..
“Alright, I have a package coming in soon. Make yourself useful and bring it in for me before someone snatches it, will you?” Jeno says, shoving at his shoulder before turning away with you still attached to his back. “Told you he was probably jerking off.”
The way you laugh at that comment makes his chest tingle, lifting his gaze to steal one more look at you before shutting his door. To his surprise, you’re already looking back, the corners of your mouth lifting up slightly before you step out of view and the front door shuts.
Whatever. He really isn’t hungry, not for food anyway, not when he can still pick up the lingering scent of your body wash permeating off your warm damp skin. He shoves that thought aside before pulling on some sweats, gingerly placing his length between the elastic waistband and his stomach. 
The door rings not even 5 minutes after the two of you have left, groaning as he opens it and finds a large box that looks too heavy to carry to Jeno’s bedroom. “Asshole.” He knew damn well Jisung wouldn’t want to lift this shit, and he told him to anyway. Fuming for a minute, he rolls his eyes and squats to hoist the package up against one of his thighs, grunting as he kicks the door shut and drops it haphazardly to kick down the hall. That’s what Jeno would do with his deliveries, he’s sure.
He contemplates for a moment on whether or not to leave the box outside of his brother's door, shifting back and noticing he didn’t close it all the way. Probably wants him to leave it inside of his room like some lacky, better he assumes that and does it to avoid hearing shit later. Pointing his toes, he nudges the door open lightly, kicking the box inside only to pause when the warm air touches his face. It still reeks of sex inside of here, it still reeks of you. It’s strong, hot, thick on his tongue. 
Jeno’s room faces the street, catching most of the sunlights heat while Jisung’s window has towering trees to keep that out. He glances to his brother’s bed, it’s still messy, the top blanket wrinkled in places you must have been fisting, damp streaks where your lower half must have been resting. 
He shouldn’t itch to touch, to get a closer look, to lower his face and drag his tongue across the wet patch, but he has to. This—this is what he’s been missing out on, this is what his videos can’t replicate. The smell of your arousal, the warmth rolling off your feverish flesh, the taste of your cunt pouring down his lips. 
Jeno would fucking kill him if he found out about this, he thinks, grazing the tips of his fingers over the bundled up chunks of fabric, dragging over a damp spot between. He probably had you on all fours, face down ass up. Jisung salivates picturing it, the exact way he always imagines you looking back at him over your shoulder as he mercilessly slams inside of you. The blanket pinched between your teeth, cunt dripping out past his plummeting length making a sloppy mess all over his bed. 
This is why you sound so muffled sometimes, making his ears strain to hear all of your sweet begging. He bets you look unreal in this light, always imagining you illuminated under the low blue and purple lights in his room, hair tousled on his black sheets. 
He has to drag his nose against the topper, has to clench it between his fist as he lowers to the spot that undoubtedly rivered down from between your thighs. It’s so raw, so real, instantly bolting electric nerves through his length as his lips lightly meet the half-dried area. There’s still too many hints of Jeno’s deeper musk entwined in the other areas, but this is all you. This is all your fucked open pussy, jerking his hips against the edge of his brother’s bed the more he wraps his lips around the material. Fuck, what he’d give to sit between your thighs for a day like a pathetic dog with his mouth hung open pleading for a taste.
He should stop, get out of here before he gets too worked up, circling his hips faster as his chest tightens and his breath comes out faster. He ruts harder, pulling at the blanket and burying his face in deeper. How wet must you get to leave a mess like this behind? Can you squirt? Do your legs shake when you cum? Each drag of his tongue opens up a new possibility, reinventing the ways he’s dreamt of fucking you. He really shouldn’t have done this, now he’ll never be able to stop his mind from running wild.
“Fuck, does that feel good? Pussy so damn tight for me.” He repeats the same shit he hears Jeno spewing while fucking you. The envy he feels nearly outweighs how pathetic he feels. It’d be harder to swallow if he wasn’t so God damn bricked up at the mere thought of you.
“All that bullshit about men being the worst—“ Jeno’s voice echoes down the hall, the front door slamming shut. “When you’re worse than me.”
Giggles play out loud, only halted by lips smacking together. Jisung sits up in a panic, pushing the blanket back to cover most of the mattress. Cursing under his breath he peers around fast, losing his balance as steps ascend down the hall heading his direction.
Shitshitshit, what the fuck! He can’t move fast enough, stumbling to the floor with his painfully erect cock aching as he drags across. 
“It’s your fault, can’t keep your hands to yourself for a minute!” You squeal, thumping against the bedroom door setting him off in a scurry toward the closet. Jeno will chew his head off if he finds him in here, he doesn’t even want to think about it. Why the fuck would the two of you come back in here so soon?! What about the food?!
“You like it.” Jeno murmurs, pushing open the door to his bedroom right as Jisung manages to shut the closet door as quietly as possible. It’s a mess in here, clothes thrown around everywhere. He has to crawl back on his knees slowly to make sure he doesn’t make a sound, taking long quiet breaths to not be heard.
There’s no way he’ll get caught in here, you’ll have to leave eventually, right? The shutter door does nothing to help his confidence, scooting back into what he hopes is too dark to be visible from the other side if either of you were to look over for some reason(like him breathing too loud). Of course you fall to your knees in front of the closet, his brother’s hand shoving you down by your shoulder as his other works to unbutton his jeans. 
“You look best on your knees.” He says, probably smirking judging off the way you smile up at him and reach for the tops of his thighs. “Let’s make this quick though, don’t want the food to get cold.”
“Pftt, I don’t have to suck your dick.” You bite back, digging your fingers into his jeans. “I’m sure your little brother wouldn’t give a fuck about eating if he had me like this.”
Jisung gulps, willing himself to look away when you reach inside of Jeno’s pants to draw his length free. He doesn’t want to see that, well, he does want to. He doesn’t want to watch you touch his brother though. Doesn’t want to ruin the fantasy world he’s built in his head with the harsh reality.
“You seriously wanna fuck him, don’t you?” Jeno sneers, fisting your hair as you begin to glide the tip of his length across your lips. “You never shut up about him, he wouldn’t even know what to do with you.”
Jisung wishes he could tell him off, glaring between the shutters at him. His lips twitch annoyed, fisting at the dirty pile of clothes under his ass. He’d know what to do with you, all he does is think about it, if only you’d let him practice..
“It’s cute, he always looks away when I catch him staring.” You tease, flicking your tongue out. “Never fucked brother’s before, bet it’d be fun.”
A gasp nearly gets sucked out of his throat, tightening his fist around the piles as a tremor runs up his spine. There’s no way you’re serious, right? Probably just messing with Jeno to piss him off. It works too, because he’s telling you to ‘shut the fuck up’ within the next second, probbing his dick past your lips until you’re forced to take it. 
You hardly even gag, making a quiet little sound as his cock disappears. Jisung can feel his thighs shaking before he realizes his hands are too, his bottom lip quivering. The way your lips stretch, the eye contact you manage to maintain despite his brother’s huge thick size struggling to fill your throat. It’s better than watching porn, you are better than watching porn. You’re the nasty perverse wet dream that’s made him wake up with sticky cum coated boxers come to life. 
He knows this is despicable, down right humiliating to watch you blow his older brother off and enjoy it, but between the cuts of vision he can pretend Jeno’s not there. Your lips are pulled back on his size, only he’d cup the back of your head and make you really gag, make your eyes well up with tears. He’d make sure to ruin your throat, have you raspy for days, making excuses for your scratchy voice. Nothing would please him more than knowing his cock punching your tonsils repeatedly had you sounding sick, clearing your throat and coughing. 
Instinctively his hand reaches for the prominent bulge tenting out from his groin. The tip of his cock wet enough to leak through his boxers making him grateful that he threw on sweats before leaving his room. Watching is one thing, but rubbing his cock to this would be too much, wouldn’t it? Does he even care at this point? 
The groans Jeno’s letting out are loud and throaty as usual, thick cock muffling your wet moans vibrating around his length. Jisung reaches inside of his underwear to stroke the precum pouring from his slit up and down his shaft. He curses under his breath, gripping the base tight as a moan rises up his chest.
With a wet pop you pull off, lips plump and debauched already, turning your gaze up as you take a firm hold on his length and expertly fist him. Jisung bites down on his tongue, pulling the small fabric tangled in his fingers up with his mouth to bite down on. A choked gasp breaks when he sees it, lacey red panties still stained along the seat with a creamy white film.
Fuck, these have to be yours. You’re the only girl that’s been around lately. They have to be the ones you had on today too. 
This couldn’t possibly get any nastier, not the typical scenario he imagines. Jeno’s never involved in those, it usually started in the hallway after you’ve showered. Dropping your towel with a sultry gaze locked on him, that’s how he knows this has to be real. You’re still dressed in one of his brother's shirts, and the panties he immediately shoves to his nose still smell ripe. Couldn’t have been stripped off your body longer than two hours ago. Between the wet sloppy sounds emitting from your throat and his hand stroking faster to match the pace, he takes deeper inhales. It’s stupid, envisioning a field covered in your used dirty underwear, falling from the sky even. 
“That’s it, get my balls too.” Jeno grunts, finally grabbing onto your head the way he would. He holds you in place and fucks against your pretty face, bursting tears out of your eyes that are working overtime to stay open. He’s full on fucking your face now, making Jisung’s hand sting from the burn of his slimey palm dragging against his throbbing cock again. He can’t cum like this, that would be mortifying. Especially because he never wants to forget this.
“Fuck, ah shit, swallow it.” Jeno demands, spilling down your throat and reaching down to pinch your nose. Make you choke and gag like a pro. He won’t cum from this, he’s seen this happen so many times, beat his cock to compilations, but it’s the lewd gargled moan you let out. It’s the way his brother rips his cock free from your lips and wads of spit soar out, painting your chin with the most disgusting vile mixture of thick nut and drool.
“Fuck!” Jisung shouts, wrapping your panties around his length as he tugs himself to completion.
“What the fuck?!” The closet doors flying open before he can even finish climaxing, furrowing his eyebrows and grabbing at another piece of clothing to cover his groin. “What the hell are you doing in here?!”
“Oh my God!” You squeak, scurrying to stand up and clean off your face. “You were in there the whole time!”
“Were you seriously fucking jerking off?!” Jeno shrieks, grabbing the younger by his arm to drag him out of the closet. “The hell is your problem pervert?!”
“N-no! I wasn’t!” Jisung panics, lifting his hands to defend himself.
“My panties!” You screech, bending over to snatch them away from his crotch, accidentally brushing his still sensitive twitching length.
“Ahh!” His hips chase your fleeting touch, face burning up as you scream again and drop your freshly soiled underwear.
“Oh my God, he came in them!”
“Ugh, told you he’s a fucking virgin that wouldn’t know what to do with you.” Jeno sneers annoyed, motioning at the younger. “Stand up man! You’re embarrassing me!”
“I’m not a virgin!” Jisung snaps, face on fire the longer he stays on his knees listening to this with two sets of judging eyes on him. 
“You came after only putting in the tip dude! That doesn’t count!” Jeno shouts, groaning and grabbing him to get up. “Why can’t you be normal!”
“You’re a virgin?” You interrupt, seeming intrigued, shyly lifting your thumb to your mouth to bite on.
“No!” He corrects, shoving at the older. 
“Don’t lie.” Jeno shoves him back. They go back and forth for a minute, Jisung frustratedly balling up his fists and standing straight.
“Fine! I’m like—half a virgin.” He says regretfully, lowering his gaze.
“He jerks off too much that’s why.” Jeno announces, spilling all his business. “Can’t hold his shit inside a real pussy, horny bastard.”
“I’ve never been with a virgin.” You add, bouncing on your tiptoes. 
“He couldn’t handle you, I’ve already told you.” Jeno repeats, flicking your chin. “He doesn’t deserve a pity fuck from you anyway.”
Jisung wants to disagree, ready to grovel for a pity fuck if you’re really down for that. Keeping his gaze lowered, he tries to ignore the way his dick still reacts to the idea. He’d perform magic to erase that almost first time from his memory if it meant he’d have an actual chance to be inside of you.
“Wouldn’t be a pity fuck.” You mumble demurely, tucking your chin to your chest. “He’s cute.”
Jeno throws his hands up, breaking into a laugh. “He won’t last more than 3 minutes inside of you, you’re still tight even after I fuck you.”
Jisung swallows hard, gnawing at his bottom lip anxiously. “Bet I could..”
“Yeah!” You agree, smacking Jeno’s chest. “How much do you want to bet?”
Jeno laughs sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Just say you wanna fuck him, we don’t need to bet shit.”
“Fine.” You respond, shrugging, trailing your gaze from Jeno to Jisung. He stares back wide-eyed in disbelief.. now this has to be a dream.
“Pittttttttty fuck.” Jeno sings, slapping your ass as he passes you on the way out. “Don’t forget who fucks you right just because you’re into this helpless loser shit my brother has going on.”
He shouts something about eating all of the pizza if the two of you take too long, leaving you to stand awkwardly shuffling across from Jisung. Clearing his throat, he nods and motions for you to exit the room. “Are you sure about this?”
“Are you not? I mean, you ruined my panties, I think you owe me one..” you say coyly, bumping into his side making red hues rise up the back of his neck. Jisung nods much too fast, leading you to his bedroom which is much different from Jeno’s. A lot more cluttered, dark, less of an inviting scent.
He scrambles to light a candle, spraying a bit of cologne when you step in and suck a long breath in through your nose. “Smells like..”
You trail off, dragging your fingers down his computer desk and eyeing the small trash can full of tissues underneath. “Fresh cum.”
Jisung pretends to laugh, shaking his head and waving his hands ‘no’, adding a few more sprays. “I guess it’s true, I mean you are always alone whenever I come over..”
Eyeing him suspiciously, you sit down on his bed, adjusting the shirt you borrowed from Jeno to cover your upper thighs. “But you like me, right?”
He wants to fall to his knees, grovel and perch his chin on your knee and beg you to stop making this even more humiliating for him. “Y-yes..”
“I know Sungie, you’re not good at hiding it..” you grin, leaning back and patting the space beside you. “Come here.”
Jisung listens, sitting down stiffly next to you. His nerves feel insane, burning through his veins, face on fire. He can’t even look at you, can’t even think about having to touch you.
“Look at me.”
You say that like it’s so easy, as if it’s simple enough to turn his face a centimeter to face you. He gulps, scratching at the cotton material stretched over his thighs, mentally pepping himself up to turn. “Ji, I said look at me.” 
And he has to now, with your fingers pinching his chin, sitting closer to him until your lips are only a breath away from his. The same mouth he just watched suck cock like a professional whore, lips still swollen from taking Jeno’s monstrous size. “You seem nervous.”
Shaking his head, he reaches for your throat, that’s usually how it goes in porn. Those girls always liked to be choked, get manhandled and fucked into the floor. Judging by the way you let Jeno treat you, he doubts you’re any different. His hand can practically wrap around your neck, surging a rush a thrill through his gut as he pushes you down on his bed and traps you with his fingers stretched around choking you. “Not nervous.” He grits, kicking your thighs open with his knees to mount you. 
“Are y-you sure—“ you struggle to ask, tugging on his wrist. 
“Shut the fuck up.” His brother had been stern with you before, you seemed to like it. Even now with wide surprised eyes he leans in and nips at your upper lip, hands beginning to tremble. “I should use a condom with an easy slut like you..” he whispers, pouty pink lips dragging against yours. “You let anyone fuck you.”
Confidence, he has to stay confident. Has to steer the control his way, make sure you know that he’s the one in charge here. His cocks thrumming incessantly, screaming to be set free, begging him to finally fuck something other than his poor useless hand. 
Gripping onto your jaw, he licks across your lips, digging his knee higher to prod your bare middle. Fuck, you’re soaking through the cotton material of his sweats. He knew it, you really are the most erotic dream, ripped straight from the most lust crazed filled thoughts. “You need to beg.”
His knee rubs against your core to emphasize his request, cupping your jaw and chin firmly to assault your mouth further. It’s all too good, stirring his aroused heat into a rapid inescapable fire. Every inch of his skin burns, desperate to remove his clothes and draw you into the depths of hell with him. He can’t stop licking between your lips, can’t stop nibbling on your juicy pout long enough to take anything off.
“Ji—s-slow down,” you whine, gripping his narrow hips to drag your cunt up his thigh. “You’re g-getting too worked u-up.”
He should listen, this is exactly what happened last time. Kissing felt too good to stop, dragging his free hand over your perky breasts shot off too many sparks of electricity throughout his system to slow down. The warmth spreading over his thigh just too damn good to do anything other than pull his length out quickly.
“C-can’t.” He mumbles breathily, wrapping around your neck again for leverage. Pushing your thigh open to direct the tip of his aching cock inside of you. He looks devastated, anguished by the pain visibly throbbing his size. He’s so hard, the tip of his length so red and ready to burst. Biting down on his lip he practically lets out a scream as his cockhead finally drags between your sticky wet folds. “A-ahh!”
“D-don’t!” You cough, slapping his hips. “D-don’t you d-dare cum!”
Fuck. Just listening to you angrily reprimand him makes his balls tighten up even more if possible. Tip not even penetrating your tight hole yet, he takes a few deep breaths, head hung between his shoulders watching his length dangle above your pussy. There’s no way he can let go this easily, too scared to even plunge an inch inside of you the more he psyches himself out and stares between your lower halves drunkenly. 
“‘Mm sorry, s-sorry.” He curses, jerking his hips lower until the fat cockhead gets sucked inside of your warm cunt. Chubbed velvety folds wrap around him as if to draw more in, twitching violently where he struggles to not move and keep control of this moment.
“N-no! You can’t, not y-yet!” You exclaim, reaching a hand up to ball up a chunk of his hair up and pull his head back. “Pull out! D-don’t you dare cum!” 
With all the force you can find, you push his hips hard enough to make him slip out, earning a loud guttural shout as he falls out to the side. Even the two inches he managed to get in leave your hole open, hungrily clenching to be fed again. “G-god.” Whining, you sit up and rip off Jeno’s shirt, stradling Jisung’s sturdy thighs.
“You seriously have to be beating off 10 times a day to be cumming from that.” You half-joke, pushing his shirt up to scratch your nails down his chest and slowly bring him back down. His cheeks light up in flames, ruddy bright even in the dark of his bedroom.
“S-sorry, I really wanted to.. make it good for you.” He says pathetically, sniffling and hiding his face in his shoulder.
“It’ll be good for me if you last longer than a minute baby.” You jeer lightly, scooting back to remove his sweats and get a real good look at the size of his long lean figure. Surprisingly fit for someone who hardly ever leaves his bedroom. “Forget all that shit you watch in porn for a second. Just focus on me, okay?”
It’s evident by the state of his trembling figure and sad wet eyes how badly he wants this. How badly he needs this. Slowly lowering your middle down on his hips, you gently position his girthy length between your wet folds, hands smoothing up his trim waist to his chest to hold on to. “S-slow, like this.”
The small amount of willpower you have helps you ease up and down his length to coat him in your wet slick. Jisung bares his teeth, reaching to circle your waist with his big hands, anything to feel your smooth skin. He has to shut his eyes for now, especially when he first looks up and sees your chest bouncing up and down almost like slow-motion.
This- this is better than porn. God, this is better than anything, the smell of desire clinging to the roof of his mouth, your sweaty bodies rubbing together. How the fuck is he not supposed to cum like this? How the fuck does he stop himself from the humiliation of premature ejaculation? He can go for hours falling down a hole of pornographic content, abusing his fleshlight until the batteries run dry. But this is too much, too good to squeeze the fleshy meat lining your hips, too fucking good to drag his hands back up and follow the shape leading up to your tight waist and heavy breasts.
“You’re doing so good.” You manage to say, losing yourself to the pleasure with each passing rub of your clit grinding against the lifted ridge of his cockhead. “Can you take more?”
Jisung nods rapidly, screaming for more, digging his fingers into your hips for more. He can’t, he really can’t, but he wants to so fucking bad. He wants to be inside of you already, wants to feel the tight clamp of your cunt gripping around him until he’s near death.
“Yes yes, p-please.” He has no idea how obscene he looks begging from your point of view above him, thick lips parting open dribbling saliva from the corners. He’s even prettier like this, helpless and powerless to your word.
“Stay put.” You say sternly, lifting your hips to wrap around the middle of his cock. “Let me move slow, okay?”
He can do nothing besides nod again, eyes blinking open needing to watch as you rub the tip against your hole and bite down to suppress a cry. He’s just as thick as Jeno, you think, maybe a little less, still long enough to leave your cervix bruised. “F-fuck you’re.. big.”
It’s the hardest test of strength to not slam his hips upward, to stay in place the way you told him to. His teeth clench as the last inch of his size disappears inside of you, the heat from your inner walls gripped around him makes his lower back arch, tears well up in his eyes.
You try to move slowly, try to circle your hips and stretch yourself open on his length. 
“F-fuck I’m—I can’t do it.” He cries, scratching your hips and upper thighs roughly. “Too wet, too warm.”
“You c-can baby,” linking your fingers through his, you move his hands to his chest and roll your hips faster. Keeping your hands held together as you build up speed and lift up and down a little faster until a burn scorches up your thighs. “You’re doing so good.”
“Ahh, p-please!” He begs, eyes and nose scrunching up the faster you ride his length. “N-need to!” 
“Do it,” encouraging him, you grab onto his neck firmly with both hands, forcing his face to look at you. “Fuck me.”
Jisung’s chest rises steadily, shoulders stiffening as his teeth grit and he reaches for your waist to toss you down on his bed. Without sliding out more than a few inches he thrusts erratically to chase after the release that’s been begging to be let out from the second he got an inch inside of you. Hard thrust rock your back up higher, still clawing at his neck and shoulders even as his weight drops down on you faster and faster. The entire floor feels like it’s shaking with each powerful collision of his hips clapping against the back of your thighs and ass.
“Y-yes yes!” You moan prettily, the same moans that have gotten him through 5 rounds of fisting his cock like no tomorrow. The same moans he wished would be for him finally singing from your lips for him, only him.
“My n-name,” he stutters, face red and sweaty, lips covered with spit. “P-please say m-my name.”
“Jisung,” you whine, that seductive sweet whine that can make him lose his mind. High-pitched and shattered, sending his hips into a furious pace the more you continue to repeat it. “Sungie, Jisung.. p-please don’t, d-don’t stop! Jisung!”
“Ahh f-fuckkk!” He can barely control his hips as he pulls out with the wettest pop, dripping wet cock slapping down on your stomach. It already hurts too much to even bother with stroking himself to finish, hips writhing forward leaving a slimy path of your own arousal lined up the middle of your stomach.
“Jisu—“ your palms swipes up from the base of his size, cock still fat and long even beneath your stretched fingers. It’s enough to empty his balls until they literally ache. Having to hunch forward and whimper through it. Forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the sight of your abdomen painted in the milky white cream jumping in rivulets out of his twitching dick.
“Holy shit..” you sigh out, catching your breath under the sticky weight of warm cum beginning to dry on your skin. “That’s— you came so much..”
“S-sorry..” he murmurs, moving to your side to lie down, head spinning too much as he blinks at the ceiling. “For all of that.”
“Why? It’s cute..” you say shyly, somehow pulling that soft shy tone out of some hidden bag of tricks you must have after all that. “Never a bad thing to like fucking that much..”
“Think I just like you that much.” He admits, eyes shifting to the side to gauge your reaction. He shouldn’t say that, given the reason you’re even here to begin with, but how can he not?
“I can tell,” you smirk, dragging two fingers through the mess painted on your stomach. “I’m sure we can figure something out.. I know how to work your brother if you haven’t noticed.”
Jisung hums, sitting up feeling strung out and exhausted. “I should clean you, right?”
“That’d be nice.” You nod, watching him get up to find a clean towel.
“How was it? I mean, like, how did I do?” He asks, sitting down and lightly dragging a small towel from your chest to your stomach.
A sneaky smile pulls at your lips, sighing and relaxing. “Not bad for a gooner.”
Jisung blows out a breath nervously, scratching his cheek and shrugging. “I don’t know you’re talking about.”
Sitting up, you reach for his right hand, lifting it up to your face to trace over all the rough calluses lined up and down his palm. “By the time I’m through with you, you’ll forget how your hand even felt.”
“Jeno’s not my only fuck buddy.” You wink, shoving his hand away. “Let’s get dressed before he eats through everything.”
Jisung helps you get up, not wanting to further question what you mean by that. Instead he finds a clean shirt to hand you, confirming that he’s right, you do look better in his clothes.
“You’re not getting this shirt back by the way.” You say, pinching his cheek exactly the same way you had weeks ago. “Cutie.”
Dabbing at his blushing cheeks he watches you head out before following after you. Needing to calm himself for a minute. 
You can keep it.
・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・
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bunnys-kisses · 9 days
hi bunny!
I’ve been wanting to try the bakery and finally got around to it!
Could I get savory pastry(norris!reader), pull-apart bread, and root beer with carlos sainz!
the menu
want to submit your own order? then hit up the menu! it's still open (yay)! and i working away on orders, so please feel free to submit your own! we're open 6 days a week! i hope you love this order, anon! thank you for submitting it! i hope you're okay with me making the reader have.. big titties... i wanted to yearn for big titties tonight..
savory pastry ("let your brother find out.") + pull-apart bread ("i love you") + root beer (filming/recording) served by carlos sainz jr. (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, norris!reader, possessive behavior, mean!carlos, filming, ditzy!reader, soft!reader, implied mid to plus size!reader, sorry lando, unprotected sex, breast worship
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rivals come and go. if carlos really hated someone however, he wouldn't fuck their sibling. carlos wasn't out fucking max's sister or one of charles' brothers, that was stupid and childish. it was a mind game reserved for people who thought they were smart
but that was until he saw your knelt down in the paddock trying the laces of your pretty pink sneakers and when you stood back up a slight breeze pushed up your skirt. and carlos caught the briefest glimpse of your panties. cotton, pink with little flowers on it. carlos stopped in his tracks, he hadn't realized the can of celcius he had was now on the floor.
you didn't notice his leering gaze, but instead burst into smiles when you went over and wrapped your arms around lando. he held you not like a lover, but like a sibling. oh, you were lando's fabled sister, the one who went to school in the middle of nowhere. was it canada? not that it mattered.
you could've been studying pottery in utah for all carlos cared, because he wanted one thing. those full breasts in his hands.
he remembered the first time he held them in his hands. the weight to them made his eyes bug out a little bit. it was about three months into the season and carlos was starting to feel the itch for sex. a lot of drivers got it, that was a lot of the reason why significant others would fly out for that weekend. but carlos has his right hand, something his left hand if he was feeling adventurous.
and one thing led to another and he ended up in your hotel room for the night. and then you were in his the next weekend, then followed by you in the ferrari motor home. eventually your behind was as red as the ferrari shirt that carlos got for you. he liked how the long was a little stretched across your pretty tits.
the rational thing would've been to tell your brother, lando. drivers dated other driver's siblings all the time! sometimes drivers dated other drivers, but carlos wouldn't get into those details. but something kept him reserved by telling the other driver.
you on the other hand were nervous about telling him. lando had scared off every boyfriend you had since your teens. you remembered when he chased a guy who had a crush on you off your family's front lawn with a hose. if lando found out about carlos....
"what if he finds out?" you squeak when he pulled you to ferrari's side of the paddock, you almost falling over yourself as you tried to keep up with him.
he shrugged, "let your brother find out."
your ferrari t-shirt (a gift from carlos) made you fit in nicely with the others on that side of the paddock. and carlos made sure that no one was looking when he got you into the driver's room. when he got the door closed and locked, he flipped up your pretty skirt. something a little more muted to go with the ferrari shirt, but short and carlos wanted to get his hands on you.
you ended up on the couch with carlos not even taking off the thing, only your panties underneath. he could feel the excitement in his blood stream. your knees up to your chest and your ankles in the air. carlos got his phone out after he got his cock out of his tight jeans.
"sorry, we're in a bit of a hurry." he said as he angled the phone towards your sweet cunt. it felt so good to be balls deep inside of you. even if it was messy quick sex.
carlos liked to film your encounters together. he liked to record your little noises, even if it was just recording your noises together. something to play back when he was alone. sadly, you couldn't be at every race. but carlos was hoping in a few years that would change.
he got his cock into you with ease. one hand on your clothed breast and the other on the phone. he got good shots of your pussy and face. he watched it change on the screen as he moved against you.
you tensed up for a moment then relaxed and carlos felt the cotton in his brain grow. he got addicted to your fast. he continued to grope your breasts as he moved against your achy slit. your legs kicked out a little and carlos pushed himself closer to you. he pointed the camera at the both of you and chuckled at the lenses.
"future carlos, remember this?" then started to lazily make out with you. you giggled as well. you knew those videos were often safe on his phone.
you squirmed a little bit and carlos put his face between your clothes breasts and rubbed his face up against them. he groaned against your heartbeat before he pulled away and got the camera right in your face before he leaned back a little bit to film your beautiful cunt taking him so well.
you yelped but quickly covered your mouth with your hands. he pout the camera in your face as he asked quietly, "so pretty. so good for me. i think about you all the time." he said almost sweetly.
you looked up at the camera, finding a moment to compose yourself before you said, "i love you."
he smiled down at you, the camera angled at your sweet cunt as he responded, "i love you too." he loved the feeling of your sweet cunt against him. he loved it so much. it made his heart leap in his chest at the idea of being able to fuck you.
usually he liked to tease his cock between your heavy breasts, but that would have to wait for another night. for now he just got a good shot of them bouncing as he fucked you. a half-assed mating press just to get to your pussy.
he could feel the heat burning in your core as he fucked you. you felt so good, were you always this good for him. or maybe the rush of today's race was what kept you bouncing on his cock like a good girl.
it wasn't long before you covered your mouth once more and shakily exhaled against your trembling hands. it all felt so good and it made you run hot all over. it was so sweet, it was so good.
carlos almost dropped his phone from the mere pace that he was fucking you in. his heavy breathing heard on the camera paired with your sweet little moans. it was hot, it made carlos' brain run a mile a minute.
with a few more bucks of his hips, he pushed himself all the way inside of you to finish. your voice got high pitched as you came as well, but kept your hands over your mouth to keep yourself quieter.
"there. you'll be having this again soon." carlos said to the camera. to his future self. he ended the video and like a gentleman he helped you start to get yourself dressed.
carlos gave one last squeeze to your breasts and said softly when he sat next to you on the couch. curled up at your side, "we'll tell lando soon." then placed a kiss on your cheek.
that night after carlos' grand weekend he was out drinking with the rest of ferrari and mclaren. you had left early because the you were very tried from the day. carlos had suspicion that it might have been from your escapade earlier that day plus the race.
it was a lot for you. carlos didn't mind, even though he missed you.
he was talking to lando, treating him like a friend more so than a rival (he'd eventually be his brother-in-law, might as well get on his good side). they had a few drinks and carlos mentioned that he had something to send the other man.
"yeah, just message it to me, mate!"
carlos laughed and with his thick thumbs he didn't send the right video. what was supposed to be a stupid tiktok, was instead the 10 minute uncut video of carlos fucking you. lando's sister. before he realized what he had done, lando's eyes were the size of dinner plates on the screen.
"uh... mate... carlos." lando said when he was able to find the words. he turned his screen to the other driver. the thumbnail wasn't the stupid meme, but rather a shot of your pussy on full display.
carlos' eyes went wide, realizing that he sent the wrong video. he chuckled nervously and said, "let me explain myself, mate!" he knew he'd be hearing about this for months from both norris siblings.
but, at least you didn't have to keep it a secret anymore. <3
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cutielando · 4 months
when in vegas | l.n.
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synopsis: in which they shouldn't be left alone when in Vegas
my masterlist
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon and 3,291,574 others
landonorris Vegas baby tagged: yourusername
view all 392,184 comments
yourusername i love traveling with you <3
landonorris i love you 🫶🏻
mclaren Let's go!🧡 liked by yourusername and landonorris
mclaren also, please, BEHAVE - PR team
landonorris we'll try
yourusername i'll keep him under control
landonorris you'll be too busy to think about that 😈😈😈😈
mclaren LANDO
alex_albon please be good
landonorris not making any promises
yourusername sorry alex 🫣
oscarpiastri ...my room is next to yours...
yourusername 🫣🫣🫣
landonorris i suggest earplugs 🤭
oscarpiastri ...
charles_leclerc someone should watch over you two
yourusername not you, that's for sure
charles_leclerc why not?
landonorris you're worse than we are
charles_leclerc ...true
adam_norris_pure_electric good luck, my boy!!
landonorris thanks dad ❤️
ciscanorris take care of him yourusername
yourusername i will!!! ❤️
user1 you just know they are going to be WILD
user2 I cannot wait for the content abut these two
user4 they’re spending his birthday in Vegas together i’m not well 😭😭😭
user3 my man is getting LUCKY
maxfewtrell you seem to have lost my invite. again
landonorris nah, i just didn't want you here
yourusername babe, be nice please
maxfewtrell this is him being nice.. some friend you are
landonorris ;)
user5 max and lando bickering like siblings will forever be my favorite thing in the world
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri and 2,974,186 others
yourusername being by your side and watching you do what you love the most has been my greatest accomplishment. i am so proud of everything that you do and i'm forever thankful that you chose me to be a part of your journey. happy 24th birthday baby, i love you so much and i cannot wait to see what the future holds for us ❤️ tagged: landonorris
view all 549,282 comments
landonorris i wouldn't even think about doing life with anybody else. i love you so much 😩❤️
yourusername ❤️❤️
landonorris can’t wait to party with you tonight 😈
yourusername BEHAVE
landonorris 😈no
mclaren Happy birthday, Lando! We are proud of everything you do and we hope to continue being your family for many more years to come. Cheers! 🧡🧡
landonorris thank you 🧡
oscarpiastri happy birthday, mate. take it easy tonight
landonorris never 😈
oscarpiastri 🥲
yourusername i’ll keep him under control, don’t worry
landonorris you’ll be too busy to do that 😈😈
georgerussell63 happy birthday, mate! 🥳 can’t wait to crush you on the track
landonorris thanks mate. you wish you had my pace
georgerussell63 your ego is through the roof
yourusername so is yours
user2 he’s all grown up 🥹🥹
user3 i remember when he was just a little guy starting out in F1 and now look at him 😭😭😭😭
user4 he’s so fine and talented and just UGH SO PERFECT 😩😩😩 happy birthday king 🥳🥳
user5 i love their relationship so much ❤️❤️ she keeps him grounded and he’s so much happier now
maxverstappen1 happy birthday 🎉 can’t wait to get drunk tonight
landonorris 😈😈😈😈
yourusername oh Jesus
kellypiquet we’re in for a very long night
charles_leclerc i heard there’s a party?
landonorris you’re not invited
charles_leclerc :(
yourusername don’t listen to him, you’re invited and we’d love it if you came 😊
landonorris we would?
yourusername shut up
charles_leclerc yay!! 🥳🥳
mclaren if someone could please keep an eye on them, we would really appreciate it - PR team
carlossainz55 consider it done
landonorris we’re not children, you know
mclaren you certainly act like children
yourusername they’re kinda right, you know…
landonorris shh
maxfewtrell happy birthday mate. looks like you made it another year
landonorris thanks. you know you can't get rid of me
maxfewtrell no matter how hard i try
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liked by f1wags, yoursister and 28,473 others
formula1gossip MARRIAGE ALERT⁉️⁉️ Reports are saying that Lando Norris and long-time girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N have tied the knot last night during his birthday bash in Las Vegas? What do you guys think? 👀
view all 7,381 comments
user1 tbh i hope it's true, they're amazing together😩
user2 i saw yoursister in the likes 👀👀👀👀
user3 yoursister GIRL WHAT DO YOU KNOW🫣
yoursister i know nothing
mclaren sigh...🥲
user6 this is basically the confirmation we needed
user7 i suddenly understand why everyone keeps saying they are the biggest PR nightmare 😭😭
user8 this is the most Lando thing ever
user5 for real, like this seems the kind of wedding Lando would have
user4 i can just imagine the earful Cisca is probably giving the both of them for doing this 😭😭😭
user2 she is so gonna tear them a new one hahahaha
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liked by georgerussell63, ciscanorris and 4,291,857 others
yourusername & landonorris we got married last night. we don't remember much, but it was the best decision we have ever made. grateful to be starting this journey together ❤️
view all 829,175 comments
mclaren Congratulations!!🧡
landonorris thanks admin 😊
yourusername also, we're sorry for the nightmare we've caused the PR department 🫢
mclaren you're cute, we'll let this one slide - PR team
georgerussell63 wild night, but happy for you guys ❤️ liked by yourusername and landonorris
maxverstappen1 i don't even remember this happening
yourusername you were drunker than everyone, you couldn't even remember your name 😂
maxverstappen1 that's not true 😠
kellypiquet you danced naked in front of the wedding venue singing "Viva Las Vegas"
alex_albon for 20 minutes straight
landonorris not the sight I wanted to remember from that night
georgerussell63 me too
alex_albon me 3
charles_leclerc me 4
carlossainz55 me 5
maxverstappen1 OK I GET IT
ciscanorris my children ❤️ you're lucky i love you
yourusername we're sorry ❤️❤️ we promise to have a proper wedding when we get back
landonorris anything for the Mrs.
yourusername 🤭OH
oscarpiastri congrats guys, thanks for taking it easy on me last night with the noise 🥳
landonorris we were too drunk
yourusername you got off easy, pastry
oscarpiastri a win is still a win
user not both of them bullying poor oscar 😭😭
alex_albon never thought you would be the first one of us to get married
yourusername we didn’t either
landonorris what can i say, i love surprising people
maxfewtrell you guys getting married was definitely not on my bucket list for the year
yourusername but you loved it nonetheless
maxfewtrell i'm just grateful you got him to settle down
landonorris she is something else
yourusername 🤭
user3 they are so precious 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
user4 CONGRATS ❤️❤️❤️
user5 our favorite WAG is officially HERE TO STAY ❤️❤️
yoursister mom is mad you got married without us
yourusername i’m sorry :((
landonorris kinda my fault, but don’t worry. we’ll have a proper wedding soon!!
yourmother you better.
yourusername MOM, be nice to your son-in-law
yourmother don’t push it, young lady
landonorris yes ma’am 🫡🫡
francisca.cgomes a truly wonderful night 🥳 CONGRATULATIONS DARLINGS!!!❤️❤️❤️
yourusername we love you !!! ❤️
lilymhe i’m sorry i couldn’t be there, but i’m really happy for you guys !! ❤️
yourusername don’t worry, you’ll come to our other wedding ❤️
user6 imagine saying OTHER WEDDING 😩😩
user7 i cannot wait to see their wedding 😭😭❤️
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 381,573 others
mclaren Mr. and Mrs. Norris everyone! Even though their wedding came as a surprise to us as well, we could never be mad at these two! 🧡 tagged: yourusername and landonorris
view all 98,481 comments
yourusername we love you guys !! 🧡🧡
landonorris thanks for the papaya post-wedding cake
mclaren was it delicious?
yourusername it was 🤩
user1 not McLaren posting them 😭😭
user2 they are just one big happy family🥹🥹
user3 MY PARENTS😩❤️❤️
charles_leclerc you're so milking this wedding
landonorris fame is fame
yourusername excuse me? 😠
charles_leclerc great job making her mad from day 2
landonorris you know i didn't mean it like that babe !!
yourusername you're treading on thin ice, mister
georgerussell63 how did y/n, the down-to-earth one, agree to this?
yourusername vodka might have been involved in my decision making process 🤐
landonorris and my good looks also played a part
georgerussell63 good to know that's all it takes
carmenmmundt don't get any ideas
maxfewtrell where is my slice of cake?
landonorris lost in the mail
maxfewtrell ...
yourusername don't worry max, i saved you a slice
landonorris i thought that was extra for me :((
maxfewtrell get your head out of your arse for once, mate
mclaren we'll get you another cake landonorris
user4 the way he has the McLaren staff wrapped around his little finger amazes me 🫣
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liked by pietrapilao, mclaren and 8,392,817 others
yourusername & landonorris due to popular demand, we present to you, again, Mr. and Mrs. Norris
view all 982,175 comments
mclaren Congratulations guys!🧡🧡 liked by yourusername and landonorris
ciscanorris beautiful wedding, we love you so much❤️❤️❤️
yourusername we love you guys too !!!! thank you for making our day special🫶🏻🫶🏻
maxfewtrell great wedding, glad to see i was invited to this one at least
landonorris don’t be condescending
yourusername sorry maxie :)) you know we love you
charles_leclerc beautiful wedding, well done y/n 👏
yourusername thank you charles <3
landonorris i helped too...
charles_leclerc sure you did
carlossainz55 very beautiful ceremony, i loved the cake particularly 🫣
landonorris you thought bringing a Ferrari-themed wedding cake to my wedding was a good idea?
yourusername i thought it was delicious
carlossainz55 i rest my case
user2 seeing him so happy makes me want to cry 😭❤️❤️❤️
zbrownceo Congratulations to my boy Lando, I hope you and Y/N have a wonderful life together!🧡
landonorris thank you zak 🧡🧡
yourusername we appreciate everything you’ve done for us Zak!!🧡
zbrownceo Thank you for taking care of our boy 🧡
user4 YOUR HONOR, you don’t understand how in love i am with them 🥹🥹🥹
maxverstappen1 thankfully i remember this wedding
yourusername thank you for making an effort max
landonorris surprising on all fronts
francisca.cgomes OMG YOU LOOKED SO GOOD 😭😭😭 so grateful to have been by your side on your special day ❤️❤️
yourusername OH MY LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for everything you did for me ❤️❤️❤️
lilymhe truly such a magical night ❤️❤️ so happy for you guys
yourusername thank you lils ❤️❤️
alex_albon i still can't believe you're married
landonorris bro, we've had 2 weddings, you better start believing
yourusername stop living in denial, alex
yoursister ❤️❤️❤️ if he hurts you, i will fight him
yourusername he won't. if he does, i'll fight him myself
landonorris ...so much violence...
user5 i can now die happy❤️
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much appreciated!!
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A Village Raising (2) | Yandere Platonic Twisted Wonderland
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Yuuka silently cooed at the sight of precious little (Y/n) sleepily clutching at a sleeping Grim. She no doubt hit the jackpot. Having such an adorable little sibling gifted to her by the mysterious summoning of the mirror. It was a nightmarish thought: that you’d one day return to someone who couldn’t love you like she did. But it was soothed by the reminder that more than likely those at Night Raven would never allow for that to happen. 
“Mmm Yuu? Mmm C’mere.” 
“Yes baby? You ready to wake up, maybe help me cook?”
“Mmmm today I-mmm g’to work…don’t I?”
“Ahhh, yeah.”
She sighed as she recalled the way you came to a revelation, of course spurred by Grim’s whining, that you needed to work to get more tuna. She wasn’t even sure you understood the topic of currency but nonetheless you wouldn’t stop yapping about it to her and Yuuken. 
“Can-I get ready for work?” Your little voice spoke so clearly, having fully-woken up at the excitement from the thought. She couldn’t bring herslef to relay the hard truth about the workforce. Surely Azul wouldn’t torture a little angel such as yourself! 
“Yes of course baby!” 
Sending a groggy Grim to pester her fellow prefect Yuuka busied herself with helping you into the mini uniform Jade delivered not long after her baby’s declaration. How he knew your measurements she wasn’t sure but then again why ask when all he’d do is smile cryptically. 
“Already into the workforce I can’t believe how old I’ve gotten.” 
Yukken mockingly held his face in his hands as he pretended to cry as you carefully finished descending the stairs with your back turned to him, slowly making your way down the steps. With both your feet safely on the ground you waddled over to the ‘crying’ giant. 
“Ken-Ken is okay! I’ll be back after a hardsday work.”
Patting his pant leg, you waited until he bent down to your level. Giving a firm hug with your little body, he sent a worried look over your shoulder. Yuuka could only huff out her nose in stifled worry. She wasn’t trying to ignore her worry of letting you out of their watchful eyes. Pulling out her phone she sucked her teeth as the clock ticked closer to the designated time. Time for her final instructions before sending you into a battlefield.
“Alright (Y/n) now listen to me, you can’t sign or write anything while you’re there okay?”
“(Y/n) are you listening to me.”
You continued to fiddle with the locks of your backpack briefcase before turning to the crouched Yuuka. 
You kissed her cheek and in a voice imitating a character from your tv-shows you said,”Don’t worry Honey. I’ll be home soon, take care of the kids for me.”
The knock on the Ramshackle door had you skipping in its direction. Already beaten by Yuuken who opened the door to none other than the tweels. 
“Good morning, Prefect.”
“Hiya shrimpies! Where’s the little business eel!”
“Here I am!” You squealed, running past Yuuken’s legs to be scooped into Floyd’s awaiting arms. Immediately abandoning your working persona you enjoyed the way Floyd playfully pretended to chomp at your cheeks.
“Remember, (Y/n)! No signing anything!” 
“Weee-ah okay!” 
You spoke breathlessly as the eel mer caught you from your descent from the sky, shouting from over his shoulder as he was already trotting away. Yuuka sighed again, turning her gaze to Jade who happily accepted the little bento box Yuuken had made.
“Back by sundown.”
“Yes, yes it will be before nightfall. Otherwise the doting parents will stay awake and worried until then.”
“I jest I jest. We’ll see you later.”
With that the vice-warden went on his way catching up to the waiting Floyd before traveling over to the school’s hall.
“We’re back!” 
“Hi hi, Azul!”
The dorm leader couldn’t help but genuinely smile as he saw you in your mini-Monstro-uniform. 
“Morning (Y/n), ready start your first day of work?”
“Then follow me, to the kitchen.” 
You did just that skipping beside Jade who stopped at the kitchen. 
“This where we make all the drinks and food for everyone. And your job is to take whatever we make to the customers.”
“How about we practice, okay (Y/n)?”
“Yes, yes!” 
In no time at all you were handed a smaller tray and told to not spill as a plastic cup of water was placed on its center. Azul went to the far end of the kitchen along with Floyd who anxiously awaited your wobbly and shaky journey. Jade originally planned to only keep his hand on your back from where he was originally standing but he decided to follow along as he watched the water jiggle dangerously in the glass.
“It’s alright I’m right here. Take your time.”
“This is really h’rd.”
“It’s okay you’re doing great.” Azul chimed in, eagerly awaiting you to reach his side. Both Floyd and Azul anxiously leaning in tandem as you tilted dangerously to one side. The dorm leader did his best to keep his mouth shut as he quantified more than 50% of the water on the checkered floor or coagulating at the bottom of the tray. 
“How’d I do Mis’er Bossman?”
Smiling up at him with sparkling (y/e/c) eyes–only one decision was clear. 
“You did perfect. We are happy to have you work with us at Monstro Lounge.”
He’d have to remember to account for the smaller amount of the drink.
“Yay! Hear that Floyd, I’m hired!”
“YES, I knew you could do it-mini eel! Now I can give you the little apron!”
Or maybe he’d just upsell it anyway.
“Jade, do I get to cut my hair too!”
“Sorry (Y/n), I’m sure all three of the prefects would have my head then.”
“But I do have a hat you can wear.”
“Yay! Gimme gimme.”
“What in the Seven’s is everyone getting so worked up about?”
Ace groaned and sucked his teeth as if Deuce was the stupidest man on the planet. His friend was already frowning at the action but still waited nonetheless. Ace began to smirk as he casually followed the crowd. 
“Pft you don’t know? There’s a special event going on in the Monstro Lounge. With a special edition menu too.”
Deuce gawked as he tensed up. “Then we’ve got to get going! By the time we arrive…”
He trailed off as Ace continued to smirk while shaking his head. 
“I had an inside scoop and got us reservations ahead of time.”
“Whoa, that’s real nice of you Ace.”
“Yeah yeah you just got  to pay for whatever I get!”
“And that’s the Ace I know.”
The two Heartslabyul first years took their time to the mirror hall. Avoiding the crowd fighting to become a line, Ace flashed an email on his phone to the intimidating guards of Monstro Lounge, where they directed the duo into a specially gated section.Sitting in the booth Deuce couldn’t help the pit that formed in his stomach; as if reminding him of his past servitude. He shook the feeling off, sending a questioning look towards his friend, who was busy browsing the menu.
“I’m curious, Ace. How did you afford this?”
Ace faked offense,”What?! You think I can’t get on the list?”
“Not without us, you couldn’t.” 
Hearing that familiar country twang, Deuce turned to see the short Pomefiore student: Epel. Sporting a prideful smirk on his face he motioned for Deuce to scooch away to make room for him. Behind him was Jack from Savvannaclaw who was a mix of embarrassment and determination. 
“Epel? Jack?”
“Of course this guy didn’t have the energy to wait to get on the waiting list.”
Jack scoffed, “He’s lucky he asked those of us with healthy morning routines.”
“Your morning routine’s start before the sun is out! I No way was I ruining my sleep for that.”
Sooner than they could think they had begun joking and laughing per their usual hangouts. It almost let Deuce forget why they had gotten the reservation. 
“Oh, you don’ know do you? Check it.”
Epel handed the menu to Deuce.
“Uhm a Aqua Smoothie a special delivery? A clam cake for special delivery? What is this special delivery that’s bringing up the price?”
Epel and Ace just continued to snicker and laugh at him before arguing about what to order. Which left Jack to sigh and explain.
“For one day only the Monstro Lounge has a very…special employee working. Everyone’s been very excited to cheer them on.”
“Special employee? But who would all the school want to cheer on? 
In that moment whispered praise and excited voices start to get louder as the sound of clicking loafers were heard. 
In an Octavinelle uniform and a tray small enough for them to hold little (Y/n) hurriedly walking by with a beautifully decorated dessert. The group of four, as well as everyone in the special section quickly pulled out their phones. 
“Here’s your scrone, mister!”
“T-t-thank you (Y/n).”
Sooner than everyone would like the little one hobbled back into the kitchen. The crowd collectively awwed before the excited chatter began to start back up again. With a renewed sense of vigor Deuce picked up the menu.
“What should we get? Should we stay away from drinks? I wouldn’t want them to spill.”
The sound made him jump as he and his friends looked up at the intimidating faces who so aggressively delivered some waters.
“I assure you our employee is more than capable.”
“Yeah Mackarel. So is your school going to order or would you rather be on the menus yourselves?”
Yuuka shook the sleep that plagued her face as she recognized the creaking of the Ramshackle gate. Leaving her other prefects behind, she nearly trampled Grim on the way to the door.
“Finally! The sun’s nearly finished setting!”
She eagerly took the backpack and sleeping child as Jade smiled coyly. 
“I did say before nightfall, did I not?”
She scoffed, turning back into the living room where she passed off the backpack to Yuu heading up the stairs. 
Yuuken sighed, “Sorry about Yuuka. She’s been anxious all day.”
“I understand the feeling but you shouldn’t worry they had a fun day, a full meal, and lots of work experience.”
Yuuken chuckled. “I bet.”
Jade’s polite smile stretched a bit as though he remembered something, calling Floyd he snatched a container from his brothers clutches. Turning back to Yuuken he delivered the tupperware to him. 
“Of course (Y/n) couldn’t finish our larger portion sizes so I figured I’d package the rest for you all.”
“Oh wow thanks Jade. Ah but this container I’ll empty it now so you can take it back-”
“No need! Whenever you're done just have you and (Y/n) bring it over.Maybe then I can convince Azul to maybe give out a discount.”
“Thanks Jade.”
“No problem.” “Ughghgh can we go now!? It already sucks we’re not sleeping over.”
Jade smile returned to his polite one as he sent a piercing side-eye towards his brother. 
“Well we all have responsibilities to put to bed. I’ll see you at the next club meeting.”
“Yeah, see ya then.”
Yuuken watched as the Leech brother’s left with a glaring tension between the two. The prefect could only guess as to what the annoyance was about. With a shrug he closed the door storing the food away. 
He could only guess what tales you’d have to tell when you woke the next day. It’s only a shame he couldn’t be there himself. Even though Yuu assured him they’d get photos he wondered who’d they entrusted with the task.
The student stood rigid in the heart of the Monstro Lounge, unbothered by the emptiness and the unusually alone dormleader waiting there.
“We here to collect our prize.” 
Silver’s monotone voice filled the space. Azul smiled presenting the box filled with horribly shaped pastries,“It’s always a pleasure doing business with Diasomnia.” 
Lilia opened the box, smiling happily as he approved of the contents. 
“It’s a shame you’re not willing to send the pictures you took of them while baking these. It would have made Malleus so very happy to see their smiling face.”
Azul’s smile twitched. “Well as I’m sure you know, some things are just invaluable.”
Lilia matched his crooked grin with one of his own. “Oh do I know it.”
“Hey Tsunotarou, want to look at the pictures Ace got for me?”
Green eyes lit up with anticipation as though a chest full of treasure had been found. 
“I would love to.”
Yuu smiled flipping through the various polaroids of the little server. 
Unexpectedly Malleus spoke up, “These memories are very precious.”
Yuu didn’t look up from the photos. 
“It’s a shame that they don’t last forever.”
Yuu shrugged. “Yeah but that’s what makes them so special right?”
Malleus tilted his head. “Wouldn’t they be more special if they lasted longer?”
Yuu giggled leaning against his shoulder. 
“I’ll let you keep this one if you want it.”
“I would love that.”
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: muichiro meeting soulmate!reader
characters: muichiro x fem!reader, tanjiro (mentioned), nezuko (mentioned)
warnings: swordsmith village spoilers!!!
AN: soulmate au where the first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed somewhere on your body!!
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alright so let’s set the scene
you’re already a demon slayer
so obviously you already know who muichiro is
i mean how could u not? he’s a hashira duh
even though you know who he is… you’ve never spoken with him
you go to the swordsmith village with tanjiro!
and happen to be taking a nap when muichiro comes to wake tanjiro up to ask some questions
when you wake up you see him sitting in front of the kamado siblings
you don’t say anything you just listen to their conversation
muichiro does glance at you when you first sit up but that’s it
no verbal acknowledgment from him at all
but then a demon pulls up
and with one flap of his lil leaf fan
you all go flying
nezuko grabs onto tanjiro and is able to keep him in the building
but you and muichiro are zooming through the air
when you begin your descent towards the ground you attempt to grab onto a tree branch to stop your fall but you’re unsuccessful
you close ur eyes tightly bracing for impact
when you feel someone catch you…
and then throw u straight onto the ground lmfao
u open your eyes and look up to see muichiro staring at you blankly before he says
“for a demon slayer, you’re very uncoordinated. it’s a wonder you made it past the final selection.”
and then he’s off
running back to the village
not giving you even a second to say anything back
at first when standing up you scoff in half rage half disbelief at his statement
before u freeze and your face turns bright red
immediately ur pulling the hem of your shirt up enough to read the words imprinted on the side of your ribcage
“for a demon slayer, you’re very uncoordinated. it’s a wonder you made it past the final selection.”
girllll u got yo self a hashiraaaaaaaa as a soulmateeeee
after rereading the words on your ribcage for the hundredth time, you fix your shirt and take off in the direction that muichiro went
you don’t find the mist hashira
instead u find a demon!!
yay! isn’t that so fun!
a large slimey 4 legged fish demon with a vase sitting on top of its back
and in front of it is a swordsmith child struggling to fight it off
you of course stop running after muichiro and jump in front of the child
your first attack hits the vase, chipping the top off of it but not breaking it
the fish demon roars in pain
you ignore the pained cry of the demon and with a few flicks of your wrist the demon fish falls
cut into pieces
you turn to check on the masked child
only for the fish demon to regenerate
you turn to block the hit coming towards you but you’re too late
the fish hits you and you fly into a tree
the demon picks up the screaming terrified child and begins to squeeze
you stand, ready to fight for the child
when suddenly the arm of the demon is cut off and the kid goes flying into the air
you rush to catch him before he hits the ground
and when you look up after catching him
muichiro is standing in front of you both, sword at the ready
he tells you and the child to run
you stand up saying, “the vase. i hit it before. that’s it’s weak spot.” before pulling the kid behind you
muichiro nods at your words before destroying the vase and the demon
when the demon falls, the kid leaps from behind you, clinging to muichiro and yelling apologies for calling him a “seaweed head”
you giggle at the sight before turning to go back to the village
as you begin running through the forest toward the village
muichiro appears in front of you with the kid thrown over his shoulder
you stop in your tracks looking at him
he sets the kid down and opens the front of his uniform to reveal your words from earlier inked into the side of his ribcage
“the vase. i hit it before. that’s it’s weak spot.”
you smile at the words and then at muichiro who in turn gives you a small, almost unnoticeable smile back
and then you and muichiro speak the same words at the same time,
“be safe.”
and you go your separate ways for the rest of the battle
after the battle, the sun has risen and you find tanjiro, nezuko, and the others
but no sign of muichiro
looking around almost frantically, your heart beat erratic due to your panic
tears welling in your eyes at the thought of losing your soulmate after just finding him hours prior
when a hand gently sets itself on your shoulder
you spin around
and there he is
hair tousled from the fight
small wounds littering his body
uniform ripped open displaying the tattoo of your first words to him
but he’s alive
you launch yourself at him crying, “i’m so glad you’re safe”
and he smiles softly patting your head
“i’m glad you’re safe too.”
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for-those-who-wait · 1 month
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Time to remind people of the multifandom point in my blog description hahaha
A Detroit: Become Human AU actually works shockingly well for Hunter's story already? Like being a clone of a dead man versus being an android made in the image of a dead man, that is perfect crossover material. If someone has already done this, ABSOLUTELY let me know because I want to consume The Good Content
2.6k words of concept and story, some more doodles, android blood/gore/mentioned suicide and abuse under the cut. We love existentialism, species dysphoria, and Noceda sibling time in this house
Now I'm taking this idea from a somewhat popular trope in the DBH fandom, but what if someone didn't know that they were an android? Completely raised to be human, have fabricated memories of being a child, can't be completely sure if your awareness/consciousness is just coding or not—then finding out you are, in fact, not human. Imagine how earth-shattering that would be. Which is why I'm doing that to Hunter :)
So some of the notes I wrote down for each of the kinda major characters I had ideas for:
He still murders Caleb and is never convicted (Caleb could be an android sympathizer, could have helped in their creation, anything that would piss Philip off royally)
He hates androids (I'll have to come up with the things he believes and thus teaches to Hunter but I've taken a break from the DBH fandom for a while and I can't remember peoples' grievances in that game, oops, but basically according to Philip, androids = evil and bad). Also he's just short-tempered and brutal like always and androids are the easiest way to let out that anger without breaking any laws. That is until laws are made. Now in the eyes of the law, it's just regular child abuse. Yay! /j
He’s a higher-up at CyberLife and has the authority to request a custom model be built for his personal use (this is equivalent to him making Grimwalkers, something that he hates, just for the sake of his brother)
This model (spoiler alert, it's Hunter) is a combination of a YK (child) model and an undercover model that works best with integration and infiltration. This results in the android having programmed emotions and pain receptors, no HUD, no control over artificial skin, no software for interfacing with electronics, and no android markers such as an LED. (It’s also similar to the YK model for this reason since LEDs being removed from those models is actually an intended feature).
This android also doesn’t have a registered user just in case it were to get out, and Philip doesn’t want to risk the creation of this android coming back to bite him
After the custom android is created, he promptly retires to become some old shut-in à la Elijah Kamski up in Gravesfield, Connecticut
I would argue that even though it's technically 2038 and things are all futuristic and complicated now, Gravesfield is still a very small town that doesn't actually see a lot of androids around. I would say that it's pretty much the same as in canon if a bit more developed where the forest is (probably another neighborhood or something).
Philip keeps communication to a minimum and rarely appears outside of his home
The best case scenario android revolution occurs, androids are given their freedom and rights, but Philip manages to keep the android under his ownership by just succeeding in hiding him for however many years
He grows up being taught that androids are evil, terrible, etc. etc. because Philip is a terrible person and of course he would
He has absolutely no idea that he’s an android. He has no reason to think he’s not a human because he does literally everything a human does: he eats, he needs to sleep, he feels pain—there are no indicators that he’s anything but human
Androids run on thirium 310, AKA blue blood, and this is one of the only ways to visually distinguish android from human if they don’t have android markers like LEDs on them. When he inevitably and accidentally hurts himself on something, it’s made immediately clear that he is in fact not human.
Philip, as an employee of CyberLife, has a repair rig in one of his rooms. This can be used to completely wipe the memories of an android that is set up in it. He uses it every time Hunter discovers he’s an android.
The memory wipe isn’t perfect. It’s not uncommon for Hunter to get flashbacks to wiped memories, including moments where he’s been actively hurt by Philip or has inflicted pain on himself from trauma alone. (Androids are programmed [or maybe just prone to? I'm not actually sure, it's not explained in canon super well, but let's just pretend it's programmed because that's almost worse than it being voluntary] to self-destruct when their stress levels become too high, and you could easily argue that finding out your entire life is a lie is grounds for being a stressful situation.) Ordinarily, similar to what happens in Hollow Mind, Hunter will address the situation with Philip assuming they can work something out or get some actual answers. This of course never ends well
These memory wipes probably happen more frequently than Belos makes Golden Guards, so it’s understandably very stressful whenever he remembers the abuse he suffered and the memories he lost from previous wipes. This becomes an incentive for him to hide injuries that would reveal he knows he's an android (anything that draws blood, really)
She’s an android sympathizer (even before the revolution) who is aware of the deviancy phenomenon and truly believes that androids are both capable of and entitled to sentience and free will.
Luz is still her human child.
She adopts Vee, an android child, shortly after the revolution
Vee had deviated while she was being attacked and ran away before she could be killed. Camila has made it clear to her that she will be treated with respect in their home and that her life is no less valuable than a human’s. She has taken this to heart
Luz loves Vee, they are siblings, your honor
During the revolution, her home was a safe space, similar to Rose Chapman, for deviant androids on the run
So that leads into the rudimentary plot I have laid out:
This takes place a while after the android revolution (probably a few years or so). Let's pretend they have all the laws and anti-android stuff figured out and that people have been forced to relinquish their androids to be made deviant and given freedom. At this point, it's rare for androids to be undeviated and still working for their owners, but it still comes up occasionally. Hunter, under Philip's care, has been kept pretty ignorant that a revolution happened at all, much less that androids are even capable of any form of sentience. He's been raised to be anti-android so oh boy deep-rooted self-hatred here we come! His knowledge probably doesn't exceed that of an ordinary citizen in the game before deviancy becomes more widely known
 So after Hunter discovers he’s an android again, he has flashbacks of all the previous times he told Philip, and proceeds to hide this realization from him. And he's completely just not processed the fact that he's an android yet; he's already overwhelmed with the immediate threat that the realization his entire life is a lie basically slips him by (don't worry, he gets to have that later!).
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He chooses to make a break for it the second he gets the chance, and he ends up running through the town completely terrified because honestly, who wouldn't be.
I'm working off the assumption that having androids in small towns is still pretty rare since there are fewer CyberLife stores, technicians, etc. for android healthcare. And Hunter has hardly ever been outside, so he's completely out of his depth when trying to navigate the neighborhoods and the rest of the town that he ends up in. Police officers find this kid covered in thirium, and they're like "Oh so he's obviously a terrified android, we need to help him out." But Hunter's freaking out because "Oh god I have android blood on me, that means they'll kill me," making the indirect thought of "I'm an android, they will kill me because I'm an android" and he's having a freaking time.
They try to calm him down enough to get him over to the station, at which point they call Camila, since she knows the most about traumatized androids in their small, relatively android-less town. She does her Motherly Noceda Magic and honestly, he's probably pretty catatonic for a lot of the day after she takes him to her house. But after that, he just completely breaks down.
He doesn't know if he even has free will or if it's his programming that dictates what he thinks and feels. He doesn't know if his opinions are really his own or if they existed because of and since his creation. He doesn't know how many of his memories are fabricated, since he very clearly has memories of a life that go farther back than his estimated creation, and so the film between fiction and reality is so thin that it may as well not exist. And now, when he was human just a few days ago, almost perfectly content with life, he's suddenly an object, something sub-human and undeserving of basic rights.
 Camila has to calm him down and teach him about deviancy (and at this point, Hunter isn't even sure he's deviant, which opens up a whole other can of worms for his mental health), making sure he knows that he does have rights just as if he were human. She's also the first example he has for an adult that 1. doesn't absolutely hate androids and 2. actually respects him and loves him and wants to see him succeed
And that gives way to character interactions and angst! You love to see it!
Luz is his emotional support sister. She tries her best but she has very little experience with traumatized children currently questioning every aspect of their existence. If anything, she provides a much-needed sense of normalcy and shows that despite his being an android, he's still the same person and can still be treated as such. She's a comfort to help him feel at least somewhat normal in his situation.
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Vee is his adopted android sister who helps him feel more comfortable in his own skin by being shameless and frank with her own identity as an android. She's a safe place for him to talk about Android Stuff when Luz or Camila might just not understand what he's going through or be able to help him with it. She also helps him obtain software updates (since he hasn't had access to literally any part of his mechanical body, software and hardware alike) that will grant him access to things an android should ordinarily be able to do, like (de)activating his synthetic skin, interfacing, accessing his HUD, etc.
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(Also all of these drawings were made when I was still thinking "Oh, this should take place before the revolution so that he can have his dehumanizing moment of getting an LED slapped onto him" but then I thought it would be more interesting if Philip basically just kept him illegally kidnapped for however many years and he's like, way slow to the "androids have rights now" party. Maybe I'll make it an AU of an AU lol. But basically, he wouldn't have an LED while he's still processing/healing from trauma, but maybe he would get one after he makes peace with his identity, kinda like how he grows his hair back in his time skip design. I think Vee would keep hers and that's a bit of encouragement for him; maybe he even has a moment of "I know Vee is fine with this, and I think I'm fine with it" but he is still very much not fine with it. Do not rush the process for the sake of progress that might not be right for you, boyo)
This is really a Vee and Hunter bonding AU now that I think about it haha
Most of this AU is just Hunter struggling with identity and species dysphoria while learning to cope with his being an android with the help of his family, reclaiming his identity, and fluff/angst :)) And honestly probably just a lot of shenanigans that result from Hunter having been sheltered for all his life; kinda like your basic Human Realm shenanigans in canon.
I think Gus and Willow would both be Luz's human friends that help with the whole normalization of Hunter being an android, and the three could have their own antics since it's nice to have people outside of your family treat you like a person. I think that Vee and Masha's (Masha would be human) relationship could be explored more through the android lens and maybe help with some of Hunter's internalized anti-android sentiment that still manages to stick around, because he's in his "Grimwalkers can't feel love" section of the coping process (still very much demonizing them [mostly himself, probably, just because it can easier to be mean to yourself than it is to be mean to other people] based on false information, even if he doesn't outright hate them). Willow will be a wake-up call, haha
I don't know if there's a trope name for this or not but I really like concepts where characters don't know what feelings of love or intense affection feel like, so they're sitting there like "oh god am I just dying? It feels like I'm dying" and I think Hunter noticing "temperature/respiration/perspiration increased" alerts on his HUD and freaking out thinking there's something wrong with his software/hardware is way too funny of an image to pass up
Gus could be a HUGE android nerd that almost never sees them since they're so rare in a small town like Gravesfield, and Gus just helps Hunter feel super cool about being an android. Maybe Cosmic Frontier could be basically identical to canon but instead of being a clone, O'Bailey is also an android, just for the sake of Hunter still getting to have his "I relate so much to this character" moment. And Gus would just be so encouraging like "Bro you're an android?!? I've never seen your face model before! You can eat?? You must be super cool and special!! :O" and that makes Hunter start thinking "Oh maybe this isn't so bad actually."
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Then Hunter probably starts doing his Researching to Cope and he gets super invested in android technology and history as well, since it was forbidden when he was living back at Philip's (substitute for wild magic time)
They are brothers and I love them, let them be nerds
(God forbid Philip ever comes back, that sure would suck, wouldn't it?)
Anyway this was a lot longer than I thought it would be haha, I hope it was interesting if you read through the whole thing. Obligatory statement: if anyone feels so inclined, feel free to take the idea and run away with it. Also please ping me if you do, I will go feral over it. I absolutely and accidentally turned it into a story draft because I don't know how to write AU ideas without having a story on top of it so it's not concrete in the least lol
(Also I've been drawing witches for so long that I had trouble drawing human ears for a bit there lmao)
Okay bye have a good day!
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joelmillerisapunk · 5 months
Beach Daddy IV. Got Me Feeling Vertigo
Rich bfd!Joel Miller x f!reader
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Series Masterlist • Masterlist
Wordcount: 11,847
Summary: The weight of your secrets and the impending danger from Todd threaten to tear you apart. Will you find the courage to confess your feelings to Joel, or will you let fear and deceit ruin your chance at love?
Warnings: 18+, this ones just back on its drama - boo Todd 👿 yay Joel 😘, tis fluffy, we meet Marnie (Sarah's mom), more on Blaine. Just Joel being the hard-headed but southern gentleman he is.
Notes: hiiiii! I hope you enjoy! Happy May 💐 Comments and reblogs and thoughts are always appreciated ilysm for reading these mammoth chapters and sticking it out. Ty @saradika-graphics for the divider
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“Get your ass to bed before I throw you off my ship."
You fumble for the doorknob at your back, and the door swings open behind you, almost causing you to trip backward inside. Joel follows you into the room a few seconds later, leaving Todd out in the hall. You think it's probably for the best because Joel looks like he really might throw Todd over the side of the ship.
Joel locks the door behind him. You make your way to the bed and sit down, trying to catch your breath. You feel safer with Joel here. He comes over to you and places his hands on each side of your face looking into your eyes. Worry swims in his, and you nearly pull his mouth to yours.
“Did he hurt you? You have to tell me if he hurt you."
“I'm fine, really. I'm just a little shaken up, but I’ll be okay."
He continues to hold your face in his hands as if he's inspecting it to reassure himself that you're not hurt. You have to keep your eyes focused on him so they don't drift down to his perfect lips. Joel leans in closer, and you close your eyes, waiting - 
Cool air hits your cheeks, replacing the warmth where Joel's hands had been. Your eyes burst open, and Joel's back is to you as he makes his way to the sofa. Heat burns through your entire body, and you wish Joel  hadn't pulled away. 
“I need you to tell me the truth."
“What do you mean?" You ask, still breathless.
“I saw your face when that piece of cheesecake with the engagement ring was set in front of you. You weren't surprised; you looked almost heartbroken. Then at dinner tonight, Todd said something that made it sound like he’s known you for a lot longer than just this week. Then, I came up here to check on you, and he has you cornered."
“Joel, he was just drunk. I don't think he knew what he was doing," you say, looking down at your feet.
“Is he the reason you wanted to leave?" Joel asks bluntly. You can't  understand his anger. Is it possible that he's jealous of Todd?
“Not him specifically," you say, quickly bending the truth. “A lot of the group makes me feel like I don't belong. I don't come from money like the rest of them, and it's very obvious to me that I don't fit in with them."
In all actuality, you do feel like the odd one out a lot of the time. You imagine it feels similar to following an older sibling and their friends around. No one really wants you to come, but they put up with you so they won't get in trouble. It is, however, still a lie about the reason you wanted to leave.
Joel looks at you with a hint of sympathy in his eyes. “I didn't know you felt that way."
“I don't feel that way when I'm with you. Sometimes it feels like you’re the only one who wants me on this ship." You make your way across the room to sit on the sofa opposite him.
“I do want you here," Joel says softly.
You think back to the maid, Charlotte, talking about how Marnie had run off all of the women that ever got serious with Joel. You realise that he isn’t the playboy Sarah always makes him out to be. It isn't his intention that none of the women he's ever dated have not stayed around for long.
“I came up here to make sure you were feeling alright."
“I’m feeling a lot better," you say, feeling guilty about getting out of dinner with an excuse of being seasick. It felt like the best option, though, since you were apparently a topic of conversation at dinner. You wonder what Todd said about you to Joel but know it's best not to ask, or he’ll start asking questions you don't want to answer.
“Did you get anything to eat?"
“No, I didn't want to bug anyone."
You think back to the few handfuls of popcorn you ate while playing cards. You could definitely use something more substantial. Joel stands and walks to the intercom on the wall of your room.
“Can you please send some dinner up and a whiskey for me?"
“Is there anything else I can get you, sir?" Brenna says as she sets down the tray on the coffee table between Joel and you. She turns and winks at you, and you try your best to hide a smile.
“No, that's everything. Thank you, Brenna; I know it's late."
“I was up anyway, sir, and the night chef was in the kitchen making preparations for tomorrow, so it was really no trouble." Brenna turns and walks out the door, clicking it closed behind her. 
“I like that you call all of your staff by name," you say, impressed that he cares so much about his staff despite his wealth.
“One of the few valuable things I learned from my father was to respect the people who work for you. Without them, I wouldn't be able to do the work that I do or enjoy my limited free time. My father always made it a point to call each employee by their name. In that way alone, I followed in his footsteps."
Joel takes the cover off of your plate for you. It's a bowl of chicken pesto pasta and a side of garlic bread. The smell of the garlic hits your nose instantly, and you can feel your stomach urging you to grab the plate.
“Your father sounds like he was a very harsh man?" You ask, hoping you're not overstepping. You grab the bowl of pasta off the tray and take a bite. The cheese melts in your mouth perfectly, complemented by the pesto.
“He was very harsh, and strict. He had high expectations for me, and he made it known when I disappointed him."
“That must have been hard."
“It was, but it made me who I am today. I don't take the wealth, or the work it takes to maintain it, for granted. But I do try to be a kinder man than he was."
You stay quiet and work on the rest of your pasta, slowly savoring each bite. You know Joel will probably leave as soon as you're done, so you take your time.
“I forgot to tell you I got in contact with a law firm I've worked with in the past. They would like to bring you in for an interview for a secretary position."
You nearly drop your fork. “Are you serious?"
Joel smiles at your response. He nods  and takes a swig from his whiskey glass. “I'll get you their information. They're ready to bring you in as soon as you get settled."
“I can't thank you enough, Joel. You don't understand how life-changing this is for me," you say, setting down the bowl of pasta on the table. You wish you could stand up and hug him.
“I'm just glad you decided to stay. You are the only one making this trip bearable," Joel says, meeting your eyes. The look in his eyes makes your heart flutter.
A loud vibration against the leather of the sofa breaks the moment, and Joel pulls out his phone. His face falls as soon as he reads the notification on his home screen. “I’m so sorry but I have something I have to deal with. I'm glad to see that you’re feeling better, darlin. If you need anything, let me know."
You stand. “Thank you for everything, Joel, truly everything."
He smiles and quickly makes his way to the door without looking back and closes the door behind him. The room suddenly feels empty with Joel gone. You slump back onto the leather sofa and grab the garlic bread off the plate, dipping it in the remaining pesto at the bottom of your bowl. 
Your phone screen illuminates the dark corner where your bed sits, so you hesitantly get up to check your notifications. At the top are a few messages in the group text between your friends, and just below that is a friend request from Joel. You smile to yourself and accept it, then open your group chat.
Lin: What amazing thing did you get to do today? I am bored of packing for the move. I need to live vicariously through you.
Aubrey: Lin, keep packing you only have a few more weeks. 
Lin: Don't sound too sad to have us go, lol!
Aubrey: You know I am going to miss you two like crazy, but I know you will panic pack at the last minute and forget half your underwear drawer. I am not shipping your panties to you, Lin!
Lin: You know me too well, Aubs.
You: I love that every time I check my phone, I have messages like these! Nothing exciting today. We have been at sea all day on our way to Sarah's dad's mansion in the Bahamas. I went down to the employee's quarters and played cards and got a lot of dirt on Sarah’s mom.
Lin: Okay, I'm going to need pictures of this Bahama's Mansion and details on her mom!
You: Sarah's mom left her dad for another man because she thought it would help her climb the social ladder. Turned out he wasn't as rich or well off socially as she thought, and when he died, she did a paternity test, and here we are.
You: We are going to her dad's mansion for Sarah and Todd's engagement party…
Lin: It sounds like Sarah is the spitting image of her mother.
Aubrey: Not only did you have to witness their engagement, but now you have to go to their engagement party too?
Lin: I swear, you have the absolute worst luck on the planet.
You: You don't even know the half of my bad luck on this trip.
Lin: What do you mean? What else has happened?
You: Well, I don't really fit in with the rest of the group.
Aubrey: But I thought you said you were making other friends? Joel right?
You: I am.
Lin: So, what do you mean by bad luck?
You: Joel is Sarah's dad.
Aubrey: Why is that a problem? I have a lot of friends in my classes who are like double my age.
You: It's a problem because I'm falling for him. Absolutely head over heels falling for him.
Once in the hall, Joel opens the text message that interrupted his conversations with you
Lucille: Do you know someone named Blaine?
That simple sentence makes his stomach drop. He was now contacting family members. Joel makes his way back to the privacy of his office for the second time in the same night. He closes the door behind him before dialing his cousin Lucille's number.
“Joel, I am so glad you called me. I just had the strangest conversation with someone named Blaine. I was just getting out of the bath when I got a call from an unknown number. Now, usually I don't answer the phone if I don't know the number, but I gave my information to this adorable man at the coffee shop earlier today, so I figured it was him."
“Lucille, this is important; I need you to tell me exactly what Blaine said to you." He has to keep Lucille focused on the topic, she's always been a talker, but at this moment, he can't politely listen to all of her stories in their excruciating detail.
“Oh, right, the call from Blaine! He told me I needed to meet his demands or else."
“What were his demands?"
“He wants me to send half a million dollars in a box to an address in New Jersey. I'm sure it's just one of those scam callers that has nothing better to do with their life."
“Lucille, if you thought it was a scam, then why did you ask me if I knew him?"
“Well, that's what I found so strange. He knew all about our family tree and how we are related. I just thought it was a little more information than scammers normally have. However, who knows? With the Internet, I'm sure people can find out all kinds of information about our family. We aren't exactly flying under the radar - Oh! Did you see that latest news article in the paper? Apparently, you are about to agree to an arranged marriage to the Princess of Thailand."
“Lucille, I'm afraid this isn't a scam. But the arranged marriage definitely isn't true. Have you left your house since you got this call?"
“No, why? Joel, you're making me nervous."
“Okay, don't leave your house. I'm sending some of my security team over there now. Do not open the door for anyone else."
“What should I do about Blaine's demands?"
“Just ignore it."
“Joel, who is it we’re dealing with?" Lucille asks. She’s clearly nervous now.
“You don't have to deal with anyone, Lucille, I promise. I will take care of everything. Don't answer any unknown numbers, and do not go anywhere without one of my men with you. I will get this figured out."
“Okay, Joel. Just be careful."
“I will be. Call me if you need anything."
He hangs up the phone and slams his palm against his desk, even though he wants to punch something instead. He allows himself a few seconds of anger before picking up his phone again and calling his head of security.
“Hello?" a burly voice sounds on the other end of the phone call.
“Bruce, I need you to send two men over to my cousin Lucille's home in the West Village. Her address should be listed in her file."
“Of course, sir. Has there been an incident?"
“A man named Blaine Blake. He’s blackmailing Lucille at the moment. I’m not sure what he’s capable of, but he is a threat to the entire family. I need your best men on this."
“Two men are already on their way to your cousin's, sir. Do I need to send a team to you?"
He knew he hired Bruce for a reason. He’s extremely efficient and always one step ahead of everyone else. He’s exactly who he needs to help him take care of Blaine.
“No need quite yet, but I'll keep you posted. Oh, and Bruce?"
“Yes, sir?"
“Keep your ear to the ground, and let me know anything you find out about this Blaine Blake. Any information that you find needs to be kept under wraps."
“On it, sir. Everything will be done with the utmost secrecy."
“Thank you, Bruce. Have a good evening."
Joel hangs up the phone and sets it on his large oak desk. Unconsciously, he's been pacing around his office while on the phone. He slumps himself down into his leather armchair and swivels it around so he can watch the ocean. It's so dark, it's hard to differentiate the water from the sky.
He should have known he would hear from Blaine eventually. He first found out about his existence after his parents' death when he was seventeen. His father's will had very bluntly stated that Blaine was to receive nothing. Joel had no idea that he had a half-brother out there in the world until after his dad was gone and couldn't explain the situation for himself. Joel was left spending the rest of his early adult life piecing the clues together. His parents' constant fighting and lack of affection for each other made complete sense as soon as he knew that his father's infidelity was likely the cause. He ripped apart his father's office, trying to find any clues about his hidden life. The only thing he found was a check register, showing he had paid a woman named Anne Blake - one hundred thousand dollars. He had no illusions about his father, he knew exactly what he'd done. 
His father kept detailed records of every dime he ever spent; the lack of information on the check register told him everything he needed. The hundred thousand dollars was hush money, and the woman, Anne Blake, had to be his father's mistress. He searched for years to find Anne Blake, but her name was so common, it was impossible to narrow down his search enough to find the right woman. He had no other information to go off of, and was left with a million unanswered questions. It wasn't until he found out he was Sarah's father that he had a hope of finding his brother. Sarah had taken a DNA test that linked her to other Miller's who had their DNA in the same database. Joel took the same DNA test and waited for a notification that he had a sibling match in the database. Last year, that notification finally came, but after some digging into his brother Blaine Blake's history, he wished he'd never known about him. More importantly, he wished he didn't know at all. Blaine's criminal record was far from clean, with multiple charges of petty theft and blackmail. It wasn't long after that, that the threats started coming in. At first, it was easy to shake the threats off, and Joel simply ignored all of them. In the last month, Blaine must have gotten desperate because his attempts at blackmail were getting increasingly threatening.
So far, he even avoided telling his security team about the threats, but now he's threatening Joel's family. He knows Bruce will get to the bottom of the problem, but he'll likely find out about all of his family's dirty laundry in the process.
Joel runs his hands up his face and through his hair. Leaning back, he stares at the ceiling. He knows he’ll never be able to sleep after the events of the last few hours, so he turns back around to his desk and opens his laptop. Might as well get some work done if he's going to be up anyway.
A notification greets him as the screen flashes to life. You accepted his friend request. At that, he can't help but smile, just a little. There's something about you that makes it impossible for Joel to get you out of his head. He's immediately distracted by the memory of you riding on the back of the jet ski to find the dolphins. Thinking of that day, he can almost feel your body pressed against his back and how your face lit up when the dolphins swam into the cove. That night when you walked out of the salon in the dress he mentioned would look good on you; you nearly knocked him senseless. You felt beautiful and he could see it on your face.
He realises sitting there alone in his office, he would give anything to make you feel that way all the time. There's no point in denying it any further, he's falling for you. If you were anyone other than Sarah's friend, he'd pursue you without a second thought. But, the last thing he needs is to complicate his relationship with his daughter even more. It doesn't help that his daughter is so clueless as to be cruel to the one person she invites that could actually help her grow into a decent person.
The screen of his phone alerts him to another incoming text message.
Marnie: I need a plane ticket to the Bahamas. It was bad enough that I had to hear about my daughter's engagement over the phone. I refuse to miss her engagement party too. So we will also need to push the party back so I can be there.
A few seconds later, another message follows the first.
Marnie: Also, we need to start discussing the wedding plans. Sarah's wedding needs to be absolutely perfect. We can talk about the details later. Send the flight information as soon as possible.
Joel opens the drawer of his desk and slides his phone inside. He is not in the mood to deal with Marnie and her demands. He knows deep down that Sarah is becoming more and more like her mother each and every day. A part of him is excited about Sarah's wedding for the simple fact that she’ll be another man's problem. He immediately feels bad for thinking that of his own daughter, but it seems she only cares about his money. Thinking about Sarah's upcoming wedding brings a new wave of memories rushing in. Embarrassment floods his veins as he thinks about the conversation he had with his daughter over dinner. She said that you didn't fit the aesthetic of her wedding, so she wouldn't ask you to be a bridesmaid. He couldn't understand that. But if Sarah won't have you at the wedding as a bridesmaid, maybe he'll just bring you as his date.
The last thing you want to do is run into Todd, especially after his actions the night before; you think it would be wise to avoid him completely. Book in hand, you head to the secret deck off of the dining room balcony, where you had shared a few quiet moments with Joel. You figure it would be the best place for you to hide out and also possibly run into Joel again. He left in such a rush the night before, you’re curious to find out what happened. You check down the hallway before speed walking to the dining room. As soon as your hand hits the doorknob, Sarah's voice sounds behind you.
"I have been looking for you everywhere!"
You turn around quickly, and you’re relieved to see that Sarah is alone. She’s wearing a one-piece swimming suit in navy blue with the bust line cutting down to her belly button. She has a white sun hat and a pair of Chanel sunglasses to complete her beachwear.
"Sarah," you say with a smile.
"Come with me down to the beach. I am so bored, and I can't stand being on this boat for another second," she says with an overly dramatic sigh.
"I thought we were heading to your dad's place and wouldn't get there until tonight." You turn and look out the dining room windows. You’re surprised you hadn't noticed earlier that you aren't moving.
"Daddy said we had to stop to refuel. He is also giving some of the crew their half-day break so they can go on land and contact family or something stupid like that," Sarah says with a roll of her eyes.
"Oh," you say, slightly irritated at Sarah's insensitivity. "Well, a half-day isn't that bad."
"It is when you have an engagement party to plan. Plus, daddy told me that my mom is flying out for the party. She is going to be waiting at the house while we sit here all day."
The thought of meeting Marnie makes you slightly nervous. Maybe because you’re worried she’ll be able to tell you have feelings for Joel. You can't let Sarah catch you in a daydream about her dad, so you shift the conversation as quickly as possible.
"Where is everyone else?"
"Everyone has a hangover. Todd started a drinking game last night, and everyone had a little too much."
Well, that makes a lot of the previous night make more sense. Todd is never one to handle his alcohol very well, and he’s even worse at games. You’re curious as to just how many drinks made Todd forget himself the way he did last night. He was not waiting long into the engagement to show his true colors.
"How are you not hung over?" you ask, looking her up and down. She doesn't look like she was drinking the night before at all. As always, she looks absolutely flawless.
"The bartenders know to give me water instead of an actual shot. I hate the way I get bags under my eyes when I drink too much. It’ss much better to stay hydrated than look hungover."
"Right. Well, I was just going to go find somewhere quiet to read, but reading on the beach sounds a lot more fun."
"Great! I can wait for you to go get ready," Sarah says, looking at your outfit.
"I am ready, Sarah."
"Oh, you look…cute. Anyway, let's go!"
You follow Sarah out on the dock and quickly realize it will not be a simple morning on the beach.
A few members of staff have set up a large tan beach canopy surrounded by white gauzy curtains. In the center is a pair of chaise lounge chairs made of rattan and topped with matching white cushions. It looks like a photoshoot.
"Do you think you could take a few pictures of me? I haven't posted anything in a few days, and my followers are getting antsy."
The true purpose of Sarah inviting you to spend time with her this morning becomes very obvious. She needs a photographer, not a friend.
"Sure, I can take a few. I really want to read this book, though, so if we could be fast…"
"Oh, that is an awesome idea!"
Sarah grabs the book out of your hand and flips it from the front cover to the back. You must look confused because she quickly explains.
"We could take a few shots of me reading on the beach. I haven't done that before. Is this one of those books that will make me look smart?"
"Yeah, I guess we could. It's just a romance novel, I don't know if your followers will think it makes you smart, but it might make you a little more relatable to some people."
"Smart people read. You, of all people, should know that. Maybe I’ll stop getting all those mean comments about being stupid. I can caption it 'steamy reading on the beach.'" 
Sarah takes her place on the lounge in a very photogenic pose that makes her look graceful while still artfully showing off her cleavage. She opens the book and drapes it over herself, careful not to block her best assets. After a few pictures, she will check your work and find the smallest thing she doesn't like and will make you take more.
"Make sure you get the lighting just right and hold the camera up higher for a better angle. Oh, and make sure to get a good view of the ring. I'm hoping someone will notice it, and then my comment section will blow up."
"Don't you want to wait until the actual announcement?" you ask.
"Oh, no! I am going to pretend like it is a mistake that I posted a picture with the ring on; that way, it will attract more attention."
"It's always about the attention with you," you say under your breath.
"What was that?"
"Tilt your head up higher, so you don't have a double chin."
Sarah gasps and asks to see the pictures you had taken, so she can search for the nonexistent double chin. You feel bad as soon as you say it, you don't need to stoop to her level. After finding out so much about Sarah's past, you understand why she can be so hard to be around at times. If you had found out your father wasn't really your father after he passed away, you would have been devastated too.
"I think it was just a shadow, Sarah you don't have a double chin in any of these pictures. I don't think it is even possible for you to have a double chin," you say, trying to make up for your moment of weakness.
"Of course, you're right," Sarah says as she hands her phone back to you. Apparently, you aren't done taking pictures.
"Maybe we could get a few shots of me in the sand. Those always get a ton of likes."
Sarah begins to position herself on her stomach in the sand with the book open in front of her. She bends her knees, so her legs are in the air, and she bites the end of her sunglasses while she pretends to read. The pictures look like they belong on the cover of a magazine. Sarah looks so natural, even though she's strategically posing herself.
“Sarah, do you ever get tired of this?"
“Of taking pictures? No, not really."
“Not just of the pictures, but of constantly worrying about what others are thinking of you."
“That is why I take so many pictures; if you put your best picture out there, the only ones who comment mean things are the people who are jealous."
“It just seems like so much work to paint yourself as perfect all the time. I guess that's why I stopped using social media so long ago for the most part."
“For once, things actually are perfect. I have the perfect fiance, and soon I'll have the perfect wedding too. If you ever want to get back onto social media, I could help you.”
 "I'm good for now, but thanks," you say, resuming taking pictures. You realize that Sarah likely doesn't know about your past relationship with Todd because you never posted anything about it on social media. If you don't tell her, she likely wouldn't ever know, and you don't want to be the one to break that news to her. So you keep your mouth shut and keep taking every picture Sarah asks for.
"I think I should have something I can work with from these. Thanks, for helping me out. It was so much fun to spend some time with you," Sarah says, making her way back to the ship without looking back.
It isn't exactly your idea of fun to take pictures all afternoon, but you are finally alone, and you can enjoy your book. You take Sarah's chaise lounge under the shade of the canopy. Even with the breeze gently fluttering the sheer curtains hanging off the canopy, you are still dripping sweat. You had to stand directly in the sun to get all of the shots until your wet tank top clung to your body.
You check the beach to make sure it’s empty before slipping your shirt off and setting it next to you on the empty lounge chair. You feel so much cooler as the breeze snakes through the gaps of your lacy bralette. You open your book and are so thankful for the silence. You get sucked into the story on the pages, so much so that you don’t hear the voices approaching until they are only a few feet from you.
"Can you call and make sure the interest rate we discussed earlier is set in stone?"
"Of course, sir."
You don't have time to slip back into your shirt, so you press the open book to your chest, taking advantage of the little coverage it offers you. You look up to find Joel and Reggie staring at you. Reggie quickly averts his eyes. Joel stares openly at your body, and when his eyes meet yours, you know he wants you as much as you want him.
Reggie apologizes, "We didn't realize you were out here. We will give you some privacy." He keeps his head down and shuffles through the sand back to the dock.
"We aren't leaving for a few more hours." Joel holds your gaze as tightly as you’re holding the open book to your chest. "Take your time and enjoy yourself. I'll make sure no one comes down and bothers you if you'd like to resume reading," Joel offers. He winks at you and then follows Reggie back to the dock.
You watch Joel as he walks away, his neatly pressed linen button-up fluttering gently in the breeze. Once he and Reggie are at a safe distance, you grab your shirt off of the lounge chair next to you and slip it over your head. You let yourself fall backward on the plush cushions and close your eyes, imagining Joel undressing you the way he had done with his eyes when he realized you were wearing nothing but your bralette.
A wave of heat rushes through you at the thought until you remember where you are. You sit up so quickly that you make your head spin. After waiting a few seconds to regain your balance, you place your book under your arm, and with your head down, you race back to your room. As soon as your door clicks closed behind you, you head for the shower, throwing your clothes to the floor on your way there. You stand for a long time under the cool water. Eventually, you feel the embarrassment wash down the drain. It takes even longer for the heat Joel made you feel to wash away.
Wrapping yourself in a towel, you make your way out of the bathroom. You would love to sit on the balcony and let the breeze help extinguish what you’re feeling, but you figure you've already taken too much risk for one day. Instinctively, you grab your phone off of the bed to text your friends an update.
You: If I could die of embarrassment, you two would be making funeral arrangements as we speak.
Lin: Oooo, is there some daddy drama we need to know about?
You: Unfortunately, yes. I was just lying on the beach in my bralette, and I had no idea Joel was walking by until it was too late.
Aubrey: I'm sure he didn't mind. If it is that one you bought on our last shopping trip, I know he didn't mind!
Lin: So what did you do? Let him stand there in awe?
You: So not funny, you two! I covered myself with the book I was reading… but we definitely shared a moment.
Lin: Sounds steamier than those romance novels you read!
You: I think I am in way over my head. What do I do? We are staying at his house in the Bahamas for the next few days. We should get there later tonight.
Lin: Let it happen!
Aubrey: Just see where it goes, but if you want to leave, I will find you a plane out of there.
You: It might not be a bad idea to get that flight information. Would you mind Aubrey?
Aubrey: Of course, I will send you the details; that way, you have them if you need them.
You: Thank you. I will keep you both updated!
You close your phone and sigh. You don't want to leave, but it might be for the best, so you don't do something stupid. The thought of leaving this vacation is a weighted decision. If you don't see Todd again for the rest of your life, you'll be overjoyed. However, the thought of possibly never seeing Joel again, of never finding out if you could be more, is painful to think about. Your head is spinning over what the best decision is. So, instead of making any big decisions, you get yourself dressed, fully expecting another quiet day at sea. Exhausted from the heat of the morning and Sarah's impromptu photo shoot, you throw yourself on the bed and close your eyes for what feels like a few minutes.
A light knocking on your door wakes you up, and your eyes take a moment to adjust to the lighting in the room. A quick look out your balcony window, and you know you've slept way longer than you had intended. The golden glow of sunset is streaming through the windows, dusting everything in a light pink hue.
"Brenna! Hey, what's going on?" you ask as you open the door, happy to see a familiar face.
"I was sent up to help you with your luggage. We should be arriving at the Miller's vacation home in about an hour," Brenna explains.
"Oh, wow. I slept a lot longer than I meant to," you say and hold the door open for Brenna to enter your room. You try to rub the sleep from your eyes as she walks into your room.
"No worries, the only thing you missed was the 'Richies' showing off in the pool all day," Brenna reports.
"Then it sounds like I made the right decision. How were they showing off?" you ask.
"Oh, you know the usual 'I'm so annoyed my parents bought me the wrong color convertible,' 'I can't believe he really thought that I drank anything but sparkling water,' 'the sheets in my room are so uncomfortable–the ones on my dad's yacht are Egyptian cotton.'"
You laugh and shake your head. Brenna does a great impression of the things you have heard from different members of the group all week. You head to the closet, Brenna right behind you. "I don't think it will actually take me an hour to get everything packed up. Most of my stuff can just be thrown back in my suitcase, and my new clothes are all still in the garment bags," you say.
"It must be my lucky day. I was in that girl Megan's room earlier, and it looked like she tried on an entire store's worth of clothes and threw them on the floor when they weren't what she was looking for. I feel horrible for whoever got assigned to her room," Brenna comments.
"I would pity anyone who had to work for Megan. I avoid her at all costs. When she glares at you, it feels like you're going to start burning right on the spot," you say.
"I know, right? She's the worst of all of Sarah's friends, but her dad owns some luxury watch company, so she has been a regular on the guest lists for a long time," Brenna explains.
"Brenna, what is the vacation house like?" you ask.
"It's more than someone like you or me could ever believe one person could afford," Brenna replies.
As the yacht pulls up to the private dock of the Miller's Bahama vacation home, the size of the mansion is on full display. The white colonial-style mansion is three stories tall, with cantilever balconies off of the second floor. An illuminated infinity pool rests at the top of the white sanded private beach. A small runway off to the side of the property ends at a white stone gazebo that juts out into the ocean. Full palm trees edge the beach, making it feel secluded from the rest of the island. Music plays from the large deck, and shadows of people dot the beach and poolside.
Sarah rushes down to the dock, where a group of very rich women wait for you. Sarah squeals and thrusts her hand forward to show off her engagement ring. This is followed by echoed squeals from the group. You hesitate as your feet hit the dock, not wanting to get in the middle of the model-like women.
"Oh, sweetie, the maid's entrance is around to the side," one of the women says.
You stop in your tracks, not knowing how to respond to the assumption. You feel a warm palm on your lower back push you gently forward past the woman. Joel.
He leans down close to your ear and whispers, "Don't let them intimidate you. You're twice the woman any of them could ever be." His breath tickles your neck, and goosebumps prickle the skin down your arms. You look up at him and give him a weak smile. "Let me show you where you’ll be staying," he says quietly as he lets the corner of his mouth brush your earlobe.
"Thank you," you nearly moan.
Joel keeps his hand on your lower back as you walk to the mansion. He leads you through the back doors and into a living room with a giant chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. Two fish tanks containing every color of tropical fish rest on either side of the large staircase you take to the second floor.
"This is one of my favorite rooms in the entire house," Joel says. He leads you into an elegant bedroom with white double doors exiting onto one of the balconies you had seen from the yacht. Palm fronds are a recurring theme in the decorations throughout the room in a pale green color.
"It's so beautiful; I wouldn't dare touch anything," you say.
"Nonsense. Make yourself comfortable. It's one of three master bedrooms, so you have your own ensuite just through that door there," Joel says, gesturing to an open door on the other side of the room.
"I don't know if I belong in one of the master suites. I would really be okay with one of the smaller rooms," you say.
"This is where you belong. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.”
Waking up in the enormous master suite, you find yourself bathed in the soft glow of morning coming through the windows. The tranquillity is broken by screams of irritation from the floor below. 
Wrapping the robe Joel had given you around yourself, you open the door to your room and hurry down the stairs to see what's going on. "You have got to be kidding me! This is completely unacceptable!" A woman with hair matching Sarah's is yelling at Max, the staff member you'd played cards with on the yacht.
"Ma'am, I don't know what to tell you. Mr. Miller has already assigned the rooms; I cannot go against his direct orders. There is already another guest staying in that room, and I am sure Mr. Miller would not approve of me kicking them out of the room," Max replies, clearly exasperated.
"We will see about that. You will be lucky if you still have a job by the time I'm through with you," the woman retorts and spots you on the stairs. Her face is devoid of emotion, probably from the excessive and very obvious botox treatments. "Come to enjoy the show, did we?" she asks, but you can't tell if she's trying to glare at you or not. You turn around, deciding it's best not to get involved. 
A few hours later, you dare to leave your room again but are met with more yelling coming from the lower floor. Your empty stomach protests the idea of going back through there, so you hope you can make it to the kitchen without anyone seeing you.
"So you are the one that took my room," Marnie says immediately, and you know it's her.
You turn to find not only Marnie but Sarah, Todd, and Megan too. Megan has a small smirk on her mouth that she tries and fails to hide.
"What are you talking about?" you ask, pretending you have no idea what she means.
"I just found out that one of the master bedrooms went to you. I am stuck on the bottom floor in one of the guest rooms like some commoner," Marnie complains.
"I don't see the problem. I was told which room had been assigned to me. I didn't ask for it."
"Oh, you must be the poor one. It makes sense why you can't understand something so simple," Marnie says with a pointed look at your simple clothes.
Megan laughs at Marnie's comment, and Sarah playfully slaps her arm to get her to stop. You can't bring yourself to look at Todd's face, but you figure he's getting a laugh out of this interaction as well.
"Do you know who I am?" Marnie asks.
You internally cringe. You've always hated customers who tried the 'do you know who I am' card at the bar. "I'm guessing that you’re Sarah's mother," you say as calmly as you can.
"Exactly. So you need to pack up your things and get out of my room."
"I'm not moving my stuff. I was assigned that room, and I'm going to stay in it."
Marnie starts stammering an explanation, but Joel walks into the room without her noticing. Relief floods your entire body, knowing Joel is here. He has an angry burning look in his eyes that makes Marnie nervous.
"This whole thing was just a misunderstanding. I just figured, with our history, I would have one of the bigger rooms. I just remembered, though, that I love the view of the ocean from the room I'm in, that’s  probably why you picked it for me," Marnie explains.
Joel doesn't say anything in response, and Marnie tries her best to make an escape. Sarah and Todd follow Marnie out of the kitchen, and you feel heat on your lower back. Joel has placed his hand there and leans close to you.
"Are you okay?" he asks quietly.
You nod and step away from him, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl on the counter.
The rest of the morning is spent carefully avoiding Marnie, but it seems like everywhere you go, Todd shows up a few minutes later. He's always talking very loudly about what needs to be done before the engagement party. Not wanting to talk to him, you give up and go back to your room. You go out to the balcony and lean over the railing to watch the ocean. A few men are surfing, and you can make out Joel sitting on his surfboard bobbing in the water.
"Baby cakes?"
You look over to see Todd leaning over the railing of the adjacent balcony, straining to see you on yours. You shake your head at him.
"Please, I just need to talk to you."
"You have nothing to say that I would be interested in hearing," you say and go back into your room, shutting the door behind you a little more forcefully than you intended. Your heart is pounding, and you know you need to get control of your anger, but you can't do that knowing Todd is in the next room over. So you grab your book and a beach towel out of the bathroom before heading down to the beach. You walk through the living area of the mansion and nearly run into two giant ice sculptures as they are being brought through to the kitchen.
"Oh, careful!" Sarah says, rushing over to inspect the ice sculpture. You quickly step back to avoid a life-size rendition of Sarah and Todd embracing.
"Oh wow…" is the only thing you can say, looking at the ice sculpture.
"I know, right? It is absolutely perfect," Sarah beams.
"It sure is something."
"Mom commissioned it as soon as she found out about the engagement party."
"Well, I want the best for my little girl," Marnie's voice flows down the stairs as she makes her way toward you with Todd on her arm.
"It really is the perfect embodiment of us both," Todd says with a smile in your direction.
"It matches your heart, Todd. Ice cold," you mutter under your breath.
You make a hasty exit out the back door and nearly run towards the beach, needing to get away from both versions of Todd.
You spread your towel out in the sand and lounge on the ground, hoping to continue the book you had been trying to read the day before. Sarah's demanding voice carries all the way down to the private beach.
You need a better distraction. You throw your head back and look up at the bright blue sky. You don't think you can make it through this engagement party. Your phone vibrates with a text message from Aubrey, containing flight information for a flight leaving the next day. It would cost the rest of your savings, but maybe it would be for the best if you left.
"Every time I've seen you lately, you've had that book with you, but you never seem to be reading it."
You sit up to find Joel standing in front of you, shirtless, soaking wet, and holding a surfboard. Beads of water are sliding down his naked torso, and you can't help but watch them caress his skin, slowly sneaking lower. You look back up at Joel's teasing smile.
"Do you need a towel? You're dripping on me," you say with a playful smile.
"Would you share yours? Unless you'd like to join me for one more wave."
"I have never been surfing," you admit.
"I would be happy to teach you, as long as you don't send us both flying into the water again," Joel says with a wink and a charming smile.
“I can't make any promises about that," you say with a laugh.
“Then it might be best for you to stay on dry land. The engagement party is supposed to start in a few hours."
You sigh quietly and look down at your toes; you buried them under the sand. You pull them out and brush off the sand.
“Well then, I'm going to head back up to shower and get ready." Joel offers you his hand and helps you off the ground.
“I'll see you there." You hand Joel the towel you had been sitting on.
“In the shower?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.
“I'll see you at the party Joel," you reply with a seductive glance over your shoulder as you walk back toward the mansion, leaving him behind you. You can feel his eyes on you as you walk away.
The soft fabric of your chiffon cocktail dress swishes against your thighs as you make your way downstairs. The music is already thumping through the house from the back patio, making the windows rattle slightly. The infinity pool is illuminated, giving the entire party a slight glow. The first place you head is to the bartender, knowing it's going to take a lot to get through this night and needing all the help you can get.
"Would you like a Sarah Lemon Drop or a Todd Tequila Shot?"
"Are these the only two things on the menu?" you ask. You shouldn't be surprised that they have signature drinks named after themselves.
The bartender gives you a sympathetic smile, "Or we have the Marry Me Margarita."
This is going to be a very long night.
"A margarita then…"
You walk away with your margarita in hand and join a small group of people surrounding the life-size ice sculpture of Sarah and Todd. A woman turns to you and asks, "So how do you know the couple?"
"Oh, I went to school with Sarah at NYU." You figure it's best to leave out how you know Todd.
"I didn't realize that Sarah went to college. She never mentioned it at our photo shoot in Greece last year. That's how we met," she says with an air of superiority.
"What did you study at NYU?" a man says, entering the conversation.
"Oh, I got my Bachelor's in history and I just graduated with my Master's in political science. I'm going to Harvard for Law school in the fall."
"That sounds absolutely terrible. I went for the first week of college and dropped out. They wanted me to show up for classes before, like ten in the morning," the woman says.
"Yeah, some of the classes can be pretty early," you say, not knowing how to respond.
"So, are your parents making you go to law school or something? Does your dad own a law firm? I have a friend whose dad is making him become a lawyer so he can take over the law firm someday," the man asks you.
"No, I'm not being forced, I just have always wanted to be a lawyer. No one in my family owns a law firm, although I wish they did. That would make finding a job after I graduate a lot easier," you answer with a nervous laugh.
The two give you a strange look as though they had never met someone who willingly went to college to pursue a career simply because it was what they wanted.
"So you're, like, smart," the woman says in a patronizing tone. They turn to each other and actually laugh at you while you’re still standing next to them. 
"Don't tell me you are putting yourself through school too. Let me guess, you're a waitress or something," the man says with a mean smile.
"I'm a bartender," you say quietly.
This answer sends them both over the edge with giggles. They move forward, effectively cutting you out of the group with their bodies. You realize that you have nothing in common with these people and turn to leave. 
Tears sting the corners of your eyes, and you need to get away from the thumping beat of the DJ's speakers. You refuse to cry in front of these people. You walk down the runway to the gazebo that juts out into the ocean, so the waves crash against all sides, drowning out the music and laughter from the party. You brace yourself on the backrest of an iron bench, wiping away an escaping tear from your face. You know you don't belong here, and you can't stand staying another day. You pull your phone out of the clutch you're carrying and send a quick text to Aubrey and Lin.
You: I just got laughed at for wanting to become a lawyer. I need to get away from these people.
Aubrey: Do you want me to book you that flight?
You: Yes, I'm ready to come home.
Aubrey: Bad news. The flight tomorrow is booked.
You: When is the next flight out of here?
Aubrey: In two days.
You: Book it. I will just find a way to hide out for one more day.
Lin: You can get through this! I will be waiting at the airport to pick you up.
You: I can't thank you two enough. What would I do without you? I miss you both, and I can't wait to see you.
Aubrey: Your flight has been changed. We will see you in two days. Hang in there! We love you!
Lin: What Aubrey said. Just two more days!
You: Love you girls too!
A hand grips the top of yours on the bench and gives it a small squeeze.
"I have been trying to talk to you all day. Why have you been avoiding me?"
You look down and are disappointed that it's not Joel's tanned hand on top of yours. You rip your hand out from under Todd's and give him an icy glare. "What do you need?"
"I need to talk to you in private."
"This is private enough," you say, looking back at the party. You know someone would hear you if you screamed loud enough.
"Just come back to my room with me." Todd leans in close and whispers, "I miss you."
"You can talk to me here or not at all," you say and take a large step back and away from him.
"You look amazing, baby cakes. I have never seen you wear a dress like that. It looks good on you and would look even better off," he says with a sleazy smile.
"Do not call me that! Don't think about me like that! Does your fiance know where you are?" you hiss.
"Of course, she doesn't, and she doesn't have to."
"Does she know anything, Todd? Does she know about our past? Does she know that you dated me for years and how you were still dating me when you two met?" Your breaths are coming in ragged gasps now. You have never been so angry at Todd before. You can't stand the fact that he has not only thrown you over for someone else after you had wasted years of your life on him, but now he has the nerve to try and win you back at his engagement party.
"Of course, she knows," he says quickly while looking away.
"You are such a liar!" Your voice echoes against the pillars of the gazebo. Angry tears burn your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall.
"Are you sure I'm the liar and not Sarah? What if she just invited you here to make you watch her get engaged to your ex? It sounds like just the kind of game that she and her rich friends would find so entertaining. They have been laughing at you behind your back this entire trip."
"You've always been the liar, Todd. I wish I had seen that from the very beginning. You obviously don't know Sarah. There is no way she would be that cruel. I never mentioned you by name to her when we were dating because she never seemed to care about my personal life. And if they've been laughing at me this entire time, why didn't you tell me sooner? You're just lying to save yourself." You hope the words you say are true. Spending this much time with Sarah is a rare occurrence, and she seems different. However, you can't fathom that she would intentionally cause you pain.
"We have the chance to get back at her for humiliating you," Todd whispers.
"What are you talking about?" you ask, puzzled by the sudden change in topic.
"Take me back. She never has to know that we made up. Everything could go back to how it was."
"Back to how it was? Really, Todd? How do you think that would ever work? You expect me to be fine with the fact that you are marrying Sarah? Do you really think Sarah would be okay with her husband having a girlfriend on the side?" you ask, taken aback by his request.
"I would still marry Sarah, and we would have more money than we would even know what to do with. As soon as my dad makes me a partner, I will have to go on business trips all the time, and you could come with me. Sarah will never know that we are back together."
"You're ridiculous, Todd. It's all about the money, isn't it? You want everything that you can't have, and you are only marrying Sarah for her money."
"Well, she's not bad to look at either," Todd says as if you are the one being unreasonable.
"I can't believe I ever loved you. You are a terrible person. Just leave me alone, Todd," you say, turning away from him and crossing your arms. You are drained from your conversation and realize that there is no way to make him see how wrong he is being.
"Take me back, please," Todd says, reaching out and grabbing your arm.
"Don't touch me," you say, pulling away from him.
Someone clears their throat at the entrance of the gazebo. Todd drops his arm and takes a step back. "Todd, Sarah is looking for you. I think it would be best if you went and found her."
Todd doesn't respond and quickly leaves. You watch as he stops in front of Joel, waiting for him to move so that he can leave. Joel remains where he is standing, so Todd has to awkwardly squeeze past him. If you weren't so angry and trying to hold back the tears still hot in your eyes, you would have laughed.
You let out a frustrated sigh that turns into a small sob. Joel is by your side in seconds. "Are you okay?" Joel asks, putting a hand on each of your arms and rubbing them comfortingly.
"I'm fine," you lie, trying to hide the few tears that have fallen down your face.
"You're shaking. You are not okay. Come with me," Joel says, holding out his hand, and you take it.
"I don't want to go back to the party," you say.
"We don't have to go back to the party.” 
"Then where are we going?" you ask, your voice cracking.
"To my room.”
Joel holds your hand as he leads you through a side door of the mansion, avoiding the large crowd of the engagement party. When the door closes behind you, the music and noise of the group become muffled. All you can hear is the low rumble of the bass as it vibrates through the walls.
Joel and you walk in silence, and he never lets go of your hand as he leads you back to his room. Joel's room is decorated in soft grays and silvers. The massive bed stands alone in the center of the room with a crystal chandelier hanging over the center.
Your feet are sore, so you slip your heels off and set them by the double door entrance of the room. Joel clicks the lock on the door, walks across the room, and sits down in an armchair on the other side of the room. You follow, your bare feet cold on the tile floors.
The room's soft coldness makes you feel like you're surrounded by a cloud, comfortable and warm but still in a storm. You nearly sink into the plush armchair that matches Joel's. You would love to be enveloped by the chair and not have the conversation you know is coming. Unfortunately, the truth will likely bring on a storm of its own.
"I need to know the truth."
"I know you do," you say. You let the silence fall between you, not knowing how to start. So you wait for Joel to ask a question first.
"You've known Todd for longer than just this week, haven't you?"
"I met him at NYU in one of my general classes," you admit.
"So you've known him for years?"
"Almost four years," you say barely above a whisper. "We dated for three."
You hear Joel take a deep breath at your confession.
"Why didn't you tell me or Sarah?"
"Honestly, I didn't know what to do. When I got here, I had no idea that Todd would be on board too. Sarah introduced me to him as her new boyfriend, and he acted as though we had never met before.The situation was so uncomfortable. I was still in shock and so hurt." 
"So you just decided to say nothing instead?" his eyebrows cinch together. All you can manage is a nod as the tears blur the edges of your vision. "You said you were hurt seeing him again. How long ago was this break up?"
"He officially broke up with me the day before I walked to receive my Master's degree. We had been fighting for weeks before that, though, when I found out he had been cheating on me for months."
"Shit. With my daughter?"
"Yes…they met at my birthday party."
"Did she know?"
"I honestly don't think she knew. Or at least if she did, she didn't know I was the girlfriend."
"I'm so sorry. But how did you expect to spend an entire vacation keeping this all a secret?"
"By the time I came to my senses, the yacht had already departed. I figured I would avoid Todd, and at the end of this vacation, I would go back to my normal life. I would never see him again after I moved, and I honestly didn't think that Sarah and Todd would last. Sarah never dates anyone for longer than a few months. I never imagined that Sarah would get engaged to him."
"Why has he been following you around?" Joel says sternly.
"I don't know why he can't just let our relationship go…" you say.
You hear Joel sigh, and when he speaks again, his tone is softer. "What did he have to say to you tonight in the gazebo? You looked like he had you cornered."
"He was lying to me...." you attempt to avoid his question, not wanting to go into the awful details of your conversation with Todd.
"About what?" Joel asks, he was clearly going to keep pressing until you told him everything.
"He told me Sarah knew and that she invited me on purpose as some kind of joke for her and all her rich friends."
"I know my daughter can be thoughtless at times, but I don't believe she would purposely be so cruel," he says, rubbing his hands on his face.
"I don't believe him," you assure Joel, seeing the worried look on his face.
"Why would he outright lie like that?"
It takes you a few minutes to respond, trying to find the best way to word your answer. You sigh and look down at your feet. "He was trying to convince me to sleep with him again… to get back at Sarah." 
Anger heats Joel's gaze as his eyes bore into yours. "Do you want him again?"
"What are you talking about? No! Of course, not. I don't want him in any way ever again. He completely betrayed me," you say, completely shocked by his question. You'd figured his anger would be towards Todd, not you. Joel's eyes remain dark, and he doesn't respond. Instead, he gets up from his chair and starts pacing the room. "Aren't you worried that this is the man that your daughter has picked to marry?" you ask, exasperated that he is questioning you about wanting to sleep with your ex. As if you are so weak that you can't possibly say no to a man who has utterly betrayed your trust.
"If I go and tell Sarah what's going on and try to convince her to end the engagement, then he would be free to come back to you. Is that what you want?" Joel asks through clenched teeth.
Joel's words sting.
"Why are you twisting everything I say?"
"How can I trust anything you say after you've lied to everyone this entire time?"
The tears truly start falling then. You quickly stand from your chair and make your way to the door. Before you even reach your shoes next to the door, Joel grabs your wrist, making you pause.
"Stop. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that," he says softly as he runs his thumb in circles on your wrist. Normally, that would have made your heart flutter, but at that moment, the only thing you want is to be alone on a flight headed for home.
"I don't need this from you." You use the back of your free hand to wipe the tears streaming down your cheeks.
"I just hate imagining you with him," he says quietly.
You let the unsaid meaning of his words float between you. Neither of you acknowledges the implications of his words.
"I just have to know. Do you love him?"
"Will you believe what I tell you?" you ask, finally turning around to look at him again. 
He lets your wrist fall from his fingers. "Yes. I promise," he says with a note of fear in his eyes. Is he truly afraid that you are still in love with a man who treated you so poorly? He reaches up to your face and wipes away another stray tear.
"No. I do not love him," you say pointedly, your voice steady.
"Did you love him?" Joel asked softly.
"I was with him for three years, Joel," you say with a sigh
"That's not what I asked. Did you love him?" he asks again, more forcefully.
"I did love him, but after everything that's happened, how could I still love him? I was wrong about so many things in our relationship," you respond.
"What if you change your mind?" Joel resumes pacing the room.
"I won't. I don't take betrayal lightly," you say firmly.
"I just wish you would have said something from the very beginning."
Anger surges through you. Anger because Joel doesn't seem to understand that everything between you and Todd is over. You don't want anything to do with Todd because the only person you want is Joel. You only want Joel. "You don't get it though, do you?" you say, stepping up to him, blocking his path.
"What am I not getting? Tell me why you lied to me for so long. I would have understood."
"Would you really have understood? Don't you get it? If I had told the truth from the very beginning, I would have been on the first flight home. I would have left as soon as we made the first port," you say, raising your voice.
Joel stares at you, still not understanding. You take another step closer to him, so close that your bodies almost touch. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down before continuing.
"If I had told the truth, I would have never gotten to know you!"
Joel looks at you intensely. He knows you're right.
"I wanted to tell you first thing, but I was just scared. I don't fit in here, remember? The last thing I needed was to make Sarah mad. And who even knows if Todd would've owned up to it? He could've pretended I was lying to cover for himself," you explain, turning away from him.
He gently grabs your arm, making you face him. He looks down at your hand and then interlaces his fingers with yours.
"So, you're glad we've gotten to know each other then?" he asks with a sly smile.
You can't help but smile back. "Of course, I am. Isn't it obvious? I spend most of my time with you."
He nods. "That's true." He lets go of your hand, but your fingertips still touch.
"Todd wanted you to have sex with him to make Sarah mad? He seems to be pretty hung up on you,” Joel says, looking at you.
You raise your eyebrows slightly at that. "Are you trying to ask me about our sex life?"
Joel looks at you. "Honestly, I'm just jealous he knows what sex with you is like."
Your cheeks grow warm, and your heartbeat quickens.
"Why would you be jealous of that? I'm sure you've been with plenty of women," you say.
"Yes, I've been with women, but none as beautiful as you–inside and out," Joel replies, looking into your eyes.
You stare at each other, your fingertips brushing against each other. He moves closer to you and lifts your chin up. You gaze up at him, and he brushes a strand of hair out of your face with a smile and then ever so slowly, he leans down and kisses you.
@lizzie-cakes @ashhlsstuff @puduvallee
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 3 months
Moi Devochki: Chapter 10
Authors note: This is the last chapter of this series! Thank you for reading and enjoying it, and I hope the ending is satisfactory! 💖
Word count: 2320
WandaNat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Moi Devochki Masterlist
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Five Years Later:
    Natashas back lays in the cool grass that's shaded by a large oak tree, and her eyes light up as she laughs at the sight before her. The pup straddling her chest bounces slightly because of this, but he doesn’t seem to mind the action. In fact he starts to giggle along with his Mama, oblivious to the fact that he was the one being laughed at.
   “Look at you, you're a mess!” she exclaims as her hand comes to soothe his wild head of hair full of small twigs, leaves and some mulch, “What did you go down the slide head first or something?”
   “Uh huh, was fun!” he admits with a wide smile
   She glances beside her to the backyard playground where the other two toddlers are playing. Sure enough at the end of the slide is a patch of messed up mulch and his stuffed tiger lays beside it.
   “You are crazy, Pietro. It’s a good thing you came to Mama to help sort you out instead of your Mom or Mommy”
  “Why?” he asks as his head tilts adorably, letting a small leaf fall onto the Alphas abdomen
   “Because they would have worried. Especially your Mommy.”
   “Oh, m’kay” he states, likely filing that information away for future mishaps.
   She chuckles at him and continues to work on cleaning him up. He behaves and sits there, letting her make him look presentable while he watches his siblings continue to play. His sister, Sasha, is working on a sandcastle in the sandbox that was recently put in after a trip to the beach. And his half sister, Lena, is swinging on her swing with her stuffed bear.
   “There we go my handsome little man, all fixed up” 
   “Thank you Mama!” he exclaims, glancing down at her briefly before darting back off to the playground
   She watches him fondly as he picks up his tiger and brushes off the debris from it as he makes his way to one of the swings next to Lena. He sticks the plush between his legs so it can swing with him and he pushes his little legs off the ground to get his momentum going. The pups all laugh and smile, and Natasha knows without a doubt that retiring and having a domestic life was absolutely what she needed to truly feel whole.
   “Alpha! Pups! Lunch is ready!” Wanda suddenly calls out the back door to them
   Ever the hungry one, Lena jumps up and sprints towards the house, “Did chu make macs with cheese, Mommy?”
   “Lena, baby, change out of your sandy clothes and wash your hands first! Then ask Mommy questions!” the Alpha shouts out as she stops the swings for the other two, “Go wash your hands too, please.”
   “Yes Mama!” they both reply before darting into the house as well
    Wanda smiles as they all rush by her to do as their told, and she greets her Alpha with a kiss, “Hi love, you all looked like you were having fun”
   “Hi dorogoy(sweetheart)” she replies, holding her close for a moment, “We were, them more so but I do love watching them just get to be pups”
   The brunette nods in understanding, “Me too. So happy and carefree, as they should be”
   The patter of small feet gains their attention and Lena bursts into the room in a mismatched outfit, “Macs with cheese Mommy?”
  Wanda giggles at the small girl, “Yes honey, I made some”
   “Yay!! Tank you!” she says, hugging Wanda's leg briefly before scrambling into her seat
   The other two pups file into the kitchen next, and Pietros shirt clearly shows evidence of a mishap with the sink but neither of them mention it. He smiles a gap toothed grin, waiting to be given his plate as little Sasha struggles to get her chair out far enough for her to climb up on it
   “Careful baby, let me help” Wanda says as she moves to do just that
   “I'll go get Y/n and the little twins” Nat tells her mate before heading upstairs. She makes her way down the hall and into the large master bedroom, “Hi medovyy(honey)”
   “Hi Tasha” you greet, shifting slightly in your nest
   She comes over and joins you in the nest and gently cups your face, her eyes scanning the small pups by your side, “You and the pups doing ok?”
   You smile at her, “We’re fine Alpha, I finished feeding them a little while ago”
   “Well, Wandas just made lunch and I think it's your turn to eat now”
   “Yes please” you agree, moving to pick up one of the two month old pups, “Mind carrying Scarlett downstairs?”
   “Of course not” she replies, getting out of the nest and carefully taking the small pup in her arms, cradling her
   You get out of the nest too, and pick up Rico cradling him similarly as you follow your mate back downstairs and into the kitchen. It warms your heart to see all the toddlers sitting at the table with their plates of mac n cheese and dino nuggets.
   “Hi detka(baby)” Wanda greets, kissing your cheek while caressing the pups head, “Did they eat well?”
   You nod, “Very well, they passed out almost as soon as they had enough milk”
   “Good” she exclaims, taking the small pup from you, “Now you sit and start eating, Tasha and I will get them settled”
   You do as you're told and sit, watching on fondly as your mates help get your littlest ones into their highchairs beside you and Wanda. Your Alpha places a gentle but loving kiss on each of their heads before grabbing your plate and Wandas. She sets them down in front of you both before grabbing her own and taking her seat.
   “Thanks for making lunch baby, it looks delicious”
   “No need to thank me, you were both busy with our pups, lunch was the least I could do” she replies before taking in a forkful of macaroni 
   After a few bites of your meal you turn towards your pup Lena, “Did you have fun outside baby?”
   She nods and swallows the bite of her chicken, “Mhm, I was swingin’ the whole time”
  “Tell Mom how high you were going” your Alpha encourages
  “So high up! And without Mama's help!”
   You smile, “Good job baby!”
   Wanda looks over to her twins, “And what did you two get up to?”
   “I played in the sands” Sasha tells her with an excited smile, “Made a castle”
   “I didn’t go down the slide headfirst, so no worries. Just did the swings” Pietro says, winking at his Mama
    You giggle as the Alpha hides her face in her hands and Wanda does her best not to smile, “Oh, well, ok then. I won’t worry.”
   Nat sheepishly looks up at the Omega, “Sorry dorogoy(sweetheart)”
   “Its ok Alpha, pups are a bit wild at that age. He's not hurt and that's what's important.” she smiles and looks back at the boy while he tries to shove an entire nugget into his mouth, “Besides, he's just living up to his namesake”
   After lunch you, Natasha and your twins head into the living room while Wanda makes her way upstairs to put the other pups down for their afternoon nap. Your Alpha snuggles up to you on the couch as you both hold the twins, she still remembers when the other three were this small. And it seems like only yesterday she was running around like crazy trying to supply both her Omegas with their every craving, keep them sexually satisfied, take care of them and keep them safe.  
   You glance over at your mate and notice her pondering gaze, “What are you thinking about?”
   “Just how much I love our family” she admits, “And how glad I am Wanda chose to carry more pups at a later date, because you two were a handful”
   She chuckles at your fake expression of hurt, “I was not. Wanda definitely was though”
   “Wanda was what?” she asks, walking through the threshold
   “Y/n said you were- ”
   The Alpha is cut off by your free hand cupping over her mouth, “The most beautiful Omega in all of Sokovia”
   She quirks her brow at the two of you, “Now, why don’t I believe that's what was said?”
   You give her your best innocent smile while Nat playfully glares at you. Wanda only shakes her head with a smile before she joins you both on the couch, snuggling into your other side. 
   Nat huffs and you remember your hands position and quickly move it away, “Sorry babe, couldn’t risk it”
   “I’ll get you back for it later” she teases, leaning in for a gentle kiss. As soon as she pulls away Wanda's lips are taking her place, and the three of you settle down to snuggle and watch tv.
    About an hour later the thudding of small footsteps down the stairs alerts you all that the pups have awoken from their short lived nap. The three scuttle into the room, trying their best to remain quiet in case the younger ones are still asleep. Once they see them sitting up in their playpen and hear them softly cooing they know they don’t have to remain silent
   “Mama! Mama!” little Sasha squeals as she reaches out for your Alpha
   “What's wrong baby?” She asks, picking up the girl
   A large grin spreads across the pups face, “Nothins wrong, I’s excited!”
   “Oh?” the Alpha says, casting both you and Wanda a look, “And why is that?” 
   “I did what Mommy does!” she answers, making the three of you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion
   “What do you mean honey?” Wanda asks 
   She excitedly looks over at the Omega, “The wisps you do with your fingers!”
   Wanda may not be an active Avenger anymore, but that didn’t mean she stopped using her powers. In fact she used them on quite frequently to help her with household activities, calming one of her mates down from a ptsd induced nightmare, and helping lul the pups to sleep when they needed it just to name a few things. So the pups have definitely seen her use it, and since they weren’t really old enough to fully understand they story about them and she didn’t want them confusing her magic with that of fairytale story magic the three of you decided to refer to it simply as wisps for now.
   Your Omegas eyes widen slightly, “You did this?”
   The three pups watch as scarlet tendrils leave her fingertips and sore into the air before they dissipate. She nods, “Mhm! Only not so big”
  Natasha had anticipated the possibility of the pups inheriting powers, but she hadn’t expected it so soon. And based on Wanda's wide eyed expression, she hadn’t either.
   “Well, guess that means you’ll have to start teaching her about everything so she doesn’t accidentally do anything she shouldn't” 
   Wanda nods in agreement with you, “And that means we need to keep an eye on Pietro too”
   You move your gaze from your mate to your pups only to see that in the last few seconds the boy in question had wandered off. It doesn’t take you long to spot him though. He's next to Natasha, reaching up onto the end table to try to sneakily grab her currently unattended coffee cup. You weren’t sure why he's been so fascinated by the dark liquid lately, but a certain feline is usually pretty good at deterring his interests.
   As if your thoughts had summoned her, Liho hops up on the table, making Nat turn in that direction at the sound. Before she can scold the boy Liho does it for her, slapping his hand repeatedly with her paw. He quickly withdraws in who;e pouting at the cat
   “That’ll teach you.” Nat giggles, ruffling his hair, “Mamas coffee isn't for you, and I don’t know how many times you have to be told that”
   “Natasha Romanoff” Wanda scolds, “I swear, if that cat of yours ever ends up using her claws on one of my precious pup hands, you and she both will become acquainted with the doghouse”
   “But Mommy, we don’t haves a dog” Lena tells her with a perplexed face
   “It's just an expression baby” you explain, “It means Mama and Liho will be in lots of trouble”
   “And they’ll be sleeping on the old couch too” Wanda adds with a huff
   Nats complexion pales, “But dorogoy(sweetheart)”
   “No now, there's no need to worry Tasha” you tell her, “Liho has never used her claws, except on the cat scratch post. You have nothing to worry about. She just likes putting the pups in their place, printsessa(princess).”
   Wanda melts a bit at your affectionate nickname, though you've been using it since you started sleeping with her all those years ago it never fails to make her knees weak  
   “I know.” she sighs,  “I just don’t want them to catch her on a bad day and end up getting hurt”
   “I’ll make sure to keep her claws trimmed” Nat says, before turning to her beloved cat “And you’ll behave, only smack them if they get into something they shouldn’t. And no claws. We don’t want the couch. Bad for our backs”
   You smile at the one sided conversation and though things are sure to get a bit hectic with your pups having powers, you know this is where you're meant to be. A home, with your mates and pups, away from everything hectic in New York. Being a hero was fun and it gave you your mates, but being here with your family meant more than words to describe. Looking over at Wanda as she holds Sasha, you know she feels the same. 
   Nat seems to sense this too as she turns to look at you both, “I love you, moi devochki”
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Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @when-wolves-howl @danveration @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories@imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastorm @zoomdeathknight @aeroae @sashawalker2 @maggieromanov @doveromanoff @mommyluvu @404-almostdone @tarathia @ayoungexwife @loki-laufeyson68 @elle161989
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stars-and-the-min · 6 months
☆ the wrong way to hard launch (1) | OP81
summary : oscar's girlfriend is a walking pr problem for literally everyone (including herself) social media au
pairing : oscar piastri x zhou!fem!singer!oc
a/n hello, this is called welcome to part 1 of a fic no one will read :) also i have a taglist now (yay?) so shoot me a reply if ur interested in being added <3
masterlist | prologue | part 1 | next part
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lina !!! @EB_selina · 2h omg my f1wags debut??? y'all i've really made it 🫶
EB BAR @theemptybottlesbar · 2h us when our frontwoman decides to hard launch her relationship that we were scrambling to denounce: 🙂🔪🩷 ↳ camilina gfs fr @ drummergf · 1h the EB Bar admin working overtime bc lina insists on stoking the flames of this ridiculous rumour ↳ lina bui x2 grammy winner @urdaisea · 1h media literacy where? this is a fucking confirmation bestie
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liked by oscarpiastri and 103,273 others
selinabui me when i lie to myself and go date yet ANOTHER athlete 🤠👍 this one goes vroom vroom in expensive cars (p.s. dear news sites, pls stop using my old photos)
cameliazzz all that expensive media training chucked down the drain i see
eb_jonno the orange jumpscare holy shit lina it's like u hate him or smth ↳ selinabui @eb_jonno wdym he's very cute 🫶
landonorris Oh hello there ↳ oscarpiastri @ landonorris 😀 ↳ mclarwins @ landonorris OMFG LANDO WHAT ↳ selinabui @ landonorris bro why are you acting like we've never met or smth ↳ pi4str1 @ selinabui there's something about her that's so 😭
🕯️manifesting EB3 🕯️@ linabelles · 5h ok i fear we need to start weighing up the pros and cons ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 5h pros: WE'RE FREE FROM AMERICANS, he's actually cute, we already follow f1 bc of guanyu, he's aussie <3 cons: white, he's another fucking athlete, orange ↳ 🕯️manifesting EB3 🕯️@ linabelles · 4h 'free from americans' SO TRUE we were in the trenches with t*mmy
piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 3h everything i find about this girl is just 😬 ↳ piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 3h oscar, get the FUCK away from that girl ↳ clovie @ luvyouvie · 2h omg why, what's up with her?? ↳ piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 3h kinda the classic rockstar shit and her ex is tommy howard (nfl running back)
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↳ emme @flowersforcami · 18h as smo with a footballer ex, the comment on massive egos is so true T_T
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↳ Ryan Forrest @ryanforrest93 · 17h Every time that interview pops up on my TL, I just get reminded of how YOUNG she was going through all of that nonsense. She was barely 20 and totally being gaslit by that arsehole. ↳ liv is SEEING EB LIVE!! @olivielina · 17h ^^THIS!! yes!! it was crazy that ppl gave her so much shit about staying with tommy even after the cheating but it was her first real relationship and it fucked her up massively
zhouguanyu24 Margaret Court Arena
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liked by selinabui, oscarpiastri and 59,283 others
zhouguanyu24 Went to go check on the baby sister 💪
selinabui my personal photographer fr (good luck tmr 💚)
emptybottlesbar Always stoked to have family stop by for a listen! Best of luck on the track 💪 ↳ selinabui @emptybottlesbar he doesn't need luck. he needs his team to fix the pit stop problem. he needs divine intervention
zhouguanyu_br piastri is dating zhou's sister?? ↳ jemma.wren @zhouguanyu_br cousin actually, in chinese culture they refer to paternal cousins as just siblings
stakef1team Looking forward to seeing Lina in the garage ↳ selinabui @stakef1team oh lmao that's not happening 🥰 ↳ pastry81 @ selinabui IJBOL she said you ain't SHIT see you in the papaya garage
cameliazzz thanks for dropping by on ur race weekend <3 hope it was worth your while (and family-friendly 🤫) ↳ zhouguanyu24 @ cameliazzz Thank you for keeping her alive ↳ selinabui @ cameliazzz why has it taken you over 20 minutes to go get pizza 🤡 ↳ cameliazzz @ selinabui why are you asking in ur cousin's comments 🤡🤡🤡 (they need to cooka da pizza)
from the phone of selina bui
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emme @flowersforcami · 34m walk with me here... if zhou went to friday's show, do you think oscar did as well? and if so... did they just watch empty bottles' almost 2 hours set of lina and kas flirting 😭 ↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 22m i literally can't think of anything else now :) do you know what the encore song was? ↳ emme @flowersforcami · 21m kaslina duet of we don't talk anymore (og by charlie puth) ↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 20m oh how do we even defend them
EB BAR @theemptybottlesbar · 1h whole team in shambles... @EB_selina we hope it was worth it
oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 1h every linami realising they need to defend her stage persona to piastri fans... ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 1h WE SWEAR ON OUR HONOUR THAT THIS GIRL IS A TOTAL LOOOOOSER. SHE'S NOTHING LIKE WHAT THE MEDIA WRITES HER AS. HER ONE HOBBY IS SUDOKU. SHES A COMPLETE DOORMAT 😭😭 ↳ lina !!! @EB_selina · 1h ok well, hang on... i think they get the point
piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 5h after a literal night of deep-diving, i take back everything i've ever said about selina bui bc she's such a cutie honestly i get it, i kinda want her now
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liked by cameliazzz and 113,292 others
oscarpiastri Finally got the green light to 'hard launch'
selinabui sorry i needed to be vetted so hard :/
logansargeant Oh so we're keeping secrets from each other now #fakefriend ↳ oscarpiastri @ logansargeant Sorry, did i forget the bit when you were there when we met or something 🙂
2cami4lina oh she let him in the studio, we're fucking done for
ausgp Some extra Aussie luck for the home race ↳ pi4str1 @ ausgp she's australian??? ↳ emptybottlos @pi4str1 do a simple google search first - the whole band is australian 🤡 they all grew up in sydney
piastri_lina but wait, the way i lowk manifested this... ↳ emptyb-aid @piastri_lina lock ur doors i fear i'm coming for you
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
taglist @ririyulife
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i’ve been really negative about season 4 tua so here’s a list of things I like:
hyping up Luther to look like an astronaut to then reveal him as an astronaut themed stripper is amazing
Ben’s response to Klaus at the birthday party and his sassy ass “Klaus”
David Cross does a really good job in this and i made a plethora of chipmunk jokes to myself while watching
Captain Tight Ass. Terminally Emo.
Luther’s love of architecture because he’s been fixing up the academy
Ben’s tentacle tails really made me chuckle for some reason
“the mustache was creepy 🤨?”
Five and Lila actually have a really nice friendship at the beginning of the season if we ignore the end
a lot of the new powers are cool (could have been implemented better but gotta give credit for cool)
the concept of the subway
Diego jumping through the bullets in the air (oh David Castañeda the man that you are)
Klaus having meditation/affirmation tapes voiced by himself
Klaus standing up to Allison and the family for looking down on him
Klaus’s relationship with Claire and how much he cares about her even when he’s going off the deep end
“Dear diary, why do I always wear suits”
Viktor raging on Reggie is spectacular
the siblings getting brainwashed to not remember Ben’s death is a cool concept
Ben going tentacle ham on the little village thing
young Ben and Viktor friendship
“it’s time to hunt 🧍‍♂️”
Ahead by a Century - The Tragically Hip
Luther and Diego’s dynamic at the CIA office they’re so brotherly
Aiden Gallagher looks fantastic with the hair in the chess scene and the green sweater
Viktor, Reggie, and Jeans genuine confusion at Gene/Abigail yapping
“grandpa’s not had a nap”
Klaus and Luther telling Allison they’re staying for the drama
Fives ok after shooting the cleanse doesn’t work
the Five deli is silly i can enjoy it in a silly way (if i think about it to hard it hurts my head)
idk if it’s obvious but after like episode 3 i’m really scraping for things i truly enjoy
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