#yeah i wasn't sure how to end it i just wanted to throw one hc but ended up with a small fic
hii love may i request hcs for a big brother figure hobie with a sweet innocent reader, how would he protect them and show his love etc <3
of course, this is so cute!
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★ ok so I'm imagining you're also a spider-person and a part of the society. you're a bit younger, and one of the newer recruits.
★ and you'll admit you were quite intimidated by hobie at first, but after talking to him you realized how nice he actually his. you were suprised at what a light personality he had, despite his very strong beliefs and views. he definitely wasn't afraid to be himself— unapologetically so—and you respected him for that, looked up to him.
★ you've come to learn that he's an extremely tactile person as well; he'd always greet you with a fist bump or even a hug when the two of you haven't seen each other in a while.
★ you weren't someone who enjoyed confrontation or disputes, so whenever someone did something you didn't particularly like, you'd bite your tongue to avoid any fighting. hobie didn't take with that though. if the two of you were together and he saw someone messing w you or being mean, he'd definitely be giving them shit for it.
★ he didn't really enjoy working with other people, but he enjoyed joining you on missions and vice-versa. he'd always say he just wanted to keep you company, but he also wanted to look out for you. he knew you were more than capable of looking after yourself, but it didn't hurt to have backup, right?
★ he's def your biggest hypeman too! you could've completed the smallest job, but best believe hobie's gonna be hyping you up like no other (i mean c'mon yall saw how he was hyping up miles in the mumbattan scene)
★ now if you're just a civilian and not a spider-person:
★ I'm imagining you end up in a somewhat similar situation as gwen, needing somewhere to stay for a while, and hobie's willing to help.
★ and of course he'd help you, that's just who he is, that's what he believes in. and remember, my guy didn't grow up the most comfortable so he knows what it's like.
★ maybe you get back on your feet and find a place of your own, but he still visits you frequently. checks up on you to see if you're still alright and when he's free, the two of you would go out and do whatever, or throw some of your scraps together and whip up a dinner at whoever's house.
★ when he's on patrol he'll makes sure to go and check in on you.
★ even if you don't necessarily end up in a rough patch—the two of you just somehow ending up friends—he's still looking out for you.
★ in terms of how he shows his love, i def think it's w quality time and acts of service. whenever he's free he'd always hang out with you and catch up on how you're doing. he enjoys helping you out whenever he can too bc he knows you'd do the same, no questions asked. you'd help patch him up after a rough night, or go over to his to cook for him, and he lets you know how much he appreciates it with his time and company.
★ he'd also tell you in words, small bits you'd catch here and there. 'ave to look out for each other, yeah? casually thrown into conversation.
★ it doesn't matter if you're not related by blood, he sees you as his family, and he always looks out for his family because that's what being punk is about.
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You got anymore fics or hc of Alfred being a good brother to his 8ft tall beanpole?
'tis garbage I wrote about 20 years ago and is poorly recycled but here! enjoy if you can lmao. TW for poorly written ptsd, references to beheading and axe murder and snuggles.
1920, Quebec City.
"I'm fine." His baby brother said, even as he looked like he desperately needed to lay down.
"Matt, that cough does not sound good,"
"It's fine," He said, stifling another fit with a harsh swallow. Alfred grimaced and jogged to keep up as Matt strode ahead on the rain-battered sidewalk and took the umbrella with him, like speeding up would disprove the implication he wasn't at perfect 100%. How could it sound like he'd been gassed recently?
"You sound miserable,"
"It's fine," Matthew said again, shrugging and knuckling his chest as he struggled to keep his breathing even. "It's just the weather. Tell me about the new Ford coming out,"
"Oh it's a beauty, they're even going to come out with other colours than black," Alfred said, longing to reach out and squeeze Matt's shoulder and steer him inside. "But it will mostly only affect internal market goods.
"Interesting. What are the implications with free trade?"
"Don't try to distract me. I know you don't give a shit about economic law unless you're being forced,"
"If it interests you, it interests me,"
"You can't force yourself to be quiet through this,"
Matt rolled his eyes. "I'm not dying,"
"You kind of sound like you are,"
"Then I'll die!" Matt shrugged and gave one of his rare, frustrated Gallic shrugs. "C'est la vie! And honestly, it'd be nice to sleep without waking up coughing. Wake up and go to work tomorrow with more than an hour of sleep behind me,"
Alfred frowned, a surge of helplessness as he watched Matt press on through the rain as if determined to outpace whatever was wrong. Alfred lengthened his stride to keep up and get back under the umbrella, snatching it from Matt’s hand to make him slow down.
“Come on,” He said, steering them both down the path towards the subway stop.
Halfway down the park hill, he couldn't stifle anymore and ended up clinging to a tree branch, doubled over and coughing so hard veins corded at his forehead and throat and when he breathed, he shuddered through another bout so hard Alfred thought he was going to throw up all over the park path. He sucked in air and the wheeze that accompanied it was so horrific Alfred grabbed his shoulders and steered him to a bench as Matthew tried to get his breathe. Air coming in and out rapidly and almost uselessly like Matt was breathing through shredded black smiths billows. Alfred pulled him upright.
Two neatly dressed couples threw them dirty looks like Matt was some infectious consumptive polluting a public park. Alfred glowered right back. He might have flirted with the one who’s dainty green dress that was fashionably short to show off shapely legs but now he was just frustrated.
"Go fuck off to the circus if you want to gawk at something!" He yelled and the men sped along, dragging the women with them. Matt made another face gesturing for Alfred to stop but couldn't get words out as coughing wracked him all over again.
It was another five minutes of Matt coughing and coughing and coughing before he stopped and collapsed on Alfred's shoulder, heaving.
"Jesus Christ, Matt," Alfred said. “You sound like you’re dying.
"I’m not—" Matt heaved air, it caught in his throat and he hacked out another pounding cough that left him spasming and shivering against Alfred. "It comes and goes,"
"Are you sure it's not consumption?"
"Yeah, Dad made them x-ray me three times during demobilization, I'm just like this now,"
"What? Chronically asthmatic?"
Matt shook his head. "I’m not chronically anything. It’s just a bad day every now and and again."
"Is that what doctors say?"
Matt nodded and leaned more heavily onto him, panting again.
"You're burning up," Alfred could feel it against his coat. “Mattie…”
Another nod. “Like I said, it comes and goes.”
He sighed, getting them to their feet. “Christ, Matt.”
“Oh, don’t look so sad.” Matt rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry, the supply of your favourite whiskey isn’t about to dry up.”
“Is that what you think? Fuck you.” Alfred scowled. “You’re such a–” Realization dawned on him and he turned to his brother, grabbing his shoulder again. “You little shit. You’re trying to piss me off so I leave this alone, aren’t you?”
Matt blinked, taken aback. “Fuck me, you finally figured that one out?”
“You little asshole,” He laughed. “That is so manipulative.”
“Hardly. You’re so self righteous usually all I have to do is mention Dad and you’ll leave me alone for a month. What is this? Character development?” He laughed, and the coughing started again.
This time, Matt didn’t argue when Alfred insisted they go home. The grey stone heart of his brother’s first city, into the stone houses behind the stone walls the English and the Americans had besieged more than once. Behind slate walls, warm wood greeted them as they passed through the red door with the same iron hinges, squashed between what had once been the apothecary and the bakery. Matt had once been stingy with the firewood but now he had electricity and the coal fired boiler in the basement that heated the house beyond the parlour with its polished brass fire grate and brick hearth.
"Sit," Matth said as he leaned against the wall. He threw aside his damp coat and propped himself against the worn wood. Scrubbing his damp hair off his forehead, he sighed. "I guess I should make coffee and sandwiches or something."
“Will you bite my head off if I offer to make something?” Alfred asked, cautiously toeing off his shoes.
Matt gave a wry sort of look, almost amused. “No.”
“Hallelujah.” Alfred replied, throwing his hands above his head.
“Don’t push it.” Matt said but his face was light.
Alfred chuckled and headed to the kitchen. He rummaged through the cabinets, with all the fine little details of grapevines heavy with fruit and swirling knotwork that reminded him of Aunt Brighid’s embroidery. He thumbed one and wished she was there. She wouldn’t put up with this. He put on water to boil, dug a slightly dessicated chicken carcass out of the fridge, tore it apart to make sandwiches, put the bones on to make soup and returned to the living room with a mug and a plate for each of them.
Matt was sprawled on sofa, his face pink. Alfred didn’t want to wake him up, they both spent so much time ignoring the other’s nightmares these days. He still looked like Matt when he was asleep, sweet and still, like the man the cherubic baby Matt should have grown into rather than the wraith that had to shake off their father or the trenches. But he was feverish and Alfred made himself wake him.
“Here,” He said, handing Matt tea and the sandwich.
“Thanks.” Matt said quietly. He drank the tea eagerly but set the plate down next to him.
“Eat that.” Alfred said, taking a bite out of his own and throwing himself onto the leather chair. “You always do this when you’re sick. Don’t want to eat, don’t want to bother anyone, don’t want to admit you feel like ass. Just like Dad. It’s fucking annoying.”
“No one said you have to be here.” Matt glared, but he had picked up the sandwich and taken a decent bite. “Happy?”
“Never happy when you’re miserable.”
Matt snorted. “Oh, that’s bullshit.”
“Stop.” Alfred sat forward, hands on each of the chair’s arms. “Stop, okay? God. I know you’re–”
“Know I’m what?” Matt took another bite of the stupid sandwich and there was a flash of something flinty and dark behind his eyes Alfred didn’t like.
“Like how you always are after a war,”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means you get good at killing and keeping everyone alive and–”
“And what?” Matt said.
“You get shit at everything anything else.” Alfred desperately wanted a cigarette but it felt a bit cruel. “Bring back Gilbert’s head like some sort of fucked up barn cat, sure, you’re great at that. But lay down and act like a human being? God forbid.”
“Oh don’t you–” Matt sighed through his nose and ate more, and too Alfred’s bewilderment, smiled. “You know how often I tell Dad something like that?”
Alfred stared, but leaned back, holding his coffee. “You back talk the old man?”
“Bringing Gilbert’s head back like a fucked up barn cat gave me some leeway.” Matt said, the sly smile on his face fading into something more serious. “But yeah. By the end, by the hundred days, we talked. About what I did. About what he didn’t stop. And I told him to shove it up his ass sometimes. He’s a hypocrite and so am I.”
“Sometimes.” Alfred responded. “You’re still a pretty good brother though.”
“Thanks.” Matt said. “I try.”
“I know.” Alfred said. “And I’m sorry I don’t sometimes.”
Matt shrugged. “Not your job. You don’t have to waste your time if you don’t want too. I’ll live, the overpriced booze will keep flowing. I shut up and do my job, everyone benefits. It’s fine.”
“We’re brothers.” Alfred said. “We’re supposed too… I don’t know.”
“You’re a rising great power, I’m the favourite knife of the British Empire. We have our roles. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want too.”
He’d drooped against the arm of the sofa, breathing ragged, unable or unwilling to reply.
“You with me?”
“Yeah.” He responded, hoarse. “Sorry.”
“Is this from the gas too?”
“Yeah,” He didn’t off anymore of an explaination and Alfred shook his head.
“Dumbass,” He stood, and crouched to reach out. He gently placed the back of his hand against his brother’s forehead. “All you have to do is ask for help and, fuck, I think you’re warmer.”
“Just tired.” He murmured, but he didn’t open his eyes.
“Mattie…” How many times in a day could he let denial slide before it was stupid? Matt was trying to rally himself, push Alfred off and reach for the tea, muttering about how he was fine when there was a loud crack. The windows rattled and suddenly he had his arms full of his brother, shaking like the last maple leaves on the trees, eyes screwed shut and mouthing something in French Alfred couldn’t make out.
“Hey,” Alfred laughed nervously. “Hey, you cold?”
“They’re coming.” Matt said, and the fever flush had disapeared. He looked bloodless. “They’re coming.”
“Hey.” Alfred suddenly understood. “Hey it’s okay. I’m right here. Matthew, I am right here. Nothing’s wrong. It was a car backfiring, not gunfire. No one’s coming.”
Matt leaned in more, burying his face in Alfred. “You don’t let anything happen to me.”
“Never have, never will.” Alfred rested one cheek on Matt’s feverish head. He held on tight, feeling the tremors that sprang through Matt until they stilled. But Matt’s breathing was still fast and shallow. He hadn’t been this close in a while, and the path of Matt’s spine showed through his layers, and he’d had that pinched up look half his life.
“Come on.” He said, gently. “Bed.”
“No.” He burrowed against Alfred more tightly, like he was four, barely spoke English and it was a cold morning he didn’t feel like greeting just yet. He’d always had a streak of stubbornness.
Eventually, Alfred got him up, got him to change and horizontal. He was a little delirious, shivering between the sheets and coughing until he was curled in a ball and muttering about how he needed his axe. But he didn’t get up to get it. He breathed through a split lip and rolled around trying to get comfortable. Alfred fed him pills and glass after glass of water, and somewhere around the seventh, Matt seemed to pass out into real sleep. Alfred sat on the bed and pressed his hands to Matt’s cheeks and was relieved to find it a little cooler.
Matt rolled over towards him, hugging his side, demanding warmth and making a contented sound when Alfred let him with a snort. “You always were a snuggly baby.”
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bluegekk0 · 10 months
If anything I think you should speak more, because I love everything you write (and draw.) You've been one of my biggest inspirations to go back and give all of my ocs actual stories instead of just designs.
In fact, ever since you mentioned having non-fpk family ocs before, I have been incredibly curious.
Please feed me all of the information like a bird feeding its young, except its letters going into my eyes instead of food going into my mouth
you have no idea how much that warms my heart, i'm really flattered that you see me as an inspiration. it's all i could really ask for
i do have some ocs, yeah. though i will say, the fpk au characters are definitely outliers when it comes to the amount of personality and lore they have. most of my ocs have very basic backstories, and many of them only do because i used to roleplay as them with my friends. a lot of my original designs that i'm attached to don't even have names, let alone personalities
since i'll be posting a lot of pictures, i'll throw this under a read more so it's not too long
i guess i'll start with my oldest oc, a lion king character who used to be my "fursona" (well not exactly, since i've never considered myself a furry. but persona wouldn't fit here) years ago, back in 2012 i believe. she went through a lot of changes over the years, but i've settled on a design that i really like
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her name is swahibu (used to be swahili, i wasn't particularly creative, and i changed it recently since it was a bit awkward for her to be named after the entire language hahaha), and she has a little brother named kobe. their lore isn't anything too elaborate, they're essentially scar's grandchildren who used to be outlanders, but after the events of the second movie joined the pridelands. swahibu is bitter and a bit mean, but cares very much about her little brother. she got her scars in a fight with rogue lions which unfortunately ended with their mother's death, so they're now on their own. kobe is a smart cub, and brings a bit of joy and innocence to his big sister's life. as they both resemble their grandfather more than they'd like, they're often the object of nasty comments from those who lived under his tyrannical rule, though they do eventually earn the pridelanders' respect. not much else to say about them, except that i like to hc swahibu as gay. also, they have a very simple family tree that i made to show what their parents looked like, here (might not work if you don't have a deviantart account, but i'm not sure)
next up, there's a character i've considered my persona for quite some time, and one i used to put in many funny scenarios with my friends' ocs. he also changed the most out of all of them throughout the years, and recently i gave him a more furry like design as i hate drawing human faces haha
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his name is rick, and he's a hybrid of all kinds of different animals. he's very laid back and lazy, though the fact that he's a hybrid gives him some animal-like traits and behaviors. he used to have a backstory but it's kind of stupid so i'm considering changing it, but he was basically created in a lab and then released after it was shut down. now he lives on his own with his cat, jon. he's one of those characters who are very flexible, so if i wanted to, i could modify him to fit into any scenario (for example, he used to have an assassins creed universe version which i used for roleplay years ago hahaha). not much else to say since i'm still in the (slow) process of changing him
i also have a lot of dragon characters, most of them were made for the purpose of a larger roleplay story with my friends. in general i take 'dragon' as a very vague term, since to me a dragon can look however you want and all those classification rules are kinda stupid. but you'll still a bit of, idk, i guess a paleoart like direction for their designs, since i like speculative biology and such. also, some of these originated as heavily based on some of my favorite characters at the time, you'll see that with the first one especially
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his name is stark and he's probably the dragon that has the most lore behind him. i won't go into too many details regarding the backstory since it's long and very connected to the roleplay (you know, bit of a "you just had to be there" moment haha). but tl;dr he was taken in by a village and raised from hatchling, so he's very docile and a little bit confused. the village was attacked and he was able to survive, but one of his legs was scarred pretty badly, so he noticeably limps while walking. he's a semi-aquatic dragon, so he's an excellent swimmer. funnily enough, he went through a complete "reboot" a few years ago. in the original rp, he was a massive asshole, he'd hurt others for his own amusement and was generally very aggressive and not pleasant to be around. also, he had a prosthetic leg, though i scrapped that as it was far too advanced for the setting i envisioned him in. i much prefer this direction, i love my giant himbo gator-dragon. and i wonder how many of you can guess what character was the inspiration for his appearance (it used to be a lot more obvious in his first design iterations)
(and no, his wing isn't missing. this is just to show his back haha)
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these next three don't really have too much backstory to them. well, except for the first one, his name is ithaar, and he was one of my first ocs ever. he went through a massive redesign quite recently, so he has close to nothing in common with his first iterations. the other two characters, eurus and ash, were made for rp purposes quite recently, and so don't have too much lore behind them
ith is a bit of a coward, he struggles with his self-confidence and believes everyone sees him as insignificant due to his small size and inability to fly. he can camouflage, though, so he's a lot cooler than he thinks. also, he moves by hopping around like a little kangaroo. his design is very dromaeosaur-like, with short stubby arms and yi-qi inspired wings
eurus is very pterosaur-like, though much larger than even the largest azhdarchids. he doesn't like the company of others, he's a bit of a loner (with trauma!). he may seem mean on the surface, but his past experiences make him unable to walk past someone who's in need. not quite a gentle giant, though. i think it's easy to see which pterosaurs in particular were the inspiration for his design, though his crests are very dilophosaurus-like
the last one is ash, and she's the newest addition to the roster. her rp session was very short and didn't really add much to her lore, but she's generally a huge jerk who likes annoying others and stealing from them. but of course, it wouldn't be an oc of mine if there wasn't some trauma involved, and she's no exception. she believes she doesn't fit anywhere, she felt rejected by her own kind for her unnatural abilities (she can move things with her mind), and so she copes with it by being a prick. her design was inspired by junker queen from overwatch haha
i also have four night fury characters i made during my httyd phase, and i redesigned them about a year ago to be a lot more "natural" in their appearance. they used to be quite a bit more colorful back in the day, and not in the good way haha
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their names are vel'ri, sherok, atis and marivo. no real backstory, just vibes. the first one used to be my "main" character during the httyd phase. vel'ri and atis are female, sherok and marivo are male
and lastly, some non-dragon characters. these don't really have any backstory that i think is worth sharing, but i still love them very much
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this one is named rugat and they're a genderless, shapeshifting magma alien thing. i don't know what they are. i just really like their design. they're aggressive, but they have a soft spot for small, weak creatures. god knows what their reasoning is, but i thought it was a cute personality trait
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and these two are named lox and bagel. they're a ragarox, an original species i made years ago when it was cool and hip to have a closed species. they're eyeless cave dwelling lizard things. very chubby. these two guys are not related but they hang out all the time. 🏳️‍🌈 perhaps?
lox, on the left, is the more active and territorial of the two. but he's also super affectionate towards bagel
bagel, on the other hand, is the couch potato. very round and chubby, 10/10
as a fun fact i like to think their long tongues have very distinct smells. lox's smells like lime, while bagel's smells a bit like blueberry
and lastly, here are two unnamed characters. i like their designs but i haven't had the chance or inspiration to think of any details about them
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the first one is an okapi-like thing. with a kitty face. the second is like a weird mix between a ceratopsid and some kind of mammal
oh and, here's some redesigns of old dragon characters that i forgot to mention earlier. they used to be very different (all but one were inspired by other characters, but you can't see it on their current designs), and i don't have any backstories for them yet. their names are also going to be changed, so consider them nameless for now
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(fun fact: the top left one was one of the first iterations of eurus' design, but i decided to turn it into a different character cause i still like it)
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bumblepony · 6 months
Okay, it's getting colder here and I need warm thoughts. I demand you share with me three Tommy/Maria autumnal headcanons.
(I demand politely with hat in hand). xx
Oh this is a lovely one and strangely enough one I've thought about. I'm actually going to give you six as a bonus. Three Canon verse HC and Three no apocalypse verse HC.
No Apocalypse Verse
1. Tommy is a huge apple cider fan—all things apple cider, the drink, the donuts, the scent. If it's fall, it's apple cider. Maria is a Pumpkin Spice girl. Fall is all things PS all the time. There are wars in the T/M household on what is better. Tommy once spent a week on the couch when he changed out all the candles in the house to apple-scented candles when Maria wasn't looking. Maria once had to buy Tommy two jugs of apple cider when she changed his Starbucks order to a PSL on the app instead of an apple cider macchiato as a joke.
2. They love fall foliage tours. They've been up to the Adirondack every year to take the train ride that goes through the mountains. They are major leaf peepers, and it drives Joel crazy because every year, they try to get him and Tess to go. Joel could care less about the turning of the leaves, and Tess could care less too, honestly, but she loves to fuck with Joel, so she'll set them up to go just to drive him crazy.
3. Once they have their first son Mateo, who just so happens to have been born in the fall, (which was not in any way orchestrated by Maria keeping meticulous track of her cycles so she could make sure when the best moment for conception would be) they do a photoshoot of him in a pumpkin each year. Then, when they have their daughter Tilly (also born in the fall, hmmm, Tommy's starting to ask questions), the tradition continues. By the time little Solana is born also in the fall (okay Maria this is gettin' ridiculous darlin' how did I not notice you were doin' this.) It's a whole thing: baby, toddler, and kid in a pumpkin. It's getting harder and harder to find big enough pumpkins. When the kids are all grown up, they get together to do a joke photoshoot of a reenactment of their first group photo as kids for Tommy and Maria's anniversary gift. Tommy laughs so hard he snots whiskey out of his nose. Maria laughs too but she also gets Teary-Eyed at seeing all her babies so grown up. It goes on the living room wall in a place of honor and never comes down.
Canon Verse
1. Maria is the one doing all the fall activities in Jackson, she loves it, it's one of her favorite times of year. When Tommy comes along he wholeheartedly throws himself in as well. It's actually how they end up falling in love. One late night while Tommy is helping her get the sting lights up for the fall dance, he turns them on and she looks so beautiful in the glowing bulbs that he can't help but tell her and then fate is set.
2. Tommy hates Halloween, always has. Part of it could be the time he snuck down to watch the Halloween movie from the stairs when he was 8 years old, and his big brother, at 13, was watching the movie with his then-friend Shawna, who he very much wanted to be his girlfriend in hopes that she would cuddle close to him during the jump scares. She did, and they were blissfully together for a whole week; Joel even got his first French kiss from it. But all Tommy got was nightmares about Micheal Meyers trying to break into his house on Halloween to kill him and his family. So yeah, Tommy doesn't like Halloween. But every year, he sucks it up and puts on the brave Uncle Tommy face and the goofiest of costumes to make first Sarah happy and then Ellie 20 years later. Because that's what good uncles do. Maria knows, though, and she does everything she can to try and make the holiday as stress-free as she can for him. They have no decorations inside the house, and what they do have outside is the bare minimum, and it's all silly, not scary.
3. Tommy and Maria still love the fall foliage. Their favorite thing to do is to sit outside on their porch in Jackson, Tommy siping his hot apple cider and Maria siping her PS coffee that she makes herself, and they watch the seasons change. Both of them are secretly happy that their little community ended up in a part of the US that has the change of the seasons. On beautiful fall days, Tommy likes to take Maria outside of Jackson into the woods with all the leaves, and they pile them up and dance in them. Ellie lets them borrow her walkmen so they can each put one headphone in one ear each and listen to the music as they sway together.
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barrenclan · 1 year
WOOO NEW ISSUE!! i began reading this earlier, but couldn’t finish due to me rereading what i had just read and focusing on the pictures!!! so yeah, finally finished it, and GRRR GOOD ISSUE
first off, throws thrasher in the cootstorm pit too, they can share. no transphobic kitties allowed (obviously not literally, but i love how like.. natural it is? it’s just cormorantpaw’s life and what he’s been raised to think). egrettail should deck him
also egrettail!!!!!! favorite kitty therapist!!!! i assume maybe asphodelpaw asked about her being aroace, maybe brought on after daffodil was like “oh!! ur just like me and asphodelpw!!!” to pinepaw, and that made her think “wait am i into men even?” but. yeah. she just wants to help and she’s such a sweetie
shoutout to cormorantpaw for getting his 2nd issue. kinda a crime that i only bring him up now but its ok. i love the goofy early cartoons titlecard image with the literal lovebug and him just thinking it over before going “oh fk im bi” and i love how egrettail was like “it seems like it to me, but it’s up to u” bc she can’t really like. force him to think he has a crush, something about that was really gentle- back to cormorantpaw!!! now he’s a blushy mess and i love him for it. also WHAT DO U HAVE TO DO BOY. WHAT IS YOUR ANGST
yes i know daffodilpaw was hardly here but she still gets her own section bc that’s my favorite community hc collection. cormorantpaw doesn’t seem to want to be involved romantically with her, saying how she’s nice but also noting how she doesn’t tend to listen to him (which doesn’t make daffy a bad person!! just something they gotta communicate as buddies) but also mentioning how she puts her paw on his, and also in the sleeping shot cormorantpaw is staring past daffodilpaw, who sleeps next to him, and at pinepaw. i’m just. babey noooo. break out of ur toxic mindset its okkk. unless u actually do like cormorantpaw then i’m. sorry. how did i make the daffodilpaw section the longest oops
rate this issue 5 mysterious end birds out of 5!!! thank u for another great issue :3
So sorry not answering this ask for awhile! All that trouble with my account hit at a bad time. I'm glad you liked the issue, though. :)
Egrettail had the patience of a saint for not beating the absolute shit out of Thrasher when they were in Defiance, and I'm certain she gave him what for on more than one occasion after Hush Puppy died.
Yes, she and Asphodelpaw may have had a conversation about similar realizations she was going through just like Cormorantpaw, heheh. We'll get there someday.
I was so excited to finally include Seven Silvers in an issue!! When I first created her character I wasn't planning on it, but she's just too fun not to use. Hell, I'm allowed to invent magic cat hormone therapy if I want to, who's gonna stop me. Seven, Hush Puppy, and Egret are any manner of close friends you like, and found family/siblings are as good a way as any.
The POVs from other characters are not going to be very common, since Pinepaw is the protagonist in the end, but it's always nice to dip back into Cormorantpaw's thick little skull. I was pretty pleased with myself for thinking of the rubberhose style joke with "lovebug", honestly. Don't worry about his angst, I'm sure it's nothing.
Good catch on everything with Daffodilpaw in this issue! It's something I did intentionally include, and did want to draw a comparison between Corm describing her as not really listening to him with Pinepaw always listening to what he says (which as you said, doesn't mean Daff is a bad person, just that she's got her own things to work out).
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auniverseforgotten · 2 months
Top 5 AUs of whatever you have cooking, whether they are in fics or just floating ideas :3c
HMMMMMMMM SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SNOOP I SEE UWU /j these are all FGO AUs because my Star Wars AU is honestly still killing me orz I have so many ideas but I can't get them arranged right for it [I wanna bring in Hondo IMMEDIATELY he is SO FUN but I have to make it make sense...] and Star Wars fans SCARY X'D
The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne AU:
So this AU is one I don't honestly know if I'll ever finish all the way or publish. Mainly because while I've read several Pursuits now, there's a lot of other mythos knowledge I need and it's hard to find non-Anglicized sources for me??? Unless anyone has a resource to share dfxcghv it started from my love of Diarmuid from FGO and all of Tea's really good Diarmuid and Fionn headcanons and a specific fic of theirs, Oh, Darling, You Can Stop Drowning that got me realizing that yeah The Pursuit being portrayed as a tragic romance....when one party held all the power via magical curse and the other just. Was forced along. Yeah...BUT that's another reason I probably won't post it in the end; the entire thing is built up on Tea's headcanons, so it also feels like it's not really my right to write it or post it. I'm mostly writing it out to read myself because I just,,,,need the serotonin,,, dfgv
Anyway. Main differences in this AU:
-Fionn is not attending the engagement because he is engaged to Grainne, but because it would be an insult not to attend. I haven't decided if he simply didn't express interest or if Sadhbh is still alive in this AU [basically just making it an entire mythos au not just a pursuit one]. If it's the latter it adds another layer because uh yeah Sadhbh is also mad her husband's dearest friend got stolen away and she would like to know Grainne's location as well thank you Very much.
-Diarmuid leaves pretty clear signs that it wasn't a willing departure WHICH IT WASN'T IN THE FIRST PLACE he actually, in one version I found, tries to throw her off several times [and this is AFTER Grainne already tried and failed to make a pass at Oisin and maybe also Oscar in the version I saw, can't remember], but he pretty desperately tries to wake Fionn in this one, both out of concern for his friend and then realizing what is about to happen. Not a huge difference I'm just rambling now sdfxghcv
-When Fionn wakes up from the sleeping draught he sees that Diarmuid is gone and Immediately knows Grainne did something bcus Diarmuid mentioned her Attention earlier in the story. Following a HC of Tea's, this Pursuit is, rather than a "Dude that was MY fiance", a "RETURN. MY BEST FRIEND. TO ME. RIGHT. NOW." Pursuit.
-Undecided how I want it to end; if they make it the full seven years and somehow??? Diarmuid returns to Fionn after???? If Fionn catches up and Diarmuid can't calm him down and he kills Grainne,,,which is INSTANT POLITICAL RAMIFICATIONS bad ending,,,,if he catches up prior to the full seven years and somehow???? Breaks the geis???
ULTIMATELY doesn't matter since it'll prob just be for me to read BUT it's one that has consumed my brain sfdg
2. Vinyl Destination [named by Ye uwu] Avenger Agenda/Saliama AU! LESBIAN TRANS COMPOSERS T4T LESBIANS HELL YEAHHHHHHH LESBIAN POLYCULE IN GENERAL I've mentioned this one to you plenty I'm sure but, Salieri who leaves the classical world that will never accept her and she goes to purposefully try and make herself a laughingstock by starting a punk metal band, a failure, etc etc so that she can. Well. Feel justified let's put it that way. BUT INSTEAD they ROCKET up the charts and suddenly she has to keep living, has to keep going.
During all of this Mozart is still in the closet and doing her best to break free but still stay safe with her father constantly watching every move. It started as an au where Mozart is in classical and Salieri punk, covering each other's songs to annoy each other how did it end up like this HOW DID IT END UP LIKE THIS anyway it's Salieri/Dantes/Jalter [all ladies] with Salieri also dating Mozart [lady] and Jalter also dating Boudica [lady].
3. So this one has NOTHING written down about it anywhere at all, but Fairy Knight Bedivere AU. And by Fairy Knight I don't mean like the FGO ones I mean it in the sense of like. Magic Knight Rayearth. He has a pact with Fou [who can change sizes, sometimes he is Fou sizze sometimes he is mount size sometimes he is HUGE] and they just...travel together and help people. Low stakes, probably set after an apocalypse so I can get some fun post-apocalyptic shit in there, as Enrichment. Could possibly involve some BediTris because that's my main ship for him, but could also just be a gen little fic/series about Bedivere and Fou saving the world one person at a time.
4. Arguably my WEIRDEST most cracky AU is the Hatoful Boyfriend Salierik AU. This was originally started for the Dead Dove day of Rarepair week, bcus I legit started that week with FOUR PAIRINGS. Anyway I thought it would be funny to make a pun with Dead Dove bcus,,,Hatoful Boyfriend,,,Erik is a murderous Magpie and Salieri is a massive vulture constantly in pain bcus the virus didn't mutate his family right. The Dead Dove is also literal bcus it's hatoful boyfriend so you know it's got murder, teeeeeechnical cannibalism bcus one character is killed for her bones????, some fun little gaslighting, etc etc
Just an AU for me to lelt Erik be a funky freaky little murder birb [all for his darling Salieri ofc] this is like 50% because I thought it would be funny 50% I asked Wolfie enough questions that I Gotta do it now XD It's partly written but has a lot of gaps.
5. Unrequited Fionndiar hanahaki AU. ONCE AGAIN NO ONE IS SURPRISED this started with a Tea headcanon, linking it from when I reblogged it bcus some of my thoughts are spewed into the tags dfzsxvg anyway the whole reason why this is especially fun is, as it alludes to there, Diarmuid, in the myths where he DOES die, has one fated death at the hands of his brother who was turned into a boar. This is because Donn killed someone's kid btw so then that was just. Placed upon Diarmuid and his brother's heads.
SO ANYWAY he has to die that way, and any other deadly injury he just bounces back from. So he contracts lungflower [Tea's thought on an alt name], and he Immediately knows what it is and who it's for. Cue Diarmuid desperately trying to hide it, growing proficient at swallowing down petal and stem and thorn until he is alone and it forces its way back up, trying to keep Fionn from suspecting anything because Fionn would damn himself to unhappiness if it means saving Diarmuid pain.
And he learns how to hide it, how to manage it, everything he needs. but eventually he DOES die. And FIonn finds him, as he is dying, and Diarmuid is trying to desperately swallow flowers but Fionn forces his mouth open to pour water into and. Well. He knows who they're for, because Diarmuid never made his feelings secret. So like another layer of guilt onto the man about to lose his best friend
FLASH FORWARD TO CHALDEA and Diarmuid starts coughing up flowers again basically the Moment Fionn is summoned. He tries to hide it but the Second Fionn hears a cough he is on that shit. Considering??? Fionn wants to try a relationship with Diarmuid now at this point, but Diarmuid assumes he's only reaching out to spare him the flowers. LOTS OF ANGST.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 9 months
I did a silly angst snapped Texas’s spine like a glowstick <3
For those that can’t read it on Wattpad:
    Texas thought to himself as he sat under a tall apple tree in the moonlight. He thought about the whole civil war that they were all fighting in. He thought about the reasons behind it. He thought about one of the things that contributed to the reasonings for this damned war. Slavery. The word had tasted bad on his tongue for so long. The Lone Star State knew that it was wrong, he had no slaves himself, but the fact that he sat by and watched a bunch of innocent people be put to work like animals makes him want to put his gun to use. On himself.
    the CSA didn't really treat them well either, though he mainly targeted the people of color. Such as Texas and Louisiana and occasionally Mississippi. Texas knows that the only reason that Confederate hasn't killed them yet is because he needs their fighting skills and resources. But that doesn't justify the unfair treatment. They would always be put on the front lines in battle in Confederate's hope that they might die, they were always put somewhat separate from the other states (though the three had formed a sort of bond), and Texas and Louisiana were the usual main targets for getting yelled at if anything went wrong. Even if it wasn't their fault. So yeah- it wasn't really too fair on their part.
    Texas sighs as he stands up and walks over to his horse, Bucky. He gently pets the horse on the snout and gives him an apple from the tree, whispering a small "Good Boy" as he gently combed through Bucky's mane. He checked his saddlebags to make sure he had enough food and water for the next two or three days as he traveled to D.C.. He had just about enough for a day and half, but that was fine. He was experienced with the outdoors and knew how to hunt very well. He set his gun in his lap, and hung his bag of handmade tools around his neck (he had a handmade stone axe and dagger, as well as flint and steel and a few spear heads that could be used for either throwing or being attached to a stick then thrown.).
Texas gently tapped Bucky's side with the heel of his boot. "Come on boy..... to D.C."
(Nearly three days later...)
    Texas rode near silently through the streets of Washington D.C., hoping that he would wake nobody up and alert them of his presence. That would not end well.... He had to somehow SILENTLY go through the entire city to get to D.C's house in the outskirts. He sighs as he taps Bucky's side with his boot. As he traveled, the Lone Star State felt that one weird feeling that one feels sometimes. The one weird feeling that feels as though you're being watched. But he shrugged it off. Quite the stupid mistake later, but for now, he was just focused on getting to D.C.'s house. Soon enough, he reached his destination. Texas tied Bucky to a tree and quickly but quietly approached the house.
    He looked in the window to see if D.C. was awake, and to his relief, he was. To his most definite relief (yeah mhm definitely) though, Pennsylvania was in there too. And based on the flask in his hand, probably tipsy as well. Which meant quicker to anger. Texas had never really hated PA, but he was sure as hell always maybe a little scared of him? Which- would sound stupid if Pennsylvania wasn't well....Pennsylvania! To his actual relief though, New York was also there, whom he had never had any problems with. New York was a somewhat chill person, or at least a lot tamer than PA. Sure, okay, he always looked pissed off about something, but he was actually a pretty sweet guy to be around. Kinda.
    'Ah sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t-' was the only thing going through the Lone Star's mind right now. Did he just make eye contact with Pennsylvania? Yes. Yes he did. Was he now regretting every life decision that led him to this very moment? Yes. Yes he was. Texas got up quickly and tried to run, only to have a rough hand grab the back of his shirt and throw him on the ground. He felt himself get tackled and tried his best to block any punches. Through his arms, he could see PA's angry crazed expression. Terrifying. Texas then felt the smaller state's weight get yanked off of him with some struggle. He opened his eyes and saw New York holding PA back and D.C. standing there with his arms crossed.
    Texas noticed how much the three of them changed. New York's hair had grown long enough that it's kept in a small bun, he looked WAY more tired than usual, and his oh so beautiful bluish green eyes no longer held the spark of happiness that the other's had tried to bring back. He also wore a mask, that covered his mouth and nose. Pennsylvania didn't look all too different, except he looked angrier than he had before the war, and his hair was a little bit longer and messier. D.C. looked oh so very tired..... his hair was still somewhat neat though, but he seemed to walk with a bit of a limp.
    The Lone Star State tried to hold back a horrified gasp when New York pulled the mask down to speak clearer. He appeared to have a large stitched up gash that started at the corner of his mouth... damn. "Jesus f*ckin' Christ Penn can ya like- not choose violence whenever ya see fit??? The dumbass ain't even armed!" New York scolded, making PA roll his eyes and shrug the younger off of him.
"Y-Yeah what he sai-""Shut the f*ck up before I come over there and kill ya myself." New York interrupted, glaring at Texas.
"Y'know, Texas, if that was supposed to be an assassination attempt, then I honestly feel bad. Cause' that was absolute sh*t."
    "I-It wasn't an assassination attempt I swear!!" Texas shouted putting his hands up to block himself, in the same fashion that he did when he was Mexico's territory. 'Trust me, if it was, the three of you would be dead by now...' he thought to himself.
"What the hell are you doing here then?"
"I-I came to m-make a proposal...? A-about something regarding the war..?" Texas answered, his voice shaking a bit.
    D.C. gave him a look of mild judgement and questioning and was silent for at least two minutes. "Very well. Get your ass inside and you better give me a good reason to not send you back. Dead."
    Texas nodded and hesitantly stood up, doing his best to make himself look smaller despite being 6'5. He followed the other three states into the house, occasionally making eye contact with New York, and he noticed a not only tired look in his eyes, but also......fear???? Weird... He took a seat in one of the chairs that were in front of D.C.'s desk, sitting in the middle seat whilst Pennsylvania and New York took the seats next to him.
"Alright then. What are you here to talk about? Make it quick. We don't have all night." Said the government.
    Texas gulped a little bit. Has D.C. always been this scary?? "W-well i uhhh-" he paused trying to find his words. He felt a gentle hand be placed on his knee to tame his fidgeting. He knew by the amount of rings and scars that it was New York's hand. Why was he being nice to him...?
    "L-look- this might sound stupid but um...... can I uhh... can I fight for the Union?" Texas asked. D.C. gave him the look that meant continue, and so he did. He told them his thoughts about how stupid it was that he let Confederate take control of him like that. He told them about how wrong he thought it was to treat people like servants just because of their different skin color, and he even told them a bit about the mistreatment to himself and a few others. When he finished, he looked up at D.C. with a slightly pleading look.
D.C. seems to be thinking for a few seconds before speaking "Pennsylvania come with me."
"Who do you think you are-" "Did I f*cking stutter?" PA just rolled his eyes and followed his pseudo-son into another room, leaving New York to watch Texas.
The two states sat in silence for a while before Texas spoke up: "Can I ask what happened?"
"W-well I guess knowin' what happened up ere' in the Union would be fine- but I was mainly talkin' bout what happened to your mouth?"
New York's beautiful bluish green eyes widened a bit. "Oh- uhh- this..?" he lowered his mask so that Texas could see the gash and stitches.
"Yeah..? What happened...? If ya don't mind me askin' o'course..." Texas answered rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"I don't mind..." New York replied. He was silent for about a minute before speaking again: "I got into a fight. With Confederate. It was pretty nasty. I lost sadly."
    "Well yeah I would imagine ya lost- n-not that there's anythin' wrong with that! Confederate's a b-big g-gay-i mean guy!" Texas said, cursing himself for stuttering. To that, New York laughed a little. Texas could feel his face heat up a bit at the sound and sight. New York laughing??? Genuinely??? And SMILING??? The Lone Star State felt as though he had just seen God himself.
Just then, D.C. and Pennsylvania walked into the room. Texas sat up straight and New York pulled his mask back up.
    "Very well, Texas. You may fight for the Union. You may act as a spy for us. Keep an eye on Confederate, and if you need me, I'm giving you the ability to use the teleportation and mental connections with the Union back. Don't make me regret this, for I will show no hesitation in ending your life." Said the government.
"Thank you sir, you won't regret this, I promise." Texas said, bowing his head a bit in gratitude.
"I better not. New York? May you please escort Texas out of the city?" New York nodded in response, grabbing his rifle.
    As the two walked through the streets of Washington D.C., Texas admired New York from where he sat on Bucky. He admired New York's oh so very beautiful eyes that shined their truest colors in the moon light, their colors reminded Texas of the Atlantic Ocean. He admired New York's long messy brown hair, including the natural white/bright blonde streaks from his poliosis. He admired the way he could see New York's sharp canine teeth whenever he spoke, and they reminded him of a cat's. Texas admired New York's freckles that were dotted all over his face neck and shoulders. To him, New York was perfect.
    A loud gunshot pierced the air, startling the three of them. Bucky kicked his forelegs up, throwing Texas off and running away. As Texas was recovering, he heard a sharp cry from behind him and turned to see Confederate holding NY's unconscious body in his arms. He quickly stood up, but he didn't have enough time to pull out a weapon before Confederate dropped New York and tackled Texas to the ground.
"YOU F*CKIN' TRAITOR!!" Confederate shouted, kicking Texas in the gut.
    Texas yelped and coughed up some blood. "I-I DUNNO WHAT YER TALKIN' ABOUT!!" He felt himself get yanked up by his collar. See, Texas was tall, but Confederate was even taller. And bigger too. Plus Texas was weakened due to sleep deprivation and lack of actual nutrition.
"Ya know what we do to traitors like you?~" Confederate snarled with a dangerous look in his eyes that sent shivers down Texas's spine.
    Okay. Now would be a good time to call for help. 'D.C.!! Penn!! Anyone???? Help!!' Texas mentally called out, using the mental communication thing the states had.
"We KILL them!!~" said Confederate with a snarl.
Texas cried out as he felt pain blossom in his back, chest and head. Confederate had slammed Texas as hard as he could into a nearby oak tree.
Texas felt as though everything he felt happened in slow motion. He could feel his spine and head crack, he felt all of the wind be knocked out of his lungs, he felt himself cough and he could feel blood trickle out of his ears, nose, and mouth. Before he went fully unconscious, he felt himself be dropped to the ground and he heard a loud gunshot and running footsteps. Then, everything went black......
Uhhhh- dw Texas was fine (BRO HIS SPINE AND HEAD CRACKED 😭). Mhm. Definitely. Um-
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haejjoon · 2 years
BARKBARK I LOVE TRANS HCS im not trans myself but when i see how happy they make my trans friends & my partner???? TOSSES THEM AROUND LIKE CANDY u get a trans hc! u get a trans hc! WE ALL GET TRANS HCS
also may i say. adhd/autistic phantoms ? good shit
also ur mention of how trans goro is more common than trans akiren makes me wanna pop off about infantilization in fandoms and how it ties into misogyny, trans-misogyny and nsfw content and its characterizations and just fjbvkfnb. im a social sciences major and i LOVE discussing infantilization in the context of sex and gender and disability i love that shit. anyway idk where i was going with this but tldr i love ur characterization of goro <3
prefacing this by saying: i have adhd. although i haven't been able to be properly diagnosed (with the things hooked up to my head etc etc) thanks to america's stunning healthcare, i am like.. 99.999999% sure i have it. my therapist, who i used to see regularly, agrees that i probably have it.
NOW. i'm sure we all know that futaba sakura our favorite gremlin girl ever exhibits some clear symptoms of autism. i don't need to get into it because there's a million and one analyses out there about her behavior, but i will say that i both love/hate how atlus depicted her. on one hand i love that the group just.. accepts her for who she is, i love that they don't try to change her, i love that they don't fall into the "ooh you're so smart though so your disability MUST be a superpower!" trap, and that they mold around her to suit her, and not the other way around.
i have SUCH a bone to pick with how they decided to go about her 'healing' arc. the phantom thieves give her a week--a WEEK--to readjust to society. and yeah i guess that while you could argue that she's just had her trauma supernaturally lobotomized out of her, it doesn't change the fact that she's... still gone through it, you know? just because she learned to stop hating herself for things out of her control doesn't mean her social anxiety disappears in a snap. she turns out alright by the end but the extremely pushy nature of the thieves to get her out of her shell ALWAYS rubbed me wrong. taking things slow and one step at a time is wonderful, and i'm glad they decided to go about that approach instead of just throwing her to the beach like they originally wanted, but they still should have taken it... slower. one week is HARDLY enough.
also, i fucking hate how they constantly talk about her while she's in the same room as them, as if she can't hear what they're saying. they said things like, "oh she's pretty normal, huh" and "she can hold a conversation just fine!" and while their behavior isn't one completely out of the ordinary for dumb teenagers to exhibit, it still really, really pisses me off that they do it wiht her in the SAME ROOM. im sure it wasn't meant to come off this way, but i always got the feeling that they attributed her 'quirkiness' to her not understanding how groups worked at all, which is why they were so open about discussing HER MENTAL HEALTH without including her in the conversation.
okay i'm done with futaba--quick hcs im throwing out there: ryuji has adhd, yusuke also has autism, mishima has autism, goro has ocd. boom bam bop, you've been hit by the 'tism beam.
PLEASE DO POP OFF ABOUT THE INFANTILISM it's honestly such a gross sight.... the amount of times ive seen goro depicted as some small, feminine twink is genuinely staggering, and it's always left such a bad taste in my mouth because i KNOW it's because his character, at least for the majority of the plot, is polite and soft spoken.
not to mention how incredibly fetishizing it feels. i won't get too into it, but the amount of shuakeshu ive seen where one is drawn/written as larger than life/confident/suave and the other is meek/skinny/easily embarrassed? ohhh my god. please. akiren isn't some smooth jerk who makes goro blush with a well-placed quip, and goro isn't a crazed yandere who shuts akiren away from the rest of the world. they're both fucking losers who don't know how to process their feelings for the other because of their very, very embarrassing rivalry. stop degrading one to fit your perfect mlm narrative.
sigh i didn't mean for this to become a social commentary or anything, but .. lo and behold... here we are. i'd love to hear your thoughts on my takes, anon, and i'd love to hear the thoughts for anyone who read thru this too! while i do have adhd/am trans i can't speak for those who fall under the autism spectrum or for cis gay men, so if you'd like to correct me in my thinking PLEASE go ahead and do so, i'd love to be educated on topics i don't fully understand. have a good one <3
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bthebeachboi · 1 year
some hc about SF & LA
since my last post wasn't very, uh, wttt-ly.
So, yeah, how I picture them (n how beach Cal changed few things)
So, Los Angeles is a hard worker. He's always on time, he's always overworked, he's always in his best clothes. He won't let fame leave him behind, so he is always aware of trends.
He has that fake polite smile on his face, but his eyes always show what he actually thinks about you.
LA, just like his "brother" SF, has a problem with most southern states, and believe me when I say that he's ready to throw hands if needed.
His favourite city is Austin, which is usually something that SF laughs at him for. Favourite state at the moment is Nevada, though he enjoys New York because of fashion. Speaks spanish while highly stressed.
LA hides his emotions, he drowns in them until there's no more air in his lungs. He watches people around him move on or die and mourns roughly every loss trough his years and years of exsistence. When he finally breaks into little pieces, he usually ends up with California, always making sure that the older one shut off B!Cal before begging him to pick up the pieces.
"How... How do you move on from that, from their deaths. I mean, you loved one, Cal..!"
"You don't. You'll always remember those who left, you'll always see them in the little things like when you hear their favourite song on the radio or when you see something they'd laugh at."
"Then how? I can't loose anyone else, I just can't-!"
"I'm sorry Angel, but you will loose more. Always"
||- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -||
Different from him though, ma boi San Francisco is a lazy fuck. He is just amusing naturally, his "vibe" catches people's eyes with ease and he's a good but rough flirt. He's not pushy, more like a "straight to the point" guy, even if he'll use some nice words to not embarrass anyone.
He's very alike B!Cal, or that's at least what he believes, but he's also very alike young(er) California, who was a menace. Feral guy holding only one thing close to heart - gold. He is cheap, cold and fidgety around states and Gov because of his past. His least favourite state being Texas and New York in a tie.
Which is funny, 'cause his favourite cities are Las Vegas and New York City. He and NYC hang out a lot only because he likes to remind the guy that he isn't "a big ol' bad boy" even if he says that just to have an excuse.
He likes to drink with LV until they both are so open and bare, that every "scar" he has from his past (sacr as an emotional one) is raw and red, like it just closed yesterday. He watches his friend cry into his colorful little cocktail, while wondering if he could ever get back his first few years. If he will ever be able to look Congress in his eyes and say everything he wants to say.
He fights with ease, never stressed before a fight.
Killed a guy with a pickaxe once, broke through his skull after he annoyed him too much, they never found the body. He says that he fed an ocean beast with it. (That's probably how he met B!Cal in his n Cal's cryptid form)
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skialue · 3 years
It's been days and im still thinking about teen kaeya talking out loud to himself in Khaenri'ahian as he starting to feel like he's losing his identity and origins during his stay in Mondstadt-
Khaenri'ah being nearly forgotten and him being Diluc's shadow everytime they're together helped him get away from any inquiries. Although he never were able to escape Diluc's curiosity.
"How come you remember your mother language perfectly but not the name of your homeland?"
But Kaeya is used to lying and deceiving now, "Haha. Ironic, isn't it~?"
Neither Diluc nor the Dawn Winery's staff mind Kaeya's new habit.
No one dares to interrupt him or even look at his direction when he start talking afraid they might embarrass him
They smile to themselves as warmness spreads in their chests whenever they hear soft humming of some foreign song they assume or a quiet giggle.
Every sound and giggles sound as if he shared a secret with them despite them not understanding anything he's saying,
But that's the closest they felt to the teen that never speak unless spoken to, and hearing kaeya's smooth voice was a pleasant change to the usual quiet of the manor.
But that quiet soon returned intensified after Kaeya's first mission as a knight of Favonius.
And no canary or budgie can replace kaeya's melodical voice.
No one knew what happened that night, not even Diluc, his sworn brother, the one who founds him in one of Mondstadt's caves.
His first mission was a simple hilichurls camp clearing, any team of newbies could clear it with ease.
Kaeya was nothing close to a newbie, he was a kid from a royal family who has opened his eyes to what it seemed an endless war.
He learnt how to hold a sword before he could read or write. He was one of the few who passed the knight of Favonius exam almost instantly.
He wasn't worried about a thing, not even about the possibility that he have to kill who used to be his people,
He made his peace long time ago, he knows that even though they all grew from the same ground they're no longer humans.
They're no longer look human, they aren't even able to communicate or think. They follow their instincts in order to survive only.
"/They're closer to animals than humans../" he bitterly whispered to himself after him and his team finished clearing the camp.
But before he can sheath his sword, two abyss mages surrounded the area with a hilichurls horde three times bigger than the camp they just cleared.
The ambush frightened the horses of the knights sending them away. The only way out now was to face on the horde of the hilichurls and defeat them.
Kaeya already managed to kill a bunch of them and was able to call for his horse back and sent one of the injured knights back to Mondstadt so they can ask for reinforcements.
The fight was short after the reinforcement came, but kaeya didn't noticed he wandered too far chasing one of the cryo abyss mages that tried to escape.
"/You can't run away now, you shameful pig./"
The stillness of the mage when hearing kaeya's words after he cornered him in a cave alarmed Kaeya, especially after its shield suddenly went down throwing the mage on its kneels.
Kaeya takes a step back panicking as the mage is crawling towards him, extending its hand, "/... Prince?/"
Kaeya jerks his hand back dropping his sword when the mage hand reached his.
"/Prince! Where were you? What's happening?! Where are we-/"
The young knight unable to form a single coherent thought kicked the mage in panic before it can reach his feet.
' it..? '
The quietness that followed did nothing to ease his racing heart or shallow breathing.
Kaeya didn't noticed he broke the abyss mage's mask when he kicked them until the mage started to scream in agony holding their face looking at it through the small water puddle.
The whole ordeal already made his body wobble forcing him to lean on one of the cave's walls, but the mage's shriek was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
Kaeya pulled his knee close to his chest, hands on his ears, unable to tear his crying eye away from the mage.
Kaeya's sobs must've reached the mage's ears and they fully turned to him.
"/What happened to me Prince?! Why do I look like a monster?? Where's my wife and son?!!! Prince, please-/"
The mage was silenced once and for all by kaeya's agonized scream and dagger.
That night, the only thing the cave echoed was the muffled crys of a landless prince.
Kaeya, still worn out after hours of crying, mourning, not sure what is he mourning exactly, but it was the only thing he was can do at that moment, couldn't push away the strong arms that was wrapped around him,
"Where have you been?? You were missing for hours after the abyss order ambush!! I was told you went after an abyss mage. I was worried sick.."
Diluc's wavering voice took what air left in Kaeya's lungs out. He wants to throw up.
Kaeya clenched the white fur in his hand and helplessly held on Diluc.
"Kae.. is that.. the mage's.."
But Kaeya couldn't hear anything anymore, he wants to crawl out of his skin, he wants to scream the emptiness out, he wants to throw up everything inside him.
But instead he held on to the only comforting warmness instead of the flesh-dusted fur that only managed to suffucate and weigh him down more.
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kim-seung-mo · 2 years
hi! i love your writing so much! could i request when their s/o who doesn't really vent or complain much finally breaks down? how would skz comfort them? 🥺
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔽𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝔻𝕠𝕨𝕟
or…stray kids reacting to when their s/o who doesn't complain finally breaks down
♩ g/n!reader, hurt and comfort, mostly angst and a little fluff at the end, a lot of crying
♩♩ word count: 2.3k (yeah it's a bit longer than normal hcs)
♩♩♩ A/N: I basically wrote a whole fic on this for chan so I'm just gonna leave a link to that for him
prompt list here (or you can request ur own)
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(don't ask me why some (felix) of these are wayyy longer than others...I just got really carried away lol)
this chan one-shot I wrote pretty much is exactly this prompt but even more pain (?) so if you want a "break-up then getting back together" with a lot of crying, go ahead and read it! If not, here's a shortened version:
He wasn't someone who would take advantage of your patience, or test it.
But stress could sometimes turn his head.
He hasn't slept well for many days consecutively.
From what his members told you, he didn't seem to be eating properly either.
Today you were a little worried and brought along food you made to the studio, but was scolded by him in front of Changbin and Jisung.
You couldn't stand his reaction, but in order not to let him lose face in front of members, you held back your anger and left his studio in disappointment.
He would immediately notice his fault and properly admit his fault to you.
When he saw you crying, he was about to fall to his knees and slap himself in front of you.
"Don't cry, baby, I know I was wrong, it's all my fault… It's my fault, I shouldn't have spoken to you as I did …… Everything you did was for my own good, how could I not cherish you? I'm just… the worst boyfriend ever ……"
You weren't going to be continuously angry at him either, after all, who could stay angry at Chan?
It's just that for the next many days he'd be extra cautious.
Constantly promising you that he'll never throw his temper on you ever again.
If Chan never tests your boundaries… All I can say is that Minho tries your boundaries 24/7.
At least, it felt like it.
Sometimes you even felt like he might not love you very much.
(You were very wrong, he just might be the most loving person in the world. It's just unfortunate that he's a tsundere who doesn't want to, and doesn't know how to express it)
You knew he liked to tease others, not out of true malice, it was just a way for him to show closeness.
But sometimes, you still thought sometimes, unconsciously, that there was more to his words.
He sensed something off when you didn't answer him with a smile as usual.
He wanted to apologize immediately, after all, hurting you was the last thing he wanted to do.
But before he could say anything, he heard your sob.
In that moment, it was as if all rationality had left his head.
He rushed up and stopped in front of you, wanting to reach out and hug you, but hesitated.
He didn't know if you wanted his hug right now.
"I'm sorry …… I, I didn't mean it like that ……"
You heard an unprecedented level of apology in his tone.
Only after making sure you didn't reject his physical contact did he gently bring you into his arms.
"Y/N…you know the one thing I can't stand to see is you crying ……"
Perhaps because you never really expressed that "you needed him ", he had always thought that you were a rather independent person.
You were independent, but that didn't mean you didn't need him when you were vulnerable.
When you came home today, you didn't know why, but it was as if all the stress and emotions of the past few months had come flooding back.
He was always very assertive in what he did, but at that moment he suddenly didn't know what to do.
He felt a pain in his chest, and wanted to try to do something to make you feel less sad.
He opened and shut his mouth a few times, but he couldn't get a single word out.
He had never seen you like this before, your vulnerable side, needing help.
"Y/N…you still have me, I'm right by your side ……"
In the end, that's all he came out with.
But really, just knowing that he was still there for you was enough.
As long as he could show that he cared about you and wanted to help you, it was enough.
A fight with Hyunjin was essentially a one-sided complaint from him.
No, calling it a "fight" would be incorrect. After all, he was almost always the only one talking.
You had a good temper and you basically didn't argue with anyone as long as they didn't hit your no-go areas.
With Hyunjin, most of the time he would just ramble on and on, and you thought he was kind of cute when he rambled on like that.
But for some reason, you just didn't like hearing him talk like that this time.
For the first time, you got angry with him, raised your voice, and made a face he hadn't seen before.
He froze for a moment, and a feeling of frustration that came out of nowhere came over him.
He hurriedly turned away, not wanting you to see his damp eyes.
He knew it was his own fault, and that it was you who should be more in need of reassurance right now.
But he couldn't stop his disobeying tears either.
For the first time, he saw you angry, at him.
He was afraid.
You took a few deep breaths and largely eased up.
"Jinnie…? I was… I don't know what just happened to me ……"
The nearly 180cm tall man was holding his own shoulders, sniffling like a frightened little animal.
"I'm sorry ……"
You heard him whisper, so faintly that you almost didn't catch it.
"Jinnie?" "I'm sorry… I'm sorry, Y/N ……"
He turned to you and hugged you, grabbing the fabric on your back and speaking in a weepy voice.
"I'll never do it again… Don't make that face, don't get mad at me, I, I don't want to …… I don't want to see you like this, I'm scared ……"
"Don't be afraid… There's no need to be afraid. I would never do anything to hurt you or really be angry with you. And you know that, right? I love you too much ……"
Not sure how long these words were repeated later before he finally was at ease.
You always listened to his troubles, his trivialities, his heart.
But every time it was your turn, he seemed to be busy and always had other "more important things" to do.
In your mind, things about him were the most important things.
But perhaps to him, your worries and heartfelt words weren't very important.
"I sometimes… I don't think you actually care about me much at all."
"……. What?"
When he heard you say that, he felt his heart pause.
How could you think that? What on earth did he do to make you think that way?
He thought you knew that he wouldn't be able to live at all without you.
"If you really did care about me, Jisung, why weren't you ever interested in what was going on with my life? Why do you never come to care about me when I look sad and upset?"
It was the first time he heard you say such words, the first time he heard you express your "need for care".
"It's not that… It's not like that. ….. Y/N……"
He frowned and rushed to your side to hold your face in his hands.
"I care about you, I just …… I was just so stupid, I thought you didn't say anything because you wanted to be on your own- I, I was really stupid. It's really stupid now that I think about it …… I'm sorry, I'm sorry …… I'm so awful, I ……"
If you thought Hyunjin had cried a lot, you must have never seen Jisung cry.
He canceled all his work plans that night and stayed by your side to keep you company.
You two cried like that for hours.
You didn't want to show your sad side in front of Felix.
He was your little sunshine, always smiling and making your every day better.
You thought you should give him all the good things too, not your tears or bitterness.
But what you didn't realize was that he actually took everything in stride.
Every time you held back, every time you silently sighed, it was like a small dagger stuck in his heart.
In his eyes, your behavior was as if you "did not trust him ".
After he had such thoughts, he began to distance himself from you.
And you weren't stupid, you realized within a few days that something was wrong with him.
You felt as if your little sun was starting to dim.
This only made you even more upset and confused.
You finally couldn't stand it and called out to him when he turned away immediately after seeing you.
"Did I do something wrong?"
His back trembled a little.
"Is it because I've done something wrong that you've been distancing yourself from me?"
"I distanced myself from you?" He turned back to you, his eyes filled with sadness.
"Am I the one distancing myself from you, or are you the one distancing yourself from me? Y/N, you never complain to me, you don't speak your heart to me, you never rely on me! What do you want me to do if you don't show your heart to me?Y/N…I don't want to let go …… But I feel like I'm the only one in love."
You too finally couldn't help yourself. Your clenched fist trembling.
"I don't complain, I don't speak from my heart, I don't vent negative energy to you because I'm afraid it will affect you! I'm afraid you might get upset because of me …… You are already tired from your work, you don't need more burden ……"
"How can you say your business is burdensome?"
He seemed to get a little angry, walking quickly up to you to stare you in the eye.
You had calmed down somewhat when you saw his expression, but your mouth still started moving on its own.
"I want you to see only the good side of me Felix …… I do this because… Because I know deep down that I'm not worthy of-"
He didn't wait for you to finish your sentence as he immediately cupped your face and pressed his lips into yours, making you swallow back the last bit of that sentence.
Kisses with Felix were always sweet.
But this time it was bitter.
"I forbid you to say that, forever."
"You're going to rely on me and say everything to me. You will let me bear with you all the things between the two of us. I will not allow you to hold back by yourself. And you will definitely not be allowed to say ridiculous things like you don't deserve me."
"Y/N, I don't know how many times I have to say "I love you" before you believe me, but if you need 100 times, I'll say it 1000 times. If you need 1,000 times, I'll say it 10,000 times!"
He really was the sunshine that lit up your life, your little sun.
You were really not a person who liked to complain and thought that everything was something that could be tolerated.
Seungmin, like you, was also someone who basically didn't talk about their troubles and liked to digest them by themselves.
But lately, you really felt like the whole world was your enemy, and Seungmin was the only one on your side.
When he opened the door at night and saw you crying alone on the couch, he was absolutely frozen.
He stood still as if his brain had stopped working.
You thought he would laugh at you and take a picture of your crying face and send it to the rest of the members.
But he came and sat down next to you and hugged you silently.
He knew you were under a lot of pressure lately, from all aspects of your life.
Only when you were at home, when you were with him did you find yourself a last safe haven.
How could he possibly laugh at you at such a time?
Where you couldn't see, his eyes were reddened as well.
"It's funny, isn't it, the way I look now ……"
"Not at all."
He tightened his arm around you, trying hard to make you feel his warmth.
"Seungmin…I just feel so tired ……"
"I know, I know …… You can rest now that I'm here."
He was easily driven by emotions and couldn't stand seeing anyone cry.
But especially when he saw you crying, his tears literally slid down in a flash.
He knew that you like to endure stress by yourself, and he watched in silence.
It is just that he is young, and sometimes doesn't really know what to do in the face of such things.
He wanted to help you, but felt that maybe letting you alone was the right choice.
Only when you broke down like now, did he have the confidence to come to your side.
He gently stroked your back and sobbed himself, but insisted on smoothing your breath.
He rested his forehead on your back, didn't speak, simply stayed by your side.
He wouldn't initiate conversation, but if you did, he would respond to your words competently.
After you were "back to normal ", he asked you cautiously about "what I should do next time if this happens again?"
You were amused by his cute and sincere question and reached out to pet his fluffy head.
Then patiently answered each of his questions.
You asked him, too, what he wanted you to do when he was feeling upset.
He was happy that with this conversation, he got to know you a little better and felt closer to you.
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aceie-desire · 2 years
Omg what you did for the Savannaclaw's req is very cute!! Mind if i req another Savannaclaw too (i'm a sucker for them oh my). It can be hcs/anything you want it to be, gn s/o confess first before he could confess to them. Thanks~
Savanaclaw with a ‘s/o’ that confesses first.
✎ Characters: Ruggie Bucchi, Jack Howl, Leona Kindscholar
☁︎ Fluff
⚠︎ Warnings: slight suggestiveness in Leonas part
ꕤ Notes: omg i did it! it’s finally done! And I hope you all enjoy lol
! Word Count: 1.8K
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“Aggh.�� Ruggie sighed, throwing his head back.
You weren’t expecting that. Maybe a “no”, and if you were lucky a “i feel the same”. But he seemed disappointed, frustrated even. He literally groaned out of distaste. You couldn’t help it as tears threatened to spill from your fluttering eyes.
You were embarrassed and upset. You thought that you were an idiot.
“How could he ever like me back?” You thought to yourself, trying not to start crying on the spot.
You lowered your gaze, unable to meet his. You felt as if everything around came down crashing. If only you hadn’t built up the courage to tell Ruggie how you really felt. If only you kept things how they were. But it was slowly killing you.
You didn’t know what the 2 of you were. And you wanted to clarify by telling him how you really felt. That’s the situation you’re in right now.
Little did you know Ruggie felt the same.
He looked over to see you quite lost in your thoughts. You looked so cute, and that’s all that Ruggie focused on, until reality shook him and snapped him out of whatever mindset he was stuck in.
Ruggie’s never been one to think before he talked. That was one of his small downfalls…
It took you stuttering over your words to get him back to reality.
“Oh-oh! N-no. That’s not what I meant- It was that I just- Uh…” You still couldn’t look him in his eyes, your face was red and flushed, and your tears were getting harder to contain.
“Oh. y/n… I didn’t mean to sound that mean… What I- The reason… I like you too!” Ruggie blurted out.
You both burst out laughing due to Ruggie’s little outburst.
His laugh was something that lifted your spirits, even when you were sad.
“I’m sorry y/n, shihihihihihihih, i was disappoint yeah…”
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- I’ll go…”
“No! I was disappointed cause I wanted to tell you how I felt, but you beat me to it…”
Now you were surely confused, “Wait..? How do you… feel..?”
“You heard me earlier right? I said that I liked you too.” He chuckled.
What a strange turn of events. Your face was redder than it had been as you looked down,
unable to meet his gaze, but this time, it was out of embarrassment and happiness.
You could hear Ruggie’s laugh getting closer to you as you felt his arms wrapped around you pulling you into a hug. He rested his head on the crook of your neck.
Maybe things would be a bit more clarified now.
“Oh, Okay.” And with that there was a thud to the floor.
“Jack! Are you okay!?” You rush to look over at the fallen beastmen.
“Mhm.” His face was red and flushed, and his eyes were wide open.
You weren’t exactly sure what had brought upon Jacks sudden behavior but you could help but laugh at the given situation.
He had shot up and a determined look was present in his eyes. He looked like a puppy ready to pounce.
He stood up fully and put both of his hands on your shoulder to make sure his eyes would be locked on yours. His ears were shot up and his tail was stif, the word eager radiated off him.
“I-I. I LIKE YOU TOO.” He shouted, his eyes shut tight and his face redder than it had been. That part alone kinda worried you.
But… The answer has lifted your mood. Before he had taken his extravagant fall, you had accidentally let it slip that you had a big crush on the light haired beastmen.
But let’s back track a bit. I’ll explain what let up to the current situation.
It had been a boring evening, late classes had finally ended, and you were so ready to head to bed. Sure Ramshackle wasn't the prettiest, but it was home. And you were so excited to get there.
Wile you were caught up day dreaming about your bed, you hadn't noticed that Grimm, Ace, and Deuce had strayed off path and were now talking with a group of Savanclaw students.
'oh no.'
"The hell did you say!?"
"Ace, don't caught up with them, lets go its not worth it."
"What are you both chicken? I knew that Heartsabyul was just a group of wusses."
"Let me at em!"
You ran up to see what all the commotion was about, "What's going on here?"
Ace was trying his best to koala grab onto Deuce and hold Grimm by the scruff of his neck, it didn't seem like he could keep them under wraps for much longer. You stepped up closer, and grabbed Grimm, holding him in a teddy-bear like hug in your arms.
"Calm down, Grimm."
"Not now, henchmen! They've been pissing me off for a while, and that Heartsbyul comment was the end of it!"
Honestly, you were kinda proud, Grimm cares! About others! Woah. But you also knew that this wasn't exactly the best way of going about it.
"A little help here!?" Ace was starting to lose his grip, and you really didn't want to deal with the old Deuce. The Savanaclaw student were asking for a death wish as they hadn't stopped their taunting, you felt bad for them. You were trying to coax Deuce to calm down, and for the most part it worked. He was still obviously pissed though.
Then, one comment escaped from one of the Savanaclaw. You didn't exactly hear what it was, cause you were watching the color fade from Deuces face to red. He was right about to lung but just them you heard a thud to the ground.
And there Jack was in a fighting stance. He had punched the student to the ground. And his friends were white in the face. They were shaking.
"Don't ever. Come near them again."
They shook their heads frantically and grabbed their friend and ran off.
Jack let out a sigh, then a quick gasp of air, realizing what he had just done.
"Ah shit, I'm sorry..." But that was quickly turned over by the guys complementing him and highkey lowkey fan-girling over him. His face was red and he couldn't look anyone in the eye. He was very clearly embarrassed, but he acting as if nothing was different.
That when you kinda let it slip, "Who knew it would be the guy I liked that would save us from his own dormmates," You joked.
Then everyone's head turned extremely quickly to face you. Any faster and they would've gotten whiplash. And Jack looked like he was about to faint.
Now back to present time.
His hands were on your shoulders and he had just confessed. Once again, this all had made you laugh. You rested your head on his chest as you heard everyone else around you laugh too, Jack let out a slow chuckle at himself.
Maybe you should thank those students, without them, you wouldn't be in this situation.
"Damn it, Herbivore." He chuckled lowly. His head was seated on the crook of your neck, while your back was pressed to a wall. Your breathe hitched and your heart beat was picking up pace.
Leona seemed to sense this as he smirked. He shined a toothy smile as he wrapped his arms around you, whispering, "I. Like. You. Too~".
Now, that was a shocker.
I mean, you hadn't expected him to ever like you back, let alone say it. And all day, you've had a gut feeling that he didn’t like you back. So you shouldn't even bother to tell him. But you wanted to face your fears. You were brave in that sense.
So all day you were trying to tell him, but there was never a good time. Anytime the two of you were alone, something had come up to interrupt.
Like for instance, Grimm running from Ace because of a potion mishap, or Kalim crashing on his magic carpet into a bunch of storage bins. Oh, and Ruggie running from Floyd trying to escape cleaning duty since its their turn for the month, every little "plot" has ended in you having to leave to go save someone's life. Sometimes from themselves.
Every single time has ended in your ultimate defeat. But you are one persistent prefect, so you will accomplish your quest! Or uh, you’ll at least try.
Imagine getting confession blocked that many times-
But hey, you got this, right? And maybe your plans had been foiled previously but this one has to work! Which is the exact pep talk you gave to yourself before you ran into the Savanaclaw den dorm.
“y/n? What are you doing here? Jack and Ruggie aren’t here right now-“
“I’m not here to see them. Where. Is. Leona?”
The savanaclaw student looked worried. You kinda made it seem like you were pissed or that this was an urgent matter, which it was, and you were kinda pissed cause you haven’t been able to say a word to him all day.
“He’s in his room- But are you sure you should go in… And they’re gone.” The student sighed.
“Leona!” You barged in, probably a bad move on your part but your adrenaline has kicked in and it didn’t seem like it was stopping soon either.
“Leeeeonaaaa- AH!”
A dark shadow had sprung out and had swiftly shoved you against the back wall of the room.
“What the fu- Leona! Why would you-?”
“Why the hell did you run in screaming into my room?” His eyes were dark and a teasing tone lingered on his words.
“Ah. Sorry about that…” You left out a sheepish laugh.
“Mhm…” Leona’s grip seemed to tighten just a bit on your wrist. And at that very moment you had realized the position that you were in. “So what did you come in here for…?”
“Oh- I- Um… You know!” You we’re obviously blushing and stutter a shit ton. Leona took notice of this, deciding to test your limits.
“Of course I know.” He inched closer to your face, a smirk present on his sun kissed skin.
“You do…!?” If you thought that you couldn’t be more flustered you were wrong.
“It’s quite obvious…”
Well shit. It’s now or never. Risk it for the biscuit ig.
And you let it spill. Though it was kinda hard for Leona to make out many words as it was incredibly quick paced. He could however make out 3 words. ‘I. Like. and you.’
And once again back to present time.
“I. Like. You. Too~!”
Oh boy. Now Leona’s going to have to explain your limp passed out body to Ruggie and Jack once they get back to practice.
But eh, y’all can talk it all over later.
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requests are open!!
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moriiartist · 3 years
Hello! I wasn't sure where to submit a request so I apologize if it's the wrong spot! Feel free to delete. Since you were taking requests I wanted to ask for anything with Rendog. Anywhere your inspiration strikes is fine, there's not enough out there of him! Love your writing. Your Scar and Etho Christmas fics are two of my favs. Have a great new year!
PAIRING: C!Rendog x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS: Headcanons for a werewolf Rendog that may or may not have a huge crush on you.
WARNINGS: Mild language(?), possessive behavior (not the bad kind, though)
A/N: Awww! I'm glad you enjoyed the fics! And, yes- you did submit to the right thing :) I hope you like what I've written for you, and happy simping my friend!
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For as long as he could remember, Ren has been like... this.
At this point it’s not even something he’d even consider wrong with him- it’s honestly just a condition that he lives with, similarly to people with disabilities.
For the most part, Ren is a stereotypical lycanthrope: abundant and fast-growing body hair, sharper teeth and nails than the average human, enhanced sight and smell, and- oh, yeah- the uncontrollable ability to transform into a giant fuck-off wolf during the full moon.
It’s one of the Hermitcraft server’s not-so-secret secrets.
I mean, it’s not like he’s actually trying to hide his, er, ‘condition’ all that much, and everyone kinda knows that he’s not quite human, but nobody really bats an eye when they see a giant dog just zoom past them when they’re building late at night.
He’s basically just a huge puppy when he’s in his feral form. Multiple Hermits have had him just come up to them while they’re working, body wiggling from how hard his tail his wagging, and beg for them to throw him a stick.
Very cute, until you realize that he has no idea that he is not a lap dog and decides to flop his entire body weight into your lap.
Say goodbye to your legs, may they rest in pieces peace 😔
Ren never really worried about himself, fully accepting of all his quirks and flaws, until you came along.
You, who oh-so effortlessly never failed to steal the air out of his lungs with just a smile, you who sent him stumbling over his words and fighting off the urge to just bury his face in your neck and breathe you in.
Honestly, mans is whipped and it is absolute torture for him to hide it when all he wants is to wrap you into a bear hug and claim you as his own.
His instincts agree with his heart, too- making him a little more aggressive, a little more possessive than usual when you’re around the other Hermits.
He tones it down, though. After all, who’s to say that you wouldn’t be weirded out by his more animalistic behavior?
Naturally, though, when the full moon rolls around, it becomes a little bit of a different story when he’s in his more... uninhibited state, fully shifted.
It’s become so common for the other players to see him dutifully following at your heels that they don’t even question it anymore- not even you, who has to actually deal with a giant fluffy wolf man basically mother-henning you for the next twelve hours.
Once he shifts back, he’s more than a little embarrassed when he learns what ‘the mystery wolf’ had gotten into, flushing bright pink as you recount his antics from the night before with an oblivious grin.
“It was so funny, Ren. Poor BDubs was just trying to give me some of his extra cobblestone, but he just ended up getting chased around the build by an absolutely ginormous wolf instead! I couldn’t stop laughing at the end of it.”
“That does sound cool, my dude. Anyhoosle- do you know anything that would make a super awesome apology present? For no reason in particular, of course.”
Lord help this man, he needs saving from himself.
Even though Ren doesn’t want to cross any boundaries (he knows that he could never own you or force you to make any decisions except your own, and he’s a respectful person), he still finds himself becoming jealous when you come over to his base smelling like the other Hermits.
Expect him to practically throw his clothes at you whenever you see him, feeling a quite honestly unreasonable amount of pride whenever he sees you wearing something of his, practically drowning in his cedarwood and pine sap scent.
“Hey Ren, how’s it going-”
“Wear this.”
“Wear. This.”
I mean, it’s cute how protective he gets over you, but it’s like- he does know that he’s the only one with a nose sensitive enough to notice that stuff, right?
He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit, I guess.
It’ll probably take him a while to work up the guts to confess, being self-conscious about the whole situation, but when he inevitably does it doesn’t take much to assuage his fears 😊
Your days will be filled with plenty of rib-crushing hugs and the usual Ren shenanigans- going along with the latest eccentric character that he invented, helping out with his totally not ominous at all chunk error of a build, and all of the affection that he can smother you in now that he doesn’t have to hide his feelings.
He even goes so far as to intersperse playful nips to your nose and ears with his kisses, unable to stop the lovesick grin that spreads across his face when you try to stifle your giggles.
At night, though, you’re not getting away with wriggling to your end of the bed, no no no: Ren is laying on top of you, one cheek squished against the top of your head, arms wrapped securely around your rib cage, and your legs tangled up together.
He’s only just got you- why would he ever let you go?
232 notes · View notes
nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
HC: s/o is dying in their arms
A/N: So..... I got this request:
"If you have the time do you think maybe you could do a headcanon with the resident evil boys reacting to their s/o dying in their arms? That angsty stuff ya know?"
And, here you go! I took Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield. Enjoy...?
Words: 3.135
Warnings: angst, mention of blood, mention of death, raw emotions (the whole palette; gender neutral reader
Leon Kennedy:
- before Leon even can react, the infected has bitten you, digging its teeth into your flesh what caused you to cry out in pain and in surprise because you haven't noticed it behind you at all
- Leon kills the zombie or infected or whatever it was Umbrella had created this time before he runs to you
- you are already coughing blood; you press your hand on the wound but you are already spilling the blood on your bulletproof vest - ironically that you thought a bullet would kill you when you are fighting against BOWs
- you see Leon's concerned expression and that is the only thing that is really hard for you in this moment - to see him suffer; he is the last one who deserves any of this because he is too nice, too lovely, too handsome and too precious
- because deep down inside of you, you know that it is over; this is the end of your journey; the BOW didn't just take a little bite to taste you - no, it took the whole buffet and a refill on top
- you already feel the virus spreading through your veins, nagging on the healthy blood cells to change them into something nasty, at least you imagine it to be like this; it is just a question of time what happens first: that you become one of these undead monsters on your own OR that you die of immense blood loss - internally, you hope for the second option because the last thing that should ever happen is that Leon sees himself forced to kill you
- Leon kneels next to you; he doesn't even care if he is already covered in your blood, the only thing he is trying is saving your life
- he tries to give you the anti-virus but you stop him what makes Leon even more furious, a state you barely have witnessed before from this skilled, composed but also cheeky agent who always has some funny words on his lips to make you smile
"Could you please keep still so I can help you?"
"Leon, n-no... just ... don't.", you breathe, stopping his hand while you get shook by new waves of coughing.
"YN, we don't have much time. So, please, be smart and listen to me just this one time.", Leon says composed but you already see the tears glittering in the corners of his eyes - these beautiful, bright eyes you will miss the most because they held the promise of your shared future in them.
"It... it would be just a- a waste..", you choke out, taking the anti-virus to throw it out of reach for Leon who stares at you in shock, "The blood lo-lo... the loss is faster than the virus. At.... at least, I- I'm not turning into ... into...", your voice breaks as you become short of breath.
- Leon already sits on the ground, ignoring whatever happens around him; it doesn't matter at all; he just sits down, pulling you onto his lap while enclosing you with his arms as strong as he can to pull you close to his chest, the place where you have been preferably when you two were together, spending quality time in bed together
- this time, it is the same; your hands already find their way to his chest so you can feel his heartbeat while you try to breathe and live a little bit longer; you fight till your last breath just to look into Leon's handsome face, framed by these always so soft fringes; that is the last wish you have to whatever entity that might be out there - that Leon's face would be the image that will burn into your mind that it will persist till you reach the afterlife
- Leon tries to stay strong for you but it is not working; the tears are already running free as he realizes that you are right; no help would be fast enough to save you; so, this is the last opportunity he has to say things; things he always had on his mind when he saw you, when he was with you but he never found the right moment to say them; Leon was sure he would have all the time in the world to show you what you meant to him if he wasn't able to tell you that - now, he had to realize that he was wrong
"Leon... p-please, look at me...", you plead softly, seeing his eyes is something you cling to as if they are the lighthouses which would guide you back into life.
Leon smiles weakly at you and strokes bloody strands out of your face, "Don't worry, you have my whole attention like always. I always had eyes just for you, sweetheart.", he whispers.
"Oh, n-no... y-you won't start now with the-these cheesy nicknames.", you choke out, accompanied with some more blood.
Leon chuckles softly about the fact that you are still the same, talking back like always, "Fight me. When you decide to leave me, I can decide to call you 'sweetheart' as much as I want.", he says and shows you your favorite smirk even through tears.
You chuckle, "Yeah, blame me for that, Kennedy.", you whisper.
Leon leans closer to you as he notices that you become weaker, even the grip of your hands becomes less, "There are so many things I always wanted to tell you and now, you... you-", but his voice breaks because no matter how tough he wants to be it is you he is losing right now. You are his partner as an agent and in life, working side by side and living even closer.
With your last strength, you raise your hand to cup Leon's cheek, "Then tell... tell me the most imp-important thing...", you say slowly to get the words out as clearly as possible.
Leon leans against your weak touch, already feeling how your skin becomes colder. You also start to shiver and he brings you even closer to keep you warm with the body heat you were always searching for, "The most important thing? That I love you, YN. I lost my heart on you the moment I met you no matter how frustrating you were with your trouble-making attitude. As we started to date, I was the happiest man on this planet and this never changed. You just make me so damn happy. I should have told you that so much earlier.", he whispers.
You smile weakly at him, "Better now th... th-then never...", you whisper. Actually, you want to say more but you can't.
Leon, who sees it, leans down, raising your chin with his forefinger softly lying underneath it so he can reach your lips for a longing, loving and caring kiss. He feels you responding to his lips. You kiss him back. He continues to kiss you with more force, with more emotions until he notices that there is no reaction from you anymore.
- Leon squeezes his eyes shut, leaving your lips slowly and resting his forehead against yours while countless hot tears are running down his cheeks; he covers you with his tears, a veil of undying love Leon carries for you
- he's clinging desperately on your lifeless body in his arms; his fingers are digging into your skin in hope to jolt you back into life but nothing happens
- he even sobs ugly and muffles the sound as he buries his face into your hair to take a deep breath of your scent for the very last time
- he just sits like this for no matter how long, embracing you, until medics come to bring you away - or at least, they try because Leon won't let go of you; only as another agent comes to remind Leon of the rules and the protocols they have to follow, Leon gives in and let go of you but just very reluctantly
- in the end, Leon Kennedy stands there, covered from head to toe in your blood with dark gleaming eyes and a grim expression on his face with the strong determination to destroy Umbrella and everything else which fault it was that he had lost the love of his life forever
Chris Redfield:
- as Chris hears the shot, it isn't just the sound of a bullet leaving a gun;
- it is the sound that will burn itself forever into his mind, into his memories and into his heart because the moment he hears it accompanied by your muffled scream, a big part of his life will change within one second
- Chris turns around and sees you slowly slumping down on your knees before you fall to the ground, lying on your side and gasping for air
- the Umbrella subject the team was chasing is already on the run with the gun still in his hand; two members of Chris' team are running after him, catching and arrest him
- but Chris doesn't care for the mission any longer as he sees you nearly unconscious lying on the ground, a puddle of blood already forming underneath you; seeping from the nasty gunshot wound in your body
- with long strides, Chris is next to you in just a few seconds; he throws his rifle aside; undressing the protected jacket he is wearing to press it onto your wound to stop the bleeding but he already has noticed that your aorta got hit; blood is already everywhere and still pouring out of you very quickly
"YN! Open your eyes! Now! That's an order!", Chris says serious and slaps softly on your cheek to wake you up.
Very slowly because you already feel weak, you open your eyes just to see his worried expression, "That didn't go as planned, right?", you choke out with a strained voice.
- The other members of the team are in some distance just watching helplessly the scene; the medic feels frustrated and angry because there is nothing he could do to help you; he already had seen that you will die within the next few minutes and in the way Chris treats you in front of everyone, the medic knows that Chris is aware of your death as well
- Chris knows what such a wound means and so, he doesn't want to waste any precious moment with you; you, the one person he kept the closest to himself; it were against a bunch of rules to start something with a team member and Chris always was dutifully enough to stick to the rules until you showed up; you changed the game the second Chris had laid his eyes on you;
- you were the best explosive expert he could ask for; your personality was just as spicy as your grenades and first, Chris thought you were just toying with him but quickly, during a mission where the two of you had to save each other asses, he realized that you weren't just flirting out of fun instead, you really wanted him; Chris was sure with his assumption as you were kissing him;
- that was you and your character - cheeky, playfully, bubbly, maybe a bit too over the top but straight forward if you really wanted something; mostly when you wanted him
- all this is swirling through Chris' mind as he kneels next to you, scooting you up into his lap to have you closer; he doesn't care if someone sees the two of you; he already expected your relationship to be an open secret to the other members of his team; they all knew about the two of you and secretly, they were all shipping you two so hard; destroying any kind of rumors in the beginning to protect the two of you and that no superior would notice the tiniest bit
You look into his beautiful but concerned eyes, "Chris, I'm sorry, I fucked up.", you whisper, your voice is layered with pain and agony; you even try to move but you give up as you already feel your body becoming numb
"Shh, everything will be good again, you will see. Don't worry.", Chris whispers and strokes softly over your back. He's lying, he knows it, you know it, the others know it, but no one cares; you know he needs that to stay strong for you or otherwise he would break in front of you;
- no matter how tough Chris Redfield seems to be on the outside, you know how soft he is on the inside; you discovered this side on him very quickly because he couldn't keep up his resistance in front of you; this tough, tall and broad guy turned into a soft, passionately and cuddly teddy bear in your hands and you wouldn't want to have it differently
"Yeah, you know, Captain, there are still a few things I wanna do with you.", you say low with a soft smirk, using your favorite 'nickname' for him to produce a weak smile on Chris' lips; you always used his military rank as a teasing nickname when you two were in bed, knowing exactly that it turned him on to get called that from you in a sexy voice
"What things do you wanna do? Tell me so we can plan something for the next week. We all need a break.", Chris asks, his voice just a whisper because he can't speak louder anymore or otherwise the raw emotions would take control over him completely.
"Showing you my home town. My mother wants to meet you so desperately.", you say before you hissed with pain, "You know, I told her a few things about you."
"Oh, already? I had no idea you're so serious with me.", Chris says, his voice heavy with tears while he strokes beads of sweat out of your face.
"Obviously, I fell in love with your sexy ass and now, there's no turning back anymore for me because I just love you, Chris.", you whisper weakly, one single tear is running down your cheek because the last thing you want is to leave this incredible man forever.
- that you address him by his name is almost too much for Chris to handle because you just do it when you talk about important, serious things; he swallows thickly because your confession is everything he always wanted to hear no matter how sure he was to have you; to hear these three words coming from your lips was everything Chris was longing for and now, as they came, he would have done everything to switch these words with your life to keep you by his side a little bit longer
Chris pulls you even closer, "I know you will hate it to hear but I won our bet that you would say 'I love you' first. Gotcha.", Chris breathes, nudging your nose with his and now, he even can't stop the tears anymore from running freely down his cheek, soaking his shirt and even your combat clothes
The blood loss is already too heavy and so you claw your hand into Chris' shirt to pull him down to you because you can't move properly anymore, "I can handle losing this silly bet because I already got the jackpot of my life a long time ago.", you breathe before you connect your lips with Chris’ for the most passionately and longing but at the same time desperately kiss the two of you have ever shared.
- all the love you feel for this soldier is lying in your lips which are getting colder with each passing second. Chris' lips are hot against yours, the stubble he sports as a beard, because you like to see it on him the most, is already wet with heartbreaking tears; you try to deepen the kiss but the dizziness in your head is already too much; Chris encloses your face with his free hand, supporting your neck with his long fingers and kisses you stronger than before; your tongues are caressing each other lovingly before Chris breaks the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours
- You feel Chris' warm breath fanning over your face while his heart is racing under your weak grip of your hand. You hate to see him suffer like this, knowing that he has to live with the pain to lose you, to be alone again. You hope he finds someone else even if you already know that Chris will have a tough time while coping with your death, maybe even using your death as the cause to start a vendetta against Umbrella and everything they do.
Your vision becomes slowly blurry and the edges of your sight are already black, "Chris, promise me that you won't do reckless things...", you choke out, followed by some coughing.
"Stay by my side and I won't do anything, I promise.", Chris whispers, offering you a solution.
"I will always be by your side, Chris. I will be watching over you.", you breathe before Chris kisses you again until there is no more reaction from you.
- Chris rests his forehead against yours, clinging to your dead body and crying silently with closed eyes; his face is a mask of pure agony and despair while he grit his teeth; his veins are filling with anger and hatred for what has happened to you; he still can't believe that you are gone, that you have left him just like this, leaving him alone in this crazy, cruel world of living nightmares
- the team is speechless about the whole scene; to see these two lovers getting separated far too early hit all of them; just the medic is able to function, knowing what kind of protocols they have to follow; the medic tries to get Chris away from you but the huge Captain is not moving; so, the three others have to drag him away from you with all the power they can find
- reluctantly, Chris let go of you, standing up with shaking knees; while he tries to catch his breath, his eyes are landing on the suspect who had shot you; before someone of the others can stop him, Chris, feeling like a blank nerve, storms over to him, pushing him up against a wall, beating into the man's face what brings him down to the ground with a bleeding nose and eyebrow; Chris even wants to kick him but the team mates can hold him back, bringing him away so he can cool down somewhere else
- but Chris won't ever cool down again; he promises to himself to use your death as the fuel to keep the fire burning to fight until the last BOW and even Umbrella would have paid for what they had done to you
- You didn't want him to do something reckless but Chris wouldn't do anything reckless, he would be merciless till the moment he would see you again
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hauntedelation · 3 years
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Pics from Google, I do not own.
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 — He was a patient man most days. You liked to test him and his unpredictable tolerance. One day Bucky presents you a small token to jog your memory of just the kind of man he is.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — Black Female Reader x Mob!Bucky Barnes, Black Female Reader x Peter Parker (platonic)
𝐀/𝐍 — I was partially afraid to post this one, I don’t know why but I hope anyone who reads likes it! I was thirsty for something like this and couldn’t let it go. The title is from a Weeknd song. Though, his song Tell Your Friends definitely fits Mob!Bucky’s vibes more. I thought of that while writing this.
(I included Russian speech in this, since it was a hc between me and my friend about this Bucky. I tried my best to review each translation so that the meaning fit. If it doesn’t look right please, feel free to correct me! At the top of the fic is a rough translation)
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 — 7.4k
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — smut (18+ please), oral (male receiving), fingering, pussy slaps, exhibitionism, humiliation and punishment, dacryphilia, anal play, praise kink, age difference (reader is early 20s, Bucky is late 30s), power imbalance, possessive behavior, manipulation, alcohol consumption, mentions of Bucky losing sleep, jealousy, Bucky is mean here, slight dubcon just to be sure, mentions of guns 
Here is my masterlist if you enjoyed ♡
Мой ангел - My angel, Ты такая красивая - You’re so beautiful, Yспокойся - Relax/calm down.
James insisted that you bring yourself over to his house today, for the man 'needed to see you.' 
 He gave the six-digit code to the front gate a long time ago. However, anytime you were at his place, the entryway was already taken care of.
 So you couldn't exactly remember the code arrangement. You asked him again an hour after he sent that text, swiftly throwing in a "Maybe, I'll think about it," because the man got on your very last nerve a week before.
 He wrote to you apprising, "Sweet Angel, you can't be wearing the clothes that you do in front of my associates." You remember the scoff you gave the instant you viewed the message.
 "You are my girl, you know that? I don't wanna have to remind you."
 You read and reread what he typed out. Each time his voice sounded louder in your ear like he was right there speaking it. Bucky wasn't wanting a further discussion, and he wasn't allowing a fight. 
 A pout was embedded on your face as you sat in your apartment, thinking it over.
 James was a possessive man with you, incredibly so when it came to strangers or his friends. And you understood that. You held your respect for him, never forgetting everything he sacrificed for you. His time, his vulnerability. 
 You were the one with the keys to everything, and you were starting to slip
 There was a flirt inside you that you couldn't ever help. Maybe that's how you've always been, or maybe it was how young and untamed you were. Either way, Bucky didn't seem too keen on getting used to it anytime soon. 
 You loved talking with people, it didn't matter what the topic was about or who it was with. You conversed and you charmed. You noticed the way certain people responded, how could you not take a liking to it?
 Yeah, the older man appreciated it, he was proud to see how good you were with all the people at those parties. Something about it rubbed him slightly too much in the wrong way.
 It was all friendly, how couldn't he see that? 
 You liked the way Tony and Sam had to avert their eyes whenever you passed by. Even with Steve, Bucky's best friend and one of the most prudish men you had ever met. 
 Whenever the blonde stumbled over his words, hesitantly eyeing your body in one of your sundresses, a thrum of gratification coursed through your limbs. You had pride in your beauty, embracing your flaws along with anything else. There didn't seem to be much sense in dampening it.
 At the end of the day, you knew where your loyalties lay. The stoic old man with the shiny prosthetic, forever that dreamy look to his handsome features; he had your heart in his worn hands.
 Yet, you weren't in the mood to listen today, certainly not in the mood to change yourself. That pride you had inside you burned too bright, and you didn't mind testing him today. 
 Bucky lived far from where you did, away from the city and away from any neighbors. The stretching driveway was off a dirt road from a two-lane highway. 
 You packed the thinnest sliver of clothing that was classified as a bikini and sent him a message noting that you were on your way.
 Where his house resided was pretty. He took care of a garden in the front, liked to have flowers planted elaborately, and a place for a small pond. He mentioned one day how keen he was on koi fish. You would feed them together now and again.
 He owned the land in the back, and it stretched as far as the eye could see. Every inch of grass was clipped to perfection. He had trees towering clear to the roof of his house, which provided some shade to parts of the area. 
 The silence of the wilderness covered you when entering his domain. Buck appreciated the beauty of privacy, but Christ did it take a long drive over. He tried convincing you to stay closer, but you were headstrong. You had to be close to campus.
 The man was nowhere to be seen by the time you arrived at his backyard. And you hadn't thought much of it. At eleven o'clock in the morning, the sun and the heat were beating down heavily on your skin. You were thankful you decided to tie your braids back from your neck.
 His usual men stood their guard on the perimeter of his property. At the sight of your car, they hadn't paid you any mind. Two you could see were posted at each corner, high up on the metal structures. 
 Each one brandished assault rifles in their hands and sunglasses on their faces. 
 Three, who you recognized from the usual visits to Barnes' home, had been assigned by the pool. They were around your age, with just enough experience under their belt to qualify for that job. The boys were polite, always were when you were around.
  Especially, Peter, he was one you had become the most acquainted with in the passing months. It was really due to him being closest to your age. 
 He was cute, nothing you wanted to deny. Peter had a nice head of chestnut-colored hair, and dark, dark brown eyes. 
 You kept that bond friendly, no sense in pushing things further when they didn't need to. He wasn't one who made inappropriate advances. He was there for you when you sought out someone to vent about this fast lifestyle.
 Bucky? No, he didn't require any of the guards to be so close. The man didn't need any of them. He was very active with his career, never slipping or softening on those skills he honed all those years. 
 You suppose he did it for you, to be able to let some of his stress go. He couldn't enjoy the time he had with his girl if he was worried about outside threats most of the time. 
 When he was around, he wanted to give you his full attention.
 After shouldering your tote full of items, you unlocked the iron gate and made your way to one of the tables. The pool was uncovered, the water an inviting blue, and the surface calm. Its body expands much of the length of the backyard patio space.
 Bucky had white lounge chairs surrounding each stone dining table. A small vase of carnations decorated the surface of each structure. At the one closest to the back door, you decided to set your bag down.
 You acknowledged the three guards and raised a hand to wave to Peter. The other young man remained stiff, handgun strapped to their hip and spine straighter than an arrow. But you caught the tip to Peter's head, the smile on his lips. 
 His clothing, along with the other men, was different from what was normally worn. No pressed suits, no constricting ties.
 Today, everyone wore combat shorts and white t-shirts. You were seconds away from opening your mouth, inquiring about why. It doesn't take you long, a small smile graces your lips and you resume unpacking. 
 You begged and begged James to cut his men some slack while at his home. It was getting hotter out, you hated seeing them cook in the sun. 
 'Let them wear something more comfortable. They can't focus if they are dying in the heat. It'd help with productivity anyway.' Bucky wouldn’t pay you any mind about that, he knew his men were trained rigorously for those kinds of conditions.
 He seemed to be feeling generous now, you reflected.
 It took no time to get yourself situated, your cover-up was abandoned almost immediately. And you were itching to do so. Beads of sweat and the fabric had begun to stick to your skin uncomfortably. 
 You laid a beach towel over the lounge chair, the drag of its legs on the pavement echoed through the empty yard. You shuffled it until it was in the sun rays, adjusting the back to lay flat. 
 In your bag, you had left your cell phone, your change of clothes and water. You gathered a book you had been meaning to start in your hands and brushed over the spine of it.
 Truthfully, you did want to show off what you picked out for today. This was the first time you were wearing this bathing suit, and you loved how it looked on you. Already you could sense multiple pairs of eyes on your skin.
 It would make him say something, you knew that. The article could have been something he bought—you remember picking this one out with a best friend one day. The point was, it didn't matter. When he said something to you he meant it, and...
 Bucky never fucked around when voicing how he felt. You withheld the knots forming in your gut, centering on holding ground in this disagreement and your eyes on the book in your hands.
 The collection of pages were flipped. As you laid on your stomach on the chair, you started to feel like a kid in the library again. 
 The sun provided an adequate amount of light for you to read, and here and there a fresh breeze blew through to cool down your warming skin. In the back, you couldn't hear anything but the birds in the wood. It was perfect, for a little while there you enjoyed the serenity.
 A shadow was cast over your head by the time you reached the first chapter.
 Your brow furrowed, remembering distinctly that it wasn’t forecasted to be a cloud in the sky. It was clear all morning. The book was marked and closed shut. You braced one of your elbows down to hold your torso up, and sat the book on the chair with your other hand.
 You tried to keep your mouth from falling open subsequently gazing upward.
 He was swirling that brown liquid in a crystal glass. Where you would usually find the costly pressed fabric of his suit pants were his bare legs. Hair painted his skin, and muscle bulged through. He had on jet-black shorts with nothing but a pair of shades covering his eyes and a fluffy white towel over his shoulder.
 You weren't conservative when dragging your eyes over his stomach and his chest. The silver chain of his dog tags hung just over his sternum, the metal plates brushing together.
 Bucky hadn't been shaving for most of the past two months. He came to embrace his beard, even with the dash of salt in the brown color. 
 He knew that you liked it, there had to have been dozens of times you looked at him under your lashes, heartening him to grow his facial hair. You liked the light burn that was left on your skin, he liked making you writhe.
 "Where've you been?" You start.
 Bucky uses his vibranium hand to nudge the glasses down the bridge of his nose. The man takes his time answering you. He follows the curve of your back as you laid there, lingering on the swell of your behind and your thighs.
 "Hm..I was busy with things."
 He smiles real pretty at you and you feel your heart spike in your chest. You tell yourself that you're here for a reason and that you aren't going to relent on any of it. James could be persuasive and damned good at it.
 With your head on straight, you could try your own hand at it.
 You hum and don't give him a reply. Your feet kick inattentively as you lean your head in your hand, dropping your eyes to the book cover.
 "What're you reading, pretty girl? Don't think I've seen your head in a book since you were in your classes."
 Your jaw clenches and you push the book out to read the title. You can't remember what the entire synopsis was but it had started to get good before he arrived. 
 "'S about this woman who disappears, kidnaps herself. Her husband is a suspect and starts to get blamed for it."
 He hummed, "Isn't that from a movie we watched?"
 James takes a slow sip of his drink and moves to set it down the glass on the stone table. He folded the towel as well and placed it beside the glass. 
 "Not too long ago. The blonde woman 'n Batman in it?"
 "That's the one," you confirmed.
 When he shifted about, the gold in his arm caught the sunlight just right, twinkling in your eye and almost leaving you mesmerized. You moved the book further away, adjusting your body so that you were sitting upright on your towel.
 James had removed his sunglasses when he put his drink down. And now you were given the part of him that always rendered you weakened.
 Long lashes framed his lids, and had the sun been away he would have noticeably squinted down at you. He was already doing so, rubbing his index and thumb pads together. Your ears picked up the mechanical whir. Those hearts were going in that head of his.
 "Stand up, Princess."
 That same pout comes back to your lips. You can feel your uncertainty cloud over your brain. The moment he laid his hands on your skin you knew everything would change. You didn't want it to. 
 But you missed him.
 He had been busy that week. You recall back the last time you saw him, close to two weeks ago.
 James gave you his hand while you pulled yourself up. And it slipped down until you felt his palm slowly warming your lower back. You maneuvered until you were directly in front of him, basking in the scent of his cologne.
 "C'mere," he groaned wistfully. He urged you closer and secured both his arms around your back and shoulders, mindful of your pulled-back hair.
 His beard brushed against your hairline, palms smoothing up and down your skin. Before you knew it, your body relaxed under his touch; you wound your arms around his broad back.
 "I missed you, my sweet girl," James murmured his thoughts into your temple and laid scratchy kisses where he could. 
 "Been too long, I'm sorry about that."
 "It's okay." Your voice was muted against his chest but the man heard you plainly. Bucky brought his hand to cradle the side of your face and slid his thumb over your cheekbone, brushing the baby hairs close to your ear. 
 He pressed his lips to the space between your brows.
 "You didn't miss me?" Bucky teased.
 "Of course I did, James."
 You moved your head away and got a good look at his face. He wasn't sleeping much, his sunglasses had obscured the dark circles from your view. The hair that Bucky normally kept faded was falling in loose curls over his forehead. His beard grew down his neck, covering his Adam's apple.
 A frown developed over your face. Was he having nightmares again? You bit your tongue from bringing it up, wasn’t the right time. The ache that followed lingered in your chest.
 Bucky still had an arm around your waist, pressing you flush to his body. His metal fingers grasped your jaw and pinched enough that your cheeks bunched together like a misbehaving child. He held you, not forcefully but firm. James was studying you just as much as you were him.
 Much of the weight was on your lips.
 "You still mad at me, Angel?"
 He gave a short squeeze and you felt heat go up to your neck. James' pink tongue outlined his lower lip and disappeared back into his mouth. 
 "N-no, I'm just…" 
 You gently removed your cheeks from his vibranium fingers and held onto the digits.
 "James, it frustrates me when you try to control what I wear. " He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he looked down at you, the sides of his blue eyes wrinkling in amusement. 
 "Oh, Babydoll," he had a blithe expression on his face.
 This made you scowl. 
 "—Buck I'm serious! You can't just say that shit to me and force me to dress how you want."
 You braced your hands on his chest and watched his lips curl further under his beard. He slid a hand down your back and rested it on your ass, groping and kneading the swell of it. You could feel everything, the bottoms of the suit hardly covered your cheeks.
 This distracted you, long enough for the man to wrap his fingers behind the nape of your neck, greedily slotting your lips with his. 
 His facial hair scrubbed at your cheeks, but how plush those lips of his were. They didn't belong on a man like him.
 You knew that the sensation was provoking a grievous amount of tension in your stomach. He moved his mouth against yours earnestly, much so that you didn’t take in how your fingers found purchase around his dog tag chain.
 Without much thought you let his tongue slide against yours. You let his teeth nip at your flesh and take until you had to pull away. 
 If only you could see yourself right then, pretty mouth all swollen and your demeanor rattled. James admired your eyes, how with a thin glaze to the color you were left irresistible.
 He chased after you for a few seconds after, ignoring the whines from your throat and placing one last kiss on your bottom lip. 
 The spice from his bourbon was well on your tongue and a low grumble vibrated in his chest. He was relaying something, but you didn't know exactly what.
 “Мой ангел.” 
 His hands settled on your hips and he rotated you around. Your front was now facing the rest of the backyard and the three guards standing by the gate. You lightly exhaled through your nose, fingers smoothing down your necklace. 
 You’d completely forgotten about his men outside, minute embarrassment wound through your lungs. Were they watching everything? Bucky normally wouldn’t show that much affection in front of anyone, it had always been brought on by you in the past.
 “Ты такая красивая,” he spoke against the shell of your ear. 
 Your back curved away from him and you couldn’t help the small laugh you released. He was dragging his fingers down your sides, leaving tickling goosebumps behind.
 You could feel his arms wind around your body once more. His left arm became especially warm under the sunlight. James pressed his face into your neck and breathed you in before he lightly squeezed you and pulled away altogether.
 "Come," James relocated his drink and towel from the table and took your hand in his. You avoided stumbling and followed alongside him, confusion working its way to your features.
 "Grab your book 'n your bag." And you did so, you reached down to swipe each item.
 You turned your gaze up at him, "Where are we going?"
 Bucky wore a cryptic look in his eyes and only continued to gently tug you toward a part of the patio that was shaded. It was further away from the pool, the location relatively closer toward the gate where the three men stood.
 James let go of your hand and arranged his towel just like you had with yours. He took time to lay the fabric down evenly and to move the legs at the right distance from the table. You set your things down and tapped your nails on the stone surface. 
 "Why are we sitting in the shade?"
 He straightened his back from his crouching position and shared a look with you, unsure if you were joking with him. It hadn't been realized by you yet. 
 James eyed your pretty face for a few and soon understood that you were truly serious.
 "Curious girl," he mused to himself, raising his right hand to gesture at his arm.
 "I can't sit with my arm in the direct sunshine like that, Princess. It will burn you up if I touch you." 
 You bit your lips and decided to not say anything, of course. How could you ask such a thing?
 Bucky laughed at your reaction, whispering that it was alright. He bunched the fabric of his shorts up his thighs so he could sit in the chair. You stood there and observed him make himself comfortable before he tilted his head up at you and patted the top of his thigh.
 The temperature was increasing, but in the shade, you felt a shiver. The wind wasn't doing much now but cooling your skin more. Once you carefully situated yourself in front of James, you soaked in his body heat.
 He was warm, seldom failing to be the opposite. His thighs were on either side of your hips, his bare chest flush to your back, and those arms of his found their home once again around your middle. 
 Bucky tucked his chin over your shoulder, "There you go, this is all I wanted. Just haven't seen you in so long," he confessed.
 Your heart melted, considering then that your frustration over that whole ordeal might have been too much. You wanted to stand up for yourself, not let him control every part of you.
 And James hadn't said a word since seeing you, only seemed to admire the way that your bathing suit looked. He didn't even pay his workers any mind, as if they weren't there standing watch.
 "Read your book, Baby, I'm gonna lay back 'n relax for a while."
 It was nearly noon, any break scheduled for Bucky's workers had just been taken. Food and water were given to each man. While James was inside making a phone call you shared small talk with Peter, making sure to step away before the boy could get in trouble. 
 You lost track of time in the shade with James, spending much of it reading through a fourth of your book. When Bucky returned he was in a talkative mood. You were able to catch up on everything from the past two weeks.
 He asked the same questions he always did while playing with the gold cherub pendant around your neck. 'What've you been up to?' 'How's work been?' 'You need anything?' 'How're you feelin'?'
 In parts of his speech, James alluded to what he was doing over those weeks, but you knew he wouldn't give you the full truth. 
 Your ears perked up when the man mentioned his struggle with sleeping. 
 Work and every stressor tied with it was unloading simultaneously on his shoulders. You listened close until he was done, gathering your thoughts before you reached up and carded your fingers through his hair.
 It hurt thinking about him in discomfort like that, you thought over any way you could possibly help.
 "I can...stay over more if you want. I know how it can feel being alone late in the night like that." 
 There was uncertainty with how he would react, spending the nights with him was one of those limited things. You only did so when he asked.
 Behind you, Bucky was reveling in silence, how much your words meant to him. You couldn't tell other than how he breathed in deep and turned to press his lips to your palm. 
 "I'd love that."
 You flipped a page with your opposite hand and resumed reading. All the while, he grew interested in the color of your nails, curious eyes taking in the flawless manicure. The shade matched what was displayed in your bikini, the same color was on your toes. 
 His thumb brushed over the surface of your nails, and he reached over to down the rest of his drink. You felt him shift back behind you. Strangely, he scooted away so there was more space between his groin and your behind. 
 You mentally shook your head, not thinking further about it. 
 A minute passed by before you could sense that Bucky was growing antsy. He was normally content with sitting like this, but his movements were following the trend of boredom. 
 His vibranium hand moved around and started tracing your back. You sucked in a breath, fingers closing around the pages.
 It was now cold, diverging with his breath behind your neck. Soon enough, James moved your braids aside, inquiring, "Babydoll, have you put any sunblock on?"
 You took one look at your brown skin and snorted, "Of course."
 "James, I'm not ignorant about skin cancer. I put some on before I drove over."
 He turned and bit your shoulder playfully, smiling at your protest. "I wasn't sure. Sam likes to say he's got 'natural' sunblock."
 "Sammy acts like a fool sometimes–" you told him, "did you get some?" The thought of the man obtaining a burn made you wince, you wouldn’t mind helping him apply. 
 He hummed positively.
 Bucky's fingers had yet to halt their movements, dragging up and down, drawing imaginary pictures. Little by little you were squirming in his lap. The book in your hands was ultimately closed shut and set off to the side.
 Those fingers dipped further down your back, to the bottoms of your suit. Bucky's eyes were hooded when he moved his head to look at his wandering fingers. The bridge of his nose grazed against your braids.
 His index and middle hooked under the thin material, stroking the skin beneath. 
 "These are pretty on you."
 A jolt of something innate transferred through your skin, warming your limbs and the space between your legs. Your eyes kept themselves focused on your lap, on the bulk of his thighs surrounding you.
 James’ flesh hand laid over your stomach, thumbing at the bottom of your breasts. "You know," he began.
 He let go of the fabric of your bathing suit bottoms, snapping it directly over a part of you he had not ever touched before. And there his beard reappeared, rubbing languidly over the skin of your neck and cheek.
 "When I see you read like that, it reminds me of how studious you are. Remember all those nights where you would review at your desk?"
 You did, the longest nights always were during the winter months. James was supportive, and particularly enthusiastic about helping you wind down on top of the desk after. He immediately set up space for you and your work, determined that you had the right tools for your needs. 
 James had to have been part of the reason you pushed through those harsh finals. 
 He slid his left hand back around to the top of your thigh, caressing absentmindedly. All the while he resumed laying a pattern of kisses, inching dangerously close to one of your reactive spots. 
 "You're such a smart girl. Always going so good."
 Bucky pushed your ass back into his stiffening dick, no longer wishing to place any space between you two. 
 You parted your lips and breathed something of a reply. That tone he sported was not one to ignore.
 By now, his flesh hand was massaging, and openly groping your breast. He rolled one, before drifting over to the other, making tiny circles over your hardening nipples.
 Your chest began heaving under his hands, your heart spiking and flooding your veins with something intoxicating.
 "You my good little girl? Hm?" James implored. His left hand slipped in between your thighs, alleviating the heat on your skin, and gathering your sweat on the metal surface. 
 You dug your nails into his legs, moving your hips up, and away from his body. A rush entered your bloodstream from sitting there with him out in the open. 
 The sunlight and the air, the security cameras installed by his home. Every factor was bearing witness to this man's touch, and you were speedily becoming helpless.
 He didn’t care about anything else, though.
 Your eyes darted up to those very guards standing at attention merely ten feet away, sweat dripping down their necks, and their eyes fighting to not glance in your direction.
 Peter wet his thin lips and turned to look far away at the treeline.
 "Bucky, I—"
 The older man hushed you, teeth nibbling under your jaw. He applied more pressure over the top of your leg to hold you still and repeated himself once more. 
 With a growl, the tone in his voice was far dicier than before. He wasn’t very patient. "You gonna answer me, sweet thing?"
 Throbbing came from down below. The stretchy fabric covering your lower body brushed against your swelling clit. And as if James could sense it within you, he nosed at your temple and peeked those vibranium fingers under the elastic band. 
 Cold, so very cold against you, it would stop anyone in their tracks.
 "I'm.." you whined, dropping your head back onto his chest. You couldn't grasp why the words jumbled in your throat. It was too much, every sweep upon your skin pushed you further away from self-assurance, you wanted more.
 Metal collided against your lower lips, sending you reeling back and fisting at his shorts. You breathed out, labored, and not quite in the belief of what Bucky had done. It stung, making you bite down on your lip.
 Everything came rousing back tenfold. Discomfort and solace, the man drank up every taste of you accepting it. He soothed your cry with his hand over your inner thigh, but then positioned itself over your cunt once again, waiting.
 "I'm your good girl, Buck."
 Pride, for him it felt the greatest when you were the cause, he couldn't get enough of it. 
 "That's fuckin’ right." 
 His eyes drowned in every minuscule thing, just about. With the feel of your smooth skin, the glimmering finish from the sunblock complimenting your shade, James could spend however long mapping every inch with his tongue well until you were in tears.
 Two weeks was a long time, far too long to be neglected like that. He knew it deep down. James burned for you, his sweet girl. Always improving his ill-tempered mood, always finding some way to ground him. People said you made him a better man and he had to agree.
 Unfortunately, the man had a lesson to teach.
 He couldn't focus on the sounds of the birds, nor the song of those cicadas in the trees. No, the pounding his ears came from your heart, hitting like a slug to his chest. 
 While you panted in the fresh air, trying your hardest to grasp at control, he worked his fingers under your swimsuit bottoms. Bucky waited a moment, reasoning with himself before dismissively tearing them off.
 You let out a yelp, softly cursing the man’s name and how expensive that pair was. He knew he would buy you a better pair. 
 Both of your hands went down to cover your slit, while James tutted down at you. He tossed the fabric in front of the lawn chair some feet away, the flimsy strings shallowly catching the attention of the three men. 
 He batted your hands away, cooing in your ear, "Yспокойся." With one of his hands, he was able to subdue your wrists, pinning them with minimal pressure against one of your thighs.
 "It's okay Baby, hold still."
 "James wha–what the hell are you doing?"
 A frantic feeling was weighing on your chest when the man didn't reply. The air was thick, gracing your freshly bare skin far differently than the rest of you. 
 Bucky went ahead and unlaced the strap of your top. He dipped his head and worked his teeth at the knot around your neck until you felt it slip away. The article was discarded, and this point undoubtedly drew the attention of the bodyguards.
 The straps loosened from around your waist and your breasts. Mounds of flesh spilled into his hands, and he groaned into your neck. 
 "Fuck, look at you, pretty girl." 
 His fingers moved from pinching at your nipples to grasping your jaw and directing your head down. 
 Bucky hooked his legs around yours, pulling back and opening your thighs wide to expose your glistening pussy. He let go of your hands, satisfied at how you kept them away. You rubbed at your cheeks in shock before shakily bracing them back on his thighs.
 With two fingers of his vibranium hand, he reached and began stroking your labia. 
 "I know you need it, my love. Been too long."
 He slid the tips of his fingers inward, spreading your slick over every bit of your pussy. James worked slow, taking his time to stroke that tender skin and tease your hole. Not once did he move up to pay attention to your clit.
 You shut your eyes, attempting to turn your face and hide away from the humiliation. He was implacable, solid, and unwilling to give you that. He made a noise of disapproval, tightening his fingers on your jaw and smushing your cheeks.
 Christ, it was fuel to the highest degree, surging through you at an inhuman rate. Bucky had worked every wet sound from between your legs, encouraging every moan from your lungs.  
 He sought out anyone and everyone to be able to hear you. Through your daze the man slid his eyes over to the young men, zeroing in basely on Peter’s slender frame. 
 Your eyelids fluttered at the sight of your body giving in to him, your pussy twitching under each caress of his thick fingers. And you knew Bucky could see through it all. He was pleased by how much you were trickling over him.
 He finally coated two of his digits with your moisture, and gingerly plunged those metal fingers into your core. Bucky began with a lazy pace, curling those synthetic pads and applying pressure on your walls. 
 Repeatedly and without a hitch in his rhythm.
 You both gazed at his fingers stroking deeper into you. You were still holding back choked sounds with him rasping low into your ear, "Look at that pussy open up for me."
 He made you look at yourself, how willing your hole was to be fucked and filled. You were desperate for it, and you knew that you couldn't stop yourself from bucking those hips into his hand. 
 “My Babygirl, it’s hard to believe what a little slut you can be.” 
 James cursed, not halting his movements down below and only shifting his right hand to brush his fingers over your mouth. 
 “Get them wet for me.” You took in a few breaths before a shudder left your body. Parting your full lips to take his skin into your mouth, you let your tongue move on its own as he steadily worked your tight hole.
 You held onto his left arm, letting go completely and drooling over his awaiting digits, Bucky’s eyes bored into the side of your face, mumbling foreign words into your hair. 
 He pulled his fingers away from your lips with a wet pop and promptly moved to lick into your mouth. He'd never seen anything like it, you were such a hungry thing for him.
 James grunted when he found your clit. A strained, needy cry was sent into his mouth and he eventually parted from you, your teeth sinking into his bottom lip.
 Bucky swallowed down all of his urgency, his cock was swollen and leaking precum all through the insides of his shorts. It certainly didn’t help when your ass rocked back into him. You had been changed into a writhing ball of nerves, ready and starving for what he had to offer.
 He sucked in a breath, ignoring the pain coursing through his groin and glancing up to those young men close by. He locked eyes with the one he saw talking with you the most, the poor kid whose name he came to know too well. 
 Bucky raised his voice to a bark, "Parker, you two,” 
 Peter and the others turned around and stood at his attention, their wrists crossed behind their backs, addressing their superior. 
 James incorporated another finger between your legs, drawing in that same pressure over your clit. You carried on trying to fuck yourself onto his fingers, your voice pleading in a quiet rasp. 
 From his chest to his neck Bucky flushed a deep pink, taken with your response. The point of his canines sunk into your earlobe, instructing you to take a look at those young men standing there.
 Their attention was kept steadfastly at your lover's scruffy face, his blue eyes surely transitioning into a callous undertone. But he knew where they had been so terrified to look, unknowing what could happen if outwardly did.
 “I want all three of you to look at this girl. My lovely girl who always dresses so pretty. Take a good—”
 Bucky slapped your pussy once again, only focusing on your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your shriek roared through the backyard, disrupting the tense atmosphere. Your hands had wound tighter around the comfort of his arm trembling over the cool metal. 
 Trickling moisture flowed down your soft cheekbones and clouded your vision of Peter’s unsettled features. The boy's jaw was knotting at every sound falling past your lips. Your ego crumbled before you, down below your feet and into ash. 
 “Take a good fucking look at her, while I take her apart,” he sneered.
 The young man with the sweet brown eyes had widened as Bucky tore his fingers from between your thighs. Your slick fell in steady ropes from his digits, slipping against your skin as he unlaced his legs with yours and repositioned you.
 Your breasts rose and fell, arms trembling as the dark smudges of your mascara sullied your beautiful face. The boy loathed to admit it, but he felt a shiver along his spine at the way James roughly handled you, how captivating you looked with those black tears streaming down your cheeks.
 Peter mirrored that very blush Bucky had on his pale cheeks.
 James grumbled for you to sit up and release him from the confines of his shorts, not looking to ask you again. You were compliant, it took you a moment but you hiccupped, and muttered your response.
 Your pussy dripped over his legs and the white beach towel as you sat up. You bent over to unlace James’ shorts, holding your focus purely on the bulge behind the fabric.
 The older man lounged back, eyes rolling shut when you alleviated the pressure, but not without staring into the younger man’s face across from him. 
 He threw an arm behind his head, and soothed a palm down your back, toward your unclothed cunt pointing right in the direction of his loyal bodyguards.
 You dipped your head to take him into your mouth, sliding your tongue over his tip, and lapping over his weeping slit. Bucky had to bite down hard on his tongue, not helping how his hand laid on the back of your head and pressed you lower. He watched your tongue slide over the veins below the skin, giving you a rigid grunt.
 He let you do that for a moment, thrusting into your mouth before he urged you up.
 James no longer had the right mind to turn back, no longer were those eyes of his that pretty blue. The older man peered deep into your wrecked face, thumbs rubbing at your ruined cheeks and flashing a leer at you. 
 He kissed you, wiping your spit from your lips, and gently tapped your cheekbones. "Want you on top of me." 
 Bucky guided your hips just right. He turned you around, placing your calves around his torso and making you face the young men. 
 James let out a breath, wrapping his fingers around him giving the length a few strokes. A groan was bitten back.
 The tip was redder than he’d ever seen it, smearing clear liquid against your dark skin.
 You held your position patiently, pressing your lips together at the feeling of Bucky tapping his dick against your behind. James took no more time, spread his legs more.
 Bucky gnawed at his bottom lip as his vibranium fingers parted your cheeks. His cock twitched when he saw your plump lips. Waiting for him, always for him, he recounted.
 “Sit on it, my love.” that honeyed voice came to you.
 With that metal hand sliding around your hip, he pushed you down to sink over him, shuddering in the way he split you apart. 
 He listened to you gasp, felt your pretty nails digging into the muscles of his thighs as he made work to bottom out inside of you.
 “Use that cock for those boys, Princess. Show them how good it feels.”
 Your pussy was warm around Bucky, stretched tightly. He could feel the breath departing his lungs in a turbulent fashion, swearing that you stole it from him. 
 But he relaid his praise, graveled words coated in sugar. He awarded it all to you in a language you didn’t speak. 
 You wouldn’t pull away, and you no longer hesitated from the eyes of those men. James witnessed you through veiled eyes, how you leaned forward to gain your leverage, that tiny charm dangling over your breasts. He'd begun to pant as you bounced that pussy on him.
 Without those eyes leaving the connection between your bodies, your hole stuffed full with his length, the man wrapped his palms around your waist. 
 Securely, as if you were to disappear before his eyes James held you to him and lifted his hips from the lounge chair to pound deeper. 
 He wanted it all. 
 And you let him, always his good little fuckdoll. He dug into your core, eventually letting you set the pace. You'd done well for him anyway. You were finally realizing what he was trying to show you.
 Impassioned, opening that pretty mouth for him and crying out like he wanted you to. Like how he knew you would. You were being made aware.
 Your body chased after whatever friction it could, fingers rubbing circles over your clit. His metal fingers made quick work pinching at your nipple, and soon he brought your back right into his chest, still lodged within.
 Bucky held your body close to him, teeth-gritting and legs steady. He hooked his biceps under your knees and slammed into you, knocking incomprehensible words from your mouth.
 His flushed lips soon parted, as you went and made a mess over the both of you. He could feel it gush on his thighs, drip over his balls. 
 This yanked an awfully hoarse, “Goddamn” from his throat, his middle finger reaching down to swipe at your clit.
 You kept at it, body helpless and opening for more. The older man sighed, cock still throbbing and wedged within your walls. He laid kisses behind your ear, allowing you to slow down. He loosened his grip on your skin and soothing the marks over.
 James listened to your muted whines as you wriggled yourself over his length. Then let you go, peering down as you crawled so your back arched before him.
 Bucky was wordless when you clenched around him again, his metal thumb brushing over the cream between his legs. 
 His eyes narrowed, gathering enough onto his pad to reach up and smooth the fluids over your puckered hole. Your head fell to the side, a whimper escaping your lips, and your eyes sliding shut. Your fingers reached back and wrapped around his wrist, urging him timidly to press his thumb inside.
 He didn’t acknowledge the young men anymore, no longer glaring at that guard's clammy face. He figured he had done close to enough. 
 No one was outside that wild young girl wrapped around him.
 James let his head of dark tresses rest against the back of the lounge chair, laughing breathily as you started up again, with his thumb driving deeper inside your hole. 
 Those boys were to stay there even if the hours ticked past their shift. Signing up for that job was a bind written in blood. James owned every bit of them and would until he was sick of them.
 You couldn’t see it, not as you rakishly accepted his length in the depths you. 
 No one could see it unless they were in the position he was currently in. There was the long, threatening barrel of a gun pressed right to their fucking temples. That cold pressure was there and had been for a long while, forcing their eyes wide open.
 And it wouldn’t leave until his reminder had been set.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — @brandycranby @emyearns @missyellowbirdie @lovieebby​
285 notes · View notes
zegumi · 3 years
Ushijima Wakatoshi SFW alphabet
alphabet template here
fluff I sfw I gn reader I hcs
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
at first he's quite hesitant on showing affection, wondering if you're comfortable with him being that close to you. he starts off easy: holding hands, letting you rest on him... etc.
once he feels more comfortable with you, he starts placing his head in your lap and giving you little kisses here and there
his favourite forms of affection are: forehead/cheek kisses, back hugs, holding pinkies, and resting his head on your shoulder
when you’re not around he shows affection by talking to you to his closer teammates but subtly, he brings up your name once in a while and a teammate will tease "ooo somebody's in looove" and he starts blushing profusely, asking if they can go back to practice, but the thought of you never leaves
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
being best friends with ushijima seems very rare, he's pretty selective with letting people close enough to earn that title
with you it was unexpected, you weren't afraid or cautious of his stoic upfront. you sat next to him in class and tried to make conversation with him, making sure to include him in conversations and asking how he's doing once in a while. he lets his guard down a little and you guys get even closer, he even invites you over to help with some schoolwork and suddenly you guys are spending more time together outside of school
he's kind of hesitant to call you a best friend, but when he sees that you’re okay calling him yours, he adopts the same title
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
yes yes yes and yes
he is always behind you, resting your head on top of his. if not he'll be facing upwards, lying on his back, your head will be resting on his shoulder and he'll have his arm wrapped around your waist.
he's definitely 99% always the big spoon
but on the rare occasion he wants to be the little spoon, he has both his arms wrapped around your waist, with his head on your chest, your hand running through his hair while your legs are intertwined absolute bliss
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
hell yeah
he's a sucker for the domestic life, waking up with you in your sub-urban house, a train ride away from the city. making cakes with you in your green painted kitchen which took you way longer than it needed to bc you kept messing around
he can cook, oh my, he buys some cookbooks and you guys spend some time with each other
I feel like he wants kids, some mini him and you running around, if not he'll adopt some
him teaching his kids to play volleyball in the backyard, him brushing their teeth and reading them bedtime stories and them giving them a little kiss goodnight cuteness overload
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
definitely depends on the reason why you're breaking up, but in this scenario, let's say he hasn't been home enough and you guys feel like you're not with each other enough pain
he really dreads having to break up with you, but he knows you deserve more than someone who is barely home. he's not harsh about it, he sits you down at a time when you guys are both free and explains why, "maybe the time isn't right, right now"
even though he broke it off, he still thinks about it quite a lot, he really hopes that you guys will find your way back to each other one day even if he knows that it won't be possible bc right now you're happier with someone else :( i love angst
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
his volleyball career kinda gets in the way of him wanting to commit to you, but he wants to show you that you mean the world to him, so i think he proposes in his mid-late twenties
his proposal isn't really that over the top, but he takes you out first for a fancy dinner with the excuse 'can't i treat you once in a while'. it's quite dark outside and you guys are looking over the city, you turn around to ask him something and you see him down one knee lovely
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he is very gentle... probably bc of his strict upbringing, but he makes sure not to hurt you in any way
he becomes so much more gentle with his words, careful of saying the wrong words because he can't stand the thought of losing you
physically, he tries to make sure not to accidentally knock into you bc this man is so big and if you get ill ushijima is doing anything in his power to get you better, he tries not to get sick in the process, but having you care for him doesn't seem like the worst idea
emotionally, he tries to support you, but he's not the greatest at dealing with emotions, but when supporting you he tries comforting you rather than trying to solve your problems
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
at the beginning of the relationship, i think his hugs are kind of stiff-ish, but once you guys get more comfortable he goes all in
he's such a good hugger. he doesn't do half-hugs, it's all of it or nothing, he engulfs you with his strong arms a little bit too tight but who needs air
if he feels extra clingy back hugs. he loves the feeling of having your figure pressing against his, sometimes his hands grip onto your waist and he'll sway you back and forth while humming to his favourite song
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
as I've mentioned before, you're the first one to say ily in the relationship, but he says it back straight after
i like to think this happens about 5/6 months into the relationship, just when you guys start getting really comfortable around each other
as for using the L-word, he doesn't really say it that often, he believes when something is overused it isn't as special. he only uses it when it needs to be said
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
he doesn't really get jealous easily bc he's kind of oblivious or chooses not to pay attention to it
but when he catches on to whatever's going on, his eyebrows furrow and he'll just give the stare, he'll come near you and put an arm around your waist and slyly try to join the conversation
he knows what he's doing and so does everyone else
the person you're talking to gets a bit intimidated and tries to end the conversation as quickly as possible
you'll try to tease him for his jealously and he'd just change the subject and starts blushing a little, if you try to bring it up later he'd be like 'huh what was that sorry i don't remember'
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I'm not good with this type of stuff ahh
he's actually pretty good at kissing. he likes soft kisses and little pecks on the shoulder and forehead.
when he's rough or needy, he gets really handsy like hands cupping your cheeks, in your hair, hands pulling your waist in - just very intimate
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
lazy mornings bc who likes being productive all the time
he likes sleeping in on days he has nothing to do, so he’ll be behind you hugging your waist and his head resting on your back, you try to stand up so you can get breakfast done but he pulls you back and says 'come on, just a little more', you know that means another hour but you still get sucked back into his warm embrace
you end up falling asleep and wake up with noises coming from the kitchen. you walk in on him wearing just an apron and his pajama pants, dancing to the radio while making pancakes for breakfast
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
again lazy evening edition bc why not
he comes home early that day, brings home your favourite snacks and asks if you want to watch a movie with him
he grabs a few blankets from your room and you guys decide to watch 13 going on 30 one of my comfort movies
halfway through the movie, he places his head on your laps asking for you to play with his hair, he lies down and you throw some popcorn and skittles in his mouth every few minutes, you tried pouring water but he started choking and spat water all over your shirt
it gets pretty late and cold so he changes you into his hoodie and carries you over to the bedroom. you guys fall asleep to the hums of the city below
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he's a very reserved person, and i think it's just the way he was raised, talking about feelings wasn't normal in his home growing up
i think with you it takes him some time to open up, he reveals a few things about him and his childhood here and there but nothing major
he doesn't talk about how he feels enough, so it kinda relies on you being able to notice a change in his behaviour which might I say seems extremely hard
i think if you start being more open to him, then he follows on
he gets more comfortable with his emotions around you first and then starts being more open to his team - just give him some time he gets there
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
oh he's so patient, so patient
it takes a LOT to anger him, i don't think you ever have or ever will see this man angry, tbh i don't think you would want to
if you ever lash out at him, he'd sit down and understand where you're coming from, he'd try to calm you down and give you a second to let it all out
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers everything, literally everything
you mentioned that you liked mangos yesterday, and boom you've got a lifetime supply in your kitchen /s
he keeps a little note in his notes app just making sure he doesn't forget anything, he has your favourite orders, skin/hair care products you use, and little stuff like your favourite show in there
he does this bc he loves how your eyes beam after realising he remembers the little details
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
this one hc is why this took so long, so I decided not to do bc my brain isn’t responding
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
ushijima isn't the overprotective type although he is protective
he doesn't care what you wear or how you present yourself, as long as you’re comfortable, you will have his full support
if he sees someone making you uncomfortable, he is always quick to jump in and say "you're making them uncomfortable can you please excuse yourself". if he sees a situation is making you feel uneasy he will take you and leave, to calm you down or to clear your mind, which ever one is the best choice in that moment
he doesn't feel the need to be protected, he believes that hes strong enough for the both of you sometimes he needs a little help so pls do step in
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
such a big try hard, he puts so much effort into dates, anniversaries, and even mundane everyday activities.
even far into your relationship he still pulls up at your door with a suit and a flower bouquet which he seems to never forget
he always wants everything to be perfect so you'll never forget
he enjoys surprising you with little gifts to remind you that he still cares. he seems like the type to buy you a promise ring, and oh my is it beautiful
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
this is hard bc in my eyes this man can't do any wrong, but its probably how he can't express his emotions very well
everyone gets in a bad mood once in a while, but for ushijima its different, the stress of volleyball gets to him and he just ends up shutting everyone out, including you. he was never taught how to properly talk abt how he feels so he just holds it in with never intending to let it out
if you try to ask him whats wrong then he just grunts and shrugs it off
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
he isn’t insecure for how he looks physically, he works out and maintains a healthy lifestyle, and he was blessed with that beautiful face of his *chefs' kiss
he's always hygienic (bare minimum), he cuts his hair regularly, keeps his hands nice and clean, with his nails well-trimmed
he likes to keep his appearance up and always looks like he should be on the front cover of a magazine but so effortlessly
bonus: he smells so good, he wears expensive cologne and zooweemama its so tasty, you'll hug him and never want to let go just because
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
he wouldn't necessarily feel incomplete with out you, he'd feel a bit empty
he forgets how much he misses you when he goes abroad for matches and he can't see you for a week straight. he makes sure to send videos and voice notes rather than texts so you can send some back. he video calls everyday, no matter the time difference just so he can see you in real time
if you guys take a break in the relationship, he finds his self drifting back into his stoic shell. he tries his best not to bc he knows how much he loves the person you've helped him become
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
doesn't know how to flirt hehe
he tries to use a smooth pick up line once in a while but they all end up with him in a flustered mess before he can even finish a sentence, i think we should leave the flirting to you
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
liars/dishonest people
he can't stand it when somebody lies to him, its agitating when someone he cares for feels the need to lie to him, it makes him feel like they don't trust him enough
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
he's a quite a light sleeper and wakes up pretty easily. he also looks dead when he sleeps, for example most days he sleeps pretty early bc he's worn out and you come into the bedroom and see him lying down on his back, his chest isn't even moving like it should be, but you'll get into bed with him and his first instinct is to wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss
i think he sleep talks, omg just imagine ushijima whispering about the weirdest things in his dreams. you recorded him once and showed him when he woke up and he got a bit embarrassed and started laughing
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here's the hcs for mornings with ushi
this took me so long omg >o< I really hope I portrayed his character well bc he’s such a lovely person
make sure to take care of yourselves :)
reblogs are very much appreciated <3
requests are open
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