#yeah that one's a real thinker there
incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
Vriska: They call me the responsi8ility ignorer. For no discerni8le reason
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feelo-fick · 2 months
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WHY has no one talked about these panels. fuck it its 12 am (at the time of me "finishing" (<- not even close) writing this, its nearly 2 am) im going to talk about them
before i get to the Main Point i wanna discuss chils tendency to spiral into his thoughts
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like, sure, yeah, he's a reasonable guy. real logical-- but he tends to rush through so many possibilities and in this scene even berates himself for his tiny mistake. every thought in this scene goes so fast to me here, just "snap snap snap, call for help, no thatll attract too much attention- wait is there a switch? crap its too far away- nevermind lets just wait for marcille- but can i trust her with that?? god im so stupid, am i just gonna be trapped here until morning???" and it takes a moment for him to stabilise and snap out of it
like... he even has a little pep talk about it
i guess you could take this as him merely being a quick thinker? but i highly doubt it -- look at this fucking guy.
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anyways. hes always got to be eased out of it one way or another, whether that be complainerism (self-explanatory), strategising with another person (that way all the insecure thoughts get pushed to the back in favour of working together), reassuring himself (discussed above) or...
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you. could.
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distract him.
place a brick wall in front of that zooming train of thought and watch it crash and burn :)
he doesnt even respond in that first pic, by the way. in fact, he doesnt say anything for another 3 (and a bit) pages, and by then the topic has been safely switched (granted those three pages are just marcille and laios making the familiars, but i feel it still stands that there was no response at all, not even visually)
secondly, in that other instance -- see how his eyes go wide as saucers when contact is made? and how they turn into pinpricks once he looks back**? god. and. like.
oh. fuck. ive gottta continue this in a reblog since ive reached the picture limit on mobile -- i am not even a THIRD of a way through all my thoughts on this- we didnt even get to my footnote!! sit tight everyone :)
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finalgirllx · 9 months
Mattheo Riddle Headcanons
From someone who only recently got into him. I could be wrong, since I can't trace back his roots much. Some of these are inspired by other writings, Marcus Lopez in Deadly Class, and my own bot usage.
I wrote this in about 5 minutes. Just a warning.
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Mattheo is, of course, reserved around those he isn't close to. He tends to act cold, and will go as far to make himself seem threatening if he feels like it (whether that's actually true or not is your interpretation).
If he does something kind for someone without being asked, he prefers to let it go unmentioned. "Thanks for getting that for me." "Yeah, yeah, If you tell anyone, I'll kill you."
Scorpio, Scorpio, Scorpio! This is the one time I'll assign my star sign to a character because it fits him so well, along with his face claim being a Scorpio as well.
Mattheo loves The Smiths. There is no arguing there. This is definitely Marcus inspired, but it is just so nice.
He wears black almost exclusively. It is just his go-to and fits his general vibe. If he must, he'll go for a neutral-toned checkered flannel or jean jacket when it gets cold.
Mattheo has immaculate handwriting. Like, people look at his work and can't help but stare because they're surprised at the quality of it.
He drinks black coffee in the mornings, and that's it.
Does get into a lot of fights. And he wins all of them. However, unlike what others may think, he tries to give someone a chance to out themselves from a potential fight before he goes in.
Loves the horror genre. He talks up paranormal horror as the superior subgenre but will sit down and enjoy just about any kind.
He is a Resident Evil fan (Resident Evil 1 came out in 1996, so this is for slightly more modern au's).
His closest friends are Theo and Blaise, but he gets along well with Enzo and has an okay relationship with Draco.
He is knowledgeable and a strong critical thinker but doesn't care much about academics. Besides Defense Against The Dark Arts, he is really talented at Potions.
'Claims' people. His icy demeanor is rather tough to break; once he lets you in, it's like a switch is flipped, and he's more possessive and protective than anyone could've anticipated.
Has a mean jealous streak. This has been known, lol.
I think he prefers cats - but honestly, I see him being hesitant towards pets. He is still sweet toward them and would be a love bug with a pet of his own, but I can see a pet approaching him, and he wouldn't know what to do at first, haha. 
Mattheo is sarcastic to his core. Shows his affection through teasing. But he can be quite serious and good at knowing the right words to support someone when needed.
Slight NSFW implications - incredibly dominant, and there's nothing you can do to change my mind that's not his preferred mode 99% of the time.
To see Mattheo's sweet side is a real treat, but he keeps that part for whom he adores the most.
His love language is physical touch and its not even close. If he falls for you, he'll always make sure to be touching you in any way that is possible at that instance.
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Mafiafell Au with single mom MC?? She’s working in a crappy diner to support her kid, and maybe eventually move out of the city?
Oooh yeah, he's got a plan for this one. He's not known for being much of a forward-thinker (that's Pap's job) but with a situation as important as this he feels like he can't afford to go in without a plan.
His first step, no matter the situation, is to lay on the natural charm. Go to her crappy diner, make a few jokes, keep assholes in line for her. Generally just show that he could make her life easier. There's a few ways it could go from there.
If she's interested in him, that's good for everyone. He keeps on the charm, and as soon as she's willing, he'll save her from her shitty job and scoop her and her kid up to take them somewhere much better. He can be her hero... that works.
If she's indifferent toward him, it's a definitely a hurdle, but not one he can't overcome. He's nothing if not persistent. He gets sneakier, learns her interests- finds out what kinds of jokes she likes so he can be sure to make her laugh. He tips extremely generously, stands up for her against her boss, generally ensures he's brightening her day. Worms his way into her heart, certain to drop a few mentions (offhandedly) of how much he's always wanted to be a dad. He'll wear her down- especially if he keeps any potential rivals firmly out of the picture.
If she doesn't like him, and resolutely won't warm up, it's certainly... unfortunate.
"it's such a shame about yer kid."
"... Who told you about my kid?"
"must be hard growin up in that little apartment. s'a rough area... i've seen the inside, it must get real damp. real cold at night. s'no way for a child to live, huh...?"
"... H-how do you..."
"... i got a place outside the city, y'know. with a big garden. big room, too. could put 'em in a good school if you came with me. you want that for them, don't you? that's why you work as hard as you do. you want a good life for yer kid."
"i'm not askin much, doll. you can keep sayin' no. but... heh. it's not just me you're sayin' no to."
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anti-lies · 1 month
Real Fact: The only way to be plural is by suffering severe childhood trauma according to the theory of structural dissociation
The theory of structural dissociation is currently the most accepted theory for how DID forms. Children naturally have less integrated personalities, and when someone undergoes severe trauma during childhood, it prevents their personality from fully integrating.
This theory is clearly explained in this Carrd.
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As this Carrd says, there is no other way one could possibly be a system according to science.
This theory was created in 2006 by Onno van der Hart, Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis and Kathy Steele in the book The Haunted Self, and has remained the main theory for how traumatic dissociation forms for close to 20 years.
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These authors are top experts in their field, and this theory clearly proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the only possible way to form dissociative parts of the personality is through trauma.
Any endos who say otherwise are faking and lying. All their so-called sources are outdated or written by themselves or are ableist.
Please, trust the science. Trust the doctors. And trust the Carrd about what those scientists and doctors say.
Anyone who would argue with the doctors who wrote made the Theory of Structural Dissociation are science deniers, no better than flat-earthers or anti-vaxxers.
Now that you've been properly informed, please reblog and share this accurate and true information so you can inform others.
And don't bother clicking underneath the cut. There's nothing important there.
Oh, you're still here?
I thought I told you to leave?
Go on. Get.
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There's nothing to see here!
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Oh... That.
What's that doing here?
Yeah, don't worry about that. That's just some article written by pro-endos to make it look like you can form dissociative parts of the personality without trauma.
Don't trust the pro-endos and their sources!
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Oh... You saw that too, didn't you?
That the source for that happens to be the same exact people I told you to trust earlier.
Fine. Let's deal with that.
First, this says "may." That means that it isn't definitely true. And by rearranging those words, you'll realize that means it definitely isn't true according to the theory of structural dissociation.
Trust me when I say that this still supports us and that these doctors are on our side.
Endos are stupid
There. I said it.
Endos are what I call half-thinkers.
Endos will try to tell you that if someone is a valid source in one context then they need to be a valid source in all contexts to be consistent. That if you're using the theory of structural dissociation as evidence that the only way to have multiple dissociative parts with their own consciousness is through trauma or a disorder, you should acknowledge that the creators of that theory have entertained other possibilities.
But you who are reading this are smarter than any of those half-thinking endos. You're 4 times as smart as these half-thinkers. You can think double what any endo can at least. That makes you, at minimum, a double-thinker.
And as intelligent and critical double thinkers, you can understand how important context is.
In the first context, the Carrd that referenced the theory by Onno van der Hart and Ellert R. S. Nijenhuis is supporting True Science.
In the second, their actual words from their paper are going against True Science. They're stating something may exist that we know is scientifically impossible. Something we know is scientifically impossible because of what we've heard other people say about the Theory of Structural Dissociation. And that proves the creators of the theory of structural dissociation wrong!
So don't let endos use quotes like this to brainwash you. Remember that you are an intelligent and critical double thinker.
Stay smart and hold firm in your beliefs and values, and never stop double thinking!
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igotanidea · 11 months
Essay : professor!todd x student!reader part 1
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A/N: this is a completely new verse, I just couldn;t stop myself, so if you ever get ideas for that one I'll take them in a heartbeat.
A/N 2 : I was wondering whether to finish it here of give you more spice, but decided to just whet your appetite for part 2 ;)
Do you know how they used to call her in high school?
The unsullied.
Like in a freaking “game of thrones”
All because while her friends were partying, getting drunk and scoring, she was far more focused on her education and school work. And damn, that girl was sharp. Her writing and literature skills and instincts were something people would admire if they weren’t shallow and judgmental.
Instead she got the teasing nickname and all her peers treated her like she didn’t exist.
And of course it hurt, not having girlfriends or anyone who would even try to understand why she would rather spend her time in the library in the company of Shakespeare or Emily Bronte or Charles Dickens instead of drinking and having accidental sex. It was painful to admit that she never had a boyfriend or that she lacked experience in so many social areas. But she just clenched her teeth and pushed through, telling herself that she didn’t have to have all the answers at the age of 17.
She worked hard for a couple years and that got her a scholarship and entry to the college of her own choice. And while her parents and family were pushing her to choose something big, like New York or other big city, much to their surprise and displeasure, she decided to stay in the state and attend Gotham University.
“Why?” her mother almost got a heart attack upon hearing the revelations, choking on the fancy cake served at the tea.  (one more word about the girl – she came from the really fancy, new-money family, where she never fit, being way to feisty and fiery. She could never be described as a lady despite her mother’s best efforts).
“Just because” she shrugged
“watch your tone, girl.” Her father warned “never speak to your mother like this.”
“sorry, sir.” She smiled apologetically, but it was meant more like a sarcasm then a real word of remorse “ Gotham has one of the best university literature program. And since it’s something I want to pursue….”
“I think we should let her make her own choices, father. Y/N knows what she’s doing.”
Thank god, for her older brother, Tom, who always had her back. He was the only person she was going to miss when leaving. But he was right. She knew what she was doing. And Gotham did have the best literature course. And that was because of one of the professors, Jason Todd.
At the young age of 26, being only a couple years older than her, he managed to finish his studies summa cum laude and having a few awards on his account decided to dedicate his life into teaching and shaping young minds. Y/N couldn’t wait to attend one of his classes.
Yeah, college was going to be life changing for her.
Only she didn’t know how much when she first stepped into the hall of residence.
Soon enough she found out that first years were not supposed to attend Todd’s classes. Apparently something about heavy and mature content on different levels.  To put it simply, no one below 21 were allowed to engage in those discussions.
But Y/N was sly and determined enough to sneak into the evening lectures, making notes to herself and being an original thinker she got so much ideas and inspirations just by sitting in the corner of the classroom and listening. It went like that for half a year and she believed herself to be clever enough to not get notices, but apparently professor Todd was even better in the art of deception. And it all started when she lost her notebook while leaving and figured it out on the way to her room.
“Shit!” she hissed turning around immediately and looking for the lost item on the way. If it were to get into unfit hands, in the worst case – dean’s – and her secret would be uncovered , she would be expelled immediately due to not abiding the rules “Fuck!” she whispered-yelled again, having reached the classroom and still not finding it.
“don’t creep there, miss Y/l/N, come on in.” Professor Todd’s voice echoed through the empty hall and she shivered. How the hell did he know she was there? And more importantly, how the fuck did he know who she was?!
“I’m sorry to interrupt professor.” She started “I’m just …. I mean, I…..”
“Lost something?” he asked, his green eyes meeting hers and it was like a spark of electricity through her. God, was he handsome. Only now, she understood  the rumours on the campus, something about girls attending his course just for him, not really for the books and stories. Shit! She didn’t really have much opportunities to watch Todd while sneaking out and watching her every step.
“Yeah, I …. I mean, I…..” she stuttered “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t even be here, and what I’m writing there is just stupid and …..”
“The only thing stupid here is that no one under 21 can join my class.” Todd laughed sonorously “come here, miss Y/N, please, sit, I won’t give your secret away.”
“You won’t?” hypnotised by his voice and eyes she took a few steps forward and perched on the first desk, out of instincts waving her legs in the air in a child-like manner.
“No. Sure not. I read some of your notes, forgive me that” he apologised quickly seeing the terror on her face “and those are good. Like really good. I don’t think I have such an original thinker here in like …. ever, to be honest” he smiled brightly “how old are you again?”
“almost 20 now.” She sighed in frustration. Here she was, sitting in front of her idol, unable to get full advantage of his knowledge.
“such a shame. Would love to know your brain more.”
“Can I just have it back and be on my way? I won’t bother you anymore, I promise I don’t want any trouble." she reached for her notebook, but did it so clumsily that it made her lost her balance in the process and she started falling to the ground, when her weight overbalanced the desk. She would probably end up on the floor, if it wasn’t for Todd’s reflexes. His strong arms found a way around her waist holding her tight, her hands locking on his arms and all of a sudden feeling safe and not so eager to leave.
“You good there?” he asked as their gazes met.
“Yeah…. I…..” once again the spark flew between them. Maybe it was just her imagination but she saw something predatory and …. lustful(?) in his eyes. “I… I really should be going now, professor. It’s late and after curfew and ….. sorry.” She grabbed the book from his hands, fixed her shirt and bag and rushed out the door.
“Miss Y/L/N?” he called after her and the girl spun around to face him.
“You can keep coming to my classes. Like I said, it’s a stupid rule and your secret’s safe with me.’
“Um, yeah, sure, professor, thank you.” She mumbled and practically took off running to her room, having absolutely no idea what was happening to her .
She didn’t get much sleep that night, instead taking care of the urge and itching between her legs, imagining green orbs and silky voice calling her good girl and a one particular man touching her. Good thing she had a single room with pretty thick walls.
It became pretty clear that classes were not enough for either of them. All things considered they kept it professional for a long time, only meeting in public places, discussing some teacher-student stuff, not really making any of the stuff suspicious. Apart from some additional rumours, nothing new on the campus, they were extremely correct and hesitant to do anything stupid.
Literature talks and exchanging beliefs and ideas quickly led to getting to know each other on way more personal level. She learnt about his family, his adopted father and brothers and he got the whole story of how she was treated in school and why she chose to specialise in literature.
They were getting close.
Arguably closer than teacher – student should, but the more time they spend together the less they cared.
Soon enough their meetings moved from the classrooms and campus to the outside places. And from the days to the nights, always being careful not to get caught. But the urge and the sexual tension between them was making them slip.
It was only a matter of time before someone would lose the war of nerves and needs.
Since the dean was tuned in to everything that was happening on the uni ground, after a couple of months Todd was called into his office and had to some heavy explanation of why he was doing nothing less but hanging out with a student that was still under the legal age.  Barely, but sill.
And with the natural ease and smoothness the young professor talked and talked about y/n’s talent and insight and how she was wasting her potential while waiting to be admitted to his classes. He used some pretty convincing arguments about the fame and reputation the uni would get if she becomes the exception to the rule and get the permission to attend despite her age.
And all that seemed to convince the dean.
Y/N was allowed to attend Jason’s course.
And that meant more time spend together.
“I almost forgot. I got your essays graded.” He stated one Tuesday evening almost ending the lecture,  holding a bunch of sheets of paper in his hands and waving it around “as usual, most of you should have read between the lines, but apart from that it’s better than before. I see some progress to some of you.” He started walking around, giving the papers to the students.
Was it her imagination again or did he really brushed over her shoulder while passing her? If it was a dream she didn’t want to wake up, feeling that familiar aching in her body. God! She was still at class, acting like a horny teenager! About the teacher! That was completely inappropriate!
“That would be all for today.” Jason stated “class dismissed.”
“But….” She objected. She didn’t get hers back.
“As for you miss Y/L/N….” he trailed, waiting till everyone left  “We need to talk about your thesis. But we’re gonna need the library to prove the point. Meet me there in half an hour, all right? Take your coat with you, the night is going to be cold.”
“but…. But it’s like 8 p.m.” she frowned “I thought the library was closing at 7?”
“I got a special pass. Now go, Y/N.”
Something was telling her that this was not going to be about her writing. And she couldn't wait to discover the double meaning.
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liyawritesss · 5 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ - ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎEᔕ ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
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Day 4 - Cheek Kisses
- Well Earned Reward - Phoenix/Jaime Adeyemi - Valorant
- In which you reward Phoenix with a kiss after a well fought sparring match.
- Check out more prompts and other activities on the Flowers In Bloom Event Masterlist!
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Phoenix was many things. An excellent shot, a quick thinker, and cool under pressure, not to mention a self-proclaimed king due to his confidence. It could be argued that he was among the best that the Protocol had in its ranks, considering he was amongst the first to join and would have more resources and time allocated to honing his skills.
What Phoenix was not, however, was smooth. Something of which Jett and Yoru would never let him forget so long as he lived, and coincidentally, were doing right this moment.
“Dude, they totally demolished you on that mat,” Jett says, hands smoothing down her hair as she smooths back the flyaways that had shaken from her ponytail, “and the second-hand embarrassment is real.”
“She did no such thing!” Phoenix retorts firmly. “I got a few good hits in, it was just a luck thing, man!”
“I don’t think luck is what had them pinning you to the ground three times in a row.” Yoru tutes, the blue haired fellow never missing a beat when it comes to reminding Phoenix of his arrogance.
“Two! It was two!” Phoenix corrects.
“Right,” Yoru replies, “the third time, they just threw you off the mat before pinning you.”
Perhaps Phoenix’s approach to the sparring session was one he made under false pretenses. It didn’t take rocket science to know that Phoenix was always out for self improvement in all categories of his profession, which more often than not stroked his ego a little too much. However this wasn’t about his ego; he could live with being defeated in a sparring match. It was who the match was with that dulled his usual champion spirit when it ended in his defeat.
“Yo,” came a voice from the end of the locker isle he stood in, causing Phoenix to look up and see you. He couldn’t help the faint frown that tugged at his lips, seeing the proud smile that graced your face in victory, “you know, I’m always down for a rematch whenever the gym is open.”
“Ha. Ha.” Says the dark skin man as he slips on his shirt adjusting the gold chain that lay hidden underneath his white tank top during the training sessions. “You’ve got lots of jokes, yeah?”
“Wasn’t a joke, pretty boy,” you reply, growing closer to him, the nickname that Jett had given him suddenly bringing a new, strange feeling to Phoenix’s chest that he wasn’t sure if he enjoyed or not. Yet, such a name coming from your lips tugged his frown into an upward position, “you’re a good fighter; but you can’t win at everything.”
Phoenix shrugs; he knows you’re right, however, and so the following hum of acknowledgement gives you what you need to step forward once more, closer to the taller man, and speak again, “You should be glad you’ve got some competition, though.”
“Is that right?” Phoenix replies, head tilted to the side, tongue darting out to do a quick swipe of his lips. His arms are folded across his chest as he analyzes you; despite the close proximity, his face portrays that of someone calm and collected. If only you knew the fire that was raging within him.
With a short nod, you make a quick dip to place a peck on his cheek, and it’s here that you feel the tinge of heat tha bubbles just underneath the surface of his skin, and it sparks something in your brain that you must suppress to save the other from embarrassment.
“For encouragement,” you say slyly, “if you want that rematch.”
You leave, and now Phoenix is torn between two things: wanting to impress you and wanting to demolish you at the next sparring session.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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razorblade180 · 10 months
Luz:What’s wrong?
Hunter:Huh? I’m just…zoning out?
Luz:Hunter, from one over thinker to another, we both know zoning out isn’t real. You’re doing that thing where you look calm but you’re overwhelmed.
Hunter:This is just my face!
Hunter:…Fine! You’re so nosy. You have to keep this a secret though.
Luz:That’s kinda our thing. My lips are sealed.
Hunter tilts his head down and parts his hair from the top to reveal to Luz two small, green horns. He raises his head and catches Luz slowly reaching for her staff.
Hunter:Hey! It’s still all me!
Luz:Ah…sorry hehe.
Hunter:They never really went away. They just…became this. When I’m upset they get a little bigger but I don’t know. It’s so weird and annoying. Just another thing to show how I’m not norm- ahh!
Luz puts her finger on the inside of her mouth and tugs it to show hunter intense canines; a byproduct of her Titan transformation.
Luz:See? We’re both weird. Just a couple of monsters. *smiles*
Hunter:…But yours is so cool! You’re like part wolf now!
Luz:Technically these are Titan teeth.
Hunter:So you’re part god essentially.
Luz:I think you’re underestimating how cool eldritch horror is. Your horns are awesome, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Hunter:…They remind me of that night.
Luz:Oh…I’m sorry. Not to compare or anything, but not a real fan of the part where I died to be “part god”
Hunter:Man, we’ve been through the ringer.
Luz:Hehe, no kidding. But look us now. *puts arm around him* Alive and cooler/more magical than ever. That has to count for something, right?
Hunter:…*smiles* Yeah, I guess it does.
Luz:There’s that smile. See? It’s all about perspective.
Hunter:Your trait is still way better than mine. Why couldn’t I get something awesome and attractive to even things out!?
Luz:*red* Did you… call my teeth attractive?
Hunter:*red*I need you to learn to keep a secret from yourself.
Luz:I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been zoned out for awhile now.
Hunter:Oh ya don’t say? So have I!
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physalian · 3 months
Tackling Characters with Mental Health Issues (or, ‘Write What you Know’)
**Trigger warning for this entire post**
This is completely off the cuff and unplanned but here we go. I just read a book that POV switches between its two romantic leads. One of these leads was intended to be written with a severe case of generalized anxiety. I have confirmation from the author that it’s not an author-insert. This character was entirely based on research, not experience.
Without putting them on blast, because they really did try…. While ‘neurodivergent’ or ‘mental health disorder’ isn’t a protected class, it should still fit squarely under other topics you shouldn’t write about if you don’t experience it with a massive asterisk.
TL;DR: If you yourself aren’t part of X minority or suffer Z physical or mental disability, you should not be barred from writing characters with those traits. ***HOWEVER*** writing these characters struggling, suffering, or overcoming this given trait in a pro-cis, straight, white, neurotypical, able-bodied America is not yours to touch.
This suffering isn’t your story to profit off of, when you didn’t actually suffer any of it.
I cannot remember who said it and I am absolutely paraphrasing but for example: White authors can and should include characters of color (and I am a White author). White authors should *not* write about a character of color as their protagonist experiencing bigotry, discrimination, hate crimes, and all that hardship, at the hands of white society. It’s just not your story to tell, and all the research in the world will never give you the lived experience you need to do it justice.
Like, you can write about the concept of slavery existing in a fantasy novel. Or sci-fi. Or some Alternate Universe historical fiction. You cannot write about the American slave trade like you lived it and still suffer the ramifications of it when you didn’t, especially when it is the thesis of your entire book.
Anyone remember that awful Amazon movie, My Policeman? Based on a book written by a straight, white woman whose straight female lead took an entire narrative to whine about how she was jilted by her gay husband and his gay lover who she got arrested and institutionalized so she could keep her husband… and never told them? With the predatory 3rd love interest and the whole ‘liar revealed’ and… yeah. That one.
Unless you do the work very few authors are willing to do, with permission and encouragement and a backing from whatever minority you’re writing about and their stamp of approval that you knocked it out of the park, just don’t. Save yourself the headache.
As I read this book, and this entire character’s arc is about her mental health, for 100k words… why would you *want* to take on that responsibility? Why would you want to take on all that extra research, all the stress of making sure you get it right, all the costs of hiring sensitivity readers and the risk of your character falling apart with readers who do fit these traits?
Characters with mental health problems are very, very tricky to get right for one massive reason: Accurately depicting many disorders and anxieties means your character can come across as extremely unlikeable, uncompelling, confusing, and frustrating. These characters won’t make logical choices or arguments, they’re likely to self-sabotage, contradict themselves, argue in circles, and die on molehills they think are mountains. This is just what anxiety does to people in the real world. We are not always compelling protagonists, and we don’t always get happy endings.
Writing illogical characters takes a lot of practice if you yourself are not an illogical thinker and if you’re writing half a book elbow-deep in 3rd person limited, intimately trying to describe how this disorder impacts their daily life, you, my friend, have so much more work cut out for you than you anticipated.
So why?
It got very sticky very quickly when the message I took away from the book was “character A can love away character B’s anxiety” and that just… it’s just not how it works. That is a very dangerous mindset to have, for both parties involved.
Character A does not exist to “fix” Character B, nor should A exist to be B’s therapist.
Making A B’s “medicine” can encourage some dangerous codependency. Especially if they break up, B backslides and spirals, and A takes on guilt for not being there anymore, as if any of this is A’s fault.
It says that ‘curing’ anxiety just takes a little romance. Which. No. B has to love themselves, first, before they’re able to love anyone else or let anyone else love them.
It got stickier when the author accidentally wrote a trauma-induced ace who wanted to start liking sex to please her partner and not for her own peace of mind (with internalized self-hate for her anxieties around sex as if not liking it after a traumatic experience isn't completely justified), as if she wasn’t good enough with the boundaries she had. And the narrative backed it up because she was *cured* after a couple rounds in the sheets—I worked really hard on my Ace character guide to help stop people from doing this.
Had Character A accepted these boundaries B had, and these two come to a creative compromise around intimacy that B does like, it would have been so much healthier. B liked making out, just not being the 'recieving' partner, while A chose to die on a 'if we can't have the sex I want, I can't be in a romance with you' hill and it just broke my heart for B. B wasn't being picky. B was traumatized.
The worst thing you can do to your ace character is a) reinforce the idea that they’ve failed as a human because they don’t like sex and b) reinforce the idea that they “just haven’t found the right person yet” and this narrative hit both in the bullseye.
The author wasn’t trying to write an ace, I can tell, but aceness aside “good sex is the best cure to your sexual trauma” is… also, not great? If you yourself didn’t experience this? The point of all of this was clearly to attempt exposure therapy, it just got so bogged down with other problems that the nuance necessary to stick the landing was completely lost.
If this was fantasy, like Twilight, with Bella’s dangerous codependency on Edward in New Moon, mental health is not the point of that book. The author didn’t set out on a mission to provide respectful representation of depression and healthy relationship goals. It’s toxic as hell, but it also takes a backseat to the actual story and the audience who loves those books couldn’t care less about how toxic it is.
The books aren’t about Bella overcoming her depression. They’re about sparkly vampires and the dangers of… teen pregnancy?
It got even *stickier* when the character revealed she’d apparently been in therapy for a decade and a half, only for her therapist to shrug and go ‘I guess you’re stuck with it’ while her mental health issue became a physical health issue, because she should have had a crippling eating disorder that the narrative didn't at all take seriously.
Why would you want the stress of writing this?
I am not at all saying you can’t write anxious characters if you yourself are not anxious. But make that an ingredient of the pie and not the entire pie, yeah?
Ask yourself why you’re doing this. The fundamental argument of that book seemed to be “anxiety can be loved away” and from the very first page, it was doomed. That was the book’s thesis. The entire story hinged on the success of this depiction.
I can’t even be mad, because it wasn’t intended to be harmful, but it inadvertently reaffirmed so many dangerous and incorrect assumptions and stereotypes about mental health. Good intentions historically do not guarantee good results.
If you do not suffer from anxiety, you are still allowed to write a character who experiences it (Or OCD, specific phobias, BPD, what have you). I tip my hat to anyone willing to do all the work to get it right because those are all tall orders, but you aren’t blacklisted from these characters.
But with any minority, anyone who isn’t “cis, straight, white, male, neurotypical, and able-bodied” write a character who is also X, instead of an X stereotype, who happens to be your character.
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hjnxx · 3 months
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hello! welcome to the video, and if you’re new here, welcome to the channel. take a seat, get comfortable, grab a snack. and some water. loads of it. you’ll be parched by the end of this video, trust.
chances are you’re probably clicking on this video because their music is booming on tik tok, they’ve done dance challenges with your faves, or you saw a pretty face and immediately got curious. i don’t blame you. all of hjx is gorgeous, like…
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amazing, talented, show-stopping, incredible, never been seen before, never been done before, visual hole where ??
but anyway.
hijinxx is a four member girl group under kq entertainment, formed through one of the worst survival shows to grace my screen—i mean. formed through a collaboration with mnet. they debuted on june 14th, 2021 with the digital single ‘mascara’.
the meaning behind the group name comes directly from the work ‘hijinks’, which means to have pure, unsupervised fun without a care for rigid rules and beliefs. stylized with two xs, the word takes on a new form with the word ‘jinx’, which is said when two people say the same word twice. towards the concept, it conveys meeting a second self or a doppelgänger—which leads up right to the group’s concept.
the lore for the group is a bit… interesting, to say the least, so i’ll give you a brief rundown and save the theories for the thinkers. being a student full time means i only have so many braincells to dedicate to pondering.
there are two worlds, the real world and the xverse. the real world contains our four main girls while the xverse contains their doppelgängers, which is where the four aces in the suits come in. each member represents a suit and what that suit stands for. after discovering a crack in their reality, the main girls are transported to the xverse to help their doppelgängers end the unrest on their side so that it doesn’t spill into the real world. that’s basically it! there’s your sparksnotes version.
each song is ‘supposed’ to tie into the lore, but i’m pretty sure at least half are not lore related at all. 😭 sometimes girls just wanna make pretty songs and that’s okay! if you ask me…. i wish they didn’t debut with lore and just kept the doppelgänger concept of meeting a second self, but that’s just me. now on to the fandom.
hijinxx fans are called ACES, members of the elite force in the xverse. the name draws its inspiration from the survival show, ‘house of cards’, which shares a name with the most important building in the x universe. nestled in the capital city kharta, ACES are a representative of the residents that live in that universe. with there being four suits in a deck of cards, there are naturally four nations in kharta dedicated to each one: clubs, hearts, diamonds, and spades, to which each doppelgänger is the ‘protector’ of. kinda like the four nations in the avatar universe.
you still with me? it’s a lot of information at once, i know. drink the water i told you you needed.
theres more information about the lore, especially about why the doppelgängers need the girls’ help to fix the crack in the universe, who is even trying to sneak into the real world and why, but again, i’m not really here to talk about lore! let’s talk about the girls now.
hijinxx consists of members PARK AHYEON, HEO MICHA, ITO YUINA, and AN EUNJI. these were the four chosen by the end of the survival show, receiving the highest of votes with micha in first place, yuina in second, ahyeon in third, and eunji in fourth.
born in 1998 on august eighth, making her a leo, ahyeon is the oldest of the group. often hailed as both the group’s mom and the glue of the group, the girls have no shame saying she’s the reason why hijinxx has prospered this much. and i’m inclined to agree! she is the pen and paper behind the group’s lyrics and composition as both a producer and lyricist. ahyeon has not shied away from talking about her passion for music, one of the main reasons being her buying her first soundboard with her own money at 13 years old.
her and that soundboard and locked in for real. wish someone loved me the way ahyeon loves her baby soundboard.
while she’s a perfect fit in hijinxx, ahyeon’s journey with the music industry did not being with kq. in 2014, she, along with one of her sisters ( she’s the oldest of three girls ! ) and a couple of her friends would form the girl group XTRA, releasing mainly vocal and dance covers of their favorite songs. this is truly where her passion for music would blossom, remixing songs and eventually making her own for the group to dance to. XTRA would disband in late 2017 on good terms, which would then lead ahyeon to audition at kq in 2018.
ahyeon is also technically the group’s main dancer, as that was what she was marketed as during her time on house of cards, but to this day hjx doesn’t really have set positions other than leader, main vocals, and main rapper. but ahyeon dances really well so 🤷‍♀️ she’s main dancer to me !
when she’s off idol duty, she loves doting on the other three members, proudly taking on the mantle of group mom regardless of her lack of a leader title. she’s very mom coded. comes with the oldest sibling title. her hobbies outside of music consist of leisure gaming ( ex : she’s very dedicated to animal crossing and animal crossing pocket camp ), reading, and chess.
packing my bag to live in the hjx dorm.
next in line, we have micha ! born april twenty-fourth, 2000, making her a taurus. lord have mercy. when beyoncé was talking about face cards never declining, micha was in the studio. i said what i said. heo micha release the hold you have on me…
girlie had a whole mysterious vibe for a solid two years ( hoc included ) and we barely had info on her for the longest. she’s stupid private. i respect it, honestly. internet users are scary. in this industry you breathe wrong and someone shows up at your house. crazy ass world. but here’s what we do know:
she’s an only child ( not that that wasn’t obvious ngl 💀 ) to a film director and a regular non celebrity. it was speculated that she won first place due to her status, but y’all just hate to see mimi be better than your faves 🤷‍♀️ not her fault she can hold a high note while busting ass on stage. thats talent… tell your fave to step up !! she used to do modeling for small brands as a child and won singing competitions throughout school. we love to see it.
micha is also the main vocalist and hijinxx’s leader, the latter of which came with her first place ranking on hoc. a lot of people mistake ahyeon for the leader, which isn’t true ! micha has opened up about how the position makes her feel, and according to her, the two of them are on good terms about the placement. she’s a great leader—and this is not a jab at ahyeon at all—because she’s clear, cut and concise. the other hjx members have said that her high expectations are the reason why their presence on stage has grown exponentially. their youngest member especially has shown significant improvement since her hoc days under mimi’s hawk eyes, but we’ll get to her soon.
when she’s not running hjx like the military, micha is noted to enjoy horror movies, spicy foods, and designing her own clothes in the hopes of having her own line one day. idk about y’all, but i would love micha merch. her style is impeccable. chef’s mf kiss.
third in the line is yuina! YUI MAIN SLAYER! TINY TERROR YUI!! im a little in love, in awe, and completely scared of her. she’s like. an entertainment company’s dream. and she was out here studying to become a LAWYER—
—sorry i just think that’s hilarious like. dropping law for singing song and dancey dance and the occasional aegyo and shit. honest to god i hope she never changes.
brought into the world on december twelfth, 2000, she’s a sagittarius. idk shit about zodiac signs but apparently sags are super nice and friendly and super open and sunny and shit. literally miss yuina ito to a t. felix from stray kids has some fucking competition because i swear she GLOWS when she smiles. again, kinda scared, kinda in love with her.
yuina was a japanese exchange student living with a host family when she got introduced to the kpop scene, and has remained close with that family even up until now. she never misses the opportunity to credit them with the reason why she’s even here, and has cried on numerous occasions when they show up to hjx events and performances. crying sobbing wailing on the ground. they love her so much </3
i know she’s technically an ace according to lore and she’s marketed main rapper—but in my opinion, she’s the perfect example of an all-rounder. singing? done. rapping? chef’s kiss when she actually gets them. (😭) dancing? stage presence? live vocals? check, check, and check. idk why people are calling mimi the industry plant when yui is sm’s dream on mfing steroids. she’s like if mark only wore pigtails all the time and loved to terrorize people in the dark.
now THAT is a loaded piece of hjx lore. sound off in the comments if you want me to delve into the scream queens type shit that went down during one of their comebacks. what a TIME to be an ACE.
and last, but CERTAINLY not least, is eunji. my baby. the light of my life. my one and only. the entire reason why this channel exists. the sweetest of hearts. the nation’s maknae. the most maknae to ever maknae. sorry to whoever had that title before eunji stepped on to the scene. not that i care—
eunji was born january twenty-first, 2001, making her an aquarius. she lived a pretty ordinary life before auditioning and debuting, and doesn’t really talk about her home life much. although netizens have uncovered a bunch of stuff about her life, i’m not including it here because her life is no one’s business and whoever participated in revealing all that information is going to rot in hell 🤍 but anyway.
as the group’s maknae, she’s earned the title ‘shyest maknae’ simply for the fact that she always looks like she’s in a state of perpetual distress. every time hjx is either receiving and award or engaging with fans, there will always be a moment where she looks absolutely terrified 😭 she did acknowledge this in a live last year where she says the reason why she looks so scared is because she’s afraid of messing up or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. but i think she’s gotten better so we’re rooting for you, ji <3
she is ahyeon’s BABY. like. eunji used to sleep in her bed during hoc era 😭 you don’t understand how much these two make me so ill. i can’t talk about this anymore i might start crying and then you’ll just hear this voice over sob in a motion voice and that’s gross and weird.
that’s pretty much it! this video is already getting too long and i’ve been recording for like two hours now. stream their next collab and buy their albums, the inclusions are so nice and the albums are gorgeous as decor.
and for the aces who throw out their albums. i hope you stub your toe on an open rusty nail. xx
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leeknowlover99 · 5 months
singles inferno with enhypen hyung line
episode 2.5 behind the camera
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previous part masterlist next part
warnings: fluff, sexual tension
pairing: Heesung x reader
prepare for the next part cause it’s going to wild 🫣
that was probably the most comfortable bed you’ve ever laid in. after such a busy day you should be sleeping like a child. but here you were tossing and turning. you looked up at the clock. it was 4 am, 2 hours of you unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep. but you could not stop your thoughts from running, emotions flooding you, keeping you restless. you did not expect to feel like that after just one day in the program. Heesung wasn’t your first choice in inferno. but now after the evening you have spent with him in paradise you felt the unbearable chemistry between you two. but not only that. he really seemed like an awesome person, so passionate about his career and interests, funny and kind in such a charming way. he definitely tickled your heart. you were wondering about many things now. you were an over thinker since forever. you were thinking about him, his cute smile and shiny eyes. you were wondering if he feels the same, how things are going to be in inferno. or maybe all of that will disappear when you come back to other contestants. you were curious about so many things. but how will you enjoy the day when you can’t get any sleep. all these thoughts were making you crazy. the fact that Heesung was just in the next room when you were laying alone in the huge bed was driving you even more mad. you stood up and looked through the window. watching stars shining on the clear sky, and city lights underneath imitating stars. you took few deep breaths to calm yourself. let’s get a glass of water and try to fall asleep for real. you told yourself. you really needed few hours of sleep to function well tomorrow.
you hoped you won’t disturb Heesung’s sleep as you tip toed to kitchen, however as you quickly realized his spot on the coach was empty. white sheets shining in the dark room. you frowned wondering where he could disappear. as you turned around the corner you saw him. he was leaning against the kitchen counter, fingers tapping lightly against the glass he was holding. his face focused, like he was in deep thoughts. he jerked his head up when he noticed you.
“hi, i see i’m not the only one who can’t sleep” you smiled softly.
he run his hand through his hair leaving them messy, strands sticking out in different directions. he looked adorable.
“yeah i thought water might help, but not really.” he handed you a new glass. “here, have some.”
“thanks” you took a sip. “today was indeed intense. what’s keeping you up? is the coach uncomfortable?” you asked.
“nah it’s not that. i usually have no trouble falling asleep anywhere. it’s just all the emotions and stuff” he smiled shyly. yet another side of this boy.
“i feel you, same for me” you hopped on the counter in front of him. “are we allowed to talk off the cameras?” you wondered out loud.
“i don’t know. but i don’t really care.” he sent you a daring look. “it’s not like they can control us anyway.”
“true. i feel like i’m going to be alike a zombie today if i don’t get any sleep.”
Heesung laughed loudly. “we’ll be a pair of zombies i guess. so tell me what are you thinking about.”
“if i tell you will you share as well?” you asked playfully squinting your eyes at him.
“deal princess.”
you could not help but smile at the nickname. but you carefully chose your words answering “i was thinking how easy and fun our date was today, i did not expect that honestly.”
“i don’t know. i usually don’t have time to go on dates but when i go it always feels weird and stiff. i thought that here with the presence of cameras and everything it might be ever worse. but actually it has been the opposite” you elaborated swinging your legs to let some of the tension out.
“oh okay. you must’ve went out with some boring guys” he teased. “but seriously i’m happy that it was different with me.”
“now your turn” you urged him.
“i found you attractive from the beginning but after being with you here i’m even more hooked.” he licked his lips. “it was easy talking to you, and yours even prettier without makeup, i feel the spark you know?” he slowly took a step towards you. “do you feel it?” another step. when you did not answer he took third step and stood in front of you. your faces on the same level. eyes locked, shining with something dark and serious. “do you?”
“i feel it too” you whispered eyes flicking to his plump lips. you wanted to taste them.
Heesung seemed to have the same desire. his large hands gently kneaded your bare thighs and pushed them open. you gasped and he slowly, too slowly closed the gap between you two. your chests touching lightly, you felt his breath on your lips, gaze clouded behind his long lashes. you grazed his arms with your fingertips, barely touching him. tension was intense. you got goosebumps. and when he gently caressed your side your pussy clenched. fuck, you needed him. his breath quickened with yours.
“can we?” you asked unsure.
“i don’t give a fuck.”
his lips met yourself in a soft careful kiss. moving against yours gently but passionately. you kissed him back softly, wrapping your arms around him and running your hand through his hair. pulling him closer gently. he licked your bottom lip asking for permission to deepen the kiss. you invited him, your tongue softly caressing his. his hands gently caressing down from your waist to your thighs, closing any distance left between you bodies. your boobs squeezed against his hard chest, your nipples hard and sensitive, bringing fire to your core every time they moved against him. you continued kissing, slowly and passionately, tongues dancing together, Heesung gently biting your bottom lip making you whimper quietly. his hard on lightly grinding against your core.
“fuck” he muttered after your lips disconnected with a loud pop, lips swollen and wet from the kiss.
“fuck indeed” you whispered burying your face in the crook of his neck. he gently kissed the top of your head.
“as much as i want to do other things we should probably go to sleep” he whispered, disappointment clear in his voice. did he want you too disagree? you really wanted to. but you had to be reasonable.
“we should.” you said letting him go and hopping of the counter.
“see you in the morning then.” he smiled devilishly looking sexy as fuck, hair even more muffled after kissing, lips swollen, eyes dark, outline of his dick evident in his shorts.
you didn’t know if sleeping will be any easier now but you headed your bed anyway.
taglist: @caravm @semisemirin1i82 @yourbobaeyestell @deobitifull
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gotta-pet-em-all · 5 months
Are you a seeker of the truth?
If you're receiving this message we believe you are.
Have you ever truly considered the convinces of this world, or are you still asleep
What if you had a change to escape it all, to live a real life, instead of the one you have taken.
You could reach fulfilment. Happiness. Many have.
With us you will know the truth.
To continue living in the dark is a common choice, but you may be one of the few who deviate.
We await your response with anticipation
Team Fauna
Cracks knuckles. Aight lads, let's do this, shall we?
I could use a little fun.
Are you a seeker of the truth? If you're receiving this message we believe you are.
First of all, you need a comma after "message". Second of all, trying to make people feel special is how cults get you. Like girlypop I am not buying your "chosen for a special purpose" bullshit. This ain't my first rodeo. Asking people if they're a seeker of truth primes them for the rest of the message, where you convince them that what they're missing in life is you, that you can fill the gaps.
Have you ever truly considered the convinces of this world, or are you still asleep
Okay. What the fuck does this mean. The... convinces of this world? That doesn't even make any fucking sense. Also, you're missing the punctuation.
Ughhhhh you need to get some originality for real. Do you know how many cults out there are using the same "the world is asleep, wake up!" bullshit?????
What if you had a change to escape it all, to live a real life, instead of the one you have taken. You could reach fulfilment. Happiness. Many have.
A chance to escape it all? Are. Are you trying to recruit people who would drink the kool-aid. Because someone at rock-bottom depression.... yeah, those are the best soldiers. Disposable. Tbh I'd rather be depressed.
Also? Speaking from experience, the happiness only lasts as long as the love-bombing does. After that is the dehumanization and brainwashing.
With us you will know the truth.
Again, you need a comma after us.
To continue living in the dark is a common choice, but you may be one of the few who deviate.
Ooooooo, portraying those who join you as something truly special, giving them a pat on the back for being a "free thinker" who joins a cult. Gosh, I've neeeever heard of that before. Fucking freaks.
We await your response with anticipation Team Fauna
Horrible recruitment flyer! Fuck you! Go swallow a pincushion </3
Where the fuck is your blog, by the way. Is this just your teaser? To pique the interest of the masses, get them thinking and marinating, before you show up for real?
If you're not a fucking coward, give me your damn url.
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THANK YOU @caramelcheesegay FOR COMING UP WITH 90% OF THESE, ILY<333
-“Can’t stun me if you can’t hit me! I’m a freakin’ blur, dipshit!”
-“I am ALWAYS gonna dodge that. When will you LEARN, man?”
-“Oh, oh, oh! I’m STUNNED at how bad you’re doin’!”
-“Don’t swing your puny stick at me, maggot! You come from fake America!!!”
-“Get off the battlefield and go play some hockey, weakling!”
-“Aye, I bet you thought it’d be easy ta kill me, didn’t’che? Well, iaarrghhnnn *snore*.”
-“You call tha’ a grenade?? Me blind Mum farts worse than that wee thing!” 
-“Don’ come a’ me in those ghoulish boots lad, I’ll blast ‘em right offa yer feet!” 
-“You’re just a little piece a’ sentry fodder now, aren’t’cha?”
-“You make for some real shitty target practice, son.”
-“Tell me ‘bout those stun grenades sometime, yeah?”
-“Ha! Leetle bug man is crushed. Like bug. Leetle bug. Feed you to Archimedes, Buggy.”
-“Small jumpy man- not Scout? There are two small jumpy men???”
-“You think loud noise and bright light are enough to take down Heavy??? I am killing you now!!”
-“Oohoo! Free organs! Young, too!”
-“Ach, that reminds me- I need to feed my birds.”
-“Ohhh, sorry little boy! Go play with your crayons, ja?”
-“Piss off, y’ jumpy git. Bloody grasshopper…”
-“Awh, get quicker next time, won’tcha?” 
-“Dead like a ‘roo on the side o’ the road!”
-“For someone named ‘The Rogue’, you are certainly a pack thinker.”
-“Oho! I am *stunned* by your lack of skill!”
-“Not so *Dexx*trous now, hm?”
-“No runnin’ in the halls, freshman!”
-“Bonk? More like thonk, eh? ‘Cause that’s the sound your hollow head makes when I hit ya!” 
-“Hah! Too slow!” 
-“Y'know, a 3" piece of rubber can do a lotta damage, Trench Monkey!”
-“Hah! Oh, I mean- I'm sooo soooorey aboot tha', Bud! (snicker)”
-“A cat on a sloped roof is braver than the entire U.S. Military, Booklicker!” 
-“Ack! Sorry, Firecracker!” 
-“Oh shit, I think I’m still on fire. Damn it, these were my favorite pants!” 
-“Hey we're, uh, still on for s'mores later... right?”
-“Pen's mightier than the sword, cyclops! Get it? 'Cause I'm an artist and you- yeah, nevermind”
-“Someone must have put a little sleepy sauce in your mickeys, bud, ‘cause you are NOT on top of it today!” 
-“Smile and wait for the flash!” 
-“Somebody order ten thousand pounds a’ dead weight? (Snort)” 
-“It’s really hard to miss your pressure points, y’know.” 
-“Move it, ya big lug! You’re in the way!” 
-“GRENAAAAAADE! I WIN! Ya proud of me, da-uhhh.. dude?” 
-“See ya round, Daaaeengie! I said Engie. Short for Engineer. That is you. You are- I’ll go.” 
-“Bam! And another one down, and another one down! ANOTHER ONE BITES THE BO STAFF!!” 
-“oohohoh, Maybe I can try some experiments on you this time!- Y'know, put your lessons to good use!”
-“Doc, you seriously gotta take care of your health. Damn hypocrite... (Mocking voice) 'Do az I say, not az I do!' my ass!”
-“Guess that's what happens when you don't follow your own advice, thanks for the hands-on lesson!”
-“There, away from the noise now! Just how you like it, Dee!”
-“You may wink at your opponents, but ya gotta take the shot as well, y'know! Can't charm 'em to death!”
-“I just... un-cozied your... camper. I'm having a bad day please be nice.”
-“Crisse de connard! -Aheh, not used to gettin' berated in your own language, eh?”
-“Va te faire foutre, merde de con!”
-“Bein Tabarnak, it feels good to turn the tables! Hah, deserved!”
Taunt ideas:
-Using the Bo-Staff as a microphone
-Using the bo-staff as a rifle(making fun of sniper)
-Juggling the stun grenades, almost dropping one and catching it in time before glancing around to see if anyone saw him and putting them away again
Strat (@emotionally-stressed-strategist):
-“How are you this bad? I’m dominating you with a PEN, Rogue, A PEN.” 
-“Rock, skull. Man down.” 
-“One less dot on the map- don’t come back, yeah?”
Arrow (@emotionally-dead-archer):
-"Hah! Gotcha! Oh, gotta love a little sibling rivalry, am I right?"
-“Bigger sibling? Not really.”
-“Hey! My aim is getting better! Thanks for the target practice!”
-“I’m done bein’ your wingman if you keep this up.”
-“That’s what happens when you steal my art supplies!”
-“How do you still not have ink poisoning? Dude, seriously.”
-“There! I make for a pretty good role model! You get to see my stuff first-hand!”
-“You're adopted. Sorry.”
-“I think it's almost bedtime, kiddo.”
Jet (@emotionally-broken-robot):
-"Hey, uh, does this count as Softwaregore?"
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yekokataa · 1 year
It'd be funny if he was like the substitute art teacher for when the real one had to step out short notice, he'd essentially stand at the front of the class and make sure kids worked but didn't actually teach anything. But Harry is obviously pretty intelligent and has pretty vast well of knowledge on some pretty esoteric things, so I think he either is really into just reading on his own or maybe had some further education. Sorry about still being on this, I just think it's really interesting and Harry's intelligence isn't really discussed a lot in fandom, with him often just being depicted as a goofy idiot. Maybe cause I first played the intellect build (somehow I never died).
yeah, i could buy that headcanon!
i wouldn't be surprised if the writers (who dropped out of high school) were imagining harry as a smart guy who didn't have much formal education but has done a lot of reading on his own. you're right that harry is smart and it doesn't get talked about in the fandom very much. he's good at his job, and no matter how you play him, he'll have some type of unconventional intelligence depending on the build. as a thinker, he'll spout random facts, physical build gives him shivers, and sensitive gives him esoteric intuition.
harry has amnesia, but when it comes down to it, he's not stupid, and i also wish we saw that more often in fanworks. getting his characterization right is pretty tricky though. i know i've struggled with it, and i've fallen into the trap of the goofy idiot more than once. i feel like writing the dialogue options in the swordsman has finally made harry click to me in a way he didn't when i was writing a traditional narrative.
one of my favorite scenes is this memory of coming up with the entroponetic theory. when i read it again, it's so simple, but there's something about it that hints at such a rich past, when he was sitting around discussing these theories with his friends over coffee at night.
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Yeah, you captured my thoughts exactly on the previous Tarn/Smokescreen ask! Plus, Smokescreen will also disobey Optimus if his judgement screams at him to do otherwise, something that Tarn would never do because Megatron knows better than everyone. (See the base explosion in the end of season two.)
Point two is that Tarn cloaks himself in Decepticon ideology but doesn't really live by it or learn anything good from it. Smokescreen is devoted to the Autobot cause but also lives by the ideals behind it. Basically, Tarn is devoted to his cause because of Megatron, but Smokescreen is devoted to Optimus because he embodies everything good about the cause and so takes his leader's advice on improving to heart. It's why the two had different levels of trust placed in by their leaders.
Anywho, I was hoping you could write Smokey calling out Tarn and getting under his skin, thereby starting Tarn's hatred of this new enemy.
Getting cornered was rarely a good thing. Getting cornered by a decepticon was never a good thing. Getting cornered by Tarn was absolutely a real no good, absolutely terrible thing.
With his armor a dark purple shade, the leader of the DJD almost blended into the night, only his blazing red optics standing out like two stars. And despite the mask, Smokescreen just knew that the bastard was smirking. What he was so happy about, he didn't know, but it was bound to be something bad.
It wasn't the first time they'd crossed paths, however, for the first time it was just the two of them. Every time they met, they both had someone from their team with them. First time Smokescreen had seen Tarn he had been accompanied by that weird smelter guy with the freaky tongue. Man, just remembering it made his plating crawl. It had only been Optimus presence at the time that had kept him from totally freaking out.
Now, he was alone. This was supposed to be a sneaky mission after all. While the rest of the team attracted the attention elsewhere, Smokescreen were supposed to sneak inside, get what they needed and then get out. Easy peasy.
They just hadn't prepared for the fact that Tarn would be there.
"Now now, there's no need to be frightened," Tarn crooned, his deep voice making the air vibrate, "I just want to talk after all."
Unable to help himself, Smokescreen barked out a short, nervous laugh. "Talking. I can do talking. In fact, I love to talk, I talk almost all the time. Ratchet keeps telling me to shut up but I just can't help myself, I'm a guy that has a lot to say-"
"How about," Tarn interrupted, "I talk first, and you listen, hm?" Shutting his mouth, Smokescreen could do nothing but nod while secretly sending out a distress ping to his team. They had to know that something had gone wrong.
Taking on a slightly more relaxed pose, Tarn gestured at his captive audience off one. "I've read about you, you know? Sure, I've read about all the autobots on Earth but you? Your file specifically caught my attention."
"Neat," was all Smokescreen managed to squeak out between squeezed lips.
"You are young. Inexperienced but undoubtedly talented. You wouldn't have made it this far otherwise. Good intuition. A quick thinker. An adapter. But that wasn't what interested me. Can you guess what it was?"
Suddenly thrown a question, Smokescreen scrambled for an aswer that wouldn't get him killed.
"My great sense of humor?"
Nailed it.
Tarn chuckled, shaking his head. "Charming. But no. It was your loyalty, Smokescreen. You see, anyone can kill. Anyone can die for a cause. But only a select few have what it takes to be the perfect warrior. The perfect weapon. The first and most vital characteristic is loyalty. A weapon shouldn't turn on their master after all. Do you understand what I'm talking about, Smokescreen?"
Finally, his team responded to his emergency ping. A short messange, "we're on our way", and Smokescreen almost felt like he could shed tears of relief. But he was not yet out of danger. He had to keep Tarn occupied until backup arrived.
"I-I'm not sure. I mean, yeah, I trust in Optimus but what about it? What does it have to do with anything?"
Tarn clicked his tongue. "Like I said before; you're young. You have yet to reach your full potential and oh, what potential I see in you. And I just know, if you gave me the chance, I could shape you into something splendid."
Tarn's voice trembled at the last couple of words, as if in reverence of whatever fantasy he had playing out in his head. There was a brief, faraway look in his optics before he shook his head, breaking out of whatever trance he had found himself in. Once again, his optics met Smokescreen's and this time they stayed there.
"Your potential is wasted with the autobots, young one," he said in an almost mournful voice. "But I can make it right. You just have to follow me."
It took a couple of seconds for Smokescreen to say anything. "How can you be so sure?"
"Because, my dear Smokescreen," Tarn spoke as he offered his hand, "you and I are the same."
There was this sudden, bitter taste in Smokescreen's mouth and it made him want to purge. His mind, previously muddled by fear, now turned strikingly clear. Tarn was no longer a boogeyman or a terrifying phantom of evil.
He was just an idiot.
"I," Smokescreen spat out, "am nothing like you. I fight because I care about Cybertron, about my friends. I am loyal to Optimus because I believe in what he says, not because it's him saying it but because what he's saying is good and right. You," he points a finger at Tarn, "fight because you are so obsessed with Megatron that you don't care what he says or does as long as it's him doing it. You don't care about justice, or whatever the DJD is supposed to be, you just want Megatron to pay attention to you. Weapon? Yeah, you're right, you are one. But I am a mech and I'll be dead in the ground before I turn into someone even resembling what you are."
As Smokescreen finished talking, silence fell upon the two bots. One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Four seconds.
Tarn heaved a massive sigh as he let his head roll back and stared into the ceiling. "Such a shame, really. And here I thought you had at least some brains." Rolling his shoulders, Tarn suddenly flexed his fists and took on a more aggressive stance. A low grow emitted from his chest. "You call yourself a mech. Let's see if you can die like one."
Preparing his weapons, Smokescreen flashed a toothy grin at the decepticon. "Ready when you are."
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reijnders · 8 months
PLEEEEEAASE give me your pixie hollow headcanons or lore or theories or whatever i am so deep into it right now and i don't know anyone else who likes it :,)
- @pairies-n-fixies
a new hand touches the beacon…
imma put everything below the cut cus this is gonna get /long/, but heres a TL;DR as well :)
blurry boundaries btwn seasons + air currents + common Clank and Bobble forgetfulness L
the Keeper's ice film about Peri and Tink's Arrival isn't beat for beat, its just a summary
oh god idk if i can tl:dr this one but basically both lord milori and minister of winter can exist i promise
starting off with Tinkerbell, Clank, and Bobble flying through the winter woods b4 settling on Tinker's Nook my /personal/ thought is that 1) the boundaries between seasons are only hard and fast across water, like between winter and autumn in Secret of the Wings, 2) the air right above those borders can have a lot more variation due to changing air currents n stuff, so while is was definitely chilly, it was also bordering spring(evidenced purely by the color of the snowless trees in this horrible screenshot), so with a combo of those they could potentially be okay for a few brief seconds of a fly-by, and 3) Clank and Bobble are not always the thinkers when it comes to Anything Except Tinkering. i could fully accept that they were /not/ supposed to do that and forgot until a bit after.
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Periwinkle's existence! dull boring-ass answer: camera didnt care about Periwinkle/wishful thinking that they had some level of meta planning ahead and wanted to keep the idea of more than one a secret. less dull answer: the cinematic reenactment that Peri and Tink saw in the Keeper's work zone wasn't as accurate to real life within the world timing-wise. the Keeper's own personal magic(and by that extension, the natural way in which he and any past and future Keepers are able to manipulate dust) is for the retelling of history. So Peri and Tink were from the same laugh, yeah, but not as back-to-back as it was made to seem in the movie. essentially its like the Keeper has OpenShot Video Editor edition pixie dust powers.
my big finale,,,, the one i actually focus a lot on in my fairy worldbuilding Lord Milori vs the Minister of Winter in the first movie I personally choose to believe that they both exist, but lemme break it down for you beat for beat
so we know, based on ofc the first movie, that the ministers are for each season, they oversee the organization and prep for bringing that season to the mainland, and also just keeping it tidy within the Hollow.
so naturally, there should be four ministers, one for each season. now here is where i first start deviating a little from canon. so understandable, the pixie hollow seasons are based on the far northern/southern hemisphere experience of them, because going elsewhere would mean a lot less difference between each season all the way until you hit the equator's dry/wet season split. therefore, spring, summer, and autumn aren't the same level of warm. summer is the warmest season, and Warm fairies who do most of their tasks for that season will be biologically more optimized for that region, same for all the others.
The ministers of Spring and Autumn, for instance, would have a somewhat better resistance to the cold than the minister of Summer, though they are still naturally Warm fairies and eventually would reach a point where their wings would grow to cold and snap. The minister of Winter could technically be neither a Warm or Winter fairy by this metric. Because the ministers do a lot of their work with the Queen, and only oversee the production and take down of their seasons, it's understandable that the winter minister would be a Warm fairy biologically, but since Talent is an innate thing, each and every minister of Winter that Arrives could be of this unique class of fairies that can spend a much longer time in the Winter section of the Hollow, and on the flip side, maybe not do so well in the Summer section of the Hollow.
So we have ministers and we have a Queen. i've established that the minister of Winter could feasibly venture into Winter whenever she needs to to check on how things are going, but what about the long term? This is where Milori comes in, not as a minister, but as a stand-in for Queen Clarion. Since she herself cannot go into Winter for very long, he's essentially her, but for Winter. he may occasionally receive correspondence from her with big news and changes to protocol, but for the most part he operates on his own, since i imagine mail between the seasonal boundary would require rigorous scheduling and couldn't be done just on the fly unless you've acquired a bird, or...
...if you have a minister of Winter.
Having both a minister and a lord of winter would make sense, mainly because the role of minister is necessary regardless of seasonal conflicts! in the first movie, when Spring is being brought to the world, it is the minister that accompanies the nature talent fairies, not Clarion. Similarly, it shows the minister of Winter returning with her fairies after the onset of her season.
If Milori were to overwrite the minister entirely, and take over all her duties, it would conflict more with his own lore, because he would have to be able to join in meetings conducted in the Tree on the regular with no issue, which we know he can't do. And on top of that, he would have to travel to the mainland on the regular, which would leave the Winter Woods without a leader for a good chunk of each year, which would not be a good combination in an emergency situation.
I like to think that things like queens, ministers, and lords comes in rough cycles. Now some of this delves into things that i truly dont have time to get into(regarding mother dove, the age of the Hollow, fairies interactions with humans, the power of flight, how fairies interact with dust) but im gonna try with what i have.
So imagine, for a moment, that Clarion is not the first queen, and on top of that, the Hollow is not the first location on Neverland that fairies have lived. I headcanon Clarion as a "young" queen, but she is still a little over a thousand years old, with a lot more to go.
Ministers and Lords also follow a cycle, with the one of Lord/Ladies of winter being shorter than that of a Queen, but still pretty long(minimum half of a Queen's expected lifespan), and ministers being less than that(minimum a third of a Queen's lifespan). The average fairy lives a while, but not forever, so it is rare for the average joe to see the changing of Queens, lords, and ministers. There can be exceptions, of course, when someone passes away due to outside causes, or if someone is exiled, but those situations are rare, especially now that fairies live in The Hollow.
With the exception of Spring, i headcanon the current ministers as having Arrived in the last few years of the previous Queen's life, and Milori showing up <10 years after Clarion Arrived as queen. Any fairy alive today(with today being late 18whatever the hell in the movies to the 1940s) would not remember this stuff, but its fun to think about!
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