#yeah yeah death of art whatever i know that bit is bad
mwagneto · 2 years
my take on the rq thing is that like. ok first of all i dont rly care about this beyond making this post so if you're gonna get mad and argue don't waste your energy but anyway even if the whole "they're exclusively doing it for money" thing is true so what. like okay people need money to live. like for this post let's assume the rumour that they made shitty financial decisions and now they need to fire people and resurrect their most successful work to get money is true - okay. and? if people enjoy the content what does it matter? like they're not d*sney it's not like they're trying to be millionaires they're trying to save their company from exploding. and boycotting them won't fix anything or get people rehired. you know what will? actually engaging with their content even more, whether it be the stuff you're worried will get cancelled or whatever new tma shit they're trying to push
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bacchuschucklefuck · 8 days
love thinking kipperlilly spends her afterlife looking for lucy in a familiar forest
#not art#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#like. does she have a mean of knowing lucy and yolanda got sent to cassandra's domain to hang out for a bit#kipperlilly's isolation means so much to me. she is punished for everything she's done she just doesn't pick up on it#until the moment she dies! one more funky thing that mirrors riz in which he's actively tried to cultivate a community and denied it#until the bad kids. while kipperlilly does not want or care about a community she just wants someone who validates her#but she does Need a community so she latches onto the person she lets closer to her to fulfill her emotional needs#she took the ritual willingly so this might genuinely be her first death. probably terrifying#probably not even enough bandwidth to feel mortified. maybe immediately seeking something comforting out of instinct alone#lmao honestly thinking too much abt fantasy high afterlifes gives me a headache And a visceral fear#Im not religious but I grew up in a culture with a dominantly buddhist/taoist cosmology its Scary that u just go to A Place after u die!!#and then ur still urself!!! thats scary to me what do u mean u stay like that forever. thats fucked#but yeah I think this influences how I see kipperlilly turn out a little bit. in a sense I think of her as being a ghost now#yknow. trying to solve something from life so she can move on and. stop living this life etc#man the reveal that lucy took being killed pretty seriously and is like yeah the others are decent and even sweet#and probably was just trying to hold her party together and do what she thinks is moral by hearing kipperlilly out#lol lmao etc. gods I gotta wonder how kipperlilly's mindset handled jawbones' help#it really is damn tragic tho. I stand by what I said folks like this will complain and be nasty to be around#but they dont have enough desire to inconvenience themselves to off the bat do something abt what they find unfair or whatever#its when theyre handed the seemingly very easy means to be right that they'll start being dangerous#its horribly tragic that the supposed metaplayer and the self-perceived mastermind turned out to ultimately be just an useful idiot#yknow what. I think personally in my heart kipperlilly moves on from her afterlife the moment she says sorry#doesnt even have to be to lucy but that's probably gonna be who received it#ah.... teenage rebellion. teenage gamejacking
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I haven’t been actively lately because I only just got internet and phone access where I’m staying rn and I finally have my new sim card in so I can have WIFI HALLELUJAH (I’m only supposed to have 1 hour phone time a day but no one needs to know heheheh)
Anyway I just wanted to say that I nearly died and I will still die and stand for Carson because he is amazing and a good person and season 6 isn’t in character but even if it was what happened to Thomas CLEARLY wasn’t even Carson’s fault and if you say it was then you SUCK and you’re WRONG!!! 😌 CARSON IS MY LIFE AMD MY WORLD AND THATS JUST SOMETHING FHAR YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!
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#I’m so happy to have wifi back and I made plans w someone and talked to my mum one to one like a real person and everything’s been insane o#obviously like I was in the icu and now mental ward and it’s been some of the darkest most traumatic time of my life but after talking to th#the right ppl I feel hopeful again and like an entirely difffeernet person from this morning#random tmi life update#hopefully I’ll be able to draw something decent and I can post some Downton animals soon ☺️ lol#force everyone here to care about tiger carson <3#still obsessed with him#weird stuff going ik this is weird but I like just got my internet and tumblr back and I’m like WHEEEEEEwWWWwwW#maybe there can br hope lifean da future for me#also probably the fucking shitton socktail of meds I’m on rn has something t di with it lol#i think I’m getting some more in. a bit but I’m gonna go to the art room or something and try to draw more or whatever#coz it’s too early to sleep and I’m bouncing with energy!#crazy like I couldn’t even walk by myself a couple days ago and now I’m like chatting with everyone and hyper ^~^#idk whether to say I feel good or bad at this point coz idk what either means anymore but#yeah like I need that seeet sweet therapy pls fix my BRAIN and the dr upped my meds so Horay that should help too#suicide mention#not rly but just being safe tagging#death mention#?#idk it. and be triggering though I know#like the topic I mean#anyway I stand by and live carson and if you blame him in any way for Thomas suicide I’ll personally kill you
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amethyst-writer · 1 year
For @epiclamer who requested villain caretaker! (cause it’s my fav trope)
TRIGGER WARNING: briefly mentioned/suggested SA, but nothing too graphic, AND mention of death at the end
Villain made their way deeper into Supervillain’s lair. “What the hell?” they snarled, as a prison cell came into view. “Since when did you hold prisoner’s captive?”
Supervillain curled their lip. “Since about two weeks ago. Come, see my newest prize.” They led Villain over to the dimly lit corner.
As Villain approached, a face came into view. Even though it was stubborn and exhausted, they’d recognize that face anywhere. “Hero?” Villain asked, a laugh breaking through. They smirked, glaring down at their nemesis. “Oh, wow, Hero, how far you’ve fallen. Villain reached in between the bars and tilted Hero’s chin up with their hands. “Someone finally brought you to your knees, huh?” 
Supervillain chuckled. “Yeah, in more ways than one.” 
Hero blinked hard and turned away, worrying their bottom lip. Villain snatched their hand back immediately as though they’d been burned. “What?”
Supervillain sighed. “Consider this a blessing, Villain. I don’t think they’ll be bothering you anytime soon. In fact, I’m even willing to let you have a turn.”
Hero shuddered. 
“What...” Villain slowly turned to face Supervillain. “What the fuck did you just say?”
Supervillain rolled their eyes. “Oh, I forgot how possessive you are. But don’t worry. I fixed them. You should be thanking me. They needed to know their place, and now they do. They’ll be whatever I want them to be.” 
“You... you...” Villain felt like they were going to be sick. “You violated them.”
“Don’t be so dramatic,” Supervillain scoffed. “I didn’t force them to do anything. It was just a matter of them putting that mouth of their’s to use. They could have walked out whenever they wanted to.”
Villain turns to glance at their nemesis, whose face was burning with humilation. Villain clenched their fists. “Is that so, Hero?”
Hero lowered their eyes, ashamed. “I... it was better than the other thing they wanted from me.”
Villain scowled. “And what was that?”
“They wanted me to... to kill you. And I wouldn’t... I wouldn’t do it. Even if we hate each other. I can’t, and I won’t kill someone.” Hero wouldn’t meet Villain’s alarmed gaze.
Filled with an emotion they could not place, Villain turned back to their boss. “How could you?”
“How could I? We’re supposed to be the bad guys here. I was just making sure your pathetic little hero knew that we weren’t to be messed with.” Supervillain jeered at Hero, to which they shrunk away. “It’s just a bit of fun.”
“That is not... that is not fun. You assaulted them! That’s not the same as robbing a bank or an art heist or even a ransom kidnapping, and you know it. It’s just... it’s cruel.” Villain’s hand hovered over their dagger. “This is what you wanted, wasn’t it? To break them the only way you knew how?”
The sinister look in Supervillain’s eyes told Villain everything they needed to know.
Without a second thought,  Villain plunged their dagger into Supervillain’s chest. Crimson spilled over the knife as Supervillain crumpled to the ground, but Villain had already turned their attention to Hero, punching an emergency signal into their phone.
“Are you alright?” they breathed, already knowing the answer. 
Hero laughed brokenly. “I don’t know.” Their voice was weak. “Can you...” They paused, clearly embarrassed. “I need help.”
Villain ran a hand through their hair. “Yeah, Hero. I know. Help is on the way, alright?”
Hero nodded, silent. Their shoulders began to shake, and they leaned over onto their knees, silently sobbing.
Villain startled. “Jesus, Hero...” they trailed off, at a loss for words. They extended their hand through the bars, careful to let the Hero decide if they were comfortable with it.
Hero peeked up at them, and then leaned into the contact. “I’m so, so sorry,” they cried.
Villain’s hand wound through Hero’s hair. “Shhh. It’s not your fault, okay? Listen to me: it is not your fault.”
Villain began to pull away, trying to give Hero space, but Hero grabbed their wrist weakly. “Wait. Please.”
“Help is on the way,” Villain repeated.
Hero grimaced. “I know, but- Villain, please. Don’t... don’t leave me here.”
Villain’s resilience shattered, and suddenly it didn’t matter whether or not they were discovered. This was an extenuating circumstance. and knowing their nemesis was quite literally begging not to be left alone...
They decided it was worth the risk.
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The Moon (Ominis Gaunt x Reader/MC)
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Characters: Ominis Gaunt x Reader/MC
Type: a bit of angst, fluffy, hurt/comfort, can be read as platonic or romantic
Words: 1822
Warnings: mentions of human remains (Noctua), Sebastian being kind of a dick
I was really bothered by the fact that Noctua's remains were just...left there like that, so I decided to rewrite that part
This happens during the In the Shadow of the Study quest
Some spoilers
Was somehow inspired by The Moon by Amorphis and this art by pasta as avatar on Twitter
Reader will be referred to as MC
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"A-Are you alright?" Ominis put his hand on the damp wall of the Scriptorium as he crouched in front of you. He sounded terrified and you wondered if it was because of you or if your screams had brought back bad memories. You were breathing heavily, having just taken the Cruciatus Curse instead of Sebastian. The freckled boy had apologised and told you he wouldn't forget your gesture, you'd both heard it. But then he moved on quickly and eagerly, wanting to explore the next room. You and Ominis stayed behind.
You nodded, licking your trembling lips before answering him. "That pain - it was excruciating... But yeah, I'm fine... I'll survive. Thanks, Ominis." He would've touched your hand, your shoulder or your back, just to give you a bit of comfort. But he remembered how sensitive his entire skin felt after the curse's effect had worn off. The pain felt as if it came alive with every extra and unwanted touch.
"Can you get up?" He asked you, suddenly aware of the fact that the door might close again and trap you two inside. He wouldn't be able to do what Sebastian had done to you. And accepting another round of Crucio, even after all those years? Highly unlikely.
"Yeah... Can you help me up a little? My legs are still shaking a bit."
"Yes, of course. Here." He placed his hand palm up for you and you gently grabbed it before tightening your hold on it. It was warm, though you could feel how cold his fingers were. You wondered if he was just as scared to be in Salazar's Scriptorium or if it was about the Cruciatus Curse. You both got up and breathed out, still feeling some of the pain resurfacing with your movement.
"Okay... All good. Thank you, Ominis." He only nodded and you smiled at him before you both faced the exit of the room. You looked down and gulped. Noctua's bones were still on the ground, forgotten and damp for who knows how long. You felt terrible about her fate, especially knowing how kind she was to Ominis and how much she meant to him. You couldn't help yourself.
"Hey, Ominis..."
"I was wondering... I hope you won't be upset with me for this... But..." You stopped talking, wondering about how to word your tentative request.
"What is it?" He asked you, distantly hearing Sebastian marvelling at whatever he had found in the next room.
"Your aunt, Noctua... Would it...be okay if we finally got her out of here? And give her a proper burial? It doesn't feel right to leave her here, in this damp, dark and scary place." Ominis froze at your words.
He couldn't see anything - not the darkness, the door with the agonised faces, whatever lay ahead... But he could feel the oppressive air and the dampness of the entire place. How terrified must she have been in here, by herself, knowing there was no escape for her because she was all alone? Knowing that there was no one there to hurt or who would hurt her so she would escape? He couldn't bear to think about it. He just hoped she was in a better place and watching over him.
"Ominis? I'm very sorry for bringing it up. I was really disrespectful just now. I shouldn't have-"
"No, it's okay. Let's... Let's get her out of this terrible place. Please." You'd read and given him his aunt's letter, unprompted by anything but the desire to give him some closure regarding his aunt's untimely death. It almost seemed to be burning the inside of his pocket. And now you were kind enough to think about her - someone you'd never met and a complete stranger.
And Ominis couldn't help remembering his aunt the way he remembered her. Her perfume. Her gentle touch whenever she would caress the top of his head as he told her something new he'd learned that day. When she'd play the piano for him. Or read to him. Even when they'd go out with the rest of the family and have a very rare outing that didn't end up terribly. Her praises and kind words were the only good ones he'd ever heard from someone in the Gaunt family.
He heard you say 'Accio' and heard the noise of the bones as they rattled and lifted off the ground, his stomach going up in knots. You quickly took off your coat and put the bones inside, making sure to keep them safe until you were out. Then you grabbed Ominis' hand, gently pulling him along into the Scriptorium. You felt as if he needed the contact. And you weren't going to lie, you needed it, too.
Once you were back outside into the hallway of the dungeons close to the Slytherin common room, you and Ominis breathed a sigh of relief. Sebastian seemed to be full of adrenaline and bid you good night before promising to send you an owl the moment he found something worth looking into. Which left you and Ominis in the dim light of the quiet corridor.
"Ominis?" Your voice was quiet, as you'd been in deep thought while carrying Noctua's remains.
"Yes, MC?" His voice was equally quiet, just as lost in thought as you. He turned to you, his wand at his side as it faintly pulsed red.
"Have you thought of a place?" Ominis stayed quiet, looking at the ground. Considering his lack of sight, it was a bit hard to think of a specific place. But he did think of something else.
"Not really... But I do believe I know what she would've liked." You perked up, unable to stop the smile from overtaking your lips. "She liked the Black Lake. She said it calmed her whenever she'd take a walk around it, whether by day or night. She claimed she had seen both the merpeople and Giant Squid. Apparently, she managed to tickle its tentacles on a few sunny days, when it allowed her and she even fed it a few times." He briefly chuckled, the sound making you smile wider and look at him fondly. You were glad at least one person in his family was able to offer him some good memories as a child. "I don't know how true that is, but I'd like to believe she was honest about it." He was quiet again, seemingly searching his memories with a little smile on his face. "Unfortunately, the layout of the Black Lake's surroundings and views are a pretty foreign concept to me."
You hummed. "Well, I think I know a place. It's pretty high up, on a cliff, but it's overlooking both the lake and Hogwarts. I've been there a few times. And based on what you've told me, I think she would like it."
"Then let's go." He began walking and your eyes widened as you ran to catch up with him.
"Right now? But it's past curfew. What if we get caught? It wouldn't matter too much to me, I can get out of it. But I wouldn't want you to get into trouble." Ominis chuckled.
"You almost sound like Sebastian." His words made you blush a little, feeling as if your friend's rebelliousness had rubbed off on you. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine. Now come on."
"Okay...we're here... Phew..."
You two walked through the castle and outside, making a brief stop at the caretaker's rooms to get a shovel. Then it was around the lake and up the hills until you reached the cliff.
The wind was strong and cold, despite it being the end of spring, and you two had been holding hands for the better half of the journey. You told yourselves that it was so none of you would trip and fall. Thankfully, neither of you could see the other's flushed face. You panted while Ominis breathed in the crisp air, both of your robes flying behind you from the wind. It almost felt as if it could knock you back if you weren't careful enough. Though with how tight you and Ominis gripped each other's hands, you doubted it would happen.
"What does it look like?" He asked you, a little winded and wishing he could see.
"It's pretty dark, unfortunately, though I think the moon might come out from behind the clouds later. The lake is shining and it's calm. The water shines as it ripples and the lights of the castle look really small from here and cosy. Kind of like Hogsmeade. Everything looks like it's ready for a postcard." Ominis smiled at your description, trying to imagine it. He wondered if his aunt had ever been there and if she'd like the place you both chose.
You found a nice spot beneath the shade of one of the nearby trees with a picturesque view and started digging. At one point, Ominis took over until you deemed the hole to be deep and wide enough for the burial. You conjured a beautiful ornate box and placed Noctua's remains neatly before closing it softly. Then you turned to Ominis.
"Ominis? Would you like me to-"
"No, I... I'll do it. Thank you." You passed the box to him before watching him kneel and place it in the hole. You heard Ominis mumble something and turned away, trying not to eavesdrop on whatever he was saying. Then he got up and picked up the shovel, burying the box. When he was done you came to his side, your hand going to his back and rubbing comfortingly.
"Did she like flowers?" You asked him, looking at his face and eyeing both the little constellation of moles on his cheek, as well as his unique eyes. He only nodded, looking at you with raised eyebrows. "Then, may I try something?" Again, another nod from him.
You took your wand out and pointed it at the disturbed soil. Wordlessly, you moved your wand upwards, a soft sound erupting from it as colourful flowers appeared and bloomed. Now they covered not only the grave, but the area surrounding the tree as well, to make it appear a little more natural. It was also in case anyone wanted to take some flowers.
"I heard a sound. What was that?"
"Wildflowers. Professor Garlick told me about this spell and I liked it enough to ask her more and research it so I could learn." Ominis smiled and nodded, bending to touch the petals tenderly before he straightened up. He was sure they were beautiful and that Noctua appreciated them, too.
"Thank you, MC. For everything up until now." You only grabbed his hand in response and smiled, feeling him squeeze back.
A few minutes later, you both started walking back towards the school still hand in hand, the moon now illuminating your path as a gentle breeze blew by.
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f0xgl0v3 · 1 month
How does one Elias Bouchard hold his Pipe/The overall murder scene
Tw this like entire post is about the proper way to hold a pipe if you wanna effectively hit someone with it several times repeatedly :3 also spoilers for MAG 80
Guys I am simply a writer and this is just for writing and thought experiment purposes, none of this shall or should be applied to real life and it’s just for the haha extended sounds of brutal pipe murder-
What has come to my life-? I’m talking about Elias Bouchard and how he holds the Pipe to murder people- I, there will be actual Percy Jackson stuff soon. Maybe talking about Camp Jupiter and armor and gear and stuff or something however,
Everyone draws Elias with really weird hand positions on the pipe-? That’s a weird thing to say and the art is fantastic but if your beating someone with a Pipe then there seems to be a way I always thought in my head-
Let’s, for the sake that I’m halfway through season 4 consider the only Pipe murder I am currently aware of would be Jurgen Leitner’s, we can work with this. Elias is standing over him at the other side of a desk while Jurgen is seated I believe-? There are a couple ways we can go about this,
1) Elias hits him while they both are in the neutral position at the desk
2) Elias walks over to Jurgen’s side during the conversation and hits him then
3) Jurgen stands up from his chair and then Elias hits him.
I have had to listen to the sound clip so many times for this- I- okay. So, the beginning of the murder still is Jurgen talking, I think audibly a bit worried. I’d like to make the assumption that while Elias is like “bird stuff always a risk about death” that is when the pipe is revealed, Jurgen is taking the moment to try and reason with him and I think 2 and 3 are the most viable due to the sound they use. In 1’s scenario Elias wouldn’t get enough strength in that first swing (due to the desk being in the way, and Elias most likely having to lean over the desk to try and get a strong strike.
Then, the sound- I believe Elias initially hits Jurgen from the side of the head, think like the same ‘row’ that your temples are on, that vague side of the head. Jurgen is heard with a grunt by the first hit; we don’t hear him fall or anything (which makes me suspect it could be a situation of Elias walking over to the other side of the table) and it doesn’t really sound like Elias moves where he hits very much- continuing to strike that original spot; otherwise we’d likely hear the crunch of bone. Am I making the assumption that the sound design would include the crunch and that I would know what hitting a skull with a metal pipe is, oh yeah totally.
Now, that settles how I think this entire thing played out, Elias revealing the pipe as he walks over to the side, Jurgen looks up in old sad man still seated and is trying to reason with Elias, maybe he even attempts to get up and that is when Elias strikes in the right side of his head (just what makes sense to me, it could be the left either it wouldn’t matter much) and repeatedly hits there 11 times (yes I counted the strikes we hear, no I don’t have anything better to do with my time because I’m putting off writing a script) before like dipping or whatever.
Now, the pipe posture if you will. I see so many drawings of Elias’s hands like this,
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Raised, and for all intents and purposes from an art sense it’s rad. It’s a dynamic pose and stuff, and of course this is not a critique on artists (who are way better than me) and how they want to draw this fictional man hold his pipe. However this is my brainrot talking on the ‘hey I think this is how he’d get the most effective swing’ because I’ve listened to two seasons back to back and I no longer have a brain.
But; Elias Bouchard wants the most bang for his buck so to speak. I think holding the Pipe like the tried and true baseball bat would provide this. Elias holding it like in my very bad diagram is good if he’d want to poke or stab someone with the pipe, but it’s really effective if you can get that swing in. So yeah, baseball style; hands together near the end of the pipe and over a shoulder or even over his head if you want to be silly with his posing.
Uh, haha okay. I’m sorry but the rot is all consuming and I’ve been thinking about him a lot, also like Peter Lukas and a bunch of the other sillies but this kinda- forced itself out while I was looking at art of the scene. I, uh, :3 that’s all. I like thinking about the mapping and layout and planning of scenes like these and how the visuals might’ve looked if there were visuals. I promise I probably won’t make any more posts like this for a solid while (however, talking about Bryce Lawerence and my thing in SoN are-imagining that he was the one to kill Gwen… maybe.)
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veliseraptor · 1 year
So that latest Zelkam art of the core transfer has been sucking my brain out of my head all night. And now I can't stop thinking of how much JC's inherited that he never wanted or knew: Zidian (mother), the core (brother), Jin Ling (sister), Suibian (brother x2). I'd include the Jiang name and clan if I wanted to include his father. And it hurts me. He's left with so many remnants of his loved ones and yet how hollow does he feel? How unloved? Answers surely depend on post/canon timeline but idk. I'm just wrecked. *dies quietly*
I have a lot of Feelings about the ways in which Jiang Cheng really does just keep getting handed inheritances he doesn't want to have. People keep giving him things (in a material and metaphorical sense), but it doesn't seem like the give him things as an uncomplicated gift but as this enormous, weighty thing that comes with an immense price. "Here, take my life," people keep saying to Jiang Cheng, "take this and my death with it." And the hideous irony of the core transfer is that that's true even when Jiang Cheng himself tries to give his own life for the people he loves, only with the result that Wei Wuxian turns right around and gives up his own to "fix" it.
But yeah! His mother bequeaths him Zidian in the process of sending him away while she dies. Wei Wuxian dies and leaves him with a flute and a sword he doesn't want. Jin Ling...it's not that he doesn't want Jin Ling, he always would have wanted to be in his life, but not like this. oh I know I'm going to do the thing I do and quote my own fic
You, me, and a-Cheng, said a-jie’s voice in his ear. We must stay together, and never separate.
He’d never learned how to let go, but he’d been the one left behind anyway.
for someone who is in a lot of ways defined by the way that he holds on to the past, for better or worse (and I don't think it's all bad! his success rebuilding Jiang Sect is I think owed in part to his drive to never let what happened to it before to happen again), he does keep end up being the one left, and left holding mementos and reminders that are just a constant chafing reminder of what he lost.
it really adds something fun and spicy too to the bit during the second siege of the Burial Mounds, both in the novel and in CQL:
Jin Ling had never seen so many fierce corpses before, much less at such a close distance. He could feel his scalp tingle, and clenched Suihua's hilt. Yet, suddenly, his fist was peeled open, and a cold object was stuffed inside. He looked down in surprise. "Jiujiu?"
Jiang Cheng propped himself up with Sandu, which had lost its spiritual energy. His figure wavered slightly. "Try losing Zidian, just see what happens!"
[...] When Jin Ling saw that all of the people his age had rushed over, he couldn't hold himself back either. When Jiang Cheng was distracted, he stuffed Zidian back into his hand and sprinted toward the front... (Chapter 80, trans. Exiled Rebels)
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The way it's acted here in particular it feels very much like Jin Ling at least has a sense of how loaded this gesture is, whatever Jiang Cheng says about giving it back. Here he is! Continuing the chain of just passing down things as a legacy that in no way substitute for the person they stand for.
just to set those screenshots alongside this:
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there's something I think to Jiang Cheng that's not just incredibly painful in all the obvious ways about the core transfer, but specifically in the way that it's related to a sacrifice he very deliberately made - and now he finds out that not only was that sacrifice ultimately utterly pointless, or worse than pointless, the person he originally made it for made it so. It's this "oh, you can sacrifice yourself for me but I can't do the same for you?" that's so bitter to feel, both because I do think there's some amount of "why do you always, always get to come out of things the hero" but more than that, "why did you do this when I made my decisions specifically to protect you; does my desire to protect you not matter? doesn't it mean anything?"
Jiang Cheng standing with his hands full of memorials going "I don't want these," because what he actually wanted was his family, but the world kept taking them away, and apparently in at least one case his family actively didn't get the memo.
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jungle-angel · 3 months
The One With Cecelia's Special Brownies (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett love your cat, Garfield, to death but he gets into everything
Warnings: Pot, cat getting high off of said pot etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @callmemana @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia @hangmanapologist
"Aw perfect," Cecelia said, inhaling the smell of the fresh brownies that had been pulled from the oven. She set it on the back burner to cool off, grabbing the broom from the kitchen closet to sweep up the small dustings of flour that had gotten on the floor, when a loud meow caught her attention.
"Damnit cat!" she exclaimed. "C'mon get outta here."
She nudged Garfield, the orange tabby cat with the broom but he refused to move, having just plopped himself right on the mess she was about to clean up. No matter how hard she nudged him with the broom, Garfield refused to move and kept meowing at her.
"Sup Ma?" he called from the living room.
"Fat ass parked himself in the kitchen again."
Rhett laughed and nudged Garfield with his toe. "Alright dumbass, up.....c'mon, stop botherin Ma when she's gotta clean up."
Garfield gave him a cheeky little meow before he finally moved, slinking off to go and catch whatever house pest was sure to catch his attention.
"Oh he'll listen to you but not me?" Cecelia chuckled. "Thanks I feel so loved."
"You are Ma," Rhett replied, hugging his mother. "Don't worry, (y/n) and I love ya'll and so doesn't Dad."
He made his way back into the living room where you were still laid up on the couch with a bad cold, your nose stuffier than ever and your top lip burning from how much you had been blowing your nose.
"Feelin ok sweetheart?" Rhett asked.
"Still feel like I've got the plague," you croaked. "I think I caught it from one of my fifth graders."
Rhett kissed your forehead and pulled you in so you could rest against him. "Just that time of the year darlin," he said. "Bet ya'll ten to nothin it was......"
"Cody Campbell?"
"Yep," Rhett chuckled. "Came to get your kiddos for the woodworkin class and he was snortin back his snot all the way to the practical arts building."
You cringed at the memory, one hundred percent sure that the ghastly illness would be raging throughout the Amelia County Steiner School like wildfire.
"Um......." you heard Cecelia's voice from the kitchen. "Rhett?"
"Yeah Ma?"
"Who got into the brownies?"
You and Rhett shook your heads. "Wasn't us Ma," he answered. "Why what's wrong?"
"Those weren't supposed to be eaten," she answered, the panic evident in her voice.
"Your father and I were saving those for the Zac Brown concert next week."
You and Rhett gave each other a look, the realization hitting you a split second later. "Uh oh," you squeaked.
"Did Dad eat one?" Rhett asked her.
His question was answered when the door creaked open and Royal came traipsing into the house, wiping his muddy boots on the doormat before sticking them on the boot rack. "Hey what smells good?" he asked.
"So if it wasn't Dad that got into'em then who did?" Rhett wondered aloud.
"What?" Royal asked. "Who got into what?"
Cecelia bit her lower lip, balling her fist as she pressed it to her mouth to keep from speaking another word.
"What'd you do woman?" Royal asked her.
"I didn't do shit Roy."
"Sugar bear, I know that look and it ain't good," he said. "Now what'd ya'll do?"
Garfield came around the corner, stumbling and meowing with the cheekiest grin on his face, his tail swishing in the air as he plopped himself right on the living room rug. Rhett snorted and Royal started laughing.
"Oh my God," Cecelia groaned.
"This remind ya'll of anything?" Royal laughed.
"Yeah reminds me of that time you, me, John and Evelyn went to a Doobie Brothers concert and I had to drive ya'll home because ya'll got blacked out high from the brownies," Cecelia told him.
You and Rhett had a good laugh on the matter, teasing Garfield until his high finally wore off later that night and making a note that should Cecelia ever make her special brownies again, to put them in the back of the fridge.
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stars-n-spice · 3 months
I have a lot of thoughts regarding the first three episodes that are bouncing around my brain and I'm going to try and wrangle them up here in this post-
They will probably not be coherent or in order of the episodes or what happened but they're thoughts-
Spoilers for TBB S3 under the cut!
Hemlock is such a dickwad, holy shit. What a great antagonist, kriffing hell. When he made threats to hurt Crosshair in response to Omega's disobedience?? FUCK.
Crosshair and Omega my beloveds,, they have my hearts, I love them so much
Crosshair's shaky hands. I can see the floodgates of all the angsty art and fics that are going to come out of that. IT AFFECTING HIS AIM??? Gods above- If we get a scene of someone holding his hands while they're shaking I'm going to lose it
I'm a fucking clown for thinking we'd get Crosshair's reaction to the news of Tech's death. Absolutely CLOWN. Like they didn't give us Echo's reaction to Fives, of course they wouldn't give us Crosshair's to Tech's
Speaking of Tech,,, I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that special trooper in all black is totally him,, right?? The scrawny ass legs?? The goggles on the helmet?? Fuck,, I even think I saw the guy limp away.. It HAS to be him
THEY HAVE A DOG NOW!!! That's so sweet :(
You guys do not understand the immediate reaction I had to seeing Omega older with the new hairstyle (which I love). Fucking burst out into tears at the sight
Nala Se is so dead. So dead. I've never seen a more deader alive character than Nala Se.
Also my hopes for Emerie helping them or turning out good or something went down the drain :(
OMEGA IS FORCE SENSITIVE??? like,, that's what they're implying right??? They wanna have DNA or whatever to make Palp clones yeah??? Is that were this is going??? FUCK.
On that note, if she IS force sensitive I really really really wanna see Asajj helping her out with that because I think that would be fucking NEAT
Omega making a Lula doll out of straw took me out :( I was holding my own Lula plushie and crying
Crosshair is such a little shit. I love how he was trying to dissuade Omega from escaping with him by saying shit like, "If I got the chance, I'd leave you behind" and the moment that Omega's like, "I've got a plan" he's like "What do I do?"
Them hijacking a whole squad's ship was fucking hilarious though, get fucked
"Tech had me memorize all the plans." - "Of course he did." <- bawling my eyes out.
ECHO ALREADY FUCKING LEFT??? <- i knew we wouldn't get like,, a conversation or a reason,, it would just be he left off screen and we've got to deal with that
Echo my love come back :(
On another note,, Wrecker and Hunter's beat up armor is such a good look but also ouch because it shows all the shit they've been through since the last season
Y'all don't understand how great it is to see my man again (Wrecker ily so much)
SPEAKING OF MY MAN!! The little,, fucking touches of reassurance he kept giving Hunter?? How he was being a voice of reason?? making sure Hunter didn't do anything reckless?? :((
I know that man is tired and he's trying so hard to hold the last remaining bits of their squad together and it hurts so bad but I love him so much for it
Clone Cadets :(( they don't really look like clones though :/ but to be expected ig....
the lula and tech's goggle shots took me out
Hunter fumbling around with Tech's datapad :(((
Wrecker carrying Gonky upside down with the harness was fucking amazing, oh my god
"Defective AND effective" DAMN RIGHT YOU TELL HIM 여보!!!
'slither vines' fucking ass name
makes you wonder what else hemlock is cookin up
Wrecker laughing and talking with the clone cadets :(
Either next episode we're going to get Hunter & Wrecker back on Pabu or continuation of Omega and Crosshair crashing their ship somewhere and Omega potentially being captured again and Crosshair eventually being reunited with Hunter & Wrecker (pretty please)
Anyways,, thankfully the episodes weren't as devastating as I thought they would be but I know it's only going to get worse from here before it (hopefully) gets better.
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thanatophobia999 · 27 days
I've seen a ton of blackwashing throughout the tmc fandom and I'm starting to kinda fear for people and how moldable most peoples minds are. Most of us blackwash a certain character and get praise for it, yet I think it's not fair when white people ended up getting death threats because they accidently made a tan colored person lighter or whatever. I used to think it was okay to blackwash because I was afriad of being threatened because I made a certain characters skin too bright.. yet it's alright to darken it?? Most people believe that blackwashing isn't even real, which isn't true at all. Blackwashing is the same as whitewashing, just the other way around. Yes white people created racism.. but heres the funny thing, you could be racist to white people (whaaaat!!!?!??!) Crazy right? People are afraid of sharing out that it's wrong to blackwash because they are scared of being threatened or hurt, most people know it's a thing, yet they stay quiet. Blackwashing is in any fandom, like genshin impact for an example.. People are changing most characters races for some reason.. sure it's a headcanon but it could be disrespectful if they're a specific race for a specific reason. But specifically in the TMC fandom, people are mostly blackwashing Jonah, which I find kinda.. sad. Like I said, most people make him darker because they're used to seeing most art making him dark like.. dark dark. Yes most hispanics are pretty dark, as a tan hispanic myself, I have a dark uncle that looks black yet he's hispanic and its perfectly normal.. but now, when you darken tan characters, like Jonah Marshall.. or Gabriel Linan technically speaking.. it's basically blackwashing, but if you make him lighter, it's automatically racist and you're a whitewasher.
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Gabriel is pretty light compared to most shades that i've seen in drawings of Jonah Marshall. I'm not trying to say that you should bash everyone who darkens his skin by a little bit, nobody is perfect.. actually most of these shades that people color him in are pretty accurate (most i didn't color down.) I'm also just trying to share out my experience and explaination to why blackwashing is as equally as bad as whitewashing. If you want representation.. I think making an OC could be nice. This post really wasn't too much about Gabriel Linan, I just wanted to state about the issue around most fandoms and communities.. and to educate people about blackwashing. I don't really know what made me want to post this, but maybe it was because me and my friend were talking about how racist it was to change the race of a certain character entirely (no specific character.) My friends friend also told me that blackwashing wasn't even real, which I didn't understand.. we are so molded to peoples beliefs that we just end up being okay and praise the people who turn characters dark, because of representation. But it's quickly flipped when people lighten their skin and yelled at. If someone black washed mulan, the disney character.. it'd be considered rude for the asian people because of the representation mulan has in the movie.. about her culture and race, yeah most of it was sterotypical because of disney but it still had sometype of representation. Now this is just.. my opinion on the situation, but other than that.. feel free to believe anything. I'm not trying to make anyone mad or angry, I just wanted to share out what I think about it.. I just don't think it's okay.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Okay but, thinking about Copia copying (lol) your hobbies, what about someone who wants to learn more about his? For any of the Papa's, really, but I would listen Copia to tell me about old video games for hours - Nick
Papas when their s/o wants to learn more about their hobbies
He's gonna be really happy when you say you'd like to learn how to garden!
He assigns a little plot in the Ministry gardens to you and picks out a few plants that are easy to take care of so you have an easy start.
He's a naturally good teacher, so you learn really quickly.
He's very proud of you, lots of praises and kisses. He's an affectionate old man.
Over time he lets you help out with more plants.
He supervises you and gives you tips.
You end up being the one to take over the garden after his death because it's the place that holds so many precious memories of him.
(Kay's gonna yell at me for this angsty bit)
Secondo may not be an expert, but he enjoys to paint. He loves art in general.
So when you come to him and say you want to paint with him, he organized that for you.
Soon enough you would both spend your free time painting.
You're a bit clumsy with it and while he's no Bob Ross, he doesn't get mad at you and helps you cover up anything you're not happy with.
He tells you it's fine, but if you still feel bad for not being too good at it, he's gonna take one for the team and mess up his work "accidentally". Your giggle is worth it, no matter how good the painting was.
He would love for you both to paint something together!
No matter how messy or silly it might be, he's gonna hang it above his bed and that's final. Don't even argue with him.
Oh, so you wish to learn about the Kazoo of Destiny™?
Terzo's hobbies are literally just the weirdest instruments known to man.
They don't even have to be actual instruments.
You know those obnoxiously loud rubber chickens?
Yeah. That's the kind of instruments he plays.
He's made a secret album of Ghost songs played with just the Kazoo of Destiny™ and the chickens.
He's delighted to teach you.
You end up having a headache, but it was worth it to see him so giddy.
Genuinely shocked. Cue a compilation of Copia noises.
He's just?? So happy?? You've asked??
He mumbles and stims a lot, our excited baby.
He talks all about his favorite games, and you notice they're all really old.
Which isn't surprising, he's got a really old console.
You get start collecting money and buy him a Nintendo Switch for his birthday.
He's just so excited and insists you play together when he realizes that's an option.
Falls in love with you all over again.
Old Nihil
Aside from simping, the only hobby he seems to have is thinking about how great he was as a performer.
Indulge him. Let him talk about his time on the stage.
Just try not to cringe when he talks about hooking up with fans. He's clueless.
Let him try to perform again!
Let him play his sick saxophone solos!
Let him sing!
Let him boogie!
He's gonna be thrilled to perform again!
Just... Make sure you're the only person in the audience. Just in case.
Young Nihil
This bitch will keep his hobbies hidden as long as possible.
Claims his only passion is passionate sex with you.
Keep pressing him and he reveals he's learning mixology.
And so you wanna learn with him!
He's not a pro, but he's showing you what he knows and teaching you a few tricks you picked up.
If you keep pressing even more, he might finally cave in and say he enjoys movies.
Wouldn't say it before because he thought you'd think he's... Whatever the 1960s equivalent of cringe was.
Watch movies with him! He's gonna love it, even if he refuses to admit it.
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moongothic · 6 months
So I have a Crocodile theory that I've been sitting on for a while. I have absolutely nothing to prove any of it whatsoever, and the only thing that really propels me to believe in it is that I think it would be cool if it were true.
I think Crocodile may have gotten his start as a cabin boy for the Rocks Pirates the same way Shanks and Buggy got their start with Roger. The trust issues would naturally follow from the way the Rocks Pirates probably turned on each other immediately following Rocks' death during the God Valley Incident. Seeing the crew you grew up on turn in on itself would make anyone wary of trusting others I think. It might also explain a portion of the animosity he had for Whitebeard as well. Obviously a lot of it comes from their clash during Croc's warlord days, but it might explain why he was so eager to go after Whitebeard in the first place. Him being at God Valley would also provide a solid point where he could have run into Ivankov, and potentially where Ivankov could have gotten some dirt on him, depending on whatever that dirt ends up being in Canon.
Even wilder speculation, but I think Mihawk might have been there as well. The two just seem to have this weird, unexplained rapport that doesn't yield itself to a whole lot of options other than a previous connection. They get in a fight at Marineford, and Crocodile walks away alive despite him being well below Mihawk's level. Croc feels it's enough to just let Mihawk know he's "in a real bad mood" and that seems to do the trick. Mihawk is the first person Crocodile talks to about his Cross Guild venture, and Mihawk doesn't take long to take him up on it. And Mihawk, in general, also just kind of lets Crocodile talk at him a lot for someone who was introduced to us as a person who would hunt you down for just interrupting his nap.
Like I said, I don't have a shred of evidence for any of this at all, but I do think it would be cool, and might explain a few things.
"Would be cool if true" THIS IS WHAT FUN THEORIES ARE BASED ON 👏👏👏 We're HERE to get EXCITED about COOL IDEAS
Honestly I much prefer "random cabin boy for Xebec" over Xebec's son on just vibes alone, but also it'd make Crocodile losing interest on Whitebeard in Marineford much more palatable. Because if Whitebeard betrayed his dad on top of kicking his ass then surely he wouldn't assist in saving Ace, regardless of what his relationship with Luffy and/or the Revs may or may not have been. But if he was a cabin boy, yeah, that'd give him the trust issues but without it being THAT personal
Not sure if Mihawk would've been on the same ship though... IDK looking at the bby Shichibukai art, bby Hawk looks quite messy and disheveled compared to bby Croc- if they were raised in similar circumstances on Xebec' ship you'd think their art would look about the same. Also if I'm not misremembering, Crocodile would've been 9 during the God Valley incident, and Mihawk is 3 years younger than him so he would've been just 6. I dunno, if anything I'd be more willing to bet money on Moria having been on the ship with Crocodile instead (since he would've been like 13, and based on bby Moria's art he looks like he kinda matches with Crocodile, that said there's nothing to prove the two have any kind of shared history whatsoever)... But yeah, if Mihawk was 6 at the time, I kind of doubt they were BOTH on Xebec's ship
That said. I'm fucking sure Crocodile and Mihawk have SOME kind of shared history. There's gotta be fucking SOMETHING, at SOME POINT, because yeah, as you said
Crocodile telling Mihawk he's in a shit mood is a passable warning to give to from like One Dangerous Warlord to Another, but it takes on a whole different tone if they knew each other a bit closer
Who knows, maybe they were both cabin boys on the same ship for someone else a few years later though, hell, for all we know Mihawk could've been on Crocodile's crew for a time
Also based on Kuma's flashback, we do see Kuma visit Mihawk's island in chapter 1099, and in 1100 when Mihawk sees the news of Kuma joining, he's awfully quiet. So if Mihawk and Kuma may have known each other even just briefly, yeah. Why the fuck couldn't Mihawk and Crocodile have some history too.
There's also this bit from Croc and Hawk's phonecall that interests me
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The "..." in the flashback panel
Like it's very normal for Oda to signal a character is thinking about something without saying anything about it by doing the little "..." (for example, Robin would've been well-aware of Moria as she did work for a Warlord herself, making this panel from Thriller Bark quite interesting), hell the phonecall flashback both begins and ends with Mihawk having simple "..." thought bubbles as he's thinking back to it
But the fact that he's Having A Thought about Crocodile being like "we're the same bro"... Oh they gotta have somekinda shared backstory somewhere, they've gotta, surely
And indeed, despite the fact that the two aren't supposed to trust anyone, they sure seem to trust each other enough to start a marine hunting organization together
(Also an interesting detail that, since we know they both hate the Marines a lot, so them starting an organization with that shared goal is just. Yeah. Interesting.)
One additional note I wanted to make because I just noticed this while browsing the Wiki; of the OG Warlords Mihawk is one of the few who we have no idea when he joined the Shichibukai, the only other one being Moria
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I really would be curious to hear when and how Mihawk joined, 'cause for all we know, he might've joined around the same time Crocodile did, which would definitely be interesting...
Man. Like I'm not particularly interested in Mihawk's backstory on its own, but if his backstory was somehow tied to Crocodile's... Oh I'd absolutely love to hear it. ODA PLEASE, SPILL THE BEANS
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(Kinda adding onto anon,,, https://artfightdramaconfessions.tumblr.com/post/751115161169969152/as-a-heads-up-for-things-that-happen-in-on-season)
How to "Surrvive" the ArtFight Discord
Despite the many confessions (here on the blog) talking about the AF Server, keep in mind those are obviously opinions and good/bad apple moments - most of the AF server are filled with excited, encourging and understanding users that want to just have fun for ArtFight, whatever it has to offer!
Art - Of course sharing your art or seeing others art or ocs are thrilling! It's okay if you want to share your art or compliment, just know that people might be intrested in attacking you for AF!
Hangout and be chill. Don't go too crazy, obviously follow the rules and if you want to make a good impression, you gotta know what to say and dont be so quick in saying such! Yeah, sure the AF server can go crazy but take your time, the server is always on cooldown.
Don't be a dick - Yeah quite blunt there, but I mean it in the nicest way possible. keep in mind you're obviously with internet strangers and the least thing you'd want is a death threat, angry disturbance or something to upset. Do not to beg, cry or plead for free art.
The anxiety - Despite how the channels goes a bit CRAZY, you gotta know that it's okay to not frequently chat during the season! Feel free to talk whenever it feels okay for you.
If you only joinned for updates, annoncements, help/guides,,, that's cool too 😎
Hope some of ya'll find this useful, as I'm sure a lot of you really want to get connect within artfight!
P.S if you need a guide or help, (such as what is considered for af attacks) theres a channel called #af-help, and you may have your questions answered!
P.S.S Confession, ArtFight has not helped me with my character creating addiction, i LITTERALLY can't stop bookmarking characters because it's all soo cool 🫠
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jezmmart · 2 months
Chamomile Comic Trivia #31
#159 - Notice
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It's Sam! I wish I had written down more about my decision to add her, although at this point I'm fairly sure I wasn't certain she was going to become a main character - in fact it was RIGHT around the week this posted that I began work on the first proper cover art for the series which of course did not include her.
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Her design was based off this old one-off pin-up girl art from 2017, technically making her the first ever major Chamomile Comic character to exist, sort of.
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She was named after Sam Lloyd, likely known for his portrayal of Ted the Lawyer from Scrubs. The news of his death had recently broken and I had just recently begun listening to Fake Doctors, Real Friends, the Scrubs rewatch podcast, as my go-to background entertainment when colouring the comic specifically each week. It still is now, albeit intermittently since they don't always produce an episode each week and I no longer have a backlog to catch up on. Now granted, I don't love the podcast as much as I used to - can be a bit cringey at times as these two hollywood actors chat about utterly unrelatable anecdotes from their lives - but it's overall been enjoyable and it'll be weird to find something new to accompany my colouring if it does come to an end or stops being enjoyable once they permanently pivot into... whatever they plan to do after they run out of Scrubs episodes. It's been part of my colouring process for the comic for longer than it hasn't been now, haha. So... yeah it felt right to honour that connection to my comic with Sam's name, on top of the fact that Scrubs is just straight-up one of my favourite TV shows and Ted was always a character that gave me big laughs.
Of course... I realised after that I'd introduced yet another character to the comic ending in "-a"! ...But whatever, it's a common thing. Not so long ago I had 5 co-workers simultaneously whose names also ended in -a, lol.
The decision to have had her always be around simply came from not having any strong ideas to introduce her and preferring the idea that at least some of the cast already knew her. The gag's been done before, but I thought it'd be extra funny to introduce her with a scene in which she is specifically announcing her departure from being a regular face in Cammie's life, which typically would mean the same for the audience in most works with actually established characters.
Final little bonus note - in panel 1, Cammie once again is entering with a handful of steaming coffee.
#160 - Official
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I didn't really mean for it to be so small it's barely legible at web size, but the little sign on the panic alarm button behind the till says "Real emergencies only Cammie!", in reference to #50.
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#161 - Before
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All that Scrubs talk regarding Sam is kinda fitting, because they did the "this character was always here!" gag there too. For their one, they edited her in on various memorable shots and pretended the main character didn't notice her being present, here I obviously extended the frame on the end of several punchline panels from previous comics.
Here's a gif that shows the original panels compared to the new ones, showing both the new and old art isolated as well so you can see exactly what I drew to extend the older panels which naturally weren't drawn originally knowing that I would one day be extending them!
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The second of the three Sam flashbacks is just a nice little bridging one, but it did take me a while to decide for sure which way around I wanted the first and third flashback panel. For the first: while there's been a little bit of mild bad language in the comic once the seal was broken here, Sam's "bitch" is the first time such language has appeared so it amused me to place it in a scene that has already happened long ago just barely outside of the audience's perspective. For the third: the joke is of course that the reveal of Sam's additional dialogue is particularly adding nothing to the scene whatsoever - like, as if Cammie making a fool of herself would even be remark-worthy at this point. I felt both these two goofs had a good punch to them in their own way so yeah, I remember being conflicted over whether I had chosen the funniest possible flow of these three gags.
Of course, the final joke of this one, in case it wasn't obvious (I could see it being subtle for some), is that Mimi's whole running gag is she's a side character who also has existed in the comic for long before her first on-screen appearance, yet Cammie never remembers her.
#162 - New
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The art and dialogue structure of the first two panels here is identical to #160. I think it being a time-saver on my workload for the week was definitely a factor - for whatever reason I needed it at the time - but I also remember going for something with that choice beyond just that... But I can't for the life of me remember what. I don't think the parallel between the two comics adds anything reading them back now.
Anyway here's Newt! I really thought at the time that he was going to be as significant an addition as Sam, and I did come up with the idea of introducing a regular male character at the time I chose to bring Sam in, with Sam's introduction - and exit - being an amusing way to introduce a surprise new character.
...Then I proceeded to never really get any super strong story ideas for him lol. More detail on that in a second. I haven't forgotten him though, frustrates me that he keeps getting sidelined!
#163 - Training
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Standard behind-the-scenes retail frustration humour here. I can neither confirm nor deny how much is based on my current employment. A little detail of authenticity/flavour is that they're watching a DVD intended for widescreen on an old non-widescreen TV that's clearly been in their staff room for at least a decade. Such was the case for my painful training videos too! (It's all online now as of a few years into when I started, so some progress has been made I guess).
#164 - Huh
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It's not made clear yet, but the new status quo that Sam is a receptionist at a primary school is established here - the coloured hanging letter signage on the wall that is too perspective'd to read says "WELCOME TO OUR SCHOOL".
I chose this as a job for her based simply on the fact that my Mum has often worked in school offices for most of my life. She wasn't a receptionist but it was the sort of job where I have some... vague enough memories of the "behind-the-scenes" enough to draw something along those lines when I needed to show Sam at work.
Getting back to Newt, obviously the goof here is that Cammie is just being a sore loser about her friend leaving and Newt is about the most cool-sounding interesting person you could imagine meeting. Unfortunately that involved specifically coming up with fun sounding stuff that are not super common to do or know people that do, so despite the super interesting combo of cave-diving, stand-up and polyamory these are all things I feel like I'd have to do thorough research on to represent in the actual comic accurately... which is something I'd like to do but, time is finite and I have so much pre-existing experience with being a silly nonsense person. Would you believe it, there's another character in the comic for whom that experience lends itself very well!!
Speaking of whom, the first appearance of the bell on the door in Repeat 1 Records was only a month after Cammie got the job. She works fast!
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spiderfunkz · 2 years
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pairings : robin buckley x gn!reader
summary : you and robin are meant for each other, and nothing could get in the way of you two. but, maybe some secrets and a clock-obsessed monster can.
words : 1.0k
warnings : ANGST (i'm sorry), character death, foul language, reader literally getting vecna'd, attachment issues, past trauma, reader doesn't have the best parents, grief.
a/n : sorry for not posting much!! i don't have any ideas recently or any motivation to write but i have some now so maybe i'll write more!! and sorry about the shitty writing and the messy plot. alsoo i sorta changed the layout for my posts, hope u like it <33 oh and the reader is a theater kid :)
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you first noticed robin at your theater play. gosh, you couldn't get your eyes off of her. which is probably why you didn't get the starring role in the next play. she was just too pretty, her strawberry blonde hair, her eyes like the ocean, the pretty rings on her hands. you wanted to get to know her more than anything.
she noticed you too. your enchanting voice as you offer your lines, the way your hair was perfectly styled, you just look so pretty. robin wanted to get to know you more than anything.
the second time you saw robin was at the grocery store. it was a hot day, pretty hot for a normal day in hawkins. you were running errands and wanted to grab a cool snack before you leave the store. so, you went to the ice cream isle and grabbed the last mint-chip flavored cone, and thats when you saw robin.
her hand touched yours as she stuttered, trying to find the right words to apologize. "sorry, i- i didn't know you wanted this too". she apologized. "it's fine. you're robin right?"
"yeah! y/n right? i'm pretty sure we have the same english and art class. and uh i saw your play as well." robin nodded.
she noticed you in your classes too? if you weren't in a grocery store right now you would probably start screaming like shit.
"oh yeah! and thanks for going to my play as well." you smile causing robin to go red. robin swore that your smile would save her from anything.
"of course, you were really.. really, really great there. i loved it! and i'm really excited to see more." robin complimented. "awh, thank you! that really means a lot. but i don't think theres gonna be much" you laugh. "why? you were amazing up there" robin questioned.
because i was staring at you, no. you cannot say that.
"uh mrs. smith wanted to see more of the other students you know? i've been up there for a bit so it'll be nice to see someone else." you lie as robin nodded.
"um anyways, you wanted this?" you ask, handing out the ice cream. "oh yeah, you can have it though, i mean you were there first and i don't mind"
"no, no it's fine. you can have it, i insist" you say, giving the ice cream to robin. "oh, thanks! well, i better get going now. it was really nice talking to you, y/n." robin smiles.
oh my god were you in love.
but now, nothing is nice about whats going on. after talking to robin a lot more you became her best friend, and then her lover. which basically meant your gonna go down with whatever shit she gets into. which also includes fighting monsters such as the mind flayer and vecna.
"a normal summer sounds really nice right now." you say. you are now currently in the wheeler's basement with robin while waiting for nancy to figure out a plan upstairs.
"maybe after we kill this creep, we can have a normal summer together." she smiles, holding your hand tightly. "yeah, together." you smile, kissing her cheek.
you love robin so much, the moment you saw her in the crowd of your play, you knew she was the one for you, or... maybe is it because you got to attached so quickly? that was a bad habit of yours.
your parents never really give you the attention you needed, do they even try? you never felt loved by them, you don't think they even like you very much. they're never there for you. it was always you and yourself, alone. that's one of the reasons you wanted to join theater so badly, the attention and validation you get. you feel loved and happy. theater makes you feel loved. robin makes you feel loved.
"y/n? y/n? you okay?" robin asks. you didn't realized you blanked out a bit. "oh, yeah i'm fine sorry" you say, reassuring her with a smile. "oh okay good. i thought you were about to start ranting or something" she laughed. "rant? about what?" you chuckle nervously.
"how you think that i actually love you?" robin scoffs. you shook your head, this is just a nightmare, she does love you. "what? do you really think i care about you? love you? you don't really learn do you?" robin continues.
no, no, that's not robin. her eyes were blank as her smile turns veiny, morphing into this sort of monster. "pathetic aren't you? thinking that your finally loved by someone."
a clock chime strucks your ear as tears started falling down from your eyes. "robin!" you shout. "robin! steve! someone please!" you shout, backing into a corner.
"robin cannot help you. no one can help you. you see you belong to me now." it says. "no." you shook your head as its bloody hand reach closer and closer to your face. "she does not care. she never did" it continues.
"that's not true." you cry.
"stop lying to yourself. you cannot win, this is your destiny, this is how you end." it stated, you feel your body go numb as you feel yourself rising. "and no one can save you"
you couldn't fight it anymore, it was too strong. you couldn't feel anything at all, and everything was pitch black. all you were left with was the muffled screaming of your love, shouting your name. but you couldn't reply, because it was all over now.
"no! no! no! y/n please, please, please don't leave me" robin cries, holding your now dead body close to her. "please y/n, please i need you." she pants. "steve! nancy! help!" robin continues shouting.
steve comes down along with the others as they saw your bloody body. "help! we need help please!" robin cries out as nancy rushes as checks your pulse. there was nothing there.
"i'm sorry." nancy says, hugging robin as she cries on her shoulder. you were gone, and no one could help you anymore.
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dr-cruces · 2 months
Could you please say more about Judas and Jesus being shown *giving birth* in medieval art??? This is blowing my mind in the best way
This has been rotting in my inbox for so long, my deepest apologies, Thank you for giving me a proper excuse to talk about this.
Also, not a scholar so don't take this as gospel. (lol)
TW: suicide, crucifixion, birth, gore?
First, a little bit of history about C-sections during the 15th century. They were only performed if the mother was dead and the child was still believed to be alive, a last resort. The Jewish people at the time did not view it positively, as it was deemed not natural. However, Christians saw the survival of a C-section as a miracle of sorts. Also, there were rising tensions between the Catholic Church and Everyone Else because of a fear of religious corruption. In this, C-sections became politicized, christians born from C-sections were considered miracles, however they viewed C-sections from jewish people to be of the devil. So, thus we have our Judas and Jesus in the eyes of the church.
Jesus & the Church & Motherhood.
Medieval Christians became obsessed with Jesus' side wound, trying to figure out a meaning. Early female medieval writers saw a connection between his wound and it being described as 'spilling blood and water'. Which also continued into his maternity, as Jesus gave birth to the church:
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His side wound became so significant, that it was being drawn separately from him, vertically. A vulva. This image was put in prayer books to meditate on, drawn on pregnancy girdles to ensure a healthy birth. Almost worshiping the wound separately from Jesus because it held a different significance.
Birth from Jesus depicts a version of rebirth as well as a tribute to motherhood and its attributed sacrifices. It's becoming anew, filled with the holy spirit or whatever. Cleansed of your sins. Definitely viewed in a heroic, or miracle-like, manner to call back.
Jesus' birthing also serves to have him surpass gender, becoming something holy by not adhering to normal gender roles. Congratulated for exploring gender, and this would continue with later saints.
Judas & the Antichrist.
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So, some attribute this depiction of his death to a combination of Judas' mentioned hanging and a bursting of bowels (Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18).
However, as previously mentioned due to the tensions at the time, C-sections were not held in high favor among the Jewish at the time. Early christians also knew this, knowing it’s shameful and being relatively antisemitic, we now have Judas getting a C-section. I think it would add to his death for medieval artists since he was supposed to be the Biggest Bad. Usually, I assume they’re trying to shame him in death with the many depictions of combining his ‘deaths’ and in general trying to make him look like the worst person ever. Very much spitting on the grave. Although, in this painting, I'm not sure who the devil is pulling out? It is either Judas' soul or the antichrist. Either way, very much impure.
The End.
So yeah, Judas and Jesus are back at it diametrically opposing each other because one is inherently evil and the other good. To me, it's so fun to watch them run around and be political puppets and propaganda. I think it's the dedication that gets me, they were so committed to having This Guy be good or evil they made them both pregnant.
Citations & in case you want to read more:
Jesus had a vagina according to medieval Christian mysticism, by Spencer McDaniel.
Trans and Genderqueer Subjects in Medieval Hagiography, specifically the essays of Sophie Sexon.
Judas The Most Hated Name in History, by Peter Stanford. Cesarean Section and Religious Hierarchies in Fifteenth-Century Europe, by Isobel Mouat.
(I haven't read this one but it's mentioned a couple times in a few articles so I'm including it anyway VVV)
Jesus as Mother: Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle Ages, by Walker Bynum.
In closing, if there’s anything i’ve messed up on or someone would like to add to this niche thing, I’d be more than delighted to hear it. ^^!!
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