#yelena belova mentioned
olsenmyolsen · 2 months
Once Before
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master list
dark master list
Summary: After a mistake, Wanda stops by her old place with her- Natasha, where old memories are brought up.
Word Count: 1.1K
Content: Feelings, Memories, Implied Cheating, Hurt Little Comfort, Yelena Mentioned
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Wanda Maximoff walked into Natasha Romanoff's apartment as the rain pattered against the New York apartment window.
The clouds outside matched the mood in the room.
Wanda swallowed as the redhead closed the door behind the two. Silence building and building as Wanda dragged her feet to the pile of boxes and bags on the dining room table. Things Natasha took care of over the last couple of days.
"That's the last of it," Natasha spoke up, her voice still sore from the screams of hurt.
Wanda didn't turn around. Instead, she nodded and said: "okay." with a broken voice.
She walked up to the box on top. She should pick it up and start moving things down to the car, waiting with her brother downstairs, but instead, she opens the cardboard flaps and feels her heart sink.
It's a movie ticket from their first date. Underneath that are more pictures along with a copy of the receipt for the burger place that closed two years ago.
Wanda is too busy thinking about what was that minutes ago by, and she doesn't hear Natasha shuffle her feet closer until she's looking over Wanda's shoulder. Silent for a moment until Wanda's hands bush up against an old postcard she received when Natasha was on a mission in Morocco.
"I didn't see that earlier..." Natasha quietly speaks up, making Wanda jump slightly before she pulls out the postcard. "I missed our four-month anniversary while on that mission."
Wanda nods. She remembers it.
She remembers how Natasha called once the clock struck midnight. Even on a mission, she was precise. The postcard was just a bonus.
Wanda flips it over.
"Hey Wands,
I've never done this before, but I haven't done a lot that I end up doing with you. I saw this in a movie once, so I hope you like this. I won't mail it. I'll just give it to you when I return from the mission.
I miss you.
P.S.: Can we cuddle when I come back? (Please don't show this to anyone.)"
Wanda's eyes sting as she drops the postcard back into the box.
She shuts her eyes... she hates herself.
Slowly, Wanda turns her face to Natasha, who is standing next to her. The redhead has her eyes full of water. "Natasha-"
Natasha shakes her head, stopping Wanda. A tear slips and falls from her face when she starts speaking. "Please just grab your things and go." The words hurt Natasha just as much as Wanda.
Yet Wanda doesn't move away. She moves her body closer to Natasha.
Natasha freezes up as Wanda reaches out to grab her hand. "Natasha, I'm sorry... I truly am. I never meant for it to happen." Tears fall down her face, and the same happens to Natasha.
Natasha moves her head slightly. Green eyes find each other. Both wishing this moment would never happen.
She could feel herself slipping. She wants what they had weeks ago back more than anything, but she needs to remain strong. So, as it kills her, Natasha pulls her hand out of Wanda's.
"Please... please grab your things and go."
"I didn't mean for it to happen," Wanda says again in a last-ditch effort to stay in Natasha's presence just a little bit longer.
"But it still happened." Natasha's lips quiver. The sight of that makes Wanda feel more guilty than the thoughts of the other person's body pressed against her. "I let you in..." Natasha takes a staggered breath as she can't stop crying, but she needs to tell Wanda what her heart is saying. "I gave you more of myself than I knew I had."
Wanda wipes her tears before they reach her own lips.
"I thought you loved me."
"I do love you," Wanda argues back.
Natasha can't bear to hear it, whether it's true or not. "You can't say that! You slept with someone else. You can't say that love me." Natasha raises her voice before she finally breaks.
She covers her face with her hands.
She continues to cry.
Wanda cries with her, but through her eyes, she knows they will never return what they had. They will never be together again. Wanda moves her body to Natasha's and places her hands around Natasha's wrist.
Natasha lets her, and as slow as ever, Natasha's red face is revealed to Wanda for the last time.
Wanda catches her breath as Natasha looks into Wanda's emerald eyes.
"I'm sorry. I am. I hurt you and gave what should've been only for you to someone else. I'll never forgive myself. I don't know why I did it. But..." Wanda catches her breath again through her choking tears. "You deserve more. Someone will bring you happiness after me. I loved and will always love you. Believe it or not. But it's true, Natasha."
Natasha looked at Wanda's eyes, and just like weeks ago, when she asked Wanda a question no one ever wants to ask their partner, she saw the truth in Wanda's eyes.
Wanda was sorry.
Wanda did love her.
Wanda would always love her.
But today was the end of them—the end of a chapter.
"I loved you," Natasha says quietly. Wanda nods. "I know Natasha. I know." Natasha stares into Wanda's eyes before shutting them and turning away from her. She wipes her eyes and does her best to regulate her emotions before she moves towards her coat on the hook.
Wanda watches as Natasha starts putting on her coat and boots.
"Just leave the key on the counter. I'll be back in an hour..."
Natasha stops as she hears soft sobs continue behind her. She glances behind her. "Wanda... please be gone by then."
Wanda nods and watches Natasha fight with herself to stay before she closes the door and leaves.
Pietro doesn't say anything when Wanda brings the last box down to the car. Instead, he holds the door open for his sister and closes it once she settles in.
As he looks both left and right before running to his side of the car on the city's busy streets, his eyes catch Natasha across the street.
The two of them share a solemn look before Pietro opens his car door and drives his sister away.
Six months from now, when Wanda walks by the apartment building, she'll look at the call box and find Natasha's name gone.
Three years from that point, she won't know about Natasha Romanoff and Maria Hill's wedding.
She won't know about their cat Liho or their struggles with human adoption for years. 
She won't know about Yelena's battle with breast cancer.
Wanda won't know about any of that until she receives a postcard from Natasha.
"Hey Wands,
I've only done this once before...
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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critter-of-habit · 1 year
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More of my ♀️ Avengers 'What If...?'/AU because someone reminded me Hawkeye and Black Widow have that fight 👀
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quietlyimplode · 11 months
the language of flowers and silent things
Whumptober 2023: Day 18 - I tend to deflect when I’m feeling threatened
Warnings: mentions of child abuse
Word Count: 2.1k (gif not mine)
Summary: Tony challenges Natasha and she challenges herself in going back to a place she thought she’d never return to.
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A/N: <3
Whumptober Masterlist
Tony find Natasha in the elevator. The pull of it going up and down, he steps on and ignores the fact that she doesn’t say anything for ten floors.
It’s all he has in him, before he breaks the silence.
“What are you going to do?” he inquires.
She shrugs, clearly not ready to talk.
They continue to go up, reaching the roof before the door opens with a ding.
“Are we getting out?” he asks, holding the door open.
Tony thinks that likely, she would like to keep going up and down, it’s what Clint does, but he also likes the roof.
He’s a substitute but maybe he can help, he wants to help, whatever ha can do.
Natasha nods and exits.
The night air was brisk and though the light pollution of the city gave it a warm glow, he looks up and comments on the stars.
He’s glad Steve convinced him to put some seating out here because he moves towards it and seems to pull her with him.
“Have you ever thought of marrying Pepper?” Natasha asks, the question out of the blue.
He chokes a little on his saliva, grabbing a bottle of water, handing her one too. The delay gives him time to think.
“Yes,” he replies honestly.
“Do you have cold feet?” he asks.
The subject of Natasha and Clint’s wedding was something that everyone seemed to talk about when they weren’t around.
She smiles small.
“No, I don’t think so,” she tells him.
She leans back.
“Why haven’t you asked her?”
Her push feels fair that he asks a personal question back, though he’s not sure he’s not being mean.
“I don’t know,” he lies.
She glances at him.
“Yes, you do.”
Tony suppresses the biting remarks that flow through his mind and then he glances at Natasha, his friend who doesn’t say or do anything without cause.
If she’s baiting him, it’s for a reason.
He sighs heavily.
“Sorry I deflect when I’m feeling threatened,” he apologises, not really meaning it but thinking harder on how to phrase his reasoning.
“She shouldn’t be tied to me,” he starts, “I’m a mess on a good day, a disaster on the worse ones. Why would she want to be married to me? I’ve traumatised her and pushed her further than any one should, including setting Iron Man suits on her.”
He pauses.
“But you love her,” Natasha asks, cutting him off.
He nods.
“Yes,” he responds definitively.
“And she loves you?”
He doesn’t respond straight away.
“Do you think it should be that easy?” he asks, getting into the philosophical debate.
Natasha doesn’t answer straight away.
“I never thought I was the marrying type. I can’t have kids, I’m not… normal. I have a lot of trauma that impacts on so many things, and my life… I suppose it’s not stable.”
Looking to the sky, she continues.
“But he convinced me that it didn’t matter. Having kids, the trauma, the life I… we lead, it’s just part of who I am. He tells me often it doesn’t matter, I think it does but maybe not in the way he thinks. When we agreed to get married, we provided we’d find Yelena. Find Barney too, so we would have some family with us. It seemed important the time. It should be that easy maybe, to commit to another who sees all your flaws and the bad things about you and still want to marry you.”
Tony stays still, making his body freeze whilst she talks. He has so many questions, so many retorts and quips, but he restrains himself.
“Barney being dead, makes it easier. Yelena being alive, makes it harder. It was the rules we decided on, and since she’s been back, we haven’t talked about it much. I think maybe he’s forgot, maybe that he doesn’t want to anymore, but then he hugs me; kisses me and I know it’s not true. But what if because he doesn’t have family there, that I shouldn’t either.”
She lets the thought hang in silence and he laughs at her.
“You’re an idiot,” he tells her.
Natasha stands and turns on him.
“No no, don’t be huffy, don’t leave. I’m just saying, that you two are made for each other. None of us are normal, he asked, you agreed, and so the world isn’t bowing down to the arbitrary rules you sent it, maybe you just need to have a conversation about making a date instead of ruminating on the fact that likely the day won’t hold all your ideals.”
He stands.
“Pick a date,” he says.
She frowns at him.
“Go on,” he jibes, “pick a date, do it now.”
“Is this really the reason why you were riding the elevator?” he asks.
Natasha shakes her head.
“No, Yelena has made contact under the house you provided, she wants to meet. There’s a house in Ohio,” she says softly. “A place I never wanted to back to.”
“Pick a date,” he urges, “there’s no time like the present.”
He calls to Jarvis and asks for Clint to meet them on the roof; in response Natasha punches him in the arm.
“Ow,” he complains.
“How are you getting to Ohio?” he asks, changing the subject.
“Can I borrow a plane?”
Tony shrugs, “of course.”
“She’d say yes in a heartbeat, you know,” Natasha throws at him, “Pepper is a superhero in her own right. She’s my friend and your partner. I think she left the life of normal a while ago.”
Tony thinks on it.
Natasha is right.
She’s always right, it seems.
Clint appears near them, and he frowns.
“When’d you get here?”
The easy grin of the archer is infuriating.
“You rang?” he laughs.
Tony looks to Natasha.
“He thinks we should pick a date for the wedding,” she admits.
“I was unsure you still wanted to get married, given the Yelena situation.”
Clint cocks his head.
“December 30th,” he says decisively.
Natasha spurts a laugh.
“December 30th,” he repeats.
Clint looks from Tony to Natasha, “sorry, I should have said something. It’s just, you hadn’t mentioned it and I wanted to book the place out and…”
He cringes.
“December 30th, do you have anything on that day?”
Natasha laughs and hugs him.
“Only one thing.”
Tony eyes them.
“I don’t either,” he says in a deadpan voice.
Clint claps him on the back.
“Then I suppose you’d better come too,” he smiles.
Yelena waits in the apartment, opening all the cupboard doors, exploring the place and taking the bits she wanted.
Freelance, she decided was the easiest thing to do.
It gave her the freedom to pursue her own investigations, whilst providing an income stream.
She could thank Natasha, but in truth, she’s still not sure how she feels about the tentative relationship.
There is something she wants to give her though.
Relationships, family, are not things that seemed to come easily for Yelena; or more accurately, they weren’t things that stayed.
A lifetime of abandonment issues, she thinks, and then laughs at herself.
A knock at the door breaks her from her reverie, and judging by the gait, she assumes it’s Natasha behind the double barrel locked door.
Hand on her gun anyway, she opens the door.
“I’m unarmed,” Natasha opens.
She takes the gun out and shows her. Natasha’s hair is braided tightly, two separate Dutch braids running down her head.
“Are you ready?”
Yelena sits back on the table.
“Depends, where are we going?”
Natasha takes a breath.
“What are you doing on December 30th?”
The question makes Yelena laugh, she shakes her own hair out and starts to braid it too.
“Right now? I have no plans,” she responds, “freelancer now, remember?”
Natasha stands back and watches Yelena copy her hair style, braiding her hair tightly like Natashas.
Yelena finishes and stares for a minute, gathering thoughts.
“I want to show you something. I hid something there before we left.”
Natasha clenches her jaw and takes a breath.
“You do not want to go back, do you?” she surmises.
The obvious answer is no, but Natasha refrains from saying it.
“What do you need to get?” she asks, “we can go at any time, the car out the front will take us to the airfield.”
Yelena moves to the door, opening it for Natasha.
“After you,” she tells her, “I’ll explain on the way.”
Yelena’s apprehension is masked but Natasha feels she sees right through it.
The car ride is silent and the plane, through private is met with a mutual team work to fly it the brief hour and a half to the Ohio airfield.
Natasha doesn’t push; as much as she wants to know what this is all about.
If Yelena is preparing to kill her, then it seems a strange way to do it, to drown her in memories and then kill her where they first became something other than strangers.
Their old house is abandoned.
Something Natasha didn’t expect but the spate of gentrification towards the centre of the city caused other houses to be run down.
A Russian spy house perhaps no different.
Natasha doesn’t want to go in.
She balks at the door for a second before following Yelena in.
She remembers so much and had forgotten so much more.
The room they had seems so small.
The stairs she ran up and down, that she hid under on more than one occasion.
The kitchen where she was beaten, and the toy room Melina would give them lessons in.
She feels her skin crawling, as Yelena leads the way.
Keeping her breathing even, she focuses on doubling breaths, breathe in, breathe in, breath out. It helps to focus her.
She takes some photos, it’s one thing explaining things to Clint, it’s another to see what it looks like.
Natasha thinks that someone must have lived here after they did. They left everything, in the haste they left in, but none of the items left behind looks or feels familiar.
Yelena heads up the stairs, finds the attic opening and hoists herself up.
“You can stay there,” she calls down.
It takes Yelena around five minutes to find what she was looking for, in that time the sky opens up and starts to rain.
Thunder claps and lightning brightens the sky.
As Yelena drops down, she has a wooden box in hand, a wooden box that used to be Natasha’s.
“Hey—“ she starts, but stops when she sees Yelena’s face, holding the box with two hands as she hesitantly passes it across.
“You—“ Yelena sighs, “you struggled at Christmas. I think you knew it was all coming to an end. Maybe anyway. You were mean. I didn’t understand then, Alexei… he wasn’t kind to you; us. But more to you as his stress increased, he left more. Left you in charge. I think it’s one of my favourite memories.”
She takes a deep breath.
“You gave me something for Christmas that year, do you remember?”
Of course she does.
The blue ribbon, the pictures.
The ones Yelena had given her still sit in her favourite book in her own personal safe in the tower. The most precious of possessions.
It seems, Yelena had the same idea.
“Open it,” she says quietly.
Natasha does, slowly, finds the blue ribbon inside and can’t help the tears that pool in her eyes.
She closes the box and hugs Yelena.
If Yelena doesn’t want it or doesn’t expect it, she doesn’t say anything or pull back, instead she nestles her head in the crook of Natasha’s neck and hugs her back.
“Thank you,” Natasha whispers, pulling back and resting her head on Yelena’s.
“You remembered.”
Yelena pulls back, wiping a tear, and turning her back.
“I wanted you to have it, just in case,” she sighs.
The words don’t match the mood and Natasha questions her.
“Just in case of what?”
Yelena shrugs.
“Life?” she deflects.
Anxiety stirs in Natasha, and she touches the box carefully.
“Do you want to get something to eat?” she asks, hoping that Yelena will say yes.
There’s a little nod, as they leave the childhood house, Natasha taking one last look.
“It feels smaller,” she says more to herself.
Yelena turns back and looks with her.
“Maybe we’ve just grown,” she responds, and leads the way out.
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yxlenas · 4 months
Me to me: write the Katelena first kiss
Evil me to me: Write Yelena slitting her fuckin wrists on Nat's birthday
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dasloddl · 1 year
What is it with me and blonde fucked up/brain washed characters
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(river phoenix als bob gemeint)
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palelittleadaptoid · 8 months
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Black Widow (2001) BREAKDOWN.
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drvcxrys · 7 months
(¸.• ♛ → "natasha?" she knows that people were resurrecting here but still, seeing her sister was a surprise and so many emotions were just there, of course she missed her, she did, a lot. "is that really you?" she just needed to make sure.
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@wvsteria (natasha)
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doctorwhoarchive · 11 months
Top 5 characters.
let me get out my list of traumatized women one sec
1. Sam (and Tara) obviously
2. Wanda Maximoff
3. Arya Stark
4. idk why but I’m feeling the urge to say Veronica Mars ??
5. Alex Russo bc she raised me fr
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Jaw’s totally keeps a picture of Natasha, Wanda, and Yelena in their wallet. Do they have a phone? Sure. But it’s not the same. They need this picture.
"I don't see the big picture, I have a little picture. I take it out and look at it every day." - Pietro Maximoff
You can't tell me Jaws doesn't have that same sentiment.
I did that to myself and now I need a friggin hug
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baybeered · 2 years
On one hand being really aggressive towards people who are misinformed about aorace stuff and so ignorant and privileged to live in their little allo bubble is counter intuitive. Nobody learns anything and if anything at all they've gotten a negative experience to justify their aphobia.
On the other hand;
I'm so fucking exhausted of you assholes fuck off and die. You can never understand what it's like to live in a world that consistently treats you like you don't exist. That hurts your fucking community and you can't do anything about it because people have decided its better to treat you as a joke or a disease that needs to be stopped. And heaven fucking forbid you stand up against other queer people for their aphobic treatment and remarks because then you're the problem, then you've slighted the queer community, you're not queer enough or your existence is "inherently homophobic/lesbophobic/biphobic."
I don't want to have to dance around your fucking feelings when I tell you this character and the experience they represent IS NOT FOR YOU. Like a child when told you can't have one singular thing, you bawl your fucking eyes out and throw a tantrum because the mere thought, the guilt of knowing that you've done something bad or that you've hurt us isn't as horrid to you as not being allowed your ships. YOUR QUEER IS NOT MY QUEER AND YOU HATE ME FOR IT.
And even those who don't actively take from us are more than happy to sit aside and let their fellows do so, there is little to no ally ship and we're all worse off for it.
Every time one of you fucks talks a character our of their aroace canon because it doesn't suit your needs, some who isn't aware of the label but can't fit in with their peers, can't fit in with societies demands is kept in the dark. I cannot express enough how important it is to keep aroace characters aroace and to talk and celebrate their queerness. I cannot express how many times I seen someone come to the labels of aromantic and asexual through these celebrations and said
"this is how I feel, I didn't know there was a word for it"
"I didn't know this was a thing! I think I might be this!"
"I'm less scared now that I know what I am"
less anxious
less afraid
You kill our community without second thought because people understanding themselves either scares you or you're privileged enough not to care.
You open the door for a queer revolution and when the A in LGBTQIA follows you in you slam in in our faces.
Go fuck yourself, allo pieces of shit, you exhaust me and I'm tired of having to explain to you what you should already fucking know. We deserve a seat at your table, and representation that holds up the full aromantic and asexual spectrums for all to see and understand even if that means its not for you because guess what? NOT EVERYTHING IS FOR YOU ♥
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abboz · 2 years
by Abboz
“Merry Christmas, handsome. Bit late I know.”
Clint stopped still in the hallway, his jaw gaping open as he stared at Natasha.
“Clint?” she signed. “You okay?”
She knew sign language? Of course she did. The Black Widow had probably known ASL long before he’d needed it, maybe before they’d even met.
“Hearing aids playing up again?”
An image flashed into his mind, sun streaming through the window, the pair of them before a screen, her agile hands signing his handle. “Tasha… I missed you.”
Read More: Fanfiction.net | Ao3
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olsenmyolsen · 2 months
Chapter Three: Meeting Wanda Maximoff
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The Farmer's Daughter - (A WandaNat Story)
Summary: As Natasha gets into the groove of things, someone shows up on the farm.
Word Count: 1.5K
Content: Just Natasha working on the farm
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Natasha's alarm went off a little before 6 am, and she found herself groaning and cursing as she did her best to wake up.
But the fence needed to be finished, and she didn't have someone shouting at her to get a move on or drop and give her twenty.
So that was a nice bonus, and Natasha took it with a smile; just as the dark of the night was slowly making way for the sunshine of the day, Natasha got up, went to the bathroom, and started to get dressed.
She decided to wear brown boots, canvas pants, and a green shirt with a few buttons down the front. Natasha looked good, but she was wondering if her clothes were always working farm clothes in disguise.
The struggle of a lesbian, she guessed with a shrug before exiting her tiny house, ready to start the day.
An hour later, Erik finally found Natasha as she was finishing up the fence behind the greenhouse.
"You know, just like with dinner, breakfast is always an option." He said as he walked up with two tumblers of coffee. One silver and one black. He stuck his arm with the black one out to Natasha.
"Thanks." She said as her hand wrapped around the black mug. "But coffee is good with me." Erik nodded. "I figured." His eyes drifted to the sliver chain around Natasha's neck. "Old habits and all, I bet." He said, and Natasha wasn't too sure how to answer him, so all she did was sip her coffee.
It wasn't amazing, but it was better than what was provided on base.
"The fence looks good." Erik took a step back and admired Natasha's work. She nodded. "Thank you." She cleared her throat. "I was going to finish this, put the tools back, and then work on egg collecting."
Erik hummed. "Well, good luck with that." He said as he turned his body to walk away. "Remember, they'll peck." He hollered back, and Natasha nodded to herself; she watched Erik get pecked ten times yesterday.
Not that she counted.
Plus, she had been to war. A couple of chickens couldn't be that bad.
"Stop it!" She yelled at a chicken that she named Kentucky Fried after it pecked at her gloved hands for what had to have been the sixteenth time since entering their pen.
This one, unlike the others, was very protective of its work, and Natasha fully understood why Erik glared at this one yesterday when she was being shown around.
"Keep that up, and you'll see eleven herbs and spices real soon." She said after her left boot was pecked at.
This banter or 'verbal abuse' continued until Natasha was finished collecting all the eggs for the day that she placed in containers for Erik to pick up later.
Erik, who drove by on his tractor a distance away, laughed at Natasha.
"Bye!" She waved and almost flipped off the one chicken as she exited the pen and entered the barn to let the cows out to roam and to move hay around.
As she watched the cows slowly walk away, she couldn't believe how different her first two days with the military had been.
She went from having nothing to a piece of something. A future Natasha could grasp onto. It wasn't glamorous, but neither was what Natasha was doing before.
Natasha sighed with a smile and walked out of the barn into the field. She sat in the grass and kept her eyes on the cows as her thoughts drifted.
And then her phone rang.
Natasha jumped slightly as she forgot she had the device on her.
She removed her gloves and got her phone out just in time to see one name on the screen: Clint 🏹
She hit the green button with a smile.
"Miss me already?" She answered with a smirk. Clint let out a sigh of relief. "Wishing I wasn't. What kind of friend doesn't tell me where they end up, Natasha? I thought you were dead."
Natasha's smile slowly started to fade. She realized she was speaking with, "I'm a parent, so I'm freaking out on you," Clint.
She sighed. "Take a breath, Barton." She said as she could hear him stop and listen. "I'm doing okay. I'm alive." Natasha said with a smile as she heard Clint breathe out.
"Still, a text would've been nice." He mumbled.
Natasha rolled her eyes. "Okay, Dad."
Clint chuckled. "So where did you end up?" Clint asked as a cow mooed in the distance, making Natasha laugh, much to Clint's confusion. "What?" He asked.
Natasha shook her head as her left hand moved through the long grass. "I found work." She said. "On a farm about three and a half hours from base." Clint shook his head and laughed. "It really is impossible for you to relax, isn't it?"
Natasha looked around from her spot on the ground, surrounded by cows. "It's not so bad." She said as Sparky barked and ran out of the Lehnsherr house. Past Natasha's place on the other side of the fence and down the road.
Natasha and Clint hummed, but for different reasons.
Natasha realized and listened as Clint moved the phone away from his ear as another person came to talk to him. Natasha could bet it was Fury, but he probably would've said hello to Natasha if it was him.
So the hushed whispers left her wanting answers before Clint eventually raised his phone back to his ear. "Gotta go, Nat."
Natasha heard the tone change in her friend.
"Okay." She understood. "Need me to call Laura or anything?" Natasha offered, but Clint shook his head no. "She's my next call. It looks like we're flying out tonight." He sighed, and silence filled the phone for a moment. "Can't wait to hear about all the ways you're not relaxing another time."
Natasha laughed. "Call me when you can. Stay safe, Hawkeye."
Clint laughed. "Will do, Romanoff."
A second later, the call ended, and Natasha didn't realize it, but her left hand had moved from the grass to the tags around her neck. Rubbing the metal with her index finger and thumb.
Natasha removed her fingers from the tags and pulled her phone away from her face. Her lock screen reappeared, and it was a picture of her and a blonde. Both wearing their military uniforms and cheesing at the camera.
It was from five years ago.
Clint took the picture using Kate's camera.
Natasha clicked the button on the side of her phone, so the screen went black as she sniffled her nose. She put the phone back into her pocket, and thanks to her settings, the picture would be gone the next time she tapped her phone.
But still, it felt nice to see a picture of her and her sister Yelena happy.
Natasha sniffled again before her face scrunched up, thanks to a particular smell. She slowly turned her body to the right and loudly groaned away the tears in her eyes before getting up.
"Couldn't do this anywhere else!?" She playfully yelled at the cow before walking up to its side. The cow mooed at Natasha and returned to eating grass as if nothing happened, forcing the redhead to laugh.
Natasha went to put back on her gloves, when suddenly the quiet countryside became loud as a Jeep without doors or a roof packed with a bunch of twenty-somethings came down the dirt road to Lehnsherr's house with a barking Sparky running behind it.
Natasha kept her eyes on the vehicle and noticed pairs of eyes glance at her as the car zoomed by.
A set of eyes hidden behind sunglasses stared at Natasha the longest.
Natasha walked down the grassy plain towards the house as the Jeep came to a stop and parked. Natasha figured the packed SUV wasn't a threat, but that didn't mean she wasn't a little curious.
So, as Natasha hopped over the fence and started making her way down the dirt road, the back left car door flew open, and nothing appeared until a set of long tan legs with blush-colored mid-calf boots touched the ground.
Natasha's green eyes worked up and down the leg multiple times before the rest of the body exited the vehicle with a bounce in their step.
Denim shorts that didn't leave much to the imagination were the next thing Natasha's eyes focused on before the color yellow of the long cotton blouse stole Natasha further and further up the woman's gorgeous body. Her hair was next, and Natasha was in love with the look. Brunette hair with blonde highlights flowed down her back.
The closer Natasha got, the more she saw the definition in the mysterious woman's figure until she turned around when Natasha was about ten feet away.
The person kept their eyes hidden behind their sunglasses, but the rest of their face was exposed. And it was wonderful. To Natasha, her skin looked soft, and she had a jawline Natasha was immediately impressed by and jealous of.
With the car full of people watching them, the mysterious person kept their pink lips closed tight until she brought a hand up to her sunglasses and blessed Natasha with the sight of the prettiest green eyes she had ever seen.
Natasha kept her mouth closed, but her breathing changed.
The pink lips separated themselves, and when she spoke, Natasha knew she was fucked. "Who are you?"
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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wvsteria · 1 year
continued from here
kate bishop & yelena belova ;; @drvcxrys
"it was that night that this whole city went to complete crap." kate explained to yelena so they would understand a bit more. "it wasn't her fault. it was none of our faults i guess. i just- i wish i would've tried to help stop her and not tell her to go and kill her boyfriend. now things are screwed up. and i don't know what to do to fix it." she began to run a hand through her hair. "she doesn't blame anyone but herself but i still want to do something."
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shiningstarr15 · 2 years
On a lone rooftop in New York, Yelena contemplates the course of her actions and what led her to this very spot. Missing her sister, she decides to just accept the fact the she will forever be alone.
That is, until she hears the voice of someone all too familiar, who has decided that Yelena doesn’t deserve to be alone.
Yep, it’s exactly what you think it is. The story is progressing forward and new characters are being introduced! I hope I did well with writing them 😅 also just an fyi, I am still willing to take requests for pre IW. If you love the sisters too much to wait that is lol but I hope you enjoy this one! ☺️💖💞
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fierceheda · 2 years
You guys I just thought of a bishova dwd au but it’s just angst. So Yelena and Kate are in there as a couple…buuut Yelena is there because Kate is no longer alive so in grief Yelena went into the victory project with her memory wiped and to live happily with Kate ☹️ but her conscious (and possibly kates spirit) doesn’t want her there and makes Yelena gain conscious cause the living in a simulation is not the way to live and Yelena has to process, grieve and live a happier life 😭🤧
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ashecampos · 2 years
Wanda x y/n
Agatha x Wanda (friends only)
Nat + yelena + y/n (sisters)
Y/N gets killed on a mission, leaving her one true love, Wanda to deal with the consequences. Throughout the weeks after Y/N’s death, Wanda seeks out help from her old friend Agatha, in which they stumble upon multiple books, the Dark Hold, The Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy and Voodoo for Dummies.
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“im closing in on the room with the, what did you call it tasha? a goober?” Y/N’s voice echoing through the earpiece which allows the team to speak to one another during missions, with a hint of sarcasm she speaks in her Russian accent. Following this Natasha chuckles into her earpiece and following up with “shut it y/n/n, get the USB and get out”
I smile at the interaction they share while fighting off another round of hydra agents.
“Uh guys. So I took the USB out of the computer and now there’s a timer on the screen. i- I think it’s a bomb” y/n announces with a tremble clear in her voice
“hey, hey no malysh, cmon, it’s okay just get as far away from that room as possible, what floor are you on?” Yelena says in a comforting tone, recognising the fear in her baby sisters voice
“Fuck I don’t know Lena, but it’s high maybe 5th floor from what I can see” my heart sinks, memories of Pietro’s death flood back into my brain, she can’t die like this. I can’t loose her. “My love come on, just keep running please” I plead with her, I can hear her heavy breathing through the earpiece.
One I manage to get outside, all the hydra agents on sight are dead and the whole team are out front looking at the door waiting for one of Y/N’s last minute miracles, she always gets into trouble on missions because she is careless with her life, always diving head first into trouble and unlike any normal person she always ends up surviving. It’s an ongoing joke that her power is luck.
I run over to Natasha and turn to the building in hopes y/n runs outside and into my arms. Tony points up to a window “what is she doi…*BANG*”
the whole team falls to the floor in attempt to cover from the flames that burst out of the building. We all watch as Y/N jumps through the window of the 5th floor, her body on an incline toward the floor, a scream rips from both mine and Yelena’s lungs as our y/n hits the floor in one swift motion, her small frame, slumped against a car, her head hung low, her tactical goggles covering her eyes, her raven curls covering the remaining surface of her face.
Everyone stumbles to their feet to get to y/n, yelena making it to her first, falling to her knees and holding her younger sisters lifeless head up in her hands, she cursed under her breath as the rest of the avengers huddle up around the two, i kneel next to yelena with panic. “Is she awake?” I say in a sense of urgency as I lift up my girlfriends tactical goggles off her eyes, her head still resting in yelenas hands.
That’s when it hits me.
I cant hear her heartbeat, I lift my hand up, my palm just in front of her face, my fingers grazing over her forehead. Strands of red magic float around her head.
“i- I can’t feel you” I say in a whisper to y/n before looking around “I can’t feel her” I announce to the group in panic “why can’t I feel her?” I say as Natasha pulls my body into hers, wrapping her arms around me as tears cascade down my face. Yelena starts to gently slap Y/N’s face “come on little one, this isn’t fucking funny, wake up. Wake up y/n, WAKE UP” Yelena’s screams can be heard from anyone, probably even from universes away.
“wake up, come on Wanda, wake up your having a nightmare” I am shook awake, my eyes flutter open as my body is shook by my best friend Agatha, she looks down at me with fear in her eyes. I rub my eyes, tears staining my black stained fingers, I slowly lift my body into a sitting position opposite Agatha. “Oh hun, it’s okay, we will find her body and bring her back, just like we said, yes?” Agatha says in a hopeful yet reassuring tone of voice. I nod slowly knowing today is the day I am to go to S.W.O.R.D headquarters to talk to general Hayward about Y/N’s body.
- time skip -
I walk into S.W.O.R.D headquarters with a plan and an right to commit to my plan.
“Ah yes, hello miss Maximoff. Here to see general Hayward? Right this way, let me get this door for you” a man on front desk greets me but I know where I need to be “I’ve got it but thanks” I say interrupting the kind man as I use my powers to open the door.
Once in Haywards office he greets me with a nod “hello miss Maximoff” he smiles “okay yes I know your here for your girlfriends body but I’m sorry to inform you, she’s the government’s property” i tilt my head in anger knowing he would say something like this, and because of that me and Agatha came up with a plan, I would distract him while Agatha goes in and teleports Y/N’s body back to the house we share. “If it where that the two of you had married before her death then I would of been allowed to hand over her body to you” that one hit a nerve, the night my love died I was planning to propose to her after our weekly movie night. After a breif moment of silence I went to speak, just as the radio attached to Haywards fancy suit blazer goes off “general Hayward, the mutants body has been compromised” I smile a little knowing they meant Y/N, however she wasn’t a mutant she just… well she was a mutant, but she wore a power dampener in fear she would hurt the ones she loved, I remember her staying up for weeks upon end in the lab making the stupid gadget, she would stay up until she passed out in someone’s arms. My thoughts are broken as I see Hayward run out of the room, I chuckle knowing she is already at the house, I drive back to mine and Agatha’s small house quickly with excitement radiating off my body.
Once entering the driveway, i quickly get out of the car and run into the house, without wasting time, I go straight to the basement, throwing my overcoat off my body, Agatha already has your body upon the medical table we built. “You ready hun?” She says in a comforting voice
I grab the only book that had gotten me and Agatha any progress. We had tried the Dark Hold but this book, voodoo for dummies was a remake of a old witches book from the 1600s a spell for reincarnation had been left opened in the book. I smile at Agatha and nod. We had done this spell many of times in the last week, we would kill people before bringing them back, it would work.
Agatha on one side of the table, me on the other, we lit candles and as much as it hurt me to do we had to carve runes into your skin, we started on your arms, carving over your scars, then we had to rip your shirt and I had to carve over your heart. Once we finished we started chanting in Latin. After a few minutes your body started to shake as if you where having a seizure I pressed my hands down onto your freezing shoulders and held you down. all of a sudden your body went limp again and Agatha threw the book “what a crock of shit” she curses. And turns around to pace the room.
I sigh and look down at your body, caressing your cheek lightly, this is when your eyes flutter open slowly, “my love?” I say quietly as Agatha quickly spins around to look at what I’m talking to. “oh my, Wanda she’s alive, she’s alive” Agatha nearly shouts.
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