#yelling directly outside my window
pcktknife · 10 months
i was watching youtube and start hearing loud ass meows from what i thought was the tv but i look outside and theres 2 cats havin a loud as fuck conversation
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thissortofsorcery · 1 year
I do want everyone to have fun and enjoy their life. But sometimes I wish noisy people would die violently.
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sol-flo · 2 months
jesus christ my neighbors are already obnoxious enough normally i think them watching the olympics will turn me into the joker
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quest-draws · 2 years
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Image description: A four page black and white comic of my tortoiseshell cat, Bunny, complaining that I won’t let her in from the screen porch.
Page 1 
Panel 1: A small tortoiseshell cat sits on the other side of a glass door, looking up sadly, saying, “Mama! Mama, help! I’m in the screen porch!” 
Panel 2: She scratches at the door. “Mama! Mama I’m trapped! I’m trapped in the screen porch! Mama!” she cries. 
Panel 3: She looks through the glass with her sad, innocent expression. “I see you, Mama! Can’t you hear me? Why won’t you let me in? What have I done, Mama!”
Panel 4: The left corner is dominated by a close up of her face, as she reminisces about the cat tree in the screen porch. We see her perched on the very top, looking out over the backyard.
She says, “Was I not grateful enough, Mama? You gave me a throne, here in the screen porch! A place where I could look down upon the world as a god!”
Page 2
Panel 1: While she’s perched atop her cat tree, it begins to rain outside. Bunny looks askance at it from behind the screen. 
“But I couldn’t touch it, Mama!” she narrates, now in boxes instead of word balloons, “I could see the rain lavish the earth, but never feel its cool caress!”
Panel 2: A paw rests on the screen. On the other side, two birds chirp, unbothered by the presence of Bunny.
 “I could smell the blood of the song birds, but never taste its warmth! I lived as Tantalus in this screen porch, Mama!”
Panel 3: Sitting on a cushioned chair, bunny looks out over the yard, barred from her by the porch screen. 
“Tormented by what I could never reach!” 
Page 3
Panel 1 : Another reminiscence, this time of Bunny running through the open door to the screen porch earlier that day while I was taking out the garbage. 
“And yet I returned, again and again and again! Was that my sin, Mama? Is this my punishment? To be condemned forever to a hell of my own choosing?” 
Panel 2: Returning to the present, Bunny looks up from the otherside of the door, her eyes wide.
“Is this what you call justice, Mama?” She says. “Is this what you call love?” 
Panel 3: From Bunny’s perspective we see me; I am ignoring her, going about my business. She calls out to me, “Answer me, Mama! Mama!”
Panel 4:I glance back at her, unmoved by her cries. “Mama!” she yells. 
Page 4
Panel 1: Pulling out we finally see more of the wall which has the door to the screen porch. Directly beside it is a cat door that goes through the wall, out into the screen porch. Another cat, Bunny’s sister Maggie, is coming through the cat flap with no issue.
 I say, “ Bunny, I know you know how to use the cat door.”
Clawing at the window, tears in her eyes, Bunny screams “MAMA!!”
End ID.
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tacticaldiary · 1 year
It All Comes Crashing Down
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
She presses the metal radio against her lips and mumbles her final words, hoping that although he has not spoken, he would hear.
"I love you, Simon.
A/N: The classic 'bomb my location' fic you've all been waiting for! This has been sitting in my drafts for weeks, so I'm glad I finally got it out- I'm thinking about a part 2 where she wakes up and it's some extra fluff, maybe?
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She takes a shaky breath in as her hands grip her rifle tighter, but when she speaks her voice is as steady and firm as ever.
"Bomb my location."
The words are acrid on her tongue, but they feel right to her heart. Her mind is in disarray, trying to piece together any other solution that won't have her ending up under dead under pounds of rubble, but she knows deep down that there's no other way out of this.
An entire enemy organisation eliminated at the expense of one soldier.
It was a win-win for everyone but her.
And that was alright. She's made her peace with it, made it the moment she signed her name on those documents giving her life away to the tang of blood and the scent of gunsmoke.
"Level the building." She continues, wincing at another hail of fire that rains upon her. Heavy footsteps and orders barked in Russian move around her location. Steadily being surrounded, there was little hope for a smooth extraction or escape anyway. "Have Soap blow the charges, Captain. Then send in the airship and raze this hellhole to the ground."
"Like hell we're doing that." Gaz's voice comes through her comms, frustrated. "We're not leaving her, Price." They must have rendezvoused successfully, because Gaz doesn't speak through the comms, rather it sounds as if he's turning away his head to speak to the man directly.
It brings a small smile to her face despite the circumstances. Her boys would get out of this, at least.
Simon. Her mind flashes to her Simon and she thanks whoever's above that they had split up before everything went to shit.
It had been fine at first. She was setting the charges they needed to bring the building down while he fetched the intel from somewhere else, and really, she should have been suspicious when it all went smoothly.
She'd planted the last charge before the enemy started closing in.
Like rats, they seemed to emerge out of nowhere shooting her down and pinning her until she had no choice but to slip away and barricade herself in one of the nearby rooms. The entrance and exits were likely swarmed with people and here she sat, in the heart of it all.
Unreachable, untouchable.
She sort of tunes out the muted conversation on the other end, lets the ringing on her head take over. Loud angry cursing, yelling in distinctive Scottish, the harsh rasp of her Captain telling everyone to calm down...it all floats through her mind.
Everyone but Ghost.
She doesn't hear his voice...but he was alive, wasn't he? She'd seen him slip out of the building through the window in front of her, so she knows he must have gotten out. The thought makes her gut curl up, brings her back to the present.
"Negative, Sergeant." Price's voice cuts through her thoughts, much louder than the others. "We're mapping out a route to come get you-"
"Price, it'll be suicide." Perhaps it's the way her voice softens and quiets, the gentle way she talks so different from the harsh way she's spoken earlier. It's as if she's accepted it, is content to lay down and allow herself to be swallowed by the dirt she came from. "I'm one soldier. Don't make yourself visit more than one coffin."
"I'm going to-"
"Set off the charges."
There's a beat of silence, painstaking silence where nobody speaks. Even the gunfire outside the room she's barricaded in seems to fade out for a moment.
A death sentence coming from the man she considered family.
It cracks a smile out of her. She squeezes her eyes shut, lets her head fall against the blood spattered wall behind her.
"Make sure my replacement's just as much a pain in the ass to you, alright?" If the way her voice breaks at the end of her last sentence is noticed, it's not brought up. "Simon's gotta have someone to push around, yeah?"
"There's no replacing you."
There's arguing. Soap and Gaz are yelling, and it's startling because she's never heard either of them shout the way they are, at their Captain nonetheless.
It's comforting to know she was cared for, even if she's about to die.
A sudden bang on her door makes her jump. Muffled Russian filters through the old wood. Someone ramming at it with something, trying to break it down.
But it doesn't really matter, does it? She'll be going out on her own terms even if they find her now.
Ghost...Simon. Where was he? If there was one thing that'd settle her mind right now it'd be hearing that gravelly voice, even if it was merely yelling at her, telling her how stupid it was to suggest what she has.
A desperation claws at her chest, deep down. She wants Simon, wants to spend the night in his bed again, wants to hug him, feel his skin, wants to see those rare smiles of his one more time.
Just once.
Just one more time before she-
"Charges setting off in 5-"
How cruel was the world?
She hopes Simon knows that she didn't mean to leave him. That she wanted him to go on without her, to not fall into the void of 'what-if's.' It wasn't his fault.
Her eyes burn but she refuses to let out the helpless sob clawing its way up her throat. She wants...she wants so much. Wants to do so much more, wants to live, and breathe and smile and laugh and experience and live. Simon. She wants to tell him so much more.
If she could go back in time and fill their silences with all the words she wants him to know right now, she'd do it in a heartbeat.
It's an impulsive decision, how her hand shoots up to grab at her radio frantically. Switching it to the private line between just the two of them, she presses the metal against her lips and mumbles her final words, hoping that although he has not spoken, he would hear.
"I love you, Simon."
The ground crumbles beneath her, the world turns to black.
                                  · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Slipping out of the small shed, he tucks the papers into his vest. For a multi-national organisation, they sure were stupid as hell when hiding their intel.
Scanning the grounds for any movement, Ghost moves out, keeping to the shadows until he reaches the edge of the field that morphed into the woods farther down.
"Intel secured, moving to rendezvous point now." He says into his comms. He frowns when he doesn't get an answer back, grabbing his radio and speaking again, casting a glance back into the foliage in the distance where he knows the others have staked their place to operate from.
Price, Gaz, and Soap were operating remotely, dealing with drones and distant detonation devices, whereas the other two had infiltrated the building separately.
Plant the charges and secure the intel. Simple tasks made difficult when they both realised that the intel wasn't in the building, but instead in the shed attached to the side of the complex instead. Splitting up had been the most logical thing to do, even when Ghost had refused at first.
"It'll be fine. Quick and easy, right?" She'd told him with a grin. "Get that intel before I'm out of the building and maybe I'll give you an extra treat when we get back." Ghost had rolled his eyes at her suggestive wink.
"Does anyone copy?" He says into the object. He's met with nothing but muffled crackling and garbled speech, tinny and indecipherable. Ghost scowls at the machine, ripping it off of his vest and turning it over. It crackles and pops with bursts of sound but nothing cohesive enough to interpret
"Fucking thing's busted." He mumbles to himself, shoving the item back into his vest, his hand brushing against the folder of intel he's successfully recovered from the shed attached to the main building.
He can spot one of the convoy vehicles near the edge of the woods, but he doesn't let his guard down even as he crosses the field towards it.
Ghost barely takes a step through the dead grass before the building behind him goes up in an explosion that makes even him unsteady with the force of it. Flames lick up the east side of the massive structure and Ghost takes a second to watch as it crumbles in on itself sending up clouds of dust and debris.
Good fucking riddance.
He's looking forward to getting the hell out of this place once he rendezvous with everyone else. This mission had stretched on for far longer than it should have, the elusive bastards slipping away through their fingers time and time again with dirty, underhanded tactics.
The foliage grows thicker as he steps into the woods, rifle at the ready. A click of a safety had him raising his weapon and spinning around immediately.
When he sees a very familiar mohawk, however, he lowers his weapon instantly. "Blue!" He says loudly, bringing up a hand to half Soap. "Just me, Johnny."
Soap follows suit and lowers his weapon, his shoulders visibly relaxing the tiniest bit. "Welcome back." He says, but something about his voice makes Ghost uneasy. "Price and...and the others are prepping exfil." He gestures towards the clearing.
"Everyone else made it back?" He asks as they push through the meager trees and into the open space where soldiers are rushing around tying up loose ends.
"Aye." Soap chokes out.
Ghost would question it, but he's too busy doing a sweep of the clearing, putting names to faces. Price and Gaz were there, going back and forth over something. It strikes him a little odd how furious Gaz looks, Price looking so resigned but he pushes it away in favour of catching a glimpse of the person he's more inclined to spot.
"We tried what we could, but she was pinned down." Soap breaks the silence, misinterpreting the reason behind his silent staring at Gaz and Price. "We didn't...Laswell's insisting immediate evac, but Gaz wants to at least find a body to bury." A bitter laugh that makes Ghost's stomach drop like a stone.
Soap rakes a bloody hand through his hair, shakes his head, and continues on like he's in some sort of shock. "I don't want to. I think she'd rather us leave her buried there than dig out bits and pieces and bury her again." His voice cracks.
There's only one woman in their team.
There's only one person he hasn't accounted for in the clearing.
There's only one person he hasn't reached on his comms before they broke.
The world spins, his mind screams and falls silent, a crescendo of noise and denial. The ground shifts beneath his feet, rocking him into a state that makes him feel like he's walking on string.
"MacTavish." His words are so calm and even, it's eerie. "Is my girl still in the building?" He feels detached from himself, perhaps a way to distance himself from the pain of the implied.
Soap looks at him for a long moment, then croaks out one, broken word.
And it all comes crashing down.
He's been through torture before. Had his skin marred, his fingernails torn off, been hung from his ribs but nothing, nothing has ever come close to the way his heart twists.
Nothing had ever made him panic in a way that has his throat closing up.
"Christ." Johnny breathes, and it's a sound that drags him back from the brink of something horrible. Soap's eyes are fixed on the empty spot on his vest that holds his radio on normal days, horrified. "You didn't bloody know." He states.
Wasting time answering is useless. Talking, speaking breathing is useless because not a moment later Ghost is sprinting towards the rubble.
The rubble that he had just watched fallen. The building he'd stood there and watched fall down, had felt pride and relief in seeing.
His gear digs into him, the air thickens with smoke and dust but he doesn't stop. Vaguely he hears people yelling after him, hears Price and Gaz and Soap and every other motherfucker who stood by and detonated the charges. Friend or foe it didn't matter to him right now. If someone dared to get in his way he'd mow them all down, grind them into nothing and keep going.
They blew the charges.
The airship would be here any minute to finish the job.
No, he'd get to her by then. Ghost slams down into the ground somewhere near where they split off. He'd find her by then, and he'd bring her back, bring her to medical and she'd be fine in a week or two.
There was no other fucking option.
The debris rakes off the fabric of his gloves, splits the skin on his fingertips as he hauls and pushes and pulls and digs through stone and metal and wood, leaving evidence of his efforts in the form of his own blood behind.
She had to be okay.
Not her. Not like his mother, not like his brother, not like his nephew.
Not her.
He digs, calls out her name until his voice is hoarse, pulls away piece after piece of rubble until his fingers are torn to shreds.
Just as he hears the sounds of incoming aircraft, he spots something that makes the knot in his chest slam against his ribcage in pure and utter terror.
It's been a while since Simon has felt fear this pure.
Hair that he's familiar with, strands that he's gripped and gently soothes his fingers through peek out from under the piece of metal he's just lifted.
Unable to breathe, his attempts at moving the earth increase tenfold. He picks off stone after stone, brick after brick until more of her body is uncovered. Still, unmoving, bleeding. Once he's gotten her top half free, he hesitates for one horrible moment because what if he looks down to see a still chest?
Steeling himself, he bites the bullet and curls an arm around her waist, pulling her out of the debris.
The relief that slams into him when he feels her shallow, breaths against his palm is almost enough to send him to his knees.
"I've got you, love." He mumbles, half to himself as he adjusts her in his arms. She's dead weight, pulse barely there but present.
Cuts and bruises, Ghost can name at least five lacerations and countless other places she's bleeding from, a broken arm, leg, and who knows what kind of internal bleeding.
But still alive.
And that was enough because like hell Ghost was going to let the one good thing in his life slip through his fingers ever again. He'd drag whoever he needed to her aid, he'd go to hell and back just to make sure she got to open her eyes again.
With limps that ache and a heart that's heavy, he quickly moves them out of the rubble, just in time to see two aircraft circling their location. They hadn't dropped any explosives yet, which a far part of Simon's brain thinks might be Price's doing.
Uncaring of whoever was watching, because frankly everyone could fuck off right now and it would be preferable, Ghost presses his lips to her hair as he moves into the clearing with her.
"Medic!" He barks out. "Right fucking now!"
He ignores Gaz's strangled gasp, ignores the way the entire team approaches them and tries to help. Ghost is a little concerned that if he let the adrenaline that's pumping through his veins go, he might just collapse as well, and that was unacceptable at the moment.
A weak hand grasps at the front of his vest, his eyes snapping immediately to her at the movement.
"S...'mon?" She says, words so faint he barely hears them?
"I'm here." He confirms, pressing his face to her hair harder. "I've got you, darling." He whispers. "I've got you."
It soothes her, because she nods against him and lets herself relax. It's only then that Simon notices she's holding something in her good hand in a deathly tight grip.
Upon closer inspection, it's a radio.
Fucking hell. His grip on her tightens.
She'd been trying to contact him in what she thought were her last moments, and he'd never have known because his fucking radio was broken.
It doesn't matter, he tells himself, chants it over and over again in his mind. He's got her again, and like hell is he ever letting go now.
When the medics bring out a stretcher, Price has to talk him into letting her go down into him, practically ordering him to let the bloody medics do their jobs. He doesn't stray far, however, keeping a hand on her at all times. Sat next to where they were working on her in the helicopter back, never once do his eyes stray from her unconscious form.
She wakes up once or twice, whines, and fights against the medic's hands with a panic-induced haze. Every time Simon is there, holding her hand, muttering rough, soothing praise and assurances.
It calms her down immediately, the trust in those far away pain-addled eyes when they meet his is enough to make his heart twist.
Simon stays with her the entire time, and then takes residence in a seat next to her hospital bed on base, ready for when she wakes up.
Hell would freeze over before Simon would ever let them be apart again.
If that makes him selfish, then so be it.
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gyupinkys · 9 months
WC: 7.4K
WARNINGS: MURDER, YANDERE, VIOLENCE, DOMESTIC ABUSE, GORE, KIDNAPPING, DRUGGING, SMUT, power imbalance, questionable morals, unprotected sex, rough sex, heavy talks of breeding, creampie, oral, guided masturbation, possessiveness, very inaccurate medical terms idk what i'm talking about, lots of dirty talk, seonghwa is actually crazy...
Synopsis: Park Seonghwa, 25, charged with 10 Counts of second degree murder, acquitted of all charges by reason of insanity. You find his story hard to believe, seeing through his lies. As a new psychiatrist you're not sure you're ready for the anomaly you're tasked to treat
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the support!!! I love this fic <3
You love your job, you really do but moments like this make you question why you’re here. As you stand in the bathroom of your office cleaning the mashed potatoes your patient threw at you in a manic rage off your face, you question why you do this. As a psychiatrist you pride yourself in your patience, but you can't help but stomp your foot in a mini tantrum. You spent so long doing your makeup this morning and it’s all going to waste. You throw the final wipe in the trash and stare at your reflection. The bags under your eyes are much more prominent than a few days ago. You’ve been up all night trying to prepare yourself for your new patient coming today. Park Seonghwa, 25, acquitted of all charges by reason of insanity. He claims a “demon” took over his body, subsequently leading him to murdering 15 people across a 1 month killing spree. You don’t buy it. Something about this guy is off and the state made it your job to find out why. Your phone ringing snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Doctor L/N, the patient has arrived, we are transporting him to his room.”
“I’ll be right there.” 
You take a deep breath and walk across the hospital to his room. You expect to hear shuffling and yelling but the room is eerily quiet. The guards in front of the door step aside and let you into the room, keeping a close eye on Seonghwa. 
“Hello Mr.Park, I’m Dr. Y/N L/N, and I will be treating you for your stay here.” you smile at him., surprised by his appearance. 
“Hello, Y/N.” he says, staring up at you from his place on his bed.
His curly black hair and plump lips suit him so well. 
“I hope you adjust well, we’ve been anticipating your arrival. Breakfast begins at 8, so you are expected to be up and ready before then. Lunch is at 2 and dinner is at 7. Your therapy time with me is at 4 Mondays, Wednesday’s, and Fridays. Sounds good?”
“Sounds great” he says with a smile, showcasing his pearly white teeth. 
“I look forward to working with you. My job is to take care of you and I promise to do that.” you smile.
You take a second to look at him, watching the dead look in his eyes. His smile says one thing but his eyes say another. With one last smile you leave the room, almost certain he’ll be causing problems before the night is over. 
You come in the next morning and check in with the nurses. Surprisingly there were no issues from Seonghwa, he even took his medication with no complaints. Maybe you had the wrong idea about him. You meet with several of your other patients, thankfully avoiding potatoes in your face again. It's 3pm when you take a break, looking outside your office window. You see him sitting at the edge of the courtyard, eyes fixed up at the sky. Four guards surround him out of precaution, but he seems completely unphased, eyes staring at the clear blue sky.  For someone capable of such evil things he’s beautiful. His curly hair has grown quite long during his time in prison awaiting his trial. His eyes are wide and bright holding so many secrets.  As if he can feel your eyes on him he looks up, directly into your office window somehow making eye contact with you. Your eyes widen and you quickly look away, pretending you weren't staring at him. It’s not uncommon for new patients to stick to themselves, often untrusting of the new environment. You can only hope Seonghwa will begin to trust you so you can treat him, if not you’re not sure what his future might hold.   
He is brought to your office at 4 on the dot, accompanied by the four guards assigned to him. He looks rather scared, the new environment keeping him on his toes. You welcome  him with a wide smile that he doesn't return, instead staring straight at your shoes. 
“Hello, Seonghwa.” 
“Hi.” he responds quietly, reminding you of a scared child. You find it in your heart to feel sorry for him. 
“How are you adjusting?”
He shrugs in response, eyes still on the floor. 
“Can you look at me?”
He shakes his head no. 
“Ok, that's fine. I know it’s scary here, I’d also hate to be constantly monitored, but we just want to make sure you’re safe.”
He keeps quiet so you continue. 
“Tell me, do you like the food here?” 
No response. 
“I’ve only tried some of the patient food, well besides when it gets thrown at me. Last week Sandy with the weird haircut threw her potatoes right in my face, I looked like Ms.Doubtfire in that one scene.” you say with a laugh, gauging his reaction. He smirks but remains silent, you decide it might be best if you keep talking in hopes of making him comfortable. 
“I’ve only been working here for about 5 months. I can’t say I’m settled completely. Some patients don’t seem to like me very much, hence the mashed potatoes. But I don’t let that discourage me, I mean if I was in their shoes I wouldn’t want some random lady talking my ear off. Well, I guess that’s what I’m doing now, I’ll shut up.”
He looks up at you with a wide smile, showcasing his perfect teeth. “Don’t stop," he says gently.
“I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into here, I can talk for hours.” you say with a light laugh. 
His eyes widen a bit, he looks at you as if he’s psychoanalyzing you, the roles seemingly reversed. You squirm under his intense stare, deciding to just start talking. 
“How about this? If I tell you one thing about me, you tell me one thing about you?”
“Deal.” he says much quicker than you anticipate making you laugh. You hear his breath hitch, concerned you did something wrong. 
“Are you ok?” 
“I’m fine. Start talking.” 
“Ok, Ok. Hmmmm, Oh how about this, I haven’t finished paying off my student debt.”
“I could pay it off,” he says seriously. 
“I appreciate the offer, but I’m sure that violates many rules.”
“I’m not one to worry about rules.” he says with a smile, making your own fall. He quickly reacts, trying to soothe the situation. “That was a joke, I’m joking.” 
“Noted.” you say hesitantly. “Your turn.” 
“I miss my cat.” he says, sadly.
“You have a cat?” you ask in surprise. “I love cats, I have two.”
“Can I see?” he asks, scooching to the front of his seat, making the guards jump hold him back. 
“You guys can relax.” you say and they let go of him.
You grab your phone from your desk, missing the way his eyes drop to your ass. 
“They're named Brad and Chad. And yes I know those are weird names for cats.” you show him the pictures of your cats, seeing his body visibly relax. 
“What’s your cat's name?”  
“Boy or girl?”
“Girl. I think my friend Hongjoong has her but I’m not sure.” 
“If you give me his last name I can try to find out for you.” you say with a smile.
He leans forward again in excitement. “You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, I know It’ll give you peace of mind.”
“Kim, his last name is Kim.”
“Kim Hongjoong has Matz and says you raised a very disrespectful cat.” you say and slide into the chair across from him in the cafeteria. 
He looks a bit shocked at your presence but he gives you a wide smile when he registers what you said. 
“She was born like that, I had no part in her sassiness.” he laughs. 
“Did he say anything else?”
“He said,  “Don't forget to look at the sky.” and stopped responding after that so do with it as you will.”
“I really appreciate it.” he says and grabs your hand, making the security guards restrain him. 
“It’s ok, let him go.” you sigh, understanding the guard’s worry, but also feeling sympathetic for Seonghwa. 
“I’ll see you around, Seonghwa.”
“Call me Hwa.” he smiles. 
Seonghwa has made great progress, now only being followed around by two guards as opposed to four. He’s been much more responsive with you and willing to let you into his mind, but he refuses to talk about the murders. Whenever you attempt to touch on the subject he locks up and asks to leave. You think he needs more time to accept and confront his past. You know prying too much will only erase his progress. You’ve learned so much about him and he’s learned so much about you. He’s so attentive to every word you speak, constantly bringing up small details you forgot you said. You’d be lying if you said it wasn't sweet. Today you decided to try group therapy with him, maybe if he sees someone else sharing he’d be inclined to share as well. You’re also hoping he’s able to make a friend here, since he expressed to you how lonely he’s been feeling. You can see the shock on his face when he walks into your office and see’s San sitting on the couch. He freezes in the threshold of your office, his face morphing into something you’ve never seen before. 
“Who is this?” he asks with venom.
“Hwa, this is San, he’ll be joining us today.”
“I think it’ll be a good change of pace. Now come on in and sit down.”
He slowly walks in, eyes never leaving San. 
“So, I was thinking of doing a joint session today. I think you two can be great friends and what better place to facilitate this friendship than here?”
“I’d rather be your friend, or more than friends if you’re interested.” San says with a smirk.
“San, don’t start.”
“If you show me your tits I’ll stop.”
“I will write you up.” you deadpan. 
He holds his hands up in defeat as you look over to Seonghwa. He’s sitting in his chair with a hard face and tense body. You want him to feel comfortable, understanding why he’s nervous. 
“Hwa, San also loves cats. Why don’t you tell him about Matz?”
“I have a cat named Matz” he whispers, eyes never leaving you.
“I used to have a cat but it died. I was thinking of getting a new one.” San says with a wide smile.
“What kind of cat is your favorite?” Seonghwa asks, seemingly interested. 
“I like cats that are nice and wet, even better if they're tight.” he says with a wide smile, showing off his dimples. “Can I take a look at your cat, Doctor?” 
Before you can respond San’s on the floor, face being beaten in by Seonghwa. 
“HOW ABOUT YOU TREAT HER WITH SOME FUCKING RESPECT.” he yells as his fist fly into San’s jaw. As the guards peel him off San and sedate him he’s staring straight at you, tears in his eyes. 
“I can’t sit here and let him talk to you like that.” he slurs as the sedative takes over his body. 
“Thank you, Hwa.” is the last thing he hears before everything fades to black.
“You did a real number on San.” you say with an awkward laugh at your next session,  trying to make him comfortable. He’s back with four guards after he broke San’s jaw two weeks ago.  He was placed in a higher security ward inorder to avoid more altercations.
“He deserved it.” he whispers with an eye roll.
“Maybe, but we don’t have to solve our problems with violence.”
“I do.”
“Well, If I upset you would you beat the shit out of me?” you ask, trying to prove your point but hoping he will say no.
He leans forward and looks directly into your eyes. “Y/N I will never hurt you. I swear on my life.” 
“That's good to hear” you say with a laugh. 
“Ok, let's begin. I want you to write three things you like here and three things you dislike. I want you to start seeing the good in the bad.”
“Not much to love in this shit hole.” he grumbles.
“Hey, At least the chicken tenders they serve on wednesdays are good.” you joke.
You hand him a piece of paper and a pen, your fingers brushing making you clear your throat. 
“Ok, go ahead.”
“You do it too.” he says with a smirk.
“How about I just write things I do like? ”
You write three things you like:
Chicken tenders 
The sunlight
“Ok, you share first.” 
He clears his throat. 
“I like my doctor, I like the girl I meet on Monday’s, Wednesday, and Fridays, and I like Y/N.”
Your eyes widen and you can’t help but smile, feeling your cheeks tingle. “Well that's definitely something.” you say with a laugh watching his eyes light up. 
You read out your list and watch his smile widen when he hears his name. 
“Don’t let it go to your head.” you say with an eye roll.
“Oh baby, it already did.”
Your heart stops at the pet name, willing yourself to remain professional. He’s a goddamn serial killer you internally yell. 
“Ok, now read the things you don’t like.”
“I don’t like Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don’t like San, and I don’t like your boyfriend.”
You choke on the sip of water you were taking. 
“How do you know I have a boyfriend?”
“Your reaction just told me.” he says and you can see him becoming upset. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend, and frankly it’s none of your business.” you say, slightly annoyed. 
He gives you a look you’re never seen before. You hate to think it but he genuinely looks insane. You’re suddenly thankful for the guards in the room. 
“I think that’s enough for today.” you say. the guards picking him up and dragging him out of the room, his eyes never leaving yours.
You weren’t lying, you don’t have a boyfriend. Well, that’s because he doesn’t want you. All  Chris wants from you is sex, claiming he’s “too young for a relationship”
You wish you were strong enough to stick up for yourself but that’s exactly how he likes you, weak. 
As you sit at your desk you're puzzled by Seonghwa’s reaction. Sure, you've had patients crush on you in the past but they've never reacted like that when they found out about your partner. He looked almost… murderous? You write this in his file, concerned for both your safety and his. Maybe someone else should get assigned to him? No, that’ll only aggravate him more. You sigh, at a loss about this situation. 
When you enter your office you see an envelope on the floor, presumably slid under your door. You pick it up and see it’s addressed to you.
You open it and pull out a letter.
“My dear Y/N, 
I don’t know what I was thinking yesterday. I guess I got jealous, knowing I can’t have you in the ways he has you. I can tell you guys aren’t in love. You deserve to be loved, in every sense of the word. I wish we met in different circumstances, I’d do anything to have you, to hold you, to love you. I’m sorry if I scared you. You’ve been nothing but perfect for me and I’ve done nothing but give you headaches. I’ll be better for you, I promise.
Your heart softens. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for you. You choose to ignore the parts where he confesses his love for you. That just complicates things. You decide to pay him a visit in his room. 
You walk to the other side of the hospital, rehearsing what you're going to say to him. You stop in your tracks outside his door, hearing moans and groans coming from the other side. Is he ok?  You press your ear to his door, only hearing more moans and whimpers. As you’re about to open it you hear him moan out your name. Oh. It doesn't take a genius to guess what he’s doing. It would be a lie if you said you weren't imagining his face right now. He’s already so pretty, he must look even better right before he comes. You bite the bullet and knock on his door.
“Hwa, can I come in?”
You hear shuffling and a meek “Come in.”
You open the door and pause. You expected him to stop but he’s sitting up on his bed with his back against the wall, cock in his hand. Your eyes stray from his face to his dick, hard and long. 
“Am I interrupting something?”
“I’ll come back later.” 
“No.” he yells, making you stop in your tracks.
“Turn around.”
As if you were in a trance you turn around, eyes trained on his large hands wrapped around himself. 
“Can you come help me? It hurts so bad.” he whispers. “You’re my doctor aren’t you?” he smirks.
“No, this is wrong.”
“Then why are you still here? Why are your eyes on my cock rather than my face?”
“Y/N, all I can think of when I close my eyes is you.” he says as he strokes his cock, looking into your eyes. “Your pretty eyes, your lips, your perfect fucking smile. You make it so hard to focus. I gotta come back here after every session to stroke my cock to you, I can’t help myself.”
You’re frozen in place, unsure if you’re even breathing. “Come wrap your hand around my cock, baby. Please?”
Your legs move before you can think this through, hesitantly wrapping your hand around him. He’s so big in your hands, you can only imagine how perfect he’d feel inside you. 
“I shouldn't be doing this.” you whisper to him. 
He wraps his hand around yours and guides you to begin stroking him, moaning at the sensation. “You aren’t doing anything wrong, just helping your patient.”
His breathing picks up as precum leaks from his tip onto your hand. “Baby, can I tell y-you something?”
“I really wish it was your pretty little pussy wrapped around me right now.” he groans. “I’d treat you better than you could imagine, I’d have you addicted to this dick.”
“Shh, keep going. You're making me feel so good, beautiful.” he breathes out, throbbing in your hand.
“Do you do this to your other patients? Or am I special.”
“You’re special, Hwa. You know that.”
“Do you do this for that ungrateful bastard you call a boyfriend?”
You freeze, but he continues. 
“I know you don’t. If he treated you how you deserved you wouldn’t be here with me. I’d make you a queen Y/N, you don’t even have to love me back.”
You look at him in the eye, he looks fucking insane but you can’t find it in you to care. You crash your lips into his, feeling him suck in a deep breath before returning the same ferocity. The kiss is deep and nasty, nothing but tongue and teeth. You grip him harder and begin pumping him faster, desperate to see his face when you come. 
“I want you to come for me ok? I wanna see how pretty you look when you feel good.”
“Yes, yes, ok. I’m gonna come for you.”
You hear him let out one last whimper before he comes, his seed dripping down your hand. When he’s done you bring your hand up to his mouth, watching him lick his cum off your fingers. You feel yourself clench around nothing, but you know you’d have to handle your little issue at a later time. 
“So good for me, Hwa.” you smile, giving him one last peck before getting up. 
He’s laying on the bed, looking completely blissed out, a wide smile on his face. 
“I got the letter by the way. I guess flattery has gotten you pretty far.”
You arrive home later than expected, getting caught up in some paperwork and losing track of time. When you arrive at your apartment you see none other than Chris waiting outside. 
“Where have you been?” he immediately spits, slurring his words, making you roll your eyes. 
“Why are you here?” you sigh, unlocking your door.
“What? I can’t come see you now?” he says, going to hug you, but you push him away, smelling the alcohol on his breath. 
“Thought you’d be more interested in seeing Irene.”
“Y/N, don’t be like that. You and I aren’t together.” he says, getting aggravated.
“Thank God.” you say under your breath, unsure where this confidence came from.
“Come again?”
“No. Fucking say it.” he says, getting in your face.
“Chris, just leave.”
“Youre fucking impossible, Y/N. I don’t know what you fucking want from me. You get mad when I fuck other bitches but you talk to me like this? You don’t deserve me.”
You can’t help but laugh, turning to walk into your bathroom, which makes him even more upset. 
“Whats so fucking funny?” he yells, grabbing your wrist a little too tight. 
“Don’t fucking touch me.” you spit, trying to pull your hand away, but unable to due to his tight grip. 
“You’re hurting me.” you cry as he tightens his grip and pulls you towards him. 
“Imagine how much you hurt me when you act like this? You’re a fucking bitch Y/N. Why are you acting like this? Are you fucking someone else is that it?” he’s getting angrier by the second, beginning to scare you.
You yank your hand from his grip, only to be greeted with a sharp slap across your face.
You look at him with wide eyes, shocked at his actions. He seems equally as shocked as he stares at his hand then you. 
“Sweetheart, I’m-”
“Get out before I call the cops.”
He rushes out, spewing bullshit apologies in his drunken state, but you’re having none of it. As soon as he leaves you begin to cry, the reality of what happened hitting you. You look down at your wrist, seeing his hand imprinted on your skin. You cry more, wondering how you got to this point.
You tried your best to cover the small mark on your face, but the bruise on your hand was a no go. You just hoped the sleeves of your lab coat would cover the mark. You see multiple patients today, trying to keep up your usual happy persona but most likely failing. San is the only one who asked if you were ok, saying he “knows ways to make
You feel better.” Maybe Seonghwa needs to beat him up one more time so he can learn his lesson. Speaking og Seonghwa, you are nervous to face him after your encounter yesterday. You violated so many rules, if he were to snitch on you not only would you lose your job, but your license. You take a deep breath as the guards bring him into your office, two instead of four now due to good behavior.
He takes a seat but you’re not sure what to say. He frowns at the unusual silence, immediately asking what's wrong. 
“I’m fine, Hwa. Just having a shitty day.” you say while subconsciously rubbing your wrist, bringing attention to it. He shoots forward in his seat and grabs your arm, pulling back your sleeve and looking at your wrist. The guards immediately grab him, but you signal at them to stand down. 
“Did he do that?” Seonghwa asked, venom dripping from his voice. 
“He was drunk.” 
“That's not an excuse.”
“I know.” you sigh.
“That bastard doesn't deserve you. I hope he fucking dies.” Seonghwa spits. 
“Hwa, don’t say that.”
“I want to leave.”
You nod your head and the guards lead him back to his room. You decide to head home, hoping a night out with your friends will clear your mind.
Seonghwa’s tells himself he’s doing this for you. Everything he does is for you. No one can lay a hand on his sweet girl and think they won't experience any consequences. He’ll be damned if this fucker lives another day. He watches Chris dance and kiss other women like nothings wrong, like he didn’t put his hands on you. Seonghwa can feel the rage flowing through his body, this is the feeling he gets right before he kills. He can’t wait to see the light leave Chris’ eyes tonight. He’s eternally grateful for Hongjoong finding this fucker for him, he knows he’ll avenge you tonight. 
He waits for him near his car, watching him fumble with his keys. 
“Excuse me.” 
Chris turns around and sees Seonghwa standing next to the car parked behind his own. 
“I know this sounds weird, but I’m trying to dump my couch, but I can’t get it out of my apartment by myself. Can you help me?”
“Yea sure.” 
Seonghwa couldn't help but smile, knowing what was about to happen. As soon as the pair enter Hongjoong’s old apartment, Seonghwa wastes no time and stabs Chris in the chest, watching him crumble to the floor. 
“You think you can touch my dear, Y/N and get away with it? No one is going to hurt my girl.” he spits, rage consuming him. 
Chris doesn’t get a chance to respond as Seonghwa plunges the knife into his chest, repeatedly, aiming for his heart. 
“This is how my heart felt when I saw those bruises on her.” he spits, mutilating Chris’s body. 
When his body is nothing more than a pile of flesh and blood, Seonghwa stands, changing out of his soiled clothes and exiting the apartment, leaving Chris’s body to rot. 
He pushes through the crowds of the rowdy club, searching for you. He spots you dancing with your friends, looking carefree and happy, exactly as you should be. He smiles at the sight, falling more in love with you as the seconds pass. He wants to experience everything with you, he wants to marry you, have kids with you, die with you, and he will. He’ll make you his, he’ll fill you up with his seed and watch your body grow. He’ll keep you where no one can find you, make sure you’re his forever. 
He watches you search for one of your other friends from your spot at the bar, hoping you’d make eye contact with him. When your eyes meet his heart stops. He watches your eyes widen, and confusion grow on your face. You rub your eyes to make sure you’re seeing correctly and when you open them again he’s gone. 
He walks back to the asylum elated, happy he served you justice. He passes by the security who knows better to question him and the nurses who keep their heads down and mouths shut. There's nothing money can’t buy, and the hospital staff’s silence is definitely not one of them. He changes back into his patient attire and gets into bed as if nothing happened. 
 You’re 100% losing your mind. Either that or Seonghwa was in the same club as you last night which is impossible. You've run through every scenario you could think of and you’ve concluded whatever you feel for him is becoming too strong. You’re considering transferring him to another doctor, the guilt you have from what happened two days ago is sitting on you. That was completely unprofessional and foolish, your risked so much because you’re too fucking horny. Not only that but you took advantage of him, you're in a position of power, you should've said no. You know you wouldn't be able to treat and diagnose him properly. But you also know he’d throw a fit if he gets assigned to a new doctor. This is all too much for you to handle.
Your thoughts are interrupted by someone barging into your office. You look up and see Seonghwa, eyes widening. 
“Hwa? Why are you here?”
“I needed to see you.”
“Where are the guards?”
“Don’t worry about that.” he says and locks your office door, worrying you a bit.
“Seonghwa, you’ll get in trouble if they find out you’re here.”
“They won’t find out if you don’t tell.” he says with a smile, walking to your desk. 
“Why did you need to see me?”
“I’m sorry for how I acted yesterday. It wasn’t my place to react like that, and I know you were probably already stressed, I shouldn’t have added to that.”
“It's ok, don’t worry.”
“No, it’s not Ok. I keep saying I'll treat you right but I haven't. Let me make it up to you.”
You smile at how much he cares when it should be the other way around. 
“And how are you going to make it up?” you say with a light laugh.
“Let me eat you out.”
Your eyes widen. 
“Hwa. What happened was a one time thing. We can’t keep doing this.”
“You know why.”
“I won’t tell anyone. No one needs to know, Baby. I love you, why would I jeopardize you?” he says, getting on his knees next to your desk chair.
“What if someone sees?”
“I’ll take care of them. With the way I’m about to have you, no one but me gets to see you.”
Your breath quickens. No way you're actually contemplating this. You watch as he turns your chair towards him and places his hands on your thighs.
“What do you say, Sweet girl?”
You nod hesitantly. He smiles up at you spreading your legs and running his hands up your skirt. He flips it up and looks at your pink panties, sucking in a deep breath. 
“Just like I imagined.”
He puts his legs on your shoulder and pulls your hips to his face, running his nose along your inner thigh. He’s breathing heavily, his grip on you tightening. He licks a long stipe up your slit over your panties, teasing you. Your hands fly to his soft curls, pulling him closer. 
“Please don’t tease”  you whisper.
He begins to kiss your cunt, practically making out with it. He’s so sloppy with it, soaking your already soaked panties more. He pulls off your panties with his teeth, shoving them in his pocket before pulling you flush to his lips. He goes straight for your clit, sucking harshly. He's moaning into your cunt, lapping at your pussy like it's the last he’lll ever eat.
“So good, Baby. You taste so fucking goof. The best I’ve ever had.”
He runs two fingers through you, wetting them before easing them inside. 
“Fucking hell, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
You can only moan in response, trying to control your volume.
“Tell me how it feels.”
“It’s so good, Hwa. Feels so good.”
“Is it better than that fucker Chris?”
“Yes, so much better.” you moan out, not having enough brain power to question how he knows chris. All you can focus on is his soft tongue running through you and his fingers hitting all the spots you need. 
Your back arches as you feel your orgasm coming. “Give it to me baby. I deserve it,I’ve been so good to you.” he speaks into your cunt, his fingers never stopping. 
You look down into his wide eyes and see so much emotion in them. He’s so fucking pretty, just the thought that this is the man eating you out makes you let go. Grabbing his hair harshly and somehow pulling him closer as you soak his face. He keeps sucking and licking your clit, slowing the pace of his fingers. When it gets too much you yank his head back, out of breath. 
“Fuck, Hwa. That definitely made it up to me.” you laugh, blissed out.
“I’m glad.” he laughs, licking his fingers clean before standing up and kissing you.
“I can make you feel even better.” he smiles, testing his luck. 
“Nice try. Can I have my panties back?”
“No can do.” he smiles, kissing you one more time before backing up, helping you put your clothes back in place. 
“I’ll see you four, Love.” he says with a wide smile.
“Actually, I need to cancel our session, something came up.” you say solemnly watching his smile drop. All the guilt from before it you once again. You can’t keep doing this. He’s you patient for fucks sake, you can’t fuck him. This is wrong on so many levels.  
“So when am I going to see you instead?”
“I’ll let you know.” you say with a frown.
“Oh, Ok. Have a nice night, Y/N.”
“You too, Hwa.”
Seonghwa can feel something's off. He thought after he ate you out you’d realize you feel the same way about him. But he could tell it had the opposite effect. He tries to sleep but all that's on his mind is you. He looks at the clock on the wall, it's well past 4am, you should definitely be gone. He gets up and opens his door, seeing the guard on night duty fast asleep. He walks to your office and uses the master key he stole from the janitor to unlock the door. He walks over to your desk and scans the papers littering it. He sees a printed out email from your supervisor, listing reports made about you from other patients. Other patients claim you show him favoritism? He knows San was behind this. They claim patient reports you write for him are much more detailed and that's somehow proof of favoritism? You eating lunch with him is somehow inappropriate? He laughs at this, they really have no idea how inappropriate your relationship has gotten. He continues reading, Your supervisor claims he’s showing no improvement and has requested a new doctor for him. He can feel the anger coursing through his veins but he wills himself. He’ll be damned if they try to take you away from him. His months of planning will not go to waste. He’ll live out all his dreams with you, there's no way he won’t. 
He walks out of your office, filled with rage. He can’t believe this. He can only imagine how crushed you are. He knows you love him, even if you don’t know it. He knows you’re probably at home distraught. He owes it to you to make sure you two remain together forever.
He goes back to his room, but he still can’t sleep. He stares at the ceiling, imagining your pretty face in an attempt to calm his spirit. He’s rudely interrupted by his door opening. He looks at the clock and sees it's somehow 8am. Time flies so fast when you're on his mind. In walks another doctor he’s seen around the hospital. There's no way this happened so quickly. He can’t believe this. He sees the man speaking to him but he’s not hearing anything besides the ringing in his ears. 
“I want Y/N to be my doctor.”
“Unfortunately, she can’t. She hasn’t been making much progress with you. We're hoping a more experienced doctor like myself can help you more than she can.”
He looks at him blankly. He feels himself slipping away. His hands clench and reach under his pillow, grasping his knife as the doctor reads from his clipboard. He won’t let someone speak about you like this. He won’t let them take you away from him. He grabs the doctor's hair and slits his throat, sawing through the man's blood vessels until he falls limp. A guard runs in and attempts to wrestle the knife out of his hands but he overpowers him, plunging the knife into his chest repeatedly. Seonghwa’s fuled by blind rage, no one will stop him from avenging your honor. How dare they speak of you like this as he kills the fourth and final guard to come in. He hears alarms blaring in the distance and looks at the clock. It's 9:05 am, he can feel you on your way to him.
The blaring of the alarms push you to run faster, entering the high security section of the hospital. The commotion from down the hall gets louder as you approach his room. You come to a halt as you see a stream of blood running down the hall, coming from beyond his door. A loud thud from inside his room breaks you from your trance,  you push open the door, seeing the bodies of guards surrounding his bed.   
“Hwa” you gasp, eyes trained on the battered bodies. “What did you do?” you breathe out, finally looking up at him. 
He looks up at you from across the room, eyes wide and bloodshot. 
“What did I do?” He laughs maniacally. “Y/N, This is your fault. I did this because of you.” he says as he begins to approach you. 
“THEY TRIED TO KEEP ME FROM YOU!” He yells. “You were supposed to take care of me. YOU PROMISED!” He traps you against the wall next to the door. “Isn’t that your job? Nurse me back to my right state of mind? Figure out what's wrong with me? But you didn’t do that. No,no, no you just made me fall in love with you, you made me want you! So don’t act like this is my fault.” he says as he lightly drags the knife across your throat.
“No ones going to keep me away from you, my love.” he whispers into your ear. He leans over and locks the door before looking back at you.
“Do you think I’m going to hurt you?”
“No.” you answer with full confidence.
He smiles at you, but it's not the same smile your Seonghwa gives you. You don’t know who this is. 
"I want my Hwa back, I don;t like you like this.”
“I am your Hwa, Baby. I did this for you Y/N. Don’t you see how much I love you?” he says, dropping the knife and kissing down your neck. 
“I know, Hwa.” you sigh heavily, feeling his cock hardening against your stomach. 
“Say you love me too. I know you do.”
Do you love him? Can you love someone who’d do this? The longer you stay quiet the more upset he gets. “It's ok baby. I’ll love you enough for the both of us.” he sighs. “One day you’ll realize how much you love me.”
He runs his hands down your body, squeezing your ass. He flips you around, pressing your chest to the wall. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, Y/N. I’ll be all you think about for the rest of your life.”
He shoves your pants down and rips your panties off you, rubbing his fingers through you. “Fucking hell, you’re a filthy fucking liar. You do like me like this, look how wet you are.” he says bringing his soaking fingers in front of your face. Your breath quickens, seeing evidence of how wet you are.
“Just fuck me, Hwa.” you groan.
He pulls out his hard cock and rubs his tip through you. “I’ll make you mine, Y/N. You’ll let me cum in you right? Own this pussy”
“Yes, Hwa. Please.”
He lines himself up and slides in slowly, gripping your hips tightly at the sensation. 
“F-fuck, Baby. You feel so good, the best I’ve ever had.” he moans out. He fills you up completely, stretching you so painfully but not nicely. You savor the pain, it reminds you of  how taboo this is, how much you deserve to feel pain. Youre letting this psychopath fuck you in a room full of bodies, your colleagues blood on your body doing nothing but turning you on. You deserve to feel pain, but he turns that pain into pleasure with the first thrust. It’s like your pussy was made for him, you fit together perfectly. You can feel him in your stomach, so deep inside you, you can feel yourselves becoming one. He picks up his pace, thrusting into you harshly. 
“I’ve dreamt of this for so long. I’ve fucked my fist imagining it was this pussy. You couldn't even imagine all the nasty things I’d do to you, Bbay. I’d hurt you so bad but you’d love it, you’d beg me for more. B-beg me to make you mine.”
He pulls out quickly and flips you around, hiking you up the wall. You wrap your legs around his waist as he slides back in, fucking into you while staring into your eyes. 
“I need to see that pretty face when I breed you. I have everything planned out for us, Y/N. There's a beautiful house waiting for you, so many rooms to fill up with our beautiful babies. I know you’d be a great mother, my perfect little housewife.”
He picks up his pace, feeling you clenching around him, but desperate to come together. 
“I’d keep you full of my seed all the time, my love. You’d always feel me dripping out of you, I’d keep you nice and round with my babies for as long as I can. You want that don’t you? You wanna be my slutty little cum dump?”
You can barely answer him, let alone breathe. He’s hitting it so deep, you feel like your on another planet. You look down into his eyes and nod, mesmerized by his beautiful brown eyes. You’d let him do anything he wanted if it meant you felt like this forever. 
“Cum for me, my love. I’m going to fill you up so nicely, ok?”
You let go, clamping down on his cock and hearing his deep groan. His warm cum fills you up to the brim, leaking out of you, despite the vice-like grip your cunt has on him.
“So fucking tight and warm, baby” he blabbers, shallowly thrusting his seed back into you. He pulls you in for a kiss by your neck, claiming your mouth as his own. You pull back for air, giving him a blissed out smile. The words he so badly wants to hear hang on your tongue but you can’t give it to him yet. 
“I know, baby. You don’t have to say it, I already know.” he whispers against your lips and sets you down. 
He helps you fix your clothes and begins to pull you out of the hospital. As you see the chaos ensuing, the reality of the situation hits you. 
“Hwa, where are you taking me?”
“Hongjoong is outside we gotta go before the cops come.”
“Wait, what?” you pull back from him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Y/N, now's not the time.” he growls.
“Tell me what's going on.”
“You really think I was going to stay in this shit hole forever? Y/N, I’m not fucking crazy, I killed those people on purpose. The only reason I’m not rotting in jail is because I paid off the judge. I was planning my escape from the moment I got here but I only stayed this long because of you. So let's go.”
His words break you from your trance. This man is actually insane. You begin backing away from him but he gets visibly upset. “Y/N, don’t try this shit with me. You’re coming with me whether you like it or not.”
The dim lighting of the hallway and red lights from the alarms make him look sinister. For the first time you feel afraid of him. 
“I don’t want to go with you, Seonghwa.”
He looks at you blankly before grabbing you harshly. “
“I didn’t want to do it this way, Y/N. I wanted us to be happy, but if I have to force you to want me, so be it. He pulls out the sedative he took from one of the guards and pulls off the cap with his teeth. “You’ll be mine forever Y/N. That baby growing in your belly is proof enough.” 
He sticks the syringe into your neck, releasing the chemicals into your body. You feel the drugs immediately kick in, falling limp in his hold. 
“Hwa, please don’t.” you whimper.
He caresses your face with a pout. “Don’t worry, Baby. You’ll love me eventually, I’ll make sure of it.” 
He flashes you a wide, beautiful smile before everything fades to black.
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Poppy Blue
Blue Jones! Miguel x Baby Doll! Reader.
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Art by @marbipa on x
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Power play, choking kink, rough sex, mentions of abuse, preying, toxic and perverted behavior, implicit clandestine and illegal activities, lobotomy, dissociation, implicit depersonalization, objectification, hate sex, manhandling, violence, sub space. No Proofread.
Summary: Messy things ~ (I guess?) Miguel as Blue Jones from Sucker Punch.
A/N: Watched Sucker Punch last night and... yeah. Had to get this out of my system. ~ Another one for the Miguelverse ~
All it took was a bullet. Aimed at your assailant with no intentions of missing. Yet you did. You missed, failed terribly so. His chest was your goal, instead it went directly to his shoulder.
Projectile ripping and scorching skin, tissue and muscle in the go, earning a shaky and pained yelp. But it was the least he deserved after trying to be sneaky on your sister, that laid cold and bled out in the floor. She was no match for his knife and his blood thirst of the night. The rest was a blur.
And now, you were dragged down to the wet and dull greys walls of your future home. Lennox House. Or rather Lennox Asylum for the Mentally Ill.
Everything about the place screamed danger, everything about the people working in the monstrosity of place yelled I'm no better.
Barefoot, soaked in rain, holding your new uniform and gazing at the biggest man you've seen in you life, holding a bunch of keys while his eyes bore into you.
The way he stared made your skin crawl and it didn't help your clothes clung to your body. Arms braced the uniform closer to your chest, trying to cover it up. His eyes wandered to the man behind you, a police officer with three scratched lines into his face. You hadn't left him unscathed. Not when he tried to play rough with you back at your old home.
The man showed you around, place was as depressing as it was from the outside, but The Theater took the prize.
Girls your age dressed in gray, socializing in the area. And by socializing it'd mean to watch them either receive therapy with a polish beautiful woman named Vera Gorski, or watch them fight over the stupidest things. But who could blame them?
Some probably had enough time inside that had memorized the cracks in the wall, the scratches on the floor, the number of chewed gums underneath the table or how many dust particles were accumulated in the windows. Gray. Everything was gray and dull.
Even the voice of the men behind you talking about a price for your silence were tiresome and dry. Two thousand. That's what your memories were valued as. A number you now hated.
Corrupt pigs
The police officer gave you a gentle push forward as a nurse came to fetch you. The simple touch of that man made your skin revolt and slapped him hard across his wilting face, a scowl on your grimace that slowly turned into a smirk as the police officer tried to catch you, but you were being dragged away by two nurses into a life that would turn your head upside down and backwards, the many times it saw fit until you'd understand that you weren't in charge.
Until you'd understand your purpose.
"If you don't dance, you have no purpose."
Madam Gorski murmured to you. Pretty, dangerous and aware of the many many situations revolving in the brothel. Cause in truth, the asylum was just an alibi and a frontage for the real deal. House Lennox. A house of pleasure.
Bets, drinks, sex, meds and a hell of a show to anyone that filled Miguel's pockets.
The main attraction? Girls that society deemed unfit to keep within her picky guts. Too into messy situations to keep the pretense around relatives. Too fucked up to function properly but good enough to mold and shape into something useful, and too tempting to break even further.
She mumbled while circling you, her dark eyes scrutinized you unabashedly, taking in everything her sight could reach. Pursing her pouty lips upon your body.
Pretty, scared, still holding a grip on reality while trying to swallow a really hard to deglute pill, and oh so perfect for a new purpose.
"We do not keep things in here that serve no purpose."
The collide of her cane on the floor was like a metronome, setting the pace to enter a forbidden place, somewhere that none could reach but you. Mind splitting in two, dissociating soul from conscience, leaving an empty, moving vessel behind. You were free for a moment. And now you wanted more, more of that place where your imagination ran rampant.
Where Gorski's words meant nothing, where the guards had no power, where you were allowed to break down and feel without second intentions or being frowned upon. But mainly, without Miguel’s preying gaze licking you raw while undressing your form with it.
But the clapping and praising brought you back to this reality. Red eyes fell upon you, studying, raking over your body upside down, stopping at your thighs to then go back to your flushed and breathless face.
Mr. O'Hara. Miguel 'Blue' O'Hara. The asylum guard, the key bearer, perverted pimp, and your new shadow.
Ever since that dance many things changed.
Even though you danced, duties in the asylum weren't to be neglected. If you said no, you'd get a visit to the hole.
If you didn't dance, you'd get a visit to the hole.
But if you didn't do things Miguel's way, you'd get a personal talk with him, and then a visit to the hole.
And those talks, surely weren't words.
Scrubbing the floors gave you the chance to listen a bit of everything. Girl's derangements, psychotic outbreaks, mumblings that were filled in with regret and many more flourishing emotions; the ever loud music from the cook, and the unceasing mewls and obscene noises coming from Miguel's office.
Some girls misbehaved on purpose, just to get a taste of him. Others did anything to draw his attention to them, specially in the dance floor. But you knew better to anger him.
Sure, pleasure came in hand with a high price. He wasn't good, he wasn't nice nor gentle, matter-of-factly some girls cried during their one on one sessions and the degradation only enhanced the tears.
Sick fuck.
Gorski's alarms flared up upon seeing belt marks on their legs and ass, bites in their inner thighs and bruises on their hips. Eyes a bit too gone and tired to actually work in anything. They might have spread the gossip around of Miguel fucking them, and even enjoyed it.
But the aftermath of it, said otherwise. And it was enough to keep you on check, but even so he was pulled to you like a magnet so strong you could see the refrain in his eyes every time he approached you.
Hands shaky, tongue rubbing and wetting his plump lips, a soft flush on his cheeks and pleading eyes. A silent 'Let me play too' cause he wasn't allowed to touch, or taste you. Instead, he'd use the girls willing to please him to take his anger out. Their bodies meant nothing, they meant nothing cause they weren't you.
They didn't have your body, they didn't have your sweet voice that distorted into moans and gasps that he'd kill to induce every time you danced, but above all, they didn't have your spark.
That little interaction with the police when you first arrived, had him folding on a bathroom, stroking himself to oblivion at the mere sound of your slaps.
Unbeknownst to you, you held so much power over him. Power he was set to dull, because he was the only one in control. Not even Gorski and her stupid polish methods to get in the rest's head. He ran the place and had it under control.
For how long though?
You wanted out. His little Poppy wanted out and surely would get everything to be free and leave him, forsake him in this damned place.
Anger flowed within his veins like molten lava upon remembering how other men looked at you, how other men wanted you. They'd possibly been imagining how good and tight your insides would feel cause the way you moved when you were up in the stage, was surreal. It was like another person took over.
But he, a sick fuck through and through, would want both. No. He'd have both. He craved and needed both, even better when you were dressed in such things that only added more dry bones to his needy fire.
Fucking lucky of them to feel you and be a your second skin. Even that stupid and everything but innocent uniform you were to dress every day, stirring up enough to let him take a peek of your panties, or the stockings underneath that remained etched on your supple thighs he'd often fantasize in getting lost between.
He just had to wait for you to misbehave. But sadly you didn't seem keen into breaking the rules. He'd wait.
"Stormy, come."
Vera called another girl. Whoever gave their names either knew them too well or picked random words in a go. Gorski too engrossed into her lessons to notice you had been dragged away by other guards under Miguel's petition.
Had you forgotten about something? No. Surely not. Last week's chores were fulfilled completely, the bathrooms were clean, the kitchen's dishes turn were washed up, and so were the floors. Your wrists sore, a reminder to ask for a new brush.
The laundry.
Some dancers had ran out of stockings, lingerie, and some sheets from the brothel needed to be replaced ASAP.
But you, Poppy, as Vera had called you and it stuck with the rest ever since, had trouble. Just cause you had forgotten about the damn laundry.
Miguel's formidable frame came into view, he was on a call, lying on how well someone's daughter was doing after a lobotomy. How they didn't have to worry about her anymore.
Your stomach felt sick and your heart leaped on your chest once he ended up the call. The guards had been long gone, leaving you with your shadow alone.
If honest, you knew Miguel either followed or kept you watched under hawk's eyes. Time stopped as soon as he turned to face you.
Pupils wide blown as soon as you came into his sight.
"My sweet, sweet Poppy."
He inhaled deeply and clasped his hands together before his face. An uncontainable smirk morphed into a light titter.
"You've been a bad girl, princesa."
His hands slamming on the table before him made you jolt and blink at his sudden mood shift.
"We..." He wetted his lips as he came behind you, "We were counting on you, Mi cielo. But... you failed us. Failed me."
A gulp as his breath fanned over the crook of your neck.
"You see..." His big and long fingers brushing your hair away from the right side of your head joint, "Now I gotta improvise something for the next show. "
"I'm sorry, I forgot-"
His hand took a hold of your neck and the contact made him growl. Warm, smooth, feeling every heartbeat underneath his big and calloused palms.
Lips dangerously close to your ear, breathing and panting as he pulled you closer to him, your back colliding against his torso and abdomen.
He hushed while taking a big whiff off you. A mix of soap, perfume and cigarettes. His hand squeezed tighter, earning a lovely and sweet yelp from you as he pushed you against his desk.
Your eyes widened in surprise upon feeling the hardening cock in between the slot of your thighs, poking, begging to be released and finally take you.
"You remind me of someone. Too bad she lost her spark."
His hand riled the skirt of your uniform up, passing up some layers of extra clothing, your underwear and stockings. Hand plunged inside to finally allowing his fingers to have a sample of your flesh.
"But I'm keeping yours alight, sweetheart."
His cock twitched when he found your clit. Fingers dexterous and peeling the outer folds away to give a gentle rub before you closed your legs almost instantly. A little delaid reaction, your brain was still processing it.
You went completely still when he pulled his fingers out of you and brought them to his lips. He sucked them off with hunger, groaning and trembling at the taste.
"Por Dios, preciosa..."
You tried to pry his hand out of your neck but the struggle made his breathings more labored and needy as he humped and ground against you from behind. Letting his tip to speak volumes at how hard and wanton he was. How bad you made him react. How much power you had over him.
Of course.
The idea of having him subdued to you assaulted your mind. Pressuring you into pleading, just like your clit that clenched and twitched upon having his tip rubbing in a slow yet firm strokes.
His hands went back inside your panties, searching for the nub of nerves that had you melting. Tongue skimming at the tender skin of your neck.
Just as he was about to bury a finger knuckle deep, the ever annoying voice of Vera urging Miguel from outside the door, asking for you. Her dear and lovely Poppy.
"Chingada madre" (Fucking shit)
He sighed with an exasperated growl and looked at the door.
"The fuck you want?!"
"I need Poppy on the practice. Now."
Where was the shocking baton when he needed it the most?
For once, you were relieved to know that you didn't go unnoticed under Gorski's watch. She protected the girls in her own way.
Knees trembled as he kept the hand inside. A little miscalculation had you whimpering while his fingers remained trapped in your flesh. His eyes snapped back on you with a smirk.
A hand clasped on top of your mouth, suffocating any moans as he worked his fingers between your pussy. Touching and prodding at the forbidden flesh, a moan vibrated through his hand with a high pitched Hmm
"I'll get her to you right away!"
Miguel yelled while working his fingers harder and faster, alternating between rubbing and fucking your hole with them.
"Spread your legs wider, pretty baby" The husk of his voice made you close your eyes and hips hump ever shyly at his hands. Gaining as much friction as possible.
"Miguel, I need her now."
He grumbled under his breath while moving his hands faster. The wet smooch and sucking squelch had him humping against your panties, breaths agitated, muttering something you could only decipher as filth in spanish, your hands clenched onto him, tightly fisted on his clothes.
Just a bit more
He heard Vera cursing in her native tongue as he prodded his fingers inside, toying with your opening. Stretching and fucking it at his likings.
"You fucking little slut"
He tittered while rubbing furiously in your clit. A bit too rough that had you bucking and trembling in his arms. If his hands made you quiver and melt he couldn't wait to see what his cock could do. You drenched his fingers.
Said fingers were cleaned up again by his mouth with a droopy and pleasure drunk face.
Despite having your legs shaky, he held you by the hips, and forced you to grab onto his desk. His hands quickly fumbled with his pants and boxers, pulling his cock out.
He stroked a couple of times, tip susceptible to stimulation. He pulled the panties aside, your stockings the only barrier between you and his erection. The flimsy layer of clothes instantly adhered to your soaked skin, He pushed in between your thighs, rubbing his cock back and forth with slow thrust against your pussy. His hot length brushed against the already engorged and sensitive nub.
The tightness of your warm thighs smooshed together created the perfect friction hole for him without actually penetrating you. So close and yet so far of that forbidden territory. Soft mewls and whimpers came out your mouth, too enraptured in feeling than verbalizing your pleasure.
He also needed his toys. Specially his favorite. Stockings were thoroughly soaked the more he pushed his cock in and out. Labia clothed and slicked parted to feel his shallow moves. He used you as his fleshlight, his hips smacking yours. His chest rumbled with animalistic and low growls.
His hands were clumsy as the pleasure turned overwhelming, you could see the flushed tip of him peeking out your thighs, the urge of tasting him turned bigger the faster he went. You were trying so hard to keep it as quiet as possible.
"Wished I was inside you, don't you?"
You gasped as he purposely angled his tip in your dripping hole. A shivering breath was all he received.
He took you by your chin and squeezed
"Don't you?!"
"Yes, what?!"
"Yes, sir."
Jesus fucking Christ.
He pushed in deeper in your cunt, his cock pushed a bit of the stockings inside as he doused it with his cum, unable to hold back any longer, marking you.
You had never heard a man pant and wheeze like that before. So deep, raspy, needy, cradling you tighter, anchoring to you as he shook his orgasm out.
"Fuck- Ay Dios, fuckfuck-"
He slurred while engulfing your frame against the table. Breathings matching his erratic ones.
Your skin between supple thighs felt clammy and sticky. Black stockings ruined completely by the white and wet patch of his scent.
Hot breath fanned over your neck.
"Can't wait to feel the real de-"
The door banged.
"Boss! We need you!"
The guards and Vera had proposed to fuck around with him cause his patience had been tested many times.
Your steps marching away from him snapped him out of his thoughts, He blinked and held you by the wrist, pulling you once more to him to kiss you.
Your first kiss in years. Soft but needy and filled in with a promise to fulfill later.
Now that he had a taste, there was none to stop him. He'd take his favorite toy and go home.
Freedom was taken away from you, right before your eyes. Forsaken by your so called friends, marooned by the crew you had gathered within the depths of despair. Your hope had given them a chance at surviving, your courage had transformed you into a fucked up sisterhood, but it was their greed that made you the ultimate sacrifice to their success.
You could only watch while thrashing your way out, but the more you fought, the more guards came to you, but one in particular pulled you out of the mess like a feather. But you didn't stop fighting. Not even when your tabs were in absolute zero probabilities of winning, not when Miguel dragged you inside manhandling your crying form like a ragdoll.
Scratches, fists and other punches didn't move him in the slightest. His grip tightened once you both were locked up in his office once more. He tossed you on the floor.
"Why... Why did you want to leave?"
His tone menacing yet hurt.
The idea of you almost slipping away from him had sent him in a berserk mode that unleashed hellbent through the asylum. Just to find you and when he did, he wanted nothing but hurt you, just the way you've hurt him.
Wasn't his attention enough? , wasn't him being lenient on you and your chores enough? Wasn't he enough?
You were too dumbfounded to process his question. Too marked with shame at your failure and rage to pay him attention, and that alone sent him grabbing you by the neck and crash you against a vanity. Tossing everything above it to the floor.
Your back collided against the now shattered mirror, you yelped but still managed to slap him and that made him groan and nod frantically.
One of his hands was more than enough to hold your both arms as he positioned between your thighs, pressing further against you.
"You don't like me, Poppy? Why?"
"Let me go!"
His hand squeezed your neck tightly, cutting all air for a minute while he kissed you. Sloppy, angry and so full with lust and rage. It gave you no time to react while his other hand tore the panties from underneath your skirt.
You kept slapping him, but that only enticed him to spread you further
"Love that fucking spark on you, preciosa."
He then thrashed you against the table sending a painful jolt through your body, It made you still for a moment.
"No! No! Don't-" his eyes widened in panic, "Don't lose it. Please-"
"No" You panted, "Just found it" A flower vase was smashed in his forehead. And that granted you freedom from his hands as you fell on the floor, gasping for air and crawling away from him.
Heavy steps echoed, trailing dangerously after you. Miguel took you by the ankle and dragged you towards him.
He hissed and pulled you upwards, like a statuette, and slammed your torso against the desk you had been clenching onto. All air knocked out your lungs.
A hand passed over his buckle and removed in a swift motion his belt in one go. The sight of your pussy peeking underneath the ruffles of your skirt made a smile that didn't reach his eyes to appear.
He quickly got the belt around your neck, your hands instantly pried, or at least tried to pry it away, scratching yourself in the process. The smell of copper filled in the air, the vase had broke the skin of his forehead.
"You fucking ungrateful bitch!"
He secured the belt tighter and you wheezed, hands flailed to get a hold of him. Fingers already prodding and toying with your cunt, to his surprise, the struggle and fight turned you on, knowing that a man wanted you so badly that would do anything to have you, and you denying such power had you soaked.
Specially when the man in question was this 6'9" cell guard that wanted nothing but to wreck you, destroy you the way you had destroyed his fucked up illusions.
"All I did for you, everything I did meant shit for you-"
He rasped before slapping your butt with such force it stung and left a red imprint on the now reddening flesh.
"I didn't... a-ask you for shit!"
He grunted at your broken words as he pulled the makeshift leash backwards, separated your legs and pulled out his cock once more.
"There we go, baby"
"Y-You're so pathetic-"
Words died in your throat as he slid inch by inch inside. The intrusion made you sob a feeble whimper, it burned and hurt, but in a way you weren't expecting and you liked it.
"Me? Pathetic? Ay muñeca, is not me whose gonna beg me to stop" He pulled your face towards him and kissed you once more, "You won't even remember your name once I'm done with you."
He buried to the hilt as he watched your expression. Troubled yet blissful. A little grip was loosened as he felt you were about to speak again.
"You talk too much shit-."
Part of you regretted said words, cause he smashed your head in the desk and dug his fingers around your hips.
"Is that so?"
Nothing had you prepared for the assailing onslaught of his hips. Fucking was a measly word compared to what he actually was doing to your poor and snug cunt.
It wasn't slapping, his hips thwacked yours with such force you were sure your cervix would be bruised and your legs wouldn't walk properly for the next few days, but as it hurt, it felt good. Too good for your own comfort. Specially when propped a leg ontop of a stool for more leverage to ruin you deeper.
A garbled moan came out your lips, before gritting your teeth together and shaking your head vehemently. He laughed in between deep growls and moans.
"Am I dulling that spark, muñeca?"
Your body lurched forwards, pussy drenched him with every remorseless push he delivered. Eyes struggling to keep on the front, but it was unavoidable to have them rolling back as your jaw slacked open.
High pitched wails rumbled out of your gaping mouth, permeating the once silent room. Two of his fingers slid in your mouth, hot breath colliding against them. They hooked forcing your mouth to keep open.
The desk shook under your weight, the room filled in with moans so sweet and delicious, unlike the many that had been under him.
You were experiencing first hand the danger. Miguel wasn't nice, he wasn't gentle. The latter made an emphasis on its own as he pulled the belt impossibly tighter. A gurgling and rasping noise came from your throat. He wasn't squeezing anymore, he was choking you.
And Dios mio, you were sure you'd die. But dying sounded way too much of a reward than staying in this awful place.
You hissed in between butchered pants and wheezing mewls. Mind set in welcoming the reaper as air was still cut out of your lungs. Legs too weak to keep on their own. Dizziness fogging your mind, fire engulfing your body, Your cunt slurped him in, wetness no longer an issue since he slid and out so easily.
The only indicator you still had consciousness was the little pathetic cries you did as his hips plowed you with a new intensity you didn't know possible.
He had been whispering the filthiest things into your ear, a couple of degrading words you couldn't quite hear, too busy being cock drunk and slipping in and out of consciousness.
Your torso and arms laid in between his arms and the desk, his upper body keeping you still as his hips did the whole assault. His face too snatched in a myriad of things.
Pride cause he finally got to have you and proved you wrong, lust cause you felt just like he had imagined, anger because of your previous words. He was the one that was rawing you into oblivion, had your brain turned upside down, not Gorski, and had you cumming with such an intensity it was overwhelming and too much for your brain to digest.
Too much.
The choking had your brain's fuse in a shortcut, shutting itself off for what it felt like forever, until he spilled himself inside. Renovating your walls white.
Hot cum spurted and not a single drop was wasted as he made sure you kept it inside.
His hulking figure trembled, torn in between subtle and violent spasms that shook him to his very core and raged pants that sent a shiver down your sore spine.
He finally had you and you were his. He wasn't letting you go. Not when he was about to give you a new purpose.
Being his.
Everything that he thought good and right blurred. Eyes filled in with tears at your state. Gone. Gone from this world, gone from him, the spark had vanished.
How this happened?
His mind raked through the memories, trying to find the right moment everything went to shit.
He signed a paper. A lobotomy authorization in your behalf.
No!, no!.
"Come back" He pleaded while kissing you and squeezing his hands on the joint of your head and shoulders, to pry something out of you. But nothing came.
The spark had been lost.
And so were you.
"Please, muñeca"
He sobbed and cradled you in his arms, but there was no push, no retaliation, nothing. Only a lovely vessel of his love.
You were gone. For real.
He had been so naive to believe that fucking you senseless meant to have you. He had been such a fool to fall for such a simple thing as that.
And now he had lost you. His own hand brought his demise. Guards and Gorski dragged him out, his hand latched on to you, but even your skin felt different.
He yelled but you didn't answer. Just watched him with a look that shattered his heart.
You were free. Free and far far away.
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coeurify · 1 year
actually on my knees begging for a girl next door blurb with Ellie
like imagine moving into the house next to her’s and her being all grumbly and closed off because she cannot physically face the reader because she’s just a loser lesbian and OMG THE UNKNOWN PINING SUJDJSNSNDB
giggles.. cause like.. yea.
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if we r talking modern!ellie, oh god would it be the most cliche shit ever (plz tell me if u want jackson!ellie version cause i’d be happy to do that too. or jus more of this concept) [not edited]
⋆˚✿˖° im talking, ellie looking out from her window in her old house, eyes narrowing as a moving truck pulled into the pretty blue house next door. the neighborhood had been recently taken over by young families, which ellie hated— cause why was she being interrupted in her ‘laying in her bed while blasting music and complaining to herself’ alone time by a bunch of kids screaming outside? either way. she expected another one of these cases.
⋆˚✿˖° but then you popped out, trying to handle three boxes all on your own, cheek pressed against the cardboard as you yelled something ellie couldn’t hear to whoever else was in moving truck. you had glanced over at ellie’s house, maybe even up at her window. and maybe ellie was just dramatic, but she flipped away from that window and face down onto her bed so quickly she was pretty sure it was a new record. because fuck you were pretty.
⋆˚✿˖° and it only got worse later, when el was pulling her hair down from its bun, glancing the sun pressing below the clouds. her fingers moved to close the curtains of her window, and there you were, standing at the window directly across from hers. like— shit straight from a taylor swift music video or something.
⋆˚✿˖° and you, almost as awkward as her, let your hands fall down from their place above your head. you had been putting up shades, but once you caught the gaze of your messy haired neighbor, you smiled at her. fuck, you smiled and waved and ellie just turned away and shut her curtains. you know, like the master at social interactions she was.
⋆˚✿˖° a twin frown painted both your lips at the interaction that night, and at the same time you both huffed out, “god, why’d i do that?”
⋆˚✿˖° nothing really got better from there. not when your family forced you over to ellie’s house with a plate of cookies, your sweet smile the first sight ellie had seen that day as she turned the doorknob to shoo away some girl scout selling something. “we don’t need— oh— oh hi.”
⋆˚✿˖° you looked so fucking pretty. ellie was sure it was fake. maybe she was still in bed dreaming. maybe this was about to turn into one of those really weird s- never mind. you were talking now, and not asking to borrow sugar, so definitely real. “hi! uh— I just, we— i mean, my family, we just wanted to introduce ourselves. and give a gift i guess,” you glance to the plate of wrapped up treats and chuckle lightly. because really, cookies?
⋆˚✿˖° ellie was about red as the shirt she was wearing, stammering a thank you as joel creeped behind her at the door. “you the new neighbors kid?” joel had asked, making ellie clam right up. she backed away from the door, like— just side shuffled out of your view with an awkward wave.
⋆˚✿˖° your eyes followed her, fighting back the odd sense of disappointment that you were no longer staring at the freckled and flushed face of your new neighbor. “uh, yea—yes sir.” you eventually spoke again, offering your grin to joel instead.
⋆˚✿˖° one time joel was doing yard work the same time your family was outside working on the garden. you were fanning your sweating cheek with your hand, the warmth from the sun along with carrying in and out heavy tools was not exactly ideal, and you only felt more heated when ellie came outside the door at the exact moment joel ended up making conversation with your mother.
⋆˚✿˖° “your girl in college?” you could hear him ask, but it was lightly muffled, your attention instead on watching as ellie struggled to bend over and tie her converse against the wall. what an odd way to do it. she was balancing some sort of notebook between arm.. maybe pencils too? did she draw? or maybe write? why couldn’t you stop wondering about it?
⋆˚✿˖° your mom answered joel’s question with some version of the story she always does, gushing about how you were doing so well in school, how she was so proud of you. you didn’t tune back in until joel was speaking again, “ah yea, my — well, ellie, she’s in school too. physics major. but she’s got this thing for astronomy too. kid’s always talking about double majoring.”
⋆˚✿˖° god, she was cute and smart? and her name was ellie? you swore the sun got even hotter at the thought of her talking to you about quantum something-or-other, just nodding along. god you could see it now. a hand in that pretty auburn hair.. mumbling ‘mhm.. whatever you say ellie.’
⋆˚✿˖° then you saw her trip down the stairs on her porch as she looked over. full on hand on the side of the stairs to keep her from eating shit on the rocks there. you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, stifling a giggle as you wave her way. only to be given a tight lipped smile as she quickly moved away to her car. god. what an odd girl.
⋆˚✿˖° ellie simply lost it the moment she sat in her car, groaning loudly as she slammed her sketch book on her face. “stupid fucking shoes!” she muttered, as if it was the shoes fault for tripping, and not the way she had been intently staring at your face from across the yard. definitely not.
⋆˚✿˖° but really she couldn’t help it, you looked so good, you were wearing shorts, and ellie was happily taking in the sight of skin before that evil fucking creaky porch board got her tumbling down. fuck. she couldn’t ever talk to you again. not ever. she let her head fall to the steering wheel as she went through a million and one ways to simply become invisible and escape any way of running into you. maybe she should become nocturnal.
⋆˚✿˖° but when she let her head fall to the steering wheel, it honked. like a loud, drawn out honk that had you, joel, and your mother’s head turning to the direction of the sound.
⋆˚✿˖° ellie screeched, and you pressed fingers to your lips to contain another smile. you were pretty sure living here was going to be kind of great.
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jaysswlvrr · 7 months
Bratty Baby...
bratty!reader x tamer!sunghoon
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warnings: sunghoons really rough bcz u were a brat >:(, random pet names, unprotected sex, kissing, teasing, dirty talk, and swearing, reader probs says 'dont touch me' when angry but its obvs doesnt mean that. (normally my smut are like a quickie and rushed but ill try to stretch this one out).
summary: You got angry, very angry that u couldn't control yourself, swore a little at sunghoon (maybe a lot), and got your punishment for being a brat.
"Fuck off sunghoon" you wrestled your way from his embrace, leaving his so called 'friend social hangout'. He looked at you in awe, chuckling a bit at your new misbehaviour.
He ran after you and grabbed onto your wrist earning an angry whine, you turned your head aggressively to his face, his charming, beautiful, face.
Wait what?
'No, no, no y/n you have to stay mad at him' you were chanting in your head.
You pulled and tugged, he was so much bigger than you that you could barely even move but you did, freeing your hands from him once again. Knitting your brows together, you push his chest a little, causing him to stumble back
"Don't fucking touch me sunghoon, fuck off!" you yelled, a finger pointing directly at his face.
*Meanwhile* (goofy jake incoming)
"What's going on with them" Jake said nose squished up on the window, his eyes huge, trying to examine the little wrestling match going on outside.
Heeseung rolled his eyes, embarrassed of his own best-friend.
"Stop stalking them like a creep, look even the birds are flying away from your dumb-ass looking face, YOUR TURNING PURPLE!", he jokingly said, stopping his friend form getting into your business.
Sunghoon dragged you, pinning you to the closest brick-wall, and smashed his lips onto yours, biting your lips in the process to enter his tongue, slithering through your mouth, exploring every bit.
"You fucking belong to me ok?, don't act like a fucking brat right now alright?" He drags you to his car, opening the door for you and gently pushing you in, before slamming the door and entering himself.
He starts driving, eye glued onto the road, but yours where stuck onto his face. He doesn't have to look at you to realise that you were staring at him in trepidation.
You really didn't mean to shout at him, but you couldn't help it when he found your old diary, pictures filled with him,
nothings wrong with that...
But he teased you, so, so, much, that it wasn't even funny anymore, teased you to the point that he was about to tell his friends whilst you were hanging out with him!
And that's how you got here.
He turns his head to look at you when the traffic light turn red, and your eyes meet instantly. Now your thinking of how to apologise, but you just wont let the little bratty self in you do it. In any case right now, he should be apologising.
"You have something to say?, I mean you practically swore at me and pushed me" never breaking the eye contact with your big, doey eyes, as if he knew what you were thinking.
"Your not going to apologise are you?, you never will" he laughs a little at your obstinacy.
"m'k, ill just have to make you apologise isn't it?, just shove my cock into you and you suddenly start acting like a 'good girl' hm?" he says whilst driving again. "Then you'll listen wont you?, make you sob and cry until you apologise for being naughty again *sigh* c'mon y/n you know better."
You reach home, he runs to the side of the car where your sitting and opens the door for you, sticking out his hand for your, dragging both of you to the front door and opening the door in on swift move.
He pushes you against the door, his leg between yours, making you wetter at the moment. He kisses you once again, but way harshly. You couldn't help it, his hands running down your waist, other hand keeping you in a chokehold, firm but gently, his lips biting yours, his tongue gliding against your mouth.
You couldn't stop yourself from grinding against his, trying to find some friction eagerly, but sunghoon was too smart, quickly removing his leg and biting your neck causing you to moan whilst taking you to your bedroom.
He sat at the edge of the bed, motioning for you to come over, you slowly walked over to him, bending a little to pull down his trousers, his biceps looking bigger than ever.
"Sunghoon, can I... undress my s-self" you said looking down, but looked at him once again as he was chuckling.
He stroked your face a little, his fangs pointing out as he gave you his signature smirk, "well done for asking baby". You waited for his response...
"go ahead doll"
There you go.
The answer that you wanted this whole time.
You quickly took your clothes, layer after layer until you revealed your little surprise that you wore under. You cute, lacy lingerie, a bow in the middle of your low cut bra, revealing your cleavage.
"you look so cutee" he emphasised on the word 'cute', dragging you to his now practically naked body. He pulled down your underwear slowly, revealing your soaking wet pussy.
Pressing two fingers on your slit, and eyes never leaving your face, he watched your expression switch to a pleading face begging through you eyes for sunghoon to do something to you.
To ruin you.
"Fuck sunghoon " you pushed his hand away " Just do something, anything" You begged
He scoffed, "You couldn't even wait a little longer, such a bratty little girl" his voice deep but he was smiling the whole time.
He pulls you closer and onto his lap, watching your tight pussy stretch around his huge length. You let out a small 'fuck' due to the size change, him filling you up so well.
"Since you want me so badly do it yourself" he looked at you.
"Fuck yourself on my cock"
You sighed so loudly, about to cry. Sunghoon was like 100x stronger than you and you could barely even move on him, but you were so desperate, trying your best to fuck yourself.
You put you hands on his shoulder, slowly bouncing up and down on his huge length, letting out long, dragged moans due to the felling, but when you opened your eyes, sunghoon hadn't even budged, still giving you a lusty stare.
"Fuck it sunghoon" you started letting out your crocodile tears. "Please sunghoon, please hoon-"
"uh uh" he tutted. You whimpered, starting again, forcing yourself to move up and down even thought your legs were so sore, sunghoon enjoying every bit.
"Please sunghoon". He rolls his eyes, he couldn't help but succumb into your pleading act.
He couldn't help it.
He puts your back on the bed before fucking in and out of you in an animalistic speed, making you choke on your breath.
"Gonna apologise isn't huh?" You whined again. "C'mon baby" he started increasing his speed again, breath increasing due to your tight little cunt.
How could a man speak so calmly whilst practically ripping you apart. You knew if he didn't get what he wanted, you wouldn't, so you just had to please him and finally giving in.
"S-sunghoon" he hummed in response.
"fuck- 'm sorry- fuckk! 'm s-sorry for-mmmm! being bad again sunghoooon- shit I... I wont do it again!" you let out another extended moan.
He smiled, hands wrapping around your neck, slightly chocking you, watching your eyes roll back at the small restraining,
"now that's the good girl I know" he proudly spoke, pushing your legs up to your chest and going deeper into you.
You haven't felt so manhandled in so long, sunghoon practically was playing with you like your were a toy, wrapping your legs around his waist to see your fucked out face again.
"You'll do anything for dick y-yeah?" you nodded your head aggressively not even listening to what he was saying.
"Fuck sunghoon!" you yelled his dick hitting places he never had, the spongy places that had you arching your back.
"Can I cum... pleasee!" you heard him chuckling again. He slowly nodded him head.
"C'mon, go ahead"
Your orgasm hit you so hard everything went white, sunghoon creaming and breeding into you almost at the same time. He slowed down, trying to drag the pleasure before pulling out a little, looking at your fucked up pussy with a smirk.
He pushes him cum back in with his fingers, biting onto his lip as his juices leaked out again.
"Lets go get you cleaned up" He said slowly walking out the room, thinking you were behind him.
But all he heard was heavy breathing, and an almost dead y/n laying on the bed.
"Oh" he picked you up in bridal style and taking you to the bathroom, getting a nice hot shower for both of you.
He smiled at you, whilst you looked down. "'m really sorry hoon" you muttered.
" Its alright y/n," he smiled again eyes squinting into a creasent shape.
"Your way cuter when your not bratty" you smiled.
"My bratty baby"
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
can you please write about how the cullens would react if they thought their so was dead?? like maybe Alice had a vision or someone thought they saw them get killed butttt they're actually alive
The Cullens thinking their S/O Died
I originally told myself I was done for the night since I already have three posts written and cued to be posted.... but I just kept thinking about this one sooooo
Sorry if this doesn't make sense it's like 2:30 am lol
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this!
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You left earlier that morning to go to a job interview in the city
He kissed you goodbye, watched you walk out the door, and thought that would be it
He was just sitting around, watching some football game that Emmett had on the TV when he saw the familiar beginnings of one of Alice's visions
She has so many throughout the day that he really only half pays attention to it
But once he sees your face he is fully alert
You swiping his credit card to buy a subway ticket, you onboard the train, the train crashing, you dead
Instantly he is up
He knows that Alice's visions are only a possibility
But too many of them have come true for him to ignore this
He calls you, nothing
He texts you, nothing
He checks the statements for his credit card and he sees the pending purchase of one train ticket
His heart drops
Instantly he flies out of the door, running as fast as he can to the subway station
There's a crowd of people running up from the tunnel, trampling each other in their attempt to get out
Smoke plumes out, he can smell fire and gasoline
And just as he's about to run down there to see if he can find you, find what's left, maybe even save you, he hears a voice
"Edward? What are you doing here... oh my god! What happened down there?!"
It's you
You, alive, healthy, and drinking a coffee
Before you can question him further on what happened he is wrapped around you, holding you so close you feel like you're being crushed
Your interview was cancelled last minute so you went to go get a coffee before coming home
Edward says you're never going on the subway again, sorry
And maybe never leaving the house without him again
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The two of you were out and about, having a day shopping at the mall
She was crafting outfit after outfit in her mind while you sat in the dressing room, waiting for her to bring her next outfit in for you to try on
You leave the room to see her still flitting about the store, pulling various items off the racks and holding them up to the items already overflowing in her arms
You call to her that you're going to use the bathroom, and she hums a little to let you know that she heard you before continuing with her planning
She hears you walk away before a vision flashes harshly into her mind
You walking into the bathroom, two people with guns having an argument, you caught in the wrong place at the wrong time
She instantly drops everything she was holding
All of the clothes hitting with a thud to the floor
She doesn't even register the store attendant yelling at her to pick up her mess before she is sprinting out the room
But she doesn't even make it two paces outside of the store before she hears two gunshots, one right after another
She runs fast, she doesn't care that people might see that she's way too fast
She follows the scent of blood to the bathroom and hears cries of pain from inside
But then she smells you
Not inside the bathroom, but across the walkway
She turns and there you are, standing at a little boutique directly across from the bathroom, staring with your mouth wide open
In the next breath, before you can even blink she is right in front of you, hanging onto you like a koala and hurriedly explaining everything that just happened
After you catch your breath and she finally lets go, you turn your head to the boutique and look into the window
"So... is now a bad time to say that I think this dress would look pretty on you?"
She just laughs and kisses you so hard
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You're out on a trip with your friends
Not too far away, just about two towns over
It's your best friend's birthday and they wanted to have a little weekend trip to celebrate
You'd left earlier that morning
Promising Jasper that you'd call when you all got there
But it's been hours
4 hours, 27 minutes, and 39 seconds
Not that he's been counting or anything
The drive should have taken 30 minutes max
So why haven't you called?
He's already tried to give himself every explanation
That you're busy, that you got caught in traffic, that you just forgot
But as the hours go by he's getting more and more anxious
He's already called and texted a couple of times, but you haven't even read the messages
He's about to call again as he feels a rush of anxiety come from Carlisle's office
In the next moment the man is down the stairs, doctor's bag in hand, throwing his coat over his shoulders
"Carlisle, what's happening?"
"Three people have just been rushed to the clinic. There was a car accident nearby. They veered off the road in the middle of the woods... who knows how long they've been out there..." he says gravely, and rushes out the door
If Jasper wasn't anxious before, he definitely is now
Before Carlisle can pull out of the driveway, Jasper throws the car door open and sits in the passenger seat
As soon as they arrive, he flies out of the car
He's examining every inch of the clinic
He doesn't even care about the strong scent of human blood in the air
He's looking for one more familiar
And he doesn't find it
He begins questioning all of the police officers nearby, asking if there were more people, if there was a second car, or if they've seen you
They kick him out
He follows the scent again to track the car
At the scene he sees the car that crashed
A bloody heap of metal
But no you
Suddenly he hears a mechanical buzz, but not from his phone
No, he recognizes the cute jingle
It's easy to find your phone hidden amongst the treeline
Your friend picks up and he explains where he found the phone
Hearing your voice on the other side is like hearing an angel
He goes home to get a car before driving it to you
The kiss he gives you before he leaves again to let you enjoy your trip is filled with love and happiness
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You Rosalie had gone out
She needed one more car part before her greatest car restoration ever would be complete
She was driving that very car, a 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air that she had been fixing up for a couple months
She'd saved it from a scrapyard, and it was missing pretty much everything that a car needs to function
But after months it was finally done
The car needed only one simple thing, new gears for the window cranks
She rolled up to the auto parts store and parked the car outside
You said you wanted to stay in the car, preferring to sit
She said she would only be a minute
It didn't take her long to find the piece she needed
As she was about to check out she saw a crowd of people lined up at the front door and a couple people running outside
Through the large windows at the front of the building she could she huge flames and black smoke surrounding a bright teal car
Her bright teal car
That you were inside of
Her mind worked a mile a minute as she dropped the steel parts to the floor
The cranks don't work, that means the windows can't open
She locked the car, that means you couldn't open the doors
She replaced the glass to make it bulletproof, that means you can't break the glass
You are inside of that car burning alive
As she runs up she sees four men behind her car, next to the trunk
And in the middle is you
Covered in soot with a couple of scratches
But breathing, alive
She runs up and hugs you so tightly you can't breathe
"I'm so sorry, I locked the doors, and the windows! How did you get out?"
"The trunk... I'm sorry Rose, I tore the backseat out"
She turns to see the trunk of her car open, with the backseat completely pulled out place
And all she does is laugh and kiss you
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The sky was a dark grey, and thick clouds were covering the sun
The Cullens stood in their baseball uniforms, waiting for the ball to be returned so Rosalie could pitch it again
Up to bat was Emmett
A heavy metal bat was swinging in his arms
He shot you a wink out of the corner of his eye, and turned his attention back to Rosalie
With a huff she focused, and threw the ball to Emmett so fast you couldn't even see it
You heard the loud crack of thunder ring from Emmett's bat, but almost as soon as you heard it, you felt it
Like a ball made of pure fire, the baseball hit square into your chest
The force of it knocked you straight off your feet and sent you flying into the woods behind you
A good 30 feet at least
And as if that wasn't enough, your back collided with a tree, knocking the tree over and onto the ground
The force of it knocked you unconscious, which would probably be a blessing in this scenario tbh
Everybody was quick to run to your side, Emmett and Carlisle taking position up by your head
Carlisle wasted no time in picking you up and running to take you to the clinic
And of course Emmett followed
He held you in the back seat of the car, whispering apologies and professions of love into your unhearing ears, promising that he will never do this again
It takes a couple of hours and maybe two or three surgeries, but you do wake up
And Emmett is by your side the whole time
He was fully prepared to turn you if he needed to
But the moment he sees your eyes open and your doped-up smile, he finally relaxes
"You're pretty cute... are you single?"
"Darling, I just hit you with a baseball going the speed of a jet plane-"
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Your brother was getting married and asked if you would attend
Of course you said yes
But there were no plus ones
And it was tropical
Which meant flying to an island somewhere all by yourself
Not only is it nerve-wracking to travel alone, but it was also going to be boring
So Esme promised that she would have her phone on her at all times so you could facetime her if you wanted to
She even paid for your wifi on the plane
You had been on call with her for hours at that point
From the time you got out of your taxi, found your way to your terminal, went through TSA, and finally boarded your plane
It was about halfway into your flight and the conversation had naturally slowed down
You were only occasionally exchanging words
When suddenly your service cut out like a light
No warning, no crackling before, and no explanation
She tried calling you back, but nothing
She tried texting, but nothing
She was getting worried
And it definitely didn't help that only about 20 minutes later, the news anchor started talking about a plane that just crashed in the Pacific
Which is where you were
A couple hours off the coast of California
Which is where you were
From Spirit Airlines
Which is the plane you were on
She was beginning to panic
Alice couldn't see you either
She was just getting silence
Cue the whole house panicking
She went through every phase of grief in the span of a couple of hours
She was convinced you were gone, but at the same time she didn't want to believe it
Suddenly her phone started to buzz
"*Yawn*, Hey Esme. Sorry about that, I guess I fell asleep... *yawn* anyway what were we talking about?"
Stunned silence
She just laughs incredulously
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It's just another day the clinic
Slow, boring, a couple of broken arms, a couple pregnancy tests, nothing special
When he hears the sirens of an ambulance pulling up outside the main entrance
Like bats out of hell, three paramedics come rushing in, towing a gurney with someone on top of it
Someone that smells a hell of a lot like you
His heart drops, his breathing stops, he freezes
The paramedics are talking quickly but he can only hear broken phrases
Cliff... fell... severely injured... needs help... lost blood...
All he can smell is you
All he can see is the shirt that Alice got you
The shoes that Esme lets you borrow sometimes
The color of your hair
But no face
The face is smashed in, presumably from the aforementioned fall that the EMTs were talking about
He tries his hardest, he does everything he's supposed to, but when the monitor flatlines, there's only one more option
Just as he raises your wrist to his mouth to bite, his phone vibrates in his pocket
He wants to ignore it, but something tells him not to
And on the face of his apple watch he sees a text message
My Love: "Heyyyyyyyyyyyy... can I use your credit card to order some pizza??? I'm STARVING!!!! :)))"
You later explain that those were clothes that Alice had donated
Apparently no one washed them, so they still held a lot of your smell
He took a week off of work from the clinic after that
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Vampire! Bella:
So Jacob never actually got rid of the motorcycles
After you see him and Renesmee ride away on one of them one day, you ask to try it out
Under her watchful eye, Bella helps you learn how to ride
One day, after a couple months of successful rides, you decide to take it to run some errands
Bella didn't see an issue with this, seeing as you were skilled, and let you go all by yourself
But she very quickly regrets that when she gets a rather ominous text from you that just says "help" and nothing else
Her mind starts running a mile a minute
She asks for Edward and Alice's help to hunt you down
She expects a lot of things when she finds you
She expects blood, bones, a crash, metal everywhere, and you dead
But what she finds is you standing in a parking lot trying to shove four large bags of items into the tiny space under the seat
She's so relieved she could cry
Of course, you're confused as to why your girlfriend suddenly comes out of nowhere and gives you the most bone-breaking hug she could muster
Why the fuck would you text me like that?!?!?!?"
"Like what?"
"Like this!"
"Oh... my other messages didn't send... sorry!"
No more motorcycle :(
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sunshinepanic · 5 months
Unexpected Part 2
Pairing: Rafe Cameron X Reader
Summary: You and your friends blow off some steam at the boneyard but a certain Kook seems to be all you can think about.
Chapter Warning: JJ is kind of a douche, Angst, fluff. 
Not beta read we die like men
WC: 2,018
OBX Masterlist - Series Masterlist
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The first thing you noticed as you slowly reached consciousness was that someone was gently shaking you and calling your name. The second was the feeling of sand and salt air blowing directly in your face and a chill from a breeze that reminded you that you had apparently fallen asleep outside. When you groaned as you stretched, the voice that had been calling your name had you snapping your eyes open as you abruptly sat up. Rafe laughed at you, "Oh, good sleeping beauty is awake.” He slapped your leg with the back of his hand. “Let’s go. The sun is coming up. I’ll give you a ride home.” Without waiting for an answer, he started off towards where he left his truck. Last night came flooding back to you as you watched his retreating form, and you quickly scrambled up to follow him, not wanting to have to walk or skate back to your house. 
Crawling into Rafe’s truck, you are once again surrounded by his woodsy scent, and it makes you feel kind of lightheaded. You toss your board into the backseat and lean your head against the window, watching the sun rise as Rafe slowly makes his way to your house. You can’t help but notice how the rays from the morning sun reflect across his face, highlighting his sharp features. You get so lost tracing the contours of his face with your eyes that it takes you a moment to realize that he has caught you staring. Warmth quickly spreads across your face as you avert your eyes and quickly look out the window. You hear Rafe let out a quiet chuckle, and you brace yourself to be called out for staring at him like some kind of crazy person, but it never comes. When you realize he isn’t going to make fun of you or call you out, you feel yourself start to relax. As Rafe pulls up to your house, you break the comfortable silence. “Thanks for distracting me last night. I know you weren’t planning on dealing with my pathetic problems or sleeping on the beach.” Rafe glanced at you as he slowed the truck to a stop. “To be fair, I tried to wake you up, but you weren’t budging. What was I supposed to do? Leave you alone on the beach.” You laughed as you exited the truck and made your way to the front door of your empty house. Rafe rolled his window down and yelled out to you as he started driving away. “I’ll see you around, Sunshine!” A smile found its way onto your face as you made your way inside and slipped into the shower.
The next few days were crazy with work. Thank God you lived three blocks from the shop. You loved your job, especially getting to teach little kids how to surf, but having to deal with annoying tourons trying to hit on you while you were just trying to do your job was getting on your last nerve. You stumbled into your house after finishing your shift and made your way to the shower. After washing your hair and the sand from your body, you pulled Rafe’s hoodie on with a pair of shorts and crawled into bed. It still smelled like him, and if anyone asked, you would absolutely deny it, but you couldn’t stop thinking about him. You wanted to find a way to thank Rafe for listening to you whine about your problems and giving you a distraction the other day, so you decided to make him a bracelet. 
You had made bracelets for all of your friends over the years, and you made the majority of the bracelets that you wore every day. You figured he would probably laugh and throw it away, but it would make you feel better knowing you gave him something, and money was tight, so you pulled out some blue string and started forming a bracelet. You attached a sunshine charm to it just to make a jab at the nickname he had for you, and once it was finished, you attached it to your other bracelets so you wouldn’t lose it and you would be sure to have it on you the next time you ran into him.
You must have dosed off because you woke up to your phone ringing. Blindly, you reached for your phone and answered it, hearing John B on the other end of the line. “Y/N/N! We’ve been trying to get ahold of you all day. Are you still coming over to pregame the bonfire?” You quickly scrambled off your bed. “Shit! I’m on my way.” John B chuckled at you as he hung up. You quickly ran a brush through your hair and applied minimal makeup. You went back into your room to grab your skateboard, but quickly realized it wasn’t in its usual spot. You made your way downstairs to the living room to see if you left it by the front door, but quickly realized that you must have left it in Rafe’s backseat. You smacked a hand to your forehead, knowing you didn’t have a way to contact him. Cursing to yourself, you slipped your phone into your pocket as you made your way out the door to walk to the chateau. 
As you were making the walk to John B’s house, your phone vibrated in your pocket. Seeing a text from an unknown number, you furrow your brows as you open it, immediately laughing as you see a short video of Rafe falling off your skateboard when he tries to stand on it. Accompanying the video is a short text. “How in the hell do you ride this thing everywhere?” You quickly text him back. “How did you get my number? I’ve been looking everywhere for that! I figured I must have left it in your truck the other day. Please don’t hurt yourself lol” As you see the chateau come into view, your phone pings with another incoming text from Rafe. "Aw, do you care if I get hurt? That’s adorable. I may or may not have stolen your number out of Sarah’s phone while she was in the shower. I figured you would like to know that I still have your board. I guess I’ll just have to see you again so I can give it back to you.” You smiled as you snapped a quick picture of yourself and sent it to him. “I would hate for you to break that pretty face on the pavement because you can't balance on a piece of wood. It’s fine, though, because I forgot to give you your sweatshirt back, so we will call it even.” You quickly receive a reply. “So what I'm hearing is that you do think I'm pretty. You can keep the sweatshirt. It looks better on you anyway.” You smile down at your phone as you feel your face get hot. You shake yourself out of it. There is no way he is actually in to you. This is probably just because he is feeling bored, and messing with you is entertaining for the moment. But part of you can’t shake the idea that maybe there is something there. You quickly tuck your phone back into your pocket as you make your way around the back of the chateau and towards the voices of your friends. 
Your friends were already well on their way to tipsy as you made your way over and plopped down on Cleo’s lap, laying your legs across Pope. Cleo wrapped her arms around your waist as Sarah handed you a mixed drink, knowing you couldn’t stand the taste of beer. You fell into an easy conversation with Pope about how things at the house were going. Then Kie piped up from where she was sitting cuddled up next to JJ. “We were wondering where you’ve been. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.” You chuckled, shaking your head. “I’ve been around. I've been busy with work, and I’ve just had a lot on my mind; I needed to spend some time by myself.” John B notices you becoming uncomfortable and quickly changes the subject. As you sit and laugh with your friends, you find that you don’t have any hard feelings towards Kie like you thought you would. After all, it’s not her fault that JJ obviously didn’t want you back. It was just going to take some time to get over the hurt you felt. Then, JJ’s eyes caught on the hoodie you were wearing. “Nice hoodie. Is it new?” You pulled the sleeves down over your hands as you looked to the side of JJ’s face, giving the semblance of making eye contact without actually having to. "Yeah, something like that.” JJ’s eyes narrowed, and he opened his mouth to ask what that meant when John B decided to cut in, announcing that it was time to head to the boneyard.
The boneyard was packed as usual. You spent some time dancing with John B and Sarah while JJ and Kie were wrapped up in each other, and Pope was talking Cleo's ear off about god knows what. After the current song ended, you made your way over near JJ and Kie and sat down in the sand. You looked around at everyone having a great time, and you couldn’t help but wonder what Rafe was doing right now. He was probably on a date or partying with Topper and Kelce. Against your better judgment, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and pulled up your text thread with Rafe. You snap a quick picture of the fire with everyone dancing in the background. “Have you even been surrounded by friends but somehow still feel completely alone?” You wait a few minutes for a response, but you start feeling like an idiot for sending the message. As you go to put your phone back in your pocket, it starts to ring. You hesitate, but swipe the screen to answer it as you quickly stand and walk away from where JJ and Kie are sitting. “Hello?” You hear loud music and voices in the background. Rafe’s voice comes through the phone. “Where are you right now?” You hesitate before answering. “I’m at the boneyard with my friends.” You wandered away from the noise to try to hear Rafe better, but all you can hear through the phone is the loud noises that are surrounding Rafe. You try to ask him where he is and why he is calling you, but the line abruptly cuts off. Frowning, you look down at your phone as you start to make your way back towards the party. 
You head back to where you left your friends, but when you get there, they are nowhere to be seen. You look around, but you don’t spot any of them. Just as you decide to go find where John B parked the twinkie, you feel someone grab your hand. Startled, you whip around, swinging at whoever was grabbing you. You weren’t planning on coming face-to-face with Rafe. “God damn it, you scared the shit out of me!” Rafe dodges your swing, raising his hands in mock surrender as he chuckles at you. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you, Sunshine. Where are you going?” You look around to see if you can spot your friends again. “I was looking for my friends, but I don’t know where they went. I figured I would go wait by the car until they were ready to leave.” Nodding, Rafe catches your eye. “If you want, we can get out of here. I could give you a ride home, or we could go grab some food. I distinctly remember saying something about needing to return your death trap of a skateboard next time I saw you.” Smiling, you agree. You resolutely try to ignore the butterflies that form in your stomach when Rafe grabs your hand and leads you away from the party and towards his truck.
Tags: @starkeys-world @nnarellia @iluvanakinskywalker @maybankslover @hazzarules @my-fabulousness-has-arrived @fishingirl12
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mama2bears · 13 days
The Storm Of Life - Part 1
Warnings: mention of death (no main characters), tornado
Pairing: Tyler Owens/ F. Reader
Summary: You are a single mother, currently sleeping in your car and trapped in the path of a tornado when Tyler finds you. He will go above and beyond to help you put the broken pieces back together again.
A/N: I had this idea and so far it has been really easy to write. Please let me know what you think. I was thinking of just doing little chapters and maybe do a slow burn relationship? Let me know what you think and if you want to see more. I am still new at writing fan fiction, so I love your feedback! Thank you for reading.
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Part 1
“THERE IT IS!” Boone pointed out the funnel, “Seems to be heading east.”
“I got it.” Tyler made a sharp right turn on the next road. The tornado was a big one and it was heading directly towards them.
“WOO!!!” Boone hanged out the window with the video rolling, “Are you guys seeing this!” he yelled for all of the YouTube followers.
“What the hell...” Tyler slammed on the brakes and Boone almost went flying.
“What the..” then Boone seen it.. A small car parked on the side of the road, hood up, smoke coming from under the hood and in the direct path of the oncoming tornado.
“HEY! You gotta get out of there! You okay?” Tyler yelled.
He saw you in the driver's seat and clearly you had been crying. You had your young son and daughter in the back.
In an instant Tyler was out of the truck, “Come on, get in my truck!” he yelled over the roaring winds. He ripped open the back door and grabbed your son while Boone ran to the other side of the car to get your daughter.
Tyler helped you in the the backseat of the truck and handed you the children, 'We gotta go!”
“LULU! My LULU!” your little girl cried.
“Honey we can't...” you say softly.
“What's LULU?” Tyler asked.
“Her stuffed bear.” you say
Tyler ran back to the car and grabbed the stuffed animal off the back seat.
“Here sweetie. We can't leave LULU behind.” he handed the animal back to your daughter and hit a button on the center console of his truck.
“What are you doing? The tornado is here!” you scream.
“I know...put those harnesses on and hold on. We don't have time to outrun it now. I've anchored the truck, we will be okay.” Tyler turned around in his seat to make sure everyone was getting seat belts and harnesses on before he slipped his own harness on.
The truck shook as the twister passed right though them. There was a loud bang outside the window and your son cried “Our car mommy! Our car is gone!”
“We're okay!” Tyler yelled in hopes of comforting them. “It's okay...tornado is passing...it's okay.”
As quick as it got started, the tornado was gone and blue skies began to appear.
Tyler turned around to speak to you and his heart broke, seeing you and your kids in tears, “Hey, hey....it's okay. I'll see if I can find your car. We'll take photos for the insurance. They'll help you get another one. In the meantime I'll give you a ride home.” he tried to comfort you.
“That car was our home. Now I really have nothing.” you cried.
Tyler sighed and his eyes meant Boone's. He knew he had to help you, but he wasn't sure how just yet.
“It's going to be okay.” Tyler opened his door. “You guys stay here. There's a lot of debris out there and I don't want anyone getting hurt. I'll go see how bad it is.”
“I am scared mommy.” Your daughter cried. Your son was looking out the window crying. Boone turned around and saw you trying your best to dry your tears and comfort the kids. He wasn't great with kids, he didn't really have any experience, but he had to try something. It was breaking his heart to see you all so scared.
“Hey...who want's some ice cream? There's a little shop right up the road.” he gave a soft smile.
The kids crying stopped. “ME! ME! ME!” came happy yells from the backseat. Boone grinned, satisfied that he had made the kids happy, at least for a moment.
Tyler returned, a heartbroken look on his face. He got in the truck and turns to the back to look at you, “Sorry miss...the car is totaled. It's wrapped around a tree back there. I grabbed some clothes and toys I found and I've put them in the back of my truck for you.
“ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM!” the children in the back were still chanting, despite you trying to calm them down and fighting back tears.
Tyler frowned, a bit confused on why the kids were cheering for ice cream.
“We gotta go get ice cream!” Boone grinned at Tyler, “And you're buying.”
“Who's idea was this?” Tyler asked the kids with a small smile.
“HIS!!!” Both kids pointed at Boone, who tried to put on an innocent face.
“Alright...Ice Cream it is.” he smiled, keying up the radio to let the rest of the team know, “We're making a emergency ice cream stop in town.”
“A what?” Lily asked.
“Just meet us at the ice cream parlor in town.” Tyler said before starting the truck and heading towards town.
“I'm Tyler by the way. This is my buddy Boone.” he said, “We're storm chasers. I am glad we came by when we did. What you doing out here?”
“I was heading into town to see about finding a new baby sitter. My old one just quite and and I can't afford to lose my job. But now I don't know what I am going to do.” you turned your head to look out the window so your kids couldn't see the tears run down your cheek.
“Hey hey now...it'll be okay...What's your name?” Tyler asked.
“I am Y/N. This is my son Billy and my daughter Harley.” you say.
“Hi Billy and Harley!” Tyler smiled, “How old are you guys?”
The kids were silent as they looked at Tyler and back to their mom, “Harley just turned 3 and Billy is 4.” you tell him.
“Four and a half.” Billy corrects. “I four and a half.”
“Four and a half.” Tyler nods and flashes you a grin, “Get it right Mom! He's four and a half.”
You give him a grateful smile as he pulls the truck into the local ice cream shop. Thankfully the twister had touched down outside of town and died out before reaching it.
Tyler opens the door for you and lifts both kids out. “This is a big truck! I love trucks!” Billy smiled.
“Really?” Boone said as Tyler opened the door for everyone, “You know T here shoots fireworks off the back of his truck.”
“REALLY!” Billy's eyes light up.
“Really,” Tyler said. “Hey, maybe later I'll let you hit the button that makes them go BOOM!”
“YAY!” Billy cheered.
“What about you, Harley?” Tyler looked at her, “You wanna shoot off fireworks too?”
She nodded, biting at her figure nails.
“She's really shy...until she gets to know you. Once she knows you, she'll be stuck to you like glue.” you say as your daughter wraps her little arms around your leg.
Tyler gives you both a smile just as the rest of the team arrived.
“Ah, here's my team! This is Lily, she operates our drone.”
“You got a DRONE too! Can we set fireworks off of THAT!”
Everyone laughs and Tyler shakes his head no, “Sorry little man. Can't set fireworks off the drone, but we can look on a screen and see some really cool videos. It will be almost like you're a bird flying.”
“COOL! I am a eagle!” Billy yells, pretending to fly around the ice cream shop.
“Billy, stop that and come here.” you scold, to which he comes over and stands next to you.
“This is Dexter. He's our scientist and weather watcher. He helps Dani with our merchandise sales.” Tyler points to Dani, “And that's Dani...she's scientist, sales, YouTube, photo taker, you name it, she does it.”
“Everyone, this is Y/N and her two little ones, Billy and Harley. Their car just got wrapped around a tree by the tornado so, we're helping them out.”
“Oh my God, are you guys okay?” Lily asked.
“Yes, Tyler got us into his truck just in time. Thank God he got there.” You were shaking, realizing just how close you and the kids came to losing your life.
“Hey, it's okay now. Don't worry.” Tyler gave you a small hug, “So, what is everyone having?”
“Chocolate.” Dani ordered, “Strawberry” came Dexter's order, “Rocky road” Lily chimed in.
“Banana Split” Boone said, “And T said he's paying for it!” he informed the team.
You and the kids are looking at the many different ice cream flavors when Tyler walks up behind you, “Know what you guys want?” he asks softly.
“Bent Socket Rip.” Harley smiles.
Tyler frowns for a moment, then catches on, “Mint Chocolate Chip, right?”
Harley nods with a smile.
“Mint chocolate chip for me too!” Billy adds.
“And what about for mom here?” he asks.
“Chocolate will be fine. “ you smile.
“Coming right up.”
Everyone gets their orders placed and takes a seat around one of the tables.
“So you're storm chasers...you do this for a living?” you ask.
“Yes..and because it's fun.” Tyler smiles. “We do this to collect data for varies weather teams and to try to approve the warning time for these storms. We go into towns and help out after a tornado. I enjoy my work, even if it's dangerous. I respect the storm, but I try to have fun with it too, that way other people will want to learn more about thunderstorms and tornadoes and maybe learn how to be safe in them.
“What do you do?” he asks.
“I am a waitress at the diner here in town. Or I should say used to be. If I don't find a sitter by tomorrow then I am fired. And now I don't even have a car...so. I don't know. If it's not one thing it's something else.” you shake your head and try to hold back the tears that want to fall.
“We'll figure something out.” Tyler promised. “I am not just going to leave you stranded.” he bite his bottom lip trying to think.
“Hey guys, once you all are done with your ice cream, why don't you take the kids out and show them all the cool stuff we've got.” Tyler told the team.
“Can I see the fireworks!” Billy asked.
Tyler laughed, “Not yet, buddy. No shooting off fireworks in the parking lot. But maybe we'll go off into a field later and fire some off.”
“YAY! BOOM BOOM!” Billy's eyes light up with excitement.
“Thank you.” You give a small smile to this guy who just happened to stop and pluck you and the kids out of a tornado's path, and now he was going out of his way to make the kids happy and try to keep their mind off of the serious of the situation.
Once the kids were done with their ice cream the team lead them out to explore all three of their vehicles and the equipment that made storm chasing possible.
“Do you have any place to go?” Tyler asked once the kids were outside.
“No...I don't even know anyone.” you turn your head away as tears rolled down your cheeks.
“Hey, it's okay.” Tyler's voice was kind and gentle, “you know me and the team..that's something.” he placed a hand on your shoulder to comfort. “How about the kid's father? Is he in the picture?”
“No. He was killed three years ago in a tornado. Him and my parents. He went to get my parents from their house because they didn't have a storm cellar and we did. They were killed on the way back to our farm. The tornado blew the truck off the road.” you broke down in tears remembering that awful day. “Harley had just be born...”
“I am sorry.” Tyler pulled you into a hug. “No family or anything around?”
You shook your head, “My parents were my only family. His family had passed away before we met.”
Tyler took a deep breath, “Okay, let me make a phone call. I think I might have an idea.”
He stood and walked to the back of the parlor.
“Hey, mom?” he said when she picked up the phone.
“Listen, I have a lady here with two little children. Their car just got destroyed in a tornado. They were living in the car. She has no family and no where to go. That's about all I know right now, but she's gonna need a place to stay and maybe someone to watch the kids. At least for a little while. She's working at a diner here in town.”
“Okay, great. Mom, thank you. I love you too. Bye Bye.”
Tyler was smiling when he returned to the table, “Okay, my mom and I have a ranch about half an hour from here. We have two spare bedrooms and you are welcomed to stay there as long as you need. She even volunteered to watch the kids when you go to work. It's just her and the animals when I am not around, so I am sure she would enjoy some company.”
You smile and hug Tyler, “Thank you, thank you so much.”
“Not a problem.” he smiled. “Wanna go shoot off fireworks on our way?”
You smile, drying your tears, “Actually, that does sound pretty awesome.”
“Hot dog, let's go do it then!” he stood and walked with you to the door, “Who's ready for fireworks!” He yelled as he pushed open the door.
The whole team screamed like kids, making you break out in laughter, for the first time in years. You didn't know what laid ahead, but at least now, you had hope that maybe you could get back on your feet again.
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thelittleliars · 7 months
Valentine's day getaway
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: fluff
Words: 1.6K
Summary: A little roadtrip on Valentine's with your girlfriend.
A/N: a little one shot for valentine's day because I want Nat to be my Valentine 😭
The sun rays shone directly through the window of the car where you sat. You didn't mind feeling the warmth of the first few sun rays on your skin, you actually liked it. What you didn't like was the long sitting, you itched to stretch your legs and get that pain away that your butt got from sitting for nearly three hours. Those two little breaks you already had did not help a bit. You groaned in discomfort. "Tell me, why are we even driving again? We could have borrowed a quinjet." Natasha, your girlfriend quickly looked over to you with a grin before focusing on the street again. "Because I like driving and I love spending time with you." 
"I always love doing something with you Nat, but driving 3 1/2 hours just to a cabin up in Northville is not something I imagined when you say you want to spend time with me."
"Yeah well.. I wanted some alone time with you, away from everyone and it's a cabin nobody knows about." She told you softly. You nodded and then added your thoughts to it. "Nobody but your sister, you mean." 
"Only because she helped me with the final decision." Your girlfriend revealed as it made you even more excited to arrive there. "That's nice of her." Natasha snorted, knowing Yelena only did something nice if it benefitted her. "It's obvious she only did that for her own gains. It'd be another safe house."
"That or so that she could annoy her big sister." You teased but it kind of backfired when you heard more of an angry grumble. "Probably both." You instantly shifted the conversation back to the cabin alone. "I want a whole tour when we arrive." Natasha didn't say anything else, she only gave you a smirk that made you sigh in relief, she wasn't angry or mad. 
The rest of the drive was silent except for the punk-rock radio station that was playing in the background. You became giddy as your girlfriend pulled into the tiny driveway. The cabin looked small but also cozy from the outside. Natasha quickly hauled your duffel bags out the trunk and joined you at the front door. She unlocked it with the keys she had and let you in first. You were too amazed with how pretty it looked that Natasha had hushed past you to even close the door. Only after you heard her cursing further in the cabin, you put your admiration aside and rushed after her. Then there you saw the blond widow, Yelena Belova as she had made herself comfortable on the sofa. 
"I made plans Yelena." Natasha didn't shout or yell at her sister but her frustration was still very clear in her voice. The blonde girl ignored it and smiled at you two. "Great! Now you can include me in those plans." You didn't know if the little widow had the same idea as you, a weekend away from the Avengers or if she knew about the older woman's plans and simply were here to annoy her.
"No." She said it sternly and glared hard at her sister, hoping that the little widow would get a hint. But she did not or she ignores it and continued to fuck around with the older widow. "Why not?" You waved to her as a little hello, she greeted you back with a grin and a nod. "Because that would be fucking disgusting!" Yelena furrowed her eyebrows. "So you're calling me disgusting now?" You were holding yourself back from laughing. The sibling interaction was too funny for you. 
"Let me spell it out for you since you can't seem to get it." Natasha grunted. "I have planned romantic and sexualthings."
"Eww why'd tell me about that?! I didn't need to know it." Yelena made a gagging noise while she shows the disgust with a clear expression on her face.
"As if you would have stopped at the romantic part!" The redhead basically growled out in anger. The younger sister seemed to take it as a direct attack. "I would have!" She countered back with the same amount of passion in her voice as Natasha. "No you wouldn't and I know that for sure because you came along on so many of our date nights." You put a hand on Natasha's arm to calm her, you knew how deeply it affected her whenever her sister came to your dates. All Natasha wanted was to be the hopeless romantic she knew she could be but without getting teased for it and with Yelena in tow it was simply not possible.
Before it got out of hand you decided to speak up. "Yel, it's Valentine's day.. and we really need some time just for the two of us." The younger sibling looked at Natasha intensly. "My god." She groaned and sighed in annoyance. "If you're really that desperate then okay I'll be gone in an hour."
"You better be." Nat's voice was so cold that if you wouldn't drag her away something awful would happen. You took her hand in yours and dragged her outside. Once you were near the water, you sat down on a stump. It seemed like the tree that was once there got chopped off a while ago. "Don't let her get to you. She'll be gone within the hour and we'll be all alone and have a lot of me & you time." A small smile tugged at her lips when you pulled her towards you, hinting that you want her to sit on you. She willingly placed herself on your lap, exhaled loudly as she leaned against your front with her back, your arms wrapped around her waist.
This was heaven for her, being held by you  and hearing you hum soft melodies. "You know, if I knew you'd drag me out of bed early in the morning on Valentine's day then I'd have gone to a flower shop the day before to get you the most beautiful bouquet." She turned her head towards you. "I told you before that I don't need a physical gift for today. Being with you is all I want." She laid her warm hands on your arm, squeezed it gently before simply just holding onto it.
"Do you even realize how much my heart always melts whenever you say stuff like that and with that look in your eyes?" 
"Well now that I know I won't ever stop doing it." She teased you. 
"That is cruel my love." You joked back. 
"Being loved by me is cruel now? Weren't you the one who told me not to stay around toxic people?" Tilting her head to the side she gave you a pointed look. 
"You have way more green flags than red flags so I guess I'm good." You smiled happily at her. "And don't you even start with you being an ex-assassin is the biggest red flag of all time because you my dear black widow redeemed yourself a thousand of times."
"I don't know what to say." 
"Say you love me."
"I love you."
"And I.. love you more." You hugged her tighter. "You know.. I've been here for a hot minute and I can already see how we grow old and settle down in this humble abode."
"Hmm, that sounds amazing. Are we married in your vision?" She bit her lip. You shook your head. "No. I don't have anything against marrying you though." Nat raised an eyebrow. "So you'd want to be married to me?" She asked warily. 
"Oh c'mon Nat, you're an amazing woman. You have skillsets like no other, you're  very intelligent and funny, you're humble and a big soft heart and let's not forget you're beautiful like a goddess. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a wife." 
She turned away from you as she started to blush deeply. "Stop it or I slap you." She threatened as you nuzzled your nose back into her neck and though you couldn't see the redness in her face, you could feel the warmth radiating from her.
"I don't mind being slapped by you. Maybe you'd even do that thigh move of yours to stop be completely huh?" 
"I want you to be alive."
"I trust you to not crush me. Though I wouldn't min-" She cut you off. "Get those sick thoughts out of your head Y/N. I liked you better with a rather innocent mind."
"You definitely won't get that wife title if you stop me from trying to communicate my needs with you." You loosened your grip on her to poke a finger into her side. She turned her head towards you and mumble an 'I hate you' before she leaned in to kiss you. "If I hate you is the new I love you then okay I hate you too babe." You both continued sitting there in comfortable silence. 
A gust of wind blew from time to time, tossing Nat's kinda shortish hair right in your face but you didn't mind that, the birds chirped and the ducks that were on the lake quacked. The soft rustling of trees intruded your ears as if it was a soundtrack playing in the background of a movie. And then there was suddenly the noise of a bike starting and driving off. You guessed that it was Yelena leaving. But before you two got up you to go back inside, you watched some cute little ducks walking on the shore a few feet from you.
The rest of the day contained a lot of giggling, chasing each other around the house and making out. Towards the evening you had a very romantic candle light dinner that you both helped to get it done. To top it all off you two had a very intimate night with the promise of repeating everything at one point in the future.
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cosyvelvetorchid · 28 days
On Tommy getting cornered by Captain Gerrard. And emotional Tommy gets comforted by Buck.
Please make it Fluff/angsty
This is one of my favourites I’ve written so far so thank you 🩶
And heads up there are some trigger warnings.
TW: Homophobic laughable/slurs. Death of a child.
Every member of the 118 A shift knew they’d be in the firing line of Gerrard. All of them being from at least one minority group or another (or more than one in Hens case). But Hen and Chimney especially knew that they’d be in Gerrards crosshairs given that they were both part of the 118 back in Gerrard’s previous captaincy, as well as Hen specifically being the catalyst to Gerrard losing the 118 in the first place.
They had both done their best to warn and prepare Buck, Eddie and Ravi for what they were about to endure and witness and did their best to encourage them to stay strong. They also reminded them that they were a family no matter what and they needed to trust and rely on each other to get them through however long Gerrard was going to be back for.
What none of them saw coming was Tommy being the first one to break.
Gerrard had been at the helm for 2 weeks. His comments and behaviour were by no means acceptable (he’d made numerous comments about immigrants in the presence of, or directly to, Eddie and Ravi, and Hen hadn’t seen the outside of the station at all due to her being “better suited to domestic work”), but he was a somewhat diluted version of the Gerrard that they’d had before.
They weren’t stupid - they knew it wouldn’t take long for his true, full self to rear its ugly head above the parapet eventually. All they could do in the mean time was wait for it.
The team, minus Hen, were called out to a 5-alarm fire at a clothing factory on the edge of Angeles Forest. 3 other stations were tackling the blaze along side them and they were struggling to get it under control.
“Captain, I think we should call in air support for fire suppression. It won’t put the whole thing out but it’ll give us a fighting chance of getting under control.” Buck suggested to Gerrard.
“So you can make twinkly eyes at your boyfriend? Absolutely not. Your perversion do not belong on the job.” He replied, his words dripping in acidity.
Buck took every ounce of inner strength he had to bite down his blood cuddling urge to knock the bastard out right there.
“He’s not even working tonight. Harbour can help Capt-“
“I said no!” He yelled back at Buck. “Now you get your sissy ass back to work. Someone reported a structural issue on the east side of the building. Go and check it out.” He demanded.
Bucks hands were balled so tightly at his sides he felt the pins and needles washing over them.
“Eddie!” Buck called over to him. “Come with-“
“Diaz will not bring going with you. Now get your ass moving or you won’t have a job come sunrise.” Gerrard threatened. Eddie stepped forward ready to say something but Buck held his hand up to him.
“It’s fine.” He said as he put his breathing apparatus and helmet back on and jogged around to the east side of the building. He walked through the open door and shone his flashlight around and above him. He could hear the wooden beam above him creaking as it moved and swelled.
The light beam from the flashlight caught one of the inner walls and Buck noticed a large crack on the bottom half of the concrete wall that was slowly snaking its way upwards.
He pressed his radio. “This is firefighter Buckley for Captain Gerrard.” He got no response. Before he could radio again the windows behind him began to crack under the weight of the shifting ceiling above him.
“Come in Captain Gerrard!” He called into his radio again. “The building is about to collapse. Everybody needs to evacuate now!”
The beam above was creaking louder and Buck could see the dust being disrupted and falling from it in the beam of the flashlight. The crack on the wall had met with the ceiling and had continued along towards the beam in the center.
Suddenly the beam shifted on one side and began to drop down. Buck quickly backed away and turned to run as the rest of the beam and the surrounding ceiling began crashing down with a cascading effect chasing Buck towards the exit door.
Buck jumped through the doorway and landed with on his feet a few feet away. He felt the twist in his ankle as he landed but continued to scramble with his hands and feet along the ground to get away from the collapsing building.
The whole east side of the building had collapsed in mere seconds. Eddie and Chimney immediately began running in the direction of where Buck and gone, ignoring Gerrards demands for them to stop.
“Buck!” Eddie called out. They could barely see two feet in front of them from the dust cloud the collapse caused.
“Firefighter Buckley status check.” Eddie called into her radio. Only static was heard in response. “Buck!” He yelled.
“He-here!” Came a coughing voice behind them towards the trees that ran behind the factory. The 2 of them ran in that direction and as the dust dissipated Bucks figure came into view sat upright on the ground, leaning to one side trying to get his breath back.
“Are you hurt?” Chim asked kneeling down next to to him to assess him. Buck shook his head through another cough.
“I’m okay. Just twisted my ankle that’s all.” Chim insisted on checking him over anyway and checked his pulse and pupils.
“Pupils are normal and reactive. Pulse is a little up there but given you almost got crushed by a collapsing building it’s understandable.”
“What the fuck was he thinking sending you in there alone?” Eddie angrily asked.
“It’s my fault.” Buck said.
“No. This is not one of those times where you’re going to take on someone else’s burdens. He ordered you you in here alone. This is on him.” Chimney told him.
“Yeah but only because I pissed him off.”
“How?” Eddie asked.
“I suggested we call in air support. He thought it was because I wanted to see Tommy. I told him he wasn’t even on shift tonight. Ah.” He winced as Chim checked his ankle.
“It’s probably not broken, just a sprain. I’ll bandage it up for now but you’re going to need an X-ray..”
“Great.” Buck said annoyed and let his body fell back onto the grass behind him in frustration.
The only reason Buck was allowed to go to the hospital was because they had another patient in the back of the ambulance and were going to the hospital anyway.
An hour later he was in the front of the ambulance as Chim drove them back to the station. Thankfully it was just a sprain and he’d be back to normal in a week or so.
“Do me a favour? Don’t tell Tommy about this. I will tell him but when I get home.”
“Oh.” Chim replied sheepishly.
“You didn’t?” Buck questioned.
“I’m sorry, okay. I didn’t know you didn’t want him to know.” Chim argued.
“He’s already worried about me, this is going to send him into orbit.” He dropped his head against the headrest.
They pulled into the station and Buck tentatively got out of the ambulance. Thankfully he didn’t need crutches and could walk, just with a bit of a limp. As they walked around the ambulance and the locker room came into view he saw Hen sat on the bench rubbing someone’s back. It was a back that Buck immediately recognised.
“Tommy?” He said as he walked through the locker room doors. Now that he could see Tommy from the front he could see that he was crying. He immediately slid down to the ground in front of him and winced at the pain that shot up from his ankle and up through his shin but he ignored it.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Tommy didn’t look at Buck, just grabbed on his turn out jacket. “Hey, hey, it’s okay I’m here.” He pulled Tommys head into the crook of his neck as his sobs began to vibrate into Bucks chest.
“What the fuck happened?” Buck bit at Hen. She knew his tart tone wasn’t meant for her.
“What do you think? Or should I said who do you think?”
“Piece of shit.” Buck “what did he do?”
“I’m honestly not exactly sure. He saw Tommy coming in and knew it would be for you. All I saw from the mezzanine was him walking up to Tommy saying something and Tommy walking in here, punching the wall and then..” she gestured with her hand to Tommys current state.
“Tommy?” Buck dipped his head down to see Tommys face. “I don’t know what happened and we don’t have to talk about it this very second, but I need to know that you’re okay.”
Tommy took a couple of deep breaths and sniffs and slowly sat up and his eyes met Bucks. Bucks heart almost broke at the broken look on his loves face. Tommy nodded gently.
“I’m.. I’m okay.” He wiped his eyes forcefully with the heels of his palms and swallowed. “Can we.. I need to get out of here. Please.” The pleading look in his destroyed Buck.
“Of course, babe. I just need to call an uber.” Tommy looked at him confused. “Oh, I twisted my ankle on the scene.” He left out the reason - now as not the time for that. Tommys expression immediately transformed into concern for him.
“What? How? Are you okay?” He eyes were looking Buck all over as though he were assessing for damage. Buck put a hand on Tommys cheek to still him.
“I’m okay, babe. Really. Im far more concerned about you. But can you give me a minute to get out of my gear?” He asked gently and Tommy nodded. “Will you-“ he began to say to Hen but she already knew what he was going to say.
“I got him.”
“I’ll be right back, Tommy. I promise.” He limped out of the locker room and over to the cubbies to remove his turn outs and quickly made his way back to the locker room to change into his civvies. Chimney, Eddie and Ravi had walked in after him all looking worryingly at Tommy.
“Ravi, you think you could order me and Tommy an Uber?” Buck asked.
“Sure.” He said taking out his phone.
“Tommy. You think you can tell me what happened?” Buck asked gently.
Tommy took a few stilling breaths before speaking.
“Howie texted me to say that you’d been hurt and you’d need a ride home so I came over. I walked in and Gerrard saw me and came over. He said people.. people like me have no place here and I need to leave. I told him I was here to get you and I wasn’t leaving without you .” He took another few deep breaths. “He said ‘like you left Alice Brady’?” Tommy closed his eyes and tried to swallow away the emotion that was rising in his throat. Hen and Chimney looked at each other.
“Oh my God.” Hen whispered.
“What?” Buck asked. “Who’s Alice Brady.”
Tommy bowed his head and his breath caught in his throat. Buck leaned in closer, still knelt on the floor beside him, and tightly squeezed Tommys hand.
“Couple of months before Gerrard was relieved of duty, we had a call at a townhouse. Family home; mom, dad, 2 kids. Second floor was already engulfed when we got there. Parents and the oldest kid had gotten out but the youngest, Alice, her bedroom was in the third floor. Sal and Tommy managed to get enough of the fire out to clear a path to the 3rd floor stairs but a beam came down, hitting Sal on the shoulder. It was a simple dislocation, but the beam was blocking the stairs and he couldn’t help Tommy lift it. Eli came and took Sal to get looked at and Tommy radioed for back up to help lift the beam. The only person that was available was Gerrard and he refused to go inside. The little girl, she.. uh, she didn’t make it.”
“Shit.” Eddie said asking his head.
“I could hear her screaming for help. I-I tried so hard to lift it, I really did, but I.. I wasn’t enough. I couldn’t.. she… the screaming stopped.”
“Oh Tommy. I’m so sorry.” Buck lifted himself up to sit on the bench and wrapped his arms around Tommy.
“It’s my fault she died.” He sobbed into Bucks chest.
“No, no, no. It was not your fault. Do you hear me? It was his.
“We have to do something about him.” Ravi said through gritted teeth. “It’s a miracle Buck only got a twisted ankle. One of us is going to end up dead because of that fucking bastard.”
Everyone looked at him. Nobody had ever heard him swear before.
“Ravi, you-“ Eddie tried to speak but was interrupted but a shout across the station.
“Captain Vincent Gerrard!”
Everybody looked out the locker room window to see Bobby in his uniform, flanked by two other uniformed men they didn’t recognise.
“Cap? What’s going on?” Hen asked walking out of the locker room, followed but everyone else.
“I can’t talk now firefighter Wilson. Captain Gerrard you need to come out here now!”
The creaking red door that lead to The captains office at the far end of the station opened and Gerrard walked out and towards Captain Nash and the other two men.
“What are you doing here, Nash? Come to check on your diversity team?” Gerrard scoffed. “They’re no longer your team now, remember.” He smirked. “So you wasted a trip. You may as well go back home to your… wife.”
It was clear as day to everyone that had Captain Nash not been with two other LAFD officers he would have said the word he’d stopped himself from saying. Everyone knew exactly what word he was going to use.
“Actually Captain Gerrard I’m here to give you this.” He handed him and official looking sheet of paper.
Gerrards face twisted into something angry.
“What the hell is this, Nash?!”
“Effective immediately you are suspended, without pay, from any and all duties within the Los Angeles Fire Department.” Sounds of shock were heard from everyone in the station. “You are to attend a disciplinary hearing in 2 days time with the LAFD ethics department where it will be determined if you are fit for duty. You are entitled to bring your union rep, if you do not have a union rep or advocate then one will be appointed for you.”
“How did you manage this? Huh? You been sucking cock like your men there?” He pointed to Tommy and Buck stood watching the event in front of them, opened mouthed, just like everybody else. “Is that where they leaned it from? You made them to blow you first?”
It was a disgusting accusation that each member of the 118 had to find strength to not retaliate against. Bobby seemed to know exactly what everyone was thinking of doing in response to Gerrards low dig and he just raised his palm to them and they stopped themselves from doing anything they’d later regret.
“On whose authority is this?” Gerrard spat gesturing with the piece of paper.
“The Chiefs.” Was his answer. “See, when you were all the way over here taking my job, the chief was offering me a new one: Captain of the LAFDs ethics board. So when an anonymous person called today saying that you had deliberately ignored a safety call on the radio, we must immediately investigate.”
“Who do you think they’ll believe? Me or the desperate former 118 captain. A man who can’t walk past a liquor store with getting a hard on and who killed his own kids and wife?” Gerrard spat.
Captain Nash slowly took a few steps forward until he was mere inches away from Gerrard. He leaned forward getting his face as close to Gerrards as possible so Gerrard could hear him whisper.
“Get the fuck out of my house.”
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venuscrashed · 1 year
Both Miles x Male!Spiderman!Reader pt 2
Here’s the poorly written seconded part. I’m starting to realize I can’t write fighting scenes that good, or write good in general.
Also I’m on a week long trip so I can’t really update and/or write so apologies.
FEM Readers DNI 18 + blogs DNI
PT 1 PT 3
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You three didn’t hesitate to attack. The prowler suited up and ran towards the both of you, his anger obvious in the way he fought. Miles was laughing, taunting the other.Your Miles imitated the actions of a boxer, saying some stupid remark while you jumped over both their heads and swung around them. You glided in the air and came back around to kick the Prowler in the back. He turned around and you both engaged in a battle of punches and kicks. He was trained for moments like these, punching with his strength and his movements like liquid. You punched quickly while kicking him. He was pushing you backwards towards the window. He punched you, his claw scratching your face while you barely dodged. You spun around and kicked him, using your strength to send him back.
The prowler fell back but jumped back up staring directly at you. His claws moved into another mode. The edges gained padding and his movements were slower. He took quick steps towards you and aimed for your gut. Before he could punch you you moved and grabbed his fist, rolling onto the floor while throwing him to the other side of you. You heard him sigh before he aimed for your face.
You both laid on the ground while trying to kick and punch each other. You dragged your foot up to his face while he was punching you on his side. It didn’t take long for Miles to web him and drag him towards himself. “Let us go!” Miles pulled with more and more strength, messing up at times. “We need to go home. We’re trying to save my dad! Our dad!”
You ran towards the window before you heard crashing behind you. Your Miles was laying on the floor in the kitchen with pots and pans around him. The Prowler stalked towards him, standing over him as if he was a better being. 
“Your dad,” he corrected. “And you’ll save him, if you’re a good enough hero.”
The Prowler looked back at you and ran towards you, his claws back to normal now. You aimed for the roof and shot your web in an attempt to escape.
“Miles,” you yelled. They both looked at you and you took the moment to send the Prowler into the wall. “Let’s go!”
Without missing a beat, your Miles shot a web outside and swung away. You ran to the window when you heard the Prowler groaning. Looking back you saw nothing. He had disappeared, the wind had flown through the whole apartment, something wasn’t right. The conversation they had earlier seemed too important for the Prowler to just leave.
“Where-,” you were caught off with a mechanical hand around your mouth. You were bashing around in his arms while he whispered sweet nothings into your ears. He went on and on how you were like the one from his universe and how your Miles no longer had you. He was dragging you into the stairway slowly, your arms and feet were moving around not hitting anything.
He stopped, “Calm down pretty boy. He’s back and you don’t want me to fight him.” You froze at this right of the stair way you can see Miles looking around the apartment. He had noticed your absence and you would do anything to go back to him and you will. “They’re now calm.” He took his hand off of your mouth, his grip slightly looser. You noticed how his aura changed around you, it seemed softer. Like he was protecting someone he loved.
You refused to believe that there was an evil version of Miles out there. After learning about the multiverse, you realize there are many versions out there, some worse than this. Miguel talked about the spider and how Miles was supposed to be the true Prowler. This Miles just needed someone like you, his universe version of you, maybe that's why he’s obsessed with you. 
“Miles?” He hummed. “I’m sorry.” You elbowed him in the face and shot a web across the apartment. Your Miles saw you, his eyes lighting up and a smile across his face, you swung towards him and picked him up, swinging away.
“What happened?” He wrapped his arms and legs around you while he was supported by your hand in his waist.
“Nothing. Let’s go home.” The cool breeze calmed you two down. Memories of your dates replaying in your mind. How you two worthless take turns swinging while the other holds onto each other. You two were in sync like muscle memory.For a moment nothing but peace and adrenaline was felt. You two were going home but the sounds of the city being destroyed behind you ruined it. “This guy doesn’t quit,” Miles sighed.
“What did you talk to him about?” He stiffened in your arm. His grip on you tightened while you swung faster. “Miles. What did you guys talk about?”
He awkwardly chuckled,” You.” You two exchanged looks, ”Hey you can’t get mad at me. I was trying to distract him from you so you could save me. Besides it’s not like he’s ma-NO HE’S MAD. SWING FASTER.” The Prowler had caught up to you two running from roof to roof. “MILES!”
Miles let go of you and dropped to the roof below. He started to run and fight the Prowler. They moved fast and around the whole building. Webs and punch marks littered the roof, you took this opportunity to get the portal open.
You prepped the gadget, putting your blood into the vile to go back home when the Prowler grabbed your suit from behind. “Let him go!”
Miles and…Miles were still fighting. Your blood finger was dripping while you tried to punch the other Miles. “Leave him with me,” he said calmly. “You don’t deserve him.”
The portal was opening up way too early for your liking. “No. Don’t you piece of-“ you were thrown back while your Miles stepped in front of you. You were tired to say the lease. Being thrown around and it didn’t help that the portal was opened. Sighing, you leaped up and raced towards the two. There was no time to waste, there were lives at stake. You need to be the hero needed in that universe. They were perfectly lined up with the portal. You grabbed your Miles and ran into the portal, only for the Prowler to grab your suit and fall in with you two.
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windvexer · 9 months
Maybe this is a dumb baby question but, How do you know if a spell works? I’m investigating different practices and all the spells are like… focus, luck, etc, like things that are supposed to either influence my interior state or encourage certain events to occur. But I can’t help but think that if magic was “real” it could do things that are obvious or immediately observable. Have you ever done anything you think was undeniably magic? How did you know?
Not a dumb baby question.
It works if it works! And you can test this.
Broadly speaking we can divide all practical sorcery into two categories: verifiable and unverifiable.
It's really hard to know if an unverifiable spell works. E.g., a spell for focus could often be explainable by the placebo effect. (Or, this lovely Guardian Animal Shielding exercise, which is a fun and relaxing thing to do).
But a verifiable spell is something that you should be able to test and see if your magic did or didn't work.
A good way to find sources of verifiable magic in your life is to observe relatively stable patterns in your own life which have been going on for months, and then cast a spell to directly change it.
An example might be always getting a bad parking spot at work - and then trying to get a very good parking spot.
Either you get to work and have a great place to park even though the whole lot is normally full, or you don't. The spell worked, or it didn't.
Yes, I've worked magic that is obvious and immediately observable. I've worked so much of it and some of it is so miraculous that I don't talk about it publicly because practitioners have a lot of hangups about what kind of magic they think is allowed to exist.
But more importantly I think that while wanting magic to be real, and sorcery to work, are very valid, just chasing that realness alone is probably going to lead you to a path of misery. Here are some of my thoughts on this: On witchcraft as spirituality
Here are some random stories:
At one time there were many arguments in the household due to home renovations (stressful!). I cast a spell to cause one person in the household to be more mindful of the situation. I cast the spell and stepped outside of my practice space. That person was, surprisingly, in the yard and started asking me questions about the exact issue I had just cast on. We ended up having a very long conversation and after that the arguments stopped.
Some years ago the neighbor was causing horrible ruckus and giving my partner awful anxiety, as he could clearly hear it through the old, thin window. I found a bit of thread and "tied up" the neighbor's loud sounds into a knot, and weighted it down with a rock on the windowsill. At this time I wasn't living with my partner, so I came back some weeks later to see the knot. I thought I'd get rid of it, but when I moved the rock my partner stopped me.
"You know what's strange? After you put that there, the neighbor stopped being loud."
I looked at the disrupted rock, which was to "weigh down" the spell, and immediately the neighbor started yelling. I put the rock back, and about 30 minutes later he piped down again and stayed quiet.
Years later, after many calls to the police from many people in the neighborhood with no traction at all, I used the Justice tarot card in a spell and that neighbor was permanently removed from the home within a couple of weeks.
At one time, I was trying to do a distance energy reading for someone. But something was wrong; I couldn't see clearly. In fact it looked like they were consumed by a black void... then presently a lighter blue color was around the blackness, then white, then dark blue. It was no energy I was familiar with and I double-checked with the person that they had no magical protections to stop me from Seeing them.
"Oh, the only ward I didn't take down was my nazar." 🧿🧿🧿🧿
I have Very Silly Tendons, and in the morning I usually have a painful limp for several minutes until my foot stretches out. That is, of course, unless I remember to do a very simple energy exercise the night before. Then my foot is as loose and supple as a bowl of buttered noodles.
Once, I cast a spell using the planetary energies of Mercury in order to secure a good deal on a used van. I put in very specific requirements, and asked that if I tried to buy a van that didn't meet these requirements, that the elementals would stop me and not let the deal go through. Immediately after I cast the spell I found a van which was disqualified from the list, but I reallllly wanted it. I contacted the Craiglist seller, who didn't respond for a couple of days, but the listing stayed up.
The next morning my friend contacts me. She says she had a dream that yellow tornadoes came and told her to give me a message; that I was making a mistake.
Well if you know Mercury, then you know yellow airy energies are really his thing.
I immediately set up the spell again, retracted my requests, and apologized for going against what I said I wanted.
The seller contacted me within the hour, and I got the van.
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