#yes i literally drew this in ms paint
Miscellaneous doodles pt. 2
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oldmemoria · 11 months
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caught up with cringetober because I literally forgot to do it, individuals and explanations under cut
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Day 1: Heterochromia I’ve come to the revaluation that my sona is already cringe as hell considering not only can his entire body change color but he also has differently colored eyes as a staple of his design. They’re usually yellow and blue but this time I color picked the blue from the trans flag and the mint from the Vincian flag for this color palette, it turned out really pretty :)
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Day 2: Self Insert Now she isn’t my self insert anymore, but back in the day when I was at “peak cringe” she definitely was. This is my warriors OC Icypelt and I have a post going over part of her story on my profile somewhere. She’s been through a lot and I think her modern design is very pretty :)
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Day 3: Unnecessarily complex fit/design Spider scene is kinda infamous in my brain for having wayyy too much detail but I love them and I think this might be my favorite one out of this batch, super cute, the pose is really cute and the colors are nice and fits her really well :D
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day 4: Angel x Devil inevitable MCR reference ik, Helena and Revenge, love them dearly. Poor revenge man this one is cute and looks like a sticker!!
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Day 6 (I skipped day 5 because I didn’t want to open up ms paint today): neko i kinda hate this one but cat Gerard yay
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Day 7: Pinterest base at first I wanted to draw hobie in place of Gwen but I remembered that I haven’t really drawn Mikey with her even though they’re supposed to be friends so I drew her instead. Idk. The height difference is not accurate because of that but Jumping Spider is small because he’s based on a jumping spider and those are tiny who would have thought
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Day 8: tumblr sexyman i have never played undertale a day in my life i just know a lot of people wanted to jump sans’ bones
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day 10: fursona i already have a fursona I already drew and yes I colorpicked from the lesbian flag how could you tell /j
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Day 11: Yandere LYLA is technically canonically a yandere because spoiler alert she tried to kill Miguel’s fiancé via overheating her in the shower (essentially literally boiling her like a lobster) because she was “in love” with him (she said if she did have autonomy and had feelings the would be in love with him but she doesn’t but idk who knows I don’t).
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day 12: niche interest ik MCR isn’t exactly “niche” but the black parades story in particular has always caught my interest and I have my own interpretation of it and a whole kind of story I’m still developing and character arcs and headcanons and interactions and yeah you get it, death in particular has evolved into god knows an OC on his own I just keep him attached to MCR because… it makes more sense that way, ig-
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day 13: creepypasta does this count- whatever grimdark is just the same thing as a creepypasta- I’m not really in the MLP fandom anymore but it was my first ever “fandom” I was actually apart of. My first hyperfixation if you will. I wasn’t in the grimdark part of the fandom because I was too young for it but I was actually watching the izzzyzzz grimdark video and I was like “oh” and drew a rainbow factory Rainbowdash. Honestly I should draw ponies more they’re fun to draw
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Day 14: candygore (?) im not good at drawing candygore and since I was rushing this o didn’t do it as well as I thought I can, but it still turned out pretty cool
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Day 15: song lyrics aaaa inevitable hesitant alien drawing this one turned out so cute!! The colors and the sparkle eek so cute aaa action cat lyrics I’m breaking down right in front of you I’m sorry
planning on doing the rest of the month now, maybe not exactly on time since I’m still in school but I’ll try to get 31 drawings out by Halloween. Love the idea of cringetober because I just love all things cringe. Ack this is so good
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tuhbanbuv · 1 year
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Drew some of my EWJ au bullshit on ms paint. It's shit so I might try doing it on Playstation's Dreams and sketchbook after this.
First off: The au takes place several years after the games, the cartoon and yes, even 3D. Jim's purple instead of blue, cuz Earthworm Kim has a pink/purple suit. In this, Jim is more gender neutral/fluid (not to mention intersex) after accepting Kim. Jim is usually depicted as being southern or with a southern drawl, so I made their straps into suspenders to reflect that. Also in this au specifically Jim uses he/they/she pronouns.
Second: Peter's in more control of his literal demons, being a demon called Amos who is more of a Venom sort of character now.
Fun fact, I didn't even technically design the demon myself, his design already exists in the show! I don't have a good photo of him but here it is.
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At some point in the au, Peter actually gets fucked up by Evil and dies. Don't worry he gets better, but that's how he got his scars. I'm still working on writing it so I can't go into the details besides that. The scar idea is nothing new tho I've had it since I was 13 or so.
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happy pride mont
Well I guess I could share some drawings since usually I just dogpile everything I want to say into 1 post and don’t necessarily have room for the art which is sad.
So I decided for pride month I’ll just dogpile some of my art that I haven’t shown here relating to my favorites from hxh kind of being like those 60 color packs of crayons.
I draw kind of like a crazy guy and I have a fair bit of art so I’ll make a cut off line to not clog...
Btw so I dont jumpscare you the art is of Izunavi and Giuliano, Shalnark and Chrollo, & Muherr and hehe a not canon character (In that order)
Hehe i just have some portraits of Izu for fun here not necessarily ship or anything related but I just wanted to share them Since I made them a while ago and he looks very nice:
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Ok but it gets a little gay here so urm: Happy pride moth:
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I made this one because I wanted them to have a happy life that I knew they could never have!!!!!!
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just a funny little drawing for fun that I stayed up a little too late making 1 time because these guys just kind of carry me away..
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On valentines day I was having a rlly bad time a really bad day and everything and then I made these guys and everything was better 
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I made this one in ms paint and it makes me so happy man... I have it as my background screen on my computer rn i didn’t intend for this drawing to bang so hard but also I kind of drew it intending for it to be like the only house that’s not on fire yet because that’s a song that’s perfect for these guys hear me out
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I made that one at like 2 am and yes it was to this song and to me it is objectively about these guys
I guess it could be a projection bc i just wanted to squeeze that guy bc hes just so funny and silly and I love these guys and giuliano is just like me for real so it’s fine 
I care about them a lot man I even made an article on the shipping wiki for them because I uhhh I uh help I urm
I have... another one that I ALSO made an article for... and it brings me extreme distress as well as extreme joy
we have our 2nd place to Shalkuro :100:
I have a lot of art for it I’ll make a post for it one day I swear and it will be insane in length because I really need help man ... If izugiuli is my comfort ship this is the REASON why I need comfort
proceeds to show harmless nice little drawings:
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I saw that trend everywhere so this is a rlly recent drawing but I made them with the barbie and ken because I... well come on... its literally perfect okay
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gooberish little drawing because i was bored
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shalkuro as teens ig comfort (I relentlessly got called gay for this one Stop jules bullying 2023) 
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Im a little crazy so maybe I did make another omori hxh au and a lot of it is Shalnark in the au or Shalnark and Chrollo
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Redraw of the sticker because hehe
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THIS IS BASED OFF OF AN UNFINISHED FIC I HAVE thats not necessarily ship related but also is but also you can interpret it any way you want and imo it’s so cute
I’ll finish it one day.
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Another ms paint art but it’s inspired off of bad apple for actually no reason other than that I think it would look cool and I went through 5 stages of hell trying to draw this but I made it out fine
God I want to talk so much about Shalkuro since Shalnark is ALSO just like me for real and I actually haven’t before on this account and it’s kind of my soundboard for talking abt whatever relating to hxh but I really think I should save it for a post of it’s own..
Anyways onto the next one its a little funny thing
I shipped my self insert with Muherr as a joke ok but now its kinda funny and I like it and I actually rlly like these drawings i made for it
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dont ask why he looks drunk its a long story
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I had to make this it was honestly too funny for me not too and I love it so much EXCEPT for the fact that I realized that my self insert looks so much like pariston in here
Im supposed to have dark hair but I just didnt feel like coloring it in there bc the lineart looked good enough to me
but yeah muherr x jules otp forever /j
hapy pride month whoever or whatever you are whether your gay or not!!!!
dont forget to have fun and be a kind neighborly person like me 
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mysandwichranaway · 2 years
leopika kiss drawn in paint at midnight. took me exactly 43 minutes and 14 seconds
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This just in: gifts is not my love language
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halfpint55 · 4 years
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Feels Like We Only Go Backwards - Chapter 16:
by @oldpotatoe on AO3
"Hina claps with awe at the eruption of flames from Zuko’ skin. It is yellow, yes, orange too, but there is purple in the fire, and green, and red, blue, white, pink and more, all dazzling and brilliant as they burst from Zuko’s palms.
“Cool!” she yells, but Sokka hears her as if from a distance, finds his heart catching somewhere between his throat and mouth at the sight of Zuko’s shy smile, the rainbow reflected in his eyes. The light flickers over both their faces, vibrant and ethereal.
Sokka turns on his heels slowly, awestruck at the colourful warmth surrounding them. Zuko’s taken care to keep the flames a safe distance away, but Sokka can still feel the gentle heat of the fire flowing around him. It sinks into his skin, pushes all the way through to some unknown, untouched part of him that resides deep within his chest, making it unfurl until its blossoms peek out like the first buds of spring. And when he comes to a stop right back where he started—staring at Zuko’s cupped hands, his upturned mouth, his hair shimmering a thousand different shades, the way he looks up at Sokka just then with his unscarred eye squinting at its corner, bright and effusive and striking— the blossoms spread wide in his chest, trailing up and down and throughout him, catching at his seams. Coming alive.
And he thinks, oh.
And he thinks, oh shit."
Note: This art has a very specific song to go with it!
“We’re not equal parts / light and dark / we can be brilliant”
I literally had this song on repeat most of the time that I was drawing this and this particular lyric just hoofs u in the chest as you look at Zuko SOFT AS ANYTHING bending dragon fire so pls, feel free to play it while you peruse the art.
There’s been a lot of really amazing but oh my GOD PAINFUL art from the flwogb fandom recently so in these trying times may I offer this happier piece to remind you of the magic moment Sokka fell for Zuko for the second time in 5 years. I title it “Oh Shit”. 
I'm such a sucker for a character realising they're in love with the italicised "oh shit" I go FERAL for that every single time and ms oldpotatoe fucking DELIVERED on that (even though she delivered an emotional sucker punch almost immediately after thank u ma’am). This moment just made my breath hitch as I read it and I was thinking “of course, of course they just make their way back to each other. of course they do”. It was such a gorgeous moment I had to put my phone down for a moment and BREATHE.
something that really inspires me to create from Ruby’s fic is the perfect clarity of the writing - I can SEE these gorgeous moments she writes as already made paintings in my head and I gotta DRAW. This one was clear as day, so I’ve spent so long trying to achieve what I saw in my head and I think I’ve come pretty close.
Not gonna lie I drew his expression and immediately got emotional about my OWN GODDAMN ART, (but I have been assured that this is completely normal).
Now I can’t post this without talking about the goddamn hair. I wrestled with his hair on this for MONTHS - I always thought that I'd struggle with hands, or even anatomy and proportions but NO. Hair seems to be my drawing nemesis and makes me wanna snap my tablet in half but nonetheless i have persevered (but for the love of all that is holy please zoom in I beg u I spent too long on the little details).
In terms of the shading and colour, the hair is very much An Experiment and I haven’t played with hair and light much before, but i was so intent on capturing the colours of the fire reflected in Zuko’s hair, i wanted it to be so ethereal. ethereal enough to just make Sokka fall headfirst down the stairs, two at a time, in love. So I gave it a go. It’s possibly too shiny and not quite how real hair would behave, and i’m probably gonna go away after posting and keep fiddling with it, but you know what I think it’s pretty, and im gonna challenge my perfectionist self to just... leave it be. 
Ruby, I love u and I offer u this humble art as a small bribe to treat my boys well in the coming chapters (please, we don’t always have to go backwards do we?). <3 <3
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skeletalheartattack · 3 years
Hey. We never interacted before but ever since you made those lego island voice thing i want to say two things:
Thank you for doing it, its strikes my humor in a fierce way.
Why the fuck would you ever do it? Like, why? What brought you to make it? This thing is a fucking cognitohazard and a powerful curse at the same time. Its ability to fucking break through any existing thought process is too strong. You essentially created traumatic shock response in audible form. How the fuck? WHY THE FUCK???
:) im a wizard of hell babey, i love to be funny and struck with evil thoughts and intent
no but seriously, i started doing the infomaniac posts primarily because of a wayneradiotv stream; he was playing dead by daylight when pinhead was added and went to go brb, and Baaulp started talking for a second and then out of nowhere the infomaniac uberduck bot chimes in with "ITS TIME TO TALK TO MY FRIEND BAAULP, YES, YES, YEEES, YEES, YES, OH FUCK YES, FUCK YES FUCK YES OH FUCK YES SIR" and it's corrupted me and caught me so off guard. I'd love to find the clip but appearently it's nowhere to be found, especially since the vod of the stream isn't on twitch atm.
as for everything else beyond him saying fuck yes sir is all stupid shit from my brain, this is just how i am. i like the idea of an inanimate object that just doesn't shut up ever, can't move, but also is excited about literally anything, like you could throw him in the trash and he'd be like "Oh I love yummy garbage, I love the terrible smell of trash and gunk! I'm making so many snow angels in your garbage! fuck yes sir, im going to start counting how much trash you have! Did you know I can count to three thousand and five? Oh you'll be so proud!" etc, etc.
as for the art, i always loved seeing people draw stupid shit in MS Paint, especially the stuff where they try to draw pokemon from memory and like the first sketch is always so messy, but also im not good at drawing with a mouse. another reason each audio post has art for it is primarily because i was worried the bots lines would be misunderstood without some visual context, so i just went into ms paint and just drew what was in my mind for each post. and boes there because i just needed someone for the infomaniac to bounce words off of, even though he's not necessary for the audio (since at that point he's just talking to the listener) - also didn't know if drawing POV shots would be consistent to draw, that and i didn't want to constantly have to draw the infomaniac really small.
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stupid-stew · 3 years
i took notes on the art stream dana did tonight in my own way, yes this is also what my school notes look like so my formal apologies
dana didn’t have many friends or anything in college (self defined recluse)
king is the hardest character to draw due to his specific skull shape
dana loves pokemon and the king resemblance is a coincidence, and she drew everyone to be RIPPED
young entrepreneur out here art queen getting that bag WHY WAS SHE MAKING SHIP ART OF HER CLASSMATES FOR MONEY AT THE AGE OF LIKE 11 IM SOBBING
king ruined the sand castle :(
the mcdonald’s coffe, it sucks apparently
insomnia dana supremacy, felt that
DANA WINS ROUND 1 (against her will)
side note i think i need to start watching more anime, that’s just for me the remember tho
“let’s get weird”- dana terrace 2021
“give us the most uncomfortable furby suggestions please”- also dana terrace 2021
hard time communicating outside of drawings (one of us 👹)
toh is script driven, sicknasty
her test was turned away SPILL THE TEA
dana proposes to furby suggestion giving chat member
8months struggling for job
turned away from power puff girls boooo
“i called up a friend and we had a drink and i cried :(“ -dana
the director had to fight to make the furby scene happen and sir we appreciate it
“androgyny is beautiful”- dana, about a furby
yes girl let jesus take the wheel on that anatomically correct furby
“fuck you! fuck you!”- not dana’s furby
$80,000 in debt for this
“shit shit fuck shit”
“as good friends, as disney would say”
dana trying not to lose her job
straight black coffee you psycho
cannot cook, girlboss, win dana with food
catchphrase? “AAAAAAAHHH”
scared of spiders
do not wake the cat
“is that a pile of garbage or is that ur self esteem after i fucking demolish you”
-dana terrace 2021
the iconic “byeeeee” was difficult
why can’t she draw shrek
“i need validation please jesus christ”
-dana terrace 2021
someone buy this woman the cat gamer headphones alex hurry up
she does not like the booth but she does it for us thank you queen
dana fainted getting a stick n poke rip
at least she’s having a good time making her own gross little fantasy land, improvise adapt overcome
dana unlocks the idea of things being done in different ways and have them all be good for the masses
“limitation breeds invention”
“wow ur really wise dana”
“….thanks dawg”
“well i didn’t have friends… no one laughed.”
i want the little comics of her pets
cat person dana
awww little stick and poke on her ankle
does not celebrate her birthday
#mood bunny
“how can we make this weird” GIRL IT IS KERMIT ON S T E R O I D S
this is literally psychological warfare
dana has not watched the muppets but she knows him drinking the tea so winning
she’s proud about her making dipper and mable fight
hooty is the owl house canon?
i wish the owl house was like a creature that would have been so funny
season 2 is outline heavy when it comes to the writing
dana knows what she wants for season 2 and we love that
execs up the wall on season 1
dana has not found the character porn! keep it up girl! stay over there!
oooh bike queen
yes get that energy out girl
ddr stan, loses to matt braly at gravity falls team bowling hang out
cat is sad :( give her a snack :(
AWW GHOST HAS ASTHMA omg kinnie moment
conspiracy theory enthusiast when intoxicated
vaccination queen
does not believe in ghosts, kill me girl i’ll haunt you don’t worry i’ll prove it
“the ow house get ready to get some boo boo”- this other guy because it made me cry
“you’re gonna have to pay me to write shit because i don’t work for free”
not a music person
dana do a flip for charity please i’ll donate like an organ or something
she can canonically do a flip and she’s not gonna show us this is homophobic
her neighbor is parking yes get it
draw left hand
while holding pen wack
do it in online version of ms paint
“MS pain”- dana not finishing her word
and stick and poke
show us the work stuff dana >:(
“he’s a strong independent dog”
“4 minutes 20 seconds 😏 h e h e h e”
not the muscle pulling girl not now
“also dog”
ghost gets rejected
“he’s not impressed with ur bullshit”
catra shrek fan girl moment
dana has probably done drugs
“i am a fan of waluigi”
note to self dana will only marry you if you look like kermit the frog
also dog comes from a land where dogs eat people at starbucks
“he’s making out with it! he’s using tongue!”
there are bouncers in cafes where also dog comes from
dana has worked the cash register
someone make real witch merchandise
hooty is he has a very he has more he has a backstory it exists it’s written out but we might not ever get it because it’s just for her dana please i am on my knees
would play dnd if she could
favorite episodes haven’t even aired but currently is echoes of the past or keeping up a fear ances because they’re personal especially a fear ances
mentally she is thriving with the show and it’s going to end well 🙏
“it’s just my voice :(“
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we-are-a-dragon · 3 years
DM: The Bucket Lord begins to lead you down the steps toward the city far below in the Bucket Realm. Below you on the streets you can see tiny figures hurrying around.
Adam (playing Billie): *crosses fingers* I hope they're bucket people.
DM: Leaning against the Bucket wall far to the left is a massive bowl that looks like it may be made of porcelain or china.
Tati (playing Seraph: Huh. Do you think that's a Bowlfolk, or their vehicle?
DM: It's a long climb down the stairs, but not too uncomfortable as by some magic they are the exact right height for each of you.
Tati: I'm so glad of my broom right now.
DM: When you reach the ground you see that the people in the city are indeed tiny buckets with arms and legs.
M (playing Kjell): *saucer eyes* Yessss.
DM: They're half the size of a gnome. They literally look like someone opened a photo of a bucket in MS Paint and drew stick arms and legs on with the paintbrush tool.
Tati: So cartoon arms on an otherwise real body?
DM: Yes, everything looks perfectly real and normal, except the bucketfolk limbs.
Adam: This is perfect. I'm so happy.
DM: They say in tiny munchkin voices, "The Bucket Lord has returned and brought heroes to save us from the vicious Bowlfolk!"
Tati: Do you think they're audience plants?
M: *snorts*
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harrysbbby · 4 years
Don’t Forget Where You Belong - JJ Maybank x Reader - Part Five
-Thank you guys so much for all the support on this series! I’ve gotten so many messages and comments with such nice feedback and I haven't had a chance to respond to them all so thank you! Also I think I got everyone on the tag list but if not let me know and if possible please ask to be added via my inbox just because it’s easier to keep a track of. anyway, please enjoy xx
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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The five of you sat on John B’s front porch. You had gathered there that morning after the discovery of his father’s compass, which John B and JJ had taken to Lana Grubbs for investagtion
“Her husband just die guys, give her at least a moment,” you had protested by the boys didn’t listen as they go in John B’s van and driven off.
They had now returned, and Pope and Kie had arrived, all somewhat engrossed in JJ’s dramatic retelling of what was had happened
“And we were right outside like this, and all we hear is just, "Bam! Bam! Bam!" Knocking paint off the wall, G! From the inside! All right? And I'm just looking at him, like…” JJ stopped mid sentence and he moved forward shaking his hair over the top off you,
“Wait, first off, look at this shit,” he ran his hands through his hair, white specks falling off on to your lap.
“That's dandruff, disgusting,” Kie said, mouth downturned in a look of repulsion.
“Ugh, JJ,” you scoffed, wiping your thighs as he stood back up looking around at all of you.
“That's paint,” he said, a look of dramatic seriousness on his face, “At that point, I was just, like... I'm waiting for death,” he finished.
“Wow, you’re not dramatic at all, JJ,” you said to him sarcastically. He shot you a look as if to say ‘it’s all true.’
“Oh, okay, so you saw the guys that shot at us, right?” Pope asked him, to which he nodded, “Did you get a good description of them?”
“Yeah, literally anything,” you added.
“Anything we can bring to a police report?” Pope asked.
“Burly,” JJ said curtly, turning back around to the group.
“Burly, that’s all you got?” you asked him.
“Yeah, you know like…”
“That’s not very helpful,” Kie cut him off.
“Okay, well, no, like the type of guy at my dad's garage,” he explained, “I mean, you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers.
You and Kie spoke at the same time,
“Yeah. Yes. No, we know.
“We are, in fact, aware of this, JJ.”
He looked between the two of you before continuing. He leant back against the wall as he spoke, taking a melodramatic swig of his vape, “I can tell you with full confidence, these boys, these killers,” he exhaled, smoke emitting from his mouth, “they're square groupers.” He finished.
“They're square groupers,” Pope started, a very unimpressed look across his face, “like narco square grouper? Like Pablo Escobar square grouper?”
“Yeah, man.” JJ confirmed. You shook your head at the boy as you slumped further into your seat.
“You guys, not everything is a kingpin movie,” Kie deadpanned.
“What does this square grouper look like, specifically?” Pope asked again, still not convinced.
“You were’t there,” JJ defended
“You don’t know what to look for!” Pope fired back.
“Dude!” JJ exclaimed, “I wasn't taking little mental Polaroids the entire time. Man, I was under duress, okay?”
A puff of air left your nose as a long air laugh left the back of your throat. This boy, you swore to god…
JJ a playful glared at you before turning back to Pope, “But I can tell you... I can tell you by the way that Ms. Lana was screaming... that these guys are serious, serious hombres, man.” You caught John B looking down at the compass. “It's a heavy vibe right now, okay? I'm not liking this very much.”
“Okay, well we’ll let you calm down sweetheart,” you said to him in a sarcastic tone that was laced with actual concern. “Jesus Christ,” you whispered shaking your head as you turned to the group, specifically John B who had now turned his back o the group and continued to stare at the object,
“Why do they want the compass?” you asked.
“It’s a piece of shit,” Pope said insensitively, “You could pawn it off for 5 bucks if you wanted to.”
“Pope,” you started but he continued.
“No offense. I know it's in your family—”
“The office.” John B said, speaking for the first time.
“What?” Pope asked him.
“My dad’s office. He always kept the office locked because he was worried about his competitors stealing his Royal Merchant research,” you followed John B through his house and to the door of the locked room, “We used to laugh at him like he was gonna find it. But now that he's gone, I've just kinda... I just left it as he kept it.”
You could see the way he was staring at the door, a look of deep sadness and melancholy swimming through his eyes.
“For when he gets back.” You said, rubbing your hand along his arm.
“Yeah, for when he gets back,” Kie echoed your words immediately. You leant around John B’s body and shot a look at Pope and JJ. They looked at each other and back to you, almost as if they were confused. You rolled your eyes as John B unlocked the door.
You entered the room and took in all of the stuff in the room. Maps, files, all of it.
“I've slept over here like 600 times, and I've never seen this door opened.”
“Here,” John B said grabbing a cork board which showed the lifetime of the compass. He explained who each person was and how they all died in possession of the compass.
“You have a death compass,” Pope stated, looking directly at John B.
“I do not,” he defended, holding the object tighter in his hand. He looked around at the group for support but you scrunched up your face and shrugged- it did seem cursed.
“You have a death compass,” Pope repeated.
“Get rid of it,” JJ ordered.
“It’s cursed, and it’s made its way back to you,” Pope and JJ continued to jeer and John B moved away from you all and sat down. He flicked the compass over in his hands.
“Look, my dad used to talk about this compartment in here,” you all gathered around to watch what he was doing. “Soldiers used it to hide secret notes.”
Something fell out and revealed writing across the inside of the compass.
“What’s that?” Kie asked, you and her both leaning forward over John B’s shoulder to get a better look. JJ’s head came close to yours as he bent his neck around to have a look.
“That wasn't there before,” John B stated, looking at the word, “This is my dad's handwriting.”
“How can you know that?” Pope asked sceptically.
“Because he does these weird Rs. See?”
“Can I see it?” JJ asked, placing a hand on your back to move further around to read the word. He hair obstructed your view as he leaned across you. “"Red—Rout—”
You moved his hair to the side, popping in below him to look up at him, “it says Redfield.” You clarified, ruffling his hair as you sat moved back out of his hair.
“Right,” he said sheepishly.
“Okay, well, what's Redfield?” Kie asked.
Answers were thrown around about what the common word could mean. Everyone began talking over one another, coupled with the rooster crowing very loudly. Pope was trying to work when he said,
“How can you concentrate with that thing crowing at you?”
“Awww,” you cooed sticking your bottom lip out, “JJ loves the rooster.” You smiled up at him as you leaned in closer. He smiled down at you as he laughed, leaning his head down closer to yours.
“I love the rooster,” Kie echoed.
“Let me think.” Pope cut all of you off, growing frustrated. He kept throwing around random before John B’s frantic voice cut him off.
He drew your attention to the black car that had pulled into the drive, and the two men that exited it.
“Guys, guys, is that them?” Kie started freaking out.
“Shit,” You mumbled.
“No, no!” JJ started to freak out running his hands through his hair. You grabbed his wrists trying to calm him down.
“This is suboptimal,” Pope commented.
“John B I told you,” JJ continued to pace, you moving along with him trying to get him to compose himself.
“JJ, look at me,” you said. He immediately swivelled and looked at you, before John B’s arm covered your face from hi vision, stepping forward to talk to him.
“Where's the gun?”
“Gun? I, uh, I can't—” JJ spluttered, mind running a million miles an hour.
“Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun?” Kie’s shrill voice came from behind you.
You reached your arm out to JJ who was still stressfully heaving.
“Just think, JJ” you said calmly. At your words he took a deep breath.
“It was in my backpack, and then I— on the porch,” he realised looking up at John B.
“On the porch,” John B confirmed pushing him towards the door. You brough your arms up to your chest as you felt anxiety corse through your veins as JJ stepped outside.
“John Routledge!” a booming voice came from outside. JJ skidded to a halt and turn around hastily, running back to the rom and slamming the door behind him.
“They’re on the front porch, guys,” he said.
You let out an involuntary whimper as you and Kie huddled together in fear. You could hear the two men trashing the palce.
“We have to leave.” Kie said.
“Window,” you said, pointing to the only window in the room. Pope and JJ rushed to try and prise it open.
“Hurry,” Kie urged them, she moved over to them as you and John B had your backs pressed against the door, holding it in place,
“what’s taking so long?” Kie asked them.
“It’s painted shut, okay,” JJ said aggressively as Kie moved to find something to slice through the paint. She got the letter opener and began to saw around the edge. Pope moved with you and John B to stand as a shield with the door.
“Come on,” JJ said frantically,”
“I’m going as fast as I can!” Kie exclaimed, fingers moving qucikly.
You and John B shushed them. You felt a harsh force on your back and you and John B pushed against the door as the man banged on it.
“You better not be in there!”
Kie finally got the window opeed and started to climb out. JJ grabbed your hand and dragged you with him. He climbed out of the window first before helping you down, hands around your waist. John B and Pope came after you as you all followed Kie into the oly hiding spot you could find: the chicken coop.  
The five of you sat inside, makig the chickens and rooster cluck loudly. You could feel your chest rising heavily as you struggled to catch you breath. John B was watching through the cracks and you could tell the men had exited the house as he tensed.
The chickens clucking rose louder and louder.
“Do something, Pope,” Kie said as he was the closest to the crowing rooster. “Shut him up.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Pet it, or talk to it,” she said frantically, tears streaming down her face, “I don't know.”
You could hear footsteps near the car. Tears welled in your eyes as you could feel your heart beating. JJ was next to you, and grabbed your hand. You looked at him and he nodded. A reassurance. You’d be okay. You nodded back.
The rooster only continued to get louder. John B sat back as he tried to hide after he heard the truck boot slam shut and one of the men start to walk over towards the coop.
You held bated breath. The rooster fluttered its wings and flew towards you and JJ.
JJ grabbed it and held it to the ground. It continued to crow loudly. Until you heard a sickening crack. The rooster went limp as JJ hurriedly let go.
You let out a quivering breath. Kie was sobbing quietly. JJ leant back and looked at you, only to see tears running down each side of your face. His eyes started to rim red as his breath became shaky. There was almost silence until you heard the men yell, their car start and drive away.
None of you moved for a moment, letting the adrenaline settle down.
You all crawled out of the chicken coop and JJ immediately made a beeline away from all of you. The four of you all looked at each other, before their eyes turned to you. You nodded, following JJ to where he stood in John B’s backyard, kicking stones.
You stood in front of him for a while. He looked up at you.
“What?” he asked forcefully, kicking another rock with your shoe.
“Just making sure you’re alright.” You said, crossing your arms across your chest, watching him.
“M fine,” he mumbled.
“JJ, you started.
“I saw the way you looked at me,” he said strongly ceasing his movements to look at you.
You sighed.
“I’m a bad person,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets, refusing to meet your eyes.
You slowly moved towards him. You wrapped your arms slowly around his shoulders, until he relaxed and allowed you to fully envelope yourself around him.
“You’re not a bad person, J,” you said quietly, rubbing his back. “You’re a person who gets put into terrible situations without right or wrong,” you said pulling back and holding him at arm’s length. “Was what just happened horrible? Yes.” You told him truthfully, “but it doesn’t make me think any less of you.”
His eyebrows raised as you spoke, looking at you incredulously.
“Just shows me you would do anything to save your friends.”
He nodded at your words, wiping his nose and sniffing before rolling his shoulders back.
“Are you ready to go back to the rest of the group?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, relatively confidently. You smiled as he began walking next to you, returning slowly to himself.
You skipped along next to him, “you owe John B a rooster, you know.”
“Y/N,” he said sternly, but the sides of his mouths twitched as he suppressed a smile.
You spoke coyly, bringing a single finger to the side of your mouth as you teased him, “What? Too soon?”
Tag List:
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impaladolan · 4 years
Capture - Grayson Dolan [2/-]
summary: after an unsuccessful attempt to escape, Y/N is in for more than she bargained..
warnings: lil bit of smut, swearing, and bdsm undertones
a/n: this is part TWO of this little series! check out part one before reading this!
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Your senses slowly began to settle back into you, and you finally realized just what kind of mess you were in..
Right after his bold exit, your exhaustion caught up to you and your eyes became as heavy a dumbbells. But when you awoke for the second time that evening, the situation truly hit you right in the noggin.
You were in a foreign place, that you were incredibly scared to even attempt an escape out of. The foggy memory of the stunning man that had entered the room, was becoming a false reality. Had you dreamt of him? Was he just a twisted piece of your imagination?
Surely not.
It seemed so utterly real that the nameless man had to be an actual human. And even that thought scared the absolute shit out of you. If he were to barge right through the same door, you wouldn't know how to even address him, let alone look at him. So you stayed hidden beneath the large comforter, softly shaking with fear as your eyes began to water. You were starting to miss things you never thought you could miss. Like the pumpkin-apple candle that you'd light from time to time, or your piano you love to play, to wake you up in the mornings and settle you down in the evenings. Hell, you were even beginning to miss your refrigerator that held all your favorite foods and drinks, and your spacious bathroom that you regularly took a soaking bubble bath in.
Oh god, a bathroom. Just at the mere thought, your bladder revolted and signaled it's everlasting need to be freed. But you were too scared. Though, you couldn't last much longer without accidentally pissing yourself, but that'd just make this dreadful day even worse. So with your fears in mind and the shaking of your body reminding you, you pushed back the covers and lifted yourself from the cushiony mattress, your toes curling at the frigid touch of the marble floors. You oddly looked left and right, in search of what could possibly be a hidden camera or worse— a person, but came short with nothing of the sort. You began your tip-toeing steps towards an open door that unmistakably led to the sacred toilet you were literally yearning for, and ever so softly shut the door, for at least a little privacy. It was an expensive looking bathroom with even more expensive looking appliances.
But without further examining you rush to the porcelain bowl and pull down your undergarment, quickly seating yourself and letting all the filtered tension go. A relieved sigh escaped your lips, but your asscheeks sure did feel sore.
Maybe it wasn't a dream..
You let your thoughts roam as you emptied your bladder and tore a piece of toilet paper from its roll and wiped, finishing with the click of the flushing button and directing yourself towards the sink. The women in the mirror caught your eye, though she looked oddly untouched. You thought you'd at least have a bruise or two fluttered across your arms or your face, but it appeared as though you were as good as new and unbothered. Whoever had kidnapped you didn't fully intend harm, but rather some other premeditated plan that you weren't truly sure of.
Though you felt somewhat at ease, your frightened thoughts lingered and you washed your hands quickly and tip-toed back to your aclaimed warm bed that you slightly missed the absence of. You could've gone for round three of sleeping that day, but yet again, to your dismay, the familiar sound of a door opening and closing kept your eyes open, and an unfamiliar scent glided into your nostrils and made your stomach growl profusely.
"Hungry, darling?" The same voice from your dreams questioned the air around you and just as before, you couldn't refrain from laying your eyes on him. He was undoubtably real, except this time he was fully clothed in a tucked white dress shirt and pants, a belt tightly wrapped around his waist. He was even dreamier than before with his hair all done up and his fingers clad with shiny rings that hadn't caught your eyes before. You drew your attention away and slowly nodded, bringing the large blanket up to shield yourself from his eyes. He set the platter down on the nightstand with what looked to be a sweet smile and grabbed a little portable table to set just above your thighs. He neatly settled the prepared food onto it and seated himself at the end of the bed, motioning his hand for you to begin.
You were hesitant to eat anything he could've made at first, but you were more scared of him becoming mad, so you gladly picked up your spoon and began to chew on the nice noodle soup, it's brothy flavor feeling nice on your throat. You almost whimpered at the taste when you finished your very first bite, your eyelids shutting and your head titled back in sensation. "Good?" His deep, softened voice brought you back to reality and your head was nodding before you could detest anything of it. "For how mouthy you were this morning, you sure haven't said much at all." His words struck true as you thought back to the prior events, his seething words and your snooty comments that arises the anger in him.
"Well, I'm sorry to inform you, but you had caught me in a moment of weakness and I will forever regret it. I was taken against my own free will, without the ability to even fight for my freedom, and you think it's fair to treat me like a whore who "deserves to be punished" and was in quite a drowsy state of mind. You're a sick bastard whether you've been told that or not." You seemingly growled at him, but he didn't seem to be angered, let alone offended. With all the stillness and subtleness in the world, he answered;
"Yes, it may have been a moment of weakness, Ms.
Y/L/N, but when was the last time that that pretty pussy of yours was touched, hm? How long has it been since you've came by someone else's hand, or cock perhaps? Darling, I may be a stranger to you, but you're no stranger to me." And with that, he left you stunned (and regrettably horny), all alone in the same room you've been trapped in for who knows how long? Ugh, it was so angering the way he could flip what you say into something far from being similar to anything you were trying to argue.
But he was right..
Yes, it's been a rough couple years in the dating life for you. Though, it never had to do with "supply of men" because here and there, you'd get a little flustered by a handsome man wondering if you'd like to get coffee sometime. But you'd always sweetly decline and carry on with your day. You were a focused, driven person that had their mind set on nothing else but your arising business endeavors. You simply didn't want to begin a relationship because you weren't fully ready to give so much attention to one thing while you were too focused on another.
And being honest, men are very clingy. And mysterious..
His final little statement about "You're no stranger to me" really confused you. Had you met him before? Was he from your hometown? It was truly a mystery. Who's to say he wasn't some sort of stalker whose been following you for the past five years? But that sounds absurd. Why would such a handsome, dreamy, sexy— a'hem, man want to have anything to do with you? Whatever it is, you weren't exactly mad about it. Because just like earlier, when you were hazy and half asleep, you felt the same tingling and flutters right down to your core. He was so smooth with his words, it's hard not to fall to your knees and become his beckon call. Fuck, anytime you laid eyes on him, your body begins to writhe with shudders, creating that pooling sensation where your core throbbed the worst. A large part of you couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow, throw some sly comments at him or even try escaping, anything to catch his attention.
So before drifting asleep, your mind raced with loose plans and tactics for tomorrow, when you’d awake in the same room for presumably the third or fourth time.
Go time.
Initially, you had planned to sneak out only to anger him, but now that you were thinking about it, why not at least try to escape the clutches of the room and run away, hopefully home if you could.
You were missing it so much already, though you’ve only been gone for approximately thirty-two hours (maybe). But you were becoming bored with the view of absolutely nothing except gray walls and the one large painting on the wall. It looked like a countryside, a barn with a red roof-top and white siding while trees decorated the entire area around it. It was an odd picture to be put in this room, it didn’t really match the minimalist vibe the entire rest of the proximity put off. But anyway, it felt weird getting out of bed and twisting the handle on the door, and to your satisfaction, it opened with a faint click and you were finally able to be freed of this room.
The even more so frigid air smacked you straight between the eyes the moment you fully opened the door, it made your eyes water slightly. Taking the very first step out of the room, you notice that the walls in the long hallway are a powder color, which brought a weird grin to your face.
Those gray walls just weren’t doing the trick.
You slowly begin to tip-toe to the right of the entryway, looking in every direction possible. You didn’t really know if he lives alone or with others, but you were banking on the possibilities that there were others in the nice, freezing home.
Why the fuck does he keep it so cold?
You continued your slow, padding steps until you came across another door-less room; the kitchen. Thankfully there was no one in the huge kitchen, and your stomach jolted to the smell of just another soup, you just couldn’t recognize it. You almost scavengered for a spoon, but the faint sound of shallow footsteps corrupted your hearing and you b-lined straight to a cabinet, that happened to be a pantry once you were enclosed inside. Before entering, the pairs of footsteps let out a few hoarse chuckles and cackles, ultimately placing them as men. From what you could see in the tiny, barely visible crack, you could for sure make out who was standing directly left to the cabinet you were stuck in; the panty-dropping hottie from earlier.
You were just praying to God that he wouldn’t find you.
You took every breath as carefully and slowly as possible, not moving a muscle as the two men conversed, though it was muffled and incomprehensible. After what seemed like hours, you swore you heard a few goodbyes and a loud door shut. You wanted to sprint out of the damn tight-knit cabinet and run for your dear life, but you slowly opened the door and breathed in a large breath once you were finally free of your slight claustrophobic fears.
“Better run, sweetheart.” His deep, distasteful voice scared the wits out of you, which made your instincts ignite the moment he took a step closer to you. Before you knew it, your feet were pacing back and forth in long strides as your arms pumped up and down, though your blanked mind came to a loss on the directions out of the house.
This was it.
There was no way you’d make it out of here. He was obviously much faster and actually knew the layout of his own house, while you, on the other hand, had no damn clue where the front door is. So your heart sank deep in your chest when you felt his warm, muscular arms wrap around the entirety of your waist before you hand could even grasp an unknown handle that you were violently reaching for.
“Think you’re fucking smart, princess?” He whispers in your ear, carrying you away, presumably to your prior settings while you helplessly let him. You didn’t even thrash against him, or even attempt a kick to his groin.
You just.. let him.
“Fuckin’ lucky I don’t tie you up and spank your ass until it’s numb again.” He murmurs to himself, dropping you off on the same bed you’ve been sleeping and awakening in whilst he shuts and locks the door too. Just his little comment to himself made your mouth water and your pussy clench. It was hard enough being in such a close proximity with him.
Once testing the door to see if it was locked properly, he turned back to look at you with a cold, lustful stare that had you aching all over yet again. For someone that you don’t even know their formal name, you sure did have the ��hots’ for him. In a flash, his shirt was off and his pants were unbuckled, the heat arising in your cheeks as he strode over to you in his nakedness. “Knees. Now.” He points to the floor below him, watching with demanding eyes. You, of course, reacted before thinking. You were on your knees in seconds and had your hands wrapped around his increasingly large girth. You really hadn’t looked at it before, you were honestly terrified to. But now that it was right in front of you and your fist was slowly pumping it, you craved it.
“Since you haven’t been very nice to Daddy, you’re gonna have to give him a little sweet treat..” He caressed the top of your head, looking down upon the sight of you stroking him made his cock jump slightly. With your own eyes in him, you ran your tongue along the protruding, red vein of his cock, suctioning off his tip like it was a straw. He threw his head back with a pleasured sigh as your warm and thick muscle made his erection grow. With a few internal encouragements in your head, you let your mouth intake more, slowly edging its way to his public bone. What you hardly couldn’t fit, you let your fingers glide over. His sharp intakes of breaths and groans had your own self a mess, and you almost wanted to creep your own two ‘flimsy’ fingers down there and relieve it.
You let your hands travel to his constricting balls, fondling them with the slightest of touches. He squinted his eyes and held himself back from coming right then, but it was too late. For his thick, hot ribbons of cum released all the way down your throat and to your chin.
He didn’t last long..
It unusually tasted sweet, compared to others who seemed to be sour and gummy. Though he was done and physically drained, you continued slow motions, only quickening them by the second. Overstimulating has and will always be one of your favorite kinks. To see someone shaking and aching from their own sensitivity made you all the more horny and sexually-frustrated. But the overstrung man put an end to the real quick, pulling you to your feet and shoving you back onto the cushiony bed where your comfy gown rose and his intense stare darkened.
“Don’t you make one fucking sound..”
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mila-dans · 4 years
Spells Out Trouble: Owner of a Lonely Heart
This is chapter five of “Spells Out Trouble.” Masterlist Here!
Chapter Four: Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 5150
Summary: You have been with the Winchesters for several years now going through all the literal trials and tribulations with them. What happens when Dean gets hit by a love spell and becomes head-over-heels for you? Will your pushed down emotions finally rise or will you get in over your head? Find out what happens when your best friend’s hard exterior becomes mush whenever you end up in his eyeline.
Just so you know: In this chapter, there will be written lyrics to a song (that I do not own!). It is called “She’s a Lady” and is sung by Tom Jones. I would suggest listing to it prior so you know what the song is. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it! (Also, not my gif!)
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“Yes, I am. So no one asks her about it, alright?” Sam orders. Cas nods but Dean looks off towards you outside. “Alright, Dean?”
“Yeah, yeah. Totally. Do not ask her no matter how much she is struggling. Or no matter how much she is hurting. I can totally not do that. Yeah. I can do that.” Dean continues to stare out at you, struggling to even attempt to abide by his own words even in thought.
You four had just got back to the bunker from shopping fun-time and were discussing your game plan in the Library. Dean explained how his invitation was for you instead of him. Actually, it was for a Lily Grace from the small and exclusive art gallery off the southeast coast. He managed to get you two plus ones which is where the brothers came in.
“So, I will be your date,” Dean says with a smile.
“I’ll also be there,” Sam adds.
“Yes, I, and Sam, will be your date.”
“Escorts actually,” Sam again adds.
“Well, you’re more of an escort whereas I could easily be classified as a date,” Dean says with a smirk towards Sam. 
“Dude, you’re not her date!”
“Am too!”
“You are not!”
“Am t--”
“Boys,” you shout, “as much as I love the fighting over who gets to be my boy toy for the evening, we have a more important issue at hand. Okay?” Sam and Dean nod. “Good. Now Cas, what’s your job?”
“My job is to keep the guards at bay while also being a lookout,” Cas answers.
“We go in there,” Sam says going over the plan. “Mingle till we see our shot. Then grab the painting before it gets put on display. Get Cas to smite it. Be home before dinner.”
“Easy,” Dean says.
“Yeah, easy peasey,” you add.
“Come on, Y/N!” Sam shouts from outside your room door.
“Give me a minute,” you reply as you finish fixing the last bit of your hair. You stare in the mirror for a moment.
Red lips. Light blush. A natural looking smoky eye topped with long and dark lashes. A natural hairstyle that is loose but looks placed. Cheap but expensive looking silver dangling earrings. It goes with the red cheap but expensive looking dress that you just bought. A low cut with small straps on your shoulders going all the way down to meet at the very bottom of your back. Back-less. Castiel had helped you with the small zipper and button that you were unable to reach, again. The dress was tight around your chest and waist until it came to the bottom of your legs where it started to become loose like a mermaid’s tail. The short train on the end wasn’t too in the way. It was perfect with your red strappy heels and freshly painted red toenails. It was tight and uncomfortable and it hurt like hell, but hey, hell is a regular destination around here.
“Is everything alright in there?” Dean asks, concerned. “Do you want me to come in? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine! I’m fine,” you answer, quick to stop his worry.
“We’re heading to the car,” Sam shouts again.
“But what if she’s hurt in there?” Dean whispers.
Sam grabs Dean by the shoulder of his tux and walks towards the garage. “Come on.”
“We will meet you in the car, Y/N,” Cas says.
You take a deep breath and look in the mirror one last time. Their steps fade away. It’s stupid to think of what you’re thinking. Thinking about how this high class social status and elegant party routine could actually be your life. It was a small dream. Not even a believable one. A good dream nonetheless. Better than the dreams and thoughts you’ve been having lately. The ones that haunt and hurt you. The ones that make a shovel useless. Never able to bury. Never able to push away. Never.
“What’s taking her so long? She could be hurt!” Dean says, again trying to open the car door which Sam keeps reaching over to shut.
“She’s fine!” Sam replies. “Cas, tell Dean she’s fine!” The boys look over the seat at Cas.
“Yes,” Cas answers. “But there also is a small possibility that she is hurt.”
“Oh, come on!” Sam says.
Dean opens his car door and steps out. “I told you!”
“Stop Dean,” Sam also steps out of the car, “She’s fine!”
“No! She--”
Dean stops mid sentence as his eyes land on you.
“She’s gorgeous…” He finishes his sentence. Dean and Sam both stare at you in shock and awe. Both inspecting every square inch of you. Dean only doing so with more intensely.
“What?” You ask worried based on their expressions. “What is it? Do I look alright?”
“You look…” Sam starts to say.
“...Perfect,” Dean continues.
You smile a little knowing that the boys are in admiration of your appearance. “Good. I was worried I didn’t look good.”
“What?!” Sam’s voice cracks. “I mean,” he clears his throat, “You look great. You look great.”
“You, you, you, you, you, yo--” Dean says entranced before you cut him off.
“Dean?” You snap your red tipped fingers.
“You look better than great. Be--Better than perfect. You are just so much… you. And it’s beautiful. The greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It’s amazing. I love it. I love everything about it, and you. I love you,” Dean says, practically spitting out his thoughts. “I love you so much, Y/N. You--You are marvelous. Fantastic.” Dean steps close to you, slowly, as he looks into your eyes and reaches for your hand. “Magnificent. Sparkling. A blessing.” Dean takes your hand in his. “Marry me, Y/N.”
“What?” You say as you snap out of your own trance.
“What?!” Sam says, almost jealous.
“What,” You hear Cas say from Baby’s backseat.
“Marry me,” Dean says again, leaving you with even more chaotic thoughts in your mind.
Marry Dean. Marry Dean Winchester. Dean just asked you to marry him. Dean, just asked you, to marry him. What? What the actual hell. What the hell?!
“No!” You shout as you take back your hand from the side of Dean’s face. “I’m not gonna marry you! Are you crazy?! Why the hell would you ask me that?! And to ask me like this?! No! Just no.” You walk over to the car leaving Dean feeling his face as it turns red.
“Here,” Sam says as he opens the car door for you.
“Allow me,” Dean says, pushing Sam away from the door so he can be the one to open it. You get inside making sure to do a visible eye roll as you do so.
“Did Dean just ask for your hand in marriage?” Cas asks as you adjust your dress in the seat.
“Attempted to!” You say, still in shock. “You look nice by the way,” You tell Cas as your tone shifts to a more neutral one.
“Thank you,” He responds. Cas looks nice and the boys do too. The brothers have their tuxedos and bow ties while Cas has settled for a more relaxed, unbutton collar, suit, look. As the brothers get in the car, you notice how they even shaved. It’s been a very long time since either one of them were sporting the stubble-less look.
“That hurt you know?” Dean says, looking back at you.
“Well, you asked me to marry you so you should’ve expected a slap!” You retort.
“I mean it hurt my heart,” Dean says with a saddened tone. “But, it’s okay, Y/N. I forgive you,” He says smiling back at you.
“Oh, shut up,” Sam says as he hits Dean.
“You shut up!” Dean says slapping Sam back.
They start hitting each other and requesting that the other “shut up.”
“Ow!” Sam says as he touches the top of his head where you had slapped him hard. “What’d you do that for?!”
“I did it so you’d, both, shut up and start the car!” You answer.
“But why’d you have to hit me?!”
“I already hit Dean,” you say with a mischievous smile.
“Right,” Dean says as he smiles at the amusement of his brother's pain. He puts the key in the ignition but is hesitant to start it. He turns around to look at you then to Sam.
“What?” Sam asks, confused.
“I think you might have to drive,” Dean says softly.
“Cause… cause… cause she’s too distracting?” He answers nervously as he looks at you.
“Really?” Sam asks sternly before snatching the keys out of Dean’s hands.
You had arrived. Walking in the front entrance with two tall and handsome drinks of water on your sides sure drew a lot of attention. Good-looking Goliath on your right and Mr. Cute and Clingy on your left.
“Your name, miss?” The guard asked.
“Ms. Grace,” Sam answered.
“Her name is Ms. Lily Grace from the East Golden Art Gallery,” Dean clarified.
“I see,” the guard says. He very clearly checks you out and attempts to look down your dress. “Have a good evening, Ms. Grace,” he says with a flirtatious tone.
“Thank you,” you say, returning the flirt. “Mr. Handsome.” You smile and bat your eyes until the boys raise their arms causing you to lift a few inches off the ground and pull you away from him. They find a table and plop you back down in a chair. “What’s with the man-handling?!”
“Um, flirt much?” Dean says.
“What? I was just messing around,” you reply.
“He won’t think you’ll be messing around when you look like this,” Sam adds.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” You ask defensively.
“It means, when you look as gorgeous and jaw dropping as you do right now, he won’t care if it’s a joke or not!” Dean says angered.
“Okay! Okay! I got it. What’s with the level of concern here?”
“It’s just that you… you… you look really, really attractive right now, Y/N. And it’s really distracting and if I didn’t know you, then I would be attempting to hit on you right now,” Sam lets out.
“Whoa, did you get hit with a love spell too?” You sarcastically question which Sam replies with an eye roll and a huff.
“Y/N, the only reason why you aren’t getting hit on right now is cause me and Sam already gave every guy in here a clear cut message that you were with us and definitely unavailable!” Dean states.
“Yeah, so no flirting alright Y/N?” Sam says. They both stare at you waiting for an answer.
“Alright! Alright. Besides, we have to find that painting,” you answer.
The painting was traced back to the time during the Salem Witch Trials. It was a portrait of some farm and a big meadow. It was suggested that the painting got cursed because the witches’ death released a curse field around them which affected a painting in a nearby house. Somehow, the painting made its way here, to the art gala, and was being prepped to be sold to some unknowing victim. You had searched all over for it and found it nowhere.
“Find it?” Sam asked as he walked over to you.
“No. You?” You replied.
“No. Hey!” Sam called out quietly, getting Dean’s attention. “Did you find anything?”
“Nope. Nothing,” Dean answers, coming over to the huddle.
“Great. We’ve checked backstage, in the exhibit, in the halls, everywhere and yet it is nowhere,” you state.
“Wait,” Sam says, “not everywhere.” He walks through the dancing crowd in front of the stage and points towards the band. “There!”
“Crap,” you let out as you see that it is being displayed, on stage, in front of everyone.
“How are we gonna get that?” Dean asks.
“I don’t know!” Sam answers.
“It’s in front of literally everyone,” you add.
“Exactly, we’d need a distraction. And a big one at that.” Sam puts his face in his hands while you start making agitated fists.
“Oh!” Dean says as he gets really excited. “I’ve got it!” He runs away.
“What the hell was that?!” You ask.
“I don’t know!” Sam replies. “He said he’s got it.”
“Yeah, under the love spell Dean has got it,” you say sarcastically.
“Can I have your attention please?”
“Well where did he go then?” Sam asks.
“I would like to sing a song to a very special woman who is out here tonight.”
“I don’t know!” You say. Before you can say your next words, you notice the silence that has occupied the once really noisy room.
“This song is very special to me and it’s called…”
You look up to where the crowd is facing. Up on the stage, stands Dean. Dean, who is holding a microphone and talking in it, in front of everyone. “Holy sh--”
“…She’s a Lady.”
“What?” Sam asks. You point to the stage where Dean is talking with the band.
“What’s he doing?!” You ask. The music starts up.
“He’s creating a distraction!” Sam says excitedly. He pats you on the back, gives you a quick smile, then runs off.
You stand alone as the lights go out, a spotlight falls on Dean and he points to you in the crowd.
“This one’s for you, Y/N.”
He smiles at you and lets out the last thing that you would ever expect to come from Dean Winchester’s mouth: a song.
Well she’s all you’d ever want, she’s the kind I’d like to flaunt and take to dinner.
Well she always knows her place. She’s got style, she’s got grace, she’s a winner.
She’s a lady. Whoa whoa whoa, she’s a lady. Talkin’ about that little lady, and the lady is mine.
Dean takes his mic from the stand and starts walking with it.
Well she’s never in the way always something nice to say, oh what a blessing.
He walks down several steps, coming off stage.
I can leave her on her own knowing she’s okay alone, and there’s no messing.
He slowly makes his way through the crowd.
She’s a lady. Whoa, whoa, whoa. She’s a lady. Talkin’ about that little lady, and the lady is mine.
The groups of people part like the red sea as Dean target locks on to you, with a spotlight locked on him.
Well she never asks for very much and I don’t refuse her. Always treat her with respect, I never would abuse her. What she's got is hard to find, and I don't want to lose her. Help me build a mountain from a little pile of clay. Hey, hey, hey.
The spotlight is now on you, with a circle of people gathered around you and Dean on the dance floor.
Well she knows what I’m about, she can take what I dish out, and that’s not easy.
You try to turn away from Dean but the crowd refuses to let you look away from the glorious voice.
Well she knows me through and through, and she knows just what to do, and how to please me.
Dean was now right up close to you. Your heart was racing. Your face was melting. Your cheeks were blushing.
She’s a lady. Whoa, whoa, whoa. She’s a lady.
Dean put his hand around your waist. Pulling you close and tight as he serenaded you.
Talkin’ about that little lady, and the lady is mine.
He took your hand and spun you outwards, only to pull you back into his capture.
Yeah yeah she's a lady.
You two were now caught up in dancing, and swinging, and twirling back and forth all while he was singing.
Whoa, whoa, whoa she’s a lady.
You kept looking into his eyes as his voice kept going.
Listen to me people, She’s a lady.
It was beautiful.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, she’s a lady.
You’ve never felt like this before.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, she’s a lady.
You’ve never felt truly...
Talkin about this little lady.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. She’s a lady.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, she’s a lady. Oh, woah, Lord, she’s a lady. I can’t live without that little lady. She’s a lady.
...in love.
Claps and cheers filled up the building. You didn’t even realize that Dean was holding you in his arms. He let go of you as you both nodded and smiled in agreement with the cheers. You then ducked through the crowd and rushed outside where Cas had been on lookout.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!” You scream at him causing him to jump back.
“Woah! Calm down! Calm down!” Dean insists.
“What happened? What’s wrong?” Cas asks frantically.
“Tom Jones here just sang his heart out to me in front of everyone! Everyone in the entire building!” You yell.
“That was you?” Cas questions.
“Well I’m no Tom Jones,” Dean says with a smile.
“Why did you do that?” You start grilling him. “Why would you embarrass me like that in front of everyone? Why did you have to do that? Why now? Huh? Why is it that crap like this always happens? Why can’t my life just be normal for once?! Why couldn’t I just have been normal?! Why couldn’t I have stopped it?!” You start to spiral out of control, trying to hold back tears. You fall backwards but Dean and Cas catch you.
“Are you alright?” Dean asks as he props you back up, noticing your watery eyes.
“I’m fine!” You blurt out. “Why’d you do all of that though?”
“He did it,” Sam says as he runs up and joins the party, “so I could grab this.” Sam holds up the painting that he pulled from his tux. “Ta-da!”
“Good,” Cas says. He looks to the ground almost affected by the turn of events that just took place.
Sam looks at nervous Cas, shaken Dean, and teary eyed you. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” you reply quickly. You march towards the car and get in, officially starting the time.
The time where you distance yourself. The time every year where you run and hide. Where you go into a short hibernation, refusing to talk to anyone or leave your room. The time that you hate most in your life. The worst time. And that time begins, now.
It had been three days since you yelled at Dean mainly about the whole singing thing. You kept quiet on the car ride home. Even pretended to sleep as if you were trying to fool your mom. Your mom. Mom. Since then, you haven’t really talked to anyone. You used to go to the kitchen the first two days until you realized that they had hid the food in order for you to confront one of them in order to ask where it was. It has been several hours since you’ve eaten. The only time that you talked to someone now was when Cas would wait in the room beside the bathrooms and say “hello” to you which you always ignored. You used to hide your hibernation period from the boys but there wasn’t any point any more. They all knew that you were in a dark place. But none of them even know how truly darker than dim it is.
Five days since you last sat in the impala. By now, the boys took turns placing food outside your door trying to make sure you were still alive and weren't starving. You would hear them outside, whispering to each other, trying to determine your status. Currently, your status was at its peak of horrible. You couldn’t think about anything else other than what you have continued trying to bury for so long. So long you have held this in. So long you’ve wanted to let it out. So long you’ve told yourself you couldn’t.
Knock. Knock.
“Y/N?” Dean called from outside your room door. “I’ve got some PB&J for a late night snack. I figured you were still up. Are you still up?”
Dean seemed to be taking your absence the hardest. It was due to the love spell causing him to want to see you and be with you. He had gotten the spell under control so long as you at least said a word to him a day. You found that out after Sam had said Dean tried to kill him again for who knows what.
“Yeah,” you answered.
“Yes! Right. You’re good. You’re still up. So, um, do you want the sandwich?”
“You sure?”
“Cause Sam and Cas said that you haven’t eaten anything today and were worried th--”
“I’m fine!”
“Right. O--Okay. I got it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You hear Dean set the plate outside your room and scamper off.
Only about five minutes later did you hear a noise coming from outside. It became louder and louder and unbearable. You went over to the door to hear what was happening on the other side. Whatever it was, it was unintelligible. You figured there was no harm in opening the door to see what it was and yell at it. You opened the door.
“Ow,” Dean said as he fell backwards from leaning up against the door. You just rolled your eyes and sat back on the ground, picking up a book that you have failed at reading. “Right.” Dean stands up. “I’m gonna guess that you don’t want me in here?”
“Yeah, yeah. Of course,” Dean smiles and heads for the door. “But how abo--”
“Right. Will do. You got it.” Dean starts to close the door behind him. “You know what?”
“No. I don’t know. So how about you don’t tell me but you do leave.”
“What was that?”
“I said no,” Dean struggles to smile.
“Dean, get out of my damn room, right now!”
“No! You can tell me to go all you want but you know I'm more stubborn than you. So, no. I think I’ll be staying.” Dean shuts the room door, putting just you and him in your bedroom.
“Dean,” you try to say sternly but your voice wearies, “get,” tears start to fall down, “out,” your voice breaks. “Please,” you say, almost begging for help rather than insisting him to leave.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Dean says as he gets on the floor facing you as you start to erupt.
“I--I--I can’t!” You start to sob causing you to bring your knees to your chest for some protection and defense.
“Hey, It’s okay! It’s okay.” Dean moves closer to you and wraps his arms around you. “Shh, shh, it’s okay.” He sits beside you on the floor with his arms wrapped around you. He gently strokes your head and hair as he keeps trying to calm you down.
“I--I can’t! I can’t!” you keep repeating, unable to form words.
“I know, I know. It’s okay.” Dean continues holding you and he squeezes you tighter into his embrace. He starts to rock you ever so slightly back and forth as he moves you closer and closer to him.
You continue to sob as your legs spread out, away from your chest, and on your chest was Dean arms, wrapped tight. It felt safe and you felt comforted, but still not okay.
After about five minutes, the sobbing finally ceased. Dean still continued to try and calm you down. Rocking you back and forth, holding you, reassuring that you were okay, trying to keep you quiet and calm. He just continued to hold onto you as if nothing could make him let you go. But yet, he managed to make you let go.
“I--I’m sorry,” you say with your voice breaking while sniffing.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, Y/N. You don’t have to be sorry. Everything's alright. I’m right here. Nothing bad’s gonna happen to you.” He brushes your stuck to face hair behind your ears. You can barely see through your teary eyes but you do see Dean’s own watery eyes. You continue to let more time slip by before you speak again.
“Dean?” You gather your strength in order to get out the next part.
“Yeah, Y/N? I’m right here.”
“The bad,” you take a deep breath, “something bad has already happened and I… I couldn’t stop it. It was all my fault. It was all my fault.” More tears come down your face as you try and burrow yourself into Dean even more. He continues to hold you and remain as steady as a rock.
“Y/N,” he says softly, “what do you mean? Talk to me. Please.”
“I--I ca,” before you can refuse, it comes out. It all comes pouring out. Everything. “Before I joined you and Sam. Before you found me, I was alone. But before I was alone, I was with my family. My parents were hunters. They raised me to be a hunter. We fought and killed every stupid son of a bitch that decided to get in our sights. It was so nice. It was my family. Then one day, on a hunt, my mom… my mom… m--”
“Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“My, uh, mom, she got killed and she didn’t come back. She died, saving me and she never came back. I remember watching her bleed out as I just stood there, frozen. I did nothing as she died, choking on her own blood. I can’t even remember what it was like to have a mom, to have her. All I remember is what she told me. She made me promise to take care of my dad. To back him up. And I did, for a while. It was so hard after my… my mo--after what happened, I couldn’t do it anymore. I broke my promise and it broke my dad. I ran off and as far away as I could get. I thought I was fine, I thought he--he was fine.”
“It’s okay. I’m right here.”
“Um, I read the newspaper and I found out that he had died. On a hunt. Alone. With no backup. And so I ran even further. I changed my name. I changed everything. I wanted to be dead. It should’ve been me. And, it’s all… it’s all… it’s all my fault!”
“It’s okay, Y/N.”
“But it's not! I could’ve helped! I could’ve saved my mother! I could’ve saved my father! I could’ve saved all those people who had died just because I didn’t kill the monster because I was scared! I was scared and stupid. And selfish. I should be dead! Not them. It should be me!”
“No. No it shouldn’t have been you. It’s not your fault, Y/N. It’s not.”
“How can you say that?! How can you even believe that?!”
“Because I have to believe it too.”
“My dad gave up his life for me. He traded his soul for my own. I used to hate myself. I used to want to die but then I realized, he did that so I wouldn’t die. And regrets? It’s a list longer than Santa’s. I tortured souls in hell. I even started the apocalypse, a couple times.”
“By accident.”
“Yeah but, exactly. I have a circle of death around me. You step inside, you die. Everyone that I have ever loved or who has meant something to me has died. Except you. Cas and Sam have both died before. Several times. But not you. I won’t let you. I love you too much. And I promise you, your parents don’t blame you. They love you and they are proud of you and they are happy just thinking about how amazing you are. Their minds can’t even comprehend the level of awesomeness that you have. You’re amazing.”
“You think so?” You ask, starting to smile.
“I know so,” Dean says, smiling back. He moves your neck closer to his and leans in for a kiss.
This was perfect. You had let go. Dean had finally let go. It was amazing. It was everything that you had ever wanted. It felt so good. Dean’s lips against yours. It was love. It was happiness. It--wasn’t real.
You sat up quickly, causing yourself a bad headrush. You stood up, backing away from Dean. He too had stood up just as quick, frightened.
“What?!” He asks, confused and worried. “What, what is it?! Are you okay?! Was it me? Did I do something?”
“No!” you start to form tears again. “No! This--This isn’t right! This isn’t fair!” You push Dean away while wiping the tears from your face.
“What? What isn’t fair? Y/N, talk to me!” Dean says.
“Talk to you?! This isn’t even the real you Dean! I’ve been so caught up in my own problems that I haven’t even realized that the real you is still in there, hating all of this!”
“What?! What are you even saying?! I’m me!”
“No, you’re not! Dean would never do anything like this with me! You--you were given some magical roofie and I’m taking advantage! That isn’t fair!” You yell as you open your door, running down the halls, unable to see.
“Y/N!” Sam calls from behind you. Sam sees Dean chasing after you and stops him from running. “What happened?!” Sam says with a very rare type of aggression.
“I--I don’t--I do--” Dean mutters out.
“Stay!” Sam orders Dean.
You tried to find the keys to the impala but couldn’t see anything.
“Dammit!” You yell in frustration.
“Hey! Y/N! What happened?!” Sam says as he comes over trying to calm you down. He puts his arms on your shoulder trying to steady you but you hit them off.
“No! Just no! I just want the keys so I can go!” You slam your hands down on the hood.
“I’ve got the keys, Y/N,” Sam says as he pulls them out of his pocket.
“Give them to me!” You yell as you try to snatch them from his hands.
“No,” Sam says as he holds them out from your reach. “You’re in no condition to drive.”
“Fine!” You say as you wipe the snot and tears from your face. You open the car’s door and go under the steering wheel.
“What are you doing?” Sam asks with an annoyed tone.
“I’m hotwiring the car since you won’t give me the keys,” you answer as you attempt to see which wire is which.
Sam lets out a sigh then gets in the car. “Scooch.”
“What?” You ask confused as you scoot over to the passenger side.
“I said you were in no condition to drive. Me on the other hand,” Sam shuts the door and starts the engine, “I’m a little stressed and majorly confused but other than that, I'd say pretty good condition.”
It had been a seemingly long car ride from the bunker to some cheap motel. You both remained silent the entire time. Sam seemed too afraid to poke the bear and you were just unable to talk at all. You had arrived at the motel and were waiting in the car till Sam came back with a room key.
He signaled for you to come over to a room. “So this is your room,” he said as he opened the door. You ran inside and took off your wet layers that became soaked from the rain. “I paid for three night upfront. Me or Cas should swing by later with some of your clothes and stuff. Okay?”
You go back towards the door.
(Once again, I do not own the lyrics to the song that was used in this chapter)
Hope you enjoyed it!
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Chapter six: Up Around the Bend​
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camspam · 5 years
Home’s at Heart - Dreadnought: Nemesis FanFiction
She was floating. City lights twinkled beneath her like stars. She lay lax in the black sky, as though she were floating in a dark body of water rather than through thin air. Her eyes were closed, and she kept her breathing slow and steady.
Danny didn't think she'd ever get used to this. Floating above the world.
It was so peaceful up here.
She shifting, lazily flipping over so that she was facing down towards the city. Things had been quiet, which was nice. Usually, she was happy to take on a wild fight. There was nothing quite like it. She enjoyed fighting. Perhaps a little more than she should. But tonight, she was happy to enjoy the peace and quiet.
She was above some suburbs now, not far from the inner city. She glanced over them, and for a moment was confused at their familiarity. Then it hit it with a faint surprise and she drew to a stop in the air. She was only a few streets down from home.
No. No, not home. Old home. Her old house.
Danny looked over the houses with an almost detached nostalgia. She used to live here. Back in the Before. Back when she painted her toenails behind locked doors and alleyways, back when her hair was too short and her shoulders were too broad, back when everything was wrong and she had to hide, hide, hide because she'd had no other choice. Back when she wondered whether or not she'd make it to eighteen.
… She should get home. Or, well, back to Doctor Impossible's place. Danny supposed it was technically her place too, but… well. She didn't want to assume. She wasn't sure how permanent this arrangement of theirs was, and she was too afraid to try and find out.
So, Doc's place. She should get back to Doc's place. It was getting late.
She started floating closer to the streets instead.
No, no, no. Idiot. Stop it.
She drew to a stop just above the houses. She clenched her eyes shut, taking a few deep breaths. What was she doing? She didn't want to see them. They hated her. They kicked her out. Her dad had screamed at her until she had permanent damage in one of her ears and her mum… her mum…
Well, she'd done nothing.
Danny had never been happy with them. Not really.
So why was she lowering herself to the ground?
She walked and came to a stop underneath a blasted streetlamp. She hid in the dark and watched the house. Her house.
Her old house, she reminded herself.
The lights were out. They were sleeping.
She should get back to Doc's.
She crossed the street instead.
Danny crossed the front garden almost as though she were in a dream. She peeked through the kitchen window, but the curtains were closed. She made her way around the back and floated upwards to her bedroom window- her old bedroom window.
She pressed her face up to the glass, holding her breath so she didn't fog up the class. It was dark in there as well, but the curtains weren't drawn. Her bed was still there with its sunken mattress. Her desk. Her wardrobe was thrown open and empty, and she could see a roll of black bin bags sitting on her desk. Her laptop was gone as well. With a twist of her mouth, she realised her dad had likely sold a bunch of her stuff.
They were erasing her from their life.
Erasing her old life.
She didn't know why it hurt so much. Didn't know why her throat closed.
She hadn't cried when it happened. She hadn't really cared that much when it happened, besides the fact that she was hungry the following morning and kept thinking of the pizza Doc had owed her.
Well, perhaps she did care, but… she'd been free.
She'd been free and she never, ever wanted to go back.
And yet…
She hadn't thought they'd erase her.
Then again, she hadn't really thought about it.
God, why did she even care? Why did it matter? She wasn't coming back. Doc could get her all the dresses and makeup and laptops she wanted. She had a new room and a new bed and a new wardrobe. And more importantly, she felt safe. She didn't have to hide. She could paint all twenty nails in bright colours and walk around barefoot and glove-less. She could spin in dresses and try to teach herself to walk in high heels. She could do anything and everything and no one could stop her even if they wanted to.
She was free.
So she turned her back to the barren room on the other side of the window and flew away.
She didn't look back.
Doctor Impossible was lounged on the couch with her feet up on the coffee table, sucking on a lollipop and absently watching Spongebob. Gut was curled up in his bed in the corner, legs kicking as he dreamed, pug nose twitching. He snorted and sat up as Danny came in through the door, before realising it was just her and lying back down.
"Hey, kid," Doc said, not looking up from her show, "How'd caping go?"
Danny opened her mouth to answer, but nothing came out. It was like she'd lost her voice. After a moment, Doc looked over the back of the couch at her.
"Danny? You okay?"
"Yeah," Danny said. She'd meant her voice to come out strong and casual, but it came out small and quiet. Doc sat up properly.
"Did something happen?"
"No. Yes. No."
"Okay, Ms Indecisive," Doc stretched and turned the TV, gesturing for Danny to come over. She plopped down on the couch next to Doc, stupid and annoyed at herself and just kind of wanting to go to bed. But then Doc put an arm around her shoulders and Danny sunk into her side with a small sigh.
"Hard night?" Doc asked, after a moment of almost blissful silence. Danny shook her head.
"Aw, no one to beat up?"
Her lips twitched, but only for a moment, "Nah. I, uh… I dropped by my parent's house."
"Oh," said Doc, surprised. She was quiet for a moment. "What did that bastard say to you?"
Danny quickly shook her head, "I didn't- I didn't talk to them. They were sleeping. It's just…"
She trailed off. Doc waited patiently, absently running a hand over her head. Gut snored in his bed. Finally, Danny swallowed.
"I looked through my old bedroom window. They've, uh… they've pretty much gotten rid of anything. It's like I was never even there," she looked down at the coffee table, her chest twisting and her throat tight. She was so stupid. "It's dumb, but…"
"Dumb?" Doc cut in, brow furrowing, "Danny, that's terrible. You've got a right to be upset."
"But it's not like I'm ever gonna go back there," Danny muttered. Doc shook her head.
"Doesn't matter," she said, "Any decent parent would have kept your room the way it was. Hell, any decent parent wouldn't have kicked you out, but…"
She huffed, then shook her head again. She sucked on her lollipop, the way Danny knew she did when she was starting to crave a cigarette. She was trying to quit.
"Look, what I'm trying to say is that you deserve to be upset," she said, after a moment, "Your parents are supposed to love you, no matter how 'against' their ideals you are. Kicking you to the streets with nothing but the clothes on your back was one thing. Getting rid of your room…"
She trailed off. Danny buried into her, abruptly feeling small. She could fly. She could punch holes through the side of buildings. She could break bones with ease and catch a falling plane out of the sky. She could shoot right out into space and circle the Earth. She could see the lattice, the reality of the world, and she can tug at the strings and manipulate them.
But in that moment, she felt young and small (like she actually was). Doc held her close and rubbed her back.
"Tell you what," she said quietly, "Let's drink some hot chocolate and put a movie on. Hell, I got you that makeup kit, right? Bust it out, let's paint nails or whatever. Girl junk. Would you like that?"
Danny wiped at her eyes, throat tight, and nodded. Doc smiled at her. Gut grumbled sleepily.
"Awesome," she said, "Now, how about The Lego Movie?"
"You're a literal child."
Doc laughed, "Shush, girl."
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forkanna · 5 years
                                            ~ x JUDGMENT x ~
"I thought you were leading up to something more."
Makoto smirked across the table as she sat back in her chair. "Why, whatever do you mean, Onee-sama?"
Clearly irritated by the formal tone her sister had taken, Sae crossed her legs in the opposite direction to abate the sudden discomfort. "You and Kawakami were kissing on your bed. That painted a very specific picture of the events that would unfold."
"So now you're mad that I didn't meet your expectations? That she didn't push me down and force me into anything? That's nice, Sis."
"Not 'mad'. But that was my hypothesis, and it's… I'll have to adjust my thinking." Then she smirked a little and sat back, unconsciously mirroring her little sister's movements. "I am curious about something else, though."
"Really? Is it the leftover duck? I was a little surprised you didn't ask about that."
"No, no. And I was just thankful that it was delicious." She noticed Makoto's eyebrows shot up at the unexpected praise, but pressed onward. "Why does her teasing about feet get to you so much?"
At that, her little sister looked like her little sister for the first time since she had walked in the door, deflating and scowling toward the corner. "Come on, do we have to talk about that? I swear, I just really liked giving her a massage; she enjoyed it so much! It has nothing to do with me being 'into' feet!"
"Sure it doesn't," she snorted. "Mostly, I'm surprised to be learning all these things about you. It's fascinating."
"Don't be fascinated by things that aren't real," she sighed.
"Maybe not. I suppose you should finish telling me what is real." But while she said as much, she turned the chair to the side and propped her heels up on the table, crossing her legs at the ankle.
And Makoto glanced. She didn't stare at her high heels openly, but her eyes definitely flicked in their direction. Police instinct told Sae that was a red flag that the girl might have a budding fetish, but that didn't necessarily mean she was lying to her; sometimes people weren't ready to admit things to themselves, which meant they were literally incapable of admitting them to someone else.
Or perhaps it was purely due to the teasing - both from her and from Kawakami. Sometimes, that could almost create a fixation against the target's wishes. Or it could have simply been an innocent glance due to the movement and nothing more.
"Y-yeah," she stuttered before clearing her throat. Another red flag. "What's real. I'm not sure you're ready for that, but I'll keep going."
                                            ~ x The Priestess x ~
We finished dinner without anything else happening to interrupt. And the conversation went back to school, and eventually to Ren. I found out that he had known for weeks, and she found out that I already had spoken to him about it a little. Plus, she reassured me very firmly that there was nothing romantic going on between them… despite the many, many visits to his little loft.
Then she helped me with the dishes. I tried to tell her to relax, but she said she couldn't since she was supposed to be my maid - despite the clothing change. It was oddly heartwarming, doing something so mundane and domestic next to her.
"So I guess there's no point trying to change your mind," she sighed as we set the last few in the drying rack.
"Maybe. I still don't really understand all this, but every time I ask myself if I like you… I have to say 'yes'. Even if it's inconvenient."
Sadayo laughed quietly as she picked up the towel to dry off her hands. "That's one word for it. Kind of 'inconvenient' for you to date your teacher."
"Yeah. But how can I let that stop me? Look at you… I mean, you're already so pretty in class, but now? In this dress? It's like you're a pop idol."
Finally, my little comments were starting to flatter her instead of making her distressed. Smiling and biting her lip, she took a few steps away. "What, this old thing?" Then she did a little spin for me, and covered her face when I hooped and hollered. "Stop!"
"Hey, you twirled! If you didn't want me to like it, why did you do that?"
"I don't know!" When she lowered her hands, she was still smiling. "By the way… I don't exactly know how to say it, but you look nice, too. I'm just not used to thinking of girls like that but I should have said it earlier."
"Oh, I don't care about that," I lied. I mean, I did care, but I also didn't… so it was half-lying. I guess.
"But it's important. You're a really beautiful young lady, and I don't want my, uh, straightness to keep you from knowing that."
"Like I'm that much gayer than you! Considering I have never looked at any other women!"
Pacing closer again, she took up my hands and squeezed them gently. "How can I be your first? That seems… I don't know. Unrealistic somehow."
"Well, you kind of tried to touch me somewhere nobody had before," I whispered, and she flinched. "Hey - it's alright. I should have been more clear that I didn't want you to; you just thought I was nervous, like a lot of your other clients probably are."
"They are," she admitted with a hesitant nod. "You sure seemed to enjoy taking my tights off, so I thought I might get to… 'upsell' you into a handjob. Isn't that terrible?"
"Not for most of them. I'm sure a lot of them are happy you're showing interest - and underneath my fear that you would find out my identity, maybe I was, too." In a whisper, I added, "I certainly enjoyed the feeling."
Flushing a little darker shade of red, she whispered back, "And I hated it. But only because it felt like… you know when you're walking up the subway steps, paying too much attention to your phone, and you think there's one more step but then there isn't?"
"Ohhhh. Yeah, I know that feeling - it was like that?"
"Definitely. I, um…" Letting out a deep breath, Sadayo announced, "I've never touched another snatch. What a weird thing I have to say out loud!"
That got me smiling and stepping a little closer. "Me, neither. So at least we both have a first that we can still enjoy together."
"That's true." And her eyes danced with something like hope.
"Anyway, what I meant was that you touching me, letting me take your tights off… flirting at me, giggling, all that stuff. At first it didn't do anything, but after a while, I could feel it…" I paused, gathering my thoughts. My teacher waited. "It drew something to the surface that was already hiding beneath it. I always thought you were beautiful, it was just… I had no reason to think it was anything besides… not quite 'hero worship', that's not it. But similar."
"Am I your senpaaaaaiiiiii?" she called out in a very Becky sing-song. When I rolled my eyes, she laughed and pulled me into a light, gentle hug. "Mmm… oh, Makoto, I'm sorry. This whole thing is my fault; I should have tried to find another part-time job. An educator shouldn't spend her off-hours going down on random guys in a French maid outfit."
"No, she shouldn't," I breathed against her skin, breathing in the light, clean scent. She clearly only used the perfume on her shoes and undergarments; it was so severely muted that I was mostly only enjoying pure Sadayo without obfuscation. "But that's not your fault, and you aren't doing anything wrong. It just… turned out this way because I'm so nosy. It's my fault you ended up servicing me, not yours; I made the call."
"Alright, alright. Maybe we should just quit blaming each other. I just can't believe I didn't see through your disguise!"
Grinning, I began to sway slightly to the piano music that was still playing, even an hour later. "Well, we worked pretty hard on it. My friend and I."
"Your… friend?"
"Yeah. She knew about this, but she didn't know which teacher I meant - and I told her I wouldn't tell."
The taller woman pulled back to blink down at me. "You told a friend? That's… why?"
"Because I'm so confused. Still am a little, but I just needed to talk through some things to figure out what to do."
"Well…" Sighing, she nodded before resting her head atop mine - and it felt so good. Why? I loved it and couldn't even quite put my finger on the reason. "I guess that's not really a big deal. You didn't even tell her who I was. Did you blame Ms. Chouno?"
"She did guess Chouno," I giggled, and she laughed as well. "And you, and Ms. Usami. I just didn't confirm anything at all and she told me she didn't care that I wouldn't tell her. Respected my choice."
"That's a good friend."
"But I trust her. And I did eventually have to tell her everything, because... I needed her help guessing your dress size. I'm sorry, but I promise she won't tell anyone."
"Oh, it's fine. Everybody else and their cousin is finding out, so why should I be mad at you for trusting your friend?" We were both quiet for a minute. Then she began, "This friend…"
"Hmm? You want to know who it is?"
"I do, but it's alright if you don't want to tell me. Cuts both ways, right? That wasn't what I was going to ask." After a brief hesitation, Sadayo went on, "Have you ever… with her?"
"Have I ever what? I'm not s- oh! Oh, no, no way!"
"Sorry, sorry." And she definitely sounded apologetic. More than that, she sounded mortified that she asked at all. "Just curious because, well, this whole thing is new to both of us. I thought maybe you and her…"
Leaning up to gently kiss her cheek, I whispered, "Told you that you're my first. Anything."
"God…" This close, I could actually hear her swallowing, and somehow that was the most exciting thing I had ever heard. "You're driving me crazy…"
"Good. And don't worry, my friend is not going to steal me away from you. I promise. We aren't like that."
After a weak whimper, she finally replied, "Maybe she should… I don't know. Why would you want some oba-san when you can have a girl your own age? Is she not prettier than me or something?"
That made me laugh out loud. "No way! You have no idea, she's practically perfect!" But when she drew back to raise an eyebrow at me, I realized my mistake. My stomach seemed to shoot straight down into the floor. "W-wait, that's not- I didn't mean it how it-"
"No, no, it's totally fine. I know I'm over the hill and shouldn't expect to be able to compete with girls in your class."
"I meant that the reason I like you and not her doesn't have anything to do with her being ugly or whatever! Not that you aren't beautiful, because you are! You're the most… come on, don't be mean to me, I'm new at this!"
Laughing at my expense, she reached up to cup my burning cheek tenderly. "That's kind of the whole problem, isn't it?" The mirth left her expression until she just looked like the exhausted teacher I had come to know over the years. "You have no idea what we're about to go through."
Her telling me that did make me take an extra second to contemplate my response. I already knew what I wanted to say, but I tried to take her feelings into account first. Then I shrugged and kissed her on the chin.
"You're right. I don't know. But I trust you to help me figure it out. I trust you completely."
"That's so dangerous," she warned me as we swayed in the space between the dining room and living room. "You already know my life is a mess, and you think I'm going to do any better of a job with yours? What if I screw this up, and I hurt you somehow? What if I ruin everything?"
One of my shoulders rose and fell as I laid my head on hers again. Letting her lead. "We'll fix it. Or we will figure out that we can't, and deal with that when the time comes."
"Wise little girl. Young woman," she corrected with a quiet laugh. I felt her hand slide down to push into the small of my back, and tried not to think about how badly my legs wanted to turn to jelly. "Too sweet and trusting for your own good. But I promise I'll try my best to take care of you. Really, even if I fail, it won't be because I didn't try."
"Yeah," I said as we slow danced. "And this feeling… I would chase it across the stars."
For a few more seconds, I thought Sadayo would not answer at all. Then she breathed, "So would I." Her fragile, frightened voice just barely loud enough for me to hear it.
"Are you really going to be okay? I keep trying to let you go, and you keep trying to let me go… but we're still here. I could kick you out if it will be easier."
"I… no. I think it's too late for that tonight. Maybe we'll both wake up tomorrow and come to our senses, realise we made a huge mistake. But tonight… oh… Makoto, I really don't think I should be saying these things to my own student. But do you wanna hear them, anyway?"
"Sure. No… let me rephrase. I need to hear them, but will also understand if you can't."
Drawing back to look me dead in the eyes, she swallowed hard - and I saw for the first time that she was crying. But she had kept it out of her voice completely. Maybe that's what being an adult was all about: learning how to cry without crying. Her hands moved up to rest on either side of my neck, holding me steady.
"I think you're strong. And beautiful, and… noble. Nosy." At the last one, I laughed shyly, and she smiled a little wider. "But now I know it's because you just… really need to do the right thing. That's very rare to find. And you're also sweet, and steadfast and a million other things. But more than all that? You make me scared because never in my life have I felt more like losing someone would hurt than I do when I look at you."
The raw emotion in that statement bowled me over, and I had already been floating on a cloud at the rest. Now I felt like I might ascend to a higher plane of existence. "Lose me…?"
"Yeah." As my hands moved up to wipe away her tears, she half-flinched away from them but forced herself to stay put. "I just found you in my life - losing you now… isn't that even worse? When we barely got to…"
"I understand," I breathed as I leaned closer. "It's why I keep coming back for more. Just need you, and I'm scared if I don't take what I can get now, that I'll miss my chance. That's a terrible outcome."
Her head shook from side to side as her lips ghosted over mine. "Terrible… but I still don't understand this." We kissed again, still hesitant but less so. "Don't understand… why me…?"
"Because I'm not an idiot," I whispered back, pursing my lips on her bottom one and tugging gently. That shiver along her spine was real and visible.
"Maybe we both are."
"Maybe… I just can't seem to care."
The next kiss lasted a lot longer, and took us to the wall, then over to the counter. Sadayo's lips were so sweet and inviting, her body warm and soft, that I couldn't imagine ever getting enough - and if her reaction was any indication, mine must not have been so bad, either. We seemed to unconsciously take turns pursuing and being pursued. Oddly enough, even though I hummed a lot and felt my entire body tingling in anticipation, she was the one who more often squeaked in surprise, who took breaks to gasp and mention again how crazy this all was. Wasn't I supposed to be the virgin?
Finally, I had her pinned to the couch as we devoured each other's mouths. We had both felt flashes of tongue but never dared explore that deeper. One particularly loud moan broke us apart to catch our breaths, eyes locked in a blistering gaze of warring intentions.
"This… I really-"
"Holy shit," she finished for both of us, and I laughed a little. "That was incredible! Where have you been all my life?! Wait… wait, don't answer that."
Smirking, I shifted my hips atop hers from side to side. "Why? Don't like to think about where I was when you were my age?"
"Makoto, do you actually want me to keep going or to die of embarrassment?" Still, she bit her lip to weather the heat as I ground against her - a totally subconscious act. "Stop, I don't think I'm… ready for all… that…"
"Neither am I. Honestly, I only know how this is supposed to work from what I've read."
"You read about this?!" she gasped out. "Lesbian sex?"
"No! What?! I mean, mostly in class for sex ed. But then… after all this with you, I started to wonder… how… to do it? And I still can't quite picture it in my head."
My teacher's expression grew even more bashful as she looked away. "You were that serious about me? Before tonight, I mean. That is… I don't really get it, but I can't deny it feels wonderful. Being yours like this."
"You're mine for as long as you want to be," I purred. But it didn't take her long after that to push me back slightly. "What?"
"Listen. I, um… I need a little more time to think about this. Before we go any further, I mean." The shame was etched into every inch of her face, so I had no trouble believing her.
"Okay." My hips came to a stop despite how much I wanted to continue. "Seriously, don't be afraid to tell me to slow down at any time. I know it seems like I'm… only interested in pushing this as far as I can, but I swear that's not what's happening. I'm just really awkward."
Sadayo thought about that for a moment before she snorted. "Yeah right. You're working me so easy! But… I know, it's all new for you. Awkwardness plus inexperience equals… well, a lot of what's happened tonight." With a helpless laugh, she added, "This is insane, I can't believe it feels so natural with a woman! I thought it would disgust me!"
"Me, too! But… at least you've been on actual dates with men before. Maybe that makes it worse for you?"
"Oh, definitely. I keep finding unexpected things and not finding things I expect!" One of her fingers poked the side of my breast and I shivered. "Like these."
"Well, they do tend to be found there on women," I laughed softly, earning a much more full belly-laugh from my teacher.
"And you're so soft and delicate, gentle… which is part of what's throwing me. I'm used to exclusively dating men taller than me who can truly make me feel like a lady. I was kind of shallow about it, if I'm being really honest with you. But a year or so of working this job for Victoria has kind of broken me of that shallowness. Maybe…"
When she had been thoughtfully silent for a few seconds, I kissed her cheek and prompted, "Maybe?"
"Maybe that's part of why I'm not running screaming from this right now. Being required to flirt with and jerk off a bunch of gross guys reset my expectations. A cute girl like you is… a relief? Definitely a step up from any of them, even if I never thought about it before."
"And even if I'm a little younger than would be ideal," I admitted. She did nod her agreement, but also looked apologetic about it. "I get it. And I know there's really nothing I can do about it, but I would if I could."
"Whoa, whoa, wait." She rested a hand on my shoulder. "You don't think I blame you for being in school, do you? I would never-"
"No, no," I assured her quickly.
"Good," she sighed in relief. "This is nobody's 'fault', it's just a really cruel twist of fate. You're an amazing young woman, Makoto, and I wouldn't change a thing."
I must have been smiling even wider than I thought, because Sadayo kissed both of my cheeks tenderly. "Th-thank you."
"What? It's just the truth." Then she rolled her eyes and said, "Besides, if I could magically change one of us, why make you older when I could make me younger? Talk about a waste of a wish; I'd rather add ten years to my life then subtract from yours."
"Nine years," I corrected gently, petting up and down her side. But it made her laugh. "What? Isn't that less bad than ten?"
"Yeah, but I really doubt it's going to make much of a difference to our families." Then her eyes went wide. "Oh God… my parents."
Wincing, I pictured the middle-aged couple that had been yelling at Miss Kawakami in the hospital. I knew they definitely were not her parents, but my brain filled in the mental image with them anyway. "Are they going to think less of you?"
"Definitely. They are good parents, don't get me wrong, but they're pretty traditional. Take your pick! Will they be more mad that I'm gay or that I'm dating a teenager? Honestly, I'm not sure."
"Bisexual," I corrected again. Though I did start to worry that correcting her so much would be annoying. "You still find men attractive, right?"
"They won't care about that. Especially because they think girls liking other girls is 'just a phase' anyway." Her hand caressed over my hair, and I leaned into the touch. "I have to go soon."
My heart squeezed in my chest. "Oh. Yeah, I guess our time's almost up. I should grab your money."
"Thanks. It's… I can use it, sure, but really it's the best protection I have against catching hell for sneaking around with you. If it's part of my job, who can really blame me?"
"Exactly. And it's not forever."
As I extricated myself from her tempting body, she looked vaguely sad. "No… not forever. You're right. Just feels like it."
                                            ~ o ~
Within about five minutes, she was back in her maid outfit and I had her ¥10000 stuffed into her pocket. We lingered by the door. Neither of us seemed to know what to say, but kept trying to communicate something with our eyes to the other person. I know what I was trying to communicate was that I hated to see her go, that all I wanted was for her to stay so we could explore the strange new feelings together. I can only guess what she was trying to tell me.
"Thanks for a wonderful evening," she told me with a smile and a bow. "You really pulled out all the stops. Kind of blew me away."
I bowed back. "My pleasure. I'll… have to save up a little before I can request you again. Sorry."
"Oh… I'm sorry, we can find some time when I'm not working. I don't want to bleed you dry! Maybe…ugh, it'll be riskier but you could come to my place. I live alone."
"They'll see you going in and out of my apartment. God… okay, what flimsy excuse will we use? I'm tutoring you? I mean, you're probably the smartest girl in school. But… maybe with me being a female teacher, it could work…"
Eyes dancing with with ill-suppressed glee, I leaned up to deliver another heated kiss to the woman I was suddenly dating. Or something like dating. Then I pulled back, biting my lip as I watched her sway and waiver.
"We'll just have to be very careful. Like a game."
"What a dangerous game. Didn't think a little kid like you could be such a gambler." But at least she was smiling as she bowed low at the waist. "Thank you for your support, Master! Becky really enjoys getting dirty for you!"
I don't exactly know where the flirty line came from. But before I could stop myself, I was muttering, "Seems like you do." It was the reason a deeply blushing Sadayo scrambled for the doorknob and out of my apartment as fast as she possibly could.
                                            To Be Continued…
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Something Suspiciously Like Hope
Written for Day 2 - Secret Santa Exchanges.
Unbeta’d. Rated T for language. Enjoy :)
Peeta takes the slip of paper from his pocket and stares at the name, written in her small, careful cursive. Again. As if the writing changed from the last time he read it.
Katniss Everdeen.
The gods of Random Name Drawing have a sick sense of humour, that’s for sure.
God, what if she drew his name, too? Then what would he do? He fights back a shudder — what are the odds of that happening? — and tosses the paper in a nearby bin. It’s not like he’s ever going to forget it, anyway.
He takes stock of his very limited options as he mixes up another batch of dough for the bakery’s famous Christmas shortbreads. He can’t get her anything too impersonal. That just seems… rude. Not to mention, a gigantic lie. They’ve never been friends — hell, the slip of paper with her name on it is about the entirety of their exchanges over the years — but they’ve been in the same classes since kindergarten, so that should count for something, shouldn’t it?
But on the other hand, he can’t get her anything too… not impersonal, either. Nothing that could out the feelings he’s carried around like a backpack full of bricks for over a decade. That would be… not a gigantic lie. But also, his absolute worst nightmare come true.
He should have asked to redraw his Secret Santa when he had the chance. Knowing Ms. Trinket, though, she never would have allowed it.
There’s a tiny sliver of grey area that he can work with here. What’s the happy middle between a five-dollar café gift-card and a dozen long-stemmed red roses? Is baking her a cake from scratch too heartfelt, or just the right amount of caring and not-caring?
I put together this cake just for you, but I also work in a bakery and make literally thousands of cakes just like this one in a week, so don’t feel too special.
“Why does this have to be so hard?” he mutters to himself.
“Surely not the dough, son? You could make those cookies blindfolded by now.”
Peeta jumps maybe three feet in the air. He’d almost forgotten his father was still in here, too.
“Not the dough,” he says, shaking his head.
“What, then?” his father prods.
Peeta sighs, but there’s never been any point lying. His crush on Katniss Everdeen has been his worst-kept secret since he was five and saw her for the first time, after which he declared to everyone in earshot that he would marry her someday. If Katniss ever heard, she’s been too polite to say anything.
“A Secret Santa exchange at school. I drew Katniss.”
His father goes quiet for a minute, then asks, “Why’s that so hard?”
“What do you mean, why’s that so hard?” Peeta exclaims. “What am I supposed to do?”
His father shrugs. “I guess that depends on the sort of impression you want to make.” He dusts off his flour-covered hands and crosses his arms. “Do you really want to go about your last year at school without ever having been honest with her? Could you live with that?”
“I think I could live with it,” Peeta whispers without hesitation. “But I think I’d regret it every day, too.”
His father smiles. “Then I guess that’s your answer.”
“So, what do I give her?”
The smile spreads into a grin. “Something unforgettable.”
Peeta says nothing. Just furrows his brows and turns back to his dough, rolls it out into a thin sheet.
He has an idea. More like a sapling of an idea, really. A weedy little sapling struggling to break up into the light. It’s a ridiculous idea given that they only have until the end of the week to exchange their gifts, but he thinks he can do it. He’s got everything he needs back home, so the twenty-dollar price limit isn’t going to be an issue (or does that just make him look cheap?) and what’s more… if he plays his cards right, it will be unforgettable.
Peeta finishes his shift with a smile on his face.
The canvas barely fits inside his beat-up Corolla.
Never mind ‘unforgettable’. She’ll be lucky to ever forget him after this. The guy who made her carry a massive canvas all through the halls with her. Less of a ‘something to remember me by’, and more of a gigantic ‘screw you.’
He parks in his usual spot at school and collapses against the steering wheel. He’s gotten a collective ten hours of sleep this past week working on the damn thing, recreating the woods which border District 12 in wrenching, painstaking detail, but it’s worth it. It has to be.
A fist raps against his window. Peeta jumps high enough to hit his head on the car’s felt ceiling.
“Hey! Is that it?”
Without waiting for a reply, Finnick swings to the other side and settles himself in the passenger seat. He twists towards the back and lets out a low whistle.
“Dude. It’s huge.”
“I couldn’t do it with anything smaller,” Peeta mutters.
“Sure isn’t going to be a secret now.”
Peeta shakes his head and gets out of the car. “I never said it was going to be.”
“So… you’re going for it?” Finnick jumps out and slams the door shut. “You’re actually gonna do it?”
Peeta sucks in a deep, sharply cold breath. “I think I… maybe?”
“Peeta!” Finnick punches his shoulder. “Seriously, man? That’s awesome.”
Peeta snorts. “Yeah. Two guesses how it’ll end, though.”
“You still reckon she’ll say no?”
“I just don’t see why she’d say yes.”
“You know, Annie says she’s real nice.”
“So? I’m not after a pity date, Finn. I just… I know she’ll like this. That’s all.”
“Yeah, she will. You wanna know what I got my Secret Santa? A box of sugar cubes.”
He almost laughs. “Seriously? Why?”
“Well under the twenty-buck limit, and ‘cause Clove Andersen could stand to be a whole lot sweeter, don’t you think?”
Peeta snorts. “When she decks you, and she absolutely will, don’t expect me to step in and save the day.”
“All you’d have to do is flash that smile and she’d be off me and all over you.”
“Yeah, not really the image I’m going for right now.” Peeta pulls in another deep breath, sets a hand on the car’s roof, and nods to himself. “So, you going to help me bring this thing in or what?”
His own Secret Santa gift — from Madge, mercifully, a pair of thick, silly, reindeer-print socks — had been front and centre at the top of the pile in Ms. Trinket’s room. At the end of class, he grabbed it and bolted, the tips of his ears burning as he caught Katniss out the corner of his eye, approaching her massive gift, propped up at the back and taking up damn near half the wall, with a frown on her face. He considered for all of a nanosecond staying and waiting for her to unwrap it, just to see her face when she saw it. But that same crippling self-doubt that always seemed to afflict him around Katniss squeezed at his chest and he just… couldn’t.
God, he’s such a loser.
He plops down on a damp bench right on the far edge of the school, far enough away that the chatter and laughter from everyone else is little more than a distant echo. The cold air dusting past his face brings his thoughts into more clarity. He should have seen this coming a mile off. It happens every single time. He’s never been able to string more than five words together in Katniss’ presence; why would today be any different? Combine that with a giant, what-the-fuck of a gift, and it’s a damn wonder he was able to walk through the school gates at all this morning.
The phone in his pocket vibrates with texts he’s not sure he wants to see. Probably just Finn asking how it all went. Maybe one from his dad, too. Peeta groans and fists his hair. His own damn fault for telling everybody.
“Peeta?” a soft, smoky voice whispers behind him.
He jumps about ten feet in the air and spins to face his assailant. Katniss Everdeen, her hands tucked into the pockets of her patchy coat, staring at him with eyes as grey as the storm clouds above. An omen or not, he’s not sure.
“Katniss,” he breathes.
She smiles, the barest quirk of her lips. “I wasn’t sure you knew my name. I guess… I guess that was wrong.”
His cheeks flush as he sets himself back down on the bench. “I’ve always known who you are.”
“I’m starting to get that, yeah.” She perches herself on the bench beside him, even though there’s not a whole lot of room for them to share. Even through his thick coat, the warmth Katniss radiates is enough to make him feel like his blood is boiling.
“It’s incredible,” she blurts out before he can say anything. “I mean, I knew you were good — I think you’ve got paintings hanging in every corridor in there — but that painting is… amazing, Peeta. Really.”
“I’m glad you like it,” he murmurs.
She sets a warm hand on his forearm. The contact is like lightning beneath his skin, but it anchors him, too; this moment is real. He’s not dreaming it. And it’s fucking amazing.
“I love it,” she tells him, low and deliberate. “Thank you, Peeta.”
He clears his throat. “You’re welcome.”
She lets her arm fall from his, and he misses the warmth all at once. “I kinda feel bad about what I got my Secret Santa now, though.”
“Who’d you have?” he asks.
He barks out a laugh. “What did you get her?”
“A fluffy pom-pom keychain shaped like an owl. Prim picked it out. I had no idea what to get her.”
“I can tell you with absolute certainty that Delly loved it.”
She smirks. “Oh, I know she did. She jumped me right in the hallway as we were leaving and hugged me.”
Peeta smiles. “That sounds about right.”
A couple from the year below them walk by, hand-in-hand. As if by some unspoken agreement, Peeta and Katniss stay silent, their gazes trained on the ground, until the pair pass by.
When he looks up again, their faces are much closer together than they were before — or maybe they were always this close? Katniss’ cheeks are a bright, glowing pink, and she’s looking everywhere but his face.
“We should… uh, meet up, maybe?” she says, all fractured, and he thinks it fractures something in his head, too, because she cannot possibly be saying what he thinks she might be saying. “Some day during the break? I could, um… maybe show you the woods when it’s snowing, and you could paint or something? If that’s even something you wanted to see, I don’t even know if you —”
He cuts her off before she can ramble anymore, because even though it’s completely, utterly adorable, he’ll be damned if he lets her talk herself out of this now. “I’d love to come to the woods with you, Katniss,” he says, leaving no room for anything else.
“Good!” she says, a little too loudly, but Peeta’s not sure anything could beat the pounding of his heart for volume right now. She clears her throat and says, “That’s… good.”
“Yeah… good.” Damn, he’s eloquent.
“How’s Boxing Day for you?”
“Yeah… good,” he says again. Katniss lets out a tiny chuckle, one that he swears makes his heart skip a beat.
A bell goes off somewhere… the school, maybe? He’s got no way of knowing, or caring. All he gives a shit about right now is Katniss Everdeen, right in front of him, so close he could maybe kiss her if he didn’t think that would be kind of weird. Before he can move, Katniss is shouldering her bag and making her way back towards the building.
“Merry Christmas, Peeta,” she whispers, a real smile, however tiny, tipping her lips now as she walks away.
He grins what he’s sure is the dopiest, happiest grin the entire world and calls back, “Merry Christmas, Katniss.” For the first time in forever, the self-doubt doesn’t even enter his head.
In its place now is something suspiciously like hope.
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