#yes people lie to you on the internet because doing so is illegal
knaveofmogadore · 8 months
Losing my mind at the amount of people on reddit who will straight up admit to poaching or breaking conservation laws like genuinely
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myfandomrealitea · 8 days
That post you made about Harry Potter and how to not financially support and fund the franchise and put more money in Joanne's pockets felt like a lie because I swear I got the impression that even that wasn't allowed when the whole thing started
To be clear; I stopped. Completely. I compartmentalized it all and just stopped interacting with anything Harry Potter online whatsoever. But I always wished it would be fine to still be able to do certain fandom things without supporting her, but people were saying that even using the tag or reading the fanfiction or making fanart was still supporting the ip and not letting it die completely as a topic on the internet was indirectly putting money in her pockets.
It wasn't until I came across a post from a queer woman from somewhere in the global south with heavy OCD and intrusive thoughts or something like that, commenting on how hostile of a thing it became for someone of her affliction; the way people were treating it like do or die. Pointing out that no matter how much trans people and allys cut off their support of her, she has other large means of income that we won't be able to touch, and there will still always be transphobic homophobic Harry Potter fans that will continue to support her actively, putting that money in her pockets. Another thing she mentioned was the treatment of Harry Potter and Joannes bigotry in contrast to the treatment of FNAF and the creators bigotry. And lastly something about the USAmericanized nature of it? I don't really remember that part but I think I understood it at the time I read it (maybe it was something about all the other countries the IP is popular in who are probably more conservative and unaware or caring of the issues with her who will still put money in her pockets, or maybe it was something about American fans fixating and posing the support of her as the ultimate battlefield of Trans Rights to other queer and trans individuals trying to be quiet fans who are facing Much Worse in their countries)
Anyways after that I briefly started reading ao3 fanfic again, just put a filter for anything before 2019 or so, and then my interest more gently fizzled out.
I can't remember what my point is anymore, maybe just to bring these arguments to your attention(also I am not arguing against the financial boycott or ending of support for this woman through her ip).
Harry Potter will never stop earning money. That's just the flat reality of it; I mean, look at the likes of Elvis and the original Sherlock Holmes books and every other 'dead' media that's still earning money. Short of making Harry Potter an illegal piece of media, yes, there will still always be a number of people giving her money.
The goal is to give her less money. To turn Harry Potter from a prominent, profitable cashcow into a defunct piece of media that only select groups are still clinging to. To make it so that JK Rowling has to choose between paying her bills and funding anti-trans movements.
When something stops bringing in a certain amount of profit, studios start looking elsewhere. When a cashcow starts drying up, they stop trying to milk it as hard. Which in turn means less productions for JK Rowling to collect her pocketmoney from.
What would you rather; JK Rowling getting $100,000 or JK Rowling only getting $10,000?
Something is better than nothing. Damage reduction is better than open exposure. If everyone just rolled over and gave up because "things will keep happening anyway" the world will literally be a rancid, fetid wasteland of bigotry and violence.
I'd much rather watch JK Rowling fizzle out into a bitter old wench sustained only by the dogged support of other stubborn bigots than watch people willingly disregard and condone bigotry because its "easier" and "she'll be a bigot anyway."
I'd much rather JK Rowling only have $10,000 to donate to shitty movements over $72,000. Shitty movements can do a lot less with a lot less money.
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libraryraccoon · 10 months
If I was isekaid in Twisted Wonderland
I would be the worst person that Twisted Wonderland have ever seen.
I will laugh every 5 minutes, even when it's not funny. Ace crushed by a cauldron ? Yes. Grim trying to burn/threaten me ? Yeah. Riddle saying out of nowhere that he wishes he had eaten pie/played with Trey and Chenya when they were little ? Hear my laugh. Ace punching Riddle ? Yeah, I'll laugh.
I didn't lie when I say I was a hyena. I will be Ruggie Secret Love Brother/j
100% I will try to negotiate with Crowley to be a therapist or a student, all but NOT a concierge.
"Are you sure you're not going to let me in as a student ? You know, people would probably talk about how kind and generous you are if you did this. It would go viral on the Internet and a lot of people would like to come."
Yeah, I would definetly say something like that. No way I'm a concierge when I can't clean my room.
I'm not going to survive at the Overblots, it's said. I'm bad at sports, I never manage to dodge. I die at Riddle Overblot.
And if I don't die at the Overblots, I call Social Services/Child Protection at Twisted Wonderland after Azul's Overblot. Do you see book 6 when Crowley is in court ? Yeah, that's him after I called child protection. No way I let him be a headmage after that.
I will try to join the RSA if it doesn't work. Cause I CAN'T survive at Idia's overblot with the little minigames and Malleus' overblot.
“I will give you a gift, child of man.” Nah, leave me alone, I want to live. Let me live another day.
I will also say things like "Crowley, you have a [.....] kink" when he will try to give me job to do before running away. And I will do thing like that with all character that try to make me make their jobs/make me a therapist. I will doxx them all.
Idia will probably ask me how I know all of that about them. And I will just be here like "The less you know, better it is, and more legal it's/it is. :)"
I will probably try to be a background character.
At the Masquarade event, I will be the one who goes to the tower. It will be faster because as Yuu, I won't have any magic so the flowers will just stay flowers for me.
Knowing me, when the time of go back down the tower will come, I will be so tired of having to climb everything that I will go down by jumping from the tower with an umbrella at the Mary Poppins style.
Jamil will try to keep Kalim away from me because he won't want me to corrupt him.
I WILL slap Ace after what he say to Deuce in book 5.
I'm going to avoid Vil like if he was a mortal sickness. I will NEVER allowed him to puts makeup on me, for my mental well-being.
I will try to take a shower in another dorm than Ramshakle. No way I shower without hot water.
If I can't, I will make a contract with Azul. I don't care if he want Ramshakle, just let me take shower with hot water.
If Crowley don't give me money for improve Ramshackle, I will steal or make a deal with Azul.
Azul will see me every days.
I will be friend with Idia on games. Even if I hate the games.
I will probably make illegal things.
Like, you know the guys who tell you informations for money ? Yeah. That's me.
Oh and I will probably slap Crowley or do an Overblot if I can. Cause I can't stay mentally sane with the 30 trauma I will win with the 7 books.
Ruggie 🤝 me = stealing Leona and other people.
I will touch Jack tail. It's so soft, I just know it.
And I will adopt Ortho and Grim. I call dibs.
So, in short, I would be hated by everyone and I would doxx everyone for money.
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Me every time I go to Octavinelle for a shower after making a contract with Azul <33
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skaruresonic · 3 months
"I won't forget the time another games fan admitted on my old Twitter account that the current fannish climate was such that they were going to limit their Sonic discussion to private channels."
Funnily enough, something similar happened to me on Twitter. Someone contacted me in private because they wanted to talk about CV with me, but "I didn't want to message you so publicly because there are some people who don't like you that follow me"
And my reaction was... cool? Thanks for telling me? I'm not even super active on Twitter and I can count on one hand the amount of times I complained and attracted discussions. I just felt sad that this person treated me like a clandestine. It reminded me back when I was in high school and my friend back then was like "don't help these people, they talk shit about you" - what am I supposed to think, other than "oh :("?
And the CV fandom is all but dead, even the NFCV fandom is certainly more active but currently resting. The Sonic fandom, especially on Twitter, is an absolute nightmare. People really do pounce you for any reason they deem justified, and all sorts of petty discourse is pushed in front of your face for the sole reason of making you angry.
Anyway, I say already what I said: for a fandom who will call you all sorts of names if you don't have the right wholesome opinions on minor characters, they sure have zero mercy for real life minors whose crime is complaining in their corner of the internet. Silly you, daring to have an opinion!
Funnily enough, something similar happened to me on Twitter. Someone contacted me in private because they wanted to talk about CV with me, but "I didn't want to message you so publicly because there are some people who don't like you that follow me"
It reminded me back when I was in high school and my friend back then was like "don't help these people, they talk shit about you" - what am I supposed to think, other than "oh :("?
Might be missing some context here, but honestly, that sounds a little backhanded. Best case scenario, they're worried about inadvertently shining a spotlight on you, which just raises questions of why they're hanging around folks who'd dogpile people to begin with.
Like bruh, this is video games fandom, not an illegal gambling ring lmao. Saying "I can't reblog from you because you have cooties" would be more emotionally honest.
To some extent, though, I do have to wonder how much of this is a modern-day fandom culture thing and isn't confined to just Sonic, because patterns seem to repeat across fandoms. Half-Life has settled down AFAIK, but that was after virulent tourists literally called the cops on fic writers for shipping a ship and caused the old guard to disperse. The Silent Hill Reddit, likewise, refuses to hear any criticism of the SH2 remake because you're harshing their buzz. And hey, anything Konami offers us must surely be better than nothing. "Technical limitations" is similar misinformation that gets passed around via games of telephone a la Shadow mandates. I don't need to tell you how Sonic fandom treats unpopular opinions. Don't know what to call it. Toxic positivity? Consumerism? Anti mindset? Clout chasing? Social media-fuelled outrage? All of the above? Whatever it is, it's becoming more prevalent in fannish spaces. Maybe it's because I'm more invested in Sonic fandom than the others, but there I've noticed that there's definitely this added layer of superciliousness to Sonic that just makes the usual fandom wank even more obnoxious. Yes, the HLVRAI stans might lie and say your ship is pedophilia, which is incredibly unfortunate, but nobody was giving them the microphone and saying they ought to be taken as an authority on all things Half-Life. In fact, the old guard pushed for AO3 to separate HLVRAI and Half-Life in the tags for years for this very reason. We weren't all suddenly like "hmm yes, maybe Gordon really was a ~secret pedo~ who thinks of grown-ass Alyx as a child when she flirts with him in-game" because we knew that was fucking ridiculous. But for some reason, we're all supposed to think "IDW!Sonic is Games!Sonic" lest we bu run out of town with torches and pitchforks, I guess.
The worst part is it's hard to tell what people want anymore. You can't say things they don't want to hear even in your own space. You can't say it politely, you can't say it rudely, you can't say it to your friends or to people you're arguing with, you just cannot say it at all without risking a ton of fans going "well you said it, therefore you deserve what you get." And, frankly, fuck that lol.
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DNI lists are stupid and dangerous
Ok now I have your attention and your pitchforks pointed at me, let's clear the following:
I'm not an expert in internet history or internet theory, although I do have an extended diploma in Creative Media, which lends itself to audience theory and thus fandom theory, which helps base some of my thoughts here.
I have no issues with people who use DNI lists for whatever reasons they have. My issue is more with the culture surounding it and the reasons these practices exist.
This is a rambling vent on my general complex feelings regarding the topic. This is (at least currently) unresearched.
So, why do I think they're stupid and dangerous?
Well, I'm not quite old enough to remember this, but there was a time when if you where on the internet, you hid your information. You guarded it. Because the internet was dangerous. People online are, for the most part, strangers. People used to, and still do, keep their information close to their chest.
So my main concern is, of course, that safty that many people have tossed to the wind. DNIs don't inherently force people to give out this information, but it does create a culture and expectation to give out this information or be pushed away by the people requesting this information.
Age might be the most obvious piece of information to come to mind, and it is the most common. "Minors DNI" is everywhere on +18 blogs. And that's absolutly fine at first glance. Someone showing mature content may not want kids around their content. But this is the internet, and this is where I think it's stupid as well as dangerous.
Kids lie. Lots of people lie, not just kids. And there's only 2 routes to go regarding this. Either you trust everyone is the age they say they are, effectively invalidating the point of the DNI in the first place, or you confirm it somehow. Well, every way they could confirm it is, from what I'm aware, legally dubious at best and legally illegal at worst. I might be wrong here tho. I'm not in law. But even if it's not illegal, requesting proof of age is extremely bad for multiple reason I think are pretty obvious.
But more and more, kids aren't lying. Instead they're out here putting down how young they are and blowing the whistle for any predator to come walking in and give them reasons to have DNI lists. And that's the exact opposite of what DNI lists seem to want to achive.
Specifically with "Minors DNI", it also perpetuates this culture of having to curate our own audience, be aware ourselves of who is interacting with us, and make sure the children don't hear things they shouldn't. To be blunt, I hate this. I hate this in the same way I hate Unalive and PDF file and Seggs. I'm not on Tiktok. I'm not on Kidsbop. I'm not advertiser friendly. Remember how they added strict laws on how kids are to be advertised to? Yeah me neither.
Expanding now to all DNI lists, and various other limits and boundaries, when did Tumblr stop being the place you Curated your own experience? Yes, I fully understand tag blocking works very little at times and is a chore if it's a genuine major trigger for you. But I'd argue it's even less effective to hold a big sign saying exactly what you don't want to see and crossing your fingers people will be nice enough to read it and listen.
Overall they're simply ineffective and encorage the sharing of details many other people may not want to share. We're all strangers on the internet. We don't need to know eachother's takes on x y or z. If it becomes relevant it will, and if not, who are we to demand that of eachother.
This is why I say I have no issue with people who use them. It's when my place in those boxes then falls into scrutiny just for passing by your blog does it becomes an issue. If I see your DNI, and I still interact with you, it's safe to assume I do not fall into that DNI. If you are still paranoid about this, you genuinely may need help working through whatever may be going on in your life to make the place someone falls into that box for you so important. This is not to say it isn't important, but it is to say paranoia is not the default you should act on. If it's truly that important and you must act on it, block the person rather than interogate them.
Now, as a closing word, I do have to mention I am in a position of privlage from my own standpoints on this. I was, to an extreme fault, very open about myself online growing up. Not only that, but with my father (may he choke on his spit) made me a Facebook account at around 12. So, for the past decade, possibly even longer, all the information someone could want about me has been out on the internet. This lead to obvious things. I've been groomed. I've been in some truly horrible circles. And I've had a very odd perspective on things growing up. For me, this information cannot be put back. Pandora's box has already been opened for me. So regrettably, I'm still fairly open about myself. Not nearly as much as I used to be, but it means I personally don't have issues providing the information requested of DNIs.
The only reason I haven't provided my age on this blog until now has been because I don't want to give the wrong impression. I don't want to encorage people the same way I feel DNI lists do to share information. At the bottom of it all, I don't want people to grow up without the safty and security of private information like I did.
For now, that's most of my thoughts. If you want to senselessly argue about the right to DNI lists existing, please don't bother. I don't care. I'm already fine with that and it just tells me you didn't read this. If you wanna correct me on certain bits, I'd love to know, long as you have some sources or something to help. As I said, this is currently unresearched. I'm sure there's some older internet historians and anthropologists out there who know far more than me. For now, that's it. Thanks for reading this longwinded vent.
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purrplegyuu · 1 month
sexuality is normal and part of human nature, but minors should not be in an adult space. it could be considered illegal for minors to create smut, and it’s definitely illegal to provide sexual material to minors as an adult. that’s why we don’t want anyone under 18 in the smut community. it’s also completely unsafe because the internet does not have boundaries and it’s just asking for them to get hurt if they aren’t careful.
i think they should be allowed to explore their sexuality, but doing so publicly, online, in an in unmoderated community where anyone could lie to hurt them is not the way to do so.
speaking from experience. it’s a slippery slope and we’re really trying to protect them. a lot of us were those minors getting into situations we shouldn’t have been in because nobody was looking out for us so we’re trying to prevent it now as adults.
It is not actually, either minors writing it nor adults writing it and allowing minors to read it. Those “+18” tags are nothing but a warning. If it would be illegal to write it, wouldn’t porn be a little bit more regulated —i mean, if it was actually illegal, it wouldn’t be easy to find porn online on public sites.
About how dangerous internet is, I’m completely on your side. Internet is not the safest place on earth, but there’s nothing we can do but to show them that it is dangerous. We can’t hide minors from the reality nowadays; internet is common, and necessary, and they NEED to use it. So we can’t just ask them not to use it. We can’t also ask them not to visit pornographic pages nor read smut, because they will do it anyways, we should show them instead how to be safe —many people my argue that their content is smut and not education, but I need to say this: IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE YOUR INFLUENCE TO REPORT ACCOUNTS ON TUMBLR BECAUSE OF THEIR CONDITION OF BEING A MINOR, YOU CAN ALSO HELP MINIRS TO BE CAREFUL ONLINE. Especially knowing just how easy it is nowadays.
Kids these days need to know about sexuality, and should be open about it, because rape exists with internet and smut and without it. I will never forget the story of this girl who grew up calling her vagina “cookie” because that’s what her parents taught her to “protect” her —how guilty her teacher felt after realizing what did she mean every time she said that her cousin licked her “cookie”.
I still totally get your intention, and appreciate that, but i just dont believe it’s the right way. The harassment online towards someone just because of their age is horrible, and seeing zero support is heartbreaking.
Yes, im publicly saying I support minors writing smut, because I was once this minor who nobody took seriously just because I was younger than anyone around me.
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animaniacsxposed · 11 months
I’m trying to clear the air because there is so much misinformation speculation and hearsay surrounding this mess. Kyle Carrozza did not get that animator fired. In fact, Kyle wasn’t even working with them when he cut ties with them. That is misinformation. He also has no power to blacklist anybody. Absolutely none. That’s speculative paranoia. He did not in any way harass, bully or threaten the artist. The artist can’t find work rn because it’s hard to find work right now. The industry is simply a mess. The artist is using Kyle as a reason for not finding work when he hasn’t done anything to prevent them from finding work. Kyle had every right to cut ties with someone for drawing sexually explicit art of minors like the baudelaire kids from a series of unfortunate events. They were posting it publicly where real kids could see it. He had every right to cut ties with this person. I am astonished people are defending an artist who draws sexually explicit child porn. Saying it’s their coping mechanism is a crutch. There’s no excuse for putting that out there publicly unless it’s for attention. PUBLICLY. Where kids and survivors could be triggered by it! I say this as a CSA survivor. Kyle Carrozza is being used as a scapegoat to excuse their own actions. The artist faked DID at one point. Nobody knows for certain if this artist truly on their deathbed or just faking it for attention.
One thing is certain. This artist is spreading lies and conspiracy and if they’re found out to be lying there could potentially be legal repercussions. Again, Kyle had every right to cut them out and If you want a screenshot of the conversation where they sever ties with the artist I will provide a link to it below. Pulled from Reddit.
Hello you are allowed to clear air, but there is a lot of evidence going about that shows Kyle did not protect Ang (they were supposed friends at one point) as a friend should have. He did get Ang fired because he exposed her graphic porn account to his followers which are mostly minors very inappropriate and HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Angs account was locked before it was exposed and do you remember New Grounds from way back when you could post almost anything? You can be disgusted by the art Ang drew but Kyle did the same thing and voiced it too. If you are going to be disgusted with Ang for drawing underage characters having sex then the same energy should be given to Kyle for drawing "sexually explicit child porn" or in this case, implied "sexually explicit child porn". This little animation bit should put him on the same level as Ang.
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I cannot speak for faking mental disorders but this is the internet and I have seen people lie about worse. Please refer to the following threads about how this callout post led to Ang being swarmed by antis that are mainly brainwashed minors that should not be discussing such topics because they are not mature enough to handle such situations. This whole situation led to Ang being fired. Her health insurance was tied to her job and since she is disabled it is hard for her to find work in a field she qualifies for and also provides decent insurance for her health. I am not sure her specific disability but it is none of my business and I am aware that it is life threatening. Since it has been 2 years since this incident she has not found work in her qualifying field and still hasn't had insurance. Ang is in the process of End of Life care by someone close and has basically accepted death. But yes, let's protect the guy who helped and encouraged putting a disabled rape victim in her place.
Ang also testifying her time working at CN HQ where she endured a lot of inappropriate treatment. Including her treatment from Kyle himself (link to thread included)
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And Angs Google doc to "clear the air" about why she is not an abuser or predator for drawings over characters that are not real or resemble or use likeness to that of actual real child, but a disabled rape victim that uses her art skills as a way to cope with whatever happened to her in life
Judging from what you have sent to me, you haven't done much research and have biasedly picked side. I am not a fan of underaged characters being drawn in sexually explicit ways but it is not criminal. Here is thread of one of Kyle's lackeys sending porn to unwanted people just to gain momentum about Ang being a bad person when all she did was draw behind a locked account until Kyle called her out and got the account exposed.
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Please be sure to read all of evidence before you get back to me, as I have read all of yours. Thank you.
Also the screenshot you send, it is basically Kyle exposing himself for being on the site baraag which is mainly a hidden nsfw site for people to upload their R34 work with credit. So why was Kyle casually looking up "child porn" on a website like baraag? Was it just to expose Ang or does he have darker secret?
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
hey it's me again! I finally discovered my psychological type, I am and the enfp! Anyway, yesterday I was thinking about "cognitive dissonance" and I was wondering when a type about "cognitive dissonance" (When our personality goes in the opposite direction) Can a personality return to normal after this cognitive dissonance? I've been wondering about this since yesterday! -kisses from Brazil ❤️
For those curious to know more, here's an interesting article about cognitive dissonance. In a nutshell, it's being aware of an inconsistency between your views (they cancel one another out) and often, rationalizing away one view/excusing it or assuming that information that goes against your preferred viewpoint is biased.
To overcome it, the person has to either change their viewpoint to reflect this new information (avoiding cognitive dissonance) or change their behavior to match their stated opinions. For example, let's choose something at random -- an animal lover loves animals and thinks it's kinder to them not to eat meat, but they eat meat anyway. They are experiencing cognitive dissonance. Their choice is either to re-examine their views and realize that they actually don't think it's wrong to eat meat (or they wouldn't be doing it), and that they can still love animals while being a meat eater... or to stop eating meat, so that their viewpoints align with their behaviors. The third option, which would be cognitive dissonance, would be to rationalize away these inconsistencies, make excuses for them (I just can't do it because XYZ), and remain wildly inconsistent in their stated beliefs and chosen behaviors.
People of extreme views often have inconsistencies in their thinking -- they support Y, but not Z, which is directly related to Y. Because they cannot see that the two things are connected (narrow thinking or wilful blindness/ignorance) and are oppositional. Another example would be someone who says stealing is wrong, but who gets all their music off the internet illegally. They might rationalize this way by arguing that by not stealing something tangible off a store shelf (a CD), it's not actually thievery. Clearly, they actually don't think stealing is wrong or they wouldn't be doing it or making excuses for it -- in this case, they may feel that the "right" thing to think is that stealing is wrong, or that people want to hear that from them, or even to prop up their own sense of pride, and it's inconsistent with their actual behaviors.
Can someone return to normal? Yes they can. But only if they deeply consider their true beliefs and values and bring their behaviors into alignment with their stated opinions. Such as -- you like a certain politician or movie star, but you also have firm views on something, and find out that they violate those standards. You have a choice to revisit your thinking and determine if this is a deal-breaker (intellectual honesty, and the admission that your liking for them outweighs your distaste for their behavior, or to go "off" them), or to ignore it or reframe it -- they didn't actually do that, someone made it up to slander them.
Another example would pertain to being a humanitarian and stating humanitarian viewpoints, but owning possessions or iPhones made by orphans in third world countries for pennies per day. A denier would ignore that fact or claim it's factually wrong/a lie to slander the company that mass-produces the possession they want, a justifier would insist they need the possession and that negates their views, and an avoider would not do the research to find out where their possessions are coming from and who is making them (avoiding awareness means blissful ignorance of how you are violating your own beliefs). Humans are trained to see themselves, in some sense, as "good" people, as the heroes of their own stories, and so go out of their way to face the discomfort that comes from seeing the inconsistencies between the things they consider to be "ethical/moral" and their own behavior.
Everyone has a certain amount of cognitive dissonance happening on a regular basis -- it's normal to be inconsistent. It only becomes a serious problem when it falls into denial, a lack of self-awareness or self-knowledge, or becomes openly hypocritical in some way that is damaging to yourself, what you stand for, or others. Sometimes it is more intellectually honest to admit you don't care about XYZ or not to loudly proclaim views that are inconsistent with your behavior.
To deal with this, you have to change the behavior or add something to your behavior. Otherwise, you wind up justifying or excusing your behavior or worse, denying information that conflicts with your existing beliefs. For example, someone who says they want to lose weight while being aware of their constant over-eating. Choice #1 includes eating less, and modifying behaviors would include adding in exercise to burn off those calories. Justification includes excuses ("I am allowed to eat more sometimes"), and denial would be insisting that you don't over-eat, and blaming other factors (they put too much sugar in things, or this doesn't have a lot of calories when in fact it does).
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woppy-my-beloved · 2 years
okay, but if tumblr should change anything
they should let people fully comfirm they 18 and over
and the creators can like- somehow see who view their posts
(without liking or reposting just reading it they can just SEE who looks at their page)
and if they are actually 18 and over-
sadly i dont think it's gonna happen-
there are a lot of minors on tumblr lying abt their age LoL
(as for being a person that is also under 18)
Hi dear,
Yes, I get that and I know people can lie about their age, as someone who turns 25 in 33 days. I get this i've been on the internet long enough to see how it goes.
However in regards to tumblr being international and having many international users, i don't know much about all the laws that are in the US in regards to internet activity and communication. Because I do assume that if you are interacting with someone knowing they are a minor, and you still continue with the conversation. In bad cases where the situation gets innapropiate there will be a problem.
As to quote this website: "Communicating with a minor online is not in and of itself illegal. However, if there is reason to believe an exchange is inappropriate, communications can be intercepted or recorded fairly easily and used to bolster criminal charges."
Now there is no problem with just talking, and having fun in RP's and on the ask blog in regards to the brothers. However where do we draw the line in just playing. When we don't know how the other side of the screen interperts the message? Because how many times have you had a conversation with a friend and it came of entirely different form someone elses aspect?
This goes aswell for heavy topics and subjects in regards to self harm, abuse, etc. I do not know at all times who visits my blog, what mental state they are in or what they have been through and what can be a trigger to them. So that's why I wrote in my bio MINORS DNI with NSFW/18+ Posts
And yes at one point I do believe that there is only so much I can do to protect myself and users who come on my blog, but it's a two way street, now I am not putting the blame onto Minors if they don't know at first glance but if they have seen the warning etc they know I warned them.
Because in the end of the day, the internet is the internet, we don't know who is on the other side of the screen, but I what I do know is that I want to make sure everyone feels safe. This includes me as the blog owner, the people who visit my blog etc.
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agentofscifi · 4 years
Success is the Best Kind of Revenge: Ch 2
The whole classroom is sitting there in shock as Marinette, Chloe, Alix, and Juleka leave the room. Juleka’s mom follows them out, giving a smile to the Superintendent.  
Alya was still pale after being told she was now the Class Representative. She’d seen the piles of paperwork Marinette had to complete. None of it was quick or easy.  
The silence in the rooms holds until the door shuts behind them and then the yelling starts.  
“How could she have lied so well!” Rose is crying once more, thick tear trails soaking the tissue Marinette had given her earlier. Rose’s mother pulls her in for a small hug.  
“We collected money for her!” Myléne’s eyes are wide. “We collected money for her charities!”  
Kim raises an eyebrow. “How’s that a bad thing?”  
“Because it’s charity fraud.” Ivan’s voice is heard throughout the room, despite the fact that he wasn’t yelling. “We collected money for a charity that doesn’t exist. It’s illegal.”  
“We,” Myléne cuts off with a sniff. “We could have gone to jail. We almost went to jail over break.”  
Kim looks away with a grimace. “I went through something similar. Lila gave me this stuff, she said it would help with my swimming. She told me her olympic friend recommended it. You know, like organic stuff. Turns out it was steroids. They found out at my last surprise drug test before winter break. All my Universities pulled out and I got kicked off the swim team this morning.”  
Kim’s Mom blinks and then she lets her face fall into her hands. “You took pills from a classmate, without asking what was in them!”  
His father groans. “Well, this explains how you got those pills. Why didn’t you just tell us this?”  
Kim flushes. “I thought Lila was lied to, you know. I didn’t think she’d do this on purpose.”  
His mother lets out a sob. “All your scholarships! All your Universities!”   
On the opposite side of the room a different argument was taking place. Nino’s mother is glaring down at him, disappointment in her eyes. “When you said you weren’t talking to Marinette as much, I assumed it was because you grew apart. I did not think it was because you ignored all common sense to trust an exchange student over someone you’ve known since école maternelle.”  
Nino’s face is red. “I-I just her stories were so great and our class has done some amazing things. I didn’t think it was so far-fetched.”  
His mother purses her lips. “You didn’t think it was so far-fetched that Marinette was a bully. Marinette, who brought in cookies and cupcakes for every birthday. Marinette, who made you a custom jacket when you lost your favorite one on a vacation. Marinette, who brought you soup and get-well gifts every time you stayed home sick. This is who you thought was a bully.”  
Nino opens and closes his mouth a few times before finally closing it and looking down at the table. His mother throws her arms up in the air. “You stood there and watched, or even recorded, as your classmates physically assaulted Marinette. You are lucky, so very lucky, that she didn’t press charges. You were 18 for some of the worst offenses.”  
“I lost all of my University acceptances, Mom.” Nino hesitantly looks up at her.   
Mrs. Lahiffe whips her head down. “Nino! You could have lost a few years of your life, thousands of euros, and the ability to go to college. You have no criminal record, but you could have started one with the stunts you have pulled. You are lucky the police were willing to just give you service hours. This won’t even appear in your permanent record.” Nino nods mutely.  
Nathaniel is having a similar, but less heated argument with his parents, too. “My comics! They’re all missing online and the company that I signed a contract with has pulled the contact. There’s a pending copyright suit!”  
“Nathaniel!” His father sighs and places a hand on his shoulder. “We’ve talked to the people issuing the suits and explained the situation. They agreed to not press charges if you were dropped from the company and all of the art work is pulled off the internet.”  
Nathaniel stares at his father. “What! They can’t do that!”  
“Yes, Nathaniel, they can.” His mother is on the other side of him. “You copied someone else's work and didn’t credit them. You tried to sell that work and make money. That’s illegal. ”  
“Lila said she helped! That I could do this and it was ok.”  
Nathaniel’s father sighs. “Even if Lila had been involved, you still should have credited the other person. It still would have been illegal”
Nathaniel’s head drops onto the desk. “My life is ruined.”  
His mother places her hand on his shoulder. “A year off to...reimagine your art will do you some good.” Nathaniel only moans.  
Across from Nathaniel is Rose and her father. There was no lecture or comments from her father as Rose was too busy sobbing into his shirt. Prince Ali’s abrupt and simple ending of their relationship made more sense now, as did the comments by the music schools. Rose had changed so much of herself to help Lila or because Lila gave her some advice. Rose honestly didn’t know what to do now that it was all a lie.  
Sabrina, up in the front row, was hunched over herself. Her father had given her a none stop lecture about responsibility, trust, and legality that she hadn’t said a word. “You’re grounded for the next year!” Officer Raincomprix is red in the face. “We’ll talk about University after the next New Years, but for the next year you will be staying with me.” Sabrina nods.  
Her father deflates slightly. “Sabrina, you have no idea how lucky you are. 100 hours of community service will feel like nothing in the long run.” Sabrina just nods, curling in on herself.  
Back up by Max it was quieter. Max’s Mother was mumbling into her hand, asking how her brilliant son could be so stupid. Max’s was looking at his hands sheepishly. He’d attempted to disprove all of stuff about Lila by finally looking her up only to find nothing good. The Ladyblog came up first, filled with all of Lila’s lies. There were several news articles and twitter posts after that from Celebrities calling her out for lying or casually asking who this Italian Rossi girl was when it was brought up in interviews.  
Max then looked to Markov to ask why he said that Lila wasn’t lying only to find out that his robot marked most of Lila’s stores as inconclusive. It was all very vague and “he said, she said” situations. He couldn’t form a true conclusion without the other people in the stories being asked. This screwed the results in Lila’s favor. Max hadn’t looked up since Markov made that announcement to the class.  
However, the loudest and biggest argument was happening between Alya and her Mother, who were practically in a screaming match. “Alya! Stop blaming everyone else for your mistakes!” Marlena Césaire's coat was askew and her face red with narrowing eyes.  
“But Lila lied! I didn’t do anything! Why am I being rejected from my Universities? Why do I have to get rid of the Ladyblog!”  
“You attacked Marinette! You physically harmed her on the word of another student. Instead of getting a teacher or the police, or talking to us, you attacked her. Marinette got a concussion and stitches after the last assault when you pushed her down the stairs. As for the Ladyblog, you posted so many lies. It’s practically a shrine to that girl Alya.”  
“But Lila told us Marinette pushed her!” Alya’s phone is in her hand, clenched in a tight hand. “And, Lila told me all those stories!”  
“And yet, Lila had no injuries. And yet, Lila didn’t go to the proper authorities. Instead, you suggested getting even with Marinette. You started this!”  
“But Lila lied!” Alya sounded like a broken record, always repeating the same things. “Lila’s a psychopath or something!”  
“And you're the sheep who followed that psychopath Alya. You didn't look into any of this. You took her words as facts. You lectured Marinette about facts and yet you looked for nothing! Even now, you seem to think about no one but yourself. You’re screaming about how Lila lied and how that’s affected you. Have you once thought about what this must have been like for Marinette? You reject her for a new, shiny thing. You bully, verbally insulted, physically harmed, and stole from that girl. If it had been me, I’d have used the full force of the law against you. You’d have gotten more than a cease and desist order, a restraining order, and order from the blog’s removal.”  
“But Mom!”  
“Alya!” Otis Césaire stands from up. “You made mistakes, now you have to pay the consequences. You’ve been telling us for years that you’re an adult. Now act like it!”  
Mrs. Vaux chooses this point in time to clear her throat. “Mr. Agreste?” Adrien looks up from his seat. He’d been silent and pale as everyone took in the truth about Lila. “Your Aunt is here for you.” Amelie Graham de Vanily was standing in the doorway, a severe look on her face.  
Nino looks up at him. “Dude, what about your Dad?”  
Adrien gulps and looks down. “My Dad was hawkmoth. Ladybug caught him over the weekend.”  
The whole class, and their parent’s, take in a deep breath. Alya turns her eyes over to him. “You worked with Hawkmoth!”  
Marlena Césaire grabs her daughter and drags her down onto the bench. “Alya!”  
One of the police officers clears his throat. “We have questioned Mr. Agreste and found him innocent. Ladybug spoke on his behalf after Hawkmoth’s identity was revealed.”  
Adrien shrugs. “I’m moving in with my Aunt and cousin in London. I’ll be finishing Lycée online. I just… need to get away.”  
Nino gives Adrien a small smile. “Keep in touch.”  
Adrien returns it nervously as he packs up his stuff. As he walks up to his aunt he turns to give the class an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, about Lila. I didn’t think she’d taken things this far.”  
Nino blinks slowly as the rest of the class starts to process those words. “Wait? Dude, did you know that Lila was lying?”  
Adrien nods. “I thought she just wanted friends at first and didn’t know how to make real ones. Marinette called her out and she got akumatized. I didn’t want that to happen again!”  
“So, you let her lie to us?” Nino leans back on the bench, putting a few more inches between the two of them.  
“I thought she was like a tabloid. You have to ignore the lies for them to go away.”  
Alya lets out a blood thirsty scream. “This is all your fault! If you had just told us-”  
“Alya Césaire!” Her mother grabs her once again and pulls her down.   
Most of the class is staring at Adrien in horror. Rose was just sobbing even harder. The parents had more of a pitying look as they gazed at the son of Hawkmoth. Being the child of a magical terrorist who doubled as an abusive father probably didn’t help a child learn right from wrong.  
Adrien looks down. “I’m sorry.” His aunt places a hand and guides her nephew out the door, giving the police and the superintendent each a nod.  
The door closes in the silent room before chatting starts up again. The students are all trying to talk to each other and their parents at once. No one was quite sure of what they were supposed to do with that information. Hawkmoth had been found, they’d gathered that from the police saying that Hawkmoth named Lila as an accomplice. However, Hawkmoth being Adrien’s Dad was another matter entirely. Then there was the whole fact that Adrien knew about Lila. He had stood there, for years, letting them be used. Their overly kind classmates had done nothing to stop Lila as she twisted all of them like puppets.  
Mrs. Vaux clears her throat again. “You all have the rest of the day off. It was mentioned to me that this must be stressful to you all and I agree. You won’t learn anything else today. Besides,” she turns around to glare at Miss. Bustier and Principle Damocles. “We have some staffing issues to handle.” Both of them shrink down at the gaze.   
Mrs. Vaux looks back at the kids. “You all have mandatory school therapy twice a week for the rest of the school year. With everything that has happened, I think it will be healthy for all of you. Miss. Lucilia,” one of the women behind her steps forward. “Will be your teacher for the rest of the year. Ms. Birch,” the second woman steps forward. “Will be the acting principal for the rest of the school year.” She gives the class more onceover. The students all looked overly confused and their parent’s looked exhausted. “You are all excused.”
Ch. 1 ~~~~~ Ch. 3
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shiishki · 3 years
okay wait, i changed my mind. you should answer all of these questions as well, if that's what you want from me >:)
oof there's a lot of it, that's what i get for wanting to be ✨aesthetic✨
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
vowels (and the importance of being me) - hunny
honeypie - jawny
pretty young thing - michael jackson
mirrors - justin timberlake
sunflower - red orange county
paradise - rude-a
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
a therapist.
ok someone else.. uhh,, my grand grandma because i only have scratches of memories but i dunno if that counts since she passed away...
*rummages through ancient scripts* uhh ok someone who isn't dead.. uhm,, tommie? yeah I'd like to meet them if i could meet anyone on earth
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ok, the closest german, english or polish book? nvm i have english
"suddenly was. So I just said thank you a few times too, and Mum" ironically this is one of the normal lines in this book
4: What do you think about most?
the fact that I'll have to do something after school. and I don't know if i want to go to college or get a job bc i have no legitimate idea on what to do with my life. it gets overwhelming, just the lack of knowledge about the actual experience.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with, tho i sleep with just shorts in summer
7: What’s your strangest talent?
not sure if it's a talent, but i can fall asleep anywhere
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are pretty. boys are pretty
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
by me, yes. no one else has written a poem about me specifically. nvm, tommie wrote one and it shall rest on my wall, or desk, i need to find a place for it
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
uhh i think last month?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
i don't think so, but i am hella afraid of the possibly gigantic, terrifying things in the ocean depths that humans haven't discovered yet
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
yep, beloved legos as a lil child
13: What’s your religion?
i can't ever remember the name, but i believe gods (from all religions) exist in some way or form. so i believe in different pantheons and etc.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
walking my doggo, skateboarding, thinking about how to make the lives of my characters worse
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
uhmm the arctic monkeys? or the strokes
17: What was the last lie you told?
i know what i want
18: Do you believe in karma?
yes, the rule of three specifically
19: What does your URL mean?
i don't know. it's something me and my sis came up with and that's just my whole identity now.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
uhh greatest weakness.. i can't finish things. strength is that I'm very stubborn so maybe I'll finish that thing out of spite
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
i grew up thinking crushes were like unicorns. my ex was odd enough to argue with that i didn't love her if i didn't have a crush on her. but I think if i had to guess.. selena gomez, especially in the role of alex russo in wizard of weverly street
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
i write angry letters. sometimes they're sad letters. i write a lot of letters. except i never send them out and no one made a movie about them :}
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
jars and witchy bottles, books? scented candles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone calls are stressful enough as is, i don't need you to see my reading off what i frantically wrote to not stumble over my words
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i think so, yes, but that won't stop me from becoming better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
hate flies buzzing right by my ear, love cat purring
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if I'd been born in a place where it was illegal for me (nonbinary) to live, in a time when others thought of me as a curse?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
they be chilling.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm, doggo, left arm, pillow
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
fresh air and doggo, because doggo is with me and I can't live without open windows
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
i dunno tbh
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
which one is less homophobic?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
every gender is my opposite gender. selena gomez and justin timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make it easier for people down the line
36: Define Art.
make thing, thing goes woo
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
it's nice actually, very sunny, slight breeze
39: What time is it?
12.59 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
i don't, but i once crashed into a fire department vehicle with my bike. bike ded.
41: What was the last book you read?
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
i legit ass don't know what gasoline smells like.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
many variations of my name, aka. Luce
44: What was the last film you saw?
i think it was Robin Hood: King of Thieves, but it might have been that half of spider-man homecoming i managed to watch with my poor internet
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
oh man i dunno... it's not an injury, but i was very sickly as a lil kid and almost died :)
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
once, years ago
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
hmmm horizon zero dawn i think
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
proud pansexual ^^
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not really, i don't think they're big enough to be actual rumors,, meh
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
meh. they suck, i know they suck, that's it.
52: What is your astrological sign?
cancer ♋
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i attempt saving. attempt
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
for my own money, sweets. i bought lizards for my cats so they can brush their teeth from my dad's amazon acc
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
nope, i buy my own cookies
57: How many relationships have you had?
1, kinda toxic toward the end, very stressful, don't recommend
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
nu ><
59: Where were you yesterday?
on the fields walking my doggo
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep, a pastel pink hoodie in my closet uwu
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
yis, thicc warm socks
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
cuddles and food.
64: Where is your best friend?
bold of you to assume i have a best friend.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
tommie-hildebrandt, kageyuji, nekomas-kuroo, joyful-soul-collector
66: What is your heritage?
I'm a demon boi from Poland tho that's not a thing to be proud of, i mean, look at the economy. awful.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping, trying to sleep.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Pinkton. or Satan.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
this is such an odd combination of words i had to look it up. yea.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
a friend who won't laugh at me when i ask them to order smth for me because I'm too anxious to.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
excuse me? i am saving the doggo wtf. f u boss, I'm gonna sell my tragic story to the news.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) i tell my parents. b) live the hell out of them uwu c) nope uwu.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
history maker - dean fujioka :]
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
communication, trust, some more communication.
77: How can I win your heart?
let's not pretend to be something else to please each other, and bring some bitter chocolate.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
maybe. it could. i don't have a say in it since my sanity is held by tape.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
eat the pizza. stop caring about others not liking me/parts of me. just living for myself uwu.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
uh i dunno how the american sizes work and i don't wanna look it up so, 39, 40 fits too.
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
demon boi
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the bloody organ that sits in your chest and pumps blood into your body so you don't die.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
uhm im not sure if that counts as a saying, but fake it till you make it
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
blinding lights - the weeknd
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
oh a normal question people use for ice breaking, sea blue and pastel variations of it.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
like my wallpaper? or the actual picture that sits on my desk? or how my desk looks like atm? it's ugly, a lot of papers and pens and schoolbooks.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
donald trump. or the next asshole who'll try to take the rights of the lgbt and poc away
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
this. this is the question.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
yo there's a pizza somewhere in the refrigerator, want me to heat it up? we can have a sleep over and talk about our feelings :3
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
telekinesis! or shapeshifting! i could do such fun things with telekinesis ^^ yeah I'd totally eat some radioactive veggies
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
that time my "friends" got me into shoplifting, half-hour is more than enough to punch some sense into my brain and develop good music taste
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
can i save this one? i don't think i have an experience horrible enough to be erased haha
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
sleep as in.. uh no thank u. but I'm down for a sleep over with sam smith ^^
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
just me? what about my pets? my fam? it's lowkey illegal for me to go just anywhere without them owO
uhhmm, greece. imma become part of the greek pantheon out of pure spite. and maybe toronto canada.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not any that i know of o.o
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
i think i may have but i honestly don't remember
98: Ever been on a plane?
nope, i dunno if i like planes, but I'd probably sleep if i were on one.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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onisiondrama · 4 years
Onision on Kermit and Friends - Summary Part 2
((Edit: Sorry! I feel like I should have put a warning! A homophobic guest briefly shows up on the stream. If you want to skip that part, skip the first bullet.))
New fan comes on. James points out the fan's name says "Trumpster." The fan compliments his comedy. There is a pause. The fan asks how he's doing and James says "fine." The fan asks if the popularity was addicting when he was more popular. James says he's a work-a-holic. The fan says to prevent men from raping children they should go back to the Jesus days when they didn't allow gay people around children. He says you check by looking at their buttholes. He calls it "butt-hole challenge." He asks if James would pass that challenge. James asks if this is homophobic. He says he has a very gay only fans. He asks if the fan thinks your butt turns into Utah after you have gay sex. The fan says your booty hole will be like a can of coke. (I am so lost right now.) James says you push poop out of your butt every day and it doesn't make your butt like the grand canyon so he doesn't think gay men would have a gaping butt. He says it's a straight man myth.
Andy asks if James thinks he (Andy) is gay. James says he thought he was because that's how people portray him. Andy says he's not.
A guy comes on and starts ranting for a while. James uses his Onision Youtube account to say "What even is this" The guy is still ranting and James holds up a paper that says "WTF?"
The co-host comes back and says she was trying to be funny when she said the transgender thing. James says the documentary implied he made people turn out that way and that's not a thing.
The host asks if he feels he has no control when anyone can make a documentary about you. He says yeah, he feels powerless when a multi million dollar company portrays him as the next Charles Manson. She asks if it affects him emotionally. He says he's only sad for Kai, not himself. He says since 2007 he's said he would rather have 10 fans that genuinely like him than a million that don't really care. He says on his Discord he has a few people who genuinely want to be there so the rest doesn't affect him. He says when people were wrong about the meltdown videos being real, he knew they were wrong so why should that make him feel awful. He says it does present real life challenges.
The host announces Andy needs a bike to get around and needs money for pizza. She asks if Onision's offer for a bike was real. James says yes if he's willing to pick it up, but he's far away so he doesn't know if it's worth the trip.
The next gust comes on and says he looks like he's on with Jim Morrison right now. The host James this guy had 85 million views on a single video. The guy says he had 150. The host wants James to give feedback. They play the video. James asks if the goal is laughs or views. The guy says he just did it to annoy people. James says it's a funny idea and it was witty and he never would have thought of that. The host asks James if he should make more videos on a frequent basis. James says when he began they were not as good as that. The guest says the videos take a lot of time to make and he knows you need to make a lot. James says if it takes longer to make, people tend to notice how much effort you put into. He says he noticed when he puts in more effort or follows a trend it pays off.
Billy The Fridge joins. The host asks if Billy has a question for James. Billy says James followed him back on twitter that week, then James blocked him. James points out the last tweet Billy made about him from February. Billy said he made a joke tweet. Keemstar said Youtube is 16 years old and Billy said something about Onision and the age of consent. Billy says he thought it was funny and he asks James if it hurt him. James says his first thought was "what a dishonest prick" because everyone knows for a fact he isn't remotely interested in 16 year olds, but considering the position that he's in and that coming from someone he considered a friend was deeply annoying. Billy says he's sorry and he thought it was funny. James sarcastically says it's super funny to disown your friend the moment a bunch of dishonest people lie about them after he rejected them. Billy says he didn't disown him the moment- James says he was the first of his friends to be like "uh don't cancel me."
James says they had a text conversation where he described in depth how horrible of a friend Billy was because he didn't defend him and Billy's response was "yeah I know." Billy agrees, but says he defended him for years but one of his biggest defenses was that Sarah said nothing was going on between them, but when it came out it muddied two years of defense he had. James asks when what occurred? Billy says when it came out that he had sex with Sarah. James asks under what arrangement did that happen? Billy says Sarah came out and told the internet.
James says people don't know how it began. He says after he told her he couldn't do this with her, she said twice "I'm sorry for raping you guys." He says he spoke to her this January and admitted again that she said that. He says she leaves that out of every discussion because it doesn't go along with the "Onision is a psychopath" narrative. Billy agrees. James says it started through sexual extortion where somebody said "I could destroy your life if I wanted to" then later said "I'm only going to sign this agreement in which I won't say horrible things about you if you sleep with me." He says that's the arrangement she proposed to him. He says if he was interested in 16 year-olds why didn't he sleep with her when she was 16? Why did he tell her to get away from him and kick her out for being inappropriate with him 2 times? He called her names. She swore she was never groomed as an adult. She sexually extorted them, got what she wanted, got rejected when he freaked out, she apologizes, goes home, he makes a video about people with BPD, then she goes "ape" on him. He says she said in a live stream she never gave him a reason not to trust her, but now she can't do it anymore. He says this is why he knows this person isn't trustworthy because they would take something innocent and frame it a different way to fall in line with he obviously corrupt Chris Hansen.
He says during the call with Sarah, he asked if anyone was paid for the interviews and she said no. He asked if anyone made money because they were involved in the show and she said "uhh I can't legally answer that question." Billy laughs and says he got a contract from them. He says they were trying to fly out to sit down and interview him and he stopped responding because he could see the set up. He says they were struggling to keep the show together and they didn't have enough people to talk. He said he talked to the producer for an hour and a half of the phone and it didn't add up to him. He asks, what would he say anyway? James jokingly says he tried to fuck Billy so many times. Billy says he literally humped him on camera and everyone says he tried to rape him, but it was a joke.
Billy says they always joke and that's why he said the 16 thing. James says he was hitting him while he was down. Billy says James is always down. James says in the last 10 years he was the #67 most subscribed on Youtube, so he wouldn't say that was down. Billy says it's down when those videos of Shiloh come out and make him look like a psycho predator. James says actually everyone hated Shiloh for the longest time but they have selective memory.
The host asks if they could be friends again. Billy says he doesn't know if Onision wants to be friends with him and he doesn't know how they could go back with what happened. He says what happened with Sarah was why he had to step away from him. James interrupts him and says he became a white knight for women and didn't think if it was true. Billy said all he said was to listen to the girls. James asks why didn't he tell people to listen to evidence or to the person who has receipts? Billy says why not listen to all the people who want you in jail and you're not there? Billy says obviously James didn't do anything illegal.
Billy says the reason it was best to distance himself was because time and time again there were friends they had they James ghosted and made them feel worthless. James asks who? Billy says he's not going to name names. He says the last one had been at James' house for months, then James ghosted her when all this went down. James says the texts are on his website. Billy says he knows he posted them publicly and she felt like she was worthless. James says she publicly attacked them and acted like he and Kai should be in prison. James goes off about how great Kai is and keeps talking over Billy. James says apparently everyone is on good terms now and are friends again. He says they apologized because they threw Kai under the bus because they were ghosted. He said she was ghosted because the best friend Kai ever had just went public and tried to make them look awful so Kai was dealing with a trust complex. He just had his heart ripped out. Billy says that's why that person responded poorly, they had their heart ripped out by Kai's heart being ripped out. James says so Billy had one example and they have since resolved their differences and are on some of the best terms he's seen now.
Billy says there was another person who had a falling out with James who he heard went to lunch with James after. He says that was nice he made up with them.
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surveys by emptyliketheocean
Brand of cigarettes you smoke? I don’t smoke
Should you be trusted with a person’s life? Nooope I’m clumsy as shit and idk how to take care of people
How’s your life in general? Frustrating
Have you ever put lipstick on anything besides lips? Not sure
Have you ever picked a fight you knew you would lose? Not really. Maybe on the internet
What’s something you think is crazy about the world? Capitalism
What do you think about religion? I don’t believe in it and while I support people being able to have their own beliefs, I think on a large scale it causes a lot of problems
What about when religion causes violence? That’s what I mean
What color is one of your hats? I have a lot of hats. One is purple
How do you feel? Discouraged
Have you ever gotten in trouble for laughing? I’ve gotten some dirty looks for laughing at an inappropriate time
Something that makes you smile: That post about getting your clothes fresh out of the oven
What do you think about surveys with lyrics as the title? I don’t care, I probably don’t know them
Do you have any clothes with small holes in them? Yes
Do you think the way you live is really okay? No, it sucks
Do you know anyone other than a cop who has ever owned a cop car? No
Have you ever felt fire? I’m sure I’ve burned myself at some point
Have you ever seen a person light themselves on fire? No
Have you ever used crutches when you didn’t need them? I’ve played around with them when my friends had them
If you had 15 beers you would be: Drunk af and would probably have to pee really bad
Are you as bored as I am? Probably
Why are you taking this survey? To procrastinate
What would you say if a person asked you why your face was so messed up? I’d be sad
What would you do if your first love asked you back out? It would be awkward now because I have a boyfriend
What’s your home life like? Fine but I hate having to live with my dad
Do you have a talent that you don’t do anything with? Yes
Do you know anyone that is a lesbian? Yes
What do you think about your mom? She’s nice but can be overbearing
What do you think about your dad? He’s cool but can be annoying
Which parent do you respect the most? Both for different things
Is there anything someone could lie to you about that you couldn’t forgive? I’m not very forgiving about lying in general
Who do you love unconditionally? My parents and my best friend
Pick an element. Neon
Have you ever wasted a great amount of time and felt horrible about it? Yes. Have I learned? No
What is something that’s been said about you that isn’t true? In middle school someone spread a rumor that I stuffed my bra
Who do you want with you when you’re scared? My boyfriend
Know any bands that not many people have heard of? Only marching bands
Do you have any advice for people in general? Get the vaccine
What’s something you like to do in the summer? Go swimming and go to the renaissance festival
What’s something you like to do in the winter? Go ice skating
What do you think about marijuana? I don’t personally like it that much
Do you wish anyone death? No
Have you ever felt like you weren’t getting anywhere with a person? Yes
What do you feel for the person you first fell in love with? Idk, I’d probably still get flustered around them
Where are you? At my boyfriend’s house
Are you waiting for something? To find a job and to be done with the pandemic
Who is someone you just think has a hole in their brain? Republicans
A candy you like? Butterfingers
Does any part of your body hurt at the moment? No
Explain how you got the last bruise you had. I don’t remember Are you tired? Not really
Explain how you got a scar you have. I ran face first into a brick planter when I was a kid playing cat and dog with my neighbor
Have you ever owned anything illegal? Bootleg musicals (haven’t filmed them, just have some saved on my computer). Also rocks I wasn’t supposed to take from parks
What do you dream about? Random stuff
Do you ever daydream? Yes, all the time
How do you feel about vegetarians? They can be annoying
A fruit you like: Blueberries
Have you ever seen a person eat a bug? No
Something you worry about too much: My career
How do you feel about smoking? I don’t like it
If you had to move out of state, where would you go? Maybe Boston or LA (if I could afford it)
What is your favorite vampire-related movie? Idk, maybe twilight I guess? I haven’t seen that many
Is there a person you keep coming back to? In my head
If you’re listening to music…Give me a lyric from the song you’re listening to. I’m not
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hg47 · 4 years
47 Reasons Why I Fear Islam - (Reason 1)
-1-I am suspicious of any religion that demands the death of any member who quits. Polls taken worldwide consistently reveal that the majority of Muslims in the world want the laws of whatever country they are living within changed to allow the execution of any Muslim who leaves Islam (if the laws do not already allow this).  The majority of Muslims in the world also want the laws of whatever country they are living in to make blasphemy of Islam an offense punishable by death.  The majority of Muslims in the world also want the laws of whatever country they are living within to allow for hand amputation as a punishment for theft. This frightens me because it indicates that so called “moderate Muslims” are in the minority, possibly far below the 50% mark of Muslims.  10%?  It also frightens me because it shows that Muslims are not inclined to assimilate into Western society; they will generally NOT acquire Western values.  A few will; but most?  No.  It frightens me because the bulk of Muslims expect whatever country they are living within to change and adapt to their own religion.  Most moderate Muslims fully expect to slowly destroy EVERYTHING non-Islamic, over a period of centuries. Western culture honors the individual, The Unique Individual, and tries to provide a framework for different people, with their differing backgrounds, to work constructively together. Islamic rulings deny the value of the individual.  People only exist so that their God will have worshippers.  And their God is delighted in proportion and intensity of the received worship.  (Asking for a Muslim who pretends to be my friend: Since a female Muslim is only worth half a male Muslim, does that mean that her worship only delights the Islamic God half as much?) As I write this, 9/25/2013 10:20 AM, significantly more than half the Muslims in the world want to kill any Muslim who quits their religion.  What does this say about Islam?  What does this say about what Islam does to people? One of my favorite TV shows is LIFE, starring Damian Lewis and Sarah Shahi.  It only ran for 2 seasons. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001I24BTA/ref=dv_dp_ep4 Episode 4, Season 2 of LIFE is based on the Stanford Prison Experiment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment This Wikipedia entry details what the Guard/Prisoner Dynamic does to people. In the LIFE episode: “Us Against Them -- A university’s prison experiment goes horribly wrong when one of the students acting as a corrections officer ends up dead.”  The show demonstrates in a dramatic way, how civilized college kids can be made to behave in savage ways, doing terrible things they never could have imagined they would ever do, just by organizing them within a Guard/Prisoner Dynamic. I believe this is what Islam does to people: it sets up a Guard/Prisoner Dynamic.  Male Muslims are the Guards.  Female Muslims are the Prisoners.  Male head of a household: Warden.  Sons: Rookie Guards.  Religious leaders would be the Western equivalent of Rock Stars.  Super-Wardens?  Outside the prison walls: “Infidels!  We must make the prison larger!  Need more prisoners!”  Anyone who quits Islam: “Escaped prisoner!  Kill!  Kill!”  Obviously, I am over-simplifying.  But I think I’m onto something.  A useful First Approximation? Is Islam a force for Good, or a force for Evil?  You tell me!  Send me a tweet. ++++------- tweet ~ Islam theologizes the inferiority of Muslim women as being worth 1/2 of Muslim men. A non-Muslim has no worth unless impregnated by a Muslim ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Islam-Terrorism-teaches-Christianity-violence/dp/0884198847/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380596025&sr=1-1&keywords=islam+and+terrorism+mark+a+gabriel In ISLAM AND TERRORISM by Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D., Mark tells how when he quit Islam to become a Christian, his father tried to kill him as he ran away: His own father, with tears streaming down his face, shooting bullets at him. ++++------- tweet ~ Christianity + Judaism + Technology = Man on the Moon (Reaching for Heaven?) \\ Islam + Technology = Rioting Muslim Mobs (Hell on Earth?) ++++------- http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Islam_and_Apostasy The majority of Muslims in the world want anyone who quits Islam to be killed.  The stats show that most Muslims are inflexible on this point.  Keep it in mind, before you convert to Islam.  Once in, never out. ++++------- tweet ~ HASSAN ROUHANI: “Iran only wants Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Medical purposes. Medical tests scheduled for Tel Aviv, New York, London…” ~ (OK, I’m joking!  But I do believe that is their intent.) ++++------- http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/son-of-hamas-holds-islam-responsible-for-middle-easts-anguish/article2239037/?utm_medium=Feeds%3A%20RSS%2FAtom&utm_source=Home&utm_content=2239037 In this article MICHAEL POSNER argues that the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict is not about politics or security, but is all about religion.  He also argues that anyone who does not believe in Islam is under a Death Sentence. ++++------- tweet ~ Female Suicide Bombers in Paradise: “You are a brand new Virgin! We’re giving you to Male Bomber #45889! Happy Eternity!” ++++------- http://www.city-journal.org/2011/21_3_muslim-economy.html In this article Guy Sorman gets into the whole sharia banking thing, how Islamic banks do all the formerly forbidden Infidel monetary practices like interest and credit, but just describe them differently so the imams back home don’t get upset.  Guy also brings up the point that any Sunni imam can define what it means to leave Islam and become an apostate under a death sentence, and that this tends to discourage any innovation.  Why try something new, if you might get killed for it? ++++------- I am amused.  Muslims, always concerned with the letter of the law, never the intent of the law, are now using forbidden Infidel banking practices of “interest” and “credit” which are illegal under Islamic law—but the Muslims just give these practices different names.  So, it’s OK! Is this Islam lying to itself?  Or is this an instance of Muslim banking specialists lying to Muslim imams?  Or are they all “in on the game” and cool with the Great Big Lie? This whole “describing things differently” thing to conform with Islamic law actually is an Islamic legal precedent, if moderate Muslims wish to take advantage of it.  Feminists, get on this!  If Muslim bankers can find a “description” of the hateful Infidel banking practice of “derivatives” which conforms to Sharia law, perhaps Muslim feminists can find a “description” of women which will give them equal rights with men under Islamic law.  There may be a better approach, but this Islamic legal precedent of “describing things differently” may be of some use.  Possibly “Infidels” might be described as “innocent future Muslims” so as to avoid bloodshed. ++++------- tweet ~ 66% of Protestant pastors in the US believe that Islam is “Dangerous” * (Harper’s) ++++------- http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.9182/pub_detail.asp In this article, AMIL IMANI argues that Islam is not a religion, but rather a cult.  The way Amil Imani describes it, Islam does seem to fit the definition. ++++------- tweet ~ Which is the better TwitterName for that guy? Ahmadinedildo or Ahmadildojad? I love pushing a dildo into Ahmadinejad, does that make me gay? ++++------- http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/the-stifling-effect-of-muhammeds-life-and-teachings-on-muslim-society/ One of the things Hege Storhaug mentions in this article is the Pew Research study results that 84% of Egyptians want to kill anyone who leaves Islam. ++++------- tweet ~ ISLAMABAD (Reuters – May, 2015) - Pakistan has blocked all Western media indefinitely in a bid to contain “blasphemous” material. ~ (OK, I’m just trying to think ahead here.  It’s now 10/12/2013 5:06 AM.  But something like this may happen.  Iran is trying to set up its own Islamic-Approved Internet to control information and eliminate protest against the government.) ++++------- http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.8622/pub_detail.asp In this article Diana West mentions the Pew stat about 84% of Egyptians wanting to kill anyone who leaves Islam. ++++------- tweet ~ US (Reuters – May, 2017) – Twitter begins filtering in deference to Muslims: Muhammad, Mohamed & Muhamad now appear in Tweets as GEORGE. ~ (Again, this is just me, circa 10/12/2013 5:11 AM trying to think ahead.) ++++------- http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-1206-muslim-poll-20101206,0,252922.story This article by Meris Lutz, Los Angeles Times, has more stats about Islam.  Muslims, by wide majorities in Egypt, Pakistan, and Nigeria want current laws changed so that anyone who exits Islam can be executed. ++++------- At present, Muslims who leave Islam are sometimes killed by family members or, occasionally, angry Muslim mobs.  So I can see why Muslims want the laws of their nation changed to kill those who leave Islam.  Let the state deal with it.  This would save family embarrassment.  I wonder if there are stats on what percentage of Muslims quit Islam and survive? ++++------- tweet ~ So which do the #TeaParty Tweople hate more? Black man Obama in White House? Or Shiite Muslim Rima Fakih as winner of Miss USA contest? ++++------- http://www.citizenwarrior.com/2009/05/terrifying-brilliance-of-islam.html Citizen Warrior, in this article, confirms that Islam is a Once-In-Never-Out Proposition. ++++------- tweet ~ Saudi Women are not allowed to drive, inherit, divorce or gain custody of children, and cannot socialize with unrelated men. Can they Tweet? ++++------- http://www.hudson-ny.org/1610/sharia-advancing-in-west This article by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is mostly about Islamic Banking in the West, and how the Sharia experts are setting the stage now for the eventual destruction of the United States of America.  The murder of apostates is also mentioned. ++++------- tweet ~ INTERPOL Agrees to Same-Sex Couple Conjugal Visits between Ex-President Ahmadinejad & Ayatollah Khamenei if they both surrender immediately. ~ (Yes, another joke.) ++++------- http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/2010/10/12/26542/ This article by Brendan Carroll brings up Geert Wilders, and asks some serious questions concerning Free Speech, Islamic values, and Western Values.  It also notes that Muslim youth today have been radicalized compared with former generations of Muslims living within the West. ++++------- tweet ~ We have political ads on TV to influence voters; Iraq has clerics in mosque chanting for death. The real #Iraq ballots are bullets & bombs. ++++------- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11559451 Stephen Evans in this article notes that Muslims have largely failed to integrate as useful members of German society, instead becoming a drain upon the state and a threat to German values. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Go-To-2+ +Go-To-Beginning-Of-47-REASONS-WHY-I-FEAR-ISLAM+
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werevulvi · 4 years
Would you like to explain the nordic model of prostitution? Like what is it, why you dislike it and how it compares to the australian?
Uh, this is a big question, and it was a while ago I read up on those two models. So I had to sit with it for a moment before conjuring up a reply. I don’t know exactly what kinda info you wanted here, so I’ll just overwhelm you with everything I’ve got! Which... isn’t all that much, all things considered. I really don’t have any sorta energy to start digging for sources of it now or anytime soon, but I can ramble on a bit about my past findings and the conclusions that they led me to:
First off, what those models of prostitution are: are essentially sex industry laws that regulate buying and selling of any kinds of sexual services. They're what decide whether it's legal or not to sell/buy and to what extent you can legally do what, in regards to brothels, porn, being your own boss, etc. America has a completely different system of such laws, detached from both the Nordic and the Australian, which is probably one of the most dangerous such systems of laws, for the prostitutes. Although I'm not like SUPER familiar with its exact laws and regulations, I pretty sure it's illegal to sell sex there, which makes it very risky for those who do. In the Nordic model it's legal to sell (but with quite some caveats which I will shortly get into) but illegal to buy. In the Australian model it's legal to sell AND buy, but with safety restrictions regulating the how and to what extent.
Secondly, some highly relevant background info about me: Some years ago, I was actually interested in becoming a sex worker myself, because well, my trauma sought a new, exciting thrill... However, I wanted to do it as legally and safely as I could possibly manage. I also wanted to sell physical sex acts, not just sell foot pics on the internet. So basically I did a ton of research on how to be legal full service prostitute in my country, and to my sheer frustration, found that the Nordic model has so many flaws and contradictions in it that there's no way I could possibly sell sex without running into some serious trouble.
Although PLEASE keep in mind that I'm no longer interested in making prostitution my career!
But also to prove my point (before having even made it yet): even IF I'd still consider becoming a sex worker, I would feel safer doing that in the Netherlands, or possibly even in (certain parts of) America, and most definitely in Australia, than I would in Sweden. Of course it's good if the shitty Nordic model prevents me from starting up such a business, but if that's the only focus here, then you're completely missing a very important, in fact crucial, point: The reason it prevents me from doing so is not because it makes sex work seem more unappealing than it already is, but because the laws around it are unnecessarily FUCKED. That is the literal law putting me in danger, possibly even more so than the john's would, which is a huge failure on part of the government. The government's job should be to protect, not kick and step on people who are already fucking lying down, for daring to lie down to begin with, which the vast majorty of whom did not choose to.
Now, let's get into the issues with the Nordic model that I stumbled into during my research:
1. Although it's technically legal to sell sex, it's illegal to do it at your own home, the client's home, hotels, outdoors, literally any imaginable physical location. Which means prostitutes run a risk of facing eviction and getting arrested for the location (which is every location) they perform their services.
2. You have to pay taxes for the money you earn, like any other "job." However, the catch here is that the only way you can to do this is if you apply for starting your own business as a sex worker, which you're not technically allowed to do (???) by applying for something called an "F kassa" which is basically a form of private company financial set up (very Sweden specific, bureaucratic bullshit) which is the "lowest" and most difficult form of it to work with. Basically by that system, you have to manually calculate your taxes by yourself every month, which has a VERY high risk of fucking it up accidentally, which gets you at a very high liability for accidental fraud. It's also an extremely mentally taxing (sorry for the bad pun) way to pay taxes, unless you're a mathematician. Due to this, most Swedish sex workers do not pay their taxes, which you can probably imagine how living under that kinda stress could do to a person.
3. Because buying sex is still illegal under the Nordic model, prostitutes still have to stay quiet if something bad happens with a client, because giving up clients to the cops hurts their business, as well as increasing the risk of the cops finding more of their clients to bust, and fewer john's wanna go to a prostitute who is not trustworthy.
4. Trafficking is still happening a lot, even in Sweden. But problem is that because any and all such activity is strictly illegal, including brothels and the like, they hide underground and are not found out about until after having done severe damage for many decades... if at all. Pimps etc in Sweden are extremely skilled at keeping their business secret because duh obviously?! Hidden trafficking gets discovered all the time, but they get better at hiding, thus harder to discover.
5. There were a ton more issues I stumbled into, but these were the most concerning ones that really leaped out at me. Other issues includes: not being able to get safety stuff like condoms covered financially unless you go through hell and high water to record for every little rubber you buy and use and what exactly it costed, etc, but even then it's still pretty much impossible in practice. Not allowed to keep your income on a bank account because of the legal issues of where those money come from. The extremely high risk of keeping contact with clients without getting caught, whether you use a phone, e-mail, snailmail, etc.
Conclusions: In my opinion, the Nordic model only makes shit a hell of a lot worse, in an attempt to protect sex workers. But the result is that it only forces people to go underground and hide from the law to protect their business, which goes for both trafficking as well as individual prostitutes with their own businesses. It tries, but fails hard.
Basically, the law says you have to abide by things that are not actually possible to abide by in actual practice. I wrecked my head for months trying to figure out how to be a law-abiding prostitute, but to no avail. It made me not just frustrated for myself, but also worried about sex workers in my country, whether they're trafficked or otherwise forced, or choosing to do it on their own volition. The Nordic model makes sex work dangerous, not only because of the clients possible (or likely) abuse the sex workers might face, but because of the law itself. And that's where I personally think the law has gone very, very wrong. It should protect sex workers, not punish them further and putting them in even more danger.
(Also, although my knowledge of the Nordic model is very Sweden specific, I got the impression that it's flaws are quite similar in other Nordic countries, aside from a few details here and there.)
The Australian model, I have far less knowledge about. I basically just watched a few youtube videos about it and skimmed through maybe half an article, buuuut... what little I heard of it seems to do a far better job at both protecting individual sex workers who work for themselves, AND reducing trafficking, which really spoke to me. Yes, the Australian model allows far more, but that is not at all necessarily bad or dangerous. It allows the shit (trafficking) to float up to the surface much more easily, makes pimps far more careless with their businesses (ie easier to bust them) and can offer a far better safety net for those who (more or less) choose to do it on their own volition. But what exactly is and isn't allowed in that model, I'm admittedly unsure. But a lot of stuff pertaining to prostitution there has been de-criminalised, NOT legalised, and that's a very important point to keep in mind.
But also, I understand that the Australian model cannot possibly be "perfect" by any means. It's probably more so that I understand the Nordic model to be so horrific that whatever the Australian model does differently pretty much cannot possibly be worse. That's how badly I think of the Nordic model. It seriously angers me to the bone, how horrible it is. And thus, I can't help but getting very wrapped up in my emotions about it when I hear radfems praising the Nordic model, when all it does is brushing the inconvenient dust under the carpet, while the Australian model has already done quite some impressive actual cleaning, in the few years that have passed since they de-criminalised prostitution stuff.
The actual real life outcome should matter more than how nice the model looks like in theory. Sweden offers an absolutely terrible living situation for sex workers of any kind in actual practice, despite having such a "nice" system that's "meant" to make it safer for sex workers and reduce trafficking, which it absolutely does not do. Australia literally proved their "more allowing" system actually works in practice to improve the safety for sex workers and to reduce trafficking, despite it looks morally corrupt and too allowing in theory, and that's what matters to me. The outcome. The lives.
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Rogue Fencing & the HEMA Alliance Leaders Want to Ban Cops from Clubs and Membership
Over the past few weeks the HEMA Alliance has had major changes. Kat Fanning is no longer president, and several key members of the board have stepped down.
The reason? Because there is an internal civil war taking place between the antifa psychos we have previously covered in this blog, and the members who are sane and just want to do historical fencing and not use HEMA as a vehicle to advance illegal, criminal and frankly evil practices.
As we have previously written about, Rogue Fencing is a club ran by Tanya Smith. Tanya Smith is part of these antifa martial art gyms specifically training people to clash with police and participate in riots that destroy cities. 
We have previously mentioned Tanya Smith and Rogue Fencing as being an antifa training center, participating in illegal behavior (inciting others to riot, training people to be a militia to fight police, discrimination, etc) in these articles,
Long time HEMAA board member Aaron Pyneberg finally realized that this kind of thing was happening within HEMAA. He did an investigation and discovered that yes, Rogue Fencing had implemented an anti-cops policy on the front page of their website right below their HEMAA affiliation logo. 
To be clear, Tanya updated her website footer to include the discrimination against police but didn’t remove the HEMAA logo. We show that in our article about her club.
Here is the screencap again. Rogue Fencing identifies itself as a HEMAA club on their website and has a discriminatory statement about police. This is the truth; they never “left” HEMAA until Aaron caught wind of it, and it was some kind of psycho excuse to backpedal that failed. Kat knew about this and did nothing, because she supports antifa. We exposed Kat in this article, https://fightersagainstnarccistic.tumblr.com/post/627199444351320064/the-deal-with-kat-fanning-president-of-hema
Tumblr media
Tanya Smith has attempted to claim that she “left the HEMAA” when she updated the footer, but this is a lie. If she had actually left the HEMAA then she would not have the HEMAA club logo on her website and would have removed it. Tanya is lying and trying to use her not having paid her annual dues on time as an excuse to justify her claims of leaving. That doesn’t mean she left, it just means she is an entitled bitch who was enjoying HEMAA membership while not paying dues cuz HEMAA GC were giving special treatment. 
After Aaron did an investigation and spoke to HEMAA governing council about her policy, they defended her. Aaron then quit in protest and let others in the HEMA community know why. Now these antifa assholes are slandering him, trying to label him as an over-reaction while actually trying to use the internet groups they control to shift HEMAA member opinion into supporting allowing the group to ban cops from joining and being members. 
Aaron gives his side of the story in his podcast and I recommend you listen to it. Here is the link, https://www.stitcher.com/show/all-things-hema-with-aaron-pynenberg/episode/episode-19-hemapolitics-leadership-and-respect-79041167
For some proof that this is what the leaders of HEMAA want to do- ban cops and anyone who opposes their antifa activities -- you simply need to read statements from influential HEMAA members and see who is liking their posts. Namely, Jason Barrons (former HEMAA president who controls HEMA United Facebook group and the r/wma subreddit -- the two largest online communities for HEMA discussion) and Brian Puckett (an antifa supporter who runs Minneapolis Amateur Swordfighting Association ) have made two public posts that we’re resharing here so you can see what they are doing and saying.
(probably worth reading our prior articles mentioning Jason for context, too
https://fightersagainstnarccistic.tumblr.com/post/624699667915128832/in-conclusion )
Basically they are trying to frame Tanya as being bullied and a victim, when in reality she is the one who is at fault in this scenario -- as is everyone who thinks the HEMAA should be a political vehicle to allow clubs to train people to participate in violent protests and clashes with police. 
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At the bottom of Jason’s post is a reshare of Tanya Smith’s statement from Rogue Fencing. You can get a real sense of what kind of entitled prick Tanya is by how she tries to make it sound noble to support illegal criminal activity such as rioting and looting, and attacking random strangers while they are having lunch. 
Tanya Smith is an evil bitch who is good friends with Kaja of Valkyrie, whom we have previously covered in numerous posts, https://fightersagainstnarccistic.tumblr.com/post/627589661355835392/fighters-against-narcissistic-abusers-in-hema
Rogue Fencing is kind of like a sister school to Valkyrie. Tells you a lot about them.
Tanya in her public statements tries to make it seem like she is keeping people “safe” by barring police but the actual reason her club isn’t safe if police are there is because the police would arrest them for inciting riots -- which is ILLEGAL in the United States. 
These assholes try to say it “isn’t illegal to discriminate against professions” and confuse employment laws with the laws restricting non-profits and private clubs from denying membership. 
In reality numerous court cases in the US have proven that discrimination against professions which are likely to be occupied by people of a specific ethnicity IS illegal. In this case, Rogue Fencing is discriminating against WHITE police officers and that is why their ban is a violation of the Civil Rights Act.
Granted, these court cases which have established that occupation discrimination as an attempt to circumvent the wording of the Civil Rights Act involved African Americans being discriminated against but the door swings both ways. Just as some private clubs once tried to ban African Americans from joining by using their jobs and economic status as excuses, so too now are groups like the HEMAA and Rogue Fencing trying to do this to Caucasian male conservatives by “banning police”. They ae STILL violating the law and any lawyer who actually understands these laws and the case law surrounding it can tell you that this is a lawsuit that people like Aaron would easily win. 
No jury is going to be swayed by your idiotic claims that you need to ban police from clubs to make people “safe”. That will never hold up in court. The court literally has police in the building to keep everyone safe, and your wacky world explanations will NOT hold up inside a court house and a jury of sane people who are not far left extremists who think antifa is a good thing. 
So why do so many HEMAA leaders think they could get away with it? Well, these morons at the HEMAA Alliance are taking advice from idiots like Brian Puckett, who claims to be a “paralegal”. In reality a paralegal is an office assistant at a lawyer’s office. 
You do not require any special training to be a fucking secretary and Brian has none. He is not a legal expert and he is in fact an idiot because he does not realize that discrimination against occupations because you want to ban people of a certain gender, ethnicity, religious background and political affiliation (such as police who are predominantly Caucasian males with Christian backgrounds that vote Republican) from joining your club IS a violation of the Civil Rights Act. There are numerous cases where juries have found this to be illegal as the intention of the club was to ban people for their protected status. 
Their arguments would NOT hold up under scrutiny in a court of law, because Tanya and others like her are in fact violating the law because their goal is to eliminate people of certain genders, ethnicity and politics from joining their clubs. 
Yet, these antifa nutters concoct elaborate schemes and trash talk others for rightfully calling them out on their bullshit. Here is Brian’s idiotic post where he tries to paint Aaron as the bad guy. He has gotten 80 people to “like” this post, and we’re also going to share all of their names here so that the sane people in the HEMA community know who they should blacklist from their own events and clubs, as these are toxic people sabotaging the growth of HEMA to advance political agendas that have nothing to do with swordfighting.
Here is Brian Puckett (who, again I remind you is a secretary AND NOT a lawyer) giving extremely bad advice and manipulating the facts to try to convince HEMAA members that the people that want to ban police are the “good guys” and not the villains. 
The only people who don’t like police are the criminals that have something they want to hide and get away with. 
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Again, Brian tries to stick to the precise wording of the law and doesn’t have enough legal knowledge to know that it is the SPIRIT of the laws that matter the most. 
Banning police because what you really want to ban are straight Caucasian males who are Christian and vote Republican (which is predominantly what police are as a demographic) IS STILL A VIOLATION OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.
We know who this is who they are discriminating against because people like Tanya have made social media posts hating on this group of people. Clara Smith has too, and the entire ‘Fighters against Racism” Facebook group we previously covered has these kinds of hate posts made frequently too. 
Also trying to use the ‘Freedom of Study” policy to justify being able to ban police is absurd. That policy was created because the organization most early HEMAA members left -- ARMA -- tried to control members by limiting information from manuscripts that was available and blacklist members for studying alternative interpretations than the official ones. Brian knows this and is intentionally trying to manipulate facts to justify illegal behavior that will subject HEMAA as an organization to a lawsuit while at the same time, advancing outright evil things like antifa which harm society.
Here is a list of all the people who liked Brian’s post. You’ll note many are well known people in the HEMAA. 
We suggest at this point that the majority of HEMAA members leave the HEMAA and form a new organization that blacklists these people. That is the only way you’re going to stop the spread of these assholes from continuing to use HEMA as a vehicle to harass and bully people while claiming to be virtuous. They are not the good guys -- these are the bad guys. 
There are thousands of people in the USA who study HEMA. 
It’s less than 100 in the community who are the problem.
Unfortunately many of them have leader positions in the HEMAA and at clubs in it. 
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Some of these people don’t even live in the US. 
And don’t think that the current Governing Council is going to kick these people out. The current GC and even its board has antifa sympathizers on it.
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Jordan Hinckley is just another one of these antifa lunatics. And of course somehow Clara got onto the GC to replace Aaron. The same Clara who posted this to her wall,
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The antifa people are leaders of the HEMA Alliance.
They aren’t going away. 
If you want to stop the antifa nutters from continuing to bully and harass people, here is what you do.
Step 1. Leave the HEMAA Alliance
Step 2. Get your insurance policy for your club from the same company they use. The price is the same. It’s the same insurance they give to every martial art club in the US. 
Step 3. Leave the FB group HEMA United and the r/wma subreddits. These are controlled by Jason Barrons and he uses it to harass and bully people while spreading bad information. It is a recruitment ground for Jason to bring people into his antifa bullshit.
We’re previously exposed how Jason uses the groups to harass people,
Do not join the /wma group at reddit. You should leave it and form new groups without him and these other people in them.
Step 4. Write blog articles warning people away from the HEMA Alliance and publicly declare you are leaving it. If your club leader is one of the people mentioned on this blog who supports antifa then leave it and form a new club without them.
Step 5: Create a policy where people who advocate for crime and illegal conduct are blacklisted from your groups. That is legal and it will allow you to ban antifa supporters like these idiots. 
Leaving these groups and preventing them from gaining power in the new group is the only way that these people can be stopped from continuing to abuse their influence. 
They only have power because you give them it by joining their groups. Leave their groups and they lose that power. 
PS: Also screenshot every discriminatory statement these people make about “cis white men” and conservatives, against Christians. These screenshots can be used by a competent lawyer to prove their discrimination against jobs like cops is just a front for violating the Civil Rights Act. It doesn’t even matter if the statements are made by people that are Caucasian and male (like Jason and Brian are) -- as we discussed in our first article on this blog, narcissistic psychopaths are not rational people and driven to virtue signal as a way to gain influence and power. They will even make statements that seem to apply to themselves in an effort to make themselves seem like an “ally” to those they are trying to manipulate. 
It doesn’t matter what they are - -screenshot all discriminatory statements they make regardless of who makes it. They prove as an organization there is prejudice against “cis white men” who are conservative and that is whom they are trying to bully and harass to promote antifa idealogies. 
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