#yes we know sam was the main girl for the first few seasons
14x20 Ending = Two Main Protagonists Confirmed
Was rewatching 14x20 for reasons and this scene stuck out to me again like it always does:
Here, we see Dean taking the Equalizer gun (still a stupid name, sorry not sorry) to kill Jack after Chuck presents the suggestion as only he can. In the end, Dean doesn't shoot Jack, he and Sam confront Chuck, they learn he's the ultimate bad guy, and he basically sets them up for the ultimate apocalypse. One last ride.
And here's where we see the setup for the two main protagonists/heroes...because they have been the main two protagonists/heroes for a while. Dean and Sam = yin and yang.
Dean is the one taking the shot at Jack/willing to sacrifice himself; Sam is the one Chuck mostly interacts with & he figures out what Chuck is really doing
Chuck mentions the whole "father and son" thing when it comes to Dean and Jack; Sam calls Chuck out on what he's really doing
Dean tells Chuck to go to Hell & Chuck kills Jack; Sam shoots Chuck & Chuck starts the apocalypse
Dean makes the choice not to shoot Jack; Sam makes the choice to shoot Chuck
Dean was willing to sacrifice himself to shoot Jack who they think is the villain and save the world from him; Sam was willing to sacrifice himself to shoot Chuck who is the real villain to save Jack
Yin and yang.
If there was only one main protagonist, that one brother would have been the one to choose to shoot Jack & sacrifice himself, Chuck would have had his focus on & the most interactions with, would've been the sole father in that dynamic with Jack (minus Cas), would have been the catalyst for Chuck killing Jack and starting the apocalypse, and would have been the one to choose to shoot Chuck & sacrifice himself. The other brother would have just been a bystander if that was the case.
Another way you can tell that there are two main protagonists is that they knocked Cas out (literally and both times) of these important scenes with the two Gods (Chuck and Jack who will replace him) and the brothers despite his being an angel, despite his relationship with Jack, even despite his relationship with both brothers and the family they've all settled into. He has some lines, sure, but notice how he is not able to be involved in the decision making or really active in the standoff with Chuck. Not to diminish Cas and his importance to the story or to Jack or even Sam and Dean, but here we see that he is clearly not the main protagonist of the story. Same with Jack even though he becomes the new God in the next season, and they pulled the ol' switcheroo in this episode between him and Chuck. They literally played the shell game with the audience by having Chuck show up the way he did so it could all lead up to this moment: the Winchester brothers telling Chuck to eff off and the resulting final conflict (they're not only fighting for their freedom and to reclaim their narrative/lives but also the final boss) that will eventually reach the climax and final standoff. So of course there would be no Mary, no Bobby, no John, no Jody, no Donna, no Claire, etc in this scene and Cas would be sidelined.
It was always about Sam and Dean.
The two main protagonists.
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maryhadalittlehobby · 5 months
Recap of IWTV Screening and Conversation at 92stY
(Please dont repost/reupload my pics or vids from here or IG anywhere else. Sharing/linkinh is ok. Thanks!)
I started the day with a fang gang meetup hosted by Black Girl Talks Fangs. The restaurant was cute and the food great. I'm not a big wine drinker but got a blood red Chateau in honor of the occasion. After, we headed over to the event space.
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In my experience attending different events there, the actors typically come in just before the event starts or a few minutes into the screening.
In this case- it was both.
Eric strolled up super casual and had a convo with myself and a few other fans asking if we had read the books and what we were looking forward to. He gave a parting message that the season is amazing and he is not just saying that because he is part of it. I believe him. He was super personable and down to earth.
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Delainey arrived next and again kind and generous with her time. She has a very chill energy. Her outfit was more casual this day but I thought chic and the face card never declines. Her makeup artist does her right! And can we talk about that sleek ass ponytail
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She complimented my cosplay and said she thinks my beret might be the screen accurate one!
She asked to touch it and said mine was softer!
She also said Carol Cutshall gifted her the beret so she owns Claudia's.
I put this cosplay together in 3 weeks which is barely enough time. Thankfully I had the idea knocking around since October when we first saw this fit in the trailer that dropped at NYCC 23.
Myself and a few fans waited till about 15 minutes into the start of the screening before we gave up on waiting for Jam Reiderson.
While running to the screening I nearly literally ran into Rolin. I asked for a quick pic which he obliged.
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The episode was amazing. Very much on par of season 1 so far. Can't wait to see the full thing. Delainey fit into Claudia seamlessly.
The panel itself was great as well. I have a few vids in my IWTV highlight on IG and a few others in an upcoming youtube video I will make AFTER the episode drops. There are some spoiler bits plus 92Y is dropping the full panel too after the ep airs.
Highlights include watching Jam Reiderson literally communicate telepathically- what was the fun on set story?!
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Sam slapping Jacobs' lower inner thigh in front of god (Rolin) and everyone.
Working together is like putting on an old glove. An old sock?! Lol what. 'Is that dirty?'
Assad trauma dumping on main. "Armands lost...like me." "I'm intimidated by the cast" Sir please!
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Assad also being spicy saying he thinks Armands memory of Lestat is pretty accurate. Drag him king😄
Delainey and Jacob gushing about how they immediately bonded and established their father/daughter/sibling vibes.
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Eric calling Jam puppies and Jacob saying "I'm a grown man a parent"lol Sir you are a baby girl as evidenced by
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Rolin saying that's a book and this is a show. To me that said was book lovers have the book and you always will but this is a new thing that respects the source but isn't tied down to every single detail.
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Then Sam saying there are contradictions even within the series. Please lets talk about it.
And I love this new narrative everyone is spinning, even Sam, who seemed to be in the Lestat is right and Louis is lying boat last press go round. Now everyone is saying there is no right and wrong or truth and lies-the story is told by different people with different perspectives and that's all. Which yes! that's ALWAYS how I saw it! Just because Lestat became the main character and most favored doesn't mean he is infallible.
Jacob and that plushie. Who would have imagined he'd love it so much. Another fan was coming with their Lestat. I don't know if they had intentions of giving it to Sam but sadly they didn't make it.
After the panel I went back to the spot and aimed to get Jacobs signature on my Street of Immortality print which I managed.
I would have loved to get Sam's to but I also wanted to give other fans the chance to get photos and autos. I was already so lucky.
They signed for a loooong time. So long I thought our side wouldnt have a chance or only a few people would. Turns out fans were conducting mini interviews with them lol Someone needs to collect all the questions and answers.
Also they are the smallest cast you've ever seem. Pocketbsized. Everyone one of them is so unassuming.
Overall I had a super good time. The audience vibes were immaculate. The person beside me during the screening/panel was losing their shit then apologizing. But honestly I was here for it lol
Also you could 100% tell it was an audience full of the online fandom.
I ended the night checking out the Time Square ad. It was awesome to see our vamps represented. Hopefully we get a ton of new fans from all the amazing marketing this year.
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My AU & Headcanon
In this post, I'm going to explain many details about how I see the Winx universe. This post will be updated regularly.
A few words of introduction. 🍄
Hello there, I'm Sam. I'm 25 and I live in Paris, France. I have a degree in English literature, and most precisely as a researcher in American literature. So, yes, I love reading and writing. 🧡
Kimii used to be my user name when I was twelve. I used to have a french news account on Winx club. (does it still exist? Nope... the website shut down in 2023). So when I created my account here, I just kept it. It's a sort of identity I embraced my whole teenage years, so it made sense to keep it. It's my Winx Identity.
For the language, I write in English. I may be fluent, but I can leave some mistakes here and there. If you notice any big ones, please feel free to send me a DM. Thank you very much. It can be hard sometimes to notice them.
The Winx Club I grew up with. 🌚
The first thing I think is essential to know about my writing, is that I grew up with the only french dub existing, which is based on the original one (Rai Italy). I stick a lot to the original plot while I try to make it more conherent and consistent.
Headcanon or Canon? ☀️
I'm mostly canon at first sight. Indeed, I stick to the original plot, but I also tend to modify details, timelines, or events so it makes more sense. I like to change those details enough that the story holds more realism and maturity.
One of the major things I do when I keep the original plot is that I add the details given in the comic books. For those who didn't read them, the main storyline is similar (Bloom looking for her parents, etc...) The comics feel more like filler episodes. That's why I like to add those details to my stories. For example, Bloom has a job in Magix. It is shown in the comics but not the cartoon. This detail makes sense as we see in season 4 that the specialists exchange valuables for paper money. The same goes for Bloom, she works in order to have Magix's currency.
So consider my Winx canon as a mix of both comic books and of the cartoon.
I write a lot about Bloom & Sky, (oops ?🤗) since they are my favorite. I have many, many, MANY ideas for them. So it won't be very balanced between the pairings 😶 However, I do accept prompts and requests for pretty much every character.
Most, if not all my stories are linked. I like to build a consistent timeline. So if you happen to read all the oneshots or longer ff, you will notice some ref to older ff or oneshots I posted. On my main post, always make sure to include a set timeline so it gives you an idea of where the scenes take place. After season 4, I don't acknowledge anything. Not even the second movie (I liked it a lot but it is a huge problem in my timeline since the dubs are all over the place...)
For the stories that happen in the future, those would be more headcanon. The pairings might be canon most of the time, the plots would be so advanced that I don't think they can be considered canon. Plus, I love world-building.
Information on some characters. 🌈
Musa & Tecna: not royals in my AU. They are not introduced as such in the Rai version. Plus, I much prefer them as "normal people" as it brings even more diversity to the cartoon. I would hate to have most Winx girls being princesses... For Tecna, I want to work on her as half fairy, half android. Just like she was supposed to be.
Riven: Oh Riven.... I have a sort of affection for him. Like a soft spot for who he could be if the writing of the show had given him more time to grow. I will work on that. You have my word. Not only do I want him to have a past, but also a future. I see him doing great things.
Aisha/Layla: In the french dub, she is called Layla, but I really like Aisha because we love diversity here. Plus, Aisha has a beautiful meaning!
Sky: In my AU, he stays Brandon at the beginning and then Prince Sky later on like in the original. I plan on writing a few oneshots about what if he had been "prince Sky" from the beginning, or if he had never attended Red Foutain (I really like that one hehe).
Helia: I like the idea of Helia being a bit cold and blunt, like at the beginning of season 2. (or at least he was in French). That man did not care about anybody but Flora and I loved that. So I will work with him in that way.
Diaspro: I get that most fans tend to redeem her a lot, but I think her arc in seasons 1, 2, and 3 is brilliant. Although the path of the narrative did not allow her to grow a little bit or even explain why she behaved the way she did. So, my Diaspro is still... Well Diaspro, but I want to build her more realistically. She is an interesting character. Her being a fairy and yet being manipulative and self-centered is much more realistic. It brings a lot of dimention to the magical world. Wwhat if she was forced by conventions and traditions to be a fairy, because of her nobility ? hmmm... You will have to wait and see.
Nabu: Don't talk to me, he will live on forever on this Tumblr. While I love him, and I adore his sacrifice, I can't let go of him. He is just sleeping, Okay. Now move along. 💨
Samara and Erendor: I have read @gins-potter fanfic (go read it! ) and she made me remember one of my childhood frustration. Why in the world does Sky look nothing like his parents??! Erendor looks like... Brandon? She actually changed their appearance, which I loved. I want to keep Samara as she is, but maybe Erendor will have to suffer a rendez-vous at the hairstylist. And @gins-potter agreed to let me use her depiction of Erendor since it feats perfeclty the way I imagined him.
Domino/Sparx: I will only use Domino as it is the name I always knew. Same for Melody.
When it comes to the Winx and their life after Alfea, I have a very detailed idea of their jobs and position etc... I will either do a post abour it, or just let you guys discover more about it in the stories.
Last Update: 17/06/24.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 months
Hi hey hello Aly please can you rank the new directions according to how well they would do at preparing a holiday meal? I'm thinking like cooking a turkey or ham or something, all the different sides, dessert, etc etc.
HI BELLA MY BELOVED YES OFC I CAN DO THAT!!!! I'm only going to do like. OG New Directions, so like the mains from s1-2 lol
Coming in dead last at #13, we have: Rachel Berry! Girl can't cook. There is canonical evidence to support this from the season four thanksgiving episodes so I rest my case.
Next up, Finn Hudson at #12! Truthfully i think he would just be so overwhelmed by all of it and fall apart. I DO think he would make a FANTASTIC assistant though
Next, at #11: Mercedes Jones: I think she can probably follow a recipe better than Rachel, but she is a doordash girlie just like me fr i know this to be true in MY SOUL. Miss "What is this?" "Toilet brush." does not know how to make things from scratch but i fully support her love for tater tots <3
The #10 slot goes to Brittany S. Pierce! It's not that I think she can't cook. I think she would cook some of the most OUTRAGEOUS things really really well. I'm talking the shepherd's pie trifle thing from Friends except ON PURPOSE. The most heinous shit and she would genuinely like it but it's objectively terrible
First one to reach single digits at the #9 slot, we've got Puck. Lost a few spots bc he'd probably put weed in the desserts without telling anyone
#8 goes to Michael Chang! I just feel like he can follow instructions. Might not be perfect, but edible and not spiked with any illegal substances.
Up with the #7 spot is Artie Abrams! Being someone who is wheelchair bound, I feel like he prides himself on being self sufficient and learning basic cooking skills is something he'd take the time to learn. I don't think it would be gourmet or anything, but i do think it would give tasty comfort food
Coming in at #6 I put, and this might be controversial, Santana Lopez! Listen. One thing about mexicans is that we know how to cook. Something just happens and i truly believe it's in out genes but one day you just sort of wake up and realize that you don't burn your hand flipping tortillas on the grill, and i feel like those skills would translate really well to a christmas/thanksgiving dinner--especially all the traditional mexican holiday dishes? i think she'd secretly take a lot of comfort in making those for her found family
Breaching the top 5 at #5 is Tina Cohen-Chang! I feel like she's done it a couple of times with her own family and probably helped out in the kitchen growing up, just to be helpful. Generally, she seems pretty competent too so there's that
#4 goes to my beloved Sam Evans. My man practically had to raise his siblings, there is not a doubt in my mind that he already HAS made a whole ass holiday meal with what he could and it probably came out fucking delicious too! It Just Makes Sense!!
Alright up in the #3 slot is yet another one of my faves, the puppetmaster himself, Blaine Devon Anderson! Cooking pancakes for his fiance in the morning?? HIs love language is acts of service and you just know he'd love all the compliments and then brush them off like "Oh it really was nothing" but this man THRIIIIIIIVES on the love of his peers!!! Of course he's gonna cook for them!
Our runner up, taking her place firmly at the #2 slot is the Queen of McKinley, the one, the only Quinn Fabray! This one also Just Makes Sense. She was primed from a young age to basically be a trophy wife. Which. Hate that for her but I wouldn't doubt her mom had her prepping the sides at like, age ten. Her parents def would trot her skills out like a trick pony and show off how well she can "provide" for a future husband or some shit like that. Anyway, i like to think she uses these skills to make holiday dinners for those who don't have anywhere else to go <3
AND TAKING OUR TOP SPOT HERE IS LITERALLY THE MOST CHARACTER EVER: Kurt Hummel!!!!! This is literally canon. You can disagree with me on this, but you'd be wrong, His body is LITERALLY a rum chocolate souffle--if he doesn't warm it up, it doesn't rise. He makes tar-tar for housewarming parties for his future stepbrother. He planned a whole ass wedding. He realy can do it all I'm so obsessed with his little freak ass <333
THANKS SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS!!!! I put... way too much thought into it, but i had SUCH a blast!!! <3333
they evicted my teeth. pls send me asks while i recover <3
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pauuuuuuuuu i’ve got a question. i understand that you enjoy supernatural, so could you explain to me the whole destial thing? i’m like, fairly close to caving and committing myself to 15 fucking seasons of them and dean from gilmore girls (who i fucking hate(the character not the actor)) so like, i wanna know what i’m getting myself into, cause the only stuff i know is the meme that’s always going around, and that everyone and their mother is obsessed with dean winchester
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD @weeping-in-the-willows WE'VE DONE IT!!!
okay andi here we go its gonna be LONG (thats what she said?)
Destiel is a ship between two main characters, Dean Winchester, who is a monster hunter, and Castiel, who is an angel of the lord. Although Cas does not appear until season 4(?), when he does it's clear there's something going on between the two men (boys?), and, whether or not it's intentional, there's a LOT of gay subtext. I think they suffer a lot but it's worth it for the very few moments they get to enjoy, and you value them so much more which makes it so enjoyable.
As for Sam Winchester (Dean Forester), he's a young man with daddy issues who never met his mom and decided that instead of having that horrible monster hunter life he wanted to go to Stanford and study law and have a great academically successful life (Sam and Rory Gilmore would be best friends). He's a sweet, kind, smart, driven, ambitious (and hot) 22(!) year-old who would never voluntarily hurt a fly. Obviously life had other plans for him but what happens to him is up to you. Now, I will say that I'm not the biggest mid-series seasons Sam fan, but I think early Sam was one of my first fictional crushes and I still think of him fondly. His favorite singer is secretly Celine Dion.
Dean Winchester also has daddy issues but as in yes-dad-I'll-do-everything-you-say-so-that-you-love me-while-his-dad-still-loves-sam-more daddy issues (which I know all too well not not the time nor place), whereas Sam was more like "No dad, this is YOUR dream". Dean is like that jackass who thinks he's this huge deal and he think he's really hot and smart and always right, which is infuriating because it's true. But really imagine a giant teddy bear with a flannel. that's Dean Winchester. It's a bit funny but for him the most important thing ever is his family and he will fight with all his might to save it, blood or found, he will die for them over and over again with no regrets, except that one where his daug we don't talk about that. He's also incredibly funny, he likes Frozen and dad rock and pie.
Cas is an angel who very often forgets that. Funny thing about this guy is that they first portray him as like this scary creature, he's the most powerful thing they've ever faced and he's so intimidating but once they get to know him he's really just like if an alien saw a hot guy and went "that one". He talks to cats sometimes.
About the show itself, the firsts seasons they think they're like this moody, serious show, but as it goes on it quickly turns into a comedy. They meet Scooby-Doo once. There's a musical. Doctor Sexy wears cowboy boots. Dracula. Ghostfacers!
Now, I wouldn't go as far as "recommending" it to someone, but if i could start clean and had the choice to watch it again for the first time, I'd tell them put me back in it, and I would cry and curse and suffer, but I'd go through it again.
And that is all, unless Willow wants to add something?
Also I would avoid the last episode, I would not watch it if I were you, I wish I never saw it and I pretend it doesn't exist, it is not canon if I say it is not and I refuse to recognize it as such. Thank you.
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aenariasbookshelf · 2 years
Preview - untitled holiday story
In my defense, the entire story is outlined, even though I only have a few thousand words written so far. But it is the right season, and I need an entry for this week’s challenge for @darcylewisbingohq​. This preview perfectly fits the ‘returning home prompt’, if I do say so...
title: ...I’ll get back to you on that when I figure it out author: Aenaria rating: this bit is Gen, the whole story is likely to be M/Explicit prompt filled: returning home characters: Darcy Lewis, her family, Steve Rogers, a whole host of other Avengers pairings: Darcy/Steve (this should not be surprising by now) tags/warnings: none for this part, but I’ll update this field as needed link: summary: In which Darcy Lewis returns home for the holidays.
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Chapter One - Friday, December 20, 2019
“Yes, Grandma, I swear, I’m coming tomorrow.  Yes, I’ll be there by sundown.  I’ve already got my train ticket!”
That last statement is a total lie, but Darcy will never tell her grandma that.  
She doesn’t have a time management problem, she swears.  It’s just that sometimes other things (like helping Jane explore the universe) end up taking priority and she forgets things like buying an Amtrak ticket until she’s at the station, hoping like hell there’s still a seat available and paying through the nose for the one remaining business class ticket on the entire train.  But this time?  Well, the first night of Hanukkah’s on Sunday.  And Christmas is just a few days after that.  And everyone under the sun (or at least in the United States) is going to be traveling this weekend.
She’s so screwed.
Maybe she could rent a car and drive?  It’s not that long to get to Brooklyn from the Avengers’ Compound, only a few hours.  She thinks, at least.  She’d have to look at a map.
So, so screwed.
Darcy shoves the latest stack of printed results under one arm, and uses her other shoulder to keep her phone propped by her ear.  “Did I what?” she asks, then rolls her eyes when her grandma repeats her question.  “No, not yet.  I’ll get them something down in Brooklyn...yes, I realize we have all sorts of artsy villages and stores upstate, but I haven’t had time to pick up the perfect trinket for Aunt *insert name here*...why?  Because work...look, I’ll text you when I’m on the train tomorrow...Okay, bye Grandma.”
She jabs her thumb down on the little red button with far more force than is needed, and drops the phone into her pocket.  The sigh that she lets out is near explosive, and she resists the urge to bang her head against the doorframe to the lab.  This really is a minor issue, and Darcy knows she’s making all too big a deal out of something that has a simple solution.  But she’s already got that reputation in her family, the one who would be late for her own funeral if she had the chance, of being just that much of a flake because she legitimately forgot about something.  And the last thing she wants to do is let down her grandma.
“Okay,” she tells herself, taking a deep breath.  “Walk this stuff over to Jane in the main building, then research trains, then research rental cars.  You can do this, girl.”
Jane’s lucky in that she and Darcy have a small little lab building to themselves to work out of on the main Avengers’ Compound, so that they can do work at night to their heart’s content and not have to worry about disruptions from busybodies, but there are some days when the main building has the equipment that they need.  Also the 24 hour canteen there was a godsend on those days when Darcy had to make sure Jane actually fed her body and not just her brain.
It’s in this main building where Darcy overhears what could possibly be her Hanukkah miracle.  It’s a little fuzzy, overheard with one ear as she’s rushing past.
“What time’s your flight at LaGuardia tomorrow?  I want to make sure we leave here on time.”
Darcy literally freezes in her tracks, then walks backwards until she’s standing next to Steve and Sam, who have paused in their chatter to watch her bemusedly.  “Did I hear you two say you’re heading down to the city tomorrow?”  She may be perpetually late, but never let it be said that Darcy doesn’t have balls.  Just because Steve may be Captain America doesn’t mean that he’s not a friend of hers (that she has a mad crush on, but she’s not going to think about that right now in her hour of need) that she can’t ask for a favor.
Steve’s eyebrows raise up, and there’s a slight smile on his face.  “Yes?  I’m giving Sam a ride to the airport.”
“Got room for one more?”
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asmutwriter · 1 year
You Saved Me (Part 5)
DESCRIPTION: (Season 5) After an incident occurs at your daughters school you have a visit from Sam and Dean Winchester
A/N - This is a very tame part of the chapter but I wanted character development of Dean with the main OC’s so that the story later on makes more sense
From Beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: Swearing
- This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
“Don’t you think we should be more focused on finding Lucifer? Instead of going off on a hunt that gets us no closer to him?” Sam asks as Dean turns his laptop back around. Rolling his eyes
“I get it. I do. But I really want a win. And this-” he points at the laptop screen “this is an easy win”
“Really?” the younger brother mocks 
“Yes. Really” the younger stands up, from the table “come on man. We could both use a win. We deserve it don’t we? And this seems like a cut and dry ghost problem” he looks at his brother, folding his arms as he leans against the counter
“Alright” he lets out a sigh before motioning to the laptop “What have you found?”
You stand behind the counter of the small cafe you work at. Wrapping up the treat for the guest as you smile at them and hand them their food. The next customer walks up to the counter. You greet them with an equally enthusiastic smile as you have done with the previous customers and the future customers. Taking their order you dial it into the cash register. Hearing the front door open you look up instinctively. The smile on your face changing to a look of confusion “will you excuse me a minute?” you smile back at the customer, motioning for one of your co-workers to come and take over as you step out from behind the counter. Going over to the familiar face who is now sat at one of the small tables. “Why aren’t you at school?” you ask your eldest daughter. Folding your arms as she looks up at you. Finding her bookmark and opening her book. Reading it as she talks to you
“There was an incident at school”
“An incident?”
“Yeah. Girl got locked in the bathroom”
“That’s like the fifth one this month right?” she nods as she closes her book, placing it onto the table as she turns to look at you
“I always tell the girls not to use that bathroom as it gives me the creeps but they never listen. I’ve helped a couple of them out as the door always gets stuck. But this one was different. An ambulance was called and everything for her”
“Oh god is she ok?” she shrugs
“I hope so. I liked her. She was always kind to me. But they sent home everyone that was at school. That way they can look into the incident more” you nod slightly, rubbing your forehead slightly as you look at the clock
“Ok. I get off of work in a couple of hours. You ok to sit and read until then?” she nods. Going back to her book as you go back to behind the counter. Apologising and explaining to your work colleagues about the situation.
A few hours pass. You clock out from work. Taking Anna with you as you go to pick up your youngest daughter, Lydia, from the babysitter. Picking her up and heading back to your house. The two girls going inside after you open the door. “Anna do your homework hun”
“Ok mum. Can I watch my show first though?” You go into the living room and fold your arms, raising an eyebrow as she grins at you over the top of the sofa. Already making herself comfortable as she knows you won’t refuse her. You smile at her devilish grin. Nodding slightly as you go over and kiss the top of her head
“One episode you got me?” she nods and turns around. Grabbing the controller as she turns the TV on. Her younger sister cuddling up next to her as they watch the programme. You smile to yourself as you go and do the various chores that you didn’t have time to do in the morning. Doing the dishwasher, load of laundry, putting away some of their toys, so on and so on. You hear a knock on the door about an hour later. You poke your head around the door to the living room quickly, seeing your youngest daughter fixed on the TV. The older one sat cross legged on the floor as she has her homework laid out in front of her. Smiling to yourself you go over to the front door. Opening it. 
“Hello we’re here from the FBI. Detective- Rose?” Deans deadpan face turns into a slight smile as he recognises you. You smile back
“Detective Rose huh?”
“Shut up” he says sarcastically as you grin, Sam letting out a soft chuckle as you move forward. Embracing each of the brothers in a hug. “May we come in?”
“Of course!” you motion for them to enter. Shutting the door behind them as you lead them to the kitchen. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen your faces”
“About 3 years” Dean says
“Too long in other words” you motion for them to sit “Can I get you boys something to drink? Some food maybe?” Dean goes to speak but Sam shakes his head
“We are actually here to speak to you daughter Anna” you nod and fold your arms, smiling softly
“All work and no play huh?” he smiles at you “why do you want to speak with her?”
“We have a couple of questions we’d like to ask her”
“Is this about the girl that got injured?” the younger nods as the older speaks
“We think it may have a more... supernatural element. We just want to ask her a few questions. That’s all”
“Why my daughter? Surely there are other kids that you could interview”
“Yes. We are going to interview them to. But we’re doing it in alphabetical order” you nod slightly. “May we?” you nod slightly
“She’s in her room” they nod. Both of them walking out as you follow close behind. Waiting until they are both out of the room before grabbing a knife from the knife rack. Tucking it up your sleeve slightly as you go into the room. Shutting the bedroom door behind you as they both look around. “Enough of the bullshit”
“I don’t-” Sam says
“Yes Anna’s name would be one of the first names to appear. But going by the registering system in places like schools they would be put in alphabetical order based on their last name”
“How do you not know we didn’t do it via the last names?” he says. Confident in his answer as he meets your eyes with his. 
“You’re right” you smile slightly “what is her last name?” they both pause. Dean jaw clenches as Sam starts mumbling and stuttering some letters. “That’s what I thought. Now why are you here?”
“Let us just talk to your daughter. We promise we won’t hurt her. It’s just a few questions” Sam says
“I’m sorry. I don’t see you guys for over 3 years and that’s the best excuse you can give me?” Dean looks at you
“We don’t know how much your daughter told you about the incidents but we think she has quite a big part to play in them. Possibly more than she’s led you to believe”
“Are you implying that my daughter hurt that other girl?” he shakes his head, taking a small step towards you. His arms up, palms facing towards you as you keep your back pressed firmly against the door. 
“We think that she knew something was going to happen. We interviewed a couple of the teachers this morning and most of them talked about your daughter. Saying that she was acting strangely. We just want to ask her a few questions about it. We aren’t here to hurt her. I promise. You can trust us” you look between the two bothers. Rubbing your face with you palm as you think about it
“I stay in the room with you. The whole time. And if either of you pull any funny business I will hurt you both. Got it?” they both nod. You open the bedroom door. Walking to the living room you smile at your daughter who pokes her head up from where she is sitting. She smiles back at you as she head motions at the two men behind you
“Who are they?”
“They’re some friends from the FBI. They want to ask you a few questions about what happened today”
“You have friends in the FBI?” you nod slightly as she raises an eyebrow “how?”
“You do realise I have a life outside of you right sweetie?” you smile softly at her as she nods slightly. She goes back to her homework. You go over to the living room. Sitting next to Lydia as you pick up the TV remote. Turning the TV off as you kiss the top of her head “Sweetie why don’t you go play in your room for a minute?” she looks at you “Please?” She nods slightly. Hopping off the sofa as she toddles off to her bedroom. Dean sits cross legged on the other end of the coffee table. Sam standing near the TV, behind your daughter
“Do you remember me at all?” Dean asks as she lifts her head up
“Should I?” he shakes his head as he smiles slightly
“I met you when you were younger is all. I’m Dean, that’s my brother Sam” he motions at the other male. She nods slightly before she looks down at the table. Continuing her work
“What did you want to know?”
“You apparently told some of your teachers that you were worried about the girls toilets today?” she nods. Eyes still on her work “did something happen that made you worry about them?”
“Yes” she says. Causing Dean to smile slightly at her bluntness
“Can you elaborate please?”
“You won’t believe me” she looks at him. Putting her pen down as he smiles
“Try me” she meets his eyes.
“I felt their emotions. There was so much hatred. Anger” she brings her hands together on the table “it scared me…” he nods slightly.
“How did you feel their emotions? Did you see it in a vision or pick up on how they were behaving?” she shakes her head
“Neither of those. I can tell what people are feeling by touching them” she says. Very matter of factly. He chuckles slightly as she chuckles softly “I told you that you wouldn’t believe me” he looks at you then his brother
“I’ve just never heard of someone being able to pick up on emotions just from touch” she nods, putting her hand out with her palm facing upwards.
“Let me prove it” he looks at her then her hand. The smile he had on now dropping slightly as he shakes his head “what are you worried about?” he looks at her, a soft smile still on his lips
“I believe you. Trust me, I’ve seen weirder” she nods slightly. Placing her hand back down as she picks up her pen. “Anything else you think we might be interested in knowing?” she taps the end of the pen onto her lips. Eyes looking at the table as she thinks
“It’s always cold in there. Even when the radiators are on” she says. Starting to write again as he nods, looking at his brother as they exchange a look.
“Thank you. I think that’s everything we need” he stands up “Hopefully see you again soon Anna” she nods slightly, concentrating on her work as she mutters
“Yeah see you soon”. You get up off the sofa. Smiling at the two men before speaking
“I’ll show you boys out” Motioning to the hallway as they go to walk out. You shut the living room door. Going over to them as they open the front door “what do you think it is?”
“Based on that information I reckon it could be a ghost. Possessing people of a certain personality type and making them hurt themselves. We just need to figure out where in the school it is, who it is, and where they are buried”
“How can I help?”
“You aren’t helping. This is a cut and dry case. One that you don’t need to help with”
“I could be of help”
“Keep your children and yourself out of this case. That’s the best thing you can do. Stay here and keep safe. We’ll deal with the problem, ok?” you fold your arms, sighing out in a slight annoyance as you look at them both.
“Anna said she could pick up people’s emotions by touching them?” Sam questions “is there any truth behind that?” you look at him. Nodding slightly
“She’s always been very good at reading people. If she touches someone and they have a strong emotion then she can feel it. Even if you’re hiding it” you shrug, bringing your hand up to rub the back of your neck “I don’t quite understand it but I know it happens. She also feels cold spots a lot more often than most people. But it’s how she’s always been so I don’t think anything of it” Sam nods as you start looking around yourself. Grabbing a pen from one of your bags hanging up. Taking Deans hand in yours, he watches as you write down your number onto his palm
“If you boys need anything. Even if it’s just a place to spend the night. Then don’t hesitate to ask” he nods slightly. Smiling at you as he meets your eyes
“Thank you for the help. I’ll let you know if we need anything”
“See you boys around. Hopefully in different circumstances” they both chuckles slightly, saying goodbye before they walk out the door. You watch as they head to their car. Vaguely seeing their lips moving as they chat about what just happened. The possibility of what it could be. You shut the front door as they start to drive away.
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angelhummel · 3 years
what’s your take on quinn’s sexuality? do you think she’s gay/bi, or do you think she was just experimenting by sleeping with santana?
For me personally, I see her as a lesbian. That probably isn't what RM was going for, and I don't think it should get full credit as real representation bc it was so half baked, but that is definitely what I see
I think she was 100% a lesbian with one of the worst cases of comphet ever seen on television, but especially this show. We got to see glimpses into her family life and the kind of pressures that were put on her to be this sweet and perfect little All American Girl
She held onto her high school popularity with an iron grip, and I think that goes back to her family as well. She says that status is like currency - when your bank account is full, you can get away with doing anything. And that being popular was all that mattered to her mother since she put it as her main extracurricular activity when applying for college
And if you want to be the most popular queen bee, you need the king to go along with it. Finn was that for her, for a little while. He was the quarterback to her head cheerleader. Obviously that got messed up with the whole pregnancy thing. But come s2 she tries to get back on track with Sam, who is now the hot popular football star that she can hitch her wagon to and gain her popularity back
I've compared Quinn and Rachel in this regard, and it's part of why I so strongly hc them both as lesbians. Because the only interest they ever show in guys is in regards to what said guy can give them. For Rachel, it's always a duet partner. For Quinn, it's status
Finn and Sam for the first few seasons. Even when she is no longer romantically interested in Finn, she still campaigns with him for prom king and queen. With the professor in s4, I don't think she could've flaunted that without the professor getting in trouble. But I could see how it would still give her a smug sense of superiority, even if it was private. And then again with Biff in s5, being the old money high society guy whose parents she's trying to impress and get in with that crowd. Even with Puck after that, they say they're only giving dating a try bc they never did before. And by the time we see them again in s6, they certainly aren't acting like a couple, so we can assume that fell through
I truly do think that Quinn had feelings for/was attracted to Rachel for most of the first half of the show they hardly ever interact past s3 oops. There are some things you just can't explain away with basic high school rivalry, I don't care how hard you try
And her escapades with guys either seem to get shut down immediately (removing Finn or Sam's hands from her whenever they start to get too touchy feely) or end in regret (basically... every other instance of her fooling around with a guy)
I really think the instance with Santana is the only time we see Quinn like happy and having fun in a sexual situation. She's all smiles the whole time, she's even the one that leads Santana down the hall and opens the door for their hotel room. She's taking the initiative for pretty much the first and only time when it comes to something like this. And afterwards, she can admit she had a good time, but I don't think it means she's ready to admit to herself that she needs to look inward and really start figuring things out
So like yes it is experimentation, but as a stepping stone in her journey of realizing she's a lesbian. Bc idk sometimes you don't know what you like until you try it and I don't think we should shame people for taking the steps they need to figure out who they are. That's my two cents
I think if the writers weren't total cowards, they would've made Quinn gay. And then the whole Unholy Trinity would be queer, and then maybe I miiight start to think of them as iconic lol. I mean how perfect would that have been? Quinn and Santana spending their high school years constantly competing with one another. Fighting over status and boys - wanting the hottest boyfriend, wanting to be head Cheerio, wanting to be prom queen, etc. And then they both realize they're lesbians in their own time, and it brings them closer together. And they laugh about how silly they were in high school and how pointless it all seems now, and they go from being like mean girl high school clique friends to creating a genuine friendship and also Brittany is there too i guess
That really could've been fun and interesting, and even more meaningful than just having one girl with a touching coming out story and also brittany is there too i guess. But yeah. Really think that would've made them too powerful and the writers couldn't handle it
TL;DR: Quinn is a lesbian. I think she's gay. I think she was experimenting with Santana and I think the conclusion of that experiment is that she's gay but either is still figuring things out or still can't admit it to herself.
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Deuxmoi talked abit about the idol on her podcast ( please don’t call me sad for listening to it I’m bored and I have nothing to currently to do and I also take what the account says with a grain of salt cause they’re not always right) what she said was the whole cast was replaced expect from Lily (nothing bad about Lily was said btw) the main things were that sam levison (can’t spell him last name lol) was the issue and some extras sent anons messages to Deuxmoi saying the idol was a shitshow. I’m kinda getting worried cause I don’t want Lily to be mocked especially when it comes to her acting cause she’s not the best but is still improving and I don’t want the show to be a complete joke we see how actors who act badly get treated like jokes and I don’t want this to affect Lily future work (yes I know she’s nepo baby but it could discourage her from acting as a whole). she has potential she just needs more work to prove herself I just hope what was sent to deuxmoi was just over exaggeration cause Lily doesn’t deserve being made fun of.
Hey anon, that’s okay, I will try to unpack and be brief and concise about it, not gonna judge you for listening what hahah, it’s okay we don’t need all to like the show(once it’s released) will be a mess , storyline wise at least lol.
About Sam (intimate) hmmm he already has a reputation let’s say like that, so anything after Euphoria can be taken to increase the “rumors” (I say like this cause it’s probably true lol) but so far the bad really acting I saw regarding mostly Abel himself actually, even with just a few lines I didn’t like it at all (😬) but only when it’s released we can actually judge , and again I will say honestly what I think as a watcher not just a fan, I can’t take bullshit “she is amazing, what an acting, beautiful” and all this shits , I don’t put my hand on fire for anyone, not even myself lol.
Sometimes people might exaggerate or just tell the simple truth, we will see, it will transcend to screen (euphoria season 2 I couldn’t pass the first ep) not saying this to save anyones ass, nothing to gain or loose, but sometimes people are just to picky about things, EXAMPLE : read one of the anons there saying that “ Matt Smith is the biggest player” and when you read the anon, you just can see either is a troll or just butthurt girl, they clearly had a one night stand and the girl was butthurt cause he didn’t proclaimed his love for her the next morning 😂 so again can be true anon OFC, as much as grain of salt.
EXAMPLE 2: Someone said Timmy would be on British Vogue cover, and nobody believed , here he is, so Truth and Lies, it’s a GOSSIP acc, either you believe or not, OR just a hint of truth.
Nevermind the CONCISIVE PART , erase that😂🤦‍♀️
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winchesterxxi · 4 years
To Please A Ruler (Boba Fett x Reader)
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Rating: E (Explicit: Only Suitable for Adults)
Type: sMUT
Request: “ A (very) smutty one shot to celebrate reclaiming Jabba's Palace , on that throne... ”
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: NSFW; Season 2 of  The Mandalorian Spoilers, Smut, obviously (Oral sex [male receiving], vaginal penetration, spanking, cum swallowing,  praise kink, dirty talk, unprotected sex  )
A/N: Did Sam just start writing her first series? Yes, indeed. I simply thought that this request was too good to be crammed into a single fic which would probably turn out very sloppy sooooooooo here is part one of this short series, probably approx 5 parts.
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Tatooine wasn’t exactly the destination you had in mind after dropping of The Mandalorian and his crew, but it’s not as if there was a different place you could go to. Boba mentioned something about a “Jabba’s Palace”, which you’d only ever heard stories of because of a certain embush that left it’s whole criminal web in the dust.
Stepping out of The Slave, you followed Boba to what looked like a completely abandoned building weren’t it for the two guards standing by the main entrance that you shot on sight. 
More shooting ensued as you stepped in front of Boba and started shooting any other guard that appeared in your way, until you reached what looked like the main room of the palace.
It was then Boba stepped out from behind you, slowly coming down the stairs slowly and walking up to Bib Fortuna, the former Majordormo  of Jabba The Hutt.
"Boba! I thought you were dead!” he said in Huttese, laughing "I am so glad to see you..."
Boba is stepping closer to him, not saying a word, causing Fortuna to stammer his words "I- I had heard many rumors--" suddenly, Boba lifts his blaster, shooting his chest, putting an end to his pointless ramble.
Taking a step up the throne’s platform, Boba shoves Fortuna's body onto the ground, causing a little cloud of sand dust to climb into the air, as he sits down on the throne, legs splayed out, taking up the whole seat.
You can’t help your arousal, closing your legs together, which he seems to notice as he calls you in his direction with his pointer finger. You obey, walking up to him and sitting sideways on his lap as his hands find both your waist and your lap.
“How do you think we should celebrate this, princess?” he asks you, tilting his helmet, as the hand that rested on your lap starts tracing its way up and down your thigh.
“I have something in mind.” you smirk at him, shifting on top of him. “Let me suck you off.”
“I like the way you think.” you hum in response. He lifts his hands to his head as to take the helmet off but you grab his wrists before he can do anything “Leave it on.” Stepping off his lap you sink to your knees in between his legs, running your hand along his pants and palming him over his clothes, causing a hiss to escape the helmet.
You gaze up at his visor through your lashes, lips parted in anticipation. Boba groans at the sight of you, unzipping his pants and freeing his cock. You can’t look away. It’s huge, thick, straight and fully erect, and you want it in your mouth.
Stroking it a few times you can see a bead of precum dripping deliciously down its head. Spitting twice into your palm you watch his chest rise as you work your saliva over his cock in front of you. He grunts softly, before you move the head of his cock towards your parted lips,  tongue peeking out as you move closer.
Listening rapturously to his jagged breaths as you pleasure him, makes you work even harder to accommodate his girth, stretching your lips, suckling at the head before bobbing down, flicking your tongue against the vein you can feel pulsing on the underside.
You love the taste of him. Before you know it, you’re working more and more of him into your mouth as your hands work on his balls, as you let him hit the back of your throat, swallowing and relaxing your reflexes to take him fully.
“You like that don’t you?” he asks, gripping a fistful of your hair, trying to steady himself. Your only possible answer is to hum, which sends shivers down his back as the vibrations hit his cock.
After a few seconds, his cock starts to pulse and you that he is starting to get close, so you step away from him, wiping your mouth and unzipping your own uniform pants.
“You are spoiling me, babygirl.”
“All for my Master.” you smirk, kneeling on top of him, legs on both sides of his hips. You moan wantonly as you lower yourself onto him, whimpering as he stretches you out painfully slow. You feel like he might break you. Just when you think you can’t take any more, another delicious inch of him pushes in. The drag of his cock against your insides blinds you with how good it feels. 
Your pussy drips around him, making obscene wet noises as you begin to rock your hips against his. The moans and gasps of delight that you both make should embarrass you, but instead you eagerly buck your hips, shamelessly fucking yourself down on his cock. 
He reaches down one of his hands, to rub your clit, but like before you grab his wrist and push it away. “This is about you today. I’m here to pleasure you.”
You start bouncing up and down, using his chest to steady yourself as his hands find your ass.
"You gonna cum sweet girl? Cum for me, baby, let go. Cum all over me.Let go on your Master's cock while he fucks you on his new throne ." Feeling his cock twitch inside of your pussy, you come harder than you ever have in your life. Your cunt clamping down on him, and you cry out until he comes too, spurting inside you and groaning filthily, his fluids dripping out of you. 
You dropped your head down against his shoulder, so wracked with pleasure you couldn't hold it up anymore. He grunted harshly in your ear, fingers buried so deeply in the soft flesh of your ass cheeks that you'd be wearing the bruises of his fingerprints for days.
He brushed away the stray hair that had fallen in your face, running his thumb across your cheek.
“Is this going to a regular thing or is it just for today.”
“Whenever the king wants.” you breathe, his cock still inside of you.
“Then I think the king wants a round 2.”
“As you wish.” you smirk starting to move your hips again. Except his stamina lasted much more than 2 times, and you couldn’t wait to do this every time he wanted. Because you did love it - to please you ruler.
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Hobbies and Holidays, Or The Halloween Fic
Yes, I know it’s June. I just like Halloween, man. Yuu’s quiet dedication to the finest of holidays sours when confronted with assholes who fuck around for clout.
Contains coarse language, attempted violence, sexuality and nerds being nerds. As always, if you enjoyed it or have any questions, let me know! I like talking with people.
"What's cooking?" Ace, cheery as could be, walked his way up towards your set up on the Ramshackle front lawn. "Is it curry? I hope it's curry."
"You might not want to stand downwind." You poked at the bubbling mess on the propane stove, sweat rolling down your back. A beautiful August day, perfect for your project. This sure as hell wasn't something you wanted to do indoors.
"Whaddya mean by that?" The breeze shifted towards him, and he turned an impressive shade of green, stumbling back with his nose covered. "What's in there?"
"Mice. I told you to keep upwind." You went in with a hand strainer, and scooped a pile of tiny bones onto a ratty towel.
"Why are you boiling mice?" 
You mirrored his are-you-goddamned-stupid-or-something face back at him. "I wanted the bones. I went to Sam, but he said he's not allowed to order in dermestid beetles after last time, so I gotta do it the old-fashioned way."
"That's absolutely disgusting,” her said, the disgust and disbelief plain on his face.
"Don't we all know. Grimm fucked right off when the ghosts showed me the mouse graveyard."
"And your first thought at a pile of rotten mice was 'ooo, free bones' like some kinda crazy necromancer?"
"Yup." You scooped out another pile of bones. If you left them in there too long, they'd simply dissolve like in a cooked fish. As it was, you'd have to find a way to strengthen them. Maybe dip them in resin?
"Why am I your friend, again?"
"Because you feel responsible for me."
"Yeah. And you're fun when you aren't being weird and doing shit like taking cemetery pictures."
"I'll stop taking the pictures when I stop finding good grave iconography."
"Yeah, weird. I'm going to leave you to be a gross little maggot by yourself today."
"I'm not eating them."
"They're stewing in a pot."
"To get the meat off!"
"Yeah, whatever. See you at supper. I hope you don't stink."
"We'll find out, won't we?" you muttered, sotto voce, but he was already gone.
It was a beautiful day in September, and you heard him far before he knew you had. When you turned to look at Idia, floss wound around your fingers, he started. "Is my stealth that bad?"
You gave him the ghost of a smile. "You're not as quiet as you think you are." He hasn't cottoned on that you can hear what's in his headphones, if they aren't set just right on his head, and you aren't about to tell him. The face he makes when you pick him out so easily was too good to lose.
He nodded, fidgeted, looked at the spread on the table. "What are you doing?"
"Well, she's got to dry. So I'm working on this pattern until the top coat goes on."
'She' was a currently eyeless, disembodied head, that you'd picked up along with her body in a second hand store for a pittance. You'd unstrung her, scrubbed her clean, and now were putting on a face to match her sweet if imperious expression, a bratty princess of a girl in miniature. You hadn't realized you'd liked dolls until you'd seen her. But, when you had, your breath fled your throat in the same way it had only once since coming here.
He looked, but knew better than to touch. He did a little bit of craft work himself, mostly model painting, and wasn't about to muss your hard work. "She's... nice?" He didn't quite get the appeal, despite having two vinyl dolls you knew of stowed carefully in their packages under his bed. When you'd asked, he just muttered that they were anime characters and didn't come out except for photos because something something collectibles something resale value. Boys.
"I could do better. But it's enough. Thank you for letting me borrow the painting set up."
"Y... welcome." He squinted at the embroidery, finally noticing something. "Are those bones?"
In the center of each withered, poisonous blossom in your embroidery hoop, you'd stitched a tiny vertebra to serve as the center. "Yeah?"
"Why not?"
He wasn't ready to push it any further. "If you want..." He hesitated, and stumbled, and you waited until he just brought out his tablet to tap it out on a screen instead. "You can come do that in Board Game Club, if you want. There's a window. Azul shouldn't mind."
"I'll join you after I gear up and put the sealant on her. Thank you for inviting me." You gave him your best, most dazzling smile. "You know how much I like when you include me in your stuff. I know it's not always easy for you; how shy you are and all."
He squeaked and looked away, and you continued. "I should be there in about an hour. Make sure Azul doesn't keep up trying to wager me in chess. I can't fucking play worth a damn and he knows it."
He smirked. "He likes easy marks. Maybe try and get goo-"
You flicked a bone at him, and it hit him square on the nose as he yelped.
Welcome, October. Coolness and colour, a certain something on the breeze that felt like a home you'd never let go. Even if it hadn't quite hit the dorms the same way as they main area of the school. (Those little fairies that ran the weather machine didn't seem to believe in seasons for the dorms, or perhaps Crowley gave them a chewing out after the spring?) In amongst the Heartslabyul roses, you'd think it was still summer, and you weren't one to let a day of warmth go.
"Oh, in this chapel of ritual, smells of dead human sacrifices from the altar..."
"Stop that."
You looked up at Riddle, who'd found you in your secluded corner. "Why?"
"You can't sing and the lyrics are awful."
"Is there a rule against that?"
He nodded. "The queen gets to approve all music."
"Ah, of course, mine rosen liege. My petaled monarch. Emperor Rosa." A collar appeared on your neck, and you did not slow down. "Cardiac Sovereign. Dauphine De la Coeur. I can do this all day, Riddle; that collar don't do shit cause I ain't magic."
The colour was high on his cheeks. "Is it your job to annoy me?"
"Oh, you got me. I wake up and spend every moment thinking 'How do I best piss off Riddle Roseheart? How about I stand outside his door and blast nightcore from a boombox?' "
He narrowed his eyes at you. "Stop joking."
You laughed. "Yeah. I only do that with Shoenheit."
That managed to get a bit of a smile out of him. "Why are you being a pest over here, and not at your own dorm?"
"I'm just doing crafts, man."
"While sitting on the grass."
"Yeah, man. Won't be any grass to sit on soon enough. Made sure to not be on the croquet grounds or anything."
He looked at the mess of foam and ribbon around you. "What are you even doing?"
You looked down, and back up at him. "Crafts?"
"More specifically, before I kick you out for being awful."
You held up a padded frame, that you were carefully wrapping a satin ribbon around the many bars of it. "What does that look like?"
He just glared instead of admitting he didn't know, so you got to your feet and held the frame over your chest, the shape clarifying by being pressed over what it mimicked. "It's ribs. It'll tie on with more ribbon. Might put beads and stuff on it too."
He looked for a beat before nodding. "For later this month?"
"... Continue, then. But be quiet!" 
He was nice enough to remove the collar before he left, but not nice enough to leave it off as soon as you resumed singing to yourself once you'd assumed he was out of earshot.
"Hey, Lil?”
You looked over the riot of cheery pumpkins and Far East aesthetics that had sprung from your lawn. "You should've asked me, first."
Lil smiled at you. "But then you would have said no."
"I wouldn't have. But," you guestured to the papier mache dragon, "Really, my dude? This isn't what I would have picked at all. I'm not going to match."
"You're working on a costume? Already?" He lit up. "What's it going to be?"
"You'll see."
"Do I get a costume?"
You looked down at your not-cat. "Grimm, I didn't think you'd want one."
"I do now!" He scrambled to your shoulder and tugged at your hair, wailing. "Costume! Costume!"
You rolled your eyes. "Stop that, before I sell you to Lil to practice recipes on."
Grimm was no help. He changed his mind every few minutes on what he wanted. At least your incorporeal roommates were a sweet help, finally gearing him up with a hat by the beginning of the week.
"Do you still need one, Yuu?" The middling ghost, the one neither plump nor skeletal, seemed concerned.
"No, babe. I've been working on this since..." August, you think. "I'm good. I hope I can get a week out of it. I could at least do a different face each day."
Realization dawned across his face. "That's what that was for? I see. I guess you won't need..."
Oh, he made you a costume. Layers and layers of rotten gauze from the curtains, a spindrift take on the bedsheet ghost. 
"Hey, I can use this, don't worry. Can you stoke the fire? I've got to dye this to match, I'll need some water boiled."
There's too many fucking people. You don't know any of them, they're loud, and they cram in wherever you need to go. But their fussing over you, their asking for pictures is nice. If only...
"Hey, are you lost, kid?" You lean down and reach a hand out to a fearful-looking six-year-old. "I can help you find someone who can help?"
He promptly burst into tears and collided into Floyd as he ran away.
"Hey there itty bitty. You need an adult? Hold on." Even with Floyd... being Floyd, he was a hell of a more welcome sight to the kid, and soon had him balanced on a shoulder to yell for his parents. "Who's under all that?"
"Your favourite shrimp, you overgrown string bean."
Floyd make an o of surprise and flicked the veil up. "It is you under all that! See, kid, She's not scary. She's pretty."
The kid simply eyed him dubiously before going back to trying to wave his parents down to get away from these lunatics.
All your hard work paid off beautifully. A mass of bones, beads and decay, a beautifully jeweled skeleton crowned with a fine halo of gold-and-bone spines and dried flowers. You rattled gently with every step, eyes staring out from a painted skull. They only thing you regretted was Riddle catching you earlier. Even if he hadn't intentionally steered it that way himself, everyone would assume you'd intentionally went to match Heartslabyul. Even more, now that you'd turned those curtains into a veil, even if you'd stuck all the bone and garnet drops you could onto the edges.
"Thank you, Floyd." You leaned up towards the kid. "Didn't mean to scare you, little darling."
The kid just stared at you in fear, and fortunately his parents came along to claim him, leaving you and Floyd by yourself.
"Shrimpie~" He'd scooped you up to replace the kid in his arms before you could protest. "You're so cute like this! Let's go to the alchemy room."
"What's in the alchemy room, Floyd." At this point you were used to him just... hauling you wherever. And you’d found that if you went along with the lighter end of it, he took you seriously when you said no. Weirdo he was, he'd at least gathered that you'd hang out willingly if he didn't push it.
"Oh, well you look so nice! You'll look much nicer in the water tube than the dummy we have in there."
"There are several reasons that can't work, Floyd. Least of it is I only breathe air."
"You're a ghost right now, you don't breathe at all."
"This outfit would not survive a dunking. I'm not sure it'll last the week if I don't repair it every night."
He kept smiling at you. "Even better! Wearing nothing at all on Halloween! Everyone would take even more pictures."
"Yeah yeah, and you have nothing at all in your room if I want to speed that up." You flicked his nose. "Put me down and we can walk over and check how it's going."
"Excuse me?" A stranger. "Can I take a picture of you and your boyfriend like that."
"I'm not her boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend. Go ahead though."
"What are you working on?"
Idia's voice was slightly muffled under the pumpkin head. "People kept calling my projection 'cute'. Idiots! They don't know the true fear of Pumpkin Hollow. So I'm adjusting the projection mapping so it's less cute, and more accurate."
"Hm. It seems fine to me as it is."
"You would think that. You don't care if there is a cuteness to things that are scary."
"There's beauty and sweetness in even death." You thought for a moment. "This is for that series you sat me down for? You got mad when I played with the toys?"
"Those. Are. Collecta-" he stopped when he whirled on you, faltering into silence. You really wished you could see the face he was making, he made such sweet faces, especially when he looked at you. You craved them, wanted him to look only at you with those expressions.
You smiled at him. "There's no use in leaving a toy in a box! I don't buy anything I don't intend to play with."
"Ah. Errrrrrrrrghhhmmm." He turned back to his work, took a deep breath, and turned back around. "You watched them, would you give me feedback?"
"Sure. Could you lean down a little?"
He did, and you carefully pulled off the pumpkin, revealing - nothing. No head at all.
You laughed. "Turn that off."
"I just opened your box. Time to play."
He made a strangled noise and started back, looking this way and that. "Right now? Anyone could come in!"
"Just for a moment! How can I give you a kiss if I can't see where I'm aiming?"
His head flickered into view, with a face full of mischief. "... Just one?"
"What happened to your makeup?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, model boy." You looked Vil up and down. "You're actually pretty hot like that. It's a miracle."
"Of course you would only find me attractive when I look like a corpse." He rolled his eyes hard enough to sprain. "Do I need to go lie down in a glass coffin too? Stay very still while you actually work up the courage to touch me?"
You snorted. "You wish I would touch you, you overblown jackass."
"With you looking like that? I'd die."
"Bite me, asshole."
"You'd like it if I did."
Your tone grew playful. "Is that a promise for later?"
"Ugh." His shudder was too exaggerated to be anything but an act. "Go ask your ugly little playmate for a bite, we all know what gross shit you get up to."
"You're just mad it's not you."
He pointed a perfectly manicured nail at your painted nose. "You're just mad I want nothing to do with you."
"Then why are you even talking to me?"
"I- why am I talking to you. Go away."
You did, but not before pulling on his cape to wrinkle it.
You had a dreadful feeling things were about to get worse. Call it intuition, or paranoia. But with any luck, that would change after a good night's sleep.
(It did not.)
~*~*~*~ These fuckers were getting exhausting. What a grand idea, picking unknown flowers to stick in your hair for selfies! That wasn't an excellent way to come down with a hideous case of contact poisoning at all. You had to swat one girl's hand away from a bed of monkshood, reciting symptoms of aconite poisoning at her until she stalked off in a huff. 
And futzing around with the decorations! The only reason you didn't outwardly congratulate Leona on trying to rip apart a bunch of tourists was that murder is supposed to be bad, no matter how irritating and disrespectful the murder victims were. Even you knew better than to go around fondling random ears and tails! 
(That's why you'd made the anatomy books in the library your friends. Far more polite than going up to a fellow student and saying, "May I feel around your skull for a few hours to satisfy my scientific curiosity? No one at home has ears like that and I'm very curious about the underlying muscle structures." )
Better see what's going on everywhere else.
You got up in tiptoe and lightly touched his arm. "Hey, Floyd?"
"??? Yes, Shrimpie?" His face instantly brightening, he dropped the absolutely delighted Magicammer he'd had pressed to the shelf and turned to you, leaning in as you crooked your finger.
You whispered in his ear, "Why waste magic on them when you can do so much more with your fists?"
He shone like the sun as he pressed his cheek to yours in lieu of something more intimate. "You always know just what to do."
The crowd of idiots instead turned on you with flash photography. "Another ghost! This'll get so many likes!"
"I MEAN IT!" Blinking away the spots from your eyes and casting all good sense to the wind, you grabbed a fire poker from inside your bedroom door and started swinging. They laughed and clapped - and only stepped back when you got the damned thing stuck in the wall while taking a swing.
"What an excellent show!" And more. Fucking. Pictures. How in the fuck Vil deals with this shit without murdering everyone in a hundred-foot radius, you'd love to know.
"I SAID-" yank "GET THE FUCK-" yank "OUT OF MY HOUSE!" The force of finally pulling the poker from the wall sent you careening onto your ass, and Grimm only stopped long enough to laugh at you before resuming his own ineffective charge. You stumbled to your feet, muttering. "Stupid little mother fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking..."
"Oh, it's a chase game! Let's go!" And they all fucking scattered into different rooms as you watched them in disbelief.
"I am going to kill everyone in this building and then myself for good measure."
"Aren't you going to scare me, Miss Ghost?" This last idiot was joyfully skipping around a bedroom that you'd had the ghosts empty out, nattering into her phone. A livestream, you think.
You're in you goddamned pajamas. "Sure. We don't use this room because the floor's not sound. Get the fuck out and leave before you fall through to the next floor."
The girl instead started to hop in place. "Oooooo, so scary! You'll have to try better than that!"
You rushed her. You probably would have throttled her (and wound up with a new ghostly roommate in the process) but as she backed up, your leg went through the floor where she'd weakened it, which left her cackling. 
"You weren't kidding! Bye now!" And she just fucking left you there like the wretched asshole she was.
"I'm so sorry, Yuu."
"Nothing to be sorry about, Mal."
He rested his head on your bare knee and looked up at you. "If I hadn't picked your home as a stamp location, people wouldn't be invading this dorm, and you wouldn't have been injured."
"You fixed me up, didn't you?" He was the one who had pulled you rightways, and shut the scratches on your leg. Of course, he could have left your socks on to do that, but hey, those had been fixed too. You reached down and put your hand on his cheek, rubbing circles by his eye while he stared up at you like an adoring dog.
"This was supposed to be fun for you, so you could have a perfect Halloween."
"That's still a few days away yet. There's still time. And hey."
He blinked up at you as you leaned your face in close, flushing faintly as you did. "Any luck, we'll all make it to November without assault charges."
You subconsciously growled like a rabid animal as you turned to Lilia with your eye twitching.
"By all the queen's powers." He shrank back. "You alright?"
"Magimons broke the lock on our bedroom and shook her awake last night." Grimm was, by some miracle, in a better mood than you; content to be a comforting weight in your arms and be your anger translator.
"They took," you added, "my groceries."
Lil looked at you in blank shock. "What about the wards on your doors?"
"That's for magic, not fucking morons with no sense of personal space." If you made it through 'til November without actually biting someone's throat out and getting put down like a mad dog, you'd be sincerely surprised. "You of all people should know that."
"Hey, I put them back up after I drop in. You want to go sit with Malleus today? I think you need it."
"Nope. If I snap at him he'll take it to heart. Or just kill everyone who's not staff or student because they upset me."
"No he wouldn't."
"We both know he would."
"He would not because that would be bad press for the kingdom."
"... well, damned if I ever though I'd say this, but thank god for politics."
You stare at the empty plinths as everyone started yelling and scrambling. You look to the rubble of the statues, the bases, to Cater, and back to the rubble, nudging what may have once been a staff with you toe.
"And it's not even for a fucking political movement."
"Yuu, if we can get rid of the magicam monsters, we can have the party!" Grimm smiled up at you, all sharp teeth and blue eyes. "Aren't you happy?"
You didn't have the heart to tell him that at this point, you'd rather they'd just cancel everything and simply sleep through till All Saint's. Fuck your costume work. Fuck the party. Fuck everything. If you see another jack o lantern you will smash it. Fuck this holiday. You're so tired.
"Yuu, do you have ideas on how to drive the magicam monsters away?"
You stared past Cater's ear because you didn't feel like looking anyone in the face. "Tried to brain a few with a fire poker. Th'just thought it was funny."
This was met with the sound of air sucked through teeth, and a warm hand on your shoulder. "Come with me please!" And Ortho pulled you away with the force of a vaudeville hook.
"You're having a very bad time!" So sweet, so earnest. Right now he was the only person here who could be that chipper and you not want to put their nose out the back of their skull.
You gave him a weary smile. "What was your first clue, honey."
"She keeps kicking in her sleep. When she sleeps. And she's all snappy and horrible!"
You gave Grimm a single light warning shake. "Shut up, Grimm."
"Would you like to stay over so that you can rest properly?" He was hovering directly in front of your face. "Maybe if you're somewhere you won't be woken up, you'll feel better."
You raised an eyebrow and stared over at Idia, who was trying very hard to pay attention to both your conversation and his. "Shouldn't you clear that with someone first?"
Ortho rolled his eyes, the effect on his little boy face frankly hilarious. "Oh, he'd be so upset you have you over. Deeply so. He wouldn't get a wink of sleep with you there." He leaned in. "Except he would, because you wouldn't do anything to keep him up with me there, would you?"
You wheezed. "You think so little of me, Ortho."
"I like you very much even if what you both get up to is gross."
"Of every boy in this school, Yuu. You picked that one."
Ortho glared down at Grimm. "That is my brother you're talking about."
"Stop it. Can we check back in?"
"So we're going to run round and scare the piss out of them?"
Jade nodded. "That is the idea, yes."
"... Can I help?"
"Of course, Yuu." Jade smiled his smile that didn't reach more than a millimetre beneath his eyes. "But we've agreed you can't have any blunt objects. For everyone's safety. And the school's reputation, of course.."
"... Yeah, that's for the best."
"Can you guys watch Grimm for the evening?"
"Of course." Mal beamed at you from his seat on the Ramshackle steps. "Where will you be that he doesn't want to be?"
"I don't like the horse."
"You ride horses?" Idia was sitting between Mal's legs as Malleus carefully arranged the bright hair into a high ponytail.
"Epel taught me." You paused for a minute. "Do you?"
"Mother made me learn. I haven't in years."
"Makes sense." He didn't like the outdoors, after all. "Mal, how'd you convince him to let you touch his hair? He only lets me do that in private."
"It will look nicer coming out of his pumpkin helmet if arranged higher." Mal crooked his mouth and dragged his lacquered nails along Idia's scalp, making a soft noise when Idia gasped, shivered and abruptly stood up.
"Nope nope nope nope no more of that-"
"May I at least put the elastic in?" Mal held up a black band. "It's fireproof."
He instead snatched it and ran for the library as fast as he could without cracking the armour. You and Mal watched him leave.
He was still watching the blue light vanish into the distance. "I think I can see the appeal." His dreamy smile gained a sharp edge. "What a delicious sound."
You snickered. "God, I know, right? You should hear some of the other ones I've got out of him."
"You're both disgusting."
You hadn't worked out an actual story for this one, just your ghostly roommates and Grimm telling everyone to leave the statues alone. But some asshole, wearing aviator shades and the ugliest piecemeal hoodie you'd ever seen, mounted a plinth to start taking selfies. And once that started, more got the idea, and joined him, trying to nudge the statue away to make room.
So, that's where you came in, pulling into sight at the end of the drive, in tarnished gilt and rotten splendor, jeweled Death on a pale horse.
Sunglasses looked at you and froze, before snapping another picture.
Fucking pictures. You're so sick of pictures.
You snapped the reins and nudged your heels, and who knew anyone on two legs could move that fast? Though potentially being run down by a warhorse was great motivation to move thine arse, as it were. And, thank god, everyone else booked it out the gate after him. 
It only took a little maneuvering to lock the gate while still up on a pale horse named Beans, and now? Time to take him to his stable and go the fuck to sleep. Maybe through past tomorrow. Fuck Halloween.
You were riding your merry way when a familiar voice called out to you. "You dropped some loot!"
"What did I lose, Idia?" His little speakers mimicking the clang of armour were working overtime as he jogged up beside you. Once he reached you, he held up... a shoe.
"Huh." You looked down, and you had indeed lost a shoe while charging down a bunch of Magicam-obsessed assholes on a warhorse. "Thank you." That's when you gave Idia a level gaze, and stuck you leg out at him.
He swallowed back his noise of shock, and shaking, took your stockinged foot and slid the shoe back into place. 
"Good boy."
He was turning from shell pink to a deep red that rivaled the roses in Heartslabyul. But that didn't mean he didn't know how to keep playing when emotions were high. Before letting go, he leaned down and kissed the top of your foot.
Now it was your turn to go red; a wonder the painted skull didn't simply melt off of your face.
You took a breath and prepared yourself. Scoopsies was inevitable.
True to form, Floyd had his whole conversation with you in a bridal carry. "We're gonna have the party!~ We chased them all away!~"
"That's..." Honestly, despite all the rage and pain this week had caused, you were rather happy about the news. "Nice."
"Ah - where'd your face go?" He leaned in, and you stopped him from getting too close with a finger pressed to his lips.
"I didn't feel up to wearing everything." Your embroidered gown and painted skull was replaced with a simple back veil and black dress. "I kind of hate this whole holiday right now and I'm ready to kick the next pumpkin I see."
He nodded, kissing your fingertip as he did. "I can help you after. But we need this all for the parade." He brightened. "You should paint up and get on the horse again for it!" He smiled, full of dreamy fondness and not a small amount of hunger. "I heard what you did to the magicam monsters... I wish I could have seen."
"Hey, I heard you didn't do too badly yourself." You leaned in conspiratorially. "Anyone pee themselves?"
He smiled like the sun post-eclipse. "Yup!"
Epel had been nice enough to help you kit out Beans in a fancy black harness, so in amongst the crowd of costumed students, you were both equally eye-catching. And hell, pictures weren't so bad right now. People were keeping a distance, murmuring to each other as they aimed their cameras. You thought you were getting a dirty look or two from Vil for stealing his thunder, but he had himself on the prow of a ship! It wasn't comparable.
"So," you said, leaning down a little, "How are you handling this?"
Idia looked up at you, you thought. "The mask makes it easy. They're looking at the costume, not me."
"I'm glad it helps. I wish you'd take it off, but you being comfortable is more important."
"What? You want me to ruin the effect by taking the mask off? Clearly you have no respect for the holiday." His voice had the sweet, bubbling quality that came when he was excited and happy, and it warmed you to hear it.
"Oh, no, of course not. But why would I want to taste a plastic kiss,” you said, reaching a hand down to run the trailing ribbon of his hair through your fingers, “when I could taste you instead?"
You had to give him credit, he only faltered for a moment before continuing. "Right now? In front of everyone?"
"I would if you'd let me, right now." You lowered your voice. "And worse."
He stifled a groan and only walked funny for another ten minutes.
"I thought you didn't like horses." The stables were in sight, but Idia had turned up, surprising you.
He rolled his eyes, and held his arms out. "Dismount, fair maiden."
"I mean it. Your Pumpkin Knight awaits."
You shook your head, voice soft. "Baby, no."
"I'm trying to be romantic. Like your novels."
He stared back at you, sour-faced. "What."
"I outweigh you by at least sixty pounds."
"I can do this. I carry Ortho around all the time."
"Ortho's chassis is mostly fibreglass and aluminum. I can carry Ortho. I think Grim could carry Ortho."
He took a step forward. "Do you want me to leave you on the horse or not."
"His name is Beans." But, you managed to dismount into Idia's arms, where he stood stock-still and trembling.
"Babe? Put me down before your back goes out."
His knees gave out first, and he crumpled beneath you as you both yelped.
"You alright?"
You crawled off his chest and he could actually breathe again.
After a few breaths, he managed a weak smile. "Maybe kiss it better."
Beans beat you to it, snuffling at Idia's face to make sure he wasn't dead.
You are not much of a party person. You like them, but the ideal party is a few friends hanging around in the same room, chatting at a reasonable volume and then going home to go the fuck to sleep. This was a little much.
But you know what this party had that you hadn't seen in what felt like years? Cute girls. In cute costumes! You've been flirting your ass off, with decent success; it turns out that the Magicam Live you did with Vil weeks ago had paid off in the form of smiles and fluttered eyelashes as girls crowded around you to hear tales of how fucking obnoxious you could be in this school and get away with it because you had friends in high places.
At least, until you caught something out of the corner of your eye, and you stopped. "Hey, I gotta check on someone - raise your hand if you like boys. Okay, you see -" You stopped and pointed at your poor, unsuspecting target. "With the blue-black hair and the painted spade? That's Deuce, he doesn't know how to talk to girls worth a damn, so give him some slack. But he's a sweetheart, you won't regret it."
"What about the redhead?"
"Ace is a prick but he's delightful. Chat him up too." With that, you went to check on Idia, huddled into a corner after an attempted force-feeding.
"You alright, babe?"
He nodded. "They're too much. But I'm alright now."
You leaned back against a nearby chair, looking him up and down. "You sure you aren't going to eat anything? I don't think anyone's going to care too much if you have your face out."
He remained completely still, and you realized you could hear a faint whirring.  "Idia. Have you been using the robot double all evening."
"... I swapped out ten minutes ago."
You made a noise and he flinched. "I was going to swap back in after it calmed down!"
"... No you weren't."
"Okay, no I wasn't. But I was there for a while. I have proof, I brought plates back with me."
"You could have just told me. It's been a hell of a lot for you, I know what you're like."
Idia - well, his robotic avatar - shrugged. "If you're going to lecture me... come by and do it here."
You stopped. "You really want me to yell at you in person?"
"I want you to come by. If you want. You can stay as long as you want... if you want. I have snacks, and movies, and games that even you could play."
You snorted. "Oh, the siren call of a fucking nerd trying so hard to woo his chosen..."
"I changed my mind actually, you can't come."
"... That's a lie." He paused. "You can even take the Yume Twins out."
Those vinyl dolls he never let you touch. You throw your veil back and kissed the stupid plastic pumpkin head. "It's a date."
You peered at Malleus from around a stack of Tupperware. "Mal?"
"You.. enjoyed it all, despite everything?"
"Despite everything." You hefted the stack towards him. "Would you like to help? I want to grab stuff from the party that'll keep at room temperature."
He absently flicked a finger, sending the dishes swirling around to settle in a stack in midair, before placing a hand on your shoulder. "I have a... request."
"Anything," you said, and you regretted saying it as his breath hitched.
"Would you..." His voice faltered, and instead he simply wrapped you in a tight embrace, leaning down to bury his nose in your hair. You could feel him, chest heaving, scenting your greased hair through tulle, murmuring something against your scalp.
He stopped, but did not move.
"No spells."
"You would not forgive me if I tried." You could feel his smile against your hair.
"I would not." You pulled back enough to look at him, and nearly froze at his besotted gaze before he schooled it into his more usual face. "Mal, you know you only feel this strong because I'm your first friend, right?"
"Does it matter? It is sincere."
And that makes it so much worse. "You know I don't feel about you like that."
"..." The grief that flickered across his face was enough to shatter a stone heart. "To stand with you and hold you is enough."
And they said fairies can't lie. They could, they were just terrible at it.
"You said you were going to ask for something?"
"... Not anymore. I doubt you would give it."
He vanished into thin air in a swirl of wind, and the Tupperware clattered to the steps, the spell holding them gone.
The nice thing about Idia's room is that, being a prefect, he had an attached bathroom to scrub the paint off of your face. It was a monochrome murder in the sink, splatters of grey with the occasional pinprick of red where you'd disturbed the new bumper crop of pimples from painting up as a skull for a week. Thank fuck that was over with. Even if the day proper had been lovely, the events of the week had thoroughly soured you on Halloween.
"You alright?" Idia poked his head in, long since divested of armour.
"Yup. How'd you get that shit off so fast? You got a suiting-up machine hidden somewhere?"
"It's less complicated than you'd think. Cosplay magic."
"That's nice. Unbutton me."
"... wha."
You looked at him via the mirror, meeting his wide eyes and shimmying in place. "Unbutton me. I can't reach them all myself."
"How'd you get that on every day?" He hesitantly walked behind, eyeing the row down your back as though it would burn him at the touch.
"I have roommates, remember?"
"Mmh." He finally undid the first three, before flicking his gaze back to yours in the mirror. "A... Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't ask, otherwise." You kept looking, as he took a breath and resumed. "Idia."
He paused.
"Keep going, I'm just going to chat at you for a bit." Two more. "You know I..." How to phrase this. "I don't intend to stay mint on card forever, you know. You can take me out and play."
He twitched, but kept going. "Maybe I don't want to damage you. There's only one of you, after all."
"I'm not so breakable." You had one side of you face completely clear, the other still smeared grey in the creases. "Would you rather stay mint condition, yourself?"
"..." He took a moment to gather himself, staring at the exposed skin of your back. "Maybe I want to... admire a bit. Get to know my- your- Uh."
You waited with a soft smile, until he found the words. "No one said you have to play straight away when you take something out of the package. Right?" He placed an experimental hand on the expanse of flesh between bra band and waistband, and did not draw away.
"... Maybe I just want to hold you a bit before we play."
What a sweet boy you had. "Take all the time you need to. Even if we never play like that, I like you. Spending time with you is what I want."
You could see the motes of pink flickering through his hair. "Can I hold you now?"
"Of course."
He slid his hands under your dress, around your waist - then grabbed your soft, flabby tummy in both hands and squeezed. "Soft~"
You squealed with laughter. "What are you doing?"
"It's bare skin that's neutral territory," he huffed, before hugging your back to him and resting his chin on your shoulder. "And it's warm, too."
"Not so much as you. Keep me warm, will you? It's getting so damned cold at night."
He buried his face in your hair. "I can do that."
You woke to someone banging at the door.
"Son of a bitch." You managed to free yourself from Idia's sleeping grasp and make it to the door as a familiar voice started up. "Shroud, your tin can brother's already helping with clean-up, if you skip out because of a stupid game I will-"
You opened the door and looked levelly into Vil's face, which twisted in surprise. He gave you a once over (unshaved legs, mussed hair, boxer briefs from the men's section and a blue-black striped shirt that was clearly not yours) and then peeked over your shoulder at Idia (dead asleep, smiling faintly, possibly naked under the blankets). He kept looking between the two of you with increasing disbelief and horror, until he stepped back, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Good for you."
"Thanks." Your face still hadn't changed.
"It's twelve thirty. If you're not both out helping clean up by three, I'm telling everyone."
"That's not much of a threat."
"Maybe to you. Shroud!"
Idia shuddered awake, bleariness washed away by terror as he saw Vil in the door and covered himself in the blankets.
"Be out helping cleanup by three or I'm telling everyone exactly why you're late." With that, he stalked off and you shut the door, mirroring his nose pinch.
"Dramatic bastard, ain't he? Even when he's being nice."
"How is that nice?" He only stopped shivering when you sat back down on the bed.
"Two and a half hours, Idia."
He blinked at you.
"How much can we do in two and a half hours?"
Realization dawned, and he started snickering as he dragged you in close.
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supertransural · 4 years
Dean and his “things, people and feelings” he’s already “experienced differently”.
So here’s a random 4am thought I had. You know how while in the confessional in 10x16, Dean talks about “things, people, feelings” he wants to “experience differently/for the first time”? That confession is literally incoherent if you take a perfectly heterosexual-non-castiel-point of view. It just is. Let me explain why I think that is, and prepare yourself, this is going to be long. 
Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that we’re supposed to understand that conversation the way the priest understands it, that we’re supposed to see Dean the way the priest sees him: as someone who likes to have flings, who cheats, doesn’t commit, etc... basically the character that was introduced to us in the first few seasons/episodes (somewhat). I’m going to be calling that stance the “priest POV”. 
The issue here, is that this is not in fact “the first few seasons/episodes”, this is season 10, Things have happened since then. People have happened. Feelings. Have. Happened. Wether it be in the form of flashbacks or present day events, we’ve seen character development. So let’s start with romantic ones.
1: The first one that comes to mind is Lisa (and Ben). He had a committed, long term, family oriented, white picket fence relationship. It wasn’t just a “I had no other place to go” kinda deal, because once he was somewhat back on his feet, he could’ve pulled a Dean WInchester and left. Except he didn’t. He could’ve cheated. Except he didn’t. He could’ve not opened up or not gotten vulnerable. Except he did. That should already debunk the “priest POV” but let me add on. 
2: Cassie. Dean was insanely vulnerable with her, he loved her, opened up to her about the one big thing he never tells his one night stands, and incidentally was the one who was rejected this time around. He still has feelings about her when he meets her again. 
3: Robin. His first, real girlfriend. With whom he was also in a committed relationship with, which probably would’ve kept on growing if John hadn’t been the usual assh*le that he is, and Dean had had a chance to go to that dance with her. I like to think of her as beta-version-Lisa, and also as the girl who set him on his blazing trail of leaving women after 1 day or 1 week. His dad was the one to rip him away from her, and we know he wanted his son to be the perfect masc, emotionless, order-following, womanizer. And that is exactly what Dean attempts to become, even though this obviously goes against every fiber of his being (see #4).
4: Amanda. Now you may be thinking “but hey! Dean does cheat on her! and it is a short relationship!”. Sure he does, and sure it is, as I said, ever since Robin, he’s trying to be the womanizer his dad wants him to be. But he still lets himself get quite attached to Amanda, as shown by his disdain of the school right after she dumps him in front of everyone. The only reason he liked or tolerated this school wasn’t just “the hot cheerleaders” or whatever, it was Amanda. He wants to put on this mask of “I don’t care about her, I’m a bad boy, I’m just in it for the sex”, but he’s genuinely hurt by what she tells him about his life and how she judges it, and saddened by the breakup. He lets himself get hurt by her. Bear with me, this is important, because we see it happen again with Cassie and then he never lets it get to that point again, simply because of fear and trauma (I think), for example he’s the one to start the conversation about breaking up with Lisa.
Now. What about the “he was just talking about platonic things and feelings and people” possibility. Spoiler alert, it still doesn’t work. 
1: Jo. Otherwise known in my head as beta-version-Charlie, it’s true that Jo is part of those “early seasons” characters, but that only adds to the inconsistency of the “priest POV”. Dean cared intensely about her, some people think of their relationship as romantic, but I really like the “big brother/father/protective” figure idea. Whatever you believe their relationship was, it was profound, I mean he was positively shattered when she died. Again, deep feelings, longterm feelings. 
2: Benny. Like seriously. Dean spent a year in Purgatory with him, saw him as a brother despite the fact he was a vampire, helped him as much as he could while he was having troubles adapting to life on Earth again, protected him through thick and thin, went against his brother for him, against other hunters, against his core beliefs as a hunter himself, just. for. him. If that doesn’t tick all the boxes of things, feelings, people he wants to experience differently for you, then I truly don’t know what to tell you. And then there’s the whole thing with the ship between them, which I somewhat agree with but it isn’t cannon enough for this. 
3: Garth. Yeah, sure, Dean is condescending towards him at first, but he does care about him a lot, and probably doesn’t understand why and how Garth cares about him so quickly, or offers support voluntarily. Garth is a bit of a role model to him, that scrawny, somewhat cringy, little man is better at life than Dean is, and Dean sees that. He’s bothered by it at first, but learns to respect Garth later on, and care about him. He relies on him as a hunter, and kind of as a friend too and he lets him be the new Bobby (which proves a lot of trust grew here) (also, much later on, Dean makes sure he stays out of hunting so Garth can have a happy family life, he also accepts the fact that he’s a werewolf and that his whole family is too). That Also counts as people experienced differently and for the first time. 
4: Kevin. Or as I like to call him, sort-of-beta-version-Jack. Dean feels responsible for him, he jumps into the role of a father figure more than Sam ever does, as much as Sam cares about Kevin too. He is also completely shattered when he dies, like with Jo (which is a bit of the reason why I see Jo and Dean’s relationship as a Big brother-Little sister relationship, the vibe is similar (but not identical) to Kevin and Dean’s). 
5: Jody. Jody is like the mother he never really had growing up. He is vulnerable around her, opens up, she’s basically family. I’m not going to write in Bobby, because he doesn’t count as “new things”, he was effectively his father. Here, Dean lets Jody become a sort of mother to him even though his memory of his mom isn’t as tarnished as his dad’s is. He lets her step into his mom’s sacred shoes. He lets her take care of him in a way. He lets her enter his life and be here for him. New people, new feelings.
6: Charlie. Charlie is his little sister, no doubt about it. She’s his role model, he loves her deeply, he lets himself care about her and feel insanely protective of her. He lets her be Sam #2. He lets himself become a big brother to a new Jo. To a new human. He lets his nerdy side out around her, he learns from her openness about being gay. He is comfortable around her. He is constantly worried about her. New feelings, new people, new things, first time blah blah blah you know the drill by now.
7: Ash. Yes, yes, I know, another “early on” character. But as I said, it keeps on just proving my point. First of all, I firmly believe Dean had a massive crush on Ash but that’s just my interpretation. He respects Ash and looks up to him, he wants to be a bit like him, confident, comfortable in his own life and skin, happy, and he lives in a friggin’ bar for godsakes. He is the epitome of what Dean wants to be at that point in time. He wants to be carefree like Ash is. He thinks Ash is highly intelligent, and has it made. He sees what a happy man can be, one without burdens from “the life”. Ash is a bit like the cooler version of Garth (no offense to Garth of course). Does that count as a role model? I don’t know. But it sure as hell shaped Dean’s hope for what his life could one day be. And Dean cares about Ash deeply as well, he was devastated when he died (he was devastated about the whole Roadhouse burning of course, but it’s clear Ash’s death shakes him quite a bit) and is genuinely happy when he gets to see him again in Heaven, when he sees Ash content and at peace, and the fact that Ash tells him he’ll see him again one day makes him smile (btw thats something I would’ve wanted to see in the finale, but nooooo they simply had to give us a train wreck instead). 
So now that we’ve established those relationships he’s already had before (and I use the term relationship broadly here, it also includes all his friends), I’d like to point something out. There are of course other people he met along the way, other people he saved who inspired him, like the gay couple LARPing as him and Sam, Ellen (beta-version-Jody), in a way Tessa, Layla Rourke, Eileen, to name a few. But I feel as though the ones I cited were the main ones that truly show how shallow the “priest POV” interpretation is.
So where exactly does all this leave us? Well, friends, exactly where I intended it to be. That scene can’t be about potential women being longterm or serious romantic partners because that’s already happened. It can’t be about friends or monsters, because that’s already happened. Canonically. Several times, in several different flavors. 
TL;DR: There is no way this confession scene is heterosexual, and it’s probably about Cas, but not just him, it’s also simply about Dean himself and his comfy closet getting not so comfortable anymore. 
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nymph1e · 4 years
Okay fuck it, I gotta give in, I gotta watch through Supernatural. AFAIK, it's all on Netflix; at least I saw it on there in passing. Going into this, is there anything I should be aware of? Are there any episodes I should skip, any seasons? Should I start from season 4? I know the basic plot and concept, and I know it's very monster-of-the-week. But aside from me highkey shipping Destiel already, that's all.
Well my first piece of advice would be
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but uh, let’s fucking ~GO~
If you’re actually jumping into this hellhole (why why why) don’t start at season 4. It’s tempting, but seasons 1-3 are some of the best shit in the whole show, also having context for Sam and Dean’s characters, and their relationship with the supernatural up to season 4 really highlights how fucking wild the introduction of angels is in the show. it’s basically a complete paradigm shift.
I would recommend you watch seasons 1-5 basically as is, though if you’re in a rush, season three is kinda skippable as long as you read a general synopsis. This is the original arc of the show and it shows. A friend of mine, @sammwinchestersdimples​ has said she’d have been fine if the show had ended there, and I can totally see her point. After season five things start to get... uhhhhh... not as good. THAT BEING SAID some really amazing seasons come later, and you’d get nowhere NEAR the Full Destiel Experience without them. What REALLY sucks is that all the seasons have good moments in them, so even if the seasons are generally bad, they’ll have episodes of GOLD. But fuck it, here’s a season-by-season breakdown.
Season 6 - This is the first... “eh” season. There’s a lot of character choices made in this one that I don’t like. The plot also doesn’t quite seem to know what to do with itself and it has no real main villain... or I guess it has a twist villain? This is also the season where they start chucking in the typical “no homos” you get when a show is queerbaiting, so they can point to the no homo bits and claim the queers are delusional.
Season 7 - The absolute WORST season, imo, is season 7, and it features Cas the least out of all the post season 4 seasons. You can tell the writers genuinely tried to write Cas off here. Not to mention the main plot is completely stupid. HOWEVER this is the season where we get golden things like Cas showing up to Dean’s prayer naked and covered in bees, and the episode where Charlie (best girl) is introduced and Dean subsequently has to flirt with a dude because she, a lesbian, cannot. (Wow so straight, Dean)
Episodes Not To Skip:
6x03 - A good Cas/plot episode (spot the famous destiel quote)
6x04 - A good all-round episode, also Jackles directed it so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6x09 - This is one of the Batshit Episodes. Definitely watch.
6x10 - On the one hand, Cas episode. On the other, no homo, megstiel episode. Your choice.
6x11 - Good episode.
6x15 - THE ULTIMATE META EPISODE. Sam and Dean are teleported into Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles’ lives on the set of Supernatural and it is so batshit.
6x17 - Jolly good episode, and nice destiel content.
6x18 - Time travel episode, which is always fun.
6x19 - “Baby in a trenchcoat.” ‘Nough said.
6x20 - The Man Who Would Be King is the destiel episode. It is infamous in the fandom, and for good reason. It’s not just a good destiel episode, but one of the best episodes in the series. With banging lines like “Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.” and “For a brief moment, I was me again.”
6x21 & 6x22 - The last two episodes are kind of must-watches after TMWWBK, trust me.
Episodes Not To Skip:
7x01 & 7x02 - follows on from s6 final. You don’t wanna skip.
7x05 - Good general episode
7x06 - Again, good general episode. Sets ups plot for the season.
7x08 - Ugh. So the A plot for this episodes invoves Becky, the insane, stalker, fandom-insert character, roofie Sam into marrying her (and it’s heavily implied they have sex - and it’s treated as a joke despite being LITERAL RAPE). BUT this is the episode where Garth is introduced and Garth is fucking amazing. So. IDEK.
7x10 & 7x11 - Plot important.
7x12 - Time travel episode! See if you can catch the bi!dean moment ;)
7x17 - Cas is back! Or is he???
7x21 - Cas episode. It’s... interesting.
7x22 - The tagline for this episode is “Sam and Dean seek out an Alpha” 😭. It’s a Cas episode.
7x23 - If Cas weren’t in this episode I’d say skip it.
Season 8 - A fantastic season. If The Man Who Would Be King is the destiel episode, season 8 is the destiel season. When you watch this, DM me so I can RANT about all the amazing destiel this season. It’s also, again, a great season in general I remember watching it as it was airing it was soooo good. You have the arrival of the Bunker, you have Kevin and Charlie being awesome, some nice sprinkles of batshit episodes, BEST BOY BENNY rocks up in all his glory. Fucking epic season. Only downside it Sam’s character takes a bit of a dive. I’d recommend you watch through all of this season.
Episodes To AVOID:
7x13 - I literally pretend this stupid fucking episode doesn’t exist. Basically Dean impregnates a woman with Super Pregnancy and she has a daughter who becomes an adult within hours and then dies. The end. Everyone hated it. Man fuck this episode. Of course it was written by Buckleming.
Season 9 - Sadly, after how amazing season 8 was, and how spectactularly season 9 was set up, this season is a disappointment. It’s an ok season. It’s not bad, it’s not good, it’s just a bit all over the place.
I was going to give you the normal episode list to not skip, but looking through, most episodes this season should be watched for one reason or another. Either they’re Cas heavy, they do some interesting character building, or they feature one of the awesome side characters like Charlie or Jody.
This season is probably the height of the war in the writers’ room about destiel. Some writers want to no homo the whole thing and back way off, while other writers want to lean into it hard. So in the same season where SPOILER Cas loses his virginity to a random reaper woman and Dean kicks Cas out of the bunker to fend for himself, you also have Cas’ fatal flaw used as propaganda against him by Metatron being that he’s "in love” with humanity Dean. /SPOILER Whatever you do DON’T SKIP THE FINAL FEW EPISODES. TRUST ME.
Season 10 - Haha oh dear. This season is likely the biggest for wasted potential. You saw the end of season 9, right? You go “HOLY SHIT YES LET’S DO THIS” and then they do... season 10. They really became experts at setting up an awesome season only to fuck it up in delivery, right? Again, not a bad season, per se.
Episodes To AVOID:
9x05 - In which Dean wants to fuck a dog. I am not joking. I wish I were. Basically a spell-gone-wrong makes Dean doglike. it’s weird. it’s batshit. Not the good kind.
Season 11 - Season 11 is a pretty good season! They tried to give Dean a female love interest but Jackles said  ✨No✨ and played Dean as brainwashed and uncomfortable the whole time and I love him for it. Of special note this season is the episode Baby (11x04), which is my favourite episode in the series! It’s funny, it’s heartwarming, it’s weirdly shot. I love it! We also get casifer this season which is awesome! Some episodes are skippable, but they’re generally good episodes.
Episodes NOT to Skip (ignore the 10 year special):
10x01 & 10x02 - Great episodes, Dean in this is *chefs kiss*.
10x04 - *sighs* Fan Fiction. A 200th episode that is simultaneously a love letter to fans and laughing in fans’ faces. I’ve never liked this episode for the second-hand embarressment of it all, but you should watch it and see if you like it.
10x06 - Pretty good episode.
10x07 - Jody AND Donna! Fantastic episode!
10x08 - Dadstiel rears his ugly head. I fucking love how Cas adopts two (2) kids over the course of the series and in both cases Dean eventually goes “ah fuck, I guess I gotta co-parent this thing”. Also we get some KILLER destiel this episode. hey go on a DATE and Cas tells Dean he’s a good person ^_^
10x09 - Good episode. Much destiel.
10x10 - Charlie episode!
10x11 - Teen!Dean! Need I say more?
OK so I just had a look, and you really just need to watch every episode from this point in the season on. Enjoy!
Season 12 - Another example of a TERRRIBLE season, is season 12. Season 12 is also one of the most destiel-heavy seasons in the show. You see the issue? Like, it’s got a stupid plot that makes no sense and has no fucking cohesion, but you also FINALLY have the writers going “fuck it” and all in on the destiel. After this point Dean never has another non-Cas love interest and vice versa, they stop giving us whiplash from baiting and no-homoing. IF the conspiracy theory is true, and the end of the show is shit because of executive meddling, this season is the one where the writers decided they were gonna push for destiel endgame.
I gotta tell you the truth, I skipped this season in my rewatch, so all of my memories are from years ago when it first came out. This seson was the last that I watched live (for a reason). Should you skip it? No. But I’m not well informed enough about this season that I can point out what episodes you should or should not watch.
Season 13 - Congratulations! You’ve reached the point where the show’s gotten consistently good again! (just in time for most of the audience to have already left lol). We start off with SPOILERS Dean mourning Cas like he’s lost the will to fucking live. I’m talking complete despondence, praying for Cas to come back, lashing out in anger at everything, one of the darkest points we’ve ever seen him at on the show, then pulling a 180 and being super happy the second Cas comes back. /SPOILERS They also introduce Jack, who is the SECOND child Cas decides to adopt and Dean ends up co-parenting (Sam too). In fact, Jack is explicity Sam, Cas, and Dean’s kid.
Season 14 - Another good one. My only issue is where they decided to take the plot at the end of the season. I’d recommend watching it all, regardless.
Season 15 - And so we’ve come to the end of the line. This season was... well it was actually pretty good. It started off with what we hellers lovingly refer to as the “divorce arc” where Cas and Dean have a big blow up, and Cas leaves, but that ends with Dean praying on his knees for forgiveness and a nice hug. Honestly this season you can cut the tension between the two of them like a knife, and you can tell Misha and Jensen were doing it deliberately.
I’d say watch up until 15x18, then you decide what to do with the last two episodes. If you want you can watch them to understand just why people put their conspiracy theory hats on, or you can send me another ask and I’ll rec you some post 15x18 finale fics! There’s one fic that’s a replacement for 15x20 written in script format that is particularly good.
Anyway that’s it. It’s kind of left me a little sad, to break down the show in this way. Especially coming up to season 15 nd remembering all the wasted potential. Honestly if you do decide to watch the show, good luck. I hope you enjoy it. I’m also glad you never had to be put through the bullshit false hope that came about after 15x18.
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Emergency! Part 5
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Part 5 – Rattlesnake
Summary: A rollover crash has multiple squads responding to rescue, clean up and investigate the cause. During clean up Dean is bitten by a rattlesnake. An earthquake strikes, being the largest L.A has ever experienced since the 90’s. And the reader, was out shopping when it happened, trapping her under debris. Jack’s father is at Rampart for an operation, staff, and squad 51 learn of how toxic of a Father Lucifer is.
Warnings: Scary Situations, Suspense, implied Smut, Fluff, Brief toxic parent angst, long one full of suspense and action!
Word Count: 4,233
Square: Girls Night (There is a girls night in here, and I’m using it to fill my square for @supernatural-jackles Tell me a story bingo)
Bingo Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: this takes place a year or so after Virus. This story is going to be a long one.
“Would it be a miracle that people were actually careful and safe?” Gabe says, walking into the stations kitchen.
“One could only dream.” Cas says.
“Who’s turn is it for making lunch?”
“It’s either the father or the son.” Michael says.
“It’s my turn for lunch nimrod.” Dean says, playfully getting Gabe in  playful chock hold while rubbing his knocks on his head.
Gabe struggles to get out of the Winchester’s grip.
Dean let go with little protest.
“He’s the one that did the father and son crack.” Gabe whined.
“Yeah but Dean knows not to mess with me.”
“You are just as bad as Sam with the pranks.”
“How is little bro by the way?” Gabe asks.
“He’s good, won his first case at a firm downtown. Can’t remember the name of it. And he and Jess are actually getting married by the end of this year.”
“Oh it’s about time that kid popped the question.” Michael says.
“Yeah, he and Jess are coming down for Thanksgiving, they’ll meet Y/N…”
“Have you ever met Y/N’s family yet?”
“She doesn’t talk about her family much. I don’t push her if she’s not comfortable with it.”
The stations alarm goes off.
“Station 51, rollover accident…” The dispatcher giving the location as the station jumped into action.
 They got to the location, on the winding dirt road in the mountains outside of LA. Seeing the car that rolled over the guard rail and down the slope.
“What do we got?” John asked the other station that responded.
The captain wearing a big white 20 on his helmet.
“Rollover, driver’s unconscious and we don’t know his condition.”
“I’ll send my paramedics on it.”
Dean and Cas getting their supplies and rushing to the car.
They recorded his vitals on their notepads.
“Cas go relay it to Rampart, I’ll stay here with him.”
“Got it.”
 “Rampart squad 51. Rampart this is squad five one.”
Bobby happened to be by the radio.
“Go ahead 51.”
“Rampart, we have a rollover accident, the victim is trapped in the car. Vitals are, BP 120 over 79, pulse rate 78. Pupils dilated and sluggish.”
“Can you get the victim out without using the jaws?”
“Negative Rampart, driver side door is jammed.”
“Then start an IV, just have some normal saline to keep him hydrated. Can’t risk a head injury going unnoticed. Follow protocol, and we’ll be waiting for you.”
“10-4 Rampart.”
 A little over a half hour passed and they managed to get the victim out of the car and in an ambulance and is on the way to the hospital.
Cas and Dean were packing up the squad.
“Shit, forgot the drug box by the car, I’ll be right back.” Dean says.
Dean jogged down the hill to the car to pick up the drug box when he heard a rattle.
His heart sank.
Where was it?
It wasn’t until he saw the danger noodle jump at the moment he picked up the drug box, biting down on his arm. Then latching on.
Dean managed to calmly grab the snake by the head, forcing it’s mouth open. Getting it to release him and he threw the snake far.
He grabbed his radio.
“Station 51, it’s Dean. I just got bit by a rattlesnake.”
He quickly worked his belt off his waist to make himself a tourniquet.
“Gabe, Kevin, get down there now!” John ordered.
They hurried down the hill to Dean’s aid.
 Earlier that day…
“Alright that’s the last of them.” Y/N says to herself as she got all settled in Dean’s house.
They had just recently took things to the next level and she has moved in with him. She was off work taking the time to finish settling in. But Dean’s 24 hour shift just started, so Dean was away at work, saving people.
“Now, a girls night…er, day.” She says, knowing who to call to hang out with for the day.
She pulls out her phone, calling up a few girls she knows and knows they’re off.
“Hey Donna, you up for a girls night?”
“Oh hell ya girlfriend, who’s all gonna be there?”
“Well, you, me, Rowena the overnight RN, Jody. I want to invite Charlie, a friend of Dean’s but I think she’s working.”
“Girl, I can’t wait! You want me to meet you at your place or Dean’s?”
“I just finished moving in with Dean, I’m at Dean’s. You can meet me at Dean’s.” She explained.
“Oh, ho-ho-ho, girl, we need to catch up!”
The girl was full of energy and Y/N could feel it through the phone.
“Yes we do, see you here in a few, and I’ll call the others.” She says, hanging up.
 The doorbell rang hours later calling the girls. She opens the door.
“Hi!” Donna cheers, holding two cases of beer.
“You know how to party, Charlie’s off today she’s on her way with some wine as well.” Y/N says letting her in. Closing the door behind her.
“Oh, I like her already.”
“Jody got caught up with a Drunk Driver and won’t make it. But Rowena is coming so it’s just us four.”
“Still a good girls night, so what else are we doing tonight?”
“Probably catch up a bit, binge some Netflix shows. The Witcher season 2 is coming out soon and I want to rewatch that.”
“Oh, Geralt can hunt me down any day.”
“You do realize the man is hundreds of years old?”
“Yeah, but Henry Cavil isn’t.” she winks.
Y/N rolls her eyes with a giggle.
The doorbell rang shortly after revealing Rowena. And moments later, Charlie.
 “You two are so going to get married.” Donna says, downing her second bottle of beer.
“He really is, really sweet, kind and the perfect kind of guy for me. He knows my schedule. And I know his. We both were scared the hours of our work would mess things up. But with how many times the man gets hurt on the job while I’m working I am always assuming he’s purposely getting hurt just so he can see me at work.”
Charlie giggling. “I see that being a thing he does.”
Rowena sipping away at the red wine Charlie brought.
“Ro, how are things with you girl?” Y/N asked.
“Oh, you know. Saving people, taking names…”
“She’s in love.” Donna deadpans.
Rowena rolls her eyes with a  smirk.
Y/N gasps. “What’s his name?”
“His name is Arthur Ketch, he the neurologist up on Fourth Floor. He works under Singer.”
“Oh I know of him, I mean, Bobby is planning on retiring and isn’t Ketch supposed to take his place?”
Rowena nods with a hum. Still having a playful smirk on her face.
“Oh you are so in love with him.” Y/N says with a smile.
“He may have taken me out on a date a few days ago and we have another date tomorrow night.”
“Ro, I’m so happy for you!”
“Thank you sweetie, and I’m happy for you and Dean, don’t let that one go darling.”
“I don’t see that happening, just as long he stays safe on a job. I’m worried of him getting seriously hurt on the job. I mean that virus a year ago, that really scared me. I thought I was gonna lose him.”
The girls nod, understanding.
“Anyone up for some hot guys and monsters!” Donna says, entering the room with a glass generously full of red wine.
“Girl, you’re gonna regret the headache the next day.”
“I’m off work tomorrow, so if I get a migraine I’m good!” she says chuckling.
The girls rolling their eyes at their friend.
“Rowena, would you be able to drive her home?”
“Yes, she’s at least on the way home for me.”
“Thank you, last thing I want is to give poor Jody another drunk to worry about.”
“At least I’m the fun kind of drunk.” Donna says, getting the Witcher on Y/N’s TV screen.
 “Ro, drive safe!”
“Will do sweetie, have a good rest of your night!” Rowena says, escorting a silly drunk Donna to her car.
“I’ll drive her car home tomorrow.” Y/N offers.
“Will do darling, goodnight!”
“Y/N that was the most fun I’ve had, never thought of you to be the nerdy type.”
“Oh, I’m a nerd in disguise if anything.” Y/N winks.
“Ugh, why are you straight!”
“Not sure.”
Y/N’s pocket happens to vibrate at that moment.
“Y/N?” Hearing Dr. Kline’s voice on the other end.
“What’s up Jack?”
“It’s Dean, he’s been bit by a rattlesnake, he’s on his way in on the top of Engine 51.”
“I’m on my way.” Y/N says, not hesitating grabbing her keys to her car. Hanging up the phone quickly from him.
“I’m going with you sweetie.” Charlie says, following y/n to her car.
Turning the keys she turns on her emergency flashers and speeds her way to Rampart hospital.
 “Engine 51, what are the patients vitals?” Jack asks.
Dean, takes his own pulse, his own blood pressure. All while Cas drove the squad ahead of the engine.
“Pulse rate, 95. O2 Sat, 98, Respiration 18, BP 120 over 65.”
“Dispatch relay to Engine 51 to start IV using Ringers Lactate.” Jack asks.
“Engine 51, Rampart advises start IV using Ringers Lactate.”
“10-4” Gabe says over the radio.
Dean having heard the radio begins the process to start an IV.
 “There goes Engine 51!” Charlie shouts, while Y/N sat at the red light. Seeing the engine tear through the intersection.
Her light happened to turn green for her.
“Hold on.” Y/N says. As she starts pressing on the gas pedal slowly pushing it to the floor. Her tires squealing.
 Gabe looked up hearing tires. Looking over the edge, he sees a familiar car.
“Oh shit, his girl is right behind us.” He says.
Dean chuckled. “And I’m the worry wort.”
“Engine 51, Rampart is requesting an update.”
“Relay to Rampart, patient is starting to experience numbness around the mouth, and he’s drowsy.” Dean says on the radio.
“Engine 51 you’re breaking up, please repeat.”
John grabbed the radio.
“Relay to Rampart, Patient is started to experience numbness around the mouth and he’s drowsy.”
“Roger that.” Dispatch says.
 “Venom sounded like it hit a vein.” Jack says.
“Y/N’s gonna be so worried.” Meg says. Standing next to Bobby and Jack at the nurses station.
 The squad, the engine pulled into the emergency entrance. Y/N pulled into the parking lot near the emergency entrance, finding a spot quickly. She quickly parked it, turned off the car. Jumping out, locking the car. Charlie staying close to her.
 Meg stayed by the door, waiting for Y/N and Charlie.
“How’s he doing so far?” Y/N asked.
“We started a skin test with the antivenom. Hopefully he doesn’t have a reaction, that way we can start treatment right away.” Jack says.
“How long do we have to wait?” Y/N asked.
“20 Minutes.”
Y/N and the rest of the members of station 51 nodded, understanding.
“Let’s go wait guys.” Charlie suggested.
Everyone left the room, trying to keep their hopes high despite their shoulders slumped.
 As the night came to a close, and he didn’t have a reaction to the antivenom skin test and he has been laying, sound asleep in his room as the antivenom worked it’s magic on him.
Y/N laid in his bed with him, curled into his side. Her head on his chest, listening to the calming rhythm of Dean’s heartbeat.
Dean began to stir awake, feeling a warmth at his side. Waking up a bit more he sees his favorite girl in his life laying at his side.
His arm came up around her, holding her close. Placing a loving sweet kiss atop her head as he fell back asleep, letting the rest and medicine work it’s magic on him.
 The next day…
Y/N arrived on time to the hospital to pick up Dean, filling out his discharge papers another patient was being brought in.
“Who’s that?” Dean asks.
“Jack’s dad, he never talks about him.”
“Why is that?”
Jack happened behind them.
“I was adopted, he gave me up when I was, like 5.”
“Jackie, son how are you?” the man asks from the bed.
“You don’t call me son.”
“Since when can a father—”
“You may be my father by blood. But not a true father.”
“What did you expect me to hold your hand? Kiss your booboo’s when you got hurt like some sort of pansy?”
“Oh now I see why.” Dean mutters in Y/N’s ear.
“How long is he gonna be here anyway?” Jack asks the medics that brought him in.
“His cardiologist what’s him to have a pacemaker in today. So he’s gonna be here for a bit.”
Jack groans under his breath.
“I’ll hand him over to someone else?”
“Why do you suck ass?” His father asks.
“Okay, listen here dude.” Y/N steps in.
“Y/N, please—” Jack says.
“No, you can either treat the staff of Rampart emergency with respect or we can and will kick you out for your hostility.” She says.
He shrunk in his bed.
“Will you be on your best behavior or will I have to send you to a different hospital?” she asks.
“I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“Good. And if I hear your antagonizing him, or any more of our staff we will transfer you. And you won’t be welcome here again.”
“Good.” She says, storming out of the hospital.
“Don’t piss her off, can anyone remind of that?” Dean asks jokingly as he follows her out.
 Later on that day…
“Dean, babe, I’m gonna go do some arrands really quick.”
“Alright be safe sweetheart.”
She goes to the living room, where he sat watching Netflix, giving him a quick kiss on his lips. But Dean quickly places a hand on her cheek deepening the kiss. Clearly wanting more.
“Babe, maybe tonight. But I need to head out to stay ahead of traffic.”
“Fine, drive safe baby.”
“Always do!”
“Says the crazy girlfriend chasing a fire engine!”
“I’m not that crazy!” She laughed.
Dean chuckled as he heard her laugh, closing the door behind her.
 She pushed her cart around Target getting not only food, but some cute lingerie for that night. Even grabbing Dean something from Spencer’s for them to try in bed later.
She felt the ground tremble slightly. The hairs on her arms stood up on end.
“No not now.” She mutters.
Without warning, the ground shook violently, taking her and other shoppers to the floor. The power going out, items being thrown on the floor. The lights swinging wildly, ceiling tiles falling. They were having a bad earthquake. And she was smacked in the middle of LA, in a multilevel mall.
Meanwhile Dean back at home had just turned off the oven having cooked himself some pizza for lunch after noticing Y/N having ate already.
He heart he windows vibrate, feeling the ground tremble slightly. He stood in the kitchen still yet alert.
When the ground gave way again to another violent shake, but only enough to cause their dishes to fall off the countertop, the cupboard doors swinging open and closed. The TV rocking back and forth on the stand. Dean dived to the table to get under it, and wait it out.
Meanwhile back at Target, screaming shoppers can be heard throughout more than just Target.
Once the shaking had calmed down, she knew they had to get out immediately.
She quickly pulled out her phone. Seeing the alert had gone off.
An 7.5 earthquake.
“How big was that?” someone asks.
“I don’t know but that was big!” someone else shouts.
“My phone says 7.5, it was big enough.” Y/N shouts.
“Oh god, we’re dead!”
“Okay, Okay, don’t panic, we just have to get out of here before the aftershocks kick in.” Y/N suggests.
“Where can we go, we’re on the top floor!”
“At one part of the mall this is the ground floor, we just have to find another one of the exits. Avoid the escalators, we have to get out before the floor collapses on us.” She explains.
“I’m with her.”
“Oh my god! Someone help me!”
Bring on the victims. She thought.
“I’m a nurse, what’s wrong!” Y/N shouts.
“It’s my husband, he’s bleeding!”
She ran to the panicked woman.
“Where at?” she asks.
“His leg, a shard of glass from the wine cut him.”
She examines his leg.
“Do you have a belt sir?”
He nods.
“Let’s get it off of you and make a tourniquet.” She says.
Y/N helps him get his belt off and works on tying it above the cut on his leg. Not too tight but tight enough.
“Okay, do you got him?” she asks the man’s wife.
“Yes, but where---”
“I came in from the ground level entrance, it’s a ways north, we just go this way.” She pointed out.
“You make it sound so easy, how are you so calm?”
“I’m an emergency nurse at Rampart.”
“You’re so amazing, thank you, thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome, now lets get out of here.”
“Alright everyone, you can follow me, the ground level entrance is this way.” Y/N shouts.
And she began leading the herd.
“Do you hear that?” Someone asked in the Food quart.
“Oh shit, they didn’t turn off the gas.” Y/N muttered.
Just as the people ran in a panic out of the doors near the food quart leading to one of the parking lots out on the ground level, an explosion of fire broke out in a couple of the restaurants in the food quart.
“We’re dead!” a number of people shouted.
“We’ll get out of this, just stay calm and follow me!” Y/N encouraged. As she and everyone behind her, around her, all shielded themselves from the fire.
 Dean, in his car sped his way to station 51.
“It’s all hands on deck, there’s fires everywhere.” John says as Dean entered the station.
“Y/N’s at the mall.”
“Which one?”
“The one off of Center Pointe.”
“Shit, that’s one of our calls. Get suited up, and lets go.”
As the alarm goes off in the station, Dean hurries to the squad, grabbing his fireman’s bottoms and coat.
“I got your boots and mine, lets go!” Cas says, getting in the passenger.
Dean not wasting anytime, turns on the squad and follows the engine out of the station, speeding towards the shopping center.
 “Are we there yet?” a little girl asks.
“Almost there sweetheart, we just have to---”
“Wait!” someone pulls Y/N back.
Y/N grabbing the man’s arm noticing a drop.
“The floor caved in…shit, that’s what I was worried about.”
“Oh, now what!?”
She looked around, finding another way through the store down below.
“Look there’s an exit down there.”
“But it leads to the underground parking.”
“Still it’s a way out, just wait here then, there’s an incline here, I’ll just climb down and see how far the exit is from the underground parking.” Y/N says, determined to get these people out and out alive.
Sliding down the concrete ramp, she jogs through the store, climbing through a fissure in the wall, seeing the garage not perfect but from where she was there was a path closest to the building leading out to daylight.
She hurries back to the scared people.
“There’s a straightforward path outside from here, come on, if we hurry---”
The ground began to shake, throwing her off balance.
“Oh no it’s an aftershock!” someone shouted.
 The engine managed to get to the shopping mall, seeing a fire in one section. Coming to a stop they can feel the aftershocks.
“Shit, we have to hurry, Dean, Cas, find a way in. Kevin, Michael, find us some water!” John ordered.
Dean taking the squad closer to the building, scoping out a way in.
“We could try there.” Cas suggested.
“It doesn’t look too structurally sound Cas.”
“It’s holding up so far.”
“True. Okay, but lets find a plan B.”
“And C.”
“And D.”
 “I hear sirens!” Someone shouted.
“Come on, the opening is still here!” Y/N shouted.
“Go on baby, mommy and daddy are right behind you.” A pair of parent said to the small girl.
She slid down the concrete ramp, looking scared and timid but Y/N stood by close until her parents met up with her.
“Okay, keep it going, we’re almost out of here!” Y/N encouraged.
It seemed to be going smoothly, everyone was starting to rush down the ram and running outside, frantically.
 “Dean look!” Cas shouted as Dean made a loop around the Mall.
“That’s a good sign, okay, let’s help them.” Dean says, bring the squad to a stop.
“Engine 51, this is squad 51, Cap, there’s an couple of entrances above ground that are stable, but we found one by the underground parking, a large number of survivors are coming out.”
“Copy that.” John says.
“Anyone hurt!” Cas asked as he got out.
A number of people saying their fine, scared. A select few coming forward with injuries of cuts.
“Good job miss on making that tourniquet.” Dean commented.
“Oh, I didn’t do that, a nice lady, a nurse from Rampart did it.”
Dean’s heart dropped. Y/N was in there.
“Did you see her?” Dean asked. Unable to hide the panic look in his face.
“We ran right past her, she led us out that way.”
“Atta girl, Cas you got them?” Dean asked.
“I got them, go.” Cas says as he attends to the couple.
Dean got to the opening and he could see a familiar figure in the dark dusty parking lot.
“Dean!” she shouts, turning to find him in the opening.
People still trinkling out. Dean helping them out the best he could.
“You hurt!”
“No, I’m fine, just help them!”
What started as a light tremble got slightly stronger, another aftershock.
“Oh fuck, Y/N hurry up!” Dean shouted.
Y/N hurried the people out. And just as she was making her way to Dean she heard a puppy barking. Stopping her dead in her tracks. She began to search for it.
A puppy scurried out from under a car with a limp, barking fearfully.
“It’s okay baby, I got you.” She says, hurrying to the scared puppy. Looking at it’s paw. Seeing a shard of glass in one of it’s paw pads.
“Poor thing, I got you.” She says.
She heard a crack in the concrete. All of a sudden the ceiling looking closer and feeling a lot closer. She fell on her rear, the ceiling seemed like it didn’t want to stop.
No. she prayed.
The after shock stopping just as soon as it started, the ceiling stopped.
“Y/N! Please say something!”
“I’m okay!” she shouts.
The concrete already sounding unstable, she hurries, crawling on all fours with the puppy in her hand, she even brings her feet into the crawling.
Like a domino effect, the ceiling begins to collapse.
A little girl stopped by one of the cars, scared, crying. Not stopping, she grabs the girl by the arm, and continues to crawl.
“Run guys, run!” Dean chants.
“Keep going sweetie, keep running!” Y/N tells the little girl.
The girl being the first out, dives into Dean’s arms.
“I gotchu sweetheart!” Dean tells her.
Y/N making a dive out, landing on her back with the pupping in her chest as the parking lot collapses behind her in a cloud of dust.
Y/N got up, still holding the puppy, trembling in her arms, licking her graciously on her neck. As if it was thanking her for saving her.
Dean stood by the squad, consoling the child, sees Y/N walking with a puppy in her arms. Panting from the adrenaline. Hurries to her, engulfs her in his arms.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“I’m fine.”
“You go to Target and you come back with a puppy.” He smirks.
“I couldn’t resist, he was cute!” Y/N giggles.
“So far, everyone’s okay, in one piece, little girl’s back with her parents.” Dean informs her.
“That’s good.”
“Is it me or does danger just seem to find us?”
 The next day…
“Come here Tremor!” Y/N coaxes.
The Basset Hound Puppy running over, his ears flopping in the wind. Making Y/N giggle.
“Good boy!”
“I’m home!” Dean shouts from the house.
“Go get daddy boy!” she encourages. The puppy making a mad dash for Dean. Only to trip on his ears in the run. Earning a laugh from Dean and Y/N.
“It’s okay buddy, I gotchya!” Dean says, meeting the puppy halfway, and picking him up.
The puppy showering Dean in licks.
“Been good for mommy.”
“Still working on potty training, he peed in the house, that’s why I opened it up.”
“Eh, it’s a learning progress for the little dude.”
“Yeah, so, how was work today?”
“Oh, same old. Rescued a cat from a tree, saved a heart attack victim. The usual.” Dean jokes.
Y/N giggling. Giving him a kiss on the lips. Only for him to deepen it, the puppy getting jealous and licking both of them.
“Okay, Tremor, we get it.” Dean goes.
“And I owe someone some sexy fun time tonight.” Y/N says playfully as she heads back inside.
“Yes you do.” Dean says. Following her at her heels.
A/N: How did you like it? I’m so glad my block is gone and I was able to cook this up. Let me know how you liked it! Feedback is always appreciated! :3
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69, @luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @jayankles, @jeaniespiehs20, @mlovesstories, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @flamencodiva, @megzdoodle, @lyarr24, @akshi8278, @anotherspnfanfic​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 4/6/2021
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norahastuff · 4 years
ok but feeling that destiel is fully textually canon and reciprocated. know we never got dean’s response and i don’t know if you were ever into doctor who. but it draws parallels to other canon ships in that universe. twelve and clara were never made textual romantically but everything about their relationship showed that. ntm writers like moffat dubbing it as a traditional love story and other cast members saying something similar. i’m always gonna be pissed about 20 but we’ve been given so much more than some other het canon ships which blows my mind just thinking about it
I’ve only seen the Eccleston and Tennant seasons of Dr Who (and a few eps of Jodie Whittaker) but I’ll take your word for it, and yes I completely agree. I’ve always seen them as following the Ugly Betty model when it comes to how they addressed Dean and Cas’ relationship (see here and here) but it turns out the show went further than I was ever expecting them to. 
Look despite everything, this is unprecedented. Can you name me another series that 
a) Was ostensibly an action show about two bros road tripping around America hunting monsters.
b) Had a hypermasculine, seen by much of the general viewing audience as a so called “ladies’ man” (even though when talking about Scoobynatural Jensen described Dean as “ever trying to be the ladies’ man that he’s not”) protagonist.
c)  Introduced another badass tough character who was an Angel of the Lord no less and who eventually became a main character.
d) Had the two of these guys grow closer and closer and added romantic trope after trope to their relationship and not in a jokey “Cas get out of my ass!” kind of way but in a “these two characters feel so deeply for each other that we have to craft their narratives around that” way. I’ll use the mixtape as an example. While that was an objectively bonkers choice to make - you don’t make someone give someone a mixtape on the screen if you’re trying to convey a platonic relationship - it also didn’t exist in a vacuum.  It was in an episode (and season) where the way Dean and Cas felt about each other, how differently Dean felt for him than Sam did, and how Dean understood and saw Cas in a way no one else did, was consistently highlighted. The mixtape wasn’t just a random addition, it was a part of the larger narrative. Also, there was no other point to it, there’s no haha “ I was never in your -” punchline. It was just about their feelings.
e) Had the only long term romantically coded relationship on this show be between these two male main characters. Sure you can say it wasn’t explicit, but that element has always been there and the show has addressed it multiple times.
e) Crafted their storyline in the final season around their relationship issues. That wasn’t just a subplot. It wasn’t just a “5 mins at the end of an episode oh yeah sure let’s mention it” kind of thing. Sam had his “I don’t know what’s real” “we are” moment with Eileen. Dean? He had his with Cas. 
f) Had one of those two main characters explicitly and unambiguously confess to being in love with the other. 
Look I’m sorry but that is unprecedented. This is a genre show that started in 2005 when the very idea of a male protagonist who wasn’t 100% straight would be unthinkable. Let alone one whose identity didn’t revolve around that and who wasn’t a stereotype. I think there have been occasions where female characters were allowed to be “flexible” and float around on the Kinsey scale, but male characters have never been afforded that same luxury. And even then that’s been tricky. If I recall correctly, Whedon wanted to make Willow bi but the network wasn’t on board with that. 
Even today. People talk about representation and how other shows are doing it better and how much Spn sucks at it, and look I don’t disagree. But of those other shows, how many have queer male characters that weren’t explicitly stated to be queer from the beginning? I’m having a tough time thinking of any. Lucifer? His penchant for “devil’s threesomes” was there from the first couple of episodes. John Constantine? He’s a canonically bi character in the comics and his sexuality was erased from his own show for...reasons. We all know what they were. Also as soon as he made his first appearance on Legends of Tomorrow, he hit on a guy and hooked up with a girl so his being bi was made very clear from the start of his story on that show. 
If you look at Dean and Cas, we’ve been watching these characters for 15 and 12 seasons respectively. After all that time, for their final love interests to be each other...well that’s not nothing.
Look we can still be unhappy about the ending but also acknowledge the significance of what people like Misha, Bobo, Meredith, and many others (Yockey, Edlund, and Thompson get honorary mentions) managed to create here. Like you said the only thing that blocks people from seeing Dean and Cas as being in love with each other is the fact that they’re guys. The show and the narrative told us that they were and it’s perfectly valid if you’re frustrated that it wasn’t explicit enough (though honestly, I don’t know how Cas could have possibly been more explicit) but the story was there. 
Dean and Cas were in love.
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Supernatural 15.16
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What can I say? No, seriously, what can I say this was such a disappointment I just wanna salt it, burn it and forget it. 
This is not what I wanted nor what we were told we were gonna get, the promo’s and the way it was promoted made it seem like this was gonna be a heavy brothers centered episode and we were gonna get to see flashbacks of Sam and Dean hunting solo together, without their dad, for the first time. It wasn’t.
This episode is snake oil. It was advertised in all the right ways to make us buy into it but it has no real substance or value.  
The plot is simple: Sam and Dean have to investigate the death of an old, sort of friend they made in one of the motel’s they stayed at back when they were little and haven’t spoken to in over 20 years. And let’s talk about this real quick because at the beginning Sam and Dean don’t know they’re going to investigate their friends’ death they think they’re going to the funeral cause the victim’s sister, who was also a sort of friend of theirs back in the day, invited them to the funeral to guarantee that they would go which is so stupid, people miss funerals all the time especially when they’re the funerals of people who they only knew for a week over 20 years ago and didn’t keep in contact. So, the stupid starts early in this episode. 
Back to the plot, the thing that Sam and Dean are hunting is something they had hunted and thought killed years ago back when they were the wee!chesters, and by “they” I mean….Dean and the girlie. I’m sorry you thought, we were gonna see young!Sam and Dean actually hunt together? No. 
The four of them sort of work together to figure out where the thing might be hiding and Dean’s all ‘I’m handling this on my own’ and Sam’s like ‘I’m going with you’ and Dean’s like ‘no’ and the girls like ‘then i’m going with you’ and Dean’s all ‘no’ and so he goes off on his own but the girl follows him so it’s the girl and him hunting this thing down while Sam is stuck back in the motel on babysitting duty of the girls little brother which I’m sure the writer is patting herself on the back for because at the beginning in the first flashback Dean was all ‘I used to babysit you when I was your age’ so now Sam is stuck babysitting...get it? Get it? I think it’s supposed to be clever…...excuse me a minute
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*clears throat* where was I? Oh yes, so anyways after some investigating and Dean finding a bunch of children’s corpses they arrive at the hotel in time to see the thing they’re hunting attacking Sam and the other kid and Dean’s all ‘Sam get out of the way’ and stabs the thing which makes it turn to dust so they think it’s dead which we all know it ain’t but let’s talk for a minute about the fact that Dean just walked to see a monster attacking his baby brother AND HE DOESN’T EVEN RUSH TO CHECK ON HIM WHEN THE THING IS DEAD!!!! Also, this thing was hunting kids that were around Sam’s age but Dean doesn’t seem to give a fuck. 
So what was the thing Sam and Dean were hunting oh so many years ago when they did shit re-search even though we know that they knew how important research was but this writer doesn’t know how to write this characters in present time why would she be able to write young! them? Baba Yaga! But they still don’t know that they’ll find that out later in the episode, in like a 5min scene that really does not do this figure justice but neither does the rest of this episode as this writer doesn’t really care and treats Baby Yaga more like a traditional vengeful spirit. 
For real though, it is a shame that this writer doesn’t care enough because Baba Yaga is a folklore figure with so much history they could have really done something interesting and scary; such a famous folklore figure and she was treated like a footnote. 
But that’s what young!Sam and Dean were up to what about our Sam and Dean? Well, after they find out the truth that they’re there to investigate and not attend a funeral that happened a week before they go check what’s up at the motel since that’s where everything happened years ago and the dude died, Dean is feeling guilty af for so many reasons including that he had yet to tell Sam Jack was gonna die, at first Dean doesn’t believe it’s the same thing they had hunted but then he’s like ‘okay maybe it’s not as dead as I thought’ and leaves Sam and the girlie to do research while he has a scene with Billie where she tells him the end is coming and while that’s happening Sam finds out it’s the Baba Yaga and the girl gets attacked and then Dean returns and he and Sam go their separate ways to find her because of course the do and Dean gets attacked but Sam arrives and then they properly kill the monster. 
Anyways, it all ends with their “friend” telling Dean for like the 20th time that he has changed and then they have a hug which gives us our final flashback where after him and the young girlie say goodbye to each other him and Sam are waiting for John to pick them up and Dean’s all ‘I don’t know about this college thing but we make a good team’ which would be great if we had actually seen them work as a team.
With the thing dead Sam and Dean make their way back home and Dean tells Sam the truth about Jack dying. We’ll come back to this scene. 
And that’s the episode in a nutshell. It’s bad. It’s unforgivably bad. This is the mediocre, poor man’s version of Something Wicked. 
It’s got no soul, with the exception of one scene it’s got no emotion. It stays at the surface level, we don’t truly get to see young!Sam and Dean work together, we don’t really get to see their dynamic with each other, we don’t learn anything new about them, Dean clearly didn’t like Sam thinking about college but it wasn’t really explored he was just an ass to Sam about it and then was all ‘we make a good team’ but like I said we didn’t truly get to see them be a team so it just falls flat, there weren’t really any proper scenes between the young brothers, Baba Yaga is not explored she’s more a footnote, we also don’t get to see adult Sam and Dean hunt together. 
You compare it to other flashback episodes like Something Wicked, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Just My imagination to name a few, and you can’t. You can’t really compare it cause those episodes were well written and actually explored Sam and Dean’s emotions and their relationship. This episode is the worst flashback episode we have ever gotten and I wish it didn’t exist. 
I wanna talk about the young!Sam and Dean actors real quick cause no shade to them but I didn’t like them one bit not just because of the way they were written but also because they don’t really embody Sam and Dean’s personalities in the way that their predecessors have, I look at them I don’t see Sam and Dean. Also, their acting? Not the best. 
So, all around this is a failure as far as young!Sam and Dean.
There was one scene in this whole entire episode that had any sort of emotion: the final scene with Sam and Dean in the car where Dean tells Sam everything and about Jack dying and Sam is pissed off and they get into a fight. That’s the only scene where Sam and Dean got closest to acting and sounding like themselves and the only one that was worth something and I give full credit to Jared and Jensen for that because their acting in that moment was standing ovation worthy, they honestly almost made me cry. I think if this epi had been better written and emotions actually explored it would have managed to make me cry. 
I don’t like that the epi finished with the boys fighting, even less that the one proper scene we got between them was a fight but it was the best scene of the episode and it should be watched if for no other reason than to see Jared and Jensen put on an amazing performance, 
But that scene alone is not enough to save this episode. 
The writer of this epi once recommended that you could put the first 2 seasons of this show on as background noise and maybe if she hadn’t done that and actually paid attention to the foundation of the show that paid her bills she wouldn’t have given us the mediocre version of Something Wicked or would have learned how to artfully weave the main plot of a season into a stand alone episode like Phantom Traveler did instead of sticking in a scene right in the middle for some exposition. As it is, you can use her episode as background noise. 
Here’s the thing, you can make the argument that it’s not as bad as it could have been or as what we have gotten, or that we should expect the episodes to be bad because it’s all we’ve gotten, or that we should just be happy with what we get and listen you feel how you wanna feel about this episode and/or tell yourself what you need to make yourself feel better but that don’t work with me. I’m not going to thank the writers for taking a smaller shit on this show than they did last time, and expecting the episodes to suck doesn’t mean we don’t deserve better and that we shouldn’t be upset. 
And I am upset. I am angry. I am sad. I am bitter. I am disappointed. 
You know what stings most about this episode? What makes it cut differently than all the other shitty, insulting, disappointing episodes that have come before it? That this is the last time we’re going to see young!Sam and Dean. This was the last ever flashback episode. A badly written episode with barely any proper interaction between the young brothers, is the last time we’ll see young! Sam and Dean. 
I so badly wish I could recommend this episode but the truth is that I can't. What I can recommend, and I highly do, is looking up the final scene and enjoying that beautifully acted, painful, brother moment. And then if you still want to watch young!Sam and Dean, just re-watch Something Wicked. 
In conclusion,
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