#yes you are my sister it is not awkward to lean against me and doze off ok.
scribl1ta · 1 year
A girl fell asleep with her head on my shoulder on the bus today
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (9/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Word Count: 2k words
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You weren't a morning person, hell, you weren’t even a person in the morning. Therefore, when you woke up to two kids playing with your hair and jumping on your bed, you wanted to strangle them or shove them on the floor. But again, you loved those little demons so you just groaned loudly, clearly irritated and you decided to keep your eyes closed, hoping that your ignorance will make them leave you alone. You squeezed your eyes shut and didn't open them until you heard a familiar voice chuckling.
“Carol told me you aren't a morning person, but this-” James didn't finish his sentence, his lips breaking into a cheeky grin, and as much annoyed as you were at his teasing, you kind of thought he looked gorgeous. Who looked so gorgeous this early in the morning? A smile made its way to your face and you instantly wiped it off, feigning offense.
“Carol? You're already on a first-name basis with my sister?”
“Aw, don't worry, doll. I'm just trying to be friendly with your family or should I say my future family as your mother reminded me ten minutes ago,” he pestered, moving towards you to hand you the cup of coffee in his hand. Bucky winked teasingly when you accepted it, and you mumbled a ‘thank you’.
That pet name made your stomach do some somersaults and you didn't trust yourself enough to speak. It's not like the first time he called you ‘doll’, in fact, he had been calling you that the moment you started fake dating. But it was something about the way he said it as if the word was made for you and nobody could say that word unless it wasn't voiced by him for you. He didn't notice the flush in your eyes and even if he did, he didn't mention it.
“That’s it. You’re done hanging out with my family,” you articulated, “You are officially infected.” 
“Don’t be like that, doll. Come on, breakfast’s ready.”
At the age of 18, when you were finally a college girl, you decided that breakfast was a myth created by Satan. When you lived with your parents, the breakfast consisted of extravagant food like pancakes, waffles and fruits. Once you moved away for college, your breakfast shifted to coffee and maybe a toast if you had the time before your first lecture. And the second you were independent, coffee became your boyfriend, keeping you up at night and also, your best friend, keeping you up in the morning without dozing off in classes.
So, sitting again at a dining table with your family and fake boyfriend/boss was very awkward, to say the least. But of course, your sister had the magical ability where she took an awkward silence and converted it into an uncomfortable conversation.
“We hope we didn't wake you up last night. Nick and I tend to get loud sometimes,” Carol joked and you coughed, choking on your food, and James laughed awkwardly. 
James' hand instinctively came to your back, running calming circles with his palm and you shot a deathly glare to your sister. 
“Oh, we know all about that,” James teased, bringing your chair closer to him. Your eyes widened and you whipped your head towards him so quickly that your neck hurt. What was he saying? This man, your boyfriend, fake boyfriend was a completely different person than your boss (not that you were complaining). He was funny, charming, he made you feel comfortable and something else you weren’t ready to point out just yet.
You could see yourself falling for a man like James. No, he is your boss and sort of criminal. Get your shit together, you told yourself.
After the very awkward breakfast, thanks to Carol. Your mother told you to show James around town and you would have said no but that meant you’d have to stay at home with your family, which was worse. So when James accepted your offer to go to your favorite burger place nearby, you were relieved.
“This burger is amazing, but nothing compared to Barry’s,” James stated. 
You nodded your head, chewing the remnant of food in your mouth properly before speaking, “Nothing compares to Sally and her food.”
You liked being with James, everything about him made you want this, the real thing with him, not the whole faux boyfriend play. You wanted him and you were sure that he didn’t. One look at him was sufficient for anyone to know how handsome he was, and how oblivious he was to the waitress ogling him. He didn’t spare her a glance, he was probably used to the attention that he stopped caring about it. Of course, if you weren't overthinking at the moment, you would have noticed that he didn't care about anyone else - well, except you. 
“The waitress was totally checking you out,” you informed James. You were very jealous, but you wouldn't stop your crush on your boss to stop him from living his life. He had already sacrificed a lot for you, you didn't want to cock-block him on top of that.
“No, she wasn’t,” he huffed, looking at you for any sign that this conversation displeased you the way it did him.
“I swear she was,” you said, “You should ask her out. She’s cute.”
 “No, I’m taken.”
“But you’re not taken, James. This isn’t real,” you retorted and it hurt you so much to say. Sometimes you wished you could be a selfish bitch but you couldn’t do that to James. He deserves someone who would cherish and love him, not give him a faux relationship. “You should ask her out.”
 “Do you want me to?” James asked, his voice was laced with desperation that you couldn't understand. Why would he care about your opinion?
Bucky hoped that you would say no, he needed a sign to know that you wanted him too. His tone was despondent because he was hoping that this could be more. He really wanted it to be. But when you said yes, everything came shattering down for him. You didn’t want him and God, he was so frustrated that he could cry. What sick game was the universe playing with him? He felt like a rat stuck in a cage with cheese right outside, in front of him. Even though he was so close to you, you were still out of his reach.
“You know what?,” he pondered, “Now that I think about it maybe I should ask her out?”
“Like right now?” you questioned, taken aback by his sudden and unexpected change in demeanor.
“Yeah!” he cheered enthusiastically, “No time like the present, right? You can get home by yourself?”
He didn’t wait for your answer, already walking back towards the restaurant, and you murmured a ‘yeah’ which he didn’t even notice because he was already jogging towards the burger place.
When you reached home alone, tears welled up in your eyes, and you ran up to the bathroom to avoid stumbling upon your family. Maybe you shouldn't have pushed him, maybe if you didn’t then he wouldn’t have pursued the waitress. He wouldn’t have gone if you didn’t shove him towards the cute waitress. Why were you such a good person?
Your thoughts were brought to a halt with frantic knocks on the door. Instantly, you wiped your eyes and opened up the door to be met with your sister’s kids. Izzy and Alex didn’t give you any time before getting a hold of your hand and rushing you outside to help them set up the trampoline.
Your family was already out there, and you hoped your face didn’t say, ’I've been crying in the bathroom.’ Your sister and her husband were seated on a blanket which was spread out on the grass, sipping wine, and your parents were admiring their grandchildren.
“Auntie Y/N!” Alex exclaimed and Izzy added, “Help us fix the trampoline please.”
You agreed because those two were the only people in the world that considered you their friend without asking for anything in return. Moreover, it was a good distraction, if you stayed in a room thinking about James, then you would probably lose your sanity. So, once you started setting up the trampoline for the kids, it became somewhat fun, and you almost forgot all about James, and how he must be talking to that girl and how that girl must be flirting with him. You hoped he didn’t call her doll, you knew you were being unreasonable and immature, but you couldn’t help yourself.
Izzy and Alex made their way towards their parents and whispered something about you being so in love with James that his absence made you angry.
You ignored them and the way your sister smiled, you were so focused on fitting the trampoline spring that you did not realize someone was standing behind you until two strong hands came around you, taking the spring from your hand and attaching it to the corner. 
You knew it was James, no one would touch your hand so gently, any other man would have snatched the spring from your hold and mansplained it’s process to you. But James wasn’t doing that, he wanted to be near you, to have your attention fully that is why he took the spring from you. He didn’t undermine you. No, he desired you to notice him, the guy who has been trying all weekend to get you to like him. He wanted you to see Bucky, not your boss, James.
You could feel his head looming over your shoulder, you dared to crane your neck in his direction to find him already looking at you with a smile on his face. You were so dazed in his eyes that you didn’t notice that he was wearing a white shirt instead of the one he wore in the morning. You did not notice that he didn’t leave you to get the waitress’s number, instead he got a customized shirt that read 'I heart Y/N'. You only noticed him.
Furthermore, you didn’t care about anything else at the moment, just him. Bucky eyed your lips longer than he should have and leaned a bit towards you; a question. You answered his question by closing the distance between you and crashing your lips with his. His hands engulfed around your waist, flushing your back against his chest and he kissed you feverishly. 
The kids were right.
You were in love, and that love was reciprocated by the man who was holding you like you were his archer and kissing you like you were the source of his last breath. But both of you were too unaware to realize that the other felt the same way.
Everyone could see that, your mother looked over at your father and your sister looked at her husband, smiling, reminiscing the way they fell in love just like you and Bucky. The kids looked at you both with hope, aspiring to have a love like that in their future, the kind they saw in movies and in the couples around them.
What you didn't realize was that there was one other set of eyes watching you from a car in the distance. Rumlow finally found his rival's vulnerability, and he was going to do everything in his power to exploit and eventually kill Bucky’s weakness, his love, you. 
TAGS:  @bananapipedreams​ @akkinda10​ @rivers-rambles21​ @emmabarnes​ @valsworldofcreativity​ @boofy1998​ @marvel-3407​ @mybuck​ @priii​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @ladydmalfoy​ @shaking-a-jar-of-bees 
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fanfic-she-wrote · 3 years
Love Disguised
Sherlock Holmes x reader
Reader confesses her love to Sherlock while he's wearing a disguise.
No warnings
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It had been well over a week since Sherlock Holmes went out to solve a very secret case. A case so secret that he couldn't even divulge any of it's details to you or even Watson leaving you both feeling very restless and nervous for the well being of your friend.
Quietly, you sat in a chair by the window overlooking the busy street below watching all the people walk by going about their day while all you could do was sit there worrying about Sherlock.
"Would you like some tea, dear?" Mrs. Hudson asked before leaving the room, carrying a broom and a duster in her hands.
"No thanks, Mrs. Hudson." You replied with a sigh.
She gave you a small smile and said, "Don't worry. He'll be back soon." By the tone in her voice you could tell she was worried too. You gave her a nod and turned back to the window.
"I hope so." You whispered to yourself, leaning your head against the chair as you heard the door open and the sound of Mrs. Hudson's footsteps against the wood floor as she left the room, shutting the door behind her as she went. Out in the hall you heard two voices, one belonging to Mrs. Hudson and the other you presumed was Watson's.
"How is she doing?" Watson asked in a hushed tone so you wouldn't hear him.
"Not very well. Just sitting there staring out the window looking like a lost puppy. Poor thing." Mrs. Hudson answered, shaking her head.
"She's probably worried about Sherlock, like the rest of us." Watson surmised.
"Worried yes, but I think also lonely." Mrs. Hudson pointed out, staring at the door.
"Lonely? What do you mean? I've been here." He asked, pointing to himself. Shooting him a look, Watson quickly understood what she meant.
"Oh..oh!" He murmured, feeling slightly awkward. With a cough he asked, "What shall we do about it?"
She shrugged. "Unless Mr. Holmes comes back, I don't think there is anything we can do." Her voice sounding pitiful as she turned a went down the stairs.
You were so lost in thought that you hadn't even noticed Watson enter the room till he announced it.
"Oh, hello Doctor Watson." You greeted him, forcing a smile. "Any news of Sherlock?" You asked, sitting forward.
"None yet I'm afraid." He answered, taking off his coat.
"I'm sure he'll be back soon. He's done this before you know." He assured you, lighting up a cigar. You sighed once more and sat back in the chair, feeling disappointed. Watson watched you for a moment feeling bad for you, realizing that what Mrs. Hudson said was true. You looked utterly lost without Sherlock.
He walked over to you and patted you gently on the shoulder. "If there's anything I can do, let me know."
"Thank you." You said, giving him an appreciative smile. "I'm sorry I haven't been myself. I just...miss him." You admitted.
"I know, my dear. I know."
A little while later just as you began to doze off there was a sudden knock at the door. "I'll get it!" You shouted, getting up from the chair and heading towards the door. When you opened it a tall, slender man stood there with a great bushy mustache and big nose that he apparently tried to hide underneath a wad of bushy hair that dangled in his face, giving him the appreance of a sheep dog.
"Good evening, Miss! Is Sherlock Holmes at home?" He asked with a sniff.
"No, I'm sorry." You answered.
"We'll, I'm Hebert Yaxley, I had an appointment with him. Could I perhaps speak to Doctor Watson instead?"
"Of course." You said, stepping aside to let the old gentleman in.
"I'll go get him. Wait here please." You told him, disappearing down the hall. Yaxley chuckled quietly to himself, rubbing his hands together. Except his name wasn't Yaxley and he did not have an appointment with Sherlock Holmes, or rather he was Sherlock Holmes in disguise. And what a joke it was going to be when he finally revealed himself.
Once you woke up Watson from his nap you returned to the living room where you found Yaxley sitting quietly at the table.
"He'll be right with you, sir." You told him, giving him a polite smile.
"Now who might you be? Are you Mr. Holmes's sister?" He asked you, looking up at you from under his messy locks of hair.
"No, sir." You answered, shaking your head.
"Ah, then you must be his wife!" Surely, that would get a good reaction out of you. You and Sherlock often bickered playfully with eachother and when Watson would comment that you sounded like an old couple you would get irritated and insist that you didn't. Usually saying something like, "That's just not possible. I don't think I would live to see old age married to Sherlock Holmes." Of course you didn't actually mean it. Sometimes he would say something about you too. That's just how it was and you loved it.
Instead you reacted differently, with a blush looking down at your feet. "Uh...no." You replied, biting your lip. "I'm just his friend." You said this with such a sadness in your voice that it puzzled him.
"You don't like Sherlock Holmes, my dear?" He questioned you further, leaning forward.
"Oh, yes I do! It's just that...I..." You stuttered, playing with your necklace. "It's just that...I would like to be more than friends." You finally blurted out.
Sherlock sat there surprised, unable to say anything. Oh no. What had he done? This wasn't what he had planned at all. He thought if anything you might have picked up on this little charade by now. You were always so perceptive. That's one of the things he liked most about you.
"And now I don't even know if I'll be able to tell him." You confessed, your eyes becoming watery. Sherlock rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Maybe it was wrong of him to leave on a case like he did and not tell you anything. He hadn't realized how much of an affect it had on you till now.
"I'm sorry. I shouldnt be bothering you with my problems. You don't even know me." You apologized, wiping your eyes, feeling silly. Normally you weren't the type to get emotional, but you couldn't help it. You had to know about Sherlock.
"It's quite all right. Maybe I should come back another time?" He said, getting up from the chair. Just as he was about to leave, Watson emerged from his room. He stood there for a moment staring at the man at the table. If he didn't know any better it looked like it could be one of Sherlock's disguises.
"Everything all right?" Watson asked walking over to you, noticing that you were upset.
"I'm fine. Excuse me." You said, quickly leaving the room retreating to your own quarters, feeling rather embarrassed. Once Watson heard you shut your door he turned to Sherlock.
"Holmes?" He asked, leaning close to him.
No longer in a mood to continue, he pulled off his mustache and wig. "Yes, it's me." He replied.
"Thank heavens! Do you know how worried Y/N and I have been? Even poor Mrs. Hudson!" He exclaimed, sounding irate.
"I think I know now." Sherlock answered, taking off the rest of his disguise.
"What do you mean?" Watson asked, following him.
"Watson? Do you think...is it possible that Y/N might have feelings for me?" He asked, unsure.
Watson scoffed. "It took you this long to figure that out?!" Had it been that obvious? He was the world's greatest detective. How did he not see that you were in love with him?
"What do I do?" He asked turning to the older man looking confused, and maybe even a little afraid. He had never been in this situation before.
"Well, it depends. How do you feel about her?" He asked.
He stood there for a moment staring towards your door deep in thought. He did rather enjoy your company. Especially when you hummed along to the songs he played on his violin or the times he found you in his bathrobe because you couldn't find yours. Even when you crinkled your nose in disgust at the smell of his pipe. How cute he thought it was...
"Sherlock!" You gasped in the doorway of your room, suddenly snapping him back to reality. "You're back!"
You went to run into his arms, but stopped yourself, offering your hand instead. Sherlock stared at it not sure what to do. Should he accept it or hug you? You seemed to want to do the latter or did he misread that entirely?
Behind him Watson gave him a little nudge. For once, Sherlock didn't know what to say. His lips parted, but no words came out. 
"I missed you." You finally said breaking the silence. He could only smile at you, taking your hand in his. For a long moment, you stood there staring into each other's eyes.
Watson shuffled back and forth on the balls of his feet impatiently, waiting to see what was going to happen.
Suddenly, Sherlock wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. You blinked, feeling confused. He had never hugged you before and you didn't quite know how to react.
"I missed you too." He told you softly.
Your heart skipped a beat. "You did?" You asked as you hugged him back, resting your head on his shoulder, and closing your eyes, enjoying the warmth of having his arms around you.
"Mhm." He answered, nodding his head as he gently stroked his hand over your silky hair. A little flutter inside your heart urged you to kiss him, but you resisted. Maybe this was just a friendly hug? It didn't really feel like it. You thought.
"Sherlock?" You breathed, pulling away.
"Yes?" He asked, looking down at you as you gently caressed his cheek.
You looked so beautiful. He thought, tilting his head into your palm. You skin was so soft and warm against his. He had seen this look before, only on those who were truly in love. It was in your eyes, how they twinkled in the soft candlelight like stars in the night. Was this how he was looking at you now? He wondered.
Sherlock's heart began to race as your faces drew closer and closer together, your lips mere inches apart. He stood there frozen for a moment, his eyes half lidded as you placed a delicate kiss upon his lips. He felt his face become hot, a noticable blush forming on his face as your lips lingered for a few more seconds. When you went to pull away he suddenly wrapped his hand around your nape and pulled you closer, kissing you back. He didn't want to stop kissing you. He couldn't describe what he was feeling, except that it felt right. Through all the moments you shared, this, he realized was love.
Watson chuckled, feeling satisfied. Finally! He thought. Wait till he told Mrs. Hudson about this...
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toomanyrobins · 4 years
a little birdie told me pt. 8
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Summary: Y/N “Birdie” Parker left New York and her family three years ago in the middle of the night. Now, a call for help to her best friend brings her back into the fold of the Three Families and their “business”
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Parker!Reader
Content warning: physical abuse, miscarriage, cursing, mentions of forced marriage, sex, mentions of alcohol and inebriation
Word Count: 2k
Notes: Thank you for the patience this part week! Hope that this part makes up for the wait! 💛 
Series masterlist // next part As the party reached its head, Y/N offered to take Jamie up to the room. She still didn’t love crowds and especially didn’t love so many strangers touching her. Steve had tried to convince her to stay, but when he saw the anxious look in her eyes, he nodded in understanding and thanked her for her help. A feeling of relief washed over her as the door clicked shut and she could kick off her heels. The first thing she did was put Jamie into his pajamas and change out of her dress. She dug around her bag for the nightie she packed, but there was a chill in the air so she grabbed one of Steve’s sweatshirts to put on top. Jamie was still wired from all of the excitement, so she decided to lay down on the couch in the sitting room and put on a movie. Y/N traced her fingers along his back, letting her mind wander to Steve. Eventually, Jamie started to settle and they both were dozing on the couch, the movie playing in the background. She was half asleep when the door of Steve’s hotel room banged open, making her jump. She immediately checked on the baby, but he continued to sleep like a log. She sat up slowly and looked at the men leaning against Steve for support, “Are you guys drunk?”
Bucky’s eyes were practically crossed, “No…”
“Really?” she quirked an eyebrow, “Then say the alphabet backwards.”
Bucky and Sam all shared a look. There was silence for a second and then the latter spoke, “What the hell is the last letter of the alphabet?”
Y/N laughed under her breath “Yeah, okay. Thank you, Sam, I think that answered my question.” She was trying not to show her amusement at the situation as Steve was holding the two men up. “Boys, go to my room and sleep it off. Steve, I’ll stay and help take care of Jamie for the night.” The blond nodded and walked into the bedroom.
Bucky sidled up beside her and kissed her forehead, “Thanks Birdie. You’re the best. I can see why the punk never shuts up about you.” Y/N’s cheeks grew warm.
“God, Barnes, you do not know how to keep a secret. Nearly revealing that Steve’s got a thing for Birdie. Get your shit together.” Sam slapped the brunet upside the head and the two men stumbled off to the adjoining room, leaving Y/N to absorb the information that was just drunkenly revealed to her.
She shook her head, that could be dealt with at a later date. Y/N put the sleeping Jamie into his crab and walked into the bedroom. Steve was starfished on the bed, his eyes shut. “You have got to shower. You smell like you’re wearing the entire contents of a keg.”
“Bucky spilled his beer on me. I’m so tired, sweetheart.”
She forced him off of the bed. “You can sleep after you shower.” He grumbled, but started undressing. She squeaked, turning around, and stayed that way until she heard the shower turn on. In an attempt to keep herself distracted, she went back out into the sitting room to check on Jamie and make sure the drunk duo wouldn’t bother him. Thankfully, all three of them were both already passed out. She snapped a quick photo and sent it to Becca to let her know that her fiance was safe and sound before going back into the bedroom.
When Steve came out of the bathroom, he found Y/N sitting on the bed. He was only wearing a towel and she couldn’t tear her gaze away from him. He leaned against the door, just admiring her. He traced up her legs to where his hoodie brushed her thighs. He had seen a peek of lace when she’d leaned over and knew saw was wearing something underneath. When his eyes finally met hers, she tilted her head, “You okay, Stevie?”
“Yeah, just thinking.”
“That’s a dangerous thing to be doing at 2 in the morning. What’s wrong?”
He weighed his options and the drinks he had had earlier boosted his confidence, “I should’ve kissed you when I noticed we had mistletoe above us earlier.”
Y/N squeaked, “What?”
“When we were dancing, we spun under mistletoe and I should’ve kissed you.”
“It is probably bad luck to ignore the Christmas Spirit.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Steve was across the room and kissing her. He peeled his sweatshirt off of her, Y/N threading her hands through his damp hair before it hit the floor. She pushed him gently so that he was sitting on the bed. One leg was thrown over so that she was straddling him, the towel the only thing between them. Y/N pulled back and looked down at him. His eyes were blown, looking at her like she was the only other person in the world. He flipped them over, towel falling off, so that she laying on the bed, her nightie bunching up to reveal that she was bare underneath. They both moaned as he touched her, feeling how wet she was for him, “Nothing underneath, sweetheart?”
“I haven’t been wearing any all night.” His eyes darkened at that and he tore the flimsy dress off of her, “Steve!”
“I’ll buy you a new one.” In a split second, he was back on her. His mouth traveled over her, leaving marks down her neck and chest. Her wrists were captured in one of his hands, leaving her completely exposed. Y/N keened underneath him as his teeth grazed over her nipple. She ground her hips up against him, looking for any friction she could get. His hand tangled into her hair and all she could focus on was how addictive he was. This moment had been a long time coming and neither ever wanted it to stop. Both were scared that this moment would end and inescapable awkwardness would settle in.
Heat grew from Y/N’s core, as Steve returned his attention to her neck. Her whole body was tingling, as she felt his muscular frame over hers and his arms trapping her in place. He was claiming her, sucking and biting marks all over her chest.  She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him close and rolled her hips against him. “Fuck, sweetheart. Touch me.” Y/N slid her hands down and ran her nails over his abdomen. She felt his abs contract underneath her fingers. She pulled her hand away as he bit a spot on her neck and she arched against him. Steve smiled down at her, “Good girl.” She sucked in a breath and he smirked knowingly at her. All rational thought was replaced with the need for the other to touch them. She felt the heat of his mouth against her and his rough hands on her thighs. Steve held her legs apart and knelt down. “Are you going to keep being a good girl for me, Birdie?”
“Yes,” she sobbed, “Please, just touch me.”
“I am touching you, sweetheart.”
“Dammit, Stevie. I’ll do anything, just make me cum.”
“Anything, huh? I’m going to have to remember that.” Y/N whimpered and he finally gave her what she needed. She tangled her hand on his hair, as the other gripped the pillow above her. Steve’s teasing fingers made her cry out, as he continued his assault on her clit. He felt her fluttering around him and couldn’t wait to be inside of her any longer, “Are you sure, Birdie?”
“God, stop teasing and fuck me.” He kissed Y/N once more, before filling her completely. He slammed into her, then pulling almost completely out before claiming her again. She had never felt so full before, back arching as she called out his name. Steve buried his head against her neck, the room filled with their moans. She spread her legs and held tightly to his shoulders, as he pounded into her. The change in angle meant he was hitting that perfect spot and Y/N felt herself getting close. She slipped her hand down to rub her clit and clenched around Steve, her toes curling. He thrust a few more times before burying himself inside her completely.
The room was silent, except for them trying to catch their breaths and their heart rates to slow. Once he was slightly more clear-headed, Steve rolled them over so that she was laying on his chest. Neither spoke as Y/N lazily traced over one of the tattoos on his chest, eventually lulling them both into sleep.
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The next morning, Jamie’s crying woke the sleeping pair. Steve groaned and buried his head into the pillows. Y/N rolled out of his grip, “Go back to sleep, I got him.” She pulled on a pair of leggings from her bag and Steve’s sweatshirt off the floor. She ignored the soreness between her legs as she padded into the sitting room and picked Jamie up. She settled him down and called for room service.
She played with the baby until the breakfast arrived and sent Becca a text inviting her to join for breakfast in the room. Y/N was in her own little world thinking about Steve and their night.  Jamie had just started to have his bottle when a high-pitched shriek came from the adjoining room. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Bucky ripped the door open. “Sam, what the hell! I am not my sister!” Y/N choked on her laughter as the three men came out to stand in the living room, a mix of confusion and disgust on their faces.
When Steve had tumbled out, his hair was pointing in all directions and he had just a towel around him. Y/N could barely answer him when he asked what had happened because of how hard she was laughing, “Bucky is learning how Sam wakes his sister up in the morning apparently.”
“We never speak of this again!” The brunet pointed a threatening finger, “God, my head hurts!”
“I’m surprised you can stand up straight with how much you had to drink last night. I’ve got room service waiting for you if you’re hungry..”
“You are a goddess!” Sam exclaimed and rushed for the caffeine. Steve went to walk back into the room and get changed, when the dark-skinned man choked on his drink. “Well your back is telling me what you got up to last night, Rogers.” Raised red lines were all over his back where Y/N had clung to him the night before. He didn’t even try to look ashamed as he flashed them a grin and walked away. She, however, was embarrassed and Bucky took Jamie from her so that she could let Becca into the suite. He refused to meet his sister’s eyes and the others couldn’t stop giggling at the situation.
When they told the youngest Barnes what had happened, including the scratch marks on Steve’s back, she grinned, “Oh, so mommy and daddy finally got together.” Hearing herself referred to as Jamie’s mother made Y/N sick to her stomach. Suddenly, the realization of what last night could mean sent chills down her spine. Every uncertainty and fear from before she came home was flooding back and Y/N knew she had to get out of there.
“I just remembered that I need to go,” Y/N grabbed her bag and bolted out of the room.
Steve called after her, but she was in her own head. He whirled back around to look at his friends, “What the hell just happened?”
Y/N had rushed out and called an Uber back to her parent’s house. She snuck up to her room, hoping that everyone was still at the Ivory. Essentials were thrown into a duffle and stored in the back of her closet, nearly a carbon copy of what had happened 4 years earlier. That damned holiday party seemed to always lead to her running.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
oh my GOD mechanicfam is god tier just may i present an au where tony adopts harley after his mom and sister die in a car crash (post-mandarin) and so tony's the only person harley knows to go to and harley's the thing that makes rhodey and tony get their HEADS out of their ASSES
Harley keeps the business card that was left on the workshop of his house. He kept it in a kitchen drawer that his mom never used, because it full of the “nice” dish towels that were only taken out come Christmastime. 
His fingers shake as he grips the phone, punching in the numbers. 
“Can I ask who’s calling?” 
“It’s...um. Harley. Keener. From Tennessee.” 
There’s a shift on the phone, and Harley feels a bit guilty because it is late, but he doesn’t know where else to turn. 
“What’s up, kiddo?” 
“Um. I need help.” 
“With what?” 
And that’s when Harley loses it. He can barely enunciate the words, and he’s trying to furiously wipe away tears as he hears a litany of curses over the other line. 
“I’m...I’m sorry, I just didn’t know who else to call and I don’t know what to do, and-” 
“Kid, don’t you worry. I’ll be there in...two hours. Hell, maybe one if I can break the sound barrier. You have anything to eat yet?” 
“Um, no?” 
“Okay, then we stop for food when we get home.” 
“...we’ll talk when I get there.” 
Tony, in all honesty, does not know what he’s doing. God knows he had two stellar examples of parenting from Howard and Maria. 
But he knows that a kid like Harley will get torn apart, and he...he can’t let him do that. 
“Are you sure about this?” Rhodey asks. 
“Yes,” Tony says. “I’m sure. We’ll...I’ll figure it out. I promise.” 
“You act like I’m not going to help you,” Rhodey says. “I’ll be here waiting for you when you get back. You have a way of transporting him back?” 
“Already ordered a car to the airport, we’ll be taking a plane back home.” 
“Bring him back safe.” 
Harley collapses into Tony’s arms when he touches down, armor barely off. 
“Please,” he sobs. “Please just get me out of here.” 
Tony wasn’t going into the situation blind. He had seen the article from their newspaper about the crash. 
Harley said he had been riding his bike. Abbie really wanted to get a burger, and he hadn’t wanted to go. 
“They would still be here if I had gone,” Harley says bitterly, and Tony’s heart has a pang of hurt because he understands that feeling all too well. But right now, Harley doesn’t need someone to understand everything, he just needs to be cared for. 
Tony sits down with him at a kitchen table and doesn’t miss how Harley stares at the two chairs across from them. 
“I want to talk with you,” he says quietly. “I want to know what you want to do.” 
Harley looks at him. 
“I...I wasn’t really expecting you to come.” 
“We’re connected,” Tony says, a soft smile on his face. “I always will, whenever you want. Now, I’m just here to help you figure out what you want.” 
“...what are the options?” 
Tony’s willing to go through hell and back for this kid. He doesn’t tell him this verbatim, but the sentiment is there. He’d be willing to do anything, so long as he could see Harley safe and happy wherever he was. 
Harley sits outside for a moment, breathing. 
And then he can’t breathe. 
Abbie’s looking up at the night sky, smiling. 
“It’ll always be like this, right Harls?” 
“Right,” Harley says, smiling nice and easy. “I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to us.” 
Except he did. 
It was all over the news, and everyone knew about it. 
He comes back in, and Tony can probably tell that he’s at his absolute worst. 
“I can’t stay here. I-I need to leave. Now.” 
“Alright, let’s go.” 
Driving in the car is a mostly silent affair. Tony hums along to AC/DC and tells Harley about new projects. 
Their first rest stop, Tony goes out with Harley, watching him carefully. 
“I’m not gonna break,” Harley snaps. 
“Not saying you’re gonna.” 
“Well I’m not.” 
“Okay. Rhodey’s at the house waiting for us when we get there.” 
“He on leave?” 
Tony nods. “Three months. Lucky.” 
Not a lot after that. 
At some point, Harley dozes off, leaning his head against the door. 
Tony sends a message to Rhodey when they’re boarding the plane. Harley’s still a little groggy, and mostly content to just blearily go and find a seat and pass out. 
He sleeps the whole flight home, and Tony is left with his thoughts. 
Thought One: Maybe he Should’ve Left This Alone. 
Thought Two: He needs to answer Pepper’s email regarding the press conferences and publicity things, get that all worked out. 
Thought Three: He hopes Rhodey has some sort of food ready. 
Rhodey sees Tony and Harley stumbling in, and he’s struck for a moment by just how similarly they carry themselves, how Harley’s eyes dart around like Tony’s did when he first moved into their dorm. 
“Hi,” Rhodey says. “You hungry?” 
“We’ll sit down anyways,” Tony says. “Planes are the worst, Harley. They zap all your energy no matter how long you sit on your ass.” 
Rhodey sends Tony a look that says “you should probably watch your language.” 
Tony sends back a look that says “now’s not the time to discuss my behaviors.” 
Harley sleeps. 
He’s surprised he does, because he wakes up about nine hours later, and he feels like he doesn’t deserve this long of sleep. He gets slammed with the current news of his life all over again, and his lips tremble as he gets out of a bed that he thinks is too nice for him, and stares into a mirror. 
“Mr. Keener?” 
Harley jumps. 
“...is that you, Jarvis?” 
“It is indeed, Mr. Keener. An honor to make your acquaintance, Sir has told me so much about you.” 
“Please tell me he didn’t tell you about the potato gun.” 
“I can neither confirm nor deny.” 
Harley grins up at where the voice emanates. 
“Your presence is required for breakfast, if that is alright.” 
“That’s...that’s fine.” 
He’s not hungry, but Rhodey slides him a plate of toast and eggs. 
“Try to eat as much as you can,” he says. “Tony can finish off the rest, if he ever comes down from his bed.” 
Harley nods, nibbling on the toast. 
“You want jam or anything? We have grape, and...only grape. This peach looks questionable.” 
Harley snorts. 
“I’m good. Thanks, though.” 
“No problem.” 
They eat in awkward but companionable silence, and finally Harley speaks. 
“Tony said you’re on leave for three months.” 
“I got lucky,” Rhodey says, grinning. “I get to stay here with you guys for longer than three weeks. A full guarantee, unless of aliens.” 
“They’re that much of a concern?” Harley asks, eyebrows raised. 
“Only at high levels,” Rhodey says, giving him a lazy wink. “You didn’t hear it from me.” 
“If anything, you would hear it from me,” Tony says, wrapped up in a gaudily-patterned robe. “Hello dearest, hello little one.” 
“I’m not little,” Harley grumbles. 
“You are shorter than me, you are little.” 
“For now. Doc said I’m supposed to be over six feet.” 
“Hm, we’ll see,” Tony says. “But enough about that. We have to have a little chat.” 
Harley’s heart leaps with anxiety. When adults talk about having a chat, or talking, it’s...well. It’s never a walk in the park. Or a jog for that matter, either. 
“What about?” 
“How we can help you.” 
Harley sighs, burrowing deep in his seat. 
“We have to talk about this?” 
“Yeah, we do.” 
Harley gets set up with a therapist who he’s not sure he likes yet, but so far she’s been pretty nice. A bit of a mess, because she comes into their second session late and with iced coffee. 
“Oh shit, I should’ve asked you if you wanted something,” Joan says, fretting. “Um, hi Harley. How are we doing?” 
“Um, fine? I guess? For someone who’s dealing with a lot of change?” 
“Oh, that’s great to hear. Do you mind...?” She breathes for a minute. “There was a really cute girl in the elevator for the dentist office above me, and I had to avoid her so that I wouldn’t talk about things and ruin things, so I took the stairs. Do you mind if I just drink my coffee for a moment?” 
“...knock yourself out.” 
So they sit there for a few moments, while Joan catches her breath and Harley wonders if he can text her his coffee order later. 
“Alright, let’s talk you, Harley.” 
Therapy goes well. As well as it can go, honestly. 
And Harley? Well, he settles. 
And he notices things. 
Rhodey is still with them, two months and three weeks in. This is his last week, and Tony is miserable although he won’t say anything. 
Harley notices how Tony will automatically move closer to Rhodey, and Rhodey welcomes him into his space as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. 
They bicker at each other, but Rhodey slides scrambled eggs onto Tony’s plate as he argues, and Tony leans over and grabs the coffee mug that Rhodey favors. 
Apparently, they’re not together. 
This leaves Harley very confused. 
Tony gets all flustered and in denial when he asks about it. 
“Why would...why would he...why would he be with me?” Tony asks, moving around the kitchen. “He has more to life than that. Now come on, get your shopping list together, kiddo. I’m not gonna hear you complain for another week that we didn’t get your pumpkin-carving-coffee-creamer-whatever.” 
“It’s pumpkin spice, and you would know that because you pretend like you don’t use it.” 
“We’ll get two bottles this time,” Rhodey says, only coming in on the tail-end of the conversation. “Tony, babe, remember to get the provolone slices when we’re there for the deli sandwiches.” 
“Got it, honey.” 
Harley stares. 
They’re so...domestic. 
Harley hasn’t seen that often. Certainly didn’t see it with his parents before his dad left, and his mother...she didn’t get to have that with anyone else afterwards. And his sister, oh god-
“Kiddo, you okay?” Rhodey asks. His hand is on Harley’s shoulder, eyes full of concern. “Do you wanna talk about it?” 
“Just...just thinking about my mom. And my sister.” 
Rhodey brings him into a hug. 
Harley breathes in and out for a moment, absorbing the clean smell of Rhodey’s shirt and focusing on the touch. 
“Okay. Okay. I’ll be fine. Let’s go, before Tony gets to choose the car and we have to fit fifteen bags into a Maserati.” 
“Then we’ll have to leave you at the store,” Rhodey teases. “Let’s see if we can get a rational car.” 
Grocery shopping is...it’s nice. It’s one of Harley’s favorite things to do, as boring and uninteresting as that may be. 
He mostly just likes watching Tony and Rhodey do it. It’s entertainment, and they’re so practiced together. 
Harley isn’t sure if his mom and his sister are still looking on, but he always gets their favorite snacks, just in case. He puts a bag of hot fries and a carton of strawberries into the cart, and then he grins as he finds Tony and Rhodey still arguing over whether or not they should get two bundles of green onions for the Wednesday dinner or not. 
“Come on dad,” Harley says, throwing the extra bundle into the cart. “It’ll be good, and we can probably make some sort of soup garnish for the end.” 
He moves the cart, and he doesn’t even see how Tony and Rhodey stare after him. 
“So obviously, I’m dad,” Tony says. “That’s me.” 
“Or is it?” Rhodey asks, faking suspicion. “We don’t know until a full investigation is launched.” 
“Oh full investigation my ass,” Tony says. “Come on, before he leaves us in the dust and ends up getting far too many packages of candy.” 
“Like you minded, heathen.” 
Tony pushes off the grocery cart, and Rhodey has to smile for a moment. 
He’s going to miss this. He only has a few days left, and then he’s back and he’s alone, and he’s not alone, but he...
Rhodey always misses Tony. He’s tried to convince himself over the years that it’s just what best friends do, but he doesn’t think that best friends think of each other in the way that he thinks of Tony. 
And now there’s Harley. 
Harley, who is so much like Tony, and so good. He smiles, and he jokes, and Rhodey now can’t imagine life without him. 
He doesn’t want to miss out on a thing, honestly. They’ve already joked about teaching him to drive in New York traffic. 
And he wants to come home. He has his own place in New York, honest to god doesn’t know why he pays rent on it since Tony usually has him stay over anyways. He should sub-let or rent it or sell it. That’d be common sense. 
Dinner goes well. Both Rhodey and Harley have a good rhythm in the kitchen, even with Harley’s questionable music taste and Rhodey’s inability to follow a recipe. 
“People who follow recipes are chumps,” Rhodey says, dumping more garlic powder into the mixture. “Never follow a recipe.” 
“We can call your mother and ask about the blueberry crumble incident of 1997,” Tony says innocently. “If you want to rehash how well that advice went for you. I recall a nearly-burned-down-house?” 
Rhodey scowls, turning to Harley. 
“Don’t listen to a word this man has ever said, he is an unlovable scamp.” 
“Oh really?” Harley says. “Seems to suit you just fine, right?” 
Rhodey momentarily pauses, and then grins. 
“I suppose you’re right.” 
All too right. 
They eat dinner, and Tony as well as Rhodey make no mention of what’s going to happen come Saturday morning. 
At least, until Harley does, because Harley does things like ask questions. 
“So. When are you going for your next mission?” Harley asks. “And where?” 
“Classified, and seven a.m. bright and early Saturday morning,” Rhodey states. “You gonna get out of bed in time to see me off?” 
“Mm, we’ll think about it,” Tony says, biting into the pasta. “The beds are awfully comfy...” 
“Aw shut up,” Rhodey whines. “Just for that, I get to choose the movie, and I’m choosing the not-movie. I’m choosing the BBC Pride and Prejudice.” 
“You suck,” Tony groans. “If you weren’t a gorgeous man, I would have kicked you out decades earlier.” 
“You make us sound ancient.” 
“That’s because you two geezers are,” Harley says, taking his dish to the sink. “Come on, I totally dibs on getting the mint candies.” 
“Absolutely not, you stole them all last, at least let us portion them out,” Tony says. 
“Do we not live as a family? Can we no longer share things?” Harley cries out dramatically, draping his body across the couch. “Am I reduced to nothing but a pretty face?” 
“I don’t know where you get your dramatics from,” Rhodey deadpans. “Truly, I don’t.” 
Harley pokes his tongue out, and gestures for them to come over. 
“We can wash dishes later, we need to see if Mr. Darcy comes back,” Harley says. 
“You know he does,” Tony says, looking over at Rhodey. “He always will.” 
It means...something. They’re not sure what, and they’re not going to ask each other while Harley is busy commandeering the couch and wiggling his way into getting the best blanket. 
Tony on one side, Rhodey on the other, although the latter is busy popping popcorn and thinking. 
He doesn’t even really want to go. He signed up for this tour, and he wasn’t honestly thinking it was going to be his last, but with Harley now, and with how life is going...would it be a bad thing? 
Tony’s always wanted him to do at least consulting work for SI, and he could semi-retire comfortably... 
“Honey-darling!” Tony calls, “the ETA on popcorn? I’m getting desperate!” 
Harley sends Tony a sneaky look, and looks back towards the movie. 
“You should remind Rhodey to get chocolate chips,” Harley says. “You know he likes them.” 
“Of course I know that, how do you know that?” 
“You usually get the popcorn,” Harley says with a shrug. “I know what you know about him. And you know a lot, don’t you?” 
“I...I suppose,” Tony says, getting up. 
Harley settles into his spot on the couch. 
Tony comes up to Rhodey. 
“Remember your chocolate chips,” Tony says. 
Rhodey looks surprised. 
“I thought you hated how sticky they got your hands.” 
“That’s what napkins were invented for,” he says with a laugh. “I’ve been dealing with your chocolate chips for years, haven’t I?” 
“I guess,” Rhodey says. “Just like I’ve been dealing with the fact that you pretend like you don’t like it, but you steal all of it.” 
“Lies and slander, dearest,” Tony says, and Rhodey grins smoothly. 
“Get back to the kid, sweetheart. I’ll be there when all of this is done.” 
And it sounds so goddamned domestic. As if it’s real, as if they’ve been doing this song and dance for years. And they have, but it’s never been...
It’s never been real. Sure, they’ve waited on each other when Rhodey leaves or Tony travels, and they fall in together in a nice and easy rhythm. 
But Tony...he’s a Stark. He needs a good reputation, and while most wouldn’t say his reputation is exactly good, there’s a lot that the public can forgive. Rhodey is not part of that. 
Tony thinks that Rhodey deserves someone better. He knows it, knows it in the way that Rhodey smiles and it’s the best damned thing he’s ever seen, knows it in the way how his eyes track people who need help the most. 
Harley knows virtually none of this. The only thing he knows is that his guardians are the stupidest people on the planet, and now he has a side project besides school and by god it’ll be fun. 
But first, Rhodey is being sent off. Tony’s hands are wandering all over the place, as Harley’s noticed they do when he’s nervous. His do the same. Tony is talking about everything and joking about changes, and Rhodey smiles and nods and they both know what is going to happen. 
Harley, for his part, mostly just tries not to doze off because it’s too early for any of this but also he wants to remember this. 
Rhodey will be gone for one month and three weeks. According to Tony, this isn’t the longest he’s ever been away, but usually he’s not gone for this long. The older he gets, the shorter the missions or projects get. But they need his expertise with rookies. 
Tony, for his part, has packed about three extra bags for Rhodey under the guise of them being “goodie bags” or the army to peruse after Rhodey. 
“I won’t need all of these fancy pieces,” Rhodey says, rolling his eyes. “I’m not even leaving the US this time, cupcake.” 
“You saying you can’t be in danger when you’re here?” Tony asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“Take the stuff dad,” Harley says exasperated. 
“Ha!” Rhodey teases. “So I’m dad!” 
“You both are,” Harley says. “You’re both dad.” 
They grin at each other, at least until Tony furrows his brow. 
“Then how will we know which one you’re talking to?” 
“I’ll come up with a different name then,” Harley says. “I don’t know. Let’s not talk about this while you’re supposed to be boarding a jet.” 
Rhodey shrugs, leaning in for a hug from Harley, and facing Tony. There’s something in his eyes. 
“Stay safe,” Tony says. “Promise me that.” 
“I don’t make promises,” Rhodey says, a smile playing at his lips. 
“For anyone else,” Tony finishes, grinning. He brings him into a hug, probably holding on for a touch longer than necessary. But he’s leaving, so you can’t fault him for it. 
Harley is smiling to himself as Rhodey whispers something in Tony’s ear, which causes him to widen his eyes in delight. 
“Seriously? You’re serious.” 
“As a heart attack.” 
Tony cheers for a moment, before they hear a shout across the tarmac. Rhodey gives a lazy salute. 
“Until one month and three weeks.” 
“Until then, nerd,” Harley shouts. 
Tony blows a kiss, and Rhodey “catches” it and puts it in his pocket. 
Harley sends Tony a look as they’re driving home. 
“So. What did Rhodey whisper in your ear?” 
“He’s going to move in,” Tony says, grinning. 
“He doesn’t actually live at our home?” Harley asks, absolutely flabbergasted. “There’s no fucking way-” 
“You said ‘shit’ during breakfast, if anything this is just leveling the playing field-” 
“Don’t care, you’re a small child. What would the public say if they knew I was teaching my boy curse words?” Tony says dramatically. 
“They’d probably not be surprised,” Harley answers. “Didn’t you tell the paparazzi to ‘get fucked’ when they ambushed our dinner last month?” 
“Not the point.” 
“Or is it?” 
“You’re detracting from the fact that you get to help me get rid of all of Rhodey’s ugly furniture in his apartment.” 
“Seriously?” Harley whines. “No, I’m...doing something.” 
“Doing what? Eating hot fries on my couch and getting it stained with spicy cheese dust?” 
“Hm, thought so. You’re coming with me.” 
Rhodey isn’t expecting to miss home as fiercely as he does this time around. He’s irritable, but he finds comfort in talking with some of the other members of the crew about kids. 
“Didn’t know you had a kid,” Hicks mentions. “When did that happen?” 
“About six months ago,” Rhodey answers. “Kid needed a guardian, Tony stepped up to the plate. He’s a real neat kid, really a genius. Just like Tony, in that way.” 
“You live with Tony, finally?” Thompson asks. “Or do you still have that dinky bachelor pad?” 
“I’m selling it,” Rhodey said. “I told Tony I’d help out with Harley, and that’s what I’m doing. Figure since I’m always over there anyways, might as well move in.” 
“I’m surprised you didn’t move in sooner, what with you and Stark anyways,” Thompson remarks. 
“What do you mean?” Rhodey asks. 
“You’re...not together?” 
Rhodey looks away, a bit sheepish. 
“Uh...no. We’re not.” 
“But you wanna be,” Owens teases from her corner, eating her sandwich. “You stupid lover-boy.” 
“Aw shut up,” Rhodey fires back. “As if you aren’t all over your husband when you get back.” 
“But I, my dear old man, am married,” Owens says. “Put a ring on it! God knows you should’ve, like, eight years ago. Have you even asked him on a date?” 
“He has other options, and a life outside of me,” Rhodey says. 
“Bullshit,” the team crows, laughing. Rhodey just shakes his head, and bites into his sandwich. 
He misses them. 
Harley and Tony miss him equally as much. Tony is down in the dumps, sulking in his lab while Harley attempts to rebuild a projectile weapon. 
“Do you have a permit for that?” 
“Do I need one?” Harley asks. “I’m not gonna take it anywhere, except maybe when I’m in trouble.” 
“When will you be in trouble?” 
“...you’ll know.” 
“Please tell me you’re not going to be on national news.” 
“Just on regional, don’t worry.” 
Tony sighs. 
“Rhodey is going to want to witness that, so can you wait?” 
Rhodey gets letters from the two of them. He thinks it’s Harley’s idea: after all, Tony would simply just hijack the internet feed and yell at people until Rhodey was called for. 
He gets two pages from Tony with his elegant writing, the writing that almost never comes out because he remembers that Tony was taught how to write in blocky, all-caps letters that he was fond of now. 
Harley writes in chicken-scratch that is barely legible, although he mentions that he’s been learning about lettering from Tony. 
Tony misses you a lot, by the way, Harley writes, he’s been playing all of your favorite songs, and I didn’t know that you liked Three Dog Night. Interesting. 
It’s not surprising that Tony knows and plays his music, not really. But Rhodey is still pleasantly surprised that even when he isn’t physically present, Tony keeps a piece of him around. 
Similarly, Tony writes about Harley. 
The kid misses you, honey. He’s been compiling a list of things he wants to do when you get back. You’re better at hugging him, by the way. Today (well, Wednesday for you) we had a good cry session. Wish you were there, but we made do with what we had. Why did you take your sweatshirt, by the way? Stupid man, now I can’t wear it and drape myself across couches like a scorned widow. Honestly...
Rhodey comes back on a Tuesday morning. Harley’s allowed to miss school for it, which he’s very happy about. 
“That doesn’t mean you get to sleep in,” Tony says. “We’re picking him up at eight.” 
“Why must I be punished for all time,” Harley moans. “Eight? Seriously? Doesn’t the army know that noon exists?” 
“They made up the early rule because of me,” Tony jokes. “But I promise that Rhodey will most likely want an actual breakfast, which means we get diner breakfast.” 
“Yes!” Harley says, pumping his fist. “Waking up early just became worth it.” 
“Yeah sure, just look at the emails your teachers sent you about missing homework and be sure to text Peter and Ned about the classes you missed,” Tony says. 
Harley nods, walking out of the kitchen before pausing and turning back. 
“You should wear that Black Sabbath shirt that Rhodey likes tomorrow,” he says. “It’ll be nice for him to see.” 
Tony raises an eyebrow. 
“And since when did you know what Rhodey likes to see?” 
“Since I was born with vision,” Harley deadpans. “He always picks that shirt out for you when you come back after a business meeting overseas.” 
Waking up at eight a.m. is worth it for a hug from Rhodey. Honest to god, that man gives the best hugs Harley’s ever had, short of Abbie and mom. 
Tony is asking a million questions a minute, and then telling Rhodey about the results of the apartment. A Stark Industries employee is renting it, and Tony managed to save some of the mugs, and chastised Rhodey for stealing a colander, apparently. 
“It was our good one! Why did you leave it in your apartment?” 
“I thought I stored it where we put the pans!” Rhodey defended. “How was I supposed to know that it was at that apartment?” 
“Quit arguing and start moving,” Harley says. “We have breakfast to get to.” 
“Our boy is growing,” Tony says, sighing. “Soon he’ll eat us out of house and home.” 
“We live in a gigantic tower in New York, I think you’re gonna be fine,” Rhodey says. “Although let’s get on it before there’s too much of a wait.” 
“It’s a Tuesday, darling,” Tony says. “No wait. And they know us.” 
Harley enjoys witnessing breakfast. Basically because Tony and Rhodey fall into their respective rhythms as if no one had ever left. Rhodey is fighting about the hash browns, and Tony is reaching all the way across the table for the hot sauce. 
Harley has honestly and truly missed them all together like this. 
Even if Rhodey nabs a sausage from his plate. 
“I’m the growing teen here!” Harley says, gesturing with his fork. “Why steal from your poor, innocent charge? Was it not enough to leave for a month and three weeks?” 
“And three weeks! Honestly honey,” Tony says, distracting Harley enough to steal the other sausage off of his plate. “You should’ve been here sooner, we could’ve eaten more of these!” 
“You both are criminals,” Harley says. “Criminals who I have to live with. This is unforgivable. I’ll waste away into nothing...” 
Rhodey laughs, and he catches Tony’s eyes. 
Yeah. It’s good to be back. 
Living with Tony and Harley isn’t really an adjustment at all. Rhodey had barely used his apartment before, and now is no different. He just gets to decorate his room a little bit more, and contribute more to groceries. 
He’s also around for more of Harley which is...interesting. 
The kid knows something, that’s for sure. 
He is also sneakily good at making sure that Tony and Rhodey get alone time, whether that be last-minute-ditching plans with Pepper or “forgetting” that he was supposed to be going to Ned’s for a video-game championship. (Harley was good at lying, but Tony and Rhodey have had years of practice.) 
Rhodey has a sneaking suspicion that he knows why. 
Harley isn’t a stupid boy, not by a long shot. 
He’s caught on to Rhodey’s stares, the way that Tony and Rhodey have something, but neither really want to acknowledge. 
To acknowledge means to know, and knowing is something that is far more terrifying than most people give it credit. 
Harley eventually has help. 
After all, he and Pepper didn’t just go their separate ways when he ditched his guardians to give them quality dates, and he didn’t just talk about video game strategy with Peter, Ned, and MJ. 
He was planning. Figured it would fit with a life plan, honestly. 
Pepper is quite potentially even more tired than he is, and has agreed to help set up a nice date. 
She’s made deals she never expected to. 
She owes the god of mischief a bottle of wine. It’s ridiculous. 
Peter and Ned have been elected with getting the “aesthetic” right, and MJ has been “helpfully” suggesting where lights go. 
“MJ, if I move them any more left they’ll fall off the building and become a hazard,” Harley grunts. 
“Exactly. Nothing says romance like dangerous situations,” she says with a shrug. “But put them in the tree, and we can link the extension cord behind. It’ll look nice. All Pinterest-y and shit.” 
“Why can’t you help and then joke?” 
“I never joke. You just always like my second plan better.” 
“I don’t know whether to be terrified or alarmed!” Peter calls from his spot of building the cheese-board. 
“They’re synonyms,” MJ says. “When are we going home, by the way?” 
“As soon as Rhodey finishes up with his afternoon run, and Tony realizes that dinner is still a social concept,” Harley says. 
“Time, then?” 
“I’ll call my mom about the pizza,” Ned says. “We still thinking one pepperoni and one veggie?” 
“Sounds great,” Peter says. “What movie are we watching tonight?” 
“Twitter polls said Clueless over the Leonardo DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet. Sorry Ned, looks like your choice will be next week.” 
“My heart hurts, but it understands,” Ned says sagely, placing a hand over his heart. “I will see Mercutio soon enough.” 
Tony was not aware that their rooftop had lights. He doesn’t remember putting them there. 
He was also pretty sure that Harley had a question about the flight patterns of birds in relation to GPS technology in drones, and it was weird that it was outside, but- 
There’s a cheese-board. And now he gets why Pepper made him change shirts. He knew that his shirt wasn’t ugly! 
Rhodey is standing across the way, looking at the dinner set-up and the tealights flickering gently from their placement. 
“Is this...did you do this, Tony?” 
“I don’t have this much of a creative eye,” Tony says, eyeing the intimate table placement. “Maybe Pepper?” 
“She doesn’t do lights...” 
“Harley,” they both say in unison, laughing. 
There’s a note at the table, written in the same near-illegible handwriting: 
Either get together or I get to make a Twitter thread. Your call. 
Tony snorts as he looks at the placement of everything. 
“Well...it’d be a shame for it to go to waste.” 
“Is that you saying you’re flattered, but no thanks?” Rhodey asks. 
“No,” Tony says, looking at Rhodey. “It’s not that at all, if you-” 
“You mean-?” 
“What? Is this what’s happening?” Tony asks. His breathing speeds up. He’s quite embarrassed that he can feel his cheeks turn red. He thought he got rid of blushing in ‘96. 
“I...damn it, Tony. I love you!” 
Tony stares. He just stares, and for a moment it doesn’t process, until it does. He flings himself into Rhodey’s arms, and laughs. 
“Holy shit, that’s a relief.” 
Rhodey spins him around, taking a brief moment to kiss him gently on the cheek. 
“Oh, you owe me more than that, soldier.” 
“I think I’m a little bit higher ranked than that.” 
“Oh, and what would that be?” 
“Boyfriend, for one.” 
Tony rolls his eyes. 
“We’re, like, a minute into this and you’re already the cheesy one.” 
“Well one of us has to be, and I’m going to beat you to the punch.” 
Harley gets one text at four in the morning from Rhodey: 
no twitter thread for us. and you need to figure out what to call tony because i’m claiming “dad.” 
Harley cackles, grinning. 
got it, he’ll be pops then. 
Tony texts Harley a minute later. 
if you call me ‘pops’ there will be a mutiny! a mutiny!! 
Harley laughs again, tapping a message back. 
Tony doesn’t respond, choosing instead to roll back over and sling an arm around his significant other. It’s too early to be nitpicking your kid’s grammar. 
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adiwriting · 4 years
Sunday Morning 8/?
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Notes: So despite the fact that this is the 8th installment in the series, this is actually the fic that started this whole little series. I had an image of Malex in the kitchen with Isobel teasing them for being so domestic and clingy... and here we are. This isn’t the Isobel prompt fill I’m writing for @litwitlady​, but it should hold her over until it’s ready ;) Hope you guys are still enjoying this! 
Gif by the lovely @manesalex​. It’s so much brighter and happier than my old one <3
Week 8: 
Alex is dozing off in the late morning when he feels the mattress move beneath him and groans. 
“No,” he whines, feeling cold the moment that Michael moves away. He reaches his arm out, not bothering to open his eyes. 
They’d woken up early to watch the sunrise together out on the patio. Afterwards, Michael had talked Alex into a shared shower that quickly led to more. They’d both crawled back into bed afterwards and Alex has been sleeping ever since with Michael curled up at his side. 
“Sorry, but I gotta get up,” Michael says, leaving a kiss at the back of his neck. The mattress shifts again once Michael leaves the bed completely. 
Alex grumbles. 
“Where are you going?” He rolls over reluctantly, confused as he watches Michael pull clothes out of the dresser. 
“Isobel is on her way,” Michael says, throwing the clothes he’s gathered on the bed, save for his boxers, which he puts on. He looks over Alex, eyes trailing down his stomach to where the sheet is covering the rest of him, then back up to his face. “God, you look so good. It’s not fair.” 
“Come back to bed then,” he argues, holding out his hand, but Michael shakes his head. 
“Tempting as you always are, I can’t,” Michael says. “You know Iz. If I don’t get up, she’ll storm in here and neither of us want that.” 
Alex moves to sit up, rubbing his tired eyes. “It’s Sunday,” he complains through a yawn. 
“I told her that,” Michael explains, putting on a t-shirt. Alex whines as the reality sinks in that they really aren’t going to spend the rest of the day naked in bed. “Apparently that excuse stopped working when we had breakfast with Liz last week.” 
“Yeah, well did you tell her those were extenuating circumstances? Her car had broken down in the middle of the night,” he explains, swinging his legs around to hang off of the bed before resting. He needs to reach out for the prosthetic and start getting ready, but he doesn’t have the energy. He feels like he’s moving through molasses. 
“She kept giving me shit about being family and how she wants to spend more time with us,” Michael says as he pulls on his jeans. 
“So we’re having breakfast with her,” he says with a sigh, trying not to sound as grumpy as he feels. He doesn’t want to get up. He wants to lay in bed all day, but if Michael isn’t going to lay with him, what’s the point? 
“She’s bringing bagels,” Michael says, trying to sound cheery.
Alex falls back into his pillow and groans. He doesn’t really care what she’s bringing over. She’s interrupting their Sunday. 
“It’s okay that she’s coming over, right?” Michael asks, shifting nervously. 
Alex is about to complain, when his mind flashes to a different time when Isobel had interrupted their morning together with bagels. And it clicks why Michael is looking so awkward. 
“Of course it’s okay,” he sits back up. 
Michael doesn’t look convinced. They’ve been back together for two months and it’s been such a seamless journey that sometimes Alex forgets that they both still have lingering insecurities to work through. 
“Hey, I don’t care,” he reassures him, reaching out his hand for Michael. He is relieved when his boyfriend takes it and allows Alex to pull him closer, until he’s standing between Alex’s thighs. “Isobel is family and family is always welcome.” 
Michael runs his fingers through Alex’s hair and he can’t help but lean into the touch. “You’re sure it’s okay that she comes here?” he asks. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Michael gives him a knowing look and Alex adds, “People know that we are together now. We aren’t hiding it. I’m okay with it. More than okay with it.” 
“I’m just being a brat because I’m tired,” he admits. “Sorry.” 
Michael accepts his apology with a kiss. When he pulls back, Michael runs his thumb over his cheeks, studying his face carefully. It should annoy him. It does when anyone else looks at him like that. But this is Michael, and he trusts him with all of the ugly parts of himself. 
“Your meds?” Michael asks. 
Alex nods his head. He thinks that’s probably it. He’s not usually this exhausted and there hadn’t been anything special about this week to make him so. But his doctor had warned him this could be a side effect of changing his PTSD medication. 
Michael gives him a soft smile, then kisses his forehead. “I’ve got Isobel. Once she leaves, we can lounge around all day and watch movies.” 
“I thought you wanted to check out the Mexican Market,” he says. He doesn’t want to be the reason why they cancel their plans. He hates letting people down. 
“Nah.” Michael shrugs like it’s not a big deal. “I’d rather curl up with you on the couch any day,” he says and Alex believes him. 
He moves away and heads to the dresser to grab his deodorant. Alex yawns as he stretches out his back until it pops. 
There is a knock at their door. Soon after they hear the door open and Isobel calls out, “I hope everyone’s wearing pants!” 
Michael snorts and rolls his eyes. 
“I swear we lock that door for this very reason,” Alex grumbles. He’s most certainly not wearing pants. He’s not wearing anything at all, in fact. 
“She’s telekinetic now, remember?” Michael says before looking him over and giving him a fond smile. “Take your time. Come out if and when you’re ready. She won’t be offended if you don’t.” 
And with that, Michael slips out the door, careful not to open it too wide and give Isobel a show, and he immediately closes the door behind him. Alex listens to him greet his sister and laugh as Isobel teases him. There aren’t many people that Michael interacts with where he lets his guard down completely, but Isobel is one of them and Alex appreciates that about her. Even if he doesn’t entirely appreciate her crashing their Sunday morning date. 
He lets out a deep sigh, resigned to his fate, before moving to get himself together. Michael may have given him permission to stay in bed, and perhaps he would have preferred that option, but as Michael goes, so goes Alex’s nation. He gets himself dressed and grabs his crutch. He doesn’t trust himself completely on his feet today.
He shuffles out of the room and towards the kitchen, where he can hear Isobel and Michael laughing. The act of getting dressed has made him even more tired. When he enters, he barely manages a greeting for Isobel before he wraps his arms around Michael from behind and leans his head against him, closing his eyes again. 
Michael squeezes one of the arms around him in greeting and says, “Isobel brought cinnamon raisin. Do you want me to toast it for you?” 
“Mmm,” is the only response he gives. He really needs to talk to his doctor about these new meds. He doesn’t like how they make him feel.
“You two are sickeningly domestic,” Isobel says from her spot on their counter. 
Alex can’t see Michael’s face but he can hear the smile in his voice when he says, “Thank you.” 
“How long have you guys lived here?” she asks. 
“I don’t live here,” Michael says, and Isobel snorts.
Alex is glad his face is hidden in Michael’s shirt so that he doesn’t have to hide his smile. Michael most certainly does live here. He sleeps here every night. They’ve just never talked about it. It just sort of happened. One day Alex looked up and all of Michael’s stuff was here and they’d stopped discussing who was going to sleep where, when. It was just decided that they would always stay here.
“I stopped by Sanders the other day looking for you,” she says. “Your airstream is practically empty.” 
“The airstream isn’t empty,” Michael says defensively. He moves to grab a knife out of the drawer and Alex follows him, not letting go. “It’s still got stuff in it.” 
“Okay,” Isobel says in that voice she uses when she isn’t buying Michael’s bullshit. 
“I haven’t moved in,” Michael says. “It’s just easier to keep my clothes here if I’m sleeping here every night.” 
“Right,” Isobel says through a laugh. 
Michael tenses and is about to argue further, but Alex squeezes him tighter and places a kiss to the back of his neck. 
“I moved in last August,” Alex tells her, refocusing the conversation before it can get derailed by Michael’s temper. 
Michael turns around in his arms carefully. Alex loosens his grip and steps back, leaving a hand on Michael’s waist and accepting his bagel with his other. 
“You’ve lived here for over a year?” Isobel asks, looking around the room with a critical eye. 
“Yes. Why?” he asks defensively as Michael leads them all into the dining room so that they can sit down and Alex can get off of his leg. 
“Nothing, it just is a little barren,” Isobel says. “You should let me come decorate.” 
Michael’s hand wraps around his waist while he uses his telekinesis to move his chair closer to him. His hand finds its way under his shirt and rests against his back, rubbing soothing circles. 
“No,” Michael says before Alex has a chance to say anything. 
“Come on,” Isobel whines. “I’m an excellent interior designer. Look at Max’s place.” 
“Max doesn’t even have curtains,” Michael scoffs. “Whatever we need, we’ll handle it.” 
For a boy who claims not to live here, Michael uses the word ‘we’ pretty liberally, Alex thinks but doesn’t dare say. He loves having Michael here every day. He loves coming home to him after a long day at work. He enjoys waking up next to him in the mornings. He loves playfully bickering over who’s going to take out the trash and being able to watch Michael get lost into some complex equation. He gets a thrill whenever he walks into a room to see Michael starting some new home improvement project. He smiles at the way Michael’s shoes always end up kicked off in the hallway randomly instead of neatly set by the door like Alex’s. 
Alex loves that Michael lives here, but he’s not going to say anything to him about it. Not yet. He’s worried that it will scare Michael off. Michael had been the one to say they should take it slow. And while nothing about what they are doing could be considered slow, Alex doesn’t want to point that out and have him freak out about it being too much domesticity too quickly or something. Because Alex doesn’t think he’d be able to go back to how things used to be at this point. Not now that he’s experienced what it’s like to have all of Michael. 
“If you can handle it, why isn’t there anything on the walls?” Isobel smirks. 
“Because I’ve been working on more important things like retiling the bathroom,” Michael explains. “Once I get that done, I’ll work on some pieces for us.” 
“You will?” Alex asks. Michael hasn’t told him of any plans. 
Michael blushes but doesn’t backpedal. “I’ve got some ideas.” 
“Can’t wait,” he says, honestly, earning him a smile from Michael. 
Alex finishes his bagel as Isobel and Michael talk about work. Once he’s done, he leans his weight more on Michael and rests his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep to the sound of their usual banter. 
When Alex wakes up, he’s laying in bed with Michael’s warm breath tickling his neck as he snores ever so softly. He has no idea how he got here. He has no memory of Isobel leaving or Michael moving him, which is odd. He’s always been a light sleeper. He makes a mental note to call the doctor tomorrow morning to talk about his medication, but for now, he snuggles closer to Michael and allows himself to enjoy the brilliance of a nap with the one he loves. 
Tagged: @callieramics​ @redstalkingdeath​
As always if anyone wants to be tagged, let me know!
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let-it-show · 3 years
Bless This Happiness We Found
I wanted to write a little something for Anna’s birthday! Simple questions bring about her thoughts and well, just something nice. I didn’t really edit it because I’m very tired, and didn’t want to be much later with it. Title is from the lyrics out the outtake song “Home”! Can easily be read as Snow Sisters or Elsanna :) --- "What do you want for your birthday?" Anna opened her mouth to answer, but as soon  as she did so, she found she had no answer. "I-I don't know." "What? There must be something!" Olaf gave her a concerned look from his place on their red and white checkered picnic blanket. They'd decided to have lunch together on a beautiful summer day while Elsa took a meeting with a couple of farmers in town. Anna would have attended, and she even tried, but with her birthday the following day Elsa had told her she was to take the week off. Anna protested of course, and they almost fought about it. All she wanted to do was spend time with Elsa! Spending time with her sister was her favorite thing in the world! At the same time, it was easy for Elsa to convince her - she hugged Anna and kissed her freckled cheek, telling her just to trust her.
At first Anna had wondered if Elsa was planning some grand event, and she didn't know how she felt about that. She loved Elsa making a big deal of her birthday, she really did, but what would require a week off? If Elsa was planning a huge party, she didn't know that she was ready for whatever was coming.
However as the days went along, she found herself relaxing. She'd been so invested in being the second queen of Arendelle, so invested in leading, that she'd found...well, she lost parts of herself that came back as she relaxed. She felt them as she leaned back on the blanket, clad in the beautiful dress that Elsa had given her years prior during the first birthday in forever. Her hair hung free, resting on her back. "Nothing comes to mind Olaf," she finally answered. "I know I'll get some things, Elsa has given me a different dress every year and-and you know her, she spoils me! I know you and Kristoff have been whispering..." She smiled at him and he chuckled. "...Mattias carved me that duckling last year, and I saw him working at something the other day."
"Oh." Olaf leaned back as well and looked up at the blue sky above them. "I guess if you know you're getting so many gifts, it's greedy to ask for them! Elsa must feel that way since she gives away gifts on her birthday each year."
Anna stared up at the sky as well. When had she last spent lots of time outside the castle with Olaf, just staring at the sky? There were no clouds for them to find shapes in, but she didn't mind that. "Elsa just loves to make everyone around her so happy...so do I! But her birthday is during that time of year, so it makes a little more sense." Elsa had begun to let Anna join with her in planning the gift-giving each winter, and Anna loved it. She loved her sister so much.
"Elsa doesn't have to give gifts to make anyone happy. Neither of you do," Olaf commented. "I'm happy right now! We haven't done this in a while."
A grin broke out over Anna's face, her gaze still on the sky. "I'm happy too."
"Hoo hoo! Queen Anna, you look so happy!"
Anna paused on her walk through town, having spent time with Olaf until he dozed off. Actually, she stayed for a little while, until her foot fell asleep. She kissed the top of the little snowman's head before deciding to go on a very leisurely stroll, something she hadn't done in a while.
She was usually with Elsa, so she missed her, but it was still lovely - especially when a friendly face greeted her. "Oaken! Hi! How are you?" she asked, making her way over to his kiosk. She could never quite pin down how his business worked. Sometimes she wouldn't see him in town for a while and he'd be in his store where she'd met him years ago. Other times, he'd be peddling remedies for stress relief and offering massages to various Arendellians.
"Very well thank you! Tomorrow's your big day!" he said with a smile and a wave from his place behind his counter. On display he had flowers, sunhats, and bottles of...of mysteries. She wasn't sure.
Anna bounced closer though. She hadn't chatted with him in a while, not having proper time. "Yes, it  is," she said with a laugh. "You always remember!"
"How could I forget your birthday?" he asked, and reached for what was a surprisingly huge pile of sunflower bouquets, pulling one wrapped in an orange ribbon. "Let me give you some flowers to start your day with!"
"Oh, thank you!" Anna squealed. She was never able to turn down sunflowers! She took them with a smile as she bounced on her heels, and then buried her face in them. Her love for sunflowers was almost an obsession, and she never put together quite why, other than being bright and sunny. They just made her so happy!
"You're so welcome! But I'm sure you have grander birthday wishes, ya? What have you asked for this year?" He placed his palms together and tapped his fingers against each other, an excited look on his face.
"I haven't asked for anything, I don't really know what I'd want!" Anna replied, her eyes closing as she remained in her flowers for another few seconds.
"Oh no? Nothing at all?"
"Nope!" she answered brightly.
When Oaken failed to follow up with anything else, Anna opened her eyes. "Is...is that weird?" she asked, somewhat confused.
Oaken chuckled. "No, no. Well...yes. Usually people want something for their birthday! Even if it's not a material gift, they want something! Are you sure there's nothing you're looking for, Anna?"
Anna sighed. She really couldn't think of anything. She had a wonderful life in the castle, and was surrounded by everyone she loved. Most of all, she had Elsa! She couldn't wait to see her again that evening when she knew the meeting would be over. What was she supposed to ask for? "Not really...I know I'll get gifts tomorrow and I'll love whatever I receive, but I don't want anything in particular. As long as nothing bad happens, I'll be happy." That was the truth. She half wanted to say that she hoped for a day where no one wanted to follow mysterious voices and the earth stayed calm, but those would be strange things to say just for the sake of conversation.
Life had been fairly normal. There'd been no disruptions, just days of being a ruler of a kingdom, which could be tiring. Elsa handled it impressively.
Oaken watched her for a second, and then a light chuckle escaped him. "Well, then I'm very happy for you Queen Anna," he said simply, and Anna knew he meant it.
The time to see her sister was drawing closer and the sun was beginning to leave its place high in the blue sky. Anna had made some small talk as she walked, and eventually she found herself in front of the statue she'd had dedicated to their parents. She shifted her sunflowers in her arms as she looked up at them, chewing her lip. She couldn't really remember a truly happy birthday with them, which was somewhat sad. Sure, they celebrated it with her and gave her presents and dinner and there was a very minor celebration in the castle.
And every year, Elsa's door stayed closed without Anna understanding why.
"Good afternoon, Your Majesty! Or perhaps it's good evening by now."
Anna was taken from her thoughts by a familiar, smooth, calming voice. It was a voice she was always happy to hear, and she turned slowly to face Mattias as he approached. "Evening, I suppose. Hello Mattias!" she replied, not bothering to correct him - he knew it was more than okay for him to just call her by her name. He preferred to use her title though, and she respected that.
"How are you doing? Enjoying your week off?" he asked her, continuing forward and stopping beside her to look at the statue.
"Oh, yes, very much. It's been wonderful. It's strange not doing all my meetings and not being in the study but...well, it's also so good to...um..." She felt a little strange telling the hard-working man that it was nice to have less on her shoulders. Even if it was the truth, it seemed a bit awkward to say that to Mattias, dressed in his guard uniform, patrolling like he always did. Anna could tell it brought him a sort of peace.
He glanced at her, a hint of amusement in his face. "It's fine to say you're enjoying not working. From all I've learned about you, it seems being a Queen of Arendelle was never exactly in your plans."
"Oh!" she placed her hand lightly on her chest, laughing nervously. "Well no, it wasn't - I don't, I don't hate it! I don't even dislike it. I just miss some of my life before."
"Understandable," Mattias said with a little nod.
Anna took that as encouragement to continue. "I had responsibilities before! I helped around town and when Elsa would stop being so stubborn I would do what I could with her work. Then we had time to be with each other. That's kind of how it is now, except, I have to be a little more involved because of my title...we still have fun though! And I see her every day since she returned from the forest!"
Mattias glanced at her again, before turning to face her completely. "So despite the change, you're happy? Really happy?"
"I...yes, I am," Anna answered in a small voice. "Why do you ask?"
"Your birthday is tomorrow, correct?"
Mattias smiled, letting out the air of almost quiet laughter as he regarded her. "I know birthdays can be a time of reflection, of thinking about what we've accomplished in life. At least, I did that every year in the forest. Anyway, finding you out here looking at the statue of your parents drove me to ask."
Anna felt her shoulders relax - she hadn't even known she'd been tense. Mattias had such a way with his words, so able to calm her when she needed and providing a sense of comfort she hadn't felt from an older male figure in her life in years. Someday she'd have to show him just how much she appreciated him. "I see. Yes, I was thinking a little, mostly about my birthday and how happy I am to have everyone here. My birthdays used to be very lonely, but now..."
Anna shrugged a little. "Well now, things are better than I could have ever thought. I have Elsa, I have my family - that includes you - and I get to do good for my kingdom. I don't have to do it alone. It's a lot of work sometimes but...but then I have days like these, where I can walk around the town and everyone says hi to me. Everyone knows me and no doors are closed. I do what I can to help them, and they support me." She was very, very happy.
Mattias didn't answer right away. He kept smiling, and looked back to the statue. "So...what do you want for your birthday, Your Majesty?"
"Oh..." Anna laughed, she should have expected it. "I can't think of anything. I've tried several times today and just couldn't. There's nothing I could ask for."
"Nothing at all?" he asked, but he didn't sound disbelieving.
"Nothing at all," she responded quietly, looking up at the statue. She didn't follow it up with anything else, just regarding her honored past, though in a way it felt like she was looking at two strangers. In that moment it didn't bother her. She wasn't feeling alone.
When she finally approached the castle a little while later, Elsa was crossing the bridge to meet her. She was in her green dress that she'd made years ago - she had been wearing it all week. Magic dresses rarely had to be laundered, it appeared.
"Anna!" Elsa threw out her arms as she greeted Anna with a huge smile. It was like they hadn't seen each other in months when it had been just hours. Elsa hugged her with such intensity too and she always did that.
It was a hug that let Anna know she'd never be pushed away again, and she melted into it as her bouquet dropped the short distance to the ground. She returned the embrace eagerly. "Oh Elsa! I missed you!"
"I missed you too. The meeting lasted forever...have you had a nice day?" Elsa asked, still squeezing.
"It's been a lovely day. But you know, I wish you'd been at my side," Anna told her quietly.
Elsa finally released her, only to run her palms down Anna's arms to take her hands, holding them down between them. "I would have liked that too. Tomorrow I will be, my schedule is cleared just for you. We can do anything you want. What would you like to do for your birthday?"
It was that question again, though framed differently. Her answer was still the same. "I don't know. Nothing in particular."
"Nothing...? Surely there's something that would make you happy?" Elsa asked, tilting her head a little, the tiny snow diamonds in her hair sparkling despite the setting of the sun.
Anna almost laughed because of how-how dear Elsa looked in the moment, so ready for an answer, so ready to please. How could she ask for more than that? Standing on the bridge, hands joined, while Elsa's gaze met her own - after a day of seeing friends and knowing she was somewhere that so thoroughly loved her.
She squeezed Elsa's hands and leaned forward until their foreheads touched, her sister face so close to her own. "I am happy, Elsa." She watched the beautiful smile that spread across Elsa's features, something she always loved to see. Yes, she was sure of what she was saying. "I am very, very happy."
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thesvenqueen · 4 years
With All My Love
Rating: M 
Pairing: Kristanna (as if it would be anything else)
Also on AO3 
Previous Chapters
Note: just want to say thank you thank you thank you to all you lovely readers! appreciate all the love and comments and tags and love you all greatly 💕
{Chapter 12}
Days go by, and then a week. 
A routine has been made between them, one that came easily. He awakens before her, something he teases her on relentlessly with a smirk, and makes breakfast for them both. 
Anna will tend to the chickens while Kristoff gets hay for Sven. They tend to the garden together, pulling weeds, watering and observing the plants to make sure they grow good and strong. They make a new row just for her future flowers, ready for new seeds whenever they come. 
She’ll watch as he tends to his sled, help where she can as he makes a fence for the chickens. They both tidy the cabin when it needs it, sweeping and dusting, washing what needs washing. 
Most days they’ll finish early, leaving them to their own devices. 
Kristoff took it upon himself to teach her how to make bread one afternoon. She’d failed the first time, resulting in a hard, flat brick that even the chickens struggled to eat. He’d tried a piece, and though she could tell it was an absolute disaster he still told her with his lopsided smile that it was a good first try. Her second and third were much more successful, merely four pieces left now to show for it. 
Other days they sit by the river, feet soaking in the cool mountain water. Sometimes they sit in silence, other times they chat about anything and everything. More often than not, they find themselves tangled together, kissing each other senseless as they lay on the river bank. 
Some days they’ll walk, hand in hand, down paths that Kristoff knows well. Just yesterday he had led her to a small valley nearby where wild flowers were blooming. They’d laid in the flowers, holding each other, talking, kissing, watching the clouds, kissing some more. Anna continued to find stray pieces of grass and weed tangled within her hair.
Evenings become her favorite time. It’s quiet, still within the cabin, nothing but the sound of the crackling fire. They always find themselves sitting in front of the fireplace, a blanket shared between them, Anna leaning into Kristoff’s lap as he holds her in his arms. It’s comforting, soothing to rest in his arms, to feel his chest move as he breathes, to feel his lips against her brow as she dozes. 
Before, it used to bother Anna to go to bed early. Especially if she’d had a day where she’d done nothing, it felt as though she was extremely lazy for finding sleep so early. Now though, finding sleep early is rewarding. Something she deserves after doing and achieving so much during the day. 
It’s an added bonus when she finds herself nearly asleep in his arms, the feel of him lifting and carrying her to the bed, a soft murmur of ‘I love you’ the last thing she hears before sleep overcomes her. 
Something is different today, Anna can sense it. There is an odd air of tension it seems between them now, one that wishes to snap. 
He’d been quiet all morning, making Anna uneasy. 
They’ve been so comfortable with each other, a surprising alternative to the awkwardness she was so sure they’d have to get through. Now, it seems, they’ve taken a step back. 
As the morning wares on, she realizes it is not an awkward tension that lies, it’s pure tension and she isn’t sure why.
Kristoff avoids her gaze, not wanting to meet her eyes. She’d watched, as she fed the kitchens as he murmured something to Sven, something she couldn’t hear and the look on his face created a solid form of dread sitting in her stomach. 
Something was wrong, and whatever it was he was keeping it from her. 
He continues to stay silent during their come over of the garden, only murmuring a yes at her offering to go to the river.
It’s then, on their way down, that she finally snaps, completely done with it all.
“Enough of this.” She demands, pulling her hand from his, coming to a stand still on the path. He stops then, a step in front of her. He looks at her confused and it only makes Anna more angry. “What is wrong?”
“Don’t lie.” She says, arms crossed now as she glares. “You’ve acted distant all day, you won’t even look at me.” At that, Kristoff’s shoulders slump, his confusion falling from his face. “What is it Kristoff?”
The silence annoys Anna but she fights the urge to say anything. She can tell that he is thinking, working through what it is he has to say. 
Though the words seemed to come easy when writing, speaking them was a whole other thing for Kristoff. He needed time, a moment sometimes to really get his words in order to be sure he said the right thing.
This was most definitely one of those times. 
“I have to go back to Arendelle.” 
He looks at her as he speaks, regret in his eyes, worry on his face and the dread that was sitting in Anna’s stomach grows in size, enough to make her nauseous now. 
She knew it was coming, feared when the moment would come but it was too soon. They needed more time, just a little more time. 
“Why?” Anna manages to say, a lump forming in her throat. 
“I have a business to run.” He says, “I have deliveries to make that I have to tend to. Plus, we are running low on supplies I...I don’t have a choice Anna.”
Anna nods, looking down at her shoes, “Ok.” She says, clearing her throat as she looks back up to him with a small smile, “So a day's trip, then?”
She knew it wasn’t a one day trip. He tended to deliveries on the daily, having multiple shipments to make throughout the week. The fact he’d been able to put them off this long was a miracle in of itself. She wondered how much it hurt him, how much it cost to take so much time away to be with her as it was. To be away from potential income, from money he very much needed. 
Anna doesn’t realize she’s begun to cry until he comes to her, wiping his thumb gently along her cheeks to wipe her tears away. 
“I won’t be long.” He whispers, “I’ll try to be as quick as I can.”
Anna shakes her head, closing her eyes, “That’s not what I’m worried about.” She opens her eyes to find him confused once more, and her lip wobbles as she speaks, “The princess...I’m missing, Kristoff.”
It’s then realization hits him, his eyes widening in understanding. 
The princess of Arendelle was gone, missing in the night. There was no doubt a search would be made, an effort to find her. Especially with a prince on his way to retrieve his bride in weeks to come. 
They could be questioning every villager, every merchant, every sailor and ice harvester alike. Including Kristoff, especially Kristoff. No doubt word would get around that they were friends, that they may have been close. They’d want to ask him, talk to him, see what he knew. 
Would he be able to lie? To keep the secret that waited for him at his cabin from them? 
Anna had faith he would but the risk was still there and so was the guilt that he would have to risk this all for her. 
What if they wanted him to come to the castle, to be questioned by the Queen, her sister?
What if they’d questioned Gerda, able to manipulate the truth from her?
What if they were just waiting for him to arrive, already knowing he was a part of it somehow, to take him away, to lock him up never to see daylight again?
What if…
It’s then she feels his thumb brush of her lip, realizing that she had spoken all her thoughts aloud through her tears. 
She looks up at him, his eyes so soft, always so soft for her and it makes her heart hurt at the idea of never seeing those eyes again.
“No more ‘what if’s’ ok?” She nods, tears still falling freely. He smiles softly down at her, “If we want to keep suspicions off of me, I have to go back to what I did before. I have to go back or they’ll know something is up.”
“But what about..”
“I asked for this week a while ago.” He says, knowing what she was going to question. “They won’t suspect anything from it.”
“Are you sure?”
Kristoff sighs, his smile falling and he leans down to her. He kisses her, soft and gently, his tongue running along her lower lip. Not for the first or last time, a spark shoots up Anna’s spine at the feeling.
She grabs hold of his wrist, trying to force herself to focus on his lips, on his kiss, on the feel of him and nothing else. 
He pulls back, just enough but still leaning his head against hers. 
“I knew what I was getting into the moment I said yes.” Kristoff says, “I knew the risk, and I still took them, I’m still willing to take them. For you Anna, I’ll do it for you.”
The tears come again, forming in her eyes at his words. Anna goes to apologize, opening her mouth to speak but he shakes his head.
“No, don’t you dare apologize.”
She can’t help but smile, trying to fight back the laugh that wants to escape at the notion he could already read her so well. 
Instead, she bites her lip, and says, “Just come back to me, please.”
This he didn’t expect, as Kristoff pauses. He looks at her, Anna nearly losing herself in his eyes before he finally speaks. 
“Anna,” Another promise, another one he will make that Anna knows he will keep. It’s comforting but also worrisome at how many promises he has made her. More promises to keep, more promises to potentially be broken. “I promise, swear, that I will always come back to you.”
The rest of the day goes as any other. They sit by the river, finishing the loaf of bread and eating apples they’d found the day before. 
The tension is gone, though the dread sits firmly within Anna. She hides it well, laughing and smiling that she nearly fools herself that everything was ok. 
It’s when the evening comes, as they sit by the fire that the fear returns at full force. Anna can’t help but wonder if Kristoff can hear how her heart hammers in her chest, how she has watched him all day. How she has tried to engrain the image of him into her mind just in case. 
She doesn’t doze off by the fire tonight, instead she is awake as he carries her to the bed. Instinctively, she curls up to his side, wrapping her arm around him as much as she can. She nuzzles her head into his chest, willing herself to remember how he feels, how he smells. 
Kristoff falls asleep first, the hand that was stroking her back stilling and his soft snores following soon after.
Anna stays awake, moving her head gently to look up at him. 
She takes in the view, the image of him so at peace, and wills herself to remember. 
As she falls asleep, she hopes, prays to whatever gods there are that they will allow him to keep his promise.
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myherowritings · 5 years
Animal Instincts
Overview: With your shapeshifting quirk, you take on the duty of becoming the resident undercover therapy cat for Class 1-A. One day, you see Todoroki restless in the middle of the night and try to comfort him in cat form. But what happens when he confides in you his feelings you weren’t meant to hear?
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Shapeshifter!Reader
Word Count: 3,129
Warning(s): None, just lots of fluff and cat mischief and cutely awkward moments.
Author’s Note: Hey, y’all! This is my first BNHA fic and I had tons of fun writing it, so I hope you enjoy! P.S. A Tododeku fic will most likely come out next + requests are open. :)
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As Class 1-A’s self-proclaimed undercover therapy cat, you took it upon yourself to comfort your fellow classmates in need. And with the constant chaos that happened to surround U.A., you found that particular need to be quite substantial.
Not that you minded.
You were always willing to help a friend and if you were able to do so by taking advantage of humans’ natural boost in oxytocin when engaging with a dog or cat, so be it. Plus, you couldn’t deny the neck rubs and ear scratches you received while in animal form was a nice bonus.
As the sky darkened to a deep twilight, you took the cue to head back to the dorms after wandering around campus when you spotted a familiar head of polychromatic hair sitting atop his veranda.
What’s he doing up so late?
Curious, you shifted into the more discreet form of a cat and climbed the ledges of your classmates’ balconies until you reached the fifth level.
Todoroki was resting his elbows against the railing as he looked out into the campus with his head in his hands. To the untrained eye, one might see him and think nothing was wrong, but with your close proximity and heightened sight, the darkness under his eyes and the wrinkles along his normally ironed school shirt were as clear as day.
Todoroki looked tired.
You inched closer slowly, torn between letting him have his space and the overwhelming urge to smooth his worries away.
However, it turned out that wasn’t a decision you had to make for yourself.
In the split second you landed on the balcony next to him, he instantly straightened and turned his head toward the soft patter of your paws, eyes locking on your dilated pupils.
You froze.
“A cat?” Todoroki mused.
You made a move in retreat when a soft murmur came from his lips.
Slowly extending his hand, palm-down, he gestured you over and you cautiously obliged. “Don’t be scared, neko-chan.”
Now, although you liked to think you were in control of yourself when you transformed into an animal, there were times you had to admit the animal’s instincts were strong enough to test your resolve. And in cat form, the moment you felt the gentle rub of fingers underneath your chin, your resolve flew out the window, instead taken over by the urge to flutter your eyes shut and mewl.
When his hand shifted from under your chin to cupping your face and rubbing your ears, you couldn’t help it-- A purr of contentment left the back of your throat as you stretched. Peering up at him, you caught a small smile playing on Todoroki’s lips.
You hummed to yourself.
Your job as a therapy cat had never once failed and you were glad Todoroki was no exception.  
As he rubbed his knuckle against the tops of your ear, you felt yourself melt against the warmth of his left hand with all thoughts momentarily leaving you.
“I’ve never had a pet before,” said Todoroki, continuing his absent-minded attack against your senses. “My father said animals, especially those we grow an attachment to, are a mere a distraction.”
You made a noise of indignation, brows furrowing as you thought of giving Endeavor a piece of your mind.
He huffed in what you thought was a sound of amusement before smoothing out the wrinkle on your forehead. “Endeavor was tyrannical like that. He didn’t exactly care for what I wanted-- Only what he thought his optimal tool needed.”
With wide eyes, you blinked up at him. Todoroki had a hardened look on his face as he stared out the veranda.
Slowly, he moved you closer to his chest, cradling you with one arm while stroking your tail with the other. You expected his torso to feel warm despite his lack of proper clothing because of his quirk, but he felt surprisingly cold.
Todoroki’s quirk may be half-cold half-hot, but you could understand how regulating his body temperature when fatigued and distracted could be difficult.
Get some rest! you wanted to say while smothering him in blankets.
Instead, you wriggled your way out of his arms and leaped onto the floor, pulling at the leg of his pants with sharp teeth. When he glanced down at you, you tugged the fabric in the direction of his dorm, quickly releasing him and stalking over to the sliding doors.
“You want to go inside?” said Todoroki, picking you up and entering his room. “You’re a pushy kitten, you know?”
Cat-- Not kitten, you thought crossly. It took a lot of work for you to grow from a kitten to a cat. You bristled in his arms, mildly insulted.
He walked over to his futon and leaned against the wall, the whole time scratching the top of your head with small movements of his fingers. Your earlier irritation melted away as Todoroki gave you a pat.
For someone who had never had a pet, he was quite good with animals.
“I never knew how relaxing this could be,” he said as he toyed with the ends of your raised ears. “Midoriya told me this helped relieve stress, but I didn’t expect it to be this effective.”
Yes! The undercover therapy cat strikes again.
You sighed in contentment. His deep voice and constant stroking was almost enough to put you to sleep.
A few minutes of silence passed and you could feel Todoroki’s breathing slow into a steadier pace. You thought he dozed off when he remarked, “My father said he’s trying to be better.”
Your ears flattened. Todoroki had never confided in you--human you--about his family before. What if he found out the cat was you and resented you for it?
“Ever since All Might retired, Endeavor has been trying to be an actual dad to my siblings and I, and I can see he really is doing his best.” He leaned his head against the wall with a slow exhale. “But sometimes I wonder if I can ever really forgive him.”
Burrowing your cheek against his chest, you mewled.
You don’t ever have to forgive him, you were trying to say. But you knew, given time, he would. Despite his aloof exterior, Todoroki had a big heart. He was fierce and loyal and cared deeply for those he trusted. That was something you’ve always admired about him.
If only you had the courage to tell him that in person. And not as a cat.
“I know I should forgive him.” No, you don’t! “But part of me doesn’t want to. My older sister is optimistic about the change, but I can’t help but wonder if she really thinks Endeavor will change or if she’s holding on to the hope of finally being a family.”
Todoroki pushed his bangs out of his face, causing his hair to look slightly disheveled.
“I want to be a family, too,” he admitted. “It can be lonely without one.”
Your heart broke at his words. You couldn’t imagine life without your family, no matter how much they got on your nerves, you knew they would always love you.
You wanted Todoroki to know he deserved to feel worthy of that love himself.
He sent a look in your direction, as if he could sense your shift in thoughts. “Apologies, neko-chan. I hope I didn’t hurt your ears by talking too much.”
Todoroki ran your left ear between his middle and index finger as you leaned against him. From his sitting position, he slouched into his pillows on as he laid down. You snuggled against his arms.
“I don’t normally chatter off like this, you seem trustworthy,” he said, sounding sleepy as he scratched under your chin. “Thank you for listening.”
And as Todoroki dozed off, you couldn’t help but feel guilty for accidentally finding out all those things about him.
You expected a quick snuggle and pet and he’d feel better and soon let you go, which was the typical routine when your other classmates saw you--without knowing it was you--as a cat.
You didn’t think he would actually make substantial conversation.
Worried with guilt gnawing at your stomach, you slipped out from his embrace and hopped off the futon. You would have to tell him the truth, you decided. Even if it meant your undercover gig would be up.
Right now, Todoroki looked peaceful-- And you knew he needed to rest.
Quickly switching back to your normal human form, you pulled the covers over a sleeping Todoroki and bade him a smile goodnight before slipping out of his room.
You would tell him the cat he poured his secrets to was you.
- - - - -
“Are you sure this apology gift is good enough?” you asked Uraraka, wringing your hands as she examined the freshly baked brownies in a decorated gift wrap.
Wiping away the crumbs from her face, she nodded feverishly. “Better than good enough! They taste amazing.”
You smiled in gratitude. After thinking all night about how to confront Todoroki, you decided an apology with a gift would be best. Plus, you did recall him taking a particular liking to your mom’s fudge brownies that you shared with your friends once during lunch. There was no way you could go wrong with a rich, chocolaty treat.
“You should really bake apology treats more often,” said Uraraka, eyes lighting up when you offered her another corner piece that didn’t fit in the gift bag.
“I’m glad you like them,” you said with a small laugh. “I hope Todoroki will think they’re okay.”
She responded with an enthusiastic affirmation you couldn’t quite decipher with the food in her mouth. When she finished the piece, she tried again. “He’ll love them! Whatever you’re apologizing to him for is sure to be forgiven with these brownies. I know it.”
Though Uraraka’s certainty brought a great deal of comfort to your endless worry, nerves still festered in your stomach.
Cleaning up the last of the mess from your baking escapade, you thanked Ochako once again for trying the brownies and gathered the courage to head up to the boy’s side of the fifth floor.
“Stop fretting, Y/N-chan!” she called as you two neared opposite elevators. “Todoroki values your friendship too much to let anything come between it. There’s no need to worry.”
“I hope you’re right.” You bit the inside of your lip as you carefully smoothed out the already pristine gift bag. “Thank you, Ochako.”
She waved you off as the elevator door began to shut. “Please-- All I did was try what you made. This was all you! Now go make up with Shouto-kun!”
You sent her a thumbs up and a grin before pressing the button to the fifth floor on the control panel, hoping the momentary confidence boost from Uraraka’s words would last.
Taking a deep breath as the elevator dinged open, you walked down the hall to the third room down and knocked on Todoroki’s door. You really hoped he liked the brownies.
You heard footsteps getting louder and you tried to ignore the way your stomach churned when the door cracked opened.
“Hi, Todoroki,” you said with a small smile. “Do you have a moment to talk?”
He tilted to his head to the side in confusion, but opened the door wider to allow you in. “Of course. Is something troubling you?”
Walking inside, he lead you to the mat on the side of the floor and sat down. When you stayed back near the doorway, Todoroki looked back with slightly furrowed eyebrows.
Shaking your head, you brought yourself out of your thoughts and followed behind him.
“Sorry! I just--” You fumbled with the gift bag in your hands before extending your arms to him, brownies resting in your palms as you bowed your head. “I made you something.”
You could have sworn you felt the temperature in the room rise, but you were too afraid to look up and check.
“You...made me something?” said Todoroki quietly.
You nodded.
Bracing a look at his face, your expression instantly softened. His gaze was locked on the baked goods with his hand raised slightly near his side, almost unsure of what to do.
“They’re brownies. I remember you liked the ones I brought from home, so I asked my mom for the recipe,” you said, fighting off the blush that was creeping up cheeks when you noticed Todoroki’s unwavering stare. “They might not taste that great and they might be a little--”
“Thank you.”
You blinked, startled at his firm tone.
“That-- It means a lot to me.”
“Oh!” This time, attempting to stop the heat from spreading was futile. “I’m glad.”
Slowly, he took the gift bag from your hands, the tip of his pinky brushing against the center of your palm. You both jolted at the spark.
With his face still tinged a shade of pink, Todoroki was the first to recover.
“You said you wanted to talk?” he asked with his voice raised an octave.
“Right! I wanted to apologize, actually.”
He set the brownies on his work desk with gentle care. When satisfied, he turned back to you.
“Apologize?” Todoroki repeated. “What for?”
You shuffled your feet, playing with a loose thread in your skirt. “I’ve been keeping something from you.”
His mouth opened.
Scratching the back of your neck, you continued. “Well, I suppose I’ve been keeping something from all of you guys.” Your eyes darted around the perimeter of his room. “I didn’t think it was a bad thing-- I was only trying to help, but then I heard some things I wasn’t meant to and I realized maybe I was overstepping on people’s boundaries and--”
You broke off at Todoroki’s confused looked, taking a deep breath to catch your thoughts.
“Remember that cat from last night?” you tried again, only this time hopefully much more coherent.
“Yes,” he said with a slow nod.
“Well, that cat was me.”
Todoroki blinked.
“I didn’t mean to trick you or anything! I was just walking around campus trying not to get caught and I saw you on your veranda and you looked so sad,” you blurted, staring at him with wide eyes. “I just wanted to help you feel better and what better way to do that than let you pet a cat? Everyone feels better after petting a cat! That’s what my mom tells me, at least. And our classmates seemed to agree--though none of them know it was me as a cat. But now you do! And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I hope you can forgive me.”
Sucking in a breath after your long-winded monologue, you waited tensely for his reply.
“I already know.”
“I know I should’ve told you before, and I’m--” You paused, your brain registering what he just said. “You know?”
Todoroki nodded.
“You know what exactly?”
“That you’ve been acting as Class 1-A’s therapy cat,” he said. “I had my suspicions, at least, but you confirmed them all just now.”
“But--” You were at a loss for words. He knew? “You knew?”
Todoroki paced over to his windows and leaned against them. “I had a feeling the cat wasn’t a real cat. Not fully, anyway. And since not many students here have quirks that allow them to shapeshift, you were the only one that made sense.”
You followed his movements with your gaze, looking away when he looked up.
“You knew the cat was me,” you murmured, peering at him through your lashes, “and you still chose to confide in it?”
“Of course.” Todoroki loosened the cuffed link of his uniform. “There was never a need to apologize. As I told you before, I think you’re trustworthy. It doesn’t matter if you’re in cat form or not.” He paused. “I trust you, Y/N.”
A shy smile made its way onto your face as you met his gaze across the room. “I trust you, too, Shouto-kun.”
His expression matched yours. “Thank you.”
The two of you settled into a comfortable silence as you thought briefly about that night. He told you about his family and his worries--you you, not just cat you--because he trusted you. That thought sent an odd flutter to your stomach.
“Wait. When we...cuddled,” you said with heated cheeks, “you knew it was me?”
Todoroki’s level of flames on his face challenged your own, but his were just slightly more visible.
“I suppose I did,” he hesitated. “Is that...okay?”
You grinned. “More than okay.”
“That’s good.” There was a short beat. Then, “Would you like to share the brownies some time?”
Surprised, you glanced over at your apology gift on Todoroki’s table.
“Thank you, but I’m okay,” you said, waving him off. “I ate plenty of batter and extra pieces while preparing them for you. I won’t be able to eat another brownie for weeks!”
His face fell before giving you a shrug. “Oh, that’s too bad. Maybe we should get some food to eat, instead?”
Did he not want the brownies? you fretted.
You nodded adamantly, shaking off the thought. What mattered was the he accepted your apology. And that he was never mad in the first place. “Sure! Midoriya, Aoyama, and I were going to head to the dining halls around seven if you wanted to join.”
Todoroki blinked once. Then again, his hair falling to the front of his eyes.
“No, I meant…Eat somewhere else,” he queried. “Maybe not today, but perhaps this weekend? It could be just you and me, if that’s okay with you.”
You quirked your head to the side. Was he trying to…?
“Shouto-kun,” you said, trying to hide the mixture of amusement and happiness bubbling in your chest. “Are you asking me to go on a date with you?”
Todoroki exhaled a small cloud of frost, sounding almost relieved at your words. “I’m trying to, yes.” Within a split second, he appeared in front of you, leaning down so he was level with your gaze. “Will you go on a date with me, Y/N?”
“Yes!” You beamed, having the sudden urge to jump around the room. “Of course. I would love to.”
His eyes fluttered shut before giving you a dimpled grin of his own.
“We can even go to a cat cafe!” you teased, shifting into a cat and running between his legs while you slipped between his fingers. Laughing at the look on his face, you turned back into a human. “But only as long as you don’t get tempted by any other felines.”
Todoroki shook his head, traces of a smile lighting up his face as his hand finally found yours. “Don’t worry, neko-chan. The only one I can be tempted by is you.”
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Could you do a reaction where the lost boys are hanging out with their S/O at their house. It’s 3 am and s/o falls asleep. They hear a crash down stares so the boy investigates, his face all vamped out. They find the s/o younger sibling in the kitchen who is around 4 yrs old with their hand in the cookie jar. The sibling sees them with their fangs and runs over to them yelling “Kitty”! The next night their s/o tells them they are tired because their younger sibling Made them look for a cat.
Okie doke, super specific but I think I did a damn dandy job on it if I do say so myself lol. Well, I hope you enjoy it!
The Bats Being Cats
Lost Boys × fem!S/O fluff with little brother
It was a rare occurence when David slept outside of the hotel, but with the numerous break ins he didn't feel comfortable leaving you alone. You insisted you weren't alone! 
"Having a stray neighborhood cat you feed doesn't count as protection," he retorts, arms crossed. 
"No that's not what I mean-"
"-Just let me keep any eye on you, kitten. Please?"
Being asked please by David just made your heart ache. Pleasantries were partially limited as it was but David was not one for saying please. You sighed, taking his hand in yours. "Fine, but please don't kill anybody. My parents would be pissed if someone got blood on the carpets."
All had been going pretty well, you managed to cook him up a home made meal for once having to repeatedly remind yourself absolutely no garlic, and after a slashers marathon on TV you were ready for bed. It was only 2 am! David was far from tired, but at your behest he obliged under protest. Being the nocturnal vamp he was, he just laid beside you while you slept enjoying the peace and quiet. Beds weren't exactly his forte so it didn't make him any less awake. Too squishy. The loud banging coming from the kitchen didn't exactly serenade him into slumber. 
An intruder huh? Well, you did say not to kill them… but you never said anything about mmaiming. Besides, he had to skip a blood meal to be here, might as well have some fast food while you were off in dreamland. David gently scooted himself off the bed as best he could without disturbing you and pulled the blankets over. Watching you burrow against the pillow made him smile softly, pushing your hair out of your face. Slowly he leaned in for a tender kiss, after all he wasn't in a hurry. "Sleep tight kitten, I'll be right back."
Carefully he slunk down the stairs with ease. Sure enough a stream of light trailed off from the dining room. The closer he got the more he continued to hear rattling within the kitchen. Drawers slowly rumbling as the were slid open, the cabinets squeaking, the… chairs being scraped across the floor? 
Okay so they were a very short burglar, whatever. Turning the corner with fangs ready to tear into whatever pitiful mortal thought it wise to enter his mate's home- who the hell is that?
Rather than a short man dressed in all black, he had come to find a small boy sitting on the counter in a red race car t-shirt with matching race track print shorts elbow deep in a dog-shaped jar labeled "COOKIES". Currently the tiny pastry thief was smeared with chocolate chips and crumbs, half a cookie sticking out of his mouth. There was such a heavy awkward silence and they both just stared at each other until the boy finally gasped. "Wow you're a big kitty!"
"Ki-?" Immediately David became flustered as the little one scrambled off his kitchen chair ladder and HUGGED HIM. David immediately scrunched his body together as if it could make him smaller. He hardly hugged anyone other than you, the sensation was almost so foreign he nearly rejected the crumb coated tyke who was smearing chocolate on his jacket. Grrrreat. 
"Uh.. Yeah sure, kitty, let's go with that," he quickly dismissed the kid, awkwardly patting his head. "Kitty says off to be or I'll tell-"
"You can't tell Y/N! She'll tell mummy when they can't back!"
Mummy? Go figure you forget to mention you had a little brother! "Well then we better go to bed then, huh? Otherwise we'll both get in trouble. See, your sister doesn't want me getting lost around the house showing off my teeth. So we gotta keep that a secret, got it?"
The boy quickly nodded, pretending to zip his lips shut. Watching David put the cookies higher that the chair could help him reach. With cheeks puffed up he stomped away, whining under his breath that the mean kitty was no fun. David rolled his eyes, sinking away his fangs back into his mouth. With dawn approaching he debated his options, quickly scribbling down a "sleeping in here, do not open" to tape on your closet, using a wadded up towel to seal up any cracks. Not ideal, but better than being burnt to a crisp. Once the sun went down again, he came out to see you utterly disheveled. How were you tired you slept half the night, if anything he should be tired! Well apparently your little brother B/N insisted he found a giant, bossy kitty cat "with a dumb hair cut" in the house and demanded you spent all day helping him find it. David hadn't the heart to tell you, although the chair cut line made him tempted to scare the little turd. Maybe not, so he just shrugged it off suggesting perhaps the kid was sleepwalking.
Well Dwayne had a fair share of handling children before, but this was ridiculous. It seemed like a cute little suggestion, spending the night at your house. He wouldn't exactly get much sleep. Still, he didn't mind cuddling with you in your bed, get the opportunity to maybe look around your room and get some better insight about who you were before he met you. Besides, any opportunity to sleep in a real bed again that wasnt caked in cobwebs was a golden opportunity in his eyes. 
You certainly were a trooper, you insisted on staying up as late as you possibly could. After ordering from a pizza shop he opted just to devour the barbecue wings while you nibbled down on classic pepperoni. You insisted there was no garlic, but he wasn't going to risk anything spoiling tonight. When his hunger couldn't be satiated you offered him the uncooked beef shoulder your mom was saving for dinner next week. It was disgusting, wringing it out like a sweaty sock, watching your juice pitcher fill up with red juices. When you struggled to squeeze out  anything else, Dwayne straight up dug his teeth into the partially dried hunk of meat until it started to turn grey. The entire process was gruesome. You couldn't help make a face, although you were still glad he had some sort of blood. 
"What's animal blood like anyway? I mean, usually you drink human right? Is animal like… vampiric vegetarianism?"
Dwayne pondered the inquiry, wiping the red from around his mouth. "I guess the best way I can describe it, it's like junk food in a way," he explained, polishing off the last bit and smearing his mouth on his jacket sleeve. "It fills you up okay, but not as well as human blood. Eventually it won't be able curb the hunger for very much longer."
"Hm. So it's like having potato chips for dinner," you asked, going to rinse out the jug before he had the chance to lick up the remainder. 
"Pretty much."
After dinner, you settled on the couch watching the IT miniseries on tv, sharing a bowl of popcorn. Half way through the three hour series you had dozed off, head lightly nuzzled beneath his arm into his chest. Gently he swept you up into his arms, carrying you down the hallway into your room. Just as he laid you down he heard a bunch of clanking around in the kitchen. Looking back at you he pushed your hair out of your face, stealing a gentle kiss. "Don't worry princess, I'll handle this one," he whispered against your lips. Guess he was going to get that human blood after all. With fangs bared he swept through the hallways with ease, slinking into the dark kitchen ready to strike, and then the lights flipped on. Standing beside the fridge was a young child, couldn't be more than 4 or five sitting on the floor with a handful of pinwheel cookies. Literally caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the bits eyes turned to saucers. "KITTY CAT!" 
Dwayne flinched when the crumbly toddler hugged his waist. Alright so you had a brother. That was new. Carefully he lifted up the toddler, balancing on his hip like he had done with Laddie. "Well hi. I wasn't expecting a cookie thief tonight."
"Are you Y/N's kitty? You're really big!"
"No, I'm a big ol' panther. I usually eat all the bad kids who stay up past their bedtime," he teased with a fanged grin. "Know any?"
The boy rapidly shook his head. "Nope! Uh uh! I was uh, sleepy walkin'!" 
"Oh well, then I guess we should get you back to bed then, huh?"
Laddie used to pull the same thing all the time. They always put him to bed around 4:40 am, sometimes he could push it to almost 5, but then Dwayne would catch him sneaking around the tunnels at 6 am. Except with Laddie he would just hang upside down with him or go back to Star. He couldn't exactly do that with a four year old human. Instead he shuffled his boots through scattered toys, kicking them out of the way as he tucked the little boy in bed. Out like a light. Boy he was good. Softly he tip toes back into your room and laid beside you until the sun started coming up. He snuck into your parents room with their dark, heavy curtains drawn and wedged himself into their walk in closet just to be safe. Thank god your dad hates sunlight too. The entire day time he could hear your little brother shouting "Kitty?! Mr. Kitty?!"
Cue your groans as you lazily followed him, shooing the boy away from where Dwayne was currently sleeping.
"B/N, you were probably just sleeping after you ate all the freakin' cookies and dreamt there was some big dumb cat."
"No no no, honest Y/N, I saw him, I did I did! We jus' gotta keep lookin'!"
Dwayne chuckled, he'd have to apologize to you once the sun came up.
Yes! A sleep over at Y/N's place! Finally! He never got to go over there because your parents were such fuddy duddy same-old! Now with them gone for a weekend trip to San Diego, he had you all to himself! Oh he was so giddy when he jumped through your doorway. Wow. Fancy! Two stories, a big ol' tv in the living room with one giant wrap-around couch?! Is that the new Sega system?! There's a freaking pool in the backyard! He's just geeking out!
"Dude, babe, why didn't you tell me your parents are loaded," he exclaimed, jumping over the edge of the couch onto the cushions. 
"I mean the stuff is nice I guess," you shrugged, sitting next to him. "Honestly I just love being with you guys in the hotel. I hadn't really thought about it."
Paul raised his brow. "So, you're gonna give all this up?"
"Well, eventually whenever I decide I want you to turn me." 
Cuuute. Paul just snickered, nibbling on your neck. After that, you were up almost all night. Getting high in your bedroom, concocting bizarre stoner munchies down in the kitchen, video game competitions on the giant television, making out when you were supposed to be watching a scary movie… making out when you guys are skinny dipping in the pool… whole lot of heavy petting. Finally you had tuckered out in his arms, burrowed beside him with his jacket draped over you. Oh god you were so adorable. It was only 3:45 in the morning, so he had a few hours before the sun came up. 
"Okay sleepyhead," Paul huffed, lifting you up in his arms ", bedtime!"
You groaned some half mumbled whine about not being tired which only made him chuckle. "Shhh, chill out kitten. Time to crash. I'll still be here tomorrow night, mkay?"
It was hard for him to put you down. Not that he didn't want to- you wouldn't let go! You kept clinging to his shirt and whining until he had flopped on the bed with you. "Can't get enough of me, huh baby? Eh, I can't blame ya." 
You mumbled something along the lines of "shut up" then went back to sleep. Still adorable. Well he got cozy, gently rolling you off of him once he was sure you were asleep. That's when a loud crash came from the kitchen. A break in? 
Paul sat up- and was immediately yanked back down! "Fuck meee," he groaned, looking over at you. Really?! You were holding his HAIR?? "Ugh, babe you suck."
In a frenzy he managed to untangle the chunk of his blonde hair caught in your vice grip. Carefully he peeked around the corner of the hallway. It couldn't be your parents, he would have been able to hear their car perfectly. No this was down in the kitchen. 
Raccoon, burglar, hobo squatters, whatever he was, it was a little past midnught but he could still go for a snack. 
There was a light on in the kitchen just barely illuminating the living room adjacent to it, Paul could see some sort of shadow shifting around, clinking sounds of glass were, the fridge opening. He tore around the corner, fangs ready to dig into his newest treat. Apparently, someone else was craving a snack. 
There was a breakfast bar hanging off the counter top by the sink in the center of your kitchen, and happily wedged in a tall bar stool was a mop top kid sporting batman pajamas with a big ol' glass of milk and the jar of cookies with the lid off. 
"Oh! Shit- uh, hey kiddo," Paul stuttered.
"Shit," the kid questioned, making Paul choke. Crap! 
"Oh crap-! I mean fuc-! I mean-," he smacked his forehead in frustration just so he'd shut the hell up, plunking his butt in the stool trying to process what to say. 
The boy was still staring at him, then with a firm hand, pointed right at him. "You're a really tall cat!"
"Yeah? I like to this so." Paul chuckled, snatching a cookie from the jar, not even waiting to finish chewing before he asked him "What's your name kiddo?"
"B/N," he answered. "You're not gonna tell me sister right? I saw you wrestling with here earlier. Are you like a lion or something?"
Again, Paul nearly choked on his cookie, knocking back the milk. Fuuuuck that kid saw you guys on the couch. "Uh, yeah! You're sister is trying to be a lion tamer, so I'm helping her!" Leaning his cheek on his hand he gave him a sneaky smile. "And I won't tell on you if you don't tell on me and your sister. Your mommy and daddy wouldn't be real happy if she let a big ol' lion in."
B/N nodded firmly as if he was given the most intense secret mission of his short life. Paul just spent a few minutes with the oddball talking about video games, the best cartoons on nowadays, showing him how to stick up some devil horns and head bang. Kid was a natural! Tongue out and everything! With snack time over he shooed the boy back to bed, tucking him in awkwardly.
"Good night Mr. Lion. You're awesome," he yawned, snuggling into bed. Paul felt a twinge of guilt, knowing one day he'd have to take this kid's big sister away… maybe they'd wait just a little longer. Wedged happily inside Y/N's closet atop a pile of her unmentionables with plenty of clothes and some duct tape courtesy of said lovely babe, he couldn't help but hear the boy burst in with excitement, jumping on her bed. 
"Ugh, B/N it's like 9 am, what is it," you groaned from your bed, trying to roll back over under a pile of comforters. 
"You wouldn't believe it! I hung out with a lion last night! He was huuuuge!"
"Yeah? I met he smelled like kitty litter and weed," you half mumbled. 
"Nuh uh! Don't you remember? He was the one you were wrestling with in the jacuzzi!"
You sat up straight, your face bright red. "You little twerp, you supposed to have been in bed by then!"
Paul had to stifle a laugh, rolling over. He'd explain it later. After all, lions weren't morning cats.
When you mentioned your parents flying to Florida to take care of your granny, he couldn't resist the urge to spend the night with you. At first you seemed opposed to the idea. You weren't supposed to have guests over! If your parents caught you home with a boy of all people, they'd kill you then dance on your grave. 
"Pretty please baby doll," he'd hugged, nuzzling his nose into your neck. He wiggled his arms around your neck, teasing beneath your ear with sweet kisses until you practically melted. "I'll be good. Honest, baby girl. No one else is gonna see me, it's not like you'll get caught."
"Well…," you'd hesitate. Well, of course all it took was those bonnie blue eyes, Marko pouting out his bottom lip. "Okay fine, but only if you don't cause any trouble."
"When do I ever?"
You were sure to stock up on snacks for the night. Chips, soda, three types of gummies. You two were the dynamic duo of sweet tooths, if it weren't for his hyper healing he was sure his fangs would've rot out by now. 
 But you were determined. Tonight had to be a perfect sleepover for you and your boyfriend. Later in the afternoon you managed to sneak into the blood drive going on at the beach and steal a cooler of AB negative. After all, it was a special night.
 In regards to the sun, you had made up the guest room with heavy curtains tightly taped to the wall to prevent any light. You even made sure the closet was cleared if that wasn't enough. 
You were so excited once he arrived, practically jumping into his arms. Marko gushed over how cute your room was. Posters, plushies, a plethora of reading material along a wall-height bookshelf, although once he spotted your bed there wasn't much talking left over. When you two were all done having a good ol' time doing the Devil's tango, you insisted on him having a home cooked meal for once. 
"Don't you ever get tired of greasy, soggy chow mein," you ask, sauteing a pan of teriyaki soaked beef. 
"It is not soggy," Marko insisted, feigning offense. 
"You didn't say it wasn't greasy though."
After you two fattened up on a sundae making contest, you crashed on the couch with him, laying comfortably on top wiggled tightly in his arms. Even Marko grew drowsy slurping on the end of a blood pack. You were just so sweet and soft, he couldn't resist the allure of the perfect cuddle partner. Eyes were drooping, almost dozing off.
The sound of clinking glass in the kitchen jolted him awake. You two were supposed to be alone, or so he thought. 
It was nearly impossible to wiggle out from underneath you. When he began to move you verbally whined, holding onto him. "Shhh she it's okay baby girl. I'll be right back," he cooed, lifting you up then laying you back down on the couch. Draping his leather jacket over you, his heart nearly kickstarted again when you snuggled up against it with a weary smile. "Oh you're gonna bring me back to life just to kill me, babe."
Again that loud thump in the kitchen drew his attention. Someone must've either been real stupid or had some twisted death wish to break into your house. With teeth bared he stepped in, swinging the door open. 
Oh! At first he thought maybe it was a raccoon, but following the trail of candy wrappers led him right to the culprit. A guilty six year old covered in chocolate. 
"Well, hey there," Marko chimed, crouching down to look at him. "Where'd you come from?"
"My room," the smart mouth retorted, trying to hide the candy behind him. "Are you some sort of cheetah?"
Marko burst out laughing, the light glinting off his set of fangs. "Heck yeah I am. And who are you?"
"I'm B/N," he mumbled. "Is that why you and my sister were having a roaring contest earlier?"
It was hard not to laugh at that, biting on his bottom lip. "Yeah, but you gotta keep it a secret, okay? It's official Cheetah business, I'm sure you understand."
B/N was a tricky one, Marko could definitely see the family resemblance once he asked
"What do I get if I'm quiet?"
Tricky little bugger wasn't he? That smirk was so familiar it was almost weird. Kudos to this kid for playing the hustle. Bad judge of character though. Marko leaned close and grinned, baring his fangs again. "Well, for one I won't eat you."
The boy gasped, but instead of crying he just laughed. "Okay, deal. Throw in a candy bar?"
"Hm.." Marko tilted his head still squatting in a frog position with his hands resting on his knees. "Well I can't argue with that. You got a deal, kiddo."
Escorting the boy back to his room, Marko crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorway. "You're pretty smart, kiddo."
"Yeah, Y/N always say never get played for a sucker," he sighed between yawns. Typical. He was nearly hustled by a 6 year old. Waltzing back to you he lifted you up still wrapped in his jacket and laid you in your room. If you had been alone he probably would've kept you in the guest room with him. But somebody had to watch the little punk. So wearily he slunk into the quiet room, locking the door for extra measure so no nosey kids came bursting in. He hadn't heard much while he was sleeping that day, but when he came our again you were frazzled after putting your brother to bed around 7pm. Apparently he insisted there was a talking cheetah in the house with a bad attitude who wanted to eat him. "Nah," Marko insisted, shrugging his shoulders with a smirk. "I hear punk kids are too tough and chewy for cheetahs to eat."
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Frappuci-oh-no || Athena, Orion and Winston
When: 22/09/2020 Who: @3starsquinn & @danetobelieve & @athenaquinn​ Where: Coffee Plus Summary: Winston and Rio’s timing sucks and they manage to have a run in with Athena... Warnings: n/a
Winston looked up from their laptop. They’d been working on a little technomancy project and they weren’t sure what Rio had been doing. Anything to keep themselves busy with everything that was going on with Roland’s death and Rio’s hospitalisation. But Winston was convinced that there was never too much coffee that could be consumed in the day and whilst they had agreed to see Athena for coffee it was better seeing Rio. But as they still had not told Rio’s twin sister and Winston’s former -- they weren’t sure what she was -- that they were now dating it was probably a good idea for them not to be caught together. Glancing at the time, Winston quirked an eyebrow and sighed. “I think she’s gonna be here in a minute, you should probably …” Winston didn’t want to tell Rio to leave, but it was probably for the best. Leaning over, Winston placed a gentle kiss on Rio’s lips before he left to go and do whatever his plans were. Winston would have to ask him about those later.
Orion had been working on translating an old Scribe’s journal on exorcisms onto their database, but now he was mostly staring at the coffee listing and dozing off. Though Rio was incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of Athena and Winston hanging out, that unease had little to do with Winston and way more to do with Rio’s own relationship with his sister. Okay, admittedly it was still a little weird that Athena and Winston had been together before Rio and Winston got together. But considering none of them knew about the others, Rio could hardly hold that against anybody. So he swallowed those anxious feelings and just accepted that he was glad that Winston had let Rio know about this coffee date with Athena in the first place. Rio had planned on getting some training in today and had come here to hang out with Winston before Athena got there. Unfortunately, Rio had been so focused on the text and then staring off into space that he had lost track of time. “Crap. You’re right.” Rio jumped back into reality at Winston’s words and started shoving the laptop and book into his bag. “Have fun! I’m not just saying that!” Rio wanted Winston to be sure that Rio did support their friendship, even if Rio had always sort of hoped that the two wouldn’t continue talking to each other after Rio moved. “I’ll see you later!” Rio returned Winston’s kiss quickly before grabbing his bottle of water and walking away from the table. He was in the middle of taking a drink before glancing outside and seeing Athena outside of the cafe. On reflex, he spit the water out and dropped to the floor, crawling away from Winston’s table and behind a sign next to a very confused couple sharing coffee. He hoped he was out of sight. More than that, he hoped that she hadn’t seen him.
She was almost always early to things. She had been, back when she and Winston had first hung out, but they’d managed to beat her. Athena had to appreciate that about someone. Had to further appreciate that even though they knew more about her than she’d ever intended to be honest about, they still talked to her and even wanted to get together. However, something had given her pause upon arrival at the coffee shop. That was, her brother and Winston sitting at a table together. She’d been vaguely aware that they knew one another (mainly through a bit of figurative arm twisting on her part), but this still gave her pause. Except they kissed and she felt her eyes grow wide. Well, this was an interesting development. Then her brother got up and then somehow disappeared onto the floor, and with a smirk she pushed the door open. Flashing a small grin over to Winston, she turned on her heels over to where she could spot her brother’s hair. “Fancy meeting you here, brother dearest. Getting coffee with a friend? I didn’t know you’d taken up that habit. Friends or coffee, that is.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
Raising an eyebrow gently at the situation, Winston felt the familiar surge of anxiety rush through them as they spotted Athena making her way over to Rio who had in the least convincing way attempted to hide behind a sign with a couple giving him a very awkward look. Not to mention that they had seen Rio spit water all over the floor and promptly drop said bottle of water. “Oh fuck fuck fuck,” Winston muttered to themselves. It didn’t take a genius to work this out. Athena wasn’t dumb either. Knowing that they had definitely been rumbled, Winston swallowed away some anxiety and rose to their feet, making their way over to Athena. “You’re early,” they commented with a deep furrow on their brow. Honestly, they hadn’t been expecting this at all and they should’ve known better. Of course Athena would arrive early to something like this. “I’m pretty sure Rio was just heading out…” Winston was pretty much praying that she was going to pretend this hadn’t happened and not address this because it had been awkward enough when they’d found out from Rio that Athena was his sister, they hadn’t been looking forward to this. Though in hindsight it now seemed somewhat inevitable.
It wasn’t the greatest hiding spot of all time, Orion knew that. But desperates times called for squeezing his eyes shut and praying for a miracle. A miracle that Athena hadn’t spotted him, Athena wouldn’t notice him now, or everyone in the coffee shop had mysteriously and inexplicably lost their vision. But fate or whatever was not on his side today and after a few excruciating seconds of hiding, Rio heard his sister speaking to him. With a sigh, Rio spin around, slowly raising his head above the sign and smiling, “Oh. Hey there Athena. What a coincidence. I was just… uh…. looking for my pen. That I dropped. On this floor. Welp, guess it’s gone forever.” Rio climbed to his feet and wiped at his pants. Then he walked around the sign and awkwardly back towards the table. “Oh. Winston. Hey! Wow isn’t this crazy? All three of us running into each other here? What a pleasant surprise. Well, you two have fun. I’ll just be going anywhere else now.” 
Winston coming over only confirmed whatever doubt she might have held. Not that Athena held many of those - she knew that her brother was hardly a touchy-feely sort of person, and even she didn’t kiss her friends on the lips as a good-bye. “Pretty sure it looks like he was heading out.” She tossed her ponytail over her shoulder and looked between the two of them. “Cut the bullshit, Ri, I saw you two. You always have been a terrible liar. I think I might like it if you stayed around a bit longer. Clearly Winston will not have a problem with that, right?” She glanced over to them. “What a shame, I did wear the shorts you so seemed to appreciate at the carnival.”
Raising an eyebrow gently, Winston had to physically restrain themselves from rolling their eyeballs a million times at Athena. Now was probably not the time for that particular expression. Honestly, Winston would rather that Rio stayed so that they weren’t forced to sit through this on their own with Athena. Whilst they couldn’t help but feel sorry for her after what her parents had inevitably put her through too, Winston also didn’t trust her half as far as they could throw her. “I literally said that they were nice shorts Athena, they are nice shorts, but you’re kind of missing the point, which was that Rio was clearly just looking for his pen,” Winston pulled one out of their pocket and handed it across to Rio, “which whilst he has not found he now has my pen to borrow and he can go and we can enjoy our coffee and we can all hang out individually at another point in time.” This had definitely not worked. She knew and Winston felt the pit in their stomach growing. What if she told her parents and what if her parents found out where Rio lived and what if they came after Rio?
Orion crossed his arms awkwardly as he listened to Athena berate him and flirt with Winston. Rio was staring at the floor, careful not to make eye contact with Athena and feeling too ashamed to make eye contact with Winston. Rio had made a lot of progress recently, but Athena had some magic ability to dig under his skin and bring out the worst qualities in him. “Um… yes. My pen.” Rio perked up when Winston agreed with Rio’s clearly bogus story and he slid over to Winston to grab the pen from Winston’s hand. “Thank you Winston. That is very nice” Rio spoke, almost robotically in an attempt to avoid any hint of admiration from leaking into his voice. It was stupid, being so afraid of Athena knowing about their relationship, but Rio couldn’t control the way that his head was hammering in his chest. But for as fearful as Rio had been about Athena finding out, he hadn’t actually considered how Winston must feel about it. Would Winston want Athena to know? Or does this whole secret thing hurt their feelings. Now Rio was even more stressed. “Isn’t this great? Friends. Hanging out. And siblings. Hanging out. At a coffee shop. I don’t even drink coffee. Wild, right?” Why were coffee shops where all the worst things happened to Rio now? “I wouldn’t want to intrude. On you two hanging out.” 
“You checked me out, don’t lie,” Athena raised an eyebrow. “Or perhaps you wanted to, but didn’t do it because of another little bit of a hiccup. No shame, I am pleased to know you thought I looked good.” Something in her chest felt tight for a moment. If there was something going on (and it was quite obvious that there was), it hurt her for a moment that Rio hadn’t told her anything. Perhaps he really was cutting her out of his life and she could almost feel the tattoo burn against her skin. “Right, your pen. How kind of you to just so happen to have one, Winston.” She glanced between the two of them. “You know what? No.” Another smirk covered her lips. “I’ve hardly gotten the chance to see my brother so much as of late, and I would like to have time with the both of you. It does seem as though we may have a bit of catching up to do. Ri, before you make up some excuse for schoolwork, I know that you are often ahead, and besides, aren’t summer classes done? Won’t you join us? I’ll even pay. Get you a hot chocolate or whatever.”
Athena was intent on making this as uncomfortable as possible and it was really starting to piss Winston off. Had they not been through enough recently with Roland and the fire? “You know what Athena, this is exactly why we didn’t tell you about this.” Winston wasn’t really thinking, a rage that they rarely felt building in their stomach. “You’re meant to be my friend AND Rio’s sister, but all you’ve done is make us both feel uncomfortable, make clearly inappropriate statements and generally act as if you’ve got some right to what we should do. What is your problem huh?” Winston glared at her, daring her to talk back. “Sure, you saw me and Rio kiss, congratulations, did it maybe strike you that there was a reason that we didn’t tell you that we were involved? Which we are by the way, so now you know.” Winston reached out and took Rio’s hand, they were sure that their boyfriend was going to be freaking out by now and Winston normally would be too. But their own pulse was racing and they were frankly furious. Athena treated Rio so poorly at times and Winston was done with being a pawn in her games. Rio deserved better then this. He deserved better then a shitty family and a shitty sister. “You know what, I think Rio will join me and I think that I’d like you to apologise and then I’ll consider whether or not I want you to join us too. If you’re not going to act like you’re actually my friend then I am not interested in you being my friend. It’s time for you to grow up and start treating everyone with more respect, because frankly you’re being really nasty and I’m done with it.” 
Well... This was awkward. Orion felt trapped between the two. Winston was defending Rio, talking back to a family that Rio had never really learned to do himself. But Rio didn’t want another argument with Athena. She wasn’t fun to be around when she was mad, and Rio didn’t want Winston caught up in the middle of that. As much as he wished could just leave, Rio didn’t want to ruin friendships. He was tired of interfering with people’s personal lives for some twisted sense of greater good that Rio had no place in trying to determine for others. It hadn’t worked with Skylar or Ariana. And he still felt a pit in his stomach thinking that he may have been the reason that Athena and Winston stopped… whatever they had been doing months ago. All because Rio thought that he knew what was best. If Rio was being honest with himself, he didn’t know anything. The last few months had made sure of that. “Hey, it’s alright.” Rio didn’t want to defend Athena. He didn’t want to be there at all. He wanted Winston to be friends with whoever they wanted to be friends with. He accepted Winston’s hand with reservation. He was still sweating and ridiculously nervous. “Seriously. It’s okay. She’s fine.” Athena owed him a lot of apologies if she ever wanted Rio to talk to her again, but none of them had anything to do with the three of them. God, could this be anymore awkward? “We’ll all stay. And I don’t need a drink I have-” Rio patted at the mesh net on his bag meant for holding his bottle of water and realized that it wasn’t there before he had dropped the thing on the floor. He dropped Winston’s hand for a moment, sliding over and picking up the now empty discarded bottle of water and tossing it in the trash can, “I guess I’ll just get some water.” He threaded his hand with Winston’s again and stared at the floor, “I can’t stay for too long. I do actually have plans in a little bit.” But he could put up with this for a while if it meant keeping the peace, right? “So uh, like Winston said, we’re dating…. Surprise.” Rio fell into the open seat and tried grinning, flashing two thumbs up.
She felt her eyes narrow at Winston’s comments. “Well maybe if you had, we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Athena could feel her nails digging into the palms of her hands. “What the heck is your problem, Winston? You aren’t exactly acting like a good friend either.” She was only grateful that she hadn’t gotten her drink yet because it would undoubtedly be all over the floor by now. “You know,” she turned to her brother, then back to Winston. “You know that you invited me, and you know who I am, Winston. So don’t act all innocent just because my saint of a brother happens to be here.” Her voice was hushed but still bitter, she didn’t want everyone in the coffee shop to be even more aware of what was going on than they already were. “Also he says it’s fine. Though fine, I am sorry for surprising you, Ri, but I suppose that if we are being honest, you should know that Winston and I hooked up once. They didn’t want to do it anymore, and even though they were very kind to me in the moment, I think I misjudged them. You might want to watch out for that, if they are so quick to turn on me.” Her voice was level, perhaps unnaturally so. She slid into the seat next to her brother.  “Unlike a lot of the people both of you know, I have never claimed to be good. You can do good without being it. You know I’ve never been such a fan of surprises.”
“My problem is that you and your family treat Rio like he’s a second class citizen, my problem is that he’s such a good and sweet person that he’s actually defending you… after he’s the one who has been hurt the most” Winston felt the rage subside somewhat, but not much. Athena had clearly received a different level of treatment from her family that had twisted her in different ways to how it had twisted Rio. Winston had seen both of their scars, but they hadn’t missed the fact that Rio had far more then Athena. “I stopped hooking up with you after I found out that you used to bully a very good friend of mine and I tried to be your friend to give you the benefit of the doubt that you had changed, but yeah, maybe you did misjudge me if you think that I would ever do anything that would do something to hurt Rio.” Winston had to be careful about what they said moving forward, they didn’t want to make Rio uncomfortable. “But fine, we can get a drink.” They narrowed their eyes as they slipped opposite the two of them, detaching their hand from Rio’s as they did. “I just don’t enjoy the fact that you seemed to take pleasure in making both of us feel uncomfortable, call me old fashioned but friends don’t do that to each other.”
How did Orion try to remain neutral when the right side was so obvious? He didn’t want to cause a scene or ruin friendships, but clearly the right choice was Winston here. They were defending Rio, standing up for him in a way that Rio had only barely managed to do for himself recently. Which was why Rio hated the idea of not taking their side. But Athena was good at hiding her true nature to people. Odds were, Winston may not have seen her at her angriest. Rio didn’t think that she would completely lose her cool in a coffee shop, it didn’t seem her style. Plus she usually had a better sense of self control. But a lot had changed in the last few months. “We don’t have to do this here, okay?” Rio was talking out loud, but he was looking at Winston. Rio’s hand was still in Winston’s, and Rio gripped it tighter in an attempt to show his gratitude to Winston, “We can have coffee and we can talk, yeah? About…” Rio paused. What the heck could the three of them possibly have to talk about? “I don’t know, what do you even want to talk about? You wanted to catch up. Now you know. I don’t-” I don’t care that you two hooked up. That was what Rio had meant to say, but he wasn’t sure he could say them sincerely. He didn’t blame either of them of course. This happened before Rio moved in, before Winston knew who Athena was, before Rio and Winston became what they were now. But that didn’t mean that the doubt crept its way in every now and again. His sister had always been better at everything. How could he measure up to that? “I don’t know what you expect from me.” He settled on.
“He’s a good person.” Athena did her best to keep her voice even. Getting into a shouting match in public wasn’t about to do anything. “Well, I don’t anymore, and you still never asked me personal questions, just because you thought I was attractive. You never even knew my last name.” Athena sighed. “Not the point right now. My brother is right. We do not and should not do this here. Thank you very much for keeping me up to date.” Her voice was level - perhaps too much so, but few people besides her brother would understand that that was a way she showed her frustration, but that was beside the point. “Well, I did not expect this, but it is a good thing that I have always been adaptable.” She raised an eyebrow. “But yes, drinks! I am feeling quite generous, so I’ll buy. What would you both like? Are you sure you just want water, Ri? I am still worried you aren’t getting enough to eat.”
Rio’s hand made it clear that this wasn’t the time or the place. Winston kept their eyes locked on Rio’s. Gazing at him, Winston steadied their breath. “Fine, we’ll do this another time I guess, but I’m not going to let anyone take advantage of Rio, hurt Rio or do anything other then treat him exactly as he wants.” Winston wasn’t willing to engage with Athena on this one. She clearly hadn’t taken everything in the way that they had wanted when they had agreed to stop sleeping with one another. But here they were anyway and if she was going to buy them coffee then Winston wasn’t going to say no. “Can I have a triple shot latte please?” they said please out of habit and almost regretted it in that moment but they were nothing if not polite. 
Orion realized that despite sitting here with Athena, his hand was still holding onto Winston’s. It was under the table, but Athena as well as anyone in the store would be able to tell. More surprising than that, it didn’t bother Rio in the slightest. He didn’t care that Athena knew it was happening. Not to say that he was completely comfortable with the situation. On the contrary, Rio felt like he was one minor inconvenience away from a full blown panic attack. The entire situation was one of the most awkward situations that Rio had ever found himself in. But Rio found himself absent-mindedly stroking Winston’s palm with his thumb and that helped keep Rio grounded. “Well this is…” Rio trailed off, looking for the best adjective to describe the environment. Eventually, he spoke without thinking, “Awkward.” He sighed, betrayed by his own lips. “The water’s fine, seriously. And I eat. I totally eat.” Not always healthy food, but he definitely ate.
“He is free to speak his own mind, Winston. You do realize my brother is right here?” Athena  sighed. Even she could feel that this was all awkward, and even she had to admit that she did not feel entirely comfortable. “You got it.” She stood up abruptly and marched over to the counter, ordering Winston’s drink, followed by her own - a dirty Chai latte, and a bagel and water for her brother. It took a few minutes for everything to come together and she ran her fingers through her hair and grabbed the order when it all came, bringing it back over to the table and placing the bagel in front of Rio. “Can’t help looking out for you. Got your favorite type.” She took a sip of her drink and looked over to the two of them. “So, do I get to hear how you two met, or is that still top secret?”
“Really, Rio’s here?” Winston replied with an eye roll that was difficult to miss, “Where is he? He’s my boyfriend after all and I’d love to see him because you know I just hadn’t realised he was here with us.” It wasn’t like Winston was holding Rio’s hand or anything. Looking across the table at Rio, Winston’s eyes went wide and they sighed. “Rio, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have snapped at her like that, I just can’t stand the way that your family treats you and acts as if you’re some kind of second class citizen and I know that Athena isn’t always like that but you know, still, but yeah I probably shouldn’t have…” they trailed off as Athena headed back towards them. “We met through a mutual friend, we have like an anime night with her every now and then and the first one was when we met.” Thank God that was the truth. Would be awkward to admit that Winston had literally sleep walked in on him. 
What else could Orion do besides listen to them bicker back and forth? Seeing them now, it made Rio curious how the two usually talked before all of this. Back when Rio and Winston were just casual acquaintances and the relationship between Athena and Winston was closer than Winston and Rio’s. However, as soon as Rio started thinking about it he immediately regretted it. He realized, with a painfully awkward start, that his imagination was far too overactive. He had no troubles at all imagining what things might have been like, but forgetting those conjured images weren’t nearly as easy. As the two bickered, Rio found himself staring at one of the walls of the coffee shop, his focus homing in on one single spot near the ceiling where the painters had missed a spot. His attention was brought back to Winston with a start when they said his name, speaking directly to him. “No- seriously don’t feel bad. This? Standing up for me it’s just one of the reasons why I lo- Uh, why you’re so great.” Rio coughed through that awkward moment and tried to control his cheeks from glowing too brightly from the slip up. Rio was thankful that Winston had chosen their initial meeting when Athena had asked. Admittedly, although that night had technically been the first the two had actually met, Rio didn’t typically consider that. Maybe it had been both of their awkwardness at meeting new people, or the disaster that had come from Rio’s awful mistake to violate Skylar’s privacy. But that had seemed to be more of a precursor to their actual meeting. That night in the Scribe headquarters, despite being long before there was anything actually between the two, had been more intimate than Rio would have been comfortable admitting. Despite barely knowing Winston, the two had slept in the abandoned headquarters together. Rio had never slept in the same room as anybody that wasn’t his immediate family. Looking back, Rio may have already been head over heels for them. But Athena couldn’t know about the Scribe building, so Rio was thankful on multiple levels that Winston had kept that between them. “I didn’t know. Just so you know.” Rio said before realizing how vague he was being and deciding to elaborate, “Um, I mean about you two. I had no idea that Winston was even seeing anybody. And Winston didn’t know that we were related. All of this” Rio held up the combined hand of the two, “Was long after the two of you. I promise it wasn’t related.” For some reason, Rio still felt like he owed Athena some sort of explanation. It was almost as exhausting as it was infuriating. “And we haven’t like uh-” Rio physically had to stop himself, absolutely no clue why he would even consider telling something like that to Athena. Had he completely lost his mind? Athena didn’t need to know anything about Rio’s sex life, or lack thereof. Rio grabbed the water and took a large drink in order to get himself to stop talking for a minute.
“Yes, he is. Also, sarcasm.” Athena rolled her eyes. She didn’t like this at all, and very little of it had to do with the fact that the two of them were dating. She loathed the fact that her brother had lied to her, and the fact that someone else who she had trusted had, too. “Speaking of people who are right here.” She raised an eyebrow. “I do not treat my brother like that, and whatever we do or do not do is our private business, and not something you could understand. I care for him more than anything else in the world.” She took in a few steady breaths. It wouldn’t do anyone any good if she broke something in the middle of the café. She could work out when she got home. She needed to punch something when she got home. “When we were what? We were never anything, they slept with me and decided afterwards that they didn’t want anything to do with me.” She looked pointedly at Winston. “Sudden change of heart, after asking me out to dinner. We were never seeing each other. If you want details, we slept together, as I have just said, and that was that.” Some of us don’t need deep emotional attachments. Some of us aren’t afraid. She kept those words to herself and with a sip of her drink she sat back, her nose wrinkling as her brother did everything to side-step the word sex. “Good to know. Thanks for the details about your life, but I think I figured that out for myself.”
Honestly, Winston was in disbelief. “Sure, the way you treat him is definitely your private business, nothing that I would care about.” They couldn’t help it. They should’ve probably stopped picking a fight but Athena wasn’t exactly making this easy for them. “We stopped sleeping together because I found out what you had done to Blanche and I had been considering dating you, we stopped sleeping together because I wasn’t sure that I wanted to continue having a physical relationship that might turn into something more with someone who had terrorised one of my best friends when they were at school…” Winston swallowed, “not to mention the unsolicited photos you insisted on sending me afterwards. Athena don’t act like I was being unreasonable by not wanting to see you. I get that you were hurt by it but there were good reasons for my decisions. I wasn’t trying to hurt you it just didn’t work for me anymore and I won’t be made to feel bad about that.” They already felt bad enough about everything else, they didn’t need to add something else to the list. 
Orion really didn’t want to be here. He wished he had the ability to disassociate or astral project or even just evaporate into a gaseous substance. Any of those options were preferable to hearing his sister and the person he was dating go on about their former sex life, and hearing about how they could have been the ones dating if not for the interference of one very nosy and potentially hypocritical third party. The third party of course being Rio, who had really had no business within their relationship in the first place, and now only felt worse about getting involved considering that he and Winston ended up together. An awkward set of tumbling dominoes that led to the probably the most awkward moment of his entire life. This moment right here, sitting in a coffee shop with Athena and Winston and wishing that someone would laser beam him into outer space. “I really feel like I should probably just like… go, yeah?” Rio laughed nervously, not trying to interrupt their bickering but definitely trying to get away from it. Would they have fought like this if Rio had left a few moments earlier? Or would things have been more friendly? The selfish part of Rio wasn’t sure which one he preferred. “I can totally dip out. Let you two uh- work this out. I sorta feel like I’m intruding.” Even though the conversation had begun because of him, it was starting to enter territories that Rio had no interest in hearing. It was bad enough knowing that Winston and his sister had slept together. He didn’t need Athena spilling all the gory details. 
“We barely hung out and you considered that?” Athena rolled her eyes. “Okay, terrorize is an extreme overgeneralization, but also I don’t owe you anything.” With another scoff, she added, “I am not hurt. You think something as insignificant as that could hurt me? Guess it’s good you decided to date my brother instead because we truly do not know one another much at all.” She certainly hadn’t appreciated their sudden change of heart, but focusing on interpersonal negatives was not something she considered worth dwelling on. At her brother’s nervous laugh, she whipped her gaze toward him. “No, you can stay. I’m not about to say anything more, if that’s what you’re concerned about. Besides, you haven’t taken even a bite of your bagel yet.”
Swallowing gently, Winston sighed. They didn’t want Orion to have to be watching this and honestly they didn’t even want to be having this argument with Athena. They were sure that there was potential for friendship but this wasn’t something that they would stand for. It was almost like this was why they hadn’t mentioned any of this to Athena in the first place. “I’m glad that you aren’t hurt, I wouldn’t want your feelings or anything else to be hurt. Not by me and certainly not by this.” Winston looked at her over their coffee, their stomach a pit of vipers curling on themselves, this certainly hadn’t gone the way they’d wanted. 
Things seemed to be cooling down, but Orion knew Athena’s temper. He didn’t need to give her another reason to be set off. He shouldn’t even be talking to her. He had made it pretty clear that he wanted nothing to do with her, but she didn’t seem to want to listen. Plus, he knew Winston liked her and was friendly with her. Rio was out of the ruining friendship business. “It’s fine. I already told you beforehand that I had plans anyways. It’s not like I’m purposely trying to get away or anything.” Rio was absolutely trying to get away from here, preferably as fast as humanly possibly. Or super humanly possible even. Hopefully without him there the two could hang out in peace. At least Rio knew for sure that Winston was safe around her. “I have training today anyways, so I don’t want to keep him waiting.” Not that Adam would mind much, he was way too easy going, the perfect fit for trying to train someone as neurotic and prone to panic as Rio was. “I’ll text you later, okay?” Rio squeezed Winston’s hand before pulling free from it. He was careful to avoid any comment that may lead Athena to think that the two lived together. “Athena, it was uh- We ran into each other here. So uh- that was cool. Welp, talk to you both later bye!”
“Clearly those plans weren’t that important.” Athena muttered. This had not turned out at all like she had expected it to, and apparently her brother was now keen on nearly yelling at her in public, which she was certainly not a fan of. Nor was she a fan of how Winston was acting. Her stomach felt tight and uncomfortable, in a way that she couldn’t quite place. She knew that she didn’t like it. Athena had never liked to feel uncomfortable or unsure, and that was how she was feeling now. She set her coffee down on the table and stood up at the same time as Rio did, rolling her eyes as she did so. She grabbed the edge of the chair. “No, actually, I realized I’ve got something to do for Kappa Iota Lambda, and Jenny’s gonna kill me if I don’t get over there. So I should be going. Such a shame this didn’t work out as much as the plan had been.” She glanced at Winston, a small smirk crossing her lips. “Maybe next time.”
Winston sighed, this had all turned out to be a bit of a shit show but honestly right now they weren’t sure that they were surprised. It seemed like everything in Winston’s life was going the same way. They wished that everything didn’t have to be so complicated but all they knew was that they had to keep Rio safe. That was all they could do. “Yeah, it is a shame.” Winston rose from their seat and drained their coffee. “I’ll see you around.” They didn’t bother to say anything more. What good would it do?
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tinydooms · 4 years
#30 (“There are souls that you feel to lean forward to, like a sun-filled window”) for Rick/Evy?
#30 “There are souls that you feel to lean forward to, like a sun-filled window”
The Western Desert, October 1922
An hour out from Hamunaptra, night had finally fallen over the Western Desert. Rick sat on his camel, rocking gently back and forth with each step, the girl he loved snug and warm in his arms.
Holding Evelyn Carnahan to him, hugging and kissing and being kissed by her, felt like the best thing that had ever happened to Rick. And it just kept getting better. For the last little while they had shared quiet kisses, lips meeting and clinging with wonder and affection or brushing each other’s faces and brows and hair. There was a wonderful moment when Evie pressed her lips to the hollow in Rick’s collarbones, tasting the smooth skin there, a sensation that gave him a delicious full-body shiver. Evie looked up at him with amusement in her glowing eyes. 
“All right?” she whispered.
“Yes,” Rick said, bending his head to kiss her again. “You’re perfect.”
Evie grinned at him, her face crinkling up in pleasure, and squeezed him a little. “Good.”
She tucked her head into Rick’s shoulder, idly stroking his arm. It was wonderful to be so entwined, arms around each other. Evie was so soft in his arms, so cozy and comfortable. Rick dropped a kiss on the top of her head and felt her smile. This really was just the nicest feeling. The camel’s gate rocked them together, soothing them both after the chaos of the past few days. Little by little Evie stilled, hooking her thumb into the turn of his sleeve, and after a while Rick felt her go heavy as she fell asleep. 
Rick took a deep breath and let it out slowly, and rested his cheek against Evelyn’s dear head. He had read stories where the hero had cradled his beloved to him like this, but had never really believed it would happen to him. Before the War, maybe, but since then he had seen and experienced and participated in the absolute worst that humanity had to offer, and there had been no place for love or romance in it. And afterwards...Rick pushed the memory of Afterwards away, not wanting to dwell on how lost and hopeless he had been. Focus on the present. Focus on this remarkable gift. Rick was no stranger to physical pleasure, but this was something different. He burned everywhere Evie touched him, where her arm rested around his waist, her hand on his hip, the fingers of her other hand tracing patterns into his forearm, and yet there was something different in this pleasure than the other times he had been with women. This was permanent. He wanted to take Evie to bed, sure, but he also wanted to go places with her, to listen while she explained the past to him, to watch her dig things up out of the dirt. From the way she held him, looked at him, Evie wanted that, too. She was safe and alive despite everything, and she loved him, and Rick didn’t want to ever let her go. She was a bright shining light; she warmed his soul. He shifted the reins to one hand and reached up to cradle Evie’s head, letting his eyes close in relief. He had been so afraid that he would lose her. 
A camel’s snort jolted Rick out of his reverie. Jonathan had brought his mount alongside them and was fussing with a blanket roll strapped to one of his saddlebags. 
“Here,” he said, “take this. Is Evie asleep?”
“Yeah,” Rick said, taking the proffered blanket, a little embarrassed. “Has been for a while.”
Jonathan didn’t seem at all phased. “Good, she needs it, poor kid. Here, I’ll hold your reins.”
Rick handed them over and shook out the blanket, shifting to wrap it around Evie’s bare shoulders. The temperature was falling fast; at least he and Jonathan had long sleeves to offer a minimum of protection against the nighttime cold. Evie’s sweater was long gone. She did not wake as Rick snugged the blanket around her, but mumbled a little before subsiding again against his chest. Rick smiled, resisting the urge to brush his lips against her hair, and took his reins back from Jonathan. He wondered what the other man thought of it all, if he would say anything. But when Jonathan did speak, it wasn’t about Evie. 
“How long, do you think, until we reach the little oasis?” 
Rick looked around at the moonlit landscape. They had come a good way along the trail, but he had only been paying partial attention to it. 
“Uh, four or five miles, I’d say,” he said. “An hour, tops. You holding up okay?”
“Oh, yes, I’m fine. A bit sore and sleepy, but I’ve had worse.” 
“Yeah, me, too.”
Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, Rick was beginning to feel the after effects of battle. He hurt all over his body, and his throat was sore where Imhotep had choked him. He reached up to touch it, his fingers meeting the last of the rope burn from when he had been hanged. Rick swallowed. It could all have ended so badly. He drew in another deep breath, feeling his chest expand and release. He was alive. They were alive. 
“Thank you,” Jonathan said abruptly. “For all this. For saving my sister. Couldn’t have done it without you, old chap.”
“You’re welcome,” Rick said, giving him a small smile. “Thanks for having my back.”
“Well, I’ve never left a partner in the lurch yet,” Jonathan said with a shrug. “I’m no hero, but I’m not that bad.”
“Heroes only exist in fiction,” Rick said. “The rest of us just do what needs to be done, even when we’re shit scared. Besides, I couldn’t live with myself if Evelyn had been killed.”
“No, I’d gathered that.” Jonathan chuckled. “You’ve been making calf eyes at her almost from the beginning.”
Rick felt himself reddening. “Am I that obvious?”
“Oh, Evie’s just as bad. Ardeth Bey thought the two of you were married.”
“He did?” 
It came out a squawk; Evie stirred in his arms and Rick struggled to contain his laughter. He couldn’t help it; they were alive, and he was so happy. Jonathan, too, was chuckling. It was the sort of laughter between friends, the giddy delight of having survived an impossible situation. Rick knew that when they returned to Cairo all sorts of conversations were going to have to take place, but for now he was content to just be here with Evie, with Jonathan. They rode on in silence, Jonathan dozing in his saddle, until they reached the little oasis and dismounted for the night. 
A second wind restored all of them then, as Rick found that the saddlebags were not loaded with the expected camping gear and supplies, but rather the wealth of Hamunaptra, and Evie learned about that scarab that had burrowed into Jonathan’s arm. Rick looked over their food supplies as she fussed over her brother, feeling kind of guilty. He had completely forgotten about the scarab incident in all of the tumult that had followed. The wound looked awful, purple puckers all the way up Jonathan’s arm and a neat stab where Rick had dug the thing out. He shivered. 
“Are you all right?” Evie asked, looking him over. “Have you got any awful injuries that you haven’t told me about?”
“No, ma’am,” Rick said.
“Are you sure? Because if I find that you’re hiding any manageable hurts from me because of manly pride, I’ll-”
Rick held his hands up. “I’ve only got bruises.”
It wasn’t quite true; he was pretty sure he’d cracked a rib or two, but he wasn’t about to let Evie strip him to the waist. They weren’t there yet. Instead, he focused on dinner, dividing up their meager supplies, cutting up the stale bread and spearing it on sticks to toast over the fire. They could have some of the jerky now, and an apple each. In the morning they’d finish the bread, and there were date palms at the other end of the pond, so they wouldn’t starve, but it would be a long, hungry day until they reached the cultivation and villages to barter with. 
“We’ll manage,” Evie said, turning her stick to toast the bread evenly. “As long as we have water, anyway.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Rick said. 
“It’ll be nice to be back properly,” Evie said, settling back with her toast and apple. “Do you think the house was damaged in the firestorm?”
“I’d be surprised if it wasn’t,” Jonathan replied. “We’ll call up Daoud as soon as we get back to the fort and check.”
“I hope they’re all right,” Evie said. “You know how Fatima hates thunder and lightning. She was probably terrified.”
“Well, we won’t tell them that we had anything to do with, what?” Jonathan shook his head. “I don’t think they need to know that we’ve been conjuring afreets.”
Rick looked from one to the other. “Who’re Daoud and Fatima?”
“Our reis and housekeeper,” Jonathan replied. “They’ve been with us forever; Daoud was Father’s foreman, and then he had to retire from that because of an injury, so Father asked him to manage the household instead. Fatima’s his wife.”
“So you’ve known them your whole lives?”
Evie and Jonathan nodded. 
“Our parents had rather a magpie approach to family,” Evie said. “Father and Daoud knew each other as young men and considered each other brothers, and Fatima and Mum were dear friends. Simple, really.”
Rick grinned. The magpie approach seemed to run in the family. “Where’s your house at?”
“In Zamalek, on Gezira Island,” Evie said. 
Rick blinked. “I know where Zamalek is. Swanky place.”
Evie and Jonathan glanced at each other. Rick felt a sudden worry. 
“I mean, it’s not Garden City…” he trailed off, uncertain. He knew Zamalek to be a nice, safe, quiet place; it was where the nice restaurants and the opera house were. 
“It’s an old house,” Evie said, her voice hesitant. “It’s been getting a badly-needed new roof. It’s not fancy. But I think you’ll like it. It has a little courtyard and plenty of space.”
“‘Course you’ll want to let your own people know you’re alright,” Jonathan added. “You mustn’t let us monopolize you.”
“I, uh--” Rick rubbed the back of his head. This was going to be awkward no matter how he went at it. “I don’t have anyone. Any people. I mean, I don’t have a family or anything. It’s just been me since I was thirteen. My mom died and she was my only family, so...”
They stared at him. Embarrassed, Rick poked at the fire with his stick, avoiding their eyes.
“How old are you, Rick?” Jonathan asked. His voice sounded funny, kind of soft. 
“I’m twenty-eight.”
“So you’ve been all alone for fifteen years?” Evie’s voice was soft, too, and horrified.
“Yeah. I mean I had friends in the army, but I guess...yeah.”
For a moment there was silence only broken by the crackling fire. Rick stabbed at it, memories of the orphanage beginning to swim in the back of his mind. 
“That’s...that’s awful,” Evie said. “I’m so sorry, Rick.”
Rick stabbed at the fire again; these were not memories he wanted to dredge up. 
“It isn’t fun,” he said, trying for a light tone. “Anyway, when we get back to Cairo, I...I’d like to stay.” He swallowed and looked at Evie. “With you. If that’s all right.”
She met his eyes and Rick could see that he understood what he meant. She began to smile. 
“I think that sounds wonderful,” she said, reaching to take his hand. 
“Plenty of room for you,” Jonathan added. “Happy to have you.”
Rick looked from one to the other and back to Evie. Warmth filled him like he had stepped into a sunlit room. A magpie family, wasn’t that how they had described themselves? And now they had collected him, too. Rick squeezed Evie’s hand and kissed her fingers, smiling so hard his cheeks hurt. He could stay. She wanted him to stay with her. It was going to be alright. 
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secret-engima · 5 years
I’m sick currently - any rambles or snippets for TttW or FiF? Or any of your verse characters meeting the spitfire that is Sola? (Especially bby!Sola who is pretty much like bby!Cor but with all the possessiveness of a dragon going MINE that hasn’t been somewhat calmed with age)
Welcome to the sick people club! Hope you feel better soon! I do have one snippet left of FiF and then I’m out, but no snips of Thrown to Wolves, sorry.
     Weskham treated Clarus’s injuries with antiseptic and the remaining two potions, then reheated the tea and coaxed Clarus and Princess Regina to her sprawling bed in the other room, as it was one of the only comfortable pieces of furniture to escape the rampage —he ignored the impropriety of sitting on the Princess’s bed with her, this was not that kind of situation and Clarus did it often enough to remove any awkwardness—. He stiffened despite himself in surprise when Princess Regina nudged him to the right side of the bed with his back against the pillows and headboard and then curled up beneath his left arm, her legs wrapped around one of his, her head resting over his heart, and her hands clutching her cup of tea. Then Clarus flopped down at Regina’s back and began running the fingers of his free hand through her wavy hair while he sipped on the tea with the other.
     Weskham accepted the positioning with grace and opened the book he’d snatched out of the demolished pieces of bookshelf. He paused when he realized it was the Cosmogony, then inwardly shrugged. If she didn’t like it, Weskham could always get up and get another. He tilted it so that she could see the sprawling illustrations and began, “Titan, the Archaean, steadfast as stone. Ramuh, the Fulgarian, sharp as lightning. Shiva, the Glacian, gentle as snow. Leviathan, the Hydraean, relentless as tides. Bahamut, the Draconian, unbending as iron. Ifrit, the Infernian, fickle as fire. Since time immemorial, they have watched over Eos…”
     He read for what felt like hours. Stopping only to sip on his own tea to keep his throat from rasping. With the same gentle tones and lilting rhythm he remembered from his own childhood, Weskham worked his way through the beginning of the Cosmogony, all the way to the Prophecy of the Crystal. The princess, who had been dozing throughout the last chapter, suddenly snapped awake and alert again, something shivering through her magic that made all of Weskham’s hairs rise and he scrambled to figure out what he had done wrong. Instead of crying or pulling away, she asked softly into the silence, “The Prophecy … is it true?”
     Weskham blinked, considered that, “My family believes so, though not many people do anymore. The Prophecy has stood for two thousand years, since the very foundation of Lucis. Most believe that if it hasn’t been fulfilled yet, it never will.”
     Princess Regina mulled over that for several long seconds, something old in violet-tinted blue eyes, “Prophecies don’t work on human time. Just their own.”
     Weskham shrugged, sipped on the dregs of his long-cooled tea, “That is true. The Prophecy was laid down by the Draconian, and he is immortal. I doubt time is much of an issue for him.”
     “So that means someday a ‘Chosen King will be born, with magic untold and the Crystal in his soul, to purge the world of endless night’?”
     Weskham mulled over his answer, wondering why the Prophecy had grabbed her attention so thoroughly. But then, a mystery and a fantasy was better than screaming grief, “Yes, I believe so.”
     Regina sat up a little more, eyes sharp and inquisitive as she glared at the pages, “How will he do that? How much magic will he have compared to me, or any of the past kings and queens?”
     Weskham floundered just a bit, “I … don’t know. The Cosmogony doesn’t say.” At her dark, thoughtful look, Weskham took a chance and murmured, “We can go down to the royal library if you wish, I’m sure there would be more information in there than in this book. This is the cosmogony for the general public, not for scholars or those with more questions than the basic ones.”
     He could see her debating silently over it, then she settled, “Tomorrow,” she hummed. “We’ll go down and look tomorrow.” I’m comfortable right now, when unspoken but so clearly heard it might as well have been his own thoughts.
     Weskham nodded agreeably, going down to the library tomorrow would give the servants a chance to replace all the furniture without having to come near the princess they now feared and would distract Princess Regina from … everything else, “Alright. Do you want me to keep reading?”
     “No.” She curled up more firmly against him, “I want to sleep.”
-Sola is in a bad mood when she stumbles across the bookshop. Nobles causing trouble over the royal princess in the glaive, despite the fact that she’s been there for a year now and is quite obviously not leaving no matter what the old fogey’s say. She isn’t sure why she goes into the shop, she’s not looking for anything to read, but it looks like a place to hide and its on the outskirts of the Little Galahd district, so she thinks she’ll probably be safe from the media finding her.
-She steps (stomps) into the shop and pauses at the atmosphere of the place. It’s very quiet. Almost peaceful. There’s an old, mysterious air about it that feels more like it should be in a storybook setting than a real location. Momentarily distracted from her bad mood, Sola eyes the shop with its overfilled shelves and vaguely arcane-shaped armchairs and wonders if a creepy old man shopkeeper with a cane is going to come out and spout nonsense at her.
-She hears the tap of a cane, but instead of a creepy old man, it’s a young woman with black hair and blue eyes so dark they’re nearly black. The woman pauses at the sight of Sola and Sola braces for the bowing and scraping and “your highness”ing that always comes when recognized. Instead the woman just sighs and leans on her cane, “You look,” she comments “Like someone who just had to deal with very annoying know it all for a few hours.”
-Sola blinks. The woman takes it as an affirmative, “You can read any book you want, but if you aren’t going to buy it, make sure to put it back where you found it. I have multiple blends of tea if that is your thing, I do not sell coffee. There are cookies and pastries for the hungry, though my flavors change every week. Currently I have lemon cookies and chocolate croissants.”
-”Who are you?” Sola asks, blunt as ever, because something about this woman seems familiar and its driving her crazy.
-The woman just scoffs and moves to the nearest armchair to sit down, “Cyra. The owner of this shop. Now, what kinds of things would you like to read?”
-Sola ends up spending the afternoon there with a cranky shopkeeper and a lot of good books about ancient sword techniques that she suspected might be hold enough to be illegal. The woman never comments on Sola being the princess, and Sola never outright asks why the woman feels so familiar. The woman mentions having a husband in the Kingsglaive, then just laughs when Sola asks which moron she was unlucky enough to marry. Cyra winks and tells Sola to take a wild guess sometime, who knows, she might guess right. Sola leaves with three ancient books to read and a bet to win.
-She goes back the next week only to find that the shop is gone. She never does figure out which glaive the woman claimed to be her husband. Sometimes Sola wonders if the woman was real at all.
... One more ramble!
-There is a tiny child trying to her absolutely hardest to murder him.
-She’s very cute.
-Now if he could just figure out how she’s here and why she has magic, that would be great. Oh wait-
-Nox calmly looks up at the Cor who just burst into the room with his sword in hand, not bothering to react to the tiny child trying vainly to pin his arm and maybe bite through his long sleeves, “I think,” he greets politely with a flicker of blue LC magic to prove his identity, “That I am in the wrong Citadel.”
-Yes, it turns out he is in the wrong Citadel, and that the small child trying (still) to murder him is named Sola. She is Noctis’s big sister. Cute. The Regis of this dimension does not find her attempted fratricide nearly as cute, possibly because he's worried of how Nox will react and forcibly picks her up and holds her out of reach. Nox introduces himself with magic again, Regis goes pale at the discovery that in another dimension he had a child out of wedlock. Still, he DOES look like Regis and he DOES have LC magic, they have no reason to disbelieve him.
-The girl, who’s name is Sola, pauses in her attempts at murder during the conversation of where Nox will stay till this matter is sorted and goes, “He’s a brother?”
-Regis grimaces, “Yes, Sola he’s ... a brother. Of a sort.”
-And Nox watches in fascination as a switch goes off in the girl’s head and she stops flailing and instead stares at Nox like a baby dragon that just spotted a shiny, “I have two brothers?”
-Cor sighs like he knows where this is going, “Not specifically-.”
-“I have two brothers.” And that appears to be that.
-Nox spends the visit with Sola basically glued to his side, alternating between rabid overprotectiveness of the sibling she is SOMEHOW convinced is still her younger brother despite being much taller than her and trying to get him to teach her fighting tricks.
-Nox is gonna miss this scamp when he goes home, he just knows it.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
Priceless: 8/9
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I was planning on this being the last chapter, but I simply couldn't fit in everything I wanted to do, so there will be one more. I also couldn't resist this cliffhanger. Just don't hate me! *hides* Although you can partially blame my wonderful beta, @xhookswenchx​. She encouraged me when I mentioned doing a cliffhanger. Though she did yell at me once she actually read it ;)
I also noticed a huge error. I had Will Scarlett in earlier chapters as Killian's contact for the job. Then he popped up again in the last chapter as a cabbie! Oops! That's the problem with taking months to update. I loved Will as the cabbie, though, so I went back and changed the sketchy contact to Jefferson. I think it fits better, actually.
Summary: Desperate men often find themselves in places they never thought they would go, but for Killian Jones it would finally force him to be the hero his daughter always thought he could be. The job was simple: drive the truck, don’t open the back, don’t ask questions. But Killian Jones has never followed instructions very well …
An AU of the movie Priceless starring Joel Smallbone of For King and Country.
Rating: M for themes
Trigger warnings: This story is about human trafficking so there are discussions of rape and non-con, some of it involving minors. None of it is portrayed as positive nor is it graphically described. If you have any specific questions or concerns before reading, feel free to message me.
**in this chapter specifically, there are depictions of violence**
Also on Ao3 as part of my movie au series Captain Swan is My Favorite Rom Com: 2nd Edition. There is also a First Edition.
Tagging: @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose @kmomof4 @welllpthisishappening @bethacaciakay @teamhook @let-it-raines @wellhellotragic @winterbaby89 @kday426 @ekr032-blog-blog @shady-swan-jones @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @spartanguard @scientificapricot @stahlop @delirious-latenight-laughs @resident-of-storybrooke @vvbooklady1256 @tiganasummertree​ @nikkiemms​  @jennjenn615​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @shipsxahoy​ @cat-sophia​ @artistic-writer​ @thejacketandthehook​ @hollyethecurious​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @branlovestowrite​ @dassala​ @allofdafandoms-blog​ @snidgetsafan​ @pocket-anon​ @optomisticgirl​ @flslp87​ @onceuponaprincessworld​ @courtorderedcake​ @superchocovian​ @distant-rose​
Chapter Summary: After rescuing Emma from the spa, Killian faces dire consequences for his actions.
The cabbie Will whistled in admiration as he turned onto the drive to David and Mary Margaret’s place. I agreed with his assessment - this wasn’t just a home, it was a ranch, and a large spread at that. The cab drove beneath a stone archway. Swinging from the center of it were scrolling iron letters that said “Misthaven Farm.” The land up on these hills was more lush, and there were several smaller buildings lining the long drive that took us up to the house. I assumed they were barns and stables, though no animals were visible at this hour. Will parked the cab in a circular drive right in front of a two story house built of uncut stones and raw timber to give it a rugged air. It was large, but not massive, just the right size to be welcoming and homey.
Will whistled once again when I paid him handsomely for the long ride, much more than was necessary. I wasn’t just paying him for driving. I was paying him for being a good man, one who would ask questions to ensure the safety of an inebriated woman in his cab. And despite my desperation to make a way to be with my daughter, I could no longer keep the money Gold had given me. It was dirty, and I wanted to be rid of it as quickly as possible.
Emma still couldn’t walk, so I scooped her up again and carried her to the Nolan’s front door. Mary Margaret opened it before I even reached the front stoop, rushing forward with a gasp despite the phone pressed to her ear.
“Oh my God, um, Regina, I’ll have to call you back!” She hung up, her hands fluttering around Emma as if she wanted to help her but wasn’t sure what to do. “What happened?”
“I found her, and I couldn’t just do nothing.”
It wasn’t the greatest explanation, but I was more concerned about Emma. Mary Margaret motioned towards the stairs and I followed her up. Emma lifted her head, but her eyes couldn’t seem to focus on anything. She mumbled something, then her head lolled back onto my shoulder.
“They drugged her.” Mary Margaret wasn’t asking a question.
She led me into a modest bedroom at the top of the stairs. It held only a full size bed in one corner, a small dresser, and a desk pressed against a wall. Opposite the bed was a door that led to a small bathroom.
“This isn’t much,” Mary Margaret explained, “but I thought she might be more comfortable here.”
Frankly, I didn’t think Emma cared where she was. I deposited her gently onto the bed, slipped the glittery gold stilettos off her feet, and edged her under the covers. I tucked her in like I often did for Alice, but stopped short of brushing a kiss to her temple. I turned to go, but Emma surprised me by grabbing my hand.
“Please stay,” she whispered.
I glanced over my shoulder at Mary Margaret. She cast her gaze pointedly to the floor and arched a brow. I got her meaning fully and eased down to sit on the floor by Emma’s bed.
“As you wish,” I whispered to Emma.
She let out a shuddering breath and then her whole body relaxed, though she didn’t release my hand. When Mary Margaret slipped out, she left the door cracked open. I stayed there with Emma’s hand grasping mine, my head resting against the edge of the bed. I didn’t think I would be able to sleep, but somehow, my body relaxed and I dozed off.
When my eyes opened again, the light of early dawn streamed through the window, and I realized Emma’s weeping had awakened me. She had released my hand at some point, and when I turned my head I found her curled into the fetal position, facing the wall. I rose up on my knees and placed my hand tentatively on her upper back.
She tensed, and I withdrew my hand. A heavy silence filled the room, but I didn’t know how to comfort her or what to say. Finally, she rolled over, clasping the blanket tighter around her frame. It enveloped her like a cocoon, and I cursed myself for not asking Mary Margaret to help her change her clothes the night before. The skin tight red dress Emma wore beneath the covers barely contained her curves and couldn’t have been comfortable. A shiver rocked her frame, and I winced.
“I’ll get Mary Margaret,” I finally said, rising quickly to my feet.
“Not yet,” she whispered, then pressed her eyes shut as more tears spilled down her cheeks.
I stood there, feeling helpless and awkward. I noticed an extra blanket draped over the desk chair, and grabbed it. She was still shaking, so I draped the blanket over her, careful not to touch her. It wasn’t enough, but it was something.
“I don’t deserve to be here,” Emma whispered.
“What do you mean, love?” I asked, sinking to the very edge of the bed.
“My sisters. I don’t deserve to be here when they’re still -” her voice broke as if she couldn’t bring herself to say it. “I’m an awful person.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is! Because I’m here, and they’re not, but I . . . I feel . . . “
She pressed her eyes shut, as if ashamed of herself. “I was so relieved to hear your voice at the spa. I shouldn’t have called out for you.”
“I’m glad you did.”
Emma’s eyes flew open suddenly, and she scrambled up, shoving me aside as her feet hit the floor. She struggled to stand, with both blankets still wrapped around her, but she swayed and I had to help her sit back down.
“Careful,” I admonished, “I don’t know what they gave you, but it may take awhile for the effects to wear off.”
“I don’t know either,” she whispered, dropping her head to her hands, “but after the first time, they didn’t have to force the pills down my throat. It . . . numbed things, and sometimes if I passed out . . . it was better that way.”
I blinked back tears at the defeat in her voice, and I couldn’t help it any longer. I pulled her next to me and held her close. I whispered nonsense meant to comfort as I stroked her hair. Just empty words, but she clung to my shirt nevertheless, and I prayed that they helped.
“I have to go back. Gold may be mad, but he’ll take me -”
“Over my dead body.”
Emma pulled back sharply. “Killian, I have to! Elsa is still sick, Anna’s just a kid -”
I stilled her words with a finger to her lips. “Emma, do you really think they’ll honor their word?”
“At least I’ll be with them! Besides, what options do we have? We’ll be arrested. Deported.”
“You don’t have to be.” Mary Margaret’s voice spoke from the bedroom doorway, and Emma and I turned to her in surprise. “That phone call I was on when you got here last night? It was my stepsister, Regina. She’s an immigration lawyer, and she says that victims of trafficking by law can’t be deported.”
“But I’ve heard stories from the other girls,” Emma protested, but Mary Margaret cut her off as she sat next to her on the bed and took her hands in hers.
“Yes, some do get deported, I won’t lie, but that’s usually because they don’t know their rights. Or they’re too afraid to speak up against their traffickers. Sometimes the law doesn’t understand what trafficking looks like. It’s not always kidnapping and locked doors. It’s manipulation, fear, and sometimes even Stockholm syndrome.”
Emma nodded. “There’s a girl there in the house - Ivy. She thinks Neal really loves her; thinks the brothel is a family.”
I could tell Mary Margaret was forcing back tears, and I thought of her daughter. Mary Margeret cupped Emma’s face in her hands. “But that’s not you. That’s not your sisters. Not only that, you’ll have Regina. She says she’ll represent you, pro bono.”
Tears poured down Emma’s face. “Why would you do this for me?”
Mary Margaret shrugged. “Faith means we care for those who can not care for themselves.” Then she leaned forward and pressed a motherly kiss to Emma’s head. “Now,” she said, forcing a smile upon her face. “I’ve put towels and a change of clothes in the bathroom over there. They may not fit perfectly, but I thought they’d at least be comfortable. How about you shower and then I’ll fix you some breakfast?”
Emma gave the other woman a wobbly smile. “That sounds nice.”
After Emma rose and shuffled into the bathroom, still wrapped up in the blankets, Mary Margaret gave me a weighted look. “I need to talk to you,” she whispered, and dread coiled in my belly.
I followed her wordlessly downstairs and into the kitchen. I almost tripped over my own feet to see David sitting at the kitchen table with a wet towel pressed to a gash on his head. I looked frantically around the room, my dread only increasing.
“Where’s Liam?”
David’s jaw clenched as he forced himself to meet my gaze. “We were run off the road by an unmarked SUV. We slammed into a ditch, and I hit my head. When I came to, Liam was gone.”
I looked frantically around the room. “They know where we are?”
David shook his head. “I hitchhiked home in a farmer’s pickup. We weren’t close enough to the ranch for them to put things together.”
I sank to the chair next to David. “They just wanted Liam then.” I didn’t even ask why - all three of us already knew.
My phone, still in my pocket, rang. My hands shook as I answered it, and the voice on the other end made my blood run cold.
“Hello, Romeo. That’s quite the rescue you pulled off.”
“Gold,” I ground out, “what do you want?”
“I want my property, naturally. I’m assuming you want your brother. Alive, preferably?”
I pressed my eyes closed as the words hit home. When I opened them, David and Mary Margaret were right by my side. Liam? Mary Margaret mouthed, and I nodded.
“What are you asking?” I finally managed to ask.
“A trade. My girl for your brother. Simple as that.”
My mind spun as I tried to come up with a plan. When it finally came to me, it sounded crazy, but if I played my cards right, it could work.
“Not so fast,” I answered him, adding an edge to my voice. “I know how valuable Swan is. A trade’s not good enough.”
“I don’t know that you’re in a position to negotiate,” Gold snapped. “I can put a fucking bullet in your brother’s head.”
I tsked, “Come now, Gold, don’t be hasty. The way I see it, I’ve got plenty of evidence that I can take to multiple government agencies. Trafficking, immigration violations, drugs - would you like me to continue?”
“What’s your point?” he growled.
I paced, my gaze focused on the tile in the Nolan’s kitchen. “I’ll give you Swan, but I want more than my brother back. I want her sisters too.”
Gold barked out a laugh. “Why in the world would I do that?”
“Elsa’s sick, and it’s gonna cost you to get her well, or you would have done it already. Once she’s well though, she can make me some serious money.”
“I thought you were in love,” Gold replied dryly.
“That’s what I wanted her to think,” I sneered, “and it worked. I had her eating out of my hand. She was good, I’ll say that, but she’s not the only blonde in the world. I’ve seen the money that can be made in this business.”
“And you want in.”
“With you? Hardly. I want to start my own business and with a blonde and an underage red head? I can.”
“The bid on the black market for that virgin keeps climbing,” Gold countered, “why should I give that up?”
“It’s a one time deal, and you’ve got other underage girls. I saw their photos at the house. I’ve gotta be in that market too if I want to build my business. But Swan? She’s top-tier. Even spoiled frat boys driving daddy’s Lexus can’t afford her. Long term, she’s worth way more than her kid sister.”
“How did you know that?”
“I have my sources.”
There was a long silence on the other line, and I prayed fervently to a God I wasn’t sure even cared about me. But he had to care about a frightened sixteen year old and her ill sister. Right? God if you’re there . . .
“Okay. Meet me -”
“No. My terms. I don’t trust you, Gold. You would double cross me in a heartbeat. I wanna make the trade in a public place. Broad daylight. No tricks.”
Gold growled, but relented. He named a time and a place. I knew it already - warehouses in a sketchy part of town. I shook my head at David, and he frantically scribbled on a piece of paper.
“Anthem Hills Park,” I countered.
“Are you insane? There will be -”
“Kids? Families? Exactly. No way you can screw me over in such a public place. Be there WITH Liam and the girls or the deal is off.” I hung up without waiting for a reply and prayed I hadn’t just doomed us all.
“Do you think he’ll be there?” Mary Margaret asked nervously.
I shook my head. “I don’t know, we just have to . . . “ I trailed off when I noticed Mary Margaret’s face go pale as she stared at something over my shoulder. I turned to see Emma sitting on the bottom of the stairs, her hair wet from her shower, and her eyes lifeless as she stared at me. “God, Emma, that wasn’t . . . I mean I didn’t -”
“I get it,” she interrupted in a shaky breath, “Anna’s young and Elsa’s sick, and I’m . . . already used up. Damaged.”
“Emma, no,” I told her as I came towards her, “that was all just an act for Gold.”
She looked up at me with a tentative smile. “Oh, I know that you didn’t mean any of that crap about the business. But let’s face it, Killian. You have to save our siblings, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes. We can’t let Gold hurt them.”
I sank to the step next to her and took both of her hands in mine. “I was bluffing with every word of it, Emma.”
“What? But -”
“No buts. I can’t let Gold hurt you either. Not anymore.”
Later that afternoon, I pulled into the lot at Anthem Hills Park. The day was gorgeous, and the park was filled with people. Children scampered about on the playground, their happy squeals ringing in the air. Parents sat and chatted on benches while others pushed strollers down the walking trails. Right next to the slides, on a park bench, were Gold and his son, Liam and the girls sandwiched between them, just as promised. Their backs were to us, and I swallowed nervously as I pulled David’s handgun out of the glove compartment. I set it on the dashboard and took a deep breath before fixing my gaze on Emma.
“Do you trust me?”
Emma nodded, but more than that, her eyes were blazing and her jaw was set in determination.
I nodded in return, then shoved the gun into the waistband of my jeans. Emma turned to open the car door, but I stilled her by gently grasping her hand. I rubbed my thumb tenderly over her knuckles as her eyes met mine.
“I don’t know how this will all play out, so I just need you to know . . . not a moment has gone by since we met that I haven’t thought about you.”
She searched my face, then her lips turned up in a teasing smile. “Good.”
I returned her smile, buoyed by the pleasure I saw in her eyes. We both exited the vehicle, and I pulled Emma close to my side as we crossed the grass. When we reached the park bench, Liam’s eyes met mine, and I saw a warning in them. He glanced at the girls on either side of him. Elsa, despite the fever trembling through her frame, was stiff and unnatural. Anna was even more so, her eyes wide and frightened. Gold and Neal both opened their coats just enough that I could see the guns they had pressed to the girls’ sides. I caught my brother’s eyes once more, trying to reassure him. This was nothing the Nolans and I hadn’t anticipated.
“Deal’s off,” Gold sneered, “give us our property - all of it - and we’ll let you and your brother be on your way.”
I smirked at Gold. “You know, I’ve been told that I’m many things. I’m too dramatic, I feel too much, I get too attached. I jump in with both feet, and I just don’t think things through.”
I pulled out my gun, brandishing it dramatically so anyone nearby could see. As expected, several screams immediately rang out. People started running, people shouted for someone to call 911. I smirked again at Gold.
“Police will be here any minute I’m guessing. Crazy guy with a gun at the park tends to draw attention.”
“You’re crazy!” Neal screamed, leaping to his feet and pointing his own gun right at me. The screams around us grew louder.
I had anticipated this too, and calmly shifted to point my gun back at him. Emma didn’t hesitate, but raced to Anna’s side and pulled her out of the way. Liam took advantage of the distraction. He leapt up and barrelled himself into Gold, shoving Elsa out of the way. A gun went off. Elsa screamed Liam’s name.
Then Emma screamed mine. I turned to see her tackle Neal and another shot went off. I was shoved from behind, the arm holding my gun wrenched behind my back. My face was shoved to the ground, and handcuffs were slapped on my wrists. A cop began to read me my rights.
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . . . “
From my place on the ground, I saw Emma scramble off Neal, her hands red with blood. Neal lay face first, lifeless, blood spreading beneath him, staining the ground. Anna raced to her, weeping and holding her close. She was safe.
I turned my head to see more blood staining the ground.
Liam lay prone and still, Elsa weeping over him.
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who-is-olivia · 5 years
Track 10. From the Dining Table
Harry Styles x OC
Harry struggles with loneliness after Olivia refuses to answer his calls. [2.4k]
Genre: angst
Warnings: substance abuse, sexual language
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 December 2016
  He calls her one more time. It beeps, beeps, beeps and it ends up on mail. It must be the tenth message he sends but he does so anyway.
“Hey love, it’s me again. We haven’t spoke since you went away and I hate this silence, if you don’t want to talk to me can I at least know why?” he begs to the cold phone, hunching over his knees with a hand holding back his hair. “I know I was an asshole, I’m so so sorry, but I want to talk. Can you please call me? Even if it’s just to shout at me and call me names? I love you”
  He wipes the corners of his eyes, not in shame, just to avoid his mates asking what’s going on. Harry leaves the waiting room and walks in the studio where Ryan and Mitch are tweaking his recording of Two Ghosts. The album is almost done, they only miss a couple more songs to close the set. As he sits beside Mitch, he notices his friend’s worried gaze as if he could hear his failed attempts through the acoustic protection.
“Nothing?” he asks.
“Just silence” Harry sighs and Mitch pats his leg in comfort.
“Why don’t you go to New York?”
“I don’t know if she’s there, she could be with her grandma in New Orleans or Rio, she could be in London, I wouldn’t know”
“She’s not answering my texts either” Mitch replies. It’s as if, overnight, Olivia vanished from the face of the Earth. “Not even Frank”
  He leaves the studio late and walks back to his hotel. A few fans stop him on the way, he’s not on the mood to be his usual cheerful self but he still obliges when they ask for pictures. One of them has a t-shirt with her album cover, when he looks up he’s almost speechless.
“You okay?” she asks, a mix of elation and awkwardness.
“Yeah, you just... remind me of someone”
“Olivia, right? I get that a lot” she laughs, “There was a time I copied her braids, people stopped me in the streets for pictures”
This time, he chuckles as well. Oli loves taking pictures, it appeals so much to her vanity it’s exhausting. She’s not a very sympathetic person when it comes to interacting with strangers, but she always made her fans an exception. “That’s crazy”
“Can you send her a picture of me? I’m a huge fan”
At her request his weak smile falters. He’d love to send her a picture but she won’t notice it, she won’t reply, she won’t care. “Of course”
He politely takes a picture with her and pretends to send it to Oli. “Thank you so much”
“Do you live nearby?”
“No, I’m staying at the Hilton, I’m actually from Mexico”
“So am I! I mean, staying at the Hilton, I’m quite British” she laughs at his clumsy excuse, “Do you want me to walk you back, maybe get a few drinks?”
  He tried to forget her, he tried to drown away his sorrow and sleep with someone else to fix the problem but he failed pitifully. His drunken haziness only caused him to sob over someone, and looking at her likeness made it even worse. He wasn’t struggling for the lack of sex, that’d be easy to fix, he misses her entirely, body and soul. He misses her company, her weird insights, her particular taste for rom-coms and the strange foods she smuggles from her hometown. He misses her touch, the texture of her collarbones and the way her hair smells in the morning, he misses the stargazing and the way her eyes shine like a dark sky with a single star...
  When he wakes up the morning after, her twin fan is sleeping on his bed while he gets up from the couch. She’s dressed from head to toe, only her shoes are stored nicely in a corner. By the time, he’s already missed a fine amount of working hours in the studio. A text from Mitch begs him to stay at the hotel and try to work himself out, better than sniffle over his shoulder while he tries to work. He works his dizzy way to the bed and pokes the young woman.
“Oli... I-I mean...” he steps away, trying to recover her name somewhere in his drunken mind. “Luna?”
“Hm?” she rubs her eyes open.
“Hey” he strokes her arm clumsily, “Morning. I might need to leave in a few minutes, you’re a guest here right?”
“Oh, yes” she gets up in a stretch. “I’m so sorry”
“It’s alright, thank you for last night”
“It was nothing” she recalls him laying on her lap bawling his eyes out as she tries to comfort him the best she can. “I hope you figure yourself out”
“Thank you” he pulls her in for a friendly hug and walks her to the door.
  Now that he’s alone, he takes his phone again to no avail. She won’t answer, she won’t even listen to his voicemail. He then googles her name to search for recent news, the most recent one is about Frank’s new affair and his sister’s approval, the last one indicating her location is three months old, when she joined him in Jamaica. He checks her social media, Frank’s, all her former bandmate’s but when he least expects it, he finds a clue.
  Her friend Matty, who he hasn’t seen in months, posted a photo wearing one of Harry’s old t-shirts, a white one he wore to a Burberry fashion show. Without a second thought, he reaches out.
“‘ello? Who’s this?”
“Hey, it’s Harry, Harry Styles” he immediately regrets the call. It is a stupid idea, he shouldn’t be intruding.
“Oh, hey! Sorry, didn’t recognize your voice”
“I’m sorry... listen chap, I need to ask you something and you might find it weird but when was the last time you saw Olivia?”
He ponders for a moment, “She came by when her tour began last year, but we haven’t talked much ever since” Harry sighs in defeat, “But I saw Frank last weekend when I was in LA”
“Weird, I just saw a picture of you with a shirt just like mine-“
“It probably is, I got it from Frank” he shuts his eyes in realization. Of course, Frank is like a damn vampire, only he takes his peer’s clothes. “He stole a shirt from me, thought I’d do the same to him”
“Did he mention anything about Oli at all?”
“No, she said she’s just fine... but he was weird about it, I could tell” Matty confesses, always prizing his truthfulness.
“I see... cheers mate, sorry for the weird questions”
“No problem, let me know if you need anything”
  Another finished phone call, another silence. He hates the silence, all that’s left in silence are his troubled thoughts. Slowly he falls back to sleep thinking about her, dreaming of their home in New York, Oli waking up early to water the plants as he played the guitar in the garden, making dinner together, napping together at their studio’s couch after a long day of work. He wakes up a bit lost and finds his writing journal few inches away from a pool of wine he accidentally spilled last night. He hoisters the journal carefully but lets something fall in that puddle: a map.
“No, no no no” he picks it up and runs to the bathroom pressing the white towels against the paper. He unfolds the thing and stares in slight relief as the whole thing wasn’t too affected. That map of New York has so many precious memories recorded on it, her handwriting is all over the place. He finds the spot east of Central Park where she marked with a circle and wrote ‘home’.
  He wants to go home, he wants to relive their good moments and make new ones. Every piece of poetry in that book somehow reminds him of her. There’s the one describing how he felt after their vacation in Rio, when he got to see her interacting with the place she grew up on. She was so fulfilled, so joyful... He had then rented a penthouse across the street from the beach where they could see the whole coastline. They’d wake up in bliss, make love all morning and spend hours just on pillow talk. Then he’d take her to the sea and hold her legs around his waist, leaning to kiss her between the waves, her touch light on him. He called the poem “Waves in Her Eyes”, he never felt like making it a song, just a good reverie.
  One of his favorites, “Spotlight”, is about watching her perform. She feels so in sync with her music, it’s like she’s possessed by it. He always idealized her when he saw her onstage, after all she looked other-worldly beautiful, but coming off stage that side of her disappeared and she was just Oli: playful, simple, charming Oli. He remembers watching her practice when she’d spend the weekends in his flat in London, one earpod giving her the playback as he could only hear her powerful low-pitched voice roaring the melodies.
  He dozes off quite often, waking up randomly to read another poem, drink some wine and doze off again. When it’s noon, he picks up the phone to no messages of her.
“Hey Oli, it’s me again. This is getting old, but I just want to talk to you... You’re so fucking complicated, ay? Why won’t you ever say what you wanna say?” he spits bitterly but immediately regrets it. “Sorry, in your defense, that side of you never stopped me from loving you. I do it almost like breathing. But now... I know I’ve fucked up, but so did you. I’ll never give up on us but I’m tired of apologizing to silence, maybe one day you’ll call me and tell me that you’re sorry too... who am I kidding, you never do, do you?”
  He loses track of the days he’s spent in the hotel room. One evening, Mitch comes around with his guitar to play something he’s working on but Harry barely clocks in.
“This is a bunch of shit” Mitch groans, looking around the place.
“Sorry mate, I’m not really in the mood for it”
“By the looks of it, your mood is only self-pity and wine. I could agree with wine but self-pity isn’t cool”
“I’ve never felt less cool, Mitch” Harry sighs.
“Fuck’s sake... Harry, go to New York”
“She might not be there-“
“She might be” he counters, willing to play cup half-full if it gets his friend out of this mess.
“I have to finish the album”
“You’re not finishing the album like this”
“I’ll write you something, I promise” he insists, the album is the last string he has grounding him to her world, he needs to finish it.
“Don’t force yourself to it, do what you want whenever you want it. I’ll be right here pal”
“Thanks Mitch”
  He doesn’t remember when he left, nor how he came to the hotel room in the first place, but now he finds himself at the dinning table staring down a blank page of his journal. There’s so much he feels but very little he can put into words. In his haze, he thinks about writing about a particularly steamy night they spent together. It started with them making out on the couch, but slowly their touches became more daring and things got heated. He can’t take the pen to write as he’s too busy playing with himself.
He feels disgraceful, unable to work, to leave the hotel or do anything but feel sorry for himself. But suddenly, his phone rings. In a room so doomed by silence, his ringtone feels like a needle piercing his eardrums. “Hello?”
“Harry?” Frank asks from the other end of the line, “Is that you? Are you ok?”
“How the fuck you think I am?” he answers in a fickle tone, “Why didn’t you answer my texts, I’ve been trying to talk to you for days”
“I know man, I feel awful about it”
“Where is she?” his anger simmers to a small whimper.
“She’s in New York”
“Why won’t she answer my calls?”
Frank dallies with his words trying to find the best ones for this situation, “Harry, there’s something she needs to tell you but she doesn’t know how”
“What is it?” he begs.
“I can’t tell you, I swore to her I wouldn’t”
“Ain’t that precious: she can’t tell me, you can’t tell me, I might as well just fuck off”
Frank feels the full weight of his heart-break, which is in part his fault as he couldn’t talk Olivia through her silence, but this is his only chance to atone. “Tomorrow we’ll play at Jim’s to celebrate the band’s anniversary, 9:00 pm. Your name will be on the list. Don’t miss it”
  Without further ado, he ends the call.
  Harry leaps up in a burst of energy and starts packing his stuff. With everything packed, he looks at the mess he left in the room. If Anne was in this hotel room, she’d bash him up for his behavior, so in honor of her education he makes sure to leave the place spotless. After that, he texts Frank an apology. They both fucked up, but Frank never deserved this treatment. Years of friendship have made him look at his in-law through Oli’s lens, her undying love for him is contagious.
“Hey love, if you haven’t heard any of my voicemail you won’t hear this either, but I’m coming home. What I’m doing here without you doesn’t make sense. I hope when we get to see each other we’ll figure ourselves out, ‘cause this small taste of life without you is quite miserable... anyway, we’ll sort ourselves out. I love you”
  He books himself an overnight ticket to New York and leaves, spending the whole trip trying to justify his absence to Ryan and the other producers. He can't work until he's got Oli back, or at least until they're sorted out.
  He arrives at Jim's pub almost at the end of the show, calmly strolling down the snowy streets. The doors open to a crowded hall, he has to squeeze between the guests to find a privileged spot. Once he gets it, there's nothing between him and Oli. He sighs and smiles until her eyes find his beneath the spotlight.
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moonlit-nightingale · 4 years
.:Prompt 19 - Where the Heart Is:.
ft. a roleplay between Sari and A’vani Tia about a future that could possibly be in a few years.
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The pan was stirred over the stove, the strong warm scent of nutmeg, cloves, and allspice wafting through the temple's common area. The spacious room was adorned in All Saint's Wake decoration, the heavy amount of Eorzean wards here making sure that the whacky holiday was celebrated with all the kooky fun that it brought. Over on some cushions near the window that was decorated about with orange jack'o'lantern lights, two sleepyheads were cuddled together still in their costumes, Creamsicle stuck in between the two children. Not that the fat orange cat minded.
Sari looked over shoulder to the sight with a small smile before going to test the hot cider, taking some up in a spoon and sure to keep that long silver braid dangling over his shoulder way from the burner! Mmm, good. No bourbon. He avoided the temptations, years of sobriety holding strong.  Content, the cider was poured into two tall mugs with a cinnamon stick plopped in. Plucking up the two mugs, the Qalli made his way out of the kitchen and to one of the low tables where Vani was sorting through the candy bags. A light sound as Sari placed one cider in front of the Seeker before sitting right next to him, his own mug in his hands.
"Anything good?" he asked quietly not to wake the slumbering fuzzballs.
The Seeker still had his kitsune mask on his head, cocked up over one ear and held in place though he'd discarded the long outer robe of the costume once they'd returned to the temple. Pale eyes looked up from the haul, an ear flicking as he paused long enough to pick up the cider and stir it. That first sip was heaven, the tip of his tail curling in delight. "Fizza managed to get twenty-six Choco-chews, I split out half for you." He gently nudged the brightly wrapped candies toward the Qalli with a grin. "Plus a handful of Sour Spriggans for myself. I haven't even started on Safi's bag yet. What about Tani?"
His voice stayed low, knowing full well if the two children woke from their doze that the jig was up and there would be no candy for either himself or Sari tonight, a true tragedy. He looked over to where the young Xaela in her princess costume snoozed against the bulk that was Mirare, well protected and looked after in her crashed state as the tigress simply watched the goings on calmly.
"I haven't been able to pry her bag away," he chuckled quietly. "Mirare is guarding it for her." A look over to the tigress who seemed to know she was being talked about, ears shifting towards the Qalli. "Tani may be the only one that escapes with a full bag."
He could bait the lovely beastkin away with some meat cuts but that risked waking up his daughter. And for now, this peace was meant for the two adults. Unlike Vani, the Xaela wore no costume, just loose warmer robes for the autumn chill. Though he didn't escape entirely...paints were on his tail, his arms (metal AND flesh) and a shaky image of what could be a flower on his cheek in bright pink paint. How could he have said no when the adorable trio wanted to dress him up too? A chaotic evening for both parents as this holiday always was. The costumes, the running about, the scares and spooks from displays, and the eventual sugar rush and crash.
"I'm simply glad I could stop Tani from kicking Tanaka-san in the shin. I think the oni costume was a bit much for Fizza." Perhaps it was still the instinct of the Steppe, but Tani had been quick to 'attack' when her lil Seeker sister was spooped by the scary mask. Sari had just barely plucked her up by the back of the sparkly costume in time.
Vani gave Mirare a long and appraising look before turning back to Sari and putting up a smile. "It was all well in the end when she saw it was just Tanaka-san but you're right, she's a little tender about the scary things." Another sip, hard to do when he couldn't stop smiling. "Quick reflexes with Tani though, she's just like you our protective little miss is. We're going to have to see about getting her into some lessons soon otherwise when she starts school next year I have no doubts we'll be hearing about how she got into it when someone wasn't being fair."
He reached out, tucking a strand of loose hair behind one of Sari's horns, getting it out of the other's face. "All and all though...it went much better than expected for the first Trick or Treat. They were all polite, all waited, I guess all those last minute lessons about how to politely ask for candy paid off huh Dad?"
A small smile at the motion and words. Though small in gesture, it was a sincere thing. "I still don't know if they will accept a Xaela child, Vani. We may have to homeschool." There were still prejudices against the darker-scaled sect and Sari honestly couldn't blame the locals. Besides, there were enough visitors at the shrine that keeping the little girl safely here didn't take away the socialization aspect.
"Safi was a bit fidgety to wait but I'm proud of him." An affectionate look over to the furpile, their tails impromptu blankets over one another as they slept. "...but I do have one thing I'm not to happy about." That blue eye shifted to Vani slowly...and then he reached over to nab that kitsune mask and plop it back over his boyfriend's face.
"A kitsune? Truly?" It was a jest, honestly. But as one cursed by a fox, there was an odd irony in it!
Silver eyes burned through the holes in the mask, the paper mache construction hiding his grin. "You should have seen the look on Hokusai's face. In my defense, the Orochi one looked awkward with my ears. Besides, the robes that came with it were so soft, how could I not?" He pulled the mask off, setting it aside as he stared at the other with those markings under his eyes. "Besides, I'm rather grateful to the kitsune in my life. They helped keep you in it."
He knew that Sari didn't always appreciate his 'curse' and true, it ultimately was a terrible thing. But it had kept Vani from losing the xaela a time or two and for that he was in the creature's debt. "Don't worry about Tani. I'm certain she'll be attending. But if the children start making life difficult for her then yes, homeschool it will be. I want her to have the opportunity, not be the target for every bully and complaint."
Ah, something they went back and forth on. There was a protectiveness from the Qalli about sending Tani out during the day. The little girl wouldn't complain even something would happen. He knew it. So what if something did happen? His painted tail swished over tatami.
"You can thank the one of many spirits that seemed to enjoy my body as their home." The wonders of being a shaman. He sipped his cider, the warm spices always a favorite. "And I think the Orochi one was quite dashing."
"You just wanted to see me in the slinky outfit that went with it." He wagged a finger at the other before idly stirring the cider again. "Maybe next year." Another sip of the warm beverage and he slowly turned to the task of quietly replacing all the 'approved' candy back in Fizza's bag for the little girl to have in the morning. She'd ever notice a few pieces of not her favorites missing. Next up, Safi's bag.
He knew Sari worried about Tani, he knew the little girl wasn't likely to speak up about a problem either. It was a bit of a sticky situation. Pulling a candy apple out of the bag, he wrinkled his nose while examining it. "You make better ones, the shell isn't even even on this one." He set it down, glancing back to the other. "And we don't have to send Tani, we can keep her here and let her learn with the others, start Safi and Fizza early...if we can get Safi to sit still long enough."
The apple was taken to be examined. Hmm, it was still good though! And he took a bite. Passable.
"That's a good idea...maybe they can all start in the same class together. Thank Hasu-dono that you can remain levelheaded about this." When it came to the children, Sari was always the cautious and overprotective one, hovering constantly. There were still just some emotional marks from his younger years that drilled some instincts into him, panicking when they were out of sight for too long.
He sighed deeply. "I'd have grey hair already if one couldn't tell."
"The benefit of a largely regular childhood." Well, as regular as being one of the only two children in the tribe got. He'd had plenty of protection and thus, plenty of freedom. Someone had always been making sure they were safe. "Honestly, while I wanted the children to have the benefit of going to school and mixing with some of the other local children...I'd have been a wreck. I'm fairly certain the staff wouldn't have appreciated me sending Mirare to school with them." He was ferociously protective of the little ones, he just tried to leave the bulk of the worrying to Sari.
"And you, Mister, are a wonderful parent. I think you second guess yourself a little too much, especially when you worry about things them meeting new people. They need to get out and meet other children. Normal children. Not children blessed by the kami or who are kami or who's parents are empowered by kami, spirits, divinities. They need to learn how to interact with just children. That's my worry."
Another sigh and he set the apple down before leaning to rest his head on the Seeker's shoulder, careful of his horns. Ah, the one good thing about being teeny tiny for his race...there were only a few ilms difference between the two of them. "...we're going to worry regardless. But you keep the logic about it in, Vani, and I'm grateful for that."
His eye closed, the other covered by that dark cloth since he'd been in public. It was a courtesy so no one would be disgusted by that side of his face. "I'd be running in circles without you."
"Says the man who taught me everything I know about parenting. Tell me again, who taught me how to bottle feed? Change a diaper? Properly swaddle an infant? Who took shifts with me so that we were able to get sleep. Also, who has the most uncanny talent to get fussy babes to eat their food and sit still for getting clothes put on?" He leaned his head against the other, wrapping his arm around the man he loved. "That would be you inima mia. You're giving me too much credit again."
Whatever would he do without his other half?
"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you," was the reply, all that was needed in rebuttal. The years had been a struggle with depression and alcoholism nipping at his heels. Shonkhor had been rather quiet but the Hawk still ached and grew restless. It was a part of Sari that would never be fully quieted.
"I likely would've disappeared a long time ago," he said quietly, just listening to the Seeker's breathing and heartbeat this close. It was a sound he'd grown accustomed to, it kept him grounded.
"Inima mia, there you go giving me too much credit again. Saranqerel you're strong, no matter how dark a place you end up in, I know you'll always find your way out." He kissed the top of the other's head, closing his pale eyes. "But for now, you don't have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere. I'd be a fool if I did. Nobody keeps me as level as you. Without you around as an example, I'd be back to my surly ways in no time."
He continued to stroke his fingers along that long braid, just enjoying the other's warmth and presence for a long moment. "You know, we have to move them eventually. If we let them sleep where they are until dawn, we'll all regret it."
That long sleek tail curled about them both, tapping Vani's leg softly. "...or we could all just sleep down here." His hand searched for one of his boyfriend's holding it in between his flesh and bone fingers. There was so much admiration for this dancer, Vani would never have any idea of how much respect the archer had for him. Never.
"It smells nice...it's quiet...no Nine about."
"Drag some pillows up in the loft, curl up there until morning comes...I like the way you think." He hummed happily, basking in the warmth of the other's presence. There was no greater sense of home than just sitting next to Sari. No greater place of safety. "You're right, no Nine about...I wonder where they've gotten off to?"
He didn't wonder very hard. He rubbed his thumb over Sari's knuckles, silky tail still in his contentment, left to fall as he rested against the other.
"It's All Saint's....Hokusai-dono likely took them with him to terrorize some children on the beach." An amused smile pulled at his lips as he felt sleep beckon. The loft seemed far away. They'd likely regret sitting like this in less than a bell and moving up there anyway but for now...there was zero motivation to move.
"He's really enjoying himself now that he's got the freedom to move around." He wasn't in any hurry to go anywhere either, tail finally flicking to cover both their laps. He yawned then, ears flicking, closing his eyes with a soft hum that slowly turned into a purr. "I'm getting old. Time was I'd have taken you out on the town, see if we couldn't have found ourselves a Halloween bash to attend. Now...that just sounds like effort."
"I prefer this anyway...I've had enough of noise." Too many bad nights 'on the town' involving drinks and fistfights. This...this was what he loved. Time with the children, time with this one he held close to his heart. A feeling of finding home again.
He yawned, showing off his tiny fangs, giving the other a pat. "C'mon inima mia, the sooner everyone is moved for bed, the sooner we can curl up together." Slowly he disentangled himself from the other safe for where their fingers were wound together. He loathed letting go of Sari, as if worried breaking the connection would wake him from this long dream he lived in.
It took all his adult constitution not to whine like a child as the warmth moved away and he had to sit up again, eye opening. "I'll get the kittens." He had that advantage of that strong arm, easy to carry lil furballs in one each. A small yawn of his own, contagious!, his own fangs on display before Sari slowly stood, adjusting his robes about him. He used that hand holding to help Vani up after him.
"Though you have to wake Mirare."
"Gee, thanks dear." He rolled his eyes, stifling a laugh as he made his way over to where Tani and the tigress were a ball of stripes and sequins. It wasn't hard to wake the tiger, a simple ruffle to her ears before he reached into take the small xaela girl. Tani gave a small squeaky protest, wiggling until she realized she was just being carried to bed, and Vani was spared the wrath of her tiny headbutts.
Sari couldn’t help but watch the group with affection. There was always so much thankfulness he had that Tani had found his way into his life, safe from passing away alone under the sun's heat, abandoned on the Steppe just a few days old. Now she was healthy, happy, and full of energy.
A soft few clicks of his tongue as he approached the two mi'kittens, going to sit on his knees, lean down and wrap one arm each around the Wake conquerors of the evening. A practiced motion always with care, tucking them against his neck as he stood. Soft mumbles and one grab of his braid later, they were asleep once more against the Qalli's chest.
He glanced over, smiling at Sari with the two blond blobs of fur, long tails hanging like tassels as they both clung to him in their sleep. Vani had known he was going to follow this man around forever the first time he'd woken up to find Sari, holding a swaddled Fizza and making faces at her to soothe her from sobs to giggles. Everything he cared about was right here, right now and he couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate it before he started to make his way toward the loft, Mirare at his heels.
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