#yes you can upgrade the beds but they're never as good as ones you can buy
vivalasthedas · 1 year
sims 4 released another overpriced kit consisting of content you can get better of for free, and it's called Modern Luxe. So it's meant to be like fancy and luxury.
The bed has an energy recovery rate of 5.
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kalims · 1 year
ㅤhere is my husband
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premise. just us casually staking a claim on our non-official husbands (for coupons)
featuring. all characters
content. alignment, fluff
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ㅤthe flustered over thinkers
one who's unbearably confused because he doesn't recall a marriage taking place to wed the two of you at all, he's a little concerned though. he's sure he'd remember such an event? anything with the two of you is practically unforgettable to the fact that when he's in bed only thing he thinks about is you, and the lingering anticipation that he'll see you again in the morning.
besides this said... eventful morning. where you've both apparently upgraded in relationship without his knowledge he can say that he's struggling to hide his steaming ears, hoping you won't notice if he brings the cup of coffee to his face so the steam seems like it's from there.
confused? flustered? thanks for the input! here's your boyfriend husband. doesn't even ask you to explain even though he's twitching to ask you cause if he knows you then you're almost always up to no good, maybe this is one of your tricks but he won't try just for the thought that you're still 'married.' all marriage related things, even the color white is sending his mind into overwire :)
— | riddle, jack, deuce, azul, epel, silver
ㅤwe love flirts
ah yes, if we've got the flustered, confused husbands we also need to get our resident flirts who just gives you a side glance and plays along like he knows what game you're playing. absolutely no questions at all because you know he's gonna bring up the topic sooner or later with a tease, he just feels like he has to return the fluster you'd admittedly inflicted on him. (which is apparently by proclaiming you're both married now.)
don't be surprised if you're getting private messages online, or just random people coming up to you asking how you're married in... this golden age, was that even legal there? you're not sure but maybe because everyone was kind of casual about it.
doesn't matter whether you say you're just messing with him. oh, you're done? good for you but he isn't. he's calling you his spouse everywhere, a local restaurant, shop, stall. wherever you say, he claims he's just doing what you asked for the coupons but you've got an inkling he's just got a knack for calling you his lawfully wedded partner.
— | trey, cater, jade, rook, lilia, leona (partly), vil
ㅤlegally in denial
we have the awkward ones who partially accept their fates, the flirts who's living purpose is to get a rise of warmth in your face, and we have the legally in denial ones whom are trying so hard to deny everything you do. you guys are dating?! oh my god... you must be being threatened to do this, where's the culprit?! news flash, there isn't any but even when it's so clear they seem to find every single reason to convince themselves that there's something wrong.
like, please accept our love already. you already called them your husband in broad daylight, is that not enough of proof? what do you mean you're probably gonna divorce him... he doesn't mention the fact of you guys never marrying at all, just jumps in divorce...
sometimes you should punch a man for his self esteem, it must be a struggle trying to convince someone you like, that you indeed like them. crazy, right? he can't take this heart stopping gesture he's watched too many times but will gladly arrange a wedding in minecraft. just tell him you guys got married ever since he put his bed next to yours if he asks since when.
— | idia on his own
ㅤairheads who are simps
the classic group of guys, of which they all are just incredibly down bad for the lead who just so happens to be you! <4 in this case they're so in love that they wouldn't even question anything you say even if you mix up murder and a name in the same sentence! if you trip? oh no, no. it's clearly the fault of the ground, not to worry! he'll even get workers to reconstruct the entire thing.
and yes, he's either rich or has enough influence (if not through intimidation.) anyways, if they're mad because of a horrible day just walk in a room and then the dark cloud over their heads just floats away and is replaced by hearts in their eyes.
a prank? oh you're funny. what ever do you mean? you're both clearly married. he's got the papers right here *materializes one.* where did that even come from?! say it once, now you've planted something that won't go away in their heads and it's going to shift to reality one way or another :)
— | kalim, floyd, malleus, rook.
ㅤchill mister tsunderes
takes a deep breath* screeches* yeah that's pretty much it. the people (possibly pertaining to just one person, cause he almost always needs his own category.) who try to refuse your existing even if you just cough. keyword: try because even if you're dating them they're still struggling to wrap their head around the fact that they are dating you so maybe their coping mechanism is just refusing to admit you make their hearts go boom boom??
is completely torn whether to screech again (preferably not in his mind to release that pent up... feeling. some type of fluster that makes him wonder if he should have brought a pillow to yell into.) or just reject what you just said. somehow his mouth just doesn't cooperate and he has to look away from you because he's actually struggling to keep his sanity together.
giving himself pep talk, the fortitude that 'he doesn't like you', trying to rebuild that wall back up again but he learns that he apparently can't take it when you're both referred to a life bounded vow. not as in he despises is, though he believes he is. but rather because he'll probably combust on the spot by the sheer claim being said out loud.
— | main: sebek, leona, ace
ㅤdem smug bastards
the ones who just can't resist to crack a smirk when you casually introduce him as your husband, no wonder you insisted he wore the promise ring you had given him.. just to show him off? consider him impressed! this might be just one of his favorite memento of your shenanigans. either he already knows what you're up do (leona) or he's just enjoying the remnants of your embarrassed face as he plummets you with endless grins and teases (floyd)
he's your husband...? I mean true but you're mainly his spouse :) should you even regret having done anything in the first place for the coupons? don't ever. anything should be done for the discounts, even if your supposed husband starts parading everywhere and uses every opportunity that appears in random conversations or situations to just casually announce your lawfully wedded marriage.
what do you mean you're not married? I mean he's got all the evidence in his phone, you didn't think he'd pass up the opportunity to record you saying that phrase for nothing did you? it's a great moment to remember, especially when it's in the middle of the night and he can't help but pull up that recording just to listen to it on loop like an idiot.
— | leona, floyd, ruggie, jade?, lilia (perhaps, vil (also questionable)
ㅤwho are you talking to rn?
those who look embarrassed but you're betting most on your money that he's just awfully flustered + doesn't like the feeling just guessing from him avoiding your eyes like you're the entity from bird box. does he really think his hood can cover the entirety of his red ears? they're fooling absolutely no one with that fake cough, only thing you heard was the quiet choke when they processed your words.
tries to play it off by 'composing' themselves in front of you, even though their back is turned to you. the straightening of their shoulder usually implies that they think they're ready but you can't help but note that several parts of their body, if not all, collectively flinch at the sight of you. they dont say anything but they give you this... look.
like, narrowed eyes, their jaw is slightly turned away from you, *judges whole existence with a side eye* they can't believe they even have you as a partner but besides that they can't wrap their heads around the fact that such a stupid notion such as that actually had him doing cartwheels inside his head.
— | jamil deserves this, ruggie, jack, azul
ㅤwym didn't we already get married?
YOUR HONOR ITS THIS ONE. you're probably making him more confused than you are. because?? cue confused face. didn't you guys already get married like, a month ago? do you not see the ring on your finger? the matching one on his own finger? did you really not notice anything when he just casually takes you to the most ethereal, sacred place of briar valley and hands you the box containing the ring...? has he done it too subtly? well, he's underestimated humans once again...
to fae culture that was probably the most obvious thing ever. he didn't outright just decide he wanted to marry you, but you've probably done something that borders on a 'let's get married' proposal in his culture so that just prompted him to get to work ASAP, get his workers find the most grandest ring there is in his family heirloom.
if you take it. that just meant you're both FOR LIFERSSSSS. HENCE WHY HES SO CONFUSED WHEN YOU'RE CONFUSED THAT HES ACTING LIKE ITS NORMAL. I mean he's happy that you finally decided to call him his rightful title after a month but why are you so flabbergasted, child of man? what do you mean you're not married? just look at said sacred, ethereal place in briar valley. both your names are engraved there together, that's enough proof isn't it?
— | malleus
bonus <4
ㅤthe actual partner in crime
want to take it up a notch? just call the resident creator of forged documents, this is totally legal and free! just get on his good side and he will remain there forever, unchanging cause he loves you now. unless you somehow wrong him... it's actually very beneficial because he can do nearly anything for you without trouble so... wow you're married? why didn't you invite him :( oh you're not but you want to be? oh that's totally fine!
oh you want his help? he can't go against the law because of his coding system but.. it also says to help friends whenever he can and you're his best friend so :)) *casually prints out paper* don't worry he'll talk to some friends and it will be legal before you know it!
knowing his brother he's probably authorized to break the law so he had to code it himself before he gets too far... anyways congrats on your actual marriage 😊
— | ortho
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note. this is a commissioned piece, do not post this anywhere else
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waltwhitmansbeard · 19 days
percahlia with 14?? 👀👀👀 (ps. hello friend, I've missed you!)
14. "You ever lie to me again and we're done." it's good to be back!!
It's a transition, to say the least. One day they're part of a traveling, traipsing troupe of adventurers, tied more to each other than to any one place, a trauma-bonded pack of stray cats, and the next they're a couple, living in a castle that does not much move from the spot its in, with responsibility to people they do not know and who do not know them. The castle is far larger than any accommodation they've enjoyed while out being heroes of the realm, and yet somehow they feel more on each other's toes here than they did crammed into some shitty upper room of an tavern with more bedbugs than patrons. Some days, Vex wishes she's had Keyleth's druidic shapechanging abilities, if only to swoop out one of these high windows and fly away, escape it all for a while.
But she can't tell Percy that. She can't have him thinking that she regrets this, regrets him, regrets Whitestone, because she doesn't. Not really. Not the clothes, for sure, or the big comfy bed, or the food, gods, the food—and obviously not him either. Waking up next to him every morning is a dream she'd never have let herself have as a child—but does he have to breathe so hard in his sleep?
She has a secretary, some nervous, flittering young thing who seems to think that Vex shares a temper with the castle's previous lady, which she doesn't. She tells the girl to let the lord know that she won't be making it to their scheduled meeting with the stonemasons regarding the upgrades to Dawnfather Square. In response to the tremulous why, Vex says, "I've been asked to sit with the housekeeping staff, to ensure that everything is in place for next week's guests."
This, of course, is a lie. Vex knows it, and she can see by the terror in her secretary's face that she knows it, too, but she sends her off anyway, hoping her fear doesn't rat Vex out. Once she's free, Vex strips down and changes into her old adventuring gear, a little tighter than it used to be, thanks to a steady diet of actual nutrition. With steps so quiet they'd do her brother proud, she slips through the halls and out a side door from the kitchens, darting across the lawns in the early morning haze. In less than a minute, she's in the cover of the Parchwood, and finally, she can breathe again.
She's aimless, wandering more than walking, and every shot she takes at some bird or scurrying thing is embarrassingly bad. Whatever. It's just good to be back in the real world again, amongst the trees and the leaf litter and the creatures who don't shove their cold, bony feet beneath her shins at night. She feels alive out here, more than she ever could in a castle of stone and glass, no matter how much she loves the life of luxury.
Eventually, her stomach rumbles, and she hasn't shot anything worth dressing and cooking out here, so she trudges back, caked with mud and grinning. She enters the castle the same way she left, flags down a kitchen girl to have a plate sent up to her rooms, and then makes her way up, looking forward to a hot bath and a good meal.
He's waiting by the bed when she enters. The grin slides away from her face as they stare at each other, the room cold but her face hot. She feels it rising in her, the guilt, the resentment, the urge to destroy. She wants him to say something, wants to cut him off before he can.
"Seems the housekeepers did a number on you."
In an instant she feels small. He's never made her feel small before, but under his withering glare, she could be any one of his subjects, some farmgirl asking too much of her liege lord. She juts her chin out. "There was a change of plans."
"You lied to me."
The silence rings. She searches his face, looks for some kind of sign of weakness, of melting. He is as resolute as the Sun Tree, as the stones of his family home. Fine. Let him be mad. He can't control her.
He steps forward, slow, careful steps that echo off the floors. When he is just a few feet from her, he says quietly, "You ever lie to me again and we're done."
The floor drops out from under her, and he's gone. She is alone in this great big room, surrounding by her fancy clothes and the softest bed she's ever touched. Her throat is hot and thick, but she is not going to cry. She just stands, silently staring at the spot he just left, never having felt less like a hero in her entire life.
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saucyjothoughts · 2 months
Are they into sex toys? If yes, what do they use? (We can assume Jan having a dildo collection is canon)
Jan Peteh sex toy collection tour when?
(nsfw under the cut)
Let's start with Jan because you are 100% correct, Anonyboo. Maybe they're all hidden in a box under his bed, maybe he has them out on display, who knows. But what we do know is that he has a little something for every occasion and his collection has grown significantly since gaining fame and a better income.
His toys are mostly for use alone, and maybe he has one fleshlight but it's mostly butt toys. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he size trains and keeps all the older, smaller toys because it makes him feel good to see his progress. There's probably a couple of "just for the aesthetic" toys, glass or gold that look pretty but he doesn't really use. And a few bits just for fun - bodysafe candles and some cuffs (he recently upgraded from a cheap faux-leather set to some sturdy suede and fur ones. No he won't tell you how much he spent on them).
Jan definitely has one of those spank paddles with the backwards lettering embossed into the leather so after impact the skin of his butt flushes a red and sore "SLUT".
Hang on, I need to take a cold shower.
Ok, let's do the rest of the boys.
After Jan, Jure has the most supplies. They're less for himself and more for partnered/group fun and mostly about restraint rather than penetration or vibration. A couple of sets of rope, bondage tape, a few different types of cuffs, and an ankle spreader. A feather tickler and a riding crop. If he's seeing someone regularly, he'll keep a vibe of their liking for some orgasm torture, but he doesn't use the same toy on multiple partners so when his partner moves on, the vibe goes too. He also has a doll that was a joke gift but which he has definitely used for real more than once.
Bojan has a prostate massager that he's kinda ashamed to use (only a few special people know about it). He also still has a cock ring that he used with a previous girlfriend but it's just gathering dust in his bottom drawer.
Kris is wearing a chastity cage right now and the key to it is on a chain around your neck. He still has access to his outfits but all his toys are in a locked case that only you know the combination to. Maybe you'll get one out to play with if he asks nicely enough.
Nace never used toys until Jan came into his life. Now he has a couple of things that have been recommended (a warming suction masturbator and a prostate vibe) but he still prefers to use his hands.
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thessalian · 6 months
Thess vs The Hunt
And lastly before bed, we did some exploration and, as the song goes, A Few Of My Favourite Things.
Right, I know, there's a rebel camp, I should look at that, but I want the points surrounding first. Lemme just have a quick look around, see if there's anything worth hunting.
Y'know what? I miss when the nasty poisonous areas just went away after you shot things in them. I struggle to harvest this way! Any searching for green shiny is going to have to wait--
...The fuck is that thing? And how am I supposed to climb to it? The fuck now? Look, I'll come back later when there's a little less bullshit, okay? Though I'm going to be stepping in blight no matter what.
Oh for-- MORE FIREGLEAM? When can I blow that shit up already?
Right, I clearly can't take a side route to the rebel camp, so I'll just... Wait. Wait that says "Unknown Clawstrider Grounds". That says Clawstrider. I NEED THOSE BITS LET'S GO.
IT'S THE DILOPHOSAURS! YEEEEEES! Though I'm not really getting close enough to appreciate them at this point. Maybe when I can ride one.
I shot its tail clean off yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
Right. A little more upgrade to this spiffy armour and ... y'know what? Why not? I know it needs some more upgrades but I'll make it work. Now lemme grab a few more campfires.
Sooooooooo ... half these campfires are being used by rebels. Okay, I guess that makes a little more sense than having them be Randomly Out There Because Reasons. Anyway. Time to brush up on head shots.
Ah, perimeter guards. I have a friendly patch of grass, and I have a sharpshot bow. Rider, then Charger. Repeat once for second Charger. And ... Guard One on battlement ... and Guard Two on battlement. And apparently no one noticed that their sentries dropped dead. Okay, now a way in.
This river does not go in the ways rivers usually go. But fuck it, I'm in now.
One thing I really love about picking off these settlements is shooting several guards in the face from hiding and them freaking out about where the hell the arrows are coming from--
Oop. They're shooting at my patch of grass, I'd better move for awhile. Just skirt around for the opposite side's patch of grass briefly. Line of sight rocks.
And ... wait. That last one is just ... not panicking anymore. Did she think I just ... shot almost everyone and left? Welp, sorry-not-sorry, arrow to your faaaaaaaaaace.
...There's a prisoner. There's a prisoner. Dude, why are you following me? You could just ... like ... run! I'm about to get into a fight with the leader!
Or ... you could just follow me because you're made of trauma. Okay fine. Just ... try to keep up.
Okay ... sir? That Blaze needs to be blown up and you are standing right in front of me. When I said "try to keep up", I didn't think I had to add "do not get in my way"!
BOOOOOOOOOM. Hee. That never gets old.
Right. Leader-time. Drawbridge down, and ... two guards. One, two; done. Now the leader.
...Hey ... rebel leader dude, sir? You've been listening to your underlings yelling and then dying, and you heard a massive explosion, and you saw your two bodyguards get shot and ... you're ... still just sitting on your throne? Do ... I ... need to approach for a cutscene or--?
Well. That didn't kick this party off. Doesn't even seem to notice me. Okay. Fine. ARROW IN YOUR FACE.
Oh, and now you acknowledge my presence. And thanks for moving your shield out of your own way. That's nice. *POONK* arrow to the face again.
That's done; what's in the shiny crate? ...More armour. I mean, great for a trapper, I'm sure, but not really my jam.
Now, back to a shelter and see if I can upgrade anything but the trapper armour. ...Not yet, but I need more bits from Clawstriders. Good thing I picked a shelter close to their hunting grounds. I know what I'm doing tomorroooooooooow...
Yes, I know I have to go back to work tomorrow. But there's evening, and I often play for about a half-hour in the morning just to kick things into high gear. The bonuses of working from home. Seems like a perfectly good time to take down a couple of more Clawstriders for parts.
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thezoeydiaries · 5 months
Entry #6
I have returned from my writing hiatus and I feel incredibly stuck. I never really understood the phrase "Choking under pressure" until I experienced what being a responsible adult feels like.
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I grew up having a comfortable life. We could afford little luxuries here and there on top of basic needs. And I grew up never needing to ask for anything. Don't get me wrong, I didn't grow up spoiled, I never really asked for stuff from my mom or family. Even if it was a toy, food, or a trip I wanted, I just didn't ask them.
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As long as I had the basic things: food, house, clothes/shoes, and of course, allowance (from when I was still in school) then I was already set. Anything else like pang-projects from school or extracurriculars, mga gala, events that I wanted to be part of —lahat yun from ipon ko sa allowance. It's not because I couldn't ask them for money or something, kasi there were times din naman na if I didn't have ipon then I'd ask them to pay for stuff I need for school. (Take note: for school lang, kasi if it's a personal expense I'd rather pay for it myself). In short, I learned about financial literacy at a young age. I knew that it was not easy making money, and living abroad when I was younger just strengthened my views on how hard it is to attain financial security.
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*Excuse the way I look, kakatapos ko lang maglaro sa arawan jan lol*
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*My mom loved putting my photos in Magazine covers. Trust me napakarami kong pictures noong bata na cover ako ng magazine haha*
Even when I was a kid, I always viewed my family status as "having just enough", I would never assume that we had extra money for anything else nor did I know how much my family makes. Ever since talaga I don't ask my family to buy me the trendiest clothes, or shoes, I just wear what I have in my closet. Some are hand-me-downs, others mga gifts nila or pasalubong, or when we go shopping they already get me stuff on their own pero there was not one instance that I asked them if they could buy me something I liked, I would just nod if they asked for my opinion.
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I'm also not the type to change my phone or my gadgets kapag may newly released stuff. Most of the things I have are either gifts or hand-me-down ng family members kasi they're the ones who usually upgrade often. So most of the things I have were given to me freely and grateful ako na they have good taste so I also like the things they buy for me. Siguro kaya hindi rin ako pala-hingi is because before I could ask for something —they've already provided it for me. And I've gotten used to this until I finished College.
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It's not like they stopped providing for me, it's just that I needed to step up and provide for myself, and also help out with the bills. I'm not gonna lie, it's brutal. Being responsible financially to provide, puts a lot of pressure on a person. I'm not a breadwinner or anything like that, we all work in our family (except for lola of course), and yes I do make a decent living, but it's still not enough to cover expenses.
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Especially, when there are cases where you need to put out money for emergencies and there are payables that need to be taken care of while it's still weeks away from payday...it just stresses me out big time. Because while you may have the money to pay for stuff, once you take care of all the expenses, you still need money left to make it through the next salary cut-off.
And being a 24 (or 20-poor as I say it) year old, with an almost 20-hour job (I work in media: for 3 shows to be precise), living in a 2-person household with 2 pets, the living expenses can get pretty high. For the last 2 years, I have been earning more than my mom, because my job allows me to have a salary increase depending on how many shows I can handle. And while that may sound tempting, I do have to remind you that I work almost 20 hours a day for most of the week. The workload is really heavy and I don't get to do much with my time besides go to bed and work then repeat. (and that's not even including the random rakets I have besides my tv shows).
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I have this goal that I want to be able to provide for my Mom on my own, that's why I don't pressure her to work as hard to earn. When I was still studying, she was the sole provider. And her job, on top of her basic salary, had many incentives including a monthly salary increase every time she booked clients with big case counts. She works in finance and banking btw (investments and insurance). But when I graduated, I didn't pressure her to book many clients, and she's been living off of her basic salary. So I have been managing most of the expenses we have.
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I'm not going to go into much detail but living in Manila, things get crazy expensive even if you don't live lavishly. Kami ni Mom, simple lang kami, we don't go out often or buy things, pero yung expenses namin monthly is malaki talaga because we choose to pay for comfort. And even if we only pay for basic stuff, it does put a lot of pressure on me to make ends meet kahit na we're both working (Hello inflation I see you). So for the past few months, it has been really hard financially, and I just feel stuck.
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God always provides. He sustains us. But siyempre, you can't leave everything to God —you also have to find ways to make things work. God can move mountains, but you have to take a step. And now, I just feel so stressed out with responsibilities paired up with my work obligations —I am losing sleep (And I don't have a lot of those). I don't really know why I'm writing this, I know it doesn't really resolve things. But I guess, I just want to let it all out.
I have been used to living simply, and like I have stated above hindi ako maluho na tao or magastos sa sarili. And I am working so hard and literally grinding to the bone, and yet I still can't cover all of the expenses. It's frustrating for me. I'm sure a lot of people experienced this on the daily. And I feel for those people na lumalaban ng patas pero nahihirapan kalabanin yung realidad ng buhay. It's not easy living, I get it. Mahal mabuhay sabi nga nila. But regardless we still have to keep going because there really is no other choice but that.
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*I absolutely love and adore these people. Some friendships faded, but others are here to stay. I cherish those who are still there.*
On paper, I make more than most of my other peers (Not to brag, I'm just trying to paint a picture). My salary range is higher than most entry-level jobs even though I had this job a few months after graduation. And while yes, technically I do make more, my peers naman get to do more with their salaries and get to experience more things than I do. They have a life outside of work, their social life is alive when mine's pretty much dead hanging on a cliff somewhere with my employment contract.
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I just don't feel young anymore. I don't feel like I'm getting to enjoy my young adult years because I have such big responsibilities compared to my friends. I feel like after College, working has aged me so much that I don't even look like myself from before I started working. And my co-workers agree to that when they were looking at my company ID. I understand na there are other people with bigger problems like if you compare them to mine, I know you'd say "OH POOR YOU HUHU BOO FREAKING HOO", and I know some would say "Well that's life and that's reality so suck it up". But that's not really going to change anything.
And now feeling the way I do, I have this guilt inside of me for thinking and feeling this way when the reason why I work as hard as I do is because it's for my family. Hindi naman nila ako pinilit na magtrabaho ng ganito and ako rin naman yung umaako ng responsibility so I need na panindigan to kasi I want to provide eh. But all at the same time I'm already tired of finding solutions to problems financially all while I'm working my ass off to provide tapos kulang parin. Then I get sucked up into a space where all I could think of is how many sacrifices and how much hard work it took for them to raise me and provide for me, tapos ako ang bata ko pa ganito na agad ako kapagod? na i feel shameful that I'm already this tired when for most of my life I have been provided for. I know it invalidates how I feel, pero the guilt is there every time na gusto ko magrant. That somehow I have no right to feel this tired.
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I am being very vulnerable on this page right now. I don't know if I could ever show this to someone or face anyone who could read what I wrote on this blog. But I just need an outlet for my feelings right now because I don't think another person in my life could equally relate to how I feel. And that's what this blog is for —to be my friend when I'm in need.
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I've been ranting on here for hours now, and I still haven't found a solution to my problems. I wish I could say that it felt better to release, but honestly it feels just the same. I can't go to sleep because I slept for 12 hours straight, I ignored work today, my friends are all busy, and my head is too fuzzy to focus on anything on the internet, I also couldn't read anything because I'm in a dark cold room and I refuse to open my lights. I can't listen to music right now because my head's all noisy, and I don't have the energy to interact with another living being despite having rested for half a day.
So what do you do when you literally can't do anything? I chose to write instead. And I feel like I should end this blog right now because I have nothing else to say.
*CTTO of the images in this blog post.
So good bye! Till next time <3
Zoey na pagod na maging adult
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
McEntire fleet has engaged Corky and is pummeling them and cork is firing back and it's a war. It's translating to Cuba and that is trying to get in already and they're trying to get in through the blockage I just already getting hit quite a bit. There are several typhoon class submarines offshore and it's illegal for them to be this close and they're headed south pretty fast around 40 knots they're now targeting courk. Another few minutes in cookie will be out.
Thor Freya
John remillard woke up this morning to people stoning him inside his house at the outside of town at about 3:45 a.m. . His moving. Ken is at the helm. This we will give it to him for what happenef to their areas. He's up and bruised and battered feels like shit.
So lots of people after him and he shot the ones who came in. Is about 20 people outside and isn't a shootout to get out of his house nobody wants him to make it especially our son it keeps showing up here and people keep shooting him for doing it. He'll be out in seconds and it's moving to the Earth seafloor of the Gulf of Mexico is moving all over the place. There's more action too. Bja is scorned and hated and would not help his own kind when they're stuck in the areas and burning. They are stoning him in his bed and he is missing the money. It's going to Cuba and no Ken is not Raul he's the brother of Raul and it took over last year and they had a plan to use him to grab our son and her son didn't know about it Ken kept it a secret and the blockade was making him puke and the sun had this idea and it was ken of picked it up and he looks over and he goes watch what you say to me and then he says you never know who's listening and said just sitting right there listening okay smart ass inside save it that's her language not yours but it is funny and he says yes it is, and the son says you finally have your money Ken. The windfall and you don't have to declare it to social security.hes laughing A lot really and our son is laughing. And our son says that's more one relative more who's holding on to my money and not telling me about it knowing full well then it's going to good use and instead of getting him in trouble this time and Ken is the one doing it. He apologizes for saying stuff to the video he was in cuz he thought he was Trump he's saying stuff like don't be a fool now and Ken knows what he's doing it for it was kind of smiling is also saying where do I put this money this money. It was funny who the hell and that's what Stan and Sherry are saying but they get it it's going to good use and I see what it's doing they're attacking the blockade and he says you and me are supposed to go to Cuba and be tried so at least one of us made it. Ken is laughing again. And Hera says to him in space you're going to trip just like me. I hope you have a good time and I wish you the best. It kind of lost it. What are ridiculous situation and our son says I had no idea I was a charitable organization. But consider this my donation it's a Cuba so I can upgrade their highways and byways and Ken says it wouldn't go far and today is economy a lot of people are laughing at that one it's not a ton of money by comparison but it's worth a lot more. So I guess this is what's eating Raul and everybody started laughing again he's actually in the movie it is the guy is knocking off people he's getting information and he needed it really badly and yeah he's wanted because he knocked out Tommy F and Mac and others. And our son ask him what about Bernie Mac and he says yeah he was in there too and you're supposed to be next okay all I can say is you're going to take the hit there's nothing to do with Hera hello idiots are going to make that comment I bet it could be me nobody may have made it. Ken is roaring them after again. And our son says I bet you have the math right on that money lol. And Ken looks a little gloomy and says I bet you'd say that when I say is you can't spend it and you can't use it and it's Max money so I'm going to threaten the money and her son says boy are you a brilliant one in other words you don't get the math that's perfect cuz you're her side of the family!! Lol. Well she's angry it says he's a Satanist and he's got one of those things and half his brain and still do the stupid stuff anyways as he's a nut case and a loser Hera says
It's approaching the time Thor Freya
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brother-genitivi · 2 years
So I saw this post and decided to jot down every ambient line I heard during the party in Anderson's apartment. I haven't got any of Ashley's, but I may update when I do a new playthrough. I chose an energetic party. I'm not sure if it changes if I have a more relaxed party.
Also you may notice there aren't any for EDI or Miranda; I could've been silly and not heard it but I didn't notice any ambient dialogue from them. And the lines I do have written down, I may have misheard. In any case, here they are. Enjoy :)
Looks broken, I'm sure Shepard won't notice.
Any chance I get.
Wouldn't you like to know?
Won't be going back to ryncol anytime soon!
Then the hanar says, 'get out before I strangle you!'
*wheezy old man laughter*
Every chance I have.
I told them I was Archangel... end of discussion.
Okay, that did it. Where's my sniper rifle?
Don't make me come over there.
Give me one, too.
I'm hungry. :(
Get the stronger stuff.
What's this?
You guys, I love you guys. No, listen. No. Really.
The kids? They're kicking ass.
Reminds me of Omega. Good times.
Didn't think I'd see you here. You not dead yet?
Yeah, yeah. Just kiss and get it over with.
Oh, yeah. Work it!
Hell yeah!
Not bad.
Get me two. What? Cause I got two hands, dumbass.
This is dangerously close to actually being a party.
That's what I'm talking about.
Shut up! Haha, seriously?
Here, let me get that for you.
I love you, man.
Cerberus? Ha!
Hang on, wait.
Then he says, 'I was talking to the duck.'
Now this is just the best. I mean, best.
If that's the way you wanna play it, I'm game.
You are NOT serious.
No. No, no, no, no. Noooo!
That is NOT what I mean.
Ha, I love you guys!
I danced at my sister's wedding.
Checking out the waterfall. Who's in?
Hah, not if I can help it.
*actually laughing*
The Prothean will rule all of you once more.
You can with four eyes.
Back when asari were creepy.
They'll never know what hit them...
Glad you're on our side, man.
Damn, this is good.
Hell yes I'm having another.
I'll let her know you said that!
Kick ass.
Now THIS is shore leave!
Why didn't I think of that?
Glad you came up for air.
And then she says, 'I was talking to the goat!'
Hah, you're absolutely right.
Forget I said anything...
Own it! Embrace it!
Pizza? Pizza? Hey, you want pizza?
Anyone else?
*dad laughter*
I love you guys!
I-I need another one of these. Anyone else?
Who's humbered? I mean hammered?
I could talk weapon optimisation all night. All night!
Hey, who's starving?
I need another one of these. Anyone else?
Love it.
*in a bathroom* Occupied!
*materialising on a bed* How many bedrooms does this place have?
*outside the front door* You should really upgrade the security.
At least they're clean.
I saw one on Illium.
I'll have one!
You... love it.
If you say so.
What did you think it was?
Look, look, look! He's doing it!
Bottoms up!
Oh, bugger!
Help! My glass is empty!
Okay, I drank.
Ohoho, I'm going to remember that.
What was that? It was good.
Quantum entaaaanng... god, I'm drunk.
Yes, I will have some of that.
I was saying how good it is to see everyone.
You're hilarious.
Please, I've asked you to step back.
This is unexpected... and fun.
No, he's like a brother to me!
You got it!
Good to see you.
Whoa... did this apartment just bank hard to starboard?
I do, I mean it!
Oh, come on!
I'm gonna feel this in the morning!
What the hell? Why not?
*old man laughter*
Now that's a tasty shot!
You could roast a whole pig in that fireplace.
What? You're crazy.
*witch cackling*
I'm going to regret this later.
Don't stop on my account!
Krogan sex. Best in the galaxy! Just saying.
If I took that the wrong way, it's your fault.
That tickles.
*dad laughter*
Come closer and say that.
I ought to SMASH you.
To Tuchanka!
Shut up and punch me! Harder!
I've had fifteen. How about you?
Now, you, I like.
I'm not as old as I look.
Oh, shut it!
Come here and say that.
Hey, sweetheart.
I said, you're beautiful.
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While we're already talking about broadway what is ur favorite musical song? Or top 10 if you can't decide lol (mine is 'bring him home' from les miserables)
okay so a top 10 is impossible but i managed to narrow it down to 36! (yes that's as low as i could get it, my Favorite Broadway Songs playlist alone is 106 songs okay you don't understand how insane i am about this every single one of these songs is on equal footing in my mind) so here's the list of my favorite songs alphabetically by album, plus my favorite part/lyrics from each to justify the ranking:
1. It's My Life — & Juliet (That part after the bridge where it's like "It's my liiiife— IIIIIT'S MYYYY LIIIIIFE— It's now or neverrr / And I ain't gonna live forEVERRRRR" it's so good)
2. That's the Way It Is — & Juliet (After the bridge when she starts fucking BELTING the lyrics and then she's like "Don't give uUP ON YOUR FAIIIIIIIIIITH (pause for a breath and the music stops so it's just her voice and nothing else) LOOOOOOVE COOOOOMES—" it's incredible okay especially when the bootleg was up and she Did That on stage!!!!! she did that!!!! her vocal range!!!!)
3. Dead Mom — Beetlejuice (Daddy's moving forward / Daddy didn't lose a mom / Mama won't you send a sign? / I'm running out of hope and time / A plague of mice, a lightning strike / Or drop a nuclear bomb)
4. Barbara 2.0 — Beetlejuice ('Cause the new upgraded Maitlands / Are charging out the gates, and / They're gonna unload / Say hello / To Maitlands 2.0)
5. More Than Survive — Be More Chill (Of all the characters at school / I am not the one who the story's about / Why can't someone just help me out? / And teach me how to thrive / Help me do more than survive)
6. Michael in the Bathroom — Be More Chill (OG cast) (Michael in the bathroom at a party / This is a heinous night / I wish I'd stayed at home in bed / Watching cable porn / Or wish I offed myself instead / Wish I was never born)
7. Upgrade — Be More Chill (OG cast) (And I wasn't sure before / But now I wanna go all the way and more / So give me that upgrade / Give me that upgrade / Tried to be genuine and true / But now it's time for something new)
8. Voices in My Head — Be More Chill (OG cast AND Broadway cast) (And there are voices in my head / So many voices in my head / And they can yell and hurt like hell / But I know I'll be fine) (And then in the broadway version?? His little woohoo when Christine says she wants to go out with him?? The way he jumps around in the bootleg after they kiss???? I'm??????)
9. Dyin' Ain't So Bad — Bonnie and Clyde (Seems you get to live your life just once / If that's how it's gotta be / Then I'd rather breathe in life than dusty air)
10. Requiem — Dear Evan Hansen (So don't tell me that I didn't have it right / Don't tell me that it wasn't black and white / After all you put me through / Don't say it wasn't true / That you were not the monster that I knew) (Also oh my god if you listen to Antonio Cipriano's version in Pronoun Showdown where it's Connor singing to Zoe you WILL cry)
11. Good For You — Dear Evan Hansen (All I need is some time to think / But the boat is about to sink / Can't erase what I wrote in ink / Tell me, how can I change this story?) (especially when evan's surrounded on all sides by his mom and jared and alana and they're all yelling at him and he can't escape GET HIM FOLKS GET HIM i love it when characters yell at each other in song i love it i love it)
12. Words Fail — Dear Evan Hansen (No, I'd rather pretend I'm something better than these broken parts / Pretend I'm something other than this mess that I am / 'Cause then I don't have to look at it / And no one gets to look at it)
14. From Now On — The Greatest Showman (I drank champagne with kings and queens / The politicians praised my name / But those were someone else's dreams / Pitfalls of the man I became) (okay seriously i can't watch this scene without being amazed by the energy and the choreography and just!!! ahhh!!!!)
15. Chant (Reprise) — Hadestown (If it's not too late / If I still have time / Can I change my fate? / If it's not too late, can I... / Can I change this fate of mine?) (these lyrics aren't in the studio album but they are in the bootlegs i've watched and god the determination in eurydice's eyes is so GOOD i love it i love it i love it. even in the album i love this part where it's like "if i raise my voice (IF I RAISE MY VOICE IF I RAISE MY VOICE KEEP YOUR HEAD LOWWWW) if i raise my head (IF I RAISE MY HEAD IF I RAISE MY HEAD KEEP YOUR HEAD LOWWWW)" i LOVE ITTTT)
16. Wait For Me (original AND reprise) — Hadestown (I'm coming, wait for me / I hear the walls repeating / The falling of our feet, and / It sounds like drumming / And we are not alone / I hear the rocks and stones / Echoing our song / I'm coming) (there's something so OOMPH about how the first version is orpheus calling out to eurydice that he's coming for her, he won't stop until he finds her, he'll go to hell and back for her, and then the REPRISE when it's BOTH of them and eurydice is filled with so much hope that they'll make it through this together, nothing can stop them 😢)
17. Wait For It — Hamilton (Hamilton faces an uphill climb / He has something to prove / He has nothing to lose / Hamilton's pace is relentless, he wastes no time / What is it like in his shoes?)
18. Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down) — Hamilton (DOWN, DOWN, DOWN / Freedom for America, freedom for France! / DOWN, DOWN, DOWN / Gotta start a new nation, gotta meet my son! / DOWN, DOWN, DOWN / We won, we won, we won, WE WON!) (literally cried when they stood on the chairs so triumphant and happy and victorious it's so GOOOOOD)
20. First Burn — Hamilton (And when the time comes / Explain to the children / The pain and embarrassment / You put their mother through / When will you learn / That they are your legacy / WE ARE YOUR LEGACY)
21. Dead Girl Walking — Heathers (No sleep tonight for you / Better chug that Mountain Dew / Get your ass in gear / Make this whole town disappear)
22. Our Love Is God — Heathers (We can start and finish wars / We're what killed the dinosaurs / We're the asteroid that's overdue / The dinosaurs choked on the dust / They died because God said they must / The new world needed room for me and you)
23. Your Fault — Into the Woods (I'd have kept those beans / But our house was cursed / She made us get the cow to get the curse reversed / It's his father's fault / That the curse got placed / And the place got cursed in the first place) (yes i just like being able to brag that i can sing this entire song while jumping between the different characters' parts it's great)
24. Bring On the Monsters — The Lightning Thief (the part at the end when they're all singing their own parts over each other and it layers together so WELL and it sounds so GOOD and so HOPEFUL and DETERMINED and AHHHHH)
25. Santa Fe — Newsies (Broadway) (Where does it say you gotta live and die here? / Where does it say a guy can't catch a break? / Why should you only take what you're given? / Why should you spend your whole life living / Trapped where there ain't no future / Even at seventeen)
26. Once And For All — Newsies (Broadway) (the part when they build up and build up and build up and then it's BOOM "THERE'S CHANGE COMING ONCE AND FOR ALLLLLLL" it gives me goosebumps every time)
27. Another Day — Rent (No day but today / The fire's out anyway / No day but today / Take your powder, take your candle / No day but today / Take your brown eyes, your pretty smile, your silhouette / No day but today / Another time, another place, another rhyme, a warm embrace)
28. La Vie Boheme — Rent (all of it. literally all of it. if you don't like this song then i don't trust you as a person)
29. I'll Cover You (Reprise) — Rent (everything?? everything?? the way it makes one of the happiest songs in the musical irreversibly sad and when he belts out "i'll cover youuuuuu" at the end and he's crying and everyone's harmonizing seasons of love in the background and it's just. god this song makes me cry like a baby every time)
30. Goodbye Love — Rent (Yes, you live a lie / Tell you why / You're always preaching not to be numb / When it's how you thrive / You pretend to create and observe / When you really detach from feeling alive / Perhaps it's because I'm the one of us to survive!) (people in musicals yelling at each other will always be my favorite music genre <3)
31. Six — SIX (Heard all about / These rockin' chicks / Loved every song / And each remix / So I went out and found them / And we laid down an album / Now I don't need your love / All I need is SIX)
32. Louder Than Words — Tick, Tick...BOOM! (THE ENTIRE SONG. ALL OF IT. EVERY SECOND OF IT. BUT MORE SPECIFICALLY: "What does it take to wake up a generation? / How can you make someone take off and fly? / If we don't wake up / And shake up the nation / We'll eat the dust of the world wondering why")
33. What Baking Can Do — Waitress (Even as the walls come crumbling down / Even as I can't stop remembering how / Every door we ever made / We never once walked out / Something I never got the chance to ask her about / So with flour on my hands / I'll show them all how goddamn happy I am)
34. Bad Idea — Waitress (WHEN THEY'RE HARMONIZING LIKE "aaahAAAAHAHHHHIIIIII KNOW WHAT'S RIIIIIIIGHT FORRRRR MEEEEEEE" chills literal chills) (also watching the bootleg when they're slamming their hands on the table like "I need a bad idea (SLAM) I need a bad idea" god they're so hot)
35. She Used to Be Mine — Waitress (And then she'll get stuck / And be scared of the life that's inside her / Growing stronger each day / 'Til it finally reminds her to fight just a little / To bring back the fire in her eyes)
36. Defying Gravity — Wicked (So if you care to find me / Look to the western sky / As someone told me lately / Everyone deserves the chance to fly / And if I'm flying solo / At least I'm flying free / To those who ground me / Take a message back from me) (idina menzel my love my beloved my darling i can't get over her VOCALS AHHHHH)
37. Hurricane  — Death Note (I am the god of a brave new world / Much better than the last / The time for talking is in the past) (there is something so psychological in a song that is heroic and triumphant even when you know this guy is fucking insane and the real villain of this story but he thinks he’s this savior of humanity i just. god i love this song)
38. The Way It Ends  — Death Note (Is this the way it ends now? / How could I not see this coming? / The message that it sends now / Sounds exactly like a closing door) (I WAS OBSESSED WITH THIS SONG FOR MONTHS OKAY IT’S WHAT GOT ME INTO THE MUSICAL AND THEN INTO THE SHOW I LITERALLY JUST FOUND THE SONG IN SOME YOUTUBE PLAYLIST OF JEREMY JORDAN SONGS AND TEN SECONDS IN I WAS HOOKED IT’S SO GOOD)
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Fuck yeah let's do it
Time to get personal
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1) What song makes you feel better?
Honestly a number of songs make me feel either happy or pumped but Goldfish Crackers by Gold Revere and Sunday Best by Surfaces are the sure-fire way to kickstart the serotonin production
2) What's your favorite feel-good movie?
Honestly probably any Disney movie. They just remind me of simpler times
3) What's your favorite candle scent?
Anything that smells like flowers or nature! I especially love scents that remind me of water for some reason. My favorite perfume smells exactly like a lake and I ritually soak myself in it
4) What flower would you like to be given?
It's guaranteed that I will cry if anyone gives me any flower, but my favorites would have to be orchids or lilies
5) Who do you feel most you around?
Honestly my dad, we're pretty much carbon copies of each other and share the same humor so I feel 100% comfortable with him. I even recently came out to him that I was Bi and he was so supportive about it that I cried about it later that night. We're even planning on getting matching back pieces eventually
6) Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
Oh geez, my self worth is non existent so this took me a while
- my eyes
- my hair (when it's not overgrown like it is now)
- my calves weirdly enough
- my work ethic
- my humor
- my attention to detail
7) What color brings you peace?
Honestly blues and purples make me relax for some odd reason, bonus points if they're iridescent
8) Tag someone or multiple people who make you feel good
Oof obviously @thebo0knerd, @honestcactus, @prussianengel, @americanbeautea, and all of y'all
9) What calms you down?
Just being alone listening to music tends to calm me down, but the binging of Tik Tok and ironically creepypasta/scary story asmr helps too
10) What is something you're excited about?
My laptop! I'm almost able to buy it! It'll probably take a couple more paychecks but here's to an upgrade!
11) What is your ideal date?
Honestly just a trip to the mall followed by binging an anime, I'm a simple girl
12) How are you?
Honestly I've been in the dumps for the past month and a half. I've been working a lot with the public so that's always a fluctuating factor. I think I just need to move somewhere out of this godforsaken town and start somewhere fresh. Without the past constantly bringing me down
13) What's your comfort food?
Mozzarella sticks! In particular Denny's mozzarella sticks. My father would take me to Denny's as a treat whenever he got me for the weekends. He knew how bad it was when I was living with my mother and there's just a lot of comfort in those little artery cloggers
14) Favorite feel-good show?
Honestly a few animes! Right now its Haikyuu, Fire Force, and now Avatar. They're all just so inspiring and funny; they're all a great mood lifter
15) For every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word
🥺 @1a-imagines Direct Ray of Sunshine
🥺 @honestcactus Mood of 2020
💕 @americanbeautea Deity Goals
💕 @awkward-tension Angst Lord
💕 @desperatelittledemon CEO of "Shut Up Val"
16) Compliment the person who sent you this number
All of y'all mean the world to me and I'm always here to listen if y'all want to talk 🥺💖
17) Fairy lights or LEDs?
Why not both? I feel like LEDs are nice but nothing can beat fairy lights above your bed on a stormy day
18) Do you still love stuffed animals?
Of course! I still have most of my childhood stuffed animals and I still mourn my favorite one my mom threw away when I was 9
19) Most important thing in your life?
Oh jeez, I'm not trying to sound edgy or anything but I don't think I have anything important in my life. Obviously I value my sister friends but depression makes shit hard
20) What do you want to do most in the world right now?
Launch all the boomers and Karens into orbit
But honestly I want to start living for myself.
Like I feel like I've only been doing what people tell me to do and going wherever they go and I'm tired of it.
It's time I forge my own path
21) If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
"Blood doesn't bind you, friendship does"
22) What would you say to your future self?
"Ayo bitch good luck"
Just kidding
"It's okay to give yourself permission, no one is holding you down anymore, it's okay"
23) Favorite piece of clothing?
Honestly nothing yet, all of my clothes are either hand me downs or plain clothes. I'm planning on doing a complete wardrobe change so I can dress how I want
24) What's something you do to de-stress?
I'm an avid gamer so I'm always playing some game, anywhere from PS4 to switch, to phone games. They just help get my mind off of things
25) What's the best personal gift a person could give you? (Playlist, homemade card, etc.)
Honestly anything! I've never really gotten anything that was handmade, Book made me a couple paintings and I treasure them
26) What movie would you like to live in?
Avatar tbh (AND YES IT UNFORTUNATELY COUNTS) just the idea of a simple life with a bit of elemental powers is just appealing to me, I feel like I'd be a water bender
27) Which character would you like to be?
Oof all of the dead ones
I mean
Ms. Kobayashi
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A normalish life with dragon waifus? Sign me up!
28) Hugs or hand holding?
Hugs, honestly I'm so touch starved I'd probably cry if I got a genuine hug
29) Mornings, Afternoons, or Nights?
Late nights and early mornings, basically times where everyone else is asleep are just especially peaceful to me
30) What reminds you of home? (Things that remind you of the feeling of home)
I've got a very fucked up idea of home. I was raised in a military household so home was never a location, neither was having long-term friends. Not to mention after I lived with my ex for a year I've got an even more corrupt understanding of home.
But if I had to summarize it just anywhere I feel the safest, which generally means my bed
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btsrmono · 4 years
Trial & Error | chapter 6
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Main Pairing: (jimin): student/idol x (main): foreign student
Side Pairs: main x taehyung,, main x (nct) jaehyun
You and Jimin did start hanging out a little more often after that Sunday. Your relationship grew and you could see the way he would attempt to make you a part of his plans every here and there and not to get you wrong, it wasn't much but it was a start. Not to mention an upgrade from how he used to treat you, which wasn't the worst, looking back at it, but for some reason, you just wanted his attention and he never really gave it to you so you guess you could say you grew bitter feelings towards him because of it.
As for Taehyung, you hadn't seen or heard from him in a couple days which made you worry about what happened. You really wished that he wasn't in trouble because of you. Whenever you asked Jimin about him, he would just tell you not stress over it and that he's okay but that was about it. But Taehyung was your best friend, you just needed to see if he was alright for yourself.
So after school on Friday, you decided you should make your way to their dorm. You had never been there before but you knew their address because Jimin gave it to you to come over a day prior.
When you got to the apartment, you almost didn't want to knock so you just stood at the front door, debating like a weirdo when someone suddenly opened the door.
It was Jungkook. You noticed him from school. You two occasionally talked but you knew very little about him. He never really showed up to school and when he did, he didn't necessarily associate with anybody who wasn't already his friend. But around his members, he seemed really outspoken and loud.
"Hyung, I told you it was her!" he shouted over his shoulder, banana milk in his right hand, slightly smirking at you.
You shyly smiled back, hoping he wouldn't see how nervous you were. Jungkook was one of the most popular boys at your school and in BTS in general. You swear, like, everyone had a crush on this man. And you couldn't blame them to be honest. He was hot.
"We have CCTV," he explained. "Saw you on the camera."
You swiftly nodded your head in understanding. "Ohhh, gotcha." You then looked away awkwardly, finding it hard to look him in the eyes with the way he was smiling at you in a cocky manner.
Just then, Jimin came up. "Yah, stop flirting with her like that," he teased Jungkook, making him laugh as he walked away. Jimin turned to you. "Hey, I didn't know you were coming today, come in."
You did as told and as he locked the door behind you, you took a moment to scan their living room. It was quite cramped and messy, which honestly didn't surprise you but still, something needed to be done about it.
"Jimin, this place is a pigsty," you said in disgust.
Jimin put his hands on his hips and stared at you. "Well, maybe if you told someone you were coming over, miss."
You cocked your head, disapprovingly. "So you mean to tell me you only clean up when you have company?"
He laughed. "What? No. Pfftt--"
"Yes he does," a voice spoke. You turned your head to see where it was coming from only to find a semi tall boy with black hair and tan skin, coming out of one of the rooms. He was wearing red boxers and a white T-shirt. "He never cleans. If and only if someone is coming over and he half asses that too," he continued as he walked to the kitchen.
You started laughing. He looked like he was annoyed at just the thought of it. "I believe it," you said back to him.
Jimin sucked his teeth. "Wow, so you guys are just gonna gang up on me, huh? I see how it is."
You and the boy both laughed before he looked at you fully. "I'm Hoseok," he finally introduced himself.
"I'm y/n," you replied, slightly bowing in his direction. "It's nice to meet you."
"Y/n," Hoseok repeated, slowly scanning over Jimin, grinning. "I see, I see." He looked back at you. "Well, it's nice to meet you too." He then turned around and went to the fridge.
Jimin rolled his eyes. "Let's go to my room," he said before grabbing your arm and pulling you into his room with him. It was small with two bunk beds, stuffed animals scattered around on almost every one.
"Well, wait," you spoke, making him turn around and look at you. "I actually came here to check on Taehyung. Do you know if he's around?"
Jimin's eyebrows raised in realization. "Oh... Taehyungie.. I-I told you he's fine, you don't need to worry about him." He shook his head and sat on his bed.
"I know you said that," you replied, sitting down next to him. "I just want him to know that I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"Getting him in this mess. He'd be okay if it weren't for me."
Jimin sighed. "It's not your fault, y/n. Or his. You guys didn't do anything wrong. It's just some fans... they... I don't know. But you didn't do anything and he's not mad at you."
You thought about it and he was right. You had no reason to feel guilty but for some reason, you did. "I just want to see him," you whispered, looking down.
You could feel Jimin staring at you as you both sat there in silence for a while. It had to be at least a minute or two before he spoke up again. "He's out right now and I don't know when he's coming back but I can tell him to give you a call."
You shook your head, knowing that there really wasn't any other option.
"And it's okay," he reassured. "We're not even that famous, this will die down in a few days," he laughed. "I honestly am surprised there were people that cared in the first place."
Honestly, this made you feel a little better about the situation. "Hey, don't say that," you chuckled. "You guys will be big one day, I just know it."
"Ha, yeah, right," he said, rolling his eyes and laying back comfortably. "Have you even looked us up? Like at all?"
Your eyes widened as you tried not to burst out laughing. You truly hadn't look them up and you never really thought to until he mentioned it. You suddenly felt like a horrible friend and you guess the fact that you, in fact, hadn't was present on your face because Jimin rose back up and got closer to you, examining your face. "Wow," he said. "You haven't looked us up, have you?" he shook his head in disbelief. "You're a fraud."
You felt like sinking. "I'm sorry?" you attempted to apologize. Eyes closed, he shook his head no. You grunted. "I'll do my research when I get home later. I promise!"
He opened his eyes. "And you have to take me out for ice cream. Maybe then I'll accept this apology."
You sighed at the pettiness but agreed anyway.
After leaving, you went straight home, took a shower, ate, studied, then did your research on the boys like you said you would.
If you were being truthful, you never looked them up, not because you weren’t interested but because you wanted to continue looking at the boys as friends rather than K-pop idols. But alas, you knew the day would come where you would have to see their work someday.
You took a look at the only three music videos it appeared they had. You liked them. Honestly. They were so talented, it left you in shock. You saw some dance videos their company uploaded and was even more in awe. How come they never bragged about their talents? And Jimin's doubting that they're gonna be big? Not a chance in this world, not with that kind of talent.
You also decided to take the time out to listen to their albums. You pretty much watched and listened to them all night long, eventually falling asleep to their music. You now saw why the little amount of fans they had went as hard as they did for the boys. Can't say you could blame them. They were different from other groups and it showed. You knew that with time, they could really be something huge.
The next day at school, you excused yourself to use the bathroom and while heading towards your destination, you saw a familiar face walk by, stopping you in your tracks. He glanced black at you but continued to walk away. Did he really just walk pass me? you thought. You scratched your head in confusion.
"Taehyung," you called, turning around.
He stopped walking and just stood for a while, looking down at the ground. You repeated his name. He turned, an extremely annoyed look on his face. "What?" he asked blandly.
You flinched at his tone. It was much different from the one you were used to hearing from him. "Are you mad at me?" You knew Jimin said he wasn't but you just had to ask because with the way he was acting, it sure seemed like he was.
He sighed.
"You haven't been answering your phone or coming to school," you continued. "I tried to talk to you yesterday but you weren't home... Jimin said he'd tell you to call me."
"He did," he said sternly. "What about it?"
You started to feel sad, as if you were about to cry or something. Your eyes were definitely teary, at most. Taehyung was such a good friend to you, you had never seen him be like that before.
"Tae... What's wrong with you? Why are you acting this way?" you sulked, looking down at the floor.
"I'm not acting any way, y/n. Just leave me alone, alright?"
"What?" You looked back up, your heart beating a bit faster than before. What did he mean leave me alone? "Tae, come on. You don't mean that--"
"I do."
You were at a loss for words. This wasn't like Taehyung at all. He would never be so harsh and he was someone that truly valued every single type of relationship he had, no matter who it was with. This was way too out of his character and that's what caused a tear to drop.
You then heard a tsk as he rolled his eyes and looked slightly away from you, clearly feeling a tad bit guilty. 
"Taehyung, I don't want to lose our friendship over something so dumb," you stated. You had no idea how serious this was and some part of you actually did believe that he wasn't mad at you at some point. But you were wrong. He was mad at you, as you thought the first time. Before Jimin made you believe otherwise.
"It's not dumb, Y/n. My career is in jeopardy. And we're still rookies, it's not too late for them to kick me out--Jesus, why am I even explaining to you?" He scrunched his eyebrows before rolling his eyes once again. "It’s not even like you would get it. I'm leaving. And don't even think about contacting me again. It's best that we both keep our distance so that these rumors clear."
He turned and was ready to walk away before he stopped and turned around one last time. "Oh and that also means staying away from Jimin," he added.
You couldn't believe the attitude from him. It was so usual. What got him so upset? You understood about his career but the way he spoke to you was just so uncalled for. Maybe if it came from someone else's mouth you would have been okay but hearing it from Taehyung's was another story. Feeling hurt, you proceeded to head to the ladies room where you locked yourself in a stall and cried it out in private.
It only last about 30 seconds before you got it together and got out the stall to fix your appearance in the mirror. Your eyes were still puffy and red but at this point, you had been out of class long enough to stall any longer so you made your way back. You re-entered the class just as Mrs. Lim was putting in a movie.
Walking back to your seat, you passed Jimin who was leaning on his desk as if he were about to fall sleep. Until he saw you, that is. He peeped his head up, staring and looking back at you as you sat. His assigned seat was two rows up and one seat left of yours.
You looked at him, looking at you. "What's wrong?" he mouthed, seeming concerned.
You shook your head. "Allergies," you lied. You didn't want him to know. Not only was it embarrassing but you didn't want him and Tae to argue. So you decided to keep things quiet.
A few minutes passed. The lights were out and the movie was now on. Out of nowhere, balled up paper landed on your desk. You already knew it was Jimin.
"Pizza after?" it read. You semi smiled, looking up to a cheeky Jimin. You nodded your head as a ‘yes’, then put the note away and focused on your work for the rest of the class, although it was kind of hard to.
You was honestly just worried about how you and Taehyung would end up after this. You didn't want to stop being friends with him or at least make sure that it didn't end of the way that it did. You felt the two of you still needed to talk regardless, you just needed a plan on how.
A/N: Sigh, poor Y/N. that was a different side of taehyung huh. will they makeup though? stay tuned <3
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Request by @evelyn27 : Jacob likes a female deputy, but she doesn't like him back, or they're stuck in cold weather due to an accidental situation.
Anywhere But Here
wc: 2,120
tw: slight nsfw, implied smut
If she’d been anywhere else, this would’ve been a peaceful winter scene. The snow fractured into thousands of sparkles from the sun’s gentle rise. A few deer jumped about when they heard the snow crunch under footsteps or caught the distinct scent of blood. She figured the wind must have been carrying it further into the forest.
But this was Hope County. And Rook was in the Whitetails.
A cold wind wrapped around her as she bent over to try and catch her breath. This would’ve been a hard task to pull off if the weather was ideal, but it wasn’t, and each breath she took felt like knives in her lungs.
“Alright big guy…come on. Don’t make me do all the work here.” Her breath came out in frozen clouds in front of her as she panted. Rook groaned and straightened out her back before kneeling down, and grabbing the pair of boots that lay in the snow in front of her.
Her fingers slipped off his shoes, which were wet because of the snow, so she rolled up his jeans to expose part of his ankle. Some warmth from his skin seeped through her gloves, but Rook attributed that to her own fingers being cold. She felt a twinge of guilt at the realization she’d be making his body even colder, so Rook dropped his legs back into the snow and hastily pulled off her gloves.
“You’re lucky I don’t feed you your teeth for this.” She grumbled rather loudly, considering there was no one around for miles.
Rook couldn’t help but stare at the scene before her in amusement, no matter how disgruntled she was by it.
Jacob fucking Seed was passed out before her, blood trickling down the side of his face from the small cuts that smattered it. Those were the only injuries she could see that he’d acquired from the crash.
Rook bent down and grabbed Jacob’s ankles again, his skin hot against her own. She started to drag him backward, looking over her shoulder every few seconds to make sure she was still heading towards the abandoned cabin she’d been crashing in the past few days.
She’d been out hunting when she’d seen it. A Peggie truck Rook had stolen from an outpost. Normally she wouldn’t have been able to identify it as her own, but the Eden’s Gate cross was partially covered by incomplete spray painted flowers. Her truck had gone missing in the middle of the night a few weeks back, and she’d been livid about it. It had taken what little free time she didn’t have to decorate the car, and now it had been swung into a tree.
The bed of the truck had been crushed against the trunk, while the front end only displayed minor damage. Jacob had been slumped over in the front seat, knocked out by the impact presumably.
Rook was tempted to leave him there to die, to put a bullet between his eyes while he couldn’t fight back, but instead, she’d pulled him from the car and started dragging him towards her cabin. Physically it was exhausting. Mentally it was the funniest thing she’d seen in three days.
Rook let Jacob’s legs fall back to the floor so she could swing the door open, then she dragged him over the threshold and let his boots drop against the wooden floor.
She sighed and shook out her arms, and started blowing on her fingers to try and warm them up. The fireplace was still lit from before Rook had left, and she kept pulling Jacob’s legs until he was laying next to it.
Rook went to close the cabin door and then pulled out a hunting knife from her weapon’s belt. Then she proceeded to take all of his weapons that she could find on his person. Just because she was helping him didn’t mean he was going to stop trying to kill her for three seconds.
She knelt down next to Jacob and set the knife down next to her leg before trying to remove his snow jacket.
She’d never seen him wear anything other than his camo shirt and jeans when he was out and about in Hope County, but it made sense he’d bundle up for the cold.
The jacket wasn’t difficult to remove, but his camo shirt and t-shirt underneath that were damp, so they had to come off. The camo shirt was unbuttoned so it was easier to take off than his t-shirt, it just required a lot of tugging and turning.
Rook grabbed her knife and started to cut from the hem of his remaining shirt and up to the collar. In order to get a good angle on it so she didn’t accidentally cut Jacob’s skin, she had to practically straddle the unconscious man.
Despite how much she hated being on top of Jacob, she couldn’t help but notice how comfortably her thighs fit around his hips. Normally the position was somewhat awkward for her, but right now she didn’t feel the need to get up or adjust herself.
The longer she sat over him, the more anxious she became. This was Jacob Seed, the man who could control her with a simple song. The man who had kidnapped, tortured, and tried to have her killed. She was vulnerable but then again so was he. He was unconscious and underneath her.
Rook was starting to peel the shirt away from his skin when Jacob’s chest jumped as he sucked in a breath. Before he could even touch his empty holster, she’d leaned over his chest and pressed her knife just below his Adam’s apple. Underneath her, Jacob’s body stilled completely.
“If you so much as blink at me wrong, I will leave you here to die of hypothermia, am I clear, Seed?” Rook’s voice was one of the few things that could be heard in the cabin. The others were the soft panting of Jacob’s breathing, her own short and terse breaths, and the crackling of the fire.
Jacob’s gaze slid from the Deputy’s face down to where their bodies were connected at his hips, then he looked back up at Rook with an amused expression and slightly chattering teeth.
“I didn’t know you liked me this much, Deputy.” Jacob wheezed as he chuckled a few notes, and Rook rolled her eyes before leaning away from Jacob’s throat. She climbed off of him with a scoff, then sheathed her knife.
“I don’t, which is why you can do this yourself.” Rook braced herself on her knee before standing on her own two feet. She walked away from Jacob to stoke the fire as she heard the splat of wet clothing hit the wood floor.
An old instinct in her heard wanted to yell at Jacob about the floors and keeping them nice, but this wasn’t her home, and it didn’t matter what the floors looked like. They were in the middle of a Holy War for Hope County.
She went over to her duffle bag that had found a home on an abandoned mattress, and rifled through it, seeing if Hurk or someone of similar stature to Jacob had left anything that she’d picked up.
“You should’ve left me in that wreck.” Jacob’s tense voice broke the comfortable silence that had settled between them, and Rook turned her head away from the duffle bag to look at Jacob.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes before returning to her task at hand. What he’d said had managed to trigger a thought trail in her head. She should have left him to die in the cold, it would solve a thousand problems for her if she did. No more running from Jacob, no more brainwashing.
Rook’s back straightened and she turned to throw a large t-shirt at him with a scowl on her face.
“I should have.” It was all she could say as her brain kept spinning stories in the opposite direction. She hadn’t asked why she’d saved him since she’d started dragging Jacob out of the car. She’d just…done it.
Her eyes stayed glued to Jacob as he pulled the t-shirt over his head and slowly climbed to his feet off the hardwood floor.
“So why didn’t you?”
“Because unlike you and your stupid siblings, I actually have a heart.” Rook snapped back at him, even though his tone was even and calm. He was up to something and it was making her heart race that she didn’t know what.
“Exactly. You have a heart, pup.” A sly smirk graced Jacob’s lips as he started slowly walking towards Rook, and she instinctually started backing up. She knew it was exactly what he wanted, but she couldn’t help it. They’d been locked in this game of back and forth for weeks now and each time they saw each other, the air seemed to get a little thicker.
“Jacob, if you take one more step I’ll-” “-I’ve upgraded to Jacob now? I didn’t know we were on a first-name basis, Rook.” He applied some inflection to the word Deputy, his eyebrows scrunching ever so slightly to show his distaste that he, in fact, didn’t know the deputy’s first name.
Rook’s back hit the wall and she quietly cursed herself and beat her fist against the wood once. Her gaze swiveled to the left and right as Jacob’s arm came to rest beside her head against the wall. He leaned down a bit so that he was a few inches from her face, and Rook clenched her jaw as her foot tapped anxiously against the floor.
“You haven’t earned the right to know my first name. You get Rook and that’s it, Jacob.” She retorted and felt a twinge of satisfaction as his predatory smile faltered a bit. He didn’t move away from her, and Rook felt her head start to spin from how close he was.
“I-Can you give me some space please?”
“Why Deputy? Do I make you uncomfortable?” Jacob shifted so he was a hair’s breadth from her lips, and Rook held her breath for a moment. She looked into Jacob’s eyes and saw them shimmering with all sorts of desire, his pupils wider than they were a few minutes ago.
“Yes you make me uncomfortable you big buffoon, you make me uncomfortable because you make my head spin.” Rook kept her voice quiet and barely above a whisper, but she turned her head to the side as Jacob dipped his head a little closer.
“If you want me to stop, Rook. Just say the word.” Jacob’s calloused fingers rubbed against her chin as he turned her head back to look at him, and Rook’s breath caught in her chest as she felt his lips on hers.
They felt how she assumed they would: a bit cracked, but soft at the same time. His fingers slid under her chin and over her jaw, then to the back of her neck as they kissed.
Rook’s own hands had come up to push against Jacob’s chest, but she made no move to push him away. One of her hands make their way up his chest, tickling his collarbone, and over his shoulder. She gave it a light squeeze on his pressure point, smirking against his lips as she felt his knees buckle ever so slightly. The hand that had been placed next to her head on the wall was lifted and wrapped around the wrist that was on her shoulder.
Jacob pushed her arm against the wall above her head, and Rook pulled away with bright red cheeks and blown pupils.
“Well, well, Deputy. I didn’t know you felt this way.” Jacob’s voice was rough as he chuckled, and Rook rolled her eyes before smacking his chest with her free hand.
“Oh shut up before you kill the mood, and then I have to kill you.” She whispered rather loudly, and Jacob’s hand left her neck and slid down her spine and hips to cup her ass. She had to fight back a shiver as his fingers floated above her body, then she was suddenly lifted onto his waist.
Rook could feel how hard he was underneath her, so she tightened her legs around his waist to give him some friction.
“If you back up, you’ll practically fall onto that mattress, Seed.” She ticked her head towards the empty mattress. Rook already laid her sleeping bag out on it so that she didn’t get ticks or whatever else had called the cabin home.
“As you wish, Deputy.” Jacob smiled crookedly at Rook as his fingers tightened around her ass, and he spun them around and started walking towards the mattress.
tag list (link): @jumpinjulie27 @villainfuckers-world @hollymelissajennings @caminante-no-hay-camino90 @elizabethlynn99 @argetlam007 @thirstyforjohnseed @waywardmugpandacolor 
masterlist here!
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naferty · 6 years
MM&M. How overboard did Tony go on the triplets' first Christmas? I can imagine them all sitting in they're little onesies and Bumbo seats surrounded by literally mountains of presents. Tony has an honest to God, handheld video camera and gushing over the babies while Rhodey is in the background like "they can't even open them and they think watching Happy jingle car keys is the height of entertainment. How did you manage to even find this much stuff for them?"
Tony goes so overboard it’s a miracle he doesn’t just buy every toy store on the planet. Rhodey helps reel in him and keep him level-headed, but it’s really Pepper and Jarvis that prevent him from making outlandish and spontaneous purchases. Pepper monitors Tony’s cards via Jarvis and Jarvis is always quick to let her know when Sir is considering purchasing a real sports car “For the future, Jarvis! They’ll grow up and love racing if I have anything to say about it.”
Pepper calls Tony in an instant to talk him out of whatever he’s thinking of.
“Tony, they’re babies. They can’t walk yet, let alone drive.”
“But they’ll get big and they’ll be reciting the measurement of power in an engine from memory before I know it.”
“Then you’ll sign them up from driving classes and when they get their licenses then you’ll consider getting them a reasonable car and not a speeding death trap.”
“…you are absolutely right, Pep. They need to learn to drive a sedan before they get their hands on anything that goes over sixty miles per hour.”
“Not what I meant, but close enough. How are they doing?”
“Eating me out of house and home.”
“Good thing you’re a billionaire then.”
“That and these buddies of mine on my chest can feed these bottomless pits no problem so far.”
“I didn’t need to know that, Tony.”
So no cars for the baby trio, but Tony improvises. What’s better than fast and loud sports cars? The child-safe, tiny, non-sharp versions that’s what. At a highly recommended toy store, Tony buys three of those wide wagon looking things and might or might give them an upgrade in his spare time (if he finds any), but no one needs to know that. Then he makes the mistake to turn to that one aisle that seemed to have absolutely everything he thinks his kids would enjoy and he loses all control. Not even Jarvis is able to stop him.
He buys dolls and action figures. Male, female, unspecified, doesn’t matter he gets them all. He gets doll cats and dogs and robotic ones that meow and bark to touch. He gets little dinosaur figures and toy houses and toy kitchens and adds in a purple toy scooter and a red toy motorbike because why not? Pulleys, basketball sets, mini toy golf courses, and a tiny trampoline. Puzzles and blocks and almost the entire nerf collection, including the nerf bow and arrow.
Somehow he ends up in the isle of stuffed animals and the drama queen that he is he walks into the aisle with opened arms and embraces the fluff and fur of manufactured animals.
Tony has to get a delivery truck in order to bring all the toys back to his villa. Somehow he manages to juggle three infants in his arms while ordering where to place the wrapped toys, organizing by size and color to bring out the beautiful green, red, blue and gold in the room.
“You see those?” He says to the trio, who are staring curiously at all the bright colors everywhere. “They’re all for you.”
Not really understanding but seeing something entertaining somewhere Harley and Peter begin to wiggle their arms excitedly while Riri’s eyes start to droop and soon enough she’s fast asleep in her mama’s arms.
“Yeah, it’s been a day. I think you’re onto something. Time to sleep?”
Harley and Peter blink before they begin to baby talk to each other. Tony huffs. “Already keeping me out? I thought I had until your teenage years for your rebellion to start.”
Putting those two to sleep is always a battle, but Tony doesn’t mind it one bit. Not when he got to watch them snuggle in their blankets and coo when they made small snuffling noises. He took this opportunity to nap on the small couch in the room and get as much sleep as he could before the little rugrats woke up for food.
On the big day, Tony wakes up bright and early. Not because he wants to get the place going and the holiday spirits up, but because Peter woke up hungry and decided Tony’s slept enough and needed feeding already. Naturally, what one sibling did the others were close behind. Harley and Riri stirred awake by their brother’s cries and together they made sure to let Tony know he’s not going to bed anytime soon.
Once their bellies are full and they’ve calmed down Tony starts getting everything together. He puts on holiday music, gets Jarvis to stream all the classic holiday movies as background noise, puts the baby trio in ugly holiday onesies and can’t resist wearing an ugly sweater himself. They’re all wearing santa hats and the smell of cinnamon fills the room. The firepit is bright and alive with the opening safely closed. A soft orange illuminates the whole place.
This is the sight Rhodey walks into. The baby trio cooing on their seats and Tony dancing around them as he sings Mariah Carey’s ‘All I want.’ The trio is swinging back and forth with his horrible rhythm, smiling through their pacifiers. Without Tony’s notice, Rhodey snaps a picture and secretly signs to Jarvis to record it all.
“You started the party without me,” he says when Tony finishes the last note.
“Honey bear!” Tony hugs him hello. “You’re here.” A little shocking since Rhodey has Carol and the rest of the team to celebrate the morning of the day with. Tony honestly didn’t expect him to show up so early. Maybe a quick visit later in the day, but not right then and there.
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
“What about Carol and the others? They’re probably getting breakfast together right now. You didn’t join them?”
“And miss breakfast with you and the rugrats? Never.” Rhodey gives him another hug as if to prove a point (and soothe insecurity). “How are my rugrats anyway?” The baby trio blink at him with their Avengers binkies on full display. Rhodey quirks an eye when he sees their ugly onesies. “I feel overdressed now.” His polo and jeans clashing horribly.
“Don’t you worry. I have one especially for you. We’re going to match and we’re going to take all the pictures, eat every cookie we see until we can’t move and watch cheesy Christmas movies.”
“Ah yes. The true holiday spirit. Can’t wait.”
Tony lifted his arms up in excitement. “Then presents!”
“There we are. Was waiting for that one.”
Tony practically drags Rhodey forward, getting him to help set the table and bake the treats and get the eggnog ready because you can never go wrong with a little eggnog. He eventually squeezes Rhodey into the ugly sweater he personally picked out for him. One that had Iron Man and War Machine with Santa hats, red noses and bags full of presents, flying through the air.
“How did you even manage to find one?” Rhodey says as he stretches the bottom out to see the figures. He’s very impressed with it.
“I have my ways.” Tony refuses to tell him he called it in as a special order months ago in advanced. He doesn’t need to know that part.
“The only thing you have is horrible taste in colors, but I’ll let this go for now. Come on. I hear my favorite movie playing and I am not going to miss another moment of Keira Knightley.” Rhodey snags Riri in his arms and makes his way to the large living room where his steps trail off when he sees the sight of a large tree struggling to keep presents under it and the glaring reflections of the wrappings surrounding almost every corner of the room.
“How… where did you even find all this stuff?” He says as he eyes the giant stuffed cat that’s about half the height of the ceiling.  
Tony tilts his head back to avoid Harley smacking the side of his face in curiosity. He can feel Peter kicking around without coordination, finding the action entertaining. “I ordered some online, but most I got from the store. You’d be surprised what you find when you dig in through stuff.”
“Why did you buy so much? They don’t even know what half of this is, or even know how to use it.”
Tony shrugs, not really finding an answer, and getting a little insecure about it. “I just… did. I thought they’d love it”
“They will,” Rhodey says with assurance, “when they get a little older. They will love it all, but right now, how about we settle with them playing with blocks and watching movies together?”
Tony gives a soft smile. “I can settle with that.”
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I'm so happy to hear the kids abducted to Hong Kong got to hear and see and talk to their hero that saved them today through Zoom in Brian's phone!!!
It was so lucky and such perfect timing that he called me today while the military crews were still resting in China and Wendy was able to pinpoint their locations directly!!
He truly is their Hero and we are so lucky!
I have dreamed about him for years and for years have been waking up from nightmares telling Brian McGruff is a bad dog... But always the dream would be gone when i woke up or it was before it started happening and no one knew
I even had a feeling when I ordered the kits... So I'm not sure how these kids feel through the cracks because they were on my soul to save.
I also didn't know know about human trafficking like I do now, so I think the whole "Sabrina you just have a bad feeling because it reminds you what could happen..." Is how
A few other companies, too... I had a whole list. So Thorn is gonna check that out.
It just takes one person to prove a mood. I had a list of 17 companies that day then 26 more over the next week that I had this nag on while I was "picking on" Crime the McGruff Dog
Since I kept saying it that way in 2016 and I never ever messed up his name before they took down a list of companies associated with him according to my feelings and it was an unusual list.
So this man has likely saved nearly 30 times as many children as he could have hoped.
We will soon find out. In return he's to receive a mansion an economically stable brand new automobile. Fully paid.
Because I've dreamed of him, his voice and everything. He truly is an Earth Angel.
For nearly half a decade he's been the solution to my night terrors. I know why ask those children cried. I want to cry, too, And my tears are warm.
The children were mutated and mutilated. Arms cut off and sewn onto their foreheads and given all sorts of horrible viruses and drugs.
Tree just gave them their own fresh bodies. Replicas. Some back to the age/look they were kidnapped at, some slightly grown, according to the agreement between child and parent whichever they liked the sound of best, the child's preference being the ultimate decision maker. Their DNA4U will state and show they are replicated due to the reasons of faster healing and less overall damage that would cause future problems plus they got upgrades like bullet proofing, extra speed, strength increases, stuff like that. And extra extra heavy COVID19 instead of 3 feet you'll get it at 10 feet bad enough to kill you nearly instantly.
But they were horribly mistreated, starving, mental and physical torture, so much.
So I know to talk to the one rare person in the World that could save them and did was certainly very good heart and soul medicine.
So I'm glad he called me again and I didn't answer and Brian called back from the plane.
Yes of course. He flew to Enid then China then Hong Kong... You can make a man retire but you can't ever make a man quit. And I'm glad. Just so those kids could talk to their hero.
So lucky. Of all the hundreds of people working there he's been there only 6 months. And he took that initiative to just check...
Today living kids was 443.
Dead was 198,675 which tree ghosted back to life. (Gave new bodies)
Nearly a quarter of a million children.
Times 3 is 600k then add a zero. Looking at maybe 6 million kids and young adults...
Tree estimates 400M
So a huge round of applause and a right tight hug.
And he deserves amazing amounts of pats on the back because that list would just sat around keeping dusty.
This is that old fashioned detective work like sitting at a gas meter while some one is down trying to find out how to save people (aliens included) from dying in a gas chamber and they're up there making sure that gas isn't turned on to kill the girl doing all the work -- he couldn't hear people downstairs through the street and i could get the truth out easier and faster before they even knew and I was always happy to get the news while he was just mad and angry. So i was the better to go. Cause everyone was always happy to see me. Cause I was always super nice and all interested in what they were doing.
Now unfortunately not so much.
But Charles was starting to get nightmares after my list and had came up with 14 more companies from coming from the same way i had came up with my list... So he talked to some the other people that felt creeped out about the assignment I insisted on doing and they also all added each two and then some kept a private list... Which they slowly added after verifying the company was then clean.. It started in 2013 these bad dreams.
So every time it happened or they started their nightmares they added to the list.
Overall 642 companies we dreamed of or felt or somehow had a psychic connection to. I dreamed of kids and old people and women. Some people only dreamed about men. Some just kids.
The companies we have left is 642 to check out as they hadn't had yet done any bad and no dreams or any thing has came up since...
Which isn't happy, we now know, but good news is whatever bad has happened we can fix is super special and magical ways.
So we have Thorn, CIA, Military, some FBI and some others to check what's been going on and see.
So that's about 8 Trillion that have been affected. But at least 6 Trillion have already been retrieved.
So this one single person has done the miraculous. The biggest miracle we have been waiting for on a personal level. For me its been 7 years but 6 since 9 other people started having their dreams affected and the lists began.
So 10 of us with nightmares. Night terrors. Waking up screaming or shaking or scared. And not knowing why but having a name, a company label. Sometimes or often a place on a map... As close to the actual GPS coordinates of longitude and latitude. Wake up listing numbers for no reason. Numbers that make no sense N 316941027865389421. Over and over.
Brian would look at me "what the fuck are you trying to do Morse code?"
"I'm trying to sleep thank you very much. Alan and Naomi. 38652361 I think you just messed me up"
One person. One person can make a difference. That's all it takes. One person.
One person to make sense of all these nightmares.
We don't need to be saved from them... They didn't bother so much... We could wake up. Be safe in our beds. Joke it out.
But there's people. Innocent children. Innocent adults that wake up into real living nightmares every single day.
And one person today made the phone call to make thst difference to about 200,000 kids and over 400,000 parents. And siblings and grandparents. Friends.
Just today he changed the world for at least a million whom now have a missing child come home.
Made one million hearts smile and backs release tension and sorrow.
And now we're looking at 2 trillion lost people. Who have kids. Who have parents. Grandparents. Friends.
Were gonna have at least 6 trillion hearts heal then there's soulmates so that's gonna be 12 trillion
Due to one phone call. That was all I needed.
I had heard him say he couldn't find his soulmate... And he didn't go trying to save her or find her today
He knew it was just kids.
But he knew it was missing kids because the people getting ID kits were told not to call the police only call the dog. He could see clearly kids were being abducted and they had a rating system on "easy to kidnap to hard" and the easy were always reported within weeks.
He knew it was his civil duty to call and report it somehow... But he didn't know to who or how.. Who would take it seriously.
This crazy lady might...
Im very sensitive to red flags. He didn't even have to explain. I was already on it in less than 2 minutes.
So the world is so lucky to have him and the kids today so lucky to be in Hong Kong when we just busted 600k China's citizens home.
I mean you can't get more miraculous than that!!
You would think...
But leave it to the true McGruff the Crime Dog to make sure it did.
Because it did.
Tree will update us later how extremely far this miracle went
From one person hoping and praying and taking that leap of faith.... After 10 following their true instincts and intuition.
Intuition is so important you guys. If you hadn't understood why i hope now you finally get it.
Last night I trusted mine and we pulled 13 million from slavery. That's 26 million directly affected with soulmate syndrome. Then parents that makes it times two. So 52 million then grandparents and kids...
Then one person trusted his. And kaboom an estimated 12 Trillion frowns are gonna turn upside down.
Then we are getting these bad guys off the streets, out of their homes, immediately. Hopefully they're checked thoroughly and then killed. I'm done with this baby sitting shit. Back to good ole South Texas and manual strangulation in vans after being kidnapped...but now technology has made it so much different. Much simpler to catch someone in the act. And fuck this court system, it's WWIII. Its military. We will find them guilty without a reasonable doubt and simply kill them.
There is no fucking reason over 18 million people were kidnapped in late 2019 (after October) or in any fucking time in 2020.
What is the point of a trial? Those people whom went to jail in 1990 for 20 years for kidnapping are doing it again. I sent 700 to jail. 36 are actively kidnapping. 642 are financially benefiting. The remaining are probably dead. 12 people.
Tree says i make him laugh. They are dead.
So out of 700 they're dead or kidnapping or in the human trafficking market.
So, there is No change and no Rehabilitation. There is PROOF.
So human trafficking ass holes y'all can thank those 688. Because now you're all just gonna fucking die.
What are you gonna do to me? Not a dam thing. That's what. So think about bull shit. Cry about your stupid life. I don't care.
But I'm taking all your money to pay the victims and im killing you, human traffickers.
And you ain't doing shit about it.
And those about to be trying to hurt someone to retaliate. I already put alerts on you.
So when you're pushed out a plane in the middle of no where so wild animals can eat you... Well don't complain to me. Animals need to eat, too
And surviving good humans. Don't worry... When the bodies hit the ground. They pretty much explode so they're just ground meat basically and bones crush and they wre just big piles of food. They don't look human
So some bear isnt going to come out the mountains and be all "man I just ate something that looked like you and was mighty tastey!" The bodies are unrecognizable.
If you're curious... Idk if you still can.. We used to can look up bodies that had been tossed or jumped out of Windows. Back in 2000 I found a website and I would go through and examine them and see which were pushed and which had jumped
I could tell the difference. Anyway if they're in Google you'll see they don't look human. They're pretty gross -- some do -- so ew be careful but from the plane height trust me they do not.
And its very careful with software to show no damage to trees or animals will occur.. And the software is very intelligent and cautious and only certain types of people can access it. Like a kidnapper can't turn on the computer and see where and how. But a Clark Kent or Louis Lane or someone can. But if an evil Donald Trump sits down next to, the software will shut down. Immediately. And lock out any user until hes removed.
I'm not fucking dumb. Sometimes I just don't know what to do and Need an Earth Angel to make one phone call
Or a guilty person to confess. Or a clue. A bad dream. A nightmare in my sleep. Or being in the right place at the right time. Like when the kidnappers gas up at night at the gas station.
Otherwise I'm fucking brilliant. Overprotective and caring.
So any one tries to dump innocent people out of planes, the door simply will not open. Magic it is called. Its already happened. And it will not happen again.
Anyway for all the 007 Peirces that can stab so hard it hurts and heals at the same time.
This one is for you.
Thank you!
Lets really bust a move on that intuition. Its a life saver.
Man we are so so so so so so lucky today!!!
I couldn't be more thank ful!!
All of our military and cops that are ready and qualified and remember how to rescue from bunkers.
We need y'all. Don't forget to stay safe and well.
And our essientals and just our stay homers.
And beach goers.
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