yikeswtfmate · 4 years
previous part // It’s All Fun and Games Series Masterlist // main masterlist
Summary: Bucky and Y/N answer one question.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: might it be...spring? 👀
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A cherry blossom petal falls and slides over a bare shoulder, golden flowers inlaid into a loose braid glimmer in the light of the sun, and two wide eyes – incredulous, delighted, in love – shift every few seconds, trying to imprint every single moment of this day. There are birds chirping in the distance, muffled by the steady flow of soft conversations just feet away from her. The crisp white curtains float behind her, on a dance played by the breeze – lilac in nature, a soft undertone of water, where frogs sing their song.
There’s a flurry of hair and dresses around her, and the only constant is her father – misty eyed, although he promised he won’t cry. They both knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his word, especially when their eyes lock above three little giggling girls with baskets of flowers dangling from their tiny hands. She shakes her head once at him, he smiles, but covers his mouth with a trembling hand.
Her mother places a hand on his forearm, whispering words of encouragement, a wink in her direction. She might be the tougher one between them both, yet her mascara is already smudged. A grunt from her sister, and their mother is ushered out, complaints and mumbles ignored. A last unspoken conversation, fingers squeezed tightly, and her sister follows the path laid by the distinct chords of the music.
Two redheads in front of her now, and she might just crumble, if it weren’t for their arms around her bare back. Flowers to the side – don’t crush them, be careful – and two distinct pecks on her cheeks, a nudge and a pinch on her arm and she giggles through the tears before they’re also gone.
“Are you ready, sweetheart?” Her father asks, and she can’t say it, she’s choked up, she’s barely holding it all together, because yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
Her hand looped around his arm, she takes a step – one, two, three, careful now, do not trip, and she’s temporarily blinded by the sudden sunlight. She blinks a few times, trying to get used to it, her father’s presence a monolith beside her, steeling her against the tears that have tried to spill for the past week.
She’s sure this might do it – the sudden hush, the music caressing her ears, her pounding heart; she could just fall to the ground, in a white cloud of lace and organza. Until she opens her eyes and there it is. The reason behind her tears, her smiles, her trembling hands, her happiness, her love, her I love you more every day.
He’s mesmerised, words and thoughts abandoning him, because there’s nothing else he sees but her, her, her. He can only see years of laughter, dancing fingers, tugging lips, and crinkled noses; of good morning, you big dummy, of I don’t want to go out, let’s just spend the day in bed, of I can’t believe we didn’t realise it sooner.
He can only say I promise, I promise, I promise until the end of time – you. Only you, forever. And there’s a battle of smiles and tears, but they can’t do anything more than squeeze each other’s hands, promising, promising, promising. She says I love you – only you, forever, but that’s an old one, lost in the fabric of time, feeling like forever ago, yet it’s the only answer in their universe, the one constant truth.
Rings slipping on fingers, fitting into place like missing pieces in a game of an unknown jigsaw puzzle – never to be moved again. Two whispers – I do, and then. And then, and then, and then forever.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
It’s darker now, sky set ablaze until the stars blinked open their eyes, competing with the lanterns hanging above laughter, whispers, shouts and giggles. Their heads are pressed together, breaths mingling and she can taste the sweet tang of champagne on his lips. His arm is draped over the back of her chair, her knees between his, face to face, crinkled eyes and still staring in wander.
“Baby.” He murmurs, because he doesn’t want the spell to break – this precious gift he’s been given, that he’s still afraid might run away. “We’ve done it. We’re married. I can call you my wife now.”
“Isn’t it great?” She giggles. “Bucky, my husband. You’re James, my husband, now.”
A knife tapped on a glass and slowly the chatter dies down, guests turn in their seats and Steve is suddenly looking flustered. He might be a great lawyer, but this might be one of the most important speeches he’ll ever have to utter. He clears his throat, tugs at his collar and looks at Peggy for a second, asking for silent support. She smiles and nods, waiting for him to start.
“Good evening, everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, then you’ve probably only met the groom today as well. Bucky and I have been inseparable for nearly 30 years and I’d like to thank him for finally confirming that I am indeed his best friend after all this time of having to listen to him berate me for every single thing.
“Today I am supposed to say a few words about the main man – about whom I can honestly say that he’s the most handsome, most intelligent and funniest man you’ll ever meet and I am so proud of calling him my friend. So if you bump into him today – where’s Tony? Today is his birthday so please let him know that we haven’t forgotten about him, he’ll have his party after this wedding is done – happy birthday, Tony!”
A ripple of laughter, followed by a wave of “happy birthday, Tony!” and Steve shakes his head, getting into his element. Bucky chuckles when Y/N whistles next to him, whooping in delight.
“In all seriousness now, I’ve also known Y/N for almost 12 years now, when this little Tasmanian devil showed up with 50 balloons at a bar, letting us all know that – hey, did you know it takes 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?” His voice turns a few notes higher, until it’s only a squeak, earning another wave of laughter.
“I’m so happy for both of you that Bucky is also a weirdo and instead of hitting on you like a normal person, he just let you know that the blob of toothpaste that sits on your toothbrush is called a nurdle. It was meant to be, wasn’t it?
“You’d think so, but we all have to remember that these two are two complete and utter dumbasses. It only took them ten years of friendship – which mind you, that is not how friends act, ok? I’m sorry to the parents that are here tonight, but your children think they can regularly have sleepovers and only be friends? You’ve raised two dense kids, and you can’t get mad at me, because I’m part of both your families, ok?
“It only took them ten years of friendship to realise the utter love and adoration they have for each other. I’ve never seen Bucky happier than when he’s with Y/N and I think I speak for everyone here tonight who knows you two how excited and proud we all are to finally be able to call you Mr and Mrs Barnes.
“Now Bucky has been with me through thick and thin and I can hand to heart say he’s the most loyal, genuine gentleman I’ve ever known. But you also have to remember that Buck here doesn’t like to be the center of attention, so I was more than certain that today he’d be a nervous wreck. This morning, however, he was the calmest I’ve ever seen him. I asked him ‘Buck, this is the most important day of your life and you’re not nervous?’ and you know what he said?
“He said ‘Steve, when you know you’ve made the best decision of your life, when you know you get to spend the rest of your life with the person who’s made you the happiest you’ve ever been, what the hell is there to be nervous about?’ This perfectly sums up the love this man has for his wife. I couldn’t have hoped for anyone better for either of you.
“I wish you both a long and happy marriage together. I know that you always said you’re soulmates, but I didn’t believe it until I’ve seen you two today. You were truly meant to love each other. So, everyone, please raise your glasses to the bride and groom, Y/N and Bucky! Congratulations!”
The cheers and applause die down long after Steve’s downed his glass of champagne. A long hug between the boys, Bucky might be in tears, but he’ll be damned if he lets Sam see it. Y/N is crying, it’s their big day and she’ll ruin her make-up, they have enough photos, who cares anymore, because she’s feeling too deeply, too many emotions that could never be bottled up. Steve laughs at her, a giggle on her lips and they sway from side to side in a tight hug – “you two made us all believe in true love,” he whispers and she might need that tissue Bucky is holding out for her.
She pulls herself together, takes in a deep breath and looks at Bucky, her Bucky, like he’s hung the moon – now and forever. His gaze follows her as she stands up again, clearing her throat and shaking her shoulders. Someone hands her a microphone. He has no idea what she has planned, but he’ll sit there and listen to her all his life as if her words are nectar and he’s a starved man.
“Hi. I haven’t done anything to prepare for this speech and if you know me at all, you wouldn’t be surprised about this in the least.” He laughs together with the rest, and Nat shouts an encouragement from somewhere down the table.
“I just wanted to stand up and thank you all for being here with us today, on what must be one of the happiest days of my life yet. I cannot express in words how much this man means to me, or the love I hold for him, but I’ll try.” Y/N says and her fingers find his, a glint in her eyes.
“Bucky has been my best friend for twelve years now, and although Steve would never admit it, I love him more than anyone else in this entire world. Also, I’m sorry, Mrs Barnes, move over, there’s a new Mrs Barnes in town! I’m joking, I love you, please don’t take me off the Christmas list.
She fully turns to him now, tears in her eyes, and Bucky knows in that moment that he could die right there and he’d have been the happiest man alive.
“As I was saying, this gorgeous man has been my rock, my anchor, my pillar in times of happiness and sadness. He’s the most kind, most loving, and most generous person I’ve ever met. He’s been there for me when I was at my worst and at my best. He’s seen me with bangs, and he’s seen me crying at 3 in the morning because we didn’t have any ice cream left.
“James Barnes is my soulmate. We’ve admitted this many times before, we’ve shouted it on top of our lungs, we’ve tattooed it on our bodies. I’m not joking, mom, I’m sorry, that is a J, not just half of a heart; which you should’ve known couldn’t be possible because he holds my entire heart, not just half of it. I love this man with my entire being, I’ve never been happier than when you hold my hand. You bring order to my chaos, you bring out all that’s best in me, you bring me sunshine and laughter and all that’s sweet in life just by looking at me.
“I’m so grateful that I’ve met you and I never could have imagined that I will ever know a love so deep. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, because I know each day will be a new adventure. You’re my soulmate and I love you, James Barnes.”
There’s a ruckus as each person stands up, clapping, shouting, whistling and whooping – a clamour of noise that gets drowned out the second Bucky’s arms circle around her waist. He’s crying now – fully and unabashed. He loves this woman more than he’ll ever love anyone else, and it’s in the way her fingers brush across the hair at his nape, the way her body aligns so perfectly with his, the way her mouth curves in the softest smile when he kisses her lips, the way her eyes will always tell him I love you, I love you, I love you. You, only you, for the rest of my life.
“I love you too, baby.”
The End.
A/N: It’s been a true rollercoaster and I loved every minute of it. IAFAG has been my first baby, and the first actual series that I’ve written. I’ve never attempted anything on this scale, but I can only say that I definitely don’t regret it, it’s been fun, it’s been great and these Bonky & Reader will always always always will have a special place in my heart.
I would like to thank all of you for reading and loving this series. The positive feedback, love and the overflow of support has been not only unexpected, but I couldn’t have even hoped for something like this! I love all of you, thank you!
Lastly, thank you to @the-chocolate-moose​ for supporting me along every single step of this, for listening to me spewing bullshit on a daily basis, reading said bullshit at 2 in the fucking morning bc I cannot function like a normal human being, letting me know when I’m losing the characters and all in all for being a wonderful person! I love you, this whole series is yours as much as it’s mine!
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feliciasarahardy · 4 years
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A moodboard for
It’s All Fun And Games by @yikeswtfmate
A glimpse into Bucky and Y/N’s relationship, where they’re not together, but every single one of their friends would beg to differ. 
Ellie 💖!!! You have provided laughs, smiles and joy all around with this series. I’ve looked foward to every single chapter and enjoyed them fully! Your writing is beautiful and this is just a tiny thank you for sharing it with us 🥰
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the-chocolate-bunny · 4 years
Hi, Hara! Do you think Steve Rogers talks dirty in bed? 🤔 Just wondering if you have any thoughts on that 🙃
no thots thoughts.
N O.
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wordywarriorwrites · 4 years
yikeswtfmate reblogged your Stay and added:
Oh, how I loved this! Bucky’s cheekiness, the easy banter between them, the way they met!!!!!! Not to mention:
he made a vow to himself: no more hiding and no more wishing things could be different. He’d been given yet another chance at life and he refused to waste it.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Let my boy be happy and thrive!
I loved this!!!
@yikeswtfmate​: I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I live AND STAN for a happy, functioning Bucky. :)
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spring-picnics · 3 years
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𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲! 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐
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While I die by @thehalfbloodedwitch
Harry loves the reader with all his heart, but he sees the love of his life fall in love with someone else.
Ardent Affairs by @spideyheart
Druig meets an asgardian reader and tensions arise. It’s so hot. So hot. How does misia do this? I don’t know.
Loverboy, Talk of the Town by @scandalous-chaos
A soft enemies to lovers with bucky barnes. Astoria has done it again!
Alright, Mate by @yikeswtfmate
I am living for smaus and this one has bucky and the reader be equally weird and in love and it’s to die for.
Secrets by @hesfasttandshesweird
These two are so freaking cute. Ej Caswell and reader try to have a secret relationship.
The Things We Carry with Us by @pellucid-constellations
Another enemies to lovers with bucky. It’s so angsty but so sweet at the end.
For The Love of the Game by @/pellucid-constellations
Enemies to lovers but college!au with bucky as an athlete. This fic was my dream come true.
Divine Retribution by @/pellucid-constellations
Bucky comes thru for his girl <3
Voicemails to an Unmanned Inbox by @/pellucid-constellations
Bucky and the reader get in a fight and she takes off.
Can’t Get the Words Out by @/pellucid-constellations
Bucky stopped being affectionate and the reader knows what’s going to happen next.
This Egg is My Child, Thank You Very Much by @retvenkos
Ej caswell and the reader have to take care of an egg like it’s their child
Fake Dating by @/retvenkos
Fake dating with Ej caswell.
Through Art by @ms-notorioustales
Remus lupin has a journal of drawings, and they’re all about you.
We’re Not Too Different I Think by @/retvenkos
Imagine being the child of rapunzel and becoming besties with the VKs. This fic was a dream come true, please marry me!
Modern Art by @/scandalous-chaos
Peter parker falls out of love with the reader. Why does my heart keep breaking???
Where the Dust Devils are Made by @/ladyvesuvia
Heavy angst from the Vesmeister; the reader is a hydra spy and is sent on a mission to retrieve the winter soldier.
Accidentally in Love by @leossmoonn
Fake dating with james potter…
Hail Mary by @barnesafterglow
Brothers best friend with college football player bucky.
Forever and Always by @milkiane
Peter and you are destined to be together, even after no way home.
Afraid by @mirclealignr
Bucky is afraid of your death.
The Moment She Knew by @natashxromanovf
Natasha finally meets you again. It’s so much angst.
Only You by @/spideyheart
Spending a soft morning with druig.
Grouch by @buckysfaveplum
The classic trope of guy who hates everyone with ball of sunshine with bucky Barnes.
Traitor by @cutesouls
The reader is married to theodore nott, but she knows something is wrong.
Cuddling with the Black Brothers by @henqtic
Cuddling with regulus black and sirius black. It’s all you need it life period.
Roommates by @cupids-crystals
Being roommates with sirius black and then becoming more.
All to Myself by @velvetcloxds
Living with the marauders and having a secret relationship with sirius black.
Soft Wholesome Charlie Dalton Headcanons by @moonlitmeeks
Soft wholesome charlie dalton headcanons are everything I ever needed in life.
Come Back Be Here by @/velvetcloxds
You have to let go of james potter because he doesn’t love you.
Something about you by @celestialholland
You find out your crush and neighbour is Spider-Man.
Looped by @softlybarnes
You lose your memory and bucky stays with you throughout the whole journey.
Nothing but a One Man Cause by @dracodear
You are in love with your best friend, remus lupin, but he doesn’t love you back.
One Way or Another by @pvarker
Enemies to lovers with peter parker. I’m so excited for this series.
How Could They Not Know? by @saintlike78
How could the eternals not know druig and you are married???
Favourite Mug by @/ladyvesuvia
Enemies to lovers with your new roommate bucky.
Not really Regulus by @/henqtic
Stargazing with harry potter.
Not so Secret Confessions by @comfortbucky
Your roommate, bucky confesses his love to you while you were asleep.
Wish You Were Sober by @atlabeth
You are in love with rafe cameron, but the only time he reciprocates is when he is drunk.
Coffee and Bagels by @buckybleu
Shang-chi and the reader obviously have a crush on each other. Too bad they needed Katy’s help to get together…
Fortune Misfortune by @littlemissnoname13
Its draco malfoy’s last year at school and he just wants to keep his head down and date his crush astoria greengrass. But instead he falls for a feisty, unlucky hufflepuff girl.
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arianajbb · 4 years
💕 Clueless by @justsomebucky 
Movie AU. Inspired by Clueless - A high society boy and a do-gooder-type girl find love.
💕 as you wish, ma’am by @aescapisms
SOCIAL MEDIA AU || Bucky Barnes fucks up and sends you the wrong presentation file.
💕 A Lesson In Love by @buckyywiththegoodhair 
(College!AU) In which you’re assigned to write a story about romance, a subject you know nothing about, and Bucky, a hopeless romantic, offers you his assistance.
. 💕 The End Of The War by @redgillan 
Everyone knows you and Steve can’t stand each other, but after he runs into you after one of his fights, he starts to see you in a different light.
💕 Babies! Assemble by @honeyloverogers 
On a mission involving time travel, as if they haven’t learned at all that it’s dangerous, the Avengers get turned into babies. Including your boyfriend.
💕 Have You Any Wool by @threeminutesoflife 
Dinner with Ransom doesn’t go as planned.
💕 Peaches and Plums by @cptnbvcks 
After escaping hydra, Bucky finds a pretty peach vendor to work out his troubled mind with.
💕 Stitches by @revengingbarnes 
You’re just a clueless new medical student. You’re not equipped to deal with charming, witty, handsome doctors. Especially not ones with pretty blue eyes that make you weak in the knees.
💕 Saturdays by @sunmoonandbucky 
Bucky Barnes has a new routine.
💕 Love Made Me Crazy by @sinner-as-saint 
It was all strategic; a plan meticulously constructed by you and your business partner; against James Buchanan Barnes. Not to take him down, no. But just to surpass him in the business world by uncovering his secrets; to learn his ways and hope to be better than him in every way possible. The façade you put up – of being close to him and earning his trust was supposed to be short-lived, most importantly; harmless. But then as always, things got a tad bit more complex when feelings intervened…
💕  To Be So Lonely by @wlntrsldler 
When Bucky and Y/N signed up for this online pen pal system, they never expected to grow attached to the other person behind the screen. In the pen pal system, they can only unlock the other person’s messages on the 25th of each month. They can write and send off their response as soon as they want but the other person is not able to see it until the 25th.
💕 eye candy by @angelwidow 
Being Tony Stark’s receptionist was hard. Working alongside the most gorgeous salesman you’d ever seen was even harder. Actually talking to said salesman? Well, that was just insane.
💕  Strange Times by @beccaanne814 
You have a certain type - smart, charming, and handsome as sin. For years you’ve been in love with the only man you thought possessed all of those traits, but a chance encounter with a Strange individual sends you and a certain ex-assassin on a journey of self-discovery. As you try to find a way back home, will you also be able to uncover the perfect man hidden beneath layers of guilt and self-loathing.
💕 Stuck Wit U by @slyyywriting 
You and Bucky don’t get along. Your fights have become too destructive so Tony and Steve decide that enough is enough.
💕 Take Me Higher by @buckychrist 
Who knew that the way into the big broody super soldier’s heart was through his unmet need for a good cuddle?
💕 x by @mcfreakin-bitch
💕 x by @thejamesoldier 
💕 Betrayal by @midnightsunfae 
Bucky catches you flirting with someone at a party and he doesn’t take to it very well.
💕 two paper airplanes flying by @feliciahardyn 
ransom drysdale will always find you, no matter where you are. always.
💕 Dear Lover by @feliciahardyn 
you dance with bucky barnes in the obscurity of your room as you recalled the first time you met and how three years later you ended up tangled in each other’s arms. (based on the song “lover” by taylor swift)
💕 Make You Love Me by @slyyywriting 
You flirt with Bucky every single chance you get.
💕 The unseen one by @extremelyblackandwhite 
The God of the Underworld falls in love with a mortal.
💕  Hellfire by @chamomilebottom 
💕 Promised by @cherienymphe 
when you start waking up with bruises you can’t explain, your nightmares turn into a reality.
💕  Everything by @trillian-anders 
💕 tell me you own me by @darthstyles 
mean daddy harry comes out to play
💕 The Chef’s Strike by @bucky-smiles 
A contract went unfulfilled…
💕  Bittersweet Temptations by @revengingbarnes 
Y/N Y/L/N loves coffee, always has, which is why she spent all her adult years creating the perfect coffee shop. Cutesy, homey and cozy, it’s the job of her dreams. So what if business has been a little slow lately? It’s her happy place, it would always be. But that was all until the flirty, witty and obnoxious Bucky Barnes opened up a rival coffee shop two blocks down the street. Business and profit are all Bucky cares about. He’s the exact opposite of everything Y/N stands for, and naturally, she can’t stand him. But what happens when Y/N is running the risk of losing her beloved shop and Bucky’s the only one lending her a helping hand?
💕 The Neighbor by @staymay5 
💕 came in close by @buckyskorpion 
what could possibly go wrong with a couple of good-natured pranks between sworn enemies?
💕 (1) New Message by @yikeswtfmate 
One night Wanda and Nat dare Y/N to text her hottest ex. She complies, only to realise it’s not her ex she’s texting and this might be the most attractive man she’s actually laid eyes on.
💕 Eye For An Eye by @sinner-as-saint 
Battered and bruising, Y/N is out to seek sweet revenge from a man, James Buchanan Barnes, who tore her family apart 10 years ago. Y/N’s plan was simple; infiltrate his life, mess with his head, toy with his heart and leave him broken. Headstrong, she will stop at nothing, not even when it comes down to her being the villain in her own story…
💕 Under Oath by @ugh-supersoldiers 
The people called for justice, the state answered. The trial of State v. Barnes is set to begin, and the odds are most certainly not in favor of the not so beloved ex Winter Soldier. That’s where you come in, the quick, smart, and all too brave lawyer set on defending and saving one Bucky Barnes from legal prosecution. The only problem? He’s not so sure he’s worth saving at all.
. 💕 Hate To Love You by @revengingbarnes 
While on her death bed, Y/N’s mother has just one wish; her daughter to be married and settled in her life. It’s something her mother has never stopped pestering her about. But up until now, Y/N had managed to not give into her family’s traditions of arranged marriage. And she might have continued to do so if weren’t her mother’s last desire. Unable to refuse her mother’s desperate plea, Y/N agrees to meet the man her parents have chosen for her. There’s just one tiny problem. Her soon-to-be husband is her ex. More tragically, he’s the one ex she never managed to get over.
💕 Everything by @hootyhoobuckaroo
. 💕 late night devils by @whistlingwillows 
Bucky gets revenge on his ex with you, the girl he never got over no matter how much he thought he did.
💕 Safe with Me by @bitsandbobsandstuff 
When an unknown threat enters your life, protection is offered at the highest level. As Bucky Barnes comes into your life, the game changes, and you realise falling for the man tasked with keeping you safe is the last thing you expected.    
💕 Wildest Dreams by @hopesbarnes 
Everyone said he was a bad guy, that he broke hearts. But maybe they were wrong about him.
💕 Things Bucky says during sex. by @steveodinsonbarnes 
💕 charming by @venusbarnes 
in which you’re a girl in need of protection, and Bucky’s the perfect man for the job.
💕 one stroke and you’ve consumed my waking days by @buckthegrump 
Bucky has a pen pal.
💕 Just One Kiss by @sarahwroteathing 
Bucky Barnes has been chasing after you since he was ten years old, but you’re determined not to give in. How long can you hold out when all he’s asking for is just one kiss? (40′s happy ending AU)
💕 Come Over by @moonstruckbucky 
You’re new to New York City. Fresh out of post-grad and wanting a change of pace, and this change comes in more ways than one.
💕 Even In The Darkest Times by @justauthoring 
Bucky x reader where they were together in the forties and when Steve goes back, he sends her into the future so she can be with Bucky while he stays in the past with Peggy.
💕 Hearts Don’t Lie by @daenyara 
when y/n and her family have to leave Europe to escape the war, finding love in New York is the last thing she expects (and the last thing that interests her). Much to her annoyance, her parents set her up with the one person in all Brooklyn she cannot stand: the charming James Barnes, who’s decided to show her he’s not as bad as she thinks.
💕 A Bid on Bucky by @samingtonwilson 
You spend thousands of dollars at a bachelor auction for Bucky when you could’ve had him for free this entire time.
💕 Helpless For You by @sgtjbuccky 
A blind date has lead you and Bucky to the fourth date. Each one proving that you’ve got it bad more than prior and it doesn’t quite matter what will happen - you will keep on falling for that handsome devil and you don’t even mind.
💕 Lavender by @wkemeup 
Not every nightmare is the same and Bucky doesn’t always wake up as the man you know.
💕 Fixed by @drawlfoy 
draco has a teasing relationship with the reader–they playfully argue and go back and forth but never acknowledge the fact that there may be something more. draco notices her pulling back and becoming more reserved. he follows her out of the dining hall one day to find her having a breakdown over a dark secret.
💕 Anytime by @notimetoblog
Bucky is still cautious when it comes to touching people & vice versa. one day after a mission, the avengers are in the quinjet on their way home, Bucky sat down beside the reader & accidentally falling asleep on her & snuggling her. she doesn’t make it a big deal but all the other members are surprised. just fluff involving soft Bucky.
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yikeswtfmate · 4 years
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alright, mate / Part 3
A/N: here, have some nonsense! ilykthxbye
previous part // alright, mate Series Masterlist // next part
alright, mate Taglist:
@matsumama |  @chrisjaay |  @dottirose |  @jenlrose | @caeciduccaecos | @osnapitzandi |  @domolovee |  @rainbowfez
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the-chocolate-bunny · 5 years
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY BABE!!!!! I wish you a day filled with Bonky thoughts and hope you're gonna dream of scruffy kisses tonight! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY MY SWEET PRECIOUS BABY!!! I hope your day is also filled with lots of thoughts about Bonky’s majestic mane and sinful scruff! I’m so happy I found you, te iubesc!  💙
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iluvsumbucky · 4 years
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Sending this out to some of my favorites & if I forgot someone I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.
@beccaanne814 @thorfanficwriter @sllooney​ @that-damn-girl @thinkinghardhardlythinking @wordynerdygurl @bolontiku @tilltheendwilliwrite @jewels2876 @jobean12-blog @jay-and-dean @roonyxx @sagechanoafterdark @shotsbyshae @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @what-is-your-backupplan-today @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @navybrat817@denisemarieangelina @percywinchester27 @callmeluna @bitsandbobsandstuff @simsadventures @sinner-as-saint @buckysknifecollection @clintbartonswife @chevyharvelle @marvelgirl7 @deanwanddamons @ellewritesfix05 @imaginedreamwrite @imagining-supernatural @helloimanavenger @world-of-aus​ @luci-in-trenchcoats @myoxisbroken @fictivefrolic @shreddedparchment​ @the--sad--hatter @nevertoofarfromivar  @shy-violet-soul @sidehowriting @supernatural-jackles  @talesmaniac89 @bucky-the-thigh-slayer​ @shield-agent78​ @phant0m-queen​ @whatareyousearchingfordean  @winchester19-67 @wkemeup @xbuchananbarnes @original-wintersoldier @henryobsessed @howlingmedic @allaboardthereadingrailroad @avengerofyourheart  @captain-rogers-beard @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @fvckingavengers @littledarlinwrites @yikeswtfmate @fangirlovestuff @tuiccim @theycallmebecca @waywardnerd67 @elatedmarvel  @writingfromkitchenator @vodka-and-some-sass @buckycuddlebuddy @lostinthoughtsandfeelings  @mostly-marvel-musings @stargazingfangirl18 @heli0s-writes @muchadoaboutbucky @notyetneedcoffee @softbiker 
and I’m sure that I am forgetting someone but I wish everyone a wonderful day!
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blubberingmess · 4 years
I made a mini fancomic from a fanfic 😗✌
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This is a very short scene from the fanfic called 'It's all play and games' *I totally recommend it, it's so cute!!! 😍*
And it was made by a very talented writer @yikeswtfmate (I hope you don't mind👉👈)
I can't get it out of my head and Idk why😂So I decided to draw it but instead of BuckyxReader, it's Stucky 💕 and I think it's from the chapter 'Spin the bottle'.
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Okay... my mind is at peace now 😂
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firefly-in-darkness · 4 years
Reblog Challenge - September
Here are the amazing stories I have read this month. As always…check the tags and warnings, reblog the fics, follow the writers for more amazing content!
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Bucky Barnes
(1) New Message - @yikeswtfmate​
A Crown for a Queen - @avintagekiss24​​
Again - @theimpossibleg1rl​​
Butterflies and Cookies - @ballyhoobarnes​​
Cold - ballyhoobarnes​​
Girl Like Her - @promarvelfangirl​
I Hate You But... - @buckybarnesthehotshot​
If You’ll Have Me - @thefallenbibliophilequote​
It’s A Deal  - @justreadingfics​​
Interested - @imagine-docx​​
I Quit - ballyhoobarnes​
Jealousy Isn’t Fun - @bucky--barnes​
My Favourite Kind of Night - @sinner-as-saint​​
Not Interested - promarvelfangirl
Perhaps - @evanstarff​
Screwed - ballyhoobarnes
Sins of the Crown - @writingsoftheloser​​
Spread Some Skrewball & Lick It - @221bshrlocked​​
Stages  - writingsoftheloser
Tenebrosity - @bonkywobble​
The King’s Choice - writingsoftheloser​
The Neighour - ballyhoobarnes​
This is Brand New Information - @bisousbucky​​
You Pick It, You Pay For It - @stuckonjbbarnes​​
Steve Rogers
Alone Together - @donutloverxo​​
Heaven in Hiding - @buckys-darling​
I Tackle, We Tussle - @allaboardthereadingrailroad​​
Let It Grow - @tropicalcap​​
May I Request... - @imanuglywombat​​
Psuedo Princess - @shreddedparchment​
Riding - donutloverxo​
Skin Deep - tropicalcap
Velvet - avintagekiss24
Waiting on You - avintagekiss2
After Hours - avintagekiss24
Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson
The Sort of Things We Usually Do Alone - @mypoisonedvine​
Dean Winchester
Beautiful Ghosts - @herstarburststories​​
Cotton Candy @ellewritesfix05​
Home - @negans-lucille-tblr​​
Strangehold - @fvckingavengers
The Bet - ellewritesfix05
The Firefighter - @luci-in-trenchcoats​
John Winchester
A Reason to Stay - letsby
Frank Adler - Gifted
Appearances - avintagekiss24
Geralt - The Witcher
A Charm to Protect You - @whitewolfandthefox​​
The Best I’ll Ever Have - negans-lucille-tblr
Ransom Drysdale - Knives Out
0 For 2 - avintagekiss24
Syverson - Sandcastle
Homeland - @cruelfvkingsummer​​
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hopesbarnes · 4 years
To celebrate 500 followers (which was almost 400 followers ago😬) here is part two to my favorite fics ive read. In no particular order...
Smut is marked with 💥
Series are marked with 📚
Series with smut in some chapters 🧡
Steve Rogers
@captain-rogers-beard - Three’s Company 📚
@captainrogerss - Married with Benefits 📚
Bucky Barnes
@ruckystarnes - Short Skirts, Long Drives 💥
@sebbies - Rooftop Confessions
@tranquil--heart - Lil’ Anthony 💥
@buckysmischief - I Hate Everybody 📚
@yikeswtfmate - It’s All Fun and Games 📚
@disaffectedbarnes - Paws and Pins 📚
@sunlightdances - Happy Mistake 
@hailmary-yramliah - Starkhub.com 💥📚
@delicatelyherdreams & @bucky-smiles - C’est La Vie 📚
@marvelousmrstark - Rumor Has It 📚 
Tom Holland
@marvelouspeterparker - The Perfect Touch 💥
@madmadmilk - Heart Eyes 📚🧡
@wazzupmrstark - We’re Only Kidding Ourselves 📚🧡
@blissfulparker - Tattooed Heart
@keepingupwiththeparkers - Sweetener 📚🧡
Peter Parker
@asonofpeter - The Roommate Agreement 💥📚
@angel-spidey - Love Letters From Peter 📚
@peter-stank - Can I Get a Good Night’s Sleep? Can I PLEASE Get a Good Night’s Sleep?!
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summary: you’re in A Mood™ and your man will do anything for you pairing: nomad!Steve x reader (what? I KNOW) a/n1: nomad!Steve and his beard (a warning, always) a/n2: NSFW, SMUT, and by smut i mean filth, face riding, praise kink, a hint of choking (if you squint), cursing, tactical gear and fingerless gloves, no plot whatsoever (plot? i don’t know her), complete disregard for grammar and syntax :’) a/n3: ok listen, i have a filthy mind and a thing for nomad!Steve so i needed to get this out of my system. blame it on @yikeswtfmate​​​ who supports and encourages all my thots thoughts and ideas. ilysm this one is for you, jelly bean a/n4: pls enjoy responsibly and stay hydrated
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He is always so good to you. Loving Steve, caring Steve, gentle Steve. Your Steve pulling soft whimpers, moans and orgasms out of you one after the other, sweetly. So good to you, so good for you. All night. Every night.
But not tonight.
Tonight there is fire and desire in his eyes, boiling in his veins, pouring out of every scar and wound on his skin, there is darkness and lust. Tonight he is no Steve, no honey, no sweetheart, no baby. No. Tonight he is yes Captain, yes Sir, yesyesfuckyes. And you want it that way. You want him that way. And he can never say no to you.
Tactical gear still on, hands resting on his belt, standing in the middle of your bedroom, watching, waiting patiently as you take off that last small piece of blue lace keeping him from tasting heaven. From tasting you.
His eyes roaming your body, pupils blown as if he is seeing you naked for the first time, heat crawling under your skin, taking over your body, already curling your toes. Fists clenched, fighting his instinct, his hunger to touch you, to hold you, to be inside you. But that’s not what you need tonight. And tonight it’s all about you. And he can never say no to you.
A silent nod from him and you lean back on dark silk sheets and feathery pillows, a path opening up for him, warm, wet, begging to be explored. His footsteps light as he comes closer, bed dipping, knee between your thighs, hands caging you, his frame hovering over you.
“Oh sweetheart, look at you,” his husky voice vibrating low in his chest, syncing with your body, “dripping honey and I haven’t even touched you yet.” He knows, fuck he knows how much you need this, how much you need him, and only he knows how to tame that need. 
“Be a good girl, tell me what you want. Do that for me baby, please?” his hand ghosting over the valley of your breasts, knuckles grazing the sensitive skin, leaving tiny goosebumps behind, wrapping softly around your throat. Thumb caressing your jawline, fingers pressing just so as he leans closer.
“Tell me what you want, show me and I’ll do it for you. Anything for you.” Lips whispering, nibbling on your earlobe, beard scrapping the soft skin of your pulse, breathing you in, exhaling all his desire for you. “I wanna smell you, taste you, dip my tongue in your honey, pull out those moans that make my cock so hard.”
Half closed eyelids, fingers wrapped on sheets, thighs spreading, shaking, words struggling to be set free from your lips. “You know what I want. Fuck, I....” You could hear the smirk forming on his lips. “Baby, language. And manners. Now, tell me what you want.” 
Well, fuck this and fuck Steve Rogers (you would, later) because there you are, breaking down, giving in. “I want you to make me come.” Your hand cupping his face, your words landing like soft whispers on his lips. “I want you to stop talking and make me come, Captain.”
A low chuckle bubbled from his chest, “Is that what you want, sweetheart? For me to stop talking? I thought you liked it.” He lets his fingers wander, tease, stroke, return between his lips glistening with your taste. “You want me to stop talking? Make me.” Your hand tagged in his hair, his fingers anchored on your thigh, slowly rolling your body on top of him, love marks blossoming, a light blue shade like his eyes.
You straddle his thick thighs, rolling your hips slowly, your soaking wet core finding friction and relief on hard kevlar. You can feel his cock pressing against you, aching, throbbing, pulsating to be set free and find solace deep within you. God, you love this man and every inch of him, every scar, every wound, everything about him. The thought of him buried deep in you is enough to draw out a groan so low, enough to almost send you over the edge.
“That’s my girl.” He praises and worshipes with every word, guiding you higher and higher up on his body, a trail of your sweetness behind. “Let me get a taste of you, I wanna feel you clench around my tongue.” God he is filthy and crude and nobody knows that but you, you with your soft breasts and hard nipples, your puffed lips and soaked pussy now a few inches from his face, his mouth. Your throne.
He stares in awe, taking in the sight of you on top of him, cheeks flushed, hair disheveled, chest heaving, skin dripping. His queen for his throne. “Go on, honey. Take what you want, take what you need. Let me see you come undone for me.” 
His hands crawling up your sides, stroking the soft curve of your breasts, the worn leather of his gloves scratching your nipples. His breath thick and heavy against your core, fingers gripping tight on the soft skin of your hips now, bringing you lower, lower, fuckyesyesyes lower. Rolling, sinking, flooding the room with your scent, his mouth with your taste.
You are tugging his hair for purchase, your eyes where the two of you become one, his moans shooting from his chest to his tongue straight to your cunt, heat spreading through every nerve, cell and inch of your body. Beard burning between your thighs, greedy tongue diving deeper, nose nudging your swollen clit, mouth opening wider, ready to swallow you whole. 
A fraction of a second is all it takes, all you want, all you need and he knows it. He feels it, he feels you clenching, shaking, shuddering. His eyes open wide, his fingers tightening, and in a fraction of a second he breathes a “be a good girl and come for me. Come on my tongue baby, and I’ll lick and drink every single drop you give me. Please.”
And it’s that fraction of second and everything it holds, everything this man, your man, put in there, that makes stars and galaxies come alive behind your eyelids and has you coming undone and apart. Hard. On his tongue. On your throne.
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yikeswtfmate · 4 years
700 Followers Celebration Writing Challenge!!!
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Hi. Hello. Hi! Excuse me, but there are over 700 of you following me? First of all, why? Please explain, I’m a dumbass, I don’t deserve you. Second of all, thank you so much???? I never even dreamt that there would be so many of you that would even want to read my nonsense. I love you so so so much, you’re all precious beans and I don’t know what I did to deserve having you here!
So, guess what? I’m doing a writing challenge! It’s the first one I’m doing so ya know, go crazy, my babies, I cannot wait to read your works!!!
Here are some rules and whatever:
You don’t have to follow me, but I would obviously love you forever if you did
Due date: let’s make it July 2, 2020 so my birthday can be extra sweet
The tag: #yikes700challenge but please feel free to send me the link as well or tag me in the post, just to be sure Tumblr won’t mess this up
Send me an ask if you wanna participate, let me know which prompt you want and the character/ship you wanna write for
Anything Marvel is obviously a priority, anything Charlie Hunnam related is more than welcome, and everything Henry Cavill in general
Please no noncon/dubcon, underage, incest and all that jazz, we’re here to have a good time
One person per prompt for now, but we’ll see how this goes I suppose
No word limit, but please please please add a keep reading break if it’s over 500 words bc we don’t want to flood people’s dashes!
That’s it, I think! Have fun! Stay safe, wash your hands and happy writing!
 Prompts after the break!
1.     Breakfast at Tiffany’s
2.     Bridget Jones’s Diary
3.     10 Things I Hate About You
4.     When Harry Met Sally
5.     You’ve Got Mail
6.     Pretty Woman
7.     How to Lose a Girl in 10 Days
8.     Legally Blonde
9.     Four Weddings and a Funeral
10.  Notting Hill
AUs & Tropes:
1.     Coffee shop
2.     College/ University
3.     Royal
4.     Roommates/ Neighbours
5.     Soulmates
6.     Bookshop
7.     CEO
8.     Mafia
9.     One bed
10.  Fake dating
11.  Accidental marriage
12.  In vino veritas
13.  Blind Date
14.  Enemies to Lovers
15.  Friends to Lovers
1.     Hozier – Movement
2.     Harry Styles – Adore you
3.     Florence + the Machine – Moderation
4.     One Direction – Little Things
5.     Leon Bridges – River
6.     Billie Eilish – party favor
7.     Lizzo – Boys
8.     Dua Lipa – IDGAF
9.     Nelly Furtado – Maneater
10.  Charlie Puth – How Long
11.  Steppenwolf – Born to be Wild
12.  Queen – It’s a Hard Life
13.  Bon Jovi – You Give Love a Bad Name
14.  Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made for Walkin
15.  Blondie – One Way or Another
16.  Rosenfeld – Do It For Me - @your-persephone-writes​ with Bucky
17.  Zara Larsson – WOW
18.  Marian Hill – One Time
19.  ZAYN – wRoNg
20.  Hozier – Toxic
1.     Pride and Prejudice
2.     Wuthering Heights
3.     The Lord of the Rings AU
4.     Hogwarts AU
5.     A Discovery of Witches AU
1.     “Behave.”
2.     “Do not say I told you so.”
3.     “You really shouldn’t trust me this much.”
4.      “Can I kiss you now?”
5.     “Is that my t-shirt?”
6.     “You’re staring.” - @chaoticarson​ with Raymond
7.     “Are you flirting or starting a fight?”
8.     “Oh, you’re still alive.” “Don’t sound so disappointed, I might start thinking you like me.”
9.      “Damn right I’m pretty.” “I said petty.” - @nekoannie-chan​ with Steve or Rumlow
10.  “You! You are – ” “Beautiful? Smart? An inspiration?” “An idiot.”
11.  “What’s the plan?” “The what?” “Are you serious right now? Do you want us to die?”
12.  “How do you remember that? You were very much knocked out at the time.”
13.  “Can someone explain to me, in very small words, why I’m being paired with her?”
14.  “That’s my ex. Would you mind if you’d pretend to be my boyfriend for the next few hours?”
15.  “Bite me.” “Where?”
16.  “I’m sorry but it’s very hard to focus when you’re not wearing a shirt.”
17.  “Fuck you.” “Not with that attitude.”
18.  “That’s my good girl.”
19.   “Stop biting your fucking lip already!”
20.  “Oh, fuck off with your stupid eyes and your stupid face and your stupid mouth.”
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the-chocolate-bunny · 4 years
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***** NO. 
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niall2017 · 4 years
November 2020 Masterlist
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🦃 1. Three Times - bucky barnes x reader @softlybarnes
🧣 2. You’re Not My Real Mom! - batkids x batmom @ellana-ravenwood
🦃 3. Library Card - loki laufeyson x reader @thelokiimaginechronicles
🧣 4. a red dress - draco malfoy x reader @akaspiderman
🦃 5. Two Wrongs Make It Right  - peter parker x reader @buckychrist
🧣 6. Your My Wife! - tony stark x reader @honey-bee-holly
🦃 7. Deep End - loki laufeyson x reader @lenavonschweetz
🧣8. A Queen’s Love - bucky barnes x reader @yikeswtfmate
🦃 9. Why me? - klaus mikaelson x reader @make-me-imagine
🧣 10. Drunken Laughs - angus macgyver x reader @iwritemultifandomthings
🦃 11. Marry Me Already - elijah mikaelson x reader @imagine-always-and-forever
🧣 12. Dumb, Drunk, and In Love - bucky barnes x reader @empyreanwritings
🦃 13. Icy Haloes - bucky barnes x reader @barnesandco
🧣 14. daddy daycare - steve rogers x reader @et-lesailes
🦃 15. It Will Always Be You - elijah mikaelson x reader @xxwritemeastoryxx​
🧣 16. In a cast - dean winchester x reader @kdfrqqg​
🦃 17. The Assistant - tony stark x reader @thatfanficstuff​
🧣 18. Not By His Will - loki laufeyson x reader @cosmetologynerd​
🦃 19. By the Will of Evil - loki laufeyson x reader @cosmetologynerd​
🧣 20. The Silent Treatment - pietro maximoff x reader @floral-and-fine​
🦃 21. A Cookie for All - tom holland x reader @worldoftom​
🧣 22. Wildest Dream - peter parker x reader @rosyparkers​
🦃 23. No, you didn’t. - sam winchester x reader @welldonebeca​
🧣 24. A Thousand Years - klaus mikaelson x reader @bonniebird​
🦃 25. A Thousand Years p2 - klaus mikaelson x reader @bonniebird​
🧣 26. Talk To A Stranger! - peter parker x reader @softspiderling​
🦃 27. dulcet - poe dameron x reader @tintinwrites​
🧣 28. Dream On - bucky barnes x reader @constantwriter85​
🦃 29. Fall into Love - steve rogers x reader @mrslilyrogers​
🧣 30. Be Gone in the Mornings - bucky barnes x reader @thatpoguecalledskye​
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