#you can read it on ff.de
courfee · 5 months
20 Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀꜱ
Thank you for the tag @snarky-magpie <333
1. How many works do you have on A03? 14 published, 1 hidden.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 315,642
3. What fandoms do you write for? harry potter (mostly marauders and back in the day on ff.de also next gen, tho there is a golden era one happening atm), les miserables, and i used to write a handful of doctor who drabbles
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule 2. blindspot 3. All My Theory Complete 4. Borrow My Name 5. If you ask nicely
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually yes, though I am very very bad with responding (in general, not just ao3 this is a all messages kinda problem) and sometimes im off of ao3 for a solid 3 months before i check my inbox again. i am so sorry for all that, i do read all the comments when i get email notifs for them, i just often dont have the spoons to reply then and there.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably On Lies And Spies since it's a canon compliant peter fic, tho i think my prongsfoot fic might also be up there for competiton... (if we go off of ao3 i am currently writing a basically everyone dies fic and have written an angsty fred&george os on my first fic account)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'd say operation wanker, probably
8. Do you get hate on fics? mm yeah.. amtc specifically... idk what it is with that fic but ive had all kinds of things said there... people who hated the ending, people who thought no one should ever forgive james, people who said no one should ever forgive sirius, people being just in general mean (and not even in english??).. especially the comments in the bookmarks suck, ive had several people rate that fic out of 10, have had people write an entire list of what i should have done different etc etc... it sucks cause i still like that fic a lot, the first long fic ive ever finished, but its reached a point where im scared when people tell me theyre going to start reading it :(
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeahh ive written one jegulus smut fic. it was supposed to be a one shot for practicing purpose of seeing if i can do it and got slightly out of hand....
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've started writing one chronicles of syntax hogwarts au before and i did a comic forever ago where the 10th doctor and rose end up in hogwarts meeting the next gen crew
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? someone started translating amtc
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I've had plans, but we haven't yet gotten beyond the planning stage. would love to try it some time tho!!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? whatever the fuck james and sirius have going on, their relationship has been my favourite for all eternity
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My jegulus Krabat AU. I so badly want to have it written because i want to read it, but unfortunately the world is just not something i like writing in all that much
16. What are your writing strengths? Writing (un)healthily codependent friendships (aka james and sirius, (or the triumvirate)) and probably also consistency with little details
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting. I suck at it. i am very much a paper thinker, so if i dont write i cant think
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? depends on the context? it has to work with the story line and characters and id rather use it sparingly
19. First fandom you wrote for? harry potter (my first published fic was next gen, my second marauders all the way back in 2011)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? probably either operation wanker or on lies and spies
no pressure tagging @messymoony @static-radio-ao3 @otrtbs @iceprinceofbelair @alarainai @delicris
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
for the fic writer meme: 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 37, 48? (sorry, i'm just curious!)
[questions for fic writers]
That's fine! Thanks!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
...looooots of Enemies to Lovers, and Age Gaps, and [Friends/Colleagues/Enemies/etc] with Benefits, Casual Sex, D/s Undertones (or overtones xD), fun things like that. I think something that especially shows up in a lot of smutty one shots really is the sex without an attached relationship or romantic feelings, or at least not centered around that, because I simply am very aromantic and I like my no-strings-attached smut fics, and I especially like it with Cotta/one of the boys, because they can be soft and sweet with each other without the possibility of a romance looming in the background. (I really need to write some explicitly aromantic Cotta at some point.)
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
[this is a little hard without a fic! because have you seen how many fics I have posted? I'm just an indecisive little me! /lighthearted] But I am pretty proud of getting Bob|Stan's feeling of intoxication across in "because hell is empty", I think that went pretty well!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
Why did I stuff "Necessary Tragedies" full of references and metaphors? Because I thought it was fun and because I wanted to see if I could do something more "literary" and worthy of analyzation!
9. How do you find new fic to read?
just answered!
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
I mean. I'm both a big fan of specific characters/pairings but also writing A Lot of different ones. My favourites are probably Peter/Skinny (for the enemies to lovers, the hate sex, the secrecy because they don't want their friends to know they're sleeping with each other, the violence, the downright unsafe kink shit, the possessiveness, the humilition, etc), Peter/Cotta (for the fun, easy, responsible no-strings-attached sex, for decent communication and the opportunities for cuddling without romantic undertones, for the nice age gap and more responsible kinky fun, the softness and intimacy of knowing each other for quite some time already but also not heading towards anything relationship-y), Cotta/Skinny (for Skinny's idiocy colliding with Cotta's grumpiness, for them riling each other up, for Cotta doing things he really shouldn't and for Skinny to get *some* gentleness in his life, for the way they actually get along as soon as they get over "petty criminal vs cop") and Cotta/Goodween (for the gentleness, the domesticity, the very adult way of interacting, the care between them, sometimes the pining and idiots in love too). Which also answers the question for my fave characters - Skinny and Cotta, by far. Skinny because he's a shithead and just so much fun, Cotta because a) I relate to him a lot, probably the character I'm most alike to, and b) he's very, very simply My Type. xD
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? / 13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
both already answered, and can't really think of any more rn
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
hmm... "this morning" (ff.de/ao3) probably is one of them. It's not shippy and pretty introspective, so of course it didn't get much attention, but I like it for very personal reasons. It's just Cotta contemplating his job, because I sometimes need to grapple with him being a cop and his relationship to/with the police (system), with all the problems it has, especially the racism, but also the corruption and "us against them (everyone else)" mentality; generally the toxicity of the police as an institution. And I really like the beginning especially, starting it off with this constricting, slightly too-tight undershirt.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
(Thank the gods for the ao3 history!) It was "Bobby" by @pointwhitmark (apparently I've already visited it 15 fucking times! who knew!) and uh. yeah. as you can probably guess from the amount of times I've read it, I *absolutely* recommend it, for the sheer mindfuck and the absolutely *delightful* (and, frankly, way too sexy) dark!Cotta, but also. Mind the tags and warnings. Mind. The. Tags. And. Warnings. (Also, it's ao3 locked, so if you don't have an account you won't be able to see it. Which *gets on soap box* is one of the reasons you (general you) should all get an ao3 account, even if you're "just" reading! You're missing out on so much fic! And it's getting more every day since AI scraping ao3 and people subsequently locking their fic!)
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akikos-tribble-army · 2 years
Looking at the Sexy times with Wangxian drama that ao3 went through (and that somehow completely missed me???? like...??? how?????? I was actively using that site and I only had heard of it, but never seen it personally????), STWW actually saved you all from me uploading the State Onigiri Multicrossover fanfic in one piece.
Tagging that monster would have single handily slayed whatever STWW had going on.
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rayshippouuchiha · 4 years
I am from Germany and back in the day (when I could't speak a lick of English) we had FF.net just in like FF.de and just German fanfiction on it. The thing was, because it's german, guide lines where clear but it pretty much let everyone read everything (even the adult content) when you just stayed up long enough like from 23:00 (11pm) to 04:00 (4am).
The system to write and "tag" stuff was/is just the same as FF.net and I remember how wild the stuff was that I read on there! Just imagine the glee I had when I read my first fanfiction on FF.net and then imagine the revelation I had when AO3 came along it was magic!
I very recently even got back on the old stuff I wrote in thes days and, by god, did I recoiled from the whiplash. I do not miss it!
Oh god yeah the whiplash can be real.
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painterofhorizons · 3 years
@painterofhorizons Lord of the rings (please don't kill me that I've seen those movies ^^;)
What do you mean? :o
First of all, I LOVE the LOTR movies. I also LOVE the hobbit movies (esp. the first). I have not read the books (I started the german translation twice but don’t get along, started the english original and like it better, but have not yet processed past the first few chapters), so I definitely don’t judge on the “just seen the movies but did not read the books” front.
So I completely do not know why I would kill you? Is liking lotr these days a not recommended thing among your generation?? Did I miss something? Those movies are brillant, I love them (I saw both all three lotr and all three hobbit movies in one sitting in cinema! lotr 11h straight cinema).
But besides: lotr was one of my FIRST fandoms to write in in the early 2000s! Back then I didn’t even know the term “fanfiction”, ff.de wasn’t even founded at that time, and I co-wrote stories with friends with pens on paper in school. :D Once, we almost got caught (we definitely GOT caught, but were lucky that the teacher didn’t read it out loud). Somewhere in some cartons in my mum’s basement there must be folders full with lotr fanfic, the purest, most cliche Mary Sue fanfic any 13 yo can ever write.
So let me ask you: why, why would I kill you for reading lort fanfic????
(I’m playing a DND e5 LOTR campaign currently, so....)
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🍉 self love time! tell me which one of YOUR edits/fics you like the most then send to five other creators to do the same 💕
Oh boy. Since I still have only two works in English, I’ll include my ff.de works too.
Because my favorite one, the one I’ll always be very proud of, is “Grazil”. (“Gracile” in English, for those who wouldn’t’ve guessed it.)
I wrote that one back in 2011 and while my writing from back then is quite cringe-worthy, because I was just a dumb teenager trying to be some big writer (not saying every teenager is bad—there are many talented ones, whose writing leave me in awe—but I sure as shit wasn’t one of them), and I would need to re-write 90% of that story to bring it on my today’s level, it’s still my very favorite one.
It’s a 1k f/f shot in the ‘erotica’ genre—so no fic but own work, which I like to write from time to time—and I wrote it solely out of spite. One of my internet friends said the ‘erotica’ category is just for PWP and smut, which is bull. You can write erotic stories without them being smutty, so I wrote this shot full of sensuality, which does have a sex-scene, but isn’t described explicitly as such and more just implied, only so I could tell her “told you so”.
And I fucking succeeded.  
It was also the first time I tried to write in a completely different writing style and since then I always challenge myself to get out of my comfort-zone and try something new from time to time, which really helps to sharpen my writing skills. (At least in German. I’d need to write a few years longer in English, to see if it does a difference.)
And while I can’t read the story today anymore without cringing and wanting to change every sentence, it’s still the best thing I wrote back then and my all-time favorite. :)
That’s a bit of a long explanation. Whoops. Sorry for the long read.
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komkommertijd · 4 years
I just remembered that I once went to school with one of my favorite fanfiction writers ever when I was still reading fics on ff.de and well, 2016 was truly wild huh (I even commented on their work regularly can you believe)
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streatfeild · 4 years
@skiesfallithurts tagged me to love myself (thanks!!), so let’s do this. 
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
some of these are actually older than 1 year because immediately after i do something i see mistakes everywhere and hate it, so it’s actually kinda rare for me to be proud of things i’ve done. but i’m trying here!! 
1. with your name on my tongue and your death on my lips. (fic)
The Resslington-fic that escalated like Hell but that I actually like to come back to and re-read. Also I got a few amazing comments for this one. And I put an enormous amount of work into it, so. ya i’m proud of these 22k words of suffering.
2. Denn die Welt ist leer (und ich habe den Himmel berührt) (German fic)
Okay this isn’t much of a fanfic actually since it’s an RPF feat. Klaas & Mark Tavassol (mainly Mark because i’m a slut for him), and also very weird and. I just like how it turnt out. Also it took me like a year to write. lots of work in these 27k words. Yeah and it has a few faults but I’m proud of what I’ve done with this and where this fic went. but i’m the only one tbh lol 
3. Der Soldat und der Major (German fic) [ao3] [ff.de]
another German fic, this time it’s... Woyzeck fanfic. Just because I CAN. I’m really proud of the way I was able to pull off the dialogue here. I generally like the style? It’s weird (again) but. I’m here for that. 
4. “Das Lied vom Fraternisieren” from Brecht’s Mutter Courage (Mother Courage)
Unfortunately I’m not allowed to share the video (because the Brecht-heirs are fcking assholes and I hope they choke on their principles), but last year I played Yvette in “Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder” (”Mother Courage and her children”), a drunk prostitute lamenting about how her life went. She has this awful song that I managed to pull off pretty well (the composer Dessau just doesn’t care if a song is singable or not, it just has to SOUND PRETTY, thanks man). (The song is not actually awful. Not when sung properly. Oh right i did that i’m lowkey highkey proud!!!) I’ve been thinking about putting another song from our musical theatre “exam” here but. i’m actually too anxious about it lololol hmu if you wanna hear it 
5. i honestly have no idea anymore, uhhh.... i’ll put my current wip “love the dead” here because i’m already a lil proud of myself for this thing... should I ever finish it, rip. so ya, no link here either. yet.
Okay I honestly thought I’d find more favourite works? Wow. Bonus points for that flashlight-scene in Kleist’s Hermannsschlacht where I played Hermann, bc I actually liked how that turned out (still a few mistakes and things I should have done differently, but at least not the whole damn performance, lol). Not putting that here though bc I’m too lazy to cut that out of the original video file :0
ANYWAY i’m tagging whoever wants to do this, really! <3
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ralfstrashcan · 4 years
Fic writer game
Thank you @ladyoxymoron​ for tagging me :D
Fandoms: There’s an extensive exposition here but right at this moment I’m mostly reading/writing Shadowhunters and The Untamed.
Number of fics: 122 posted on ao3, ~25 posted on ff.de and a bunch of finished but not posted stuff on my lappy (mostly German Sherlock fic). A fair amount of the posted stuff is drabbles and almost all is oneshots though ;)
Fic I spent more time on: I don’t have a good answer for this one. The longer the fic, the more time it takes? The time required to get a fic done honestly depends more on my state of mind than the fic itself. Some days it flows smoothly, some days every word is agony. I’ve experienced both of these while writing the same fic, so yeah.
Fic I spent less time on: Uh, drabbles I guess? They don’t require much agonizing over word choices to achieve a fancy writing style, and I’ve become pretty got at getting the word count right, sooo.
Longest fic: - Posted to ao3: blood and dirt (25k). - Posted to ff.de: Harry Potter und die Werhamster (36k). - Not posted at all: [Dramatic unfinished Draco/Astoria romance with no name] (60k) (2011!ralf was so ambitious! Can you believe it!)
Shortest: I mean, I have written several 100 word drabbles and posted them as individual fics, so take your pick XD Apart from that I have written a handful of non-drabble-fics between 100 and 200 words too.
Most hits: My Dumb Drabbles collection (though I feel like that doesn’t count because it’s about the only thing I frequently update when almost everything else is a oneshot). Second in line is the planes of you.
Most kudos: the eye of the beholder (which I’m pretty glad about since for the longest time it was ‘the planes of you’ and while I don’t dislike that fic it never struck me as anything that special either? I really like the other one though.)
Most bookmarks: the eye of the beholder (again, when did that happen, it was ‘concentration, distraction’ for the longest time)
Total words combined: 175k on archive (wtf) and uhhh around 70k on ff.de (rough estimation because the word count option on that site is abysmal)
Fic you want to rewrite or expand: Nothing, really? As you may have guessed by now the vast majority of my ideas is for oneshots. They don’t need to be expanded on, I wouldn’t even know how. And I hold a lot of nostalgic fondness for my old stuff even if it could objectively be better. I don’t feel the need to change anything about it... though I guess I wrote a prose songfic for Ed Sheeran’s ‘Firefly’ in early 2015 which was pretty horrible and would probably be better off trashed and burned XD That one could really do with a rewrite. But apart from that... nah.
Fav fic you wrote: That would be my Shadowhunters x Merlin x Doctor Who Crossover. I really like to go back and read scenes of it and who knows, maybe one day I’ll post it ;D if only I knew a single person apart from my sister and myself who cares about that specific fandom combination, lol.
Share a bit of your WIP or idea if you have anything planned: Since I have about a million WIPs, have a line from the Untamed fic I’m currently tinkering with
When Wei Wuxian gives up Suibian to Wen Chao he doesn't know that was the last time he held his blade like this. (x)
and the Shadowhunters fic I might fix up for next Saturday (though after looking through that file I’m honestly reconsidering past!ralf’s plan haha)
Clary is staring at the painting on the far wall, mouth open in a small oh. Magnus watches with dawning horror as her eyes start filling with tears. (x)
tagging: @silver-latin-and-salt​ and anyone else who likes to write. This was a lot of fun to do!
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Hiii, I'm kinda new to the fandom, but I wanted to ask if you knew of any good Inkworld fics, specifically for the villains? Thanks xx
Hiii! Sorry it took me a while, but real life happened and then university started and more real life happened…Okay, let’s see: 
And this is where it has brought you by shadesofmignightsun, chapter 2 The Story of the Peppermint Leaves by skatingonthinice A Small Error of Chromatism by McShmickley (okay, it’s more about Fenoglio) Driving by Blue-Starlight92 A Heart Worth Breaking by McShmickley
If you are speaking or learning German, you should totally check out some of the OS by Maria Girina on ff.de 
Capricorn And this is where it has brought you by shadesofmidnightsun, chapter 1Cruel by boticelli
Firefox And this is where it has brought you by shadesofmidnightsun, chapter 3 Calm Before the Storm by ASongForWolves, the author has several similar fics, too. 
Orpheus Again in German, but Tintenschwarze Sehnsucht by Sternengreifer is really good.
the Piper 
Gone by Radioactive Rubber Duck and you can easily find some Piper/OC fics on the Ao3 
Sadly, I don’t have anything for Mortola. I’m pretty sure there is at least one fic about her on ff.net, but I haven’t read it yet. I hope you find something you like on this list and I wish you a lot of fun in the fandom! : D
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
3, 6, 7, 14? 🥰🧸 pls feel better soon 😘
[happy writer ask]
Thanks 😘 (tatsächlich bin ich heute Morgen aufgewacht und dachte "hey, mir gehts besser als die letzten Tage!" So much dazu.)
3. Have you received any bookmark notes? Which is your favorite and why?
Okay, so, I went back through three pages of my most recent works on ao3, and I found exactly one bookmark with notes, so I guess this is my favourite:
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😄😘 (It's on piercing) (but i also realized that like 90% of all bookmarks are by people who i've never seen leave a single comment, which is interesting in way, I guess)
6. Describe what you do and your feelings after posting a chapter. (For example: When do you usually post a fic/chapter update? How do you celebrate a posting? Are you the type to refresh constantly?, etc.)
I usually try to post in the afternoon, because I think that's when most people are online and theoretically have time to read, but with work and especially the amount of late shifts I work atm it doesn't always work out that way. And I do like posting just before going off to work (which is usually around 1 PM lately), because at work I can't obsessively refresh ao3 and ff.de xD
7. What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?
The way we as different authors but also as fellow fans really feed on each other in this fandom. Like, the amount of stories I've read, that inspired me to write something new, a couple tags or a random post that gave me an idea, discussions with you or Tiargo, just, we're a small enough group that i can actually follow most of the fandom and that we can play off of each other.
14. Share a snippet.
Of course xD Maybe not the funniest/most heartfelt/most interesting snippet in the world, but I'm planning to post judge, jury and executioner some time over the weekend (considering I have more than enough time to finish the editing round now 🙈), so you're getting a teaser for that:
„Was willst du hier?“, empfängt Skinny ihn, sobald Jonas nah genug ist, dass er nicht die Stimme erheben muss. Für eine Sekunde denkt er, dass Jonas sie aufhalten will – ihn aufhalten will. Er kann den Satz schon hören: Peter würde das nicht wollen. Und er hat auch die passende Antwort schon auf der Zunge: Peter ist tot. Er kann uns nicht mehr sagen, was er wollen würde. Doch stattdessen sagt Jonas etwas ganz anderes. „Ich will mitkommen“, verlangt er, die Stimme völlig ruhig.
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miyai · 5 years
(nachdem ich endlich einen Computer gefunden habe, sodass ich tatsächlich asks schicken kann, die nicht von tumblr gefressen werden...) For the fanfiction writer asks: 9 (Like War), 11, 28, 33, 36 and 49?
Ich fühle deinen Schmerz. Diese dysfunktionelle Site, ey.
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
For Like War: Don’t know whether I have an absolute favorite scene, but I definitely have a favorite plotline, which starts at the Blue Moon Motel and includes the accidental (?) burn play. Just the scene where they arrive, later when they are going to leave and fight, and then when Peter comes to Skinny’s apartment to talk about it without talking about it - those are my favorites, which is wild, because in the original story structure, those weren’t planned at all, as you know. The burn play was inspired by SCARLET, and some other reviews that I got. So I think that’s why it might be my favorite part of the story: it’s kinda created together and even more of a transformative work than the rest of the story.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it? 
I have re-worked chapters that hadn’t been posted yet in accordance with the criticisms I had received on previous chapters in long fic, but I don’t think I have changed much about my one-shots generally after posting them, even when it might have been called for. One of my stories on ao3 features a scene where someone opens a champagne bottle with a corkscrew, because apparently I forgot while writing that scene how champagne works. Still didn’t change it, even after a commenter pointed that out. I don’t know, as soon as a story is out there, except for typos, it’s out there and we will all just have to deal with it, y’know?
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction? 
Hm, not sure there is something. Maybe just that I am wiriting for myself, not somebody else, and the only person it has to make happy is me? That still hasn’t really sunk in, but it’s important to remember. At some point, your numbers (clicks, kudos) won’t matter as much and you won’t be stressing as much.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? 
There isn’t a specific instance, but generally the positive reaction to the Hate Series, I’d say, on most of its installments. That some people (and you’re one of them!) like it so much that they comment on every chapter. That’s what I would consider the biggest compliment. Oh, and also, a classic: when someone tells me my smut is hot! Because while I’m writing it, it usually feels like the least sexy thing to ever be put on (digital) paper.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s? 
There is so much to choose from! I assume you’re mostly interested in the Hate Series, so, Nick Sanchez is gonna play an even bigger part in the next installments, and he’s gonna screw up a lot. Generally we’ll be seeing more of Skinny’s side of things, his reasoning, his experiences, the people he hangs out with, which means more Skinny POV. Another spoiler: Bob is still angry after the end of Like War, and he will continue to be for some time.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? 
I can, vaguely. I think it might have just been some random Peter/Bob fluff, which was still kinda eye-opening. I might’ve bookmarked it on ff.de, but I’m not sure. I’m certain that if I would read it today, I very likely wouldn’t like it as much.
Thanks for asking!! This was a lot of fun! ♡
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Are you writing a fanfic about eating disorders? That's amazing! I'd like to read your fanfic. So it would be great if you can say the tittle of ur fanfic >
Hey Anon! :-)Thanks for your encouraging message~Actually, I love writing (fan)fiction and I’ve been doing so for all my life. Most of my works are written in German, but every once in a while I dare to post some stuff in English as well.If you (or anybody else) wants to read some of my English stories, go here:AO3: LindseyWellsff.net: Mounira (inactive atm…)And whoever happens to speak German can check the following websites:ff.de: 1, 2, 3Wattpad: InWinterDreamsBookrix: WintergirlFeel free to add me wherever you like ^^ I usually follow back!You can also find me on Twitter (rarely tweeting, but always reading ;-) and Instagram (1, 2).Sorry, this post has turned out longer than I expected ^^; but since I hardly have (online) friends, followers are much appreciated!Thank you again for your interest in my writing, Anon! Maybe you like one of my stories. I deteled tons of older works and most of my fics that are still online focus on eating disorders. (Yes, this can be read as a trigger warning. So whoever sees this post and isn’t familiar with my blog and works, please be safe!)
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pheita · 6 years
I have no idea why but whenever I read a post about the old days of fandoms, back with the fanfiction.net and LJ I always get the vibe of an old soldier sitting at the camp and listening to the younger soldiers who just got their first assignment and thinks this is all horrible before he lits a cigarette and starts like this “you think this is horrible? You think this is the worst the world can throw at you? I am gonna tell ya stories that make you scream in your sleep.I have seen this shit so many times I stopped counting.” And honestly, as someone who had been there with FF.net and LJ, someone who had the shit Tumblr does now going on with ff.de the German version of ff.net; I just really feel like a seasoned warrior who just goes on like: Ah damnit guys, not again. I am too old for this shit.
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painterofhorizons · 4 years
Spiegelbilder Introductory Post
While I’m thinking about switching to English with writing my main Criminal Minds fanfic (that las, like, zero to do with Criminal Minds) and people have vaguely expressed interest in reading about it if I should ever switch to English, I thought to make some kind of introductory/summary post about the story. Putting it under a cut because this won’t be short. Like, It will be long and full of rambling. Lots of rambling.
@guileandgall @chyrstis @jedirangerpenguin and also tagging my old CM crew to see if you’re up to switch languages with me? @sheeplessthings @thornhands @calendergirlff
This got too long for me to proof-read, it’s 2 am and I should really go to bed. xD My keyboard is stupid at times, so please excuse any missing letters or words. You should get an overall idea nevertheless.
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Fandom (technically): Criminal Minds
Do you actually need to know the series: no (see below)
Language so far: German
Link to story on fanfiktion.de
Length so far: 200k+
Rating: mature - reasons see below: topics discussed
Mode of storytelling: collection of oneshots and multishots (up to 4part mini-stories) that can all be read independently but all revolve around the same characters
Why/how it all started: It started out in somewhen between 2011-2014 as a classic CM case fic. I created an OC and a case, and 20 chapters in I realized: a) I hate writing crime cases and b) I suck at chronologic storytelling and c) I was stuck. So I started all over twice and eventually switched to writing oneshots about the characters in 2015. In 2017 I put them all in a collection and by now we’re at 62 chapters *coughcough*. And I realized: simply writing about single topics for the characters I care about without having to press it into one long multichapter fic with one main storyline? Fits me so much better and is so much more fun for me. Actually, please blame @tarysande, because in the forums of ff.de I stumbled upon a fic rec from someone for her Grace Shepard fics and I had just started playing ME at that time and so I learned about AO3 (and tumblr) and Tara had these alphabet fics and other small story collections and I had one of these important moments: whao, that’s a thing? That’s something you can do? Just write small stuff about a single topic/from a prompt and not only focus on one big long story? So yeah, that was a huge inspiration for me to just say fuck the multichapter fic writing that I don’t work well with and instead make it a collection of small stuff.
Having cut out the “write one big case fic” and focus it on the things I actually want to tell, it drifted away A LOT from actually being a Criminal Minds fic. Basically all that is left from CM is a few characters (one minor and some minor), a handful of references and one low key case reference storyline. So do you actually need to know anything about CM to read the Spiegelbilder fics? No. As long as I’ll introduce you to the main characters and throw in some screenshots maybe and one or another youtube video, you’re good to go. Because what I love about CM are the team scenes, the characters, but especially in the second half of the series they didn’t focus a lot on the actual team banter and the cases became more and more gory and ugh, so I enjoyed the actual series less and less, but still very much care for the team/characters. But the series hasn’t gifted us with a lot of that. So Spiegelbilder is like an CM AU without all the gory case fic stuff.
While we’re at that...
What topics does Spiegelbilder touch?: A lot of dark/heavy stuff, tbh. (For those of you who know my ME stuff - that won’t be a huge surprise I assume.) But not in the gory CM case way. Still, Spiegelbilder is rated mature/P-18 for reasons. I write about abuse, rape, suicide/-al tendencies. I also write about a huge lot of other rather dark/serious matters (life decisions, me too topics, broken family dynamics and other). There’s a lot of psychological topics touched, and definitely a huge lot of PTSD. But I write about it all in a very not-explicit, sensitive, thoughtful way (my old CM crew can agree on that). I write about it not for sensationalist reasons (I’m looking at you, CM >.>), but because it is part of life and part of the characters I created. I know a lot of people don’t like stories that touch rape as a topic, and that is totally okay. And I will never write about acts of violence themselves, but only mention them and then focus on the psychological aftermath. Also, Spiegelbilder definitely is rated M for smut. Also there are both hetero and same sex relationships and polyamory. There’s a lot of queer in it.
But is there any good stuff?: Yeeees! :D A whole lot. So, what is Spiegelbilder actually about? It’s a story of two idiots being in love but denying it for too long. It’s about two idiots going from random onenigtstand to becoming friends to friends-with-benefits to lovers to married idiots. It’s a whole lot of itiots to lovers slow burn. There’s so much emotions but they are very much idiots first. Did I mention they end up married? And happy? They are also happy in between. But they got a lot of difficulties to overcome that life throws their way.
So who are those two idiots?: Spiegelbilder centers around Alex Dancy (OC) and David Rossi (Criminal Minds). With this, the story also deals with age differences in relationships, because there are roughly 2 decades between them. For the main storyline, Alex is in her 30′s and Dave in his 50′s. And I realized: Alex and Reda Shepard share quite some, if not all character traits. So if you can stand Reda? Chances are good that you can stand Alex, too. She, too, is a ray of sunshine. :D (No, actually she is, it just depends to whom.)
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(art by the most wonderful @xandrassketchbook who is not on tumblr anymore unfortunately)
Are there more?: Oh boy, there are. :D Actually, Spiegelbilder by now has sereval main storylines with so many characters. Those are:
The Russian Era
Covers Alex’ youth and upbringing. Put in short: while she’s bron to an american father and russian mother in New York, the family moved to Russia for family matters when Alex was two. Her older sister died in a car accident when Alex is 14 and the family can’t deal with the loss. Father leaves, Alex is much of a trouble child, mother kicks her out for it and focuses in the smaller twins instead. Alex gets taken in by a social worker (Yuri) into a youth club/shelter. This strand of the story focusses on that time.
The London Era
Not much written about yet, but covers Alex’ 20′s. She moves to London after school to study social work and get away of her past. She then works as a street worker for youth mostly. She lives in a happy little hippie commune there and has a long time girlfriend there. In her mid twenties, she runs into Dave Rossi (CM) while he is on a book reading tour (that’s quite a fun story tbh). They end up in a one night stand and think they never meet again - alas, destiny knows better, right? They meet again on a conference for social work where Dave is meant to recruit new folks for the BAU (behavioral analysis unit from the FBI). Alex is in a state of things be quite difficult at that time both work wise (major funding cutting in Londons social work area) and personally (relationship with girlfriend suffers a lot from Alex being work first everything else second). Over a discussion about the BAU’s work (that Alex does not support a lot) Dave tells her that the FBI at that time (early 2000′s) is founding a new unit that focusses on the victims of crimes rather (the VAU - victims assistance unit) (all real units, time frame is even halfway correct and fitting). Alex pllies for that and gets in.
The VAU Era / BACA
Alex moves to the states and helps building the VAU and works there as a social worker. Because she does miss her street work with youth, she also volunteers in BACA (major plot line). BACA is Bikers Against Child Abuse, a biker organisation that tries to empower mentally/physically/sexually/otherwise abused children and teens (amazong organization, please check them out!). Alex becomes part of the local BACA chapter and spends like all of her non work time there. - By now there is a whole set of characters I wrote for that - while BACA exists, the chapter I write about is made up as are all characters.
The Boston Era
For roughly three years, Alex (still FBI agent as part of the VAU) is assigned to an undercover job in Boston. Basically, she works as a social worker there, too, but infiltrates a ecological activism group (that doesn’t quite fall into the eco terror range) to get intel. It isn’t meant to be this long lasting but ends up taking up almost three years.
After that, she goes back to the VAU to Washington again.
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(art by me)
The BAU Era
In Criminal Minds, one of the major characters dies at some point and Alex takes her job for a while. Yes, this is obviously the very inital story idea from very early on (aka how do I include an OC into the CM story?). Anyways, I never focus on the actual BAU work (because, see above, I neither like it nor am good at case writing). But, one aspect that gets important is Grant Anderson (CM side character, agent that sometimes works with the BAU in the series). So the series doesn’t tell us much about Anderson (sorry Mass Effect Anderson for the name similarity, ME Anderson is a gemme, my CM ANderson is not. xD), so my take is: Anderson always wanted to be part of the actual BAU and applied several times, but never made it in. Now he has some issues and Alex is the one who darws the card wrong-time-wrong-place. With her work being her priority - but she always stays a social worker at heart and not an FBI agent, so she never is 200% in FBI, but 250% in being a social worker and also her voluntary work with BACA, Anderson snaps. He starts stalking her and terrorizing her because she is not passionate enough about being in the BAU and also has taken his position. That most to a classic case fic I’m writing here, but less like in an actual CM episode. The whole story goes FUBAR and really fucks Alex up and has her drop out of the job for a while and eventually quite with the FBI completely.
Post-FBI Era
Alex turns back to working as a social worker full time after a long time of recovery of Andersons mind fuckery. She gets back to be her happy self, living happily ever after.
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(art by the ever amazing @chenria​)
Meanwhile: The Idiots To Lovers Plot
Remember how Alex and Dave met by pure accident in London when Alex is in her mid-20′s and they have a random onenightstand? After they meet again on that conference a year later, they keep in touch and become friends, especially after Alex moves to the states. They stay friends for a long time and only get involved sexually again couple of months after Alex joins the BAU. So a lot of Spiegelbilder is about how their relationship develops during all the time, from strangers to friends to friends-with-benefits to idiots to lovers to being married and buying a fucking awesome house, adoting a dog and all. Yes. There is chapters about buying a house, adopting a dog, getting married, buying groceries before a vacation - I CAN write fluff if I want to. :D
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(art by the most wonderful @chenria​)
The Characters: There is, as you can imagine now, a whole set of characters I created for this, that I really like a lot. A friend once said it’s a shame I put all this into a fanfic (that isn’t so much of a fanfic anymore, right?) because it could as well be a novel - but I like it that way. Spiegelbilder is my feel good playground for years now and I don’t want to put any of it into the real world, I like to keep it in the fanfic closet. Also, Spiegelbilder is my sandbox to think through topics (life decisions, struggling with job decisions, other random or not so random stuff), so that’s that. - I got distracted, sorry. The characters: to give you a shot impression, there is a yet as very much work in progress character page you can see here.
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Writing all this in english kinda really has me want to write this story in english and explore it with you guys. So if you are interested? Hell, count me in.
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(It’s Wednesday here already. :D 2am, I’m going to bed. Thank you for reading all this I guess! xD)
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Fanfic Asks! I'd ask you to answer every single question, but that might be a bit much, so instead have an actual list of questions: 1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 18, 19, 23, 25, 27, 33, 34, 38, 40, 44, 48, 49, 50. Still a long list, but not 50 entries ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ay damn thank you my guy, I shall answer them immediately!
…also, after the first two questions are already me talking way too much, I think I should probably put a read more, so, here
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? I wrote my first one when I was in the Glee fandom back in 2011/12 so I was about 13 or 14, and damn those stories sucked. I deleted them quite soon, so now my first fics are the One Piece ones on my German ff.de account, and I’m not planning on deleting them even tho they’re embarrassing because I got a few really sweet reviews on them. And then in 2014, at age 16 I started writing in English. 
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
So far I’ve written
One Piece
The Song of Achilles
Prince of Stride: Alternative
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Final Fantasy XV
But the only ones I still write actively (haha, as if)/can still imagine writing for are Voltron, FFXV, and of course Free! which I doubt will stop being my favourite fandom for a long time. I’d like to write a MCU fic someday, a real one because my 400 word drabble doesn’t count, and I’ve got plans for at least a oneshot, but we all know how it is 
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why? I wouldn’t mind deleting any of my German stories as long as I’d get to save the reviews, but if we take the English ones only I’d probably delete the oneshot collection I started for One Piece, it has a whole two oneshots that are prompts someone actually sent me on Tumblr (like damn son I did not expect anyone to do that) but they’re not getting any attention now and I have to admit I don’t even remember what they are about anymore, so I’m not really attached to them. 
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it? No, but I also don’t think I’ve ever received criticism, so there was never any reason to. I don’t know if I would, either, it’d really depend on if it’s dumbass criticism or if it makes sense. 
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why? Rei from Free! without question. Anyone who follows me on here, or even worse, on Twitter (I am so sorry) would probably know he’s my absolute favourite character out of everything, so it’s only natural I love writing him the most. Other than him, my favourites to write atm are Ignis from FFXV and Keith from Voltron, they just feel very familiar and are easy to write for me (especially Iggy is fun because I get to use the fanciest English I know, it’s good practice!)
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them? I did originally plan to give one of my One Piece fics, Celebrity Crush, more than two chapters, but I couldn’t quite come up with any more plot, and then I got into other fandoms and wasn’t too interested in OP anymore, so I decided to just leave it at those two chapters. I also have quite a few WIPs I wrote a rough outline for but then never wrote because I either thought about it too hard and started to think it was stupid after all, or because I procrastinated too long and also lost interest in the fandom. 
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to? Yes! I really loved writing Il Treno dei Desideri and I actually planned a sequel for it. I have yet to decide if I’m actually gonna write it, because, yknow, too much procrastinating, but I’d quite like to. 
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence? I usually write in silence but if it’s with music, it can’t be music with lyrics because that’ll distract me from the words in my head (if it’s a language I don’t speak, like Japanese in anime openings and stuff it’s okay until I’ve listened to it enough times to memorize the way the lyrics sound despite not understanding it. Then it becomes distracting as well)
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? No. Maybe if I decided to kill off a pet in a story, I might, but it takes a lot to make me cry otherwise. 
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? I make a general outline because I never just straight up start writing when I get an idea but procrastinate for three weeks instead. So once I get the idea I write it down and plot it in my head as well as possible, at least the plot lines I already came up with (and sometimes entire sentences I already wrote in my head and think they sound good), I usually bullshit my way through the stuff in between. 
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten? Choosing a top 3 because I can“Overall, this was one of the most enjoyable stories I’ve found in a while in any fandom. It’s definitely being bookmarked and recced.” iN ANY FANDOM?? Thank you???“I should be sleeping now but y'know how it is, anyway, thanks for making my night!! Have a great day!” Always happy to have ppl tell me they lost sleep over my fic bc we know those are always the best fics, bless“THIS WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not usually a fan of angst, but like?????? I’m screaming this is so amazing and well written” Ngl this one was especially good for my heart bc it was on a fic in a rly small and dead fandom but I was rly proud of the fic and thought I did quite a good job writing, but I’d sorta accepted I wouldn’t get a comment bc the fandom’s so dead, and then someone went and gave me one anyway, I was so happy
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? As I said, I never actually got criticism on any fic as far as I recall. I do, however, remember someone reblogging a fic of mine on here and saying in the tags that it wasn’t bad but ooc. That rubbed me the wrong way because it was only being said in the tags instead of maybe in a comment on the reblog or in a message, and it was only that too, not telling me where I went wrong and stuff, so I had actually no idea what it was exactly that made it ooc. 
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it. Hm, I don’t think I’d try to collab with anyone. I’m too embarrassed about my own ideas and my writing until I’ve 100% finished and perfected it, so I wouldn’t be great at talking about possible plots and stuff. I actually did try a collab on the German fanfiction website years ago, but then I ended up procrastinating so much I got too embarrassed to talk to that person and just ended up never talking to them again. We never even managed a first chapter, and I’m really sorry about how I just disappeared. Maybe if I can still find them on there I should shoot them a message sometime, to apologize.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction? Yeah, several people do, but most don’t really care. I’ve got one friend who used to occasionally read a few fics of mine despite never knowing shit about the fandom, that was really sweet. But other than that they just know it’s a thing I do. My mom might probably want to read them if they weren’t in English, but like this she wouldn’t really be able to understand them if she tried to read those. 
44) What is the last line you wrote? “With that, he closes the cabin door and Ignis finally lies down on the atrocious bed to go to sleep.” Making it a sentence bc it’s a little longer than one line. I wrote that fic yesterday, planning on editing and posting after answering those questions.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write? I absolutely adore hurt/comfort, and I like writing that the most, even though it’s not that evident in most of my published fics. Mainly because I’m kinda embarrassed about it and bc I’m never sure I can get it right. But yeah, that’d be the favourite. 
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about? Oh dear, I don’t, but I know it was about Glee because that was what got me into fanfics. But what I do remember is the first smut fic I read, and ohh boy. I don’t remember if it was good or not, but it was completely new to my 14 year old self and I was so fascinated, like damn son. It was a really rare/borderline crack ship too, but it certainly was an interesting experience. 
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? Angst, because that’s my jam. I might miss writing fluff tho, but I never write or intend to write smut anyway so I really couldn’t care less about not being allowed to write that anymore. 
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