#you guys are valid af
ellie-probably · 3 months
ive been reblogging a fair bit of aspec stuff lately (specifically aro stuff but also some more general aspec stuff), im not really sure if i am on the aspec or not (though quoiromantic seems like a fitting term for me) but i guess that's part of being in the queer community. you gain and lose terms as they gain and lose significance for you, which is really fucking awesome.
i guess what i wanna say is that whether im aspec or not
any aspecs are welcome on my blog and are valid as hell
you are a part of our community and anyone who disagrees can unfollow and block the hell out of me
sincerely, someone who doesn't know how to tell when eir romantically into someone
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janokenmun · 7 months
honestly i dont get the "bi lesbian" discourse in particular. like obviously any and all exclusionism in the Be Yourself Regardless Of What Society Thinks community is dumb and stupid but that in particular i dont get
since like. to me (obv u dont have to agree), labels are meant to be *useful*, to convey information. the best labels make a useful statement that can be used to act in a more informed manner; "i have autism [gives information on potential behavioral patterns and needs]." "i am a straight man [gives information relevant to sexuality; both who you're attracted to, and gives information on whether the audience is likely to be attracted to you]." "this is a hill [this area of land rises above the nearby land]"
and to me, "bi lesbian" does that; it expresses a lot in a very concise and relatively intuitive phrase! to me (obv u dont have to agree) it expresses "i am (approximately) a woman who is attracted to both men and women, but ESPECIALLY (approximately) women". and that's useful information!
it also doesn't help that, like *any* attempt at categorization, there will be edge cases and fuzzy boundaries. the definitions between a lake, pond, pool, and reservoir are fuzzy. the distinction between a mountain and a hill is fuzzy. the distinction between a river, creek, stream, and brook are fuzzy. all of these have vague differences, like a river is generally considered to be bigger than a stream, but the cutoffs are inexact and subjective, because nature doesn't like categorization. human gender and sexuality is a lot like this, there is no objective cutoff, people are going to disagree on what exactly counts as what. and that's okay! you don't need to have the exact same definition of river vs stream, or hill vs mountain, or lesbian vs bisexual, because the boundaries are always going to be weird and subjective there; just don't try to force your definition on others and gatekeep things based on subjective cutoffs
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terrence-unsuaved · 1 year
Copperright or stickvin?
The short answer: Copperight wins every time.
The long answer: Copperight has been my OTP since I was in the fandom (around September 2020). It’s been a head canon for so long I think I only have about two or three aus where they aren’t dating or married out of my like… 50 (I don’t post about a lot of them.)
However this doesn’t mean I don’t have other ships involving the two.
Crossing into extreme headcanon territory, in my canon timeline Dr. Vinschpinsilstien and Reginald dated back when they were about 19? They both took the same cybernetic corse when they were younger and were both VERY in denial about being gay. (ahaha)
Meanwhile I head canon that Terrence had a MASSIVE crush on RHM. The two were real close friends back in their twenties before any leadership drama started with Ter. Unfortunately RHM did not reciprocate… at all. So that never goes anywhere for poor Terry.
Moving onto Stickvin, I 100% see the appeal but in my characterisations, Charles could never love Henry the same way Henry loves them because they lack the context of every other timeline.. But there’s a connection between the two. Something less than romantic but more than friends. I like to keep their relationship fluid. Charles fluctuates from timeline to timeline how they feel about Henry. In one timeline, they hate each other, in the next they’re best buddies, in the next they don’t even interact. This applies to AUs too. There’s love, just 100% not romantic. Something I can’t put into words.
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bebo-schmebo · 2 years
Maito Gai said gay rights, he told me himself
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heavenknowsffs · 1 year
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renaerys · 1 year
Hi, I just want to say thank you for writing ItaIno. Honestly, this is the first time I found an Ino-centric fic with another pairing other than SaiIno and SakuIno, and I'm surprised with how good their dynamics are. You're really great at writing their chemistry and interactions, it just makes me want to read more!
Thank you for reading it! They may never have interacted in canon, but that won't stop me from making them hold hands, goddamnit. I just think their personalities would fit so well, and I'm glad others see it too! I'm working on the next chapter and should have that out sometime this month, so stay tuned. <3
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kenobihater · 1 year
literally LOVE learning i was completely fucking wrong about what constitutes psychosis bc the lady who helped me start to get diagnosed apparently had NO idea what the fuck she was talking about 😐 dissociation isn't a form of psychosis!
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gh-0-stcup · 1 year
When Angel's friends gang up on him to criticize his decisions, he fires them.
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mangocustard16 · 7 months
Seventeen’s reaction to you not recognising them when drunk ♡
| genre:fluff
| warnings: mentions of drinking, pet names, cursing, lmk if i missed something
| w.c: 0.7k
| a/n: please reblog if you enjoyed, feedback is always appreciated✿
performance unit version | hip-hop unit ver.
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Seventeen had just clinched a prestigious Daesang award, and you were out celebrating the hard-earned victory with the group.
the night begins with celebratory drinks, as Hoshi's friends convince you to join in the festivities.
and that's it you guys were out, partying hard celebrating your boyfriend's success
although Hoshi had been there too to make sure you didn't go overboard 
what caught him off guard was your unexpected assertion of not recognizing him
"Get your hands off of me you pervert!"
he was shocked, to say the least
but gotta admit, he felt kinda proud seeing you stand your ground and not let some random guy touch you, even if that guy happened to be him.
You turned to Seungkwan, seeking validation and asking him to confirm that this person is not someone you know.
to which Seungkwan awkwardly laughs, caught in the middle of the situation
"Babe, I'm your cute boyfriend"
"Then tell me something only my boyfriend knows?" you question him
He raises his eyebrows and motions you to come closer 
"one time you tried to challenge me to a dance battle, but it turned into a clumsy stumble, and you ended up on the flo-"
you put your hands on his mouth to stop him from revealing that embarrassing story
"Okay, okay! you're definitely my boyfriend"
Despite being your boyfriend, Jun finds you unable to recognize him while heavily intoxicated.
the boy is pouting and is offended af
"Come on, shake it off," he said trying to grab your arm to get you out of the club
what caught him off guard was you landing a punch square in his stomach
Jun visibly grimaces, feeling the impact of the punch to his rib
"I know how to box sir, so you better keep your distance," you said walking away
At this point, Jun has no choice but to wait for you to head home by yourself, all he can do is follow you home making sure you get there safely
he woke up the next morning with a huge bruise on his side and for the love of god you couldn't remember a thing 
"Where did you get that bruise from baby?" you asked innocently
he tried to play like he was actually hurt by you not recognizing him, but, man, he thought it was so darn cute
he would listen to you ramble about everything in your life, from how your new cat was constantly attacking others to how much your boyfriend loved you
"You know, my boyfriend wanted to name the new cat Pumpkin, but he looks so much like an Oreo, we almost fought but in the end, we named it Oreo"
"Your boyfriend treats you so badly, why would he fight with such a sweet girl like you" Minghao played along
"NOOOO! my boyfriend is the sweetest person in the whole world, don't you dare talk shit about the love of my life," you warned your new friend showing shoving your lock screen of you and Minghao together in his face
He'd chuckle and mumble something along the lines of, "How am I not supposed to love you"
Dino got a little pouty when he realized you couldn't recognize him
all he wanted was your affection, but you wouldn't let him touch you, leaving him slightly disappointed
"Babe come on let's go"
"No I don't know you please stop following me, mister" you yelled
poor guy 
he's chasing after you trying to convince you that he's not a threat, in fact he's your boyfriend
"I'm your loving BOYFRIEND babe, do you not recognize me?"
"Why won't I recognize my own boyfriend you creep? Stop following me around." you'd say, slapping his hands away
You took out your phone and called your boyfriend trying to explain that a creepy man was following you around
Dino handed you his ringing phone, showing it to you to convince you that he was indeed your boyfriend.
"Babyyyyy!!! you should've come sooner" you exclaimed, throwing yourself on him, wrapping your arms around him
"I'll always be here for you love," he said shaking his head before planting a soft kiss to your forehead.
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@kflixnet @k-labels
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fan-goddess · 5 months
Teat of Family Wealth
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Authors Note: Short af but I thought of it on my work break. Enjoy the drabble I guess
Taglist: @valeskafics, @omgbrcat @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity
Warnings: None apart from the occasional swear mixed in. Oh, and probably ooc Michael but who gives a shit?
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Felix Catton, is a rich cunt sucking directly of the tit of old familiar wealth, and somehow, he doesn’t even know it.
Though to be fair, you yourself have no idea how you managed to wind up being his friend. Considering that compared to all his other mates, you were probably considered poor. Even though compared to all the non-rich shits in school, you were probably seen as well off.
You’d met Felix on the first day of Oxford, wandering around blindly looking for your introductory class to English. And of course knowing your luck, Felix Catton walked right up to you asking if you were lost, and to your gratitude at the time, you were grateful as he directed you were to go. Even blushing at the fact he insisted on putting his number in your phone, just so you could text him if you ever got lost again.
Though from there, you have no idea what happened. As the next thing you knew, you were trailing along after Felix and hanging out with his friends like some sort of fucking puppy, too afraid to leave the comforts of what it knows and go see the world. You knew you were being absolutely pathetic. A desperate bootlicker practically whining for some sort of attention and validation from someone deemed powerful in this world.
It was probably though why you found it so easy to recognise yourself in Oliver Quick. Another desperate nobody that was all but begging for some attention from the so proclaimed ‘big dogs’ of Oxford.
Though his eyes, those were different from yours. His held a type of longing that was directed only at Felix. Compared to his, your eyes looked like you wanted to kill him.
You don’t know how he met Felix, but by the way he came over to the table in the pub after Felix had called him over was nothing but eager. Oliver had been quick to move, grabbing his drink and practically skipping over. Even though you know you saw someone with him at the table earlier.
“Oh wait are you with anyone?” Felix asked, strangely empathetic as he stared at Oliver. Oliver turned around, and you could clearly see the person he’s just been sitting with in a confusing but funny looking shirt awkwardly waving to him, obviously wondering what the hell happened when he’d gone.
“No, they just left…” Oliver replied, ignoring the poor boy who slowly drops his hand and his head, obviously sad at the sudden loss of his drinking partner and so called friend.
It was so sad to look at, that you move to quickly finish your pint, and stand, offering Oliver your seat as you walk away. You can’t hear if anyone objects. If anything, they probably don’t care about you enough or even at all to even notice.
“Hey! How I roll guy!” You yell, and to your surprise, he actually turns around and gives you a judging glare rivalling even Heras.
“What?” He grunts, his brows furrowed as his eyes rake over your whole body, as if he had the ability to see every one of your insecurities.
You take a deep breathe, oddly nervous. “Oliver Quick is a bootlicking cunt and quite honestly, you deserve a much better friend than that puppy.”
There’s silence between you two, that’s only broken by the odd drunk fuelled talk coming from the direction of the pub, and eventually, by a small hum coming from the guys lips.
“You’re not wrong…” He says, smiling as he no doubt thinks over what you just said. “Though, I suppose the same could be said about you. Don’t you hang desperately on the rich buff arms of your own bff Felix Catton?”
“Felix is as much as my friend as I am friends with my own shit.” You bluntly say, and to your surprise, he begins chuckling, even slowly beginning to physically shake with laughter, while you stand there awkwardly waiting for him to stop.
“Can’t say you’re wrong comparing good old Felix to good old fashioned excrement!” He grins, finally calming down and fixing his glasses which had gone wonky in strangely enthusiastic laughter.
“Wanna grab a pint on me?” You can’t stop yourself from saying it. This guy in front of you, as brought more of a good conversation than any of the people in Felixes friend group ever could. At least this guy laughed at your sense of humour. The others just exchanged awkward looks and fake laughs.
“Sure, why not?” He shrugs, walking in some random direction and leaving you to stand in the path on your own.
“Where are you going?!” You shout, cupping your hand over your mouth while you grin at this unexpected turn of events.
“The pub! First rounds on you bootlicker!” He shouts back, an equal looking grin on his own face that to your surprise, you can’t help but find strangely pretty to look at in this lighting.
“Yeah yeah Roll boy!” You shout, slowly beginning to run after him as he huffs out another low chuckle. Maybe this would be the start of a good friendship? Or maybe this would be your doom? All you knew, is that you really needed to learn this guys name before you buy him his drink.
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astrobydalia · 1 year
Generational observations
Hey guys! Finally free from collage duties! Here's a little quick something different to warm up. Have a very nice day everyone!
work by astrobydalia
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The Virgo Pluto generation believe that good work or a well-done job can only come from huge sacrifice. They struggle understanding that you can enjoy what you do and still do a good job, they believe you have to give your literal blood, sweat and tears to earn a good pay check. They are also very pessimistic and conformist.
Cancer Pluto generation grew up feeling unsafe and unprotected bc they grew up seeing the effects of World War II and in turn their concept of nuclear family was corrupted and destroyed. They saw the dark side of nationalism and there was a lot of taboo going on in most people's privet life during this time due to lots of moral restrictions
I once saw an astrologer point out that 9/11 happened right when Gemini (twin) Saturn (building) was opposite Pluto (destruction) in Sagittarius (religion, travel)
Scorpio Uranus is the definition of chaos (I believe Uranus is exalted here if I'm not mistaken). Natives with this placement have the most chaotic life, they're not the type to keep their life together for too long. A lot of them have a nomadic lifestyle or they have something in their life that keeps them constantly on their toes.
Libra Pluto generation have a very intense relationship with the concept of marriage in deed. Every single person I've seen with this either never married, refused to marry, had a very harsh separation/divorce. Of course anyone from any generation can relate to this but for these natives marriage/commitment have represented a complete before and after in their lives. I've also seen a lot of them having harsh troubles with the law
While Pluto was in Libra, we saw the pacifist movements arise, fashion industry making a huge boom and more acceptance towards different types of relationships
I am not surprised that Neptune is exalted in Leo. This placement literally spells ✨S U P E R S T A R✨ It's no surprise that most starts that belonged to the golden era of Hollywood had this placement
Scorpio Pluto generation 🤝 sweating the small stuff and being dramatic af
Also, I’ve noticed Scorpio Pluto generation always expect to be provided for and are kinda like financially entitled if that makes sense
Sagittarius Pluto generation 🤝 mid parts and all things bangs (fringe, money pieces, etc)
I’ve said this before but it’s no surprise that the Sag Pluto generation is the meme generation
I think Aquarius Neptune generation is to blame for the information overload (specially with Gemini Jupiter) and the rise of so much misinformation on the internet. This placement has resulted in performative activism because these natives are "advocating" for causes they deep down don't understand. This is the chronically online generation that desperately needs to touch grass basically. This placement has also manifested as a misuse of technology/internet/astrology/etc, while these can be powerful tools that can help improve humanity, people are only using them as a source of distraction and way to validate their fantasies and that's why you see sm people making shit up
Also, Aquarius Neptune 🤝 parasocial relationships
That's it! Bye for now. Check out my masterlist 🧡
work by astrobydalia
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anthroposeen · 1 month
tmagp 13 relisten notes!!
there are spoilers for episode 13 below the cut!
- admits to sam that she asked alice for advice and general information about him. this implies she has a pretty friendly relationship with alice (evidenced by alice buying her a mocha) and seems relatively unthreatened by her past with sam so far.
- "no one, im mysterious" -> evidence for her not being from this dimension, if no one can give a lot of information about her
- reveals jack is her baby! (not followed by a glitch)
- says the past couple years "since the move" (between dimensions?) were weird for her
- believes the incidents they work with are real, and im certain shes in the same boat as the audience rn, trying to categorize them with background knowledge that isnt accurate anymore
- easy to make blush, doesnt know how cute he is, is an overachiever, obsessive, a but repressed, nosy, kind of a recluse, and very easy to wind up
- gifted kid syndrome poster child; he seems to view being turned away by the magnus institute as the beginning of his rejection streak (not admitted to oxford, didnt get first, got fired from his legal firm). i think this will be a major point in his motivations and a fear of rejection and need for validation is going to drive him to receive the greatness he wants (and believes he has earned). i can already see a corruption arc brewing for him, poor thing
- did NOT tell celia about his experiences in the institute or what his "incident" was (referring to lena's interview where she asked him what the worst thing he's seen/experienced was). this isnt super sketchy considering its a first date, but is interesting since he was the one who wanted "all the baggage" out early
- he doesn't want to accept that the incidents are real, but i think he does believe in them. he brought the topic up to celia and has asked alice about it before too, so he may be aware that the incidents are real, but is unwilling to fully conceptualize what that means for himself and his world view
- says that alice doesnt love the idea of him seeing celia, which means he may have picked up on her feelings for him
- feels guilty over instigating the mr.bonzo incident -> whats really interesting is that she doesnt threaten to quit or not be involved, she accepts that she gas another email to look through and another external to interact with, but it seems to upset her
- she asks lena why this (externals and mr bonzo murder) is happening, implying that she can stomach the work if its for a reason
- gives gwen the ABCs of genre-awareness:
- this dimension also has "opposing forces- most of them meaning to be harmful.
- these "forces" need to be "balanced" and controlled in order to maintain order in the world/system -> still working off of a smirke-esque theory that retaining balance will keep the world secure. i dont know if she means balance between forces of good and evil or forces in the supernatural sense
- says the OIAR is managing the bad guys, as in monitoring their actions and directing externals to "balance" things
- actually offended that sam doesnt want to share information with her and isnt having a good time knowing sam and celia are seeing each other
- tells sam "he cant prove anything" about the cases being real, but doesnt tell him hes wrong
- i would fling myself from a sky scraper for you, miss dyer, but please never say bussin or fire again
- "stop trying to make an impact" -> the more she tells sam to cut the x-files shit out, the more she stops protesting his suspicions. her scolding has gone from "nothing is going on, chill out" to "sure, theres a conspiracy, but we are paid to ignore it"
alice/sam's past:
- dated at uni, previously stated they were together for several years. it seems to have been a decent split since they stayed in contact afterward.
- sam was there for her when her parents died, but lost contact after
- she contacted him w the OIAR job details after he made an exceptionally pathetic vague post
- centered around gambling and self harm to achieve success- this draws ties to episode 2 (self harm) and episode 9 (luck). i expect this is more aligned with ep 9, as the self harm seems to be in the interest of changing his odds/luck, and the incident is primarily about gaining external success, not physical change. though, ep 2 could be a personal experience with ink5oul that is not representative with their "force"
- the narrator of this statement was quick to actively sacrifice his own well being to achieve better luck, which is a pretty stark contrast to other people who looked to harm other people in their own interest (violin guy and dice guy, i forgot their names sorry!!)
- zorro trader may be a reoccurring organization in relation to gambling
- the narrators options for his debt were to either pay it back or have a personal adjustment, once he completes the voicemail he is transferred to the adjustments apartment, which was not an option on the original call log and something he did not request
- he is promptly adjusted :)
- i think this could be related to the theme of keeping balance, since the incident narrator claims it isnt wrong to play with the loophole, and it ends with him getting what he owes, which is a nice connection to lena's explanation of the OIAR's purpose
- "im happy you're happy", alice (she is not happy that sam is with celia!!)
extra comments:
- i really didnt expect an explanation of the OIAR and its position in this so early, and im surprised lena was the one to reveal it. this exposes that shes pretty open with the staff she feels are on a need-to-know basis, and it also changes my expectations for how we'll come across a big reveal in this series, since information is being given in a more open way
- i think alice and celia definitely know something but in opposing ways- acting as foils to each other with sam (information seeker) in the middle. celia knows about how the fears work in the tma dimension, and alice knows why and what the OIAR are really doing- together, they solve the puzzle that sam is trying to piece together.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 6 months
Turmoil; Chapter 4
Roman Roy x Reader
a/n: I’m back on that grind guys. enjoy x
Word Count: 2.744k
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“You’re fucking lucky Y/N was there,” Kendall says, struggling not to raise his voice. “You’re so fucking lucky your vote didn’t tip the scale.”
You’re back in Kendall’s office, you and him perched on his sofa while Roman is stood, leaning against the wall.
“I… I just couldn’t,” he says meekly.
“Then why’d we agree to a vote of no confidence?” you ask. “Roman, I get if your feelings are complicated about this, but you almost fucked us over.“
“Why am I doing this again?” he asks, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes.
Kendall scoffs. “You need to think about what you want. Dad’s a horrible person doing horrible things. You can go run to him, but I’m staying here.”
“We go to Norway tomorrow. How about we just have a good time?” Roman suggests. “There’s nothing we- or he, for the matter, can do while we’re abroad. I need… I just need a break.” You roll your eyes and get to your feet.
“Whatever, Roman. I’ll see you at home.” You give Kendall an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder before going out and finding Greg in the bullpen.
“Oh, hello, Y/N.” He finishes whatever it is he was doing and turns in his chair to face you. “I could hear the… commotion from all the way over here. And I saw the police, and, uh, Kendall’s still alive, so…?”
“Yeah. It worked, surprisingly. They had to escort Logan out the conference room.” You drag a hand over your eyes. “Instead of dinner, want to go out for lunch? I like you, Greg, but my brain’s going to be fried by the time the work day’s over, and I don’t want to subject you to that.”
He smooths his dress pants at the knee before getting up. “Yeah, no, yeah, that’d be great.” He glances over your shoulder. “Uh, is he okay?”
You follow his gaze, peering into Kendall’s office to find Roman facing you both, watching intently with his hands folded behind his back. “Don’t mind him. He’s neurotic.” You touch your thumb to the cool gold of the ring sitting on your finger.
“Well, then, after you.” You walk across the street to a quaint brunch spot that’s hailed for it’s food. “I love this place,” Greg tells you. The conversation pivots, however, when you both are seated. “Shiv told me you need some, what should I say… favors?”
“We do, and I’m sorry it’s all been dumped on you.”
“No, it’s okay. It makes me feel important.”
You laugh. “What do you have in mind? Shiv tell you anything?”
“I’ve been thinking- and it’s completely valid if my voice isn’t relevant to you, but I’d like to share my thoughts -that instead of whaling so hard on Logan directly, why not try to get access to him through Marcia? Or any past… connection?”
“Do you think we’ll be able to find anything?”
”I heard, through the grapevine, of course, a few rumors about Marcia and a… new friend.”
“If you find anything,” you say carefully, “I think you know what to do.”
“I also have heard a lot of complaining from people who work directly under him. Or, used to, I guess.”
“I think the general consensus is that he’s a criminal piece of shit. We just can’t find any proof.”
“I think I’ll be able to find something.” He tentatively picks up the menu laid out in front of him.
“Do you think you’ll make it out to Norway?”
“Me? I think Roman would shoot me.”
“You should come, after you deal with things here. Everyone could use a break.”
“I’ll try. I do really need to get out of here for a while.”
“If Roman’s giving you trouble, you can tell me, you know.”
“Oh, it isn’t anything new. I don’t know what it is with him. He has his own issues he doesn’t know how to deal with, so sometimes he projects.”
“That’s profound,” you say. “You’re right to not think anything of it. I know him well enough by now to say I don’t think he thinks before doing anything.”
You both order, and conversation comes easily to the two of you. Greg’s a wholesome guy, you think. He makes you comfortable, and you know you can trust him.
“I wanted to tell you something,” he says after a while. “I haven’t seen Connor in a bit. But last time I did see him, he was on the phone with some lawyer, talking about a lawsuit. And I’m almost 100% sure it wasn’t you, because I know your name isn’t Brad.”
You give your drink a slow stir. “Did you catch what the lawsuit was about?”
“All I heard were the words ‘negligence’ and ‘innkeepers law’.”
You press your lips together. None of this seems right. “Is it possible you can figure out the firm he was speaking with?”
“I’ll do my best. I figured you’d want to know.”
“I do. Thank you, Greg.”
Eventually, after a fight over bill(which you won), you hail a taxi and make your way back home. You kick your heels off by the door, Roman’s dress shoes haphazardly strewn in the same vicinity. You pad into the kitchen and toss your keys onto the counter, clocking Roman sat on the couch.
“Greg, huh?”
“What about him?” You pull a bottle of water from the fridge.
“Do you like him?”
“Yeah, I do. He’s respectful and I can trust him,” you say acridly.
“I respect you. A lot, actually.”
“You don’t show it. It’s not a competition, anyway. Why do you care?”
“We’re engaged.”
You roll your eyes at his childishness. It’s starting to get on your nerves. “We’re just friends, remember? Your words, not mine.” You leave the kitchen and wander into your room. You don’t think Roman’s ever slept in the bed- he’s been living on the couch. He gets up and follows you. “Even if I was into Greg- which I’m not -what’s your deal?”
“I lied to you. That morning.” You’re sitting at your desk now, and stare up at him.
“What I remember.” He takes both your hands. “I remember everything I said. I meant it.”
You can feel your face begin to heat up. “Are you drunk?”
“Sober. I swear it.” He uses his finger to draw a cross over his heart, still gripping your hand in his.
“What’s your point here, Roman?”
“I want to try being something. I want us to try being something.”
“Are we just ignoring the fact that you threw us under the fucking bus?”
“Yes, we are. We’ll talk about that later, I promise.” He gets to his knees, resting his cheek on your thigh as he looks at you. “I want to do something right, for once. I want to do this right.”
You’re sat frozen in place. You force yourself to card a hand through his hair, pushing it from his face.
“You were on the news, once. Giving some legal advice before my father went on air for some propagandist bullshit. I thought you were so fucking hot. I mean, I still do-” He cuts himself off. “What I’m trying to say is, I like you, you’re fucking gorgeous, and while the situation we’re in is less than ideal, I want to make something out of it.” You stay silent. “You’re kind, funny, you’re brighter than the fucking sun. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, but I’m just some piece of garbage who keeps making things between us worse. Friends? I was lying, then, too. I’ll never be able to accept you as just a friend. I’ll never stop wanting you.”
“Really?” is all you can manage.
“Yes, really. And I know I’m an asshole. I’m proud of it, 90% of the time. That last 10% is when I’m with you and I feel so fucking guilty I made that precious smile of yours disappear. It eats me alive that I piss you off. That you don’t like me. But that’s all I’ve ever been capable of doing.”
“So change it. Make me like you,” you say quietly. Reluctantly, he pulls himself to his feet and instead hooks his arms under you, hoisting you up. He takes your place in your desk chair, settling you on his lap.
“You deserve lots better than me, Y/N.” Roman keeps his arms wound around you, one tight around your waist, the other across your back, anchoring you to him. “I don’t know what I was doing this morning. I get so scared of him, Y/N. It’s like he was looking into my soul.”
“If you think I deserve better,” you begin, “become better.” You let yourself lean into his chest. “As for the vote, I still think you’re an asshole.”
He sighs. “And that’s fair. Kendall ripped me a new one after you left.”
“Good.” His hand wanders idly up and down your back, gently massaging knots of tension that he can find. “Roman Roy, realizing the consequences of his actions.” You drag a finger across his jaw. “Am I dreaming?”
”If we are, I don’t want to wake up.”
“So, what now?”
“We be all lovey-dovey. I mean, we’re already engaged.”
You snort. “You can’t stop saying that.”
“Who wouldn’t, when engaged to someone who looks like you?” He gives your ass a quick pinch.
“Sorry. Had to,” he says, grinning stupidly. “Jokes aside though, I want to take it slow.”
“I… Yeah. Let’s take it slow.”
“You do want this, right?” he asks quietly.
“I’ve wanted you since the minute we made eye contact.” You stifle a smile. “You’re sexy when you have a stubble. What happened to it?”
“What, I’m not sexy now?” He absentmindedly draws a hand over his smooth jaw. “I’ll grow it back for you.”
“Hey, I’m just kidding. You’re sexy now, don’t worry.” Roman grunts and moves the two of you to bed.
“What? My back hurts.” He sinks into his side of the bed. “Please don’t make me sleep on the couch again.”
“You’re always welcome here.” You sigh happily and roll out of bed.
“Where are you going?”
“To brush my teeth and get ready for bed, unlike some slob I know. No outside clothes on my bed, Roman.”
You duck the pillow he chucks at you.
As you progress through your nightly routine, eventually, he comes to stand with you at the sink. You make a face at him before returning to your business. For a bit, he just watches you, happy to just be in your presence. When he starts brushing his teeth, he hooks an arm around your waist and pulls you close.
You protest halfheartedly, and he rolls his eyes at you before spitting his toothpaste out. “Quit whining,” he tells you, giving your hip a squeeze.
“I’m building a wall between us tonight,” you threaten lightly.
“I was a rock climber as a kid.” He pokes you gently. “Now that you’ve let me into your cold, shriveled up heart, I’m not leaving.”
“You still have a lot of work to do, Roman,” you chide. “Just because you got onto your knees for the first time in your life doesn’t mean everything’s magically okay.”
You both pad back into your bedroom, crawling under the covers together. “I thought we could kiss and make up,” he says, propped up on his arm, facing you. You curl up on your side, also facing him.
“Absolutely not,” you tell him. “You’re going to sit here and explain yourself. Or you’re sleeping on the floor.”
He sighs, pulling up the blankets so that you’re both covered. “It’s like I blacked out. I was so scared, Y/N.”
“Why? He can’t do anything to you, Roman, especially now that I’m involved in all this.”
“It’s complicated,” he mutters.
”We have time,” you urge gently.
“It’s the way I grew up, I guess.” He collapses onto his back. “He’d snap over the smallest things. My entire childhood I was walking on eggshells. I don’t… It’s such a bad excuse. God, I feel horrible.” He covers his face with his hands.
You crawl over, close enough to him where you’re able to set your cheek onto his chest and still lay comfortably. You’re still facing him, and one of his hands moves to sit on your hip. “I think I was too harsh on you,” you murmur. “Don’t get me wrong, it still was a dick move, but I get it. Just promise you’ll do better, okay?”
He peels his other hand off of his face to wind it through your hair. “I promise. I promise.” You press a kiss to his chest, to which he stiffens. “Don’t,” he says quietly. “Don’t.”
Hesitantly, you pull away from him, settling on your side of the bed and facing the other way. You fall asleep without saying anything else.
You wake up to an empty bed. You thought it was going so well, too. You drag yourself out of bed and find him in the kitchen. Wordlessly, he pushes you a mug of coffee and a plate of scrambled eggs.
“I felt bad. But then I remembered I don’t know how to cook,” Roman says meekly. “I’m sorry. It’s getting too real for me.”
“What’s that mean?”
“I, uh, ‘ve never been in a serious relationship. Not with someone I like this much. I don’t… I don’t want to fuck this up, Y/N.”
You try wiping the bleariness from your face. “I don’t understand you, Rome.”
He reaches out, wiping a bit of coffee from your lip. “I hope you can learn to.”
“As long as you put in the effort, too.” You look up at him. “I don’t mean to pressure you into anything you don’t want. I just mean I want you to actually try.” You take a sip from your mug. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you haven’t exactly been… proactive the last week.”
He leans against the counter behind him. “Who’s the one who went out with another man?”
“Roman, that doesn’t have anything to do with anything.” You laugh as he jabs a hand into your side.
“I’m not going to let you forget it.”
“It’s Greg. Wholesome, kind, Greg.”
“You should’ve been out with me.”
“Take me out, then.”
He bridges the small distance between you and fits his hands into the curves of your waist. “I’ll be all over you in Norway, don’t worry.” He takes the heel of his palm and massages circles into the skin of your hip.
“We need to leave soon,” you tell him. You want to kiss him, but you know you can’t.
“I haven’t even packed,” he says lightly.
“God, I’ll never get sick of hearing that.”
You drag him into the closet and roll his suitcase over to him. “Get to it.”
At the airport, Roman carries all of your bags for you. He even demands to hold your purse, a cute short strapped Prada you’d treated yourself to the first big check you’d received. He holds it by the handle over his shoulder the same way one would hold a jacket. He looks silly with his sunglasses on and your purse sitting on his back. It’s endearing, and you smile softly at him.
In the car out to the private jet, you and Shiv make plans to go out shopping your first day in Norway. Willa sits cramped next to Connor, and you feel bad, so you and Shiv invite her. Kendall’s practically snoring on Roman’s shoulder. The poor guy’s been working dusk till dawn this whole ordeal. He deserves the break.
You’re glad Logan won’t be taking the same plane as the six of you. You wouldn’t be able to handle it- the paranoia, his snide comments, and hell, even just his voice would set you off.
You and Shiv settle across from each other on the plane, her feet propped up in your lap. Roman’s slumped against you, asleep, and you think he’s drooling. Kendall sits across from him, also asleep, neck pillow and sleeping mask on like the sleeping beauty he is.
You sigh contentedly.
If you close your eyes, you can pretend like the threat that is Logan Roy isn’t dangling over your heads.
If you close your eyes, you can pretend like you’re just travelling with your chosen family.
If you close your eyes, you can pretend like you’re at peace.
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sleepysamy · 1 year
Your current situation💗
THE PILES (Choose the pile which you feel the most attracted to. Feel free to choose more than 1 pile):
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Pile 1
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For those who have chosen pile 1, you guys have set a new foundation in your life . It could be that you have started with a new project, routine, business, or invested in something new to you . This necessarily does not have to be in physical aspects , it could also mean that you have started to work developing a better and healthy mindset for yourself, chose to do something fun . Whatever you have currently started or you are planning to start will surely take off after some time . I see that you had been planning to take this step for a long time but kept on procrastinating as if it was not the right time .If you have not done it yet, don't wait for long . You should start immediately! If you came to this reading to know if you are on the right path, then the answer is a big YES! KEEP FOLLOWING WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR MIND. This idea or plan of yours will surely come into fruition, and you will be blessed abundantly of what you expect the results to be . If you have been working on manifesting a certain thing currently , that thing will manifest in the 3d very soon. GO AHEAD PILE 1! YOU WILL HAVE AMAZING THINGS WORKING OUT IN YOUR FAVOR.
Note- The pile you chose had Amethyst as the crystal, which tells that you should trust your intuition rather than external validations . You should also take steps to improve your self-confidence. You also need to ground your energy well to reap benefits . Do lots of meditation to strengthen your third eye chakra . It will help you a lot in this period.
Song for you:
Channeled messages: Frisbee, Go-getter, Right now, Lovesick, Freelancing, Back to Pavillion, Nasty af , Eat fruits , Go gym , Join the art class.
Pile 2
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Hi Pile 2s, Life has been going shitty these days, right? You might have recently gone through a breakup , I am sorry, but it can be the loss of a loved one , or perhaps you have not been satisfied with where you are currently in your life. You blaming yourself over things. Self criticizing over small things that happen in your daily life. You also might have to face a situation in the future, which is making you really, really nervous about how you are supposed to handle it . But let me tell you, sometimes it's only our mind, which makes a simple situation worsen just because of the negative and scary thoughts we get inside. And trust me, whatever you are scared of facing is not that tough. You are making it out to be . Let go of your negative self - limiting beliefs and have a positive outlook towards life. You might also be currently dealing with anxiety and stress due to upcoming deadlines, projects you need to finish( additional message I got ). You might have had conflicts with your family members, freinds, colleagues which is causing you to overthink about what you could've done better to improve the situation? How can you get back to the same pace again. The answer lies inside you , sorry, but the answer is not crying but to face this situation with courage and fearlessness. I know you can and you will do it . You have all its takes to get over this . This time shall pass very soon . Nothing ever stays constant. Time is always moving . YOU GOT THIS PILE 2!
Note- The crystal you chose is a Golden Sunstone .This means that you need a new positive approach to life . You might be struggling with a creative blockage because I think your sacral chakra's flow is blocked. This is the reason you may get stressed easily . You can check on guided meditations on YouTube to overcome this . You can also try on positive affirmations.
Channeled messages: Naina, Pearl, Hunt, Thirst, Lying, Easy-going, Eat out.
Pile 3
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Hi Pile 3s , so you are currently experiencing a massive transformation in your life. You are transforming into a beautiful new being . It's not that you are changing yourself . But you are just returning to your most authentic and true self . You are starting to recognize your own power. You are evolving and growing like a butterfly . It is a stage of metamorphis in your life where you are the caterpillar who faces struggles and endured pain( physical or mental). You might have let people walk all over you in the past . You left those people. Now, you have begun to establish healthy boundaries and stand strong . It can also be for some people who were sick for a long period of time and know they are getting well ( I get anorexia). You could have also struggled with an identity crisis before, but know you are out of it. You might be going through a spiritual awakening right now. You are vulnerable right now , you have surrendered to the universe , and you've learned how to let go . You have also started to accept the darkest parts within yourself, which felt unsettling uncomfortable for you. You are not taking anyone's shit now. You are so done with everything that you realise it is of no use. You realised you were draining your energy and time with being around with those people who don't care about you. Just like a Phoenix who burns and raises from its ashes. You are in the in-between phase of figuring things out in your life where you are still trying to sort out things for yourself, but DONT WORRY THE UNIVERSE IS WATCHING OVER YOU . THEY GUIDE IN EVERY STEP THAT YOU TAKE. You will soon enter into a phase where you will welcome healthy connections, love, and opportunities . THIS PERIOD OF YOUR IS VERY CRUCIAL, AND YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION TO THE SIGNS ALL AROUND YOU.
Note- The crystal that you picked is a black tourmaline, which is for protection from negative energies ,bad luck, and grounding. You might want to consider rituals to protect your energy or meditate to protect your energy from your surroundings.
Song for you:
Channeled messages champagne, crossover road ,wet sweater, sympathy, Simon says , who cares, pain, will I pretty , I am your mother you listen to me
Pile 4
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Similar to pile 2, but the energy of pile 2 was intense, Yours is much more light-hearted and fun-going. I feel like you have forgotten to enjoy your life . Your mind is so involved in a daily hustle that it has forgotten to take a chill pill, man. Like you really need to relax . You are just taking life too seriously . Have fun, come on, it's summer . You are in the energy of constant pushing and pushing. You have a constant need to excel in things, whether it's exhausting yourself completely to achieve it. Sometimes, you forget about your own well-being in order to complete a task ( WORKAHOLICS FRR🤦‍♀️). You need to let loose . Learn how to receive . You are too much in your masculine energy, right now? You need to let things flow. Forget about the future. See what's in front of you. Observe the nature, the birds, the trees, the people around you. OBSERVE THEM. TALK TO THEM . GO OUT SIS/BRO . PARTY . JUST RELAX AND YOULL SEE EVERYTHING AROUND YOU TURNS OUT IN YOUR FAVOR. I didn't get much for your pile because actually you shouldn't be here being so concerned over silly things about whether am I going right or not . Will this do or that do. Dude, just chill . Seriously, just take a deep breath . You need a break, sweety.
Note- Your pile had a yellow moonstone that soothes the aura and brings the best out in people. It also provides emotional and intuitive support. I feel you need to go a spa session to get facial , massage, or something. It will help you ease your energy. You need to take care of your skincare routine and do lots of self care. It will rejuvenate your energy.
Channeled messages: I didn't hear anything for your pile.
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
how these mfs have you fucked up
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read for a singular person if you’d like to
• pile one •
cards: knight of wands, king of wands, knight of swords, the emperor
for some reason, these people think that they can redirect your focus away from yourself and what you’ve got going on. what you’re building within your own life. your self-rulership is a trigger to them. your independence. your focus on asserting your wants and what you expect of your life and your desires. a lot of these people are very domineering and love to control people - but they obviously can’t with you. the way that they could try to redirect your energy is through petty gossip or trying to influence you to focus on shit that doesn’t benefit your personal growth. there’s self confidence that these people sense in you that is unmatched. for a lot of you, it’s your sexuality too. but whatever goals you have, you feel pretty capable of achieving them. and that’s why these mfs are intimidated. for those of you who are sex workers (i’m mainly seeing dominatrixes and onlyfans content creators), people are shocked at your energy of not giving af about being judged. i’m also seeing that a lot of you guys have smart ass mouths 😂 if someone’s got something to say to you, you’ll return their energy back to sender x5. you seem to be up on a figurative throne that nobody can get you off of. because you only listen to yourself and do what you want to do.
if you’d like a personal reading, please check out my pinned post 💞
• pile two •
cards: 4 of cups, 8 of cups, the hierophant, 10 of cups
these people really thought that your loyalty and commitments lied with them - despite them not giving you the emotional fulfilment that you needed and deserved. as if you’d never leave them in the dust like the dusties that they are. like you leaving was the most unrealistic thing. for some reason, these people felt like they had some imaginary ass authority over you - while doing nothing to deserve the respect of an authority figure. this could be a “parent” 😑. the fact that you’ve emotionally disconnected yourself from them and now that they see no signs of you giving af about their existence, now they’re feeling emotionally neglected. good for them. a lot of you have begun to build your dream life now that this person is no longer around you. this person knows that your connection to them is forever changed and transformed, whether they like it or not. but they have some delusional ass mindset where they have the power - somehow, in some way - to convince you to come back to them. this person may also have some sort of god-complex or they could use religion to emotionally abuse. Father God and Mother Gaia sure has something for this person - karma wise. especially Father Saturn (Satan)? yeah, this person has fucked up and they can go choke 🙃
if you’d like a personal reading, please check out my pinned post 💞
• pile three •
cards: page of cups, king of pentacles, 4 of pentacles (reversed), 9 of pentacles
these people don’t see the value in you. you may come across as very uplifting, unassuming, maybe even innocent. and because of this, these people have assumed that you have a lack of maturity within you. like you don’t seek stability in the connections that you invest into. little do they know that you take note of everything and gauge whether or not people are deserving enough of what you would give them if you were to actually take them seriously. they actually think that they’re someone who you value more than you value yourself. HA. bih please 😑. these people overestimate the importance that they have in your life. they could even assume that you have an unstable self esteem or something like that, and that you find validation in being likeable to other people, meaning that they assume that you’re easily played. but no. you’re just genuinely likeable. you’re not being a beg and a people pleaser by being nice to them. like, are these people okay or…? because ain’t no way someone being nice to you should gas you up that much. i’m sorry, that’s sad lmaoo. pray for these people y’all (if you want to 👀🤷🏾‍♀️). these people have now seen that the value that they once thought that they had in your life wasn’t that at all. they actually feel pretty dumb. pretty stupid. as they should. these people didn’t want to hold you down and give you any type of stability, thinking that it’s acceptable to be treating you like an option, or a “fun time” and shit, all because you were nice to them? so that must mean you’re dumb? dummies thinking they’re smart. damn 😪
if you’d like a personal reading, please check out my pinned post 💞
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not-goldy · 8 months
You sure JK is queer and loves jimin ? I'm genuinely asking lol. Because he's doing everything he can do to show he's so into girls and a fuckboy, just like how he wanted to be seen since the beginning of his career. Both song are so westernized and hetero af. I dont think a man who's queer, in a long term relationship with a man, who loves to sing and respect his art so much will accept this work. Disappointed af and so close to drop JK and Jikook. I kinda liked jK because I thought he's Jimin's partner now that he's proving he's not.. why should I carry a baggage of another man when I can concentrate only on my Jimin ?
I feel gaslit when you guys ask me over and over if I think Jikook are queer or are dating every single time your feelings are bruised by your subjective experience of them in certain moments.
Like why would I think otherwise?
I get exhausted from repeating myself over and over. Yes I'm sure I think he's queer and yes I'm certain I believe he loves Jimin.
My perception of them is not grounded in the matching clothes and shoes they wear or the fan service or from any of those frivolous metrics some base their arguments on.
And I don't have a one dimensional view of them. I see them as human beings with imperfections who make mistakes fight make up break up throw up drink smoke and do all kinds of things the ordinary human being would. I hold that space for them TO BE TOTALLY HUMAN.
And if you saw them as human too you wouldn't reduce them to 1 dimensional creatures who only exist to love each other, prove that love to random insecure spectators and flaunt or validate their sexual identities.
Damn queer people can sing too and not make every damn moment of their lives or song lyric a political statement about their sexuality. That's just wrong of you to hold that sentiment.
Name a single queer artist who don't have a positively het song. From Sam Smith, Frank Ocean to Elton. They probably have some of the biggest straight not so straight songs in the world.
And this is even a conversation that we keep having in queer spaces. Queer artists leaning into heteronormative lyric standards due to commercial motives or fear of coming out is not for you to exploit as bases for your distrust or dislike of an artist.
It's his personal choice whether he wants to sing about boys or girls or chihuahuas. And he is free to sing about whatever he wants. Let's start there.
And this is tone deaf as fuck. You are disappointed because he is not making his work, his bread and butter, his means of making a living all about your bias.
But what of the queer teens and youth who support him and wish for representation and inclusivity? And you cared about representation at all then you would be happy with the diverse cast no? Because that would be a step in the right direction? Cos we need sign language interpretars in there, Trans, and the whole gang up in there if we talking bout representation but no. This is what you is worried about.
Well fuck boy or not he is not fucking you. You shouldn't worry about that. Let Jimin worry about that. It's his D to take.
It's one thing to say you don't enjoy his song lyrics but to conflate that with his entire personality, you are so out of line
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