#adding rules about sexuality and gender to the Breaking Rules About Sexuality And Gender Community is.. a bad idea?
janokenmun · 7 months
honestly i dont get the "bi lesbian" discourse in particular. like obviously any and all exclusionism in the Be Yourself Regardless Of What Society Thinks community is dumb and stupid but that in particular i dont get
since like. to me (obv u dont have to agree), labels are meant to be *useful*, to convey information. the best labels make a useful statement that can be used to act in a more informed manner; "i have autism [gives information on potential behavioral patterns and needs]." "i am a straight man [gives information relevant to sexuality; both who you're attracted to, and gives information on whether the audience is likely to be attracted to you]." "this is a hill [this area of land rises above the nearby land]"
and to me, "bi lesbian" does that; it expresses a lot in a very concise and relatively intuitive phrase! to me (obv u dont have to agree) it expresses "i am (approximately) a woman who is attracted to both men and women, but ESPECIALLY (approximately) women". and that's useful information!
it also doesn't help that, like *any* attempt at categorization, there will be edge cases and fuzzy boundaries. the definitions between a lake, pond, pool, and reservoir are fuzzy. the distinction between a mountain and a hill is fuzzy. the distinction between a river, creek, stream, and brook are fuzzy. all of these have vague differences, like a river is generally considered to be bigger than a stream, but the cutoffs are inexact and subjective, because nature doesn't like categorization. human gender and sexuality is a lot like this, there is no objective cutoff, people are going to disagree on what exactly counts as what. and that's okay! you don't need to have the exact same definition of river vs stream, or hill vs mountain, or lesbian vs bisexual, because the boundaries are always going to be weird and subjective there; just don't try to force your definition on others and gatekeep things based on subjective cutoffs
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
Hello! I'm looking for an RPG that's set underground with a focus on mining and modern vehicles/technology, in the vein of Lego Rock Raiders and Power Miners. If nothing comes to mind, any systems you know that you think might be easily adapted to an underground mining setting works too!
THEME: Mining, Technology, Underground.
Hello there! I've got a few solo and a few multiplayer options for you, some about mining, some about tech, and some that might have to be tweaked but I think could still fit the bill!
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Stoneburner, by Fari RPGs.
In his will, Brokur has bequeathed to you the cursed mines of the Long Belt, its dilapidated settlement, and the leadership of House Grandrock.
However, other dwarf houses seek to overthrow you and take control of the valuable minerals hidden deep within those cold tunnels.
To complicate matters further, most of the mines’ galleries are haunted by fire spitting demons from the underworld.
Cleanse. Rebuild. Survive.
Stoneburner is a sci-fantasy solo-friendly demon-hunting community-building tabletop role-playing game.  Inspired by the new school revolution movement, players take on the role of a group of dwarves who must assume control of a demon haunted mine, along with its accompanying settlement. A settlement which they inherited after the death of their distant relative. The game focuses on the dwarves' journey as they navigate the challenges of their new responsibilities, rebuild a new thriving community, and clear the mine of its fire spitting monsters.
Technically the mines of Stoneburner are in space, rather than underground, but I think there’s going to be some similarities nevertheless. The game is a combination of combat, survival and base-building, using the items that you find to create things that will help you hold your own. There’s machine upgrades, expeditions across a map, and problems that will show up every time you take a break. I think it’s definitely worth checking out!
Robo Goons, by Unknown Dungeon.
It is the distant future, humanity has disappeared from the surface of the Earth, and nature has taken back the planet. All that remains are overgrown man-made structures returned to the wild, vicious beasts that stalk the surface, and sentient robots who pick through the ruins of civilization for salvage. You are one such robot.
Robo-Goons is a lightweight, tabletop adventure game where the players take control of randomly generated robots and explore the ruins of humanity in search of upgrades and salvage. The core rules fit on a single page and all that's required is a pencil and paper, two six-sided dice, and some friends to play with.
Robo Goons uses the setting of a ruined civilization, with an added detail that your robots have solar batteries that need to be re-charged. If your robots are continuously salvaging from underground, or even just beneath heaps of scrap, then you have a natural cycle of going down and up again, giving you breaks as you play. The game also comes with a map, which represents the ruins that your robots will explore, with plenty of roll-tables to determine what kinds of places they’re exploring, and what threats might show up.
Astro Miners, by 7 Card Stud.
Astro Miners is a TTRPG about mining in space.
You are an robotic mining worker with a human brain. The only problem is your brain was wiped of all memory. You don't remember your name, your old life, even your sexuality and gender are all lost. You are a robot.
If you can mine enough material you'll earn enough credits to regain your memory and buy your freedom from the company if you want. 
Astro Miners is built for 3 players, but if you don’t mind doubling up on character classes, you can probably play with 4 or 5. Since the game is built on LUMEN, I’d expect your characters to be hyper-competent, with plenty of room for upgrading and customization. There are dropships that you can call in order to be able to sell things you’ve found and buy things you need, and you can also buy robots to help you carry things, fight things, illuminate dark areas and more!
Numenera: Destiny, by Monte Cook Games.
This is the Ninth World. The people of the prior worlds are gone—scattered, disappeared, or transcended. But their works remain, in the places and devices that still contain some germ of their original function. The ignorant call these magic, but the wise know that these are our legacy. They are our future. They are the Numenera.
Set a billion years in our future, Numenera is a tabletop roleplaying game about exploration and discovery. The people of the Ninth World suffer through a dark age, an era of isolation and struggle in the shadow of the ancient wonders crafted by civilizations millennia gone. But discovery awaits those brave enough to seek out the works of the prior worlds. Those who can uncover and master the numenera can unlock the powers and abilities of the ancients, and perhaps bring new light to a struggling world.
Discovery (the base game) is mostly about exploration, but Destiny, the biggest and most useful supplement, gives you character options for building and crafting, as well as plenty of interesting machines and vehicles for you to build and use. Numenera isn’t explicitly underground, nor is it about mining, but I think there are plenty of places within the world that you could start building an underground base in, or at least something similar.
DELVE and UMBRA, by Blackwell Writer.
DELVE: A Solo Map Drawing Game is a map drawing game that puts you in control of a dwarven hold as you discover the horrors that lurk below. This 44 page zine has everything you need to generate natural formations, forgotten ruins, enemies, wyrd magics, and ancient monstrosities. It has a simple turn-based combat system, rules for building your hold and optional challenges for a harder experience.
UMBRA: A Solo Game of Final Frontiers is a map drawing game that puts you in control of a sci-fi colony as you struggle against starvation, the void, and the many threats that will assail you from above and below. This 48 page zine has everything you need to generate natural formations, alien ruins, enemies, technologies, and forgotten terrors. It has a simple turn-based combat system, rules for building your colony and optional challenges for a harder experience.
DELVE firmly places itself in fantasy, but it is first and foremost a game about delving underground. In contrast, UMBRA is about mining in space, while fighting of alien threats. You draw cards from a deck of playing cards to find resources and discover landmarks, while combat takes the form of a tower-defense format. There are a lot of supplements available for DELVE, as well as a Cyberspace and a Stations expansion for UMBRA.
Other Games You Can Check Out
Underground, by emmy.
Dark Delve, by Fedmar.
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
ok i couldn't resist i had to read the Jinger NYT article immediately:
(CW: sexual assault and r*pe mention)
they almost exclusively refer to Jinger as Mrs. Vuolo which for some reason makes me feel feral. it's just clunky and I don't like it.
the Jill Dillard erasure!!!!!! another article claiming Jinger is the 'first' to question her parent's religion when that is just 1000% not true and like, what kind of fact checkers would not investigate if any of her siblings were up to something similar?
and on that note, why won't Jinger herself acknowledge Jill???? purely to sell more books as the 'first' to break away, bc that's pretty irritating
i learned from this article that Bill Gothard never married which is just fucking hilarious to me. all these rules about how to live as a married couple and this bitch really had no experience or idea what he was talking about (another example of how men really do just be saying any old thing and getting away with it)
Jinger makes a point to the interviewer that the reason she is trying to avoid the term 'deconstruction' is because she doesn't want to scare off readers who might currently be involved with IBLP or similar structures, to which I say, fair. she says that of all the people who'd possibly read the book those people are her intended audience (although I'm sure she's not mad at being an NYT bestseller right now).
the interviewer notes that the book is very generous to Jim Bob in Michelle, which I know I've talked about a lot before, just noting it again.
apparently she talks about Josh a bit, says they haven't spoken in 2 years, calls him a hypocrite and compares him to Gothard so. at least there's some kind of shit talking.
Bill Gothard is still alive and has started a new organization, apparently. Jinger adds in the book that she believes the women who have accused him of harassment and r*pe.
here's what they include about MacArthur's church, which I think is important for people to know:
"Mrs. Vuolo characterizes her current church in Southern California as very different than the environment she was raised in. The church, Grace Community Church, is led by John MacArthur, a popular pastor known for his rigorous preaching style, his opposition to “superstitious” charismatic theology and, more recently, his resistance to keeping his church closed in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic.
The church is conservative on issues like homosexuality, gender, and women in church leadership. Christianity Today reported this week that leaders at the church repeatedly advised women to avoid reporting their abusive husbands and fathers to authorities, and instead to forgive and submit to them. ..... The church plays a large role in Mrs. Vuolo’s family’s life. Her husband leads a Bible study group for college students and is employed by a seminary affiliated with the church, the Master’s Seminary, where he is working on a doctorate of ministry. “Becoming Free Indeed” credits a ghostwriter named Corey Williams who is the seminary’s chief communication officer. “This is what people won’t like about this story,” said Austin Duncan, director of the seminary’s MacArthur Center for Expository Preaching, who knows the Vuolos well. “They still have a standard of authority that’s outside of themselves.”"
To which I just have to say, nobody's issue with Jinger's religious affiliation is that she still "has a standard of authority outside" herself 🙄🙄🙄 or at least not people who are coming at the story in good faith.
The issue is listed clearly in the paragraph above that one: it's a church that still promotes misogyny and homophobia, and is anti-science and intellectualism. As did Bill Gothard, he just added a bunch of stupid extra rules on top of it.
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"Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hilary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs." - Donald J. Trump, January 14, 2016
Donald Trump denounced LGBTQ equality in a speech at the America First Policy Institute’s first annual summit yesterday as he signaled his intent to run again in 2024.
During the speech, he denounced the “sexualization of minor children” while discussing LGBTQ people.
“Federal, state, and local government should aggressively enforce existing statutes to stop the perverted sexualization of minor children,” he said. “You have the statutes.”
The “sexualization of children” is a phrase that the right has been using this past year to refer to any discussion of LGBTQ identities and children. The expression has been applied discussing LGBTQ people in school or having LGBTQ books like And Tango Makes Three – which is about a baby penguin with two dads – available in school libraries.
It also gets used when supportive parents who don’t force their children to follow gender rules around clothing, or parents who support their transgender kids’ identities.
Trump didn’t specify what statutes exist that prevent kids from reading about gay penguins or teens from accessing life-saving health care.
“The society that refuses to protect its children is a society that soon will not be able to protect anybody,” Trump said. “This is a hallmark of cultural and social decay against which we should fight back very hard and very soon we don’t have time to wait years to do this.”
Trump then admitted he didn’t even know what he was talking about.
“The sickos who are pushing sexual content in kindergartens or providing puberty blockers to young children who have no idea what a puberty blocker is – neither do I, by the way, neither do most of the people in the audience as you smile,” he said. While he was at least honest about not knowing anything about health care for transgender youth, he took a strong stance against it.
“Let’s just say they’re not good – are not just engaged in acts of depravity in many cases they are breaking the law and they should be held fully accountable,” he said.
He then went on an ad libbed rant against transgender women playing sports.
“By the way, we should not allow men to play in women’s sports. So crazy,” he said.
He got loud applause from the audience for that line, even though it’s not something that anyone is advocating.
Trump proceeded to tell a surrealist version of the story of University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas.
He said that he knew a woman – a “beautiful woman” whose name he didn’t give – who wanted to break an unspecified world record in swimming. She looked on one side of her in the pool, he recounted, and saw women. On the other side there was “somebody with a man’s body, that’s what they do, they call it.”
“You know the guy, he was named ‘female athlete of the year.’ Did you know that? It’s true!” he said.
“This guy is massive, he’s got a wingspan, he’s got arms that are 30 feet long,” he said, misgendering Thomas. “She was seriously injured during the meet because he swam so fast that he gave her major wind burn as he went by. She didn’t break the record but he broke the record that day. You know what the number was? 38 seconds. So she wanted to break it by an eighth of a second and he broke it by 38 seconds.”
Trump was probably referring to Thomas, but he got a lot wrong in his story. Thomas did not set any record by 38 seconds; she won a long-distance race by 38 seconds, which is normal in an over 15-minute-long race. Thomas was not named “female athlete of the year”; she was nominated for NCAA Woman of the Year and did not get the title. Thomas does not have 30-foot-long arms and didn’t give anyone “wind burn.”
Then Trump told an even more fantastical story about a transgender weightlifter named “Alice” who, he claimed, broke the women’s world record in clean & jerk, which he said was 218 pounds. “I can’t lift it,” he said, as if anyone expected a doughy, unathletic 76-year-old man to be able to lift as much as women competing in the Olympics for weightlifting.
He said that Alice broke the record that was in place for years without much effort and that she could have lifted more.
Internet searches didn’t turn up anyone who fits Trump’s description. The world record for women in clean & jerk is 411 pounds, set by Chinese lifter Li Wenwen in 2021.
“It’s so disrespectful to women,” Trump said immediately after mocking two women for several minutes in front of the crowd. “And they say it’s politically incorrect, it’s so disrespectful.”
In the speech, Trump suggested that he’s running for president in 2024.
“I ran the first time and I won. Then I ran a second time and I did much better. We got millions and millions more votes,” he said. “We may just have to do it again.”
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minty-mumbles · 2 years
Here There Be Monsters: Warriors
Warriors' character reference for htbm! His backstory is sad, guys. TW for murder.
Vampire Lore | Read on AO3
Warriors Alastor Lyster
Species: Vampire (Created)
Physical/Mental Age: Early/Mid Twenties
Actual Age: ~300
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male (He/him, will accept she/her in certain circumstances from certain people.) He is very fluid in how he presents himself. Was the one who helped Wild explore their gender.
Sexuality: Aromantic and Heterosexual
Physical Appearance Notes: He has a tearing scar on his neck from when he was turned. He likes to wear high collared shirts/scarves to hide it. 
Linkle: His Twin, who was turned alongside him. He killed her, although it in a fit of bloodlust and not willingly
Athena: A member of the Vampire Council in Hyrule, which is basically the ruling body for Vampires, who deal with making laws for the Vampire community, and punishing those who break them. Warriors is semi-involved in Vampire high society, but he is not actually in the council, because he doesn’t want to be. He and Athena are friends.
Impa: Athena’s guard. The two of them are less friendly than Warriors and Athena, but still on good terms. More of a working relationship, as they are both part of the enforcers. (basically Vampire law enforcement)
His Sire: Vampire that turned him against his will. He never learned her name. He doesn’t know if she’s still alive, and if she is, whether she even knows that Warriors escaped, or thinks that he starved to death.
Job: Shortly after he met Time, Warriors did a brief stint in the Hyrulian military, then became an enforcer for the Vampire Council, someone who goes and brings inVampires who have broken the law to be judged. He also works as a freelance seamstress, taking commissions. Doesn't really need to work, because TIme is loaded, but likes to be self sufficient. 
Schooling: N/A
Residency: Lives with Time in his unreasonably large house.
He knows how to speak Latin. That’s the language that is spoken in Vampire high society, and in Council. As he often attends as a guard, he had to learn.
Warriors is mostly a “vegetarian,” as in, he only drinks animal blood. Because of what happened to Linkle, drinking a sentient being’s blood is traumatic. He tried to drink from Time once, but that didn't go well.
Considering making Cia his Sire, but Cia seems to have a sexual interest in Warriors in his game, (I've never played it, but that's what I've gathered) and Sire is supposed to be a parental figure. Warriors was totally under his Sire's control for a while. That leads to some bad situations. I'm not interested in adding that element to the story. Contemplating leaving his Sire as a nameless Vampire.
Summary of Past: 
Warriors started out as a Hylian. He was born ~300 years ago, in Holodrum, one of the two countries that lay across the seas from Hyrule. He had a twin sister he was very close with, Linkle, and two other sisters, who were 8 and 10 years older than him and Linkle. His mother was a seamstress, and his father was a captain in the military.
He was expected to follow in his father's footsteps, although he much preferred the sewing work his mother had him do. He never got to figure out which path he wanted to follow, though. One day, when he was about 16, he and Linkle were attacked by a Vampire. This Vampire was very old, and very powerful, not only magically but socially, having very high ranking within the Vampire society of Holodrum. She could get away with a lot, and she did. (Vampires do not typically drink from unwilling sources. That doesn't mean that none of them do, though. And some take it even further.)
Something went wrong, though. Warriors' sire was interrupted, and did not get the chance to finish the job. Now she had two Vampire fledglings on her hands that she did not want, and would reveal her actions to the rest of her society. However, she did not want to kill them. Sires and fledgling have a magical connection, so not only would she be killing Vampires and not Hylians like she had planned, but she would be killing her own fledglings.
She kept Warriors and Linkle locked away in one of her old mansions. They adjust well enough to the change, considering the circumstances (which was not well. Sires are supposed to help their fledglings through the change, not lock them away in a gilded cage.) They can't leave. She hired a Psychic to place a ward to keep them inside, and they weren't strong enough to break out.
Fifty years or more pass with them trapped in the mansion, long enough for them to know that their family will have certainly moved on. Their sire visits occasionally to bring them food so they don't starve. The visits grow less and less frequent though, and eventually she hasn't come for nearly a month. Linkle and Warriors aren't sure if she's forgotten about them, or is purposefully letting them starve, but they know they need to leave if they had any hope of survival.
They were still too weak, though. Unlike Witch magic, Psychic magic doesn't fade with time, as long as the runes are still intact (and they were.) They would need a major power boost to get out. Unfortunately, the only thing that would give them enough temporary power was blood, and quite a bit of it. They both quietly came to the realization that the only way they were surviving would be for one of them to kill the other.
They ignored that for a long time, though, until it was clear that it was now or never, if they ever wanted to get out. Warriors had always been the stronger of the pair, and this remained true. Linkle knew that he had a better chance of survival. She confronted him, and he refused. It lead to an argument. Linkle ended up injuring herself in a last-ditch attempt to save Warriors. Her plan worked. The scent of her blood sent him into a blood frenzy, because he was so hungry. (It would have happened eventually regardless if he smelled blood, but by that time he would have been too weak to break out, power up or not)
He ended up killing her, and breaking out of the mansion with pure magical brute force. He doesn't remember the next few days very well, but when he came too, he had a horrible feeling that Linkle was not the only one he killed.
After that, he wandered aimlessly for a long while. Eventually, he boarded a ship across the sea, and immigrated to Hyrule, where he met Time. He has no idea if his sire is still alive, and if she is, whether she just forgot about the two of them, or left them to starve on purpose. Part of the reason he moved across the sea was in the hope he would never see her again.
He still carries the guilt of what he did to this day.
Shortly after he met Time, Warriors did a brief stint in the military. He did not want to get involved in Vampire society, as he did not want to chance running into his Sire, so he went to the Hylian military. Vampires aren’t supposed to work for the Hylian government, as that’s a good way to get magical creatures discovered. Impa finds him, and takes him to be judged for this infraction by a member of the Council, Athena. Athena decides to be lientent as he is both very young for a Vampire, especially for a Vampire running around without a Sire, and because he’s new to Hyrule. She only insists that he works for the council as an enforcer instead of in the Hylian military. He agrees.
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darlinglittle · 2 years
pls read me!! ♡
{last update: Mar 6th, 2022}
pls follow my backup acct! ♡ @darlingxlittle
u can tip me on cashapp! ♡ $poilxme
the tags on this post are for my main oc categories! (I currently have a tag masterpost in progress)
rules for interaction
do not interact w this blog at all:
◦if u have no 21+ age indicator in ur bio or pinned post
◦if u are under 21 years old (yes i'm reiterating this)
◦if u have unsourced/reposted porn on ur blog (whether it's posted, reblogged, or in ur likes)
◦if u are a bigot or exclusionist of any kind
◦if u have a hogwartz house, "gender critical", "traditional gender roles", "patriarchy/misogyny kink", etc. in ur bio or rb that type of content
◦if ur a boot or a bastard
◦if u have "sfw" anywhere on ur blog
◦if u are part of any reg communities (yes even on sideblogs)
◦if u are a feeder/feedee/chubby chaser/any other sort of weight fetishizer
◦if u are a sissy/misgendering/detrans blog
◦if u have any raceplay/race fetishization on ur blog
◦if u post abt eating disorders/goal weights or self harm
◦if u post things like "r4pebait/p3d0bait" or sexualize real trauma/abuse
if u follow me, please:
✧always copy my "21+ only" tag on my original posts (even if ur not rbing from my blog directly)
✧be respectful of other ppl's dnis! (u should always be checking every unfamiliar blog for age & dnis when running a nsfw acct!!)
✧do not add commentary in ur reblogs!! (adding stuff in the tags is perfectly fine!)
breaking any of the rules above will get u blocked without warning!!
about me
✧i go by darling on here ♡
✧i'm 27, i'm married to my mommy, & my daddy now lives with us ♡♡
✧i'm disabled (legally blind, colorblind, neurodivergent, & mentally ill)
✧my little age range is 2-6, my middle age range is 12-14, my fave pet to be in general is a puppy, & my fave pet to be for my mommy is a cow
✧my main kinks & limits are listed at the bottom of this post :)
✧u can call me pet names, but pls do not imply that i belong to u! -> "hi princess!"✔️ "hi my princess"❌
✧i'm genderfluid, but i (usually) prefer fem terms/names
✧my mommy is pre-hrt/pre-op transfem & goes by they/them pronouns online. respect that!
✧my mommy doms me to a degree, but they are much more of a subby switch at heart. i also have a daddy i met thru this blog who is my main dom.
✧i am not looking for more partners! pls do not ask to be my dom or playmate!
✧i am open to making kinky friends, either dommy or subby!
✧i follow back blogs that intrigue me. if i unfollow soon after pls don't take offense! it just means i didn't align w ur blog like i thought i would at first glance.
✧i am much softer irl than some (most?) of my reblogs and even original posts may imply. there are things i only like/crave at certain times. the things i always like are on the softer, calmer side of bdsm.
messaging me
✧my dms are currently only for ppl i follow/mutuals. if i decide to open them again i'll make a post abt it & update this point here.
✧my asks are always open, including anons! i love receiving asks, but do not just send me sexts or i will block u!
kinks & limits
fave kinks include:
✧ageplay, cgl, littlespace, innocence & corruption, teacher/student type dynamics
✧pet play (puppy, cow, kitten), collars & leashes
✧praise, adoration, obsession, being spoiled/rewarded
✧softer cnc, coercion, drugging, sweet manipulation, conditioning
✧bimboification, dumbification, being treated like a toy
✧sweet humiliation, sweet degradation
✧pee (either peeing for/on someone or being peed on)
✧light s&m, spanking, being groped
kinks i have interest in but never practiced irl:
✧breath play, choking, being gagged
✧bondage, rope play, captivity, kenneling
✧group sex, public sex (w ppl who consent obvs), free use for multiple partners
✧bukkake, creampies
✧s&m using tools (floggers, canes, clamps, etc.)
soft limits:
◦abdl (specifically diapers)
◦rougher cnc
◦harsher humiliation, harsher degradation
hard limits:
◦sibling dynamics
◦leather, rubber, other restricting clothes
◦hardcore s&m, violence, knives, guns, blood, harsh bruising, biting, hickeys
◦body affecting fetishes (plastic surgery, feeding, scarring, etc.)
◦breeding, impregnation, lactation
◦scat, vomit, ass to mouth (etc.)
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Just questions I anticipate being frequently asked. Will be extended as new questions are well... Frequently asked!
Why no dreammare? Why no Fresh x minty? Why no incest ships?
They fit the stipulation I put forward in the disqualifications page that I won't do incest related things. Itd feel like I'm condoning it or I was making it seem cute in some way and incest isn't cute/attractive and shouldn't be condoned. It literally only removes like 6 ships total out of a hundred plus possibilities, cope.
Why are all the ship kids gay/trans/etc?
Cause gay rights and gay wrongs :) there are completely cishet kids though too they are just ~ rare ~
Will you ever consider adding *insert au here*?
Like I said in my disqualifications post, if they don't fit any of those to an extreme degree, especially number 2, I will consider adding them to the second list with a bunch of other Sanses.
Can I draw these ship kids? Can I ship shipkids with other ship kids/Other characters? Can I self-ship myself with shipkids here?
Absolutely! Id love to be tagged in it too! I may even reblog the post here so others can see it! All I ask is you don't put them in ships with adult characters/gen 0 Sanses/original au Sanses (like the ones on my list), don't ship them inappropriately (like a 17 year old ship kid with a 10 yr old, have some decorum) or ship them with their siblings/half siblings/other related family. In the end, I can't stop you from drawing/writing whatever you want but I sure can ignore your art and block you >;)/srs so maybe dont tag me in or send me the art where your breaking my very simple rules.
Do you ship the ships you draw for? Do you have any ships between ship kids?
Not all of the obviously but I do have a few sans amasui ships I really love like dreamfresh, kustard, outersci and others but I tend to like rarepairs the most. Also yes! I do ship some of my ship kids together with each other (blossom and moon) and with ship kids outside of my own (like luna x goth is an ancient love of mine and Doom x lux). It's abit uncommon for me but I do ship some! None of them are really canon though so if you ship them a different way, as long as it's abiding to their sexuality, I don't mind!
What dose MLM/ILW/NbLnb mean?
These are conjoining community labels and I use them more for bi/gay/hetero curious ocs. MLM means men love(ing) men and describes a man that likes other men, this label includes bi men and gay men. When I say a male oc is MLM, I mean that he knows he likes boys but he doesn't specify his sexuality further. He could like girls or enbies or he couldn't, he's not sure yet. Oh and since it's related; ILW/ILM/ILNB means intersex/intergender so ILW means intersex/Intergender loving women. I means intersex/Intergender, W means woman, M means man and NB means nonbinary.
"lesbians can't use he/him pronouns"/"Neopronouns are stupid"/*insert some other form of lgbtphobia here*
I won't entertain this. Anyone can use any pronouns ever, Neopronouns are older than Shakespeare and all LGBT discourse is poison. " I can't physically pronounce Zey/Zem!" Ok that's why the auxiliary/acceptable exipronouns(she, he, they or it) are written right next to them :) its almost like you have no excuses to misgender and mispronoun my characters :)
What's this nonbinary character's birth sex/dead name?
Although I do know (because I made them), why do you wanna know what genitals this 5 year old character has? :) that's awful fucking weird dude. Idk about youuu :) (<- not thinking about smashing your creep ass head in/hj)
"Intersex is a sex, not a gender"
Putting this to the side because I'm intersex, I've had Perisex(non-intersex people) genuinely say this and yes, people can and have and will describe their gender as Intergender/intersex. It just means that because your intersex, you can't nessesarily be labeled as cis or trans or nonbinary. Your technically cis because you identify with your gender/sex assigned at birth and that gender/sex is intersex. Technically the label is cintersex/cintergender but Intergender is basically the same. It just means your gender is your intersexuality. It's not that complicated and if you arnt Intergender, especially if you arnt intersex at all, you have no business telling us what our gender can and can't be.
How does a 3 year old know their full gender, sexuality and pronouns?
They don't! The guide is applicable to them throughout their whole lives. That 3 year old doesn't know that their polyam and bi right at that age but when they grow up, they will know and that will be their orientation and relationship desires. The ages present are really just to show the age differences between them, their siblings and the other ship kids. That 3 yr old has a version of them in a timeline right now where they are 30 years old, its all relative.
The birthdays/orientations/genders/pronouns/etc you put for the main Sanses arnt right.
Your correct. It's because I did my own takes on them and I'm basing them off my own headcanons and also because not every creator of those Sanses ever answered those questions. Technically these ship kids could both apply to my versions as well as apply to them canonically.
How do you decide their birthdays/orientations/pronouns/etc?
I spin a wheel with all the options and just pick what it lands on! (Of course with some basic stuff like no lesbian trans men, no Aro/ace/Aroace pre-teens and below, etc)
What's your name/pronouns/gender/etc?
Although my pronouns were already added to the main post, all the information on my sona's sheet applies to me, the real Zen and runner of this blog! (I go by Zen or Zenia, I'm two spirit Genderfluid and intersex, I'm bi Arospec and polyam, my favorite color is a minty teal green, I'm 23 yrs old, my birthday is June 4th, etc etc)
If you have another question and don't see it present, like I said on the main post, please feel free to send in my inbox! I'll happily answer and if I think it could come up again, I'll add it to the FAQ so it won't need to be answered again.
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annbourbon · 7 months
DNI List & General blog info:
DNI list:
First things first. If I don't like you I'll block you without even interacting with you so choose your words carefully. Now that that is clear, here are some of the most common things that will get you blocked from my list.
♡ No Men are allowed *click for the rant*
♡ Bots, creeps, spammers, stalkers, blackmailers, and ads. I hate them and I'll block them ASAP
♡ No relationships online
♡ No friends with benefits
♡ Please do not ask me of personal matters unless a friendship between us is further developed
♡ Don't send pics. I'm not sending pics either.
♡ Not looking for a sub/dom relationship. Please stop.
♡ Don't threaten me with anything.
♡ Do not stalk me. Please. There's a difference between following me on my social media, ofc. I am aware that I have my whole life on display but do not stalk me. That's scary and shitty of you.
⚠️ My sexuality is nothing of your concern. Neither is my age. If you ask about it you're going to be lied about it and blocked. Don't treat me like a child. I'm not a child.
Please don't push my boundaries. AND keep your thoughts to yourself. You can fantasize about me all the time if you want, really, I don't mind. I'm pretty chill about all that.
But I do feel uncomfortable and triggered if you talk to me about it. This is pretty much going straightforward to my block list if you do break this rule. If you can't keep a normal conversation without involving sex, then I cannot respect you. Thank you. ⚠️
Other people who might be blocked:
♡ Racists.
♡ Conservative/traditionalist people (You might be horrified because my train of thoughts can be quite aggressive for you. I would rather we both part ways right here.)
♡ Super religious people (I like to use facts and logic instead of religion, so if you're catholic or christian, or something similar and you don't like my train of thoughts please don't let me keep you. Block me and walk away.)
If you need to know something about me,... I'm more inclined to witches, mermaids and faes than anything else. So let's keep things polite between us. I don't want or need hate comments.
♡ Neo-nazis ( ಠ_ಠ really, I should not need to explain this but we have been through 2 WW and okaaay admittedly, the UN. has been quite lazy but this still doesn't justify that kind of behavior. One of the articles on the International Bill Act is that we all deserve respect, and feeling safe. Another one says that we all have to cooperate to keep these.) So far I don't think you represent that idea. Quite the contrary. So move on. This blog doesn't support you. Sorry.
♡ Rad-wives, eco-fascists and terfs. I had to look it up because I didn't know what that meant. But no. Thanks for coming. You can all block me and unfollow me.
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General Blog Information:
Also known as Things You Need To Know About This Blog.
♡ This blog does not support homophobia, transphobia, any kind of phobia, bullying, mistreatment or gossips directed to the LGBTQQIAT+ community, or any other community for that matter.
♡ This blog also does not support racism, sexism, misandrism, ableism, or any other kind of discrimination nor bullying, mistreatment or gossips.
So if you don't like it: Block me and move on.
I believe respect is given and not asked, but also I believe you can, should, have to be able to move on if someone does not agree with the way you see things in order to maintain a peaceful life. That's also respect. The world is big enough for all of us to differ and...
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Content of this blog:
♡ I'm a writer. So, I use this blog to write pretty much anything as long as it inspires me. I also publish my stories here, and on other social media, to make it available to those who cannot afford it but want to read them.
♡ I will write for any gender. I typically stick to female, but I can go with neutral.
♡ I don't post often because it takes me a while to do my research. But also because I need time to create content that's all mine. I do repost often, especially stuff that I find interesting, pretty or useful.
★☆★☆ Topics I won't be writing ☆★☆★
I'm not sure but I'll be posting something here if there's anything I'm just not into.
☆★☆★☆ Topics I usually write ☆★☆★☆
Fantasy. Romance. Drama.
I'm currently working on a dystopian story. It's a bit different from my usual genre but it's so interesting!
★☆★☆★☆ Trigger warnings ☆★☆★☆★
I always try to put a TW before anything I write if that thing does indeed needs a trigger warning. So if you notice that the story has one, read it and please do not skip those. Otherwise it's not my problem but yours.
⚠️ ⚠️ If you do notice that I forgot to put a TW on a certain post, please let me know.
I won't get mad, on the contrary! You're helping me a lot! And I'll be taking care of it ASAP.
Also, I would like to apologize because of it. I really try my best but sometimes mistakes happen. And I'm improving upon those 💕 so thanks for your comprehension. ⚠️ ⚠️
♡ Because apparently it's something you need to state now: I do not use any AI program to create, write, compose or draw my stuff. It's all human-made. No AI's were, are or will be used.
♡ What am I up to these days?
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How this blog works:
♡ If anything here on this blog is mine it'll have some ✨around the title✨ unless I forget 😜 it happens sometimes, okay? I'm a busy person. But you'll know.
♡ My stories are under #faithdante hashtag. Keep a look on it. 😉
♡ Ranting, reviews, comments, critics on different topics, as well as my designs, drawings and my lyrics (unless they're part of some story in which case they'll be under #faithdante) are under #annabourbon hashtag.
♡ If you don't want or you have troubles remembering everything there's also #danteann hashtag which is basically everything I do, write, design, draw, and create.
♡ I do not sell my pictures, or the copyrights over my image, so you are not allowed to use them. But if you like them, and you enjoy them: I accept tips, and donations to my paypal and ko-fi. Thank you!
♡ Same thing goes for my stories, I already have several prompts for you to use in my blog and I'm working on several more. You are not allowed to steal or use my content but you can support me through paypal or ko-fi. Thank you!
If you're enjoying my content, please reblog, blaze, share and if you want, buy me a coffee!
♡ If you need to know how to survive on Tumblr, here you go
* Rebblogging, Requests, Asks & Submissions:
♡ Reblogging is fine and appreciated. If you cannot tip me, please reblog, share, spread. That's a way of showing you love my content. And trust me, I always dance around my room whenever I get a notification, and if it's a message I'll be talking about you all week.
♡ Right now I'm not taking requests or submissions because I'm working a lot on my stories as a writer. If you're interested on them make sure to check them out.
I might open submissions once I finish with my novels, but it's not a promise or a priority.
♡ Asks are open again. But keep in mind that any kind of misbehavior like harassment, constant denigration and slut shamming will make me close them again. Toxic Men, STAY AWAY! 😌 ✨
♡ If there's anything I should not be reposting, answering or you do not want me to be sharing, please let me know, but provide me with the link too. Otherwise I won't be working extra time to find it & remove it. Thank you.
𖤐 Quid pro Quo 𖤐 How to use ASKS function (click on it)
I do answer anything you want to ask. But if I don't answer right away it's because I don't have time (college keeps me busy, ya know?) or I don't know how to answer that right now. Or maybe I'm working on it but it's taking me some time to finish it. Be patient and let me take my time.
Please be a sweetheart and don't steal my content, would you? 💖
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Contact info:
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Follow me on my social media if you want.
YouTube Channel, FF.net & DeviantArt ~ @annabourbon
Twitter & Tumblr ~ @AnnBourbon
Quotev & Wattpad ~ Faith_Dante
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DanteAnn is now on Ko-Fi /^♡^/
(↑Click here for more info↑)
↑↑↑ You can now support me on Ko-Fi, Stripe or Paypal, if that's what you want~ of course, but make sure you read this post before doing anything. ↑↑↑
And I think we're done here ^^ thanks for reading it all. Remember to give it a like if you have read this entire post, just to make sure you understand. If you have any questions regarding this, please send me an ask. Thank you!
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star-anise · 3 years
I wanna reply to a reblog someone added to one of my posts, because I want to wrestle with the ideas in it without singling out the person, who I do not think deserves any kind of dogpile for being wrong. That said, I think this person is incorrect in a way that’s both common and dangerous.
TW: Domestic violence and abuse, sexual assault
This person says:
So  hear me out: I am too weak to abuse a woman.
I live a very sedentary lifestyle and  most of the women i’m interested in and who have shared interest could easily beat me in a fight. [...] so I would never raise a fist to them not just because it’s wrong but because i’m afraid of getting hurt back.
As a society, we are way, way too obsessed with punching people as the ultimate form of domestic violence. This is dangerous and wrong. It causes a lot of people to think, “My home life isn’t a boxing match, so I’m not being abused,” and/or “I’m not actually hitting them, so I’m not really abusive.”
I am a 5′1″/155cm disabled woman with weak and noodly arms who can’t perform a lot of basic household tasks like carrying a week’s groceries up a flight of stairs. And I could absolutely abuse someone. It isn’t about physical strength.
Abuse is not just a “man bad, woman victim” dynamic. It can happen to and by people of every gender. We need to focus on the realities of abuse and the many ways it can manifest.
In this post: What domestic violence can look like, other than hitting; how domestic violence can happen without huge explosive fights; what healthy relationships would look like instead; why it’s wrong to think of abusers as a different species from normal people.
Domestic violence might look like:
Criticizing or belittling someone’s interests or self. Making negative statements about who they are as a person. Treating them with contempt or derision. Calling them names.
Controlling everything about where a person goes, what they do, and who they talk to. Never allowing them privacy or outside relationships. Monitoring their emails or texts; listening in on their phone calls. Refusing to allow someone reasonable boundaries.
Breaking a person’s belongings. Damaging or wrecking their personal space. Throwing things at or near them.
Controlling their access to basic needs, eg. depriving them of access to money, transportation, food, medicine, or communication with the outside world.
Failing to respect someone’s personal and sexual boundaries. 
As well, these things count as abuse whether or not they happen as a Big Loud Scary Confrontation, or quietly, in the consequences afterwards. Like, it counts whether you say “You will never be allowed to leave this house without me!” or just quietly spend the money that was going to repair your partner’s car on something else. It counts whether you force a sexual act on someone who’s visibly resisting, or refuse to speak to or even acknowledge someone for several days after they’ve set a sexual boundary.
And it can be hard, in a relationship, to figure out what healthy and reasonable boundaries are. These are rules that abusers can use to their own ends, rhetorically maximizing the harm to themselves and minimizing their harm to others. “By being in the house when I’m on work phone calls, you’re denying my right to privacy,” they’ll say, ignoring that forcing their partner to be out of the house for eight hours a day is denying them access to basic shelter and they need a different solution, or, "By pointing out how scared and hurt you were by my violent behaviour, which I cannot possibly be expected to change, you’re criticizing me and belittling my feelings.”
At which point it can help to focus on what a healthy relationship would look like:
Consensual: Everyone involved is freely choosing to be there and can, if they want, leave the relationship without serious impairment of their ability to live an independent life
Surrounded by resources: Partners are able to turn outside the relationship, if they want, to express their emotions, achieve their goals, pursue their interests, connect with family and friends, receive support, or take time away from their partner. This is regarded as enriching each partner’s life and strengthening the health of the relationship.
Safe: No one feels threatened or in danger. People are able to assume that their partners will have their best interests and happiness at heart. Partners ensure that everyone in the relationship has what they need. Nobody has to worry that a disagreement or bad day with their partner will make other parts of their life unmanageable.
Respectful: Everyone’s emotions and values matter and are given equal weight. Everyone is seen as deserving the same basic rights to material security, safety, emotional validation, and physical space.
Fair: When there is a conflict, partners work together in a respectful and non-combative way to negotiate a solution that is acceptable to everyone.
Honest and accountable: People admit to the part they play in things and are willing to own their contributions to both success and conflict.
Mutually enriching: Each partner is committed to the goal of a relationship that leaves them all, collectively and individually, better off as people: receiving everything they need, capable of independence, supported and validated, and treated with respect.
Healthy relationships are complicated! They can be really difficult. They demand a lot of interpersonal and social skills that don’t come naturally, so if you haven’t been taught them, you can really struggle. I can really struggle. Anyone can really struggle.
It is really important to realize that abuse doesn’t result from someone waking up like, “I think I will be a Horrible Person to my partner today” and getting ready to rumble. It results from people with limited coping skills and particular attitudes about relationships and how to handle conflict trying to get what they want. Someone could be a really great partner, up until they encounter a problem they don’t feel able to solve any other way than overriding their partner’s feelings and using what force is available to achieve their goal.
But those are things we have the ability to address and improve, if we want to. A few starting places:
Positive ways to avoid toxic conflict
Signs of emotional abuse
Resources for domestic violence
If you want to support my work writing this kind of content, please consider supporting me through PayPal or Patreon.
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raincxtter · 2 years
yoonie tell me more things about your ocs :D <3
stuff utc because it might get long:sob:
new genshin oc!
>Atana Kyoroshi (prone to change)
(her story is: 1) not very fleshed out. 2) quite self indulgent)
fandom : Genshin
gender/prns : Fem | she/her
age : 16/17
sexuality : fem lean bisexual (she's in love with ayaka)
land : Inazuma
vision/weapon : Anemo Polearm
The Kyoroshi clan was a small clan of assassins. They typically carried out the hidden works of the Kujou/Kaedehara/Kamisato clans, and outwardly assisted each of them with their duties. She was pretty good friends with Sara, Ayaka, Ayato, and Kazuha.
When the Kaedeharas were killed, the same came after the Kyoroshis for fear of retribution/vengeance, who were unprepared and overwhelmed by their numbers.
Atana and her older brother managed to flee, but they were separated before they could leave the islands. Recalling that Kazuha had fled to Liyue, Atana decides to go there, where she could plan her next move and begin looking for her brother.
In Liyue, she meets Kazuha, who introduces her to Beidou. They get along splendidly.
Favorite Food: Hmm… I enjoy sakura mochis! Especially the ones Ayaka makes... oh, I wonder how she fares.
Chat: Wind: Be as the untrappable wind
Chat: Idleness: Mind if I take a nap while we take a break?
new jjk oc!
>Kokisachi Mukata (everything is prone to change)
Her clan (Mukata) used to be up there with the Zenins, Gojos, and Kamos. But her great-grandfather ended up betraying the other three clan heads, trading secrets with sentient curses that he wouldn't disclose to anyone else. When his alliance with the curses was discovered, the clan's name was tarnished beyond repair, and blotted from history. The family was torn from the major clans.
fandom : Jujutsu Kaisen
gender/prns : Fem | she/her
age : 18
sexuality : "who knows? not me"
occupation : jujutsu sorcerer
**The Mukata clan was known for having several "layers" or "levels" to their domain expansion.
When Kokisachi attended Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School, she endured a lot of discrimination from the higher ups because of this. However, she was one of the most powerful students in her grade, showing shining promise as a first-grade sorcerer even as a third year.
Curse Technique: Risky Gamble
: Works somewhat like Kurapika’s Judgement Chain. She sets a condition on a target and a consequence (ex. Tell me the truth to my next five questions or you’ll go blind). She has to draw their blood first though.
Curse Technique: Risky Gamble: Double Jeopardy
: Reestablishes the “Risk Bond” with her last target. At this time, she’s able to communicate with them telepathically wherever they are. She can set another condition with the same repercussions.
Curse Technique: Rolling Dice
: Rolls a pair of dice, and receives a power boost according to the number. The highest is snake eyes (two ones).
Curse Technique: Perfect Win
: She pinpoints a target and flips a cursed-energy infused coin. If it lands heads up, the target is hit with something not unlike Nobara's Resonance. If it lands tails, the target is drastically slowed and weakened. If it lands on the side, she is granted an immense boost in speed and power.
(more to be added)
Curse Technique: Rules of the Game
: Places a restriction on a target for up to five days. If they break the restriction, they will be severely penalized. While this bond is intact, she knows where her target is at all times.
Domain Expansion: Lucky Game: Chess/Checkers/Poker
Chess: Takes the form of a chess board. Here, she plays as the queen, an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being that can crush her enemies with little more than a thought. Takes up the most cursed energy. She is both unlimited and limited in this domain.
Poker: Takes the form of a casino table, with a deck of cards in each person’s hand. They get a power boost depending on the combo they get (though almost no one knows this buff, as she doesn't disclose anything about her domains). She’s able to read her opponent’s thoughts, as well as mask herself, letting her take on any form she needs.
Checkers: Takes the form of a checkerboard. This is the ideal expansion for enemies that aren’t super powerful. Acts as an unbreakable 'prison' that slightly enhances all of Kokisachi's abilities.
Yeiyang likes to press flowers/plants!! she has a big book she uses, and it's filled with all different kinds of flora. Next to each, she writes a small poem, whether related to the plant or the day she picked it, or the feeling it brings about. It's spotted with ink and warped with age, papers that she added sticking out, and it's probably one of her most treasured items.
Key, while he lived in Natlan before arriving at Liyue, was not born in Natlan. He's kinda insecure about his scars, and avoids looking at mirrors as much as he can.
Key's also a very good singer! His voice is low and smooth<33
Leiyan loves kids-- When she has downtime, she likes to meet some of the kids at mt. tianheng, away from the city, where she plays with them or spends time with them. she always wears a mask when she does, as not to expose herself. The kids call her the "Golden Lady," because in exchange for a glaze lily or silk flower, she'll craft a small trinket or figurine of Geo crystal that pulses with warm, smooth life. (She came from a town of artisans and weaponmakers)
Atana likes climbing to the highest peak she can. She adores feeling the breeze in her hair and singing soft songs from her homeland when the stars fade into sight.
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caecilius-est-pater · 4 years
Really now, anti's? Did the meaning change or something because I'm very sure anti means anti-pedo shipping, anti-incest shipping.
To quote that one meme: well yes, but actually no. Antis are to “let’s stop pedophilia in fandom!” as TERFs are to “let’s support women’s rights!” - sounds good in theory, but in practice ineffectual and mostly just an excuse to bully people. I’m going to choose to be optimistic and take this as a good faith question from someone who genuinely doesn’t know, so I’m going to explain why.
The ideology sounds great at the surface level, like hell yeah, let’s get rid of pedo shit! Who wouldn’t agree with that? But once you go past the absolute shallowest surface level and say, OK, now what steps do we take to accomplish that? then you start to hit snags. Legally, the only stuff that’s banned is images/videos/etc of real life children being abused. Things like ship art or explicit fics of underage fictional characters are perfectly fine. Therefore, legally, anyone making that content is not breaking any rules.
If you say, well, I don’t agree with that, I want more things to be banned, then you have to come up with new rules of what should and shouldn’t be allowed. Who gets to decide that? Is there a committee? How are committee members chosen? How do you account for biases in the committee, such as race or age or gender? Once the committee has come to a decision about the new rules, how do you enforce them? What do you do about people or groups who refuse to follow the new rules? How do you spread the news to all of fandom that there are new rules in the first place?
And what about the rules themselves? How do you define “pedo content” beyond the legal definition of featuring real children? Maybe you say, that’s easy, let’s just go with all sexual content featuring people under 18. OK, cool, you’ve now made it illegal for minors to talk about their own experiences. Minors have sex, minors fantasize about sex, minors masturbate, minors experience rape and abuse, and now you’ve just put a gag order on all those millions of people. I don’t know about you, but I think letting people draw/write fictional characters having sex (even gross, weird sex) is the lesser of two evils compared to hurting millions of real, living children.
And anyway, how do you define “sexual content” in the first place? Is it OK if there’s no graphic detail? Is masturbation OK? What about sexual fantasies? How about making out? At which base do you draw the line between “acceptable expression of sexuality” and “pedophilia”? Or is any expression of sexuality not OK? Kissing? Holding hands?
At this point you’re probably saying, gee tumblr user caecilius-est-pater, that sounds both untenable (how are we going to get all of the internet to agree to unite under One Committee To Determine the Rules?) and like an insane unending rabbit hole! Nobody could ever do that! Yep. For better or for worse, we as a bunch of randos on the internet just do not have the power to change the broad planet-wide rules of what does and does not count as pedophilia.
You can probably see how this is a problem for the anti movement, which is all about enforcing those new, stricter rules. The ones that don’t exist and realistically can’t exist. How do you enforce nonexistent rules? The answer antis have landed on is to just make them up, every man for themselves. As you can probably imagine, this... doesn’t work too well, to put it lightly.
Some people think it’s OK to write about CSA as long as the author actually experienced it, other people think it’s never OK and even real life CSA survivors are pedophiles if they write about it. Some people think aging up teenage characters is OK, other people think if they’re underage in canon then depicting them in sexual situations at any age counts as pedophilia. Some people think sexual depictions of characters who look young (art styles with big eyes, short characters, characters with high voices, etc) is pedophilia, even if the characters are canonically adults. Etc ad infinitum.
Which brings us to the two things I said antis are: ineffectual and and a front for bullying. It should be obvious how the movement is ineffectual - you’re never going to get anywhere with removing bad people from your community if nobody can agree what a bad person actually is.
The bullying comes in because it’s very hard to get people to bully someone, but very easy to get people to join a witch hunt. “Let’s all harass and doxx this person because they’re a jerk” isn’t gonna get me very far, but “Let’s all harass and doxx this person because they’re a pedophile” is going to bring out a mob with torches and pitchforks if I can convince everyone I’m telling the truth. And by the antis’ mutable definition of pedophilia that can include anything from teenagers kissing to consenting adults who knew each other as kids, I’ve got a lot of tools in my arsenal to convince people.
And the insidious part is that nobody can defend you without immediately opening themselves up to the same accusations, because if you're being called out as a pedophile for supporting a ship with a height difference, anyone who says, “hey, I don’t think that’s pedophilia” is now also supporting ships with a height difference, ergo supporting pedophilia. (And if anyone is thinking “you’re making all these strawman examples up, nobody actually believes that”, I envy your blissful ignorance but let me assure you, I am not.)
And that kind of situation leads to an atmosphere where everyone is terrified of doing anything wrong or they’ll be the next one viciously attacked, and the only way to keep good social standing is by continously attacking other people whether you agree with the extreme ideology or not, and that’s how you get bullying, harassment campaigns, and anti groups that have become genuine, legitimate cults. I’ve lost the links but there are some truly chilling twitter threads about that if you’re interested.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, whether it was a case of the proverbial road to hell being paved with good intentions or whether the movement was co-opted by people who didn’t actually care about stopping pedophilia and really just wanted an excuse to cyberbully people, the movement has evolved to a point where it’s mainly a harassment campaign with only the thinnest veneer of actually trying to prevent pedophilia. Nobody is out here running charity drives to donate to help abused children or making their own safe spaces where people can view art and fic without worrying about encountering triggering content - in fact, antis have been offered multiple sites to use as replacements for AO3 where they can set whatever TOS they want and have always refused. The only thing most antis do to combat pedophilia in fandom is callouts and harassment.
Not to mention the irony in the fact that so many of the people targeted are, in fact, minors. In their quest to avoid people potentially getting hurt by fictional content, they’re doing real, tangible hurt to actual, living people, including kids.
So that’s how we got here. Being anti-pedo and being an anti are not the same thing, and if you see a reference to the latter, it means a member of a specific pro-censorship movement focused on hurting (mainly young, marginalized) people as “activism”.
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klance-fics · 3 years
Hmm got any recs for wrong number/texting fics?? 👀
i loooove those yes i have a bunch actually
i usually only post completed fics its like my rule but "this is so sad paladins form voltron" was discontinued. however klance happened in the fic before it got discontinued and its actually my fav so im adding it anyway
you never stood a chance
lance to hunk ♡
>i’m gonna fukin die hunk oh mygod i sent
>keith a work out selfie that i wan supposed to fcukin send to you and you know what it said
(Or, Keith is beautiful, Lance has a crush, and there's lots of shirtless selfies)
teamwork makes the meme work
Allura creates a groupchat for the newfound members of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance club at Voltron University. Everything goes downhill from there.
Why was I never considered
You know why.
For fuck’s sake
You shank a guy once and suddenly you’re “violent” and have “anger issues”
keith you;re gonna make me piss my pantsnhdjkljdhjh
build a paper plane (to float to you)
“Would it make you feel better if I introduced myself to Shiro’s neighbours?”
“It would make me feel better if you had told me that you were going to be alone this winter break.” Lance grumbles lowly.
“I’m telling you now.”
Lance rubs his hand over his face, tries not to sound frustrated. “Why are you telling me now?”
Keith falters, thinks over his words. Lance bets he doesn’t know why he’s telling him now either. “Because I thought you should know.” He finally settles on. Because you can’t do anything about it.
In which Lance travels across 1,681 kilometers, sees the sky and the water meet for the first time, and falls in more ways than one.
voltron is a meme
Group Message to: Lance and +9 972-888-2022
Lance: shut the fuck up
+9 972-888-2022: i haven’t even said anything yet!
+9 972-888-2022: rude
Pidge: say that to my face
Lance: if you can make HUNK a PHONE then you can make ME a PROPER FACE LOTION
Pidge: gdi lance lotion isn’t the same as technology
Lance: i fucking hate u
Lance: you CAN’T tell me you can build a phone out of nothing and not even make me a lotion
Pidge: i don’t even know what goes IN lotion
Pidge: i haven’t moisturized a day in my life
Lance: you Take That Back
In which Team Voltron canonically gets a group chat, Lance hates change, memes are sacred, and Keith and Lance's crushes are obvious to everyone except them.
This is So Sad Paladins Form Voltron
Princess: What is this Mario Kart?
gos: it’s a video game where you race one another in little cars
Dunce Dunce Revolution: excuSE ME
gos: not again
Dunce Dunce Revolution: did you just call mario kart a /video game/
Dunce Dunce Revolution: a mere /video game/?
Pidgeon: blocked and reported
Kogayne: never speak to me or my husband ever again
Kogayne removed gos from the chat
OR: a post season-7 chat fic because I couldn't find any
FEATURING: pining, of the klance, romellura, and adashatt varieties; wholesome family bonding; the MFes as well as our alien friends, and an unholy amount of memes.
it's actually mostly memes.
ladies and gentlemen we are rocking in space
do u like the taste of spam, van kieu
because thats what ull get
1 glorious terabyte of def-not-garrison-approved viewing matl
every hour on d hour
And now you’re blackmailing me. Wonderful.
Look, I’ll tell you, alright?
Not because your threat scares me, but because I’d like to cut this conversation as short as humanly possible.
glad ur being so cooperative ;) ;)
Lance gets a new flight simulation partner. Lance makes a bunch of mixtapes. Lance falls in love?
Galaxy Garrison + texting au. For the Klance Zine!
Instructions Not Included
Keith glanced back toward the front door of his apartment, half hoping the cat’s owner or someone would suddenly bang on the door and give him an explanation. But the door remained silent, and Keith sighed, turning back to the cat. She was now licking her paws, seemingly completely unconcerned with her new environment.
“Don’t suppose you could explain what’s going on.”
The cat looked up at him, her gold eyes studying his, then she dipped her head and coughed up a hairball at Keith’s feet.
Keith wrinkled his nose. “Guess not.”
Keith ends up with an unexpected guest over the holidays.
you walked in, and i couldn't look away
Lance has a staring problem. Keith hates it and confronts him about it. Lance falls for him, literally, and then... they become sort-of friends.
Funky Lesbian changed group name “Voltrons bitches” to “Voltron is just furry propaganda”
The paladins of Voltron are on their way home. PIdge installed a texting / messaging system into their lions and now they can communicate on the way home.
Pidge did not think this through and now Lance keeps messaging about his crush on Keith.
Inspired by this tumblr post : I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. A guy asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight
hello neighbor
[8:08 PM]: you’re at work at 8 at night? where do you work?
[8:08 PM]: why would i tell you that
and don’t say because we’re number neighbors
[8:09 PM]: UGHHH
i thought we were having a moment
[8:09 PM]: over what?? i know nothing about you
[8:09 PM]: well let’s change that shall we
the name’s lance
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Monogamous Trap
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Monogamy is yet another game at people trying to continue the cycle of heteronormativity that sadly even the LGBTQIA community falls into the trap for. However, with powerful forces backing this idea ranging from religious doctrines to national laws, it is easy to understand why this entire realm of relationships is brandished.
Under the realm of non-monogamous relationships there are far more than most would like to acknowledge ranging from the number of partners to inherent rules. To start simply is the difference between “-somes” and polyamory. “Three- “, “four- “, etc. -somes are specifically used to reference the idea of an intercourse-based relationship that has little to do outside the bedroom. Pretty much any relationship that has aspects outside the bedroom is more likely to be referenced as a throuple or polyamorous relationship. There are obviously going to be people who do not use the “more standard” language so specifically asking someone about is the best bet in any situation.
Aside from just numbers there is also “attitude” towards the relationship. What I mean by this is whether it is “open” or “closed”, or perhaps somewhere in the middle. An open polyamorous relationship can have a few different concepts such as each individual partner can look for other partners or it might mean the relationship is open to adding new people to it. This concept might be hard to understand if you only view relationships as a line. Instead think about each individual letter in the alphabet and imagine those as ways to depict different relationship set ups, you might be getting close to the vast number of options out there.
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Just based on all of that it almost becomes easier to understand why the community is so misunderstood. There is no guide nor clear idea of what any given relationship would look like. This is one of the big controversial issues as to why the community is not so accepted into LGBTQIA despite clearly being a sexual orientation. This community receives backlash from the queer community as well as from society itself, this is sadly one of the most outcasted sections. This even comes down to the fact that many within the community wonder if this should not be in the community because it should be its own category of identity, relationship style perhaps. In a way it is ironic that it is not considered its own category whereas when looking at the animal kingdom one of the earliest facts for any animal we learn about is what is its mating style- for life or season being one of the largest aspects to that question. So, if we analyze an animal's mating partners why are we so weird about humans having those same sorts of characteristics?
As I mentioned earlier, this could largely come down to the idea of laws and doctrines working to guide the perceptions of “normal” relationship styles. This is a concern for the whole of the LGBTQIA community and yet they cannot even find safety within that community. Despite same sex relationships being actively opposed in most religions, many within the relationships still actively practice, believe, or agree with the ideas presented in their previous religion. This is one of the reasons so many people think it is wrong. Other people completely misunderstand the fundamental concepts of a polyamorous relationship which is communication between all partners. Many people say that these sorts of relationships are simply an excuse to cheat on each other with no consequence. Whereas when examined and understood, these situations are heavily communicated about from beginning to end to ensure all partners are content and satisfied. If someone cheats, they are not protected by the polyamory umbrella if anything they disrupted the core values of the system.
One of my biggest struggles with this community is that lesbians and bisexuals are often overlooked in this community. There is a prevalence or assumption that only gays and straight women primarily operate these kinds of relationships. This dynamic is often turned into the idea that straight women simply want another guy or are willing to let their male partners experiment as opposed to women having this sexuality. Countless articles are written about why men should join a threesome at least once listing off all sorts of benefits, that I do agree with- but that are not dependent on sexual or gender identity. They included:
It forces you to work on jealousy issues.
It forces you to become a better communicator.
Can get different needs met by each partner.
Two heads are better than one (intellectually speaking)
Two Shoulders to cry on
Your family triples.
Your friend group expands exponentially.
You have an additional hand parenting.
The sex
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On the other hand, Females simply looking into this community are deemed to be “sleeping with enemy” which erases the entire concept of a three women relationship, which is entirely possible. This also works to marginalize female bisexuals despite them being approximately 60% of the bisexual population.
This sadly more comes back to gay men being fetishized as well as being more accepted in society due to them being a larger percent from the beginning. Also, celebrity inclusion, with many stars and actors suddenly coming out as being part of throuple with two, if not three, males, exposure is distinctively increasing for them while women are seemingly at a standstill. Stars like, Frankie Grande, brother of pop sensation Ariana Grande, even publicly announced his participation in one of these relationships.
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Frankie even comments on his own impact and inclusion in the community, “A lot of people come up to me and say, “Oh my God, you are in a throuple? I am in a throuple,” ‘the star said. ‘It’s been cool to see people do that as well. Love is love is love is love.’” (‘Love is Love’)
Women even in their sexual identities are still looking to be fully accepted and noticed. Only with time and strong efforts can this hopefully change.
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In Netflix’s new show “Insatiable” is another mainstream media representation of polyamory which ironically very accurately depicts the plights within this realm. “During the season finale, Bob A. [left in the above picture] speaks about his poly relationship (at this point still intact), explaining how embracing his identity as a poly bisexual man makes him feel "loved completely" and fully "satisfied."” (Foreman) This was a wonderful depiction of what polyamory actively works to achieve, a balance between the partners that allows each of them to feel satisfied and safe within the relationship. In contrast, “Bob B. [right in the above picture] unexpectedly breaks up with them. He explains, "I didn't agree to a relationship. I just thought the three of us would have sex sometimes so she would not feel left out.”” (Foreman) Whereas this shows the darker side of it, where certain relationships/individuals do not understand the poly individual(s). This specific instance Bob B. Believes Bob A. to be completely gay, negating his bisexual identity, as well as preventing him from balancing the two relationships to at least meet his desires. This especially shown when the women (center of image) and non-polyamorous Bob (right) confront the bisexual and polyamorous Bob(left) into picking only one of them when it is clear throughout the entire series, he truly loves both.
Barrett, Kim. “Does Polyamory Fall Under the LGBT+ Umbrella?” Medium, Polyamory Today, 25 Jan. 2020, medium.com/polyamory-today/polyamory-and-the-lgbt-community-3a8a52debbc3.
Foreman, Alison. “We Need to Talk about That Throuple in 'Insatiable'.” Mashable, Mashable, 20 Aug. 2018, mashable.com/article/insatiable-throuple/.
Lewis, Jessi, et al. “The Great Divide: Polyamory, 'Throuples' and the LGBTI Community.” Star Observer, 18 Dec. 2016, www.starobserver.com.au/features/in-depth-features/great-divide-polyamory-throuples-lgbti-community/154564.
Outmagazine. “10 Reasons Every Gay Man Should Try a Throuple Once.” OUT, 17 Oct. 2018, www.out.com/lifestyle/2018/10/17/10-reasons-every-gay-man-should-try-throuple-once#media-gallery-media-1.
Rosenblum, Karen Elaine, and Toni-Michelle Travis, editors. The Meaning of Difference. 5th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, 2008.
Tabberer, Jamie. “'Love Is Love': Frankie Grande Reveals All about His Three-Way Relationship.” Gay Star News, 23 Nov. 2018, www.gaystarnews.com/article/love-is-love-frankie-grande-reveals-all-about-his-three-way-relationship/.
Wandrei, Karin E. “'Sleeping with the Enemy': Non-Monogamy and 1970s Lesbian-Feminists - Karin E Wandrei, 2019.” SAGE Journals, journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1363460717750074.
“Polyamory Infinite Heart Love Honesty Communication Vinyl: Etsy: Polyamory, Polyamory Relationships, Polyamory Quotes.” Pinterest, www.pinterest.com/pin/144326363036694494/.
“Throuple.” Facebook, www.facebook.com/pages/category/Musician-Band/Throuple-645110832488889/.
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looking4mybambi · 3 years
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Alright soo ik bdsm/dominant & submissive relationships have so many gender roles that differ from couple to couple, and how each person partakes in that role as individuals in a relationship are different.
As people we all like different things as well and we all SHOULD know what we like as individuals and in a real COMMITTED goal oriented unbreakable successful dom/sub relationship each person knows everything that their person likes and should naturally forget about knowing his or her own likes because each of you got that on lock and can please there person without them telling you when its needed and how to do it or what they are in the mood for..
I am a dominant. But for me I'm a bit different from most . Growing up as a kid very familiar with poverty, I didn't have very many friends so what attention I got was being laughed at for having such bug feet being so young plus I was the tallest in my class up till the end of middleschool, I had long lanky arms a good bit of baby fat (as ma use to call it) and long legs with goofy ass knees so I hated shorts because back in elementary where the bullying started, I may be wrong about this but I don't think Walmart could carry any and1 basket ball shorts that covered my knees nor could we afford It honestly. The kids would call me things like "jolly green giant, sasquach, big dumb (especially if I had to read out loud.. I'm not a good out loud reader) big retard or just tard.. that line of name-calling cease to exist come my 5th and 6th grade years.. mind u I spent an extra year in 4th grade soo I was just adding more fule t on the fire for my later years.
My mother, a single mom of 2 terrorists that worked her hardest to make sure we had what we needed and by doing so came overtime hours after working solid 12s 5 nights a week so she now worked 7 12s a week to get her ot in and be home in the morning to feed us and get us off to school so she can relax and sleep. Like any exhausted human, if there's something that can help you feel good enough to work 7 days a week and be able to parent with the bare minimum sleep, I think most would consider the option heavly. And then addiction..... sooo yeah more hell in school. Long story short .. I got tortured in school. It subsided in the last 2 years before I quit my jr year. But anywho my friends consisted of band in 5-6 grade football and wrestling in 7-8 -9-10 (injuries wrecked my entire school also didn't help my popularity non. And lastly jrotc my freshman year in high school. And a ton of females did band and jrotc (basically a free period lol) so I got tight with females in school while the dudes bullied the fuck out of me... I learned how to be a gorls best friend, do hair, nails, make up. Whatever I needed to learn I did... then sports was where I learned that most men are pigs weather its in a locker room. Or at home she another huge plus and can relate to females. I learned how to gossip and and learned any and all kinds of things girls like from fat free foods to why yell what those socks that look kinda like jon boats or canoes yaknow the shortest socks and adult human could even wear def entirely to short to even be related to ankle socks and how do yall keep them things on your feet while in shoes?!?! Some welfare witchcraft type shit goin on there ima throw that out there 🤣 hell my moms almost died one day she asked me how her hair looked after she curled the sides of her hair on either cheek but she curled both sides to the insides of her cheeks and I told her teacher try curling them out it would look better and she was stunned that I knew what I was talking about . Long story short I took so much time knowing whT makes yell tick, physically, mentally, stomachally ;p, definitely sexually.
Sooo on to this i watched ole ma get beet on by men my whole life and when I tried to fight em off her ( almost every fight that got physical between my mom and a man) there i was right i. The middle of the action knot knowing what the fuck ima do next i was only 11 so I took moms beating more than once.
I've been beaten on by females, alot... yea big ole me.. absolutely refuses to hit back. and ill die that way.
All these events me me the dominant that I am today... I'm strong and I will fight even if I don't want to. I am a protector. My person will feel safe, I can't take fear away ofcorse but I promise she won't be fearful of me.
I take care of my person idc what she ASKS of me ill do it. My rules are simple.
1.) Don't fuckin lie to me.
2.) Don't fucking cheat on me.
3.) Fuckin communicate
Lol I wear my heart on my sleeve and am a very passionate dom. I love giving my person attention and I love to cuddle up to movies, I'm even a hopeless romantic sometimes and I cook I love cooking honestly.
Im also into all sorts of shit forced play, cnc role play and love me a good brat that likes to play hard to get ;)
Most importantly im a dominant that builds his relationship off honesty, respect, compromise and the glue that most dominant men now phase completely out...
Now lady's can I ask a very simple question.. well this if me telling whoever will read it about the kind of man I am ofcorse with a recent pic of me (earlier today) to show that im not a terrible looking man.. soo why am I single?
All this is 1000% honest I absolutely DO NOT LIE. I will not play any sort of spin games with anyone. Lol hope someone enjoys
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lewdladylily · 3 years
You've mentioned this kink club you frequent a few times, what's the place like generally? Like what kinda stuff do they have going on in a place like that?
There are about 4 within reasonable driving distance of where I live (salt lake city, Utah) but I have only gone to two of them due to time and distance constraints. Though you do get kink nights at a couple local dance clubs, I know Area 51 (local dance club) does them here and there, and they are generally kink friendly any time. The local drag queens really like Area 51.
Anyway, the kink clubs are community run and non commercial. The two I am familiar with are actually built in a residential area - from the outside it just looks like someone’s house, you would never know unless you knew. Someone owns the place and it is technically their home, but I don’t know who. They don’t like to let people know who they are and we all respect their privacy. My understanding is not even the neighbors know. As a side note, the cops all know where these clubs are, it isn’t a problem.
My personal favorite was founded around 60 years ago by the gay leather community but it’s always been open to the larger kink community, we all want somewhere to meet and do our thing so we support each other. Also there is a lot of cross over between different groups.
The one I go to most often has a large living room area that has been converted into a dance floor, which acts as the main play area, area for meetings and classes, and occasionally as an actual dance floor when events call for it. There is a sound system, dance club style lighting, padded benches along the walls, and lots of bondage furniture (also scattered around the rest of the clubhouse). There are several other rooms, 3 additional smaller play rooms, a rest area, a kitchen area (Free water bottles all the time, snacks most nights, as well as a soda machine).
Outside of the main clubhouse they built a small bar, maybe 15 feet by 30. You can smoke there, some nights they serve drinks, tables, stools, etc. You get it. It is a good hangout place, cozy and comfortable feel. I’ve spent a lot of hours there just chatting with people.
They have a consensual non consent area set up in the back half of the bar. The idea is that there is a hazard line on the floor that indicates a “danger” area, as well as a stop light they got somewhere. If it is green, all normal rules apply. If it is red then past the line cnc rules are in place - if you are past the line then it is an invitation for someone to come and do what they want with you without asking permission first (unless you safe word, safe words are always in effect). Generally people are not confident enough to do anything though, unless they already know you. I’ve never had the nerve to try it myself on either side. There is this one lady that is a really good belly dancer that likes to go hang out and dance in the CNC area. I’ve never been around for anyone doing more than groping her, but I understand sometimes people will tie her up, maybe use a vibrator on her.
There are also two chairs with built in restraints set up in the CNC area if that is your thing. 
There is also a pretty good size patio area. Generally we just sit and chat on warm evenings out there. It is technically open for scenes, and that does happen sometimes. I once saw a girl and her dominant doing a water torture scene, basically she was tied up arms behind her back, on her knees in front of a plastic tub filled with water. Her dominant shoved her head under the water, holding her in place while she tried to resist and break free. Pulled up and allowed to breathe before she was unexpectedly pushed back under. Very hot to watch.
For the more general things we get up to there, generally things are set up as events that you can attend. The entry fee was $15 last time I checked, just to cover minimal expenses. You can also donate to improve the clubhouse. It gets a good amount of donations, everyone wants a good place to hang out, but no one is getting any real amount of money out of it. All the donations go into things like buying furniture or cleaning supplies. All events are invitation only, basically any member of the clubhouse can sponsor someone for their first event, after that they have a standing invitation to any open event.
The events themselves vary greatly. The most popular events are the general play parties, where people just show up, hang out, meet people, and sometimes do some play. It is not uncommon at all for people to come without any intention of sexual play at all, it is a very comfortable, queer friendly environment. We’re all weirdos here, no one is going to judge you for whatever you do.
Generally speaking at any given time someone will be doing something though. All scenes and play being done in the clubhouse is open for anyone to watch. So if some hot girl is being tied up, or two attractive people are having sex, or if there is just a really sexy woman half naked across the room, you are free to watch the show and it is not considered impolite to stare.
At any given party you are going to see a wide variety of people. Lots of people in street clothes hanging out, chatting, and watching whatever is going on. You’ll see several people in anything they find sexy such as lingerie, corsets, formal wear, or even just straight up naked. I have seen two submissive friends come handcuffed together and only in panties. One of my friends likes to wear maid outfits with cat ears and a tail. All that good stuff. You’ll see people on leashes or other obvious signs of dominant/submissive dynamics too.
The events are 18+, and I’ve seen people in their 70s there. Most people are 25+. You’ll also find a wide variety of body types, including fat or otherwise not traditionally attractive people, trans people, you name it. That isn’t a real barrier to joining in on the fun or finding partners.
For an example of a more exclusive event, there is a gender queer play group that used to meet regularly, I am not sure if they still do. Open for trans people and cross dressers plus established allies. Strictly invitation only because this can be an extremely frightening thing for people.
I was a regular of the gender queer group, it was an easy place for me to start as a trans women. I felt more comfortable there than at a general play party until I got my bearings in the community, and I was friends with all the cross dressers by that point. Generally the idea was we would get together to hang out and chat, give all the cross dressers a night to dress up, some of the more experienced CDs would put on a workshop for how to do makeup. That sort of thing. These were more casual parties without much heavy play. You wont find people fucking in the basement, but you might see a light spanking scene.
They also do a weekly class on some kink subject. Someone in the community puts together a presentation on something they like in kink - for example, pony play, or dollification, or leather working - and you can come learn about it. I went to a leather class once where the presenter showed off these black leather angel wings she made, they were stunning.
These classes are strictly no play, with the exception of any demonstrations the presenter does, and the donation drive, in which a female volunteer brings around a donation box (it is actually a wooden duck, a lighthearted tradition that I don’t know the origin of) while stripped down to her panties in order to “encourage” donations. It’s a tongue in cheek tradition, we are all perverts so we might as well have some perverted fun and let an exhibitionist whore herself around a bit. No one is expected to donate, but it is encouraged.
The thing that might not get across easily is that this is a very comfortable atmosphere and basically one of the safest places you could go. Everything is built around safety and consent, and everyone is looking out for everyone else. I’ve done intense bdsm scenes before that left me so fucked up that I couldn’t even walk on my own. People helped me to the couch so I could rest, got me a blanket, and then got me a sealed water bottle so I could rehydrate and checked in on me regularly until I was able to properly take care of myself. I felt completely safe the entire time. I’ve watched over people like this myself before. It is just what you do.
If I had to pick a personal favorite thing, it would have to be the cages.
The clubhouse has a large standup cage, usually one occupant, but you can fairly comfortably fit two. Often someone gets locked in there and basically put on display. One time a cute girl was locked in the standing cage, her arms bound to the top of the cage, with it sitting in the middle of the room. People were encouraged to reach in and grope and touch her as they passed. I’ve locked people in there before, including heavy bondage to the bars of the cage while I groped and teased them with a vibrator. That was a ton of fun.
There is also a horizontal, long cage big enough for one person, or if you are willing to get very close and personal two people. It is comfortable enough for long periods of time. You often see a submissive or two locked in that cage, sometimes left there while their dominant goes off and plays with someone else. I met one of my good friends while she was locked in that cage. It has a padded top so it doubles as a bench for an added level of humiliation.
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queermediastudies · 4 years
Feminist Vampires: Don’t Invite Mainstream Audiences Inside! (Madi Mackey)
Bit, written and directed by Brad Michael Elmore, is the story of a young trans woman named Laurel who moves to Los Angeles and finds herself mixed up in a friend group of female vampires. She is quickly turned into a vampire herself and thrust into their world. Duke, the leader of the girl gang, implements some very strict rules for the group. The most important rule is to never turn a man into a vampire, stating that they can’t handle the power. The film follows the five young women as they navigate their lives as both vampires and members of a bustling Los Angeles night life. The drama comes to a peak when Laurel accidentally bites her brother and has to decide between saving his life and following Duke’s rules.
The film is an excellent example of modern day intersectional feminism. The core group of women is very diverse, representing African American, latina, butch, and transgender identities. They are all women-loving women in some sense, though their specific sexualities are never detailed. They are unflinchingly focused on retaining their power and their sisterhood by refusing to let a man into their groups and forbidding any usage of their mind-influencing powers on each other. However, the film is not perfect, and does not hold up to much scrutiny from a queer perspective. Duke, the previously mentioned leader, is also the only white girl in the group. Their hatred toward men could push the idea that all feminists hate men, further isolating the movement. Finally, the film does not mention class or any struggles associated with the marginalized communities the characters belong to, reducing the film to a post-gender, post-sexuality world. For these shortcomings, I argue that Bit is a great stride in the queer movie industry, but it misses the mark in many categories, and could therefore cause more damage to the trans, lesbian, and feminist communities than the positive impacts of such representation could outweigh, if it were to leave the arthouse and break into the mainstream.
One major theme in Bit is intersectional feminism. As mentioned before, the group of vampires is quite diverse, but this inclusion is only skin-deep. Their dynamic still enforces white, middle-class homonormativity. The girl with the most power is white and cisgender, and all of the girls are able-bodied and middle- to upper-class. Joyrich explains that television industries must continually portray homonormativity to maintain profits, and the same can be said for the film industry (2013, p. 5). Although this is a low-budget film that premiered at an independent film festival, the director, Elmore, stated in an interview that one of his main goals was for the movie to reach a larger audience of at-home viewers (Dunagan, 2019). His yearning for mass reception might have caused him to reproduce homonormativity for the film to be more palatable and, therefore, more profitable.
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This is not the only flaw within the production practices for this film. Similar to criticisms regarding Pose and The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson, Elmore is a cis white man who took it upon himself to tell a queer story. By doing so, he took production resources and material benefits from its popularity away from the trans, lesbian, and POC communities who live the stories that he is telling (Tourmaline, 2017). Elmore explains that he read multiple theoretical texts and memoirs regarding gender while writing the script, and then had a close, gender non-conforming friend of his approve it before he, “felt more comfortable to show it to people in and around that conversation and community that I wasn’t close to” (Dunagan, 2019). While he did a fair bit of research into the community before creating the film, this isn’t the same as being a member of the community. Cavalcante explains this difference as a split between identifying with and identifying as a character, with identifying as a character always hitting closer to home and being more personal (2017, p. 14). Although Cavalcante makes this distinction in regards to audience reception, I believe it can be applied to production as well, and how Elmore wrote characters he could identify with, whereas a trans or POC writer could have written more personal characters that they identify as. Because Elmore is not trans or a POC, he needed to enforce homonormativity in his film in order to create characters that he identified with, as he has never lived as someone on the margins.
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(Brad Michael Elmore, writer and producer of Bit)
Still, the production methods and content of the movie themselves could absolutely be described as queer. Benshoff & Griffin describe new queer cinema as films that have low-budgets, usually remain in the arthouse, and show the inadequacy of labels, instead focusing on the social discourses surrounding gender, race, and class (2004, pp. 11-12). Bit checks all of these boxes, even offering some helpful insights into social discourses. When Laurel, the transgender protagonist, is turned into a vampire, Duke tells her that their number one rule is to absolutely never turn a man. Laurel looks worried and asks, “What about me?” to which Duke responds, “Never even crossed my mind” (Elmore, 2019). Her immediate acceptance of Laurel’s identity expresses a consistent mood throughout the entire movie. Laurel’s transition and identity are never remarked in more explicit terms, and the sexuality and ethnicity of the other women are all treated with the same unspoken acceptance. The only identities that are ever mentioned are class and sex; Laurel asks one of the girls how they afford to live in L.A., and anyone who identifies as a man is immediately treated with contempt.
(watch video until 42:50)
While these approaches to intersectional identity may function well within the underground audience of new queer cinema, they could cause problems if Bit were to hit the mainstream. As Tongson explains, media representations help to produce our material realities; we rely on media to understand identities that we don’t know in the real world (2017, p. 158)). By ignoring the struggles of marginalized communities in the film, Bit raises more questions than it answers for viewers who are unfamiliar with these communities. Their confusion could cause these people on the margins to become cultural interpreters and explain their communities to those who don’t understand. Some see this as an opportunity to share their life experiences and cross cultural bridges; for others, it can become a burden of representation and they may lose a feeling of privacy (Cavalcante, 2017, p. 11). Bit could be seen as a welcome break from tragic representations for people within the trans community. Conversely,  Elmore’s silence on these issues could also lead mainstream audiences to believing that marginalized communities do not face any struggles in modern America, and therefore lose some empathy. 
This mediated understanding of reality could also be greatly detrimental to the feminist movement if it were to hit the mainstream. While I loved the explicitly feminist tone of the film, other audiences could find it off-putting and apply Bit’s ideology to all real-life feminists. The group of women in this film are quite outspoken around their distrust and distaste toward men. This could be applied to feminists, who are already called “man haters” in the real world as an attempt to invalidate their arguments. Elmore could be adding fuel to this fire by depicting feminists as exactly what the mainstream fears them to be.
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Simultaneously, this bold approach to intersectional feminism is exactly why I, and many other queer viewers, love this film. My own subject positionality influences my understanding of Bit, just as those of mainstream audiences would make them feel differently about the film. I am a college-educated, middle-class, white, bisexual woman. I am also an outspoken feminist and socialist. All of my converging identities influence my view on this film and the opinions I have on its themes. As a young person who spends a lot of time in feminist spaces online, I felt such a rush while watching this film and hearing them directly saying things like, “Men can’t handle power. They have it already, and look at what they have done with it” (Elmore, 2019). A lot of people online say things about hating men, and I know from my own personal experience that the argument is so nuanced that it is simply easier to say “kill all men” than it is to explain what feminism really stands for and how it is, in fact, not simply man-hating. I love that this film expects the viewer to have this same knowledge, and can therefore say things like this without needing to defend itself and explain all of the nuance behind such a statement.
My status as middle-class and a socialist also have a great impact on my subject positionality and interpretation of Bit. Coming from a middle-class family and city, everything in the movie seemed normal to me. I was able to identify with the characters’ struggles, as they didn’t have anything to do with money or family issues. However, I could see this posing an issue for people who are struggling financially or with their family dynamic. To make up for this, the film has a lot of discourse regarding the redistribution of power and resources. Downward redistribution is a key tenant of leftism, so this movie displays clear leftist ideologies from a socio-political perspective (Duggan, 2002, p.XVI). We can see this in lines like, “How would you like to hold the keys to the kingdom for a change?” when Duke is talking to Laurel about turning, and at the very end of the movie, when Laurel’s brother asks her what they should do next and she responds, “Maybe what everyone with power should do and never does: share it” (Elmore, 2019).
(watch video until 1:30:00)
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Finally, watching this film from the subject positionality of a woman greatly influenced my interpretation and reaction. At first, I was appalled by the group of girls and how nonchalantly they killed people, especially men. Laurel was written to have the same feelings of shock and disgust. So, when Duke said, “Our role is secondary. Our bodies are suspect, alien, other. We’re made to be monstrous, so let’s be monsters,” (Elmore, 2019) that was enough of an explanation for Laurel, and for myself, to become sympathetic to their cause. I have been personally affected by the feelings of otherness and being secondary that Duke lists, so this was a perfect line to change my opinion on their actions. However, if a man were to watch this film, especially if he were not to be a feminist, he might not be so sympathetic because he does not have the same experiences and understanding of what it is like to live in this world.
(watch until 41:12)
Bit is a film that crosses many boundaries, while still upholding some homonormativity for the sake of profit and consumption. It was written with the expectation of an audience that is knowledgeable of marginalized communities and social issues, making it thoroughly enjoyable to watch from a queer perspective. However, if the film were to break into the mainstream spotlight, its lack of nuance could cause harmful backlash toward trans communities, people of color, woman-loving women, and feminist movements. 
Benshoff, H. M. & Griffin, S. (2004). Queer cinema: The film reader. Psychology Press.
Cavalcante, A. (2017). Breaking into transgender life: Transgender audiences’ experiences with ‘first of its kind’ visibility in popular media. Communication, Culture & Critique, 10(3), 538-555. https://doi.org/10.1111/cccr.12165
Duggan, L. (2002). Introduction. In The twilight of equality? Neoliberalism, cultural politics, and the attack on democracy (pp. X-XXII). Beacon Press. 
Dunagan, R. (2019, August 2). Interview: A talk with Brad Michael Elmore, Director of OUTFEST’s ‘Bit’. Flipscreen. https://flipscreened.com/2019/08/02/interview-a-talk-with-brad-michael-elmore-director-of-outfests-bit/
Elmore, B. M. (Director). (2019). Bit [Film]. Vertical Entertainment.
Joyrich, L. (2013). Queer television studies: Currents, flows, and (main)streams. Cinema Journal, 53(2), 133-139. https://doi.org/10.1353/cj.2014.0015 
Tongson, K. (2017). Queer. In L. Ouellette & J. Gray (Eds.), Keywords for media studies (pp. 157-160). NYU Press. 
Tourmaline. (2017, October 11). Tourmaline on transgender storytelling, David France, and the Netflix Marsha P. Johnson Documentary. Teen Vogue. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/reina-gossett-marsha-p-johnson-op-ed 
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