#you like sure it would be cool to be able to defeat all your enemies yourself but that's just not possible and we have to do what's best fo
t-u-i-t-c · 8 months
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majesticarlette · 2 months
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x Ladybug!Reader
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"Surrender your Miraculous, Chat Noir!" You shouted as you glare at him from above on top of the Eiffel Tower.
"Dream on, Ladybug." He smirked and fires multiple Cataclysms in your direction. You used your yo-yo as a shield to protect yourself and fled the Eiffel Tower.
The city of Paris is once again troubled by a megakuma and after you just de-evilized the butterfly, a wild Chat Noir appeared. It's exhausting to deal with two birds with one stone but it's worth it. He was able to expand his powers, making the fights between you more difficult. He could fire multiple but limited cataclysms now. If he expanded his own powers, you sure also did. It's only fair to fight a lion if you're also a lion.
Chat Noir followed you as you escape the Eiffel Tower. Fortunately, he isn't as sharp as a knife, and with your street-smarts, you were able to lose him.
"This is taking too long, I have a date later." You groaned and you activated your second lucky charm, and it gave you a superglue. At this point, you're not going to question how it is used, but to figure out what to do about it fast.
You came back to where the fight was and scanned the environment, and you didn't spot anything to use the superglue with.
"You sure ain't good at hiding, huh, Ladybug?" You turned around and saw Chat spinning his baton, and you finally knew how to end this thing at once.
"Eh, you didn't even catch up to me given your cat abilities. Lame." You rolled your eyes trying to provoke him. He charges at you, and you two get into a fight worse than a catfight.
You love angering the cat in front of you, and the way he's slowly losing his cool from you dodging his scratches satiates an itch in your brain. You don't really hate him in the beginning, you actually wanted to cooperate with this kitty but something about the two of you just don't click. He doesn't plan his punches, he's impulsive, arrogant, doesn't like getting told what to do, and claiming he's a solo flight in fights.
Even actual cats don't behave this way, they won't exert much energy for this crap. Ugh!
Chat Noir growls and starts exerting more strength in his moves trying to bring you down.
"Oh... I see sweat, Kitty. Are you having a hard time? You think you're the only cat who's gonna lose to a bug?" You laugh earning a yell of rage from him. At this point in the fight, you're just dodging his offenses and waiting for a sign to use your lucky charm.
"You think you're all that?! You can't even defeat the megakuma by yourself!"
"Please, you think you did anything? You acted like a cat who broke a glass and thinks he did something great. In short you made it way worse!" He managed to scratch your suit earning a clean incision on your arm. You flinched at the sensation and let out a gasp.
Distracted, Chat Noir took this advantage to reach his staff from behind. He extended it to knock you out of the fight.
You flew from the impact and held onto his staff. You groaned from the pain and checked yourself from any more damages. As you were standing up, Chat Noir used his extended staff to knock you out of your balance, once again falling on your ass.
He chuckled at your state retracting his staff. "You think highly of yourself--"
"And you don't?!--" You hiss
"Shh! I'm talking!" He glared at you. "This is why you're so hard to deal with, you're so stubborn!" As he was about to rant his troubles about you, he saw you wiping blood from your injured arm. His eyes grew wide, did he cause this? If he did... Why would he even care? You deserved it! You don't believe in him! Is it deep, though? It might get infected...
He shook his thoughts and tried to put his staff back but it won't budge. He furrowed his eyebrows and held onto the other end to try and get it off the other but both ended up stuck. He groans in annoyance while putting much force to get it off, yet no luck.
You laughed at the scene and stood from where you were. "I told you, you don't plan ahead. I guess curiosity really killed the cat." You used your yo-yo strings to wrap around his ankles and yanked him up on the street lamp.
"Admit defeat?" You held up the super glue you used on his staff and pinched the cheeks of his upside down face. He only furrowed his brows further. "You know your face could get stuck on that expression--" As things were getting your way, beeping was heard from the two of you. "Not now!" You retracted your yo-yo from him. "This isn't over!" You ran away, leaving him on his own.
You let out a sigh after de-transforming back to your civilian self. You were exhausted from fighting two people today. Why can't Chat Noir surrender his miraculous so you can give it to the person who deserves it, like Marinette! Why did Master Shifu give it to him to begin with?
Your thoughts were interrupted when your phone was alarmed. "Oh, no! I totally forgot!" You really need to have a hero/life balance, how will you get to know your other half if you always prioritize hero duties?
You ran your heart out to the park to meet your date today. Panting, you scanned the area to see any signs of him but he was nowhere to be seen. Yeah, he already went home, it's really rude to make your date wait for a while, he might've felt embarrassed.
Sighing for the second time, you turned around and decided to walk home. "(Y/n)! Wait!" The familiar voice alerted you and looked around for the source, and there you saw him, Adrien. He was running towards you.
"I'm sorry, I was late! We hid from the megakuma and only stepped out when it was clear." He panted, catching his breath. Yeah, you and Chat Noir really contributed to his lateness.
"Are you okay? Were you hurt from the villain?" He cupped your cheeks checking you for any injuries.
"N-no! I'm fine, really!" You tucked your hair behind your ear, feeling flustered by his presence.
Little did you know, Adrien noticed your arm injury. It's really identical to what he did to Ladybug.
Yeah, you did not only forget one thing.
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Hiii! Have a great day!
How about Ghost, Valeria, and Price with a close friend who is a professional boxer? Imagine asking them to practice/train with you n stuff
Unrelated, what's your favorite color?
Hello! Thank you! I hope you have a great day as well! My favorite color would be either a nice purple or a nice pink! I just really love both colors, so it's hard for me to choose!
Price, Ghost and Valeria with a Boxer!Friend
Price: He’s not a boxer per se himself, but he can bust out a few moves if he needs to. He’s had his own boxing matches with the enemy from time to time, so he can definitely pack a very mean punch if he wanted to. Thinks it’s very cool that you’re a professional boxer and definitely supports you however he can. As he knows plenty of people, he can probably arrange a friendly match between you and someone he knows so you can get some practice in with all kinds of people. However, you’re more than welcome to ask him for some sparring as well, he’ll laugh but won’t turn you down. But beware, he won’t go down easily either. He’s a captain, he has his pride and wants you to know that he’s not just some goon you can pick off and defeat just like that. And he will give it his all. He’s fairly bulky and, due to his profession, can take quite a lot. Might fake mock you from time to time, asking you if that’s really all that you’ve got. Doesn’t hold back in the slightest, the fact that you’re his good friend doesn’t matter too much to him at that moment. While he sort of does hope that you’ll win, he won’t make it easy for you. Price has very quick reflexes and could dodge you somewhat easily, but you will be able to get a good hit or two in as well. Very proud of you when you do beat him, regardless of whether you’re able to do so on your first try or if it took you several times. After every match with him he’ll take you out for a drink, one that is on him, and gives you pointers on how he thinks you could do better. He just really wants you to thrive and do well as a boxer so you can rise almost effortlessly. He knows it’s hard, but he’s with you all the way and will support you however he can.
Ghost: He used to box for fun when he was a bit younger. It definitely wasn’t too long ago, so he still knows how to box somewhat well. Ghost is a bit stronger than Price physically, so taking a punch from him would definitely hurt, but that’s just him showing you that he loves and appreciates you: By not holding back in the slightest. He can take a lot, so I’m wishing you good luck as you train with him, it’s definitely not easy taking him down. You can train with him just about whenever he has the time, though, he really doesn’t mind. In fact, he quite likes it when you ask him to train with you, it makes him feel as though he’s a trusted friend of yours. He may not be as quick as Price, but his reflexes are still cat-like. Sometimes, he has to spar like that with Soap still, so he still knows what he’s doing since the sergeant is very persistent in matters like those. Ghost is quick, focused and his punches are very calculated, he can take down and defeat just about anyone crossing his path. Besides, you’re a professional, surely you won’t go down so easily when it comes to someone who shouldn’t be on your level, right? Gives you pointers as well during your matches. He means well, but he also just wants to piss you off and break your concentration like that a bit. However, a fight with him is entirely fair. Ghost knows the rules and knows them well, so he won’t do anything out of the ordinary. Besides, he’ll check up on you after the match, regardless of who won out of the two of you. You are a good friend of his, you should be doing well at all times, Ghost can take care of himself too, after all. Like Price, he’ll take you out for a drink or two afterwards. However, if he’s not on deployment, he’ll try to go to some of your matches as well, when he can. He’d love to see you in action against a proper opponent.
Valeria: She’s probably tried to hire you since you’re very good at what you do, but you said no every time, so she gave up eventually. While she will still hint at wanting you to work for her, she can understand why you’d say no, your job is much more honest than hers, after all. Valeria has a certain appreciation for your boxing, thinking it to be rather cool. You can defend yourself in close combat, if it comes down to it, so she really doesn’t have to worry about you as much as other people. Like Price, she knows plenty of people. In fact, if you want to go up against some celebrities, she could probably pull some strings and have something arranged. It’s amusing to her, watching two people beat each other up in the name of sports. Will watch your matches as well when she can, you are her dear friend, after all. You can ask her, too, to fight you, and she likely won’t say no to that. If she has the time, that is, and is in the right mood for it as well. She doesn’t have nearly as much experience boxing as Ghost or Price do, but she can hold her own if it comes down to it. While she may not be as powerful as the other two, she will turn a match of regular boxing into kickboxing. She knows she shouldn’t, but as soon as it looks like you’re about to win she’ll do whatever she can to turn the tides. Her kicks are very powerful, so it’s not like she doesn’t know what she’s doing either. You need to nag a lot at her for the both of you to have a proper match without kicking on her behalf. If you’re having a regular match then it’s not that unlikely for her to just lose. She doesn’t have a lot of experience in the field of boxing since she prefers ranged weapons over melee. She’ll sulk a bit if you do beat her, but won’t hold it against you. If anything, she might challenge you out of her own will again just so she can beat you at some point. Such a thing is important to her.
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rosie-b · 3 months
WIP Reblog Game
Thank you for tagging me @coffeebanana! <3
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
(I'm not sure if these wips are supposed to all be partially posted already or not, so here's a mix of fics with potential sequels and multichapter fics)
True Blue - enemies au + kwami swap (Marinette is the Peacock in this one) (it's been nearly a year since I posted the first chapter and I really thought it would be finished by now T^T)
Guilty by Association sequel (probably) - ladrien fake dating post-hawkmoth defeat
For the Sake of a Ring sequel (maybe) - lovesquare multiverse shenanigans before it was cool (unrelated to the paris special)
A Chat Walks Into an Office series (perhaps) - crack, ladrien, and gabriel realizing he's an idiot after an unexpected reveal
Growing Fangs (someday) - canon divergent future au centered on the next generation of heroes (the dupain-cheng kids) (it's been over a year since the last update bc i wrote myself into a ditch and can't get out of it hehe)
(As you might be able to tell, I don't leave most of my fics unfinished for long; I'm normally pretty good at leaving my ideas as oneshots or finishing them quickly.)
The Gorizilla chapter!!!!! It's gonna be so fun (and an emotional roller coaster)
Ladrien with fake dating!!! The first fic was more-or-less a setup for this exact scenario. The problem: I have roughly no ideas for which direction to take this series atm
Ok, so this fic will be the battle scene from Adrien's pov, featuring many different universes' Ladybugs. I came up with one Marinette who is literally a rose and I love her so much so I'm most excited to try to incorporate her story (gonna be a challenge though)
Finishing the series. I might honestly end it where it is, but I do have a draft of Hawk Moth meeting Ladybug and explaining what happened (she doesn't believe him, of course, and she's very concerned for her partner)
Ok, after the decade-long timeskip, Chat and Ladybug will start off as the main heroes. However, they'll be forced to give their Miraculous to their kids for Reasons™, and I am very excited to get to that part and what happens afterwards (i swear i have a plan, it's just i keep getting sidetracked)
I get distracted by new ideas all the time, so the only 100% guaranteed updates are for True Blue (within a month) and Growing Fangs (before I die). BUT. I will be motivated to work on the other sequels if you guys vote for them or leave comments/tags saying you'd like to read them!
10 new people to tag is a lot, so let's see: @lady-de-mon-coeur, @nemaliwrites, @marimbles, @chai-ki, @aidanchaser, @deinde-prandium, @ninadove, @fragileizy, and @hamsteriffic (no pressure, of course! and sorry if i re-tagged you)
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egg-emperor · 9 days
I'm thinking about Eggman x Clutch because while Idc much for the character aside from some nice r34, two old men enemies dynamic. simple as. I have nothing deep to say I just think it would be cool if they fucked lol
Eggman finds out Clutch is behind the clean sweep thing and that stupid ass TV spot, sneaks into his place in his sexy purple coat and hat disguise to get past security and shit after trying some lying, bribery, pretending he's a bar of soap and giving them all the slip, etc. Finds and confronts Clutch and it turns into hatefucking just like that there and then because what else you know me
Eggman trying to dominate him through it and show him who's boss, that he's the one that's supposed to take what he wants from others like this, not the other way around like him with the clean sweep collecting his stuff. But Clutch looks at him smugly because this clearly isn't his first rodeo as he's an experienced older man too and Eggman isn't used to them being able to handle it this well
Well aside from how he still very much falters at times because Eggman is just very big for that lil opossum butt hehe. That makes Eggman happier to see so he tries harder but Clutch is up for the challenge and likes how pissing him off makes him rougher, teeth gritted and growling. Both of these old men like to prove how tough they are and how their age doesn't change that
And I'm just thinking of funny old men bickering during it, Eggman tries to degrade him and put him down by talking multiple shots at him for being an old man despite his own age like lol you old timer old ass man. But Clutch is just like "So are you and I bet you dye that stache" and Eggman says "Damn it well at least I'm not the one taking it like a slut right now like you in your old age"
Clutch is still unfazed and says "So bold but I bet you like taking it too, grandpa" and Eggman is like "why the hell would you even think that" and frowns harder and blushes and Clutch says "Well I wasn't sure actually but your reaction and how you didn't deny it just proved that you absolutely do." He's like "fuck you" and Clutch says "No fuck you because I know you'd like that >;)"
So he literally does to find out because Eggman is like "Alright then prove it" and plans to show he totally won't because there's no way he's good enough. But oh nooo he enjoys it and can't hide it, he got too confident again which happens too often when he bottoms. This dirty opossum, this fellow old man, gets him good. Damn it. How embarrassing. Clutch smirks "Who's the slut now"
So that was a little humiliating but undeniably enjoyable to end up in the complete opposite position of where he planned that night. But don't worry, it's okay because Clutch won't get to be very proud for long. Eggman still destroys him soon enough because it wasn't enough to change that he still messed with his stuff and endorsed that blasted TV spot and needs punishment, of course
he's especially gotta make sure he does a good job of it ASAP because he doesn't want Clutch going around telling anyone that before he has him under his boot in defeat, he was under him in secret not too long ago :P
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hi, don't know if you'll write this but I was wondering if reader is a new sun breathing hashira, what do the other hashira treat the reader?
(the reader has a personality alike with Kagaya, but might be a bit distance)
it's ok if you don't want to write this, thank youuu!
Ooooo, so the reader is the first sun breathing hashira since Yoriichi. This is... AWESOME! I definitely want to write this, and no, thank you!
I shall go through each hashira and give a description of how reader would be treated by them! Let's start with.... hmm... Flame hashira Kyojuro!
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I believe Kyojuro would treat the reader with a lot of respect. Given his upbringing, he knows a bit about sun breathing and is intrigued to find out more about it. So, he would be very friendly with the reader and probably even request for you to spar together. I reckon he would say something like, "Iron sharpens iron, Y/N, so let's push each other to our limits!"
Since your personality is quiet and distant, you might struggle to develop connections with the more reserved hashira, but Kyojuro would happily be your best friend, always making an effort to approach you and make sure you're doing alright.
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Sanemi... Might make an enemy out of you. He would perceive your quietness and reputation as the only sun breathing demon slayer as you thinking that you're superior, and thus, antagonize you. He would want to spar with you, except using real swords and because he wants to prove that he's better than you.
If you defeated him in a sparring match, he might actually grow some respect for you and start leaving you alone. However, until you prove your skills to him, he would show you a complete lack of respect
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I could see Mitsuri being a little shy to approach you, but she'd admire you from a distance; she would think your sun breathing is ridiculously cool, and find your demeanor charming. If the two of you ever spoke, she would get endearingly shy and blushy, but being her energetic self, she wouldn't be able to help but open up and thus become more comfortable around you. It might just take some time.
Ultimately, she'd be one of the friendlier hashira, even inviting you out for meals (occasionally even for a 'snack', which for her, would still be ten boxes of bento) and asking questions about your likes and dislikes, hoping to get to know you better.
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I think you and Giyu would have a lot to connect on. I imagine you both feel different, you because you're the only sun breathing demon slayer and Giyu because he doesn't feel deserving of his position. However, Giyu is very reserved, so you might not get the chance to talk much. That being said, he would treat you with respect and enjoy training with you.
If you went on a mission together, you would discover how well his water breathing synergizes with your sun breathing; together, your skills could topple even an Upper Moon demon.
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You and Shinobu would get along just fine. She might tease you from time to time, but it'd be harmless. For the most part, she'd just be interested to learn about sun breathing, as she doesn't know much about it yet but likes to fill the gaps in her knowledge.
If you were ever seriously injured, Shinobu would be the one to take care of you. I can imagine her throwing out a playful remark such as, "You are the only sun breathing hashira around, so don't go dying on us, okay?" with a slight smile as she bandages you up.
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If the reader has a personality like Kagaya, I imagine Gyomei would get along with them very well. He would show you a lot of reverence, and probably see the arrival of the sun breathing hashira as some sort of divine sign that the defeat of Muzan is inevitable.
He'd spend a lot of time getting to know you better, hoping to get to the bottom of what drives you. After all, Gyomei can't help but be interested in the first sun breathing hashira in years. However, it isn't enough for him to simply hear 'sun breathing'. He wants to know that you have the spirit and drive of a hashira. If you can show him that, he will be one of your closest companions.
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Your first interaction with Tengen would go something like this:
"You're the new hashira? Hm, nice to meet you. I was expecting someone a little flashier, but seeing my flashy self in the mirror every day, my expectations are probably just too sky high. Anyways, what breathing did you say you practice again..?"
"Sun breathing." you respond.
"Oh, I see- WAIT, SUN BREATHING?!" he would dramatically yell and place both hands on your shoulders, "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO, DUMBASS?! YOU'RE FLASHY AS ALL HECK!"
You feel a little awkward, "I did say so."
Tengen chuckles and wraps an arm around you, "Alright, let's go out for a drink in some flamboyant bar and you can tell me more about sun breathing, how does that sound?!"
You would agree and go for a drink with him, and find out that his arrogance is deceptive and he's actually a good guy to have around. "You might be new, but if you ever need someone to teach you a thing or two, I'm your guy." He would say, raising a thumb and grinning, flashily. He would take you under his wing when it comes to getting used to hashira life and teach you what he knows, if you wish to learn (only in exchange for seeing your sun breathing in action, though.)
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Muichiro is the hashira you'd interact the least with. It takes about a week for him to even acknowledge your existence, as he spends most of his time spaced out and focusing on things unknown. Then, when he does finally interact with you, it'd be in a very casual and dismissive way; during a hashira meeting, it turns out you're sitting in his usual seat, and he goes up to you and simply says "You're sitting in my seat. Please move." You would be a little confused, but shuffle over to your left, and then he'd sit next to you. He wouldn't look at you again for the rest of the meeting, nor would he say anything at all.
After Muichiro meets Tanjiro and regains his memories, however, his treatment of you would become less dismissive. He would apologize for the seat incident and begin greeting you when you pass each other, even offering a sweet smile.
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Obanai would be rather rude to you, as he is to everyone. He expects the best out of his peers and wouldn't ever be nice to you. The best you would get out of him is a silent show of respect, which would only occur whenever you killed a demon in impressive fashion. If you ever made a mistake in his presence, he would remark on it. He holds you to especially high standards given that you're the sun breathing hashira.
He would perhaps even get jealous if he saw you talking to Mitsuri, and glare daggers at you. One of the other hashira, maybe Shinobu, would explain that Obanai is just like this with everyone and that you shouldn't take it personally.
I had SO much fun writing this! I really hope you had fun reading it, anon! The hashira would all respect you in their own ways, some more nuanced than others. Some would even be friends with you! Overall, this was a really fantastic ask so thank you for that <3
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thatsadbietch · 8 months
Critical Hit
Tickletober Day 4: Weak Spots
Yes, I am severely late. No, I will not be taking comments on it at this time. I would rather post something I'm satisfied with late than something half-assed on time. You all and I both deserve the best <3
Ryuji is tasked with leading the next Phantom Thieves' training session. Leave it to him to work in time to pick on his favorite Joker and teach something worthwhile!
Warning: Of course, tickles, and some curses.
“Joker, watch out!” Skull cried, deflecting an oncoming attack toward his leader, who had been occupied with another enemy.  The attack was directed back toward the Shadow that cast it, defeating it instantly.
“Nice job, Skull,” Joker praised, finishing off his own target. The Phantom Thieves were surrounded, but not critically so; a group of lower-level Shadows had managed to get the jump on the gang.  Even so, this was far from the Thieves’ first rodeo, having made several trips to Mementos, both in search of their favorite non-feline’s past and to help the citizens of Tokyo whose Shadows have become too strong.
“Truly art in motion,” Yusuke, aka Fox, commented. He, Skull, and Joker have been tasked to search a section of Mementos while Panther, Queen, and Mona search another section, having Oracle be the go-between for communications.
“Skull, your form and approach have quite changed for the better.  Perhaps I can attend your and Joker’s next training session? Surely there’s much I can learn,” he asked sincerely.  Skull snickered, throwing a knowing glare at his leader.
“I’m cool with you tagging along, but it’s up to the mighty leader over here.  Not sure if he could handle both of us.” Joker rolled his eyes as his friend hinted at the mischief that unfolded last time.
“Yes, Fox, I think that’s a good call. And since Skull is so eager for you to join he shouldn’t mind planning our next training session.”  That wiped Ryuji’s grin away.
“Yeah, you did really well last time.  And it would be beneficial for someone else to be able to lead training sessions, just in case.”  Ryuji thought for a minute before nodding slowly.
“...Yeah, I can do it, no worries.”  Ren smiled.
“Good, can’t wait to see what you come up with.”
“Nor can I,” Fox chimed in, “I’m looking forward to it.”
They agreed on meeting in a week’s time, when the field and track would be free and clear again. It seemed like the dialogue in Ryuji’s head went from “I’ve got a week, no big deal” to “CRAP, I have to have this ready in a few hours!” in the blink of an eye, and he still had no idea on how to lead a training session.  He sat alone in the library, which was a rare sight in itself, but he knew he needed to step up.
“Come on,” he mentally prompted, “just plan training time.  An hour, maybe ninety minutes.  You can do this.”
“Ryuji?” The electric blonde jumped out of his skin with a shrill noise of surprise, earning him a “Shh!” from the other students. He turned quickly and saw his student council president and Queen to Mementos.  Makoto sat across from him.
“I’m surprised to see you here.  You looked like you were struggling, though.  Anything I can help with?”
“Uh… Yeah, actually.  But I really can’t talk about it here. It’s about practice,” Ryuji emphasized and gave her a look, hoping she’d take the hint.  She stood, as if to say “received,” but actually said, “Of course.  We can use the student council room.  Our meeting just ended, so no one’s in there right now.”
They walked to the now empty classroom where student council meetings are held, and Ryuji explained the situation to Makoto.  She listened intently, already forming several solutions but not wanting to miss any details.
“He just sprung it on me.  And in front of Fox, how could I say “no”?”  Her strategizing mind realized he was venting now, and she smiled at him.
“He trusts you, Ryuji.  And he wouldn’t have asked you if he didn’t think you could handle it.”
“...you think so?”
“Absolutely! You’re his best friend, you don’t need me to tell you that.” Ryuji reflected on it and smiled, but in an instant grew panicked again.
“Wait! Aren’t you and Ann going too?!”
“Shhh! Ren and I already discussed that,” she started, keeping her voice low despite the privacy of the classroom, “it might be best to keep up appearances as much as possible.  Meaning getting together in a big group all of a sudden might seem suspicious. She and I have separate training days until we figure out something else.”
“Oh… yeah, that makes sense.  That’s why he’s the Leader, I guess.” Ryuji couldn’t help but be relieved; he enjoyed having Ann and Makoto on the team, but the less people at his first led training session, the better.
“So, as for your session,” Makoto started, “Always start any physical training with a warm up.  It’ll help keep you from getting sore, and will help with performance during the training.” Ryuji was scribbling madly in his notebook, as if she were sharing answers to a final exam.
“Next, you need to pick the focus of your session.  What did Ren do during your last session?” Ryuji shrugged.
“Ran and sparred, mostly.” Makoto looked blankly for a moment, and as if on cue Ryuji added, “Oh! He went over “observing and adapting,” saying stuff like how just charging at Shadows wasn’t always going to work.  Which I still don’t know if I buy it, but his way worked, too.” Makoto sighed at his impulsivity, but continued.
“So he focused on refining a skill.  You can do that. Or, you can try teaching something that you specialize in.”
“Well…” Ryuji thought, “I am pretty good at knocking down some Shadows with one hit.”
“So you’re good at finding their weakest points, and using them to your advantage?” Makoto asked.  Ryuji’s eyes started to light up.
“Yeah… I can show them how I do that! Thank you, Makoto!” He suddenly stood and hugged her, running out of the classroom and not stopping until he reached the track field.
“I wonder how he’s going to teach that.”
“How the heck am I supposed to teach this?!” Ryuji exclaimed in his head, pacing the track while waiting on his two trainees.  He didn’t have to wait long though, as he could see Ren leading Yusuke in his direction, both changed in athletic wear and ready to start.
“Hello, leader-for-today,” Ren started, “I’ve been wondering what you’ve come up with.”
“As have I,” Yusuke chimed in, “I hope to be better equipped to handle Shadows, and to gain some artistic inspiration.  Seeing Joker take the lead is inspiring in itself, but you surely will offer a unique perspective,”  Though Yusuke’s intentions were pure, Ryuji took this as “the pressure’s on,” and became a bit more visibly nervous.
“Uh… Yeah… totally… WARM UP!” he shouted, suddenly remembering Makoto’s advice and recognizing a way to dodge the inevitable for at least a few more minutes.
“Right! We can’t train well without a warm up! Let’s jog a few laps and stretch!”  The two looked a bit confused, but did as they were told while Ryuji led the jog and stretches.
“Ryuji, are we ready to get started on the lesson?” Ren asked gently, starting to realize the task had given his second-in-command much more stress than he thought.  Ryuji finally sighed.
“Okay, I wanted to show you guys how I land critical hits on Shadows, but we aren’t in Mementos and I know we don’t usually go without the others just in case something happens and I couldn’t think of anything else to do and-”
“Ryuji,” Ren put a hand on his shoulder, and it worked as if it functioned as a “pause” button.
“That’s a great skill to learn! And we don’t have to be in Mementos; I’ll be the Shadow so Yusuke can observe.”
“O-Oh, okay… Yeah! Thanks, dude!” Ryuji regained every bit of his energy and excitement, causing Ren to chuckle fondly and Yusuke to wonder how Ryuji functions so well against enemies while his train of thought was all over the place.
“I suppose that’s what I’m here to learn” he thought, watching Ryuiji and Ren take opposing stances.
“Okay, um… Ren?” his ravenette friend smiled at him.
“Just do what comes naturally when you’re fighting.  Try to narrate it.”
“So,” Ryuji started, “There’s a Shadow in front of you, Yusuke. What do you notice about his stance?”
“Well, he’s grounded.  And he has one arm toward his face, and the other at his torso.”
“Right.  And that’s pretty normal for us: to protect our faces and middles, where our organs are,” Ryuji explained.  Ren and Yusuke were shocked at Ryuji’s knowledge on the subject, and how well he was teaching it.  Ryuji was even surprising himself, although he was only doing as Ren said, narrating his instincts.
“Every Shadow is going to have different areas they want to protect.  They don’t have organs and some might not even have faces, who knows.  But they’re weak somewhere, and their defensive stance will usually tell you where.”
“What about our Personas?” Yusuke asked, “They seem to have abilities that work well against certain Shadows, and not with others.”  Ryuji blanked, he hadn’t really thought about that part.
“Excellent question, but let’s focus on the basics for now,” Ren saved, “Queen and I were actually discussing this earlier, and are working with Oracle on compiling a list of Shadow’s we’ve faced and what their strengths and weaknesses are.” Though it appeared to just be the three here, Ren wanted to remain vigilant in keeping the other members’ identities safe.
“I see, thank you. My apologies, Ryuji, please continue.”
“Yeah dude, totally ask questions!” He faced Ren again.  “Now, come at me like you’re going to attack.  Slow-mo, though.” Ren nodded, seeing where Ryuji was taking this part.  He motioned a running start, and a punch with his right hand, the one originally blocking his torso.
“Stop,” Ryuji instructed.  Ren froze in his position, right arm extended in a mock blow to Ryuji’s jaw.
“Now, I can do three things. Since I was in my own defensive stance, I can block with this arm,” motioning his left, protecting his face, “I can take his wrist and fling him behind me using his own force,” again, the both of them demonstrating what that would look like,  “or, what I’m showing you guys, I can take this as an opportunity.  Yusuke, what’s changed about his position?”
“Well, in order to make an attack, he was forced to uncover a weak point he was previously protecting.”  Ryuji beamed.
“Exactly! You can’t do both. See,” Ryuji demonstrated, taking his pointer finger and tracing from Ren’s ribs to his hip bones. “His weak points are wide open now.” Ren inhaled sharply and winced. Ryuji looked to him, suddenly smug.
“And I do mean his weak points.” As a leader, he was proud that Ryuji picked up on small cues that could give him an edge.  However, he wasn’t the acting leader right now, so as his friend he’d hoped it would go unnoticed.  Yusuke hadn’t paid the brief interaction any mind, as he was more focused on the lesson at hand.  Ryuji returned to his original position, to the moment just before he would have been struck by his opponent.
“So,” he continued nonchalantly, “since we decided to attack, I see him coming toward me with this opening, I’m going to dodge, and strike.” Ryuji swerved his body under Ren’s extended arm, and instead of a mock strike, latched onto Ren’s side and squeezed.  Yusuke would have had to be blind and deaf to miss Ren’s reaction this time, as he squealed and recoiled from the surprise attack.
“AH! Ryuhohoji!”
“...What’s going on?” Yusuke asked, as much confused as he was amused.
“Just a demonstration,” Ryuji replied with a snicker before releasing Ren.  “I think you should give it a try.  Ren, you’re the Shadow again.”
“Greheat,” he replied as Ryuji and Yusuke switched places.  Yusuke had a gleam in his eyes too similar to Ryuji’s to be considered “comfortable” to the Joker.
“All right, Ren, slowly.  Yusuke, get ready.” Ryuji prompted. Ren exhaled, moving slowly for Yusuke’s sake.  It was his job, after all, to teach his team. And surely Yusuke is serious about his training, as to not be tempted by such juvenile tactics-
“BWAH! Hehehehey! YUSUKEHEHEHE!”  Yusuke did appear very serious in his training; so much so he adopted two strategies.  As Joker came with his slow swing, Yusuke grabbed his wrist with his right hand.  With his left, Yusuke latched onto the Joker’s ribs, noticing a much stronger reaction to his grip than Ryuji’s.
“Lehehehet go, Yusuke! Yohohou got me!” However, the artist chuckled and held firm to his “opponent’s” wrist.
“Have I done it correctly, Ryuji?” The blonde couldn’t believe what he was witnessing, and in the best way.  He cackled wickedly.
“I couldn’t have done better myself.  But he doesn’t look totally defeated.” Ren, still giggling against Yusuke’s ticklish grip, noticed Ryuji approaching.
“Stahahahay awahehey, Ryuji!” Ren threatened, trying with more desperation to break himself free from Yusuke.  However, in response Ryuji snatched his other wrist.  His giggles were already becoming more frantic, knowing how screwed he was with both of them playing this game.
“I’ve never seen you like this, Ren,” Yusuke noted, “It’s like witnessing a whole other part of you.”
“You are, dude.  This, you see, is “nearly defeated” Ren.” Ryuji explained as if we were now the expert in Ren’s weaknesses.  Which, in the context of which tickle spots can get Ren to buckle, he just might be the expert, Sojiro being a close second.
“I see. Are you telling me he has weaker points?” Yusuke said, still sounding like a student but adopted the smug smirk and mischievous gleam of a tormentor.
“Juuhuhust get ohohon with it!” Ren pleaded.  Why were they taking so long? And talking about him like he wasn’t even there?
“Quiet, you, I’m teaching, just like you asked,” With that, Ryuji swiped his fingers along Ren’s collarbone and neck with his free hand.  The raven-haired boy scrunched his shoulders up and sweet giggles bubbled forward.  Yusuke would not have believed this boy, adorable in his mirthful state, was in charge of the vengeful Phantom Thieves, if he were not there in the flesh to see for himself.
“Such a sweet sound, and a precious expression to accompany it.  I had not expected to find such inspiration from mere child’s play.”
Ren didn’t really have a response; he didn’t think he would serve as inspiration in this state either. Other than inspiration for Ryuji to continue leading him to his ticklish demise.
“Yeah yeah, he’s cute, we get it,” Ryuji said, and blushed himself a bit at the remark.  “Here, give me that.”  He took Ren’s other wrist from Yusuke and pinned both over his head.
“Now see, you’ve found your target’s weaker areas.  Deliver a critical hit.” His instructions came out malicious, and Yusuke’s look of adoration turned back to sinister.
“Y-Yusuke! You don’t have to do it! You already got me, and you picked it up really quick!”
“Yusuke, you remember when we fight Shadows how they sometimes beg to be spared?” Ryuji intervened, “Well, this is one of those times.  Since Ren’s right and you did get it on the first try, it’s your call. Mercy, or finish him?”  Yusuke looked at his now pitiful leader, and almost felt bad for him.  However, he realized this was an effect Ren tended to have on people.  He comes off pretty innocent or unassuming, but Yusuke has seen first hand what he’s actually capable of.
“How will I know if he’s “defeated”?
“Yusuke!” “Oho, trust me, he’ll tell you!” Ryuji said.  Ren felt his grip tighten on his wrists as he helplessly watched Yusuke approach him, claws formed with his hands.
“Y-Yusukehehe, nohoho, dohohon’t-NAHAHAHA!” Ren begged, but it fell on deaf ears as Yusuke descended his claw-like fingers into the hollows of Ren’s underarms, skittering up and down his tricep.  Ren tried vehemently, but failed to bring his arms down and out of Ryuji’s grip, who he could hear snickering under his own cackling.
“RYUJIHEHEHE you JERK!” he spat. 
“You know, we don’t take crap from Shadows, do we, Yusuke?”
“Definitely not.  This heathen needs to learn his manners.” Ryuji was absolutely ecstatic that Yusuke was seamlessly playing along as he shifted gears, drumming on Ren’s ribs like he would a piano.
“Do you know how many ribs you have, Joker?”
“How many?”
“PFFT!” He might have been trying to say twenty-four, if not for Ryuji throwing in a raspberry to the crook of the Joker’s neck.  He could (barely) handle Yusuke prodding at his ribs or Ryuji’s raspberries to the neck, but both?
“Well, if you don’t know, I’ll have to show you.” Yusuke stated simply, starting with his bottom two.
Ryuji laughed wickedly at his best friend’s expense, unknowing beforehand that Yusuke could be so cruel.  He wasn’t sure if Yusuke could tell, but amongst the loud belly laughter and rib-counting, Ren was starting to buckle the farther up his ribs Yusuke’s wiggling fingers traveled.
“Hey, Yusuke,” Ryuji said.  He almost had to raise his voice to be heard over the ravenette’s boisterous laughter.  He halted immediately, and Ren took the gracious opportunity to catch his breath.
“Be ready when you get to twenty-three and twenty-four. That’s our Joker’s weakest spot.”
“I started to believe he himself was a weak spot.”
“Screhehew you bohohoth,” Ren replied, bracing himself.
“Is that really any way to talk to your pupils?” Yusuke asked, catching Ren off-guard by kneading into his belly.  It was firm from consistent training, but still was quaking from all the giggle fits it helped produce.  Ren threw his head back onto Ryuji’s shoulder in a surprised guffaw, nearly head-butting his nose.
“H-hey, easy dude!”
“I-ihihi’m sorrihehehe!” Ren cried, putting in more effort to hold himself up.
“Here, Yusuke, follow me,” Ryuji instructed.  They led Ren to the ground, Ryuji still holding his wrists but allowing his head to rest in his lap rather than the ground.  Yusuke straddled his waist.
“I suppose this Shadow’s had quite the battle,” Yusuke observed, noticing the streaks of mirthful tears on his leader’s pink face. “I’ll waste no more time then!”
“Any last words, Shadow?” Ryuji teased.  Ren offered one more futile tug to his wrists and took a deep breath.
“Do your worst.  Because you two are dead.” 
“Tch, as if,” Ryuji played off, ignoring the slight chill down his spine.
“Bold words in the face of your demise,” Yusuke noted, also feeling a tinge of nervousness, but wasted no more time and drilled his thumbs in the topmost ribs on either side.  The same leader daring enough to make such a claim in his position positively howled as his most ticklish spot was exploited.
“YUSUKEHEHEHE!” Ren bucked and kicked at the space behind them, but to no avail as far as stopping the maddening sensations playing at his ribs.
“This Shadow’s done for!” Ryuji exclaimed, then laughing along as if Ren’s giggles were truly contagious.
“It’s almost as if, once you know how to deliver a critical hit, the Shadow is not as menacing,” Yusuke teased, switching from drilling to vibrating his fingertips along the length of ribs twenty-three and twenty four.
“JUHUHUHUST YOHOU WAIHIHIT! BWAHAHAHA!” Joker cackled, somehow still delivering threats.  His booming laughter soon grew silent, and he became too weak to struggle.
“All right, all right, I think he’s had enough,” Ryuji warned.  As cruel of a tickler as he was (which Ryuji made a mental note of), Yusuke stopped within the same second he was asked to do so, not wanting to abuse the trust he’d been given. Ryuji released Ren’s wrists, though his arms remained limp above his head while he caught his breath, which occasionally hitched in leftover chuckles.
“Are you all right, Ren?” Yusuke asked, now concerned.  But Ren chuckled, of his own accord this time.
“Yeah, heh, I’m okay.” Ren looked up at Ryuji, since his head was still in his lap.
“If this is how you plan on leading training sessions, you’re fired.”
“What?! No! At least, not every time,” he grinned, still full of mischief, “Gotta keep you on your toes, Joker.”
“And I yours. Yours too, Yusuke.  You won’t know when, you won’t know where-”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it, fearful leader, so scary,” Ryuji brushed off.
“...Let’s instead get some water and continue training? Actually training this time?” Yusuke suggested, as he and his eccentric blonde partner in crime helped their leader up.  While the rest of the training went as planned with no more antics, Yusuke and Ryuji couldn’t help the nagging feeling their Joker was not about to forget this any time soon.
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
OUT OF POCKET ANON has a request!
Open <-
Heyo! I just found your blog and wants to know how would the main four + Basil react to somebody who has ice skates on and just kicks enemies in the face with them and deals massive damage but like their attacks cost a lot of JUICE so they mostly heal with HERO.
Thought that would be a cool concept!
End of request.
- out of pocket anon
Note: Anon this request is amazing! I'll admit I laughed while reading it. But in a good way! I hope I'll be able to get more requests from you in the future out of pocket anon! My apologies this took way longer than it should have anon.
Reader: Male. (Pronouns He/Him.)
Game Series: Omori.
Characters: Omor, Hero, Kel, Aubrey, and Basil.
Ice Skating Mania
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It was just another day in Headspace with Omori and his friends sitting at having a picnic....in a mountain of snow and ice. An unusual place for him, his friends, and his sister to have a picnic for sure but as long as Omori could be with them he was happy. Aubrey and Kel could be seen having a snowball fight while Hero was caught in the middle trying not to get hit. Basil and Mari were also making snow angels together and while he could Basil snapped a picture of the snowball fight between Kel and Aubrey. Meanwhile, Omori was sitting on the picnic blanket waiting for another one of his friends to arrive.
However, it has been quite some time since he went off and left the group of friends. Omori was beginning to get a little worried about his friend thinking something may have happened to him. However just when he was thinking that he was pulled out of his thoughts by a "Hey Omori!" He turned his head to see M/N running towards him with something in his hands. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting Omori!"
"I promise you though it's worth the wait I can't wait to show you!" His friend's eyes sparkle with excitement and joy. Omori looks to see his friend has a pair of ice skates in his hands. "I've got some ice skates with me. I didn't feel they need to bring this up before since we don't come here much. But I'm pretty talented at ice skating and wanted to show it off to you!" His friend says as he takes off his shoes and puts on his ice skates. "Thankfully there's a frozen lake super close to here come I'll show you and everyone else what I'm capable of!"
He says as he takes Omori's hand and yells out to his other friends to follow him to the frozen lake. "Great now watch and learn you're about to witness skill and grace!" He says as glides around the frozen lake with graceful movements. But before he could finish two snow bunnies suddenly attack! Omori and his friends immediately jump into action to protect their friend and defeat the snow bunnies. "Now you get to witness some of my skills watch and learn everyone!" He says as does a twirl and downward kick and attacks the snow bunnies defeating them.
"Woah! That was amazing!" All but Omori said but even though he didn't say anything. You can tell by the expression on his face he found what his friend did pretty impressive. "Although that took a lot of my juice. Hero, do you mind healing me?" "Of course!" Hero said as he healed up M/N juice. "What's with that look, Omori? Were you impressed? If so come on I'll teach you to be just as skilled and graceful as I am with ice skating!"
M/N had just gotten back to see his friend Hero In the middle of a snowball fight between Kel and Aubrey. M/N laughed at the sight of Hero being caught in the middle of a snowball fight. "Oh, my Hero how did you manage to end up like this?* M/N smiled as he saw Hero trying not to get hit as he ran over to M/N. "Those two haven't stopped they've been having that snowball fight forever now." Hero says to M/N out of breath from the running and dogging he had been doing trying not to get hit by the snowballs.
"Seems like you need a break huh? Well, I know the perfect way for you to take a break and relax! Look I've got some ice skates with me I'm pretty skilled at ice skating come on I'll show you!" He takes Hero's hand and drags him near a frozen lake and Omori and the others follow as well to see M/N skate. M/N takes off his shoes and then put on his ice skates putting his shoes aside.
M/N steps onto the frozen lake and skates around with skill and grace "Well Hero what do you think? " You're amazing M/N! You should have shown me this sooner! M/N laughed "Thank you Hero I'm glad to hear that. Now to finish this off with a spin!" But before M/N could finish with a spin a Snow Angel attacked! Hero and the others rushed to M/N's side to help him defeat the enemy.
"My skills with ice skating even involve battle as well! Now watch and learn everyone!" M/N said as he skated around the Snow Angel and as he got closer to it attacked it with the heel of his ice skate. "Yay another victory for M/N!" The group watched in amazement as he defeated the Snow Angel. "However I am low on juice be a dear and heal me, hero?" "Oh of course! Right away I'm here to help!" Hero said as he healed up M/N juice.
"That was amazing M/N! How'd you manage to do that?!?" "With tons of practice of course! Here I have another pair of ice skates put these on and I'll tell teach you!" Hero takes the ice skates from M/N and then steps on the frozen lake and falls. "I thought that might happen here take my hand I'll teach you step by step!" M/N says as Hero takes his hand and begins to practice ice skating.
You had just gotten back to see your good friend Kel in the middle of a snowball with your other good friend Aubrey. You had no idea how long it had been going on but assumed it started after you left. You also noticed Hero in the middle of the chaos of the snowball fight trying to get Kel and Hero to stop while not getting hit with a snowball himself.
Kel and Aubrey even built snow walls to duck behind so that they wouldn't get hit. You quickly rushed over to Kel "Hiya Kel how's the snowball fight going? Kel turned to look at you and his face lit up as he saw you. "M/N your back! Come help me defeat Aubrey In a snowball fight!" You laughed as he started to throw snowballs toward Aubrey. "Okay I can help but only for a little while I have something to show you!" You said as you and Kel threw snowballs at Aubrey while she complained about how unfair two against one was.
After a while, the snowball fight ended with you and Kel being the winners! "Yeah, we won! We're awesome we make a great team M/N!" Kel said looking towards you with a big smile on his face. "I agree we were we'll have to do this again sometime Kel. It was so much fun! But look I have something to show you." You get your ice skates and show them to Kel. "This is what I was away getting some ice skates! I'm pretty talented and wanted to show you what I'm like when ice skating!"
M/N took Kel by the hand and guided him over the frozen while calling out to his other friends to follow. He took off his shoes and put on his ice skates while putting his shoes aside. Once he was ready he stepped onto the frozen lake. "Watch this Kel! Watch and learn the skill and grace of a skilled ice skater!" He was about to finish with a slide however enemies appeared!
Kel and everyone else jumped into action to defeat the enemies and protect M/N. "Don't worry everyone like I said I have the skill and I shall deal with this enemy," M/N said as he dashed around and did a jumping slash at the enemy. "The enemy is defeated and there's a victory for the party!" "Woah M/N you were so amazing! So cool! Teach me to do that!" M/N laughs. "Of course, I shall teach you but I need to heal my juice and then I'll teach you!"
After getting a pair of ice skates you decided to head back to see your friends. Hopefully, you didn't keep them waiting too long Honestly you're not sure long you'd had been away. But it seems like you've been away for longer than you thought as two of your friends had gotten into a snowball fight. Those friends being Kel and the friend you had something to show to being Aubrey.
But you decided that you could have a little fun before you showed her your talent. You rushed over to Aubrey and decided to join the snowball fight! "Heya Aubrey! How's this snowball fight going?" She was surprised to see you but then quickly became excited. "M/N I'm glad your back! Now join this snowball fight and help me win!"
Alright Aubrey let's do this we'll win for sure!" You said as you joined the snowball fight with Aubrey. To say the least...you and Aubrey won easily. I mean why wouldn't you? You've got a friend who's pretty strong after all!
"Okay now that we've won that and quite easily might add. What is it you want to show me M/N?" Aubrey had asked. "Oh yeah here's what I want to show you!" You said as you showed Aubrey the pair of ice skates. "I've been told I'm pretty talented with ice skating. I must say I also agree as I enjoy it. But I wanted to show you and see what you think. Come let's go follow me!" You say as turn around going around to the nearby frozen lake and call out to your other friends to follow.
As M/N and the others get closer to the lake. He then takes off his shoes then puts on his ice skates. "Okay now watch this Aubrey I'm sure you'll be impressed!" You say as you step into the lake and show Aubrey what you have learned. "Wow, amazing! That's so graceful and wonderful M/N!" However, just then Snow Angel attack!
"Okay everyone time to defeat the enemy prepare!" Aubrey says as she and the others prepare to fight. However, before they do anything. You slide in and defeat the enemy with some ice from your skate! "Woah amazing M/N! Teach me how to do that!" *After that you take a moment to relax. "Sure Aubrey but I need Hero to heal my juice then I'll teach you!" You said as Aubrey grew a smile on her face. "Thank you M/N I can't wait!"
You had just gotten back from the picnic you and your friends were having. You were not sure why you'd have a picnic here. But to say you didn't mind would be a lie you now got a chance to show off your ice skating skills! However, you just need to find Basil so you can show him.
You were looking around for him and then spotted him with Mari making some snow angels. You approached the both of them "Hello you two! Mind if I join?" You smile. "Oh hello M/N it's nice to see you again. Sure you can join us." Basil said. "Great seems like the both of you are having fun!" You lay down next to Basil and start making snow angels.
"Hey, Basil I have something to show you!" You sit up and turn to look at him as he does the same. "Oh, what is it M/N?" Basil asks. "It's these! I got these ice skates while I was away. I like to think I'm pretty talented with ice skating. Come on I'll show you!" M/N says as he takes Basil to the nearby frozen lake. "Have fun you two!" Mari called out. "We will!"
As they approach the lake M/N takes off his shoes and puts on his ice skates. Then steps into the lake. "Okay watch me Basil I'm sure you'll be impressed!" M/N said showed off the skills and moves he had learned as an ice skater. "Watch out M/N!" Basil says as M/N turns around and dodged an attack from an enemy.
M/N strikes the enemy in the head. "Oh, my that was wonderful M/N!" "Oh thank you, Basil. Goodness, I need to heal up my juice I need to ask Hero to heal me." "Yes let's have Hero heal to make sure you're okay." M/N smiles at Basil. "Sure let's do that then I can teach you how to skate!"
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fancyfade · 2 years
NGL I do love pre 2011 batfam all having such different internal motivation around killing (and if they agree it's never OK, the why it is not OK is different for people).
Like Bruce has rules that he tries to follow. these are for many reasons, some to keep himself in check, some because if the entire point of Batman is that no other family is torn apart him killing people is literally defeating that point, it reads as generally ideology based. and I think that Bruce's character traits in the 70s or 80s where even if he doesn't kill people he isn't super distraught if they die is kind of interesting and it's a shame the writers dropped it. tho IG it could also be character development. (should note: he also has accidentally killed people but doesn't blame himself for it in some 80s comics like son of the demon)
Cass's rhetoric is based on her compassion and perfectionism and just. it's wrong period. no one deserves to die, and since she always has to be perfect, she always has to be able to save everyone even people who are trying to kill her. i feel like even if there was a case where someone had to kill someone else in self defense, cass would never view that as acceptable for herself because she should always be able to solve everything perfectly.
babs is sometimes vocally anti-killing people but i think it's fucking fascinating that she is also shown as being willing to potentially kill someone pretty often (at least pre new 52 when they removed 95 percent of her personality). not wanting to be faced with the prospect of being a victim again, she lures thinker into a trap with the intention of killing him. even after she's gotten more solid footing, she still is willing to kill to protect other people (she starts getting ready to snipe black mask when she thinks he will kill someone who was working for her in no man's land, before helena as batman shows up) and she is willing to authorize huntress to use lethal force to protect tim.
and tim's rhetoric for not killing people is very 'becuase bruce said so'. no seriously like (link) his rhetoric for a lot of what he does as robin is based on following The Rules ™. who made the rules? Bruce. and if he breaks the rules he feels unworthy. it would've been cool if the writers had acknowledged this way they wrote him so he could develop his own moral code, but I'm not sure they did in what I read. generally bruce was right because he's batman, so tim following bruce's rules for the most part is tim being right. no need to think of it further
dick is very anti-murder in ntt because heroes don't do that ™ and he seems less so in later comics. like he beats himself up a ton for nearly beating the joker to death but in later nightwing issues he's fine with people getting hit by ricochet when they are shooting at him and it is unclear if he maybe causes this guy to get hit by lightning, which kills him (but he had to do it to save a baby). i guess like with tomasi's run on nightwing and late new earth continuity, he just seems in general unconcerned with the whole debate and like. he doesn't use lethal force b/c that's not what you do, but he also doesn't let himself get too concerned about it, and when he was in NTT it was very much just. those are the rules (like tim)
damian's rhetoric starts out opposite from everyone's because killing your enemies is just what you do. like not even out of malice if writers are keeping anything consistent from the original LoS/LoA goal it should be to save people/the world. and he evolves from there. post R:SoB, fter his character arc, he seems to be one of the more anti-killing members of the batfam, probably behind cass, and a lot of it is based in the belief in people to change and his own feeling of guilt and empathizing with the people they fight because! Why was I any different from them? (he does not accept that he was a kid as a reason for why he should be held less responsible). and it's not just a case of 'not killing people b/c they are like me' he often tries to get them to reform. cass does this too.
and you have helena who is portrayed in batfam comics as like. having a super high body count but its fucking hilarious if you read her solo b/c she really doesn't. and she does kill 2 people in her solo, a lot of the time it seems to be based on even if they are a bad person and by her rhetoric they deserve to die, how she is feeling when it is going down. like she was going to rescue one of the guys responsible for killing her parents before he said something indicating he was intending on using her or something that triggered her (I can't remember the exact dialogue) which like what an IDIOT. and she also killed a serial killer, but i believe she felt personally responsible for the serial killer since she had inadvertently provided him with the means to escape from prison and failed to stop him before. i feel like even if she goes in a situation thinking "I am definitely going to kill this guy" she does not always do it, and frequently she can lean to leniency barring external circumstances. but she doesn't consider herself as someone who considers killing automatically wrong, even though there isn't a ton of things different from her situation than from dick or babs's, both of whom who have either been ready to kill people or been unconcerned if people they were fighting died or both.
and then obviously you have jason who is very pro-murder (i'm only going w/ pre flashpoint continuity b/c that's the one i've read more of), who does not care if people who aren't 100% deserving to die by his standards are killed by him (he kills drug dealers w/o giving them a chance to follow his rules to intimidate people or b/c he has no need of them after consolidating his power, he poisons people he can't control who he is poisoning in prison, causing many people to die -- both of these written by winick, generally regarded as the 'good' pre FP jason writer), because he is acting from a place of trauma and pain but believes that if he can control crime correctly he can 'fix' things -- but his reasoning is very based on his own personal experiences and not in compassion for others, or at least the people he allegedly is helping are very abstract and not real for him. and like. it's an interesting character trait because LOTS of batfam members' motives aren't really even tied into compassion when talking about not killing (dick's aren't, tim's aren't, babs's aren't), and some also have their personal experiences highly motivating them (babs, cass, damian).
i realize that steph is not on here but she is also like. really changing based on the writer (so do the others, but her evolution felt harder to track). i feel like pre batgirl-ing, she definitely feels some people deserve to die and might kill someone in anger if they reminded her of her dad and no one stopped her. batgirling, her writing is different, the writer wants to portray her as a little 'softer', more based on hope, but the writer does not actually show us how she changed, which is frustrating.
anyway i just think they're all so interesting and i love them
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raining-anonymously · 2 years
ok i've been thinking about the card kingdom. we all know the deal—they lived in harmony with the lightners (presumably meaning they were played with as the majority are toys), until one day the classroom was abandoned and locked up.
obviously, this did not have a good affect on the darkners, even leaving the king of spades vulnerable to manipulation by the knight. for reference, i imagine the timeline to be something like
classroom abandoned -> gaster or whoever contacts jevil -> jevil locked away -> knight contacts spade -> spade conquers the other kings -> the closet door is opened -> deltarune ch 1 begins.
oh yeah, and at some point the fountain starts existing.
anyway, when the classroom was first locked up, everyone was just kinda chilling. there was no knight, or gaster(??), or grim awareness that your world doesn't exist. only a wide variety of negative emotions resulting from the lightners' abandonment.
i imagine rouxls and jevil would feel some of the least effect, seeing as they were never played with much to begin with, being the rules card and the oft-discarded joker respectively. and based on lancer seeming to know nothing about lightners other than his dad's propaganda, as well as lancer being a literal child, i'd say he wasn't conscious/has no memory of before the lightners left. maybe clover too, since she seems a bit on the younger side.
but the other cards definitely feel the effects, and we know that the king of spades was furious. the chess pieces and the blocks and the top and whatnot all likely experienced a loss as well. but—and this may just be me indulging Blorbo Thoughts—the character who i think would be affected incredibly severely is seam.
think about it. when we ask seam about the lightners, the way they're described is almost reverential. gods, creators, those who gave the darkners purpose, and all said with a smile... seam's surpassing ralsei-levels of lightner worship there. and despite dismissing susie and kris and their hero status, seam does appear to recognize their power by the end of chapter 1/start of chapter 2, implying they'll be able to defeat more jevil-level enemies. there's even some—dare i say—hope? anyway, right after the whole "lightners are so cool" spiel, Seam's expression turns noticeably grim while recounting the lightner's abandonment—only to immediately take up an educational, objective tone, sharing history with the lancer fun squad without any of seam's own feelings about the matter. seam definitely did feel personally abandoned, choosing to use the phrase "left US behind," specifically including seam's own self in the pronoun usage. then seam mentions that even among the king's own troops, some still distantly hope the lightners will return... while smiling. read into that as you will.
now, all this dialogue is very interesting (or not if that isn't your thing), but why would seam be more affected by the abandonment than, say, a card? well, seam happens to be a plush toy. not only that, but one that has clearly been loved to the point of needing many repairs. we've all seen the theories that seam was catti's doll, or toriel's, or whoever's-else's, but what all these have in common is that seam was someone's beloved plushie. to go from being a favorite among lightners, or even one special lightner, to complete isolation from those who gave seam purpose—well, that couldn't have been fun. sure, at first seam had jevil, but that. uh. really did not end well.
by the time we meet seam, poor cat's definitely got some ~abandonment issues~, but these are purposely played off by establishing to us early on that seam does not care about anything. "it makes no difference to me." "that's nothing." etc. seam even encourages us not to buy things from the seap, and why would you need to buy from seam's old wares when there's a music shop? and honestly, the signs point to seam believing that even if the lightners did return, nothing would change or go back to the way it was. to quote seam, "Neither Light nor Dark hold a future for a Darkner in my condition."
anyway if seam does not get All the Happy Endings i am going to replay undertale and stop at the dog room and keep the annoying dog trapped in my inventory forever out of pure spite
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atlantis54 · 1 year
im bored so heres a list of 3ds games i like that you should download if you have hshop
-Parascientific Escape Trilogy: basically a mix of puzzle, mystery and visual novel. the games involve a lot of psychic and ESP themes (hence, parascientific) so if yer interested in like telekinesis and whatever i recommend it. also theres a scene in the 1st game where one of the characters straight up tells the protag “im gonna call the police” in the most polite and kind way possible and its great
-Legend of Dark Witch Trilogy: a sidescrolling platformer thats basically just megaman but with anime girls. the game is in a retro sprite style that looks awesome and the music is a banger, however its uh. very hard. even on easy. you might have to replay the levels a lot but as long as you remember to level up your stats youll be fine. besides getting a game over doesnt wipe yer progress or anything. if yer a fan of megaman you should get it cause its like a spiritual successor (like how yooka-laylee is inspired by banjo-kazooie and pizza tower is inspired by wario land)
-Pocket Card Jockey: i don’t really like card games but i still really like this one. mainly its bc its funny as hell. like in the very beginning your character straight up dies via getting trampled by horses. anyway, the game is essentially solitaire mixed with horse racing. if you go in not knowing how to play solitaire (like i did) you may find it a little hard but its still really fun regardless. the game’s artstyle is also just really nice to look at bc it makes everyone look... idk, toyish? playmobile? i wouldnt say its chibi but its close. anyway if you like comedy and puzzle games please play this game its great
-Tomodachi Life: this game is like if nintendo made their own version of the sims. basically, you run an island populated by the miis you create and you have to solve their problems. it can get a bit repetitive but never completely stale as a lot of wild things can happen. for example, on one of my playthroughs chikorita from pokemon and dedede from kirby married and had like 3 kids. like in any other situation the concept would be cursed but here its so ridiculous that its good. also, like pocket card jockey, there’s a lot of comedy aspects. this is probably the most iconic game out of the ones im listing here, so if you like life sims and memes, this is the game for you!
-Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido: yeah, most of the games im suggesting have stupid premises that are executed surprisingly well. in a world where fish doesn’t exist, literal freaking GODS make sushi. of course, nobody has tried seafood in this universe, so an ongoing war is happening over it. your job as the protag is to make sure everyone is able to get sushi without risking their life for it. yeah, sounds dumb, but the battle system for defeating enemies is really satisfying, as you link together pieces of sushi and yeet the empty plates at yer opponent. if crack taken seriously is yer thing, you should get it!
aaaaaand thats all i can think of rn. if you have hshop on yer 3ds then you should get these games bc their really cool and fun thanks :D
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smolldust · 14 days
heyyyy your Zelda au/story thing sounds cool you got any interesting facts
okay SO not sure of any interesting facts so I’m just gonna dump all of the information & stuff that I have written/planned out so be warned of the LONG text under the cut
I’ve dubbed this story The Legend of Zelda: The Daughter of Evil but there’s a chance this may change so be warned
So prettty much Zelda’s mom Sonia (I named her Sonia as a reference to totk) is a sheikah who falls in love with Ganondorf. Over time, however, Sonia starts to get scared by Ganon so after Zelda is born, she flees Gerudo Town and goes back to Hyrule. There, she hides the fact that she’s a sheikah in hopes that Ganon won’t be able to find her or Zelda. Sonia asks Impa for help with everything. Impa helps Sonia and teaches Zelda the ways of the sheikah. Eventually (when Zelda is like 2) Sonia falls in love with king Rhoam (she’s a bad bitch who pulled not one but two kings lol). Sonia, Impa, and Zelda move into the castle. Impa continues to train Zelda & no except Sonia knows of this. Eventually, Sonia dies when Zelda is 11 (sad)
Link lives in a little farm on the outskirts of Castle Town. His dad is a florist and his mom is a knight in the royal guard.
Every three months, a ceremony is held where everyone in the kingdom aged 14 or older must go to the temple of time to try and pull out the master sword.  Years ago, a seer prophesized that the holder of the triforce of power would attack hyrule andbring evil. Only the holder of the triforce of wisdom who had special sealing, light powers alongside the holder of the triforce of courage who carries the master sword can banish this evil.  The master sword was found in the temple of time in the lost woods. The king placed guards on the temple to protect it from evil.  Ceremony is held to find the one who holds the triforce of courage and protect & train them to defeat whoever holds the triforce of power.  Only those there to try to pull out the sword & the royal family are permitted in the sanctum with the sword.  Link pulls the Master Sword out on his 14 birthday on accident.  Monsters show up so without thinking he grabs the sword to defend everyone else at the ceremony.  Ends up being taken to the castle to begin training & to be protected.  Zelda and link become quick friends.  Zelda does not yet know she holds the triforce of wisdom.  They spend some time together goofing around the castle.  After being bored of being trapped in the castle for so long, Link and Zelda sneak out to go explore outside of the castle.  They get attacked by monsters not too far from the castle.  Link tries to protect them with teh Master Sword, but he’s not well trained with it yet (it takes a lot of energy, more than a normal sword).  As he is about to be struck down, Zelda jumps in to save him and unlocks her power from the triforce (think how botw zelda unlocked her powers when saving link from the guardian).  Impa (who was following them) sees this and tells the king.  The King is upset at them sneaking out, but happy that they found the holder of the triforce of wisdom (especially since it’s his kid, lol).  King Rhoam holds a ball to celebrate the finding of Link and Zelda holding pieces of the triforce (and to send a message to any enemies that they are protected by the king of hyrule himself).  Ganondorf sees this and sends monsters and a phantom ganon to attack the ball and kidnap Link & Zelda) .  King Rhoam is killed.  Link & Zelda manage to avoid getting caught or killed but they do get separated. 
After the ball, Link wakes up in the temple of time where he first pulled the master sword out. He heads further into the temple and meets the great deku tree. He speaks to the great deku tree and meets Navi as well.
I haven’t figured out what happens after this yet but I do know that I want an evil/puppet Zelda fight before the final fight against Ganondorf like the possessed Zelda in twilight Princess or spirit tracks
sldeowhdgejdbenfidjd anyways sorry this is long and messy and filled with spelling errors but I hope you like hearing about my little story!!!
if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask me!! I know this prolly wasn’t the clearest answer
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multifandomthoughts · 2 years
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TW: death, animal death, blood
Requested by: @themasterdisaster
Eyes heavy, Raiden looks up to the sky in what seems to be the last moments of his life. In a last ditch effort, he had attempted to drink a mysterious substance given to him in a tiny vial in hopes to prolong his life.
Every passing moment, every fleeting second makes his eyelids heavier. What seems to be the eternal embrace of death takes hold. Until he awakes inside a cave. Strength floods his body, but a certain type of hunger strikes him. A hunger for living flesh.
Never before had he had this craving, this lust for blood. But his instincts tell him not to leave, not just yet. The sun seemed brighter than usual outside, and his head was still swimming with strange sensations, so he decided to stay in the cave until dark. Trying to walk in the daylight could give him a migraine, and that would be a death sentence if he encountered an enemy.
It soon came to mind that there was nobody around to help. No way that he could be tracked or traced to his knowledge. So if he were to try to get back to civilization, it would just be a lot of blindly wandering in the dark.
However, he has a saving grace: his nanomachines. You hadn’t seen him in a week, and we’re starting to get concerned. You know that he can survive on his own, but he’s never been away for this long a period of time.
When the doubt and concern gets to be too much, you activate a tracking device for his nanomachines to lead you to him. Following it all the way to the mouth of a cave has you a bit confused, but once you delve deeper and find him lying on the ground and still breathing it’s a huge relief.
He lunges at you, his bloodthirst unregulated. Despite his increased strength and speed, you’re able to defeat him in his weakened state. “Raiden, what happened to you?” You cry out. “You just attacked me for no reason…”
Raiden stays silent for a minute before responding. “I’m no longer living. No longer human. You’re still on edge, but concerned for him and unsure what he could mean with a statement like that. “What does that mean? How can you no longer be human? You still look like you… I think”
“Something killed me….I drank a suspicious liquid that was supposed to keep me from death. It only kind of did. I know have an insatiable thirst for blood…” “Well… that’s at least better than being dead. And now that you know you have this thirst, I’m sure you’ll be able to control it. And hey! That probably means you can turn into different cool stuff and fly, or other new powers!”
A smirk came upon your face. You knew the perfect way to help him while spending time with him. “I think I can help you find some prey while not feeling bad about it….”
A few days pass and once again you’re with Raiden. This time however you’re under the cover of night, and in a wide open field. Hungrily, he spots a fox in the distance and with speed like nothing you’ve seen before he pounces on it and sinks his teeth into its neck.
Hunched over the now dying animal, Raiden feeds. When he stands again, mouth painted with blood, he still seems tense. “It was… good, I guess. But it’s like eating a turkey burger instead of real beef. It’s just not right for my hunger. I need…you.
With a sly smile creeping onto your face, you can feel your body grow hot. Maybe it was the double entendre or the fact that he specifically requested you. You had a pretty nasty cut on your arm from fighting him off originally, so you scratch it and blood begins to pool.
“Bon-appetit, Raiden.”
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isagrimorie · 2 years
Since there's a big possibility that Laudna would come back fully alive she might no longer be a Hollow One.
But I was surprised to learn that a lot of Laudna's 'quirks' aren't things she got from being a Hollow One -- it turns out a lot of that comes from being a Shadow Sorcerer.
(At least according to the wiki I read).
Shadow Sorcerer Quirks
1 You are always icy cold to the touch.
2 When you are asleep, you don't appear to breathe (though you must still breathe to survive).
3 You barely bleed, even when badly injured.
4 Your heart beats once per minute. This event sometimes surprises you.
5 You have trouble remembering that living creatures and corpses should be treated differently.
6 You blinked. Once. Last week.
Doesn't this all sound like Laudna?
Also, the powers!
Eyes of the Dark
From 1st level, you have darkvision with a range of 60 feet. You can cast darkness by spending 1 sorcery point. You can see through any darkness spell you cast using this ability.
Strength of the Grave
Starting at 1st level, your existence in a twilight state between life and death makes you difficult to defeat. Whenever damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can make a Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + the damage taken). On a success, you instead drop to 1 hit point. You cannot use this feature if you are reduced to 0 hit points by radiant damage or by a critical hit.
Strength of the Grave! That's her clutch move, when she first used it I was so '!!!!' but it turns out this isn't a thing Delilah gave her, but it's Laudna herself.
Also look at the other things she could do, maybe? If she rally is a Shadow Sorcerer?? I really don't know D&D rules.
Hound of Ill Omen
At 6th level, you gain the ability to call forth a howling creature of darkness to harass your foes. As a bonus action, you can spend 3 sorcery points to summon a hound of ill omen to target one creature you can see. The hound uses a dire wolf's statistics with the following changes:
The hound is size Medium.
It can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. The hound takes 5 force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
At the start of its turn, the hound automatically knows its target's location. If the target was hidden, it is no longer hidden from the hound.
The hound appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within 30 feet of the target. Roll initiative for the hound. On its turn, it can move only toward its target by the most direct route, and it can use its action only to attack its target. The hound makes opportunity attacks, but only against its target. Additionally, the target has disadvantage on all saving throws against your spells while the hound is within 5 feet of it. The hound disappears if it is reduced to 0 hit points, if its target is reduced to 0 hit points, or after 5 minutes.
This sounds epically cool. Imagine Laudna able to summon shadow creatures, maybe not even hounds but like mini pates?
Shadow Walk
At 14th level, you gain the ability to step from one shadow into another. When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action, you can teleport up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness.
This would be great when fighting an enemy like Otohan again.
Shadow Form
At 18th level, you can spend 3 sorcery points to transform yourself into a shadow form as a bonus action. In this form, you have resistance to all damage except force damage, and you can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. You take 5 force damage if you end your turn inside an object. You remain in this form for 1 minute.
This is also so cool.
And then I found this video about Shadow Sorcerers on youtube!
Anyway, I'm pretty sure people have mentioned this before!
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lyranova · 9 months
Hi Lyra! Congrats on reaching 700 followers!! 🎉 I meant to send this ask a while ago but it completely slipped my mind lol.
I wanted to ask you about your opinion(s) on the Ryuzen Seven (unless someone had already asked you about them) and how you think they'd fit with the BBs. Since Finral's reached Hino, I'm sure a tour is inevitable at some point. 😆
& if it's not too much trouble, I want to know which moment in Black Clover made you love the series!
Have a great day! 😊🩵
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Hiya E! No worries, sometimes things slip our minds or we forget things, it happens to me all the time (especially lately 😆)!
No one's asked me about the Ryuzen Seven, the only question I've gotten is about Yosuga, but not the others! Intead of answering each character individually I'll just answer as the group and then how they'd fit in with the BBs!
So my thoughts on the Ryuzen Seven as a group are that they're pretty cool and work well together as a team! I like how they're able to pair up and defeat their enemies, and how they trust each other to do their "job", and I hope we'll get to see more of them before the Manga end, because I think they're interesting and a fun group 😁!
I think they’d all get along really well! They would cause havoc and chaos around *all* of the Clover kingdom, and it would be glorious 😭! I hope we get to see it at least once or twice before the series ends!
Oh I'm sure now that Finral's been to Hino we'll get a few trips there with the BBs (At least in Fanon 😆!).
What moment made me love the series...hmm...the moments that stick out to me are the Underwater Temple and when Devils were introduced 🤔!
The Underwater Temple because we got to see all the BB's work together as a team for the first time, and we got to see some great development with their characters, powers, and team ups (I will always remember how my mom and I reacted to Grey's true appearance, we both screamed "she's so cute~!" and how my opinion on Finral changed!)
And I will admit I did get a little...bored during the elf arc (I was excited about the lore and everything, but it kind of dragged on for me since the arcs blended together 😅), but then Zagred was introduced and I was pulled right back in! I don't know why, but whenever a show, series, anime, introduces devils, angels, and all of that I just get really excited 😆! So that's the second thing that pulled me into the series and made me a complete fan!
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alch13 · 11 months
Decided to start documenting TTRPG stuff
I didn't really have a reason for this Tumblr, but i decided to just start typing some things about my campaigns. Planning, inspiration and the process i use. I don't know if it will be useful or interesting but for now i'll stick with it.
For today: I decided to finish a dungeon I started work on yesterday for my main Pathfinder campaign i am running: The Heroes of Might and Magic (7 i think now, it changes each time a new player or character joins the party). First i needed a theme, and i already had one picked out. The party shall be assaulting an undead warcamp, manned by Markonian (a country) and undead soldiers. So my basic enemy selection was done.
After this i ofcourse needed a map. While i do often make my own maps, using either Dungeon Scrawl for less effort maps (good program btw, it's free on any browser) or using Dungeon Painter Studio on steam. DPS is as great program and makes super cool looking maps, but i really didn't feel like making a map this time so i decided on an even better option: plagiarism. I simply used a map of the internet. While i do not suggest this for public games where money is made by playing it, such as Dimension 20 or Arcane Arcade, for your random fun hangout session with some friends most people would not have a problem using a dungeon from the internet. Just make sure to start that you, infact, did not make this amazing looking map.
Map, check. Theme , check. Now for enemies. As i play Pathfinder 2e i use https://maxiride.github.io/pf2e-encounters/#/ the website linked here for my creature selection. It shows basically all Pathfinder enemies and their challange rating and lastly also links to their monster sheets. It's really easy to search for specific types of enemies, so i simply looked at the selection of undead monsters and got to work. First of all, the Banshee immediatly stuck out to me. It's a very recognizable monster, so a fight would be very interesting. Besides that, it had a very good Challange rating of 17, meaning a group of 5 level 12 characters would still have trouble with it (Very good). Besides that, i threw in a few Leng Ghouls, a Lich, a Demi-lich and a few miscelanious undead and i had my selection of baddies.
Some tips i suppose. Make sure to have an interesting combat idea in mind. If you have a plain room with nothing of interest, the party and their enemies will not be able to actually use the environment at all. This results in stale combat most the time. Therefor, spice it up! Add a few tables to flip or pillars to hide behind. Maybe have the enemies be reinforced halfway throughout the fight or call for backup. Just something to have the party re-evaluate their situation. If they're doing that, then it's already a way better combat then if you didn't add this fluff.
Now ofcourse: treasure. Level 12 characters can have very powerful stuff. So if they defeat this boss they require equally powerful rewards. Therefore, a PC will strengthen their bond with their god of choice (Generis) and gain more powers. Secondly, a lot of gold. And thirdly, a whole lot of magic items. The last two there are a few charts you can look at for what level magic items and how much gold to grant them. OR you can wing it, like I do :)
Now that'll be all for now, I really must get back to actually designing this dungeon. Have a good one.
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