#you notice little things and get confused when others dont notice them? and then miss the big picture? baby
ratsbanes · 11 months
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oh and Edogawa Ranpo I guess.
This fictional character is my heart my soul, I respond to people with Ranpo, I buy stuff for Ranpo, I read stuff about Ranpo, I wrote fanfiction for Ranpo, we have the same enneangram type, I kin this man so hard you don't even know. I just want him to have a happy birthday...
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chaoticharrington · 5 months
Chapter Two: The Ticket and Your Shitty Car
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Pairing: Professor! Steve Harrington x Best Friends Dad! Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Lots of angst (sorry folks), mentions of anxiety and bullying, cigarette smoking, Eddie and Steve being sexy, kissing 👀, Reader is in their mid 20s and Steve and Eddie are in their early to mid 40s. Lemme know if i've missed anything.
Summary: After a few weeks of getting closer to Eddie and Steve feelings bubble to the surface
Authors Note: I'm so excited for this chapter and the rest of the series i've been having so much fun writing this! I've never written angst before so i'm interested in the response it'll get! And I pinky promise ya'll are getting smut in the next chapter 😈 7k words
**Chapter One Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five**
(banners and headers by @cafekitsune)
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A couple days had gone by since your first interactions with the two men that have been plaguing both your waking thoughts and your dreams. You’ve woken up more than once this week from your body buzzing and your panties soaked through. Lips on skin, rough hands on your hips, deep voices whispering in your ear. Groaning yourself fully awake and grabbing your vibrator to finish the job, that isn’t nearly as good as whatever was happening in your dreams.
Because of these dreams it made it impossible to look at Steve during class, only looking when you absolutely had to. Avoiding Mr. Munson was a bit easier, he either wasn’t home much when you were with Violet, or he was in the garage. You convinced yourself that you would just eventually get over your little crushes, and if you just avoided them long enough then things would go back to normal, and you’d have your sanity back.
But things didn’t quite work out that way. After you had gotten your ticket on the first day, you decided you would just pay it off yourself, to avoid another possibly embarrassing interaction with Steve. You had your parking pass now so you wouldn’t get another ticket. But you had a busy week with assignments and kept forgetting to take care of it. By the end of the week, you had completely forgotten about it, until Fridays sociology class. It was a normal class; Steve was talking about the theoretical approach to sociology. At the end of class, you were supposed to hand in your paper on Social Darwinism, you had spent many late nights making sure that this paper specifically was perfect. The problem was that when you were meant to hand it in at the end of class, you couldn’t find it, and you were starting to panic. Almost all the other students had left or were in the process of handing in their papers and you were left anxiously digging through your bookbag.
“Oh, how the tables turn, need some help there?”
You freeze, looking up from the familiar black converse that you could see next to your bookbag. Your anxious eyes are met with playful honey brown ones, that make you relax slightly.
“Sorry no I’m good I know it’s in here somewhere,” you reply a little anxious. You didn’t want your professor to think that this was any reflection of you as a student or your work ethic.
Steve watches you dig through your bag for another few seconds when you finally find it, in a folder you don’t remember putting it in. When you get the folder out of your bookbag, the ticket sitting at the bottom of your bag falls out onto the floor right at Steves feet. You’re too busy to notice, trying to make sure all of the pages of your paper are in order, and you have all your sources. When you finally look up from the papers in front of you, you see Steve holding the ticket that you got on the first day of school.
You panic and look up and into his eyes, he doesn’t look mad, but he looks confused. “I thought I told you I’d fix this for you if you ever got a ticket. Why didn’t you tell me?” he said.
“I- I didn’t want to bother with you something so silly, I was going to pay it, but with a bunch of papers due, I just forgot I’m sorry,” you blurt out.
Steve raises his hand to silence your apologies casually, and you’re ready for him to yell at you or at the very least be disappointed in you.
Shit, why did you not just pay it the day you got it?
“It’s not your fault honey, there’s no need for you to apologize, okay?” he says warmly. Your shoulders relax a bit more, his voice giving you reassurance.
“I swear I really did mean to pay it, I just didn’t want to bother you,” you confess.
Steves eyes soften. “Y/N you are never a bother, plus it's my fault for being the worst teacher in history and not giving you a parking pass.” He jokes.
“Steve you’re one of my favorite teachers, nowhere near my list of worst teachers.” You reveal.
He smiles widely and raises his eyebrow; you swear you can feel your insides thaw. With the playful look on his face, he almost seems younger, you could only imagine how attractive he was when he was younger, even just a glimpse is enough to make your stomach do flips.
“Oh so there IS list? Well, I demand to know where I am on your favorite teachers list, maybe it’ll give me motivation to try harder in class.” He winks at you in retort. You swear you could cum in your pants right now, how dare he be so beautiful and perfect, and funny.
You think hard for a second, you can’t put him first you think his ego probably couldn’t handle it, also it would just bring you more embarrassment. But he very easily is your favorite teacher, he makes jokes during class, makes sure his lectures are easy to understand and enjoyable, and seems to genuinely care about all his students, it’s very hard to rank any teacher above him.
“I hope your ego can handle it Steve, but you’re second.” you gush.
“You wound me, SECOND? That’s basically failure I demand to know who could possibly rank higher than me?” he jokingly stands up straighter, adjusts his tie, and holds his hand to his heart.
Damn, you hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Uh, Professor Buckley, my Gender Studies Professor, I love her class,” you confess.
Steves eyes couldn’t roll farther back into his head even if he tried, you almost worried that they’d get stuck.
“You’re telling me, my best friend has already won you over? I’ve sat in on some of her classes and there is no way that Robin is funnier than I am!” he exclaimed as he puts his hands on his hips.
“You know Professor Buckley.. er Robin? Also, you definitely top her in the funny department, how did I know you wouldn’t be satisfied with second.” you retort easily. You could get used to this, the casual flirting, smiling with your professor, it felt easier than breathing. Once you got over the fact that he was one of the most handsome men that you’ve ever seen in your whole life.
“Know her? She’s been my best friend since high school, and a major pain in my ass. Second place is basically losing, everyone knows that babe.” The pet name slipped off his tongue so effortlessly.
Your eyes must have gone wide because Steve looks slightly embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck.
Babe babe babe babe babe babe babe HE CALLED YOU BABE
“Well then I guess you gotta step it up Professor.” you reply, trying to ease the tension in the room.
He smiles at you gratefully, “yeah I guess so,” he chuckles.
“Anyways I don’t want to keep you again for the second time this week, I’ll see you in class on Monday Steve.” you say as you go to stand up and walk past him. You’re about halfway to the door before you hear him call out.
“Hey, wait up, uh why don’t you come with me to my office so I can get that parking ticket taken care of for you,” he explains.
“You sure? I don’t want to make you late for your next class.”
“I’m the one who got you into this mess, please let me help you fix it?” he asks gently.
“Lead the way professor,”you answer playfully.
He smiles that flashy Steve Harrington smile and shows you the way towards his office.
“It’s just down this hallway,” he shares.
Then you feel him put his hand at the small of your back guiding you into a room on the righthand side, his touch lights your body on fire. It takes everything in you not to lean into his touch. You can smell his cologne, now that you’re so close to him. It’s a fairly clean scent with hints of musk and spice at the end, a more modern scent then you expected from a man his age. It only makes you want him more, to lean in closer and smell his scent mixed with the cologne.
You’re snapped out of your daze when Steve picks up the phone receiver and punches in a phone number. His fingers almost covered the buttons on the phone, and it made your legs squeeze together, thinking back to the multiple dreams you had about those specific fingers all over you. Steve looks up at you smiling lightly, surely just trying to fill the silence that filled the room. You hoped he hadn’t magically learned how to read minds in the short walk from his classroom to his office or you’d be toast.
His office wasn’t anything glamorous, it was an average size, with a nice desk and comfy looking chair, and big window with a view that overlooked the campus. The only thing making it uniquely his are the loads of pictures of him and Professor Buckley, and a few other guys and girls that looked around his age or maybe a bit younger. Documenting various birthdays, weddings, and get togethers.
While Steve is on the phone you take a moment to look at them, you see a picture of Steve being Professor Buckleys best man in her wedding to a pretty woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes. They all looked so happy, it made you smile, it looked like a really special day. Also noting that there are no wedding photos of him or pictures of him with a girlfriend, making your heart internally soar.
When you finally tear your eyes away from the photos, you hear the end of a conversation Steve is having with someone on the phone.
“Thanks again Reg, I promise it won’t happen again. Yeah, you too, take care. Say hi to the wife and kids for me," he said.
He puts down the receiver and looks at where you’re standing, and gestures to the photo you’re looking at.
“Yeah, Robins wedding! It was a really great day,” he reminisces. He goes onto explain that Robin ended up marrying his ex from High School, Nancy Wheeler. You smile and nod along to the anecdotes he talks about that day, trying to absorb everything he tells you about his life like a sponge.
“And by the end of the night Lucas and Max lead everyone in a impromptu sing-a-long to Never Ending Story, It was hilarious,” He says. You could combust, you can see just how clearly he loves his friends and how much they mean to him. He shakes his head and smiles wide at the memory, his smile being infectious, you smile back at him.
“Sounds like really good time Steve,” you reply.
“Yeah, it was, it really was.” he shares, he seems a little lost in thought for a moment before smiling up at you. “Sorry I don’t mean to bore you with my stories of the old days, I don’t get to gush about the people I love very often, so its nice to have someone listen," He confessed.
Your heart melts, he’s such a sweetheart. “No no please, I enjoy hearing them, makes you more a person than just my teacher. Plus, maybe at some point you’ll slip up and tell me something embarrassing about yourself. Then you’re done for Harrington,” you jab.
     He raises his eyebrows at you and looks impressed. “That’ll never happen, I’ve never done anything embarrassing in my life ever,” he states sarcastically.
     “Well, I’ll just have to ask Professor Buckley, my favorite teacher, about it won’t I?” you interject.
     His face goes from his handsome boyish grin to fake terror in a split second, “I will give you whatever grade you want in my class if you don’t do that, she’d go on for hours, might even keep you after class just to rub it in my face.”  
     You could tell that there was some truth to his words, and you know your gender studies professor well enough to know that she really would just rip him a new one. You giggle back at him, unable to keep it in.
“She really would tear you to shreds, wouldn’t she?” you cackle. His face softens, “Yes she’s evil, just awaiting my downfall I swear!” he smiles softly at you.
You both look at each other a bit longer before Steve clears his throat. “Anyways um, I talked to the guy in campus security and you’re good to go, you don’t have to pay the ticket,” He spoke.
You had honestly completely forgotten that was the reason you were even in his office; his demeanor makes you feel at home in your own skin and were just happy to not have anxious thoughts rolling around inside of your head.
“Oh, right yeah, thank you so much, you really didn’t need to go through all this trouble for me,” you said.
“No trouble at all, really. I should probably get going though, my next class starts soon.” he explained looking at the very expensive looking watch on his wrist.
You try your best not to show your disappointment, wishing to stay in this little bubble with him a bit longer.
“Of course, yeah. Thank you again Steve,” you respond.
He leads you back out the door with his hand on your back again, maybe this time a bit firmer than the last, and you weren’t complaining. You both wave your goodbyes for the weekend before you head out to the parking lot, and he heads towards his next class.
You were relieved to be going home, this first week of school has tested you mentally and emotionally and you were ready for a little break. You hop in your car, and twist your key in the ignition, but to your surprise, instead of your car roaring to life like it usually does. It just stalled, unable to start. You try the ignition a few more times before you rest your head on your steering wheel.
Just your fucking luck
You take your phone out of your jean pocket and call Violet to see if she knows any good mechanics in the area. But you only get her voicemail. “Come on Vi,”you mutter to yourself, trying her cell again and again. Only to get her voicemail each and every time. You couldn’t very well leave your car in the parking lot overnight, then you’d surely get another ticket. But what other option did you have?
You make the decision to call Violet’s home phone, thinking maybe she’s too engrossed in a TV show or something to see her phone going off. It rings a few times before someone picks up.
“Munson residence.” a deep familiar voice answers the phone.
“Hi Mr. Munson, is Vi there?” you reply.
“Nah she left about an hour or two ago to head to work, everything okay?” he asks a slight concern in his voice.
“Oh uh yeah, my- my car just isn’t starting and I don’t know any mechanics in the area who could come and take a look at it,” you respond anxiously
You hear what you assume is him blowing out some smoke from his mouth, you shake your head trying to stay on track.
“Any mechanic out here is gonna charge you an arm an a leg to come look at your car right before the weekend, let me come and take a look at it myself,” he suggests.
Your body runs cold, you couldn’t deal with another interaction with BOTH of them in the same day again, you’d burst into flames.
“Oh gods no that’s really okay Mr. Munson. I’ll just leave my car here overnight its no big deal, I’ll just walk home its not that far,” You babble anxiously.
You hear him scoff on the other end of the phone, “What do you mean walk home? Where are you Y/N?” his tone getting a bit more serious than the lighthearted goofy tone you usually get from him.
“I’m at school, it’s fine really, my apartment isn’t that far from-,” you squeak.
“Let me just grab my tools and I’ll meet you in the parking lot, which building are you in front of?” he interjects, you can hear some rustling on the other end of the phone.
“I-,“ you think about arguing with him but you know that in the end Mr. Munson is a stubborn man and you will lose. “I’m in front of the Humanities and Social Sciences building, its right by-,“ you confess.
He chuckles “Oh yeah I know the one, be there in a sec, hang tight.” he says before hanging up the phone.
You bring your phone down onto your lap in defeat. You hide in your car until you see his car pull up, you don’t need anyone seeing you, especially a certain sociology professor. His big black truck pulls into the space next to you, and you get out of your car to greet him.
“Hey thanks for coming all the way out here, I hope I didn’t take you away from anything or anyone,” you look up at him innocently. He stands about a foot away from you, but even then, you could see just how much taller he is than you. He could probably use you as an arm rest.
He gives you an easy-going smile, “No problem at all sweetheart, I’m happy to help!” You give him the keys and he goes to try and start the car and it stalls again and he clicks his tongue.
Your mind going back to the dreams you’ve had of his tongue on you, on your skin. You shiver at the thought, and you squeeze your arms around you willing yourself not to fall apart.
Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice, too preoccupied with opening the hood and looking inside. He takes off his leather jacket and lays it on top of the hood and rolls up his sleeves. He fiddles around inside of the hood for a few seconds before popping his head around the corner.
“Looks like your spark plug is shot, I have an extra on me in case of emergencies, it’s your lucky day pretty lady,” He announces cheerily.
Pretty lady
“Oh, thank you Mr. Munson, you’re a life saver!” you beam.
He looks at you again one more time, studying you for the second time this week, he looks like he’s contemplating something in his head. His eyes are like lasers on your skin, heating you up from the inside.
“It’s Eddie, you can call me Eddie honey, you’ve known me long enough.” he says as he smiles at you, the edges of his eyes crinkling.
You can’t help but smile back, “Okay, thanks, E-eddie,” you stammer out. His name feeling so odd on your tongue, he’s your best friend’s dad, would Violet think its weird that you call him by his first name now?
He smiles contently like he made the right decision and goes back to working on your car. You lean against his car just watching him work, seeing how his hands knowingly move on all the parts of your car that you don’t even know the names of, only being able to identify the windshield wiper fluid cap and oil fill cap. You look at his now uncovered arms that you didn’t see the last time you got a good look at him, you could see right near his left wrist Violets name tattooed in beautiful cursive, and D20 right above his left elbow. You see how veiny his hands and arms are, probably due to years of playing the guitar and working on various motorcycles and cars.
“So, what are you going to school for?” he says, looking at you through the corner of his eye while he works.
“Psychology mostly,” you reply easily.
“What do you want to do with it? Your degree?” he responds.
“I’d love to work with kids, I felt like no one ever listened to me as a kid, so I’d love to be able to be a safe space for kids to express themselves.” You shared, this was something you’ve been passionate for a while, wanting to work with kids. Giving them something that you never got when you were a kid, a place where they felt understood even if they didn’t feel like that at home.
He looks up at you from his work with an impressed look on his face, “That’s really fucking cool Y/N, I wish stuff like that had been around when I was a kid. Woulda made Middle School and High School a lot more bearable for me, trust me.”
Your heartbreaks at his confession, you figured that he probably wasn’t always the suave sexy metal head that he is now, and he probably got teased a lot when he was a kid. It reminded you of your own experiences in school, teased and never really fitting in anywhere. Violet went through something similar except it never really seemed to bother her, she was always the type of kid that always knew who she was and didn’t let anyone get in her way. You always admired that about her.
“Honestly me too,” you confess.
Eddie raises an eyebrow at you, “No way, You and Vi had loads of friends in Middle School,” he says.
“Yeah, in Middle School sure, but high school was brutal without her there, kids are mean.” You say sadly, rubbing your boot into the asphalt trying to wash away depressing memories of eating in the bathroom and crying yourself to sleep at night.
Eddie scrunches his eyebrows together and nods knowingly, sharing that feeling. “Yeah, teenagers are fucking assholes.”
You nod knowingly, as Eddie steps around the front of your car to get into the driver’s seat, scootching closing to you, grabbing the side of your waist as he passes you. You take a shallow breath, and your mouth runs dry. His hand felt so perfect on your waist, like it belonged there… and then your mind wanders to Steve, his touch felt the same way.
Eddie got into the front seat and turned your key in the ignition, and sure enough your car roared to life.
“Huzzahh!” Eddie cheered, getting out of the driver’s seat and bowing to you. A smile plastered across his face in triumph.
“There ya go honey good as new, although you should stop by the house sometime, so I can put a new battery in your car, it looks like it’s about to take a shit on you, and I want you to be safe during the Winter.” He says casually wiping the oil and grease off his fingers with the rag in his tool kit.
He wants you to be safe
“That would be great, thank you again, honestly I don’t know what I would have done without you. What do I owe you Eddie?” you ask. Surely, he’d want some compensation for driving all the way out here on a Friday, probably ruining his plans to come help his daughters best friend with her car.
“On the house, and don’t fight me on this I’m not accepting any money from you.” He says slightly stern but in a way that makes you smile lightly.
“I’ll figure out a way to make it up to you or something, do you like cookies? I’ll bake you some cookies for all your help,” you insist.
“IF you happen to make double chocolate chip cookies and bring them over to the house, for Violet of course, I wouldn’t say no to one or two,” he says slyly.
“I’ll bring them over this weekend.” you say determined to not be in debt to him.
He packs his tools back into the trunk of his truck and shrugs his leather jacket back on, “I’ll hold you to that sweetheart.” he winks at you before getting back into his truck and waving to you as he drives off the lot.
You get back into your newly fixed car and drive home to your apartment, first thing on the agenda, a very cold shower.
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The next few weeks had been an absolute whirlwind of epic proportions. Steve came back with your grades for your latest paper, and when yours got passed to you, at the top of your paper, “SEE ME AFTER CLASS” was written in blue pen. After class he explained that he was “very impressed” with your work and effort you spent on your paper and asked you to be his TA and help him a couple of days a week. Help him with grading papers, answering any questions your classmates had on assignments or class subjects, and help with lectures for upcoming classes. You couldn’t have said yes faster, not only did you have a huge massive crush on him. But you genuinely enjoyed his class and were excited to prove yourself. On those days you spent most of the time after your classes, spent huddled in his office with him grading papers or talking about different upcoming subjects you were going to learn in class. It was becoming one of your favorite parts of your day, you always left his office in the best mood. Plus, the flirting and your attraction to him only grew during this time, you noticed he started going more and more out of his way to touch you, or holding eye contact with you longer than was probably appropriate. You welcomed it, Steve made you feel like you were on cloud nine, some nights the two of you were left in his office until after dark, after all the work was done, just flirting and talking about life. Eating shitty takeout food that he’d grab from the cafeteria or the two of you would order in.
He always treated you with respect letting you talk about your feelings or whatever was on your mind, you eventually opening up to him about why you wanted to go into psychology, and he opened up to you about how he hadn’t always been the way he is now, and how there are parts of his past he’s ashamed of. The two of you bonded over your lack of family you had in your life, you told him about your parents basically ditching you after graduation and he told you about how his parents cut him off when he told them what decided what he wanted to do with his life and hadn’t heard much from him since. He reassured you that the only family that actually mattered was your chosen family and the people who love you that you let into your little corner of the world. You talked about your views on the world and your dreams. You liked that about him, that he listened to you and how modest and genuine he is, you assumed at first glance that someone with good looks like him and his upbringing he’d have an large ego. Which wasn’t entirely wrong, but not in a bad way. You’d come to really like Steve Harrington, he had an ego the size of a lake but a heart to match.
Which made it even more confusing on the days that you didn’t spend in his office. See you had saved up enough money for school and your expenses for the first couple of weeks, but that money only stretched so far. So, you looked for a job, and you became desperate. Being in a college town, good jobs that weren’t already taken by other college students were far and few between and being a TA wasn’t enough. So, one night after school when you were at Violets, Eddie overheard you talking about your dilemma, and offered you a job working for him. Eddie worked as a record producer and worked closely with a few music managers who were looking for social media manager. Which you happily accepted, there were no set hours and you could do a majority of your work in your pjs at home unless you needed to get Eddies opinion on something then you’d spend time out in the garage with him while he gave you advice or things the label is looking for in terms of the clients image or engagement numbers you needed to hit.
Sometimes you’d even make up excuses just to go over and spend time with him in the garage. He was patient with you while you slowly opened up to him about things that had happened over the past few years that you never wanted to worry Violet with, cheating boyfriends, bad friends, financial problems, and he took it all with stride, listening to and giving advice where he could. He’d spend time reminiscing about the “glory days” when his band, Corroded Coffin, used to play gigs every weekend at the hideout, a small bar on the outside of town. Or when he was in high school, he ran a club in school called the Hellfire Club where all his friends would play DnD, he even showed you that he got Hell Fire tattooed across his knuckles. You’d spend hours over there just tucked away in Eddies little corner of the house, sometimes he’d play songs for you on his guitar, or when he found out you had never played DnD he spent a few nights teaching you all the basics in case you ever wanted to play. You liked the way you felt when you were around Eddie, in a similar way that Steve did, Eddie quieted your thoughts of self-doubt and anxiety that usually swirled around in your head. You really liked Eddie, and it made your feelings even more confused because you felt guilty keeping all of this from Violet. You didn’t know how she would react to you having a crush on her dad, and you never wanted to put your friendship with her in danger. She was basically the only family you had, and you intended to keep it that way, even if it meant keeping your crush on her father a secret.
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It all came to a head about a month later. You were staying late in Steve’s office grading papers while he was reading over some scientific studies that he was going to go over in class that following week. You were reading over a specific paper, a girl who sat behind you in class, who giggled at Steve during the first day of class. She had a lot of typos in her paper, and you had a hard time following her methods and asked for Steves opinion. He got up from his desk and went over to the other side of his desk where you were sitting, hovering over you so his face was close to yours. You loved when he did this, being able to see the honey bits in his eyes or the way his eyebrows scrunch together when he was thinking really hard, or how he ran his tongue along his lips to wet them.
 For some reason the air in the room seems extra electrified, the tension being so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Your breath hitched as he got extra close to read a specific part in the paper, you could smell his cologne so clearly it was intoxicating. Steve turned to you to tell you what points to dock from her paper, but you didn’t hear a single word he was saying, it was all drowned out by the lust you felt for him. You think he could sense it too, his eyes kept flickering between your eyes and your lips.
Oh gods was this really happening?
You could see his face getting closer and closer to yours, you closed your eyes, bracing for impact. Your heart was beating faster than you ever thought humanly possible. And then, he kissed you. More intensely than you’d ever been kissed before, he started out soft, testing the waters. Slowly brushing his lips against yours, working up intensity until his tongue prodded your lips asking for an invitation in. The invitation happily accepted by you, you welcomed him in with your lips and sighed into the kiss, allowing your hand to grasp at the hairs at the nape of his neck. He held onto the side of your face like if he let go, you’d vanish. You kissed like this for a minute or two, lips melding together and tongues intertwining. He tasted like his spearmint gum that he chews sometimes, and his lips were softer than you ever thought humanly possible.
But as quickly as it started, it stopped. Steve de-tangled himself from your grip and stood back.
“Fuck, holy shit, I- Y/N I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have done that. I’m your teacher for Christ’s sake… FUCK!” he shouted.
You jump at the volume of his voice, you were not used to this Steve, or the tone he was using. He paced around the room for a few minutes, and you looked at your shoes embarrassed. Embarrassed because you weren’t sorry it happened. You had been dreaming for weeks about what his lips would feel like or what he'd taste like.
“I’m not Steve, you don’t need to be sorry because.. because I wanted it to happen, I’ll only be your student for a few more months and then after that we can do whatever we want,” you blurt out in desperation. Allowing the thoughts and dreams that hide in your head to spill out of your mouth. Steve sighs and sits back down in his chair, taking his glasses off his face and pinching the bridge of his nose with his middle finger and thumb.
“I- I think you should just go Y/N, I need to figure out what to do. This shouldn’t have happened and I’m sorry it did,” he murmurs.
His words act like daggers in your heart, stealing all the breath from your lungs. All the worst-case scenarios that played out in your head when you felt insecure, now playing out right in front of you. You were angry, you know he feels the same way but he’s too much of a coward to do anything about it.
“Fuck you Steve, fuck you!” you bite out through your teeth, not allowing the tears to flow from your eyes, just yet. He just rejected you, the last thing you wanted was for him to see you cry. You pack up all the things that had been splayed-out all over Steve’s desk, shoving them into your bookbag, and storming out of the room.
Before you’re even out of the building the tears start streaming down your face, you choke back sobs as you get into your car. You bury your head in your hands, your shoulders shaking from how hard you were crying. You can’t go home, you thought. Not to an empty apartment where it’s even more apparent just how alone you are.
You put the key into the ignition and go to the only other place in town that you can think of going to, Violet’s house. You prayed to any god that could hear you, that Violet was home, but Eddie was not. You did not want him to see you like this, especially over a guy. He’d heard all the pathetic stories of love that hadn’t worked out you didn’t need to add another to the list.
Somehow luck was on your side with this, Eddie’s car was not in the driveway, only Violets. You get out of the car, not even bothering to lock it and run up to the door and let yourself inside with the key Violet had given you after your first week in Hawkins. Tears still streaming down your face, you take in your new surroundings; Violet was sitting on the couch watching some dumb rom com and eating popcorn. She looks startled by the sudden intrusion and the state you were in. Your mascara all smudged, and you had tears streaming down your face.
“Y/N? What happened?” she coos. She gets off the couch and walks over to you, her face softens when she gets closer to you, her face now shrouded in worry. She pulls you fiercely into a hug and just lets you cry on her shoulder. Eventually she brings you over to the couch and she gets you to tell her the events that have unfolded. She listened intently while you told her about your professor and how you felt about him, and then about how he rejected you after a mind-blowing kiss. She held your hand the entire time, rubbing soothing circles into your hand.
Just as you had finished telling her what happened you heard the familiar jingle of the doorknob and the heavy boots that followed. You couldn’t look at him right now, not when you looked like this.
“Hey, hey party people, I didn’t know you were coming over tonight I shoulda got more beer from the store!” Eddie sang. The closer Eddie got to you he realized something was off and stopped in his tracks.
“Now’s not a good time dad,” Violet said, still focusing her attention on you.
“What happened? Y/N are you okay? Are you hurt? Did something happen with your car?” his questions flying by you a million miles a minute. Too exhausted to say anything you let Violet speak for you.
“She kissed a guy at school, and he rejected her,” Violet says as softly as she can.
“Y/N kissed a guy at school?” he said, you could hear an edge in his voice that made you flinch slightly.
“Yes, dad god did you have to repeat it? She’s been through enough tonight. Come Y/N lets go upstairs.” She says clearly annoyed with her dad’s lack of empathy.
You couldn’t bear to look at Eddie, so you allow Violet to usher you upstairs into her room. You two cuddle up in her bed, she lets you borrow some clothes to spend the night in and gives you a makeup wipe to wash the mascara and mostly cried off eyeliner off your face. You felt so taken care of by her, you remember you used to do this for her in Middle School when boys would be shitheads to her, it took a lot to break Violet, but boys are the worst.
At some point Violet fell asleep when you guys were listening to a true crime podcast, you felt your tummy grumble and slowly slipped out of her room to find a snack in the kitchen. You were so worked up after the incident with Steve you had forgotten to eat something more than a few handfuls of popcorn. Downstairs was more quiet than usual, you couldn’t hear soft metal music coming from the garage or Eddies light humming. You assumed maybe he had gone out for the night.
     Until he scared the shit out of you sitting at the kitchen table, silently. He looked upset, nursing a glass of amber liquid in his hand.
“Holy fuck you scared me, warn a woman, jeez!” you say, sounding a little more like your normal self when your alone with him. Usually, Eddie would retort with a smart-ass remark, but instead you got silence and a slight sad smile on his face. You sense he’s not in the mood, so you move farther into the kitchen to grab yourself an iced tea from the fridge and make yourself a sandwich.
It was usually never this awkward between the two of you, it broke your heart a bit. You just lost Steve and now it felt like you were losing Eddie too.
“Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?” he asked quietly.
You jumped a little not expecting him to speak. Trying to word things very carefully so there was no confusion.
“He kissed me and then I kissed him back, and then he broke off the kiss and told me to leave.” You sigh sadly and take a big gulp of your iced tea.
“Idiot.” he muttered under his breath.
You thought that’s what you heard but you didn’t know for certain.
“What?” you question.
“I said he’s an idiot.” he said a bit louder for you to hear clearly.
That made your aching heart flutter inside your chest. Men are impossible to read.
“Oh.” you murmur, not really sure what to say.
“He’s an idiot because I’d never let a girl like you go,” he says calmly.
You heart could beat outside of your chest right now, his words set your skin on fire. But you were simultaneously hit with overwhelming guilt. Violet. Your best friend. The one sleeping soundly upstairs who would never do anything to hurt you.
“Yeah, but there’s a lot more at stake here,” You say trying to tread lightly.
He abruptly pushes out of his chair and heads to the garage door. “Yeah I know.” he says, sounding a mix between disappointed and angry.
You could feel a new rush of tears welling in your eyes, not only did you lose Steve today, but you were going to lose Eddie too. Two out of your three safe spaces, gone in one day. You felt so small, like you were free falling and you couldn’t grab anything to save yourself.
“What do you want from me Eddie?” you say defeated, barely above a whisper.
Eddie stops at your words, opening up the door to the garage, so close to freedom. His eyes now soft, seeing the state of you. “Nothing sweetheart, I want nothing from you.”
You just nod at his words, slouching your shoulders trying to protect your broken heart. Willing yourself to accept the fact that you lost both of them today, and there’s nothing that you can do to change it. You look at the floor, watching your tears slowly cloud your vision. You just hoped he left the room before you start actually crying.
Then you hear the garage door shut and feel the last of your heart shatter with it. You look up to confirm what your heart already knew, that Eddie was gone.
But where a closed door should be, showed the outline of Eddie standing in front of a closed door. You tried to blink away the tears, to try and figure out if you were seeing things correctly. The look on Eddies face was between a mixture of pain and confliction, his fists squeezed at his sides.
“Fuck it.” is the last thing you hear him say before he takes long strides over to you in the kitchen. Now right in front of you he cradles your face in his hands and kisses you firmly. You wrap your arms around his neck, forcing him to stay. His calloused hands wiping away your tears. You moan into his touch, opening your mouth and allowing his tongue to dance with yours. He kisses you with such passion, showing you with actions he what couldn’t say with his words. You push him impossibly closer to you, willing the two of you to meld into one if that what it took, not letting him have the chance to leave you. He takes that as an invitation to lift you up and put you on the ledge of the kitchen counter. Your legs caging him in on either side of his body.
“Please don’t go.” you mutter wetly between kisses. Eddie moves from your mouth and leaves kisses from the edges of your wet eyes to a part on your neck that made your skin irrupt in goosebumps.
“Never baby, m not goin anywhere I promise.” he reassures nuzzling his nose against a sweet spot on your neck. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Feeling a little better than you did a minute ago. Kissing Eddie made every other rational thought cease to exist in your brain. Just you, and Eddie, your bodies moving in tandem with each other. Harmony.
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No Pressure Tags: **Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!**
@untitled74745 @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @lesservillain
@starkeysprincess @tlclick73 @cozyquinn @rowanswriting @succubusmunson @teddyeyeseddie @lofaewrites @chaoticmunsons @ryan-waddell11 @sweetblinginrose @paleidiot
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banj0possum · 1 year
YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD ABD TASTY, possibly a trans male reader who hasn’t gotten surgery yet? DONT KNOW IF THATS AGAINST BOUNDRUES
Smut pls😊
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*sniff sniff* thnank yuou
Zombie Horde with a FtM reader Who Hasn't Gotten Top Surgery Yet
CW: Smut, a bit of fluff, FtM reader w/o top surgery, chest touching???
💀 To be honest, they wouldn't care
💀 You'd normally use bandages or old binders because transitional surgery wasn't an option when you were busy making sure your bunker was safe, your food stock was full and so on. Sure you wished you'd gotten one sooner before the virus but there are more important things...
💀 You were in your hidey hole without anything binding your when Soda came in looking for you.
💀 He went to cuddle next to you when he felt something soft and squishy, he tilted his head and poked at your chest which made you yelp.
💀 His little mate has squishy parts in the chest? he doesn't remember that, he's confused as he's never noticed you with any squishy bits in that area, in fact, you always had some kind of armor or something for some reason, were they organs spilling out? Now he can't have that! Humans need those he thinks!
💀 He chitters worryingly, trying to pull up your shirt to help you push back in your organs, but you kept pushing him away.
💀 He eventually gestured to parts of his body that showed his rotten body making a pushing in movement, you let out a long ooohhhhh and assure him it's not that.
💀 You explain to him (to a degree) and he explains it to the others.
💀 Bo thinks he remembers seeing bandages on others because they're hurt so the first time you show him, he's all over you comforting you so his little mate won't be sad that they got hurt. He is very much blaming himself, but Soda quickly explains you're not hurt at all.
💀 They start looking for bandages, binders, sports bras, compression wear, anything that looks like what you usually wear.
💀 Screw has a bunch of things he's hoarded so he goes through his pile looking for clothes and the sort that he think's you'd like.
💀 Ribs has the guilty pleasure of burying his face in your chest. You're just so warm and soft and squishy!!!
💀 If you ever feel gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia, they'll sense you feeling a bit under the weather and love on you so much you'll forget all about it. Don't be sad, you're perfect!
💀 If you ever do get top surgery, maybe from travelling to a large community of survivors or other, they wouldn't change their feelings towards you.
💀 They's be curious about your scars though, Bo would be furious thinking they hurt you or ate your squishy bits or something.
💀 Screw is feeling your chest now feeling the new flat texture of your chest.
💀 Ribs does the same because they're best friends a- OH MY GOD YOU HAVE RIBS TOO?!?!?
💀 Soda is all over you seeing if you're ok. Did they feed you enough? Does it hurt? Do you need us to give you some love? Did you miss us?
💀 Can Ribs have all your old bandages and binders?
💀 If you have boundaries regarding your chest area, they will steer away from it, anyway, you have the rest of your lovely body for them to devour.
💀 If you don't, they'd be massaging your chest, cooing oh so softly reminding you that you're theirs whether you have surgery or not.
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python333 · 11 months
HAI! i rlly like your platonic 141 fics and I'm wondering if we could get some more dad price and/or brother gaz sleepy cuddles? :3
stretched too thin — python333
— — — —
synopsis gaz notices you overworking yourself one night and decides to step in before you end up pulling an all-nighter.
relationships platonic!gaz & gn!reader.
characters gaz.
word count 2.05k
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of pet names [love, darling], usage of c/n [code name/call sign].
note oh my god im so sorry i disappeared for like. a month. ill try my best to not be gone for more than a week at a time, but with all of my schoolwork and just over all stress ive been experiencing lately, i dont know if ill be able to get fics out every week :< ill try my best though! please accept this fic as an apology—its another big bro gaz one!! special shoutout to everyone else who has an older sibling thats very distant with them, you and me are in the same boat fr!! also, last thing—im thinking about making a discord server where i announce when fics are being written and published and stuff, but i dunno if yall would join or anything, so if u would pls lmk!!
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You haven’t left your office in five hours. 
Recently—just about two days ago—you finished up an assignment fairly quickly and, as a result, had to write a detailed report of said assignment. It went over the mission you’d gone on, and listed off every major detail you could think of, though because you just can’t give yourself a break you were constantly thinking of other details you might’ve missed even though there was little chance you’d missed anything.
The mission wasn’t anything too important, honestly. It was originally going to be a week-long camp-out reconnaissance by an enemy task force’s base, obtaining information on their schedule and what they did throughout the day and whatnot. However, only a day into the mission, the small squad of soldiers that had accompanied you saw another small military group observing the same group you’d been observing.
So, naturally, you observed them as well. Aren’t you just the best multi-tasker?
The task force eventually found out about the other group, just a day later, while your squad was still in the clear to continue your observations. So, your mission had quickly come to a close—but, because of the circumstances under which the mission had come to a close, you were required to write an extremely detailed report on the other group and the group you’d been observing.
It would be an understatement to say you were tired. You’re exhausted.
Between the non-stop writing, the coffee sitting on your desk that’s been microwaved five times and has been refilled thrice, and the uncomfortable chair you’ve sat in that you have yet to replace, you’re extremely exhausted. Your movements are sluggish, your fingers aren’t as swift on the keyboard of your computer as they usually are, and worst of all—you still have more to write. 
Your eyes stung and felt dry, your hands felt like they were going to stop working completely at any moment, and you were overall just exhausted. 
You look over at the clock on your desk, and it reads 02:28 AM, indicating that you would only have about four hours to sleep if you went to bed now. I’m too far into this report to stop now, You tell yourself, sighing as you blink slowly at your computer screen, If only my vision didn’t keep getting blurry… 
Suddenly, you hear a knock at the door. Your eyebrows furrow together in confusion, and for a second you think you’re hallucinating until the knock sounds once more. 
Reluctantly, with a voice raspy from not using it almost all day, you call out, “Come in!” 
Your voice is softer and quieter than you’d like it to be, but it doesn’t matter too much to you at this moment—at least, not in your foggy mind that still begs you for sleep, even when you have far more of your report to finish. 
The door opens with a creak, and in walks Gaz. 
“Sarg,” He greets you, not bothering to close the door behind him as he walks up to your desk, “Pleasure to see you for the first time in, what… three days?” 
“Two days and eighteen hours,” You correct him, taking a moment to crack your stiff knuckles, not taking your eyes off of your monitor, “And you know you don’t have to call me ‘sarg’ or ‘sergeant’ or anything. We’re the same rank.” 
Gaz promptly ignores you, “Right, well, anything over a day is way too long for me to go without seeing you. Why’re you all cooped up in here on your computer?”
“‘Cause I need to write a report on my assignment,” You briefly explain, before lightly goading Gaz, “Not all of us need a shit ton of attention every day like you do.” 
“Ehh,” Gaz theatrically makes a thinking face, before shrugging, “Not sure what you mean by ‘us’, but alright.” 
“By ‘us’, I mean everyone but you.” 
“Surely that doesn’t include you, right?” 
“It does.” 
Gaz gasps quietly at your reply, before dramatically responding, “Oh, you can’t be serious.”
“I absolutely can,” You hum, finally taking your eyes off of your computer screen to look up at Gaz, “Is it so hard for you to believe that I don’t need to talk to you every waking hour?” 
“It is, actually,” Gaz scoffs, “Because I know that you do need to talk to me every waking hour.” 
“Uh, no I don’t,” You childishly argue, raising an eyebrow at Gaz.
“Uh, yes you do,” Gaz immaturely argues back, crossing his arms, “Look me in the eyes and tell me that the past two days and eighteen hours haven’t been shit because I haven’t given you any attention.”
You open your mouth to form a response but quickly close it, realizing that yeah, actually, I kind of do crave his attention. 
“You’re not the only person that gives me attention,” You point out, hoping to find some way to change the subject.
“Sure, but you like the attention I give you the most,” Gaz hums, leaning forward to rest his crossed arms on your desk opposite of where you sit.
“You don’t know that.”
“Then tell me that I’m wrong,” Gaz challenges you.
You narrow your eyes at him, glaring at him for a moment before sighing, “You suck.”
“Maybe I suck, but you look like you haven’t slept for the past week,” Gaz points out, “You look exhausted, by the way. And dehydrated. Actually, you just look like the human embodiment of a headache.” 
“What the fuck?” 
“I mean that in the most loving, non-offensive way possible.”
“You come into my office, accuse me of needing attention from you, then you insult me by calling me the human version of a headache?”
“It wasn’t an insult!” Gaz raises his hands in surrender, before sighing, “I’m being serious. You look dead, [c/n]. You need sleep.” 
“What I need is to finish this report,” You huff out, beginning to turn your attention back to your computer, before Gaz’s hand is quickly placed on your chin and forces you to look back at him. 
“No, what you need is some rest,” Gaz argues, more serious this time, taking his hand off of your chin—something you shouldn’t miss nearly as much as you do, the warmth of his hand fading far too quickly from your face—and bringing it back to rest on the desk. 
“Maybe you need rest, Gaz.”
“Sure I do,” He shrugs, “But I’m only going to sleep if you do.” 
You raise an eyebrow at him, “Really? You’re pulling that card?”
“I am.” 
You stare at him for a moment, mentally weighing your options, before sighing and bringing your elbows up to the table so that you can place your forehead in your hands.
On one hand, if you stay in your office you can finish up your report before four and then go to sleep, and hope that you magically feel active even with just an hour or two of sleep in the morning. On the other hand, if you go to sleep now, so does Gaz, and then you both get more than just two hours of sleep. 
After another moment of consideration, you huff out a frustrated breath and mutter, “Fine.” 
Gaz smiles down at you and walks around your desk to your side of it, holding out a hand for you to grab to help yourself up from your chair and using his free hand to save your report and power off your monitor. 
You take his hand and stand up, your legs a little weak and balance iffy from sitting down for so long, but within the next few minutes you’re sure you’ll be able to properly walk. You let go of his hand once you’re positive you won’t fall over, and once he sees that you’re able to walk, Gaz silently walks towards the door of your office. Just as quietly, you follow him. 
He turns off the lights for you and lets you walk out of the office first, locking the door from the inside and closing it once you’re out. Once he’s done, he takes the lead again and you follow him down to his sleeping quarters. It’s not too long of a walk there, only two minutes at most.
Once you’re there, Gaz opens the door and lets you walk in first. Once you’re inside and Gaz has closed the door, you shrug off your camouflage patterned jacket and toe off your already loosened tan boots, leaving you in just your camouflage cargo pants and army green undershirt.
You look down at your pants with a frown, knowing from experience that sleeping in them was incredibly uncomfortable and left you regretting your whole existence the morning after, but before you could even look over at Gaz to tell him of your situation, you felt something being thrown at you. 
You immediately turn your attention to the item that had been hurled at you—the item in question being a pair of gray sweatpants, some that would probably be a little bit looser than you’d prefer on your figure—and then look over at Gaz with a questioning look. 
“Figured you wouldn’t wanna sleep in that,” Gaz shrugs, nodding to your cargo pants in response to your nonverbal confusion. 
You hum in appreciation, not wanting to talk too much at the moment, instead waiting for Gaz to look away before slipping off your pants and replacing them with the sweatpants Gaz had thrown at you. The fit isn’t as uncomfortable as you thought they’d be—they’re loose and hang low on your hips, just like you thought they would, of course, but they don’t feel nearly as weird as you thought they would.
Once you’ve tightened the strings on the waist of the pants, you get into Gaz’s bed, pulling the covers up and over yourself. Gaz quickly settles into the bed next to you, quickly getting himself comfortable under the sheets, and pulling the covers up and over his shoulders in one swift movement.
He gets closer to you, so close that his chest presses against your back and you can feel the tip of his nose ghosting over the top of your head. He wraps one arm over your body to pull you impossibly closer to him, and his other arm snakes underneath the side of your body so that both of his arms are wrapped around you.
He hums contently and his thumb rubs small circles into your clothed stomach, the action—despite being small—causing your stomach to warm up almost immediately. 
“Comfortable, darling?” Gaz asks quietly, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. 
“Very,” You mumble back, trying to subtly lean your head back against Gaz in hopes of getting at least one more kiss. Noticing your efforts, he huffs out a small laugh and presses another gentle kiss right at the edge of your hairline before pressing one last one to your forehead. 
Even with the comforting atmosphere, you can’t find it within yourself to fully relax, your body still tense and stiff underneath the blanket. Gaz, just like he did with your “subtle” movements, notices and frowns. 
“Just sleep,” Gaz tiredly mumbles into the top of your head, “You have to get up in three hours. The sooner you sleep, the more sleep you get.” 
You don’t respond, instead simply sighing and forcing your eyes closed. You do have to admit, it’s nice being able to actually close your eyes for something other than blinking, and closing your eyes for longer than half a second has made you realize that they were even drier than you thought they were. 
Exhausted and ready to finally sleep, you eventually get to a point where you no longer need to force your eyes shut, and as a result, your whole body relaxes for the first time in almost six hours. 
“G’night, love,” Gaz murmurs, feeling your body relax next to his. You hum in acknowledgment of his words, not finding the energy within yourself to properly respond, instead finding yourself drifting off into a deep sleep. 
And if four hours later, Gaz wakes up and simply lies there, not waking you and instead letting you get some more sleep despite you having to be up soon, nobody has to know.
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flwrkisses · 7 months
bf! jungwon.
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first post of 2024! and this just so happens to be the end of my boyfriend enhypen series! thank you for showing it so much love! hope you all enjoy!
genre: fluff. established relationship. idol x reader!
warnings: mentions of arguments and skinship such as kissing and etc.
heeseung. jay. jake. sunghoon. sunoo. jungwon. ni-ki.
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- jungwon is so best friends to lovers coded. it's written all over his being. i see it happening so perfectly.
- at first every thing is soooo platonic. going out to lunch, studying together, going bike riding, everything as friends until one day you get tired of him not understanding the multitude of hints you're throwing at him. so, you end up confessing.
- to be honest he's a little confused at first, because how could he miss the fact that you liked him ?? especially all this time?? luckily, he didn't have to think about it much and told you he'd be your boyfriend right then and there. he didn't see too much of a difference from what you guys were doing before. but now he had kissing privileges.
- you guys are almost always on facetime with eachother, like almost everyday talking for hours. sometimes you both fall asleep while in the phone and other times he ends the call with a loud kissy noise to let you know he loves you.
- jungwon is someone who likes to take interest in things you like or enjoy. if it's a show he'd watch it, book, he'd read it, or game he'd play it just so he's able to relate to you and spend time with you doing something you enjoy doing.
- his love languages are so clear, he cant help but express them. they cone to him naturally like, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch.
- when he's away on tour you guys are almost always on facetime. before bed he needs to hear your voice regardless of the timezone. most times you guys both fall asleep on the phone and have facetime calls that last anywhere from 5 minutes to 16 hours.
- without thinking he shares his food with you. most times he's mindlessly talking or scrolling through his phone as he offers you a bite of his food from his chopsticks.
- jungwon listens to any and all issues and concerns you may have in that pretty little brain of yours. sometimes he asks you if you want advice, solutions, or just someone to listen regardless of what he thinks.
- sometimes when he's in a playful mood he'd hide your things, that he knows you need. like a straw to a reuseable cup, your computer mouse, your favorite mug, maybe even a shoe. he does it just to see how long it would take you to notice he had it. plus watching you freak out and look for your lost item made him laugh.
- he likes to pretend to trip you. he purposely sticks his foot out only to move it away at the last second. sometimes he does actually trip youto which he laughs and helps you up.
- jealousy is his middle name. regardless of who you're attracted to he's always tentative and reading body language around you. he's not worried about you, he's worried about others getting too friendly with you, but he'd never tell you that.
- if you get sick he'd playfully scold you and make sure you have what you need to get better. like meds, soup, water. he's not exactly sure how to take care of you but, the best he can do is make sure you're taking your meds on time and drinking water.
- he remembers ever little detail you've shared about yourself with him. he plays coy most of the time, but when you have specific orders for foods or drinks he some how always brings you things exactly as you ask for it.
- if you dig deep into his phone you'll find the note he made on his notes app when you guys first started dating with all the things you like and all the things you dont and maybe even your usual fast food orders.
- jungwon's your biggest fan. number 1 supporter. he would cheer for you even if no one else is. he loves you so much everything you do is golden in his eyes.
- with that, jungwon loves seeing you supporting him. you guys are so supportive of eachother. he feels like seeing you the audience energizes him because he wants you to be proud and have something to brag about.
- saying "i love you" came so natural to him. he probably said it one night about 3 months into your relationship. it was kinda shocking and honestly even took him by suprise. but it was just so easy.
- your phone is always being blown up with his texts. he sends you everything and anything. he loves texting you. good morning texts, good night texts,bored daily selfies. you get it all.
- his phone is full of pictures of you, most of them off guard or blurry. and everytime you see them you tell him to delete it because you think you look bad. but he thinks theres no bad pictures of you.
- jungwon's the type to look over at your over your shoulder at your phone. not because he doesn't trust you, but usually because his eyes just happen to land there if you guys are together. to be annoying he sometimes taps the screen to mess what ever you're doing up and get your attention.
- without you having to ask, jungwon brings you your favorite snacks everytime you both hang out. he just always brings things, and they all happen to be your favorites.
- if you're looking for something under a table or cabinet he puts a hand over the edge so you don't hit your head against the hard surface while getting up.
- he loves nights where you both can just chill out and watch movies. you guys obligatory monthly movie marathon nights with popcorn and candy.
- jungwon is always planning dates. he loves coming up with fun and creative ways to spend time together so its not all repetitive and expected.
- to make sure he has time with you, he designates a day in the week for it to be date night. something like every thursday. if he's on tour on your date night we would take time out of his day to have a virtual date playing video games or watching a movie together online while still on facetime.
- arguments with jungwon are very rare. he's usually so understanding and tends to see your side in conversations. he also articulates and expresses his feelings really well when he feels like he must.
- obviously he would never admit it, but jungwon lives to see you in his clothes. infact, you both trade and share clothes often and he lives for it.
- he rests his head on yours all the time. it's always iust you and him. cheek to cheek. its a simple act of affection.
- you always try to poke his dimple everytime it pops out and he has successfully turned his head fast enough to bite your finger before you could.
- skinship is something you get a lot of with him. especially in private. sometimes it's usual sweet things like kisses and cuddles and other times it's him playfully tackling you onto the couch. its almost like he's glued to you.
- sometimes he shows you tiktok trends couples are doing all over his fyp and begs you to make a tiktok with him because it would be cute. he can't help but post it and make everyone jealous about your relationship.
- you guys have a shared playlist on a music app that allows you both to just dump songs into it. you guys listen to the playlist when you hang out all the time. some songs are ones he likes, others you like, and some you both love. at this point the playlist has over 200 songs you both just love listening to.
- he tries to be crafty and cute for you. key word is tries. he wants to make you sweet handmade cards or a mug in a pottery class. they're not terrible and you obviously keep each thing he hand makes you. he knows you love him if you're keeping the lopsided hello kitty mug he painted for you.
- you hardly ever need to verbally tell him you need something because he observes and knows when you run low of things you use daily and just buys you things like that. your favorite perfume is low? he got you a new one. your fabric softener is out? he got you more. he ate the last bowl of clyour favorite cereal? he's replacing it with a whole new box.
- expect him to keep every little thing you give or gift him. you see the little stickers you give him on the back of his phone or on his laptop, the scrunchies you leave at his house are around his wrist incase either of you needs them, and the weird little blind bag figures you get him are neatly placed on his desk for him to see everyday.
- he usually calls you by your name because part of him thinks pet names are cringe. if he's feeling funny he'll probably call you something like "booger" or "bun head" out of love.
- for some reason valentine's day means a lot to him, so he goes full on out every year and thinks on ways to out do himself in the next year.
- loves stay at home dates where you both just enjoy eachother's company. maybe do a facemask, maybe cook some ramen, and maybe you sleep over. it's just perfect.
- overall, jungwon is such a sweet, caring and orotective boyfriend. i think he's the most boyfriend material out of the whole group!
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©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission. (2023)
masterlist. — requests are open!
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woag character design notes
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[i.d.: a drawn line up of the half life vr ai characters, from left to right, gordon, dr. coomer, tommy, bubby, gman, and benrey. /end i.d.]
yeah i skipped some guys , i dont draw some of them enough to have much unique designs and some of them are a png of a dog
trust me i am just surprised as the rest of yall that i am doing hlvrai art . design notes below (very long, mind your step)
wow this guy dont got no head
i didnt want to give gordon a face because of how unexact the person is as the fandom engages with it. is it wayne rtvs? (well as presented to an audience, yes) is it gordon freeman? (well as seen from an in game perspective, yes) is it a whole new guy entirely? (well as
i cut the confusion and took it a whole new direction: guillotine
hlvrai being treated as a very broken game is fun to me as a design perspective, so if you (the audience) are not supposed to see his face, what happens when you see it anyways? missing texture time
there are eyes drawn over because i did not have confidence in my expressions at first and then it grew on me
i think if i were to draw (and i have drawn) an actual person under the mask i would still censor the eyes because that is where the vr headset sits!!
(i do not like putting an actual flesh to gordon though)
though i really like seeing how other people interpret gordon hlvrai it is not . my gordon ? we are talking about the same guy . but this is my gordo . i made this one . this guy my guy . maybe i should draw other gordon designs
i can draw the hev suit from memory and it is also the entire reason why i can render metal confidently
i liked how people changed the lambda to read ai :] i also have no clue if i wrote the lambda correctly
(i did, i just checked)
dr coomer:
as much as i draw/drew him i find it more fun to not stick to one set design :)
so a lot of my takes on dr coomer tend to jump from idea to idea, especially from what other people are doing, though they could be fitted to the left and right designs!
the left design is mainly based off what i saw in fandom spaces
we see rounder shapes, making for a more friendly and welcoming appearance
i think of this as straying from the more professional uniform of the actual scientist models
enter swimming shorts and bright yellow socks, for some reason
so now he kind of looks like a cool science teacher :)
it might be the lab coat
the right design is mainly based off thumbnails for hlvrai itself
these use a more angular appearance
i want to push how comically buff he is because of strength he shows at times, especially since his left design seems to completely down play it as a comically not buff man who is still very strong
the shadows on right design coomer get so much more harsh and exaggerated because i have comic books on the mind :)
he really does look like a dehydrated comic book character huh
stick bug (he gets it from his dad) (this thought process is explained at gman section)
i pushed a lot of the saturation of colours in her design because i think tommy gets to be a little silly with it
fun art story of the day! when you color, try messing with hue! you might notice you can get away with a lot as long as your values are about right
i like pushing this with white because you can get away with a lot of things reading as “off white”
old faithful for me is cool shadows with a warm transition colour to keep things visually interesting
i keep making white objects the trans flag
happy pride
tommys design looks a little like a school boy, with the tucked in button up shirt+suspenders+shorts+jacket tied around the waist . and the primary colours . but like it is really fun to dress up so brightly
i actually was strongly inspired by medieval babies if that is a weird descriptor? i wanted him to both be a middle aged man but also a young adult
do not be like tommy, who has their finger on the trigger of the gun while not even looking at where it is pointing and good god he is squeezing the trigger . top ten firearm safety of all time
the absurd part is that i think bubby is tall . he is just between tommy and gman who are exaggeratedly lanky .
i wanted to make bubby a pointy kinda guy, so he is the only one actually wearing the lab coat proper . and the only one actually wearing dress socks but not even wearing dress shoes
i wanted to give him a novelty tie but i was running low on ideas and running high on boreds so we dont get a tie
he does have crocs though!! in attack mode!!
i do think we all kind of saw his model and collectively decided it works for him because i have honestly not seen major divergences from his model?
stick bug
i wanted to stress the more spooky and unknowable nature of him and took it in the dark souls direction of “make bigger than player character”
maked too bigger
he cannot walk through any doorways but you will have to crane your neck to look up at him
in the opposite direction of tommy, i pulled a lot of the saturation in gmans design
it feels important to make them both not fully match the rest of the slightly less broken npcs because there was so much work to make them look cool so i have to respect that
actually a lot of gmans and tommys designs are made in opposite to one another
gman has a largely stationary face and very stiff line work
while tommy is pushed to expressive as possible
thats pretty fun, way to go me
benrey also has two designs
and in both of these i keep getting too lazy to use a reference so  the vests are super plain (forgetting the badge and black mesa logo) . i think the helmet is supposed to be darker actually .
the design ethos of benrey was “built like a brick shithouse”
a friend of mine took this cooler and interpreted it as a shield/wall/barrier as a physical (and narrative) obstacle
again the first uses fandom designs
most notably the overcast shadow (seen in video thumbnails but i never noticed it or understood why so many people did it until someone pointed it out to me)
i think hlvrai is such a great medium because it acknowledges it is a game and is able to play into that to great effect! i think the shadow is fun to imagine as solid black as a small reminder of the impossibility of the space :]
benrey is a smug cat in the body of a human . to be honest . and this is the full range of emotion i have ever drawn him with
the second was mostly because as fun as taking creative liberties are, i just really wanted to see benrey as is: the half life security guard model in all its slight wonk :]
i actually do prefer this design . it is a little more uncanny because i choose the worst translations of the model . i like it because it is a little more uncanny !
that can be said for like . every single design in this line up huh .
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hii! Idk if you've ever done something similar, but what do you think about TADC x Skater! Reader? Like, Reader always have their skates on, like it's a part of their digital costume or smth. And i really mean ALWAYS. Someone spilled water on the floor? Reader slips down. They go on an adventure and a part of the floor is inclined? (Like a hill for example) There goes reader down the hill. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Btw, i really love your page, keep it up and don't overwork yourself
TADC cast x rollerskater!reader
Anon I am so so so sorry !! I dont know if I personally got jumbled up or my inbox has been wonky silly goofy or I just got thrown off because of so many people sending stuff in, but I also missed this as well as some other requests 😭😭
This one may be a little short since I've never skated <\3
Written this as more platonic leaning !
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Probably poofs himself his own rollerskates, literally the only time you see him on the ground and it's so weird to look at. You guys both slip and fall because bubble wiped themselves across the floor or something
Obviously leads to bubble getting popped
Honestly seeing caine struggle to keep steady while using the rollerskates is... very funny.. look at his lil legs wobble (tell anyone and he will tilt the ground of the next IHA)
Honestly she would probably slip on the floor too if its wet or has marbles. She looks like she would comically fall over, with her legs flinging straight up into the air before plopping down
Looks at you confused as you visibly try to calculate how fast this one little slope will make you go, she probably forgets you have skater feet in the beginning
Subconsciously tries to grab and stop you when you start rolling, but because shes so small you just drag her with you
Theres that squeaky noise as shes being dragged across the floor
Yk the sound
Throws marbles on the floor as well as other things that can make you stumble or slip... probably soaps up the floor.. thank god hes just a circus rmemeber and not like, a ringmaster... this dude would tolt the floor in so many different angles just to fuck with you... thankfully, he cant do that!
Though in another timeline... perhaps you werent so lucky...
Not much to be said here, with the bit with zooble in the pilot (the arm thing), jax is more than ready to use peoples unique digital qualities to please him or mess with them, and you being his friend only makes you slightly less likely to be messed with
Keeps a hand on your shoulder when she notices the floor is tilted, tends to walk with you while holding your shoulder still. She can only imagine what it's like to be s victim of slopes.. it would drive her nuts.. as long as shes around shes going to do her damndest to make sure you dont roll away or slip... unless jax literally throws marbles in front of you two at the very last second because who can predict that..?
In any case where theres an IHA with a DEEP slope I think she just might resort to carrying you so you dont go FLYING down
Okay you guys might not have the same issues but they can relate to you in the jax department, with him using your qualities to his advantage. Its absolute hell.. I think it would be this shared thing that leads to you guys building a relationship in the first place
That one meme where it's two people at the bar and they overhear each other saying "I hate (x)" then they start making out
Thats you guys ranting about the bunny/j
Offered you some parts before realizing that you cant swap out your limbs like they can
"Ah, bummer"
Has probably asked you why you dont just take them off when you vent to him about jax putting marbles on the floor. Kind of sounds like when people say shit such as "oh you're depressed? Just cheer up!" But like, kinger says it in a genuinely.. not malicious or tone deaf way.. like I dontt think he knows, or perhaps he thinks you're like zooble with detachable limbs and you have another pair of feet hanging around somewhere
Gives a soft "oh.. " when you demonstrate that they are attatched to you
Offers to let you strap pillows to yourself to soften any blows when you fall, let's you have his softest and thickest pillows... what do you mean it throws off your balance...?
You have probably accidentally rammed into her after misjudging how steep a hill on the ground was
Good news! She stopped your momentum!
Bad news, shes all tangled up in your skates (owie!) And her comedy mask is broken (oh no!)
Please be careful getting her out. We don't want her ribbons to tear or get damaged, we cant have our girl start fraying!
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hero-next-door · 6 months
Defending Nathan Prescott
(From Every Accusation)
All fact proven & common sense theory
No bullshit.
I suck at grammar. Deal with it.
I've replayed the game far too many times to gather this. I read into everything and even read into and WATCHED people who have suffered the same mental illness and situations Nathan has been in.
What I'll be covering:
Illness, rib breaking, dead animals, bdsm, Chloes pic, Rachel, gun on campus, Kate, Pompidou, Jefferson, wealth and his father.
And dont even THINK about skipping ahead!
Everything here is tied into one another. Read from start to finish. You're on this post to understand, right? Or to argue? Im not here to argue so, bye.
Lets start from the top...
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Nathans downfall was caused by society and all who failed him. He's driven by hatred of others who don't understand him, and the game purposly wrote him off that way. They want players to hate him from what sides of the stories we've experienced. They gave this character controversial hobbies and a cynical bully attitude to really keep you suspecting him and not guessing Jefferson. The game isn't about Nathan. It's about Max. We learn so much about Max and everyone close to her. The tears they shed, the pains they've endorsed. Same with Chloe and Rachel's story. My heart goes out to all of them. We don't get to see that with other characters. Therefore, we don't care for them...or that's the games' intentions. We don't know the ins and outs of Nathan. Only what the game shows us, which are all negative. So, of course, disliking Nathan is only reasonable.
Mental Illness
We start with mental illness. He has Psychosis. Lots of proof, but i'm assuming you've seen it all already. Like, do people know what Psychosis is? Do they REALLY know what it is? Because this ALONE changes everything. And not Psychopathy ..Psychosis. Two different things, pookie. Psychopathy is the one where part of the brain is missing or disturbed. THEY'RE the ones that don't have empathy. Psychosis is different. Anybody can get it. This illness can take your empathy and awareness away, then bring it all back after the harm is done, leaving you to process that. Schizo and Bipolar are also all quite a handful to deal with too. Loud Noises/downgrading voices in your head SO LOUD that people will do anything to calm them. (Dont be shy, youtube: "28- Psychotic Episode" by Collège d'Alma) The feeling of loosing your mind is something I notice a lot of haters dont empathize on especially if they killed or hurt sombody. The brain slips into a state so disconnected that interviews with recovering patients I've seen describe it as confusing and scary and dont recall saying the stories they told and actions they did others. Imagine not being able to remember the hurtful things you've said and done. Imagine being told you killed somebody... with your own hands? And you can hardly remember what happened. Like... how would you react? Think about it. Anybody can get psychosis with enough trauma or a kick in the noggin. Some people who were interviewed that had psychosis said that they found relief when getting high or drunk. Little did they know the symptoms could bounce back up to 5x during withdrawal. But they were so desperate to get rid of the voices that they abused the drugs. Like....wow the game really did their research to create such a complicated character. Anyway, moving on.
Edit: After further research, he certainly had bipolar disorder first. Then it went left untreated, therefore sunk him to worse mental state of many other illnesses. Drugs only made things much, much worse. Bipolar disorder can cause schizo and schizo to lead to psychosis. 🙄Jesus Nathan quit hogging all the illnesses.
Now, let's break down everything else...
Shooting Chloe
Just rewatch it. Aims gun, Chloe pushes him, it tightens grip, ACCIDENTLY shoots her, immediately drops gun and gets really scared of he's done, checking to see if she's alive! If you specifically rewatch the ending of Lis1 when Chloe gets shot, they extend his reaction. He goes back and forth, checking her body. If he wanted to kill her, you check pulse and then run. Not sticking around crying about it. There's your empathy you're all saying he doesn't have. Other times where he could have shown more empathy ties with his Psychosis. Some people with the illness said that the voices loudly in their head will convince them that everyone around you is your enemy. Everyone is after you. It can twist your brain to feel anger and fear towards others. Nathan is always hung up on how everyone is using him and trying to control him. Which people ..DO use him. So now he's convinced that everyone is. He's not choosing to feel this way. He just needs psychiatric help.
Breaking Ribs
In Before The Storm, his entire demeanor is completely different than the Lis 1. He's more cowardly and not loud and aggressive. We'll be mentioning his creepy "pervy" binder later. Nathan isn't violent until the end IF you let Nathan get bullied and push his life in a negative direction. Sure, it's not Chloe's responsibility, but this is the game's way of showing you his downfall. We need to remember the game hides scenes and expect you to make up what happened behind the scenes. He broke Samantha's ribs over ..what? She's always so desperate to defend Nathan and even gets upset with Chloe when she doesn't help. So, if you tell her the wrong option to pressure kindness into Nathan, it results in him breaking ribs. How, though? Haters immediately hop online to say cause he's a mean and abusive non-empathic nut head. Are you sure he didn't just push her away, and her clumsiness just fell over? This took place after the play...so he possibly...pushed her off... 😰 She did say she was clumsy. You don't think she would have tried to hug or touch him in any way. Ok ok...calm down... Let's take a step back.. You get this "breaking ribs," ending from letting Nathan get bullied and embarrass himself during the play that his father pressured him about! Adding a little "..fuck you.." to the audience. Showing his start to his villain career and the start of him hating everyone, and you tell Samantha to go hug him!? This is the start of his mental spiral if you let things play out this way. But hurting her with intention? No. Lets tie this in with the other endings to their relationship. You get the clumsy ending. She hurts herself differently, and Nathan is with her in the hospital. Saying how he feels bad that she got hurt. (empathy bell) And they continue yo talk about her photo or whatever. Tie this with the rib one, tie this with the Chloe getting shot incident, and tie this with his mental illness. Come on, do i gotta spell it out for you.. Hurting someone is not what he attends to do. Like he quotes in his voice mail. (Speaking of that voice mail, empathy bell.) He does get angry at Samantha and hurts her, and we as players dont know the full story. But what was playing in his head seconds before and the entirety of the game that led up to this IS the reason why he accidentally hurts her. His anger from the entire game was built up and, unfortunately, released on her. Whatever happened, breaking her ribs was not on his to-do list! And then we have.. The good ending. He sits beside her, smiling.
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Oh, wait! He's a little psycho with no human emotion? Psychosis has all parts of the brain attached, pookie. For most cases, It can be cured and helped. I can get it. YOU can get it. He has human emotions when he is at his very rare peaceful moments like with this good ending, when with Victoria ig and other scenes we tend to forget. Because painting him as the villain was the games goal. Jefferson was the plot twist.
Daddy Issues, Smug Talk, and a Gun on campus
Simple guys. Simple. You represent this school. You represent our name. This is a legacy. You will not embarrass me. This isn't about you or your problems!
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Sure, YOU wouldn't crumble under that pressure, but Nathan sure did. Sure, child abuse isn't an excuse to "kill" people. But is it the child's fault? Sean-beanbag prescott should be arrested for not taking his boy to the asylum. Instead, he argues with a doctor!? Goofy, bro. But so many people are fueled with anger towards Nathan instead. It's whatever. Prescott, literally being his name, was already a red flag to other characters and chose to hate and bully him over it. Drew hated for what his FATHER did. Nathan did ..what again? Notice how that "rich Malfoy talk" wasn't really present in Before The Storm. Sure he tried to burn Drew with a family financial situation insult but the "Im rich, my father owns everything, I got a lawyer, money this and that" wasn't in his character in the Before the Storm. I believe being a prescott wasn't really in his future goals, and he wasn't ever really passionate about it. It's all in the annoyance in his tone with his father before the play. Lis1 he uses it so often to show that he's the boss and in control. He is influenced by representation for his family/school, wealth, intimidation, and of course hatred and believing everyone hates him. In his mind, everyone is against him, after him, and wants to use him. Again, he doesn't choose to think this way. Let me explain my last sentence clearly, though. Imagine being surrounded by a ton of people. All their attention is on you. They hate who you are. They talk about you. You have a defensless stomach sinking feeling and scared because all these people surrounding you are looking at you and all your insecurities and laughing at you. Well, obviouslysome of that is not going on in reality. But to Nathan, that IS his reality, and he has no control over it. Anyways I shouldn't have to keep explaining mental illness and how it stresses the brain. The bottom line is that his status and waving a gun around is what he thinks keep others out of his head. He can barely throw a punch. He had to use his head on warren, and did you catch when Max hit him in that scene? The dude was literally holding onto his face like he'd been battered. Like she did NOT hit that hard lmao. He's weak. He's always been the same tiny Nathan from before the storm. Just now, he uses masks for intimidation to stop his bullies, and anyone he thinks is "after him." He never meant to use a gun on anybody, just a threat. During the second scene where warren reunited a head butt with Nathan.. If you pull off warren, he barely even aims the gun when he runs away towards his room. Cowardly. He feels that he has to, to protect himself. He also uses his father as a threat, but clearly, that never worked. Also, I noticed him crying when you let Warren get crazy on him? Dudes apologizing and sobing? Guess that's not his first rodeo, rip.
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Dead Animals
There is no proof he hurt animals. That's not really like him. He does have a list of illnesses, but Psychopathy isn't one of them. Y'all can keep yappin, but it's not. Clearly NOT one of them. He could have hurt an animal during an unaware episode, but there will not be any awareness behind it. Anyways, there are plenty of artists that do the same thing. Nathan is very passionate about photography and protraying solitary but not in the same way Jefferson does. Jefferson certainly uses that manipulation, but we'll get to that later. There are artists that like to shine on death in a positive light and in sorrow. There's also beauty in anatomy. It's not my cup of tea, but someone close to me can name me all kinds of gross organs and would be down to disect any animal. Yuck. But to them.. its fascinating, and they are the greatest people in my life. In love and in empathy. (NOT comparing my pookie to Nathan, PAUSE.) In anatomy theres Education and surprise. Death is also a theme and style too. Skulls and gore, super "rad" fukin "knarly."
BDSM Skip to (●) next part if needed
Ok.. so he's a little frisky. Y'all need to remember this is a fictional game first, okay? Lol Anyway, I can't defend him much here, but I got something. Firstly, the game WANTS you to suspect Nathan. Can't keep his room pretty and pink. They have to make it freaky and spooky. They paint Nathan as the villian for you to only focus on him as a suspect. So that everyones jaws are dropped with Jefferson twirls in.
Anyway...defending BDSM? This can bring trauma to those who have experienced it negatively or view it negatively. So skip to the Frank defense or read more if you want.
Bdsm relationships are very controversial. Some people see it as unhealthy, abusive, and sick. But if you have talked to or listened to other people within these relationships, they state that its completely consensual, safe, harmless, a breach of deep trust with their partners, and simply a fetish or kink The goal is to have fun at your limit..not pass the limit. There are twisted people who have broken that barrier and made it not fun and abusive. That's where I can't argue. If you feel that way towards the topic, I completely empathize with you.
Nathan has shown in his other photos a black and white theme of solitary. And you can tell that he might have taken those bdsm photos himself. As the quality is almost like the Pompidou photo. Everyone blends him taking bdsm photos with his angry behavior and "non empathic" demeanor. But this is where I loop back to Before The Storm hugging-my-binder Nathan. It's shown that in one of his endings, he took photos of Samantha. Obviously, NOT bdsm photos. His binder was a school project. But Samantha obviously consented, and Nathan was passionate enough to show her. He sees them as art. Naked girls have been models for sculptures and paintings. Its beauty. That's IF she was naked in some way in those photos. Which I still doubt. School project. Im sure the photos were gentle and strange and misunderstood, and Drew was just in his bully era. His reaction would have been a lot more eye-opening if he had a face full of tits or straps. Nathan begged for his binder back and even nervously reacted, showing he had love for his work and 'took time with it' (as he quotes when Drew throws it). I bring this up here to show that the women in his photos were indeed given consent, and if hes passionate about depicting his art, hurting them wouldn't be on his agenda. As we all learned today that hurting people was never his intentions until drugs and illness met with pressure and intimidation clouds his brain.
I read up on other artists that painted things similar. In their paintings, they expressed dread, vulnerability, feeling traped, and ..feeling used. If Nathan did find the images he took arousing, then why would he hang them up like everything else in his room like art? I believe that they're depicted in an artful way and in its black and white shading brings a sad darkness. If it's anything like the painters I mentioned, maybe Nathan has a deep level of empathy we don't understand.
●Frank and Pompidou
I didn't even know he took a picture of Franks hurt dog in the road because you little freaks threw his treat in the street!? This will also tie in to chloes pic, but we'll get to that. Frank first, as it's pretty simple. Nathan runs some system with Frank. And it's pretty obvious it's the same thing Drew was doing in Before the Storm. Nathan clearly doesn't like it as he finds it controlling, but getting his hands on drugs is a great way to forget his flaws and calm his illness symptoms. Which only created a loop of his symptoms worsening, as talked about before. His illness is very active towards the end of Before the Storm. You can tell by his huge character difference that drugs only made it worse.
Pompidou is a good dog, but just remember he's not the one who hurt him. This ties in with what we explained in the dead animal phase. The Imagine is black and white. It's a strange art most people don't understand. Man, I don't even understand it. But these people aren't heartless, and they're simply expressing pain. Or.. he took it for the same reason he took Chloes pic. To feel that he's in control, thinking this will help his mental reality of thinking everyone can use him, as explained earlier. But i doubt it. One is in color, and Pompidou is not. One is misguided, and one is "art."
Jefferson, Rachel, Kate, Chloes pic
If i see one more person throw him in the same trash bin as Jefferson, im going to puke. Anyway, I've twisted my head around this story so many times, begging to see the bigger picture. No pun attended. Jefferson was pulling the strings all along ..you know that, right? If Nathan was never there, Jefferson would have still done his disgusting projects. He certainly brought Victoria over without Nathan's usage. He didn't need Nathan, Nathan just made it easier cause he can easily be manipulated. Making Nathan do it all so the consequences will fall on him. Jefferson is smart and knows the right words to say. Nathan is missing the kindness of a father figure. All he has to do is play with his feelings. Nathan falls too easily to kindness. He felt the kindness of Samantha during the good ending, and He felt the kindness from Victoria.. but Victoria toxic bully nature wasn't helping. The bottom line is Jefferson easily manipulates him and understands his mental reality and uses that against him. Adding thoughts into Nathans head. Jefferson learned to use Nathan's illness to his advantage. Nathan trusted Jefferson as did everyone in that school. Why on earth would Jefferson wrong him? He looked up to him, so when Jefferson slowly brought him into his plans of drugging girls, Nathan thought that it was all ..moral. In reality, you and I know obviously that's not okay, but to Nathan (and his severe illness), he trusted Jefferson was doing no wrong. We don't understand the mental strain he was under. Manipulation goes a long way. Heres how he did it. He probably said things like 'We are the same Nathan, this is art just like yours.' It starts small, Nathan gets him the drugs. Then he pulls him in, and Nathan starts drugging the girls for me. Start driving them here. Start helping me inside the dark room. Start helping me inject my victims. Jefferson had so much power over him. He was connected with his father. He can threaten his grade, his representation, and his future in art. He knew all the right things to say and do. He knew how his head worked. Clog him up with drugs, and keep him quiet. Heal his missing father needs and demand him for your needs. Does this not make Nathan a victim, too?
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Then ...the Rachel incident happened. Nathan was NOT mentally aware of what he's done. The excited "Rachel!" When he saw Max at the diner clearly shows that he truly expected her to pull up. This mixes with the symptoms we've discussed. He only remembers bits and pieces as obviously it was beyond traumatizing. Sending him in an insane spiral and the infamous psychosis drawing. (Don't be afraid, google psychosis drawings. Damn. Just imagine you recovered from psychosis and laying eyes on that and not remembering you drew that..ugh...I'd cry.) Someone with Psychopathy wouldnt feel traumatized from such events, debunking the fact everyone thinks Nathan has Psychopathy. He doesn't have Psychopathy, he has psychosis. Moving on. Jefferson was certainly angry with him and drugged Nathan himself after the incident, which really helped Nathan to forget what he's done. But Jefferson's anger and not talking to him tore him apart. His emotional attachment clearly wasn't having it. The note he wrote Jefferson in desperate attempt to bring him back after ruining Jefferson plans goes to show just how much he wants that sense of being cared for. If only it was someone else that wasnt Jefferson ..or his dad can do is fucking job too.
Alcohol was certainly a great method of forgetting what he did. So then comes Chloes' interaction with him. We know the story. He did not SA her, I can say that right here and now. Nothing like that was behind this. You can tell by the way Chloe presented the story to Max. There wasn't an uncomfortable tone to her story. She didn't seem traumatized but more shocked, and "it was pretty crazy." She also wasn't drugged for that long. She woke up very soon, fully clothed. What obviously happened is that Nathan used this to feel in control like the mentioned way above. Drugs and Psychosis is no jokes. Who knows what hell is playing in his mind, but I unfortunately believe that this was to try to win back Jefferson. He had been angry at him and ignoring him, and even tho he hates drugging, his confusion and drunk state led him to this. He's cowardly, and his mind is slipping and tries to do what he thinks is right for him. He's misguided and leads down the wrong path.
Nathan did not SA Kate! Kate story breaks my heart into a million pieces, but if she was SA-ed, it wasn't Nathan. After everything I said above, you can tell that that isn't in his character. But here I want to bring up the voicemail. Nathan claims multiple times that he never wanted to hurt anybody, implying that he felt forced to do harm. Something he DID NOT want to do. Why on earth would anybody have felt forced to SA somebody!? I'm not saying Kate WASN'T SA-ed as I can only assume maybe the boys she was shown with in the video did something or Jefferson. Victoria was Kates bully!!! Nathan wanted to be liked by Victoria and was influenced by her nature. He's desperate for attention and kindness. Victoria did far more to hurt Kate and her reason as to why was shit. You go THAT FAR to one up your photography game. Girl, bye. She spread that video, and she still has empathy, too? Her regretting everything? Did she reallyy regret it? Or did she want to make herself look good for her representation? She showed regret via text message in Before The Storm, too? She doesn't have a mental illness, but the game gave her an act of forgiveness and used her as a victim so the audience would sympathize with her. Goes to show you the game controls what they want you to feel. If they were to do that with Nathan..would opinons be different? Taking us into his mind and how he sees the world around him. They could have..but didnt. Well.. We have the voicemail, but obviously, that didn't stop the haters. It's unfortunate. But the game gave me just enough little clues for me to shine light on in this post. They put so much into his character but never showed the audience the truth.
What we've learned today is that Nathan isn't the villain you think. He's been manipulated, used, and needs mental help, but im sure my old Nathan-defending friends have said this time and time again. Im here to add something....
It's been PROVEN that he's capable of all human emotions. You just refuse to believe it because you're mistaking his illness and claiming all of this was intentional. Psychosis can be temporary. It's like a hand that steals your common sense, feelings, empathy, and sympathy, and you're only left with acting on pure chaos and negative or fearful emotions. After long treatment, your sense of reality returns, your feelings, your empathy, your sympathy.. And all you have now is guilt and regret and self blame that you hurt somebody. If you let Nathan kill Chloe, he is arrested. He had doctors aware of his illness and would have been charged with illness in mind. Forcing the treatment he needed ages ago. By the time Lis 2 came out... I wonder how he's taking it all in? What he did to everyone, what he did to Rachel.
He was written off to die, be locked up, and blamed. Unfortunately, he was caught in the crossfires of the harm of our favorite characters. If he was born in a different family and away from Jeff, he would have never hurt anybody. Matter a fact, he would never have suffered with his listed mental illnesses.
This goes out to all real accidental murder cases. There will always be a great divide in opinions. I hate comparing fictional games with real life, but I find it crazy that we call others nonempathtic when they aren't empathic themselves. It's like the word "accidental" is worthless.
Its always a debate..
Do we feel bad for the lives lost and their families
Do we feel bad for the mental crumble of the one who never meant to kill and how their familes have to deal with that.
Are they worthy to walk this earth? Are they worthy to see the daylight again? Are they still human, too? Should they die, too? Is redemption possible?
Who knows. Peoples opinions won't change unless they themselves fall onto the opposing team. If they were to suffer the chaos of accidentally murdering someone or the grief of losing someone from an accidental murder.
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Red Nathan, the first Nathan we all experienced from Lis1. Damaged and doomed. Used and mentally obstructed. It's unfortunate things ended this way.
Blue Nathan, Appears in Before the slStorm and Max's alternate timeline. He is clean and hasn't touched drugs. He had not been involved in crimes or violence yet. In this alternate timeline, he has been somehow saved and kept away from mental destruction and Jefferson. We will never really know what drove Nathan towards this peaceful path, but I assumed that it was the kindness of Max that led him in the right direction. (Max somehow changed Victoria, too. With her demeanor being so gentle. I really am curious about the whole back story of that timeline... I think about it alot)
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tinyapplejuice · 1 month
HII !! I dont think I've requested yet but I LOVE ur writing and was hoping for some 8bit x fem reader headcanons OR VIRUS 8BIT X FEM READER HEADCANONS! THE CHOICE IS URS I JUST LOVE YOUR WORK SM !! ^.^
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•Guys I’m stepping into unknown territory, I got back into this game since like 2023 late Decembers and I’m pretty sure I missed so much stuff correlating to 8-bit or even any brawler’s lore since I used to play this game since like 2020 so if there are any key details I’ve missed about his character IM SO SORRY LIKE IM GENUINELY ASHAMED OF MYSELF TOO BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO DISAPPOINT THE FANS WHO ARE GENUINELY HUGE NERDS ABOUT THIS BRAWLER if you have any like canon information about it or if there’s a site that contains lore about Brawl Stars and it’s characters, in general, please tell me. I’m desperate, my sister is helping me with a piece of stone and rock and using our cavemen brains together. But enough about my silly ranting, let’s begin!
•8-bit, 8-bit, 8-bit, ha, what an interesting robot to date since it’s an arcade machine. I mean imagine if you go to an arcade and just see someone being affectionate with one of these things? Pretty weird, huh? But unlike them, 8-bit is actually alive, and in Brawl Stars anything could happen since it’s fiction! Oh, wonderful!
•It has mad anger issues, do I even have to say it aloud? (Some of their things have some sort of reference that leads to being somewhat negative or aggressive like in that animation with the CCTV animation and such; even his design has some cool details with both the skull on its thing and that big X on its back but whatever!) Sometimes I like to think it can get easily annoyed and just grab out its pistols and just shoot at the thing that angered them but if it’s you, they will just warn you pretty aggressively.
•BUT!!! Don’t worry, it goes to… therapy!! I know I was pretty surprised about this too but during your relationship, it does visit a therapist to sort out its behavioral problems which is awesome! So if you notice them resisting the urge to blow up then you know they’re slowly improving out it's anger issues!
•Do you think they have a general dislike of humans in general? I think it does, the only people they can tolerate pretty well are Brock, maybe some other brawlers like Pam, and you! I just think they're neutral about robots as they don’t irritate it as much as humans do. But still, if you ever see it glaring at people especially in the age ranges of a kid to teens, just know it despises them.
•OOHH! It’s so awkward hugging this big blocky dude because of their shape and size! They’re so blocky and it will be so funny if you have to maneuver around just so you could have the perfect hug! They’re probably going to be confused too.
•I like to think it doesn’t enjoy being touched. I don’t know but I like to correlate the hating humans headcanon to the fact that the reason why it doesn’t like to be touched is because of its players! They hate it when the person’s grubby hands are on the controllers, aggressively tapping and beating up the poor dude so I could see how it would grow to dislike just the simplest touch. Obviously, it isn’t going to push and then shoot you if your fingers accidentally touch them. No, they’re surprisingly a brawler who has both great and little patience if you get me. I feel like he’s able to let his loved ones touch them even though they’re not the greatest fans. AHHH IT COULD BE SUCH A SOFTIE TO THEIR LOVER TOO WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT! UGHH
•8-bit’s love language is quality time. I like to imagine it enjoys spending time with their lover and doing whatever they want to do even though they suck booty! The only exception is when they have to move their legs.
•Speaking about it, They’re such a slow walker that it doesn’t even want to walk anymore for most days. They literally loathe it and you have to be such a patient person if you want to do any moving activities with them.
•Heh, another robot brawler you know what that means!!! RAHHHH ITS GOING TO BE THE FIRST CLUELESS ABOUT LOVE!! I genuinely love this headcanon and would almost apply this to every robot brawler. I don’t know. I cannot imagine a robot’s first programming to love people and that includes the arcade machine we love! I feel like they would generally get it faster though due to the lovey-dovey couple it’s been exposed to during its times of being an inanimate object.
•Can you also imagine it tried to mimic them like one time but that made both you and it uncomfortable so it doesn't do it ever again. Hehe silly billy!
•8-bit does not kiss, he literally doesn’t have lips. I could just imagine a replacement with that would be hand-holding. (If you kiss him, he gets a bit of a tingly, statiky feeling).
•OMG whenever they get flustered which is like barely like their whole face turns red and then like this some sort of pop-up appears that its system is being heated and that it needs to cool down or something and you can see smoke coming out of their body like a smoking hazard.
•The majority says that 8-bit will allow you to play their super hard, brutal game but personally it’s like a maybe especially since it lost the controller and the fact it HATES its players. It may be hesitant to let you play on it. But you know what they’re honestly fine with you playing on other arcade machines. They may be very very good at it, like they know the cheat codes and the super epic strategies that pros use or they will be dogwater. (I prefer the first one but honestly, it just depends on whatever you think it’s true!)
•Relating to its controller it lost, do you think they still mope about it once in a while? Like I could imagine it one day grumbling about the fact they lost it and you know those wasps that can clearly remember someone’s face and have photogenic memory? I could see 8-bit remembering the exact person who does it and can even accurately describe them and it would make them pay for it if they ever stumble upon them again.
•Can you imagine 8-bit easily having grudges and it’s hard to let them go? That could also be another behavioral problem that they’re fixing with his therapist. Like, imagine if you had a fight with them, and for like the aftermath of the fight it was kinda cold with you. I think they’re trying to forgive others easily, especially their loved ones.
•At first in the relationship it has the most NPC dialogue for an arcade machine. I could see them struggling to say regular words that humans would use for conversation since it’s so used to saying what it’s always programmed to say when a player wins, loses, and more but as you dated them and the months passed, their vocabulary would increase and it would have been having regular and normal conversations with you even though from time to time it would resort saying back to “Player one” and such.
• He isn’t a huge talker but that one moment where they could properly express what it has been feeling for years was so refreshing for him! That was probably the longest he ever talked and it will be so funny if he speaks about his journey of his motherboard exploding or whatever mind-blowing and crazy in a nonchalant tone of voice and you have to stare at him like WHATT??!! Could you imagine them spilling out what was on their mind for years?? CAN YOU SEE IT PLEASE??
•It can make the cutest facial expressions for someone like them. They’re actually very expressive?? (My favorites from them are UwU and 0_0) Can you imagine it being silly and wonder if someone hacked them even though it can be like that on certain days.
•Wait just as its vocabulary increases do you think its personality develops too? It will be really interesting but I don’t really know how I could see it being more relaxed and would smile often but I don’t know.
•8-bit can actually use both of its hands, I think it’s called ambidextrous. I could imagine it using both of its guns but as you know, it can’t so now it uses these magic hands to do productive things.
•You know how it can make words on its screen to make facial expressions, imagine if it ever gets grumpy it just doesn’t speak to you and instead it would write it out like [this] (Imagine the bracket keys being the screen)...
•8-bit is a geek about games and would make references about it that nobody understands except the hardcore nerds, specifically and especially the old-school games. In addition, can you imagine it being a technology nerd as well?
•I could see it as someone who’s very defensive and protective. I could just imagine them shielding you in a protective stance with their gun out…
•Also it will be super funny if they shut off randomly and then like you have to insert coins in order for them to continue “life” Otherwise they will be shut down unless someone decides to play them. So imagine just you holding spare coins just in case it ever happens or just forcing multiple coins onto their slot so they can stay alive for as long as they can.
•They are a cool. Yep, a cool arcade machine!!
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djpachipikachu · 2 months
do graves!leosagi ever get tired of their friends/family labelling them?? like maybe leo’s bros make fun of him for having a “boyfriend” and he gets like rightfully irritated by that ?
its Kinda amusing bc eventually leo’s family at least straight up thinks theyre just really good pals and its like wow ! friendship ! in a more oblivious sense like they just kinda shrug and go oh yeah usagi’s here again whatever
originally mikey was insanely insanely suspicious of usagi and what his relationship was with leo (“hes literally just a friend” “YOU MEAN A BOY-FRIEND. AND U NEVER TOLD US.” “what am i supposed 2 say do i update u guys every time i make a friend” “If I See This Fuckinf Rabbit Sleeping In Your Bed Again I’m Telling Dad” “WE WERE HAVING A SLEEPOVER”) (mikey was mainly shocked bc leo invited a friend to sleepover who they didnt know And leo didnt tell anyone there was an extra mouth to feed for brekkie) but once everything was smoothed over usagi just became another regular, similar to how april is
leo himself tells raph that its a little more than that but only raph rly knows it and hes always had a hunch about them so it didnt change much in how the brotjers saw the two
usagi’s family on the other hand is definitely more “Boyfriend? boyfriend? boyfriend? crush? romance?” kitsune teases usagi about how dramatically romantic it must be to fall for a guy he hated in the beginning and usagi is like . so filled with Eugh. This Is Not Romantic. ick feeling that it causes him to be more in denial at how close he’s gotten with leo (in the beginning at least , later on kitsune still teases him but he’s more at ease with how him and leo are, so he always jusy goes “ew no im not kissing him dates r gross” but over time she toned it down to more “ooh is someone missing a certain kappa?” kinda teasing rather than “whens the wedding/has your first kiss happened yet lmao/etc” kinda teasing)
hana calls leo his boyfriend like all the time and like . usagi doesnt rly correct her bc she’s 8 and he doesnt know how to explain that they “arent Really boyfriends sure they do things that couples would do sometimes but its platonic and well you dont rly know what platonic means uh”
so she gets a pass on all her “IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND” comments since usagi is just like “yeagh its leo u wanna say hi”
auntie notices how leo visits a lot and she kinda just is like “okay ur like my kid now. lol.” she thinks they are just best friends bc usagi said they are and who is she to think otherwise, she kinda just absorbs leo (and later on the hamatos) as her own family and doesnt question their relatiomship much
chizu and gen tend to stay out of usagi’s personal business like that But gen did think that leo was a girl for a good while before he was ever introduced to him . and he was like “usagi if you wanna pick up the ladies u need like. do better. than this” “what. What” “like take a shower man” trying to give him flirting/relationship advice without actually knowing leo at all and also assuming usagi is straight
all in all its never really serious if people call them boyfriends or just best friends bc they dont really care to correct anyone it only matters if its like “so did you hit the [insert romantic relationship milestone] phase yet haha” bc that gets tiring to hear constantly
mainly all their family is just like “oh okay” at their relationship since i dont Really want to make the hardships of being aroace or being queer a big point since we already struggle enough with that irl ! a few details here and there about how their unlabelled status confuses some people but generally just a “we’ve seen weirder shit who cares” kinda energy to it
i love rambling . Thank you for the wuestion ily /p
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linos-luna · 2 years
Secret admirer 🔪
Yandere!Taehyung (V) x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: stalking, obsessive behavior, yandere, light suggestion
Synopsis: Taehyung is a friend of yours. You’d hang out every once in a while and text often. You actually had a little crush on him but you were afraid to tell him in fear that he wouldn’t like you back and thus ruin the friendship. But what you didn’t know is how obsessed he was with you. He’d stalk you and just be plain weird about it. It started creeping you out…
(F/n) = friend name
Something was off. You looked through your drawers looking for an outfit for today and you noticed a pair of purple panties were missing… or had you put them in the dirty laundry hamper? But that wasn’t all. Now you also had a weird feeling that you were being watched.
Brushing your paranoia aside, you change into your outfit and get ready to go out. You were going to meet up with some friends for lunch and didn’t want to be late.
As you rushed out, you opened the door to find Taehyung standing there. Your nearly had a heart attack. You weren’t expecting him. Why was he here??
“Hi y/n.” He smiled and gave a little wave.
“Um… hi Tae.” You awkwardly smile.
“Where are you going?”
“To lunch… with my friends…?” You replied, a bit confused. “Why are you here-…?”
“I just wanted to see how you’re doing.” He nearly cut you off. “But it looks like you’re busy…”
“Y-yeah… sorry.” You move towards the stairs and slowly walk down. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Instead of replying, the man just watched you as you walked down the stairs. You knew he was watching and you were afraid to turn around.
——— 💜
After getting lunch, you and one of your friends went to shop for a bit. You found yourselves at a Victoria’s Secret, looking at the cute pieces they had on display.
“This is pretty set.” You had found a lingerie set that was a lacy black material.
“It is… You should get it!” Your friend said as she looked at it.
“I don’t have a reason to wear it.” You nervously chuckle. “Who do I wear it for?”
“Um, yourself?!” You both laughed as you left the store, deciding to not buy anything. It was too expensive anyways.
“So how’s it going with that Taehyung guy?”
“What are you talking about, f/n?” You asked.
“You have a thing for him dont you?” She teased.
“Well yeah… I like him but—…”
“But what?” She interrupted.
“Nothing.” You laughed nervously.
For a moment something felt weird and you looked around your surroundings, wondering if someone is watching.
A little later, you and your friend were looking around in a clothing store. After finding something to try on, you both head to the fitting room. On the way you run into Taehyung looking through one of the clothing racks.
“Tae?” You were confused. Why was he here??
“Hi y/n.” He said casually.
“What are you doing here…?”
“Shopping with Jimin.” He said happily.
“Oh…” you looked around behind him. “Where is he…?”
“The bathroom.” He answered quickly. He then left the other way.
Your friend looked at you, a bit confused.
It was weird for sure but you tried getting your mind off of it.
———— 💜
Later you walked into your apartment and removed your boots, glad to finally get out of them. You set your purse and some bags on the couch before heading to your room. You entered your bedroom as you were texting your friend that you just got home when something caught your attention.
It was a box, wrapped like a present. You don’t remember that there before you left and after setting your phone down on the dresser, you looked around the room.
On the box had a tag that said ‘For You’. You cautiously open it and your eyes widen. It was the lingerie set from earlier. Same color size and everything!
You took it out of the box and found an envelope inside. You opened it and pulled out it’s contents. They were pictures… of you. Photos of you at home and out in every day life. And photos of you and your friends from earlier. Needless to say, you were throughly freaked out. Also in the envelope seemed to be a letter. You opened the card and read it’s contents…
Hello y/n, I hope you like my gift. I know how much you wanted it. I’ve admired you for so long and it made me so happy to hear that you love me too! I always had a feeling but now it’s reality! I want to show you how devoted I am. I want to be with you, y/n. I want to be the reason you wear that adorable set.
Love, your secret admirer
You threw the letter back the box and slowly backed up. Your heart was racing and you turned to make a run for the door, only to be met face to face with Taehyung.
You screamed and jumped back.
“W-why?! W-what-?!”
“Do you like my gift?” He asked nonchalantly.
The dots started connecting and you realized that it was him doing all this. Thinking back on it, everything made sense.
“I’m glad we can finally be together.” He held out a rose and smiled at you.
“Tae… you misheard me.” Your voice was shaking as you slowly inched your way to the door. “Yes I like you… a little crush maybe but… n-not love….”
“Y/n” he pouted. “Don’t be like this. Playing games with me isn’t good.”
“Taehyung I’m serious!”
He tsked and tried grabbing your hands. After you swatted them away he suddenly got more aggressive and tightly grabbed your wrists.
“Stop!” Taehyung yelled and threw you into the wall. You shrieked and hit the wall full force then fell to the floor. You groaned and moved your hair from your face. He crouched down and grabbed you by the throat.
“Now, why don’t you put on that pretty lingerie? I’m giving you a reason to wear it.”
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viennajoell · 1 year
Love triangle
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You see it was never my intention to fall for a hockey player let alone two hockey players.
My dad was the head coach of the MSU football team.
So I always had a think for football guys.
But that was until i met Rutger and Mark, who play for the Umich hockey team.
I met Rutger after a away game while i was waiting for my dad.
He was with some friends and pointed at me to them.
I pretended I didn't notice and continued to act busy on my phone.
He leaned on the wall across from me and so did his friends.
"Great game yeah?" He says breaking the awkward silence. "Yup" i nod. "You go here?" He asks. I turn off my phone and look at myself up and down, i was decked out in MSU apparel. "Yeah" i reply. "Funny" he laughs. "Mhm" i hum. "Not very talkative eh?" He smiles. "I am just not to you" i reply. He laughs and pulls out his phone then hands it to me. I just stare at him knowing exactly what he wants. "Oh come on don't make me beg" he jokes. "Maybe i like when you beg" i jokingly flirt. His eyes go wide, I chuckle and type my number into his phone then hands it back to him. "See you around sometime?" He asks. "Maybe" i reply. We both smile as him and his friends walk away.
And that's how the whole Rutger thing started.
Ever since that we would go to every sports game that our schools played against each other together.
We were never official just more of a fling.
He asked me to go to one of his games that was against MSU so of course i went.
And that how i met Mark...
I was in the tunnel waiting for him but Mark comes out first.
We lock eye contact and as cliche as it sounds we both felt something.
We talked for a bit but he wouldn't ask for my number so i took out my phone and gave it to him.
He smiles and types his number in.
"Alright see ya" he waves after we talk some more. "Bye" i reply. I smile to myself and then remember why i was here.  I immediately cringe and feel dirty for what i did but soon enough got over it.
Me and Rutger were not official so might as well keep my options open you know?
Rutger soon comes out of the tunnel and invites me to a party.
I obviously go.
Rutger kept me by his side for most of night until i went to get a refill.
And thats when i saw Mark.
We lock eyes. He excuses himself and makes his way over here.
"Didn't expect to see you here" he says. "Well if there's a party im gonna be there" i reply. "Even if you dont go here?" He smiles. "That's not important" i reply. "So you here with anyone?" He asks. I think to myself for a bit before responding with "just a friend"
One thing led to another and then i was in bed naked with him asleep next to me.
I pry his arm off of my torso and sneak out.
And if it was on cue Rutger was walking down the sidewalk i was standing on waiting for my Uber.
"Hey!" He says which catches my attention. "Oh uhm hi" i say a little flustered. "What are you doin here?" He asks. "Uh I stayed with a friend" i reply. "A friend?" He raises his eyebrow. "Yes a friend, she let me stay the night" i say really empathizing on she. He smiles and nods. "Want me to wait with you?" He asks. "It's okay they should be here soon" i reply. "Alright then text me later" he says beginning to walk away. "I will" i reply.
I make it back to my dorm and immediately pass out.
I wake up to missed texts from both Mark, and Rutger.
Marks read
"Had fun last night see you again?"
And Rutgers said
"Make it home?"
I reply a simple yes to them and move on with my day.
The more days that pass the more i fell for both of them.
Rutger is so fun and laid back and Mark is so sweet.
Mark invited me to a party after another game and i went.
He had his arm around me the whole time.
Everything was going great until Rutgers friends came over.
Their happy expressions soon turned into confused ones.
"Hey y/n" one of them says. "Hey" i say awkwardly. "You know them?" Mark asks. "Something like that" i reply. "Excuse me can we talk to you for a minute" one of them said who later I found out was Seamus.
"The hell are you doing?" He asks. "I don't know what are you doing?" I reply. "I thought you were with Rutger" he replies. "We're just friends" i reply. "Well he doesn't think that" he replies. "What?" I ask confused. "Oh my god he likes you" he says sounding frustrated. "Yeah I know" I respond. "Then why are you with Mark?!" He says loudly. "Shhh me and Rutger are friends and so is me and Mark" i say turning to walk away but he grabs my wrist. "If you don't tell them i will" he threatens. I stay silent. "Or break it off with one of them" he adds. I nod and walk back to Mark.
"Hey you alright?" He asks. "Yeah just tired, i think im going to go home" i reply. "Want me to come with?" He asks. "No its okay" i give him a soft smile and walk out of the house.
It's since been days from the party and I still haven't told them or broke it off with anyone.
They both of been trying to get plans to meet up but I keep finding excuses to not go which both of them has caught on to.
I get a DM from Seamus saying that he's telling Rutger right now and that he warned me what was going to happen.
Soon after Rutger calls.
I nervously accept.
"Tell me he's lying" he says as soon as I pick up. "Rutger" im at a loss of words. I can hear him sigh heavily. "Y/n" he groans. "I know" i say. "I really liked you" he replies. "I really like you" i say sounding desperate. "And Mark" he snarks back. "Yeah and Mark" i admit. "I texted him, he hasn't replied" he replies. I sigh wanting to cry. "Listen I want to be more, it's either me or Mark" he says. I stay quiet. "Ill be waiting if you decide its me" he replies. I nod forgetting that he can't see me. He sighs once more before hanging up.
A couple tears slip then my phone rings.
It's mark
I answer just wanting to get this over with.
"Y/n" he says sounding disappointed. "I know" i say, voice shaky. "Im just going to get straight to the point, i want you so make up your mind on who you want" he says. I don't reply cause im at a loss for words. "Im going to go now but I'll always answer if you reach out" he says before hanging up not even letting me get a word in.
I have two boys that want me and i want both of them.
What the hell am i going to do?!
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redd956 · 2 years
Writing Inspo: Use those 5 senses
Often times when I'm writing the only thing missing to spice up my atmosphere and descriptions are those pesky five senses. You'd be surprised how much of an impact they make when introducing the reader to a location, or character, or anything of that matter.
Sight is a lot more than just putting what your characters see, though doing that isn't of any harm either and I dont discourage it. Here's a few things you can do with sight.
Describe the surroundings.
Mention details that only the character would note and could be foreshadowing (Spellcasters noticing a local wildflower as an ingredient to an important potion, abuse survivors locating the exit, etc.)
Describe what the character doesn't see, or what could be obstructing their view
Maybe they see something others dont
Maybe the see something that reminds them of something else
Make comparisons with what they do see
What do your characters hear? What is the world they're in sounding like right now. What noises should the narrator describe? For those of us with properly working ears we know the world is rarely ever silent.
Background noise
Potentially the weather and condition outside (Birds singing, rain, wind howling)
Things that stick out to a characters ear
Things they didn't expect to hear or maybe what they tune out because they always hear it
Eavesdropping on other characters much?
What is your character listening for?
Maybe there's something they don't hear that surprises them
Maybe there's a strange lack of noise
What does the world feel like. This is the one I admittedly forget to make use of the most, even though touch is an integrated part of our lives. We always touching something. Whether it be the ground, our chair, our own skin.
Perhaps describe what things feel like to touch (Rough, smooth, clammy, damp, gritty, sandpaper-like)
What does things look like they feel like. Our tongues know the texture of everything we look at. Whether we like it or not
Does something hurt to touch? Does something feel good on the skin? Anything
I often get lost with what to do with smell, despite the fact that there are smells everywhere in our everyday life, and I even have a heightened sense of smell. Always think about what you experience with your senses, and how you could incorporate that into your writing
Air smells, people smells, specific rooms smell a certain way
Some smells are really strong, others faint, and we often only pick up the strong ones
Sometimes we smell nostalgic scents or pick up hints of the weather
Nature itself is full of smells, wet fallen leaves of the fall, swampy nauseous stench of a murky environment, the sour smell of hot air cooking everything outdoors alive
What does your character happen to pick up with their nose
Now I'd be very concerned and a little confused if your character was going around tasting everything in sight. Although in writing we don't fall im scenarios often where taste is applicable, don't forget about it.
Obviously if your characters are eating something, you got your chance to use taste
Same goes if for whatever reason your chatacter is licking or putting their mouth on anything else
Maybe a character is fixing their mouth for something, thinking of the potential tastes and old memories of it
Any tastes in the air or lingering taste in their mouth
Now it's is important to note that my advice for the 5 senses aren't tellers they are instead just inspo, and reminders. That's how I utilize most writing advice online. Especially when I'm stuck on how to write something or have bad writers block.
But here's some more advice
Don't saturate your writing with descriptions using the 5 senses. Yes they greatly help, but they aren't the iron fist of your writing.
You can use how a character reacts along with what they sense to explore characterization
Again my stuff is suggestions and inspo not advice
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chuchustraydog · 2 months
I think i have a fnaf timeline.
DISCLAIMER: please dont create an angry mob of people trying to crucify a 16 year old for making a fun little Theory about fnaf , thank you. Another thing , i will be refferring to other theories that have been made in the fnaf fandom and will cite it accordingly. Also english isnt my first language and although i find myself proficient in it , i still sound like an idiot sometimes. Also i'll be mostly focussing on the first 6 games and ucn as everything after is way too confusing. I will be using references from the fazbear frights books and the security logbook. I will not be using the silver eyes trilogy as they arent canon to the main universe. The rant is over please hold the hate comments until after hearing me out , thank you very much.
Also a quick TW as i'll be talking about the general fnaf topics , Child murder , psychological abuse basically and lots of brianfuck.
With that out of the way , i would first like to show my timeline and then explains each part individually
Freadbears opens ca. 1970
The first ever Freddy's is opened after fredbears and before 1983.
MCI happens before bite of '83 (I told you please bear with me , no pun intended.) In the original freddy's.
Bite of '83 in 1983 (duh)
Charlotte's/Puppet's/Henry Daughter's death (seriously Scott just tell us her name is Charlie in the games too thx) after bite of '83.
Midnight Motorist, shortly after Charlie's death
Original Freddy's closes due to MCI.
Charlie/ Puppet gives gift , gives life.
William builds the funtimes to capture and kill kids (The spirits of the kids arent in the funtimes yet , bear with me please)
Elizabeth dies to Baby and posseses(i hate this fucking word) her. Circus Baby's closes and they get put underground.
Fnaf 2 happens in 1987 and the bite of '87.
Fnaf 1 happens in 1993
William notices the animatronics being possesed and salvages them. He uses the parts and puts them in the funtimes. This is shortly after fnaf 1.
The funtimes become hostile towards William. He figures out remnant and sends Michael down to free Elizabeth
He returns for whatever reasons(i have one) and gets springlocked.
Sister location happens and Michael gets scooped. He then sets out to find William. This is close to 1993 i believe.
After 30 years Fnaf 3 happens in 2023 and Michael burns down the place. This is also where he writes into the logbook (more on that later)
Pizzeria sim takes place only a bit after i think so around 2024 at the most. Everyone gets set free by henry by arson.
UCN happens in hell where William Afton is punished for his crimes by the vengeful spirit.
With this out of the way we can continue on with the explanation. Please dont lynch me before reading this , thank you.
Alright onto the first point that i believe needs explaining.
The MCI (Missing Children's Incident) happend before the bite. Aka: me offering myself up to get doxxed by angry fnaf fans.
My reasoning lies in the Help Wanted 2 princess quest minigame. In it , you have to light multiple graves to earn a bonnie mask. The graves each have a plushie of the core 4 animatronics, golden Freddy and the puppet. The order in which you light them starts with Chica and ends with the puppet. This is the order of which the kids died as evidenced by withered chica's voiceline in UCN.
"I was the first , i have seen everything" - withered chica in unc.
That means the puppet died last which makes sense considering all of the children are all desd when the puppet gives gifts gives life. However that's not where it ends. Considering all of the evidence we have gotten from the fazbear frights books , it is widely accepted that both the crying child and the vengeful spirit (I will not refer to them as Cassidy as the name is still debated about. I will also refer to them as C.C and V.S respectfully.) share golden Freddy and both possesses him. This makes sense as otherwise there wouldnt be any reason to show us the C.C's death , except for some Michael backstory angst , as the MCI happens before 1983. The reason being that if the grave represents golden freddy , the puppet must have died after the bite meaning either after 1983 or in 1983. If the puppet is the last kid to die , it means the MCI happend before the bite or maybe at the same time. We know that a freddy's is open at the same time as fredbears , considering all of the merch C.C and other kids have , and that the MCI didnt happen at any of the locations we see. It would also make sense why the security puppet exists in the first place , Henry was trying to protect Charlie because of the murders that happend at freddy's. (Why he lets her go there after the MCI is a mystery to me but maybe all happend in relative succession or with suspect supposedly being arrested and convicted , he felt safe to send her.) That would leave me to believe that what C.C. saw wasnt Elizabeth getting murked by Baby or Charlie getting killed by William , mostly out of timeline reasons , but the MCI. Maybe he saw springbonnie/William lead away Susie/Chica to her death and later on saw her on a missing poster. He does get scared in fnaf 4 when he sees a purple guy (probably william) help an employee put on the springbonnie suit. (This also confirms that William isnt the only one wearing springbonnie and that C.C wouldnt know who was in the suit or if anyone was in there at all.) Now some would argue that the whole reason William started killing was to put C.C together , but i dont think so. Here's where i do take a bit of Silver Eyes Trilogy lore in this but i can proof it otherwise too , bear with me. In the Silver Eyes trilogy, William Afton's main goal was to achieve immortality using remnant (everyone's favourite soul juice.) , as he was afraid of death. Considering the first ever namedrop of Afton was in the trilogy and the fact that the characters seem to align well in charactarisation, i fully believe this is what scott intended. Considering that the trilogy mirrors the original game story in aspects like Henry's daughter dying or the four missing kids names , it's not farfetched that William's motive are one of these similiarties. (Yes , i said i wouldnt use the trilogy as it isnt canon to the games. However it is clear that Scott made some ideas for the books that stuck for the games. I dont know why Afton's motive cant be one of them.) There is also the fact that the freddy's th MCI takes place at is never seen in one of the games and i doubt scott cawthon would create two freddy's that we've never seen just so that one of them is only there so we know freddy's existed in 83. No that was on purpose and im sure of it , otherwise it would just be bad writing.
Now we can move on to the second point that i feel needs explaining: Midnight motorist. Aka: drunk driving sim and every theorists biggest nightmar.
I believe midnight motorist to take place after Charlie's death and thus Afton's last murder (for now). I believe this is something the majority agress on. Now here is where we get into theory territory. I believe that the Juniors William Afton tries to get in (yes i believe its William even if he's a mustard man and not purple) can not be any freddy's location mostly because why would he drive away from killing Charlie only to go back to it. Some have speculated it to be the fnaf 2 location but that would mean that two freddy's would be open at the same time. Again, no sense there. Also we dont have a set dare where the fnaf 2 location opened but knowing these restaurant it cant have been long before its closing in 1987. And considering the MCI happend before the bite of 83 (that seems to take place in either spring or summer as we see in the minigames.) It would be a big time frame between the MCI and bite of 83 and Charlie's/the Puppet's death. Not impossible but unlikely. I believe the small pile of dirt in the woods to be C.C's grave and that "That place" mustard man/Afton refers to is exactly that. If we place Charlie's death after C.C , it means the only son Afton has left so when he says this line at the end of midnight motorist:
"Ran off to that place again. He'll be sorry when he gets back." - Mustard man /Afton in midnight motorist.
He means Michael. Now some will say: "But *Insert my name* the person infront of the TV has so many hints to being Michael". Bear with me please. The reason it cannot be C.C is because C.C is already dead. There isnt any logical explanation for there to be a pile of dirt in the forest otherwise. All of Afton's victims were stuffed into suits. It could be Elizabeth as we dont know exactly when Afton made the funtimes but i dont think so. Mostly because i doubt Elizabeth's body was able to be retrieved to be buried after getting clawed by Baby. Would it explain the grave being unmarked? yes. Does it fit in narratively? I dont think so. So yes i believe the person who ran away to be Michael. Maybe he saw a hallucination of Fredbear leading him to his brother's grave? After all the security logbook confirms that Michael knows about Nightmare Fredbear and i have an explanation. Michael , after the bite of 83 , became an experiment for William. I believe that William was already experimenting on C.C with the Fredbear plush trying to hone his son's fear of the animatronics. (This also backsup my theory that C.X saw the MCI. It would give William a reason to torment his kid , to keep him away from freddy's.) So when C.C died , he moved onto Michael who was probably fragile mentally from C.C's death already and thus easy to manipulate and experiment on. This is where Dittophobia comes in. Basically i believe the dreams in fnaf 4 to be Michael hallucinating being trapped in his brother's body fighting against nightmarish versions of the animatronics with the worst being fredbear as the one who killed his brother. This also where followvictim comes in , a theory that believes C.C' soul or atleast a part of it clinged to his brother Michael. If this were to be the case , it would make sense why Michael would go back to the grave and why William has the option to check there. Either before or after Midnight Motorist , William experimented on Michael, potenially to make the boy his accomplice or the one to do his dirty work. (Like Vanessa in the fnaf movie but i digress.) So who's the person infront of the TV? Mrs. Afton? A relative? Who knows? But i dont believe it to be Michael.
Next point: the building of the funtimes , the thing that keeps me up at night.
I hate this part the most. The entire time i was trying to figure out how the parts of the 5 animatronics could be put in the funtimes. See the problem is we see the salvage where afton takes down the animatronics in a minigame in fnaf 3. This has to happen after Charlie gives gifts and gives life as the animatronics are possessed. It has to happen after Fnaf 1 though as William was sealed behind a wall at the fnaf 1 location for 30 years. You'd think Michael would notice or hear his father's screams if he was working there but he didnt and we know freddy's closed soon after. So where to put the funtimes? I believe that after the original freddy's closed due to the MCI , Afton began building the funtimes. He might've noticed something off about Fredbear or the puppet or any of the animatronics after and wanted to recreate whatever he had made. A weird Frankenstein project basically and he was obssesed because now he didnt just want to be immortal , he wanted to bring his son back in any way necessary. Killing more kids in the name of science for it? A minor sacrifice in his mind. So he creates the funtimes with killing in mind. I believe the scooper to be an afterthought of after Circus baby's closed and only for the bunker underground. Elizabeth gets killed by Baby and in an attempt to cover it up , William pretends like there had been a gasleak and the animatronics all get put underground and potentially under Afton house. So William is left with one last kid , Michael. Who by this point is probably so traumtized that he'd follow his father's order to the death. So i believe that until the salvage, the funtimes didnt have the souls of the 5 MCI kids in them.
Fnaf 2: Who is Fritz Smith?
So as we know the first night guard jeremy Fitzgerald gets bitten by an animatronic after switching to dayshift. This is the bite of 87. Afterwards , we play as Fritz Smith who gets fired after one night for tempering with the animatronics and odor. Sounds familiar? Its the same reasons Michael Afton was fired as Mike schmidt in fnaf 1. Now does that prove its Michael? Maybe but lets look at our other canditate , William , first. William could have gone there simply to kill more kids or to watch what the animatronics became. Previous employees werent allowed into the fnaf 2 location and the owners were tried to be contacted. But no one has heard anything of the Afton's since Circus baby's and im sure that henry wasnt involved anymore either. Another Argument might be the puppet as the puppet shouldnt be able to be fooled just because Michael and William look alike. See in UCN the puppet says this:
"The others are like animals. But i am very aware." - puppet UCN
And she's right. The others would see someone who looks like William and immediatetly think its their murderer but the puppet knows better. Still that doesnt prove why she attacks jeremy then so i believe this to be debunked basically. Not impossible just unlikely.
Now onto why it could be Michael. Well after 4 years of pure psychological torture , Mike will probably do anything to please his father. If that includes going into the pizzeria where the animatr that he fears are inside , he has to pull through. He was a clean slate. After all , nobody has probably seen Michael Afton for 4 years. So him applying as Fritz Smith isnt unlikely. Couple that with the same reasons for being fired and we can be pretty sure its Mike again. But why would William send him here? Well...tempering with the animatronics ofcourse. Considering Mike's a technician in Sister location , its not far fetched he knows his way arouns Henry's and William's creations. I believe William wanted to have an update on the animatronics. And he gets it. They are erratic, attacking security guards no matter if they resemble William or not , they cause a ass bite again and seem set on getting revenge on the killer. I think this where William figures out that the possesions happend but he cant be sure. After all the toy animatronics are programed to apprehend criminals but the withered arent. So he knows something is going on. Mike gets fired though and William has to wait until the next location opens.
Fnaf 1: We are getting closer Baby!
Not much to say except a few points. Mike gets sent here by William to again , watch the animatronics. When golden freddy appears though , something happend. I think that V.S noticed that part of C.C's soul was with Mike and decided to cling a part of themselves onto Mike aswell. Maybe because V.S thought they could communicate with C.C through that. I mean how else is C.C and V.S supposed to communicate in the security logbook? How should they even get there? Well Mike ofcourse. So basically Mike gets fired for the same reasons and goes to tell his father about what he's seen. William is now sure that the animatronics are possessed and that he needs their parts for his funtimes. So as soon as Mike is fired , he salvages them and uses their metal infused remnant to put into his funtimes , ripping their souls away. He then realizes that the funtimes became violent against him and they seem alive and that his daughter possessed Baby. With that in mind , he's determined to salvage golden freddy too and maybe get his son back. So he returns and meanwhile sends Michael to free Elizabeth. Afterall the animatronics were hostile and William was afraid of dying and needed to bring his kids back. If Mike died along the way? Who cared? Not only was he a pawn for william , if this works he could just bring Mike back. So he goes back to salvage golden freddy however the other kids are pissed. Now i believe i need to address the elephant in the room. Who's the fifth kid? My best bet? V.S. After all , the other animatronics are also there despite their souls being in the funtimes. There is just one other elephant in the room. Where. Is. The. Golden. Freddy. Suit? If William salvaged it in the the restaurant , it would lay there broken right? Why else would he be there? See here's where i will slide in another theory. When Dual Process theory's Video came out , one thing stuck to me. The unexplainable springlock suit in Sister location. It cant be springbonnie , William's springlocked in there , and there arent any other known Springlock suits. Could it be that William took the Golden freddy suit with him to the underground? I mean th3 children's bodies would decomposed by now and after salvaging , William would remove the bones from there probably , making room for Michael to fit in there. Especially if William was planning to bring back C.C the bones would be really impractical. For the other theories in this timeline i will stick with the second theory as it makes more sense to me. Why William would return? Maybe to get his favourite fursona to turn immortal himself. Sure he'd test it on C.C and Michael first (his favourite guinea pigs) but then he'd be ready to be immortal. And what's bettered than to possesses the endo of your fursona huh? It seems wacky i know , but this the only explanation i can bring logically in my head. We know what happens after , William's plan fails, the kids fuck him over and he gets springlocked only to then be sealed behind a wall for 30 years.
The downfall of Afton's plan: Sister location Edition. Aka: the game that doesnt fit anywhere.
So mike being the ever obedient son and unknown bearer of his brother's and the V.S's souls , ventured down to safe his sister. The animatronics , angry and mistaking him for William , attack him every night. In night 4 he gets kidnapped basically and put in the springlock suit , yes the Golden freddy one. I believe this is where C.C's soul was able to fully latch onto Mike as the two parts were reunited as does V.S's soul. Afterwards he gets scooped and im about to explain how he surives it. When he is scooped and ennard takes ober his body , my boy is filled with remnant. (Although the scooper could have also been the reason but i want nice story ok?) After he turns purple and throws up ennard he technically has no more remnant except the bit of the scooper he may or may not have gotten. But i also believe he was being held alive by C.C and V.S with their souls latched onto him. If he died now , V.S could never communicate with C.C and V.S would lose half of their soul. Remember when UCN came out and the mediocore melodies had someone whisper through them? A lot of people first mistaked that voice as Baby but now we all believe it to be V.S. Now who's voice is heard telling Mike that he wont die? Baby's. But that makes no sense , ennard is out of his body and the voice sounds so internal. Also how would Baby/Elizabeth know that? She couldnt have. I believe this to be V.S telling Mike that he wont die and i also believe that this opened Mike's eyes. His father had done something awful and he needed to stop him , he needed to find him. And that's what he does for 30 years , searching and searching but never finding his father. Until fazbear frights.
Fnaf 3: the fuckery finally ends , or does it?
We nearly got it. Yay! Please bear with me. I know the last two parts were weird but im going somewhere. First lets start with the easy stuff. "Easy".
The security logbook. The security logbook implies to have been written in by Mike around fnaf 3. In it we have two spirits. Faded text and Altered Text. As you can imagine , faded text is faded text written in the logbook while the altered text is the spirit changing the already present text to communicate. This is where the name cassidy comes in. Who this name belongs to? No fucking idea. Lots of arguments for both spirits and im going to be honest, i cant solve it right now. Which infuriates me. But if i had to , i'd probably name C.C Cassidy as V.S getting a name would destroy the whole vengeful spirit that torments William without William knowing who they are except that he murdered them. Also it pisses off that C.C has no name , like how?!
Anyway the happiest day happens and the puppet is able set C.C free. That's because C.C is there with Michael the entire time. The reason there are only six people is because V.S refuses to let go and wants to get revenge. However all the other souls are split up in ennard and later on molten freddy. So C.C is free now as the only spirit. That still leaves V.S. and the 4 other kids and we know the rest , Mike burns down Fazbear frights in the hopes of ending his father. But he always comes back.
(Heh you see what i did there? Huh? Huh?- i hate myself for this joke really.)
Fnaf Pizza sim: Yay!!!! It makes sense again!
Okay speedrun of the Story. Mike builds up a freddy's and Henry uses it to lure the animatronics in. Those being scraptrap ( William after the fire) , scrapbaby (Baby with Elizabeth's soul) , Molten freddy ( all of the 4 children in one entity) and lefty (the puppet). V.S is still clinging onto Mike and so all the spirits are gathered. In the end , Henry burns everything down and everyone is laid to rest. Except for two people.
UCN: The end , Yay!
UCN is basically William's hell and the one keeping him there is V.S. How does V.S do it? By putting William in the same place his son was in. I believe V.S would have had access to Michael's soul and maybe also memories and be able to turn it against William. How else should the nightmare animatronics be there? Anyway V.S holds William there while old man consequences tries to tell her to let go. Could this be Mike? Henry? Someone else? Who knows? But V.S wont let go , even if William beats all the animatronics at the hardest difficulty , V.S stays there as golden freddy. Twitching , alive and ready to make William suffer for all he's done.
And we did it. Yay!!! This was written across two days by my heavily hyperfixated 16 year old sleep deprived brain , so if something doesnt make sense , sue me. Again this is just a theory , i didnt solve fnaf nor do i believe i did. This might be completely wrong but i had this timeline in my head and really wanted to share it. I didnt address the VR games or security breach as i frankly dont understand them much and wanted to focus on the main 7 games. Thank you for reading through all of this , criticism if polite and constructive is thanked for and even if you debunk my whole theory i will be happy.
Hope we all stay invested and i wont get doxxed. Thank you for reading♡♡♡
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ghostlysenses · 2 years
Can you Please Trust me?
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Ayo, check my pinned please!
TW: Angst, fighting, self deprication, kidnapping
Im a little rusty on my writing and It was kinda rushed but I wanted to get something out… hope its okay!
You wake up in your own bed, April sitting next to you
she looks over and sees you’re awake and hugs you
she explains everything that happened
but you already knew
you remembered everything
Month 1
April and y/n we’re both in the same robotics class, in-fact thats how they became friends last year, having classes with each other!
Last year it was mathematics
lets just say you aren’t the best at math but you’re passing!!!
“Hey Y/n wanna have a sleepover at my place? I got a new game we can play”
“Ill buy the pizza?”
“Bet! im down for a sleepover!!”
You high five each other, then the conversation turns to code. You help each other in the class and then head to your next period.
The day was going great
but when night came things kinda got out of hand
You walked to April’s house, bag in hand.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Mrs O’ Neil opens the door and greets you happily, she allows you in her house and you thank her kindly.
You walk into the living room, setting your bag down by the couch. April comes out of her room and hugs you, she holds up the game only for you to be surprised! It was the brand new (Fav game)
You squealed in excitement with april and you both sat on the couch, ready to play.
At around 3AM you and april were still playing the game, what can you say it was good!!!
But then you heard some strange knocking on her window, you both turned and looked before april laughed and said
“Oh its probably the shutters, let me go fix them!”
You kept your eyes trained on her as she opened the window, you turned back to the tv but then heard…shouting??? you turned back confused, whose she talking to?
“Everything okay april?” you ask, curiously
She nods and shouts a “YES! Yes! totally fine!”
you hear two people mumbling, someone saying “quit shoving!” and then BAM four turtles humanoid things fall into the living room through the window
“uh” *laugh* “I didnt know we were having company april”
Thats how you met the turtles, and you all hung out for the rest of the month
You all played games
went out on missions
and even had movie nights together!
but then suddenly
they shut you out, only to hangout with you when April was around, and they didnt want you going down to the lair anymore
“We’re just really busy”
“Donnie blew up the place, again”
“There’s paint everywhere!”
“I spilt a very dangerous chemical”
They always had some sort of excuse but even then April was still allowed down, why weren’t you?
They ignored you all of the second month.
It was just you and april and honestly, you missed them, the adventures, all of it!
And then then now
all contact with them ceased, they didn’t respond to texts or calls.
April was still hanging out with you, you had both gone to a skating rink on the 23rd
What you failed to notice was that you two weren’t alone
Cassandra and her two leaders were there too
on a stake out
They watched closely as you conversed with an associate of the turtles, they figured if you know her you have to be a threat too!
They will remember your face
they dont forget one c:
As you and April were walking home the topic of the turtles came up
and obviously you had asked why they were avoiding you, if anyone knew the answer it had to be her! right?
April had looked at you sadly “I don’t know, I even asked about it and all they did was give me vague answers like ‘I dont trust her’ ‘shes no good’ etc” she looked down and so did you
“well at least I kinda know why now” You laugh sadly
she smiles at you “but we’ll stay friends, dont worry”
you smile back
You both wave goodbye and walk the opposite way from each other, heading home. You checked your watch, 12:30 it said
Boy were you glad it was a weekend
Walking home would take you about an hour
but you weren’t alone
Or at least you felt like you weren’t, it was unsettling to say the least.
As you turned around a corner you found yourself face to face with two guys who had fire on their heads and a girl who, if looks could kill, was glaring at you like you had a death wish.
Now you had no clue who these people were but you stumbled back, knowing this could be dangerous, you got up but as soon as you did so, all you saw was black, Cassandra had knocked you out with one single hit, crazy huh?
You woke up the next morning, Chained up to a chair in what seemed to be an old warehouse, now this was truly crazy, why were you here? what did they want from you?
You looked around trying to find an escape, trying to find anything that will help you.
Thats when the dude who was skinny and had flames coming out from his head entered the room.
He started interrogating you
“Where are the turtles?”
“Wheres their base?!”
“what are their weaknesses”
You honestly were just in shock by everything happening that you didn’t answer, this caused him to get mad and stomp out
You were stuck here for a bout 3 weeks, hoping April and your parent(s) put missing posters up and that someone will find you.
With the turtles
April had come into the lair a week after you went missing and filled the brothers in, she was panicking, she didn’t know what to do, there was no sign of you
no sign of life
the talk of the town was ‘What happened to y/n’
After seeing April breakdown the boys knew this was serious, sure they don’t trust you, or probably like you
but they had their reasons (we’ll get to it)
Doesn’t mean they wont try and save you though
Donnie didn’t put a tracker on you, which meant this was going to be harder than normal.
So what else coul-
AHA! the NYC cameras!
Donnie looked through the cameras for 3-4 days!
He found you, he finally found you.
They had taken you off into a dirt path that lead to god knows where.
Once the brothers got to said path they all started walking, eventually making their way to the warehouse.
Raph bursts in and immediately takes notice of how quiet the place is, until they hear what sounds like chains? upstairs?
They rush up, checking every room and once they find you
they look on in shock
You looked tired, exhausted
You had been eating properly though
and it doesnt seem like they hurt you
but it looks like you have been awake for days
The foot brute walks in holding a tray as the brothers start undoing the chains
this starts a fight
The foot men are attacking at raph and leo
while Cassandra is fighting Mikey and Donnie
in the midst of this you come up with a way to get everyone out of here
The roof!
you grab Raphs arm, but he flinches and pulls away
you try with Leo but yet you get the same thing
you try again with Raph and this time he shoves you away and you retaliate by raising your voice and grabbing him again
“Can you please trust me?!”
he looks at you in shock
“just this once?”
Raph sighs
Once the foot is distracted Raph lets you lead him to the roof, his brothers following
As you guys are walking you whisper to Raph
“so…why do you guys suddenly not trust me”
all of them pause at this, then donnie flat out says
“we did a background check on you…”
they did what?! Sure you have stolen here and there but you never killed anyone!
“so me stealing things is a reason for you not to trust me?”
“of course! no rational person would trust a klepto!”
“Have you ever thought that people steal because they need too? not because they want too?”
this made everyone go silent
you sighed and shook your head
finally you reach the roof
and this is where ur plan plays out
You tell them to head down the ladder and they actually listen to you. Once they’re down you head back inside
Ignoring the fact they’re screaming at you
You sneakily make your way down to the basement, tiptoing to make sure no one hears you
Once there you find all the valves, water pipes, etc
and start turnin that shit!
pulling levers
flipping switches
pressing buttons
You then run out right before the place can explode
getting a few burns on the back of your arms
and as soon as you’re a safe enough distance away you pass out
You wake up in your own bed, April sitting next to you
she looks over and sees you’re awake and hugs you
she explains everything that happened
but you already knew
You tried texting the turtles but they didnt answer you
Even now they’re still pushing you away?
I guess the past does haunt you
Or maybe
they feel guilty they never trusted you.
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murkystarlight · 4 months
DREAMZzz S2 spoilers pt.2
(And my personal comments)
Okay- I lost all progress once. But this time it'll be fine. Right? Anyways... I lost my energy so I'm going to make it a bit more shorter and brief....
Starting off with the sirens. Can we appreciate that glossy tail?? We need them as figurines ASAP.
Izzie and Cooper suffering
I like the sticky hand Mateo makes. Probably the best one he made during his... *I miss z-blob phase*
And- have I mentioned the opening song before?? Cause it's really nice
RIP Sandman... where did he go??😭
I personally loved all the ✨family drama✨ in this season (also, poor Izzie that keeps thinking she forgot stuff she doesn't actually know. Must be really confusing)
And do they not know that their parents got divorced? I mean... they gotta be divorced, right?
(Did anyone hear Mr. Oz grumbling while he took out the dreamy-screamy?)
Cooper, not having any knowledge on tech giving an idea for using a Lumi-Caster, that's used for making light, while they're in broad daylight? Sad. But adorable
Why do they have headphones in the library? For kids who have trouble with the noise?
Zoey winking? And mentioning Way of the departed?? Then she punches a siren in the face???
(Logan needs more appreciation)
Dallas is doing a great job knitting
Throws headphones, lands on their heads perfectly
Also, they almost get eaten. EATEN. By the sirens!? We need angst art on this👍
"Remember, DO IT QUIETLY" (he's Dumbledore) ((what color can I give mr oz? This is the only one left so))
Cooper stressing out from not being able to turn on a computer- he's losing brain cells, oh god... and he got a temper like have you seen Mateo and Zoey's face? Shocked
Mrs. Castillo is the best
(Oh~ then we must go north!)
Why are their colors the same? In the last season when they went through the rift the colors were like... faded and... dreamy
"The fantasy realm? Sirens dont belong here!" (That's a bit mean- be like Cooper->) "well, they have to be somewhere, don't they?"
Or preferably. Like Zoey
"I hope they don't eat anyone though"
Why did Mateo tell Logan to play his song before they left the rift?? Or- at least when they're a little bit closer to the rift?
Cooper was badass with that frying pan.
We got a new
He looks so happy when he tagged the ravennn (the wacky-tracky looks like it resembles a bird. Don't you think? Or... is it just me..?)
aughhhh my heart
(He also seems really down, he says so himself that "if I do one thing right today, please be this" he needs help y'alll)
José and Jasmin look so happy togethr
And Mateo got over his mom a teenie weenie bit "we're all just figuring it out, right?"
(Sounds a bit...🏳️‍🌈) just saying! Don't take any of what I'm saying seriously
Episode 4
Logan's song. Let's see the good parts I found-
Mateo singing along and dancing(and being mad about it- btw, the z-blob drawing right in front of Mateo when he wakes up has got to be one of the cutest drawings yet). Zoey, Cooper, Mr. Oz and Albert dancing
Why can't they be supporting? I mean... okay.. maybe it's a bit weird (and I thought it was a bit weird too- especially when the other guy suddenly got so popular just as fast as Logan) but he's your friend?? Is it that surprising that Logan have fans? ....yeah.. okay, maybe?
(Also, Logan can do splits??)
Uh- I just noticed, Izzie has pickles on her lunch plate. Like- a full sized pickle! That's pretty much all she has on her plate
But Zoey. That was kinda mean- you... you were more than harsh
They really tried to make us belive that Jasmin is a witch or smth- but! I know my cliches. And at this situation? She's definitely just a normal person(and I was right)
Does Logan's beast crafting only work with his anger? I remember seeing a cool artwork with Logan using it with other emotions. Maybe later if he develops his powers?? Or.. something similar?
Why does some people only think of dancing and some people can keep thinking 'what the- why can't I stop??' And all that(like Zoey still complained)
Rupert Finneas Shufflebottom Oswald
How did Mateo and Izzie get up in a tree??
Cooper looks so darn cute!! Look at his smile! So precious
He looks... genuinely happy. Like... has he really been losing brain cells?
When Logan has his head down, the mouth animations looked really cool(also, I love the captions. Logan's official name as the blue gremlin is Lo-lo)
Zian and the frog cab is also dancing! Cute
"A lizard person from planet Sikoria!"
"And- why are we sitting on mrs. Castillo's food truck?"
"I don't want dad to hurt like I'm hurting right now.." such- a good kid
Is it just me or did Cooper really, actually get more laid-back than before??
Oh- so Logan is the tech guy now?
Logan looks so sad-
Well Zoey. You tried. It wasn't a bad apology, but.... not the best.
And Logan with a new instrument??
Episode 5
We need info! Why is the Never witch so mad?!!
But seriously- her incantations are just... really nice
Really sad that Izzie can't remember Phil...
Hate Royce
Cooper being...
Phil being the best wingman ever-
(The hug.... Phil- oh god)
"Coop, did you mess with this thing?"
"No, why?"
"Just wondering if you broke it"
The raven was being happy and cute making it's nest... aww
I like how Izzie keeps repeating what she did the first time(like trying to fly)
"Oh! Try asking it to lead us to the witch!"
"[Laughs].... oh, you're serious"
Oh right! The Grimm spawn disguise! We have a new costume now~
Logan's moms being bird ladies and everyone staring at Logan like he's gone mad
Izzie still doing the Naruto run
"We're close"
"Uh- close to what?"
Yup. He's losing brain cells...
And that one scene when they retrieve their memories?(kinda). Oh..... boy
Cooper you poor thing! Nooooooo
I was very happy when I heard the sound of glass shattering. And.. why was it so sad?? They do not have the right to make it seem so sad
But like- even though this is great. Love the angst and all...(he barely got to be sad about it? He barely showed it) I hope Cooper gets his tech powers back. He can be a chef, and a tech guy. Like that show on Netflix! Baking impossible? I think it was? Making functioning cakes. But maybe the whole "tech guy" thing was like... a fence for him? He only thinks of things in that way. Maybe that's why he was the most closed(least creative) person at first. But now he's out of that boundary. And he does look like he's being more care-free and seems more brighter? (...in case you haven't noticed yet. He's my favorite character. He's going to take up about... half of the space in my rambling;;)
Zoey's past!
That was dark. Like... really cool though
I love how Izzie gets her memories back!
The armor coming together? Coool
Inspector Strick actually helping them??
Previous part , next part
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