#you're welcome Camilo
crystalchimez · 8 months
Every 5k notes I get on this post I'll do the thing I was holding off for the amount of numbers before the k but in minutes
So 5k for 5 minutes, 10k for 10 minutes, and so on
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zafirosreverie · 7 months
Bruno with a foreigner S/O
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a/n: for anon! Hope you like it
I think it depends a little on where you're from. Whether or not your culture is too different from his.
If that's the case, he would do his best to understand your culture first. He really loves it when you start talking about what you like or your childhood.
Your accent is kind of funny to him. He finds it cute and could spend hours listening to you without getting tired. He has the biggest heart eyes as he listens to you.
You're in charge of the telenovelas from now on! He will create the script, but he will definitely convince you to be the narrator.
He also consults you about your country and its customs to be able to make more variety of characters.
Introducing you to his family was quite an experience. Bruno knew you would be welcome at Casita without a doubt, he just didn't expect the enthusiasm.
First of all, you were the first person he introduced to his mother and sisters in...you were the first and only.
Alma was really happy, Pepa hugged you after threatening you and Julieta tried not to overwhelm you, but you could see the tears of joy in her eyes.
The children were less subtle. Camilo immediately mentioned your accent, receiving a scolding from Mirabel.
Dolores immediately grabbed your arm and began asking you questions, finding your way of speaking charming.
Isabela and Antonio asked you about the flora and fauna of your country and Luisa simply welcomed you, without wanting to make you feel more uncomfortable or axphyrized like the rest.
In the end, Bruno apologized for the fuss, but you assured him that you had a good time.
He begins to imitate your small gestures. He doesn't do it on purpose, he doesn't even realize it, but you do and you find it adorable.
The rest of the family makes an effort to make you feel included, Julieta and Félix invite you to share dishes from your country and Alma is really interested in your childhood.
Bruno really loves you and he's happy that you were able to open up his view of the world.
He simply loves being with you and learning everything you want to teach him (of course, you do the same, it's a reciprocal and beautiful relationship).
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Ocean Deep Ch11 A Husband...Some Wives???
(Warnings:   Rengoku cursing and semi threatening Akira, mentions of the mers mistreatment,etc.
Y'all simps are going to eat with this one. Apologies for the short chapter. This is a sorta filter before the real meaty chapters ahead.)
taglist: @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan @camilo-uwu @hopefulworld1
@shadyd3ar @amypop122
Remember if you wanna be added to the tag list lemme know.
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The silence was deafening as you were in the middle of being held up by Rengoku. Warmth enveloped every part of your body and fireworks of fluster lit up in your mind. The image of the man lifting you bridal style into his arms and pressed against the upper part of his bare, toned chest and facing up into the fiery eyes just inches away from your own. The smile both handsome as it was happy and loving for whomever it was aimed at.
Amongst the fireworks was a blank white sheet blocking out and rationality shoving at the wall and screeching out to the mind closed off to it. However the mind's focus was thinking about other things. Like how nice the body was leaning against you. How soft the hands were that held your face. How handsome the face suddenly was. How gentle the arms were holding you. How warm the lips were pressed back into yours. 
Rengoku hummed as he once again dove down dipping the woman in his hold and pressed into a passionate kiss you've only seen other couples do and read in romance novels. The same kind of passion that he'd shown his other three wives. Only now he's satisfying an itch he's been feeling for the past half month. He had no idea he could fall for another so much but he couldn't help it. The heart thudding in his chest whenever she would be so loving towards him, but what really made him fall for her was the way she interacted with his wives. The way you'd coo at and comfort Suma's emotional outburst as she'd cry into your shoulder. The way you'd look at Makio and all it took was one understanding sentence to quench her moody behavior. How you'd actually be vulnerable to Hinatsuru and allowed her to comfort your current stressful state. You got a long so well with them...It was like you were one of their own already. And you had gotten along so well with him despite knowing him you always smiled at him. Always smiled at him. Always laughed whenever he tried to cheer you up. It was destiny. 
He almost all but forgot about the uninvited spectator in the doorway until he happened to open his eyes again and see the shocked man still frozen solid in the doorway. An immediate  wave of rage filled his body. This man and his sickening blood was responsible for taking away his wives and his family being torn apart. Responsible for all of the misery and mistreatment they suffered. Responsible for his husband crying tears and nearly tearing his own scales out from worry and fear every night they were gone. And now he dare come back here and face him while begging for you- His wife and the reason any of them are still alive!! To abandoned them and run away together like some stupid love unrealistic love ending from some fairytale! No!...Oh no no no. Not again. He already lost his wives once and gained you. He wasn't about to lose any again so easily a second time. 
A hiss escaped his throat and if his face wasn't angled slightly down, Akira would've seen the large inhuman fangs stuck in his maw. "L E A V E." A snarl enraged and flowing full with a fearful edge pushed out of his chest."Get out of my sight and don't come back. You're not welcome here."
Akira shook. Lip trembling as he stared at the shocked woman who seemed somewhere between shock and absolute whiplash. "Y-You have no R-Right! Wha-What man do you think you are?!"
As if reliving a scene right out of the most scary ghost story. As the blonde head of fire shot back and laughed out. A loud sinister laugh that was condescending and rude and mocking, yet it was boisterous and happy. A scarily terrifying indeed. 
"More of a man than you are! You're a mere boy compared to even a child. No woman would lower their standards enough to do anything with you! You really think my wife would leave me alone for an immature little narcissistic minnow pretending to be a shark when you're far from being the biggest fish in the pond? No. You are nothing. Even compared to the ground you walk on you are nothing. Nothing but a clingy barnacle who is never going to change even if it'll mean becoming a better person. You're greedy, obsessive, and probably would only treat her like another toy until you're bored easily again and seek your own amusement somewhere else..No. No no no. You're not claiming that here. Now leave this sanctuary you only stain and don't let the door hit you on the way out...Or please do. It might knock some sense and decency into your stupidly thick head."
The eyes molded and melted with malice and hate not letting up on the other..Until like a scared prey, he backed up and left . Rengoku's head followed the sounds of the footsteps as they echoed throughout the hallway until eventually the sounds of a door opening and closing sounded off making the merman sigh. 
That was a close one. If that man had come any closer, his true identity would've been exposed or worse. He could've seen his wives hiding under the water. Then they all would've been in big trouble. Eventually there was a shift in water as Hinatsuru poked her head slowly out of the water right by his hip. 
"Is he gone?," she asked barely above a whisper.
He didn't answer right away still listening to the silence before nodding. "Yes. Yes he's gone. Good riddance."
She sighed in relief rising further out of the water leaning on the edge just as the other two poked their heads out. "Oh thank goodness. I was terrified just hearing his voice again." Her hand pressed against her chest. "My heart is still pounding in my chest I was so worried." 
The tension in his body melted upon hearing her tone. Looking at them, all three looked genuinely horrified by what just happened. The fear was truly real and deep for them. But he wouldn't let them be scared again. No no no no. He'd never allow any of his wives to be hurt again but the only way to ensure that they were was for them all to leave this place. And the only one who could make that happen was currently in his arms frozen-.....OH GODS!! Y/N!! HE'D COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT HER!!
"Y/N!" He jumped mentally cursing himself for forgetting and looked to the frozen, red faced, wide eyed woman in his arms. "Ms. L/n?" He jostled her a bit. "A-Are you alright?!"
You continued to stare at the ceiling. "...M' good." You squeaked out as meak as a spooked mouse. 
Rengoku stared at you- Before a flurry of more giggles behind him made him jolt. Despite their earlier fear, they couldn't help but giggle at them again. Making him snap to them red faced and frowning.
"N-N-Now you three s-stop that!," he barked out flustered. "I-I was merely saving her like she did me!"
"With a kiss?," Makio asked with a raised brow.
"It was an act to fool him! Besides, s-she also saved me with her medical kissing!"
You finally found your voice amongst the blank scene until your mind finally answered and you went full red face blushing. All that was going through your head was you got kissed by a handsome merman, you got kissed by a handsome merman, you got kissed by a handsome merman over and over again! The shock of your sudden shout caused all four of them to jump and Rengoku quickly laid you back down onto the floor. You were quick to scoot away from him and sit up. And then the five of you all just sorta say there staring at one another for a long while until eventually you reached out to touch your mouth and look at Rengoku again.
".....Did you just kiss me?!"
"YES!!," he shouted proudly despite his heavily blushing face and crossed his arms. "You saved my life and so I figured I'd return the favor! It was the very least I could do after you've been doing so much for us!"
"Why kiss me then?!," you shouted flustered. He didn't have to kiss you! Why'd he kiss you?!
"My first thought to make him go away was to pretend to be your spouse and it worked! The kisses were so he actually thought we were together!"
"You didn't have to kiss me?!"
He hummed blinking, losing his smile, and tilting his head. "Oh? Was that wrong? Or was I a bad kisser? We can redo it again it you were displeased-"
"NO!!" You held up your head shouting and feeling your face burn red. The girls giggled at you both as you held up your hands. "THE KISSES WEREN'T THE PROBLEM!!"
"So you did enjoy them!" He lit up again. "Good! I aim to please!"
"So I was your first kiss and it was good? EXCELLENT! IM GLAD ALL MY WIVES ARE PLEASED!!"
"W-WIFE?! I NEVER-...YOU DIDN'T-...I MEAN-...." Your flustered face slapped into your hands. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"  Your slightly muffled scream bounced off the walls and they all looked pleased at their handy work. ...Wait a minute. You peeked between your fingers and stared at them. "Wait...Did you say wives? We're not married?!"
Again he tilted his head confused. "We're not? I thought it was obvious that the ceremony was completed as soon as we kissed."
"OH! I get it!" Suma shot up a hand. "It's not official yet because we haven't kissed her yet."
Kyojuro lit up once more. "You're absolutely right, Suma! How could we have forgotten something so simple. She's not married until we all initiate her in!"
You stared blank trying to process what was happening. "What?"
"HEY!" Makio shouted as Suma clumsily shoved her aside and practically crashed through the others just to get through.
You weren't sure what was happening. One moment Suma was pulling herself up onto the edge of the tub, the next she was grabbing your cheeks and kissing you making you go wide eyed again as she did it with an overdramatic 'MWAH' sound that got Makio growling from annoyance.
"Ok! That's long enough for you! Scoot over, Kelpbrain!" Suma squeaked and then whined when Makio roughly grabbed her by the back of her dress and yanked her back before taking her place. You didn't even have time to recover before you were kissed yet again by the yellow banged mermaid.
"NOT FAIR!! KYOJURO GOT TO KISS HER TWICE!!," Suma whined pulling on Makio's arm as she kissed your blank mind and looked at Kyojuro. "KYOOOOO!! MAKE HER SHARE!!"
He chuckled at them. "Now, Suma. Hinatsuru hasn't even gotten a chance to kiss her yet. Let us all love her equally as good wives and husbands should!"
Makio left. You stared at the wall ahead. "....EH?!" 
You STILL did not get a chance to recover from anything as two hands gently turned your head and you briefly saw Hinatsuru smiling at you before you were once again kissed. Albeit a lot more gentle compared to the three others. Taking the moment Kyojuro slid one of the many rings decorating his fingers off, a gold one with a bright green emerald, and reached out. Your left hand was taken from the floor limply and with ease the ring slipped on perfectly over your ring finger just as Hinatsuru back away smiling so happily at you.
"There now. So beautiful and perfect for us." He cooed happily rubbing a thumb over the jewel and your hand. "We'll have to get you to meet Tengen to actually get things settled, but I'm sure he'll love you as soon as he sees you. Mrs. Uzui."
You could only stare. The weight on your hand feeling heavy as Suma pulled you into a side hug and the others looked so happy with themselves. "...HUH?!"
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yellowcry · 1 year
So... I've got this idea a few months ago...
What if after the argument, instead of dying, the magic turns Madrigals' gifts into curses in order to save itself...
CW: traumas, body modifications
Isabela: The plants are growing inside of her body, replacing her flesh. Causing severe bleeding. And attempts to remove plants only making it worse. She still tries tho and gets a lot of scars from removed vines. Not like it's matter, they will be replaced with plants anyway.
Dolores: The vibration from sounds starts to affect her body. It works like electricity. Quiet sounds are painful. But loud... Loud sound can cause heart failure. She just stays in her room the entire time, isolated, so she won't die.
Luisa: Her body slowly turns into a stone statue, cell by cell. Her mobility is also dissapearing since her joints being a fused pieces of stone. No need to tell that it's extremely painful. The fact that she can see how the difficulty of the simple movements grows only makes her more terrified.
Camilo: He shapeshifts uncontrollably. His curse usually combines the details from different people, making it even worse. For example, he might have Luisa's arms with Antonio's body and legs and Mirabel's head. Everything in its original size. Or somebody's leg instead of head... There's endless possibilities.
Antonio isn't affected. He's five and he only got his gift. It would be too cruel even for the curse. So he just loses his new ability, without any effect. The other Madrigals are keeping their gifts, but control over them is awful.
Alma, Mirabel, Felix and Agústin aren't cursed as well, since they didn't have gifts to begin with. But the whole situation can be viewed as the punishment for Alma.
And I'm not sure about the triplets. I think that Julieta might get back all the injuries she ever healed and Pepa's emotions being affected be the weather. But I don't want it to be too deathly (there's no point in curse if they die instantly) or predictable (that's why Dolores'/Luisa's curses aren't based on hearing/strength) And I have no idea about Bruno. You're welcome to give me ideas about their curses
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juvenillia · 11 months
~ Death of Peace of Mind ~ 10: time
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!reader
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photo credits go to very talented @ave661
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a/n: hey there and welcome back, this is more of a cute filler chapter, just prepare yourself for the next one.. this is going to hit different
CW/TW: mentions of guilt, trauma, nightmares, suggestive content, but only the slightest in this one
wordcount: 2.3k
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Time is a funny construction. Thirty minutes for example. Being on the battlefields and waiting for the signal to strike can feel like seconds. Not even knowing if you're ready, but you have to be. Standing in the infirmary waiting for the nurse to explain the injuries your teammate has suffered feel like hours. Hours that ate you up. Your usual nights would contain about seven hours of sleep. Your routine dragging you to sleep at the same time and at the same time out of bed.
Seven hours awake, too afraid to give in to your dreams can feel like eternity. But seven hours of restful sleep without any disturbing incidents that could feel like heaven. The best time of the past year. You didn't remember when the last time was you slept without your mind playing some awful jokes on you. You just remembered that you woke up and finding yourself tugged neatly under the covers of your own bed. Your memory was literally wiped, but you didn't care. For once you felt rested and relaxed while heading for your morning rounds. Nothing on your mind till Beth run up to you. "Something you wanna tell me, Seargent?", she was a teasing little piece of shit. Still a good soul. You just looked confused at her. "About your visitors last night?", she wore a mischievous smile. "Dunno what ya mean.", you kept your pace steady. "Sergeant MacTavish and Lieutenant Riley.", you immediately stopped in your tracks and suddenly you remembered.
You fell asleep in the common room; they must have brought you back to your own room. How deep asleep were you not realizing that one of them carried you all the way back? This will spread like a bushfire. "Well, it's nothing like it looks like.", you started to explain but she cut you short. "Oh, c'mon Sergeant. Everyone sees how they look at you. It's so obvious.", she cooed while patting your shoulder. You couldn't help but shift away from her. This left you even more confused. How would they look at you? Her words didn't make any sense. "Don't look at me so shocked. It's rare that the men of the 141 show even an interest in the opposite gender. Especially the Lieutenant, and now you enter the team, and they cling to you. Don't tell me you don't see that?! You enter the room, and it is like a spotlight sits on you. Their eyes are always on you. Some rookies even heard them talk about you.", her words nearly outstripped themselves. "Do me a favor Private, mind your own business. These thoughts are more than inappropriate.", you stated calm while picking up your pace and leaving her behind. You mentally scolded her for her assumptions. Still, you were the one with utterly red cheeks heading to the gym to meet with Kyle. The idea of Ghost observing you gave you a tingling in your stomach, but what made your stomach spin was that Ghost was surely the person that carried you bridal style back to your room last night. You sighed at the realization. Cheeks burning hot as you even ran quicker than before.
The next days were rather calm. You often went to the gym with Kyle. Had some sparring with Johnny and met with Ghost at the shooting range. You talked a lot about everything under the sun. Price and Laswell were up to an emergency plan how to turn the situation in the Camilo case. The base you frisked was indeed now heavy guarded, so it was a no go. But according to Price you would soon head out. So, every one of you stayed alerted.
The time flew by and soon you found yourself comfortable around the base, around the 141 and you knew that you never needed to set a foot back to Birmingham. The 141 became your new place to endure, survive and most importantly to live. Also, your period was over, but what wasn't over were the dreams that left you lonelier than before. To your surprise the scenario was nearly always the same and always the same smirk that left you longing for more. But to your fortune you were able to draw a line between the person you saw in your dreams and the Lieutenant that traded some good advice in handling different kind of weapons for the knowledge of your sparring skills. This dream Ghost and the still stoic Lieutenant were just so different, that it became easier to draw them apart. The more time you spend with each other the more you could see a difference between your fantasy and the man that became a friend to you. You didn't know if he felt the same, but you almost spend as much time together as you did with Johnny. Maybe even more than with the Scot.
He randomly found you at your morning runs adjusting his pace so you could keep up with him, he accidentally found himself in the kitchenette for an afternoon tea when you were already making yourself one and immediately pulling out another mug, and he like always showed up when you had your evening smoke. He was just there and of course everything was just random coincidences. What you didn't know was, that Simon did nothing of that accidentally. He knew your routine like he knew everything that happened at this base. He knew your time schedule and he couldn't bring himself to not showing up in the calm moments you could share. You always talked with him; he would gladly listen. You told him about Birmingham, the place you moved to as soon as you were legally allowed to move out. Not why though. He told you that he was from Manchester, and you shared some memories from that town. Memories that led you to a topic you never wanted to approach, and you didn't.
You told him more about Randy. You never wanted to talk about him, it felt like betrayal, but here in the late hours, clear night sky above you, a calming fag between your fingers and Ghost - no, Simon - seated by your side, you felt save. So, you told him about and God did it felt good. You told how the two of you met in a hospital, after one of the darkest days of your life. You didn't tell him what brought you there, but he had his assumption. Something that he wanted to never have to imaging. You even dared to mention your former team to him. Just the slightest anecdotes from operations. Their callsigns and that little box that was a gift of one of them, same as the lighter. You literally talked hours and Simon would sit there and listen. Listen carefully, that he never missed a thing you said, and he made sure he would forget nothing you told him. He appreciated the way you trusted him, and he loved the sound of your calm voice. Maybe one day he would be able to open to you as well, passing more share information of his story, of his past. He wanted to share with you, but there wasn't the right moment. He needed more time. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the peace he felt around you. You also never caught a glimpse of his face anymore. But you didn't push it. If he wanted to show himself, he would do it, sooner or later. In those moments everything felt at peace for both of you. And the talking helped to ease the pain in your chest. He was better than every therapist. You still had nightmares, but more rarely. You still found yourself clinging on the dog tag late at night and you still couldn't open your contacts and write that damn message. But it got better. You were glad that Simon was there with you, you were happy to have him by your side. Still giving you those God damn shivers, but you tried to ignore them. It felt too comforting around him. You didn't want to lose what you had just found.
Still, he was the one who wanted a bit more. He longed to make you smile, and even laugh like the others could. Especially Johnny. Anytime he stole a glimpse of both of you during dinner and sparring he always found you laughing. It seems like you had a way better bond with him than with Ghost, but who could blame you? Johnny was easy to get along, he was the person that slowly made Ghost warm up, so it was no wonder that he also was that person to you. Still, he had the desire to hear that melody from you because of him. He was eager to find out what could make you laugh.
It was now three weeks without an operation, three weeks just going after some chores around the base. Three weeks you found yourself enjoying the time with the boys more and more. The only thing that annoyed you were the words from Beth still echoing in your mind. Why did you always had to over think everything? She was a needy person that literally let anyone in her bed, like a barracks bunny gladly accepting every offer. Of course, she would see only those things, but it still bugged you. No one of them were flirting or obvious hinting something. You knew how people were around you when they had different intentions. You knew how men would treat you. You had seen the most different ways of it. But you saw nothing of it in Johnny and especially not in Simon. What did Beth think she saw? Nothing more than a fantasy she had...
It was late in the evening when you found yourself sitting on the patio together with Johnny. He told you a story from a festive in his hometown he went to when he was younger. Telling you all the pranks he pulled, and you listened and laughed with him. Fag in between your fingers, while enjoying the company. Moments like these told you, that the world wasn't such a bad place. Even if it were only a fracture of time before you got back to fight the worst things out there. That's when Ghost approached you and he didn't look so pleased. His tense body walking over where you were already seated. Johnny was sitting in Simon's usual spot next to you, during your evening smoke. He loved routines, and the spot on your right side became his. Johnny shouldn't be here at all; he should sit inside with Kyle before heading to bed. "Good evenin' Lt.", he exclaimed softly and you smiled at the tall figure that took a seat across from you instead. Instinctively pulling out your box with cigarettes and handed him the wooden box, he only shook his head. Usually, he would sit next to you, pulling his masked up, just enough to let the fag brush over his lips. You wouldn’t dare to look in his direction and would just keep talking. But he couldn't do it with you right in front of him. He wouldn't tell you that, and you wouldn't push his boundaries. You shrugged and put the box back next to you. "What were ya up to?", he asked shoving his hands in the pockets of his grey hoodie. Folding them into each other inside of the pocket. "Just talked about some childhood memories and that our Johnny was quite a troublemaker.", you laughed before bringing the cigarette back to your lips. Ghost nodded, his eyes following your hand to your lips and lingering there. Johnny noticed; he had taken notes quite some time ago. He bumped his shoulder playfully into yours, "See. When talking about stories from back home, there was something I wanted to ask yer." You only nodded as his permission to go on.
"Yer havin’ someone back home, bonnie?", but this sudden question made you choke on the smoke in your lungs. Simon didn't know why but his hands gripped each other tighter than before. His eyes narrowed and now stared at Soap before they found your figure again. "What ye told me yer from Birmingham but ye dinnea told me about the lads there.", he smiled while his eyes darted to Simon, who answered with a glare Johnny knew too well. You needed a moment to process the situation. Johnny never asked something so straightforward, especially not into this direction of topic. You took another long drag from the fag. It's not like the question was hard to answer, "Negative.", you simply stated. "But we already talked about that.", you glanced at him reminding him of the chat back in the safe house.
Johnny's eyes weren't on you, they were on Simon whose tension seemed to falter a bit. A grin on the Scots faces only grew, "Just wanted to make sure." - "Sure of what?", you leaned a bit further into the chair. "Och, ya know.", he stated teasingly while pushing himself up. "Gonna head to bed. G'night bonnie, g'night Lt.", he said while leaving both of your figures behind. Your eyes trailing after him, filled with confusion. Simon wasn't confused at all; he had an idea what Soap tried and he already hated him for that. You shrugged it off and closed your eyes, to just enjoy the comforting silence you now found yourself in. Simon wanted to break it, even if he hated Johnny for it, he was curious. He wanted to dig into your private life just once more. The life outside of the scent of smoke, dust, and gunpowder. His eyes trailed over your relaxed figure. An inaudible sigh. It wasn't the right time. There would be plenty of time for such things, but not now. Little did he know...
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taglist: open just lmk
@yyiikes @saffronimagines @originaldeerhottub @illuminwtesz @killergoddess97 @kaelaiscool
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Do you mind doing a camlio x female reader one part imagine where camlio has a crush on the reader and doesn't know how to tell her? And then later, when the Casa Madrigal is falling apart and y/n and Mirabel are trying to get the candle, Camilo confesses his love?
Tysm ily!
(I'm so sorry for the long wait! :( And thank you, also you're welcome!)
Crush (Soft yandere Camilo x Fem! reader)
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(This gif is perfect for this oneshot lmao.)
Tw: Stalking, wholesome yandere, soft yandere, unhealthy obsession, yandere themes?
Camilo's crush on you had lasted for months, and you of course had no idea of it. Camilo had a strong urge to confess to you, but every time he built up courage to he always fell back to his anxious self. He just didn't know how to tell you. He hated how he didn't know how he should of, it made him feel like a coward.
It didn't help he had never done this either, yes, he always had been the romantiac type. But never actually had been involved with realtionships and confessions.
Mind you, you and Camilo were close friends. Even though you were you were you were his friend, it didn't make it any easier for him.
Even though both of you were friends he often stalked watched you just to satisfy his love for you. What was wrong with him? He thought to himself
Odd things had been happening in the Encanto lately, it was mainly Casita and the Madrigal family. There had been cracks spotted on the walls and floors, and some gifts were failing on certain family members.
But thats when Casita had decided to crumble.
You rushed up to the house, seeing dust leaking from parts of the house. You stared in worry for a momment before entering, running over to Camilo. "What's happening?!" You asked loudly but with worry, barley being heard over the rumbling of the house, and countless objects and picture frames falling to the ground. "C-casita, it's falling! M-Mirabel and Abuela started arguing and afterwards a giant crack appeared on the ground. And it only got worse from there!" Camilo explained. "What about the candle?" You said to him. "Not good, Mirabels attempting to get it in her hands now." You looked over to see Mirabel climbing up on railing, once part of casita.
"I'm going after it too."
"What?!" Camilo gasped, "but you can't!"
You then went to run, but Camilos hand stopped you, his hand wrapped around your shoulder. "What are you doing Camilo?" You asked slightly irritated at him stopping you. "No, I can't let you do this! I can't let you die (y/n!)" "I don't care if I die or not, I need to help Mirabel make sure that the candle is safe and not destroyed!" You said worryingly, determination also lacing your voice. "NO! I need to tell you something!" Camilo yelled, making you look at him straight in the eyes. "What then?!" You asked.
"I love you!"
Your pupils no longer dilated, but instead staring at Camilo in awe. His hand loosend around your arm as you turned to face him. "What?" You said, you mouth slightly gaped at the comment. "I love you." He said more gently. "Y-you love me?!" You said in disbelief, "Yes mi amor, I do." He said softly, well wholesomely smiling.
You then hugged him, tears slightly filling your eyes out of hapiness.
"I love you too Camilo."
(This wasn't really that yandere, but it was good to write something wholesome for once.)
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
For the Android AU (the one where Luisa gains sentience):
Isabela was made for decoration purposes. Sit still, look pretty, and maybe hold flowers if you're good. She got bored, however, and ran away from her mistress for a new life. Now, she either makes weapons that look like ornamental stuff (fans with razor tips, lasers hidden in brooches, a metal rose with thorns that hold poison) or grows plants for her greenhouse. Maybe she does both.
Dolores is a spy android who doesn't want to invade anyone's privacy, so she tries to find a way out. Eventually, she finds out about the "Gentle Giant" and the "Rosebud Mechanic" (Rosebud is Isabela's brand of android) so she slips away to find them. As a spy robot, nobody notices or cares that she's gone.
Camilo is a jester android, able to modify his features to look like anybody for entertainment. His mistress is caught in the crossfire between two androids, so he tries to join them. Luckily, one of the two was Dolores, and she welcomes him to find his calling.
Mirabel is an android that had been thrown out because of a glitch she had. Nobody's entirely sure what sort of android she was before (SPOILER: SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A NANNY BUT THE FAMILY DIDN'T LIKE HER), but it soon became clear: it wasn't a glitch, it was a benefit. Rather than only focusing on one thing, she's a jack-of-all-trades. She can embroider, sing, dance, and more!
Antonio is Isabela's pet project, literally. She originally wanted to make a robotic animal, but she found that putting the software in a humanoid shell was more helpful. To pay homage to her original idea, she made Antonio a robotic jaguar companion. They have been inseparable from the day Antonio was booted up.
Android brand names:
Isabela: Rosebud
Dolores: Eyewall
Luisa: Donkytonk
Camilo: Shifta
Mirabel: Mariposa
WOAHHHH OK. Loving all the types of androids and what they do. Honestly Mirabel being a jack of all trades is so real. She was probably trying to do the job of other androids rather than just babysitting/watching kids and they thought it was a glitch. Shout out to Isabela for dipping when she had the chance, same with Camilo. Dolores and Luisa for helping everybody (better than Marcus did...) ❗❓also Antonio. Very cool. Humanoid she’ll probably came from one those android models, you know like how Alice was a kid model??? Probably one of those. Also Parce mentioned‼️‼️
Also the names are so silly. But like in a good way.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
spending Christmas with Camilo and Carlos headcanons
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— just some random headcanons on what is like to spend Christmas together with the twins!
— headcanons
— gender-neutral reader.
— none
— since Christmas is around the corner, i decided to make these headcanons bc i'm still down bad for the twins, merry Christmas to y'all! <33
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It was that time of the year again, but Camilo and Carlos thought this year's Christmas is going to be special because they were going to spend it with you <3
Camilo is def a festive person, he likes to get into the mood. He'll volunteer to set up Christmas decorations, he'll help make food (and secretly sneak some to eat), and he'll even wear one of those ugly and itchy-looking Christmas sweaters lmfao
Carlos, on the other hand, could care less about the holiday. It's not like he hates Christmas, he's just not into the festivities. But there are instances where he tries (or is forced) to get into the holiday spirit.
Camilo would definitely force Carlos to wear one of those ugly sweaters hehehe
A few days before Christmas, you'll drag the twins to go shopping for presents. Camilo and Carlos are eager to give suggestions on picking the best gifts until it turns into a competition
"[Name] you should get this" "No, that looks like shit. This is much better" "Nobody asked for your opinion, Carlos" "You're just mad because your opinion is shit"
After shopping, the two are happily helping you carry all the stuff you bought. They're also wondering what you got for them but you'll only wink and say it's a secret, to their dismay.
You'll invite Camilo and Carlos to try and make some cookies or a gingerbread house. At first, it seemed fine until Camilo almost sets your home on fire because he put the heat on high thinking it would help cook the cookies faster. And Carlos almost poisons the three of you because he didn't follow the proper instructions for the ingredients
The festive cooking was definitely chaotic but somehow the three of you managed to make it work
For Christmas eve, Camilo and Carlos invited you to eat dinner with The Madrigal Family. When you arrived, you were greeted with warm smiles and kind faces. Everyone welcomed you with open arms, it tugged on your heartstrings. The twins were glad.
Dinner starts. The food was scrumptious, and you thanked Julieta Madrigal for her tremendous cooking. Suddenly, Alma says something about Camilo and Carlos telling so many stories about you.
"Ay, mis nietos would never shut up about you, [Name]" "Abuela!"
You'll only laugh thinking how cute it was to see Camilo and Carlos flustered. Pepa and Félix are watching their sons, holding hands and realizing how much they've grown. Dolores, Isabela, Mirabel, and the rest of the Madrigal children would try to tease Camilo and Carlos about you. Watching the two turn red and stumble on their words was amusing.
After dinner, you helped clean the table and plates. It was nearly midnight when you decided to spend some time with the Madrigal family. You played games, sang songs, and exchanged stories while waiting for midnight.
At the stroke of midnight, you smiled and said "Merry Christmas!" and hugged each and every one in the room. When you got to Camilo and Carlos, the two pulled you into a tight and endearing embrace, it lasted longer than the rest
You gave some gifts to their family. Finally, you gave your gifts to Camilo and Carlos. The two eagerly tore the wrapper off and clutched their chests when they saw what you got for them.
You gave them matching chameleon stuffed toys, Camilo's in yellow and Carlos' in maroon. They grabbed their gifts and trapped you in a bear hug, chanting "thank you"s
When the twins gave their presents to you, tears almost fell from your eyes when you tore off the wrapper. It was a photo album filled with pictures of you three together. It was decorated with stickers and filled with sentimental photographs. You sniffed and flipped through the pages, you looked at the two and opened your arms.
"You guys are really the best!" You pouted as Camilo and Carlos chuckled before hugging you again.
After everyone got their gifts, Antonio gasped and pointed outside the window to say it was snowing, you gasped and took a peek. It began snowing! Quickly, you grabbed your jacket, scarf, and hat. You took both Camilo's and Carlos' hands.
"Come on!" You said and giggled. The three of you watched in awe as the snow fell down. You go lie down on the snow to make a snow angel, and Camilo copies you. The two of you laughed, but the moment was ruined when a snowball landed on Camilo's face. You burst out cackling.
Carlos snickered and grinned as he watched you laugh at Camilo, the latter was giving him a death glare. Immediately, a snowball fight commences
It's really just Carlos and Camilo throwing snowballs at each other LMFAO
Camilo would accidentally throw a snowball hard against your face. The twins stop to check on you but you got them right into your trap as you threw snowballs at their faces.
The three of you also grabbed some sleighs and went on a sleigh ride around the area. It was super fun! Camilo and you would also make fun of Carlos for always falling off his sleigh lmao poor guy
Camilo, Carlos, and you stayed outside, lying on the snow just enjoying each other's company. It was peacefully quiet and sentimental <33
You can slowly feel your face go numb from the cold. Carlos, being overprotective, insisted you should head inside. But you shook your head, wanting to remain out in the snow. Camilo chimes in and agree that the three of you should go inside because it was freezing.
You three went inside and discovered that Julieta made hot chocolates. So, Camilo, Carlos, and you decided to warm up next to the fireplace while drinking hot chocolate.
The two discover that you're shivering, so they stood up and grabbed the longest scarf they can find.
You're warming up with the twins when you took notice of the decorations, you choked on your own saliva when you realized a mistletoe was hanging above you three
"Ayo is that?" "No way"
Camilo and Carlos realized why you were staring at the ceiling. They looked around and saw their family whispering in the corner, they definitely plotted this!
You couldn't look at the two in their eyes, they notice and reassured you that it was okay not to follow the Christmas tradition
However, you decided to grab Camilo's face first and gave him a smooch on the cheek. HE FAINTS LMFAOOOOO
Carlos turns grumpy because why haven't you kissed him too? >:(
But you rolled your eyes and grabbed his face before placing a tender kiss on the cheek. Carlos.exe has stopped working
It was safe to say this was Camilo and Carlos' best Christmas ever
Bonus: here's a mini Christmas playlist to go with the headcanons hehehe. merry Christmas!
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort-the-simp , @megs2world, @ducky-died-inside ...join here
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forjongseong · 2 years
ambulancia // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (Part 8 of the series)
genre: office!au, fluff, smut (minors dni) // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; BTS (ot7) makes an appearance; making out; oral sex; unprotected sex; creampie. // wc: ~9.7k
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve part 6.5 - yo te quiero más minisode part 2 -la niña de mis ojos part 7 - aeropuerto minisode part 3 - falling autumn minisode part 4 - night night
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: tension arises as you experience yet another encounter with your ex. Jay, your beloved boyfriend, reminds you who you belong to by treating you so well, in sickness and in health.
author’s notes: welcome to PART EIGHT! I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have come so far, and WELCOME to new readers!!
I know it's Jake's birthday but since I don't write for him, please settle for his screentime here (he appears twice! surprise) LOL
the song chosen for the title of this part is again by Camilo, who is my ult Colombian singer at this point. in this song he features the queen Camila Cabello too!
and now, for the lyrics:
You have me sick, I think I need a doctor My dependency on you is no longer comical I want to know what your genetics have My world spins around you, you're magnetic And how could it not?
I mean.... right????
oh by the way, the look I am referring to in the very last scene is this:
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taglist: @jaylaxies @thots4hee @nyanggk @end-hyphen @jayked @yoursjaeyun @maggstar
(those who have not been interacting with the series have been removed from the taglist. send in an ask if you want to stay in it.)
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You checked your reflection in the mirror of the elevator. Since it was casual Friday, you opted for a loose, long-sleeved button-down paired with a denim skirt, and a pair of knee-high boots to complete your look. When you were picking your outfit, Jay mentioned how you looked like a K-Pop idol, and to make sure you did not appear too young, you brushed up your hair to a high ponytail instead of letting your bangs and hair down as usual.
Jay opted for a preppy vest to layer over his shirt, but he stuck to his normal dress pants and shoes to keep it semiformal. When he noticed how you look standing next to each other, he thought it felt like it was bring your girlfriend to work day. The elevator dinged and Jay stepped out with you, his hand placed on the small of your back.
Your team scheduled a meeting with you since two days ago, claiming that they had an important presentation to show you regarding one of the projects. Your schedule for the morning was cleared except for this one meeting, so you expected them to be ready once you arrived. However, when you entered the meeting room, you saw only two people at the desk and they both apologized at you repeatedly, saying that the presentation was not ready because they were still editing or rendering the final cut of the video they were supposed to show you.
“Are you serious?” You responded after Theo explained everything to you.
Theo was looking at the floor, afraid of saying something stupid, so Jiung stepped up to answer you. “We just need another 20 minutes, Miss. We’re so sorry about this.”
You looked around and noticed that the snacks in the minibar and the packets of coffee and tea needed to be refilled. You then diverted your attention back to your two employees.
“I confirmed last night that I should be here at 11AM, and now you’re making me wait? Are you aware that I could be using this time to do something else?”
Jiung was now too scared to speak too, and Jay cleared his throat before stepping in between you and them.
“The boss will be waiting in her office,” Jay said, taking back the iPad you set on the table with his hands. “Twenty minutes, guys.”
You stormed off without hearing a reply, while Jay took his phone out and set a timer. Jiung and Theo apologized to him and thanked him before he left and headed to your office. You were already inside, and he gave Hwiyoung a quick nod before knocking once on your door and letting himself in. Jay typed something on his phone before he set it down on your coffee table along with the iPad he was carrying.
“Can you believe them?” You asked, not actually waiting for an answer. “I hate it when people make me wait.”
“I know,” Jay sat on the sofa and stretched his arm. “But it has never happened before, and I’m sure they already feel horrible.”
“What am I supposed to do for the next 18 minutes?” You glanced at the time on your computer screen. Your schedule was always planned down to the minute, so if one gets delayed you did not really have the option to move something else up. And right now, you did not have any work to catch up to, or anything else to do in advance.
“It’s Friday, Boss,” Jay smiled as he shifted his position to look at you. “Just relax a bit.”
You did notice you were feeling a little too tense, so when you walked over to his seat you softened your gaze. “You look relaxed,” you said to Jay as you stood in front of him.
He reached out for your hand and tugged you, making you sit on his lap sideways. You instinctively nuzzled into his neck as he chuckled, caressing your thigh with one hand and rubbing your back with the other.
“We have enough time, you know.” Jay’s voice was deep and low, and you could feel the vibration from how close you were leaning into him.
“Hmm,” you hummed, cupping his face in one hand but still burying your face in his neck. “For what?”
“Anything you want.” Jay tightened his grip around your thigh and your breath hitched.
You pulled away from his neck and made him look at you. “I want a kiss.”
Jay smiled, stretching his neck to peck your lips. You pouted, still caressing his face with your hand.
“Kiss me harder,” you said.
With his arm firm around your waist, he dipped you to the side and kissed you hard, as you requested. You chuckled and smiled into the kiss, letting his lips dance with yours as you latched both your arms around his neck. His hand on your thigh moved to stay between your legs, and as he deepened the kiss, his hand started to move dangerously closer to your core.
You moaned when his fingers grazed your clit through your underwear. “Hands off,” you whispered before you continued kissing him back.
“God,” Jay replied, breathless and into your mouth. “You feel so soft.”
You whined and let him nibble on your lips. The sloppy sounds you two were making sent you to overdrive. You pushed him back so he was leaning on the sofa and quickly straddled him, pulling your skirt up so you can spread your legs better.
“We should have stayed in bed longer,” you said softly, leaving his lips to trail kisses along his jawline. “I would have made you kiss me everywhere.”
Jay closed his eyes and rested his hands on your waist as he let you kiss his face. You did not even care about the lipstick marks that were already staining his cheeks and his chin. He smiled throughout the whole process, even chuckling when he felt like your lips were tickling him.
“We still have time,” Jay muttered. He glanced at his watch quickly before looking back at you.
You shook your head but at the same time grinded your hips against his. He stifled a groan, throwing his head back when he felt his erection brush against your core. In a rush, his hand made his way under your skirt. Within seconds, his fingers were tugging your panties to the side, but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“Please,” Jay breathed. “Let me touch you.”
You shook your head. “One taste and that’s all. That’s what you get for rushing me earlier, thinking that we’re gonna be late.”
You smirked and cupped his face, kissing him again. He moaned into your mouth and drew a line with his finger along your slit. You whimpered, trying not to collapse on him as he pulled his hand away from you. You stopped kissing him and sat back on his lap, only to see him put his finger in his mouth, the very finger that was already tainted with your arousal.
He sucked on his finger like it was a lollipop and closed his eyes, almost as if he was memorizing your taste. When he opened his eyes again, his pupils were dilated and his gaze on you was full of lust.
“Unbuckle my pants. Please,” Jay begged. You chuckled and brushed his hair back, touching your forehead to his. “Please, Boss, let me put it in.”
“Why would I do that?” You asked, challenging him.
“Because you smell so fucking good.” He jerked his hips and you opened your mouth to let out a gasp. He then shoved his tongue into you, kissing you again as he pulled you towards him by your neck. “You taste so fucking good,” he continued, speaking against your lips.
The vibrating sound on the coffee table made you flinch in surprise. Jay peered over you and noticed that the timer he had set up went off.
“Fuck,” Jay muttered.
“Oh, baby,” you cooed, cupping his face with both your hands. “We’ll play again later.”
You heard two knocks on your door and instantly got off of Jay’s lap. You saw that his hair was disheveled and there were lipstick marks all over his face. You sent him to your private bathroom and you checked your reflection quickly on your phone before inviting Hwiyoung inside.
“The team is ready for you,” Hwiyoung said, fixing his glasses on top of his nose and not bothering to look at you as he just stood there by the door.
You realized there was no need to pretend to be looking at something on your iPad. You slipped it between your arm like a handbag and headed straight to the door.
“Tell Park to follow me asap,” you said as you passed Hwiyoung.
Hwiyoung then looked up and around. “Where is he?”
“In the bathroom,” you claimed, smiling to yourself. “I think he ate something funny.”
It took a while to coax Jay into coming to Taehyung’s housewarming party with you. When you mentioned his name, Jay thought that it was a party exclusive for close friends only, and he figured that you would be fine attending it alone. Deep down inside, however, you were scared that Namjoon was going to be there, and if he was, you would feel much more comforted having Jay by your side.
There was a lot of pouting and whining and stomping your feet softly when it came to persuading your boyfriend, and he eventually gave in because he could not believe how cute you were acting, or how you probably would never let it go if he still refused to come with you.
When it came to picking an outfit, it took you three tries to find a dress that Jay approved of. You wanted to look good and you usually dress for yourself, but because you already asked Jay to come with you, you wanted him to choose what to wear. You settled with a backless black dress with long sleeves that hugged your upper body in all the right curves, with an a-line skirt that reached just above your knees. Jay matched you with a plain black t-shirt and black dress pants, throwing over a brown leather jacket as an outer.
Because Taehyung’s house was located just outside of the city, you opted to ride the subway there and just walk to the location since it wasn’t that far of a distance. The moment the two of you arrived, Taehyung greeted you personally by the door and invited you in. You were instantly overwhelmed by the amount of people who were already gathered, and the sound of a jazz record playing through the built in speakers on each wall.
“Did you buy a house or a museum?” You said, half yelling to Taehyung as he led you to the center of his house.
“A little bit of both,” Taehyung replied, grinning at you with his signature boxy smile.
It turns out Taehyung was popular popular. You ended up seeing friends from back in college, and Jay even found people he knew. The two of you became caught up in different groups of conversations, and you slowly drifted away from him, opting to sit on the sofa where Taehyung and his inner circle were hanging out. You glanced over once in a while to look for Jay, and when you spotted him at the corner of a room talking to a bunch of guys, you resumed talking to your own group.
The room you were sitting in had one huge sofa in the middle, which you were currently sitting on, on the far left, and two smaller sofas on each side. Taehyung’s group of seven, minus Namjoon, were huddled around you. You were relaxed as you began to find similar interests and new topics to talk about with them, especially with Hoseok since he was sitting next to you. You were also secretly relieved that Namjoon wasn’t there, so there was no reason to feel tense or uncomfortable.
That is, until Taehyung stood up from his seat to greet the new guest approaching your circle.
You cussed in your head as you scan your eyes across the room, frantically searching for Jay before Taehyung pulls Namjoon into the circle. Hoseok noticed your behavior and was about to ask you about it, but Jay appeared behind you as if from thin air and gently touched your shoulder.
“Babe,” he said, almost bowing down to you to reach your ear. “Kinda thirsty but I don’t know where to get a drink.”
“I’ll go,” you replied, standing up in an instant. You almost hit your head against Jay’s chin during the process. “Stay here.”
Jay wanted to go with you initially, but he realized maybe you wanted him to save your seat. When he turned to face the sofa, he found Hoseok looking at him.
“You’re Heeseung’s friend, aren’t you?” He asked with a smile.
Jay immediately warmed up and sat next to Hoseok, listening to his explanation of how he and Heeseung used to go to the same dance academy. In the middle of the conversation, Taehyung arrived back at the circle with Namjoon, and Jay felt a pair of eyes just observing him from a distance.
Luckily, you arrived in time, carrying two cans of soda in your hands as you handed one over to Jay. “You don’t mind not consuming alcohol tonight, do you?”
Jay just smiled and nodded at you, receiving the drink. You then noticed how Hoseok was beaming at you both, and realizing that Jay probably had felt a little left out, you decided to introduce him to the group. They all gave an acknowledging nod, including Namjoon who was sitting on the far right. Jay then was about to stand up to give your seat back, but you placed your hand on his shoulder, telling him to remain seated.
You sat on the edge of the sofa, the armrest barely serving as a wide enough surface for you to sit on. Jay pulled your legs towards him, protectively placing his hands on your thighs so you did not reveal too much skin. The conversation continued and you gradually became more comfortable with your position, resting an arm around Jay’s shoulder and almost sitting on his lap entirely.
For some reason, Jin, who was the most talkative of the group, suggested that you play a beginner-version of Chinese poker. Since it was just a game meant for four people, you split into groups of two people, with the others just hovering around to watch. You already knew how to play since it was the only fun thing you did during high school, so you quickly gave Jay a tutorial and helped him play the first practice round.
“Okay,” Taehyung clapped his hand, requesting for attention. “Now the real game begins. Place your bets.”
“Bets? We’re betting?” You asked, shifting your position on Jay’s lap. You had been sitting on him for so long, you were worried that he might have felt tired.
“Noona, if I win, can you hire me to work at your company?” Jungkook looked at you with puppy eyes. He was sitting to your left and you had to twist your body to face him.
Chuckling, you merely shrugged and agreed to his request. “Why not? You’re gonna have to pass him though,” you answered, pointing to Jay. Jay raised both eyebrows to Jungkook and he just grinned as a response.
“If I win,” Namjoon stated, clearing his throat. “You’re featuring on my new song.”
It took you a while to realize Namjoon was talking to you, and when you felt all eyes on you, you could only scoff. “Me? I don’t even sing.”
“But you can,” Taehyung chimed in. “We’ve heard you.”
The other guys started to agree and you were flustered, thinking that the game somehow turned into a penalty for you no matter who wins. While the rest of the guys were busy arguing with each other, Jay squeezed your thigh to get your attention. You looked at him for a second and leaned in when you realized he wanted to whisper to you.
“If I win, we’re getting the fuck out of here so I can have some alone time with you,” he said, ever so gently and right into your ear. He then trailed his index finger down your spine, taking advantage of your exposed back, and you giggled because of how it tickled. From across the table, Namjoon was clenching his jaw.
You reluctantly agreed to Namjoon’s request and as everyone finished placing their non-material bets, the game started. You noticed Jay struggling to hold his 13-card hand, so you placed your hand on one side and let him hold the other. The game was over in an instant, since all of you played sets more than singles or pairs, and Jin ended up winning with Jimin groaning since he had to do a favor for his hyung.
At least two more games went by with the winners’ bets unrelated to you, and you could basically hear Jay sighing in relief even though technically he did not win any yet. This next round, however, became more intense since it highlighted the way Namjoon and Jay were going neck and neck. You eyed Jay’s cards and mentally calculated the remaining cards Namjoon might had, and as you were about to give him pointers, Namjoon cleared his throat.
“Yoongi hyung is not helping me this round, so I think it’s only fair if you let Jay play on his own,” he stated.
The circle fell silent as they all laid their eyes on you and Jay. You scoffed, raising both your hands up and slowly standing up to move away from Jay. You remained standing beside him, though, observing the game quietly until it was Jay’s final turn.
Jay was eyeing the pile of cards, and the cards on Namjoon’s hands, before focusing back on his own hand. You had lost track of the cards that were already played, so you really did not know who was going to win. Eventually, Jay played a full house, hoping that Namjoon did not have a set that could win against his.
The set Namjoon revealed was a flush, signifying that he lost.
Taehyung immediately clapped, followed by the other guys shouting ‘beginner’s luck’ to Jay. Jay smiled so wide that wrinkles formed in the corner of his eyes, and Hoseok nudged his side as he mouthed ‘good job.’ Jay looked up at you and found you smiling at him, and he couldn’t help but pull you into his lap again, ignoring the chatter around you two as he rested his arm around your waist.
You leaned into him and kissed his forehead. “Well done, my prince,” you whispered, earning a soft smile from him as he closed his eyes.
Keeping your promise, and since it was getting late anyway, you decided to excuse yourself to the bathroom before going home. You walked to Taehyung and made him explain the route to the guest bathroom, and before leaving you insisted that Jay just wait in his seat.
Jay was talking to both Jungkook and Hoseok for a while until he realized you had been gone for too long. During a pause in the conversation, he looked around the circle and noticed that Taehyung, Jin, and Namjoon were also gone. He then politely excused himself from the conversation, promising to text Hoseok later, before standing up to go look for you.
Already aware where the bathroom was, Jay strolled down the hallway confidently until he spotted you at the end of it, by the balcony that faced the pool downstairs. From a distance it looked like you were standing there by yourself, and he thought maybe you were waiting in line to use the bathroom. When he took more steps closer, though, he saw Namjoon right beside you.
Your eyes glinted when you saw Jay, and Namjoon immediately sensed that you were distracted. You smiled apologetically to him before turning to your boyfriend.
“Ready to go, babe?” Jay asked, eyes focused on you without bothering to acknowledge Namjoon’s presence.
You nodded as you reached for Jay’s arm, hugging it and half-heartedly saying goodbye to Namjoon. As the two of you walked away, you hugged Jay’s arm tighter and he leaned in to kiss the top of your head.
“I didn’t like the way he was looking at us.”
You looked over at Jay who was lying down on the sofa, hair still wet from the shower and mindlessly scrolling on his phone.
“Like what?” You said, carrying two mugs filled with hot water and setting it on the coffee table. An hour had passed since you both arrived from Taehyung’s party and none of you were feeling sleepy yet.
“Like it was a crime for me to touch you,” Jay muttered. He watched you plop down on the sofa with him, pulling up your legs to your chest. You looked cozy in your shorts and cropped t-shirt, which was always your go-to lounge fit.
You smiled and checked your own phone. “Sometimes you have a way with words. Like you paint with it.”
Jay groaned and stretched his arms out. He did not respond for a while, but then he scooted over and made himself comfortable by lying down on your lap. His damp hair tickled your thighs but you were more than happy to have him snuggle up to you. He observed your focused face on your phone and began stroking your arm. He then reached up to caress your cheek, and as a response you kissed his palm.
“Is it childish if I say I don’t want you seeing him again? I have no idea what his intentions are but I have a bad feeling,” Jay confessed with a pout on his lips.
“He was still making excuses and finding ways to see me,” you replied. “I understand where you’re coming from.”
“Is that why you were talking to him for so long? If I didn’t come to look for you, what do you think he would have said?”
You frowned and set your phone aside, resting your hand on Jay’s chest. “I don’t know but I’m glad you came to rescue me.”
Jay linked his hand with yours. “So what will you do?”
“I have a company. I can always use that as an excuse to turn down every single invitation from him. And the next time Taehyung invites me to an event, I’ll make sure he won’t be there before I say yes to going.”
Jay smiled and pulled your hands to kiss your knuckles. You brushed his hair back before kissing his forehead, and he closed his eyes as he melted into your touch. His next move almost startled you, though, since he propped himself up with his arms and turned sideways to kiss you properly.
“All I wanted to do all night,” Jay sighed, cupping your face with one hand, “was to shove my tongue in your mouth so everyone will know you’re mine.”
You chuckled softly, landing a kiss on his cheek. “That sounds very romantic.”
Jay grabbed you by your thighs and made you lie down on the sofa completely before joining you, lying sideways and lovingly stroking your hair as you looked up at him.
“What else did you want to do?” You asked playfully, putting your hand flat against his chest.
Preferring to just show instead of tell, Jay kissed your lips once before moving to your jawline and down to your neck, sucking your soft spot. His hand that was stroking your thigh moved to spread your legs open, and as he fingered you through your shorts you moaned right into his ear.
“I can’t believe he got to smell you like this,” he muttered. “You smell like love.”
“Baby,” you moaned, jerking your hips up. You did not care anymore that you were clearly blushing from the way Jay was talking to you. “Take my shorts off.”
Jay had no choice but to oblige, especially when you were moaning breathlessly in his ear. He tugged your shorts and panties off in one go, discarding them on the floor before he positioned himself between your legs. You sighed as he planted kisses on your inner thighs, and as he made his way up and closer to your core you began to close your eyes. You felt his hot breath against your cunt, and suddenly you felt so needy.
“Jay,” you whimpered, locking your fingers in his hair. “What are you waiting for?”
Just as you finished your sentence, Jay shoved his tongue inside you without a warning. You groaned and arched your back at the sudden contact, and as he continued to abuse your folds you were struggling to keep your legs open. He kept you down with the weight of his arms as he continued to suck your clit. You were already losing your mind from the way his tongue was working wonders, and as he kept alternating between sucking, kissing, and licking your cunt you made sure to let him know how good he was making you feel by letting out the loudest, most obnoxious moans.
He did not give you time to get used to the overwhelming feeling of your orgasm creeping up. Your shirt was riding up your chest at this point, and Jay conveniently placed one hand on your boob, squeezing it so you can reach your high faster. You had lost the ability to form complete sentences, or even utter actual words, so when the pitch of your voice hit a higher note, Jay went even harder, shoving his tongue as deep as he could and supporting you by grabbing your ass.
“Oh my God,” you cried, feeling actual tears forming in the corner of your eyes. “Baby…”
You opened your eyes to look at Jay, who had his eyes on you the whole time. His nose brushed against your pelvis as he lapped up your juices, licking you dry before finally detaching from your core. He was drenched around his mouth and in that moment, you thought it was the most handsome he has ever looked.
“Why did you make me cum so fast? I want you inside me,” you whined, pulling him by the collar of his shirt so his face was level with yours.
“Don’t worry,” he said, dipping his head to leave a peck on your lips. “I’m not done with you.”
He pulled you by your hands so you could sit up and take your shirt off while he undressed himself completely. He then rested on the sofa, his back pressed to the pillows while you were now lying facing him. He wrapped an arm around you, securing your place so you wouldn’t fall, and you brought your leg up and rested it on his waist.
You began kissing his lips, caressing his cheek and brushing his hair, basically showing him every loving gesture that you could name. His skin was warm against yours, and as you continued to kiss him you felt his tip grazing your folds. You whimpered into his mouth, wanting nothing else except feeling him full inside you.
Jay caressed your back and held you in place by your waist as he slowly eased himself into you. You let out a shaky breath before touching your lips with his again.
“Mine,” he whispered.
“Yours,” you breathed.
And with that, the two of you continued to make love through the night, without thinking about anything else, focusing on the way your bodies fit into each other perfectly.
It was the middle of the week, and it was usually the busiest day for you at the office despite it being hump day. You woke up with the sunrays blinding you since the curtains were already open. Blinking several times, you then heard the sound of water running in the bathroom. You looked at the clock and realize that you woke up on time, so you decided to join Jay in the shower.
However, the moment you tugged your blanket away, you felt the sharp, stinging pain similar to the one that caused you the black out a while ago. You placed a hand over your lower abdomen as you searched for your phone, checking the calendar for your cycle. You were sure your period ended more than a week ago, so it could not be PMS. Once you ruled that out, and after finding out that you were ovulating, you just sighed and placed your phone back on the night stand, tucking yourself back in bed.
You lied down with your eyes wide open and your head empty, just staring into the distant sky through the window. After a while, Jay came out of the bathroom with only a towel covering his waist.
“Baby, are you up?” He called out to you as he walked over to the wardrobe to grab the clothes he had planned since last night. “If we want to be early, you need to shower now.”
You shifted in bed, curling up into a fetal position. Jay noticed this once he was done putting on his pants, and he chucked his towel away before walking over to your side. “What’s wrong?” He questioned you softly, kneeling on the floor and trying to get a good look of your face.
You closed your eyes and shook your head, finding it hard to explain the pain with words. Your arms were tucked in front of your stomach when Jay carefully lifted the covers away. He stroked your hair and touched your forehead to check your temperature before he moved his hand to rub your back.
“Was I too rough last night?” He asked again, voice lowered to a whisper.
You realized there was no reason to make Jay feel bad so you looked up at him and smiled weakly. “It’s just cramps. It happens sometimes when I’m ovulating.”
“Oh, okay,” he said, still rubbing his hand on your back. “Do you want to stay home? I can cover for you and call Hwiyoung. Or do you want me to stay?”
You did not answer for quite a long time, weighing the options in your head as you blankly stare at Jay’s arms.
“Fuck it, I’m staying,” Jay stood up without waiting for your response. His head turned left and right as he looked for his phone.
You sat up and rubbed your face with both your hands, taking a deep breath. You were not sure yourself if you could even stand up and function like a normal person, but then you quickly calculated the moments you stayed at work late and thought that maybe you did deserve a day off.
Jay rushed back to sit on the edge of the bed next to you, typing something on his phone. You calmly took his phone away from his hands and the way the shock washed over his face almost made you laugh.
“Cover for me, and take care of that one meeting we have scheduled for the afternoon,” you said, locking his phone and placing it beside you. “I’ll be f…”
Your sentence hung in the air as you winced, feeling the sharp pain returning. Jay scooted closer but froze, worrying that if he’d touch you wrong it would bring you more discomfort. When you felt the pain subside, you reached out to touch his face.
“I’ll be fine. The pain comes and goes, I just need to find a way to ignore it,” you continued. Jay frowned and placed a palm over your hand on his face, kissing it.
“If that’s what you want,” Jay said, moving closer to hug you. You accepted his embrace and as you put your arms around his neck, you realized he was maneuvering you to lie back on the bed. You chuckled at his action and let him do so. “I’m gonna fix something for you to eat before I go, okay?”
“Okay,” you answered softly. He leaned in to kiss you softly and you smiled at him. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you, baby,” Jay replied without missing a beat. He kissed the back of your hand before standing up and leaving the bedroom.
It took a while for him to get things ready before it was time for him to leave, and when he went back into the bedroom, he saw that you had fallen asleep again. Grabbing his phone and jacket, he observed your face for a couple of seconds before tiptoeing away, closing the door slowly behind him.
Jay let himself inside the front door and frowned as soon as he heard laughter coming from the living room. He took off his shoes and loosened his tie, walking over to the sofa to find you and Jake just uncontrollably giggling over a show you were watching on Netflix.
“Looks like you two are having fun,” Jay announced his arrival and spoke louder on purpose.
“Oh, shit. You’re back!” Jake almost flinched when he heard Jay’s voice.
Almost not acknowledging Jake’s remark, Jay walked over to where you were seated and leaned in as you stretched your arms to give him a hug. “How are you feeling?” He asked softly, not forgetting to rub your back for a second before pulling away.
“Fine, but I think you calling Jake to babysit me is overkill,” you eyed Jake, who was still laughing to himself as he paused the show on the screen. “And thank God you’re here because I need to use the bathroom and he won’t leave me alone.”
“Noona, I can’t leave you alone,” Jake emphasized before glancing at Jay. “He gave me very specific orders.”
To tell the truth, Jay was too scared to leave you alone, especially knowing that the last time you were sick he wasn’t there to take care of you. Heck, he even missed the first call you made. So after preparing breakfast for you earlier, he made the genius decision to call his friends, seeing who was available for the day so that they can take his place in supervising you. The poor man was just worried sick that something horrible might happen.
“How was she?” Jay asked as Jake followed him to the kitchen.
Jake took a seat by the counter and watched as Jay took out three mugs. “Almost gave her a heart attack when she walked out her bedroom and found me just lounging there on her sofa. Why didn’t you tell her again?”
Jay shrugged. “If I introduce the idea of having you over, she would have said no real quick,” Jay answered. He started boiling water and going through your drawer filled with boxes of tea. “Did you order in lunch for her? Did she ask for painkillers?”
“Yes, and no,” Jake scrunched his nose as he caught a whiff of the scent of herbal tea. “I offered her some but she settled with using a hot water bottle.”
Jay nodded and pouted as he leaned towards the counter, hands grabbing the edge of it. “Are you good? You didn’t skip meals, did you?”
The face Jake made was that of a boy who seemed horrified at what he had just heard. “Mate, are you good? You’re being so attentive to me and that’s creeping me out a bit.”
Jay rolled his eyes and turned his back to Jake, checking the water he was boiling. Jake chuckled softly and shook his head.
“I’m doing fine, thanks for asking. I’m glad I came to look out for her,” Jake continued. “From the looks of it, it seemed like she just needed to talk and have company.”
Jake said it in a good way, but it still made Jay feel horrible for leaving you at home while he attended to all your office work. He began wondering what the day would have turned out like if he was the one staying home instead.
“Thanks, man,” Jay said, pushing one of the mugs filled with hot tea towards Jake. “Drink this, it’s good for you.”
Jake merely chuckled and followed suit when Jay carefully sipped his own tea. You came out of your bedroom and immediately walked over towards the counter where Jay was standing, hugging him from the side as his hand was occupied with his hot drink.
The three of you continued to talk over tea, with Jay lightly cleaning up and listening to both you and Jake making comments about the show you were watching. After he was done with his drink, Jake figured it was time to go, and mentioned that his shift as a part-time waiter was about to start anyway. You thanked him and gave him a tight hug before he left.
The moment the front door closed, the smile on your face slowly started to fade. The pain started kicking in again and Jay immediately noticed the shift in your expressions.
“Oh, no. Again?”
You admitted you were holding it in most of the time because you didn’t want to make Jake worry. Jay swiftly lifted you up and carried you to the bedroom, making you rest on the bed while he preps dinner for you. He let you eat on your bed and accompanied you as he pulled a chair and ate with you, trying his best to distract you from the pain as he tells you what happened at the office.
Once you felt your pain subside again, you went straight to the bathroom for a quick shower. You cut your skincare steps short and made it to the bed as quick as you could, and the moment Jay finished washing up you were already half asleep.
“Do you want the hot water bottle refilled?” Jay asked, putting on a clean t-shirt and brushing his damp hair back.
You shook your head and extended your hand, signaling that you wanted him to join you in bed. He smiled at you and quickly climbed into the covers.
“Where does it hurt?” He asked as he gently rubbed your waist.
You pointed to the right part of your lower abdomen, and he tried to move as carefully as possible as he pushed your t-shirt upwards. You were in no position to protest, because as soon as you realized what he was doing, all you could do was sigh in relief.
Jay caressed your belly and stroked your sides, aware that his body temperature was still warm from the shower. He then kissed the part where you said hurt, and placed his cheek on it, using you as a pillow. You found the gesture oddly comforting, so as a thank you, you began stroking his hair until you both drifted off to sleep.
The sound of pitter-patter against the window woke you up along with the subtle shine of the sunrays hitting your eyes. When you opened your eyes completely, you were greeted with the peaceful image of Jay sleeping right next to you. His hair was tousled to the side, and he had a tiny bit of drool on the corner of his mouth. His tan skin appeared golden under the bits of sunshine, and for a second you thought he was glowing like an angel.
You scooted closer to him ever so gently, careful not to wake him up. Bringing one hand up to his face, you rested it on his cheek and started caressing him with your thumb. You did not know if it was the rain, or your hormones, or just the fact that the love of your life is in bed with you that morning, but you just felt an overwhelming amount of love in your chest that almost made you choke up.
Jay scrunched his nose in his sleep and you stopped caressing him. You pulled your hand back to yourself and rested both under your cheek, still facing him and adoring the view. You then moved to kiss him on his cheek before turning around to face the other side, knowing full well that the tears in your eyes were about to fall.
You lied sideways and let your warm tears stain your pillow. Sometimes this happens—instances where you feel a sudden fear, or a certain anxiousness about something you hold dear—and when it does, you really could not find any other solution than to just let it out. You did not expect, though, to feel Jay’s arms snaking around your body and pulling you close to his chest.
Wiping your tears away in a rush, you took several deep breaths before placing both your hands over Jay’s. His grip tightened and you could hear him yawn behind you.
“Are you awake?” He asked, voice croaky.
“Mmhm,” you hummed as you pulled his hand to your lips to kiss his knuckles.
He snuggled closer to you, making your back press against his chest. His other hand reached upwards, tugging your shirt and sliding under it to give your breasts a light massage. You chuckled as you place your fingers over his elbow, letting him do his thing. Eventually he stopped, breathing heavily over your ear before leaning in to kiss your cheek.
You decided to turn around to face him and caress him properly, and when you did so, you found that he was still closing his eyes the whole time. You cupped his face with both your hands and he nuzzled into your palms. It made you choke back a tear, but it sounded like a sob, and as a result Jay slowly opened his eyes.
“Are you crying?” He asked, sounding tired but also panicked. “Tell me what’s wrong. Are you hurt?”
Jay’s show of concern only made you even more teary. You sniffled and blinked, and more tears streamed sideways down your face. Jay furrowed as he pulled you into him, making you bury your head in the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay, love,” he whispered as he rubbed your back. “It’s okay. I’m right here.”
“I’m sorry,” you said against his chest, your voice almost a squeak. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“That’s okay,” he replied. Squeezing your shoulder and kissing the top your head, his hand then moved to your waist. “But can you please tell me if you’re hurting anywhere?”
You made an effort to shake your head no, hoping that Jay would understand that the pain you felt was not physical. He then continued to rub your sides with one hand and stroking your arm with the other.
“Listen,” Jay spoke with the gentlest voice he could muster. “It’s Sunday and we don’t have anywhere to be at least until the evening. You don’t even have to leave the bed if you want to. Just tell me what you want and I will make it happen. Anything.”
You chuckled softly in between sobs. “You sound like a genie.”
Jay pulled his head back to look at you, to make sure it was safe enough to crack a joke. “I mean, I kinda already am. Your wish is literally my command.”
You took a deep breath before looking up at him, the view being oddly funny since all you could see was his chiseled jawline from this close. “How many wishes do I get?”
“Unlimited,” Jay answered, without missing a beat. “Although to grant a wish, I do need you to rub my magic lamp.”
You punched Jay in the chest lightly and he winced dramatically, earning a hearty laugh from you. “Can I really just stay in bed?”
“Yes. Tell me what you need.”
Clearly Jay was taken aback by your quick answer because of the way his hands stopped caressing your body. “Are you saying you want me to keep doing this?” Jay began stroking your hair again.
You hummed in satisfaction, nudging your nose against his chin. If you were a cat, you would practically be purring.
“How about this?” Jay moved his hand downwards and started rubbing your shoulders. You nodded in approval and started hugging him tighter. “I’ll do you one better.”
Jay started groping your ass aggressively, pushing your hips into his and it made you cackle. His eyes were crinkled on the corners by the way he was laughing with you, looking at you through his eyelashes before he closed the gap by kissing your lips. You sighed into his mouth, letting the warmth of his body take over you as you desperately hold on to his biceps for support.
“Your lips are chapped,” you commented, still breathing into his lips.
He merely hummed, biting your lower lip playfully and making you smile. “That’s why I’m kissing you to make them wet.”
You threw one leg over his waist and let him pull you even closer, as if the two of you couldn’t be any closer. For a while your tongues were just dancing against each other’s, and the way his hands were roaming all over your body made your shirt ride up. You smiled again into his kiss and placed a palm on his chest, stopping him even though he was so ready to chase your lips.
“You’re blushing,” he whispered, after getting a good look of your face.
“You’re hard,” you giggled, clearly feeling him between your legs.
“Wanna do something about it?” He proposed, hooking a finger on the band of your shorts. He waited until you nodded at him before tugging them down to your feet, and you kicked them away in a rush as you moved back into Jay’s arms, palming his erection against his flannel pants.
Jay brought your hand up to his lips to kiss it, and then pushed himself up to get rid of his pants and his boxers. He rarely goes to bed with a top, so he was now naked in front of you, snaking his arm under your waist while his other hand caressed your thigh. You rested both your hands on his neck, and your leg over his waist, while you let him align himself with your entrance.
He entered you and completely bottomed out in one go. As he observed your face, eyes closed and brows knitted, he gently caressed your thigh again to let you adjust to his size. The moment he saw you begin to relax, he started rocking his hips into you ever so slowly.
You sighed and opened your eyes, searching for his. You then pulled him into a kiss and let him quicken the pace, gradually moaning louder into his mouth. You wanted to feel him deeper, so you hooked your leg around him and placed your hand on his ass, pushing him into you. Jay groaned, letting go of your lips as he breathed shakily over your mouth. You rocked your hips with him and matched his pace, and within minutes you both came one after the other.
You couldn’t remember when was the last time sex with Jay was this slow and sensual, yet completed in such a short time. The effect it had on you was just like any other session with him, though, and you took a second to appreciate how full you felt with him still inside you.
Jay, on the other hand, was staring at you as if honey was dripping from his eyes. His hands never stopped caressing you—your thighs, your back, and your shoulders—and it was like there wasn’t an inch of your body that was left untouched.
“Breakfast for the queen?” Jay asked, brushing your hair back to kiss your forehead.
You smiled. “I think I need a shower first.”
“With me?”
“Just me.”
Jay pouted at you and you could not believe how cute or how innocent he looked, all the while still having his cock between your walls. You scrunched your nose as you clenched down there, earning a soft grunt for him as you pulled away.
“I have zero energy right now,” you said, smiling apologetically.
“My bad,” Jay replied, smiling sheepishly. He landed one last kiss on your lips before you disappeared into the bathroom.
You stared at the four boys huddled in your living room, staring at the TV as they yelled at the screen and screamed into each other’s ears. Jay was sitting on a lounge chair, still dressed in his black undershirt tucked into his black dress pants because he went out to get groceries with you earlier. His denim jacket was randomly thrown on the chair by your desk. Heeseung and Sunghoon occupied the sofa, or your loveseat, as they gripped their consoles in their hands. Jake was on the other side, sitting on the floor and leaning comfortably on your coffee table, cheering on Heeseung’s character on the screen.
A loud groan came out of Sunghoon’s mouth as he saw his character fall down dramatically in slow motion with the words K.O. on the screen. Jay was laughing hysterically, while Jake immediately turned around to give Heeseung a high five. You shook your head and smiled to yourself, turning around to browse your cabinet to find hot drinks that you can serve to the boys.
“Noona, your TV is a 55-inch, right? Our TV broke and it’s game night, can we come over and use yours?”
When Jake called you on the phone and immediately popped the request, it made you realize how comfortable Jay’s friends were with you now, and how they basically were your friends too. It was a little complex when it came to Heeseung, though, since he was technically employed by you, but you were grateful that the boys welcomed you the second they saw you for the first time.
Or maybe they were just getting too comfortable with you now. Honestly, you couldn’t tell. Of course you said yes to Jake’s request, which was met with loud noises in the background of the call, and you could barely make out Sunghoon yelling thank you to you.
You decided to unbox the new hot chocolate packets that you got from the store. As you dig your nails into the box to rip it open, you heard the shuffling of slippers and noticed that Heeseung was now joining you by the kitchen counters.
“Need hot water with that?” He asked, smiling as he went to wash his hands in the sink.
You pointed out the location of the teapots and mugs, and as he boiled the water he stayed there to talk to you. You glanced over to the living room once in a while, noticing that Jay was now playing against Jake.
“So I heard about the L/N Tech Awards,” Heeseung cleared his throat. “That’s open for any of your employees, right?”
“Anyone who is not an executive, yes,” you answered without a thought. Then you blinked. “Wait, how do you know that?”
“Sometimes when I arrive early to your office, I chat with the guys there. Your other secretary, Hwiyoung, seems to be sharing a lot of information, you know,” Heeseung explained as he leaned on a counter.
You frowned. “So what now, you’re buddy-buddy with Hwiyoung too?” Heeseung shrugged and you moved to place five mugs on the counter. “Why do you ask?”
“Well,” Heeseung stood up straight and fixed his posture. “I know I don’t work in the office, but if it’s allowed, I would like to apply.”
You turned to face Heeseung and smiled. “You want to study?”
Heeseung sucked the air between his teeth as he figured out a way to express his thoughts. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Hanging out around your staff, and you, made me want to do more.”
You fell silent and just stared at Heeseung for a while. You were reminded of your teaching days and how every single positive comment from your student would stay on your mind for days. You always thought of yourself as someone who would rather move in silence—not wanting to be perceived and seen. So when you see your students, or anyone else for that matter, get inspired by your actions and go on to achieve more than you could ever think of, it always makes you feel immensely proud.
After what felt like a long period of silence, you smirked and nudged Heeseung’s arm with your elbow. “Yeah, you can apply. Why not?”
Heeseung whispered a dramatic ‘yes!’ and jumped in his place once, earning a soft laugh from you. You continued to talk to Heeseung, almost not noticing the way Jay was approaching the two of you since you were facing the stove and not the living room.
“Why are you flirting with my girlfriend?” Jay asked, obviously joking. You were about to say something but he playfully put you in a headlock, gently dragging you away from Heeseung. You chuckled and placed both your hands on his arm, hanging on to him for dear life.
“I’m talking to our boss,” Heeseung defended himself. He then glanced over at the sofa and saw Jake calling him over since it was his turn to play. He quickly left and you just stared at the other three boys for a while, still in a headlock.
Since Jay wasn’t letting you go, you experimentally licked his arm and he flinched from the sudden contact, instantly letting you go. You laughed because his face was in between shock and disgust, and you immediately placed a hand affectionately on his face to caress his cheek.
“Your friends are being too loud,” you said. “If my neighbors come up to me and complain, it’ll be on you.”
“Yeah?” Jay took your hand off his face and placed it on his shoulder, then he pulled you towards him and encased you in his arms. “They don’t seem to have a problem when you’re being loud.”
You knew exactly what Jay meant and you just scrunched your nose. “I’m never that loud. They are literally screaming like they’re being murdered.”
“So do you want me to make you scream that loud?” Jay leaned into you, nuzzling your neck and speaking right against your skin. “I can do it, you know. If you’d let me.”
Your eyelids fluttered shut as your hands moved down to stroke his arms. His delicious arms, you thought. You had seen Jay naked countless times, so why is the image of him wearing an undershirt turning you on more than usual?
“JAY!” Sunghoon’s loud scream almost slapped you back into reality. “It’s your turn again, buddy!”
At the same time, the water started boiling, so with a chuckle, you let go of Jay and sent him back to the living room. After pouring the packets of hot chocolate into each mug, you carefully poured the hot water into them. You then glanced over at the boys and noticed that Jake was not playing.
“Jake, can you give me a hand?” You asked, raising your voice.
Jake turned his head towards you so fast and immediately stood up and ran to you. You asked him to fetch a tray and he marveled at how luxurious it was and even commented how expensive it must have been. You just laughed at his random comments as you placed each mug onto the tray, and then made him bring it to the coffee table.
The round ended not long after you served the drinks to the boys, and as they placed their consoles aside for a second, you watched as they all took different mugs.
“Careful, it’s probably still piping hot,” you said, eyeing Sunghoon warily since he seemed to be the one who was the most eager.
Jay took a sip after blowing gently into his mug, and then his face froze. A frown then gradually formed on his face as he looked at you, eyes staring at you in protest.
“Oh no. Is that my mint choco?” You asked, holding back a laugh.
Jay groaned and the other boys just laughed at him, glad that they dodged the mint choco bomb.
“I’m sorry!” You said, taking Jay’s mug away and handing him yours, which you hadn’t sipped from yet.
“Kiss the taste away from me, please,” Jay demanded, setting his mug on the table.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, and Heeseung let out an airy chuckle as he grabbed the console on the table. Since you established that you were comfortable with the boys around you, you moved to sit on Jay’s lap and as he adorably pouted his lips towards you, you kissed him gently.
“Oh my God, PDA. Get a room!” Jake dramatically covered his eyes, blindly reaching for the other console.
“This is literally my house,” you said, snuggling comfortably into Jay’s lap and holding your mug close to your chest.
Jake blinked to himself like he just got a sudden revelation. Sunghoon then complained and asked Heeseung and Jake to start the next round. You stayed seated on Jay’s lap, handing him his mug and letting his arm rest around your waist.
“Thank you for doing this,” Jay spoke softly into your ear.
“Doing what?” You asked, not taking your eyes off the TV.
“Hosting game night for the guys,” Jay continued. “You really are a keeper.”
He planted a chaste kiss on your cheek and you smiled, putting your hand on his face to press his cheek onto yours. “You’re welcome, baby.”
“Baby? That’s something new,” Jake chimed in after having listened to your not-so-subtle conversation.
You eyed him fiercely before spitting a response. “Oh shut up, I wear heels bigger than your dick.”
And with that, you managed to earn a huge, hearty laugh from the boys. Heeseung found himself in tears as he seemed to be aware of Jake’s actual size, and Sunghoon was wheezing and absolutely speechless to have seen you snap. Jay, on the other hand, squeezed his arms around you tighter, happy to know that you will always have his back no matter what the context.
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© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
read the next part: subtítulos
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happy-lemon · 1 year
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The downside to equal rotations in the kitchen was that Rose was no longer flying under the radar. Luka yelled at her every bit as much as he yelled at Colin and Camilo. As much as she loved her job, Rose looked forward to her days off a little more than she had before.
One day off, when she was baking bread for the week, Rose heard some commotion outside. She peeked out the window and saw a car pulled right up to the building steps. Because Plavi Raj was a seaside town, people were always coming and going. Some of the apartments were short-term holiday rentals and others, like hers, had longer leases.
The bread was in the oven when someone knocked on her door. Rose opened to find a woman about her age in the vestibule. She offered a tentative smile and the redhead started talking a mile a minute in a language Rose didn't understand. Maybe...Italian?
"I'm sorry," she said. "I only speak English and a tiny bit of Croatian."
"Oh! You're American?"
"Yes...well, no...well, sort of," Rose said. "My mom is from San Sequoia and my dad is from Britechester, but I grew up in Henford-on-Bagley, so I'm a mix?"
"I'm moving into the apartment across the hall," the woman said. "I wanted to say hello. I'm Giulia."
"I'm Rose. How long are you staying?"
"For the rest of the summer maybe," Giulia said. "Longer if I like it."
"Welcome to the building. If you need anything, let me know."
"Actually, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the beach tomorrow, if it's not raining. It's no fun to go alone."
Rose's second day off was tomorrow but she wasn't sure about spending the day at the beach with a stranger. Still, she hadn't had much of a social life since she'd arrived in Plavi Raj. And the beach sounded nice.
"Sure," she said. "Knock when you're ready to leave."
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winxanity-ii · 7 months
⌜Tactus Mortis | Chapter 03 Chapter 03 | viviente⌟
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You wake up to the sound of laughter and chatter seeping through the walls, a gentle reminder that you're not alone in the bustling household of Encanto. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you sit up, feeling a refreshing sense of rejuvenation that had eluded you the day before.
Swinging your legs over the bed's edge, you rise, stretching each muscle in a satisfying morning ritual. Curiosity tugs at you, luring you towards the door as you wonder about the source of the lively commotion outside.
Opening the door, you're greeted by a corridor transformed into a vibrant gallery of life, its walls adorned with murals pulsating with the essence of Encanto. The hallway is alive with the Madrigals, each engaged in conversation, their laughter and chatter painting the air with warmth.
The sight is overwhelming, a stark contrast to the solitude you've known. Familiar faces from the night before mingle with those yet to be introduced, forming a tapestry of connections waiting to be woven.
With hesitant steps, you move closer, your heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement. The crowd's attention shifts towards you, their collective gaze like a spotlight that amplifies your sudden shyness.
Just as you contemplate retreating, a figure with fiery red hair and eyes brimming with kindness steps forward, her smile a beacon of welcome.
"Hello there, sweetie," she says, her voice like a melody of warmth as she stoops to meet your gaze. "I'm Pepa, the heart of the storm and the second Madrigal sibling. We've all been eager to meet you." Her introduction is a gateway, and one by one, the members of the Madrigal family come forward, each bringing their own light to the morning's canvas.
Pepa's smile broadens as she straightens up, her presence a warm embrace in itself. Felix, her husband, wraps an arm around her waist, joining in the introduction. "Welcome to the family, mi amor," he beams, a phrase that feels like an embrace.
"And these are our children," Pepa announces, motioning towards Camilo and Dolores standing nearby.
Dolores, quiet yet observant, offers a shy smile, her sensitivity to sound a hidden depth you're yet to explore. "I'm glad you're here," she whispers, a gentle introduction to her world of silence and sound.
Camilo offers you a grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief, though he tries to maintain a semblance of politeness for his mother's sake. Despite his efforts, his playful nature shines through, making you chuckle at his antics.
"So, feeling better today?" he asks, his tone laced with a hint of genuine concern amidst the teasing.
You nod, a smile tugging at your lips despite your attempt to appear nonchalant. "Yes, much better, thank you for asking."
"Good," Camilo replies, straightening up with a nod of approval. "Because I can't be seen hanging around you if you've got cooties. My reputation as the charming and healthy Camilo Madrigal must remain untarnished," he declares, his chest puffed out in mock pride.
You can't help but let out a laugh at his dramatics, shaking your head at the absurdity of his statement. "I'll make sure to keep my cooties to myself then," you play along, rolling your eyes for good measure.
Felix playfully scolds his son, "Behave, Camilo," but the fondness in his voice is unmistakable. It's then that Julieta, alongside her husband Agustín, approaches with their children—Luisa, Isabela, and lastly, Mirabel.
Julieta, with hands that heal and a presence that soothes, offers you a smile that feels like home. "Welcome, dear. I hope you're feeling better today," she says, her concern genuine and comforting.
Agustín manages a greeting without tripping over his words, a feat that earns him a gentle tease from Julieta. "Yes, it's wonderful to have you with us," he says, his smile as warm as the Encanto sun.
Luisa, strength in human form, gives you a nod of acknowledgment, her might obvious yet her demeanor gentle. "If you need anything heavy lifted, I'm your girl," she jokes, a hint of playfulness in her eyes.
Isabela, grace embodied, extends a hand, flowers blooming in her wake, a living testament to the beauty she brings into the world. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she says, her elegance unparalleled yet inviting.
And then there's Mirabel, shy at first glance, but the spark in her eyes suggests a kindred spirit, hinting at a friendship waiting to bloom. "I'm so glad you're here. I can't wait for all the adventures we're going to have," she smiles, her enthusiasm infectious.
As Agustín, Julieta, and their children guide you towards the dining room, your father's voice cuts through the chatter. "Y/N!" he calls out, and you can't help but rush into his open arms, embracing him tightly; his embrace is tight, enveloping you in a sense of security you've missed dearly.
The room quiets down as you share a tender reunion with your mother and grandmother. Their hugs are tight, their kisses laden with affection, reminding you of the unbreakable bond your family shares. You soak in the comfort and love, feeling a deep sense of belonging.
However, the moment of familial warmth is gently interrupted by Alma's presence. She steps forward, commanding the room's attention with her grace. With a gentle smile, she begins to formally introduce your family to the Madrigals. "Everyone, I would like to introduce our esteemed guests," Alma starts, her voice filled with warmth and respect. "This is the Y/L/N family, long-time friends of our community and pillars of strength and kindness."
As Alma recounts the shared history between your families, highlighting the contributions and bonds forged over the years, you feel a swell of pride for your lineage.
Yet, amidst the introductions, your gaze drifts to an empty chair, curiosity piqued by its significance.
Noticing your focus, your father inquires, "Who's supposed to sit there?" His question, innocent yet filled with curiosity, hangs in the air.
Alma hesitates for a brief moment, her expression softening. "Ah, that's Bruno's seat," she explains, her voice tinged with a mix of fondness and melancholy. "He's... occupied at the moment, tending to his visions in his room. We hope to have him join us soon."
The mention of Bruno adds a layer of mystery and intrigue, his absence felt despite the warmth and welcome extended by the Madrigal family.
You file away your curiosity, promising yourself to learn more about the elusive Bruno Madrigal in due time.
For now, you bask in the newfound connections and the promise of friendship and understanding that the evening holds.
Alma cleared her throat gently, regaining the room's attention after answering the question about the empty seat. She then shifted her gaze towards your family, her eyes reflecting a depth of sincerity and concern. "I'd also like to share a bit more about why the Y/L/N family is with us today," she began, her tone soft yet carrying through the room. "Recently, Y/N was gravely ill, and her family sought help from every corner they could. In their time of need, our community was able to offer support, thanks to the gifts we've been blessed with."
She paused, letting her words sink in, before continuing. "Now that Y/N is on the mend, we hope that the Y/L/N family will consider staying in Encanto. Their presence has already brought much joy and new energy to our community."
Your father and mother exchanged a quick, silent conversation with their eyes, an unspoken dialogue that only years of partnership could perfect.
As your father turned to gauge your reaction, he found your eager, hopeful gaze already locked on his. The unbridled optimism in your eyes, shining with the prospect of a new beginning, seemed to make the decision for him.
He let out a soft sigh, the corners of his mouth turning up in a resigned yet content smile. "We are deeply grateful for the kindness and hospitality the Madrigal family and the entire community have shown us," he said, his voice steady and full of emotion. "It would be our honor to stay in Encanto and become a part of this extraordinary place."
Your mother nodded in agreement, her hand finding your father's under the table, a silent show of unity and decision. The room erupted into soft murmurs of approval and smiles, welcoming the news of your family's decision to stay.
Alma's face lit up with a genuine smile, pleased with the outcome. "Welcome to the family, then," she declared warmly, her words sealing the beginning of a new chapter for both the Y/L/N and Madrigal families.
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A/N: And we are done with the first introduction chapters.
Lol, can't believe this. I was only supposed to write one chapter, yet I wrote so much it spanned out to three 😤.
Anyways, the next chapter will be a major, time skip, I'm talking about 12 years kinda skip.
I'm doing this instead of 10 because 1) it takes 10 years until the Encanto plot start, and 2) I don't want to have to write all that out. So once again thanks for reading so far, hope you stay tuned for the next chapters.
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Drabbles of how I would handle Evil Mickey in a universe like the Chip and Dale Universe
Authors Notes: Cameos of OC kiddos are also here, but they add a bit of a kick needed to spice things up, Goofy may be OOC due to how he's treating Max. But I figure if he can be the nice guy, he'd also be the ass kisser who does everything Mickey says, even when it comes to his own kid,
Again these are drabbles of me messing around with the idea,
He eyed Donald, taking a drag of his cigarette, this was a challenge, fine if the duck wanted to play he'd do the same,
“I mean, I was the one to first show you love.” He said slowly, the duck looking down, bingo the achilles heel”You're just not my type. That's the unfortunate nature of Love, besides you have Jose and Panchito now, and I have Minerva. So we both don't want this to end up....messy. Behave or else I will make this very messy,
Donald nodded straightening, as Mickey sighed taking another drag before letting smoke roll out as he questioned,
“You said you had something important to tell me?”
“ Goofy's son-”
An eyebrow raised as the toon tapped the cigarette on the ashtray,
"Oh that one? The one that has been snooping around Yakko Warner, getting cozy with him and his siblings,” he tossed down a folder full of photographs and notes,”They aren't subtle, my private mice investigators sniffed them out almost immediately... you know how we feel about crossing”
The duck toon swallowed, as the mouse shrugged,
“He can keep his little tryst if he wants, but he is no longer a Disney if he wants anything further if he wants to be a Warner he'll be a Warner. Isn't that right Goofy?”
The mouse looked over his shoulder to the said Dog toon who was working the accounting books. He nodded, averting his eyes as he answered,
“I only apologize that I did not teach him better. You know I've taught him that Crossing is forbidden,”
Donald rolled his eyes muttering,
"But you may want to hurry. He's already crossed a line that you would infuriate you.”
The mouse's eyes gleamed, a simmering malice hidden behind a false smile, Goofy also rumbled out in a dangerously low voice,
“What did he do?”
The duck produced a sheet of paper, setting it down and sliding it over,
“I snagged this off of his phone sir,”
The mouse scooped it up, reading the messenges,his hand slowly fisting crumpling the paper before he shoved it at Goofy,
“Get Iger now. Max is no longer welcome at our company. Stupid brat," he side eyed the dog toon," I told you and Marcy that you should have kept trying. There's always been something wrong about that boy, unfortunately,”
Goof looked disappointed at the paper, as Donald left the room to grab the human CEO, as Mickey growled,
“Disney must stay pure, Disney Toons with Disney toons. I don't care if your LGBTQ or not, it must be Disney though. I am happy for Donald and his family. He may have not chose Daisy but at least he chose Panchito and Jose who are Disney's, Max has stepped out of line.”
Goofy again nodded as Bob and Donald walked in,
“Donald says we have a Mainstay out of line?”
The father handed the human the paper as Mickey slid the photos across his desk, Iger sighing as he looked through it in annoyance, saying
“I'll get a hold of the Warner CEOs,”
Mickey only eyed him as the human left his office,
“I do believe, though, your son has a question for me, however. Maybe he will have good news,” he pressed a button as he lit another cigarette, putting it in his mouth as he pulled the folder towards himself. He stood up, going to a filing cabinet tucking it away. As Camilo walked in, he smiled,
“Ah Camilo my boy, please do tell me you bring this Mouse good news,”
The rooster hybrid bowed his head as the Mouse walked to his desk and sat down,
“Depending on how you react to my question. I knew I must ask your permission Tio Mickey,” he pulled out a box it was a beautiful blue velvet, Mickey eyed it”I would love to ask your Daughter for her hand sir,”
Donald swallowed, but a bright smile crossed the mouses face
“Of course I give my blessing Camilo! You are the jewel of my Princesses eye, thank you Donald for raising him properly. May I see the ring?”
Camilo nodded returning the smile and opened it,
“Only the best for Marian, a Fire Opal from a Mexican Mine surrounded by 2 5 carat blue diamonds,”
Mickey eyed it with a smile, oh it would do very nicely for his princess,
“Stunning, it must have cost you.”
“Money's nothing when it comes to your baby girl,”
Mickey grinned, tossing him a cigar,
“And that's why I welcome you to our Family, those were imported from Cuba.”
Donald's eyes reflected relief, that was practically a your my son now from the mouse, Camilo smoothly caught the cigar and tucked it into his coat pocket,
“May I request sir, I need the assistance of the Parks for the idea of the proposal.”
“Tell me son, what is your plan.”
Marian grinned as she waved to her adoring crowd as she slipped between them heading for the backstage area where Camilo met her, they shared a kiss joining hands as they headed for the break room,
“ are you doing okay sweetheart, is your leg bothering you?” He questioned seeing her limp a bit as they walked,
“Yeah, it's bugging me. But I'm not the only one that deals with it,” She answered as they entered she chose a seat against the back wall” especially our wonderful cast members,”They all gave her smiles which she returned,
The mouse reached down and popped off her leg carefully rolling off the liner and rubbing the stump, Camilo handing her a towel, reaching into her bag grabbing a salve she used and then the powder,
“So you ready for the kick off of the Holidays tonight?”
Marian had a smile and nodded,
“Absolutely! Are my coworkers also excited?”
They cheered. Some had smiles she knew were forced, but she really didn't care. They signed up for this job, and they could deal with it, she thought as she powdered her leg and put the liner on
“Let me my princess” Camilo purred as he guided the prosthetic back on and into place,
“Thank you my dear Prince,” She smiled as he stood up and stole a kiss from her,
“Of course, now back to your adoring crowd.”
Walter Mouse leaned over the control console,
“2,4,2” he said"Lights!”
The stage illuminated as his Dad walked on with Minnie beside with Marian and Eleanor following,
“ Donald and Daisy is go,”
The duo followed putting on smiles as they stood behind the Family
Then the dog toon appeared also with a bright smile as they did the choreography, his Parents meeting at the front Minnie holding up mistletoe and they shared a kiss to the cheers of the family's especially as his Dad played it up putting on a surprised expression. Now, for Marian and Camilo, as the two skipped up, he spun her before he got on one knee, producing the box
The cheering escalated, as she turned and gasped hands flying to her mouth,
Mike and Cameras , Marian, Camilo
He called, the speakers picking up,
“Our Princess of Wonder Marian Mouse, will you do me the honor of being my fairytale, will you marry me?”
“Yes! Of course my Prince!” She cried out for everyone to hear,
The cheers were outlandish as he stood up and slid the ring onto her finger and they shared a kiss, Mickey could be spotted wrapping an arm around Donald, the pair held up their intertwined hands
Camera on hand then on them,
He watched the team do so before Marian and Camilo stepped back, Mickey stepped forwards
Camera on Boss, track track Mike now
“What a wonderful year at our parks! And now my baby girl is getting married, I've already seen Camilo as my son but now it's official he will be my Son in Law and I look forward to seeing the beautiful life they build!” He crowed
A little Yax for those fans
Max froze as he felt arms grip him and he was practically drug to Mickey's office and tossed in,
“Maximilian,” the low voice greeted him,
“Oh joy, I was wondering how long it'd take your rats to find out,” he rumbled, dusting himself off glaring at his father in the corner. His father met the look in equal
“How dare you Maximilian” he finally snarled dangerously ”Crossbreeding with a Warner? Have I not taught you the Rules?”
Mickey merely held up a hand, instantly Goofy tucked himself back into his work,
“Sometimes kids disobey, but you know the consequences.” He pressed a button,”Bring them in,”
Max turned, he hoped Yakko understood if he disappeared it wasn't him. He prayed to Tex that he wouldn't meet the same fate as his mother by the Dip, but as 2 Human CEOs stepped in he realized as they said,
“ You say you have a Toon for sale.”
And saw the mouse motion towards him, sweetly saying,
“This one has started a family with one of yours a Yakko Warner, he said he'd prefer being a Warner then a Disney,”
What they were here for as the pair circled him, like vultures. Max side eyed them, as the more slender of the 2 purred
“Son of one of the Disney Mainstay, oh yes we will take this opportunity. We can throw you to your partner and his siblings, maybe you can help keep them under control.” before giving a feral grin that made Maxes fur bristle,
Goofy stood up, meeting his child's eyes,
“If I may speak sir” Mickey motioned that he could, as the other spoke clearly,
“You understand that he can't go under the Goof name, that's a trademark. You can keep Max but Goof that can no longer be your last name,”
He carefully stepped forwards with paperwork stamped with Denied over it, Maxes last name crossed out the humans shrugged,
“That's perfectly understandable, we will just have it be Warner. So he can blend in better,” They looked him up and down,”He better expect a redesign as well,”
“Oh he knows” Mickey said with that sickly smile as Goofy stood by his side,”Now if that's all,”
The pair nodded taking the offered packet and handing it to a guard who tucked it in a briefcase,
“Pleasure doing business,”
“And Max” Goofy tossed a key at him,”This is to the storage place, you know the one. Your stuffs there,”
He scoffed,
“The only good thing you've ever done. I will never be ashamed of loving who I do,” he flipped them off before walking out the humans scrambling to follow him,
As they got out of the building into the car parked out front one of the humans sighed and removed a mask revealing they weren't, the toon shook her hair carefully removing the eyes, blinking as she put the glasses back on,
“My name is Nora Rita, I work with Warner as the CEO of Animation, forgive us for that show,” She held a hand out stunning Max who looked around as the car drove off, ”No tricks, this is what we have to do when extracting Toons out of the Mouses Burrow,”
He finally accepted the handshake, as she looked to the other supposed human, a puff of smoke and the toon rabbit put his glasses on,
“I'm Rodney and yes I'm the Nesquik rabbit but I work for Warner on behalf of Bugs, my best friend. I work under Nora as Co-Ceo of Warner Animation. Bugs called me as soon as they contacted Nora,”
Maxes eyes widened, this was fully thought out and planned,
“As toons we can't show ourselves around him. We know he has power over us, we aren't stupid we know he keeps a barrel hidden,”
Max shrugged,
“But money talks, I honestly thought I was a goner like my mother,”
They looked sympathetic,
“Everyone knows that story. Nobody buys that it was an accident, but now you've completed her mission….you escaped,” Nora murmured as they pulled up to a familiar house,
Bugs and Daffy stood on the porch as Max and them stepped out, Yakko instantly running out of the house, checking him over with concern, he instantly responded
“I'm alright Yakko, I'm okay,”
“Thank Tex for that,” Yakko embraced him, Max bringing his arms around to hold him
“Let's go inside,” Bugs said smiling “Heya Rodney thanks for makin sure the kid was safe,”
Rodney side hugged him as they walked in
“Of course my brother! It's what us Warners do,”
Warner, that's what Max realized he was known as now as he sat in front of his new bosses now in the living room as Yakko cringed onto him, as he explained the inside secrets of Disney,
“He's a master Manipulator with a penchant for emotional abuse, he will never be caught doing anything illegal. And if he does” he tossed his old dismantled phone onto the table,”He's good at hiding the paw prints,”
Daffy whistled, as Bugs blanched
“Well kid we don't run things like that over here. Any reason you're going by Warner and not Goof?”
“They won't allow it”Nora sighed
Max pulled out the packet, stamped with denied on the front
“Crossing the tracks is the biggest no over there, so they even took the Goof last name in kicking me out,”
The duo stared,
“They found out about Yakko and thus here I am,"
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purelydreamy · 2 years
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: hi! welcome to my blog I’m nora! I have some exciting news! *drumroll* I'm going to start taking writing requests! (one-shots, drabble, etc ...) on this blog!! I just wanted to say that you are responsible for your own media consumption. I am not sure what the future holds or what I will write. I will put a (review respective "warnings" listed for each individual story). (• ◡•)
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ✿ I do not give permission for any part of my works to be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means. I do not own any characters, nor do I own any images or gifs. All rights belong to the respective owners.
𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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❀ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧! ❀
[ until further notice ]
[this was last updated on january 15th, 2023]
𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒: Please read the following to its entirety prior to submitting a request!
On this blog I write for, Encanto, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, The Umbrella Academy, Marvel, Voltron: Legendary Defender, All Of Us Are Dead. (eventually I’ll add more).
I'm unwilling to write stories that contain the following content: lemons, race play, necrophilia, sexual relationships involving an adult and a minor, pedophilia, certain kinks, etc. (If you're not sure whether I'm okay with them or not, you can always ask prior)
I take light smut and suggestive content requests. I write smut but I do not take requests for it. Please do not use such heavy details in the requests. I would probably feel disturbed and as a result will not fulfil your request. I am rather new to the genre of NSFW, however I will give my best.
camilo madrigal ⇩
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
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rainbowsmagicandshit · 4 months
"We Don't Talk About Emrys" lyrics: a "We Don't Talk About Bruno" parody
So for the last like 1.5-2 years I haven't been singing as much as I used to due to medical stuff I'm still dealing with and vastly underestimated how that effected my singing voice. So, idk when/if I'll get a recording of my voice singing this posted and decided to just post the lyrics and put the recording on the back burner.
The lyrics have been changed for the most part bc when it got to the overlapping part, i decided that since it's hard to tell what's being sung, i could get away with some missing lines or that I could decide what to do when I got to that part. I left the who-sings-what in and the og lyrics that I put in strikethrough so you could get an idea of how it's supposed to be sung. Not feeling great right now, so I hope it's is understandable.
Thank you to @gazpachoandbooks for the idea you can find here and to @aloeverawrites for helping with the lyrics. If you're interested in seeing the progression of the lyric changes you can find it here. You can find the fic inspired by this on AO3 here. And finally, I only speak for myself, but I'm totally fine with you using these lyrics how you want and feel free to change them if you want to. I won’t be offended. Maybe give credit, but if you want to use them, have fun.
lyrics under the cut
We don't talk about Emrys, no, no, no
We don't talk about Emrys, but
It was my wedding day It was many years ago
It was our wedding day It was so long ago
We were getting ready The awaited day arrived
And there wasn't a cloud in the sky
No clouds allowed in the sky Emrys was finally born
Emrys walks in with a mischievous grin The earth called out welcoming him to life
You're telling the story or am I? The world came to life around him!
I'm sorry, mi vida, go on What a miraculous day
Emrys says, "It looks like rain" Welcomed him with a shower of rain
Why did he tell us? The start of a new age
In doing so, he floods my brain The birds all sang out his name
We had to get the umbrellas We would be free from our cage
Married in a hurricane The journey to the Golden Age
What a joyous day but anyway
[Pepa & Félix:]
We don't talk about Emrys, no, no, no
We don't talk about Emrys
Hey, grew to live in fear of Emrys stuttering or stumbling Hey, our lives were full of fear, but his presence stops our trembling
I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling You can always hear him ‘cause his mutterings like rumbling
I associate him with the sound of falling sand, Calling on the power of the ancient land, ch-ch-ch
It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling
Always left Abuela and the family fumbling Always running ‘round and trying to stop from fumbling
Grappling with prophecies they couldn’t understand Grappling with prophecies he couldn't understand
Do you understand?
Seven-foot frame, rats along his back dragons at his back
When he says your name, it all turns to black When he casts his spells, it all fades to black
Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams (Hey) Yeah, he’s all powerful, the prophesied immortal
[Pepa & Camilo:]
We don't talk about Emrys, no, no, no
No, no
[Pepa & Camilo:]
We don't talk about Emrys
We don't talk about Emrys
[Townsperson 1:]
He told me my fish would die, the next day, dead He controls the power of life and death, and can call forth lightning
No, no
[Townsperson 2:]
He told me I'd grow a gut and just like he said He killed two High Priestesses before he was 30
No, no
[Townsperson 3:]
He said that all my hair would disappear, now, look at my head He took out two undead armies with his dragon forged sword
No, no
Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read Your fate is sealed when you go against him
He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine He fought the sidhe when he was still just a teen for the life of the Once And Future King
He told me that my power would grow It is foretold that his power would grow
Like the grapes that thrive on the vine
[Abuela Alma:]
Óye, Mariano's on his way Oh, he’s magic incarnate
He told me that the man of my dreams It is said that he met Taliesin
Would be just out of reach to see into the future
Betrothed to another in the Crystal Cave
It's like I hear him, now He is a dragonlord
Hey sis, I want not a sound out of you He hatched the white dragon of Albion
({It's like I can hear him now,} ←this part is sung under last line) I can hear him now
Um, Emrys
Yeah, about that Emrys
I really need to know about Emrys
Give me the truth and the whole truth, Emrys
Isabela, your boyfriend's here He’s the most powerful warlock to ever—
[Abuela Alma & Isabela:]
Time for dinner —walk the earth!
A seven-foot frame, rats along his back dragons at his back
It was my wedding day It was many years ago
It was our wedding day It was so long ago
He told me that the life of my dreams He fought the sidhe when he was still just a teen
Grew to live in fear of Emrys stuttering or stumbling Our lives were full of fear, but his presence stops our trembling
When he says your name it all fades to black When he casts his spells it all fades to black
We were getting ready The awaited day came and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
No clouds allowed in the sky (Or you could do the new line here “Emrys was finally born”)
Would be promised and some day be mine for the life of the Once And Future King
I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling You can always hear him cause his mutterings like rumbling
I associate him with the sound of falling sand, Calling on the power of the ancient land, ch-ch-ch
Yeah, he sees your dreams Yeah, he’s all powerful 
Emrys walks in with a mischievous grin (idk, you could leave it or change it.)
He told me that my power would grow It is foretold that his power would grow
It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling 
And feasts on your screams the prophesied immortal
You're telling the story or am I? The world came to life around him!
I'm sorry, mi vida, go on What a miraculous day
Like the grapes that thrive on the vine, ({I'm fine} ←i didn’t know what to do with this little part)
Always left Abuela and the family fumbling Always running ‘round, trying to stop from fumbling
Grappling with prophecies they couldn’t understand Grappling with prophecies he couldn't understand
Do you understand?
[Abuela Alma:]
Óye, Mariano's on his way Oh, he’s magic incarnate
Emrys says, "It looks like rain" Welcomed him with a shower of rain
Why did he tell us? The start of a new age
Seven-foot frame, rats along his back dragons at his back
He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised and someday be mine He fought the sidhe when he was still just a teen for the life of the Once And Future King
He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach It is said that he met Taliesin to see into the future
In doing so, he floods my brain The birds all sang out his name
Abuella get the umbrellas We would be free of our cage
When he says your name it all fades to black When he casts his spells it all fades to black
Betrothed to another, another in the Crystal Cave
Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams Yeah, he’s all powerful, the prophesied immortal
Married in a hurricane The journey to the Golden Age
What a joyous day
[Isabela & Dolores:]
{And I'm fine, and I'm fine, and I'm fine, I'm fine} ←idk. I was planning on just skipping this line and hoping it still sounded good without it
He's here He’s near
Don't talk about Emrys
Why did I talk about Emrys?
Not a word about Emrys
I never should have brought up Emrys
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yellowcry · 6 months
What's with the door?
Pepa was surprised, seeing a new name on her child's door. Was there something wrong?
Short piece of Dolores coming out to the second person in the family. Made for trans visibility day. So, reminder, you're all welcome in here and extremely valid
It was easy to miss. Even Pepa herself wasn't looking at *'s door too often to spot how the name had changed. The only time when it happened in her memory was when Mama's door changed her name to Abuela.
Camilo was the first to spot a change in his sibling's door.
"What do you mean?" Pepa asked, worried. She got out of her armchair. A light wind ruffled her hair. Was there something wrong with *?
Camilo nodded, taking her arm. "There's written Dolores!"
At first, Pepa didn't believe him. Why would the name on a door change all of a sudden? It had never happened before, there was no reason for Casita to put a random name.
It, indeed, was wrong. Strong cold wind wind rose as Pepa nervously grabbed her braid, pulling out her hair. What happened to her child? What if there was something wrong with * and Casita wanted to show it?
Worried, Pepa slowly knocked on a glowing door. She needed to get answers. "Mijo? I'm coming in." She announced, breaking inside when the answer didn't follow in a split of second.
Pepa's eldest fell off the chair in surprise. Isabela who stood just next to * tensed, helping her cousin to get up. Staring down, Pepa had finally noticed that * looked wrong. A normal costume was shown off, lying on the unmade bed. Instead of it, a lilac dress, which undoubtedly belonged to Isabela, hung like a bag. Too big for * slim proportions.
It took a moment for Pepa to suppress her shock. She called out her child's name. "What are you doing?" A nervous snowflake fell on her sleeves. * looked down for a moment as Pepa approached. "I'm not upset, I just want to know what is going on." She assured, kneeling down next to her child.
Isabela opened her mouth, but * reached her palm stop. "Isa, this is my talk," * asked, making Isabela retreat, taking a step back.
There wasn't anything strange with wearing your siblings' clothes. Of course. Pepa did it herself. But with * reaction... The wind grew stronger, as it was obvious that there was something more to it. Pepa could see it in her eldest's face.
* closed * eyes, cletching * hands together. "Mama, I... I need to tell you something. I am a girl." * breathed out, as she always did in tense moments. When the secrets couldn't be holden back in her mind.
Pepa froze for a second. "You are?" She reached, unsured. Her palm lay on her daughter (alive daughter)'s shoulder. Was it why the name on a door had changed? It all made sense now, the door now called her Dolores. It wasn't a mistake, just a new name for her baby.
Dolores nodded, a little tense. "You know how Tía helps some people to change their characteristics?" Of course, it happened from time to time. But she never thought her child would need it too.
Pepa smiled, a warm sun already dried the snow. She pulled the edge of a purple skirt. "You look beautiful." The entire thing with wearing Isabela's dress had so much more meaning now. Not as a childish game, but a really important act.
Isabela chuckled, crossing her arms. "Told you," it made Pepa wonder if her eldest niece knew about it. Considering the situation, Pepa was completely sure she did.
Pepa pulled her child closer in a hug. It was just so unbelievable. A little hard to believe that Dolores wasn't a boy.
Dolores pushed her face into Pepa's bright dress, her eyes left wet marks. Rain dripped over them as Pepa held her daughter close. Not from being sad, it just was so overwhelming.
"Do you know what it means?" Pepa pulled away, grabbing Dolores' wrist. "We're about to rob a clothing store."
Bright sun rays glowed on their faces. Pepa was joking, of course. She wouldn't mind doing it in reality, but for now, they could deal with it. Dolores seemed okay with wearing a bit unfit for her clothes. Maybe Pepa could give her something out of her old wardrobe too.
It took a while to calm down initial emotions. Pepa placed two steaming cups of black coffee on a table in Dolores' room. A bitter smell filled the room, spreading up to the ceiling.
Isabela followed behind, holding her own cup. Much to Pepa's dismay, she preferred café con leche. In Pepa's opinion drinking that thing was illegal, but it wasn't important right now.
Pepa pushed one of the cups to Dolores. "I'm so happy." She muttered, taking a sip.
Dolores' finger slid across the edge of her cup. She didn't drink such a hot coffee, unlike her mother. "I was worried about telling you." She confirmed, staring into Pepa's eyes. "Or the family in general."
"Well, you told Isabela?" Pepa muttered. She was happy, of course. It was pleasing to know how much Dolores trusted her cousin.
Dolores shrugged. "I was upset with her new pretty dress."
"You started crying over me asking how I look."
Pepa sighed. These two were such siblings.
It still was strange. Calling her Dolores was unusual, several times Pepa had to cut herself off when she was about to say the wrong name, but she did her best to control herself. Isabela wasn't much better, but got herself to using a nickname she had for Dolores when they were in kindergarten, to make it lay easier on her tongue. Dolores was grateful for them trying to use the right name, even if it was visibly strange for them both.
It turned out, Pepa wasn't much behind in time. Isabela was told just a few hours ago. And the door had changed after that. Pepa felt her internal guilt calming down. She was upset that she didn't realize the name had changed earlier.
Well, technically it was Camilo who noticed.
In the end of the day, it didn't matter if Dolores was a girl or a boy. She was Pepa's little child. The one that she carried for months, pampered and raised. Pepa loved her kids more than anything.
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toranoya · 2 years
sora went up to camilo and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek
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Camilo looked over as Sora popped in again. "Welcome back Sora...but I am getting curious...you pop in and leave and pop back in again...is there someone else? I mean I understand I guess...you're busy and can go to all these different worlds..."
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