#young arist
sleep-deprived-mf · 6 months
will never get over the fact that this was my FIRST ACTUAL ANIM...
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ollythepikman · 22 days
Hi folks! I’m going to making an Etsy! Tomorrow or depending on when my check clears! It’ll be for preorders only rn but rn I have whistle bill cipher pins, and maybe a Stanford keychain it depends on when I get the designs done, but anything and everything helps! Half of the profits will go to me getting top surgery!
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zellie-pdf · 2 years
Routines: High vs Low Energy Days
Word of the Week: Truculent (adj.) ready to fight, cruel.
As a fairly functioning human being, I've found that I don't wake up the same every day. I mean, I'm in the same body. I still have the same passion, the same friends, the same family, etc. But I don't feel the same. I'm not really big on "routines". I want to be. I've watched more "A Day in my Life: Morning to Evening Routine" videos, most of which were very inspiring, but I can't seem to stick to one. Instead, I made two and I use them according to how I feel when I wake up.
(This might primarily help neurodivergent people)
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High Energy Days
The days when your dog or cat woke you up, the sun was rising, you lit a candle, freshened up, and got dressed immediately. You might have journaled, meditated, or worked out. You had an appetizing breakfast and a drink of your choice, and you went straight to work! It wasn't a "good morning" just because all of that happened, but because you woke up well-rested and with energy! Anyway, the day goes by and you're working and/or having fun, just being human. You go back home and want to repeat the process. Great! Outstanding.
Low Energy Days
The days when you woke up too early or too late. You stubbed your toe on your nightstand, tried to freshen up, and probably put on something comfy. You had a less-than-appetizing breakfast and went to work. Your day wasn't great.
But a Low-Energy Day doesn't mean it's going to be bad. And a High-Energy Day doesn't mean it's going to be good. Your day will be however you make it.
How do we deal with low-energy days? Take some "you" time. If you're already late to work, grab a coffee. It won't change the fact that you're late. And for the love of god, don't speed. You must tell yourself that you have to get up on low-energy days. I'm not exactly the exception; sometimes I just don't get up. But what we should all do is just say "You know what? I'm going to fight through today because tomorrow could be better."
You mentioned routines. What does that have to do with this? Okay, maybe I was rambling a bit, but let me show you my routine for both days.
High-Energy Days: - Wake up at 5:00 AM - Get ready (freshen up, get dressed) 5:00-5:10 - Meditate 5:10-5:15 - Read 5:15-5:35 - Yoga or exercise (optional) 5:35-5:45 - Breakfast 5:45-6:00 - If you have any extra time, read or study
Low-Energy Days: - Wake up at 12:00 - Get ready 12:00-12:05 - Breakfast 12:05-12:15 - Leave at 12:30
See, there's definitely a difference, and that's okay! Remember, low energy DOESN'T mean impossible. It just means that instead of thinking of making breakfast like "cook an egg!" it makes you think like this:
Go to kitchen
Open fridge
Open egg carton
Take egg from egg carton
Close egg carton
Close fridge
Take pan out
Open cabinet
Get oil
Put oil in pan
Put stove on "medium"
Crack egg
Gather eggshells
Put eggshells in trash
Season egg
Flip egg.
Season egg
Take pan off of stove
Turn stove off
Put egg on plate
Wait for pan to cool
Put pan in sink
Wash pan
Are you still with me? Yeah, low-energy days aren't fun. What could be a daily two-step process turned into a 26-step process because you had low energy. It's okay, though.
Make it through low-energy days because there will be a day, a month, or a year, where you will have high energy, and life will be yours to take!
Thank you for reading and I apologize for that awful tutorial on how to make eggs.
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casmilton · 2 years
i think cas deserves to be an angel and have all his powers and gay ass telekinesis and his wings yet his and jacks conversation in ouroboros very much makes me lean towards them both having a human endgame... especially because i hate the idea of heaven esp in the show. heaven is literally a prison in spn. should be done away with completely as an afterlife. and cas... the destiel in me says cas would never leave deans side and would grow old with him and raise jack.. jack should be to be human because (and as much as i like the idea of kelly being a good mom) should never have had the idea that he would create this perfect utopia put on him. he is a child and should get to be one. it is not his responsisbility to fix the world and god’s mistakes. he should get to be a kid and play video games and be up at night from eating too much chocolate and go to school and do clubs and play sports and be a silly kid. 
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crypticminx · 8 months
Dad!Jacob going to his first parent teacher conference!!!
Sooooo cute! Ty angel!! This is pure fluff :3
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
Jacob’s little girl was an angel.
Actually, angel was quite the understatement for the four year old who was already such a little ball of wonder.
From the moment he first laid eyes on her when she was just a tiny infant, letting small wails out as she entered the world, he was in awe. Seeing her all nestled in his overbearing arms made her look so much smaller—so petite and full of innocence. As her big, brown eyes stared at him with curiosity, he knew she was special.
His loving girlfriend, y/n was an extordinary woman. She caught his attention off a whim, the two of them meeting on set for a shoot he was doing. She was his makeup arist and he just so happened to be the very lucky model who had the pleasure of getting his looks done by someone as beautiful as she was. After a successful shoot, the heart struck man figured he had nothing to lose and asked the girl, catching her off guard, to join him sometime for a coffee.
She compiled, of course.
One thing lead to other for the fast moving individuals and soon enough, after only dating for a short period of time, she fell pregnant. That happened to be the best day of his life hearing the news he would be a father.
Though the tabloids said otherwise. Making dumb—and extremely false—accusations. Actor Jacob elordi seems miserable going on a walk with unnamed woman or Jacob Elordi is next in line to be a dad after one night stand gone wrong, the absurdity of it all made the happy couple laugh. But that’s just show business.
As he’d reminisce of all the moments leading up to the birth of his first born daughter, he truly treasured the days of getting to endure all of her firsts. He’d never forget the moment he was away filming and got an unexpected facetime from y/n. excusing himself to answer it somewhere private, thinking something was wrong, he was stunned to hear his baby girl say her first words. However, he was also full of remorse for not being able to witness it in full physical form.
As time progressed faster than he would have preferred, she was still always going to be his little girl no matter what.
That’s why he felt joyous that tonight he got to attend her very first parent teacher conference.
She absolutely adored going to school. Upon hearing that she would be starting school, something her parents brought up to her in a very light manner, her mind raced with all the fun new possibilities it would bring her. She was already a natural achiever for such a young age. Every little outing they’d attend as a family, nothing crazy huge, she wasn’t the one to shy away or hide behind his legs. Instead, she’d run around introducing herself to the best of her abilities.
It wasn’t the little girl who cried on the first day of school, it was Jacob. He felt his eyes grow watery as he waved goodbye to her from a distance once she began walking in with all her new classmates. He hid his tears behind sunglasses, but broke down to y/n once they had privacy in the comfort of his suv. He was accustomed to having her at homes all times, especially when he’d take short breaks from acting.
The two of them going on walks with Layla or taking her to the park where she would scream with laughter as she’d beg him to push her higher on the swings; they did everything together.
So being able to hear about her progress in school was exciting to him. It made him feel extraordinarily proud.
Unfortunately, he’d have to attend alone.
His adoring y/n had just given birth to his second child, another beautiful girl, a few months ago. Having a fussy baby that was on a tight schedule was not something y/n was in the mood for bringing to an event that took place after hours. As much as it brought her sadness, she reassured Jacob that it would be best for her to stay home and watch his girls. He agreed and vowed to share every little detail when he got home.
He walked in his bedroom, smiling at the sight that was y/n all snuggled up on their bed, pouring herself into one of his books. Beside her was a handmade bassinet, comforting the sleeping newborn who was just put down for hopefully the rest of the night. His other little girl kept herself occupied in her playroom as she played with her Barbie’s in a new doll house Jacob gifted her.
“I think I’m gonna head out,” he whispered, leaning down to y/n as she gently placed her book on her lap. He gave her a swift kiss on her cheek, feeling her lips curve up into a smile.
“Have fun, my love,” y/n beamed at him as he slowly retracted himself from their embrace.
When it was Jacob’s turn to be called in, he followed after his daughter’s teacher as she welcomed him in taking a seat with her at her large desk displayed in the centre of the room.
The classroom was inviting.
Pictures that the young students made for their parents were placed all over the wall. When his amused eyes found the one his daughter made, he felt himself grow full of sentiment.
“So, Mr. Elordi, You’re Ceres’ father,” her voice was soft, sounding fond of her pupil as she gathered her notes.
“Yes,” he cleared his throat. It wasn’t that he was nervous, but he forgot how these types of things played out. It had been ages since he was in grade school, it made him feel nostalgic in a strange way.
“Well, she’s a lovely student,” he felt a sigh of relief exit him, even though he already knew that was the truth. It felt good hearing his daughters teacher admit that to him.
“You know, I’ve never seen a girl as excited to be in school as yours,” she acknowledged to the proud father. “Most kids when they start off have a hard time adapting, struggling to get comfortable in a new atmosphere away from their parents.”
“Totally,” he agreed, his mind replaying back to his early moments of attending school, “my mum always told me I’d never want to leave her side when she’d drop me off. I guess it’s just hard for some kids.”
The teacher sheepishly laughed with him before she continued praising his little girl.
“I’m sure you and your partner are very thrilled to be blessed with an easygoing child.”
Jacob missed his girlfriend at the brief mention of her. He wished she could be by his side, hearing all the great things that had to be said about the very child they created. It was astonishing really. Something he couldn’t fathom to explain, but it brought him a great sense of joy and made him a little bit emotional.
“Well, we’ve just welcomed a new baby, so things at home have been a little hectic and all. Y/n wished she could’ve been here, but she sends her regards.” His face light up taking about his girlfriend, it was clear as day to anyone that he absolutely loved her.
“Oh, I know,” the teacher grinned, “Ceres talks about her baby sister to no end, it’s very sweet.”
At home, his angel was always trying to see what she could help her mother with. Though there wasn’t much for her to actually do, as taking care of a newborn was a very delicate task, she still included herself in everything. She loved to hold her baby sister with her frail arms and the heartwarming scene of it was y/n and Jacob’s favourite thing to gaze at.
He shook his head with a short chuckle, “yeah, that sounds about right.”
As their meeting continued, the teacher talked about how his daughter excelled at the criteria that was given to her, sounding like quite a smart student at such a young age. She displayed some of her work for him to take a peek at, even letting him take home one of the art projects she created. They discussed the further constructs that were going to be taught and what was expected, but Jacob had no fear. His daughter was intelligent, he gave that credit to y/n.
Before he knew it, the conference came to an end. There was so much to say about Ceres. However, there was a still a long line of other parents who patiently waited for their turn outside the classroom door. He gathered himself up, grabbing all the things he had the privilege of taking home, knowing he would display them forever.
“Mr. Elordi,” the teacher caught his attention, “you’ve got a good one on your hands.”
He nodded, feeling giddy and fuzzy with strings of heartfelt emotions. He was beyond proud getting to endure hearing nothing but the positive words that had to be said about his little girl, he felt silly for feeling nervous before.
For now, the only thing on his mind was sharing his excitement with y/n and spoiling his daughter.
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greek god epithets (pt.2)
this post includes hades, persephone, aphrodite, hermes, apollo, artemis, dionysus, and hekate. for part one including zeus, hera, demeter, ares, athena, poseidon and hephaestus click here
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-PLOUTON= of wealth
-THEON CHTHONIUS= god of the underworld
-POLYSEMANTOR= ruler of many
-NECRODEGMON= receiver of the dead
-NECRON SOTER= savior of the dead
-ADESIUS= of grace
-STYGIUS= from the Styx
-URAGUS= of fire
-NIGER DEUS= the black god
-CHTHONIA= of the earth
-CARPOPHORUS= bringer of fruit
-SOTEIRA= the savior
-MEGALA THEA= the great Goddess
-HAGNE= the pure/holy one
-DAEIRA= the knowing one
-PRAXIDICE= the exacter of justice
-PROTOGONE= the first born
-BRIMO= the dreaded/vengeful
-URANIA= of heavenly/divine love
-PANDEMOS= common to all people
-MACHANITIS= the diviser/contriver
-EPISTROPHIA= she who turns to love
-CALASCOPIA= the spying/all seeing
-PSITHYRISTES= the whispering
-PRAXIS= of sexual action
-MELAENIS= the black
-SYMMACHIA= the ally in love
-APATURUS= the deceptive one
-NYMPHIA= the bridal
-MIGONTIS= of unions
-DORITIS= the bountiful
-MORPHO= of shapely form
-AMBOLOGERA= the postponer of old age
-NICEPHORUS= the bringer of victory
-HOPLISMENA= the armed
-AREIA= the warlike
-EUPLOEA= of fair voyages
-PONTIA= of the sea
-LIMENIA= of the harbor
-XENIA= of hospitality to foreigners
-PHILOMIDES= the laughter loving
-PHILOMMEDES= the genital loving
-CHRYSEA= the golden
-DIA= the golden/shining
-POTHON MATER= the mother of desire
-EUSTEPHANUS= the richly crowned/the well girdled
-EN KIPIS= of vegetation/agricultural fertility
-EPIMELIUS= keeper of the flocks
-OEOPOLUS= the shepherd
-AGORAEUS= of the market place
-DOIUS= of crafts/wiles
-ENAGONIUS= of the games
-PROMACHUS= the champion
-HERMENEUTES= the interpreter/translator (of the gods)
-TRICEPHALUS= the three headed
-DIACTORUS= the guide/messenger
-ATHANATUS DIACTORUS= the immortal guide
-CHRYSORRHAPIS= of the golden wand
-CLEPSIPHRON= the deceiver
-MECHANIOTES= the trickster/contriver
-PHELETES= the thief/robber/rustler
-ARCHUS PHELETEON= leader of robbers/thieves
-DAIS HETAERUS= comrade of the feast
-CHARIDOTES= giver of joy
-CHARMOPHRON= the glad-hearted
-DOTOR EAON= giver of good things
-ACACETA= the guileless/gracious
-EUSCOPUS= the keen sighted/watchful
-CYDIMUS/ERICYDES/AGLAUS= the glorious/famous/splendid
-CRATUS/CRATERUS= the strong/mighty
-POMPAEUS= the guide
-THEARIUS= of the oracle
-PROUPSIUS= the foreseeing
-CLERIUS= of distribution by lot
-CLEDONES= of omens
-HECATUS= the shooter from afar/the archer
-AGRAEUS= of the hunt/the hunter
-MUSAGETES= the leader of the Muses
-ULIUS= of good health
-PAEON= the healer
-ACESIUS= of healing
-ALEXICACUS= averter of evil/harm
-EPICURIUS= the succoring/helping
-BOEDROMIUS= the rescuer
-LYCIUS= of the wolves
-SMINTHEUS= of the mice
-DELPHINIUS= of the dolphin
-ACTIUS= of the foreshore
-THEOXENIUS= the god of foreigners
-ARGYEUS= of streets/public places/entrances to homes
-VIROTUTIS= the benefactor of humanity
-AGROTERA= of the hunt
-PHERAEA= of the beasts
-ELAPHAEA= of the deer
-DAPHNAEA= of the laurel tree
-CEDREATIS= of the cedar tree
-CARYAE/CARYATIS= of the walnut tree
-LIMNAEA/LIMNATUS= of the lake
-HELEIA= of the marshes
-EURYNOME= of broad pastures
-LYCAEA= of the wolves
-LEUCOPHRYNE= of the white (bird)
-PAEDOTROPHUS= the nurse of children
-PHILOEIRAX= the friend of young girls
-ORSILOCHIA= the helper of childbirth
-SELASPHORUS/PHOSPHORUS= the light bringer
-SOLEIRA= the saviour
-HEMERASIA= she who soothes
-HYMNIA= of the hymns
-HEGEMORE= the leader of dances/choir
-ARISTE= the best/the excellent
-EUCLEIA= of good repute
-CALLISTE= the very beautiful
-BASILEIS= the princess
-HIEREIA= the priestess
-HEURIPPA= the horse finder
-PEITHO= the persuasive
-PYRONIA= of the fire
-BROMIUS= the noisy/boisterous
-MAENOLES= the mad/raging
-NYCTELIUS= of the night
-LAMPTERUS= of the torches
-HESTIUS= of the feast
-PHALLEN= the phallic
-ANDROGYNUS= the androgynous (of sexuality, he bed all genders)
-PHLEON= the luxuriant
-STAPHYLITES= of the grape
-OMPHACITES= of the unripe grape
-LENAEUS= of the wine press
-THEOENUS= the god of wine
-AGATHUS DAEMON= the good spirit (as in a ghost, not a drink)
-OENOPS= the wine-dark
-ACRATOPHORUS= the bringer of mixed wine
-CISSEUS= of the ivy
-CITIOPHORUS= the ivy bearer
-ANTHION= of the flowers
-CISTOPHORUS= the basket bearer
-DIMETOR= twice born
-IRAPHIOTES= the goat child
-AEGOBOLUS= the goat slayer
-MELANAEGIS= of the black goat-skin
-ANTHROPORRAESTUS= the man slayer
-LYSIUS= of release
-ELEUTHEREUS= of liberation/freedom
-PSILAX= uplifted on wings
-SAOTES/SOTERIUS= the savior
-AESYMNETES= the dictator
-POLITES= the citizen
-MYSTES= of mysteries
-CHTHONIUS= of the earth
-MELPOMENUS= the singer/of the tragic plays
-BRIMO= the dreaded/the vengeful
-CHTHONIA= of the earth
-DESPOINA= the goddess/our lady
-ENODIA= of the crossroads
-AENAOS= the eternal/the ever loving
-AGLAOS= the beautiful/the bright
-APOTROPAIA= the one that protects
-EROTOTOKOS= the bringer of love
-INDALIMOS= the beautiful
-KLEIDOUCHOS= the keeper of the keys of Hades
-KOUROTRPHOS= the nurse of children
-PHOSPHOROUS/LAMPADEPHOROUS= the bringer/bearer of light
-SOTERIA= the savior
-TRIMORPHE- the three formed
-TRIODIA/TRIODITIS= she who frequents crossroads
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artemisiansanctuary · 6 months
Epithets for Artemis
Agrotera - Of the Hunt Agreia - Of the Wild Elaphaea - Of the Deer Daphnaea - of the Laurel Tree Cedreatis - Of the Cedar Tree Caryae/Caryatis - Of the Walnut Tree Limnaea/Limnatus - Of the Lake Heleia - Of the Marshes Eurynome - Of Broad Pastures Lycaea - Of the Wolves Leucophryne - Of the White Bird Paedotrophus - The Nurse of Children Philoeirax - The Friend of Young Girls Orsilochia - The Helper of Childbirth Selasphorus/Phosphorus - The Light Bringer Soleira - The Saviour Hemerasia - She who Soothes Hymnia - Of the Hymns Hegemore - The Leader of Dances Ariste - The Best/The Excellent Eucleia - Of Good Repute Calliste - The very Beautiful Basileis - The Princess Ehiereia - The Priestess Heurippa - The Horse Finder Peitho - The Persuasive Pyronia - Of the Fire Potnia Theron - Mistress of Animals Io-khéira - Pourer of Arrows/Delighting in Arrows Hecate - Far-Shooting Chryselacatus - Of the Golden Distaff/With Shafts of Gold. Chrysenius - Of the Golden Reins Chrysothronus - Of the Golden Throne Celadeinus - Strong - Voiced Celadeine - Lady of Clamours Potnia Thea - Goddess Queen
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debcroft13 · 6 months
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this art work of kiyi comes from deviant art: arist kkachi95
An argument that Kiyi is Ozai and and Ursa's child
Where did the power to melt metal come from? no other than Ozai and Ursa. After all, it is their blood line that creates such power, isn't it?
Look at Kiyi. At such a young age, she can melt a metal door. There is no way that power dame came out of nowhere, and she isn't a descendant of Roku and Sozin combined bloodlines like Azula and Zuko.
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Ursa, who probably has a history of not being able to tell she was with a child till a few months in, probably didn't know she was with a child when banished, as she is the kind of woman who gets a very small bump.
Do I have to acknowalge the Search ? I guess I do
Ursa got tricked into giving up her memories, so she obviously forgot Kiyi was Ozai's, but once they returned, she was like, Oh boy.
So i guess here my argument and theory ps Ozai knows about Kiyi.
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fiercynn · 6 months
Hey I’d love poetry recommendations! And thank you for your reply to that post, it pissed me off but I don’t think I could have worded it as well as you did
i'm very happy to recommend poetry!!! i have a ton of recs but am going to keep it to contemporary poets i've been reading recently just to keep this manageable haha
i'm gonna recommend specific poetry collections, and if you can purchase them that would be great to support the poets and the small presses that tend to publish them, but if you can't afford to or don't live somewhere where you can access them, you can also search their names and find some of their work online
birthright, george abraham
i don't think i've ever read a collection that has hit me this hard. george abraham (they/he/هو) is a queer palestinian american poet, performance arist, and writer who was born and raised on unceded timucuan lands (jacksonville, FL). birthright is their debut collection, and its title is based on the idea of the "birthright" trips that israel funds to bring young jewish adults to israel and indoctrinate them into becoming zionist settlers. the collection is based around abraham's own trip to palestine, the "inverse of birthright", and it is absolutely stunning. the way they write about the grief and fury of the colonized, about gender, about memories and history and palestinian liberation, is gorgeous and heartbreaking and utterly galvanizing.
once, a language failed me & i hadn't a home to claim it in my own throat— in Arabic, the word for tonsil translates to daughters of the ears—we are taught that to have a body is to carry its lineage inside of us— & i've tried to make a language where my blood was just mine—but my tongue rejected it. spat it out like a mouthful of Arabic—maybe it was defense mechanism; maybe this is how i cough up blood [ translation: how i cough up History ] - "Lexicon Of"
sacrament of bodies, romeo oriogun
romeo oriogun is a queer bisexual nigerian poet born and raised in lagos, who now lives in the united states. sacrament of bodies is a powerful collection about grief - both his parents died when he was young; about the violence of both homophobia and colonialism; about love and sex and desire and more. sacrament of bodies was his first full collection after publishing several chapbooks; his most recent collection is the gathering of bastards, which i have not yet read.
I do know about the hate that sinks a name and turns water into homes drowning boys, I cannot speak because my mouth is a grave. Every day men hurting bodies filled with love are praised as heroes are hailed as saviors opening bodies into fields eaten by locusts. - "Departure"
okay so tumblr hates me and i accidentally posted this when it was not completed!!! i have more recs but i'm going to do a part 2 replying to another person with a similar ask instead of trying to salvage this post 🤦🏾‍♀️
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linajinnnn · 1 year
How they were translated: Korean SIX
Brought some lines and lyrics from Korean Production of SIX. Take a look at how they were translated! * notes: the lines and lyrics may not be fully accurate, 'cause I wrote them only depending from my memory.
Remember us from PBS/GCSEs? ▶ Remember us from History Special? 우리 역사 스페셜에서 봤지? (note: History Special is one of the most popular TV show in Korea, broadcasted during 1998-2012. They mada a right localization!)
You're gonna find out how he got unfriended ▶ You're gonna find out the reason I blocked him. 알게 될 걸 그를 차단한 이유
But I didn't look as good as I did in my pic Funny how we all discuss that But never Henry's little- ▶ So he's disappointed with my actual look Do you think you're the only one who's disappointed? Your tiny and little- 근데 실물 보고 달라서 실망했대 지만 실망한 줄 아나 작고 작은 너의 소중이 (OK so Korean Cleves didn't just 'unfriended' but 'blocked' Henry… and she slays 🤣)
[No way]
Well daddy weren't you there When I gave birth to Mary? (spoken) Aw, hi baby Daughters are so easy to forget ▶ What was the word Mary calls you? (spoken) Daddy So daughters are not enough to be your children 우리 딸 메리가 뭐라고 부르지 널 아빠 딸은 자식 아닌가보지
+ and Korean Aragon says 'Hola' instead of 'Muy Bien' at the beginning.
[Don't Lose Ur Head]
L-O-L, say "oh well" Or go to hell ▶ Ha-ha-ha, just laugh at it Or just shut up 하하하 웃든지 아님 닥쳐줘
Your comment went viral / Wow Anne, way to make the country hate you ▶ You've got so many mean tweets / You've got million haters 너 악플 쩔더라 / 백만 안티 (especially loved this one😂 gives bit of K-POP industry vibe)
[Haus of Holbein]
Ignore the fear and you'll be fine We'll turn this vier into a nine So just say "ja" and don't say "nein" ▶ It's okay don't worry We're photoshop them das is gut Never doubt them das is gut 괜찮아 걱정하지마 뽀샵해줄게 das is gut 의심하지마 das is gut
[Get Down]
Get down, you dirty rascal ▶ Get down and bow to me 엎드려 절하여라 (and when Korean Cleves says this her tone is like a character from historical drama👍)
[Howard Intro]
Nice neck by the way ▶ What a pretty neck you've got! By the way you still have it! 너 목 정말 예쁘다! 그나저나 아직까지 달려있구나 (so Korean Boleyn's got Regina George vibe love them)
[All You Wanna Do]
But my dad's got this amazing job at the palace ▶ My dad's got me amazing internship at the palace 근데 아빠가 궁전에 끝내주는 인턴 자릴 잡아준거야 (they translated it as 'internship' and I wonder why🤔 Maybe to emphasize how young Howard is?)
[Parr Intro]
Ooh, “I’m Catherine Parr, I draw lines in arbitrary places.” Blah-blah! ▶ "Hello, I'm Catherine Parr, came to draw lines in your conscience." ZIP! 안녕 난 캐서린 파야 양심에 선을 긋겠어 찍- (and Ryeowon's Howard was damn cute when she says ZIP!)
His mates were super arty But I showed them how to party ▶ My friends are Artistic My Parties are Fantastic 내 친구는 아티스틱 내 파티는 판타스틱 (Cleves says the word 'Aristic' and 'Fantastic' in English 😆)
…and for the last, I bring you how my favorite lyrics from SIX were translated into Korean!
We're one of a kind No category Too many years Lost in history We're free to take Our crowning glory ▶ No one can make category on us Our own history that was forgotten Taking back my freedom and glory 우릴 하나로 묶을 순 없어 잊혀졌던 우리의 역사 내 자유 영광 이제 되찾아
It's the end of the show, of the histo-remix We switched up the flow and we changed the prefix Everybody knows that we used to be six wives But we wanna say before we drop the curtain Nothing is for sure, nothing is for certain All that we know is that we used to be six wives ▶ Our show is about to end re-writing the history Our own lyrics we changed and singing Everyone knows we were that six wives We wanna say before the show ends Do not be certain for anything you know We are not that six wives everyone used to know 이제 끝나가는 쇼 다시 쓰는 역사 바꿔 부르는 우리만의 가사 모두가 알지 우리가 바로 식스 와이프 쇼가 끝나기 전에 얘기할래 니가 아는걸 확신하지마 모두가 알던 우리가 아냐 식스 와이프
I know there are lots of negative comments among Korean theater fans, about how poor the Korean translations are. But I did like some parts. I won't say I'm fully satisfied with the translations but some parts were really touching just like the original ones. Hope they make progress in the future. 😊
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olympic-paris · 1 month
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
August 14
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383 BC – Demosthenes, famed orator and politician, is born in Athens. Anyone who has struggled with public speaking knows the parable about putting pebbles in your mouth. It was Demosthenes who invented the practice. When he wasn't practicing with pebbles he was dating the young men of the city.
Demosthene's political rival, Aeschines uses Demosthenes' pederastic realtionships as a means to attack him. In the case of Aristion, a youth from Plataea who lived for a long time in Demosthenes' house, Aeschines mocks the "scandalous" and "improper" relationship. In another speech, Aeschines brings up the pederastic relation of his opponent with a boy called Cnosion. The slander that Demosthenes' wife also slept with the boy suggests that the relationship was contemporary with his marriage. Aeschines claims that Demosthenes made money out of young rich men, such as Aristarchus, the son of Moschus, whom he allegedly deceived with the pretence that he could make him a great orator. He also accused Demosthenes of having been such a bad erastes (older male lover-mentor) to Aristarchus so as not even to deserve the name. His crime, according to Aeschines, was to have betrayed his eromenos (young lover-ward) by pillaging his estate, allegedly pretending to be in love with the youth so as to get his hands on the boy's inheritance.
Demosthenes devoted his most productive years to opposing Macedon's expansion. He idealized his city and strove throughout his life to restore Athens' supremacy and motivate his compatriots against Philip II of Macedon. He sought to preserve his city's freedom and to establish an alliance against Macedon, in an unsuccessful attempt to impede Philip's plans to expand his influence southwards by conquering all the other Greek states. After Philip's death, Demosthenes played a leading part in his city's uprising against the new King of Macedonia, Alexander the Great. However, his efforts failed and the revolt was met with a harsh Macedonian reaction. To prevent a similar revolt against his own rule, Alexander's successor in this region, Antipater, sent his men to track Demosthenes down. Demosthenes took his own life, in order to avoid being arrested by Archias, Antipater's confidant.
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1840 – Richard von Krafft-Ebing (d.1902), before Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung monopolized the spotlight in the early twentieth century, filled the role as the world's most preeminent psychiatrist in the latter part of the nineteenth century. His carefully detailed work involving hundreds of case studies shed light on the sexual habits of a wide spectrum of men and women. Although he personally abhorred homosexuality, his non-judgmental and open-minded analyses of these cases helped support the earliest organized movements for the decriminalization of homosexuality in Germany.
Born in Baden, Germany, 1840 to a family of minor nobility, Krafft-Ebing eagerly followed his grandfather's prodding to study medicine. From the outset he inclined towards a specialization in psychiatry, even though the field did not enjoy wide acceptance as a legitimate area of concentration. After completing his studies at the University of Heidelberg, Krafft-Ebing held positions at various asylums for the mentally disturbed, but concluded that these institutions merely served to isolate and separate the patients from society at large without providing much treatment or hope of cure. Therefore, he resolved to focus on education.
Early on, he taught at Strasbourg, which had just come into German hands. However, the Germans insisted on the school's being a showpiece of German learning to the special detriment and exclusion of all things French. Krafft-Ebing found such artificial restrictions on the paths of learning objectionable and accepted a position at Graz, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Still later, he taught in Vienna, where he also served as a leading psychiatric-forensics expert. Krafft-Ebing published his first major book, A Textbook of Insanity, in 1879. In this work he provided extensive systems for categorizing and classifying mental disorders. His goal was to offer ways by which those coming into contact with people who may be mentally ill could identify the nature of the problem and respond appropriately. In Psychopathia Sexualis, first published in 1886, he continued this trend, this time concentrating on sexual disorders.
Although Krafft-Ebing always insisted that Psychopathia Sexualis was written for those in the medical and legal professions, he nevertheless accepted that the book's popularity extended far beyond his intended audience. Based as his work was on prodigious numbers of case studies, Krafft-Ebing found himself inundated with responses from people who, for the first time, discovered that there were others who shared their proclivities, that they were not entirely alone and without recourse.
While his work discussed masochism, fetishism, sadism (all terms that he introduced), and a variety of other sexual issues, homosexuality clearly dominated his work. Although he tried to present consistent and unified explanations for same-sex sexual feelings, he never managed to establish a single, clear-cut cause. Early on, he stated that homosexuality stemmed from hereditary degeneracy, but he also asserted that masturbation, prepubescent sexuality, and/or debauchery could trigger the condition as well.
In addition, he was strongly influenced by Karl Ulrichs and his "urnings" theory, which was a form of "man trapped in a woman's body" or mental hermaphroditism explanation. As his book reached ever wider circles of readers, men who previously had little or no outlet to discuss their inner feelings contacted Krafft-Ebing and voluntarily served as subjects for his case studies. He discovered that, contrary to his beliefs that these men were moral degenerates, inferior specimens of humanity, and sufferers of mental affliction, most of the subjects exhibited characteristics of moral, physical, and mental health every bit as robust as "normal" men. Indeed, he observed that what mental suffering they did show stemmed from the constant societal and cultural disapproval they experienced. In other words, their homosexuality was not caused by mental illness; rather, their mental illness was caused by the harsh treatment or the secrecy they endured because of their homosexuality.
In the final edition of Psychopathia Sexualis published before his death, Krafft-Ebing amended his earlier position and asserted that the homosexual condition was merely one of many possible manifestations of sexual desire and not, in and of itself, indicative of mental disease. Furthermore, he lent his signature and support to Magnus Hirschfeld's efforts to repeal Paragraph 175 of the German constitution, which prohibited homosexual acts. Pragmatically, he did not participate in similar efforts to overturn Austria-Hungary's prohibitive law.
Three main concepts became more fully developed because of Krafft-Ebing's work. First, homosexual desire became recognized as a category of sexual desire. In other words, the sex act itself was independent of the orientation. The desire for same-sex sexual activity preceded and/or caused the activity, rather than the other way around, as had previously been thought. Secondly, the love and affection experienced between same-sex partners carries equal moral value to that experienced between men and women. Finally, homosexual men need not be excessively effeminate or otherwise physically recognizable.
Interestingly enough, Krafft-Ebing used the term "heterosexual," which he coined, as a category of perversion equivalent to, but distinct from, "homosexual." The moral argument against homosexuality rested upon its being an act of sex without possibility of reproduction and therefore contrary to nature. Krafft-Ebing applied the term heterosexual to refer to instances of men and women engaging in sex when, due to contraception, age, or other conditions, there was little or no chance of reproduction and therefore contrary to nature.
Krafft-Ebing retired from teaching at the age of sixty-one. However, he continued a full regimen of writing and editing, as well as seeing patients privately. He died within a year of his retirement, on December 22, 1902. Although Freud was influenced by Krafft-Ebing's work, the Freudian model of homosexuality reverted to the view that it was a disease, an aberration to be treated. Freud's concept shaped the views of twentieth-century psychiatry far more than Krafft-Ebing's. It was not until the latter half of the century that Krafft-Ebing's theories regained general acceptance among the medico-psychiatric community.
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1923 – William Flanagan (d.1969) was an American composer of the mid-twentieth century. Flanagan was a great admirer of Maurice Ravel and Aaron Copland, who became something of a mentor to Flanagan.
His best work was in the realm of vocal music. Although little known today, as well as unsuccessful and undervalued in his time, a number of his brief vocal compositions, including Horror Movie and The Upside-Down Man, have been recorded.
He is best known today as having been the long-time lover of playwright Edward Albee, with whom he wrote an opera after Bartleby, the Scrivener.
He composed the music for Albee's adaptation of Carson McCullers' novel, The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, as well as his adaptation of James Purdy's Malcolm.
Flanagan committed suicide in 1969, after which Copland eulogized him in a memorial concert.
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1940 – Tom Eyen (d.1991) was a Tony Award and Grammy Award winning American playwright, lyricist, television writer, and theatre director.
Born in Cambridge, Ohio, Eyen is best known for works at opposite ends of the theatrical spectrum. Mainstream theatregoers became acquainted with him in 1981 when he partnered with composer Henry Krieger and director Michael Bennett to write the book and lyrics for Dreamgirls, the hit Broadway musical about a Supremes-style singing trio.
Eyen's career started, however, with avant garde plays and musicals that he wrote and directed off-off Broadway in the early 1960s, which eventually led to off-Broadway success in the 1970s with the controversial nudity-filled performance-art play The Dirtiest Show in Town and Women Behind Bars, a camp parody of women's prison exploitation films.
Eyen also worked in television and contributed scripts to the 1976-78 ground-breaking evening soap opera parody, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. In 1978, he earned an Emmy Award nomination for writing Bette Midler's television special Ol' Red Hair is Back.
Eyen and Krieger first worked together on the 1975 musical version of Eyen's revue The Dirtiest Show in Town, called The Dirtiest Musical in Town. Nell Carter's performance in that musical inspired Eyen and Krieger to craft a musical about black back-up singers, which they workshopped for Joe Papp but shelved when Carter dropped out in 1978. A year later, the project caught the interest of Broadway director-producer-choreographer Michael Bennett, who asked Eyen to direct a workshop production of Big Dreams, as the musical was then known, with Divine and gospel singer Jennifer Holliday as Carter's replacement. However, Holliday left the project, unhappy that her character died at the conclusion of the first act. After several workshops and numerous rewrites, Bennett decided that he needed Holliday, and the team rewrote act two to build up Holliday's character.
Produced on Broadway in 1981, Dreamgirls was the biggest success of Eyen's career. It was nominated for thirteen Tony Awards, including two for Eyen: Best Book and, as lyricist, Best Original Score. The show won six Tonys, including Best Book. It also earned Eyen a Drama Desk Award nomination for Outstanding Lyrics. The original cast album won Eyen a Grammy Award as lyricist, and one of the show's songs, And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going, sung by Holliday, became a top hit and is now a standard.
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When a film adaptation of Dreamgirls by writer/director Bill Condon was released in 2006 by DreamWorks and Paramount Pictures, the soundtrack became a number one hit, and two of Eyen's songs from the soundtrack, And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going, sung by Jennifer Hudson, and One Night Only, sung by Beyoncé Knowles (credited as Deena Jones & The Dreams), became hits again.
Eyen's 1984 attempt to duplicate his Dreamgirls success with Kicks: The Showgirl Musical, a collaboration with composer Alan Menken about members of the Rockettes during World War II, never made it past the workshop stages, though individual numbers from the show are sometimes performed in concert.
Eyen died of AIDS-related complications in Palm Beach, Florida at the age of 50. In 1993, he posthumously received the Jerome Lawrence & Robert E Lee Theatre Research Institute Award at The Ohio State University, where his papers are archived.
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1943 – Alfred Corn is an American poet and essayist. Corn was born in Bainbridge, Georgia and raised in Valdosta, Georgia. Corn graduated from Emory University in 1965 with a B.A. in French literature. Corn earned an M.A. in French literature at Columbia University in 1967.
Corn travelled to France on a Fulbright Scholarship where he met Ann Jones, whom he would later marry in 1967 and divorce in 1971 as Corn became more fully aware of his homosexuality. Soon, he was partnered with the architect Walter Brown in the years 1971-1976, and then with J.D. McClatchy from 1977 until 1989. In 1976, Corn published his first book of poetry All Roads at Once.
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Corn & McClatchy 1987
After his divorce from Jones, Corn wrote, with nonchalance, that both he and Jones were "snapped up by someone else / (Your new Victor . . . / My new Walter)."
In his later books, Corn addresses more frankly the themes of homosexual love and the domestic life, most poignantly in the poems "A Marriage of the Nineties" and "Insertion Arias" (both from Present). In the latter, the speaker talks to his lover as they listen to Mozart's arias after love-making:
Eyes closed, we let intentional sound sink in. For a while, all we are is a voice as it steps and glides over textured strings made one harmonic flesh with woodwinds. The music's pulse is hard to tell from ours, and blind attention doubles what it hears. Dancelike themes and pitched words in an old language not by me always translatable replace the "I love you" we save for times we mean it to the bone.
In Contradictions, Corn furthers his frank exploration of life as a gay man in poems such as "My Last June in Chelsea" and "To a Lover Who is HIV-Positive." The latter begins "You ask what I feel," and answers: Love; and a fear that the so far implacable cunning of a virus will smuggle away substantial warmth, the face, the response telling us who we are and might be.
Another theme that runs throughout Corn's work is that of America and what it means to be an American. Corn has declared himself as "first and last . . . an American writer" and cites as his influences some of the greatest gay poets and writers America has produced. Poems like his series "American Portraits" (from Contradictions) and "1992" (from Autobiographies) literally span the country's history and geography, the latter examining the United States in the latter half of the twentieth century as the speaker spends a year traveling the country via its interstate highways.
Though much of Corn's poetry is emphatically American in its embrace of the country's landscape, language, and sensibilities, it is also greatly informed by the author's travels around the world and his great appreciation and knowledge of the rich literary, historic, artistic, and cultural traditions of Europe. Some of his strongest poems are set in Europe and draw from his experiences there. In the moving "La Madeleine" (Autobiographies, 1992), the poet revisits the histories and myths surrounding the story of Mary of Magdala (known as Mary Magdalene) and the theme of Proust's famous "petite madeleine." The poem ranges from the caves of Lascaux, to the paintings of Caravaggio, to a Parisian cafe. The work is also a moving memorial to Corn's friend critic David Kalstone, who died of AIDS in 1986.Corn received an Award in Literature from the Academy of Arts and Letters in 1983 and a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1986. In 1987, he was awarded a Fellowship of the Academy of American Poets.
In 1997 Corn wrote the novel, Part of His Story.
As of 2008, Corn had written nine books of poetry, one novel, and one book of essays.
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1959 – Dale Scott s a former umpire in Major League Baseball. He worked in the American League from 1986 to 1999, and officiated in both leagues from 2000 until his retirement after the 2017 season. He became a crew chief in 2001. He wore uniform number 39 his first two years and number 5 thereafter.
Scott began umpiring at age 15 and entered the minor leagues in 1981, eventually working his way up to the American Association. He umpired in the World Series in 1998, 2001 and 2004, in the All-Star Game in 1993, 2001, and 2011, calling balls and strikes. He has also worked in six League Championship Series (1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2009, 2013) and in twelve Division Series (1995, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2015).
Scott worked a total of 3,897 regular season games, 91 post season games, and had 90 ejections in his MLB career.
When the AL introduced red shirts in 1996, Scott frequently was the only umpire to wear the color, rather than the usual navy blue. He almost always wore the red shirt when working home plate, including Game 3 of the 1998 World Series at Qualcomm Stadium.
On May 30, 1988, Scott ejected New York Yankees manager Billy Martin from a game against the Oakland Athletics. Martin was suspended for three games for throwing dirt at Scott during the argument.
Scott worked his last game on April 14, 2017, in Toronto. In the 8th inning he got struck in the mask and was carted off the field with a concussion and whiplash. This was Scott's fourth concussion in five years, his second in nine months. After consulting with several sports medicine and concussion specialists, Scott decided not to return, and announced his retirement in December 2017.
Scott worked as a radio personality at KBDF, a Top 40 station in Eugene, Oregon, in the late 1970s. He is an avid Oregon Ducks football fan and often attends games at Autzen Stadium when given the opportunity. He is friends with baseball commentator Harold Reynolds. Scott came out as gay in 2014, thus becoming the first openly gay umpire in MLB, and is married to Michael Rausch who he met at CC Slaughters in Portland on October 6, 1986. In 2015, he was inducted into the National Gay and Lesbian Sports Hall of Fame.
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Mike Rausch and Dale Scott
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2013 – American middle distance runner Nick Symmonds made headlines after competing in the World Track and Field Championships in Moscow, when he dedicated his silver medal to the LGBT community in the fight for equality ahead of the 2014 Sochi Olympics.
He said,
"Whether you're gay, straight, black, white, we all deserve the same rights. If there's anything I can do to champion the cause and further it, I will, shy of getting arrested. I respect Russians' ability to govern their people. I disagree with their laws. I do have respect for this nation. I disagree with their rules."
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2006 Andre Boisclair, the first openly gay Canadian politician, becomes the leader of Parti Quebecois in Quebec. In November 2012, he was named as the new provincial delegate-general in New York City.
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gorogues · 1 year
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Spoilers for comics in December!
These are from the official solicits for that month, which you can see in full at Adventures In Poor Taste.
Evan is back, and joining in the fun with the Folding Man.
THE FLASH #4 Written by SI SPURRIER Art and cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. Variant covers by MIKE DEODATO JR. and FRANY 1:25 variant cover by JAVIER RODRIGUEZ 1:50 variant cover by MATT TAYLOR Santa variant cover by STEPHEN SEGOVIA $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/26/23 As the Flash continues to explore the Gallery, he meets a living entity called the Resident that he feels drawn to. Can she aid him in his battle against the Folding Man…and even if she can, does she want to? Meanwhile, Mirror Master returns, unveiling even more upgrades since we last saw him in The Flash #800—but he’s not the only one with new powers, as Irey “Thunderheart” West is eager to show the world. Also, the Stillness decide to act upon humanity as the new chapter for the Flash Family continues!
SPEED FORCE #2 Written by JARRETT WILLIAMS Art by DANIELE DI NICUOLO Cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. Variant cover by SWEENEY BOO $3.99 US | 32 pages | 2 of 6 | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/12/23 As Wallace and Avery race to uncover the mystery of the missing S.T.A.R. Labs scientists, something appears to be affecting their friends—is it tied to the bubbles popping up all over Keystone, or the “spooky Speed Force stuff” Mr. Terrific is warning everyone about? Also, a classic Flash character appears— and is really into EDM, but to what end? The young Speedster team-up continues!
Could it be Hartley who's gotten into EDM..?
TITANS: BEAST WORLD TOUR: CENTRAL CITY #1 Written by SI SPURRIER, A.L. KAPLAN, ALEX PAKNADEL, JARRETT WILLIAMS Art by A.L. KAPLAN, GEORGE KAMBADAIS, and SERG ACUNÑA Cover by MIKEL JANÍN Variant covers by CULLY HAMNER and TAURIN CLARKE $5.99 US | 48 pages | Variant $6.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/19/23 Speedsters infected! The home of the Flash is not immune from the Starro spores, and as a member of the Flash Family is infected, it’s all hands on deck across both Central and Keystone City. Irey West has a plan that requires the help of her BFF Maxine Baker, while Avery Ho, Wallace West, and fan-favorite Circuit Breaker will all be working together with the entire clan to contain the infected speedsters causing chaos across the city. Oh, and the recent issues within the Speed Force haven’t gone away… This key chapter of the Beast World saga also contains important revelations for the Scarlet Speedster’s next steps as The Flash writer Si Spurrier is joined by Speed Force writer Jarrett WIlliams, Circuit Breaker scribe A.L. Kaplan, and Knight Terrors: The Flash writer Alex Paknadel!
As per a variant cover, it seems that Godspeed is the infected member (or one of them, since the solicit later says speedsters plural) of the Flash Family.
And because we know Len is in this series...
JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 Written by BRIAN BUCCELLATO Art by CHRISTIAN DUCE Cover by DREW JOHNSON Variant cover by JONBOY MEYERS Variant cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. 1:25 variant cover by SIMONE DI MEO 1:50 variant cover by ARIST DEYN $4.99 US | 40 pages | 3 of 7 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/19/23 Superman and Godzilla have gone head-to-head with devastating consequences in Metropolis as the Justice League scrambles to protect their homes from the monsters—Supergirl encounters Kong on Skull Island and Wonder Woman takes on Behemoth on Themyscira! Lost in the monster mayhem, though, are Lex Luthor and his Legion of Doom… what nefarious connection do they have to everything?
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Character Profile: Hime Koh
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Age: 26
Birthday: 4/15
Ethnicity: Black/Japanese
Occupation: Nail Arist
Best Friends: JiJi and Zoei
Hobbies: nail design, shopping, creating content of her nail art and designs
Fave Colors: yellow, pink
Fashion style: ganguro, y2k, 90s, crazy pattern and bright color combinations
Faves: Victoria's Secret, animal print, Hello Kitty, ganguro style and 90s/y2k style, makeup, Barbie
Sanrio Character: Hello Kitty
Hime is the older half-sister of Hina. They share the same mother. When Hime's mother was much younger, she met a young black military man that was stationed in Japan. They got together though it was still somewhat taboo. Hime's mother eventually got pregnant with her and was with her father up until he had to be restationed. They tried to make their long distance relationship work but it eventually all fell through. Most of Hime's childhood was spent in Japan which wasnt easy for her since she was not fully Japanese and would most often get bullied in school. When she was in middle school she met some ganguro girls that stood up to her and admired her natural darker skin color. This led Hime to fall in love with the style and whimscal girly pop clothes.
Before Hime could enter high school however, her mother reconnected with her father and decided to relocate to the US. This was even harder for Hime given her very limited english. She was taking english classes (as her mother did so to get better job opportunities, and thus was able to commincate with Hime's father) but it still wasnt perfect. She was bullied then for her accent and eccentric style that was completely different than everyone elses. But she never stopped being herself, thought she did want to fit in. She decided to work on perfecting a more english style of speech to lose her japanese accent.
Eventually, Hime's parents broke up again but Hime wanted to stay in America which caused a big rift in her and her mother's relationship. Being a teenager she didnt want to move again and her father had a more stable military position where he didnt have to be restationed as much. Hime wanted to experience American life more and was able to stay with her father. Their relationship is good, although a little bit awkward since he wasnt sure how to raise a teenage girl but he tried his best to welcome her into his new (all black) family. Hime was able to learn the other side of her culture and while she still didnt completely fit in she made good connections with her cousins and step-mom who was into cosmetology. This (as well as ganguro fashion) is what lead Hime to become a nail artist.
As Hime became more independant and moved out on her own her mother slammed her with another surprise-she had given birth to another baby girl who was now a teenager. This time she was with a korean man. Her little sister Hina was a Korean student and wanted to study abroad. Their mom who was more focused on her love life decided it was a great idea to basically dump Hina at Hime's doorstep which consequently turned the older sister into Hina's premiary guardian. They struggled to get along at first (also due to the language barrier as Hina mostly spoke Korean and had not perfected english yet) given their age gap and cultural differences as well as because Hime was now essentially a "mother" and rule enforcer. They became more bonded when Hina expressed her interest in fashion and lolita and her dream of making her own lolita brand. Since then the two have been more connected and live together in the Heartbreak Heauxtel.
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laboulaie · 1 year
Llanview's Leading Ladies Let Loose
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"We are family" might be the new motto for ONE LIFE TO LIVE's Cramer women. United in the pursuit of fame, fortune and a fabulous wardrobe, these ladies have decided that they can get what they want without the help of the opposite sex. (From left) Kassie DePaiva (Blair), Gina Tognoni (Kelly), Robin Strasser (Dorian) and *Laura Koffman (Cassie) sat down with Soap Opera Digest for a no-holds-barred chat at the chi chi Cafe des Aristes restaurant in New York City.
Digest: What's the best thing that's happened to you this year?
Strasser: It's a little self-serving, but winning the Soap Opera Digest Award has to be right up there. That was a big thrill.
DePaiva, Koffman and Tognoni in unison: Very well deserved.
Strasser: I hate that expression, girls.
DePaiva: Robin hates any compliment you ever give her...
Tognoni: ... while she's working.
Strasser: And I'm a little superstitious, too. After dress rehearsal, they'll say, "Oh, that was so good." I'm like, "Don't tell me."
DePaiva: She thinks we're complimenting her, but we're not. I'm trying to tell her she sucks.
Strasser: Thank you for sharing, Kassie.
DePaiva: Actually, her wardrobe is what's working (smiles). There have been some dresses she's worn that I'll say, "I'm sorry, I cannot work with this. She has those big boobies; I can't work with her."
Strasser: (Ray, the stage manager) always says, "We're just trying to make the material more uplifting."
DePaiva: It's like, never work with babies, animals or Robin's breasts. You just can't compete.
Tognoni: You should see her when she has that negligee stuff on.
Koffman: Thank God, Cassie never walked in on it!
Strasser: All right, was that dress too low-cut for the Soap Opera Digest Awards? Yes, it was, but I had never worn anything like that. Even my mother was astonished.
Koffman: Everybody said you looked so fabulous.
Tognoni: You looked great.
Strasser: I got nailed by the New York Daily News for wearing too low-cut a dress and they said Gina's was...
Tognoni: Too frumpy. We both made the paper.
Strasser: Patricia Mauceri (Carlotta) and I once made "Worst Dressed" in the Enquirer. We didn't deserve it. It was the hottest day, 104 degrees, and we were at a blood drive. We were giving up our time for a fund-raiser and we got nailed for wearing flowered dresses.
DePaiva: If I wore Blair's dresses out in the street, I would be acosted!
Strasser: Just because they don't cover your rear end?
DePaiva: They don't cover my rear end, they don't cover my boobs. I love Susan Gammie (OLTL costume designer) but she...
Strasser: ... undresses you.
Digest: And how about you, Gina?
Tognoni: I was nominated for a Soap Opera Digest Award - that was fantastic. It was the first time I'd ever been nominated for anything.
DePaiva: Won't be the last, honey.
Strasser: She's the best young actress I've ever worked with - and I've worked with plenty.
Digest: Which OLTL actor would you like to work with that you haven't already?
DePaiva: I think Laura (as Cassie) should have a fantasy sequence. In each scene a different actor comes in and takes his clothes off and she sleeps with him. The first scene should be with Kevin Stapleton (Kevin).
Koffman: I like him.
DePaiva: There was a scene where Cassie is supposed to be speechless when she sees Kevin without his shirt on. (In real life) Laura said, "Oh my God."
Koffman: I was so mortified, he opens up the door and I was like (shows a stunned look). I blew all my lines.
DePaiva: It was right on cue.
Koffman: And Robyn Goodman (supervising producer) said, "Nice chest, huh Laura?"
Strasser: Does he have a nice chest?
DePaiva: Yes.
Digest: Who would you like to work with, Gina?
Tognoni: Susan Haskell (Marty). I think she's awesome. And Thorsten Kaye (Patrick). I had a few scenes with him. Man, he's so there. He's sooo there.
Koffman: I never worked with Roger Howarth (Todd).
Digest: You'd like to work with Roger?
Koffman: Oh yeah, in a minute.
Strasser: I would love to work with Bob Woods (Bo). Years and years ago, Dorian and Bo went on a date. He took off his cowboy hat and planted one on me. It was enjoyable. They never let me do a scene with him again. Broke my heart.
Digest: Let's do a male word association. I'll name a co-star and you tell me the first word that pops into your head. We'll start with Thorsten Kaye.
Tognoni: Sexy.
Strasser: Wow. Wow.
DePaiva: Lovely.
Digest: John Loprieno (Cord).
Tognoni: He's really sweet.
Koffman: Brilliant.
Strasser: Dreamboat.
DePaiva: Precious. He's going to hate us, you know that.
Digest: Nathan Fillion (Joey).
DePaiva: Nathan is the best.
Tognoni: He's a brilliant comedian.
Koffman: He gives a lot of love and he needs a lot of love.
Strasser: Look how much he's changed in just the last year and a half. He's a major player and we'll all be very proud to have known him.
Digest: Phil Carey (Asa).
Tognoni: Curmudgeon. Hilarious.
Koffman: I love him. He's great.
Strasser: Bigger than life.
DePaiva: I love him. And I love working with him.
Digest: Moving on to dressing rooms - whose is the messiest?
Strasser and DePaiva: Probably mine.
DePaiva: Laura and I share a room. She is clean. When I moved in with her, she told me where I could hang my pictures.
Koffman: I did not.
DePaiva: Yes, you did. You hung them for me, actually.
Digest: Let's talk wardrobe.
DePaiva: We need to get Dorian a new wardrobe. I'm taking her shopping.
Strasser: My mom thanks you. Actually, if there's anybody who need to be taken shopping, it's Cassie.
Koffman: Agreed.
DePaiva: When you start doing Kevin.
All: Oooohhh.
DePaiva: I see that coming around the corner. Of course, last week, Dorian says, "Come on Cassie, aren't you tired of that reverend?" I thought I would...
Koffman: Die.
Digest: What film actor would you love to work with?
Koffman: Kevin Bacon. I find him amazing.
DePaiva: He's over at my gym all the time. I would love to work with John Travolta. I think my energy could work off him. That'd be fun.
Strasser: Robert DeNiro and Liam Neeson. In separate scenes. And Tommy Lee Jones. Yep, darn it. I didn't play the part then, but Dorian apparently had an affair with Tommy Lee Jones' character (Dr. Mark Toland, 1971-1975)
Koffman: I love Harrison Ford. I saw him once in Sloan's supermarket at 10 o'clock at night. I said to him, "I love your work, forever." Forever? Shit! He looked at me and said, "Thanks." For three days, I kept thinking, "What a jerk I am. What a jerk!"
Digest: Is there an initiation ritual you go through when you do your first love scene on the show?
Tognoni: They took my underwear and hung it on the flagpole.
Koffman: Ugghhh!
Tognoni: Joking.
Digest: Is it awkward doing a love scene?
Koffman: They're the hardest.
DePaiva: Love scenes are not ad-libbed; they're choreographed.
Strasser: You wouldn't want to do a love scene with somebody who you didn't like the taste, smell, or feel of - that's a lot like life.
DePaiva: I worked with an actor for a year and a half who didn't want to do love scenes with me. He was very uncomfortable with sexual scenes. That's very difficult, but you have to do the best you can and try not to take it personally.
Digest: What's the most revealing outfit you've had to wear on the show?
DePaiva: I had to strip down to a bra and panties. You feel extremely naked. I've also done love scenes where I just have pasties on.
Tognoni: I just did that last week.
Strasser: I don't wear pasties.
Tognoni: You don't wear anything?
Strasser: No.
DePaiva: Good for you.
Strasser: If something showed, I would rather they cut the tape than have that Band-Aid shot.
Koffman: So you don't wear anything?
Strasser: I wear underwear but I don't wear anything up above.
Digest: What do you think about the Cramer women uniting?
DePaiva: I think it's very interesting and very dynamic.
Strasser: It's a good family unit.
Koffman: I'm just hoping that it keeps developing. It's so powerful.
DePaiva: I think women's issues can be dealt with. And we could talk about self-esteem.
Tognoni: Even though Kelly doesn't have any.
DePaiva: See, that's something. Neither does Blair. I think the Cramer women can put the "fun" in dysfunction.
Digest: And what would you like to do as a united family?
Tognoni: Kick some butt!
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Soap Opera Digest (August 27th, 1996 Issue)
*Note that "Laura Koffman" was her married name at the time of this interview and has since reverted back to using her maiden name "Laura Bonarrigo"
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zevfern · 1 year
The cast of Fire Emblem 3 Houses as Pro Wrestlers: The Golden Deer
The last of the three houses at the Officer's Academy, Fodlan's own AEW to the Black Eagles and Blue Lions' WWE.
Hilda Valentine Goneril: Claude's retainer is always happy to boss people around, so the easy comparison for the pink haired girl would be Alexa Bliss, but her deep but hidden commitment to her friends and a mean streak hidden under all that makeup and jewelry make me think of Dark Order's lieutenant at their peak: Anna Jay.
Lorenz Hellman Gloucester: with an air of authority, a stiff upper lip, a refined personality and a surprising capacity for violence, the future leader of County Gloucester is none other than William Regal.
(Considering the fact that in Verdant Wind and Silver Snow, Leicester ends up being part of the greater Unified Fodlan, if Lorenz ends up in control of what used to be the Alliance, he'd very much be in a role like Regal's when he was general manager of NXT)
Leonie Pinelli: as a prospective mercenary, Leonie is an outsider to the social structure of knighthood, so it would be completely reasonable for her wrestling counterpart to also be an outsider. Ronda Rousey sounds like the perfect match for Leonie, even if I do think Leonie has the mental fortitude to stick with MMA instead of changing careers like the "Baddest Woman on the Planet" did.
Marianne von Edmund: this young woman cursed with the Crest of the Beast is normally very kind, soft spoken and reserved. But, as shown on rare occasions in game, sometimes her crest does manifest itself, granting her incredible strength and ferocity. Keeping with this theme of being gentle outside of battle and fierce once in it, I would say Marianne would adopt a different persona in ring, so my two personal picks for her counterpart would be either Rosemary or Abadon.
(Marianne and Mercedes as a tag team like Rosemary and Allie were in Impact would be awesome.)
Ignatz Victor: this bespectacled young man is, to be perfectly honest, a bit of a weenie. Despite this, he's quite capable as an artist, and post-timeskip he's handsome to boot. An unconventional pick for him, but fellow ariste, wannabe casanova and total weenie Ryan Nemeth.
Lysithea von Ordelia: with her life severely shortened by the experiments done on her by the Slitherers, this young warlock wants to squeeze as much as possible out of her time left, often disregarding her health in the service of her country and friends, especially during the post-timeskip period. There are no easy comparisons to a member of the women's rosters at WWE or AEW, but her willingness to risk life and limb in battle is very much like Darby Allin.
(that's two Golden Deer with face paint gimmicks, even if they're vastly different)
Raphael Kirchner: let's set the scene: Dimitri Alexander Reigns is gloating about his recent success beating the piss out of a jobber, stating that he'll take the fans' dreams and kill every last one of them. Suddenly, a voice rings out from the entrance ramp: "I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!" Enter Raphael Kirchner, the Monster Among Men. Braun Strowman could not find a better stand in to throw office chairs at the Big Hog Dog in Fodlan.
(And to reinforce my belief that these two are connected by screaming, just look at Ralph's supports with Flayn. He's a big ol dude who loves to SCREAM)
Next up: The Church of Seiros. Feel free to reblog and comment with suggestions and feedback!
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xalwaysagustx · 2 years
"In a cloudless atmosphere, After the fog has lifted. He'll grow and persevere, cause that's the curse of the gifted."
"They call you a madman, well so much the worse. You know that you're crazy, you know that you're cursed."
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"Arists are so tortured and the good ones die so young."
-"I don't wanna die" By Petie
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