#your ask was so good anon sorry that my reply is all over the place
papirouge · 1 year
what you said really resonated with me, about not having a father but having a healthy look on men. i do have a dad, but ive never lived with him and only see him once a month or so, while i live only with women (mom, sisters and grandma). ive never really cared about male attention or whatever, and tend to prioritize women and myself, and i think its because of the heavy female influence in my life.
ive never hated or idolized men, and see them for what they are, im realistic and can judge each individualy, yet still knowing that there are certain attitudes and ways of beings in men more common than in women.
i dont understand people who say that women who grew up without a dad are either man haters or man pleasing, because in my experience it tends to be women who grew with fathers (usually bad ones)that have quite the issues with men. weirdly, i think that women that have complicated relationships with their moms are the ones that either dislike or put men on a pedestal, usually due to having moms suffering from pickmeism. Many of these women just learnt from their mothers to tolerate too much from their men, or saw their mothers suffering and decided to never let themselves become what their mothers are, so they scorn men. but this is just what ive observed.
Yeah, I mean, growing up with a shitty father seems more damaging than growing up without one, so I don't get this culture of shaming single mothers. Hardly any mom choses to educate their child alone - if she did, the father was a bum. But interestingly, there's Hardly a culture of shaming baby daddies like there ks one shaming baby mama.....🤔
My dad was abusive, and my parents separated when I was still a baby so don't remember anything, but my eldest sister do and I can see how different we are when it comes to trauma regarding his abuse (mine is non-existent at this point).
I also agree with you that mothers are the "cornerstone" of their daughters emotional imbalance. As women we project onto each other, so a shitty mom might have a bigger emotional impact onto their female children (and that's the opposite for male). My mom has her fair share of abusiveness too (still not as bad as my dad) and I came to term with forgiving her bc she definitely had to deal with lots lf trauma herself + having to educate several children alone...
But yeah, growing with such a mom really made grasp early on the importance of levelling up and working your ass off. I know what being poor is, and poverty is the best leverage for motivation. My mom was smart: she refused to live off welfare all her life and instead educted herself to get a new job, get promotions, etc Even though she didn't explicitly tell us that way, by the way she educated us, l quickly understand that as a Black woman, I'll have to work twice harder than a White woman, and 4 times harder than a White man. I never felt like competing "against Whites" though, I just understood what were the "rules" of the game we were stepping a foot in as poor immigrants from Africa.
I'll never buy into determinism. Sure, social inequalities are a thing and it's harder when you're a Black women than rich White man, but ultimately you can make it out as long as you don't spend your time comparing yourself and complaining about your own social condition.
I might not have grown with my dad but I think I am much more balanced that those people who grew up with both of their parents thinking women not wanting to have a child is a sin, or wanting a husband looking like their dad... The most asinine shit I've seen on this website didn't come from people with a broken family lmao
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Hello! I loved your last hobie fic btw it was really good!!
Imagine that in hobies universe you died but when he travels to miles universe he sees you alive 😭 and then the reader introduces themselves to him the same way they did in his universe
Keep feeding us with these ATSV fics 😈😈
Have a great day!!!
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Thank you for enjoying my Hobie Brown stuff anon cuz he’s been invading my mind recently. I hope to god this is okay for ya. 🦦
Hobie remembered first meeting you as though it were yesterday, you were within an alleyway vandalising the walls with your spray paint, he happened to be passing by when one of your masterpieces caught his eye; it was of him…well him as Spider-Man clocking a cartoonish Osborne -appropriately adorned with devil horns and a tail- in the head with his eyes crossed out in red spray paint as though he were dead.
It got a good chuckle out of him that was for sure and from that alone he knew he had to know you more on a personal level. ‘Whatcha gonna call that?’ He asked aloud, making you jolt, you were pretty sure you had chosen a spot where you weren’t going to get caught by the authorities or those that’d grass you up for expressing how you truly felt about Osborne and all those just like him. You shrugged, looking up at your finished product before looking back over at Hobie, ‘dunno yet,’ you told him truthfully, ‘my working titles are either anarchy incarnate or death to capitalism.’
Hobie hummed in approval, but he thought you could do better, ‘how about anarchy is the death of capitalism?’ He suggested and he couldn’t never forget the light in your eyes upon hearing his working title, that in the midst of your excitement you had grabbed him by the arm, ‘that’s it! That’s what I should call it, you’re a genius man!’ You cried before realising what you did and immediately removed your hand from his arm, ‘sorry about that.’ Hobie dismissed your apology by slinging an arm over your shoulder. ‘Nah, don’t give me that shit, you shouldn’t have to apologise for being yourself for that’s what they want you to do.’
‘I don’t think I ever got your name.’ You said. ‘Hobie. Hobie brown and may I get to know the name of the amazing artist behind this.’ Hobie gestured to the spray painting. ‘Y/n l/n.’ You replied. ‘Well y/n, I think we’re going to get along quite well.’ And you did.
So when your untimely death happened, Hobie felt as though he were Achilles having lost his Patroclus. He cradled your body into his arms even long after you had said your final words, ‘keep fighting the good fight, my little anarchist.’ and much longer after it had already gone cold. You had told him that you were heading out to go spray paint with some people you’ve met and the worst soon came when despite knowing that you didn’t have to, you still went out of your way to act as a distraction so that the rest may escape; which resulted in the way that it did.He knew he should’ve gone with you that day because then maybe you would still be alive and taking the piss out of him for worrying about you but he didn’t, so you weren’t.
Ever since then Hobie had made it his goal to keep fighting for not only his chase but yours as well in your memory. He made you a memorial in the exact same place where you first met, always paying it a visit whenever he felt as though he needed you with him, which has lead him to start talking to your spray pairings as though they were actually you. There was without a shadow of a doubt that you were quite possibly one of the greatest artists to have ever lived, alongside with being an avid inspiration to many to the youths who felt as though they had no way of expressing themselves when feeling slighted by the society they were born in. Hell you even inspired him! So much so that there were a multitude of songs he would perform that depicted a individual with stardust in their eyes, a rebellious fire in their heart and a insatiably need to insight the themes of anarchy within anything they touched.
After your death Hobie kept a good portion of your things; such as your spray cans that would never get used, your clothes that still clung onto the very last essence of you much like he did and even kept the picture you took together after helping you finish a project you had been wanting to pursue for a long while; and who would’ve thought that it would be him, not as Spider-Man, just good old Hobie Brown with the message, ‘keep fighting the good fight, my little anarchist.’
So when he caught himself walking down a alleyway much like he did long ago but this time in a completely new place, he felt as though he was being hit with a wave of de ja vu when his ears picked up on the familiar hissing sound of a spray can. It was like he was back there again and if his memory serves him right, he knew what was to come next the moment he, Gwen and Miles made it into a clearing where they were greeted with the sight of someone’s back as they were deeply engrossed with their own handy work. ‘You’re going to love them Hobie, they’re like super cool and awesome.’ Gwen told him but her words went in one ear and out the next as he stared up at the spray painting of Miles as Spider-Man mid swing; it was beautiful without a doubt but they style in which it was drawn was all too familiar.
‘Whatcha gonna call that?’ Hobie had said without realising it until you jolted before turning to look directly at him, regaining your composure, ‘dunno yet.’ You shrugged and your voice sounded like an echo to the past for Hobie who so desperately wanted to pinch himself in that moment. ‘my working titles are either a bright new era or rising above all expectations.’ Hobie didn’t say anything for he knew he was going to say something that would only scare you away, just because you were another version of his y/n didn’t mean you shared the same memories; to you, he was just another spider-man from another reality, he wasn’t your Hobie despite how he wish he was but he knew he couldn’t put that on you.
He also couldn’t blame you for being alive while his version of you was dead. It wouldn’t be fair on you for being blamed for something that wasn’t your fault to begin with and it wouldn’t be fair on him either, as despite how many times he made himself believe that he has accepted your death, his heart would remind him that he truly hadn’t. You were such a pivotal part of his life that he couldn’t seem to let go of. ‘Hmm, both titles sound cool but I think we can do better.’ Miles pipped up, breaking Hobie out of his headspace that was running rampant with all the best memories you shared together. ‘How about…the bright new era of rising above all expectations?’ Hobie interjected.
You made a face at the suggestion before a wide smile spread across your face as you lost yourself in your excitement and grabbed ahold of his arm like you did when your first met, ‘that’s it! That’s what I should call it! You’re a genius dude, thank you.’ But before you could remove your hand from his arm, Hobie grasped your hand and held it firmly. ‘I don’t believe I told you my name, it’s Hobie by the way.’ Your excused his actions as an exchange of formal greeting and grasped onto his hand with the same about of force. ‘Nice to meet you Hobie, I’m y/n.’
‘I know’ is what Hobie desperately wanted to say but kept it all contained under a strained smile.
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orionremastered · 8 months
I’m actually so obsessed with the way you write the boys like🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
why thank you anon this made me smile
and because im nice (school hasn't started yet)
911 Texting the Batboys
Dick Grayson
Exactly one minute after you send him the text, the living room window shatters into a million pieces across the floor. Nightwing calls your name, voice raw with concern, before surveying the state of your apartment.
"Oh," you say quietly by the kitchen, staring at the broken pieces of glass across the floor and then at your boyfriend who stares at you, chest heaving as he looks at you, confused.
"You're not hurt?"
"Well— I— the pan caught fire. I put it out though. I'm not burnt, I promise."
He looks at you doubtfully, storming over before pulling you into a tight embrace. "You scared me."
"I'm sorry," you whisper.
"Don't be. It's okay. Don't be scared to text me if you're in any trouble. Promise you'll let me know if you're in danger?"
"I promise."
"Good," he mutters, though more as a reassurance for himself, resting his head on yours and breathing deeply.
"You can let me go now," you point out gently.
"Two more minutes."
Jason Todd
When your boyfriend takes longer to show up than expected, you start to get confused. And cold— it's the middle of winter and your hoodie was stolen while you were out with your friends.
And that wouldn't be a problem if you're car wasn't starting either.
The familiar roar of a motorcycle engine catches your attention, dark shape speeding down the street towards you. It skids to a stop, the tires screeching in order to slow.
"Hey," you say with a wave and a smile. "Car broke down and—"
Red Hood rushes off his motorbike, carefully grabbing you to look you over in the empty street. When he finds nothing, he sighs. "Thought you'd been kidnapped. Couldn't find you at your apartment."
Without waiting for your reply, he shrugs his brown leather jacket off his shoulders and places it around yours, helping you put your arms into the sleeves despite you protesting that you can do it yourself.
"Let's get you home," he says gruffly, aching to hold you in his embrace when no one can see. "I'll call in a favour to get your car fixed."
Tim Drake
You don't think you'd ever been more embarrassed in your life when you realised you forgot your phone, which has your card in the case, at home.
Tim rushes into the store, having tracked your location immediately and driving well over the speed limit, still in his pristine CEO outfit.
"What's wrong? Is someone bothering you?" his eyes dart around the store, taking everyone's face and putting it to memory.
"No... I forgot my phone and card. And I have a full cart of groceries. Tim, I can't put this all back, that's weird."
"Why didn't you ask me to pay before?"
"I— hmm. I'll do that next time."
You lead him to the counter were the high school aged cashier gapes at the richest man in Gotham who pays for the food without even glancing at the price.
Damian Wayne
When you texted 911 to your boyfriend, you certainly weren't expecting this. Somehow, in the five minutes of the text being sent, he managed to gather ten League of Assassins members that now stand in your suddenly very cramped apartment, sharp katanas at their side.
"Are you alright?" Damian himself has two katanas, glinting in the terrible lights. "What's wrong?"
It seems so stupid now with ten assassins behind him. Maybe you shouldn't have texted after all. "Look, it's really—"
"I don't care how little it is," he states, "You texted me for a reason."
"I... I thought I could hear someone talking and moving in the walls."
All eleven of them tense, exchanging glances. Damian gives them one sharp nod and the assassins begin locating any hollow spaces in the walls, tapping their knuckles and listening closely to the sounds.
"وجدت ذلك," one says after a few seconds.
"Don't worry about it habibi, we'll tear the building apart and find them," Damian assures you, pulling you into his arms.
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tojisun · 9 months
i would loveeee to see what was like the first time simon and reader were like.. together uhum fucked…. like after they went out of the bar that they met at, yk what i mean??? my english is shit im so sorry but i loveeee how you write simon, soft and full of love 😫💞
HI ANON OMG ITS BEEN YEARS SINCE THIS ASK!! im so sorry for how late im replying :(( and no omg ur english is good, pls dont apologize for it ^v^ and thank u so so much ahhhhh <33
prev (context of the ask) // biker!simon mlist
!! smut - minors dni; praises (might be a kink but its def just simon being in luv); purity kink n dumbification but only if u squint hard; unrealistic sex (cervix penetration); female reader
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simon parks the car – johnny’s old dodge; fixed it up using scraps from the shop – in front of his place, silent as he listens to you breathe. you’ve been shivering since the entire ride, quiet puffs of your breath only breaking through when simon’s playlist lapses into silence.
he’s been eyeing you from the corners of his eyes ever since you two left the bar, watching as you played with the loose thread on your sweater, eyes darting between him and the expansive road. he licks the back of his teeth, unclenching his jaw to speak, only, you beat him to it.
“wanna kiss you,” you say, so soft that it almost gets drowned by the rising crescendo of the guitar rift rumbling from the speakers.
simon’s breath hitches, the grip he has on the steering wheel tightening, and he turns as you do, your shy gaze trailing from his fists to his eyes. there’s a spark somewhere there, an instant shift that has simon changing his gait, body rippling and before he knows it, he’s reaching out towards you.
you meet him halfway, body getting jostled until you freeze when the seatbelt snaps. simon takes over, reassuring as he brushes your hair away from your face, sure fingers trailing to click at the holster so that he can finally tug you close.
you clamber to his lap with his help, trembling legs going over the cup holders before settling on top of him, mindful of the horn. simon catches you anyway, big hands spanning your back, ghosting touches along your spine.
he feels your back quiver as you breathe in, memorizing the way you feel in his touch, on his lap, emitting warmth that tickles his skin. he stares at you for a moment, letting his heartbeat settle. then, he presses forward to catch your lips.
you gasp his name, a soft little thing that makes his lungs constrict. he holds you close, steadies you on top of him, slotting his lips easily against your own. your fingers fist his shirt, bundling the fabric tight, and simon groans when you melt on top of him, a pleasured sigh filtering through, splintering into the air, before being devoured by simon’s greed.
he nips at your lips, his tongue slick as it slide against yours, and it’s all too warm, too feverish, too good. and all parts not enough.
the clack of teeth echo in his ears, ringing so loudly, ripping him into needy shreds. you two separate with a whimper. simon blinks his eyes open, catching the way you chase his lips, your own throbbing and wet and plump.
“shit, baby,” he whispers and dives into you again, unable to stop himself.
smaller hands rove over his body, rubbing from his elbows to grip his shoulders, and settling atop his head to fist the strands of his hair. he growls at the first pull and it leaves you putty in his arms, swaying your hips like molten caramel – languid and tantalizing.
he needs more. desperately.
he breaks the kiss again, nuzzling his nose on yours in apology when you whined, and murmurs, “wanna take this inside?”
simon hears the ragged drag of your breath and feels the jostling of your head as you nod.
he hums. “use y’r words, sweetheart.”
“please,” you reply instantly. “i want to. take this inside, i mean.”
simon presses a quick kiss on your lips as a reward. “of course,” he says, gentle as he tugs you closer to him. “let me take care of you, yeah?”
you hiccup at the first slide of his cock, gentle and tentative as it strokes past the fluttering lips of your dripping pussy, and presses in between your plush walls. you cry, burying your head on the pillows, feeling full even when simon’s cock isn’t even fully in yet.
the bulbed head breaches further, carving out space for his thickness, and you go taut, breathing raggedly, tongue dry and wet at the same time. distantly, you hear simon curse, lilted litanies of your name spilling from gritted teeth.
you feel your heart beat in staccato, pounding within the cages of your ribs at the realization that he’s feeling the same way – devoured by the intensity of your bodies matching up. you push your hips back to him, eating up more of his length, and simon’s hold on your waist gains strength, stopping you from moving any more.
it’s not like you can, not with the way your arms snap underneath the weight of your body and pleasure, and you tip into the sheets, a cry spilling from your lips. simon pauses, one of his hands leaving your waist to let his warm palm glide along your back. his touch tickles the ridges of your shoulder blades before he presses down on the valley along your spine.
he’s everywhere, it seems – deep in you, warm against your back. you don’t know what it is but it makes you sob, crashing desire razing from the base of your neck to the tips of your toes.
“shh, my love,” simon whispers, his voice ragged and thick with his own desire. “y’r doin’ so amazing for me. so beautiful. so delicate.”
you whimper, tilting your head to the side as you gasp in a breath. you try to reply but your tongue feels so heavy and your mind is blank. it is only filled with a deafening static and simon.
it’s all so much. it’s still not enough. it’s a miasma of carnality – ever so expanding now that you’ve got a taste of it.
simon kisses the back of your head. “can y’take all of it f’r me?”
all of it? all of him?
he’s not- he’s not fully in yet?
you garble a reply, a mix of yes and please and simon’s name. simon, in return, peppers kisses on your back and murmured words on the trembling rise of where your lungs are. he holds you again, his hands leaving your waist to wrap your fists with his warm touch instead, and it makes you swoon, unintelligible cooing noises tumbling from your lips and into the space between.
the moment simon sinks himself deep, his pelvis hitting the flesh of your ass, you keen, drawn out and long. tears trickle from your eyes and drool spill from the corner of your lips, staining his pillow. but it doesn’t matter because simon, big and filling simon, ruts his hips once, twice, three times, before he’s pulling out again.
“si-!” his name dies on your tongue when simon snaps his hips back, his cock sliding into your pussy and breaching your tight walls again. you scream, a broken cry of your pleasure ripping itself from your throat.
simon doesn’t let up, doesn’t stop – why would he? it feels so good!
“so tight f’r me,” you hear him rumble, his lips close to your ear. he sounds so drunk in his pleasure. so drunk in you. “so good, lovie.”
“feel where i am hittin’?” he thrusts in harder, kissing somewhere deep, the thick head snug in your cunt. “feel me ‘ere?”
simon punches in his cock again, the weight of his balls slapping against your cunt, and you realize. god you realize what it is he’s hitting.
you squeal, slick gushing along the length of his cock, pooling along the wet lips of your pussy, slicking you two even more.
“yeah,” simon laughs, nipping along your neck. “s’your cervix, isn’t it, love?” he ruts his cock deep again when he says this, exchanging his fast thrusts for slow humping, making you feel every inch. every press.
you sob, nodding because yes, yes it is!
simon croons, nosing along your hair, breathing you in. “y’r takin’ me so well. takin’ me so greedily. y’r so precious, lovie. so perfect, so beautiful.”
his words slur together as he gets lost to his own pleasure, sinking into the euphoria engulfing him. you moan, choked squeals of his name lolling out of your babbling mouth. you feel untethered. floaty. you feel so full and so stuffed, your belly fluttering at every deep kiss of simon’s cock.
you feel so-
“simon! si- ah!- si! si!”
the spray of your squirt falls on your unhearing ears, a stuttering white buzz that fills your mind muffling everything that isn’t simon’s cock and your pleasure. simon curses from behind you, his face falling to the crook of your neck again, shaking as he fucks you harder and faster, sporadic thrusts turning into shallow pumps as he chases his own peaking pleasure.
and you take it. you take it like the good girl he told you that you are, limp and overstimulated, because simonsimonsimon.
from: soap (02:13)
> so i dropped off your bike :D
> may have heard you fucking your date.
> how are your neighbours not calling to complain?
to: soap (06:23)
remind me to block your number. <
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WHEW!! not my best work :(( but i enjoyed writing this holy shit??
tagging: @babygirl-riley @teehee-47 @comeonatmebruh
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lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Can you write something with Oscar based on this post
i’ll try my best anon! thank you very much for your request, i hope you like it!
tw: fem!reader, swears, lmk if you want anything added.
w/c: 2.3k
oscar was a little nervous to have you over. the relationship was fairly fresh and this would be the first time you would be at his place. he’d spent the week prior cleaning every single nook and cranny he could find, then going on tiktok and finding out how to clean the ones he didn’t even know existed. not that you would be inspecting the space behind his fridge for it’s cleanliness.
three days before, when he’d gone shopping, he texted you asking if you liked this specific brand of chocolate and if you would like some for when you stayed over at the weekend.
oscar had gotten more blankets, pillows and even got you a new teddy bear, scared that you would forget the one you couldn’t sleep without. he was determined that you were having a good nights sleep with him. you had slept together before, but not properly. those had only been you falling asleep during a film after a date or oscar coming over to yours the day after the race weekend and feeling so jet lagged he fell asleep on your couch two minutes after you started carding your fingers through his hair.
you had always made him feel so welcome at yours so he was desperate to make you feel the same. even though this was a bit different than those times he was at yours.
oscar pottered around fixing things that didn’t really need fixing at all. he triple checked the fridge incase all the food inside had gone missing. then he checked his bank account to make sure he still had his money and he hadn’t been hacked, just incase you wanted to order in or even go to the shops.
a soft knock at his door shoves oscar out of his thoughts, he runs to the door to answer. you were on the other side, weekend bag in hand. you had little to no makeup on and your hair was thrown up not too messily. oscar then thought about if you would want to shower and how he only had manly products. how could he forget to buy you shower stuff?
“osc?” you ask as you stand in the doorway. oscar blinks once, twice, then is scrambling to take your bag off you.
“oh my god, i’m so sorry. i don’t know where i was there. you look gorgeous. come in.” he says as he spins around and stands to the side to let you walk inside first.
you slowly walk inside and the first thing you notice is the amount of candles he has lit. it give the living room the most homely feel.
“your place is lovely, osc. it’s so cozy.” you tell him turning around from looking at the kitchen to face him. oscar grins at your words.
“thank you, pretty. you want me to put your bag in the room?” oscar asks, feeling a lot less high strung now that you were actually here in front of him. that usually did help calm him down.
you nod. oscar tries his best not to leave you standing all by yourself in the living room for too long. he basically sprints to his room and back. a blink and you didn’t even know he was gone, type of situation.
you’re not standing in the living room when he comes back thought. you’re sitting on the couch. you look like you belong there. it sends a wave of affection to oscar’s heart.
“you want to watch a film?” you ask him from the couch. you already had the remote in your hands.
“‘course, what kind are you feeling?” oscar asks, heading to the cupboard in the hallway to get the massive blanket he’d bought at the shops a few days earlier.
“dunno.” is your reply. oscar can tell you have a film in mind but you may be a little embarrassed to ask to watch it. as he comes to sit down beside you, he throws the blanket over the top of you and it almost suffocates you. instead of commenting on it you just get comfy. oscar rakes his brain for previous conversations about films to find the one you could watch everyday and not get tired of. as he remembers he snatches the remote off of you to bring it up. you don’t say anything but you watch on skeptically.
“this one seem okay? i’ve never seen it before but i heard you like it.” oscar says, a cocky smirk on his face as he sees the look on yours after you realise the film. you grin.
“yeah i supposed we could stick this one on and give it a go.” you pretend like you couldn’t quote the dialogue in your sleep. oscar pressed play on the film and instantly feels the need to be touching you. you had chosen to sit in the corner of oscar’s L shaped couch, an incredibly you thing to do, oscar thought. but because of where you decided to sit oscar was unsure how to go about touching you. he gives up trying to think of ways to get you in his lap.
“come sit in my lap.”
you turn your head from the tv, the opening credits rolling in the screen. “okay.” you reply, shuffling to follow his request.
it ended up that oscar was laying in the corner of the couch and faced the tv. you were sitting to his side with your legs slung over his, shoulders brushing against each other with every breathe. oscar holds one of your hands underneath the massive blanket, the other traces his name on your ankle - just above your socks.
a quarter of the way through, you shuffled around to get comfortable again, your head ended up resting on his bicep as you had moved down a little more. oscar had to hold back the coo that threatened to escape him as he felt your check squash up against his skin. oscar throws his focus back on the tv, as hard as it is he wants to know the film you love so much.
at the end of the first act, oscar moves his attention back to you, he wonders if you’re hungry but are just too scared to ask. or if you were waiting on him to offer you something. were you tired and just wanted to move to bed right now? it wasn’t that late surely. what if you actually did want to go for that shower right now? would he have enough time to go buy some flowery shampoo and body wash so you wouldn’t end up smelling like him?
“can i get you anything to eat?” oscar asks, thumb rubbing over your ankle bone. he wonders if this is the ankle you broke when you were five, or if it was the other one.
“are you hungry?” you ask oscar, head turning to look up at him. the aussie almost melts at your expression. “i am if you are.” you say to him.
this confuses oscar but he decides that eating wouldn’t hurt. he doesn’t care if you don’t eat it all.
“you want to order in or just make something here?” he asks again. it makes him feel bad making you choose but he wants to make sure you’re completely comfortable with him tonight. the time when he can just know what you want and do it for you was right around the corner and he couldn’t wait for it.
“order in.” you say after a few moments of silence. “don’t want to move from here until bed.” you explain. although oscar didn’t think you needed to explain, he thought it was cute. he thought the same thing anyway, not having felt this content in months.
“fine by me. i’ll order it and it should be here soon.”
your film finishes and you and oscar finish the food. you talk a little at the end of the film, asking him about how lando and zak were doing and how strong the car was. don’t get oscar wrong, as much as he loved his job and the fact that you took so much interest in what he did, he just wanted a day where he could sit with you and hypothesise whether or not spider-man was too young to be spidering across the city. instead of telling you this he changed the topic, comfortably so you don’t notice.
“it’s getting late. are you getting tired, pretty?” he asks. he can see the way your shoulders are a little more slumped as you sit in front of him, the film behind you having ended and instead playing a trailer for some unrelated tv series. you nod to answer his question. “a little, yeah.”
“c’mon then. bedtime for us.” oscar says picking you up by your waist and flinging you over his shoulder. he carries you to the bathroom where he sits you on the counter. you are laughing all the way there. oscar’s already thinking about which ring would suit you more. he goes in the cabinet underneath the sink and grabs a pack of two toothbrushes. one pink, one blue. it’s so domestic, oscar nearly burst when he seen them in the shops and thought of giving the pink one to you.
“i know you brought a bag full of stuff and you probably have a toothbrush with you but i thought you could keep this one here and i could maybe clear out a drawer for you in my bedroom for you to keep things here so you don’t have to go back and forth for clothes.” oscar rambles as he puts toothpaste on both brushes and hands yours to you. it’s like oscar keeps forgetting that this is the first time you’re sleeping over, mind already thinking about the next time, and the next and the next.
oscar shoves his brush in his mouth to stop his mouth. you laugh at him. “i would like that. thank you osc.” you say before copying him and brushing your teeth. oscar watches like you were doing something really interesting, his eyes darting over your face. tonight he learns another new thing about you, you’re a really messy brusher. toothpaste slipping down your chin as you brush. he has to hold back the laugh that longs to escape him, not wanting to cover you in more toothpaste than you already have all over you.
oscar spits into the sink then quickly rinses his mouth with mouthwash, then spitting that out too. you follow his actions, hopping down from the counter to spit into the sink, standing in front of oscar. before you can rinse your mouth out with mouthwash though, oscar turns your face to his with a gentle hand.
“you got a little something..” you smile at his words. oscar belonged in a romcom for sure. the boy’s thumb coming out to brush away the leftover toothpaste on your chin. you smile at him in thanks but your smile falls as he wipes it on the shoulder of your t-shirt.
“oscar! why would you do that! what’s wrong with you!?” you squeal. oscar laughs hard, his head thrown back in joy. you’re not really mad, the smile on your face hard to miss. it’s hard to be angry at the boy in front of you who literally looks like the human version of the sun.
once you’ve finished in the bathroom - oscar yapping away as you take your makeup off and done your skincare at the sink - he pulls you to his bed.
“you want to change in here or do you want me to go to the bathroom?” oscar asks, throwing you the t-shirt he’s just washed (and maybe sprayed with his cologne before you came over). you catch it before hesitating with your answer. oscar answers for you.
“why don’t you get changed in the bathroom and i can get a big reveal, seeing you with my t-shirt on?” oscar asks, giddy at his own idea. you nod, if only just to please him, although you do like his idea, thinking it’s cute he wants that.
you’re quick to get changed, your hair taken out of the ponytail to hand down, it will probably get in your face tonight. you hurry out the bathroom to find oscar sitting on top of the bed in his own pyjamas. oscar’s eyes light up at the sight of you.
“jesus christ, pretty girl. you’re going to kill me.” he says standing up, arms outstretched like he would die if he didn’t touch you in the next ten seconds. you happily fall into his embrace. face against his chest. oscar’s nose in your hair.
“you smell like you and me.” oscar smiles as he pull away from the hug and pulls you into bed instead. you laugh at his discovery. “as long as i smell good.” you tell him.
after a quick okay fight over who was getting what side of the bed, you are both cuddled up to each other. it most definitely won’t stay like this all night because what oscar doesn’t know yet is you move a lot in your sleep. he’ll find that out in the morning, but for now he’s happy to have you right where he wants you. oscar is big spoon as his arms are wrapped around you, big hands under your top and on your warm, soft skin. leg over your hip, keeping you trapped under him, not that you would ever complain about that.
the teddy bear oscar had gotten you incase you forgot yours was laying at the bottom of the bed, while you clutch yours to your chest. one of your hands ghosting over oscar’s on your stomach.
the tv is on, playing some sitcom you’d asked for. oscar never usually sleeps with the tv on but for you? he would sleep on a bed of nails if it made you comfortable.
“g’night, pretty baby.” oscar mumbles into your hair, not bothering that it was in his face. you mumble something of the sort back, he knew you were basically asleep. ‘this is my future.’ oscar thought to himself before he fell asleep.
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
Break a leg.
Leah Williamson x reader
Warning:angst, breaking a bone (tibia fracture,fibula fracture), medical stuff, fluffy, Leah’s ACL mention, hospital.
Summary:You fracture your tibia and fibula while horse riding.
I did my best and I’m sorry but I have NO IDEA how horse riding competition works so I used my 💫imagination💫
Based on this request.Thank you anon for the request.I hope you’ll like it!
Words count : 2.4k
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Horses have always been a part of my life,I’ve always loved them, so much that at the age of 5 my mother registered me at the equestrian center near my home. A few years later and I became a professional horse rider.
Today I was in London, my hometown, to participate in yet another equestrian competition.This was a routine for me, I was used to all these competition and not to brag but I quickly became one of the most talented horse rider in the country.You could say that I’m the Simon Biles of horse riding.
For the occasion, my parents accompanied me there. Unfortunately Leah,my girlfriend, was unable to attend since Arsenal was playing today.
I met Leah about 3 years ago at a sport event,we ran into each other at the bar. She recognized me, send me a smile and introduced herself, once I saw her dimples and heard her accent, I instantly fell in love. We spend the whole evening talking and flirting with each other.
At the end of the night, she asked for my phone number and asked me to go on a date, and the rest, as they say, is history.
“You’re going to be amazing my love,I believe in you,the whole team believe in you” Leah tells me on facetime, whenever we are apart and one of us, or in this case the both of us, can’t attend a game or a competition we facetimed so that we can give each other a pep talk. It’s kinda like a tradition that we share.
Plus, Leah gives the best pep talk, I feel like I’m on top of the world whenever she gives me that type of talk. All this years as a co-Captain for Arsenal and captain for The Lionesses really helped her improve in giving inspirational speeches.
I was currently sitting on a bench outside the stables, wearing my equipment.My horse, Dakota, was already prepared and waiting with Ellie,a member of my team and one of my closest friend as I was keeping an eye on the other contestants while waiting for my turn.
“Thank you baby” I answer her “and you and your girls are going to kill it, you’re going to win this match because you’re amazing and brilliant ” I continue, “I am, aren’t I ?” She replies smugly “SO cocky…” I chuckle, she just smirks and winks at me.
“Leah you’re talking with the missus?” I hear a thick Irish accent asking her,then Katie McCabe face appears on the screen “Well, hello there beautiful” Katie greets me sending me a bright smile “Hi,Mccabe how are -” I’m cut off by Leah screaming in the background “Oi! give me back my phone, and don’t call her that! ” she shouts, snatching her phone from Katie’s hand. “Calm down Williamson, she’s all yours” Katie says blowing me a kiss and wishing me good luck.
After a little while, Ellie comes over to tell me that it was my turn “Baby I gotta go it’s my turn” I tell Leah “okay darling, I’ve got to go too anyways the match is about to start, don’t forget that you’re the most brilliant person I know and you’re gonna kick some asses! GIRLS say good luck to Y/N” Leah screams to the Arsenal girls turning the camera over so I could see them.
I hear a collective “GOOD LUCK Y/N” I chuckle “Thank you girls” and start getting up heading towards Ellie end Dakota “All right break a leg my love, I love you so much” Leah says “thank you Le, I love you more, have a good match!” She smiles at me,blows a kiss and hungs up the phone.
I hand my phone over to Ellie and make my way next to Dakota, caressing her “you’re ready girl? We can do it!” I tell her, I’ve been riding Dakota for 8 years now, together we won numerous competitions, she’s like my best friend at this point. I give her muzzle a kiss, I place my riding helmet on my head and mount her.
As Dakota and I head towards the beginning of the circuit, I see my parents in the audience,they are both standing my mom smiling wildly, waving at me enthusiastically and my dad was filming me with his camera giving me a thumb up.I wave back at my mom and smile at them.
The audience went silent as I take a deep breath, I lean forward to whisper in Dakota ear like I always do “we got this my girl, let’s give them a show,shall we”. I pull on Dakota’s reins and tap her gently with my heel signaling her to start.
And what a show we gave them…
Dakota starts slowly trotting, then once the first obstacle came into view, I pulled gently on her reins signaling her to go faster which she does,I lean forward and get up a little bit,preparing myself for the jump. Dakota jump gracefully over the obstacle and lands perfectly.The audience cheers and claps.
We are almost at the end and so far we’ve been doing amazing but then came the most difficult obstacle, a square oxer. Despite my practice on this type of oxer, which is one of the most challenging seen in competition, I still have a strong aversion to them and so is Dakota...But we’ve been training a lot for that and despite our resilience on this type of obstacle I believe in us.
Taking a deep breath, I pull harder on her reins signaling her to start running faster and just like the other obstacle I lean forward, getting up just a bit, preparing myself for the jump but it never came.
Dakota, just a few steps away from the obstacle, stops abruptly which send me flying over her.For a second time seemed to stop,I did not registered what was happening and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground and experiencing the most atrocious pain in my leg.
I let out a loud scream of agony , members of my team running to me, laying me down on my back and telling me not to move.. the pain in my leg was unbearable, my vision became blurry and my ears starts ringing ”Y/N, can you hear me?” I hear Ellie asking me “hurt” is all I could say to her “I know, I know it’s ok,you’re going to be fine” she reassures.
The pain in my leg prevent me to register what was happening around me right now and to be honest I could not care less, all I wanted was for the pain to go away.
I could not help myself but cry both at the pain and disappointment…I really thought we could do it. Ellie was by my side wiping my tears and reassuring me “it’s okay love,you’re gonna be okay”, “Dakota?” I ask her, she looks at something behind her and then turn back, looking down at me “don’t worry, the team got her,they’re taking her back to the stable, she is fine” I just nod my head.
“We need to take her to the hospital” I hear the physio says and signals to her team to bring out a stretcher as I was in no state to get up let alone to walk.
As I’m stretched back towards the ambulance, I could hear the audience clapping and shouting in encouragement. I wave at them showing my appreciation. I take Ellie’s hand in mine “I want my mom” she smiles gently down at me and squeezes my hand “don’t worry, I send someone to get them, you parents will meet you at the hospital” I smile and thank her.
Once at the hospital the doctor gave me a bunch of medicine for the pain and programmed an X-ray for my leg.Turns out that I fractured my tibia as well as my fibula, I will be undergoing surgery in the morning, wearing a cast for about 4-6 weeks and I’ll also will be going through therapy sessions for at least 5 months.Fun…
After the doctor left, I immediately fell asleep the event of the day as well as the medecine that the doctor gave me catching up on me.
I wake up from my nap a while later, “Mom? ” I whisper to my mom,who was sitting in a chair next to my bed, my dad sitting on the couch in the corner of the room.
“Yes sweetheart,does it hurt? do you need anything? ” She asks running her hand through my hair “my leg hurt a bit but it’s okay.How is Dakota?” I can’t help but ask once again wanting to make sure that my best friend is okay, “she’s fine, Ellie texted me while you were asleep, she is taking good care of her, don’t worry” she rassures me.
“Did you call Leah? ” I ask “yes, but she is not answering, she is still playing, the game is not over yet but I left her a message asking her to call me as soon as possible” I nod at her answer.
“Dad? Can you please put Leah’s match on?” I ask my dad who gets up,takes the TV remote and turn on the game.
The match was almost over with Arsenal leading 2-1 against Manchester City. Although I was still a little tired I fight it and made an effort to stay awake to watch Leah play.
After 10 minutes,the whistles blow indicating the end of the match.Knowing that the first thing that Leah will do once in the changing room will be to check her phone I decide to text her.
Me:Hey baby,I had a little accident and I’m at the hospital, please call me when you get this message. I love you❤️ congratulations to you and the girls for the win btw.
I then take a picture of my bandaged leg and send it to her.
Now feeling very tired and with the match over, I lock my phone and got comfortable wanting to rest a little.
A while later, I wake up to a soft hand stroking my cheek, I open my eyes and see Leah smiling softly at me. “Hello darling” I respond by kissing the palm of her hand on my cheek before taking it and intertwining our fingers.
“You gave me quite the scare” she chuckles a little, squeezing my hand “I’m sorry I did not want to worry you”
“No need to apologize, love. I'm just thankful that you're fine now and it wasn't anything that could have been life threatening.” she says.
“How do you feel ?” she asks , “like someone who just fractured their tibia and fibula” I chuckle , she smiles softly, rolls her eyes and gently pinches my cheek “my cheeky girl”.
I smile softly at her and look around the hospital room “where are my parents ?” I ask her, “they went to the cafeteria to eat something” she responds and I nod at her.
I wince as I try to sit up a little, Leah notices that and helps me “does your leg hurt?” She asks worryingly “yeah…I think the medecine are starting to wear off”
Leah starts to get up “wait here,I’m going to call a doctor to see if they can do anything about it, “no” I grab her hand preventing her to go anywhere “I want to be alone with you just for a little while longer” she smiles and instead of sitting back in the chair next to the bed, she sits on the bed next to my good leg.
She looks at me sympathetically and places her hand on my cheek caressing it softly with the pad of her thumb “I love you so much” she whispers getting closer and kissing me quickly on the lips.
I open my arms, signaling that I wanted a hug, she wraps her arms around my torso and I put my head in the crook of her neck, feeling her fingers softly caressing the back of my head and her other hands softly rubbing my back.
“I’m scared” I admit after a few second, my voice muffled since my face is practically squished in the crook of her neck “of what baby?”
I hesitated for a moment before pulling away but keeping my arms around her “I’ve never had surgery before! What if something goes wrong? What if they mess up the surgery?What if the anesthesia is so strong that I’ll never wake up? What if the doctor makes a mistake and they’ll have to cut off my leg?What if I die? What if- ” Leah’s laughter interrupts me “glad to know that the thought of me dying is funny to you” I bite back at her.
She just looks at me smiling wildly, she got closer and connect her lips with mine, I place my hands on her cheek pulling her impossibly closer, I lose myself in the kiss as she moves her lips slowly against mine, totally forgetting about her laughing at the thought of my possible death.
After what feels like hours she pulls away but not before repeatedly pecking my lips, I can’t help but giggle against her lips as I feel her smiling.
“Baby, everything is going to be fine, you’re not going to lose your leg and you’re not going to die.” she says, I hold my pinky finger to her“You promise?” she enterlaces her pinky with mine “I promise” and we each kiss our pinky finger.
“If I do die though,I want you to know that you’ll be the first person I will be haunting.” she lets out a loud laugh and rest her forehand gently against mine.
I huff “the next 5 months or so are going to be so hard” she looks at me sympathetically and whispers “it probably will be but don’t forget that I will be with you every step of the way from the surgery to the therapy sessions just like you were here for me after I did my ACL and we are going to get through that together like we always do. You and me.” I repeat after her “you and me” and I kiss her passionately, trying to show her the amount of love that my heart hold for her.
“By the way darling, when I tell you to break a leg it does not mean that you have to do it literally it just means good luck”she says matter of factly, I laugh at her and hit her softly on her chest before hugging her.
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paradiseprincesss · 5 months
Jonathan Crane with a cam corder… 📸
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mind games | jonathan crane
hello anon! you asked and you shall receive. please enjoy xoxo. this gave me a fucked up idea about the whole camcorder thing...oops. i am SORRY.
summary: as fate would have it, you meet a handsome stranger who you learn is named jonathan, and the two of you hit it off well - so well, that he invites you back to his place after a romantic date. what you didn't realize was that this wasn't the doing of fate at all, it was a plan jonathan had in the works for a long, long time.
warnings: NON-CON, jonathan is in his joe goldberg era (he's stalking), manipulation, (no like, really), obsessive behaviour, p in v, guys this is just super fucked up i have...no explantion, mdni 18+ only
word count: 3.8k
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you didn't see it coming. you wouldn't have gone running into his arms if you did. jonathan was the loner type - never opening his heart to anyone.
that was until he saw you - he was taken with you from the moment he laid eyes on you. you had to be his; he wouldn't have it any other way. he was set on having you succumb to him.
this man had an immense amount of self control. he had prowled, waited, stalked and targeted you for months and you didn't have a clue. he first saw you on the street by his apartment at 9:48 pm exactly on a fateful friday night - you stole his tainted heart.
on that particular night, you were heading to your favourite bar with your friends, and he watched you as you stepped out of your uber. his eyes lingered for much too long, and before he knew it; he was plotting.
he lurked in the shadows of the night to see when you would leave, and he got his answer - 12:58 am. that was the time when he saw you leave the bar, waving goodbye to your friends as you waited outside momentarily for an uber to pick you up.
he noticed everything about you down to a t. the way you parted your hair, the colour of your nails, the way you did your makeup, what kind of clothes you wore - everything.
while you waited for your uber, your intuition kicked in - was someone watching you?
but you tried to shake the feeling - it was probably just paranoia, it was late, after all. he watched as you stood there waiting, and knew he had to make a move then and there.
"excuse me, miss!" you hear a mans voice say from behind you, causing you to startle slightly, and he noticed. "i apologize, i didn't mean to startle you. i just came over to say that perhaps you should wait inside the bar rather than outside on the street. this part of gotham isn't exactly known for it's...friendly townspeople."
the way he spoke calmed you down - he had a gentle, caring aura and you took a good look at him as well. he was handsome - my god was he handsome. he was perfect; every detail about him was almost godlike. the first thing you noticed about him were his striking, blue eyes. you didn't know someone could have such beautiful eyes.
"oh," you managed to softly say after an awkward moment of checking out the handsome stranger in front of you, "thank you for letting me know, but it's okay. my uber should be here in a minute." you thank the seemingly kind stranger, and he nods.
"right, well - be safe. have a good night." he says softly, and you almost got lost in his eyes again.
"thank you, you as well." you reply, a small smile on your lips.
and with that, he was gone - walked right back into his apartment building without another word. well, that's what it looked like, anyways. however, that was far from the truth.
your uber arrived within mere seconds, and you got in. jonathan watched from the shadows of an alleyway behind you, and as you and your uber set off, he hailed down the nearest cab he could find.
"just follow that white car over there." he tells the cab driver, and the guy doesn't question it. this was gotham after all, nobody ever questioned anything - nobody had any morals.
you were too focused on texting your friends, still a little tipsy, in the uber to notice that a cab had been tailing you for the last fifteen minutes.
as the uber driver pulled up to the curb of your house, you get out and thank him tiredly. you grab your keys out of your purse, and unlock the front door of your house. closing the door (and thankfully, locking it) behind you, you switch on the lights of your home.
you threw your jacket on the couch and slipped off your high heels with a sigh. unbeknownst to you, someone was watching your every move through your curtains - which you habitually left open a little too often. jonathan let his sinister thoughts run wild as he watched you from the street in front of your home, standing just far enough so that he wasn't noticeable.
he watched you like a lion stalking it's prey - silently and from a distance, undetected.
suddenly, his eyes widened as he saw you start to undress in your bedroom upstairs, too focused on his lewd thoughts about you to notice that you had even gone upstairs.
foolish girl, he thought to himself as he creeped on you. slowly, you slipped your dress off, and to his surprise - you weren't wearing any panties under your dress.
where you an exhibitionist? a thrill-seeker? a huge freak? just mental? maybe you were just slutty, who knows. but as he was trying to collect his thoughts, he frowned.
you threw on some baggy pyjamas - disappointing. he wanted to see more. but what came next perhaps shocked him more than the whole no panties thing; you got into your bed, and held up what appeared to be pictures of some sort in your hands.
and you started crying.
you were actually crying, and that caught jonathan off guard.
why were you crying? did someone hurt you? did someone break your heart? shatter it in two? ruin you?
the questions ran through his mind endlessly, and he felt himself wanting to know. so, he decided to document this moment so that he could get to know you better.
jonathan liked to document things. that was a habit of his that he couldn't quite seem to kick.
unbeknownst to jonathan, you were crying over old photos of you and your ex-boyfriend. he wasn't a good person by any means, quite the opposite - but that didn't mean you weren't going to mourn the relationship. it had barely been a month since the two of you split; and you were so vulnerable right now.
at that very moment, you wished someone else could be there for you. that you could run into someone else's arms and they would save you - because you craved it. you needed it. and jonathan seemed to sense that without you even having to say a single word to him.
he could save you, he thought. he could be the one to show you what real love looked like.
taking the little, handheld camcorder out of his suit pocket, he started to record you from afar; recording you crying. it was rather innocent, really. at least, it started out that way anyway.
god, some sick, twisted, creepy individual could be watching you - you should really close your curtains, jonathan thought to himself as he watched you, smirking coyly at the irony of it all.
after filming you for a few more minutes, he slipped the camcorder away, and hailed a cab down the street from yours back to his apartment.
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the sun was shining beautifully, the birds were chirping, and the weather was divine on this pleasant summer day. you were loving this summer weather, and you were currently standing in line at your favourite coffee shop, waiting to order an iced latte.
but jonathan already knew that.
he watched you get ready to go out as he stood on the street in broad daylight staring at you through the windows, since apparently you didn't know how to close your fucking curtains.
he got some good footage that day on his camcorder.
as of now, jonathan was stood behind you in the coffee shop, acting like he hadn't just filmed you like a sick freak for the last few hours. as you went up to the barista to order, you reached into your purse to pay - only to realize you had forgotten your wallet at home.
but again, jonathan was aware of this because technically, he was there in spirit when it happened.
so, what did he do? he offered to pay, of course. because he's just that kind.
"here, i got it-" he said from behind you, pulling his card out to tap on the machine. you looked behind you in surprise - but you recognized those striking eyes immediately.
it was the kind stranger from the other night! he really was a sweetheart, wasn't he?
"oh, gosh, thank you." you say, flustered at the interaction and slightly embarrassed. "it's no problem-" but he pauses, smiling at you for a moment, "hey, you're the girl i saw the other night. i'm glad you made it home safely."
you smile back at the stranger, yet to put a name to his gorgeous face. "yeah, yeah that was me." you say, the two of you stepping aside so that other people could order. "thank you again - i'm so embarrassed." you laugh softly.
"don't be," he says gently, "i'm jonathan, by the way."
he finally introduced himself - but he already knew you quite well. a little too well. you gave him your name, briefly introducing yourself, and he looks at you through his glasses.
"well, it's lovely to, er- meet you again?" he laughs softly, and you giggle - your voice giving him butterflies. "right, nice to re-meet you." you tease, making him smile again.
"are you doing anything today? hopefully not getting too tipsy, i hope - kidding." he says to you with a friendly tone, and you shake your head laughing. "that wasn't on the agenda today, no."
he knew that it wasn't. he knew that today you had nothing planned. you just wanted to enjoy the pretty weather, maybe go for a walk or something with your iced latte. and how did he know this, you ask? well, that's simple.
he stood by your window last night, camcorder in hand, and recorded you talking to your friend about it on the phone in bed - in just your bra and panties.
"i'm taking the day off today." your voice brought him back to reality. "i think i'm just going to enjoy the beautiful weather today. i love the sun, it makes me feel so energized - i dunno."
"i agree with you there." he says, nodding as if he was hearing about this for the first time. but your next question actually caught him off guard. "d'wanna join me?"
he looks at you for a moment, and you start to get flustered again. "sorry- i'm sure you have a girlfriend or something-"
"hey, hey-" he says soothingly, "first of all, i do not have a girlfriend. and secondly, i would love to. it's my day off as well, actually."
you beam at him, and he finds your smile so cute. god, he just wanted to fucking choke you right then and there - but of course, he had some self control.
the two of you spent the day together, enjoying the gorgeous summer day, and you hit it off instantly. you learned that his full name was jonathan crane, and that he was a doctor at arkham asylum. you told him about what you did for a living, and he told you he found it "fascinating."
before you said goodbye, he asked for your number which you willingly gave over. the rush of being able to actually talk to you was almost too much for him, and his brain was short-circuiting at the mere thought of it.
that night, the two of you parted ways - but you both ended up back at your place; you just weren't aware that you had company.
this time, taking your photos and filming you from afar wasn't satisfying the urges in him anymore. he needed more. as the sun set, you finished doing the dishes and cleaned up after cooking dinner. you made your way to your living room, switching off your lights - except a slim lamp that stood beside your couch.
getting cozy and comfortable in your house wear, you put on your favourite show to watch, and sat back blissfully on your couch - while someone else was watching you in the dark.
he had managed to make his way in through the huge window - which you stupidly left unlocked - by your living room hours earlier while you were preoccupied upstairs getting changed.
he did a pretty good job at hiding out of sight from you - and he internally applauded himself for that.
suddenly, you got up from the couch, startling him, and he hid closer to the shadows - lurking in the darkness of what you called home.
he watched you finally close those fucking curtains, then returning to the couch you previously sat at. he wondered why now of all times you decided to close your curtains-
that's when he heard it.
soft, little moans were being drawn out of your pretty lips as your fingers ghosted over your clit. he could feel himself getting painfuly hard at just your sounds - because remember, he couldn't see all of you from where he was hiding.
so, you were indulging in a little self pleasure - was that so wrong? to be fair, you thought you were all alone. your moans got breathier, louder as you slowly slipped two fingers into your aching hole.
jonathan - being the sick psychopath he was - snuck his way around the darkness of your downstairs floor, trying to be as stealthy and quiet as possible. finally, he saw what he was so desperately trying to see.
you with your baggy shirt, which had ridden up, exposing your pretty tits and your fingers in your pretty pussy, panties thrown on your living room floor.
he watched, and he had to physically hold himself back from taking you right then and there - trying his hardest not to moan at the sight of you fucking yourself with your fingers.
slowly, he slipped his hand into his pocket - and pulled out his camcorder. pressing record, he started to film you from where he was. he was definitely going to jerk off to this later. he filmed all of it - you fingering yourself, your pretty moans, and of course, when you came all over your own fingers.
after you came down from your high, you laid breathless on your couch for a good while. jonathan took this opportunity to sneak out of your house - undetected.
that night, he watched that video of you on repeat, over and over, cumming all over his fist as he breathlessly moaned your name.
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you shook your head as you laughed in the dimly lit restaurant, "it was the worst date i'd ever been on."
jonathan looked at you, smiling and laughing along with you. "that sounds...brutal, if i'm being honest."
the two of you were on your first official date - which you had been discussing over text and on the phone, and now it was finally happening. jonathans obsessive little heart was overflowing with joy.
the two of you were currently drinking expensive champagne and sharing "worst first date" stories - and you really thought this man, this stranger who fate brought into your life, could be the one.
he was so funny, so kind, so charming - it was like you knew him for ages.
as the date came to an end, he took your hand, holding onto it softly after paying the bill (because he's still a classy guy, after all), and spoke to you in a saccharine voice.
"would it be so terrible if i asked if you'd like to come back to my place?"
you blushed and bit your lip, shaking your head. "not terrible at all - count me in."
and that may have quite literally been the biggest mistake of your life, maybe even bigger than the mistake of not closing your curtains.
as he parked his car in the parking garage of the apartment complex, he helped you out of his car and held your hand as he took you into the elevator and then to his apartment.
unit #303 - you'd come to never forget it.
as the two of you got inside his place, you took a moment to admire the classiness of his apartment. it was clean, minimalistic and dark, and just like him, it appeared to be a perfectly normal from the surface.
"you truly are stunning." he said lowly, pulling you close by your waist, making you blush.
"i really like you, jonathan." you tell him softly, and he gives you a gentle kiss. willingly, you kiss back - unaware of what was to come next.
"i knew i had to make you mine the night i first saw you." he says, looking at you with a soft smile. you didn't think about what he really meant here - you weren't even aware of what he really meant. "that's so sweet." you whisper, and his grip on your waist tightened suddenly.
"no, really." he says, tone growing slightly impatient, "i couldn't stop myself."
your breath hitches in your throat as you aren't too sure what he means by this - but you try and give him the benefit of the doubt. "uh," you laugh nervously, "t-thank you, i guess?"
then he went quiet.
"would you like to see my mask?" he asks, after a moment of silence - and you look at him confused and slightly scared. "your...mask?"
suddenly, he's guiding you into the bedroom, and you're feeling both confused and very anxious - but your anxiety skyrockets as you take a look at what was in his bedroom.
photos of you covered the wall - pictures of you that you weren't aware had even been taken. there was photos of you talking on the phone to your friends, cooking, watching shows - and then there were the not-so-innocent photos.
pictures of you with your fingers buried into your cunt, pictures of you walking around naked, and pictures of you posing in your lingerie on the bed; taking pictures of yourself in the mirror to send to someone else.
your body went into flight or fight - and you tried to make a run for it but a cloudy gas filled your senses, causing you to scream erratically. what appeared in front of you was horrendous - your worst fears brought to life, clouding your vision.
and there stood jonathan in the midst of all the chaos - in what appeared to be some sort of burlap mask. staring at you with those deadly yet beautiful blue eyes through the small holes in his mask. as his toxin started to creep into your system, you noticed he was holding something in his hand.
a camcorder.
judging by all the pictures of you on the wall, you knew where this was going and it made you fucking nauseous.
"n-no.." you whimpered, shaking as he took hold of you and threw you onto the bed. he propped his camcorder up onto the bedside table, the red light flashing; indicating that he was indeed filming this.
he ripped your clothes right off you, and at this point, you were a sobbing mess. "please don't do this - you don't have to do this, jonathan."
you begged, you screamed, and you cried; but to no avail, he kept going. kept undressing you and forcing you down onto his bed - scarecrow mask still covering his face.
"keep screaming like that and i'll cum." he says, pinning you down on the bed with such force you didn't even know if it was humanely possible. the hallucinations of the toxin had you thrashing and screaming, and while you were busy fearing for your life - he was busy undoing his pants and belt buckle.
"no, no, please no-" you pleaded with him, but he didn't give in - he was never going to set you free. "shh, let me see your fears consume you, my love." he whispered, picking up the camcorder again.
you were drugged up out of your mind at this point, the toxin taking it's full effects on you. just as your high was reaching it's deadly peak, you felt the tip of his cock poke at your cunt.
you sobbed at the feeling of it - just by the tip you could feel how thick he was - how big he was. he was going to rip you open; you could just feel it.
"say hi to the camera, my love." he tells you, while spitting onto his cock to try and fit it in with a little more ease. as you sobbed with the camcorder in your face, he pushed himself into you with a staggered thrust.
the feeling of him forcing his cock in was brutal.
"i-i can't take it!" you thrashed and screamed, but he kept your wrists pinned down with one hand and the camcorder in the other. "too big?" he cooed, "fuck baby, you can take it. and if you can't - i'll force you to."
he fucked you roughly, your tight cunt squeezing him in all the disgustingly right ways. you weren't trying to get wet - it was just your body's natural response. at this point, you had stopped crying from either pure shock or from the drugs - probably both.
"fuck, that's right baby. say my name." he groans, panning the camcorder down to film your abused little cunt taking his huge cock - pounding into you mercilessly.
"should i cum inside?" he grunted, fat cock pushing into your cervix - undoubtably bruising your insides. "yeah, i think i will. you'd look so pretty with my cum dripping out of you."
you shook your head no, pleading with him to pull out since you weren't on any contraceptives at the moment - but it dawned on you that he probably knew that.
"please no, pull o-out, ah- jon, pull out!" you wriggled around in his grasp, begging and pleading with the psychopath who was balls deep in your cunt right now.
"no." he spat, and continued his assault on you. "you can fucking take it." you tried your hardest to push away from him, scratch him, bite him - anything to try and get away but it was no use. his grip was unwavering.
after a few more excruciatingly painful thrusts into your abused cunt, he painted your walls white with his sticky cum, filling you up to the brim.
"god, i love you." he whispered as he spilled his seed into you, and you sobbed at his words in pure disgust. as the toxin slowly wore off, you laid there lifelessly, the light inside you draining minute by minute. your eyes darted around the bedroom, taking in all the eerie pictures of you scattered all over the walls.
your mind flashed back to the fateful night you first met him; your intuition was right - it never lies.
someone was watching you.
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hysteria-things · 7 months
can you do a smut with dom!nate x sturniolo triplets sister where they're at a restaurant with the triplets and nate starts fingering her idc abt anything else but like please im begging you 🙏🙏
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!nate x sls!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: being friends with benefits with your triplet brothers’ best friend isn’t the smartest idea. especially when nate teases you at a restaurant with your siblings there, there’s only one way to forgive him.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, swearing, mentions underage drinking, fingering, public, oral (female/male receiving), p in v
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,277
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: first sturniolo’s little sister fic😯 i find this trope fun LOL
i miss why don’t we they were MY one direction.
hope you like it anon!
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a burger sounds so good right now. you think to yourself before being rudely interrupted when a foot taps your shin from under the table. your annoyed eyes are met with chris’. “what are you getting?” he asks.
you shrug, continuing to scan the menu in front of you. “probably a bacon cheeseburger.”
your triplet brothers invited you out to dinner at the finest establishment around: texas roadhouse.
they picked up nathan along the way, who’s sitting silently next to you as the other three are squished in the booth across from you. the four of you are close and know everything about each other, which is the best kind of sibling relationship.
well, they think they know everything about you.
what they don’t — and will never know — is your friends with benefits with nate.
it started randomly at a high school party, where the two of you got drunk and made out which led to you guys fucking in the bathroom. it’s bizarre but true.
turns out, the two of you enjoyed it and this whole thing went on from there. that was months ago, by the way.
while taking a sip of your shirley temple, a hand is placed on your thigh. you look over to the culprit, who is talking casually to your siblings.
his hand teasingly moves up and down, each time getting closer to your waistband. your breath hitches as the waitress comes over. “are you guys ready?” she asks in her customer service voice, smiling as she clicks her pen.
“you go first, y/n.” nate says innocently, taking his fingers and now putting them in your pants to rub hard on your clit. he knows you love getting penetration there.
little shithead.
you clear your throat. “c-can i have a bacon cheeseburger, please?”
the waitress nods, writing on her notepad. “with what side?”
you feel two fingers going inside your wetness, moving at a medium pace. “mmm— fries!” you say loud and quickly. you clear your throat again. “please.”
the three across from you give the same weird look, as if silently saying ‘what the fuck is the matter with you?’
soon, the others put their orders in and go into their conversations. nate keeps pumping his fingers in and out of you, a low whimper leaving your mouth.
when he knows your brothers aren’t listening because they’re arguing about whatever the fuck, he scoots closer to you and leans to your ear. “you’re so wet, baby. is it all for me?”
you grip his wrists, trying to pull him away when you feel your orgasm approaching. it’ll be embarrassing to cum in your pants. “nate—”
“you’re coming back to our house, right?” nick asks, causing nate to pull out his fingers and readjust in his seat.
“yup,” he replies, giving your thigh a tight squeeze.
you storm into your bedroom, nate following closely behind. you shut the door and lock it, putting your hands on your hips and tapping your foot like an angry parent. “are you trying to get us caught? what were you thinking?!”
he chuckles. “cut me some slack, will ya?”
he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close to where your chests touch. you try your best to give him your best mad face, but to him, you look adorable. “i’m sorry.” he fake pouts.
he tugs at your shirt and slowly lifts it over your head, throwing it somewhere on the ground. his lips are mere centimeters from yours. “forgive me?”
“we don’t have time. they’ll get suspicious,” you whisper.
he shakes his head, now taking off his shirt. “they think the texas roadhouse got to the best of me. i’ll be in the bathroom for a while.” he winks, pecking your lips.
you bite your lip, not losing eye contact when you start to unbuckle his jeans. “i don’t think i forgive you.” you say sweetly, getting on your knees and simultaneously pulling his pants down.
“guess i’ll have to see.” you continue, eyeballing his hard-on through his boxer. you start to rub your hand over the fabric, a groan leaving nate’s mouth.
you give the tip a little kiss before pulling down his underwear, his dick aching for attention. you wrap your mouth around him, going as much as you can down his base.
moistening his lips, he throws his head back. he always loved the feeling of your warm mouth around him.
you start to bob your head, the gulping noises intensifying the faster you go. “shit.” nate exhales, taking his finger and lifting your chin so you can look at him.
he starts to thrust his hips to match your bobs, gagging in the process.
he pulls out of your mouth and in the blink of an eye, he flips you so you lay on your back. despite your bed being quite literally a foot away from you guys, he’s now on the ground with you between your legs. “forgive me yet?”
“n—” you don’t finish the word when he starts to dig into you without warning. even better, he takes his thumb and plays with your clit like how he did at the restaurant.
you moan too loudly, covering your mouth with your palm. the last thing you want is for your brothers to hear you. your other hand travels to nate’s head, grasping onto his hair tightly. “i’m close.” you mumble, making him pull away.
“what the hell?” you sigh annoyingly.
“shush.” he says, flipping you over once again to where you are now straddling his lap. “ride me.”
you smirk, kissing on his neck down to his chest. he grows impatient, lifting your hips and playing yourself on his cock. you whine, leaning back up straight and grinding your hips to feel him rub the right way on your walls.
“fuck.” you whimper. he grabs your hips and starts to bounce you, a squeal coming out of you. “nathan, fuck!”
“best be quiet, baby.” he smirks. “don’t want them to hear their little sister on their best friend’s dick.”
you whine lowly, biting your lip to quiet your moans. he sits up and you grab both sides of his neck, looking deep into each other’s eyes. he’s smiling smugly, but your face is contorting with pleasure.
he groans when he twitches inside of you.
“did nate fall asleep on the toilet?” matt’s voice echoes down the hallway, three pairs of footsteps along with it.
“the ribs probably gave him food poisoning or some shit.” chris replies.
nate moves you faster on him, panting lowly in the process. there’s no way he can stop now. he’s way too close.
the doorknob shakes, startling the both of you, but you guys keep going. “what the fuck? why is your door locked?” nick asks.
“fuck y/n, i’m cum—” you swallow his words by giving him an opened-mouthed kiss. you moan softly into his mouth, making sure you cum first before lifting yourself off of him.
he groans into your mouth when his cum makes a mess on his abs. “hello? earth to y/n?”
you pull away, staying in position to quietly catch your breath. “s-sorry, what?” you stammer.
“why is your door locked?” this time, the question is asked by matt.
“changing,” you answer, nate giggling silently.
there’s an awkward silence for a few beats before it's broken. “okay…” nick says in a hesitant manner, and their footsteps eventually recede.
“holy shit.” nate throws his head back to laugh, and you smack him on the chest.
“be quiet,” you mumble, getting off from the floor.
thank god you locked the door, or things could’ve ended terribly.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld
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alexa-fika · 2 months
yooo! What’s up?? Anyways I wanted to request a whitebeard pirates and child reader ff, so basically reader is very prone to Injuries and is quite clumsy, and one day when everyone was having lunch at mass, and then they accidentally stab themself with a fork or knife and end up causing a very deep and bloody injury, and everything after that is left to you :) it’s just so amusing for me to imagine the whitebeard pirates all worried and scared, and maybe at the end pops ends up comforting redder? Anyways love your works!
Forks and Dorks (Whitebeard pirates x gn!reader)
A/N I Dedicate this to you Holo and the anon who believed in me and my Adhd ass to finish my homework ✊🏽. I did it guys! And as you have wished it Anon here we have more Whitebeard pirates!
reader here is Replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japaness
Dividers by @/drinkthesky and @/firefly-graphics
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“There There,” Ace sighed, picking up the crying child in his arms.
“Did you run too fast?”
“I -I “
“Hey, Hey, breath for okay? Can you remind me how you take deep breaths?”
“Y-you smell the flowers,” they sniffled, taking a deep inhale from their nose.
“And you blow the candles,” they finished as they blew out the air harshly.
“Good, that’s good. Now, how about you do it again gently? You blow any harder, and I’m gonna fly away,” he spoke as he walked out of the Deck and towards the mess hall.
“No!” They let out a teary giggle at his words
“You did! Almost went flying off the ship!”
“No, you didn’t,” they laughed, their previous incident long forgotten in their brother’s playful teasing.
“Oh? Are you being Mean to your big brother, Dokucha?” Another voice piped in
“They are! Almost blew me off the Deck. I asked them to blow the candles, and the little rascal looked like they were trying to blow out a bonfire.”
“How mean, Dokucha!” Thatch gasped, joining in on the teasing of the small child
“You’re mean!” Dokucha accused instead
“Well, I guess I must live up to the title then,” Thatch laughed with a mischievous tone as Ace passed them to him and began tickling the child.
“No!!! Aceee-niii save me”
“Nope, you’re on your own,” he called with a grin as he promptly backed away and made his way to serve himself, ignoring the shrieking and laughs leaving the pair.
“Do ya give up pumpkin?”
“I’m Sorry, Thatch-nii, you’re not mean; you’re the best brother ever!!”
“There ya go, I always knew I was your favorite,” he exclaimed with a grin as he placed the small child down, grinning as they turned around to stick their tongue at him.
“Go have a sit, ya rascal; I have to make sure those idiots don’t destroy my kitchen.”
“Okay, Big Brother,” They happily call, climbing their way into a nearby chair as he walked closer to where the rest of his brothers were
“So what was it this time?” He called to Ace as he served him
“Ran over a loose board on the Deck,” He replied, gulping down the food.
“No, last time there was a loose board in the storage room,” Izou piped in.
“Any scratches this time?”
“No, they just got a go-
Ace’s words were quickly cut off as the sound of a familiar scream reverberated across the mess hall, springing all of the brothers into action as they ran toward the source of the scream; Thatch letting out a cry of his own as he spotted what was wrong.
Somehow, the young child had managed to impale themselves with one of the many forks that lined the long tables, blood already pooling beneath them as droplets of blood fell down to their elbows and falling to the floor in a terrifying but rhythmic fashion.
“Somebody get Marco!” Izou called, his commanding voice causing his crewmates to spring into action shortly after returning with a worried Marco in tow
“Here, let me have a look at the,” Marco hurriedly called to Thatch, who by now had taken the child and kneeled on the ground with them, attempting to stop the bleeding and whispering comforting words to Dokucha.
“Hey, I need to take this out; I will be really quick.”
“Is-I -is it g-go-gonna -hurt?” they hiccuped, words close to incomprehensible among their cries
“Yes, but just for a second. I just need to take it out so I can heal it,” he assured them as he took hold of the handle and prepared his flames.
He threw a smile their way as he quickly pulled the fork from their hand and replaced it with his own hand, flames spreading to the small child’s hand.
“And all done, see good as new,” he calls, waving their hand around to prove their statement.
“Ah! It’s gone!” they exclaimed, marveling at their brother’s powers, only to frown as they looked down.
“Wah, Thatch-nii, I’m sorry I made a mess again,” they cried.
“Don’t worry about that muchkin, accidents happen; what I do want to know is how in tarnation you managed to get a fork in your hand,” he questioned
“I was just trying to play Saber-nii’s game.”
Ace tilts his head at this, a confused look growing on his face.
“What kind of game is it that would end up with a fork in your hand?”
“Ah, I saw Saber-nii do it with a knife, but I only had a fork; you have to put the fork in between your fingers and then go really fast!” they exclaimed, gesturing to the movement they were supposed to be doing and ending their explanation with a smile
“I got to do it really fast! Ah, Ace-nii? Why does your face look scary?”
“Don’t worry about it, fire-cracker; I just remembered I have to do something real quick,” he replied with a tight smile and took his leave.
They turned towards Thatch and Marco, who had similar annoyed looks on their faces.
“Where is Ace-nii going? Is he going on the striker? I want to go!” they exclaimed, jumping down from Marco’s hold and running toward the second commander.
“Not so fast,” Marco calls, easily taking hold of them again.
“Ace just needs to talk to Saber about something; he will be back soon, and I’m sure afterward he can give you a ride in the striker,” Thatch assured them.
“I don’t see why not; we can ask him when he comes back, okay? How about you go find Pops and tell him what you were up to? We also need to talk to Saber.”
“And then I came here!” they exclaimed, finishing their story with a smile.
“I bet you cried like a baby, didn’t you?”
“I did not! I was really brave!”
“Don’t laugh, Papaw!” they exclaimed with a pout.
“Fine, Fine; listen, Dokucha,” he called, causing their pout to fall as they looked at him with a slight tilt of their head.
“Don’t repeat what your brothers are doing, alright?”
“Why? My brothers are so cool! I want to be like them!”
“Because they are a bunch of idiots who don’t think before they do something,” he grumbled, downing his drink.
“You’re mean, Papaw; they aren’t idiots! I’m gonna tell Miss Tate you’re drinking again!” they exclaimed, jumping down from him and running toward the clinic.
“You damn brat!”
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Get exposed Whitebeard 🤭
I believe up next I have a Wriothesley one, and then Shanks and I also have a Luffy/strawhats oc request in the making
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evilgwrl · 28 days
okay ngl, this is an ask I'm sending to multiple people because holy shit why did it pop in my head I need to see this written T^T
reader is part of !141 and is the only one who knows how to ride a motorbike, so she has to go undercover for a biker gang?? idk but just hear me out. Anyway she has no tattoos or piercings so they get her those temporary tattoos that last two weeks and some fake piercings (or real ones in case they fall off) and so none of the 141 know she's having this whole makeover, and when they get the big reveal I just want to know their reactions- I'm sorry I suck at writing, I'm just good at coming up with the ideas lmao. reading back my whole paragraph I realised how much I truly suck at typing, I apologise that you had to deal with this.
Ahhhh!!! I love this. I hope I did your idea justice and you enjoy it anon 🥹 If you want something a lil more racy let me know but I kept it SFW just incase
CW: None
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Your body felt exhausted, thighs moulded to the chair as manicured hands rushed around your frame, prodding at your skin with brushes and wet rags, stamping your flesh with intricate designs. The woman’s voice was soft as she took in your expression, an understanding smile adorning her features as she assured you, they were nearly done.
“Voila,” she gasped, moving away from you as you stared at the mirror in front of you. Temporary tattoos snaked around the coil of your arms, muscles stamped with infamous gang signs and your nose and eyebrows dangling with metal jewellery as your fingers prodded at them, your face creased with slight discomfort.
“We’re going to need to get you dressed but you already look the part!”
You winced at the excitement in her voice, a slight simmer of humiliation broiling through you as you took in the look. You looked so… different. “Thank you,” you murmured, turning around to take in the large snake design that was entwined between your spine.
You felt like you were entering a pageant, constant hands smoothing out your skin and hair as you coughed at the lethal amount of hairspray. Grease dribbled down your chin as you choked down some food, disgusted huffs passing through the lady’s mouth as she ushered something about acting the part too.
“You’re all done, sergeant.”
You paced the room anxiously, wire taped to your chest, nestled in between your cleavage as you awaited the remainder of the task force. It was strange, the most they had ever seen you in was a pair of jeans and a simple top beside your military gear, the barracks were no place for fashion. Sweaty hands rubbed at the leather pants; slick stains of residue quickly brushed away nervously as you prodded with the facial piercings in the mirror.
“Hells feckin’ bells, Bonnie,” a swift voice whistled, Soap’s face charmed with a boyish grin, blue eyes sweeping across your exposed skin, “ain’ you a sight for sore eyes?”
“I look ridiculous,” you blurted, folding your arms self-consciously as the Scotsman tsked his tongue, smacking his lips together.
“Ye’ look good… lil too good for the task force, hen. Might need to find ye a new profession after this.”
You rolled his eyes at his playful tone, his lashes flickering as he took in the sight of you. A flirtatious whistle cut through the air as Gaz slapped his hand against the door, mouth wide. “Sergeant Y/N, that you under all those tattoos?” You bit back a bark as he smiled at you, tongue darting out to lick his chapped lips.
“You look good, [callsign]. Them bikers might wanna keep you to themselves.”
“We ain’ gonna let that happen, lass,” Soap jabbered, “Yer’ our girl, ain’ ya?”
Your reply was cut short by a pound against the door as a gruff voice snapped, “Oi, let’s move it. Don’t got all bloody day, Sergeants.”
Ghost’s eyes lingered over you for a moment, blonde lashes flicking up and down your body, pausing on every tattoo almost as if he was memorising them before he turned around, cold physique dusting through the hallway as you all followed. Captain Price was rambling through his headset to Laswell before he paused, dismissing himself as you all waltzed towards him.
A large Yamaha was sleeked against the exit, the tyres slightly worn to feign usage as you whistled lowly. “Got this all for me, Cap?” Your tone was sharp, admiring the ride before you as a tattooed hand wrapped around the leather handles.
“A biker looking like you ain’ gonna ride a shitbox,” he said, his voice holding an underlying meaning as he did a once over, “Y’ get in trouble in there and you call us in immediately, you understand [callsign]?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Take care of those tattoos after this as well, suit ya.”
A warm blush settled on the apple of your cheeks before you reached for the helmet, flattening your hair down as you secured it in place.
“Let’s get us a win.”
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writemekpop · 6 months
Last Chance | Huang Renjun
Summary: When your boyfriend Renjun is feeling low and needy, he does something totally unexpected. 
Genre: Established relationship AU
Word Count: 1k
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Renjun stormed into the apartment, shoving straight past you like you weren’t even there. There was a splash as he poured an old bottle of Malibu into a mug. 
“Too bad, baby. You deserved it,” you cooed, placing your hand on his shoulder. 
Renjun glared at you. “Why d’you always say that? Why don’t you ever ask how did the audition go?” 
You nod. “Sorry. How did the audition go?”
Renjun took a gulp of alcohol. “I didn’t get it.” 
You opened your arms, and Renjun collapsed into them. “What am I doing with my life? I haven’t got an acting job in three years. Maybe it’s time I… gave up.”
“Junnie,” you whispered, pressing soft kisses to his neck. “You know what you always say! It’s all about sticking it out. Paying your dues.” “I made that stuff up, Y/n!” Renjun moaned. “I- I’ve failed at life.” 
You pulled back, and wiped a tear from Renjun’s cheek. “You haven’t failed, baby. You’ve got me.”
Renjun cocked his head and looked at you like he was seeing you for the first time. “You’re right,” he said quietly. “I should make good decisions.” 
To your utter shock, he dropped down on one knee. Renjun took your hand in his. 
“Let’s get married, Y/n. You’re the only good decision I’ve ever made.”
You had dreamt about this moment from three months into meeting Renjun. You wanted it all – the baby girl, the tyre swing in the back garden, sparkly Father’s Day cards – but Renjun had never seemed to want the same thing. It had been four years now, and with each passing day, marriage seemed further and further away. 
But a little voice in your head was saying that something was not right. 
“I don’t want to be your ‘good decision’, Renjun,” you said quietly. “You make it sound like I’m a- a- plate of vegetables, or orthopaedic walking shoes.” 
Renjun frowned. You urged Renjun to stand up. “To me, Renjun, you’re my fantasy. My rollercoaster. My everything. I don’t want to be just a ‘good decision’.” Renjun shook his head. “That’s not what I meant! I love you, and I want to marry you.” You hugged yourself. “You’re just drunk, and feeling low… you feel like your life is spiralling.” Renjun shrugged. “That may be true. But – I know I’m right about you.” Renjun stroked your cheek. “I haven’t proposed because… I know that if I marry you, it won’t be enough. I’ll want it all – the house, the kids, the grandkids, for god’s sake.” He chuckled. “I’ll want you forever. And that terrifies me.” You could feel tears welling in your eyes. “Do you really mean it?” Renjun nodded, a smile spreading over his face. “You are so much more than ‘a good decision’ for me. You’re the only decision. Marry me, Y/n.” Those were the words you’d been yearning to hear all this time. 
“Yes,” you said. Then you pulled Renjun in for a long, beautiful kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him tight like you would never let go. 
“You taste like shitty Malibu,” you said, through the tears. 
“So do you – for some reason,” Renjun replied, making you both chuckle. 
“So,” you said, sitting him down on the couch next to you. “I’m going to ‘ask’ you to choose between two wedding venues, but I want you to remember that there is only one right answer…” 
This might not have been the proposal you had dreamt about, but none of that mattered. Because it came from Renjun. And he was the only person you would ever want. 
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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fastboatsmojito · 14 days
I am On The Clock
but I am thinking about seemingly innocent reader doing things that turn Tyler on unknowingly
the particular way they lick ice cream or a popsicle, getting themself stuck in a particularly precarious position, saying things that could be a double entendre, placing a hand somewhere or moving in a way that puts his line of sight with their chest or ass, leaning across a surface to get something to the point you're bent over it,
just thinking ^.^
Tyler thoughts while you’re still clocked in is soo real please 😭🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Tyler Owens x innocent ! reader
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|A/N; Umbrella anon cooking as per usual, thank you <3
| CW; Suggestive, Tyler has quite the dirty mouth, No pronouns/gendered terms used but you wear rather small shorts, mwah
Dividers by @strangergraphics <3
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You had to be doing it on purpose, you were getting under his skin as soon as you walked out of your room, Boones voice fuzzy in his ears when he saw you in those tiny little things you like to call shorts. You sauntered up to him with your usual grin, just happy to be there.
“Hey, guys! Where’re we headed?” You asked no one in particular as you looked at them both, Boone giving some weird look you couldn’t quite place to Tyler before he replied.
“Just about ten miles North, a couple good lookin’ storms out that way, shouldn’t be too much longer now.” He nodded, giving Tyler a pat on the shoulder before leaving you, Ty’s arms crossed over his chest as his eyes moved over you.
“You okay, Ty?” Ty, a nickname you’d given him just moments after you met, getting comfortable with him much quicker than he’d anticipated.
“Just peachy.” You narrowed your eyes at him, something was definitely off but you weren’t sure what exactly.
“Well, great. I’ll.. see you later.” You could feel his eyes on you as you left, making you weirdly aware of how you were walking away.
Everyone was getting ready to go down to the diner when you realized you’d forgotten your jacket in Tyler’s truck a few days before.
You were going to ask him to get it for you but he was nowhere to be found and his window just so happened to be rolled down, giving you the grand idea to hop up and reach through it.
“Woah there. Could’ve unlocked it for you, you know? It bein’ my truck and all.” You gasped when his gruff voice came from behind you, leaning against the window next to you as you looked back at him.
“You got your ass out for half the town out here. You that needy, sweetheart?” His hand suddenly on the back of your knee as yours grabbed your jacket from the passenger seat.
“I- I just forgot my jacket, it’s windy, I got cold.” You shivered as his hand moved up the back of your leg.
“Cold, huh? You didn’t think to just put some warmer clothes on? No way. I think you know exactly what you’re doing.” Both of his hands moved to your waist, gently lifting you out of his truck and placing you firmly back on the ground.
“What am I doing?” It wasn’t uncommon for you to feel nervous around him, he’s a charming man, but this felt more - vulnerable.
“Wearing those sorry excuses for clothes, batting your eyelashes every time we talk, putting your head in my lap while I’m driving for christ’ sake. you might think I don’t notice but I do. I see you.” He moved closer to you as he talked until your back was against the door of his truck.
“I- it’s really not on purpose, it’s just hot out and,” He grabbed your chin firmly, disrupting your already shaky train of thought.
“Just hot out.” He mocked, eyebrows raised as he grinned down at you, leaning in.
“Right. Maybe I just need to fuck the truth outta you then, is that it?” You could smell his cologne from here, bourbon-y warmth fanning over you. You couldn’t speak, your words barely coming together in your head let alone out loud, grabbing the collar of his shirt as you shoved your mouths together.
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I was going to make this more smutty but I think I’ll write another little smutty blurb for him soon - still mapping out his sexual vocabulary lmao 💆🏻
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slvtforfiction · 10 months
can we pls get Jake Webber angst and comfort? like maybe reader thinks they aren’t good enough or won’t be as good as tara was for him :((
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☆ :((,anon lots of love <3
☆ Jake Webber X Reader
☆ Angst-Comfort
☆ Masterlist
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I've lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers:)
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I lie in bed,my head spinning as I cried into my arm. He had gone out with Johnnie and Tara to a haunted place and it broke me.
I saw Tara’s appearance against mine,Tara’s personality against mine and I knew she was better than me,she always will be.
She was always seen in my head to be much better,no matter who else thought differently,I would always end up with my head in my hands as I cried myself to sleep.
Though tonight I couldn’t sleep,so I lie here in misery as my thoughts raced through my head.
I knew Jake would never cheat,that was never my concern. I always knew deep down though that if he wanted to he could leave me,date someone much better and I know I won’t know what to do with myself.
Usually Jake texted me that he was on his way home and tonight was no different.
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Hey sweetheart,be home in a minute x
Okay!! Love youuu x
Read 00:07am
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I saw the read receipt pop up and he started typing before ignoring me completely.
What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t yell at my boyfriend because he didn’t love me anymore.
I was a sitting duck,a girl waiting to be broken up with and there was nothing I could do except begin to look for new apartments and cry over my soon to be ex boyfriend.
I heard the door clock open and I quickly ran to the bathroom knowing it was Jake.
I locked the bathroom door,something I’ve never usually done and turned on the shower in hopes he would think I’m in the shower and go to bed.
I stared at myself in the mirror,hating everything I saw. My mascara stroked down my face as I stared,I felt numb.
“Babe! I’m home!!” Jake yelled through the apartment and I barely registered it.
I was caught up in my own self-loathing as I heard the bathroom handle rattle. “Babe? You in here? You never normally lock the door.” He said softly.
“Yeah,I’m just in the shower.” I told him and he quickly replied, “No you’re not,your pajamas are still on the table,so is your lotion.” He told me and I mentally cursed to myself.
Jake was always so attentive,memorising the little things like habits,hobbies etc.
I never thought he paid attention to my shower routine but clearly he had without my notice.
“What’s going on? Y/n open the door.” He told me sternly and suddenly I snapped out of it. I looked away from the mirror and to the door and heard the concern in his voice.
I solemnly opened the door and he looked at me for a moment,nothing was said with mouth,everything said through his eyes.
He knew the state I had gotten myself in and he had no clue what to say,I could see it written on his face.
Before we exchanged any words he wrapped my body in a hug,my mascara streaks smudging into his chest and my arms loosely wrapped around his torso.
“What’s happened princess?” He asked as he kissed my forehead. “You dont love me,you love Tara.” I sobbed into his chest and he pulled away.
“What?!” He asked clearly concern mixing with hurt that I had felt like this. “You didn’t even reply to my text Jake,it’s okay,I get it.” I said and I kept my head down.
“Yes I did,what do you mean? And I’m not in love with Tara!” He said pulling out his phone. He looked at his phone and his face dropped, “It didn’t send,I’m sorry Y/n,I love you so so so much please don’t think any different,I don’t want anyone but you.” He told me and I looked up at him for the first time this night.
“Really? You want this?” I laughed to myself slightly,self aware of the mess I had gotten myself into. “I want all of you,the mad,the sad,the kind,the positive,the sweet,the beautiful,I want all of you.” He told me and I smiled.
I didn’t say anything as I looked up at him and pulled him into the biggest hug I could manage.
“I love you,Jake.” I whispered into his chest, “I love you too princess.” He told me as he lifted my up by my thighs.
“Let’s go to bed yeah?” He asked and I giggled as he half heartedly dropped me on the bed and bought over my Pajamas.
“Yeah.” I affirmed putting on my pajamas.
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fizzyxcustard · 11 months
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Requested by anon and @skeleton-on-wheels0
Taken from: "Imagine that you find out Thorin is in love with you. But you accuse him of only wanting you because you’re the only woman in the Company and he’s desperate. You deeply offend him."
Again, I’m going to post this as a drabble as it’s fairly short, and I won’t tag anyone. 
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“I am in love with you,” Thorin said softly as he stood next to you in Beorn’s barn. The midnight moon shone upon his face, highlighting his silver blue eyes, making them sparkle like aquamarine stones. 
A shiver of anticipation raced down your spine at his revelation. Why on earth would Thorin ever feel something for you? Immediately your mind began rationalising his feelings, churning it all over in your mind. For a few seconds and you were silent. 
“And you do not feel the same?” Thorin asked sadly. “I knew it was best I keep my thoughts to myself.” 
“Thorin,” you whispered, placing your hand on his arm. “I…I know I’m the only woman in the Company and no doubt as a male, you’re going to have urges…”
“That is what you think?” he hissed. “You think this is all about me wanting to seduce you?” 
“Please, I didn’t mean it that way.” 
“Then how did you mean it? 
Something snapped within you, a sore pressure point that had been prodded many times over the years. A place where a deeply buried scar lay untouched, waiting for someone to inadvertently uncover it with their words. A flash of anger hit you full force in your head and chest. “You’re just desperate!” you shouted. 
With that, you turned around stormed away towards the back of the barn and slumped down on a bale of hay. Tears were falling down your cheeks now in quick procession which you rubbed away in frustration, only making your cheeks turn redder. 
Thorin sighed and grit his teeth, sensing that your words came from a place of pain. However, those words had also deeply pained him in return. Did you think so little of him? Trust so little? 
The next morning and the tension was still thick between you and Thorin. The whole of the Company, including Gandalf, all sat around a large table, drinking milk and eating honeycakes, specially made by the host himself.  However, Beorn announced gruffly that he had no more honeycakes for that morning’s meal, and you were the last person he was intending to serve. 
All the Dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf looked on, their mouths full of food. Except Thorin. He was sat opposite you and immediately reached across to you and handed his cake to you. “Please, eat,” he said, offering you the cake and a sad smile. 
“I can’t take your breakfast,” you replied. 
“You can and you will,” Thorin said again, placing the cake on your plate. 
“Maybe we could split it?” 
Thorin didn’t respond, but instead kept his gaze locked on you as you broke the cake in half and then gave a portion back to him. 
After breakfast, you and Bilbo began filling the saddlebags of the ponies which Beorn was lending you. He had since made more honeycakes, enough to see all of you with food for a good couple of weeks. 
“May we have a moment, Master Baggins?” Thorin asked, suddenly appearing before you both. His eyes then moved to you, telling Bilbo that he wished to talk to you. 
“Oh, yes, sorry,” Bilbo said, flashing a nervous smile. 
“I wish to talk to you about last night. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way. That was never my intention to do so. But what I told you is the truth, and it has nothing at all to do with you being the only female in this Company. I am quite appalled that you think I would pursue you without any real feelings being involved.” 
Your gaze locked with his and you began to speak. “It was unfair of me to say what I did, and I’m sorry. Very few men have ever shown any interest in me in such a way, and then I become a member of your Company and find that you, the rightful king of your homeland, somehow has fallen in love with me. It reads like a pathetic joke. Maybe once we get to Erebor and you see more women again you may…”
“No,” Thorin insisted. “Why do you think so low of yourself? Who has broken you to the point that you cannot accept a declaration of love? I’d hoped you had begun to trust me by now. It is clear you don’t.” 
“I do trust you. Implicitly.”
“Obviously not. You cannot trust that my words are true, and that they come from my heart. I love you for everything that you are, for the woman you are. Not because of some lack of choice.” 
The sadness in his eyes was so clear to see and it made a lump rise in your throat. To keep doubting his love and pushing him away would be wrong of you. It was obvious that Thorin was speaking truth. 
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byunpum · 1 year
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Pair: Neteyam x Y/N human reader
Warning: All characters are in their 20s (grow up), flirting, size difference, mmm I think nothing else
Request: (Anon) I was thinking about a neteyam x fem!human!reader. Reader is a short girl, maybe 4'11 (1.48) and Neteyam takes advantage of it and corners her to the wall...
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It was the fourth time Neteyam had checked that you were safe in the place where he had left you. You wanted to go hunting with him. Lo'ak had invited you to go for a walk with him and spider, kiri and tuk but you preferred to be with him. He liked you to stay with him, so you would see and learn how to hunt. But on the other hand, he was a little nervous about you being in a place as dangerous as the jungle of pandora. You were a human, anything was bigger than you, including him. Neteyam comes down from the branch he was on, causing him to make a startling noise as he falls right in front of you. You look up in alarm, and frustrate your brow. "teyam you scare me!!!" you whine a little, but your attention returns to the notebook in your hands. You were drawing some mushrooms that were next to you, they were very brightly colored.
"Sorry babe, but you're distracting me" neteyam says, coming a little closer to sit right in front of you. Touching your naked feet, he liked to play with your little toes. You laugh when you feel his cold hands, touching your feet. "Me? Why? I haven't moved from here" you speak, working on your drawing. "'Babe…" neteyam pauses, lowering his head to your knee, to kiss you on the knee. You look up, laughing at the action. You knew that neteyam's way of showing affection was more physical than yours, at first it made you uncomfortable. But by now you were used to it. This poor man was just asking to be loved and pampered after a busy day of chores that his father usually ordered him to do.
"You are so small, any creature could eat you" says neteyam, now he was sitting down. You laughed at his comment, you knew he was right. But you were not as weak as you looked, you knew you could run away from any creature. "Teyam you offend me, you know? I think I am very good at running away, not fighting…but I can run fast" you speak, with a tone of playfulness. Neteyam just looked at you with adoration, you were so cute. "Mmm I don't think so" says Neteyam. You lift your back a little off the back you were sitting on. Giving a punch to neteyam's chest, neteyam just watches as your punch doesn't have any effect on him. "Ok, I give up… but that doesn't mean I won't do my best to run away" you say.
Neteyam is silent for a moment, he was thinking what he would do in his next move. He chuckles to himself, as he begins to rise to his knees. " You think you can run away, ah?" asks neteyam in a flirty tone. As he lines up and slides over your body. Which in a matter of seconds, was covered by neteyam's. His whole body created a blanket that covered every view you had of you, raising your head to see neteyam's cute face. He had an idiot's grin on his face, analyzing how small you had become underneath him. You try to speak, but the only thing that comes out of your mouth is a 'I-hum-'. You were blushing so hard, damn it he knew the effect it had on you. Netayam bends lower, so that he is now close to your ear.
You could feel his breathing, his hot breath hitting the skin of your neck. "The creatures I speak of are much larger than me… they would have no mercy on you" neteyam places one of his hands, on the side of your thigh. Squeezing the soft skin, moving his palm gently up and down. Your breathing becomes more heaving, it was making you very nervous. "They would devour you in seconds" neteyam now leaves a kiss on your neck. Causing you to giggle from the tickle. "Nete…" you whimper a little. The feeling in your lower belly was building up, but he just replies you with a 'hmmm' as he continues to leave kisses on your shoulders and neck. You were grateful for the outfit kiri had prepared for you, it allowed neteyam to have all the access he wanted to your body.
"would you like to know how long it would take me to devour you?" neteyam pauses from kissing, waiting for an answer from you. You, as best you can, place your hands on the sides of her face. Your hands were so small, you could barely hold part of his jaw. You approach him to give him a soft kiss on the lips, now making eye contact with him (if you want to know more about the type of oxygen mask the reader uses 'read here'). Neteyam gives you a smile, and copies your movements. But now he settles more on the ground, so that he lies more on his stomach. Causing you to spread your legs, allowing him to settle more on top of you. Kissing your neck, moving down your chest to leave some wet kisses. Feeling your hands tangle in his hair, feeling your hands push him further down…right where you were needing him most.
Kissing and giving a few soft bites on your stomach. Enjoying the difference in texture of your skin, so soft and delicate. Dragging his body further back, placing his hands on either side of your hips. You now bring your legs up, watching as one of neteyam's hands moves one of your knees to open the space between your legs.
You two were so intent on your business that you had barely heard the lazy noises that were approaching you. Neteyam in a quick, and almost minimal movement moved up towards your lips giving you a sloppy kiss. "I don't see you running…don't you plan to run away?" he joked, seeing how your cheeks were pink, your mouth half open. And your pupils dilated, waiting for him to do what he wants with you. "So pretty" says neteyam.
"ahhhh my eyes!!!" screams spider. Neteyam and you look in the direction where the scream came from. Noticing lo'ak, kiri and spider. Even tuk…who had her mouth open. Spider runs up to tuk and covers her eyes. You push as hard as you can on neteyam, and he quickly sits up. Trying to adjust some of the clothes he had moved from his previous actions. Neteyam crosses his legs tightly and tries to cover his growing bulge with his hands. "You two can't be doing your stuff over here" kiri speaks, the girl was furious. You shift your gaze, you were embarrassed.
"I don't see you running,eh?" lo'ak tries to imitate neteyam's voice. "You can go…why don't you take tuk to the village" says neteyam, sounding annoyed. His brothers were still bothering him, and you were hiding more on the log.
The group of boys walk away, but if not before they continue to joke about the scene they just saw. Neteyam looks at you, and can see that you are almost completely hidden in a bush that was next to you. And he couldn't contain his laughter. "What are you laughing at?" you are embarrassed, the least you wanted is for your friends to see you in that situation. Neteyam approaches you again, placing his hand on your neck. "I see you can really run away…you're practically hiding in this corner" neteyam bends down to brush his nose against yours. "How about we go somewhere else…yeah?" says neteyam. You stare at him for a couple of seconds, quickly picking yourself up off the ground starting to run as fast as you can. Listening as neteyam laughs, and starts to get up from the ground. Letting you run for a while, after all it was only fair that he gave you a head start.
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panandinpain0 · 11 months
Miss Granger x female Slytherin I beg you 🙏🙏 but a nice one
Summer Lovin'
Sorry this took so long! I've got a schedule out now so I'll be doing these requests more regularly <3
Requested by: Anon
Hermione Granger x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
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The fresh smell of new books would always cheer Hermione up. Not that she was in a bad mood, but it cheered her up nonetheless. Hearing the bell ring above the door was something Hermione had been longing to hear all year, the smell of a citrus scented candle wafting around the sunlit shop.
The walls had chipped brown paint on them, a warm timber color that seemed to be fading, showing the true age of the building. The wood floors had colorful rugs placed here and there, the children’s section a burst of color against the serene atmosphere. Waving to the man at the front desk, someone she’d seen there often over the years, Hermione was on her way to find a new book.
She walked slowly down the fiction aisle, her finger skimming the spines of each book. When she found one that caught her eye she pulled it off the shelf, reading the synopsis on the back.
“Looking for something exciting?” a voice asked, making Hermione flinch in surprise. She looked up at the person next to her, eyes wide. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she laughed and held her hands up to show that she meant no harm.
“You’re fine, it’s just very quiet in here,” Hermione reassured, smiling gently at the girl in front of her. “And yes, something exciting. I’ve been reading non-fiction these last couple of months and decided to switch it up.” She waved the book in her hand around slightly.
“Hence the fiction section,” the girl commented, smiling with amusement when Hermione agreed. “That one is one of my favorites.” She gestured to the book Hermione was holding.
Hermione looked back down at the book, reexamining it. “Is it any good?”
“I’d like to think I have pretty good taste,” she replied, skimming the titles of the books on the shelf in front of her.
“Are you looking for something to read?” Hermione questioned, holding on to her book with more certainty than before.
“No, I just come here to find pretty girls to talk to,” she replied, her face completely serious.
Hermione was slightly taken aback, hesitating before asking, “Really?”
The girl’s serious face morphed into a smirk, shaking her head calmly. “No, I was being sarcastic. But that does tend to be one of the perks of this shop.”
Hermione laughed nervously in response, nodding her head before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Yes, I’m here to find a new book to read. Any suggestions?” She motioned to the shelf they were standing in front of.
Hermione turned serious as she inspected the spines, her eyes catching a specific one. As she pulled it off the shelf she asked, “How do you feel about a mystery with a romantic subplot?”
“Sounds right up my alley, if I’m being honest.”
Hermione handed her the book and they both made their way up to the counter to pay.
“You’ll have to let me know how you like the book,” the girl insisted, scribbling something down on a nearby paper. Ripping it off she handed it to Hermione. “This is my house phone, don't be surprised if my parents answer.”
“I won’t…” Hermione trailed off as she realized she didn’t know the girl’s name.
Catching the hint, the girl stuck out her hand for Hermione to shake. “(Y/N) (L/N), at your service.”
“Hermione Granger,” she returned.
“Hermione?” a voice called from outside the shop, catching both girl’s attention. Hermione’s father waved to her through the window, motioning that it was time for them to leave.
“Ah, I’ve got to go. It was a pleasure meeting you! I hope to hear how you enjoy my book as well.” Hermione smiled, cheeks pink as she said goodbye. She scolded herself as she walked away, reminding herself that she had a new friend and she shouldn’t expect anything more. Well, she had a new and very attractive friend. There’s a difference…
A Week Later…
Sniffling, Hermione gently closed the book and placed it on her lap, wiping at her tears. It had been a wonderful yet heart wrenching book, in which the main character lost the person which they loved most. She took a deep breath as she looked out of her cracked window, reflecting on what she’d read. Taking a sip of the tea that had gone cold, long forgotten after the climax of the book started, she stood up.
Hermione had been using the slip of paper (Y/N) had handed her at the bookshop as a bookmark, so as not to lose it. Now, she’d use it for its actual purpose. Gliding down the stairs, Hermione found the landline in their kitchen, dialing in the number and holding it to her ear.
As it started to ring she felt pangs of nervousness with each ring that sounded. Should she actually call her? It wasn’t a prank, was it? She didn’t think it was- they both were interested in reading and it’d be nice to have someone to talk to about it… What if she’d been making fun of Hermione the whole time and-?
Clearing her throat quickly, Hermione recovered from her surprise at the voice. “Yes, hello. This is Hermione Granger, I was wondering if I could speak to (Y/N)?”
“Just a minute,” what seemed to be (Y/N)’s mother responded. Hermione heard a distant shout for her, with a “your friend’s on the phone!” after.
After another moment a different voice echoed through the phone.
“Hey, bookshop girl! Hermione, right?” (Y/N) teased through the phone, and her ease comforted Hermione from her anxieties.
“Yes, it’s Hermione. I finished the book you recommended, just now actually.”
An excited gasp could be heard, followed by a, “Did you cry? How much did you cry?”
Hermione let out a somewhat offended scoff and shook her head, even though (Y/N) couldn’t see it.
“For your information I did cry, it was a sad ending! How come you didn’t warn me?”
“What would be the fun in reading it if I’d told you how it ends?” Hermione could hear the smile in her voice.
“I suppose you’re right,” Hermione sighed back, sitting down on a stool near the counter. “Have you finished the one I gave you yet?”
“Yes, I did! You know, I always do the same thing with mystery books. I think I’ve figured out who the culprit is within three chapters and am always completely wrong by the end of the book.”
Hermione chuckled, “I also thought it was Mr. Barnabee until chapter sixteen.”
“It so should’ve been him, right? And that crazy reveal in sixteen where Gracie the mistress pulled out the handkerchief- it was exhilarating.”
“I take it you liked it?” Hermione twisted the phone cord around her finger, giving her hands something to do while they talked.
“Oh yes, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Any more recommendations? I was going to go back to the bookshop this weekend to feed my addiction.”
“Of literature.”
Hermione snorted, laughing at the response. “That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?” The smile in her voice was evident.
“Not at all. I can’t seem to stop and it’s draining my bank account.”
Hermione giggled again. “How about this, we can meet up and shop together?”
“Even better. I’ll be there Saturday at noon.”
“I will too.”
As the line clicked to signal (Y/N) had hung up, Hermione bit her lip and sighed. She stopped mid-giggling and shook her head, scolding herself again. She’d found another friend who enjoys reading just as much as she does, that doesn’t mean she can’t still scare them off. She needed to tone it down.
The summer had ended as soon as it began as the girl’s read together. They started going to each other’s houses to read, and Hermione had gotten into the habit of laying her head on (Y/N)’s lap, listening to her tell the most wondrous stories from the books.
They laughed together, cried together, damn near did everything together. None of which helped Hermione get rid of her feelings in the slightest. Little did she know, (Y/N) had started to harbor feelings for her as well, what with so much time spent with each other.
Today they were reading separately, Hermione sitting against the headboard of her bed while (Y/N) laid at the end, legs hanging off as she fingered the corner of the page. It didn’t seem like she was actually reading, but lost in thought.
Hermione’s gaze kept darting from her book to the girl in front of her, blushing every time she was almost caught.
Truth was, both the girl’s were trying to figure out how to tell the other they wouldn’t be at home for the school year. They couldn’t very well tell the other that she was a witch! Well, they could, but they didn’t know that yet.
(Y/N) shifted her position to sit up, facing Hermione and abandoning her book.
“Hm?” Hermione set down her book, giving (Y/N) her full attention.
“I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?” She began to worry, her own problems shoved to the back of her mind.
“Summer’s almost over… I just wanted to tell you that I won’t be here when school starts back up.” (Y/N) bit her lip, picking at the skin of her nails. “I’m attending this boarding school, it’s a live-in…”
Hermione let out a somewhat relieved sigh at the admission, setting her book aside and scooting towards (Y/N) on the bed. Taking her hands in her own, Hermione smiled at her.
“I won’t either for the same reasons.” Her worry drained away as she saw (Y/N) shoulders relax and a smile appear on her face. They still wouldn’t be seeing each other until winter break or summer, but at least she wouldn’t be leaving Hermione behind. They both had reasons for not being home.
“Can I send you letters?” (Y/N) asked, playing with Hermione’s hand that rested between them. She knew it probably wouldn’t be the best idea to have a muggle sending letters to a wizarding village, or castle, without knowing, but what she didn’t know couldn’t hurt her- right?
Hermione seemed to be going through the same possibilities in her head, but ever since she’d met (Y/N), her priorities had been a bit skewed.
“Yes, you can. I’ll write down the address,” Hermione got up and scribbled on a piece of paper, handing it to (Y/N). She put it between the pages of her book immediately without looking at it, knowing she wouldn’t remember a lick of it anyways. When she sends her first letter Hermione can just look at the address she wrote from to write back.
Hermione sat back down on the bed and the two girls shared a look of understanding. They wouldn’t see each other in person for a while but that doesn’t mean this friendship had to only be for the summer.
(Y/N) reached across the bed and wrapped her arms around Hermione’s neck, pulling her into a hug. Hermione returned the gesture, arms around (Y/N)’s waist as she tucked her head into her neck. She just knew (Y/N) and the boys would get along so well if they’d ever get the chance to meet.
“I’ll miss you,” (Y/N) whispered into Hermione’s hair.
“I’ll miss you more.”
“I doubt it.”
“Don’t fight me on this, you won’t win.”
Hermione pulled (Y/N) back and they both laid on the bed, laughing together.
A Week Later…
They’d said their official goodbyes the night before hugging and holding hands until it got late enough that Hermione knew she wouldn’t want to wake up the next morning. When they parted, (Y/N) had kissed her cheek, handing Hermione a book she’d bought her as a farewell gift.
Sitting in her parents car, Hermione read the synopsis on the back of the book, smiling and flipping through the pages.
There’s no doubt Harry and Ron would hear more about (Y/N) than they’d care to, but that’s just what comes with being friends, you hear about each other’s crushes whether you like it or not. Not that Hermione would ever admit to it being a crush. Or that she’d touched the place (Y/N) had kissed on her cheek every time she thought of her…
Arriving at platform nine and three quarters, Hermione bid her parents goodbye with a hug and ran straight into the brick pillar. Coming out on the other side, Hermione took in the air, already feeling the magic thrumming through it, as if she could taste it.
Taking her bags off of the cart she had pushed them in with, she left it near the entrance and searched for her friends, specifically for the family of redheads, knowing Harry would most likely be with the Weasley’s.
Eventually she found Ron and Harry with them, and they boarded the train. Now they walked down the aisle, searching for an empty compartment, Hermione leading. Suddenly, as she was looking through the windows of one of the doors, someone ran into her. She was pushed back into Ron, who helped her stand back on two feet.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going- ‘Mione?” the extremely familiar voice gasped in shock.
Looking up, Hermione met (Y/N)’s gaze. “(Y/N)?!” Hermione asked back with just as much surprise.
“I didn’t know you were a witch,” they both said at the same time, laughing with each other after.
“Well, this makes things much easier,” (Y/N) admitted, pulling Hermione into a hug after handing her the bag that she’d dropped back.
“You two know each other?” Harry asked, gaze darting down to (Y/N)’s green and silver tie.
“We met over the summer,” Hermione filled in, also taking in (Y/N)’s uniform (but not for the same reasons). “I had no idea you went to Hogwarts,” Hermione repeated, moving out of the way as a few people passed by.
“I didn’t know you went here either! There’s an empty compartment just up here.” (Y/N) led them just two doors up and opened it, letting them all enter and following after.
“So how did you two meet?” Harry asked, looking slyly between the two as they sat across from Ron and himself.
“At this muggle bookshop, we were both looking for something to read and started spending time together,” (Y/N) explained after putting Hermione’s bag above them next to her own.
They spent the rest of the time getting to know each other, Ron still holding a bit of distaste for her house, but pushing that aside as they talked about the Chudley Cannons together. Harry had liked her from the start, well- as soon as she said she disliked Malfoy about as much as the rest of them.
Once they arrived at Hogwarts they got off the train, knowing they’d have to separate soon. (Y/N)’s Slytherin friends waved in the distance, calling out her name.
“Well, I’d better go now. It was a pleasure meeting you two, and it was a welcomed surprise to see you, Hermione.” (Y/N) smiled and took Hermione’s hand, kissing the back of her knuckles. Hermione’s face heated at the action, Ron and Harry deciding they should just start walking to avoid making things awkward.
“Don’t be a stranger. Now that I know you go here I want to spend time with you,” Hermione admitted, not letting go of (Y/N)’s hand until she did it herself.
“I promise, I’ll see you as much as possible. And hey, now we recommend wizarding books to each other.” (Y/N) winked and hugged Hermione goodbye, walking away to see her friends.
Hermione bit her lip before turning to where Ron and Harry had waited for her. She jogged to catch up to them, and they started walking to the carriages.
“So, a Slytherin?” Harry teased and Hermione elbowed him in the side, Ron throwing his head back as he laughed.
This was going to be an interesting year.
Hope that was okay! Thanks again for requesting <3
-Author Max <3
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