#your god came to you bloody and you fell to your knees is INSANE writing
seravphs · 1 year
Five recs (but the recs are my own writing) 
Thank you to lovely @gardenofnoah and @stellamancer for tagging me! 
Halfway through this I realized I was treating it like a writing critique instead of an actual fic rec so it’s more a reflection on how I’ve developed as a writer lmao.
hard feelings — I love Rin and the potential for exploring complicated relationships and feelings through him. Out of all my works, this is the most reader centric. I always feel like I can improve on my angst, and that it’s never as emotionally crippling as I want it to be, but I enjoyed writing about a more imperfect reader in this one. I’d love to keep writing for “bad” readers, actually!
ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies — I like amnqaitynl because it’s how I became friends with Aleks but also because I think it really captures the pining of a friendship turned something more. While it’s not high stakes because it’s just a college relationship, at the same time, it’s so intense! It’s everything to you, this friendship and the potential of losing it and the potential of earning something more, if you’re willing to take a little (big) risk.
religion, like crime, is also organized — Writing mafia fic is inherently hard because I’m constantly trying to avoid the wattpad label, but I really enjoyed exploring a fraught, tense dynamic where you’re not sure if the other person has your best interests at heart because the push and pull is so fun. Playing with religion as an element has always interested me as well!
a lost love takes a long time to die — The only long fic that made it onto this list is for Nanami, which is the way it should be. When I was writing Teen Dad Gojo all the way back in 2021, I always knew I was going to write a series of (unconnected) long fics for the big three (Nanami, Gojo, and Getou.) It took me until 2023 to finish alltalttd because I was so underdeveloped as a writer that I could never manage to write more than a few lines. I think it pushed me a lot in learning how to write fight scenes, deal with major character death, create a complete world, etc. whereas in Teen Dad! Gojo I completely bullshitted it if I’m being completely honest. I also really loved the supernatural element in this! If I could do it over, I wish I could explore the ghost marriage aspect more, especially culturally.
cruel summer universe — This is a love letter to the ordinary extraordinariness of having love in your life. Even though I write it to be very sweet and happy, in the back of my mind, I’m always thinking about how it ends in tragedy for Gojo and crew, so it reminds me of this quote about how even if the love didn’t save anyone, it was there. So this is the work that’s closest to my heart because it’s about how beautiful my relationships with others are.
It’s also my coming of age requiem! While I look forward to getting older, I’m nostalgic for a life that I know is now slipping out of my hands. I’ll still have the people I love, but the shape of our relationship will inevitably change with age. It feels like growing pains, something I have to resist until I realize how good it can be for me. 
Someone commented that it feels like a hug to read, and that’s how it feels to write. Even though it flopped so badly when I first posted it to the point where I thought it didn’t make it into the tags, it ended up being the fic I connect most with others on. Cruel Summer has brought me the most beautiful and heartfelt interactions.
honorable mention: arrive through obliteration — I don’t like the smut in this and I wish I could take it out lmao but I like the atmosphere! Fight scenes are also hard for me, so I’m really glad I pushed through it. 
honorable mention: starboy — technically star boy isn’t posted yet, but while I was working on it, I realized I’ve improved a lot since Teen Dad! Gojo. One of the reasons I dislike Teen Dad! Gojo so much is because I feel like a lot of the scenes could be trimmed down where I was struggling to move the timeline along, whereas in starboy, it feels fluid and natural.
no pressure tags: @seoafin (hope you’re enjoying Japan!) @oh-katsuki (also in Japan and presumably doing better things than thinking about fic lol but in case you want to!) @mintmatcha (no pressure means no pressure but I love your writing so I’d love to know what you think are your top five are!) @andypantsx3 (on hiatus...this is not shaping up well for me lol but if you’d like to, I’m interested in what your personal top five are!) @princess-okkotsu (you’ve definitely been tagged in this before but I would love to hear your thoughts on your writing!)  And anyone who’s reading! I’m serious, I would love to hear people’s thoughts on their own work! A writer I really like does author’s notes whenever she posts a fic and reading them after I finish a fic is the best feeling. 
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Fireflies: Morro x Reader
-i was originally writing this on a whim but saw a request and was like, okay this fits PERFECTLY for that request, so here ya go -okay don’t judge me but I think Morro’s cool -banc is some random guy i made up just now lmaooo -you’re an elemental master and Morro’s childhood friend because yeahhhh
Summary: Humans are insignificant, tiny beings. Your time is drawing near and you’re sure your life was a waste.
Dreams were powerful. They became the very thing that drove people to the edge. But they were also the very thing that drove people forward, and taught them to keep looking up in the dark. When you were young, you used to wish upon a star. You used to lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling in thought.
Now, you couldn’t. Your breaths began to slow, your eyes fluttered open and closed. This was the final blow. Your final stand. Was it really okay to be out here all alone? At least you had the stars and the moon to keep you company. They had lit your way and guided you to your target. If it weren’t for those tiny little specks above, you wouldn’t have completed the stupid mission.
Sometimes you wondered if things could have been different. Before you left the monastery, you should have given Morro a tighter hug, a longer smile, a bigger laugh. You should have told your sensei how much you adored having him around, how much you admired and respected him for what he did. You should have sent another letter to Garmadon and written about how boring it was without having him around. 
There were so many things left unsaid. Unwritten. Forgotten. Why didn’t you cling tighter to them? 
Your breath hitched. Was that...?
You let out a strangled wheeze. “M-Morro...” The grass parted around you and swished with the breeze. He collapsed by your side, heaving and mumbling under his breath. “What happened?” he demanded. “Where were you?! We captured that guy, but then you just disappeared!” Morro didn’t even try to hide the fear in his voice as he ripped his sleeve and tied it around your wounds.
The man you were trying to catch was a serial killer. You thought he was some lowly idiot, but it turned out he had an entourage of killing machines. He experimented on them, and that gave them abilities no normal people should possessed. “Morro...” You winced. “Leave. That guy, he...he has these people who...”
“Just shut up.” His was holding back tears. “You aren’t dying on me, and even if that guy had backup, you bet Sensei won’t have trouble taking them out. I’m bringing you home, so don’t you dare sleep on me.” You intertwined your bloody hand with his. “Morro, please. Go.” He clenched his teeth.
“No!” His voice came out harsh, but you knew it was good-natured. “I’m not leaving you! Not again.” You turned to stare at the starry sky. What was Morro referring to? Whatever it was felt like so long ago--or was that just your hazy memory? No, you had incredible memory. 
“(Y/n), stay awake!”
You were sleepy. The stars were beginning to fade, along with Morro’s beautiful eyes glazed over with tears. Fireflies rose from the grass, fluttering past your view in little specks of light. You wondered what it felt like to be so free and insignificant. They had no responsibilities, no nothing save for living.
What did that feel like?
“Hey...” you whispered. “Remember that time you...helped me up...after I...after I scraped my knee?” Morro squeezed your hand, but it was like he hadn’t at all. Your limbs were numb in pain.
“What are you talking about?” he demanded. “Save your strength--”
You laughed and it was melancholy and broken and sad and all the things Morro wished he never heard. This wasn’t you. It wasn’t what he wanted for you. The sky was blurring in a mix of pale moonlight and scattered dots of stars. You thought back to that day, the one where you had scrapped your knee.
Blood gushed out of the tattered skin. You winced, wishing with bitter regret that you hadn’t overstepped your attack. It wouldn’t have happened if you were paying more attention, but how could you when Morro was so attractively distracting?
He glanced at you from over his shoulder and paused. “Hold on,” he told his sparring partner. You blew on the open wound. Maybe it would help ease the pain, you weren’t sure. “First Spinjitzu Master, urgh.”
Morro knelt by your side, eyes all soft and warm. “You’re such a clutz sometimes.” You huffed. “I wouldn’t be if you weren’t so freaking...” Heat rose to your cheeks, reddening them like apples. There was no way you’d openly admit he made you trip over your own two feet.
“’So freaking’ what?” he inquired, raising a brow. Your rosy cheeks darkened and Morro let out a bright laugh. “Wait here.” He stood and hurried inside the monastery. His sparring partner, Banc, sent you big thumbs up. You rolled your eyes at him and threw your scabbard at him. He easily caught it with a smirk grin.
“When are you going to tell him?”
You raised a brow. “Tell him what?”
“That you like him.” Banc said it like it was the mot obvious thing in all of Ninjago, but it wasn’t like he was wrong. Sensei Wu saw it, Garmadon saw it, everyone saw it. What a miracle it would be if it was a secret, or at least a quiet thing.
“Morro’s the only one who doesn’t realise it.” you muttered. Banc rolled his eyes. “Then tell him! I’ll go insane if you keep your mouth shut for another day.” The Monastery doors opened and Morro jogged out with a wet handkerchief and a bandage. “I don’t mean to keep you guys waiting,” he said, “but this is important.”
“To you.” Banc jested. Morro rolled his eyes playfully. He knelt back by your side and gently wiped the wound. “(Y/n) could die if the wound gets infected, so it’s important anyway.” You snorted. “A wound’s not going to kill me.”
“It very well could if one is not careful.”
You turned to look at the open doors. Sensei waltzed out, bamboo staff in one hand and straw hat in the other. His bag, heavy around his shoulders, was big and filled with as much stuff as he could fit. You wondered if it was because of tea or scrolls. “Are you going somewhere?”
He nodded. “I’m afraid so. In the mean time, I hope you all come to realise what’s hidden under the surface. Whether it be hidden feelings,” he cast you a knowing look, “or personal progression. Keep the Monastery tidy and please don’t forget to pickle the vegetables. I’d hate not to have any pickled radish without my rice.”
You all shared a good-natured chuckle. Morro wrapped your knee in a bandage and turned to glance at Sensei with curious eyes. They sparkled like the clouds in the rising sunlight, just like little nuggets of gold. “What do you mean by ‘hidden feelings’?” Sensei smiled warmly. “You will have to find that out on your own. I’ll be off now, you will see me in seven days’ time.”
The moment Sensei disappeared down the front steps and Banc had closed the doors tight, silence fell over you three. Banc kept looking at you with that stupid grin of his and you had to admit, it was getting annoying. Whenever Morro turned his back to you, he motioned for you to tell him.
An hour passed, then five and six. The sun began to set along the horizon, and that was when Banc decided it was high time you fulfilled your task.
“Morro,” Banc announced. “(Y/n) has something to tell you.”
At the foot of the mountain, you lay in a large field. Morro was on your right, and Banc on your left. The fireflies that flitted past your vision were as bright as the stars, maybe even brighter. A single one landed on your nose and Morro couldn’t help but think about how beautiful you were in that moment.
“What do you want to tell me?” he inquired. You stared at the lone firefly, cheeks a dim red in its glow. “Uh...it’s...it’s nothing.”
“Are you sure? Banc looks like he wants to yell at you.” he said with a chuckle. The firefly launched off your nose and joined its family in a swarm of bright specks of light.
“Okay, okay. Maybe I do have something to say. It’s just that I...uh...I...”
A soft smile rested upon your lips. “You didn’t...didn’t forget that day...did you?” Morro touched his forehead to yours. His tears glistened in the moonlight and touched your cheeks like a misty morning drizzle. “No,” he whispered. “Of course I didn’t forget. How...how could I?”
You released one of his hands and shakily placed it on his damp cheeks. This was it, nothing else could stop time and save you from your last moments. No magic, no element, no god would or could come to your aid. But that was okay. As long as you Morro stayed right here in these moments, you’d be happy.
Happy. What a funny word.
“I...I don’t want to die.” Your voice cracked and Morro didn’t ignore it. “I don’t want you to die either.”
“What...what will...happen when I’m dead?” Morro heaved in a sharp breath and shook his head. “You won’t die,” --he chocked back a sob-- “I won’t let you.” That was a lie. Even though he didn’t want you to die, how could he save you? Morro was the Master of Wind, not death or resurrection. There wasn’t anything to do, no matter what he said.
“When...when I’m gone...promise you’ll...move on?”
A look of horror snapped through his eyes, as if he couldn’t bear the thought of ever having to let you go. It wasn’t what he did. How could he when you were his light, his life? If you hadn’t been around, then he would have died trying to prove Destiny wrong.
“I...I love you Morro.”
“I love you more.” He pulled you close into the security of his arms and hugged you tight. “But please, please don’t go.” You smiled again with the last of your strength. It was all you could do when the world was fading, blurring into dots and colours.
You shut your eyes. Your hand went limp.
Morro stilled and tightened his hold on your dead body. Fireflies flew past him in glowing paths of specks. A single firefly landed on your nose, illuminating the dried splatter of blood on your cheeks. In that moment, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were.
“I love you (Y/n). I love you more than anything in Ninjago.”
REBLOG so this can reach more people (and therefore support me, the creator!) TIP JAR <---
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Hey, welcome fellow weebs to my writing page. This is my first writing post here. Hope you enjoy! <3
Bakugou Katsuki x Insecure, shy, clingy, fem listener
Warnings: unprotected sex, fem! receiver, pregnancy threat, rope bunny bottom reader, brat baku, mommy/daddy kink
TW: blood, belt whip
Word count: 2035
“Hey!” Bakugou slams your door open then shuts it.
Your head snaps up, surprised, and you hide your bloody hands and knees in your shirt. His eyes dart down to your chest where you’d hidden your hands.
“What the fuck?” He grabs your hands and turns them over so your palms are facing up. He examines your palms, then looks up at you with a worry in his eyes that he’d always hidden from you.
“What the fuck happened?” He grips your wrists harder.
Your hands and voice shake as you answer. “I- I fell outside coming up the steps.”
He shakes his head and grabs your hands. He leads you to the bathroom, lifts you onto the counter, and starts cleaning you up.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“Shut up.” You fall silent and look down at your knees. He dampens a washcloth and gently wipes the half-dried blood off your wrists, careful to avoid the cuts.
“I can do this mys-”
“Shut UP.” He grinds his teeth and glares at you.
“I got this.” His face relaxes slightly as he busies himself with your arms. He sighs and wipes harder at a particularly stubborn part. After he finishes with your right arm, he switches to your left one and proceeds with the same process. “I’m sorry.” You speak.
“Stop that. You don’t need to be sorry.” He snaps.
“But I still am-”
“I SAID STOP IT.” Angry sparks shoot from his palms and scorch your forearm. You shriek in pain and pull away. You rub your arm where he burned you and blood starts to pool up again. He grabs your wrist gently but strongly and pulls it away from the other arm.
“I’m sorry.” He grimaces. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
You look down and hang your head in surrender. “It’s fine,” you mumble.
He shakes his head again, which hurts more than the cuts themselves. Knowing that you let him down.
“Hey. Lift up your head,” he orders. You shake your head and hang it down lower. “Now.” He threatens. Again, you defy him. He hooks his index finger under your chin and lifts up your head so your mouths are at the same level.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” He looks into your eyes with a burning love you’ve never seen from him. He touches your lips to his gently, just letting you know he’s there.
“I love you, you hot mess.” He says, tipping his head down to start cleaning your knees.
“I love you too, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite,” you whisper back. He chuckles softly at the use of his hero name. You wince as he scrubs at a particularly rough spot. He notices, drops the washcloth and grabs the sides of your head with his hands.
He kisses your forehead, applying more pressure than normal. “I’m sorry. I don’t really know what else to do. I know this is really weird but I love you and I want to take care of you,” he says tentatively.
You lean into his touch and savor the moment, knowing full well it’ll be a while until you feel him like this again.
“I just want you to know,” He growls, hands on your thighs, “I’ll always be here. When you fall, I’ll be here to pick you up. When someone hurts you--mentally or physically-- I’ll kill them. Okay?”
You look down at your knees and hide your face as a tear drops onto your knee, washing some of the blood away.
“Y/N,” He says with urgency. “Tell me you understand,”
“I understand. Thank you.” You say, as more tears fall down your face. “Thank you for always being there for me.” He grabs the sides of your head again, and wipes the tears off your cheeks with his thumbs.
“You’ll be okay.” He whispers against your lips before he kisses you passionately. He lets go of your head and grabs the sides of your hips. He pulls you closer to him as his tongue snakes inside your mouth and meets yours.
You let out a low moan as he seizes your hips and lifts you up off the counter. You feel the dried blood start to crack and fresh blood start dripping down as you flex your fingers and reopen a few of the cuts. You relish in the sensation as he places you on the bed and pulls his belt off.
“Which one?” He snarls, holding up his belt in one hand and his handcuffs in the other.
“Both,” you reply, pulling off your blood-stained shirt. He looks at you with an anger you’ve only seen once. He scans your body, licking his lips, then strips off your shorts and panties.
He settles you under him and kisses you again, while chaining your hands to the headboard. He walked back to the footboard of the bed on his knees and stripped off his pants, socks and shirt, leaving him in slim-fitting boxers.
“Take off the boxers,” you order.
“Take them off yourself,” he replies, smirking. You fling your feet forward and pull down his boxers to reveal his rock-hard erection.
“Bring it to me,” you command. He obeys and strides to you, still on his knees. You lean forward and take his length into your mouth. You pull your head back and forth and then swirl your tongue around his head. He flips his head back and moans.
“Oh fuck, mommy.” He cups the back of your head with his muscular hand and shoves your mouth farther down until you’re choking and gagging and drooling on his cock. You feel blood start dripping down your arms again.
He licks the blood off your wrists and continues licking down your arm until he reaches your elbow, then pulls away and licks the blood off of his lips.
He moans loud and deep as you feel warm liquid squirt into the back of your throat. You choke, then swallow. You pull away and look at him, mouth open, drool dripping from his softening cock and running down your chin.
A string of drool drips on your tits and he leans down and licks it off. You tilt your head back and let out a soft moan.
“Fuckkkk, daddy.” You start to pant as he takes your right tit into his mouth and fondles the left one. He sucks on your right tit and gently bites the nipple, while roughly squeezing the left one.
He pulls back, grabs the belt and opens his mouth to release the built-up suction from his mouth on your tit. He grabs your hips and flips you over, so you’re facing the pillows.
Your hands latch onto the headboard and Bakugou slaps the inside of your thighs and spreads them apart. The belt smacks your ass on both sides and he bends down and kisses your asscheeks.
“Fuck, sexy. Your pussy’s so wet.” He runs his tongue up and down over your cunt and sucks the wetness off. You moan in pleasure and he smacks the belt against your lower back.
“You want more, Teddy Bear?” It sounds like he’s gritting his teeth.
“Yeahh,” you moan gently.
“Tell me how much you want it.”
You moan loudly and almost cum in his mouth, but luckily you hold it back.
He kisses your pussy lips and swipes his tongue side-to-side on that sensitive bundle of nerves at the tip of your clit. Your legs twitch as his tongue starts to harden on your pussy. His strong hands grip the insides of your thighs and he lets out a soft moaning growl.
His grip tightens on your thighs as he holds them still. You’re upside down on the bed, hands chained to the headboard, Katsuki licking your pussy, holding your thighs above his shoulders.
Your feet are pointed in midair, unable to touch anything solid. He straightens up, swipes his fingers through your folds, and licks his fingers. You hear the bed springs squeak as he repositions so his cock is at your entrance.
“Do you want it, baby?” He growls, swiping the head of his cock through your folds and barely prodding at your entrance, teasing you, almost to the edge. You struggle to hold back your orgasm and let out a moan.
“I want it, daddy. Give it to me. Please.”
He balances at the entrance to your cunt and slowly enters until he’s about two inches in, then he thrusts. You lurch forward, pressing your hands against the wall behind the bed to stunt your launch. He lets out a growl, one you’d never heard before.
“God, your pussy’s so fucking tight, baby.” He snarls, thrusting deeper and faster by the second. When you feel like he’d reached your limit, he pushes you harder.
He pushes further and further into your pussy, until it felt like you were going to burst. You don’t try to hold back anymore. You let it all out and feel your pussy tighten around his cock.
“Good girl,” He whisper-growls, as you feel your cum drip down to the sheets. “Did you cum for daddy?” You nod, knowing full well if you try to talk you’ll let out a huge moan and embarrass yourself.
You feel his hand snake around your shoulders and grip your throat, as he continues to pound into you. “What did you say, Y/N?” He asked, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“Yes, daddy.” You moan loudly. His grip on your throat tightens as he thrusts harder for the last few strokes. You feel the hot, burning sensation of his cum shooting into your womb. He groans while you moan, letting him know exactly how much you like that.
He pulls out and his softening cock flops down. He shifts to the side, away from you, still admiring your body as it’s literally chained up for him, open for his appreciation and only his.
He finally unlocks the handcuffs and you roll over onto your back, feeling the dried blood on your knees come off on the sheets. Small pools of blood bubble up on your knees, but they clot rather quickly. Bakugou flops down on the bed beside you and looks over at you.
“You came in me.” You speak, out of shock. This was the first time this had happened.
He nodded. “Mhm. I wanted to last time but you would’ve killed me.”
“Was it enough to get me pregnant, do you think?” You ask shyly.
“Mmm. Yeah, definitely.” He answers, unfazed.
“Are you going to leave me if I keep the baby?”
“WHAT? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?” He screams at you.
“I- why wouldn’t you? There’s nothing chaining you to me.”
You nod, tears welling up in your eyes.
He pulls you close to him and gently bites your neck. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“It’s not your fault, I’m just sensitive.” You reply, sniffling.
He runs a hand over your belly. “If my--if OUR child is growing inside of you, I’m not going to leave either of you. I love you too much to do that to you.”
A tear runs down your cheek. You reach up and swipe it away. “Thank you.” you say simply.
“For what?” He asks innocently.
“For saying you’ll stay. Even if you’re just saying it, it’s making me feel better.”
“Y/N?” He asks.
“Yeah,” you reply.
“Please tell me you’ll keep the baby.”
“What?! Of course I’m keeping the baby. Don’t be crazy.” you reply, rolling your eyes.
“Okay. If you say so.” He replies, grabbing you forcefully and dragging you onto his chest. Eh kisses the top of your head and whispers in your ear, “Go to sleep, Y/N. I’ll look over you. I promise.”
He rests his chin gently on the side of your head and you nuzzle the top of your head into the crook of his throat. You let out a sigh of contentment and slowly drift off to sleep, very aware that Bakugou hasn’t fallen asleep yet.
Only when your breathing slows and your body relaxes, does he allow himself to sleep.
TAG LIST: @crow-with-a-knife @crow-with-a-keyboard @daniellewilliams
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Glass Kingdom
pairing: Kai Anderson/getting his ass beat by an icon
summary/request: hey bestie can u write something abt Lana fucking. beating the shit out of Kai. this is not a joke I want to see Kai get beat the fuck up by lesbian icon Lana - @neoneyez
warnings: bitch is violent, an a teenie bit graphic. blood warning, kai himself is a warning honestly. 
notes: im proud of this one. I love working with these types of requests, especially at 4:04 AM
          Kai Anderson is a coward. As much as he wants to deny it, as much as he hates to admit it, he’s a weak, greasy, sniveling coward. He tried as hard as he could to build up his ego, to convince everyone around him that he was some god-- hell, he made his followers call him ‘divine ruler’ and even that couldn’t make him strong. Kai isn’t the divine ruler anymore. No, Lana Winters had taken his title, and Kai was reduced to nothing more than a common freak who neglected his roots. 
          There she stood, her shadow cloaking Kai, eclipsing the small light in his stuffy basement. Ever since she left the asylum, Lana realized she was much stronger than she could ever truly understand; mentally and physically. Kai shrunk under her strength, her confidence alone making him cower with his tail between his legs. Lana Winters was everything Kai wanted to be; strong, confident, respected, powerful, the list goes on. Kai’s plan was simple: get Lana to join his cult for the influence. 
          At first, Lana was hesitant to join. She knew how abusive and damaging cults were and hated the idea of hurting someone like she’d been hurt. Lana saw through Kai’s manipulation tactics, she saw through his facade. She knew he wasn’t strong like she was, and she was going to use that to her advantage; she was going to overthrow Kai and free the members of the cult. 
          So, she joined. Initially, Kai was ecstatic, thinking that he’d managed to wrangle in one of the most powerful women in the country. Much to Kai’s dismay, Lana had barely been in the cult for a day, and she’d already gained the same amount of respect that Kai had. Respect that Kai had to literally kill for. That made him angry, but he buried that under the stress of his next big plot. The mindless drones that served Kai like he was king began taking Lana’s orders. The other cult members began to value Lana’s input over Kai’s. That’s when Kai met his limit, soon calling Lana to his basement for a ‘one-on-one conversation’. 
         It didn’t take long for Lana to overpower Kai, In fact, they had spoken for less than five minutes when Kai dared lay his hands on Lana. She swifty pushed him onto the concrete floor, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He was shocked, soon calling out for his boy-toys to restrain Lana. Two men walked into the room, took one look at Lana, and walked back out. Kai screamed, the fear now evident in his eyes when he realized he had nothing left. Lana laughed.
         “There’s something that you need to realize about me, Kai.” She says firmly, looking the blue-haired man dead in the eyes. “I’ve seen power, real, true power-- and you couldn’t handle a fraction of it. You’ve built a glass empire, and I’m a brick flying at high speeds at your throne.” The stone-cold look on Lana’s face could send any man running, but Kai was ignorant and his masculinity was fragile.
          Kai scoffs, standing up with a huff. “You’re just some common bitch with a few viewers. These people worship me like gods, they’d fall at my feet and pray to me-- you’re nothing compared to me.” Lana’s hand moved faster than Kai could register, the loud crack of her palm against his cheek echoing through the room. Kai truly couldn’t believe she’d just slapped him.
          “Let’s test that theory, shall we?” Lana growls, taking a step closer to Kai. Her fist slams into his face, the greasy man soon falls backwards onto his ass from the pure force. She’d broken his nose, he was sure of it. The pain rippled through Kai’s head, blurring his vision momentarily. Lana’s foot collided with Kai’s face the minute he regained his composure. Blood splayed on the floor, and Lana grunted in disgust. 
          “Stupid man, you got blood on my boots.” She bent down and grabbed a fistfull of Kai’s hair, trying not to gag at the greasiness of his neglected mop of hair. She dragged him to her feet. “It’s time that you become an actual bootlicker.”
          Kai moaned, blood steadily flowing from his nose as he whimpers at Lana’s feet. He follows her orders like a dog, and he’s ashamed of himself with every second of submission. Lana orders Kai to stand, and he does. She smirks before jerking her knee between Kai’s legs, slamming into his balls and causing Kai to cry out in pain. He doubles over, backing away from Lana as she closes in on him. 
          Lana Winters isn’t a violent person, but after hearing the horror stories of what Kai put his followers through, she couldn’t stop herself. Kai was bad to the bone, Kai was a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, misogynistic asshole with a superiority complex. With every strike, Lana thought of Ally and the way Kai terrorized her to the brink of insanity. With every smack, Lana thought of Meadow and the way Kai used her love for him as manipulation material until the day she gave her life for him. With every punch, Lana thought of Winter and how Kai was endlessly terrible to her, ruthlessly manipulative and extremely predatory. 
           Kai cried out for someone, anyone to help him, but nobody came. He knew they could hear him, and still, they stayed away. Kai lied flat on his back, Lana’s knees on his arms. She punched him rhythmically, each landed hit representing each life Kai ruined. Each person Kai hurt. Each offensive comment that would go unpunished. Kai was bleeding, a lot, and sobbing, but that didn’t stop Lana. She was riding her rage, her adrenaline, and releasing all her pent up anger on someone who deserved it. 
         Lana let Kai stand back up, only to elbow him in the jaw, making him bite down on his tongue. Blood fills the tall man’s mouth, and he chokes on it. He splutters, falling to his knees in front of Lana. The irony of the scene was hilariously painful, and Kai couldn’t take it. He began to beg for mercy at Lana’s feet, sobbing loudly. Lana didn’t let up, driving her foot into Kai’s skull.
          “Did you give Winter mercy when you strangled her? Did you give Meadow mercy when she poured her heart and soul into you? Did you give Beverly mercy when you pushed her over the edge into a state of permanent shock?” Lana slapped Kai again, the action raw and genuine. Kai couldn’t respond, he simply fell backward.
          Once Lana tired herself out, she looked down at the man below her. He was bloodied and broken and small. His glass empire had shattered. Lana gracefully walked over to the coffee table across the room, gingerly picking up Kai’s thermos full of scalding hot coffee. She removed the lid, watching as the steam twirled under the fluorescent lights of Kai’s basement. With one fluid movement, she dumped the borderline boiling liquid on Kai’s beaten face, relishing in his screams of agony. Lana trunks away from Kai, a final phrase escaping her lips and hanging in the air before she exits the basement.
         “Enjoy your latte, bitch.”
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ratwrites · 5 years
Requested by: @babycasiplier
Request: Hey love, idk if you're taking in any requests but can you do something with Killian, where him and the reader are together at like a tavern and some guy starts flirting with the reader and starts to get touchy with her and killian just snaps and gets all protective and possessive over the reader? Maybe add some fluff in there too? Please and thank you! Ps I absolutely love your writing, its sooo good!
Warnings: Implied Smut at times, angst, fluff
Pairing: Killian Jones X Reader
Word Count: 6,013
A/N: Hi. I'd just like to say that I got this request and started writing it instantly lmao. I had a little too much fun writing this and I actually like how it turned out. Idk if this is exactly what you were looking for but I couldn't help myself ;-; Thank you for requesting!!
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The thought of nearing an unknown land soon made your heart quicken its pace. Sailing had always been a treat, but seeing the destination was always much better to you. Even though you'd been sailing for years you always found the land more interesting than the sea. You sat up in the crow's nest your eyes scanning the blue horizon for any form of land. Your heart dropped slightly when you couldn't see anything. "(F/N)!" Your attention turned down to the deck. Without hesitation you carefully made your way out of the nest and back down onto the deck.
"Yes Smee?" You questioned, coming to stand in front of the first mate.
"The Captain wants to see you," Smee instructed.
"Couldn't call for me himself?" You chuckled, pushing past Smee. You glanced at the helm and quickly made note that he was below deck. With that you headed down finding yourself in the Captain's quarters. His back was toward you as he gazed out of the large window and to the sea. His hand and hook her held nearly behind his back.
"You wanted to see me Hook?" you called, catching his attention. He turned his head partly giving you a side eye.
"Yes. Come stand with me," he ordered, calmly. You did as you were told and came to stand on his left side. You gazed out of the window with him. The ocean sparkled in the sunlight actually hurting your eyes. You looked down and away from the window.
"As you know we will be docking soon," he began, breaking the silence that had formed over the room. You nodded dragging your gaze up and to him. He still wasn't looking at you.
"You will stay with the crew tonight," he finished. Your heart dropped further.
"What?" You gasped, turning to face him with your entire body. When you docked you normally went out and explored. Killian didn't really mind what you did as long as you kept strange men off of his ship. Yes, like him, you enjoyed the company of strangers, but recently that had changed. For a few months you'd been trying to catch Killian's eyes. So far you'd failed.
"This village is- well it's-" he paused, trying to think of the proper phrase.
"Women shouldn't be left unattended," he explained, hesitantly. You frowned drawing your brows together. Killian knew very well that you could handle your own.
"And what makes this town different from any of the others? I can handle myself Killian," you protested, crossing your arms across your chest.
He finally looked at you once more. You could see the annoyance flashing through his eyes. "You are staying with the crew," he repeated, turning to face you as well.
"I am not some feeble woman Killian, I don't need protection!" You continued.
"(F/N)!" He snapped, grabbing hold of your arm. The contact set your skin ablaze.
"This isn't about you being weak. Gods knows you can handle yourself, but for once in your bloody life do as your told," he growled.
"I need to know that you are safe," he added, barely above a whisper. You swore you heard him wrong as he released your arm. You took a step back from Killian as he turned away again.
"Fine, I'll hang around, but you better make it worth my while," you challenged. His head turned partly back to you a side smile crossing his face. He turned to face you again and approached you.
"Oh I will," he purred, his breath fanning over your face. You held your composure even though everything in you was melting. He stepped back and left without another word. You exhaled sharply not realizing that you had been holding your breath. Your excitement for land had returned at Killian's words. You cleared your head as best as you could before returning to the deck.
The crew hollered happily as the boat docked into the village. "Let's hit the tavern boys!" Killian called, coming down from the helm. More cheers roared from them as they all began to make their way off of the Jolly Roger. You went with them unboarding with Killian directly behind you. You paused on the dock taking in your new surroundings. This port was actually quite busy for the size of the village. You assumed it was bigger than it looked.
Killian's hook came around the bend of your arm as he drug you forward. You grunted catching up with him. You removed his hook from your arm. "I can walk you know," you huffed."That's the problem," Killian responded, lowly. You rolled your eyes and stayed close to him. The further you walked into the village the more you realized how scarce it was to see a woman out and about. The few women you saw were all accompanied by a man and each one of them seemed terrified when you looked at them. This peaked your curiosity, but also confused you.
"What is up with this place?" you whispered, leaning into Killian as you walked.
"Hush love. Leave any and all talking to me," he replied, sharply. You frowned again giving yourself some distance from Killian. You had no intentions in sticking by him the whole night you never did and neither did he. He always had a woman at his side while you found whatever you could. You put a little more distance between yourself and Killian. Your gaze ran over a young girl maybe fourteen carrying a basket far too large for her. Before you knew it she fell sending all of the items in her basket sprawling out across the ground. You didn't think, you moved.
You rushed to the girls aid falling to your knees and helping her scoop up her escaped items. "Here," you said, kindly placing them back into her basket. Her eyes were wide with fear. You raised a brow and continued to help her.
"Are you alright?" you asked, picking the basket up for her. You carefully handed it off to her. She nodded not saying a word.
"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing to my daughter you harlot!" A rough hand suddenly grabbed you and spun you around. You own hand swiftly came to rest on the hilt of your sword. You pulled free of the hand.
"I was simply helping her, do you have a problem with that?" You asked, hotly.
"Watch your tongue girl or I will have it removed from your head!" The man snapped. He advanced swiftly on you, but didn't make it. Killian was in front of you in moments and his crew was standing to the side.
"Easy mate," Killian warned, holding his hand and hook up slightly in surrender.
"Is that your harlot?" The man snarled.
"Aye so be careful how you treat her," Killian answered. Anger boiled in you at the term harlot.
"Learn to control your bitch or she will be controlled for you," the man growled. You moved forward and readied to draw your sword but Killian stayed your hand and body. With one motion he turned you and pushed you away from the man following after you. This time his hand rested on the center of your back.
"I told you (F/N), stay with me and don't speak to anyone," he growled. You shook his hand off.
"She fell Killian, what was I supposed to do just leave her there?" You snapped.
"Yes," Killian responded. You went quite anger still boiling in your blood. You were beginning to wish you were still at sea.
The tavern was in view. You couldn't wait to down a few pints of rum. You needed the buzz in your system right now. The doors of the tavern swung open as a large group of heavily intoxicated men exited. You and the crew slipped past them and entered the busy tavern. You'd been in some loud places, but this was insane. There wasn't a woman in sight besides the barmaids who were poorly dressed and miserable. The room was full of drunk men brawling and laughing. You stayed close to Killian seeing the sudden need to keep your head down.
You normally weren't shy, but the atmosphere made you nervous. You sat down by Smee as everyone placed themselves at the only empty table they could find. Well, mostly empty. Three women approached the table all of them young and beautiful. They passed out drinks to each of the men leaving you empty handed.
"A drink for the lady please," Killian called, stopping one of the women. She seemed petrified that he'd even suggested such a thing. The young girl hesitantly handed you a drink. You nodded your head and took a gulp of the rum enjoying the pleasant burn it sent down your throat.
"Cheers!" Smee chirped. The men agreed clanking their cups together before taking drinks of their own. You took another drink eyeing some of the men in the tavern. A very large percentage of them were hideous and very drunk. You sighed and rolled the bottom of your cup along the table.
"Anyone for dice?" One of the crew suggested, setting down a small container holding two dice.
"We aren't drunk enough for that! We've barely begun!" Another chimed. Laughter rang out causing the tavern to be even louder. You enjoyed a good few rounds of dice once you could barely stand. You downed the last of your drink and waved down one of the women who brought you another.
"Thirsty love?" Killian teased, finishing his own and doing the same.
"Gotta drown the anger somehow," you replied, honestly. You took another drink. Since you joined the crew you'd learned how to hold your liquor well. You always regretted it in the morning but it took a lot to get you drunk. Unlike some of the men who only needed two of three pints of rum you could hold a decent amount before you and Killian were competing on who was more drunk.
Your eyes landed on a particular man who was hidden away in a corner. He seemed to he alone, but he was clearly eyeing you. You had to admit he was a fairly attractive man from what you could see, but you never trusted the ones who sat alone; you also had one goal for tonight. You had yours sights still set on your captain. He'd told you he'd make this night worth your while and you intended to hold him to that.
You'd downed multiple drinks finally noticing the buzz you wanted. You weren't drunk per say, just a little light headed. That was fairly normal for you. You'd held back on drinks once the dice came out. A few rounds had been played and you'd robbed each crew member of at least a few silver coins each. You didn't exactly play fair, but neither did any of them. The laughter that spread from your table had drawn the attention of some of the other occupants. Before you knew it a few strangers had joined your game. To your own surprise no women had joined your party. They normally flung themselves at Killian as soon as he had at least three drinks in his system, but not tonight. The women were afraid each one huddling away until they were called upon. You'd seen one get dragged out by a man and you quickly assumed it wasn't for good reasons. She'd returned later with tear stains down her cheeks. That set you off and caused you to down another.
You scooped up your winnings as the currently round ended sticking your tongue out playfully at Killian who had lost six gold coins to your unfair dice hand. His eyes narrowed challengingly at you and you laughed. You noticed the eyes of the strange men burning through you. It obviously wasn't a good thing that you'd robbed them of their money as well. You tossed your hair back dramatically and the crew laughed at the sulk that crossed Killian's face.
"What's wrong Captain? Losing to a girl?" You teased, running your boot across his lower leg. His body responded slightly as he shifted his legs bringing them closer to yours under the cramped table. You knew exactly what you were doing.
"You are just having a stroke of luck love, don't get too cocky," he responded, trapping your boot between his knees as you moved it up. You giggled and pulled your foot free.
"Another round?" Smee slurred, holding the dice in his hand.
"Definitely," Killian said, his eyes on you. Everyone placed their bets in the center of the table. Smee started the round challenging one of the strange men. Smee rolled a four which wasn't exactly the best.
The man rolled getting a ten. With cheers from the strangers he collected Smee's bet pocketing it. The stranger then challenged you. He rolled the dice landed on eight. You mentally cursed yourself. Normally if the opponent got a high number to start you could kiss your bet goodbye. You took the dice not missing the stroke of his fingers across your hand. His skin made you cringe slightly. You looked at Killian and rolled. "Twelve!" you cheered. The crew hollered as well as the man growled practically tossing his coins at you. You ignored the hostility and gathered your wins tucking them safely into the satchel on your belt.
"Alright Captain, let's see what you've got," you purred, readying yourself to roll. You rolled waiting impatiently for the dice to stop.
"Six!" Smee called, as the dice stopped. Killian took the dice his eyes locked on you. He went to roll. You played your game and raised your boot suddenly pressing it between his parted legs and against his inner thigh. His body jerked causing his roll to falter. You only smiled slyly as it landed on four.
"I'll be taking that," you purred, scooping your wins. As you did so your foot moved a little higher daring to brush him through his leather pants. Once you gold was safely stashed you removed your foot entirely just as his hips shifted forward to try and meet you. You held a smug smile on your lips as you noticed the strain in his eyes. You knew exactly what you were doing. Some of the crew giggled amongst themselves and you could tell they knew exactly what you did.
"I'm done," one of the strangers grumbled, standing abruptly and stumbling away.
"What a child," you scoffed, challenging another man. You rolled and sadly lost your bet which meant you were out of the game. Once you lost your bet you were done for that round. You stood as well and stretched. 
"Where are you off to?" Killian asked, his foot touching yours.
"I'm off for a drink, I'll be back," you explained. He frowned.
"Relax Hook, I'll be right over there," you chuckled, pointing to the tavern's counter. You left the table and headed to the counter taking a seat. You noticed that the women were gone leaving no service. A man slipped behind the counter giving you a strange look.
"What can I do for you?" He questioned, his tone dry.
"A pint of rum please," you answered. He didn't move.
"Tonight preferably," you huffed. He scowled before hurrying off to get your drink. Another stranger dropped down in the seat next to you.
"Don't women have a curfew for when their pretty little heads go back home?" He rasped. A curfew? Seriously? You rolled your eyes.
"I'm not from around here," you answered, blandly not bothering to look at who ever was speaking to you.
"You should address me when I speak to you," he growled. You lazily turned your head toward the man.
"Again mate, not from around here," you huffed. You turned your attention back to the counter as the bartender set down your pint. You took it and drank quietly.
"What a tough girl," the man cooed, scooting a little closer. You drank again.
"Such a pretty little face being wasted," he added, scooting even closer. You grew uncomfortable and scooted away.
"Come now darling. If you're going to break our laws you might as well give us something in return." The tone of his voice almost made you sick.
"Why don't you back off mate. I am not interested," you warned, taking another drink.
"Oh you'll be interested dear. If you aren't then I can have you arrested," he purred. You yelped as his clammy hand slid around your waist squeezing your side. You reacted quick and slid off of the chair and out of his grasp. You skillfully took your drink with you taking another sip.
"Don't walk away from me whore!" He snarled. Before you could react he latched onto you forcefully removing your drink from your hands. He was twice your size which made it difficult to get rid of him. He sat you back down trapping you with your back against the counter. You hissed slamming your fist against his stumbled cheek. He withdrew for a moment but recovered in time to catch you pinning you back in place. He forced his body between your legs keeping you there. You tried to hit him again, but he swiftly grabbed your hands and pinned them with one of his own.
"Get off of me you shark!" You snarled. His free hand slid down your body caressing your side and resting on your inner thigh. He tried to kiss you, but you headbutted him sending him backwards. Your own head stung from the blow. You stood up and fixed your clothes before heading back to the table. Before you reached the table he grabbed you again pulling you flush against his hard body.
"Hey mate! You've had your fun now let her go," Killian's voice echoed, threateningly behind you.
Killian had been in torment since they stepped off of the ship. Every part of him wanted to pull her back into his quarters and have his way with her... After admitting how he truly felt. He attached his hook around the bend of her arm not wanting her to wander. He'd been here a few times and he knew the strict rules with women. He couldn't risk losing her, but he knew he couldn't leave her on the ship either. His original plan had been to pass by this village, but the ship was running low on supplies and the next villages was two weeks away. He understood that they couldn't hold on for two weeks. She pulled out of his grasp drawing his gaze to her. "I can walk you know," she protested.
"That's the problem," Killian responded. He knew her all too well. If he took his eyes off of her for one minute she'd be gone. He walked briskly next to her keeping his stature strong and as threatening as possible. He didn't miss the eyes that wandered in her direction, but quickly diverted once they realized he was looking at them.
"What is up with this place?" She whispered, leaning against him.
"Hush love. Leave any and all talking to me," he answered. That wasn't going to happen. Killian kept walking his attention getting distracted by some of his crew. He joined in on their conversation answering some of their questions about the village.
"Where are all the girls?" One whined, looking around.
"Women aren't valued here like they are in other villages. I'd keep your eyes, hands, and thoughts to yourselves lads," Killian suggested.
"What the hell are you doing to my daughter you harlot!" Killian's heart dropped. He did exactly what he told himself he wasn't going to do; take his eyes off of her. He halted and turned back. He took off searching for her and easily finding her.
"Watch your tongue girl or I will have it removed from your head!" a man yelled, at her. Killian jumped in front of her defensively. The crew had followed him, but he paid no mind to them.
"Easy mate," Killian growled, holding his hands up slightly. He didn't want to cause a fight.
"Is this your harlot?" the man hissed, leaning threateningly toward Killian. Anger clawed at Killian, but he swallowed it.
"Aye, so be careful how you treat her," he warned. He had no intentions on letting this man harm her.
"Learn to control your bitch or she will be controlled for you," the man growled. Killian saw her moved out of the corner of his eye. He reached back staying her. He turned his back to the man and pushed her sending her in a walk away from the situation. He splayed his hand along the center of her back knowing that the man was still watching.
"I told you (F/N), stay with me and don't speak to anyone," he snapped. He wasn't angry at her he was angry at this village. She was a free spirit and she hated being told what to do. That was one of the many reasons he'd grown to love her, but it was also frustrating in a place like this. She pulled away from his hand.
"She fell Killian, what was I supposed to do just leave here there?" She argued.
"Yes," Killian answered, blandly. He could see the gears turning behind her eyes and that worried him. By the look on her face she was going to get herself into trouble.
The crew entered the tavern allowing Killian to keep you in the center of the group. The noise didn't bother him a bit, but seeing your head fall did. His anger toward this village only grew. He directed the crew toward a decently clear table sighing as she sat across from him. A small group of women brought them drinks. He didn't fail to notice that they hadn't given one to her. "A drink for the lady please," Killian boomed, startling one of the women. Once she had her drink he held back a laugh as she instantly began to gulp it down.
"Cheers!" Smee called, drawing Killian from the trance he'd slipped into. He held up his cup clanking it with the member nearest to him. He took a drink sighing as the burn soothed him. He took another sip.
"Anyone for dice?" One of the crew suggested, bringing out the dice.
"We aren't drunk enough for that! We've barely begun!" another answered. Killian laughed in agreement along with his men. His eyes stayed on you as you downed the rest of your pint. That was fast.
"Thirsty love?" He poked, downing his to match her pace.
"Gotta drown the anger somehow," she replied. Killian pushed down the guilt that tugged at his gut. He waved for another following your gaze briefly to a stranger in the corner. His heart sank. He hated when you looked at other men, which was hypocritical of him since he almost always had women at his sides. He didn't want to admit it to himself but the only reason he did that was to hide the truth of how he felt about her. He drank bringing his full attention back to his crew.
The crew had reached the drunk point where dice came to play. The point of the game was to eliminate everyone from the game until only one player was left standing. Two people would roll for bets and whoever got the lowest number was kicked from the round. He loved dice, even though he was horrible at it. That's why he never played fair. To his own demise he'd lost multiple times now specifically to her. She was damaging his ego. "What's wrong Captain? Losing to a girl?" She purred, her boot touching his lower leg. Killian responded instantly scooting further onto his seat and parting them slightly. His skin tingled where her legs were pressed. He knew her game and he was more than willing to play.
"You are just having a stroke of luck love, don't get too cocky," he answered. It wasn't luck, it was cheating, but he knew that. Her boot slid further up his leg and he captured it between his knees. He grinned as she pulled it free.
"Another round?" Smee suggested, his intoxication evident in his voice.
"Definitely," Killian challenged, meeting her intense gaze. He placed his bet along with his crew and the strangers that had joined them. They'd occupied the other end of the table. Smee started the new round losing straight off of the bat. Killian scoffed watching as the stranger took his bet and challenged her. The stranger started off good catching her with an eight. Part of Killian hoped she would lose, but she didn't. He was impressed with your roll, but that meant that you were still in.
"Twelve!" she chirped, drawing cheers from the crew. Killian frowned as the man slammed his bet down at you. Killian's frown disappeared as soon as her face turned to his.
"Alright Captain, let's see what you've got," she murmured, a sly smile crossing her expression.
"Six!" Smee called. Killian had high hopes. He snatched up the dice his gaze not leaving hers. He readied himself to roll for a win. His went to move, but heat suddenly slid between his legs. His hips bucked as their own will causing him to let go prematurely of the dice. The smile on her face grew. Killian's stomach turned over at the excitement that washed through him.
"I'll be taking that." Killian's eyes sealed shut for a blissful moment as her foot slid a little higher daring to touch him. His eyes snapped open in disappointment as her foot disappeared. He almost groaned, but bit it back. The smug smile she held made him want to kiss it off of her face. He heard the snickering of his crew which caused his cheeks to darken slightly. He bowed his head for a moment regaining his composure. Killian watched as one of the strangers grumbled and left the table.
"What a child," she commented, continuing on with the game. He watched happily as she finally lost kicking her out of the game. He opened his mouth to remark on that, but her standing cut him off. All snide comments he was going to make faded as worry hit him.
"Where are you off to?" He asked, reaching out to gently touch one of her boots.
"I'm off for a drink, I'll be back," she replied. Killian frowned hid concern staying.
"Relax Hook, I'll be right over there," she giggled, her finger directing his attention to the counter. He watched her saunter over to the counter and take a seat. His gaze didn't leave her until Smee tapped his shoulder.
"Another round?" His poor first mate was smashed. He sighed and nodded. He started the round off knocking one of his crew out instantly. He was so much better at this game when she wasn't playing. That made him chuckle. He rolled again knocking Smee out as well. He was surprised Smee still had coins to bet! He rolled again this time getting knocked out and losing two gold coins to one of his crew.
"Get off of me you shark!" Her voice rang in his ears. His worried attention was swiftly drawn to her. Something in him snapped at the sight. Killian stood up abruptly and stalked toward them.
"Hey mate! You've had your fun now let her go," he snarled, deeply. The man looked at Killian keeping her flush against him. She was squirming.
"What are you going to do about it, Pirate?" The man mocked. He was done. Killian hooked his fingers around her arm and tugged her free of the vermin in front of him. He slipped her behind him and swung his arm hitting the man with the tip of his hook. The man howled and fell back his hands coming to to his cheek. Killian wiped the blood from the tip of his hook.
"Touch her again and I'll separate your head from your miserable shoulders," he threatened, reaching behind him and touching her hand. She began to intertwine their fingers, but Killian pushed her aside as the man lunged. Killian took the hit his back slamming against a wooden beam in the room. The man slugged Killian, but Killian didn't let that slow him down. He brought his knee swiftly against the man's crotch. As soon as his head came down Killian smashed the curve of his hook against the man's skull. He pushed him back onto the floor scoffing at the body sprawled out in front of him. He reached up and wiped the crimson blood that trickled from the corner of his mouth.
"Anyone else want to lay a hand on my lass?" Killian growled, pulling you to his side.
No one moved. The man slowly returned to his feet. He charged at Killian again, but was to slow. Killian slipped behind him and slid his hook around the man's neck bringing him down onto his knees.
"Killian!" She yelped.
"That is enough! Leave, all of you!" the bartender shouted. Killian shoved the man down onto his stomach.
"Let's go men," Killian ordered. His crew gathered their drunken selves and left the tavern. Killian took hold of her hand and led her out as well. He walked in a raged silence toward the ship. She kept up with him staying close against his side. They boarded the ship. He didn't leave room for protest as he took her down into his quarters. He placed her on the edge of his bed.
"Are you alright?" He demanded, his voice coated with rage and concern.
"Killian I-"
"Did he hurt you?" He cut her off, coming close and looking her over. He took note of the bruise forming on her forehead. She flinched slightly.
"Killian!" She grabbed hold of his hand and hook holding him in place. Looking into her eyes calmed him.
"I'm fine. I'm not hurt," she soothed. He could clearly see her body trembling.
"I'm so sorry love..." He grumbled, now angry with himself. He sank onto his knees in front of her. He sat between her parted knees his head hanging low.
"I never should've taken you in there." He was beating himself up. He'd never experienced panic like he had when he saw that man on her.
"Killian it isn't your fault. I'm okay, really," she insisted, still holding onto his hand and hook. Killian lifted his head to see tears pooling in her eyes. She was shaking more now. He assumed that whatever reaction she was having to this was coming late. Killian slowly stood back up and separated her hands from his own. He moved further between her legs and wrapped his arms around her pulling her close. Her arms snaked around his lower back drawing him even closer as she buried her face into the leather vest covering his stomach. She was crying. Killian curled over her engulfing her.
"Easy love, you're safe," he soothed, rubbing small circles into her shoulder blade. She'd been with a lot of men, but none had ever attacked her like that. After a few minutes she let go of Killian and he respectively stepped back. He'd forgot about his bleeding lip until it was dripping down his chin. He wiped it away with the back of his hand smudging it across his skin.
"Oh Killian, you're bleeding." She was on her feet in moments.
"It's nothing love. I've had worse," he assured. She went behind his desk and opened the bottom drawer pulling out a cloth and some injury oil that they'd come by in the Enchanted Forest. He shook his head.
"You don't need to-"
"Sit," she ordered, pushing him backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed. He plopped down and she sat next to him. She opened the cap to the oil bottle and placed the rag over it. She soaked the small part of the rag and set the bottle aside. She reached up and cleaned away the blood on his lip. Killian couldn't take his eyes off of her. His expression turned soft and all of his anger seemed to fade the longer he looked at her. His heart was beating rapidly against his chest. For a moment he swore she could hear it. She applied pressure to the cut on his lip to help stop the bleeding. She didn't have to hold it long before the cut gave up.
"There," she said, softly. She set the rag aside next to the bottle and met Killian's gaze. Her eyes were still wet from the tears. Killian made a choice. He raised his hand to her face and used his thumb to carefully wipe away the leftover tears. He wanted to lower his hand, but he found himself resting it across her soft cheek. Her eyes met his and his heart skipped a beat. He couldn't deny himself or this any longer. With ease he brought himself toward her. To his own surprise she finished the move closing the distance between their lips. Butterflies exploded throughout Killian. It was amazing.
They'd never kissed before and he was glad they did. Nothing had ever seemed so right to him. It was stranger to him because this was the first kiss he'd had that held no lust behind it only sheer love and passion. Her hand met his intertwining their fingers. They finally broke their kiss their foreheads resting together.
"Killian? There is something I've been meaning to tell you.." she began. He smiled gently and shifted so they were looking at each other.
"I love you," Killian interrupted understanding what she was intending to say. She brought their lips together again causing the settling butterflies to spark again. He almost whined when she separated them again.
"I love you too," she murmured. She wrapped her arms around Killian's neck and pulled him close. His arms slid around her back trapping her there. The hug was comforting to Killian and everything he'd ever wanted. In this moment he couldn't want for more.
"I couldn't let that man hurt you..." He admitted, suddenly. She pulled back eyeing him softly.
"It-" he sighed with defeat.
"To see someone doing that to you... It- it enraged me. It broke me.." He looked away from her. He was admitting things he never thought he'd have the guts to admit.
"That's why I never let you bring your company back to my ship," he mumbled, shyly. She raised her brow at him.
"And all the women you brought back?" She asked.
"They- were a distraction... From you," he admitted.
"I was too cowardly to tell you how I felt in case the feelings weren't shared," he continued. She giggled.
"That is why I enjoyed the company of other men.. Because I was too afraid to tell you how I felt," she said, resting a hand under his chin and bringing his gaze back to her.
"My heart belongs to you Killian." She pressed a soft kiss to his lips for a brief moment.
"And I want to give you your heart's desire." They kissed once more before they fell into another hug. The cabin was dark with the night.
"I should get some rest," she suggested, eventually pulling herself to stand. Killian didn't move. He didn't want her to leave.
"Stay with me love," he pleaded, taking her hand in his own. She smiled and sat back down on the bed. He shed his coat, vest, and boots before crawling further onto his bed resting his head on his pillow. She followed removing her own boots and her corset before making herself comfortable against his side. Her head found its place over his heart which was beating ninety miles per hour. Her hand rested on his tunic fiddling with the soft material.
"Goodnight Captain," she yawned.
"Rest easy my love."
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Forever Taglist
@elainqueenoffireandroses  @xaviersmutcnt @raindrops-on-roses142
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Dead Girl (Part 2)
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*Not My Gif*
“Please please please, if you are up for it, could you do a part two?”
“Omg you should do the same story but like the reader did the snap and Tony is mourning that he was a shitty dad! Loved this one!!”
“I’m crying, oh my god. Can you write an au where the reader is the one who does the snap? I really want to see what would happen if that happened!”
“That Dead Girl fanfic was INCREDIBLE! I love Tony to pieces but he does have lots of problems with expressing his feels and emotions so the way you wrote his falling out with his kid was perfection. Can you do an alternate ending to this fanfic when again, all this happens but it’s the reader that snaps and sacrifices herself and Tony finally gets back to his senses?”
Post date: 6-5-19
Paring: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Reader (Kind of)
Word Count: 1686
A/N: Yay! Part 2! I used part of part 1 in it to connect it an all that so please tell me what you think! I hope you guys like this one as much as the last ones! Let me know if you want to be added to a taglist for a certain person, fandom, series, or anytime I post! Please like, reblog, comment, request and just enjoy my work in general. Ok love you all!
~Prompt List~
~Master List~
~Open Requests~
The team stood proud as portal after portal opened, revealing the masses of avengers and allies combining to defeat Thanos. You passed through, standing tall in your suit you put on moments before you arrived. 5 years. Doctor Strange had told you it had been 5 years since they last went up against Thanos, but you didn’t want to believe it. The avengers had been without you and the others for 5 years. You glanced around, catching the eyes of Wanda, Rhodey, and Sam before you looked straight ahead catching sight of Steve as he began talking. You felt like you were floating, soaring over the crowd as you looked down looking for a certain person.
You could hear the cries and shouts from the battle below as you flew above it all in the suit you made with your dads help. You had watched as the team took out as many of Thanos’ army as possible before you could go through the portal Doctor Strange made you. As soon as the fighting started you had gotten hurt, the suit breaking down your right arm as a huge scratch and crack came after.
“Ughh Arti, what’s the damage?” You asked the A.I. In your suit, Arti. When he told you your arm was broken, you groaned before getting back up determined to finish the fight. You looked around, hoping to see your family winning and right away you saw Peter and your Dad. You let out a light laugh them, both bloodied up but smiling as they hug. You carefully went over there, not interrupting their moment but fast enough so Thanos’ guys didn’t see you. When they pulled apart Peter’s eyes found you, you couldn’t help the smile that covered your face. He quickly pulled you into his embrace, squeezing you tighter than he just hugged your dad which made you feel good inside. It didn’t feel like 5 years to you two, but you knew it had been. When you separated you made your way to your dad hoping for a hug from him as well. But when he patted your back your hopes fell.
“Hey Kid. Glad you’re back.” He gave you a smile before patting you again, turning around to fight off some creature. Your smile fell. That was all you got? Peter got a freaking hug and you got a pat on the back. You drowned out the noise around you as you stared at him fighting, desperate to say something to him but not knowing what.
Arti’s voice pulled you out of your trance, “on your 6, miss Stark.” You quickly turned around, shooting down the creature who tried to get the jump on you. As the battle continued, you ran into more of your team each one either happy you’re back or happy you’re both back. When you caught sight of Thanos, you flew over to him as others did as well. You watched as he blasted away a girl in Red, White, and Blue suit, a new girl apparently as you had ever seen her before. You took another step as your dad approached him, you are following suit when you got an idea. Your eyes traveled down his arm, locking on to the stones on the gauntlet. You had to get the stones, that was the only way. When your father took on Thanos, not noticing your presence you quickly helped, grabbing his arm as you snuck the stones away. They hadn’t noticed, but Thanos saw you there and quickly chucked you away. Your head smashed into the ground as you began to get lightheaded. You tried to focus, standing back up only to fall again, finally settling onto your knees as you glanced up, thinking about what is about to happen. The area around you became quiet as Thanos stuck his arm into the air to snap, but you knew it wouldn’t work for you were twirling the stones in your fingers, trying to come to terms with what you’re about to do.
“I am inevitable.” Thanos said, causing your father to fall onto his knees, much like you. You didn’t watch Thanos, you just stared at your father. Thinking back on the last few years with him. Well minus the 5 where you had gotten dusted. You tried to get along, but it hadn’t seemed like he had. He stopped being the father you knew long ago but that didn’t mean you didn’t love him and hoped he still loved you. Thanos snapped, the hollow sound bouncing in your ears as you looked up at him, eyes filled with unshed tears. He glanced at his hand, Tony’s eyes following as they both saw the empty spots before looking at each other.
“You lose.” You whispered, your voice the loudest thing as everyone around you was quiet, turning to you in shock as your hand fluttered up, stones traveling down your arms as a stray tear followed. You watched Thanos who looked defeated before turning to your dad. He couldn’t believe this was happening, you were going to do this, and he couldn’t stop it. But that doesn’t mean he can’t try. He got up, feet barely hitting the ground before he tried running over to you, but he was to late.
“I’m sorry, dad.” You whispered before you pressed your fingers together, snapping before he could stop you. You wanted to scream, but you couldn’t, just sitting there as you felt the power of the stones course through your body. You could see the light emitting around you, pain seeping through your skin and veins, filling your body until you became numb. The next thing you knew, your dad was over you, holding your burnt and bloodied body as he rocked you, not letting you go. Thanos and his army turning to dust before everyone’s eyes. You wanted to speak, to say it was okay and to let you go but you couldn’t, only letting him stare into your frail eyes.
“No, Y/N. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I- No…” he cried, voice scratched as he looked down at you. He loved you, but he knew he hadn’t been the best father and he resented that. He should have been there for you, every time. Pepper and Peter came over, both a little cheerful and unaware of the situation until they saw you. Pepper immediately went to hold Tony, pulling him into a hug as her fingers traced your burned skin. You turned your head, acknowledging the fact that she was there but unable to do more to let her know. Peter watched as you laid there practically unmoving as your skin burned. He couldn’t help the breaking feeling in his body.
“Y/N? Y/N, we won Y/N. We won.” Peters voice cracked as he stepped back, watching as Tony mumbled words he couldn’t hear as your body went limp, a slight smile gracing your lips, but eyes closed. Tony sobs filling the air and the other avengers watched, enemies long forgotten and dusted thanks to you.
“I’m-m so so sorry, baby. I-I love you. I love you Y/N.” he whispered as he kissed you head, laying you back onto the buildings rubble as he stood up still looking at you while the team held him, each giving him a hug as he stood completely still.
Tony sat next to Pepper, holding her hand as he stared at the casket, your casket. He still hadn’t gotten over your death. He knew he should’ve done better by you, he should’ve been the father you deserved. As if Pepper could hear what he was thinking she squeezed his hand earning his attention.
“It’s going to be ok Tony, we’ll be ok. She’ll- we’ll be ok.” She said laying her head down on his shoulder, glancing at your wooden casket, eyes a little cloudy from the tears.
“She didn’t deserve this. She sacrificed her life to save everyone. She didn’t des- I didn’t deserve her.” His voice wavered as his head dropped, body slouching into Peppers as she chuckled.
“Of course she sacrificed herself Tony, she’s your daughter.”
“I didn’t treat her like a daughter. I treated her like-like she just a kid, like she wasn’t special. But she was, she was everything and I treated her like nothing. She didn’t even get to meet Morgan. She didn’t even get to meet her sister. We didn’t tell Morgan about her. Why? Why-why didn’t we?” He said looking behind him at Happy and Morgan sitting on a porch swing chatting. She was smiling as she grabbed Happy’s hand, leading her over to Tony. He put on a smile and a hand fell over his face, wiping away any evidence he was crying as he picked up his daughter. She sat on his lap as they looked at your casket, Morgan leaning her body back onto her dad. His wrapped his arms around her and he closed his eyes. His breathing got heavy and tears threatened to fall again. But he didn’t let them. Instead he turned Morgan to face him, playing with her hands as he spoke.
“I want to tell you a story, Morgan. About a girl who was loved, even when her father didn’t show it. She was strong, caring, insanely genius, and selfless. But most importantly she was happy. And while her father was off doing anything and everything besides being a good father, she found a home and a family with a ragtag group of heroes who save the world. And she saved the world. She saved us all. She saved…everyone.” Tony couldn’t hold the tears back anymore, when they started to fall Morgan reached up and wiped them away before pulling her into a hug. At that moment he made a promise to you, he was going to right by Morgan, he was going to do better than he had with you. He held onto his girl as he pulled Pepper into the hug. He held onto his new family, knowing that something was missing, something that he could never have again. You. The Dead Girl.
Part 3
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atths--twice · 4 years
Hooray, you’ve made it to chapter fifteen, you are a 1/3 of the way through the story! I hope you have been enjoying this tale I have to tell. I hope you feel a bit better about things that may have been missing on the show, even if it”s only in a fic and not truly something we saw onscreen. Who’s to say it didn’t happen this way... the world may never know. Anyway, on with the story!
Mulder has another therapy session with Rachel. They have discussed many topics and are really getting to the heart of some past troubles.
Chapter Fifteen 
No Holding Back
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August 2015
Mulder finished writing his most recent email to Scully and saved it, not quite ready to send it yet. He glanced at the clock and saw it was getting late and he needed to hurry.
Closing the windows, he grabbed the car keys and headed out the door. It was hot today and had been for a few days now. He could already feel the sweat on his back. A few minutes down the road, the air conditioner kicked in, and he turned it up high, letting it cool down the car and him.
His mind drifted to the email he was writing before he left. He had been writing emails to Scully for the past two months as a way to communicate without speaking. They had not had vocal contact, and it hurt, and while he knew it was right, God did he miss the sound of her voice.
The emails were a great help to him. Sometimes they were long and full of information, stories or memories of the past, and then other times, it was merely a few lines. On those days, either he had had his ass kicked at therapy, or he did not have as much to say.
Scully did not respond to the emails, but he had not asked nor expected her to do so. He had said it would be like a journal and it had been. There were some he did not send her, wanting to hold onto his thoughts to share at a later date, or perhaps not at all.
He thought of the past few months and how the therapy had helped him to see things differently. He had a bachelor of science in psychology, and yet ... he shook his head at the different ways Rachel had opened his eyes and helped him.
After their introductory meeting, he had sent her his responses to the questions she asked. At his next session, she had smiled and asked him to commit to expanding on one question per session.
The first couple of weeks were easier than the later ones. He discussed his childhood,  adolescence, and his parents’ divorce. He told her of his sister and her disappearance, leaving out the aliens and the conspiracies. No need for her to think he was too crazy.
His schooling and profession were also a topic of discussion, as well as tales of what he had done before, during, and after, the bureau. Again, he left out much of his conspiracy worries of the past. She had laughed at some of his stories and quietly wiped her eyes at others.
One week when he came in, she had a look on her face that he had seen on Scully’s, but never on Rachel’s. She had always been serious with him, but also jovial. That day, she had not been jovial but sad and serious. Asking him to be completely honest with her, she stared at him. He had nodded and out it came.
He told her about the conspiracies he had believed in, which he thought would have been enough for her to tell him he was insane and needed to be locked away. She remained quiet, not saying anything as he spilled out tales of spaceships and men in ranking government positions who caused harm to others.
Scully’s story of abduction and the subsequent discovery of her cancer, left him sobbing and unable to speak for a few minutes. He sat with his head down and tears falling fast, choking him as they pushed their way to the surface.
“She was sick, and I … I was helpless to do anything to save her. She was losing weight, becoming paler, weaker, and yet … she stayed with me. She kept coming to work, hid the bloody tissues from her nosebleeds from me. Always telling me she was fine but I knew she wasn’t and I couldn’t do a goddamn thing about it,” he said quietly, the memories of those days still so heavy upon his soul.
He told her of their attempt to have a child together through IVF and the sadness when it failed. Neither of them believing it would ever happen after that as she was not able to conceive.
“I wanted that for her more than anything else. Such a small thing to give, really. She already had my heart, my soul. I would have given anything if it meant she was happy and had what she wanted. Anything,” he said, shaking his head as he remembered the way she cried in his arms when the IVF ultimately failed.
His own abduction, what he remembered of it, and his awakening to discover her pregnant was discussed, as he paced the room, the anger he felt then, bubbling close to the surface.
“I … I stupidly and also rather asshole-y thought there had maybe been someone else. That … maybe … she found a way with someone else. I was unsure of where I fit anymore, and I pushed her away instead of pulling her in,” he stopped pacing and stood still, lost in his thoughts. “But then, late one night, later than had happened in a long while, she came over. I was in bed, and she let herself in with her key and woke me up. I was angry and told her to go, but she didn’t. She took off her shirt and put my hand on her belly, never taking her eyes off mine. I felt the baby move and she smiled, keeping my hand there. Even without words I knew what she was saying.”
He drifted away and thought of how they had made love that night, finally connecting again in every way possible. The feel of her belly as he held her after, the baby moving around so much, he thought they had done something to endanger it. Her laugh as she kissed him and snuggled closer was all the answer he needed.
“I never gave up on a miracle,” she whispered before she fell asleep. “For a baby or for your return. My faith was simply tested.”
William. Being sought after, a baby born to a barren woman and the possibilities of what he was before and after his birth, created more questions than answers. Mulder would not get to answer them, not with her at least, and he left them in order to protect Scully and his son.
“I had to leave them,” he said with a sob. “It tore me apart inside, but I had to go. They … they were all I cared about. I had to protect them.”
He stopped there, falling to his knees and crying, the thoughts of that last day with William and Scully taking him down. The sadness he saw in her eyes, the way William smelled as he held him close, held them both until the last possible second, and their last kiss goodbye.
He thought of his time alone and how utterly lonely he felt. His worry for Scully and the ache to see her and William so strong, some days he would have given it all up just to hold them in his arms. The only reason he had not was because he knew they would be in danger. He would not do that to them, and instead, he stayed away, his loneliness serving as their protection.
Rachel came to him as he bent closer to the floor, doubled over from the pain of the past. She put a hand on his back, rubbing softly, saying nothing, letting him cry. He heard the timer go off on her phone and still they sat there silently, her hand comforting on his back.
As he gained control of his emotions, he sat up and she handed him the box of tissues. He blew his nose and wiped his eyes. Keeping his eyes closed, he began taking deep breaths to calm down. In through the nose, out through the mouth. 1 .. 2 .. 3 ..
When he opened his eyes, Rachel was staring at him. Her eyes red, but a kind smile on her face. She thanked him for his honesty as he left and he apologized for taking time from the next client. She smiled and shook her head explaining she always kept a time window between clients in case of things like this or to write notes. He nodded and thanked her.
When he left, he drove away but pulled over not too far from the office. He sat in the car and closed his eyes. In that moment, the thought of stopping therapy was at the top of his mind. It was too much pain to go through every week. He tried it and it was not working. It was making him feel worse.
The rest of the weekend, he thought of what he told Rachel. He took his medication, but he did not do much more than laze around the house or go for an occasional run. Not until Wednesday, when Mrs. Scully came over, did he even speak to another person.
She sussed out something was wrong and looked at him with her kind eyes. He sat on the couch with his head down and told her he wanted to stop seeing Rachel. Too many emotions and pain were brought up last time, and it hurt too much.
He heard her walk over to him, but he kept his head down. While one hand touched his back, the other rested on his arm. Tears filled his eyes as she remained silent, the hand on his back rubbing in small circles, the one on his arm simply holding tight.
They sat in silence for a while. Finally raising his head, he looked at her, but she said nothing. She simply stared at him. He took a big breath and nodded slowly. She patted his back, squeezed his arm and stood up, going to dish up the dessert she had brought.
Two days after, he sat in the waiting room, his hour approaching. Rachel opened the door, and she had the same kind smile as Mrs. Scully. He nodded as he stood and walked into the office, ready to continue down his road of healing.
Now, it had been a couple of months since that day, and while every week could be difficult, it was nothing like that one particular day. They had spoken of many things, and he had broken down many times but he stayed the course.
Pulling into the parking lot, he turned off the car and went into the waiting room. It was hot out in the August air, and the cool of the office felt good. He sat down to wait and thought of something he wanted to add to his email to Scully, a funny memory that made him chuckle.
“Fox,” he heard Rachel say as the door opened. She smiled at him as he stood and walked toward her and into the office.
“How was your weekend? And your week?” she asked him, sitting in her chair, and grabbing her paper and a pen.
“Good, it was good,” he said, moving the throw pillows and sitting on the couch.
“I’m glad to hear it. So, anything you want to bring up or discuss?” she asked, smiling at him.
“Well,” he said, clearing his throat. “I have enjoyed emailing Scully whatever I’ve thought of and sharing things with her that I have discussed with you. I feel like it’s helping me a lot with what I need to express.”
Rachel nodded and wrote some notes down. “Has she responded to your emails?”
He took a deep breath and sighed. “I have not said specifically that I wanted her to not email me, but I also said they would be like a journal for me so ...” he trailed off and cleared his throat again.  
“Is she still sending you texts?”
“Yeeeeah,” he said, dragging out the word. “Not every week like before, but she’s still doing it. I think before, she was worried about me and had no idea how I was doing. Now she sees it in my emails, so I don’t think she thinks she needs to be as active as before.”
“Okay,” Rachel said, writing something down. Setting the pen down, she looked at him. “How are you feeling with your medication?”
“My medication?” he repeated, not sure what she meant.
“It’s been the same prescription for a while now, yes? Do you feel it’s working as it should? Are you feeling more or less like “yourself” every day?” she asked.
“Oh. Yeah, I’m taking it every day. I feel good. Evened out, is that what you mean?” he asked her.
“Yes. Do you have any side effects that you notice when you take it? Anything past or present?” she asked, looking directly at him. He stared back at her, and suddenly he knew where she was going with her questioning.
“Uh ...” he said, looking down. “I haven’t noticed that particular side effect recently for obvious reasons, but yes it was one that happened.”
“I don’t mean for this to be an uncomfortable conversation, just a factual one. Loss of sexual desire or inability to get and or maintain an erection are common side effects,” she said in a matter of fact tone. “There are others, but without trying to sound crude, that one is usually a big one.”
Mulder laughed and looked at her to find her smiling, her cheeks pink. “Well, geez Doc,” he said, his leg beginning to bounce. “Don’t mince words there.” She smiled and looked down.
“You said before that you two had a healthy sexual relationship, as you should,” she said, looking up at him. “When you started taking the medication, did that change?”
He stared at her, and his leg bounced faster. With a sigh, he nodded slightly and then looked down. It had changed with the medication, although he had not thought it was that at first. He attributed it to his age, his state of mind, but never to Scully. There was never a time when it would have been because of her.
“Did you stop taking the medication because of it?” she asked quietly.
“When I was pretty sure it was from that, yeah I did,” he said, his eyes still down. “I ... we did have a healthy sex life. There wasn’t a time that I ... well ... The medication made me tired at first and that was okay, it said it might on the bottle. But, when I couldn’t ... I ... that wasn’t okay. Scully ... she didn’t deserve that.”
“Did you talk to her about it?”
“You know a lot about me, but sometimes it seems like you don’t know anything,” he said somewhat coldly.
She said nothing, and he looked up at her. “Is that a constructive response? Does it further this conversation?” she asked, her face serious.
“No. I’m sorry,” he said, keeping his eyes on hers. She nodded and waited. “I didn’t talk to her about it, no.”
“So, instead you simply stopped taking your medication?”
“How did that work out?”
He sighed and linked his fingers together, putting them in his lap. “It wasn’t great,” he admitted quietly.
“Mm-hmm,” she said. “I’m assuming she thought you were continuing your medication? Then, she thought it either wasn’t working or you tried to be normal, and it would backfire, leaving her even more confused.”
He closed his eyes and felt shame wash over him. He thought he was doing what was needed, what was desired for them both, but that was not how it went. Rachel was right, it had backfired many times. While the sex may have been great, the fight or avoidance later that day or the next had not been. He had only wanted to maintain the closeness and the intimacy they both craved. Instead, he had created a divide that drove them desperately apart.
“I fucked up,” he said quietly.
“Well, I understand where your head was at when you did what you did,” she said kindly and softly.
“But I fucked things up regardless,” he said, looking up at her. She held his gaze and remained silent for a minute. She folded her hands in her lap and took a deep breath.
“Fox, let me ask you a question,” she said. “If Scully was not doing well, and she had access to a medication that would help her, but she didn’t take it so that she could still be intimate with you, what would you say to her?”
“That’s ludicrous!” he said, standing up and pacing the room. “First of all, it’s different for men and women ...”
“It’s not,” Rachel interrupted him. He turned to look at her and she shook her head.
“How can you say that? Of course it is!” he said, his anger rising.
“How do you figure?” she asked, her voice calm. “Do you equate sexual desire with the ability to achieve an erection?”
“What? No ... I ...” he said, but he knew that he had thought that way a lot of the time.
“Fox, if you were ... in the mood so to speak, and Scully, though taking her medication and getting better had no desire or interest, went along with it to please you, how would you feel?”
“Like shit,” he said, his shoulders slumping as he stopped moving and stood still in the middle of the room. “If she did anything like that when she didn’t want to, I would hate myself.”
“Now, what if she stopped taking her medication but didn’t tell you ... desired you the way she always did, but later she felt as if she was being swallowed up by a sadness she could not explain? Knowing she was forgoing her health to try and seem like herself, she then fought with you or pushed you away. Fox, what would you do?” Rachel asked, sitting forward and looking at him.
He stared at her as he thought of Scully being in the position he had been in and it made him want to hit something. If she had felt even an ounce of what he had felt, he would have fought with her every day to take her medication, and they would figure it out together.
Ahh, and there it is, his mind said, shaking its head and rolling its eyes if it was able. Together. That’s where you fucked up, you dolt.
He came back and sat on the couch, deflated. He shook his head and put his head back against the cushions. He could hear Rachel shifting and writing, but he sat silent, letting this new knowledge settle in. Raising his head, he looked at her. She stared back and seemed to be waiting for something.
“I should have spoken to her about it,” he said. “I should have done a lot of things differently, but that most of all. She would have understood just as I would have if it had been the other way around.” Rachel nodded and he sighed.
“But it’s ... it’s not an easy subject to broach,” he said with an even heavier sigh. “We ... like I said, our sex life has been ... it’s been really, really great. Years of not giving in to our feelings while we worked together, and then ... well.”
He smiled, remembering that first night. The softness of Scully’s kiss and her skin, watching her undress, her stockings-dear god, the feel of her under him, the smell of her in his sheets. The first night had been the best time, in his mind. Her decision, her desire, but their love began that night.
“Fox,” Rachel said. “Any discussion of sex is difficult. But together ... it may have saved some troubles. By you not taking your medication it led to problems she did not understand since she believed you were taking them. By taking them, you felt that without sex and the closeness you shared, she would be let down. As you said, she “didn’t deserve that.” But, by not discussing it together, you were both left at a loss with no resolution.” She was silent, letting her words sink in and giving him time to respond.
“I know,” he said quietly. “So many things I can see more clearly as I stand on the outside. I think of arguments we had … times when I could see she was reaching out and I turned away from her, and that last night ...” He shook his head. If he had just gone to her, left that stupid office and found her ...
“Of course things seem easier when we look back as if with a magnifying glass,” Rachel said kindly. “But in the moment, we don’t have that same clarity. All that can be done is to learn from the past and use that knowledge to fix the future.”
“Use that knowledge to fix the future.”
Mulder thought of Rachel’s words as he drove home. She was right, and this session had been a real eye-opener. He knew that he should have spoken to Scully. If he was completely honest with himself, he knew it was something he should have done at the beginning. As soon as sex was not something he desired as much as he had, he should have told her.
It was easier to avoid the topic and stay holed up in his office. Avoid her altogether so she could not start something that he knew he could not finish. Yes, he could have taken care of her as he loved to do, but she would have been suspicious when they did not get to the main event . Maybe she would have accepted it once or twice but after that, the questions would begin.
The thought of explaining it to her then seemed like the worst thing to him. Now, it would have been worth every uncomfortable conversation, if it meant she was home waiting for him, ready to talk about her day, watch a movie, or just sit on the porch.
Of course, she was not there when he pulled up, and he shook his head. Walking in the door, he stood in the middle of the room and shook his head again. Suddenly the house felt suffocating, and he needed to get out even though he had just walked through the door.
He changed his clothes and went for a run, attempting to clear his head. He ran for a long time, no plan, no course, and by the time he came up the porch steps, it was getting dark. He took a shower and came downstairs looking for something to eat. A plate of food warming up, he stood in his office doorway and looked around.
He felt anger rising inside him that Scully should have known the side effects better than him, her being a doctor. Why had she not told him, or broached the subject herself? Did she not think of it, or hope it would not happen? He shook his head at the time he spent hiding in his office to avoid discussing how he was feeling with the medication.
The food warming up was momentarily forgotten as an idea came to him. He would take his desk from the office, into the living room. No more hiding away, he thought.
Taking out the drawers, he stacked them on the couch. Hauling the desk into the middle of the room was a difficult task. He put the drawers back and set all the remaining items onto the desk, before stepping back and looking at what he had done. No longer angry, he simply felt a sadness that it got to this point.
Heaving a sigh, he sat down in his office chair, looking around the room. It actually was kind of nice, sitting at the desk this way, it was open and airy. Yet strangely, the quiet felt almost pressing, different than in his tiny office, making him feel a bit anxious. Not enough to send him running for his medication, but just enough to make him feel uncomfortable.
His stomach rumbled and he remembered his food in the microwave. Standing up, he looked at the desk again, thinking he should put it back but needed the food first. It had to be warmed again, and he ate it quickly, not even bothering to sit down, instead leaning against the counter.
He stared at the desk the entire time he ate. Anger, sadness, contentment, irritation all presented their ugly heads. Putting his dish in the sink, he walked past the desk and went upstairs, not wanting to deal with it tonight.
As he laid down, he realized he never finished his email to Scully. He closed his eyes and tried not to think of her sitting at her computer, hoping to hear from him, but not finding anything new. Hopefully, she was not as disappointed in him as he was in himself. He knew that some days were harder than others, but the days when he was an asshole for the sake of being an asshole, those were the days when he hated himself most.
He grabbed his phone and set his alarm for five a.m. He would get up and be sure she found an email waiting for her. At the very least, she deserved that from him.
He shook his head. No, she deserved so much more than an email and so much more than him.
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snarky-badger · 6 years
SO, I also have two requests, one for each of the marvel boys: for Ultron, I find his voice so soothing, so maybe have something about his voice being the only thing that can get his human to sleep at night? And as for the symbiote. I don't know how much you know about the Carnage symbiote, but I'd like to see Venom's reaction to his morsel hosting it considering how much he hates Carnage and his overt violence. You need more info on Carnage, poke me, I have a lot of ideas. Heck, I might write 1
Answered the first part over here
PG for Violence and mentions of Gore.
Okay, so Carnage. My knowledge goes from his ‘creation’ through ‘Maximum Carnage’ then bounces around a bit.
EDIT - This thing was like pulling teeth for some reason! I kinda merged Movie and Comic in this, writing as if Carnage was like Movie!Venom. Sorry. The characters, they don’t listen O.o
EDIT THE SECOND - I realized that this isn’t quite what you were asking for. I’m sorry. This is where the story took me. If you want me to try again, maybe not as a reader-insert but from Eddie/Venom’s POV I can try again. Lemme know.
Everything had gone batshit crazy so fast.
It had just been a date. A simple, go out, have dinner, ice cream for dessert date. Then some crazy red-headed guy had appeared, cackling about having finally found his ‘daddy’ and things had just gotten weirder from there.
Eddie had shoved you behind a parked car, Venom quickly taking over, an enraged roar leaving him as he’d thrown himself at… Gods, it was another symbiote. Red like blood where Venom was inky blackness. It shared the crazy man’s voice, only slightly deeper, a little more crazed.
You’d watched, from the dubious safety of the lee of a car, as the two fought. Venom was brute strength and otherworldly speed, the other symbiote ferocity and insanity rolled into one. It kept pausing in the fight to grab various bystanders and rip them apart, laughing manically all the while, making quips and jokes about murdering and ‘carnage’.
‘Carnage’. Oh. Oh no. You knew this crazy fucker. Had read about him, had been warned by Eddie and Venom that if he were to ever show up to just run. 
Yeah. Okay. Running. You could do that.
Knowing that Venom could take care of himself - it wasn’t as if you were anything but a hindrance in a fight - you started to dart from shadow to shadow, slinking away from the battle. Screams and the wail of police sirens sounded around you as you ducked into an alleyway in time to avoid a thrown car, covering your mouth with your hands to muffle a scream when the flying Mazda slammed into another parked car, the cries of fright from the occupant within rising above the chaos.
Okay, you couldn’t fight, but you could help.
Panting, trying to keep a hold of the panic rising in you, you darted over to the people trapped in their car, grabbing the handle, trying to convince warped metal to open. The woman inside was freaking out, and you knew that she wouldn’t be able to hear you over the sounds of the fight, the screams and the sirens, so you didn’t try to tell her what you were doing as you ran around to the passenger door.
It wasn’t as warped, and you managed to wrench it open, leaning in. Saw red out of the corner of your eye, and threw yourself into the car to avoid a grab from a clawed hand. Heard Venom roar, gunshots, and joined the woman in huddling in fear as Carnage was tackled off of the roof of the car.
The woman next to you was curled up, whimpering, and you fought with the seatbelt button before wrenching it loose, freeing her. “Run!” you screamed into her face, grabbing her arm and pulling her out the passenger door with you, steadying her and then shoving her towards an alleyway.
Beyond the car, the way you’d run from, was chaos. Blood spatter was everywhere, cars overturned, crushed, bits and pieces of buildings and dead bodies littered the street, stunned and terrified people stumbled around, trying to revive others who were mortally wounded.
Screaming from behind you had you moving on autopilot, running for a store and darting in through the open door. You dove behind a display, crouching low, hands over your head, shuddering, trying not to make any noise.
A body flew through the window, Venom crashing to the ground and sliding deeper into the store. Red spikes were jutting from his chest, pale eyes narrowed in pain, and you met his gaze for a moment, saw the horror on his face, before he hauled himself to his feet, pulling the spikes from his chest. They disintegrated as they fell to the floor, and you saw Venom take a deep breath before he lunged through the shattered window, throwing himself back into the fight.
Obviously staying where you were wasn’t an option.
Gulping, you risked a glance, then scrambled out into the street when the view was clear, turning to sprint towards a quartet of police cars nearby. One of the officers grabbed you as you ran by, spinning you into him as he threw the two of you to the ground, and you screamed as another flying car sailed over.
There was a dismayed “AW! I missed!” followed by maniacal laughter, and you shuddered. Crazy fucker.
“Lady, stay down.”
“The fuck do you think I’ve been doing?” You hissed at the cop. “You guys have been hunting Venom for weeks, where’s all the fancy sonic shit you’ve been using on him?”
“SWAT is five minutes out.”
“We don’t have five minutes!” you growled, ducking reflexively when another cop screamed out ‘incoming’. You flattened yourself to the pavement as a hailstorm of red spikes came flying. Most of them hit and sunk into the cars around you, three made it past to hit various policemen. One was dead before the hit the ground, another took a spike in the leg, the third in the shoulder.
Cursing, you whipped your belt off and crawled over to the cop that had a spike in his thigh, using the faux leather belt as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. The cop bit his lip enough to draw blood at the pain, but nodded to you in thanks, and you tried to muster up a smile, failing miserably.
That failed smile turned into a shriek as red tendrils lashed around your torso, the ground falling away as you were plucked up.
“Hey, hey, HEY! Don’t undo all my work, lady! He’s supposed to be dead!”
Another shriek left you as Carnage sent a knife-edged tendril into the cop’s chest, plucking out his heart when it pulled back. The still beating organ made you want to puke, and you twisted in Carnage’s hold, trying to wriggle free of the symbiote mass that was curled around you.
“Aw. You don’t appreciate my work either, huh? Everyone’s a critic! Right, Pops?” The last was a laugh directed at Venom, who had frozen when he’d caught sight of you in Carnage’s grip. “Too softhearted, daddy! Always worrying about these meatbags. Though…”
You grimaced as Carnage leaned into you, pale eyes, different than Venom’s, more sharply defined, narrowing a little, as he actually sniffed at you. “HEY! Well, whaddya know? Dad went native!” Carnage laughed, high pitched, unhinged. “Thought you smelled familiar! So, toots, you’re the meatbag ol’ pop’s flustered about, huh? Got a name sweet cheeks?”
You glanced past him, at the SWAT truck that screeched into view, and the guns that they were carrying as a dozen heavily armed men piled out of the truck. Grinned a little. “Fuck you, asshole.”
Those pale eyes narrowed a little, a knife edged tendril rising in front of your eyes. “You’ve got some spunk, kid. I’ll give you that. Wonder if you’ll still be as lippy once I pop out one of those pretty eyes and make you watch me chew on it?”
The shriek that left Carnage as the sonic wave hit him rattled your brains. His hold on you vanished and you dropped to the ground, landing on your hands and knees before you shoved yourself up and ran for cover.
Sonics sounded little worse than a high-pitched, nails on a chalkboard, noise to you, but to symbiotes - evidenced by Carnage’s writhing, screaming form - it was agonizing and potentially deadly. Watched from behind a dumpster as the man bonded to the alien contorted, seizing, arms flailing as he screamed in pain. The symbiote bubbled around him, tendrils trying desperately to hang onto it’s host, but the sound drove it back, away. You knew when it finally left the man, because his body stopped convulsing.
The alien tried to flee the sound, and you rose and turned to run when it headed towards you. Got, maybe, fifteen feet before blood red tendrils lashed around your ankle, tripping you. You kicked out as you fell, trying to use your other foot to scrape the thing off of you as the red symbiote crawled up your body. Felt thoughts, alien, bloody, hungry, murderous, start to ooze into your mind, and you screamed as it seeped through your clothes, through your skin and into you.
Venom found you kneeling in the alleyway, your hands gripping your head, rocking back and forth as you keened, a high-pitched whine. Your mind felt like it was on fire, alien thoughts trying to take over, thoughts of killing of slaughtering, of breaking open bodies open one by one like cracking open crab legs making bile rise in the back of your throat.
“Oh God, get away,” you whimpered, eyes clenched shut, tears streaming down your face. “It found me, it’s inside me, I can’t stop it, it just wants to kill everything, Jesus, it’s insane. Get it out, get it out, get it out!!”
A black taloned hand reached out to touch you, and you slapped it away, because the symbiote in you saw that Venom’s guard was down and it screamed at you to take advantage, to get close and kill and rip the other symbiote away from it’s host and sink your teeth into a vulnerable throat and–
“No!” You shoved yourself to your feet and stumbled away. If the Carnage symbiote hadn’t been as weak as it was from the sonics it would have taken over completely, the red talons that formed over your fingers twitching as you fought for control.
Hissing, you curled your hands into fists, the claws slicing into your palms. Bit your lower lip to stop the fangs from forming. God, you could feel it writhe inside you angrily as it tried to take control, your entire body trembling as you fought to keep it from winning.
Your back hit the wall a moment later, and the symbiote in you focused your gaze on Venom, who was snarling as he pinned you to the brick.
Your hands jerked up to sink your newly formed, blood red, talons into his face, but you barely managed to clench the muscles in your arms, those claws twitching away. “V-Venom, get it out of me, oh, God, please, it’s crazy, all it wants is to kill everyone and it’s getting stronger, Venom please–”
“…perfect host…” left you in a lecherous purr, your voice gaining a psychotic, gleeful, tone. “So perfect. Might stay a while. Like it here. Like the ones that fight…”
“Goddamn it, shut the fuck up!” you screamed, banging your head back against the brick hard enough that it made you see stars.
“YOU CAN’T HAVE HER!” Venom snarled, his hands on your shoulders pressing hard, eyes narrowed into furious slits. “MORSEL! FIGHT MORSEL. WE’LL BRING YOU TO THE MRI!”
“No time! It’s– fuck!” You kicked Venom away with more strength than you’d ever had before, sending him flying backwards in time to avoid the talons that you’d swiped at his face. The alien inside you railed, screaming, setting your teeth on edge, like if you’d been chewing on aluminum foil. Every nerve ending felt like something was tugging on it, like you were a puppet, and you banged your head back against the brick again, the brief, unfocused, flit of time allowing you to scream - “Sonic gun! Get a fucking sonic gun!”
You opened your mouth to scream “Shut the fuck up, you fucking play-doh body snatcher!” except nothing came out. Tried to yell, to scream, except it felt like a vise was squeezing your throat. And when the words finally came, they weren’t yours.
“Ours now! All ours!”
Like hell! It tried to have you lunge at Venom, and you gathered enough control to have your leg buckle, throwing you into a pile of garbage. You couldn’t get your body to work as a whole, but you could fuck up pieces at a time. Felt the symbiote’s anger, felt it’s unhinged rage, and sent it the mental equivalent of a middle finger.
It screamed in your head, and you screamed right back, feeling it sink daggers into your thoughts, tearing, rending, trying to silence you, to wipe out everything that made you you, and you fought with everything you had, until the next scream came from outside.
The sonics ripped through you, and this time, your cry was vocal. It felt like every nerve ending was on fire, like the symbiote had sunk millions of tiny hooks into your very cells, and now that it was being driven out, it was taking all of them with it.
Every muscle convulsed, every bone felt like it was breaking, the symbiote’s shrieks of pain echoing in your skull until you couldn’t tell who was screaming louder, you or it.
There finally came a feeling like a great exhale, and suddenly you could breathe without screaming. You slumped to the dirty ground, entire body feeling like it had been smashed under one of those rollers that smoothed fresh pavement  onto the ground.
People rushed around you, shouting words that should of made sense but didn’t. Your blurry gaze focused on a group of them that ran to shove the red symbiote into a container, until someone shone a light into your eyes that made you grunt.
“Sarge! She’s alive!”
“Get her loaded up on the– Jesus Christ! Get the sonics!”
Something grabbed you. The world tilted, the ground rushing away. Felt gravity take hold and groaned again as things swung, wind ruffling your hair before a hard landing jostled you.
You groaned, weakly, rolled your head on your neck until you could get your eyes gaze to focus on a black and white face. “V’em? Wha–” Everything jumped back into clarity, and you jerked your head up, almost bashing Venom in the face as your hands rose to clutch at your chest. “Is it gone?! Venom, is it–?!”
He stopped your shriek of terror by hugging you, tight, and you trembled as you threw your own arms around his neck, clinging to him. “GONE. CARNAGE IS GONE. CONTAINED, FOR NOW.”
You were hyperventilating a little, hiccuping for breath. “It’s crazy. It’s fucking, certifiably, crazy. I had in my brain and I feel dirty and gross and oh, God, let go I have to throw up.” You barely managed to wriggle free, stumbling over to the edge of the rooftop you were on and puking over the edge. Your entire body just wanted to make sure that everything that wasn’t you was gone, apparently, because you kept dry-heaving long after your stomach was empty.
Finally, shaking, you slumped to your knees on the flat roof, arms wrapping tight around yourself. Venom moved to kneel next to you, one large hand rising to gently brush his thumb across your cheek, and you closed your eyes as you leaned into the touch.
“I wanna go home,” you whispered, meeting Venom’s worried gaze as his hands settled on your shoulders again. “Take me home? I want a shower and then I need you to hold me for a while.”
He was unnaturally quiet as he nodded, gently picking you up and cradling you to his chest. Sirens still sounded in the area, people shouting, the wail of ambulances loud, more yells rising when Venom walked to the edge of the roof before leaping into the air.
The entire webslinging trip home was done in silence, Venom’s grip on you tight, as if he was afraid something would rip you out of his grasp.
You’d never been more happy to see your apartment building before.
Once inside, you shucked out of your clothes on the way to the bathroom, not even caring where they landed. Took a moment to wash your mouth out with Listerine before going to spin the taps of the shower on, putting it as hot as you could stand before getting in. Venom had followed you, still silent, and now he stood awkwardly outside the shower enclosure, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
“You’re not coming in?” you asked as you started to scrub at yourself with a soaped up loofah, trying to get the feeling of being tainted by crazy off your skin.
He shifted a little. “STILL WANT US?”
“Still want–?” You frowned, then shot a hand out and grabbed his nearest wrist, tugging his unresisting form under the spray of the water. “You are not Carnage. Don’t you– Venom! How could you even think that?!”
He huffed, hands automatically resting on your hips as he pulled you close. “HE’S OUR OFFSPRING. CAME FROM US.”
“He got fucked up by a psycho, is what happened. If he’d bonded with a host like Eddie, he’d be like you. A protector, not a…”
Your eyes narrowed a little. “Now you listen to me, and listen good. You are not responsible for the evils of another. Your… ‘offspring’ got it’s head twisted up by a psychopath. Kasady is fucked in the head, like, majorly. He’s the one that infected your ‘offspring’ with darkness, not you. I have had it inside my head. There’s nothing in there that’s even remotely like you.”
He sighed, a great heave of breath, then leaned down to press his forehead to yours, pale eyes closing to mere slits. “SCARED US.”
You slid your hands up his arms until your were hugging him around the neck, pressing yourself up against him. “Scared me too,” you admitted softly, closing your eyes when he ducked his head to nuzzle at your shoulder, tendrils hesitantly reaching out to curl around your arms and legs, wrapping around your waist and hips.
A sigh left you as you leaned into him, relaxing, the nightmarish memories in your brain calming when Venom rumbled, like a great cat, and hugged you close, lifting you off your feet as he straightened.
“I dunno if I can sleep, but… wanna go sprawl on the couch and watch a movie? Or one of those nature shows you like?” you murmured a few minutes later, mustering up a smile when he nodded, licking at a trail of water along the side of your neck before meeting your gaze.
“OURS,” Venom rumbled, raising a hand to your face, talons gentle against your skin. “RIGHT?”
“Damn straight.”
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Ben Hardy x Reader
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Ben Hardy x Reader
(Hey so this is a oneshot I posted to my quotev account a couple days ago and I thought it was the perfect start to this blog so...enjoy! Will make another post later reguarding who I can write about if anyone wants to send a request.)
“And action!” the director called starting the scene for the day. This one was just with the main boys: Rami, Gwilym, Joe...and Ben.
Not going to lie when Joe told me Bohemian Rhapsody was looking for more extras I was pretty pumped, mostly because it's fucking QUEEN! I fucking worshiped that band and had promised myself to love them even after my dying day. Okay I know I'm being a little over dramatic but then again Freddie himself was always one for dramatics so fuck it.
Going into it I knew the cast was going to be epic. I mean besides my brother there was Rami whom we'd known for years now. He was phenomenal in anything he was in; hell he even made the women of the world want to fuck a mummy. He and Joe were the only ones I knew well enough. Another cast member was Gwilym who was a dead ringer for Brian May. He was also very sweet, gentlemanly, and professional at all times. Then there was Ben...
I met him on the first day of shooting when I went searching for my brother. I had just reached Joe's trailer when Ben left his.
“Hello,” he said. His voice was like honey; his smile sweet.
“Huh-hi,” I stammered like an idiot.
“You must be Joe's sister,” he said.
“Um yeah I am,” I said. “I hope he hasn't been saying anything embarrassing about me. He's kind of an ass like that.”
“Love you too sis,” Joe said swinging open his trailer door with a shit eating grin. “I see you've met Roger.”
“Ben actually,” he said.
“(Y/N) Mazzello,” I said.
“Pretty name for a pretty bird,” he said taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. “It's pleasure to meet you (Y/N).”
Life was never the same after that.
“(Y/N). Earth to (Y/N)!” Rami waved his hand in my face. “You alright there darling?” Rami had a habit of staying in character even after the director yelled cut. Bohemian Rhapsody was no different hence the Freddie accent.
“Huh? Oh uh yeah,” I said snapping out of my daze. Ben started toward us then.
“Oh I see,” Rami smiled walking away.
I eyed him suspiciously as he walked towards my brother throwing Ben a knowing smile as he did.
“What's going on with him?” Ben asked when he reached me.
“I don't know. I quit trying to figure Rami out years ago,” I said. I could see Rami whisper something to my brother; something that made Joe's eyes grow wide and dart in our direction. “That mother—!” I gasped.
“What? What's wrong?”
“I might have to kill him,” I said. Ben peered over at Joe and Rami.
“Which one?”
“Fair point,” I said. “I'll get Rami you get Joe.”
“Okay but may I know the reason?”
“Is 'Cardy B' not reason enough?” Ben cringed.
“Fair enough,” he said. “What's the plan then?”
“I don't know,” I muttered. “I suppose we have to make it look like an accident unless you want to spend the rest of your life in prison.”
“Make what look like an accident?” Rami said now standing behind us. Joe was over by Gwilym whispering something to him.  
“Can we help you my cheeky little shit of a friend?”
“Ugh you kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“Can it Freddie what's the deal?” I said not in the mood for anymore of his bullshit.
“Well if you must know your darling brother and I have decided to throw a wrap-up party at your house,” he said.
“Sounds fun,” Ben said.
“Oh believe me it will be,” Rami continued. “There will be booze, food, music, and possibly sex.”
“I swear if I see Joe dry humping Cardy B I'm out,” I said.
“Oh dear god I might have to stab my bloody eyes out,” Ben said.
“Don't worry if I see anything happening with Cardy B first you'll know,” I said. “I will gladly drag you away.”
“Thanks love,” he kissed my cheek.
“Oh look Roger you made our little princess blush,” I punched Rami in the shoulder. “Fuck,” he groaned.
“Can't say you didn't earn that one mate,” Ben laughed. “But you will be my date won't you?” he said looking at me.
“Wuh? Me really?”
“Yeah it's your house anyway,” Ben said. “Besides that blush looks rather lovely on you.”
“Uhhh...th-thanks um...yeah I'll-I'll be your um date,” I said.
He walked away then to change out of his Roger outfit.
“I really hate you right now Malek,” I said.
“Love you too (Y/N),” he said following Ben towards the dressing rooms.
The night of the party finally came a few weeks later. Rami was the first to show with Lucy (who portrayed Mary in the film). Gwilym followed a few minutes later with his girlfriend, and lastly was Ben. Unfortunately Roger and Brian had to get back on the road for one their upcoming shows and couldn't make it so it was just us younger folk.
We sent them a group video message wishing they were there and how much we missed them. Once that was sent the party officially began.
A few beers and shit talking later...
“Hey anyone up for a game of truth or dare?” Rami asked.
Everyone said yeah except me. What can I say I'm a bit of a chicken shit.
“Come (Y/N) just think about it. Freddie was fearless right?”
“Well yeah I guess.”
“And do you really think if he were here right now that he'd want you missing out on something fun out of fear?” DAMN YOU RAMI MALEK! DAMN YOU!
“Fine...for Freddie,” I gave in.
“FOR FREDDIE!” Everyone said in unison holding up their beer bottles in honor of the late and great legend.
“Alright (Y/N) you go first,” Rami said smiling.
“What the fuck that wasn't part of the deal?!” I snapped at him.
“Hey remember: fearless.”
I turned to Ben. “We're killing them tonight.”
“So (Y/N) truth or dare?” Joe asked also smiling suspiciously. It was then I realized he and Rami were in cahoots and what exactly they had planned I didn't know...nor did I think I'd want to know.
“Dare,” I challenged them.
“Wow somebody's grown a pair of balls,” Rami said.
“Yeah and unless you wanna wake up missing yours I suggest you stop talking,” I said.
“Okay then (Y/N), my beloved sister to whom I wish nothing but happiness...”
“Just spit it out already,” I said.
“I dare you to have seven minutes in heaven with Ben,” I nearly spat out my wine cooler.
“Wuh?!” Both Ben and I said at the same time.
“That is too cute,” Rami said.
“You heard me,” Joe said. “Unless you wanna wuss out and take the punishment.”
“Which is..?”
“Skinny dipping in the pool for ten minutes.”
“Yeah no fuck that,” I said placing my drink on the table. I stood up and held my hand out for Ben. “Come on.”
Ben took a swig of his beer, placed it on the table, and placed his hand in mine.
We walked in awkward silence to my bedroom. Once inside we sat down on my bed.
“You know we don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable,” Ben said. “They'll never know.”
“Yeah except...”
“Except what?”
“(Y/N) relax it's just me. You can tell me anything love.” He said placing his hand on my shoulder. “I won't judge or be a prat...I love you too much to hurt you like that.”
“Really?” he smiled and nodded. I bit my lip. “I love you too...and I've been wanting to kiss you since the day we met.”
I looked away feeling warmth fill my face. Ben took his hand from my shoulder to under my chin lifting my face to look at his. “Your blush really is lovely.” he muttered bringing his lips to mine.
From then on it was like there was fire burning within us. We kissed each other with a mix of gentleness and hunger. Eventually my hands found their way up his sweater; he quickly got the hint. He shrugged it off along with the shirt he wore underneath. He gave me the most innocent look. “Are you sure?”
I nodded feeling more fearless than ever.
I got up and turned around so he could undo the zipper of my dress. As the fabric fell Ben kissed the skin on my neck. He sucked on it all while clasping my breast in his hand. Suddenly there was knock on the door.
“Seven minutes are up!” Rami shouted.
I ran over to the door and locked it.
“Wait did you just lock the door?” Rami said.
“FUCK OFF MATE!” Ben said as I made my way back to him. I could hear Rami laugh as he walked away. I brought my mouth back to Ben's as I undid his belt. He kicked off his pants and his boxer briefs.
“Way to make a girl feel overdressed,” I said pecking him on the lips. He laughed then reached behind me to undo the clasp of my bra.
Once it was gone I turned and crawled onto the bed getting under the covers before slipping off my remaining item of clothing. I tossed my panties aside and motioned to him. He smiled and joined me under the covers spreading my legs with his knee. I could feel him as he brushed at my entrance.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too,” I whispered back as he pushed himself inside me. He waited a minute so we could adjust to each other (after all his thighs weren't the only thick parts of his body) then started moving.
He was slow, gentle, and insanely sensual.  Sense of time didn't exist when we made love. It was just in the moment giving each other the kind of pleasure we would never share with anyone else.
Finally some time later my body started to tense. “Ben I-I think I'm gonna...”
“It's alright love...fuck I'm almost there too,” he groaned.
I moaned loudly as I tightened around his length. I could feel him twitch inside me as he groaned and filled me with his warmth. Once he was empty he collapsed beside me.
“I am so sorry love I didn't mean to do it inside you,” he said breathless. “I swear...”
I cut him off with my lips. He draped an arm over me and kissed back.
I pulled back exhausted but kept my hand on his cheek. “If anything does happen because of this...I'm just gonna be happy it's with you. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said.
And in fact something did happen because of that night... his name is Freddie Mazzello-Hardy.
A boy as fearless as his namesake and his mother.
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ivarswickedqueen · 7 years
Little one
Hi, I don’t know why, but I decided to write someting about Ivar. My English sucks, I honestly doubt my writing skills, but this idea has been haunting my mind for days, so I decided to write it and post it here. Please don’t hate me.
Paring: Ivar x reader
Warnings: violence, blood, smut (nothing explicit), Hvitserk being a jerk?
Word account: 2031
Gifs belongs to @bonniebird & @bonniebirdsgifcentre
You were sitting in the middle of the king Harald’s town. You weren’t paying much attention to the man sitting next to you, who was babbling something about his heroic victories. Your eyes were focused on your best friend Ivar, who was obviously arguing about something with his older brother Hvitserk. They were sitting across the street so you had no idea, what they were talking about. But it seemed like Hvitserk was complaining about the fact, that Ivar never discussed his plans with him. You sighed. Ivar was genius, he was always two steps ahead of his enemies, but he never knew, how to deal with his own family. You knew Ivar better than anyone else. So when you saw that angry look on his face you decided to interfere and save Hvitserk’s life. You wanted to stand up, when large hand landed on your knee. You looked up, and if look could kill this man would be dead right now. “Hands off” you hissed. “Oh, come on, little one. Leave that insane impotent cripple alone for few minutes. I can make you feel really good tonight” he said and moved his hand higher up your leg to rest on your thigh. You felt your blood boil in your veins. You slowly placed your hand on his, like if you wanted to encourage him to continue. He smirked, but his smile faded when he looked into your stone cold eyes. You quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it painfully behind his back. You broke his collarbone in one swift movement and he screamed in pain. “What are you doing you little bitch?” he yelled angrily. You jumped atop the bench, so you were suddenly taller than him. You smirked and your hand came up and grabbed him under his chin.You lifted him off the ground. Your fingers were digging into his neck, choking him as he gagged and grunted. His eyes were wide with fear now. He has made the same mistake as many men before him. He underestimated you, because you were only 5 feet tall. Kids always laughed at you, because you were smaller than them, so you decided to become stronger than them. You trained everyday with your brother and later with the Ragnarsson brothers. You were stronger and more fit than many average men. “Please let me go” he begged, and tried desperately to get free again. “You know what?” you said and wicked smile appeared on your lips. “… I broke your arm, because you touched me in very inappropriate way, but you also said some nasty things about Ivar, and that’s unacceptable. You have to pay for that,” you laughed and watched him slowly die in your hands. You dropped his lifeless body down on the ground and looked around to see if anyone want to attack you or arrest you. They all looked away and had their heads down. They knew you were Ivar’s best friend. They would never dare do anything. You turned around and saw Ivar and Hvitserk looking at you. Hvitserk was smirking and shaking his head slightly and Ivar was clearly enjoying the situation. Murder was Ivar’s biggest turn on. Gods, the look in his eyes.
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“Come here, Y/N.” he commanded and you happily obeyed. “Did you have fun, Y/N?” Hvitserk asked and casually placed his arm around your shoulders. “Yeah, this town is so boring” you complained. “And it smells like fish” you added. “Why did you kill him Y/N?” Ivar asked slowly. “Well, because some men don’t understand, that they can’t touch me without my permission” you answered and looked at Hvitserk’s arm still wrapped around your shoulders. He quickly pulled away. “Please, don’t kill me, mighty warrior” he joked. You laughed and sit between him and Ivar. “Oh, so our little Y/N is bored” Ivar mocked you with wicked grin. Ivar was the only person in the world, who could call you “little” or “little one”. “You didn’t kill him, because he touched you, Y/N. He said something to you. Something, that made you VERY angry” Ivar added. You realized that Ivar had been watching you the whole time. “It doesn’t matter Ivar, he was stupid man, and he is dead now.” “Tell me” Ivar demanded stubbornly. “It doesn’t matter” you repeated. “TELL ME, NOW” he yelled. “He said that you are insane, impotent cripple” you said angrily. Ivar raised his eyebros. “Well, I am a cripple. But I am not impotent. I will have children. And my children will populate the Earth” Ivar added with confident smirk. “Yeah, sure.” Hvitserk snorted sarcastically. You didn’t have time to react, because Ivar pulled out a knife and placed it under Hvitserk’s chin.
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“I already killed one of my brothers, because he was mocking me. I don’t have a problem to do it again” Ivar said, his eyes almost dark. “Ivar, Ivar” you said, trying to calm him down, but his eyes screamed bloody murder. So you grabbed Ivar’s hand and forced him to put the knife down. Hvitserk jumped out of his chair and left you two alone without saying a word. You didn’t have to look at Ivar to know that he was pissed. You have never disobeyed him, but you could not allow him to kill another one of his brothers. Especially Hvitserk. “Y/N, you made a big mistake” Ivar said darkly. “No, Ivar! YOU nearly did a big mistake. Look Ivar, Hvitserk is a jerk, but he is your brother, and you love him. And we both know that you mourned Sigurd’s death” you said in desperate need to calm him down. “You’re right Y/N. Can you come closer to me?” Ivar said sweetly. Ivar was known for his mood swings, but this was weird. But you didn’t want to piss him off, more than he would be already. So you obeyed. “Sit on my lap” he ordered. “What?” you were seriously confused right now. You loved Ivar with all your heart, and you always wanted to be more than his best friend. But Ivar never showed you any affection. “Don’t make me repeat myself, Y/N” Ivar said in a threatening tone. You carefuly sat on his lap, trying not to put too much weight on his legs. “I told you to sit on my lap, not hover above it, Y/N!” Ivar said, as he grew more and more annoyed. You sighed and finally sat on his lap. “So, my sweet little Y/N, there is something we need to discuss”. You opened your mouth to say something, but your words were cut off by his hand wrapped tightly around your neck. “Never ever interfere into my conversation with my brother, again! Do you understand it Y/N?” he demanded. You wanted to answer but you were shocked that he was choking you. His grip around your neck tightened and he whispered into your ear, making you shudder with the heat that flushed in your face and your whole body: “Do you understand that?” “Yeah” you moaned. You never told anyone that you have a choking kink. Ivar looked at you, amusement written all over his beautiful face. “Did you just moaned?” he asked with a sinister smirk. “No-o” you stuttered. “Don’t lie to me Y/N, I know when you lie,” Ivar said with that wicked smile you loved so much.   “So, you like that?” Ivar growled. His grip on your neck tightened, when your eyes met. “Having my fingers tight around your throat?” “Yes, Ivar” you admitted. “Interesting” Ivar smirked. “You never told me about this.” he added more pressure and you felt yourself getting wetter and wetter by the second. “Well, I’ve never tried it with anyone, so there was nothing to tell.” “Why” he asked curiously. “Because you have to trust that other person. And you know me Ivar. I don’t trust anyone” you confessed. “Do you trust me, Y/N?” You looked deeply into his mesmerizingly blue eyes. “Yes, Ivar” you moaned again, when he tightened his grip on your throat again, and chuckled darkly in your ear. The heat coming from his hand, the weight of it on your throat, was enough to make you gasp and move your hips. And the action made you both moan out loud. You felt his dick getting harder as you sat on his lap. You rolled your hips over his erection, making him groan at just how good you felt over him. You squeezed your thighs in need for some friction. Ivar noticed that and smirked. “Let’s try something else my little Y/N“ he said and his hand traveled down your front until it was cupping your sex. “You want me to touch you, don’t you? Fuck Y/N, you’re so wet already. You’re pussy is begging for my fingers, isn’t it?” “Yes, I-var!” you gasped, when his long fingers went straight to your soaking wet pussy. His fingers started to curl inside you at the same rhytm of his thumb on your clit, and your mouth fell open. His grip on your neck got harder until your face grew redder than normal and he continued to tease your soaking wet pussy with his fingers in teasingly slow rhytm. You were so close. “Ivar, please” you begged him. “Please, what?” “Faster” you whispered. “I can’t hear you Y/N” Ivar teased. “Faster, harder… fuck, Ivar, please, I am begging you” you nearly screamed. You’ve never been a submissive woman, but everything was different with Ivar. “Yeah? Are you gonna cum for me, little one?“ Ivar asked with predatory grin. ”Yes, yes, only for you Ivar“ you whined. “That’s my good girl.” He murmured in your ear. He loved the way you looked right now. You were powerful woman, mighty warrior, people feared you. Christians called you Angel of Death, because your face was beatiful, nearly angelic, but your mind was wicked. You loved fighting, you enjoyed slaughtering your enemies or torturing them. You were dominant and you enjoyed ordering people around. Some people said that you were female version of him (and that was probably the reason, why the two of you have been the best friends since the first day you arrived to Kattegat). But right now you were at his mercy. Totally submissive. Looking at him like there was nothing else in the world that mattered. Begging him to make you cum. He couldn’t wait any longer and increased the speed of his fingers, desperately wanting to make you scream his name. And you did. Your orgasm hit you like a train and you yelled his name loudly. You looked at Ivar and he licked his fingers in the most vulgar way you’ve ever seen him do anything. You whimpered at the sight. ”You taste so sweet. Do you want to taste yourself Y/N?“ he asked. You nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence. You opened your mouth for his fingers, but he had another idea in his mind. He kissed you. A kiss burning with so much passion and need that you felt like you were on fire.  His tongue slipped into your mouth, sliding over yours. You moaned, as you tasted yourself on his tongue. You grabbed his hair and kissed him back, eager and needy. Ivar was crushing you against his chest, your lips crashing together, all tongues and teeth and desperation. The kiss was messy as he couldn’t kiss you deep enough and hard enough. "I hate to interrupt you two love birds, but I have something very important to discuss with you, Ivar” king Harald said with creepy smile on his lips. His smile faded, when the both of you looked at him with the same furious look on your faces.
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“Wow, as i said, I am sorry, but this is important.” he insisted. Ivar ordered you to leave them alone, but before you left he whispered in your ear: “I am not done with you little Y/N. I still need to punish you for what you did today.” You shivered and run to your tent already excited for all the things to come. The last thing you heard was king Harald mumbling something like “Just best friends, my ass.”
Second part
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spidermando · 7 years
Flipped {Pt. 2}
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: If you’d like to be tagged then let me know (-:
Request: I see requests is open~ could you write a Peter Parker x reader where Peter wakes up in an AU where he isn’t spider-man, but the reader is? [theres more to this but it spoils the next chapter/s]
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I ran the whole way to Stark Tower. Half in fright and half in confusion. What the actual hell is going on? One, there’s a spider-woman. Two, she knows my name. Three, I can’t find my spider-man suit. Four, there’s this stunning girl in my life that I’ve known for years, but only met today. What did Mr. Stark do to my head last night? So far, things are just going downhill.
Running up the stairs and throwing open the big glass doors, I leaned my hands on my knees and took deep breaths. In and out, in and out. Being stressed isn’t going to help me.
“Who they hell are you?”
Turning, I found Happy Hogan staring at me from across the room. “Oh, thank god you’re here. I need help.” The words were spaced out with deep, lung aching breaths.
“You need help?” The bigger man squinted his eyes, slowly stepping towards me. “Who even are you?”
“Now isn’t the time for jokes, there’s… something seriously wrong.”
By now, Happy stood directly in front of me, towering over my crouched frame. “Name.”
“Pee-Pee-Peter.” Standing up straight again, I stretched my arms out and took some deep breaths. “Parker, Peter Parker.”
“Tony Stark doesn’t know any Peter Parkers.”
My face scrunched as my eyebrows furrowed. “What type of sick joke is this?”
“Excuse me?” Hogan stood up taller, clearly trying to intimate me.
“I’ve had an internship with Mr. Stark for months! I’m bloody spi-“
Hogan’s eyes moved from my face to behind me, his lips tilting up in a small smile. “Miss. l/n.”
“l/n?” Following his gaze, I found the breath knocked from me once again.
Standing there was the most beautiful person I’d ever laid eyes on. “Hey Happy, how are you today?”
Happy responded, but I simply didn’t hear his reply. It was like I’d been dragged under water and y/n was the life saver I’d been waiting for. Like I was the sea and she was the shore. I could easily see myself growing old with her, being by her side to the day we both die. The thought of being separated hurt my soul in ways I didn’t know were possible. She was everything. She IS everything.
“Peter? Peter are you okay?” I was shaken from my hypnotised state, her arms on my shoulders pushing me back and forth.
“Uh-I-Yeah. Yeah I’m okay. Just day dreaming.” I let out a slight chuckle, hoping to make it less awkward.
She laughed too, a small, perfect, amazing, life changing, peace-making, war ending laugh. “Yeah, you’ve been doing that a lot today.”
Her arms dropped back to her sides, and I instantly missed the feeling of them on my body.
“Mr. Stark is ready to see you about your internship.” Hogan stated, gesturing to upstairs with his head.
“Uh gr-“
I was cut off by y/n, who nodded at Happy and then looked back to me. “That’s my call, Pete. I’ll see tomorrow.” In my state of shock, something that had been happening a lot today, I didn’t respond as she wrapped her arms around me in a big hug. “I’ll probably be like 20 minutes, if you want to wait up.” She whispered in my ear, clearly wanting it to stay between us.
My mouth was left open as she pulled away, giving me one last wave as she headed down the hall with Hogan.
Suddenly, everything made sense.
I wasn’t spider-man, there was no spider-man. But there was a spider-woman. And this woman was clearly a teenager like me. I also had an internship with Mr Stark, which allowed me to go out and be the friendly neighbourhood spiderman. And who else has an internship with Mr. Stark? Y/N L/N.
I watched her as she left, my face a mixture of surprise, confusion, amazement, shock and most importantly awe.
Turns out y/n is really good at judging time, because exactly 20 minutes later she strolled back down the hall. However, this time she had two people standing next to her. The one on her left shorter than the other. I immediately recognised them, identifying them as Happy Hogan and Tony Stark.
Not only was she the female me, but she was also clearly closer to the pair. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous.
“Hey Peter!” She waved as she spotted me, causing a small blush to appear on my cheeks as I waved back. “Thanks for waiting up.”
The closer she got, the more the duo fell behind her, edging closer together and chatting. I got the feeling they were talking about me, as both their glances turned to me every few seconds.
“Of course, I needed to talk to you anyway.” I nervously chuckled after, rubbing the back of my neck as I stood up.
She turned around to the two grown men. “Hey guys, come meet my friend.”
They both smiled slightly, following her over to me. “Peter Parker, this is Harold Hogan. We call him Happy.”
Happy pushed out his hand, allowing me to grasp it and give it a shake. “Uh, yeah. We met before.”
It’s so weird to see him smile, it’s messing with my head. He’s usually so angry and annoyed.
As we pulled away, Mr. Stark approached.
“And this is Tony Stark, but I’m sure you already knew that.”
I put my hand out for him, and was impressed when he firmly grasped it and shook. I must really be in a parallel universe.
“We’ve heard a lot about you.” Mr. Stark stated, pulling away.
“I-I’m sure y-you have.”
I quickly found myself staring into Mr. Starks eyes, unable to look away or do anything else. I could feel my heart rate pick up, almost getting to the point where it was slamming against my ribs. His stare was more like a glare, burning into my soul.
“Do you want to go get pizza?” y/n asked, breaking the weird moment. I turned my gaze to her, reading the silent ‘what the fuck just happened?’ in her eyes. I tried to say, ���I don’t know’ back, but whether or not she got the message I’ll never know.
“U-Uh sure.”
Happy gave me a hard pat on the back, causing me to jump forward in shock. What is his problem?
“We’ll be going then, have fun.” And with a final smile in Y/Ns direction, they both turned away and walked back down the hall.
“That was weird.” I muttered, expecting her to not hear it.
She still had a smile on her face, as she turned towards the door. I followed her like a lost puppy, still confused about what was happening, and in general awe of her.
“Sorry about them, they’re pretty protective of me.” She laughed, pushing open the glass door and holding it for me to walk through.
I muttered a thank you, continuing to walk down the stairs. “protective?”
“Yeah, I think they think of me as a daughter, y’know?” She casually stated, walking beside me. “Neither of them have kids, and I don’t have a father. So, it fits pretty well.”
“Y-You don’t have a dad?” The question came out in a stutter.
Y/N turned to me, her eyebrows furrowing. “Well I do, but he left my mum when she got pregnant.” She shook her head. “I’ve never even met him and I hate him so much.” She let out a deep breath, staring down at the concrete. “You’re acting like you didn’t already know all of this.”
“I-a-C-w,” c’mon Peter, think of something. “I’m doing this thing where I forget all about my friends so that way I get to know them again and hopefully grow closer.” Oh god, that’s ridiculous!
She turned to me, her face contorting to display confusion. She then laughed, “well if that’s what you want to do, then that’s we’ll do.”
How are you so perfect?
I watched as she went bright red, her lips turning up into a massive smile as she struggled to hide herself. What is going on? “T-Thank you Peter, but I’m really not perfect.”
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
I must’ve looked absolutely horrified, as her eyes softened as she looked at me. “It’s okay Pete, we all talk out loud sometimes.”
We kept walking down the road, heading to her favourite pizza place. We talked about random things, as I dived deeper into her personal life. The more I learned, the more I liked her. Not only was she beautiful on the outside, but she was also beautiful on the inside. For a short time I forgot about all my problems. About how I wasn’t Spiderman anymore, and apparently never was.
I gulped as I thought about her secret identity. There’s no way I can’t tell her that I know. Maybe I can be her ‘man in the chair’. Maybe I can help clean her wounds after a long and hard fight, talk to her about everything that happened, comfort her when she has nightmares. Be there for her like no one is for me (well I do, did, have, a man in the chair, but still).
“Y/n I have to tell you something.” My last word lingered in the air, as I decided to look straight ahead and not at her.
“Go ahead,” maybe she sensed how serious this is. Maybe she didn’t.
“I know who you are.”
Her breathing halted for a second, “what do you mean?”
Stopping walking, I placed my hands on her shoulders. I have to do this right. “I know that you’re spider-woman.”
She looked at me for a few seconds, eyes wide in shock. I could feel heartbeat through my hand, and could also feel as it hysterically picked up.
“I-Uh, Um.” Now she was the stuttering mess, oh how the tables have turned. “How did you find out?”
Wow. I was expecting her to deny it, but she didn’t.
“I us-“ I suddenly stopped, thinking carefully over my next words. There’s no way I can tell her I was Spiderman, she’ll think I’m batshit insane. “I could tell it was you in the alley.”
Good cover, Peter.
“It was the voice, right?” Her voice wavered slightly, causing an ache to appeare in my chest.
“Yeah, it was the voice.”
She stood for a moment, staring down at the floor beneath her.
“Y-you can’t tell anyone.” Her words were hushed, almost a whisper. She looked up at me, and what I saw broke my heart. Tears trailed down her cheeks, more gathering in the corner of her eyes. “Please, it could put you and my mum in danger.” Her words were followed by a sniffle.
My hands were still on her shoulders, rising and falling with her breaths.
“I won’t, I promise.”
For the second time today, she wrapped me in a big hug. However, this time I hugged her back, letting her stuff her face into my jumper. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear, as I played with her hair.
I have no idea how long we stood like that, hugging in the middle of the street. But when she pulled away I instantly missed her body heat and found myself wishing to touch her again. “T-Thank you Peter.”
“It’s okay.” Her hand met mine, intertwining our fingers. I sucked in my breath, amazed by her actions. She used her over hand to dry her tears, before she headed off again. She’s so strong, stronger than I ever was.
“Hey, Y/N.” She kept walking, just squeezing my hand to let me continue on. “I just want you to know you can always come to me. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what time or day.”
Tag List:
@antisocialshipper @julimelodi @thehollandcommittee @not-reptilian  @marvel-girl-xo
sorry if your tag doesn’t work )-: 
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piratefalls · 7 years
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I can finally call this a Punisher list instead of a Daredevil one LEGGO
devils and ghosts by Enjunkiet
Frank turns up on her fire escape at two o’clock in the morning in the middle of the worst storm that’s hit the city since Karen moved to New York. She lets him in.
Frank tastes of rain water and coffee.
Forever War by M_Leigh
He used to come home and look at where she marked off Lisa and Frank Jr.’s heights on the wall near the kitchen and see how much they’d grown while he was away. And think: how many days is that? How many days go into an inch. He could write everything that happened to Lisa down in a line except for all the things he doesn’t know. And then it would all come back out of order. One time he dreams about this: he keeps seeing things that never happened. Lisa going to the prom. Lisa making varsity. Lisa leaving home. Lisa leaving him. Of course that had happened.
i’ve got what you want (i’ve got what you need) by swallowedsong
he likes the sound of her voice, soft and breathy, harsh and cracking, always drowning in pleasure. she likes his single-minded intensity, all directed on her, quiet and still. it makes her want to dig underneath and find the frenzied madness underneath.
saint anthony by cmc
Frank has a bad idea. Karen has an even worse idea. They get married.
after by alchemystique
He presses his lips into her hair and breathes deep, chest expanding against her side, arm curled around her, and Karen thinks -
Do we deserve this?
feel again by freedomatsea
A snow storm makes Frank seek out a warm place to stay.
glutton for punishment by glycerineclown
If she wants it, it’s not a punishment.
Can you wait while the world circles the sun? by PunkyNemo
It's hard when you can't take her out - when you're The Punisher and the world can't know she's your girl. But he can make it up to her, make it right ... even if he's not really sure what it is that he's wanting.
devil’s backbone by alchemystique
“Was in the neighborhood. Thought I’d drop in.”
She kinda wants to punch him in his stupid face, but she knows it wouldn’t help. It wouldn’t even land, unless he wanted it to.
Besides, it’s not like she could make the bruises littering his skin any worse than they already are.
Frank Castle, Walking Bruise.
Somehow, it just doesn’t have the same ring to it as The Punisher.
ain’t nothing but a monster by nighimpossible
“Is this okay?” she asks, the question just a murmur in the dark.
“You’re already close enough to hurt me,” Frank says finally, after chewing on the thought for a long moment. “So hurt me.”
Between the Sinners and the Saints by angel_deux
A new villain with killer aim nearly takes Frank out, and he makes the call to go to Karen for help. Karen, who hasn’t seen him in months, who has been wishing she could take back those words she said to him in the woods. She never thought she’d get the chance to repair what they both broke that night, so once he’s back in her life, she’s not going to let him disappear again so easily.
not a jacker in sight by cmc
Karen investigates a possible new player in the drug trade, Frank dresses like a cowboy, and, against all odds, they have a good day.
the wretched ones by glycerineclown
Frank’s been laying low, keeping his head down. If he was handsome bloody and beaten—he still smells like gun oil and smoke, he holds himself the same way, but god, Karen can feel her heart rate pick up from just looking at him. 
the devil’s got nothing on me, my friend by confidentialityspice
He can't survive without the war.
in the end of the night we’ll rest our bones by girlsarewolves
Objectively, she knows this is not a good idea. She tends to ignore her brain sending warnings her way. She follows her gut, her heart. Instinct.
New World by slashmyheartandhopetoporn
The development of a friendship. The evolution of a romance.
Blind by mercscilla
Matt opens his mouth but his voice fails him as his thumbs skim across the beginning of the logo on Karen’s shirt.
Lightly, his fingertips trace along the lines of what he figures must be spray paint, follow them up and down, and slowly an image forms before his mind’s eye.
A skull.
walk together with our hands up in the sky by alchmystique
Frank and Karen in the aftermath.
Better Natures by etirabys
“Work with me here, Frank,” Karen snapped. “Make some sense here. Talk to me. We can’t figure out what our next move is until you explain why you’re so disgusted at the thought of my being attracted to you — an attraction which, by the way, I’ve never let interfere with our work or our friendship —“
“I’m not disgusted,” Frank said in a strained, calm voice. “You have ghastly taste, but I’m not disgusted. No. It’s just the feeling of having carried a torch for miles and miles in the dark and… having the sun come up.”
Tough Girl is What I Had to Be by angel_deux
Lisa Castle survives the incident in Central Park, and Karen Page wants to take care of her. Set in an AU where Lisa survived but Frank had no knowledge of it until after the events of Season 2.
hand covers bruise by adreadfulidea
It took them three days to drive to Florida because Karen kept insisting on doing normal person things like stopping to eat or sleep.
Fire Meet Gasoline by xenowhore
And then, insanely, it was nearing midnight and Karen was standing in Frank Castle’s bathroom looking at herself in the chipped mirror. She was wearing one of his old t-shirts and nothing else (it nearly came down to her knees) her blouse and pantyhose folded neatly on the counter, hair undone and falling in thick waves around her shoulders. She’d have raccoon eyes in the morning, no makeup remover here - soap was too harsh for her sensitive skin - but somehow she didn’t care. She didn’t care that her legs were so startlingly pale, that she didn’t have a toothbrush. These things seemed trivial when she considered that in moments, she’d be sliding between sheets that cradled a killer every night.
penny for your thoughts by freedomatsea
Karen is tasked with researching whether the Punisher is alive or dead and…
Shit Beer and Good Company by deathtosanepeople
Frank’s head jerks up as the door swings open again, annoyance already rising against the person who is daring to come in right at closing time. He begins to speak, but the words die in this throat as he takes in the leggy blonde sliding onto the bar stool.
OR Daredevil AU where Karen is the same, but Frank never became the Punisher. Set after Matt reveals his identity to Karen.
we’re always alright by jazzonia
Frank comes to her straight from the firefight.
Heaven Sent the Saints Down (Hell Sent Them Up) by Ambrosia
But no, yes, the Punisher. In her apartment. Staring at her with an unfazed expression on his face. Even from the doorway, she can see the white skull painted on his chest-piece.
And this is somehow so normal for her, at this stage of her life, that she honestly takes one look at Frank, at the bruises on his face, at all his gear spread around her apartment, and says, “Okay. It’s 11:07. I haven’t eaten yet. I’m going to order some dim sum from the corner and you are not going to get any of that gun oil on my bed.”
such good bad ideas by seren_ccd
It’s somewhere around ten at night on a Thursday and Frank Castle stood in front of her and she had the wild thought that he’s either there to kill her or help her with her groceries. She hoped it was to help her with her groceries because the plastic handles were cutting off circulation in her fingers.
Ballads for a dead man by PunkyNemo
Safe up in the mountains with Frank following a bloody showdown in Hell’s Kitchen, Karen wonders just how much more complicated things between them can get. She’s about to find out.
It’s All Over but the Crying by angel_deux
Frank Castle went to sleep in 2077, the day the bombs fell. When he wakes up, his family is gone, and he has to learn to survive in the world that evolved from the ashes.
You Can Always Go Downtown by monimala
She's wanted to sit on his face for days. Now she's getting her wish.
the bullet you never saw coming by PunkyNemo
There are days that he wonders if he's the worst man on Earth. And then there are the days that he doesn't need to wonder.
But, worst man or not, she's here, sitting on his couch and crying like the world is ending. And he has no idea how to feel about that.
Except he does. He really does.
the past is a grotesque animal by Ejunkiet
A figure breaks away from the shadows beside the window, hands held high in the air to show that he’s unarmed. There’s a wry twist to Frank Castle’s lips when he steps into the light. “Easy. It’s me.”
Her finger tightens on the trigger, but she doesn't fire. It’s a close one, though, and she eases her grip on the weapon, flicking back on the safety and lowering it to her side before she did something rash and stupid, like hit him with it. --
Karen Page and Frank Castle. A new city, a new beginning.
you’re looking in the wrong place (for my love) by an_ardent_rain
“I don’t think you know what you’re doing,” he says. He strokes the outside of her knees, rough, with the pads of his thumbs, and when he speaks he’s so close she can almost feel the scrape of his teeth against her. “What you’re getting yourself into.”
It’s All Over but the Crying by angel_deux
Frank Castle went to sleep in 2077, the day the bombs fell. When he wakes up, his family is gone, and he has to learn to survive in the world that evolved from the ashes.
64 notes · View notes
summerfitzy · 7 years
courting miss sætre (6/6)
Fandom: SKAM Ship: Noora x William Summary: Miss Noora Sætre has ambitions of spinsterhood; Mr. William Magnusson has other ideas.
(The wildly anachronistic regency era au that literally no one asked for)
Notes: Thank you so, so, so much to everyone who’s followed this story! It’s been insanely fun to write, and it means SO much to know that other people have enjoyed it too. Noorhelm and historical romance novels are two of my very favorite things, trying to combine the two with this fic was seriously like my Dream Project -- every like and reblog and comment on this story made me over the moon happy, I love this fandom more than words <3 <3 <3
“I’m never forgiving my parents for this,” Eva declared.
Noora only had a few things left to pack; she’d started upon returning to the Mohns’ townhouse last night, before Mr. and Mrs. Mohn had even hinted that she’d need to leave as soon as possible, and had risen early to finish. “Eva…” She’d expected the dismissal. Keeping a scandal in their home, as their daughter’s principle companion, would do their reputation no favors.
“I haven’t forgiven you either.” Sitting beside Noora on the floor, Eva shook her head at the ground, loose hair spilling about her cheeks. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about Mr. Magnusson!”
“As you tell me everything?”
She flushed, her cheeks doing their best to match the red highlighting her waves. Then she cast a contemplative glance at Noora’s luggage, like she was considering unpacking it article by article. “Not everything,” she admitted. “But only because I don’t want you to worry.”
Noora raised both eyebrows at her.
“Oh, fine,” Eva ceded. “We both need to work on communication. Which would be easier if you weren’t leaving London.”
She couldn’t argue that, so she shrugged instead. Everything would be easier if she weren’t leaving London, leaving her publisher, leaving Eva. Noora swallowed. Everything would be easier if she could return to the beginning of yesterday night, when she was still sharing secret smiles with William from opposite sides of the ballroom.
“You’re really taking a ship to the Continent? Alone?”
“I have money saved.”
“I wasn’t concerned about the money.”
Silence stretched between them, filled only by the traffic beyond the window, the murmur of Noora’s folding.
“Noora...” Eva started, then hesitated. “Are you sure you don’t want to marry Mr. Magnusson?”
“I can’t.” She shook her head. “We don’t fit.”
Another hesitation. “I—” And another. “I don’t think I can marry Jonas.”
A new silence took shape. It felt more fragile. “Really?” Noora asked, handling the word like glass.
“I’ve known him for such a long time.” She exhaled a slow breath “And it’s always been such a given that we would marry eventually. Eventually always seemed so far off, but now it’s here, and—we still don’t fit.” She exhaled again, as though she could breathe out months of stress at once. “I know he’s your publishing contact, and that he knows your secret…”
Noora shook her head. “It doesn’t matter.” Not really. She was already leaving town, already had her newest draft finished and out of her hands. She could correspond with her publisher directly. And if Jonas were truly spiteful enough to release her name out of anger at Eva… “Have you told him yet?” Well, then she would hear from abroad.
Eva shook her head. “This afternoon.”
Still navigating the glasswork and shards the seemed to surround their conversation, Noora finally dared to ask, “Because of Mr. Schistad?”
“Partly.” Eva chewed on her lower lip. “I like him.”
And Noora could say that she didn’t trust him, that she didn’t believe he had any genuine intentions of marriage. But Eva sounded serious, and she was in no position to caution anyone about social ruin just now. “I had that figured out.”
“And you like Mr. Magnusson.”
Noora looked down into her nearly full luggage. She had that figured out too.
She had her private cabin sorted on the steamer, her luggage set down by her cot, a regular stream of letters promised by Eva, and her head in her hands when a knock sounded on the door. “Ma’am,” a heavily accented voice called. “We have your husband on board asking to see you.”
Her head and heart leapt up in tandem. “My husband?” Her legs ached to move but couldn’t break through the sudden ice that had settled over her kneecaps.
“I told him you only booked a cabin for one, but he reckons you’ll make do.”
Noora chipped at the ice in her knees, muscle by muscle. Perhaps they had the wrong room, the wrong woman. Perhaps a lunatic was waiting on the other side of the door. Perhaps—
All at once, she was on her feet, stumbling towards the door, wrenching her grip around the knob.
William stared down at her from beyond the threshold, his hair mussed by the ocean breeze, his eyes rimmed with dark circles.
Noora stared back. He was here.
The thought must have slipped out of her mouth, because William answered, “Miss Mohn told me where to find you,” before stepping into her cabin and closing the door behind them.
“Eva told you?” When, how, why? (She already knew why.)
“This morning. I came to call on you.”
Noora didn’t cross her arms, but wrapped them around herself instead. All the better to hold her resolve, herself, together.
“You were just going to leave?” William said. He tacked an inflection on at the last word, but it still sounded like more of an accusation than a question.
“I can’t stay with the Mohns anymore.”
“And you can’t marry me.”
She could barely breathe; it had nothing to do with her stays or the cabin air. “No.” Everything to do with the intensity of William’s crackling, brown-eyed gaze.
“That’s slum,” he said, still not blinking. “If you don’t want to marry me, have the guts to say it. Don’t hide behind can’t.”
“But”—they’d already gone through all of this, she’d already spent a night tossing and turning over it, she couldn’t do it again—“it’s true.”
William’s jaw shifted. “What’s true is that I can’t let you go.”
“I don’t need you to let me do anything,” she protested, more out of ritual than feeling, because of course she needed him to let her go. She couldn’t stand to otherwise. Just the motions of stepping onto the boat and closing herself into her cabin had struck a wound straight through her soles.
“That’s true too,” he acknowledged. “Which is why I booked a ticket on this steamer.”
Noora’s mouth opened. Nothing, not even breath, came out.
“You think that my reputation, your past, your book’s notoriety, matter to me. They don’t. And I’ll move to bloody France or Italy or India with you if that’s what it takes to prove it.”
Her lips fell another fraction apart. William brushed their lower curve with his thumb before catching her cheek in his palm.
“We have to be together,” he murmured. “Say that we should be together.”
Noora’s head had gone messy and muddled the moment he had appeared. Every inch of it, from her scalp to her tongue to the flushed skin that William kept cradling. “You’d travel to the Continent without a piece of luggage?”
“I don’t need luggage as much as I need you—to challenge me, to laugh at me, to do whatever the hell you want to me, as long as you’re here. And you need me. People need people.” William’s focus didn’t waver. “Say you’ll marry me, Noora.”
She turned her head, just far enough that her lips could close against the side of his palm. Almost a kiss. People need people. She’d tried so hard to convince herself otherwise—that she didn’t need anyone beyond her few friends, that no man was worth the risk of betrayal and scorn and heartbreak. And yet…
First, she nodded. Then she lifted her hands, guided his face down to hers, and kissed him outright.
(William’s grin tasted better than drinking chocolate.) 
They hurried off of the ship, minutes before it set sail from the harbor, two tickets wasted. Two grins; two beams; two hands twined. 
One long, rickety carriage ride later, they arrived in Gretna Green, found the blacksmith’s shop, and paid an obscene amount of money for an immediate anvil wedding.
“Forasmuch as this man and woman have consented to go together by giving and receiving a ring, I, therefore, declare them to be men and wife before God . . .”
A golden ring glinted on Noora’s third finger.
The hammer rang down on the anvil.
William’s growing smile swept across hers, propriety be damned. 
If their inn bedroom was small by Noora’s standards, it had to be minuscule by William’s. It boasted a bed just large enough for two, a smudged window overlooking the cloudy village square, and scarce space for anything else.
“We’ll stay somewhere nicer on our honeymoon,” William informed her. He came up behind her to wrap his smooth hands around her hips as they surveyed the cheery yellow bedspread, before nipping her warm, racing pulse.
“Honeymoon?” Noora arced back into her husband’s—her husband’s—touch and chest.
“Mhm.” He kept kissing his way down her throat, mapping its thin, pale skin with his mouth. “France.” He grazed her neck with his teeth. “Italy.” She covered his knuckles with her palms. “Anywhere. Your choice.”
Her choice. Marriage had long seemed like just the opposite to Noora—a lock and key that would forever steal her independence and agency. How strange that she couldn’t glance down at the ring adorning her finger without smiling; that hurrying from that steamer with William had felt like a prisoner’s escape from the gallows.
Later, she might admit to him she felt freer now than she had in years. In the meantime, she turned around to return his kiss.
Noora gave her fingers over to his dark hair as William spread his grip along the small of her back, tugging her even and ever closer. She plundered his mouth with her own, demanding everything that she had almost denied herself: the softness of his lips, the hard need in his kiss, the intimacy of his smile. Giving it all back again and again and again.
Her chest and breath and heart strained against her corset. She hadn’t laced it terribly tight, but her dress had still turned stifling somewhere between the blacksmith’s shop and their bedroom; altogether too small and much too hot as William ran his fingertips along its cornflower blue silk. Never tearing his lips from hers, never allowing his tongue to stray from the desperate rhythm it had struck against hers, he moved his fingers up her spine, loosening her stays lace by lace until the silk sagged against her bodice. One step away from William, and it would slip from her chest completely.
“Tell me you want this,” he murmured into her mouth, his rasped voice proof of all the breath she’d stolen from him.
Noora nodded her chin against his, brushed her lips against his, and then inched away. Within seconds, her dress had sunk into a puddle at her ankles. Clad in only her white chemise, she stared up at William. He stared back. Then Noora was stumbling the buttons of his shirt undone and hurrying its sleeves past his shoulders, until it had joined her dress on the dim floorboards. She’d felt the firm plain of his chest a dozen times over now, but had never seen its bare, pale span before. The hard lines and muscles that hid beneath his clothing. Noora shook away the ridiculous impulse to kiss her way from his collarbone to his stomach; they had world enough and time.
For now, she lifted her eyes to meet William’s once more. Gaze heated with something close to reverence, he scanned her—her parted lips, her heaving chest, the silhouette that he could doubtless make out from beneath her undergarments.
She thought he might help her out of her chemise now, but his hands went to her bun instead. William pulled pin after pin from her hair until her blonde locks gave way to gravity, falling to her shoulders in soft, scrambled waves. The corners of his lips rose into an even broader smile as he combed his fingers through her freed hair. “I’ve never seen it down before.” His breath felt like candlelight on her skin; one touch away from burning straight through her.
Noora didn’t have to ask whether or not he liked her loose hair—she could feel his appreciation in the next stroke of his lips. Losing his grip in her hair, William kissed her as though he’d like to inhale her.
Clutching the nape of his neck, Noora breathed him in right back.
They spent the next four days in their musty inn bedroom, ignoring the cramped walls and creaking floorboards; ignoring everything but each other.
“We’ll just lie here for one more day,” Noora said each morning, her blonde hair spread about her pillow and her legs tangled with her husband’s.
And each morning, William replied, “As you wish, Mrs. Magnusson.” He murmured the words into her mouth the first day, her stomach the second, her neck the third, and her inner thigh the fourth. Always smiling, no matter how hard the rain poured beyond their window.
(Needless to say, William Magnusson’s elopement caused quite a stir across London's drawing rooms and scandal sheets—not to be rivaled until the sudden, altogether unexpected betrothal of Mr. Christoffer Schistad and Miss Eva Mohn.)
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minwoo-ia · 7 years
추억들이 쏟아져 내려 - {self}
Memories spill down Welling up in my heart And falling down as tears Your star that’s engraved in me still shines in me I’m still looking at you In front of your memories that faintly come I become numb, I’m breaking down I tried so hard to hold onto you But you’re fading away, you’re disappearing
It has been a few months now. This is the first time I can write about it. I have to write it down. I have to put into words what has happened.
If not for me then for mom, for dad. For everyone who has eyed me questioningly. 
For everyone who has helped or was involved. 
For @leejieun-ia who has been such a soft and warm person in my life that I do not deserve. For @eternal-youngmin who I have lost once again but is still there. For @prince-beinion who might be somewhere else in mind and body but who was the living proof that sometimes it better to lose someone all together than to have them return. For @jaejoong-ia who will probably disagree with me. For the fairy with the heart of crystal, who still haunts me in my dreams. For @taexmin-ia, @dokyungsoo-ia and @jamie-ia who have helped me find the pieces I couldn’t find alone.  For Zachary, the first one in a long list of people that would die after I gave them my heart.
For @kimjonghyun-ia who I haven’t seen for weeks now. Who I once thought would walk this road with me, instead of have taken a different road. 
This, my friends, ex lovers and all those that read this, is the story of how I found my sister & lost her again. 
The saying, time is medicine, became a habit It’s about accepting everything that happens But I can’t sleep and you keep coming to me What do I do? I miss you
It probably is best to start at the beginning. When I was young, I had a sister, she was way prettier than me and I never liked it. She was a rare demon, a time demon. My parents who are quite common kinds of demons were surprised when she was born and even moreso when I came along, another demon of a rare kind. I never thought much of it, I was just pissed I couldn’t summon fire like my dad or had large energy swords like my mom. My sister, Eunbin, was soft and kind and never seemed to mind she had no obvious powers. Her powers came in later, she could stop time, manipulate the pure existence of mankind with the blink of an eye. She was magnificent.
One day.
She was no more.
My sister never was found, no one knew where she was, my parents were devastated and if I look back; that is when the fighting started. My father blamed my mother, my mother my father but they loved each other so much that I always assumed it would make them stay together forever. Forever, in demontongue, is an actual forever. Not the forever of humans or other mortals, no the forever of a demon is an actual endless thing; as long as you don’t get beheaded by a hunter or accidentally trip into a volcano. Forever is pretty permanent. 
They searched for years and as I grew up, my mother made a grave without a body, planted a single rosebush on her grave. As I grew up, the grave turned into a garden and there were roses everywhere. I think that was my mother’s way of dealing with the loss. My father just set things aflame. 
At one point, long after I moved out to the academy, I met an angel who showed me the heavens, it was around that time that I followed a vision where I saw her; my star. My sister. It is ironic that what I needed was heavenly intervention to find her; she showed me places and memories. I thought I was going insane; I went to a fortune teller, a sight seeker, a tarot master and a warlock. They all gave me the same answer; to follow the vision. So I did. I found the first shard in a vision, just at the street. I knew then, that my sister wasn’t dead, she was scattered in time and space.
You turn into longing and come to me My darkened spaces get bright with you Don’t go far away, I must have you When I walk, I still look around me To check if that person who resembles you, is you
In between my fiance died, I went to hell and back, got a dog, cheated on my zombie of a husband, had a friend become a God, had another friend become a star creature that lost his marbles and offered to kill a friend to end his suffering. You see, this whole situation could have been resolved a lot easier if it wasn’t for my whole life falling apart underneath me. It took me years to find all the locations and get to the shards themselves. Some were lost in actual outer space, others under water, then one was buried in the darkest memory I had, in the bloody snow where my fiance died. 
The last shard was hardest to find; I spend months on figuring out what I had seen. A dark room with books and a muffy smell. It took me a while until I could figure out who it was I had seen in the vision; so I went to him and asked access to the place I had seen. The place where the last shard had been. 
It did not make sense though. All the places had been metaphors or actual places that had been significant to my sister. Even the one in outer space had made sense because she had been obsessed with stars and planets. It was only logical that a part of her soul would be there, but the filthy, old and abandoned basement? 
When I was there, I wasn’t in a basement. I was in a murder cage. There was demon blood everywhere and books on experiments on demonic kin. It was the workplace of a warlock; one we have heard of in children tales designed to keep us inside at night. A warlock that experimented with the immortality of demons. One that could manipulate the core of what we are in a sick envy of our power. This was what my sister had been trying to tell me, this was not only the last part of her soul but also the puzzle. 
This was what had hurt her. 
When I got back home, I went to a secret place within academy walls. I put the shard with the others, and she was whole again. My sister, oh my dearest star, she appeared in front of my eyes. With her long raven hair ending in silver and golden skin. Her dark eyes framed by lashes as long as a deer and soft lips that had the color of peaches. 
But don’t show me your brightness Because it shows the scars in my heart You shine a bright light into my dark heart, star
This is where writing becomes hard- this is where my memories are crystal clear but my pen wavers. This is where I hesitate to continue. But I have to- She was there, laying on the ground, shivering before I fell down to the ground with a cry and tears streamed over my cheeks as I held your cold body. You weren’t well, you were in pain. You had been ripped into pieces for such a long time, scattered across two dimensions that your body couldn’t go on. You couldn’t even open your eyes as you stammered and wheezed in pain. I couldn’t let you suffer. Your frail hand grasped mine as you whispered your last wishes. You had seen everything, you had always been there, always watching over me, us, always worrying and always, always, in endless pain. 
Endless pain. 
I knew it there and then, that forever was endless in a demon’s tongue. That it was truly without an ending, that what had been done to you, had been done long before you took your first breath. It had been a design by a sick creature, something that no one could have stopped except perhaps you, yourself. 
Forever in pain, was not what you deserved. ‘
You wished to die. 
And thus, I granted you your wish. There in the sacred chamber, where no one will be allowed to come, ever again. It was easy to stop your beating heart, it was so weak already. It was easy to unwrap your fingers from mine and lower you on the cold floor as I laid my head on your shoulder and cried until I had no more tears left. 
That was when I picked you up, with one shoulder red with tears. Your head against my chest and your hand hanging off your body, lifeless as the soft fingertips would never feel a warm skin again. I could hear your voice but I knew it was my mind playing tricks on me as I summoned a portal and brought you to the garden. 
You turn into longing and come to me My darkened spaces get bright with you Don’t go far away, I must have you When I walk, I still look around me To check if that person who resembles you, is you You’re like a lost piece You’re my star, my star
It was easy, so easy to dig a hole as my mom screamed behind my and fell down to her knees hysterically holding your body as I stood in the pit I was digging. My father appeared and I heard him scream behind me, I heard him rage and run off, disappearing. He always dealt with pain in a way to react in anger. By the time I was done digging the grave I climbed out. Covered in dirt as I stammered out and took your body from the claws of my hysterical mother. A mother who gave up after a few minutes and let me take you to your place. 
Surrounded by roses.
Near the home you grew up in. 
I pushed the locks of hair out of your face one last time. I kissed the tip of your nose once more before I climbed out and walked away before I lost my step and fell down. Curled up in a ball and cried, not the soft crying that you do at a funeral. But the loud and hysterical crying that comes from realizing how unfair life is, how fucked up destiny is and how cruel fate can be. And I wished, I wished that I laid next to her, in that hole in the ground because where else could I be?
But I heard you laugh, one last time. And your fingers seemed to touch my cheek, one more time. 
And I knew that I had finally done what you had wanted, what you had longed for all this.time.
And that, to whom it may concern, is the story of how I found my sister & lost her again.
Memories spill down Welling up in my heart And falling down as tears Your star that’s engraved in me still shines in me I’m still looking at you
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pianojunky · 8 years
Angel Eyes
All right, here’s another one! Once again, just throwing it out there to see who likes it.  Castiel is my all time favorite character, so I hope I do him justice. He is really hard for me to write, but I did my best. 
Word count: 8951
Pairing: Castiel x OFC 
Warnings: SMUT. Probably bad smut because Cas is EXTREMELY hard to write, cause I’m in love with him and I am a blushing moron every time. XD 
A/N: I hope you guys like this! I’m sorta new at this and would love some feedback! Constructive criticism is welcome, just be nice :D
Pain. That's all that registered in her brain as she pulled against her restraints.  It was pitch black, so she couldn't see anything.  She was sitting in a chair and her hands were bound, a gag in her mouth.  And pain.  So much pain...everywhere on her body, she couldn't exactly pinpoint where.  She tried to scream, but her vocal chords were shot to hell.  Plus, the gag in her mouth didn't do much to help the situation.  After what seemed like hours of fighting against the restraints on her hands, she started to grow weaker, the pain in her head throbbing against her skull as she slowly stopped fighting. Suddenly, there is a white light, so bright against her sensitive eyes that have seen nothing but darkness for God knows how long.  She turned her head away and squeezed her eyes shut.  When the light faded away, slightly, she saw a shadow in the distance.  Her heart started beating faster as the figure walked towards her.  She tried to scream, but all that came out was a pathetic whimper as the figure got close enough that she could make out his face. Her hands balled into fists, nails digging in so deep, she was sure she drew blood.  If he was going to kill her, she wished he would get on with it already.  As he knelt down in front of her, she was met with electric blue eyes.  Her breathing came out in short gasps as his hands reached towards her.  She squeezed her eyes shut as she awaited what she knew was coming next. I'm going to die... But, to her surprise, she felt the gag in her mouth loosen.  She opened her eyes again to find those piercing blue eyes staring back at her, almost looking straight into her soul.  Her breath hitched as she looked into them, unable to look away.  As she opened her mouth to say something, he cut her off.
“Don't be afraid.  I'm not going to hurt you.”  
She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, that deep, gravelly voice rocking her to her core.  Before she could respond, he put two fingers to her forehead. She felt a warmth within her whole body, and then nothing.  No pain.  It was all gone.  She looked up at her mystery savior, and then everything went black...
She awoke to the sun shining in her face.  She flinched as she opened her eyes to the bright sun.  As she snapped out of her sleep-induced haze, she took in her surroundings.  She was laying in a bed in a room she had never seen before.  Suddenly, memories of the night before came flooding back to her.  Someone had tied her to a chair and tortured her.  For what, she had no idea.  She was just reading in her apartment, and the next thing she knew, she was tied to a chair, her clothes soaked in blood.  But, all she could remember was the man who saved her and those amazing blue eyes as he took all of her pain away.  She shot up and threw her legs over the edge of the bed.  She looked down at her body.  Her bloody, ripped clothes were gone.  She was wearing an over-sized t shirt and a pair of boxers. What the hell? She pulled the collar of the t shirt away from her neck and looked under it.  Her wounds were gone.  Not a damn scratch.  Okay...I'm going insane. Awesome. She looked around the unfamiliar room, looking for a weapon.  Someone had taken her out of that hell hole, but that meant that someone had brought her here.  And she was going to find out who.  She spotted a baseball bat leaning against a dresser across from the door.  She got out of the bed, stretching her stiff muscles, and grabbed the bat. All right, dammit.  Time to get the hell out of here.  She held the bat up defensively and slowly turned the door knob.  She walked down the hallway, the fluffy socks she was wearing making her movements absolutely silent.  Her grip tightened around the bat as she heard voices.  They got louder as she moved.  She peered around the corner as silently as she could and her breathing stopped.  She saw three men standing in what looked like a kitchen.  They were huddled up in a circle, speaking in hushed tones.  She recognized the one that was facing her direction.  He was tall, his shoulders set back as he glared at the two men in front of him.  The way he stood, she knew he meant business.  He had on a tan trench coat that billowed around his knees as he moved.  Underneath, he wore a white button down shirt with a blue tie that was backwards.  She would laugh at the sight if she weren't scared out of her mind.  She willed herself to stop gawking at the man in front of her and listened to what they were saying.
“Okay, she's going to wake up soon, and I am sure that she is going to freak out, so what do we do?” the tallest of the group asked.
“Hell, don't ask me.  Feathers here is the one who brought her here,” one of the other men said.  He had short brown hair and was slightly shorter than the first one.  They both looked at the man in the trench coat and she furrowed her brows in confusion.  Feathers? He looked between both of them with an annoyed expression on his face. He sighed and finally spoke up.
I told you, Dean, she was scared and unconscious.  I couldn't just leave her there.” She gasped.  They were talking about her.  What the hell was going on? She'd  had enough of eavesdropping.  She took a deep breath and stepped out of her hiding place, the bat she was holding high over her head.  All three of them turned around to look at her, amusement in their eyes as she swung the bat at the empty air.  The tallest of the three stepped forward with a smile on his face.
“Whoa, there. It's all ri-HEY!” he ducked just in time to dodge the bat that nearly hit him straight in the face.
“Stay back!” she said.  Her eyes were wide with fear, her grip on the bat so tight, her knuckles were turning white. The man by the name of Dean stepped forward slowly, his hands up in surrender. He was stifling a laugh at the look on the tall man's face.
“All right, sweetheart. Let's just calm down. My name is Dean.  You got a name?”
She looked at him with a hard expression, not backing down.  He still had his hands up as he held her gaze.  He had beautiful green eyes and ridiculously long eye lashes.  She had to admit, he was kind of gorgeous.  He smiled slightly and she relaxed a little, the bat lowering only a bit. He took that as a good sign, one hand still in the air and the other slowly reaching for the bat.  Her grip lingered for a moment as he tried to take it from her, but his reassuring gaze made her release it.  Her arms dropped to her sides as she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.
“Uh...C-Carrie. My name is Carrie.” Dean smiled and held out his hand.
“Hi, Carrie. I'm Dean.” she hesitated, staring at his hand before slowly taking it. “This is my brother, Sam. The one you almost nailed with a bat.” he laughed at that as he gestured to the tall man to Carrie's right.  He smiled at her and she somehow felt guilty for almost hitting him.  He held out his hand and she took it a little more confidently.
“Nice to meet you, Carrie.  I'm sorry if we scared you.  But I can assure you, there's nothing to be afraid of.  We are your friends.”
She smiled slightly, fear slowly slipping away.  They weren't going to kill her.
An awkward silence fell over the room and suddenly; she felt like she was being watched. She turned around to face the man that was standing behind her.  His eyes had never left her since the minute she made her presence known. But he had yet to say a word.  She cleared her throat and it seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in.
“You...” she said quietly. Wow, Carrie...Eloquent.  He looked up at her again with a small smile on his face.  A blush rose up to her cheeks as she looked at him.  Good lord, he was beautiful. His jaw was sharp, defined with just a hint of stubble.  His hair was dark and disheveled, like he had just rolled out of bed.  And, God, it was the sexiest thing she had ever seen.  Before he could catch her gawking at him, she look away quickly.  His gaze was still on her though, and everywhere his eyes went, a jolt of electricity followed. Then, that voiced hit her like a ton of bricks.
“Hello, Carrie. My name is Castiel.  And I am an angel of the Lord.”
She laughed slightly and looked at the other two.  They shrugged and looked at him, shaking their heads. Great...he's crazy. Just when I thought things couldn't get any stranger. “I can assure you, I am not crazy.”
Carrie whipped her head back to face him. Her eyes widened slightly.
“I-...Did I say that out loud?”
“Dude!” Dean said. “What did I say about the mind reading!” Castiel ignored Deans comment and looked at Carrie again.
“Apologies, Carrie.  But I can assure you that I am telling the truth.”  She started at him incredulously.  She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again.  She was completely shocked.
“Okay...so you're an angel...I guess that explains why my cuts are gone?” Castiel simply nodded his head, still looking at her.  It seemed like he was trying to gauge her reaction, which even she didn't exactly know.  She bit her lip, concentrating on not freaking out.  She took a deep breath and looked into those blue eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time.  God, those eyes.  She had never seen eyes so blue in all her life.  They were going to be the death of her...
“Well then... Castiel, was it? Thank you for saving me.” she held out her hand and he took it.  It was everything in her not to gasp at the feeling of his hand in hers.  What was happening? She had just met this man, surly she didn't already have the hots for him.  And he was an angel! Wasn't that like a sin or something? She was pulled out of her psycho babble by Deans voice.
“Uh...do we need to leave you two alone or...” She snapped out of it and looked at Dean, who had an amused look on his face.  Carrie snatched her hand away from Castiel and stepped away from him.  
“Sorry...uh, look, thanks for everything.  Really, it means a lot.  But, I think I should be going...” She bit her lip again, a nervous tick that she had, and looked between the three of them.  They all seemed to have guilty expressions on their faces and she narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah, about that...you kind of...can't leave.” Sam, who hadn't spoken for quite some time, stepped forward.  She took a step back, panic setting in.
“W-why not? I thought you said-” “Okay, okay, calm down.  We meant it when we said we won't hurt you.  But that thing that attacked you yesterday?  That was a demon.  And the son of a bitch got away.  So, until we find it and kill it, this is the safest place for you.” She shook her head, not wanting to believe him.  Angels and demons? They weren't real.  She must be in some kind of crazy dream.  She'll wake up soon.
“Carrie, this is not a dream.  This is very real, and you should listen to Dean. You'll be safe here.” Castiel's voice washed over her and brought her out of her thoughts.  He was reading her mind again.   She looked at him, almost pleading with him to help her understand.
“A-a demon? A freaking demon?!” She started breathing heavily, nearly hyperventilating. “I need to sit down...” They all moved out of her way as she went for the closest chair to her.
“Look, Carrie, I know this is hard to believe but think about it.  What do you remember?” Sam was talking to her, but it was hard to focus on him with the ringing in her ears.  She wracked her now throbbing head for memories of last night.
“I-uh...I was at my apartment, about to go to bed for the night when I heard glass shattering.  I grabbed my gun out of my nightstand and went to check it out, and before I knew it, I was thrown across the room and then I blacked out...I don't remember much after that.”
“Okay...that's good.  Did you see what he looked like? Did you notice anything...off?”  Carrie pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a long sigh.
“I was focusing more of the knife he was dragging across my skin...” she attempted to glare up at Sam, but his face remained reassuring, so she decided to cooperate.  “Fine...um...he had these black eyes...It was unlike anything I have ever seen.  And when he bound and gagged me...he didn't even touch me.  The ropes just moved on their own...but I was so out of it, I just thought I was seeing things.  I never thought that it could have been real...This can't be real...”
“Sorry, sweetheart, but it is most definitely real.  But don't you worry your pretty little head about it.” He smiled and winked at her, his eyes raking over her body.  She blushed and looked away, noticing out of the corner of her eyes that Castiel's eyes narrowed at Dean.
“Dean, that is inappropriate.” he said. Dean looked at him and shrugged innocently. “Carrie, this bunker is warded against demons.  It's the only place where they cannot get to you.  Please let us keep you safe.”  She looked up at the angel in shock.  His eyes looked so sincere.  He made her feel like it was his life's mission to make sure nothing happened to her.  She had no idea why she was so drawn to this complete stranger, but, somehow, he made her feel safe.  She stood up from her chair, which had her standing right in front of him.  She looked into his eyes again and could only manage to get out one word.
Three Months Later
Carrie had been living at the bunker for three months.  They killed the demon within the week of her being there, but within that week, she also found out about the “Winchester Family Business”.  All the things that she had feared as a child...the monsters under her bed...were real.  There was no way in hell she was going back to her empty apartment, alone.  It's not like she had much to go home to anyway.  Her parents died in a car accident when she was fifteen. They were all she had, so she had been on her own since then.  So, after a week of having a nice, warm bed, a place to actually call home, and people around her that seemed to care about her, she found herself not wanting to leave.  The Winchesters were more than happy to let her stay, and for that she was so grateful.
She woke up with a smile on her face, something that hadn't happened in a very long time.  She got out of bed and headed to the kitchen, surprised to find it empty.  The boys had just come back from a hunt, a huge vampire nest.  It was pretty rough, so she didn't blame them for still being in bed.  She looked down at her stomach as it made a loud gurgling noise.
“Breakfast.” she said as she rummaged around in the fridge.  She pulled out some eggs and bacon, smiling at the thought of getting to do something nice for them, even if it was as small as making them breakfast.  She grabbed her phone and put her music on shuffle, an upbeat melody playing through the speakers.  She couldn't help herself.  Her hips swayed to the music as she put the bacon on the burner.  She had no idea what had come over her, but she felt amazingly happy.  She laughed at herself as the music picked up, jumping around and singing to herself as the bacon cooked.  As she turned around to grab a spatula, she stopped dead in her tracks in embarrassment at what she found: Castiel leaning against the doorway, his arms folded. His eyes were on her, an amused smile on his face. A blush crossed her face, and she was sure it looked like a tomato. She turned her music off, her ears ringing slightly at the sudden silence.
“Cas! You scared the hell out of me!”  She tried to look angry, but one look at his face and she dissolved into a fit of laughter. Cas couldn't help but smile along with her.  He didn't smile often, but it seemed like he did more and more when Carrie was around.  
“I apologize.  I didn't mean to scare you, but I heard the music and was curious.” She bit her lip and blushed again as she turned around to finish cooking.  God this man (no, freaking angel!) got to her.  Just one look and she was putty in his hands.  
“I guess I forgive you.  Even though I think I'm going to die of embarrassment.” she laughed and turned around.  He tilted his head and had a confused look on his face.  
“Carrie, it is medically impossible for you to die from embarrassment.”  She laughed again and looked up at him.  He looked so serious, and it was the most adorable thing she had ever seen.
“I know, Cas.  It's just an expression.  I am not going to die.” Before she knew what she was doing, she put her hand on his shoulder. She had always been a touchy-feely kind of person.  But with Cas, she always kept her distance.  She guessed it had something to do with the giant crush she had formed on him.  So she had never really been this close to him.  It was slightly unnerving.  His eyes flicked to her hand on his shoulder and then back to her eyes.  She watched, almost in a trance as he brought his hand to rest on top of hers, a small smile gracing those beautiful lips. She bit her lip, and it didn't go unnoticed as his eyes traveled to her mouth for a split second.  She dragged her lip through her teeth and tried to pull her hand away, but his grip on her hand tightened, leaving it there.  She gasped and looked up at him.  There was something in his eyes that she couldn't quite pinpoint.  She could get lost in those eyes if she really wanted to.
“Cas, what-”  Before she could finish her sentence, the hand that was holding hers moved to hold her waist, and his other hand tangled into her hair.
“Carrie...” he was moving closer, and she stopped breathing. He's going to kiss me.  Holy shit, he's going to kiss me!  His lips were only an inch away from hers when she heard a voice say,
“Do I smell bacon?” Then his hands were out of her hair and he was across the room before she could even blink.  Damn you, Dean. She looked over to Cas, who was stifling a laugh as Dean walked by him  He knew that she wanted that kiss just as much as he did. She blushed profusely and turned around to make Dean a plate, Sam walking in right behind him.
What the hell just happened?! She was pacing her room, thinking about that almost-kiss.  It seemed to come out of nowhere.  She had known him for three months, and he had shown no signs of any kind attraction towards her.  Yes, they had become good friends.  Carrie had even been on a few hunts with all of them in the three months that she had been there.  The boys had been reluctant to train her, but she had convinced them that it was better than her being scared to even go outside.  So, now, she was a novice hunter.  Which meant that she had been spending a lot of time with them.  Especially Castiel.  The boys would always make him go with her when they had to split up.  As first, she was mad, not wanting him there as her babysitter.  But after a few times, she actually came to look forward to it.  She enjoyed his company, both on a hunt, and when they were just hanging out at the bunker.  But she had never expected him to return her feelings towards him.  She could still feel his hands in her hair.  She closed her eyes as she remembered his lips barely brushing hers before Dean interrupted them.  She had to talk to him before it drove her mad.  She stormed out of her room and made her way intently to the library, which was where the guys spent most of their time researching.  But to her disappointment, Cas was nowhere to be found.  The boys were lounging in the library, Dean watching TV, and Sam with a book in his lap, completely lost in it. She plopped down next to Dean, thinking maybe some TV would clear her mind until Cas showed up again.
“Hey, guys,” she said, propping her feet up on the coffee table. She was trying too hard to act nonchalant, and Dean gave her a weird look. “What?” she said innocently.  He looked at her a bit longer and then turned back to the TV. “So, what are we watching?” Thankfully, his scrutiny of her was over and he answered her.
“Game of Thrones.” He handed her a bowl of popcorn, his eyes never leaving the screen. She took the bowl from him, trying so hard to take her mind off of what happened with Cas.  He was an angel after all, and she knew he was extremely busy.  So she let herself get comfortable on the couch and watched TV with her friend.  
About an hour later, she was laughing at something Dean said as the show came to a close.  She leaned her forehead on his shoulder as her laughter continued, his laughter joining hers.  Castiel chose that moment to appear in the middle of the library.  
“Cas!” Dean said through his laughter. “Where ya been, man?”  Carrie looked up from Dean's shoulder to look at Cas.  He was looking at her with an odd expression on his face.  His eyes narrowed and his head was tilted to the side in confusion.  Carrie had always been the affectionate type. She was always touching Sam or Dean in some way.  Whether it was touching their shoulder out of comfort, or hugging them after a particularly grueling hunt, or playfully hitting Dean when he said something stupid, just now.  But it was always platonic.  The boys were like brothers to her.  There was one particular angel that she had her eyes on...and he seemed completely clueless to that as he took in the position she was in.  She was curled up on the couch, leaning into Dean.  She must have shifted unknowingly during the show.  Things had gotten intense and she liked to cuddle when she was scared.  It looked pretty cozy, but neither of them meant anything by it.  Was she crazy or did he look jealous?  
“I-uh...I had some things to attend to in heaven...” His voice was gravelly, like he was trying to hide something. Carrie had never seen him like this before.  He was most definitely flustered.  She tried to stifle a smile at his expression.  He was jealous and it was adorable.  His eyes flicked over to hers and her breath hitched.  The look on his face made her nearly bolt to the other side of the couch, away from Dean.  It was the same look he had given her in the kitchen.  A look of intent.  What kind of intent, she had no idea. But damn if she didn't want to find out...
“Cas?  Are you okay?” she asked.  He had been staring at you for a while, not saying anything.  He seemed to be deep in thought
“Yeah, man, you're freakin' me out.” Dean said next to her.  She had almost forgotten that he was there because of how intense Castiel's gaze was.  Seemingly without her brain's permission, she stood up and walked over to him, standing only a few feet away.  Even though its intense gaze was still on her, causing heat to course all through her body, she held it, staring him down.  Whether she was daring him to do something, or getting him to speak up, she had no idea.  And she would never get to find out.  In the blink of an eye, Castiel grabbed her wrist and her world was spinning.  At some point, she had shut her eyes, and when she opened them, they were in a very nice hotel room.
“What the...Cas, where are we?”
She turned around to wait for his answer, but she squeaked in surprise as she bumped straight into him,
her hands landing on his chest to steady herself.  She tilted her head up to look at him, breathing heavily at their close proximity. The look behind his eyes was hard to decipher.  It was like he was battling with himself, almost restraining.  His gaze was so intense, it was sending heat to places she didn't even know she had. Suddenly, his hand came up to her face, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.  She bit her lip, trying to stifle how completely turned on that simple gesture made her.  It seemed that was the nail in the coffin for his resolve.  His hand tangled in her hair again, and his lips were on hers before her brain could even process it. She stood there for a moment in shock.  She had thought about this moment so many times, about how his lips would feel against hers. And now, here he was, kissing her like a man starved, and she was just dangling there like an idiot.  Before she could respond to the kiss, he pulled away, misreading her shock for rejection.  She made a sound of disappointment and her body tried to follow his for a moment.  He stepped away from her almost like he had just realized what he was doing.  
“I-I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have done that.” he looked down guiltily.  He seemed frustrated with himself as he began pacing.
He cut her off before she could finish her thought.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me, Carrie?”  She gasped at the look in his eyes.  His pupils were wide with what was unmistakably lust.  Good God, that look could have made her come right where she stood.  She wanted so badly for him to throw her against the wall and take her right there.  Cas looked down at the floor and groaned, his hands balling into fists. Oh, yeah...mind reading.
“That's right, Carrie.  I can read your thoughts.  I try not to, because I don't like to invade your privacy. But,” he started moving closer to her and she walked backwards until her back hit the wall. He pressed his body against hers, heat radiating from him.  So damn close... “You think very loud, Carrie.”
A blush crept up to her cheeks and it took everything in her not to look away from him in embarrassment.  He smirked at her red cheeks and his hand came up to caress one, his thumb lightly tracing a pattern on her face.  She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch for a moment before he began speaking again. This time something was different.  Though the heat behind his gaze was still there, it had softened slightly.  “Carrie...” God, she loved how he said her name.  “You are infuriating.”
Well...that was not what she was expecting.
“Excuse me?” she asked, confusion laced heavily in her tone.  He stepped back and looked at her.  He was all flustered again and she couldn't help but find it adorable.  
“Do you know what it's like to see you with them?  To see you laugh with them and to touch them?  Carrie, you are infuriating, because everything that you do captivates me.”  She blinked, her expression blank.  He was jealous of the Winchesters? She nearly laughed out loud at that one.  But on to the second part of his statement...She captivated him.  Captivated.  That was such a strong word to use.  But the look in his eyes told her that he was positively sincere.  
“So...why exactly does that infuriate you?”  He looked at her like it should have been the most obvious thing in the world.  
“I am an angel, Carrie.  I don't have feelings like this. I've never had feelings like this and it is quite...overwhelming. Since the moment I saved you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.  Every time I see you, all I want to do is touch you...and...today, when I saw you with Dean, something just snapped. I don't know...”  He let out a heavy sigh and turned away from you. “This is so frustrating!”  He started pacing again, his fingers gripping his hair, making it even more disheveled than it already was.  Lord, help me.  A sudden burst of confidence made her move away from the wall and grab his hand, stopping his frantic pacing.  
“Castiel...”  His breath hitched in his throat.  She had only used his full name once before, when they first met.  He decided he really liked the sound of it.  “First of all, Dean and I are just friends.  Second of all,” Instead of using words to prove her point, she grabbed his tie and pulled him forward, pressing her lips tightly against his.  He froze only for a second before one arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer while his other hand tangled in her hair.  He moaned into her mouth, hands now roaming everywhere as he pushed her against the wall, once again.  All too soon, she pulled away for some much needed air.  She smiled at his flushed cheeks as he rested his forehead against hers.  He was breathing hard, which surprised her since angels didn't even have a need to breathe at all.  He smiled back at her and cupped her face with his hands.  She bit her lip, hoping her new found confidence hadn't left her.  This was the moment she had always dreamed of...the moment when she finally told Castiel how she felt about him.  She ran her fingers through his hair and his eyes fluttered closed as his body shivered under her touch.  She leaned in and brushed her lips against his ear as she spoke, “Castiel...I thought it was painfully obvious that I am hopelessly in love with you.”  She lifted her head to look at him as her fingers picked at his trench coat nervously.  She bit her lip again, a gesture she had quickly discovered he thoroughly enjoyed.  Then he did something she definitely was not expecting.  He laughed.  He is just full of surprises today... She was fairly certain she had never heard him laugh before.  It was truly beautiful sound.  And, yet, again, she was confused as ever.  
“That's the infuriating part...I know your feelings for me.  Like I said, Carrie, you think very loudly...” He said that last part almost as if it pained him.  
“So, what's the problem here...” she looked at his flustered expression and she wanted nothing more than to kiss it away.  He groaned again, border-lining a whine.
“Stop it...stop...thinking.”  She furrowed her brows in confusion.  Something was troubling him but she had no idea what. Clearly they both felt the same way so...what was the problem?  
“The problem...is that I am an angel.  Angels don't feel love. Angels don't feel any kind of human emotion.  Yet, since I have been in this vessel, I have felt so many different things, human things. But, in all my years of existence, I never thought that I would fall in love.  And it's frustrating because I have no idea what I am doing.  But when I see you, I feel...warm.  And I love the way you dance when you think no one is around,” they both laughed at that, going back to when he'd caught her dancing in the kitchen. “And the way you bite your lip when you're nervous,” Her body trembled as his thumb ran across her bottom lip.  She looked in his eyes and saw something she had never seen before.  They were so dark, almost hungry.  It completely took her breath away.  She tried to pull herself together, though it proved extremely difficult with Cas's other thumb unconsciously rubbing small circles on her hip.
“Cas...” She actually got a word out, despite how breathless it was.  Before she could say anything else, she heard his voice.
“I have tried, Carrie...So damn hard to fight it.”  Her breath caught in her throat.  His face was so close to hers, she could feel his breath on her face.  All she had to do was lean in just a little bit...
“But the more I see you, the more my resolve begins to break...and I pride myself on my self control, Carrie,”  She tried with all her might to suppress the moan that escaped her lips, but it was out before she could even process it.  His hand on her hip tightened and he dropped his head down.  When he lifted it back up, it looked like he could devour her whole.  “I've told myself so many times that there could possibly be consequences for our being together, that it would never work between a human and an angel.  But, you encompass my every thought.  The way you move when you fight, the way you hum softly to yourself when you're concentrating on research...Carrie, you're the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen.  Angels don't dream either, but you've managed to work your way into those too.” She smiled slightly at that.  
“You dream about me?” Her head was spinning.  She couldn't believe all the things he was telling her.  All this time...she could have had him sooner.  He chuckled softly, a look of complete lust coming over him.
“You have no idea...” He pulled her body closer, if that was even possible, and lowered his head so his lips brushed the shell of her ear. “It's sinful, really.”  This time, she moaned loud with no shame, her lip dragging through her teeth.  His eyes flicked down to the motion and he instinctively moved his mouth to hers, dragging her lip between his teeth just like she had done.  A strangled sound came from his throat as he looked at her, his pupils blown so wide, only a sliver of blue was left.  “I've wanted to do that since the first time I saw you do it.”
“God, Cas...What are you doing to me.” He smiled at her and brushed a stray piece of her blonde hair behind her ear. His eyes, though still darkened with lust, softened as he took in every feature of her face.
“I'm choosing you.  No matter how hard I fight, no matter how many times  I've tried to talk myself out of it for your safety, you somehow keep coming back to me.  In my thoughts, in my dreams, and now, here you are standing right in front of me telling me you love me.  And the more I think about the consequences, the more I realize I. Just. Don't. Care.”  To prove his point, his hand gripped her hair and he practically yanked her face up to his in a searing kiss. It was different than the others.  It was just as passionate, but it was also filled with every emotion he had been going through for the past three months.  He was showing her how he felt about her with this single kiss.  And damn if it didn't make her knees go weak.  He broke the kiss as his hands traveled behind her thighs, lifting her off the ground and wrapping her legs around his waist in one swift movement.  She gasped at the sudden movement and her hands grasped tightly at his shoulders.  He kissed her again and she let her head fall against the wall as his lips traveled to her jaw and down her neck.  When they came to the juncture of her neck and shoulder, he left an open-mouthed kiss, slightly sucking on her sensitive skin. Carrie cried out as the sudden pleasure coursing through her and her hips involuntarily bucked up against his, causing a truly sinful sound to tumble out of Castiel's mouth.  He noticed your reaction to his ministrations and repeated his action. Another moan left her lips and he smiled against her skin.  
“The sounds you make are like the sweetest music,” he mumbled as he continued kissing down her body.  He moved to her shoulder and his finger hooked underneath the thin strap of her tank top.  He slowly inched it down, his fingers brushing her skin as he went.  He kissed every inch of skin that he touched and had Carrie panting and writhing under him.  Jesus...he has barely done anything yet. Slow your roll, Carrie. She heard Cas laugh against her arm, and, suddenly, her cheeks burned red as he came back up to look at her.
“I'm sorry, Carrie.  I try not to read your thoughts because it is considered invading your privacy, but I can't seem to help it.  I can sense your longing, and you keep saying my name in your head.  It's almost like you're...praying to me.”  Despite her embarrassment, she couldn't help but smile at his adorable expression.  There they were, groping and grinding against each other like freaking preteens, and he was worried about invading her privacy.  Now, it was her turn to laugh.
“Stop apologizing and kiss me,” she said, amazed a her sudden boldness.
“Gladly.”  His lips were over hers again, his tongue sliding along her bottom lip.  She opened her mouth to let him in, both of them fighting for dominance.  He seemed reluctant to pull away as he remembered a human's annoying need to breathe.  “You know, you say my name a lot in that pretty little head of yours,”  His hands, which were holding her up underneath her thighs, moved to her ass and squeezed roughly causing her to squeak in surprise.  He just smirked at her mischievously and continued talking. “but, I highly enjoy it much more when you say it out loud.”  She smiled as she understood what he was silently asking.  She lowered her head to his ear as if she was telling him her deepest secret.
“Castiel...”  Her voice was low and husky, a sultry tone as his name left her lips.  He made a low sound of approval as her hands ran up his chest, her eyes locking with his as she pushed his trench coat and suit jacket down his shoulders simultaneously.  He lowered her to the ground and his arms left her to let them fall to the floor.  As soon as the garments were gone, she was back against the wall.
“Say it again,”  his voice was demanding, nearly an eternity of being a soldier of Heaven causing him to take control.  And damn, it was hot...She bit her lip innocently, her eyes never leaving his as his name fell from her lips again.  He cupped her face and gave her a chaste kiss before looking back up at her.  He shook his head, as if not believing that this moment was actually happening. “You have no idea how many times I have dreamed about you saying my name, moaning it as you writhe underneath me.  Begging me to touch you. The things I would do to you...you couldn't even imagine.”  She let out a puff of air as a wave of lust hit her straight in the face.  If that man did not take her right there and right now, she was going to have a damn fit.  She heard him growl and she smirked.  
“I bet I could...”  His eyes snapped up to hers and before she knew it, he had lifted her up, bridal style, and threw her onto the plush bed.  Carrie backed herself up until her head hit the pillows and Cas crawled on top of her, his eyes searing a line of electricity up her body as he took in every inch of her.  She was wearing shorts and a tank top, which left little to the imagination and his eyes raked over her body with want.
“Is that what you want, Carrie?  Do you want me to take you?” God, that low, husky voice could have been her undoing.  Her hands grasped his tie tightly as she tried to pull him closer, but he didn't budge.  She knew he was waiting for a response, almost as if he was asking for permission.
“Yes. God, yes, Castiel.  Please.”  She couldn't even feel embarrassed about how needy she sounded.  She had had enough of the teasing.  She was too riled up and she needed him.  Now.
“As you wish,” he said with a smirk.  He bent down to kiss her again, but this kiss was different.  His lips were frenzied, almost needy.  She moaned into his mouth at the realization that he needed this as much as she did.  He swiped his tongue across her bottom lip and she gladly let him in, his talented tongue exploring every inch of her mouth.  A groan of satisfaction escaped from the back of his throat as her tongue came into contact with his, tangling together, fighting for dominance.  Suddenly, things got more heated, their hands roaming all over each others' bodies.  Cas's hand found its way underneath  Carrie's tank top and cupped her breast, squeezing slightly.  Carrie's head fell back on the pillows and a truly inhuman noise escaped her lips.  Her hips involuntarily bucked into him, grazing the ever-growing bulge in his pants.  Cas moaned again, and Carrie decided it was the sexiest damn thing she had ever heard.  Her hands tugged at his shirt, her brain getting hazy and hindering her from thinking straight.  All she could think was, get these damn clothes off.  But her hands weren't following directions.  She heard Cas chuckle against her skin as his lips moved to kiss down her neck.  Suddenly, she felt the cold air against her skin and she gasped as she looked down.  Both of their clothes were gone, and Cas was still kissing her as if nothing had happened.  She pushed on his shoulders lightly to make him look at her.
“Cas, what the hell?” He just smiled that adorable smile of his and looked at her innocently.  
“You wanted clothes off, so they're off.”  All she could do was shake her head and smile back.  Her hand snaked to the back of his neck and she played with the little tufts of hair there.  Cas hummed contently as he looked at her, his incredibly blue eyes taking in every inch of her face, as if memorizing it. She bit her lip and turned her face, laughing nervously.
“What?” His hand came under her chin, forcing her to look at him.  His lips quirked into that half smile that she loved so much as he shook his head.
“You're just so beautiful.” Her breath hitched at the sincerity of his statement.  He started dragging his fingers across her bare skin sending goosebumps across her whole body.  Suddenly, she was very aware that she was naked and the urge to cover herself was very strong.  As her hands moved to cover her body, Cas's fingers wrapped around her wrist.  “Carrie, you don't ever have to hide yourself from me.”  The look in his eyes made her relax a little.  He kissed her again, slow and sweet, and her nerves evaporated with every delicious touch.  He ran his hands along her rib cage, along her hip, and back up again.  He was slowly driving her crazy, her body writhing beneath him. Embarrassment be damned, all she could think about now were the amazing things that Cas was doing to her body.  He had barely touched her yet and she was positively singing.  Her breathing became ragged as she dragged her nails along his back, pulling his body as close to hers as she possibly could.
“Cas...please.” Her voice was so breathless she even surprised herself. His lips traveled from her neck, down to the middle of her chest.  He left soft, open-mouthed kisses there, making Carrie moan in frustration. He smiled against her skin and continued on his path, finally, taking a nipple into his mouth.  Her hands snapped up to his head, her fingers tangling into his hair and tugging lightly.  The sound that she elicited from him made her hum in approval.  She whimpered as he continued his ministrations on her other breast, his teeth slightly grazing her nipple.  His gaze flicked up to her face, watching her every move.  And damn if that look didn't completely wreck her...Her mouth fell open slightly as she watched him in fascination.  He was worshiping every inch of her body at an agonizingly slow pace, as if he wanted to memorize everything about her.  He continued down her body, licking and nipping at her soft skin until she was mewling and squirming underneath him.  Finally, finally, he settled between her legs.  He smiled mischievously at her before he kissed the inside of her left ankle.  He left no patch of skin untouched as he continued his sweet torture.  Carrie bit her lip so hard, she thought she tasted blood.  Her body was trembling underneath his lips.  She yelped in surprise as he bit the inside of her thigh, a little purple bruise starting to form. She propped herself up to look at him.  He slowly ran his tongue over the bite, a satisfied look on his face at the mark he left there.  When he looked up at her, he groaned at the sight before him.  Her hair was wild from his fingers running through it.  Her eyes were blown wide with lust, her lips swollen from his kisses. Her chest was heaving and there were little pink marks all over her bare front from where his mouth had explored.
“Carrie...” His voice was an octave lower than usual, and his head dropped down to the leg he was holding.  He was completely wrecked and it was all because of her.  And it was the sexiest thing she had ever seen.  “You're driving me crazy.” he mumbled against her skin.  She smirked at him, a sudden boost of confidence coming over her.
“What are you gonna do about it?” she quirked an eyebrow at him, the anticipation of his reaction making her shiver.  It was exactly what she wanted.  He growled and his hands gripped her hips, practically yanking her down the bed, her legs hanging off.  He knelt down on the floor, his eyes never leaving hers, as he slowly, finally, dragged his tongue over her slit. Her arms gave out and she fell back onto the bed.  His name fell from her lips over and over as his talented mouth worked her body in all the right places.  He swung her leg over his shoulder and the new angle allowed him to shove his tongue inside her, his thumb coming up to rub achingly slow circles over her clit.  Carrie's fingers tugged at his hair so hard, she was afraid she was hurting him.  But his groan of pleasure told her otherwise.  He pulled away, and she made a sound of disappointment at the loss.  She propped herself up on her elbows, wondering why the hell he would stop.  She moaned out loud at the look on his face.  He looked completely debauched, a look that should not be sexy on an angel but, God, she could have her way with him right there.  
“You taste so damn good, you know that?” Another moan escaped her lips as she pulled him back onto the bed by his hair.  She pulled him down for a kiss and he grunted in surprise.  She could taste herself on his tongue and it was the most erotic thing she had ever experienced.  He dragged her bottom lip between his teeth as he pulled away.  
“Castiel...enough teasing, please.” Apparently, he agreed.  Without warning, he slammed into her making both of them moan in pleasure.  “Cas...fuck...” Those were the only words she was able to form as he started to move slowly, letting her adjust to him.  Her hands gripped his shoulders tight as his thrusts became faster and faster until the headboard was slamming against the wall.  He bent down and sucked a nipple into his mouth and Carrie arched her back into him, her fingers moving to tug on his hair.  “Oh, God. Ca-Cas, yes. That feels so-” The sensation was all too much.  He had actually rendered her speechless.  Cas grabbed her leg and placed her ankle on his shoulder, moving at a whole new angle.  She screamed his name as he hit her sweet spot and he looked down at her curiously.  He tried again, getting the same reaction and he smirked down at her.  She bit her lip and held his gaze, despite how hard it was as he hit that spot within her again and again.  He growled as he watched her eyes roll into the back of her head, breathless pants all she could manage as she felt the heat coil in her belly.  Her legs began to tremble as Cas's thrusts became more erratic.  He leaned down to kiss her as his thumb found her sensitive bud, rubbing rough circles. “Cas, I'm gonna...” she trailed off, her nails sinking into his shoulders.
“Come on, Carrie.  Come for me...” That was all it took.  The spring inside her snapped as her orgasm washed over her.  She moaned his name over and over again, her whole body shaking.  Cas had stopped for the moment, watching every move she made in awe.  
“So beautiful.”  She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss as his thrusts sped up again. It didn't take long before he was crying her name out in ecstasy.  He held himself up on his forearms so he didn't crush her as they tried to catch their breath.  After a while, he rolled over to lay beside her, pulling her to lay with him.  She draped her arm across his chest and rested her head in the crook of his arm.  
“Wow...” Carrie sat up to look at him and laughed at the total blissed out look on his face.  He hummed in agreement and returned her gaze.  Her fingers traced random patterns across his chest as she looked around the room, her head becoming clearer after everything that had just happened.  “So, you never told me where we were,” she said, a curious look on her face.  She hasn't noticed before, but the hotel room he had zapped them to was extremely nice.  He laughed at her as he mindlessly played with her hair.
“Paris,” he said, as if it was the most nonchalant thing to ever happen.  She looked at him with wide eyes and her jaw dropped.  
“Paris?” He chuckled at her child-like excitement as she practically jumped out of bed, temporarily forgetting that she was naked, to look out the window.  Sure enough, the Eiffel Tower was sparkling beautifully on the night horizon.  She laughed in amazement, and then she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.  She turned around and was greeted with a kiss.  When they pulled away, the look on his face nearly took her breath away.  There was so much adoration there, and she couldn't believe it was real.  He cupped her cheek with his hand and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.  
“I know it was kind of rash.  But all I knew was that I wanted you far away from the Winchesters.   I'm sorry my jealousy clouded my judgment.”  She laughed and shook her head.  
“Cas, if this happens every time you get jealous, then you can get jealous any time you want.”  He smiled at her and leaned in for another kiss.  She could never get tired of kissing Cas.  It felt like home.  They pulled away for much needed air and he rested his forehead against hers.  
“Carrie...I hope you know how much I love you.”  She couldn't help the smile that threatened to split her face in half.  Her fingers played with the hair at the back of his neck as she kissed his lips for the hundredth time.
“I love you too, Castiel.  I always have.”  They smiled and held each other close.
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lunacatriona · 8 years
First 1700 words of a story of mine...
Below the cut-off is the start of a story I’ve began to write. It’s a blend of fiction and my family’s history. Please do have a read; I’d be glad of any feedback :)
The heart wants what it wants. That is an indisputable fact of life. What varies from human to human is how much pain a heart will take to keep what it always wanted. Some hearts will break, and that person will walk away for their own good, no matter how much it hurts. Other hearts...well, other hearts don't have that much sense. Other hearts just keep patching themselves back up because there isn't anything else that can be done without hurting the people it loves most.
My heart had taken more than its fair share, but still it insisted upon beating. It still took me here, to a life of little money and much trouble. My heart's love for my husband meant that in July 1973, I was bringing up my four small children in utter chaos. I always wondered if part of me liked the madness, even though I lamented constantly that I just wanted everyone to behave themselves.
“Jackie, get off that dyke, now!” I shouted. Jackie, the third child of my four, the one who consistently bore skinned knees and gave the filthiest of glares, had decided that it would be fun to scale the dyke on the edge of the field while I worked. At seven months pregnant, I wasn't about to run over there to catch her when she fell. It was a soft landing of freshly ploughed dirt on one side and a damp, muddy ditch on the other. She'd be fine, though she was bound to overreact, as she always did.
I watched in resignation as Jackie tumbled off the dyke and straight into the loose soil below. I rolled my eyes and said, “Go and get her, Catherine.” My eldest ran over and helped Jackie up. Predictably, Jackie was howling, even though I knew she couldn't have really hurt herself; the dyke could only have been about two and a half feet high. For such a fearless child, it didn't take much for her to burst into tears.
Catherine brought Jackie to me, who still wailed, and said, “Here, Ma, she skint her knees on the dyke.”
“For Christ's sake, bairn,” I said. “Catherine, go and get Da's bottle and a clean rag.” Catherine, ever obedient, ran off in search of Hendry. “That's if the bottle's not empty,” I added under my breath. I couldn't help but resent my husband's drunken disposition. Jackie plunked herself down in the soil and plucked a strawberry from the driel. “Oi!” I scolded her as she bit into it. However, her preoccupation with the berries stopped her from crying, so I wasn't going to stop her. The child was probably starving, anyway – God knows I was. Wee Charlie had been at them an hour ago, and I hadn't stopped him. I often let it slip my mind that there was only eleven months between Jackie and Charlie. At three years old, I already expected so much of Jackie, and our survival depended upon it. My treatment of Catherine was the same, and she was only two and a half years older than Jackie. And then there was Calum, my eldest son who, at the mere age of four, was over with Hendry and Jean – my sister-in-law – lifting boxes of berries.
Catherine returned with a clean rag and the dregs of Hendry's bottle. She gave it to me and said, “Da didn't want to hand it over so I nicked it while Auntie Jean was shoutin' at him.” I smiled slightly; Catherine was learning fast how to deal with Hendry, and probably following my example, but she shouldn't have had to at all.
I got on my knees – no mean feat with a belly the size of mine – and dabbed Jackie's knees the whisky-soaked rag. She screamed, as melodramatic as ever, so I reminded her, “You're not a baby, Jackie. It's just a sting. You know it only lasts a few seconds, so get a grip. I've got enough on my hands with Charlie and your Da without you being a scunner too.” I grabbed a basket and pressed it onto Jackie. “If you can't keep yourself out of bother then get to work like the rest of us.”
She took the basket with a scowl to rival her father's, got to her feet, and stomped off further down the driel in a sulk. “What was Jean shoutin' for, Cathy?”
“Somethin' about Da fightin' somebody last night,” Catherine shrugged. “She was tellin' him he was lucky he wasn't lifted.”
I sighed. My daughter, just shy of six years of age, knew what it was to be lifted. Hardly surprising, given what she was related to, but it was no less infuriating. I only hoped neither Jean nor Hendry had told Catherine or Calum exactly what happened last night. It was nothing short of miraculous that they hadn't heard it going on from their room. Perhaps they had, but they hadn't said anything this morning.
I was just about at my limit with Hendry and his family's carry on. The fighting had no end, and there was no boundary they would not push. Margaret, one of his sisters had told the police he was driving without a license a fortnight ago; a total lie but they were duty bound to pull him over anyway. Last night, Hendry and his elder brother, George, had been out drinking and returned to the house demanding bacon and beans. At some point while I was in the kitchen at midnight, the pair ended up on the floor, trying to take chunks out of each other. And being only five feet tall and seven months pregnant, getting between them had not been easy, and throwing George out had been nothing but a battle of wills. I won, of course, but that wasn't the point.
The point was that I was tired of this. Even having a pregnant wife wasn't enough to deter Hendry from behaving like a maniac. Not that I should have expected it to be. My last four pregnancies were no different. Why on Earth would this one be anything special? The bad behaviour was bound to continue for as long as Hendry was a drunk with a halfway insane family.
“No, no, no,” I said, waddling over to Jackie. “Don't eat that. That's a weed. Just eat the berries and don't let the farmer catch you at it,” I relented. It was, after all, partly my fault they had not eaten today. I had been stupid enough to give the only decent food in the kitchen to Hendry and George last night. All we'd had left this morning was stale bread.
The hours passed, and the children settled without complaint into the task of picking berries, even if they did eat a handful every so often. I couldn't begrudge them that.
I looked up to see Jean storming down the field, Calum at her heel; I glanced at my watch, unsurprised to find it was half-past three. This was the time Hendry generally chose to cause a fight and stomp away to the pub in a bad mood to spend money he could have put to a better use.
“Jennifer!” Jean shouted as she approached. “I wish you'd do somethin' about that man of yours.”
“He's as much your brother as he is my man,” I snapped. “You deal with him for a change.”
“I've had quarter of a century dealin' with that fool.”
“Jean, what do you expect me to do?” I demanded, handing Calum the basket I was in the process of filling. He took it and started picking without any questions. “Your brothers were ransackin' my livin' room last night. George had to go to Perth and get his nose straightened and his heid checked, Hendry hit him so hard.”
“Why did you let that happen?!” Jean asked, her tone filled with accusation and outrage.
“Let it happen?!” I retorted. “How am I meant to stop it without puttin' this bairn in the road of it?” I asked, pointed down at my massive belly. “It's gonna have a rough start as it is without me puttin' it in harm's way before it's even born!”
“He needs to go back into the camp!”
“Then he can go alone! I'm not havin' the bairns livin' in the camp. Catherine's goin' into Primary 2 next month, and Calum's away to start Primary 1; they get enough hassle in the school without the ready ammunition for it. And I am not bringin' another newborn into the camp. Jackie nearly died of whoopin' cough because we were too far from a doctor.”
Jean glared at me. “You're livin' in a cottage barely two miles from the camp. How did you think he'd react?”
“Then fuckin' keep him in there!” I exploded. “God knows I could do without the torment!”
The shouting caused Charlie to start screaming and crying. Jean strode over and clipped him around the ear. “Get a bloody grip, bairn!” she told him.
Enraged, I pushed her away and picked a wailing Charlie up; Jean's punishment had only made him more upset and much, much louder. “Don't you dare hit any of my bairns again,” I snarled at her. “They are mine to discipline, and that didn't deserve a skelp.” Jean held my stare, her dark eyes seething and her long black hair blowing slightly in the breeze. I always knew there was something about me that got under her skin, but only in that moment was I able to pinpoint the problem she had with me. It was not that I was an outsider or that I had pulled Hendry away from the family. Her problem with me was that she intimidated everyone she came across, and those tactics didn't work with me. I was not scared of her. “I suggest you leave me and my children to our business, and get over to Dunkeld and bullyrag your brothers into some sensible thinkin'. It's mair use than stayin' here and gettin' me uptight. Last thing I need is to go into labour before the bairn's due.”
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