#zoe is weird
0ox0x0xo0 · 5 months
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Zoè Gruni
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53v3nfrn5 · 5 months
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Zoe Gruni
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blendedmangobreeze · 4 months
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@zoe-oneesama’s Chat Noir (aka, from a chapter so enjoyable that I finished a piece for the first time in months)
So excited to see how the story ends! I’m going to miss it so much <333
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cheatingtime · 1 month
DRAW BETA ZOE I BEG!!! I swear I ask everybody this but her design is my favorite ever..
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z-ppy · 1 year
not to be weird about it, but something about the fact that in optimism it’s dean who notices that jack is still sick and asks him about it is so important to me. the camera lingers on his face while jack coughs and you can see how concerned he is — not in the usual SAMMY or CAS way — he still thinks jack’s just regular human sick. his expression is guarded but his eyes are so tender as he looks jack over. i obv can't remember the entire series, but i'm not sure i've ever seen dean look at someone like that. yeah maybe the cough has gone on a little too long and that's cause for concern, but it's not the end of the world (literally). it's so domestic, so fatherly, so normal. he's calm.
in the final scene, his face shifts from “mm whiskey” to “very concerned father” when jack starts coughing harder, and then “genuinely scared” when jack shows** him the blood in his hand. again, none of the obligatory trauma-drama like with sam and cas, no self blame (yet). he’s just responsible for his sick kid… and ooops he just ate concrete time to start yelling. bc it is spn after all!
then in ouroboros, when they’re at the first vic’s house with rowena and jack starts coughing, sam’s kind of politely glancing at him out of the corner of his eye, while dean just full on stares at him, waiting for an explanation. poor jack was probably smothered to hell by dean after he came back lol (after all he was wearing dean’s robe!)
** yes, shows him. at first i thought it was for the camera but the angle is actually him holding his palm out for dean to see. he finally tells someone what’s happening to him and it’s dean!
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ynhart · 2 years
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Hange's dream came true...
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incorrect-koh-posts · 6 months
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"[Raymond III of Tripoli] never recovered from the day of Hattin. His life dragged on for a few more months in which he was literally consumed by remorse and regret and too discouraged even to join in some movement toward armed resistance. This time the bridges between him and what still remained or the kingdom were well and truly down. He survived the fall of all the Frankish cities in the kingdom and the fall of Jerusalem, and it is not difficult to imagine the nature of the 'fearful dreams' which al-Imad says troubled him. He succumbed to an attack of pleurisy at the end of 1187, at the age of forty-eight. Raymond had never had any children. He was succeeded by the second son of Prince Bohemond III of Antioch, young Bohemond [...].
With the death of Raymond III the direct line of Raymond of Saint-Gilles died out in the East. This unhappy prince who, in the almost unanimous opinion or Franks and Moslems alike, had been the obvious master of all Frankish Syria, a man 'intelligent and perceptive above all', 'worthy of the throne for which he seemed to have been born', ended his life disgraced and dishonored by the accusation of treachery, disappointed in his hopes - which were undoubtedly sincere - of possible Franco-Moslem friendship, utterly defeated in everything for which he had striven."
- Zoé Oldenbourg, The Crusades (1966)
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aprilszn · 1 year
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My Our flag means death Levihan AU entry for Yet Another unrequited Love for a Titan server's 1st anniv last year ❤️
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dont-f-with-moogles · 5 months
Can you please do aged-down levi one-shot?? I've been thinking of a hc where levi didn't know how old he actually is since they don't have birth certificate back in the underground, the fact that he never celebrate his brithday didn't really help. Since Farlan said he's 25 when they first joined the scouts, Levi just assume he's also 25 and that he's just short. Timeskip (3-4 years?) to when the 104th cadets were recently admitted, one day, Levi had a growth spurt...and even grew taller than Hange (I mean..Armin had a frickin glow up when he's 19 ish..so Levi can too :,,)
The scouts we're just like....wth...how old r u, and Levi's just like uh idk 😒.
The Hope of Humanity Characters: Levi x Hange, Erwin, Miche, Eren Word count: 1122 words
Pale light filtered through the window’s cross grilles, exposing patches of flaking plaster around the walls of the small room. Beneath one of the tall panes stood a wooden desk and chair, whilst a low couch of blue leather ran alongside the adjoining wall. Sitting upon it, shoulders hunched, shirt dirtied and stained with blood, huddled Eren Jaeger. The boy was holding a white cloth to his bruised, swollen face. Hange Zoe knelt before him, brandishing a cotton swab with increasing vigour. 
Behind them, Mike Zaccharius had crossed the space to gaze through the other unobstructed window. He stood so immensely tall that his blonde mop of hair almost swept its top frame. Commander Erwin Smith had followed, his boots striking smartly against the parquet floor. He too stooped before Eren and extended a hand. Captain Levi was leaning back against the far wall, arms crossed with a sullen air. As he stood surveying his comrades gathered around the shivering adolescent, something struck Hange about the man’s appearance. Then, their eyes widened as Levi strode forwards slowly.
His dark hair swept gracefully into grey-blue eyes, both narrowed in contempt. There was a coolness in his expression; a muscle flexing in his jaw.
But there was something else… something intrinsic about him had changed. Broad shoulders filled out his tan, leather jacket; the sleeves no longer reached his wrists. White cotton strained across his abdomen; the buttons of Levi’s shirt threatened to slide open with each stride. Dark straps cut into his sides as he moved. Buckles were laced tight over his thighs, revealing a swell of muscle through the material of his trousers. Hange’s eyes drifted along the inside of his thigh… oh, they were snug. Very snug. 
They swallowed, wrenching their gaze away as Levi threw himself down heavily beside Eren. As Levi crossed a leg over his knee, with all the fluidity of a swift kick, the boy openly whimpered. He had been on the receiving end of enough of them to fear the power of that boot.
“Hey Eren… do you resent me?”
Hange was only half-listening, their eyes mapping out the proportions of the two individuals seated in front of them. Levi’s shadow towered over the adolescent, one arm resting along the back of the couch. Eren shifted so far forward that his rear was hardly touching the seat. 
Calculations clouded Hange’s mind; measurements which did not add up. Invisible lines drew themselves in the air; the scale of the diagram defying the very core of Hange’s reasoning. Then again, if they weighed up the evidence…
Hange thought back to the Scouts’ last departure from Trost. Positioned upon horseback beside one another, Hange remembered the palpable anticipation as they had waited for the great, stone gate to rise before them.  
“We’ve already bagged the craziest abnormal…”
“What? Where?”
There had come a swift movement of air as Levi had swept his arm towards them. Hange had jumped as his fingers traced their chin, clutching their jaw. He eased their chin up, forcing them to meet his gaze. Their noses were inches away from each other as a teasing glint had lit Levi’s eyes.
“Right here,” he had pronounced, looking down at them…
Back in the present, Hange shook themself from their deliberation.
“Speaking of abnormals… Levi?”
Levi’s eyes slid to Hange’s face. His mouth shaped a silent syllable, perplexed by their sudden interjection. For a moment, Hange had forgotten that they had been revisiting earlier conversations in their head rather than speaking aloud.
“Pardon the intrusion Levi, but have you… experienced a growth spurt?” they blurted out, “I mean, I’ve never heard of another guy my age…”
Levi was glowering at them, the muscle in his thigh tensed.
“Who says I’m your age?”
“Oh I… I thought…” Hange was scrambling nervously. “I thought… based on everything I’ve noted about… that is, your style of leadership, the dynamics you have with the younger members of your squad, your fussiness…”
“What, have you been studying me, Four Eyes?” Levi asked dryly, “you tired of your pets already?” The lash of his voice caused the boy beside him to shiver.
Hange turned to Erwin, astonished, who returned the gesture with a solemn nod. 
“Well… it’s true that Levi had no official documentation when he joined us…” the Commander explained gravely, before lifting his head to regard Levi.  “Your details, including your date of birth, were simply recorded from the information you gave us.”
Levi glanced at Hange who was still gaping up at him. Eren had lowered the cloth onto his lap, pulling at its corners until the edges had frayed.
“Look, no one cared about that kinda thing in the underground.” Levi shrugged. “I only put December 25th ‘cause it was easy to remember.”
“So…” Hange’s brow furrowed as they came to a conclusion. “We have no idea of your actual age… meaning for all we know… you could be…”
Yet another memory surfaced in Hange’s mind. They recalled the very first time Levi had performed with ODM gear in front of the other scouts… Hange remembered the flash of hooks as they had launched into tree bark… the elegant arc of his body as he had spiralled upwards, his training blades glinting… It was enough to send the blood rushing into Hange’s face, much as it had done that day. But that had occurred almost six years ago… how old had Levi been exactly? The unknown chilled Hange’s insides; cooled their flushed skin with sobering caution. Levi’s manner had been practically paternal towards Isabel. He had even been the voice of reason to Farlan. That level of maturity wasn’t often found in adolescents… Hange had seen enough of their comrades come and go to know that…
“At least this finally explains why you were rather, uh…” Erwin coughed into his large palm. Miche gave a snort from over by the window. Levi’s glare could rival a sharpened knife.
“Yeah?” His voice was full of daring. “Say it, Erwin.”
“...rather lively as a personality, condensed into such a pocket-sized treat!” Hange finished for him.
Levi swung his foot at them.
“But look at you now! You must’ve shot up another eight inches!” Hange cried, narrowly missing his swipe and rising to their feet. “Forget about Eren being the Hope of Humanity, the titans will be cowering in fear whilst your giant footsteps shake the ground around them!”
Both Erwin and Miche shook with laughter. Even Eren managed a weak smile. Levi removed his arm from the sofa and crossed his arms firmly over his lap.
“Shut it, Four Eyes…” Her turned his head away so that his companions could not see the pale flush which dusted his cheeks.
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skapediem · 2 years
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unusual suspects! (+1 exceedingly killable victim)
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galacticlamps · 7 months
if you listen very carefully, you can actually hear my heart breaking in the background of this scene from Legend of the Cybermen
(uh, spoilers I guess for an audio that came out in 2010?)
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oakhold-cheerios · 6 months
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aupermittymeowmeow · 2 years
attacks you
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mandyzoe · 8 months
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bully + tweets part 2 ft. pinky this time
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Zoe Muller from Road 96-Lesbian
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive (Depending on Player Actions)
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z-ppy · 1 year
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i saw this scene and thought there’s no way alcal holds a pen like that. what is he Doing? so i went to find another example:
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no… he very much does. @deathlnthevalley had the idea that it could be an acting choice for jack?
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