#zoro says 'rip sanji' and franky's just 'that's not cool'
thychesters · 1 year
ok but the one piece dub really does have some hilarious moments, like in thriller bark
after luffy shoves the 'severely injured old man' back into the ground the zombie pops back up and yells "DON'T SHOVE ME BACK INTO THE GROUND, JACKASS"
sanji goes missing in the manor and zoro sighs and goes "goodbye, sanji... rest in peace"
and in the 'in the next ep' bit the exchange between nami and chopper is basically “hey chopper, this might seem kind of random, but how do you feel about putting animals in zoos?” “are you kidding? i’m a reindeer! i think animals should run free!” “oh me too but what if those animals were zombies and they were trying to kill you?” “ohyeahlockemup.”
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normansnt · 1 year
A book by its cover (Usopp x male!punk!reader)
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This picture inspired me BIG time. Also I love that people are finally realizing how nice punks are🦦🧡 It may be a bit long but like not that long its aight I hope you like it
There are no warnings its just fluff🐥
Black leather jacket with spikes, badges and whatnot. Spiky h/c hair piercings and tattoos all this with black ripped jeans with again different badges and other things on it and black combat boots. Usopp thought this looked quite scary. He looked quite scary. Well ok it looked badass not to mention the guy was handsome... but anyhow he looked like he was from a dark world which Usopp had no intention of entering
The strawhats docked on an island for supplies maybe a little rest and to reset the log pose they had about 1 maybe 1 and a half days. Robin, Nami and Sanji went shopping the girls for clothes Sanji to carry their bags and to buy food. Zoro went to drink beer and take a nap and Luffy went with him claiming he wants to eat (as always). Brook and Jinbe just wanted to look around town. That left Franky, Usopp and Chopper who wanted to go look for supplies for the ship or Usopps bombs and other things.
Thats where they saw him. The guy who sold every kind of parts for ships, to painting supplies, gases and more. He was a tall dude around 6'6 with h/l, h/c hair which was in spikes (or not you decide if it wasn't just ignore it), he had kind e/c eyes and greeted them with a friendly smile. Franky smiled back and got to business right away.
"Hey guys what can I help you with?" Asked the guy in a friendly tone. "We need some supplies for a ship" said Franky cautiously not to mention that they are pirates. "Oh you guys are the Pirates that just docked, ok what kind of parts do you need?" Said the s/c male. Franky, Usopp and Chopper stood there a bit baffled. Even after the guy knew they were pirates the kind smile didn't leave the strangers face.
While Franky was discussing the parts needed Usopp was quiet the whole time something was off with this guy, he looked scary (and handsome but Usopp did not admit that even to himself) but acted very kind and understanding. Not to mention based on what he heard from the conversation he knew what he was talking about. "HAHAHA" Frankies booming laugh got him out of his trance. The guy must have said something awfully funny since he was smiling as well a big smile, a very attractive smile. What? Usopp was very confused at this point. "I could really use someone like you on the ship to help with repairs wouldn't you say Usopp, Chopper?" Asked Franky smiling, the two were just standing there silently. "Sorry how rude of me" said the guy still smiling "I didn't even introduce myself Im Y/N". "Im Franky these two are Usopp and Chopper" smiled Franky while pointing at the two. Usopp and Chopper still didn't say anything. Teddy got down on one knee looked at chopper and reached in his pocket. The too scaredy cats were watching his every move when suddenly he pulled out candy from his pocket. "Do you want one little reindeer?" Asked Y/N with a smile Chopper immediately forgot his fear. Not only because the stranger had candy but because someone finally saw him as a reindeer at the first meeting and not a raccoon. He walked over to Y/N and took some candy. Y/N patted his head. Chopper looked up at him and a bit shyly but asked him: "what are those pointy things on your jacket?". The e/c eyed male laughed and answered: "They are spikes I wear them cuz I think it looks cool" smiled the man than put his tongue out in a rocker way to make the little reindeer laugh. Chopper did laugh and then asked: "Can I touch them?" Y/N smiled and motioned for him to come closer. Chopper liked his spikes very much he thought they are dangerous at first that they hurt, but they didn't. This way Chopper ended up sitting on Y/Ns shoulder. Usopp watched this whole scene with interest. You were THIS nice. Now he feels stupid for thinking you are mean or anything but the way you are dressed deceived him. Usopp was staring at you red faced. It was not only that you were really good looking you had the kindest personality as well and he really couldn't deny it any longer even to himself he liked you, a lot. Y/N looked at him next. "So you're Usopp?" He asked smiling maybe a bit red in the face...? Nah Usopps eyes were lying to him he surely just saw what he wanted to.
"I...uh...YES, I am the great captain Usopp indeed" he said while sweating trying to play it off full of pride. He was kind of embarrassed after a short silence and he was about to apologize when he heard the most pleasant laughter he had ever heard. Y/N laughed at his antics he thought it was hilarious. "Wow alright mighty and powerful captain Usopp" he said whit a mock bow, then they both started laughing Chopper didn't really get it he just sat on Y/Ns shoulder eating the Candy he got while Franky just looked at them with a knowing smile.
After they bought everything they needed (which took nearly the whole day since they had such a great time with Y/N) they had to go back to the ship. Usopp was not happy nor was Chopper and to be fair Franky also took a liking to Y/N so its safe to say none of them wanted to leave him on the island. Y/N was not happy either to see them go he had a great time and enjoyed Usopps funny antics to no end. How ever to recruit a new crew mate was not their job not to mention they had no idea if Y/N was any good in battle.
Usopp was sulking the whole way back. And on the ship as well. They planned to stay on the port of the island for the night then set sail in the morning.
Zoro was on night watch and all of a sudden he saw someone approaching the ship. He stood up to see if the person was actually coming to the ship, but there was no misunderstanding the person was coming to the ship with something on their shoulder and a small bag in their hand. Zoro reacted the moment he saw that that something on the strangers shoulders was an ax.
He jumped off the ship right on the stranger. However, to Zoros utter disbelief, they dodged it. Now that the street light helped him see he saw that it was a guy, wearing a leather jacket with spikes badges and what not. This did not interest him however the thing that bothered him was the ax on his shoulder and the fastness he dodged his attack with it was almost inhuman like.
"What do you want with this ship?" Asked Zoro accusingly. "Listen this is a misunderstanding-" but the stranger did not get to finish their sentence because Zoro attacked. To Zoros disappointed the stranger blocked all of his blows and dodged them with excellence and grace very much like he saw Mihawk do it. The only difference between this guy and Mihawk was that he didn't attack back he just kept defending and of course he used an axe. The rest of the strawhats woke up to this commission outside and watched the fight with shock. Someone holding their own against Zoro with one hand and a small axe without breaking a sweat or attacking back? This was crazy. The moment Usopp stepped on the front of the ship to see whats going on his eyes widened and he looked at Franky. "Isnt that-" "Yes he is" "shouldn't we-" "Yes we should" the two looked at each other then forward at the battle and started yelling "STOP STOP" very loudly Franky jumped off the ship to stop Zoro while Usopp ran over to Y/N to stop him as well.
"Huh?" Asked Zoro after Franky stood in front of him. "Why are you standing in the way?" He asked kind of upset, Franky didn't answer just looked at Y/N and asked "What are you doing here Y/N?".
"Im sorry to disturb your night but after I was going to close the shop I found Usopps bag, and I wanted to return it, so after I left the shop I tried to find your ship based on how you guys described it and well I got kinda lost thats why I only got here this late" explained the s/c male panting lightly due to dodging Zoros attacks. Usopp got red in the face, very red, he left his bag there and didn't even notice since he was busy thinking about Y/N all night. "Thanks Y/N so much somehow I didn't even notice" "Wait you know this punk?" Asked Zoro.
"Wow you're quick" laughed Y/N lightly this made others chuckle a bit as well. "We bought ship supplies from him he was the shop keeper we were telling you about during dinner" yelled Chopper excitedly while running to Y/N to sit on his shoulders. "I don't care what shop you own how did you dodge my attacks this effortlessly?" Asked Zoro still a bit pissed. "Oh thats all thanks to my dad he trained me all my childhood" answered Y/N truthfully. "Your dad? Who is your dad if I may ask the way you move reminds me of someone" asked Sanji. He took a liking to the punk the moment he made fun of Zoro. "Mihawk, Dracule Mihawk" Everyones jaw dropped with their eyes bulging out of their sockets. "MIHAWK HAS A KID???" Yelled Zoro shocked. "Yeah Im kind of used to these reactions however y'all are a bit extreme Im guessing you know him" said Y/N in a usual tone not very phased by their reactions."Join my crew" said Luffy all of a sudden. Nami screamed when she notice Luffy was standing next to her because when everyone came out he was still sleeping. "You look strong and I saw you fight then I heard you are Mihawks son you are joining my crew" said Luffy smiling big. "Oh... eh I really didn't plan on becoming a pirate..." started off Y/N. Then he looked at Usopp who was looking at him with hopeful eyes and then at Chopper who was looking with puppy eyes Franky also tried doing Puppy eyes but it looked rather creepy from a big man like him. It was still hard though Y/N liked this town not to mention his shop. "But you are joining" said Luffy still smiling then headed back to his bed like the discussion was ower "uh..." Y/N stood there confused, then Usopp started laughing, "Yeah Im afraid it isn't your decision " Usopp continued laughing then started to walk towards the ship. With everyone else "Come on Y/N you are our nakama now" smiled Usopp while grabbing his hand and walking to the Thousand sunny. Never judge a book by its cover I guess you could say that for any member of the Straw hat crew Y/N will fit right in.
My second fanfic🥳
I wrote this for an embarrassingly long time even I don't know why lol💀
Anyway I LOVE Usopp he is so goofy and no mf in the world will tell me he isn't gay not yo mention Im a HUGE believer of trans Usopp so😗
SO I hope you liked this fic I will write more with time but I have things to do
Ladies, gentlemen and others I hope you enjoyed your reading, good afternoon good evening and goodnight🧡🦖
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bunnyboowrites · 1 year
My Last Wishes (Zoro x Black!Reader)
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Summary ~ you’ve known forever of your early grave, and it’s come time for you to inform your crew-mates of the truth about your fate. None of them are happy, especially the one-eyed swordsman.
Warnings - Zoro x Fem!reader, implied POC!reader but not outright, Angst, Smut, M and F smut, oral (F receiving), p in v smut, Loss of virginity, +18 only pls, Zoro is a bit ooc, Bad Writing as Usual!
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(Y/n) had been acting strange around her crew lately, her normal bubbly moods seemed to be dampened and no matter what anyone did she wasn’t the same. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper goofing off to make her laugh? She’d just give a weak smile and walk away. Franky doing cool tricks? A small thumbs up. Brooks songs, Robin's talks about history, Nami’s fashion show, and Sanji’s cooking. Nothing seemed to make her feel better, the extreme fell upon them when Zoro stepped in.
He walked over to her lawn chair on the deck, he glanced around awkwardly and put his hands on his swords “You can touch my earrings now, you know since you asked before..” he felt his skin heat up, he also felt the whole crew watching on as they pretended to be occupied by other things. For the first time in what had felt like months she gave the biggest smile while the green haired man sat down on the chair, pushing her legs out of his way. The crew sighed a breath of relief as they saw the girl reach for Zoro’s golden jewelry.
He coughed and muttered “so what’s got you so bothered? everyone’s noticed and they’re all worried about you.” She looked at him puzzled by the question before a guilty look crossed her face for a quick second. “You’re not worried though?” She asked trying to brush it off as a joke, but he wasn’t buying it. “You usually love that pervy cook’s dessert when you have tea with Robin but you gave it to Luffy.” He huffed and looked at the ground “so I was sort of worried” she sighed and racked her brain on what would be the best way to go about it, explaining to these people she considered her new family that she’d been cursed since before she was ever born. “I’ll let everyone know at dinner, thank you for worrying about me Zoro”
Sanji called everyone to the kitchen when dinner was ready, everyone rushed to be seated finally ready to understand what was hurting their dear friend. She was seated between Nami and Zoro, and she held a stack of envelopes “mailing something?” Brook questioned. She simply shook her head and handed each of them their own personalized envelope. “I’m sorry I made you guys upset” she started, head hanging low her curls covering her usually joyful eyes that were now full of tears. “But I have no clue how to tell you guys”
“No worries (Y/n) you can tell us anything” Luffy exclaimed while grabbing some bread off of her plate. She started to shake with a sob, and now everyone was giving their full attention to her. “I-I have only a couple months left to live” she whispered, she was surprised by the unusual silence of the situation “way before I was even born my family had been cursed, the women in our family were said to contract a deadly disease that had no side affects just death” she wipes away tears that are clouding her vision.
Everyone was frozen, unable to speak or even breathe. Sanji was the first to act “Don’t worry my beloved (Y/n)-San I’ll do anything to help you” his comment was followed by echos of agreement “What are you saying, you can’t leave us like this” Luffy yelled “We need you, without you how are we ever supposed to find our dreams?” She’d never think that Luffy would act this way. But then again how could he not, he’d already lost his brother and he didn’t need any more of his family ripped away.
Chopper hopped into the girls lap “if it’s a disease I promise I’ll cure you, I’ll do everything in my power to help you! What’s good is being the cure for all diseases if I couldn’t save my friend?” he cried, she stroked his back as he hugged her. Glancing around the table she looked drained, fatigued beyond recognition and Robin just hummed “How long have you known this?” she said and Nami nodded her head “ever since I was a little girl I knew misfortune was real and that it was coming for me” she paused and turned her head up towards the ceiling and chuckled “but when we docked on the last island I went to see a doctor and they told me my diagnosis”
Zoro sat with his arms crossed and closed his eye, seeing his crew with so much emotion it made him feel like he was powerless. Everyone was shedding tears hearing this news. He had a question that he wanted answered “Were you just gonna hide it from us until we woke up to find you dead?” Nami turned to him with a concerned look “Zoro?!? Are you crazy, this must have been eating her alive and you’re being too harsh” He huffed “(Y/n) should’ve told us, that’s something that could’ve happened any day since the day she was born but kept it a secret from people she was supposed love and care for, I’m upset so sorry if I’m being harsh” he picked up the rest of his booze and stormed out almost knocking the door off it’s hinges on the way out.
She finished saying her apologies to her family, the hardest thing she ever felt she had to do. “Those envelopes are my last wishes for each of you, I want them to be opened after I’m gone… for when you miss me most” She picks Zoro’s envelope up and sighs “I have to go give this to the hothead” she laughed in a breathy sigh. She walked out of the kitchen to start her search for the swordsman. She checked the men's quarters first and found the room empty and he was nowhere to be found on the deck so her best guess was the crow's nest.
She finally made it to the top and saw him, her heart started to beat a little faster at seeing him. He was shirtless and he was lifting a dumbbell sweat beaded at his forehead and some trickled down his face and neck and down between his defined pecs "Zoro I came to check if you were okay" She moved closer to the man before he gave a grunt "I'm fine sweetheart, but you just did something knowing you had a way out while we get stuck picking up the pieces" She felt the agitation build in her body "You think I like this Zoro? this is my home you guys were the escape from my stupid curse and now it's coming to an end" she pushed his chest he just silently stared as tears began to roll down her face "I never wanted to hurt anyone, but I couldn't have come out and said it when I met you guys id be standing in the way of everyone's dreams because everyone would be trying to find a cure to something I've had forever." she felt her whole body shake as she sobbed. Zoro thought her cries were painful to look at, he couldn't stand not being able to help her.
"I won't be able to have a boyfriend, experience sex or kissing sure but that's for the better because I'd rather have my friends and our adventures" She buried her face into his chest and he sighed and slowly wrapped his arms around her "you havent been with anyone?" He asked as she realized she told her crush that she was a virgin. She felt the embarrassment warming her "i- don't worry about that, you're an insensitive jerk Roanoa Zoro. do you know that?" He couldn't help himself but think about doing those things with her, giving her everything she deserved and more. she wouldn't want a brute like him anyway, he was sure she liked men more like that swirly cook.
Zoro would never admit it but he tried to take care of himself better to please her, weekly baths became every two days he even bought himself cologne on an island they docked at. All of this to impress the girl clinging to him and sniffling in his arms her soft curls and plush body attracting him to her, always making sure she was never alone even if he was napping. He would never admit but he wanted her to fight to stay alive to stay with them, to stay with him. he would sacrifice any and everything for the girl in his arms.
She finally looked him in the eye, her lip trembling and her eyes still full of tears "I brought your envelope, I need you to wait until I'm dead to read it though" her voice was barely a whisper. He scoffed "I don't want that stupid letter I want you to stay with me" he caught his mistake. She felt her heart skip a beat at his words. He wanted her to stay with him? had he felt the same all this time? feeling bold she firmly said "I love you" She sighed "Not like I love everyone else, I dream of you-" She cups his face "I pray in the night, the heavens know whose name I whisper when I sin" Her eyes flutter down to his lips and she pauses.
"(Y/n) I will sacrifice everything for you, we can find a way to fix whatever is wrong with you I promise it," he said feeling his body react in ways he thought would only happen when he thought about her perfect body underneath him. she smiled as she leaned in pressing her plush lips against his, her lips were soft but she was kissing him so softly he needed more after longing for her after so long. after she pulled away for her breath he impatiently pulled her back in for a more this time slipping his tongue into her mouth.
after their kiss she was trying to catch her breath, their mouths connected by the thin line of spit from both of their lips. "That was so much better than what if imagined" she whispered, her core warming in the oh-so-familiar way. he grabbed her hair and tilted her to look at his face "Let me grant those wishes for you, I wanna be everything for you, just like you are for me" his voice was so smooth and he was running his other hand down her neck and over her cleavage. she shivered at his touch and he smirked at her. "do you want this sweetheart? for me to be with you in a way no one else will be able to be?" she nodded with bated breath.
He licked her neck and took a long breath, inhaling her scent it was sweet with something else he couldn't make out. "you're made for me, I need you now" he groaned. She whimpered as he grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head exposing her to the chilly air of the room. He laid the dress down on the floor using his shirt as a cushion for her head. He caught her lips in another intense kiss their tongues dancing, he ran his hands all over her body cupping her pretty ass and giving it a slap. "Lay on the dress for me baby," he said, his husky tone doing wonders for her wet little pussy.
She laid on the dress and was feeling slightly embarrassed, she was so scared he was just a figment of her imagination. She covered her body unsure of how she would look to him knowing that during his pirate hunter days, he saw many women. He was having none of it though grabbing her hand and placing it on his massive print through his pants. "you do too many things to me for you to be embarrassed sweetie" she whimpered feeling his large dick, there was no way she could take that. she would try her best to please him though. "Zoro please, let me taste you" she moaned. he wore a grin on his face he was delighted that she wanted him so desperately but he had other plans. He hooked his fingers in her underwear, waiting for her permission to continue.
"I've got something even better for you doll" She let out a small whimper as her breathing picked up. His face was so close to her core, she could practically feel him breathing on her wet slit. The first lick of his tongue felt intense, something she couldn't put into words "Zoro-" the moan left her with a jolt, his cock twitched hearing her moan his name. it was filthy on her sweet lips. "oh so fucking good for me, I gotta get you ready for my cock baby" he dove back into her pussy groaning at her taste. She was his salvation, her body sculpted perfectly. everything he loved on his tongue as he flicked her clit with his tongue while slowly sliding a finger into her entrance.
His name was falling from her mouth like a sick prayer, she was getting so close to the peak and he needed her to fall over the edge just for him. "Ungh, I think I'm gonna cum Zoro, just like that oh-" he smirked as he used his fingers to hit the spongey spot in her sweet little cunt. She couldn't hold out any longer and she felt her body snap with the arrival of her orgasm. the buzzing feeling still fresh on her mind, devouring her senses as Zoro pulled his pants and boxers off.
She watched as he stripped, squeezing her thighs for some relief "Are you sure I can't return the favor?" she asked with a certain breathlessness to her voice. "no I need that fucking pussy around me or I might lose my mind" he groaned desperately, his head rubbing through her folds wetting him thoroughly. His head caught her entrance and he slowly bullied his way into her tight little cunt, "I'm gonna be gentle for you, but fuck you are not making this easy on me (Y/n)" he moaned into her neck.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he began slowly bucking his hips, the burning sensation turning into intense pleasure. it was like static was running through her. through her whole body even her toes. her moans were getting more loud and intense with every passing thing he said into her ear "Oh fuck baby, you're fucking mine forever." "This pussy is only mine by the time I'm done with this virgin pussy it'll only remember me" "I fucking love you, every day I find a new reason to love you" he sped his thrust up when he could tell how fucked out you were. "oh god I lov- Zoro I love you too" he felt a shiver at her confession his balls tightened . "say you'll never leave, tell me you'll fight to stay" "ill stay with you 'ro" she was pretty sure she was screeching now her impending orgasm sneaking up on her. He let out a loud groan and reached down to play with her clit, everything mixing together being the catalyst to her falling apart. squirting all over him moaning for him begging him to fill her up with his cum. "you're so good and fucking perfect" he moaned as his balls emptied, his cock being milked by her perfect cunt.
they were left coming down from their highs while the heaviness of their situation returned. She panted as the dull aching pain came back "Did you really want me to fight for you?" she questioned. She heard him grunt in agreement and she felt herself reach a determined state of mind "I'll do anything to see everyone's dreams come true. My new dream is to stay alive to go on so many adventures with my friends and my love" he nodded and kissed her neck "I love you Zoro" she whispered as he sighed content and tired "yeah yeah let's just get some rest." he muttered, breathing in the night air with a newfound sense of purpose for the both of them.
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;0 I actually wrote smut, it was pretty hard so I’ll keep practicing. Bye bye for now
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chihuahuawashere · 8 months
Crews reaction to Tiger mink Zoro for the first time!!!!
Luffy: thought his tattoos were cool and got even more excited when he saw Zoro turn into a Tiger right infront of while accidentally sneezing and the looks on luffys face made it seem like he seen Jesus
Nami: the first time she meat zoro was when Zoro was chasing her in his full tiger from because she stole the map and tried to run away. At first she shitted her pants when she saw tiger zoro. But now she uses him as a scare tactic to get money off of people and a petting zoo for little kids. “A green tiger means green money”
Ussop: when they went to Ussops island Zoro was a full on Human and was just chilling but when they were fighting the Black Cat Pirates he “out cated” them and really showed who the real cat was and Ussop creative juices flowing with BUNCH of ideas! He never got the same creative high he has since that day
Sanji: Sanji didn’t see tiger zoro until a lonnggg time. Not until they went to Alabasta and Zoro had to help chase the banquo's works and Sanji was shocked because everyone was so normal about it. He thought he was going crazy for a second.
Vivi: during One of the nights that she was in the Merry she tripped over what she thought was a tiger rug only to hear a grunt and she freaked out. turns out Zoro was taking a Power Nap in the middle of the hallway at night and he explained to her everything and she was surprisingly calm about all of this. 
Chopper: when they were at Choppers island Zoro got so cold that he went full tiger and and got lost and saw Chopper in the snow and Brushed it off as a normal dear. But Chopper got so scared of the giant green tiger that he ran away. Once he officially join the crew Zoro turned into a tiger to cuddle chopper and tongue bath him and Chopper busted out /laughing/ at the realization and Zoro was left a little hurt because he thought that chopper was making fun of him cleaning him chopper quickly clear the air. 
Robin: already knew who Zoro was since she work at Banqous Works but never saw it in person until the went to Shandora and Zoro was running all around the jungle like a kid in a candy shop. He felt completely comfortable in that habitat and he’s naturally animal instincts were extremely happy to be there
Franky: Saw a Green Tiger fighting a really long necked Giraffe at water seven and thought he was going crazy due to all the stuff that was going on. But then he saw Tiger Mink Zoro rip a marine Throat out with big tiger paws and thought that was “HELLA SUPER”
Brook: first time seeing Zoro ever was when he was Tiger Zoro and he ripped a Zombie arm off and ran away with it like a dog with a stick. Brook has been scared of Zoro since
Jinbe: knew a mink where he saw one and was not surprised that Zoro was a mink at all. Just happy to have another animal hybrid once the crew.
Yamato: thought he’s tattoos were and asked where he got them. Zoro casually says that he was born with them and that sparked the conversation and it was the most casual and easiest conversation that Zoro ever had about his Tiger mink side and was really happy just normally explaining it instead of trying to de-escalate a bunch of confused screaming like always this was a breath of fresh air (he’ll never tell anyone that)
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imasimpforshanks · 3 years
one piece boys + their icks
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ft. luffy, shanks, zoro, ace, franky, sanji, usopp, law
a/n: yeah idk what this is but it was fun to do hahahah HERE YA GO
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luffy – has the grossest dirtiest fingernails ever 🤢 baby boy pls wash your hands and get under thereeeeeee, the worst part though is when theres food stuck under his nails cos he basically just saves it as a snack for later
shanks – he says “where’s my hug?” or “oh what you not gonna give me a hug?” what makes this worse is his age! LIKE PLEASE SHANKS YOU ARE A GROWN ASS MAN STOP THAT!!!! he100% thinks its successful flirting but really, the more he says it the more you never want to go near him ever again.
zoro – slaps your ass, and not in the sexy playful way, but in the dude bro sports way. MY GUY WE ARE NOT TEAMMATES I AM NOT A FELLOW ATHLETE – WE ARE LITERALLY DATINGGGGG!!!! Squeeze me ass, poke my butt cheeks or whatever but DON’T SLAP MY ASS AND SAY “NICE WORK!”
ace – doesn’t wait for his food to cool down even a little bit before he starts eating, so when he starts scoffing it down it’s too hot and he’s breathing while he’s trying to chew with the food in his mouth and you can see it the food in his mouth SO CLEARLY. Gross. Just wait for the mf food to cool down and eat with your mouth closed smh.
franky – says “won’t be getting very far without these bad boys” when he comes back for his keys that he left on the bench and absolutely busts a nut laughing at his ‘joke’ 😐.
sanji – he literally always smells like tobacco n cigarettes, like yes, I get its aesthetic n all that but babe, you smell gross I want to vomit. oh, and not to mention smoker lungs *gross* he has that awfully disgusting coughing that sounds like he’s hacking out his insides.
usopp – says “omg I haven’t seen you since last year!” at 12:01am January 1st. every. year. BBY PLS STOP – the joke is done, it’s old, outdated, hasn’t been funny since the first time it was said.
law – always corrects you by saying “it’s figuratively, not literally.” like nope, you LITERALLY make me want to rip my hair out 😐
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What's your opinion on the strawhats post time-skip designs?
Okay so in order of how much I like them...
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1. Zoro. He looks strong, he looks cool, he looks badass. He looks exactly like what an older version of Zoro should look like.
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2. Nami. Similarly, she looks like what an older version of Nami should look like, scantily clad and everything. (The bigger boobs are a can of worms I'm not going to touch here) I particularly like her pearl earrings, they're a nice touch.
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3. Luffy. Like most things with Luffy his redesign seemingly hasn't changed much but every change that is there feels weighty and important.
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4. Brook. Oda was in a bit of a bind with Brook, since he can't change his face, body, or hair. So he mostly just gets some new accessories but I feel like they give him a much more lively, fun, unique, look.
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5. Chopper. I don't really have much to say about Chopper except that I liked his top hat better. The square-ness of it contrasted his rounded design and looked cooler.
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6. Sanji. Sanji's design has barely changed. He basically just started parting his hair on the other side and grew a crappy goatee. And unfortunately this is reflected in how little he has grown or changed as a person during the time skip. It's not offensive or anything just boring and disapointing.
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7. Robin. This is purely regarding her Sabody look. Since her outfits are in constant flux it's hard to really judge her when otherwise the only thing that changed was longer hair. But I don't really care for this look and it's my post. Either dress like a cool biker lady with your leather jacket and sunglasses or look like you're about to hit the beach with the long skirt. But doing both at the same time just dosen't work (Also the shoes have heels bit they're so low they might as well not, which is just a personal pet-peeve of mine.) Pre-Timeskip Robin always had such a strong sense of personal style. With her cowgirl hat and fondness for purple. Everything she wore was a fucking look. And Post-Timeskip she really has lost her touch. She has one or two good looks but she’s never soared as high as she did before. Rip Robin fashion sense.
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8. Franky. Franky's redesign is ugly and it took me forever to get used to those new giant arms. I understand the idea behind giving him more visible robot parts and that his arms were already quite large but the fact that he had to build smaller hands inside his hands should have alerted both Oda and Franky that this was a poor decision. Give me Ace Venture Franky over this any day of the week.
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9. Usopp. I can not stress enough how much it lowers my opinion of Usopp as a person that he willingly wears those pants. I hate literally every single thing about them. (Don't even get me started on the damn bonnets. Please, Usopp, have some form of self-respect. You've earned it)
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asexualzoro · 4 years
list of reasons i find Brook ridiculous
for brook’s birthday, ive decided to follow up my other two posts of this genre by dragging yet another idiot swordsman. i have everybrook open on my phone next to me. here we go
- first and foremost his most ridiculous crime is existing. as he’s already so ridiculous as a character, im going to talk only about things hes done
- i want to know, did Brook make a conscious effort to change his laugh to sound like his favorite song? how long did it take? what was the in between period like? what did his crew have to say about this? the rumbar pirates were big on playful teasing, did they let Brook live this down? 
- ALTERNATIVELY: was brook’s laugh already like that? is that why bink’s sake is his favorite song? is that why it was York’s favorite-- oh we only made it two bullet points before i made myself sad
- relatedly i cannot make fun of anything Brook did in his backstory it will make me too sad. hes spared for now
- i DO want to say from a writing standpoint its so fucking ridiculous to me that he mentions twice being a convoy captain in the past and it never comes up again. oda?? why even bother to include something that cool if you weren't even going to do anything with it?? you could have said hes just always been a pirate but no. oda?? oda
- there was that bit where a bunch of people thought Brook was satan and addressed him as such (i think Satan-sama in the original, and the translation i read was like... Lord Satan or Lord Demon or something). not only did Brook never correct them, but he also ran with it and later used this case of mistaken identity as a reason to threaten to eat a man’s heart 
- also both men and women were showing him their underwear in that bit. bi rights
- those satanists let Brook get kidnapped while saying they would try to summon him back. do you think they're still at it
- Brook is older than... basically every old man in the series. Garp, Whitebeard, Rayleigh... all of them. something about that is so weird to me and i cannot place why
- Brook has seen and can prove the existence of an afterlife in One Piece canon and its then never addressed again
- Brook missed so many huge events while being dead. im looking at a timeline rn and these include the obvious, like, roger’s execution and subsequent effect on in-world culture and society and whatever. but also things like the destruction of ohara (which was in his home sea), the founding of the world power known as the revolutionary army (which was about 20yrs ago), and the births of every other member of his crew. wack
- he seems to know about stuff related to the pirate king post time skip, and i wonder if thats because someone told him or he’s just playing along now. maybe he just thinks Luffy made up the term pirate king cuz it sounds cool and he wants to support his captain’s interests
- if he DID ask though, like, who did he ask? his managers? did he pull aside some fan asking for an autograph at a concert like “hey, you look like a knowledgable young lad, mind helping me out?”
- i would love to be there when someone takes the time to explain roger, the pirate king, raffle, the One Piece.... and Brook asks them “what is the One Piece?”.... and someone has to look him in the eye (...or not) and tell him “i don't know” 
- Brook has technically died of fright (his soul left his body), like... at least once? it was luffy’s fault
- Brook was an urban legend on the florian triangle and i doubt he even knows that about himself
- when they're heading to fishmen island Brook gets all scared when they encounter a possible ghost ship and Usopp slaps him
- when captured by big mom he sleeps so godamn soundly and securely that he is harder to wake up than she is and this fact nearly gets a bunch of his crew killed
- Brook is the only character i can think of who has ever broken the fourth wall. he only did it once. maybe seeing the afterlife means he now knows hes in a manga. or maybe being isolated for 50 years just made his head be not screwed on right
- speaking of, there’s a bit in WCI at the wedding where Brook is decapitated. i don't know how it goes in the anime, but in the manga like... no one is shown to have decapitated him. his head just pops off. maybe he was just having fun
- also the bit where he rips the fake face off in wci. when someone calls him gross he cries
- there’s a bit in fishmen island where Brook is trying to ask Nami if he can see her panties (disgusting bastard) and he inadvertently protects her from being dehydrated by some guy they were fighting. except the panel setup reminds me a lot of / mimics ace protecting Luffy from Akainu, and it haunts me
- speaking of bits from fishmen island that haunt me, there's a page where it’s strongly implied Brook fucked a mermaid (maybe two). i will of course include the page here
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- yeah. sorry. 
- when Brook first meets the strawhats he invites himself inside because “it’s cold out!” but he later admits in punk hazard that he cant feel cold. he was just lying
- no one introduces himself to Brook except Luffy for the entirety of thriller bark
- half related, Franky cradles Brook in his arms / carries Brook around for like a full scene in thriller bark 
- there's a link two second bit in film gold where the crew is just relaxing while they're planning for how they're going to get Zoro back and they're all shown eating burgers from pirate mcdonalds or whatever. and Brook is eating a burger and hes so messy that hes got burger on his forehead, and Franky is next to him just looking at him
- Brook also wears fake skin in that movie
- Brook has a running gag where he gets upset when things refuse to eat him and i was going to make a joke about it but im wondering if maybe hes just afraid of being left behind........ made myself sad again
- he cries when a dragon won't eat him tho
- Brook admits to reading monster hentai when talking to Sanji and Kin’emon and if i have to be burdened with knowing that so do you
- when hes trying to figure out the weakness of the zombies on thriller bark he overhears one ate a salted fish and lost its shadow and immediately assumes “oh, must have been the fish!” idiot man
- where does his sword cane go when hes not using it. it just appears. where does he store it
- there's a bit where the strawhats all use a combo attack at thriller bark and the first step is firing an electrically charged Brook in a slingshot through oars/oz. he ends up in a wall and no one ever pulls him out. i don't even think the manga shows how he got down
- enemies post time skip regularly assume Brook is dead when they manage to knock the crew out and it makes me wonder how popular of a rock star Brook actually was
- Brook goes on a mini rant to no one while they're descending to fisherman island where he wonders aloud how he sees without eyes and it makes me lose it
- this isn't Brook technically but Nekomamushi is based on a song Brook’s voice actor wrote about his cat.
- Brook literally doesn't have a brain. like i know we all know that but its so fucking funny. we make jokes about other strawhats only having one braincell or whatever but Brook straight up 100% just has a seashell where his brain is supposed to be 
-  why does he have rubber glove looking hands when hes haunting the castle at wano i fucking hate them
- relatedly, there’s a bit where Brook mentions he’s been, at kinemon’s interaction, sitting in a well for like... possibly days? is he okay
- honestly i love everything about Brook’s actions as a ghost in wano bc its so fucking funny but my FAVORITE fact is that Brook is in the wikipedia article about starving skeletons
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im leaving you with that. appreciate ur local skeleton today
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doctorgerth · 5 years
One of my favorite love confessions is yelling BECAUSE I LOVE YOU during an intense argument or other high stakes now or never situation. Headcanons on what situatiom would push Zoro, Law and Marco to shout this at their s/o? Thanks, Coop :)
Ok, so for this I just kinda picked random situations and ran with them lol this ended up scenario-y, I hope that’s ok! I also went a lil overboard as always ugh these are really long so I’m putting them under the cut.
I hope I wrote this how you wanted! I made them angsty but I know you said you wanted a happy ending so I made them fluffy and cheesy too 💓
HCs: “Because I love you!” (Zoro, Law, Marco)
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wanting you to stay
- as a new member on the crew, you instantly became friends with all of the Straw Hats, Zoro included and perhaps the most of all
- you two just seemed to hit it off instantly, enjoying each other’s company, training, and drinking together
- though you were friends, you and Zoro also tended to butt heads a lot of the time, simply because you weren’t scared to call him out and challenge him; he found this equally annoying and exciting about you
- the entire crew picked up on Zoro’s manners with you, the way he went out of his way to see you, the way he fussed at you when you were being reckless, the way you two just couldn’t possibly walk by one another without saying anything snarky and low key flirty…it was so obvious that you two were crushing on each other
- your arguing was just so different from Zoro’s genuine dislike for Sanji; Zoro knew he didn’t dislike you, he’s had many good moments with you, but when Robin tried to convince him that he was in love with you? that made his stomach flip
- when presented with the idea of love, Zoro denied everything, claiming that you were just friends, someone who he enjoyed spending time with and that was the extent of it
- annoying as you could be, he really enjoyed your company, and your companionship when on missions or trips was really endearing to him, but he would never admit that
- but, you were just a passing friend after all, not intending to be an official crew member as the Straw Hats helped save you from a village you were held hostage at, carrying you to your home island
- Zoro grew accustomed to your presence, and much like the rest of the crew, was used to seeing your smiling face every day, even looking forward to it 
- he didn’t imagine that one day you would suddenly want to leave; why would you leave? you were all friends right? wasn’t everything you needed right here?
- the day the Sunny docked at the next island, Zoro thought it would just be any other day, not expecting you to have your bags packed, ready to disembark 
- “Oi, what are those for?”
- “They’re my bags, dumbass. You guys are dropping me off here, remember?” 
- “What? Why the hell are you leaving us?” he’s utterly shocked, just completely forgetting the whole plan to bring you home; you’re his crew mate, you can’t just leave!
- Zoro throws a fit, begging anybody and everybody to make you stay; no one is against it of course, but they’re telling him that he has to be the one to do it
- flustered and confused, Zoro’s unsure what to do; he understands you wanting to return home, but what about all your adventures together? who would train with him now? does this mean he won’t get to see your beautiful smile or hear your cute little laugh again?
- Zoro was a stubborn man and he knew he wouldn’t let that happen without a fight
- he instantly rushes to find you, heart dropping into his stomach when you’re no longer in your room and all of your things are gone; he runs out on deck, catching sight of your figure at the edge of the ship, preparing to leave to walk off onto the island
- “Oi! Wait!”
- you turn around to see Zoro running towards you, his cool demeanor replaced with a clearly unsettled one
- “Come to say goodbye?” you smiled brightly
- “You’re not going. I won’t let you.”
- “Huh?”
- “You can’t leave! We’re your friends. You can’t just leave us like this!”
- “Zoro, my home is here! My family-”
- “Are we not your family? We’ve been taking care of you for months now! And you just want to throw all of that away?”
- “I’m truly grateful for all of you but…”
- “But nothing! There’s no real excuse for you to go and you know it! You’re just being a dumbass!” he hadn’t meant to be so harsh, but the thought of you leaving forever was truly breaking him
- you had no words to say as you turned around, fuming, saying your goodbyes to everyone else except him; he looked to the crew, desperate for advice as he watched you walk further down the walk way, so close to the shoreline; his head was spinning, heart racing, knees shaking as all he wanted was for you to stay with him
- “(Name)! Stop! Please stay!”
- “Why should I stay?” your foot almost reaching the shore
- everyone audibly gasped, including you, at his confession; you stopped dead in your tracks, unable to move, listening to your heart echo in your ears
- slowly, you turned around to see the shock on everyone’s faces and Zoro’s own flushed body; he was completely red head to toe, chest heaving from stress, but he maintained eye contact, letting you know that he was dead serious 
- your body felt like it was floating as you made you way back up to the deck, Zoro moving to meet you halfway; soon you were standing right in front of the other, both wide-eyed and sweating nervously 
- “You…love me?” 
- “Uh, yeah…” a hand reached to scratch the back of his head, eyes averting from yours in anxious manners, “Do you…?”
- “Yes.” you muttered simply, catching Zoro by surprise once again, “I do. I love you too.”
- a small smile graced his lips as he looked at you incredulously, lost in thought and happiness as he stared at your smiling face
- “Kiss her you fool!” Franky couldn’t help but cry out at this romantic moment
- Zoro grunted, annoyed, gearing up to yell at him for ruining the moment but your lips on his stopped him dead in his tracks; eye wide open he stared at you, hesitant to move until your soft lips sent him into euphoric bliss
- his hands grasped gently at your waist, accepting your confessions, thanking the heavens above he was brave enough to confess to you; elated to know he had gained a lover and official crew mate all in one
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when you get hurt
- it all happened when the Heart Pirates had come across some enemies on an island you were visiting; Law wanted to avoid a scuffle, but he knew that was never possible with his crew; the whole crew fought for their captain, you being no exception, much to his dismay
- there was something special about you to him after all, something more than you just being his subordinate
- he tried to deny that four letter word for so long, but he knew he had fallen deeply for you when you were the one he was searching for once everything was over
- his heart sank when he couldn’t find you, he cursed at himself as he searched through piles upon piles of bodies, wishing he had just locked you up in your room and not let you fight
- when Shachi called for Law, he rushed over, studying your beat up, unconscious body; he couldn’t hate himself any more in this very moment
- with haste, Law scooped you up into his arms, carrying your limp body quickly into the sub; he wasted no time in yelling at the crew to load up, doing a quick head count of everyone, making sure everyone was safe and on board before submerging
- many rooms were filled with injured members, but nothing was life-threatening; Law laid you down in the infirmary, making quick rounds to check on his other members, asking Bepo to watch over you 
- though Law deeply cared for his other crew members, with each shot he gave, each stitch he laced, he could only focus on you, praying that you were going to be okay
- “Captain, let us take care of everything. Go take care of (Name).” Penguin and Shachi offered their captain some help, and with slight hesitation, he nodded before rushing back to the infirmary
- when he entered the room to see Bepo pushing you back into bed, he felt a wave of relief wash over him; your genuine smile, though tattered and bloody from battle, made his heart warm
- “Captain! Will you please tell Bepo that I am perfectly fine and can get out of bed?”
- though he was happy to see your cheery self return, a scowl stretched along his face as he looked at you, “Bepo, leave us.” the bear left and you couldn’t help but look wide-eyed at your clearly pissed captain 
- “What’s wrong, captain?”
- “Are you stupid? You can’t possibly leave this bed now under these conditions! I’m demanding three day bed rest, minimum.” 
- “Three whole days?! That’s highly unnecessary! Look at me, I’m perfectly fi-ouch.” you attempted to stretch your arms to prove you were completely healthy, but the sharp pain that ripped through them was undeniable
- “If you move one more inch, so help me god, I will put you under right now.” he replied through gritted teeth, laced with utmost concern; he reached towards your clipboard, checking your readings and vitals 
- “I can’t stay here for three whole days, Captain. What if those pirates follow us? I need to help fight!” 
- “You don’t need to do anything except stay in this bed, (Name)-ya.”
- “Why can’t you let me fight? I took down the most guys on that battlefield and you know it!”
- “That doesn’t matter.” the vein in his forehead was beginning to show all the while you were beginning to fume
- “Why are you treating me like this? I just want to help! I’m supposed to help protect you!”
- “No!” he yelled, slamming down the clipboard, “I’m supposed to protect you!”
- “Why-” 
- your eyes were as wide as the moon now as you looked at your disheveled captain, a flush of red on his cheeks as he realized what he just confessed, eyes averting as he fumbled his words to backtrack
- “The crew loves you and we want you safe. That’s all.” he so desperately wanted to run away from this, but he knew he had to bandage you up first; what a truly awkward situation
- you couldn’t calm your racing heart as he didn’t mutter a single word while his soft hands bandaged you up delicately; a blush graced your cheeks with every tender touch from him, wondering if he really meant what he said
- “So, you love me, huh?”
- “Please stop talking.”
- the rest of the three days were long and awkward, giving you plenty, perhaps way too much time to think about your captain’s confession; you thought hard about your feelings, deciphering between subordination or adoration for your captain; when the third day arrived, you were ready to give him your answer
- Law wasn’t expecting an answer of course, he had spent many sleepless nights attempting to get over the painfully inopportune situation, and accepted your silence as an answer in and of itself; he was beginning to remove himself, desperately trying to forget his romantic feelings altogether
- that was, until you welcomed him into your room with a warm smile that was both pleasant and embarrassing for him
- “How are you feeling today, (Name)-ya?”
- “Loads better, captain.” his heart shattered a bit at that name, though he was very used to you calling him that, it still felt like a slap in the face
- “Let me replace your bandages and then you’re free to go.” 
- his soft hands were on your skin again, sending you reeling; when his face was mere inches from yours, you couldn’t help but touch it, him flinching ever so slightly 
- “Captain?”
- his golden orbs were focused on you, fluttering lightly at your gentle caress that he couldn’t help but lean into; was this all a dream?
- “Do you really love me?”
- he was hesitant as he could take the opportunity now to recover, pretend that his outburst was simply just that and nothing more; he could go back to only being your captain, you only his subordinate; you two could move on from this situation, pretending like nothing ever happened
- but as you looked up at him innocently, lips parted and eyes glossy, he knew he couldn’t lie to you like that, no matter how terrified he was to face his feelings for you
- “Yes, I-“
- he couldn’t finish his sentence but it was all you needed to hear; your lips plastered on his own with eagerness, affirming that you loved him back
- “Good. Because I love you too, Captain.” you smiled innocently at him
- Law peered down at you with a smirk, hardly believing this was real life; his heart raced when you pulled him down to your face once more, “Now let me out of this god forsaken room before I go insane.”
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wanting to protect you
- Marco’s lost many important people in his life, and you weren’t going to be the next if he had anything to say about it
- ever since meeting you, he’s felt an intense desire to protect you at all costs, perhaps sheltering you a bit too much but it was all under good intentions
- he didn’t realize it was love until a few months in to your friendship; he was terrified to fall at first, as so many loved ones have slipped away and Marco would break if he had to lose another
- but he couldn’t deny the happiness you brought him, the way you made him feel so complete; all worries and fears subsided when he was with you and for the first time in a long time, thanks to you, he found peace in his world
- that being said, he’d do anything to protect you; being a former Whitebeard pirate means he tends to get targeted by scoundrels every now and then and he’s had to fight so many times already
- so the day a certain pirate groups raids his village, he knows that he has to go fight again, aiming to protect the village and yourself
- you were plenty capable of holding your own and you’d shown him that countless times, but he wouldn’t have any of it
- “Just stay here, (Name)-yoi! Let me handle it!”
- “But Marco, you might get hurt! Let me help you.”
- “I said no!”
- “Why won’t you let me help! I just want to-“
- you were instantly taken aback, and even among the screams and canon fires, you could hear your heart thumping wildly in your chest
- Marco didn’t seem to budge at his confession as he took the opportunity to flap away to the scene while you stood there in complete shock
- after some recollection, you aided townsfolk in helping them find shelter in your home; you were helping and talking with these people but all your mind could focus on was those four words Marco had said
- did he mean them? or was it all just heat of the moment? would you even be able to ask him?
- it wouldn’t be until morning when you’d get a chance to speak to him, and lord knows you didn’t sleep a wink that night as you worried yourself sick over if he was safe or not; the thought of what was going to happen between you two now if he was safe haunted your every thought
- as soon as day broke, you rushed over to check his home, finding a seemingly normal looking Marco resting in his bed; the nurse assured you that he needed rest, but when he stirred in his bed, asking to see you, she complied and left the room
- though there were no markings on his body, he hissed a little as he sat up in his bed to look at you, an unreadable expression on his face
- you couldn’t stop yourself from rushing over to him, throwing your body onto his to embrace him; he yelped a little at the pain, but accepted your body nevertheless
- “Don’t do anything stupid like this ever again, okay?”
- “I just always want to keep you safe, (Name)-yoi. It’s my duty to protect this village and-“
- “Promise me!” you were crying now, a mix of emotions as you were so relieved to see him okay, but the terror of last night still remained
- Marco was shocked to see you so worked up, but he hugged your body tighter into his, petting at your hair, “I promise.”
- “Thank you. I just can’t bear the thought of losing you…” you wept into his shirt, soaking in his every smell and touch
- Marco enjoyed having you so close like this, he prayed time would just stop so he could continue holding you forever
- “I don’t know if you meant what you said last night…”
- “Oh…”
- “It doesn’t matter because I just want you to know that I love you too. You don’t have to say it ever again, I just thought I would…”
- before you could finish he tilted your chin up to look at him, a content smile on his face as he peered down at you, “I promise you, I meant everything I said. I love you, and I want to protect you always. If you’ll have me.”
- you couldn’t help but smile through your tears, accepting his soft kisses and caresses as you continuously confessed your love for one another
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deathlikesdeep-dish · 4 years
Three Sword Strike (Zoro)
Alright so my best friend sent me this song, and I thought it was so fucking hilarious that I had to sit down and write a whole ass fic about it. If you spend two minutes listening to it beforehand, I promise it’ll be worth it. 
Fluff fluff fluffity fluff (some cussing because obvs) 
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Zoro’s nap is interrupted by a Luffy’s roaring laugh from across the deck. He opens his one eye and grits his teeth, annoyed. What is this idiot laughing about now?
“SHISHISHISHISHI!” Luffy howls, crying with how much he is laughing. Now, Usopp, Nami, Brook and Chopper have started laughing, and Zoro’s annoyance (and slight curiosity) have peaked.
Ugh. Unfolding his arms, Zoro moves to a standing position crossing the deck. When he looks up and sees Luffy with a mockingly stern look on his face and one eye closed.
“Ah, shit,” Zoro grumbles to himself, knowing that his captain was laughing at his vice captain’s expense. To the delight of the crew, Zoro’s grumbling approach does not go unnoticed.
“Ah there he is, the man of the hour!” Nami says through her laughter. Robin, closing her book, approaches Nami, a soft smile on her face. She stops with a questioning look on her face and Nami leans in close, quietly informing her of what’s happening.
“Yohohohoho! The man? I think you mean the muse. Yohohohoho...” Brook corrects. As Chopper joins in their laughter, Zoro can’t help but feel a little betrayed. The little raccoon dog had become a pretty close ally in situations like this, but it seems like even Chopper isn’t exempt from Luffy’s antics.
I’ll remember that next time your ass needs saving. Zoro thinks to himself as he narrows his eye in Chopper’s direction.
“What the hell are you idiots laughing about?” Zoro finally asks, coming to a stop in front of the circle.
“Yeah, what are you guys laughing about? Sounds super funny!” Franky chimes in, popping his head up from below deck. He hoists himself up fully and joins the captain and his band of traitors.
“Don’t encourage them,” Zoro growls towards Franky.
“Whoa, hold up Zor-bro,” Franky dismisses the swordsman. “I think we should hear them out.”
Luffy stretches a long arm out and throws it around Franky’s massive shoulders with another cackle. “And this is why he’s on our crew, Zoro!”
Zoro clenches his fist along with his jaw. “Last time. What are you idiots laughing about?”
Before anyone can answer, Sanji noodle dances out of the kitchen, no doubt summoned by the sound of Nami and Robin’s laughter. Fucking great. Last thing this situation needs is that stupid cook. Zoro’s fist is only tightening.
“Nami-swan! Robin-chwan! Is that enchanting melody the sound of your laughter? Oh how it makes my heart soar!” Sanji exclaims.
Everyone pauses a beat and busts out laughing again. “No, I don’t think that’s quite the enchanting melody that you’re hearing, Sanji,” Chopper manages through guffaws.
Nami rolls her eyes at Sanji but approaches Zoro with a wide grin, holding her phone in her hand. “Well, you know Bartolomeo, obviously...”
That was not the sentence Zoro expected to hear. He furrows his brow. “Yes....”
“And you know he’s as much as super fan of you, Zoro-senpai, as he is of Luffy,” She says his name with her best Bartolomeo impression.
His frown deepens. “Yes...”
“Well,” Brook continues. “It seems as if he’s got a bit of a musical bone in him as well. I dare say, he almost has better ears than I do! If I had any ears, of course. Yohohohoho!”
Zoro is confused. “What are you saying?”
“He’s saying—“
“CRESTHEAD WROTE A SONG ABOUT YOU!” Luffy bursts out not being able to hold it in anymore. He’s cackling uncontrollably now.
Nami shows Zoro her phone. The screen is displaying one of the music streaming apps, set to the song “Three Sword Strike (Zoro Rap)” by The Cannibal, Bartholomeo’s rapper name.
“Goddamn it!” Zoro yells out. “Give me that,” he snatches the phone out of Nami’s hand. The album cover is a giant picture of Zoro’s face from his wanted poster. “Three Sword Strike? A fucking rap??” He’s getting angrier now.
Luffy can hardly breathe he is laughing so hard. But he suddenly stops, seeming to have an idea as a wide mischievous grin spreads across his face. He looks at Franky and Zoro knows exactly where this is going.
“Don’t. You. Dare.” Zoro threatens Luffy.
“Excuse me, I am your CAPTAIN and you will treat me with respect.” Luffy’s grin widens as Franky’s light up with recognition.
“Oh hell yeah,” He says, laughing. He scans through his own computer’s music streaming app and finds the song. And he plays it. At full volume.
RAH!! Hit em with a three sword strike RAH!! Grindin' every day every night I'ma killer better reconsider Cus I hit em with a two sword, three sword strike
“Jesus Ch—" Zoro is at a loss. The rest of the crew is on the floor. Even the normally cool Robin is howling.
Luffy starts to bounce along with the beat, closing his eye again and putting a giant meat drumstick in either hand along with one in his mouth, wielding them like the swords Zoro had on his hip. Usopp joins in, but only for a brief moment until Zoro growls and brandishes one of the actual swords, rather than one of the crude meat editions.
“C’mon, Zoro, don’t be like that,” Usopp laughs nervously, clapping a hand on Zoro’s shoulder. 
“Yeah, Zoro, I mean, it’s an honor to have someone write a song about you!” Chopper says, almost sorry for his teasing.
Oni Giri, you fear me, I could never bore you I’m bring my three swords, Santoryu What have I taught you? Get down and kneel And if this is how you feel I’m cuttin’ you down like steel
Zoro manages to catch some of the lyrics through their laughter. Well, it could be worse? He thinks to himself. That thought quickly leaves his head when the chorus comes in again.
RAH!! Hit em with a three sword strike RAH!! Grindin' every day every night I'ma killer better reconsider Cus I hit em with a two sword, three sword strike
“That’s not even how it works...”. Zoro grumbles dejectedly, knowing that there’s no way of stopping this now.
The entire crew is now singing along with the “rahs” in the chorus. Luffy taking over in rapping the rest of it. Clearly, he’s listened to it more than once now.
The song, mercifully, comes to a close.
“ONE. MORE. TIME.” Luffy yells, and Franky goes to start it again, but Zoro’s Sandai Kitetsu is under Franky’s chin before anyone can even blink.
“Luffy...” He calls to Luffy while still looking at Franky dead in the eyes.
Luffy whines. “Ah c’mon Zoro you’re such a fun ruiner!”
At that, Zoro drops his sword. “I swear, when I get my hands on that green-haired idiot...” he rumbles.
“Oh, so you’re going to attack yourself, Mosshead?” Sanji quips.
Zoro whirls around to Sanji, rage in his silvery gaze and his sword raised again. “You son-of-a—”
It isn’t until much, much later that Zoro and the rest of the crew have calmed down enough to get anything done, and even then, every once in a while, Zoro will hear a “rah” from under someone’s breath, which only gets the whole crew going again.
Zoro just sighs and rips the cork off his second bottle of sake for the evening with his teeth and takes a long drag of the beverage. And perhaps it is that bottle (or his third) that has Zoro muttering under his breath late into the evening, long after everyone is asleep.
“Rah, hit ‘em with the three sword strike…” He hums, absently finding the song on his own phone, and discretely adding it to his Crow’s Nest workout playlist and making sure that playlist is, in fact, set to “private.”
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likemymask · 4 years
One Piece Daemon AU
Presented with only slight spelling corrections and some elaborations, the mess of a One Piece Daemon/His Dark Materials AU that would not leave me alone and would only let me work on it at 1-3AM.
Also now I’m writing snippets for it just like my Gundam Wing and Star Trek daemon AU. Because.
Luffy: sea king with Conqueror Haki so they can’t be controlled. Separated but not because that’s as free as you can get. Fuck yea, she’s in north blue chilling the fuck out (heh) half the time and being absolutely chaotic as shit the other half. Her attitude is diametrically opposed to what Luffy is doing at the time. LOL she runs/swims into Shanks when Luffy’s still barely a pirate so he has no idea (not that the marines do either) one time. This 2000ft tall monster is squinting at him, and he thinks he’s about to get ate and then she goes “oh you’re so much smaller now!” Cause of course she spent her formative years as a baby version of his daemon. The entire crew is goddamn losing it, cause what kind of monster is this that even Red Hair’s Haki can’t control it, until Shanks yells out her name and then everyone loses it further still. I have decided Eastern dragon aesthetic but water/earth theme as opposed to Kaido’s air/fire theme. Still blue, but blue-green, tiger stripes cause camoflage and also badass and maybe she settles after Luffy meets Zoro’s daemon *whistles*
Zoro: tiger obviously normal colors or green and black cause why the fuck not, Zoro is not into stealth really. ”The only one who can call me stupid is me. “ “.....stupid” Cat vs sword fight ensues. Can be found cuddling Chopper when Zoro’s tired, super sloshed, both.
Nami: monkey? Lemur: small, fast, quick hands, caring but only when you prove you deserve it. Absolutely torments Zoro’s when she’s pissed because tigers can’t normally climb fucking main masts but a) she parkours and b) when has that ever stopped Zoro/her? Likes to hang out in the tree grove, absolutely pick pockets people while Nami plays distraction.
Robin: cat some kind of cat not big CARACAL. Looks aloof but absolutely ready to be ridiculous at any opportunity.
Franky: dog or dolphin. Something excitable loyal ready to throw down Newfoundland? Big, friendly, over-excitable, likes water and sailing...yes.
Usopp: Corvid or monkey; curious, intelligent, stubborn, inventive, tool solving/using. Lives in groups/troops and cares for others. Probably corvid, too similar to Nami otherwise. Crow most likely.
Sanji: swan. Black, and absolutely a viper and very sorry about Sanji’s attitude towards woman cause she’s more refined about it. Same intensity though. Will bite the shit out of you. Tiger vs swan fight, GO. Do also groom each other though cause human affectionate displays are stupid sometimes.
Fishmen don’t have daemons its another conflict and excuse for racism.
Law: wolf but like starved and Eurasian crazy with it. LONG leggos. Spiky black fur around the head, grey black white speckled cause T R A U M A
Ace: was a fire hawk, no actual fire but red as hell and BIG tail and wings. Her species not liked on most islands cause they don’t leave once they’re settled. They stand their ground. More angst ha ha. Never met settled Luffys daemon because I’M A MONSTER.
Sabo: never settled until he learned Ace was dead and then she settled as fire hawk because trauma and angst and also he knows who he is now. Not being settled was useful for a while when he did infiltration etc but now they’re both happy/sad about it.
Garp. Big dog. Bull mastiff dog. Not good with kids only with attacking things and defending but very loyal. Also big. “ Bullmastiffs are also difficult even for adults to control, so they aren’t a good choice if your child wants to help walk the dog. They like to please and crave attention, but they’re so big that even a well-intentioned nudge can end up hurting small children. ” HMMMMM RINGS A BELL, THIS DOES
Chopper: also no daemon or if so then monkey because HANDS. OH BOI THAT MUST HAVE BEEN A FUN THING. EAT SOME FRUIT, WAKE UP WITH A SOUL. Wait no people think he’s a pet. No daemon then.
Mihawk: literally whatever Shank’s daemon is he insists this is why they’re friends while Mihawk wine aunts in the background. He’s more refined though than Shanks and his soul (this is not a challenge). Like absolutely cold as ice until he cracks a pun, but no one believes the victim cause no way Mihawk would do that. Soooo proud, regal, loyal but willing to have a good time. Some kind of dog or cat. Big and fast and POWER. Could do big cat to be more like Zoro or a dog/canid to foil it. Maned wolf?
Vivi: it’s lazy to say her bird Caracue I can’t spell it’s one am but imma do it. KAROO HOW THE FUCK DID I MISSPELL THAT.
Crocodile: big fuck off alligator cause fuck you that’s why. HOLY FUCK I FORGOT HE HAD THE BANANA ONES IN HIS CASINO THAT’S GREAT
Logias turn to same element so Ace’s daemon is now a literal actual fire hawk, fuck the history books I’m writing this shit.
Don fuck face Flamingo: is what it is but like Kipo And the Age of Wonderbeasts it got TEETH, cause anything that survived acid water and shit is not cool. In fact, you know what, she’s albino and thinks that makes her special, honey you just don’t got shrimp vitamins, you buffoon of a bird.
All the dino Zoans are modern descendant of those animals so chickens. Or birds. Chickens would be so goddamn funny especially the 3 foot tall fluffy ones...fuck what’re they called(Brahmas). Oh wait. Emus. Ohhhhhhh fuck emus as an option.
Mammoth Zoan can have a Mammoth daemon because I want to see that on a ship.
(Makino) Bartender lady I can’t remember her name starts with m capybara cause she’s chill as shit and friend shaped. 
Dadan: is not friend shaped but is friend. Big fuck off bear or buffalo or wildebeest
Brooke: Laboon, Lampoon whatever Moby Dick. There’s some trauma, they had to leave him, but they didn’t want to and Brooke offered to stay but Laboon thought he’d be fine. Spoiler alert He Is Not. No one is fine.
Ohhhhhhh fuck bad good idea: Rogers daemon also a Sea King but the marines never goddamn figured it out, hoooooo my gods Shanks is having goddamn flashbacks. 
Momo and Kaido both have Eastern dragon daemons cause fake fruit.mythical zoan fruit but Momos is the size of a gecko and black so she’s hide-able. Kaido’s isn’t as big but is still Fuck Off huge. Red because I said so. 
Beastmen also do not have daemons because fuck the amount of significant characters in One Piece
Cora(zon): also had a wolf, because yay trauma and repeats and trauma bonding!But she was like, pretty yellow white and dog-ish up until the moment she ripped your throat out for offending her/harming her pack. Law learned much from her about appearances, being underestimated, and then for the most part did the exact opposite.
Slime man: *Aka Trebol* has a hagfish cause fuck him and Doflamingo
Boa: her snake weapon thing. Big noodley boy. The skull is for A E S T H E T I C
   Ace's daemon named Picaro: Spanish for naughty/badly behaved and that is a synonym for rogue cause MOMMA'S BOI and I keep misreading Rouge as rogue cause PIRATES, and this way it's a little better than naming the fire hawk Red though Ace does call her that sometimes .          You know what, he has the same daemon as Rouge/mom actually cause stubborn enough to not go into labor for 20 months is bonkers and that shit deserves recognition. Also because FUCK the number of characters in One Piece.              Celestial Dragons don't have special daemons but they do splice/separate cause they're fuckers that's why              AU of AU        Luffy's daemon close enough to WRECK MARINEFORD'S SHIT THAT'S RIGHT BABEY ACE LIVES, ASL REUNION AND SUCH          Sabo's daemon settles as a dog but one of the CRAZY breeds, like poodle or husky.
AU OF AU PART TWO: originally when thinking about a One Piece daemon AU Luffy was gonna have a cheetah; long, fast, use recoil to increase speed and change directions, males live in groups with their brothers and are highly affectionate. Tendency to run into walls. Has a fur pattern presentation named King Cheetah, looks like a more Armament Haki version.
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May I Have You For Dinner?
My second story for OP Bingo 2020, hosted by @op-pirate-fleet. Is it low-quality Hannibal pastiche? No, it’s high-grade Hannibal pastiche. I wrote it in two hours after seeing the first two episodes of Hannibal before I knew Hannibal actually had a castle. Is it funny? At this point, I don’t know. I did work all nine Straw Hats in there, though, which is actually much harder to do than you’d think, especially in a comedic cannibal fic. God, WHY DID I DECIDE TO WRITE CANNIBAL FANFICTION? In three years when I get into fandom drama this is gonna be the one that gets my ass. AO3 link here.
“Excuse me,” said Usopp. “Do you think I could have a sandwich?”
“Pardon me?”
Usopp swallowed. “No, I mean, I’m sure you’re a great cook, but, well, um -- I just have this disease I actually got from a swarm of vicious mosquitoes, and if I have any dish with a red sauce I’ll--”
“You cannot have a sandwich,” snapped the host, Count De Lisces. Usopp quailed, and nodded quickly.
“Right! Right! Of course! I’ll just, uh, enjoy this meal! Yum yum! Yummy!” And he began picking at the vegetables without intent.
Sanji’s frown deepened, and he glared at the count. That was no way to treat a dinner guest. He could sympathize with not wanting to waste food, of course, but he could make an exception if the diner was clearly not going to eat it anyway. And from the way he was tucking in, their host would have no trouble polishing off another serving of -- Sanji looked down -- ...pork. With red sauce.
Sanji shot Usopp a look and mouthed I’ll fix something up when we get back to the ship. Then he cleared his throat, catching their host’s attention. “Count,” he said evenly, “this is a very interesting preparation. What did you say your secret was again?”
The count grinned. “The thing, you see, is to marinate the meat well. After seventy-two hours, you create a flavor so deep, so sublime --”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Count De Lisces blinked. For a second his mouth worked silently before he managed to spit out an “Excuse me?”
“You don’t marinate anything for three days. It’d start falling apart.” Sanji poked the uncarved slice of meat on his plate. “Honestly, do you even know how to cook?
The count’s eyes flicked from his plate to Sanji’s face. “Look,” he began, and stopped. “It’s an old family…” he trailed off. He closed his eyes for a second, collecting himself, and began again. “Why don’t we just -- what on earth are you doing?!”
Nami and Zoro turned, halfway to the ornate liquor cabinet. Zoro held up the empty bottle. “Refill.”
The count reddened. “That-- that was a seventy-nine year old vintage! That wine was an heirloom! And you finished it?”
“Yeah,” Zoro said at the same time as Nami clasped her hands together.
“Your Excellency,” she said in a syrupy-sweet voice, “we were only trying to be good guests. If we don’t sample your wines, how can we compliment you on the range and profile of your good tastes?”
“This is a place of decency,” said the count in a low, dangerous, tolling tone. “For years and years my castle, my island, has been a place of culture. A place of class! Sit down and eat your food and stop ruining the ambience!”
Franky cracked open a bottle of cola on his nose.
“Hey,” he said between gulps of carbonated sugar water, “where’s Robin?” Beside him, Chopper was examining his own untouched meal with forensic care.
“Sanji,” Chopper said, urgency in his voice. “Do you recognize this cut of pork?”
“No,” Sanji growled, “I don’t.” His hand closed around the knife reflexively, and he had to force it to open. He settled for pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting up. Unforgivably bad manners in most fine dining situations? Sure. In these conditions, though, he didn’t particularly care. And he was enjoying the look on Count De Lisces’ face.
“Luffy,” he said after a long pull. “What do you think?” Luffy looked up from his plate. It, too, was untouched. That about did it, Sanji thought. There was no reason Luffy wouldn’t clean his plate unless something was seriously wrong.
“It smells weird,” he said. “And this guy’s weird.”
“Hey!” squawked the count. Luffy turned to him, brow furrowed.
“What did you say your name was again?”
A smile spread across their host’s face like a bloodstain on a fine white tablecloth. He stood slowly, drawing himself up to his full height, savoring the moment like the finest of wines -- one his irritating guests couldn’t sample. “Count De Lisces,” he said slowly. “Count Yannibal De Lisces.” He bit each syllable off, and let them fall into the spreading silence.
“Oh!” Said Brook. “How funny! Your name rhymes with cannibal! Yohohoho-- that’s not really a skull joke, is it?”
“So this guy--” Sanji began.
“Cannibal,” said Usopp, shivering so hard the word came out with three Cs and five Bs.
“This is people?” Said Luffy, pointing at his plate. Chopper nodded. Sanji stood so fast his chair went flying, raising one leg to lash out, but Yannibal’s hand was raised.
“Ah-ah-ah,” he said slowly. “Not so fast, Mister Know-It-All-About-Marinades. You’re forgetting someone, aren’t you?”
Sanji’s breath caught in his chest, and he froze. “Robin.”
“Indeed!” Yannibal cackled. “That lovely dark-haired angel… where is she now, I wonder?”
Franky sat upright, knocking his plate to the ground. His left hand was already unhinged, revealing the wide dark mouth of the gun barrel beneath. He leveled it at Yannibal’s chest. “Where is she?”
“I have no way of knowing,” the count said. “She went wandering off, did she not? My castle is large and dark and full of… secrets. If she has delved too deeply, searched too ardently, she may not like what she has found. And I cannot guarantee no harm has come to her…” Sanji’s weight shifted, and Yannibal turned, clicking his tongue. “Mister Cook! No no no… indeed, her safety is not guaranteed. Indeed, a woman as… refined as her…” Yannibal’s eyes glazed over.
“What class. What taste. She is a cut above the rest of you, certainly. Perhaps I will be having her for dinner soon…” He focused on Sanji again. “Regardless, sir. I cannot guarantee her safety… but if you raise a hand to me, I can guarantee you will never see her again--”
“Excuse me,” said Robin from the doorway. “I’m back.” Sanji turned, hearts in his eyes.
“Dearest, lovely Robin! You’re safe! Oh, darling, thank goodness, I was so worried! You aren’t hurt, are you? Where have you been?”
“Ah,” Robin said. “I was gone some time, wasn’t I? I apologize. I was on my way back from the restroom when a small, strange man with facial deformities tried to knock me unconscious.”
Robin looked down. Standing by her hip, a small, strange man with facial deformities was scowling up at her, arms crossed. She smiled.
“My apologies. I meant to say a small, strange man with an interesting and unique face tried to knock me unconscious.” The small, strange man with the interesting and unique face smiled. It was a very interesting and unique smile.
“Is he… cool?” Franky said after a long moment of awkward silence.
“Oh, certainly,” said Robin.
“Cool,” said Franky. “We were figuring out if this guy’s a cannibal or not.”
“Oh, he’s definitely a cannibal,” said Robin. “He told me all about it.” She gestured to the small, strange man, who nodded vigorously. She smiled, and looked up at the Count De Lisces. “Your castle has a fascinating history, count. I was hoping to learn a little more about it from you. Such a shame it turned out to be written in blood.”
Sanji was a little more economical with his words: “I’m gonna beat the shit out of you, you no-good excuse for a cook!”
The count laughed, and stepped back. In the glow of the fire, his silhouette seemed to stretch, to warp, to grow. “Oh, you poor souls…” There was an edge to his voice, a hard, rough undertone that hadn’t been there before. “You think this story ends with you defeating the monster, emerging victorious?” The small, strange man shrank behind Robin.
“No… no, I’m afraid not. Tell me, did you know that of all the animals of the world, only one hunts man for sport… besides man, that is?” The count was definitely growing now, his shadow blocking out the roaring fire. “On a certain island in the South Blue, villagers began disappearing without a trace. They suspected slavers, pirates, but do you know what the true culprit was?”A growl ripped through the air.
“It was the hunter of the forest! The only true equal to man in his viciousness! The shadow of the night! And I have made its power my own!” Count Yannibal De Lisces stood in the firelight. Orange and black flickered over his skin, but the stripes ran deeper than the light of the fire. They were laid into his skin, and beneath them bulged rippling muscle packed onto a frame that dwarfed even Brook. “Witness the strength of the true apex predator, the top of the food chain! Cat-Cat Fruit, Model: Tiger! I will feast on your--”
“Yeah, okay,” said Sanji, and kicked him in the face. Count De Lisces went over backwards yowling.
“Now listen to me, Count,” said Sanji, stepping forward. “In my opinion, you’re a shitty host leaving the human meat aside. But cannibalism? Serving human flesh to your unsuspecting guests?” On either side of him, Luffy and Chopper stepped up, fists clenched. “Do you have any idea how --”
“--unprofessional that is?”
The count leapt, but Sanji’s leg moved faster, sending the tiger-count crashing into the finely decorated wall. In the light of the fire, the ember of his cigarette burning, he looked positively demonic. He leaned down, the sound of Luffy’s knuckles cracking echoing behind him.
“Consider this a lesson in cookery.”
As the chaos started at the far end of the dining table, Robin walked over to Nami and Zoro, who were surrounded by empty bottles -- apparently, far fewer than Zoro was hoping for.
“This one?” He said, exasperated. Nami shook her head. “No! Don’t open anything more than seventy-five years old!”
“Yeah, it’s eighty-three years old, from a vineyard that hasn’t been shit for two centuries! No one’ll give you more than fifty, fifty-five thousand berries for it! You have pants that cost more than that!”
“My pants are none of your -- wait, how do you know what a good vintage is?”
“Which one of us spends more time in liquor stores?”
Robin snuck a bottle away from the squabbling pair and sat down next to Franky. She  popped the cork, offered him a swig, and when he declined took a few deep gulps for herself. Brook helped her finish off the bottle, and along with a queasy-looking Usopp, the four sat in companionable silence and watched. Dinner had been ruined, but at least the show was nice.
Some time later, Sanji stepped back, panting. He took a long draw of his cigarette, and ashed it over the feebly moaning count. Luffy and Chopper, who had worn themselves out a bit earlier, watched from the table. Sanji straightened his tie.
“When preparing tiger--” He stopped. “Wait, no, fuck this, no one cooks tiger! And no one cooks people! No food-related metaphors for you, shithead!” And with a final kick, he turned away.
“So, uh, what are we going to do about this?” Usopp said. Everyone else looked at him. He looked back defensively. “I mean, I don’t think the marines are going to take him! What, are we going to kill him?”
“Well…” Sanj said slowly.
Robin cleared her throat. The Straw Hats turned to look. Behind her stood the small, strange man. Behind him stood another few dozen small, strange people.
“The count’s servants,” she said. “Apparently, they have some, ah, grievances. I’m sure they’d appreciate being left alone to… renegotiate the terms of their employment.” Sanji rubbed his chin. He walked over to the small, strange man and bent down.
“Look me in the eye,” he said. “No, both eyes. Oh, you-- your-- oh. Oh gosh. Okay, that’s fine. One eye is fine. Look,” he said, pushing past the pitfall, “this is important. Are you going to eat him?”
The small, strange man screwed up his face in disgust. Sanji looked him in the eye a second longer, then stood.
“Well, if you guys are okay with it…”
The Straw Hats left the castle of the Count of De Lisces behind, stumbling in the darkness (and, for some of them, drunkenness). They left with empty stomachs and arms full of old and expensive wines. When at last they arrived at the Sunny, Sanji went to the kitchen. Usopp was already swearing up and down that he’d never eat again, and he was pretty sure Zoro had drunk two or three dinners, but everyone else would need the calories. And Usopp would probably be hungry in an hour. He had an excellent cut in the fridge; he could fry it up and --
Sanji opened the walk-in and saw the meat he was thinking of. It was a prize-winning slab of pork shoulder. Sanji thought about it for a long time. Come on, he said to himself. You watched the butcher cut it off the pig yourself. It’s fine. Are you really going to let that stupid count go to your head?
Sanji threw it over the side anyway, although he felt a pang of guilt as ten pounds of pork vanished below the waves. Tonight, at least, he thought to himself, he would stick with fish.
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620-622: "A Critical Situation! Punk Hazard Explodes!", "Capture Caesar! General Cannon Blasts!" and "A Touching Reunion! Momonosuke and Kinemon!"
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Watched three in a row because Doflamingo was teased. He is currently air-leaping over the sea from Dressrosa, so, to be fair, that might take some time. Meanwhile, a whole lot of stuff happened during the wind-up phase of Punk Hazard.
The biggest twist was Caesar accidentally stabbing Monet in the heart. That was brutal and a genuine shock. Doubt he’ll care unless Doflamingo chews him out for it. The second biggest twist was the whole Kaidou thing. The third biggest was Kinemon returning from the “dead” (more on that later).
There is a fair bit to unpack, so I’ll get down to it.
The Ol’ Switcheroo
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They really have to start labeling these things. Nametags, people! One of the first things you learn at school. A permanent marker. That’s all you need. Scrawl some initials on that box. Boom! There’s your protection from switcheroos. Job done.
The scene was great, though. I liked the disorientating switch between Caesar outside and Monet inside. It meant you didn’t really know what was truly happening until the action switched back to the escaping Strawhats.
At the start of 620, Caesar lay flat out, clutching that blade, fully intent on taking Smoker down with him.
Inside, Monet was still on the DDM to Doflamingo, fully prepared to sacrifice herself to clean up Punk Hazard. Her feathery appendage hovered over the Big Red Button. “The Strawhats. Trafalgar Law. G5. Those pitiable children. Everyone will disappear along with me.” Back in Dressrosa, Doflamingo perched on that window seat.
Then there was a big, confusing KABOOM and a slicing sound. Monet’s eyes widened. I had no idea what was going on. Neither did Doflamingo. He must have heard the explosion and wondered aloud why the DDM connection hadn’t cut out.
The explanation came from Law. The boom that rocked Punk Hazard came from the SAD room. 
So what had happened to Monet? She slumped to the floor, bleeding. Then the action switched back to Caesar. A vicious grin stretched his face and that shard of blade was buried deep in that heart.
Yup. Caesar stabbed Monet in the heart BY ACCIDENT. Caesar killed Monet.
How had he managed to screw up so badly?
Law played the ol’ switcheroo. In a flashback, it was revealed that Law had already returned Smoker’s heart. Smoker was puzzled because his heart had been handed to Caesar by Law as a “thoughtful gift.” How had Law clawed it back? 
To obtain Caesar’s trust in the first place, Law exchanged hearts. Law’s for Monet’s. That had been the deal. But when Law took Smoker’s heart later on, he now had two identical-looking hearts. Just before he handed over the “thoughtful gift” Law pocketed Caesar’s and handed over Monet’s instead. As Law said, “When you do something good, something good will happen to you”, right?
A genius move but a risky gamble, Law, you absolute madman. :D
Naturally, Doflamingo realised something was up. Monet did not answer. A horrific explosion had not cut the line. He grabbed his jacket. I cannot lie, he looked grim. Some little kid ran about looking for him. The Elders said Doflamingo would be in his room but the kid said she’d looked there. Oh well, the Elders said. Doflamingo had just left without taking any subordinates again. (I like that. Doflamingo is obviously confident he can take care of this mess himself.)
And sure enough, Doflamingo boosted across the sea, on the line with Baby 5 and Buffalo. Was Punk Hazard still intact? Yes. But an “Iron Security Guard” stood in their way.
“Make sure you kill him,” Doflamingo said. “I’m on my way now.”
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YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Things are hotting up again. I mean, RIP, Monet, but I won’t miss you too much. Sure, you said the children were pitiable but you went along with the blood-curdling experimentation because Doflamingo asked you to so...
Come to think of it, it was probably a good thing that Caesar screwed up.
Doflamingo just assumed Baby 5 and Buffalo would easily take care of retrieving Caesar. He didn’t contact them for an update until he was leaping across the sea. If Monet had pushed that button, everyone would have been killed in the explosion - including Caesar. (Probably. I’m assuming the gas fruit wouldn’t protect Caesar from that. If that’s wrong, then Doflamingo made a good call.)
Artists Taking the Michael Here, I Think
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While Doflamingo was in transit, Baby 5 and Buffalo were having a hard time against Franky. Got to say that Franky is lovably eccentric. He sings these theme songs for himself while he’s fighting, “I am the Iron Pirate and I don’t take care of the seeeeeeeea... I am an invincible Iron Pirate!” He’s hilarious. 
The weapons/air battle was cool. That’s why Franky is such a useful character. He can inject a bit of variety into any fight. For a while, it switched from a pirate series into an air battle mecha fest! Baby 5 transformed into revolvers, gatling guns, flame throwers, sickles and spinning tops (super lame!) But Franky held out against them all. 
It was interesting that she said, “Even a Pacifista would have taken damage from that!” Does that imply that Franky has improved upon Vegapunk’s designs?? :D
At any rate, Franky had it all under control. “I praise you for penetrating my armour but this is like a mantis going up against a warship.” That was a good line! Franky revealed the Sunny’s secret weapon: the Gaon Cannon.
It was only when the smoke cleared that Franky finally noticed Caesar lying flat out. Then Baby 5 yelled, “In the name of Joker, we will recover Caesar no matter what!”
The penny finally dropped. They weren’t after his cola.
Oh, Franky.
Punk Hazard Survivors’ Team Photo
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In the tunnel, the big explosm from the SAD Room made life difficult for the escapees. Large chunks of ceiling and boulders fell on the tracks. Luffy and Zoro took care of those. No problem. Standard procedure.
The only thing that really threatened their plan? The explosion caused the gas to leak into the tunnel. Yikes.
Law asked if there was anyone who could control wind. Loved that little moment when the G5 guys were like, “Oh yeah. And you’ll find someone with that highly specialised power here by random chance? We’re doomed!” 
And Nami stepped forward. xD
Her job was to redirect the gas cloud, blowing away the gas outside to clear a path to the ships. The G5 didn’t entirely trust Nami. I like how Sanji defended her here. “Those who don’t trust Nami, get off!” That trust was based on Strawhat solidarity and faith in Nami’s competence, not on comedic infatuation.
That unshakeable Strawhat solidarity was shown again after Nami played a blinder and the truck burst out of the tunnel to a huge victory fanfare! :D
Instead of finding more clouds of noxious gas, they found the area clear and Franky battling with Baby 5 and Buffalo. (Usopp was the only one who wondered where the outside gas was. That man always has his head screwed on.)
Before they nabbed Caesar and dashed, Baby 5 called out Law for being a traitor. She said something verrrrrry interesting too. “Are you really going against Joker? You traitor. Joker was saving the Seat of Hearts for you.”
Leaving aside the obvious card suit theme here (was Law to be promoted to a General like rank in Doflamingo’s crew?) Law told Luffy that Baby 5 and Buffalo were the enemy. When they realised they were outnumbered and outmatched, Baby 5 and Buffalo snatched Caesar and scarpered.
That triggered the Nami and Usopp dream team capture sequence.
Usopp was like, “Leave this to me.” Law attempted to step in, but Luffy had an “I’m just gonna stop you there moment”. If Usopp said he’d handle it, he’d handle it. It was said with a smile but you know Luffy meant business. Law had to learn to trust the other Strawhats just as much as Luffy already does.
Oda always plays with Nami and Usopp’s cowardice but honestly, it’s becoming more and more of a running joke rather than truth. Nami’s weather control powers are actually super destructive and she took out Baby 5, Buffalo and Caesar with no problems. Usopp finished the job by grabbing Buffalo and Baby 5. Caesar almost thought he’d get away because Usopp’s attacks phased through his logia form.
But no!
For Usopp had already thought about it. THOSE CUFFS!
That aside, let us give credit where it’s due: Luffy, your plan came good in the end. Great execution by Usopp. Now that’s what I call teamwork. :D
Nami and Usopp Come Through
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The immediate danger past, it was time to literally draw a line (lmao G5) and get back to reality. Smoker agreed to wait with the pirates until a ship came to pick up his unit.
Oda set about tying up the loose ends. Brownbeard and the minions would hand themselves over to the Marines in exchange for treatment. It’s telling that he considers prison a better alternative than being Caesar’s guinea pig. Plus, he got to see Caesar go flying thanks to Luffy, so it was worth it.
Tashigi asked Nami if she could take the kids to Vegapunk for treatment. Nami was initially distrustful. It was the Marines’ fault the kids ended up with Caesar in the first place. Vergo had handed them over! The Marines weren’t doing their job. But Tashigi apologised, said she’d take personal responsibility for the kids and that she would get them back to their parents. Most of them should be okay now Law has operated on them and removed most of the bad stuff.
(Little bit cliched that the female characters are the ones always taking ultimate responsibility for the kids but it’s entirely expected considering the genre, Japan, etc.)
At least the kids recognised Nami and Chopper as the main people who stuck up for them and helped them pull through. When Chopper told them the Marines wanted to take care of them, they protested. Where’s the orange-haired lady? They wanted to thank her. What about Robo Man? Rubber Man? Curly Brow Guy?
But it was for the best. Nami and Usopp had a little chat on deck. I love moments like that when you catch the friendly, natural moments between the crew you don’t often get to see because they’re busy fighting. Usopp asked Nami if she’d sorted things with the Marines. Nami said yeah, that it was for the best that Tashigi took the kids. They were all pirates. Keeping the kids on deck even until they got them home would put them in danger (good call, as Doflamingo is on his way).
There was a nice callback to Bellmere too. Nami admitted the other reason was she has, “a weakness for the eyes of a female Marine. They’re just reassuring to me. It’s always best to be saved by a strong, kind-hearted female Marine.”
I like it when Oda does that. He never forgets his characters’ roots and motivations.
In Two Minds About This
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While Sanji was cooking up some Newkama Kempo 99th Vital Recipe: Hormone Soup with Sea Pig (sounds horrendous but everyone was lining up for it) Brook backed into Kinemon.
I suspected Kinemon would be revived. Why else would Brook have dragged him all the way out of Punk Hazard? Plus, I felt sorry for poor Momonosuke knowing his dad was dead and having to bottle all that up because “samurai”.
The reunion was actually great. Not complaining about it in the slightest. True to the OPverse’s samurai culture, it wasn’t overly sappy. It was a worried sick dad hugging his little boy. Momonosuke did not touch a drop of food until his dad said it was okay, that they could trust these pirates, that they had saved his life. Watching little Momonosuke finally able to eat gave me a major case of HappySad. (If anyone’s curious about the ratio, it was 80% happy and 20% sad.)
This turned into straight up Happy when Luffy cheered up Momonosuke with his old chopsticks in nostrils trick. No one should be crying at a party, after all!
The only thing I was a bit meh about was that Kinemon - and all the other G5 guys - survived Caesar’s weapon. Would have preferred it if the G5 guys’ sacrifice remained that way. Not because I like edgy character death but because it was such a grave moment and a change in tone. It also obliterated most of the peril. I also don’t get how they survived if they were encased in that white substance. They would have suffocated!
Maybe if Kinemon was half frozen, it would have been more convincing to break the white casing and he was still alive underneath. But that would have ruined the reunion drama of him “rising from the dead”.
Also, what’s Caesar doing inventing weapons that don’t actually kill people?
Come on, Caesar. Step up your game! You should have stuck with Smiley, mate.
And Now For Someone Completely Different...
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Now that everyone was free to party, Law attempted to kill the buzz by reminding Luffy that new enemies would be arriving shortly and it was best to make themselves scarce. Luffy responded to this by declaring everyone should “Hurry up and party!” Lmao.
The party montage showed that Mocha would be okay, the kids enjoyed Franky’s hair transformations, that Brownbeard and the Minions are friends again, the kids trooped onto the Marine ship, Chopper brought Law a bowl of soup (he freaked out watching Law operate on the kids, haha), the Minions forced Caesar to spill the secrets of how the gas worked and that Caesar was sitting there, absolutely battered, wondering how the hell Smoker was still alive.
Smoker was also wondering something. He asked his new Pirate Pal Law why the alliance with Luffy. “What are you planning on using Strawhat to do?”
Law’s reply? “Who’s the one who’s being used?”
Then, finally, we were treated to the real conversation. The one Luffy and Law had on that clifftop in the blizzard that cut away when the real good stuff happened.
And here is the news.
The target is Kaidou the Beast.
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Kaidou? Already?
That is awesome.
It’ll be a long-term plan, though, because the Strawhats have business with Big Mom after Dressrosa (dat spoilery CR arc list).
I was right in thinking Luffy had reservations in fighting Shanks but I was totally wrong about him never wanting to go up against him. Luffy just doesn’t want to fight him first.
Luffy, you absolute madman.
(I now think someone else will take out Shanks, thus averting the friends into enemies situation. Maybe Blackbeard because he is persona non grata and he already has beef with Shanks.)
The only thing I’m worried about immediately (as in the next couple of episodes) is the imminent arrival of Doflamingo and the dude with the feather boa/fur trimmed collar who woke up on a tiny ship, said he’d slept in and... where was Punk Hazard again?
Hopefully, Luffy will take Law’s advice and scarper with Caesar on board before Doflamingo finds them.
That’ll make Doflamingo mad.
See that vein on his head? Something tells me you don’t wanna see that vein. That means he’s angry.
You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry...
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Look, up in the sky! 
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a birdplane!
Faster than a streak of lightning. More powerful than the pounding surf. Mightier than a roaring hurricane... oh, wait. It’s Doflamingo.
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plume8now · 7 years
Wrong Number
Pairings: LawLu, ZoSan, MarcoAce, Saboala
Summary: “Why do you care? We don't know each other.” – Torao “Of course I know you, you gave me your number and your name, Torao!” – Luffy “Wait, what? No, it was a mistake. And my name is Law, not 'Torao'.” – Torao “Torao is good too.” – LuffyLaw only wanted Bepo to help him at the hospital, he never asked to have this "Luffy" guy as a SMS penpal, all of this because he typed a wrong number!
Warnings: Humor, Wrong number, phone texts, SMS discussions, Fluff, Romance, Crush, AU, Friendship, Nakamaship, Meatloaf's great cat, Teasing, jokes & puns, Light Angst, introvert & extrovert characters, Social Issues
A/N: *SCREAM OF VICTORY* I. DID. IT! I posted this chapter. I wrote it. WooOow.  Now, I really hope you'll like it, but I can't promise you will. You decide. Thank you all for your comments on AO3/ff, your support on Tumblr, and especially to @lululawlawlu who's always telling how much they like what I write (let's be honest I drew a lot for 6 months instead of writing and really thought I would never go back to writing and wasn't really happy about that).Okay I'm gonna stop now. I'm just so excited. Enjoy!
Chapter 1 =[AO3 - ff]=
“[Picture MMS]” – Luffy
“Meatloaf's such a lazy cat” – Luffy
“I'm bored and he doesn't want to play!” – Luffy
“Honestly when are you NOT bored?” – Torao
“Sometimes I'm not. When I talk to you for example!” – Luffy
“Hey I just realized!” – Luffy
“I never asked you if you had a pet!” – Luffy
“I don't recall you asking yea” – Torao
“And??” – Luffy
“I... don't have a common pet.” – Torao
“[Picture MMS]” – Torao
“OMG SO COOL” – Luffy
“WHAT'S THIS?” – Luffy
“Iguana.” – Torao
“That's its name??” – Luffy
“... No. The name of the species.” – Torao
“What's the name then?” – Luffy
“I didn't give it a name.” – Torao
“W h y” – Luffy
“щ(ºДºщ)” – Luffy
“... Because I didn't” – Torao
“No, you must.” – Luffy
“Does it breATHE FIRE?” – Luffy
“CAN IT FLY?” – Luffy
“It looks like a DRAGON” – Luffy
“No. It can't. It's a freaking Iguana.” – Torao
“Call it Komodo” – Luffy
“I was expecting anything related to food I'm kinda surprised.” – Torao
“Komodo dragons aren't iguanas Luffy-ya.” – Torao
“Well you must give it a name!!!” – Luffy
“Why is it so important?” – Torao
“Because it's your daily friend!” – Luffy
“Call it Lizard.” – Luffy
“That's just a widder name of species.” – Torao
“Saying no to Reptile right now.” – Torao
“Okay fine!” – Luffy
“Just find a name yourself then!” – Luffy
“You're not gonna let it go are you” – Torao
“Nope.” – Luffy
“I'll think about it.” – Torao
“°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°” – Ace
“(☆▽☆)” – Luffy
“໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७” – Ace
“ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ” – Luffy
““(ง ͠ ͠° ل͜ °)ง" - Ace
“(ง •̀ゝ•́)ง" - Luffy
“ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ So how's your life and job?” – Ace
“I've only broken 6 dishes this week. Zoro says it's progress d=(´▽`)=b” – Luffy
“I'm still wondering how they didn't fire you already, to be honest.” – Ace
“I know right! ( ᐛ )و ” – Luffy
“By the way, we're wandering in your country right now with Marco, are you free tonight? (^-^) Sabo told me he was ready to come too!” – Ace
“REALLY? (ง ˃̶͈̀ᗨ˂̶͈́)۶  Yeah, awesome! Come whenever you want!” – Luffy
“Marco absolutely wants to add one condition though 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) ” – Ace
“Which is?” – Luffy
“You're not doing dinner.” – Ace
“Shishishi don't worry, I won't!” – Luffy
“Great. See you tonight then! O(≧ᗨ≦)O ” – Ace
“ o(≧∇≦o) Yeah!!” – Luffy
“Do you have any siblings?” – Luffy
“Why suddenly interested in my private life?” – Torao
“What are you saying, Torao? I've always been interested in you!” – Luffy
“Indeed. And you always were very discreet.” – Torao
“You're avoiding the question, Torao!” – Luffy
“Maybe” – Torao
“Maybe?” – Luffy
“Why the sad face?” – Bepo
“I don't have a sad face.” – Law
“You're not smiling either.” – Bepo
“Are you going to assume that I'm sad each time I don't smile?” – Law
“No, 'cause then you'd be sad constantly.” – Bepo
“If you have something to tell me you can also open the door and say it instead of spying on me behind the windows.” – Law
“I was just looking at you, not spying” – Bepo
“What's with the aggrissivity anyway? Something bad with Luffy?” – Bepo
“No. Why would it have anything to do with him? My life isn't reduced around that guy.” – Law
“Here it goes again...” – Bepo
“Are you okay?” – Bepo
“Heya Luffy! How're you and Iron-Cat doing? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧” ” – Franky
“His name's Meatloaf, Franky, but we're fine!” – Luffy
“I do believe a name is a word suiting the one wearing it. What if Cat2D2 doesn't like it? Oh wait no, Cat3PO! God, my names are pretty nice. And he always seems to enjoy them.” – Franky
“Of course, 'coz they're all robots related names! Who wouldn't like them?” – Luffy
“So you do admit Baby-Voltron is better?” – Franky
“Baby-Voltron?” – Luffy
“Voltron is a tiger. Cats are baby tigers! Ingenious, right?” – Franky
“No.” – Luffy
“Once again, you're a terrible liar. I know your eyes are amazed.” – Franky
“Whatever, the name's Meatloaf!!” – Luffy
“Astro-Cat.” – Franky
“RobotCat” – Franky
“Kitty-Bender” – Franky
“Ultron-Cat?” – Franky
“I take that as a confirmation for the fabulous names I made up.” – Franky
“Meatloaf!” – Luffy
“Catimus Prime” – Franky
“Torao?” – Luffy
“Did I say something wrong?” – Luffy
“I had a surgery to take care of” – Torao
“You really not are patient, are you?” – Torao
“Shishishi, I guess so” – Luffy
“So 'bout your family? o(^▽^)o” –  Luffy
“I had a sister” – Torao
“Had?” – Luffy
“She passed away a few years ago.” – Torao
“How was she?” – Luffy
“As stubborn and noisy as you” – Torao
“How can you tell I'm noisy?” – Luffy
“Oh, I just can.” – Torao
“You're really incredible, Torao ˉ(´ᗨ`)ˉ ” – Luffy
“Hey Luffy (ง •ૅ౪•᷄)ว , Sabo here! Ready for tonight??” – Sabo
“Yeah!! When will you guys be here?” – Luffy
“I'm already in town, but I think I lost Koala ('' ̄▽ ̄) Could we meet somewhere?” – Sabo
“Of course! Remember where Nami stole your wallet, the place near the huge fountain?” – Luffy
“Damn right I remember the ice-cream seller thought I was stealing from him!” – Sabo
“Shishishi, she already apologized she didn't know you were my brother! Anyway, let's go there? And tell Koala!” – Luffy
“Will do! (ノ^∇^) ” – Sabo
“I know!!! FireFly!” – Luffy
“I told you. Doesn't fly. Doesn't fire.” – Torao
“Urg you're so not fun” – Luffy
“Yoi, Luffy! Did Ace tell you?” – Pineapple-Head
“What about?” – Luffy
“Coming tonight, yoi” – Pineapple-Head
“Yeah he did! Great to see you guys again, been a while!” – Luffy
“Sure! But- did he say something specifically, yoi? – Pineapple-Head
“About dinner?” – Luffy
“Yeah, about that-yoi” – Pineapple-Head
“Not against you, but last time everyone almost died so...” – Pineapple-Head
“I was just feeling like if we could avoid it that'd be nice, yoi.” – Pineapple-Head
“No prob I understand! But I don't remember there was nothing particular last time, was it?” – Luffy
“That's exactly what's worrying me, see” – Pineapple-Head
“That that was something normal for you Ace and Sabo, yoi” – Pineapple-Head
“Shishi I guess” – Luffy
“But y'know btw, I think it's funny but you don't always have to say 'yoi' when texting!” – Luffy
“Yoi” – Pineapple-Head
“YOI” – Pineapple-Head
“YOI” – Pineapple-Head
“YOI” – Pineapple-Head
“YOIIIII YOI YOI Y O I Yoiiiii yoi yOI~” – Pineapple-Head
“?? Okay (・∀・) ” – Luffy
“Sorry Luffy, that was Ace. Stole my phofkohdldffdsklj” – Pineapple-Head
“To make fun of me” – Pineapple-Head
“Shishi that's alright, I figured!” – Luffy
“That was fun.” – Ace
“Well done (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ) ” – Luffy
“ (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ) ” – Ace
“Meet me at the fountain in 20 minutes? Luffy's waiting for us there” – Sabo
“I'm on my way! But that's really close, could be there in less than 20 minutes?” – Koala
“Don't tell me you're in a food store again” – Koala
“Might be?” – Sabo
“You are a lost cause” – Koala
“We're supposed to have a meeting in a few minutes to have dinner with your brothers! Who'd eat before a dinner?” – Koala
“They had free sashimis!” – Sabo
“Why do I even bother asking” – Koala
“Do you?” – Torao
“Do I?” – Luffy
“Have siblings” – Torao
“Two older brothers! They're coming tonight at my place!” – Luffy
“They live far away?” – Torao
“Kinda, Sabo's working on missions and stuff like that with Koala very often and Ace moves out every two years with Pineapple-guy, they can't stand remaining at the same place for too long.” – Luffy
“... Koala and Pineapple-guy?” – Torao
“Koala's Sabo's girlfriend and I keep forgetting Ace's boyfriend's name but his head does look like that fruit” – Luffy
“I know I should be used to this by now but somehow I'm not” – Torao
“Shishishi that's good~ Life without surprises is boring!” – Luffy
“If you say so” – Torao
“Do you like cats?” – Zoro
“Of course I like cats, why wouldn't I?” – Sanji
“Yeah of course you like cats. Remember, you told Luffy you'd 'help' with Nuisance or something just to bother me.” – Zoro
“Not everything's about you, shitty marimo.” – Sanji
“Anyways. I'll drop by tonight, no need to buy stuff I'll give you everything” – Zoro
“... I'm not taking Luffy's cat.” – Sanji
“He won't notice, his brothers are coming tonight!” – Zoro
“That's worse he'll notice even more since he'll want to introduce him to them!” – Sanji
“Please just take it” – Zoro
“That's kidnapping, I'm not doing this” – Sanji
“Technically that's catnapping” – Zoro
“That's a no” – Sanji
“C'mon curly-brow. I never ask you anything.” – Zoro
“That's not what I recall from yesterday evening...” – Sanji
“You practically begged, if I recall well” – Sanji
“What a delightful memory” – Sanji
“I can bet anything you want you're blushing and deleting those messages.” – Sanji
“That cat is getting fatter and fatter, always in my way and ripping my stuff apart but I'm pretty sure you could get along. After all Nuisance's also your middle name.” – Zoro
“Don't worry I'll remind it to you as much as I can to cure this sudden Alzheimer (• ‾⌣ ‾•)و ♡” – Sanji
“Fuck you” – Zoro
“You wish” – Sanji
“Die” – Zoro
“┌∩┐(ಠ_ಠ)┌∩┐” – Zoro
“♡” – Sanji
“[Picture MMS]” – Luffy
“We're having the best dinner ever!” – Luffy
“I'm pretty sure you never tasted food as good as Sanji's!” – Luffy
“Hey, maybe you should come one day to give it a try!” – Luffy
“Okay now there's something wrong.” – Bepo
“Would you please stop sending texts once for all when I'm in the same room.” – Law
“You literally threatened to stab me last time, I want to keep my distances!” – Bepo
“If you ever need to talk just remember I've always been here and will always be.” – Bepo
“[Picture MMS]” – Luffy
“Pineapple-guy's complaining about us not sharing food. I thought he knew us better than that. Food's something you gotta earn!( ̄ー ̄)” – Luffy
“Thanks again for yesterday, Luffy! Amazing time. Let's meet again soon!” – Sabo
“Yeah!! Can't wait for next time -(๑☆‿ ☆#)ᕗ! ” – Luffy
"-(๑☆▽ ☆#)ᕗ" - Sabo
“Amazing evening. Seeing Marco pouting was priceless. Must do it again!” – Ace
“Of course! °˖✧◝(^▿^)◜✧˖° ” – Luffy
“I can't believe you called him Pineapple-Head all night though.” – Ace
“Can't remember his name, not my fault 」( ̄▽ ̄」) ” – Luffy
“It's been years Luffy” – Ace
“Well yeah he should be used to it!” – Luffy
“Stop talking behind my back to your brother, yoi” – Marco
“Me? Never. How can you believe such a thing?” – Ace
“I have eyes. I know you, yoi. I know that smile.” – Marco
“Portgas D. Ace, suppress this smirk from your face at once.” – Marco
“(≖ᴗ≖๑)” – Ace
“I'm divorcing our relationship.” – Marco
“We're not married (≖ᴗ≖๑) ” – Ace
“I'm unrelationshipping us.” – Marco
“As if you could.” – Little Fucker
“Pineapple.” – Little Fucker
“Pineyoipple.” – Little Fucker Until The End
“And deleting your number.” – Pineyoipple
“Meatloaf looks sick, Zoro swears he didn't do anything. I'm not sure I trust him on this, I caught him on the phone yesterday yelling at Sanji for being a cat kidnapper coward. Sounded suspicious!” – Luffy
“I've been thinking maybe we feed him too much, he looks fatter than before.” – Luffy
“Are you busy again?” – Luffy
“Working on Sundays shouldn't be allowed.” – Luffy
“I have to work again at the Baratie for the whole evening!” – Luffy
“Sounds unfair.” – Luffy
“Just because I forgot to tell them I was taking a break yesterday.” – Luffy
“Maybe that wasn't the first time BUT STILL!” – Luffy
“I can't leave Meatloaf like that.” – Luffy
“Where are you?” – Luffy
“Out. Why?” – Zoro
“I'm out of money, can you lend me some?” – Luffy
“You're asking me?” – Zoro
“Uh, right, should've known better.” – Luffy
“Now that hurts. I still can manage!” – Zoro
“Don't ask Nami she's gonna ruin you” – Zoro
“I know what I'm saying don't ask her” – Zoro
“Nami, I need you to give me some money!” – Luffy
“I stared at this message for a few minutes and I still can't believe it exists.” – Nami
“That's about Meatloaf. He's sick. I need to take him to the vet!” – Luffy
“Meatloaf-Mop-Cat? You mean your cat?” – Nami
“Yeah!!” – Luffy
“Well not really surprised I actually wonder how didn't he get sick before.” – Nami
“Hey! That's mean!” – Luffy
“Alright I'm coming. We'll see there.” – Nami
“Thank you!” – Luffy
“She agreed!” – Luffy
“Don't trust her she's a witch.” – Zoro
“By the way dear, you still owe me those 3 000 berries remember?” – Nami
“Don't ignore me I know you read this message your phone betrayed me.” – Nami
“[Picture MMS – screenshot]” – Nami
“Fuck it.” - Zoro
“What was it even for?!” – Zoro
“Each time I had to help you financially when you ended up out of town without anything to pay for the transports throughout the year.” – Nami
“Time to tell the truth, Luffy! Have you and Law met yet?” – Shachi and Penguin
“Huh? Nah, why?” – Luffy
“...” – Shachi and Penguin
“H O W” – Shachi and Penguin
“How wat” – Luffy
“How did you keep up this relationship with him??” – Shachi and Penguin
“I mean it tooks us years to get his number? And we literally saw him everyday? And you just randomly got it?” – Shachi and Penguin
“Is that so incredible? .-.” – Luffy
“YEAH.” – Shachi and Penguin
“If you say so” – Luffy
“Speechless.” – Penguin
“That was to expect” – Bepo
“What?” – Shachi
“Well, didn't you notice? When you think you finally know Law, he's always proving you wrong right at that moment.” – Bepo
“True...” – Shachi
“Damnit.” – Penguin
“So they're what? Internet friends?” – Penguin
“Not even. They didn't meet on a network.” – Bepo
“Amazing. I'm gonna type a few wrong numbers be back in a while.” – Shachi
“Uh” – Penguin
“That's not obviously gonna work you know?” – Bepo
“It worked with Trafalgar Freaking Law though?” – Penguin
“Yeah well you don't know who's the guy he's talking to either” – Bepo
“Still doing it!” – Shachi
“Well that's gonna be fun I'm coming” – Penguin
“...” – Bepo
“Okay wait for me!” – Bepo
If you liked the story, leave a comment! a like! reblog and tag! Go talk to me! I'd love that! Suggest what you want! Tell me what was wrong and you didn't like! Tell me what you loved! Tell me what disturbed you so I explain why I did this or that to you! Anything to make this story something you'd love to read again.
PS: the smileys take so much time to find sometimes i regret my life choices
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Its been awhile since I Rambled so guess what y'all are getting tonight!
Today’s topic is going to be Family; specifically, the family dynamics/examples in One Piece.
In the first two ‘arcs’, Shells Town and Orange Town, there isn’t a single mention of family beyond ChouChou (a good doggy) and his owner, and even that is less familial and more Pet-owner friendship, obviously. Instead, the arcs focus on introducing characters (Luffy, Zoro, Nami) and establishing world building and themes of the story - This is what the One Piece is, This what the series is all about, dreams and chasing them forever.
It isn’t until Syrup we get a mention of family, and even then its just Usopp’s lack of one, as he has a dead mother, and a faraway father. The most important aspect of this is that Usopp doesn’t really know his father beyond a role model.
It isn’t until the Baratie and Cocoyasi Arcs that we see any importance placed on ‘family,’ which is little over 40 chapters into the series. 
And so BOOM - another major theme is introduced into the series, subtly tying into the main theme (Dreams and chasing them) and etc. 
I personally however like how it was introduced behind everything else because you eventually become completely blindsided to how important family is in One Piece. And not just any family - the family you choose which is simply awesome!
So lets start looking at these family’s shall we?
All of these families are really diverse in their dynamics, so lets start with the easiest example - Usopp, who has none.
As previously stated, Usopp’s mother is dead, and for all we love Yasopp he pretty much ditched the kid. So - an example of a lack of family and how that influenced Usopp, without him turning into a ‘woe is me, I hate my dad’ character which can be common trope in fiction. Pretty interesting if you ask me.
Zoro can also be seen to have no family, and unlike Usopp, he never appears to have had any in the first place (Wano Arc may explain), and, yet again, doesn’t fall into a common trope for this.
Moving on, the next family relationship seen in One Piece is Sanji and Zeff, which is incredibly heart warming to me. Classic Single Dad trying to get his son to move out trope lol. More seriously, this is another family dynamic that we see - 
and very different from the next person, Name, who has no parent at all and when she did, she had a single mother. Bell-mere is an amazing example of a mom struggling to feed her kids and literally willing to do anything for these two girls she found in the wreckage of a battle. Bell-mere is also one of the few examples of some kick-ass moms we see in the series.
While One Piece follows the ‘kill the moms/absent mom’ trope they do make them awesome characters who definitely did not lie down and take their deaths nicely.
Nami’s arc is also the first time we see a sibling and also the first time we see the sibling get wounded in front of another hi ace , and begins to add value to the found family theme.
Because Nojiko chose to be Nami’s sister. Bell-mere chose to be Nami’s mother. Further back, Zeff chose to be Sanji’s father.
And then we meet (rip) Ace, who appears to be a blood relative of Luffy’s, adding importance not only the family we choose but the family we have. Of course, this is debunked later, but it definitely reinforces the ‘I love my family’ thing we have going on (Hey have you seen my baby brother - that's my kid brother - don’t hurt my brother - have I said Luffy’s my brother yet - Ace, Alabasta, pre death)
Oh! And we can’t forget about Chopper’s lovely parents who love him despite the fact that he’s not even human, (I salute you old medical people) and Vivi’s father who clearly adores his daughter and is very proud and supportive of her?
And then there were four. 
Robin and Franky’s backstories happen at the same time and are vastly different yet incredibly similar.
Robin’s story is about losing family, even the family you had for but a few days (Saul) and eventually reclaiming a family for yourself. She is also one of the few characters who have a biological relative.
Franky’s story is about the continuous gain and loss of the same family. He started out with nothing - his parents threw him overboard for gods sake - but then he gained Tom, Icebarg, and Kokoro, and the frog (I forget how to spell his name oops) and formed a relationship with them... only to lose them again when Tom died and then gained them again along with the Franky Family.
His story is also very cool because, unlike the others, he was the leader of his family and not the one relying on the others. Also unlike the others, he lost his family when he was an adult. 
Now - what are the similarities between the two, you may ask? Well, for one, they both inadvertently caused the death of a loved one (Robin, Saul and Franky, Tom). Their biological family was either abusive (Robins Aunt, Franky Parents for throwing him overboard) or absent (Robin’s parents as explorers, Franky’s for abandoning him), yet their ‘first’ found family was people who were part of their career - the shipwrights for Franky and the archeologists for Robin!
Essentially, the message here is your work, your job, your coworkers can be your family too - it doesn’t have to be someone who fills a familial role specifically!
Lastly we have Brook, the Sanji situation and Luffy - Jimbei’s will come at a later date once I get the hang of his backstory and character. 
Brook first - he lost it all as an adult. Thats essentially all I have to say, as we know very little of his childhood. But as an adult he lost the family he created, the Rumbar pirates, and Laboon, proving that not only can adults make their own families but they can lose it too - different from the rest of the then teenage straw hats.
His family is also similar to Chopper’s as species doesn’t matter to Brook - he loves Laboon as if he were a dear human friend. 
Which is just sweet yknow?
The opposite of Sanji’s biological family, who are assholes. This is great family dynamic because it proves that only the people who you think of as family, are family, and not every family is kind and loving. Which sucks, but is an important thing to realize, as it contrasts all the other messages we have had so far from One Piece!
Then we have Luffy. He is one of the few characters with living biological family - and one of the few who just doesn’t care. Luffy hits the mark of every box in a way - he’s lost family (Ace, Sabo), he has absent parental figures (his mom, whoever she it, and Dragon) actual parental figures (Dadan, if you want, Makino, and Shanks at least as a role model) family by choice (His brothers) abusive yet weirdly loving family (Gramps) and self sacrificing family (Rip Ace)
Whats important though is how it effects him - specifically in Marineford.
He does all of that for family, feels like he would die if he didn’t, and built his own family out of the Strawhats. With Marineford, the theme of family, chosen family, was emphasized and finally hammered in.
tl;dr The Straw Hat Pirate crew and One Piece in general has a wide array of characters with diverse families, all who influence the characters by their absence, presence and actions one way or another, and help bolster the subtle theme of ‘found family is important’ in One Piece, especially with the Marineford arc (Rip Ace). It is also important to note that most of the characters. gave up the family they had to be with their family in the Strawhats, which wow, my heart.
Anyway, that's it, this is long so I'm not checking it for errors, have fun!!! I just needed to say something about how how I love those family dynamics in one piece
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Compass Left Behind
Ao3 - One Piece, Gen, Modern AU, Look for Warnings! (See Ao3), Focus on Straw Hats.
Word Count: 2,847
When Ace dies in a flurry of fast motions and undeniable death (gun fight – a gang fight, Akainu fire arson why were you born- oh god it burns) Luffy screams at the pain of being alone. His brothers are dead, Shanks spirited away into the wind, Garp, military (abusive) and untrustworthy, and Makino and Dadan’s gang, underserving of this mess.
Luffy is 14 when he becomes completely abandoned, and he is 14 when the thought whispers into his mind
Why? Why am I alone? It shouldn’t be this way - Never should be this way. Where are they?
And so he starts to search.
Monkey D. Luffy first whispered into their lives with the soft smile on Zoro’s sunlit face as he wandered home from school. This smile last for the week, a week of Koushirou’s adopted son seeming more complete and alive than he has ever before - and then he is gone, katanas packed away with sturdy clothes and tracking chip pulled out of his phone
Koushirou wonders about the boy who Zoro mentioned only once (I met someone today – his name is (and the way he said the name sounded like a king)) but accepts it. Zoro always had the spirit of a wanderer in him - but it never seemed to belong just to him.
He reports Zoro’s disappearance to the authorities but it gets buried. Somethings were not meant to be - somethings were meant to be lost to the world (Zoro had always been lost – always had an internal compass that only pointed at one person.)
Koushirou hopes the boy he raised (in place of a daughter who died) is happy now.
They meet Nami in the mall, her life safe at last and her family and their tangerine farm whole and unharmed. There is nothing stopping her from saying no when Luffy stretches out hand, to stay with her family who have no recognition of the name Arlong.
But she takes the hand anyway, the weight she never knew was there lifting off of her. She was supposed to be a navigator for a big company in the fall, with big rewards, perfect for a girl who had no interest of spending big bucks at college
But she drops it all and takes the hand offered.
And well -
That is that.
(They, piled into Luffy’s (Ace’s) old custom flame-detailed Camaro, make for an odd bunch with Luffy’s scars and Zoro’s swords and Nami’s maps and money bags (and three shriveled tangerine tree seeds kept in a golden locket) but they could not care less.)
Usopp joins them three states over and for once does not lie - he speaks truthfully about the pull he feels, like waves to the moon’s commands, like a compass to the north and laments that maybe he’ll meet his dad on the road - out in the big wide radiant west.
He brings along a ride and tall tales, a reminder that there’s joy in the smallest of things.
(Kaya, they learn, is a name not to be spoken for she died a year ago, officially due to an illness. Unofficially, Usopp tells them of a butler who had a history in poison and botany, and how his claws quickly sunk into the family riches once the orphan girl passed away suddenly.
This is not a tale of heroes or interference in carefully laid plans- this is a tale of people finding home and family.
And Kaya, while she had a place in Usopp’s heart, never had a place aboard the sunny, beloved ship (home) in their dreams of before.)
Sanji kicks them from his restaurant, freshly inherited from Zeff who died three months previous, four times until he finally caves and agrees to go with them.
The chefs and waiters are happy to see him go, even if his boyfriend, Gin, isn’t (he’ll miss him, can’t he see that?).
The restaurant was never the twenty-two-year old’s dream, only a prison made of a debt and a soured paternal love and the staff knew that.
They do not understand what makes these strangers so important to him, but they do not stop him from leaving, from kissing his mafia boyfriend one last passionate time, from signing restaurant over to his most trusted workers and hopping in the car with two teens and a young adult.
It was never their place to know what made him so weary of food being stolen.
(Besides. His cigarettes were clogging up the air.)
They never meet Vivi. They only ever hear of her in newspapers clippings, proclaiming that the last princess of Alabasta perished during an uprising in her kingdom.
(It’s not a world of heroes and happiness, in this life)
The story is sad in general, but they are even more so because more than it being a tragic tale, they never got to meet her again.
(But they knew she would never, ever stay, no matter how hard they begged. Her heart belonged to the desert sun and the sand beneath feet, and the people hailing her name. Some things are constant like that.)
Chopper, prodigy and fully-fledged doctor at the age of twenty-six, takes one look at them and quits his job at his adopted father’s old clinic.
No one comments on how though he is the eldest, everyone ruffles his hair like he is the youngest.
No one talks about the little cherry blossoms and antlers embroidered on his sweater, or the way he despisesmushrooms.
No one mentions the way he gapes at Zoro and Luffy, one with too little scars (though they are thankful for that) and one with far, far too many.
(He’ll pass creams to both of them, helping smooth it over Luffy’s back and arms and chest and face and just anywhere really (so many scars - skin didn’t scar this easily before) and letting Zoro do his own, spreading the cool substance over his chest and ankles and face (but never his back - would be a shame if he did), places that had always ached mysteriously previously, and always during storms like Luffy’s did now)
Robin comes into their lives silently, appearing in the back of the Merry (Usopp’s mothers old Volkswagen van that he inherited, that he and Kaya had painted with pictures of seas and sheep and dreaming words before ... everything) one day and never leaving after that.
There are no doubts that she belongs with them - not this time, and not ever again. She brings a multitude of books with her and helps finishes Zoro’s and Luffy’s spotty education, filling in gaps of knowledge with care and love.
She never speaks of genocide, never speaks of the circling brand on her left shoulder blade, and the haunted look in here eye but she doesn’t have to.
Like before, the past does not matter here, with them.
(Unlike before, the only thing that does matter is them - there are no dreams in this concrete world, only slowly filling in the ache of where were you and I was alone.)
The blue haired man who tried to steal their car is Franky, and this time only his arm and nose are metal - it doesn’t make him any less strong or big though. Once he sees the little keychain of a straw hatted jolly roger, custom made, hanging on the mirror, however, he stops, sitting there in the front seat, the wires already hotwired, and smiles. That’s where they find him, and after only the briefest of introductions (for they all know each other already, really, in some inescapable way) and goodbyes (the Franky family are still family but the world is crueler now then then, and bonds like that aren’t meant to stay (but bonds like theirs are)) they leave after a small pitstop.
Merry cannot hold him (cannot hold three more people, they need more) and so it is a near blessing in disguise when Merry is forced to be ripped away from them by a bad car accident - a cop careening down the road after a clown with a sword (an odd sight but not the oddest. They were all more worried about clinging together and making sure they were all alive). No fights happen between them (they do not know how they would take it if one of them walked away - they don’t know if they even can now that they’ve found each other).
Instead, they watch as Franky commandeers his brother’s company for one week, and creates a home on the road for them. Simple and deceiving on the outside yet extravagantly homey within, the extremely luxurious and custom RV is familiar enough with a small shielded garden on the top, a library within and couches and bunks soft and plush to rest their weary head.
Sunny, they decide to call the RV, now detailed on the side in bold, dreamful lettering with a painted lion face, for all the sunny days they will have together.
(They’re almost complete.)
Brook sees them in the crowd and steps off his stage, disappearing into the night. His fans are disappointed and the rest of the world confused - where had the man gone?
The man himself is gaunt, brittle and bone like, which is only accented by his skeletal make up, but he laughs and cracks jokes with them all, one more puzzle piece, one more weapon to defeat the battle that is loneliness.
His music soothes them to bed with the sweetest tunes, and the songs he releases to the public are more popular than ever - for they have something the old Brook used to have but thought he never would again.
The love of family.
(He does not speak of years spent by the coast, playing songs with other folk and whales, as they danced happily to the breeze. He does not speak of tsunamis and death and wondering why he above all others survived because he knows why - so the loneliness would end when he was with them.)
Jinbe is last and when they break him free from the prison on the coast, it is all they can do not to cry with relief. They are whole again, never mind the mafia and government after them thanks to Jinbe’s escape, they can breathe again.
When they collapse inside Sunny, far away from the lights that searched for them, bandages applied to broken boys (why did he have so many scars?) and smiles given, they do cry, and Jinbe envelopes them all with a hug until they fall backward into a giant, happy dog pile.
He is warm and big and steers them in the right direction, just as he always did. The last part of the puzzle is complete and now they can be free with each other instead of trapped alone.
(Jinbe is the first to know about the beginning, what happened to their captain in this life, (for he knew Ace as well) and he does not forgive himself for not being there like he was before. But he does pray to and thank every god he knows that Luffy was able to get up alone - and find them all.
It’s a miracle, really. (It’s what he was known for))
Together they travel, making money in dubious ways (street performance and thievery among them – stealth is a skill that Luffy has somehow acquired now but they do not like to think about how) and having as much adventure and life as they can before their time inevitably runs out.
They travel and learn about each other what makes them different from before (they learn what before was.)
They learn of new ages (Luffy 14, Zoro 16, Nami 18, Usopp 20, Sanji 22, (Vivi would be 24) Chopper 26, Robin, like before 28, Franky 30, Brook 32, and Jinbe, 34 - two years apart for the two years they spent apart. They wished their youngest weren’t so young,) new habits (video game design was what Usopp was going to go to college for, once he had saved enough) and the things that stayed the same (Nami can still haggle prices down to a quarter of the original price, and Zoro still uses three katanas.)
It’s a good life, a happy life. They found each other again - how could it not be?
Of course - not everything’s perfect. It comes back to them in the little moments
It’s In the way Zoro will sit himself beside the door on rainy days, ready to catch anyone who slips; in the way Nami hoards money like she’ll die without it and what she’ll be willing to sacrifice for it (herself and others but never her family), in the way that Usopp, though understanding, will lurch whenever someone seems just a tad too sad and frantically tell a tale as if everyone’s life depended on it, and the way he’s wary of every trusting, loyal servant they come across.
It’s in the way Sanji won’t eat if someone else wont (all too common, none of them are okay with food sometimes, even Luffy, who will sometimes stop eating randomly, or Zoro, who occasionally forgets he can keep eating) or in the way Chopper will quadruple check every medical thing he does when not in an emergency.
It’s in the way Robins mind goes blank at certain books and the way her fingers tremble even when doing something she loves; in the way Franky will ghost his hand over his nose and arm and belly and scars and remember the day everything was lost; in the way that Brook can’t stand foggy nights that become like his mind occasionally, clouded and alone.
And especially it’s in the way the Luffy, Luffy who used to never be afraid (because rubber couldn’t hurt, at least not easily), will flinch and snag fingers in Zoro’s or Jinbe’s clothing, arms taut and eyes wide, trembling and so abruptly quiet and push whatever food on his plate away whenever voices raise or fists fly in the kitchen (only ever the kitchen), and will shriek and go silent, crouched in a ball if its directed at him - (The kitchen area is a no fight zone now, if they have to do it they do it beyond the divider and in the other areas while the rest distract Luffy.) It’s in the way Luffy has far too many scars (from punches and kicks and being thrown off balconies and cliffs from supposedly loving hands, from fights in back alleys and scrambling to survive – he’s only 14 and before it wouldn’t faze them but this world is so much more real in the way the other wasn’t) and in the way one used to be able to count each individual rib on his side.
It’s the little moments that hurt the worse.
But there are also happy moments, happiness found in places one wouldn’t think to look.
Like being chased by cars flashing red and blue lights, in a flame detailed beat up Camaro, like seeing how high cola rockets could blast, like finally hearing the end to Robin’s memorized bed time story that spoke of pirates of old and new, and sunny days always looking toward the horizon.
Like being there to see Zoro and Luffy, always on the same page, experience something for the first time, like the high school dance they snuck into or the stars on the unlit coast (well that was a first for most actually). Like seeing Brook’s guitar strum a special song just for each of them, or having Chopper give special band aids for each of them (Luffy’s had pirates, Zoro’s tigers, Nami’s tangerines, Usopp’s birds, Sanji’s hearts and Franky’s gears. Robin and Brook were more careful so everyone was still vying to see what design they would get)
It was the joys that built them up again
And it was the experiences that reminded them of who they were
Because no matter the world, no matter the life now or the life before, Luffy would always have the soul of a conqueror, of a king- and the rest of them would always be his most loyal crew.
These experiences included back alley fights and dealings and tussles with gangs, included hunting down Ace’s killer and killing him in return (because none of them are perfect, even now) in breaking out of prison as a family (whoever thought of imprisoning them all together made a mistake) to shielding Luffy from his grandfather when the mere mention let alone actually meeting with the man made him tremble and near cry.
It was falling from the mountain Skypeia, miraculously making it out alive and visiting Fishman Island off the coast of the southern continent. It was visiting Venice and Antarctica and the pyramids and breaking into historical places (but being respectful because robin loved history) and everything amazing in-between.
And it was being together that made it all worth it - because in this life they didn’t have dreams to reach for, to strive for, to devout their lives towards. They just had each other.
And that was enough
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