zedreh · 1 day
Actually, it was Tim who Jubes was crushing on. Dick was already Nightwing and got into a fight with Gambit. Then, when Batman showed up, Remy got away by stealing the Batmobile with Wolverine.
Did I just say, 'actually'. Oh no, I've become one of those nerds!
@alittlebmblb cool art, I like your style.
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I haven't drawn fanart is a while, it only took Batfam and X-men '97 brainrot.
I love my two violent white haired leather jacket fighters.
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zedreh · 2 days
Does anyone remember how Bruce Wayne at one point was the first Robin. It was from an old comic in the 50s where, when Bruce was still training, he learned to be a detective from a man named Harvey Harris, who taught him over the summer. Bruce had made the Robin costume because he felt Detective Harris wouldn't teach him if he knew who he was and why he wanted to learn from him. Post-crisis, Bruce being Robin didn't stick around, but him learning from Detective Harris did.
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It was also acknowledged in The Untold Legend of The Batman from 1980
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I get why it isn't canon anymore, as it kind of over complicates things and takes the title of the first Robin away from Dick, but I still think it's a pretty fun concept.
Also, it was also brought up again in The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries
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Which need I say combining Batman, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, and obscure trivia; three of my favorite things is certainly a way to catch my interest.
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zedreh · 8 days
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Detective Comics #847- Heart of Hush: Part 2 of 5
I know Tim is usually kinda short, but am I the only one who feels he looks really tiny here.
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zedreh · 8 days
I felt like going through 'Heart of Hush' again and was reminded how much I like this moment between Bruce and Selina. For those who haven't read the story, what happens is Hush is back, and as part of his new plan against Batman, he removes Catwoman's heart but uses some machinery to keep her alive, so that she'll die slowly. There's more to it than that, but it's a pretty elaborate plan and not what this post is about. I just want to show appreciation to this scene of The Bat and The Cat.
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But of course, as what normally happens with these two...
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...it doesn't last. However, honestly, I know this may be a pretty uncommon opinion to have when it comes to this outcome. I actually don't mind this ending. On some level, I actually kind of like how it turns out. Sure, it's the usual "they love each other, but for whatever reason, they just can't be together," but it's nicer than how it usually goes.
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zedreh · 16 days
In my description, I said I drew, so I figured I would actually share that. Here's a quick sketch of The Scarecrow I did because I just felt like drawing him.
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zedreh · 23 days
I don't know why, but I just randomly remembered that time when Damian Wayne had superpowers.
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Also, because of this, I was reminded of this moment from the same issue, when he wakes Bruce up.
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zedreh · 25 days
Okay, time for another opinion.
Now, before I begin, I would just like to say a few things, just so no one gets the wrong idea of me.
I have no real problem with Tim Drake being made bisexual, even if most people who worked on the character probably did not intend on him being so. I feel that the only real problem with changing a pre-established character's sexuality is that you're retconning what came before. If it's done well, then I'm pretty much fine with it.
Also, while I'm not a fan of it, I'm cool with people shipping Tim Drake and Connor Kent.
Now, with that out of the way, I would just like to say... I can not stand Tim with Bernard. Bernard is such a flat and boring character. He feels like pre-death, non-revisionist Gwen Stacy, and I can never understand how people were actually upset with that woman being killed off. But at least she had some personality, unlike Bernard ever since they started having him and Tim go out. Granted, all Gwen really had going for her was being kinda mean at times, a daddy's girl, and hating Spider-Man after her dad died, but still, at least it was something. Sorry to those who like Tim with Bernard, but I, for the life of me, just can not bring myself to like these two together.
Also, to clarify, if anyone reading this hasn't seen my last post, this isn't a timsteph thing. I think Tim and Steph are fine, but I'm honestly not that big a fan of them. I don't hate or dislike them like some people do, and while sometimes, the two can be written as pretty toxic, I think when they aren't, they're great. It's just that for whatever reason, they just don't quite click with me. At least I like Steph as a character. She's great, and I wish she was in more adaptations so that more casual fans could see that, too. It's just that while I like her and Tim together, I guess I just don't, for lack of better term, love her and Tim together.
Ok, with all that said, I noticed that somehow, looking at Tim's current relationship and then also his longest reoccurring one, I find myself carrying less about them, and more about his short-lived romance with a member of the X-Men that admittedly, could have used a little more time for development... so maybe I'm just weird.
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zedreh · 27 days
Given most of my posts on Tim Drake, I feel compelled to give my opinion on something that I mentioned before, but I didn't go much into it, and apon some reflection I've come to realize something about it.
I think Tim and Stephanie are great as a couple and play off each other well, but... I kinda feel like I only like them out of obligation. Before we continue, I would like to formally apologize to all timsteph fans, but here me out, I have a reason for my opinion (again, it's just my opinion, if I could change it I would).
Again, I think they work, but for some reason, I just don't like them. I mean, I like them, but I don't really 'really' like them, if that makes any sense.
Like, to me, they work great, and it feels natural for them, just look at them...
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...but, I don't know, maybe it's just me. I feel like with all of the development and work put into their relationship, it seems odd not to have them together. But that's just it, I think I feel they should be together because a lot was put into them being together, not for anything I actually like about them being together.
Maybe I'm just weird, or maybe I just need to think more about it, or heck, maybe I'm overthinking it.
Although, I will say, I love how this is how they meet.
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I just love the fact that if someone asked them how they met, the answer would be that she hit him across the face with a brick. Those are one of my favorite kinds of relationship plotlines.
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zedreh · 28 days
Spider-Man and Batman: Disordered Minds (1995)- The Joker and Carnage meet
In order to effectively cure their insanity, a bio-technic chip have been placed in Carnage and The Joker's brains. However, Cletus's symbiote renders it ineffective. Once Carnage escapes with The Joker and gets rid of the clown's chip, the two get to planning to team up... or... or at least I think their planning to team up. Their dialog kinda makes it sound like something else.
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zedreh · 29 days
Once again, might I say, while I'm not the biggest fan of how he was characterized, and the comics plot doesn't really fit with the DCAU's established continuity, Jason's designs in Batman the Adventures Continue where great. I made a post about him as Red Hood, so here's him as Robin
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Also, here's some more of him from when he's Red Hood. There were a few inconsistencies in his hair color.
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zedreh · 30 days
Ok, with all my talk about romantic relationships in comics and superhero media, let's talk about the real best pairing in all of fiction; Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn.
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But then, OF COURSE, Nick Spencer had to go and ruin everything by retconing it all by saying it was just Mysterio tricking Norman. God, you know we really need Joe Quesada. He knew what was best for Spider-Man. At the very least, Jackpot is still with Paul.
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zedreh · 30 days
I said I was taking a break from posting about them. Well, it's been about a week, and I've made posts on other stuff, so I l'd say I can start posting again. So here's more of Tim Drake and Jubilee.
For those unaware, back in the 90s, DC and Marvel did a crossover where they had their characters fight each other. To give an abriged plot summary, two god-like brothers representing both universes became aware of each other and decided to fight each other indirectly by picking champions to do it for them. Whoever's side had the most losses would have their universe erased. As this all starts, people are being sent to random places, and Tim finds himself in Jubilee's room. The two actually wind up hitting it off really well, and Jubilee is head over heels for him, but then they have to face off against each other. Issue 3 opens with a recap of the last two issues in the form of Jubilee writing her thoughts on everything in her diary.
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Would it be wrong for me to say that I like them with each other most? Like, out of everyone they've been paired with, I think they're my favorite for each other.
Also, here's just another bonus panel of them
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And with that, I think I've used every last image I could use of them, so I guess from now on, unless I reuse them, I'll have to just make text post. Or I could give it a go at making some fan art. It's not the usual thing I draw, but I guess I could give it a try.
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zedreh · 1 month
Now, mullets usually get a bad rap, and I get why. Most people don't look good with them, but I think Nightwing actually pulled it off pretty well.
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zedreh · 1 month
Now, Batman: The Adventures Continue may not have done the best with Jason as a character.
They definitely leaned into the idea of him being the angry Robin too much, which while he had his more aggressive moments and was even implied to have actually killed someone, he didn't take it out on the ENTIRE rogues gallery, just people who did especially horrible things (or sometimes he was written to be far more chipper and innocent, in one story even talking Batman out of 'his' anger, but that's a whole other discussion). It gets to the point where I, someone who admittedly does kinda prefer Jason as an antagonist rather than just another member of the Batfamily (another discussion, for another time), thinks it was taken just a little too far to where he kinda came off as a total psychopath who Bruce was stupid to make his sidekick, which messes with the tragic element of his return as the Red Hood.
It's also somewhat odd to try to retcon Jason into the DCAU, seeing how its version of Tim was a combination of them both.
But might I just say, I absolutely love his design in it. The writing might not be the best for Jason, but he looks awesome.
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zedreh · 1 month
You know, despite what everyone may say, I actually don't think Red Robin is that bad a name. Maybe it's because it was the name Tim was using when I first started really getting into Batman, but I honestly think it works. Sure, it's just Robin with a color in it, but seeing how Tim was never really meant to outgrow the Robin mantle, it works if Damian's around and the writers don't want them to share the name. And yeah, it's the name of a restaurant, but I kinda learned to dissociate them in the same way of how Dick's name has a completely different meaning. It's funny to joke about on occasion, but I don't think about it much.
Also, I used to think the cowl wasn't a bad look, dare a say, even a little cool. I never really got anyone's complaints about it. However, now, whenever I see it, all I think about is the Man meme. Which is weird because I don't think of that when I see Midnighter... am I stupid?
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zedreh · 1 month
are we aware that b:tas and its tie in comics are completely out of continuity to the main comics?
Why, yes, of course, especially the tie in comics, which are barely canon to b:tas itself. I just feel the portrayals and stories from them, while not being part of the main continuity, feel in line with the characterization from it and work as a good example of what I'm talking about. But given that it isn't in the main canon, I can see why some wouldn't count them.
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zedreh · 1 month
Alright, in my last post, I talked a little about my appreciation of Batman's relationship with Talia Al Ghul, and now, I kinda want to shine a spotlight on him and Andrea Beaumont. For those who have not seen Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Andrea was someone Bruce met just as he was becoming Batman. He cared very deeply for her, and for the first time, in a long time, he was actually happy. I'd say more, but I think it's best to let it speak for itself.
There's a lot more outside of these clips, and I recommend that if you haven't seen the movie, you do it whenever you get the chance, it definitely has earned its place as both, one of the top Batman films, and one of the top animated superhero films. If you have seen it, well then I feel compelled to tell you to go watch it again. Heck, I'm probably gonna go rewatch it now.
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